IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070830

00:00.13*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
00:00.16art3misahhh because it's got gay click through ads now
00:07.01art3misnow i remember why i hate curse
00:07.39art3miscidan go code me my addon
00:07.49Cidanwhat now what?
00:07.58art3misyuo dont have metroid therse no reason to play your wii today
00:08.34art3misi want an addon taht lets me create boxes, and within boxes i can setup addons, when i clsoe the box it hides and closes all the addos and when i open it it opens/runs displays them
00:08.58art3misso i can haev quick toggle raid layout, party layout solo layout etc
00:09.23Cidanshould be easy to do
00:09.27Cidanwell kinda
00:12.15art3misi wonder if i can rip out the dart and duf from mazzle ui and use that to make my hellow kitty interface
00:12.42LunessaDUF and DART are still out there - a fan ported them to 2.0.  
00:13.04LunessaA search on the UI & macros forum ought to surface alink.
00:13.43art3misahh okay i was just checking downlaods
00:14.12Mr_Rabies2this whore-killing spree pre-maiden is pretty...interesting.
00:15.08Thunder_Childjust like any woman, they become background noise after a while
00:17.42*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
00:17.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Ominous_ (
00:25.42Lunessa... Thunder_Child you've yet to learn that women actually rule the world.
00:26.58Thunder_Childthat dosent disprove what i said
00:27.08art3miswhat was that addon taht showed grid liens on the screen so you could line up things?
00:27.48art3miscomputers rules the world at present and any nerd will tell you taht they only actually hear thier computer as more than background noise if there's something wrong with it
00:35.41clad|bookAnyone here from the UK tonight?
00:49.20Wobworknearly 2am in the uk atm
00:49.28Wobworkwhich doesn't preclude someone being online =P
00:52.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Nimble (
01:04.28[Liquidor]Anyone know of an addon for assigning healing tasks?
01:16.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:16.36Lunessa::sigh:: we just had to evacuate the building for an alarm.  And then, 10 minutes later, they let us back in.
01:18.58JoshBorkeLunessa: hey!  my building had a fire alarm go off too, i just ignored it
01:19.16LunessaI would have, but...
01:26.17Lunessaweb sites using that stupid image overlay thing like Curse and incgamers have drunk the bad design kool-aid.
01:27.15sysrageoh you wanna see bad site design? i found a good one yesterday
01:27.16*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
01:27.25alestaneIt does make the site harder to navigate probably.
01:27.48sysragedoesn't work worth a damn in firefox
01:27.59JoshBorkewhere's the rest of tweh page?
01:28.13sysrageit's made with some retarded IE only layers or something
01:28.32LunessaI dislike any design element which usurps control of my browsing experience.
01:28.48sysrageagreed. flash FTL
01:33.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
01:39.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Karen@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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01:43.53Cidanart3mis, I will be including a hello kitty theme in Conspiracy
01:44.05Cidanassuming I can get it looking nice, I should be able to do it.
01:44.39Mr_Rabies2what's conspiracy again, if you don't mind me asking? :O
01:45.13Thunder_Child~lart Cidan
01:45.13purlthrows a AN/M-8 smoke grenade at Cidan
01:46.20LunessaBetter toss in a bimbos theme too.  
01:46.29CidanHmm, not sure I want that one
01:46.39CidanI want to keep the themes a bit friendly
01:46.56WobworkFriendly bimbos?
01:47.52Cidanlooking for hello kitty pictures on GIS now
01:48.30LunessaBikinis then. :)
01:48.44CidanDamn it, no bimbos, no bikinis
01:48.54CidanAzumanga?  Perhaps
01:49.01JoshBorkecidan: so naked smart chicks?
01:49.04CidanYotsuba?  Likely.
01:49.49CidanNo nudity, :(
01:50.28WobworkYou just need strategically placed frames
01:50.38Wobworkand voila, no nudity
01:50.43Wobworkjust nekkidness
01:51.46Cidanno, :(
01:52.28Mr_Rabies2the azumanga one is only useful if it plays the between commericals music every time you leave combat
01:52.59Mr_Rabies2dun da-dun dun da-dun dun-da dun dun dun
01:53.23Cidandoo do-doo doo do-doo doo-do doo doo doo
01:53.24*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
01:53.59Mr_Rabies2moroes bugged
01:54.10Mr_Rabies2we kill attumen, then him, then maiden
01:54.13Mr_Rabies2then go to opera
01:54.15Mr_Rabies2and it's like
01:54.18Mr_Rabies2ohey moroes aint dead
01:54.38Wobwork"Just kidding!"
01:54.51Mr_Rabies2so we just sat outside the instance for 30 mins
01:54.57Mr_Rabies2moroes is back
01:55.00Mr_Rabies2doubel lewtz
01:55.32clad|bookwhat do we think the chances are that this power supply will work in both the US and the UK?
01:55.52Mr_Rabies2hugelink is huge
01:55.56KaydeethreeUK's 220, right?
01:56.11clad|bookyeah i think so
01:57.10clad|bookthere are FIrewire 800 enclosures too, but I can't justify paying double the price, just to save time
01:57.15Mr_Rabies2well it uses an ac adapter
01:57.32Mr_Rabies2perhaps they make one for the uk market that properly downsteps voltage
01:57.54clad|bookwell most power supplies these days will downstep without any issue.
01:58.12Mr_Rabies2that just looks like it uses a regular ordinary ac adapter
01:58.13clad|bookeven stuff bought within the last 10 years or so, if its an adapter, then it typically works properly
01:58.33JoshBorkei say you buy it and watch it not work :-P
01:59.03clad|bookI have a similar adapter, and its a switching adapter.. taking in multiple inputs, and stepping them to the correct output
01:59.29Kaydeethreegeez... is the wii update supposed to take this long? it's been ticking for a bit more than an hour now and it's only halfway done
01:59.40JoshBorkeKaydeethree: PWNED!
01:59.51JoshBorke~lart Kaydeethree
01:59.51purldecapitates Kaydeethree conan the destroyer style
02:00.27Cidanit's not supposed to take that long
02:00.39Cidanbut likely since Metroid Prime 3 is out, a lot of people are updating
02:00.44LunessaJoshBorke: You're so 5 minutes ago.  the correct term is PWNT
02:01.05Mr_Rabies2QWNJ imo
02:01.06JoshBorkethis happens and no one tells me?!
02:01.10JoshBorkewhere's the communication break down
02:01.42LunessaUm, aren't you supposed to take the taelosian wheat to the girl on the big boat city for that?
02:02.44Lunessalame EQ reference FTL
02:03.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Karrion (
02:12.08*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
02:19.44LunessaSorry cogwheel I couldn't take it anymore.
02:19.48Mr_Rabies2you know
02:20.02Mr_Rabies2a bucket of slugs would not be enjoyable
02:20.26Mr_Rabies2unless you were at a salt factory
02:22.34*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
02:23.06JoshBorkei'm confused
02:23.14cogwheelMy wife accidentally hits enter at the same time as apostrophe
02:23.19cogwheela lot
02:23.25*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
02:23.32Mr_Rabies2my bum is on the swedish
02:23.33LunessaI do it all the time.  Fat, clumsy fingers and bad typing.
02:23.55clad|bookso who wants to talk external hard drives?
02:24.02LunessaWhat about them?
02:24.10clad|booktrying to decide between spending $$ for
02:24.11Mr_Rabies2internal + enclosure imo clad|book
02:24.30clad|bookbuying an internal + enclosure (if so, what enclosure?)
02:24.34Thunder_Child/agree /w Mr_Rabies2
02:24.44clad|bookand buying the stock or
02:24.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
02:25.05clad|bookwhy do you recommend internal + enclosure, if you dont mind my asking.
02:25.07LunessaGive me a few to read the links
02:25.17cogwheelcheaper probably
02:25.27clad|bookIts not really all that cheaper, actually
02:25.38Thunder_Childcheaper + you know for sure what your puting inside
02:25.41JoshBorkeclad|book: because it'll be cheaper in the long run
02:25.59clad|bookEnclosures come in two different flavors, the $25.00 bracket, and the $50-$75.00 bracket
02:26.19clad|bookI wouldn't buy the $25.00, unless someone has a specific one they would recommend, with firewire and a universal power supply
02:26.28clad|bookthe hard drive itself is easy to pick :P
02:26.31clad|bookthe enclosure is the issue
02:27.16clad|bookMr_Rabies2: Thunder_Child: Any suggestions on enclosure?
02:27.32Thunder_Childwhat connection type do you want?
02:27.40Thunder_Childusb/firewire/sata etc.
02:27.49clad|booki would like usb/firewire
02:28.03clad|bookfw400 will be used primarily
02:28.05Thunder_Childactive cooling?
02:28.25clad|bookif its passive cooling is good enough, i suppose i'd prefer passive
02:28.32clad|bookbut i'm open to either, since I won't have the drive on all the time.
02:28.43Lunessaclad|book:  For off-the-shelf the G-Drive looks pretty sweet.  Passive cooling is something that concerns me, but the drive itself looks pretty nice at 500gb.
02:28.59clad|bookyeah G-Drive is pimp-ass.
02:29.10clad|bookBut I like being able to take the physical drive out and toss it into a PC.. or another enclosure
02:29.17LunessaSpec are good, has all the inputs, and comes mac-ready by default.
02:29.39cogwheelHeh... My uncle has about 20 of those at 500 GB scattered around his house...
02:29.55clad|booki can justify the price diff between the g-drive and the western digital mybooks, just on principle and looking cool :P
02:30.05clad|bookbut don't want to dismiss enclosure + drive either
02:30.39LunessaEnclosure + Drive is good for saving money at the expense of 20 mins extra set up.
02:30.46cogwheelmmm... 2 year warranty...
02:30.50LunessaAnd an extra 20 mins of research.
02:30.56cogwheelprobably last you 6 or more
02:30.57clad|bookcogwheel: the WD has a five year
02:31.08clad|bookthis enclosure looks nice, but doesn't appear to spin down when the machine powers down, which sucks: this enclosure looks nice, but doesn't appear to spin
02:31.31clad|bookcogwheel: has a five year warranty
02:31.35Thunder_Childclad|book, something like ?
02:31.45LunessaAnything powered on the USB line will have voltage constantly anyway.
02:31.57CidanDo textures in WoW have to be in equal powers of two in resolution, or just in powers of two?
02:32.12Kaydeethreejust powers of 2 iirc
02:32.15clad|bookCidan: no just powers of two on each side.
02:32.43clad|bookThunder_Child: that's around what I'm looking for.. what do you think of the icy dock one I linked?
02:33.51Thunder_Childdoes it come with an HD for that price?
02:34.06clad|bookits only $20.00 more than the one you just linked
02:34.19clad|bookand the drive attaches to a tray that can be removed and swapped with another tray
02:34.20Thunder_Child"Price $229.99"
02:34.27Thunder_Childwrong link?
02:34.30clad|bookoh yeah
02:34.39clad|bookthat's the western digital, and comes witha  500gb hard drive, and five year warranty
02:34.49clad|book was what i meant
02:36.01clad|bookthat + a 500gb samsung drive would run me around $200
02:36.26Lunessaclad|book: The Icy Dock one looks fragile
02:36.29Kaydeethreeheh, so it did end up being a fmodex bug
02:36.32Thunder_Childany reason you want it to be hot swapable?
02:36.44clad|bookno, no particular reason
02:36.57clad|bookIf you have one you've touched, used and had experience with.. that will trump anything I can find on the net :P
02:37.16clad|bookThis needs to travel to England with me.. and sit on my desk to hook up when necessary (ideally it will have a power switch)
02:37.21Thunder_Childno, i dont use them..i have purchased them for others but i dont use them myself
02:38.27Lunessaclad|book: Anything that travels internationally needs to be rugged.  This can not be stressed enough.
02:38.34Thunder_Childhmm..well here it is in metal
02:39.17LunessaI kid you not, I've had more crap broken by baggage handlers and airport security people than I care to think about.
02:39.55clad|bookLunessa: it will (ideally) fit in my laptop bag, so I dont have to deal with that
02:41.09clad|booki was looking at that one
02:41.14clad|bookits on sale at TD with a hard drive
02:41.37cogwheelhaha "Taking euphemisms to a new level, Zipkin says: “we’re aware that people are having some variety in their experiences with Windows Vista.”"
02:42.58Thunder_Childand you had better make sure they are the type you need, e.g. ide/sata
02:43.18cogwheelwho uses PATA?
02:44.00buuSo, dearest friends, is anyone familiar with a mod that will display giant warnings based on say, configurable events in the game? Sort of like boss mods I suppose, but perhaps triggering off enemy cast bars?
02:44.08buuLike, if the enemy you're fighting begins to cast fear..
02:44.35cogwheelSoundtrack ... haven't heard about it in a long time so it might not've been updated for 2.0
02:44.50Kaydeethreebuu, spellalert
02:44.51cogwheel(well, it can do sounds anyway)
02:44.53Kaydeethreesoundtrack <3
02:45.50clad|bookthanks Thunder_Child, have a bit more thinking to do
02:45.59Thunder_Childclad|book, np
02:46.16buuKaydeethree: Mmmm, nifty.
02:46.51buuKaydeethree: I find.. very old versions
02:47.39KaydeethreeI personally use SpellAlertSCT. it was updated back in december but it still works fine
02:47.54Kaydeethreethere's another version called WitchHunt iic
02:48.55KaydeethreeI like it... watch anime and stuff from in bed
02:49.05Wobworkanime, eh
02:49.31Wobworkif he had eyes?
02:49.44cogwheelif you hadn't... that would've been ... umm... yeah
02:49.53Kaydeethreehardly. porn in bed's a stupid move.
02:50.18cogwheelOh look! Forums...
02:50.30CidanI'll say it.
02:50.34CidanPorn in bed rocks.
02:50.55Wobworkonly if you're making it =)
02:51.04KaydeethreeI'll agree to that, wob
02:53.31*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
02:54.25LunessaFinally reading the article cogwheel was.
02:58.29*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiSensei (
03:01.20*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel_ (
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03:11.10LunessaThis is such a happening tail-pipe of a party.
03:15.46Shiriksomething I never want to see in my SVN logs....
03:15.48Shirik14(2311:1411:4314) 14(1115CIA-714) Conspiracy: Started work on Hello Kitty theme. :D
03:16.17Thunder_Childguess who you need to blame
03:16.29Kaydeethreewhat the hell?
03:16.37Shirik14(2311:1411:4314) 14(1115CIA-714) Conspiracy: 03cidan * r99 10/Conspiracy/Framework/ (Theme.lua Popup.lua Window.lua):
03:17.27CidanWait 'til I finish it
03:17.37Cidanit'll be greeaattt
03:17.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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03:18.12cogwheelevening, Iriel
03:18.42Thunder_Childsee, another person looking wierd waving at his monitor
03:18.44cogwheelthis thread might warrant your attention :)
03:18.49Thunder_Childmake that another 2 people
03:18.51CidanMan, wait 'til I do the batman theme, :D
03:19.46Cidanalso going to work on the "WoW" theme, so windows look like default warcraft frames
03:21.14*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
03:31.03Irielcogwheel: Thanks - replied.
03:46.08*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost__ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
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04:16.03Chaotic_Dman...something's up. not only does my addon not always work with Cartographer, but when it stops working, LightHeaded can't use it either. :S and then I play the game for a while and... it starts working again. *blink*
04:16.30clad|bookwell you've still given me almost 0 details on "your addon", so I dunno what I can do to help without more info =/
04:17.12Chaotic_Dstill... how could my addon stop Cartographer from working with LightHeaded if it's not overwriting any of Cartographer's functions?
04:17.25clad|bookI have no idea.. its a black box to me
04:17.26Chaotic_Dwhat do you mean "still"?
04:17.47clad|bookI've asked for details since the beginning, and you've denied every single request, so I'm "still" waiting for details.
04:17.49Chaotic_DYou asked before for some kind of thorough review?
04:18.02clad|bookno, i want to know what the hell you're doing
04:18.08clad|booklike i've asked 30 million times :P
04:18.52Chaotic_DI remember answering... but you don't seem to like the answer, so there must be more to it.
04:19.08clad|bookI don't recall ever getting a straight answer
04:19.17clad|bookI'm not very good at beating around the bush
04:19.24ShirikI don't know what this addon is either
04:19.46clad|bookI cannot help you, at all, if I can't see what you're doing.  There are a thousand reasons Cart could stop working with your addon, or LightHeaded, or who knows what.
04:19.54Thunder_Childthats supposed to make more sence Shirik?
04:20.02Shirik"this" is evil
04:20.05ShirikYou should use "self"
04:20.09Chaotic_D"my" addon is not mine. It's Tekkub's TourGuide, with a whole section added in to allow it to read new tags from the scripts and look up stuff in LightHeaded, and then point to stuff on the map.
04:20.22clad|bookokay.. and why can't you show us the code?
04:20.34Shirik14(0011:1511:5114) 14(1115Chaotic_D14) man...something's up. not only does my addon not always work with Cartographer, but when it stops working, LightHeaded can't use it either. :S and then I play the game for a while and... it starts working again. *blink*
04:20.34Chaotic_Dbecause you never asked. :)
04:20.38Shirikyou did say that it was yours :/
04:20.50clad|booki'm not psychic.
04:20.51clad|bookall the time.
04:20.55clad|bookThunder_Child: thoughts?
04:21.03clad|bookThunder_Child: trynig to find something highly rated, and small
04:22.06Chaotic_Dsorry for generalizing. it's mine in that this edited version is something I did, but I didn't get permission to do so. (although the author has told me he doesn't believe in copywrites, like Joana's guide or Brian Kopp's guide)
04:22.51Thunder_Childclad|book, no firewire
04:22.53Chaotic_DI dunno, where can I post it?
04:23.03clad|booklol good call
04:23.24clad|bookwhat he said
04:23.30clad|booki think you showed me one like this:
04:24.38clad|bookhrm, that's a 2.5 that's bus powered
04:24.42Chaotic_Dthere's multiple files. or do I just post the most significant file, or just the part I edited, or what?
04:24.42clad|bookthat will limit capacity
04:24.58clad|bookWhat you changed.. i suppose.
04:25.27Thunder_Childand why 2.5? dont you want a standard 3.5 HD?
04:25.34clad|bookyeah i didn't see that :P
04:25.54clad|bookthis is the 3.5 version
04:27.31clad|booki'm over the icy docks now.. the trays aren't necessary.
04:27.59clad|bookso i'm looking at any rated 5 stars on newegg right now.
04:28.54Thunder_Childide or sata?
04:28.55clad|bookno idea Chaotic_D *shrug*
04:28.59clad|bookThunder_Child: either is okay
04:29.07IrielAnyone know if it's possible to make 'newer' nvidia cards work in a Mac Pro with OSX?
04:29.07clad|booksata would be nice, but not required.
04:29.11Wobwork"LightHeaded waypoints are not supported in this version of Cartographer_Waypoints." =P
04:29.14WobworkThey should update =P
04:29.24clad|bookWobWork: you should upload to an addon site nub.
04:29.27clad|bookthe one on curse doesn't have the function.
04:29.29Thunder_ChildIriel, push really hard
04:29.33clad|bookand EVERYONE uses it.. it causes so much headache.
04:29.40WobworkOkies, I'll push ckk to update the version
04:29.50WobworkI didn't realise he didn't roll out
04:29.54IrielThunder_Child: I said 'work' not 'fit' 8-)
04:30.22Thunder_Childoh...lazy bastard rogram it yourself
04:30.30Chaotic_Dwell, what actually happens is that it doesn't report that debug message. it goes through, but the waypoint doesn't go up. sometimes for a brief milisecond there's some odd glichty graphics where the arrow should be in the middle of the screen.
04:31.07Wobworkthe glitchy arrow graphic is when it can't find a proper location
04:31.35Wobworkare you passing in the proper range of x/y?
04:31.53Chaotic_Dit reports that it is.
04:32.01WobworkI can't recall what clad asked for originally but it may be either [0-1] or [0-100]
04:32.06Chaotic_Dthe same quest steps that used to work just stop working.
04:33.00Chaotic_DI mean, there are links in LightHeaded that don't work. and later they do work.
04:33.16Chaotic_Dhrm... I gotta make sure this is right. it's so much work. @_@;
04:33.24clad|bookis the click handler getting called?
04:34.32clad|bookwhy this one?
04:34.56Thunder_Childnothing in particular
04:35.09clad|booklooking at:
04:35.21clad|bookincludes spacers to dampen the vibration of the drive, looks nice, seems to have what i want so far
04:35.28clad|bookand is expensive enough to not be a pos :P
04:35.47Wobworkclad|book: he's waiting til 2.2 to roll out the latest to the sites
04:36.13Thunder_Childit doesnt give me a feeling of stability, but then with out playing with it i couldnt say for sure
04:36.29Chaotic_DBTW, I thought the map locations were like absolute, and that no two zones shared the same co-ordinates, but it seems like each zone has the same range. :(
04:36.42clad|booki've got five queued up that i'm looking at
04:36.50Chaotic_DI mean I thought they were world coordinates, not zone coordinates.
04:37.01clad|bookthey're both, technically
04:39.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
04:40.57Chaotic_Dthey can't be world coordinates if you can't distinguish what zone they're from.
04:41.09Chaotic_Dunless that's another variable passed.
04:41.27clad|booka coordinate consists of a continent, zone, x and y
04:41.29clad|bookin astrolabe
04:41.39clad|bookin order to have intelligent 0,100 coordinates for each zone
04:41.54clad|bookboth astrolabe and cartographer can handle them differently, using world coordinates, afaik
04:42.47Chaotic_Dok, because usually when I see coordinates, it's just X & Y.
04:42.57clad|bookthats cause that's what users provide
04:43.05clad|bookthey could provide zone, continent but normally its not a bother.
04:43.47Chaotic_DI don't suppose there's a different format that the c,z,x,y can be converted to that's just x,y for the entire world, is there?
04:44.00clad|bookthey wouldn't be meaningful, no.
04:44.11clad|bookyes, possible
04:44.22clad|bookbut if you expect users to see/use them, it won't ever really happen.
04:44.35ckknightChaotic_D: you can with TouristLib
04:45.14clad|bookckknight: you can do it with a bunch of libs, the users are the issue :P
04:45.15Chaotic_Dhrm... maybe this is why my addon is having problems. I think it only passes X & Y.
04:45.18*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
04:45.57Chaotic_D... wait a second. the TomTom and Cartographer_Waypoints functions... oh. TomTom only takes X&Y, Cartographer takes two additional variables.
04:46.06clad|bookTomTom takes z,c,x,y
04:46.07clad|bookalways have
04:46.24Chaotic_DTomTom:AddWaypoint(tonumber(x), tonumber(y), quest..", "..noteseg)
04:46.26clad|bookthey're different API functions
04:46.46clad|booklocal playerName = UnitName("player")
04:46.46clad|bookfunction TomTom:Initialize()
04:46.46clad|bookself.defaults = {
04:46.47clad|bookprofile = {
04:46.47clad|bookclearwaypoints = true,
04:46.47clad|bookshow = true,
04:46.49clad|booklock = false,
04:46.51clad|bookworldmap = true,
04:46.53clad|bookcursor = true,
04:46.55clad|booktooltip = true,
04:46.57clad|bookalpha = 1,
04:46.59clad|booknotes = {
04:47.16*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|book (
04:47.17Chaotic_D"wrong window"?
04:47.45clad|bookself.Text:SetText(string.format("%d/%d/%.2f/%.2f", c, z, x*100, y*100))
04:48.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
04:49.31Wobworkoh man clad =P
04:49.35Wobworkpastey =P
04:49.49clad|bookhow much of that came across
04:49.51clad|booksorry about that
04:49.55clad|bookhastey copy/paste
04:49.57Chaotic_Dhrm. don't suppose anyone knows off the top of their head where I can lookup zone #'s with their real names, eh?
04:50.05clad|bookChaotic_D: function TomTom:AddZWaypoint(c,z,x,y,desc,silent)
04:50.09clad|bookyeah it was an accident
04:50.18abugyou closed a table with an else statement
04:50.41WobworkChaotic_D: You can via the Blizzard API
04:51.00Chaotic_Dbecause I just realized I'll have to script in the locations for... bah. screw that. I'll go back to auto-detecting NPCs through LightHeaded. I thought it was busted so I had just resigned myself to coding in the X,Y locs in the scripts. :S
04:52.51Chaotic_Dtoo bad LightHeaded doesn't let you look up the quest start/end objects. like for Buzzbox ###, or Beached Sea [whatever].
04:53.13clad|bookthat would be _yet_ another database
04:53.19clad|bookand there are too many items that don't have static locations.
04:53.22clad|bookin otherwords, I cba
04:53.43Chaotic_D...can't be... "arsed"?
04:54.07Chaotic_Dman, how can you put slang into an acronym? that's misleading.
04:54.45Chaotic_DI never understood "arsed".
04:54.50Wobworkcba is pretty typical =)
04:55.01Shirikimo clad|book should kick himself
04:55.04Shirikfor spam
04:55.09Shirikevil clad|book
04:55.16Chaotic_Dnever heard it before. I just guessed, because I heard someone use that phrase recently.
04:55.24*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o clad|book] by ChanServ
04:55.27*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Shirik!n=ncladhai@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by clad|book (clad|book)
04:55.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
04:55.33clad|bookShirik: no
04:55.46ckknightyou kick people too often
04:55.46ShirikI don't have autorejoin on here
04:56.00Shirik14(0011:5511:1914) 14(1115purl14) You have 2 messages awaiting, from: josh_borke, joshborke (botmail read)
04:56.01clad|bookShirik: <3
04:56.07ShirikI'm debating over whether or not I WANT to read those
04:56.13WobworkI know whats in them =P
04:56.36ShirikI do too, without even looking
04:56.44Shirikit has something to do with acing RDX or something along those lines
04:56.53Shirikdespite the fact that the RDX project has been terminated
04:57.00ckknightpurl, botmail to Shirik: (   º   Y   º   )
04:57.13Wobwork<arnie>You haff been ERASED</arnie>
04:57.20Shirikanyway, night
04:57.26Shirik|zZz<3 clad|book
04:58.16Wobworkhehe Contra 4
04:58.30WobworkIf I had a NDS I'd so get that
04:59.53*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
05:01.37*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
05:02.12Chaotic_DWhy does LightHeaded only send TomTom/Cartographer X & Y for loc?
05:02.23clad|sleepit doesn't.
05:02.30clad|sleep1.) user comments only come with x,y... so that's all i send
05:02.38clad|sleep2.) npc locations have c,z,x,y, and I send all four of them.
05:02.48Chaotic_Dahhhh. -_-;
05:02.50clad|sleep3.) I cannot magically infer what zone a user commenting on wowhead means when they type 45,55
05:03.29abugout of pixie dust?
05:03.48Chaotic_Dman, I should have searched more than once. it's right there. :S
05:04.58clad|sleepnight all
05:08.05Chaotic_DI think added 12 hours to my playtime, and only went from right below level 18 to less than halfway to 20. :S (less than 1.5 levels)
05:08.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (
05:09.18Chaotic_Duhg. 17 hours played time. I'm so bad at this game. I just don't have the coordination to be really efficient, or do PVP.
05:10.10Chaotic_DI can't do that hunter trick where your pet fights one mob and you fight another.
05:11.21*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
05:13.54AellaThe Armory considers a char hybrid iff 3 * (tree2 - tree3) >= 2 * (tree1 - tree3)
05:13.57AellaCould someone put that in <> for me?
05:15.36AellaWish I could log into the forums. *unhappy*
05:16.26abugyou use irc at work too?
05:16.36AellaYeah, when I feel the need.
05:16.41abugrock on
05:16.57AellaI still want someone to post that >.>
05:17.02Wobworkman, who uses irc at work?
05:17.04WobworkSlackers =P
05:17.16abugI'd post it but I don't know what to call you
05:17.25AellaI don't use irc at work, I use ircatwork.
05:17.38Aella<- Aella.
05:18.06WobworkChaotic_D: You have to learn to kite
05:19.04Chaotic_DI tried. it's impossible to get the timing right.
05:19.23Wobworkthat's what wingclip is for
05:19.32Chaotic_Dthe ranged cooldown doesn't tell you when to stop moving. you're actually supposed to stop well in advance before it refreshes.
05:19.35Wobworkand, once you hit 20, you can use freezing trap if things get iffy
05:19.41AellaAand I'm off to see the wizard... the wonderful wizard of SLEEP
05:19.43*** part/#wowi-lounge Aella (
05:19.46Chaotic_DI tried wingclip. it never works.
05:19.55Wobworkyou can spam it til it does
05:20.00Wobworkit's only a GCD
05:20.08Chaotic_Da what?
05:20.13Wobworkglobal cooldown
05:20.34sag_ich_nichtlern2imp. wingclip
05:20.57Wobworkchance to immobilise the target
05:21.04sag_ich_nichtimproved wingclip
05:21.23Wobworkalso, if you're doing that, only grind on mobs of a lower level
05:21.37Wobworkmake sure your melee weapon skill is high enough for the wingclip to hit
05:21.58sag_ich_nichthunters without melee weapon skill=fail
05:22.05Chaotic_Deh. I just got weapon training, so they're all low level except for dagger. -_-;
05:22.15Wobworktrain it up on something suitably low level
05:22.24Wobworklook for a mob that can heal itself
05:22.33Wobworkand just wail away at it to level up
05:23.37WobworkChaotic_D: basically, kiting is a skill you will -have- to learn =)
05:23.42Wobworkit's essential for a hunter
05:23.47Wobwork(for any class, really)
05:23.53Corrodiasi don't advise that method for grinding, though
05:23.54Chaotic_DI see. thanks. hopefully that won't be too difficult to find. I did see some recently, but that was before I took a long trip away from that zone to Stormwind City.
05:24.03Corrodiasor for soloing unless you really have to do it that way
05:24.05Chaotic_DI didn't kite as a shaman.
05:24.14WobworkWell you -can-
05:24.24Wobworkbut it's usually easier to just burn the mob down
05:24.32WobworkHunters -need- to kite
05:24.37Wobworkcause their best dps is ranged
05:24.39Corrodiasonce i started to understand the hunter class, i realized that it's so much more complex, so much harder to use properly than my druid is
05:24.41Chaotic_Dyeah. I liked playing a shaman so much better.
05:25.03WobworkA whole lot more micromanagement =)
05:25.07Chaotic_DI just don't know if I have the coordination to play a hunter.
05:25.08Wobworkespecially with a pet
05:25.20Chaotic_DI hate micromanagement. I never learned it in StarCraft.
05:25.23WobworkIt's not too hard, really
05:25.34WobworkMore really, it's sectional management
05:25.55Wobworkat 70, it's often, switching between trapping, pet attacks and ranged
05:26.14Chaotic_Dyou have to think about multiple mobs in addition to hitting more buttons.
05:26.38Wobworkyou set your trap, grab your assigned, (and if you're coordinated enough, send in pet to kill skull) trap it, keep pet up while dpsing, retrap, retarget when first target is down, repeat
05:26.44Chaotic_DI don't know how the buttons are supposed to be set up. I always run out of slots.
05:26.57Chaotic_Ddo you not get traps until level 20?
05:27.02Corrodiaswell, for that, you HAVE to use macros
05:27.10Wobworkfreezing trap at 20
05:27.12Corrodiasthere just is no way to perform well in combat if you can't hit everything with keys
05:27.49Wobworkoh I use buttons for my stings/arcane/multi
05:27.50Corrodiasmy control+1-6 are for traps, alt+control+1-6 for stings, and numbers and shift+numbers for various other shots and activities
05:28.02Corrodiashalf of them do something different when i'm holding alt
05:28.19WobworkI mean, they're all mapped to 1-6
05:28.23Wobworkbut I still mouseclick
05:29.07WobworkI use hotkeys for KC, to Mark/petattack though
05:29.44Chaotic_Dthey need a horizontal scrollwheel below the spacebar, or for your feet, in place of mouse-turning, for WoW. because all these buttons need two hands, but movement with cursor keys sucks.
05:30.04Wobworkyeah, you -have- to learn to mouseturn
05:30.27Wobworkbut you can one=hand 1-6
05:30.33Wobworkand modifier1-6
05:30.44Corrodiasin fact, i was just about to start playing my hunter again
05:30.53Chaotic_Dctrl+alt+1-6 one-handed? :>
05:31.06Wobworkmaybe a little more complex =)
05:31.06Corrodiaswell, i don't think i have 6 stings
05:31.12Corrodiasmore like ctrl+alt+1-4
05:31.16WobworkI can get 1-5
05:31.40Wobworknah, my problem with wasd is that it's out of synch with normal touchtyping
05:31.47sag_ich_nicht1-6, and 7 if i have to. healspells are on 8-0, i don't need WASD when i heal
05:31.51WobworkI should learn to rsdf
05:32.08sag_ich_nichtyou mena rdfg?
05:32.12Corrodiasyeah, i can comfortably reach alt+5 and shift+6
05:32.26Wobworkisn't f the home key?
05:32.48Wobworkso why shift one more to the right?
05:32.55Wobworksame problem with wasd =)
05:32.59sag_ich_nichtyou don't?
05:33.23Wobworkwell, I'm saying I should use esdf so I don't have to shift out of touchtyping
05:33.26sag_ich_nichtthen you mean esdf?
05:33.35sag_ich_nichtyou typed rsdf
05:33.37sag_ich_nichtnot esdf
05:33.47Wobworkmy bad
05:35.08WobworkI <3 my hunter
05:35.15Wobworkcombat traps were the best change ever
05:35.21Wobwork(aside from BM)
05:35.46Chaotic_DI wonder if the complexity of the hunter class gives it better results in combat... (I'm PVE)
05:35.49WobworkI've been considering respeccing survival...
05:35.56Chaotic_Dif not, I want an easier solo class.
05:36.11WobworkHunter is one of the best solo class
05:36.13Wobworkcause of the pet
05:36.21WobworkWarlocks are the same once you hit 40
05:36.24Wobworkfor the draintanking
05:36.48sag_ich_nichthunters can afk kill any non-elite mob if they are beastmaster
05:36.51sag_ich_nichtpet, autoshot, afk
05:37.06Corrodiaseach class brings something to the table to a raid. soloing, they can all hold their own.
05:37.16Wobworkexcept melee hunters
05:37.20Wobworkcause wtf? =)
05:37.28Chaotic_D... I heard priests couldn't solo well either.
05:37.38WobworkShadowpriests can melt faces like nothing else
05:37.40Corrodiasoh, i was having a blast on my priest at 43
05:37.41sag_ich_nichtclasses/specs that can not solo:
05:37.48sag_ich_nicht1. Healpriest
05:37.56WobworkEven holy priests with lolsmite can do pretty well
05:38.03sag_ich_nicht2. Protectionwarriors
05:38.09WobworkResto druids
05:38.20WobworkProt Pallies
05:38.25sag_ich_nichtSTOP RIGHT THERE
05:38.30sag_ich_nichtprot paladin can VERY well solo
05:38.53Corrodiasoh hell yes.
05:39.00Wobworkkk true that
05:39.02Corrodiassome paladins go prot for the purpose of soloing
05:39.03Wobworkwhat was I thinking?
05:39.11WobworkI can't recall
05:39.12sag_ich_nichtyou can pull half of elemental plateau as prot paladin and aoe down all of it
05:39.23WobworkMaybe I meant single pull kills
05:39.36Wobworkcause aoe, they rule, natch
05:39.42WobworkI hate having pally tanks as a hunter
05:39.49Wobworkit's impossible to peel off mobs for trapping
05:39.49sag_ich_nichtWobwork why
05:40.07sag_ich_nichtno, it's not
05:40.15WobworkI can sit there and aimshot/distractshot/arcaneshot and they still don't shift =P
05:40.16sag_ich_nichtyou peel the mob off BEFORE the paladin pulls
05:40.20Wobworkwell of course
05:40.22sag_ich_nichthunters pull
05:40.31Chaotic_DI wish it was easier to figure out how to play this game. :(
05:40.33Wobworkbut if you're trying to do otherwise
05:40.34sag_ich_nichtif you have a hunter, the hunter pulls. everyone who tells you something else is a moron.
05:40.47WobworkOh I don't mind if a warrior pulls
05:41.20sag_ich_nichtdistraction shot > body pull
05:41.33sag_ich_nicht-distraction +misdirection
05:41.45Wobworkof course, but majority of the time it's not worth the effort if the tank is good
05:42.05Chaotic_DI can't just intuit how to do things properly. I mean I played a Horde shaman up to level 46 and I never learned how to level properly, or what combat strategies there were other than the basic timing changes figured out of the basic moves.
05:42.06Wobworkwhy make the pull more complex if it's not needed?
05:42.07sag_ich_nichtquestion, can you misdirection+distraction and the distraction aggro adds to the tank aggro? :O
05:42.41WobworkChaotic_D: You need to instance more =)
05:43.09WobworkGroup with similar classed people in instances
05:43.19Wobworksee how they work and emulate them if it appears to be working
05:43.35Chaotic_DWobwork: that would require PUGing (a term I just learned) or finding a guild. I'm so bad with people.
05:43.40Wobworkhehe FD hardly ever resists
05:43.44sag_ich_nichtChaotic_D guess you never played an MMO before?
05:43.55sag_ich_nichtactually, *an
05:43.57Chaotic_Dno, I played lots of MMOs.
05:43.59Wobworkan =)
05:44.17Chaotic_DEverQuest. (never got a guild that actually did anything. solo play beyond a certain level was painful. I quit.)
05:44.27sag_ich_nichtlol EQ
05:44.34Chaotic_DPhantasy Star Online. (no grouping required. action-RPG)
05:44.52WobworkI reckon grouping is an essential part of any MMO
05:44.57Chaotic_DSaga of Ryzom. found a guild by chance. we did stuff.
05:45.02WobworkYou might as well be playing an offline game otherwise
05:45.27Wobworkand a good pug is a wonder to behold =)
05:45.34sag_ich_nichtno, it's not
05:45.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
05:45.36*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
05:45.40sag_ich_nichtif it has a good leader
05:45.42Wobworkthe bad pugs? well, the less said the better =)
05:45.46Chaotic_Dmy Ryzom guild was pretty good. I think we could do almost anything. but we were still small.
05:45.54sag_ich_nichtyou find friends over pugs
05:45.58Wobworkit's true
05:46.09sag_ich_nichtand possibly a guild
05:46.18sag_ich_nichtthe thing you have to do, is not just invite everyone
05:46.22Chaotic_DI'm just... very... very... very inexperienced with the social stuff.
05:46.30sag_ich_nichtChaotic_D how old are you
05:46.34WobworkChaotic_D: is a good hunter blog for hunter tricks and tactics
05:46.39Chaotic_D29, I think.
05:46.53Corrodiascareful, Wobwork, that might be too much to handle right off the bat!
05:46.58Wobworkaye possibly
05:47.13Wobworkit's certainly a large amount of information
05:47.17Chaotic_Dage isn't a good indicator of anything.
05:47.26Corrodiasi think i can slip right back into my hunter with minimal pain
05:47.52WobworkI dunno, I keep trying to hit Feign Death on my rogue =P
05:47.56Corrodiasi tried switching to a ravager, but i simply MUST have my cat back, so i'm going to have to level the pet a little bit. that's okay, though, because i want to get some instance experience before continuing with quests, anyway
05:48.01Corrodiasi need more trapping practice
05:48.12Wobworktrapping is so much fun =)
05:48.25WobworkI try to get them in the most inaccessible locations within the instance
05:48.28Wobworkand pose them
05:48.34Wobworkfor aesthetics
05:48.50sag_ich_nichtChaotic_D not to be an ass or anything, but if you're that old and can't deal with people in basic social interaction, you might have a Social anxiety disorder or something similiar >.>
05:49.00Chaotic_Ddid they already change trapping so you can do it during battle? since BC exp?
05:49.22Chaotic_Dthat's one problem gone.
05:49.22sag_ich_nicht2 seconds aim time, then they are ready to trap something
05:49.33Corrodiaschain-trapping with freezing traps is now a skill required to consider yourself a good hunter
05:49.36Wobworkit means that a hunter, with good timing, and good sense of location/line of sight, can chain trap indefinitely
05:49.52sag_ich_nichts/hunter/survival hunter/
05:49.59Wobworkany hunter
05:50.11WobworkBeastLord set bonus helps
05:50.12sag_ich_nichttoo much resist chance :O
05:50.31Chaotic_Dsag_ich_nicht: re: disorder. eh. sure.
05:50.40WobworkSince we're the only CC that can effectively trap the majority of mobs, and do so repeatedly. it's an essential skill to end up with
05:51.04sag_ich_nichtChaotic_D i'm serious, you are reffering to social interaction as "the social stuff", like it's some akward unknown monster or something
05:51.24Corrodiasyou're talking to people via IRC. what more is there to know?
05:51.25Chaotic_Dit's not the only problem I have, and it's not really anything new to me.
05:51.53Corrodiasdon't take items unannounced and don't act like a jackass and people mostly consider you normal
05:51.55Chaotic_Dtalking to people on the internet does not take a lot of skill.
05:52.12sag_ich_nichtactually, it does, but that's besides the point
05:53.18Chaotic_Dwell, it does if you have serious problems, like if you've got autism or you're developmentally challenged. I'm just mid-range. I function at a level where most people just think I'm really strange or annoying, because I seem like I'm normal but I keep screwing up.
05:53.23sag_ich_nichti mean if you really have problems with social interaction there are ways to help you, but i'll stop now, i might as well be wrong and you're just shy :P
05:53.45*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
05:54.18Chaotic_Dyeah. wowi-lounge isn't the place to solve gaming problems with psychological and/or medical advice/solutions. :>
05:54.59sag_ich_nichtnot like i am capable of doing that, that'd lie in the hands of a professional
05:55.25*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
05:55.33Chaotic_DWobwork: too wordy for an internet catchphrase.
05:55.43Wobworkyeah =(
05:55.50Wobworklrn2notcrazy mebbe
05:56.08Chaotic_Dnah. internet would just say lrn2notemo
05:56.36Chaotic_Din the internet's eyes, psychology is nothing but emo crap.
05:57.12Chaotic_Dit is. the majority of people on the internet can not distinguish between legitimate psychological problems and "emo".
05:57.33Chaotic_Dah well. it's the internet. limited communication both ways.
05:57.35sag_ich_nicht...the majority of people on the internet are also complete fuckwads.
05:57.48WobworkOn the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.
05:58.18Chaotic_Dfiguratively, or literally? :>
05:59.13sag_ich_nicht~slap Wobwork
05:59.14purlACTION slaps Wobwork, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
05:59.21sag_ich_nicht~whaleslap Wobwork
05:59.22purlACTION beats Wobwork upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
05:59.29abug~whaleparry purl
05:59.29purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry purl's attacks.
05:59.30Wobwork~whaleparry sag_ich_nicht
05:59.31purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry sag_ich_nicht's attacks.
05:59.39*** join/#wowi-lounge _art3mis (
05:59.54sag_ich_nichtoh geez
05:59.56sag_ich_nichtokay fine
05:59.59Corrodiasto my eye, WoW doesn't have much lasting appeal without other players
06:00.02sag_ich_nichtyou didn't want it any other way
06:00.03purlWhalefu is an ancient irc fighting style of unknown origin that was mastered and extended by Neronix
06:00.09sag_ich_nicht~whalenuke Wobwork
06:00.10purlACTION dons his radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around Wobwork with his mind powers
06:00.18Wobwork~whaleshield sag_ich_nicht
06:00.25*** join/#wowi-lounge _art3mis (
06:00.25Wobworkaw =)
06:00.29Wobworkthey dropped that
06:00.36Chaotic_DI think the key for my psychological problems is going to be gaining ego. That's where a human's control is built on from birth. until then, I think I'm resigned to playing a hunter like a noob, and leveling slowly. -_-;
06:01.08sag_ich_nichtChaotic_D /r/eq. armory link
06:01.18sag_ich_nichtstupid habbit
06:01.19abugyour id needs to play too
06:01.29Chaotic_Dmaybe I can still get to level 60 in a month.
06:01.45Corrodiaswell sure, it's possible to play solo with a hunter extremely effectively
06:01.48Chaotic_Don only casual play. this 6-12 hours of play in a day is just too much.
06:02.00sag_ich_nichtarmory gimme
06:02.04Corrodiasand you never really have to learn to be a good hunter to solo decently
06:02.06WobworkThere is a stupid amount of hunters on my server
06:02.12Wobworks/server/time zone/
06:02.30Wobworkmostly due to the fact it's easier to solo with, and getting parties is so difficult
06:03.07Wobworkart3mis: looks pretty good
06:03.12Wobworkremuneration wise =)
06:03.24Chaotic_Dwhat's to learn from the armory? I'm a little reluctant to share my in-game ID.
06:03.40Chaotic_Dmy real life psychological profile however is an open book.
06:03.42Wobworksag_ich_nicht: Probably not going to get much
06:03.48Wobworknot from a level 19 character
06:03.53sag_ich_nichtoh noes we know your character name we will invade your server and flame you to death!
06:04.08Corrodiashere's where my hunter is heading:
06:04.40sag_ich_nichtjust interest Chaotic_D, since you said you said you had problems with doing the whole l2p thing, i figured i might as well help you with it :P
06:04.41Corrodiassome would say that skipping mortal shots is silly
06:04.50Wobworkyeah =)
06:04.55Wobworkintending to raid?
06:04.56Corrodiasi did the math and was unimpressed by a probably 3.6% dps increase for 5 points
06:05.15Corrodiasat least, not as impressed as what else i could get for those 5
06:05.22Corrodiasgood god, i suck
06:05.28Corrodias*not as impressed by that as by what else
06:05.36Corrodias*unimpressed by a probable 3.6%
06:05.57Chaotic_Dwell, I'm currently on the free trial for... 1 more day. then going to plug in my auth. code. (hopefully the online store I bought this opened copy from, who claimed it had unused auth. codes, is legit)
06:06.00Corrodiasraiding = i'd like to say yes. i don't know if i'll ever actualyl take him in a raid, but i want to.
06:06.52Chaotic_Dthey mailed the product. it's not just online. they had lots of feedback. and they specified the codes were unregistered.
06:07.07Corrodiaswell, let us know how it goes
06:07.47*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:07.47*** join/#wowi-lounge thekip ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:07.47Chaotic_DI don't know if technically Blizzard has a problem with that. I suspect it's nowhere near even the level of gold farmers who DON'T advertise in-game.
06:09.06Chaotic_DI actually got an in-game advertisement. :S group invite, game guide ad, disband group.
06:09.14Corrodiasselling keys without the physical box? i don't think they care about that
06:09.19Chaotic_DI don't know if I should have reported that...
06:10.39Corrodiasthe answer is yes, really
06:11.54Chaotic_Dwell technically they don't want people selling used copies of the game. they will let you transfer ownership of the game, both physical property and ownership of the account, but they don't want you selling it.
06:12.36Corrodiasactually, i don't think you can transfer accounts
06:13.06sag_ich_nichtyou can, but only if the last name of the account holders is the same
06:13.17sag_ich_nichtshaddup, purl
06:14.46Chaotic_Dwhah? well, maybe not the account, but the authorization codes, which lets you create an account. they just don't want the previous owner to play any more, and they don't want anyone profitting off virtual stuff.
06:14.54Corrodiaspurl, yiff
06:14.54purlyiff is, like,
06:15.17Corrodiasi'm not aware that an account creation code can be used more than once
06:15.40Corrodiasbut the point is, i don't think they will -actually- care where the code came from that activates an account
06:15.58Corrodiasit should work fine as long as it hasn't been used before
06:15.59Chaotic_Dyou can't delete your account and then the person you transfer the game to can then create a new account without you having to give them your credit card number?
06:16.19*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
06:16.29Chaotic_Dmeh. nevermind. it doesn't matter.
06:16.32sag_ich_nichtno, you can NOT resell the game. the auth code is used up and gone.
06:16.34Corrodiasas far as i'm aware, you can't delete accounts
06:16.42sag_ich_nichtactually, you can
06:16.49sag_ich_nichtif you really bug blizzard about it
06:17.38IrielIt still wont re-activate the code that created the account tho
06:17.59Chaotic_Dseems pointless. unless... you wanted the character names, after you had bought a second copy and didn't want to renew your previous copy. or the example I used where you give your game to someone else.
06:18.13sag_ich_nichtit has a point
06:18.15sag_ich_nichtMAKING MORE PROFIT
06:18.26Corrodiasyou can give your CD to somebody else, but they can't make an account with it
06:18.38sag_ich_nichthey there iriel. care to punch someone into updating sprocket? :P
06:18.43Corrodiasonce characters are deleted, the names are available again, yes?
06:19.19sag_ich_nicht...then it will never happen.
06:20.28sag_ich_nichtbut maybe you could tell me what parts of the state headers/secure templets where aimed at sprocket being able to be revived? :O
06:20.55IrielThe pie header
06:21.01Irieland the up down header, IIRC
06:21.33Chaotic_Dit's difficult to play WoW and not let your body decay. it demands a lot of time.
06:22.00sag_ich_nichtshould have kinda seen it
06:22.12sag_ich_nicht(no, i'm NOT volunteering to rewrite it :P)
06:23.34art3misso i got bored
06:23.52sag_ich_nichtart3mis rewrite sprocket!
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06:24.38sag_ich_nichtjesus christ art3mis
06:24.44art3misi think ill submit it for the default paladin ui
06:24.46sag_ich_nichtYOU FUCKED UP THE ASPECT RATIO D:
06:25.05art3misyeah one sec actually
06:25.42sag_ich_nichtalso needs more pink in the fubar
06:25.56Chaotic_Dif LightHeaded:LoadNPCData(NPCID) then for c,z,x,y in LightHeaded:IterateNPCLocs(NPCID) do
06:26.33art3misthere we go refresh proper aspect
06:26.34Chaotic_Ddo I have to make two sets of c,z,x,y to get the data out of there? I seem to recall you can't just call it once, or pull the data from the last iteration out...
06:26.46art3mislaugh why ya sobbing cairenn?
06:27.51Chaotic_Dfirst and last iterations give you nil values, right?
06:27.56Corrodiasi wonder if takes personal checkes
06:28.03Corrodiaschecks. cheques.
06:28.57bleeterI love it when I'm right... even if I thought I was prolly wrong
06:29.47Chaotic_Dstill using the old line?
06:29.48art3misCairenn|afk: its beautiful aint it ;P
06:30.41bleeteranyone know if there's yet another PTR out? I'm kinda expecting a new fmodex.dll ;)
06:31.18Irielbleeter: There is a new patch
06:31.24bleeterwe ran the vendor's example 3d.exe app under wine... it blew up in our faces ;)
06:31.51bleeterIriel: got a datestamp on the fmodex.dll?
06:32.02IrielI'm on a mac, will I have one? 8-)
06:32.17Chaotic_DI see macros with /target /cast auto shot /petattack. is there a way to make autoshot and petattack conditional on targetting the proper mob?
06:32.59Irielbleeter: Negative, let me fire my PC back up
06:33.26bleeterto quote wine's dsound maintainer...
06:33.30bleeter"> Running the tests, it seems '3d.exe' is the culprit. It does the
06:33.30bleeter> LoadLibrary(dsound) enumerate, toy some with caps for every listed
06:33.30bleeter> device. FreeLibrary(dsound), then enumerate again on the freed library.
06:33.38bleeterI wonder why that even works in windows, doesn't seem like a legal move
06:33.39bleeter> to me.
06:34.27CorrodiasChaotic_D: depends on what you define as the "proper mob"
06:36.17Chaotic_Dwell... if it actually selects a target.
06:36.36Chaotic_Dhrm... well I guess there would be no harm if it didn't.
06:37.08Corrodiascan't attack something that's not there
06:37.09IrielChaotic_D: You can probably just tack an 'exists' in there
06:37.34Chaotic_DI'm just trying to imagine how it could screw up. perhaps if you already had a mob targetted and accidentally hit this macro, and then started attacking this one. perhaps in the middle of a raid. :>
06:38.16Corrodiaswell, don't go targetting mobs and hitting the attack macro when you don't want to attack them. :D
06:38.35Irielbleeter: fmodex.dll August 06 2007, 10:22PM
06:38.38Chaotic_Dwhat if your finger slips?
06:38.54bleeterIriel: thanks, sounds old.. but I'll double-test it
06:39.04WobworkThen you need to  move your button =)
06:39.33Corrodiasi'd say, slam the escape key to cancel your attacks, press the button that sets your pet back to follow, and announce in vent that you broke crowd control or something so the person responsible knows they need to fix it
06:39.39Corrodias*responsible for that mob
06:39.41WobworkA typical response is often: "Oh damn, I need to move my Xspell away from my YspellthatIcastallthetime"
06:40.30Corrodiaseveryone will make mistakes. what determines success in the raid, therefore, is everyone's ability to minimize them and adapt to them
06:41.04Chaotic_Draids seem like machines. you just conform to the plan and don't deviate.
06:41.14Wobworkhehe never happen
06:41.21WobworkStuff will always go wrong
06:41.27Wobworksome mob will resist taunt
06:41.32Wobworksome mob will resist trap/sheep
06:41.36Wobworketc etc
06:41.50Wobworkit's the adaptability of the raid that determines how good it is
06:42.11Corrodiasthe idea is to get a plan and stick to it, with the ability to adapt to changing situations
06:42.29WobworkIf you, as a hunter, are on the ball enough to see a squishy getting beaten up on, and noone responding, and send your pet to offtank it, you're being flexible
06:42.44Wobwork(while still doing whatever job you're currently assigned)
06:43.23WobworkOr a rogue can try and blind it, mage nova it, warlock fear it, etc to keep it busy enough for the proper tank to pick it back up
06:43.26Chaotic_DI'm not adaptable. things go wrong, I die.
06:43.34WobworkYou'll learn =)
06:43.37bleeterjust confirming, the latest update doesn't contain an expected fmodex.dll fix, but the firelight guy is @ blizz all this week, so we still have hope ;)
06:43.42Corrodiasi might recommend a different class for you, then
06:43.46Corrodiaslet me think
06:44.36Chaotic_DI liked playing shaman.
06:44.36Corrodiasa possibility. rogue, mage, even warlock. not hunter.
06:44.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
06:44.50Wobworkrogue is nice
06:45.06Wobworkrelatively easy, with a well defined job
06:45.11Corrodiasbeing a good hunter demands a lot more of the player in terms of knowing what's going on and being able to fix problems as they arise
06:45.16art3mishe's like a combination of gumby and hercules!
06:45.17Chaotic_Dhow are druids? I tried one a little bit... seemed a little more complicated than shaman.
06:45.26Wobworkdruids are complicated =)
06:45.26art3misgumbercules?!?! I LOVE THAT GUY!
06:45.32Corrodiaschain trapping is especially tricky in this regard. sometimes your traps WILL be resisted and you have to be able to deal with it.
06:45.56Wobworkeither by tanking (if you have a few seconds left on cooldown) or fding before the healer heals you
06:45.59Corrodiasdruids can be, depending on how they're played
06:46.16WobworkWell, druids, being hybrids have a larger range of options available to them for any situation
06:46.19Chaotic_DI hear they can tank better than rogues.
06:46.25Wobworkoh totally
06:46.32Wobworkferal tanks are fantastic
06:46.39Corrodiasmine is a tank (not a good choice for someone who isn't highly adaptable)
06:46.53Corrodiasbeing a cat is easier than being a rogue, as far as i know. at least, it's simpler.
06:47.09Wobworkwell, there's less choice of skills
06:47.24Corrodiasi have the choice of mangle from the front or shred from the back. from what i can tell, rogues have to choose weapon specs that emphasize certain styles of play.
06:47.26Wobworkmanglemanglemanglemanglemangle =)
06:47.34Chaotic_Dmy best friend had a warrior and a rogue. boy, rogue seemed like an odd job.
06:47.40Wobworkrogue is a lot of fun
06:47.42Chaotic_Der, I should say level 60 warrior and rogue.
06:48.06Wobworkyou have a lot of special attacks and a range of 'finishing moves'
06:48.15Wobworkthat you can unleash depending on the situation
06:48.23Wobworkeg, pally tank, you can use expose armor
06:48.45Wobworkotherwise you eviscerate or rupture or SlicenDice (for more dps)
06:48.45Corrodiasfor a druid, that's "rip unless it's bleed immune or near death; otherwise bite"
06:49.02Wobworkor Kidney Shot if there's trouble/casting
06:49.16Corrodiasrogues certainly have a much larger bag of tricks than cats
06:49.35Wobworkyou can interrupt spells a few ways, Kidney Shot, Kick and thingie...
06:50.09sag_ich_nicht[08:43] <bleeter> just confirming, the latest update doesn't contain an expected fmodex.dll fix, but the firelight guy is @ blizz all this week, so we still have hope ;) <--firelight guy?
06:50.25bleetersag_ich_nicht: fmodex.dll lead programmer ;)
06:50.34WobworkGouge =)
06:50.47sag_ich_nichtalso, i suggest you report this behavior of 3d.exe and for that matter fmodx in general on the PTR forums, since the same behaviour happens on windows and is probably illegal(but works anyway)
06:51.21sag_ich_nichtbleeter: from where do you know that? :O
06:51.43Chaotic_DI wonder if I can adequately (as opposed to efficiently) play a hunter better than I adequately play a shaman...
06:51.46bleetersag_ich_nicht: I opened a direct discussion this morning with the authors of fmodex.dll, after initially brushing us Winers aside as an unsuported platform, after two or three more exchanges, we were pointed at the fmodex test suite from their public API
06:52.18bleetersag_ich_nicht: when we ran the sample 3d.exe program under wine, it blew up in our faces in exactly the same way we see WoW 2.2 do it, and the same way we see reports of Eve Online and Red Ocean do it
06:52.21sag_ich_nichtbleeter: where did you do that? mailed firelight directly?
06:52.56art3mishehe posted it to that girly ui thread ;P
06:53.02bleetersag_ich_nicht: the wine dsound guy then gave a description of the operations we were seeing occurring, and the firelight chappy pretty much admitted that although what he had worked - it probably shouldn't be working and would adjust his code accordingly
06:53.15Chaotic_DI like shaman. lay down totems depending on how much mana you're spending, lightning bolt, lightning bolt, alternate between flame shock and earth shock to keep the DOT on, and lightning shields.
06:53.35Wobworkkrka hehe yeah
06:53.51sag_ich_nichtbleeter: nice... now how did you contact them? mail firelight direclty?
06:53.52bleetersag_ich_nicht: yup, direct email. last night the WoW fmodex bugzilla entry was tagged with duplicates of EO and RO. The RO BT also pointed at fmodex, so I figured it was time to mail them direct ;)
06:53.56Chaotic_DI only use totems if I'm fighting a hard mob.
06:54.29Corrodiaswhat is this fmodex.dll?
06:54.35Corrodiaswho is firelight? o.o
06:54.46sag_ich_nichtbleeter: i bet fixing this also fixes quite a bit of the buggy behaviour of 2.2 under vista
06:54.53bleeterCorrodias: cross platform audio API library, opens a dsound thingy and does the mixing.
06:55.08bleetersag_ich_nicht: I suspect it will too ;)
06:55.22Wobworkkrka: so blatent =P
06:55.23bleeterCorrodias: firelight is the company that employs the authors of fmodex.dll
06:57.41sag_ich_nichtbleeter: care to link me the wine bugzilla entry=
06:58.50bleeterI haven't yet entered the details of the email exchange, I want to confirm it's OK to record that publically with the the firelight chappy before I do so. I think it should be OK, but.. well, some people can get touchy ;)
06:59.18bleeterbut yeah, if you look at the duplicate bug erros, and their bt/st's, it starts to become fairly obvious what's happening ;)
06:59.24Nom-Anyone know what was fixed in the latest PTR patch ?
06:59.34Nom-I heard Vista problems, but I wasn't actually having any problems...
06:59.46Nom-Not since the patch before this one :)
07:00.24bleeterI suspect the vista/audio issues which are similar to what we're seeing under Wine come down to internal latency of individual machines, which despite any hardware data gathering cannot really be measured.
07:01.07bleeterhence, they appear to be 'random'
07:01.56sag_ich_nichti suspect this comes from the illegal behaviour... like when you get the speed for an app from the CPU tact instead of the clock tact
07:01.58bleeterNom-: aye, I really wish blizz did a ChangeLog, not just patch notes, on the PTR.
07:02.14sag_ich_nichti wish blizzard always did a changelog
07:02.19bleeterNom-: us testers could then do far more targetted testing
07:02.52Chaotic_DWobwork: that's horrible.
07:03.04Chaotic_DI saw that flash video. blah.
07:05.08sag_ich_nichtthis song, is the most awesome song to listen to while being in an instance
07:05.43Chaotic_DI can't click on it to listen. stupid computer.
07:05.56sag_ich_nichtbecause it's not a link.
07:06.02Chaotic_DI know. it's horrible.
07:08.53Chaotic_DI wish I could do something productive. playing WoW for almost 12 hours is not fulfilling.
07:08.56sag_ich_nichtbleeter good that you kept investigating, maybe i'll get a non-broken live patch next week
07:09.05sag_ich_nichtChaotic_D don't you have a job or something?
07:09.17sag_ich_nichtwell get one.
07:09.43Chaotic_Dehhh. I don't know...
07:09.47WobworkMoney is good
07:09.54sag_ich_nichtit buys food.
07:09.54Chaotic_DI don't care about money.
07:10.00Wobworkas is getting out of the house
07:10.03bleetersag_ich_nicht: well, reading the tea-leaves, I suspect blizzard are hoping to close off 2.2 PTR with a 'last but final' build friday their time, leave it for the weekend and go live this Tuesday.
07:10.15Wobworkbleeter: ><
07:10.19sag_ich_nichtbleeter: same
07:10.35bleeter*apply their usual last minute changes internally, etc. over the weekend whilst waiting for any big explosion bug to appear in forum to cancel this move
07:10.35sag_ich_nichtbleeter: now you have to keep bugging the firelight guys so it gets fixed in time
07:10.38Chaotic_Dyeah, it's all theoretical. I know I'm SUPPOSED to do stuff, but it's not connected to anything in real life as a context.
07:11.22WobworkI suggest you take a year off (... although off what I don't know) and go travel overseas
07:11.24bleetersag_ich_nicht: given Vista's attitude to DLL unloading, I doubt it'll NOT go through. May just not have had time to build/crash test internally, or they did put the change through internally but it blew something else up ;)
07:12.04Wobworkcya al
07:12.17sag_ich_nichtnow have them fix the athlon bugs as well
07:12.20bleeterseriously, the once I got over the 'go away mr random q unsupported-platform-hacker' response from firelight, they were very responsive to us ;)
07:12.35bleeterso I've gotta give them two thumbs up for that :D
07:13.15bleetersag_ich_nicht: I hope that bug doesn't turn out to be on-chip ;)
07:13.44sag_ich_nichtit's not, it's probably some stupid locking problem in blizzard memory managment code
07:13.48sag_ich_nichtwhich needs a rewrite anyway
07:14.14sag_ich_nichtit's horrible ><
07:15.17sag_ich_nicht[09:12] <bleeter> seriously, the once I got over the 'go away mr random q unsupported-platform-hacker' response from firelight, they were very responsive to us ;) <--i'd like to see the email exchange, but i'm willing to wait for clearance from firelight :O
07:16.49sag_ich_nicht(also, i bet some guys at blizz are now biting themself in the ass for having to get help forced upon them from wine testers & developers)
07:18.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (
07:19.37ckknightdolby-wowi: ping
07:20.16bleetersag_ich_nicht: yeah, well the reason I fell off my chair when Hortus replied to my PTR thread with a 'thanks, unsupported, but very useful info' is that day 1 of PTR I reported the issue, and he locked the thread ;)
07:20.59sag_ich_nichti guess they are desperate now
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07:21.25bleeterChangeLog request, direct in PTR forum ->
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07:22.46sag_ich_nichtbleeter haha
07:22.49bleeterhmm, maybe not day #1, no idea when PTR originally came out... but here's the locked thread...
07:23.13bleeter4 weeks ago ;)
07:24.15sag_ich_nichtyeah but you didn't provide a fix there
07:24.27sag_ich_nichti'm still waiting for the day when wine runs faster than native
07:24.33sag_ich_nicht(it already does for some stuff >:O)
07:25.09bleeterand, to be fair to Hortus, I had said we should take the discussion to the WoWWiki linux/wine discussion page
07:28.26bleetermove->suggestions, move->general, move->off topic
07:28.28sag_ich_nichtif General knew of this
07:28.43bleeterthough if one did this, there'd be bugger all in the PTR forum left to read lol
07:29.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
07:30.29sag_ich_nichtimagine what would happen if someone wrote a tl;dr summary of these happenings and posted them on general
07:31.42bleeterother thing blizz could consider doing, giving time to whomever the PTR folks deemed to be "MVT's" during a test phase
07:31.57bleeterwould encourage people to actually test, rather than dick around
07:32.07zenzelezzmost valuable or most vocal?
07:32.22bleeteror visible?
07:33.24bleeterhmm,no not vile... nor vacuous
07:36.03sag_ich_nicht jesus christ the PTR forums are fucked up
07:38.44bleeterMVT suggestion, posted direct to PTR forum
07:38.57sag_ich_nichtyou just want green text
07:38.59sag_ich_nichtadmit it.
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07:39.24bleeterI just think it's fair that if any player invests time and effort in helping blizz sell a better product, it'd be nice if they were rewarded in some form.
07:39.39bleeterfree time/green text/tshirt, I dun care.
07:40.07bleeterwell, not any.. but one who contributes significantly
07:40.28ckknightI want a t-shirt
07:40.33bleeterit's all about the PR ;)
07:40.43bleeterand getting the shit off the PTR forum ;)
07:44.13sag_ich_nichtblizzard just needs more moderators
07:44.16sag_ich_nichta LOT more.
07:46.06*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
07:48.52bleeteranyone would think Orcs use their shoulders to fight with, and contain the most important stat for their race
07:49.16Elessdyis it petty of me to want to level my hunter to raiding status not for the love of the class but rather because i want to show a couple of our guild's hunters what they're doing wrong?
07:50.13bleeteronly downside of being a hunter who knows what they're doing, you automatically get lumped with moron hunters no matter how good you are. I think it takes extra effort ;)
07:51.09Corrodiasi swear, after a couple of them claimed they hadn't even been using their pets on gruul because they died quickly, i just wanted to reach through the internet and SMACK them for it
07:51.42Corrodiasalthough in one case it doesn't seem to matter much, as he steadfastly clings to his flamingo
07:55.09Corrodiasthere are many pets acceptable to the hunter who knows what he's doing. tallstriders aren't among them.
07:55.46Corrodiasor, rather, the hunter who cares about performance and knows how to get it. that's the kind of hunter i want in my raids.
07:56.37bleetertallstrider screams to me 'omg I didn't get a real pet at lvl 10 when my quest pet gave up on me and I grabbed the first thing tha walked past when I went to the crossroads', or similar
07:57.13Corrodiassince his is pink, i can only assume he specifically, intentionally hunted down one of the least useful pets he could
07:58.26Corrodiasin mulgore. he's a troll, so that rather proves it.
08:00.02bleeter says it all really
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08:07.55Corrodiasboth groups finished karazhan in two nights again. my group took only 1 attempt at every boss. huzzah!
08:13.03Corrodiaswell, time for sleep. 'ni
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09:53.27Chaotic_Dwhy does GCC have to be done in Linux?
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10:22.52bleeterum, it doesn't
10:22.58bleeterhell, you can run gcc in windows
10:23.23zenzelezzhe left
10:23.43bleeterwhich was me trying to type 'gah' whilst rolling a ciggie
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11:18.19lolinternetany progress bleeter? :O
11:26.20bleeteron what? far as I'm concerned, I'm waiting for a new PTR build with an fmodex.dll date of around the 29th or 30th of this month
11:26.32bleeter'til then, use the hack... I'm doing Uni assignments :P
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11:37.44sag_ich_nichtbleeter: i meant maybe you got another email from firelight or something
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11:38.53bleetersag_ich_nicht: between 1AM and 4:30AM US time, highly unlikely ;)
11:39.09sag_ich_nichtlike i check my watch :P
11:39.36zenzelezzshould be careful about ehading
11:53.28*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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11:56.13Deadalious|PYLONHey guys
11:56.35Deadalious|PYLONI was just wondering if anyone knows of a mod or script that makes it possible to sell all greens in 1 click, or an auto-vendoring addon
11:57.02ShirikGarbageFu has similar code
11:57.09Shirikwhether or not it's configurable to do that I'm not sure
11:57.16Shirikwhy greens?
11:57.55Xinhuanit would be better to mail all the greens to a guild disenchanter, who DEs it all and sends the dust/shards back to you
11:58.14Xinhuanmy mail is clogged with a few 100 stuff to DE everyday ;p
11:58.32bleeterautoprofit would be pretty easy to hack, i think, to add green selling
11:58.53JoshBorkeyou have to be careful though
12:00.17ShirikI strongly discourage this
12:00.21ShirikI think it would cause more harm than good
12:00.44Shirikyou would be vendoring arcane tomes, fel armaments, recipes
12:00.49Shirikthere's a lot of "good" greens
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12:58.49Deadalious|PYLON<Shirik> I strongly discourage this
12:58.49Deadalious|PYLON<Shirik> I think it would cause more harm than good
12:58.49Deadalious|PYLON<Shirik> you would be vendoring arcane tomes, fel armaments, recipes
12:59.20Deadalious|PYLONShirik|AFK, Thing is, The reason i want this is because i recently started playing on a private server, because it was recommended to break wow addictions, and i had a fairly severe one.
12:59.39Deadalious|PYLONand there is a vendor you buy greens for 0gold, and sell them for 3gold.
12:59.48Deadalious|PYLONSo I buy 4 bags full of the greens, and sell them at 2g each.
12:59.55sag_ich_nichtDeadalious|PYLON we do not support privat servers
13:00.03sag_ich_nichtat all
13:00.07Deadalious|PYLONOk, I do alot of green farming then -_-;?
13:00.19KalrothBit late now. :)
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13:00.31bleeterwhere's a # op when you need one
13:00.53Deadalious|PYLONFair enough
13:01.06Deadalious|PYLONBefore you cream your pants in joy to get rid of me
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13:01.14sag_ich_nichtif you're addicted, just setup parental controls
13:01.16Deadalious|PYLONFuck you :)
13:01.17*** part/#wowi-lounge Deadalious|PYLON (
13:01.18sag_ich_nichtand set it to like 1 minute
13:05.13bleeterthere, I feel all clean again :D
13:06.56RallionI start school again next week after being out of it for 2 1/2 years. nervous. nervous.
13:07.01sag_ich_nichtconsidering he said he's addicted, you're probably helping him with that
13:07.15sag_ich_nichtRallion age and what kind of school
13:07.46Rallion22, just a community college for now, I would have gone to a state school but my transcripts are...uh...problematic
13:07.46bleetersag_ich_nicht: that thought never crossed my mind
13:08.11sag_ich_nichtoh btw BLEETER
13:08.25sag_ich_nichtlog onto the PTR and check the textures in front of the IF AH
13:08.36sag_ich_nichtthe floor there is buggy in live
13:08.40bleeterk, then I really should get back to my assignment
13:08.51sag_ich_nichtmaybe they can fix it last minute on the PTR
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13:10.40bleetersag_ich_nicht: k, I'm in... what about it?
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13:12.13bleeterhmm, seems they use a slope as a floor across the steps, rather than.. erm.. steps
13:12.51Rallioni think they do that everywhere
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13:13.55bleeterRallion: probably, just never bothered looking before. I'm still trying to work out what sag_ich_nicht is trying to report
13:13.56Shirik|EcoleI am so sick of newspeople talking about crap they have no clue about
13:14.13bleeterShirik|Ecole: easily fixed... don't pay attention to news
13:14.14Shirik|Ecole"Remember to disconnect your computer from the internet [when you go away for the holiday]. You don't want thieves hacking into your accounts."
13:15.21bleeterShirik|Ecole: surely it'd be more important to just turn your computer up so if it explodes your house won't burn down ;)
13:16.43RallionShirik, as time goes on I find that I get less and less upset about things, that I'm more able to just relax, about everything except stupid fear-mongering in the media.
13:17.38Rallionand I don't mean like, "Yous gonna get blowed up!", it's more about stuff like that
13:25.24lolinternetjust check the floor textures around the AH building
13:25.27Shirik|Ecolenickserv ghost lolinternet
13:25.32lolinternetyeah i know
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13:26.00ThraeIs that "lol internet" or "loli internet", or both?
13:26.12Shirik|Ecoleboth imo
13:26.17bleetersag_ich_nicht: please, I don't really have the time to play guessing games... just tell me what I'm meant to be looking for!
13:26.26Shirik|Ecoleanyone here have experience with Win32 APIs perhaps?
13:26.30sag_ich_nichtbleeter: compare it to the rest of the floor textures
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13:26.36Shirik|Ecole(Random question before I go off to the MSDN)
13:26.46sag_ich_nichtit's borked, very obvious
13:26.56Shirik|Ecoles/MSDN/MSDN usenet/
13:26.57sag_ich_nicht*of the floor textures in IF
13:27.04sag_ich_nichtokay have to go away
13:27.09sag_ich_nichtmy boss kills me otherwise :O
13:27.26sag_ich_nichtp.s.: it's to the left of the AH
13:28.51Rallionfor the love of all that is sacred somebody tell me what's wrong with the floor!
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13:35.06bleetersag_ich_nicht: nice catch but please try to be to the point next time, I just spent 15 mins NOT doing my assignment 'coz you weren't :/
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13:36.42sag_ich_nichtbleeter: it's also to the right of the AH
13:36.45bleeterRallion: it was sag_ich_nicht's initial vague description that made it hard to find, look on the outside of IF AH, over the left, between the building and the carriage
13:36.47sag_ich_nichtto the right of the AH is even worse
13:37.03bleetergah, someone else get a screenie and post... I'll just update the text
13:37.08bleeterin my report
13:37.15sag_ich_nicht[15:08] <sag_ich_nicht> log onto the PTR and check the textures in front of the IF AH
13:37.19sag_ich_nicht[15:08] <sag_ich_nicht> the floor there is buggy in live
13:37.35sag_ich_nichtit's not like the front of the AH is so big
13:37.42sag_ich_nichti thought it was sufficient D:
13:37.47sag_ich_nichtand then my boss wanted and i had to afk
13:38.01sag_ich_nicht*wanted something
13:38.02bleeter*in front* != left side
13:38.31bleetermore precisely, front != sides... but I'm gone now
13:38.52sag_ich_nichtbleeter i am sorry. anything i can do to make you feel better? :O
13:39.00RallionThat's always been that way, hasn't it?
13:39.40Thraesag_ich_nicht: For a second there, I read it as "boss" as in a NPC boss. * Ragnaros rolls 55 Need (1-100) for [Hand of Ragnaros] <Ragnaros> I want my hand back, dammit!
13:39.44bleetersag_ich_nicht: sure, knight's tour UML diagram with functional description... you have... 15 hours
13:40.43bleeteroh, and you're not allowed to use ints, floats or strings (even tho they're part of the UML spec)
13:40.51bleeterand a bucketload of other stuff in the spec, too
13:41.03sag_ich_nichtyou're screwed
13:41.06sag_ich_nichtgive up :D
13:41.16sag_ich_nicht(or get off IRC)
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13:43.50bleetersag_ich_nicht: indeed
13:44.25sag_ich_nichtkick bleeter
13:44.39sag_ich_nichthe/she/it needs it to get off irc, it seems :P
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13:49.05alestanecladhaire: Not at a machine that can WoW to check: does Clique support setting 'helpbutton' and 'harmbutton' on unit frames to determine what to cast on a particular click?
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13:50.57cladhaireit also support out-of-combat click sets
13:51.24alestaneHow does one set that up? Are there 'sets' for help/harm?
13:52.06cladhairefour sets, default, harmful, helpful and out of combat
13:54.56snegbtw clad your mod, lightheaded, does it fetch stuff real-time or its a db ?
13:55.34amrois enUS significantly different from enGB?
13:55.43cladhaireits all db.. you can't fetch real-time stuff.
13:56.05snegits the same afaik
13:56.26krkacladhaire: what was the problem with coloring history before?
13:56.32krkai didnt understand any of that
13:56.57cladhairefor example, do /lua ChatFrame1:AddMessage("|cFFFF0000Hello|r")
13:57.00cladhaireit works properly
13:57.08cladhaireprinting the colored message
13:57.12cladhairewhen you press up to go to the history
13:57.20cladhaireit gets colored as a string, losing the color codes
13:57.23sag_ich_nicht[15:56] <sneg> its the same afaik <--no, it's not, but that's besides the point
13:57.32krkaoh i see
13:57.46snegwhat are the differences? i have never head of it
13:57.51krkais the history stored in lua or c?
13:58.34cladhaireI suspect its C.. but I don't know.
13:59.17krkaso hard to work around i guess
13:59.26krkayou keep your own copy of the history
14:00.27alestaneDoes sending any chat message with color codes DC you, or just item links?
14:00.59cladhairekrka: well i have to manually call addlinetohistory
14:01.15cladhairejust not sure what i need to do to "fix" it, basically
14:01.18cladhaireand knew you'd know more.
14:01.31krkanot really, i havent messed with the history
14:01.56krkamy best guess would be to modify the input box after it's been changed from history
14:03.45cladhaireFAIAP does
14:03.48cladhaireand that's the problem :P
14:04.54krkafaiap messes with the history? O_o
14:05.14krkafor all indents and purposes, alestane
14:05.43alestaneBtW indents = intents.
14:06.01alestaneOr it should have, anyway.
14:06.05krkathe typo is intended ;)
14:06.29sag_ich_nicht[16:00] <alestane> Does sending any chat message with color codes DC you, or just item links? <--just itemlinks. but you can't send color strings in the chat, wow makes || out of | internally then converts it back at the client side
14:07.03RallionI spend so much time updating addons, and I haven't actually played (except for the AH game!) for about two weeks.
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14:07.52alestaneOh, k, reference to something specific.
14:07.59alestaneGot it.
14:09.15alestanesag_ich_nicht: so you can type them in without getting DC'd, but the color info won't make it through the chat server?
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14:11.00sag_ich_nichtalestane: yes.
14:15.36bleetersag_ich_nicht: it's like that on live.
14:15.48sag_ich_nichtbleeter: i know. and on the PTR :P
14:15.57sag_ich_nichtbut you don't have to tell blizz that >:O
14:16.23sag_ich_nicht(and they might have fixed it on the PTR, because it has been posted in Bugs multiple times already since like 1.9 or something)
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14:18.08cladhairekrka: When I press up intiially, the edit box shows the colored version (red).. but then faiap is re-coloring it to th string color.
14:18.13cladhairethat's the problem i'm having, sorry for not being specific.
14:23.38cladhaireJust trying to figure out how I can get around it =/
14:23.38krkaso it is faiap related atleast then :)
14:24.02krkaweird... where does the red come from?
14:24.15krkai can understand stripping off all the color code
14:24.39cladhairethe red comes from when I "print" the command to the scrolling message frame
14:24.43cladhairei could escape them there
14:24.46amroDownload rate: 2kb/s. Upload rate: 20kb/s. Don't you just love when that happens?
14:24.48cladhaireand prevent the red from showing up
14:24.54bleetersag_ich_nicht: so basically, you're saying you got me to report something that's been in live since... like.. years
14:25.04cladhairebut i dont mind the red, so long as faiap doesn't make it yellow :P
14:25.15krkahmm.. the yellow is wrong?
14:25.33alestaneamro: torrents?
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14:25.47krkajust to clarify: you want color code in editbox but not at all in history?
14:25.49amroalestane: yep
14:26.18cladhairekrka: I run ChatFrame1:AddMessage("|cffff0000Hello
14:26.30cladhairewhen it prints to the chatframe it's red.
14:26.35sag_ich_nichtbleeter: bug is bug. :P
14:26.42cladhairewhen i print it to the WowLua window, its red
14:26.57cladhairewhen i press UP in the edit box for history, it's red.. and then FAIAP strips the red and makes it yellow.
14:26.57sag_ich_nichtbleeter: the thing is, sometimes it works
14:27.00sag_ich_nichtbut not always
14:27.16krkaoh... i see
14:27.42cladhairei probably need to escape some things out either way
14:27.43krkaso you're losing the |cffff0000 original
14:27.44cladhairejust trying to figure out whats best to do
14:29.29krkathe conversion from plain -> faiap mode fails
14:29.44krkamaybe that should be rewritten
14:30.01krkanow faiap uses the same conversion for everything -> faiap mode
14:30.14krkawhich simply is: strip all colors and recolor
14:30.38krkainstead it should distinguish from normal mode and faiap mode
14:30.55krkaconversion from normal mode -> faiap mode would be simply be to convert | to ||
14:31.48cladhairehrm.. okay
14:32.17krkadoes that make sense? :)
14:32.35art3misnothing you say makes sense krka!
14:32.41krkatrue... true...
14:33.07art3misyour name is much funnier if you hear chris rock say it in your head when you read it ;)
14:33.51art3misclad i need you to make me an addon ;P
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14:34.08cladhairekrka: yes it does
14:35.42krkathe problem is that it can be hard to know which mode you're in at all times
14:35.45art3misi was thinking yesterday tha i'd really like an addon that you can create a box, as it were, and within this custome box you can place addons in a certain layout, like raid for instance.  and then you close/minimize the box and it would close/suspend the addons within it and open em in the same retained layout when you opeed/maximized
14:35.48krkai have to think this through a bit :)
14:35.57art3missorta like a ui layout toggle as it were
14:36.16krkaor wait... :SetText should always be in normal mode
14:36.32alestaneart3mis: I'm working on adding functionality to Goose sort of like what you describe.
14:36.44art3misso you can still have yer nice happy raid lyout setting with all its bells and whistles, but not have a conflict of window placement
14:36.48art3misooo really?
14:37.26art3mismake custom sized boxes place and layout addons in it and make it go away and appear?
14:37.40alestaneRIght now it only supports the MultiActionBars, and only based on [mounted], [combat] and [stealth]: but the next version will support showing/hiding any direct shild of UIParent based on any macro condition.
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14:38.38art3misoh thats kind of it, not quite what i was going for though
14:39.21art3misstill, thats kidn of neat
14:40.56[Liq]Anyone know of an addon for assigning healing tasks?
14:40.59art3misi was a few steps further in that if you wanted your party layout you'd click/maximize the party box and it would place the addons within that window where you left them, however if you close that and open the raid oen those same addons would appear elsewhere in a different layout
14:41.23art3misliq there's quite a few of those actually cant think of the names at all though
14:42.10cladhairekrka: Thanks, I have it working as I'd expect it to now.. much better :P
14:42.12[Liq]art3mis I have absolutely no luck finding anything doing something related
14:42.19krkacladhaire: how'd you fix it?
14:42.35cladhaireescape \124 before i print it to the output, and before i add the line to the history
14:42.55krka\124 is | ?
14:43.25krkanice thinking
14:43.37krkawhen i made faiap i didnt anticipate the three different modes
14:43.43art3mis <-- liq
14:43.51art3misyou didnt look very good then ;P
14:43.55alestaneatr3mis: I suspect you could get functionality from Goose like what you're describing by combining it with eePanels.
14:44.03krka1) normal. 2) faiap. 3) escaped |
14:44.43art3misalestane: ooooo
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14:44.52art3misthats right, since the panels it makes are parents
14:44.53krkaart3mis: that's an insult to his/her looks. did you mean to say "you didnt look very well"?
14:45.06art3mislaugh krka
14:45.21alestaneSo you'd show or hide the panel based on [group:raid] (for instance).
14:45.40art3misalestane: but that still wouldnt stop or deal with the addons themselves "remembering" thier placement somewhere else
14:45.58alestaneNo, that's a statement about their semblance of health...
14:46.17alestaneart3mis: not unless eePanels can do something about that.
14:46.33art3misalestane: yeah thats sorta the main gist/reason for the addon i want ;P
14:46.36PolarinaWarning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/wowinter/public_html/portal_admin.php on line 1087
14:46.37PolarinaWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/wowinter/public_html/forums/includes/init.php:41) in /includes/functions.php on line 3135
14:47.00art3misso i can palce omen in 3 different places depending on my layouts and quick swap between em ;P
14:47.17art3misas an example
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14:47.38alestaneHrmm, Goose won't really do that, it just shows/hides.
14:47.49art3misnods, thats still kind of cool though
14:49.31art3misi love my Hello Kitty Island Adventure layout
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14:50.30alestaneAre you the one who through that up in the "Colorful, Feminine UI" thread?
14:51.00alestaneYou seriously gonna put ears on the buttons? That would make me lol, I think.
14:51.03art3misgot bored yesterday
14:51.23art3misall i gotta do is change the circle graphic in cycircle ;P
14:51.30alestaneShould just be a question of adding a new texture set in cyCircled right?
14:51.45art3misthe minimap may be a bit "odder"
14:51.53art3misbut thats gonna get hello bunny ears
14:51.55alestaneWarped, man...but very funny.
14:52.12art3miseven debating making all the portraits hello kitty and friends
14:52.34KalrothThe preferred UI for corrupt taiwan cops, eh?
14:52.48alestaneLike all the priests are Hello Kitty and all the the shammies are some other character?
14:52.52art3misit's the new default paladin ui ;P
14:53.04art3misalestane: generally yeah
14:53.11KalrothPaladins are that yellow pokemon thingy
14:53.12alestane(Dont't know any characters, can't use as examples...but that would be a riot.)
14:53.40art3misim thiking player will always be hello kitty, but all mobs will be the villian and all the classes will be the friends ;P
14:54.05alestaneCan one hook GetPortraitTexture() without blowing up the UI?
14:54.19art3misusing duf/dart you can
14:59.34Rallionhmm...LotR Online 7-day trial
14:59.56PolarinaWho likes this screenshot?
15:00.15Rallionnice touch
15:00.20PolarinaAnd why is it marked as .jpg when it's a PNG one?
15:01.56[Liq]Polarina, what's wrong with the ss?
15:01.59Rallionmaybe wowi converts it
15:02.08Polarina[Liq]: Wrong?
15:02.29PolarinaRallion: No, the MIME type is of a PNG image. same is the header.
15:03.27Rallionso it is.
15:04.20RallionI think, actually, there are some browsers that by default 'download' PNG instead of 'view', despite the fact that they CAN display them
15:04.31Rallionso renaming takes care of that
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15:09.27|Jelly|[09:42]* art3mis{#wowi-lounge} kicks Jelly in the shins. <-- what'd I do?
15:11.22alestane|Jelly|: I think he was bored.
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15:15.37[Liq] :>
15:16.50alestaneSome sort of round damage meter?
15:18.17alestaneOr raid health bars based on Secure Pie Button?
15:19.13art3misyou didnt like my ui jelly?
15:19.27|Jelly|The Hello Kitty one?
15:19.45|Jelly|It made me throw up a little in my mouth. :P
15:19.47art3misthats why i kicked you in the shins ;P
15:20.03art3misit's awesome aint it?
15:20.23art3misawesome in one of those "stand there in awe that someone would do that" sorta awesome
15:21.08art3misim just gonna start pretending that im playing hello kitty island adventure
15:21.12art3mismaybe wow wil suck less
15:21.25art3misyou any good with art?
15:21.33|Jelly|Me? I wish.
15:21.35art3misand paintshop/gimp
15:21.51art3misdang i need someone to convert/make me some cycircled ears for the buttons
15:21.56art3miswell ears and a bow ;)
15:22.15art3misi just realized that such a picture doesnt exist in my searchs and i suck VERY badly at art stuff
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15:23.12alestaneI can maybe do that when I get home.
15:23.20alestaneNot doing the minimap though.
15:23.20art3misooo awesome
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15:23.53art3misthe minimap should be just a bigger version no?
15:24.06alestaneWhat cyCircled texture did you use?
15:24.23art3misive got all 3 installed right now i "think" its the goldorb one
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15:25.42alestaneI though you said you wanted Bunny ears for the minimap?
15:25.58art3miseither's good
15:26.16art3miswhatever requires the elast amount of effort if you're kind enough to make the buttons thats good enough ;P
15:26.50alestaneI should be able to do a button texture, I'm usually okay at details and tweaks.
15:28.17Valaron|WorkI wanna see this Hello Kitty UI.
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15:30.04Mr_Rabies2that is an abomination and an affront to every religion ever, and even carl sagan looks nervous
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15:33.02art3mishow many classes are there?
15:33.50art3misrogue, druid, shaman, priest, lock, war, hunter, mage
15:33.57art3misthats it right?
15:34.18zenzelezzI think paladins would be upset at that list
15:34.24deltronoh yeah
15:34.38art3mishey i was horde for 2 years
15:34.46art3mispaladins are an abomination
15:35.53deltronat least we are teaching alliance how to play paladins :)
15:37.07Mr_Rabies2i am now the proud owner of a brand new blue space slug
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15:41.32art3misumm woo?
15:41.40art3misdeltron: haha yeah
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15:47.13sag_ich_nichtbleeter: you mad at me now? D:
15:47.38cog|workWhere did trevion come from?
15:48.50|Jelly|He's your average forum warrior.
15:49.04Valaron|WorkIsn't Cog a warrior?
15:49.12|Jelly|Yeah but Cog isn't average.
15:49.19Valaron|WorkHe's mini!
15:49.41|Jelly|He's on my "Do Not Punt" list though so that makes him special.
15:50.00cog|workToo bad he edited out "winbag" :P
15:50.20|Jelly|Eh. You got it; who cares what he edited. :P
15:52.40alestaneTrevion has struck he as someone who is just knowledgable enough to be dangerous.
15:53.02alestaneHe's not actually obnoxious be he has shot his mouth off more than once.
15:53.39cog|workNot obnoxious in the General Forum poster sense, but he's definitely a bit... abrasive...
15:54.26alestaneWell, that seems to me to be sort of a case of calling the kettle black, but that doesn't make it less true.
15:57.43cog|workyou know, that's one idiom i've never really groked
15:59.14cog|workalestane: i admit i'm wrong when I am at least :P
15:59.23alestaneYes, he's taking a rather personal, arrogant stance in that thread (just read the latest exchanges).
15:59.58cog|workMr_Rabies2: just read
16:00.15alestanecog|work: In the time from which that idom comes, the pot was usually made of iron (black). THe kettle, while usually copper, spent all its time over the fire and was covered with soot. Or at least that was my understanding.
16:00.30cog|workalestane: he's actually been personally attacking me in quite a few threads recently...
16:01.03alestaneHe's definitely sort of off-hand and punchy in that thread, I just read the more recent exchanges.
16:02.55alestaneI do "like" the part where you make a reasonable request for him to back up his two-word rejoinders and he says he's not going to discuss it.
16:03.05cog|workHeh... it looks like he DID come from General :P    GG starting a thread to do nothing more than rile up the masses. He even explicitly states he just did it to get attention...
16:03.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (n=nope@
16:03.12cog|workheh. me too :P
16:05.53cog|workIs it just me or did he disappear now that it's fairly obvious he's wrong?
16:07.21alestaneWell, he certainly wasn't as quick to respond...I don't think he feels like participating in an argument that doesn't make him feel self-important.
16:07.26|Jelly|Are you turning into a forum stalker, Cog?
16:07.47cog|workOnly in retaliation :P
16:07.56alestaneStill pretty new to IRC, how do I change my nick?
16:08.05sag_ich_nichtrewrite sprocket! :O
16:08.06art3miswhen you're making unit frames where is the call made to use the classicons?
16:08.20cog|worksag_ich_nicht: wtb 48-hour days
16:08.28cog|workand keep 8-hour workday
16:09.01|Jelly|It'll cost you World Peace though.
16:14.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:15.00zenzelezzthat's no problem, world peace can't exist anyway when people have 30 hours to do what they want anyway
16:15.16art3misthats why we should have murder day
16:15.24art3miswhere legally you're allowed to kill 1 person
16:15.39|Jelly|Just one?
16:15.52|Jelly|But my list is so long!
16:16.03art3miswell it does come each year ;P
16:16.13|Jelly|Does it count if you end up killing someone in self defense cause they're trying to kill you?
16:16.19|Jelly|...cause that seems kind of unfair to me.
16:16.30art3misthere are no "accidents" on murder day
16:16.48art3misyou kill more than you're 1 person and your entire family is scrubbed from the gene pool
16:17.04art3miscousins sisters children etc etc etc
16:17.35art3misi cant find where duf is calling the classicon, anyone have a clue?
16:17.53Rallionso hold on
16:17.57art3mis~~(;,,; )~~ <-- cthulu smile
16:18.19art3misyou're == your
16:18.20Rallionif you make your kill on murder day, then somebody comes to kill you, the preferred course of action is to just die
16:18.39art3miswell no, but you're not allowed to kill em
16:18.49art3misoh and no guns
16:18.51Rallionhow humilating would that be
16:18.58Rallionto fail to make your kill on murder day
16:18.59art3misyou want someone dead it's face to face ;P
16:19.19art3misyou can be a ninja
16:19.20|Jelly|Just cause they can't see me doesn't mean it's not face to face.
16:19.27*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
16:19.34art3misbut no long distance kills
16:19.40art3misno guns
16:19.53Rallionbows still cool?
16:19.58art3misor anything thats gunpowder powered
16:20.07Rallionbows rock.
16:20.09art3misbows take skill to shoot
16:20.12art3misguns dont
16:20.20|Jelly|At 800yds, they do
16:20.33art3misin the general scheme of things i mean
16:20.38clad|bookart3mis: the texcoords are at the top of Blizzard_RaidUI.lua
16:20.44art3misany chuckle fuck can get a gun and shoot someone
16:20.57|Jelly|Not at range. :P
16:21.19art3mislaugh lets see you kill someone with a bow at ver 75 yards ;P
16:21.30art3misver == even
16:21.36|Jelly|Lets see YOU kill someone with a gun at 800yds.
16:21.41RallionI'd be lucky to hit somebody at 10 with a bow
16:21.44art3misgive me the right gun and alright
16:21.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
16:21.51*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
16:22.01|Jelly|I have a M21. That right enough? :P
16:22.32Rallionthe issue Ireally have with guns on murder day is that it's far too impersonal
16:22.34|Jelly|...cause if not, we'll have to go get my M700 from my Uncle's
16:22.38Rallionand the gunpowder does all the actual work
16:22.49art3misthanks clad, now to find where it's being called in duf so i can change it to custom pictures
16:23.11|Jelly|...are you REALLY running with that Hello Kitty UI? lol
16:23.11art3misthats more or less the gist rall
16:23.25art3mison murder day you want someone dead you do it yourself
16:23.44|Jelly|So technically, you shouldn't be able to use anything but your hands?
16:23.54art3missee the thing is, if you dont kill anyone that day but you kill someoen that was trying to kill you, you're safe since that's your 1 kill
16:24.08Rallionanything powered with muscle, jelly
16:24.08art3misi dunno knifeing someone is a bit personal ;P
16:24.20art3misand yeah i am jelly
16:24.28|Jelly|But you're not doing the work yourself; your hand can't cut anyone.
16:24.41art3misit shall forever be known as the hello kitty island adventure experience ;P
16:24.46Rallionooh i made way too much pasta
16:25.17Rallionleftovers! woo,
16:26.58|Jelly|I will never understand why hunters choose weapons with no stats.
16:27.06|Jelly|ZOMG It's blue/purple!
16:28.00art3misclas: none of that stuff in duf exists
16:28.13art3misit's got a toggle but i dont actually see where it's calling it from
16:34.45RallionJelly, it's not about the color, it's usually about the model :P
16:35.46*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@
16:36.54|Jelly|Sad thing is, you're probably 100% correct.
16:37.07Rallioni've never had a hunter past level 15 myself
16:37.28|Jelly|WoW EZ mode.
16:37.33|Jelly|That's why there's so many stupid hunters.
16:37.59RallionI have a friend who decided he's rather level his 40 rogue to 70 rather than his 60 hunter
16:39.52|Jelly|clad|book: ROFL
16:40.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
16:40.57cog|workWhat sort of NSFW?
16:41.07sag_ich_nichthilarious clad|book
16:41.26|Jelly|Yeah...but I think "language" is an understatement.
16:41.46Rallionit's a 2:07 movie and about 2:00 is profanity
16:42.28Rallionusually, when you see somebody say something like that, you think, well, that's just some hyperbole! but, here, not so much.
16:43.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
16:46.05alestaneI like Kamdis and Alecthar on Cog's "New Program..." thread.
16:46.47alestaneNow Alecthar is one of those people who sort of comes out of nowhere and sticks around, but is actually useful.
16:46.57Rallionlol yes
16:47.00Rallioni love it
16:47.14Rallion<3 the bartender.
16:47.24Mr_Rabies2the great part is
16:47.25Mr_Rabies2in that video
16:47.29Mr_Rabies2it's like a perfect short version
16:47.39Mr_Rabies2you miss like maybe 20 seconds between each "fuck"
16:47.47Mr_Rabies2at the most
16:47.51Rallionhehe yeah
16:48.01Rallionyou can kinda get the plot
16:48.27Mr_Rabies2which do you think sells better? a depleted staff or the thing it creates?
16:49.27sag_ich_nichtthing it creates.
16:49.41Mr_Rabies2i mean, it may go for a marginal amount more
16:49.54Mr_Rabies2is it worth it? hrm, i guess i'll check out the AH
16:50.29Mr_Rabies2i mean i have about 1000 shards, but still
16:51.10sag_ich_nichtyes it is
16:51.23sag_ich_nichtrecommend me awesome addons that i do not have yet
16:51.27sag_ich_nicht(note, i already have 400+)
16:54.53sag_ich_nichthad it already, don't use it, boring.
16:55.15sag_ich_nichti hit apexis enlightenment with just typing it up, and i like a challenge.
16:56.36RallionHeh in LotRO character creation, it says "Race of Man" instead of just "Man"...i guess people get confused too easily
16:57.46alestaneTolkien doesn't talk about 'humans', when he says
16:58.02alestane...'men' he specifically means humans, both male and female.
16:58.19alestanee.g. 'men and elves together'.
16:59.12Rallionbut apparently, they decided that people wouldn't get it...either that or they thought "Man (Female)" would look too odd
16:59.24Rallionalso, no dwarf females. heh.
17:00.20alestaneYou can't create one?
17:00.38RallionI don't know why, but I'm looking over everything and making fun of it in my head
17:01.16RallionElves have a trait called "Sorrow of the Firstborn" that lowers their morale, and I'm just thinking "heh, elves are emo"
17:01.39alestaneWell, it is true that they NEVER appear in the books...I don't think they're even mentioned in the Silmarillion...still you'd think that with "Gimli, son of Gloin", that would mean that "Wife of Gloin" would have to around somewhere at some point.
17:02.07art3miselseif (class == DUF_TEXT.Paladin) then
17:02.08art3misleft, right, top, bottom = .25, 0, .5, .75;
17:03.05alestaneThis guy created a very interesting tabletop roleplaying system called "Burning Wheel", the default world/races are very Tolkien. Humans and dwarves cast magic using a 'faith' trait, but instead of faith elves use 'grief' and orcs use 'blasphemous hatred'.
17:03.28art3misif (class) then
17:03.28art3mistexture:SetTexCoord(right, left, top, bottom);
17:03.40art3misthats where it sets the class icon right?
17:03.52Rallionalestane, that's pretty cool
17:03.55alestaneart3mis: Looks like it.
17:04.17art3misand that accidental paste from before would be the size of said icon?
17:04.27alestaneI do love the idea of 'blasphemous hatred' as a character trait.
17:05.04alestaneart3mis: The paste from before looks like where the mod finds the icon for a particular class within the icon group file.
17:05.32alestaneTextures can have 'texture coordinates', meaning the part of the file that should be used.
17:06.25amroRallion: I couldn't find anything about PvP in LotrO, is there any?
17:07.09*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
17:07.12alestaneThat says, "if it's a dwarf then use the part of the image that stretches from one-eitgh of the way from the left as far as halfway, and from one-quarter from the top to three-quarters down, and display that part as the texture."
17:07.18art3misso if i replace that with       elseif (race == DUF_TEXT.Orc)       then texture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddoNs\\DUF\\Icons\\Priest.tgz")
17:07.23art3miserr tgha
17:07.41art3misthat should display custom pics?
17:07.52alestaneThat's basically what you're looking for, yes.
17:07.58art3misawesome thanks
17:08.22*** join/#wowi-lounge quakenet (
17:08.37alestaneYou might want to reverse it so if the player is horde, it uses the villain icons for the players and party, but that's up to you.
17:08.45Rallionamro, I have no clue
17:08.56art3misoh that was just an example but yeah
17:09.01Rallionbut there's a 7-day free trial now
17:09.11zenzelezzI don't think you include .tga in the SetTexture call
17:09.40alestanezenzelezz is correct I believe.
17:09.47Rallionlol I should make an Elf Hunter named Leggolass or something, see how much THAT pisses people off.
17:09.59art3misis it still /* */ to comment out a block of code in lua?
17:10.06art3misor so i just need to -- each line
17:10.27amroRallion: name already exists
17:10.54Rallionamro, we can always keep trying
17:10.56alestaneart3mis: -- at the beginning of a line, --([+n) (]+n) for blocks.
17:11.21Rallionbut when it comes time to name your character, it actually gives you a description of naming conventions for the race you pick
17:11.39alestanei.e. I believe you can also use --[[[ ]]] if you want to.
17:11.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (
17:13.05alestaneMy bad, it's --[(=*)[ ]%1]
17:13.09clad|book--[======[  Some comment here ]======]
17:13.20alestaneso, --[==[ ]==] etc.
17:14.02Shirikit lets you do stuff like that
17:14.08Shiriknested comments are not allowed in Lua
17:14.11ShirikLua 5.1*
17:14.17Shirikthis allows you to overcome that
17:14.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (n=kd3@
17:14.49Kaydeethreewoo for getting peered
17:15.20Kaydeethree[13:14:19] --- Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).
17:15.24Shirikis that like when some guy looks at you and thinks naughty things?
17:15.43alestaneWhat's a situation in which you would actually need long-brackets for literals?
17:15.52ShirikI do it quite often
17:16.02Shirikoh, long brackets bleh
17:16.10Shirikwell, let's say you have a block of code you want to comment out
17:16.16Shirikand inside that block is another long comment
17:16.22Shirikthis is how you get around that fairly easily
17:17.00art3misit works yay!
17:17.15art3misi just set it for class icons
17:17.24krkaalso for generating lua code and dont want to bother with complex escaping
17:17.30art3missicne i cant actually change the mdoels there's no point to doing races ;P
17:17.43krkai think it's used a lot for lua web pages too
17:17.54alestanea string literal in long brackets can contain any combination of single and double quotes, right?
17:18.07krkaalso newlines
17:18.20ShirikI tend to use brackets for any SetTexture myself
17:18.31ShirikMakes things a little cleaner
17:18.47Shirikeven though clad|book hates the fact that I skip out on the ()
17:19.29alestaneI was going to use it for the indexing code in Demonomicon (I identify spells by texture to avoid localizing), but I wasn't sure about using long-bracket literals in table key definitions.
17:19.52clad|bookits just an alternate string constructor
17:19.57Shirik>>> foo = {}; foo[[["rawr"]]] = 4; return foo.rawr;
17:19.57CideShirik: [string "foo = {}; foo[[["rawr"]]] = 4; return foo.rawr;"]:1: unexpected symbol near ']'
17:20.01ShirikI think you need a space
17:20.04ScytheBlade1Offtopic: everyone here has seen the "can't play wow due to parents and succubus" threads, right?
17:20.15Kaydeethreewoo for old trolls
17:20.15Shirik>>> foo = {}; foo[ [[rawr]] ] = 4; return foo.rawr;
17:20.15CideShirik: 4
17:20.23ScytheBlade1Kaydeethree, nah, this is new
17:20.38ScytheBlade1And at least entertaining to read.
17:21.21Cidan>>> foo = {}; foo["hi"] = 4; return foo.hi;
17:21.21CideCidan: 4
17:21.27alestaneRight now I have things like: bindings = {["Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_SummonSuccubus"] = "S", ["Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_SummonVoidwalker"] = "v"}
17:22.21ScytheBlade1Read that thread.
17:22.35ScytheBlade1The original is linked in the OP
17:23.32Kaydeethreenew PTR diffs up. current build: 7187.
17:24.06ScytheBlade1Wow, three PTR patches in under a week?
17:24.16Kaydeethreeit's going to be nightly this week according to hortus
17:24.25alestaneI just got 7175 last night, 7187 already?
17:27.09Shirikalestane: You can make it this if you so desire
17:27.43Shirik>>> bindings = {[ [[Interface\Icons\Spell_Shadow_SummonSuccubus]] ] = "S", [ [[Interface\Icons\Spell_Shadow_SummonVoidwalker]] ] = "v"}; return bindings;
17:27.43CideShirik: { ["Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_SummonVoidwalker"] = "v", ["Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_SummonSuccubus"] = "S" } (#1)
17:27.49Shiriknot entirely sure if I'd recommend it
17:27.51Shirikbut you can
17:28.08Cidangod, why would you?
17:28.18Shirikto eliminate the double backslashes
17:28.25CidanThat's silly.
17:28.26Shiriksame reason I do foo:SetTexture[[Interface\Addons\Whatever]]
17:28.38CidanConsider using /
17:28.39Shirikfor tables though, it's somewhat ugly
17:28.40Shirikwith \\\
17:28.48Shirikforward slash is for evil unix users
17:28.58Cidanworks in WoW
17:29.09alestaneYeah, when it has to go inside of a [] pair anyway I don't think it's any more readable to use [[ ]] for the string.
17:30.00Shirik>>> foo = print; foo[[Interface\Addons "Oh lookie quotes!" 'And more quotes!']]
17:30.00CideShirik: "Interface\\Addons \"Oh lookie quotes!\" 'And more quotes!'"
17:30.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
17:30.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
17:30.47ScytheBlade1These patches are going to be painful
17:30.49alestaneWhy doth it escape the OUTPUT?
17:31.00ScytheBlade1Because now I have to patch my linux box x3 and then again every night :(
17:31.22ScytheBlade1I think the ToU changed..
17:31.27ScytheBlade1They updated the datestamp on it..
17:31.33Cidan>>> foo = {}; foo.hai = "Interface/Addons/lolwut/wut.lua"; print(foo.hai);
17:31.33CideCidan: "Interface/Addons/lolwut/wut.lua"
17:31.55Shirik~ban Cidan
17:32.18alestaneWill the game recognize forward slashes in asset paths?
17:32.36CidanYes, :D
17:32.44ShirikI will go back and change them though
17:32.52alestaneThen I'll probably just use those instead of \s.
17:33.00ShirikDon't do it
17:33.01Cidanalestane, wise thing. :D
17:33.03ShirikDon't go to the dark side
17:33.10*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
17:33.12CidanRemember, / came first.
17:33.23Shirikthat's a lie
17:33.26alestaneShirik: I'm running OSX, I'm already so on the dark side.
17:33.33*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
17:33.42Shirikyou should escape your forward slashes
17:33.52Shirik>>> print("\/")
17:33.52CideShirik: "/"
17:33.58CidanSilly windows programmer, :P
17:34.17Shiriksilly windows programmer that can't even get CreateProcess() to work correctly _TT
17:34.37ShirikCidan, where is your friend
17:34.39zenzelezzwhat's the problem?
17:34.40ShirikI still think you made him up
17:34.57Cidanoh, he never showed last night, huh.
17:35.00Shirikzenzelezz: Who was that directed to?
17:35.08CidanI'll call him when I'm home.
17:35.11zenzelezzthe CreateProcess thing
17:35.21ShirikI've never used it really, always used ShellExecuteEx
17:35.26Shirikso I think I'm just using it wrong
17:35.32*** join/#wowi-lounge ins- (n=insa@
17:35.33ShirikI have to read the MSDN a bit more closely
17:35.45zenzelezzif you just stick to "default" arguments it usually does what you want
17:35.53ShirikI mostly passed NULL
17:36.05ShirikI don't know if I can pass it for one of those arguments though, and I did
17:38.12zenzelezzwhenever I see mention of security descriptors and such crap I pass 0 until it stops working
17:38.48*** join/#wowi-lounge amro_ (n=chatzill@
17:39.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=converse@
17:39.27clad|book~seen tem
17:39.31purltem <n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 2d 2h 57m 46s ago, saying: 'meh, I just can't wait to kick ass when they un-nerf me next patch'.
17:41.03alestaneRandom question, not strictly WoW but I notice it most when I'm playing WoW...I have a keyboard that uses an 'F-Lock' key to toggle between the function keys being Fkeys and being application keys (Mail, Music, etc.). It frequently defaults back to the application setting when I boot, causing me to try and target people with no success (the application keys don't work because I uninstalled the software). However, it doesn't do this consistently, so I
17:41.28clad|bookyou got cut off at "so I"
17:41.29zenzelezzbroke off after "so" I can't just say it's the reboot. Any thoughts?
17:42.22zenzelezzmy old Logitech keyboard had an f-lock key that reset every reboot; my new MS keyboard remembers the state... think it depends entirely on the keyboard somehow
17:42.35alestaneIt is a Logitech USB keyboard.
17:42.39Shirikzenzelezz: That's what I did
17:42.51Shirikunfortuantely I don't know what's wrong, but it just doesn't seem to start the process
17:42.52|Jelly|I wonder who has my name!
17:42.55|Jelly|~seen Jelly
17:42.57purljelly is currently on #debian (3d 19m 53s). Has said a total of 43 messages. Is idling for 1h 22m 37s, last said: 'bonez39: scp isn't good enough if you have hardlinks, use rsync instead is that's the case'.
17:43.10cog|workmaybe putting the software back in would make it work?
17:43.13Shirikthat's definitely not Jelly lol
17:43.16Shiriktoo much coding talk
17:43.18ShirikI kid I kid!!
17:43.23alestaneNo, it did it when the software was installed too.
17:43.24|Jelly|I don't deny it.
17:43.46|Jelly|Jack of all trades, master of none. I don't mind that title. <3
17:43.49cog|workweird... i'd've thought the software would have a setting or something
17:44.47alestaneWell, there's a light on the keyboard by the key. Seems to be controlled on the hardware end, deciding what signal to send the driver. Of course, the LCC for Mac is notoriously iffy anyway, part of the reason I uninstalled it.
17:46.49alestaneThe Logitech Control Center also TOTALLY freaked out Gamepad Companion, which I ended up not using anyway, but I think it might have done the same thing to ControllerMate.
17:48.19*** join/#wowi-lounge amro_ (n=amro@
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17:49.39buuSo many stupid people =[
17:49.51alestaneThis is unfortunately true.
17:51.25alestaneWhat now?
17:52.05LunessaWrong window.  
17:53.41Thunder_Child100% of humanity is stupid in one form or another
17:53.44LunessaI typed the emoticon into the wrong window.
17:54.14alestaneOh, I thought you were saying something about buu's comment...which is actually what I was asking about.
17:55.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (
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17:56.02CidanWhen I step up in tha place yo I step correeeccttt
17:57.12Cidanor not. :(
17:59.10art3misman this HK-IA-UI is awesome
17:59.26art3misi cant wait to get kitty ears and a bow for all my buttons ;P
17:59.53alestaneI'm still at work for three hours art3mis.
18:00.31amrowell up to date
18:00.57amroNew Feature: Paid Character Transfer Service!
18:01.34alestaneOver a year out of date...since they don't need it every Tuesday anymore.
18:02.12amroyep, but you'd think they'd do something about it
18:02.28alestaneWhy, they don't use it anymore.
18:03.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
18:03.39amroalestane: hence why they should do something about it, like take it offline
18:03.59alestaneThat requires effort to correct a situation that is not adversely affecting them.
18:04.59alestaneIf someone were to complain to them that their low-bandwidth site is out of date and misrepresenting them, their repsonse would most likely be to take it down arther than to update it.
18:05.19alestaneBut I'm guessing noone is even consiously aware of the 'problem.'
18:05.23amroalestane, what effort? taking it down is easy.
18:07.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
18:07.19Rallionlol I just got "Small boar intestine" in familiar...
18:08.56art3misalestane: the best part is that all the links still take you to the high bandwidth stuff ;P
18:10.50amroart3mis: that's why I think they forgot that last page
18:11.58art3mismoved some stuff around and made the portraits hello kitty characters ;P
18:12.06Kaydeethreewho do I have to kill to prevent that abomination from spreading?
18:12.19art3mishehe once it's done im totally posting it ;P
18:12.59art3misof course thers a good chance itll only work/look right on 1680x1050 ;P
18:13.15amroit wont look 'right' anywhere
18:13.43amroI'd suggest doing something about the action buttons
18:16.18art3misConductor: Everybody out. This is the last stop on the Manhattan bound L train. You must use the Brooklyn bound L train and connect to the G to the A or C trains for service to Manhattan. [The train empties] Hahaha. Just kidding! Everybody back on. This train is going to Manhattan.
18:16.18art3mis--Manhattan bound L train
18:16.33art3misyeah they're gonna get ears and a bow ;P
18:23.23Lunessa - make the bad people STOP.  
18:24.16quakenethi all
18:24.25*** join/#wowi-lounge vulture_ (
18:24.25snegoviKquakenet wtf?
18:25.14snegoviKguys, is it possible to apply regex operators to a capture like so : "(%d+g)?"
18:26.03[dRaCo]what's that supposed to do?
18:26.40*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
18:26.51snegoviKcapture something like 24g but 24g might not be there so i put ? after
18:27.46[dRaCo]don't think that'll work
18:29.07snegoviKits not possible to apply an operator to a capture then?
18:29.27snegoviKlua>= string.match("24g634g", "(%d+g)+")
18:29.27cladbotsnegoviK: sandbox.lua:260: Compilation failed:  string.match("24g634g", "(%d+g)+"):1: unexpected symbol near '='
18:29.38snegoviKlua>string.match("24g634g", "(%d+g)+");
18:29.38cladbotsnegoviK: nil,
18:29.59Wraangerwhat exactly you are trying to do, Sneg ?
18:30.20snegoviKdo perl/php-like regexp matching : )
18:30.38purl[pil] Programming in Lua. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in hardcover and covers Lua 5.1.
18:30.57[dRaCo]check that one, there's a great page about lua patterns
18:32.46snegoviK"goes reading"
18:32.57clad|bookpurl, no, pil is Programming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language.  The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0.  The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
18:32.58purlokay, clad|book
18:35.10ShiriksnegoviK: You were right
18:35.12Shirikwell, sorta
18:35.18Shirikfirst off, you have an extra space in there
18:35.24Shiriksecondly, you can't put that + at the end like that
18:35.41Shirik>>> string.match("24g634g", "(%d+g)")
18:35.41CideShirik: "24g"
18:35.49Shirikyour only alternative is something like gsub
18:35.52Shirikor gmatch
18:36.00Shirik>>> string.gmatch("24g634g", "(%d+g)")
18:36.01CideShirik: function: 007C1F98
18:36.27Shirik>>> local iter = string.gmatch("24g634g", "(%d+g)"); for n in iter do print(n) end
18:36.28CideShirik: "24g",  "634g"
18:37.02Shirik>>> string.gsub("24g634g", "(%d+g)", print)
18:37.03CideShirik: "24g",  "634g"
18:39.54snegoviKi see
18:40.40snegoviKyea patterns in lua do not use POSIX regexp like in php / pearl because that library is bigger than the whole lua language :)
18:41.42Industrialnot being able to do or "(|)" sucks
18:42.08clad|bookcompile lpeg
18:42.37IndustrialI only use lua with wow
18:45.04snegoviKit depends what you matching, some stuff can be much easier with lua patterns
18:45.26ScytheBlade1can be, sure
18:45.34ScytheBlade1But I'd still <3 the POSIX regexps in WoW
18:45.56snegoviKrequest it for ace3 lol :)))))
18:47.30Industrialthat might be fun lets see what happens :->
18:47.45snegoviKi think you will get told off :D
18:47.55snegoviKbadly ^~
18:48.33snegoviKespecially after some talks i ve read on here about making ace3 lighter and cutting out all the goo
18:49.28Industrialwich is very good imho \o/
18:49.53Industrial(you should skim over my post log on, lol)\
18:50.37*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
18:50.47snegoviKthis string.gmatch is awesome
18:50.58snegoviKthnx shirik
18:51.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (
18:51.26Thunder_Child~lart Cidan
18:51.26purlslaps Cidan around with a large trout
18:51.34ShiriksnegoviK: =)
18:52.03ShirikI have determined that I now hate wchar_t
18:52.07Shirikor char
18:52.09Shirikone of the two
18:53.22zenzelezzwhy is that?
18:53.45Shirikbecause argv is a char* and moving back and forth is making my brain hurt
18:54.53zenzelezzwhy are you using argv in a Windows program? You should have a single, long string that you can pass to CommandLineToArgV or something like that to get a wide-char (unicode) argv list
18:55.15PolarinaWhat's the purpose of Ace by the way?
18:55.57Cidanit's an all-in-one library for common functions
18:56.06*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
18:56.08PolarinaCidan: WoW too.
18:56.36snegoviKpurpose of wow is to waste your time
18:56.38Shirikzenzelezz: I've never heard of CommandLineToArgV
18:56.51snegoviKin an entertaining way : )
18:56.53Thunder_ChildsnegoviK, and it works to
18:57.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin (n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity)
18:57.55Linany french here?
18:58.03Lingood (UGT) morning!
18:58.16CidesnegoviK: [string ""]:1: attempt to call field 'date' (a nil value)
18:58.25cladbotsnegoviK: Thu Aug 30 14:54:31 2007,
18:58.36[dRaCo]got french fries...
18:58.42[dRaCo]aight... not that funny.
18:59.11zenzelezzShirik: I think the LPSTR command line in the WinMain function is always ASCII, and you pass it to CommandLineToArgvW and get a wide-string argv[] I think
18:59.25cog|workWTF is wrong with credit card companies?
18:59.31Polarinalua> for i = 1, 24 do i = 1 end
18:59.48[dRaCo]cog: whatup?
19:00.08Cidanlua> for i=1,24 do print(i); end
19:00.08cladbotCidan: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
19:00.25cog|workA while back one of my cards raised the rate by nearly 10 points because we had high balances. We paid off the balances almost completely and I called them to get the interest rate back down and they'll only reduce it by 2 points at a time every 6 months :|
19:00.30Polarinalua> for i = 1, 24 do print(i); i = 1; end
19:00.30cladbotPolarina: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
19:00.44Cidanno, not odd
19:00.49Cidani = 1, yes
19:00.53Cidanbut then on the loop
19:00.53Thunder_Childcog|work, new cards maybe
19:00.55cog|workNow, I get a letter saying they raised my credit limit because of my "excellent history" with the account !
19:00.56Cidani = iter
19:01.36Cidanlua> for i=1,24 do i = 1; print(i); end
19:01.36cladbotCidan: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
19:01.54cog|workoh and the limit increase was >25%!
19:02.01Polarinalua> for i=1,24,0 do end
19:02.07PolarinaThat is odd.
19:02.12cog|workI think they're just trying to rape me with the new interest rate
19:02.29Thunder_Childcog|work, not weird, they let you play with more have a history of high balances = higher interest rate
19:03.03Polarinalua> while (true) do end
19:03.10PolarinaMuch better!
19:03.12Cidanwill timeout
19:03.12cladbotPolarina: sandbox.lua:140: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
19:03.34Polarinalua> end
19:03.35cladbotPolarina: sandbox.lua:260: Compilation failed: [string "end"]:1: '<eof>' expected near 'end'
19:03.36snegoviKlua> for i=48,57 do print(string.char(i)); end
19:03.37cladbotsnegoviK: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
19:03.45CidanDon't bother trying to fool the bot, you're not the first one to try.
19:03.49Polarinalua> end if (false)
19:03.49cladbotPolarina: sandbox.lua:260: Compilation failed: [string "end if (false)"]:1: '<eof>' expected near 'end'
19:03.49Shirikzenzelezz: Doesn't really matter, I figured it out
19:03.50Shirikbut meh
19:03.54CidanAnd you won't be the last, I'm afraid
19:04.04Shirikin any case, now that I have finally made it work
19:04.09PolarinaCidan: :(
19:04.13ShirikI attached a manifest to it and suddenly it stops working again
19:04.13snegoviKthe bots are very clever
19:04.15Shirikwithout changing any code
19:04.16CidanYou mean by using / and not \\?
19:04.17Shirikwhich impressed me
19:04.24Polarinalua> print(GetSellValue(7005))
19:04.25cladbotPolarina: [string "print(GetSellValue(7005))"]:1: attempt to call global 'GetSellValue' (a nil value)
19:04.26Shirikwhich results in me now knowing it is time for me to go eat :P
19:05.12zenzelezzworking with both char and wchar_t at the same time does hurt
19:05.18Polarinalua> math.floor(5.5)
19:05.18cladbotPolarina: 5,
19:05.44Polarinalua> math.floor = function() return 123 end
19:05.51Polarinalua> math.floor(5.5)
19:05.51cladbotPolarina: 123,
19:06.01PolarinaI found a bug in that poor bot.
19:06.09Polarinalua> math.floor = nil
19:06.17Polarinalua> math.floor(5.5)
19:06.17cladbotPolarina: [string "math.floor(5.5)"]:1: attempt to call field 'floor' (a nil value)
19:06.22Cidanthat's not a bug
19:06.36CidanIt's just how lua works
19:06.36PolarinaWhat then?
19:06.45CidanYou can do it in WoW too
19:06.45*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
19:06.54wereHamsterbleeter, ping
19:06.55Cidanin anything that uses lua really
19:07.11amroCidan: if the bot is meant to sandbox each call then it's a bug
19:07.32Cidannot sure it's meant to be a sandbox though
19:07.37CidanI mean to an extent, perhaps
19:08.44amrolua> math.floor(2.3)
19:08.44cladbotamro: [string "math.floor(2.3)"]:1: attempt to call field 'floor' (a nil value)
19:08.54amrobut now math.floor is nuked
19:09.43Polarinalua> table.foreach(_G, function(ind, _) _G[ind] = nil end);
19:09.43cladbotPolarina: [string "table.foreach(_G, function(ind, _) _G[ind] ..."]:1: attempt to index global '_G' (a nil value)
19:10.58Polarinalua> math = nil; string = nil; os = nil; coroutines = nil; table = nil; collectgarbage("collect") collectgarbage = nil;
19:11.05Cidangood job.
19:11.08CidanWhat the fuck are you doing?
19:11.26CidanGod damned moron.
19:11.31Cidanclad|book, ping.
19:11.42PolarinaCidan: Messing with that bot. Showing you a bug in it. xD
19:12.00AnduinLotharthat's not a bug, that's missues
19:12.08PolarinaSecurity bug?
19:12.17Cidanno, it's not a security bug.
19:12.17AnduinLotharthere is no security.
19:12.19purlextra, extra, read all about it, pil is Programming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language.  The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0.  The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
19:12.21CidanGo read.
19:12.46snegoviKis it broken now? i was about to ask a question
19:12.53Cidanyes, yes it is.
19:12.54zenzelezz>>> math.floor(20)
19:12.55Cidezenzelezz: 20
19:13.05zenzelezzlua> math.floor(20)
19:13.06cladbotzenzelezz: [string "math.floor(20)"]:1: attempt to call field 'floor' (a nil value)
19:13.38snegoviKdont break teh bot guys, its a feature of the channel not a hack challenge
19:13.55PolarinaSorry, thought it was a hack challange... :(
19:15.16snegoviK>>> iter = string.gmatch("somegaystringiwontmatch", "%d"); for n in iter do print(n); end
19:15.17CidesnegoviK: nil
19:15.25snegoviKhm it doesnt work on my pc
19:17.08LunessaI feel left out.  Cog made a nice new toy that would make my forum haunting easier, I'm left out in the cold.
19:17.15CidanYou know, I should really beat Metal Gear Solid 2 some day.
19:17.20CidanThen perhaps work on MGS3
19:17.49snegoviKweird on my pc the thing doesnt print out nil, it doesnt shout about nil error either
19:19.33snegoviK>>> iter = string.gmatch("somegaystringiwontmatch", "%d"); for n in iter do print("heh" .. n); end
19:19.34CidesnegoviK: nil
19:20.43snegoviKhow can i check that gmatch matched something?
19:20.58snegoviKfor n in iter do if n == nil then print("lol"); end end doesnt work
19:21.29snegoviKi mean i want to make sure gmatch matched something
19:24.31*** join/#wowi-lounge amro_ (n=chatzill@
19:24.51wereHamstersnegoviK, iter = string.gmatch("somegaystringiwontmatch", "%d"); iter() == ?? (just need to find out what ?? actually is ..
19:25.04snegoviKit says its a function
19:25.13snegoviKand gives me a pointer value i presume
19:25.28snegoviKfunction: 0032EB20
19:25.30snegoviKlike so
19:25.39wereHamster'iter' is a function, yes, but what does it return? print(type(iter())) gives: bad argument #1 to 'type' (value expected)
19:26.38wereHamsterhavematch = string.gmatch("somegaystringiwontmatch", "%d"); if (havematch()) then .. end
19:27.12snegoviKoh i see , so to check whether function exists you just try calling it?
19:27.29snegoviKor what exactly are you checking with if(havematch())?
19:28.00wereHamsterthis function does _always_ exist, it's an iterator, it _has_ to exist
19:28.15snegoviKso what does if(havematch()) check ?
19:28.28wereHamsterr checking the return value, you call the function, and see what it returns
19:28.35PolarinaCould anyone comment on my addon Valuation? Thank you. :)
19:28.36*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
19:29.02snegoviKah, i understand now, thnx
19:29.58alestaneart3mis: Someone just posted some sample bunny ears for your minimap in the thread.
19:30.01snegoviKwhere are you from Polarina ?
19:30.20PolarinasnegoviK: Planet earth.
19:30.50wereHamsterGalactic Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha
19:30.51CidanNice mod
19:31.01PolarinaCidan: Thanks.
19:31.05Cidangood to use if you don't want the whole Enchantrix suite.
19:31.45snegoviKenchantrix shows you what the stuff disenchants to
19:32.01snegoviKwhich is handy only when you are levelling enchanting :)
19:32.08snegoviKafterwards its just a waste of ram
19:32.52snegoviKi.e. when you are on ah, to see what item will give you the required reagent when disenchant
19:32.57CidanEnchantrix is part of Auctioneer which shows prices as well
19:33.01snegoviKvery useful if you are respeccing
19:33.28snegoviKwell yea, its a bit nasty that way
19:33.36CidanRight. :D
19:35.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
19:35.33Cidanmm, ice cream
19:37.45*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
19:38.36PolarinaI'm going to reduce its memory usage to about 70 KiB.
19:38.56amro_We are sorry, but you must reside in North America (US and Canada) to participate in this sweepstakes.
19:39.03clad|bookCidan: pong
19:39.03snegoviKdoes it use some fancy compression technique?
19:39.17PolarinasnegoviK: No.
19:39.28Cidanclad|book, your bot needs to be rebooted/reloaded
19:39.37CidanSomeone decided it'd be cute to do math = nil, etc, etc
19:39.41snegoviKhow do you reduce its memory usage then ?
19:39.55Polarinaclad|book: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Sorry. I'll never do it again.
19:40.01PolarinaI promise.
19:40.15snegoviK5g if you do it again :P
19:40.30amro_clad|book: isn't every call sandboxed?
19:40.37clad|bookyes, it is.
19:40.47Polarinalua> math.floor(5.5)
19:40.47cladbotPolarina: [string "math.floor(5.5)"]:1: attempt to call field 'floor' (a nil value)
19:40.52clad|booklua> math
19:40.52cladbotclad|book: <table: #6>
19:40.59clad|booklua> for k,v in pairs(math) do print(k,v) end
19:40.59cladbotclad|book: log, function: 0x806f880, acos, function: 0x806f500, huge, inf, ldexp, function: 0x806f800, pi, 3.1415926535898, cos, function: 0x806f680, tanh, function: 0x806fb40, pow, function: 0x806f980, deg, function: 0x806f6c0, tan, function: 0x806fb80, cosh, funct... (result truncated)
19:41.11clad|booklua> math.log(2)
19:41.11cladbotclad|book: 0.69314718055995,
19:41.23PolarinaI'll fix it.
19:41.36Polarinalua> function math.floor(x) x - x % 1 end
19:41.36cladbotPolarina: sandbox.lua:260: Compilation failed: [string "function math.floor(x) x - x % 1 end"]:1: '=' expected near '-'
19:41.44clad|booki don't need you to fix it.. thanks.
19:41.54CidanI'd just stop now, Polarina, :D
19:42.00Polarinalua> function math.floor(x) return x - x % 1 end
19:42.06Polarinalua> math.floor(5.5)
19:42.27CidanJust, stop.  Move on.
19:42.54clad|booktrying to figure out how you hosed math.floor
19:43.13PolarinaI did lua> math.floor = nil;
19:43.18alestaneshe typed math.floor = nil.
19:43.20clad|bookyes.. and that shouldn't have affected anything.
19:43.27clad|booki know _how_ you did it.. just trying to figure out why it worked.
19:43.35PolarinaBut lua> math = nil; didn't affect anything...
19:43.48clad|bookas well it shoulodn't.
19:43.51amro_Polarina: you found a bug after all
19:44.06Polarinaamro_: That's what I was trying to tell you all the time!
19:44.20clad|bookPolarina: how new are you to this community?
19:44.35Polarinaclad|book: Pretty new. But not to programming.
19:44.37alestaneclad|book: Do you reset __newindex for _G?
19:44.47clad|bookalestane: you don't have any access to _G
19:44.48clad|bookso no
19:45.01clad|bookPolarina: Okay, I'll say this much.. "It shows"
19:45.08PolarinaShows what?
19:45.15clad|bookthat you are new to this community
19:45.24clad|bookand i'll leave that.. at that.
19:45.30clad|bookand get back to fixing the bot.
19:46.03snegoviK... on the other hand, is pitbull discontinued ?
19:46.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
19:46.27alestaneSay what?
19:46.40*** join/#wowi-lounge cladbot (
19:46.51alestaneIt won't be for long if it is, way too many people interested in it for someone not to pick it up.
19:47.06CidanOh Cladhaire, I wish we could all be as elegant with our words.
19:47.10snegoviKi have no idea, i m just asking
19:47.14clad|bookthe sandbox isn't generating a new table for math each time, not sure why that is.
19:47.34LunessasnegoviK: It's not dicontinued.
19:48.06snegoviKis it worth posting on its the only place i managed to classify is pitbull web-site
19:48.13snegoviKi have a few requests :P
19:48.39snegoviKas a pitbull web-site*
19:48.57snegoviKits just a bit scary how many people write stuff there
19:49.11snegoviKmakes me feel bad adding something to the requests :)
19:49.25snegoviKmakes me think ckk doesnt check that place at all now
19:49.28LunessaCKknight would be really shocked to find out he'd given up on pitbull.  
19:49.29ckknightit's not discontinued
19:49.35ckknightyes, I would be
19:50.02snegoviKckk, so where exactly is pitbull web-site?
19:50.20snegoviKis it ok to post requests there?
19:50.46snegoviKor since you are here now, would you like me to pm you? :)
19:50.50ckknightyea, there's a forum for it
19:52.37Cidan/msg ckknight I totally have a request for your hot hot bod.
19:53.07ckknightup to your old antics again
19:53.17CidanI never stop, :D
19:53.23art3misi read that as "a request for your hot dead body"
19:53.28art3misim not really sure why
19:53.42CidanI think it's because you have a secret desire.
19:53.57alestane"You're tuned into WTMI...More than you EVER wanted to know!"
19:53.59art3misthat could be
19:54.36art3misi dont think i get that channel ;)
19:54.55*** join/#wowi-lounge cladbot (
19:55.11art3missnegoviK: it should be noted that ckk is a jerk and you can type til your fingers bleed for requests and he still prolly wont do em ;P
19:55.25ckknightit depends on whether I care or not
19:55.33ckknight(and whether I receive donations or not)
19:55.38ckknightwhich actually goes back to the caring part
19:55.43art3misand you generally being apathetic has a big hand in that ;P
19:55.55Cidanthat goes back to the jerk part, IMO
19:56.04Mr_Rabies2ckknight took one of my suggestions and managed to put it in in a couple hours D:
19:56.17art3missnegoviK: you'll also note that at no point did he actually dispute my claim ;P
19:56.25ckknightCidan: no, it's about prioritization
19:56.31ckknightI have other priorities, things to be done
19:56.32CidanI'm just messin' with ya.
19:56.49clad|bookPolarina: Feel free to try breaking the bot, just do it in #luabot, and let me know what happens when you break it
19:57.01clad|booklua> for k,v in pairs(math) do math[k] = nil end math = nil end
19:57.01cladbotclad|book: sandbox.lua:268: Compilation failed: [string "for k,v in pairs(math) do math[k] = nil end math = nil end"]:1: '<eof>' expected near 'end'
19:57.04clad|booklua> for k,v in pairs(math) do math[k] = nil end math = nil
19:57.06clad|booklua> math
19:57.06cladbotclad|book: { ["log"] = function: 0x806f880, ["acos"] = function: 0x806f500, ["atan"] = function: 0x806f5c0, ["ldexp"] = function: 0x806f800, ["ceil"] = function: 0x806f600, ["exp"] = function: 0x806f700, ["atan2"] = function: 0x806f580, ["log10"] = function: 0x806f8... (result truncated)
19:57.12clad|booklua> math.floor(3.1)
19:57.12cladbotclad|book: 3,
19:57.39clad|booki had a very VERY bad error in my recursive env copy
19:57.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
19:58.05alestaneSpeaking of feature response, I'm still amazed that Slouken took one of my suggestions and dropped it into a patch that was ALREADY ON the PTR.
19:58.26Cidanwhat was that?
19:58.38art3misclad|book: did it have a comment above it that reads //added this while i was drinking sambuca let's see if alcohol makes mea better coder   ?
19:58.52alestane'actionpage' attribute for action bar frames.
19:59.08cog|workalestane: damn you
19:59.12clad|bookart3mis: hehe sadly no, that would have been fun.
19:59.21cog|workI have to rewrite half my taint chapter because of that :P
19:59.44art3misclad|book: some of my old muds best coments involve the words drunk and "don't know"
19:59.48alestaneTake a look at ActionButton_GetPagedID in the latest builds (and MultiActionBars.xml).
20:00.01clad|bookalestane: oh trust me.. he's looked
20:00.03alestanecog|work: What, did I kill one of your examples?
20:00.03art3misrabbit still has the best comment in any lua i've seen
20:00.04clad|bookhe's pissed too :P
20:00.27cog|workalestane: only the one example that I use as the foundation for every other example of taint :P
20:01.03amrois it possible to modify glues?
20:01.21Lunessachemically? /chuckles/
20:01.29alestaneclad|book: Why, did I also break CT_BarMod or something?
20:01.34art3misyou could add more flour
20:01.43clad|bookalestane: no, you broke the book
20:02.10alestaneI thought you meant Cidan was also pissed.
20:02.25clad|bookoh no, did i have a bad tab complete?
20:02.29clad|bookjust cogwheel :P
20:02.33clad|bookand Cidan ~= Cide
20:02.48alestaneMy 'take a look' remark was directed at Cidan who asked what the suggestion was.
20:03.14alestaneWhich one is the CTMod one?
20:04.26Lunessa" I love the taint!" --- sounds so wrong.  SO WRONG.
20:06.16art3misi hope it's an E class
20:08.23cog|workart3mis: i c wut u did ther
20:08.57art3mis<-- iz teh witzy
20:10.09cog|worki care
20:10.25alestaneI guess.
20:10.43*** join/#wowi-lounge cladbot (
20:10.53alestane(Yes, the person at the keyboard is male, but since the toon is not, those pronouns tend to get used.)
20:10.54cog|workabout as "gettable" as 4 GNMRGN, my new license plate :P
20:11.15alestaneI saw an SUV with a license plate that actually said ROFLMAO
20:11.23alestanecog|work: seriously?
20:11.29cog|workyep :)
20:11.46art3misdid you ran yer datsun into it pull him out and beat him to death with his ipod?
20:12.08alestaneDude, Datsuns haven't been made in decades?
20:12.15cog|workdatsun became nissan
20:12.29art3miswhy would you assume that he has a new car?
20:13.04art3miscog owns a datsum truck with 15 pine fresheners hanging from the review and a map of dakota from 1986
20:13.04alestaneMy car is a 1996...definitely not a Datsun.
20:13.13cog|workart3mis: no, that's Cairenn|afk
20:16.12alestanecog|work: Sorry about your book.
20:16.51cog|workit's all for the better imo
20:17.05alestaneSo open question: How long do you think we'll have after 2.2 goes live before 2.3 hits the PTR?
20:17.19Kaydeethreea few weeks
20:17.25cog|workyeah. probably not very long
20:17.44alestaneI mean, 2.2 going to have been on the PTR for almost three months, am I wrong?
20:17.54Kaydeethreenearly 6 weeks now
20:18.10alestaneSo about two months between PTR launch and live release.
20:18.11|Jelly| lewl
20:19.55*** join/#wowi-lounge cladbot (
20:20.18alestaneMost people seem to think it's their own damn fault for falling for it I notice.
20:20.37alestaneWhich it is at least in part I guess.
20:20.40|Jelly|Most people want to QQ because they're silly.
20:21.14cog|workhence, bad links will no longer dc people in the future
20:21.18clad|bookMy name generator is FINALLY on eight character names, starting with a
20:21.22cog|workserver will strip the escape codes
20:22.16alestaneSo if it's not in your server item cache, it won't be a link?
20:22.56alestaneI mean, my understanding is that this can only work in BG/arena chat to begin with, since that's the only time chat ever crosses realms.
20:23.30cog|workyeah. it'll also work for manually generated links
20:23.43cog|worklike mods that store items you've seen, then you change servers and some become invalid
20:23.44alestaneWhether or not gullibility FTL, if the other team posted the link with that intent it's still cheap.
20:24.58alestaneFooling someone else into forfeiting falls under "unsportsmanlike conduct" imo.
20:25.21Kaydeethreewoo for ptr bugsd
20:26.49art3misthats a pretty nice rating change
20:27.11Tullerso someone link me a blp viewer because i'm lazy :)
20:27.23alestaneThat value that looks pretty close to 2^32?
20:28.28snegoviKits not just a ptr bug
20:28.31snegoviKthere is one live
20:28.46snegoviKscares the shit at of you when you play in 2.2k rating team
20:29.00snegoviKthankfully the game doesnt change ratings in this happens
20:32.12|Jelly| Post #4
20:33.06alestane<3 Peppy
20:33.19Valaron|WorkTell him to get off his fat-pizza-eating ass, and go work out.
20:33.21alestaneI like the line about microwavable pizzas though.
20:34.54snegoviKthey suck
20:34.57snegoviKtake away ftw
20:35.17|Jelly|IMO, everyone that posts some shit like that should have their healer deleted.
20:35.35snegoviKyou need a macro which will heal while you are at dominos
20:35.55alestaneOr randomly respecced feral/shadow/enhancement/retribution without telling them.
20:36.17|Jelly|Screw that. Raid full disc!
20:36.20snegoviKand will respond automatically in TS or since we got in-built VoIP now, into WoW, responding to each RLs "WTF?" with "Was OOM"
20:37.27amro"a palliden is my main"
20:37.33|Jelly|TS. I lol'd.
20:38.37snegoviK_/voip "i speak with computer-like voice"
20:38.50snegoviKi bet slouken will do it, if you request it :P
20:39.19alestaneMy priest is shaping up to be mostly Discipline. 35/15/11
20:39.30Industrialdamnit :| wowui now has that ANOYING  javascript image popup
20:39.37snegoviKalestane: show armory
20:39.38Industrialthat goes totally against HTTP, and tabbed browsing
20:40.17alestaneShe's only 47 atm, I'm not there yet...but you can see the build plan here:
20:40.54snegoviKwhat is that spec for?
20:40.56|Jelly|Trispec priest. *sigh*
20:41.43|Jelly|You can all but get rid of shadow affinity. You'll probably never have aggro problems. lol
20:41.45art3mishehe trispec is fun
20:41.57alestaneRight now she runs mostly with two other toons. The DPS is insane and I don't need to heal is mostly provided through shields and extra damage.
20:42.19alestaneI might end up dropping shadow since it was there for soloing support, and she just isn't.
20:42.28CidanI heard in 2.4 they're getting rid of all healing spells.
20:42.36CidanBandages/potions only
20:42.43|Jelly|Means I can go shadow like I want to.
20:42.52|Jelly|go [back] shadow
20:43.22art3misi'd go 2pain 3 focus though and ditch affin
20:43.33Cidananyone want to try Voice chat on PTR with me?
20:43.47snegoviKi can
20:43.49snegoviKu us?
20:44.00Cidanyeah, gimmi a sec
20:44.02Cidannew patches
20:44.06snegoviKi m eu
20:44.06art3miscidan: im confused, what are they "healing spells" you talk about?
20:44.08alestaneart3mis: I used to out-aggro the other two ALL THE TIME, that's why affinity.
20:44.09Cidanlol, first PTR patch == sound works
20:44.19Cidansecond ptr patch == sound doesn't work
20:44.26snegoviKalestane, try getting to atleast 60. you will change your mind
20:44.30art3misthast what fade is for ;P
20:44.44art3misyou fade long enough for someone to kill it ;P
20:44.44snegoviKin practice going for 3 talent trees will make you gimped in all ways
20:44.57Cidanthird ptr patch == sound works
20:45.08art3missnegoviK: not really at 70
20:45.18alestaneDidn't always work, that was why I finally specced the affinity in. Like I said I may end up dropping shadow.
20:45.19art3misat 60 it wass horribl though
20:45.32Cidanfourth works
20:45.49art3miswhen i first for wow i ran around as a priest and misread what fade does
20:45.56art3misthought it worked like mindsooth
20:45.58AnduinLotharwhat happened to the curse ss's. they all dissapeared
20:46.04alestanesnegoviK: I have NEVER seen a 41 point talent that I get excited about, with the possible exception of Totem of Wrath.
20:46.07art3misson or argul cleared me up on that point a few times
20:46.31|Jelly|[G] <Dreko>: anyone want do some real pvp Im going to IF pst <-- lol
20:46.31alestaneAll sons of Arugal must die.
20:46.45snegoviKcircle of healing?
20:46.54snegoviKgives you one more INSTANT cast
20:47.18snegoviKthat gives you pom, renew, pws, coh = 4 instant cast spells
20:47.51snegoviKvampiric touch?
20:47.58|Jelly|vt = cast time
20:48.00alestaneI don't get "pom"?
20:48.01snegoviKprimary tool in pve
20:48.02|Jelly|ve = instant
20:48.13art3misprayer of mending
20:48.13snegoviKi m not saying vt in instant
20:48.21alestaneAh, I'm not up to that yet.
20:48.23*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
20:48.25art3misthe most awesome game ever!
20:48.27snegoviKi m moving on to shadow spec now : )
20:48.41snegoviKvampiric touch is a must have for shadow priests
20:48.43art3miscast it on the tank and then play the game of who can get and keep it ;P
20:48.59art3misif yer going shadow you need vt to be invited anywhere as shadow
20:49.01snegoviKi was testing out pain suppression on ptr
20:49.06snegoviKstill unconvincing tbh
20:49.13art3misyeah the duration is far to short
20:49.26snegoviKits not really that
20:49.31snegoviKits the lack of blessed resilience
20:49.37art3misand its about as useful as pw:s ;P
20:49.37snegoviKand complete lack of healing power
20:49.53snegoviK28/33/0 is still the best for pvp
20:49.53art3miscept you still cant cast
20:50.22art3miswhen i first did beta i did holy at the time and had that 5% dam bonus
20:50.35art3miswhen i respeced to shadow it took me a while to realize why my dam was much lower
20:50.43snegoviKdam ?
20:50.53|Jelly|You have shit shadow gear or something?
20:51.37art3misno the disc ability gives you a bonus +5% of your spelldam
20:51.54snegoviKcrap talent
20:52.00snegoviKwhy would you ever take that
20:52.02art3misso at 500 spelldam at the time going shadow cost me +25
20:52.05snegoviKsmite spammer? : )
20:52.21snegoviKholy dmg spec is the worst ever spec
20:52.27snegoviKjust perverted spec really
20:52.30art3misnah its fun
20:52.39*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost__ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
20:52.39snegoviKwhy would you play like that as a priesT?
20:52.40art3misyou've got so little downtime when solo it isnt funny
20:52.43snegoviKreroll mage
20:52.44*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
20:52.45art3misi was bored ;P
20:52.50|Jelly|Smite cannon is fun considering you can heal while doing it but meh.
20:52.54|Jelly|It's like dest locks...
20:52.57|Jelly|roll a mage
20:52.59art3misyou lose a bit in kill speed
20:53.08art3misbut you can go forever
20:53.14art3miseven on multi pulls
20:53.27snegoviKnot really, when i hear destro lock i dont mind
20:53.38snegoviKwhen i hear holy dps, i get worried
20:53.44alestaneGonna say, mages don't have Life Tap.
20:53.47art3misits quite effective
20:54.02art3misnot as singularly awesome as shadow though ;P
20:54.08art3misbut its fun to muck around with
20:54.21art3misi tried 41point disc too
20:54.30art3misi think i stayed that for about 30 mins
20:54.35snegoviKprolly cus i dont like universal specs
20:54.41snegoviKi either do dmg or i heal
20:54.53alestaneAlso mages don't synergize with shadow priests the way 'locks do.
20:54.59[dRaCo]full disc is great for arena.
20:55.01art3mishehe CoS
20:55.07snegoviKno its not
20:55.08art3mismmmm CoS
20:55.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
20:55.13snegoviKfull disc is shite for arena
20:55.32alestaneAnd improved shadow bolt.
20:55.35[dRaCo]if you say so.
20:55.42snegoviKyou only go 41+ talent disc if you have low resilience
20:55.54snegoviKso that you dont get 2 shotted with mortal strike+whirlwind :)
20:56.21snegoviKin full disc you dont have the best pvp talent = blessed resilience
20:56.29snegoviKit owns all survivability talents
20:56.30[dRaCo]if anything below 200 is low, then yes.
20:56.33art3misYou are at -2 Hitpoints, you will die soon if not aided.
20:57.11snegoviKdRaCo: blessed resilience is still better than anything in discipline
20:58.21[dRaCo]well, yeah. blessed resilience rocks
20:58.33[dRaCo]but pain suppression helps, too.
20:58.41snegoviKyou cant have both :(
20:59.02snegoviKpain suppression isnt as viable. first of, you have to switch it on at the right time
20:59.12snegoviKif you mess up, you waste it
20:59.21[dRaCo]sure, takes a lil skill to use it
20:59.22alestaneConsidering how front-loaded PvP damage tends to be, I can see a lot of potential in Pain Sup.
20:59.36[dRaCo]but if you know how to use it, it's great.
21:00.32snegoviKi can argue with that. just in practice it didnt help much
21:01.08snegoviKanother problem with pain sup
21:01.18snegoviKyou cant take spirit of redemption
21:01.26snegoviKnor you get the healing prayers
21:02.21[dRaCo]not sure how much mana reg you need in the arena... my priest does pretty well as full disc
21:03.07snegoviKit depends what kind of battle it is
21:03.22snegoviKwhat rating to you have?
21:03.58[dRaCo]1700 currently
21:04.16snegoviKthats alright
21:04.57snegoviKmana regen isnt critical, you wont be putting mp5 gems into pvp gear... but every little mana conserve helps
21:05.06snegoviKespecially if its a heavy dispel battle
21:05.13snegoviK+ if they are burning your mana
21:05.28[dRaCo]yeah, good point
21:05.45snegoviKthats why absolution is a good talent to take
21:06.13alestaneMental agility is what I just started getting and I'm very enthusiastic about it.
21:06.25snegoviKmental agility is good
21:06.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
21:06.48snegoviKmust have in most cases
21:07.03snegoviKrenew/pws/pom <- they all get affected by it
21:07.17snegoviKand circle of healing :)
21:07.23snegoviKi love circle of healing
21:07.52snegoviKmy favourite spec in pve is 20/41
21:08.13snegoviKunfortunately if you are planning to go high end pve, a lot of rls will tell you to respec
21:08.33snegoviKmost raids nowadays have 1-2 priests and for most its compulsory to have Divine Spirit
21:09.09snegoviKso you can theoretically say, priests get a place in raid groups because of buffs
21:09.44snegoviKif priests didnt get have buffs, they could ve easily been replaced with any other healing class
21:09.57snegoviKunfortunately :)
21:10.23snegoviKshaman raid group heal is just ez mode
21:10.31snegoviKspam one button, watch whole raid get healed
21:10.39Adysis there a way to retrieve a spellcraft tooltip without knowing its name?
21:10.51*** join/#wowi-lounge blq (
21:11.11Adysie a sniff-like addon /spell 27954 that shows [Enchanting: Enchant Boots - Surefooted]
21:12.08alestaneHeading home.
21:12.21bleeterwereHamster: poing
21:12.27*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
21:14.30Kaydeethreeand what the hell kind of google ad is "try bikini waxing monkeys. harry applicants welcome. show us what you got."?
21:14.35JoshBorkehola all
21:14.54bleeterharry applicants?
21:15.13CidanHarry?  Harry Potter?!
21:15.30JoshBorkethe harry potter?!
21:15.32bleeterharry and the hendersons!
21:16.46snegoviKhi Josh
21:16.53snegoviKtbh i cant code tonight
21:16.58snegoviKgn all
21:17.21cladbotsnegoviK: Thu Aug 30 17:13:26 2007,
21:17.26snegoviKzomg 17am
21:17.29snegoviKlucky bastards :P
21:17.51bleetercladbot is stuck in a timewarp
21:17.58bleeterFri Aug 31 07:17:58 EST 2007
21:18.29snegoviKi dont know... had a crazy idea of extending the day duration when needed :P
21:19.17snegoviKbtw have you heard about this thing that the day isnt always 24 hrs because Earths orbit is of irregular shape ? :)
21:19.19Shirik|AFKThursday August 30 2007 -- 21:19:09 +00:00
21:19.27snegoviKsuch a simple fact yet i was amazed when i read about it
21:19.34Cidanlua> = function() print("lolwut?"); end
21:19.44cladbotCidan: Thu Aug 30 17:15:49 2007,
21:19.48ShirikCidan: You're sandboxed. Nice try
21:19.53Cidanit worked earlier
21:20.00Cidanclad just fixed it
21:20.02Cidanno likely
21:20.05Cidanscroll up
21:20.12Cidansomeone overwrote math.floor, etc
21:20.18Shirikaccording to conspiracy, it did not:
21:20.20Shirik14(1511:5711:4414) 14(1115Cidan14) lua> math.floor = nil
21:20.21Shirik14(1511:5711:4414) 14(1115cladbot14) Cidan:
21:20.21Shirik14(1511:5711:5514) 14(1115Cidan14) lua> math.floor(5.5);
21:20.21Shirik14(1511:5711:5514) 14(1115cladbot14) Cidan: 5,
21:20.29Cidanthat was after clad fixed it
21:21.14clad|bookmy recursive environment copy was bad
21:21.40Shirikany idea what "MSVCR90D.dll" is?
21:21.55JoshBorkelots and lots of porn
21:22.41Cidemicrosoft visual camrecorder
21:22.55CideI just made something up, don't be so gullible
21:23.11ShirikOkay, so here's what happened
21:23.22ShirikI debugged my program in visual studio, it worked fine. I copied it to program files folder, it worked fine.
21:23.25bleetermicrosoft visual C release 9.D?
21:23.37ShirikI ran mt to attach an XML file to it which tells Vista that it needs to run as an administrator
21:23.40Shirikand all of a sudden I get that error :(
21:23.45ShirikI didn't rebuild the executable, nothing
21:23.45Cidanit is a visual c++ lib
21:24.45zenzelezzD = debug DLL
21:25.19zenzelezzmost clients only have normal DLL
21:26.27Shirikbut I want to run in debug build :(
21:26.34zenzelezzthen give  them that DLL
21:26.37Shirikit's wierd that it worked until I attached that manifest
21:26.41ShirikI don't have it ><
21:26.52zenzelezzif you can run it on your computer without getting that message, you do
21:27.10Shirikin theory it never did
21:27.15zenzelezzcould be a "hidden" file or whatever
21:27.35Shirikin theory I never ran it successfully with that lib, afaict
21:27.35Cidanman, the epic druid flight form is so nice
21:27.40Shirikbut bleh
21:29.36snegoviKseems like bleeter is satisfied with wine :)
21:30.29Kaydeethreebleeter, is that the current git tree sans your 1-liner?
21:32.49bleeterKaydeethree: yeah, the one liner is now invalid (as Wine should be bug for bug/undocumented feature for undocumented feature) the same as Windows
21:33.05Cidanserver just crashed
21:33.32bleeterKaydeethree: so, next stop will be the hang on exit thingy... when I get the energy up ;)
21:33.36Tullersomeone find me a better round texture, stat!
21:34.17purlgfy is probably
21:34.17IndustrialTuller: WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA.. .. WHOA.... WHOA. (just like peter griffin.)
21:34.24Tuller"The requested URL /?q=round+texture was not found on this server."
21:34.34ShirikI tried to make the URL
21:34.37Shirikwithout googling myself
21:34.43IndustrialTuller: nice :-)
21:34.43Cidanis it sad that I want to make a druid just for flight form?
21:34.49JoshBorkecidan: yes
21:35.14ShirikCidan: Is it sad that you'll never get anything to 70?
21:35.17IndustrialTuller: can I bitch a bit? :D
21:35.21CidanYes, :(
21:36.12Cidanone day, I will
21:36.15Cidanjust, not any time soon
21:36.49cog|workheh... guild name < IDK MY BFF JILL >
21:37.06Shirikok I got it
21:37.12snegoviKno its not said
21:37.18snegoviKflight form is uber
21:37.20IndustrialTuller: ?
21:37.22Shirikapparently I don't have the DLLs required to link a Vista UAC manifest to a debug version of an app
21:37.23snegoviKyou can get out of any fight
21:37.24snegoviKany times
21:37.27snegoviKand also!
21:37.30Shirikwonder why VS didn't come with it
21:37.31Cidanflight form + nagrad == wow
21:37.34Shirikor where they're stored
21:37.50snegoviKyou can shapeshift into bear and charge from the air:P
21:37.50TullerIndustrial: sure
21:37.57snegoviKif you are fast enough :)
21:38.18snegoviKdruids are imba
21:38.22snegoviKfix them plx
21:38.36IndustrialTuller: the button on top are scaled up too big - can see the edges :<
21:38.51Industrialits the little round checkbox texture right?
21:39.10snegoviKbut druid class looks boring to me :/
21:39.15Tullerthat's why I need a new one :)
21:39.16snegoviKthere was an old saying
21:39.25snegoviKwait lemme find it
21:39.26Tulleri'll probably get it from cycircled or somewhere
21:39.48Industrialyou can ask someone to work with you? make it all special your style ;o
21:39.50snegoviKthere we go
21:39.51snegoviKDruid is TRIAL VERSION of wow character. Just play him try what you want to do in future and reroll
21:39.53Cidanif you're on a flying mount and a guard hits you
21:40.01Cidanyou drop?
21:40.08snegoviKif you get dazed
21:40.12snegoviKif no -> no
21:40.16Kaydeethreenah. the debuff dismounts you
21:40.28TullerIndustrial: that requires work :P
21:40.30snegoviKyou get dazed pretty regularly
21:40.41snegoviKespecially by guards
21:41.02Cideflying guards have an ability that dazes you, so yeah
21:41.06bleeterall the whining about imba classes, it's beats me why more people don't complain about the obvious imba that sticks out a mile in WoW
21:41.14IndustrialTuller: true
21:41.26bleeter(not that I mean to say you guys are whining... this is merely a generalised observation)
21:41.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Chaotic_D (
21:41.29JoshBorkenerf warriors
21:41.39snegoviKremove mortal strike
21:41.40JoshBorkeno, nerf um, disc priests
21:41.47bleeterNPCs are OP/imba. Nerf every one of them.
21:41.54snegoviKdisc priests?!
21:42.03snegoviKwhy would you ever nerf them ?
21:42.10JoshBorkeseriously, pain suppression is seriously OPd
21:42.20snegoviKpain suppresion is not OPd
21:42.27JoshBorkeit's totally OP'd!
21:42.32JoshBorkeand imp DS?!  ZOMG
21:42.33snegoviKits a gay talent 0.000001% priests take
21:42.41JoshBorkewhat about reflective DS, that stuff kills!
21:42.50snegoviKlol ? 25 damage a hit ? : )
21:42.56snegoviKhow much hp you got? : )
21:43.00JoshBorkeimagine the poor animals!
21:43.14bleetersquirrels are imba
21:43.18bleeterthey don't bite back
21:43.25[dRaCo]nerf squirrels!
21:43.26snegoviKon ptr i was thoroughly testing pain supression
21:43.27JoshBorkei seriously have frogs attack me back
21:43.31bleeterbuff squirrels!
21:43.36snegoviKwith teh omg so overpowered new anti-dispel thing
21:43.51snegoviK_/duel zomgubersham
21:44.06snegoviK_/w zomgubersham i m testing pain suppresion plx purge me like mad
21:44.12snegoviK3, 2, 1
21:44.35snegoviK[You] Purge dispel [Pain Suppression]
21:44.39snegoviK[Me] -.-
21:45.03snegoviKit was only once this happened :)
21:45.05snegoviKbut it did
21:45.09snegoviKwonders of probability
21:46.00Tullerserenity should work well enough, though its a little flat looking
21:46.45bleeterserenity's a top film and looks wonderful, too :P
21:47.06snegoviKi say nerf rogue
21:47.14snegoviKrogues really deserve a nerf
21:47.15bleeterI say nerf chanops
21:47.37snegoviKplease nerf auction prices for jewelcrafting recipes
21:47.38deltronnerf * (but shaman, we're quite nerfed already)
21:48.31snegoviKhey have you ever seen rogue talent cheat death in action?
21:48.35IndustrialI currently have a ping of 11
21:48.38Industrialto my wow server
21:48.42Industrialso it says
21:48.54Industrialthat means its hosted in amsterdam =D lucky lucky!
21:49.16snegoviKi seriously doubt that  :)
21:49.18Cidanhow far into the twisting nether can you fly?
21:49.23snegoviKunless Telia decided to expand :)
21:49.32|Jelly| <-- anyone explain that?
21:49.36IndustrialsnegoviK: its 30 usually :P
21:49.46snegoviKpretty far.
21:50.02Industrialthats like me->isp->1 hop
21:50.04snegoviKit also depends on the location
21:50.14snegoviKmost of the time its pretty far that you will want to come back : )
21:50.29snegoviKin some places you hit the "wall" pretty quickly tho
21:50.34[dRaCo]jelly: what exactly is the problem?
21:50.47cog|workkilling blows are easy to get ... just let everyone else take down their health and do an instant attack...
21:50.51|Jelly|Alliance talking to Horde
21:50.54|Jelly|in whisper
21:50.56snegoviKif you die, the corpse gets teleported to the location on the land closest to the place you fell
21:51.04Cide|Jelly|: pretty sure the player name is with an í
21:51.07cog|workoh... huh...
21:51.12Cidanand if you fly straight down?
21:51.13Cidevs Tigurius
21:51.31|Jelly|(for the record, I didn't really look at the screenshot closely...someone asked me if I knew what happened)
21:51.47[dRaCo]yeah, with ì and í
21:51.48Cidetwo different characters
21:51.51snegoviKbut if you die and you fall somewhere where its still a part of continent but unreachable without flying mount, you are screwed : )
21:52.13snegoviKyou get your corpse teleported only if you fall off the level
21:52.25amrosnegoviK: spirit healer
21:52.34snegoviKyea but thats what i mean screwed
21:52.44snegoviKas in 15g repair bill : )
21:52.53bleeter|Jelly|: further proof that Blizz should run an hourly cronjob with an non-ASCII regexp checker to force toon renames on US/Oceanic realms, imo ;)
21:53.16zenzelezzor just reject them in the first place
21:53.38bleeterclosing the door after horse has bolted ;)
21:53.51snegoviKif you fly straight down you die eventually, like i wrote
21:53.52amrosomeone asked me where I got my CE pet and I told them to beg an NPC. and that they did:
21:54.12CidanI do hope in the future Blizzard makes Azeroth flight-friendly
21:54.19|Jelly|bleeter: What do you mean? That just translates straight to "Don't group with me"
21:54.19bleeteramro: hehe
21:54.23snegoviKthey wont Cidan
21:54.25snegoviKtoo much work
21:55.23snegoviKyou know there will be new Naxxramas in WotLK?
21:55.36bleeter|Jelly|: technically, on US realms, non-ASCII names are against the ToS/EULA, 'coz part of one of those says you agree to abide by player behaviour rules, which has in it that you can't have non-ASCII in your name. This is why if someone complains about a name with non-ASCII, GMs tend to set the rename flag on the toon.
21:55.39snegoviKand that one will drop the Ashbringer that could be made into a legendary weapon ?
21:55.53snegoviKthe old Naxx and old Ashbringer will still be in-game :P
21:56.01|Jelly|I know. I've reported a couple people for it.
21:56.01snegoviKand will be forgotten like everything
21:56.19snegoviKi hate the way they just cut the old content off
21:56.24Kaydeethreemeh... I'm just annoyed that there hasn't been any progress at all on the ashbringer questline
21:56.32snegoviK"didnt happen. different game. play this now"
21:56.44Cidanthey really should upgrade MC, BWL, et al
21:56.51snegoviKthey wont :(
21:57.02bleeter|Jelly|: tbh, though, I've seen a horde and alliance in same battleground with same name, tho from different servers... even with the * it kinda threw me for a second... 'wth? skinny is a lock not a rogue!'
21:57.03CidanIt's silly that they won't
21:57.03zenzelezzdon't need MC, but BWL and Naxx at least
21:57.06zenzelezzperhaps AQ40
21:57.10amrowhen I first heard about heroics, I thought they would include the older instances
21:57.16Cideconsumed content
21:57.35Cidanat least redo them so they are 5-10 man
21:57.43Kaydeethreeheh... two "MC Raiders" threads on general right now
21:57.43Cidanso they are something to do at level 60
21:57.50Cidethat would be impossible in many cases :P
21:58.03Cidannaw, I mean they'd have to rework a lot, but not impossible
21:58.09snegoviKit would make too many things too complicated
21:58.14snegoviKlike for eg the gear
21:58.22Cidebut you might as well create something entirely new at that point
21:58.27snegoviKmake naxx available at 60 and you get lvl 70 equivalent epic
21:58.35snegoviKso that means they have to change item lvls
21:58.40snegoviKrework loot
21:58.41Cidanyou may as well anyways -- no one will ever do them
21:58.43LunessaHeroic Dead Mines.
21:58.44bleetersomeone in guild mentioned that Old Stratholme will be in WotLK's Caverns of Time, is that correct?
21:58.52Kaydeethreemeh, we all want heroic deadmines
21:58.54Kaydeethreebleeter, yes
21:59.01bleeteryou get to burn the place down! woot!
21:59.03amroyou get to do the culling?
21:59.11Kaydeethreeyup. we're tagging along with arthas
21:59.20LunessaI want VanCleef to drop some 'ph4t purpz'
21:59.29KemayoIt would be nice if VC was a plausible threat and the entirity of Deadmines couldn't be solo'd by a single Stormwind guard.  :D
21:59.40cog|workMy wife tells people that Murky is a rare drop from Cookie in the Deadmines...
21:59.52bleeteryeah, everyone wants heroic DM... from a lore perspective, it don't make sense that an NPC of that level is holding SW 'hostage' ;)
21:59.54Cidanthat's mean
22:00.02Kemayocog|work: Apparently your wife is a terrible person.
22:00.07snegoviKi.e. they added shitloads of filler content for bored 60s, so that they stay ingame til TBC and now they realise it doesnt fit anywhere
22:00.12Lunessacog|work: No, she's awesome.  
22:00.15CidanThough I have been considering getting that trading card game just for the chance of epic pets
22:00.17amroKemayo: what are you talking about that's awesome\
22:00.20LunessaSeriously.... That RULES!
22:00.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
22:00.26amroLunessa: gah you're faster than me
22:00.39snegoviKcus if you make it stay like its now, noone wants to do it, if you change it you have to rework them from scratch
22:00.42cog|workKemayo: have you ever been walking through ironforge and have people harrass you to give them your code? :P
22:00.59Kemayocog|work: Okay, I admit it, I don't have any of the limited pets.
22:01.12LunessaI regret that I never got to go to either event and get the codes for the suit and the pet.
22:01.27amroI've got my CE pets to keep me happy :D
22:01.32snegoviKi ve seen a guy in murloc suite today : )
22:01.34snegoviKlooks hilarious
22:01.51snegoviKespecially with the buff which is called GRrlrarlggggagwgggggg
22:01.53bleeterI did a guild run last week, other four members had suit AND murky... I cried lots
22:02.22snegoviKhave you seen the umbrella?
22:02.25bleeterWTB: OceanicBlizzcon
22:02.28snegoviKwe had a ab premade
22:02.33bleetersnegoviK: yeah, and the food tastes terrible
22:02.37IndustrialWTB: EuropeanBlozzcon
22:02.42Industrialblizzcon too
22:02.46bleeterI wouldn't mind the fishing chair
22:02.46snegoviKrogue came round to stables opened it up and made a camp fire:P
22:03.07bleetersnegoviK: haha
22:03.18amrobest use of campfires is camping people :)
22:03.32amroI keep flint and wood just for that
22:05.23snegoviKhey have you heard about this theory that most gold sellers buy gold from gms?
22:05.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
22:05.54snegoviKor they bribe them so that they dont get cought
22:06.01snegoviKis that even possible?
22:06.05snegoviKi dont believe that
22:06.17[dRaCo]dont think so
22:06.54bleeterI guess it's possible that maybe one or two GMs got bribed/gave gold to the sellers, but I'd say it'd be the rare case and not the norm.
22:06.55snegoviKrussian servers are really bad that way tho
22:06.58amroI'm pretty sure all GM transactions are logged and reviewed, there can't be many instances where GMs have to spawn gold
22:07.39snegoviKin trade channels we get WTS WTB game cards/characters/gold/arena teams you name it
22:07.51snegoviKnoone even reports anymore
22:08.05snegoviKits just a norm like WTB Earthstorm Diamond
22:08.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
22:08.08snegoviKor anything else
22:08.39snegoviKthis thing about selling arena teams is just weird
22:08.49snegoviKyou make a team, get it to 2k rating and sell it for real money
22:08.53amrowho runs the realms?
22:09.07bleeteramro: indeed, if it's ever happened I'd say it happened ages ago ;)
22:09.12snegoviKofficially they are english-speaking realms
22:09.32snegoviKits just russians grouped up and started reproducing there
22:09.57snegoviKthe cell division was to quick, so all english dudes ran off:)
22:10.16snegoviKits either assimilate, or get assimilated
22:10.21snegoviKsoviet style
22:10.30snegoviKin soviet russian games play you:P
22:10.55amroohh just found
22:10.59amrogood ol' times
22:11.06LunessaIn Soviet WoW gold buys YOU!
22:11.43snegoviKin soviet russia Lua codes you : )
22:12.06snegoviKis that eu client, amro ?
22:12.13snegoviKmagtheridon. Nihilum realm : )
22:12.15bleeterin soviet russia, u r aced
22:12.38amroI'd move to russia, automatic garbage collection
22:12.57amroand that\s magtherion US. check the date, EU WoW wasn't released yet :P
22:12.58snegoviKgarbage collects you?
22:13.44snegoviKi was very frustrated Europe got their WoW last :P
22:13.52snegoviKand i wanted to write to slouken so much...
22:17.13snegoviKanyways guys. gn all.
22:19.01*** join/#wowi-lounge amro_ (n=chatzill@
22:19.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
22:20.22amro_~seen warla
22:20.48purlwarla <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowroster, 236d 2h 32m 29s ago, saying: 'lol'.
22:20.51cog|workamro_: i've been trying to find warla for months
22:21.27zenzelezzwhat happened to him? Wasn't he working on that equipment website thing?
22:21.50amrohe said he was going to put up the code for it but then disappeared
22:22.31*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:22.32zenzelezzhrm, my logs don't go far enough back to see anything
22:23.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
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22:51.33cog|workAnduinLothar: n00b 4 joo
22:51.45cog|work(i don't know the answer)
22:56.47cog|workBlue wins again
22:57.28LunessaOh god.  This is NOT a day I should be at work.
22:58.25Kaydeethreeservers crashing? mass insanity at the office? undergrads going nuts?
22:58.42*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:58.56LunessaLet's just say that stupidity is rampant and I want to kill someone every time the phone rings.
22:59.02AnduinLotharcog|work: it's triggered by the onenter
22:59.31LunessaNot even Evanescence and caffeine seem to help.
22:59.51AnduinLotharmmm caffine
22:59.57Cidanewww Evanescence
23:00.05AnduinLothari have alcohol, but that's not the same effect
23:00.27JoshBorkekind of the opposite effect as alcohol really
23:00.32LunessaIf I could have alcohol I'd be happier.
23:00.38ckknightirish coffee?
23:00.43AnduinLotharthey do have alcoholic energy drinks
23:00.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
23:00.50ckknightthe caffeine and alcohol cancel each other out
23:00.54JoshBorkewow, they are brilliant
23:00.57Lunessalight on the goddamned coffee, heavy on the irish
23:01.00AnduinLothari've been meanign to try one, when i'm away from sharp objects
23:01.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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23:02.50LunessaYeah, that's what I need... stimulants + alcohol - throw in something hallucinogenic and I'm all set.  
23:03.03Lunessa... </sarcasm>
23:03.22CidanCaffie does NOT cancel out alcohol
23:03.26CidanThat is a myth.
23:03.47CidanAnd a rather silly one, at that.
23:04.33Cidaner, also Caffeine
23:07.01LunessaYeah, wide awake, hyper drunks!  
23:07.07Cidanpretty much
23:07.28Cidanthe alcohol impares your ability to metabolize the caffeine
23:07.36Cidanso you get the best of both worlds.
23:08.23*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
23:08.23Lunessacog|work: Full of Awesome and Win: "There isn't a "Don't talk like a Ninja Day" "
23:08.42alestaneer. mt
23:09.12alestaneckknight: Does Cartographer_Import support CTMapMod?
23:09.23LunessaOnly that should have the "Don't" removed. :P
23:10.58cog|workLunessa: actually the problem is the ambiguity in the english language :P
23:11.28cog|workIt's not           (don't) (talk like a ninja) (day)       but           (don't talk) (like a ninja) (day)
23:11.49LunessaBah. You killed the funny.
23:14.12cog|workbut that's what i thought you liked about it :P
23:14.35cog|workit's what *i* liked about it :(
23:15.33*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
23:15.55LunessaHah.  I likes my twisted humor.  
23:16.20Lunessa8) It's all good cog|work
23:16.26cog|workI wish we spoke Lojban
23:16.34Shirikso.... apparently I'm going to be a lab instructor
23:16.39Shirikof a class I took last semester o.o
23:16.47Wobin_I -want- a (Don't) talk like a ninja day
23:16.52Shirikthat's a rather sudden jump :P
23:17.05Wobin_Shirik: could be indicative of the skill required =)
23:17.07cog|workgg Shirik
23:17.39Wobin_They probably don't need you to do the course again =) Just have knowledge of the course
23:18.06ShirikI assume so :P
23:18.30Wobin_"I look forward to killing you soon!"
23:19.09ShirikThree little letters separate "buy" from "die"
23:19.15ShirikNin! Ja! Mart! Store!
23:20.16Wobin_AskANinja is ftw
23:26.44LunessaOMG -  I SO need a use for this font:
23:33.51Shirikqq, Rhapsody support finally gave me a reasoning behind why I can't run it :(
23:33.52Shirik> Are you using the 64 bit installation of Windows Vista? If so unfortunately Rhapsody is not compatible with 64 bit Windows versions at this time.
23:34.00Shirik~lart Rhapsody
23:34.00purlpushes the wall down onto Rhapsody whilst whistling innocently
23:34.14Shirikanyway, I'm going to head out for a bit. Take care guys
23:41.03Corrodiasi can dream about you, if i can't hold you tonight
23:43.53Kaydeethreeit stands for "luser attitude readjustment tool"
23:43.54Kaydeethree~dict luser
23:44.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
23:45.01alestaneWhat's the right bit depth for .tgas for max compatibility with WoW?
23:49.03*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
23:50.37Lunessa24bit + Alpha channel
23:51.35alestaneI'll need to resave that then.
23:55.34*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
23:57.51Maldiviahmm... looking at that screen size thread on the forums, just makes me want to bitch yet again at the makers of monitors...
23:59.07Maldiviabecause I've yet to find a 19" or 20" at 1920x1200, can only find 23"+
23:59.23Maldiviaunless it is in laptops
23:59.51*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh (

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