IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070902

00:00.09Rallionfilling out the wii repair form now. boooooooo.
00:00.47kergothAnduinLothar, looks good
00:01.53Cidanyour wii broke?
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00:05.18RallionCidan, not broken, but I have artifacts
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00:05.34Rallionthey match all pictures I can find online of Wii artifacts, too
00:05.39Rallionkinda unique, actually
00:06.00Rallionrectangles filled with dots.
00:06.35Rallionplus this means I have to send it away, no advance stuff, because I'd like to keep all my VC purchases
00:06.45Rallionthough I will be backing up my saves
00:08.14Rallionit's not going to stop me from playing metroid until I get my shipping label.
00:25.30CidanI'm lonely, girlfriend is gone for the entire weekend, I'm all alone. :(
00:25.35Cidansome hot chick come cheer me up.
00:28.30buuHA HA YOU FAIL.
00:33.11AnduinLotharyou can have my gf for the weekend
00:33.24AnduinLothari might get some coding done
00:34.19buuAnduinLothar: Does that offer come with the pump?
00:34.51AnduinLotharnah, she's not into 3somes
00:36.33Tem|AFKHe was implying that she's a blow up doll
00:36.42AnduinLothari gathered as much
00:37.29Kaydeethreeoh geez... my realm's forum trolls appear to have gone off the deep end
00:37.49Kaydeethreeit gets interesting around page 4
00:49.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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01:00.47sag_ich_nicht[02:25] <Cidan> I'm lonely, girlfriend is gone for the entire weekend, I'm all alone. :( <--oh yeah well fuck you and shut the fuck and be glad you have your girlfriend
01:01.08sag_ich_nichtnot meant to be that mean
01:01.14sag_ich_nichtjust... a bit bitter.
01:01.29kergothjust a bit.
01:01.30sag_ich_nichtand i just came from a harsh discussion in another channel ><
01:04.49*** join/#wowi-lounge norg_away (n=Ken_Alla@
01:04.51sag_ich_nichtit's 2 damn days, over in the flick of an eye, be glad for what you have, damnit, instead of being all emo about it
01:05.11sag_ich_nichtgod i'm getting emo and angry myself, time to go to bed instead of making an ass of myself here ><
01:08.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
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01:53.32*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
01:57.02Industrialsag_ich_nicht: depends on how long shes been your girlfriend
01:57.24Industrial2 weeks? nooooO!, 2 years? freedom!
02:02.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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02:08.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
02:11.49Thunder_ChildIndustrial, and 20 years?
02:13.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
02:20.52Industrialcant say :3 I'm 20 myself =D
02:22.44Thunder_Childnight Industrial
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03:05.49*** join/#wowi-lounge norg_away (n=Ken_Alla@
03:11.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
03:19.10Thunder_Childwould have been more interesting if something had happened to him
03:20.53Shirik(nothing happens to her either, sorry)
03:24.55Thunder_ChildShirik, bah
03:33.02AnduinLotharCaptain Balinda Stonehearth yells: [Demonic] Kazile amanare maev Lok Sorankar adare kieldaz te Karaman Mannor
03:33.28Kaydeethreewoo for curse of tounges!
03:36.35Chaotic_Dman, that strikes me as insanely stupid. even if you don't hit anything, I imagine the whiplash is horrible.
03:36.56Shirikit can't be worse than bungee jumping
03:37.23Shirikyou can't exceed terminal velocity in either case, and you don't have any form of positive acceleration aside from the pull back on the cord
03:37.23Chaotic_DI wonder if she eventually hit the ground...
03:37.34Shirikthat's impossible
03:37.56Shirikto do that, they would have had to start her from below the ground
03:38.19Chaotic_Dreally? it won't rotate at all?
03:38.29Shirikthat's irrelevant, it's a matter of forces
03:38.50Shirikthere is no force down aside from gravity, which has already been proven can be offset by the cables
03:38.56Chaotic_Dwell, I'm not the guy who studied physics.
03:38.58Shirikthere is one other tension force with a downward component
03:39.08Shirikbut it can't be any greater than the magnitude of what they started at
03:39.11Kaydeethreetrees or the lines snapping
03:39.15Shirikand air resistance will reduce that
03:39.30Shirikso logically the only way to hit the ground would be to start below the ground
03:39.35Chaotic_Dno, I mean the force that's sending her back and forth, that can't rotate down at some point, since she's not going in a straight line?
03:39.50Shirikit's a simple tension force, spring force in fact
03:39.59Shirikwhich cannot exceed the magnitude of its initial position
03:40.17Shirikthe downward component can only be as great as its starting position ever, unless there were some external force acting upon it somewhere
03:40.18Kaydeethreeya, especially since they launched her in an upwards trajectory... if she jumped off of the barn or something
03:40.47Shirikshe can't even try to move around to force it to rotate to a dangerous position, since she has nothing to act upon except air
03:40.52Chaotic_Danyways, whiplash.
03:41.00Shirikwhich, naturally, isn't going to give a very large response force
03:41.04Shirikof course :)
03:41.09Kaydeethreeno arguments there
03:41.29ShirikSorry Chaotic_D, my major contains a portion of physics :)
03:41.43Shirikit gets the better of me sometimes
03:41.52Chaotic_Dalso, that rollersuit ... though odd, looks like you could do some awesome stuff on. I've seen videos of him doing stunts before.
03:42.04Shirikhow the hell that guy's still alive
03:42.06ShirikI'll never know
03:47.41Chaotic_D"Thanks to Tropical Topless Car Rentals" man, that sounds a lot cooler than it is.
03:57.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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04:10.30Chaotic_DI wonder what the Horde would be called if they lost the Blood Elves and Forsaken and got the Goblins and became a neutral faction.
04:10.51Chaotic_DHorde just sounds aggressive.
04:11.28Chaotic_Dgod, I'm bored.
04:12.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun (
04:17.39Chaotic_D<Lisa Simpson> I'm good-good-good and OH so smart!
04:17.40blqI think the horde is called that way since the orcs were driven mad by the burning legion
04:17.57Chaotic_Dyeah. I wonder why they keep that name. :S
04:18.30blqtrue, I thought about that too
04:19.23blqthe forsaken should be a own faction imo :<
04:19.57Chaotic_DI don't even know how they're a faction.
04:20.21Chaotic_Dhow many of them could there be?
04:20.42blqof the forsaken?
04:22.00blqI think they're recruiting defectors of the scourge
04:22.52blqwhat ever.. blizzard is going to destroy the whole tale
04:22.58Chaotic_Dyup. :>
04:23.28blqspaceships in wow oO
04:23.37Chaotic_Dpretty soon we'll have wall-mounted keyboards and that will mark that the future has come to the present.
04:23.40blqa Alien temple (zg)
04:23.54Chaotic_Dalien temple?
04:24.16blqzg - or what would you call these insects?
04:24.48Chaotic_Dwhat's zg?
04:24.55blqZul Gurub
04:25.05Chaotic_Doh, I've never been there.
04:25.08blqmy fault I mean Anki
04:25.28Chaotic_DAhk'Quiraj? (sp?)
04:25.44blqyes .. sry
04:26.01Chaotic_DRuins of Ahn'Qiraj
04:26.26Chaotic_Dmmm... it's Zerg, but it's not inherently futuristic.
04:26.59blqbut it doesn't fit in the warcraft universe as well
04:27.34Chaotic_DI like the Qiraj and the Nerubians.
04:27.54blqwhat ever .. my spellings is getting more n more terrible.. it's 6:30 am in germany .. I propably should go to bed now :P
04:28.49Chaotic_DI can read bad internet typing. :)
04:29.07blqI hate to type that way :(
04:29.55blqit certainly looks like I'm stupid or something
04:30.28Chaotic_Dit only looks like you're stupid when you're tired and mix up Zul Gurub with Ahn'Qiraj. :>
04:31.13blqanother reason to go to bed no
04:31.27blqgood night
04:31.28Chaotic_D6:30am is pretty late.
04:31.29blqbye :)
04:32.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (n=kd3@
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05:09.33Cairennhow has everyone's weekend been so far?
05:13.24Cairennabout the same - wishing I was at the party in NY right now
05:13.45CidanI'm all alone in this apt 'til monday night
05:15.01Cairennawww, poor Cidan
05:15.44CidanOn the plus side, I just respeced my paladin holy again, and man, I missed it.
05:16.57ckknightwhat were you before?
05:17.27CidanI was holy pre BC, went prot when BC came out
05:17.31Cidannow I'm back to holy
05:17.54Cidanmy flash heals did 800-1k per heal pre-bc, :/
05:18.27CairennMaldivia: ping?
05:19.21CairennMaldivia: response: "Nice trick, thanks for the heads up."
05:23.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
05:30.40Chaotic_DI didn't know respecing costs went up so high... I thought it was just a gold or two.
05:31.16Chaotic_Dwow, 50g.
05:34.35*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop (
05:36.24Tierrielonely here too
05:36.27Tierrieparty in NY?
05:36.58Tierriei am wishing alcohol didn't have so many calories
05:36.59Cairennyeah, clad and sior's going away party
05:37.11Tierriegoing away where?
05:37.24CairennI was supposed to go but transportation just didn't work out
05:38.58*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop_ (
05:39.25Tierriewhy is everyone leaving US to go to England
05:39.29Tierriei know US is sucking right now
05:39.33Tierriebut england is not the place to go
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05:39.45Tierriecanada would be nice though
05:40.03Cairennit is when Oxford accepted your PhD proposal and you landed a TA position with them as well ....
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05:40.52Tierriei seem to be recall oxford being extremely traditional if you know what i mean
05:41.22Tierrieanyway thats still nice
05:41.38Tierriebeats sitting at home
05:42.30Tierriefun thing about having a smartphone is that you get to upgrade it
05:42.38Tierriein about 30 minutes, my phone will be very very much cooler
05:42.39Tierrieor a brick
05:45.24Tem|AFKNight guys
05:45.58Cairennnight Tem|AFK
05:52.24*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
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06:24.00Chaotic_Dmy stomach hurts. I ate too much crap today.
06:24.13Tierriesolution: don't eat feces
06:24.51Chaotic_D"you better watch out, pal! I eat little pieces of shit like you for breakfast!"
06:25.31Tierriesolution: be discreet when consuming breakfast
06:25.50Chaotic_Dbe discreet about the excrete.
06:25.50Tierriefatty foods, high carbs, and poop should be out of the question
06:26.54Chaotic_Deh. it's depression. makes it hard to eat right. my breakfast is fine. I don't drink pop. but the rest of the day... I just grab whatever I can most easily stick in my mouth.
06:27.21Chaotic_Dtoday it was corn chips, potato chips and... more cereal. heavy. I'm not surprised my stomach hurts.
06:27.49Chaotic_DI'm skinny now, but it won't last if I don't do something...
06:30.59Chaotic_DI gotta get in the habit of making some vegetable soups. with beans or potatos. cooking rice.
06:46.36Tierrieyou are making me hungry
06:50.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Elyssah (
06:51.42Thunder_Childbrown rice, light on the potatoes
06:52.01Thunder_Childotherwise it's just starch
06:52.19Elyssahhuh... he's not here tonight
06:53.17Elyssahanyways, i was hoping someone could direct me to an explination of how to make my own mini-map clicky button for my addon
06:57.11Chaotic_DI don't need to worry about starch. I have a pretty good metabolism. the problem is finding good food that's easy to make.
06:57.33Chaotic_Dand then... trying to make sure my life doesn't suck so much that I'm looking for fulfillment in things like food.
06:58.25Chaotic_DI don't know how the hell this happened either. it started a year ago and before that I would always undereat. just a lot appetite. these days my emotions override my appetite. I just can't get an accurate reading.
07:08.48*** join/#wowi-lounge norg_away (n=Ken_Alla@
07:09.09Elyssahhello norg
07:13.53Chaotic_Dgod damn these bastards are cruel. they're like "don't use Windows API, here, try this THING." and I can't figure out how to even get it working...
07:18.56Cairennit's outdated, but may still work, and if not, will at least give you some reference stuff to work with
07:22.36*** join/#wowi-lounge _art3mis (
07:27.42Elyssahthank you kindly Cairenn
07:28.01CairennYou're welcome
07:28.15Cairennthe next obvious place to look is on the wiki
07:29.27Elyssahi tried the wiki, i got crap
07:29.39Elyssahhowever, i dunno if this is what i am looking for either
07:29.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
07:30.01Elyssahi want to make a lil mini button for my addon, to hide all the frames behind a cute widdle button
07:31.04Elyssahwhile i am sure this does that... it is sophisticated, while i am not
07:31.15Elyssahlemme see if it blesses me with a tutorial
07:33.19Nom-Anyone know of a way to determine which mod is breaking my tradeskill listing ?
07:33.45Nom-making a screenshot to show you what's happening :)
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07:39.27Chaotic_Dsomething that changes the strings? like the one that adds the level before the quest in your questlog?
07:40.30Nom-i turned that one off by mistake the other day, and still no go
07:40.44Nom-I've tried various combination of mods, i'll post the mod listing in case something jumps out at someone
07:42.23ElyssahCairenn.. that addon is too old... it's incompatible
07:45.41Nom-15:23 <@Cairenn> it's outdated, but may still work, and if not, will at least give you some reference stuff to work with
07:47.51Chaotic_DI don't like the people in ##C++
07:47.54Elyssahblizzard is saying incompatable.. not out of date.. but i'll give it a try
07:49.05Elyssahit's not loading at all. oh well
07:50.50Chaotic_DI wish I could accomplish things.
07:51.43Chaotic_DI mean more than like once a week. I got my addon working... well.. my modification to an addon. probably the majority of which was code people from here and #wowace practically dropped in my lap.
07:54.18Elyssahi think by the time i'm done with mine, i will feel the same
07:54.45Elyssahall i have right now is 3 frames stacked on each other in one bigger frame, and a working close button
07:54.57Elyssahand i've been working on it for a week now
07:55.07Chaotic_DI never even did that.
07:55.38Chaotic_DI just rummaged through people's code and stuck bits together.
07:56.51Chaotic_DI wonder how many coders had to spend most of their time coding...
07:57.09Chaotic_Dit's just such an abstract skill...
07:57.21Chaotic_Dit does absolutely nothing by itself.
07:57.46Tierrieclose buttons are aweomse
07:58.59Chaotic_Dafter getting my addon working, I was inspired to try and get my old C++ program working in a modern compiler... and it's just... really depressing.
07:59.27Tierriei never thought i'd be too tired to enjoy porn
07:59.28Tierriebut alas
07:59.35Tierriesigns of aging
08:00.23Chaotic_Dthe amount of work required. do I really want to be familiar with a compiler so I can know how to install libraries, and then learn libraries... oh, and first re-learn C++... just... mountains of work to get a god damned digital clock to work. a program which I might add I had working perfectly find over 5 years ago in a DOS C++ compiler.
08:01.22Chaotic_Dand now I'm struggling like an AOL user trying to figure out how to turn off the computer...
08:01.45Chaotic_DI feel like such a lazy retard.
08:02.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
08:03.01ElyssahHi Tierrie!
08:04.18Elyssahwell.. i dug through the wow interface and found the code for the world map minimap button
08:04.55Elyssahnow all i gotta do is make it so it is a) moveable, and b) actually launches my addon instead of the worldmap
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08:09.15Chaotic_Dhrm... I wonder if it would have been any easier to find that through someone else's addon.
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08:32.56Elyssahoh just lovely
08:33.07Elyssahmy button isn't showing ><
08:37.23Elyssahargh... the button is mocking me
08:37.36Elyssahit's saying "you suck, so i'm gonna hide from you"
08:38.19ElyssahO,o the button is taking to me.. >,> it's time for bed...
08:45.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
08:51.05Chaotic_Dah, they left. I was going to say... my addon stopped working after I got it working, and I couldn't get it fixed for the longest time. that's really frustrating.
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09:41.56Thunder_Childlol art3mis
09:47.08art3misisnt that one the best premises you've seen for a film?
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09:50.06Thunder_Childactualy National treasure 2 looked more interesting
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09:55.24Tierriei didn't like the preview so much
09:55.29Tierriei liked the batman one though
09:55.32art3misbad thunder!
09:55.33Tierrieeven though it didn't show much
09:55.47Thunder_Child~lart art3mis
09:55.47purlslaps art3mis upside the head with a wet fish
09:55.49art3misi bet you didnt think kung pow was hysterical either ;P
09:56.11art3misif you werent in tears from laughing during the gopher chucks scene there is something wrong with you btw ;P
09:56.31Thunder_Childnope, i was working in a movie theater at the time, it's the only show that i ever saw people walk out of the first showing
09:57.03Thunder_Childi love a good comedy....that wasnt it
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09:57.27art3misname a good comedy then
09:57.31art3misactually name 5
09:57.46art3misim using this to judge you btw ;)
09:58.11Thunder_Childspaceballs, naked gun series (3), blazing sadles
09:58.59art3misokay ill give you 1 and 5
09:59.08art3misnaked gun 1 was funny 2 and 3 werent as much
09:59.36art3misinstead you should have said kentucky fried movie and airplane ;P
09:59.44Thunder_Childorigional pink panther series
09:59.50art3misspeaking of which
09:59.52Thunder_Childairplane yes, kfm no
09:59.53Tierrieoh i love return of the pink panther
09:59.56art3misim watching that peter sellers movie
10:00.00art3miskfm no?!
10:00.07Tierriethis windows mobile 6 is nifty
10:00.21art3mishow can you like the other zuker movies but not kfm?
10:00.25Thunder_Childwhat do you mean doesnt make me laugh....much
10:00.51art3misamazon women from the moon?
10:01.07Thunder_Childnever heard of it
10:01.17art3mishistory of the world part 1?
10:01.19Thunder_Childmy fav of all time is "My Fellow Americans"
10:01.24Thunder_Childdidnt like that one
10:01.28Thunder_Childto slow
10:01.37Thunder_Childhavent seen it
10:01.44art3misgo rent that now
10:01.54art3mishow old are you?
10:02.09art3mishrm and you've never seen dr strange love?
10:02.23art3misaka How I learned to love the bomb"?
10:02.23Thunder_Childi havent seen should hear the crap i get for that
10:02.40art3miscasabalnca while a cinematic milestone is a crap movie though ;P
10:02.50art3misgo rent it
10:02.57art3misi promise you wont be disappointed in it
10:03.15Thunder_Childyou just called it a crap movie
10:03.45art3misno i meant dr strangelove
10:03.47art3misnot casa
10:04.11art3misattack of the killer tomatos?
10:04.14Thunder_ChildShort Circuit
10:04.21Thunder_Childhavent seen tomatos
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11:21.25bleeterWobin, Nom- et al .au
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11:41.57WobinVery TheOnionish
11:47.38bleeterWobin: chaser did they in one of their annuals that they were a cheap onion ripoff
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12:28.42Maldiviaanyone here happens to have a mpq tool, that can extract from the patch.exe files? Just found out that all localizations seems to be included, and could be nice to be able to extract the globalstrings file directly, instead of bothering others to get it for me :)
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13:17.21CidanI hate it when people get tattoos in Chinese
13:17.47Gnarfozwhat about chinese people?
13:17.56Cidanone time my girl and I were at wal-mart and there was this big buff guy, huge, fucking massive.  On his arm he had a tattoo in chinese
13:18.24Cidanmy girlfriend (she's chinese) said that he was trying to say "flaming tiger"
13:18.36Cidanbut what it really said was closer to "a kitten on fire"
13:18.57sag_ich_nichtdid you tell him?
13:19.01Cidanfuck no
13:19.01sag_ich_nichtplease tell me that you told him
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13:50.59CidanWhy does it seem everyone who plays wow is like, 12?
13:51.19sag_ich_nichtbecause this is, in fact, true
13:51.20amrobecause everyone who plays wow is like, 12
13:51.29sag_ich_nichtwhat you see on the forums, is only a fraction of the player count
13:51.37CidanIt's so hard to find a group of adults to play with.
13:51.40CidanI hate it.
13:52.39nevcairielcheer for voice chat for every pug.
13:55.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
13:59.47sag_ich_nichtvoicechat will cut down the noobcurve quite a bit
14:00.06*** join/#wowi-lounge NickNock (n=najklord@
14:01.29Neeblermore leadership and communication
14:05.05Cidanvoice chat will make me want to cry as everyone will sould like Slippy from Starfox 64
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14:13.33IndustrialHow do i go beyond 150 cooking?
14:14.03[dRaCo]uhm... dunno, is that already that quest in tanaris?
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14:17.13sag_ich_nicht[16:05] <Cidan> voice chat will make me want to cry as everyone will sould like Slippy from Starfox 64 <--lol
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14:19.00IndustrialHow will voice work? like normal chat - everyone around you hears you?
14:19.04Industrialor only party/raid/etc
14:19.25[dRaCo]party, raid, guild afaik
14:19.26Cidanparty raid etc
14:19.31Cidannot guild
14:19.55[dRaCo]well, I wont use it anyway, so...
14:20.29Cidanright, nor will a lot of others
14:20.35Cidanthey don't want people to feel left out
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14:42.14RallionIf you find that everybody sounds like slippy, all you can do about it is make a character named "Fooooox" and wait for them to ask you for help.
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14:43.04CidanI had this one kid on my raid team
14:43.31CidanSounded JUST like him, like I swear -- it was the same voice actor.  lol
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15:23.27zenzelezzwhy does the ace updater thing keep adding itself to my start menu every time I run it (well, only twice so far, but still)
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15:27.11MoonWolfHmm, anyone know of a searchable note addon ?
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15:28.42Cidanis good
15:28.55CidanI use it
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15:31.35IndustrialMoonWolf: you'd really want some kind of ingame wiki, with pages linkable to items/tooltips/players/locations/etc :3
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15:33.55alestaneCan anyone explain what the actual first return of GetShapeShiftFormInfo is? is it just a texture, or is it more complex information?
15:34.20MoonWolfIndustrial, i only really wan't to be able to look up notes i made on mobs etc
15:34.28MoonWolfingame wiki is screaming MEMORY USE.
15:37.26Cidenot really
15:37.42Cidedepends on how you implement it
15:37.57Cidebut look at, say, LightHeaded
15:41.25alestaneLooks from the code like it's probably just a straight texture path. Wiki needs updating, it's not very clear about that. Now I just need to dig up the asset paths for the shapeshift icons.
15:41.59Cidethen update it :)
15:42.17alestaneI may.
15:46.09alestaneOkay, one there a language-independent query for a character's class? Other than iterating through spell textures that you know are exclusive to taht class?
15:46.20Cidesecond return of UnitClass
15:46.51alestaneOH COOL!
15:47.54alestaneGotta go though, company here.
15:48.03alestaneThanks again!
15:49.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
16:01.38Cidehmm, how much memory does vista use?
16:01.44[dRaCo]too much
16:01.49Cidedon't be stupid
16:02.15[dRaCo]well, tbh, I dont know.
16:02.24Cidethen don't reply next time
16:02.34Cideif the alternative is to reply stupidly :P
16:03.05[dRaCo]but I'm bored :/
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16:04.34[dRaCo]friend of mine had ~512 MB on a more or less clean install
16:05.21[dRaCo]other ppl report something like 330 MB
16:06.55[dRaCo]that's for the 32 bit version, 64 bit uses a lot more, it seems
16:08.38bl4qCide: afaik, vista uses about 512mb of memory when idleing... but that's just what I've read some weeks ago
16:09.27zenzelezzI imagine 64-bit uses 64-bit variables mostly, would make sense to use some more memory
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16:09.40sag_ich_nichtbl4q my windows xp does the same
16:09.41sag_ich_nichtlol drivers
16:10.21[dRaCo]sure, zenzelezz, but since both versions are out there, I thought I might point out that those are 32 bit values.
16:12.00bl4qsag_ich_nicht: If I substract firefox my XP is running @ about 200mb of memory
16:13.01zenzelezzmy XP also uses about 200ish on its own
16:14.43sag_ich_nichtyou don't have crazy drivers, tho.
16:15.43bl4qwhat kind of messed up drivers do you have to use? :<
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16:18.27sag_ich_nichtit not as much drivers
16:19.08sag_ich_nichtas it is services that i am too lazy not to disable because if i disable them, i have to reenable them once i need that functionality once in a while, and i am lazy and have ton of ram, so meh :O
16:19.27sag_ich_nichtalso, vista is coded to use all of the available RAM with prefetch data anyway ~_~
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16:49.19Cidanman, I get so upset at those stories when people leave <shopping place> and refuse to show their reciept, then the clerk thinks they have some right to check the belongings/detain said person
16:51.39sag_ich_nichtactually, if they suspect a theft they can detain that person, if they call the police
16:51.55zenzelezzdepends on the laws in your country
16:52.03sag_ich_nichtotherwise i could just walk into a store, take something and leave and you couldn't do shit about it
16:52.07sag_ich_nichtsame for banks
16:52.22sag_ich_nichtbut they can't check their belongings
16:52.30CidanRefusal to show a reciept has been shown time and time again not enough to warrent detainment
16:52.43sag_ich_nichtno, but suspected theft :O
16:52.51Cidanwhich is in turn detainment
16:52.54Cidanand it isn't.
16:53.07sag_ich_nichtso i can just steal your wallet
16:53.09CidanTrust me on this -- worked in a law firm for three years.
16:53.13sag_ich_nichtand you won't stop me when i run away?
16:53.18sag_ich_nichtbecause this is what you are saying
16:53.27CidanListen for once
16:53.31sag_ich_nichtyes, you are, if you don't notice that i take said wallet
16:53.38CidanNo, LISTEN damn you.
16:53.54sag_ich_nichti am.
16:53.58sag_ich_nichtyou do not make sense to me
16:54.19CidanIf I go into a store, and buy something, then I leave; I do not have to show you proof on a whim of what I carry.
16:54.55sag_ich_nichthow is a clerk supposed to act when he suspects a theft happened and that thief is you then
16:54.56CidanIf I go into a store, and I'm observed hiding something
16:55.00Cidanthat is suspected theft
16:55.44Cidanie: I put something in a back pack
16:55.44Cidanbut I have to be OBSERVED
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16:55.49CidanThe reason is -- why would they suspect?
16:55.53sag_ich_nichtin b4 i get to the point where the clerk can lie and you can never prove otherwise, making your point moot
16:55.57CidanThey would either have to observe something
16:56.04CidanThey would have to see you put something in your bag
16:56.07CidanTHAT is fine
16:56.23sag_ich_nichtthe point where the clerk can lie and you can never prove otherwise, making your point moot
16:56.31zenzelezzthis is the Intarweb Cidan, everyone is a lawyer with 100 years experience
16:56.33sag_ich_nichtin after i got to that point
16:56.35CidanI hate you so much sometimes.
16:56.38CidanI really do.
16:56.42zenzelezzeveryone does
16:56.47sag_ich_nichthe means me
16:56.49sag_ich_nichtnot you zenzelezz
16:56.52zenzelezzI know sag
16:56.52CidanIt's like your head is made of bricks.
16:57.09CidanBack to healing, bleh.
16:57.09sag_ich_nichtit's like you're the perfect trolling victim
16:57.41sag_ich_nichtbtw. cidan how will the font system of conspiracy work?
16:57.48CidanI hope you die.
16:57.50CidanThat's how it will work
16:57.59CidanIn a fire, a blazing fire of death and hate.
16:58.29sag_ich_nichtthat's some strong emotion right there
16:58.33[dRaCo]hydross' damage can crit, cant it?
16:58.49sag_ich_nichthave you talked to a professional about your violence fantasies, Cidan?
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17:00.13[dRaCo]zenzelezz: got a link stating that?
17:00.41zenzelezzno, but I've tanked him
17:00.52[dRaCo]k, thanks.
17:01.20[dRaCo]well, another thing: do you think it's worth going for 490 def?
17:01.29zenzelezzunless you cap out resistance, yes
17:01.44[dRaCo]thanks again
17:02.07zenzelezzyou can still get a very unlucky huge crit in max resistance, but mostly you'll mitigate it then. My healers prefer me uncrittable even if I take more damage usually
17:02.46[dRaCo]i'll just have "my" tanks uncrittable, then :)
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17:05.41Cideresistance > def though
17:05.57Cideunlucky resists are worse and more common than crits
17:05.59Laricis it possible to become uncrittable?
17:06.07Cideif you're not at maximum defence
17:06.20zenzelezzLaric: against mobs, yes
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17:06.31zenzelezzquite easy for tanks
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17:06.35[dRaCo]laric: sure... "normal" players need 490 def skill (not rating) to be uncrittable
17:06.44[dRaCo]against lvl 73, that is
17:07.01[dRaCo]druids need... 430, iirc, due to that one talent
17:07.30zenzelezz<Cide> unlucky resists are worse and more common than crits <-- when I had >365 FrR I got one 13k-ish crit, and a ton of 6k-ish ones
17:07.46zenzelezzthe unlucky one was a freak accident it seemed
17:07.46[dRaCo]13k? nasty :/
17:07.53zenzelezzbasically unresisted
17:07.59Cide(you don't want more than 365 FrR btw)
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17:08.12Cidebut if you're sitting at 300 FrR you'll get more 0% resists
17:08.15Cideor low% resists
17:08.20[dRaCo]my tanks are currently aiming for something like 300
17:09.01zenzelezzCide: I know 365 is the cap, but hitting it *exactly* is hard ;) I wasn't far above
17:10.40zenzelezz[dRaCo]: our Hydross MTs only use the three epic pieces (possibly some other items that don't affect your defense rating, like trinkets), only offtanks aim for pure resistance
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17:11.49[dRaCo]how much resistance do these 3 pieces give them?
17:12.44zenzelezz50, 60, 60... so 170 before aura. Then there's the +20 on head from rep, +10 on legs from Argent Dawn/Zul'Gurub if you want
17:14.22zenzelezzmake sure you shout at your melee if they clump up during frost phase
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17:36.13[dRaCo]*shouts at himself not to clump up during the frost phase*
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18:11.00Shirikmy irc client has a tip of the day... todays:
18:11.03Shirik- tip: World of Warcraft quick search: /thott (, /allak (, /wh (
18:11.12Shirikdidn't know it did that :/
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18:26.07Thunder_Child~lart Shirik
18:26.07purlinstalls PocketPC on Shirik's PDA
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18:35.00ShirikDickJustice: hi?
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18:43.36IndustrialAnyone playing on EU / Shattered Halls / Alliance? :3
18:50.17Industrialyou are someone not anyone
18:50.43zenzelezzif you somehow misspelled Silvermoon as Shattered Halls...
18:51.38[dRaCo]Industrial: yeah, but I figured that getting no answer at all is totally frustrating and thought I'll show you your comment didnt get lost in digital nirvana
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19:11.24ScytheBlade1Is it just me, or is ag_UF mostly dead?
19:11.41nevcairielthe branch version is working fine
19:11.55nevcairielwhats there to be more alive ? :)
19:11.59ScytheBlade1Yeah, but there's no active dev on it
19:12.04ScytheBlade1And I've got a bug report :(
19:14.37ScytheBlade1Mostly I don't want to switch to Pitbull... contains a lot more than I would ever want or care for
19:15.07Industrialyou can disable most of it
19:15.28Industrialbut yes, why the hell does it have to have 20 (arbitrary number) modules packed with it?
19:15.36ScytheBlade1Lot of crap to disable when all I want is a green and blue bar.
19:15.49ScytheBlade1Maybe a casting bar at times
19:15.52ScytheBlade1And a focus frame.
19:15.56ScytheBlade1That's it. That's really it.
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19:24.43[dRaCo]if you disable them, they dont use any memory, so why not?
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19:35.48ckknightScytheBlade1, yea, just disable what you don't want
19:36.33ScytheBlade1ckknight, that's what, 40 parts to disable though?
19:37.23ckknightthere's a relatively easy menu for disabling modules
19:37.39ScytheBlade1Still a metric ton of modules on by default though
19:38.10ScytheBlade1Meh, it's been a while (month or two) since I last tried it and ultimately switched back to ag_UF
19:38.14ScytheBlade1Why not at least try
19:39.10ScytheBlade1Holy crap @ 2.7MB uncompressed
19:39.26zenzelezz -- I never find unit frames I like, so I stick to HP/mana bars like these
19:40.00ScytheBlade1Good crap that's a lot of clutter.
19:40.10Thunder_Childheh, i think WAU is off, it's saying i am using 20mb of bandwidth
19:40.14zenzelezzyes, I've been meaning to fix it "one of these days"
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19:42.52AnduinLotharit doesn't look super cluttered.
19:43.06AnduinLotharthe only reason you call it cluttered is the overlap
19:43.07zenzelezzbut could be cleaner
19:43.11Thunder_Childcluttered enough
19:43.19ScytheBlade1Sec as mine uploads
19:43.37ScytheBlade1.... come on now..
19:43.40AnduinLotharjust make omen smaller and move sct's output a bit
19:43.41zenzelezzworking on a more minimalist version, but I'm lazy =D
19:43.59AnduinLotharthat's not in a raid tho
19:44.03Thunder_Childbah @ minimalist
19:44.11ScytheBlade1I'm looking for my raid UI
19:44.13ScytheBlade1I've got one around here
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19:44.59AnduinLotharyou could easily replace those MT targets with ora2's which are a bit cleaner
19:45.05zenzelezzI could actually decrease the size of the font for MSBT too, and going to remove all the default UI unit frames, get smaller actionbars... but keep putting it off till "tomorrow" ;)
19:45.14AnduinLotharmaybe horazontal above your chat frame
19:45.18zenzelezzAnduinLothar: afraid not, my guild uses a gay DKP addon to CTRA
19:45.29Cide-Kaydeethree: 646
19:45.31AnduinLotharyou can still run ctra int he bg
19:45.34Thunder_Child the difference between that and raid?...list of names on the left side...thats it
19:45.36zenzelezzso I'm stuck on 1.6xxx
19:45.41AnduinLotharyou dont need it's visual compenents on
19:45.49ScytheBlade1 <-- me in a raid
19:46.01zenzelezzAnduinLothar: hm... you actually make a good point. oRA won't interfere if CTRA is also running?
19:46.05AnduinLotharI'ma  clicker, i need my action bars visible
19:46.09ScytheBlade1I've since removed the bars on the left side of my screen completly and replaced it with grid
19:46.17AnduinLotharshouldn't zenzelezz
19:46.21ScytheBlade1And CTRA MT, too
19:46.23zenzelezzcheers, I might try that
19:46.39zenzelezzI need some MT list so I see what the other tanks are hitting =)
19:46.49AnduinLotharyou can use whatever unit frames you want with ctra active int he bg
19:47.28AnduinLotharyou might have to disable some other ora2 features
19:47.35zenzelezzthat I can handle
19:47.40AnduinLotharsince they both do things like votes
19:47.48AnduinLotharand rdy checks
19:47.52zenzelezzsounds worth trying, the CTRA MT list never appealed to me apart from the function
19:48.02AnduinLotharand actually
19:48.13AnduinLotharthe default ui does target of raid member
19:48.23AnduinLothari forget if there's a tanks window tho
19:48.26AnduinLotharshould be
19:48.39AnduinLotharyou can right click the members to show their target
19:48.40zenzelezzI'd have to teach my guild to use the default UI MT feature, too much work ;)
19:48.47AnduinLotharah, yeah
19:48.49ScytheBlade1I'd prefer if we used that
19:48.54ScytheBlade1Simply so I could run less addons ;P
19:48.54zenzelezzme too
19:49.03AnduinLothari think ora actually toggles both
19:49.07AnduinLotharbut i'm nto sure
19:49.11AnduinLotharmaybe not
19:49.15AnduinLotharshould imo
19:49.18zenzelezzI know some addons do
19:49.30AnduinLothari have so many addons sometimes i forget what does what
19:50.05AnduinLotharhere's cluttered:
19:50.07zenzelezzis the default UI alone making the Raid tab on the Social window not show in combat, or is that some addon tainting?
19:50.21AnduinLotharnot sure
19:50.25AnduinLotharmine does thta too
19:50.32ScytheBlade1That'd be CTRA
19:50.39AnduinLothari dont run ctra
19:50.49ScytheBlade1Well, CTRA does it for sure
19:51.36AnduinLotharmy screens a bit wider than either of yours tho, so i can fit more on and still ahve a window
19:51.59AnduinLotharbut your a mage. you dont count
19:52.07AnduinLotharyou don't even need the raid frames
19:52.10zenzelezzyeah, a bigger screen would help for me, but I don't mind. A little clean up and it'll be good
19:52.17ScytheBlade1I have grid :P
19:52.23ScytheBlade1I don't in that screenshot, but I do now
19:52.30AnduinLotharI have to have enough on my screen so i can off heal if needed
19:52.40AnduinLotharand not pull agro dpsing
19:52.48AnduinLotharand not attack before the tank does
19:53.08AnduinLotharand click my zillion buttons. and rebuff every 5/15 mins
19:53.29Josh_Borkearen't paladings getting 30/60 buffs in 2.2?
19:53.44Josh_Borkequit your bitching then :-P
19:53.45AnduinLothar10/30 ?
19:53.51Josh_Borkei think 15/30
19:53.51AnduinLotharit's not 60
19:54.27AnduinLotharI've actually changed a bit since that ss
19:54.38ScytheBlade1Okay, this has always bugged me, but I've gotta ask.
19:54.41AnduinLotharnew minimap and buffs
19:54.56AnduinLotharand swing timers
19:55.08ScytheBlade1When moving windows on screen, pixel by pixel or so, why is it that the window simply stops moving until you move your mouse a lot? Is there any way to disable that, and force it to move pixel by pixel?
19:55.16AnduinLothari keep having to move Omen and DM tho...
19:55.18Josh_Borkewow that's crowded
19:56.04AnduinLotharthe OnDrag doesn't trigger till like 10 pixals
19:56.17AnduinLotharso you have to use a more complicated OnMouseDown
19:56.28ScytheBlade1That is bloody annoying
19:56.35AnduinLotharor compensate like i do on TellTrack
19:56.55ScytheBlade1That makes sense, but that isn't fixing EVERY OTHER ADDON THAT I HAVE
19:57.01AnduinLotharit's so OnDrag doesn't register OnClick
19:57.25ScytheBlade1wtb a way to disable that
19:57.29AnduinLotharright, well it takes programmer knowledge
19:57.34AnduinLotharand most are too lazy
19:57.49ScytheBlade1Doesn't make aligning windows any easier though :P
19:57.55AnduinLotharI mean, I could make a lib for it, but no one would use it
19:58.15art3misnudgelib ;P
19:58.25AnduinLotharnah, that's not for dragging
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19:58.35ScytheBlade1That would be better implimented as a core UI feature in all truth
19:58.44AnduinLotharslouken refused
19:58.44Josh_BorkeAnduinLothar: pastey your movement code
19:58.46ScytheBlade1"Toggle OnDrag Sensitivity" only made pretty for end users
19:58.56AnduinLotharit's not feasable
19:59.07art3misyou cant relaly move the core ui objects anyways
19:59.13AnduinLotharyou have to make the script events more complex
19:59.23ScytheBlade1It wouldn't be something you leave on
19:59.34ScytheBlade1When it's on, disable OnClick for all I care :P
19:59.46Josh_BorkeAnduinLothar: what's the SYPRGWEGccl in the left han dside?
19:59.48AnduinLotharwhich do you want josh, i've made a couple diff types. like a compensating one or one that skips the lag using onmousedown
19:59.50ScytheBlade1I just need a way to align ten odd windows along the same X coord. Which is not easy.
20:00.16Josh_Borkeyea, it's a butch of ronud buttons
20:00.34Josh_Borkeman i can't type on this big ass keyboard
20:01.12AnduinLothardecursive's hiding under the chat frame too
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20:03.17ScytheBlade1I guess the real problem is that OnDragStop is being triggered too early.
20:03.55AnduinLotharyou still have the lag before it starts moving, but when OnDragStart hits it compensates to move the frame to under the cursor where it was when you OnMouseDown'd
20:03.56ScytheBlade1If I've moved the window 10px, as long as I'm holding the button down, imo it should keep dragging regardless of how many pixels/sec it's moving across
20:04.35AnduinLotharI have different code that actually does the drag OnMouseDown so there's no lag
20:04.54AnduinLotharbut obviously then you can't do anything else onMouseDown or OnClick without flags
20:05.24AnduinLotharso any time you click it triggers StartMoving()
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20:05.35AnduinLotharso it's easy to accidently move
20:05.53AnduinLotharand you can't cancel your click by dragging off the frame like you can with OnClick
20:06.27[dRaCo]couldnt you add a lock to the frame and do something else onClick when locked?
20:06.36ScytheBlade1What's the function that gets the name of the frame that the mouse is currently oveR?
20:07.47AnduinLotharwhat you can do is require shift to be held down to init drag onmousedown
20:08.06AnduinLotharobviously that ocludes using shift combos onclick
20:08.38AnduinLotharfunny how i caught that pic right after gc and all the buttons are sparkley
20:09.36AnduinLotharoh and i hate how the buffs in Sbo's screen overlap the frame
20:09.44ScytheBlade1Which screenshot?
20:09.45AnduinLotharcause i have to show like 5
20:09.57AnduinLotharAI on the raid frames
20:10.05ScytheBlade1Oh that
20:10.07ScytheBlade1That's gone
20:10.24ScytheBlade1I removed that entire side bar, replaced it with grid in the bottom left above the chat
20:10.35AnduinLotharI kinda like how praid does it, but i wish there were an option for icons instead of abreviations
20:10.44ScytheBlade1Got tired of switching ag_UF config just to accomodate my AI groups to buff
20:11.23AnduinLotharand i prefer chat background alpha, makes it easier to read, tho also takes up space
20:11.24art3misare they using hellraiser boxes?
20:11.41ScytheBlade1I have mouseover alpha
20:11.46ScytheBlade1Not generally a problem
20:12.09ScytheBlade1Is IsMoving() valid for frames?
20:12.13AnduinLotharI should do mouseover alppha on my whipser frame
20:12.29AnduinLotharIsMovingOrSizing i think
20:12.40art3misya knjow what im confused about?
20:12.41Josh_BorkeAnduinLothar: nifty
20:12.50art3miswhy more addons dont use min/max
20:12.52ScytheBlade1Hmm, nope
20:12.59AnduinLotharmin/max for what?
20:13.10art3misso you can have the title bars showing and then click the "max" button to display
20:13.15art3mislike mac windows
20:13.22art3misor nix windows
20:13.42AnduinLotharcause everyone is used to windows
20:13.49art3misoh i suppose thats true
20:13.57art3miswould be a great feature for most addons though
20:14.01AnduinLotharand actually mac doesn't do that any more
20:14.08AnduinLotharunless you have WindowShades
20:14.13art3misi havent touched a mac in a good 3 years
20:14.16AnduinLotharthat was an os 9 feature
20:14.50art3misi like clads scroll fade on light headed wjhen its attached to the quest frame
20:14.53AnduinLotharWindowShadesX is hawt
20:15.00AnduinLotharshareware i actually paid for
20:15.16art3misif there was an addon that did that for addon display that would be great
20:15.20zenzelezz"Ras Frostwhisper's Frost Armor Chilled effect is now properly classified as a snare mechanic." -- I find it weird how they fix things like this now
20:15.26AnduinLotharhas like half a dozen ways to minimize windows
20:15.41art3misone bar in the top click it scrolls out, move the mouse down to the addon and click it and it displays etc
20:16.32ScytheBlade1/run if(_IsMoving ~= 1) then GetMouseFocus():StartMoving(); _IsMoving=1;else GetMouseFocus():StopMovingOrSizing();_IsMoving=nil; end
20:16.34ScytheBlade1That macro is OP
20:17.09art3misi need to get around to setting up my yata sets
20:17.25ScytheBlade1It's like MoveAnything in 132 characters :P
20:17.26art3misor figure a way to one button stack the totem drops
20:17.40art3mismultiple pushes of course
20:17.50AnduinLotharexcept not rly Scyth
20:18.06art3mismoveanything+maff == hot
20:18.08AnduinLotharcause there are only like half a dozen frames that will work on
20:18.15art3miskc_mobility is pretty groovy too
20:18.27art3misso simple it makes me giggle
20:18.28ScytheBlade1What wouldn't it work on?
20:18.33ScytheBlade1It's working on everything on my UI, heh
20:18.39AnduinLothar90% of frames are repositioned
20:18.49AnduinLotharreloadui and you're broken
20:18.51art3misthe map? anything thats made of multiple frames
20:19.00ScytheBlade1Oh right, the not movable frames
20:19.02ScytheBlade1And that :P
20:19.03AnduinLotharor anything that the top frame isn't the parent
20:19.20art3misjsut get kc_mobility ;P
20:19.21AnduinLotharor anything like bags that get recycled
20:19.28AnduinLotharFluidFrames imo
20:19.31art3misshit-control-alt move
20:19.46Cidanplus you could move a child frame by accident
20:19.49art3misnot that there are any frames i cant move at present
20:19.50Cidanand not the parent frame
20:20.05art3misoh cept my mining icon
20:20.08Cidanie: move the window, but not the title bar
20:20.09art3miserr minerals
20:20.23art3miscid stop talking and go finsih conspiracy ;P
20:20.34Cidanworking on it as we speak
20:20.39art3misheh we were talking about you last night in wa ;P
20:20.44CidanI have this neat idea for windows, I think you'll all love it
20:20.54art3misyeah the find minerals button
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20:21.04Cidanalso, uh, wut did you say? :(
20:21.07art3misi keep forgetting to move it when im playing
20:21.19art3misthe ones that appears at   the mini map?
20:21.26AnduinLotharah, it's not rly a button
20:21.29AnduinLotharit's a frame
20:21.34art3misits round ;P
20:21.39art3misyeah i have that
20:21.47art3mislike i said i just keep forgetting to do it ;P
20:22.04ravagernlanyone got some nice cowtip sv's for me? clean install
20:22.06art3misi wonder why it doesnt end up in the button bag though
20:22.15AnduinLotharit's not a button
20:22.21AnduinLotharit breaks everything
20:22.26AnduinLotharit's anti-social
20:22.34art3misthe other minimap button addon used to grab it
20:22.46AnduinLotharMMB has exception code for it
20:24.02art3misman i wish i could remember that mod i found while looking at light headed
20:24.27AnduinLotharwhats it do
20:24.35art3misthats one of the problems ;P
20:24.59art3misoh thats what it was!
20:25.16art3misthe map yer on in the world pvp map frame
20:26.38AnduinLotharyou can jsut show it iirc
20:26.41Thunder_Childfor any camera buffs
20:27.00art3misit was an addon that just made it visible
20:27.05art3miswas kind of handy
20:27.29Olisonquick question: do you know of any "soft-ignore" mods, that keeps whispers and stuff from unliked people away but in a way that they dont get the "$Name is ignoring you" message...
20:27.32art3misso  any new and neat addons?
20:27.51art3misali: i think prat does it
20:28.03art3miscouple of other spam fitlers too
20:28.12Kaydeethreegood god... 21MP
20:28.14art3misyou can just "gag" them as it were
20:28.15AnduinLotharimo that's just rude
20:28.27art3mis21mp is NOT for porn ;P
20:28.33Thunder_ChildKaydeethree, ya, @ 5fps as well
20:28.38art3misyou don't want that kind of  detail ever
20:28.49Cidansoft core porn mods?
20:28.55CidanI bet I could make millions!
20:29.21Olisonhm i cant find such a option in prat
20:29.30art3misask in wowace
20:29.35art3misi know someone made one
20:29.40art3misjust cant remember its name
20:29.55Olisonwill do :>
20:30.29art3misit memory serves there was one that blocked incoming wishpers and put them in the addons window for perusal latr as well
20:32.32AnduinLotharanyone use ChatEdit?
20:32.45AnduinLotharnot having any luck debugging this issue
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20:33.05art3misi only use phlanx chat and cirks manager
20:33.16art3miswhats it doing?
20:33.27AnduinLotharlet's you copy chat
20:33.37art3misno whats it doing ;P
20:33.44art3misnot what is it ;P
20:33.58art3misphlanx does that too
20:34.08AnduinLotharoh, it's not allowign scrolling the first time you open it
20:34.12art3mislets you cut and paste in and out of the winder too
20:34.32art3mislike mouse drag scrolling?
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20:35.04AnduinLotharno, like the scroll window max is set to zero or something
20:35.34AnduinLotharcalling ChatEditScrollFrame:UpdateScrollChildRect(); after it opens fixes it
20:35.43AnduinLotharbut there's a ChatEditScrollFrame:UpdateScrollChildRect(); at the end of the show code
20:35.51AnduinLotharand putting 2 doesn't do anything
20:36.03AnduinLotharit like only fixes it if you open it or something
20:36.06art3mismaybe it's not calling it?
20:36.10AnduinLotharit is
20:36.33AnduinLotharbut like it has no effect until after it's been shown for a second
20:36.43AnduinLotharlike there's some event after or something
20:37.13art3mishrm not a clue, only thing logically thast i can think of is that its getting called before it creates the chil;d its supposed to update
20:37.32AnduinLotharthe child is created onload
20:37.42AnduinLotharand it's set as the scrollframe onload
20:37.49AnduinLotharer, scrollchild
20:38.34AnduinLotharOnSizeChanged seems to fire durring the show code, but even if i put ChatEditScrollFrame:UpdateScrollChildRect there it doesn't work
20:38.54AnduinLotharand it works fine if you close and open it or call ChatEditScrollFrame:UpdateScrollChildRect after it's open
20:39.21AnduinLotharit's baffling
20:40.58AnduinLotharoh other bugs: OnMouseUp doesn't seem to fire at all in an EditBox
20:41.04AnduinLotharOnMouseDown fires
20:41.18AnduinLotharbut OnMouseUp doesn't once you've gained focus
20:41.22art3misid suggest a new chat addon ;P
20:41.31AnduinLotharit's mine
20:41.42AnduinLotharthese are frame flukes
20:42.12AnduinLotharlike: OnEnterPressed never fires on an editbox with focus
20:42.19AnduinLotharbut OnEscapePressed does
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20:43.45AnduinLothari wouldn't be trying to debug it if i didn't write it
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20:46.54art3misput in a hack code that opens it on load closes and reopens?
20:47.04AnduinLotharthat's bleh
20:47.16AnduinLothari think i may need to call ScrollFrame_OnScrollRangeChanged before showing it
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20:49.01AnduinLotharor maybe OnShow
20:54.33AnduinLothari win
20:55.08AnduinLotharapparently OnTextChanged was firing a frame after SetText
20:55.49AnduinLotharor something liek that
20:55.49AnduinLotharactually, lemme check that
20:58.22AnduinLotharShow >OnSizeChanged > OnTextChanged > OnScrollRangeChanged
21:04.56ShirikAnyone know which error handlers hook/modify seterrorhandler() ?
21:05.30Shirikiirc, BugSack disables seterrorhandler(), I'm wondering if others hook/modify it
21:06.07ShirikWhat I'm really worried is any error handlers that hook seterrorhandler() without hooking geterrorhandler() -- it could result in an infinite recursion loop in Conspiracy the way I'm writing it now
21:06.37Shirikthanks bleeter I'll check it out :)
21:07.12AnduinLotharwhy are you hooking it?
21:07.27nevcairielso noone steals your errorhandler away
21:07.33AnduinLotharthat's jsut dumb..
21:07.49ShirikThere's no reason not to
21:08.02AnduinLotharyou're breaking all other error handlers
21:08.06Shirikthat's not true
21:08.12ShirikThat's exactly why I asked the question
21:08.24ShirikI intend to make it work with other error handlers... the fact that I recognized this problem ahead of time asserts that
21:08.36AnduinLotharso you're callign them all?
21:08.58Shirikmy intention is to have Conspiracy handle its own errors, then pass anything else on to whatever default error handler exists
21:09.13ShirikThe reasoning being that I feel I can generate a more suitable error report due to the specific way Conspiracy works
21:09.28Josh_Borke~botmail for Shirik: CTL/ACE/ROCK RDX KTHXBAI
21:09.35Cidanlocal lolOld = geterrorhandler();
21:09.57Shiriknow the issue arises with any error handler that hooks seterrorhandler doing this exact same philosophy, without taking care of geterrorhandler
21:09.59zenzelezzwasn't there some discussion a long time ago about some bug addon stealing seterrorhandler() and assigning it to _realseterrorhandler or something?
21:10.04ShirikWe could just keep calling each other back and forth
21:10.06zenzelezzwas heated IIRC
21:10.14Shirikzenzelezz: not quite
21:10.16Shirikwell, yes
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21:10.19zenzelezzyes it was
21:10.20Shirikbut that addon stole it
21:10.25Shirikand then gave no way to override the handler later
21:10.27Josh_Borkezenzelezz: BugSack/BugGrabber used to
21:10.35Shirikit took seterrorhandler and made it a noop
21:10.52Cidanany error handler that is trying to do what you are doing
21:10.53ShirikWe intend to make seterrorhandler work on anything that is not an error coming from conspiracy
21:10.59Cidanwill have got the old handler
21:11.00Cidanhands down
21:11.12Cidanso you would pass it to that error, and they would pass it to the one before you
21:11.17CidanI wouldn't worry
21:11.37zenzelezzyou name it Conspiracy and you expect us not to question your intentions?
21:11.53CidanI really wouldn't worry about it
21:11.59Cidanjust hook on, and you're good
21:13.22Cidanso I'm almost level 65 on Cidan
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21:26.10Shirikin vista you can't do windows, u to shutdown
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21:29.29Industrialhahaha, vista.
21:33.59Cide-so vista is the new thing to hate?
21:34.22Kaydeethreeer, "new"?
21:34.32Cidewell, semi-new
21:35.14amro_I like the badvista t-shirts
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21:47.08abugif recycling tables is so good, why doesn't lua do it natively instead of garbage collecting them?
21:47.51Cidebecause recycling would require lua to know which tables are unused
21:48.00Cidewhich is effectively what garbage collection does anyway
21:48.21Cideso you basically do the same thing, except you keep the unused ones in memory instead of removing them from memory
21:48.55Cidethat would be my guess, anyway
21:56.09Josh_Borkewho says recycling tables is so good?
21:57.26art3miswalter the crazy homeless man on the way to the subway
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22:00.17IrielRecycling is only good for certain types of table
22:00.38Irieli.e. frequently created and discarded without massive changes in sizer
22:00.43Irielsize, even
22:01.56amro_is anyone here using kepler?
22:02.18Corrodiashere's a tip, guys. if you make a television advertisement, make sure you actually describe what the product DOES, because i'm not such a curious fellow that i will go find out on my own
22:03.14art3misCorrodias: ?
22:03.20Josh_Borkeart3mis: ?
22:04.06CorrodiasGod: ?
22:04.19art3misCorrodias: what commercial
22:05.00Corrodiasi'm talking about if you make any advertisements. are you asking me for an example?
22:05.06Josh_Borke~lart Punkie`
22:05.06purlreadies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at Punkie`
22:06.12art3miswhat i'd love is a handy graphical xml creator ;P
22:06.20art3miscuz i HATE xml
22:06.29art3misand i dont wanna bother loading dreamweaver each time
22:07.03Punkie`man, dreamweaver
22:07.08Punkie`takes ages to load
22:07.11Corrodiaslooks like wowaceupdater's attempt to update itself now causes it to crash, at least in my version
22:07.15art3misclad and cog should make a "for retards" addon creator
22:07.25zenzelezzI remember when Dreamweaver was an in-word
22:07.29Corrodiasit keeps crashing after about 30 seconds. time to look for an update.
22:07.33Josh_Borkejust don't close dreamweaver
22:07.40art3misyou click the functuion you want and it creates the brackts and crap with dummy values
22:07.49art3misJosh_Borke: heh yeah there is that option i suppose
22:07.54zenzelezzmy wowaceupdater works, it just insists on re-adding itself to my start menu every time I load it
22:08.15art3misgo look in wowace guys, syl is fixing that as you bitch ;P
22:09.05zenzelezzcan't be bothered, I didn't want it in the first place, but my Omen keeps screaming at me that someone has a newer version
22:09.23zenzelezzwell, it adds a small line under the window, but it's enough to annoy me
22:11.45Corrodiasthere is a new version of wowaceupdater, but i can't seem to install it
22:11.55Corrodiasdownloading setup.exe and running it just opens my current version, which will crash in 30 seconds
22:14.06zenzelezzso far my guild has killed Karathress three times... 3 necks, 5 Champion legs
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22:15.14art3misthats such a great interview
22:17.01Corrodias"cannot download the application. the application is missing required files."
22:17.07Corrodiaswell DUH, that's why i want you to download it
22:18.45Corrodiasand if i click the install button on the wowaceupdater installer page, it complains it can't find the .application file
22:22.34Corrodiashad to download the from the wiki site. at least that worked.
22:22.34zenzelezzhrm... new mail icon was up, went to mailbox, nothing
22:23.03ScytheBlade1zenzelezz, someone just sent you money (or an item, I've confirmed it with money)... wait an hour. ;)
22:23.19zenzelezzyou get the notification too soon?
22:23.37ScytheBlade1I had a friend mail me 3g
22:23.40amro_zenzelezz: i've noticed some lag with the mailbox sometimes
22:23.40ScytheBlade1I got the notice instantly
22:23.49ScytheBlade1I got the mail an hour later
22:23.55amro_even with AH mail
22:24.01amro_but lag in seconds
22:24.02art3misyeah that hapens to me from time to time too
22:24.06zenzelezzScytheBlade1: I see, I'll check again later - thanks
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22:26.05Thunder_Childlazy persons camera
22:28.01art3mishey thunder
22:28.31art3miswhat would you suggest for a cheap flashcard HD camcorder under 300$ thats decent quality?
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22:31.15cute_attackhello, can anyone tell me which color the Blizzard UI in WoW interprets as transparent?
22:31.18zenzelezzI swear one of the blood elf "ouch" noises is a cat
22:32.00Corrodiasi don't imagine any of those characters' names are going to last long
22:32.18Thunder_Child1 sec art3mis, let me take a look
22:32.33*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:34.02art3misSudoku Bondage: Tied Up And Bound *ISO*
22:35.34Corrodiastalk abo utlack of context
22:35.42art3miswas browsing a torrent site
22:35.53art3misappearantly its bdsm sudoku
22:36.04Corrodiaswe know that around the internet as "porn"
22:36.18clad|awaycute_attack: your question isn't very clear at all.. a color in wow has an alpha channel, and rgb components.
22:36.52cute_attackI'm sorry for the lack of clarity, allow me to explain in more detail...
22:37.09cute_attackI am using mazzle ui
22:37.23cute_attackand I want to change a skin so that it is completely tranparent
22:37.26amro_cute_attack: transparency is handled by an alpha channel, not by a specific color
22:37.27cute_attackany kni
22:37.38cute_attackI was told that I could change the color of the skin
22:37.48cute_attackthat is to say to a particular color
22:37.58clad|awayyou would have to open each and every graphic, and change the alpha channel of the graphic
22:38.01ScytheBlade1cute_attack, there's a slider on the side of the color wheep. That's the transparency. It's not a color, it's a seperate component.
22:38.02clad|awayif we're talking textures.
22:38.06cute_attackthat "counts" as tranparent, but I guess that is wrong?
22:39.41cute_attackso I can just convert the images to .tga, change the alpha value to 0%, convert back to blizzards format, and it will work?
22:40.13ScytheBlade1You can also leave it in .tga
22:40.17ScytheBlade1WoW will accept that natively
22:40.31cute_attackwell thank you very much
22:40.54art3miscute_attack: run /dart and /duf
22:41.29art3misthats where the main colours are controlled. if you're talking about borders of the frames however those are images and you cant modify those
22:42.30cute_attackrun /dart and /duf?
22:42.35Cidancute_attack, uh, nice... nick?
22:42.42cute_attackplease explain?
22:42.44art3mistype /dart and /duf in yer chat frame
22:42.50cute_attackand that will do...?
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22:43.00art3misitll bring up the programs mazzle uses to create the unit frames and bottom "panels"
22:43.10cute_attackoh cool
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22:43.20Thunder_Childart3mis, i cant find any under 500....have you seen one?
22:43.42art3misyeah no-name (chinese made) things at like best buy and CC
22:43.44CidanThunder_Child, that's because they are all OVER NINE THOUUUSAAANNDDD
22:44.01art3misthey dont seem too bad as started cameras and the hd one is 249 or something
22:44.12art3misall flashcard
22:44.18art3misone sec
22:44.57art3mis <-- for example
22:45.09cute_attackart3mis, if you can tell me one final thing, would CT_VIEWPORT override the viewport "hard-coded" lua code in the mazzle, or do I have to open the file and change the number?
22:45.31Cidedepends on how it's implemented
22:45.43CideCT_Viewport changes the viewport once
22:45.47art3misumm it prolly wont work right. mazzles stuff tends to not play nice with other "additions"
22:45.59Cideif mazzleui changes it every refresh it wouldn't work
22:46.06cute_attackwell, lets just say I have to change the mazzle code, what number do I change it to to make it full screen?
22:47.22Cidanah mazzle
22:47.25CidanHow I loath thee.
22:47.36art3mishe did a good job at a compilation
22:47.45art3misunfortunately his personal preferences for stuff suck ass
22:48.07cute_attackhonestly i think mazzle is great (I could just not know any better) but I really want no skin
22:48.21art3misthe easiest way to fix the no skin thing
22:48.28art3misis just to replace all the textures
22:48.37art3mischeck the forums for the other "skins"
22:48.42art3misthat will tell you how to change them
22:48.50cute_attackno no all the skins are bad :P
22:48.56art3misrun /dart
22:49.01cute_attackI want nothing there just the bettons etc
22:49.04art3misand remove or replace them with solid colours
22:49.12cute_attackno colours!! :P
22:49.13art3misthas the easiest
22:49.26art3misjust open /dart and you'll see what i mean ;P
22:49.37*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
22:49.42art3misits REALLY easy to replce the applied textures with nothing
22:49.46cute_attackok cool i'm glad I joined this room you guys or gals are very helpful
22:50.00cute_attackso then I just need to change the viewport code
22:50.01abugonly on sundays
22:50.06art3misi'd leave that alone
22:50.15cute_attackbut what number do I change the viewport valur to?
22:50.17art3misthe viewport in mazzle is specifically set up for that layout
22:50.32art3misit works/looks better if you dont muck with it
22:50.34cute_attackso it will mess everything up?
22:50.39cute_attacki see
22:50.50cute_attackbut then I will have a black bar at the bottom of the screen
22:50.51art3misand *if* you dont want it that way i believe somewhere in the option is a tick box to disable it
22:51.03art3misnot really, thats where all yer buttons will be ;P
22:51.11art3misjust like warcraft 3 ;P
22:51.22cute_attackwell yes but overlayed on a black rect no?
22:51.29bleeterCorrodias: doubt they'll last long either, but did you note they're all one faction?
22:51.29cute_attackwell I'll give it a try
22:51.56cute_attackok I'm gonna log in and try out /dart
22:52.11art3misyeah itll be on the black, which is why i suggest selecting a colour for the panel when you replace the textures and current stuff
22:52.12cute_attackthanks again, a lot
22:52.31art3misjust get rid of the textures for the border and you should end up with just normal black background
22:52.59cute_attackwell i may or may not be back shortly, depending on how my musings go
22:57.30Corrodiashmm. i'm banishing demons up here in blade's edge mountains and i just finish the quest when some 70 shaman asks me if i want to help him do it.
22:58.38Corrodiasi'm thinking how happy i'd be to help a restoration shaman with a quest, but i am a suspicous fellow, so i look him up in the armory, which reveals his spec as enhancement. i ask him if there's something i don't know that would make me want to help an enhancement shaman do a quest i have finished, and he seems at a loss.
22:59.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
22:59.48art3mishey look everyone its wobin!
23:00.06Thunder_Childart3mis, not a clue...i once saw a comparison in one of my mags but i cant seem to find it..other than that i dont know
23:01.36Thunder_Childif i had to recomend a camcorder it would be
23:02.32art3misthat looks so fake
23:02.39art3misim sure its not
23:02.45Thunder_Childit's also very very very good
23:02.50art3misbut it looks like an item from a video game ;P
23:03.41art3misgeezus 17.5
23:03.57art3miscan it make waffles too?
23:07.19Corrodiaswhat's the price?
23:07.20zenzelezzI like how people zip a 1'241'007 kb movie with no compression, just to include a readme.txt and our_site.url
23:07.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
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23:07.51art3misCorrodias: its 17.5k +1200 for the production addon kit
23:07.53Corrodiasoh, dear. thousands of dollars. not for me.
23:08.45Thunder_Childit's also ~ to "pro" cameras
23:08.55Thunder_Childe.g. costing 100,000+
23:09.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
23:09.14art3misknow anyone that has opne?
23:09.27Corrodiaswell, that's awesome, but still out of my price range. good thing i don't actually need a camera.
23:09.40art3miswonder what the quality is like
23:09.44Thunder_Childone of the more famous directors shot a movie with one
23:09.48art3misie. standard vs 35mm
23:09.50Thunder_Childlets ee if i can find it
23:10.37Thunder_Childoh, clip
23:12.13Corrodiasi like this comment, "There are still plenty of folks who like the warmth of film and don't want to make the switch to video and I don't see that changing all that soon."
23:12.23art3misi was at NAB and saw the 4K projected. The stuff looked really nice.
23:12.23art3misToo bad Jackson's short was way too long and drawn movies.
23:12.23art3misGood thing there's no slow-mo in 4K or we would've been there for a half hour, and the line would've started at the Venetian.
23:12.34art3mishehe that part made me laugh
23:12.40Corrodiasthe warmth of film. maybe you have to be someone who uses cameras for a living to know what he's talking about, but i've never seen anything attractive about inaccuracy.
23:12.50Corrodiasor rather impreciceness
23:12.57art3misCorrodias: its more a quality issue
23:13.09art3misyou can have too much deatil and detract for the over all attempted effect
23:13.49Garouncould really do without repeatedly being locked in combat while doing the bombing runs in BEM
23:13.49art3misits stilla  pertty sexy camera
23:13.55Corrodiasso... a lack of detail is what's attractive about film? >_>
23:13.56art3misnot 17.5k worth
23:14.02art3misto a degree yes
23:14.12art3mismostly to artsy types
23:14.17art3mislike take film noir type films
23:14.28art3misthose in super crispy and clear video would be horrid
23:14.33Corrodiasi've never understood nor agreed with artsy types, and i guess this isn't going to break that trend. ah.
23:14.54art3misor even lets say dark city
23:15.12art3misif that had been done with super fine detail the crazed effect of it may be lost
23:15.20art3misthats the "warmth" he's talking about
23:15.26Thunder_Childthere is never a problem with to much can always be reduced post-processing...cant to it the other way around
23:15.33art3misthe sorta visual blur that mimics peripheral
23:15.55Corrodiashmm, if you say so
23:16.05art3misThunder_Child: true but it think its more an amateur vs pro studio argument
23:16.15Corrodiasi rather wished i had a clearer view of the proceedings, and i usually do when i'm watching a movie.
23:16.24art3misme too
23:16.35art3misim all for visually amazing and clear with fine details
23:17.08art3misbut if your camera is super good you end up with imperfections because of vision.
23:17.33art3misinstead of nice smooth filtering yadda yadda yadda, but as TC says post production can take care oft hat all
23:17.48art3misalthough if too much post is done you end up with suiper fake looking ;P
23:17.58Thunder_Childeasy to reduce hard to improve
23:18.47art3misits all in the eye of the beholder though
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23:20.12zenzelezzunrelated to cameras, but I dislike CGI for the mere fact that a lot of movies spend all their money on that rather than ensuring the quality of the script, actors, etc
23:21.13art3misfianl fantasy was pretty rad though
23:21.34art3misthe only thing that bothered me about it from time to time was that they didnt seem to get dirty or have rumppled cloths
23:21.36zenzelezzit's not universally bad, just generally misused
23:21.50art3missci-fi channel for instance ;P
23:24.02ScytheBlade1lol, crap
23:24.15ScytheBlade1I accidently did GetMouseFocus():StartMoving() on the WorldFrame
23:24.28ScytheBlade1That one is actually saved over /console reloadui, logouts, etc..
23:24.53ScytheBlade1This is going to take effort to fix
23:24.56art3misOP macro FTL ;P
23:25.02ScytheBlade1ftl indeed
23:25.03art3misno its not ;P
23:25.09art3misrm -r WTF
23:25.13ScytheBlade1Yeah. Effort.
23:25.15ScytheBlade1Lots of effort.
23:25.44*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
23:25.53zenzelezzClearAllPoints(); SetPoint()? Worth a shot
23:26.02CorrodiasSET POINT OMG
23:26.44CorrodiasStartMoving() on the worldframe? oh, dear. what does that do?
23:27.03ScytheBlade1Very bad things.
23:27.20ScytheBlade1At least it keeps it in the proper aspect ratio
23:27.27Corrodiasplease describe what things.
23:27.47ScytheBlade1Screenshot, moment
23:28.26Corrodiascan you not execute GetMouseFocus():StopMoving() or something? then it has to save the thing's position somewhere, maybe in layout-cache.txt
23:29.40ScytheBlade1Cide, I love you.
23:29.43Corrodias/script WorldFrame.StartMoving = noop
23:29.52Corrodiasor whatever you have defined as the nothing function
23:30.02Corrodiasto keep yourself from doing it again ;P
23:31.55CorrodiasHAH, that's awesome
23:32.13ScytheBlade1YOU try putting it back by hand.
23:32.16ScytheBlade1Stupidly painful.
23:32.49Corrodiasi have code to place my chat box just where i want it, DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", 32, 117) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.SetPoint = donothing
23:33.00Corrodiasso crap can't keep MOVING it
23:35.23ScytheBlade1I pretty much cried when I did that :(
23:35.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
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23:44.35CidanWhy must children be so stupid?
23:44.53CidanStupid mage got a 'tude with me in hellfire, he trained the entire instance on me.
23:45.02CidanKilled everyone in the party, except me.
23:45.07ScytheBlade1lol owned
23:45.09ScytheBlade1What class are you?
23:45.16ScytheBlade1A hahaha
23:45.18ScytheBlade1That was stupid
23:45.36ScytheBlade1"I'm going to kill a paladin!"
23:45.40ScytheBlade1"..... no you're not."
23:47.03CidanI just... want level 70
23:47.07CidanSo I can get my flying mount
23:48.29Cidanlike I don't care about end game, etc, I just want to fly.  Is that so much to ask for?
23:50.17zenzelezzScytheBlade1: you were right about the mail by the way, the notification was just premature
23:52.01AnduinLotharCheck out my Win pvp spec
23:52.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
23:54.28CidanI guess it's okay, but you'll never do very much damage, or healing, or tank.
23:54.32CidanYou're kinda just, a bit of all
23:55.57AnduinLotharthe idea is to make them angry and then take all the dmg and get reckonning swings from it
23:56.57AnduinLotharour 3v3 did pretty well today outlasting everyone. druid healing and a sSP
23:57.00CidanI'd do something like this
23:57.05Cidanthough not final, hmm
23:57.34AnduinLotharprecision is pretty useless pvp, just needed it for the top ones
23:59.43AnduinLotharmy usual ret spec is
23:59.50AnduinLotharfor pvp and pve dps

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