IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070829

00:00.29alestaneSo, will the actions you put in your berserker bar end up in your defensive bar when stance:2 goes from being zer to def?
00:00.50clad|bookI know that there are bonus bar offsets, based on stance.
00:00.58clad|bookif a druid doesn't get bear form, and gets cat form first
00:01.09clad|bookthat he'll get the BEAR bar when going into car form, based on offset
00:01.19clad|bookwhen get gets bear form, then his bear form bar would still contain all the cat form buttons
00:01.23clad|bookand cat form would be empty
00:01.30alestaneThat's what I wanted to know.
00:01.36clad|booknp :P
00:01.52clad|bookAnyone played with other sound file formats, or can we just play .wav and.mp3?
00:01.57alestaneKaydeethree: That picture is frightening to me as a warlock.
00:02.49KaydeethreeI've only played with .wav and .mp3...
00:03.08LunessaKaydeethree: So much felhound-age.  So much.  
00:03.15KaydeethreeI've got oggs and flacs lying around, somewhere
00:03.26clad|bookogg doesn't work
00:03.28clad|booktested it
00:05.01alestanethink slouken'll give us text stance conditionals? [stance:cat form] etc?
00:05.38JoshBorkemakes the macros too long :-D
00:05.50alestaneI don't want [stance:1] to stop working.
00:06.08RallionI wish I'd bought Metroid today.
00:06.08alestaneI don't want it for macros either, I want it for RegisterStateDriver()
00:07.45amrognight all
00:07.59*** join/#wowi-lounge TecnoBrat (
00:08.25Kaydeethreeahahaha... very first response wins the thread.
00:08.32alestaneOh gawd, and he did make it state-sensitive as long as you're willing to jump through ungodly hoops.
00:14.01alestaneWe really need to get away from this button-remapping thing for state selection.
00:16.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
00:23.15LunessaThis quote is full of win, "It seems everytime somebody asks for a loan of gold they take the money and end up leaving shortly afterwards. Now I only loan money to people I don't like. Its a good investment to be rid of them :)"
00:43.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
00:47.13*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
00:51.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
00:52.50alestanelua> nil == false
00:52.50cladbotalestane: false
00:53.26alestaneJust checking
00:53.56JoshBorkelua> nil ~= false
00:53.56cladbotJoshBorke: true
00:54.11JoshBorkelua> nil or false or true and false or nil and true or false
00:54.11cladbotJoshBorke: false
00:54.19JoshBorkelua> nil or false or true and false or nil and true or false or nil
00:54.19cladbotJoshBorke: nil
00:54.52alestaneYes but...
00:54.58alestanelua> nil < 0
00:54.58cladbotalestane: [string "return nil < 0"]:1: attempt to compare nil with number
00:55.07JoshBorkelua> false > nil
00:55.07cladbotJoshBorke: [string "return false > nil"]:1: attempt to compare nil with boolean
00:55.22alestanelua> true > false
00:55.22cladbotalestane: [string "return true > false"]:1: attempt to compare two boolean values
00:55.33alestaneAre we bored or what?
00:55.58JoshBorkei'm procrastinating
00:56.02JoshBorkelua> #true > false
00:56.02cladbotJoshBorke: [string "return #true > false"]:1: attempt to get length of a boolean value
00:56.07LunessaHell, I don't know about you lot, but I'm at /work/
00:56.51JoshBorkei'm not
00:57.42JoshBorkeit's 9pm here
00:59.14LunessaI work until 10:30pm local
00:59.22alestaneOuch, what do you do?
00:59.27*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
00:59.55clad|bookif you have somethign you want to test multiple times, please use #luabot or msg cladbot directly, so as not to spam the channel :P
01:00.01clad|bookthe occasional command is fine :P
01:00.17alestaneDuly noted.
01:00.17JoshBorkelua> print("~lart clad")
01:00.17cladbotJoshBorke: ~lart clad
01:02.32LunessaI work for a university in IT
01:03.28JoshBorkeme too!
01:04.21alestaneNice, my system has diff installed already (OSX FTW) to just figure out all these $#^% options.
01:05.46*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
01:06.40*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
01:10.16alestanewell, I've tackled everything except the whole bonus bar my brain hurts and I think I need to go play WoW for a little while.
01:12.33cogwheelhave fun :)
01:13.10alestaneBTW take a look at ACtionButton_GetPagedID() in the latest build.
01:13.16AnduinLotharthis is fairly impressive
01:14.11AnduinLotharalestane, if you have the dev package installed for osx you should also have the FileMerge gui for diff
01:14.43alestaneI don't think I did install the dev package since I wasn't writing anything at the time.
01:15.12AnduinLotharit's worth having. you need it for compiling things anyway
01:15.25AnduinLotharyou can dl it from ADC with free registration
01:15.34alestaneI think it came with my computer.
01:15.41AnduinLotharshould have
01:15.43alestaneI just didn't install it.
01:15.59AnduinLotharlatest xCode vers is at
01:16.22alestaneI'm actually registered with the ADC already since I used to code a lot more.
01:18.11alestaneDoes it need more than 4Gb?
01:18.43AnduinLotharlook at
01:18.44alestaneThat's what I have free on my application partition.
01:19.14alestaneLooks like not.
01:19.42AnduinLotharmy Developer folder is 2.27 gb
01:20.19AnduinLotharthe ADC Reference Library in it is 1.47 of that
01:20.37Kaydeethreeoh wow... talk about a quick turnaround
01:20.45Kaydeethreethere's going to be a new ptr build tonight.
01:20.48Kaydeethreelast one was yesterday
01:20.58AnduinLotharvoice chat work on mac yet?
01:21.07Kaydeethreeit's worked on ppc for a few builds now
01:21.08alestanePPC mac even.
01:21.17LunessaThey're getting closer to release time then.  They're pushing out more patches. :)
01:21.35AnduinLothari dunno, last time i tried it seemed to have been reverted so that it didn't even include any of the voice gui
01:21.38Kaydeethreenah... 7153 just had a lot of noticable, big errors. hopefully easy to fix
01:21.52alestaneThey did maintenance today, think they'll break their schedule and do it next week, or are we still two weeks + away?
01:22.13Kaydeethreeif the next build is fairly stable and bug free, the 3rd is possible
01:22.21KaydeethreeI doubt it
01:22.24clad|bookthey can break the schedule whenever they want
01:22.31clad|bookthey were forthcoming about that :P
01:22.45alestaneThey did.
01:24.08alestaneAny shadow priests on?
01:24.13JoshBorkei am
01:24.22JoshBorkeclad's a n00b
01:24.27AnduinLothardoes the new patch still disable assisted devices?
01:24.40clad|booki am a shadow priest as well
01:24.44clad|bookwhats up?
01:24.48Kaydeethree"assisted devices"?
01:24.49alestaneDoes your action bar do the little slide up and down thing when you hit shadowform, or just *blink* change actions?
01:24.56clad|booki believe it slides
01:24.57clad|booklemme look
01:25.06clad|bookis today tuesday?
01:25.09alestaneIt is.
01:25.17clad|bookgood, i can log into my main, no raid :;
01:28.02clad|bookit slidesit slides
01:28.21alestaneJust rogues and shadowform priests that do that though...interesting.
01:37.31LunessaAm I the only who who gets a shiver out of clad|book saying "it slides"?
01:37.51alestaneI think so hon.
01:37.55Kaydeethreesomething else on your mind, lunessa?
01:38.13LunessaNo, not really. Well no more than normal.  
01:38.22LunessaIt just struck me oddly.  
01:39.07alestane"Then, it struck me!" *Unh!!* "Twenty years later and she still knocked me out..."
01:39.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Naurbrannon (
01:39.21AnduinLotharrandom question: anyone have a favorite < $100 portable air conditioner/evaporator?
01:39.55Naurbrannonhi there, may I please ask you a brief question about macros?
01:40.01purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
01:40.04cogwheelGetting a bit toasty down in socal?
01:40.09clad|bookLunessa: pwnt
01:40.34LunessaPWNT.  I must hang my head in shame, muttering "it slides, it slides" over and over.
01:41.02LunessaNaurbrannon: Ask away
01:41.05Naurbrannonok....let's say that (with my warlock) I have a banishable mob as my focus, my current pet is imp, why does the macro "/cast [pet:Succubus, target=focus, harm, exists]Seduction;[pet:Felhunter, target=player]Devour Magic; [target=focus, harm, exists]Banish" make an error message?
01:41.13AnduinLotharit's been toasty all summer, but i'm dieing in my room.  my apt has a wall air unit on the oppositte side of the apt that doesn't reach to my computer. and my compy's putting out way too much heat for it to be comfortable here
01:41.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
01:41.32JoshBorketurn it off :-P
01:41.35cogwheelAnduinLothar: you'll want either a window mount or a dual hose portable for best results... I can't imagine there would be any reasonably reliable or effective ones for < $100 though
01:41.40AnduinLotharother option is a window fan pointed out and try and get the cool air to filter in here
01:41.41Naurbrannonthe error message in question is the "addon used tainted function etc....", but actually that addon make no use of the castspellbyname
01:41.55Naurbrannonif I disable that addon it will try to lock another one, tried already
01:42.08alestaneId you go through it until it stopped?
01:42.24clad|book~emulate lunessa
01:42.24purlACTION glances around shamefully saying "it slides, it slides"
01:42.26Kaydeethreeyou've got a taint chain. keep going until you stop getting that error, get an update to the last addon you disabled, reenable all of the earlier addons you disabled
01:42.30AnduinLotharit doesn't have to be very effective, i only need it to cool this 15' by 20' room
01:42.43AnduinLotharand there's a window here
01:42.58NaurbrannonI see, meh and thanks
01:43.04Lunessaclad|book:  omg, the shame.  I'll have to move, and none of the Harry Potter fans will talk to me anymore.  
01:43.11cogwheelwindow mount would probably be best then as it would take up the least space in the room... but you're probably looking at > $100 unless you go used
01:43.38Naurbrannonand about the conditioner, you won't find one so cheap, the cheaper one I was able to find with a decent class (class B) costed me 200 euros
01:44.06RallionI love programs that are cool but useless
01:44.13RallionExample: SpaceMonger
01:44.59Kaydeethreewhy the hell did that just remind me of the flying toasters screensaver from after dark?
01:45.08LunessaGah.  Once again I've managed to work right past the time the cafe closes, and needs must leave campus to get food.  /whine/
01:45.13WobworkI wanted to write an addon that did that
01:45.22WobworkFlying toasters, that is
01:45.27AnduinLotharthe afterdark space game was thew best, what was that called..
01:45.33WobworkJust to break the fourth wall a bit
01:46.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Nimble (
01:47.25alestane"Flying out of the sun, the smell of toast is in the air...."
01:47.43cogwheelDoes it strike anyone else as ... well... appropriate that the video of the new iMac looks designed for left-handed people?
01:47.59|Jelly|Dirty left handers.
01:48.34Lunessacogwheel: I saw that yesterday on TV, and I chuckled.  
01:48.53Naurbrannonor...even stranger, I disabled the addon again and the macro was working (it sometimes works sometime doesn't), I made a syntax error on purpose ("exist" instead of "esists") and now the macro stopped working again (asking to bloc another addon, the second one I had before)
01:49.50LunessaThe answer is still the same as before.  You've got something that is causing your execution to be tainted.
01:50.05AnduinLotharthe new keyboards are pretty awesome
01:50.20AnduinLotharplayed with um at fry's
01:50.33cogwheelyeah... but you see all the crap that gets inside
01:50.35LunessaI would like to get a new iMac for home use.  But they're spendy.  
01:50.37AnduinLothartho i think the old ones are prolly more resistant to spilling
01:50.57AnduinLotharvog, think you're talkign about the old ones
01:51.28AnduinLotharthe white and clear ones are great, i have both wired and bluetooth ones
01:51.34AnduinLotharbut they have new ones
01:52.26ckknightcogwheel: seems a little ...sinister
01:52.30LunessaI like the iMac I use here in the office, but I'm not a fan of the keyboard.  I want an ergo/split one.  
01:52.41AnduinLotharerg, i hate the split ones
01:53.08LunessaI don't.  I love them.  very comfy for my CTS having self.
01:53.33*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
01:53.50LunessaThe split/ergo keyboard and trackballs made it possible for me not to have to switch professions.  
01:53.57AnduinLotharprolly cause i never qite learned how to type home row
01:54.37AnduinLothari like my right handed logitech lazer mouse
01:54.48AnduinLotharbut i have huge hands
01:54.58LunessaAnduinLothar: I'm a 4 finger typist, hunt and peck, and 55wpm.
01:55.05AnduinLotharso i tend to only hold mice with like 2 fingers
01:57.16AnduinLotharmmm, perhaps i jsut need a box fan
02:00.18AnduinLotharhmm i could get a box fan and a desk fan for -$0.43 if i sign up for an amazon visa..
02:00.21LunessaI'm looking at the "Post your UI" stuff, and thinking... I keep way to much shit on screen.
02:01.13cogwheelLunessa: I look at those threads and think... I care a hell of a lot more about the "pretty" in the game world than the "pretty" in my UI
02:01.56cogwheelI'd rather spend $400 on a bitchin' video card than spend an hour decking out my UI with custom textures, cycircled, and all that
02:02.41Lunessacogwheel: Most of my ui modding is to make it possible for me to see MORE of the game world, and look less at my clutter.  
02:03.07LunessaBut I'm still too much of a buttons/bars kind of guy.
02:03.47LunessaAnd I might be upgrading soon - since I picked up some nice machines that need new HDs and use PCIExpress mobos instead of my cheesy AGP one.
02:04.33Naurbrannonmmm, seems like it fixed, but I'm kinda puzzled now, the last addon I was asked to disable was chatLink, which have nothing to do with secure stuff :S
02:04.50cogwheelNaurbrannon: taint moves in mysterious ways
02:05.02LunessaChat hooks are pervasive and can taint LOTS of things.  
02:05.21cogwheelI should look at that... i still need an example of that kind of thing for the chapter i'm working on
02:05.43Naurbrannontoo bad, it's so a nice addon....and it never gave any problem, sonly with this macro <_<
02:05.54cogwheelwhat's the macro again?
02:06.08Naurbrannonthe banish part
02:06.46cogwheelthanks... added to my collective :)
02:06.49*** join/#wowi-lounge abug (
02:07.05Naurbrannontoo bad there's no conditional for the mob's family (demon/elemental/etc..)
02:07.23cogwheelYou think taint's a bitch to deal with, you should try thoroughly describing it
02:07.24Naurbrannonno no don't use the macro, use my wonderful addon called reseduce2 that you can find on curse :P
02:07.55abugyou can still bypass taint since 2.2 isn't out yet
02:08.04cogwheel~lart abug
02:08.04purlslaps a compatible dib on abug's head
02:08.26Lunessacogwheel: No <bleep> describing that is worse than describing focus to someone using only the default ui.
02:08.28abugI've been larted
02:09.14Naurbrannonwell I don't care much of that, as I'd have to change it anyway
02:09.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
02:09.42cogwheelWhile I recognize most of the people in this channel are mature enough only to try that out as an academic exercise, it makes me uneasy to see discussions (even if indirect) of exploits
02:10.06cogwheelin such a public place, anyway...
02:10.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
02:11.01abugwhat's a good free alternative to Sound Crapcorder?
02:11.18cogwheelit's sort of like the Gimp of sound editors
02:11.25abugthanks coggy
02:11.35ckknighttrying to break the system is fun, cogwheel
02:11.41cogwheelAgreed :P
02:12.16cogwheelbut considering we get people asking for private server addresses from time to time, I'd rather try to keep things like that on the down-low
02:12.59ckknightthe private server people can lick my balls
02:13.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
02:13.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwor1 (
02:14.14alestaneLike the way Slouken said he'd love to here about it if we found a way to break that SV avenue we were talking about? I can just hear the "So I can brick it up completely" that he didn't say.
02:14.15cogwheelyeah, but i would assume there are far more people willing to exploit legit wow than people who use private servers
02:14.18Lunessafeel strongly ck?
02:15.00ckknighteveryone enjoys a good ball-licking
02:15.04ckknightmyself included
02:15.10WobWor1unless it's the dog doing it
02:15.10LunessaJust checking.  
02:15.45ckknightquite, WobWor1
02:16.10cogwheelAll i'm saying is if we're not allowed to talk about particular bots and how to use them and we shouldn't be talking about illegal servers, it's probably a good idea to remain consistent with the UI system
02:16.55LunessaHey, I'm all for not showing people where to poke their fingers into the back-end broken bits.  :)  
02:17.10ckknightI don't like private servers primarily because they're like never up to date with the patches
02:17.13cogwheelWhy did goatse come to mind?
02:17.15ckknightso as a UI dev, they cause me grief
02:17.16WobWorkLunessa: or at least use lube
02:17.28cogwheel(if you don't know, DON'T ASK)
02:17.31abugkind of like wowbench
02:18.03cogwheel(I'm serious... I think i'm damaged for life)
02:18.07LunessaDamn.  I didn't go there.  SO didn't go THERE
02:18.16Naurbrannonmmm reenabled all other addons in the taint chain that I disabled before but chatlink and got the error again, is it possible that more than on addon is causing me those problems?
02:18.22buuGoatse is so boring these days.
02:18.27buuStop pretending.
02:18.28KaydeethreeNaurbrannon, yes
02:18.35WobWorktubgirl the way to go nowadays?
02:18.41WobWorkOr perhaps lemonparty?
02:18.41buuAt the very least.
02:18.43Kaydeethreeor meatspin
02:18.48Naurbrannoneww, the next in line was CT_Core >.<
02:18.53cogwheel(seriously people... don't google if you value your sanity)
02:19.14WobWorkbuu: Lemonparty? Yes... old would be a good description
02:19.25buuWobWork: Pah.
02:19.25Naurbrannonaaaa never again mention lemonparty please
02:19.34buuWobWork: Shitting dick nipples is where it's at.
02:19.40Kaydeethreemeh... one of these days I'm going to get a shot of a road sign on I-16 "Tubman Museum"
02:20.11AnduinLotharsomeone meatspinned my guild.... i wanted to stab him
02:20.16cogwheelI find that far less disturbing than the others
02:20.26WobWorkwouldn't that be meatspun?
02:20.36abughow many spins did you make?
02:21.07Lunessabah... that was supposed to be "thong"
02:21.09Kaydeethreespeaking of private servers...
02:21.11AnduinLotharquite a few, i actually scrolled down to see if he'd gotten a custom url for it or what
02:21.15Kaydeethreesomeone's asking how to get on to one in the PTR
02:21.32cogwheelKaydeethree: :S
02:22.54cogwheelresponded :P
02:23.52Naurbrannonhihi nice andwer :P
02:23.56WobWorknothing at that link
02:24.24|Jelly|I'm laying watching a bunch of retards wipe on Gruul so I figure why not post a little?
02:26.07LunessaI've never been to Gruul's Lair.  
02:26.22WobWorkIt's not too bad
02:26.42WobWorkstupid shatters can make it horrible though
02:26.59|Jelly|I had like six people try to hug me.
02:27.33WobWorkbastards =)
02:27.53WobWorkI'm always like "No no! This is -MY- hiding spot! go away!!"
02:28.01Kaydeethreewow... 170 views in the PTR maint thread... I wonder if my first response scared off the "zomg are we getting new premades" posters
02:28.18|Jelly|It's like...I'm up against the wall and everyone else goes "HOLY SHIT! I HAVE TO GO TOWARDS THAT PRIEST!"
02:29.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
02:29.33LunessaLike the guys who get "Murmur's Touch" or who become the bomb in MC always manage to run RIGHT to me.
02:29.54WobWorkWe put raid icons on our healers
02:29.57WobWorkit kinda worked =P
02:30.09WobWork"HUG THE SKULL!"
02:31.11Kaydeethreeheh... being the bomb target rocked... I was the mark for nearly a month because I would sit in the healer camp for the first few weeks and no one would work up the nerve to take me out and get the healers too
02:31.13LunessaI play my shaman mostly now.  I bust out the priestess for friends and for runs of people who won't blow me off when I need to do things.
02:31.35Rallionit's so annoying to me that a temporary res reduction for a fullscreen app moves Vista desktop widgets around...anchor them to the nearest edge, dammit!
02:32.27LunessaOr how about apps that weren't designed with widescreen in mind?  
02:32.56Rallionthat's a problem I don't experience myself, heh
02:33.17Rallionforget 4:3, I run in 5:4
02:33.37Kaydeethreewoo 5:4
02:34.03Rallionstupid LCD making anything other than 1280x1024 look like a big old ass
02:40.21cogwheelPlease don't say "big old ass" for the next 24-48 hours
02:41.01Naurbrannonis it worst than lemonparty? don't think so
02:41.14Lunessacogwheel: LOL
02:41.22Kaydeethreehm... 20 minutes until the PTR forum qq-fest beings
02:41.34cogwheellemonparty didn't bother me nearly as much as tubgirl or goatse
02:44.34Naurbrannonso....had to disable 3 addons, CT_Core only give me problems if there's an error on the macro syntax so I think I'll keep it
02:46.19|Jelly|[R] <Jelly>: I did pick; I wont install KTM.   -- hmm
02:47.36Kaydeethreebut can you use msis to move files around inside .mpqs?
02:48.11cogwheelsure... just include an exe and set it to launch at the end
02:48.11Lunessacog... oooo... good call.
02:48.56cogwheelit should end up running at the same privilege as the installer itself
02:49.23cogwheel(or something like that)
02:56.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
02:56.35cogwheelevening, Iriel
02:56.41*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
02:56.58IrielMust find a decent mac IRC client
02:57.06alestaneI'm using Colloquy.
02:57.17clad|bookindeed Colloquy is the win.
02:58.01Nom-haha freshly painted wall
02:58.12Nom-I wonder how long before someone unknowingly leans up against it
02:58.47alestaneWhile you're doing that, I'm going to rectify the mistake I made earlier today when someone had a similar name:
02:58.56clad|bookIriel: Have you installed the safari 3 beta?
02:58.58cogwheelHeh... I just found out I have 12 songs in both an original version and a Richard Cheese cover ><
02:58.59alestane1) Thank you for the SecureTemplates in all their glory.
02:59.11Nom-Why is there going to be a QQfest on the PTR
02:59.19alestane2) Thanks for all your help in understanding them.
02:59.29KaydeethreeNom-, ptrs are down for 4-6 hours
02:59.39Nom-another patch ?
02:59.40Irielclad|book:No, I haven't enjoyed safari much
02:59.52Nom-Well, i'm pleased by what I saw last night
02:59.59Kaydeethree7153 is busted to hell and back on vista machines
02:59.59Nom-I was online for a couple of hours without a crash
03:00.02Nom-That's a good sign
03:00.05clad|bookgood, the safari 3 beta webkit conflicts with colloquy right now, that's why say.
03:00.19Nom-ORLY?  I was playing on the PTR about 12 hours ago
03:00.24Nom-I use Vista, and it was stable
03:00.34Nom-I noticed some wierd audio glitches every now and then, but no crashes
03:00.41alestaneDoesn't mean it was stable for everyone using Vista.
03:00.41Kaydeethreeyou must be one of the rare ones
03:00.48Thunder_Childyea, i have no issues with the PTR on vista
03:00.51Kaydeethreereports all over the place of people freezing at the login screen
03:01.01Thunder_Childalthough i have the sound off if that makes a diff
03:01.06Nom-Void Reaver has a door now?
03:01.07Irielalestane: 8-)
03:01.25alestaneOf course, I'm also industriously rewriting parts.
03:01.26IrielBrb in the afforementioned other client
03:01.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel_ (
03:02.54Legorolcogwheel: your post on the sugestion forum is amusing. The response is legendary.
03:03.05alestaneAnd speaking of SecureTemplates, we have another change to add to the 2.2 upcoming.
03:03.46cogwheelLegorol: haha!
03:03.47IrielOh? What's that?
03:04.20alestaneAction bars now use the 'actionpage' attribute to determin their page offset.
03:04.29cogwheeloh... you were probably talking to alestane ><
03:04.36alestanePopped up in the last PTR build.
03:05.11alestanecogwheel: That thread is hilarious BTW
03:05.30cogwheelit's kinda neat how secure templates are slowly spreading (like taint!) through the default UI code
03:05.43IrielThey're the anti-taint 8-)
03:05.47alestaneThe only way to make them default UI moddable anymore.
03:05.58Legorolcogwheel: have you kept the original box for your machine? ;-)
03:06.07alestaneThat's the main point of my FrameXML thing we were talking about before.
03:06.39Lunessacogwheel: Thanks.  Now I'm going to be singing, "One of these things is not like the others" all gorram night.
03:06.57cogwheelliteral ROFL
03:07.08cogwheel(okay... LOL)
03:08.46alestaneYou ever notice that, when you're killing mobs in an area, and there are quest mobs and non-quests mobs there, a sort of natural selection eventually turns them all into non-quest mobs?
03:09.08cogwheelIriel: :P
03:09.21cogwheelalestane: yes!
03:09.56cogwheelI think they did a better job on the outland though... I've seen a lot more static mob spawn points
03:10.27alestaneOutland also needed some adjustments to accomodate the 'gold rush' mentality that accompanied TBC.
03:10.34cogwheelrandom spawn types always pissed me off
03:11.25Xinhuan'gold rush' mentality?
03:11.30alestaneOne more crystaliized scale...Blackened Basilisk is both a mob and an item.
03:11.31IrielOoh, handy, Coliloquy lets me split windows. yay
03:11.38IrielThanks for the suggestion folks.
03:11.47alestaneWhen TBC came out, EVERY 60 in the game flocked to HFP.
03:11.51AnduinLotharColiloquy is awesome
03:11.52LunessaThe one basic flaw I see in all MMOs with loot is that ... well, getting loot to drop from a random mob, with a randomized loot table basically sucks.
03:12.15AnduinLotharColloquy actually
03:12.27alestane*cough* Khadgar's Essays on Transdimensional Mechanics *cough*
03:13.00IrielYes indeed, Colloquy, wierd name.
03:13.11alestaneMeans, "Talking together".
03:13.33alestaneLike Colloqium.
03:13.34Xinhuanwhat has flocking to HFP got to do with gold rush mentality?
03:13.46Xinhuaneveryone went there only because it was the only zone for 60-61 content
03:13.58alestaneThat was where the action California in the 1850s.
03:14.16LunessaOr Alaska.  
03:14.21Kaydeethreewha? zanga worked well as a 60-61 zone
03:14.26WobWorkand gold fell from the sky in TBC =)
03:14.26Kaydeethreehfp was 58-61 iirc
03:15.17alestaneYeah, but everyone passed through HFP on the way there, and most of them got hooked into the easy loot and XP of HFP, so you would be fighting over spawn points with twelve other people.
03:15.22Xinhuanyou couldn't really get to zanga without going thru HFP
03:15.43Xinhuanthat's why WotLK will have 2 zone entry points
03:15.49Xinhuanrather than a single HFP
03:15.55alestaneThat will help.
03:16.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
03:18.32cogwheelok... so i couldn't resist replying (i really did tell myself I wouldn't)
03:18.39cogwheel(re: windows installer)
03:19.08KaydeethreeI had to bite my tongue not to yell at that guy
03:19.52alestaneI'm something of a sesquipedalian but I don't recognize that ten-dollar word in your reply.
03:21.22cogwheelhehe. Phenylketonuria is a genetic disorder where your body can't process phenylalanine, a component of nutrasweet
03:21.29cogwheelcan lead to brain damage
03:21.31LunessaWhich I suffer.
03:21.46alestaneCairenn's allergic to Aspertaim, right?
03:21.51cogwheelit's one of the things they test for when you're born
03:21.58cogwheel(at least these days)
03:22.00Cairennalestane: yes
03:22.04LunessaThey test NOW.  Not 37 years ago.
03:22.28alestaneAh. Now I understand.
03:22.31cogwheelallergic's a bit different though afaik
03:22.42cogwheelas in death now
03:22.43Tierriei am allergic to white pepper
03:22.46Tierriegives me a sneezing fit
03:22.59alestaneI just thought of it, it was in her BlizzCon writeup.
03:23.15Legorolcogwheel: you win the intarwebz
03:23.18alestaneThe whole "If I don't have this problem than it doesn't exist" mentality.
03:23.22Legorolbut what the hell is phenylketonuric?
03:23.29TierrieI need more people on my trillian list
03:23.38cogwheelLegorol: one who suffers from phenylketonuria
03:23.43TierrieCairenn whats your msn/icq/aim/yahoo/jabber info?
03:23.43cogwheel(scroll up)
03:24.08cogwheelalestane: I'm surprised I didn't know about it until long after the trip...
03:24.20cogwheelshe didn't say anything about it the whole time :P
03:24.25Cairennwhat, that I tried to get dead?
03:24.26alestaneCairenn's near-death experience, or something else?
03:24.45LunessaBut she discovered she likes ice cream bite treats.
03:24.47CairennI was trying not to ruin it for everyone, didn't want folks freaking out or anything
03:24.50Legorolthat was very scary, even to read it
03:25.14alestaneI need one more scale so of course I have completely converted the area to rogue flame sprits.
03:26.07LunessaI once ordered a drink in a bar, and chugged it ... only to discover they had used diet coke... and spent the rest of my 'clubbing night' in the emergency room.  
03:26.12alestaneI find it rather odd that mages cannot dispel would think it would be priests for curses and mages for magic.
03:26.24cogwheelstomach pump?
03:26.44LunessaNo, but lots of anti-histamines.  And supervision.
03:26.56|Jelly|I was just told to Fade more.
03:27.11alestaneUm, it has like a 30 second cooldown.
03:27.19|Jelly|And it temp...
03:27.24|Jelly|...and doesn't WIPE aggro
03:27.32|Jelly|...and is useless when Gruul hit me for 30k
03:27.53alestaneRight, it's not a hate-reducer, just artificially moves you down the kill priority.
03:28.25alestanethis toon SO needs Cone of Cold.
03:29.07LunessaOK, I'm out for the night.  Work shift is over, I want dinner and WoW.   ... and a beer or three wouldn't be amiss either.  
03:29.11LunessaSee you all tomorrow.  
03:29.14|Jelly|Take it easy.
03:29.15cogwheelmmm... beer
03:29.16alestaneLater Lunessa.
03:29.21CairennLunessa: you're allergic to aspartame as well?
03:29.23abugJelly: you need an aggro wipe like shamans
03:29.35|Jelly|I know, right.
03:29.46alestaneShaman aggro wipe == getting killed?
03:29.47LunessaCairenn: Yes, very very much so.  
03:29.47LunessaNight night.  
03:29.48|Jelly|!c us burning legion klot
03:29.53ThraeBot|Jelly|: Klot, Level 70 Troll Shaman (41/0/20). 6729 HP; 8363 Mana; 175 mana regen; 73 mp5; 6008 Armour; 3.15% melee crit; 69 spell crit; 459 +spell dmg/heal; 4.28% dodge; 4.96% block;[[ TBR: 1910 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Aug 28 23:40:09 2007 ]] shamans have a aggro wipe ability? oO
03:30.00|Jelly|See? I know all too well.
03:30.03abugimproved reincarnation
03:30.04Thunder_Child|Jelly|, use fade *before* it becomes a problem
03:30.35|Jelly|GAH. His gear is so horrible. *cry*
03:32.03abugthat and hypnotist's watch needs buffed, I've kept aggro after popping both
03:34.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
03:42.37*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
03:42.42Kaydeethree"+-- Update the talking speaker thingie if they are talking or not."
03:42.55Legoroli lol-d at that too :D
03:43.01*** join/#wowi-lounge fireglow (
03:43.43alestaneSomething from the PTR forum?
03:43.58cogwheelSounds like Rislyn :P         (at least from the ppl I saw at blizzcon)
03:44.34alestaneOMG is that actual FrameXML code?
03:44.44Legorolit's a line of comment in framexml, yes
03:44.46Kaydeethreediffs of it, but yes
03:44.48cogwheelalestane: comments are fun :)
03:45.04Legorolthere are no easter eggs in framexml comments. i think there should be
03:45.09alestaneYou see that in the comments sometimes, lines like "This is a cheap hack but it works until the real code is ready".
03:45.27cogwheelI'm fond of     -- START HACK       (... CODE ...)       -- END HACK
03:45.34Legoroli'd love to see a comment such as:
03:45.55Legorol-- I threw in this hack because slouken wouldn't give me coffee.
03:45.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Olison (
03:46.14cogwheelI'd like to see comments in the C code where they have misspelled API names or variables...
03:46.18alestaneOh, I discovered that when you imbed script handlers in the .xml file, you can't use the 'less than' sign.
03:46.35cogwheel&lt; if their parser follows the standard
03:46.41cogwheelbut very clunky
03:46.47CidanHacks?  I know not what you speak of.
03:46.58|Jelly|I wish it would be in the guild window who's locked in what 10-man.
03:47.07alestanemaybe, I just turned value < 0 into 0 > value.
03:47.17Legorol|Jelly|: write an addon!
03:47.23|Jelly|(without having an addon)
03:47.33Legorolthat's more difficult :)
03:47.44cogwheelCidan: if you're going to say "I know not..." at least get rid of the dangling preposition ;)
03:47.45CidanHe could always use faerie dust.
03:47.48Kaydeethreeooh, they finally added a "compress uncompressed movies" keybind
03:48.18CidanTrue, true, you speak the truth
03:48.18Legorol|Jelly|: can't you ask your guildmates about which instance they are locked to?
03:48.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Naurbrannon (
03:48.27Legorolsurely it's not that hard to remember when you last went to Karazhan
03:48.31alestaneI know a guy whos web page has a section called "Things your English teacher told you that are WRONG."
03:48.37IrielAre the PTR's back online yet?
03:48.48|Jelly|Yeah but that requires asking them and then getting a response as opposed to being like "Oh wow...that 8-digit number isn't like mine"
03:48.51Kaydeethree3 hours or so by hortus' estimate
03:48.59LegorolIriel: wrong place to ask, the US PTR forum is that way ------->
03:49.09*** part/#wowi-lounge fireglow (
03:49.12Legorolplease join the queue, it's currently up to 364 QQers
03:49.34alestaneFor instance, English grammar doesn't actually care if you end a sentence/clause with a preposition.
03:49.57Kaydeethreewasn't there a presidential quote that made fun of that?
03:50.07alestaneWinston Churchill.
03:50.22alestane"That is a rule up with which I will not put."
03:50.31WobWork"I know not of what you speak"?
03:50.43Kaydeethreeya, that's it
03:51.05*** join/#wowi-lounge dsfargeg (n=rumors@
03:51.36alestaneBut the whole preposition thing is actually a holdover from the 18th century grammarians, who were mostly Latinists and had some funny ideas about English.
03:51.39WobWorkalestane: got a link to that site?
03:51.55alestaneWhere I got the quote? I didn't get it off the internet.
03:51.56Legorolis anyone else worried about the fact that the "auto-enable voice chat in party" checkbox is enabled by default :)
03:52.22cogwheelalestane: for the record, I'm a descriptivist :P
03:52.23WobWorkno, the one you spoke of earlier with the "What your english teacher..." section
03:52.35WobWorkLegorol: Yes
03:52.49alestanecogwheel: what do you mean by that?
03:52.59Kaydeethreedoes /benchmark work in non-qa-enabled builds?
03:52.59Kirkburnalestane, ooh, interesting results when you look up that thing: "You can begin a sentence with “and” or “but.” There’s no reason not to. You shouldn’t begin all of your sentences with “and” or “but,” but if it sounds right, don’t fight it."
03:53.01WobWorkI foresee a whole lot less 'flirting' on WoW after voice chat comes out
03:53.03Legorolit means that everyone who doesn't bother checking out their UI settings (which is the vast majority) will have voice chat turned on in party
03:53.19WobWorkOMG UR A GUY
03:53.30cogwheelalestane: I believe grammar should /describe/ how a language is used rather than /prescribe/ how it should be
03:53.50WobWorkYes, well with English, you can't fight that =)
03:53.57Legorolnot to mention that the checkbox i spoke of is actually hidden at the top of the new Chat channels window, as opposed to being a setting in either Interface Options or the Sound/Voice Options
03:54.01Kirkburn3. You can split an infinitive.
03:54.02alestaneThe folks who came up with split infinitives and prepostiions with trailing nouns were not.
03:54.04cogwheelBut I also believe in encouraging people to use what is currently described :)
03:54.48Kaydeethreeoh, sweet... "BINDING_NAME_TARGETTALKER = "Target current talker";
03:54.54KaydeethreeI'm now sold on in-game voip
03:54.56CidanI believe that language is ever changing thing, a beast which can not be contained by rules.
03:55.18cogwheelwtb "talker" unitid
03:55.20LegorolKaydeethree: when someone speaks, their name appears in a tiny text-box like thing at the bottom of your screen
03:55.24CidanGuidelines, maybe.
03:55.26Legorolyou can click that to target the person who spoke
03:55.36Legoroli guess keybinding is a natural progression from there
03:55.45WobWorkPeople should learn to not split infinitives =)
03:55.53Legoroland we shall see "HEAL MEH!" yells on voice chat about
03:56.20WobWorkIriel: Porn Vol 1, Porn Vol 2... ?
03:56.26cogwheelIriel: I have a similarly unlabeled stack of CDRs i need to go through at some point
03:56.44IrielWobWork: Unlikely 8-)
03:56.46WobWorkcogwheel: oh I have those. They're all various burnt copies of linux or windows or driver CDs
03:56.57WobWorkCause each time I install something I end up reburning an image
03:57.05LegorolIriel: what's even worse is a large stack of labelled stuff on my desk that i wish i bothered to organise so i actually can find stuff
03:57.09WobWorkcause I can't be bothered going through the unlablled =P
03:57.39cogwheeli've got a vista beta, office 2k7 beta, directx sdk, visual studio service pack, various linuces, and some ... umm... other stuff
03:57.43cogwheel(not porn)
03:57.52CidanSometimes using split infinitives sounds stupid
03:57.55Legorolno porn?
03:57.57*** join/#wowi-lounge doskoi (
03:57.57Cidanothertimes, I think it's okay.
03:58.12Legorolcogwheel: has anyone ever explained to you what the intarwebz are *actually* for?
03:58.17Legorolapart from writing addons
03:58.22cogwheelLegorol: wife had a fucked up dad who was addicted to porn... I'm a respectful husband :P
03:58.24Cidaneither way, time to really get going.
03:58.47|Jelly|Wow Cog. Why tell the truth when you know it's just going to take the wind out of our sails?
03:58.53Legorolcogwheel: that can make things difficult
03:58.58cogwheelI value truth over many things...
03:58.58Kaydeethree+RATINGS_TEXT = "The text of the new improved and really really cool Korean Ratings go in this string. -Tom Thompson";
03:58.59|Jelly|I I'd feel bad if I made fun of you.
03:59.16cogwheeldon't :P
03:59.27cogwheelWe haven't always lived together ;)
03:59.37Legoroldon't tell me you threw it out!
03:59.39|Jelly|For the record, I don't have porn either. rofl
03:59.43Legorolthat's just too painful a thought
03:59.56cogwheelLegorol: tbh i don't know XD
04:00.13cogwheelI have a bunch of discs labeled "Archives" from late 90s/early 00s
04:00.29Legorol90s *sniff* those were the days *cry*
04:00.35Legoroli was still young back then
04:00.40cogwheelyeah... those discs were done on a 4x burner...
04:00.44Kaydeethreewhat the hell... there's a "FolderPicker" frame now?
04:00.50Legorolonly for Mac
04:01.04Kaydeethreeya, but I'm wondering how they're not going to break the sandbox with that
04:01.06Legorolto select the folder where you want to save the recorded movie, i beleive
04:01.14cogwheelKaydeethree: GlueXML imo
04:01.16Legorolbut i'm only surmising that from having glanced through the latest patch
04:01.27Legorolcogwheel: no it's in framexml
04:01.34Kaydeethreeya, that's all I'm doing right now too
04:01.34Legorolbut i was wondering the same thing as kadrahil
04:03.33Legorolit seems to be a stub of some sort
04:03.42Legorolit looks incomplete, and is not even used anywhere in framexml
04:04.16Legorolhave a good evening all
04:04.43cogwheelargh! 3 mountain dews in a row and the damned tab broke before opening it...
04:04.46*** join/#wowi-lounge bl4q (
04:05.42Kaydeethreeooh, good idea
04:09.41KirkburnSwords flashing, our heroes dashed into action. ...... or ...... Swords, flashing our heroes, dashed into action.
04:09.45Nom-Anyone care to confirm/deny? :)
04:10.44Kaydeethreethere's a door to void reaver now?
04:13.11WobWorkKirkburn: ?
04:13.26KirkburnWobWork, the wonders of commas
04:13.28Nom-That's the rumour, Kaydeethree ... I'd like to get that confirmed :/
04:13.30WobWorkKaydeethree: well there could be
04:13.45WobWorkKirkburn: I helped my Uncle Jack, off the horse? =P
04:13.48Nom-Kirkburn: The wonder if capitilization is better :)
04:13.58KirkburnWobWork, lol
04:14.11KaydeethreeI don't have easy access to a rogue and I refuse to wait for the premade copy queue, so alas. I can't confirm/deny until it hits live
04:14.15KirkburnYou wouldn't put a comma there though ><
04:14.15doskoiI have a targetoftarget frame inherit SecureUnitButtonTemplate and use SecureUnitButton_OnLoad(this,"targettarget")  it works, and can click frame it can target to ToT, but in Combat, it disable by event ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED, the frame can't use Show() and Hide(), how to fix it, someone know ?
04:14.20Nom-Capitalization: The difference between "I helped my uncle jack off a horse" and "I helped my uncle Jack off a horse"
04:14.29KirkburnNom-, ooh, inventive
04:15.16Kaydeethreedoskoi, you can't show or hide secure frames in combat. there's a RegisterUnitWatch command or something to that effect
04:15.24Nom-Kaydeethree: Priest works well, if you have one
04:15.31Nom-Kaydeethree: Chain Mind Vision around the whole instnace
04:15.53alestaneNight all, I'll see yes later...
04:15.59*** part/#wowi-lounge alestane (
04:16.36doskoiof, i think SetAplha maybe can replace show or hide .
04:17.01WobWorkKirkburn: Chris, where Ted had had had had had had had had had had had the teacher's approval.  
04:18.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
04:18.24KirkburnSo many hads you got disconnected by the grammar lord
04:19.21Wobworkyeah =(
04:19.33Nom-feels like lunch time
04:20.04Kaydeethreehm... I've been up for 9 hours or so. guess I could do lunch
04:20.18WobworkChris, where Ted had had "had," had had "had had."  "Had had" had had the teacher's approval.
04:20.46Nom-GMT -0400 i guess ?
04:20.54Nom-I'm GMT +0800
04:21.05doskoime too
04:21.07Kaydeethreewhatever timezone eastern time is. yah. I can never remember if we're -4 or -5
04:21.23*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
04:23.08Nom-mmm one of my collegues has got like Pie 'n Chips
04:23.17Nom-Definately lunch time, really hungry now :P
04:24.32Shirik!ap 1300
04:24.32ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1300 is, 2v2: 210, 3v3: 240, 5v5: 300
04:24.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Karrion (
04:24.43Shirik!ap 1400
04:24.44ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1400 is, 2v2: 236, 3v3: 270, 5v5: 338
04:40.52art3miswell that makes me sad
04:40.58art3misnew kmfdm isnt all that good
04:41.29art3misi figured after ww3 and hau ruck this would be awesome but noOOOOOOOOOOOOooooo
04:43.04*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
04:43.40Wobworkne1 know wtf art3mis is on about?
04:47.14Cairennno clue what he's on about, and no clue what he's on, but dayum it must be some really good stuff
04:48.36Thunder_Childwow...after a certian point you no longer need to sign up for betas...they just send stuff to you
04:49.10cogwheelwhad'ya get?
04:49.25Thunder_ChildTabula Rasa
04:49.46Wobworkit's all steampunk now, isn't it?
04:49.58Thunder_Childi dunno, i wasnt even following
04:51.48WobworkThe battle system is unusual in that the main character and his allies shoot themselves in the head with a magic gun, called an evoker, to force their Persona out of their heads.
04:52.14Kaydeethreeoh, heh. they lampooned that on penny-arcade
04:52.57art3misWobwork: talking about the new kmfdm album
04:53.05art3misit's pretty week
04:53.30art3misalmost retro 80s industrial with nothing really catchy or pounding to hook you
04:57.59Nom-lol @ ret pally motto
04:58.07art3mis"There's a 95 percent chance that this is the Grunion and a less than five percent chance that it's not," said Christopher J. Nicholson
04:58.13Nom-"All glory to the hypnotoad!"
04:58.17art3misless than 5%?
04:58.44art3misif its 95% that it is, what other factors are there that could diminish it not being it?
04:59.11Kaydeethreewow... wonder if the forum's bugged or people are actually not posting... ptr's been quiet for a few minutes now
04:59.18art3mishypnotoad isnt nearly as funny without the sound effect
05:00.25art3misHotz posted on his blog that he traded his modified iPhone for "a sweet Nissan 350Z and 3 8GB iPhones."
05:01.28art3mis <-- 4 eared bunny!
05:01.39Thunder_Childyea, saw that art3mis
05:01.47Thunder_Childwell on someone elses blog
05:01.56Thunder_Childgizmodo's blog
05:03.07art3misit looks like it just had it's ears cut
05:06.12art3miswe've all been in each of those situations
05:06.36art3miswell the non-nerds one we just hear about after and see what got purchased
05:10.34Cairennhi Esamynn
05:10.46Esamynnevening Cairenn
05:19.23Garounhmm for warriors, do they want fastest offhand they can find like a rogue or is it damage range that matters the most?
05:33.23cogwheelfor fury spec?
05:33.33cogwheelif you're arms you want 2h weapons...
05:33.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
05:33.40*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
05:33.44cogwheelfor fury, i think damage is better but i could be wrong
05:34.03cogwheel*than speed
05:49.35Garounand yeah cog, I meant fury
05:53.17Wobworkanyone know if barkskin mitigates shatter?
05:53.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (
05:55.23Thunder_ChildWobwork, from grull?
05:57.23Thunder_Childaccording to our druid MH, "yes"
06:00.52cogwheelinteresting thread
06:01.05cogwheelin the sense that the op is being ripped a new one
06:05.26WobworkAny Dreamless Sleep type potion will freeze a Stomp victim in mid air, preventing him from flying towards the rest of the raid. This should be used in the event of someone getting caught out of position, or a "all flung into the center" scenario. One thing to remember with this however, is that the range of Shatter includes vertical range, so a person using the sleep potion has to time it at the highest point possible to avoid people
06:05.29Wobworkhehe that's kinda cool
06:05.33WobworkI'll so have to try that
06:06.00Wobworkeven though it'll blow your potion cooldown
06:06.25abugI don't know... I think the op ripped people a new one
06:06.43Kaydeethreelatest ptr build: 7.77MB
06:06.55*** join/#wowi-lounge nevcairiel (i=nevcairi@unaffiliated/nevcairiel)
06:07.23WobworkI can't seem to follow any of those forum links
06:07.28Wobworkit just takes me to the welcome page
06:08.07Kaydeethreeattach a &sid=1 to the link before you hit enter
06:08.15nevcairielthat nerf pom/pyro thread again
06:08.42nevcairieloh another PTR push
06:08.47nevcairielwhats up with them now
06:09.04Kaydeethreelots of vista-related errors in 7153
06:09.09Kaydeethreedownloading 7175 now
06:10.07Wobworkhe should have put a line about "And my mother was scared, and sent me to live with my aunt and uncle..."
06:10.07nevcairieli blame vista for the vista related errors =P
06:11.08Cairenn|afknight guys
06:11.14|Jelly|Good night
06:11.28Wobwork(yeah right =P)
06:11.30|Jelly|Lazy bastards.
06:11.46Wobworkwell it's not like Cairenn ever actually sleeps
06:11.50Wobworkshe just pretends to
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06:14.35Thunder_Childand does it badly
06:17.15|Jelly|~whaleparry Thunder_Child
06:17.15purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry Thunder_Child's attacks.
06:17.21|Jelly|CAUSE I CAN
06:17.25Cairenn|afkI fake it very well, thank you
06:17.28Thunder_Childhelps if i attack first
06:17.57Thunder_ChildCairenn|afk....are we still talking aboutthe same thing
06:18.05|Jelly|I hope so.
06:19.01krkaclad|book: no idea what you tried to ask me earlier
06:19.07bleeterI'd heard the same thing
06:19.45Kaydeethreediffs of the very latest PTR build are now up: current build: 7175
06:23.59Kaydeethreeooh, a new "JoinPermanentChannel()" command
06:24.55IrielFWIW the mac doesn't ask you where to save your movie
06:25.02bleeterdamnit, how the fuck did I manage to lose sound :(
06:25.18nevcairielnew patch broke it? :)
06:25.36Kaydeethreeworking for me, 7175
06:25.49IrielMe also
06:25.58bleeternevcairiel: nah, we got sound working about 12 hours ago (this is under wine)
06:26.05bleeterKaydeethree: shurrup :'(
06:26.18nevcairielbleeter: wasnt that latest build after that point?
06:27.07bleeterwas there? I dunno, I'd copied my wine directory off so the experiments weren't touching my 'live', I'd decided to switch back to live, which hadn't had the original patch for this week... there's one after that? hmm.
06:27.14bleeterie, I lost track of build #'s
06:27.18Kaydeethree7175 happened 30 minutes ago
06:27.33bleeterKaydeethree: did you revert the git hack?
06:27.36nevcairiela bluepost said its supposed to fix sound issues
06:27.48bleetergee, wonder what that was a result of ;)
06:28.49Kaydeethreehm. a new sound codec for the mac build
06:29.37Kaydeethreeevent changes too: COMSAT->VOICE
06:30.32bleeterreverting looks like it crashes out still
06:33.21bleeterre-applied, copied my over from live, sound's back
06:43.19Wobworkhurrah for public holidays
06:43.29nevcairielscrew you :(
06:44.36WobworkYou can thank APEC =P
06:44.55Wobwork... omg
06:44.57WobworkWhat happened to the Famous Five, Enid Blyton's crime-busting adolescents who entertained generations with their school holiday adventures? The question will be answered when Julian, Dick, Anne and George are reunited in middle age, along with a descendant of Timmy the dog, in a new television drama series for adults.
06:45.03WobworkMy childhood
06:45.11Wobworkmy precious heirloom childhood =(
06:45.25WobworkI bet Anne is fat
06:45.30WobworkDick is gay
06:45.45Wobworkand Julian does Self Improvement courses
06:46.21Corrodiasouch. big bills this month. i've been eating too much.
06:46.57Corrodias"Famous Five, Enid Blyton's crime-busting adolescents who entertained generations with their school holiday adventures" = who?
06:47.11IrielYou'd need to be the correct nationalities, I suspect.
06:47.37Corrodiaswas this a television show?
06:47.53WobworkThe Famous Five books, and Enid Blyton in general were read by people in the UK/Australia
06:48.07WobworkShe was a children's author
06:49.23WobworkIriel: Did you ever see Five go mad in Dorset?
06:49.39IrielI did not, no.
06:49.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
06:49.45Wobworkbest parody of the FF ever =)
06:50.03WobworkIf you can get a copy, it's fantastic
06:50.45Corrodias"At 1216 hours, Craig tapped his right foot. I recognized this as a signal used by persons wishing to engage in lewd conduct."
06:51.33Wobworkinteresting how he had the time down precisely =P
06:52.01Wobworkoh, it was an undercover officer
06:53.05WobworkHm, that could be a bit more 'audio' than I ever wanted =P
06:53.43Corrodiasoh dear.
06:56.20bleeterwell, I can confirm one thing about Wine VoIP...
06:56.29bleeter... my mic's broken (don't work in Win32 either)
06:56.58Corrodias"At an earlier court hearing, police said a search of Drummond's Harbord home revealed indecent film of up to 3000 females, but it was unknown whether he was the person who shot the footage."
06:57.12Corrodiasthere's nothing worse than porn that is not decently filmed
06:57.18Corrodiaswhat a loser!
06:57.18bleeterI shoulda bought that $10 mic I saw earlier today... but my mind went 'hay, I got one like that at home'
06:58.26Corrodiasi can't find a headset i like. i want them to have the audio characteristics of my cheap sony headphones here, but none of them seem to sound as good. i just wear a headset around my neck with the microphone pointing up and my headphones on top.
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06:58.33Corrodiasthem, it, whatever
06:58.43TC-HoldingWTB reason why windows crashes
06:58.57bleeterTC-Holding: steaming PoS :P
06:59.33Thunder_Childa possibility...especialy runing vista
07:01.21*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
07:01.23bleeteras I've discovered, Vista is very touchy with unloading dlls
07:01.40bleeterwell, as someone else told me and had it 'proved' to me.. not that I was the one who discovered it
07:01.41cncfanaticsgoood morning
07:02.07Thunder_Childhmm...i wonder if it was because C droped to 0 free space
07:02.25bleeterThunder_Child: sounds highly likely
07:02.37Kaydeethreeouch... windows running out of free space is a really bad thing
07:02.41Kaydeethree'course, it is for any OS...
07:03.06Thunder_Childmeh...i dont install anything on C
07:03.31Thunder_Childnone the less i still seemed to have used up 23.5 gb on it
07:04.11Corrodiasi appear to have used all but 9gb of it. i don't know where it went. i think i must have downloaded something.
07:05.02krkaget baobab or something similar to investigat
07:05.12Thunder_Child*sigh* i just gave it another 10gb....i swear it keeps growing on it's own
07:05.13Corrodiasi seem to have multiple copies of ubuntu and mandrake linux isos in here
07:05.32krkamandrake? that is soooo 1998
07:05.39Corrodiasi'm sorry, mandriva
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07:24.24batrick2.2 toc is 20200 correct?
07:25.08batrickI coulda sworn it was disabled, but an addon that has a version higher than the current loads ok?
07:25.15batrick.toc version I mean
07:25.41Kaydeethreeworks fine. I've got the 2.2 version of NECB on 2.1.3. just make sure load out-of-date's checked
07:26.19batrickyou're Natur? I had no idea
07:26.32batricko nvm
07:26.36batricki'm an idiot
07:33.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
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07:39.25WobworkKirkburn: did you see that link I posted about the Famous Five?
07:44.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (
07:46.35KirkburnAha, I did see something about that
07:46.43KirkburnNever read the books, or seen the series :P
07:49.19Wobworkwhere is your childhood =P
07:49.36Wobworkdid you read -any- Blyton?
07:49.51KirkburnI read Pratchett
07:49.51Kaydeethreegot shipped in the latest PTR push
07:50.20Wobworkoh, well, you're excused then
07:50.31WobworkThen again, how old are you?
07:54.06Wobworkokay, possibly just out of the age bracket kinda =P Aside from the fact that Blyton is british literature classic childrens =P
07:54.26cncfanaticswho needs british literature anyway ? long live french literature
07:55.22Wobworkbut they're french =\
07:56.00cncfanaticsso am I
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09:22.13bleeteris it just me, or does PTR differ from Live when the App loses focus, insofar as sound output ceases (ie, can't tab away and then hear if one gets chewed/hit upon)
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09:23.26sag_ich_nichtbleeter check soundoptions
09:23.48sag_ich_nichtyou have to enable that specificially, and the PTR client uses a different, thus, by default, it's disabled
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09:25.39bleetersag_ich_nicht: rightio, will check next time I'm in PTR (am listening to audio recording of a lecture and looking at lecture slide, thus it prompted my memory to ask the question). Thanks for the reply :)
09:26.03bleeter*whilst contemplating grinding a few mobs out
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10:24.31bleeterlooks like genuine testing's going on in IF PTR PvP1 realm rofl
10:35.09bleeternah, was just terrain abuse crap :(
10:56.11sag_ich_nichtterrain abuse isn't crap
10:56.13sag_ich_nichtit's awesome
10:57.42Industrialhope they dont 'fix' the duel area bug at bank
10:58.29sag_ich_nichtif they "fix" that, there will be an outrage
10:58.54sag_ich_nichtthat's not a bug, that's a feature.
10:59.06zenzelezzthere was an outrage at the 2.0 changes, you saw how much that mattered
10:59.19sag_ich_nichtheh, the 2.0 changes were required
10:59.38zenzelezzyes, but people were outraged anyway
11:00.02sag_ich_nichtchanging that otoh, is NOT required, at ALL
11:04.32bleetersag_ich_nicht: aye, it may be awesome.. but when someone was asking for assistance testing a bug, I thought it was something genuine, just not walking on hard to reach places in IF
11:07.47bleeterwith the amount of time 2.2's taking, I'd suspect 2.3 won't be that far behind once 2.2 is released
11:08.51bleeterand given the starting position of premades, I'd almost guess that 2.3's live internally at blizz, just not publically available. That's to say, the content's merely turned off on the public builds
11:10.51bleetersag_ich_nicht: thanks for the audio tip, btw, worked fine :)
11:12.45bleeterhmm, I'd say it's a bug though - it's not configured to be what prevous behaviour was.
11:15.18Industrialhmm I wonder
11:15.25Industrialwould it be hard rewriting the chatframe?
11:15.53amroChatFrame.lua is your first stop :)
11:16.03zenzelezzwell, what would you want to change?
11:16.12IndustrialI have idChat, so I know something of it
11:16.21Industrialmainly the chatframe itself, not its contents
11:16.33bleeterslight tangental to that, I seem to recall slouken saying quite some time ago that he wasn't going to look at re-writing the chat until 3.0. Was any comment made on that @ BlizzCon?
11:16.36zenzelezzyou mean de-uglify it?
11:16.44zenzelezzI've had that idea myself
11:17.01zenzelezzreally want to try to hack it (or recreate it) to look and behave like Anarchy Online's
11:17.06Industrialmake it pretty, make it collapsible, etc
11:17.47Industrialwith the editbox inside the chatframe, the chatframe moving up to make space when you press enter
11:17.54Industrialstuff like that
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11:18.32zenzelezzI always wondered why those were so close together
11:19.07amrocan you invite people you've ignored? and vice versa?
11:19.22bleeteramro: you can misclick invite/ignore ;)
11:19.31bleeterpoor UI to have them so close
11:19.48amroI'm aware, just wondering :)
11:21.32bleeterpersonally, I'd just switch Cancel/Ignore around
11:23.11zenzelezzif not, at least add a confirmation dialog to the "Ignore" command
11:24.18bleeterwell, that'd be adding some UI. Whereas just re-ordering *should* be a simple change in code.
11:24.23amrohm, realmlist says I have 3 chars on Cenarion Circle when I don't have any
11:28.02bleeterrealmlist seems to lag for me, by like.. ages.
11:28.12amroif I don't find an interesting realm soon I'm going to reactivate my eu account.  why are us realms so lame?
11:28.25bleeterPTR's worse, realmlist there shows I have no toons on PvP1, but I did my first copies there.
11:29.08bleeterbut, if you want to see real lame, hop on to an Oceanic between 4 and 8PM Sydney time... makes me want to hand in my passport :)
11:29.19zenzelezzI picked my realm just from the name when I rerolled EU... was a lucky choice it turned out
11:29.40amroall oceanic servers are full  or locked
11:29.52amroI was ona  player-designated oceanic server once
11:30.05bleeterah, the old khaz'goroth?
11:30.10amronope, ursin
11:30.24bleetermust be a new one ;)
11:30.56amroI had a 38 there. then one day I logged on, guild was dead, friendlist all grey
11:30.57bleeteror one they closed down.. I avoid oceanics like the plague
11:31.11zenzelezzservers or people? ;-p
11:31.14bleeterdrop by occasionally to catch up with old guildies
11:31.55bleeterharass the natives, test Auc5 with different data set... but yerk... it's like every 13 y/o in Australia is on an Oceanic realm
11:31.56zenzelezzI actually met an Aussie girl on my first char, US server... cutes accent ever o_O She was quite popular on Ventrilo
11:32.27amrogah im starting to think I should have waited for eu to come out instead of grabbing us
11:32.27bleetercouple of ladies in my guild have complemented me on my accent... and it's not that broad at all =)
11:32.48bleeterthe latencies would be shocking, though
11:33.03zenzelezzhm, perhaps
11:33.18zenzelezzI had ~300-500 usually from Norway to US-Arthas, not sure where in the US that's located
11:33.30amroyeah, they suck. I know someone who switched from eu to us because of that
11:33.33bleeterI get that from AU to US
11:33.47bleeterso it'd be somewhere like 750-1000 to EU
11:33.58zenzelezzouch :-/
11:34.49IndustrialMMO always has alot higher pings then FPS :(
11:35.01IndustrialI get 100 flat to US eastcoast from the netherlands in FPS
11:35.03zenzelezzweird, isn't it
11:36.23bleeterFPS generally don't require the constant heavy number chrunching across the vendor's infrastructure
11:36.38bleeteras a very rough and vague statement ;)
11:50.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
11:50.43amrowhat is the eu login server address? could someone look it up in their
11:51.57bleeterat a guess, returns a bunch of IPs
11:52.15zenzelezzthat is what mine says
11:52.31amrogoing to try logging in with a enUS client
11:55.16amrologin works! but I have to reactivate the account to try it ingame
11:58.16amrookay apparently it does, this is neat. all you have to do is change 2 characters in :D
11:59.44zenzelezzhm, then I guess it would work the other way around too?
11:59.55sag_ich_nichtget your ass on dark iron
11:59.57sag_ich_nichtif you play US :O
12:00.20sag_ich_nichtalliance if like penny arcade more, horde if you like PvP more :P
12:01.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
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12:02.28amrosag_ich_nicht: had a  char there I deleted 30minutes ago. I don't like alliance and horde are outnumbered 100:1
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12:06.04amroGame Time Expires:   14 August 05 21:52 CEST
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12:07.32JoshBorkelua> 677/2
12:07.32cladbotJoshBorke: 338.5
12:07.44JoshBorkeha!  my configuration code is still larger than my entire mod
12:12.52batrickis there a reason there is no edit function for:  ?
12:13.36JoshBorkei have an edit option
12:13.43batricksays in the top right that you can use instead of date(), which isn't true. i was going to to correct it but I can't see how to edit it
12:13.56IndustrialWobin_: ping
12:14.27clad|booki can edit it.
12:15.09batrickwell I found the edit this page tab at the top, but I don't see how to edit the blue box at the top right containing the bad info
12:15.33clad|bookits the first line
12:15.35clad|bookits an included template
12:15.41clad|bookyou'd want to remove the template call
12:16.30batricki'm worried I'll end up breaking something but I'll go ahead and do it
12:16.51JoshBorkedo you sleep clad?  geeze :-P
12:17.48clad|bookbatrick: there's nothingto break.. that line is added by the template on the first line
12:17.51clad|bookJoshBorke: i go to bed, then i wake up
12:17.55clad|bookits a novel concept :P
12:21.03Wobin_Industrial: yo
12:28.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
12:33.04IndustrialWobin: what does splut do?
12:33.07Industrialor what will it do
12:33.23JoshBorkeIndustrial: it's a sprocket reincarnation that he'll never write
12:35.47zenzelezzIn quiet contemplation, zenzelezz mourns the death of Sprocket.
12:55.50RallionInsane Shit of the Day:
12:56.09RallionIn one of history's more absurd acts of totalitarianism, China has banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating without government permission. According to a statement issued by the State Administration for Religious Affairs, the law, which goes into effect next month and strictly stipulates the procedures by which one is to reincarnate, is "an important move to institutionalize management of
12:57.53JoshBorkeno, reincarnation
12:57.58sag_ich_nichtyou don't need to write a sprocket reincarnation, you can fix the old sprocket... the headers in 2.0 have some sections specificially written so someone could fix up the old sprocket
12:58.39Industrial-> school bbl
12:58.55sag_ich_nichtIriel knows more about it than i, and clad|book probably too
13:09.50zenzelezzdidn't Iriel write those things, secure pie stuff or something
13:10.46JoshBorkeyes, i'm pretty sure it was specifically for sprocket too
13:11.19zenzelezzI do recall talk of this; shame it never happened :-|
13:11.56zenzelezzif I wasn't clueless about secure code I'd have tried to fix Sprocket myself
13:11.56sag_ich_nichtjust shaddup and fix it up already, i'm only a tester D:
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13:21.30RallionI hate PS2's...I want to use mine, but that would require fixing the disc drive again.
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13:44.27alestaneSo someone on the forum just brought up an interesting point.
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13:45.13alestanes/he has a macro: #showtooltip Cold Snap\n/stopcasting\n/cast Cold Snap
13:45.38alestaneAnd it doesn't work because she's carrying the epic wand, 'Cold Snap', around.
13:45.58alestaneIt keeps trying to use the wand.
13:46.45LopeppeppyThree cheers for duplication of effort, zero cheers for frustration.
13:46.53alestaneI suspect the only real solution is going to be for Bliz to rename the item.
13:47.02alestaneLopeppeppy: ?
13:47.22*** join/#wowi-lounge herzogthc (
13:48.01LopeppeppyThree cheers for the fact that Blizzard duplicated themselves effortlessly.  Zero cheers for the fact that it's causing frustration with the macro.
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13:49.10alestaneYeah, I'm thinking it was sort of a slip-up.
13:52.06LopeppeppyI gave myself a startle yesterday when I logged into the Test Realm without paying attention, thinking I was logging into my regular game.... downloaded an update and I was dancin' in the aisles....  booo, it was just Test.
13:52.08[dRaCo]use for items, cast for spells. no problem, easy to code.
13:53.52*** part/#wowi-lounge Gnancy (
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13:56.15alestaneI already outlined two solutions: 1) no item names that duplicate spell names; or, 2) give spells preference because we can macro items by ID in case of a conflict.
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13:56.40alestaneOf course, it might have changed on the PTR but since all the code went API-side I can't check it.
13:56.49zenzelezzdoesn't Cold Snap (the spell) have a rank?
13:57.19alestaneI don't believe it does, it's a talent spell and all it does is finish your other frost cooldowns.
13:57.38alestaneSo there' sno real room for leveling it up.
13:58.33zenzelezzI've little experience with cast macros, I don't suppose "/cast Cold Snap ()" could work?
14:00.26dieckdid you try /cast Cold Snap (Rank X)? (does that special ability have ranks?)
14:00.37zenzelezzI just asked that
14:00.46alestaneThere is only one rank of Cold Snap, just checked.
14:00.52diecksry, overread that :)
14:03.18ts|skromping cogwheel
14:03.41dieckhm, wowhead lists cold snap as ITEM lvl 70, but char lvl 60 item from Azuregos?
14:04.16alestaneStill not something I can pick up to test.
14:06.46zenzelezzeither read what we said or stop trolling
14:08.07alestaneThey say they tried that solution, s_i_n
14:08.30sag_ich_nichtjust call me sin :P
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14:08.58sag_ich_nichtalso, Cold Snap has no rank
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14:09.08zenzelezzwhich we also said
14:09.19alestaneRight, but shouldn't () try to cast the highest (only) rank available?
14:09.37zenzelezzthink so, it's at least worth trying
14:10.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
14:20.58batrickcold snap does have a rank
14:21.05batrickall spells do
14:21.13zenzelezznot displayed
14:21.27alestaneNo text under the spell name at all?
14:21.52zenzelezzI can't say for Cold Snap, but I know my Concussion Blow (also from talents) says nothing below the name
14:21.56zenzelezzjust a name
14:22.06batrickthe tooltip won't display it
14:22.09zenzelezzalso Last Stand
14:22.11alestaneI know some spells that appear not to have a rank still have some text that will be returned as the rank (Summon Imp is rank Summon)
14:22.13batricktry putting in any macro
14:22.16zenzelezzI'm looking at spell book
14:22.22batrick#showtooltip Cold Snap(Rank 1)
14:22.40batrickwhich may not work if you're a mage, use a spell that is similar to cold snap
14:22.45batrickyou're not*
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14:32.42batrickgood morning shirik
14:32.49Shirikmorning :)
14:37.15Josh_Borke~lart Shirik
14:37.15purlslams Shirik against a large cement Tux
14:37.47alestaneStill having issues with Wine?
14:38.10batrickjust add cheese to wine
14:38.12*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
14:40.37art3mishehe with all the whining about the ptr bugs it should get itself an H
14:41.17art3mishome$whine /programs/warcraft/WoW.exe
14:41.26art3misSegmentation Fault.
14:46.34batrickart3mis: $cheese --type=swiss | whine /programs/warcraft/WoW.exe
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14:52.07art3misoh right!
14:53.10Shirikyou have to pipe it cheese? o.o
14:54.04Josh_Borke~botmail for Shirik: CTL/ACE RDX KTHXBAI
14:54.23zenzelezzooh, both at the same time? He really is going to kill you
14:55.27*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|_ (
15:00.29Josh_Borkesioraiocht: morning
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15:03.12sioraiochtgood morning!
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15:32.33alestaneHurray for syntactic sugar.
15:34.30alestaneThe concept that "function BLAH (some, parameters) ... end" constitutes exectuable steps that are RUN, not COMPILED, during your addon's loading can be kind of brain-breaking just because it looks so much like standard C-like function definitions.
15:35.06alestaneI remember when I was learning C, I had only known Pascal before that and I was studying C going, "Okay, functions, but how do I declare a procedure?"
15:35.42Legorolalestane: i don't know where you got that from, but that concept you quoted is incorrect
15:35.57Legorolit is true that the executable steps inside that block are compiled, but they are not executed at load time
15:36.11Legorolalso, a closure is created
15:36.22alestaneWell, I have over-simplified.
15:36.40Legorolor are you referring to the assignment to BLAH?
15:36.46Legorolbecause you are right, that part is executed
15:37.35alestanethe function definition itself is executed (a 'closure' is created as you say) when the .lua file is executed.
15:38.14alestaneBut in, say, C, a function definition is processed by the compiler, but it's not really executed.
15:38.21alestaneNot at complie time.
15:40.15alestaneBut in Lua, 'function declarations' aren't just descriptions of the functions, they're active statements that are processed by the Lua environment as they're encountered, and can be freely intermingled with other executeable statements such as function calls.
15:41.57alestaneA C file, by contrast, consists entirely of declarations. Executable code is restricted to the contents of function declarations, and none of your code is run while it's being compiled; an object file with a defined entry point is created instead, which can be invoked only from outside the comiling code, after it has completed.
15:41.58*** part/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn|afk (
15:42.39ts|skromImproved Power Word: Shield: scales with +healing?
15:42.55alestaneI don't know, does it?
15:43.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
15:45.40alestaneell, it makes more sense anyway than what I originally thought you meant, which was Reflective Shield.
15:46.26ts|skromoh hehe, well of course that scales but not the same way, the more you can absorb (via +healing) the more you can reflect over time
15:46.34amro_Industrial: ping
15:47.24Polarinableeter: You didn't only fix the Wine sound issue in WoW PTR, but also in EVE Online. :)
15:47.43ts|skromsome talents are coded to apply their +%'s before +healing some after and given that PW:S only received it's +healing bonus relatively recently it'd be a toss up which way this goes. Checking priest forum now.
15:48.03amroPolarina: voice chat works in EVE or just avoids disabling sound?
15:48.40Polarinaamro: It logs in with sounds, more I don't know.
15:49.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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15:51.13amrogotta love distract
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16:04.01RallionI've got to go see if I can scrounge up a copy of Metroid today. Dunno what kind of luck I'll have.
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16:14.18*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
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16:21.56Industrialamro: pong
16:23.13Nom-Hydross, Lurker, Tidewalker all dead
16:23.14Nom-4 hours
16:23.30Industriallulz lifeless
16:23.39Nom-so awesome :D
16:23.42Industrial(<3 ;D)
16:23.55alestaneI have no idea what you people are talking about.
16:24.04KalrothNom-: Where's Karathress and Leo?!
16:24.10Industrial.. world of warcraft ?
16:24.19Nom-Sunday, Kalroth :)
16:24.23Nom-We went Tidewalker first
16:24.44Nom-Tomorrow we're going to kill lootreaver, and the T4 dungeons
16:24.47alestaneSSC? I haven't done any TBC raiding besides Kara.
16:24.50Industrialalestane: his group defeated some bosses in an apparently noteworthy short amount of time, so I called him lifeless (for fun).
16:25.06Nom-Yes, SSC alestane
16:25.26Nom-It's probably not that quick actually Industrial
16:25.55Nom-But it's not a bad effort... 1-shot hydross, 2-shot lurker (we were being silly) and 3rd try on Tidewalker
16:26.05Industrialdoesnt matter :3
16:26.25*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liquidor] (n=denras19@
16:27.12Nom-Yup, Loot Reaver and Gruul/Magtheridon tomorrow
16:27.14Nom-Easy street
16:27.23amro4 dots and 2 people pounding on me
16:27.29amrofear lasts full duration
16:27.33amrosome luck
16:27.51Industrialamro: pong
16:28.12amroIndustrial: pm
16:28.59Nom-We're actually getting to the point now where we're considering not killing Gruul any more
16:29.07Nom-We kill High King in like 4 minutes
16:29.16Nom-Our rogues do > 1000 dps :D
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16:36.34Nom-oh well
16:36.41Nom-must sleep, work in a few hours :(
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17:10.27Valaron|WorkBah.. this week is going SOOOO slow. :(
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17:16.25alestaneDelta sheets have GOT ot be the most boring part of this job yet.
17:17.55LopeppeppyAfternoon.  Just to be contrary.  :P
17:18.10purlsomebody said ugt was Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
17:18.17Shirik~lart Lopeppeppy
17:18.17purlhits Lopeppeppy with an anvil and laughs with a contralto voice ... Haha Ha HA Ha
17:18.31LopeppeppyI love you too, Shirik.
17:18.42|Jelly|I see. No love.
17:19.00LopeppeppyMy cat done left me and my dog has a flat tire.  *sniff*
17:19.10Shirik... huh?
17:19.22Cairenn*cue country guitar twang*
17:19.27alestaneDo most of the people here just leave their computers on full-time? I see people announce that they're going to some other place, or going to sleep, and they don't log off, they just go AFK.
17:19.35|Jelly|I *am* from Texas. /wrist
17:19.38Cairennalestane: yup, pretty much
17:19.54zenzelezzwhy would you turn off your computer? o_O
17:20.00|Jelly|My computer can turn off?
17:20.09alestanePower/heat conservation?
17:20.09|Jelly|*remembers the STOP error I woke up to* /sigh
17:20.41Shirikalestane: what is this "on" ?
17:20.51LopeppeppySometimes, alestane, the power/heat ratio can be proved out, particularly if you turn down your home thermostat and use candles.  :P
17:20.53ShirikIs that like when you take off the |AFK on your name?
17:21.07alestaneI mean, I'll leave it on if I'm downloading something or whatever...
17:21.50|Jelly|Gah. I hate skinner.
17:22.09ShirikI'm still confused by this "on" concept
17:22.10LopeppeppyI came to dislike as well, |Jelly|.
17:22.23|Jelly|<3 PEPPY! :P
17:22.30alestaneLike last night I started downloading those OSX dev tools AnduinLothar was mentioning, so this morning I run the install, turn the box off and go to work.
17:22.35|Jelly|Oh and Shirik, do need that tool.
17:22.43Shirik"turn the box off" stop making up words!
17:22.51|Jelly|The hell is he talking about? OFF?
17:23.03|Jelly|My computer has two states: On and Rebooting
17:23.14Shirikmine has two also
17:23.23|Jelly|On and On?
17:23.24LopeppeppyMine has three.  On, Reboot, and Doorstop.
17:23.26Shirik"Doing what I told it to do" and "Doing what I told it to do while yelling at me that I need to restart"
17:24.15CairennLopeppeppy: or window-creation mode
17:24.35LopeppeppyCairenn, is that where I toss it through the wall because I'm peeved?
17:24.57LopeppeppyYeah, I've never gotten that bad, but I can see it being a 4th mode.
17:24.59alestaneOkay, our other computer is always on, but it has no monitor or keyboard of its own and exists mostly to serve music and vidoe files to the other two.
17:25.05CairennI've gotten close
17:25.08|Jelly|Hey Shirik. How's Vista working out for you?
17:25.17CidanHE LOVES IT
17:25.33ShirikActually it's not bad, and I did leave UAC on
17:25.45Cidana thousand internets to whoever knows where that is from
17:25.48ShirikIt's actually gotten me to re-evaluate some of my programming practices
17:25.59Shirikand also taught me how to update my programs to Vista :)
17:26.05CidanShirik, you mean like not using the reg? :D:D:D:D:D:D
17:26.09alestaneCats furry things that look at you expectantly when you're standing my the can-opner, or the musical?
17:26.12ShirikI'm still using the registry hun
17:26.14ShirikI have to
17:26.18CidanNo you don't, :D
17:26.20Shirikhow else do you know where Java's installed?
17:26.23|Jelly|How big of a jump is it for the average user to go from XP Pro to Vista Home Premium (isn't that an oxymoron?)
17:26.24Shirikand what version it is?
17:26.34alestaneSaint-N: What story?
17:26.42Shirikhome premium, I don't know. I'm on ultimate. It's not very big really
17:26.52LopeppeppyOh, |Jelly|, no, don't jump!!!!
17:26.52|Jelly|Did it?
17:26.52ShirikIt takes a little getting used to
17:26.52CidanWhy do you need to know where it's installed?
17:26.57Shirikbut in general everything is where it needs to be
17:27.01Saint-Nalestane: i dunno you said "so i turned off my computer and went towork. i assumed that there was gonna be something funny after this regarding your new programs
17:27.04ShirikCidan: How do you create a process without knowing where it is?
17:27.21Saint-Nshirik: blindly run it ;P
17:27.30ShirikSo a C++ program can execute a Java program
17:27.30Saint-Nif its in path and installed itll run ;)
17:27.41alestaneSaint-N: Apparently "turned off my computer" was the punchline, and I didn't even realize it.
17:27.49Saint-Nif it doesnt run throw a "install java asshole" error ;P
17:28.00Saint-Nsimple huh?
17:28.00CidanOh, right, you have to contain it in C++ to make it work
17:28.08|Jelly|By the way Peppy. Your rant on ImageShack. /sigh Where would I be without you? <3 Tinypic to the face.
17:28.18ShirikWell unless I want my users to be having to go to the command line and type java -jar /some/path/to/jar/file
17:28.23CidanI can understand reading it, I suppose.  But you still don't have to write it.
17:28.26Shirikwhich, most don't know what that even means
17:28.29alestaneIn my first experience with Vista, I found that many things were in different places than I expected them to be in. Those places were not necessarily BAD places, but they were not the places I expected.
17:28.30Shirikcreating an EXE is nicer :)
17:28.32LopeppeppyI ranted on ImageShack?
17:28.42ShirikCidan: I never wrote to the registry except in my installer :)
17:28.42|Jelly|Didn't you?
17:28.48Saint-Nshirik: runme.bat ;P
17:28.51Shirikthough I'm working on avoiding that
17:28.53CidanAnd you shouldn't need to, :D
17:29.03Saint-Nand a custom folder for java apps
17:29.07|Jelly|I thought it was you -- it was like a million years ago in a post on the forums.
17:29.07CidanI dunno, I'm bigged on self contained
17:29.14Saint-Nso when your ealize that java is the spawn of satan it's easier to remove ;P
17:29.24Cidaneverything in either home, or the directory the executable is in
17:29.26Lopeppeppy|Jelly| -- I have no clear recollection of such.  I didn't inhale.  I dunno.  :)
17:29.33ShirikSaint-N: Java isn't bad. Personally, I dislike it in favor of other languages
17:29.39Shirikbut there's a tool for every job
17:29.40|Jelly|It doesn't matter really, Tinypic > Imageshack by a lot and yay.
17:29.42ShirikJava's the tool for this job.,
17:29.51Saint-Nno you're the tool!
17:30.00ShirikNo, I'm the tool-ee
17:30.06Saint-Ni dont actually car4e, im just being disagreeable for no raison ;P
17:30.11CidanI want to get into QT, the interface is much nicer than Swing
17:30.17ShirikQT is fun
17:30.22Saint-Nthe big brain am winning!
17:30.27Shirikbut you have to admit just about everyone has java
17:30.39Shirikusing QT means either a bigger executable or packaging libraries
17:30.42|Jelly|Must. Disable. Skinner.
17:30.46Saint-Neveryone had bonzai buddy too, that didnt make it a good thing ;P
17:30.51Shirikbut I do like QT myself
17:30.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
17:31.10CidanYou don't have to install QT to use a QT enabled app though. :P
17:31.24Shirikno but you need the runtime libraries
17:31.27Shirikwhich could be static
17:31.31Shirikbut they still have to be somewhere
17:31.39Cidanself contained, not a big issue
17:31.47Shirikbigger executable :)
17:31.47Cidanopera does it
17:31.49Cidangoogle earth does it
17:31.54Saint-Njesus does it
17:31.57Shirikwhat about your dialup users?
17:32.05Saint-Nwhats that?
17:32.10CidanSuck it up, really.
17:32.22Shiriklet's say I were some average joe user
17:32.26ShirikI was on a 300 baud modem
17:32.31Saint-Nif you're still on dialup at this point in time you deserve the download times ;P
17:32.43ShirikI see two applications that appear to do the same thing
17:32.46Shirikone is 1MB, one is 5MB
17:32.49Shirikwhich do I pick
17:32.53Saint-Npssst shirik
17:32.58Saint-Njava isnt 1mb ;P
17:33.09Shirikone would assume he already has java
17:33.12Shirikthat's not the issue here
17:33.12CidanThat's unrealistic.  Look, you have to target your business to a wide audience, yes.  But at what point to you sacrifice quality to reach them?
17:33.20Saint-Nit is the issue
17:33.21CidanThe idea that you "should" do this
17:33.30Cidanor "should" include this
17:33.35Saint-Nif i wanted a 1m file and i didnt have the right java thats another 25-35mb download
17:33.37ShirikCidan: Then let's write everything in IA32 assembly from now on
17:33.43Cidanjust to fit a minor -- and yes it is minor -- subset of people who MAY
17:33.45Cidanuse your program
17:33.48Cidanis just silly.
17:34.25CidanShirik, what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
17:34.37ShirikI vote we write a full-fledged 3d online application
17:34.40Shirikin assembly
17:34.41Shiriklet's do it
17:34.47CidanYou're not making any sense.
17:35.04CidanWhat is the point you are trying to convey?
17:35.14Shirikin fact, let's make it a bootable game, so we have direct access to everything
17:35.16Shiriknot really sure
17:35.27Shirikscrew directx
17:35.32Shirikwe can access the video card directly
17:35.43CidanI think I'm going to go make some tea actually, fancy that.
17:36.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
17:36.55CidanIS IT?
17:36.57CidanIS IT REALLY?!
17:37.02Lino rly?
17:37.06alestaneIt is here.
17:37.10|Jelly|Mid-day to you, Lunessa!
17:37.11*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
17:37.11Linhere too.
17:37.12CidanOh, right, here too.
17:37.25Shirikhere too.
17:37.29JoshBorkehere three
17:37.38alestaneUnless you're in, say, Colorado or points west.
17:37.41LunessaShould I just follow the Universal Time Convention and say "Good Monring"?  
17:37.49purlmethinks ugt is Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
17:38.06LunessaGood Morning!
17:38.07zenzelezzwhat's a monring?
17:38.15JoshBorkethe time to say hello
17:38.26|Jelly|Best question I've asked all day: "But if it does what you want, why do you want to replace it?"
17:38.48Linbetter convention!
17:38.55Linthen: morning all!!
17:38.57Lunessaalestane: Thanks for mentioning Colloquy - I think I much prefer it to Chatzilla.
17:39.17alestaneHow many Mac users does that make on here?
17:39.26LunessaAt least 4
17:39.36alestaneSeems like almost everyone is using either Mac or Linux...
17:39.51LunessaBut, in all honesty I use anything that crunches bits.  
17:39.56|Jelly|Windoz. 89
17:40.06JoshBorkei use BeOS
17:40.24LunessaI have 4 Windows boxes, 3 Macs, and soon I'll have a linux box for fun.
17:40.33JoshBorke~lart Shirik
17:40.33purlsteals Shirik's mojo
17:40.38LinThe idea behind establishing this convention was to eliminate noise generated almost every time someone comes in and greets using some form of day-time based greeting, and then channel members on the other side of the globe start pointing out that it's different time of the day for them. Now, instead of spending time figuring out what time of day is it for every member of the channel, we spend time explaining newcomers benefits of UGT.
17:40.42JoshBorkeyou think i would respond to version requests honestly? :-P
17:40.45alestaneWhich is only funny because usually I expect rooms like this to be full of frothing DOS advocates...but as Jerry 'Tycho' Holkins put it, "there are men who abide still in those frozen steppes, and their banner is the penguin."
17:40.53LinLOL. Doesn't changed the discussion. Just the subject.
17:41.15ShirikJoshBorke: I don't consider you someone whom would know how to change that
17:41.23JoshBorkethat hurts
17:41.24LunessaPenny Arcade quotes for the win.  
17:41.28JoshBorkejust a little bit
17:41.35|Jelly|Is it sad that I would have known who "Jerry 'Tycho' Holkins" is without the nickname in there?
17:41.36JoshBorkei used to do that in mirc
17:41.47alestaneColloquy was actually the first program I found when I typed "free IRC client Mac OSX" into Google.
17:41.47JoshBorke<3 RAW
17:42.10alestaneI got to see them at MIT a few years ago.
17:42.28LunessaWhen I looked, I was pointed to something else.  And it was cumbersome and crashed.  Which made it very NOT Macintosh.  
17:42.39LunessaSo I used Chatzilla as a stand in.
17:43.01alestaneSo far I've seen you, me, cladhaire, Iriel and AnduinLothar I think.
17:43.06CidanGod I love
17:43.10CidanScrewAttack's videos
17:45.21LunessaI need to get my G3 up and running again.  
17:46.21alestaneMy poor Wallstreet won't power on anymore.
17:46.34LopeppeppyI have a pencil....
17:46.50*** join/#wowi-lounge lolinternet (i=bitch2k@
17:47.06LunessaI ditched my old PPC powerbooks, but a friend is sending me an older G4 powerbook she no longer wants. :)  
17:47.19*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
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17:52.25alestaneI love the "Recently Closed Tabs" feature that they added to the History section n Firefox.
17:52.36LunessaFireFox is love.
17:52.41*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel_ (
17:53.02zenzelezzTainted Love
17:53.13hasteChocolate rain
17:53.23alestaneAfter several years of Netscape It's a wonderful relief to use a browser that's just a browser.
17:56.16LunessaA feature-rich browser.  With a few blemishes, but still very sweet.
17:57.03JoshBorkefirefox blows
17:57.11JoshBorkeie7 ftw
17:58.04LunessaI like Safari except for ONE feature.  It doesn't display the URL for links.  
17:58.09Cairennfyi - 2.2 is /not/ next week
17:58.13LopeppeppyFor my work systems, Firefox works much better.  But I do hear it can have memory-use issues.  *shrug*  I have to use them all to preview pages anyway.
17:58.48LunessaCairenn: Good to know, sorry you're getting pounded about it.  :/
17:59.24Cairennnot getting pounded about it, I just always let you guys know once I have confirmation one way or another :)
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18:01.00LopeppeppyMakes it easier to spread the word to the un-enlightened and stave off panic attacks over the weekend.
18:01.12ts|skromand I'm back!
18:01.26LopeppeppySince I'm going to be gone all weekend, it's good to pat the puppies on the head as I go off.
18:01.47ts|skromthat's hot
18:01.56LopeppeppyYou're weird.
18:04.18amro"Congratulations! You've successfully changed your password! Tales of this historic moment will be told and retold down through the generations. Way to go!" <- They should save this kind of thing for when you actually get help from a GM
18:04.43Mr_Rabies2i've only had GMs be helpful personally :x
18:05.02LunessaHah.  My encounters in WoW with the GM staff, save once, have been very positive and helpful.  
18:05.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
18:06.00alestaneCairenn: Whence comes this confirmation?
18:06.23LopeppeppyI've even managed to help the GM, once.... they're a much maligned bunch, because their scope is narrow by intent.  Much love for customer service peoples.
18:06.55CairennI have various and sundry sources
18:07.40LunessaDo not meddle in the affairs of red heads, for they are subtle like a thunderstorm, sly like a fox, and dangerous like a dragon on crack.
18:07.44alestaneWho apparently prefer to remain anonymous.
18:08.11alestaneMicrosoft Office Word is currently recovering my documents.
18:09.33alestaneI would be more pleased by this thoughtful service, had it not been Word's crashing that endangered them in the first place.
18:10.19Mr_Rabies2new build on the ptr
18:10.27Mr_Rabies2any list of changes?
18:10.51alestaneNewer than the one yesterday morning?
18:11.00Mr_Rabies2i played yesterday
18:11.03cogwheelthat was the day before yesterday
18:11.09cogwheeland this one is new as of last night
18:11.11Mr_Rabies27175 is what i'm downloading
18:12.07alestaneI heard iffy things about 7153.
18:12.46ts|skromcogwheel, tried out that voice commander thing. It's pretty nifty.
18:13.20*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 ToC: 20100 | RTFPN please | Poor is the man whole pleasures depend on the permission of another
18:13.31*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 ToC: 20100 | RTFPN please | Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another
18:14.56cogwheelCairenn: does that mean all husbands are poor?
18:15.19Cairenncogwheel: you aren't that young, you know where the reference comes from
18:15.20LopeppeppyNo more than I as a wife am, Cogwheel.
18:16.02LunessaSounds Wilde-ish.  
18:16.57alestaneYou can't be that poor, Peppy, you always have plenty of cookies.
18:18.50LopeppeppyThat I do, alestane.  And a cat, and much of happy.  It has been a long week, it's good to remember these things.
18:19.33Mr_Rabies2holy crap
18:19.38Mr_Rabies2i just hit the motherlode of doritos
18:19.58Mr_Rabies2it had about a tablespoon of the flavoring resting in it
18:20.03LopeppeppyDoritos contribute to happiness.
18:20.17alestaneBleah, overload.
18:20.25Mr_Rabies2i'm not exaggerating, about a tablespoon
18:21.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
18:24.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
18:24.27Shirikpurl, diaf
18:24.27purlACTION refuses to die!
18:24.46alestaneHrmm, second Office crash in a row. It must not like merging these document.
18:26.30amroew, word processors
18:26.30JoshBorke~botmail for shirik: CTL/ACE RDX KTHXBAI
18:27.46alestaneWhy is Shirik being harangued in perpetuity to ACE RDX?
18:27.54JoshBorkebecause i like to piss him off
18:30.10*** join/#wowi-lounge abug (
18:32.09|Jelly|Is it 2.2 or 2.3 that allows you to create a UI for different resolutions?
18:32.59*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
18:33.06alestaneI believe they said that as of 2.2 frame positions will be saved relative to the nearest corner.
18:33.25LunessaWhich will ROCK.
18:33.49abugoh noes, which corner will it pick if it's exactly between two
18:34.02JoshBorkeTOP, RIGHT, CENTER, BOTTOM, LEFT ;-)
18:34.06LunessaI love how "prepping CD-RW media for use" takes 30 mins. /sarcasm
18:34.18Mr_Rabies2why does consortium rep have to be such a bitch >:[
18:34.36alestaneYes, from the Upcoming 2.2 Changes thread: "* Frame positions are saved relative to the nearest corner rather than the upper left corner, so that they don't move when changing resolution and screen aspect ratio."
18:34.39abugis that the code for a console game?
18:34.42Mr_Rabies2it's really the only difficult rep grind
18:35.32LopeppeppyI'm hating them all, Mr_Rabies2.  I'm trying to convince my raid group that 3 weeks is not enough time to tell me to get exalted with 3 different factions.
18:35.48alestaneNo, that's U U D D L R L R A B
18:35.48Mr_Rabies2what factions?
18:36.02Lunessa<3 Lopeppeppy.
18:36.14alestaneI'm guessing CX, Sha'tar and either Scryers/Aldor.
18:36.14Mr_Rabies2A B B A D A B B A D U U imo
18:36.21LopeppeppyWhat did she ask me for...  I think it was CE, Sha'atar and my home one, yes.
18:36.22Mr_Rabies2i'm just honored with scryers
18:36.28Mr_Rabies2i have no real reason to get exalted
18:36.35alestaneFor the flasks or whatever it is they sell.
18:36.39Mr_Rabies2the enchants are such a marginal change
18:36.42LunessaLopeppeppy: The amount of work required to get Exalted with ANYONE is a tremendous.  
18:36.51Mr_Rabies2sha'tar i got exalted with on accident
18:36.56Mr_Rabies2CX is kinda a bitch
18:37.05Mr_Rabies2revered->exalted is annoying
18:37.13LopeppeppyMy raid leaders are graciously gifted with being able to create or join pugs.  I am not the gods they are.... is very sad.
18:37.27Mr_Rabies2you just gotta know how to pick em
18:37.31LunessaSorry Lopeppeppy - I know the feeling.  
18:37.52Mr_Rabies2start your own group and have a small questionnaire beforehand
18:37.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
18:38.03Thunder_ChildLunessa, except for AV
18:38.26Mr_Rabies2if they answer in something close to english
18:38.37Mr_Rabies2that's a decent help
18:38.59Mr_Rabies2usually if they type like normal people they're not too bad
18:39.08Mr_Rabies2HAY U WAN GO 2 HEROMECH?1
18:39.10Mr_Rabies2= no
18:39.29LopeppeppyNo, I don't mind a language barrier, I've done well with those.  When I'm not booted for a priest...  *sigh*  I no can go Heromech.  I no loved by mechs yet.
18:39.32abugit's the sneaky ones like cogwheel you've gotta watch out for
18:39.33LunessaHai guyz. I need 2 repair kk
18:39.53ts|skromyou mean "rpr"
18:40.02Mr_Rabies2generally if they're typing like that they also put similar effort into playing their characters
18:40.31Lopeppeppy"Hey, no, I never trained Spell Deflection, is that any good?"
18:40.37Mr_Rabies2= kick
18:40.39Mr_Rabies2i'm ruthless
18:40.46Mr_Rabies2"where was the DI?"
18:40.49Mr_Rabies2"i never trained it
18:41.19ts|skromI hate feral druids who don't train their heals (and vice verse)
18:41.29Lopeppeppy"Nah, we decided to skip quests, we don't want to be in here forever."
18:41.30alestaneWe had a pally in Uldaman the other day, and I was explaining that he would need Righteous Defense for the next fights so the mage and priest didn't keep dying.
18:42.02alestaneAnd he said, "I don't have that, it's stupid. It's like a insta die."
18:42.03Mr_Rabies2ts|skrom, if you've got a feral that's needing to heal often something is wrong
18:42.07Thunder_Childis stupidity reportable under harassment? seems resonable to me......
18:42.23alestaneSo the shammy tanked the final boss fight and did a better job.
18:42.33LunessaThunder_Child: Pretty soon, there'd be no customers.
18:42.39ts|skromwhat I mean MR2 is those times when a feral druid is the only healer in LFG
18:42.43ts|skromdon't have much choice then.
18:42.49Mr_Rabies2i wouldn't take him
18:42.54Mr_Rabies2and I'M a feral druid
18:42.54Thunder_ChildLunessa, including you?
18:43.00LunessaUp until about level 60, my shaman did a pretty good job tanking.  
18:43.01ts|skromway to play the stereotypes
18:43.05Mr_Rabies2not at all
18:43.09LunessaThunder_Child: ESPECIALLY including me.
18:43.15Mr_Rabies2ferals are not good past the normal 5 mans for anything but tanking and healing
18:43.35Mr_Rabies2ferals are tank/dps hybrids, healing is not a good idea for them at all
18:43.36ts|skromI'm sorry if you misunderstood. I'm level 38
18:44.02ts|skromI'm talking about mid level stuff
18:44.02clad|bookIs anyone here capable of validating XML against a schema for me?
18:44.04LopeppeppyI had my warrior in Kara the other night just out of the blue ask me to be responsible for telling him when to use his Shield Wall and Last Stand.  I was like..... WTF?
18:44.23Mr_Rabies2mid-level stuff, ts|skrom
18:44.27Mr_Rabies2you're better off just soloing
18:44.29alestaneNot from work clad, but once I get home I can.
18:44.37Mr_Rabies2it sucks, but tis the way things are now
18:44.42Mr_Rabies2no one rolls alts anymore
18:44.46clad|bookfor some reason, I can't get PlayerFrame.xml to validate against UI.xsd
18:44.50clad|bookand i'm wondering if I'm doing somethign wrong, heh
18:44.59ts|skromif it were true then I wouldn't have any anecdotes would I...
18:45.16LunessaMr_Rabies: Must be something wrong with me then.  4 level 70s.  
18:45.26alestaneI have toons from 22 to 70, MR2, and I'm on a pretty mature server...startign areas are far from empty.
18:45.27Shirik"Aug. 20-27, 2007 issue - In one of history's more absurd acts of totalitarianism, China has banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating without government permission. "
18:45.37Mr_Rabies2lunessa, how many other alts did you see while leveling?
18:45.38clad|bookor rather, any of the XML files against the schema
18:45.50alestaneYou reading the Onion or something Shirik?
18:45.52LopeppeppyI did okay for groups up until 55.  It varies by server, and by time of day, and by zone.
18:45.54Mr_Rabies2the numbers are waaaaaaaaay down because azeroth sucks compared to bc content
18:45.57LunessaA significant number.  I play on an RP server.
18:46.03Mr_Rabies2that's probably why
18:46.13Mr_Rabies2on mine, the server is like 95% 70s
18:46.16Mr_Rabies2and 5% 1-60
18:46.19Mr_Rabies2and 5% 1-69
18:46.35Mr_Rabies2similar numbers on my other server
18:46.43alestaneclad|book: Mac or Windows? On Mac you have to tweak the path to the schema file in the XML so it's readable in the right filename scheme.
18:47.04clad|booki'm passing the software the schema file directly
18:47.10clad|bookbut i'll look at that, thanks.
18:47.34Mr_Rabies2personally i'd rather deal with the average normal/pvp server idiot than an RP idiot
18:47.48alestaneWell, I use XML Nanny? And it still needed that tweak to avoid giving me errors. Plus once I did that I didn't need to pass in the schema anymore.
18:47.53LopeppeppyAnd us RP idiots feel the exact opposite.
18:47.56Mr_Rabies2most people take things way way way too seriously on RP servers :x
18:47.59clad|bookyeah i'm using nanny
18:48.17clad|bookwould love to know what you needed to tweak :P
18:48.21zenzelezzall this nanny talk reminds me of Anarchy Online :-o The implant creator
18:48.41LopeppeppyI think the two server types attract opposites, and it's good that there are many separate servers.
18:49.06LunessaI've played on all kinds of servers.  I'm happy where I'm at.  
18:49.09alestane"<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
18:49.16LunessaAnd Lopeppeppy You need to come visit. :)
18:49.28Mr_Rabies2too many RP players have both persecution and superiority complexes
18:49.49Mr_Rabies2sure, a lot of PVPers and Normal players are just stupid
18:49.52clad|book<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
18:49.53amrosome rp servers are funny because nobody rps there
18:49.56Mr_Rabies2but you can ignore stupid
18:49.59alestaneThe "..\FrameXML\UI.xsd" needs to be "./UI.xsd" iirc.
18:50.04LunessaWe'll drag you around like a gnome love muffin.  
18:50.06clad|bookoh.. okay
18:50.19LopeppeppyI forget where I'm supposed to be your gnomish love muffin, Lunessa.  Was that Kirin Tor?
18:50.26alestanecause the \ is for a Windows pathname.
18:50.41Mr_Rabies2knowing gnome cooking i would NOT want a gnomish love muffin
18:50.53Shirikyou could just not use XML o:D
18:51.01clad|bookShirik: blow me
18:51.17clad|bookalestane: Hrm.. XMLNanny is requiring me to select a schema, regardless (it seems)
18:51.34Shirikwhat's that? OnLoad? I don't need no OnLoad! I tell you when to load! You don't own me!
18:51.53LunessaShirik: You're not the king of me!
18:51.54Mr_Rabies2there's a couple RPers on my server
18:52.02alestaneI always say to validate using schema, but I don't put in anything for the Schema file field.
18:52.04Mr_Rabies2i go out of my way to remove their immersion :D
18:52.14Mr_Rabies2i just idly sit there and laugh to myself on rp servers though
18:52.18clad|bookalestane: hrm.. okay
18:52.38Shirikclad|book: I know of this really good book you could use as reference
18:52.38alestaneThat tells it to use the schema referenced in the document itself.
18:52.57ShirikIt's called "hacking world of warcraft"
18:53.04Shirikok I'll shut up now
18:53.11abugI laffed
18:53.19abugmore of a guffaw I suppose
18:53.52clad|bookalestane: its always saying "required" for the validation line
18:54.09alestaneDunno...I'll check the version when I get home.
18:54.13clad|bookokay O.o
18:54.33alestaneWhat happens if you ignore it and click Parse?
18:54.40clad|bookerror sound.
18:55.01Shirikoh wait I forgot this is mac
18:55.09ShirikI mean "evil black bomb of death"
18:56.33clad|bookalestane: is what I get if i select teh schema, I assume this is what you were getting?
18:57.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
19:01.08*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel_ (
19:03.56*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
19:04.12clad|bookalestane: Looks like an issue in 3.0 Beta 1.. I went to version 2.0 and I can validate now.
19:04.25*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
19:08.43alestaneclad|book: I never even used to get that would say unrecognized element.
19:08.54clad|booki think i have somethign working now.
19:14.03*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
19:23.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
19:23.15|Jelly|All Incubator does is time respawns, correct?
19:25.58LunessaYes, and only in raids.
19:25.59Thunder_Childsure, why not
19:34.05|Jelly|K. That's what I want. Thanks. 8)
19:51.21alestaneWow quiet...
19:54.02purlACTION runs away screaming
19:55.07Thunder_Childanyone know a program that can monitor what program is using what/how much bandwidth?
19:56.19LunessaThunder_Child: Network Monitor, built in to Windows XP/Vista?
19:57.00Thunder_Childdoesnt show what program is using bandwidth does it?
19:57.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
19:59.15LunessaOne sec. I'll check.
19:59.18*** join/#wowi-lounge herzogthc (
19:59.59Thunder_Childhmm..although i may have found it with netstat
20:00.22PolarinaMy addon is waiting for approval...
20:02.34LunessaThunder_Child: The tool I'm thinking of comes with the AD management package, so unless you're running as network admin on a server cluster it probably won't be installed.  My bad.
20:03.10Thunder_Childdoesnt need a cluster iir my class correctly
20:03.22LunessaNo, but it doesn't come standard.
20:03.32Thunder_Childhmm...well time to go pick it up
20:04.15Thunder_Childoooo...netmon 3
20:04.25sag_ich_nichtfuck netmon
20:04.55Mr_Rabies2i'll wireshark your face with my fist
20:04.57Mr_Rabies2that didn't quite work
20:11.35*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel_ (
20:11.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Chaotic_D ( splt?
20:23.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
20:28.08Industrialamro: ping
20:28.45Saint-N<lammort> he looks liek the joker or something
20:28.45Saint-N<lammort> that's the look of a man who's about to download some child pornography
20:28.50Saint-Nin regards to the guy on the front page
20:30.39amroIndustrial: pong
20:42.40bleeterhehe, looks like the Winers have identified a major bug in fmodex. Audio fails to initialise in Eve Online and Red Ocean as well .. very similar backtraces ;)
20:44.27Polarinableeter: So it's not a bug in Wine at all?
20:45.27|Jelly|WTB how to make it so I click on someone's name in chat and it opens a /w to them. I can't find the option...anywhere.
20:46.05alestaneIsn't that...stock?
20:46.07bleeterPolarina: well, I'm still not 100% convinced it's a wine bug, but I'm not 100% convinved it's an fmodex bug... I'm almost 100% convinced now that it's not a Blizzard error
20:46.21Polarinableeter: Ok.
20:46.46Lunessa|Jelly|: Default feature.
20:46.55bleeterPolarina: well, some would argue that Blizz using fmodex was a big error... ;)
20:47.08|Jelly|Where's the option? I understand it's a default feature but apparently in Tapestry, it's turned off.
20:47.09Polarinableeter: I think they should use OpenAL.
20:48.11*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
20:48.57Chaotic_Dah cool. I figured something out myself. I see someone else used sets within patterns, and how they used it. and I got my string matching to work.
20:49.19Chaotic_Dfor some reason my addon that was working perfectly fine before, stopped working when I came back to play after the Tuesday downtime. =(
20:49.20Lunessa|Jelly|: She uses Prat.  Monkey with options.  
20:49.34|Jelly|I know. lol
20:49.39Industrialseems like I can still whistle along all songs of Children of Bodom, including solos =D
20:49.42|Jelly|I've been looking through the options. :-\
20:50.02LunessaI'm using one of her older layouts and it works.  Maybe your chat-cache.txt is fubar.
20:50.30bleeterPolarina: my thoughts exactly
20:51.12bleeterPolarina: they're prolly caught in some contractual foo by now that tied them in to Fmod for a certain period of time
20:53.31Chaotic_D... if "." means all characters, why is "[%d.]+" not the same as ".+" ? because isn't [%d.] the same as [.] is the same as . ?
20:54.37Chaotic_DI know it's NOT the same as, because I tested it. but my only guess is that "." doesn't include digits for some reason...
20:55.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
20:55.46|Jelly|Renaming my chat-cache didn't help. :-\
20:55.47Cide>>> ("a"):match("[.]")
20:55.47CideCide: nil
20:55.53alestaneI think that "." may not be interpreted inside of a set, since it includes all characters anyway.
20:55.55CideChaotic_D: [.] matches literal "."
20:56.24Chaotic_D... oh. well... that makes sense. I should have guessed at that one, really. :S
20:56.41Chaotic_Dwhat with co-ordinates sometimes having decimal places...
20:56.43alestaneA set that included "these characters, those characters and allother characters for good measure" would be kind of silly.
20:59.38Chaotic_DI wonder if the method in which cartographer waypoints are set from outside the addon has changed... and... somehow cartograopher auto-updated itself... no, that's too far-fetched.
20:59.43LunessaAnyone have a link to an article that describes raid lock outs?
20:59.54alestaneLunessa: ?
21:00.19Lunessai.e. the 7 day raid id for kara, etc.  
21:00.36LunessaNM, found what I'm looking for.
21:01.01alestaneThere's a calendar on I believe.
21:01.44LunessaNo, I wanted an explanation of the timer I could use as a link for the 'raiding primer' I'm writing for my guild.  
21:01.51Chaotic_Dmy addon just doesn't work with cartographer waypoints anymore. and it worked before. it's behaving very strangely. and I think the only thing I changed was the script it loads. but the first half of the script should have been the same, and even that doesn't work.
21:02.09alestaneMisplaced quote or something?
21:02.39alestaneIf your lua or XML can't parse, your addon usually won't load at all.
21:04.03Chaotic_Dhm. yeah. it's done that before, so I recognize that. it DID do that at first. but somehow I got it loaded again, but the waypoints weren't loading. my debug notes were reporting the same normal behavior from when it did work.
21:05.00Chaotic_Dah well. gotta run back to the house and close the windows before the storm.
21:05.05bleeterPolarina: ouch, some Eve Online players have been waiting over a year for a fix for the issue on native Win32 :/
21:05.09alestane|Jelly|: Still not finding it?
21:05.26|Jelly|I've clicked on and off every option that I could find in Prat.
21:05.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (
21:05.54|Jelly|Now, I'm not 100% sure but I think the problem is that my chatframe isn't intercepting clicks at all. :-\
21:06.24LunessaDoes it have an associated eepanel?  
21:06.53LunessaIf so, check the strata assigned to that panel. :D
21:07.07alestaneWell, gotta get home.
21:08.04Polarinableeter: Ouch..
21:08.04|Jelly|No. There's no panel on it. In fact, I don't have any panels yet.
21:08.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (n=eternall@
21:17.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
21:18.22Lunessa|Jelly|: Time to nuke chat-cache.txt maybe?
21:19.58|Jelly|Already did.
21:20.13|Jelly|<-- confused
21:21.23|Jelly|I can't interact with names at all: shift+click, right click, nothing. I haven't seen a setting. I'm about to have to do the disable addons thing until I find out...which I don't want to do.
21:32.28bleetergah, the fmod support email guy said 'we don't support windows emulators', or similar. Indicated that it's a Wine fault, I responded with 'Hmm, native errors in WoW and Eve leads me to suspect otherwise, but yeah... if we have harder suspicions we'll get back in contact'
21:32.39bleeterand 'oh, btw, Wine Is Not an Emulator'
21:34.26Lunessa... then wtf would they call it?  
21:35.18deltronit's a rewrite
21:37.24bleeterAPI compatibility layer
21:37.26deltronsomething like that
21:38.51|Jelly|Lunessa: Ready for this? I can do it in any of my other chat tabs.
21:39.17Lunessa|Jelly|: That's... bad.
21:39.36bleeternuked layout-cache.txt as well?
21:39.40|Jelly|That's ANNOYING
21:39.51bleeterreckon it would be
21:41.24Chaotic_Danyone seen Brian Kopp's Alliance leveling guide?
21:42.29Chaotic_DI was wondering if it's really efficient the way he tells you to run back and forth across the continents.
21:42.41Mr_Rabies2i dunno
21:42.46Mr_Rabies2i checked out both his and joana's
21:43.28bleeterthink of it this way, switch between continents to 7kXP, or stay in one zone for 2x1500XP. I know which I'd be doing ;)
21:43.44bleeterI'm saying that, having read neither his or mancow's
21:43.54Chaotic_DI haven't checked out all of Joana's thoroughly, but in addition to being more sloppy in layout, Brian's also has missing steps.
21:44.43Chaotic_Dit's not that he tells you to go to another zone. it's that he tells you to go back and forth across multiple zones, and return to the same zones to continue questing.
21:45.18Industrialwhat texture do I give a unitframe to make it 100% color? the tooltip background is not 100%
21:45.21bleeterproperly calculated, and I'm not saying he done this or not done this, that can be efficient too. All depends on current level, quest chains completed/pending.
21:45.30Chaotic_D... I wonder if my BPS is enough to protect me from this storm... @_@; that was... a loud crack of thunder.
21:45.31bleeter*he has
21:46.00Chaotic_Dhrm. ah well.
21:46.33|Jelly|Think it has something to do with the alignment.
21:46.59|Jelly|Cause I just broke another one of my chatframes. lol
21:47.05Chaotic_DAlliance by both their nature and necessity must wander long distances? :>
21:48.24|Jelly|And fixed it...
21:48.46|Jelly|Think updating Prat might help? It's an alignment issue and I want my chat frame aligned to the right. 8(
21:49.15Thunder_Childupdating is (almost) always a good thing
21:49.49Thunder_Child~whalestab |Jelly|
21:49.50purlACTION stabs |Jelly| with a rather narrow and pointy whale named Montgomery
21:49.56LunessaIndustrial: In LUA?
21:50.05Lunessabah.. lua
21:50.06|Jelly|~whaleparry Thunder_Child
21:50.06purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry Thunder_Child's attacks.
21:50.11bleeterhmm, the Firelight Tech (fmodex) lead programmer's at blizz right now ;)
21:50.42Industrialim gunna poke at my own EEpanels - ish - thing
21:50.49Industrialbut with CreateFrame and SetTexture :3
21:50.55LunessaIndustrial: I'm not sure.  Are you hacking the defaults?
21:51.22Industrialno i just want some colored squares on ym screen
21:51.24Industrialoh wait a min
21:51.30Industriali dont need a texture for that, just a color
21:51.33Industrialnever mind!
21:59.08*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
21:59.19|Jelly|Hey Cog
22:00.28Thunder_Childi bet you look foolish in your office waving at a computer
22:00.35bleeteroh crap, cog's here... I better shurrup
22:00.51cogwheelThunder_Child: Not at work! ZING
22:01.13Thunder_Childerr.....well i'm sure it still looked foolish
22:01.33bleeterfmod's position 'all we do is open a simple directsound buffer and mix to it'
22:02.20Thunder_Childwont that degrade sound?
22:02.31Thunder_Childuse system resources
22:02.49bleetermy response: yar must be annoying having random q hacker suggesting one's product's faulty... I'm still not 100% convinced it's the cause - just that a BT from Eve Online points directly to fmodex error, and our forcing of dsound.dll to remain up after unloading also fixes that problem.... totally weird.
22:03.26bleeter... 'I'll encourage the Wine Dsound guy to contact you with any suspicions/questions he has'
22:04.20|Jelly|Updating didn't help. :-\
22:04.25bleeterI then proceeded to tell him that being in Cali at the moment is a god-send, 'coz here in .au we're stuck in pre-election mode and it's all quite terribly depressing lol
22:04.35Thunder_Childstop breaking your UI then!
22:04.53|Jelly|I blame Shirik.
22:05.16AnduinLotharso cal is 95°+
22:07.12*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
22:08.09Thunder_Child85 in my house atm
22:08.22Thunder_Childno A/C
22:10.00Polarina21° here. :)
22:11.01Chaotic_Dwhat's A^?
22:11.07cogwheelThunder_Child: it's about 85 in mine too... and we have AC (but it's downstairs and comp is up)
22:15.30Valaron|WorkErk.. wrong window.
22:15.41Chaotic_DI wonder why Tekkub used this odd filenaming convention for the script files of ##_##_ZoneSmushedTogether.lua when he could have used ##-##_Zone_Spaced_Apart.lua.
22:16.38Thunder_ChildChaotic_D, it's prolly the degree symbol nor apearing properly on your client....just a guess though
22:17.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
22:17.56Thunder_Childcool, wowheads talent calc will let you increase the cap to 80
22:18.13Thunder_Childno new talents but it's interesting
22:19.57bleetercool, I seem to have convinced the Fmodex author that my ramblings and unclear thoughts are worthy of at least a little attention :) Looks like I'll have a test case scenario nutted out this afternoon my time.
22:20.07bleetergtg Uni now, cyaz.
22:21.59*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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22:26.03IndustrialI wish wow pets could hunt like engineer pets can in AO
22:26.57Industrialinstead of the pantsy Agressive stance
22:27.29buuDoes anyone have any recommendations for a mod that displays wowhead type comments for quests?
22:28.13Industrialbuu: LightHeaded + TomTOm
22:28.51JoshBorkeyou don't need TomTom for LightHeaded
22:31.24alestaneAnduinLothar: This FileMerge util is kinda cool and kinda freaky.
22:31.59Chaotic_DDon't you need TomTom OR Cartographer with LightHeaded if you want them on your map?
22:31.59alestaneI thought you were the one who recommended I get XCode
22:32.27AnduinLothari did, how's it freaky
22:32.48alestaneMostly watching changed sections sort of crawl past each other as you scroll.
22:34.17JoshBorkeChaotic_D: you only need waypoint addons if you want to be able to place waypoints on your map for the quests
22:34.24alestaneOnly thing is, it doesn't look like it'll save a change summary, I think I still have to use diff directly fo that.
22:34.45AnduinLotharnot that that's hard
22:34.51JoshBorkediff -Naur!
22:34.59AnduinLothardiff file2 file2 > file.out
22:35.14Chaotic_Dyou only need waypoint addons if you want to be able to find the locations of quest items. :>
22:35.31alestaneI got that far, trying to figure out if there's any control over the format of the output.
22:44.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
22:47.40*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost__ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
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22:51.41purlLa ... lalalala ... beer!
22:52.18Thunder_Childwell i am glad someone got something out of it
22:52.36blqsame here
22:52.37Shirikman, we have some very strange people come into #conspiracy
22:52.55Kaydeethree"so, the guvmint's gettin ya down, eh?"
22:53.01Shirikit doesn't help that CIA-7 is in there
22:53.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
22:53.33Lunessa... /tinfoilhat
22:59.22Thunder_Childthat name sounds familiar
22:59.42Shirikit's a bot
22:59.47Shiriklike the one #dongle and #wowace uses
23:00.14Thunder_Childah, used to hang around in wowace..must be where i remeber it from
23:00.43Shirik~lart art3mis
23:00.43purlcuts off art3mis's head with a halberd that could have been a little bit sharper
23:01.26art3misat elast im not shirik who curls up in the fecal position to sleep
23:01.37Shirikfecal position?
23:01.44art3misyes mr.poopey pants
23:02.13art3misya know since yer not doing anything important with conspiracy
23:02.20Thunder_Child*sigh* i just tried imagining the "fecal position"
23:02.29*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
23:02.46Thunder_Childworks better as a sec position
23:02.48art3misgo make me a draggable box creator that can handle raising and lower sections based on click points so i can make shapes
23:03.09art3misand has a "add border" button/selector
23:03.58art3misya kow what i'd really like as an addon?
23:04.22art3missomething like a box that i can put a bunch of addons into and then close the box and all the addons turn off and open the box and the addons reappear
23:04.30art3misthat would be enat
23:06.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
23:08.04LunessaHow about a keybinding interface that lets you drag and drop icons from your spellbook or inventory onto a virtual keyboard?
23:08.29Rallionneat idea.
23:08.45Rallionawesomely neat.
23:09.25LunessaI know, I know; now that I've thought of it, I need to f'ing code it.  Which ought to take me like a billion years.
23:10.10Kaydeethreewoo for having friends in high places... I've been searching for a few months, I've finally got a Wii
23:10.26Rallionlol I've had one for months
23:11.02JoshBorkeLunessa: steal keyboard layout from BindingsReminder.  mazzle contacted me about doing something similar
23:11.37LunessaMaybe I will Josh.  I've been slacking and haven't written anything more complex than macros in a while.  
23:11.48RallionI got one during one of the periods that had them available
23:12.02Kaydeethreewal-mart got a shipment in a few hours ago
23:12.54Ralliondammit I was going to try to find a copy of metroid 3 today
23:12.59RallionI forgot :/
23:15.32art3misokay so thats two addons someone needs to make
23:15.41art3misluneys virtual keybinder for spells
23:15.51art3misand my layout boxes
23:15.58LunessaAFK ... fooding
23:17.11Corrodiasvirtual keybinder?
23:17.38art3misshows a keyboard with letters, drag and drop spells and abilities on to the keys
23:17.40Corrodiasi just got here and don't see the explanation. what's this idea like?
23:17.43art3misas luney explained above
23:17.55art3misright below ayds joining
23:18.20Corrodiasis this really so neat?
23:18.55*** join/#wowi-lounge herzogthc (
23:19.19JoshBorkei think it would be neat to have a generic key-binder in the format of a keyboard
23:19.33Corrodiasi must crush this dream
23:19.48JoshBorkeit's ok, i'll never write it
23:20.44art3misCorrodias: its neat if you're super lazy ;P
23:21.08herzogthcKeybindings could use some changeups for sho
23:22.52ckknightCorrodias: lol, why?
23:23.07ckknightCorrodias: main issue I see is that foreigners are lame with their funky keyboards
23:25.25JoshBorkeKaelten: <-- pretties
23:27.14Kaeltennot sure I like that format
23:27.25JoshBorkei'm sure i don't like your format!
23:27.37Kaeltendon't skulk
23:28.04JoshBorke~dict skulk
23:28.15JoshBorke~dict sulk
23:28.40ckknight~dict broner
23:28.48JoshBorke~dict boner
23:28.59ckknighta broner is an unintended man-initiated boner
23:30.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Ominous_ (
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23:32.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
23:32.46JoshBorkepurl, join #conspiracy
23:32.55JoshBorke(19:32:45) purl: I am not allowed to join #conspiracy.
23:32.57JoshBorkewhy not?
23:33.03JoshBorke(19:32:45) purl: I am not allowed to join #conspiracy.
23:33.09JoshBorkepurl: because I don't like you
23:33.12ScytheBlade1That's a restriction set by the bot author (TimRiker)
23:33.27ScytheBlade1Otherwise, people could get the bots in limitless channels
23:33.29ScytheBlade1It'd be abused
23:33.35ScytheBlade1Simply ask the guy the next time you see him
23:33.36CidanSo who can tell it to join?
23:33.38ScytheBlade1He's a nice nice ;)
23:33.43ScytheBlade1*nice guy
23:33.54ScytheBlade1Go ahead and ~botmail him if you need it
23:34.04JoshBorkei was just going to do it to annoy shirik
23:34.10ScytheBlade1He can't
23:34.11JoshBorkeshirik:  wouldn't that have been nice?
23:34.13ScytheBlade1I don't think anyways
23:34.20Chaotic_Dhow do you get to the flightmaster in Stormwind City? I forget. I know I did it once and I remember it being annoying to figure out how to get up there.
23:34.23herzogthcsup scythe
23:34.26JoshBorkeshirik:  if i made purl join #conspiracy just to annoy you
23:34.31herzogthcChaotic_D: Bottom um
23:34.32herzogthchold on
23:34.47Chaotic_DI have him on the map. I just don't remember where you enter the wall.
23:34.49JoshBorkeChaotic_D: from the main bridge, go in to the big split right in the middle, take a right, then take another right and go up the ramp
23:35.00herzogthcfrom the trade district
23:35.10herzogthcbottom righthand corner of the trade district
23:35.16herzogthcmap illustrates the road pretty well
23:35.18JoshBorkeie southeast ;-)
23:35.23herzogthcya alley scum :)
23:35.33herzogthcJoshBorke: Actually, barely
23:35.38herzogthcJoshBorke: Stormwind is tilted
23:35.39herzogthcon the map
23:35.41Chaotic_Dah. it... almost looks like the map shows a ramp... I wonder if that's the right dead-end to go into.
23:35.43herzogthcit's kinda weird
23:36.01ScytheBlade1JoshBorke, having "any person at all" with the ability to make the bots join and leave channels could be abused, and it should be pretty obvious as to how :)
23:36.01JoshBorkeit's not right by the water
23:36.05herzogthcdo you not have metamap chaotic?
23:36.12JoshBorkeScytheBlade1: i know :-)
23:36.29ScytheBlade1JoshBorke, good. Sorry if I'm being redundant, but I can't really think straight now
23:36.31JoshBorkeChaotic_D: the ramp is to teh southwest of the dot
23:36.42herzogthcmy maps are all covered up w/ green dots and lines and shit
23:36.48herzogthcI really wanna modify wkb
23:36.52herzogthcit's so close to perfect
23:36.56herzogthcand yet so far :P
23:37.21herzogthcbut metamap is some hard shit to make your way through when you didn't really even know of lua prior to WoW
23:37.22Chaotic_Dlines? what's wkb?
23:37.28herzogthcmetamap wkb
23:37.31herzogthckeeps a database of mobs
23:37.33herzogthcdots w/ locations
23:37.38herzogthcdraws peremiter maps
23:37.41herzogthcor however you spell that
23:37.51Chaotic_Doooh, map locations other than dots.
23:37.57JoshBorkelol: , 'If there is something good in the world then we copy with pride.' Well, ok then."
23:38.05herzogthcmetamap wkb is kinda annoying
23:38.07herzogthcbut it's awesome
23:38.09ckknightCartographer ftw, herzogthc :-P
23:38.22herzogthcckknight: Wait where plz
23:38.25herzogthci wanna see.
23:38.34herzogthcI will ditch meta in a minute if Cartographer does what I think you're implying it should do :)
23:39.00ckknightit doesn't have the mob thingy in the core, though I believe someone made a 3rd-party module that does that
23:39.08ckknightit's a wowace addon (Note: I may be the author)
23:39.10herzogthcum ok
23:39.14herzogthcyou may be the author? :P
23:39.21herzogthcand whats wowace
23:39.23herzogthci'm a newb to this and all etc
23:39.36herzogthcyou saying you may be the author makes me wanna mod metamapwkb even more ;)
23:39.41herzogthcI like healthy competition
23:40.43ckknightdo what you feel like
23:40.45JoshBorkewhat does wkb stand for?
23:40.52herzogthci'm not sure
23:40.58CidanOr something.
23:41.00herzogthcsomething knowledge base
23:41.02ckknight(   º   Y   º   )
23:41.05ckknighthoot hoot
23:41.07ckknightit's an owl
23:41.18herzogthcckknight: Seriously though are you the author of that or not? :)
23:41.21herzogthcthis I may be
23:41.21JoshBorkeits eyes are off-center
23:41.24JoshBorkeherzogthc: yes he is
23:41.28herzogthcI figured
23:41.30herzogthcbut he should tell me :)
23:41.36ckknightherzogthc: I'm the Chief Architect of Cartographer
23:42.38JoshBorkei hate you
23:42.52herzogthcthat's freakin awesome ck
23:43.07ckknightKaydeethree: Wii is awesome
23:43.07herzogthcJoshBorke: why?
23:43.07JoshBorkei recommend turning off the minimap stuff
23:43.11Cidan<3 the wii
23:43.14CidanSo much fun
23:43.18CidanOH SHIT
23:43.18JoshBorkeherzogthc: because he owns a wii and i want one
23:43.21Chaotic_DI haven't played a console since... Xbox, GameCube, and PS2.
23:43.22JoshBorkeSHIT OH
23:43.22CidanI need to go pick up Metroid!
23:43.24ckknightI like boxing
23:43.38herzogthcChaotic_D: man 360 owns :)
23:43.51JoshBorkeChaotic_D: wii is such a unique experience
23:44.34Chaotic_DI've played video games for so many years, most of them bore me. I admit I'm sure the ... uhg. *brainfart*
23:44.54Chaotic_Dwhat do they call that when games are original...
23:45.15JoshBorkethey are original...
23:45.38JoshBorkepaper mario looks cool
23:45.42JoshBorkei saw someone playing it today
23:45.50Cidanit is, I need to pick that up too
23:45.51Chaotic_Dway to go, Mr.Thesaurus.
23:46.00JoshBorke~thes original
23:46.05JoshBorke~thesaurus original
23:46.12JoshBorke~dict original
23:46.24JoshBorke~dict original 5
23:46.30JoshBorke~dict 5 original
23:46.41JoshBorke~dict 6 original
23:46.48JoshBorke~dict 7 original
23:47.01Chaotic_Dinnovative. that's the word.
23:47.19Cidan~dict dict
23:47.22Chaotic_Dman, it's not like that wasn't an industry buzzword. :P
23:47.29Chaotic_Dyou guys should know this crap.
23:47.33JoshBorkenot me
23:48.18JoshBorkehate @ warrior for the wii though
23:49.28Chaotic_DI liked Wario's voice in Mario Kart 64. I wonder how many different voices they've had for him.
23:49.41Chaotic_DI noticed it was definately different in one of the Mario Party games.
23:50.05Chaotic_DI wonder what it will be like in the new Smash Bros. game.
23:59.15art3miswow thats totally awesome
23:59.37art3miscurse keeps loading over and over in opera, like 20+times for no reason
23:59.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (

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