IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070824

00:01.30DT__Any ideas?
00:12.37clad|afkyou sure you have the event name right?
00:12.41*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
00:12.44clad|afkyou've verified with /dtevents that its being called?
00:12.47ShirikI don't recognize that event
00:13.15ShirikCHAT_MSG_SPELL_XXX_VS_XXX_MISSES perhaps?
00:17.11DT__Sorry 'bout the delay hehe, I thought the event name might have been a typo on WoWwiki but I tried RegisterAllEvents() and I couldn't see it that way either
00:20.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
00:21.09DT__Checking dtevents now
00:26.32DT__Could have sworn it was a real event ... Xperl register for it too >.>
00:28.00Shirikit may be an Ace thing
00:28.03ShirikI know Conspiracy has something similar
00:28.13Shirikwe allow you to watch all miss/resist events
00:28.18Shirikinstead of having to specify each individually
00:31.48*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiSensei (
00:33.11Tainpoor kitty
00:33.33ThraeHehe. Seriously, I've followed #1 with about 90% success rate ;)
00:33.56CairennKirkburn: *points at link*
00:34.20TainI just try to reason with my cats.
00:35.17ShirikCairenn used pastey
00:35.23Shirikwhat have you done with Cairenn!
00:35.35Cairennnot the first time Shirik
00:36.39Cairennwould have posted it on WoWI, but since I just finished giving someone shit for posting complete crap alllll the time ....
00:37.28LunessaCairenn: lol.  I've seen it before, but it makes me chuckle every time.  
00:40.27LunessaShould just give the cat some scotch first.
00:42.18*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiSensei (
00:42.33TainGive me the scotch.
00:46.59Lunessahell with you.  The scotch is MINE.  
00:48.33*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:49.19TainHere kitty kitty kittty.
00:50.16OsagasuI'm slowly turning someone in my guild into an ACE addict. *cough*
00:50.17Shirikfor those that were here when I mentioned the pink elephants at allerian stronghold
00:50.27ShirikI would like to point out that the same is available at stonebreaker hold, just confirmed
00:51.09LunessaMore liquor is needed.  
00:52.37TainNo, I already drank too much in a very short time frame tonight.
00:52.39Thunder_Childisnt there really cheap stuff from ogrimar?
00:52.59Shirik~lart Osagasu
00:52.59purlbeats Osagasu senseless with a 50lb Unix manual
00:53.06Shirikpartially because Ace is not an acronym
00:53.23Shiriksecondly because, as I'm sure you know, Ace does not make an addon good
00:53.26Shirikan author does
00:53.30OsagasuI know, I know.
00:53.41OsagasuBut when the Addons are Cartographer and Omen...
00:54.11OsagasuAnd I know full well Ace isn't an acronym.
00:54.21OsagasuI just do it to tick people off. ;)
00:54.29TainPoor Ace.
00:55.13JoshBorkepoor professor higgins
00:55.19JoshBorkenight and day he slaves away
00:55.21JoshBorkepoor professor higgins
00:55.45OsagasuAuldLangSyne confuses me.
00:56.16OsagasuWhy does it color the guild frame with class colors on the side that shows the classes... not not the other?  *ponder*
00:56.43OsagasuI hate you.
00:58.10mikmawe hate him too
00:58.15Kyahxshut up mikma
00:58.26JoshBorkeeverybody loves joshua
00:58.34mikmaKyahx: make me
00:58.37OsagasuWell I don't. >:(
00:58.39JoshBorkepurl, gag mikma
00:58.40purlACTION takes away the voice of mikma and, as an additional precaution, sews mikma's mouth shut permanently...
00:58.57mikmano, that didn't do it
00:59.00JoshBorkeseems pretty effective, i don't hear anybody
00:59.02JoshBorkedo you kyahx?
00:59.41mikmaso it's true. masturbation makes you go blind. gj boys
01:00.00JoshBorkekyahx:  you should try TimeBlock, it's pretty kick ass :-P
01:00.07KyahxI don't play wow anymore
01:00.11JoshBorkeoh, nvm then
01:00.34Kyahxbut when I did, I sure loved my TimeBlock!
01:00.38Kyahx(here, have a shameless plug)
01:00.52mikmaso i think he quit 20mins ago
01:01.14KyahxI haven't logged in in a good week =X
01:01.22KyahxBeen too busy playing other games!
01:01.23*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
01:03.25Thunder_Child"(17:59:43) (mikma) so it's true. masturbation makes you go blind. gj boys" if that were true women would rule the world
01:03.55mikmawell all i can say to that is "they do it too, you know" ;D
01:04.28Thunder_Childbut if going blind were true *they* would be able to hold off
01:04.57mikmadeep. really, really deep :D
01:05.27*** join/#wowi-lounge weab_ (
01:05.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
01:06.04Thunder_Childi'm sure there is a dirty joke in there, but i'm to lazy to make it
01:06.29JoshBorkewhy are you talking to yourself TC?
01:06.42AnduinLothari do it all the time
01:07.01JoshBorkeAnduinLothar: what?  masturbate?
01:07.05JoshBorkei really didn't need to know that
01:07.10AnduinLotharwell, that too
01:07.23AnduinLotharbut that's not to what i was refering
01:07.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Ominous (
01:08.58Thunder_Childyes JoshBorke, i was
01:09.52JoshBorkeoh, ok, so it was a form of online masturbation then
01:10.41TainOnline sexual gratification via text?  Who would do such a thing?
01:11.06JoshBorkeTain:  you.  you would.
01:11.41TainThere is almost no proof of that., talking to myslef
01:12.59JoshBorkeTain:  luckily i have procured some proof through not so legal means
01:13.39TainEhn, these things happen.
01:14.29*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
01:20.36JoshBorkepurl, gently hug Cairenn
01:20.46Shirikthere is no gently!
01:20.51Shirikhugging is a binary action
01:20.54JoshBorkethere is no spork!
01:22.06*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
01:23.23Guillotinesporks are spooky. both fork and spoon yet neither
01:24.40Shirikthat's deep
01:24.47JoshBorketoo deep for me
01:31.26*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
01:35.42ShirikWOW netbeans 5.5 is nice
01:35.45Shirikjust updated =)
01:36.03Shirika nice IDE, I use it for Java personally
01:36.05Shirikbut it has other modules as well
01:36.23Shirikit's probably one of the nicest IDEs I've worked with
01:36.46Thunder_Childi'm sure it likes you to
01:36.52Shirikoh it does, trust me
01:36.55Shirikjust my hard drive doesn't
01:37.53*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
01:42.53*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
01:47.56purlmooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass, or and
02:02.24ShirikJava is really pissing me off atm
02:02.37Corrodiashunter asks if the RL wants him to pull NOW
02:02.42CorrodiasRL says, "yes"
02:02.43Shirikif you have a byte[], and you want it to be a string, and there exists a String constructur String(byte[])
02:02.46Corrodias"in a second"
02:03.00Corrodiashe got no second :)
02:03.00ShirikThen you should be able to do String s = foo
02:03.06ShirikNot String s = new String(foo)
02:03.13ShirikCorrodias: Had that happen to me beofre :P
02:03.20ShirikRaid leader's fault for not knowing english imo
02:04.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
02:06.00Thunder_Childyea, qualifires can be bad
02:06.06Thunder_Childerr..however you spell it
02:07.08*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanmoreland (
02:10.49*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
02:15.35Kyahx*gasp* I found an album that oink dosen't have!
02:15.44Kyahxand Im not a power user so I can't request it :(
02:16.29Cidanmy friend in Canada just got his apt broken into
02:16.36Kyahxsuck :/
02:16.36Cidanthey took his PSP, PS2, Gamecube, and all the games
02:16.46Cidanbut they left his 2000+ dollar PC there
02:17.30KyahxWell, that's better than it could have been I suppose
02:18.23Mr_Rabies2what album
02:18.31Mr_Rabies2i may request it if it's halfway decent
02:18.43KyahxIts probley not :P
02:19.09Kyahx"Bone to Pick" by 'The Gone Jackals' -- their music was used for the old PC game 'Full Thorottle' :P
02:19.14cogwheelhome invasion or was he out?
02:19.16Kyahxand apparently they never got big (obviously)
02:28.41*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat__ (
02:34.56*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat__ (
02:39.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
02:39.06*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
02:43.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
02:59.09*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat__ (
03:02.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|AFK (
03:03.18ShirikKaydeethree: ping
03:03.37Shirikhey um.... are you sure those fonts you linked are GPL 2 compatible?
03:04.04Shirikbecause they use a "GPL+exception" license
03:04.15Shirikwhich is against the GPL clause that no components may add restrictions
03:04.55*** join/#wowi-lounge herzogthc (
03:04.55Kaydeethree"Using these fonts does not subject your documents to the GPL--it liberates them from any proprietary claim."
03:05.02*** part/#wowi-lounge herzogthc (
03:05.04*** join/#wowi-lounge herzogthc (
03:05.24herzogthcwoo lag
03:05.25herzogthcwasup shirik
03:05.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
03:05.36Shirikthanks Kaydeethree
03:05.41Shirikhi herzogthc
03:05.57herzogthcKaydeethree: Your nick supposed to represent KDE in leeetspeak? :)
03:06.08herzogthcaww ohwell I was hoping heh
03:06.15herzogthcnoone seems to like KDE like I do
03:06.20herzogthcberyl and compiz are too bloated
03:06.26Kaydeethreexfce <3
03:06.33herzogthcso i don't even wanna know what their bastard offspring looks like
03:06.37herzogthcWM2 is workable
03:06.42KaydeethreeI don't even run a compositing manager, it takes cpu cycles away from wow
03:06.50herzogthclol you're running wow thru wine?
03:06.58herzogthcthat's awesome
03:07.02herzogthcgood framerate?
03:07.10Kaydeethreeas good as my pos 5200fx can give me
03:07.12Shirikvery good actually
03:07.18Shirikit's better than Windows can manage
03:07.38herzogthcah i don't wanna hafta format my vista machine but it's so totally gettin dumped for F7 this weekend
03:07.48herzogthcprob just dualboot it
03:07.51Kaydeethreef7 <3
03:08.11Shirikwb cladhaire
03:08.16cladhaireo hia
03:08.39herzogthcyes you can has bak?
03:11.28Rallioni upgraded ur ram.
03:12.40Bleeterbe aware that there are audio issues for WoW in Wine with the 2.2 patch as it stands at the moment... don't totally dump your Win32 environment yet, it may not get solved upon release
03:12.52OsagasuIm in ur PCz, ungrdng ur RAM?!
03:13.07Bleeterwe're kinda hoping that the next PTR may solve the random Vista crashy errors/audio errors, and that these are related
03:13.47RallionVista crashy errors? :(
03:14.01RallionI've not been keeping up on PTR news
03:14.14Bleetersearch the PTR forum for 'vista' and '132'
03:14.25herzogthcI started a sick trend :(
03:14.34Bleeter132's the code error that WoW 2.2 will eventually throw (after failing to initialise sound and hanging for around 5 mins)
03:14.40Bleeter*under wine
03:14.50Bleeterhence, the vague guess that the issues are possibly related
03:15.10Rallionwait...wait. is 132 the 'we dunno what happened' error that used to be so common back around release time?
03:15.25Bleeteraddress cannot be read
03:15.34Bleeterso, yeah.. pretty much 'nfi' ;)
03:15.35Rallionyeah, i think that's it.
03:15.52Rallioni used to get those ago
03:16.18Rallionit was fairly common back in the day
03:16.31*** join/#wowi-lounge lolinternet (i=bitch2k@
03:17.05Bleeterthe vista and wine issues may well not be related at all, but given there's audio playback issues under vista as well, it's a reasonable guess that maybe a new ptr build might fix stuff... there's also the possibility that it's in fact an fmod bug, which isn't under blizz's control
03:17.10Bleeterwell, not direct control
03:17.24Bleeterand this might somehow be tripping stuff up... basically, in a nutshell, it ain't pretty ;)
03:18.38Rallionan fmod bug would be all kinds of balls.
03:20.01Bleeterone was spotted a little while ago, where there was a chance of, I think it was, a double init which could throw stuff badly. the filemod time of the current ptr fmod would indicate that the fix might have gone in, but it's only about one or two days after fmod said they fixed their code, so there's a chance it didn't
03:20.32Bleeteronce again.. /shrug... kinda really all up in the air until the next PTR build, which a Blue on the PTR forum indicated was going to be coming out and included some EAX reverb fix
03:20.43Bleeterfurther leading me to believe that they're doing more audio work as we speak ;)
03:21.11Rallionaccording to the blue sticky on PTR forums, there's a sound-related 132 that's being fixed and an Athlon-related one that's under investigation
03:21.33Rallionand the sound bug is a problem in fmodex.dll
03:21.59Bleeterhence we're prolly not going to get much action on the Wine side until we're pretty certain that the application's as near as final as possible... but as BLizz will never let us WoW Winers know of this stuff, 'coz we're unsupported, it'll prolly be in private patches until the Wine release after 2.2 goes live
03:22.21BleeterI'll be endavouring to keep the and the Wine AppDB updated when and if any fix is found.
03:22.57Bleeteraye, fmodex.dll... I keep forgetting there's two .dll's from them, I just think of the company instead ;)
03:23.50Rallionhah! the guy who made a patch to 'fix' widescreen view area in Bioshock is getting a free video card from the devs.
03:23.58Rallionthat's pretty sweet
03:24.10Rallionhe just moved the camera back a few inches.
03:24.27Corrodiasthinking outside the box and all
03:24.39Corrodiasthat damn BXO
03:24.42CorrodiasBOX! omg.
03:26.06*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat__ (
03:27.17ShirikWoW... is loading... so slow...
03:29.53Rallioncoolest pens ever:
03:30.06*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
03:30.30*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
03:31.12cogwheelRallion: my wife has a pen like that but florescent green... It came with some horror movie DVD from taiwan that my boss bought.
03:32.27*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat___ (
03:32.31Lunessag'night.  I'm going to take my Vista not recognizing self home and play WoW until 2am
03:33.42JoshBorkeAnduinLothar: <3
03:33.49JoshBorkesomeone fill me in!
03:35.55*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat____ (
03:36.43RallionI have to decide whether to play WoW or Bioshock right now
03:37.14RallionI'm tired, which pushes me towards WoW,'s Bioshock. It's ridiculous. I freeze people then hit them with a wrench.
03:38.11*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
03:38.13RallionAlso, I have a crossbow that can fire incindiary bolts and also electric tripwires.
03:39.43Corrodiasnow to try to track down my friend on his pvp realm
03:39.51Corrodiasi THINK i have his name around here somewhere
03:43.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (n=kd3@
03:46.03*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat_____ (
03:48.19*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
03:50.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
03:52.29*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
03:52.37Shirik|zZznight clad|sleep
03:52.52Cairennnight clad
03:53.07Tierrieomg claddy go zzzz
03:54.03*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
03:57.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (n=kd3@
03:57.49*** join/#wowi-lounge bl4q (
04:10.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:11.15Cairennnight guys
04:11.19Thunder_Childnight Cairenn
04:11.32Thunder_Child~sarcasim Cairenn|afk
04:12.12Thunder_Childyes, ty
04:12.22Thunder_Child~sarcasm Cairenn|afk
04:12.51ckknight~console Thunder_Child
04:12.52purlACTION gives Thunder_Child the consolation moose
04:28.22*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
04:28.30Guillotineguild MOTD doesn't strip anything when done through a pure script command
04:28.51Guillotineso you can immitate rolls/whispers/ect with it
04:30.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
04:33.07Shirik|zZzGuillotine: You can set the gmotd to anything, and it doesn't care?
04:33.21Guillotineit replaces \ with
04:33.26Guillotinewith \\ when done the normal way
04:33.29Guillotinebut doesn't when through a script
04:33.32Guillotineand no, it won't d/c you for anything
04:34.14[Liquidor]Guillotine, give me an example of a prank :)
04:34.33Guillotine(off the top of my head, but it should work)
04:34.52Shirik|zZzwhat's the function to set?
04:35.04*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
04:35.30[Liquidor]Shirik|zZz, go wiki :)
04:35.37Shirik|zZzI already did
04:35.42Shirik|zZzI was trying to avoid tha tstep, but Guillotine is slow
04:36.18Guillotineobviously you could do it with rolls and whispers too
04:36.26Guillotinebut I don't feel like looking up the exact color codes those use
04:37.06[Liquidor]Guillotine, I think there are variables for some of the colors
04:37.25Guillotineyou can also make a link that, when clicked, d/cs them
04:39.54Guillotineyou could actually use it for something useful as well
04:39.59[Liquidor]/script GuildSetMOTD("Kara tonight everyone!\n\124cffff0000Hello" .. UnitName("Player") .. ". This is Liquidor on your account - Please get close to a mailbox so I can leech your gold. Thank you! \124r")
04:40.23Guillotinethat would replace it with your name of the char you're on
04:40.32Guillotineit evaluates the string when setting it
04:40.37Guillotineand sets it to pure text
04:40.44[Liquidor]Eh what?
04:41.00[Liquidor]well it's 6:30 and I haven't slept yet
04:41.00Shirik|zZzI like our new GMOTD
04:41.07Shirik|zZzit's similar to what [Liquidor] just said actually
04:41.35Shirik|zZzit has the old GMOTD, with an addition "[SYSTEM] Your account has been haxed by Kimina and will be shut down in 5 seconds. Thank you for playing World of Warcraft"
04:41.48Shirik|zZzin the appropriate color
04:42.14Shirik|zZzGuillotine: That /is/ a good use
04:42.29Guillotineforgot to close the color code
04:42.58Rallionsweet crap
04:43.10cogwheelhmm... "BioShock is the "genetically enhanced" first person shooter that lets you do things never before possible in the genre: ..."     Deus Ex let you do everything they list but one...
04:43.28Rallioncogwheel, was the one killing little girls?
04:43.40cogwheelno... crafting new ammo variants...
04:43.41Kaydeethreeheh... the bioshock forums are reading like general right now due to the secu-rom/activation crap
04:43.43Shirik|zZzcogwheel: They didn't lie!
04:43.57Shirik|zZzone new thing is more than zero
04:43.58Kaydeethreebitch bitch bitch bitch and the fanbois defending them
04:44.01[Liquidor]Shirik|zZz, You'd better do....
04:44.07Rallionheh, cogwheel, that can be redundant, anyway, you can find a bunch of the 'crafted-only' ammo just lying around
04:44.50Rallionbut as much as I adore Deus Ex (and hate hate hate the sequel) Bioshock definitely FEELS better when you do all the stuff
04:44.55*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
04:45.00Rallionstill, it lacks some of the depth
04:45.02[Liquidor]"[SYSTEM] Your account has been compromised by Kimina and will be closed down for investigation - Please logout and wait for further notice.. Thank you for playing World of Warcraft"
04:45.08cogwheeli'm not bitching... i actually really liked the bit i saw :P
04:45.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun (
04:45.20cogwheeli was just turned off by the description *after* i played a bit
04:45.51Shirik|zZzperfect [Liquidor]!
04:45.53Rallioni don't really pay attention to sentences like that one anymore
04:45.58GuillotineLiquidor: make sure nobody in your guild would report you for that, even as a joke. Blizz gets mad if you pretend to be them :/
04:46.01GuillotineI know that from experience
04:46.17cogwheelit was kind of funny... The art deco look and the plot reminded me of Atlas Shrugged. Then the guy came on the radio... busted up laughing
04:46.18[Liquidor]Guillotine, same :)
04:46.24Rallionhehe :)
04:46.27Guillotinewas playing around with a friend and we were both trying stuff and we both get temporary suspensions without either reporting o.O
04:46.32Guillotineand it was all through whispers
04:46.36KemayoOsagasu: Because the guild stuff isn't finished, quite.
04:47.16RallionIjust opened the vista search box, typed 'world', hit enter, and expected WoW to load I just installed FF8 PC, and it's weird Chocobo World program ran instead.
04:48.11Rallionit's like a 75x75 window with a black and white 2-frame animation of a chocobo walking
04:48.18Rallionwiht music
04:48.22Rallionit freaked me out
04:52.24Guillotinethen at some point you replace the link on the useful one with a bogus item link and d/c everyone >.>
04:54.01*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
04:57.01cogwheelwow... i hadn't even seen any of the hype of bioshock but now am seeing all these articles tying it to Ayn Rand's work ><
04:57.11cogwheelguess my first impression was on the money
04:57.21Rallioncogwheel, it's extremely objectivist, yes
04:57.49RallionI first thought of The Fountainhead myself, though ;)
04:58.23cogwheelHaven't read that one yet, but the statue in the building sure reminded me of its cover...
04:59.26Rallionyep :P
05:00.48Rallioni'm at least halfway through the game and the Little Sisters still really freak me out
05:01.10Guillotineanybody know of a good free FPS game?
05:01.32cogwheelnot many good games are free beyond silly puzzles
05:01.56Rallionyeah, free FPS is tough
05:02.15Rallionwhat makes an FPS good is the content, and content is almost never free
05:06.35Tierrieliving alone makes me a sad puppy
05:07.00dre^I would argue that what makes an fps good is solid online multiplayer action
05:07.16dre^quake3 never had much in the way of content, but is still massively popular for online play
05:07.47cogwheeli'm with Rallion on this one :P
05:07.48dre^the new UrbanTerrorIO distribution of the open source q3 engine + the urban terror mod is fantastic, and free
05:07.59dre^er, IOUrbanTerror rather
05:08.25dre^not everybody is a fast twitch junkie though :)
05:09.20RallionNone of my favorite FPS games even have multiplayer P
05:09.31cogwheelI love dropping out of the sky and charging... i'm like gnomish death from above > : D
05:09.53Rallionthe only multiplayer FPS I ever really likes was UT2k4
05:10.03Rallionmy typing's starting to go downhill.
05:10.08cogwheeli played quakeworld a lot when i was in HS
05:11.23Rallionmy favorites are things like System Shock 2 (and now Bioshock), Deus Ex, Resident Evil 4 which isn't an FPS but it might as well be, HL2, but only the single player...
05:12.02cogwheelDeus Ex is the only FPS i've played from start to finish without cheats
05:12.14cogwheeloh... and Deus Ex: Invisible War :P
05:12.22cogwheelNormally i don't have the attention span...
05:13.04RallionActually I really liked the action game set in the Deus Ex universe
05:13.34cogwheelhuh... i've never heard of that actually
05:13.34RallionI think that game had multiplayer, but I bet it sucked :P
05:13.52Rallionit's an FPS, but fast paced
05:14.02Rallionand with Deus Ex-like powers
05:14.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley` (
05:14.43Rallionalso, a lot of security systems and the like
05:16.53*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
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05:32.41cogwheel"/me dances with you." is almost as good as that harp...
05:36.10WobworkI have the same problem with a lot of fps
05:36.17Wobworkthey end up being godmode games for me
05:36.23Wobworkcause I don't have the patience
05:36.28Wobworkand I just want to see the plot
05:41.17Shirik|zZzwho here knows PHP pretty well?
05:48.48WobworkWhat do you need?
05:49.39Shirik|zZzThunder_Child: It's not really important enough to go there, I was just curious on this topic
05:49.59Shirik|zZzI'm looking at my phpinfo page, and I see a _SERVER variable named HTTP________________
05:50.06Shirik|zZzwith a value "------------------"
05:50.12Shirik|zZzand I just want to know what the heck it is
05:51.20Wobworkthat's a lot of _'s
05:52.22Shirik|zZzWobwork: And it's a copy and paste >.>
05:52.38Shirik|zZzinteresting, thanks
05:52.50Wobworkhehe batshit crazy if you ask me =)
05:53.29Shirik|zZzI don't see any good reason to mask that actually
05:53.39Shirik|zZzas the writer says in that post
06:04.20[Liquidor]Shirik|zZz, neither a reason to worry about it
06:08.42art3mismaybe they're doing it because they suck?
06:09.27art3misand i kind of hate software firewalls
06:09.36art3misif they get past my router im already in trouble
06:10.09art3misand if they're planning on DoS'ing the software firewall isnt gonna do much since the packet already has touched the computer and has responded x crazy amounts
06:10.56art3misif they have a upnp exploit that means they're already on your box in the first palce and have either disabled or allowed thier port in your firewall as well
06:31.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
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06:47.01Bleeterk folks, I've been accepted as a maintainer for Wine WoW 2.2 bugs ;) :D
06:48.07Wobworkgrats bleeter =)
06:48.12Wobworknow we know who to bug
06:48.31Bleeternah, I'm the traffic cop mate... not the judge 'n jury ;)
06:48.50Wobwork"Redirect that bug faster, bleeter!"
06:48.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (
06:58.43*** part/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
07:03.27dre^people play wow in linux via wine? cool!
07:03.47dre^I bet that's ideal for gaming cafes...
07:04.07dre^much much easier to herd linux machines than windows machines, I find :)
07:04.50*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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07:06.30art3mishehe as long as we're not 2.2 yet ;P
07:11.20art3misso when bugs dont get fixed and get moved or closed without resolution we bitch at you right?
07:13.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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07:14.52Bleeterart3mis: something like that ;)
07:15.11IrielMy life is complete, i've seen "The Internet is for Porn" performed live.
07:15.24Bleeterart3mis: but seriously, I'm really waiting for the next PTR build before I start razzing up the Wine guys
07:21.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Vapochill (
07:25.42art3misiriel where?
07:25.43*** join/#wowi-lounge [quoin] (
07:26.03Irielart3mis: The song is from Avenue Q, I saw it this evening in San Francisco
07:26.06art3misif it wasnt in nyc you're life isnt complete yet ;P
07:26.15IrielYeah well, this was more convenient 8-)
07:26.25art3mis<-- saw it here
07:26.35art3missuch goodness
07:26.37IrielWe at least had many of the original actors.
07:26.46art3misyeah thats something
07:38.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (n=kody@
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08:05.51[Liquidor]ownage !
08:08.52Nom-I've been in meetings for the last .... 6.5 hours
08:09.00Nom-What an... annoying way to spend a Friday :P
08:09.24BleeterNom-: beer oclock!
08:10.34Nom-I'm way ahead of you.
08:10.48Nom-I'm already working my way through Beer #1
08:12.16BleeterNom-: was just making sure you were already enacting, ie in the middle or, or just after the start of, beer oclock rather than having beer oclock be pending still ;)
08:12.44Bleeterif you hadn't started yet, i'd be kickin' yer bosses arse!
08:12.56Bleetererm... s/ses/s's/
08:18.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
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08:32.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
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09:18.45AD|sneghi all
09:18.54AD|sneghas anyone used wowbench?
09:20.03Cairennunfortunately you've picked a rather quiet time to log into the channel, try sticking around (or coming back) and asking again when you see that more folks are talking
09:20.58AD|snegoh teh time difference -.-
09:21.06Cairennheh, yup
09:21.07AD|sneg07 am? :)
09:21.36Cairennalthough, that's a misleading statement in this channel, since we've got folks from all over in here
09:22.00Cairennbut the EU crew are at work, the NA are asleep (by and large)
09:22.27AD|snegindependence day in Ukraine ^^
09:23.11Cairennhappy independence day
09:23.26hasteIt's 11 am here!
09:23.38hastewhich also means I'm waiting for school to start
09:24.04AD|snegCairenn: cheers. :P i dont really celebrate it :P
09:24.12AD|snegchance to do some more wow addon coding :DD
09:24.16*** join/#wowi-lounge THECraZY (
09:24.22THECraZYHey i got a question for you fellow geeks
09:24.34THECraZYHas anyone here got a dual monitor setup?
09:24.51Cairennit's 5:30am here, but stupid thunder storms keep knocking out the power, messing up our alarm clocks, so have to make sure someone is up when we're supposed to be up at 9
09:25.07CairennTHECraZY: lol, in this channel? more like multiple
09:25.40AD|snegthunderstorms? jeez. hope u are alright there :)
09:25.51AD|snegwe ve got 47 degrees C here
09:26.02AD|snegand we are supposed to have intermediate climate
09:26.11AD|snegi dont know what is going on with this weather
09:26.20AD|snegits sooooo hot
09:26.22hasteIt's hot here in norway also, but not that hot :D
09:26.24AD|snegmore like tropical
09:26.34Cairenn21 here atm
09:27.02AD|sneghot in norway :)) sounds like a joke
09:27.14hastehot here is like 28C
09:27.22THECraZYhaha ok
09:27.31THECraZYwell i was just wondering how it works out with gaming
09:27.37AD|snegi guess thats pretty hot
09:27.44THECraZYya know say... im in wow and i have a webpage on the other screen
09:27.52AD|snegdepends what game you are talking about
09:28.10THECraZYis my mouse going to be locked into the screen that plays wow?
09:28.10AD|snegif its something like supreme commander or flying simulator - its awesome
09:28.27AD|snegnormally when people dual-screen play wow they play in window mode
09:28.43AD|snegso the other screen is reserved for other apps
09:28.54AD|snegyes ofc, if wow window is active, its locked
09:29.30THECraZYok lets say the wow widnow is active how do i free my mouse to browse stuff on the other screen?
09:29.36THECraZYi gotta alt tab?
09:29.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
09:29.42Bleeteryou know you ain't levelled a toon in a while when:
09:29.42AD|snegyep :)
09:29.50Bleeteryou pick up a green hills page and sigh deeply
09:29.58CairennBleeter: lol
09:30.01Arrowmasterive got dual monitors right now and my curser will move out of wow and right onto the other desktop
09:30.02THECraZYmakes me wish i could use a 2nd mouse and assign it to screen #2
09:30.14THECraZYi guess i could dual computer instead haha
09:30.51AD|snegyep. but the game with dual monitors really opens up when it supports it
09:30.57Arrowmasterbut im using maximized windowed mode
09:31.04AD|snegfor eg supreme commander has different screens for both monitors
09:31.20Cairennpart of it depends, I'm sure, on how you're dual-screening
09:31.29AD|snegCairenn: exactly
09:31.40Cairennwhether full screen, max windowed, split screening, etc
09:32.44AD|snegi was invited to a raid serpentstein cavern yesterday
09:32.48AD|snegalmost fel for it :)))
09:32.56THECraZYya well i was more thinking of being able to develop addons while having wow open or having guides open and stuff
09:33.11THECraZYbut if i gotta alt tab i guess i should just do it
09:33.14AD|snegyou will still have to do alt+tab
09:33.20Arrowmasterno you dont
09:33.28Arrowmasteri was just in wow with dual monitors
09:33.46Arrowmasterjust had to move the curser from one screen to the other
09:34.01AD|sneghow do you make wow window active then ?
09:34.03THECraZYreally? so you just moved to the side and thats it
09:34.12Arrowmasterbut like i said i use maximized windowed mode and not true fullscreen
09:34.22THECraZYi see
09:34.24Arrowmasterjust move curser back and click
09:34.28Arrowmasterand wows active again
09:34.30THECraZYdoesnt that cause problem in pvp sometimes?
09:34.44AD|snegand once you are in wow, how do you move your cursor out of wow window? : )
09:34.45Arrowmasteri dont pvp
09:34.45THECraZYif your mouse can go off the screen like that?
09:35.00Arrowmasteronce in wow i just move it off the screen
09:35.10AD|snegsounds weird
09:35.14THECraZYso the mouse doesnt lock to the wow window
09:35.24AD|snegit sounds like a bug to me :)
09:35.25THECraZYand one last thing what if you use true full screen what happens?
09:35.30THECraZYwith your 2nd screen i mean
09:35.35Arrowmasterno clue
09:35.42THECraZYoh ok
09:35.51Arrowmasteronly attached the 2nd monitor earlyer this week
09:36.52zenzelezz"The problem is He's an Ubuntu Linux user and the gov't doesn't have any tracking software for Linux. So he's been told that he must use Windows for the term of his confinement. Looks like a case of cruel and unusual punishment to me" o_O
09:37.54Cairennyeah, I saw that earlier too zenzelezz
09:37.59AD|snegi m sure they have tracking software for linux : )
09:38.08AD|sneghe is just not good enough ^^
09:38.35THECraZYlook like a case for wine
09:39.35THECraZYnot gonna be much to trac though
09:40.36THECraZYwell thx for the info guys see ya later
09:41.23AD|snegi just realised my parser allows 2+2)
09:41.29AD|snegi m such a noob :(
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09:41.45AD|sneg*back to bnf rules*
09:42.04Cairennokay, power has stayed on for an hour now, hopefully it'll stay on
09:43.03Bleetergnight Cairenn, rest well mate :)
09:49.49*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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11:09.31BleeterCairenn|afk: suggestion: a comp on precisely how much XP one will require to get from 79->80 when WotLK hits! prize: I'm sure I've got a rubber ducky around here I can donate ;)
11:11.48nevcairielfor the exact match or closest ? :P
11:12.10BleeterI think a rubber ducky is worthy for exact match ;)
11:12.29Bleeteryeah, a towel for closest.. rubber ducky AND towel for exact
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11:18.22MaldiviaBleeter: what about those who already knows?
11:18.51nevcairielwho would that be?
11:19.04nevcairielwith BC they adjusted the XP quite often during beta
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12:35.46AD|snegyay! added my interface to wowi :)
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12:51.21art3misyay linky
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12:57.04AD|snegfeedback always welcome
12:58.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (
13:02.16AD|snegwhere can i look for the way to create my own error handler?
13:03.55Cidanpasses one argument, the error message
13:06.10AD|snegdoes the error handler has to return anything?
13:06.41Bleeterman, the guys who receive the PTR crashdumps must be getting bored with me by now, so I've resorted to saying in the 'what were you doing..' field 'HAY GUZY JUST ME DA WINO' now
13:06.56Cidanit does not
13:07.01Bleetergmorn cidan
13:07.26Cidanpoor PTR guys
13:07.36Cidanit's the new sound system, I tell yas
13:07.37Cidanit's crap
13:10.06Bleeterthe random vista crashes, and random playback rate bugs just don't seem to have reduced at all over the past few builds... I'm starting to wonder if they'll get it working in a reasonable amount of time (ie, end of next month)
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13:11.24Cidanlikely some rookie programmer, "LULZ I KAN DO PLZ?"
13:16.08BleeterCidan: well, I've got my own guess. I've been known to be way off mark in my guesses before, but I'm suspecting the driver model for Vista may have something to do with it (error recovery vs timing)
13:16.30Cidandunno, does the crashing only happen in Vista?
13:16.44Cidanbesides, the game uses direct x for sound
13:16.47Cidanthere should be no issue
13:16.49Cidanit's transparent
13:16.51Bleeterseems to be, from reading over the Forum.. and switching to XP SP2 compatibility fixes stuff
13:17.16Cidanit's just a shoddy sound system that XP "fixes"
13:17.35Bleeterand that Wine constantly trips up
13:17.53Bleeterif Blizz just supported Wine, I'm sure they'd be able to nail the cause a hell of a lot quicker ;)
13:18.13Bleeterthough, knowing my luck, two things completely unrelated =)
13:18.57Cidanwish they had linux binaries
13:19.14CidanUT3 will have them
13:19.54Bleeteryeah well, I'd be happy even if they only threw out linux PTR binaries for a year that made some kinda progress
13:20.13Bleeterlinux gaming is mad.. companies wont release, 'coz no company releases
13:21.16CidanIn all my encounters, a game under linux with naitive binaries blows away windows in performance.
13:21.37CidanIn particular, Quake 4 and Doom 3, Neverwinter Nights, Unreal 2004
13:21.52CidanAll of which run so, so so much better under Linux
13:22.13Cidanhuge bumps in framerates
13:22.21zenzelezzI would be careful about making assumptions as to why that is
13:22.56CidanI'm not sure _why_ it is.
13:23.04CidanI just know it is such.
13:23.19CidanIt could be any number of things.
13:24.25BleeterI'd suspect it's the whole open-peer review, in theory at least getting better code. I mean, look at the Win32 source leaks and the crap in some of that - would never make it past a commit in most 'bigtime' open source areas, eg Xorg or the kernel itself
13:24.41Cidanvery true
13:24.48*** join/#wowi-lounge herzogthc (
13:24.52CidanI'd also assume that OpenGL > Direct X
13:25.11Cidanand the interface between linux kernel->hardware has much less overhead
13:26.25Bleeterdunno 'bout OGL > DX, certainly it'd appear to me that in features DX > OGL, but yeah get back to clean/stable code behind a given API being real important
13:27.22CidanBleeter, no way.  OGL2 has had "direct x 10" features for damn near 2 years
13:27.38CidanJust no hardware support, it was emulated
13:27.46Bleeteractually, I'm curious as to why Blizz are using Fmod instead of OAL, though haven't look at that at all really.
13:27.47Cidanwell, emulated on the hardware
13:28.07BleeterCidan: ah, haven't looked at OGL2 at all either. Been to busy playing some damned game =)
13:29.24Bleetergiven that OAL was developed by Loki, now maintained by Createive with support from Apple, Id assume theres some compelling reason slouken aint using it
13:30.14Bleeterand as URT/Quake et al shows, not as if it don't work, either
13:30.56CidanYou do know slouken is the maintainer of SDL, right?
13:31.02BleeterCidan: aye
13:31.33BleeterI donated a NinDS to LibSDL to get a port happening on NinDS Linux :)
13:32.15Bleeterit's prolly at the bottom of a drawer somewhere @ slouken's place now, 'coz the port happened
13:37.15BleeterCidan: hmm...' hardware acceleration for DirectSound and DirectSound3D was dropped in Windows Vista'
13:37.42CidanIt's all software now
13:38.11Bleeterah, k.. so that's even more reason to be blaming fmod ;)
13:38.21Bleeterwasn't aware of that detail
13:39.58*** join/#wowi-lounge ts|skrom (n=TS|
13:47.43BleeterCidan: amuse yourself... compare and contrast the PTR sound log in thread #3 with
13:47.54Cairenn|afkrubber ducky & towel? you are generous, aren't you?
13:48.32Bleeterif it weren't for the fact that the wine bug says alsa/oss, the output's the same (if not the line number, same file leading me to suspect slightly different builds)
13:48.50*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
13:49.05BleeterCairenn|afk: *two* towels and a rubber ducky ;)
13:49.50Cairenn|afkcogwheel: mind out of gutter
13:49.52Cairenn|afk(7:09:15 AM) Bleeter: Cairenn|afk: suggestion: a comp on precisely how much XP one will require to get from 79->80 when WotLK hits! prize: I'm sure I've got a rubber ducky around here I can donate ;)
13:49.52Cairenn|afk(7:11:32 AM) nevcairiel: for the exact match or closest ? :P
13:49.52Cairenn|afk(7:11:54 AM) Bleeter: I think a rubber ducky is worthy for exact match ;)
13:49.52Cairenn|afk(7:12:13 AM) Bleeter: yeah, a towel for closest.. rubber ducky AND towel for exact
13:50.26nevcairielthats two towels :D
13:50.33Bleeter23:49 < Bleeter> Cairenn|afk: *two* towels and a rubber ducky ;)
13:50.37Cairenn|afkyes, it is, I missed it at first
13:51.04Cairenn|afkgimme a break, I've had 4 hrs sleep, in 2 parts
13:51.28Cairenn|afkcogwheel: careful or I'll tell your wife on you
13:52.03BleeterCairenn|afk: only reason I'm in the gutter is so that when I look up I see you amongst the stars!
13:52.29Cairenn|afkyou guys are just sad
13:52.31CidanBleeter, holy shit, that was nice.
13:52.59BleeterCidan: yeah, but it's never got me out of serious trouble before .. I wouldn't recommend it as a line to use IRL
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13:57.49Bleeteractually, yeah... come to think of it, that'd have been the question I woulda asked Slouken at blizzcon.. 'why fmod and not oal'
14:03.12cogwheelCairenn|afk: to paraphrase you, who says my wife would object? ;)
14:03.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
14:06.29LopeppeppyHeya, Cidan.  
14:06.53BleeterOK, just to update folks, I've closed the current WoW 2.2 Wine bug as INVALID - Broken upstream. I don't wanna waste Wine developer's time on stuff that's likely to change in the next week or so with a new build.
14:08.37CidanI dunno if that's wise, but okay
14:10.37Bleeterthere's a post, I think it was hortus, saying there's gunna be another PTR build. I'll re-examine when that happens
14:12.23Bleeterah, was tigerclaw....
14:13.22*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (
14:13.27Bleeterit's specifically about EAX and reverb, but does pretty much say there's gunna be another build. there's another thread begging for info on the pink-texture issues
14:13.55Bleetercoupled with this morn's hardware survy, sounds like they're on a big push to finalise PTR this coming week
14:13.57AD|snegguys, when i use seterrorhandler() does that set error handler only for my script or for everything?
14:16.48AD|snegso in theory another addon can overwrite my seterrorhandler() ?
14:16.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
14:17.01AD|snegthat is just pants
14:17.10Bleeteryour error handler should take this into consideration
14:17.17JoshBorkeyou could hook the seterrorhandler function
14:17.23JoshBorkebut that isn't playing nice
14:17.55AD|snegnah this is getting a bit frustrating. i will have to find a way to go around it
14:19.16kadrahilis 600 agility too low to spec survival for the expose weakness raid buff?
14:20.28kadrahilcogwheel: gg
14:21.03LopeppeppyPut a post it on your computer screen that says "REPAIR!!" and head on out.
14:21.19cogwheel'cept i'll be playing at work on my lunch... :P
14:21.27cogwheelguess i can e-mail myself
14:21.36*** join/#wowi-lounge __art3mis (
14:22.14Bleeternn again Cairenn|afk
14:23.33mikmai didn't know mikk has started to make music ;) Mikk-Angel_Of_Mine-(AMPDIG020)-WEB-2007
14:28.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
14:39.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
14:39.17cladhaireAD|sneg: What are you trying to do where you think ou need to "go around" the error hander stuff?
14:39.26cladhaireI can almost guarantee you that you're doing something wrong, if that's the case.
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14:58.06ts|skrom <-- freakin' sweet
14:59.50Wobinthat's kinda cool =)
15:00.14LopeppeppyYou find the neatest gaming toys, TS|Skrom.
15:00.36ts|skromI want that kind of setup for my group, maybe when I get moved into my apartment finally :(
15:00.36foxlitBut clearly you need one of those to run it on properly:
15:01.20ts|skromI really need to get to work on my place... I've owned the building since april of 2006 and only have the one apartment rented out
15:01.23LopeppeppyI am soooo very much a gaming geek, yes.
15:01.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Ominous (
15:01.51art3mislopey lets get married and have
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15:02.01art3mis2 babies
15:02.01ts|skromfoxlit that's not a bad idea, it would remove the need to have a projector suspended
15:02.15LopeppeppyThe Peppy is already married, and I have one baby cat.  That's my limit on marriages and kids, one of each.  Sorry!
15:03.50*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (i=spam@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
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15:07.54ts|skromwtb druid discussion (yes, again)
15:09.01ts|skromThe five rage you gain from critical hits with primal fury... does that trigger an actual "You gain 5 rage" event or is it just added to the normal gained from hitting things?
15:09.42ts|skromI would assume the former which is pretty awesome, since every crit would therefore add an extra 36.25 threat to every mob in combat with you
15:10.40Mr_Rabies2i think the latter but i'll let you know
15:10.41Mr_Rabies2one sec
15:15.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
15:20.39cladhaireyou get an event imo
15:20.48cladhairei.e. when you swipe, you get three +5 events, if you crit thrice
15:21.00Mr_Rabies2i dont think swipe has 3
15:21.09Mr_Rabies2we'll see what one does then i'll do swipe
15:21.34Mr_Rabies2sec, virus scan is running and i'm letting it get past the wow folder before going on
15:25.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
15:30.32Mr_Rabies2"You gain 5 rage from Primal Fury"
15:30.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:30.54*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
15:31.18Mr_Rabies2and clad was right
15:31.24Mr_Rabies23 swipe crits = 3 primal furies
15:31.29cladhaire<3 droods
15:31.58ts|skromconsidering the amount of crit a bear can get, that's a huge amount of threat available.
15:32.00Mr_Rabies2i don't know if it's truly 15 rage or not
15:32.12Mr_Rabies2they can get a decent amount for a tank
15:32.27ts|skromwell you get 11% just from talents
15:32.43Mr_Rabies2i've got a 22.49% to crit in tanking gear
15:32.56ts|skromwhat's your dodge?
15:33.08Industrialmy game is strating for 17 minutes now (not wow)
15:33.18Industrialbecause im feeding it with 10.4GB of files, lol
15:33.40Mr_Rabies223.45% dodge
15:33.51Mr_Rabies2as a night elf
15:35.18ts|skromgotcha, so my friend I was talking to with 30% dodge (mainly from agi has prolly around a 30% crit too
15:35.20BleeterMr_Rabies2: just like to thank you for those builds you posted me.. gave me good thoughts :)
15:35.48Mr_Rabies2i'll do pretty much whatever it takes to bolster our awful numbers
15:36.22Mr_Rabies2the more people i can get to play druids, the more likely we are to get some help in pvp
15:36.22ts|skromI'm really enjoying mine, 4 levels this week since I started playing again
15:37.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Drooly (
15:37.32Bleeterdroods rool ok!
15:40.32Mr_Rabies2we do rool in pve
15:40.36Mr_Rabies2not so much in pvp :[
15:40.58Mr_Rabies2restos aren't so bad but anything else is not what it needs to be
15:43.44Bleetergnight all
15:47.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
15:47.33Thunder_Childnight Bleeter
15:49.02Industrialpff Bleeter ive been on the internet since I was 8 years old
15:49.11Industrialbut then again, look what i've become >_>
15:49.16kadrahila 10 year old?
15:49.50Industrialhm, maybe 10 yeah
15:50.05kadrahilyou didn't get my joke :(
15:50.28Industrialkadrahil: explain :o
15:50.34Thunder_Childi got it
15:50.39kadrahil12:49 <Industrial> but then again, look what i've become >_>
15:50.39kadrahil12:49 <kadrahil> a 10 year old?
15:50.41cog|workIndustrial: "since i was 8 years old...... look what i've become"
15:50.42Thunder_ChildIndustrial is simple
15:51.09cog|work<kadrahil>GOSH            <--- QFT XD
15:51.40Industrialther u go heres one lulz award!11oneone
15:52.13IndustrialAnyone here a regular 4channer?
15:53.10LopeppeppyUm.... nope.  Wouldn't tell a bunch of strangers if I were, either!  :P
15:53.10Industrial4chan + inline youtube links (thus mostly safe content). Discuss.
15:53.49CidanIndustrial, R1 and R2
15:54.04IndustrialI jsut started browsing it daily - its so fast :( cant keep track of any threads
15:54.20Industrialand thats not even /b/
15:54.21CidanIndustrial, stop.
15:54.22CidanIndustrial, stop.
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16:02.55KyahxT-minus 30 minutes until Im jobless, yay!
16:03.06Mr_Rabies2rule 1 and 2 do not exist okay >:[
16:03.10deltronoh snap
16:03.14deltronare you supposed to be happy?
16:03.18KyahxI am
16:03.22KyahxSummer job :P
16:03.27deltronthen grats :)
16:03.29Kyahxthen a week to do nothing, then back to school
16:03.44Kyahxnot looking forward to moving thou... =/  too much shit to pack
16:03.48Mr_Rabies2they were invented by those who wish to harm /b/
16:03.50cog|workmeh... school's overrated
16:04.03Mr_Rabies2back in my day there weren't any rules to /b/ and that's how it should remain forever >:[
16:05.04Cidanshh, too many people on there already
16:05.10Cidanthose rules are a good thing
16:05.18KyahxI didn't even know there were rules
16:05.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten|Away (n=kaelten@
16:05.38deltronrule 34!
16:05.40CidanMoving on, I want... a corndog
16:05.42Cidanfor some reason
16:05.49Cidanlike I really crave one.
16:06.10Saint-Nthats what she said
16:06.41Saint-NI rule, You suck. Die.
16:06.42Mr_Rabies2rule 34 on a corndog imo
16:07.29CidanMr_Rabies2, I thought you didn't like rules, ;x
16:07.38Mr_Rabies2that's not a rule to /b/
16:07.42Mr_Rabies2but a rule to the internet itself
16:07.46CidanWhat's everyone doing?
16:07.49Mr_Rabies2like godwin's law
16:07.53Cidantoday, even.
16:08.08Mr_Rabies2i'm playing wow and being bored
16:08.13Industrialplaying stepmania
16:08.23Industrialchatting between songs
16:08.31Industrial(to rest my hand) :P
16:08.46Cidanoh right, stepmania on keyboard
16:09.02IndustrialI play one handed tho, pretty bad practise
16:09.03LopeppeppyI'm getting pwned by having my brakes done.  *sigh*
16:09.39Industriali guess two hands is faster, but i cant un-learn this :P i totally suck with 2 hands :(
16:09.52Industrialim at 9-10 step songs now, heavy/challenge
16:09.58Shirikplay some real DDR
16:10.06IndustrialI dont have a pad
16:10.19Shiriknothing like going into an arcade to play something like max 300
16:10.24CidanLopeppeppy, how much?
16:10.30Shirikhaving a crowd gathering behind you going like "how the hell"
16:10.30IndustrialShirik: .. yeah
16:10.34CidanLopeppeppy, and what are you having done?
16:10.36Shirikit's awesome :D
16:10.41Shirikused to do it every day after school
16:11.07Industrialtheres no arcade near here :P
16:11.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
16:11.55Industrialknown dutch locations;
16:12.46Mr_Rabies2am i the only one that makes noises like a stuka bomber when i do the bombing quests?
16:12.55Cidanyes you are.
16:13.22LopeppeppyCidan: Replace every darned part in the front end.  Seems the back end has been out of alignment since the last brake job, which has led to the front end doing ALL of the braking.  Hence, it all freakin' wore to nubs.  *frown*
16:13.42LopeppeppyIf I remembered where I got the last job done, I would be doing some serious complaining... but that was in a whole 'nother state.
16:14.34Cidanpads and rotors then
16:14.40Cidanshould cost toooo much
16:15.48LopeppeppyAnd the labor to set the back end to rights, so it starts doing its share of the work.
16:16.47LopeppeppyLabor is what's borking me, there are higher rates here in NY than I'm used to in MA.
16:16.47Thunder_Childand the misc. costs they throw in because...well....their bored.
16:16.59LopeppeppyAnd I'm a chick, Thunder_Child, that's like a 10% inflation right there.
16:17.21CidanThat is pretty crummy.
16:17.28CidanAlways have a guy take your car in for you
16:17.30LopeppeppyI need the tires rotated and aligned and so forth soon enough, I'll go to another shop and see how the attitude is there.
16:17.49LopeppeppyCidan... If I had one to do it, I just might have done that.  But I can work at home, husband can't.
16:18.25LopeppeppyChicks just have to shop around until we find a garage that doesn't treat us like Barbie Dolls.  Chain shops have higher prices, but are usually less condescending then independent garages, where prices might be a bit lower.
16:18.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
16:20.15Mr_Rabies2is it wrong to tap other people's targets when they refuse to group for banishing demons?
16:20.30LopeppeppySlightly unsportsmanlike, yes.
16:20.43Mr_Rabies2if they wanted to be sportsmanlike they'd group with me
16:21.35Thunder_Childi usualy dont like to gorup with people when doing solo quests
16:22.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnancy (
16:22.14Thunder_Childhence the word solo
16:22.37Mr_Rabies2when there's competition for spawns it's the smart thing to do
16:22.42ts|skromHey cladhaire why doesn't the lightheaded info contain the reward?
16:22.46LopeppeppyI hate to group at all, honestly, because I can't stand leet speak and often just want to be left alone.  But if it's for a camped spawn, I consider it.
16:22.48Mr_Rabies2if you'd rather compete over spawns then we can compete over spawns
16:22.54cladhairebecause the reward is listed in the quest description?
16:23.14ts|skromtrue for current quests, but what If I use the links to view descriptions/comments for further down the chain?
16:23.29cladhairei could include them, but its somewhat of a pain in the ass
16:23.37cladhairenot currently a part of the data i store
16:23.38ts|skromfair answer :D
16:23.43cladhairealthough i have it
16:24.00ts|skromI was just curious (and your first answer occurred to me as well hehe)
16:24.40ts|skromany way to pull a list of the quests from the zone you are in?
16:24.52LopeppeppyWhy duplicate the wheel when someone else makes donuts.... *hums happily*
16:25.08*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
16:25.41cladhairets|skrom: no, the databases are loaded by level range
16:25.42Thunder_Childactuly go *to* wowhead
16:25.50ShirikLopeppeppy: If that were how everyone operated
16:25.54ShirikKrispy Kreme would never have come to be
16:25.56Mr_Rabies2donuts don't really function well at high speed
16:25.59Shirikand we all know that would have been a very bad thing
16:26.16Thunder_Childwhy? they suck
16:26.17cladhairein theory i could probably give you a way to do
16:26.22Shirik~lart Thunder_Child
16:26.22purlnabs the moon and broadsides Thunder_Child with the sea of tranquility
16:26.25Shirikand on that note, I'm out
16:26.27Shiriktake care everyone
16:26.32Thunder_Childcya Shirik
16:26.32ShirikI shall see you on the flip side
16:26.38LopeppeppyI don't know that, Shirik.  I know that donuts are interesting, but there are too many flavors.
16:26.42ts|skromso what you are saying is, if I have a quest in my log that's level 15 and I'm level 34 (why I would I don't know) I couldn't view info on it?
16:27.01Thunder_Childuhhh...hopefully flipside not meaning death in this case
16:28.05Thunder_Child...welcome to what?
16:28.15ts|skromYou'll have to find out after the two days
16:28.22Cidanwelcome to what?!#?!
16:28.23Thunder_Childbah shirik fails
16:28.25CidanWE MUST KNOW!@OL*I!@
16:29.21cog|workHow long do you think it'll be before the "zomg blizz you promised higher cooldown on escape artist" posts?
16:30.04LopeppeppyTS|Skrom, I think you can still view quest information for lower level quests without issue.  At least, my priestess can see info on her grey quests.
16:32.19ScytheBlade1cog|work, next PTR push
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16:33.06ts|skromI see, was just trying to figure out what "loaded by level" meant hehe
16:33.51cladhaireit means that data is loaded on demand
16:33.56cladhairebased on the level of the quest
16:34.05cladhairein order to search all quests in a given zone, i'd need to load all data
16:34.11ScytheBlade1You know what thread made my head hurt yesterday?
16:34.14ScytheBlade1The ZHunter one
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16:35.23ts|skromoh gotcha
16:35.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
16:35.53ts|skromcan it be unloaded?
16:36.06cog|workts|skrom: there's this bowl of soup...
16:36.13ts|skrommmmm soup
16:38.58ts|skromI've not played with LoD stuff yet so I wasn't too sure ;-)
16:43.25LopeppeppyI want my oyster crackers to always stay crispy in my soup, so I can fish them out whenever I want to!
16:44.06ts|skromcopying a wow installation via dsl and ftp is slow ^^
16:44.41cog|workDVD+R DL 4tw
16:45.37ts|skromI don't have DVD+R at home, just at work, and I wanted to play wow tonight after work before D&D
16:45.49ts|skromI don't go home between work and gaming on friday's
16:46.47ts|skromman what the heck, I've got a sore spot on my head... I wonder if I hit my head on something the other night, would explain why I woke up on the floor
16:48.15LopeppeppyUm... .it might. Or it might be from contacting said floor?
16:48.43ts|skromnot sure really. I don't remember hitting anything
16:48.53cog|workdolby-wowi: any chance for e-mails when someone submits a bug report/feature request?
16:52.09ts|skromit seems like there's alot of duplication in my wow folder
16:52.27ts|skromare the files in both /data and /data/enus requried? (I mean the .mpq's specifically)
16:52.38cog|workthey're not duplicates
16:52.42cog|workif that's what you're thinking
16:53.12cog|worknotice the size differences...
16:53.15ts|skromokay yeah basically I was wondering if one was obsolete maybe because of the expansion
16:53.29Thunder_Childlol thought you types /data/anus
16:53.48cog|workts|skrom: critical thinking 4tw... the stuff in enUS is specific to US locales :P
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16:54.08ts|skromyou odn't have to be so critical about it :p
16:54.25cog|workyes i do... i got the Evil Twin debuff last night...
16:54.53ts|skromI understand what you are saying, I just don't get what all these other locales are, I mean like most americans I'm sure the US is the only country in the world
16:55.18cog|workIn EU, they can install multiple language packs
16:55.35ts|skrom(I was being facetious)
16:55.52cog|work(and I was ignoring that fact for the sake of any n00bs in the channel ;P )
16:56.13ts|skromyou are a punk for mentioning soup btw
16:56.18ts|skromit's too close to lunchtime for that
16:56.40cog|workWould you rather I had mentioned Insalata Caprese, Gnocchi, and Meatballs?
16:57.04ts|skromfortunately for me the only word there I understood was meatballs
16:57.06LopeppeppyAlthough a nice salad would go over well... but my budget is well and truly hosed right now, so I'm eating what's in the cupboards for a bit!
16:57.47cog|workts|skrom: what about barbecued tri tip?
16:58.05ts|skromtri tip?
16:58.26cog|workl2food :P
16:58.39ts|skromI'm a big fat guy you'd think I'd have this down
16:59.35LopeppeppyBig fat guy /= chef's data base
17:00.01ts|skromI think I'm down for some greek tonight for dinner
17:00.09ts|skromlamb soulvaki, yum
17:00.15cog|work   ~   ~
17:01.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
17:03.05Mr_Rabies2this is what the official forums need more of
17:03.20Mr_Rabies2strict, powerful moderation with swift consequences
17:03.58Matrix110you need like
17:04.00Matrix1105000 mods for that:P
17:04.25Mr_Rabies2no way
17:04.35Mr_Rabies2it may take a while to get people under control
17:05.08Matrix110well iam for merging US/EU get ~200mods that delete and ban every moron and troll directly
17:05.13Mr_Rabies2but once you're over the hump with the majority of the forum-posting accounts banned, it's much easier to control them
17:05.32Mr_Rabies2the problem is they've been too lenient so far
17:05.42Mr_Rabies2and it's blown up to a huge problem
17:05.54Matrix110i wonder how big the DB of the wow forums is:P
17:06.23Matrix110even the DB of quite big forums is under ~100mb normally
17:06.44Matrix110but the wow forum....
17:08.31ScytheBlade1I'd have to guess "massive"
17:10.21Mr_Rabies2a forum that's been going since 1999 i go to has an 8 gb db
17:10.26Mr_Rabies2post db that is
17:10.47Mr_Rabies2that's roughly 2x the size of wikipedia's db
17:11.24ScytheBlade1Err... pretty sure that wikipedia is a lot more than 8GB
17:12.34ScytheBlade1Looking at 15GB compressed for the first few files
17:12.54Mr_Rabies2the database i saw was like 4.5 or so
17:13.19ScytheBlade1lol @ Kaydeethree: "STICKIES! READ THEM!"
17:16.06Kaydeethreemeh, most of my c/p responses start out with that
17:16.42ScytheBlade1It's pretty classy, I won't lie
17:16.55ScytheBlade1Seeing three threads in a row with "STICKIES! READ THEM!" like that
17:23.05Mr_Rabies2oh man
17:23.12Mr_Rabies2check out the site layout
17:23.19zenzelezzthere's something funny about getting a mail with 1 Scroll of Protection V in your mailbox as a 70 tank
17:23.27cog|workIs there a mod that lets you show a status bar for the count of a specified item in your inventory?
17:23.39Kaydeethreelmao, that's pretty funny
17:23.42Kaydeethreea direct clone
17:23.46foxlitStatus bar does not make sense in the context, cog
17:23.47LopeppeppyVery funny, Mr_Rabies2
17:24.00Mr_Rabies2the game itself looks
17:24.06LopeppeppyZenzelezz, do you know the sender?  If not, just click Return and it's done.
17:24.28Mr_Rabies2person on top of a giant cat on top of a giant bird
17:25.16Kaydeethreeooh, I always wanted to summon my wintersaber on my gryphon...
17:25.37Mr_Rabies2i had a bug where i was in bear form flying on a bird
17:25.38zenzelezzLopeppeppy: it's a guildie :-p
17:25.46Mr_Rabies2then i left bear form and was swimming midair
17:25.56Mr_Rabies2then went back to bear and was flying as a bear :X
17:26.04Mr_Rabies2it was on the ptr on the moonglade paths
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17:26.16Mr_Rabies2it didn't require you to dismount or cancelform before taking them
17:26.46LopeppeppyThen bonk them on the head, and cast the scroll on someone next raid.  *shrug*  They were tryin' to be nice.  I send random crap to my tank all the time, I don't know what he likes... probably auctions off half of my gifts.  :)
17:27.21Mr_Rabies2also, apparently it lets you customize your character by putting custom face textures on
17:27.21zenzelezzyou're taking what I say too seriously. o_O
17:27.36LopeppeppySorry.  Guess it's a bad habit of mine, this whole being serious thing.
17:27.54Mr_Rabies2countdown to someone's butt being modeled as a face texture
17:27.57Mr_Rabies2oh god
17:27.58Mr_Rabies2or goatse
17:28.31zenzelezzLopeppeppy: being serious is fine, but you made it sound like I was bashing the guy
17:28.33Mr_Rabies2ohh, you don't actually upload textures
17:28.58LopeppeppyBonk on the head isn't bashing, it's rough housing.  Anyway, sorry.
17:28.59Mr_Rabies2you can pop them up onscreen and make it look like real people by moving face parts around and using different textures or something
17:30.21Mr_Rabies2an mmo with texture uploading (outside of second life) would be hilarious and abused like mad
17:32.10LopeppeppyMaybe they improved the Armory at the cost of the forums?  *laugh*
17:32.22Kaydeethreeheh. was just about to ask if anyone was having forum issues
17:32.58Mr_Rabies2my forum issues usually extend to the playerbase
17:33.17Kaydeethreejust take my usual stance... yell at them
17:33.19Mr_Rabies2a swift and fearful moderation team would clean the forums up
17:34.05Kaydeethreeand wow... they've finally cracked the iPhone
17:34.07LopeppeppyI think they threw out the baby with the bathwater, Mr_Rabies2.
17:34.09Kaydeethreesurprised it took this long
17:34.54cog|workthey live again
17:35.21batrickhow does one know if there is a custom error handler set?
17:36.53zenzelezzI know what's wrong with the forum:
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17:38.29LopeppeppyOh, god, my cat does that all the time, sadly.
17:39.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Drooly (
17:40.11*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
17:43.42zenzelezzour cats have been quite bad to certain furniture... mostly the kitchen chairs, kitchen table legs, and one corner of a hall. Deep claw marks all over
17:43.52Mr_Rabies2Our cries herald the coming of great pain for our enemies.
17:44.28LopeppeppyThe thing she's HORRIBLE about is the screen door. She does some Super Cat trick and jumps up to the top corner, rips down the screen.  Everything else I can hiss her away from, but that.... no dice.
17:46.14Mr_Rabies2run a small electrical current through the screen :p
17:46.36LopeppeppyDon't tempt me.
17:46.40Mr_Rabies2i stepped on one of those cat-mats before wth a small electrical current
17:46.42Mr_Rabies2woke me up
17:46.47LopeppeppyNow WTF is going on with Armory.  *sigh*  I need the bloody thing.
17:47.41Kaydeethreethe hell, adys?
17:47.50AdysDont worry about it
17:49.55zenzelezzwe had one of those cat-door-things that require a magnet to open in our front door once. It was fine until our cat had a kitten, since we only had one magnet... the kitten isn't all that smart, but when she was a few months old she realized brute force was enough to open it
17:50.11zenzelezzbroke the magnet mechanism
17:52.31herzogthcit's been a long day
17:54.34Mr_Rabies2is that screen door often used for them to travel outside, lopeppy?
17:54.52Mr_Rabies2as in, you take then in and out using said door?
17:55.02LopeppeppyNo.  Never.  Miss Kitty is an indoor cat, she's never been out that door.
17:55.13LopeppeppyShe just enjoys to fly?  *shrug*
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18:02.24Mr_Rabies2my suggestion is put one of those motion detecting goofy halloween toys up, or at least gutting it and getting the motion detector and voicebox
18:02.42Mr_Rabies2so when she gets close to said door it'll go off and scare the hell of her
18:02.45Mr_Rabies2she'll learn :P
18:02.59LopeppeppyI want her to be able to enjoy the door, it's the jump/climb I'm not cool with.
18:03.22Mr_Rabies2maybe put the detector up higher so it'll go off when she gets above it, i dunno :X
18:03.39LopeppeppyI'm thinking of fixing a clear plastic over the top half for a few weeks, so she learns that she can't stick up there, and then take it off once she's figured out the difference between watching the world from the floor, and climbing.
18:04.05Mr_Rabies2seems that the best way to decattify something is to scare the hell out of them and get a pavlov style response
18:04.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
18:04.59LopeppeppyBut then she'll avoid the whole door -- being able to see the outside world is healthy for her, in a keep-the-kitty-from-going-crazy fashion.
18:05.13LopeppeppyI just have to find balance between what she wants and what I want.
18:06.06Kaydeethreewhoo... a mod's looking at the PTR forum
18:14.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
18:18.18Cidanit's tough for me to play horde
18:18.22CidanI'm so used to being alliance
18:18.30Mr_Rabies2i can swap on the fly
18:18.43Mr_Rabies2i have no real allegiances to either :P
18:19.01Mr_Rabies2my first character was a druid and somehow i found myself natrually related, not caring about one faction over another
18:19.20CidanI'm trying to play a BE mage
18:19.23Cidanbut I just... can't
18:19.26CidanI need to be on alliance
18:19.30Mr_Rabies2not often is there druid on druid combat in moonglade
18:19.52Mr_Rabies2even hardcore pvpers will just /wave in moonglade if it's druid on druid
18:22.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
18:23.39Cidanquestion is, should I get my paladin to 70 first?  hmm
18:23.50CidanI'm not in a guild, and yeah.
18:26.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Lej (
18:27.18CidanIs anyone on a good PvP server, alliance side?
18:27.36LejI have this InputBox frame that I use to enter a textstring. It got a OK button. Is there any way to make pressing enter when that frame is selected be the same as pressing OK
18:28.07LopeppeppyCidan... I feel that's an impossibility.
18:28.16foxlitLej: There should be
18:28.18CidanLopeppeppy, :(
18:28.23[Liquidor]Lej there is
18:28.28*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanmoreland (
18:28.51foxlit(But consider using StaticPopup's if you need to prompt for input in a box :) )
18:29.24[Liquidor]Lej, the popup boxes bilzz uses
18:29.34[Liquidor]you can add your own with a few variables
18:29.40[Liquidor]and blizz will handle it
18:30.00Lejdidn't know there was one :<
18:30.21LejI did look before I made mine but didn't find anything >_>
18:30.23[Liquidor]you've never seen a popup before ingame?
18:30.34[Liquidor]when you die you see a popup
18:30.46Lejyes I have but couldn't remember when :P
18:30.47[Liquidor]when you get invitations you see a popup
18:31.01foxlitWhen you rename a chat tab you get a popup
18:31.15LejStop making me feel worthless :(
18:31.20foxlit(and I lost typing skills there)
18:31.21[Liquidor]look in \FrameXML\StaticPopup.lua
18:31.29foxlitSec, I can hook you up with some code
18:32.10Lejthere's nothing simple like local tempString = InputBox() right?
18:32.28foxlitAnd you can't do it that way, unfortunately
18:32.41[Liquidor]just read that
18:32.46[Liquidor]it's simple
18:32.53Lejwill do after I've finished eating
18:33.12[Liquidor]"As you might expect, all of the basic UI elements (positioning, sound effects, layout) are handled for you."
18:33.32foxlitYou can't get input syncroniously, though
18:33.44AnduinLotharwhat do you mean?
18:34.36foxlitWhen you write something along the lines of
18:34.43foxlitresponse = Prompt("Foo?");
18:35.02foxlitYou expect execution to halt until you get a response
18:35.09foxlitYou can't do that in WoW
18:35.26zenzelezzit's non-blocking
18:35.48AnduinLotharit's asyncronys. you have to give it a callback function to resume processing
18:35.55foxlitHence "You can't get input syncroniously, though"
18:36.24AnduinLotharbut your function can be dynamically generated to pass any needed info.
18:36.48Thunder_Child*sigh* this is why you tube should be outlawed
18:37.06*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
18:37.26AnduinLotharif you wanted it to be syncronous I think you'd have to have some sort of wait command set up with coroutines.
18:38.02cog|workPeople whose first response to anything they find objectionable is "it should be outlawed" should be outlawed :P
18:38.04herzogthchaha telnet
18:38.43foxlitAnduinLothar: You can't do it syncroniously. At all.
18:38.49ScytheBlade1Welcome to 1999? ;P
18:38.50foxlitWhich was the original point
18:38.58Kaydeethreeblinkenlights ftw...
18:39.42herzogthcKaydeethree: that shits crayz
18:39.44foxlitCouroutines will simply move the asyncronious handler code elsewhere
18:40.25AnduinLotharright, but i'm pretty sure I could write a lib that would make it appear synchronous
18:41.13foxlitNot really
18:41.21[Liquidor]wtf is "synchronous" anyway?
18:41.29[Liquidor](not native eng)
18:41.29foxlitNot without cooperation from the code requiring the prompt, anyway
18:41.35Thunder_Child~lart cog|work
18:41.35purlpulls out his louisville slugger and uses cog|work's head to break the homerun record
18:41.54AnduinLotharnah, i think it can be done
18:42.02AnduinLotharinside the request func
18:42.33[Liquidor]talking about halting the addon until a response is given on the popup?
18:43.07[Liquidor]well just either use variables or unregister/register events during the popup
18:43.20AnduinLotharno, simpler than that
18:43.26[Liquidor]shoot :)
18:43.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Chaotic_D (
18:43.32ScytheBlade1Holy crap
18:43.40ScytheBlade1Just when you thought people couldn't get any stupider:
18:43.49Thunder_Childi never think that
18:43.57Thunder_Childi know people to well
18:44.02ScytheBlade1Good for you, heh
18:44.09Chaotic_Dwhat does it mean when I get a Lua error about trying to concatenate a function value? before I thought it was a problem because it was reporting concatenating a nil value.
18:44.10ScytheBlade1That'll save you agitation down the road I'm sure
18:44.48ScytheBlade1A haha
18:44.49foxlitYou're trying to concatenate a function with a string
18:44.49Thunder_Childwhy the hell did he install a game to my documents?
18:44.51ScytheBlade1This thread is broken and epic
18:44.54ScytheBlade1Keep reading
18:44.55foxlit"foo: " .. math.sqrt
18:44.57foxlitMakes no sense
18:45.00ScytheBlade1Page 2 becomes awesome
18:45.39ScytheBlade1Like, I'm literally lol'ing
18:45.59[Liquidor]rofl ScytheBlade1
18:46.01[Liquidor]that guys is just.. haha
18:46.04ScytheBlade1holy crap @ page 4
18:46.05ScytheBlade1" I can try uploading my wowtest folder to filefront and you can see if that works. I used to have a problem like that too, but honestly I can't remember what my problem was. "
18:46.05deltronScytheBlade1: my heard hurts
18:46.10herzogthcI wanna go to fuckin sleeppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
18:46.14[Liquidor]copying just the wowtest.exe to his documents folder.... rofl
18:46.22ScytheBlade1Keep. Reading.
18:46.38[Liquidor]" Ok well, Your telling me to copy this "executable" but what is the real name of the file i should go look for to copy off of my brothers computer? Like i tryed finding my missing file on Google, But I couldn't seem to find it."
18:46.49deltron'make that 4 traces'
18:46.55Kaydeethreeya, I didn't even bother with that one
18:46.56ScytheBlade1Now find his traces
18:47.02ScytheBlade1The "traces" are EPIC
18:47.09ScytheBlade1WinXP prefetching... ftw? ftl?
18:47.15herzogthcmy drumming on my table made my coworkers think that i was knocking on the door
18:47.16herzogthcthat's awesome
18:47.20art3mis <-- what movie is this from?
18:47.23herzogthcI made some lazy ass get up
18:47.35deltronyeah prefetches heh
18:47.49ScytheBlade1Oh man
18:47.52Mr_Rabies2that's not from a movie, i don't think
18:47.57ScytheBlade1That thread is horrible and awesome at the same time
18:48.01Mr_Rabies2that's a character from the anime "death note"
18:48.04art3misive seen it before but im drawing a total blank
18:48.18hasteart3mis: Death Note
18:48.18art3misahh thanks
18:48.29herzogthcya that's certainly death note
18:48.30Mr_Rabies2oh apparently it was from a movie
18:48.30hasteMr_Rabies2: it's from the second movie afaik
18:48.33Mr_Rabies2The series has been adapted into a pair of live-action films (released in Japan on June 17, 2006 and November 3, 2006 respectively),
18:48.41Mr_Rabies2i didn't realize there were any live action movies
18:48.52ts|skromman my day is shot
18:48.58hasteart3mis: and
18:49.10hastethe movies don't follow the manga as close as the anime does
18:49.33ts|skromjust found the most interesting website :  discusses various phenomena about tv/comics/games/literature
18:49.39herzogthc"Where there's smoke, there's Microsoft" says xbox 360 users
18:49.50Kaydeethreetvtropes is awesome. spent way too much time there lately
18:49.54art3misaside from the new hellsing name me one that does ;P
18:50.41hasteart3mis: a lot of anime follow the manga, death note especially close tho'
18:50.45Thunder_Childthat post hurt my head
18:51.25ScytheBlade1It hurts a lot of people, I'm sure
18:51.35ScytheBlade1Can you imagine the Q&A people at blizzard reading that?
18:52.01deltrondeath note is pretty cool
18:52.17herzogthchaste: Naruto also has a freaky close manga relation
18:52.21herzogthcafter shippuden anwyay
18:52.35hasteI don't watch naruto :3
18:52.47Thunder_Childi bet blizz gives free booze and drugs to it's Q&A department
18:52.52herzogthcI own vol's 1-10 of it's U.S. viz released manga
18:53.02herzogthcand have seen every episode, it's eerie when you see pictures in teh anime that you saw in teh comic itself :)
18:53.47deltronwhat about anime's that use manga in it?
18:53.48deltronlike FLCL
18:53.58herzogthcman does microsoft not know how to interface power distribution via a circuitboard?
18:54.22herzogthcI'm sick of seeing people talk about microsofts shit overheating and they are just like 'yeah we knew, we didn't care'
18:55.04ts|skromlol quote: The Dark Tower series by Stephen King, set in a post-apocalyptic world where oil refineries, nuclear-powered water pumps, and the music of ZZ Top co-exist with wizards, succubi, and gunslingers who fight for truth and justice in the Arthurian tradition. Generally sold as... being written by Stephen King. <-- from a discussion on sci-fi vs. fantasy
18:55.56Lunessa... totally NOT what the series was like at all.
18:58.04Chaotic_Dis there a difference between nil and "" ?
18:58.46foxlitnil is nil, and "" is ""
18:58.54Chaotic_Dwhat is ""?
18:58.59foxlitAn empty string
18:59.46herzogthcyay new wine release today
19:00.42Chaotic_Dso if ~= "" will not catch nill... ok.
19:01.03Kasoif var and var ~= "" then
19:01.28Chaotic_DI just don't know why the hell all I get is nil values.
19:02.14Kasowhere does your variable come from?
19:03.25Chaotic_Dlocal qid,_,_,_,stype,sname,sid,etype,ename,eid,_,_,_ = LightHeaded:IterateQuestInfo(quest,useitem)
19:04.04Chaotic_Deven when I send it a quest title and level that should match, I get nil values back.
19:04.16*** join/#wowi-lounge spathi (n=spathi@
19:04.28cladhairewhat the hell is useitem?
19:04.32cladhaireyou need to pass a level
19:05.19Chaotic_Dit is a level. I just put it in useitem because I would have had to rewrite everything to add another variable.
19:06.18Chaotic_Dit's a variable that's not in use when a quest is accepting or turning in anyways.
19:07.16JoshBorkerename useitem to useitemOrLevel
19:07.43Chaotic_Dheh. semantics. I'll get around to it.
19:07.46herzogthchahah syntax errors on the armory woo
19:08.29cladhairerunning /dump LightHeaded:IterateQuestInfo("Retrieving the Goods", 69)()
19:08.31cladhairereturns values
19:08.44Chaotic_DI tried quest = "Etched Sigil" useitem = "1" and it still doesn't work.
19:08.53cladhairea number is not a string
19:08.56cladhairea number is a number.l
19:09.00Chaotic_Doh. -_-;
19:09.13Lunessa"My performance is suffering slightly, yet I want low memory mostly because my cpu fan is annoying(loud) as hell; I would prefer for everything to run quieter." --- *headdesk*
19:09.21Chaotic_Dwell it matches it to a string. and doesn't it take it from a string in the questlog? :S
19:10.17zenzelezzif the author tells you to use a number, use a number
19:10.48LopeppeppyLow memory equals loud fan.... new one by me, Lunessa!   *laughs along*
19:11.09Chaotic_Dno, I think I'll keep using a string and expect it to give me different results. dur.
19:11.20LunessaThis guy wanted a low memory compilation of addons for that very reason.  
19:12.28LopeppeppyThat's just... bone-headed.  *laugh*  Addons don't make your CPU hot, WoW does.  But you can't convince them it's raining if their head is stuck up their behind.
19:12.37Chaotic_Dwhy isn't it converting the string to a number, if the function takes a number?
19:12.46LejI use the advanced dragging example from to make the child frames of a frame draggable. Problem is that if I drag a childframe and then move the parentframe the childframe I dragged won't follow the parentframe anymore, why?
19:12.50cladhaireareyou kidding me?
19:13.03LopeppeppyRandom SSC question -- decent warrior tank drops, or no?  
19:13.15cladhaireChaotic_D: follow the rules..
19:13.26cladhaireagain, /dump LightHeaded:IterateQuestInfo("Retrieving the Goods", 69)() works JUST fine.
19:13.28zenzelezzLopeppeppy: excluding T5 pieces?
19:13.36LopeppeppyExcluding, yup.
19:13.44IndustrialFight for the kingdom, fighting with steel. Kill all of them, their blood is our seal. Fight till the last if the enemy is dead. Right through their blood that we gladly have shed!
19:13.54Industrial\m/ >_< \m/ MANOWAR!
19:13.58[Ammo]stop listening to manwhore
19:14.05zenzelezzLopeppeppy: yes. The Morogrim ring is imba, the neck from Karathress can be really good, but depends on your other gear
19:14.17zenzelezzexcellent waist from Leotheras
19:14.20Industrialright, lol. ride.
19:14.21cladhaireand it is converted, downstream
19:15.27Chaotic_D"Lua provides automatic conversion between string and number values at run time. Any arithmetic operation applied to a string tries to convert this string to a number, following the usual conversion rules. Conversely, whenever a number is used where a string is expected, the number is converted to a string, in a reasonable format."
19:15.38zenzelezzwhy do you still fight this?
19:15.44Chaotic_DI'm not!
19:15.44cladhaireChaotic_D: STOP.. right now.
19:15.50cladhaireI wrote the damn code.. I know what it does and doesn't do.
19:15.51Chaotic_Dbut I have a string! so I have to turn it into a number!
19:15.52cladhaireTHIS WORKS: /dump LightHeaded:IterateQuestInfo("Retrieving the Goods", 69)()
19:15.57zenzelezzyes you are
19:15.58cladhaireRUN THAT CODE
19:16.05JoshBorkeChaotic_D: tonumber(<string>)
19:16.09cladhaireif you need to convert a string to a number, use tonumber(string)(
19:16.27*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
19:16.31Chaotic_Dright. well I was trying to figure out how to do that.
19:16.42zenzelezzthen you had a most peculiar way to ask
19:17.06Chaotic_Dyes. I am most peculiar.
19:17.36cladhaireChaotic_D: have you tried the code i sent?
19:17.50Chaotic_DI'm getting to it. I'm also slow. >:S
19:19.38Chaotic_Dok. I ran the code. it works.
19:20.44cladhairethen something else is being done wrong
19:20.48cladhaireif yours still doesn't.
19:21.00Chaotic_Dthank you for ... I haven't even started yet!
19:22.14*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
19:22.46LejI use the advanced dragging example from to make the child frames of a frame draggable. Problem is that if I drag a childframe and then move the parentframe the childframe I dragged won't follow the parentframe anymore, why?
19:23.14cladhairebecause the frame you dragged has been reparented.
19:23.16foxlitAnchors are broken if you drag
19:23.43Lejok, so I create a new anchor?
19:23.54cladhaireyou SetPoint it.
19:24.21LejI see
19:26.07Lejso it doesn't matter which point I use for SetPoint then?
19:26.35LejI just ChildFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", "ParentFrame");
19:28.12foxlitNo, there's a problem there
19:28.20Legorolthat won't do what you think it will do
19:28.21Lejor TOPLEFT otherwise height and width will get messed up
19:28.23foxlitYou'll move the child frame by creating an achor
19:28.43foxlitYou need to make sure that your new anchor keeps the frame's relative position to the parent frame
19:28.58Legoroland that it doesn't cause the frame to be resized
19:29.34Lejwell I added this:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",this:GetParent()) to the end of the <OnMouseDown> and it seems to do just what I wanted?
19:29.44Chaotic_Dwhat is the () after the LightHeaded:IterateQuestInfo(...) ?
19:30.01JoshBorkeruns it as a function
19:30.44Legorolmore correctly: attempts to run the first value returned by IterateQuestInfo as a function
19:31.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
19:31.20foxlitQuits: Adys (".)(.")
19:31.45Lejwow sorry I accidently added it to <onmousedown> which was wrong. When adding it to <onmouseup> it doesn't seem to work like I wanted
19:33.47Industriallua> ('a'):len()
19:33.47cladbotIndustrial: 1,
19:33.51Industrialgood, good
19:34.10Chaotic_Deven this gives me nil values returned.   local qid,sharable,level,reqlev,stype,sname,sid,etype,ename,eid,exp,rep,series = LightHeaded:IterateQuestInfo("Retrieving the Goods", 69)
19:36.16Mr_Rabies2i'm going to go insane
19:36.22KirkburnQuick note for those interested in BioShock, I have a BioShock wiki up and running at
19:36.25Mr_Rabies2my mouse keeps registering single clicks as doubleclicks
19:36.41Mr_Rabies2i guess i need to hit up logitech and get a replacement
19:37.38Lunessakirkburn - single-handedly wiking gaming. :)
19:38.16KirkburnI havem't been able to play wow in aaages :(
19:38.24*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo_ (
19:38.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
19:38.38Mr_Rabies2whynot? :[
19:38.41Lunessa:( why?
19:38.48KirkburnLinux work PC
19:39.09Kirkburnmy own PCs are safe an sound several thousand miles away
19:39.33Lejok so something like:
19:39.36Lejthis:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",this:GetParent(),"TOPLEFT",this:GetLeft()-this:GetParent():GetLeft(), this:GetTop()-this:GetParent():GetTop())
19:45.31zenzelezzheh, that's new... svchost.exe access violation when logging out as part of a reboot
19:46.02Lejanyone got linkage to some info on how to make frames resizable by dragging a corner?
19:46.57Mr_Rabies2maybe take a look at fluidframes' code
19:47.07Mr_Rabies2it uses corner resizing and stuff
19:47.26KirkburnMorning Cairenn
19:47.46Cairennhey Kirkburn
19:48.23art3mishehe im waiting for kirk to make a wiki text based choose your own advwenture mmorpg
19:48.46Kirkburnlol, one probably does exist out there, possibly on wikia
19:49.02art3misin one channel on irc our calc bot had a calc your own adventure
19:49.14art3misit was awesome and spammy ;P
19:52.02LunessaSomething like Article then random "go to" links" that select something else goofy for you to read.  
19:52.07Chaotic_Dmeh. seems GetQuestInfo works, and IterateQuestInfo is for multiple pages and doesn't work.
19:52.15Lunessa.... Oh, wait, wikkis are like that anyway...
19:52.19Chaotic_Der, doesn't work the way I use it.
19:53.35Lejwhat are the <OnMouseUp> <OnEvent> and such called?
19:54.11KasoIm not sure there is and offcial name
19:54.12JoshBorkeand OnEvent
19:54.13Kasocallback script handlers ?
19:54.48LejI see, was trying to search for info but was hard when I didn't know what to search for
19:57.30Mr_Rabies2there we go
19:57.48Mr_Rabies2just gutted my mouse, we'll see if it likes double clicking spontaneously now >:[
19:58.00LunessaSeems ... drastic.
19:58.13Mr_Rabies2it does it all the time
19:58.15LunessaMouse malfunctions?  EVISCERATE!
19:58.24Lejanimal curelty :(
19:58.27Mr_Rabies2seems that gutting it and cleaning everything out seems to help for a while
19:58.35Kaydeethreehm? I take my mouse/keyboard apart and put them back together all the time
19:58.42LunessaMice are cheap...
19:58.44Kaydeethreesame thing for guns, they last longer that way
19:58.49Mr_Rabies2mine wasn't
19:58.50Kaydeethreebut I like my mouse...
19:58.52Mr_Rabies260 bucks :x
19:58.57LunessaUnless you have something wickedly fancy.
19:59.14Mr_Rabies2if it still likes to break i'll send it in to logitech to repair
19:59.16LunessaI use a trackball, so wtf do I know.
19:59.19Mr_Rabies2i have two mx1000s
20:02.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
20:03.18KasoUmm, you cant hit balls with a bike?
20:03.38Cairennan orange, because ducks don't have armpits
20:05.56Mr_Rabies2you can, in fact, hit balls with a bike but i'd rather not go into details
20:06.19Cairennheh, yeah, run into something and end up on the crossbar instead of the seat .... ouch
20:06.31Lunessaevery man in the channel just winced.
20:06.46Cairenn(and guess what, it hurts just as damn much for girls too *whimper*)
20:06.59LunessaI know, I've heard.  
20:07.02Mr_Rabies2okay i just gutted my mouse's wireless receiver too just because i was in a "tear stuff up and put it back together" mood
20:07.10CairennI know, I've experienced
20:08.19LunessaWe used to play stickball in a courtyard sort of thing with a low fence/railing around it.  Fellas, let me tell you right now, never vault the railing/fence to retrieve a ball unless you want to recover yours too.
20:08.51CairennLunessa: eep
20:08.56Mr_Rabies2oh i took a grounder like a champ once
20:09.01Mr_Rabies2hit a rock and shot up
20:09.02Mr_Rabies2no fun
20:09.05LunessaIce pack
20:09.13Mr_Rabies2not quite but it wasn't enjoyable
20:09.41Mr_Rabies2this was in elementary school age so the baseballs weren't exactly moving fast
20:09.43Mr_Rabies2but still
20:09.50Mr_Rabies2not enjoyable by any means
20:09.51LunessaDoesn't matter.  
20:10.35LunessaI had a smallish dog (basenji, 35lbs) who could, and did un-erringly hit below the belt every time.
20:11.21Mr_Rabies2situations like that weren't what made me decide to quit baseball
20:11.23Kirkburnthis is a lovely conversation to walk in on :P
20:11.31Mr_Rabies2it was mostly because i kept getting hit in the torso by the pitcher
20:11.56Mr_Rabies2freakin kids need to learn how to aim before they play baseball
20:12.04Chaotic_Dwhere do I find info on iter?
20:12.11Mr_Rabies2i actually got hit in the face a few times too :[
20:12.15Mr_Rabies2that's not much fun either
20:12.26LunessaFor most pre-teens, aim isn't all that important. lol
20:12.45KirkburnThis reminds me of a song my sister once taught me...
20:12.59KaydeethreeI could go so many ways with that satement
20:13.00Mr_Rabies2friend of mine lost 5 of his teeth in a game once
20:13.01Kirkburn"If you sprinkle when you tinkle, please be sweet and wipe the seat"
20:13.03Chaotic_Dah, here we go... stateless iterators.
20:13.07LunessaAhhh... Sublime's cover of  "Smoke Two Joints" is ... well, sublime.
20:13.17Mr_Rabies2took a baseball bat to the mouth
20:13.20CairennKaydeethree: hehhehe, I was busy not saying anything myself ;)
20:13.31Mr_Rabies2was catcher
20:14.02*** join/#wowi-lounge AD|sneg (
20:14.06AD|sneghello people
20:14.15Cairennhi AD|sneg
20:14.19Mr_Rabies2wasn't enjoyable to have to stop the game to call the paramedics for the kid bleeding profusely from the mouth
20:14.36CairennLunessa: whole lot better than curved ones ;)
20:14.52LunessaCairenn: SO not going THERE.  
20:15.08Kaydeethreeno kidding
20:15.12Mr_Rabies2i once beat a fully grown kodiak bear in a wrestling match.
20:15.20*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
20:15.29LunessaAnd then you woke up late for school?
20:15.38Chaotic_DMr_Rabies, were you naked?
20:15.38zenzelezzthen he quit EQ2
20:15.58Mr_Rabies2talking about my exploits about fighting animals is always a great nonsequitor when people are arguing in LFG
20:16.01CairennMr_Rabies: auto-respond STOP
20:16.06Mr_Rabies2sorry gosh :[
20:16.12Mr_Rabies2i may put some exceptions in
20:16.15Mr_Rabies2but i'm lazy
20:16.33Cairennthis isn't the 1980's any more, IRC wars don't really happen any longer
20:16.56ScytheBlade1vim > emacs
20:17.15Mr_Rabies2i hang out on many other networks :P
20:17.20Mr_Rabies2irc wars happen often elsewhere
20:17.34Cairennfeeexxxxx iiiiittttttt
20:17.37Mr_Rabies2on *:action:*rabies*:#:{ timerantislap $+ $nick 1 5 notice $nick spammy stuff goes here }
20:17.42Mr_Rabies2i'll put some exceptions in i guess
20:17.48*** join/#wowi-lounge vulture_ (
20:17.49snegoviKjust wondering, is there a way to save the variable for later use but so that it gets deleted at the end of the session?
20:18.00zenzelezzIRC was happen as soon as Cairenn truly goes AFK
20:18.17Mr_Rabies2i once had an irc war with myself
20:18.30Mr_Rabies2i put my desktop and laptop in the same channel
20:18.33Mr_Rabies2turned this script on:
20:18.48Cairennzenzelezz: yes, but do I ever truly go afk?
20:18.54Mr_Rabies2on *:action:*Rabies*:#:{ describe $chan slaps $nick around a bit with $read(slaps.txt) }
20:19.01Mr_Rabies2on both sides
20:19.04Mr_Rabies2and slapped myself.
20:19.05Kaydeethreeoi vey
20:19.17KaydeethreeI'm surprised you didn't get flooded off of the server
20:19.19Cairennsee? see? spelled both ways! hah!
20:19.51Mr_Rabies2and slaps.txt is my list of things to slap people with
20:19.57LunessaI lay odds Cairenn just has a bluetooth link to the screen in her left glasses lens and an eidetic memory for the last 45 mins of irc.
20:20.18Mr_Rabies2i should update it
20:20.19Mr_Rabies2but ehh
20:20.26Mr_Rabies2that requires effort
20:20.41Cairennsomeone answer poor snegoviK
20:21.05zenzelezzwoot, I get replies from BOTH of Rabies' clients
20:21.09zenzelezzhow stupid is that
20:21.23Cairennfeeexxxxx iiiittttttt
20:21.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Caze (
20:21.32Mr_Rabies2i'm trying to think of how to add an exception
20:21.44KaydeethreesnegoviK, sure. just create a global or something, but make sure it's not on your savedvariables list
20:21.46zenzelezzit's even in chicken-mode, using notice instead of privmsg or just channel message
20:21.54Mr_Rabies2it's awesome
20:22.02zenzelezzno, it's what nubs do
20:22.22zenzelezzit's like everyone's first mIRC script
20:22.45LunessaI'm totally an IRC n00b.
20:22.48Cairennooooooo, dems fighting words!
20:22.56Mr_Rabies2it's all encompassing, annoying, and does the job
20:23.06Mr_Rabies2it's the perfect antislap measure
20:23.14Mr_Rabies2i once had it so it'd just slap them back
20:23.26Mr_Rabies2but that got me banned from a number of channels from people with similar scripts
20:23.26Cairennpoo, you're no fun Mr_Rabies, here I was trying to start up trouble
20:23.32zenzelezzMr. T pities the fools that have low enough self esteem to write an auto-reply to slaps
20:23.37Mr_Rabies2they'd slap me and the channel would just explode with emotes
20:23.55Kaydeethreeoh, wow... I'm amazed they've let the thread get that far... "FEEDBACK: Resilience changes". 57 pages, 1107 responses
20:24.13LunessaCairenn: Wait, deep breathing by you doesn't constitute "starting trouble?"
20:24.19Mr_Rabies2well, zenz, it's mostly for another network
20:24.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Aeorith|37 (n=honk_bf@
20:24.32Mr_Rabies2i'm trying to decide how to disable it on a network or channel wide basis
20:24.33snegoviKKaydeethree, so if i run foo() with /foo and it says MY_GLOBAL_VAR = 5, later if i run bar() with /foo fetch MY_GLOBAL_VAR will still have value 5?
20:24.36Cairennsweet lil 'ol me? naw
20:24.45Mr_Rabies2but i can't really figure out how to do it, hrmm
20:24.50zenzelezzthen just add an if ($chan != #wowi-lounge) or something
20:25.06Mr_Rabies2i'll see how that works
20:25.20zenzelezzbeware my syntax, I haven't used mIRC for years
20:25.29Mr_Rabies2i have a lot of irc war related scripts
20:25.35Mr_Rabies2i've got a great one here lemme turn it on
20:25.45Aeorith|37Hola people I was directed here for some macro help / addon.. :) I'm trying to make a macro that does this: Failed cast because of oom - use mana agate.. possible?
20:25.52CairennsnegoviK: told you the channel wakes up later on ;)
20:26.14LunessaAeorith|37: Nope.
20:26.35Aeorith|37Okay, thanks anyway:)
20:26.41LunessaYou're welcome.  
20:27.07snegoviKCairenn> i ve been here yesterday :) i ve been redirected from dongle here, i kept on asking them stupid questions regarding general wow api :)
20:27.12Mr_Rabies2okay i'll turn it off now :P
20:27.29cladhairesnegoviK: no question is stupid.. and we make you ask here, because i bet you $$ someone else has asked the same question :P
20:27.35Mr_Rabies2on *:text:*:#wowi-lounge: { notice zenzelezz < $+ $nick $+ > $$1- }
20:27.42Mr_Rabies2on any text in the channel
20:27.51zenzelezzoh, I was getting something? I ignored noticed from you after the earlier one
20:27.51Mr_Rabies2it notices zenz who said what
20:27.55Mr_Rabies2oh yeah
20:28.09Mr_Rabies2so when anyone said anything
20:28.16Mr_Rabies2it'd go, for example
20:28.20snegoviKcladhaire, oh you are so sweet ^^
20:28.29Mr_Rabies2<Lunessa> You're welcome.
20:28.33Mr_Rabies2for zenz in a notice
20:28.42Mr_Rabies2it has an actual use though, for relaying across networks :P
20:28.45zenzelezzyou must hang around some interesting channels :-p
20:28.59Mr_Rabies2occasionally i'll relay like, developer chats and stuff across networks
20:29.26Kaydeethreehm. I desire chocolate.
20:29.30snegoviKbtw, wowi says that i should include unchanged files in my zip, does it add missing files automatically or what?
20:29.33snegoviKsounds dodgy
20:29.52Cairennwhere the hell is shirik
20:30.21herzogthcCairenn: Probably doing what anybody with any sense would do on a Friday afternoon, fleeing from work early and getting ready to party
20:30.40herzogthcI've been running the 'get out of work scenario' in my head for an hour and a half now and can't come up with anything that would work
20:30.51LunessaCome on barbie, let's go party?
20:30.52herzogthcI just wanna go home to my wife
20:30.54Cairennthat's why I'm always in here with you guys
20:30.56herzogthcand not be here
20:31.00CairennLunessa: no, just, no
20:31.00snegoviKmy party consisted of watching the last part of x-men :)
20:31.05herzogthc(here as in work, not here as in wowi-lounge:)
20:31.40herzogthcI fail to understand why my company persistently lets other departments work from home but the I.T. department cannot and must be in teh office between 8:30-5pm
20:31.44herzogthcliek we're productive in that timeframe
20:31.48herzogthclet us work 8:30p-5a
20:31.50herzogthcyou'll get 6x the work done
20:31.56Cairennheh, no kidding
20:32.37herzogthcI mean, when the wife goes to sleep I'm just gonna go back to working and being productive. Lol. I have done nothing actually physically @ work today
20:34.02LunessaIT people are vampiric in schedule, sagacious in knowledge, juvenile in humor, and dangerous to cross.
20:34.13ScytheBlade1I like that.
20:34.21herzogthcLunessa: You also failed to mention 99% fucking crazy
20:34.24herzogthcor at least schizotypal
20:34.59herzogthcoh wait; if you asked a normal person, they'd probably tell you schizotypal is crazy. :)
20:35.08Cairennno, just go with fucking crazy
20:35.11LunessaNow, having described my personality, I shall leave the rest as an exercise to the astute reader.
20:35.16snegoviKits probably cus other depts go to work anyway, they cant do it either way :)
20:35.27snegoviKbut if u let the it dept telework, they will never visit the office ^^
20:35.39herzogthcthat's true
20:35.41LejI'm a bit confuse on how SetPoint works. I create a childframe and want to place it in the upper right corner of the parrent frame. Why does this make it cover the entire top on the parent frame? local f = CreateFrame("Frame", "Child", Parent, "ChildTemplate"); f:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", Parent, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
20:35.43herzogthcI certainly wouldn't be back.
20:35.45herzogthcAt least, not during the day :)
20:35.49snegoviKhaha, u see :))
20:36.10Mr_Rabies2okay someone slap me
20:36.20Chaotic_Dif quest = "
20:36.35Mr_Rabies2you should only get one response
20:36.45Mr_Rabies2script = broked
20:36.48Mr_Rabies2one sec
20:36.48Cairenngood, now get rid of that one as well
20:37.00Mr_Rabies2one sec
20:37.02snegoviKget a life man :)
20:37.08Cairennno, no more sec!
20:37.24herzogthcit needs to be 5
20:37.25Chaotic_DI was wondering if    quest = "The Quest of Some Name (Part 1)"    then how do I trim off the " (Part 1)"? will this work?    local title = quest:gmatch(".+ (Part %d)")
20:37.42Mr_Rabies2okay, try again cair
20:37.51Mr_Rabies2i'm trying to fix this one before i fix the one on my dektop
20:37.55snegoviKi just noticed someone already wrote AceCalc
20:38.01BleeterKaydeethree, wereHamster: ping
20:38.02Mr_Rabies2okay, got it
20:38.06Cairenngetting one, instead of two
20:38.06Mr_Rabies2gonna fix the one on my desktop now
20:38.07Bleeterany other WoW Winer, ping
20:38.36snegoviKoh man i really dont want to go to arena
20:38.41snegoviKbut my team is bugging me
20:38.52snegoviKi want to add variables to my calculator :)
20:38.56ScytheBlade1Bleeter, pong
20:39.00BleeterScytheBlade1: do you have KDE installed? Do you have the PTR client installed? I'm looking for someone who can confirm to me that sound plays on PTR with the artsd sound subsystem
20:39.25BleeterScytheBlade1: there's a report in the Wine AppDB that this combo works, but I can't get it here on my initial tests
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20:39.31ScytheBlade1Bleeter, yes, yes, and I'd have to recompile it with the one flag I forcefully disabled, because artsd sucks hard.
20:39.32Bleeter*get ti to work
20:40.01BleeterScytheBlade1: as one of the maintainers of the WoW 2.2 appdb entry, I'm not accepting that as a soluction ;)
20:40.09ScytheBlade1I wonder what exactly I'd have to compile to get it.
20:40.49KasoChaotic_D, local title = quest:match("(.+) %(Part %d%)") is what you want i think
20:40.53ScytheBlade1Bleeter, so it'd go WoW --> Wine --> artsd --> Alsa?
20:41.03BleeterScytheBlade1: correct
20:41.06Chaotic_Dwait... if quest doesn't have "(Part 1)" in it, how do I make it just copy the title?
20:41.33Chaotic_Dohhh, brackets.
20:41.36ScytheBlade1Let me see if I can just emerge artsd and get that to work.
20:41.41Kasobrackets signfy captures
20:41.55Kasoif you wanna use litteral brackets in your pattern you need to escape with %
20:41.59BleeterScytheBlade1: couldn't agree more... but if it helps point us in a direction of a solution, it's some pain I'm prepared to live with on my desktop for a little while until we can eradicate the artsd component
20:42.00snegoviKcan u do perl-like (?:.+) ?
20:42.17ScytheBlade1Bleeter, agreed
20:42.24Kasoyou'll have to explain to me what that means in perl, i dont know
20:43.08CairennMr_Rabies2: seriously though? thank you :)
20:43.09snegoviKit basically means the extract in brackets is used solely to match it against an operator. for e.g (:?[^,])+
20:43.09Chaotic_Dis there a better way than an if statement checking for "%)" at the end of the string?
20:43.20ScytheBlade1Bleeter, I'll ping back once I've tested that.
20:43.20snegoviKit doesnt save the extract for later use
20:43.24snegoviKnor does it capture it
20:43.43snegoviKoh wait i m not making sense
20:43.45snegoviKforget it
20:43.46BleeterScytheBlade1: thanks mate
20:43.54Mr_Rabies2np cair
20:43.58Mr_Rabies2i was just being lazy
20:44.05snegoviKits to do with masks, it doesnt save the thing to the mask
20:44.11Mr_Rabies2slap me again, it should send you nothing
20:44.34Cairennyou just like having me slap you
20:44.38CairennI'm on to you!
20:44.41Mr_Rabies2no comment
20:44.44Chaotic_Dcould I do ...  local title = quest:match("(.+^( %(Part %d%)))") ? :>
20:44.57Mr_Rabies2i plead the 5th or the canadian equivalent, whichever applies here
20:44.59Cairennaaaah, nothing! thank you!
20:45.02Chaotic_Dso that it gets everything that's not " %(Part %d%)" ??
20:45.30Chaotic_Dcan you put a bracket inside another bracket like that?
20:46.06Chaotic_Dno, I'm using brackets the old way, I think. :S
20:46.40Kasoyou can only use ^ to negate inside sets
20:47.23Chaotic_Dit is inside a set. I just wondered if I could use ^ on a set inside the other set.
20:47.38Kasosetts are defined with []
20:47.52Kaso() define captures
20:48.13Chaotic_Dooops. I inadvertantly said what I meant. :>
20:48.20Kaso[abc] matches a single charater a b or c, [^abc] matches a signle charater not a b or c
20:48.30CairennChaotic_D: lol
20:48.36KirkburnCan I just ninja sweep past shouting BioShock Wiki. Perhaps on a rope, like tarzan.
20:48.52KirkburnYeah, ninja tarzan.
20:50.02Chaotic_Dwell then the revised one... yes? (maybe I'll just try it out)       local title = quest:match("(.+^[ %(Part %d%)])")
20:50.33Kasoquest:match("(.+) [^%(Part %d%)]") is what you mean
20:50.42Kasoand no it wont work.
20:50.50Chaotic_Dbut what if it doesn't have " (Part 1)"
20:51.03Chaotic_Dsome of them do, some of them don't.
20:51.25KasoI  think to do your capture with a single match() pass you would need to use that scary boundry pattern
20:52.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
20:52.18Chaotic_DI don't mind how it's done. I just want to cut " %(Part %d%)" off if it exists, and if it doesn't, to copy the whole thing.
20:53.31Kasothe one thing i think is missing from lua's pattern matching is the one thing you need
20:53.39Kasoto be able to negate a whole pattern
20:53.58Kasolike {fred} matchs any four chars but fred
20:54.05KasoSomeone correct me if there is a way to do that..
20:54.06Mr_Rabies2this article has the best title ever
20:54.32Mr_Rabies2[img-dinosaur/david beckham]
20:54.47KasoI propose a new speed unit
20:54.51Mr_Rabies2the beckham
20:55.00Mr_Rabies2yeah the t-rex runs roughly 5 beckhams
20:55.21Chaotic_Dmeh. I'll just do     if quest:gmatch(" %(Part %d%)") then title = quest:gmatch("(.+) %(Part %d%)") else title = quest end
20:55.33Kasoit can be used for distance as well! "How far is the city? oh its 10 beckham-hours
20:56.09Kaso( quest:gmatch("(.+) %(Part %d%)") or quest )
20:56.13Chaotic_Dcan you do lua commands in here and have a bot spit out the output? :>
20:56.18*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
20:56.20Kasothats a more effecient way of doing the same thing
20:56.24cladhairei'd prefer you msg cladbot with lua>
20:56.25cladhairebt yes
20:56.28cladhairelua> print("hi")
20:56.28cladbotcladhaire: hi
20:56.33Lejwhat handler do you use to catch rightclick on frame?
20:57.06Lej<OnMouseDown> only seem to catch left mouse button
20:57.11Kasocheck args
20:57.22zenzelezzRegisterForClicks() or something?
20:57.30zenzelezzto make sure you're actuallty asking for right clicks
20:57.45zenzelezzgod, my spelling is horrible tonight
20:57.54cladhaireChaotic_D: alternatively, you can join #luabot and just issue lua> commands
20:58.08KasonClick gives arg1 LeftButton RightButton or MiddleButton Lej
20:58.58Kasoi assume MouseDown and MouseUp do the same Lej
20:59.08Chaotic_Dseems I can't get results from quest = "The Quest of Some Name (Part 1)"; print ( quest:gmatch("(.+) %(Part %d%)") or quest )
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21:00.03KasoChaotic_D, you want :match() not gmatch
21:00.14Lej<OnClick>ClickFunc(self, button)</OnClick> ?
21:00.28Kasoself, arg1
21:01.16Chaotic_Dawesomesauce. thanks.
21:01.17zenzelezzwhy arg1?
21:01.31Kasocos thats what its called?
21:01.57Kaydeethreebooo at forum maintenance
21:02.06zenzelezzI thought it became "OnClick: function(self,button,down)" in 2.0
21:02.44zenzelezzI could at least swear I just used "button", not "arg1" in some of my code
21:02.53Kasoumm couldve done, i may be wrong
21:02.53LejBut only Button can register for OnClick?
21:03.03Mr_Rabies2kimchi flavored ramen
21:03.07Kasoi havent used it recently
21:03.12Bleeterdamn, KDE's ugly .. /me shudders
21:03.33Chaotic_Dbooya! getting somewhere!
21:03.56ScytheBlade1Bleeter, KDE is sexy. If it's ugly, YOU'RE the ugly one. ;)
21:04.11ScytheBlade1Bleeter, that said, it's going to take no small amount of effort on my part to get arts up. It'll be a while.
21:04.25Chaotic_DI think it's lunch time. sitting here coding for days on end, my diet has been crap. granola bars and cereal... there's been fruit, but no vegetables save for the corn-based cereal occasionally. :S
21:04.36Kaydeethreeick. has more info come out on arts actually working?
21:04.42Chaotic_Dno wait, I'm eating fruit. can't get scurvy.
21:04.53ScytheBlade1Kaydeethree, you're required as per Bleeter to try the PTR via arts.
21:05.07ScytheBlade1(Just be glad you're not on gentoo, where I have to recompile crap to get that to work)
21:05.11Kaydeethreethat means I have to install arts...
21:05.42BleeterScytheBlade1: Ion's sexy... XFCE's sexy... KDE's ugly... but that aside, check the first thread in
21:05.42BleeterKaydeethree: I'm trying to get the results that Pablo mentions, but I'll be stuffed if I can
21:06.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
21:07.24Mr_Rabies2kimchi is officially the best thing ever
21:08.43BleeterScytheBlade1: so you're a regular KDE user? If so, any idea what Pablo's on about in that thread re: 'Wine in (KDE's) Control Center'? I couldn't find it
21:08.56ScytheBlade1Bleeter, no clue. That doesn't exist per my knowledge.
21:09.06KaydeethreeI figured he was just talking about winecfg
21:09.18BleeterScytheBlade1: aye, it'd help if the OP of the success made clear and precise statements :/
21:09.26ScytheBlade1Bleeter, no joke.
21:10.52Bleeterwow, I logged out of KDE sometime after I'd given up on the whole arts thing, back to XFCE.. bout 30 seconds later the Blizz Bug Buddy popped up =)
21:12.28ScytheBlade1Wine isn't picking it up at all though
21:12.34BleeterScytheBlade1: you mean, you were using it already? or you're just about to test?
21:12.58ScytheBlade1Bleeter, no, I just tested it in the KDE Control Panel. winecfg does *not* list it as a possible driver though.
21:13.26Bleetertho prolly none directly relevant
21:13.41ScytheBlade1Hmm, wine .95, need to update to .40
21:13.43ScytheBlade1I probably should
21:15.48ScytheBlade1Ha. "The KDE sound system takes exclusive control over your audio hardware, blocking programs that may wish to use it directly."
21:15.54ScytheBlade1NOT MINE. DIE ARTSD DIE.
21:16.11art3mishrm thats pretty awesome
21:16.22Bleeteraye, artsd is the devil
21:16.40art3miscompiz si working... i elave the house and come back, boot into windows, reboot into nix and suddenly compiz doesnt work anymore
21:16.53Kaydeethreedid the magic smoke come out?
21:16.58Bleetercompiz/beryl are also devils ;)
21:17.02ScytheBlade1Bleeter, I actually have the hardware to support multi channel duplex and everything else nice via ALSA. Likewise I can run artsd and everything else side by side, no problems
21:17.23ScytheBlade1Likewise, that may be problematic for me actually, if it fails through to ALSA... but we'll see
21:18.47art3mishey scythe
21:18.56art3misidling means no talking ;P
21:20.16ScytheBlade1Wow. The PTR is broke.
21:20.27ScytheBlade1Well, that entire thread, not just that post
21:20.45Kaydeethreeya, saw that. was fun screwing around with it
21:21.51ScytheBlade1I wonder at times just how many things they can break at a time
21:22.21ScytheBlade1Pink textures, gnome shoulders, NE boxing issues, AoE abilities, lightposts, animations...
21:22.24ScytheBlade1I mean, the list goes on
21:22.51ScytheBlade1Bleeter, for the record, I'm in amd64 on gentoo.
21:22.52Bleeterdefinately some major QC issues on this PTR
21:23.03Kaydeethreeat least it's still on the ptr and not live
21:23.10Bleetertoo true
21:26.31Mr_Rabies2i will return shortly under a new mirc
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21:30.28Chaotic_DYES! FINALLY!
21:30.50Chaotic_DI got TourGuide to use LightHeaded to find NPC locations, and then put up a waypoint!
21:31.21Chaotic_Dand it's so true. LightHeaded is a beast.
21:31.40Chaotic_Dcalling those functions is just agonizing.
21:32.50Chaotic_DLightHeaded:GetQuestInfo works fine (once I figured out what it wanted), but IterateNPCInfo is just like IterateQuestInfo, in that you need to call it in a loop, otherwise you get nil values back.
21:33.13blqok - I am able to imagine what you've tried to do.. (and finally did) but would you please explain the terms "LightHeaded" and "TourGuide"? I think TourGuide is a WoW-UI-Addon, right?
21:33.27Chaotic_Dtoo bad there's no GetNPCInfo. there's GetQuestInfo and IterateQuestInfo, but just the Iterate for NPCInfo.
21:33.46Chaotic_Dthey're both addons.
21:33.52blqah okay
21:34.19Chaotic_DLightHeaded is the one that uses's database data.
21:34.21blqsorry for the dumb questions.. I'm new to this.. but very interested
21:34.57Chaotic_DI'm sure my code looks like hell, especially since I juryrigged quest levels in TourGuide into a variable it doesn't belong. :>
21:35.25ScytheBlade1Bleeter, I can't get wine to see arts. So... yeah.
21:35.29blqsounds nice.. I'm just using cartographer with a almost complete database of everything I like to find :)
21:37.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
21:39.26BleeterScytheBlade1: try 'artsdsp wine WoW.exe'
21:40.00ScytheBlade1Bleeter, will do, give me a sec to log.
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21:40.25BleeterScytheBlade1: no probs mate, in yer own time.. really appreciate you looking at this for me... was starting to drive me rather crazy ;)
21:41.03ScytheBlade1Bleeter, sure. I'd love working sound myself, but know about 0 C. Likewise, there's not much I can do, outside of test.
21:41.29blqis it actually possible to play WoW via wine if you've got a powerfull machine?
21:41.38ScytheBlade1blq, it's possible with a weak machine.
21:42.03blqoh, I thought you'd just get low fps and such stuff
21:42.11Bleeterblq: it's possible with a machine that's, as far as Blizz are concerned, not at min requirements ... sure, looks awful, but does it better than Win32 ;)
21:42.13ScytheBlade1Not close.
21:42.16blqso it works stable?
21:42.33blqaw.. cool :)
21:42.45blqgotte try that soon
21:42.56Bleetercan be a bit of a black art to get it going, but generally once it's set up successfully it works quite happy through new WoW versions and new Wine versions with a minor tweak here and there
21:43.11Bleeterit'd seem that the upcoming new audio API on the PTR, though, is a different matter entirely ;)
21:44.01blqthat sounds still alot better than I thought :)
21:44.58BleeterScytheBlade1: I'm a bit conflicted now, I've just received a new album from one of my favourite groups of all time... compelled to listen to it!
21:45.18ScytheBlade1Bleeter, haha. :)
21:45.26ScytheBlade1Bleeter, on the other side of the smiley:
21:45.31ScytheBlade1Still locking up upon launch
21:45.38BleeterIt's not released until Oct 3, so I'm damn excited ;)
21:46.00Bleeterkinda nice having a friend of my brother who works for one of the leading UK music video fx companies ;)
21:46.08ScytheBlade1Ohh, nice
21:46.11*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiSensei (
21:46.33Bleeterthey tend to get albums before release, so their artists get the feel of the work before starting on vids
21:46.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
21:47.10ScytheBlade1Bleeter, and..
21:47.32ScytheBlade1Though it looks like artsdsp is hating on ,e.
21:48.13art3miswhat band bleeter?
21:48.20blqI actually got a question cencerning LUA/WoW-API .. I read PIL up and down .. and some other beginner pages concerning LUA too.. to get started I tried to understand some WoW addons I'm allready using.. but I'm still confused about several lines of code.. I found a function which is calling another function - I think it's a WoW-API-Function (or how ever I should call this) - that's called "self:SlashCommand(msg)". I think self: is the
21:48.21art3misJem and the Holograms?
21:48.30Bleeterart3mis: I could say, but I'd be forced to shoot you! :P
21:48.37art3mistell me
21:48.42art3misyou know you wanna brag
21:48.47ScytheBlade1art3mis, search for UK albums being released on Oct 3rd. ;P
21:49.05art3misoh that reminds me
21:49.11art3misheh new rush would own
21:49.17foxlitblq: your message got cut at "I think self: is the"
21:49.27blqI think self: is the target.. I was looking for "SlashCommand" on wowwiki but didnt find a entry there.. isn't it a API function?
21:49.54foxlitAnd things shouldn't really go like that in vanilla WoW code
21:50.07blqsry for the bad grammar ... :/
21:50.15ScytheBlade1Bleeter, it seems that artsdsp is broken for me, in wine and under native linux apps. Testing audacious now, and restarted artsd... sound kept playing.
21:50.19foxlit(you're likely looking at some segment of an Ace addon)
21:50.52blqoh.. so I'd have to learn another language to understand that?
21:51.08foxlitNah, just recognize a few extra functions
21:51.27foxlitBut we can look at that from a Lua PoV without diving into Ace
21:51.45foxlit"self:SlashCommand(msg)" is equivalent to "self.SlashCommand(self, msg)"
21:52.45blqso it's just an child array??
21:53.11foxlitself is a table
21:53.28ScytheBlade1Blah, yeah, it's still using ALSA.
21:53.59blqaren'T tables equal to arrays? I got that feeling while reading PIL
21:54.05foxlitThey are, more or less
21:54.19blqok - but to be correct let's call it table :)
21:54.39foxlit(arrays usually use a numeric index, while tables can be hashtables)
21:54.41blqok now I know why I couldn't find it anywhere - thankyou
21:55.24blqah - that's what I assumed :>
21:55.59ScytheBlade1Bleeter, final pastey, WINEDEBUG=+dsound included:
21:57.09foxlitMy advice would be to start disecting with something that isn't Ace if you are interested in general stuff :)
21:57.14BleeterScytheBlade1: thanks mate, really appreciate it :)
21:57.47ScytheBlade1Bleeter, sure. If you need stuff tested, ping and I'd be glad to help.
21:58.01blqfoxlit: damn .. it's hard to get into any of the addon - almost all of them got any dependencies ... :<
21:58.26BleeterScytheBlade1: heh, thanks. no offence, but I forget nicks easy sometime. I'll try and include you in my wereHamster/Kaydeethree wine pings from now on ;)
21:59.01ScytheBlade1None taken
21:59.06BleeterScytheBlade1: If possible, could you create an account @ winehq, and follow up to that pablo chap's last post?
21:59.14ScytheBlade1Bleeter, sure
21:59.17ScytheBlade1Bleeter, link again?
21:59.20Bleeterit'd be nicer than me reporting that 'some bloke down the pub told me...' ;)
21:59.29ScytheBlade1Heh, no joke.
21:59.36zenzelezzwait, this channel is a pub now?
21:59.40Bleeterfirst thread of comments
21:59.54Bleeterzenzelezz: yup, and it's your round
22:01.18foxlitNot sure if it's worth looking at, but that's a pretty short implementation of a few things that might make a useful addon
22:02.02foxlitIt took comparatively little of my time to write, and is now by far the most downloaded of my addons. QQ!
22:02.37Chaotic_Dwell, Tekkub has no interest in LightHeaded in TourGuide. :(
22:02.51BleeterScytheBlade1: nice, thanks!
22:02.55ScytheBlade1Bleeter, no problem.
22:03.22BleeterKaydeethree's lucky, using same distro as me so I'm not gunna chase for 'me too' reports ;)
22:03.40blqfoxlit: looks interesting - but I think I'll try to start of with ass less as possible extra stuff for understanding the basics before going for anything else
22:03.49blqfoxlit: but thank you anyway!!
22:03.53ScytheBlade1Heh. Same arch, too.
22:03.59Bleeteronly interested if Kaydeethree gets it working... which something makes me think won't happen.
22:04.04ScytheBlade1I'm a 'purist' - if I can run in in 64 bit, I will ;)
22:04.14BleeterKaydeethree: no offence ;)
22:04.25Kaydeethreeno worries
22:04.51Bleeterwell, seeing zenzelezz has renegged on the round, sounds like I owe Kaydeethree and ScytheBlade1 a beer... bbs, grabbing from bar ;)
22:08.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
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22:19.48Bleeteryou know, I couldn't possibly go back to Win32 for any length of time... reckon would take me ages to find some Sierpinski carpet screensavers of similar quality
22:20.28zenzelezzthe only time I'm not using my computer I'm either in a different room, or asleep... so no point in screensavers
22:21.19snegoviKdo you guys think 20 variables is enough memory for a calculator? : )
22:21.53Bleeteran ingame calc? hmm, I'd be thinking of 25-man groups... so, erm, no
22:22.40snegoviKvariables to use. not variables to code it :)
22:23.09snegoviKi m just coding the part so that you can do "lol = 2+2"
22:23.18snegoviKbut i feel bad giving unlimited memory
22:23.30snegoviKwant to make a structure that wraps round
22:23.32Mr_Rabies2someone do me a favor
22:23.51Mr_Rabies2try to connect to port 6667 on irc and see if it times out
22:25.23BleeterMr_Rabies2: indeed it does
22:25.32Mr_Rabies2welp i guess it's dead for good now
22:25.38Mr_Rabies2darn :[
22:25.50Mr_Rabies2i hung around on there pretty much every day since 2001
22:26.17Mr_Rabies2i'll be sad to see it go :(
22:27.08Bleeterbah, we're better than any other # on any other net, and don't you try to deny it or I'll be forced to... to... call you names! :P
22:27.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
22:28.04zenzelezzI've been hanging around a channel about modding some game since summer 2001... the modding community for the game died years ago, now we're just a bunch of weirdos idling there
22:29.04*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
22:29.17zenzelezzif this activity is dead, I don't want to see active
22:29.21JoshBork1i think he's just insulting himself
22:29.32zenzelezzand I don't know if this channel was around in 2001
22:29.45JoshBork1i think it's going to storm here
22:29.52RallionI did that with a starcraft modding group for a while
22:30.00Rallionjust idling in a dead chat
22:30.10ScytheBlade1<-- admin of the last authorized CamSys mirror on the web.
22:30.15ScytheBlade1Well, one of the admins
22:30.27Kaeltenfor those who might be interested,  LibStub is a neutral library stub that, if all goes well, will be used in Ace3 and Dongle2.  We're looking for more people to look over the code if anyone is interested
22:30.31Rallioni miss those guys.
22:30.43ScytheBlade1I had GD and Merlin walk into the channel and say "grats, you have permission to mirror our stuff, we're taking off"
22:30.46ScytheBlade1And so we do to this day
22:30.58ScytheBlade1They still stop by occasionally
22:30.59Rallioni respect that
22:31.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
22:31.01zenzelezzdamnit, why isn't Shirik here, I would so point that link to him
22:31.03Rallionthat's cool
22:31.08JoshBork1Kaelten: IT SUCKS!
22:31.12JoshBork1MAKE IT BETTER!
22:31.21Kaeltenok, tell me whats wrong with it and lets run with it
22:31.27ScytheBlade1Rallion, I've got Suicidal_Insanity and DarkWizzard on my IM lists... hehe
22:31.36JoshBork1Kaelten: needs more argcheck'ing
22:31.47Kaeltenbah, has too much as it is
22:31.57Kaeltenbut  I figure coming it at 95 lines currently it could be a lot owrse
22:32.00ScytheBlade1Along with Quantam (MPQ2k author, helped ShadowFlare write WinMPQ)
22:32.04ScytheBlade1And a few others
22:32.30ckknightarg-checking prevents errors down the road, ones where you won't be able to find the cause except through checking the args properly
22:32.49RallionQuantam was always really quiet
22:33.04ScytheBlade1He bugs me daily :P
22:33.12ScytheBlade1Links me to crap on his blog that I don't care about.
22:33.29Rallionhow long ago was it that they closed down?
22:33.29ScytheBlade1He really enjoys the study of languages, and I, well, don't. :)
22:33.34ScytheBlade1camsys? Years
22:33.36*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:33.38Rallionright before DII came out, right?
22:33.47ScytheBlade1Around that, yeah
22:34.00JoshBorkewhy did you change it from being if LibStub.minor > LIBSTUB_MINOR then return end?
22:34.10Rallionoh, yeah, I remember looking at the credits in the manual for the guys' names
22:34.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
22:34.26JoshBorkei guess it does remove one check for the stubs existence
22:35.07art3misman i just read the WORST review of transformers ever
22:35.08KaeltenJoshBorke More to the point it allows it to be tagged onto the top of a library file
22:35.29art3misi swear the guy had never seen the cartoons seen a transformer toy or even heard anyone talk about it
22:35.30Kaeltenwhich has a different set of draw backs I'll agree, but it has its plusses a swell
22:35.35ckknightit should be <=, not <. Otherwise you'll replace the stub with the same version
22:35.40ScytheBlade1I remember downloading SCAiEdit III over my 56.7k modem, connected at 28.8k
22:35.40zenzelezzso I'm running around Zangarmarsh farming Primal Life, and I see this... [1. General] [Youfeeldrunk]: /w me for link of one sword of illidan stormrage and his bow! /w me
22:35.41Rallionart3mis, as in, they said it was horrible, or the reviewer was like some kind of retarded pumpkin?
22:35.47ScytheBlade1I managed the second ever download :P
22:35.52art3misthe reviewer said it was horrible
22:35.57JoshBorkehm, so i've been using DongleStub by just copy/pasting it into the top of my libraries
22:36.01art3misand he was borderline retarded
22:36.10BleeterKaelten: although I don't wish to speak formally on norg's behalf, I suspect we're a bit too far along in Auc5's development to consider inclusion, etc. We're hoping to have a preview release out by end of next month ;)
22:36.10ScytheBlade1Rallion, curious, what channel were you in?
22:36.17JoshBorkeshould this stub be used in the same way?
22:36.20RallionI honestly couldn't tell you
22:36.26ScytheBlade1Remember which network even?
22:36.29art3misi mean honestly if you grew up with that how could you not get a childish glee from hearing optimus at the start of the movie
22:36.32Rallionnope heh
22:36.35ScytheBlade1Was it #camsys on DAL?
22:36.46Rallionyou know, it must have been
22:36.48ckknightwait, no, forget my last statement
22:36.50RallionI wasn't Rallion then though
22:36.51KaeltenBleeter:  I don't expect immediate adoption, it still needs to be thoroughly broken.
22:36.58JoshBorkewas gonna say ckknight, doesn't sound right
22:37.02ScytheBlade1What was it?
22:37.15RallionIIRC, I was probably BlackKnight, or something like that
22:37.20BleeterKaelten: ah, goodo.. just thought I'd let you know so you didn't think we were ignoring you :)
22:37.26Kaeltenya I was trying to see if my internal comparison checker was off
22:37.32ScytheBlade1Vaugely rings a bell
22:38.00KaeltenBleeter:  :) I just hope it meets MentalPower's and Norgs approval, They've been quite so far
22:38.02RallionI was 14, I did really ridiculously bad art for a couple TC projects that died early, even for TC projects
22:38.08ScytheBlade1You weren't the guy who hydroplaned his dad's camero in the rain, and then driving another camero to the insurance company the next day, hydroplaned the second car again?
22:38.10ScytheBlade1A haha, so, no
22:38.12ScytheBlade1That wouldn't be you
22:38.14Rallionhehe no
22:38.19JoshBorkeLibStub = LibStub or setmetatable({ libs = {},}, {})?
22:38.23Kaeltenalthough the project is only two days old
22:38.36Rallionthat's pretty funny though
22:39.00Cidanwahoo, got mah printer to work in samba, whew.
22:39.02KaeltenJoshBorke: hrm, not sure if thats readable enough, or even valid :s
22:39.17ScytheBlade1One of the things I remember from that channel, was the excessive number of perverts joining #camsys looking for #camsex
22:39.49JoshBorketrue.  but why is having "if not LibStub or LibStub.minor < LIBSTUB_MINOR then..." important to have at the beginning rather than what it was?
22:39.52Rallionreally, honestly, it doesn't seem like that easy a mistake to make.
22:40.00ScytheBlade1Nah. But it happened. Often.
22:40.10Rallioni guess if you have enough people looking for the channel...
22:40.13ckknightyour coding style is already pretty funky
22:40.23JoshBorkeit's multiple coding styles in one
22:40.40RallionAside: Cranium, as in the board game, is being developed for the Wii.
22:40.51ckknightsometimes if statements are 3 lines, some 1 line
22:40.58ckknightand there's no indication which way is expected
22:41.47JoshBorkeKaelten: line 40 comments do not match function definition
22:41.57*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
22:42.22Kaeltentalking about silent vs optional?
22:42.40Kaeltenya I noticed that jus thavne't fixed it one sec
22:42.53ckknightalso the naming conventions seem a bit screwy, they don't match each other
22:42.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
22:42.58JoshBorkei'd fix it but i can't be arsed to 1) see if i have access 2) check it out and fix it
22:45.51JoshBorkeline 77 could just be: if callback and type(callback) ~= "function" then
22:46.25JoshBorkeI think it's more readable than what you currently have
22:52.36Kaeltenya I can agree with that one.
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22:59.31foxlittype(nil) == "nil" :)
23:01.35Mr_Rabies2bout to do gruul for the first time :O
23:02.04zenzelezzGruul himself or the High King first?
23:02.38CairennBleeter: Me - "why fmod and not oal" Slouken - "cuz"
23:03.11BleeterCairenn: heh, thought that'd be the answer ;)
23:03.13zenzelezztell him you are rubber, he is glue
23:04.04Kaydeethreeheh, where was this?
23:04.19Cairennnot here
23:05.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
23:07.33LejIs there any easy way to stop a draggable childframe from beeing able to be dragged outside of the parentframe?
23:08.06foxlitYes, but that'd be ugly
23:08.41Lejthe easy way or the result?
23:09.01foxlitThe method of achieving what you want would not result in elegant code
23:09.10foxlitAnd would probably feel a bit weird
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23:09.53foxlitYou can't clamp a frame (preventing it from being moved out of) to a specific other frame - only to the whole screen
23:10.22foxlitYou could check if the user dragged the frame outside of where you want to allow it to be, and reposition it every frame, but that's not very elegant
23:11.15Lejto bad, it would have been better looking if you could drag them out
23:13.51snegoviKgood night all
23:14.02Bleetergnight snegoviK
23:14.26*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
23:15.21*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
23:15.22Mr_Rabies2<zenzelezz> :)
23:15.22Mr_Rabies2<zenzelezz> Gruul himself or the High King first?
23:15.32Mr_Rabies2i'm hoping both but realistically probably just high king
23:15.42JoshBorkewhat'd i miss?
23:15.46Mr_Rabies2if we even kill him
23:15.49foxlitWTS [Moonkin tank]!
23:16.05Mr_Rabies2oh we were just making fun of that joshborke fellow, he's such a noob
23:16.40JoshBorkeoh, ok
23:16.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
23:18.15JoshBorkeif that's all, then it's no big deal
23:18.19JoshBorkepeople make fun of me to my face
23:18.35Kaeltenwell don't you?
23:18.44JoshBorkei make fun of me too
23:20.01KaeltenJoshBorke: any other comments on the latest LibStub?
23:20.48JoshBorkedid you add more argchecking?
23:21.00Kaelteni think it has enough
23:21.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight___ (
23:25.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
23:26.15Shirik~lart JoshBorke
23:26.15purlstamps JoshBorke on the forehead with the official Troll marker
23:28.45Kaelten~lart purl
23:28.45purljudo chops kaelten
23:29.14ScytheBlade1Hey - someone in here had a question a while ago, about some addon *spamming* the guild channel. I'm looking for that person now.  -.-
23:29.36ShirikI remember... he was talking about some prefix that starts with DM
23:29.37ShirikI think
23:29.41Shirikeh... who was it
23:29.50Shiriksomething like that
23:29.52Shirikthat might be it
23:30.07ScytheBlade1This guild, someone has that exact same addon, and I think it qualifies
23:30.10*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
23:30.21foxlitRAID, I though :)
23:30.23ScytheBlade1It's sending the texture, button information, and cooldown information for everything on his UI
23:30.31*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
23:30.33ShirikScytheBlade1: wtf?
23:30.43foxlitWell, I don't actually think it's the UI
23:30.44ScytheBlade1Like, when he mounts, I know.
23:30.50Shirikwhat the hell
23:30.58ShirikIf that's intentional, that's practically spyware :P
23:30.58foxlitMore like information about buff/debuff timers on EVERYTHING
23:31.24ScytheBlade1It's almost fun to watch
23:31.34JoshBork1where is Finalize supposed to be called?
23:31.58Shirikwhen you want to finish
23:32.07Shirikwhat's finalize?
23:32.24JoshBork1so finalize calls ALL callbacks when called?
23:32.34Shiriksounds good
23:32.46ScytheBlade1But yeah. It's spamming my addon channel, and doing it well, too.
23:33.08nevcairielJoshBork1: yes, thats the point .. :) not like every lib will potentally register a callback
23:33.14pastamancerhow else are you supposed to know when a library has been loaded/upgraded
23:33.36Shirikpastamancer: Not use libraries ^_^
23:33.53ShirikThen you know the answer: never :)
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23:34.00JoshBork1hm, ok
23:34.06KaeltenJoshBorke: it will call all registered ones.
23:34.15Kaeltenmany libraries may not use it
23:34.23Kaeltencallback is optional
23:34.38Kaeltenit allows for lazy bindings between libraries
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23:39.27foxlitScytheBlade1: yeah, that sounds like what I was chasing
23:39.33foxlitKnow the addon?
23:39.36TemProtip: To defeat Ragnaros, shoot at him with ice until he dies.
23:39.39ScytheBlade1foxlit, I'll ask in a sec
23:39.49foxlitPoking people as well
23:40.07ScytheBlade1... or KTM spammed my addon message history
23:41.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ag763 (
23:43.04JoshBork2so in what instances should a callback return true?  if you're only looking for one other library?
23:43.27Kaeltenif you find all the libraries you're looking for then return true and it'll unregister
23:44.00ag763Can anyone give me a quick overview of what steps I would need to take to add a new texture to a UI?
23:45.12JoshBork2local texture = UIParent:CreateTexture()
23:45.28ag763setHieght/Width I assume too
23:45.35ag763anything else?
23:46.03ag763SetTexture returns true on finding file correct?
23:46.10JoshBork2i'm not sure
23:46.17JoshBork2!api SetTexture
23:46.21ThraeBotJoshBork2: Could not find a relevant page. Perhaps you could be so kind as to create one?
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23:46.28JoshBork2Shirik|QQing: don't QQ so much, it's ok to be Shirik
23:46.49JoshBork2Kaelten et. al: I don't think FinalizeLIbrary is a good name for the function
23:47.18Kaeltenwhat would you call it?
23:49.16foxlitDTMR spam comes from DoTimer
23:59.44ShirikNo I will not run you through RFK ffs LEAVE ME ALONE T_T

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