IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070906

00:03.07Shirikhuh, I didn't know you could make a discovery from primal might
00:04.31Mr_Rabies2so a baby seal walks into a club
00:08.44Mr_Rabies2are there any addons that let you run commands on login?
00:08.55Mr_Rabies2i know there used to be a few
00:09.06Mr_Rabies2but i don't know if it's still possible to customize stuff like that anymore
00:09.40Shiriknot that I'm aware of, but a short addon could
00:09.58Shirikhell a short addon could provide that command for you
00:10.11Mr_Rabies2like, for example, a friend of mine wants
00:10.13Mr_Rabies2/script f:SetBackdrop(nil);
00:10.27Mr_Rabies2on login
00:10.31Mr_Rabies2whatever that does
00:10.45Shirikif you want, I could make an addon to provide that command (limited to scripts only) in about 10 seconds
00:10.58Shirikwould be completely command-line only
00:10.59Shirikbut still
00:11.15Mr_Rabies2i'd love it, it'd probably help me with writing addons too
00:11.23Mr_Rabies2because i could see the framework without all the clutter
00:11.40Mr_Rabies2that's my problem, getting the framework together
00:11.45Mr_Rabies2and hooking events and the like
00:11.51*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
00:12.11Mr_Rabies2i've had an idea to hook an event and play a sound when said event fires for about a year now and just haven't been able to even get started
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00:17.48GuillotineMr_Rabies2: I have a really simple addon that does that for certain things I've wanted (e.g. nightfall proc and 2piece malorne proc). I call it OMGFIRE
00:21.04*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
00:23.02LunessaI'm an evil wicked person.  For at least the last four user support requests I've gotten I've wanted to respond with "The first step is for you to quit being retarded."  
00:24.20art3misis that jerkish of me?
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00:25.45Lunessabut /shrug/
00:27.00ShirikMr_Rabies: This is harder than I thought :( 100 lines
00:27.02Shirikjust testing now
00:28.05Mr_Rabies2guillo: mmmmyess? :O
00:28.25Mr_Rabies2i'd love some source code for that for my own personal use if that's cool with you :O
00:28.51Mr_Rabies2the more simple addons i can look at the better my chances are of learning to stop bitching at you guys to get stuff implemented
00:29.00ShirikMr_Rabies: Not like I can give it to you without the source :P
00:29.12Mr_Rabies2i know that
00:29.42Mr_Rabies2but i want to check out how he hooks events too to help me make my eenkonkonk addon
00:29.57Mr_Rabies2(makes the transformers noise upon the shapeshift event firing)
00:30.27Mr_Rabies2i've looked at some addons like, soundtrack or whatever it's called
00:30.32GuillotineMr_Rabies2: sure, hold on
00:30.35Mr_Rabies2and it's just too complicated for a scrub like me
00:31.21art3mishehe transformer noices when you form shift
00:31.23Guillotineoh, looks like its an ace addon. you mind?
00:31.57Mr_Rabies2i don't care as long as i can hack it up and pervert it into a shell of its former self, always weeping
00:32.04ShirikI didn't realize you were talking to Guillotine
00:32.11Mr_Rabies2for the source i was
00:32.35Mr_Rabies2the more stuff i get thrown at me the better
00:32.56Shirik108 lines; course the first 30 are comments
00:33.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:35.01Mr_Rabies2i just need to write up a toc file and that's good to go?
00:35.44Guillotinemy toc:
00:35.50Guillotinebut yah, that'll work as long as you have ace
00:36.01Guillotineand you can hack it up however you want
00:36.13GuillotineI just made it to help myself with shadow trance and see how often the set bonus procs :P
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00:38.05Mr_Rabies2i'm just looking around, is there a reason you put the druid check in there?
00:38.32Mr_Rabies2oh duh
00:38.45Guillotinesince they use two seperate events, no reason to register the event if its not going to be used
00:38.47Mr_Rabies2i'm still not used to looking at functions being used THEN defined
00:39.29Guillotineit isn't used then defined o.O
00:39.59Mr_Rabies2well, it's used in the code before you register the event
00:40.02ShirikI think he means something like this
00:40.19Guillotineah, I see
00:40.23Mr_Rabies2i'm so used to how mirc does things, mirc's the only language that has made sense for me :x
00:40.25Shirik>>> function foo() bar() end; function bar() print("Rawr!") end; foo()
00:40.28Shiriklua> function foo() bar() end; function bar() print("Rawr!") end; foo()
00:40.28cladbotShirik: Rawr!
00:40.50Mr_Rabies2like, on event: do this stuff
00:40.57Mr_Rabies2i wish addon making was so easy
00:41.09Guillotineit is :P you can do it the other way around
00:41.17GuillotineI just happened to do it that way
00:41.54Mr_Rabies2like for mirc, i can make a fairly  complex script only take one or two lines
00:42.28FlAWDmirc scripting is real easy .. i wish all programming was that easy
00:42.41Mr_Rabies2i mean
00:42.42Mr_Rabies2alias ntl2 { say $replace($1-,26,z,25,y,24,x,23,w,22,v,21,u,20,t,19,s,18,r,17,q,16,p,15,o,14,n,13,m,12,l,11,k,10,j,9,i,8,h,7,g,6,f,5,e,4,d,3,c,2,b,1,a) }
00:42.47Mr_Rabies2with that i can type /ntl hello
00:42.49Mr_Rabies2and get
00:42.57Mr_Rabies2with that i can type /ntl2 hello
00:43.09Mr_Rabies2oops rofl
00:43.11FlAWDi know mirc scripting well :D
00:43.13Mr_Rabies2that's letter to number :X
00:43.22FlAWDIm using 15,;14'4Broke154Ass154Script14'15;, V0.1 By: FlAWD
00:43.24Mr_Rabies2i wrote that for some web-based hacking program
00:43.47Mr_Rabies2i guess i never did a letter to number one, rofl
00:43.57FlAWDi won't tell anyone :P
00:44.11Mr_Rabies2er, web based hacking game
00:44.26Mr_Rabies2where you decipher the exif data in an image to get passwords and stuff
00:44.41Mr_Rabies2on *:text:*:#straticshoc: { scid 1 msg #wow 4< $+ $nick $+ > $$1- }
00:44.43Mr_Rabies2just so simple
00:45.08FlAWDscid oo
00:45.20Mr_Rabies2on any text in #straticshoc, i send a message to #wow on the first server in my server list in this format <Mr_Rabies2> I am awesome
00:45.23FlAWDi use a BNC
00:45.41FlAWD0Ì148:45pm00¹4f~Mr_Rabies20>>15 on any text in #straticshoc, i s
00:45.44Cidanmm, my friend wrote BNC
00:45.50CidanReally nice guy
00:45.57Mr_Rabies2i wrote most of my own scripts
00:45.59Mr_Rabies2just over time
00:46.00Cidanlearned a lot from him, he is a true god of machines.
00:46.10FlAWDwrote BNC? what do you mean?
00:46.11Mr_Rabies2so it's probably not always the best way
00:46.17Shirikok Mr_Rabies all set
00:46.25Shirikhow you want me to get it to you?
00:46.36Mr_Rabies2pastey would work fine shirik
00:46.43Shirikok you'll have to make the toc then :)
00:46.46Mr_Rabies2fine with me
00:46.51FlAWDyea i've done all my own mirc scripting and such .. it was fun making my client exactly how i like
00:47.05Cidanbnc has nothing to do with your client, eh.
00:47.13CidanBack to code
00:47.13FlAWDoh i see Shrik .. he wrote a BNC Client
00:47.25Cidanwtf, Why are you calling me Shirik?
00:47.33CidanI'm not as crazy as him.
00:47.38Mr_Rabies2oh, bnc's a vhost
00:47.44Shirik( @ Mr_Rabies)
00:47.50Cidanno, bnc is just a program that runs server side
00:48.00FlAWDmore like a proxy
00:48.04Cidanit's a "bounce" for IRC, ie: you connect to it, it connects to IRC
00:48.27Cidanexcept it has some nice options, like vhost selection if the server has any you can use, etc
00:48.32FlAWDlike i have psyBNC running on my webserver ... and it connects to all my IRC networks ... i just connect from anywhere to my webserver ... and i get onto all my servers/chans
00:48.43Shirikoh crap
00:48.46ShirikMr_Rabies: Remove line 68
00:48.54Mr_Rabies2i used that to relay text for the folks too lazy to get into a channel
00:48.56Mr_Rabies2okay, Shirik
00:49.25Shirikoh and when you make the toc
00:49.32Shirikmake sure you do ##SavedVariables: AutobotData
00:49.36FlAWDit's also nice because it uses my DNS for my website as my host .. so i'm "virtually" untraceable
00:50.14Mr_Rabies2i also wrote a fairly awesome and evil script similar
00:50.40Mr_Rabies2on *:text:*:#wowi-lounge: { notice zenzelezz < $+ $nick $+ > $$1- }
00:50.46Mr_Rabies2that's a great one to drive people batty
00:51.27Mr_Rabies2i write evil scripts more than useful ones just because it's easier to be evil, plus it's more fun
00:52.06Mr_Rabies2like one that notices random numbers to a channel, once for every user in it
00:52.12FlAWD/google { run $+ $1 $+ &btnG=Google+Search }
00:52.23Mr_Rabies2i have /f11 instead
00:52.27Mr_Rabies2so i can just hit f11
00:52.33Mr_Rabies2this, rather
00:52.55Mr_Rabies2f11 { run $+ $$?="Google Search for what?" }
00:52.57kergothwhats a good (free) app to record videos of wow?
00:53.24FlAWDi'm gonna msg this one to you ... don't wanna spam the chan :)
00:53.25Mr_Rabies2that version check was to see if you were on mac :O
00:55.22*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost__ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
00:57.05Mr_Rabies2i think i'm about to get auctioneer advanced
00:57.15Mr_Rabies2and totally scrap my old auctioneer once i'm happy with it
00:57.20Mr_Rabies2all the savedvariables, everything
00:57.28Mr_Rabies2including informant and everything else
00:59.08FlAWDtime for some DOD:S .. nice chattin' with ya
00:59.38Mr_Rabies2have fun
00:59.44Mr_Rabies2i'm awful at DoD:S
01:00.05FlAWDi was a medal of honor junkie for the longest time
01:00.13FlAWDthis isn't that different
01:00.57Mr_Rabies2i was okay at MoH:AA
01:01.00|Jelly|Shirik: I just went off on a guild member pretty much in ode to you.
01:01.02Mr_Rabies2not so much DoD
01:01.14|Jelly|[G] <Bakstabber>: dps meters show you who knows how to play
01:01.42|Jelly|We're fighting Mag. There isn't a lock anywhere near the top.
01:01.48Shirikdps meters show you who knows how not to play
01:01.51|Jelly|I'm raid healing *SIGH* so I'm above everyone by a lot.
01:01.58Shirikthe way it does that is by determining who says statements like that
01:02.03Shiriki.e., "Bakstabber"
01:02.03|Jelly|They. Don't. Mean. Shit.
01:02.08Kaydeethreethere should never be any locks doing well on the meters for mag
01:02.10Shirikno, they're very useful
01:02.16|Jelly|Exactly, KD3.
01:02.16Shirikthey figure out who makes statements like that
01:02.22Shirikand that tells you who doesn't know how to play :D
01:02.42Mr_Rabies2er, well
01:02.58Mr_Rabies2if you've got a guy decked out more than anyone else and he's below the rogue in blues, you know something's up
01:03.13Shirikafk walgreens for hotdog buns
01:03.18Shirikhey do you think walgreens has hotdog buns?
01:03.23Mr_Rabies2i don't know
01:03.24Shirikmaybe not... wonder if publix is still open
01:03.27Kaydeethree<3 publix
01:03.31Kaydeethreewant one in statesboro
01:03.55|Jelly|I hate how guilds can turn too.
01:04.06|Jelly|We had Mag on farm...
01:04.20|Jelly|Now we merged with another guild...and can't even get the channelers down.
01:04.32Mr_Rabies2but using the meter as a purely objective measure of knowing what you're doing isn't a great ide
01:04.40Mr_Rabies2you have to take gear, etc into account
01:05.12Mr_Rabies2hell even latency
01:05.25Mr_Rabies2over enough time, if someone's pinging bad, their dps will suffer
01:05.28|Jelly|Who are you arguing with?
01:06.03Mr_Rabies2arguing with you for saying they don't mean shit :O
01:06.25|Jelly|Would you like my rebuttal?
01:06.28Mr_Rabies2they do have a use, but it's often used for other reasons that it shouldn't be used for
01:06.38|Jelly|The boss didn't die. The don't mean shit.
01:08.05Mr_Rabies2if they're outgearing people of the same class and still getting left behind it's still useful to point out their dumbassery, despite the status of the boss
01:08.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
01:08.41Mr_Rabies2the more you can purge the dumbasses and get people that know what they're doing, the more likely you are to have fights easier
01:08.57|Jelly|So, by that logic, we should be yelling at all the warlocks?
01:08.58*** join/#wowi-lounge amro|laptop_ (n=chatzill@
01:09.22Mr_Rabies2no, because there's a valid reason they're low
01:10.17Mr_Rabies2using the meters purely to point out dumbassery is dumb, but it helps provide fairly accurate evidence if you know other factors
01:10.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
01:10.39Mr_Rabies2i.e. gear, fight being melee unfriendly, caster unfriendly, etc
01:13.37CidanI hate how guild leaders have this mottor for their guild of standing for honor, then call my girlfriend a PMS'ing 5 letter word on vent in front of peers.
01:13.44CidanOh, and she was an officer.
01:14.14Mr_Rabies2that depends on her status of being a pmsing 5 letter word or not
01:14.53CidanShe wasn't at the time
01:15.01CidanHe was just being a douche.
01:16.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Galka (
01:16.31Mr_Rabies2my guild has a pg/pg13 rating on guild chat :/
01:16.37Mr_Rabies2its driving me nuts
01:17.01Mr_Rabies2i like my kara team
01:17.09Mr_Rabies2but the rest of them are scrubs
01:17.11Kaydeethreeit's all over our guild app page: "Guild chat can get extremely offensive. Do not apply if you can't handle that"
01:17.26Mr_Rabies2i think i may leave on good terms and still go to kara with them
01:20.35ShirikHang on, I'm confused
01:20.40ShirikI just realized my guild is trying to Kill A'dal
01:20.46Shirikwhy are they doing that again?
01:20.57Kaydeethreelink em the uber screenshot
01:21.15ShirikI mean why are we killing someone on our side -_-
01:21.15Mr_Rabies2he only has like 100 hp
01:24.50*** join/#wowi-lounge playtime3 (
01:25.27Mr_Rabies2i just totally dumped all the saved variables and everything for auctioneer and all its other addons
01:25.36Mr_Rabies2that was well needed
01:29.16Shirikwhere's the 300+ tailor trainer for horde? thrallmar?
01:29.54ShirikPLing tailoring, dropped herbalism
01:30.04Shiriknot going well... auction house fails at keeping mageweave in stock
01:30.20Shirikand I had a ton to start out with too
01:30.34|Jelly|Are you on a old server?
01:30.42Shiriksomewhat new I think
01:30.46|Jelly|i fail
01:30.50|Jelly|I can never get that to work. : /
01:31.09Shirikyou need a / at the end :)
01:32.42|Jelly|yeah yeah yeah
01:33.41Shirik|Jelly|: Do you know exactly where the trainer is?
01:33.52|Jelly|In the inn.
01:34.18Shirikand... I just DCed
01:34.44Shirikno, just "your display driver stopped responding and has recovered"
01:34.57Shirikkinda nice that they built in the ability to recover now though
01:35.23Shirik|Jelly|: Thanks
01:35.57Shirikoh yes! I can move up to runecloth!
01:36.42Shirikas the AH has no mageweave left :P
01:36.50|Jelly|Go farm. :P
01:37.13ShirikI'm a priest
01:37.15ShirikI'm a holy priest
01:37.23Shirikwtf am I going to do
01:37.30Shirikno, I don't have lolly nova
01:37.32|Jelly|!c us burning legion jelly
01:37.35ThraeBot|Jelly|: Jelly, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 7841 HP; 10005 Mana; 376 mana regen; 129 mp5; 144 +spell dmg; 1590 +heal; 5.06% dodge;[[ TBR: 894 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep  5 21:49:07 2007 ]]
01:38.51|Jelly|Trust me, I understand. 8P
01:39.40Shirikmana so much better than mine :(
01:40.07|Jelly|Do you raid?
01:40.12Shirikgetting into it
01:40.20|Jelly|You'll get there. 8P
01:41.54Shirikpartially why I picked up the tailoring
01:41.58ShirikI'm so undergeared and I need to make up for it
01:42.20|Jelly|now you just get to farm primals. lol
01:42.35ShirikI'm already doing that
01:42.38Shirikfor alchemist's stone
01:43.25ShirikSomeone bought all the runecloth right before moe
01:43.28Shirikyou have got to be kidding!!
01:43.54Shirikthat is SO not funny
01:43.57|Jelly|go farm :P
01:43.59ShirikI checked 5 minutes ago, there was a ton
01:45.05Shirik*sigh* that's so not cool
01:45.54Shirikand |Jelly| I can't kill a damn thing
01:46.02Shirikyou know how long it takes me to get a primal fire?
01:46.03ShirikIt's not cool
01:46.09|Jelly|!c us burning legion jelly
01:46.10ThraeBot|Jelly|: Jelly, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 7841 HP; 10005 Mana; 376 mana regen; 129 mp5; 144 +spell dmg; 1590 +heal; 5.06% dodge;[[ TBR: 894 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep  5 21:49:07 2007 ]]
01:46.12|Jelly|Yes you can.
01:46.16|Jelly|Trust me. 8P
01:46.22Shirikyou have less +spell damage than me
01:46.29Shirikthat's impressive
01:46.35|Jelly|I'm a raid healer..
01:46.49ShirikI healed raids :(
01:47.05Tem|Work!c us garona temaile
01:47.08ThraeBotTem|Work: Temaile, Level 70 Human Mage (0/7/54). 10753 HP; 8486 Mana; 131 mana regen; 183 spell crit; 29 spell hit; 746 +spell dmg/heal; 5.02% dodge; 272 resilience;[[ TBR: 671 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep  5 21:58:40 2007 ]]
01:47.18Shirik!vs us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
01:47.19ThraeBotShirik: Jelly vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; Kimina wins by 208 TBRs!
01:47.48Shirikthat's probably way off
01:47.55Shirik!char us eredar kimina
01:47.55ThraeBotShirik: kimina is not the character you are looking for!
01:47.57*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
01:48.00Shirik!char us drenden kimina
01:48.01ThraeBotShirik: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 6591 HP; 7905 Mana; 399 mana regen; 113 mp5; 248 +spell dmg; 894 +heal; 5.06% dodge;[[ TBR: 1102 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep  5 21:58:52 2007 ]]
01:48.11Tem|Work!vs us garona temaile us drenden kimina
01:48.11ThraeBotTem|Work: Temaile vs Kimina! A L70 mage and a L70 priest square off!; 0/7/54 vs 23/38/0; Kimina wins by 468 TBRs!
01:48.28clad|book!vs us garone temaile us stormrage sagart
01:48.29ThraeBotclad|book: I failed on the second listed character. You half-fail.
01:48.30Tem|Workwha'ts TBRs?
01:48.40purlrumour has it, tbr is ThraeBot Ratings, an invention of Thrae for his ThraeBot. It works on a weighted logarithmic algorithm partially dependant on build type that, when used to compare two characters, tries to take into account which classes are fighting each other. or "to be released"
01:48.49clad|book~vs us stormrage sagart us garona temaile
01:48.54ShirikI don't understand what it is about Thrae's algorithm, but my rating always seems to be abnormally high
01:48.59Shirikbecause I know I can't win
01:49.04clad|book!vs us stormrage sagart us garona temaile
01:49.04ThraeBotclad|book: Sagart vs Temaile! A L70 priest and a L70 mage square off!; 17/0/44 vs 0/7/54; Sagart wins by 131 TBRs!
01:49.11clad|bookfinally, he let me beat a mage
01:49.26clad|booki think Thrae has it in for the spriests
01:49.31Tem|Workwell, I'd really like to test that theory
01:49.33Shiriknot a spriest :/
01:49.46clad|bookptr imo?
01:49.49ThraeI did a lot of changes to the algo recently.
01:49.52Tem|WorkI can kill my fair share of shadow priests
01:49.59Tem|Workclad|book, aw, that's an awesome idea
01:50.03|Jelly|!vs us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
01:50.04ThraeBot|Jelly|: Jelly vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; Kimina wins by 208 TBRs!
01:50.05clad|booklemme patch up
01:50.13Tem|Workclad|book, |Work
01:50.15|Jelly|I've beat you before!
01:50.20Shirik|Jelly|: No random elements; if I win, I win
01:50.21Shirikget used to it
01:50.38clad|book!vs us stoamrage sagart us drenden kimina
01:50.39ThraeBotclad|book: I failed on the second listed character. You half-fail.
01:50.46Tem|Work!vs us stormrage cladhaire us garona temaile
01:50.47ThraeBotTem|Work: Cladhaire vs Temaile! Temaile has +10 lvls on Cladhaire (60 vs 70); A L60 rogue and a L70 mage square off!; 0/0/0 vs 0/7/54; Temaile wins by 364 TBRs!
01:51.00Kaydeethreethe leet 0/0/0 spec
01:51.24Tem|Work!vs us garona cogwheel us garona temaile
01:51.24ThraeBotTem|Work: Cogwheel vs Temaile! A L70 warrior and a L70 mage square off!; 35/26/0 vs 0/7/54; Cogwheel wins by 223 TBRs!
01:51.25clad|booklol tem.. my rogue is level 60.. and has no spec
01:51.31Tem|Workdouble fail
01:51.31clad|book!vs us stormrage sagart us drenden kimina
01:51.31ThraeBotclad|book: sagart vs kimina! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? sagart's Mom calls him, interrupting the duel -- it's time for kindergarden! Forfeit!
01:51.37Tem|WorkThrae, your algo sucks
01:51.45cogwheelTem|Work: wanna fight? :P
01:51.50Tem|WorkI would _never_ lose to a warrior without a skillherald and a healer
01:52.12Thraepurl, no, tbr is ThraeBot Ratings, an invention of Thrae for his ThraeBot. It works on a PvP-oriented weighted logarithmic algorithm partially dependant on build type that, when used to compare two characters, tries to take into account which classes are fighting each other. or "to be released"
01:52.13purlThrae: okay
01:53.05Thraepurl, no, tbr is ThraeBot Ratings, an invention of Thrae for his ThraeBot. It works on a PvP-oriented weighted logarithmic algorithm partially dependant on build type that and mostly dependant on what stats the Armoury currently has for you, that when used to compare two characters, tries to take into account which classes are fighting each other. or "to be released"
01:53.06purlokay, Thrae
01:53.32Tem|Workmy armory stats are good, mkay
01:53.54Thrae!c us garona temaile
01:53.56ThraeBotThrae: Temaile, Level 70 Human Mage (0/7/54). 10753 HP; 8486 Mana; 131 mana regen; 183 spell crit; 29 spell hit; 746 +spell dmg/heal; 5.02% dodge; 272 resilience;[[ TBR: 671 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep  5 21:58:40 2007 ]]
01:54.17clad|book!c us stormrage sagart
01:54.19ThraeBotclad|book: Sagart, Level 70 Night Elf Priest (17/0/44). 9921 HP; 8700 Mana; 126 mana regen; 19 mp5; 49 spell crit; 62 spell hit; 613 +spell dmg/heal; 179 frost dmg (792); 250 shadow dmg (863); 6.18% dodge; 49 resilience; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 809 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Sep  4 16:11:52 2007 ]]
01:54.32ThraeNote: Don't compare these TBRs with each other, !vs is different
01:55.29clad|book!vs us stormrage draoi us garona temaile
01:55.30ThraeBotclad|book: Draoi vs Temaile! A L70 druid and a L70 mage square off!; 1/41/19 vs 0/7/54; Draoi wins by 426 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
01:55.41ShirikDraoi = overpowered
01:55.51Shirik!vs us stormrage draoi us drenden kimina
01:55.51ThraeBotShirik: Draoi vs Kimina! A L70 druid and a L70 priest square off!; 1/41/19 vs 23/38/0; Kimina wins by 7 TBRs!
01:55.55clad|book!vs us stormrage sealgaire us garona temaile
01:55.56ThraeBotclad|book: Sealgaire vs Temaile! Temaile has +5 lvls on Sealgaire (65 vs 70); A L65 hunter and a L70 mage square off!; 32/12/12 vs 0/7/54; Temaile wins by 424 TBRs!
01:56.01Shirikclad|book: owned.
01:56.09clad|bookyou're holy?
01:56.18|Jelly|!c us burning legion schmeg
01:56.21ThraeBot|Jelly|: Schmeg, Level 70 Troll Priest (22/39/0). 6761 HP; 8640 Mana; 149 mana regen; 22 mp5; 166 spell crit; 51 spell hit; 537 +spell dmg/heal; 5.06% dodge; 28 resilience;[[ TBR: 678 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep  5 22:07:53 2007 ]]
01:56.22clad|bookno way in hell a holy priest can ever lose to a feral druid
01:56.29Shirikclad|book: Like I said
01:56.33Shirikno way in hell anyone loses to me
01:56.38ShirikExcept maybe |Jelly|
01:56.46clad|bookThrae: I think you need to adjust for holy priests and paladins
01:56.53clad|bookthe only time they win is when holy is fighting holy :P
01:57.10Shirikwell I dunno
01:57.14|Jelly|I win, Shirik! EVERY TIME!
01:57.17Shirikfighting a holy pally can be pretty hard
01:57.22Shirikyou die of exhaustion
01:57.25clad|booknot as a priest :P
01:57.29clad|bookspriest rather
01:57.42Thraeclad|book: Holy Priests shouldn't win unless they have lots of +dmg, and even then, depends on who they're fighting
01:57.57ShirikThrae: I'm winning... a lot... with barely 200 +damage
01:57.58clad|bookShirik wins all the time
01:58.03clad|booki.e. issue
01:58.21clad|book!vs us stormrage dewin us stormrage sagart
01:58.22ThraeBotclad|book: Dewin vs Sagart! A L70 mage and a L70 priest square off!; Dewin wins by 354 TBRs!
01:58.32clad|bookand that my friend, is TOTALLY incorrect :P
01:58.39Shirik!c us drenden kimina
01:58.40clad|book!us stormrage dewin
01:58.41ThraeBotShirik: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (23/38/0). 6591 HP; 7905 Mana; 399 mana regen; 113 mp5; 248 +spell dmg; 894 +heal; 5.06% dodge;[[ TBR: 1102 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep  5 21:58:52 2007 ]]
01:58.51Shirikwow, I didn't know it was that high
01:58.51Shirikbut still
01:59.07clad|book!c us garona temaile
01:59.07ThraeBotclad|book: Temaile, Level 70 Human Mage (0/7/54). 10753 HP; 8486 Mana; 131 mana regen; 183 spell crit; 29 spell hit; 746 +spell dmg/heal; 5.02% dodge; 272 resilience;[[ TBR: 671 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep  5 21:58:40 2007 ]]
01:59.07|Jelly|!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
01:59.07ThraeBot|Jelly|: Kimina vs Jelly! Two 70 priests square off!; Kimina wins by 208 TBRs!
01:59.09clad|book!c us stormrage dewin
01:59.10ThraeBotclad|book: Dewin, Level 70 Human Mage (17/0/44). 5913 HP; 8891 Mana; 176 mana regen; 125 spell crit; 43 spell hit; 452 +spell dmg/heal; 121 frost dmg (573); 50 shadow dmg (502); 4.94% dodge;[[ TBR: 1134 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep  5 22:09:56 2007 ]]
01:59.11Shirik|Jelly|: Just give up :D
01:59.19clad|bookHow do I lose to Dewin, but beat Tem..
01:59.33Shirikalmost like it's backwards...
02:00.01|Jelly|!vs us drenden kimina us windrunner sueture
02:00.02ThraeBot|Jelly|: Kimina vs Sueture! Two 70 priests square off!; 23/38/0 vs 11/50/0; Kimina wins by 337 TBRs!
02:00.09Shirikwoot, 337
02:00.12clad|bookThrae: Also, the error messages are wrong.. if i typo the first character, it says the second was misspelled.
02:00.15|Jelly|At least you beat my gimp priest by more than you beat Jelly by.
02:00.17Shirikthe second 75% of 1337
02:00.27Shirikdamn it
02:00.41clad|book!vs us garona temaile us stormrage dewin
02:00.41ThraeBotclad|book: Temaile vs Dewin! Two 70 mages square off!; 0/7/54 vs 17/0/44; Dewin wins by 485 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
02:00.46clad|bookyeah.. that's backwards
02:00.55Shirikfinish him!
02:01.05clad|bookthe bot needs to take resilience into account
02:01.10LunessaMORTAL KOMBAT
02:01.29|Jelly|!vs us burning legion klot us burning legion jelly
02:01.29ThraeBot|Jelly|: klot vs jelly! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? klot's Mom calls him, interrupting the duel -- it's time for kindergarden! Forfeit!
02:01.42|Jelly|That would be Jelly's mom too.
02:02.33Mr_Rabies2i went to IF for the first time in months
02:02.37Mr_Rabies2and got some gold spam in say
02:02.52WobworkSpamSentry blocks that =)
02:03.48Mr_Rabies2i've no reason
02:03.51Mr_Rabies2i'm almost never in IF
02:04.00Mr_Rabies2i just stopped by to test out auctioneer advanced
02:04.11Mr_Rabies2it's got a couple of bugs, but alas, it's much much nicer than auc 1-4
02:05.09Shirikthey were triyng to kill alar, not a'dal
02:05.13Shiriksomeone in heal channel is just a moron
02:05.24Shirikhey, he's the one who screwed up, not me
02:05.39Mr_Rabies2firebird != windchime
02:05.56|Jelly|I like the Al'ar fight.
02:06.01ThraeTem: Rate these stats from most important to least for Mage PvP -- HP, Mana, MP5, Resilience, Spell Crit, Spell Hit, Spell Damage
02:06.03|Jelly|Too bad we never got past 23% :\
02:06.23Shirikthey just wiped at 2% :(
02:06.47clad|bookThrae: it depends on who they're fighting
02:06.47ShirikThrae: btw, for priests, resilience is very high up
02:06.52ShirikI don't know how you factored it in
02:07.04ThraeShirik: It's already one of the highest for Priests
02:07.13Shirikcause I have.... zero.
02:07.16Shirikeven in arena gear :(
02:07.22Shirikwell... the gear I use for arena
02:07.23clad|bookyeah we need to figure out how shirik wins
02:07.39ShirikI mean what I really don't get
02:07.43Shirikis I'm beating |Jelly|
02:07.47Shirikand she beats me in just about every stat
02:07.52Shirikthe only one she doesn't beat me in is MP5
02:07.53Thraeclad|book: Right now I only have Mage vs Caster weights, not Mage vs Melee
02:08.10Thrae!mload armorystats
02:08.10ThraeBotLoaded [armorystats]
02:08.14clad|bookstat wise i shouldbe a holy priest's worst nightmare
02:08.18ThraeNow Holy Priests should lose
02:08.37|Jelly|brb...gotta wipe on mag cause people are dumb real quick
02:08.45Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
02:08.47ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Jelly! Two 70 priests square off!; Kimina wins by 262 TBRs!
02:08.52ShirikI still beat |Jelly|
02:09.01clad|book!vs us drenden kimina us stormrage sagart
02:09.01ThraeThat's because he sucks
02:09.02ThraeBotclad|book: Kimina vs Sagart! Two 70 priests square off!; 23/38/0 vs 17/0/44; Kimina wins by 87 TBRs!
02:09.07clad|bookdot dot dot
02:09.11Shirikwhat about draoi?
02:09.20clad|book!vs us drenden kimina us stormrage draoi
02:09.21ThraeBotclad|book: Kimina vs Draoi! A L70 priest and a L70 druid square off!; 23/38/0 vs 1/41/19; Draoi wins by 99 TBRs!
02:09.30Shirikyeah I was only winning by 7 before
02:09.31clad|bookthank god for that one, i'd cry otherwise :P
02:09.35Mr_Rabies2how are tbrs calculated
02:09.48Shirik"A weighted logarithmic algorithm"
02:09.54*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
02:09.55*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower] by ChanServ
02:09.57ThraeMr_Rabies2: A very impressive weight that no one gives me input on
02:10.05ShirikThrae: We're trying :(
02:10.20Mr_Rabies2i've easily beaten people with almost 1000 more TBRs than i
02:10.37|Jelly|and back
02:10.39ThraeTBRs shouldn't go into the 1000s anymore, that's the old, old algo
02:10.52ThraeUnless you're fighting like a Level 20
02:11.36|Jelly|!vs us burning legion jelly us burning legion mfc
02:11.37ThraeBot|Jelly|: Jelly vs Mfc! Jelly has +52 lvls on Mfc (70 vs 18); A L70 priest and a L18 warrior square off!; 23/38/0 vs 0/0/9; Jelly wins by 668 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
02:11.43|Jelly|k good
02:11.46Thrae!co us drenden kimina us stormrage sagart
02:11.47ThraeBotThrae: Kimina vs Sagart! Two 70 priests compare their stat differences; 23/38/0 vs 17/0/44; Sagart ++4350 HP; Sagart ++1.12% dodge; Sagart ++49 resilience; Sagart ++10 nature resist; Kimina ++894 +healing; Kimina ++248 +spelldmg; Sagart ++179 frost dmg; Sagart ++250 shadow dmg; Sagart ++49 spell crit; Sagart ++795 Mana; Kimina ++273 mana regen; Sagart ++62 spell hit; Sagart ++613 +spelldmg/heal; S
02:11.47ThraeBotagart ++557 Armour; Kimina ++94 mp5; Sagart has 2% more stats then Kimina.
02:11.49Mr_Rabies2!vs us drenden kimina us llane raybeez
02:11.50ThraeBotMr_Rabies2: Kimina vs Raybeez! A L70 priest and a L70 druid square off!; 23/38/0 vs 1/46/14; Raybeez wins by 287 TBRs!
02:12.13Mr_Rabies2!vs us stormrage draoi us llane raybeez
02:12.14ThraeBotMr_Rabies2: Draoi vs Raybeez! Two 70 druids square off!; 1/41/19 vs 1/46/14; Raybeez wins by 353 TBRs!
02:12.31Mr_Rabies2!vs us cho'gall Corgan  us llane raybeez
02:12.37Mr_Rabies2!vs us cho'gall Corgan us llane raybeez
02:12.38ThraeBotMr_Rabies2: Corgan vs Raybeez! Two 70 druids square off!; 44/0/17 vs 1/46/14; Corgan wins by 374 TBRs!
02:12.38Thrae!mload armorystats
02:12.38ThraeBotLoaded [armorystats]
02:12.47Thrae!vs us drenden kimina us stormrage sagart
02:12.47ThraeBotThrae: kimina vs sagart! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? Someone trains Kazzak on the duel, killing sagart instantly.
02:12.55ThraeDamn you Kazzak trainer
02:12.57Thrae!vs us drenden kimina us stormrage sagart
02:12.57ThraeBotThrae: kimina vs sagart! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? kimina is really a keyboard turner, and his opponent simply walks off after it takes kimina 5 minutes to face the right direction. Forfeit!
02:13.08Thrae!vs us drenden kimina us stormrage sagart
02:13.10ThraeBotThrae: Kimina vs Sagart! Two 70 priests square off!; 23/38/0 vs 17/0/44; Kimina wins by 111 TBRs!
02:13.17Shiriksadly, I /am/ a keyboard turner >.>
02:13.21Shirikin most cases
02:13.23Mr_Rabies2!vs us cho'gall jamsheed us llane raybeez
02:13.23ThraeOh good, Kimina wins by less now
02:13.24ThraeBotMr_Rabies2: Jamsheed vs Raybeez! Two 70 druids square off!; 0/49/12 vs 1/46/14; Raybeez wins by 487 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
02:13.27Lunessa<-- Ditto
02:13.31clad|booki'm a mouse turner
02:13.59LunessaI can't grip the trackball, hold down the key, and still have any sensation in my hands later.
02:14.13Thraeclad|book: Do spriets benefit from MP5?
02:14.17ShirikThrae: question is
02:14.20ThraeSince you have like no MP5
02:14.21clad|bookin pvp, mp5 means nothing
02:14.24Shirikdid you do it without breaking shadow priests?
02:14.31ShirikYeah MP5 means nothing except for really long fights
02:14.31clad|bookunless you're talking holy paladin versus resto druid
02:14.42Shirikwhich usually only occurs with very good teams
02:14.46Shirikand almost never 1v1
02:14.58Shirikholy pally vs resto druid
02:15.03clad|booktakes SOO long
02:15.20ShirikI saw it once
02:15.27Shiriksome horde came along and ended the fight by killing the pally
02:15.32|Jelly|!vs us burning legion jelly us burning legion kelira
02:15.34ThraeBot|Jelly|: Jelly vs Kelira! A L70 priest and a L70 paladin square off!; 23/38/0 vs 5/42/14; Kelira wins by 413 TBRs!
02:15.36Shirikthat's how long it took
02:15.40Shirikthey were fighting for a good 10 minutes
02:15.41|Jelly|that bitch
02:15.50Mr_Rabies2!vs us burning legion jelly us llane raybeez
02:15.50ThraeBotMr_Rabies2: jelly vs raybeez! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? jelly and raybeez cannot hold their feelings for each other any longer, and start getting frisky. I suppose make love, not war?
02:15.53clad|bookyou heard about the like 10 hour pvp match?
02:15.55|Jelly|Oh wow. She went prot.
02:15.55clad|book3v3, only the healers were left
02:15.57clad|bookthey stuck it out for 10 hours
02:15.59clad|bookand neither could kill each other
02:16.01Shirikthat's awesome
02:16.01clad|bookthe shaman finally submitted due to durability, and sleep.
02:16.04Mr_Rabies2!vs us burning legion jelly us llane raybeez
02:16.04ThraeBotMr_Rabies2: Jelly vs Raybeez! A L70 priest and a L70 druid square off!; 23/38/0 vs 1/46/14; Raybeez wins by 458 TBRs!
02:16.17|Jelly|I hope you all die.
02:16.21Shirikjust for good measure
02:16.29Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
02:16.29ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Jelly! Two 70 priests square off!; Kimina wins by 281 TBRs!
02:16.31Thrae!mload armorystats
02:16.32ThraeBotLoaded [armorystats]
02:16.33clad|book!vs us burning legion jelly us stormrage sagart
02:16.35Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
02:16.35ThraeBotclad|book: Jelly vs Sagart! Two 70 priests square off!; 23/38/0 vs 17/0/44; Sagart wins by 241 TBRs!
02:16.35Thrae!vs us drenden kimina us stormrage sagart
02:16.36ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Jelly! Two 70 priests square off!; Kimina wins by 227 TBRs!
02:16.36ThraeBotThrae: Kimina vs Sagart! Two 70 priests square off!; 23/38/0 vs 17/0/44; Sagart wins by 14 TBRs!
02:16.38|Jelly|Hey Shirik, shouldn't you be aceing Conspiracy?!?!
02:16.47Shirik!vs us eredar shirik us burning legion jelly
02:16.47Thraeclad|book: There you go -- you win by 14
02:16.47ThraeBotShirik: shirik vs jelly! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? shirik wins by 8658278 TBRs! Wow, that's GOTTA hurt.
02:17.00Shirik!vs us eredar shirik us burning legion jelly
02:17.00ThraeBotSorry Shirik, you must wait 2 seconds before making another request.
02:17.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
02:17.06Shirikscrew you!
02:17.07Shirik!vs us eredar shirik us burning legion jelly
02:17.08ThraeBotShirik: Shirik vs Jelly! A L70 hunter and a L70 priest square off!; 3/50/8 vs 23/38/0; Shirik wins by 825 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
02:17.17clad|book!vs us stormrage sagar us stormrage draoi
02:17.19ThraeBotclad|book: I failed on the first listed character. You fail.
02:17.22clad|book!vs us stormrage sagart us stormrage drao
02:17.23ThraeBotclad|book: I failed on the second listed character. You half-fail.
02:17.25clad|book!vs us stormrage sagart us stormrage draoi
02:17.25ThraeBotSorry clad|book, you must wait 12 seconds before making another request.
02:17.26|Jelly|<-- sad face
02:17.37clad|book!vs us stormrage sagart us stormrage draoi
02:17.38ThraeBotclad|book: Sagart vs Draoi! A L70 priest and a L70 druid square off!; 17/0/44 vs 1/41/19; Draoi wins by 95 TBRs!
02:17.42Thrae!mload armorystats
02:17.42ThraeBotLoaded [armorystats]
02:17.54ThraeWhat's Draoi's spec again
02:18.02ThraeOh, Feral
02:18.12ThraeI forgot that I can see that in the !vs
02:18.22ThraeWell --I-- can beat Shadow Priests as my Feral Druid
02:18.22|Jelly|!vs us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
02:18.24ThraeBot|Jelly|: Jelly vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; Kimina wins by 227 TBRs!
02:18.30|Jelly|I'll win one day!
02:18.32|Jelly|ONE DAY!
02:18.36clad|booki can beat feral druids too
02:18.39*** join/#wowi-lounge HowAreYou (
02:18.47|Jelly|I could beat Kimina!
02:19.17Thrae!c us stormrage draoi
02:19.20ThraeBotThrae: Draoi, Level 70 Tauren Druid (1/41/19). 7302 HP; 4220 Mana; 100 mana regen; 15 mp5; 858 AP; 129.3 Melee DPS; 13.83% melee crit; 107 melee hit; 83 +heal; 19.21% dodge; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 982 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep  5 22:30:52 2007 ]]
02:19.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwor1 (
02:19.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
02:19.51*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
02:20.25ThraeGod he sucks, why he is winning
02:20.38clad|bookhe's horrible :P
02:21.50|Jelly|!vs us burning legion lizzi us burning legion judela
02:21.52ThraeBot|Jelly|: Lizzi vs Judela! Judela has +1 lvls on Lizzi (39 vs 40); A L39 warlock and a L40 rogue square off!; 0/30/0 vs 0/31/0; Judela wins by 59 TBRs!
02:22.40Thrae!mload armorystats
02:22.40ThraeBotLoaded [armorystats]
02:22.58Thrae!vs us stormrage sagart us stormrage draoi
02:23.00ThraeBotThrae: Sagart vs Draoi! A L70 priest and a L70 druid square off!; 17/0/44 vs 1/41/19; Sagart wins by 35 TBRs!
02:23.56Tuller!vs us lothar tuller us lothar esthere
02:23.59ThraeBotTuller: Tuller vs Esthere! A L70 druid and a L70 rogue square off!; 33/0/28 vs 44/0/17; Esthere wins by 171 TBRs!
02:24.18ThraeHeh, OOMKIN
02:24.31Tullerfalse, hybrid healer :P
02:24.36ThraeWait, that's not even a OOMKIN
02:24.43ThraeSo yeah, you should lose
02:24.49*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
02:24.55*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
02:24.56Tuller!vs us lothar tire us lothar esthere
02:24.57ThraeBotTuller: Tire vs Esthere! A L70 hunter and a L70 rogue square off!; 10/46/5 vs 44/0/17; Esthere wins by 519 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
02:24.57*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
02:25.19Thrae!c us lothar esthere
02:25.21ThraeBotThrae: Esthere, Level 70 Night Elf Rogue (44/0/17). 8114 HP; +10 Energy; 1498 AP; 300.6 Melee DPS; 24.08% melee crit; 208 melee hit; 22.67% dodge; 23 resilience; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1652 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep  5 22:35:32 2007 ]]
02:25.37Thrae!c us lothar tire
02:25.39ThraeBotThrae: Tire, Level 70 Dwarf Hunter (10/46/5). 7238 HP; 6133 Mana; 101 mana regen; 22 mp5; 4536 Armour; 1145 AP; 178.6 Melee DPS; 13.32% melee crit; 54 melee hit; 1468 RAP; 241.3 Ranged DPS; 18.6% ranged crit; 54 ranged hit; 10.83% dodge; 10 frost resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1133 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep  5 22:36:30 2007 ]]
02:25.57Tulleresthere's somewhat raid geared, tire's just getting around to dungeon 3
02:26.19Tullerkara geared that is
02:26.29Guillotine!c us Draenor Guillotine
02:26.32ThraeBotGuillotine: Guillotine, Level 70 Night Elf Druid (0/46/15). 12224 HP; 5345 Mana; 119 mana regen; 6 mp5; 18584 Armour; 1962 AP; 217.5 Melee DPS; 31.5% melee crit; 101 melee hit; 33 +heal; 42 defense; 28.77% dodge; 26 resilience; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1802 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Sep  5 22:38:04 2007 ]]
02:26.50Guillotineeh, in cat gear
02:27.03ThraeGuillotine: Yes, it detects if you're in cat or bear form ;)
02:27.46GuillotineI can't find a working c compiler for vista :(
02:28.24cogwheelGuillotine: visual studio express
02:28.27*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (
02:28.56Guillotinecogwheel: its installing right now :) probably my last try
02:28.57cogwheelor even the 2008 beta
02:29.31Guillotinethe said thing is I have full visual studio, but its at my old house and won't be back there to pick it up for 2 weeks. I may just wait
02:29.45Tuller!c us lothar barboso vs us lothar esthere
02:29.45ThraeBotTuller: esthere is not the character you are looking for!
02:30.07ShirikGuillotine: 2008 VS beta is nice
02:30.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
02:30.15Shirikand even handles UAC manifesting for you
02:30.25Tullerbah, I wanted to test my friend who's at equal gear to me :P
02:30.39Guillotinebleh, do I have to make a whole project to compile c code in VSE? or can I just compile the one file
02:30.53Shirikhow do you compile one file?
02:30.55Shirikmake an object file?
02:31.03JoshBorkeholy shit
02:31.08JoshBorke1299$ wireless AP
02:31.15Guillotinec, not c++
02:31.17JoshBorkeShirik: luac?
02:31.23Shirik~lart JoshBorke
02:31.23purlforces JoshBorke to use Outlook Express
02:31.35Guillotinejosh: we're talking about c I think :P
02:31.35JoshBorkeit's a cisco 802.11n compliant AP
02:31.36ShirikGuillotine: Never really figured out how to compile C manually, never tried
02:31.42ShirikI didn't think it would be different from C++
02:31.44JoshBorkecc file.c
02:32.06Guillotinejoshborke: what program do you have that gives the cc command?
02:32.20ThraeGuillotine: <-- Visual Studio Express
02:32.34GuillotineThrae: I know, I have it
02:32.40Guillotinejust intsalled it :)
02:32.42JoshBorkeGuillotine: you have to install a c compiler
02:32.51ThraeThe C++ compiler can compile C just fine
02:32.54GuillotineJoshborke: I know, I have two :P neither gives gcc
02:33.05Guillotineneither gives cc*
02:33.07JoshBorkethat doesn't mean they can't compile it
02:33.11Guillotineone gives gcc, the other doesn't seem to give any
02:33.12GuillotineI know
02:33.20GuillotineI was referring to the specific command you gave
02:33.21ThraeJoshBorke: GNU gcc hasn't been properly ported to Vista yet, even through Cygwin / Mingw
02:33.43JoshBorkemine was for linux :-D
02:34.06JoshBorkedid you try LCC-Win32?
02:34.38ShirikThrae: That wasn't my question
02:34.55ShirikI meant does it involve the same "compile, link, [manifest]" operation that C++ does
02:35.00JoshBorkei have no idea what the order of this conversation is going btw
02:35.17JoshBorkeShirik: C (from what i recall) is compile, link, and <something> else
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02:35.52JoshBorkeyea, pretty much compile and link
02:37.13Tuller ... I'm thinking bags in a single row inside the frame where the first row of items normally are, with a toggle somewhereish
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02:37.46JoshBorkewhat are the buttons on the side?
02:37.53Tulleritem type filters
02:38.05JoshBorkei agree with the bag statement
02:38.10JoshBorkewhat are the round buttons at the bottom?
02:38.24Tullerquality filters
02:38.40JoshBorkethat's what i thought they were :-D
02:39.03Tullerorange is arguably not necessary :P
02:39.26JoshBorkethey could look for their atiesh
02:39.42JoshBorkeor azinoth blades
02:39.50JoshBorkeat least you don't have any red
02:40.50Tullerin the even those happen, I'll just make the orange filter do orange or greater
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02:47.48LunessaAt long last, after having been here since 12:30pm local time, I'm all caught up.
02:48.59JoshBorkewriting coherent emails when you're tired is apparently a very difficult thing to do
02:49.13JoshBorkes/tired/tired and hungry/
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02:53.36LunessaJoshBorke: Hell, I can't even write them when I'm Sober, rested and well-fed.
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02:55.22JoshBorkewb ckk
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03:16.41TS|Skrom_ping deltron
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03:18.51JoshBorkenn all
03:19.40JoshBorkeShirik: <3
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03:23.52Guillotineart3mis: ping
03:23.54GuillotineI hate you
03:23.58Guillotineand your new addon
03:24.48Guillotine~lart art3mis
03:24.48purlpours gasoline all over art3mis, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze
03:25.49Kaydeethreemmm. marshmallows.
03:27.54Saint-Nlaugh whys that guill?
03:28.25Saint-Naside from the obvious ;)
03:30.59Guillotinehe spent the time to make -_-
03:32.07CairennSaint-N == art3mis
03:33.02Saint-Nthis is work
03:33.06Saint-Nart3mis is home ;P
03:33.22Saint-Nand you think its an abomination now, wait til i update it tomorrow morning ;P
03:34.06Thunder_Childwtb 1 freakin name
03:34.21Saint-Nsomehow it seems so wrong for a aperson named Dreadlorde to comment on the hello kitty ui with "awesome!
03:34.38TS|Skrom_1$ do I hear 1$?
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03:34.41Saint-Nive used this longer than you've known about irc ;P
03:34.47Saint-Nso nah
03:35.18Thunder_Childthat doesnt negate having one name
03:35.40CairennSaint-N: only concern I have about the mod (besides the fact that it's Hello Kitty to begin with) is possible copyright violations, using the graphics and name
03:35.59Saint-Nnods if they get pissy itll go bye bye
03:36.52*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
03:37.26Cairennjust so long as you've already thought about it
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03:37.47Cairennif they contact us, we'll have to pull it, don't want you throwing a hissy at me about it
03:38.13TS|Skrom_what if he throws a hersy?
03:38.27Cairennmeh. that'd be okay
03:38.49TS|Skrom_don't worry, god punished me for being a smartass
03:38.58TS|Skrom_I just died running through tanaris because I had windowed over to type that
03:39.01Saint-Nbetter a smartass than a dumbass ;P
03:39.28Saint-Nif they ask you to pull it feel free, but i wanna see the email for posterity ;P
03:40.07Saint-Nappearantly a gradient IS a texture
03:40.16Saint-Nand skinnging means to "change the colour of something"
03:40.27Saint-Nstupid wowace losers
03:41.09Saint-Nbitching about the addon skinner
03:41.29Saint-Nand its inability to do anything other than gradient and colour, it doesnt allow for textures or anything
03:41.43Mr_Rabies2someone just had a mazzlegasm in shattrath
03:42.10Saint-Nwhy if *I* could make an installer i'd totally make it chant hello kitty stuff ;P
03:42.16clad|bookquick someone make a "i was playing the game with my dad, and i downloaded this UI thats REALLY KEWL"
03:42.27clad|book"But my dad heard me have a mazzlegasm, and then i had to talk wit him about sex"
03:42.46clad|book"and he told me how when he was a kid, he messed around with boys too, but i didn't want to know that my dad ever did gay stuff thats really gross"
03:43.11clad|book"i dont know whether to tell my mom, and i'm really uncomfortable playing the game with dad now.. stoopid UIs"
03:43.27Saint-Nand ironicly funny if you pretend that its actually clad saying it ;P
03:43.34clad|booki hate gay people
03:43.45*** kick/#wowi-lounge [clad|book!n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by clad|book (fag)
03:43.48Saint-Nand so does your boyfriend?
03:43.50*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|book (n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
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03:44.02Saint-N"im not gay but my boyfriend is"
03:44.03Cairennyou laugh - we had someone email us that she was cancelling her sons' accounts because of the mazzlegasm and how she had to explain sex to her [teenage] boys and stuff
03:44.15clad|bookyou should have posted it somewhere
03:44.18clad|booki wanna see :P
03:44.24Mr_Rabies2teenage boys
03:44.31Saint-Nthats almost as epic as the succubus
03:44.32Mr_Rabies2chances are they knew more about it than her
03:44.34Cairennoh, that was ages ago, I don't think I have it any more, lemme see
03:45.01cogwheelfuck 'em, imo
03:45.19Saint-Nclad|book: go make me a proper skinner
03:45.28clad|bookthat was easy
03:45.29Saint-Nclad|book: something that i can use textures in and stuff
03:45.31clad|bookwhat next?
03:45.55Saint-Ni suppose i could use some waffles
03:46.13cogwheelSaint-N: if you're going to spend the time getting the art made, you don't need an addon
03:46.28Mr_Rabies2i've got nothing against mazzle but having an addon yell something i didn't tell it to is grounds for uninstallation
03:46.38Saint-Nyeah but whos gonna make me all the art cog ;)
03:46.40Mr_Rabies2and possibly complaining on their userpage :O
03:47.22Saint-Nhehe lets get it classified as an exploit because it yells without a keypress ;P
03:48.35Saint-Ncogwheel: so right now i just made it shades of pink with skinner... i dont know enough about the layouts(even from kings stuff) and i suck REALLY bad at art on my own
03:48.43Cairenncan't find the email any more
03:49.02Saint-Nso skinning it in any way other than an addon someone made is really my only option
03:49.30cogwheelbut you'll still need textures...
03:49.34cogwheelone way or another
03:49.46Saint-Nive got the texture i want already
03:49.51Saint-Njust need it tiled imo :P
03:50.39Mr_Rabies2i heard wasn't too bad's pretty cool, actually
03:51.09cogwheelthe UI's a bit sluggish since it's VM'ed, but it's better than Java and the interface is MUCH better than the gimp
03:51.13Saint-Ni might have to follow that w3 guide for changing textures and stuff
03:51.27Saint-Nmuch better interface than gimp you say?
03:51.52Saint-Na couple of pieces of cardboard taped to the side of your monitor would improve the gimperface
03:51.59Cairennoh yes really fits somewhere in between ms paint and photoshop
03:52.48IrielCairenn: As with almost anything, gimp makes more sense with practice as you figure out its idioms.. Photoshop users hate it initially because it's different.
03:52.51cogwheel(more towards photoshop)
03:53.22cogwheelbrb... download's done so i can finally reboot for VS08 install
03:53.41Saint-Ngimps pretty powerful considering its size though
03:53.45Saint-Nill give it that
03:53.48bleeterthere's a fork of gimp that implements the photoshop UI, for those who don't have the required .. to handle transition
03:53.53CairennI have always been able to switch back and forth between PhotoShop and PaintShopPro with np, but found gimp massively confusing
03:54.05Saint-Nit was made by unix geeks
03:54.09Saint-Nthat explains it all
03:54.59Saint-Nmeh welp im done with work now, hope this stupid thing holds together over night ;P
03:56.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
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04:02.02GuillotineI find gimp easy and PhotoShop confusing. but thats probably  b/c I used GIMP first
04:02.25ThraeThe gimps are easy because they can't run.
04:02.36bleeterI used AmigaPaint first, GIMP and Photoshop's UI are both crap ;)
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04:04.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
04:11.49clad|bookart3mis: Any word on the iPaq?
04:12.48*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liq] (n=denras19@
04:16.13bleeterclad|book: think you could've found a longer URL for that?
04:16.23clad|bookpoo poo face
04:16.32clad|book better?
04:16.32ShirikUC got raided
04:16.38Shirikthey.... got slightly annihilated
04:16.51clad|bookraided how?
04:16.52clad|bookUC what?
04:16.59Shirikas in 40 lv 70 alliance
04:17.05clad|bookoh, undercity
04:17.12clad|bookI'm like what happened to the schools in california
04:17.16clad|bookhow did they get "raided"
04:17.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
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04:20.04Shirikoh shit
04:20.13Shirikin response, there are now 3 full 40 man 70 horde raids
04:20.19Shirikand we're all headed to SW
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04:20.53Tierriewoah i just got this awesome PVR for my computer
04:20.58Tierrienow i can watch tv timeshifted!
04:21.13Tierrieits so awesome i could be happy
04:23.04RallionUC is a tough city to attack
04:23.23Shirikhence the "slightly annihilated" part
04:24.17RallionI went there as part of a group of 80, it was...unpleasant
04:24.20clad|sleepand WHY ON EARTH they left it in our hotel room?
04:24.48Rallionis that a dead cat made out of a towel?
04:24.51bleeterclad|sleep: gotta say, I love Amazon's return when I search for all books you've been involved with ;)
04:24.56bleetertho I think I've mentioned that before
04:25.15clad|sleephehe didn't you know i'm a fanatical christian philosopher?
04:25.27Irielclad: That's the wierdest towel wrapping job i've ever seen.. what's it supposed to be? A small child? a turkey?
04:25.28clad|sleep800 entries in my rss reader
04:25.52clad|sleepanyone wanna read em for me?
04:25.54clad|sleepIriel: a trussed up bird is the BEST we've come up with
04:25.56Shirikdamn, I forgot what it's like to have 70 people here
04:26.08clad|sleepi didn't want to touch it, i kicked it across the room when we went to sleep, iirc
04:26.19Shirikmy UI isn't configured for 40 ><
04:26.30Ralliona 'christian radio host' used to come in and talk to me when I used to work at a Borders Cafe...WORST part of the whole job, right there
04:29.10Rallionhe came in one day with aerial photos of the pentagon, and while he was showing them to me, he was practically shouting something along the lines of "Do you see it? Do you see the six rings? That's it! That
04:29.27Rallion...That's what was prophesized!"
04:29.33Cairennclad|sleep: it's a skinned rabbit
04:29.45clad|sleepa skinned rabbit.. interesting :P
04:30.41Cairennactually, I suppose that one isn't supposed to be a skinned version, but that's what it is alright, a rabbit
04:31.05Cairenn|afknight guys
04:31.10clad|sleepnight Cairenn|afk
04:31.36bleetergnight Cairenn|afk rest well
04:31.51sioraiochtonly a canadian would think that's a rabbit, Cairenn|afk
04:31.58sioraiochtwhat next, it's a MOOSE?
04:33.01clad|sleepnight all
04:33.02Esamynnnight Cairenn|afk
04:33.10Esamynnnight clad|sleep
04:35.22Thunder_Childwhy why why?
04:35.52clad|sleepwhy not?
04:35.54clad|sleepboobies scare you, or just those?
04:36.12clad|sleepther'es some horribly incriminating pictures of clad on this website, lol
04:36.12Thunder_Childmore along the lines of..why are you taking pic of em?
04:36.15clad|sleepi was afraid to click
04:36.20clad|sleepThunder_Child: why not?
04:36.34Thunder_Childseems like a waste
04:36.40clad|sleepi like boobies as much as the next guy
04:36.50Thunder_Childare you sure?
04:36.56clad|sleepyes, actually
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04:37.22clad|sleephave you ever asked me about my sexuality, or just assumed that because I've been with my boyfriend for three years that I'm a flaming torch who thinks boobies are gross?
04:37.30clad|sleep(said in a sarcastically, non-offended tone)
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04:38.53Thunder_Childsure why not...i t prolly has nothing to do with the fact that, yea, you like boobies more than me...but your statement is still wrong because you dont know how much the next guy like them
04:40.01clad|sleepI like lots of things, and I'm relatively confident that I have an appropriate level of zeal
04:40.09clad|sleepregardless its hardly wasteful
04:40.12clad|sleepwhen you get to look at them too
04:41.09Thunder_Childnot out of interest tbh
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05:14.25art3misclad you still around?
05:14.52art3misor anyone for that matter
05:14.57Irieli'm not
05:15.04art3misif i were to follow kings example of "theme"ing wow
05:15.26art3miswould the files need to reside in the data/interface/stuff folder for it to recognize the theme correctly?
05:15.33art3misor has that structure changed
05:16.21IrielHm, Legorol had mapped out where files could be placed to make that happen, I /think/ you can override stuff in Interface but I havent had the need to test it
05:17.57art3misthe override isnt the problem
05:18.02art3misthat much i KNOW can happen
05:18.10art3miswowemu taught me that ;P
05:18.32art3misthe part im curious about is is it data/interface or just interface in relation to wow.exe ?
05:20.42IrielThat's the part I was referring to.. i /think/ you can place files in Interface, but i'm not sure
05:21.18art3misahh okay i misread
05:21.29art3misi guess trial and error will tell me too ;P
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05:51.00Mr_Rabies2The Nethermine Ravager is tamable now
05:51.02Mr_Rabies2on 2.2
05:51.10Mr_Rabies2sounds like i have a reason to get my hunter to 70
05:58.40art3miswhat file is interface stored in?
06:00.54art3misnm found it
06:24.46Corrodiascurator, once again, dropped the damn hunter/mage/warlock gloves. he also drops a garona's ring, but the hunter alt of one of our mages won it.
06:24.51Corrodiasi'm going to be running karazhan forever
06:25.10art3mishave you thought of killing your guild?
06:25.41art3misits obviously thier fault ;)
06:25.48Corrodiasof course!
06:26.09art3mismeh im not looking forward to this task
06:26.15art3miswell i partially am
06:26.22art3misbut not as much as you're think
06:26.55Mr_Rabies2my whole kara run has t4
06:27.10Mr_Rabies2everyone was like "man i need my second set"
06:27.31Mr_Rabies2i had to beat them away so i could get mah gloves
06:32.46Corrodiasthe prince bugged for my group today and we couldn't fix him
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06:54.16art3misanyone awake thats fgamiliar with gimp?
06:55.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
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07:33.42art3misit does just need to be in the interface folder
07:33.56art3misim gonna skin the entire interface!!!
07:34.09art3miswith pink and green and little flowers ;P
07:34.33Thunder_Childi wonder if i can get a court order to ban you from moding the UI?
07:34.57Thunder_Childhmm...they would prolly lock me up if i came in with a request like that
07:35.16Thunder_Childoh well, back to the drawing board
07:35.35art3mis"this guy in a game i play online is making a pink and green flowered hello kitty interface that i dont have to use, can you lock him up pelase?!
07:35.56art3misit might work if you use doe-eyes though ;)
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07:36.20Thunder_Childyou think that would work?....i'd have to go kill a doe first though
07:36.39grepheadart3mis: all he has to do is say it is for your own good.  haven't you been watching the crap that gets passed as laws?
07:36.40art3misdoh...a deer....a female deer
07:36.51Thunder_Childray a drop of golden sun
07:36.59Thunder_Childdamn, now thats stuck in my head
07:37.02art3misray a guy i knew in school
07:37.17grepheaddoh a beer, a real good beer, ray the guy who sells me beer...
07:38.27Thunder_Childhmm..someone needs to make a blue/red offset UI for the cheesey 3D glasses
07:38.29art3mischeck out how im skinning all the blizz frames ;P
07:38.45art3misactually that would be pretty rad
07:39.31Thunder_Childindeed..though because the game is not structured that way, if you looked at anything else i would be bad
07:40.03art3misbut the interface would look 3d
07:40.20Thunder_Childyes, but everything else would look like crap
07:40.22art3misit would be like you've got this wierd box on yer head and give perspective
07:40.41art3miswho needs to see whats going on, you watch yer addons for that info ;P
07:40.55art3misclick the link and tell me whatcha think
07:41.06art3misif it fills you with murderous rage it's perfect ;P
07:41.14Thunder_Childi saw it....makes me sad more than anything else
07:41.28art3miswhy sad?
07:41.48Thunder_Childloing faith in humanity again
07:42.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
07:43.24art3misheh would almost 60 downloads from wowi make that fall faster?
07:44.10art3mis56 cycircled and 42 hkui
08:41.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
08:49.07sag_ich_nichtany paladin here that has specced imp. conc. aura?
08:55.13Nom-i do sometimes when i'm heal spec
08:56.25sag_ich_nichtcan you tell me what the tooltip says when you've specced it? i'm not sure what the the 15% effect increase of the talent does
08:56.41Nom-I'm not heal specced at the moment
08:56.55Nom-But the tooltip for the concentration aura button says 50% chance to not lose casting time
08:57.09Nom-It doesn't mention the 30% reducition to silence duration and whatnot
08:57.36sag_ich_nichtbecause the normal reduction is 30%
08:58.08sag_ich_nichtand 30*.15+30=34.5, 30+15=45, so 50%=o_O
08:59.28sag_ich_nichtyou sure it says 50%?
09:00.40Nom-i think so
09:00.59Nom-isn't it normally 35% ?
09:01.39Nom-indeed it is
09:01.42Nom-normally 35%
09:01.59sag_ich_nichtstill makes no sense
09:02.19Nom-35+15 = 50
09:02.53sag_ich_nichttooltip description and behaviour are inconsistent
09:02.59sag_ich_nichtcompare to righteous fury tooltip
09:03.00Nom-where are you getting the *0.15 from ?
09:03.44Punkie`it's 15% more, not 15% of the 35%
09:03.52sag_ich_nichtPunkie` i realize that
09:04.02sag_ich_nichtbut that is inconsistent with the tooltip descriptions
09:04.10sag_ich_nichtcompare to imp. righteous fury tooltip
09:04.28Punkie`ah well
09:04.34Nom-It's a 15% increase... flat increase... the only time it's a multiplicative affect is when it's more than one aura/spell/talent reducing the interrupt chance
09:04.43Nom-in fact, concentration aura is special
09:04.50Nom-it's an additive formula
09:05.11sag_ich_nichti am not complaining about the results or they way you get there, i'm complaining about the description of it :P
09:05.28Nom-There's nothing wrong... it says, 50% reduction to interrupt
09:05.31Punkie`you should complain less
09:05.35sag_ich_nichtNom-: the 0.15 are because *.15=same as writing 35*100*15
09:05.42Punkie`you seem to do it a lot
09:05.46sag_ich_nichtPunkie` it's the same bullshit as with the mage talents
09:05.52Punkie`maybe less complaining would make you a happier person
09:05.58sag_ich_nichti am from vienna
09:06.00Nom-As I said, it is ONLY multiplicative when it's multiple effects
09:06.06Nom-Concentration aura is a single effect
09:06.26sag_ich_nichtNom- as _I_ said, compare to description and effect of imp. righteous fury
09:07.00sag_ich_nicht[11:05] <sag_ich_nicht> i am from vienna <--complaining is in my nature :O
09:07.29Nom-apples and oranges
09:07.36Nom-I personally think the wording is fine
09:07.56sag_ich_nichtno, not apples and oranges, it's the same description but one is additive the other multiplicative
09:08.18Nom-last i checked, they're both additive
09:08.27sag_ich_nichtCHING RONG
09:08.39sag_ich_nichtimp. righteous fury=90% threat from holy spells
09:09.03sag_ich_nichtbase is 60% more
09:09.04Punkie`Nom-: no point in arguing, you'll just get annoyed like he is
09:09.33Nom-i don't get annoyed at people on the internet
09:09.35Nom-There's no point
09:09.47sag_ich_nichtnow let's see, 60*.5+60=90
09:09.55Nom-actually, the wording ... read it closer
09:10.11sag_ich_nichtwhile 60+50=110
09:10.12Nom-"Increases the effect of your Concentration aura by an additional 15%"
09:10.44Nom-"and increases the threat generated by your Righteous Fury spell by 50%"
09:11.10Nom-the key difference I see is "additional"
09:11.29Punkie`this is true
09:11.37Nom-now...correct me if i'm wrong here, but additional would imply the effect is additive
09:14.53sag_ich_nichtnot neccesairly, but you are right, the tooltip is not wrong, but might be missleading some players. a better wording would probably be "Increases the effect of your Concentration aura to 50%", leaving no doubt :P
09:16.03Nom-Personally I don't mind it either way... Most people aren't going to bother with improved concentration aura for the increased effect
09:16.07Nom-That's just a slight bonus
09:16.44Nom-I get it just for fights like Gruul etc, the 30% reduction to silience effects is awesome
09:20.03Nom-I reckon I'm going to order 'za for dinner
09:20.12Nom-Haven't had Pizza for ages
09:23.53*** join/#wowi-lounge bl4q (
09:24.47Punkie`what toppings? :o
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09:52.40Nom-just arrived :D
09:52.57Nom-We're not talking the Pizza Hut supreme either
09:53.04Nom-I used to work at this store, they make the best pizzas ever
09:53.37Nom-They don't mess around when it comes to toppings
09:58.01Punkie`I don't order pizza from mainstream brands really
09:58.08Punkie`they suck and are lousy with toppings
09:58.15Punkie`pizza toppings are serious business!
09:59.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
10:00.37Punkie`Oh damn you Nom-
10:00.49Punkie`If I wasn't at work right now I'd so be ordering a pizza :(
10:01.00sag_ich_nicht[11:16] <Nom-> I get it just for fights like Gruul etc, the 30% reduction to silience effects is awesome <--yes.
10:01.09sag_ich_nichtmy point exactly
10:01.24sag_ich_nicht(of getting it, that is)
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10:36.29bleeteraussies: you heard they charged the guys from The Chaser?
10:37.20bleetercanadians: a bunch of australian comics did a fake motorcade, got some rental cars, whacked some canadian flags on it, one of them dressed up as Osama Bin Laden, they got in the car, past the first police cordon
10:37.30bleeterthen they got detained and arrested
10:37.35bleeterfunny as hell, really.
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10:52.09zenzelezz"Air Force Mistakenly Transports Live Nukes Across America"
10:52.18zenzelezz"so that's what those red lights meant"
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10:55.16Kaso"live nukes" is a little of a miss-conception
10:55.26Kasoits not like they could have detonated
10:55.44zenzelezzof course, but Joe Average doesn't know that
10:55.52zenzelezzhe still believe nuclear reactors all explode like bombs too
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11:10.20bleeterwoot, forums back :)
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13:45.22zenzelezzso I'm watching a WoW movie, really great job on recording, editing, music etc... and what do they choose for background music on the end credits?
13:45.27zenzelezzsome guy singing Everybody Hurts over Vent
13:45.52OsagasuAt least it wasn't the rickroll.
13:45.58alestanelua> tostring(true)
13:45.58cladbotalestane: true,
14:02.31*** join/#wowi-lounge ts|skrom (n=TS|
14:02.39cladhaireart3mis: Ping
14:03.14LopeppeppyMorning, Cladhaire and TS|Skrom
14:03.28alestaneGood morning all.
14:03.45alestanecladhaire: Got good feedback from Iriel so far.
14:04.04cladhaireyeah, read what he said last night
14:04.12cladhairemakes a lot of sense, as always
14:05.25alestaneDefinitely going to be making some revisions...backwards compatibility is a principle concern of mine, and as I responded this morning we don't want spell buttons to think they should cast "Fortitude" when in the "Power Word" state.
14:06.31cladhairethink _minimal_ too
14:06.37cladhairestep by step
14:06.45cladhaireconverting, not necessarily adding new features
14:06.53alestaneScope creep was a problem with my first release.
14:07.15alestaneThe UnitIsUnit thing should have waited for tackling UnitFrames.
14:07.31alestaneWell, later I will go through and purge.
14:12.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin (n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity)
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14:57.22AnvilatorHi folks.  Anyone know if there is a function to get a players Spell Hit Rating?
14:58.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
14:59.39alestaneHow does the bliz character screen find it?
15:00.24Anvilatorhmm good question.  Not entirely sure how i would explore the Blizz interface tbh.
15:00.32purlget the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here: or view it online at
15:00.38zenzelezzthat, or WDN
15:00.45AnvilatoroO nice thanks.
15:02.11zenzelezzof course she is
15:02.44alestaneWhose is purl?
15:03.48Shirikpurl, who are you?
15:03.50purlShirik: what are you talking about?
15:03.59Shirikpurl, who created you?
15:04.11LopeppeppyI'm having flashbacks to I, Robot.
15:04.24Industrialhmmz "nore", is that a good english word? as in, is not either
15:04.35alestanenor, no e.
15:04.36Lopeppeppy"Either, or, neither, nor"
15:05.13alestane"Nor" can sometimes be used in positive contexts in particular cases IIRC.
15:06.06LopeppeppyMore formal language has that sorta quirk.
15:06.22purlhmm... timriker is my owner maintainer of BZFlag, member of a ton of open source projects the guy who GPL'd SCO's ABI files, giving every Linux user the right to use them ;-), or a very cool guy.
15:06.28Shirikthat's not the one I was looking for
15:06.31Shirikbut that works too
15:10.25nevcairielmaybe that ? :)
15:16.03AnvilatorHmm the only reference i can find in the PaperDollFrame is "PaperDollFrame_SetRating(stat3, CR_HIT_SPELL);", but i cant seem to find the function that gets calculates it.
15:16.23*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
15:17.04zenzelezztime to look at function PaperDollFrame_SetRating then =)
15:19.22*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
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15:21.29AnvilatorGot it thanks. SpellHitRating = GetCombatRating(combatRatingIdentifier)
15:22.02Anvilatorand hit is "3"
15:22.09zenzelezzblasted, I should have throught to search for Rating on the wiki
15:22.13zenzelezznice digging =)
15:22.30zenzelezz has the textual names if you don't want to use cryptic numbers
15:23.47*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
15:24.06Shirikwhy the jack didn't they just accept strings
15:24.22zenzelezz#define CR_... habit
15:24.23JoshBorkeShirik: hi
15:24.26zenzelezzor const int CR_
15:24.43Shirik#define > const int
15:24.48Shirikconst int takes space :P
15:24.59zenzelezzyes, but Macros Are Bad
15:25.06ShirikI hate that stance
15:25.30Shirikthere are some places where macros are very useful, and a better choice than C++'s alternatives
15:25.43Shirikyet for some reason it seems every C++ programmer is taught that #define is the spawn of satan
15:26.17zenzelezzI'm not actually opposed to macros in general, but I try to stay away from them when they're not clearly better
15:27.40zenzelezzmy favorite macros have to be windowsx.h
15:28.27ts|skromI like kraft macros w/ cheese
15:28.28ShirikI love the release version of ASSERT
15:28.43ShirikI think it's something like (void)
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15:29.01zenzelezzI find the definition (MS's at least) of NULL interesting
15:29.06Shiriknot quite sure why. "#define ASSERT ;" would be just fine
15:29.08Shirikisn't it 0?
15:29.09LopeppeppyI'm going to TS|Skrom's house for lunch.
15:29.22ShirikI guess it's so it could be converted to any type of pointer without complaint
15:30.44alestaneHow can you type something to void?
15:30.50ts|skromwe can play bioshock together and you can hold my hand when it gets scary !
15:31.06alestaneI thought void could only be a pointer destination.
15:31.17alestane(void*) I get.
15:32.00LopeppeppyTS|Skrom, I'm such a little wimp about scary movies.  I'd have my hands over my eyes the whole time.  :)
15:32.32ts|skromokay but you've gotta cover my ears when the little sisters start talking
15:32.37ts|skromthey are creepy O.o
15:32.47Shirikalestane: The rules for void are rather complicated
15:32.57Shirikvoid cannot be a variable, and you cannot cast something to void as a final destination
15:33.05Shirikbut casting through void is perfectly acceptable, which is what's being done here
15:33.19Shirikand even that's not correct
15:33.43Shirikthe reason they didn't do void* is because this isn't legal:
15:33.47Shirikint foo = void*(0)
15:33.56alestaneIt's used as a way to express addresses without implying type of content I thought.
15:34.02Shirikvoid* is, yes
15:34.17Shirikproblem with void* is it indicates that it is an address
15:34.29alestaneWell what good is void by itself then?
15:34.34Shiriknot much of anything
15:34.40Shirikwhich is why you can't declare a variable of type void
15:34.47zenzelezzyou can be very explicit about saying a function has no aruments
15:34.57zenzelezzvoid arf(void)
15:35.05zenzelezzno return value, no arguments
15:35.19zenzelezzwait, you're coders
15:35.21zenzelezzno parameters
15:35.30ShirikI hate that syntax too, btw
15:35.41zenzelezzI just use ()
15:35.41Shirikif it has no parameters it should have nothing in between the parentheses -_-
15:35.43Shirikme too
15:35.45alestaneI always thought the the only reason void existed was so that we could point to it...maybe it was expanded in C++ to add the declaration purpose.
15:35.47Shirik~lart C
15:35.47purlDoSes C
15:35.47zenzelezzbut you need it for the return value
15:35.56zenzelezzC has the ultimate ugly
15:36.01alestaneThat's right, it was always used as a function return.
15:36.05zenzelezzvoid arf(a, b) int a, char b {}
15:36.16ShirikJust remember, #define does not set anything to anything
15:36.18Shirikit just indicates a replacement
15:36.24alestaneBeen a long time since I wrote C directly.
15:36.25Shirikconst int NULL = (void)0
15:36.26Shirikwould NOT work
15:36.41Shirikhowever #define NULL = (void)0 works fine only because this:
15:36.46Shirikint foo = NULL;
15:36.47Shirikbecomes this:
15:37.00Shirik14(1111:3511:4314) 14(11Shirik14) const int NULL = (void)0
15:37.01Shirikwoild work
15:37.05Shirikconst void NULL = (void)0
15:37.19Shirikint foo = NULL becomes int foo = (void)0
15:37.30Shirikwhich is equivalent to int foo = (int)(void)0
15:37.46Shirikso you're only casting THROUGH void, not TO void
15:38.03alestaneSo (void)val allows you to retype val without regard for the destination type?
15:38.07Shirikit's strange, I know
15:38.28Shirikval has some restrictions
15:38.32Shirikbut yes
15:39.00Shirikuse void* if you want to store something without regard to type. However, be aware this is NOT the way C++ was designed
15:39.09Shirikand in most cases is poor practice
15:40.05Shirikooh pavaratti died :(
15:40.47LopeppeppyI saw, Shirik.  I've been mourning with my classical opera all morning.  :(
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15:42.43alestanePancreatic cancer is killed a family friend of mine.
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15:51.21LopeppeppyNo, I think we settled on cheeze and whine.
15:51.49CidanOkay, I'm done.
15:51.53Shirik~lart Cidan
15:51.53purlmoos at Cidan
15:52.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
15:52.35LopeppeppyHeya, Cidan.  Nice to see ya, even if purl moos at ya like that.
15:53.05CidanYay, you hardly know me and it's nice to see me.
15:53.56Cidan>>> You have been kicked off #conspiracy by Shirik (For what you did in #wowi-lounge, since I can't do it there)
15:53.56CideCidan: [string "You have been kicked off #conspiracy by Shirik (For what you di..."]:1: '=' expected near 'have'
15:54.14Shirik14(1111:5211:4314)  11-› Cidan was 4kicked by Shirik 11(For what you did in #wowi-lounge, since I can't do it there11)
15:54.16LopeppeppyCompanionship doesn't rely on intimate knowledge, Cidan.  I'm happy to see the sunshine too.
15:54.38CidanI suddenly like you a whole lot more.
15:55.33zenzelezzhands off, she's mine
15:56.01CidanI didn't realize that women were property to own.
15:56.09LopeppeppyI belong to my cat, and that's about it.
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15:58.03CidanSlow news day.
15:58.18CidanHmm, I wonder if I can fit WoW on a flash drive...
15:58.47zenzelezzdepends on the flash drive
15:58.51mikmatry deleting the cinematics, then it might fit easier
15:59.01CidanGood idea
15:59.10Shiriks/easier/more easily/
15:59.12LopeppeppyI do know people who play off a flash drive.  Read/write permissions can sometimes be problematic.
15:59.25Shirikfit is a verb :P
15:59.42Shirik(in this case)
16:00.13JoshBorkebye bye flash drive
16:00.22JoshBorkeand yes you can, seeing as how flash drives go up to 16GB now
16:00.24Cidan8 gig drive for only 100 bucks
16:00.35Cidan8 gigs... should be enough?
16:00.56LopeppeppyIf you don't keep the patch info on it, should be.
16:01.13mikmaCidan: my wow with svn-stuff is: 7932880
16:01.17zenzelezzSequoiaView reveals the MPQ files are by far the biggest part of the WoW folder
16:01.49Shirik=( I just lost me stream connection
16:02.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten_ (n=kaelten@
16:02.12CidanThat sounds... dirty.
16:02.15ShirikI guess listening to it 48 hours straight didn't make them too happy
16:02.16CidanAlmost... kinky?
16:02.26CidanOH, right, music
16:03.06Shirikhaha they just said their problem
16:03.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
16:03.21ShirikToo many people are logging onto the stream since they're playing pavarotti consistently
16:03.26Shirikand the servers can't handle it
16:03.26Cidanoh yeah
16:03.34CidanI cried a little while driving
16:03.39Cidanwhen I heard on NPR that he passed
16:05.12Cidanit really upset me, sigh
16:05.47LopeppeppyIt's a loss to classical music and opera.... there's too few good classical or operatic singers left.  It's a dying profession.
16:06.00JoshBorkewoops, i double dipped from my checking account
16:06.30LopeppeppyThat's not a good thing.
16:07.11LopeppeppyWell, I'm in the "budget" sort of lifestyle, so I do watch what I draw from where and when.
16:07.45CidanEven if you weren't, it's never really a good thing, :D
16:08.03JoshBorkei just moved some money from checking to savings
16:08.22cladhaireanyone here familiar with bash programming?
16:08.30JoshBorkeooo, ooo, i've done it!
16:08.34alestanecladhaire: Very slightly
16:08.35JoshBorkelay it on me sex
16:08.36Cidancladhaire, as have I
16:08.39cladhaireI have an argument, and I want to strip it of all text prior to the first period.. i.e. turn into .zip
16:08.45JoshBorkeuse sed
16:08.45cladhaireany ideas?
16:08.51alestaneNope, you're over my head already.
16:09.05JoshBorkeor perl
16:09.11JoshBorkebut sed is faster
16:09.29cladhairehow do you use sed on an argument instead of stdin?
16:09.36JoshBorkesed s/'^[^.]*\.(.*)/\1
16:09.45JoshBorkei usually echo the variable
16:09.49alestaneGotta crunch for a little while folks, closing down distractions...sorry.
16:10.28JoshBorkevar=`echo $var | sed s/'^[^.]*\.(.*)$'/\1/`
16:12.29cladhairehehe that regexp doesn't strip properly
16:12.41JoshBorkeoh bother, i don't do regexp so well
16:12.44JoshBorkei might have one
16:12.45Cidanperl is also an option if you feel like using it
16:16.45JoshBorkeoh, i got it
16:16.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
16:17.09JoshBorkevar=`echo $var | sed 's/[^.]*\.\(.*\)/\1/'`
16:17.26JoshBorkevar=`echo $var | sed 's/^[^.]*\.\(.*\)$/\1/'`
16:17.37JoshBorkedoesn't work on multiline
16:20.20JoshBorkeanything else before I go claddy waddy?
16:20.26*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
16:20.27cladhaireno thanks :P
16:20.34cladhaireended up using   FILEROOT=`echo $1 | sed "s/^[^\.]*//"`
16:20.45JoshBorkethat makes me a sad panda
16:20.57JoshBorkeyou throw out so much!
16:21.08JoshBorkebut whatever, if it works for you it works for you
16:21.13JoshBorkei'm going to go bash my head into a wall, bye all
16:21.14cladhairewhat do you mean
16:21.25JoshBorkei dunno, i'm not very good with sed :-D
16:21.56JoshBorkethat does actually work fairly well, doesn't it...
16:21.58JoshBorkeanyway, bye
16:22.34Cidanwelp, be back later.
16:22.36cladhaireyay now i have a function that will upload any file to my files website
16:22.46cladhaireso anyone want to scrutinize a basic crappy addon
16:22.57cladhaireand provide suggestions about how I can make the code more readable, since i need to teach it to the readers?
16:23.09Intangirwhat is it?
16:24.00cladhairejust a simple addon that tracks how long you've been in combat, and how much damage you've taken
16:24.04cladhaireshows it in a draggable window
16:24.09cladhairethat you can right-click to report to your party
16:28.36zenzelezznice filename
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16:29.39Shirikit looks like an md5 hash
16:30.28cladhaireit is
16:31.00krkathat's impressive
16:31.09krkahow do you tell it apart from other 160 bit hashes?
16:31.55krkano wait, md5 is 128?
16:32.14cladhairethink so
16:32.20cladhaireeither way, mightily impressive
16:32.35Intangirtry telling someone that URL over the phone
16:32.57Lopeppeppy"Wait, let me just text you..."
16:33.09krkait could also have been haval, md2, md4, ripemd or tiger-128
16:33.22krkawhen i said 160, i was thinking of sha-1 :/
16:33.23*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
16:33.39Shirikkrka: I'm just awesome :P
16:33.48krkaso it appears
16:33.53art3mishey clad
16:34.03art3misis themeing blizz frames a bad thing?
16:34.23cladhairenot in the least
16:34.31cladhairesee tking's skins on
16:34.46art3misnods i was curious mainly because of the model "hacks"
16:35.13cladhaireuser interface gives no advantage in any way
16:35.16Intangirdude i want to change my weapons to be those ones that furi has
16:35.24Intangiris that allowed?
16:35.35art3misIntangir: sure it would only be client side though
16:35.44Intangirthats fine
16:35.46Intangiris that allowed?
16:36.13Punkie`skinner does it
16:36.13LopeppeppyNo... model changing is not allowed.
16:36.16Punkie`why not
16:36.23Punkie`oh model changing is not no
16:36.26Punkie`i thought that screenshot :)
16:36.29art3mishowever changing the gates in bg's is bad ;P
16:36.31ShirikI can't click the screenshot
16:36.43art3misPunkie`: no skinner does NOT do that
16:36.51Punkie`what did you do?
16:36.52ShirikI don't see a reason that would be disallowed
16:36.56Intangirlook at those swords!
16:37.01cladhaireModel changing is different from user interface changing
16:37.06Punkie`looks just like you put a skin on top of the blizzard frame
16:37.07art3misskinner only filelrs in gradient and solid colours and no textures
16:37.31Punkie`did you change the actual files themselves?
16:37.37Punkie`ah right
16:37.41Punkie`got the wrong end of the stick :)
16:37.43cladhaireuser interface skinning is allowed
16:38.15Punkie`sucks to just sit down at your computer and read half a conversation :D
16:38.34LopeppeppyAlways has, Punkie`.
16:39.02cladhairesucks worse when you jump in and tell someone "no" when that's not the answer
16:39.03Shirikyou can override the files if you want
16:39.10Intangirwhere do you find skins on wowinterface?
16:39.11Shirikjust not replace
16:39.27cladhairebe specific there
16:39.32cladhaire"files" is vague
16:39.40cladhaireyou cannot replace 3 dimensional models
16:39.43Shirikwell it won't let you :P
16:39.45cladhaireyou can replace the user interface textures.
16:39.54Shirikand I said "override" not "replace"
16:39.58Shirikin fact I specifically said "not replace"
16:40.16cladhaire for example
16:40.49Punkie`oh sorry cladhaire, I wasn't reading what Intangir had said, just the conversation between you and art3mis :)
16:41.02cladhaireit adds textures to Data/Interface and friends
16:41.05cladhairenot the best way to do it
16:41.07cladhairebut one way
16:42.27art3misits an awesome way to do it ;P
16:42.35art3misjust a toch time consuming ;P
16:43.11Punkie`art3mis: If you think about reskinning or such, or even just doing an overlay it would be a pain
16:43.28cladhairenot really
16:43.31Punkie`mainly because you would be asked to do that on request for everyone who uses your addon for other addons you have
16:43.39Punkie`look at skinner :P
16:43.42cladhairetell them to eff off.
16:43.42art3misno i wouldnt
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16:44.00Punkie`I did not say you have to :P
16:44.02cladhairetelling users no is a virtue.
16:44.05art3misi include the files.. they put them where they go, they work, they dont likethem, they remove em
16:44.05Punkie`I just said you would have been asked
16:44.10Intangirhow do you do model switching
16:44.20art3misand stop saying skinner
16:44.22LopeppeppyIntangir: You don't.
16:44.24art3misskinner is complete shite
16:44.26IntangirLopeppeppy: i want to ;)
16:44.29art3misand not a skinner at all
16:44.30Punkie`I know :)
16:44.41LopeppeppyWell, we're not going to tell you how to violate the ToS/EULA here.
16:44.52art3misall it does is override the reg boxes with the chat frame background graphic and lets you solid or gradient fill said box
16:45.00IntangirLopeppeppy: how do i know its a violation if i dont know how its done
16:45.16Punkie`because Lopeppeppy just told you Intangir
16:45.29Intangirwell that doesnt satisfy my curiousity
16:45.32Intangirtake our word for it? pass..
16:45.35Intangirthats not the programmer way
16:45.47art3misalthough im confused as to why the hk cycircled thingy isnt working correctly for some
16:46.06LopeppeppyGo read the FAQ on the UI/Macro forum.  About a dozen of the programmers here have contributed to it.  Believe us, or believe the links to Blizzard posters.  I don't care.  It's still the answer.
16:46.08Punkie`art3mis: Someone said pathing, or was that another problem?
16:46.19art3miscorerected the graphics paths
16:46.24IntangirLopeppeppy: you know how to do it?
16:46.28art3mischecking other stuff now
16:46.48Shirikyou don't have to replace the files
16:46.54Shirikyou can override them by putting them in teh right path
16:46.59LopeppeppyIntangir: That's not the point.  No one here is going to tell you how, even if we know it.  Sometimes most of us pretend to respect the rules of the game we play.
16:46.59Shirikwhich is perfectly fine
16:47.16Intangirthats retarded ;)
16:47.17Shirikok I'm not responding anymore without reading at least an hour back
16:47.24Intangirso you know how, but you dont do it. so i cant know how?
16:47.29LopeppeppyCould be, Intangir.
16:47.31Intangiranyway ill just find out from somewhere else
16:47.36LopeppeppyCould also be.
16:47.37Intangirand if anyone else in here asks, ill tell them
16:47.38ShirikIntangir: You'll get banned
16:47.38Intangirim not an info nazi
16:47.42Intangiri dont have to use it
16:47.51Intangirjust want to know how
16:47.55LopeppeppyI'm not an info socialist, I don't have to share it.
16:47.55Punkie`Are you trying to be some sort of rebel without a cause?
16:47.56Shirikwhy do you want to know then?
16:48.12Intangircause i want to know how it works
16:48.15Intangirwhy do you program?
16:48.19Punkie`It's in the first paragraph of the EULA iirc, therefore it won't be discussed here
16:48.29Intangirjust respect your boundaries, if you were meant to do something it wouldve been done for you
16:48.35ShirikIntangir: Because I enjoy accomplishing something
16:48.39ShirikYou aren't accomplishing a damn thing
16:48.53Intangirim exploring
16:48.58Intangira possibility, and learning how something works
16:49.04Punkie`replace the r with it :)
16:49.05Intangirthats enough of a reason
16:49.12ShirikPunkie`: That's what I saw at first
16:49.16Punkie`me too :)
16:50.05cladhairethe moral of the story, is if a topic is against the TOS or the EULA then we won't be discussing it in any way here, except to tell you that its in violation of those agreement.
16:50.16cladhaireThe ops will enforce this, period.
16:51.15art3mishere's the general gist of how it works... the mpqs store data such as graphics. they have a file and directory structure that mimics the wow folder. if you extract and modify said files within the mpq and put them in thier physical folders relative to the wow folder it will read those instead of the stored ones(like the blizz addons ion the addon directory) <- model changing is bad bad bad bad bad bad, because it alters how the cilen
16:51.28art3misit's not recommended to do and you CAN be banned for it
16:51.48art3misthere now you know so shush ;)
16:52.35cog|workactually that doesn't work anymore
16:52.40LopeppeppyThank the stars.
16:52.47art3misthe one thing to note is that mpqs do a crc on certain aspects as well and if they find a bad crc even through the modded values you've done it will core wow
16:52.55art3miscog|work: it does on "some" thigs
16:53.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
16:53.04art3misonly certain portions of it are crc checked
16:53.09cog|workyes, like sounds and textures, but not models
16:53.37Shirikart3mis: I strongly advise you to be quiet
16:53.43art3misyou used to  be able to change one of the glue files so that you could change an the url it reads when you first load it ;)
16:53.46cladhairethis conversation ends now.
16:53.53cladhaireI will kick those who choose not to comply
16:53.56cladhaireresistance is futile.
16:54.37art3misbut like i said you can and in most cases WILL be banned for it
16:54.37cog|workdoesn't matter
16:54.37Tullerah, now i know what you're talking about
16:54.43cog|workyou can and will get banned for using exploit "mods"
16:54.48cog|workdoesn't mean it's ok to link to them
16:55.08art3misi didnt link em ;) i was explaining the idea behind it
16:55.18art3misbut no matter, he understands now. so it's done
16:55.25cog|workwhich is a bad thing imo
16:55.50cog|workyou just gave him more information to help his search
16:55.57LopeppeppyTeach a man to fish with dynamite.  :(
16:56.10cog|workthis channel follows similar rules as the wow forums in regards to discussing hacks
16:56.14cog|workso don't do it
16:56.14art3mishehe like "wow model change" wouldnt tell him exactly that in less than 1 hit ;P
16:56.38cladhaireit doesn't matter
16:56.40cladhairewe dont' talk about it her
16:56.47art3misi just made sure it had a disclaimer, unlike the hits he'd get
16:56.56cladhaireart3mis: dont' do it again, period.
16:57.02art3misyes dear
16:57.15cladhairethis channel is in the good graces of blizzard, and at times slouken even visits to chat with us
16:57.24art3misi personally dont understand why it's a big deal though
16:57.29cladhaireyou don't need to
16:57.38Shirikbecause it's illegal
16:57.46art3misit's agaisnt the tos/eula
16:57.46Shirikand in some states, even giving that information that you did right there is illegal
16:57.49art3misnot illegal ;P
16:57.50cladhaireWe will not be extended the same level of contact and courtesy if we allow conversations like this to happen in this channel.
16:57.51Shirikwhich is a binding contract
16:58.12cog|work"illegal" does not simply mean "violates statutes"
16:58.28cog|workIf you break the ToS/EULA blizzard has LEGAL means to get you to stop
16:58.34art3miscog|work: i know that ;P but in shiriks wording he seems to imply "law" ;)
16:58.42ShirikIn this case, it /is/ law
16:58.45cog|work"The law" (as in "breaking the law") is more than just statutes
16:58.57Shirikyou are referring to modifying copyrighted code
16:59.12cog|workcontracts are just as much "law" as minimum wage
16:59.17LopeppeppyEnough semantics.... it's not to be done here.  This is not something for debate for a why or a wherefore.  Cladhaire just sorta gets to say so.  I know it's a comfortable well-chewed argument, but you'd think we could skip over some of it when it shows up next time...
16:59.21art3misand you do that as well with your interface changes ;P
16:59.41ShirikI'm dropping it, this is an exercise in futility
16:59.44cog|workart3mis: you're not making any friends
16:59.52art3miscog|work: never set out to?
17:00.09art3mismy opinions vary greatly from most people
17:00.14cog|workwas a polite way of saying "you're pissing people off"
17:00.40cog|workincluding someone with +o :P
17:01.08art3mislaugh it's irc ;P
17:01.24cladhaireit may just be irc for you, but its my full time job
17:01.27art3misbut this all stemmed from a convo about themeing the interface ;P
17:01.46cog|workwhere it came from is irrelevant
17:01.53cog|worktrains of thought can lead anywhere
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17:01.58cladhairewb Cairenn
17:02.13*** part/#wowi-lounge Avre-Shower (
17:02.24art3misnot really, because if i modify those directly under shiriks reasonsing it's against the law yet somehow it's allowable ;P
17:02.34art3misnow tell me what you think of that post above
17:02.36ShirikI hatey ou now
17:02.40ShirikI would have won that fight
17:02.45Shirikinstead I lost at 1%
17:02.47art3misshirik: youll get over it in a few minutes ;P
17:02.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
17:02.51cladhairestop.. RIGHT now.
17:03.02cladhairei dont want to hear another word on the topic
17:03.13art3misi can still talk about themeing though right?
17:03.14cladhaireif you want to discuss skinning the user interface, and that alone, please feel free.
17:03.24cladhairestep beyond that, and enjoy a vacation from the channel.
17:03.26cladhairetake it to PMs
17:03.37art3misnow gimme comments dammit!
17:03.51art3miswhile the above look good as a sample for the entire ui?
17:04.23cladhaireI think its hideous, but that's a matter of personal opinion.
17:04.25cog|work"good" in the sense that it's appropriate to what you're trying to accomplish, yes :P
17:04.29*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
17:04.30cladhaireindeed cog|work
17:05.27art3misthats what i meant ;P
17:05.35art3misactually its kind of fun in a wierd way
17:06.01art3misman i need to find a virtual vertias program
17:06.12art3misi just dont know enough about that in real world
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17:09.11art3misoh that reminds me cairenn and clad
17:09.23art3misis there some reason that the upload stuff doesnt work in opera?
17:09.48art3misyou can browse for the file but it doesnt select it into the box for upload
17:09.51Cairennpost about it in the site bug forum, dolby-wowi will be the one to help you out with that
17:10.12art3misi just swap to Ff, was urious if you knew off the top of yer head ;P
17:10.18art3miscurious even
17:10.38cladhairenah, there's no reason it should have an issue.
17:11.17art3misshoudl i mention it? or has it already been talked aboot?
17:12.10Punkie`It works for me
17:12.14Punkie`and I use Opera
17:12.36art3misoh okay so its a bug in my settings then
17:12.44Punkie`do you have a different theme in opera?
17:12.47Punkie`maybe change it
17:13.00Punkie`mine is the windows one, i dont think its opera default
17:17.37ScytheBlade1Probably already old news, but 2.2 will be soon
17:18.03Lopeppeppy2.2 has been "soon" for the last two weeks...  I half have my fingers crossed for next week.
17:18.14zenzelezzmay be old news, but by now it may be accurate news
17:18.25ScytheBlade1"As we are approaching the final stages of 2.2 testing there shouldn't be as many patches coming in."
17:19.37cog|workbut final stages on a nearly 2 month process could mean anything...
17:19.52cog|workI'm guessing sometime this month
17:19.54ScytheBlade1The "nightly maint" thread is locked + no longer stickied
17:20.07ScytheBlade1Yeah, I'd guess within two weeks from now
17:21.21zenzelezzI'll believe it's soon when the next part of the patch is available on background downloader
17:22.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
17:23.14Cairennnot next week
17:23.44zenzelezzbut it's a whole other week!
17:23.47ScytheBlade1Yeah, I think we can all agree on that much, heh
17:24.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
17:24.09LopeppeppySoon enough, I will have better pally buffs.
17:24.38zenzelezzthought they were the same, only lasted longer and affected pets?
17:24.52ScytheBlade1Lasting longer = 3857 times better
17:25.00ScytheBlade1The pets is just a bonus!
17:25.04zenzelezzhush, I'm just finding something to say to the redhead
17:26.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
17:26.29zenzelezzsadly it didn't seem to work well
17:26.34Polarina>>> --local s = "a,"; for i=1,18 do s = s..s end print(loadstring("local a;"..s.."a=nil", ""))
17:26.35CidePolarina: nil
17:26.36ScytheBlade1Our raids have, on average, 5-6 people who are 'offspec'
17:26.46ScytheBlade1Really wreaks havoc on the pallies
17:27.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
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17:29.11LopeppeppyThat it does, ScytheBlade1.  *le sigh*
17:29.17ScytheBlade1Lopeppeppy, ?
17:29.28LopeppeppyAnd I'm at work, zenzelezz, you have to expect me to tab in and out.
17:29.52ScytheBlade1What did I do?
17:30.00LopeppeppyScytheBlade1: I manage the pallies for my group.  Buffing this druid with these things, that druid with the other things, shadow priest with something different....  makes me go *le sigh* every time.
17:30.17ScytheBlade1Yeah, we have an average of... TWO paladins.
17:30.26ScytheBlade1For 25 people, with at least 6 of them offspec
17:30.32ScytheBlade1I cry for you, and for them.
17:31.07ScytheBlade1If druids get salv, the two ferals can't tank. If druids don't get salv, the healers pull aggro on Tidewalker.
17:31.18ScytheBlade1And your only solution is, a 5m buff. Which isn't really a solution.
17:31.51LopeppeppyI've worked out some tough-love strategies with the class leads.  For example, buffs are done for druids based on caster needs.  Druid fighters can click them off or live with them -- 5 minutes are not given unless you're standing right next to me.  I don't chase 'em.
17:32.11Elkano2.2 will make them 10min ;)
17:32.22ScytheBlade1Thought it was 30/15
17:32.29zenzelezz<Lopeppeppy> And I'm at work, zenzelezz, you have to expect me to tab in and out. <-- lies, you just don't love me anymore
17:32.53ScytheBlade1Never mind, 30/10
17:33.05ScytheBlade1Regardless, up from 15/5 is huge
17:33.07LopeppeppyEven with a 10, they come to ME for it, or don't get it.
17:34.01ScytheBlade1Is there an addon which all the pallies can install, and have one person give assignments that the others will see?
17:34.23LopeppeppyYup.  PallyPower,
17:34.33LopeppeppyI... freakin... love it.
17:34.55ScytheBlade1I cry for those poor pallies.. like really, it's just painful
17:35.57Polarina784 downloads for 12 days. Is that good or o.O?
17:36.09alestanePolarina: of?
17:36.23Polarinaalastane: My addon.
17:36.30LopeppeppyIt doesn't handle anything about 5 minute crud, but it's great for assigning out the major buffs with little hassle.  Shows what buffs/talents into them each pally has, which helps lots.
17:36.44ScytheBlade1That alone would be awesome, I'm sure
17:37.15alestanePolarina: That's faster than I got on Demonomicon, but that's a one-class-only addon. It sounds decent.
17:37.30PolarinaScytheBlade1: And that awesome, for someones first addon?
17:37.49ScytheBlade1Polarina, heh, sorry, that wasn't directed at you, sorry.
17:38.13ScytheBlade1I'm pretty sure my "addons" on WoWI have maybe 2000 combine downloads
17:38.17ScytheBlade1That's over 6 (iirc) addons
17:38.28PolarinaOh.. I was talking to alestane, not you ScytheBlade1. Sorry.
17:38.37ScytheBlade1Oh, hehe
17:39.16ScytheBlade1Holy crap, 4343 total downloads
17:39.30PolarinaAnyone wants to help me increase the download count? *flirt*
17:39.36|Jelly|I r too dum fer pallypower to werk!
17:39.55LopeppeppyOh noes, |Jelly| !
17:39.56alestaneIt's a type of addon that a lot of people want, so that'll help. Quality will determine whether its download count keep srising or not.
17:40.11ScytheBlade1Cairenn, what would it take to get my WoWI username changed, by chance?
17:40.43|Jelly|Indeed Peppy. I could never get it to work and gave up shortly after cause I r to dum!
17:41.02Polarinaalestane: About 65 downloads per day..
17:41.09|Jelly|But I also never cared enough to research it cause it was just on the PTR. :P
17:41.42LopeppeppyI swear it works super-goodly, you just have to be lead or promoted assist, |Jelly|.  I can live without it, but I live so much more nicely with it.  Like my favorite cat.
17:42.17|Jelly|I was group leader on the PTR and it still just sat there and laughed at me.
17:42.48LopeppeppyBad addon, no biscuit.
17:42.52LopeppeppyOh, here's a fun thing.
17:42.56Kaydeethreewow... this is incredibly weird... in about 5 minutes, azureus won't have anything to download
17:42.59|Jelly|But like I said, it's only the PTR and I couldn't really care less there. I imagine when/if I get my paladin to a level that would require it's use, I'll figure it out and until then it's smart buff. :P
17:43.06Kaydeethreefirst time that's happened in~18 months
17:43.36ScytheBlade1Can anyone log into the PTR to give my druid a ginvite? Alliance side, PvE
17:43.46Kaydeethreesure, gimme 90s
17:43.47PolarinaCould anyone test my addon on the PTR?
17:44.14ScytheBlade1Sbooz is the name
17:45.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso___ (
17:45.28ScytheBlade1Heh, makes that easy. Thanks.
17:45.34Kaydeethreeno prob
17:46.18|Jelly|"However, the agency said it will continue to monitor and enforce any anticompetitive conduct to ensure a competitive broadband marketplace." Isn't that pretty much what the entire thing is?
17:46.42Kaydeethreeanti competitive? ya
17:47.46LopeppeppyI think something similar has been the practice in Europe for a good long time -- extra charge for bandwidth.
17:49.40PolarinaWould someone want to comment on my addon? :)
17:50.06zenzelezzit sucks. Ace it plz
17:50.16zenzelezzwhat's your addon?
17:50.21Polarinazenzelezz: Valuation.
17:50.34krkano way, you need to Rock it
17:50.38Industrialso I'm reparenting the blizzard actionbar buttons to my own frames and displaying them at the bottom of my screen
17:50.54Industrialsomehow the all have the same action ID's
17:50.57Industrialdid I forget something?
17:51.12IndustrialI want to keep this addon as simple as possible, so I dont even create any own buttons :P
17:51.28alestaneAre you on live or the PTR?
17:52.02alestaneOn live, the action buttons use their parent bars to identify which page they belong to.
17:52.13Industrialthey dont on PTR?
17:52.24Industrialah right, GetPagedID()
17:52.35alestaneTake a look at ActionButton_GetPagedID on live and the PTR, it's been changed.
17:54.45alestaneAnyone know what's wrong with this snippet?
17:55.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
17:55.32alestaneCould be PEBKAC, I submitted it to someone on the forum for their problem and all they say is, "It didn't work.
17:55.52*** join/#wowi-lounge MatthewS_ (
17:58.40Thunder_Childalestane, while i am not a coder, should line 2 not have a closing bracket somewhere?
17:58.54Thunder_Childnvm, found it
17:58.59alestaneIt's on line 13.
18:03.48Thunder_Childout of curiosity, where do you get "state-hidden" from?
18:04.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
18:04.47alestanewhen I register it with "hidden", the state driver will set the "state-hidden" attribute on the child frame...although it turned out there was a better option, we'll find out if it works.
18:04.55*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
18:04.58alestanebbl folks.
18:10.53PolarinaKaydeethree: GNOME?
18:11.02zenzelezzI always found Azureus scary
18:11.07Kaydeethreeyup, fedora 7, using compiz for the pseudo-transparency
18:11.18KaydeethreeI'm just in shock at the fact that azu doesn't have anything to download
18:11.21PolarinaKaydeethree: :)
18:11.22Kalrothzenzelezz: Yeah, java applications does that to a person :p
18:12.05KaydeethreeI've yet to find a linux torrent app that's got as versatile of a queueing mechanism as azu
18:12.05PolarinaIf you read Java backwards, it almost sounds like Hawaii.
18:12.37ScytheBlade1AZ is really the best we have on linux
18:12.40zenzelezzcloser to "away"
18:12.41ScytheBlade1End of story
18:12.54zenzelezzScytheBlade1: I thought people Wine'd uTorrent?
18:13.04ScytheBlade1Sure, some do
18:13.19ScytheBlade1But I also use AZ on windows in some cases :P
18:13.25ScytheBlade1It has features that I simply love.
18:13.30Polarinazenzelezz: µtorrent doesn't currently handle alcohol so well.
18:13.34zenzelezzwell on Windows you lose the "best on Linux" argument =D
18:13.42zenzelezzPolarina: alcohol? o_O
18:13.57Polarinazenzelezz: Wine has alcohol, doesn't it?
18:14.20zenzelezzyes, but I've heard of no major problems running it in Wine
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18:14.52krkatorrentflux-b4rt kicks ass for torrents on linux
18:14.55Polarinazenzlezz: Any problem = Drunkness.
18:15.11Kaydeethreetorrentflux is nice, but I've gotta break selinux to get it to work
18:15.20krkatry the -b4rt edition
18:15.23krkait's more ajax-y
18:15.39krkayeah, torrentflux is annoying with its database setup
18:15.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110| (
18:15.55krkathe ubuntu debian doesnt work out of the box, in my experience
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18:16.44hastekrka: rtorrent ftw! :3
18:17.52krkai tried it, didnt quite like it
18:17.55Polarina787 downloads on 12 days. I thought it wouldn't even go close to 100 on the first 10 days.
18:18.43clad|awaya.) grats, b.) why does it matter?
18:19.10Polarinaclad|away: And your point with b) is?
18:19.26hasteI would agree with clad
18:19.31clad|awayYou've mentioned it three or four times, I think it's great.. but why does it matter?
18:19.38PolarinaThat was the second time!
18:19.40lolinternetplease excuse my swearing in the message after my next message:
18:19.44lolinternetFUCK YEAH
18:19.59clad|awayPolarina: I'm not chastising you for repeating, although internally I'm annoyed.
18:20.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
18:20.09clad|awayIm'a sking you, DIRECTLY, why does it really matter to you how many people download it?
18:20.20sag_ich_nichtPolarina: read the article first
18:20.31Polarinaclad|away: Sorry, I'll stop.
18:21.24clad|awayPolarina: I don't wnat you to stop, I'm asking you a question
18:21.31clad|awaywhy are you avoiding answering it
18:21.35clad|awayI'm not being a dick, I'm asking a question
18:21.42clad|awayand why should sag_ich_nicht get kicked?
18:22.05Polarinaclad|away: Ok, I'll answer. Because I'm so supprised on how many downloads there are.
18:22.12Polarinaclad|away: For swearing.
18:22.24clad|awayswearing isn't an issue, especially in this context.
18:22.26Linhi there
18:22.37clad|awayWhy?  You wrote an addon that does something well, with minimal in-game overhead.  You shouldn't be suprised at all
18:22.40clad|awaythat's how addons work :P
18:22.44Lingood (ugt) morning!
18:22.48Punkie`Hmm, that article is a bit weird
18:22.58Punkie`there have been so many laws passed in the US that are unconstitutional
18:23.23sag_ich_nicht[20:22] <Polarina> clad|away: For swearing. <--wow.
18:23.25ThraeI don't think this channel is suppose to be PG -- most of the people on this IRC channel are probably old enough to take it
18:23.35sag_ich_nicht1. your sarcasm detector is broken 2. aren't you uptight? :P
18:23.50ThraeI mean, it's IRC. Little kids use all kinds of other crap nowadays.
18:23.54clad|awayexcessive swearing, or swearing for the sake of swearing isn't cool, regardless of the audience
18:23.58purl"Welcome to IRC: where the men are men, the women are men, and the little girls are FBI agents."
18:24.03Polarinasag_ich_nicht: My sarcasm detector isn't borken.
18:24.08clad|awayand if you have a legitimate problem with someone in the channel, you should direct your complaint to an OP so they can take action
18:24.19clad|awaynot just state it into the channel. Sadly I don't read every single message here.
18:24.35clad|away(wasn't directed at you, just in general)
18:24.35|Jelly|You don't? :(
18:24.45clad|awayhell no, i have too much work to do.
18:24.59sag_ich_nichtclad|away but then i would have to spam you in /query all the time because 2/3 of the people in here are drama magnets
18:25.14sag_ich_nicht(okay maybe not 2/3)
18:26.16|Jelly|I dunno, I seem to be able to cause drama without trying and when I'm trying to cause drama, I kill threads. :\
18:26.30KaydeethreeI hate how that happens
18:26.48|Jelly|Me too.
18:29.37Thunder_Child~whalestab |Jelly|
18:29.38purlACTION stabs |Jelly| with a rather narrow and pointy whale named Montgomery
18:29.49|Jelly|~whaleparry Thunder_Child
18:29.50purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry Thunder_Child's attacks.
18:29.59sag_ich_nichtin b4 whalenuke
18:30.14Thunder_Childi dont think there is one
18:30.27sag_ich_nichtyou have to give it a target
18:30.30sag_ich_nicht~whalenuke Thunder_Child
18:30.30purlACTION dons his radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around Thunder_Child with his mind powers
18:32.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
18:36.51Linwhen I click on some mob I dont change the focus right? focus is changed just after focus target or target focus command, right?
18:37.26*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
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18:38.33PolarinaAre there some UI development guilds on Europe, or just United States?
18:38.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (
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18:39.35LinCidan: hello!
18:39.43CidanLin, howdy.
18:39.49*** part/#wowi-lounge Gnancy (
18:39.50LinCidan: how are you going?
18:40.01CidanI'm well.
18:40.03CidanTired, but well.
18:46.41Wraangerwhat you mean by "UI development guilds " ?
18:47.07PolarinaAny guilds in EU?
18:52.38PolarinaWhy does this function when called form 3rd part addon, actually work but still pop up with the window saying it's protected?
18:54.21PolarinaIt really makes your character sit/stand.
18:58.47zenzelezzgood question
19:00.40PolarinaTry it yourself and see.
19:00.51zenzelezzI did
19:00.59PolarinaDon't bother reporting it to a GM. I already did the day 2.1.0 was released.
19:02.26Intangirui development guilds?
19:02.29Intangirive never heard of that
19:02.49zenzelezzon test servers usually
19:10.30*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
19:20.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
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19:23.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
19:29.47bleeterdamnit, wonder why this 'AH Change' thread on the PTR forum ain't died yet
19:29.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
19:30.04bleeterI tested the AH, and got no lag... if there's no change, it's just FUD spreading
19:30.25bleetererm, s/lag/delay in receiving goods/
19:31.23bleeterthough, I guess it's conceivable that when I tested there was a random patch that disabled this 'new' behaviour, that's since come back... I'm still of the believe it's just mail-system overload or something... I'll test again, but lord only knows how to get Hortus to kill a thread that's already been reported
19:32.41*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
19:33.19bleetergmorn Cairenn, soz you got me in early morning whinge mode
19:33.53bleeterooo, shiny new 7214 PTR
19:37.58bleeterdamn, no realms up.. was hoping to take a cluebat to that AH thread, or join the list of moaning users ;)
19:38.04bleeterpreferably the former
19:41.59ScytheBlade1lol @
19:42.17ScytheBlade1I have to wonder how many tens of thousands of dollars went into that "research"
19:50.45ales|meetingInteresting, the state driver will be able to show and hide frames directly based on other conditionals than unit existence starting in 2.2...that will make rewriting Goose a whole lot easier.
19:51.42*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
19:53.57Intangirheres what i need
19:54.04Intangiran addon which lets me track my friends in a BG
19:54.19Intangireither on the maps (including minimap) or in the regular 3d view (like with a raid target)
19:54.24Intangirraid targets used to work great
19:54.31Intangirid set them before the BG and i could see them marked all game
19:54.36Intangirbut they patched/broke that ;(
19:54.49Saint-Nget  cartographer
19:54.58Saint-Nand get yer friends it too
19:55.02Intangiri have it
19:55.07Intangiri see there is a guildmate tracker
19:55.09Intangirbut its for guildmates
19:55.10Saint-Ni believe it has the ability to track them
19:55.13Intangirim not guilded
19:55.20Intangirthat would be about perfect otherwise
19:55.29Intangiri just sent the author an email requesting a fewture like that
19:55.30Saint-Nso go tell sylv to add it ;P
19:56.01bleetersylvanaar is a cartographer person, iirc
19:56.06Intangiri just emailed ckknight
19:56.24Intangirwowinterface said he was the author, or is it sylvanaar then?
19:56.32Intangirsylvanaar: are you there?
19:56.42sylvanaarits ckk
19:56.57bleeterall you wowace folks look the same to me ;) :P
19:57.09Intangirif there was a way to set a sync channel for friends to track them too, that should do it
19:58.26ckknightwhat's all this, then?
19:59.33Intangiroh hey
19:59.43Intangiri was just talking about a feature i think would rule for cartographer
19:59.49Intangirlike guildmate tracker, but for friends
19:59.51ckknightget a guild
20:00.00Intangiri routinely group with people who are in different guilds
20:00.07ckknightfor friends, there's no channel with which to communicate by
20:00.13ckknightwhich is why you can't track friends
20:00.17ckknightcause you can't communicate with them
20:00.23Intangirbut what if you allowed a way for the users to set a sync channel
20:00.26Intangirand have your buddies set the same one
20:00.53ckknighttheoretically, it's possible
20:01.00ckknightbut it's both complex to do and a fringe case
20:01.17Intangirhow bout this
20:01.22Intangiryou invite them to your group before joining the BG
20:01.30Intangiryour all still in the /party with eachother
20:01.36Intangircan you sync with that easily?
20:01.46Intangiror if its a raid before joining the BG?
20:01.48ckknightyou can already see them on the map if you're in a party
20:01.58Intangirwhen you join the BG it doesnt put you in the same party always
20:02.06Intangiralso it shows them the same as anyone else in your party
20:02.44Intangirshould it be just about as easy to sync with guildmates, as with raid members? or party members?
20:03.03alestaneSlow day for forum regulars, Kamdis is fielding just about everything.
20:06.07Intangiror does anyone know of a way to set/use raid targets locally, with out having to be raid leader? (syncing doesnt matter)
20:06.21Intangirjust need a way to track my friends in BGs so i dont get too far from the healers ;)
20:07.16LunessaNope, you have to be a party leader, raid leader or assistant to use the icons.
20:08.55*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
20:10.27alestaneI don't know Aloft real well but you might take a look at it and see if there's anything it can do for you.
20:14.40Lunessaalestane: I have learned from experience that adding comments to "please add X to the default UI" threads is like pouring blood in shark-infested waters; all those posters ever really want to hear is "Sure, we'll get right on that!" from Blizzard.
20:17.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
20:20.46Intangira way to set your own raid target icons would work too
20:20.53Intangirthat dont sync, but just show up for you locally..
20:20.57alestaneThe sad thing is I'm trying to help them get what they want...but yeah, I ran into that issue with a gnome a while ago...should have learned my lesson.
20:21.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
20:22.27alestaneIt does always seem to inspire a bunch of "but they've done it before!" rejoinders.
20:22.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
20:24.27alestaneAt least it did encourage the OP to think a little about how to make his case.
20:25.45*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy2 (
20:26.24Lunessaalestane: I hear you.  It's painful to watch, and as a result I just ignore those posts.
20:26.38LunessaProbably a lot like Soulken does.
20:29.08AnduinLothar=D I'm uncrushable! *does the pally tank dance!*
20:29.49alestaneMy other attempt to help someone out today fell flat because I was looking at code that only exists on the PTR.
20:31.32Saint-Nthats what you get for helping gnomes ;P
20:31.48alestaneActually it was a forsaken.
20:31.56Saint-Ni mean how many times can someone tell you "but they arent real people!" before it sinks in ;)
20:32.31Saint-Nthe forsaken you have to forgive a bit though, they might have lost that bit of thier brain to rot ;P
20:33.30alestaneApothecary Keever: A textbook example of what happens when you hire people whose brains aren't quite ripe anymore.
20:40.32LunessaThe problem with these "Horde" characters is that they lack sophistication. /farts/
20:40.55alestaneGoes right there with the one about the bat handler.
20:41.07alestaneI like the girl lines better for the most part.
20:41.57Intangirsomething so small shouldnt have the power to kill me
20:43.32PolarinaOMG! My addon got the popular flag!
20:43.43Intangirwhat addon
20:43.45PolarinaThat is hard to believe.
20:43.50bleeterPTR seems to work OK with Wine GIT. Still haven't had a chance to thoroughly test voice.
20:43.56alestanePolarina: THat happens automatically when you hit 800.
20:44.09Polarinaalestane: o.O
20:44.27alestaneGoose just hit it too.
20:44.28Intangiris the voice stuff in on PTR?
20:44.41Intangiryou use wine?
20:44.44alestaneIntangir: Yes, although not 100% ripe.
20:45.04Intangira previous version of the test servers wasnt working for me on wine, from like a month ago
20:45.08Intangirhad to use cedega
20:45.17Intangirwine doesnt have any sound at all for me on the current version
20:45.24Intangircedega still does
20:45.32PolarinaIntangir: It will have sounds in Wine 0.9.45.
20:45.44Intangiri do on the live version
20:45.46Intangirbut not the test version
20:45.59bleeterIntangir: indeed, either use wine git or wait for wine 0.9.45
20:46.16Intangiris wine git the latest version in development or something?
20:46.31Intangirso they already fixed the thing with the new sound engine?
20:46.33alestaneIntangir: They thoroughly rewrote the sound engine on the PTR.
20:46.38Intangirthe new version has a new sound library i heard, is that true?
20:46.54PolarinaNot in wine, at least.
20:46.59Intangirno i mean in wow
20:47.04Intangiri heard it was using a different sound system
20:47.09PolarinaYes, then that's true.
20:47.12bleeterwow 2.2 has completely re-written audio api, yes
20:47.35Intangirso wine already has a handle on it though eh ;) cool
20:47.45bleeterthat tripped up some undocumented 'feature' in dsound, that would seem to be going all the way back to MS for some kinda real fix
20:48.02bleeterin the meantime, wine's been adjusted to do what windows does *now* (no matter how braindead that may be)
20:48.32Intangirwine is really advancing quickly isnt it, im pretty impressed
20:48.40Intangirthey got ventrilo working 100% on it too
20:48.42krkawine pwns
20:48.49Intangireven the hotkey stuff
20:49.01Polarinableeter: MS would be really suprised that none of their software was used to track down a bug they had.
20:49.02Intangirvery happy with it
20:50.25Intangiri am getting faster FPS on linux with wine, than i get on windows
20:50.40bleeterneedless to say, the fix that went into wine got Red Ocean and Eve working too ;)
20:50.58amrobleeter: I've got the same thing with prntscrn but keep forgetting to rebind
20:51.05Polarinableeter: To add, on accident.
20:51.05bleeterprolly a bunch of other crap too
20:51.05Intangirwhats wrong with it?
20:52.34bleetersomething about a pointer for dsound still being available after the dll's unloaded
20:52.37cog|work!c us garona cogwheel
20:52.40ThraeBotcog|work: Cogwheel, Level 70 Gnome Warrior (35/26/0). 12274 HP; 11383 Armour; 670 AP; 103.5 Melee DPS; 16.11% melee crit; 37 melee hit; 238 defense; 12.33% dodge; 12.04% block; 10 arcane resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1472 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Sep  6 17:04:19 2007 ]]
20:53.39bleeteron windows, it 'just works' (although it's debatable whether Vista reliably does this or not).
20:53.39bleeterhaven't had time or inclination to find out ;)
20:54.00amroit's really weird though, why it works
20:54.05alestaneO god, another gnome with a weapon bigger than he is.
20:54.28bleeteramro: s/weird/totally screwed up/
20:54.32Intangirbleeter: i dont see your comments about the new version on wowwiki
20:54.53bleeterIntangir: check the discussion page, until the PTR goes live, it's all discussion ;)
20:55.09clad|awayAnyone wanna do a quick deDE or frFR localization for me?
20:55.12clad|awaythe strings are pretty easy
20:55.25bleeterLufthansa! Peugot!
20:55.33bleeterdo I fail?
20:55.35amroclad|away: sure, I can do frFR
20:55.54PolarinaI can do enGB.
20:55.55clad|awayCTRACKER_INCOMBAT = "In Combat"
20:55.57clad|awayCTRACKER_DISPLAY = "%ds / %d dmg / %.2f dps"
20:55.59clad|awayCTRACKER_MSG = "%d seconds spent in combat with %d incoming damage.  Average incoming DPS was %.2f"
20:56.01clad|awaythose are the three I need
20:56.03clad|awaythe second is a listing of seconds, damage, and incoming dps
20:56.27Intangirbleeter: hey i noticed a trick to fixing the sound when you alt tab
20:56.37Intangirselect the window in full screen again
20:56.42Intangirthen switch to another workspace
20:56.47Intangirthen switch back, sound works again
20:57.16bleeterOnly time I've ever had that problem, is when the PTR defaults to NOT do what current live does, then all I had to do was check the 'enable sound in background' preference.
20:57.56bleeter(that's of the game... I have no idea, time or inclination to look in to why people are claiming this happens on live)
20:57.57amroclad|away: can you modify them to switch their order, or should I keep the order?
20:57.59Intangirthat fixed it for you? cool
20:58.50clad|awaywe can modify them, just tell me which you need where
20:59.02bleetercan someone just confirm that sound in background is enabled by default in Windows/OSX on Live? I'd hate to report a 'bug' on PTR that isn't one.
20:59.24bleeter(that's to say, the new default preference should be what Live does natively... actually, I might've already reported it, gah can't recall)
21:02.06bleeteroh, hmm, it's a preference in Live, too.
21:02.26alestaneAll lua runs between frames right?
21:02.40clad|awaythats an ambiguous questions alestane
21:02.55Polarinableeter: Do you know a ETA for wine 0.9.45 to be released. It have been exactly 2 weeks since the release of 0.9.44.
21:03.16alestaneAll WoW script handlers are run during frame refreshes, correct?
21:03.21bleeterPolarina: every 14 days on a Friday is when they release, they've never missed one afaik
21:03.30Polarinaalestane: Yes.
21:03.34Polarinableeter: Ok, thanks.
21:03.34amroCTRACKER_INCOMBAT = "En Combat"
21:03.34amroCTRACKER_DISPLAY = "%ds / %d dégâts / %.2f dps"
21:03.34amroCTRACKER_MSG = "%d dégâts reçu en %d secondes. Moyenne de DPS: %.2f"
21:03.38bleeterPolarina: so I'd suspect sometime in the next 24 hours ;)
21:03.44Polarinableeter: :)
21:03.45Nom-gah, such a hard decision to make as a paladin
21:03.47amroclad|away: switch the first two around in CTRACKER_MSG
21:03.59clad|awayits still an ambiguous question.  What specifically are you trying to find out?
21:04.09Nom-arena gear, do i go shockadin, retadin or healadin? :(
21:04.18clad|awayamro: any chance you can use the escaped special character, or will that be too difficult?
21:04.19Polarinahealadin. :)
21:04.20amroalso, see if someone else with an frFR client can confirm dégâts, I'm not sure what the official translation is
21:04.23Nom-they're all a blast, so hard to decide
21:04.27clad|awayi really appreciate your help
21:04.33alestaneIf a function shows a fontstring or texture, and another function hooked on the end of it hides it again, will it show up?
21:04.45PolarinaNom-: Try them all. :)
21:04.54clad|awayif they are run sequentially, then yes they will all happen before the next refresh
21:05.13clad|awaythere's no interleaving of game client and handlers, its a single thread of excecution
21:06.04alestaneSo if I hooksecurefunc ActionButton_Update to hide the macro string, it won't show up?
21:06.22clad|awaycorrect, the hook will be called before the next screen refresh
21:06.33amroclad|away: I don't know the escape codes for those characters, sorry
21:06.38alestaneOr will this taint the fonstring object and all the action button code?
21:06.42clad|awayokay, thank you
21:07.04clad|awayalestane: if the font string is attached to a secure button, then you cannot hide it in combat
21:07.05alestaneDoesn't seem like it should.
21:07.08clad|awayit will be secure
21:07.18clad|awaybut no, calling a function won't taint anything, so long as no values are passed
21:07.25alestaneclad|away: protection extends up, not down.
21:07.38clad|awayyes, you're correct
21:07.40clad|awaymy mistake
21:07.41amroclad|away: np, don't forget to double-check with someone else just in case
21:07.46clad|awayi had it backwards in my mind.
21:08.06alestaneI will try it when I get home then, because people are always begging for a way to hide their macro names.
21:08.22alestanespeaking of which, time to head home.
21:08.32Polarinaalestane: I hide them by naming the macro with a single space.
21:09.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
21:09.06alestanePolarina: That affects functionality though. You cannot refer to the macros by name, for instance in secure action buttons.
21:09.33PolarinaNo, I mean in Blizzards macro UI.
21:09.58alestaneThe result will be undefined if multiple macros share the same could theoretically cause conflicts with other addons.
21:10.21alestaneSo there should be a way to do it regardless of the macro names.
21:10.23PolarinaOne space for first macro, two for second, and so on.
21:10.41alestaneHow do you find the macro you want if one needs editing?
21:10.51PolarinaBy the icon.
21:11.39alestaneIt's a functional solution, but not a clean one...especially if I can solve it with a 4-line mod. I'll let you know later.
21:11.42zenzelezzor just click on them and look at the content
21:13.06Intangirckknight: you there?
21:13.39bleeterpeople now asking me for Wine Eve support
21:13.46Intangirit should be possible to just change the 'GUILD' parameter in the RegisterComms call to .. raid or something shouldnt it?
21:13.52Intangirto do what i was talking about earlier
21:14.13bleeterI've been trying to be vague.. 'at a guess', 'i dunno 'coz I don't have Eve'.. but they keep asking argh... I should just keep my mouth shut
21:14.25ckknightto get people's positions?
21:14.36Intangirfor friends in the raid who are running it
21:14.41ckknightif you're in a raid, you already know their positions.
21:14.52Nom-Polarina: I have tried them all, but now i'm buying pvp gear...have to commit to one spec
21:14.55Intangirit doesnt show raid members in the minimap unless they are in your group
21:15.09amroclad|away: CTRACKER_MSG = "%d dégâts subits en %d secondes. Moyenne de DPS: %.2f" is better
21:15.13PolarinaNom-: Buy all three sets. ;)
21:15.34Intangirim gonna give it a try, if it works ill send it back to you and you can include it if you want
21:15.40ckknightIntangir: and it doesn't show guild members on the minimap either
21:15.58Intangiryour addon shows guild members in the minimap though doesnt it?
21:16.44Nom-Polarina: After 3 weeks of arena i'm about to buy my first piece...that's not really practical :)
21:17.29Intangirwhat does it do? only on the main map?
21:18.47Nom-Anyone seen a blue post on when patch day is ?
21:18.55Nom-I've heard a few pplz saying it's this week
21:19.17bleeternope, ain't seen squat
21:19.30bleeterand given the new PTR's pretty recent, I'd guess that they don't know for sure yet, either
21:19.57bleeterthough they're prolly hoping for next week just to get the freakin' thing out the door ;)
21:20.10bleeterbut if major probs still appear over the weekend, etc. etc. :)
21:21.09Intangiri think bleeting is the what a goat does when its scared ;)
21:21.22Intangirlike crying for a goat hehe
21:21.26bleeterthat's bleat, l2spell
21:21.36Intangiroh big difference ;)
21:22.11bleeterB.Leeter Yaluser, for the 'full name' ;)
21:22.33Intangirwhats your characters name?
21:22.44bleeterwhich one, I suffer from alt-itits
21:23.23Intangirnm i thought i had killed a character named yaluser today in BGs
21:23.31Intangirbut i just did a search and it says no characters are named that
21:23.38bleeterindeed ;)
21:23.56*** join/#wowi-lounge blq (
21:32.20bleeterthough I've just corrected that
21:38.54*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
21:43.27*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
21:43.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
21:49.54Punkie`I was so jealous at work today :(
21:50.05Punkie`a collegue got their 24" iMac delivered
21:54.45amroyou know what the right thing to do when you're jealous: break it
21:55.27Punkie`or just give in and buy myself one :D
21:55.51amrothat too :)
21:56.00Punkie`I like this idea :o
21:56.20Nom-Arena calculations have been modified. In addition, the penalty for smaller arena teams (2v2, 3v3) has been slightly reduced.
21:56.26Nom-hmm does anyone know how they've been modified ?
21:56.31Nom-more points, or less ?
21:57.13Punkie`I would say that means more points
21:58.14zenzelezzI would guess so too
21:58.18[dRaCo]penalty reduced --> more points.
21:59.28Nom-No, it says in addition penalty has been reduced
21:59.46Nom-for all we know, they could have made the points curve different, so lower ratings end up with less points than they do now
22:00.54Intangirlol why do the name the directory 'wtf'
22:01.08zenzelezzWarcraft Text File
22:01.17zenzelezzit's on the support page
22:01.19Intangirsuure ;)
22:01.24Intangirthats what they want you to think
22:10.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
22:13.38Industrial"Have a good one"
22:13.42Industrialhave a good what?
22:14.38zenzelezzday, dinner, wank, think it's open for whatever you intend to do
22:14.51cog|worki wouldn't mind a good one
22:15.19*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
22:16.46Lunessacog|work: I think the same can be said of all males.
22:17.45cog|worksometimes i wish taunt worked in PvP... but then it seems like everybody attacks me anyway so...
22:18.58zenzelezzI don't see a reason why it shouldn't work something similar to distract
22:19.43cog|workif they did let it work, it should have diminishing returns imo
22:20.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:20.41zenzelezzfor PvP, of course
22:21.56*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
22:22.38LunessaYeah, I'm not fond of PvP mechanics that remove your (the player) ability to control your own actions.  
22:23.09zenzelezzI don't want it to be a sticky effect, just one that makes you at least face the taunter, perhaps target
22:23.13LunessaFear, Polymorph, etc. are bad enough, add in charm and taunt effects, and... ewww.
22:23.39*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost__ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
22:27.34Wobin_taunt would be ... difficult... to implement
22:28.04Wobin_cause the current usage in pve, if you, for example, taunt a caster, midcast, they target you -after- the current cast
22:28.04cog|workactually i don't think it would be much harder than distract or feign death
22:28.16cog|workwell that might still hold true
22:28.31cog|workbecause the target of your cast is sent to the server with the cast itself
22:28.59Wobin_it would seem... odd, to suddenly retarget to someone who may be completely out of range after a channeled spell, for example
22:29.31Wobin_And would it force you to retarget them with no chance for change?
22:29.43Wobin_or would it allow you to retarget after a certain period
22:29.50zenzelezzwell, actually targetting someone seems a bit harsh for PvP, but I would appreciate the face-me aspect
22:29.55cog|workas long as the debuff exists you can't change targets
22:34.01amrobut the game isn't balanced for it PvP-wise
22:49.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
22:49.35Tem|Classamro, sure it is
22:49.41Tem|Classit's just balanced around group pvp
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22:53.19amroTem|Class: I only do world pvp :)
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22:54.54Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
22:54.56ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Jelly! Two 70 priests square off!; Kimina wins by 71 TBRs!
22:55.14|Jelly|Not in the mood. :\
22:55.18Shirikaww <3
23:01.26Mr_Rabies2i was just about to ask ckknight something about dogtag
23:03.04*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
23:03.44alestaneHiding macro text works quite handily.
23:03.47Mr_Rabies2aha, i got it
23:04.20Mr_Rabies2yeah i had to hide the macrotext in bartender, it was getting annoying
23:05.03alestaneWell, I have just devised a simple sheme to hide the macro names on stock action buttons as well.
23:05.10PolarinaWhat is it?
23:05.57alestanehooksecurefunc("ActionBUtton_Update", function (...) getglobal(this:GetName().."Name"):Hide() end )
23:07.15PolarinaThat bot is not working correctly.
23:07.21alestaneJust need to package it up with a checkbox...should the setting be saved globally or per character?
23:09.12Polarinaalestane: Why you use getglobal()?
23:09.20PolarinaIt's much faster to use the table _G.
23:09.58alestaneThe function is called so infrequently that the performance hit is unlikely to have any noticeable impact.
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23:12.02Mr_Rabies2for some reason modifier + numpad = nothing
23:12.45alestaneWhich modifier?
23:12.52LunessaModifier + Numpad is often a different function in Windows.
23:13.06Mr_Rabies2any, alestane
23:13.07LunessaSpecifically ALT
23:13.28alestaneshift+numpad = home, end, etc.
23:13.32Mr_Rabies2ooh, alt works actually
23:13.40Mr_Rabies2but not ctrl or shift
23:13.45Mr_Rabies2it's numpad 5
23:13.52Mr_Rabies2which has no alt function
23:14.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
23:14.40alestanectrl should work, at least it always has for me.
23:15.33Mr_Rabies2not fot me
23:16.03Mr_Rabies2aha i think i found out why
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23:16.48alestaneckknight: does Cartographer_Import support CTMapMod?
23:16.50Mr_Rabies2yeah, ctrl works, but alt doesn't
23:16.59Mr_Rabies2er, shift, rather doesn't
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23:31.42alestaneWhat was that?
23:32.34purlit has been said that netsplit is something that happens when two IRC servers lose their link, thus isolating the users on every side from each other.  a normal part of ALL irc networks, despite what some people bitching about larger networks may seem to think, or an orchestra of poips and thwoops, or something which occurs frequently on OPN
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23:33.41Shirik|Ghostso I wasn't the only one
23:33.41Shirik|Ghostwas that a netsplit? Because I got dced >.>
23:33.41alestaneNo, sounds like cog nailed that one from the description.
23:33.42Thrae_Can anyone see my message? I'm not getting a response from NickServ.
23:34.21alestaneThrae_: Yes.
23:34.21cog|workyes, Thrae
23:34.21*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
23:34.21zenzelezzyou were the only one, the rest were just sympathy quits
23:34.21cog|workShirik|Ghost: most was split
23:34.21alestaneShirik|Ghost: Yes, that sure looked like a netsplit.
23:34.21Shirik|Ghost14(1911:3011:5314) * Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out)
23:34.21Shirik|Ghost14(1911:3111:0314) * Connect retry #7 (6667)
23:34.21ThraeThat was a serious netsplit there.
23:34.23cog|workShirik|Ghost: then it may have been the node you were connected to that went down
23:35.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
23:35.24ShirikI promise I didn't do it
23:36.43ThraeBot A tiny link [Thrae]
23:36.51ThraeWell that works too now
23:37.13Thrae!help t
23:37.13ThraeBot!t <url> [optional stuff after] -- Tinifies a URL. Use /msg ThraeBot t #<channel> <url> [optional stuff after] to sends the message to the channel, if bot and sender are in it.
23:37.52alestaneSo, I think someone may try to charge me with leaving the scene of an accident.
23:38.03ThraeBot Beautiful. Purely beautiful. [Shirik]
23:38.05Shirikcool :)
23:38.28zenzelezzalestane: that's why you kill the witnesses
23:39.04zenzelezzwait, you said accident, not crime
23:39.13alestaneI rolled back a little at an intersection and may have come into contact with the bumper behind me as I hit the brakes...wouldn't have thought anything of it but I swear the guy tailed me home and drove away.
23:40.20Shirikdoes anyone know what umode 6 is?
23:41.51alestaneShirik: In what context?
23:42.17Shirikevery time I try to set umode w, I get this:
23:42.19ShirikUnknown MODE flag
23:42.19Shirik14(1911:3911:2314)  11-› Shirik sets mode: -6+w
23:42.19Shirik14(1911:3911:2614)  11-› services. sets mode: +6
23:43.20alestaneBut yeah, the fellow was directly behind me from that moment until I entered my driveway, signaled every turn a moment after I did, and when I pulled into my driveway, I saw his head swivel to watch me like I had him on a string before he kept going.
23:45.30Lunessaalestane: Did you get a plate number/description?  
23:45.48alestaneIt was a black toyota, that was all I really noticed.
23:46.00alestaneProbably a Corolla.
23:46.34alestaneAnd while I shouldn't have slipped, if I hit him then he was way too close to me, I didn't slip that far.
23:47.03Shirikand he shouldn't have left you
23:47.05Shirikif he hit you
23:47.10Shirikif you hit him
23:47.20Shirikif he knew where you lived, then he should have come up to you after you pulled into driveway
23:47.26Shirikhow were you supposed to know you hit him
23:48.27alestaneWell, he never tried to indicate to me that he wanted me to pull over, and he should have gotten my attention, yeah, when I got home. I'd ignore the whole thing except for the way he watched me enter my driveway, his attention was totally on me as I turned off the road.
23:49.04JoshBorkeshirik: hi
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23:49.44zenzelezzalestane: he may have expected there to be some damage and noticed he was wrong when he got home or something
23:49.51cog|worki did that to someone once but it was for almost running me off the road, not just backing into me lightly...
23:50.35alestaneI wasn't even sure at the time if I'd touched his car or if it was just my brakes catching me, if I touched him it was that light.
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23:51.17Shirikwait hold up
23:51.20Shirikwhat happened?
23:51.38Shirikhow did he hit your back
23:51.41Shirikyet it was your fault?
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23:57.17zenzelezzgod I hate MSN
23:57.22alestaneI was rolling back at the time, I drive a five -speed and I was on the clutch for a hair too long before I caught the brake.
23:57.30zenzelezzapparently it thinks an .mp3 is potentially harmful and refuses to run it
23:57.34*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
23:58.02alestaneBut I didn't roll back more than maybe nine inches, if we bumped he was way too close to me.

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