IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070904

00:00.23Corrodiaswhich may not happen because of how old it is
00:02.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
00:03.34*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
00:06.12Corrodiasdo you-all know of an addon that will give me a quick way to delete items from my bags?
00:07.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel_ (n=Iriel@
00:07.55*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel_] by ChanServ
00:21.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Ominous_ (
00:41.16*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:52.33ales|wowAnyone here has substantial experience working with the event, UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORMS?
00:52.59Iriel_Isn't that the one fired when you get a new form?
00:54.43Shirikalestane: Be very careful
00:54.43alestaneThat's what I'm trying to check.
00:55.21Iriel_Are you sure Shirik ??
00:55.49alestaneThe wiki says that it fires when the player changes his shape...but FrameXML seems to imply that it's used to set up the shapeshift bar.
00:55.49Shirikthey do two different things though
00:56.04Shirikthen someone may have made that mistake I just pointed out
00:56.22Iriel_PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED fires when you shift forms
00:56.23alestaneI want the one that fires when the list of available shapeshift forms changes.
00:56.23ShirikI've come across that problem before
00:56.28Shirikthat does too yes
00:57.02Iriel_The WoW executable does contain both singular and plural as strings
00:57.08Iriel_I'm not sure if both fire as events though
00:57.51Iriel_Hm, apparently it does.
00:58.09Iriel_So in that case i'd imagine the plural means 'I just got a form I didn't have before' and the singilar means 'I just changed form'
00:58.15Shirikthat's what I understand
01:00.56alestaneDo you know if it fires at load time? Or do I also have to trap PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD?
01:01.11Iriel_You pretty much always need to trap P_E_W
01:01.28Iriel_The default UI does
01:02.11*** join/#wowi-lounge blq (
01:02.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
01:02.39alestaneQuestion for anyone who's played a shadow priest with the stock UI...does shadowform give you a stance button above your regular action bar?
01:02.42*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
01:03.09Shirika stance button?
01:03.17Shiriklike to go in and out of shadowform?
01:03.18Shirikiirc no
01:03.29Shirikbut that was a LONG time ago
01:03.58WobworkI've hidden the stance bar on my priest
01:04.01WobworkI can't recall anymore
01:05.10Iriel_I've not gotten a priest high enough to know but isn't shadowform just a buff?
01:05.21JoshBorkeit's a stance
01:05.33JoshBorkealestane: you want me to check real fast?
01:05.47JoshBorkei'm bored with pissing off shadowed
01:05.54alestaneJoshBorke: If you could.
01:06.20alestaneJust let me know if you get the button like stealth for a rogue.
01:06.33JoshBorkei'm pretty sure i won't
01:07.01alestaneYou know what, I just realized it doesn't matter.
01:07.08JoshBorkei hate you
01:07.18alestaneWhy, did you respec or something?
01:08.08JoshBorkeno, because you just said it didn't matter
01:08.13JoshBorkeso i don't need to log in at all
01:08.40JoshBorkeok, i'm in with the default wow bar
01:08.44alestaneWell, my code soesn't need to know, but I'll admit to a curiosity if it makes you happier.
01:08.56JoshBorkeno stance bar
01:09.04alestaneNo little button?
01:09.09JoshBorkewhether in shadowform or not
01:09.24alestaneI just had to know if it treated it like stealth or not.
01:09.50alestaneYour bar changes though, right? Your row of spells in page 1?
01:12.10JoshBorkelet me check
01:12.15JoshBorkei'm pretty sure it can
01:12.23JoshBorkeyea, it did
01:12.27JoshBorkewith a sliding action and everything
01:12.37alestanek thanks.
01:13.04JoshBorkeit appears to be actionbar 7
01:14.30JoshBorkeconfirmed, it is 7
01:14.30alestaneHeh, just looking at the events that ShapeshiftBar reigsters for...PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD, UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORMS, SPELL_UPDATE_COOLDOWN, SPELL_UPDATE_USABLE, PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED, ACTIONBAR_PAGE_CHANGED...and next to where it registers UPDATE_INVENTORY_ALERTS is a little note saying "-- Wha ??"
01:18.26alestaneJoshBorke: That sliding action is the bane of my existence right now.
01:18.52JoshBorkealestane: lol.  i never see it because i use bongos
01:21.16*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
01:21.25alestaneI'm writing a code proposal to reimplement the stock action bar using a secure state header, so that it will be easier to mod its behavior...I now have EVERYTHING done, except for support for that little slide.
01:28.35JoshBorke~botmail for Shirik: CTL/ACE/DONGLE/ROCK/KHAOS RDX KTHXBAI!!!111ononone
01:29.34Iriel_alestane: The secure state header really needs an animation subsystem, I figure when 3.0 starts bubbling I'll try and pitch one
01:29.41JoshBorkeShirik: i only pinged you in 1 channel
01:30.23Wobworkyeah Shirik
01:30.23alestaneIriel_: It has one (sort of) in the form of delaystates, but it's not pretty.
01:30.49Iriel_That only gives you timed transitions, I meant more for layout control.
01:30.53Iriel_Like the sliding, for example
01:31.26ckknightJoshBorke, dear lord, one thing I do like about Rock is that people will no longer think it's a damn acronym
01:31.44JoshBorkedongle isn't an acronym and i put it in all caps
01:31.53ckknightyea, but it just reminded me
01:31.58WobworkJoker was considered an acronym?
01:32.25ckknightmerely a joke
01:32.43alestaneIriel_: I don't actually need secure state support for my particular task, I just need a way to stop the action icons from changing their appearance until the 'slide' has run its course...a lot of trouble to go through for one class and one spec of one other class.
01:33.54JoshBorkealestane: you mean SPriests are the only class to get that sliding action?
01:34.11alestaneJoshBorke: Rogues.
01:34.34alestaneRogues get it for going into and out of stealth.
01:34.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Chaotic_D (
01:35.01ShirikI give up -_-
01:35.28JoshBorke~botmail for shirik we love you shirik
01:35.29alestaneIriel_: You might like to see the code I added to SecureTemplates.lua to support states more widely:
01:35.35Chaotic_Dhow do you powerlevel someone if you're not a healer? high level first aid? ;>
01:35.51JoshBorkeyou kill things for him?
01:36.15Cidan~botmail for shirik Ping
01:36.39Cidanhave them tap the mob, then you kill it?
01:37.07ckknight~botmail for Shirik: Hey, Joshborke says he loves you, just so you know and all.
01:37.09Chaotic_DI thought grouping with a high level would kill your XP. I've... hardly ever grouped when I played my shaman that got to level 46.
01:37.35Chaotic_Dso what determines who gets the XP? just the first hit? I thought it was the majority of the damage.
01:37.41JoshBorkemajority of the damage
01:37.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
01:37.52JoshBorkeyou have to do 50% of the damage in order to get full XP and they have to be ungrouped
01:38.02Chaotic_Dso he has to pay attention and only kill things after I do over 50% of it's health.
01:38.12JoshBorkeyea, it would be better if he just did all the quests for you
01:38.24Cidandon't... group?
01:38.24JoshBorkedepending on the level there is usually more than 1 location for quests
01:39.06*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
01:39.50Chaotic_Dm'kay. I don't know how much spare time he has, but he did offer to help. I think maybe I'll level by myself at first if possible, since the first hour is so fast.
01:40.21CidanYou really need to just pick a server and stick with it
01:40.27Cidanstay with one char, get up there.
01:40.50Chaotic_DBTW, have any of you had your PC beep while playing? (or even typing) I find it happens a lot more when I'm gaming, and hitting multiple keys, or cursor keys in certain timing.
01:41.03Chaotic_Dwho said I wasn't sticking with one server?
01:41.23Chaotic_Dhe's only on one server.
01:41.49JoshBorkeChaotic_D: i would recommend doing as many of the quests as you can solo and asking for his help with the group quests.
01:41.59Chaotic_DI just realized the one I HAD been leveling wasn't on his server.
01:42.24CidanChaotic_D, it's because you are using a PS2 keyboard
01:42.35CidanThey have a limit of three keys at any given time
01:42.39Chaotic_Doh man.
01:42.41CidanSwitch to a USB keyboard.
01:43.36Chaotic_Dok, thanks. will a PS2 keyboard with a USB adapter work, or is it the keyboard?
01:44.28alestaneif enableMouse="false" then can you 'click through' the frame to frames underneath?
01:44.46ckknightyes, alestane
01:44.50Chaotic_Dis there at least a way to shut up the PS2 keyboard error so it doesn't beep?
01:49.25*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
01:50.26Iriel_The concurrent key limitation is as much a feature of the key matrix as it is the interface, there's no guarantee a USB keyboard is any more forgiving, it depends what the keys are and how it's wired
01:51.27Mr_Rabies2ogrila rep is slow
01:51.34Mr_Rabies2er than skyguard
01:51.41Mr_Rabies2they need a few more dailies
01:51.51*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
01:55.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
01:57.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
02:00.04alestaneIriel: Do you know any reason why it makes sense for SecureActionButton to support shapeshift forms directly, or can they be implemented easily enough using 'type' = 'spell', 'spell' = form_name?
02:00.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten-Laptop (
02:00.40Shirikif you do the form
02:00.48Shiriknm, I made that up
02:08.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten_ (
02:08.54Tullerwait, when did they add shapeshift stuff to the secure action buttons?
02:09.13JoshBorkethey didn't
02:09.14JoshBorkekeep up
02:09.52alestaneI'm checking whether there's a need to or not.
02:10.19*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
02:10.42Irielalestane: Hm, possibly entering but not leaving the form.. You'd have to check if the behavior is consistent
02:10.56Irielalestane: Still, that shouldnt require special processing
02:12.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Caelten (
02:14.25alestaneWell, we can get the spell name out of GetShapeshiftFormInfo, so that should be all we need to set up 'spell' = buttons...depends as you say whether there is any real difference between CastShapeshiftForm(1) and CastSpellByName('Bear Form')
02:14.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Ominous_ (
02:15.36Tullerwell, that's exactly how I create the shapeshift bar in bongos
02:16.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Caelten (
02:16.16*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Caelten] by ChanServ
02:16.27alestaneTuller: 'type' = 'spell', 'spell' = 'Bear Form'?
02:17.22Tullerlocal spell = select(2, GetShapeshiftFormInfo(id))
02:17.23Tullerbutton:SetAttribute("type", "spell")
02:17.25Tullerbutton:SetAttribute("spell", spell)
02:17.39Tullerper iriel's old code to do that :)
02:18.39alestaneNo complaints?
02:21.31alestaneJust trying to figure out if there is any reason to add a 'type' = 'stance', 'action' = 2, type setup.
02:22.15IrielSimplicity if the stances change around (no need for an event handler to reconfigure the buttons)
02:23.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten_ (
02:26.05alestaneWell, as long as I am writing a code proposal to centralize all protected functions under the SecureTemplates, might as well throw it in I guess.
02:28.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
02:29.21alestaneHave to sleep now though...will write in last couple action attributes and post relevant DIFF files tomorrow.
02:35.04clad|awayI called your code clean AND elegant
02:35.08clad|awayI have the hawts for your code.
02:35.45Tulleractually my code is typically dirty and I know it :P
02:35.48clad|awaybatrick: we could discuss this here as well, *wink*
02:35.54clad|awayTuller: I know your typical code is
02:36.01clad|awaymy compliments were intentionally namespaced
02:37.52TullerI even used a haste esque print"stuff" :)
02:38.12Tullerwhich I absolutely hate :P
02:38.16JoshBorke~lart tuller
02:38.16purlrm -rf's tuller
02:38.32JoshBorke~lart tuller
02:38.32purlhereby declares tuller a troll
02:38.38JoshBorkei HATE that form :-P
02:38.49TullerI kindof like the blah{stuff} form at least
02:39.03Tullergiven that its in some sort of parens :)
02:39.10clad|awayyeah, i can handle those :P
02:45.09Tullerbatrick: poke!
02:48.12ShirikTuller: I like those too
02:48.29ShirikRDX is flooded with VFL.RegisterModule{....}
02:48.46Shirikand texture:SetTexture[[Some\Path\To\TGA]]
02:49.53Tullerjust throw people off and write texture.SetTexture(othertexture, 'texture path') at some point :)
02:55.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|Away (n=nnjbcc@
02:57.04Shirikthat's evil
03:00.08Tullerbut it teaches lua! :)
03:00.40batrickya I suppose we could but where's the fun in tone misunderstanding via forums
03:00.43Tulleralso, is Sylvaan industrial? :)
03:00.58batrickclad: ^
03:05.40clad|awaylol no, Sylvaan isn't id.
03:06.24clad|awayid doesn't have a toon over 30
03:06.48clad|awaybatrick: I'm an educator, and I can unequivocally state that while you may prefer your version, there is nothing "clean" or "elegant" about it, from a pedagogical perspective :P
03:08.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
03:08.37sioraiochtwhat sholuld the title of my blog be
03:09.02clad|away"Diaries of a Functional Programming Dork (who is getting his PhD from Oxford)"
03:09.13sioraiochtthat could be the tagline
03:09.28Wobwork"No, I can't pronounce my nick either."
03:09.33clad|awayuhh "Pure Intentions"
03:09.43sioraiochtoh god
03:09.44clad|awaymake some pun on pure functions
03:09.52clad|awayand it doesn't fit you at all.. which makes it funny
03:10.08sioraiochtthere has to be a good one on referential transparency, i know it
03:10.18Wobwork"Sauntering vaugely downwards"
03:10.25sioraiocht<3 good omens
03:10.34Shirikconfuses the hell out of people: /script GuildSetMOTD("Illpalazzo has yummy fishsticks. Kimi can supply you with warm tartar sauce. Pelia has aldor tokens who needs them?\n\124cFFFFFF00Kimina rolls 101 (1-100)\124r")
03:10.42Shirik(Ignore the first part of the GMOTD, that was there before
03:10.46Shirikthe second part is the fun part
03:11.24batrickclad|away: It might not look clean symantically, but it's clean in that it's separate from the gloabl environment
03:11.36sioraiochtbatrick: so is using a table
03:11.40clad|awaybatrick: so is the other alternative, which is easily taught
03:11.47clad|awaysioraiocht: Flamba Jama, Fa-blee!
03:12.53Thunder_Childwhy does it have to have a title?
03:13.05clad|awaybecause "My Blog Needs a Title" is lame
03:13.17Wobwork"Team Alpha Super Awesome Cool Dynamite Wolf Squadron"
03:13.20sioraiochtbecause I can't deal with th eRSS feed showing (Untitled Feed)
03:13.35Thunder_Childclad|away...that *is* a title
03:13.47Wobworkthat's the name of one of our Kara teams =)
03:13.49batrickclad: no one will want to access their localization strings or other variables with some long prefix imo
03:13.58clad|awaybatrick: you don't need to..
03:13.59clad|awaylocal L
03:14.14batrickthat would need to have some huge if-else structure
03:14.18clad|awayno it wouldn't.
03:14.24sioraiochtbatrick: example?
03:14.25batrickat the beginning of the main file, and even then it's only defined for that chunk
03:14.26clad|awayyou're not being creative enough, look at Perfectraid
03:14.34clad|awayPerfectRaid does it quite well
03:14.50Shiriksetfenv(0, GetZoneText())
03:14.51Shirikoh yeah
03:14.56clad|awayby defining PerfectRaid.locals
03:14.58clad|awayand then setting local L = PerfectRaid.locals
03:15.02Shirikmake an environment for every zone
03:15.07clad|awayI'd rather not pollute my own namespace either
03:15.13batrickeh you still need to prefix it
03:15.24clad|awaythen its clear whats a localized string
03:15.32clad|awayever had multiple koKReans working on your addons?
03:15.42Tullerthat's actually why I adopted that syntax :P
03:15.51clad|awayI have, for all of them, and they know every single time I use L.SOMETAG its a tag that needs to be localized.
03:15.53Tullerit being easier to read, that is
03:15.59WobworkYou damn EnUSsians!
03:16.31sioraiochtWobwork: I was informed you were the tim tam providor
03:16.57clad|awaybatrick: otherwise you have to invent some other convention for people to easily see what needs to be localized
03:17.05batrickI have one
03:17.15Shirikthere are many who follow the "local L" syntax for localization :)
03:17.18ShirikConspiracy included
03:17.19clad|awayas a matter of fact, PerfectRaid uses a small lua script to pull out all uses of L["Some String"], generating the base locale by itself.
03:17.21batrickit's called:, etc.
03:17.21sioraiochtI must simultaneous prostrate myself before you in gratitude, and curse you with the fiery passion of a thousand suns, because they were delicious, and I'll never, ever, top wanting them
03:17.29clad|awaybatrick: you're missing what i'm saying, entirely
03:17.34clad|awaybut thats okay
03:18.19Wobworksioraiocht: Indeed. I am known as the Enabler.
03:18.19clad|awaythe point is, there's nothing wrong with L["Some string"] other than the fact that you don't like the way it looks, and that it requires some sort of prefix.
03:18.32WobworkThe name can cause issues in certain circles however.
03:18.39sioraiochtWobwork: I did a tim tam slam, and it was a spiritual experience
03:18.47bleetersioraiocht: woot!
03:18.48WobworkIsn't it? =)
03:18.55clad|awayBut as I stated, my code can be pastey'd and everyone will understand it, whereas yours taken out of context is horribly difficult to understand.
03:18.57ShirikThis is conspiracy's localization strategy, which is actually pretty common:
03:19.00batrickwell that looks find clad, but is that your only point?
03:19.06clad|awayin short, different strokes for different folks.
03:19.08Shirik(the file, of course, goes a lot longer)
03:19.17Shirikand that file is named enUS.lua in conspiracy/Language
03:19.31Wobworkclad|away: .... My inner Tekkub took one look at that comment and made comment =P
03:19.44clad|awayWobwork: ;-)
03:19.52batrickif I make a new string that needs to be localized, I just copy it to all the other localization.xx.lua files and put a --Translate comment next to it
03:20.01clad|awaysame here
03:20.08clad|awayonly when someone looks at my code, without the locale file
03:20.18clad|awayits clear whats going on, and where my variables come from
03:20.25clad|awaywhereas setfenv() hides it all with "magic"
03:20.43Chaotic_Dwhat's a good name for a female Gnome mage? Cherrybomb? Boomcandy? Pyroteknique?
03:20.46batrickI removed that word from my howto because I don't want it to be viewed that way :P
03:21.05Chaotic_Dno one's taken Pyroteknique on ANY servers, but Cherrybomb has like 5 pages on the armory.
03:21.19Chaotic_Dno Boomcandy or Candyboom's either.
03:21.28TullerI also really really really really do not want people ever simply declaring variables by variable = "blah"
03:21.35Shiriksvn up
03:22.02batrickTuller: what's wrong with that if they know what environment they're in
03:22.09clad|awaybatrick: that's exactly what it is tho
03:22.14clad|awaybatrick: because the person reading the code doesn't
03:22.16clad|awayand that's extremely important
03:22.25batrickwell I tried to explain that
03:22.37batrickbut just because it's difficult for someone new, doesn't mean it shouldn't be used
03:23.03TullerI know that, but it still is harder to read
03:23.22ShirikI can read this statement: function a(a) coroutine.wrap(a)(a) end a(a)
03:23.23WobworkBest mage name I've seen: Frostitute
03:23.26clad|awayLike I said, put it on the wiki, its a valid idea for lots of things
03:23.28ShirikThat doesn't mean that it's well written >.>
03:23.42batrickhow so? If someone is constantly changing their environment I could see a problem with that. But if they clearly set their environment to their addon table, how is that worse?
03:23.51batrickTuller: ^
03:24.07Tullerbecause i can't look at a single function and tell that
03:24.22clad|awayBut using "magic" to save a few characters in an average file, introducing a metatable hit for every single global lookup, and obfuscating your code for the sake of what you feel is important (i.e. less prefixing) isn't something everyone is interested in.
03:25.09Tullerlets use an example here
03:25.11batrickThe metatable lookup is about as bad as the regular global table lookup, it it really is so bad in a certain section of code that does it repeatedly, then you should build local copies. Just like usual
03:25.27Tullerwho am I talking to right now?
03:25.29clad|awaythat was just a portion of my disagreement
03:25.32Tullerbatrick: who am I talking to right now?
03:25.44clad|awayit depends on what you find important
03:25.59clad|awayI find making my code easy to read in any context more important than saving 150 keystrokes over the course of an entire file.
03:26.12Tullerthat's also why I use the self parameter sometimes
03:26.16clad|awayI expose my API using methods in a namespace, and make all other functions locally scoped to the file.
03:26.22clad|awayif not a specific section of the file.
03:26.24Tullersimply so that I don't have to write AddonName all of the time :)
03:27.01batrickeh I think we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one
03:27.18CidanI h4x0r my lua into bytecode and wrote an ASM loader for it right into WoW.
03:27.20CidanBeat that.
03:27.25*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Cidan!n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by clad|away (you're not that good)
03:27.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (
03:27.35CidanYes, I am.
03:27.39CidanHowever, I wouldn't want to.
03:27.46clad|awaybatrick: Its not agreement to disagree, but it comes right down to what you feel is important when writing an addon
03:27.50clad|awayand that, we differ on entirely
03:27.52clad|awayand I'm okay with that :P
03:29.05ShirikCidan totally deserved that
03:29.10CidanI did not.
03:29.23CidanGod damn it, now you're going to make me prove it.
03:30.30IrielCidan: That would be, at the very least, a challenge. and any successful attempt would be sufficient to get you banned 8-)
03:30.51bleeternow there
03:30.52*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
03:30.59bleeternow there's inspiration if ever the was any
03:31.00Cidan[23:28] <Cidan> However, I wouldn't want to.
03:31.41CidanI won't go into discussion about it here though -- lest I be subject to a ban in here.
03:31.48*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
03:31.48*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v AnduinLothar] by ChanServ
03:32.06clad|awayi dont need that much justification to ban you
03:32.19sioraiochtps, my blog title ended up being "Lazy Imagination"
03:32.20clad|awayi can come up with another reason if it'll further your bytecode loading efforts imo
03:32.22CidanClad, a little bit of me died on the inside with that comment.
03:32.43clad|awayCidan: the part that loves girls imo
03:33.00Cidanhah, I'm hispanic, that part will never die.
03:33.00sioraiochtmust not have been very robust in the first place
03:33.18Shirikdude, Cidan
03:33.21Shirikyou can totally click clad|away now
03:33.29Shirikbut you failed at it
03:34.03ShirikI gave you privileges at #conspiracy
03:34.07Cidanoh right, eh
03:34.36Cidanthe only channel I stay op'd in is #microsoft on EFNet
03:35.06ScytheBlade1... lol
03:35.19sioraiochtCidan: that is the uncoolest thing i've ever heard
03:35.44Cidanpsh, I've been hanging out there for what... uh, 10 years now?
03:36.10batrickyou just beat your previious statement in uncoolness
03:36.25CidanNaw, I just know the people there, have, for a long time.
03:36.33CidanGood friends, a lot of them are.
03:36.44batrickyou make friends with the devil?
03:36.54CidanWhy are they the devil?
03:37.35batrickit was a bad joke, and not one worth explaining
03:38.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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03:38.47bleeterhey, dumbass luser question here... how to get the default media to install to a secondary drive? I know I could install on the C drive, move the folder, then fudge with the registry, but wondering if the original installer can do it natively
03:39.22Cidandefault == original?
03:39.32bleeterer, yeah.. sorry
03:39.50CidanNot sure, I don't think I've installed from CD since the game was out.
03:40.07CidanCan't you just select it on the installed?
03:40.10Cidaner, installer?
03:40.29CidanYou must be able to -- mine is on my S: drive, has been since release.
03:40.36bleeternope, it goes to install directx (fails, 'coz 9c's installed), then straight into the installing on to C
03:40.47Wobworkdoes it even use the registry?
03:40.55ScytheBlade1Yes and no
03:40.59ScytheBlade1Same applies to every blizzard game
03:41.04ScytheBlade1They'll all run without reg settings
03:41.08bleeterAssume it does for the add/remove settings
03:41.16ScytheBlade1Nuke them and start the game, it'll run still
03:41.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
03:41.53bleeteraka 'write a batch script so the clueless user I'm doing this stuff for doesn't have to find out for himself' ;)
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03:43.07bleeterok, just gotta be careful what to select at the DirectX failure dialog ;)
03:43.11bleeterpanic stations over :)
03:43.49bleeterhmm, weird.. can't get it to not offer me the destination now... nm
03:46.55Irielbleeter: Were you initially doing a BC install onto an existing WoW install?
03:47.41bleeterIriel: nah, WoW (June 2005 Installer.exe)
04:00.35*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:01.51Guillotinethe BIOS is considered software, correct?
04:02.07Thunder_Childafaik yes
04:10.08bleeterI'd debate that it's firmware, not soft or hardware
04:10.50Thunder_Childit's still 1 & 0's
04:11.04bleetertho, truth be told, circ early 90's, it was mostly ROM chips
04:11.05Thunder_Childa rose by any other name....
04:11.33IrielFirmware's a flavor of software though, really.
04:11.54Shiriksome could argue there's no difference between software and hardware
04:12.05Shirikwhat about punch cards, what were those?
04:12.18IrielUnless we live in The Matrix, that's rather debateable
04:12.22Shirikin the end all you're doing is controlling circuits
04:12.23IrielDont confuse the media with the content
04:12.42ShirikI want to learn how to use a punchcard really though
04:12.50Shirikpunchcard computer* ?
04:13.12Irielpunch cards are just 80 character storage devices, really
04:13.12Wobworkyou punch the cards
04:13.16Wobworkthen drop them into the hopper
04:13.21Irielthere's little magical about them
04:13.24Wobworkand then realise you mispunched it
04:13.29IrielOther than the coolness of their physical existance
04:13.32Wobworkafter it's been waiting in the queue for three days
04:13.51ShirikI just want to go up to my professor one day when he assigned a program
04:13.51IrielIf you're really lucky an operator drops your deck, too
04:13.54ScytheBlade1Wow, call_user_func_array() is a fun little PHP function
04:13.56Shirikgive him a 20 lb box and say "here's my project"
04:14.05Shirikand he'll go "what the hell is this"
04:14.10Shirikand I'll say to him "my program. have fun"
04:14.48IrielOne of my CS projects was a simulation of one of the first stored program computers, that was a lot of fun.
04:15.24Iriel(A software simulation of old hardware, that is)
04:16.33Kaelten~lart Mikk
04:16.33purlstabs Mikk
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04:23.29clad|awaynight all
04:23.57bleetergnight clad|away
04:24.52Thunder_Childnight clad
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04:46.38Kaydeethreeok... wtf...
04:48.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
04:49.54Shirikone of the worst animes
04:49.58Shirikand they pick IT to be a movie?
04:50.18Tierrieminute 1-15, "introduction"
04:50.22Shirikthe hair should be interesting
04:50.30Tierrie15 to 100 minutes: "trash talk"
04:50.42Kaydeethrees/trash talk/powering up/
04:50.45Tierrie100 minutes to 110 minutes: "best action sequence ever made with nuclear explosions coming from people's hand"
04:50.52Tierrie110 minutes to 120 minutes: "someone dies"
04:51.01Tierrie120 minutes to 130 minutes: "person gets resurrected"
04:51.06Tierriethen, sequel
04:51.23Kaydeethreemeh. db/z was a mediocre anime... the funimation bastardization of it sucked hard
04:51.39Kaydeethreeit's why I still have yet to buy any funi products, though I really want FMA
04:51.53art3misthey're doing this top 100 funniest movies of all time
04:52.06MatthewSahem, trigun movie plz
04:52.22art3misthey're a A fish called wanda right now
04:52.23Tierriemake it R or X rated
04:52.25Tierrieand i'd watch it
04:52.51Kaydeethreeheh... I just rewatched trigun last week. that'd be an interesting movie
04:53.14art3mistrigun is odd
04:53.23art3misparts or it are great
04:53.31Shiriktrigun is bad too
04:53.31art3misother parts make me want to hurt puppies
04:53.35Shirikneed some real animes
04:53.45art3misExcel Saga!
04:53.57Shirikyumeria, kiminozo, fate stay night, onegai twins
04:53.58art3misi had that stupid friggin song stuck in my head for weeks
04:54.05art3misone gay twins?
04:54.23Kaydeethreeand <3 oteacher/otwins
04:54.25Shirikthat would be rated ... at least R
04:54.33art3misread or die was great
04:54.40Tierriei don't want to go to work tomorrow :(
04:54.42Tierrie;( :(
04:54.42art3misstill not 100% sure why it was entertaining
04:56.03KaydeethreeI just think the news of dbz actually happening has reminded everyone that live-action eva is still a very long ways away
04:56.05Kaydeethreethank the gods
04:56.21Tierrieid' settle for transformers 2
04:56.28art3misdbz god i hate dbz
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04:56.51art3mistransformers 2 and 3 are already on the board btw
04:57.00ShirikI'm sick of it
04:57.04Shirikcan't people come up with something new?
04:57.15art3miswhich transformers or dbz?
04:57.16ckknightShirik, talking about DBZ?
04:57.17ShirikInstead of just ripping of 10-year-old things and redoing them in a "new" movie style?
04:57.20Shiriknot just DBZ
04:57.24ShirikTransformers, Spiderman, Superman
04:57.29Shirikeverything we've seen for the last 5 years
04:57.32art3mistransformers was well done though
04:57.48ShirikHulk now I hear is (has?) coming out
04:57.50art3misxmen and spider man should have stopped at 1
04:58.00art3mishulk HAS to be redone
04:58.02ckknightShirik, they already did The Hulk, I thought
04:58.11Shirikmaybe, I didn't watch any of these I wouldn't know
04:58.13art3misang lee fucked that up sooooo badly
04:58.16Shirikexcept spider man I was somewhat forced to
04:58.17ckknightX-Men 2+3 weren't horrible
04:58.57art3misthey werent good either
04:58.57Tierriesuperman is horrible
04:58.57Tierriei like the new batman though
04:58.57Tierrieand iron man looks insanely cool
04:58.57Tierriei agree on the hulk
04:58.59art3misyeah that may be pretty good
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05:09.17RallionI just watched and liked My Super Ex-Girlfriend
05:10.37RallionIt's the only time I've ever felt that bad writing actually helped a movie, except for those times when it's 'bad on purpose'
05:11.36art3misthat movie was only funny for 2 reasons
05:11.39art3mis1. eddie izzard
05:11.41RallionEddie Izzard
05:11.57art3mis2. the two of them standing there with the purses as the girls go off to fight crime
05:12.20art3misoh i had my first new york moment the other day
05:12.33art3misi was standing out side this restaurant with my wifes purse waiting for her
05:12.53art3misand these girls walked by all snooty
05:13.10RallionAs a guy that's seen more than my fair share of horribly nasty relationship-endings, I actually saw value in the satire and for the love of god I feel so dirty for typing that.
05:13.18art3misand the first thing that ran through my head was "yeah fuck you, this is a real coach bag, how's your fake prada"
05:13.45Cairenn|afkshould have told them it's your murse
05:13.59art3misdena has like 8 coach bags
05:14.58RallionMy current girlfriend has a purse that has nothing in it and never leaves the car. It's glorious.
05:14.58art3mis4 of which i bought for her right when the new bags came in for the seasons that were "the hottest of the season" and appearantly impressed countless females that her husband had picked them out ;P
05:15.49art3misim slowly teaching her to buy clothing that has pockets
05:15.57art3misbecuase *I* will not be a mobile purse
05:16.14art3misand i wear cargo shorts and pants almost exclusively ;P
05:16.16ckknightlol, art3mis
05:16.28ckknightbut pockets make their hips look funny
05:17.02RallionI'm fine carrying her stuff, it's usually just a really small wallet, keys, and phone...with cargo pockets, that's no problem
05:17.13art3misCairenn|afk: in nyc its "prestige"
05:17.17art3misthats about it
05:17.21art3misi dont understand it past that
05:17.21Cairenn|afkno, it's stupid
05:17.31art3misno it is
05:17.34art3mistrust me on this
05:17.37Cairenn|afkno offense to your wife
05:17.49art3misoh none taken i call her a label whore all the time ;P
05:18.05art3mis#18 stripes #17 MASH
05:18.17art3mismash was brilliant
05:18.32art3misso far aside from about 4 this list is pretty good
05:18.49Cairenn|afklabels are really really dumb - if you can get good quality for good price, then why the fuck do you want to add 30%-300% for a damn name
05:18.55art3misand then they break it with ranking oldschool above mash
05:19.18art3misCairenn|afk: because here there is a very real chance youll run into that "famous" person ;P
05:19.33art3misspeaking of which
05:19.38Shirik|zZzá demain
05:19.39Cairenn|afkand I care about that, why?
05:19.42art3misi see anderson cooper like every morning
05:19.45RallionCairenn, from what I've seen, the 'higher-end' stuff is frequently LOWER quality
05:19.50art3misi want hair like his
05:19.54Cairenn|afkRallion: no kidding
05:20.05art3misthats true in most cases except coach and kate spade
05:20.13art3misboth have lifetime warranties
05:20.17Thunder_Childand besides, it seems to be rather hard to find womens clothing with pockets
05:20.18Cairenn|afkthanks, I like my $20 jeans from walmart, I don't really need to spend $200 for a name on a pocket
05:20.29art3misanything rips breaks tears etc on them even 40 eyars down the road and they will repair it
05:20.42Shirik|zZzCairenn|afk: No, you're missing something
05:20.44Cairenn|afkart3mis: that matters for things like luggage, yes
05:20.50Shirik|zZzYou forgot the fact that you pay more for the holes in the jeans too
05:21.01art3misshe got a kate spade clutch purse that was 7 years old repaired for free last year when the handle thingy broke
05:21.10RallionI used to buy ripped stuff...those days are over
05:21.23Cairenn|afkbut not for a purse that you will be sick of in 5 years, max
05:21.38Rallionspeaking of repairs, Nintendo really needs to send me my instructions for my Wii repair.
05:21.43art3misshe still uses them all even her old 9 year old bags ;P
05:21.55art3misdid you buy metroid yet?
05:21.58RallionI did
05:22.01art3mishow is it?
05:22.06Rallionit's excellent
05:22.16Rallionthe video artifacts I'm getting, not excellent
05:22.20art3misthats the only reason im considering getting one
05:22.52Rallionit needs a new GPU, likely
05:23.05RallionI even get artifacts on the menu
05:23.09Cairenn|afkgood for her, but that already means she isn't the "typical" NY woman who is all worried about "prestige" and crap
05:24.04Cairenn|afk(the "good for her" wasn't sarcasm)
05:24.24Rallionlooks sort of like this:
05:24.31RallionI can't get a good pic on my own
05:25.20Rallionactually, here's a pic that looks like it's from an LCD:
05:25.21art3misCairenn|afk: heh dont get me wrong she is a total label whore when it comes to bags ;)
05:25.37art3misthats pretty horrible
05:25.39Cairenn|afkanyway, I'm out
05:25.51Shirik|zZzme too
05:25.51art3mis#15 fast times at ridgemont high
05:25.53Shirik|zZznight Cairenn|afk :)
05:26.02art3misnight snoogums
05:26.08art3misnight shirik
05:28.42ckknightgood movie, art3mis
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05:35.37art3mis#9 Blazzing Saddles
05:37.18art3mis"hey boys look what i got har" *pulls out the black sherrif* "where da white wimmen at?"
05:37.50art3mis#8 the wedding singer
05:38.12art3mis#7 Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
05:38.35Thunder_Childbah @ the last 2
05:39.13art3misblazing asddles deserves to be higher
05:39.38ScytheBlade1Who was it in here, who a few days ago, suggested that I use generated queries instead of writing them all out by hand? (basically, pinging 'whoever' suggested that)
05:39.59ScytheBlade1(Assuming that they are awake)
05:41.38ScytheBlade1 <-- because I'd like to give them some love.
05:42.32Thunder_Child/love ideaperson
05:42.46Temwhat language is that?
05:43.02Temit looks aweful
05:43.12art3mis#6 Airplane
05:43.13ScytheBlade1It really isn't
05:43.18TemI have no idea about the quality of the code
05:43.29RallionPHP isn't so bad
05:43.31Temit just looks really fugly
05:43.37Temand prone to symbolese
05:43.46ScytheBlade1It's either that or I do one line per variable :P
05:44.07ScytheBlade1$data[0]["ColumnName"] = "TargetA"; // and so on and so forth
05:44.26ScytheBlade1I just condensed it into a single line for three additional array elements
05:44.30ScytheBlade1Lot less typing :P
05:44.53Rallionand then store_data is...a database operation?
05:45.10ScytheBlade1Generates the preprared statement and executes it
05:45.35ScytheBlade1I got sick of matching and writing 60+ queries
05:45.39ScytheBlade1So I did this instead :P
05:45.48Temwhat's the => operation?
05:45.57Rallionhonestly, I always felt working in php is pretty similar to working in lua
05:46.00ScytheBlade1Assignment... sec here
05:46.03art3mis#5 Southpark: Bigger Funnier and uncut
05:46.04ScytheBlade1Let me do another pastry
05:46.13Temassignment of a string to a string?
05:46.27Temthat's like saying "4 = 7"
05:46.28art3mis#4 something about mary
05:46.31ScytheBlade1No, sec
05:46.33ScytheBlade1Let me type this out
05:46.37RallionTem, no
05:47.07*** join/#wowi-lounge levin_0093 (
05:47.11Rallionit's just for array initializations, IIRC
05:47.24levin_0093hey guys, think anyone here can help me with the new auctioneer preview?
05:47.39Temyou might have better luck in #norganna
05:47.50Temunless it's a more general addon question and they turned you to us
05:48.26ScytheBlade1 <-- there you go
05:48.36levin_0093nah was there just thought i might check this channel out here see if anyone was awake :)
05:49.13ScytheBlade1It's a compact way of writing a multi-dimensional array. Obviously it's less useful with more elements, but for small things like this it works well.
05:49.25art3mis#3 Shrek
05:50.19art3mis#2 Caddy Shack
05:50.32ScytheBlade1"X" => "Y" is assigning "X" as the key name, and "Y" as the value, basically
05:51.07Temah okay
05:52.20ScytheBlade1Make a little more sense now? ;)
05:56.54art3mis#1 funniest movie of all time according to Bravo................
05:56.57art3misAnimal House
05:58.46Thunder_Childbravo fails
06:00.10Thunder_Childyou cant define all of the movies by the same thing
06:00.42Thunder_Childtitanic was the most sucsessfull movie of all time...but if you looked at opening weekend it bombed...
06:01.51art3missuch a bad list
06:02.06art3mismainly because in the top 100 were movies that hand ben stiller in them
06:10.00Corrodiasmy two close friends are having this big fight now
06:10.07Corrodiasi'm rather displeased with my position.
06:10.15Corrodiasthere. i'm done being emo now
06:10.52ScytheBlade1Corrodias, you should join #teen on DAL and vent there ;)
06:10.58ScytheBlade1It might be entertaining, at least.
06:13.55ScytheBlade1Actually the truth of the matter, is I've got a migraine. The medicine I have has two components: caffiene, and pain killer. Popping a few of those at 11:00 PM is a bad idea when you need to sleep.
06:14.07ScytheBlade1So I'm really just talking to talk, and to be honest, I'm beginning to annoy myself.
06:15.07Corrodiasone of those friends keeps talking to me about what a jerk the other one is
06:15.17Corrodiasat this point i'm just nodding and hoping he'll fall asleep
06:15.26Corrodiaswell, nodding through IM anyway
06:15.28ScytheBlade1lol I hate that
06:15.51Corrodiasi've openned my watch, but i have no idea how to get the battery out
06:16.05ScytheBlade1Sometimes I just get sick of that, and slap them both until they're thinking clearly again.
06:16.16ScytheBlade1Otherwise I do just that: sit there and nod until it fixes itself.
06:33.06ScytheBlade1Wow this is easier. I don't think I'll ever have a project which involves mass data entry where I manually write queries again.
06:33.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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06:37.49Corrodiasknow what job i'd like?
06:37.52Corrodiasmanual data entry.
06:38.01Tierriethat sounds extremely boring
06:38.07Corrodiasboring, that's me! :D
06:38.14Tierrieespecially since menial labour like that tend towards supervisors that work you to death
06:38.29Tierriei am against any job where your supervisor can empirically gauge your performance
06:38.44Tierrie"oh you entered 2000 lines today? good job, hope you can go 2100 tomorrow"
06:38.53Tierrie"2100 fantastic! 2200 tomorrow?"
06:38.59ScytheBlade1Whatever floats your boat.
06:39.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
06:39.13Tierrie"oh uh only 2090 lines today, tsk tsk, i shall of course, have to note this"
06:39.14Corrodiaswell, if you get fired for not outputting enough... it wasn't a great job in the first place anyway, right?
06:39.16Corrodiasso you're moving on up!
06:39.22ScytheBlade1Pretty sure I'd automate the job, and spend the other 90% of the day doing nothing and getting money for it.
06:39.31Tierriei'd fuck the receptionist
06:39.33Tierrieand get fired
06:39.45ScytheBlade1Laughing IRL
06:39.50ScytheBlade1At 12:40 AM
06:40.46Tierrieyou know i always wondered--
06:40.58Tierrieso, lots of guys in this channel right? i'd say about 90% guys?
06:41.05Tierrieand that's pretty much the norm in irc
06:41.08Corrodiasof the three of us talking? perhaps more
06:41.25Tierrieso, i want to know, is there like some activity where the demographics is like 90% female?
06:41.31Tierriebecause they HAVE to be doing something?
06:41.43Tierriei hate to be in that 10% male minority
06:41.45ScytheBlade1I'm so submitting the above to and
06:41.59krkain sweden, i can come up with a few mostly female activities
06:42.35TierrieOMG KNITTING CLUB!
06:42.39krkadog agility and dog freestyle are two
06:42.51Tierrieis that an euphemism for sex?
06:43.14Tierrieok, well i don't know swedish culture very well
06:43.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel_ (
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06:43.22krkahuman-canine interaction sports
06:43.23ScytheBlade1 and
06:43.28Tierrieyou never know -- foreigners always have weird euphemisms for sex
06:43.35Tierrie"hey honey, we have meatballs for dinner"
06:43.37krkai'd imagine the trend is similar elsewhere
06:43.53krkawho are the foreigners?
06:44.07ckknightanyone not a red-blooded American is foreign
06:44.16ckknightlike, look at German
06:44.22ckknight"Ich bin warm"
06:44.25krkaso this is officially an american channel?
06:44.29ckknighteven though it translates to I am warm
06:44.33Tierriecanadian i think
06:44.42ckknightanywhere I go, America's support is behind me
06:44.44krkacanada is in america :P
06:44.49krkanight iriel
06:44.51ScytheBlade1Heh, night.
06:44.54Corrodiasoh, ScytheBlade1, i thought you were going to submit that part about females on IRC
06:44.57Tierriegood catch iriel!
06:45.07ScytheBlade1Corrodias, nah, I couldn't resist the above.
06:45.11Tierrieoh definitely think the 90%/10% quote was better scythe
06:45.27Corrodiasit's too predictable
06:45.35Corrodiasi wouldn't submit it either
06:46.08ScytheBlade1I've submitted my fair share... only so many get accepted
06:46.50Tierriewell i put it in
06:46.57Tierrieonly because it makes me look like a funny fucker
06:47.12Tierrieof course, if my employers every google "tierrie" i'm thoroughly fucked
06:47.16ScytheBlade1I can say that I submitted this one though:
06:47.57ckknightI have a quote in
06:48.04Tierrieme too
06:48.11Tierrieits almost like you're a famous person
06:48.15Tierriebut not really
06:48.22Tierriebecause the only people who read it are geeks
06:49.22Corrodiasi'm not expecting myself to be in there anywhere, but let's see...
06:49.40Tierriebut i have a quote in there, advocating murder
06:50.09ScytheBlade1And you'll soon have another in there, advocating unprovoked sex in the workplace.
06:50.25Tierriewell i will have to change my email on my resume
06:50.28Tierriebut that is about it
06:51.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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06:51.34ScytheBlade1I leave no connections between this alias and anything in real life, period
06:51.37Tierrieman, if some future civilization finds the archives of the internet and pieces together who this "tierrie" is, the only conclusion they would come to is, "what a fucking idiot"
06:52.01Guillotineshit. I accidently deleted my system path. Anybody know how to restore the default system path?
06:52.13Corrodiassystem restore
06:52.24Tierriedid you delete system path from your environmental variables or did you just delete c:\windows\system32
06:52.45Corrodiasunless you have a record of your system path, it's probably best to hit up your most recent restore point
06:52.55Tierrierestore points are mostly useless prevista
06:52.56GuillotineI accidently overrid my environmental variableds
06:53.01Tierriethey only recorded important crap
06:53.04Tierrieoh then you're fine
06:53.33Guillotinemeant to put %PATH%... in personal variables, accidently put it in global
06:53.37ScytheBlade1Did you change it in the system settings, or just in one shell/enviroment?
06:53.57Tierrieif you just changed the path in one cmd window, close it and open another one
06:54.00Tierriethey are not persistant
06:54.00Guillotinesystem settings
06:54.20Tierriedid you hit accept yet?
06:54.25Guillotineyes :(
06:54.29Guillotinethats when I noticed what I had done
06:54.38Tierriedo you have a cmd window open?
06:54.42Tierriebefore you clicked accept?
06:54.46Guillotineno :(
06:54.52ScytheBlade1Which variable did you override?
06:54.58Tierriesystem path
06:55.13Guillotinemaybe I can just find the default online
06:55.25ScytheBlade1Sec, I've got the default here
06:55.27Tierriedon't trip, system path is not important
06:55.32GuillotineScythe: for vista?
06:55.37ScytheBlade1Ah. No.
06:55.39GuillotineTierrie: its causing some errors with programs
06:55.39Tierriei do
06:55.51Tierriei don't have a variable named system path
06:55.53Tierriedid you mean "path"?
06:56.07Corrodiasi can give you -my- path
06:56.13Tierriei have nothing in it except this -> C:\Users\Tierrie\AppData\Local\Start++\LNKs;C:\Users\Tierrie\AppData\Local\Start++\CMDs
06:56.16ScytheBlade1The PATH variable under SYSTEM, not USER.
06:56.25Tierrieoh right
06:56.30Tierriethen this would be it ->%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static;C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit-32
06:56.35Tierrieomg my porn folders
06:56.37CorrodiasC:\Utilities\Lua\;C:\Perl\bin\;C:\Python24\.;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\bin;%VDMSPath%
06:57.16Corrodiasi have it installed, but i admit i don't use it. i think i had to run a perl script once.
06:57.26Tierriewell i haven't used perl in a while
06:57.32Tierriei would like a job doing it, but they aren't very well paid
06:57.33Corrodiasor perhaps i have it on hand in case the mood to learn it strikes me
06:58.12ScytheBlade1You know, a restore point should set that back to what it was, actually.
06:58.19Tierrieperl is awesome, knowing how to code in perl is like being the most amazing, brilliant, brightest person in the universe
06:58.22ScytheBlade1If those didn't revert those, well, it wouldn't be all that useful.
06:58.23Tierrieand only your dog knows this
06:58.38Tierrieyou have vista, use its revert
06:58.41Tierrievista's revert is awesome
06:58.49Tierrieand ifyou have a system restore point its even better, its like ghost
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06:59.02Tierriei installed my OS then did a system restore point
06:59.08Tierriei can ghost my machine back to first install anything
06:59.16Corrodiasso it actually restores =everything-?
06:59.26Guillotineany idea how I access revert?
06:59.33Tierrieuh do you have windows vista ultimate?
06:59.39Tierrieor windows vista hobo
06:59.56ScytheBlade1lol @ hobo
06:59.57Guillotineultimate :P
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07:00.27Guillotinewell, I have a system restore point from earlier today. that should work
07:00.32Guillotineit only changes settings, right?
07:00.34Guillotinenot files
07:00.35TierrieAccessories -> System Tools -> System Restore
07:00.37Tierrieuh depends
07:00.39Tierriethere are two types
07:00.49Tierrieone is the xp style where they just revert some core files and registry
07:00.51Corrodiasif it's windows XP, it's mostly just settings
07:00.54Tierriethen there's the whole system restore which is like ghost
07:01.01Corrodias.ini and .exe files are included
07:01.23Tierriehonestly guillotine, you should do a full system restore point
07:01.39Tierrieit will be totally useful if you ever fuck your computer up beyond repair, you can always return it to pristine condition
07:01.51Guillotinewell brb. restarting comp with system restore. wish me luck :P
07:05.18Tierriei guess i will finish watching my best friend's wedding
07:05.21Tierrieits better than i expected
07:05.25Tierriei guess i like mushy movies
07:05.59ScytheBlade1Wow this is slow.
07:06.35ScytheBlade1Then again, trying 70 regexes on 30k strings should be.
07:08.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
07:11.44Wraangerquestion, what will be right syntaxis for : for 1=1,4 do Party<here should be i>.Power.value:Hide() ?
07:13.28Corrodiasdo _G["Party"..i].Power
07:13.37Corrodiasunless it's local
07:13.48Wraangerthanks, will try
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07:20.44AnduinLotharzomg, we have power again
07:24.54Corrodiasthere's something incredibly kinky about a gnome warlock
07:27.04ScytheBlade1Is it generally taking too long when this script takes 2m8s to match 70 regexes to 28k lines, and store 4k of them in a database on a remote machine?
07:27.19AnduinLotharin one file?
07:27.34ScytheBlade1A rather long combat log ;P
07:27.36AnduinLotharunless your regex is bad
07:27.48ScytheBlade11.9MB of text
07:28.14AnduinLotharshouuldn't take anywhere near that long
07:28.26AnduinLotharis it all lua? or an exe?
07:28.31ScytheBlade1Well, it tries one regex, and if that doesn't match, goes to the next
07:28.32Tierrieno it is not very long scythe
07:28.34ScytheBlade1PHP actually
07:28.40Tierrieif your regexp is not optimized that sounds about right
07:28.56AnduinLotharoh php is slow as shit
07:29.03AnduinLotharesp the regex
07:29.35ScytheBlade1The most optimizing that can be done with this is order based processing, that's the biggest hit. It looks for a simple melee hit last, due to other limitations
07:29.59ScytheBlade1There are 1285 normal melee hits in here, and for every one, it's checking 69 other regexes first
07:30.00AnduinLotharwhat you should have it do is remove thew lines that match after matching them
07:30.15AnduinLotharthat will make progressing scans faster
07:30.40AnduinLotharprovided you have enough memory and it's nto paging
07:30.43ScytheBlade1Progressing scanes won't matter, this is a one-shot deal (except during dev, that's actually a really good idea ;P)
07:30.57AnduinLotharno no
07:31.01AnduinLotharafter 1 regex
07:31.05AnduinLotharremove those lines
07:31.11ScytheBlade1Which 'lines'?
07:31.15AnduinLotharthen do the next regex
07:31.19AnduinLotharthe matches
07:31.36AnduinLotharor are you doign all 70 matches on one lien before moving to the next
07:31.51ScytheBlade169 misses, 70th attempt works.
07:31.57AnduinLotharor are you regexing the whole file at once >.<
07:32.04ScytheBlade1Entire file, line by line.
07:32.29AnduinLotharif it matches one it's not gonna match any of the rest right?
07:32.43ScytheBlade1Right. In which case it breaks and moves on to the next line.
07:32.51ScytheBlade1Stopping checks on whichever regexes are left.
07:33.02AnduinLotharok i get it
07:33.21AnduinLothardo you have a test case i can easily run?
07:33.25ScytheBlade1For things like MELEE_HIT though, that is the last processed regex, and it must be that way.
07:33.28ScytheBlade1Heh, no actually
07:33.38AnduinLothardo you have the php?
07:33.58ScytheBlade1That I'm actively writing, but it also requires a database schema and setup.
07:34.14ScytheBlade1To store the values? :P
07:34.25AnduinLothardoesn't store them as vars?
07:34.30AnduinLotharor a table
07:34.48AnduinLotharyou have it directly depositing into somehting liek sql?
07:34.57ScytheBlade1It's pretty hard to not store things as variables and still use SQL.
07:35.21AnduinLotharare you storing durring or after the regex loop?
07:35.28ScytheBlade1After it finds a match.
07:35.34AnduinLotharthat's why
07:35.46ScytheBlade1Not like I can do it before it finds a match :P
07:35.47AnduinLotharyour sql accesses are slowign you down
07:35.59ScytheBlade1Well, yes, but the time should still be equal in the end.
07:36.13AnduinLotharsave them all to a table then deposit them into the sql all at once after the whole regex finishes
07:36.35AnduinLotharthe time should be faster if you batch the sql inserts
07:36.52ScytheBlade1Actually, I should just prefix it with a START TRANSACTION.
07:37.14AnduinLotharmaybe. i dunno how that works actually
07:37.47AnduinLotharCOMMIT at the end i guess
07:38.20AnduinLothari dunno how that will work time wise. my guess is it still accesses mysql for every line match...
07:38.50ScytheBlade1Down to 17s by doing it in a transaction.
07:38.52ScytheBlade1That's hot.
07:39.27AnduinLotharyeah, repeated sql transactions are a major slow down
07:39.40ScytheBlade115s on the next round.
07:40.00AnduinLotharyou could prolly still speed it up doing the way i said, but you'd have to try
07:40.20AnduinLotharit'd also take more memory
07:40.22ScytheBlade1I'm not really worried over 15s for ~2MB of text parsing and inserts
07:40.29ScytheBlade1Especially in PHP
07:40.58ScytheBlade1Though, we'll see how that works once I finish writing inserts for the remaining... 54 matches
07:41.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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07:41.49Guillotinedidn't work :( the damn restore point didn't work
07:42.08Corrodiashow could it not work?
07:42.18Corrodiasmy friend at work had to do that TWICE because of borland C++'s installer
07:42.51GuillotineI don't know. It says that its failing due to an unspecified reason :/
07:42.56Corrodiaswell, you at least need %SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;
07:43.07Corrodiasthe rest you can add as it occurs to you
07:43.41Guillotinetried running it from multiple restore points on admin and my normal account
07:44.06Guillotineno, its NTFS
07:44.23Punkie`you can still format
07:44.27Corrodias1) what does that have to do with it?
07:44.35Corrodiasand 2) ... what does that have to do with it?
07:44.41Guillotinecorrodias: can't make shadow formats with FAT32
07:44.47Guillotineso the vista system restore tool doesn't work with it
07:44.57Guillotineand I don't want to reformat my whole computer :P
07:45.05ScytheBlade1Pretty sure that Vista will refuse to install on FAT32.
07:45.08Corrodiasi have no idea what a shadow format is nor what vista does
07:45.32ScytheBlade1If I'm wrong on that matter, and someone in here is running Vista on FAT32, I WILL find a way to get you kickbanned until you convert to NTFS.
07:45.43ScytheBlade1THAT is a sin.
07:46.21ScytheBlade1Go ahead and laugh, that doesn't make me any less wrong. Or you any more right in doing so.
07:46.56Guillotine*shrug* just read a while ago a disclaimer that it didn't work on FAT32 so I figured that that was what he was referring to
07:47.11Guillotinewell, hopefully the path you gave me will at least perform the basics Corrodias
07:47.29Guillotinecan you think of anything else I might need? Don't think I need a path for drivers
07:47.38Thunder_Childhave you tried the backup and restore center? (different from a system restore point)
07:47.45Corrodiaswell, this was for windows 5.0/5.1/5.2
07:47.50Corrodiasyour windows 6, i dunno what it needs
07:48.07ScytheBlade1Yeah, the Shadow Volume Copy Services requires NTFS's features to operate, namely the multiple disk mirror states (I forget the exact term, it escapes now)
07:48.46Guillotinealright so I just need to figure out which individual programs need it now
07:48.57Guillotinehold on, restarting comp
07:49.25Thunder_Childi wonder when windows systems will stop reporting themselfs as windows nt
07:49.36AnduinLothardoes vista?
07:49.45ScytheBlade1Probably the same time IE stops reporting itself as Mozilla.
07:49.58AnduinLotharoh, right. that's because it still uses the same filesys
07:50.09AnduinLotharwas planned to be replaced in vista but scrapped for time
07:50.28Thunder_Childiirc they had planed to rewrite vista from the ground up
07:55.33art3misNT means enw technology
07:55.41art3misthey're never gonna ditch it
07:55.56AnduinLotharreverse compat is a bitch
07:56.11ckknighttechnically, Vista still is built on the NT base, even though it's evolved beyond it
07:56.21ScytheBlade1All in the kernel.
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07:56.42ScytheBlade1"Rewriting" was when they moved the NT kernel mainstream, and killed off the 95/98/ME kernel.
07:56.49ScytheBlade1Best decision EVER.
07:58.00art3misvista doesnt make me as happy as an upgrade as 2k did
07:58.22art3mis2k was SO much better than nt4 it was crazy
07:58.33ScytheBlade1Never mind it lacked all of the GUI "fluff"
07:58.36art3miswithout losing all the things that made nt stable and good
07:58.37ScytheBlade1Still their best OS to date imo
07:59.01ScytheBlade1You hit F3 to search, and a little dog didn't walk up trying to help you.
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07:59.12ScytheBlade1You simply typed in what you were looking for, and pressed enter. Done deal.
08:00.04Corrodiasyou can configure xp/2k3 to do it that way, too
08:00.09ScytheBlade1Only to a point.
08:00.12ScytheBlade1Trust me, I've tried
08:00.20Corrodiasokay, i have to press "l" before i can type in my search
08:00.20ScytheBlade12k > XP/2k3 for file searching
08:00.40ScytheBlade1Yup, and I've never forgiven MS for that :P
08:00.41Corrodiassaving a single keystroke is quite a marginal thing
08:00.58Corrodiaswell, it isn't, but t.. hang on
08:01.08ScytheBlade1Have you EVER pressed anything other than 'l' when searching?
08:01.10Corrodiasmy taskbar keeps popping up because an IM con.. contact keeps talking
08:01.12ScytheBlade1Sounds stupid to me.
08:02.39Corrodiasoh, hang on. on XP i had to press l
08:02.52ScytheBlade1XP and above
08:02.53Corrodiasi just tried on 2k3 and i don't. keep in mind that i search about once every 2 months
08:02.59ScytheBlade1Have yet to use Vista, to be fair
08:03.16Corrodiasit goes straight to the 'enter filename to search for' kind of box
08:05.00AnduinLotharwhy does SetFont trigger OnTextChange
08:05.10AnduinLotharSetFontObject too
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08:06.37Guillotinewell, I at least have it working
08:06.50Guillotinethough I'll probably find a couple more common files folders I'll need to add
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08:10.41sag_ich_nicht[10:05] <+AnduinLothar> why does SetFont trigger OnTextChange <--because SetFont changes the font of the text, meaning the text has changed, triggering OnTextChange
08:10.44sag_ich_nicht(my guess)
08:10.56AnduinLotharttext ~= font imo
08:11.12AnduinLothartext is the string content imo
08:12.05AnduinLotharOnTextChange doesn't fire untill sequential code has finished. there's no reason it should fire multiple times because i called more than 1 of setfont, setfontobject or settext
08:21.16Guillotineanybody know how to use the GNU Compiler Collection (gcc)?
08:21.33Guillotineto compile c programs
08:21.43krkagcc program.c
08:22.27Guillotinethats what I thought. but it gives an error "gcc: CreateProcess: No such file or directory"
08:22.45AnduinLotharcmd-w closes the window. win
08:22.47krkasounds like you haven't got gcc in your path
08:23.02Guillotinegcc.exe is in my path
08:23.09Guillotineit runs gcc
08:23.36ScytheBlade1AnduinLothar, view the source... it's nasty
08:23.41krkamaybe something else is missing
08:23.46Guillotinenot sure what the error means since if I give a non-existant file name, it gives a different error along with the other. "gcc: no input files"
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08:25.58Guillotineah, figured it out
08:26.00Guillotineanother vista problem
08:26.02Guillotinegot it fixed
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08:50.48[dRaCo]so this karazhan raid leader of mine brought this elemental shaman to our gruul raid, equipment from heroics, LW, Karazhan. and now that guy only some ~550 dps in the gruul fight. anyone with elemental shamans in their raid and some data to compare?
08:52.05AnduinLothardid he run out of mana?
08:52.36[Ammo]probably aggro control
08:52.52[dRaCo]well, won't hope. he had a SP in his group
08:53.01[dRaCo]and he didnt show in the aggro top 10
08:53.06Punkie`he sucks
08:53.07[Ammo]he sucks
08:53.25AnduinLotharwas it his 1st gruul?
08:53.33[dRaCo]second time, iirc
08:54.05[dRaCo]thought so myself, just wanted someone to agree with me before I start bashing him :>
08:54.08AnduinLotharwas he gettign silenced standing too close?
08:54.25[dRaCo]maybe once or twice
08:54.57Punkie`I don't think elemental shamans are very useful anyway
08:55.36[dRaCo]their totem is great if the group has the equipment to drop some hit for dmg/crit
08:55.37AnduinLotharwad he keeping wf up for melee?
08:55.56AnduinLotharor tranquil air
08:56.20[dRaCo]caster group, just mana reg, spell dmg and hit/crit
08:57.04AnduinLotharwell, without seeing more data i'd just say he's either bad at his spec or just not good at the encounter
08:57.15Punkie`[dRaCo]: but the benefit you gain by 1 enhancement shamans poor dps and a crappy totem is not as much as you would gain from a proper DPS class :p
08:57.28[dRaCo]I'll get a complete combatlog next time :)
08:57.52[dRaCo]punkie: elemental.
08:58.20Punkie`yeah elemental
08:58.24Punkie`enhancement shamans rule!
08:58.58AnduinLotharele are better for raiding, yeah
08:59.00[dRaCo]is elemental dps really that bad?
08:59.01AnduinLotharele are better for arena afaik
08:59.18[dRaCo]never had one besides the above mentioned since... mc
08:59.25Punkie`elemental is a terrible pve spec
08:59.44AnduinLothari'm guessing it's just hard to play well, like ret
08:59.51AnduinLotharbut i could be wrong
09:00.08AnduinLotharret also needs really good gear to be useful
09:01.05[dRaCo]cant see what's so hard about playing elemental
09:01.16Punkie`there is nothing really hard
09:01.18Punkie`it just sucks
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09:33.27AnduinLotharyay v1.1
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10:05.41sag_ich_nichtAnduinLothar that's nice, thanks
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10:28.50Bam__anybody who was around at release of WoW remember if the hardware-event requirement for spells casts has always been there or if it was introduced in some later patch?
10:33.33Bam__ah no.. much earlier than that for sure :)
10:33.52bleeterI'm prolly thinking of something tangental ;)
10:34.39Bam__hehe.. just wondering if you could ever call something like CastSpellByName from an event handler for example
10:35.03Bam__I doubt it myself... would have been too easy to make bots
10:46.55Kasoi seem to remeber it was added in beta, but im not sure of that
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11:52.50JoshBorkeShirik: morning, did you sleep well?
11:54.32ShirikYou didn't come to #conspiracy and try to ping me
11:54.36ShirikI had the command all ready for you
11:56.10Shirikanyway off to class
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12:09.25zenzelezzyou know, there are two things I hate about male tennis
12:09.31zenzelezzthe first is the males, the second is the tennis
12:09.39zenzelezzat least in female tennis there's something to watch
12:09.55krkainsightful comment of the day
12:21.27JoshBorkeCairenn: morning
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12:41.57bleeterwho's with me in petitioning Blizz to get the weapon chain droprate upped?
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12:43.02zenzelezzthe plan?
12:43.31zenzelezzI didn't think it was that low, I only had to pay 30g for mine
12:43.31bleeterwould still seem to be as rare as hens teeth
12:43.42zenzelezzthat's odd
12:44.04zenzelezzwhen BC hit it seemed like Crusader started dropping like crazy, I expected they'd retuned old recipe drop rates
12:44.41bleeterthing is, it's a green 190 skill recipe, and it certainly don't appear to be a green quality droprate
12:44.54bleetergiven it's the only disarm immunity thing I can think of.... etc, ;)
12:44.55zenzelezzthat is true, should be blue at least
12:45.20zenzelezzthe Mithril SHield Spike recipe is blue but I see it all the time, the Thorium is green but I rarely ever see it
12:48.56zenzelezzweapon chain is a green plan for a white item, right? Not even a green item like the mithril spurs
12:51.21bleeteryeah, green plan, white item
12:51.53bleeterwhich I could live with, if there were diminishing returns on it's effect above say lvl 55 or 60, and a BC recipe in Outlands
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12:58.03bleeterquick, someone check the health of the folks @ blizz, these weekly restarts are becoming habitual!
13:00.36Gngskwait, doesn't habitual mean everyday?
13:00.58Gngskoh, guess not
13:01.08Gngsklearning is fun!
13:01.09CidanHabitual means... habitual.
13:02.13amro_as in a habit
13:02.30Gngskonly time I ever heard it used was in context of days
13:04.51|Jelly|I know, right.
13:06.03bleeterwhat a shitty dictionarry
13:07.27zenzelezzwoot, finally summer is over and MacGyver is back on TV
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13:12.43|Jelly|MORNING PEPPY!
13:13.02LopeppeppyHeyo, |Jelly|mon.
13:13.16bleeterwoohoo! it's peppytime!
13:13.25|Jelly|It's Monday!
13:13.45zenzelezzMacGyver and Lopeppeppy, this day just keeps getting better :-o
13:14.08LopeppeppyNo, Jelly, no more Mondayness.  Today was being Tuesday for me, it was joyful and spiffy.  Please don't make me go back?
13:14.23|Jelly|It is...Tuesday, isn't it?
13:14.29|Jelly|Maybe I need to go back to bed.
13:14.41LopeppeppyToday will still be Tuesday when you wake up.  I think.
13:15.00|Jelly|Yeah but maybe I'll be ready to face Tuesday.
13:15.15|Jelly|Whereas, I'm OBVIOUSLY not ready to even accept it yet.
13:15.35LopeppeppyI'm sorry, |Jelly|... there's a therapy session at 2pmEST if you'd care to attend.
13:15.47|Jelly|Will you be there? /tear
13:16.46LopeppeppyIf I'm unleashed from work, perhaps.  But I was out half of last week, so I'm pretty firmly chained to my desk now.
13:16.53bleeterTuesday's pretty bland, trust me
13:16.55LopeppeppyThey caught me, I can't get away again so easily.
13:17.19|Jelly|This information makes me sad.
13:18.06|Jelly|So now that it's established that it's in fact Tuesday, how was everyone's Labor Day?
13:18.23bleeter42 mins until wed
13:18.32zenzelezzwhat's Labor Day?
13:19.26|Jelly| :P
13:19.47zenzelezzah, so it is our 1st May
13:20.10|Jelly|I suppose.
13:20.29LopeppeppyI slept, ate cookies, slept, and then went to bed again.
13:20.44*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
13:21.10zenzelezzin honor of all the hard workers, Norwegian youth use the evening/night of 30th April to get drunk for 1st May
13:21.37|Jelly|!c us burning legion kevz
13:21.39ThraeBot|Jelly|: Kevz, Level 70 Undead Warlock (27/34/0). 6551 HP; 6175 Mana; 111 mana regen; 52 spell crit; 38 spell hit; 323 +spell dmg/heal; 4.28% dodge; 33 resilience; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 853 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Sep  4 09:32:57 2007 ]]
13:22.20*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
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13:22.35bleeterzenzelezz: yeah, they can't use 1st May for Labor Day, 'coz that's what the Commies do ;)
13:23.16zenzelezzoh yeah, I forget how the Americans distrust socialism
13:23.34bleeterdistrust would seem a mild description
13:23.43zenzelezzpolitically correct ;)
13:23.49bleeterfair nuff ;)
13:24.02zenzelezzmost politically correct speak sucks... but there are some fun ones
13:24.21zenzelezzlike "a grave situation exists between us" when you want to launch a war on another country
13:25.10|Jelly|Soft targets!
13:25.39zenzelezzI learned quite a bit of political jargon from "The rise and fall of the Third Reich" o_O They were quite good at it back in the 30s
13:27.44LopeppeppyThere are so many ways to say what you don't mean, and mean what you're really not actually saying out loud.
13:28.04zenzelezzthat's what makes it so fun
13:28.10zenzelezzalways loved word play :-o
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13:36.57lolinternet[12:28] <Bam__> anybody who was around at release of WoW remember if the hardware-event requirement for spells casts has always been there or if it was introduced in some later patch? <--lol, it was added in patch 1.9, before that you could do pretty much anything, autowalking bots, anything
13:40.08zenzelezzright about now there should be a hungry kitty on my doorstep, better check before she comes outside my window to scream
13:42.25zenzelezzand I was quite right
13:43.40LopeppeppyAlways feed the cat.  Always.
13:44.33KalrothGet a dog if that cat is bugging you
13:44.57zenzelezzif it was a dog I would have to be outside with it
13:45.20zenzelezzalways feed the cat around this time of day. If she had her way she'd be fed once every hour
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14:08.18Wobinoh thank god
14:08.23WobinAfter... 3 days of farming
14:08.29WobinKhorium Belt recipe is mine =P
14:08.37WobinI never want to see another Murkblood raider =P
14:08.50zenzelezzisn't that item BoE when crafted?
14:11.25zenzelezzare you just one of those guys who prefer to craft your own stuff then? :-o
14:11.34WobinI'm using it to grind to 370
14:11.45zenzelezzoh, I see, easy mats?
14:11.51Wobinpossibly =)
14:11.57zenzelezzas in easier than the alternatives
14:12.15zenzelezzWater and Mana, not bad
14:12.24Wobinkinda, I'd need honoured Aldor for the other recipe
14:12.44zenzelezzI ended up doing 370->375 with two Felsteel Reapers and three Flamebane somethings
14:13.00zenzelezzdidn't want to farm so many Primal Fires, but then came Ogri'la
14:13.04WobinI might try for the boots to get to 375
14:13.29WobinI'll still need 30 khorium
14:13.33Wobinto get to 370 =P
14:13.53Wobinby that time I hopefully will have done enough heroics to get to dragonmaw
14:14.12Wobinbut I can't even wield my drakefist yet =)
14:15.04zenzelezz30 bars or ores?
14:15.22Wobinand another 20 if I use the boots to get to 375
14:15.36WobinMaybe I -should- get aldor rep =P
14:15.42WobinBut I'd need revered
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14:16.58Wobinthat would only involve... 160 fel iron 70 primal water and 60 primal fire
14:17.45zenzelezzfel iron is easy, just fly around Hellfire for a few hours, water isn't tough either... fire can be worse, but the Ogri'la elementals aren't usually too farmed outside of peak hours and have decent drop rate
14:17.54Wobininstead of 50 khorium bars, and 35 water and mana
14:19.25Wobinor I could farm the felsteel gloves pattern
14:19.38Wobinwhich is 6 felsteel a level
14:19.39zenzelezzkhorium might be cheaper than aldor rep items
14:19.49Wobinyeah, undoubtedly =)
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14:55.02art3miscladhaire: ill talk in here since it's not really the right channel over there
14:55.32art3miscladhaire: if you could make "buttons" as it were that you could click to expand/retract
14:55.39art3misthat would be rad
14:55.46cladhairewhat kind of buttons?
14:55.57art3misaction buttons menu buttons all that stuff
14:56.07cladhairemenu buttons are absolutely possible
14:56.17cladhaireaction buttons arent, due to the in-combat restrictions
14:56.30cladhaireand i doubt we'll ever have a secure template that lets us do cosine interpolation sliding on a set of buttons :P
14:56.32art3misjust a thin tail along an edge of a window
14:57.01art3misclick the slider tab out pops the menu where you can enable disable stuff open context menus have a read out, have spell sets
14:57.12art3misthat would be groovy
14:57.20art3miswell auctioneer uses the same sorta thing
14:57.25art3misthats what made me think of it
14:58.03art3misthe new one has a yellow tab ont he left side of the display, click it and out slides the 2 click buttons to open settings
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15:05.27Wraangerquestion ...what i am doing wrong ? all i am trying to do is to make names class-colored ..but it throws an error saying "trying to index upvalue "color" which is nil"
15:05.38*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
15:06.33[Ammo]Wraanger: color is aparantly set to nil
15:06.40[Ammo]which means one of the returns that you use is nil
15:06.49[Ammo]I'd say write it out and debug it more
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15:27.41ts|skromwow, never had so much trouble getting connected ><
15:28.01LopeppeppyIt's been one of those days, I thinks.
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15:33.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (n=esochan@
15:33.45Valaron|WorkMy mail server keeps crashing.
15:34.02cog|worktruncated icosahedron
15:34.03art3misyes thats right with an M!
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15:38.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
15:39.05Shirik|EcoleCide: ping
15:39.15Shirik|Ecolestrange request
15:39.23Shirik|Ecoleyou know how you can do >>>
15:39.28Shirik|Ecoleand execute something?
15:39.56Shirik|EcoleJust thought of this: Can we have a function to run it? That way we could do something like
15:40.16Shirik|Ecole>>> foo = 4; runurl[[]]
15:40.16CideShirik|Ecole: [string "foo = 4; runurl[["]:1: attempt to call global 'runurl' (a nil value)
15:40.45Shirik|EcoleI actually thought of it the other day when I did this:
15:41.18Shirik|Ecoleand thought of how annoying it was to have to go into the code and add in the initialization stuff even though it wouldn't be in the end produt
15:41.40Shirik|Ecolebecause pastey == tehsux
15:42.24Cidenot yet
15:42.39Shirik|EcoleCould not connect to MySQL server!
15:42.43Shirik|Ecole<3 Pastey
15:43.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
15:44.16Shirik|EcoleI mean I imagine it can't be too too difficult - it's a matter of exposing a function at my best (albeit black box) guess
15:44.23Shirik|EcoleI assume you have a function that handles that ase
15:45.00Cidepython is handling the i/o
15:45.14Shirik|EcoleI bet you wish you hadn't coded in python now!!
15:45.19Cidenah :)
15:45.36Shirik|EcoleIf only something like JNE existed for Lua :)
15:46.06*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus_ (
15:49.03Valaron|WorkIf the email server dies again, I'm going to be pissed.
15:49.12Valaron|WorkWay to come back from a 3-day vacation.
15:50.57Valaron|WorkI was on a floating campsite all weekend. It was swaying back and forth, and I slept under the stars. It still feels like I'm swaying back and forth.
15:51.22LopeppeppyI had a cabin and no water, but I was out LARPing all weekend.  I still feel like I'm being attacked by trolls.
15:51.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
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15:53.19Cidewhy is pastey down? :/
15:53.56lolinternetis that loli dunno or lol i dunno? :P
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15:55.19CideShirik|Ecole: maybe this'll be too much of a hack, we'll see
15:55.31Shirik|Ecolemaybe if pastey actually worked we'd know :P
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15:55.58Cidan-you figure it out sag
15:57.04sag_ich_nichtthat is because i am awesome
15:57.11sag_ich_nichtpastey isn't down
15:57.15sag_ich_nichtjust fsckin slow
15:57.19Shirik|EcoleCould not connect to MySQL server!
15:57.22Shirik|Ecolethat looks pretty "down" to me
15:57.28Cidan-didn't know pastey could fsck.
15:57.29sag_ich_nichtnot down
15:57.32sag_ich_nichti just tried
15:57.42sag_ich_nichtCidan all linux machines can fsck.
15:57.54sag_ich_nichtpastey works fine for me again
15:57.58sag_ich_nichttold you it was just a slowdown
15:58.27purlupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep, or super extractor,
15:58.49Cidan-that's so
16:00.00CideCide: [string ""]:1: '<name>' expected near '/'
16:00.31CideCide: [string ""]:1: '<name>' expected near '/'
16:00.43Shirik|Ecoleit looks like it's trying to run that as lua code
16:00.46Shirik|Ecoleinstead of getting the url
16:01.05*** join/#wowi-lounge playtime3 (
16:01.19Cideyeah, I reworked the pastey fetch logic
16:01.25Cidesomeone try that?
16:01.31Shirik|Ecolepastey = fail right now
16:02.02playtime3guys, im looking for a shadow priest UI anyone can direct me to the corrext place
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16:02.06Shirik|EcoleCidan DoSed Cide
16:02.21CideI DoSed myself
16:02.22Shirik|Ecoletcp stack overflow, waiting on too many pasteys
16:02.27Cidepastey down again? argh
16:02.38playtime3Cide; I've try that place already
16:02.47Shirik|Ecoleplaytime3: :)
16:02.49Shirik|Ecoletons of choices
16:02.51Cidan-playtime3: Well, you're not looking hard enough.
16:02.52Shirik|EcoleAnd now, I shall go to my lab
16:02.57Shirik|Ecolethis should be... fun
16:03.00sag_ich_nichtyou have no lab
16:03.03Cidan-I should hope so
16:03.03Shirik|EcoleI teach a lab
16:03.04sag_ich_nichtall you have is a cellar
16:03.05sag_ich_nichtadmit it
16:03.18Shirik|Ecoleall freshmen
16:03.19Lopeppeppyplaytime3: Most times, people need to put together what works for them.  There are far, far fewer "pre-made" UI's out there, because customizable > takeout
16:03.20playtime3Anyone shadow priest out here that would like to recommend me one?
16:03.20sag_ich_nichtyou do not have a lab. you have a class. quit lying. only mad scientist have a lab
16:03.21Cidan-Lab, as in, school.
16:03.23Shirik|Ecolewhom have no clue what Java is
16:03.24sag_ich_nichtare you a mad scientist?
16:03.28sag_ich_nichti take that question back.
16:03.33CideCidan-: [string ""]:1: '<name>' expected near '/'
16:03.41Shirik|Ecoleanyway /disappear
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16:05.17CideCide: [string ""]:1: '<name>' expected near '/'
16:05.21CideCide: [string ""]:1: '<name>' expected near '/'
16:05.22playtime3is there a shadow priest channel on this irc server?
16:05.27art3misplaytime3: make yer own ;P
16:05.43art3misthere are no super awesomely good UI's other than the ones you make
16:05.45playtime3art3mis: lol
16:05.49CideCide: 34502
16:05.53art3mismost of the premadfes are just that, created for the author
16:06.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:06.07Cide>>> <<>>
16:06.24art3misyoull find that of all the premades that exist most have a layout youlike but the addon choices are ass or overkill
16:06.38Valaron|Workfuck :(
16:07.21art3misplaytime3: if you want a semi decent one for a basic look, just get mazzles ui
16:07.21Cide>>> <<>>
16:07.21art3misbut il wanr you now he's got horrid choices for addons included
16:07.21CideCide: 34502
16:07.21Lopeppeppyplaytime3: You should look for both priest aspects and perhaps mage/warlock addons -- a shadow priest is a mix of both sorts.  You need to be ready to pinch heal, but still have the ability to monitor your DPS.
16:07.34CideShirik|Ecole: ping
16:07.36LopeppeppyIt ain't easy, being green.
16:07.48art3misLopeppeppy: but we're sexy so who cares ;P
16:07.53playtime3I've seen a few clips on youtube that keep track of VT, and VE just dont know what addon it is
16:08.02LopeppeppyThis could be true, art3mis.
16:08.05art3misif it dont glow purpley/black it's not worth crap ;)
16:08.31playtime3Any recommendation on the names etc..
16:08.33Lopeppeppyplaytime3 - that could just be SCT/SCTD.  Look up keywords "vampiric" on the sites, see what you get.
16:08.44art3misplaytime3: as an example to futher my point
16:08.56art3misthats what i use for my spriest as well ;)
16:09.18art3mismight check into hemlock and necronomicon(??)
16:09.31art3misboth are lock ui;'s but should cover "most" of the spriest stuff as well
16:09.40art3misat least i think its hemlock
16:10.27playtime3sweet, I will have to investigate on some of the lock UI
16:10.39Cide>>> foo="hi"; <<>>
16:10.41CideCide: "hi"
16:10.41LopeppeppyShadow priest, warlock, druid, rogue.... all of mine use the same addons.  *shrug*
16:10.46Cide>>> bar="hi"; <<>>
16:10.47CideCide: [string "bar="hi"; foo = bar..."]:2: unexpected symbol near '<'
16:10.54playtime3i've seen lots of good one that people use on youtube, only thing is i dont  know the name.
16:11.28LopeppeppyTake a screenshot of the video you like and post it on the UI/Macros forum for people to look at.  (warning, don't link the video, take the screenie if you want answers).
16:13.07Wraangerplaytime3: try to visit .... there are tons of good UI there ..with explanation
16:13.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (n=nospam@
16:13.53playtime3ta :)
16:13.57Cide>>> bar="hi"; <<>>
16:14.00CideCide: "hi"
16:14.23Cidenot sure if that syntax is too much of a hack though :/
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16:20.07CideCidan-: 34502
16:20.33Cidan-just messing around
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16:27.09Shirik|Ecole122:262:32  » 12[notice from ChanServ12]: Contact: Shirik, last seen: 4 years 9 weeks 5 days (4h 24m 33s) ago
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16:27.13Shirik|Ecolewhat the heck
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16:31.41CideShirik|Ecole: did you see my addition?
16:31.47Shirik|Ecolenot really
16:31.55Cidenot sure if I want to keep it yet
16:32.02Cide>>> foo="hi"; <<>>
16:32.03CideCide: "hi"
16:33.00Polarina>>> <<>>
16:33.02CidePolarina: nil
16:34.07Polarina>>> local s = "a,"; for i=1,18 do s = s..s end print(loadstring("local a;"..s.."a=nil", ""))
16:34.21Cideyou broke lua.exe
16:34.25PolarinaI did?
16:35.14Shirik|Ecolewhat happened?
16:35.21Cideno idea
16:35.25Shirik|Ecolewell, it crashed?
16:35.48Punkie`does it crash cladbot? :o
16:35.55Cide>>> local s = "a,"; for i=1,18 do s = s..s end print("local a;"..s.."a=nil")
16:35.55CideCide: "local a;a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a... (exceeded 200 characters)
16:35.59PolarinaDo   /script local s = "a,"; for i=1,18 do s = s..s end print(loadstring("local a;"..s.."a=nil", ""))    in WoW..
16:36.09Shirik|Ecoleoh.. wow
16:36.10Shirik|EcoleI bet
16:36.13Shirik|Ecoleoh this is going to be hot
16:37.04Shirik|Ecolethat's what I thought
16:37.27Shirik|EcoleThe thread 'Win32 Thread' (0x68c) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
16:37.27Shirik|EcoleFirst-chance exception at 0x100077df in lua5.1.exe: 0xC00000FD: Stack overflow.
16:37.28Shirik|EcoleUnhandled exception at 0x100077df in lua5.1.exe: 0xC00000FD: Stack overflow.
16:37.28Shirik|EcoleFirst-chance exception at 0x100077e1 in lua5.1.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00030ffc.
16:38.23sag_ich_nichtlemme try what happens with it in WoW
16:38.58Polarinasag_ich_nicht: And write that thing in the box "What were you doing when the crash occured?". :D
16:39.41sag_ich_nichti usually write flames about WoWs shitty memory managment code in it
16:39.54sag_ich_nichtand about the shitty alt + tab code it uses
16:40.38PolarinaNow you have the third thing to complain about.
16:41.48amrosag_ich_nicht: run as windowed/maximized
16:42.24sag_ich_nichtamro no, that kills my framerate AND is incompatible with my shell.
16:42.28sag_ich_nicht(no, i'm not using explorer.exe)
16:42.48amrosucks for you
16:42.50Shirik|EcolePolarina: That bug is already listed at bugs.html
16:42.58PolarinaI know. :P
16:43.07PolarinaUpgrade to 5.1.3 to fix it.
16:43.08zenzelezzthe fullscreen alt+tab issues isn't all WoW, it's in part due to how DirectX handles that special fullscreen mode
16:43.44amroI think it does something weird with textures. they end up getting destroyed sometimes
16:44.06sag_ich_nichtcashes WoW
16:44.16zenzelezzwhen you switch focus away from a fullscreen D3D application you have to recreate the interface thing when you regain focus
16:44.17sag_ich_nichtamro yes
16:44.19zenzelezzamong other things
16:44.25sag_ich_nicht/script local s = "a,"; for i=1,18 do s = s..s end print(loadstring("local a;"..s.."a=nil", ""))
16:44.28sag_ich_nichtcrashes WoW
16:44.35sag_ich_nichtso hard the error reporter does not show up
16:44.45Cidewhat'd you expect? :P
16:44.48Polarinasag_ich_nicht: :)
16:44.51Cide>>> 2^18
16:44.52CideCide: 262144
16:44.52sag_ich_nichtsomeone try on the testrealm
16:45.05Cideit crashes there too
16:45.07Shirik|Ecolesag_ich_nicht: there's others
16:45.28sag_ich_nichtreport them :P blizzard needs to lern2upgrad lua engine with minor revisions
16:45.43Cideno they don't :P
16:45.46Polarinasag_ich_nicht: That bug is not fixed in Lua 5.1.2
16:45.49Shirik|EcoleI used this one a long time ago, when we discovered it (I forget who came across it accidentally) /script function a(a) coroutine.wrap(a)(a) end a(a)
16:45.58Shirik|Ecolehonestly I think the WoW engine just needs to handle a Lua crash more gracefully
16:46.06Shirik|Ecoleinstead of just expecting it to work and then blow up in yo face when it doesn't
16:46.21sag_ich_nichtPolarina: you said upgrade to 5.1.3 fixes it
16:46.34Polarinasag_ich_nicht: Yes, but it's not yet released.
16:46.35sag_ich_nichtso i expected there to already be a version 5.1.3
16:46.41sag_ich_nichtthen you can't upgrade.
16:46.52Shirik|Ecolesure you can
16:46.53PolarinaYou can.
16:46.54Shirik|Ecoleit's just not stable
16:47.05sag_ich_nichtthen you can only upgade to 5.1.3-unstable :P
16:47.19sag_ich_nichtor -beta or -development or what ever they call those :P
16:47.26cladhaireif you want to run bad code
16:47.28cladhaireyou deserve to have your client crash
16:47.48sag_ich_nichtdidn't your bot do lua too, cladhaire?
16:47.54cladhaireyes, so?
16:48.01sag_ich_nichtoh, nothing
16:48.03cladhairewelcome to a week ago
16:48.12cladhairelua>  local s = "a,"; for i=1,18 do s = s..s end print(loadstring("local a;"..s.."a=nil", ""))
16:48.12cladbotcladhaire: sandbox.lua:229: Cannot loadstring() a string longer than 300 characters.
16:48.21sag_ich_nichtbastard :D
16:48.45cladhaireyou could still get it with load() but i'm not too worried about that
16:48.46Polarina"Polarina gains Track Cladhaire."
16:49.00cladhairethat's cause i was too lazy to compile the patch into my interpreter
16:49.04cladhairesince it'll be moving boxes soon anyway
16:51.22sag_ich_nichtbtw., now that the exploit is hotfixed, what was causing the server crashes last week?
16:51.50sag_ich_nicht(or was it the week before? i forgot)
16:52.12PolarinaSame code that crashed Cide's bot.
16:52.20sag_ich_nichti don't think so.
16:52.49PolarinaAre these exploits on the live realms too?
16:53.07sag_ich_nichtit was one exploit, it was on live, it got hotfixed, crashed the whole realm
16:53.27sag_ich_nichti'm just interested in what caused the crashes because i want to know how blizzard fucked up this time
16:53.41PolarinaThe one who abused that exploit got his account permanently banned.
16:55.04sag_ich_nichtwell duh
16:55.25sag_ich_nichtdon't see how that is relevant, tho
16:55.26PolarinaYou might ask him/her.
16:56.24sag_ich_nichti doubt it was a single person
16:56.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
16:59.27cladhaireyou invite someone to an arena team
16:59.28cladhairelog off
16:59.32cladhaireand once you're offline, have them accept
16:59.38cladhaireit was as simple as that (and well known, i might add)
17:00.11sag_ich_nichtcladhaire haha nice
17:00.26sag_ich_nichtwonder how that could crash the realm
17:00.38ts|skromPolarina do you play a rogue?
17:00.40cladhairedunno *shrug*
17:00.44LopeppeppyFinding these bugs is like... the first person to eat a lobster.  Who picks something up and says, "Oh, I think this is a great idea" ?
17:00.45Polarinats|skrom: Hunter.
17:01.31sag_ich_nichtno i mean, how the fuck do you create a system like this that something as simple as this can crash the whole realm?
17:01.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
17:01.52sag_ich_nicht-like this +in such a way
17:02.14Polarinasag_ich_nicht: X have invited to Y to the arena team, etc...
17:02.16ts|skromI would have eaten the lobster just on the off chance it was a  radioactive lobster and I could gain his powers
17:03.08LopeppeppyTS|Skrom: It's the butter that's radioactive, dear.  :P
17:03.08Polarinasag_ich_nicht: The value of X was the name of the player who invited the other one. The server must have free()d that information when X logged of.
17:03.08ts|skromzomg you mean I could have butter super powers?
17:03.10LopeppeppyButter and better!
17:04.16ts|skromI fight the slippery hold of evil. My light and golden justice rains on all who would threaten my fair city of Land O' Lakes. Villians beware or you will be TOAST! I am BUTTERMAN!
17:04.20sag_ich_nichtPolarina still shouldn't crash it, it should not be knitted that tightly in
17:04.48LopeppeppyWhere's Powdered Toast Man when you need him.
17:04.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=nospam@
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17:06.36ts|skrommy boss just came to the office near mine and said "we are stopping for lunch if you want to join us (talking to the new lady in there)
17:06.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
17:06.55LopeppeppyOooh, she's the victim of "social integration"
17:06.58ts|skromis it weird that the only thing I thought of was: "Stop in the name of lunch, before you break my wallet"
17:07.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
17:07.46*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
17:07.57LopeppeppyYou sing weird things.
17:08.20ts|skromWeird things you sing!
17:08.27Cairennokay, is anyone aware of their being a bug in wow at all right now that prevents the addon button from showing up on the character screen at all?
17:08.39ts|skromCairenn stupid people?
17:08.48Cairennbesides that usual one
17:08.49cog|workand or vista
17:09.03ts|skromhigh five!
17:09.17cog|worktry again!
17:09.18ts|skromwe are two wild and crrrrazy guys
17:09.40cog|workCairenn: better watch out... it's gnomish mating season...
17:10.18ts|skromman now I'm scarred for life again
17:11.02LopeppeppyCairenn: Very occasionally people will claim that they are doing everything exactly right but there is just no button.  I'm not sure if I ever believe them or not, honestly....  I believe it to be PEBKAC in all cases.
17:11.22ts|skromccc pebkac
17:11.30cog|workthough vista has complicated things a bit...
17:11.30Kaydeethreeit's /always/ a pebkac error
17:11.39ts|skromI actually used that a few times when I worked call center
17:11.40cog|workmakes it easier to do something wrong
17:11.41Cairennwell, he's got to be doing something wrong, but darned if I can figure out what his problem is
17:11.46LopeppeppyBut it is conceivable that there is some deep flaw in their installation that perhaps could be fixed with a re-install?  And Vista is just complicated.
17:11.58ts|skromputs the customer at ease if they "THINK" they didn't do something wrong
17:11.59cog|workCairenn: have him take a screenshot of one of his folders?
17:12.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie_ (
17:12.28cladhaireI need a good reason why someone would want to use coroutines for a useful application that I can use as an example in that chapter of the book.  any ideas?
17:12.44ts|skromcoroutines are sexah
17:12.54cog|workcladhaire: any sort of scanning operation where it will take longer than a split second to finish
17:13.10cog|workdispatch in OnUpdate, run through a couple cycles and yield
17:13.10cladhairesuch as?
17:13.15*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
17:13.18cladhaireyeah in know how they work
17:13.28cog|workauctioneer uses them iirc
17:13.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
17:14.52cog|workcladhaire: or is this another case of where you actually want an example not a justification? :P
17:15.12cladhairei need something to write about.. i need an example :P
17:15.15ts|skromhey cog|work I made a warrior and a priest to play around with that voice command stuff :P level 8!!
17:15.28PolarinaVoice command?
17:15.37ts|skromit's pretty neat but I've had some problems with SAPI
17:15.38cog|workdunno why you blame it on me :P i'm just a parrot
17:15.54ts|skromeh? because we chatted about it the other day :p
17:16.10cog|worki know nothing about it beyond its existence :P
17:16.17ts|skromI turned off the SAPI feature where it "learns" while you use, and just did a bunch of training sessions. that seemed to help.
17:16.20cog|work(and its "segality")
17:16.53ts|skromthe "learn as you go" thing seemed to corrupt my profile after awhiel, maybe I just got lazy but every word I said came across as "shadow" for some reason :(
17:18.04Kaydeethreemy parents rock:
17:18.13Kaydeethreesolid chocolate, that's a nickel for size comparison
17:18.22ts|skromholy crap
17:18.56cog|workthat would be awesomer if it were a giant bawls mint... although i'm not sure how i would feel getting huge bawls from my parents...
17:19.02alestaneThat's a chunk of chocolate.
17:21.07LopeppeppyTS|Skrom: If I ever get the second account, I would totally use Voice Commander, it just seems neat.
17:21.23ts|skromI just use my friends who plays less then me XD
17:22.06cog|workts|skrom: that's illegal
17:22.19cog|workyou'll get his account closed if they find out :P
17:22.44ts|skromunless I go around saying it in game though they'd never find out ^^
17:25.52ts|skromto be honest there's no real reason to limit accounts to one person for legitimate players. Fathers who share their account with their kids, husbands and wives, etc all do it regularly without reprecussion. that rule is really only there so they have one more "reason" for which to ban farmers (who often have single accounts logged in 24/7)
17:26.14Saint-Nmy action pack this month has vista64
17:26.32alestanets|skrom: still, you might want to practice some discretion.
17:26.39Saint-Nlike communications center and 32/64bit win server 2k3 and 2k8 32/64 server
17:27.41ts|skromwell at any rate I've not mentioned his toons/account name/real name so I'm pretty sure that as of this conversation he's in the clear and I'll be sure to never mention it again :X
17:29.07ts|skromsome good spots for stormwind rep: go!
17:29.35alestaneSwamp of Sorrows/Nethergarde.
17:30.00alestaneHillsbrad Foothills.
17:30.39alestanelua> tonumber("QWERTY")
17:30.39cladbotalestane: nil,
17:30.57alestanelua> tonumber()
17:30.57cladbotalestane: [string "tonumber()"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'tonumber' (value expected)
17:31.15cladhairelua> tonumber(nil)
17:31.15cladbotcladhaire: nil,
17:31.15Kaydeethreelua> tonumber("42")
17:31.15cladbotKaydeethree: 42,
17:31.27cladhaireyou have to pass it something, even if its the nil value.. but passing it nothing gives you an error.
17:31.47alestaneOkay, so tonumber() and tonumber(nil) are can it tell the difference?
17:32.02cog|workalestane: C knows how many args were passed
17:32.15cog|workand actually lua does too with select("#", ...)
17:32.16alestaneSo it works because it's implemented in C?
17:32.36LopeppeppyTS|Skrom: I got all of mine in the battleground, AV honestly.  But you can run those boxes from Nethergarde until next christmas for rep, if you'd like.
17:32.52cladhaireit just works that way, because that's how it was coded.
17:33.01alestaneMy draenei was exalted with SW by level 42 or so.
17:33.06ts|skromI'm about 15000 away from a horsey on my 43 druid
17:33.17ts|skromthat's what I've heard from most draenei :(
17:33.25Kaydeethreeya, tis annoying
17:33.36KaydeethreeI'm merely revered with all factions except darn on my gnome mage
17:33.40LopeppeppyWhere do the draeni pick up the extra rep?  From baby quests?
17:33.49cog|workWikipedia: "The hand has five fingers [citation needed]"
17:33.58*** join/#wowi-lounge drc|away (
17:34.01ts|skromtheir starting area has mucho mucho quests for varying reps
17:34.16alestaneI think partly it's that the baby quests are very rep-rich...although the rep gains for all quests were jacked up post-BC.
17:34.33ts|skromI usually leave their level 20 area honored with all and into revered with exodar if I remember
17:34.36LopeppeppyTrue, and rep is getting another boost for fuzzies and AD, I understand.
17:34.45Kaydeethreeand CC
17:34.51Kaydeethree2x what it was for kills/turnins
17:35.02ts|skromthe problem is that their starting areas give almost no rep if the quests are grey unlike other starting areas
17:35.06LopeppeppyNeat.  I will totally finish Pep's fuzzy faction then.
17:35.29alestane'cause otherwise everyone is just gonna say, 'forget this grind' and go to outland where they get better stuff anyway.
17:36.12KaydeethreeI call em the furbies tbqh
17:36.43ts|skromI don't want a cat mount :( I want a horse
17:39.48LopeppeppyFuzzies, furbies... I just want my bestfriend furbie to come play with me while I'm grinding.
17:40.29alestanets|skrom: It's not as steep with the other races but I've been finding I pass level 20 a lot higher with all friendly races than I did before.
17:42.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
17:42.45Kaydeethreeawesome... maybe this'll shut up the QQers about the fact that ZA's in horde territory:
17:45.58alestaneAnd did you see they're also planning a raid dungeon right above Silvermoon City?
17:46.17sag_ich_nichtmy guess is they will open the scar
17:46.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
17:46.45alestane"Sunwell Plateau"
17:46.47sag_ich_nicht(the part at the north end of silvermoon, that is)
17:46.50sag_ich_nichtold news
17:47.01sag_ich_nicht1 25 man raid, 1 5 man dungeon
17:47.18sag_ich_nichtwonder what rep you need for heroic of that one
17:48.16alestaneSo do you think there will ever be a reaid scenario designed for, say, 20 level 40s? Or is raiding designed as an end-game-only experience?
17:48.43Kaydeethreeisn't deadmines still raidable?
17:48.57sag_ich_nichtyou can raid any below 50 instance pretty much
17:49.08sag_ich_nichtjust won't be able to finish the kill quests for them, other than that
17:49.19alestaneIt's not really designed for it though isn't it? Basically a steamroller?
17:49.33sag_ich_nichtyou can raid deadmines with 10 level 10 chars
17:49.42sag_ich_nichtor level all to 15 and steamroll it
17:49.43Kaydeethreemeh... I remember wiping in strat in a raid
17:49.50sag_ich_nichtKaydeethree lol strat
17:50.08sag_ich_nichtstrat sucks, peroid, anyone who claims different sucks, too
17:50.11sag_ich_nichtsame goes for scholo
17:50.26Kaydeethreemeh, once we got our heads out of our asses, they weren't that bad
17:50.30sag_ich_nichtand LBRS, UBRS and BRD
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17:50.33ScytheBlade1Pretty sure that Scholo is possibly my favorite 5 man.
17:50.37Kaydeethreewas consistently doing ~30-min baron runs
17:51.19CideScytheBlade1: what? you're out of your mind
17:51.26ScytheBlade1No, I'm dead serious
17:51.27sag_ich_nichtmy favorite 5 man is probably maraudon
17:51.43CideScytheBlade1: doesn't mean you're not out of your mind though
17:51.45ScytheBlade1BRD/LBRS/UBRS all *sucked immensely hard* though
17:52.03sag_ich_nichtmara actually has a few intelligent behaviour bosses
17:52.08ScytheBlade1But I really did enjoy Scholo
17:52.10sag_ich_nichtand mobs
17:53.09alestaneI haven't found a 5-man that I actually dislike...Scholo and Strat dead are some of my favorites flavor-wise, although the structure to finish Strat dead is a pain.
17:53.27Kaydeethreemeh. deadside's an exercise in creative pulling
17:53.35ScytheBlade1Not compared to Scholo.
17:53.42ScytheBlade1Scholo is king in terms of creative pulling.
17:53.53alestaneI've only ever done RFD once, though, I sort of wish Alliance had more reson to go there.
17:53.57zenzelezzeh? I had the same pattern every time in Scholo, was never hard
17:54.07PolarinaThe only 5-man I dislike is Temple of Atal'Hakkar.
17:54.15KaydeethreeST... /cringe
17:54.17Cairenn|afkcog|work: thanks for the Vista suggestion, that was it
17:54.21ScytheBlade1The same can apply to deadside, to be fair.. you don't really *have* to be creative any any of it
17:54.24sag_ich_nichtfuck sunken temple
17:54.39alestaneThe only thing I don't like about ST is that it's too easy to get lost in there.
17:54.40sag_ich_nichtcreative pulling=seed of corruption in scholo
17:55.00cog|workCairenn|afk: :)
17:55.01zenzelezzI love BRD, the only thing that can make it bad is a bad team
17:55.08ScytheBlade1Nah, creative pulling is mage pulling the summoner room.
17:55.23ScytheBlade1I've got it down to 30 minute solo Rattlegore runs on my mage
17:55.43sag_ich_nichtScytheBlade1 you realize that seed of corruption goes thru the walls and pulls all of scholo pretty much?
17:56.00ScytheBlade1And that's not creative, that's just cheese ;P
17:56.20zenzelezzyou mean Seed of Corruption can be the source of some mysterious through-the-wall/roof pulls in Karazhan also?
17:56.30Kaydeethreeoh very much yes
17:56.33zenzelezzwhy didn't those filthy locks tell me so
17:56.42ScytheBlade1Because they wanted to keep doing it, I'd guess ;)
17:56.45Kaydeethreeso they could blame the hunters
17:57.06zenzelezzI'm forgiving, as long as you're careful about what you do I'll let you do it
17:58.24PolarinaThe best thing for being a hunter, is that you can easily wipe the entire group (But it's the groups fault too, without knowing it).
17:58.31zenzelezzwe were heading for Maiden through that corridor the other day, no priests, no locks, so to help out one of the paladins decided to Turn Undead
17:58.39zenzelezzit didn't really help
17:59.24sag_ich_nichtzenzelezz: some locks don't know it
17:59.55alestaneThe only time I've ever found Turn Undead useful is as an "oh s%$t" button for bad pulls in WPL/EPL.
18:00.02ScytheBlade1Conversely, you should considering firing said locks if they don't know.
18:00.07zenzelezzthat's the sort of thing you're supposed to learn while leveling :-) Like how you don't place your Intimidating Shout button next to your Challenging Shout button
18:00.11Saint-Nzenzelezz: did the pallys friend bring back others to show them the "real life paladin he found" ?
18:00.14sag_ich_nichtturn undead works on unfearable mobs
18:00.21zenzelezzSaint-N: yes, the whole first side room
18:00.24sag_ich_nichte.g. moroes adds
18:00.28Saint-Nhaha nice
18:00.45Kaydeethreedamn... 27.4k hp
18:00.51Saint-Nive done that a couple of times when i accidently hit fear instead of fade
18:01.11zenzelezzalestane: I had the opposite experience, learning that fear generally *don't* work on undead... "oops, Intimidating Shout *4x Immune* crap"
18:01.12Saint-Nbecuse they sit side by side on my action bar and the icons looks sorta the samewhe you glance ;P
18:01.24zenzelezzat 52 or so at Sorrow Hill
18:02.01alestanezenzelezz: Yes, undead are the bane of 'locks everywhere.
18:02.19Saint-Nthats kind of ironic actually
18:04.01alestaneHas anyone actually figured out a good use for the 'click','clickbutton' option for SecureActionButton_OnClick?
18:05.08Saint-Ntoggle up and down?
18:05.39ts|skromto CLICKK STUFF
18:05.42ts|skromer sorry
18:05.51ts|skromso I watched 300 last night, decent movie
18:06.21alestanelua> string.match("$enemy", "^$(.*)$")
18:06.21cladbotalestane: enemy,
18:08.59ts|skromalestane started it ><
18:12.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
18:27.01Shirik~lart ts|skrom
18:27.01purlslaps a compatible dib on ts|skrom's head
18:27.11Shirikit's obviously "enemytarget" not "enemyofmyenemy"
18:30.38zenzelezzisn't "enemy" unrecognized? And the enemy could be targetting a (to him) friendly to cast a buff or a heal or something
18:30.52cog|workts|skrom: don't worry... I understood
18:31.15ts|skromwuh, did I miss something?
18:31.53cog|workapparently you sent something over the heads of zenzelezz (and perhaps Shirik though he could be just being sarcastic :P )
18:32.17Thunder_Childna, they didnt get it
18:32.26Saint-Nhehe shirik was giving him correct syntax and naming ;P
18:32.47Saint-Nthe the target of your target is your friend ;P
18:32.58Saint-Nthus enemytarget ;P
18:33.02ts|skromnot necessarily
18:33.16ts|skromas zenzelezz pointed out he could be buffing a teammate
18:33.22zenzelezzcog|work: I'm aware of the expression "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", but I don't subscribe to it. They could both be your enemies
18:33.44cog|worklike the borg and species 8472
18:33.48Saint-Nthat would still make the target of your target a friend ;P
18:33.59ts|skromone could be an enemy and one could be a long lost brother
18:34.21ts|skromor "sshhh khooosh" I could be your father "sshhh khooosh"
18:34.51ts|skromwhere oh where did that a-fisshhy fish gooooo
18:36.32ts|skrom*wilhelm scream*
18:36.50cog|workoh and snape kills dumbledore
18:36.53Saint-NGir, stop playing with that you're radiating waves of stupid.
18:37.07AnduinLotharwow wtf happened here
18:37.13ts|skromdon't ask
18:37.15cog|workI'm gonna sing the doom song now! Doom doom doom doom doom
18:37.18ts|skromdon't tell!
18:37.57sag_ich_nicht~whalenuke AnduinLothar
18:37.58purlACTION dons his radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around AnduinLothar with his mind powers
18:38.01cog|workSaint-N: u gief plx
18:38.06AnduinLotharis it auctioneer that prints orange/brown error msgs to chat?
18:38.25sag_ich_nichtannoys me
18:38.45AnduinLotharit's decided MailTo is the devil
18:39.01AnduinLothargranted MailTo is outdated and thinks it still takes an hour to mail to my alt..
18:39.13ts|skromI saw a quote on the forum the other day that I liked it went something like: If someone justifies plz as opposed to please because it's shorter then I feel perfectly justified telling them no instead of yes because it's shorter.
18:39.14sag_ich_nichtit also decided that postal is the devil too, tho
18:39.24Saint-NOh I left that at home. Left what at home Gir? you know the guidey chippy thingie. WHAT?!? WHY DID YOU LEAVE THAT AT HOME GIR?!?! what make room for the cupcake!
18:40.26Saint-Nhey you have to pay. you expect me to pay to ride this filthy vessel? have you the BRAIN WORMS?!?!!?
18:40.36Saint-Nthat episode has some of the best quotes
18:40.43AnduinLothar<3 Gir
18:41.39AnduinLotharI'm not a huge fan of the show, but the 1st season was pretty good and gir is just awesome
18:42.33cog|workmy sister-in-law named her dog Gir
18:42.39cog|workit fit WAY too well
18:43.24AnduinLotharI'm not gonna put a urinal in my home till they make one that's completely splash proof.
18:43.55AnduinLotharI've seen various attempts, but none of them work esp well
18:44.24cog|worknot like toilets are exactly splash proof either, though...
18:44.34AnduinLothartrue, but better
18:44.41AnduinLotharlong as you can aim
18:45.14Saint-Ncan i be a mongoose dog?
18:45.18cog|workand for something people do nearly their entire lives, it's amazing how many people can't...
18:46.02AnduinLothari've taken to just sitting down so i don't have to think or watch
18:46.05Saint-NAnduinLothar: get the one with the face on it and the opening that you just stick yer winkie into no splash ;)
18:46.14CidanOOXML was voted no
18:46.26AnduinLotharby whom?
18:46.27Kaydeethreetime for a beer
18:46.30Kaydeethreethe iso
18:46.30Cidanby ISO
18:46.40cog|workonly the fast-track was voted no
18:46.43cog|workit still has a chance
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18:46.57Kaydeethreewith all of the ill will MS has for pulling the stunt it did?
18:46.58cog|workbesides, is your glee anti-microsoft or anti OOXML? :P
18:47.23AnduinLothari still haven't read the spec. i just don't like that it's microsoft and their methods are bleh
18:47.49CidanI have read the OOXML spec, it's pure crap, it really is.
18:47.50amroAnduinLothar: same here, just now I was cursing MSI
18:48.07AnduinLothari'm still confused why xml needs to be OO
18:48.09Cidanit's the most obsfucated thing I have ever seen
18:48.25Kaydeethreems just didn't want odf to be the standard
18:48.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
18:49.02ts|skromxml needs to be OO but instead it's just O.o which makes billy boy :'(
18:49.07ts|skromshoot me now
18:49.29Shirik~shoot ts|skrom
18:49.29purlACTION shoots ts|skrom in the head with a glue gun!
18:49.38ts|skromyuck it's all in my hair
18:50.54cog|workts|skrom: what's OOXMLhave to do with OO? :P
18:51.01Kaydeethreeit doesn't
18:51.46ts|skromI don't know people just kept saying OO and OOXML and all I saw was O.o and o.O
18:51.59sag_ich_nicht[20:43] <+AnduinLothar> I'm not gonna put a urinal in my home till they make one that's completely splash proof. <--there are already plenty, you just have to use ones that are especially "deep", embedded into the wall
18:52.22sag_ich_nichtcan't splash basicially because the stream goes in too far for that
18:52.55sag_ich_nichtalso, if you install an urinal in your house/bathroom, you have to install a bidet too :P
18:53.25sag_ich_nichtalso those
18:54.29cog|workI love the use of the word "mainstream" in the comment there...
18:54.49cog|workand i wonder if that's the same blissfulpain as on the wow forums...
18:55.37AnduinLotharList price: $475.00
18:55.37ts|skromone emo kids as good as the rest
18:56.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
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18:57.08ts|skrom$480 a bottle?
18:57.27AnduinLothardoesn't say hwo many bottles
18:57.48ts|skromit's also an invalid item if you continue to checkout?
18:58.02sag_ich_nichti don't think it's going to need a lot of change
19:01.27alestaneGawd, I always want to see what's going on on the PTR forum, but I'm spoiled by the comparitively low turnover and high intelligence of the UI forum.
19:02.19KaydeethreeI'm currently actively trolling the PTR
19:02.23Kaydeethreenothing's happening
19:02.44Kaydeethreeit'll kick up in a few hours when they'll probably take the PTRs down for the next PTR push
19:02.58CidanLOL PTR LOLOL
19:03.00CidanOr something
19:03.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
19:03.56ts|skromhow inciteful (spelling error on purpose!)
19:04.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys_ (
19:04.45cog|workts|skrom: [sic] would've worked :)
19:05.23ts|skromand here I just thought that meant the person was ill
19:05.53ts|skromsweet my sarcasm was so great it kicekd them off the interweb
19:05.54cog|workbad grammar makes me [sic]
19:06.42alestaneNo, it's Latin for "thus"...has a particular purpose in things like citations.
19:07.21ts|skrom[citation needed]
19:07.27Cidanaye, in this case, it's implied "thus written" or "thus said"
19:07.33cladhairethis was more fun than I intended it to be :P
19:07.38*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:10.42ts|skromalestane [sic] actually means [sarcasm included comedy]
19:11.02ts|skromer inclusive not included
19:11.34alestaneKaydeethree: Some folks earlier were trying to start a lobby to pull voice chat out in order to get the rest of the patch live...since everyone's just going to keep using Vent anyway.
19:11.48Kaydeethreebut that QQing's happening in general too
19:11.53Kaydeethreeand just about everywhere else
19:12.17mikmacladhaire: thats cool btw
19:12.26cladhairehehe just was fun to see all the fonts.
19:12.37alestaneThey got shot down by other forum-goers in short order. We'd get just as much of a mess trying to back out the sound changes as we would going forward I think.
19:12.41mikmaindeed. i can see where that will be usefull
19:12.47*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
19:12.50CidanIt's not voice chat that is bugged, per se
19:12.55Cidanit's the new sound system
19:13.01Cidanand they can't just "pull it out"
19:13.09alestaneBesides, if you took out voice chat, you'd have patch 2.1.4, not 2.2.
19:13.18mikmai'm so waiting for the new chatsystem <3
19:13.35CidanRegardless, you can't just rip out the new sound system and be like, "OH LOLOL HER IZ UR PATCH!!@!@!11"
19:14.05alestaneCidan: I'm not the one who needs informing.
19:14.16CidanI know, just ranting
19:14.24alestaneCarry on then.
19:18.15Cidanis for horses
19:18.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin (n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity)
19:18.52ts|skromhas pointy hair?
19:19.14Linhi there.
19:19.41alestaneif frame:GetAttribute('*type2') == 'menu' and frame:GetAttribute('type2') == 'assist', then an unmodified right-click will get 'assist' for type, right?
19:19.44sag_ich_nichtif anyone wants to find(& debug) cross addon problems, bugs, i'm currently uploading my interface so antiarc can try and reproduce the omen aggro not showing bug, but feel free to take a look as well, it has many of those cross addon bugs, most non-serious :P
19:21.03cog|workEverybody pounce on the General chat guild recruiter!
19:21.41sag_ich_nicht(and this isn't a "debug my interface" thing, i have no problems besides the omen bug, but you could probably find quite a few bad hookings & tainting in your addons from looking at the ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED flood when in combat :P)
19:21.43ts|skromI am a follower
19:22.17cog|work~lart ts|skrom
19:22.18purltakes out a cattle prod and gives ts|skrom a good jolt
19:22.30ts|skromouch! I already pounced!
19:22.47Tullerhrm, can anyone think of a blizzard icon to represent "all items"
19:22.54sag_ich_nichtcog|work gimme your account data
19:22.55ts|skromalestane it's a macro question
19:23.02sag_ich_nichtso i can steal all your gold^Upounce the bad recruiter
19:23.18alestanets|skrom: Post is gone, I saw that.
19:24.00PolarinaTuller: Treasure Chest?
19:24.13PolarinaWith a question mark?
19:24.16Tullererr that's actually what I've gone with :)
19:24.17cog|worksag_ich_nicht: user: havefu pw: nshardingmabluez
19:24.27Tullerthough sans question mark
19:24.49PolarinaNo, the question mark similar to the one for Unknown items.
19:25.14cog|workTuller: something that loks like a star, esp. an asterisk
19:25.29ts|skromcog|work's got no epics (ba daa da dun) and no phat lewtz too (ba daa da dun) he doesn't have a lot of money (ba daa da dun) not even a pair of new shoes (ba daa da dun)
19:25.42cog|workts|skrom: it's true :(
19:25.50ts|skromI'm diggin' yer blues man
19:26.17sag_ich_nichti wish i still had that screenshot when Bantown social engineered some ebay sellers into giving them their account data, then stood in OG giving out free gold in the name of bantown
19:27.06sag_ich_nicht bug interface
19:27.09sag_ich_nichtfeel free to poke it
19:27.28cog|workts|skrom: though technically my lunacy card is epic :P
19:27.49ts|skromugh what a phoney. and to think I bought all his records and other assorted swag
19:27.55PolarinaChinese farmers are not illegal. Being chinese is not against the rules. Farming gold is not against the rules..
19:28.17ts|skromso which one are you?
19:28.18cog|workselling said gold is illegal
19:28.25sag_ich_nichtselling gold and selling your account is illegal
19:28.31Polarinacog|work: Not for in-game items.
19:28.54cog|worknope but that's not what constitutes a farmer
19:29.19ScytheBlade1That's not selling gold, that's trading items for gold.
19:29.28alestaneselling said gold for goods, services, or other remuneration outside WoW is against the ToS.
19:29.50ScytheBlade1emphasis "outside WoW"
19:29.52ts|skromheh my company can't afford to pay travel time atm
19:30.08ts|skrombut they had some prepaid giftcards left from when they gave em out last year for christmas
19:30.18ts|skromso I got one of those today from my trip last thursday
19:30.26ts|skromI'm thinking... Bioshock ^^
19:32.09*** join/#wowi-lounge N3cr0m4ncer (
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19:34.30Tuller'Men want hot women, study confirms'
19:34.39sag_ich_nichtno shit sherlock
19:34.40Kaydeethreenews: sky blue. water wet
19:34.45cog|workbetter not have been government funded
19:35.00Saint-NKaydeethree: since when?!?! no-onetold me!
19:35.40alestaneStudy indicates: screwdrivers made to tighten, loosen screws.
19:36.04alestaneBesides, isn't that basically a circular definition?
19:37.03alestanesince 'hot' == 'desirable/appealing' (generally to men), so...
19:37.21Cidethe definition in the article is basically 'good-looking'
19:37.30ts|skromdunno there's some real freaks out there
19:38.48Cideprobably fake but...
19:38.49Tuller I know someone wants to tell me what item types the side buttons match up to :P
19:39.21alestaneOr is the study confirming that men are still primarily interested in certain traits, i.e. low BF%, late adolescent bust, etc.?
19:40.14Cidebig bangs, swords, mail chestpieces, torches, lesser run speed potions, thread, horses
19:40.25kaidenTuller, loooks like, Weapons, Armor, Quest Usables, Pots, Tradeskills, Mounts
19:40.36kaidendunno what the first one is :P
19:40.43Cidebig bangs
19:41.05CideI was correct?
19:41.09Tullerall items :P
19:41.25Cideso kinda like big bang.. a big mess
19:41.30Tullerbut kaiden was pretty much dead on, mounts == misc, which includes stuff
19:41.42Tullerincludes mounts + other stuff
19:41.51Cidethat one is kinda misleading
19:41.56ts|skromI thought Cide was listing all the things that men were interested in
19:42.05ts|skrom10[14:38] alestane: Or is the study confirming that men are still primarily interested in certain traits, i.e. low BF%, late adolescent bust, etc.?
19:42.06ts|skrom[14:39] Cide: big bangs, swords, mail chestpieces, torches, lesser run speed potions, thread, horses01
19:42.09Cidehaha, wtf
19:43.02sag_ich_nicht[21:39] <alestane> Or is the study confirming that men are still primarily interested in certain traits, i.e. low BF%, late adolescent bust, etc.?
19:43.03sag_ich_nicht[21:40] <+Cide> big bangs, swords, mail chestpieces, torches, lesser run speed potions, thread, horses
19:43.18alestanets|skrom: The article is not particularly gripping, but could have been better served by a different title.
19:43.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
19:43.30sag_ich_nichttaken out of context, this quote is ingenious
19:44.30Kaydeethreerandom general humor:
19:44.42AnduinLotharoh man, reckonnign with high parry chance is hot
19:45.19AnduinLotharit's liek having retaliation
19:47.18ScytheBlade1A haha, yes @
19:47.25ScytheBlade1I think that's the best compliment I've ever been given
19:47.49AnduinLotharWTLoad img slower..
19:47.56ScytheBlade1wtb upstream
19:48.10ts|skromDIE PST DEMON
19:51.46sag_ich_nichtScytheBlade1 server?
19:52.25ScytheBlade1US Doomhammer, I should say
19:52.36sag_ich_nicht!vs us doomhammer sbo eu gul'dan ruknor
19:52.39ThraeBotsag_ich_nicht: Sbo vs Ruknor! A L70 mage and a L70 paladin square off!; 1/57/3 vs 0/8/53; Ruknor wins by 709 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
19:53.03ScytheBlade1My mage has yet to win with that. Against anynoe.
19:53.17sag_ich_nichtdemons have no place in this world, burn in righteous fire.
19:53.22ScytheBlade1I'm pretty sure that the TBR formula is increadibly biased against mages
19:53.23ts|skrom!vs us doomhammer sbo us uldum rho
19:53.24ThraeBotts|skrom: Sbo vs Rho! Sbo has +8 lvls on Rho (70 vs 62); A L70 mage and a L62 warlock square off!; 1/57/3 vs 36/17/0; Sbo wins by 504 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
19:53.29ts|skromthere you go buddy
19:53.31ScytheBlade1That's a 62.
19:53.53sag_ich_nicht!vs us doomhammer sbo us doomhammer jigs
19:53.54ThraeBotsag_ich_nicht: Sbo vs Jigs! Two 70 mages square off!; 1/57/3 vs 10/48/3; Jigs wins by 38 TBRs!
19:54.13ScytheBlade1It's just biased against me then. :P
19:54.19ScytheBlade1!vs us doomhammer sbo us doomhammer myrothin
19:54.20ThraeBotScytheBlade1: Sbo vs Myrothin! Two 70 mages square off!; 1/57/3 vs 10/48/3; Myrothin wins by 202 TBRs!
19:54.24ts|skrom!vs us uldum dalet us uldum fawn
19:54.24ThraeBotts|skrom: dalet vs fawn! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? fawn always haxs, so wins automatically.
19:54.41ScytheBlade1See, both of those mages there? Jigs and Myrothin? I've duel them both at least 20 times each
19:54.44ScytheBlade1I have yet to lose once
19:54.49ScytheBlade1... and yet, I get owned here.
19:55.04ts|skromgear can't make up for skill?
19:55.41ScytheBlade1That's pretty much the case with Myrothin actually, hehe. I've got less spell damage and a spec that gives me less mana, but he has yet to place above me on Void Reaver.
19:55.56ScytheBlade1Same with Jigs
19:57.26cog|work!vs us garona cogwheel us doomhammer sbo
19:57.27ThraeBotcog|work: Cogwheel vs Sbo! A L70 warrior and a L70 mage square off!; 35/26/0 vs 1/57/3; Cogwheel wins by 66 TBRs!
19:57.38cog|workoops ... that's got my tank gear...
19:58.00cog|workoh... nm... that was quick...
19:58.02cog|work!vs us garona cogwheel us doomhammer sbo
19:58.02ThraeBotcog|work: Cogwheel vs Sbo! A L70 warrior and a L70 mage square off!; 35/26/0 vs 1/57/3; Cogwheel wins by 66 TBRs!
19:58.18ScytheBlade1I have yet to have Sbo win a single one with !vs
19:58.25ScytheBlade1(Against an equal level char :P)
19:58.54sag_ich_nicht!vs us garona cogwheel eu gul'dan ruknor
19:58.54ThraeBotsag_ich_nicht: Cogwheel vs Ruknor! A L70 warrior and a L70 paladin square off!; 35/26/0 vs 0/8/53; Ruknor wins by 477 TBRs!
19:58.55kaidenmy addiction has reached a new high..
19:59.05ts|skrom!vs us doomhammer sbo us uldum kirros
19:59.06ThraeBotts|skrom: Sbo vs Kirros! A L70 mage and a L70 druid square off!; 1/57/3 vs 48/0/13; Kirros wins by 615 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
19:59.12ts|skromand he sucks
19:59.22Cidan!vs us eredar cidan us garona cogwheel
19:59.23sag_ich_nichti say the bot is baised because of my pvp bracers
19:59.23ThraeBotCidan: Cidan vs Cogwheel! Cogwheel has +5 lvls on Cidan (65 vs 70); A L65 paladin and a L70 warrior square off!; 43/13/0 vs 35/26/0; Cogwheel wins by 465 TBRs!
19:59.27ScytheBlade1See what I mean?
19:59.28ts|skrom!vs us doomhammer sbo us uldum soryk
19:59.29ThraeBotts|skrom: Sbo vs Soryk! A L70 mage and a L70 shaman square off!; 1/57/3 vs 11/0/50; Soryk wins by 144 TBRs!
19:59.31cog|workkaiden: quad boxing?
19:59.36sag_ich_nicht!vs us eredar cidan eu gul'dan ruknor
19:59.36ThraeBotsag_ich_nicht: Cidan vs Ruknor! Ruknor has +5 lvls on Cidan (65 vs 70); Two paladins square off!; 43/13/0 vs 0/8/53; Ruknor wins by 941 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
19:59.42ts|skrom!vs us doomhammer sbo us uldum blueberrie
19:59.44ThraeBotts|skrom: Sbo vs Blueberrie! A L70 mage and a L70 priest square off!; 1/57/3 vs 21/40/0; Blueberrie wins by 155 TBRs!
19:59.49ScytheBlade1Told you
19:59.52kaidencog|work, actually i usually 5 box, but i recently got rid of a few of my monitors
19:59.52sag_ich_nichtyou stupid healbot!
19:59.54ScytheBlade1I. Don't. Win.
20:00.00kaidenand switched to a really big lcd tv
20:00.01ts|skromshe's completely healing spec with practically no +damage
20:00.17cladhaire!vs us doomhammer sbo us stormrage sagart
20:00.17ThraeBotcladhaire: sbo vs sagart! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? sbo wins by 6721406 TBRs! Wow, that's GOTTA hurt.
20:00.19sag_ich_nichtbecause i can
20:00.24CidanYes, but why?
20:00.28ScytheBlade1Okay that was epic
20:00.29cladhaire!vs us doomhammer sbo us stormrage sagart
20:00.30ThraeBotcladhaire: Sbo vs Sagart! A L70 mage and a L70 priest square off!; 1/57/3 vs 17/0/44; Sbo wins by 72 TBRs!
20:00.35cladhaireyou beat me =)
20:00.41cladhairedunno why
20:00.42cladhairebut you did
20:00.45ScytheBlade1lol yeah
20:00.49cladhaireand mages can't kill shadow priests
20:00.54cladhaireso i'd be interested to know how this happens :P
20:00.56ScytheBlade1I think we need to see the source to TBR :P
20:00.59purlit has been said that tbr is ThraeBot Ratings, an invention of Thrae for his ThraeBot. It works on a weighted logarithmic algorithm partially dependant on build type that, when used to compare two characters, tries to take into account which classes are fighting each other. or "to be released"
20:01.12sag_ich_nichti think we need to lynch Thrae
20:01.19ScytheBlade1I'd agree with that too
20:01.20sag_ich_nichtit's what we shoulda' do
20:01.35ScytheBlade1It really is just broken
20:02.08Olisonits utter bs ;D
20:03.02ts|skromblue suede?
20:03.08ts|skromthat would be udder bs
20:03.24ts|skromblue suede comes from blue cows, it's udderly delightful
20:03.55ScytheBlade1ts|skrom, I'm going to have to hurt you now. You know this, right?
20:04.05ts|skrom*bends over*
20:04.08ts|skrombe gentle
20:04.12*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
20:04.21ScytheBlade1. . .
20:04.47ts|skromholy crap it's 3:00 already!
20:04.53ts|skrom30 mins til quitting time
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20:20.22Mr_Rabies2is anyone else's wau crash-prone? :o
20:21.08sag_ich_nichtnot mine
20:21.11sag_ich_nichtthe ads crash it
20:21.14sag_ich_nichtmine doesn't have ads
20:21.14Mr_Rabies2is it?
20:21.16sag_ich_nichtno crashes.
20:21.30sag_ich_nicht1.9.24.429 ftw
20:21.49ElkanoMr_Rabies, tried reinstalling?
20:22.27Mr_Rabies2i have not yet
20:22.31Mr_Rabies2i will attempt that perhaps
20:24.06Mr_Rabies2okay, uninstalled, now to remember how to install it again
20:26.34Elkanovisit using IE
20:27.00Mr_Rabies2yar u git ut
20:27.15Elkanowell, had to reinstall today, too ^^
20:28.17Mr_Rabies2yar i got it*
20:28.35Mr_Rabies2i was typing on my laptop while looking at my desktop
20:28.50sag_ich_nicht~slap sag_ich_nicht
20:28.51purlACTION slaps sag_ich_nicht, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
20:29.02sag_ich_nichtgrubby, that was the adjective
20:31.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Chaotic_D (
20:34.11bleeterbah, .NET crap
20:34.20sag_ich_nichtalso doom
20:34.46bleeterI should really tidy up this shell script, then publish it
20:34.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
20:35.01bleeterfar more cross-platform than anything else I've seen
20:36.00bleeterdamn ugly thing atm tho
20:46.35Cairenn|afkanyone in here familiar with Vista?
20:46.59Kaydeethree"I hate dealing with users on Vista." is about as much as I know
20:46.59cog|workI use it at home
20:47.39AnduinLothari reboot into it for games, which is prolly silly
20:47.42alestaneVery passingly familiar.
20:48.14alestaneCairenn|afk: So toss your question out and maybe ONE of us can answer it.
20:48.16Cairenn|afkcog|work: the guy that is having problems installing the mods - I've told him he needs to either move WoW to Games instead of Program Files, or to "Run as Admin". but he can't figure out where/how to do either of those, and I don't know enough to tell him how.
20:48.23Cairenn|afk(was typing) :)
20:48.54cog|work/cast Feign Disconnect
20:49.01alestaneWe don't teach computer literacy.
20:49.31cog|workCairenn|afk: basic folder manipulation is something that is REALLY hard to teach over text
20:49.40*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
20:49.53Cairenn|afkhe can't find where the "Games" folder is
20:50.00cog|workwell it doesn't really come with one
20:50.05alestaneAnd Vista shouldn't have anything to do with it.
20:50.19cog|workhe can make a new folder in C:\
20:50.33cog|workor just copy WoW straight to there without the Games intermediary
20:51.29*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost__ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
20:51.47ScytheBlade1To be fair, I really think that Blizzard should change where addons are stored (same with WTF, WDB, etc)
20:51.53ScytheBlade1It'd solve... everything
20:52.05Kaydeethreeno freaking joke
20:52.15alestaneThe folder hierarchy would then have to change on different platforms though.
20:52.18ScytheBlade1Docs\Games\World of Warcraft\Interface
20:52.20ScytheBlade1It does already.
20:52.39alestaneI run OSX...same folder structure as WinXP.
20:52.43PolarinaI think they should change that \ to a / for folders.
20:52.44Saint-Nheh just pick a different directory than program files when installing on vista ;)
20:53.19ScytheBlade1I'm pretty sure that only Kaydeethree really understood what I meant by that, judging from the responses :P
20:53.21Saint-Ndont bother with vista if you only do email and web browsing as the most "hardcore computering" that you do
20:53.47bleeterKaydeethree: have you ever tried soft or hardlinking bits of WoW to 'random' spots? I'm just wondering what the game would think... I figure it might not like the softlinks, but prolly the hardlinks would be fine.
20:54.00Saint-NScytheBlade1: i understood it it just didnt warrant mention ;)
20:54.04Kaydeethreesoftlinks work. that's how I added a bunch of my music to Soundtrack
20:54.07ScytheBlade1Saint-N, then you win ;)
20:54.29bleeterKaydeethree: rofl... nice one... /me heads off and softlinks his 160GB NFS music share
20:54.35ScytheBlade1cog|work, somewhat related note... what are the chances of throwing my .zip --> .wowaddon suggestion into the suggested list?
20:54.38Saint-Nbut cee colon forward slash would make it far to difficult for most people ;)
20:54.44alestaneI'm not KD3, but I did redirect my screenshots directory for a while. Worked until a patch and I didn't feel like fixing it.
20:55.29cog|workScytheBlade1: high, though i don't think that's what you're really asking... :P
20:55.41bleeteroh, on the subject of music... good mate of mine in SF is LFM to go see Underworld this weekend... /msg me if you're going, I'll hook you up with one of the nicest open source guys on the planet (true! they do exist!)
20:55.44ScytheBlade1cog|work, the one suggest I have in that thread which Iriel responded to :P
20:55.53Kaydeethreecripes! 160GB of music?
20:56.04Saint-Ncog|work: don't do it ITS A TRAP!
20:56.13cog|workScytheBlade1: your chances are high that i will put it on the list.
20:56.13KaydeethreeI thought I was doing good with somewhere around 41 gigs
20:56.17bleeterKaydeethree: yeah, one day I'll get around to ripping the Vinyl I have, too, will easily double that
20:56.19Saint-Nive got somewhere around 90gigs of music
20:56.28ScytheBlade1cog|work, hot, thanks.
20:56.31Saint-Nmost of it is old classic punk stuff ;)
20:56.39KaydeethreeI really need to rip dad's vinyl for him. it's not going to last forever.
20:56.55cog|workScytheBlade1: there is still a more relevant question you could be asking which would interest you more :P
20:57.04ScytheBlade1If it would be accepted? :P
20:57.08bleeterI gotta rip a bunch of 78's, too :/
20:57.08alestane"Chances of it being accepted".
20:58.12*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
20:58.28ScytheBlade1Well I can hope.
20:58.55cog|workScytheBlade1: you asked about the /chance/ it would be added... But there is a near 100% /chance/ that the sun will be burnt out in 300 billion years.
20:59.23Cideunless we restart it, like in Sunshine
20:59.24ScytheBlade1cog|work, you know, a yes or no would be ideal in this situation, but I'll take what I can get :P
20:59.29Kaydeethreehuh? not even that long. thought it was somehwhere around 12b or so that the sun'd run out of hydrogen
20:59.53cog|workKaydeethree: exactly
21:00.15cog|workI was illustrating that ScytheBlade1 is probably more interested in knowing when or perhaps even commanding me to do it soon ;)
21:00.47*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
21:00.55cog|workKind of an extreme stretch of the "can I go to the bathroom?"     "Of course you /can/"
21:01.00ScytheBlade1cog|work, sorry, didn't get much sleep last night (5h) and my sister sent two people to the hospital yesterday in a car accident, I'm a bit out of it :P
21:01.20Cairenn|afkoh dear, hope everyone is okay
21:01.28cog|workwe've been on the other end of that...
21:02.10ScytheBlade1She's a brand new driver... had her license for three weeks
21:02.10ScytheBlade1The car she was in needs a new body, end of story
21:02.10ScytheBlade1But the husband and wife on the two seperate Harley motorcycles, well, they're in the hospital, and their bikes are junked.
21:02.17Cairenn|afkoh shit
21:02.24ScytheBlade1Yeah. So. Little out of it. :P
21:03.27ScytheBlade1So, apologies if I was asking something incorrectly a bit ago, there is a reason behind it :P
21:03.49ScytheBlade1cog|work, would you mind throwing my suggestion in the suggested list, if you feel it has enough merit/is on topic? I'd love to see what might come out of that
21:03.54cog|workMotorcycle accidents suck... they almost always rule liability in favor of the bikers... My sister-in-law hit a biker who had CROSSED THE DOUBLE YELLOW LINE but was still held liable because she was speeding by < 10 mph
21:03.58ScytheBlade1That's about as cheesy as I get, sorry
21:04.21ScytheBlade1Yeah, this was at a busy intersection, and she was indeed in the wrong
21:04.34cog|workScytheBlade1: sure... not sure when though... I've got quite a bit to catch up with in that thread
21:04.42ScytheBlade1lol not a problem
21:04.55ScytheBlade1I just wanted to make sure it wasn't forgotten or considered too far out/off topic
21:05.03amromy options for the default UI's Floating Combat Text keep getting reset, any idea why?
21:05.06ScytheBlade1 <-- I had to dig to find it myself :P
21:05.21ScytheBlade1It's already down to page 13
21:05.35cog|workheh. i usually google it :P
21:05.44bleeter[The topic you're looking for is not found]
21:05.46ScytheBlade1lol, I'm surprised you don't have it bookmarked ;)
21:05.52bleeter'oh, damn
21:06.02bleeterthat URL didn't wrap for me... I wonder what I screwed up there :/
21:06.23Mr_Rabies2other droods that happen to be here, halp me find a trinket or two to replace mine :x
21:06.33Mr_Rabies2moroes won't drop his freaking pocket watch
21:06.49Mr_Rabies2and i can't get darkrunes fast enough for a badge of tenacity, so i need more options
21:06.52Mr_Rabies2for tanking, that is
21:07.09ScytheBlade1Lots of money and your local auction house.
21:07.41Saint-Nhow can you not get darkrunes fast enough?
21:07.50ScytheBlade1Actually I'd be more constructive, but my druid is only level 65 atm
21:07.57Mr_Rabies2Saint-N, because they're too uncommon
21:07.58Saint-Nthose arent the same runes taht drop non stop from the jadefires and scholo are they?
21:08.30Mr_Rabies2can only get one a day, and it's a pretty rare chance out of the bag
21:08.30ScytheBlade1Darkrune, not Dark Rune
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21:22.14alestaneHeading home.
21:22.19Cairenn|afkhi, bye
21:24.11Cidanno sulk
21:24.23cog|workKaydeethree: ><
21:24.25bleeterlol Kaydeethree
21:24.26Cairenn|afkyou guys are so fickle
21:24.59ScytheBlade1A hahaha
21:25.11Cairenn|afkrofl KD3
21:25.47ScytheBlade1We need to find a way to preserve that thread
21:26.23KaydeethreeIt'll show up on the bluetracker in a few hours
21:28.28bleeterlove the KillWine script =)
21:28.39ScytheBlade1Yeah, I laughed at that
21:28.51cog|workdo they wipe the ptr forum each patch?
21:28.55Kaydeethreekinda necessary for the git builds of wine refusing to safely exit the PTR
21:29.09bleeterKaydeethree: wine's been doing that since 0.9.44 :/
21:29.26bleeterhaven't really had time to sit down and locate why
21:29.28ScytheBlade1Oddly, mine exists fine
21:29.35ScytheBlade1It USED to sit there and do nothing
21:29.36bleeterScytheBlade1: wine --version ?
21:29.41ScytheBlade1No clue why it just fixed itself
21:29.52ScytheBlade10.9.35 and 0.9.40
21:30.12bleeter"wine's been doing that since 0.9.44"
21:30.18ShirikKaydeethree: Awesome
21:30.19Kaydeethreeit's working fine in 0.9.33
21:30.32ScytheBlade1It did that to me on both .35 and .40 though.
21:30.35ScytheBlade1And then fixed itself.
21:31.33ShirikTHESE ARE STICKIES! These are not stickies.
21:31.58bleeteryes, something 'broke' it between 43 and 44
21:32.04Shiriklol "not a sticky" on the right side
21:32.17ShirikI <3 you Kaydeethree
21:32.49bleeteroO wait wait wait
21:33.00CidanI wish I could run linux 24/7, sigh.
21:33.02bleeterI just realised something... something deeply disturbing
21:33.06CidanIt's so much nicer than windows.
21:33.33Shirikyou don't get a "do do, do doo! humm"
21:33.35Shirikat the startup
21:33.47CidanIf it weren't for games, I would never touch Windows
21:33.47bleeterrefresh kd3's post there, I realised Hortus was admitting something
21:34.23Cidanoh well, bbl
21:34.26ScytheBlade1A hahaha
21:34.28bleetercya Cidan
21:35.55cladhaireAnyone know what the PARENT framestrata does, other than use the strata of the parent?
21:36.29Shirikit accesses a pointer which points to the string "PARENT"
21:36.37Shirikbut you don't see that, that's behind the scenes
21:36.49cladhairei hate you
21:37.17Shirik"garbage in garbage out" It's why we'll never have computers like those on Star Trek
21:37.27Shirikhumans can't ask a solid question for the life of them
21:40.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
21:41.06ScytheBlade1holy crap is it nice to see two blues in that new wine thread
21:43.48bleetertigerclaw's cool, he seems to keep an eye out for wine stuff related to OGL or deep *nix issues
21:44.04bleeter(iirc, Mac hardware dude)
21:44.41Shirikwell tbh, in most cases, if it's surfacing in *nix
21:44.49Shirikit's an omen that it's going to surface somewhere else down the road
21:44.59ShirikI'm glad they realize that
21:45.01ScytheBlade1Whoo a fix!
21:45.09bleeterScytheBlade1: for?
21:47.11ScytheBlade1Wine, from that thread
21:47.21ScytheBlade1Haha and that was you who posted it.. ?
21:47.24bleeterScytheBlade1: welcome to last week! :P
21:47.34ScytheBlade1Holy crap, 8/30
21:47.47ScytheBlade1How did I not see that thread
21:48.24bleeteraye, was me beating on the fmod lead programmer that finally got the Wine Dsound guy to implement undocumented DSOUND behaviour, and probably an FModex.dll 'fix' that may solve a bunch of Vista audio issues
21:49.00ScytheBlade1Course, gentoo tends to lag behind in stabalizing wine, and even then they have to release a version with this fix first
21:49.09ScytheBlade1Looks like I get to build it, yay
21:49.47bleeterit's only a one line change, I've never used gentoo but I'd find it hard to believe one can't add in local patches to a build
21:50.24ScytheBlade1Considering that it is a source distro, they did make things like throwing one line patches in easily doable
21:50.44ScytheBlade1But I'd also just as soon build it from source myself
21:50.56buuy/w 57
21:51.50ScytheBlade1That's a lot of objects, heh
21:52.00ScytheBlade1321090 in wine.git
21:53.52ScytheBlade1Haha, 11GB of WoW crashes.
21:59.17cog|workKaydeethree: boooooo for self-censoring
21:59.32cog|work(or did it get modded? XD )
21:59.57cog|workyour little explosion at secretstrike
22:00.17KaydeethreeI took it out. surprised you saw it. had it up for about 10 seconds
22:00.43ScytheBlade19 --> 11 eh
22:00.58cog|workYeah... I know how much better it feels just to hit Post even if you don't intend to leave it :)
22:01.56Polarina>>> _G
22:01.56CidePolarina: { ["log"] = function: 0024A2C8, ["wow"] = { ["strconcat"] = function: 0024ADD0, ["strtrim"] = function: 0024AD30, ["debugstack"] = function: 0024AE30, ["getglobal"] = function: 0024ADF0, ["setglobal"]... (exceeded 200 characters)
22:04.04ScytheBlade1bleeter, wtf. Current git revision... that doesn't come close to matching
22:04.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
22:04.53zenzelezzthat's what you get for seeking help from gits
22:05.31bleeterScytheBlade1: that's the real patch to cover the undocumented dsound behaviour. previous demonstrations were merely forcing the dsound.dll to stay up.
22:06.05ScytheBlade1bleeter, so do I need to apply that? (Little out of it atm)
22:06.10ScytheBlade1Or will the current git version work?
22:06.13sag_ich_nicht#debian is not being helpful, again. anyone know what etch is using to write new mail notices to the active terminal? doesn't seem to be comsat, and changing my mailbox system to maildir broke the messages.
22:06.33bleeterScytheBlade1: current git will work
22:06.40ScytheBlade1bleeter, makes that easy. Thanks.
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22:09.48ScytheBlade1thanks again, bleeter
22:11.33bleeterScytheBlade1: np, glad to be of assistance :)
22:14.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
22:20.03CidanFMOD is crap.
22:26.43*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:29.48cladhaireKaydeethree: that is win.
22:29.49AnduinLotharWhat's paladin agi to dodge ratio?
22:31.26[dRaCo]isnt agi/dodge the same for all chars?
22:31.26art3mishehe thats a great pic kay
22:32.15AnduinLothardunno, what is it?
22:33.18[dRaCo]not the same for all chars, sorry.
22:33.58[dRaCo]pala need 25 agi per % dodge.
22:35.52AnduinLotharAnyone knwo if the pally pvp glove bonus to judgement of crusader is applied before or after the talent +15% and the 2piece tier 4 bonus +15% ?
22:36.05AnduinLotharand Libram of Zeal
22:37.02AnduinLothargloves: +20; tier4: +15%; talent: +15%; libram: +47
22:37.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion (
22:37.13*** join/#wowi-lounge THECraZY (
22:37.25THECraZYhi everyone
22:38.10THECraZYI wonder if you guys can help, im trying to use GetBattlefieldScore(index) were do i get the index info for a given player?
22:38.40THECraZYi was looking for something like... getindex(nameofplayer)
22:38.48THECraZYi may be dreaming
22:41.25AnduinLotharweird... taking off the Libram of Zeal only makes it do 19 less dmg, not the listed 27
22:42.54THECraZYSo no one knows what the index is and how to get it?
22:43.23AnduinLotharyou have to loop 1-max
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22:43.43AnduinLotharusign whatever func gives the name
22:44.00THECraZYyour saying im gonna have to do a for loop for the number of players in the battlefied and compare names untill i get the right one....
22:44.40art3misbut he's right for he is Lothar of the hillspeople!
22:46.45art3misoh hey anyone know off hand a good place to get older ipaq and dell axim's?
22:46.50art3misaside from ebay and craigslist?
22:47.31cladhairei have an ipaq for sale.
22:47.46cladhaireif that helps :P
22:49.28bleeterKaydeethree: link me the stickies!
22:49.46cladhaireart3mis: ping me for more info if you'd like.. its useless to me.
22:50.04bleeterKaydeethree: I keep clicking them there but it don't work! U LIE!
22:54.00AnduinLotharThe +20 bonus from the gloves seems to be added before the tier4 15% is calculated, but the 47 from the libram is added after..
22:54.13AnduinLothareither that or the libram is only doing 42 and not 47
22:56.12cog|workI'm glad to see science and reason progressing around the world ...
22:59.43Rallionbut it worked!
23:00.25art3miswere they flying with oly 1 engine?
23:03.03bleeterkinda reminds me of the prayer day organised over here to try and break the drought
23:03.41zenzelezzdid it work?
23:03.47bleeterpoured down, floods, etc., a few days beforehand... leading to the suggestion that god broke the drought to stop the prayers bothering him
23:04.39bleeterand the question "Does that mean he does negotiate with blackmailers?"
23:05.19zenzelezzif I was a believer I wouldn't pray
23:05.29zenzelezzwould be too confusing if he didn't listen
23:09.07Rallionthat reminds me...I really hate it when I go to a wedding and the pastor or whoever is really annoying about assuming everybody in attendance is a christian
23:10.40CidanFMOD is the failest fail to have ever failed
23:10.50THECraZYhaha funny i went to a weading last week and the pastor made a remark about that
23:11.30zenzelezzCidan: you're either typing incredibly slowly or you seem to be spontaneously returning to that subject
23:11.50CidanThe second one.
23:12.10CidanHave I ever mentioned how much FMOD fails?
23:12.20THECraZYhe was ok about it said something about not being here for our faith but to honnor those who decided to join their life... he was pretty cool about it
23:12.28cog|workno, you've only emphasized your belief in the fact that it has
23:12.57cog|works/in the fact //
23:13.13THECraZYOh KingCog is around
23:13.18bleeterCidan: I get the feeling they're sticking with it for contractual obligations ;)
23:13.40Rallionyeah, THECraZY, I've seen that, too, one time, and it just makes me hate things like the wedding *I* just went to even more :P
23:13.57cog|workall the weddings I've been to recently were secular
23:14.25cog|workhell, mine was just me, my wife, and my mom at the county clerk's office (my mom so we didn't have to pay for a witness). Then we threw a huge potluck at my grandma's :)
23:14.32CidanFMOD is licensed, not contracted
23:14.44CidanThey don't HAVE to use it
23:14.51Cidanbut I wasn't refering to WoW anyways.
23:14.51Mr_Rabies2i think the wow login music has me hooked, pavlovian style
23:15.00CidanI was refering to Bioshock.
23:15.02CidanIt fails.
23:15.02Mr_Rabies2every time i hear it i feel compelled to type my password
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23:15.29cog|workReminds me of The Office
23:15.40zenzelezzUK or US version?
23:15.47cog|worknever seen UK version :(
23:16.03zenzelezzonly one I watch, I assume the US version is too... US for my taste
23:16.10cog|workmost likely
23:16.22cog|workthough i'm a bit more flexible :P
23:17.23zenzelezzI'm not universally opposed to US humor; but I more often dislike it than like it. UK humor is usually fairly close to Norwegian
23:17.40cog|worki'm fond of most humor
23:18.08cog|workI own pretty much all the monty python that exists on US DVD
23:18.39zenzelezzmainstream US humor seem to be mostly random jokes that don't even make me smile, like Bob Sagget and other "funny" show hosts >.<
23:18.57zenzelezzthen again we only get a limited amount imported over here, so I may have a misperception
23:19.05cog|workbob sagget doesn't make many people in the US laugh though...
23:19.59ScytheBlade1bleeter, gentoo applies several patches to wine by default. The git wine is locking up on WoW close, the gentoo wine is not. If you're going to look into that, I'd recommended looking into what patches gentoo applies first.
23:19.59zenzelezzI've watched a few episodes of whatever America's funniest videos was called those weeks (not with Sagget)... was a bunch of funny clips ruined by stupid commentary
23:21.27art3misbob saget is pretty funny as standup
23:21.33art3misin a scripted sense he sucks ass
23:21.39art3miskind of like colin quinn
23:21.42zenzelezznever saw him do standup
23:22.01art3miscolin quinn is horrible with a script
23:22.11art3misbut doing standup a lot of his ranting is hiarlious
23:22.34art3misare you in the us?
23:22.49zenzelezzI'm .no
23:22.51art3misshowtime has been running some of his standup late at night
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23:27.32bleeteron the subject of depressing websites...
23:28.02ScytheBlade1....... rofl
23:29.10bleetergah, anything but homepage is 503'ing for me
23:29.15ScytheBlade1?I was SO scared getting married so young, but my husband is an okay guy and I am SO proud that because of me my parents were able to get their first brand-new car and take the trip they always wanted to.  I couldn?t have done it without your site!"
23:29.15ScytheBlade1?Katrina K., married at 14
23:29.36bleeterah, refresh gets it
23:30.01ScytheBlade1w t f @ their ages
23:30.35Cairenn|afkyou have GOT to be joking!
23:30.44Cairenn|afkthat site isn't for real, is it?
23:30.57ScytheBlade1I can see it being real, but I can also see it being a complete joke
23:30.58AnduinLotharService Temporarily Unavailable
23:31.05bleeterI was kinda wondering whether it was something for those who have certain religious beliefs...
23:31.09bleeterbut the black on black text at the bottom kinda gives it away
23:31.13bleeterAnduinLothar: refresh
23:31.16art3mishehe complete with dowery ;P
23:31.36bleeterit's been reddit'd, and no doubt soon to be /.'d, etc. to hell and back
23:31.41ScytheBlade1Yeah, anywhere from $20k to $50k ;P
23:31.50art3mismarriage arranged Russian Philippines mail-order bride matchmaker forced child slave prostitute hooker whore escort sell teen sexy sex childwatch naked abuse pervert wife preteen sex toy buy money sold traditionally tradition history marry obedient price parent young single own horror polygamy sex rape slavery American husband hot blonde brunette redhead 13 14 15 16 17 underage save stop illegal teenage delinquent juvenile family mone
23:31.57art3misthosea re the meta tags ;P
23:32.13ScytheBlade1I should look at the source
23:32.37ScytheBlade1<meta name="description" content="If you're a lonely guy who's tired of the dating scene, why not MARRY OUR DAUGHTER?" /
23:32.38ScytheBlade1A hahahaha
23:32.44art3misoh man the faq is AWESOME!
23:32.46Cairenn|afkI can't find/read the black on black text
23:32.52art3misquoin: IS YOUR SERVICE LEGAL?
23:32.53art3misA: Absolutely. Within the United States girls can marry as young as 13 years old with parental permission, and the Bride Price is a custom of long standing, mentioned many times in the Bible, and as such is a protected religious practice. Click HERE for a listing of the age limits and legal requirements in various states. Click HERE for what the Bible says on Bride Price.
23:33.10Corrodiasoh wow, i saw preteen sex, rape, and slavery all in the same line
23:33.33*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
23:33.36art3misA: In the unlikely event that no one proposes after six months, we will return 50 percent of your listing fee.
23:34.37Corrodiaswill the wowaceupdater program work with Rock? i assume it will, if and when that is put on the wowace listing
23:35.03art3mis“Our 15 year old daughter Mary wasn’t very popular and did nothing but mope around the house bringing everybody down, so we decided to marry her off through your site. Now our house is a lot cheerier and we love our new swimming pool and Jaccuzi!  We’ve told our youngest that when she turns 15 we’re going to marry her off too!"
23:35.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
23:35.37Corrodiasokay, that totally ruins any semblence of legitimacy the site may have had
23:35.44Corrodiaswhich makes it all the more amusing in a way
23:36.04Corrodiasby legitimacy i mean not being a joke
23:36.07AnduinLothar[You] + 1 attacks (Reckoning)
23:36.08AnduinLothar[You] Melee Crit [Zaxxis Raider] *1131*
23:36.08AnduinLothar[You] Seal of Command Crit [Zaxxis Raider] *1598*
23:36.08AnduinLothar[You] Melee Crit [Zaxxis Raider] *1208*
23:36.28ScytheBlade1Wait, that's a paladin
23:36.31Corrodiasis that good for a paladin?
23:36.32ScytheBlade1Quit doing DPS
23:36.34ScytheBlade1Stop that
23:36.55AnduinLotharfor 1 swing, yes
23:37.02Corrodiaswow, that's decent.
23:37.04AnduinLotharw/o raid buffs
23:37.04zenzelezzthat was all one swing?
23:37.08ckknightCorrodias, yea, it'll work with Rock, seeing as it's housed on wowace
23:37.33AnduinLotharmelee swing + crusader + reckoning bonus swing
23:37.43Corrodiasi like when i get two shred crits and a Bite crit. well, until i die, because that's almost gauranteed to pull aggro.
23:37.51Corrodiason those early pulls anyway
23:37.58Corrodiasin karazhan
23:38.03Corrodiaswow, i left out a lot of context in my original statement
23:38.14AnduinLotharI've gotten better individual crits, but triple crits are rare
23:38.22AnduinLotharesp solo
23:38.44zenzelezzhaving been prot spec warrior for 16 months straight my idea of a higher number is a shield slam crit :-|
23:41.25AnduinLotharactually. that was unbuffed, except command
23:41.57AnduinLothar3937 on one swing
23:42.10AnduinLothar3.6 swing timer
23:43.23AnduinLotharcan't wait fo rthe patch. i'm gonna start making pvp ret pally vids
23:45.01Corrodiasarena experience has done nothing to dull my loathing for pvp paladins from my days in Alterac Valley
23:45.29AnduinLotharmy pvp spec is doing pretty well
23:45.49AnduinLotharand i can tank AV if i need
23:48.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (n=kd3@
23:52.01ShirikTuller: ping
23:52.40TullerShirik: or pong, if you're so inclined
23:54.05ShirikHey have you heard any problem like this before? On one character, the Bongos bars go back to the center, as if they were set there, but not unlocked or in setup mode
23:54.13Shirikafter fixing them, and doing a /reloadui, back to broken again
23:54.34Tullerwhat version are you using?
23:54.52Tullersomething off of my SVN? or just from a website?
23:55.03Tuller(aka, don't use my SVN)
23:55.08Tullerand no, I've not heard of this one, at least not in a very long time :)
23:55.25Tullerare you switching resolutions/ui scale?
23:56.28Shirikit's not me actually, a guildie on vent
23:56.32Shiriktrying to get this info, sorry
23:56.47Tullerwell then we can probably assume its not off of my svn :)
23:56.52art3misi wonder how craptastic vista64 business is gonna be on my 3800x2 amd with 2gb ram
23:57.13Shirikno to "switching resolutions", version 1.7.5
23:57.14art3misat least they fixed that whole 64bit only issue
23:57.24Shirikart3mis: I don't really have a problem with vista64 ultimate
23:57.42art3misbeta 64 you couldnt run 32bit at all
23:57.49art3miswhich made program support nil ;P
23:58.06art3miswhats extra in ultimate?
23:58.08Shirikyou don't use SavedVariablesPercharacter right?
23:58.12ShirikProbably nothing
23:58.16art3misthe bonus screen savers ?
23:58.18Tulleryeah I don't do that anymore
23:58.27art3misdoes it do that beryl multiple desktop turning stuff?
23:58.33Shirikheh, I wish
23:58.42Shiriknot 3d box like
23:58.47Shirikit does the little mousewheel kinda way
23:58.48art3misi thought that was what aero was, a bastardized form of that
23:59.00Shiriktbh I hate that
23:59.06Shirikit's just annoying
23:59.16zenzelezzcan you tell Vista to look and feel like 2000?
23:59.22art3misits fun to play with when yer bored though
23:59.49TullerI'm trying to think of what he might have done, hrm
23:59.49art3misyeah its a registry setting DontBeGay 1

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