IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070907

00:00.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Galka (
00:00.27zenzelezzso MSN says it has "blocked access to the file"... and I am indeed unable to locate any trace of it. God damn stupid piece of software
00:00.43alestaneI may be jumping at phantoms but the way he tailed me was spooky.
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00:04.25Kaydeethreegah... I'm reminded why I don't go to Barnes & Noble all that often
00:04.42Kaydeethreespent ~100USD on manga, was in the store for 5 minutes tops
00:04.59alestaneThat's only 9-12 books.
00:05.34alestaneWhat amuses me is that they have this huge manga section now when hardly anyone knew what it was five years ago.
00:05.43Kaydeethreeno joke
00:05.59alestaneNow I go to folk dance events and see kids sitting in the corner reading Fruits Basket.
00:06.40Shirikheh, I should show you my senior "goodbye outing" picture
00:06.44Shirikme and a couple of friends
00:06.49alestaneThanks for listening to my woes folks, it's not bugging me so bad now.
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00:06.59Shirikit's me, one caucasian girl, and about 10 asians in the picture
00:07.14Shirikand I'm about 2 feet taller than everyone else :D
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00:07.46alestaneBeing in Japan was weird like that for me too.
00:08.08alestane120000 people in a city and maybe 150 are caucasians.
00:08.11KaydeethreeI still wanna go to japan at some point... maybe when I've got upwards of 7-10k I'm willing to throw away
00:08.18Shirikif you go to Japan
00:08.24Shirikeither learn the language or be with someone that knows the area
00:08.29Shirikand be sure to plan it out
00:08.38ShirikGoing there can be a ton of fun or it can be your worst nightmare
00:08.46ShirikI would love to go back sometime
00:09.21ThraeBot <-- look, you can now tinify stuff without needing to show the original link in the channel (IE, kinda defeating the purpose) [Thrae]
00:09.56alestaneI advocate the language, the grammar should be cake for anyone who can learn multiple programming languages and it lets you understand where they mistranslate the anime.
00:10.43ShirikI found it!
00:11.05Shirikgod I look HORRIBLE in that picture
00:11.15Shirikand I needed a haircut
00:11.25JoshBorkethat's pretty funny
00:11.55Shirikthat was our little clique
00:12.07alestaneIf you're the one in the back, you look a lot like my brother.
00:12.17Kaydeethreemeh, I understand when they mistranslate without formally learning japanese
00:12.28Kaydeethreethat's what I get for watching subs of dubious quality for 10+ years
00:12.30Shirikyes I'm the one who's the giant compared to the rest :P
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00:23.36Cidanchrist that looks nothing like you now Shirik
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00:23.45Shiriklike I said :p
00:25.01Shirikpop quiz:
00:25.09ShirikThere exists a meta gem which offers the following ability:
00:25.21Shirik"5% chance on spellcast: Next spell casts in half time"
00:25.31ShirikYou set up your gear to use two of those
00:25.38Shirikwhat is your new percentage?
00:26.01zenzelezzwould they both proc at the same time?
00:26.28ShirikI know the answer to this :P
00:26.33Shirikthis is a test
00:26.34CidanI wonder if it's 5% of 5%
00:26.38Cidanor 10%
00:26.42Cidanit's one of the two
00:26.45JoshBorkeshirik: hi
00:26.46ShirikI just had this debate in party chat
00:26.52Shirikactually it's neither
00:26.55Shirikit's simple probability :)
00:27.15ShirikI will when everyone else gives up :P
00:27.46alestaneIt's .05 + (.05 * .95)
00:28.06ShirikI don't know where you came up with that, but that is correct
00:28.17alestaneI took statistics in college.
00:28.31Shirikthat's a strange version of the formula
00:28.33JoshBorkeme too
00:28.36JoshBorkei got a b
00:28.39Thraealestane: Then you should know the parathenses are not needed there ;)
00:28.41Shirik(one I haven't seen that its)
00:29.01alestaneIt's the chance that the first one procs, plus the chance that it doesn't but that the second one does.
00:29.05zenzelezzThrae: not everyone remembers precedence
00:29.12alestaneThrae: Not needed, but clearer.
00:29.23ShirikI did .05+.05-.05^2
00:29.36ThraeNot according to my calculus teacher!
00:30.17ShirikThe chance that the first one procs plus the chance that the second one procs minus the chance that they both proc
00:30.22Shirikwhich is the same, just a different way of looking at it
00:30.41ShirikThe answer, cidan, is .0975
00:30.51CidanI saw that.
00:31.06Mr_Rabies2<zenzelezz> would they both proc at the same time?
00:31.13Shirikthat's irrelevant
00:31.16Mr_Rabies2this entirely depends on how WoW does procs
00:31.33Mr_Rabies2honestly, it's not worth trying to work out
00:31.48Mr_Rabies2because some procs can happen at the same time, some can't, some trigger a cooldown on the other proc, etc
00:31.49ShirikI don't think anyone has those two together anyway
00:31.53CidanI disagree.
00:32.26Mr_Rabies2there's too many internal things you can't see to work out the math reliably
00:32.42ShirikThat wasn't the point of the test anyway >.>
00:32.52CidanThat's just silly though.
00:32.54ShirikFor a first chance proc, what's the percentage :P
00:33.12Shiriki.e., according to exactly what it says
00:33.18Shirikwhich is 5% chance, period
00:33.39Shirikif there were other components, it would say "Gives a chance" Not "5% chance"
00:33.44Mr_Rabies219155/21000 ogrila, i wonder if i can get exalted today
00:34.03CidanNow how do you figure that a second chance adds only 4.75?
00:34.09zenzelezzisn't it ~1200/day with all four dailies?
00:34.20ShirikP(1) + P(2) - P(1 n 2)
00:34.43zenzelezzthat's assuming WoW does it that way
00:34.48CidanWhich it doesn't.
00:34.51ShirikThat's assuming WoW follows its own exact rules
00:34.51CidanSo that's just silly.
00:35.05ShirikWhich is exactly what the gem says
00:35.13ShirikBesides, you guys are taking this way beyond what this was ever meant to be
00:35.15Shiriklighten up a little
00:35.20zenzelezztooltips say a lot of stupdi stuff
00:35.34zenzelezzif you're not talking concretely about some game aspect, use a different example
00:35.42Mr_Rabies2tooltips don't always do what they say
00:35.44Cidanit's either .05 + .05 or .05 + (.05 * .05)
00:36.02ShirikCidan: It will never be .05 + .05
00:36.06Mr_Rabies2for example, the shred idol doesn't really increase shred's base damage by 88
00:36.10Corrodiasargh, we only have 22 people in gruul's lair
00:36.16Corrodiasand we're not accepting new applications? :P
00:36.23ShirikIf you have two random actions that occur 50% of the time, in any case
00:36.26Shirikanything at all
00:36.35Mr_Rabies2it increases the damage of shred by 39
00:36.36Shirikthe chance that one or the other happens will ALWAYS be 75%
00:36.39Mr_Rabies2which gets the shred modifier
00:37.11zenzelezzShirik: it should be obvious by now that you're not going to convince s
00:37.17Mr_Rabies2which is *2.25
00:37.23CidanAh, I see what you mean.
00:37.26Shirikconvince you of what?
00:37.34ShirikYou can't dispute what I just saaid
00:37.37zenzelezzyou assume it follows those rules
00:37.39Shirikunless you want to go yell at the AP board
00:37.46Mr_Rabies2which is really only 87.75
00:37.47Shirikyou know what, forget it
00:37.48zenzelezzthey can do it any number of ways no matter what a stupid tooltip says
00:37.57Mr_Rabies2but wow sometimes rounds that up to 88, sometimes it doesn't
00:38.00Cidanwhat... was that?
00:38.17Mr_Rabies2i don't think anyone's arguing with his math
00:38.17Saint-Nthat is what we call a hissy fit ;P
00:38.25Mr_Rabies2they're arguing that wow doesn't always do the things it says it does
00:38.28Saint-Nerr "hissy fit"
00:39.09Mr_Rabies2it's theorycraft and nothing more
00:39.13CidanNot really
00:39.17CidanHe's actually spot on
00:39.18Mr_Rabies2unless you know for a fact just how it's calculated
00:39.24Cidanregardless of how WoW calculates it
00:39.35Cidanit's simple math and statistics.
00:39.39Mr_Rabies2they round things bizarrely, don't let some procs happen at the same time, etc
00:39.45CidanJust been a while since I had to use any of it.
00:39.49zenzelezzthe fact that a gem says it gives 5% chance does not guarantee the game handles it as a 5% ever value
00:39.49CidanBut he's right.
00:39.58Mr_Rabies2if wow does what it says it does, he is
00:40.23Mr_Rabies2then there's the addition of procs per minute, etc
00:40.33CidanWell, we were going under the assumtion under the pure number of it all.
00:40.47CidanHe was trying to make a point that .05 + .05 is not a valid answer
00:40.54CidanAnd he is right.
00:41.40zenzelezzlike I told him, you won't convince me of that until I see the code for how WoW handles whatever items he might be picturing
00:41.59Mr_Rabies2if you have 2 gems and they are infact 5% to do the same thing, and there's no limitations otherwise
00:42.07CidanHe's not talking about the code
00:42.10Cidanhe's talking about math
00:42.17Saint-Nmore than likely his argument is that during that 5% chance ther are mechanics inplace to prevent the other 5% from happening
00:42.25CidanHe's not talking about WoW in particular, that wasn't the point he was trying to get across
00:42.33zenzelezzand again as I said, if you don't want people to involve these kinds of speculations, don't use such an example
00:42.40Mr_Rabies2then you have a 5% chance to proc it, and a 5% chance to proc it
00:42.51Mr_Rabies2not to be confused with a 10% chance to proc it
00:42.59Saint-NMr_Rabies2: you have a 5% chance of the remaing 95% ;P
00:43.02CidanHe was trying to get the mathematics across, that's all.
00:43.08Mr_Rabies2they're completely unrelated at all
00:43.27Mr_Rabies2no, Saint-N, because they could proc at the same time
00:43.41Saint-Nand thats assumeing that the base number isnt reset and it can indead double proc
00:43.44Mr_Rabies2and despite being the same spell, are two different effects
00:44.03Saint-Nand assuming that there isnt a mechnic to say that it simply cant double proc
00:44.10Mr_Rabies2that's the problem
00:44.16Mr_Rabies2he should have used something more concrete
00:44.31CidanYou people are impossible.
00:44.36CidanJust, let it go
00:44.40Saint-Nif its starting at the same number point it would calc one then the other thus 5% then 5% of 95%
00:44.42Mr_Rabies2like rolling two dice with a 5% chance to land on a certain number
00:44.42zenzelezztook you this long to figure that out Cidan?
00:45.00Mr_Rabies2that would be a more concrete way of doing it
00:50.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Chaotic_D (
00:55.46Chaotic_Dgah. can you not make and call functions when testing Lua with cladbot?
00:55.53Chaotic_Dalso, hello.
00:56.37Wraanger>lua print("Hello")
00:56.58Cidanlua> local t = function(x,y) print(x+y); end t(1,2);
00:57.03Chaotic_Dthe hello was not related to what I said before.
00:57.18Cidanlua> print("hi");
00:58.06Chaotic_Dwell now I'll never know.
00:58.31Chaotic_DI keep breaking my addon every time I change things. -_-;
01:00.24CidanA street fighter movie?
01:00.33Intangiri unpacked the graphics from wow. it make alot of .blp files
01:00.36Intangirwhat are these?
01:00.40CidanThere was only one decent video game movie ever made.
01:00.50Chaotic_DSuper Ma... uh, which one?
01:00.56JoshBorkeIntangir: image files
01:01.07CidanMortal Kombat
01:01.11CidanThe first one.
01:01.15CidanIt kicked so much ass.
01:01.29Chaotic_DCidan: BLP is a poor excuse for a movie
01:01.40CidanChaotic_D, D:
01:01.49Chaotic_DI got a free pass to see MK2. I walked out of it. IT WAS FREE.
01:02.07CidanI walked out of MK2 as well
01:02.14Cidanas I did Texas Chainsaw
01:02.16Cidanthe newer one
01:02.49Chaotic_DWait Wait! What about The Goonies! oh wait, the video game came later... and only the sequel was any good.
01:02.53Intangirdo you know which frame is used for the nameplates over characters?
01:02.53CidanAnd I managed to suffer through "Dreamcatcher" all the way through
01:03.38CidanLast movie I saw at the theater was LotR
01:03.40Chaotic_DI guess it's easier to name franchise games that don't suck than movies/shows based on games that don't.
01:03.46Intangiri want to change the frame over peoples heads, the one with the raid icon
01:03.47Gngskcidan, same
01:04.35Chaotic_DI'm not a big theatre person. watching stuff in the dark gives me a headache. and the volume is usually too loud.
01:05.17CidanI like them
01:05.18JoshBorkeIntangir: you can not change the raid icon over people's heads
01:05.31CidanI just don't like what is showed.
01:05.33JoshBorkeexcept by changing the raid icon itself
01:05.54Cidandoesn't WoW not let you replace textures anymore?
01:06.04Chaotic_DI tried playing the game using one of the leveling guides on a laptop. uhg. it's just... painful compared to a well-scripted in-game walkthrough with Cartographer waypoints pointing to the quest starters and enders. :S
01:06.21JoshBorkeif you say so
01:06.28Chaotic_DI hate quests.
01:08.33Chaotic_Dtoo bad it takes almost as long to write the scripts as it does to follow them. :S
01:10.27*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
01:11.01Chaotic_Dof course, if I play more than once along the same line (and as long as it's the same faction, all but the starting zones will be the same) I'll save time.
01:12.19Chaotic_DI wish I could make it so when I add to my addon, it doesn't break it.
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01:23.21Intangirwhat can i use to install something in an .msi?
01:23.23Intangiron linux
01:24.03JoshBorkeyou can't
01:24.11Intangirfor real?
01:24.17JoshBorkemsi is a windows installer
01:24.29Intangirwow is a windows game and i play it're running linux
01:25.02JoshBorkeif you are competent enough to install wow in linux then you are competent enough to figure out how to use an msi in linux
01:26.17*** join/#wowi-lounge timhe (
01:27.05Cidanwine msiexec.exe /i blah.msi
01:27.28Intangirdamn it..
01:27.32Intangirit needs mono too
01:27.36Intangirfreaking laaame
01:27.38Intangiri hate MS crap
01:27.55CidanEr... so don't use it?
01:28.06Intangirits a wow ui designer
01:28.18Intangirguess ill have to boot windows..
01:28.40CidanIf something is written for another OS, don't complain that the OS sucks just on that point alone, it's silly.
01:29.05CidanThat's like me saying, wtf i h8 linux, iptables won't run in windows!@!~!!1
01:29.38Intangirwell half the linux tools do work in windows
01:29.47Cidantrying to make a point
01:30.40IntangirMS makes a strategy of it though
01:30.54Intangirthats what i hate, its a strategy against free choice
01:32.00kergothdamnit, my casual guild just cant seem to get curator down
01:32.20kergoththat last flare he summons right as evocate starts, cant kill it fast enough
01:33.02Gngskkergoth, flasked and stuff?
01:34.06kergothno flasks, and we had 3 rogues in that attempt, and the group is spread out.  the lightning is zapping the fuck out of the rogues while we chase the flares
01:34.21Gngskouch, 3 rogues is less than ideal
01:34.59Gngskflask up and chug arcane prot pots, good use of cloak will all help a lot
01:35.31JoshBorkeyay, new staff
01:35.41JoshBorkeand i'm exalted with tranquillien
01:36.06Gngskheh, exalted with a faction at level 20 feels weird, doesn't it?
01:36.35JoshBorkei actually didn't do it until 30
01:36.40JoshBorkenever found a group for the last quest
01:36.47JoshBorkeso i came back for the minor staff upgrade
01:37.22GngskI really enjoyed the 2 BE newbie zones
01:37.32Gngskstill think the dwarven/gnome ones are the best though
01:37.38JoshBorkethere were nice
01:37.49JoshBorkebut i can definitely feel teh difference in graphics level
01:38.15GngskI can't wait for the new micro dungeons in wotlk
01:38.22Gngskhope they're similar to that undead area in ghostlands
01:38.25GngskI really liked that area
01:38.48JoshBorkemicro dungeons?
01:39.10Gngsknon instaced dungeon like areas
01:39.16Gngskelite quests
01:39.25Gngsklike stromgarde
01:39.32Gngskstonekeep watch
01:39.40Gngsker, stonewatch keep
01:39.54Gngskthe ghostlands one is called deatholme
01:40.11Gngskpretty sure they announced there will be new ones in wotlk
01:40.18JoshBorkei hate those places
01:40.35Gngskcan't please everyone, I kinda like the micro dungeon feel though
01:40.37JoshBorkewhile nice in concept and great when everyone is at that level
01:40.50JoshBorkeit sucks once no one else is there
01:40.54Gngskmaybe because I had such nice experiences with them at low levels in my early play stages
01:41.32Gngskyeah, it'll be interesting to go through those areas when they change them to non-elite in this leveling nerf patch
01:43.54timheanyone here who's familiar with UnitPopup.lua who'd be willing to private with an addon newb?
01:44.23timhetrying to add an item to the UnitPopup dropdown menus, not sure quite how, if it's possible at all
01:45.54Tem|WorkI remember the first time I went through the ogre area in Loch Modan
01:45.59Tem|Workit was a very cool experience
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01:49.40timhespecifically, if there's a way to hook into UnitPopup_OnClick(); got the button to show.
01:56.14Lunessatimhe - tread carefully in there, it's very easy to taint pretty much ... everything ... playing with that.
01:57.53timheheh naturally the first function i ever try to hook is bad.  found a howto.  tainting will last longer than the visibility of the dropdowns?
01:58.10Tem|Worktaint on a variable is forever
01:58.28Tem|Worktaint on a codepath is until that path ends
01:58.53timheok i'll search for info on tainting.  thank you
02:00.48LunessaTainting that function will kill ... well almost everything that requires you to interact with the 3d world.
02:02.44*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
02:05.17timhethe idea of tainting is specific to WoW's implementation of lua, not lua itself, right?
02:05.18Corrodiasokay, after a couple of hours we finally get maulgar down
02:05.47Corrodiasi'm outrolled on the shoulders, no surprise
02:11.41Cidanthat's need
02:11.45Cidaner, neat
02:12.05CidanI put my computer to sleep, woke it up, and I still have my socket open to IRC
02:25.32_art3mispavaroti died
02:25.40art3misi blame cidan
02:26.53timhehooksecurefunc seems to work.  thanks for the warning about tainting, both of you.
02:27.52Lunessatimhe - glad I could help.
02:28.13art3missomeone got help in this channel?
02:28.26art3misand it worked and didnt devolve into a 4 hour argument?
02:29.29Mr_Rabies2500 more rep with ogrila to go and i'm out of quests for the day
02:30.08Chaotic_Dwhat's a good way to debug an addon? is there maybe a separate window I could output the debug text to? I'm guessing it's better to spit out info during each step instead of spitting it out at the end, in case it never gets to the end, right?
02:30.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
02:30.56Chaotic_Dwhen does the next day start? midnight PST?
02:31.11art3mis2am i think server time
02:31.40Mr_Rabies24 am server time here
02:31.45Chaotic_D... :o server time would let you know what timezone the server is in.
02:31.47Mr_Rabies2it may just be 1am PST
02:32.10Mr_Rabies2the clock on the quest logs is off by an hour
02:32.34Mr_Rabies2it's supposed to be 12am pst but it really does it at 1am pst for my server
02:33.57Chaotic_Dis there an addon that lets you input a coordinate and shows you where on the map it would be, instead of having to drag your mouse over and inch it around until you get the right number?
02:34.21Mr_Rabies2most of the coord ones do
02:34.26Mr_Rabies2which coord addon do you use?
02:34.38Chaotic_DCartographer. I have TomTom too.
02:35.16Chaotic_DI thought you could only do that either by mouse position on the map, or by addon programming.
02:36.37Mr_Rabies2i dunno
02:36.54Mr_Rabies2i haven't had to do it since i stopped using worldmapinfo or mapnotes or whatever was in cosmos
02:37.04Mr_Rabies2but with those you could do like /tloc 45,50
02:37.05Mr_Rabies2and stuff
02:37.34Mr_Rabies2tloc works with cartographer
02:37.36Mr_Rabies2i just did it
02:37.54Chaotic_Doh. I never used tloc, so I didn't know. thanks.
02:38.16Mr_Rabies2doesn't put a dot up though
02:38.25Mr_Rabies2but you can do like, /waypoint help
02:38.28Mr_Rabies2and see what you can do
02:38.35Chaotic_Dhuh. command line stuff.
02:38.37Mr_Rabies2if you have the waypoint addon for cartographer i guess
02:43.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
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02:45.12ScytheBlade1I just hit ctrl+alt+backspace in X and wiped my raid
02:51.11art3misgood job scythe
02:56.30ScytheBlade1I know :(
03:01.12Mr_Rabies2beryl imo
03:03.03art3miscompiz-fuzion :P
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03:08.57clad|bookChaotic_D: Mr_Rabies: you can use /way with TOmTom to place a waypoint
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03:17.27Chaotic_Dhrm... I think I'm going to make a Drenai... (female). Priest or shaman? I've played shaman (to 46) but not priest.
03:19.27Chaotic_Dboth healers. I figure a good complement to my friend's warrior and rogue in case we ever do stuff outside of his guild raiding.
03:20.03Chaotic_DI already have a 11 hunter and 12 mage on there. but I'm not so sure that's a good match.
03:23.03Chaotic_DI can't make an informed decision.
03:24.09Mr_Rabies2priest, imo
03:24.50Mr_Rabies2shamans are fun and incredibly powerful in 5 mans, totems are great, but nothing compares to a priest, especially if you decide to go shadow
03:25.30Chaotic_Dheh. I'm making too many Alliance toons. one day I want to see a Draeni shaman and it's totems.
03:25.55Chaotic_DI heard low level priest has it hard.
03:26.27Chaotic_Dshaman... ahhh, so well-rounded.
03:26.33Chaotic_Dok, I'll try priest.
03:26.57Chaotic_Dnow I gotta think of a name, not knowing much about the culture other than what I read on the wiki.
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04:38.35Shirik|AFK~lart Gbyrd
04:38.36purlinstalls a bad bootloader on Gbyrd and turns Gbyrd into a brick
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05:19.15Chaotic_Dwooo. got my addon working again. (again... again) still can't figure out why the Cartographer waypoints won't work without reloading the UI. it never works the first time.
05:21.30Chaotic_Dalso, why does the game keep turning on random addons after I log out? it puts the checkmarks in white.
05:24.14Chaotic_Dhuh... /reloadui seems to be what enables more addons than before...
05:26.34*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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05:48.02*** part/#wowi-lounge Cair[afk (
05:57.13Cairennrofl, finally got my cell bill from BlizzCon - $350
05:57.35cogwheel_you should start another donation fund .<
05:58.23cogwheel_oh that's CDN, huh? never mind :P
05:59.11CairennCanadian is basically on par to American right now
06:00.01cogwheel_oh wow...
06:00.04cogwheel_we suck
06:01.37Cairennyeah, that works out to about $332 USD
06:02.22cogwheel_wtb gold standard
06:20.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Elyssah (
06:20.12Elyssahhello everyone!
06:21.05Elyssahi'm having a problem with some xml, and i'm not sure how to fix it
06:21.48Elyssahyou see, i added a button, however, i changed my mind and then removed it, but now the code, which worked before, won't display my frame
06:23.10Thunder_ChildCairenn|afk, was it worth it?
06:24.25art3miswow nice cairenn
06:27.00Elyssahi made a pastey, would someone mind looking it over and helping me figure why my frame isn't showing?
06:27.26Elyssahmy close button is closing my big frame, but my little frame isn't appearing
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06:35.51Elyssahah.. i fixed it myself
06:36.07Thunder_Childwow..i just added 18,850 files to windows media center....i'm so waiting for vista to crash
06:45.32Thunder_Childbingo, took less than 10 min to crash it
06:46.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie_ (
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08:28.46|FF|Im2good4uif u creae a fame using CreateFrame() thne is it default to hidden or shown ?
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09:06.07Elyssahumm... i dunno
09:06.22Elyssahi would think that it would be visible
09:06.33Elyssahbut then again, i'm a noob
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09:21.20Chaotic_Dart3mis: that is beautiful, and I would like to make love to you.
09:40.36|FF|Im2good4uwell it is indeed created visable i just had a wrong texture :P
09:41.45Chaotic_Dwhat's the proper name for quadrillion. is that it? million, billion, trillion, quadrillion?
09:42.20Chaotic_Dapparently there are ~95.4 quadrillion possible names on WoW.
09:45.08Chaotic_DI was curious how the name breakdown went, but I guess that would be a hell of a lot of data.
09:45.27Chaotic_Dlike what are the most common and uncommon names.
09:47.02Chaotic_Dcrazy numbers with e in them...
09:48.16Chaotic_Dhow do I display that normally?
09:48.27Chaotic_DThe fact is that, when you use a double to represent an integer, there is no rounding error at all (unless the number is greater than 100,000,000,000,000)
09:48.37Chaotic_Dand my number is. -_-;
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10:13.53Chaotic_Dyup. ~95.4 quadrillion. I checked.
10:16.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (
10:18.30sag_ich_nichtso use double on a 64 bit machine, nub
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10:33.17zenzelezzdoubles are available on 32-bit too you know
10:39.55Chaotic_DI noticed the name I picked has only one page in the Armory. woo! go me!
10:40.12KalrothSo you didn't pick Legolas?
10:40.32Chaotic_Doooh, I should see how many people picked that name. :> how many servers ARE there?
10:41.05Chaotic_D... no results? what, do they not allow that name?
10:41.48Chaotic_D88 Strongbad
10:41.58Chaotic_Donly 2 poopsmith.
10:43.46Chaotic_D92 Demona
10:45.58Chaotic_DI think 92 might be the maximum.
10:48.57Chaotic_Dnope. 97 Ratchet. (Starscream and Megatron also seem to be restricted)
10:49.38Chaotic_DWTF am I doing awake?
10:54.53sag_ich_nichtsomeone with the current PTR client installed here?
10:55.19sag_ich_nicht[12:33] <zenzelezz> doubles are available on 32-bit too you know <--doubles are smaller on 32 bit than on 64 bit, you know
10:57.01zenzelezzno, they're still 8 bytes
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11:03.43sag_ich_nichtwait i was confused, i was thinking of double precision floats
11:04.44zenzelezzassuming you're speaking C++ type variables, a float is a 32-bit floating point number, double is a 64-bit floating point number, and a long double is in theory an 80-bit floating point number, although many compilers don't support the last one
11:07.46zenzelezzhow exactly they're implemented I don't know; and I wouldn't be surprised if a double's actual precision isn't as good on 32-bit as on 64-bit OSes/hardware, but in theory it's still 64-bit
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11:25.06sag_ich_nichtokay i'm wrong, but this is specific to x86-64, technicially it would be possible to get 128 bit with double on a x86-64 but instead you get 2 double in the same time, kind of dumb imho
11:25.22sag_ich_nichtalso, wasn't double long 82 bit and not 80 bit?
11:26.29nevcairielits 64+16
11:27.15sag_ich_nichtthen i confused it with the itanium native float which is 82 bit but normalized down to 64 bit
11:27.34sag_ich_nichtwasn't sure anymore been a long time ><
11:28.19sag_ich_nichtafk, drivin home
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14:13.12zenzelezzI really don't get why they use famous people in commercials, everyone knows they're just doing it for the money anyway
14:13.28zenzelezz"Oh wow, Thierry Henry uses that razor? It must be SO GOOD"
14:14.07LopeppeppyAt least people will pause to watch a commercial with someone famous, just to see what they're doing/saying.  Mostly, people channel-surf over commercials in today's world.
14:14.10bleetercoz it works
14:14.40alestaneQFT Peppy.
14:15.13alestaneIt's not persuasion, it's an attention mechanism...which is what 90% of advertising is in today's media.
14:15.17zenzelezzI must be different then, any sign of someone famous in an ad make me switch channel
14:15.32LopeppeppyThat's why they've started doing commercials at the movies -- because the audience there is guaranteed, while television commercials have lost their effective power in advertising.
14:15.42bleeterI need a razor, market's not got my regular.. oh look, there's the one that git Henry was advertising *purchase*
14:15.53LopeppeppyUnless it's for telling me when the next football game airs.... I like those commericals.
14:15.59bleeterassociative... something or other. can't recall the name of the 'technique'
14:16.15bleeterI prefer ads with boobies
14:16.42LopeppeppyI understand, bleeter.  Many of those who enjoy boobies prefer ads that feature them.
14:16.57LopeppeppyEven I can appreciate a good advertising campaign that's "dressed up" as I like to see.  :)
14:17.03sag_ich_nichtreal men use a straight razor.
14:17.21LopeppeppyReal men get electrolysis so they don't have stubble.
14:17.27OsagasuReal men don't shave.
14:17.40sag_ich_nichtreal men code in fortran.
14:17.51zenzelezzthat's interesting peppy, I know a number of girls who (for reasons unknown to me) like that stubble
14:18.39OsagasuSame reason some like beards and moustaches?  They tickle? *shrug*
14:20.17bleeterreal men use small sharpened stones to shave
14:20.24bleeterand leave it rough 'n ready, like
14:20.50bleetersag_ich_nicht: real coders do it in a hex editor :P
14:20.58zenzelezzreal men don't get chicks
14:20.59Lopeppeppyzenzelezz - "reasons unknown" is about it.  Those of us with nerve cells in our skin tend to prefer smooth.
14:21.04cogwheelReal men play WSG as alliance all day... :|
14:21.09Josh_BorkeShirik|zZz: morning!
14:21.24bleetersomeome kick cogwheel, he's had a mental breakdown!
14:21.33Osagasucog: unless they're in the 19/29 bracket on my BG.  Alliance ALWAYS wins WSG
14:21.38alestaneNo, he's right, that's an endurance test.
14:21.56cogwheelOsagasu: your battlegroup is bass-ackwards then
14:21.59bleetersounds more like an insanity test to me :P
14:22.09OsagasuYes it is.
14:22.52OsagasuMy battlegroup has nevt to no horde twinks is all
14:23.05OsagasuExcluding the 59 ones... -.-
14:23.47*** join/#wowi-lounge ts|skrom (n=TS|
14:25.33alestaneOsagasu: Is it coincidence that your nick means "looking for" in Japanese?
14:25.52LopeppeppyMorning, TS|Skrom
14:26.39OsagasuNo, it isn't.
14:27.10alestane<.jp> demo nani o?
14:27.37OsagasuAnd I don't speak japanese.  It was a bit of a nickname given to me a few years back.
14:27.48alestaneOh, ok.
14:28.21alestaneWere you always looking for something?
14:29.03OsagasuSomething like that.
14:29.30cogwheelam i just hallucinating or is do people always attack the warrior when the have a choice? :(
14:29.38cogwheels/is //
14:30.22alestaneYou'd think they'd go after mages and other high-damage/low-endurance types.
14:30.31OsagasuEveryone says that about their class.
14:30.51OsagasuSo yeah, you're hallucinating.
14:31.06cogwheelOsagasu: that's what i was figuring
14:31.30alestaneOn the other hand, many warriors suffer from "Once I'm rooted/frozen I'm friggin' helpless" syndrome (and yes, I know you may be playing a gnome).
14:32.05cogwheeli'm a gnome *and* i have the alliance insignia
14:32.38OsagasuYeah, he's cogwheel.  The only gnome that doesn't deseve a violent death.
14:32.47OsagasuWell, him and his wife, because I wouldn't want to seperate them.
14:32.57cogwheelbut between the cooldowns and the sheer number of imobilizing effects, they're just not that worth it
14:33.34alestaneLike WotF: Warlock: FEAR! Undead: I don't THINK so! Warlock: Fear AGAIN!
14:33.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
14:34.02OsagasuThen after that... DEATH COIL!
14:34.50LopeppeppyThe number of ways to get out of CC is limited.  The mana pool to cast CC... not so limited.
14:35.11bleeterNom-, Wobin et al Aussies: I've found what amuses the Oceanic realms tonight in /trade ... 'WTB: [Aussie Police Force] with [Sense of Humour] enchant'
14:35.21alestaneWell, for me it's usually Death Coil, then Fear, but that's because I'm playing a 'lock against a rogue and that's my only hope for survival.
14:36.01alestaneOtherwise, by the time the sheap shot and kidney shot wear off, I'm already dead.
14:37.21Osagasua a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
14:38.02alestaneI don't PvP much these days anyway.
14:39.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
14:42.33bleeterNom-, Wobin et al Aussies: WTS: [Jerk of a PM] is going down nicely too ;)
14:43.15bleeterI'm so bad when I leave my mains who live on RP realms :/
14:45.08OsagasuI've left my three 70s for a while. =\
14:45.28Osagasua a a a a
14:46.12bleetera a a a a
14:46.20alestaneYou missed a trailing / (no promises that that'll make it work)
14:46.33OsagasuWhat's the g mean?
14:47.03bleeterat least, I think... dunno for sure... certainly the result ;)
14:51.31Osagasua a a a a
14:53.03sag_ich_nichta a a a a
14:53.04sag_ich_nichts/a a a a a a/a b c d e/
14:53.21sag_ich_nichtmhm, wait.
14:53.28sag_ich_nichta a a a a
14:53.34sag_ich_nichts/a a a a a/a b c d e/
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15:15.46bleeterwhat's the bet the Scourge Invasion will return for the moving of Naxx?
15:15.59bleeterWTB: [More big ingame events]
15:17.50alestaneWill Naxx be heading off to Northrend or something?
15:18.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
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15:26.31Shirikfirst piece of primal mooncloth gear done
15:27.53cogwheelthey've hinted that it might...
15:28.34bleeterthey said the invasion would re-happen, just ocurred to me it'd be the obvious time to do it
15:28.58bleeterthis was right after wishing Kruul would turn up and hit Topper McNabb lots
15:31.48amroman I hate BRD
15:32.10cogwheelI think in the next patch they should change the alliance flag pickup message to "The Horde flag was picked up in vain by Soandso"
15:32.21alestaneI like the dungeon itself, but I don't usually like the groups I manage get together for it.
15:32.33amrothat's why the dungeon sucks
15:32.40amro99% end up disbanding
15:32.46alestanecogwheel: I'm sure you could change whichever variable is loaded by GlobalStrings.lua.
15:33.28bleeteris there a reason to still do BRD these days apart from a couple of recipes?
15:33.29alestaneamro: Of course, it used to e you'd do two pulls and then one person would start whining "Can we do Jailbreak?" And by the time you did that everyone was ready to quit.
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15:33.56bleeterargh, memories... thx alestane :/ :P
15:33.57ts|skrombleeter I do it because with a good group it's just alot of fun
15:34.39alestanebleeter: Since noone seems to give a damn about MC or Ony any more, not so much unless you like the dungeon itself. If you have a guild with enough people who have alts that level it'
15:34.40ts|skromfor tru's a bunch of fun.
15:35.31ts|skromfor people like me who like to have fun during ALL aspects of play and don't just rush to BC... it's still quite enjoyable :P
15:36.06Kaydeethreebah. forgot to run diffs yesterday
15:36.18ts|skrom~lart Kaydeethree
15:36.18purlhereby declares Kaydeethree a troll
15:36.24Kaydeethreelatest PTR difss up. current: 7214.
15:37.00LopeppeppyTS|Skrom, I agree.  I love the "old" instances just as much as the new things, I'm in no rush to hit 58 and go to Outlands.
15:37.31bleeterit was more a question of, say, a class quest need, or similar in there.
15:37.48bleeterI wasn't denying that with a good group it can be a lot of fun and so forth
15:37.49alestaneWell, there's the .5 armor set quest.
15:38.04bleeterjust been so long since I've been through that level range, can't recall
15:38.22bleeterthough half my alts will be getting there.. prolly by end of year
15:38.36alestaneI went back to the BRD arena at 70 just to get my damn 4-piece deathmist bonus.
15:38.48alestaneEven if I'll probably never wear it.
15:39.02alestaneBut I had so much time invested in that project it had to be finished.
15:39.05LopeppeppyThere are no class quests in BRD that I know of, or "hot" gear beyond the recipes you can pick up.  It was always, for me, a dungeon on the way to attunement.
15:39.30ts|skromthere is some nice stuff there but not if you are in the rush to bc mode
15:39.48ts|skromit's the first place you can start to pick up decent +heal/damage for one
15:41.05LopeppeppyTrue, Rocky the Rock Rumbler has a nice set of paladin shoulders that I enjoyed.
15:41.23CidanI dislike Burning Crusade
15:41.32CidanI really do.
15:41.32ts|skromI know I for one can't wait to get the Ragefury Eyepatch on my druid
15:42.05Josh_Borkei look forward to the day they modify the lvling curve for 1-50
15:42.10LopeppeppyThere's a lot about it that I dislike as well, Cidan.
15:42.17alestaneI've noticed that the level 60 stuff is slowly regaining a little popularity as the rush for outland wears off.
15:43.34LopeppeppyZG sees runs still for the enchants from the idols, but with the recipes from AQ coming to reputation vendors soon... they might as well just delete half of the instance files from the game.
15:43.38CidanMost of the instances are bland.  The idea of "winged" areas are nice -- but shouldn't be used almost every single time.  It worked well for SM because it made sense, but less so for coilfang (which is horrible anyways, I will never ever go there again)
15:44.14Josh_Borkewinged instances made it so that you didn't have to spend 4 hours in a single dungeon
15:44.17Josh_Borkeie brd
15:44.26Josh_Borkeimagine if BRD was a winged instance, how much easier it would be
15:44.33CidanI would rather do BRD than do Coilfang
15:44.37ts|skromyeah brd is an example of an instance that needed to be winged hehe
15:44.37alestaneBRD is actually designed that way.
15:44.46LopeppeppyTrue that....
15:44.56alestaneDesigned so that once you've made it to a certain point you can skip that part next time.
15:45.02Josh_Borkeyea, but no one ever does that
15:45.10Josh_Borkebecause once you're there, you might as well do it all
15:45.15ts|skromI can't count how many times i've run brd in a pug when people would finish with say... Incendius and say, "well thanks for the run" "wait, what about emperor?" "huh?"
15:45.36alestaneThe other issue with BRD is that even for an old-school instance it's HUGE.
15:46.09KaydeethreeI always got lost in BRD
15:46.13LopeppeppyI still do.
15:46.16alestaneAnd of course, there's the fact that I've never in two years run in a group with anyone who understands how the bar encounter is actually supposed to be done.
15:46.16Josh_Borkeit's possible to make non-winged winged instances
15:46.20CidanIt's not that bad
15:46.22LopeppeppyI can navigate sunken temple, but not BRD
15:46.26CidanBlackfathom is the best
15:46.33CidanI loveeeeee Blackfathom.
15:46.36ts|skromalestane lol yeah
15:46.38Kaydeethreebut how many people actually ran BFD? 6?
15:46.39Josh_Borkeblackfathom is nice
15:46.49Josh_Borkei also really liked SFK
15:46.55alestaneSFK is really cool.
15:46.55CidanSFK was nice too
15:46.58ts|skromI have bad memories of BFD
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15:47.10KaydeethreeI ran it once, had a 60 friend power me through it
15:47.16Kaydeethreebecause he had never run it before either
15:47.18CidanST was overkill, I did it so much from level 52->58 or so
15:47.18ts|skromsomething about being raped by giant turtles... four candles... I don't know it gets hazy
15:47.29Josh_Borkelol skrom
15:47.50alestaneYou really have to do ST once around level 52.
15:48.08ts|skromthe only reason the class quests take you there is so you'll go
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15:48.18ts|skromother then that ST can suck it
15:48.57Cidandoes anyone even do ZG anymore?
15:49.35ts|skromST is like really good if you are a priest or for some reason don't have a crappy blue weapon at this point in your career
15:49.40ts|skromotherwise sucks t be you
15:49.52Cidanman, WoW was so much better before BC, >:(
15:50.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
15:50.06ts|skromI love zg :-/
15:50.11ts|skromI did an aq20 pug the other day
15:50.31ts|skromeveryone dogpiled on top of kurinaxx
15:50.32ts|skromI cried
15:50.43Cidan<3 AQ20, lead that many mant times
15:50.56bleeter+RATINGS_TEXT = "The text of the new improved and really really cool Korean Ratings go in this string. -Tom Thompson";
15:51.16bleeterthanks Kaydeethree, I needed that giggle ;)
15:51.20LopeppeppyI loved ZG and AQ20, but my half-group never got past like the 4th boss in AQ20.
15:51.39ts|skromthe one you have to mana drain is tough
15:51.43ts|skromthat's where the pug wiped
15:51.48Kaydeethreemoam != easy
15:51.59CidanEr... Moam is pretty easy
15:52.03alestaneHow many 70s does it take to do AQ20?
15:52.14Cidan10 maybe?
15:52.14ts|skromHere's the setup... We had 2 warlocks 0 priests...
15:52.18LopeppeppyMoam is where we got stuck, we couldn't get a consistent group to have any consistent strategy.
15:52.35ts|skromWe were flying HIIIGGGHHH
15:52.55alestaneWe'd go into AQ20, and the RL would go, "Hey, we have three 'locks tonight, we should try Moam!"
15:53.14ts|skromWe had maybe 5 hunters and no one tried a viper sting
15:53.25ts|skromdunno maybe he's immune
15:53.31alestaneIt would be easier for me now with FocusFrame and the debuff time display.
15:53.59ts|skromI survived the first toss up with divine shield but still had forebearance when the second one came :-/
15:55.23ts|skromI've done a few MC pugs lately too on my pally. We always take Luci and Mag then the raid seems to collectively stick its head up its bum for gehennas
15:56.03ts|skromabout that time all the frat boys start off with the "hurrr we should go do kara! hurrrr"
15:56.20LopeppeppyI forget... Gehennas is the one with the arcan thingie, with the melee all standing back and shooting with bows and guns, right?
15:56.31alestaneThe second salamander
15:56.35LopeppeppyYeah, he was always fun.
15:57.16ts|skromI think you are thinking of Shazzrah lope
15:57.29alestaneLucifron, Magamdar, Gehennas, Garr, Shazrah, Geddon, Harbinger, that giant, and Majordomo Exectus.
15:57.59LopeppeppyWell then, was is Gehennas' little schtick?  What's he do, I forget.
15:58.00alestaneGehennas is a little like that too, but yeah, your description sounds more like Shazzrah.
15:58.36alestaneGehennas does some other sick AoE/LoS stuff, they were always trying to keep Gehennas on the other side of the pillars from the squishies.
15:58.59LopeppeppyNot sounding familiar, alestane... unless Gehennas did the Rain of Fire?
15:59.13alestaneI think so, and there was this curse thingie.
15:59.19alestaneBeen a long time.
15:59.40LopeppeppyYeah, now I remember him.  We used Restorative potions and just danced around the joint to avoid the Rain.
15:59.47ts|skromGehenneas did the rain of fire
15:59.54ts|skromand had the curse that made healing do like 25%
16:00.03LopeppeppyI hated that curse as a paladin.
16:00.11alestaneGehennas is the one who's standing in the hallway on the way to Garr.
16:00.22kadrahilDotdotgoose is taken on my server :(
16:00.23ts|skromwith two buddies
16:00.32cladhaireAnyone here have a decent memory usage in wow, specifically increasing memory usage regularly want to test an addon for me>?
16:00.52ts|skromhe's the jerk off who liked to drop lawbringer for my horde guild
16:02.36Cidancladhaire, sup?
16:03.04cladhaireI asked if anyone has a reasonable increasing memory rate in wow, or has seen memory issues that wants to try out an addon for me.
16:03.13cladhaireadditionally, if you have an absurdly high FPS (60+) i'd like you try to it as well
16:03.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
16:03.34CidanI have both, :D
16:04.51cladhairehave wow available to test this?
16:05.42cladhaireif so, download this and test it out. commands are /gct
16:06.33CidanOkie dokie, give me a second.
16:06.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
16:06.44*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide-] by ChanServ
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16:08.15*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
16:08.21CidanOkay, I have debugging enabled.
16:08.49cladhaireall that does is tell you if a step by GCT completes the cycle.
16:09.01cladhairejust test to see if it has an effect on your FPS
16:09.07cladhaireor more importantly, your increasing memory usage
16:13.02CidanNo real change to either, enabled or disabled
16:13.07Cidanunder load and not under load
16:13.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie_ (
16:15.27cogwheelwsg isn't fun with 6 warriors 2 rogues a hunter and a shaman :\
16:15.42cogwheeland 700ms ping :\
16:16.15Cidanit did in fact clear up a lot more memory than normal
16:16.17LopeppeppyI am really, really not happy with my work server at this point.  *grump*  It keeps not working.  Anyone have a hammer.
16:20.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
16:20.46Wobin_60% white damage
16:21.01Wobin_20% Shiv
16:21.07Wobin_Sinister Strike? What's that?
16:21.41LopeppeppyIt's a kind of apple.
16:21.51Wobin_Greeny yellow?
16:21.57Wobin_tart taste
16:22.00Wobin_but powdery?
16:22.18LopeppeppyOnly powdery if you let them get over-ripe.  Try picking them an energy tick sooner.
16:22.52LopeppeppySee?  Tastes better that way.
16:23.48*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo_ (
16:24.30Wobin_is there a weapon speed glove enchant better than Minor Haste?
16:24.39[dRaCo]not afaik
16:25.32Wobin_otherwise mongoose, yeah?
16:25.47Wobin_for weapon haste
16:26.08[dRaCo]except for it not being a glove enchant, yes ;)
16:26.31Wobin_well yes =)
16:26.34Wobin_thus 'otherwise' =)
16:26.46Wobin_in the sense of 'other'
16:27.11[dRaCo]aight, you win. :)
16:27.19*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel_ (
16:29.24Cidancladhaire, After using it for a while, it works well.
16:29.33Cidancladhaire, My memory usage stays lower at all times
16:29.39cladhairethan without it?
16:30.05cladhairehave any numbers by any chance?
16:30.13CidanI shall collect some in a second
16:30.14Wobin_art3mis: I dunno about the black
16:30.15alestaneart3mis: That is physically painful to look at.
16:30.33cladhaireart3mis: any word on the ipaq?
16:30.39Wobin_art3mis: can't you make it brighter, instead of the standard black colour?
16:34.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
16:35.15art3mismake what brighter?
16:36.04art3miscladhaire: not yet, ill pester him today since its time sensetive
16:36.37art3misWobin_: you've got wowace svn access right?
16:37.16*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
16:37.23art3misi left those blackened/shaded backgrounds alone cuz some colour settings are REALLY hard to see on bright mint green ;P
16:40.19CidanI started at 12:35:29 with 29.8 MiB usage, then increased by 6.8 KiB/s 'til 12:37:40 when I peaked at 30.4
16:40.19Cidan, at which point the GC kicked in, and I was back down to 29.8
16:40.40CidanFramerate was an avg of about 70 FPS at all times
16:42.59CidanWell, let me correct my self, Just as the GC hit the peak of collection, my framerate dipped for about 1 1/2 seconds to 58 or so.
16:44.53Wobin_art3mis: aye
16:45.13cladhairehrm okay
16:45.21cladhairei know what the issue is, just trying to get it all figured out
16:48.05Wobin_Pattern: Netherdrake Gloves
16:48.08Wobin_learn or sell?
16:48.14zenzelezzthe best part about doing the Skettis escort quest as a prot spec warrior is that all DPS around feels the need to help because I'm so slow
16:48.35LopeppeppyThe worst part about the Skittle escort quest is figuring out where he spawned....
16:48.52zenzelezzeasy enough if you're on a high-pop realm, just pick a spawn and wait a few minutes
16:49.22LopeppeppyI've waited for him for 25 minutes before (was reading a book), he doesn't always circulate well.  Not a social butterfly type.
16:49.36*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
16:50.36zenzelezznot a leatherworker, so no idea
16:51.31cladhairehow to test this GC magic
16:51.37Wobin_with more magic?
16:52.03Cidanwrite data collection code into the GC
16:52.17cladhairethat muddles the actual issue tho
16:52.27cladhaireand there's no way to know that a GC cycle has completed, unless you're calling step yourself
16:52.35LopeppeppyFun times, I missed a bomb threat at work.  I love working from home, sometimes....
16:54.21Cidannothing similar to sizeof in lua?
16:54.51cladhairewell, that's not really the problem
17:01.14CidanThen what is, if you don't mind me asking.
17:01.41cladhaireone moment, let me do some more testing :P
17:01.59cladhaireit may be time for another post :P
17:02.11cladhairea follow up to my 5.0 > 5.1 thread
17:02.16cladhairehighlighting the new issues.
17:02.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
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17:04.01cladhaireholy shit lol
17:04.10LopeppeppyWith cheese.
17:04.34CidanCheese eh?
17:04.42CidanI do enjoy cheese...
17:05.20Lopeppeppy"Cheese, I just love cheese!  Really I do."  *Southern Belle Mouse*
17:06.37cladhaireHere's the basic process.. the lua virtual machine only runs a garbage collection step when new memory is allocated, such as a table, closure, coroutine, etc.  At these times, the LuaL_checkGC function is called, which (if the GC isn't paused, or not at threshold) runs a step collect.
17:07.26Wobin_norgs: with the slider bars in Appraiser, can you allow for mousescrolling to move it? Having a granularity of 200 makes it hard to put up anything less than a full stack
17:07.36cladhaireIn short, if you have a burst that generates a lot of garbage, that can't be deallocated yet because its in use, then it all gets released you'll have a chunk of garbage sitting there, that has to wait to be deallocated.
17:07.51CidanI see.
17:07.55cladhaireIf you then drop to a lower load, the system won't be allocating enough to finish the GC cycle in time.
17:08.42cladhairewhat this addon does, is run a step collect based on your framerate.  Ideally before I release it, it will only run the step collect when you aren't in combat
17:09.07cladhairethat way when you exit combat, it'll run steps to catch you up, as long as you have a sufficient frame rate
17:09.27PolarinaENTER_COMBAT = collectgarbage("stop");  LEAVING_COMBAT = collectgarbage("restart")
17:09.42cladhairethat's not the issue at all.
17:09.46cladhaireand has no relevance
17:10.36cladhairethat would make the problem _much_ worse
17:11.42CidanPerhaps write another option and/or addon that increases memory usage on purpose?
17:11.49Cidansay with a given commad, or trigger?
17:11.49cladhairei have that
17:11.55cladhairewell you don't want/need that
17:12.04cladhaireif you wanted that, you can just collectgarbage("collect")
17:12.53CidanI mean something like /garbage 1.2, and have it increase at ~1.2/sec
17:12.55Cidanand so on.
17:13.01CidanBut whatever, I see your problem though.
17:13.09cladhairewell this solves it
17:13.15cladhaireand with a bit more tweaking it'll be generally usable too
17:13.24cladhairejust a few more tests :P
17:13.37CidanO-tay.  Well, if you need me, ping me.
17:13.45cladhairewill do :P
17:17.02cladhairePolarina: to see why that's a bad idea, create 1e5 tables when the garbage collector is active, and then turn it off, and create 1e5 tables.. You end up using almost twice the amount of memory.
17:18.00cladhairelua> 1e5
17:18.00cladbotcladhaire: 100000
17:18.57*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
17:19.16JoshBorkesay you love me always forever
17:19.19JoshBorkenear and far we'll be together
17:19.36LopeppeppyEverywhere and everything?
17:19.39*** kick/#wowi-lounge [JoshBorke!n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by cladhaire (everywhere.. i will be with you.. kicking you.)
17:20.07*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
17:20.43cladhaireCidan: i have a new version now that will only do anything out of combat
17:20.54alestaneJoshBorke: You're just a glutton for punishment, aren't you?
17:20.58sioraiochtlua> print(print(4+5))
17:20.58cladbotsioraiocht: 9
17:21.07zenzelezzfor those of you who didn't already catch the Bush vs. Zombies:
17:21.21cladhaireCidan: eew
17:21.25sioraiochtlua> print(type(print(4+5))
17:21.25cladbotsioraiocht: sandbox.lua:285: Compilation failed: [string "print(type(print(4+5))"]:1: ')' expected near '<eof>'
17:21.30JoshBorkewhat is this thing that only does out of combat?
17:21.30sioraiochtlua> print(type(print(4+5)))
17:21.31cladbotsioraiocht: 9, [string "print(type(print(4+5)))"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'type' (value expected)
17:21.33JoshBorkealestane: always
17:21.34Mr_Rabies2i hope GWB becomes an actor after he leaves office
17:21.39Mr_Rabies2or a comedian or something
17:21.53Mr_Rabies2i hope he doesn't just fade away D:
17:21.55JoshBorkelua> function b() return end; print(type(b()))
17:21.55cladbotJoshBorke: [string "function b() return end; print(type(b()))"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'type' (value expected)
17:22.00alestaneMr_Rabies: Backwards from the way they usually do it, like Reagan?
17:22.02JoshBorkelua> function b() return nil end; print(type(b()))
17:22.02cladbotJoshBorke: nil
17:22.07JoshBorkelua> function b() end; print(type(b()))
17:22.07cladbotJoshBorke: [string "function b() end; print(type(b()))"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'type' (value expected)
17:22.10sioraiochtwhy doesn't that work?
17:22.12Mr_Rabies2he's a great guy, even if his political decisions aren't always the greatest :x
17:22.18JoshBorkesioraiocht: because the function doesn't return anything
17:22.19amroMr_Rabies2: isn't he already a comedian? unintentionally?
17:22.33sioraiochtlua> x = print(4+5) print(x)
17:22.33cladbotsioraiocht: 9, nil
17:22.40Mr_Rabies2amro, he seems really nervous when he does speeches now or something
17:22.50sioraiochtJoshBorke: shouldn't it's type be void or nil or SOMETHING then?
17:23.00JoshBorkesioraiocht: no
17:23.02Mr_Rabies2there's some recordings of his speeches from about 10 years ago or so that were like a totally different person
17:23.09cladhairelua> type(nil)
17:23.09cladbotcladhaire: nil,
17:23.11cladhairelua> type()
17:23.11cladbotcladhaire: [string "type()"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'type' (value expected)
17:23.12Cidancladhaire, testing now.
17:23.22sioraiochteffing weak type system
17:23.24Mr_Rabies2no stuttering, using large words, still making a joke every now and then, etc
17:23.26Wobin_I think everyone gets a bit nervous when he does speeches =P
17:23.31Thraelua> function b() end x = b() print(type(x))
17:23.31cladbotThrae: nil
17:23.33cladhaireCidan: if you download PerfBlock from WoWInterface you can do some very interesting tests
17:23.46Wobin_It's nice how he's here now
17:23.51Wobin_speaking about 'OPEC'
17:23.52Thraesioraiocht: You need to assign the return to a variable, as you see
17:24.08Cidanpsh, all I have to do is open up some RDX pop up windows, *cackle*
17:24.17alestaneJoshBorke: "return nil" and "return" are not the same.
17:24.33Wobin_here in Sidney, no less
17:24.43JoshBorkealestane: i know
17:25.41JoshBorkelua> function x() return end; function y() return nil end;  test1 = x(); test2 = y(); if not test1 and test1 ~= nil then print(test1) end
17:25.50JoshBorkelua> function x() return end; function y() return nil end;  test1 = x(); test2 = y(); if not test1 and test1 ~= nil then print(type(test1)) end
17:26.03JoshBorkelua> function x() return end; function y() return nil end;  test1 = x(); test2 = y(); if not test1 then print(type(test1)) end
17:26.03cladbotJoshBorke: nil
17:26.10JoshBorkelua> function x() return end; function y() return nil end;  test1 = x(); test2 = y(); print(test1); if not test1 then print(type(test1)) end
17:26.10cladbotJoshBorke: nil, nil
17:26.19JoshBorkelua> function x() return end; function y() return nil end;  test1 = x(); test2 = y(); print(type(test1)); if not test1 then print(type(test1)) end
17:26.19cladbotJoshBorke: nil, nil
17:27.02Cidanno FPS drop, but the collection wasn't as aggressive.
17:27.34CidanI started at 29.7, moved my self up to 30.6, but then only dropped to 30.1
17:28.09cladhairewell you're using the wrong words :P
17:28.14cladhairebut thats okay
17:28.15sioraiochtThrae: No, assigning it to a variable doesn't do anything, beacuse the value of ANY unassigned var is nil
17:28.53cladhaireyou can't test with thresholds like that.. GC doesn't even kick in until 110%
17:29.02Thraesioraiocht: It does for 99.99999999...% of cases, unless you specifically want to see if the function returns nil or returns nothing
17:29.09cladhairedownload perfblock and I can give you some fun things to see/test :P
17:29.37sioraiochtlua> type(function() return nil end)
17:29.38cladbotsioraiocht: function,
17:29.42CidanTrying now.
17:29.53JoshBorkechecking for no returns is a bitch
17:29.58cladhairehere's the real test.
17:30.01JoshBorkewhy would you want to?
17:30.05cladhairerun /gct toggle
17:30.23cladhaireturning gct off
17:30.35cladhaireit will take you a VERY long time for your memory to drop down
17:30.47cladhairei.e. 5 minutes i saw no decrease
17:30.49sioraiochtlua> type((function() return nil end)())
17:30.49cladbotsioraiocht: nil,
17:30.53cladhairehowever, if you turn gct on
17:31.03cladhaireand run the same code.. it will collect within say, 25 seconds.
17:31.06JoshBorkelua> type((function() end)())
17:31.06cladbotJoshBorke: [string "type((function() end)())"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'type' (value expected)
17:31.07sioraiochtthat's incredibly irritating, lol
17:31.15JoshBorkesioraiocht: why does it matter?
17:31.21cladhairecause he's a haskell guy :P
17:31.25cladhaireand it offends his sense of being
17:31.39cladhaireits just with c functions, really
17:31.53cladhairebecause they draw a distinction between no value, and the nil value.
17:32.33Cidanyou're right
17:32.41JoshBorkeclad is never right
17:32.41Cidancollection does not happen as quickly with gct off
17:32.44JoshBorke;-) sioraiocht
17:32.49cladhaireit will take forever
17:32.55cladhaireunless you force a lot of objects to be allocated
17:33.00cladhairefor some value of forever
17:33.19cladhairewatching it with gct on is fun tho.. seeing it start to collect some things, and then BAM -100k a second
17:34.22LopeppeppyI need to muck with my net connection.  Y'all take care!!
17:34.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
17:34.26Wobin_Mithril Spurs for 25g?
17:34.29Wobin_wtf people?
17:34.35JoshBorkeWobin_: lol, no one wants it anymore
17:34.36Cidanworks well
17:34.43CidanNo frame drop either.
17:34.53cladhaireokay, i'm going to shower.
17:34.55cladhaireyeah, because of the GCSTEP setting
17:34.57cladhairei'll post on the forums with my findings in a bit.
17:35.02cladhairegive people stuff they can test with
17:35.05cladhaireusing PerfBlock cause its sexy :P
17:36.55JoshBorkeperfblock blows!
17:53.20alestaneI wonder if there would be any point in designing a sort of "shell addon", into which you could paste short snippets of code to be run at load time withotu giving them their own TOCs.
17:55.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
17:57.54cogwheelalestane: LuaSlinger can do that
17:58.17cogwheelyou can set up to 40 scripts of 7000 bytes to run at any event
17:58.28cogwheeland it has a "Library" page that runs on load
17:59.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
17:59.34alestaneI keep getting requests for incredibly simple behaviors like this MinimapFader, that I can write in about 10 lines. But then people want a TOC for them. And then people complain that the TOC doesn't work right, because I showed them how to do it instead of doing it myself. AutoThrottle was like that too.
18:03.17Intangirhey guys, i just upgraded to wine 0.9.44
18:03.27Intangirand now wow crashes on exit
18:03.45Intangiri know alot of people here use wine, do you know off hand how to fix this?
18:13.55Intangirbleeter: you there?
18:17.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
18:18.33LunessaI am a leaf on the wind; watch me soar.
18:21.07cladhaireMemory, GC, World of Warcraft and You - Part II:
18:21.34nevcairielwhen was part 1 ?
18:22.07cladhaireits linked in the first post
18:23.21cladhairemoral of the story
18:23.25alestanecladhaire: is there a perceptible benefit to having this memory freed up in advance, rather than on demand?
18:23.48cladhairewell, i'm not sure what you're asking.
18:23.55cladhairethis isn't in advance, versus on-deman.
18:24.09cladhaireand yes, it can have an effect on low memory systems
18:24.13cladhairein which case you would want to use this addon
18:24.16alestanePerhaps I'm not understanding your description of the process correctly.
18:24.29cladhaireprobably not, its not a very good description
18:25.02alestaneAre you saying that what the step collection does, is mark garbage as reusable memory more frequently?
18:25.18cladhaireno, its an incremental collector
18:25.20cladhaireversus an atomic collector
18:26.16alestaneSo, it spends x time collecting garbage, rather than collecting it all and returning when done?
18:26.26cladhaireerr caps
18:26.29cladhaireone sec, i'll clarify in the post
18:26.32cladhaireits poorly written
18:26.50alestaneI'm still trying to grasp what's going on in the first place, let alone what the addon fixes.
18:27.00cladhaireyeah that's what i'm posting about
18:30.47*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
18:33.28alestaneSo it collects garbage gently and constantly while performance is not a major issue, to prevent it from causing problems during high-load periods?
18:33.54cladhairethe addon, or the default GC system?
18:34.00cladhairei'm getting confused about what you're asking
18:34.15alestaneThe addon, if I'm understanding your description.
18:34.51cladhaireit just runs the incremental garbage collector periodically, rather than ONLY in response to a new allocation.
18:36.32*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
18:36.47alestaneSo, it helps maintain a lower level of memory use, whereas the default garbage collector may decide to run at inconvenient times because the virtual machine wanted to allocate some memory that it didn't have free room for?
18:37.28cladhairethe first yes
18:37.30cladhairethe second no
18:39.01alestaneThe default collector leaves a larger average level of garbage stting around more of the time.
18:39.12cladhairebut it can
18:39.16cladhairebecause it has no way to compensate
18:39.19cladhaireconsider this
18:39.24cladhairelocal t = {} for i=1,1e5 do t[i] = {} end
18:39.30cladhairemakes a lot of garbage right?
18:39.46cladhairenone of which can be deallocated until t is nil'd out
18:40.37alestaneI guess, since the keys refer to the empty tables. Once there's no reference to t, it will be collected and the references to the empty tables will be released allowing them to be collected.
18:41.25alestaneThe default collector runs based on demand rather than usage.
18:41.36cladhairethat's a misleading statement
18:41.37cladhairelet me continue
18:41.51cladhairenow, consider the fact that when we nil out that table, the system has to march 100,000 objects to mark them all, before it can even start to deallocate them.  Correct?
18:41.58cladhaire(i updated the main post, by the way)
18:42.22alestaneYes, it can't deallocate any object without verifying that it has no references left.
18:42.40cladhairenow consider that the verification process only happens in response to new allocations
18:43.02cladhairethe default UI doesn't have many new allocations very often, as a result the resting state of the UI doesn't run many "steps" of the garbage collector.
18:43.25cladhairemeaning, you'll only see increasing memory usage until _some point_ after, where all the objects have been marked for deallocation
18:43.26alestaneSo garbage accumulates, and is not frequently disposed of.
18:43.43cladhairewell, the GC system is in a deficit in this situation
18:43.54cladhaireits not generating enough garbage to remove the garbage that can be removed :P
18:44.18alestaneBut is that garbage creating a problem?
18:44.25cladhaireas i said before
18:44.51cladhaireits a perception issue, and a real one for someone with extremely low system memory
18:45.05alestaneI have it likely to affect me?
18:45.20cladhairemore importantly, you won't see any negative effects by running my addon
18:45.26alestane(512MB is exteremly low system memory)
18:45.42alestaneBecause it only runs when performance is over a certain level.
18:45.58alestane(Oh the irony of that statement)
18:46.00cladhaireno, even if you set it for a low framerate
18:46.09cladhaireyou shouldn't see any negative effects
18:47.57alestaneBecause if the GC is being run frequently, it never has to run for very long?
18:48.41cladhairewell there's a setting in the lua virtual machine
18:48.51cladhairethat makes the "step" in the garbage collector very small
18:49.05cladhairethat's why on deallocation, it only ever deallocates 100 KiB a second
18:49.07cladhaireits limited
18:49.21alestaneTo prevent it from tying up the machine.
18:49.39cladhaireindeed, so it can run in-line with the allocations without interfering.
18:49.50alestaneBecause it's not a thread.
18:50.10cladhairebasically when you type t= {}
18:50.16cladhaireBEFORE it gives you your new table
18:50.20cladhaireit runs a slice of the garbage collector
18:51.10cladhairedoes that all make sense?
18:51.17cladhaireI'm trying to be technical without being too technical
18:52.13alestaneI've been programming for over a decade, including on systems with no automatic memory management.
18:52.47alestaneSo I understand about things like purgable memory.
18:53.07alestaneThe key code there is actually the {}.
18:53.17alestaneIt tells Lua to allocate a new table.
18:53.41cladhairetechnically, its the Lua virtual machine opcodes
18:53.59alestaneLua goes to do that, and says "While I'm in here, I should see if there's anythign I can throw out."
18:55.32alestaneIt looks over some of the objects, decides whether or not it can reclaim them, and then says, "Oh my, look at the time. I'd better allocate this table like I was asked to."
18:56.11cladhairein not so many words, yes.
18:57.04alestaneIt allocates the table in some free space (which may or may not have been free before) and returns the object to the assignment statement, which puts it in t.
18:58.07alestaneBut then (if I am understanding you correctly) even though it left a lot of garbage that it didn't have time to collect, IT WON'T go back and collect any more garbage until something else asks for space.
18:58.21alestaneA {}, or a function () end, or a string literal.
18:59.01cladhaireor a thread, correct
18:59.06Lunessacladhaire: Damn it man, why do you have to be so slick and competent?  You're making me look like a slacker. Curse you, damnit! Curse you!  ( I'm kidding.  Just read your thread about GC and it looks very helpful, informative, and handy. )
18:59.06cladhaireand not string literals
18:59.12cladhaireconcatenations or string.formats
18:59.18cladhairethanks :P
18:59.44alestaneliterals are stored in code then.
19:01.32alestaneSo will custom UIs that have more active code and allocate/discard objects more frequently, experience this problem less than the stock UI that preallocates almost everything?
19:03.24cladhaireits hard to pinpoint _who_ will see the issue
19:03.28cladhairebut the moral of the story, is the addon should help everyone
19:04.16alestaneBecause if I undertand what you're saying, the build-up occurs because new objects aren't created often enough to run as many 'slices' of garbage collection as are needed to get rid of the garbage.
19:04.28LunessaI'm probably going to run, since I seem to have some oddball behavior related to GC on my machine.  
19:05.24alestaneI will try it, since I run WoW on a G4 Mac Mini and anything that may help my performance is good...but it's also just the scientist in me trying to understand what's going on.
19:06.09cladhairewell you've got it all correct
19:06.18cladhairethe deficit is the issue, and this helps resolve it =)
19:06.44alestaneThe 'deficit' to which you refer is what I describe two posts previously?
19:08.27alestaneThat if I have 2MB of garbage, and the system only frees up, say, 64k per collection, then the garbage will not be fully deallocated until 32 new allocations have been done.
19:08.45alestane(as an example)
19:09.03cladhairewell you have to remember that collection is 2 steps
19:09.06cladhaireMARK and then DEALLOCATE
19:09.09cladhaireduring the mark phase, you see nothing
19:09.16cladhaireduring the deallocate phase, you have decreasing memory rates
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19:20.12alestaneI shudder whenever someone says they want to tweak Necrosis so it also does "X".
19:21.28alestaneI have tried myself, and it is not tweak-friendly.
19:21.44Gnarfozcould a really basic countdown timer that flashes the LowHealthFrame (or what it was called) be written in a one-liner?
19:22.04alestaneDo you know how long it took me just to FIND the code that creates the little spell buttons?
19:22.52clad|awayGnarfoz: yes, it could
19:23.05GnarfozI shall try, then!
19:23.31clad|awaysomething like this
19:23.36alestaneclad|away: Did I mention that the code to hide the macro labels on stock buttons works just fine?
19:23.41clad|awaynice :P
19:24.01clad|awaywhere UIFlashFrame is  UIFrameFlash(frame, fadeInTime, fadeOutTime, flashDuration, showWhenDone, flashInHoldTime, flashOutHoldTime)
19:24.29Gnarfozyeah, I've used that one before
19:24.42alestaneJust need to make a checkbox that turns it on and off...alternatively I could iterate over all the action bars and show/hide them whenever the button is checked or unchecked.
19:25.22alestaneRight now it hooks ActionButton_Update so that whenever it's called it makes sure the text is shown/hidden.
19:26.01alestaneTrying to decide which is less of a pain.
19:26.54alestaneAction bar mods usually come with their own macro name option right?
19:26.55LunessaUgh.  So many Update calls.  
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19:27.20LunessaBartender3, Trinity bars, CogsBar, and Bongos 2 all do.
19:27.21alestaneDon't confuse ActionButton_Update with ActionButton_OnUpdate.
19:28.10alestaneActionButton_OnUpdate is run every frame...but it only calls ActionButton_Update if it perceives that the button's characteristics have changed.
19:29.51alestaneBut, I don't believe any stock code would reshow the macro I could get away with just hiding them all when the user indicates that that's what they want, rather than constantly rehiding them.
19:30.27alestaneJust means I have to iterate over 60 different buttons in five frames whenever someone clicks a checkbox.
19:31.19alestaneOne takes about eight lines of code, the other more like forty...but the eight lines will end up eating more processor time.
19:31.26LunessaWhy not try it both ways? See which performs better?  
19:32.22alestaneMostly because the test would probably cost more of my time than the total amount of slowdown it will create...worldwide...ever.
19:34.00LunessaAn extremely valid reason.
19:35.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
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19:36.23cogwheelclad|away: typo... "* Afterwards, in order for that to be allocated, new allocations need to happen " first "allocated" should be "collected"
19:39.30clad|awayah, in which the post or the addon?
19:40.32LunessaSo, I'm thinking about a project for making key-binding a drag and drop procedure - open spell book, character frame, bank, bag, or macro editor, drag item, ability, spell, macro, etc. onto a keyboard layout... BAM! Key is bound.   Set the valid modifier keys - ctrl, shift, alt, and/or their l/r versions.  I suppose I should include the mouse too, no?  
19:41.01alestaneLunessa: Would be nice.
19:41.26LunessaWhat about support for non-QWERTY layouts?  
19:41.48alestaneDepends how much time you have.
19:42.09alestaneCan you even find that out from the client?
19:42.20LunessaSince it's a hobby project with no one beating on me to finish it time = near infinite.
19:42.32LunessaI was thinking of check box for layouts.
19:42.44alestaneOr would the user have to select their layout within your add-on?
19:43.03LunessaI can't detect it from the client.  At least, not that I know.  
19:44.03alestaneMight launch it with QWERTY support, but but the architecture in to abstract the actual layout from the implementation...that way, you can add data descriptions for other layouts as you have time.
19:44.14alestanes/but but/but put/
19:45.34LunessaSounds good.  This isn't a small project; so it won't be done soon.  
19:50.23alestaneIf you use action bar button-looking buttons for the keyboard, you can just show the texture of whatever is bound to the key in that spot. But decide what you're going to show on, say, the tab key...will you have some representation for the various built-in bindings, or will you just indicate something along the lines of "Bound in the UI"?
19:52.10LunessaI'm probably going to use a graphic of the keyboard, and then allow tooltips to show what's bound.  
19:56.42batrickso does loadstring not work for precompiled chunks?
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19:59.25zenzelezznot in WoW
19:59.31zenzelezzonly on text
19:59.40batrickthere a reason y?
19:59.54zenzelezzthey don't want secret addons or somesuch
20:00.02zenzelezzthey had a reason anyhow, Iriel explained it a while back
20:02.46Lunessalong away.  
20:03.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
20:04.45zenzelezzfunny how she's omni-present until you have something to say that isn't about hitting on her
20:10.02LunessaIt's a defense mechanism.  
20:11.00zenzelezzoh well, pizza time
20:11.24KalrothPeanut butter jelly time!
20:25.32Lunessa... I demand pizza as tribute.
20:29.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
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20:37.59LunessaI see.  My fame, personality, and star qualities have not induced you to tithe pizza to me.   Prepare to face the unending fury of my wrath!
20:39.16alestane~pizza Lunessa
20:39.16purlACTION gives Lunessa a DelFino's special deep dish pizza
20:39.28alestaneDamn, it works.
20:40.37AnduinLotharhow much agil = 1% dodge?
20:40.46alestaneWhy is there no "Conjured Pizza"?
20:40.50Mr_Rabies2depends on the class, AnduinLothar
20:41.32Mr_Rabies2lemme double check
20:42.02AnduinLotharif that's the case then [Spaulders of Dementia] are better than [Mantle of Abrahmis]
20:42.08AnduinLothargood ot know
20:43.05Mr_Rabies2only 14.7 agi per dodge chance for droods
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20:52.43bleeterIntangir: no
20:53.39Mr_Rabies2why is this so frightening
20:54.02Mr_Rabies2i think it's the eyes
20:54.24bleeterIntangir: in answer to your question, there's a collection of patches linked from the Wine AppDB entry for WoW 2.1.x.
20:55.54bleetereck, terrible /me's first thing in the morning (an action AND a sentence! BAH!)
20:57.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
20:57.50Shirikinteresting article
20:58.46Wraangerquestion: when I set a texture to a frame .... can this texture be stretched or something ? or itwill remain exactly as it is in .tga ?
20:59.06LunessaMr_Rabies: It's frightening because you know you'd ask for her number?
20:59.21Mr_Rabies2no i probably wouldn't for i am a shy nerd
20:59.53Lunessaalas, it frightens you for you have seen the promised land, but had no gas to drive there. :P
21:00.30LunessaWraanger: It'll deform if you give it dimensions larger than your file.
21:01.17LunessaBut you can scale textures in the XML for your frame.
21:01.22Wraangercan it be tiled then ? or something like that ? dims of the .tga is 128x512 ...
21:01.32RallionI'd totally ask for her number.
21:01.47LunessaYou can tile too.  
21:01.50Wraangeri need it to be a "background" for 200x400 frame
21:02.24LunessaRallion: I would too.  I bet she's very fun and just as geeky as I am.  I'd want to see some ID though.  I don't need trouble for hitting on under-age girls. :)
21:02.46Mr_Rabies2dragoncon has some seriously hot chicks for a nerd convention
21:02.49Mr_Rabies2it's pretty bizarre
21:03.06Mr_Rabies2and often like to wear nothing but body paint at night, which just seems like an awful idea
21:03.17LunessaI used to say this about dragon con - If you can't get laid there, you're doing EVERYTHING wrong.
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21:03.35Mr_Rabies2oh god, hahahhaha, i was flipping through the pages of pictures
21:03.36Mr_Rabies2and found this
21:03.44Mr_Rabies2it surprised me
21:04.09LunessaOh, that'
21:04.14Lunessathat's bad.
21:04.35Wraangerbut how it can be tiled ? i can't find something about it on WoWWiki =(
21:04.39Mr_Rabies2there's clint hackleman on the left here
21:04.44Mr_Rabies2(gobbler from myndflame)
21:04.47Mr_Rabies2he was pretty cool
21:06.15Mr_Rabies2i ran into this crowd and they were getting their picture taken with a cop and some kids:
21:06.19Mr_Rabies2i wanted to tell them
21:06.24Mr_Rabies2i wanted to save them, but alas, it was too late
21:08.24Mr_Rabies2and then there's this
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21:16.16cogwheeldoes deserter persist after logging?
21:16.43LunessaWraanger: Apparently tile is not a valid attribute in the wow xml schema.  My bad.
21:17.10Wraanger << this is what I get ...
21:17.19bleetercogwheel: yes, but it continues to tick whilst logged
21:17.30Wraangerheight of texture is set to match the height of frame ...
21:17.35cogwheelthat's what i meant...
21:17.45bleetercogwheel: (rather than stay static at the value it was when you logged)
21:18.03cogwheeli didn't think it just wiped when you logged...
21:18.19Shirikoh well, deserter
21:18.30LunessaWraanger: What are you trying to do?  use that texture across the entire frame?
21:18.30Shirikyey back to AV
21:18.57LunessaAre you  coding that frame by hand, or using eePanels?
21:19.02Wraangerby hand
21:19.11Wraanger << code
21:20.05LunessaWhy not just make a texture the size you want?
21:20.47Wraangercause I did not make this texture ....
21:21.07Wraangerand skills in gfx ..are .... umm.... less than non-existant
21:21.58Saint-Ngood god its hot out
21:22.08Saint-Nwrannger get gimp
21:22.13Saint-Nyou can make graphics too !
21:22.38Saint-Nhey luney
21:22.43Saint-Nyou familiar with eepanels 2?
21:22.50Saint-Nparticularlly with textures?
21:23.33LunessaSaint-N: Not especially.  I saw Evil Elvis's posts about his new version, but I haven't played with it yet.  And as for textures, I'm a semi-educated monkey.
21:24.18Wraangerme is not-educated monakey in regard of textures 0)))
21:25.27LunessaBasically I know where some really common problems are because I've run into them myself, repeatedly.  And learned what I needed from the experience.   Maybe I can help, but don't expect miracles.  
21:25.32Saint-Nany idea if eepanels2 needs a particular format for the texture or if it uses that retarded powers of 2 limitation?
21:26.01LunessaIt uses the power of 2 limitation.  That's a limit of the wow gfx engine.
21:26.05Saint-Ni tried redoing the hk panels last night in ep2 and it wouldnt accept the texture
21:26.35Saint-Nthat means im gonna have to make buttloads of panels if it want it mostly textured
21:27.17Saint-Nokay thanks, that answers that ;)
21:27.38Saint-Nthat makes me sad but at least it's easy enough to chop up
21:27.51Saint-Ndoes it "have to be" powers of 2?
21:28.03Saint-Nor can i make it like say 240x240
21:30.47LunessaThat's where I get into 'semi-educated monkey status' - I think they need to be actual powers of 2, but... it might be 'divisible by 2' - so I don't want to steer you wrong.  
21:31.10Saint-Nheh okies ill muck with it when i get home and see what i can cobble
21:31.22Saint-Nthis is gonna be pretty ugly though
21:31.52Saint-Nin order to avoid the whole streched images and stuff ive got 3 panels 241x545 202x690 and 241x720
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21:32.13LunessaA Texture frame element can have an arbitrary location, size, and scale.
21:32.29CidanI don't think they need to be powers of two
21:33.01Lunessa"Texture frame elements display images, these are generally loaded from files and are specified with a path. The WoW UI engine handles various different sizes of images, as long as each side is a power of 2 (64x64, 256x256, 512x128, etc)."
21:33.10Saint-Nsee that 512x128?
21:33.12CidanOr not.
21:33.17Saint-Nthat gives me a bit of hope ;)
21:33.22Cidannot really
21:33.29Saint-Nat least its not "squared"
21:33.48Cidan2^9 by 2^7
21:33.50Saint-Ncid can you check something quick for me if you're near wow?
21:33.54CidanI am.
21:33.58CidanWhat is up, home dog?
21:34.04Saint-Nmake a texture thats 240x240
21:34.11Saint-Nand see if eepnaels2 will accept it
21:34.38Cidanyerp, gimmi a sec
21:34.43zenzelezzI think I had trouble with non-power-of-two textures, but I don't know if I was doing something else wrong or it was actually the size that was the problem
21:34.58zenzelezzand as you said, power of two does not necessarily imply square textures
21:35.08Saint-Nzenzelezz: yeah thats the iossue i have
21:35.30Saint-Nin dart i was mucking with predefined sized textures but it would only draw a blank box
21:35.54Saint-Nand essentially if dart cant do it and eepanels can i may as well just use that
21:35.59Saint-Nsince its much lighter
21:36.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
21:36.12Saint-Nand then just xperl some sorta theme
21:36.14zenzelezzgenerally I believe if a texture is incompatible it will show as a sort of light green, not black
21:37.22Cidantesting now
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21:37.43Saint-Nthat means with the script functions its possible to create that "when im in a raid when im in a party and when im solo" open close raid box
21:38.31LunessaYes, indeedy.
21:39.02Saint-Nthats kind of awesome
21:39.07CidaneePanels is such a piece of shit sometimes
21:39.12Saint-Nnot if only it would support drag and drop scripting ;P
21:39.13Cidanthe menu doesn't work in Fubar
21:39.19Saint-Neepanels2 ;P
21:39.21Saint-Nnot 1
21:39.28Saint-N1 doesnt do textures
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21:39.51Saint-Nand really who cares you use fubar to make the panel and then right click the created box ;P
21:39.59WraangerLunessa: read the article ...but tbh understood nothing =(
21:39.59Saint-Nand edit them all happily
21:41.23Saint-N145 cycircled hk downloads 96 hkui ;)
21:41.56Saint-Ni need to figure out why the chatframe screws up too if you login with a character you've not used since you last rm'd the wtf
21:41.58nevcairielpeople are sick
21:42.07Saint-Narent they though ;P
21:42.14Saint-Nyou cant tell me that the cycircled isnt cute though
21:42.15zenzelezzSaint-N: "screws up"?
21:42.17nevcairielhk ui for wow? comeone..
21:42.22Cidanhuh, I've been using eepanels1, oops?  either way, you can set textures in eepanels1, and no, it didn't work.
21:42.58CidanShould I really switch to eepanels2? :/
21:43.13Saint-Nif ive got a layout on one character and the char is set in saved variables to be on the right side of the screen.. if i log into a character where it creates the defaults(not having its own character dir) it locks it on the right side disables the buttons and the hover over doesnt work
21:43.33Saint-Neepnaels 2 supports custom textures ;P
21:43.37Saint-Neep1 doesnt
21:43.41Saint-Nunless he just modded it
21:43.48zenzelezzI'm guessing you're not talking default UI chat frame then
21:43.50Cidanshrug, "Custom Texture"
21:44.03Saint-Nguess he added it recently ;)
21:44.12CidanI really don't want to redo all my panels though, ugh.
21:44.39Wraangersaint: and where is that hkui ?
21:44.48Saint-Nzenzelezz: its not the blizz chat, but when i modify the layout0cache settings and remove the chat location manually it pops the chat where its supposed to be with the buttons and hover ability
21:45.37Saint-Nhehe i noticed last night that my deving this on kel'thuzad is a touch ironic
21:45.38Ominouskergoth: ping
21:45.59Ominous~seen kergoth
21:46.01purlkergoth is currently on #wowi-lounge (5d 17h 14m 12s) #oe (5d 17h 14m 12s) #norganna (5d 17h 14m 12s) #elinux (5d 17h 14m 12s). Has said a total of 664 messages. Is idling for 46m 22s, last said: 'ah okay :) thanks'.
21:46.04Saint-Nsince he created the original abominations ;P
21:46.13Wraangerahh..saw that's funny )
21:51.08LunessaYou can tile a item with the <backdrop> tag
21:51.51LunessaNice tutorial here:
21:52.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Anvilator (
21:52.42Saint-Nheh tiling was never and issue for me ;)
21:53.03Lunessa... I think Wraanger was asking.  
21:53.12Wraangeryeah ....
21:53.36Wraangerthe only problem is that all my addon is pure Lua =( and all of Fara thingies is xml +(
21:53.42Ominouswoot notepad++ works with wine
22:01.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
22:03.16bleeterthough, why one would want to is anyone's guess ;)
22:03.31AnvilatorHi all.  If anyone has a spare couple of min, would you be so kind as to cast your eye over my lua im working on.  Im getting an error around line 167, but it's all one function (Badly Written im very sure).  Thanks in advance
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22:10.08Igor_wowthis is where ppl come to ask Lua API qns right?
22:10.20LunessaAnvilator: What's the error?  
22:10.23kergothOminous, pong
22:11.10AnvilatorExpexted ')' near ';'
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22:11.55Igor_wowforgot a "?
22:12.08LunessaYou have too many open parens, and not a close paren.  Check your formula. : )
22:12.28LunessaIgor_wow: More or less, yes.  
22:12.31AnvilatoroO Well spotted, thanks Lunessa.
22:12.45Igor_wowwhat editor do y'all use?
22:12.58AnvilatorEditPlus here
22:13.07LunessaTextEdit on my iMac.
22:13.14AnvilatorNot ideal tbh, but i manage
22:13.31LunessaReal coders make the job hard on themselves (I kid, but I really do use TextEdit)
22:13.41Igor_wowbeen using gvim, which highlights great, not too easy to learn
22:15.14*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:15.17Shirikvery ftw
22:15.45Guillotinescite is the greatest
22:17.07Wraangerhow to change only alpha of vackdrop ?
22:17.19Wraangernot colors
22:17.45Wraangerumm)) me stupid ..forgot )
22:18.29Guillotineoh, backdrop
22:18.35GuillotineSetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .55)
22:18.42Guillotineor whatever number you want for alpha
22:19.14Wraangerif use (0,0,0,alpha) it changes color to black =(
22:19.27Guillotinelocal r,g,b=Something:GetBackdropColor(); Something:SetBackdropColor(r,g,b,alpha)
22:20.00Igor_wowhmm not sure i like this SciTe
22:20.04Wraangerthanks ...will try immediately
22:20.09Igor_wowdefault colors are awful
22:20.22ShirikI think the default colors are perfect
22:20.30Guillotineme too
22:20.31Shirikand it's the ONLY editor I know of that handles special cases correctly
22:20.45Shiriksuch as foo:SetTexture[[some\path\]]
22:20.47Guillotineand theres a version with some commonly used WoW scripts
22:20.59Shirikwhich needs to be updated
22:21.05Guillotineyes, it does
22:21.14Guillotinebut the simple things are still correct
22:21.42Guillotineyou guys are so evil. Stop having interesting conversations or I'll never get any work done :(
22:21.53Igor_wowhmm well i'll stick with gvim for now
22:23.20kergothboo work
22:23.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Caze (
22:24.09Cazehello everyone.. is this the best place to spam my macro question? :p
22:24.34Guillotineno. but its the best place to ask it
22:24.41Guillotinespamming is my job
22:24.55Thunder_Child~lart Guillotine
22:24.55purlhauls Guillotine up by the scruff of the neck and spanks him until he waddles
22:26.18CazePossible to make a macro..
22:26.22Cazewait, one sec..
22:26.33Igor_wowso many lines
22:26.44Shirik~lart Igor_wow
22:26.44purlnukes Igor_wow with a single large nuke
22:26.54Shirik~lart Guillotine
22:26.54purlexecutes killall -TERM Guillotine
22:26.58Thunder_Childdamn, Shirik beat me to it
22:28.00CazeI've got a dagger on my off hand. and a main hand sword in my.. main hand, obv. I wanna have my dagger switch to my main hand and equip a different one hand in my off hand.. in a macro, does that make sense and sorryforusingsomanylines
22:29.01Thunder_Childhave you checked the macro guide?
22:30.03CazeFor rogues, yes.
22:30.20Cazebut the closest I've found is something that only switches your MH weapons
22:30.36CazeI'm looking for something [I think] is slightly more complicated
22:31.24Thunder_Childlike "There are two commands for equipping items: /equip and /equipslot. /equip simply takes an item name and will equip it to the deafult slot as if you had right-clicked it in one of your bags (i.e., a one-handed weapon will be equipped to your main hand). /equipslot takes an inventory slot number (see "How do I use an item?" above) and an item name, and equips the item to the specified slot"
22:32.17Thunder_Child"The /equipslot [n] has the following possible numbers: 1 is Head, 2 is Neck, 3 is Shoulder, 4 is Shirt, 5 is Chest, 6 is Waist, 7 is Legs, 8 is Feet, 9 is Wrist, 10 is Hands, 11 is Top Finger, 12 is Bottom Finger, 13 is Top Trinket, 14 is Bottom Trinket, 15 is Back, 16 is Main Hand, 17 is Off-Hand, 18 is Ranged, 19 is Tabard, 20 is Ammo slot."
22:33.13Cazebasically that was written somewhere and I missed it? In any case I'm finding it hard to make sense of it :p
22:36.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
22:39.50AnvilatorI have a variable: 'Nuke_GearArcaneCrit = (GetSpellCritChance(7));' , but unfortunately it's returning 13 decimal places.  Anyone know a way to restrict it to say 2 or 3 dp?
22:42.19*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
22:42.27Igor_wowAnvilator: well, you'd write a function to do that i'd think
22:43.11Igor_wowAnvilator: pass your number as a param, do tostring() on it, look for the decimal mark, if you find it, return a substring that ends 2 places after where you found the decimal ppojnt
22:44.05Igor_wowAnvilator: also check out
22:44.15Shirikholy crap
22:44.16AnvilatorThanks Igor
22:44.20Shirikthat is the absolutely horrible way to do it
22:44.22Shirikdon't do that Anvilator
22:44.37Igor_wowyeah string.format("%.2f", yournumber)
22:44.41Igor_wowdo that thats better
22:45.04Shirik>>> return string.format("%.2f", 100), string.format("%.2f", Math.pi)
22:45.05CideShirik: [string "return string.format("%.2f", 100), string.f..."]:1: attempt to index global 'Math' (a nil value)
22:45.08AnvilatorDoesnt that convert it to a String?  and if so, can it still be used for arithmetic?
22:45.08Shirik>>> return string.format("%.2f", 100), string.format("%.2f", math.pi)
22:45.09CideShirik: "100.00",  "3.14"
22:45.19Shirikyou can always tonumber() that
22:45.25Shirikalternatively you can do some modular arithmatic
22:45.28Anvilatori see. ok thanks
22:45.49Igor_wowi way worked fine too lol
22:45.56Shirik>>> n = math.pi; n =( (n * 10^2) % 1) / 10^2; return n
22:45.57CideShirik: 0.0015926535897933
22:46.00Shirikno it definitely didn't
22:46.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
22:46.16Shirikoh that was a stupid mistake
22:46.21Shirikanyway.... no, yours ate up a ton of memory
22:46.26Igor_wowtrue :)
22:46.28Shirikbecause you're making a billion string splits, all of which become interned
22:46.33Shirikand it took a ton of processing time on top of that
22:47.33Igor_wowtoo bad computers are so slow these days and have so little memory...
22:47.52Shirikthe abundance of memory is NOT an excuse to ignore its usage
22:48.46Shirikclad|away would probably be tearing your head off right now if he was here
22:49.02ShirikCidan too, but he's not paying attention
22:49.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
22:49.35Rallion"There's a whole lot of ocean, so let's not worry about pouring some oil over a few hundred square miles of it."
22:49.50CidanYeah, no.
22:49.52Shirikthat's... a really good statement
22:49.56Shiriknever heard that one before
22:50.15CidanWhen you program, you should always try to be as conservative as possible.
22:50.42Cidanclad was working on this GC tweaker addon
22:50.45Igor_wowdon't worry i'm just pulling your chain hehe
22:50.47Cidanit works so well.
22:51.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
22:52.24Shirikwhat does it change?
22:53.01CidanJust the situations when GC collects, based on your frame rate and combat status
22:53.14CidanI believe, anyways.  I didn't look at the code.
22:53.45CidanEither way, memory usage stays way low at almost all times, with no imact on frame rate so far as I can tell
22:54.24Igor_wowhmm thats a good idea
22:54.41CidanI BET YOU THINK IT IS
22:54.54CidanOff to cook dinner.
22:55.21Thunder_Child"PerfBlock" you mean Cidan?
22:55.22Igor_wowwhen does the collector normally run?
22:55.34CidanThunder_Child, no.
22:55.47CidanA new addon
22:55.53ShirikIgor_wow: At 120%
22:56.12Shirik(by default)
22:57.56Igor_wowso if i never get to my limit in the Addons screen, it never runs?
22:58.47CidanThere is no limit anymore...
22:58.50CidanThat was removed.
22:59.07Igor_wowso what is it 110% of?
22:59.15CidanThe last collection.
22:59.21Igor_wowahh ok
23:00.03Cidanie: I login at 30, it's 30(1.1)
23:00.07Shirikif you started up at 10MB, next collection will be 11
23:00.20ShirikAt the end of the collection, it stores that new value, and waits until n*1.1
23:00.24Shirikover and over again
23:00.38Cidanhmm, it's funny
23:00.44Cidanwhen we code, we say n*1.1
23:00.50Cidanbut when we do math, at least when I do
23:00.55CidanI say n(1.1)
23:01.04Shiriknah, on my papers I write n*1.1
23:01.12Shirikand my physics prof yelled at me the other day for it
23:01.26Shirik"There is no star in physics! 0!"
23:01.29Shirikwell not quite zero but still :P
23:01.36Cidandid you do a dot?
23:01.41Cidanyou didn't do a STAR did you?
23:01.51ShirikI do a little asterisk thingy
23:01.53Shirikthree lines
23:02.05Shirikvertical and X-ish
23:02.13Cidanoo, bad bad, :P
23:02.20Cidanuse a dot if you must, :P
23:02.32Shirikhabit :(
23:02.58Igor_wowon the math sat they use x sometimes
23:03.07Igor_wowto indicate multiplication
23:03.25Cidanfor aretmatic, yeah
23:03.27*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
23:03.39Shirikthank god you didn't go into english
23:03.55Shirikthat has so many things wrong I don't know where to start :P
23:04.42Cidansorry, I do that sometimes, it's a spanish thing
23:04.49CidanI cross english with spanish when I type
23:04.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
23:04.54Igor_wowi'd start with why you try to be a good speller in an internet chat room
23:05.42CidanIt's something you always try to do.
23:06.48Igor_wowi don't
23:06.58*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
23:06.59*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower] by ChanServ
23:07.42Mr_Rabies2i just thought of gold farmers having a battle, western style
23:07.47Mr_Rabies2the mind works in bizarre ways
23:08.33Mr_Rabies2because i thought of this song
23:12.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
23:13.40Corrodiasit's friday
23:13.52Corrodiashuzzah, maybe i can get some damn grouping done with my hunter
23:14.44bleeterSat Sep  8 09:14:44 EST 2007
23:22.12Shirikbleeter lies
23:22.35ShirikFriday September 7 2007 -- 23:22:23 +00:00
23:22.41Shirikthe world lives on UTC
23:23.58*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
23:25.46Shirik!c us drenden kimina
23:26.01Polarina!c eu scarshield legion polarina
23:26.10Shirik~lart Thrae
23:26.10purlwhacks Thrae with the cluebat
23:26.14Shirikand the nonexistent ThraeBot
23:27.06Shirik14(1911:2611:0914) 14(1115ThraeBot14) Shirik: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 5411 HP; 8205 Mana; 407 mana regen; 123 mp5; 26 spell crit; 188 +spell dmg; 995 +heal; 5.06% dodge;[[ TBR: 978 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Fri Sep 7 19:38:47 2007 ]]
23:27.15Shirikit's rather sad that I've gained 200 +healing in the last two days
23:27.32PolarinaNow it's my turn. :D
23:27.35PolarinaI'm excited!
23:28.11PolarinaWhen will that bot respond to my command, it responded to yours. :S
23:30.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
23:31.40bleeterShirik: UGT ftw! sat morning here :P
23:32.12bleeterI'm sure Wobin_ will agree ;)
23:33.38*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
23:35.02Thrae!help ge
23:35.03ThraeBot!ge <eu/us> <server> <character name> -- Show gear info for given character, from Armoury
23:35.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
23:36.23Igor_wow!ge us Echo Isles Ormos
23:36.30ThraeBotIgor_wow: Ormos, Level 28 Dwarf Hunter (19/0/0); Shoulder: Mantle of Honor; Shirt: Rugged Trapper's Shirt; Chest: Bone-studded Leather; Belt: Scaled Leather Belt; Legs: Smith's Trousers; Feet: Mariner Boots; Wrist: Forest Leather Bracers; Gloves: Bard's Gloves; 1st Ring: Ring of Iron Will; Back: Cloak of the Faith; Main hand: Crescent of Forlorn Spirits; Off hand: Totem of Infliction;
23:36.38Valaron|WorkShow me! Show me!
23:36.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion (
23:37.01Igor_wowheh neat
23:37.03Valaron|Work!ge us Proudmoore Valaron
23:37.05Mr_Rabies2FYI, this is in for 2.3
23:37.12ThraeBotValaron|Work: Valaron, Level 70 Orc Hunter (34/27/0); Shoulder: Mantle of Honor; Shirt: Rugged Trapper's Shirt; Chest: Bone-studded Leather; Belt: Scaled Leather Belt; Legs: Smith's Trousers; Feet: Mariner Boots; Wrist: Forest Leather Bracers; Gloves: Bard's Gloves; 1st Ring: Ring of Iron Will; Back: Cloak of the Faith; Main hand: Crescent of Forlorn Spirits; Off hand: Totem of Infliction;
23:37.25Valaron|WorkThat took a while :P
23:37.44Mr_Rabies2!ge us Llane Raybeez
23:37.51ScytheBlade1!ge us Doomhammer Sbo
23:37.53ThraeBotMr_Rabies2: Raybeez, Level 70 Night Elf Druid (1/46/14); Shoulder: Mantle of Honor; Shirt: Rugged Trapper's Shirt; Chest: Bone-studded Leather; Belt: Scaled Leather Belt; Legs: Smith's Trousers; Feet: Mariner Boots; Wrist: Forest Leather Bracers; Gloves: Bard's Gloves; 1st Ring: Ring of Iron Will; Back: Cloak of the Faith; Main hand: Crescent of Forlorn Spirits; Off hand: Totem of Infliction;
23:38.02ThraeBotScytheBlade1: Sbo, Level 70 Gnome Mage (1/57/3); Shoulder: Mantle of Honor; Shirt: Rugged Trapper's Shirt; Chest: Bone-studded Leather; Belt: Scaled Leather Belt; Legs: Smith's Trousers; Feet: Mariner Boots; Wrist: Forest Leather Bracers; Gloves: Bard's Gloves; 1st Ring: Ring of Iron Will; Back: Cloak of the Faith; Main hand: Crescent of Forlorn Spirits; Off hand: Totem of Infliction;
23:38.14Mr_Rabies2that's not my gear
23:38.30Valaron|WorkRanged: Dwarven Fishing Pole?
23:38.42*** join/#wowi-lounge N00bZXI (
23:38.44Igor_wowyeah everyone seems to have the same equipment
23:38.55Igor_wowwhat a crazy coincidence
23:38.58ScytheBlade1<-- ThraeBot has quit ("Bot exploded (qq!)")
23:39.07ScytheBlade1I don't think I'll ever forget that
23:39.23Mr_Rabies2OH GOD WE KILLED IT
23:39.35art3misits spammy
23:39.58art3misi have a question about overlay graphics and such
23:40.02Olisoni think x/5 T4,5,6 would be better
23:40.45art3misif my graphic is 241x256 and i wanna pad the last little bitto make it a pwoer of 2 will it read "transparent" portions as a full 256x256?
23:44.31Wobin_bleeter: yuhuh!
23:44.39Wobin_And it feels like yesterday was Sunday
23:44.49|Jelly|Examples of an addon written entirely in Lua. GOGOGO
23:44.52Wobin_Hurrah for long weekend
23:45.15Wobin_art3mis: probably =)
23:45.57ShirikCidan you won't believe it
23:46.01Shirik|Jelly|: RDX
23:46.03ShirikCidan you won't believe it
23:46.11ShirikI cooked hot dogs last night
23:46.13Shirikamazing isn't it
23:46.19|Jelly|RDX.cid? or RDX?
23:46.21Shirik|Jelly|: Or Conspiracy
23:46.24Shirikhell no not RDX
23:46.29ShirikVeni's code is unreadable half the time
23:46.31|Jelly|Cause I need an example to give someone to they stfu.
23:46.44Shirikgrab the Conspiracy code :)
23:47.14Wobin_join #arglefrog
23:47.20Igor_wowgonna blow me up a catapult here
23:49.49art3mishrm now to figure out how make a portion transparent in gimp
23:52.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
23:55.45N00bZXIart3mis: I find it easier to do editing in imageready then GIMP
23:56.38N00bZXIart3mis: I can tell you how to change transparency there if you have access to it.
23:56.57N00bZXIOr photoshop
23:57.08N00bZXISame thing, prettymuch
23:57.17art3misyeah i despise all that is adobe ;P
23:58.12N00bZXIWell then I probably can't help you :\
23:58.23art3misheh i think i figured it out
23:58.42N00bZXIGIMP takes about 10 mins to load unless I use --no-fonts

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