IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070823

00:00.14*** join/#wowi-lounge spathi (
00:00.28Chaotic_Deh... this isn't specifically in-game, but is there any way to code something so that I can ping a list of IPs and get the results back in the list? currently it's just a table in an HTML file.
00:01.11*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
00:02.35Valaron|WorkCode in what language?
00:02.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion (
00:03.42Chaotic_DI dunno. anything I can manage. I don't think I have a C++ compiler so... ehhh... that's not helpful. :S (even though I know C++, I can never figure out the libraries that easily)
00:05.06Valaron|WorkIf it was just  a text file with IP addresses, then I'd say use a shell script.
00:05.23[dRaCo]yeah, a shell script would be the easiest
00:05.27[dRaCo]bash or w/e
00:06.13Valaron|Workfor i in `cat text_file_name` do; ping -1 $i; done
00:08.17Chaotic_Dhrm... well... I'm not really dumb, but I can be a bit slow... depends how hard it is to set that up. I bloody hate setting up compilers and programs that require initialization and accounts and connecting from one app to another. (databases)
00:09.41Valaron|WorkAre you on a Linux box or Windows?
00:09.57Valaron|Work...or Mac.
00:10.27Valaron|WorkIs the html file on your XP machine?
00:10.41XuerianChaotic_D: Why not just use python or lua?
00:10.53Valaron|WorkThat might work.
00:11.06Valaron|WorkI've gotten some scripts to work with ActivePerl.
00:11.40Chaotic_Dwell, I'm just learning Lua, so I don't think it would give me much of an advantage... *shrugs* plus I still need a program, since I don't think WoW's Lua lets you diddle with local files and ping IPs...
00:11.44Valaron|WorkWait. How many IP addresses are we talking about here?
00:12.03Chaotic_Dsomeone gave me a list of IPs for the WoW servers. :) o_0
00:12.16Chaotic_DI won't ping them all at the same time though. :>
00:12.53XuerianChaotic_D: Why not use RealmStatus?
00:13.00Chaotic_D"Compiling Perl from source code under Windows is possible, but most installations lack the requisite C compiler and build tools. This also makes it hard to install modules from the CPAN, particularly such modules that are partially written in C."
00:13.08Chaotic_DUhg. I knew it wouldn't be straight-forward. -_-;
00:13.21Chaotic_Dif I need a C compiler, why the hell do I need Perl?
00:13.24*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:13.42Valaron|WorkYou might be in over your head.
00:14.04Chaotic_Ddoes RealmStatus give pings? *looks* I don't see anything useful here.
00:14.17MatthewSwhy do you need to ping the servers?
00:14.33XuerianNo, doesn't give pings. What about this, "What is your goal?"
00:14.39Chaotic_Dso I can find out what server has a good ping? :S
00:14.57LegorolChaotic_D: you wanted ways of coding stuff without having to install much, right?
00:14.59Xuerianwhat about one of the sites that list what side of the continent the servers are on, among other things?
00:15.06Legorolyou have several options in WinXP out of the box:
00:15.13Legorolyou can write batch files, but they are not very powerful
00:15.28Legorolyou can write VisualBasic scripts and JavaScript scripts, which windows can execute out of the box
00:15.36[dRaCo]even a batch file is capable of handling multiple pings
00:15.40Legorolthey are not very powerful, but might do the job
00:15.44LunessaSuddenly, I need several of these:
00:16.14Chaotic_DVB AND JavaScript? or just one or the other?
00:16.15Legorolwriting visualbasic scripts is a matter of opening notepad, typing in the script (ifyou know what you are doing), saving the text files with .vbs extension, and doubleclicking it
00:16.22Legorolyou can use whichever you want
00:16.33Legorolthe key is getting hold of the documentation for the API avaialble
00:16.41Valaron|WorkSeems like an awful lot to ping a few machines.
00:16.59Valaron|WorkWith that said, I'm going home to pay bills.
00:17.03Legorolif you want something that works out of the box on every winxp machines, i'd go with a simple vb script
00:17.19Valaron|WorkI concur.
00:17.45Chaotic_Dalright. I guess I'll hunt around. see if this is managable.
00:17.46MatthewSLun: send me a couple too please
00:17.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Ominous_ (
00:18.24LegorolChaotic_D: open window's help and support center, and type "windows script host" into the search box
00:18.33Chaotic_DI didn't know JavaScript could ping and handle files though.
00:18.47Legorolit's not the language that matters
00:18.58Legorolyou can do anything in any language if the API is available for it
00:22.21Chaotic_DCScript Error: Windows Script Host access is disabled on this machine. Contact your administrator for details.
00:22.40Chaotic_Dno, nevermind. I'll figure it out. :S
00:22.57Legorolwhat's wrong with windows help?
00:23.05Legorolreading help files is great way of learning.. that's what they are for :)
00:23.26Legorolthat's the main site for windows scripting, with complete documentation
00:23.37Legorolit explains what windows script host is, how to write/execute scripts in windows,
00:23.48Legoroldocumentation on javascript and vbscript as available in windows,
00:23.51Legorolwhat API you have etc.
00:23.57Chaotic_Dwindows help files are the Fisher Price of documentations. :S
00:24.08Chaotic_D"to open a file, click on file, then open."
00:24.53Lunessasuch hate, and yet you're using Windows.
00:25.11Chaotic_Done of these days I'm going to have to bite the bullet and learn some graphics programming. (or, some libraries so that I can do it AGAIN, that is)
00:25.25Chaotic_Dit's partially self-loathing.
00:28.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (
00:29.09Cidangod damn it I hate windows
00:29.38CidanI give it a static IPv6 address and then it picks up an autoconfigured IPv6 address from radvd
00:34.27Chaotic_Dgod. absolutely nothing I'm reading on that website makes any sense. it says to upgrade the client, go to this site. and then... I'm totally lost on that topic. but topic after topic is like that.
00:34.49Chaotic_Dok nevermind. I don't need to upgrade.
00:34.56ckknight~comfort Cidan
00:34.57purlThere, there, Cidan.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
00:35.01JoshBorkeuser error imo
00:35.53Cidanlinux doesn't do it
00:36.55bleeterhere's an interesting ToS question... wife of guildie logs on, says 'hiya', then logs off. guildie says 'hmm, odd, she normally doesn't use that word, and she's in Texas visiting family - I believe nowhere near a computer'.. tries her cell phone, no answer or out of order or similar
00:37.15Chaotic_DIs WinXP a "millenium edition"?
00:37.42Chaotic_D"Windows Script Host is built into Microsoft Windows 98, 2000, and Millennium Editions."
00:38.03bleeterso, he does what he beleive to be the correct thing, logs the account in and changes the password - a breach of the ToS. He's being pro-active protecting his wife, and thus Blizz, against possible hacks. Do you think Blizz would appreciate this if it was found out, or just ban him and her anyways?
00:38.31bleeterhe can't contact his wife to get her to contact the accounts dept to get them to lock the account until she returns to reset her p/w
00:38.56bleeteranyone got any thoughts?
00:38.56CidanBlizzard will likely not do anything
00:39.20CidanI let others login to my account at times
00:39.23Cidanno big issue
00:41.00bleeteryeah, but it's still a technical breach. the question is what people may think Blizz's reaction would be if it were found out... I suspect 'looked upon kindly'
00:41.40Cidanif that's the case, I'd say a good 1/4th of all accounts would be banned
00:41.43Cidandon't worry about it
00:42.44bleeteryup, my thoughts exactly, just wanted to run it by someone else before saying too much to the guildie.. thx Cidan :)
00:45.21Chaotic_Dwell, no windows scripts. it's disabled. and I can't figure out why.
00:45.59Chaotic_Dmicrosoft doesn't document me having the same registry settings. maybe it's only for Win2K.
00:46.01[dRaCo]windows scripting host disabled
00:48.12[dRaCo]enable it, it's a service, should be in your control panel
00:49.39Chaotic_DI can't find it.
00:51.00Chaotic_Dfound services!
00:52.26Chaotic_Dnot under Windows. not under Scripting... :S
00:54.59LunessaOMG - A guildee just released this - I don't know if I should laugh, cry or what -
00:55.35Chaotic_Ddoesn't seem to be in there...
00:57.40Chaotic_Dah. it's one of those things that they recommend be disabled. fun. :> *opens Pandora's box*
01:00.11*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
01:00.36Chaotic_Dthis is why I hate trying to do this.
01:00.57Kaydeethreegah. need to fix this... when mythv's recording something in the background, I hear it through the speakers
01:02.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
01:03.56*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
01:05.25*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
01:06.21Lunessa~lart Lunessa
01:06.21purlforces Lunessa to use Outlook Express
01:06.38LunessaSuddenly, work doesn't seem so bad.
01:08.30*** part/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
01:17.08Thunder_Child~lart Lunessa
01:17.08purlputs Lunessa into a headlock and administers a mighty noogie, rubbing half of Lunessa's hair of
01:17.24LunessaZOMG - Typo in purl
01:17.38LunessaAnd FYI, IRL, I'm bald as a cueball
01:19.11Thunder_Child~bald Lunessa
01:19.22Thunder_Child....meh, nothing
01:19.27LunessaSee, he can be taught.
01:20.10Thunder_Child~haircut Lunessa
01:20.22Thunder_Child~polish Lunessa
01:20.55Lunessa... Thunder_Child are you coming on to me?
01:21.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
01:21.48Thunder_Childthats you idea of comming on>
01:21.52Thunder_Childcoming on ?*
01:22.00Wobworkthat MMovie is great
01:22.26Lunessahey, polish is often a euphemism for ... activities.
01:22.43Kaydeethreeeverything's a euphemism.
01:22.55Kaydeethreeto a sufficiently twisted mind, that is
01:23.16LunessaYeah, one of the guys involved with that site is a guildee.  That's the only project of his I've actually liked.  
01:23.24LunessaKaydeethree: Yup.
01:24.07Legorollol, can i spam 5 lines from
01:24.17Legoroli'd been reading the quotes and this is the funniest out of the last 50 i read..
01:24.28Legorol<Belial`> you still cant say anything with certainty though
01:24.28Legorol<Belial`> since the bible has like, a fucking black hole between jesus being a kid and his preaching days
01:24.28Legorol<Catoptromancy> Phase 1, birth
01:24.28Legorol<Catoptromancy> Phase 2, ???
01:24.28Legorol<Catoptromancy> Phase 3, Prophet
01:24.40cogwheelyeah... i saw that today too ><
01:24.56Lunessa... got to add to my daily read list.
01:25.09Thunder_Childare they spelled the same...i was wondering
01:25.31cogwheeli was particularly fond of the one, myself
01:25.47cogwheelprofit vs prophet (or polish vs polish? )
01:26.05Thunder_Childsecond one
01:26.13Thunder_Childguess so
01:26.20KaydeethreeLunessa, bad idea... I lost way too much time doing that years ago
01:26.32LunessaKaydeethree: I work for a university.
01:26.37LunessaAt night
01:26.53LunessaUnless the server room is on FIRE, I can read a lot.
01:26.55cogwheelyeah... i think i've read about half of :\
01:28.46Legorolcogwheel: i loved the goodphp one
01:29.04cogwheelheh... my very first crit on a new server was 1337
01:29.44bleetercogwheel: hax
01:30.25LunessaThraebot accused me of always haxing today. I lalwed
01:30.35cogwheeldid the same thing to me on monday :P
01:33.40bleeterI think ThraeBot is hax, pot kettle black
01:33.48Thunder_Childi dont hack....i just win
01:34.32LunessaSo, Lozareth announced he's done. Finally.  Does it come as a shock to anyone?
01:35.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Lej (
01:35.46Lunessa(Original mastermind behind the Discord addons.)
01:36.07Thunder_Childno...he had been laging for a while
01:36.07LejThis creates the button just fine, but why doesn't the text show up?
01:37.18LunessaI don't see your text defined?
01:37.52LunessaAh there it is.
01:38.09Lejf:SetText("Add Pocket")
01:40.23LunessaI don't know.  I usually do XML for gui elements and I'm not very experienced at making/hacking frame in lua. I was just looking for quick obvious problems.  :(
01:40.52GuillotineLej: does OneBagFrame have a text element?
01:41.07Guillotinewait, nm. thats parent
01:41.23Guillotinewas thinking it was inherited for some reason
01:41.31LunessaAnd is -45, -6 still on the button?  
01:41.39WobworkLunessa: Done?
01:41.45WobworkAs in finished the next version
01:41.49Wobworkor throwing in the towel?
01:42.12LunessaHey, if you know the answer, help the man.
01:42.27Lej(-45, -6) is where the button is relative to the parentframes topright corner
01:42.44LunessaInstead of watching me flounder.  :P
01:43.15LejI think at least...
01:43.41LunessaDoesn't the text element need a postion defined?  
01:43.48Lunessaposition even.  
01:43.51GuillotineLej: yes, it is
01:44.15GuillotineLej: Are you sure buttons have text areas by default? I think that may be a part of the template "GameMenuButtonTemplate"
01:44.16cogwheelI think murky should start dancing on demand if you dance with it while wearing the murloc costume
01:44.32Lunessacogwheel: /agree
01:44.38LejGuillotine: No idea :P
01:44.41GuillotineI always use "GameMenuButtonTemplate" and it works fine, so I'm really not sure
01:44.53LunessaAnd maybe sing the song "Hello my honey... "
01:44.55Guillotinetry just inheriting that and see if it works
01:44.56LejSo I could just use that instead of "Button"?
01:45.03Guillotineadd taht after the parent
01:45.10Lejah ok
01:45.27Guillotinee.g. local f = CreateFrame("Button", "OBP_btnAddPocket", OneBagFrame, "GameMenuButtonTemplate")
01:45.49Lejyes now the text shows up, it's placed weirdly tho
01:46.28Guillotinethen move it :P
01:46.52Lejdo I still have to set the textures when inheriting "GameMenuButtonTemplate"?
01:46.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
01:47.13Guillotinenot if you want the default textures
01:47.27Lejand is there some list of templates?
01:48.11Guillotinethough I don't know where it is >.>
01:48.24Corrodiasas much as i like mik scrolling battle text, half the time it misses my Clearcasting events!
01:48.35GuillotineI just look for something in the default ui that looks like what I want and look at whats used in the source
01:48.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (n=nope@
01:50.07GuillotineLej: all templates at
01:50.15Guillotineobviously its not the easiest to read, but...
01:50.37Guillotineyou got the text moved ok?
01:50.54Lejyes, it fixed itself when I removed the custom textures
01:51.06LejI used the same ones as the template anyawy
01:51.42Guillotineah, ok
01:51.52*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
01:53.17Lejis there some kind of frame:toggle() isdtead of using if's with show and hide?
01:53.17Kaydeethree"Bull in a china shop" -- busted
01:55.32*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
01:55.50Guillotineyou have to do *some* sort of a if-type statement. You could use a couple binary operators instead, but you have to use something like that
01:59.19Corrodiasor maybe i just often miss when i get clearcasting
02:02.27*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
02:05.21Corrodiasno, i distinctly see it NOT giving me the Clearcasting! message sometimes
02:07.25Lunessammmmm.. kebab
02:10.00*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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02:12.30KarlThePagancurrent debuff limit is 40 right?
02:14.05cogwheellast i heard, yes
02:21.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
02:22.00*** join/#wowi-lounge abug (
02:32.28Lejwhy would I get:
02:32.28LejCreateFrame(): Couldn't find inherited node "OBP_Pocket"
02:32.28Lejwhen I define it in the xml:
02:32.29Lej<Frame name="OBP_Pocket" virtual="true"> ...
02:35.13Shirikpotentially you're loading it at the wrong time
02:35.21Shirik(i.e., before the XML has loaded)
02:35.24Shirikwhat's your TOC look like?
02:35.47Lej## lines and then
02:35.56Shirikwell then...
02:36.00Shirikwhere does that CreateFrame() come from?
02:36.31WobworkWhen a mummy frame and a daddy frame love each other very much...
02:36.35Garoun|Loupanaoh, and I never did figure out what mod dings when I a hostile targets me :P
02:36.36Lejin the xml there's a dummy fram with a onload script. That runs the CreateFrame
02:36.46ShirikLej: Show me the entire file
02:36.56Lejit's messy ;/
02:38.13Shirikthat is definitely not xml
02:38.30Lejwait I fail at validation spam protection
02:39.12Shirikalso, Lua is not an acronym
02:39.20Shirik(line 9)
02:39.54Wobworkyes, my child?
02:40.25purlextra, extra, read all about it, lua is a powerful light-weight programming language designed for extending applications.  It is often used as a configuration language.  See
02:41.17Lejmy fucking god
02:41.28LejI can't figure out that evil pastebin spam protection
02:41.30WobworkYou have one of those?
02:41.39LejI feel so ... stupid..
02:43.03Shirikwe're definitely not communicating well here
02:43.07ShirikI don't see any CreateFrame
02:43.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
02:43.23*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
02:43.23Lejluya file line 26
02:43.32Shirikok, so you have a Lua file
02:43.41Shirikbut that Lua file isn't in your TOC?
02:44.01Cairennbleeter: I like the smaller tabs
02:44.03Lejno, it's in the beginning of the XML
02:44.15Shirikoh I missed that
02:44.18Shirikbut fyi, that's deprecated now
02:44.34Lejok, so how should it look in the lua?
02:44.37Lejtoc I mean
02:44.48Shirikyour OBP frame is loading first
02:44.54Shirikthen the OBP_Pocket frame
02:45.01Shirikwhich means OBP_OnLoad() is called before OBP_Pocket exists
02:45.12Shirikwhich is the cause of your problem
02:45.17Shirikflip the two around in your XML File
02:45.58Lejthat worked wonders
02:46.12ShirikTo answer your other question
02:46.21Shirikin your TOC file, you should have file.lua then file.xml
02:46.24Shiriktwo separate lines
02:46.37LejI see
02:46.39Shirikthe TOC file specifies the order of loading
02:46.52Lejand remove the <Script file="OneBagPockets.lua"/> from the XML?
02:47.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
02:49.50bleeterCairenn: you must be about the first non-dev to state as much rofl
02:50.15Cairennpeople are bitching about the smaller size?
02:50.59Cairennthen again, I suppose I'm probably one of the few "non-devs" that has as many tabs open at any given time as one of the "devs"
02:52.09bleeterwin32 users also bitching about losing 2 pixels in the 'tray' section of the chat window (where the typing notification is)
02:52.13clad|sleepnight all
02:52.17bleetergnight clad|sleep
02:52.17Cairennnight clad
02:53.00bleeterCairenn: thing is, you're a step or three above the usual IM users... you've been known to display the fact that you have more than one braincell ;) :P
02:54.10Lunessa... What's a braincell? :P
02:54.17Cairennthe only change you guys have made lately that I'm less than thrilled about (although I can work around it, it was just convenient) is the fact that I can't click on the channel topic and change it there any more, I have to actually use /topic now
02:54.43Cairennbut as I said, that is as much convenience as anything, and it's not something I'm stressed over
02:57.18Cairennbut I really do love the smaller tabs!
03:01.12bleeterCairenn: have you tried double clicking the topic?
03:01.32Cairennthanks a lot, make me look stupid :p
03:02.09bleeterhehe, np
03:02.10CairennI tried single click, per old, I tried right click, duh, never tried doube
03:02.20bleeterit was changed to stop non-ops thinking they can change it ;)
03:03.00bleeterat least I think that's the reason, I haven't actually tried in a # I'm not an op in
03:03.04Cairennremember what you were saying about me occasionally displaying the fact I have more than one brain cell? :p
03:03.13KirkburnWhat have I missed?
03:03.22LunessaHe did say 'occasionally'.
03:03.30KirkburnAs in, what on earth is this discussion about?
03:03.32*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
03:03.52bleetahhmm, well as non-op I can double click, I guess that's so I can copy/paste if I wish
03:03.53Cairennbesides me making myself appear to be a complete moron? not much :p
03:03.57*** part/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
03:04.45KirkburnIt sounds all controversial and interesting :O
03:05.02bleeterjust the current pidgin release, nothing exciting whatsoever really
03:05.30LunessaSo I used to be in this barbershop quartet in Skokie, Illinois and there was this girl she was fat; I mean like orca fat ...
03:05.58KirkburnOoh, never seen it before bleeter
03:06.07KirkburnIs it good? ;)
03:16.08*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
03:16.14LunessaInteresting story at Wired about drug-testing the water at sewage treatment facilities.
03:18.00*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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03:23.37Kaydeethreeoh wow
03:23.44Kaydeethree(how many times have I said that tonight?)
03:24.05Kaydeethreerangers-orioles. biggest baseball score in the modern era
03:25.23Cairenn30? baseball? You're kidding, right?
03:25.40*** join/#wowi-lounge andross_ (n=andross@
03:28.23Kaydeethreeand wow again
03:28.30Kaydeethree"Wii officially outsells Xbox 360 and PS3."
03:29.15Shiriknot entirely surprising
03:29.33Kaydeethreenah. just kinda surprised it took this long
03:29.34Shirikthe wii offers something new and is actually affordable
03:33.14ckknightif the wii, PS3, and XBox were all the same price, I'd still get a Wii
03:33.16ckknightit's more fun.
03:36.36Lejcan you "attach" a table to a frame somehow?
03:37.17Shirikwhat do you mean
03:37.32Corrodiasman, we 1-shotted everything tonight in karazhan except nightbane, who took two tries (for our guild third kill, right behind the other kara group who got the second guild kill)
03:39.02Thunder_Childckknight...which low as the wii or as high as the highest?
03:39.06LejI create tables that look like { i = 1, frame = CreateFrame(...) } the frame created is a controlplanel that supposed to be able to change the value of i. I need to make the buttons able to modify the i value of the correct table
03:40.04Lejso on the click event of the buttons I somehow need to get the correct table to work with
03:40.49ckknightThunder_Child: seeing as they'd all be relative to each other in the situation I gave, it doesn't matter.
03:41.04ShirikLej: Frames are just tables
03:41.10Shirikyou should be able to just stik em right on top of them
03:41.15Shirikalternatively, frames can be keys to another table
03:41.18Thunder_Childwell it as the wii offers an inxepensive hd-dvd/blu-ray player
03:41.19Shirikyou can make a map like
03:41.37Shiriklist = {}; list[frame1] = myTable1; list[frame2] = myTable2;
03:41.37ckknightThunder_Child: I wouldn't use it to play movies anyway.
03:41.44ShirikThen look it up via list[thisFrame]
03:41.53Thunder_Childcheaper than anything else
03:42.10ckknightThunder_Child: why would I use it as a media player? I have a computer
03:42.25Thunder_Childyou dont have a bluray/hddvd on it
03:42.27Thunder_Childdo you?
03:42.37ckknightdepends on what the torrent seeds provide.
03:42.49Thunder_Childheh, physical media
03:42.49Lejframes are tables? You mean I could do something like frame1[i] = 1
03:42.56ckknightyes, Lej
03:43.04ckknightthough you should do frame1.i = 1
03:43.12ckknightThunder_Child: why would I get physical media?
03:43.19ckknightit's overly expensive
03:43.24Lejoh that makes it easier
03:43.27Thunder_Childyou may actualy want to by a product...they will get cheaper
03:43.38ckknightwhy would I want to buy movies?
03:43.39Thunder_Childbesides, i agree with you as a console...wii all the way.. but still
03:43.55ckknightjust seems silly
03:44.38Shirikframe1[i] and frame1.i
03:44.40Shirikare two different things
03:45.06ckknightno shit, sherlock, I was going by his original question { i = 1 }
03:45.29Shiriklimited memory while healing
03:45.42LejI'm a bit confused right now :P
03:45.59ckknightafter however many addons and libraries I've written, one would hope I'd know the difference
03:46.18ckknightLej: { i = 1 } => { ["i"] = 1 }
03:46.24ckknighttherefore, if i = 5
03:46.26Shirikckknight: You'd be surprised what people can do while still being completely incompetent :P
03:46.31Shiriknot saying you are
03:46.32ckknight{ [i] = 1 } => { [5] = 1 }
03:46.45ckknighttoday's my birthday, I'm old now
03:46.47ckknightgonna go out to dinner
03:46.58Shirikk grats on 70 irl
03:47.07Cairennhappy birthday ckknight :)
03:47.08Kaydeethreewhat the hell are you doing on irc? go party
03:47.12Lejframe1.size = 1; local i = frame1.size
03:47.13ckknightI still demand a parade.
03:47.18Lejthat works?
03:47.21ckknightKaydeethree: I'm only 20, no new rights granted.
03:47.30ckknightLej: yep
03:47.34Kaydeethreedamn, and I feel old now...
03:47.36ckknightLej: don't be afraid to make your locals longer.
03:47.56LejNOt so much afraid as lazy :/
03:48.12LejIt gets lovely when you haven't looked at the code for a week...
03:48.27ckknightbe sure to document
03:50.18ckknightShirik: I ding'd 47 today :-P
03:50.35Wobwork23 to go!
03:50.43WobworkYou're playing a pally?
03:51.24Wobworkgot done dinging
03:54.13ShirikI like dang
03:54.51Cairenn(11:50:05 PM) ckknight: Shirik: I ding'd 47 today :-P
03:57.17WobworkYou started 47 what?
03:58.52TainI actually canceled my account.  I think the first time since retail release.
04:00.52ScytheBlade1For WoW, that's like you just decided to commit suicide. :(
04:01.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|AFK (
04:02.34KaydeethreeI think it's time for me to get off of the forums for the night...
04:02.46TainI haven't been playing for months, haven't been coding for a bit.  I'll probably open it again at some point.
04:04.09Kaydeethreewhat's even worse is, now that I look at the poster. he just posted the thread I linked to
04:05.07Cairennyeah, I noticed that right off the top
04:12.14art3misthats some sorta never ending loop i think
04:19.16Shirik|AFKCairenn doesn't sleep
04:19.18Shirik|AFKwtf you talking about
04:19.20Shirik|AFKand why am I AFK
04:19.25art3missure she does
04:19.31art3misbut its oe of those eyes open creepy sleeps
04:19.40art3misthat and the rem is just spooky
04:19.40Shiriknick Shirik damnit!
04:20.02Thunder_Childwell my other option was caerwheels around your house
04:20.03art3misit appearantly hates you as well
04:20.14Thunder_Child...something like that
04:20.16art3mishehe ncie typo
04:20.29art3miscairwheels could be fun though
04:20.54Kaydeethreeyou could do what I do? yell at idiots until downloads finish...
04:21.35CairennKaydeethree: I'd like to be able to sleep, if I start actually reading the forums, I'll be too pissed off to be able to sleep
04:21.44Cairennoh, and art3mis? I don't sleep with my eyes open
04:21.57Kaydeethreethat's why I've got artificial limits of downloads finishing, that way I can watch them in bed and crash
04:22.15art3misso heres a question
04:22.34art3misis there really any moticable not math related bebenfit to using amd64 nix images?
04:23.11CairennTain: tuck me in?
04:23.40Kaydeethreesame reason you use i686-compiled code on modern processors rather than i386 or i586 machine code
04:24.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Chaotic_D (
04:25.26Chaotic_Dhrm. this WoW server IP addresses don't respond.
04:26.12art3misKaydeethree: true but performancewise, all ive really noticed is that the 64bit stuff tends to be more of a pai to get media plugins and video drivers and the like working correctly
04:26.14*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 ToC: 20100 | RTFPN please | What's the difference between a baseball bat and a bicycle
04:26.22*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 ToC: 20100 | RTFPN please | What's the difference between a baseball bat and a bicycle?
04:26.49Kaydeethreethere's a 32-bit environment in 64-bit systems afaik...
04:27.01art3misyeah but most addon stuff doesnt work without hacking
04:27.09art3mislike flash/shockwave
04:27.19art3misati drivers
04:27.40art3misthey all instal;l and behave like 32bit but if you're running 64bit firefox, alas things just arent gonna happen
04:28.05art3misso im wondering if there is actually a noticeable performance difference or if its just a case of "i CAN run it so why wouldnt i
04:29.59bleeterthought I'd share that address with all, (nsfw)
04:30.26Shirikthat definitely deserves a "wow".
04:30.56art3misman yer gopnna wear out shiriks F5 button
04:32.35Wobworkthat's magnificent
04:33.16Wobworkso not work safe =P
04:33.50Kaydeethreewhat... the... hell??
04:34.08Thunder_Childi would hardy call that nsfw
04:34.38bleeterI haven't heard it yet, but the header pic on the home page could be problematic in some environments
04:34.40Thunder_Childnsfw would be if they spelled out your ip with naked people
04:38.31ShirikSo I just discovered my illhoof mod
04:38.34Shiriktotally works on that boss in botanica
04:39.01Kaydeethree"zomg target the chains!"
04:41.04Wobworkhe has chains?
04:41.25WobworkI thought he just sacrificed and you had to heal through it
04:41.50Kaydeethreesomething to that effect. I haven't run bot since I needed it for my arc key back in january
04:43.54Shirikyou just heal through it, no killing them
04:47.40Thunder_Childno, kill the chains...they heal him
04:47.56Thunder_Childdps to the chains during a sacrifice
04:48.26Thunder_Childthen back to illgoof/(imp whos name i cant remeber) depending on your mt
04:49.06art3mis <-- great machinima
04:51.07art3mismr.teeth mr.teeth mr.teeth
04:53.51WobworkThunder_Child: no I'm referring to the boss in Bot
04:53.55Wobworknot illy
04:54.13art3miswhich one?
04:54.18Thunder_Childoh...yea, he is a pushover
04:54.21WobworkActually, the mmovie is one of the better mechanimas I've seen
04:54.28Thunder_Childdont even need to heal through it
04:54.37Wobworkand is it mechanima, or machanima like that page says?
04:54.39art3misall of oblivious's stuff is great
04:54.48art3mismachine ima
04:57.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
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05:09.04Lejhow do I use :Show() on a child frame if I have the parentframe?
05:09.38batrickthere is a frame method for getting children
05:09.43LejOneBagPockets[curPocket] is the parent I got. The child is names $parent_Control
05:09.46batrickuse that and iterate over them
05:11.37batrickyou can then check if they are frames (and can thus be shown using :Show() ) with :GetObjectType()
05:16.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
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05:20.09Cairennbleh, still bored
05:20.21Thunder_Child~lart Cairenn|afk
05:20.21purlpulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps Cairenn|afk
05:20.40Kirkburn|afkNight Cairenn|afk
05:20.54Cairenn|afknight Kirkburn|afk
05:21.16Thunder_Childheh, night Cairenn|afk....x2
05:21.32Kirkburn|afkDid you just one-up me?
05:21.59Thunder_Childno....this is the second time she said she was going to bed
05:22.21Thunder_Childafterthe 3rd she gets in trouble
05:23.39Lejno :GetParent() method for frames?
05:23.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
05:24.03Lejor buttons more specific
05:24.35Lejoh it was a region method
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05:30.27Rallionlol the last time I ran a PS1 emulator, my computer sure couldn't run a game in a window while I typed into an IRC client
05:38.22ShirikLej: Buttons are frames, and frames are regions
05:38.28Shirikbuttons should have a GetParent() method
05:39.59Lejyeah that's what I meant. They inherited it from Region. I only checked Button and Frame
05:40.12Shirikoh so you're trying to find these on wowwiki
05:40.22Shirikyeah, some things are a bit difficult to find at first; you get used to it
05:40.27Shirikwhen all else fails, ctrl+f is your friend
05:40.40Lejthat was what solved it :P
05:42.57Lejif I have the element of a table for example frame1 in this: Frames = { [1] = frame1, [2] = frame 2 } is it possible to get it's index in the Frames array?
05:43.26Lej*table, not array
05:43.36Shirikeh, that's technically an array too
05:43.39Shirikbut anyway
05:43.48Shiriknot directly
05:43.53Shirikyou can always scan through the table to find it
05:44.18Shirikbut why do you want its index?
05:44.28*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
05:44.47Shirikand if you really do need it, perhaps you're storing it backwards
05:44.50Lejframe1 got a child button that is supposed to change it's position in the table
05:44.57Shirikinstead, try Frames = {[frame1] = 1, [frame2] = 2}
05:45.02Shirikthen you can query Frames[frame1]
05:45.33Lejbut how would I access the frame then?
05:45.44Shirikso you need to go both ways then?
05:46.02Shirikeither you make two tables (a reverse lookup) or you scan through the table
05:46.03Lejscanning will work
05:46.10Lejnot very big arrays
05:46.13ShirikI would recommend that then
05:53.15Chaotic_Ddoes TomTom have an arrow above the NPC pointing towards the waypoint, or does only Cartographer do that?
05:53.41batrickLej, you can make the number of the child frame a value of the frame's table
05:53.50ShirikChaotic_D: An arrow above the NPC?
05:54.00Chaotic_Dyou haven't seen that with Cartographer?
05:54.03batricke.g. child.number = 1, child2.number = 2, ...
05:54.06Shirikwhat NPC?
05:54.23Chaotic_Dactually, I think it's just in the middle of the screen, regardless. oops, I meant player, not NPC.
05:54.31Lejhmm yes, that might work. However I fucked something else up so nothings working atm :P
05:54.38Thunder_Childit's cart
05:54.41Shirikwell I've never seen tomtom do that
05:54.57Thunder_Childit can be moved where you want it though
05:55.00ShirikAnyway, good night everyone
05:55.05Thunder_Childnight Shirik
05:55.07Shiriktomorrow = hell
05:55.08batricknight Shirik
05:55.12Chaotic_DI really like that arrow.
05:55.26Thunder_Childand thats different from normal how?.... Shirik|zZz you wuss....
05:55.41Shirik|zZzOk, take what tomorrow usually is
05:55.48Shirik|zZzmultiply its hellishness factor by 5
05:55.49Shirik|zZzthat's tomorrow
05:55.59Thunder_Childsounds like fun, enjoy
05:56.00Shirik|zZzanyway, night
05:56.20Chaotic_DI want Tekkub's TourGuide to look up the exact location with LightHeaded, so you don't have to look up specific information that might not be in the walkthrough you're transcribing into script, and it will also give you exact co-ordinates with a decimal place.
05:57.33Chaotic_Dbecause really... otherwise it's just a reminder of stuff you already have to be familiar with. or maybe I'm just rusty from not playing in over a year. then again, I can also be a bit slow, especially under stress, so I really want all the help I can get.
05:59.20Chaotic_Dis there a good time to check for the existance of other addons just once, or is it no big deal (and actually recommended) to call it every time you want to use them?
06:03.21Chaotic_Dis it better to check for the existance of other addons every time you want to use them, just in case they become disabled, or get loaded in a different order? (or do they all get loaded before they get run? maybe that's the difference between oninitialize and onenable)
06:09.44Chaotic_DI stopped rambling. that last one was a legitimate question.
06:12.51Lejis there no way to delete frames?
06:15.58WobworkLej: none
06:16.03Wobworkapart from /rl
06:16.17WobworkChaotic_D: You can check at any time
06:16.24Wobworkas long as you're not doing it every frame =)
06:21.50Chaotic_Dm'kay. well, I guess it's not actually that often, so it shouldn't really slow things down.
06:25.33Lejis there any simple way to input a value, something like InputBox from vb
06:28.16*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (
06:33.19Chaotic_Duhg. it's been such a long time since I've done coding.
06:33.47Chaotic_Dif you're calling a function that returns a dozen variables, how do you just dump all but one or two you want?
06:34.12Chaotic_Dman, that's such a lazy question, isn't it.
06:34.34Leja, _, _, b, _ = StupidFunc()
06:34.39Lejthink you do it like that
06:35.50Lejthink so, not 100% sure though
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06:37.19Aero1can anyone tell me about the dead scar?
06:39.36Chaotic_Dis _ like nil?
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06:40.13LejI think it just doesn't save the value returned. BUt I'm guessing.
06:46.56Chaotic_Dah yeah. I see LightHeaded using it.
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06:58.37ckknightWobwork: yea, I'm playing a pally
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06:59.37Kirkburn|afkNote: if you see a guy called Aero1 (, kick him for private serverness advertising
06:59.48Kirkburn|afkLike the guy who appeared earlier >_>
07:00.32*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
07:02.21Corrodiasa good night to you all
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07:06.54Maldiviano no, not goodnight, good morning all :9
07:12.15sag_ich_nicht[08:58] <ckknight> Wobwork: yea, I'm playing a pally <--spec? :O
07:13.08Lejif you create several frames with the same name will that fuck up _G["name"]?
07:13.18ckknightChaotic_D: it's the throwaway value, where you put stuff you won't use
07:13.20ckknightno, it uses the latest one
07:13.23ckknightI don't recommend doing it
07:13.34Lejis there any way to get a random name?
07:13.37ckknightsag_ich_nicht: how come?
07:13.38Lejanything but nil
07:13.44ckknightLej: tostring(math.random())
07:14.08Lejhmm I guess that's secure enough ^^
07:14.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Chardonnay (
07:16.36sag_ich_nichtckknight: i play a ret paladin :)
07:16.46ckknighthow come?
07:16.54sag_ich_nichthow come what?
07:17.13sag_ich_nichti think i am missing something here
07:21.01sag_ich_nicht~poke ckknight
07:21.02purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind ckknight, pokes ckknight repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
07:23.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
07:25.44art3misdamn  lemme try that again
07:26.09art3misooooo eeeeee ooooooooo aaa aaaa ding dang
07:26.20Punkie`walla walla bing bang?
07:26.22Thunder_Childwalla walla bing bang
07:26.29Punkie`owned tc!
07:26.42Thunder_Childno, yours has a "?"
07:26.44art3misso i ordered 4 things from this new company thats been trying to get me to order through them for work
07:27.00Thunder_Childit wasnt a question, it was a statement
07:27.06art3misand the 4 items were shipped in 3 seperate packages with 3 consecutive arrival days
07:27.37art3misso i don't believe i'll be ordering from them anymore
07:27.59art3misi dont relish the though of a big order requiring me to be at the office for a full week to make sure i dont miss anything
07:28.19art3misand appearantly im allergic to typing correctly
07:28.20Thunder_Childcan be some upsdies
07:28.25Thunder_Childme to
07:28.32art3mislike what?
07:28.41Thunder_Childless chance of things getting lost
07:28.52Thunder_Childnew :suprise" each day
07:28.57art3misthat would be accomplished by using a slightly bigger box ;P
07:29.13Thunder_Childthe more you have at once the more likely something is going to get lost
07:29.16art3mison a plus side i get my 2gb for my laptop tomorrow
07:29.35art3misit's coming ups
07:29.42Thunder_Childthere may have been a reason for shiping it like that
07:29.44art3misas far as im concerned the more boxes the more trouble ;P
07:29.50Thunder_Childi mean when it gets to you..not the shipper
07:29.55art3misyeah because my account rep is an idiot ;P
07:30.09art3misfirst she filed it under the wrong account
07:30.16art3misthen sent the confirmation to the wrong email
07:30.33art3misthen had the wrong billing phone number despite me telling her to change it 4 times in 4 seperate emails
07:31.07art3misoh well i gave em a chance, and now im just gonna skip the middle man and order directly from thier supplier instead ;P
07:31.24Thunder_Childa possibilty...your daming the company as whole for the actions of one person.....i know that who you interact with is a reprisentitive but if you explain your concerns they may fix it
07:31.47art3misthat may be but there really is no advantage to me ordering through them
07:31.47Thunder_Childbesides, if they want you, they will bed over backwards to do what you want
07:31.58art3misbecause THEY have to order from the aprent company
07:31.59Thunder_Childthe supplier doesnt
07:32.08art3miswhich iw as already ordering from
07:32.21art3misi figured tha since they were local that stuff would get to me sooner
07:32.25art3missuch is not the case
07:32.33art3misand its really just more of a hassle
07:32.49Thunder_Childlike i could try talking to them...or you could be human and not like what they do and ignore them
07:33.01art3misill give her annoyance points though she does email and call an aweful lot to see if i need anything though
07:33.04Thunder_Child(note: i dont vote for the human option)
07:33.18Thunder_Childjust an opnion ofc
07:33.24art3misoh i fully intend on adressing this once i get my stuff
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07:33.53art3misbut in all honesty it serves me no real benefit to call them to order and then they order from the company i was originally ordering to palce the order for me
07:34.03art3misspecially when service is no better
07:34.38art3misit's like me hiring someone to walk across the street for me to get me coffee
07:35.02art3miseven though i still pay a bit more... it doesnt get me my coffee faster or more correct
07:35.13art3mismakes very little sense i suppose
07:35.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin ( wobin is an aussie?
07:35.58art3misappeaantly im losing my sarcastic touch today
07:36.04Thunder_Childor he is spoofing
07:36.18art3miswas talking to my wifes hair dresser whos name is Hyam, and looks VERY isreali
07:36.31art3misand he says yeah im going to isreal on vacation
07:36.41art3misand i look at him and say You're isreali?!?!
07:36.56art3miswhich got the serious response of yes, i thought dena had told you
07:38.06art3mison a plus side today though i did find an old co-worker, that i thought was dead, on facebook
07:38.19art3misand shes still sooooo yummy
07:38.38Lejis there any event that's fired when the saved variables are finished loading?
07:38.50art3misyeah she dropped off the face of the earth one day
07:39.03art3misno-one knew where she went or had heard fromm her
07:39.06Punkie`Lej: You could probably use PLAYER_ENTERS_WORLD
07:39.37Wobinnothing wrong with aussies
07:39.42Wobineveryone knows aussies are sexy
07:40.22Lejbecuase when I try to set some saved vars to nil OnLoad nothing happens
07:41.25Lejthere is accually a "VARIABLES_LOADED" event
07:41.34Lejbut how do I use these?
07:44.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
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07:59.19art3misso zen let me ask you this
07:59.29art3misare any of those comics ever funny?
07:59.42zenzelezzI find your lack of faith disturbing
08:00.41art3misyou should see this growth in the middle of my back then
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08:13.12Nom-ugh finally
08:13.14Nom-ready to deploy code!
08:13.21Nom-<-- tired
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09:03.40Nom-Ohio law permits anyone to walk into a county election office and obtain two crucial documents: a list of voters in the order they voted, and a time-stamped list of the actual votes. "We simply take the two pieces of paper together, merge them, and then we have which voter voted and in which way,"
09:06.21Mr_Rabies2sounds like that's gonna get crushed soon
09:18.52Mr_Rabies2that's probably one of those laws that's been on the books for years that no one's bothered looking at in forever
09:42.47Maldiviahere are some really stupid laws out there
09:48.15*** join/#wowi-lounge IleBur ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:51.22Mr_Rabies2this is a really strangely designed item
09:51.30Mr_Rabies2Moonkin ring?
09:52.13Mr_Rabies2it's not a bad tanking ring for bears, but the damage and healing and resilience hurts the budget for pve
09:55.56Chardonnayseems like a pretty good "survivability" pvp ring for any caster
09:56.40Arrowmasteryeah theres 3 different pvp rings from SSC
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10:08.24Mr_Rabies2that one's pretty awesome for moonkins though
10:08.31Mr_Rabies2since they get the armor bonus
10:54.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
10:59.21Mr_Rabies2apparently our shaman took some lsd and is freaking out in our arcatraz run
11:03.44Mr_Rabies2he just left
11:03.45Mr_Rabies2he was like
11:03.55Mr_Rabies2"i can't stay at the computer any longer man"
11:04.01Mr_Rabies2and he was doing so well too
11:09.17sag_ich_nichtspec Mr_Rabies?
11:10.21Mr_Rabies2it was nice having 3300 AP when my trinkets popped
11:10.44Mr_Rabies2<3 good shamans
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15:14.43cog|workIt's too bad sony did a good job on Blu-ray. It would've been neat to make fun of them calling them Blu-rry discs...
15:15.27ts|skromCould've made comparisons to Ray Charles
15:16.16ts|skromyou know... because he's blind and you blurry discs woudl suck
15:16.19*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
15:16.30Mr_Rabies2i'm still not getting one or an hd-dvd player until they're under a 100 bucks and one wins
15:16.47Mr_Rabies2though i could get a 360 one for the equivalent of 30 bucks
15:16.58Mr_Rabies2170 bucks with 140 bucks worth of discs
15:17.35nevcairieli wait for holographic versatile discs :shrug:
15:17.43cog|workMy boss bought a PS3 shortly after it came out because it was one of the best Blu-ray players out there
15:18.05cog|workhe's an early adopter... not exactly hurting for cash
15:18.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
15:19.15Mr_Rabies2i'm guessing the next standard will be digital distribution
15:19.32nevcairielyou mean like internetzzz?
15:19.49Mr_Rabies2less work for the liscenser, more drm control
15:20.04nevcairielstill 3.9 TB of data on one disc has to rock
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15:33.45Thunder_ChildMr_Rabies2, people are still going to need solid state backups
15:34.21Mr_Rabies2when has the movie industry cared about people's needs or wants?
15:34.46Mr_Rabies2as long as they can make money off of something without having to pay money to print it, they will
15:34.50Thunder_Childi was talking about holo disks vs digital distubution
15:35.14Mr_Rabies2hard drive?
15:35.24Mr_Rabies2or a solidstate disc?
15:35.46Thunder_Childthe holo disks nev mentioned
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15:38.04Mr_Rabies2holodiscs as a storage medium or distribution medium?
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15:39.12Mr_Rabies2oh, well yeah
15:39.26Mr_Rabies2i meant the next version of movie distribution
15:39.35Mr_Rabies2will likely be digital via the internet
15:39.43Mr_Rabies2as broadband rolls out more
15:40.33Mr_Rabies2and as FIOS rolls out, definitely
15:42.05foxlitWith all that bandwidth use
15:42.32foxlitI wonder what will happen to the internets my collegues have sent to me last week and I've only got it yesterday!
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15:50.01Mr_Rabies2oh no
15:50.03Mr_Rabies2no no no
15:50.07Mr_Rabies2that's not right at all
15:50.13Mr_Rabies2what is this travesty?
15:57.55ScytheBlade1Yay for guild mergers!
15:58.31zenzelezzthose don't usually work well
15:58.50ScytheBlade1It'll be interesting
15:58.56ScytheBlade1Have a combine player base of... 60.
15:59.52WobinThat looks horrific
16:00.00ScytheBlade1They look incredible.
16:00.25WobinIt'd be like ice cream on toast =O
16:00.32Wobin-buttered- toast
16:00.45ScytheBlade1... stack it on top of some ice cream
16:00.47nevcairielbuttered muffins!
16:01.00Mr_Rabies2i mean hell
16:01.10Mr_Rabies2i'm a fatass and that makes my arteries hurt
16:01.19Mr_Rabies2just reading the recipe
16:01.27ScytheBlade1That is so not the point
16:01.35WobinServes 12
16:01.38Mr_Rabies2it doesn't even look that good
16:01.38WobinJesus =P
16:01.46Wobinyeah =\
16:01.49Mr_Rabies2it just looks like it's designed to be awful for you
16:01.59ScytheBlade1Awfully awesome.
16:02.08Mr_Rabies2if you're going to eat something awful for you at least let it be something that's not an english muffin covered in sugar
16:02.10WobinThe only way they could have done better...
16:02.22Wobinis to have a can of baking spray to spray on 'to taste'
16:02.36Mr_Rabies2i can't eat anything sweet on english muffins
16:02.42WobinExcept maybe jam
16:02.48Wobinor honey
16:02.50Mr_Rabies2nope, i can't
16:02.53Mr_Rabies2tried it
16:03.10Mr_Rabies2butter or cheese or marinara sauce
16:03.20WobinThey work best with savoury toppings
16:03.42WobinIn fact out of all those recipes
16:03.49Wobinit's only one of two that has a sweet topping
16:04.11Wobinand even the other one isn't really sweet
16:04.12Mr_Rabies2probably because english muffins, especially bays, are terrible for sweet stuff
16:04.19Linhi there!!
16:08.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
16:09.53Thunder_Childhello Lin, have anything to add to english muffins?
16:10.27Rallioni would eat that.
16:11.04Rallionhonestly, if you just completely removed the muffin, that's perfectly normal.
16:11.21Wobinit's the muffin we're complaining about =)
16:11.39Rallionso odd.
16:11.44Wobinalthough a s'more of that size is ... scary
16:12.19Rallionyeah, but if you multiply the size of a normal s'more by the number of them that I want to eat once I have the first one, it's tiny :P
16:12.37Wobinwell eating lots of tiny ones is different to eating one huge one
16:12.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano ( sure is.
16:13.10Wobinfor one thing, by the time you get halfway through, the chocolate would have hardened, the muffin would have cooled and the ice cream melted
16:13.19Wobinso yuck =\
16:13.21LinThunder_Child: nothing
16:13.24Rallionyeah, I thought of that
16:13.38LinElkano: that made Elkano Buff Bars?
16:13.39RallionI don't even know what you could possibly add in place of a muffin.
16:13.48Rallioncake is too soft
16:13.53LinElkano: nice addon. I use it ;-)
16:14.23Rallionthe horrible thing is that somebody actually came up with that recipe
16:14.40Rallionthey thought of it! in their own mind! without somebody else suggesting it!
16:15.20Thunder_Childhmm..speaking of your bars Elkano, is there a way for them to display who cast a spell on you?
16:16.04RallionWii has supposedly surpassed the 360
16:16.28cog|workRallion: somehow that doesn't surprise me
16:16.50Elkanoas long as Blizzard denys us that info: no
16:17.04Thunder_Childboo...k, thanks
16:17.12Elkanoif it would be available via API I would have put it in ^^
16:17.58cog|workIt will be easy to know these things come 2.4 (as long as you don't log out)
16:18.13Thunder_Childwell it could be stored
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16:18.29cog|workstoring doesn't help if you play on multiple comps
16:18.37cog|workunless you sync WTF folders every single time
16:18.52Thunder_Childor simply play on one comp
16:19.02cog|workbut then what would i do at work?
16:19.07Elkanoproblem is still to associate the data with the buffs correctly, eg for HoTs
16:19.22cog|workumm no :P
16:19.36Thunder_Childhow would that be any different from any other buff?
16:19.36cog|workI like performance
16:19.47Thunder_Child...fine, a *good* laptop
16:19.56cog|workand 24" monitors
16:20.03cog|work(emphasis on the S)
16:20.09Thunder_Childso hook it up to an external monitor
16:20.44Thunder_Childs/to an external monitor/external monitors/
16:20.46cog|workand waste the $1000s i've already spent on my desktop?
16:20.58Thunder_Childpurl you fail
16:20.58purlACTION slaps you for calling her a failure.
16:21.10purlcog|work: :)
16:21.41WobinTC: you fail at regexp substitution =)
16:21.42cog|workwhat next?
16:21.59Thunder_Childpfft, it's just money
16:22.48cog|worku buy me laptop kthxbye
16:23.07cog|work(and none of that OLPC crap...)
16:23.23Thunder_Childthats not an argument
16:23.50cog|workThunder_Child: yes it's just money. But I can't get a gaming laptop until next year
16:24.09Thunder_Childjust in time for 2.4
16:24.15cog|workAnd even then, I don't like playing on laptops
16:24.29cog|workI like full-sized keyboards
16:24.37cog|workI can rearrange all the keys to match the dvorak layout
16:24.40Thunder_Childso take one along
16:24.47cog|workI don't like USB keyboards
16:25.04cog|workevery single one I've used so far can't handle more than 2-3 keys at a time
16:25.31Thunder_Childmost keyboards are usb keayboards
16:25.38cog|workNot the ones I use
16:25.41Thunder_Childmine handles 6-7 at a time or so
16:25.43cog|workI'm very picky
16:25.52Thunder_Childbut then i am not usualy mashing my keayboard
16:26.36Thunder_Childlink me the keyboard you use
16:27.25Thunder_Childstill..they have ***->usb converters
16:28.04cog|workIt's just a cheapo 104-key PS/2
16:28.16cog|workno bells & whistles
16:29.02cog|workMy biggest beef is that the backslash key must be between the backspace and enter keys. Some have the backslash right next to a tiny backspace key and enter takes up two rows
16:29.30cog|workNow let me ask you this:
16:30.09cog|workIf I get a gaming laptop and have to bring two 24" monitors, a keyboard, and an extra mouse, how is that *more* convenient than playing on two computers and occasionally forgetting to sync WTF folders?
16:30.32Thunder_Childwhat bring? use what you have where you go
16:31.01cog|workBut then I won't be able to use the computers at the places i go...
16:31.06cog|workWindowed mode 4tw
16:31.34Thunder_Childyou wont need to use the comps at the places you go, you will have a better core
16:31.45cog|workExcept that at work i need to do work
16:32.00cog|workand i sure as hell am not contaminating my laptop with the software we use at work
16:32.39cog|worki hate those even more than laptop keyboards
16:33.00cog|workdefeats the purpose of running in windowed mode
16:33.08cog|workamong other annoyances
16:33.31Thunder_Childwindowed so you can still work at the same time you mean?
16:34.34cog|workI've often answered the phone while fighting when all the lines are tied
16:34.54cog|workand then needed to look the person up in our database
16:36.10Thunder_Childdo you strech wow across both monitors?
16:36.23Thunder_Childor 1 for wow 1 for work?
16:36.29cog|workNo, but I use both monitors for work
16:36.49cog|work(all of us have two monitors. it's pretty schweet :) )
16:37.01Thunder_Childyea, i had that at my last job
16:37.14Thunder_Childonly 19's though :(
16:37.40cog|workI don't think WoW would perform very well at 3520x1200 :P
16:38.00Thunder_Childdepends on the system your running
16:38.13cog|workI would only want to span monitors if i had 3
16:38.30Thunder_Childheh, couldnt handle the break in the middle
16:38.43zenzelezzspanning an even number is just ugly
16:38.51cog|workand I don't have enough of a UI to fill up an entire screen
16:39.39Thunder_Childblast, i do belive you have defeated me!!
16:39.55Thunder_Childoption #2, external HD with wow installed on it
16:40.22cog|workExcept i'm forgetful and would undoubtedly leave it at work some time
16:40.33Thunder_Childi dont know how fast/often wow reads from the HD..cant be much with it using all of the ram
16:40.46cog|workwhich is where this whole thing started with the forgetting to sync WTF
16:41.06Thunder_Childi thought it was pain of syncing...not forgeting
16:41.19cog|worknope. I don't mind... i just don't do sometimes...
16:42.29Thunder_Childok, but back to the origional thin...if you log out with your buffs, it prolly doesnt matter by the time you next log in who cast them on you
16:42.48cog|workunless you get involuntarily d/c'ed
16:42.54Thunder_Childsame system
16:43.28Thunder_Childwell it can be saved on the system so thats not a problemn
16:44.07cog|workmaybe it could give some indicatior that it's guessing
16:44.33cog|workif it loads from SV as opposed to encountering it during gameplay
16:44.53Thunder_Childwell if it's on the same system it can save it so it doesnt need to guess, and if it is on a diff system then it dispalyes nothing
16:45.26cog|workwell, it would still need to guess... it would have no way of knowing for certain whether it's the same buff or not
16:45.30cog|workeven on the same system...
16:45.47cog|workwhat if you logged in from another computer and ended up logging out with the same buff?
16:46.22Thunder_Childtry that again
16:47.31Thunder_Childbesides you could compaire cast time duration, if it is higher than the name you have asociated with the buff it's wrong
16:47.39cog|workComp 1: You get buffed by someone and log out.     Comp 2: stuff happens, you end up buffed by someone else with the same buff.     Back on comp 1: you log in with the same buff and it thinks you were buffed by the first person
16:47.53Thunder_Childsee above
16:48.02cog|workthat would only work half the time
16:48.11cog|workthere's no reason you couldn't have less time on the buff
16:48.14Shirik>>> function f(...) return {...}; end t = f(1,nil,3); for k,v in pairs(t) print(k..": "..v); end
16:48.14CideShirik: [string "function f(...) return {...}; end t = f(1,nil,3); for k,v in pa..."]:1: 'do' expected near 'print'
16:48.15cog|workwhen you log in again
16:48.20Shirik>>> function f(...) return {...}; end t = f(1,nil,3); for k,v in pairs(t) do print(k..": "..v); end
16:48.20CideShirik: "1: 1",  "3: 3"
16:48.32Thunder_Childthe buff doesnt decay durning logout
16:48.41Thunder_Childwhen your loged out*
16:48.43cog|workno it doesn't. see above
16:49.12cog|workon comp 2, you could spend enough time buffed that when you log out it's less than what was left on comp 1's initial buff
16:49.25Thunder_Childthen you have it check above and below
16:49.32Thunder_Childtime wise
16:49.35cog|workmy statement holds:  it would have no way of knowing for certain whether it's the same buff or not
16:49.47Shirikdon't you guys think you might be talking about an extremely "worst case" scenario?
16:49.51cog|workand there should be some indication that it could be different
16:49.59Shirik(jumping into the middle)
16:50.13cog|workGranted, it could be programmed to guess fairly accurately
16:50.16ShirikHow many people are going to log onto another computer for about 15 minutes
16:50.28cog|workbut there should be some indication that it may be incorrect
16:50.30Thunder_Childfine, you can have it to display nothing upon multiple login's/out's
16:50.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
16:50.47Thunder_Childmust like Shirik says, it's unlikely
16:51.06Thunder_Childi dunno how i got must from but
16:51.22cog|workb is an aspirated m
16:51.30ts|skromthere's a gay joke in there somewhere, I know there is
16:51.31cog|workdon't know where the s came from though
16:51.43Shirikeh, according to the japanese, b comes from f (or h)
16:52.14Shirikfu/hu -> pu -> bu
16:52.15*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liquidor] (n=denras19@
16:52.40Thunder_Childexcept we arent talking in japanese...afaik
16:52.43[Liquidor]Any way to hook or read a jump? (default: space bar)
16:52.52ShirikThunder_Child: Details =P
16:53.24Shirik[Liquidor]: Sorta, why?
16:53.24cog|workb is both a vocalized p and an aspirated m
16:53.24[Liquidor]Shirik, well any kind of movement?
16:53.24cog|work[Liquidor]: hooksecurefunc on any of the movement functions
16:53.49Shirikdo you know what hooksecurefunc is?
16:54.15[Liquidor]I know what hooking is and I know what the v2 securefunc is but I don't know what it is together
16:54.34Shiriknote that you'll only be able to post-hook
16:54.46Shirikyou can surely pre-hook all the movement functions etc but... that won't end well
16:54.54ts|skromand sometimes cap'nhook
16:54.55ShirikI think it'll result in you not being able to move.. at all
16:55.00Shirik~lart ts|skrom
16:55.00purlplops ts|skrom into a giant vat of herring
16:55.13Mr_Rabies2why does this picture always make me laugh
16:55.17Mr_Rabies2i don't understand
16:55.20Thunder_Childi think
16:55.35ts|skromcog|work do you prefer it "for the halibut" (hell of it)
16:55.40cog|workhooksecurefunc("JumpOrAscendStart", /yourfunction/)
16:55.51ts|skromevil cat
16:56.10Shirikdefinitely evil cat
16:56.22cog|work"evil cat" is redundant
16:56.48cog|workCats are by far the cuddliest devil's spawn in the world
16:56.51Shirikjust created a closure around JumpOrAscendStart
16:56.56ShirikWoW got rather mad
16:57.00ts|skromI just wanted to make sure I wasn't misunderstood when I just said "cat"
16:57.06ts|skromthat could be a bit vague
16:57.12cog|workhep cat
16:57.36Thunder_ChildShirik, wht kind of mad?
16:57.45Shiriknot being able to jump mad
16:58.04ts|skromYou know what kind of trouble you can get into when you search for lyrics to the song "wet dreams"?
16:58.11Thunder_Childyou broke your jump?
16:58.13ts|skrom"for the halibut"
16:58.19Shiriktry it yourself =)
16:58.34Thunder_Childi'm not in
16:58.36Shirikdo /script joas = JumpOrAscendStart; JumpOrAscendStart = function(...) joas(...) end
16:58.52[Liquidor]Does Ace support hooksecurefunc ?
16:59.05Shirikprobably, but I wouldn't know
16:59.16cog|workts|skrom: my wife has that song taped off the Dr. Demento radio show
16:59.26ShirikHowever, (shameless gloat) I wrote a function that securely hooks when needed as an addition to VFL :P
16:59.29Thunder_Childyes you would, stop lieing....we all know you aced RDX
17:00.04Shirikbut.... [Liquidor], are you asking that because you can't figure out how to do it without Ace?
17:00.18ShirikBecause if so, you are definitely at the wrong answer
17:00.33[Liquidor]Shirik, nah it's ok. I know how to do it without ace now but not _with_ ace :)
17:00.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
17:00.43cog|workwhy would you need Ace?
17:00.50[Liquidor]reading doc. on AceHook
17:00.51ShirikI know ace has a hooking library, that's it
17:00.53zenzelezzto complete the set
17:00.53cog|workit would only add another level of abstraction...
17:01.09ts|skromAce is the place
17:01.18Thunder_Childyou have no idea what he is doing yet your alreasy bashing it
17:01.22*** join/#wowi-lounge AD|sneg (
17:01.39cog|workThunder_Child: curiosity =/= bashing
17:01.42AD|sneghi all, is it possible to ask a few quick questions regarding wow api?
17:01.45cog|workhe might have a very good reason :P
17:01.49cog|workAD|sneg: don't ask to ask
17:01.51zenzelezzquite possible, yes
17:01.57Mr_Rabies2this picture too, they just never get old to me :x
17:02.00purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
17:02.41ts|skromthat was the picture that inspired that cars movie
17:02.44ts|skromtrue story
17:03.06Thunder_Child"(10:01:00) (cog|work) it would only add another level of abstraction..." is not curiosity
17:03.18AD|snegi am porting a simple addon from raw lua to wow api. afaik i m using all supported libs, nothing fancy or out of the ordinary. however, i m getting a few strange errors. is there any key differences between vanilla lua and wow api i need to know ?
17:03.23Rallioni love that picture.
17:03.34AD|snegspecifically regarding working with several files and using metatables
17:03.35cog|workThunder_Child: nor was it bashing... merely an observation that led to my curiosity
17:03.43cladhaireAD|sneg: the io library doesn't exist
17:03.44ScytheBlade1AD|sneg, all file I/O is gone
17:03.44ShirikAD|sneg: you can't access the I/O libraries
17:03.45cladhairethat's problem #1
17:03.45foxlitAD|sneg: you can't work with files
17:03.53ts|skromI/O gone
17:03.57ts|skromooops, late
17:03.58Kaydeethreebah for being tabbed out at the wrong time
17:04.04ShirikKaydeethree = fail
17:04.09AD|snegi mean i use different files for my source code
17:04.11AD|snegno i/i
17:04.20ts|skromwhat about o/i?
17:04.21Shirikeverything else is pretty much the same
17:04.25Shirik~lart ts|skrom
17:04.25purlwhips out his power stapler and staples ts|skrom's foot to the floor
17:04.26Thunder_Childgratz Adys|sleep, you manged to ask a question the *everyone* wanted in on
17:04.27cladhairewhy don't we start with what errors you are having.
17:04.28cog|workAD|sneg: that's what the ToC file is for
17:04.36cladhaireThunder_Child: grats on failed tab completino
17:04.45cladhairewhich is clearly spanish for "completion"
17:04.47AD|snegyep i didnt that, i removed all "require" and added all files to toc
17:04.51[Liquidor]Regarding whether to use Ace or not, well I got a big project of my own (ace'd) having a lot of features of my own creation so adding another feature into this addon of my own kinda requires ace... ofc I could do it without Ace but that question is up to each owns oppenion :)
17:04.51AdysWhat did I ask? oO
17:04.57ScytheBlade1It's okay... at least he's not asking for full COM support ;P
17:05.19Thunder_ChildAdys, my bad...lack of tab completion
17:05.25AD|snegdoes it matter what order the files are in ToC?
17:05.38cladhaire[Liquidor]: i think the point was, hooking a secure function is a single API call, and there's no need to use the abstraction of Ace for that specific thing.. not whether or not you should use Ace in an addon.
17:05.39ShirikThe order in the ToC specifies the order of loading
17:05.47Rallionsometimes this channel is awesome to just watch.
17:05.51Shirikorder them in which you need to load the files
17:06.01ts|skromthen arrange them alphabetically
17:06.04Mr_Rabies2sometimes i like to watch.
17:06.07ts|skromthen in spanish
17:06.15AD|snegok, so basically the "main" file goes last, that sort of thing?
17:06.18AD|snegor the other way round?
17:06.21ShirikIt can
17:06.25Shirikit is entirely dependent upon your code
17:06.26ScytheBlade1*shrug* Whatever works for you
17:06.32ts|skromdepends what functions get called where ^^
17:06.32ShirikFor me, my root file is first
17:06.35Shiriksince everything else is based off it
17:06.54Thunder_Childagreed Rallion, stupidity *is* fun to watch
17:06.55[Liquidor]I'm not native Eng so I'm not sure the meaning of "abstraction". AceHook is already loaded in the addon for other features.
17:07.06cog|work[Liquidor]: if you're already using AceHook for something else, then by all means use its secure hooking facilities.
17:07.11Shirik[Liquidor]: What language is your first, out of curiosity?
17:07.41[Liquidor]It's just a language, what's interesting about that?
17:07.55Rallionseriously. awesome to watch.
17:07.58Shiriksomething different :) I hear too much spanish and english in my area
17:08.06Thunder_Childit's not one we have around here often
17:08.18[Liquidor]I find it borring and devistating sometimes. In most occations I'd rather prefer Eng.
17:08.18cog|work[Liquidor]: analogy: "vehicle" is abstract. "compact car" is less abstract. "Red 2004 Mustang GT" is not abstract.
17:08.34Thunder_Child~dict abstract
17:08.46cog|work~dict 1 abstract
17:08.54AD|snegalright my ToC seems ok. what about metatables? the error i m getting right now is saying i m trying to index a number value, but i m pretty sure its not :P
17:09.01*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
17:09.02AD|snegwasnt in raw lua atleast
17:09.07Thunder_Childneither of those work
17:09.15Thunder_Childdict my ass
17:09.20cog|workAD|sneg: that means you have a variable storing a number and you're treating it like a table
17:09.22[Liquidor]abstract = disctract ?
17:09.23cladhaireAD|sneg: metatables work fine, I use them all over the place.
17:09.32cladhaireare you using debug.setmetatable
17:09.49cog|work[Liquidor]: no distract means to take someone's attention away from something
17:09.56AD|snegnope just setmetatable(self, Token);
17:10.14*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
17:10.19[Liquidor]cog|work, that I know, but still not getting the meaning of abstract.
17:10.24cladhairethen there's no reason it wouldn't work.. we can look at the code if you want to paste some of it on, or give us a netter description of the error.
17:10.38cladhaire[Liquidor]: securehookfunc() is the raw API function
17:10.52cladhaireAceHook provides an abstraction which will create wrapper functions for you, and handle the accounting of a hook such as that
17:11.10Shirik~lart cladhaire
17:11.10purlslaps a compatible dib on cladhaire's head
17:11.14cladhaireits a higher level to accomplish the same thing.. maybe less parameters, more information, etc.
17:11.14Shirikhooksecurefunc :P
17:11.16cog|work[Liquidor]: are you familiar with object oriented programming?
17:11.20AD|snegthe func is sooooo simple i m just gona paste it here
17:11.20AD|snegfunction sqrt(node) local a = node:getChild(1); local aResult = launchRule(a); return math.sqrt(aResult); end
17:11.39[Liquidor]cog|work, yeah and I tihnk I get the meaning of abstract now.
17:11.41AD|snegon line local a = ... it f**ks up on load
17:11.50cladhaireyou shoudln't be redefining sqrt in the global namespace, but that's just one problem
17:12.06cog|workcool :)
17:12.24cladhaireand it wouldn't give you an error at load time, only at runtime when you call sqrt() with a number.
17:12.32AD|snegthats the point
17:12.37AD|sneggives me straight away
17:12.41AD|snegi didnt even run anything :)
17:13.00cladhairewhats the error.
17:13.02[Liquidor]What error do you get?
17:13.04cladhairecause its not a syntax error, I can assure you that.
17:13.08cog|workAnother example would be files on a computer. The operating system abstracts files so they can all be treated the same way (move, copy, delete, etc.) even though there are many different types of files
17:13.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
17:13.24cog|work(pictures, sounds, text files, etc.)
17:13.30AD|snegk lemme quit wow and do it again
17:13.44cladhaireyou can just /console reloadui
17:13.48cladhaireand it'll run it again
17:13.51cog|workAce abstracts a lot of basic operations of the UI system so they follow a similar pattern
17:13.54[Liquidor]AD|sneg /rl (if Ace is running)
17:14.14ts|skromI'm too slow today :(
17:14.21[Liquidor]cog|work I guess /rl is an abstraction then?
17:14.22Shirik~lart ts|skrom
17:14.22purlwhips ts|skrom with a wet and grimy noodle just because
17:14.25Shirikfor the third time today
17:14.39AD|snegattempt to index local 'node' (number value)
17:14.43AD|snegon load
17:14.48AD|snegw t f
17:14.50cladhairefirst off.
17:14.57cladhaireDON'T redefine the global sqrt function
17:14.58cladhairethat's a bad thing.
17:15.05AD|snegk lemme change it
17:15.09cladhairesecond.. _something_ is calling sqrt with a number
17:15.15[Liquidor]Shirik: function sqrt(node) local a = node:getChild(1); local aResult = launchRule(a); return math.sqrt(aResult); end
17:15.17cladhaireif the function is only needed in your code, make it local
17:15.19Shirikthanks :)
17:15.26cladhaireShirik: lrn2scroll
17:15.28Shirikand yes, sqrt is a very bad name for that
17:15.35Shirikhey, when you make a priest, then you can yell at me
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17:15.41cladhairethat's not a compile time error.. its a runtime error.
17:15.48cladhaireShirik: O.o?  I have a priest as my main O.o
17:15.51ShirikI know :P
17:16.08*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Shirik!n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by cladhaire (I wish you speaked another language natively so i could pretend that's why you dont make sense)
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17:16.35*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Shirik!n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by cladhaire (past tense mo-fo!)
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17:16.43[Liquidor]Am I the only one to see that the indexing of 'node' is wrong?
17:16.45AD|snegfunction Calculator_OnLoad()
17:16.49ShirikI do believe the past tense of "speak" is "spoke"
17:16.51AD|snegthis is onload function
17:16.53cladhaireso? :P
17:16.58AD|snegno call to sqrt here :P
17:17.03cladhaireAD|sneg: i did not say your code called it.
17:17.04ShirikAdys: So what
17:17.05cladhairebut something does.
17:17.07ShirikSome other code is
17:17.14cladhairepost the entire file at
17:17.14AD|snegah true
17:17.18AdysShirik: hm?
17:17.19Shiriksqrt is a somewhat commonly used function
17:17.23ShirikAdys sorry T_T
17:17.23Rallionstop with the terrible tab completion!
17:17.26cladhaireand rename the function, since you're clobbering the global
17:17.33[Liquidor]AD|sneg when you redefine a global function, some other addon uses sqrt as well and will call your function instead.
17:17.41[Liquidor] fail.
17:17.55AD|snegcan i do local function <name> (args[..]) ?
17:17.58ShirikAD|sneg: If you have only one file, just make it local
17:18.07AD|snegoki will do thnx guys
17:18.32Shirikp.s. cladhaire I am immune to your kicks
17:18.40*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+b Shirik!*@*] by cladhaire
17:18.40*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Shirik!n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by cladhaire (not so much)
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17:18.56ScytheBlade1... lol
17:19.08*** mode/#wowi-lounge [-b Shirik!*@*] by cladhaire
17:19.21[Liquidor]AD|sneg, you could also (with bigger projects) just prefix your function names. Usually with the initials of your addon. (Like you did with OnLoad)
17:19.51cladhaireAD|sneg: it worked in standalone, because the alias sqrt as a global only exists inside wow.. in lua its math.sqrt
17:21.06[Liquidor]So WoW API doesn't use math?
17:21.11Shiriksure they do
17:21.13Shirikthey just made synonyms
17:21.17Shiriksqrt = math.sqrt
17:21.20[Liquidor]Well that's what I meant
17:21.24cladhairethere are just aliases, a whole slew of them.
17:21.29[Liquidor]Do they have the math lib then?
17:21.31foxlitmath is still there
17:21.32cladhaireno, sqrt is faster than math.sqrt
17:21.33cladhaireyes, they do.
17:21.51Shirikcladhaire: sqrt and math.sqrt are the same function
17:21.56cladhaireyes, i know this
17:21.59cladhairebut sqrt is faster
17:22.00Shirikthe only reason sqrt would be faster would be the one less table access
17:22.05cladhaireno shit sherlock
17:22.06cladhairestill faster
17:22.19[Liquidor]cladhaire, to whom? The writer or the execution?
17:22.20foxlit>>> os.clock()
17:22.21Cidefoxlit: 0.003
17:22.23foxlit>>> os.clock()
17:22.24Cidefoxlit: 0.003
17:22.30Shirikyou implied the function was faster, it's not :P "sqrt is faster" or "accessing sqrt is faster" :P
17:22.30cladhaire[Liquidor]: minimally, yes.
17:22.41cladhaireno, you read an implication into my words
17:22.56ts|skromI declare myself "sexy"
17:23.00cladhairethey were general.
17:23.02cladhaireyou are the one who chose the wrong meaning.
17:23.19cladhairelua> local s = os.clock(); local sqrt = getfenv(0).sqrt; for i=1,1e7 do local i = sqrt(169) end; print(os.clock() - s)
17:23.27cladbotcladhaire: sandbox.lua:140: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
17:23.30cladhairelua> local s = os.clock(); local sqrt = getfenv(0).sqrt; for i=1,1e6 do local i = sqrt(169) end; print(os.clock() - s)
17:23.39cladbotcladhaire: sandbox.lua:140: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
17:23.48cladhairelua> local s = os.clock(); local sqrt = getfenv(0).sqrt; for i=1,1e5 do local i = sqrt(169) end; print(os.clock() - s)
17:23.50cladbotcladhaire: 1.234375
17:23.55[Liquidor]So ehm... if sqrt is an alias, the execution time is actually bigger than using math.sqrt since with sqrt you'll have to lookup the alias table?
17:23.59foxlit>>> tab ={f=function(...) return ...; end}; f = tab.f; s1=os.clock(); for i=1,1e4 do a = f(1); end print(os.clock()-s1);
17:24.00Cidefoxlit: 0.012
17:24.05cladhairelua> local s = os.clock(); for i=1,1e5 do local i = sqrt(169) end; print(os.clock() - s)
17:24.07cladbotcladhaire: 1.265625
17:24.08foxlit>>> tab ={f=function(...) return ...; end}; f = tab.f; s1=os.clock(); for i=1,1e4 do a = tab.f(1); end print(os.clock()-s1);
17:24.08Cidefoxlit: 0.016
17:24.12cladhairelua> local s = os.clock(); for i=1,1e5 do local i = math.sqrt(169) end; print(os.clock() - s)
17:24.14cladbotcladhaire: 1.296875
17:24.23cladhairefoxlit: no, the alias is just a global table lookup, same as any global variable
17:24.39Legorol[Liquidor]: ithink you misunderstood the meaning of the word "alias"
17:24.40cladhaireit goes local variable, global variable, global lookup+table lookup
17:24.55foxlitcladhaire: I don't really see what you're talking about.
17:24.58LegorolLua as a language doesn't have the concept of "aliases", it was meant in the English language sense
17:25.08cog|work[Liquidor]: re: /rl, yes... you could think of it as an abstraction.
17:25.09[Liquidor]What Legorol said
17:25.14cladhairefoxlit: i just tested, and showed you
17:25.17AD|snegoki guys. it seems it works now. i will do a bit of testing and release it to my guild. if they like it I might see you on wowi :P gl all
17:25.25foxlitI think what I did is a pretty reasonable approximation of math.sqrt() vs sqrt()
17:25.47cladhairewhat i did is a direct test of math.sqrt versus sqrt()
17:25.50cladhaireand sqrt is faster, as I said.
17:26.01Shirikbarely, but it is
17:26.03foxlitWhich is exactly the same as me? :)
17:26.14Shirikout of 10^5 operations you got a difference of what... .03 sec?
17:26.20Shirikbut you can't deny it's faster
17:26.28cladhairei'm not
17:26.33ShirikI know =)
17:26.41cladhaire~stab shirik
17:26.41purlACTION runs at shirik with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
17:27.00foxlit"no, the alias is just a global table lookup, same as any global variable" that doesn't make sense - what are you saying "no" to?
17:27.01[Liquidor]Typical geek arguements :>
17:27.40ts|skromWe can start talking about some obscure sports team or perhaps the latest movie stars if it'll help
17:27.42cladhaireI was responding to the person I was having a conversation withm oddly enough
17:27.45cladhaire[Liquidor]: So ehm... if sqrt is an alias, the execution time is actually bigger than using math.sqrt since with sqrt you'll have to lookup the alias table?[Liquidor]: So ehm... if sqrt is an alias, the execution time is actually bigger than using math.sqrt since with sqrt you'll have to lookup the alias table?
17:28.06[Liquidor]You can only be a prof. if someone else is against your theories.
17:28.10foxlit[19:25] <cladhaire> foxlit: i just tested, and showed you
17:28.17foxlitWrong quote, sec :)
17:28.26cladhairethere's no mystery
17:28.31Legorol[Liquidor]: ignore the use of the word "alias" and there are no problems
17:28.32ShirikBut yeah, [Liquidor], there is no "alias table." You're just making another variable, named sqrt
17:28.34foxlit[19:24] <cladhaire> foxlit: no, the alias is just a global table lookup, same as any global variable
17:28.47cladhairethen it was a tab mis-complete.
17:28.59Shiriklies, nobody ever incorrectly tab completes
17:29.09[Liquidor]But ehm
17:29.20ts|skromYou are so right Saint-N
17:29.32[Liquidor]Does WoW API calculate within sqrt() or does it forward you to math.sqrt?
17:29.35ts|skromer ScytheBlade1
17:29.42ScytheBlade1er hi
17:29.42Shirik[Liquidor]: They are the same function
17:29.44Shiriklike this
17:29.49Legorol[Liquidor]: neither to be precise, or both
17:29.50foxlit[Liquidor]: sqrt == math.sqrt
17:29.51Legorolthey are the same thing
17:29.53cladhairelua> math.sqrt == sqrt
17:29.53cladbotcladhaire: true
17:30.02cog|workts|skrom: who are you referring to again?
17:30.04Legorol[Liquidor]: ok, fundamental introduction to Lua variables and functions
17:30.07ts|skromignore me ScytheBlade1 you were the vehicle for a joke ;-)
17:30.08Shirik>>> function foo() print("bar"); end; baz = foo; baz(); print(foo, baz);
17:30.08CideShirik: "bar",  function: 007CCC88,  function: 007CCC88
17:30.12ShirikNotice the addresses are the same
17:30.17Legorola Lua variable only contains the *reference* to a function
17:30.25ShirikThe same concept exists for math.sqrt and sqrt
17:30.28ShirikThey are the same thing
17:30.31ScytheBlade1ts|skrom, consider you ignored!
17:30.34[Liquidor]So where and how does WoW store info saying that sqrt == math.sqrt ?
17:30.35Legorolwhen you do the assignment sqrt = math.sqrt, you make both variables refer to the same function
17:30.41Shirik[Liquidor]: sqrt is a variable, nothing more
17:30.46ShirikIt was set to math.sqrt during load
17:30.46[Liquidor]Arh I see.
17:31.02Shirikfunctions are variables, btw. Very important concept in Lua
17:31.08LegorolShirik: they are NOT
17:31.23Legorolor, more precisely, function *references* are values
17:31.27Legorolthat you can store in variables
17:31.32Legorola function itself is not a value ;-)
17:32.11Shirikas a result, a table key can be a function (reference), or tables can store functions (references), etc.
17:32.14ShirikThere's nothing wrong with this:
17:32.18cog|workwow... i think this is the first time #wowi-lounge has filled up chatzilla's history within 2 hours...
17:32.38ts|skromit's because I'm here <3
17:32.40Legorolis anyone keeping tabs on the record number of people online?
17:32.42Shirik>>> function foo() print("bar") end; t = {}; t[foo] = 1; for k,v in pairs(t) do k(); print(v); end
17:32.43CideShirik: "bar",  1
17:32.43Legorol119 atm
17:32.44[Liquidor]cog|work, am I supposed to apologize for that? :)
17:32.57cog|workThunder_Child and I started it, actually :P
17:33.18Legorolcog|work: you started something? what have you done again ..
17:33.21*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
17:33.32ShirikIn fact, [Liquidor], there are many people (myself included) who occasionally use this feature to simplify storing things
17:33.37Shirikusing function references as indexes for tables
17:33.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
17:34.32Legorol[Liquidor]: the argument that the guys had earlier was if it's faster to call the function via the global variable sqrt, or via the table entry math.sqrt
17:34.36[Liquidor]Didn't know a function could have a value o.O
17:34.38cog|workLegorol: Thunder_Child and I were having a battle of Last Words
17:34.45Legorolthey both would be calling the same function, because they are both variables that reference the same function
17:34.55Legorol[Liquidor]: no a function doesn't have a value
17:35.05Shirik[Liquidor]: PErhaps this will simplify things
17:35.11Shirikfunction foo() --[[code]] end
17:35.13Shirikis nothing more than
17:35.17Shirikfoo = function() --[[code]] end
17:35.19Legorolbut a variable that stores the reference toa  function may be thought of as having a value
17:35.26Shiriki.e., foo is a variable, which is getting a function
17:35.27LegorolShirik: good example
17:35.33Legorolno, it's not getting a function
17:35.37Legorolit's getting a reference to that function
17:35.38Shirika function reference -_-
17:35.43Legorolvery important distinction
17:35.55Legorolfunction foo() end
17:36.00Legorolbar = foo
17:36.15Legorolnow we have too variables: foo and bar
17:36.20[Liquidor]>>> function foo() print("bar") end; t = {}; t[foo] = 1; for k,v in pairs(t) do k(); print(v); end
17:36.21Cide[Liquidor]: "bar",  1
17:36.22Legoroland they contain the same value
17:36.25ShirikAnd you will find that those two vars are located at the same address
17:36.25[Liquidor]I don't get that one
17:36.27Legorolbcause they reference the same function
17:36.31Shirik[Liquidor]: Because, note it CALLS the key
17:36.38Shirikand foo's job is to print "bar"
17:36.59Shirikif you simply printed k instead of calling k, you would see a difference
17:36.59AD|sneghm whats the alias for math.pow?
17:37.00Legorol>>> function () end; bar = foo; print(tostring(foo)); print(tostring(bar))
17:37.00CideLegorol: [string "function () end; bar = foo; print(tostring(foo)); print(tostrin..."]:1: '<name>' expected near '('
17:37.03[Liquidor]I get it now
17:37.04AD|sneg__pow doesnt seem to work
17:37.10cog|work>>> function foo() end; bar = foo; function foo() end; print(foo, bar)
17:37.10Cidecog|work: function: 0089CC88,  function: 0089CC68
17:37.14Legorol>>> function foo() end; bar = foo; print(tostring(foo)); print(tostring(bar))
17:37.14CideLegorol: "function: 0016CD30",  "function: 0016CD30"
17:37.19Legorolbut also:
17:37.27Legorol>>> foo = function() end; bar = foo; print(tostring(foo)); print(tostring(bar))
17:37.28CideLegorol: "function: 002ACD30",  "function: 002ACD30"
17:37.36Legorolnote how the two exapmles are identical
17:37.44ShirikAnd most importantly ....
17:37.49Shirik>>> return sqrt, math.sqrt
17:37.50CideShirik: function: 0026A330,  function: 0026A330
17:38.03Legorolhere is the key point: Lua only has the concept of variables, which store a reference to a function
17:38.05cladhaireAD|sneg: the metatable entry for pow? is __powe
17:38.07cladhaire__pow rather
17:38.21Legorolas Shirik said earlier, when you do function foo() ... end, you are technically not just creating a function,
17:38.23AD|snegsays its nil value
17:38.24cog|workLegorol: print takes vararg and does tostring on each one :P
17:38.37Legorolyou are creating a function *and* making sure the variable foo is referencing it
17:38.42cladhaireAD|sneg: you're not making sense.
17:38.48cladhaireAD|sneg: What are you trying to do?
17:38.50Legorolcog|work: i know that very well
17:39.05Legoroli wanted to emphasise the point that the contents of the variable is being converted to a string representation
17:39.13AD|snegwell i tries to replace math.pow with its wow api alias. so i said __pow(x, y); it gives an error
17:39.14Legorolthat point gets lost if you do print(foo)
17:39.25cladhaireAD|sneg: no.. just use math.pow
17:39.28LegorolAD|sneg: who said that __pow exists
17:39.32Legorolit doesn't
17:39.34AD|snegwowwiki did :)
17:39.39cladhaireAD|sneg: __pow only comes into play when you're defining a metamethod
17:39.40Legorolwowwiki is lying
17:39.42ShirikAD|sneg: That's a metamethod
17:39.46cladhairei sincerely doubt that
17:39.52Legorolor you read the wrong page the wrong way :)
17:39.57[Liquidor]AD|sneg link
17:40.00cladhaireyou don't need to change any of the math. functions
17:40.03cladhairejust use them
17:40.06AD|snegfirst in the list
17:40.11AD|snegcant miss it
17:40.15cog|workdoesn't Lua use a __pow index metamethod on the global environment to define the behavior of the ^ operator?
17:40.21Legorolas i said, wowwiki is lying
17:40.42Shirikwho wrote that
17:40.46ShirikI want to ~lart them too
17:40.46Legorolthere is no __pow in WoW, or standard Lua, as a global variable
17:40.47cladhairecog|work: it wouldn't be on the genv, it would be on the number metatable.
17:40.57[Liquidor]What about just pow() ?
17:41.18*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
17:41.21[Liquidor]Then make your own pow()
17:41.27cog|workor just use ^
17:41.30Shirikfixed wowwiki :P
17:41.39cladhaireyou were right ahead of me.
17:41.44cladhairelua> pow
17:41.44cladbotcladhaire: nil
17:41.48cladhairelua> exp
17:41.48cladbotcladhaire: function: 0x806f700
17:41.48Shirikvictorious again!
17:41.54cladhaireuse math.pow()
17:41.58cladhairethere's absolutely 0 reason not to.
17:42.06cog|workwhy not use the operator?
17:42.13Legorolglobal variables that reference functions as of patch 2.1.3 whose name is all lowercase:
17:42.14Shirikbecause the operator shouldn't exist -_-
17:42.19cog|worklua> 2^8
17:42.19cladbotcog|work: 256
17:42.20ShirikThis is one thing I detest about lua
17:42.22cladhairecog|work: if you want the function
17:42.42Rallion^ means binary xor!
17:42.49AD|snegis there anyway to stop addon code execution?
17:42.54ShirikRallion: Wrong language :P
17:42.55AD|snegsomething like error()?
17:42.58ShirikAD|sneg: exactly
17:43.14RallionShirik, I am speaking not of a specific language, but of truth!
17:43.18Shirikassert will also, if that's something you're looking for
17:43.19AD|snegi can just use error() ?
17:43.25ShirikAD|sneg: If you want
17:43.33cladhairekrka: oh, i foudn an issue with the loop detection code I added to WowLua and I'm not sure how to solve it.
17:43.34ShirikThere are certain cases when it won't stop execution
17:43.35Legorollol cog|work
17:43.46Shiriksuch as from within a protected environment
17:43.50Shirikbut you shouldn't have to worry about that
17:43.58[Liquidor]What's wrong with function pow(a,b) return math.pow(a,b) end; ?
17:44.01AD|sneghm... will that bring up a window with a lua eror ingame?
17:44.12cog|work[Liquidor]: because that adds an extra layer
17:44.12cladhaire[Liquidor]: there's no good reason, whatsoever to define that.
17:44.17Legorol[Liquidor]: that'll be significantly slower than pow = math.pow
17:44.26[Liquidor]oh yeah
17:44.31ShirikAD|sneg: Yes
17:44.34[Liquidor]pow = math.pow --- forgot that -.-
17:44.34AD|snegcus i would rather print my error message in red in a chat window and just stop execution
17:44.37ShirikAssuming they have errors turned on
17:44.40krkacladhaire: interesting
17:44.48Legorol[Liquidor]: if you do it your way, you are creating a new function, which is calling math.pow
17:44.53cladhaire[Liquidor]: just call exp() or use the operator
17:44.56ShirikAD|sneg: Then you can wrap a protected environment, set an error handler, or just structure your code better
17:44.57cog|workAD|sneg: change the error handler for your addon
17:45.14krkacladhaire: do elaborate
17:45.23AD|snegerror handler? :)
17:45.52ShirikAD|sneg: I would strongly suggest you don't do that right now
17:45.53[Liquidor]Legorol, I know. I'm still not good at functions, variables and values being mixed.
17:46.03Shirikinstead, think about why you're using error(), and rework your code so you don't need it
17:46.06Legorol[Liquidor]: i know, that's why we keep pointing out these things
17:46.10ShirikI think your code can be structured better
17:46.19Shirikerror() should really only be used in cases of actual errors
17:46.19Legorolwe are nitpicking, yes, but that's because you'll find that most people here like to be precise and get technical
17:46.23Legorolthat's the way you can learn
17:46.24cladhairekrka: its my error, just need to work it out.. essentially the end-value of 5 seconds from instantiation is an upvalue.. so if the function ever goes above 5 seconds, it never gets run again :P
17:46.29Shiriksuch as in an API, detecting when bad inputs are given
17:46.34krka[Liquidor]: lua actually most certainly does NOT mix functions, variables, and values
17:46.36AD|sneghm... well i found a syntax error in a users code
17:46.40krkavariables and values are very much distinct
17:46.43AD|snegand i want to stop executing
17:46.44krkafunction is a type of value
17:46.49Shirikok that's a decent reason to do it
17:46.53Legorolkrka: incorrect
17:46.55Shirikbut if it's users code, I would recommend using a pcall then
17:46.58Legorolfunction reference is a type of value ;-)
17:47.03Legorolthat's how i like to say it anyway
17:47.10Legorola function is more abstract than that
17:47.12krkaisn't that what i said?
17:47.15AD|snegi can print a message to chat window and then do return nil
17:47.18ShirikLet me figure this out, you're doing loadstring() right?
17:47.19krkai actually know all that you know :P
17:47.21Shirikand then calling it?
17:47.23[Liquidor]Now I'm getting confused...
17:47.26AD|snegthat way i wouldnt need an error()
17:47.30Legorolkrka: i know that you know more than i know
17:47.31cladhaireLegorol: that has a negative way of putting things as well
17:47.38Shirik~lart cog|work
17:47.38purlblames cog|work for all the evil in the world
17:47.40cog|workkrka: i loved your bot
17:47.40Legorolcladhaire: i agree
17:47.52ShirikAD|sneg: So you're getting the user's code and then loadstring() it and then call it, right?
17:47.52krkacladhaire: oh i see
17:48.00cladhaireLegorol: you can't claim Lua has first class values, if you only ever get the reference.
17:48.20cladhairesemantics, but still an issue.
17:48.26Legorolcladhaire: true, but on the other hand i like to separate the notion of functions from function references
17:48.32Shirikyou get more than the reference :D
17:48.35cladhairethen use prototypes, and functions
17:48.39Legorolotherwise you can't explain properly why function f() end is the same as f=function() end
17:48.44[Liquidor]local bar = 1; local foo = bar; ---- variables aight? So if bar == function() --something end; then what is the term called for doing local foo = bar; ?
17:48.48cladhaireyes you can, its syntactic sugar
17:48.56cladhairechanged by the compiler.
17:49.01krkaLegorol: for discussions that doesn't actually require the semantics of function, closure, prototype, et.c. i just say "function" since that's what lua calls the closure type
17:49.04cladhairethere's no more magic than that.
17:49.05*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Shirik!n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
17:49.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
17:49.13Legorolkrka: ok
17:49.34*** kick/#wowi-lounge [cog|work!n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
17:49.37LegorolCairenn: what's the wink! give us your secret
17:49.40*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
17:49.50Cairennfeel loved now cog|work?
17:49.51krkacladhaire: do you have to store the timer as an upvalue? you could use the environment instead, no?
17:49.53Thunder_Childhey Shirik, i thought autojoin was forbidden here...
17:49.54cladhaireLegorol: if you have difficulty explaining why function f() end is the same as f = function() end, I would challenge you to alter your description, not change the words and the meanings of them entirely.
17:50.03ShirikThunder_Child: I am full of forbidden.... stuff
17:50.04cog|workwho wouldn't love getting kicked by Cairenn?
17:50.20CairennThunder_Child: since when?
17:50.24cladhairekrka: i can calculate it at the start of the block, I think.. I'll have to look at it some more. I also had an issue with funtions with return values, where it inserted the code before the return, and the end.
17:50.27cladhairefixed that one straight away
17:50.29Thunder_Childthat eww was @ Shirik
17:50.30Legorolcladhaire: all right, how about this: function f() end. Now tell me: what is f?
17:50.38Mr_Rabies2i've never understood the hatred of autojoin
17:50.40Shirika variable!
17:50.50Mr_Rabies2if you don't want them coming back instantly, ban them for as long as you want them to stay :O
17:50.51[Liquidor]But isn't function f() end; the same as f = function() end; ? I know that one takes up more memory than the other but...?
17:50.52cladhairef is a variable, which is bound to the created function.
17:50.52Shirikit's also the letter that comes before g
17:50.53Legoroland what is that variable storing?
17:50.56krkaf is a variable pointing the function closure just created
17:51.02Shirikand after e
17:51.08CairennI was referring to the comment suggesting that autojoin was forbidden, Thunder_Child
17:51.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
17:51.19AD|snegGuys, what about i introduce a global ADDONNAME_STOP. i check it at a required time and use an if statement to stop execution, will that be ok ?
17:51.20Shirik[Liquidor]: They are the same
17:51.24Shirikand they take equal amount of memory
17:51.34AD|snegcus i cant use return nil :/ nature of my application doesnt allow it
17:51.36ShirikAD|sneg: Did you see my earlier suggestion?
17:51.46AD|snegwill do in a sec:P
17:51.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
17:51.47ShirikAre you using loadstring() for a user's code?
17:51.51krka[Liquidor]: they are compiled to exactly the same bytecode
17:51.54Legorol[Liquidor]: they are completely identical
17:51.58Thunder_ChildCairenn, i thought that was a freenode rule...i remeber you guys bitching at someone way way way back when for doing that
17:52.00Shirikif so, there is a much simpler way
17:52.02[Liquidor]So what's the prob? :)
17:52.06AD|snegno i get it from a command line
17:52.16Shirikbut what do you do with the stuff from command line
17:52.18Legorolthere is no problem, it's just the usual krka vs. Lego vs. clad arguments
17:52.22Legorol(not sure who is on whose side atm)
17:52.26AD|snegi parse it
17:52.26cladhairekrka and i aren't arguing
17:52.27Thunder_ChildCairenn, err..autorejoin or something along thoes lines
17:52.32Shirikyou parse it? It's not lua code?
17:52.40Cairennno, the person we were bitching at was someone that wasn't welcome in the channel, and we were trying to get them to just be decent and not come back, without requiring a +b
17:52.40Legorolusually i'm the one on the wrong side :)
17:52.41krkaoh sorry, this is abuse
17:52.43AD|snegits maths :P
17:52.47krkaarguments are down the hall to the right
17:52.59cog|workAD|sneg: then just print a message and exit from the function that parses it...
17:53.00cladhairei disagree with you changing words due to inability to explain a concept!
17:53.01Legoroldiscussion then, fine!
17:53.06Legorolyou want to argue about that, krka? ;-)
17:53.24krkayou can't just say the opposite of what i'm saying and call that arguing!
17:53.29krka"yes i can"
17:53.33cladhaireno you can't.
17:53.43Legorolcladhaire: i never failed to explain the concept
17:53.50Legorolwhat gave you that idea?
17:53.54AD|sneghow do i exit from the function  ? :) exit() ? :)
17:53.57ts|skromOkay what happened last year in the summer months (jun, jul, aug 2006)
17:54.03LegorolAD|sneg: return
17:54.12ts|skromevery game company I've looked at's stock has PLUMMETED during that time
17:54.16AD|snegi cant do that
17:54.22cog|workwhy not?
17:54.24Legorolsure you can
17:54.26cladhaireLegorol: "otherwise you can't explain properly why function f() end is the same as f=function() end"
17:54.29Legorolyou can always use return whenever you like
17:54.44Shirikwell, within reason
17:54.45Legorolok, ok you win
17:54.47AD|snegwell, my parser is a series of recursive calls to BNF rules
17:54.52krkats|skrom: autotravel was alive at those months, causing blizzard to gain an enormous amount of new players, causing all other game companies to suffer
17:54.54[Liquidor]Usually I prefer to do local variable = function() end; to create a couple of functions I use repeatidly (for easier reading as well) however in most occations I'm having trouble with passing on variables, specially when it comes to OO and self :-/
17:55.02Legorolkrka: lol
17:55.05AD|snegso you might have /calc (2+2/4)^(2-)
17:55.07Shirikyou can't do "function return foo return () return end"
17:55.18ShirikAdys: There's a much easier way :P
17:55.20krkahmm... or maybe that was 2 years ago
17:55.22Shirikif that's all you want to do
17:55.23AD|snegif i return nil at a point of (2-<no value here doh>)
17:55.31Shiriksorry Adys!!
17:55.40AD|snegthen i m just gona have a tree structure with a nil as a child somewhere
17:55.48clad|awayHeaded to the store.. I'll be back in a bit.
17:55.50AD|snegits too involved to check all the tree
17:55.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan- (i=aj@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:709)
17:56.05Cairennlater clad
17:56.05cog|workAD|sneg: so you're using recursion to parse it then?
17:56.09Shirik>>> function SV.calc(str) local f = assert(loadstring(str)); return f(); end
17:56.09CideShirik: nil
17:56.19AD|snegkind of.
17:56.25Shirik>>> SV.calc("(2+2/4)^(2-3)")
17:56.26CideShirik: [string "function SV.calc(str) local f = assert(load..."]:1: [string "(2+2/4)^(2-3)"]:1: syntax error near '^'
17:56.27AD|snegrecursive bnf rules
17:56.37Shirikoh oops
17:56.43Shirik>>> function SV.calc(str) local f = assert(loadstring("return "..str)); return f(); end
17:56.44CideShirik: nil
17:56.48AD|snegsomething like mainexp : unaryopt ( ( PLUS^ | MINUS^ ) term )*
17:56.50Shirik>>> SV.calc("(2+2/4)^(2-3)")
17:56.51CideShirik: 0.4
17:56.58Thunder_Childbah!, c & l stay to close on my client...what i saw was "(10:56:12) (@Cairenn) later dad"
17:57.12Shirikhai Cidan
17:57.15[Liquidor]What's SV. ?
17:57.18Shiriksaved variables
17:57.24LegorolCide: why not do return assert(loadstring(str))()
17:57.25krka>>> SV = nil
17:57.26Shiriknormally any globals you make are just thrown out when done
17:57.26Cidekrka: nil
17:57.29cog|workAD|sneg: as Shirik is trying to show you, all you need to do is use lua's buil-in parser
17:57.40Shirikanything in the SV table will persist
17:57.41cog|workdamn you krka
17:57.46Shirikkrka T_T
17:57.47cog|work>>> SV
17:57.48Cidecog|work: { ["GetRandomArgument"] = function: 007CC8E8, ["Cide_domath"] = function: 00366D60, ["poo"] = false, ["mathwithops"] = { ["-"] = function: 007CCA08, ["/"] = function: 007CCA48, ["+"] = function: 007CC... (exceeded 200 characters)
17:58.04krka>>> SV = {}
17:58.05Cidekrka: nil
17:58.11cog|work>>> SV
17:58.11Cidecog|work: { ["GetRandomArgument"] = function: 007CC8E8, ["Cide_domath"] = function: 00216D60, ["poo"] = false, ["mathwithops"] = { ["-"] = function: 007CCA08, ["/"] = function: 007CCA48, ["+"] = function: 007CC... (exceeded 200 characters)
17:58.17clad|awaymy SV can't be nuked :P
17:58.17Shirik<3 Cide
17:58.18krkahehe :)
17:58.19clad|awaylua> SV
17:58.20cladbotclad|away: { ["GetRandomArgument"] = function: 0x80e32c0 } (#1)
17:58.21AD|snegits not challenging :P
17:58.31ckknight>>> for k in pairs(SV) do SV[k] = nil end
17:58.31Cideckknight: nil
17:58.31AD|snegi wanted to write my own and see whether i can do it
17:58.32krka>>> for k, v in pairs(SV) do SV[k] = nil] end
17:58.32Cidekrka: [string "for k, v in pairs(SV) do SV[k] = nil] end"]:1: unexpected symbol near ']'
17:58.37ckknight>>> SV
17:58.37Cideckknight: { ["GetRandomArgument"] = function: 0018C8E8, ["Cide_domath"] = function: 00166D60, ["poo"] = false, ["mathwithops"] = { ["-"] = function: 0018CA08, ["/"] = function: 0018CA48, ["+"] = function: 0018C... (exceeded 200 characters)
17:58.41ckknightah, damn
17:58.44ShirikStop trying to kill my stuff T_T
17:58.45cog|workcide wins
17:58.52ckknight>>> for k in pairs(SV) do SV[k] = false end
17:58.52Cideckknight: nil
17:58.54ckknight>>> SV
17:58.55Cideckknight: { ["GetRandomArgument"] = false, ["Cide_domath"] = false, ["poo"] = false, ["mathwithops"] = false, ["mathops"] = false, ["domathpart"] = false, ["calc"] = false, ["Shirik_domath"] = false, ["mathopsm... (exceeded 200 characters)
17:58.58Shirikdamn it!
17:59.16krka>>> for i = 1, 1e6 do SV[i] = i^2 end
17:59.20ckknightsorry, it's my natural instinct to break things
17:59.28Cidekrka: nil
17:59.30ckknightlol, krka
17:59.32krka>>> SV
17:59.33Cidekrka: {  } (#1)
17:59.34ckknight>>> SV
17:59.34Cideckknight: {  } (#1)
17:59.51Shirik>>> SV.GetRandomArgument = function(...) local n = select('#', ...); return (select(math.random(1,n), ...)) end
17:59.51CideShirik: nil
17:59.59Shirik>>> SV.GetRandomArgument(1,2,3,4,5)
17:59.59CideShirik: 2
18:00.21krkai really want native functions for handling ... stuff
18:00.27krka...[i] and #... FTW
18:00.31krka(in constant time)
18:00.36ckknight>>> SV.fib = setmetatable({[0]=0,[1]=1}, {__index=function(self, key) local v = self[key-2]+self[key-1]; self[key] = v; return v})
18:00.37Cideckknight: [string "SV.fib = setmetatable({[0]=0,[1]=1}, {__index=function(self, ke..."]:1: 'end' expected near '}'
18:00.53ckknight>>> SV.fib = setmetatable({[0]=0,[1]=1}, {__index=function(self, key) local v = self[key-2]+self[key-1]; self[key] = v; return v; end})
18:00.53Cideckknight: nil
18:00.56Legorolkrka: i wish it was possible to have varargs in the middle of an argument list
18:01.01ckknight>>> SV.fib[10]
18:01.01Cideckknight: nil
18:01.02Legorolor in other words, list concatenation
18:01.03cog|workckknight: i used that on a test at a job interview ><
18:01.05krkayou and your arguments
18:01.08krkayou mean your discussion list
18:01.09ckknight>>> return SV.fib[10]
18:01.09ShirikLegorol: Do any languages let you do that?
18:01.09Cideckknight: nil
18:01.16ShirikI know C++ doesn't...
18:01.17Legorolkrka: but i know why it's not possible
18:01.21ckknightdoes SV not save metatables?
18:01.26Shiriknor does Java
18:01.29Shirikckknight: Maybe not
18:01.32cog|workckknight: maybe not
18:01.37Shirikcog|work get out of my head!
18:01.41[Liquidor]ckknight, maybe not
18:01.44cog|workShirik: get out of my head
18:01.51art3mislies java can do anything!
18:01.51LegorolShirik: it doesn't matter, i'm equivalent asking for being able to do v = (a,b,c)..(x,y,z) in some fashion
18:01.56art3misit says so on thier page
18:02.01Legorolbut Lua doesn't allow for that because of its design
18:02.10krka>>> SV[100]
18:02.10Cidekrka: nil
18:02.11cog|workwow... my chat history has < 1/2 hour now...
18:02.17krka>>> for i = 1, 1e3 do SV[i] = i^2 end
18:02.17Cidekrka: nil
18:02.20krka>>> SV[100]
18:02.20Cidekrka: 10000
18:02.25krka>>> SV
18:02.25Cidekrka: { 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256, 289, 324, 361, 400, 441, 484, 529, 576, 625, 676, 729, 784, 841, 900, 961, 1024, 1089, 1156, 1225, 1296, 1369, 1444, 1521, 1600, 1... (exceeded 200 characters)
18:02.31ckknight>>> getmetatable(SV.fib)
18:02.31Cideckknight: nil
18:02.36Shirik>>> getmetatable(SV)
18:02.36CideShirik: nil
18:02.56Shirikanyway, I do need to get my car inspected
18:03.00ShirikI should probably go do that
18:03.09krka>>> for i = 1e3, 1e4 do SV[i] = i^2 end
18:03.10Cidekrka: nil
18:03.14krka>>> for i = 1e4, 1e5 do SV[i] = i^2 end
18:03.15Cidekrka: nil
18:03.16ckknight>>> SV
18:03.19krka>>> for i = 1e5, 1e6 do SV[i] = i^2 end
18:03.29Shirikgood job guys you broke Cide :P
18:03.35krkayou bastards!
18:03.37ckknightthat was the general point
18:03.46ShirikJust when we thought we had everything worked out
18:03.46krkabots are made to be broken
18:03.54Shirikrunning user code sucks
18:03.57krka>>> for i = 1e5, 2e5 do SV[i] = i^2 end
18:04.22Shirikanyway, AD|sneg, seriously, that's the easiest way to do it
18:04.28krkaif the SV is saved using luas own mechanism, i can easily break it
18:04.32Shirikif you really want to restrict to only math, you just have to restrict the incoming characters
18:04.34foxlit>>> print("dead");
18:04.35krkajust by overflowing number of constants to store
18:05.01cog|workkrka: the constant limit is per-file, correct?
18:05.08krkacog|work: correct
18:05.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
18:05.14krkaor, per chunk, more accurately
18:05.20cog|workwas just going to say that:P
18:05.50krkai think 2.6e5 is fairly close to the limit (2^18)
18:05.56krkaso i probably messed it up
18:06.03*** part/#wowi-lounge herzogthc (
18:06.03*** join/#wowi-lounge herzogthc (
18:06.09herzogthcdesynchronization is awesome
18:06.25[Liquidor]Could someone hit my head with a big hammer please? Just enough to force my brain to understand metatables....
18:06.26Cideckknight: { 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256, 289, 324, 361, 400, 441, 484, 529, 576, 625, 676, 729, 784, 841, 900, 961, 1024, 1089, 1156, 1225, 1296, 1369, 1444, 1521, 1600, 1... (exceeded 200 characters)
18:06.26Cidekrka: nil
18:06.39[Liquidor]Cide is recovering
18:06.44ckknightno, he's not.
18:07.10RallionCide is a robot.
18:07.14krka>>> #SV
18:07.14Cidekrka: 0
18:07.16Shiriklua> function clean(s) for x = 1, #s do local c = string.byte(string.sub(s, x, 1)); if not ((c > '0' and c < '9') or (c == '+' or c == '-' or c == '*' or c == '/' or c == '^' or c == '(' or c == ')')) then error("Unexpected character "..c); end end clean("123")
18:07.16cladbotShirik: sandbox.lua:260: Compilation failed: [string "function clean(s) for x = 1, #s do local c = string.byte(string..."]:1: 'end' expected near '<eof>'
18:07.23Shirikwell something like that
18:07.23Shirikso yeah
18:07.40Cideyay, I'm alive
18:07.43Shirikhi Cide
18:07.49ShirikI promise I didn't do it
18:07.53krkaCide: how are you loading your saved variables?
18:07.56foxlitShirik: string.match("[Boo-Hiss]")
18:08.06Shirikoh yeah
18:08.13Cidekrka: loaded into lua? loadstring, iirc
18:08.16ShirikI was thinking C man
18:08.18Cideor dofile
18:08.19krkaah i see
18:08.24herzogthcahhh ok I understand the function now
18:08.30krkawhat happens if loading SV fails?
18:08.41Shirikdeath and destruction
18:08.43Shirikthe end of the world
18:08.43Cidepretty sure it's pcalled
18:09.03ckknight>>> SV.fib = {}; SV.fib[1] = SV.fib
18:09.04Cideckknight: nil
18:09.08ckknight>>> SV.fib
18:09.08Cideckknight: { <table: #1> } (#1)
18:09.45krkaso SV is nil if it fails to load?
18:09.55Cideno, it should be empety
18:10.14foxlitHow do some functions differentiate between foo() and foo(nil)?
18:10.23krkafor i=1,2^18 do SV[i] = true end
18:10.28krka>>> for i=1,2^18 do SV[i] = true end
18:10.30Cidekrka: nil
18:10.38krka>>> SV
18:10.39Cidekrka: {  } (#1)
18:10.42Cidethe SV table that's visible is just the front end.. it uses another table that it copies the data from (to stop it from being nilled)
18:11.01krkaand that it copies data _to_?
18:11.13Cideyes, that too
18:11.14krkafoxlit: they use ... and use select
18:11.29krkafoxlit: or if they're c functions, they can directly check number of passed parameters
18:11.41Cideso you can add stuff and change stuff, but not delete (well - creating 2^18 entries does that trick)
18:12.05krkayou should make your own table loader :)
18:12.08AD|snegso can you use the lua parser in game?
18:12.12krkaAD|sneg: yes
18:12.20Cidekrka: clearly :)
18:12.38cog|workAD|sneg: but only for text. can't load precompiled code.
18:13.03AD|snegthats very nice. now i can dump my addon
18:13.26cog|workAD|sneg: speaking of dump, check out DevTools
18:13.38cog|workyou can use its /dump command just like you're /calc command
18:13.45cog|workand a whole lot more
18:14.19foxlitDid DevTools ever its coroutine support fixed?
18:14.34AD|snegmmm, its interesting to see how much longer my parser takes to do things than the lua one
18:14.39foxlit./dump coroutine.create(function() end);
18:14.41AD|snegi guess i can time it
18:21.07cog|workthat was... abrupt
18:24.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
18:26.22ShirikAD|sneg: DevTools is god
18:26.23Shirikget it.
18:26.32purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
18:27.30Shirikand on that note
18:27.33Shiriktime to get my car inspected
18:27.36Shiriktake care
18:32.27LunessaGood afternoon folks.  
18:32.33Cairennhey Lunessa
18:36.05LunessaIt has nothing to do with anything other than my personal satisfaction... but DAMN this kebab is good.
18:36.33cog|workI make pretty good kebabs, myself...
18:36.38cog|worknothing but beef & bbq sauce :P
18:36.56Lunessa... BBQ sauce? on Kebab?  HEATHEN
18:37.21cog|workkebab's just food with a stick through it cooked over radiant heat...
18:37.24AD|sneg<Shirik> Calculators are in demand among iliterate barbarians, who havent mastered the art of programming yet :)
18:37.47AD|snegmy mistake was that i havent researched lua well enough
18:37.53Lunessabah... I'm a fan of middle eastern style kebab
18:37.59AD|snegand wrote shitloads of crap noone needs
18:38.08AD|snegbut it was fun
18:38.51CidanShirik|AFK, you're not allowed to get an inspection!
18:39.00cog|workLunessa: i've actually never had those before :(
18:39.06Shirik|AFKAD|sneg: You don't need to know programming
18:39.13Shirik|AFKCidan: o.o
18:39.48Lunessacog|work: you must remedy this at the soonest opportunity.  You will kick yourself for not having done so sooner.
18:40.07AD|sneghm, well yes true. ur right. but as i said it was fun. this is my first work on lua
18:40.13Shirik|AFK>>> SV.calc = function(s) s = assert(loadstring(s), "Unable to process expression"); return s(); end
18:40.13CideShirik|AFK: nil
18:40.14AD|snegwrote it in my free time
18:40.18Shirik|AFKthat's good though :)
18:40.21Shirik|AFKwriting parsers aren't easy
18:40.30Shirik|AFK>>> SV.calc("1+2*3");
18:40.31CideShirik|AFK: [string "SV.calc = function(s) s = assert(loadstring..."]:1: Unable to process expression
18:40.41AD|snegi can post you my code :0
18:40.43Shirik|AFK>>> SV.calc = function(s) s = assert(loadstring("return "..s), "Unable to process expression"); return s(); end
18:40.44CideShirik|AFK: nil
18:40.47Shirik|AFK>>> SV.calc("1+2*3");
18:40.47CideShirik|AFK: [string "SV.calc("1+2*3");"]:1: attempt to call field 'calc' (a nil value)
18:40.56AD|snegon this linky cladhaire gave me
18:41.06CideShirik|AFK: hm?
18:41.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (
18:41.09Shirik|AFKwhat's that all about
18:41.14Shirik|AFK>>> SV.calc
18:41.14CideShirik|AFK: nil
18:41.28CidanShirik|AFK, go get your car inspected
18:41.30Shirik|AFK>>> SV.calc = function(s) s = assert(loadstring("return "..s), "Unable to process expression"); return s(); end
18:41.30CideShirik|AFK: nil
18:41.31Cidemaybe krka borked it
18:41.33Cidanquit being a nerd on IRC, :D
18:41.34Shirik|AFK>>> SV.calc
18:41.34CideShirik|AFK: nil
18:41.46Shirik|AFKCide: It's wierd because the first time, it worked
18:41.47AD|snegi got very interested in how parsers work after writing a compiler for my coursework
18:41.57AD|snegso i wrote a mini parser in lua for wow :)
18:42.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
18:42.09Shirik|AFKCidan: It is my job
18:44.01Shirik|AFKfoxlit: I proposed the solution to that a while back
18:44.54foxlitThe last one I saw didn't fix "(\"pants\"):repeat(1e7)"
18:45.49Shirik|AFKSV.clean = function(s) for x = 1, #s do if not s:sub(x, 1):find("[ 0-9\+\-\^\*\/\(\)]") then error("Unexpected character in expression: "..s:sub(x,1)); end end
18:45.53Shirik|AFK>>> SV.clean = function(s) for x = 1, #s do if not s:sub(x, 1):find("[ 0-9\+\-\^\*\/\(\)]") then error("Unexpected character in expression: "..s:sub(x,1)); end end
18:45.53CideShirik|AFK: [string "SV.clean = function(s) for x = 1, #s do if not s:sub(x, 1):find..."]:1: 'end' expected near '<eof>'
18:46.03Shirik|AFK>>> SV.clean = function(s) for x = 1, #s do if not s:sub(x, 1):find("[ 0-9\+\-\^\*\/\(\)]") then error("Unexpected character in expression: "..s:sub(x,1)); end end end
18:46.03CideShirik|AFK: nil
18:46.23foxlitwth is that?
18:46.29Shirik|AFKthat is me checking the characters
18:46.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Chaotic_D (
18:46.37foxlitWhy are you doing it that way?
18:46.41CidanShirik|AFK, car, now!
18:46.59Shirik|AFK>>> SV.parse = function(s) SV.clean(s); return SV.calc(s); end
18:47.00CideShirik|AFK: nil
18:47.06Shirik|AFK>>> SV.parse("1+2*3");
18:47.06CideShirik|AFK: [string "SV.clean = function(s) for x = 1, #s do if ..."]:1: Unexpected character in expression:
18:47.09foxlitfunction isClean(t) return t:match("[^0-9\+\-\^\*\/\(\)]");
18:47.26foxlitfunction isClean(t) return not t:match("[^0-9\+\-\^\*\/\(\)]"); end
18:47.52foxlitI don't think you have to do all that escaping, either
18:48.04foxlitfunction isClean(t) return not t:match("[^0-9+-^*/()]"); end
18:48.12Shirik|AFK>>> SV.clean = function(s) return not s:find("[^0-9\+\-\^\*\/\(\)]"); end
18:48.12CideShirik|AFK: nil
18:48.14Shirik|AFKI tend to be safe
18:48.22Shirik|AFK>>> SV.parse("1+2*3");
18:48.22CideShirik|AFK: [string "SV.parse = function(s) SV.clean(s); return ..."]:1: attempt to call field 'calc' (a nil value)
18:48.29Shirik|AFKCide! Fix that T_T
18:48.32Chaotic_Danyone know how in LightHeaded I can get the quest starter/ender NPC from the QuestID or Quest Title & Level?
18:48.35Shirik|AFKAnd now I shall go to get my car inspected
18:48.52Cide>>> = function() return "hi" end
18:48.53CideCide: nil
18:48.55CideCide: "hi"
18:49.05krkai didnt bork it!
18:49.08CideShirik|AFK: function: 007C9748
18:49.17Cidetry now
18:49.22CideI erased the SV file
18:49.25krka>>> for i=1,2^18 do SV[i] = true end return #SV
18:49.29Cidekrka: 262144
18:49.33Shirik|AFK>>> SV.clean, SV.calc, SV.parse
18:49.34CideShirik|AFK: nil,  nil,  nil
18:49.47Shirik|AFKI need to go, I'll play later :P
18:49.56Cideyou fail
18:50.00CideI deleted it after you defined them
18:50.02Shirik|AFKdon't want to retype them all :P
18:50.22krka>>> SV.test = "w00t"
18:50.22Cidekrka: nil
18:50.26krka>>> SV.test
18:50.27Chaotic_DLightHeaded is pretty small, but it does so much. It's hard to tell what it's doing.
18:50.27Cidekrka: "w00t"
18:50.30krka>>> for i=1,2^18 do SV[i] = true end return #SV
18:50.34Cidekrka: 262144
18:50.36krka>>> SV.test
18:50.37Cidekrka: nil
18:50.45Shirik|AFKI think it's best that you do something like
18:50.59Shirik|AFKif name == "krka" then error("You ain't gots access anymores noob!"); end
18:51.07krka>>> SV.wipe = function() for i=1,2^18 do SV[i] = true end return #SV end
18:51.08Cidekrka: nil
18:51.30krkaShirik|AFK: hah! i can easily circumvent that
18:51.46foxlitI got a better solution
18:52.06Shirik|AFKif name ~= "Shirik" then error("You are not worthy"); end
18:52.27foxlitSVc = 0; SV = setmetatable(SV, {__newindex=function(t,k,v) SVc = SVc + 1; if SVc > 100 then return; end ... end});
18:52.44krkai could still bork it :P
18:52.51krkawant to see how?
18:53.18krka>>> local t = {} for i=1,2^18 do t[i] = true end SV.wipet = t
18:53.20Cidekrka: nil
18:53.30Chaotic_Dcan I run Lua commands from the WoW chat menu? like Print(LightHeaded.QIDToTitleLevel(2345)) ??
18:53.33krka>>> SV.wipet
18:53.34Cidekrka: nil
18:53.53krkasee what i did there foxlit? :)
18:54.01foxlitYes, but I can work around that
18:54.08krkai can work around your workaround
18:54.31foxlitCheck that incoming tables have a sane number of entries
18:54.41foxlitAssign the same limiter metatable to the nested tables
18:54.46krkawhat if i make a huge binary tree instead?
18:55.07foxlitCount any sort of added value to anywhere in SV as 1 addition :)
18:55.30krkathe proper solution of course is to make a custom lua table loader
18:56.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
18:58.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
18:58.53Chaotic_Dah crap. I forgot it has different files for the quests. where does it keep track of that? :S I don't think LightHeaded was meant to be called by other addons.
18:59.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ts|skrom (n=TS|
19:02.26ts|skromwhat *IS* the difference between a baseball bat and a bicycle?
19:02.48Chaotic_Dgod, I'm getting nowhere. I need a new strategy.
19:03.00ts|skromtry dinner, flowers and a movie
19:04.50Thunder_Childthere is no difference ts|skrom, if you ride either to hard your going to have a sore crotch
19:05.13Thunder_Childs/crotch/crotch or ass/
19:05.30Thunder_Childneed to be politicly correct here
19:05.30art3misa bunch of letters, over all functionality, one is easier to beat people with, there's no wheels on a bat, .
19:05.47art3misthunder you mean rectum
19:05.58Chaotic_Dunless you're Batman.
19:06.01Chaotic_DI'm Batman.
19:06.09Thunder_Childdepends on what your doing with it
19:06.10krkabaseball bats dont have wheels, typically
19:06.18krkawhile bicycles do, typically
19:06.27art3mis"rectum?! damn near killed'em"
19:06.46*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|away (
19:06.49LunessaWhy is a raven like a writing desk?
19:06.54ts|skrom"poker? I hardly know 'er"
19:07.29*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o clad|away] by ChanServ
19:08.53art3misno thanks i never did like rugby
19:09.33art3misstriker..striker...striker..striker!!....*slaps the lady* Ted?
19:09.59Thunder_Childwoot, love that movie
19:10.21Cairennts|skrom: an orange, because ducks don't have armpits
19:10.21art3mismister, can i ask you a question? Sure what is it? it's an interogative statement used to derive knowledge, but thats not important right now.
19:10.51art3miscairenn: it's Whats the difference between an orange? Snakes don't have armpits.
19:11.11Cairennactually, nope, that's the "updated" version
19:11.21art3misHow long is a piece of string? Twice as long as half the length.
19:11.47art3misand ducks do have armpits ;P
19:12.00art3mishas cartoons taught you nothing?
19:12.04Cairennno they don't, they have wingpits, sheesh
19:12.20Kaydeethreegah, I'd forgotten how painful it is to play SSBM after giving blood
19:12.33Thunder_Childssbm ftw
19:12.45art3misyou should play ddr in the arcade RIGHT after you give blood
19:12.49art3misTHAT is fun
19:13.01art3misright up until you pass out
19:13.02Kaydeethreemeh, was thinking about getting my pads out and playing downstairs
19:13.15Chaotic_Dman, all I want to do is use LightHeaded to find the NPC quest starter/ender's location! I already gave up on trying to match the quest titles without having a quest level, and instead I was just going to stick in LightHeaded internal database #'s to match things.
19:15.16Chaotic_DI think I need to skip finding the NPC through the Quest ID#, and just go straight to the NPC ID#. -_-; see if I can manage THAT.
19:19.41anakhawhat is the easiest addon to do for a beginner?
19:20.22anakhaan extra health bar for my pet or something like that i assume..
19:20.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin (n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity)
19:20.48foxlitThat's an odd question
19:21.40Chaotic_Dthe easiest ones to do are ones where they tell you everything to type and you don't actually do anything except copy the text. :>
19:22.01*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
19:22.41Chaotic_Dthere's a couple here:
19:23.19Chaotic_D(the bottom two out of four... there might be some in the 2nd link as well)
19:25.39Chaotic_Ddamn. where's that one with the health bar or something. it was really ugly. :)
19:26.09AD|sneghow do i check variable type?
19:27.21Lunessa"Caveat daunlodor."  *chuckle*
19:28.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (i=Cidan@2001:5c0:8d2b:0:0:0:0:2)
19:31.49*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
19:32.15Chaotic_Dwhere can I find Lua documentation that explains this?: local c,z,x,y,note = link:match("^lhref:zcoord:([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+):(.+)")
19:32.35JoshBorkeChaotic_D: look up the string.match section in the lua manual
19:32.47Chaotic_Dwhat about all those symbols?
19:32.53JoshBorkewhich simbols?
19:33.11JoshBorke[^:] means anything that is not a :
19:33.21Chaotic_DI don't even know if lhref is a variable or... I don't think "zcoord" is ever in any of the strings.
19:33.37JoshBorke"^lhref:zcoord is part of the string
19:33.38Chaotic_Dyeah, those symbols.
19:34.00AnduinLotharanyone know the pally agil>crit ratio?
19:34.12Chaotic_DI thought since it was in double-quotes, that maybe some of it would be taken just the way it looks, but I can't tell.
19:34.40JoshBorkeno, " is just another '
19:35.10Chaotic_DI mean as a string, instead of as variables and whatnot.
19:35.20Chaotic_Dinstead of code.
19:35.28JoshBorkeanything between "'s is a string
19:36.00Chaotic_Dexcept [^:] isn't just... like... text... in a string.
19:36.14JoshBorkeit's part of the match string
19:36.47Chaotic_Dright. I wanted to know where to find that.
19:36.57JoshBorkethe string.match section of the lua manual
19:37.31Chaotic_DI'm guessing... the OTHER colons, as well as the () brackets are read normally, not interpretted to mean something else... not sure about the +'s. I suspect that's got something to do with the [^:] before them...
19:38.16Chaotic_Dno. string.match doesn't mention things like []
19:39.14JoshBorkeyou're right, it was in PiL
19:39.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Ominous (
19:39.46Endit's in the manual too
19:39.52Endjust not right next to string.match
19:40.54Chaotic_Dah, a trick question!
19:41.58Endin the 5.0 manual it was documented under a function's documentation (I thought it was gsub, but maybe it was match), but in the 5.1 manual they moved it to it's own subsection
19:42.26Chaotic_Dthank you very much. sorry for not having the patience to have read both books all the way through.
19:42.47Chaotic_D(that was not sarcasm. just the facts, ma'am.)
19:42.52Valaron|WorkThat's how I felt while trying to read LotR
19:43.46Lunessadouble heathen
19:44.27Chaotic_Dcan they tell you to RTFM when it comes to LotR? :>
19:45.06LunessaEspecially if you're playing the MMO
19:48.51Chaotic_DWhy did he use match without a pattern? it doesn't show that as being an optional argument.
19:49.47Chaotic_D"If pattern specifies no captures, then the whole match is returned" I don't know what "Specifies no captures" means, and what can it possibly match it to if there's nothing to match it to?
19:50.39clad|awayChaotic_D: There's an API for getting NPC quest locations...
19:51.08foxlitChaotic_D: Captures are sub-parts of the pattern that you may wish to be stored in separate variables
19:53.12Chaotic_Doh. ... I see what it does. (although I don't know how to describe it)
19:53.30clad|awayChaotic_D: Also, the code in LightHeaded is not open for copying or using.  if you'd like to access the LH database, you need to use the API, and if the data is being used, there is a requirement for including some attribution to wowhead
19:53.59clad|awaylocal c,z,x,y = LightHeaded:IterateNPCLocs(id)
19:54.01clad|awaythat's all you need
19:54.41art3misclad go apply at blizzard for a gm spot ;P
19:54.48Chaotic_Dso there's an API...
19:54.51art3misso we can all abuse your new found power ;P
19:55.39art3misand as a side note
19:55.47Chaotic_DI would put in that WoWHead logo if I could actually make anything that works. :>
19:55.52art3misi despise toilkens writing style
19:56.14art3misi dont think i read any of his books without 3-4 month gaps every 8 or so chapters
19:56.35ts|skromcog|work win
19:57.01cladhaireChaotic_D: please use the API, and if its not sufficient, tell me what API you need
19:57.13cladhairethe database can and will change.. and it should only be access through the API
19:57.20cladhaire(not chastising.. simply stating)
19:57.22art3misand speaking of reading comprehension... you lose luney!
19:57.43Chaotic_DI remember something I wanted to suggest. :) boat launch locations!
19:58.03cladhairethose are static.. you could get those coords yourself trivially
19:58.42art3misclad you should add an odometer
19:58.53cladhairei was thinking about it :p
19:58.56cladhaireand a spedometer :P
19:58.57Chaotic_Dbut they're some of the few things which can't be located with an NPC, like bankers, flightpath guys...
19:58.58art3misso i can figure out how many calories i burned running from org to xroads ;P
19:59.10art3misa fitness addon
19:59.15art3misfor inside of wow
19:59.19cog|workcladhaire: if you make a speedometer, can you make it analog, pls?
19:59.32art3miswith revving sounds ;P
19:59.38cladhairehehe :P
19:59.48Chaotic_D... in-game callories, or real-life callories? I don't even know if you could measure the callories you burn sitting on your ass in front of a computer. :>
19:59.49cladhaireit would be a trivial addon with Astrolabe
19:59.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Lej (
20:00.01art3misin game calories
20:00.17art3misyou dont want yer character getting pudgey
20:00.26LejIf I set an addon as a optional dep for my addon. If that addon is present will my addon always load after it?
20:00.26Chaotic_Dhow about both? it would show you what you COULD be doing instead of playing WoW.
20:00.31art3misadd in food values and stuff
20:00.48art3misso that you can plan your daily diet and exercise regime ;P
20:01.12Chaotic_Dopen up treadmills in the towns.
20:01.30ts|skromLej, yes
20:02.08cog|work moar plx
20:05.17Mr_Rabies2i think this song has a digeridoo
20:05.31art3miswow cog
20:05.38art3misyour potrait has a HUGE nose
20:06.35art3misthey should extend the ogre costume multiple use and bop ;P
20:06.43art3misman i'd run around in that thing all day
20:06.49cog|workart3mis: gnomes have big noses
20:06.54cog|workThe real me:
20:07.05art3misis that to keep them balanced when running?
20:07.07cog|work(tabard's different now... just transferred realms)
20:07.11cog|workart3mis: prolly
20:07.40art3misyou sure thats a cog and not a sproket?
20:08.11Industrialin other news yay 4k downloads >_>
20:08.23art3misheh the picture didnt load the first time so i thought you were being funny with your avatar pic ;P
20:08.29cog|workart3mis: oh... heh
20:08.34Chaotic_Din LightHeaded, could I do this to get NPC data from quest ID?  _,_,_,_,_,_,sid,_,_,eid,_,_,_ = LightHeaded:GetQuestInfo( LightHeaded:QIDToTitleLevel(qid) )   id=sid   LightHeaded:IterateNPCLocs(id)
20:08.48cladhairehold on a sec.
20:08.50cladhairelemme look :P
20:09.02cladhairewell maybe, i misread what you said :p
20:09.18cog|workart3mis: google define: sprocket :P
20:09.40Chaotic_DI should test that out. man, it only took me... like an hour and a half to figure that out.
20:09.57Chaotic_Dand I already came across that stuff before, but I figured I was missing something.
20:10.01art3misthe jetsons suddenly makes WAY more sense
20:10.18art3miswhen i was little i always thought they wee different things
20:10.23cladhaireChaotic_D: you dont want to do it all in one
20:10.27cladhairetry to convert the QID FIRST
20:10.35LunessaI see I'm going to be having one of /those/days.,
20:10.53cladhairethen get the sid, eid as you do
20:10.55cladhairethen when you get that, call for c,z,x,y in LightHeaded:IterateNPCLocs(sid)
20:11.26Chaotic_Dyou mean divide it up so it's not calling one LightHeaded function within another?
20:11.37Chaotic_Dah, that is what you said.
20:11.42Chaotic_Dbad coding practice?
20:12.29cladhairemake sure you have a result before feeding it to something else
20:12.40cladhaireconsindering QIDToTitle will fail if they dont' have that addon enabled.
20:12.48Shirikcladhaire should see some of my C code :P
20:12.53Shirikside effects ftw
20:12.55cladhairei'd hunt you down
20:13.22LunessaThey would never find the body?
20:13.22AnduinLotharwhat's LightHeaded?
20:13.28Shirikwhile(foo = bar?Function1():Function2(foo))
20:13.30ShirikI had something like that before
20:13.31Shirikit was fun
20:13.47AnduinLotharah right
20:14.24Shirikand then I have that Lua gem....
20:14.48Shirik_MakeCB(w, "Druid", "DRUID", _MakeCB(w, "Hunter", "HUNTER", _MakeCB(w, "Warlock", "WARLOCK", _MakeCB(w, "Paladin", "PALADIN", _MakeCB(w, "Shaman", "SHAMAN", _MakeCB(w, "Rogue", "ROGUE", _MakeCB(w, "Mage", "MAGE", _MakeCB(w, "Priest", "PRIEST", last_cb))))))));
20:15.16cog|worki've already smacked you around a bit for that one
20:15.32ShirikI promise, I only wrote it because I could, it was commented out :P
20:15.32cladhairelua> getnames("Pooface")
20:15.33cladbotcladhaire: Poofach, Poofaci, Poofack, Poofaco, Poofact, Poofacu, Poofacy, Poofada, Poofadd, Poofade, Poofadh, Poofadi, Poofado, Poofadu, Poofady, Poofaeb, Poofaec, Poofaed, Poofaef, Poofaeg, Poofaeh, Poofaej, Poofaek, Poofael, Poofaem, Poofaen, Poofaep, Poofaeq, Poo... (result truncated)
20:16.04Industrialw.. what?
20:17.03Chaotic_DI wonder if I can convince Tekkub to stick in LightHeaded functionality into TourGuide. :> easier to look up QID than at least 1 or 2 decimal-place locations for NPCs. (I don't think I can easily get quest objective locations through LightHeaded though)
20:17.10Industriallua> #{getnames('pooface')}
20:17.10cladbotIndustrial: poofach, poofaci, poofack, poofaco, poofact, poofacu, poofacy, poofada, poofadd, poofade, poofadh, poofadi, poofado, poofadu, poofady, poofaeb, poofaec, poofaed, poofaef, poofaeg, poofaeh, poofaej, poofaek, poofael, poofaem, poofaen, poofaep, poofaeq, poo... (result truncated)
20:17.27Industrialboo :p
20:17.32ShirikI think getnames does a print :P
20:17.40cladhaireyeah it does, sorry :P
20:17.44Mr_Rabies2funzo really freaking won this thread
20:17.48Industrial^^  np lol
20:17.55Industrialwhat is getnames, though?
20:18.03Shiriklua> t = {}; print = function(s) table.insert(t, s); end; getnames('pooface'); return #t;
20:18.04cladbotShirik: poofach, poofaci, poofack, poofaco, poofact, poofacu, poofacy, poofada, poofadd, poofade, poofadh, poofadi, poofado, poofadu, poofady, poofaeb, poofaec, poofaed, poofaef, poofaeg, poofaeh, poofaej, poofaek, poofael, poofaem, poofaen, poofaep, poofaeq, poo... (result truncated)
20:18.25cladhairei can fix it if you want
20:18.29cladhaireIndustrial: its a name generator, heh
20:18.32Industrialah k
20:18.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (n=feh@2001:5c0:8d2b:0:0:0:0:2)
20:18.46cladhaireit uses gen_next() to generate combinations of characters
20:19.02*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
20:19.09JoshBorkelua> getnames(clad)
20:19.10cladbotJoshBorke: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af, ag, ah, ai, aj, ak, al, am, an, ao, ap, aq, ar, as, at, au, av, aw, ax, ay, az, ba, bb, be, bh, bi, bo, bu, by, ca, cc, ce, ch, ci, ck, co, cu
20:19.14cladhairelua> local s; for i=1,1000 do s = gen_next("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", s) print(s) end
20:19.17ShirikI don't think Cidan ever saw that code though, because it was part of a module that never came to be =(
20:19.17cladbotcladhaire: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af, ag, ah, ai, aj, ak, al, am, an, ao, ap, aq, ar, as, at, au, av, aw, ax, ay, az, ba, bb, bc, bd, be, bf, bg, bh, bi, bj, bk, bl, bm, bn, bo, bp, bq, br, b... (result truncated)
20:19.18CidanHmm, there we go.
20:19.23CidanI did what now who?
20:19.25cladhaireJoshBorke: clad is a variable, not a string.
20:19.33JoshBorkelua> getnames('claddy wadd')
20:19.47Shirikhere, see line 13:,12,13
20:19.47JoshBorkelua> clad="clad" getname(clad)
20:19.47cladbotJoshBorke: [string "clad="clad" getname(clad)"]:1: attempt to call global 'getname' (a nil value)
20:19.49ShirikDid I ever show you that?
20:19.53JoshBorkeforget it
20:20.10Shiriksomething I wrote for RDXC_HealerAssignments
20:20.44ShirikI liked it
20:20.51Industriallua> local a={} for k,v in getnames('pooface'):gmatch('%w') do table.insert(a, v) end print(#a)
20:20.52cladbotIndustrial: poofach, poofaci, poofack, poofaco, poofact, poofacu, poofacy, poofada, poofadd, poofade, poofadh, poofadi, poofado, poofadu, poofady, poofaeb, poofaec, poofaed, poofaef, poofaeg, poofaeh, poofaej, poofaek, poofael, poofaem, poofaen, poofaep, poofaeq, poo... (result truncated)
20:21.03cladhaireIndustrial: redefine print :P
20:21.26Industrialoh.. duh
20:21.33Bleeterhey, word up WoW Winers... 2.2, can people try out using ARTS+ALSA under wine, there's a report that this combo works
20:21.42cladhairei think it uses print, actually.. not sure.. might use the local :P
20:22.01Cidanblergh, xchat supports ipv6 in windows, but it's sooo ugly.
20:22.05CidanI'd rather use bitchx
20:22.56CidanmIRC doesn't support ipv6, there is a patch but it's buggy. :/
20:23.15JoshBorkewhy do you need ipv6?
20:23.18Bleeterworks fine here on this platform! :P
20:23.27deltronipv6? wut
20:23.28Cidandunno, just may as well make use of it
20:23.38IndustrialmIRC, whats that?
20:23.45CidanI'm on it now, just, meh
20:23.53Industrialirssi \o/
20:23.56Bleetergah, someone missed it
20:24.01Industrial(no idea about ipv6)
20:24.16BleeterCTCP VERSION reply from Bleeter: mIRC on C= Vic20
20:24.35IndustrialCidan: apparently so
20:24.51Industrial--enable-ipv6 gogo o/
20:24.58Cidanwell, let's try it out then
20:25.21cog|workShirik: 4tw
20:25.35ShirikLook at all that garbage!
20:25.49cog|workShirik: it only runs once though, right?
20:26.06cog|workclarity > garbage imo
20:26.08*** join/#wowi-lounge blq (
20:26.14Mr_Rabies2they recently decided to revoke all ETAs on illegal danish, escape from orgimmar
20:26.19Mr_Rabies2dammit myndflame
20:26.25Shirikcog|work: Screw clarity!
20:26.28Shirikblq: Hi
20:26.31Mr_Rabies2hello blq
20:26.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (
20:26.42Cidegarbage implies that it's a waste :)
20:26.51Cidanforget that, rather use bitchx
20:27.02ShirikIn reality, I do mostly agree with cog|work that clarity is important
20:27.18Shirikunfortunately, this WoW world is ridden with people that insist on going "wtf memory usage, horrible addon! /delete"
20:27.24Shirikeven when they have no idea what the hell is going on
20:28.01IndustrialFunkeh`: you. win.
20:28.04Chaotic_Dis this valid for level not being -1? :>    if level^=-1 then
20:28.18Chaotic_Dno wait... !=?
20:28.32blqlast time I was here someone gave me a link to a page about lua but I forgot to bookmark it ... I'm not sure but I think it wasn't just ... what page do you generally recommend to lua-wow-addon-scripting-newbies?
20:28.49Funkeh`lol Industrial
20:28.50Shirik(@ Chaotic_D)
20:29.00Shirikblq: PiL
20:29.01purlmethinks pil is Programming in Lua. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in hardcover and covers Lua 5.1.
20:29.34Shirikwtf is MC Hammer doing in my playlist
20:29.36Cidecog|work: 1.015625
20:29.48BleeterShirik: can't touch that
20:29.49blqThank you! that's the page I was looking for!
20:29.54JoshBorkeha, my plan has been enacted
20:29.57IndustrialFunkeh`: look again
20:30.17Chaotic_Dyeah, I shoulda just looked up "Relational Operators"
20:30.18JoshBorkei have cleverly instructed ckknight to write a mod for me
20:30.23CideShirik: [string "    last_cb = _MakeCB(w, "Warrior", "WARRIO..."]:1: attempt to call global '_MakeCB' (a nil value)
20:30.31Shirikguess I can't do that
20:30.35IndustrialFunkeh`: BAM :P
20:30.35Funkeh`Industrial: lol
20:30.51Funkeh`JoshBorke: OMG awesome reply
20:30.51ckknightJoshBorke: I don't remember this
20:31.36Shirikanyway, cog|work this should be cheaper
20:31.37JoshBorkeckknight: ck the thread indie posted
20:31.40Shirikif I did want to do it that way
20:31.56JoshBorkescroll up some
20:32.33Cideno http
20:32.39CideI believe
20:32.43Cideremove http://
20:32.45Shirikworked for cog :/
20:32.49cog|workCide: worked before
20:32.51Cidenevermind then
20:32.53CideShirik: 0.34375
20:32.59ShirikI see how it is
20:33.12Cideyou probably added some invisible chars :P
20:33.22Shirikprobably my client did it on its own trying to be "helpful"
20:34.25CideJoshBorke: 0
20:34.43Shirikso wierd
20:34.44JoshBorkei succeeded where cog failed, that means i'm superior to cog, right?
20:34.55Shirik162:292:23 12‹cog|work12› >>>
20:34.55Shirik162:292:25 12‹+Cide12› cog|work: 1.015625
20:35.04Shirikit only worked once
20:35.10cog|workShirik: twice
20:35.15cog|workhe gave you an error
20:35.16CideJoshBorke: 1.015625
20:35.21Shirikoh right
20:35.22CideJoshBorke: 1.015625
20:35.26Shirik~lart JoshBorke
20:35.26purltakes a rusty axe and swings it violently, taking JoshBorke's head off
20:35.26cog|work<Cide>Shirik: [string " last_cb = _MakeCB(w, "Warrior", "WARRIO..."]:1: attempt to call global '_MakeCB' (a nil value)
20:35.32JoshBorke~lart Shirik
20:35.32purlhooks into a hydrant and hoses Shirik down
20:35.35ckknightIndustrial: interesting proposal, I was actually going to incorporate in the next few days
20:35.40Shirik~whaleslap JoshBorke
20:35.41purlACTION beats JoshBorke upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
20:35.55JoshBorkebotmail for Shirik ACE RDX KTHXBAI.  Oh yea, and use CTL!
20:36.01JoshBorke~botmail for Shirik ACE RDX KTHXBAI.  Oh yea, and use CTL!
20:36.10Shirikpurl, kill JoshBorke
20:36.10purlACTION shoots a excited photon gun at JoshBorke
20:36.12JoshBorke~whaleparry Shirik
20:36.12purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry Shirik's attacks.
20:36.13ckknightgranted, the infrastructure of wowace is quite alright in my eyes, as well as the general branding system set in place
20:36.27Shiriktoo much yellow on my screen now o.o
20:36.31JoshBorkepurl, kill Shirik
20:36.32purlACTION shoots a super-inverse electron gun at Shirik
20:36.32cog|workbranding system?
20:36.32JoshBorkelol, yea
20:36.51Chaotic_Dwhat are the variable (state,c,z,x,y) keeping track of for LightHeaded:IterateNPCLocs(id) ?
20:37.10cladhairecontinent, zone, x and y
20:37.40Chaotic_Dohhh. here I thought it was faction, height and scale or something. :>
20:38.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
20:38.29ckknightcog|work: "Ace" has a branding
20:38.38ckknightand I don't feel like creating a new brand
20:38.45Chaotic_Dit doesn't actually use that stuff in LightHeaded, does it?
20:41.09Chaotic_Dhrm. I'll look at that later.
20:44.04cladhaireChaotic_D: yes it does, absolutely.
20:44.23cladhaireChaotic_D: its how the system knows how to put the NPC location in Ironforge when you're in Duskwood
20:46.25Chaotic_Dah, that'll take me another hour or two to figure out. :>
20:46.38cladhaire\what do you mean
20:47.08Chaotic_DI'm slow. It takes me a while to follow other people's code.
20:47.43cladhairewell, there's really nothing in Lightheaded for you to follow
20:48.03Chaotic_DI'm a newbie, there's tons to follow.
20:48.51Chaotic_Dlike I have no idea what the hell all this is:   text = text .. "\n|cFF0066FF|Hlhref:zcoord:"..c..":"..z..":"..x..":"..y..":""|h["..x..", "..y.."]|h|r"
20:49.29cladhaireits making a long string
20:49.34*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep` (i=nuoHep@
20:49.38cladhaireits really nothing you need to worry about
20:49.47cladhairelightheaded is NOT the mod to look at if you want to learn what you're doing
20:50.00Chaotic_Dheh. :>
20:52.06Shirikcladhaire's like "I ain't writing no kiddie code here, this is the real deal"
20:52.12cladhaireLH was written in an airport, along with the parser
20:52.20cladhaireso it doesn't have much more than shit thrown together to get a job done
20:52.29cladhaireat this point the parser is prettier than the LH code :P
20:52.31LunessaReally, the two example mods from blizzards aren't a bad place to start, and Tyroney put together a decent tutorial  as well:
20:53.23Chaotic_Dmeh. I gotta find a good jumping off-point for me. I'm just as discouraged from stuff I already know as stuff I can't make any sense of.
20:53.57Chaotic_Dthat Tyroney one is just about frames.
20:54.41cladhaireI'd rather you learn from one of my other addons, to be completely honest.
20:54.43cladhaireLH is a beast
20:54.45cladhaireand copyright
20:55.10cog|workChaotic_D: unless you want to start by using a library (which I don't really recommend as a beginner) you need to know some basics about frames (at least for event handling)
20:56.35Chaotic_DI know some basics about frames.
20:56.57Chaotic_D"and you know how I feel about homeless people. they're people... and they have no homes."
20:58.02Lejlocal tempFrame = OneBagFrame; tempFrame:GetName()    why doesn't that work when OneBagFrame:GetName() works?
20:58.06Industrialckknight: i can read the future
20:59.00cog|workLej: what happens if you don't use local, out of curiosity?
20:59.21Industrial< ckknight> Industrial: interesting proposal, I was actually going to incorporate in the next few days
20:59.46Lejhmm then it works
20:59.53Industrialanyway nn
20:59.58ckknightmostly cause it was my birthday yesterday
21:00.07cog|workLej: it says "OneBagFrame"?
21:00.15ckknightand by incorporating now, I can build up my credit score immensely within a few years
21:00.17cog|workor "tempFrame"?
21:00.20Mr_Rabies2fel strength or major agility for a feral druid
21:00.22Leja sec
21:02.23Lejif it's local it says: "attempt to index global 'pocketParent' (a nil value)"
21:02.54Shirikthose two don't match up
21:03.32ShirikLej: I'm convinced
21:03.39Shirikyou're setting that local way too early
21:03.43Shirikbefore OneBagFrame exists
21:04.06Chaotic_Dwhy in LightHeaded is there GetQuestInfo and IterateQuestInfo, with the only difference being the latter has local qinfo = data and data[1] and the former just has data[1] ?
21:04.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Drool (
21:05.09Chaotic_Dhuh. it uses iterate once in GetPageText...
21:05.09cog|work[13:57]<cladhaire>I'd rather you learn from one of my other addons, to be completely honest.
21:05.11cog|workLH is a beast
21:05.12cog|workand copyright
21:05.26Chaotic_Dwell I'm just trying to find out which function to call. :>
21:05.31Lejseems unlikly as this runs in a hooked OneBagFrame.OrganizeFrame function
21:05.44Shirikshow the code?
21:05.59*** join/#wowi-lounge THECraZY (
21:06.04Chaotic_Dhuh... GetQuestInfo isn't called at all. :S
21:06.07Leja sec
21:06.25cog|workChaotic_D: most likely the "is a beast" part...
21:06.37THECraZYDoesnt anyone know if there is an issue with PlaySoundFile() and Combat lockdown?
21:06.50cog|workshouldn't be
21:07.02Kasomm, that'd be a bug if it does exist
21:07.08KasoWhat are you experiencing?
21:07.42Kasodear god, ive only been working in customer relations and its already getting to me
21:07.42LejOneBagPockets\OneBagPockets.lua:273: attempt to index global 'pocketParent' (a nil value)
21:07.47KasoI mean "What went wrong?"
21:07.50Chaotic_Dbah. I like a challenge.
21:08.21Chaotic_Dalso, this looks a lot like the kind of line he told me not to do. :>      for qid,sharable,level,reqlev,stype,sname,sid,etype,ename,eid,exp,rep,series in self:IterateQuestInfo(title, level) do
21:08.25cog|workLej: your locals are in the wrong place
21:08.26ShirikLej: That local is out of scope
21:08.31cog|workthey only exist to the end of the if
21:08.33Kasoholy crap
21:08.40THECraZYwell, i have an arena addon that im making play a wav file when an opponent dies (i get the info by parsing the combat log) and visualy my addon updates to say the target is dead but sometimes the wav doesnt play at all or its delayed and plays when im out of combat
21:08.43Kasoscope spam :>
21:08.48LejI see
21:08.57LejSo I decalre them before and set them inside?
21:09.03Kasotheres a section of pil that deals with scope isnt there?
21:09.23Shirikpil has nothing on my wowwiki article!
21:09.27cog|workKaso: which is why i always tell people to read PiL even if they're kicking & screaming :P
21:09.45KasoPil is our bible!
21:09.54cog|workYes, i know you want to start writing addons. But it's just not going to happen if you don't understand Lua :P
21:10.02Kasoactually that wiki page is pretty good Shirik congrats :>
21:10.03cog|workKaso: there will be a new bible soon :P
21:10.23ShirikKaso: <3
21:10.53Chaotic_DI have a feeling I'm included in the RTFM. :>
21:10.54Lejyay now it crasheds with an entirely different error, success
21:11.06KasoTHECraZY, "sometimes" ? any idea what causes those sometimes
21:11.29cog|workTHECraZY: probably a sound channels issue
21:11.36cog|workthe game can only play so many sounds at once
21:11.37THECraZYno clue thats what  im trying to figure out, i make the unit frame turn red when the enemie is dead and it works everytime but the wav doesnt play all the time
21:11.38Kaso is the PIL chapter if anyone is curious.
21:11.55cog|workmaybe try using PlayMusic instead?
21:11.56THECraZYwhen i use PlaySoud() it allways work
21:12.17THECraZYthen we would need music enabled for it to play right?
21:12.36THECraZYand i hate playsound cause its only for predefined sounds i think
21:13.09THECraZYfunny thing is sometimes 3 ppl die in the game and the wav is played 3 times in a row at the end of the match
21:13.11THECraZYreally weird
21:14.04cog|workKaso: worse is when brings you to a different page from
21:14.18BleeterKaydeethree, other WoW Winers:
21:14.49THECraZYthis is my code for the wav part
21:15.05THECraZYoops posted url twice
21:15.29Bleetersomething seems to have changed during the login phase, and is blocking/crashing WoW Winers in OpenGL mode, but it's a transient issue that appears easy to work around. Most odd.
21:15.29THECraZYanyways i dont think anything is wrong with it everything else happens fine and ALF_Sound is set to 1 when i check the variable
21:16.31cog|workTHECraZY: i still bet it's a channels issue. Perhaps PlaySound pushes the oldest one out?
21:16.51THECraZYhum... anything that can be done about channel issues?
21:16.56cog|workI know when I'm playing and there's a lot of activity, I don't hear some of my own combat sounds that "should" be there
21:17.08cog|workno. it's all handled by the game engine
21:17.10THECraZYyour right
21:17.30THECraZYdamn so unless blizz puts priority on the playsoundfile function theres no way to fix it
21:17.47cog|workyep. post about it in my suggestions thread :)
21:17.52cog|work(unless you're EU)
21:18.00THECraZYweres your thread?
21:22.18Mr_Rabies2that thread is pretty depressing
21:22.27Mr_Rabies2what with all the "denied"
21:22.39cog|workMr_Rabies2: the Added is bigger than the pending though...
21:22.47cog|workand both are bigger than the denied
21:23.02THECraZYhey Cog do you think playing a .mp3 file instead of .wav would change anything?
21:23.13cog|workand many of the denied follow a known pattern (the main reason i put them there was for illustrative purposes)
21:23.13THECraZYwell i guess not if its a channel problem
21:23.23cog|workTHECraZY: shouldn't have any effect
21:23.27Bleetercog|work: re that thread... "# Per-realm saved variables" Norgs asked for it about three months ago, was told No
21:23.53cog|workBleeter: that's why it's in the "Declined" section...
21:24.09Bleetergah, I'm blind! aargh, how am I gunna pass my Uni prac today! :(
21:24.15Bleetercog|work: apologies
21:24.38THECraZYah well i posted in your thread thx for the info guys
21:27.11cog|worksorry we couldn't give you anything more encouraging
21:31.13Shirikanyone know what port WoW runs on?
21:31.21ShirikI can't figure it out from netstat :/
21:32.29Bleeter3762.. off top of my head... lemme triple check tho
21:32.42Kaso3724 i seem to remeber
21:32.51ShirikI have a 3724 in there
21:33.16Shirikexcept apparently my wow server does not accept pings
21:33.18Bleeteryeah, 3742 for game /me failes
21:33.41Bleeteryeah, cant ping the server, only the gateway in front of their network
21:33.49Shirikknow the address to it?
21:34.16herzogthcShirik: traceroute to it and then snag it :P
21:34.36Shiriksomeone's saying he and their guild has been seeing me jump all over the place over the past week
21:34.41Shiriktrying to see if there's packet loss, etc.
21:34.49ShirikI haven't noticed anything
21:35.07herzogthcit probably has something to do with the shot up cable lol
21:35.16ShirikBut yeah anyway, tracert is no help
21:35.29Shirikit ends at -- my server is
21:35.34herzogthcwell, tracert should at least tell if theres any packet loss leading UP to wow
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21:55.53cladhaireChaotic_D: *sigh* Are you just not going to listen to me at all?
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22:02.49Chaotic_DI'm not planning on taking parts of your code or editing it.
22:03.56cladhaireI understand, but i wish you would be forthcoming about what you're trying to do
22:04.00cladhaireso i can show/tell you what needs to be done
22:04.11cladhaireits more frustrating for both of us to meddle through it piecemeal, I suspect
22:05.01Chaotic_Dwell I have to wade through more because I'm jumping ahead instead of RTFM.
22:05.12cladhaireWell, that kind of annoys me
22:05.27cladhaireconsidering i'm sitting here having to answer your questions, rather than giving you the information you need.
22:05.29cog|workwe'll have a book to throw at people soon
22:05.56Chaotic_Dthat would just mean I'm asking the wrong questions, perhaps.
22:06.00KasoBest getting working on that matter teleportation over IP protocol.
22:06.09zenzelezz15 tries on Karathress before he died
22:06.13Taincladhaire, stop trying to reason with people.
22:06.23cladhaireChaotic_D: This is very very very very simple.
22:06.24cog|workChaotic_D: which is why he wants you to tell him your ultimate goal
22:06.26cladhairetell me what you want to do
22:06.31cladhaireand i will tell you how to do it, and where to look
22:06.38cladhaireit doesn't get any easier, or involved than that.
22:06.42Chaotic_Danyways, right now I'm just trying to do that first statement that you said would actually work.
22:07.04Chaotic_Dbut the code I'm mucking about in isn't working.
22:07.08cog|workChaotic_D: showing you how to do a statement is meaningless without knowing the ultimate goal
22:07.23cog|workthere's every chance that the statement could be completely irrelevant
22:07.58cladhairestate this: "Cladhaire, I'd like to get a list of the npc locations, given a particular quest title and level"
22:08.10cladhairei will then respond with magical code, which you can then figure out how it works, why it works, and how to tweak it to do what you need it to.
22:08.12Chaotic_Dwell I'm also doing it just to figure things out, because... I'm mucking about in someone ELSE'S addon that isn't mine.
22:09.17Chaotic_Dwhich of course I wouldn't show in it's entirety except to the original author.
22:10.01Chaotic_D16:13:26 <cladhaire> no
22:10.23cladhairedo you have a qid?
22:10.28cladhaireare we at that point?
22:11.14Chaotic_Dsort of. I have it, but it doesn't seem to be getting this far.
22:11.41cladhairewell everything in the database operates on titles and levels, so start there
22:11.46cladhairepick a quest title, and the level of the quest
22:12.07cladhairelocal sid,_,_,eid = LightHeaded:GetQuestInfo("Some Quest Name", 50)
22:12.14cladhairesee if you can get an sid and an eid using that
22:12.20Chaotic_Doh, that's true.
22:12.20cladhairelocal sid,_,_,eid = select(7, LightHeaded:GetQuestInfo("Some Quest Name", 50))
22:13.15Chaotic_Doooh, select is  nifty.
22:13.27Chaotic_Dsorry. newbness for not RTFM.
22:16.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
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22:17.26cladhaireare you getting an sid, eid?
22:17.40cladhaire(conversations work better when you report back *grin*)
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22:21.57Chaotic_Dguh. it's not even getting to that part of the program.
22:22.47cog|workso then what's the point in asking about it? :\
22:23.12Chaotic_Dbecause it was supposed to get to that part of the program.
22:23.30cladhairewell work on that, and let me know
22:23.35cladhairebut don't jump ahead damnit :P
22:23.48cog|workyou don't really mean " :P " do you? :P
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22:27.13Thunder_Child~lart emoticons
22:27.13purlnukes emoticons with a single large nuke
22:28.13Chaotic_Dalright. now we're getting somewhere! I can't call print from an unregistered... dongle.
22:28.50cladhairedon't call self:Print() from an unregistered dongle then :P
22:28.59Chaotic_Dyeah I know. :)
22:28.59cladhaireuse message() or ChatFrame1:AddMessage()
22:37.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley` (
22:38.02Chaotic_Dwooo! debugging!
22:38.19art3misahhh my laptop feels so muchnicer to use with 2g of ram
22:38.27Chaotic_Dthis is where I change something randomly and see if it fixes it. ;>
22:43.37LunessaInteresting story:,2933,293920,00.html
22:44.46cog|workold news...
22:45.09cog|workthere were similar stories when someone dismissed their pet with some debuff from ZG
22:45.32cog|workand then brought it out in orgrimmar
22:47.01cog|workoh heh
22:47.12cog|workit's the same event... and they're just now writing about it again
22:47.16cog|workstupid fox news
22:47.29Thunder_Childthey are not rehasing
22:47.32cog|work(or as some people say: faux news)
22:48.46Chaotic_Dhuh... this is strange. it tells me I'm in the right loop, but after a couple statements, it doesn't print the next debug.
22:48.48art3misthey're talking about the scientists that monitored the spread of it to apply to real world epidemics without having to infect citys
22:49.16LunessaYes, cog, I recall, but that's a news story from today.  It's just a story about how it made an interesting simulation.  
22:50.03Thunder_Child2 things come to mind upon reading that. 1. while players dont like to die, there is a differance between your char dieing and you dieing. 2. i wonder how the scientists got the kind of data they needed for their studys...doesnt seem like the kinda thing blizz would be recording
22:50.42LunessaMMO as life-simulator for disaster events.  
22:51.57Chaotic_Dok. it doesn't mind the statements before. but it doesn't print this:   ChatFrame1:AddMessage("debug:"..title..level)
22:53.29Kaydeethreewoo for being lazy and finally buying ff12... eb had a collector's edition for $30, new
22:54.34Cidanit's a good game
22:54.37Cidansome people knock it
22:54.39KyahxI hated it
22:54.40Cidanbut I liked it a lot
22:55.19Kaydeethreeonly wish the metal case wasn't scratched up a little, but ah well
22:55.25KyahxI thought the gameplay was really good, I liked the battle system a lot
22:55.29Chaotic_DOk, cladhaire. I don't know how to debug or figure this out any more. this doesn't work.    ChatFrame1:AddMessage("debug:"..title..level)    coming out of    local title,level = LightHeaded:QIDToTitleLevel(qid)
22:55.32Kyahxbut the story just was...slow
22:55.42cladhairewhy are you using qids now?
22:55.44CidanI agree, the story was slow
22:55.47cladhaireand what error are you getting
22:56.12cladhaire"this doesn't work" isn't very helpful when helping you :P
22:56.30CidanThen again, I loved FF8's story
22:56.31Chaotic_DI mean it doesn't print that. I don't even get "debug".
22:57.01cladhairedo you have Lua errors enabled?
22:57.03cladhaireif so, then you're not getting to that point, so I can't help you.
22:57.05cladhaireIf not, you should enable them
22:58.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
22:59.21Bleetertalk like a pirate day suggestion thread -> /sign as you see fit!
22:59.48Chaotic_Dapparantly Lua errors are enabled. there's no error.
23:00.12cladhaireChaotic_D: then i can't help you until you figure out why its not getting to your line of code.
23:00.14cladhairei'm not magical =/
23:00.19cladhairewell that magical anyway!
23:03.25cog|workwhy does searching for "vista" on the UI & Macros forum turn up 0 results?
23:04.09Kaydeethreeforum search has /always/ been hit-or-miss?
23:04.12cog|workBleeter: i clicked on that link and it says "there are no matching results!"
23:05.24Chaotic_DI tried printing them out individually, first one, then the other. neither print. I can't imagine what's wrong with those variables.
23:05.31Bleetercog|work: *guess* logged in on an account that's been blocked from the forums? :P
23:05.34cog|workOdd... works for me in IE :\
23:05.44cog|workBleeter: been posting all day
23:05.53Bleetercog|work: heh, aye, didn't think that'd be it ;)
23:06.10AnduinLotharworks in camino
23:06.54Chaotic_DI don't know why there's no Lua error if it just craps out and stops right there. aren't the Lua errors supposed to be in the chat window? or... a popup?
23:06.57cog|workstill no go :\
23:07.41cog|workcleared cookies and it works :\
23:07.51cog|workgg blizz web devs
23:08.53cladhaireChaotic_D: yes... it isn't stopping right there.. unles you can see it print a line right before it
23:09.00Chaotic_DAHAH! finally got an error!
23:09.03cladhaireagain no one can give you anything without looking at the block of code, which you haven't posted.
23:09.34LunessaI need more caffeine.  
23:10.09*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
23:10.27Chaotic_Dvalue is nil. can't concatenate.
23:10.45clad|afkbecause you're using the QID conversion function without telling me why
23:10.49clad|afkand not showing me how you're calling it
23:11.03clad|afki.e. you skipped completely away from where we were, and are now working on something else entirely
23:11.09clad|afkwe left with you getting the sid and eid from the quest title, and level
23:11.15clad|afkwhat happened to that, and why
23:12.27Chaotic_Dwhat happened? I was still going by the original plan of using qid.
23:12.39clad|afkno, the last time we talked you were using title and level
23:12.42clad|afkand that's the code i gave you
23:12.49clad|afkand told you to do that, and print them out to see if you got values.
23:12.56clad|afki can post the backlog if you want.
23:13.06clad|afkwhy do you need to use qid?
23:13.56Chaotic_Dwell, whatever is easiest to script for the walkthroughs...
23:13.59clad|afkand the reason your function is failing, is because QIDToTitleLevel doesn't load that conversion table.
23:14.47clad|afkbecause up until now, its been an internal api
23:15.26clad|afkif you need to call that function, you need to first call LightHeaded:LoadQIDData(qid)
23:15.43clad|afkthat is a large database, so its only loaded when the user specifically CLICKS on a qid href
23:24.36Chaotic_D... are the combination of quest titles and quest levels completely unique? because Tekkub had given up on trying to find a way to distinguish chained quests with identical titles, since the description texts sometimes have parts that change based on class/gender/race/faction/etc.
23:25.41LunessaWow - Silken is full of bitter hate - I bet it would distill to fine whiskey.
23:27.10clad|afkChaotic_D: No, as we went through three days ago, they are not unique.
23:27.40clad|afki think
23:27.58Chaotic_Doh right. I thought maybe it was Tekkub I talked to about it. :S
23:28.05LunessaOMG cog|work You helped someone named WTB Implants.
23:28.10CidanSilken is just looking for a "flaw" to point out in someone who is much smarter and capable than him
23:28.13*** join/#wowi-lounge dockler (
23:28.36CidanIdiots do that all the time.
23:28.38docklerHi Iinstalled ClearFont2 and ClearFont2_FontPack and want to know where I install additional fonts
23:28.39cog|workLunessa: i never (rarely) pay attention to character names when posting :P
23:28.41Chaotic_DI don't get how you get the quest from your database with the title and level then...
23:28.57cog|workthough I've been known to give people grief for illegal characters ;)
23:29.00cog|workanyway... time for home
23:29.15Cidandockler, er... I dunno?
23:29.18Chaotic_Dmust be a similar thing to Tekkub, in that it keeps track of chained quests.
23:29.18LunessaI know, I know... but still it gave me a chuckle.
23:29.20clad|afkChaotic_D: Because, my database doesn't distinguish between title and level.
23:29.29clad|afkif three quests have the same title and level
23:29.34clad|afkthen i display all comments for all three, in the same spot.
23:29.47Chaotic_Dhuh. ok.
23:29.50clad|afkagain, had you been up front about what you were trying to do, rather than beating around the bush, I could have told you that.
23:29.53clad|afkso use title, level
23:29.57Cidantry asking in #wowace
23:30.03Cidanfor FontPack2 stuff
23:30.30Cidaner, ClearFont, whatever
23:30.32Cidanbah, need food.
23:30.36dockleri did ask in there
23:30.39dockleri was told to ask in here
23:31.23Cidanah well, anyways, you need to elaborate a bit.
23:32.22docklerwhere do i put fonts that I download, so like if I want to use one of them in-game
23:32.46clad|afki would suggest reading the readme in clearfont
23:32.49clad|afkor on
23:32.50Cidannot sure you can just do that
23:33.08Chaotic_Dhrm... one of these identical quests doesn't have identical starting and ending NPCs. not sure how to handle that... maybe manually readjust it in the script.
23:33.36CidanIn fact, looking at the code for the font pack, you can't just drop font files in
23:33.46CidanYou can however, drop them in and add them in the code.
23:33.52Chaotic_DI dunno. maybe it worked better before. :S
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23:34.30TC-Holdingstupid BSoD
23:34.35CidanJust look in ClearFont2_FontPack\core.lua, it's pretty straight forward.
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23:37.59CidanI really do wish WoW had a self-contained file scanner of some sort, so we can at least get a list of files from something in our own mod directory.
23:38.33Thunder_Childthere is a self-contained file scanner.....your eyes
23:39.34CidanI mean so we can scan and load lua files
23:39.45CidanSo people can drop their own mods into the folder
23:40.11Cidanor something like font scanning and loading so you don't have to actually edit lua files
23:40.15Cidanit'd just be nice
23:43.45Corrodiasour GL has decided we're poking our heads into SSC tonight since we finished kara in 2 days
23:44.02Corrodiasit's simple, cidan
23:44.23Corrodiasmake a .toc file that loads every possible alphanumeric combination of letters for filenames up to, say, 20 letters
23:44.38Corrodiassure, the .toc will be a few megabytes, but thus is the price of progress!
23:46.15clad|afklua> gen_next("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "blahblah")
23:46.15cladbotclad|afk: blahblai,
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23:56.00DT__Hey all, anyone have time to help with a quick problem?
23:57.01purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
23:57.25DT__Hehe sorry ;) I can't seem to get the UNIT_SPELLMISS event to fire
23:57.35DT__I get resists/dodges/etc but the event is never called for my frame
23:58.24DT__I'm sure I'm making some silly little mistake but even /script f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent) f:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLMISS") f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) ChatFrame1:AddMessage("Test") end) won't work for me

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