IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070821

00:02.01*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
00:05.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (i=c6b2a702@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
00:07.45art3mishrm neat
00:08.00art3misappearantly disney and pixar have dropped bluray and are in full support of hddvd
00:08.15art3misit's a loupe garou!!!
00:09.13TainWe can't stop here.  This is bat country.
00:09.55*** part/#wowi-lounge Aella (i=c6b2a702@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
00:12.38Thunder_Childheh, blu-ray hd-dvd.....doesnt matter, it
00:12.42Thunder_Childs all data to a computer
00:13.07Thunder_Childwow....i love the fact that the ' is right next to the enter key
00:14.10|Jelly|Shirik: Ping
00:16.02*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:17.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
00:17.41art3misspeaking of which
00:17.54art3misappearantly you can get hdtv free if you've got the right antenna
00:18.08art3misplextor has this enat little usb thingy for just such a cause
00:18.37art3misnot premium hdtv mind you, just the regular stations hd broadcast
00:19.59JoshBorkeyes, they are required to
00:21.17art3misyeah i didnt know that til today
00:21.21art3misthats kinna neat
00:21.32art3misi think ill buy that plextor thingy and see how well it works
00:21.50art3misanyone here have a flashcard dv cam?
00:26.30|Jelly|In pitbull, when you configure for the different...i settings (raid/party/solo) if you move your unit frame (player) will it revert back for say, solo if you move it in party or will it stay there?
00:27.59JoshBorkestays there
00:28.17|Jelly|Ok so it wont move around based upon your group status?
00:28.24|Jelly|(just trying to be clear)
00:45.41Kaydeethreewow at the bitching in general
00:45.59Kaydeethreekalagan should not have responded to the thread directed at him
00:51.13ScytheBlade1Ohh, link
00:51.44Kaydeethreeit's in progress right now, check the thread itself as well
00:52.00foxlitDoesn't quite capture the drama, but it's better without half the "zomgbbq!" posts
00:52.55ScytheBlade1"Yes, one of the changes is a reduction to the mace spec stun proc rate." BURN
00:53.08Kaydeethreeooh, boo. the thread capped out
00:56.36cladhairePeople are so fucking melodramatic
00:56.59Kaydeethreeit's general...?
00:57.12cladhairebut someone had to start the thread =/
00:58.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:05.58art3misi should go complain that i cant out dps aoe mages on multiple targets in shadowform and demand that i get some sort of godly aoe thingy
01:06.13cladhaireyou'll get it, the devs all play shadow priests.
01:06.15cladhairei have proof.
01:06.54art3misbecause we ruled prior to the class upgrades, prior to tbc and ruled after tbc and continue to be one of the most stable can always count ona  group classes in the game?
01:07.54art3misfor some reason that always made me laugh, mages and priests were the last two to get class upgradse for the 1.6-1.12 "fixes" and yet as each class got buffed sp's still ate them alive
01:08.05art3misand 90% of the mage changes had to do with icon graphics hehe
01:08.13Kaydeethreemage armor, woo!
01:08.20art3misthat was my fav part of patch days
01:08.28art3misreading what mage icon got a new graphic
01:08.52art3misare they really turfing the length of sheep btw?
01:09.05Kaydeethreedunno. hopefully it's only a pvp thing
01:09.11art3misthats still by far themost annoying spell in existence
01:09.22cladhaireits for PVP only, afaik, and its not just sheep, its all controls.
01:09.26cladhairedown to 10 seconds max
01:09.27Kaydeethreeindeed. it regens my sheep's health. really pissing me off
01:09.44art3misi did notice something kind of funny about it though
01:10.08art3misif you button mash pw:shield the sheep actually breaks a split second before the spell hits and it's just long enough to get the shield up
01:10.27cladhairei dont ever get sheeped
01:10.29Kaydeethree</3 lag-related bugs
01:10.35art3misi always do
01:10.36cladhairethey would sheep my warlock partner if anything
01:10.43JoshBorkecladhaire = n00b drood
01:10.56cladhaire!c us stormrage sagart
01:10.58JoshBorkeyou have a spriest too?
01:11.01art3misto be fair ive only done arena a fwe times
01:11.02ThraeBotcladhaire: Sagart, Level 70 Night Elf Priest (14/0/47). 7811 HP; 9255 Mana; 129 mana regen; 19 mp5; 36 spell crit; 80 spell hit; 635 +spell dmg/heal; 179 frost dmg (814); 250 shadow dmg (885); 6.42% dodge; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 745 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ]]
01:11.04cladhaireuhh its only my main.
01:11.05art3misim talking world and bg's
01:11.26cladhairejeepers, what gear did i log off with, lol
01:11.27JoshBorkedidn't you used to be drood?
01:11.41cladhairewhen I was horde, yes.
01:11.41art3mis!c us echo isles rozalyn
01:11.47ThraeBotart3mis: Rozalyn, Level 70 Undead Priest (9/0/52). 7861 HP; 8880 Mana; 161 mana regen; 5 mp5; 97 spell crit; 14 spell hit; 601 +spell dmg/heal; 179 frost dmg (780); 241 shadow dmg (842); 5.62% dodge; 10 shadow resist (+10); +33 all resists (+10 shadow);[[ TBR: 745 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ]]
01:11.48cladhairethen 95% of the horde on my server left
01:11.59JoshBorkei can't keep up with you
01:11.59Thunder_Childwhy is everyone around here a priest
01:12.05JoshBorketakes too much effort
01:12.06cladhairecause they're imba
01:12.06art3misalways been priest
01:12.07cladhaireand i love healing
01:12.12cladhairelike a lot :P
01:12.14Thunder_Child!c us draenor prismatic
01:12.15cladhaireim rolling my shaman next a shadow priest :-P
01:12.18ThraeBotThunder_Child: Prismatic, Level 70 Night Elf Priest (34/27/0). 8031 HP; 9999 Mana; 234 mana regen; 35 mp5; 251 spell crit; 40 spell hit; 773 +spell dmg/heal; 6.18% dodge; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 733 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ]]
01:12.19art3misand ive only been holy for about 3 weeks
01:12.24cladhaireJoshBorke: I still have like 1300 +healing
01:12.28art3misthe rest was shadow ;P
01:12.29cladhaireand with dailies, I can respec if I need to.
01:12.37art3mishehe i have 1100 healing in gear
01:12.38JoshBorke!c us stormreaver dagh
01:12.42ThraeBotJoshBorke: Dagh, Level 70 Dwarf Priest (14/2/45). 7391 HP; 7845 Mana; 162 mana regen; 24 mp5; 126 spell crit; 58 spell hit; 696 +spell dmg/heal; 179 frost dmg (875); 179 shadow dmg (875); 4.82% dodge; 11 resilience; 10 frost resist (+10);[[ TBR: 752 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ]]
01:12.45Thunder_Childi'm holy dps
01:12.57JoshBorkei should play my priest and finish gearing up
01:13.06cladhaire!vs us stormrage sagart us draenor prismatic
01:13.07ThraeBotcladhaire: Sagart vs Prismatic! Two 70 priests square off!; 14/0/47 vs 34/27/0; Sagart wins by 13 TBRs!
01:13.07art3misand ive never set foot in ssc, gone to kara 3 times and did gruul twice
01:13.11art3misall with no loot ;P
01:13.26art3mismy stast are allf rom 5mans(none heroic) and quests/world drops
01:13.31JoshBorke!vs us stormreaver dagh us stormrage sagart
01:13.33ThraeBotJoshBorke: Dagh vs Sagart! Two 70 priests square off!; 14/2/45 vs 14/0/47; Dagh wins by 6 TBRs!
01:14.04art3mis!vs us stormreaver dagh us echo isles rozalyn
01:14.04ThraeBotart3mis: dagh vs rozalyn! It's a showdown! ...But wait, what's this?! dagh wins by 7837614 TBRs! Wow, that's GOTTA hurt.
01:14.27art3miswhats tbr?
01:14.31purlwell, tbr is ThraeBot Ratings, an invention of Thrae for his ThraeBot. It works on a weighted logarithmic algorithm that, when used to compare two characters, tries to take which classes are fighting each other. "to be released"
01:15.00art3mis!vs us draenor prismatic us echo isles rozalyn
01:15.02ThraeBotart3mis: Prismatic vs Rozalyn! Two 70 priests square off!; 34/27/0 vs 9/0/52; Rozalyn wins by 12 TBRs!
01:15.11JoshBorkehow does a shadow priest with less health, less mana, less damage beat another shadow priest?
01:15.25art3misi wouldnt win that one
01:15.30art3mishe'd out heal all my mana
01:16.21art3mis!vs us stormrage sagart us echo isles rozalyn
01:16.25ThraeBotart3mis: Sagart vs Rozalyn! Two 70 priests square off!; 14/0/47 vs 9/0/52; Sagart wins by 1 TBRs!
01:17.59art3mishow ya like that spec josh?
01:19.37JoshBorkethe 2 points in renew are stupid
01:19.44JoshBorkeor healing focus, whatever
01:20.11Thunder_Childi'm not a shadow priest
01:20.45N00bZXIhealing focus
01:20.51N00bZXIis nice to have
01:21.41Thunder_Childprismatic != SP
01:22.05Thunder_Childsp's are easy
01:22.11cladhaireart3mis: I'm working on it, but i'll stay with the same point spread
01:22.12cladhaireits been good
01:22.17art3misi think i wanna get that
01:22.23cladhaireonly diff is mana burn
01:22.27cladhairewhich tbh i dont get a chance to use, at all
01:22.39cladhairebut as i rise in rank, *shrug*
01:22.41art3misi actually went with my spec for pure burst damage in raids
01:23.03art3misin gruuls i average 2800-3200 for mb and sw:d
01:23.05cladhairei can't raid anymore.
01:23.18art3misit became a game with me and the other main sp to see who could pull the guards first
01:23.35art3misand the the paladins joined in the game to see who could keep us alive the longest ;P
01:23.42cladhairecause i'm going to england
01:23.50art3misare ya? why for?
01:23.56Thunder_Childart3mis, no IS might not want to get it
01:24.18Thunder_ChildImage stabilization
01:24.40art3misnone of my cameras have ahd IS
01:24.46art3misi cant see it being THAT bad
01:24.57art3misit's not like im buying it as a still camera
01:25.27art3mishell pictures on my blackjack are horrid because it's so thin
01:25.39art3misand pushing the buttont to snap pics mvoes it
01:25.44art3misit's awesome ;P
01:26.05art3misbut 250 for a 720p that uses flash cards is pretty rad
01:26.17art3misappearantly it's got an awesome abttery lfie too
01:27.04Shirikhmm, we both got home about the same time I guess :P
01:27.08ShirikI had to take care of the dogs
01:27.14CidanI had to... well, nevermind
01:27.39Shirikcops all over the place -_-
01:27.45Cidanyeah, did you see that?
01:27.50Cidanthey were on a roll tonight
01:28.02art3misand yet they still didnt catch you?
01:28.10*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
01:28.12art3misim telling
01:28.13CidanI drive like in GTA3
01:28.16Cidanit's insane.
01:28.21*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
01:28.24art3mishehe iw as playing crazy taxi 2 last night in big apple mode
01:28.24ShirikI drive an SUV
01:28.27Shirikit would flip over if you did that
01:28.41art3misand realized it's not much different than real life taxi drivers here
01:28.51Mr_Rabies2i just got two weakened souls at once
01:28.54Mr_Rabies2with different timers
01:28.57ShirikI did that before
01:28.58Mr_Rabies2like one was about a second off
01:29.06Shirikit's because of the spell buffer
01:29.24Shiriksame way two mages can polymorph each other
01:29.46Mr_Rabies2yeah but that has a cast time
01:29.46*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
01:29.47art3misya know whats the most annoying thing ever
01:29.54Mr_Rabies2usually instant stuff isn't as effected by the buffer
01:29.58art3misdueling someone in your group and being unable to shield yourself
01:30.11Mr_Rabies2or shielding them just
01:31.06Mr_Rabies2as you start
01:31.18Mr_Rabies2after the timer before they flag as hostile
01:31.23Shirikbtw Cidan I'm totally paying when we go to D&B
01:32.23Cidanwe end up paying for our own game time
01:32.28Cidanbut it is unlikely we will let you
01:32.32CidanI has quick reaction time
01:32.40Shirikcheck this
01:32.44Shirikmarketing strategies in trade chat
01:33.14Shirik"WTS Mooncloth bag 10g each. Don't settle for Netherweave, Netherweave is BOE! Mooncloth does NOT bind when equipped. You can resell it or trade it when you upgrade bags!"
01:33.28CidanThat's pretty nice
01:33.32CidanYou know what else is nice?
01:33.38Cidan--|| WARNING: NEVER try to serialize (in or out) before initialization.  <--- why?
01:33.50Shirikbecause...... hang on I had a good reason for this
01:33.55Shirikwhere did I write that, remind me
01:34.01Shirikoh no Root
01:34.07Cidanbut we delay init now, don't we?
01:34.13ShirikBecause before init, you can't guarantee VARIABLES_LOADED
01:34.24CidanYes you can, I tied it to variables loaded
01:34.25Shiriktherefore you could write to the data structure and then it'll disappear
01:34.30Shirikwell that
01:34.31Cidaninit doesn't run 'til variables loaded
01:34.34Shirikthat's what that warning was for :P
01:34.40Thunder_Childi still have a card from D&B..i swaer i am never gonna use that thing
01:34.42Cidanokay, so it's safe
01:34.48CidanThunder_Child, <3 D&B
01:34.54Thunder_Childonly ever been there once
01:35.01Cidanit's soooo fun.
01:35.01Thunder_Childgood food reasonable prices
01:35.03Shirikiirc that's the only reason
01:35.11*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
01:35.17Cidanthen allow me to "edit" that message
01:35.23Thunder_Childbeing wanded on the way in isnt to fun though
01:35.31Cidanyou were wanded?
01:35.36Thunder_Childyep, everyone was
01:35.38Cidanwhere did you go to D&B, Watts?
01:35.52Cidan(That's in Cali, for the non-americans)
01:35.57Thunder_Childhold on, let me look it up
01:36.42Thunder_ChildOntario Mills Mall
01:36.55Thunder_Childi think....
01:37.00Thunder_Childseems about right
01:37.55Thunder_Childstrict place "Non-smoking. Under 21 year old guests must be accompanied by their parent or a guardian 30 years of age or older. (6 minors to 1 adult maximum). Underage guests are welcome to stay until 10:00pm unless already seated in the Dining Room."
01:39.21Cidanthey serve a lot of drinks
01:39.24Cidanat night it's like a bar
01:39.57Cidanin the middle of the game room they have a giant bar with drinks, etc
01:40.06Cidanof course you know this, you've been there. :P
01:41.29AnduinLotharSomeone name me their favorite addon I've never heard of.
01:41.46Shirikthough Cidan, that does pose one problem
01:42.04ShirikI think you overestimate my age ;)
01:42.18CidanNo no
01:42.22CidanWe were just talking about your age
01:42.28Cidanbut we won't be there past 10
01:42.35CidanSo it's not an issue
01:43.13ShirikAnduinLothar: Conspiracy
01:43.32AnduinLotharI've heard of Conspiracy in passing, but not what it does
01:44.08AnduinLothari'm actually serius
01:44.16CidanIt's our replacement to RDX.Cid
01:44.18AnduinLothartho it is kinda chuckle funny
01:44.45CidanShirik, I'm going to make it check for table vars in children release auto-magic
01:45.01Cidanso you don't have to call table:destroy() if it's in the child system
01:47.09ShirikAnduinLothar: RDX.Cid is being completely rewritten from scratch. It will be faster, use less memory, and be more powerful than it was ever before.
01:47.17ShirikWe can rebuild it, we can make it stronger, faster
01:47.33Cidan<3 that movie
01:47.34AnduinLotharstill called RDX.cid?
01:47.41CidanConspiracy, :P
01:47.52AnduinLotharoh, thought it was a lib for it
01:48.04CidanIt serves as both really
01:48.20CidanShirik, PrintLine("WARNING: "" is not using Conspiracy.Var for table creation!");  :P
01:49.50cladhaireCidan: the || looks like "Conspiracy 2"
01:50.35Cidanhmm, I'll fix it later I suppose
01:51.12Thunder_Childyou know, by the simple act of looking at "
01:51.12Thunder_ChildWho's online
01:51.12Thunder_ChildThere are currently 0 users and 0 guests online."
01:51.21art3misso cid are you actually making a full ui?
01:51.21Thunder_Childyou should see a 1 in the guests spot
01:51.29CidanShirik and I do
01:51.32Cidaner, am
01:51.40art3misi r baboon?
01:51.53Cidanand the page has a 1 minute cache
01:52.13AnduinLotharanyone have a fave addon i haven't heard of that is actually finished?
01:52.40AnduinLotharsmeels liek an ace name
01:52.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
01:52.44art3misit is
01:52.47art3misits enat though
01:52.50Shirikcladhaire ?
01:52.57Shirikoh nm
01:53.06art3misbenecast is fun too
01:53.12art3misif yer a healer type
01:53.13ShirikCidan: The correct conjugation is "are"
01:53.30AnduinLothari dont heal this year.. much
01:53.43ShirikAnduinLothar: Serenity?
01:53.55Shirikthough you don't heal
01:53.55AnduinLothari would liek a replacement for Dorje's Healing bars tho
01:54.05AnduinLotharit's been erroring
01:54.15Shirikwhat do they o?
01:54.17Thunder_Childreally? i use them...dont have much of a problem
01:54.18art3misbenecast basically puts little buttons you select next to each marty member
01:54.29art3misso you just click those instead of click casting n stuff
01:54.29AnduinLotharit doesn't break, just errors...
01:54.40Shirikbut I mean what is that addon supposed to do
01:54.51Shirikoh that was @ Thunder_Child
01:54.54AnduinLothari get it mixed up with Visual heal
01:55.04art3missomeone go fix minigroup
01:55.06AnduinLotharone of them shows how much the heal is gonna land for
01:55.09art3misand make it work again
01:55.12AnduinLotharon a bar
01:55.13Thunder_Child"fter some taunts from my fellow guildies, I've decided to write an addon like Forecast myself. And here it is.
01:55.13Thunder_ChildDorje's Healing Bars.
01:55.13Thunder_ChildThe concept is pretty simple. Show the casting bars of other healers in raid healing you,
01:55.13Thunder_Childyour target or your focus target.
01:55.15Thunder_ChildThe mod is based on Ace2, so it's very lightweight and pleasant to the eye.
01:55.17Thunder_ChildYou have a lot of ways to adjust the bars themselves and their behavior like bar and text size,
01:55.19Thunder_Childbar texture, growing upwards, downwards, and toggling the bars themselves."
01:55.23art3misi want my awesome compact none gay party frames back
01:55.25Thunder_Childstupid lack of 1 liner
01:55.26Shirik~lart Thunder_Child
01:55.26purlcuts off Thunder_Child's head with a halberd that could have been a little bit sharper
01:55.41Thunder_Childwell thats an exceprt from the readme file
01:55.47art3misAnduinLothar: you could try quartz
01:55.54Shirikquartz is awesome
01:55.58Shirikand I don't like to use ace mods
01:56.00Shirikand quartz is awesome
01:56.03art3misits mostly the same thing
01:56.05N00bZXIyes it is
01:56.05AnduinLothari have heard it is, how's the setup?
01:56.05Thunder_Childi have quartz and the healing bars
01:56.06art3misonly rpetty
01:56.16Shiriksetup is extremely easy
01:56.17|Jelly|Quartz is purdy to the face.
01:56.29art3misit makes shirik happy in the pants
01:56.37AnduinLothar needs ss's
01:56.46art3misumm i can describe it
01:56.58N00bZXIThe single reason I don't use Quartz is because the only module I'd use is Latency, and I have that on my castbar already.
01:57.01Thunder_Childit's a golden shpere
01:57.15Thunder_Childfound in a 27th century space ship
01:57.16art3misyou've got you in the center with mana down one side of the circle and hp down the other side. the numbers pop in the circle center for heals and damage
01:57.30AnduinLotharso it's a hud?
01:57.37art3misthen you have 10 "rows" that suinburst from the circle
01:57.53art3misthat youc an fill with spells and stuff, for events ie in combat out of combat resting etc
01:58.04art3misand they appear and hide depending on what yer doing
01:58.23art3misits kinna neato to muck with
01:58.24AnduinLotharhud + custom bars?
01:58.29art3misits not a hud
01:58.33art3misits a player unit frame
01:58.38art3misplayer only unit frame
01:58.41art3miswith buttons
01:58.42AnduinLotharlol, that's the same thing
01:58.49N00bZXIhuds also have pet/target/focus
01:58.54AnduinLotharmeh, w/e
01:59.01N00bZXIor at least all I've seen do
01:59.12art3mishuds go in the center of the screen and show stuff.
01:59.29art3misthis shows very little ;P
01:59.38art3misits mainly the buttons that are neat
01:59.48CidanHey Shirik, you know how you changed around those utility funcs
01:59.50art3misoh and it can shift spells based on form too
01:59.55Cidandid you ever, oh, I dunno, commit?
01:59.57art3mislike bear cat shadow etc
01:59.59Shirik... oops
02:00.19art3misshift spells == show or hide the buttons
02:00.32art3misit's fun to play with go try it ;P
02:00.48ShirikCidan: Of course I did, what are you complaining about
02:01.41art3mishey cid, for the fonts thing why not just rip off clearfonts ;P
02:01.52art3misthat works great for font stuff
02:01.55cladhaireanyone know how much resilience is currently affecting DoTs?
02:01.56N00bZXIQuestion: Is there any way to get the starting duration of the player's buffs/debuffs?
02:02.13art3misstartin duration?
02:02.25AnduinLotharclad: currently it's not afaik
02:02.34AnduinLotharunless you mean on ptr
02:02.35N00bZXII mean to get the duration
02:02.39cladhairei mean on ptr
02:02.40N00bZXIso if you have 20mins of fort left
02:02.44N00bZXIit'd return 30mins
02:02.47AnduinLothardunno then
02:02.53Cidanart3mis, because I want suggestions as to what people want to see
02:03.07art3mishrm as a full ui?
02:03.15art3misan installer like mazzles
02:03.22art3miswithout the gay addon choices
02:03.29Thunder_Childi would like the option to sho the name of the player that cast it on you
02:04.07art3misautoform actionbutton swapping
02:04.33art3misturn shadow see shadowy spells shift out see a different layout
02:05.22AnduinLothardoes quartz have a swing timer for your target?
02:05.36art3misi believe so yes
02:05.50N00bZXIyou mean it times your swings or your target's?
02:06.01AnduinLothartarget's swings
02:06.18AnduinLothari have an addon that does that now, don't remember the name
02:06.23Wobinoh ffs
02:06.30Wobinthe armoury 'suggestion' page is useless
02:06.34Cidanno, you will have modules, etc, like RDX, but it's not going to replace everything
02:06.38Wobinyou can't sort by anything =(
02:06.42Cidanit's going to be like RDX was, only better
02:07.18Shirikart3mis: An OOBE
02:07.22Shirikis what you mean
02:07.26Shirikin theory a module could be made to do it
02:07.39Shirikbut I think that's a low priority if anything at all
02:07.46art3misit's a must have!
02:07.48N00bZXIrewrite of rdx.cid?
02:08.02art3misrewrite would imply that they kept any of the rdx code ;P
02:08.15ShirikZero of it has been copied
02:08.18art3misthey took the etch-a-sketch and turned it upside down and shook
02:08.59AnduinLotharare you using premade libs?
02:09.11AnduinLotharwhy not?
02:09.26Cidanbecause we think we can do it better
02:09.32AnduinLotharof course
02:10.01AnduinLotharare you making sepperate libs or is everything just gonna be part of the rdx addon?
02:10.13ShirikThere will be exposed APIs that people can use if they want
02:10.18cladhairewhat libs would they use?
02:10.22Shirikmake their own modules, etc. But I doubt any of it would be useful
02:10.25Shirikfor any non-module
02:10.28N00bZXIspeaking of libs
02:10.31AnduinLotharwell i know rdx does comm stuff
02:10.43ShirikTo access comms, you'd have to make an RDX Module
02:10.47Shirikthe syntax is Module:SendMessage()
02:10.48AnduinLotharand i'm sure you're gonna use hookign somewhere
02:11.03ShirikConspiracy module
02:11.04N00bZXIIMO, addons should load only what is necessary, but take advantage of other libs if they're present
02:11.17CidanWell it's all optional
02:11.21AnduinLotharand i almost garentee a timer
02:11.22Cidanyou don't have to load what you don't want to
02:11.31N00bZXII mean in general
02:11.41AnduinLotharand there's a plethera of other libs out there
02:11.55CidanI'm sure there are, but we're aiming for a different method
02:11.58N00bZXIfor example if a mod does a simple thing with 2 or 3 different options, why make a minimap icon?
02:12.09CidanThe world didn't get to where it was today by using the same old tech since the stone age. :P
02:12.20ShirikHere we go again
02:12.32ShirikFor some reason half the people in this channel insist on forcing libs down peoples throats
02:12.36ShirikAnd I just don't get it
02:12.38CidanNo kidding
02:12.47ShirikHow many times have we had this conversation now? I'm sure Cide knows
02:13.39AnduinLotharI understand wanting to do it yourself. but if you're gonna code it why not make it abstracted enough so that it's easy for other authors to use without requiring your whole package. that's all.
02:13.45N00bZXIWhat I mean is if I was writing, for example, a mod using Ace2, I wouldn't embed Waterfall/FuBarPlugin/SharedMedia, but take advantage of them if another addon loaded them anyway
02:13.54Thunder_Child1,039 times Shirik
02:13.59Shirikthank you Thunder_Child
02:14.04Thunder_Childyour wlecome
02:14.09N00bZXII'm just curious why other addons don't do this
02:14.27CideShirik: "too fucking many" I believe it is
02:14.27cladhaireN00bZXI: would be a great idea, wish people would actually take care of it?
02:14.31AnduinLothari've written a ton of addons with optional deps
02:14.41Nom-lol @ wrong house
02:14.59AnduinLothartelltrack has like 10 opt deps or something rediculous like that
02:15.01Cideoptional deps are meant for extra features, not libs
02:15.14cladhaireAnduinLothar: no one was talking about you, we know you do that
02:15.24AnduinLotharN00bZXI was talkign about opt deps
02:15.47CidanAnduinLothar, what I'm saying is that they don't need our whole package.  The framework for Conspiracy is really just a lib in the end, with some sugar on top.
02:15.47AnduinLotharthe ones he mentioned are gui configs, which are generally opt dep
02:15.54N00bZXII'm talking in general, not just opt deps
02:15.59N00bZXIopt deps only work if you disembed
02:16.02CidanEverything else, raid frames, etc, will be in its' own module
02:16.16ShirikEssentially that's what FuBar is too
02:16.18Shirika library
02:16.21Shirikwith some stuff on top
02:16.26AnduinLotharfubar is more than a library
02:16.32Shirikyeah it's two little bars
02:16.32Cidannot really when you think about it
02:16.37Cidanjust a bar
02:16.38AnduinLotharit's a configuration and display package
02:17.02ShirikIt exposes APIs that other authors can then take advantage of
02:17.05Shiriki.e., a library
02:17.05AnduinLotharthat's bigger than the scope of a single lib imo
02:17.37N00bZXIdoesn't FuBarPlugin provide the API, not FuBar?
02:17.45ShirikI don't care I don't use it :P
02:17.50ShirikBut the general idea is there
02:18.15N00bZXII thought FuBar allowed you to move Minimap icons created with FuBarPlugin onto it instead
02:18.33Shirikfact of the matter, AnduinLothar, is that without making your addon a conspiracy module, I don't think there's much you could take advantage of
02:18.42Shirikfor example, the comms stuff
02:18.50ShirikIt needs to encode some information to help it figure out which module to send it to
02:18.51cladhairemaking a general library isn't always a good thing
02:19.01cladhairemaking a focused set of features for your own addon, and its modules seems to make sense.
02:19.07Shiriknaturally this wouldn't make sense if there is no module
02:19.42CidanIt is inward focused, this isn't a general lib
02:19.51cladhairewhich i support, entirely.
02:19.57AnduinLothari wasn't recommending it should be
02:20.22N00bZXIIs anything other than Conspiracy going to use the library?
02:20.25AnduinLotharjust wondering if it was gonna be self containing or be dependant on libs you have yet to write.
02:20.37ShirikN00bZXI: What library?
02:20.47N00bZXIwait, nevermind, misunderstood
02:21.17ShirikOkay, you know how NPCs have things under their names like <Blade Vendor> or <General Goods>
02:21.29ShirikCan someone please explain to me why one of the people in scryer terrace says <Fence> ?
02:21.35Shirikit's bugged me forever now
02:21.44N00bZXII never noticed that
02:21.53Cideit's the gem vendor
02:22.07CideI thought it was just a fancy word I didn't know!
02:22.27CidanYou don't know what a Fence is?
02:22.37Cidein terms of gem vendors
02:22.53Shirik~dict fence
02:23.00Shirik~dict 3 fence
02:23.10Shirikthis could take a while
02:23.27Cidanit's someone who sells and buys stolen property
02:23.33Cidansimple as that
02:23.35Shirik222:232:21 12‹purl12› [5/16] a dealer in stolen property
02:23.45ShirikI'd never heard that term before
02:23.55CidanPlay Theif 1/2/3, :P
02:24.37ShirikAnduinLothar: To answer your question
02:24.42ShirikThere aren't really any "libs" per se
02:25.03ShirikEach module will do its own thing. What Conspiracy's root provides is the framework with which modules can do what they want to do
02:25.09Shirikso it can hook in cleanly
02:25.24Shirikso that all modules will look similar, etc.
02:25.29ShirikWhile providing different functionaliies
02:25.39ShirikFor example, all the windows look similar
02:25.42Cidanie: each module doesn't need to write code for collecting and scanning unit data
02:25.57Cidanthe main Conspiracy lib will do that, all other modules hook onto it
02:26.01ShirikSo that every time a module wants to parse an event, even if 10 modules want to parse it
02:26.09Shirikit will only be done once, saving both memory and CPU cycles
02:26.10Cidanit's only done once
02:26.20AnduinLotharwhat if none do?
02:26.26Cidanthen it's not done
02:26.40art3misshirik: code name for first beta should be called "Geeeezzzzzz"
02:26.44AnduinLotharsounds like a bunch of ace libs put together
02:26.57cladhaireAnduinLothar: its nothing like Ace at all, what they just described.
02:27.04ShirikIt's merely what Conspiracy needs to do its job
02:27.09cladhaireits a raid UI api
02:27.11ShirikOne of the main functionalities is bossmod management
02:27.12cladhairesimple as that :-)
02:27.24art3misconspiracy == vlf+rdx
02:27.25AnduinLotharthanks for clarifying
02:27.27ShirikAnd when you have tons of mods looking for the same thing (which was VERY prevalent in RDX.Cid) you waste a lot of time
02:27.28art3misonly not gay
02:27.31AnduinLotharno one said anythign about raid
02:27.38Garoun|LoupanaI HATE prince
02:27.46Garoun|LoupanaHe boxed me in, I said watch it fall on me
02:27.49Garoun|Loupanait falls on me,
02:27.52N00bZXII never really understood why VFL was a seperate addon from RDX
02:28.03N00bZXIwhy make it a lib if only one addon will use it?
02:28.13Garoun|Loupanaso I use his shadownova to ride over the infernals... what does he do in my new spot... he drops another one on me
02:28.16cladhaireAnduinLothar: its a _RAID_ ui..
02:28.35ShirikN00bZXI: VFL is a library, written by Venificus, that we never touched
02:28.52ShirikIt was intended to be used by multiple addons, but I don't think it ever was
02:29.40AnduinLotharyeah, i never saw anythign about raid anywhere in chat nor on the website >.>
02:29.51AnduinLotharand not having ever used rdx myself..
02:30.02Shirikok well now you know :)
02:30.07Shirikand knowing is half the battle! -- GIJoe
02:30.18cladhaire!ap 1900
02:30.18ThraeBotcladhaire: Arena points from a rating of 1900 is, 2v2: 626, 3v3: 715, 5v5: 894
02:30.22cladhaire!ap 1800
02:30.23ThraeBotcladhaire: Arena points from a rating of 1800 is, 2v2: 532, 3v3: 608, 5v5: 760
02:30.40AnduinLotharspeaking of which... you might want to say what it is on the website somewhere obvious
02:31.22art3miswhy would need other addons when rdx pays the bills?
02:31.25Shirikwell as of right now I think the only people that know of the site are former RDX.Cid users so
02:31.30AnduinLotharcause from the looks it seems like a ui compilation with a core lib
02:31.44ShirikWhen it's more together it will probably have a better front page
02:31.49Shirikwith a "wtf is Conspiracy" etc
02:32.05art3mishad you ever watched duckman?
02:32.11art3misthe cartoon
02:32.18AnduinLotharyou put the link in irc. it's logged. it's on the interweb. you can't hide it now!
02:32.31ShirikCidan: SingaporeNoodles don't forget!
02:32.41Shirikor whatever it was
02:32.41CidanI won't
02:32.43ShirikI forgot already
02:32.43art3misthrees an episode where this villan is stealing left socks from laundromats
02:32.46CidanStreet Noodles
02:32.50Shirikthat's right
02:32.52N00bZXIis the main page users online count working? I can see 2 guests forums but 0 main page
02:33.05Cidanit's on a 1 minute cache, yeesh, let me just remove that
02:33.10art3misand every time they said CONSPIRACY! it was always as a dramatic point
02:33.30N00bZXII've been viewing it longer than 1min
02:34.00Cidaneither way, cache removed
02:37.02AnduinLotharhmmm, Quartz has nearly a meg of embedded libs, yummy
02:37.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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02:37.54art3misits prety powerful
02:38.31AnduinLotharmmm shere has 1.4mb
02:39.03AnduinLotharahh, both waterfall and threat in there
02:39.10AnduinLotharand dewdrop
02:41.41art3miscid since yer busy working on yer addon thingy can you go do soemthing mindless and make the background colour of the webpage load a random colour each time i click it?
02:41.54art3misor some other unrelated trivial thing?
02:43.44N00bZXIIs each module of Conspiracy going to be a seperate addon?
02:44.36art3mispatience grasshopper, one cannot know the future if one speaks all the time and never lsitens
02:44.53art3mishey cid
02:45.03art3misif my head was made of cabbage how much would it cost?
02:45.13Shirikit would be full of air
02:45.15Shiriknext question
02:45.39Thunder_Childmostly water
02:48.40Cidanbleh, f this
02:48.44Cidangoing to go try Bioshock
02:48.49Shirikhave fun
02:48.50CidanI'll work on var tables tomorrow
02:48.56Cidanget it all in place
02:49.06Cidanepic reduced memory usage, yay.
02:49.16CidanI still thing we're in for a hurtin'
02:49.36ShirikI still think you're overthinking this :P
02:49.45CidanAnd I think you're under, :P
02:49.57Shirikgo play
02:52.03Corrodiaswhat's the library that moves around frames to account for fubar and such?
02:52.11Corrodiasand what do you do when it fails to move the minimap?
02:52.54Corrodiasthat's the one
02:55.44art3misyou untick auto move
02:55.47art3misand retick it
02:55.53art3misand itll fix itself
02:56.03Corrodiasauto move? where?
02:56.24Corrodiasah, the fubar option to auto-adjust blizzard frames?
02:57.16art3misyou should be using ricominimap though
02:57.20art3miscuz its groovy
02:57.30Corrodiasi have tried to think of a good reason to, but i can't
02:58.08Corrodiasmy minimap buttons could be fit around a different-looking minimap, but i couldn't find anything about the default one that dissatisfies me
03:00.47Corrodiasbut i think i'll get it out of principle.
03:04.39Kaydeethreeah, holy hell... I'm going to crash firefox at this rate
03:04.49Kaydeethree50-some-odd tabs opened all pointing at right now
03:08.54DroffatsHow much memory is that eating up?
03:09.18Kaydeethree286 megabytes
03:09.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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03:10.21DroffatsGood grief
03:10.38KaydeethreeI've had firefox break 500 in day-long browsing sessions doing this on wikipedia
03:10.47art3misCorrodias: get minibuttonbag too
03:10.55Kaydeethreehell, I've had firefox break 500 in normal day-long browsing sessions
03:11.58Nom-lol Firefox is terrible for long term use
03:12.15Nom-I've forgotten to close it over a weekend sometimes, and come back on Monday to find it using more than 1GB RAM
03:12.21Nom-That's doing nothing... just left it running
03:13.34IrielI unfortunately have to restart firefox periodically too
03:13.34Nom-heck it's already using 100MB
03:13.42Nom-And i've only had it open for 2 hours
03:13.43Irielthough i'm a horrible abuser of tabs and image loading
03:13.45N00bZXIIt's using 100mb for me, I started it when I joined this channel today
03:13.47Nom-less than that even, 1.5 hours tops
03:15.41N00bZXIWindows is using ~600mb of memory
03:15.51N00bZXINot sure how much it should be using
03:16.00Thunder_Childi have never seen mine less than 100mb
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03:16.34Thunder_Childof cource i never have it with less than 10 at a time
03:16.58Thunder_Childwhat bothers me is when it starts taking up cpu usage
03:22.32Arrowmasteryou should tweak firefox to not cache 10 pages backwards and forwards for every tab if you dont like the memory usage
03:24.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (i=Dotted@
03:26.43Mr_Rabies2that's built into fasterfox, right?
03:26.48Mr_Rabies2the ability to easily tweak it?
03:28.34N00bZXIAnybody know if you can have fraps also capture the fps overlay it creates?
03:28.42N00bZXIby any chance?
03:29.07Mr_Rabies2not sure
03:30.25Thunder_Childyes N00bZXI, it has a checkbox option
03:30.48N00bZXII can only see one for screenshots
03:31.01Thunder_Childyou didnt say for video
03:31.36Thunder_Childbesides, WoW has it built in
03:31.48N00bZXIDidn't remember it had that option before I opened it to take a look
03:32.06N00bZXII don't use WoW because I can't move it effectively, and it's under my actionbar
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03:34.16Thunder_Child"The frame rate counter shouldn't be saved on your movies." looks like you will have to request the feature
03:35.33IrielInteresting, so fraps lets the actual game framerate differ from the capture/movie framerate?
03:36.03Mr_Rabies2there's quite a few frameymovey addons around :O
03:38.03N00bZXIOh, and the WoW overlay is updated too fast imo
03:38.08N00bZXIsometimes it becomes hard to see
03:38.37Mr_Rabies2is there a specific reason you want to record it? just wondering :O
03:38.55Thunder_ChildIriel, yes
03:39.13Thunder_Childyou can choose at what fps to record at
03:39.14N00bZXII'd like to basically record in ab or something once with full-size once with half-size so I can see how big of a difference it makes on FPS
03:39.30IrielThunder_Child: Hm, I guess if the game is sufficiently ahead then it wouldn't feel to odd
03:39.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted^1 (
03:39.55Thunder_Childwell i record at 30fps, but my game plays at 20fps when frapsing
03:40.12N00bZXII haven't recorded anything at all for a long time
03:40.28Thunder_Childthe game is only going slower *because* of fraps...the info is still being displayed to fraps at the same speed...just not your screen
03:40.43N00bZXIactually I think last time I have was before I got Vista RC1
03:40.43Shirikman my holy crit rate used to be 20%
03:40.45Shiriknow it's 11%
03:41.24Mr_Rabies2i have only 10 factions worth tracking anymore D:
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03:44.34Rallioni'm looking at The Church of Scientology's wikipedia edits.
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03:48.35ckknightRallion: oh?
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03:51.18DroffatsWith the wikiskanner?
03:52.02Rallioner, yes, sorry, was reading :P
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03:57.55Nom-6 channel SATA Raid 5 controller + 6 x 750TB drives = about 3.7TB usable space
03:58.51Nom-You could do that for a little over AUD 2300 too
03:59.12Nom-750GB drives i mean
03:59.44N00bZXIwhat would you use 3.7tb on
04:00.02Kaydeethreesame thing I'm already using nearly a terabyte on?
04:00.06Kaydeethreelots and lots of media
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04:02.37Droffatsmedia... yeah. *wink*
04:04.06Nom-I've got.... over a TB of media
04:04.32N00bZXII've got.... 60gb
04:04.35Nom-actually, might not be at the TB mark any more
04:04.43AnduinLothari had a lot till i accidently reformattted that drive
04:04.53Kaydeethreeouch. I've pulled that stunt once
04:04.55Nom-But work
04:05.02N00bZXImost of which is music/old things I've made
04:05.02Nom-We eat TB for breakfast
04:05.04*** join/#wowi-lounge __art3mis (
04:05.20AnduinLotharemail storage server
04:05.30Nom-Total Capacity: 5.42 TB
04:05.30Nom-Currently Used: 3.42 TB
04:05.30Nom-Current Upload: 44.74 MB/s
04:05.40AnduinLotharthe server that stores all the keyloggers in the building
04:05.45Kaydeethree44 megs a second, cripes
04:06.07KaydeethreeI fear to think how much that costs, bandwidth-wise
04:06.10N00bZXIah, servers
04:06.19N00bZXInow that makes more sense
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04:07.23Nom-You don't wanna know how much space our billing database uses :P
04:08.00Nom-Let's put it this way... we're buying a 4.5TB disk array for something like $100,000
04:08.38Kaydeethreehow many 9s of reliability does 100k get you?
04:09.32IrielI think a more interesting question would be 'and then how much do you pay for the backup infrastructure for that'?
04:10.07Iriel(and power, and cooling)
04:10.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (
04:10.46Cidanit's official, Bioshock is one amazing game.
04:10.54Nom-we're buying that for our development environment
04:10.55Irielaye, my PC download is waiting for me
04:11.01Irielthe 360 one was impressive enough
04:11.04IrielI'm torn on which to buy
04:11.08Nom-Actually, I think it was $10,000
04:11.15Nom-I think I am remembering too many zeroes
04:11.17CidanI've not tried the 360 version
04:11.18lolinternet[06:07] <Nom-> Let's put it this way... we're buying a 4.5TB disk array for something like $100,000  <--what the hell, that's expensive for 4.5 TB
04:11.27CidanThe PC version runs like a dream and looks _amazing_
04:11.31CidanUE3 tech is nice
04:11.33sag_ich_nichtand i mean really expensive.
04:11.34Kaydeethreemeh. I'd need either a 360 or a much better processor & graphics card and perhaps windows if I'd want to play
04:11.43Nom-It's a high availability SAN
04:11.47Nom-All SCSI drives
04:11.48DroffatsHow long did it take you to download the demo, Cidan?
04:11.50RallionCidan, DX9 or 10?
04:12.01Nom-All 10,000 RPM drives too
04:12.06IrielMy download was 90 mins on steam
04:12.25RallionI have the full version preloaded, but it gets released an hour after I go in to work tomorrow...luckily I have the day after off :P
04:12.26Shirikdear god, that second boss in BM sucks.
04:12.29ShirikLike not even kidding
04:12.32CidanUhm, a few hours
04:12.32ShirikNever done it as a healer
04:12.44sag_ich_nichtstill expensive Nom, i can get the SCSI controller and the HDDs for 4.5TB a LOT cheaper, add a few network cards, a server motherboard, let's say 2 gig ram and i'm not even close to 100k USD
04:13.21AnduinLotharbuilding it yourself is of course cheeper
04:13.37AnduinLotharbut i bet they want the warrenty and support staff
04:14.32Thunder_Childbah, would be nice if bioshock worked
04:14.47DroffatsI like when stuff works.
04:14.49KyahxThunder_Child: PC rip out?
04:15.03Kyahxgetting my hopes up :(
04:15.11CidanThunder_Child, why doesn't it work?
04:15.23Thunder_Childno idea
04:15.34KyahxI played the 360 demo, I can honestly say I was blown away
04:15.55KyahxI might be grabbing it for xbox instead of my PC =X
04:15.56Thunder_Childboots to black screen, 0 cpu usage statck mem usage
04:16.08Rallionthat sucks
04:16.38ShirikI thought we were finally done with the "how can I cancel a heal if the target's HP is full"
04:16.42IrielThe PC version needs to be something incredible or I'll do the 360 as well
04:16.48Shirikno wonder nobody can heal these days
04:17.00KyahxI have a feeling the PC version will be incredible...on a brand new PC
04:17.02IrielSadly my receiver needs to go into the shop to have its backlight fixed, so I need to make sure I get a loaner or I can't play.
04:17.08KyahxI don't think my current machine can keep up with my 360
04:17.11CidanI can't compare it to the 360 as I don't have one, but I love it on my computer.
04:17.11RallionI HAVE a brand new PC
04:17.17N00bZXII might need to upgrade my PC for dx10 games
04:17.19Kyahxespecially considering I don't have windows on here ATM =X
04:17.20Rallionat least the important parts are brand new
04:17.35Rallionvideo card, memory, and CPU
04:17.35KyahxI don't forsee Bioshock working in wine :P
04:17.41Cidannor do I
04:17.44Rallionheh, yeah
04:18.03Cidanuses UE3, which will not work
04:18.59KyahxEh, I have a nice TV and stereo, so other than not really being able to justify $60 on a game when I need to pay rent...its all good :P
04:19.00RallionI really am excited to see the engine in action
04:19.26sag_ich_nichtwoooo, atlas 1.10.0
04:19.45RallionEven though I doubt I'll prefer the UE3 engine to Source
04:19.57Cidanhave you seen UE3?
04:20.10KyahxI'll always prefer the source engine, out of pure loyalty to valve :P
04:20.15Kyahxbut yes, UE3 is beautiful
04:20.23CidanTBH though, Tech 5 looks like it might be winrar.
04:20.29CidanJust from a dev's POV
04:20.38CidanHearing John Carmack talk is soooo dreamy
04:20.51RallionUE3 looks beautiful on very high-end machines, Source looks beautiful on everything
04:21.05Kyahxand source works in wine! (for the most part) :P
04:21.18CidanJohn Carmack and Tim Sweeney are like, my heroes.
04:21.45RallionI ran the FPS test for Lost Coast, which is basically HL2 but prettier...minimum FPS for the test was like 114
04:22.00*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
04:22.06RallionHL2 + cool lighting effects
04:22.06Thunder_Childmore than just that...first time they used HDRL i belive
04:22.19sag_ich_nichtlol, new Atlas is 10 MB big.
04:22.39Kyahx*shrug* its all textures
04:22.45Kyahxwho cares
04:23.09Thunder_Childthe person that likes to view pretty textured
04:23.22KyahxI prefer Atlas still :)
04:23.52RallionTextures are our lives!
04:24.14sag_ich_nichti have to clean up my atlas folders
04:24.39RallionI really like using Cartographer, myself
04:24.58sag_ich_nichti use atlas and alphamap :P
04:25.02KyahxI got sick of Cartographer =/
04:25.08N00bZXII prefer using alt-tab and opening a website with the instance map
04:25.15Rallionbut then I actually use almost all of Cartographer's features...
04:26.28CidanI too like Cartographer
04:26.46sag_ich_nichtmeh, i'll have a look at cartographer when i'm bored
04:27.43Rallioni use the waypoint feature a seemed useless at first, but then I experienced it via Lightheaded, and it was good.
04:27.56Thunder_Childlol "NVIDIA Beta Drivers v163.44 Released just before the BioShock demo, this is a latest NVIDIA driver to update your video card. Highly recommended if you download the demo!"
04:27.56cladhairemeh, don't need cart for waypoints :P
04:28.20Rallionoh, I know
04:28.53RallionBah, I hate NVIDIA sometimes...most of the time.
04:29.00sag_ich_nichtall of the time.
04:29.23IrielHm, do you like ATI more?
04:29.26sag_ich_nichtat least i found a way to fix fixed aspect ratios for non-native resolutions for 8800 series GPUs
04:29.31IrielNVIDIA seems least annoying to me
04:30.12RallionI've had fewer issues with ATI drivers
04:30.18CidanI like NVIDIA more, ever since my last ATI card LITERALLY bursted into FLAMES inside of my case.
04:30.26Rallionthat would be bad
04:30.28Cidan(I have a see-through panel on my case.)
04:30.43Rallionthough my card has got to be real close to making real live fire
04:30.46IrielI've been generally disappointed with the quality of ATI graphics versus NVIDIA
04:30.59CidanIn particular, I dislike ATI's linux support.
04:31.06RallionMy card breaks 160F under load
04:31.07CidanIt upsets me.
04:31.09Kyahxwell, that's because it sucks
04:31.40sag_ich_nichtIriel: that's because ATI graphics are only good if you install the omegadriver :P
04:32.11Rallionwoo Omega
04:32.14Irielsag_ich_nicht: Even WITH Omega
04:32.16KyahxThe fact that you need unsupported third party drivers to make full use of your hardware is the sad part
04:32.22sag_ich_nichtIriel: oĂ”
04:32.29sag_ich_nichtKyahx yes.
04:32.35sag_ich_nichtit's the same with nvidia tho :(
04:32.38KyahxNot so!
04:32.58sag_ich_nichtyes, go look in any 3D forum you want :P
04:33.12CidanI run my 8800 just fine
04:33.22IrielHm so far my 360's winning on BioShock.. time to try some beta drivers
04:33.35sag_ich_nichtyeah, so do i. now go try a custom driver Cidan and compare the visual quality, with the same FPS.
04:33.44CidanIriel: What's wrong with it?
04:33.55Cidansag_ich_nicht, I have, DNA drivers, etc
04:34.01Cidanit's not that big a diff.
04:34.12Cidanminor at best
04:34.17IrielCidan: The textures all seem to be low detail.. it may be my card, or driver, or something else.
04:34.18Cidanachived by hacks
04:34.34IrielCidan: No labelling on the plaque in the lighthouse, for example
04:34.53CidanMake sure texture detail is on high?
04:34.56IrielIt is
04:35.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
04:35.08Irielno, 7900
04:35.20Cidannewest driver?
04:35.36IrielNewest non-beta one.. (Installing beta now)
04:35.39Cidanis the texture just blank?
04:36.06IrielI may just need a reboot, I was playing WoW earlier, perhaps bioshock didn't initialize the card properly
04:36.16IrielIt's the right color and it's lit right, just no letters
04:36.41sag_ich_nichtWoW actually manages to break my 8800GTX
04:36.59Cidansag_ich_nicht, I've heard that from some people, but I've yet to have an issue
04:37.02Cidanruns like a dream
04:37.45Rallionyeah, I run WoW at 60FPS
04:37.50Thunder_Childsag_ich_nicht, how?
04:37.53Rallionmax settings
04:38.01IrielWoW used to break my 7900 for a bit between the last few patches, but 2.1.3 fixed all my issues
04:38.07Thunder_Childwhat res Rallion?
04:38.22Rallion1280x1024, I have an LCD, so that's as high as I go
04:38.24sag_ich_nichtrandom graphical tearing(fixed with a /console gxrestart), non standalone-model textures gone(sometimes fixed using a /console gxrestart but not always, and if not fixed, permanent until a reboot)
04:38.40Thunder_ChildRallion, i know..stupid native resolutions
04:38.55RallionI can live with it...barely.
04:38.59Thunder_Childsag_ich_nicht, how often?
04:39.12sag_ich_nichtThunder_Child sometimes not for days, sometimes 10 times a day.
04:39.41Thunder_Childhuh...i have the same card.....never any problems like you describe
04:39.53sag_ich_nichtAsus 8800GTX?
04:39.57sag_ich_nichtor from some other vendor? :P
04:40.03Rallioncould it be temp-related?
04:40.08Thunder_Childdamn, now i have to use my brain....1 sec
04:40.16sag_ich_nichtThunder_Child: i guess you haven
04:40.18CidanIriel, I'm looking forward to it for the 8800's
04:40.29CidanI'd really like to try it as I have never done it before.
04:40.35sag_ich_nicht*Thunder_Child: i guess you haven't forced all settings to max details in the driver settings for WoW like i did.
04:40.43IrielI had massive stability problems with dual 7900's
04:40.53sag_ich_nichti think it's something in WoWs memory managment code that's faulty, because i get out of memory crashes when i still have ~300 MB RAM left and a ton in the pagefile
04:40.57IrielBut i'm not sure how many were card related, and how many were motherboard RAID related.
04:40.59Thunder_Childi thought i did...what did you do differently?
04:41.07cogwheeli can't even attempt SLI right now... it's totally borked on vista 64
04:41.24sag_ich_nichtThunder_Child: what res you use? i use 1680x1050
04:41.27RallionI don't think I'll ever be going with just seems like such a hack to me
04:41.39sag_ich_nichtstock cooler?
04:41.47N00bZXIheh, I could buy a sli motherboard and use my second card (with a broken port)
04:41.48CidanMy biggest worry is power drain
04:41.52CidanI think I'll need a new PSU
04:41.53Thunder_Childthat i am still checking
04:42.07N00bZXIbut vista x64 sli doesn't really work
04:42.12sag_ich_nicht<--Enermax Galaxy 1kW PSU
04:42.14cogwheelRallion: the only hackish thing, imo, is the fact that the textures have to be duplicated on each card... other than that, it's not much different than having a multi-core processor
04:42.49sag_ich_nichtmight be just that that makes the difference, Thunder_Child
04:42.51Thunder_Childbut stovk nvidia drivers
04:42.59Thunder_Childmight be
04:43.09Thunder_Childthough asus is a damn good company
04:43.13sag_ich_nichti can have an actually power FAILURE and the PC will still run for like 10 seconds WITHOUT an UPS.
04:43.34sag_ich_nichtit's sick
04:43.38cogwheelmmm... dem's some big capacitors
04:43.41Irielsag_ich_nicht: Under load, or when idle?
04:43.54Irielsag_ich_nicht: The power drain difference on mine between 'resting' and 'doing 3d graphics' is scary
04:44.08KyahxIm *highly* disapointed in SLI =/
04:44.26sag_ich_nichtIriel: without 3D running, never had it happen with 3D running, and i won't try. would probably last like ~2 seconds max :O
04:44.41KyahxI've got two 7600GTs -- the difference isn't enough to justify the second card
04:44.45IrielKyahx: That was my first experience 8-(
04:44.52Kyahxshould have gone for a bigger single card
04:44.57IrielKyahx: Ditto 8-(
04:45.12Irielthough I suppose it's good to have a back-up
04:45.20IrielIn case mine catches fire, or something
04:45.29sag_ich_nicht[06:43] <cogwheel> mmm... dem's some big capacitors <--well, i have this tower:
04:45.30KyahxWell, I think half my problem is linux
04:45.33sag_ich_nichtand the PSU barely fits in it
04:46.01sag_ich_nichtit took me about ~20 minutes to get the cables squeezed in in a way that wouldn't break them and allowed the PSU to fit
04:46.09KyahxThe gap between windows and wine profrmace with two cards is a bit bigger than a single card, but its still a matter of like 15fps tops for me
04:46.36Cidanfire is not fun
04:46.42sag_ich_nichtand that is one friggin HUGE tower, as you can see/read. D:
04:46.43cogwheeldoesn't it also depend a bit on the game?
04:46.59Cidanit wasn't just fire, it was sparks and jumping arcs of electricity
04:47.12Cidanworst ATI card every
04:47.15Cidaner, ever
04:47.54sag_ich_nichtwon't get the full memory controller bandwidth, but wth :D
04:48.06IrielBeta drivers and reboot later, my textures are back
04:48.27sag_ich_nichtIriel: are there beta driver release notes available?
04:48.28Thunder_Childi guess their suggestion works
04:49.21CidanIntel is waiting for AMD to release their new CPU's
04:49.33Cidanso they can release their new-er CPU's at the same time
04:49.36Cidanwhich are better.
04:49.51CidanAMD is going to fall behind again, :x
04:50.36AnduinLotharlolz 45nm wins
04:50.48Irielsag_ich_nicht: Not easily found, perhaps in the installer
04:51.47sag_ich_nichtexcept no, not. because they can't do the same thing that AMD did to optimize their CPUs because of patents, and because they haven't reverse engineered them yet. Intel only wins because they go smaller again, but they don't add any new features to the CPU, and the new AMD FPU will beat the Intel FPU still, which is important to me :P
04:51.52sag_ich_nichtfaster video encoding :O
04:52.53CidanWhere have you seen AMD's FPU is better?
04:53.13sag_ich_nichthaven't you read? :O
04:53.18CidanNot questioning you, just interested in seeing results
04:54.07sag_ich_nichtuh, it was at extremetech i think
04:54.08sag_ich_nichtnot sure
04:55.53sag_ich_nicht+even if the new intel CPUs happen to be better even in that direction, i'll stick with AMD because Intel is making me sick with their drivers. 8/10 of my driver problems came from Intel hardware :(
04:56.26CidanEach Voyager logs approximately 1 million miles per day.  <--- holy crap
04:56.30Cidan1 million miles a day?
04:56.41sag_ich_nichtand accelerating :O
04:58.58Cidanjust wow
04:59.02Cidanone day
04:59.09Cidanwe will explore out there
04:59.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Chaotic_D (
04:59.58sag_ich_nichtCidan: now read the text that Carl Sagan wrote about that picture(it's quoted in the article) :P
05:03.43Mr_Rabies2stuff like that makes me sad :[
05:04.27Mr_Rabies2everything we've ever known, ever done, has taken place in such a small small portion of the universe
05:04.30Mr_Rabies2it's a mindfuck
05:05.08sag_ich_nichtMr_Rabies2 which is exactly the point.
05:05.10Mr_Rabies2it's similar to the h.p. lovecraft stuff but it's even more depressing because it's true :(
05:05.24Mr_Rabies2in the long run, nothing matters at all
05:05.32sag_ich_nichti don't find it depressing, i find it amazing :O
05:06.28Mr_Rabies2it really gets you to start thinking
05:06.46sag_ich_nichtMr_Rabies2 here, to cheer you up:
05:07.21Mr_Rabies2what if we're descended from a colony from another planet, ala trigun and stuff? we'll never really know the origins of life :[
05:07.46Mr_Rabies2i'd hate to have to use an anime as a reference for something that amazing
05:07.46Cidanso use Stargate
05:07.59sag_ich_nicht...turn that damn script of Mr_Rabies
05:08.16Mr_Rabies2it is a relic of slapfights in years past
05:08.20Thunder_ChildMr_Rabies2, because if we are decended from another colony at least the self imolation of our world wont be the end
05:08.31Mr_Rabies2an ancient weapon, used in a more civilized age
05:08.42Mr_Rabies2but we'll never know if we are
05:08.47Mr_Rabies2it's just that freaking huge
05:09.19Mr_Rabies2for example, in trigun, earth had all its resources used up, so they sent out a bunch of colony ships with embryos and a small crew on them
05:09.36Mr_Rabies2the colony ship crashed, the crew died, and the few survivors populated a whole new planet
05:09.38Thunder_Childdoesnt matter, truth defined by what we know, it doesnt mean it cant exist without us
05:09.58Thunder_Childs/truth/truth is/
05:10.20Mr_Rabies2plus, this song isn't helping things
05:12.45sag_ich_nichtgod, where is it
05:13.07Mr_Rabies2i try not to think about how little anyone's life matters, it's just too depressing being the only species we know that carries the burden of knowing how insignificant we are
05:13.22Mr_Rabies2curse you, complex brain
05:13.45bleeterMr_Rabies2: the dolphins are trying to warn us, they know
05:13.49bleeterand the mice
05:13.52N00bZXII don't think it's depressing
05:14.11Mr_Rabies2everything that anyone could ever do means absolutely nothing on the cosmic scale
05:14.52N00bZXIYes, but everything everyone does pushes us one tiny step to being closer to that.
05:15.03Mr_Rabies2to what?
05:15.19N00bZXITo being more significant
05:15.45Mr_Rabies2we'll be long dead before anything significant happens
05:16.22bleeteronly thing significant, on any cosmic scale, are those who've done stuff like sponsored and got their names on space probes
05:16.44bleeterwhich is pretty insignificant, just not totally
05:17.24N00bZXISo? No matter how insignificant what we do is still something.
05:17.29sag_ich_nichtMr_Rabies2: statistically seen, we should have a Strong AI by 2016
05:18.14bleeteruniverse is near to infinite makes no odds. population of earth, finite number. infinity divided by finite number is pretty much 0, hence nothing significant will ever happen anyway ;)
05:18.20bleeterto paraphrase mr adams
05:18.29Shirikmr adams was a wise man
05:18.52Shirikthough I hated his term "pretty much zero"
05:18.55Shirikit /is/ zero
05:19.01sag_ich_nichtnumber of atoms in the universe=finite
05:19.04sag_ich_nichtknow your damn science.
05:19.16Shirikthis isn't science, it's Hitchhiker's Guide
05:19.36Mr_Rabies2when you shift your perspective to the cosmic scale, there's no difference between hitler, stalin, mao, and mother theresa, it's just a couple animals with a self-appointed sense of intelligence bickering on a planet that is equivalent to an atom in the grand sceme of things :(
05:19.43bleeterthere's reneewed debate about the omniverse concept, so I'm keeping out of the finite/infinite stuff
05:19.54N00bZXIYet it's still something.
05:20.07N00bZXINo matter how close to zero it may be it's not zero.
05:20.12Shirikbut that's just it
05:20.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (
05:20.14Shirikit /is/ zero
05:20.17Shirikit's not "close to zero"
05:20.20Mr_Rabies2anything is something
05:20.29Shirikinf/n, where n is an element of real numbers, is zero
05:20.38Mr_Rabies2there's no true "zero", just incredibly incredibly small values
05:20.44Mr_Rabies2zero's just a concept
05:20.49Mr_Rabies2something can't be zero atoms
05:20.56Shiriksure there can
05:21.08Chaotic_DI don't know that Earth is so insignificant. It's the only planet WE know of with life!
05:21.18Cidanzero is like black
05:21.18ShirikThe total number of atoms that have more than 5000 protrons
05:21.26N00bZXIWe don't know that it's infinite. If it is, we won't have any way of knowing.
05:21.26Mr_Rabies2zero's just a concept that was invented to say "i currently legally do not possess any apples, ug"
05:21.39Mr_Rabies2it's big enough
05:21.47Cidanzero is like black
05:21.51Cidanit's the absence of color.
05:21.52Mr_Rabies2who knows, we may pop out the other side, Atari 2600 style
05:21.53N00bZXIAlso, isn't infinity defined to be a direction, not a destination?
05:21.54Shirikbut yes, for any non-counting sense, I would argue 0 does not exist
05:21.55Chaotic_Dmaybe as far as how much space we take up in the universe, but personally I think the universe without life isn't much fun. :>
05:22.03ShirikN00bZXI: Talk to the math gods, not me
05:22.05ShirikI just listen to them
05:22.10Shirikand follow their will
05:22.16bleeterand that there's a chance there are other universes, makes this conversation/topic etc. even more weird/pointless etc.
05:22.23Shirikand they said 4/0 is infinity, and infinity/4 is zero, so I follow them
05:23.01Shirikactually for the record
05:23.04Shirik4/0 is +/- infinity
05:23.04Mr_Rabies2hurts my brain
05:23.06Shirikbut who cares
05:23.25bleeterMr_Rabies2: according to the above math, you don't have a brain to hurt ;) :P
05:23.40bleetergnight clad|sleep
05:23.41Shiriknight clad|sleep
05:23.47N00bZXInight clad|sleep
05:23.49Mr_Rabies2i'd rather not think about this stuff like a smart little primate before i break something in my primitive head
05:24.06bleeterthe secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!
05:24.11Shirikbut we must be careful, we're coming dangerously close to understanding the meaning of the universe
05:24.18Shirikwhich will cause it to cease to exist
05:24.54Cidanin what twisted theory-craft have you been spending your time doing your studies, shirik?
05:25.27Shirikhave you never read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?
05:25.33Mr_Rabies2i've read pieces of it
05:25.36Cidanlike 80 times, :P
05:25.36Mr_Rabies2i've been meaning to
05:25.42Shirikthen you should know this stuff!
05:25.45Mr_Rabies2but i'm getting lazy when it comes to reading
05:25.50bleeterit's a lot more fun to listen to the radio drama, on random ;)
05:25.50CidanI should?
05:25.50ShirikThis is the book upon which all my classes are based
05:25.54Mr_Rabies2i haven't really read a novel since my senior year in high school
05:25.58Mr_Rabies2and that really makes me mad
05:26.02Mr_Rabies2but i can't sit down and read anymore
05:26.22Mr_Rabies2i'd rather play WoW or my 360 than read :[
05:26.39bleeterMr_Rabies2: get the radio show, and listen while playing ;)
05:26.40CidanMr_Rabies2, you make me weap inside.
05:26.44Mr_Rabies2i like reading, but it's time consuming
05:26.48Mr_Rabies2i've listened to the radio show, bleeter
05:26.50Mr_Rabies2most of it
05:26.55Mr_Rabies2and saw some of the tv show
05:27.09Mr_Rabies2i really really like douglas adam's logic
05:28.05Mr_Rabies2i saw the movie too
05:28.20Mr_Rabies2which i thoroughly enjoyed, despite the fanboy hate
05:28.22bleeterI'm quite fond of his 'Meaning of Liff' book
05:28.38Mr_Rabies2yeah i plan on getting the bible edition
05:28.41Shirikbtw Cidan
05:28.43Shirikwhy aren't you asleep
05:28.46ShirikNancy's going to kill you
05:28.54Cidannot sleepy
05:28.56Mr_Rabies2golden page edges, all of his books
05:29.12Mr_Rabies2my friend has this version
05:29.40Mr_Rabies2i plan on getting it and keeping it next to my bible and qu'ran
05:29.58Mr_Rabies2i need to get around to reading those, too
05:30.21Chaotic_DDune's a good series.
05:30.25Shirikthat's the one I have
05:30.31ShirikThe Ultimate Hitchiker's Guide
05:30.35Shirikis what it's called :)
05:30.38Chaotic_DI gotta buy a set of those books.
05:30.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (
05:31.42Chaotic_Dso even though no one visits me, I could look intelligent. ;>
05:31.57AnduinLothari want one with video pages
05:32.14Chaotic_Dvideo pages are reserved for Myst books.
05:32.16Mr_Rabies2that'll be possible in about 10 years i'd say
05:32.30Mr_Rabies2it's technically possible now
05:32.39Mr_Rabies2but economically feasible
05:33.18Mr_Rabies2hell, i'd say the Guide is an extension of wikipedia :O
05:33.25Mr_Rabies2without all the drama
05:37.45bleeterI'd say that wikipedia is a lameass attempt at rewriting the guide
05:39.18Mr_Rabies2it's like a beta version
05:39.50Mr_Rabies2trying to iron out all the kinks, but the stupid denizens of the internet are breaking things arguing over how important having an article on optimus prime is
05:40.10Mr_Rabies2i don't understand the "this isn't important, there shouldn't be an article on it" rule
05:40.14Kaydeethreemeh... if anyone remembers how I said I had 50-some-odd tabs open in fx, it's gotten worse. I may not be going to sleep tonight
05:40.35Mr_Rabies2Kaydeethree, once i accidentally hit "open all in tabs" on my bookmark list
05:40.37Mr_Rabies2that...wasn't pretty
05:40.40Mr_Rabies2about 500 tabs opened
05:40.45Mr_Rabies2but firefox still worked like a champ
05:40.49Mr_Rabies2after i let it load
05:44.21Cidanguess I should go to bed
05:44.46Corrodiaswikipedia is a confused soul
05:45.27Corrodiasfrom what i understand, the owner's vision would make it useful, but not anywhere nearly as useful as it could be
05:45.46Corrodias(that is, cataloguing information from published sources)
05:47.37bleeterthing is, when you have an infinite number of monkeys, they don't create the works of shakespear
05:47.46bleeterthey create an infinite amount of jibberish
05:49.33Corrodiasyou seem to be making an analogy by comparing people who write about cultural icons to be monkeys who can't write anything coherent
05:49.48Corrodiasi snuck an extra "be" in there
05:50.04bleeteryou seem to be saying that the analogy is wrong
05:50.21Corrodiasi certainly believe it to be
05:51.17bleeterI'm not denying that there may be some meaningful stuff created; just putting forward the proposition that there'll be an infinite amount of jibberish. see about re: finite/infinite divisions and why there's nothing meaningful on wikipedia, nor will there ever be ;)
05:51.40bleetererm s/about/above/
05:52.39Corrodiasi think i understand more about the situation than i used to, though. specialized wikis about individual subjects are far more powerful for subjects with any depth than wikipedia
05:52.49ShirikI don't like that limitation purl!
05:53.00Corrodiasit's there to gather general, shallow knowledge about encyclopedia topics
05:53.10ShirikI agree
05:53.23ShirikBut wikipedia is good for things like
05:53.24N00bZXIQuestion: Why does this break if duration is zero?
05:53.29Shirikyou forget something
05:53.29N00bZXII must be seriously missing something
05:53.34Shirikgo to it for reference
05:53.38Shirikor want a general idea of what something is
05:53.38Corrodiaswowwiki being an example: good information, not the wikipedia sort
05:53.55Shirikfor example, forget which transistors are NPN and which is PNP? Wikipedia has the answer
05:54.13Corrodiasah, there you go
05:54.26bleeteramongst many other sources
05:54.33Corrodiasah yes, but with wikipedia, at any time you can have twelve people arguing about the answer, which is progress.
05:54.46Corrodiasor hopefully creates progress, anyway
05:54.55Corrodiasi should speak accurately
05:54.57Chaotic_DI gotta find a wiki about the cycle of life so I can figure out what the hell happens to animal products, since it seems to be so bad as plant fertilizer. what the hell happens to animals if they create nothing but poison for the ground?
05:54.59Corrodiasno, precisely
05:55.01N00bZXII should say this:
05:55.12ShirikN00bZXI: 0 < 60?
05:55.14Shirikwhich it is
05:55.27ShirikI think you meant "if (foo and bar) or baz
05:55.32Shiriknot "if foo or bar or baz"
05:55.39Corrodiasthe ground itself is not alive and cannot be poisoned, but i suspect you mean that animal matter damages plants?
05:55.54N00bZXIWell that would work except either foo or bar can be nil
05:55.56Corrodiasi'm not fully sure; bacteria and other organisms feed on carcasses
05:56.03Corrodiasi don't know what happens to them
05:56.12Shiriklet me give you an exact meaning
05:56.24Shirikbut to directly answer your question
05:56.27Shirikbecause the second component is true
05:56.29Shirik0 is less than 60
05:56.36Chaotic_Dyeah. they just tell you "don't compost animal products, because it doesn't compost" (or rather, it doesn't make good plant compost) so you have to throw it out or flush it.
05:56.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (
05:57.09ShirikI'm fairly certain this is what you meant
05:57.15Corrodiasi think that depends on what you do with it. i saw an episode of Dirty Jobs that featured a business based largely on composting turkeys
05:57.17Mr_Rabies2i had 3 cups of coffee and i'm ready to gogogo
05:57.39Corrodiasrabies: now is the time to join me in the horde!
05:57.40*** part/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
05:57.57Mr_Rabies2i've got 4 cups of espresso for dilution purposes for tomorrow too
05:58.36Mr_Rabies2(make espresso using my aeropress, put it in some tupperware and refridgerate it, pour a bit in a cup, and fill the cup with hot water, bam, instant americano
05:58.45N00bZXIWhat I'd like it to do is not break if duration is under min, or above max
05:59.04N00bZXI(duration>min and duration<max)
05:59.10N00bZXII need sleep :\
05:59.17Shirikexactly :)
05:59.41Corrodiasnot break if it's outside the range
05:59.59Chaotic_Danimal product composting just hasn't been looked at here... it's like... music box manufacturing. you know, it's impossible to find information on how you get the right note when making the fork? like what material and measurements. it's a trade secret.
06:00.45IrielI would think instrument manufacture is fairly well understood AND documented
06:00.47Chaotic_Dthere's also not a lot of demand for that information. not a lot of amateur music box maker enthusiasts. :>
06:00.57sag_ich_nichtand i'm at wok :O
06:00.59IrielYou'd be surprised.
06:01.25Corrodiasthe way it's written is that you're breaking if it's outside the range. i think.
06:01.54Shirikeh, I just took his code and changed an or to and and
06:02.00Shiriks/to and/to an/
06:02.03Chaotic_DI searched. I think more recently I found an expired mailing list where they talked about it, but no one really had info on tuning the fork. I guess you're supposed to learn it on your own.
06:02.10ShirikMaybe it needs a not
06:02.18Shirikbut the same general problem exists
06:02.22Shirikthat or needed to be an and
06:02.28WobinAmericano =(
06:03.14Chaotic_Dbecause long long ago I wanted to make customized music boxes. (I realize now that what I had in mind had very limited commercial prospects, since I wanted to do music from video games, which would require expensive licensing, and likely large production numbers and investment costs)
06:04.25Chaotic_DI still want those music boxes. there are a few VERY lovely songs that would actually be perfect as a music box piece.
06:04.46IrielChaotic_D: It should just be the standard physics rules for length and frequency, though cutting it precisely would take a lot of time.
06:05.07*** join/#wowi-lounge N3cr0m4ncer (
06:05.34Chaotic_Ddon't different materials have a different note at those measurements?
06:05.37bleeterChaotic_D: watchmaking is a profession that's basically collapsed in the past 20 years, that would've been the area that knew ;)
06:06.14Chaotic_Dmaybe for the mechanical parts, but you can buy those pretty cheaply. they're fairly simple.
06:07.00Chaotic_DI DID find a company that manufactured custom music boxes. I think that included a custom fork... but it was expensive.
06:07.00bleeterdifferent materials produce different notes and timbres at a given length, but yeah it's still pretty much physics
06:07.24Chaotic_Dyeah. I had no idea how to search for that kind of info. :>
06:07.34bleeterand it's the watchmakers who'd have had the small tools to create the items
06:07.55Chaotic_Dhrm. I suppose so...
06:08.05Corrodiasmaybe you should go to switzerland and threaten somebody to teach it to you
06:08.28bleetera soft metal is easier to get low tones out of, 'coz it bends more and create low frequencies easier, etc.
06:09.42bleeterbut then one has to be concerned about mad stuff like humidity, and how that'll effect the metal's ability to bend, etc.
06:11.02Shirikand.... night
06:11.08bleetergnight Shirik|zZz
06:11.21Shirik|zZz600g was my goal for tonight, hit it and then some
06:11.28Shirik|zZztomorrow I shall have a flying mount
06:15.41|Jelly|Does the zZz after your name mean nothing?! :P
06:16.03Wobinno respect for labels
06:16.06hastehe's very tired.
06:16.36Chaotic_Dhe's grinding log sawwing.
06:19.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
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06:30.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Quator1a (
06:30.37Nom-I made 150g in 9 dailies last night
06:30.46Nom-Netherwing dailies rock big time once you hit friendly
06:31.02Nom-Especially as a protadin...sooooo easy
06:38.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
06:54.05*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
06:54.05*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
06:58.28*** part/#wowi-lounge Karrion (
06:59.12Thunder_Childi dont think i would pay more than $10 for bioshock
06:59.56Thunder_Childbest thing about made me update my video drivers
07:07.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (
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07:14.54AnduinLotharanyone got an old mac os 9 machine handy?
07:15.40bleeterkinda, @ a mate's place 20km away
07:15.59AnduinLotharis he online?
07:16.18bleeterAnduinLothar: if you're after info about the OS/out of a machine, I could probably get it for you... for testing stuff, prolly not
07:16.32bleeterAnduinLothar: not IRC
07:16.50bleeterYIM and MSN, yeah... (why the two worst IM protocols, no idea)
07:17.16AnduinLothari need someone to bootleg me the comp's ROM.  I used to own ooone but it's long gone.
07:17.24AnduinLotharand i need the rom to emulate it
07:18.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
07:18.24bleeteraye, yeah... that kinda stuff no can do sorry.
07:18.48bleeterI do mean 'can't' not 'won't'
07:19.21AnduinLotharno worries. i was mainly trying to run an old Diablo2 hack
07:19.43AnduinLotharbut i can prolly just install on my windows emu, hack that and then transfer the char file
07:20.51bleeterdon't have any means of ripping ROM, and the machine as a buggy OpenFirmware anyways
07:21.11AnduinLotharif the machine has internet i have a link to the rom ripper
07:21.23AnduinLotharor transfer manually
07:21.25Mr_Rabies2shadowmaster or something?
07:21.39AnduinLotharcalled RomGrabber
07:24.16AnduinLotharlooks like VMWare is no longer free... >.>
07:24.26AnduinLothargot another 30 days eval
07:24.26bleeterAnduinLothar: it never was, however
07:24.35AnduinLotharVMWare Fusion Beta was
07:24.42bleeteryup, just 're-register' for an eval key
07:25.04bleeterI argue over this with a VMWare employee every few months. If they didnt' want that behaviour, they'd turn it off in their website ;)
07:25.45Chaotic_Dhow can I detect the difference in two quests with the same name? IE: Sarkoth pt.1 and Sarkoth pt.2 (although the "pt.1" isn't in the quest title at all)
07:25.58AnduinLotharno easy way
07:26.14AnduinLotharquest id's are not availible in game
07:26.16Chaotic_Dand they're both given by the same NPC. :)
07:26.32Chaotic_Doi vey.
07:26.40AnduinLotharyou can md5 the quest text if you just want to tell them apart
07:26.56AnduinLotharthere's an md5 lib on wowi
07:27.04Chaotic_Dmd5? is that where you make it into an in-game unique link?
07:27.34AnduinLotharno no. md5 is a standard for identifying a file by a short string
07:27.50Chaotic_Dwhat's wowi's site?
07:27.57bleeternot a good one, but a standard nonetheless
07:28.08AnduinLotharit's good enough for these purposes
07:28.15bleeterChaotic_D:, the folks who 'own' this #!
07:28.28Chaotic_Dok, thanks.
07:28.53Chaotic_Dstill, how would md5 help? the quests aren't files.
07:29.09AnduinLotharfeed the quest text to the md5
07:29.15AnduinLotharit just takes a string
07:29.23AnduinLotharsince there are no files in wow
07:29.47AnduinLotharand you'll get back a 'unique' string like 75eb406146a51291ff5014a36966d2a8 which you can store
07:29.55AnduinLotharand compare to other quests with the same name
07:30.07Chaotic_Dyou think somehow the string will be unique even though the text appears to be the same?
07:30.23AnduinLotharis the quest text identical?
07:30.40Chaotic_DI guess it's worth a try. if not, it'll have to check that the last quest was completed and then decide this is part 2.
07:30.46AnduinLotharif so it should give you the same md5, which wont help you
07:31.12Chaotic_Doho. there's an idea. the quest description. thanks again. :)
07:31.40bleeterI think that's what AnduinLothar was referring to, rather than quest title ;)
07:31.51Chaotic_DI missed that.
07:32.10Chaotic_DI made the wrong word association.
07:32.48Chaotic_DDo you know if Tekkub comes in here?
07:33.20Thrae~seen Tekkub
07:33.22purltekkub is currently on #wowhead #wowwiki, last said: 'dotdotdot'.
07:33.23bleeterI beleive from time to time, just not atm
07:33.47bleetermore likely to be in #wowwiki or @dongle, though
07:34.43Chaotic_Dthanks. hrm, but it's late.
07:34.45bleetergiven that tekkub is admin on those #'s
07:34.57Chaotic_Doh, I see.
07:48.18*** join/#wowi-lounge DragonWin (n=goofy@
07:55.16*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
08:01.05bleeterhmm, no for tonight, I presume we're not even getting rolling restarts
08:01.08*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Holding (i=Thunder_@
08:07.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
08:07.52|Jelly|I think the UI forum people at night are a little too touchy. : /
08:08.40|Jelly|(that includes me :P)
08:10.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion_ (
08:12.54bleeter|Jelly|: which bit?
08:13.10|Jelly| that dude
08:13.40|Jelly|The funny part is...the question's already been answered...he's just arguing with me because he a) didn't see it b) didn't try it and wrote it off.
08:13.55bleeter(General Forum warning)
08:14.24|Jelly|I love the warning you give.
08:14.48Punkie`man stop linking threads without that &sid=1 !
08:16.54|Jelly|*laughs at the retard posting the same question again*
08:17.58Punkie`bleeter: I'm from the EU, so without the site ID it will just point me to 'Welcome to World of Warcraft Forums'
08:19.15bleeterPunkie`: ahhh, that's what the &sid is for, rightio! thanks for letting me know, I'll always add it in from now and you can publically beat me around the head with fish of your choice if I fail to do so :D
08:19.53Punkie`Just as well, I have a good selection of beating fishes too :D
08:19.54|Jelly|~whaleslap bleeter
08:19.55purlACTION beats bleeter upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
08:20.08bleeterwhale's aren't fish, silly! :P
08:20.10Thunder_Child~whaleparry |Jelly|
08:20.10purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry |Jelly|'s attacks.
08:20.13bleeter~troutslap |Jelly|
08:20.14purlACTION slaps |Jelly| around with a large trout
08:20.16Thunder_Childhands off the fish
08:20.27Thunder_ChildPUT DOWN THE FISH!
08:25.45|Jelly|Which one of you is Blorb?
08:27.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
08:27.13bleeterhmm, can anyone see any references to maintainance apart from ?
08:27.20bleeterI'm either blind, stupid, or both
08:28.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
08:28.38Thunder_Childno..nor does it show up when loading up wow
08:30.05Punkie`If I do: startmoney = GetMoney() then later in the function endmoney = GetMoney() and then do endmoney - startmoney will I return money gained if I have recieved money in between those 2, or will it just return 0
08:30.44bleeterheh, guildie's about to file a GM ticket asking ;)
08:31.04KasoPunkie` of course it will return the money you have gained
08:31.20Punkie`just checking!
08:32.09KasoYou store the value of the return not some pointer to whatever that function would return.
08:32.13bleeterhah, told my guildie to file it under player harassment, as I'm gunna harass him in IM 'til he gets a response
08:34.34Nom-My favorite feature of the new guild bank system is the ability to use guild funds when paying for repair costs. A new button will appear on all repair NPCs and repair-bots. This function can also be set by the guild leader to work for only certain ranks within the organization.
08:39.43Punkie`Why should people not have to pay for their own repairs? :P
08:41.35Mr_Rabies2this darkrune quest is infuriating
08:41.44Mr_Rabies2why can't it be 100% of the time so we have a chance to learn it :[
08:42.33MoonWolfPunkie`, some people might want to share repaircosts from an instance. but either way, you don't have to use it.
08:43.57Thunder_ChildPunkie`, mostly for the MT/OT, as no one else is taking repair damage on a consistant basis
08:44.16Thunder_Childdur...brain not work
08:45.01zenzelezztell that to my guild
08:45.14Mr_Rabies2no one should be
08:45.16zenzelezzwe have a few healers and one rogue that dies on like every other trash pull
08:45.16Thunder_Childwipes are not included
08:45.30Mr_Rabies2except the MT and OT
08:45.31Thunder_Childstupidity is not covered by the guild
08:45.33Mr_Rabies2and occasionally rogues
08:45.37Mr_Rabies2and feral droods
08:45.40Thunder_Childneed to have that inscribed somewhere
08:45.44Mr_Rabies2since you can still get cleaved in bad situations
08:45.47Mr_Rabies2no matter how you try
08:46.18Thunder_Childremember the old saying...if you cant stand the heat stay out of the applies
08:46.36Mr_Rabies2my skettis prisoner was gettign attacked by a kaliri
08:46.42zenzelezzto be fair I don't really have a trouble with repair costs as an MT. Sure mine are higher than many others', but they use reagents and potions in a larger degree
08:47.11Thunder_Childbut they shouldnt be paying for them either
08:47.18Thunder_Childnot in a raid
08:47.25zenzelezzdepends on guild policy
08:47.34zenzelezzif they don't then I see your point on the repairs
08:49.02Thunder_Childeven if they do have to bring their own....if they have to use 30-50g worth of pots....something may be a tad wrong
08:49.38|Jelly|Can someone sum up this conversation for me? I'd rather not read it all from the start and i'm interested. :P
08:49.42zenzelezzin a good raid I don't spend more than 20g on repairs
08:50.03Mr_Rabies21460 ogrila rep doing all the dailies, 1630 skyguard rep
08:50.08Thunder_Childthats w/o wipeing i presume
08:50.11Mr_Rabies2zenz, i spend twice that in 5mans :/
08:50.17Mr_Rabies2in raids, usually 30-40
08:50.19Thunder_Child|Jelly|, L2Read lazy ass
08:50.23zenzelezzThunder_Child: like I said, on a good night ;)
08:50.39|Jelly|Thunder_Child: NO! L2SUMMARY
08:50.47Thunder_Childsummerize you mean?
08:50.54|Jelly|I said what I meant.
08:50.56Thunder_Childor however it's spelled
08:50.58Mr_Rabies2you mean
08:51.01zenzelezz|Jelly|: guild banks can be set to let certain guild ranks use guild bank money on repairs
08:51.33Thunder_Childdoes the repair work for indaviduals as well?
08:51.33|Jelly|Good policy IMO considering all the shit that's DE'd, I haven't seen anything come of it. lol
08:51.53Thunder_Childi know the "dipping" into the bank has that
08:52.19zenzelezzthe only guild bank orders I see trickling in on our guild's order forum is rogues (and a pala) wanting void crystals for Mongoose
08:52.44nevcairielpala with mongoose?
08:52.53bleetera winning thread from the general forum ->
08:52.53zenzelezzthink he was joking, but I'm not sure
08:53.04Thunder_Childno, works for a ret
08:53.10Mr_Rabies2they should let anyone in the guild SEE the bank
08:53.23Mr_Rabies2so you know if officers are skimming stuff off the top after it goes in
08:53.31Thunder_Childprolly going to be on armory if i know blizz
08:53.52nevcairielarmory would be too much imho
08:53.53Mr_Rabies2not much you can do about before they put the stuff in the bank
08:53.56nevcairielbut visible for all members
08:53.59nevcairielat some npc
08:54.39Thunder_Childsticking it up on armory hardly makes it a problem
08:54.54Mr_Rabies2even if just guildies can see it
08:55.01Mr_Rabies2there's no way to do that yet
08:55.04Thunder_Childeven if everyone can see it
08:55.09zenzelezzall sorts of accusations could be made if the guild bank money was public
08:55.20Thunder_Childhow so?
08:55.21Mr_Rabies2that's actually not a bad idea
08:55.26Mr_Rabies2you could see if guilds were buying gold :D
08:55.45nevcairielhow so?
08:55.54Mr_Rabies2if they have 20000 gold one day, and the next 40k, you may know what's up
08:55.57Thunder_Childprove that it's not donations from guildies
08:55.57nevcairielevery member in my guild pays 40g every 2 weeks
08:56.12nevcairielwith like 50 members, that sums up fast
08:56.15Mr_Rabies2i don't pay jack shit, but i also don't use any guild resources
08:57.04Mr_Rabies2paying stuff to the bank should reward dkp with a cap if you use dkp, membership fees aren't a great idea
08:57.31nevcairielsomeone has to pay the resources
08:57.42zenzelezzAnarchy Online actually had the ability to set a guild tax that would be deducted from (online) members every 2 hours or something like that
08:57.45nevcairielraiding is expensive
08:58.32Mr_Rabies2not for me, but i don't use flasks or anything of that sort
08:58.50Mr_Rabies2i'd leave if my guild had a fee
08:58.53Mr_Rabies2i'm not that attached
08:59.07Thunder_Childselfish bastard
08:59.11Mr_Rabies2damn straight
08:59.14zenzelezzI have to agree with Ray
08:59.33Mr_Rabies2until i wake up with my gems i need in the mail one day
08:59.44Mr_Rabies2i've got no reason to give my guild anything
08:59.45Thunder_Child"for the good of everyone", isnt such a bad thing
08:59.52Mr_Rabies2i don't give money to anyone
08:59.54Mr_Rabies2even close friends
08:59.59Mr_Rabies2i lend em money
09:00.12Mr_Rabies2with no real terms
09:00.20Thunder_Childi give out stuff left and's only a game, people are more important
09:00.23Mr_Rabies2just pay me back when you want, even a couple gold a week if you have to
09:01.19Mr_Rabies2i do, however do enchants and stuff for mat cost and sometimes even taking a bit off of mat cost
09:01.30Mr_Rabies2i tip well, though
09:01.43Mr_Rabies2i tip well in reality also
09:01.59Thunder_Childjoin the club
09:02.13Thunder_Childalthough i do go overboard fomr someone with no money
09:02.18Mr_Rabies2i just don't like giving money for nothing
09:02.21zenzelezzif people don't ask for a tip I give them a fair one; if they ask for one they're not getting a copper more
09:02.29Mr_Rabies2yeah, zenz
09:02.42Mr_Rabies2if they ask for one i tend to give them exactly what they mentioned
09:02.51Mr_Rabies2or just decline for someone who didn't ask
09:03.01Mr_Rabies2and tip them for more than the person who did
09:04.58Mr_Rabies2but yeah, i hold onto my money very strongly
09:05.04Mr_Rabies2i don't needlessly waste it
09:05.20Mr_Rabies2if we're sucking for the night i'll mention it, if we continue sucking i'll call it a night
09:05.37zenzelezzI tend to be cheaper than that, I had 5k gold but still farmed the mats for my resistance gear rather than buying it
09:05.54Mr_Rabies2i do that too
09:06.19Mr_Rabies2i got mats for the whole clefthoof set over the course of a week, getting deals here and there
09:06.29Mr_Rabies2i never pay market value
09:06.45Mr_Rabies2i'll wait a week for the market value to drop if i have to
09:07.29Mr_Rabies2i left a guild because they wanted me to go out and pay my hard earned gold on resistance gear
09:07.51Mr_Rabies2(i only had 100 gold at the time, this was when MC was hot shit)
09:10.14Mr_Rabies2i don't get that attached to my guild
09:10.42Mr_Rabies2i once helped completely crush one i was in by convincing about 20 other people to leave with me to form a new guild
09:10.57Mr_Rabies2because no one beyond these 20 or so would listen to instructions in MC
09:11.13bleetergotta love them types of guilds ... NOT
09:11.28Mr_Rabies2i'm ruthless when it comes to stupidity and people wanting handouts
09:12.19bleeterdo you consider quid-pro-quo a hand out? some seem to, others not
09:12.41zenzelezzAnub'Rekhan was pretty good in that he teached a few of my guildies the importance of keeping yourself alive
09:12.58Mr_Rabies2not at all
09:13.11Mr_Rabies2as long as i agree the services are equal in value
09:14.40Mr_Rabies2hell, i'll happily give people enchants for free* on the spot if they'll pay me back in a reasonable amount of time, or are willing to help make me something
09:15.11Mr_Rabies2free being they pay nothing until they've got plenty of cash to part with the price we agree on
09:17.25Mr_Rabies2i've always got plenty of gold to lend, because i don't needlessly waste it
09:17.51Mr_Rabies2give all your gold away and you've got to farm, which is no fun, or be poor because you decided to be a nice guy
09:17.52bleeterheh, yeah, Im pretty similar
09:18.16Mr_Rabies2at one point i was really really generous with my gold
09:18.28Mr_Rabies2then i realized i was saving others from farming and i myself had to instead
09:18.41Mr_Rabies2i was basically farming for other people, and decided to change that
09:18.56Mr_Rabies2even IRL friends, i absolutely refused to GIVE them gold
09:18.59bleetertailor in guild the other day was kinda almost crying didnt have enough gold to buy epic flight for her alt, and and epic world drop recipe at the same time... I just said 'well, if you'd given me the lager 10 mins ago I when I asked, I prolyl would've loaned you the gold to buy both'
09:19.05Mr_Rabies2i'd lend them 10g or whatever but expect them to pay it back eventually
09:19.06Mr_Rabies2and they did
09:19.22Mr_Rabies2even if they paid back 50s whenever they had some to spare
09:19.48bleeterstunned silence in guild ensued, presumably as their eyes ticked over the estimations of how much gold I've got if I could loan out 5kg without thinking too much
09:20.01Mr_Rabies2i'm at 2500
09:20.04Mr_Rabies2after my 5k
09:20.12Mr_Rabies2because i do not farm
09:20.30Mr_Rabies2i have recently bought a small fortune(for me) in gems and armor though
09:20.45Mr_Rabies2i'm starting to think about dropping enchanting for alchemy
09:21.00zenzelezzI'm mostly just doing my dailies now for gold
09:21.04Mr_Rabies2it's more money, everyone uses it, and costs FAR less to level
09:21.06bleeterI started saving madly the other week when I decided I'd start levelling the druid and priest alts, not going to be broke when the druid can get eipc flight
09:21.12Mr_Rabies2yeah, i did all the non-daily quests
09:21.17Mr_Rabies2of theml.
09:21.20Mr_Rabies2except for raid ones
09:21.23Mr_Rabies2and i'm working on those
09:21.36bleetermust level cooking for the new dailies
09:21.44Mr_Rabies2when are those?
09:21.46Mr_Rabies2i need to do that
09:21.58Mr_Rabies2need to pick up some jaggal clam meat on the cheap and power level that crap
09:22.02bleeterthink 2.2, and 2.3 has more, or just 2.2.. unsure precisely
09:22.27Mr_Rabies2i accidentally got exalted with sha'tar yesterday
09:22.32Mr_Rabies2the other day
09:22.43Mr_Rabies2i checked my rep randomly and was like 1k away
09:22.53Mr_Rabies2it was never really a goal at all
09:23.04zenzelezzI hit exalted with them trying to get the shield from second boss in Botanica
09:23.19Mr_Rabies2same with me and thoriumweave cloak from mech
09:23.30Mr_Rabies2and the dragonstaff i ended up not using
09:23.48Mr_Rabies2because of some great math by uhh....bleeter? i can't remember who... :[
09:24.08Mr_Rabies2maybe shirik or kirkburn, i'm awful remembering stuff like that
09:24.19bleeteritem stat math? wouldn't have been me, I steer clear from those discussions
09:24.40Mr_Rabies2talking about weapon skill and whatnot
09:24.54purllog is probably as piece of wood, or a record, or the opposite of exponentiation
09:24.54bleeterprolly that too, yeah steer clear of them
09:24.56purlwell, logs is apt/ibot/infobot/jbot/purl all log daily to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz
09:25.22bleeterunless I'm really drunk, in which case I'm more liable to say 'they all suck' or just pick some random response
09:25.44Mr_Rabies2agility is the one that makes bees flight out of your nostrils, right
09:27.06zenzelezzlooks like it might have been Legorol, at least you two had a discussion about Dragonstaff/Earth Warden
09:27.30Mr_Rabies2i'm looking through the logs
09:27.43zenzelezz10th August
09:27.50zenzelezzfor me at least
09:28.29Mr_Rabies2told you i'm bad with remembering names like that
09:30.34bleeter(not an exact string match)
09:45.27*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
09:48.00Mr_Rabies2he may use some kinda irssi type dealio
09:48.12zenzelezzthat's cheating!
09:48.59Mr_Rabies2or whichever one lets you basically see irc in a terminal as necessary, but you stay connected
09:49.04sag_ich_nichtmight as well be a bouncer
09:50.54Mr_Rabies2[bleeter VERSION reply]: irssi v0.8.10 - running on Linux i686
09:53.23*** join/#wowi-lounge blq (
10:01.19bleeter:P luv all of yaz! yous a herowz!
10:01.35Mr_Rabies2maybe if you'd say nice things about us more often
10:30.23*** join/#wowi-lounge _art3mis (
10:31.43bleeternevcairiel: not fkn likely :P
10:32.21zenzelezzyes, I can see how you'd confuse those two...
10:33.20bleeterso close on the keyboard, tab compelte makes it so easy
10:39.18nevcairieland i was wondering how that typo happend
10:39.18Mr_Rabies2i guess a haul of 29 terocone in as many minutes isn't too bad
10:39.24AnduinLothardota turns my brain to mush
10:39.32Thunder_Childexcept neither of them is a single tab
10:39.59Mr_Rabies2dun dun DUNNNN
10:40.21Mr_Rabies2<+AnduinLothar> dota players turns my brain to mush
10:40.29Mr_Rabies2i failed at fixing the sentence other than that
10:40.30Mr_Rabies2oh well
10:41.01AnduinLothari played for 3 hrs. and i feel stupider
10:41.42Mr_Rabies2the average player in those games makes the average wow player look like steve hawking
10:41.59AnduinLotharplus you can hear the otherside, which is bad news
10:42.13*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (
10:42.55AnduinLotharand i suck at macro in that game. the hot keys change for each char
10:43.05AnduinLotharfigers get all bent outa shape on some chars
10:43.25AnduinLotharand i can never remember what moves the oponnents have
10:43.52AnduinLotharso i die a lot
10:44.58zenzelezzwhat's DOTA again?
10:45.10Mr_Rabies2defense of the ancients
10:45.17Mr_Rabies2a warcraft 3 map that's pretty fun
10:45.26Mr_Rabies2unfortunately the players that love it tend to be awful
10:45.45Mr_Rabies2like, racist, vile, hate filled individuals
10:50.55*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
10:51.38AnduinLothar4am nap time
11:17.24purlmethinks dota is the sum of all fears
11:17.33sag_ich_nichtperl, forget dota
11:17.43sag_ich_nichtpurl, forget dota
11:17.43purlsag_ich_nicht: i forgot dota
11:19.10zenzelezzprobably all right in this case, but generally you should be careful about removing factoids
11:19.17sag_ich_nichtpurl: DotA is Defense of the Ancients, a Warcraft III custom map, based on the "Aeon of Strife" map for the Blizzard title Starcraft.
11:19.18purlsag_ich_nicht: okay
11:19.39sag_ich_nichtpurl, forget dota
11:19.39purli forgot dota, sag_ich_nicht
11:19.53sag_ich_nichtpurl: DotA is Defense of the Ancients, a Warcraft III custom map, based on the "Aeon of Strife" map for Starcraft.
11:19.54purlsag_ich_nicht: okay
11:20.02purlextra, extra, read all about it, dota is Defense of the Ancients, a Warcraft III custom map, based on the "Aeon of Strife" map for Starcraft.
11:20.52sag_ich_nichtzenzelezz: typing that out over a laggy ssh tunneled remote desktop takes a bit, mkay?
11:22.07zenzelezzsag_ich_nicht: all I was saying is you should be cautious about removing or changing factoids unless you're the one that set it in the first place :-p
11:27.56Mr_Rabies2i think i just made the blackest coffee humanly possible
11:28.28Mr_Rabies2i made 8 shots of espresso for later use and put it in a tupperware container to refrigerate and i put it between me and a flourescent light and no light came through
11:29.07Mr_Rabies2the color didn't change at all when i shined it up to the light
11:30.01Mr_Rabies2i thought about chugging it but it'd probably kill me
11:32.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
11:42.43sag_ich_nichtMr_Rabies2 take a sip.
11:42.58sag_ich_nichtjust a tiny one.
11:43.10Mr_Rabies2cold espresso is about the worst thing i could ever imagine
11:44.05sag_ich_nichti beg to differ.
11:49.12bleeternothing quite like noticing one's contemplating tearing one's eyeballs out, or smashing one's head into a brick wall, to relieve pain
11:49.54bleeterthough, truth be told, I've suffered no other forms of major pain apart from clusters, so have nothing to compare it to
11:50.24bleeter'blowtorch behind the eyeball' is good, but never having tried to put a blowtorch in there, not quite sure if that's appropriate either
11:50.40sag_ich_nichtbleeter you suffering from cluster headache? D:
11:51.10bleetersag_ich_nicht: not at the moment, thankfully... have lost around 5 years full time employment due to it though
11:51.20zenzelezzbleeter: well, people use a lot of weird comparisons without actually having tried it. Think of "tastes like shit"
11:51.30bleeterhad only been able to get small part time jobs for quite some time
11:51.36sag_ich_nichtyou can compare the taste to the smell of it, zenzelezz
11:51.50bleeteraye, given taste and smell senses are closely related
11:53.04bleeteraye, cluster headaches.. not fun. just when you think you're finally free of them for a while, it's like being hit by a steam train
11:53.16bleeteronly heavier, and faster
11:53.28bleeternot that... oh, nm
11:53.39bleetersag_ich_nicht: you get 'em too?
11:53.42sag_ich_nichtyou been hit by a train bleeter? :O
11:53.48sag_ich_nichtthankfully, not
11:54.09sag_ich_nichtbut, as i have said before, people may be able to outwit me, but not able to outwiki me :O
11:57.10sag_ich_nichti've had my skull cracked, my knee stabbed, my knee dislocated, my wrist kind-of-broken(hard to explain :O), fell on my back from 5 meters height
11:57.26sag_ich_nichtbut other than that, nothing major
11:57.27sag_ich_nichtoh wait
11:57.51sag_ich_nicht~3 brain concussions
11:58.03sag_ich_nichtone with slight memory loss
11:58.12sag_ich_nicht(temporary one)
12:00.14*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
12:10.35Mr_Rabies2nothing like making 12g off selling greys
12:12.20*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanmoreland (
12:17.39bleeterMr_Rabies2: depends where you found those greys
12:19.19Punkie`Nothing like fishing up a vendorfish :p
12:20.04Punkie`Or well, 3 in a row :P
12:20.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kamaris (
12:21.37Mr_Rabies2bleeter: just wandering around killing stuff while gathering herbs
12:21.49bleeterI do most of my AFK free-gold work mostly from stuff on the AH listed below vendor price
12:22.14bleetererg, there's a redundancy in there that I ain't gunna bother fixing
12:23.17bleeterMr_Rabies2: yeah, that's cool, the 'hmm, the mobs not gunna aggro to me while I grab this node, but to hell with it.. GOTTA DIE!!!' :)
12:23.53Mr_Rabies2you know what WoW needs?
12:24.04Mr_Rabies2a tribes-like voicebinding system for the emotes
12:24.16Mr_Rabies2like i can type vgh for /wave and stuff
12:25.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
12:25.29*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Legorol] by ChanServ
12:25.31Mr_Rabies2if i knew how to write addons i'd get on that in a hurry :P
12:25.54Mr_Rabies2tribes had the most ingenius voicebinding system
12:26.10Mr_Rabies2yet it hasn't been replicated often
12:26.22*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
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12:27.57Punkie`it's in almost every fps game dude
12:28.14Punkie`v31 -> Yes Sir! in medal of honor games
12:29.51zenzelezzBF1942 also had such a system... unfortunately
12:30.06zenzelezzRequesti-reque-reque-reque-reque-requesting backup!
12:38.45sag_ich_nichtMr_Rabies: the closest to that would be emotefu
12:39.17Mr_Rabies2still nothing near tribes'
12:39.28Mr_Rabies2vgs vgs vgs vgs
12:39.36Mr_Rabies2shazbot shazbot shazbot shazbot!
12:39.52Mr_Rabies2and the truly skilled could chain them together like
12:40.13bleeterI'm looking forward to someone proposing a way we can get voice-recog happening in WoW... so when I go 'ugh', it can /yell 'YOU FUCKING MORONS DIDNT LISTEN SO WE'VE WIPED *AGAIN*'
12:40.21Mr_Rabies2"help me get the shazbot"
12:40.40Mr_Rabies2mess with dragon naturallyspeaking
12:40.59bleeteris that on both platforms these days?
12:41.30Mr_Rabies2define 'both'
12:41.32Mr_Rabies2linux? mac?
12:41.39bleeterwin32, mac! :P
12:42.25Mr_Rabies2i dunno
12:42.37Mr_Rabies2i'd definitely doubt it for linux though, it's always had pretty shoddy sound support
12:43.00Mr_Rabies2nope, looks like windows only
12:44.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion (
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12:48.02bleeterbetween Dragon, MS and Mr. Kurzweil, I suspect all the patents possible for Voice-Recog are prolly taken
12:48.33*** part/#wowi-lounge youpansie (n=youpansi@
12:50.35Mr_Rabies2YOU PANSIE
13:00.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
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13:09.03zenzelezz"this guy has my thumbs up the ass"... my guildies have a weird way of expressing their support
13:10.49bleeterthat's... support?
13:11.04zenzelezzit's basically a very strong "thumbs up for this guy"
13:11.10zenzelezzat least I hope that's what he meant
13:11.39bleeterzenzelezz: I'm guessing either not said in English, or said in English by a non-native speaker
13:12.41zenzelezzthe latter is true, but it's just the guild humor I believe; he speaks it quite well normally
13:15.36*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
13:17.37CidanI take it creating a new function over and over again can be expensive to memory?
13:17.52Cidanie: self.x = function(...
13:21.54JoshBorkelua> collectgarbage("stop") for i = 1, 100000 do local x = function(...) print(...) end end; print(collectgarbage("collect"))
13:21.55cladbotJoshBorke: 0
13:22.09JoshBorkelua> start = collectgarbage("stop") for i = 1, 100000 do local x = function(...) print(...) end end; print(start - collectgarbage("collect"))
13:22.10cladbotJoshBorke: 0
13:23.11CidanI'm going to take a gander at yes, it does
13:23.38JoshBorkelua> start = collectgarbage("stop") for i = 1, 100000 do local x = function(...) print(...) end end; print(gcinfo())
13:23.40cladbotJoshBorke: 2095
13:23.44JoshBorkethere it is
13:24.07JoshBorkelua> start = collectgarbage("stop") for i = 1, 100000 do local x = function(...) print(...) end end; print(gcinfo()/100000)
13:24.09cladbotJoshBorke: 0.02095
13:25.08JoshBorkelua> start = collectgarbage("stop") for i = 1, 100000 do local x = function(...) return ... end x(1, 2, 3, 4, i) end; print(gcinfo()/100000)
13:25.12cladbotJoshBorke: 0.02095
13:25.27JoshBorkei think i'm doing something wrong
13:25.31Industrial"return ..." ?
13:25.55JoshBorkeyea, you can return the tuple
13:26.00Industrialah ok
13:26.04Industrialbut i mean
13:26.07Industrialno () ?
13:26.42JoshBorkewhere would the () go?  and why?
13:27.34Cidanwhat unit is that?
13:27.42JoshBorkei'm going to guess bytes
13:28.14Cidanhmm, that is pretty expensive
13:28.16JoshBorkelua> start = collectgarbage("stop") for i = 1, 100000 do local x = function(...) if select('#', ...) > 0 then return ... else return nil end x(1, 2, 3, 4, i) end; print(gcinfo()/100000)
13:28.16cladbotJoshBorke: sandbox.lua:260: Compilation failed: [string "start = collectgarbage("stop") for i = 1, 100000 do local x = f..."]:1: 'end' expected near '<eof>'
13:28.22JoshBorkelua> start = collectgarbage("stop") for i = 1, 100000 do local x = function(...) if select('#', ...) > 0 then return ... else return nil end end x(1, 2, 3, 4, i) end; print(gcinfo()/100000)
13:28.26cladbotJoshBorke: 0.02096
13:28.46JoshBorkefor comparison, a single frame is 22 bytes
13:29.19Cidanhave to watch out when I assign functions on the fly
13:29.25Cidanbest to have common ones pre-defined
13:30.02JoshBorkeif you cache GetItemInfo in a table of functions, expect to use 5MB of memory :-D
13:30.02RallionI can only run the Bioshock demo with a -dx9 command line switch, and it still crashed when I tried to hack a turret :(
13:30.26Cidaner, is Bioshock DX10 enabled?
13:30.52Cidano rly?
13:30.58Ralliontruly truly.
13:30.58Cidanmaybe that's why it looked so nice then
13:31.10Rallionwell, it looked pretty damn nice with DX9 too
13:31.15Rallionthe water is great
13:31.47Rallionhopefully the release version is less buggy, or they patch it
13:32.21RallionI bought it on Steam, which I'm kinda pissed about now, but oh well
13:33.32Cidandid you hear that it's not true wide screen?
13:33.36Cidanthe lop off the top and bottom
13:33.45Rallionlol that sucks
13:33.46Cidanand fit it to widescreen
13:33.50Cidanthe == they
13:33.59RallionI don't have widescreen though, so, you know, fine :P
13:34.08Cidanso standard screen get's more viewing
13:35.02Rallionthat's too bad
13:37.18Rallionlol and I'm trying to post the bugs on their forum but they're not sending me my activation email...come on, guys, help me help you...
13:37.53Cidansteam doesn't activate 'til 4
13:38.07Rallioni meant the forum registration email
13:38.07CidanEST, I believe.
13:38.10Cidanoh, :P
13:38.20RallionOh, I knoe EXACTLY what time it activates lol
13:38.24Rallionbecause I have to work at 3
13:43.42Mr_Rabies2i played the 360 demo
13:43.46Mr_Rabies2it looked pretty freaking good
13:44.11Mr_Rabies2and from what i've seen in screen the pc version looks almost exactly the same in dx9 as the 360
13:44.33Mr_Rabies2i'll probably end up getting it for 360 because i don't think my pc can handle it at a decent framerate
13:44.42Rallionlol from what I've seen, dx10 looks pretty much exactly the same as dx9, too
13:45.13RallionHave fun at your lowly 'high def' resolution! :p
13:46.35CidanI'd much rather play it on my PC
13:46.39CidanThat's just me.
13:46.49CidanMouse + Keyboard a must for me
13:47.45Rallionhopefully items are more scarce in the full game than just the demo
13:47.49Rallioni would expect them to be
13:51.57Cidanman, so if function creation takes up nice GC space
13:52.01CidanSetScript must as well
13:52.10Cidanargh, I hate the way Lua does memory
13:55.20*** join/#wowi-lounge youpansie (n=youpansi@
13:56.54Mr_Rabies2rallion, 1920x1080? :O
13:57.55Rallionthat kind of number is why you get it for PC :P
13:58.12Mr_Rabies2your pc can handle bigger numbers than that?
13:58.19Cidanbecause it looks amazing, :P
13:58.21Mr_Rabies2well, i know it can
13:58.32Mr_Rabies2but the framerate would have to be awful above that
13:58.48CidanUE3 runs really well actually
13:58.49Rallionactually, mine can't, no :P
13:58.52CidanI was surprised
13:59.02CidanI've been considering getting one of those huge 24 inch Gateway LCD's
13:59.20Mr_Rabies2i've got a 60" CRT-based rearproj
13:59.21RallionI would love to just get one big screen and use it for everything
13:59.25Mr_Rabies2so it's definitely big enough
13:59.29Rallionhah yeah it is
13:59.55Mr_Rabies2tis why it's hard for me to play on a pc monitor
14:00.01RallionI understand.
14:00.02Mr_Rabies2everything's too tiny to see detail
14:00.54Cidanwish shirik would wake up
14:00.57Cidanneeds him, :/
14:00.57RallionI would actually like to just get the smallest 1080p LCD I can find, and hook up my cable, my PC, and my consoles to it, that would be awesome.
14:01.27Mr_Rabies2my printer doesn't seem to be responding to a ping
14:01.59Mr_Rabies2i think i knocked its ethernet cable loose
14:02.55Rallioni'm so glad I don't have to work tomorrow...
14:09.44CidanI think... I'm going to go try to level
14:09.45Cidanin WoW
14:09.48CidanThis will be fun
14:09.54CidanI want a flying mount damn it, :(
14:11.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
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14:13.18Mr_Rabies2that was odd
14:13.27Mr_Rabies2one of my switches threw a shitfit
14:13.41zenzelezznever had that happen
14:19.00Nom-i wasn't wrong about not getting out of here before 11
14:19.10Nom-22:19 already, and i've barely started
14:19.15Nom-At least I did the hardest one first
14:19.24zenzelezz22:19 is a long way from 11:00
14:19.55Nom-i meanti wouldn't be out of here before 23:00 :P
14:20.06Nom-At this rate, i'm thinking 04:00 at the earliest
14:20.10zenzelezzI know, I'm being a wise guy
14:21.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
14:29.56Shirikhai Cairenn :)
14:30.05Cairennmorning Shirik
14:30.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Laraul (
14:31.16Cidangetting up at the same time, are we now?
14:31.21Cidan...makes you wonder...
14:31.44JoshBorkemorning Cairenn
14:31.48CidanShirik, commit is up
14:31.52Cairennhey JoshBorke
14:31.55Cidanbut I still need to talk to you
14:31.59ShirikCidan: See #conspiracy :P
14:33.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
14:36.23*** join/#wowi-lounge herzogthc (
14:36.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Chaotic_D (
14:36.59herzogthcident broke yay
14:41.18Chaotic_DGah. I think someone in here last night mentioned MD5 in here. I forgot to look into that or write it down.
14:41.32herzogthcChaotic_D: what about md5?
14:41.39foxlit~md5 is awesome
14:41.42Chaotic_Dhow to... use it.
14:41.56foxlituse it to do what?
14:42.14herzogthcit's a one-way encryption scheme
14:42.19herzogthcChaotic_D: the theory and what i've always used it for
14:42.22Chaotic_Dto convert a string. to a unique number.
14:42.24foxlitgrumble grumble
14:42.29foxlit"one way encryption"
14:42.33JoshBorkeit's actually not 1 way
14:42.36JoshBorkethere are collisions
14:42.41foxlitIt's actually not encryption
14:42.47herzogthcjosh is correct, and technically, so is foxlit ;P
14:42.58JoshBorkeit's a hashing algorithm
14:43.08herzogthcI will bow to inferior knowledge and I apologize for misleading ya
14:43.14herzogthcbow from inferior
14:43.17foxlitAnyone, one-way refers not to the fact that it's a one-to-one relationship
14:43.42JoshBorkebut to the fact that you can't de-hash it
14:44.06herzogthcthere can be collisions, You're condensing a variable length item into a very small string
14:44.09jmea Flask recipe granting +35 to all resists & +18 to all stats
14:44.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
14:44.26herzogthcthe whole point is to guarantee that if you provide md5 with the same string twice, it will return the same string
14:44.36herzogthcand that string is incredibly hard to reverse engineer
14:44.42JoshBorkeit's convenient for easily compressing data
14:44.44herzogthcesp when you consider the fact that multiple items could create said same string
14:45.00JoshBorkedamnit foxlit
14:45.02herzogthcheh fox that time, it wasn't me earning quotes
14:45.05JoshBorkeeveryone just ignore me then
14:45.07herzogthcthat makes me feel better
14:45.21foxlitBut what do you actually want to do? In what language?
14:45.33herzogthcyou like to get to the point don't you?
14:45.35herzogthcthat's awesome though
14:45.38herzogthcnothing wrong with that :)
14:45.38Chaotic_Dso how do I hash a string in an addon?
14:45.54foxlitThe easiest summary is "you don't"
14:46.10herzogthcfoxlit: I was about to write a paragraph but you spared me thanks.
14:46.12JoshBorkehold on, there's an md5 implementation in lua
14:46.21foxlitThere probably is :)
14:46.25herzogthcJosh: I Was gonna say I think so, but why on earth would you need it?
14:46.30IndustrialTHX BLIZZARD for booting a server without warning
14:46.37JoshBorkeherzogthc: i'm thinking of using it for one of my addons
14:46.42IndustrialEu/Grim Batol down :(
14:46.45foxlitYou all slack, tbh
14:46.52herzogthcto be honest
14:47.05herzogthcI slack? You don't even know me ;)
14:47.08herzogthchells yeah
14:47.25herzogthc3DES insufficient?
14:47.40foxlitWho said anything about triple des?
14:47.44herzogthcI did
14:47.47herzogthcI'm bringing it up now :P
14:47.54foxlitinsufficient for what?
14:48.05Industrialur m... should i say it?
14:48.37Chaotic_DStringHash("string") ?
14:48.59herzogthcfoxlit: Encryption purposes, is it not good enough for general basic encryption needs in comparison to SHA-256?
14:49.25foxlitSHA-256 is a hashing algorithm
14:49.32herzogthcmy bad
14:49.35herzogthci'm still waking up
14:49.39Chaotic_DI just want to be able to tell quests apart with identical titles, by hashing the description text.
14:49.41foxlitI was suggesting you use that instead of MD5, since I wrote that implmentation :)
14:50.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (n=esochan@
14:51.39foxlitIf you just want to distinguish between quest desccriptions, you can probably use something a lot simpler
14:52.35cladhaireif you want to distinguish between quest descriptions, why not just use a hash table for the descriptions themselves?
14:52.55Shirik!ap 1600
14:52.56ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1600 is, 2v2: 344, 3v3: 393, 5v5: 492
14:53.02Chaotic_D... right. that's what I was asking.
14:53.04cladhaireChaotic_D: What are you trying to do by generating a unique number from a string, for quests?
14:53.12foxlitclaidhaire: storage requirements, I assume
14:53.24Chaotic_Dto tell them apart, to keep track of them.
14:53.25cladhairefoxlit: Well, hashing the quest descriptions is ... extremely limited to say the least
14:53.29cladhaireChaotic_D: for what purpose tho
14:53.35cladhairethey aren't portable from player to player
14:53.47cladhaireor from lookups outside of the game, i.e. from another data source
14:54.20Chaotic_Dyou can't hash with the same passwords each time, merely for the purpose of identification?
14:54.28cladhaireyou said quests, not passwords.
14:54.39cladhaireagain, i'm asking what you're trying to accomplish, not how you think you're going to implement it
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14:55.03cladhaireI only ask becuause I have extensive experience trying to generate useful unique ids for quests, hence why i've asked for the qid to be exposed in the client.
14:55.13*** part/#wowi-lounge youpansie (n=youpansi@
14:55.40Industrialthat would pwn :o
14:56.24Chaotic_Dfor that addon that Tekkub is working on. I don't know how the hell to describe that.
14:56.39cladhairewell what you're asking for can't be done, I'm sorry
14:56.47cladhaireNot to knock you down or anything, you're welcome to try
14:56.54cladhairebut an md5 hash will not give you the uniqueness you require.
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14:57.39Chaotic_Dthere's no non-random hashing? I mean... will it not even stay the same on the same character between sessions?
14:57.49cladhaireon the same character, yes
14:57.58cladhairebut if that's the case, you don't even need hashing.
14:58.37cladhaireagain, it would be helpful to know _what_ you're trying to do.
14:59.16Chaotic_Dtelling chained quests apart that have identical titles.
14:59.47cladhaireat what level, in his guide, or in-game?
14:59.50Chaotic_Ddid I get it right this time, or do you still not know what I'm trying to do?
15:00.06cladhaireI dont think that's the case.
15:00.12Chaotic_Dat all player levels.
15:00.15cladhaireif you're talking for TourGuide, then he would have to have the hashes already generated in his "script" file, that tells you where to go and what to do.
15:00.46Chaotic_DTourGuide, correct. I don't know about the rest of what you said though.
15:01.18cladhairei'll talk to tekkub
15:01.30Chaotic_Dheheh. :>
15:02.42Chaotic_Dwhat if you just used the same non-random hash... function (hashing is new to me, so I don't know all the damned jargon) each time?
15:03.06cladhaireokay, listen.
15:03.08cladhairetourguide guides the character through a number of steps
15:03.23cladhaireyou're saying you need to be able to distinguish between step 1 in a quest series that shares the same title/level, and step 2.
15:03.54cladhaireI can only assume from that, that he needs to be able to say title/level/hashofsomething instead of title/level
15:03.56cladhairein his guide
15:04.04cladhaireso you know what step you're on, or what you need to do, etc.
15:04.15cladhairein that case, you need the hash to be generated to be included in the script file
15:04.40Chaotic_DI guess that would be easier.
15:04.48cladhaireno, i don't see how _ELSE_ you can do it
15:04.51cladhairewhich is why you're confusing me
15:05.03cladhaireI'm trying to help, but you dont have any information about what you're trying to do, and trust me, it makes a big difference =/
15:06.38Chaotic_Dhrm... well, the only time it wouldn't work otherwise, is if you installed the addon after completing an earlier part of the quest, and so couldn't generate a hash sum for it. and you really shouldn't rely on people starting from the beginning, so yeah it would be safer that way.
15:07.00cladhairewell, if that's the case, you can't use md5
15:07.05cladhaireor any hashing algorithm
15:07.20Chaotic_Dstop getting caught up in my "I guess so." :> just consider it a "yes."
15:07.28cladhairequests contain a number of the following substitutions:
15:07.28cladhaire-- Special entries are <name>, <race> and <class> <guy/girl> <his/her> <boy/girl>
15:07.29cladhaire-- <priest/priestess> <lad/lass> <him/her> <himself/herself> <he/she>
15:07.29cladhaire-- <female/male> <brother/sister> <Brother/Sister> <man/woman>
15:07.46cladhairefor any given race or character sex.. the quest text is different.
15:08.02cladhairein addition, there are Aldor/Scryer quests differences, that I'm not sure tekkub is taking into consideration at the moment.
15:08.22Chaotic_DWhat is Aldor/Scryer?
15:08.58cladhairefactions, where half the quest titles are absolutely the same, objectives are the same, but the quests are different based on who they get turned into, and the reputation they reward
15:09.01Chaotic_Dhrm... well I guess we'll have to find some way of uniquely identifying a quest from something that doesn't change. perhaps by the quest rewards.
15:09.04cladhaireprobably not an issue for the stage he's working on.
15:09.24cladhaireChaotic_D: most quest series have no rewards, and nothing you can correlate with in-game.
15:09.40cladhaireI can provide tekkub with a full quest parsing of every quest series in the game
15:09.48Chaotic_D(I say we as if I'm actually doing anything here. I wanted to make this addon a week ago, but wasn't aware anyone was doing one, so I started learning.)
15:09.48cladhaireand he can play with that to generate something, but there isn't just an easy solution.,
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15:10.34jmecomic sans mortal strike?
15:11.24Chaotic_Dperhaps... if the database shows it's a quest chain (by having "(Part 1)", it can specify a search string from the quest description to tell them apart. :>
15:11.48cladhairethen it needs to be custom tailored for each series.
15:11.54cladhairethere are quite a few of them :P
15:12.05Chaotic_D(I was going to say substring, but the position would likely change)
15:12.29cladhaire3086 quests are part of a series, out of 5849 quests.
15:12.40sag_ich_nichtfirst, you need to explain something to Chaotic_D.
15:12.45cladhairesag_ich_nicht: excuse me?
15:12.46purlhmm... hash is to chop (as meat and potatoes) into small pieces it's not D:
15:13.13cladhairehe has the right idea
15:13.22cladhairewhat's your problem?
15:13.49herzogthcbitchx is behaving strangely.
15:13.55jmeslap it around
15:14.00sag_ich_nichtcladhaire hold
15:14.03sag_ich_nichtoh damnit
15:14.10jme*cough* no pun intended
15:14.11sag_ich_nichtokay nevermind, i missread something up their. damn heat
15:14.12Chaotic_Dmaybe it's because I'm inexperienced, and he feels you're wasting your time explaining things to me out of my league.
15:14.34sag_ich_nichti missread something up there and got confused myself D:
15:15.13cladhairealrighty then
15:15.39Chaotic_Dbut how many of those 3086 quests share titles?
15:15.57cladhaireone moment
15:17.41Chaotic_D:o much better.
15:17.53cladhairethats only counting the second and more duplicate, not the original.
15:18.14Chaotic_Doh. :>
15:18.24Chaotic_Dso that means at least twice that number.
15:18.54cladhairewell, let me do this an easier way
15:19.13cladhaire3086 series quests, right?
15:19.55Chaotic_Dyeah. well, it's probably close to that number, even if some series have a few uniquely titled steps.
15:20.35cladhairethere are exactly 2393 unique names, among those series quests.
15:20.49cladhaireso yes, you'd be correct
15:21.45Chaotic_Dstill, if you included just one unique word from the more verbose quest texts (hrm... no, perhaps 1 for each text, since there's welcome text and completion text) you could distinguish one quest from another. and  I bet you could automatically generate those keywords.
15:22.34cladhaireone moment.
15:23.38Chaotic_DI'll just look at Call of Earth series. already one can be uniquely identified by the mention of "Felstalker"
15:24.40cladhairesure, if you plan to go through each and every quest to pick out a word
15:25.05Chaotic_Dit's completion text has the unique word "fickle". if you can't find a unique word between quests of identical names (it only has to be between those, not ALL quests) you could still find a combination of words.
15:25.29Chaotic_Dwill it slow things down that much to check each time?
15:26.02cladhaireit has nothing to do with slowing things down.. its choosing those words correctly
15:26.31Chaotic_DI think the only alternative is to just repeat the process for each step of the chain. and not let it go back to a previous step that's been completed.
15:26.58Rallionyou could possibly write a simple program to find unique words, but...could be some difficulties there as well, for reasons already discussed
15:28.23Chaotic_DHmmm... well, WoWHead has all the class/gender/race/etc words filtered out, right? if you generate them from a database that can filter out those tags, it should be fine. trying to generate the keywords in-game would be a headache. :>
15:28.54cladhaireno, too tough
15:28.59cladhaireyou have no idea the number of substitutions there are
15:29.03cladhaireor who they refer to
15:29.09cladhairesometimes its the person they're talking to
15:29.15cladhaireothertimes its the gender of the NPC
15:29.39cladhaireI have wowhead's entire database sitting in front of me at the moment, I parse it weekly to generate my quest listings.
15:30.18cladhairethere are 104 collisions, if you just use the length of the quest description
15:30.19JoshBorkespeaking of parsing, did you parse this week?
15:30.28cladhaireJoshBorke: not yet
15:30.55JoshBorkedid you parse last week?
15:30.59cladhairei dont know
15:30.59cladhaireshut up
15:31.13JoshBorkehave you done your parsing job in the last month?!!!!!1111
15:31.31Chaotic_DThere is no dessert until you parse your database, young man!
15:32.04cladhaireis today tuesday?
15:32.12cladhairethen i guess i parse today
15:32.18JoshBorkeyea, i guess so!
15:32.24Chaotic_Dwell, I'm not the one that plays with the data anyways. :>
15:32.28Rallionit seems to me that in a large database of quests, since they get data from so many people, it would be a simple matter to identify what words aren't always the same in the descriptions...I'm not saying it's done, and I'm not saying it would be at all easy to start such a database from scratch...just, if it were decided on from the beginning, simple/
15:32.53Chaotic_DI think he already has the substitution words clearly marked.
15:33.05cladhaireRallion: the subs are clearly defined
15:33.07cladhairethey don't get them from peopel
15:33.15cladhairethey data mine them from the cache files
15:33.27cladhairemaking the substitutions is a relative nightmare for us, however.
15:33.49Chaotic_Dso it's not always guaranteed that your database has the substitutions marked yet, huh?
15:33.53Rallionwell, sure, it would be
15:34.14Chaotic_Dalthough I would think it's less of a problem for old quests that you've had data come in for frequently.
15:34.30Chaotic_Dyou sigh a lot.
15:34.46cladhaireonly when frustrated
15:35.23Rallionlol I should shut up
15:35.42JoshBorkecladhaire is frustrated a lot
15:35.52cladhairethey already have all the substirutions marked in the wowhead descriptions
15:36.09Chaotic_Dah well. maybe I'll just leave the work up to others like Tekkub and you.
15:36.11cladhairethe issue is taking them from that point, into the game, and having them match up
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15:36.19cladhaireand assuming you'll be able to generate uniqueness from it.
15:36.30Chaotic_Dand save you the frustration. :)
15:37.43Chaotic_Dit only has to be unique within the quests that share the same title. "fickle" is used in plenty of other quests, but there's only one "Call of Earth" quest that uses it.
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15:37.58cladhaireyes, again, great grant and wonderful
15:38.07cladhairegenerating those uniquely for all series, is non-trivial
15:38.29cladhairesomeone would have to do it manually, and hope the quest text never changes
15:38.38cladhaireor we'd have to get the qid's exposed through the API
15:38.53cladhaireotherwise, it requires a full database parse, which as far as I know, I'm the only one doing regularly.
15:39.17Chaotic_Dhm... does quest text change often though? I figure you just put up with that the way all addon authors put up with updates to the game.
15:39.42cladhairei didn't say it was a big issue, but its a consideration
15:39.49cladhaireand you won't know until someone's quest script fails.
15:40.08Chaotic_Dwould be nice with the qid's. although I wonder if it's really a priority for Blizzard. :>
15:40.19cladhairethe client already has the information, *shrug*
15:40.21cladhaireI've asked for it.
15:40.29cladhairei need it desperately
15:41.35SroshDid they give any reasoning why they don't want to give it out?
15:41.51cladhairethey haven't rejected my request
15:42.09Chaotic_DI would have thought people had asked before.
15:42.21cladhairenot really, no.
15:42.38cladhairePartyQuests and LightHeaded are really the only addons that do something like what they do
15:42.42Chaotic_Dlike for Thottbot or Alakhazam?
15:43.04cladhairethat have a specific need for that
15:43.06cladhairethose sites don't need them exposed in the game
15:43.08cladhairethey can get to them from the cache files
15:43.15SroshOh, I was under the impression, Blizz already denied the request once.
15:43.30cladhaireno, I never said that.. I said I requested it, and the request is outstanding.
15:43.42SroshI see. No answer.
15:44.09Chaotic_Dthe request is outstanding? like the peasants are revolting?
15:44.27cladhaireno, i've asked for it
15:44.29cladhaireand its gotten no answer
15:44.31Chaotic_D(I give the request two thumbs up! outstanding!)
15:44.32cladhairenothing more complex than that.
15:46.15Chaotic_DI hope my friend comes back online sometime this week. I asked him over a week ago to give me info on signing up a friend so he could get 30 free days, and he just now got back to me and didn't mention it. I bet he forgot.
15:46.49Chaotic_DI may run out of patience and subscribe soon. the game came in the mail yesterday.
15:47.09art3misthe 30 days free is part of your purcahse of the game
15:47.31art3mis10day trial->buiy game get 1month free with it->pay
15:47.58Chaotic_Dno, if you sign up a friend (IE: "invite" a friend for the free trial, and then they buy the game and start subscribing) they get 30 days free as well.
15:48.08art3misya know what i'd love blizz to do, make more outside of instance content for quests and stuff
15:48.15art3misinstead of lame ass grinding
15:48.54art3misthey == you?
15:49.25Chaotic_Dsince my friend is currently subscribed and I am not.
15:49.47art3misyou have a pronoun issue ;P
15:50.12art3misif my friwend ivites me and i sign up HE gets 30 free days
15:50.44art3misthe way it's worded the other few times you've typed it reads like if I sign up a friend they(the friend) gets 30 days free
15:51.08Chaotic_Doh. I got the last one wrong. yeah.
15:51.21art3misthats the part that was confusing me
15:51.26art3misbut i believe it's auto
15:51.55art3misif they send you the invite mailer thingy from thier wow account and you use that code to make the trial ad sign up, once you're a paying customer he gets the credit
15:52.38Chaotic_Dyeah. and my friend needs to send me that invite, whatever the heck it is. (I can't check because they won't even give non-subscribers detailed info)
15:53.06Chaotic_Dbut if he doesn't get off his ass and give it to me, he's throwing out a free month. :P
15:53.15art3misheh ill send ya it ;P
15:53.56Chaotic_DI'll give him a little more time before I throw it out there. :>
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16:08.27Nom-mmm subway melt
16:12.32cladhairequiznos subs > subway
16:12.44cladhaireas far as heating goes
16:13.04cladhairei dont mind anything about subway except the magic toaster
16:13.09cladhairei'm old fashioned when it comes to liking my sandwiches toasted :P
16:13.33Cidanmagic toaster, hah.
16:14.33art3misis there a command to collaspe functions in ultraedit?
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16:19.29GryphenView menu > Hide/Show lines shows the commands
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16:22.44Shirikcladhaire: Totally agreed
16:22.51Shirikunfortunately I don't have a quizno's near me in VA afaik
16:22.55Shirikor in FL for that matter
16:23.06ShirikUp in PA I had one
16:23.13Cidanthere is one on route 7
16:23.15Cidanright next to me
16:23.24OsagasuI server just went down again. QQ
16:23.29ShirikOsagasu: Mine too :(
16:23.51ShirikI knew it came back way too quickly
16:23.53Shirikit was impossible
16:24.19Shirikand now auth server seems to be down
16:25.06Shirikoh no there it goes
16:25.26LopeppeppyHappy Tuesday.  *sigh*
16:25.46Chaotic_DMy friend's in Japan, playing on an Australian server. Do you think the lag/ping playing on an Australian server from Canada would be bad? :>
16:25.51CidanThat doesn't sound very happy to me
16:26.10Chaotic_DEastern Canada, at that. Not Western.
16:26.18foxlitThis tuesday feels like a thursday
16:26.42LopeppeppyThe Australian servers have had chronic latency issues, some of the Tech Support sticky threads have traced issues to various throttling points on the ISP network, etc.
16:27.16Chaotic_Dwhat, even for Australians??
16:28.07Chaotic_Dnevermind. I'm not Australian, so it matters not.
16:28.27Chaotic_DI wonder how his ping/lag is there in Japan...
16:30.02LopeppeppyI understand even the people playing on oceanic servers from oceanic spaces have lag hatred.
16:30.45foxlitI thought oceanic servers are still physically in US
16:30.49foxlitJust with a different clock
16:31.07LopeppeppyThat might account for the lag they see, now wouldn't it?  :)
16:31.35Chaotic_Doh. :o well... that would be sweet for me.
16:37.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Jelly|Laptop (
16:39.11|Jelly|How are you today?
16:40.43LopeppeppyWoked up.  That's the best I get for Tuesdays.  Heya, JoshBork.
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16:43.50|Jelly|You're not the queen of Tuesdays too? :(
16:44.12Kaydeethreewoo, endeavour is safe. thank the gods
16:44.20*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
16:44.33Linhi all!
16:44.51Cidanhola Lin
16:44.52LopeppeppyTuesdays are anarchy days, |Jelly|.
16:45.12|Jelly|Oh man, Peppy.
16:45.19TS|SkromYou know... chance of being turned into a drider aside, if I could be any fantasy race I'd want to be a drow. Their women are DAMN sexy.
16:45.31|Jelly|*runs around screaming "Anarchy"*
16:45.41|Jelly|Don't bother.
16:45.43Linola Cidan
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16:46.47|Jelly|_I learned the hard way not to feed the retards. Should have taken a lesson from Cog.
16:47.12Kaydeethreemeh, I may start yelling at the fools over on PTR soon. wonder if it's even up right now?
16:47.16Chaotic_DIS Lopeppeppy the creature from Monster World IV?
16:47.54LopeppeppyNot today, Chaotic_D.
16:48.09Chaotic_Dwhat? :D
16:48.44LopeppeppyI'll put it on tomorrow's ToDoList, but that's also rather full.  Catch me next week for starring in a monster flick.
16:49.10Chaotic_Doh, I was off. It's Pepelogu. (sp?)
16:49.38Kaydeethreeoh wow... the warlocks op in pvp thread in general is up to 61 pages
16:49.39TS|SkromI could see how you'd get that confused >.>
16:49.46LopeppeppySmall spelling difference.
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16:49.55Chaotic_Dit's not a monster flick. it's a video game. :>
16:50.06LopeppeppyThere's a huge difference?
16:50.30LopeppeppyProbably exactly the same difference between my name and it's, hmm?
16:51.15Chaotic_DI dunno... it's 3/4ths the same, with 1/3rd rearranged.
16:53.39LopeppeppyMmm-hmm.  Anyway, next topic.  How about that local sports team?
16:55.01Shirik~lart Cidan
16:55.01purlforces Cidan to use Outlook Express
16:55.05Shiriksince purl is not in #conspiracy
16:56.07MaldiviaKaydeethree: what did you expect, from a thread Kalgan posts in ?:)
16:59.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Cholo71796 (
17:00.17LopeppeppyGood morning.
17:00.32JoshBork1hello goodbye
17:00.34JoshBork1you say hello
17:00.36JoshBork1and i say goodbye
17:00.53Cholo71796Could anyone help me with a mod i'm creating?
17:00.54JoshBork1i'm sure i've butchered the song
17:01.01Cholo71796Could anyone help me with a mod i'm creating?
17:01.02|Jelly|_Well, I was a little late.
17:01.11JoshBork1actually, it's wasn't a question to ask a question
17:01.16JoshBork1it was a question requesting help
17:01.17mikmaCairenn: :D
17:01.26purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
17:01.31|Jelly|_Close enough. :P
17:01.44JoshBork1mikma:  you should add a big smiley face and a caption that says:  Don't worry, be happy
17:01.49Cholo71796Well, lets see... I need to find that post.
17:02.27Cholo71796OOH! Found it:
17:02.28Cholo71796I'm trying to make a mod that has grinding info, but it pops up by the click of a button in game. It would be very handy, considering ALT + TAB can get annoying. I want a dropdown menu which includes Horde and Alliance, and then another dropdown menu for 10-19, 20-29,30-39,40-49,50-59,60-70. Then I will write the locations in the open space or whatever... (Specify where I should put them.)
17:02.31mikmaJoshBork1: "Relax"
17:02.40Cholo71796I'm trying to make a mod that has grinding info, but it pops up by the click of a button in game. It would be very handy, considering ALT + TAB can get annoying. I want a dropdown menu which includes Horde and Alliance, and then another dropdown menu for 10-19, 20-29,30-39,40-49,50-59,60-70. Then I will write the locations in the open space or whatever... (Specify where I should put them.)
17:02.48Cholo71796sorry for spam
17:03.03Cholo71796LUA, TOC and XML files:
17:03.06Cholo71796are at
17:03.11JoshBork1don't use dropdown menus
17:03.12JoshBork1they suck
17:03.14|Jelly|_Lua isn't an acronym.
17:03.18Cholo71796i know
17:03.19|Jelly|_<3 Shirik
17:03.24cogwheelnow boys...
17:03.38TS|SkromI like dropdowns :(
17:03.51|Jelly|_~lart TS|Skrom
17:03.51purlstrangles TS|Skrom with a doohicky mouse cord
17:04.05|Jelly|_That's right! A doohicky mouse cord!
17:04.07TS|Skromespecially the pop lock and dropdowns
17:04.31Shirik<3 |Jelly|
17:04.48Punkie` <--- dont need to tab out apparently :P
17:04.56Punkie`no idea how good it is
17:05.26Cholo71796my info can be found at w w w . filebeam . c o m / b8ed17ef34f3c63b93632c6341b61419
17:05.54Cholo71796and my lua toc and xml can be found at filebeam . c o m / ed14b5f3092e3b3db17bf5294b0f307c
17:06.03Punkie`I dont want to click on that
17:06.05Punkie`or paste it
17:06.11|Jelly|Doesn't Cartographer already have the level of zones in it by default? Or are you looking for a more indepth guide like an ingame Joana's?
17:06.21cogwheelPunkie`: dual monitors > overlay :P
17:06.28Punkie`cogwheel: damn straight
17:06.59|Jelly|cogwheel: YUP
17:06.59Punkie`I don't know if that program is illegal or not, I don't really want to give warden that test anyway
17:06.59TS|SkromCholo71796 look up Lightheaded
17:06.59RallionIf only I had the desk space :(
17:07.04Cholo71796I'm doing a thing where it has two dropdowns, one with Horde/Alliance and one with all the 10-1920-29... things, and it has grinding info
17:07.04cogwheelPunkie`: if it's just an overlay then it can't be illegal
17:07.10cogwheelonly if it actually interacts with the game
17:07.12|Jelly|Punkie: What program?
17:07.29RallionI watch movies in "always on top" windows while playing WoW all the time
17:07.31Punkie`like an overlay that you can view the interwebs with it
17:07.38Punkie`Rallion: I do that too, but you know :P
17:07.49Punkie`Doesn't feel right or whatever
17:07.50Cholo71796can anyone help?
17:07.52TS|SkromMe too... BUT ON MY SECOND MONITOR! FACE!
17:08.02TS|SkromCholo71796 I can help, look up the mod Lightheaded
17:08.10Punkie`Cholo71796: I doubt anyone will look at your code if it's not on
17:08.17Punkie`and you should look up lightheaded indeed
17:08.30RallionI HAVE a second monitor! I have it! It's in my closet! I just don't have a huge desk, and a lot of the space is taken up by my massive tower.
17:08.44TS|SkromWell to be honest I have a small desk myself
17:08.56LopeppeppySurprise, I suggested LightHeaded on the forum thread!
17:09.20TS|Skromit just has an area below where I can put the tower, I have a flat panel on the main area, and the CRT on the side part of the desk (it's an odd configuration but no more then say... 5 feet wide
17:09.55Rallionanother thing, I'm not entirely sure that I should be using any more power than I already am :P
17:09.58Cholo71796Can anyone help me with a mod that i'm creating that contains grinding info?
17:10.07RallionI should really see if I can make it work one of these days
17:10.16Punkie`Cholo71796: are you a bot or something?
17:10.20Cholo71796no lol
17:10.26Cholo71796but can anyone help me?
17:10.38TS|SkromYes, I can help you by suggesting you don't reinvent the wheel. It's already been made, and if you don't know how to code, don't expect someone to make your mod for you.
17:10.39Chaotic_Dthat sounds like something a bot would say. GET 'IM! ;)
17:10.47TS|SkromNo lying, bot!
17:11.15Cholo71796Anyway, is there anywhere i can learn the code without gibberish
17:11.15TS|SkromIf you are looking for specific questions about how to make a dropdown or something that's fine, but don't say HERE'S MY CODE! GET BIZZAY!
17:11.20Punkie`Cholo71796: When Littlefoot's mother died in the original 'Land Before Time', did you feel sad?
17:11.32cogwheelc'mon, guys... i already gave him enough s*it on the forums...
17:11.43TS|Skromcogwheel :O
17:11.53Cholo71796COGWHEEL ZOMG
17:12.00TS|SkromHey, why aren't you work, notwork or book today?
17:12.08Punkie`Aha, clearly a bot. Dodged my question
17:12.18Shirikor specific questions about how to make a dropdown or something that's fine, but don't say HERE'S MY CODE! GET BIZZAY!
17:12.18Shirik13:11:10 ‹Punkie`› Cholo71796: When Li
17:12.26Shirik132:102:07 12‹Punkie`12› Cholo71796: are you a bot or something?
17:12.26Shirik132:102:11 12‹Cholo7179612› no lol
17:12.30Punkie`not that one
17:12.32TS|Skromy ou lo se
17:12.33Punkie`the second one!
17:12.40Shirikah right
17:12.42Rallioni'm totally downlaoding playxpert right now
17:12.59Rallioneven though I play in a maximized window and alt-tabbing is instant.
17:13.12Punkie`Rallion: If you get banned tell the GM cogwheel said it was ok!
17:13.34TS|Skromcaps are bad mmkay
17:13.44RallionPunkie, I sure will!
17:13.52Cholo71796they have all this crazy shit when they haven't even told us what it does
17:14.00Cholo71796some people need to learn to MAKE SENSE
17:14.17TS|Skromum... it makes sense if you have any kind of basic knowledge of programming
17:14.31Rallionit starts with Hello World!!!
17:14.37ShirikOkay, first off, let's not use caps like that, thanks
17:14.48ShirikSecondly, PiL is probably the foremost subject on learning the language
17:14.51|Jelly|I almost feel sorry for the guy.
17:14.56ShirikIf you don't understand, you might be a bit in over your head
17:14.59|Jelly|But alas, no.
17:15.05Cholo71796It's so confusing!
17:15.08ShirikAnd may want to look into general (non-language-specific) programming first
17:15.20Punkie`Cholo71796: Before you start anyway, your addon needs more Ace2.
17:15.20foxlitAnd math
17:15.22Shirikbecause trying to learn a language is NOT how you learn to program
17:15.23foxlitFactorials are cake
17:15.26ShirikPunkie`: I will hurt yoy
17:15.58Cholo71796Ace2? C? C++? Lua? Why don't they explain ANYTHING?
17:16.03TS|SkromCholo71796 here's the bottom line. if you don't know how to program (or don't want to learn), making an addon is not what you want to get involved in. You will get frustrated and hate it. If you are willing to learn, then pil is where to start.
17:16.04CidanCholo71796, to learn to program is not to learn a language.
17:16.06Rallionforget Ace2.
17:16.24Rallionbut if you're lost on C and C++, we may have a problem
17:16.31CidanVery much so.
17:16.31|Jelly|IMO Conspiracy needs more Ace.
17:16.35Cidan|Jelly|, die
17:16.37Cholo71796I don't even know what they mean
17:16.43Shirik(with the die part)
17:16.45CidanThen you will have a problem
17:16.49CidanA very big one
17:16.54Punkie`|Jelly|: You're doing it wrong
17:17.01zenzelezzShirik must be pleased, there's a new version of ChatThrottleLib on WoWI
17:17.05ShirikC and C++ are probably the two most-well-known languages available
17:17.14Punkie`LUA + ACE MAKES ADDON
17:17.26CidanThey are, by far and large.  C/C++ pretty much make up almost everything you use
17:17.29Cholo71796can someone direct me to something less complicated? like, i liked to program the triggers in WCII
17:17.33cladhairePunkie`: please stop, its getting obnoxious, especially when someone is here trying to get help.
17:18.02CidanCholo71796, I'm not sure that there is anything, except maybe macros
17:18.02Chaotic_Deh... they really don't make it easy to figure out what's going on. They tell you to read something, but most of the time you're never told why. I'm a real big fan of overviews, and I already ranted and raved about the lack of them over in #wowace
17:18.03Shirikfor UMS games
17:18.05Cholo71796I'm very confused. I want something that someone with VERY little experience can start from
17:18.06Shiriklike Starcraft
17:18.14ShirikCholo71796: Lua is not a simple language
17:18.21|Jelly| Clad's book.
17:18.23Shirikwell, it is, but it's not
17:18.23CidanNo, no it's not.
17:18.24TS|SkromThat might get you started on some theory of programming. From there, you can apply most of the ideas to the Lua language.
17:18.31RallionValaron, WCIII used a nice UI that covered up event-based Java programming
17:18.35Cholo71796Fuck i'm not wasting money
17:18.45Cholo71796I'm broke
17:18.46|Jelly|"wasting" <-- ???
17:18.46cladhaireCholo71796: then find one of the many free programming resources
17:18.56cladhairebtu you have to learn how to program, before you can learn how to just start writing addons.
17:18.56TS|Skromthere's one
17:19.04ShirikRight, and like I've already said
17:19.04Cholo71796ill take alook
17:19.08|Jelly|clad, I just /facepalm'd for you. <3
17:19.08Shiriklearning a language is NOT how you learn how to program
17:19.15Shirikit's how you set yourself for beating your face against a wall repeatedly
17:19.23cladhaireactually hold ona  sec.
17:19.31cladhaireCholo71796: I have a good book for you
17:19.45cladhaireDo you know anything about Java, or Python?
17:19.48Cholo71796Oh, great, now they're showing us some other gibberish shit? pSeudo??!
17:19.48|Jelly|I can tell you that by personal experience; Shirik actually helped me through that phase.
17:20.02Cidanlol, Cholo71796, first, you need to chill out
17:20.03Valaron|WorkI haven't played enough WCIII
17:20.03cladhaireCholo71796: Don't look at what TS|Skrom showed you.. That's a horrible tutorial.
17:20.09Rallionwell, actually, AFAIK, WCIII wasn't Java, the syntax was just almost exactly the same
17:20.36|Jelly|Anyway, I have to go. Apparently there's this thing that we call "real life" that needs attending to.
17:20.47Rallionreal life is 4 n00bs
17:20.49Chaotic_Dguh, I hate that, |Jelly|.
17:20.49Cholo71796* impatient... *
17:20.53CidanListen to what I'm about to tell you.  You can't get into any type of programming if you don't have an understanding of what the basics are and how programs work.
17:20.54|Jelly|I agree.
17:20.58CidanIt takes a lot of time
17:21.02Cholo71796i se
17:21.03Rallionimpatience will get you nowhere.
17:21.04TS|Skromcladhaire I disagree. It's horrible for people like us who know better, but it does explain some of the basic terminology
17:21.17cladhaireTS|Skrom: no, it starts wth flow diagrams, which can make thigns really confusing.
17:21.28TS|Skromyeah I was going to suggest skipping part 1
17:21.32cladhaireCholo71796: If you actually want to put the time into learning something, I'd suggest starting here
17:21.34Cholo71796i programmed with .squeak (lolz easy) and WCIII trigger editor and some VERY BASIC vbs
17:21.37RallionI always found flow diagrams to be intuitive
17:21.37CidanSo if you want to learn the very basics, we can point you in the right direction, but it's not a 1-2-3 thing
17:21.37TS|Skromthe part on variables and conditionals is okay
17:21.57cladhaireIf PiL is too high level for you, that book will be a good start of how to think like a programmer.. how to learn how to program
17:22.05cladhaireits done using Python which is readily available
17:22.09Cholo71796Awww dang more money in the trash!
17:22.13cladhaireno, its free
17:22.14cladhaireno money
17:22.16cladhairefucking listen
17:22.19cladhaireand stop being impatient.
17:22.22cladhairewe're here trying to help you
17:22.25cladhairestop shitting on us, please.
17:22.29Chaotic_DCholo71796, I'm not sure you should bother making addons. unless you actually enjoy the process of programming even a little bit, there's no way you can motivate yourself to do it. There are shortcuts, but you still need to have an interest in getting into the technical stuff.
17:22.32Cidaneasssy cladhaire
17:22.42cladhairei dont have an easy :P
17:22.44zenzelezzCidan: he's not saying anything Cairenn wouldn't
17:22.44cladhairei am easy
17:22.53Cidanno no, not the language
17:23.03cladhairebut that's a different story
17:23.08Cholo71796I do enjoy it. I just don't enjoy people putting me down and speaking with terms that I don't understand.
17:23.14Cidanokay, Cholo71796
17:23.19Cidanlet's start with this
17:23.38CidanCholo71796, /nickserv register <some password here>
17:23.55CidanOn this IRC network, you have to register your nicknames
17:23.56cladhairebecause otherwise people can't PM you
17:24.19Cholo71796i registered it
17:24.20cladhaireCholo71796: no one is trying to talk down to you, but you're being offended by us sending you to a very valid resource
17:24.59Cholo71796Some [i] were [/i]
17:25.20Cholo71796Alright im reading the foreword
17:25.21cladhaireWe're trying to help you, and I'm sorry if you felt that way.. I'm here now and paying attention so I'll spank the bad people.
17:25.39cladhaireCholo71796: The book i directed you to, is available PDF format, as well as HTML.. both downloadable and completely free
17:25.48cladhaireCholo71796: that book will teach you how to program, using Python
17:25.58TS|Skromooo spank me mastah
17:26.11cladhairethat wont' put you any further down the road towards learning how to write addons, but it will give you the foundation you need to program well.
17:26.16Chaotic_DCholo: I mean... I'm a little bit like you. I'm focused more on the results than the process, so I have to work extra hard to motivate myself. And I find it all very confusing, and there's very little explanation given, so you spend a lot of time reading stuff you do not understand any of it. That takes a lot of patience.
17:26.54cladhairebeyond that, there is currently only one organized way to learn how to write addons, my first book, and my second book.  Other than that, its a matter of tutorials and such on the web which are completely good.. but you have to spend time into finding them and getting from page to page,.
17:27.04cladhaireIt would help if we understood what you'd like to do!
17:27.13Cholo71796so you're saying, that when i don't understand this crazy shit, i should read it anyway
17:27.27Cholo71796im just trying to make a simple windo
17:27.28cladhairecalm down please.
17:27.28Valaron|WorkLearning to program is not an overnight thing. It takes time and patience.
17:27.37Cholo71796I know...
17:27.49Cidancladhaire, the problem is he doesn't have an understanding of anything, at all, period.  He doesn't know what a variable is, nor expressions, nor loops, nothing.
17:27.53CidanCholo71796, am I right?
17:28.04cladhaireCidan: that's what that book teaches, intentinoally why I directed him to it.
17:28.04Cholo71796one sewc brb
17:28.15Chaotic_Dand now someone else has already done most of the addon I wanted to do. T_T;
17:28.18cladhaireas can be seen clearly from the .toc
17:28.45cladhaireCholo71796: It seems like all you want is this then:
17:28.51Cholo71796i know exactly what all of those are
17:29.09Cholo71796loops keep going over and over again
17:29.30Cholo71796variables are set to a certain value and can be varied with other commands
17:29.42Cholo71796i forget expressions tho
17:30.00CidanWell little by little you'll get it, hmm, how did I learn...
17:30.05cladhaireCidan: the point is, the book I directed him to covers all of that, in extreme details, in an interpreted language that is similar to Lua.
17:30.16Cholo71796I see, thanks clad
17:31.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
17:31.06Valaron|WorkI learned how to program in a MUD's LPC language.
17:31.14Punkie`Valaron|Work: Wow, me too :p
17:31.37Punkie`Fun language :)
17:31.41Valaron|WorkYeah :)
17:31.43cladhaireI learned to program in C, writing for a number of muds
17:31.47CidanI started with a MUD in C, then moved on to ASM, then C++
17:31.48cladhairecreating new systems for them
17:31.53cladhaireI used to run a long time ago on Asylum
17:31.54cladhaireand friends
17:32.03Cidanman, so many of us started with MUD's
17:32.14Valaron|WorkHelped me get A's in early Computer Science classes.
17:32.24Chaotic_Dnot me. I started with GWBasic on a TRS-80! :D
17:32.26cogwheelI learned to program in QuickBASIC
17:32.40Chaotic_Dand I never freakin got anywhere.
17:32.45Punkie`Valaron|Work: Can you remember which MUD, LPC wasn't that big if I remember right
17:33.02Valaron|WorkAncient Anguish. 2222
17:33.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
17:33.09Valaron|WorkI still log in every once in a while.
17:33.13Chaotic_DI FINALLY learned some important programming when I took college courses in C++.
17:33.28zenzelezzas ugly as it sounds, I learned coding in Visual Basic. Then moved on to C++ and was enlightened
17:33.32Punkie`Valaron|Work: I think I've heard of it, does it have intermud by any chance? :)
17:34.20Punkie`awesome, that was great :)
17:34.26Chaotic_DI went through QBasic and Pascal before C++. :S I never learned how to do graphics other than in DOS, and I just can't figure out graphics libraries in these modern C++ compilers. :P
17:34.28ShirikC++ was the first real language I learned
17:34.33ShirikI learned BASIC before that but I didn't really know anything
17:34.41mikma <- well, josh gave me a good idea so i had to put it in :D
17:34.47zenzelezzmost of my VB code was copy-paste from code sites
17:34.47Shirikand DBASE
17:34.53Shirikbut again, didn't know anything real
17:34.55foxlitI, um, butchered VB code
17:35.04foxlitIt was utterly horrible!
17:35.40Shirikit deserves to be horrible anyway
17:35.40Chaotic_Dawesome, mikma. :D you should put some interlude music in there.
17:35.50TS|Skromhahaha mikma that's great
17:36.08cladhaireAnyone up for a puzzle?
17:36.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Cholo71796 (
17:36.33cladhairewhats wrong with that script, why won't it ever complete?
17:36.43cladhaireit just sits churning CPU, without calling another lua function, ever
17:36.47Cholo71796should i just skip this shit on how he started?
17:37.03cladhaireyou can skip the intro of the book
17:37.09cladhairebut start at the first real chapter, and go from there
17:37.11cladhaireget a feel for it.
17:37.37mikmaChaotic_D: hehe. wtb elevatormusic
17:39.49Cholo71796lol i already <3 python- lol - print "Hello, World!"
17:40.26Cidanwhat to do...
17:41.32Cholo71796Cidan just out of curiosity what abbreviation does Python use?
17:41.50cogwheelfile extension? .py
17:42.07CidanI don't like Python much my self, so, eh
17:42.14Cidantbh never really used it
17:43.07Chaotic_Dyeah. there's a few good intermission songs. there's Monty Python. there's Offspring. and there's this one from a "don't get shit-faced" Flash animation that I gotta look up.
17:43.15Cholo71796wait, so where does python come into play? just an easy way to start?
17:43.25CidanCholo71796, it seems so.
17:43.32CidanYou don't use Python in WoW
17:43.53Cholo71796Alright- but once I get good with it, it allows me to understand harder programming languages?
17:44.17foxlitI'd argue that there is no such thing as a "hard programming language" :)
17:44.27Cidanmmm, no programing language is "harder", per se, such as once you can grasp what it means to program, it won't matter.
17:44.30Cholo71796I know- but you're good
17:44.33foxlitBut yeah, once you get a grasp of how any one works, you'll feel better regarding the others too
17:44.35Cidanas it's all the same
17:44.38Cholo71796just less clear and understandable
17:44.40cogwheeljust like natural languages... once you've gotten one under your belt it makes it much easier to learn others
17:44.47Mr_Rabies2ptr in a week? :O
17:44.55cogwheels/one/one new one/
17:45.00Mr_Rabies2unless said programming language is pretty much english like mirc's is
17:45.13foxlitmirc's language is a steaming pile of... stuff.
17:45.16Mr_Rabies2i wish other stuff was as easy as mirc coding :[
17:45.23Chaotic_Dare you guys sending him after a wild ornithoid without cause? :S
17:45.34Mr_Rabies2why's that fox, i've heard plenty of people say it but haven't really heard much reason behind it
17:45.40Chaotic_Doops. it was untamed ornithoid. I RUINED EVERYTHING!
17:45.55foxlitSyntax makes virtually no sense
17:46.02foxlitTo me, anyway, without reading the docs
17:46.02LopeppeppyEveryone learns how to cook a turducken in their own way, Chaotic_D.
17:46.09Mr_Rabies2it makes more sense than anything else :[
17:46.13Mr_Rabies2lua makes my brain hurt
17:46.21Mr_Rabies2but mirc scriptingis like english to me
17:46.29hastemirc scripting :(
17:46.40Mr_Rabies2with wow you've gotta register all these evens and bullshit
17:46.48Mr_Rabies2with mirc you just go on event do this
17:46.49Punkie`Is 1 OnUpdate = 1 cpu cycle?
17:46.51RallionIMO, the best first language is C
17:47.03Chaotic_Dwell I would have thought it depends how much he wants to get out of programming. if he has no interest in every picking up programming again after this, perhaps he should go straight into Lua or at least a language similar enough to it if there is one.
17:47.03Rallionthat would be...ridiculous.
17:47.06Punkie`I thought so
17:47.07Cidanno kidding
17:47.17zenzelezzOnUpdate is one rendered frame, IIRC
17:48.13Punkie`What's the best way to pause for 2 seconds in a function?
17:48.31foxlitAnd since the docs are in WinHelp, it's not really helping
17:48.39Punkie`I've just been counting OnUpdates and I think that's a bad coding practice :p
17:48.43foxlitzenzelezz is correct
17:49.01foxlitOnUpdate handlers are called once per rendered frame
17:49.07foxlit(if the frame they belong to is visible)
17:49.46RallionIMO Lua is an excellent high-level language
17:50.08Chaotic_DI mean me, I like to dabble, so while for a language I'm learning I need a specific way to apply it that I'm motivated to do, I can find plenty of them. MySQL, Perl, C++, Java, HTML... you can make databases, then put them online, then connect other things them.
17:50.50Mr_Rabies2i just don't see how mirc scripting makes no sense :[
17:51.00Mr_Rabies2i've read almost no documentation and can do some really handy stuff
17:51.02Chaotic_D(that is, I can find plenty of ways of applying programming languages to something I would be interested in doing)
17:51.05Rallionmy big thing is that, in the case of 'serious' programmers, it's best to start in a language that forces you to do your own memory-freeing.
17:51.11Punkie`foxlit: Is the best way to 'pause' by using OnUpdates?
17:51.14CidanRallion, ding
17:51.59zenzelezzpause how?
17:52.12Punkie`I'll explain a little better
17:52.12Cidannothing will make you learn better than saying, "WTF, why does c point to jibberish?!"
17:52.16pastamancerPunkie`: for any sort of timer, you need to use an OnUpdate, but don't count the number of times it happens, the first arg is the elapsed time since the last OnUpdate
17:52.51Punkie`Well I did try that
17:52.52Cholo71796Alright, I've got to go, my grandpa is taking us kids out to lunch before my sister goes to college in like 4 days. Bye!
17:52.59RallionI had the pleasure of going through late high-school / early college at a time when all the intro courses were being changed from C(++) to Java, so I encountered a lot of people who, at least in my eyes, had no idea what they were doing (or, more accurately, what the JVM was doing...)
17:53.06Punkie`But then I got some error that I couldn't add 1 to a table value
17:53.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Drool (
17:55.36Rallionthe all-OO aspect of Java was kind of a problem, too, I think, because it means you have to create an object to have a running program. that meant that people were putting in these 'standard' lines of code, but they didn't necessarily even know what they meant. I think they figured that out eventually, but it can make people feel really lost
17:56.09Cidanyar, no globals
17:56.14Cidanwhich you can get around
17:56.19Cidanby creating a static object
17:56.24Cidanbut still
17:56.26pastamancerPunkie`: look at SecureUnitWatch_OnUpdate
17:56.29Cidanat first you're like, ergghhh
17:56.42Rallionwell, I'm still kinda like that
17:56.52pastamancerbah, learn scheme
17:56.53RallionI'll make the static object, but Iwon't be totally comfortable with it
17:57.04Punkie`cheers pastamancer
17:57.04Cidannor am I
17:57.08Cidanit feels "messy"
17:57.22pastamancerI use interfaces for static 'globals'.
17:57.26Rallionnow I do most of my coding in .NET though, whenever suitable...the GUI stuff is just too easy
17:57.45Rallionargh! noooo! news has dropped that will FORCE me to buy Guitar Hero 3
17:57.53*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
17:57.59Rallionand I already have to get Rock Band
17:58.05cogwheelYeah... I'm actually rather fond of C#
17:58.45Rallionthe platform dependancy is a little unfortunate, but since my favorite thing is the GUI stuff, I think I'm stuck there.
17:59.04Chaotic_DI still think you guys shouldn't send kids off to learn Python when it's farther removed from what he's motivated to work at. you gotta work within people's interests. especially kids, who haven't learned this massive amount of patience that the technical world requires.
17:59.12RallionGuitar Hero 3 will apparently include music by The Killers and Santana, so...shit.
17:59.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
18:00.58cladhaireChaotic_D: well, that bnook hasn't been written yet
18:01.01cladhaireplain and simple
18:01.06cladhairePython is the next closest thing to Lua
18:01.19cladhaireand the book is well written
18:01.21Chaotic_Doh, I didn't know it was close.
18:01.46cladhairePython is an interpreted scripting language, built from pedagogical roots
18:01.52cladhairebut closer than say, C or Scheme
18:02.10cladhairethe other two language that have a multitude of resources for learning.
18:02.25cladhaireI will be writing a version of HTTLACS as my next project, in Lua
18:03.24cladhaireor, the book we're writing right now would actualy be ideal for him.  Its written for someone who is familiar with programming enough to know a few keywords, etc. and teaches them enough of Lua to learn how to program
18:03.28cladhaireaddons, i mean
18:04.10Chaotic_Dcool. I wouldn't mind seeing that either. :)
18:04.39cladhaireit'll be out in February, if things take as long as we're hoping they don't.
18:04.51cladhaireproduction for something like this is a nightmare.. the company takes so long :P
18:05.31Chaotic_Dsucks. you can't do one of those self-publishing websites?
18:05.54cogwheelno money in that...
18:06.06cogwheelyou have no idea how much work is going into this book...
18:06.39Lunessa|workingI have a pretty good clue. :)  I used to be an freelance technical writer/editor
18:06.47cladhairecogwheel and Kaelten are my co-authors, and its been a bitch :P
18:07.10Chaotic_Dwell I don't know anything about Lua, but I hope it's used in lots of other places besides WoW. I know it's the most popular, but I wonder how much longer it will last.
18:07.33Chaotic_Dthe most popular MMORPG, that is.
18:07.44cladhaireLua is used in plenty of places
18:07.47Lunessa|workingEmbedded/able languages have a long life span.  
18:07.52cladhaireover 70% of Adobe Lightroom is written in Lua
18:11.22Chaotic_DI wonder if there's a market for hard-to-read clocks...
18:11.34AnduinLotharbinary clock sells
18:12.25Chaotic_Dyeah but it's binary. they buy it because it's binary. and they most likely are proficient in it, which is useful for more than merely reading novelty clocks.
18:12.57Chaotic_Dthey could make one of the Predator gauntlet computer. and that would sell because it's Predator, and that's bad-ass.
18:14.39Chaotic_Dgotta make the plastic case, the customized light-piping segments. I was thinking of having rotating or plug/unpluggable sections.
18:16.24Chaotic_Dand my font supports both upper and lowercase letters! in only... *counts* 8 LED segments per character! yes! highly inefficient!
18:17.02Chaotic_Dhrm. then again, clocks use 7 segments...
18:17.47Chaotic_Dno wait... I'm way off. it was 6 + 6 + 2. that's 14. XD
18:18.35Rallionroflcopter: "Next week GameTrailers covers FFX and the ultimate fashionista game for all those little boys who are going to try out for Project Runway in a few years: FF X-2."
18:19.07Mr_Rabies2anyone remember suprnova?
18:19.15Mr_Rabies2iiiiiit's baaack
18:19.21Rallionbut I have btjunkie now
18:19.53Mr_Rabies2i'm just happy they are, i don't use sites like those hardly anymore but i'm glad to hear they weren't totally set back by the *AA
18:20.23RallionI use them almost exclusively for TV shows
18:21.09Rallionthings are different now that I actually work
18:21.23Rallionwhen I was a kid, I had no money and nothing but free time :P
18:21.53Chaotic_Dit was still hard for me to find a Torrent of Deee-Lite. So hard.
18:22.27Mr_Rabies2it's not that i buy stuff
18:22.35Chaotic_DSo hard to find more obscure things.
18:22.46Rallionyou didn't say that the new Suprnova will be run by Pirate Bay
18:22.51Ralliongood stuff.
18:22.52Mr_Rabies2it's just that i'm still having too much fun playing wow and my 360 to steal stuff anymore
18:22.57Mr_Rabies2i think they have an alliance now, rallion
18:23.01Mr_Rabies2not so much "run by"
18:23.25Rallionaccording to Wikipedia, "TorrentFreak announced that Suprnova's former owner had donated the domain to The Pirate Bay, which has plans to relaunch the site."
18:23.45Chaotic_Dlike... Transformers UK comics. can't find Torrents of that. I think there's sometimes ONE somewhere in the interweb. and it's usually not seeded. I think I sat on one of them for a month.
18:23.49Rallionheh I have a massive backlog of games that I've stolen and just don't really care to play
18:24.11Rallionso I just kinda stopped. no point.
18:24.15Chaotic_DWoW: The Timewaster.
18:24.34Chaotic_D*grind grind grind*
18:24.51Mr_Rabies2yeah i guess you're right, rall
18:25.06Mr_Rabies2i misread it
18:29.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
18:31.30cogwheelI love this clock:
18:31.47cogwheelI needed one of those in high school for my friend who was always late picking me up...
18:33.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
18:34.20LopeppeppyScary alarm clock, Cogwheel.  I like.  My cat would hate.
18:34.41Rallionall the more reason to buy!
18:35.13LopeppeppyShe has to meet a toddler this weekend.  I try to limit my major traumas to one per week.
18:35.17Chaotic_Dthat wouldn't work in my room. there's nowhere for it to run! hahahah!
18:35.56Lunessa|workingcogwheel: I need that clock.
18:36.35Cairennah, that one
18:38.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion (
18:44.20Kaydeethreeah, yelling at idiots is theraputic
18:44.36cladhaireanyone speaks german?
18:44.39cladhairewhats this mean: AURAADDEDOTHERHARMFUL = "%1$s ist von %2$s betroffen."; -- Combat log text for aura events
18:44.47Shirikinner focus shadow word pain = win arena
18:45.02Cidanit's the combat log text for aura events.
18:45.04cladhaireAURAADDEDOTHERHARMFUL = "%s is afflicted by %s."; -- Combat log text for aura events
18:45.06cladhairethats what it means
18:45.07CidanI do believe.
18:45.14cladhairewhats the direct translation for it i'm wondering
18:45.25cladhairei.e. how does it translate back to english from the german phrase
18:45.46Punkie` <--- seriously they can sell that? :P
18:46.08Kaydeethreelook real close at the url
18:46.30Cidanist von is ~ "is of"
18:46.38Punkie`yeah, I know it's lebedev
18:46.59Cidanno idea what betroffen is. :(
18:47.23cladhaireoh damnit
18:47.25cladhairei can't use that one anyway
18:47.28cladhaireit doesn't swap args :P
18:47.33zenzelezzsounds like "hit" of some sort
18:47.37zenzelezzbut that's me guessing
18:47.41Cidanmore like uh
18:47.45Shirik!ap 1536
18:47.45ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1536 is, 2v2: 291, 3v3: 332, 5v5: 415
18:47.48Cidanconcerned kinda, but not really
18:47.50zenzelezzhit, affected, ...
18:47.53cladhaireAURADISPELOTHER = "'%2$s' von %1$s wurde entfernt.";
18:47.55cladhairethis one instead
18:47.57Lunessa|workingzomg - that's f'ing funny.  It's based on the mistaken theories of the 1800s that formed the basis of Mary Shelly's Frankenstien
18:48.03KaydeethreeI wonder how long I'll be able to get away with
18:48.26RallionPunkie, look at the availabiliy of that item
18:48.47Rallionwell, off to work
18:49.10Rallioni'll be back in 7 hours to bitch about how Bioshock full version doesn't run properly.
18:50.27Kaydeethreepart of me really wishes I had the hardware to run bioshock
18:51.24CidanIt's a really good game
18:51.28Cidanlives up to all the hype
18:51.34Cidanwaiting on steam to unlock
18:57.27Shirikcladhaire: ping
18:59.37cladhaireShirik: pong
19:00.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
19:01.28Shirikcladhaire: Never mind I figured it out. GC occurs at 110% right?
19:01.37Mr_Rabies2i hope i don't wake up at midnight, but i'm so freakin tired
19:02.40*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
19:03.42cladhaireShirik: GC begins at 110
19:03.46cladhaireit doesn't "occur"
19:03.47Shirikthat's what I mean
19:03.50cladhaireits an incremental process
19:03.51cladhairethen yes :P
19:03.56cladhairethat value is tuneable
19:04.01cladhaireand its easy to turn it off entirely
19:04.07Shirikbad idea >.>
19:04.14cladhairehehe :P
19:04.17Shirikunless testing something of course
19:04.28*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
19:05.44Kaydeethreeheh... I've heard of backhoe-induced network outages, but shotguns?
19:06.31Chaotic_Dis there any way to send voice over a voice chat app without speaking into a mic? like for those times when you're up late and your roommate is sleeping?
19:06.51Valaron|WorkHook it up to your CD player.
19:06.56Valaron|Workthe Mic in
19:07.03OsagasuIt's called whispering. >.>
19:07.48Mr_Rabies2you could always use text-to-speech binds
19:08.01Mr_Rabies2but your raid would probably tire of microsoft sam
19:09.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
19:09.49[dRaCo]just record your standard sentences
19:10.48Cidan"WHAT THE FUCK"
19:10.54Cidan"CHRIST, HEAL ME NOW!"
19:11.02Cidanare pretty much all you need for a raid.
19:12.31Mr_Rabies2i used to just randomly slap the ASFFUIFUIHFFHFGUFH button mid boss fight occsionally
19:13.03Chaotic_Dyeah. how do I playback a prerecorded message over voice chat?
19:13.12Mr_Rabies2in vent it's in bindings
19:13.21Chaotic_Dreally?? wow.
19:13.25[dRaCo]TS doesnt support that by default
19:13.34[dRaCo]there are ways to do it anyway, though
19:13.39Chaotic_DI haven't used Vent since I played Ryzom two years ago.
19:13.48TS|Skromman that game blew
19:14.24Chaotic_Dhahahah. I liked it. it was kind of shallow, but I loved the atmosphere.
19:14.26Cidanyes it did
19:14.42Cidanso I have a newb question
19:14.54CidanI haven't actually leveled in 4 months, where should a level 64 go?
19:15.00Chaotic_DI liked the class-less system, the "freedom" of deciding what the cost of your actions were.
19:15.22CidanThen that is where I shall go
19:15.30TS|SkromThe cost of my actions were always the same: Self doubt and asking myself "why am I playing this shit?"
19:15.56Cidanoh man
19:15.59Cidanbioshock in 45 min
19:16.09OsagasuI'm jealous.
19:16.26Chaotic_Dnot those actions! combat actions.
19:17.00CidanCholo71796, colors are frowned upon, :P
19:17.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Ominous (
19:17.20CidanColors are frowned upon
19:17.21OsagasuBring me a SHRUBBERY!
19:17.26TS|Skrom<3's trillian and didn't even know it did that!
19:17.28CidanAs in, we don't like them
19:17.37OsagasuAs in stop.
19:17.39Cholo7179602Chop down the tallest tree in the forest  with- A HERRING!
19:17.46Cholo71796Oh poo.
19:17.51Chaotic_D"I told him the princess was in another castle" (that's Monty Python related, sort of)
19:18.24Cholo71796* testerr
19:18.28Cholo71796back to black
19:19.21OsagasuYou're white to me.
19:19.36Chaotic_Dlight grey here.
19:19.37Cholo71796Oh no.
19:19.43CidanIs it sad that I don't want to level 'til we finish Conspiracy? :(
19:19.44ShirikCholo71796: Please, no colors
19:19.55Cholo71796IM NOT TALKING IN COLORS
19:19.59Shirikyou were
19:20.05OsagasuWe got him to stop.
19:20.05Cholo71796LIKE 10 MINUTES AGO
19:20.08OsagasuPlease drop it.
19:20.09Cairenneasy guys
19:20.10CidanCholo71796, don't lose your temper
19:20.11Cholo71796PLEASE STFU BITCH
19:20.14cogwheelwtf? why aren't there any trainable JC recipes from 150-170?
19:20.15CairennChompers: enough
19:20.19Cidanthe fuck
19:20.37CairennChompers: sorry, that was at cholo, but he left
19:21.24Punkie`That guy was winding everyone up since the start imho :P
19:21.37OsagasuHe's gone, no more.  Please.
19:21.43Cidanlet us no dread the past, but look towards the future
19:21.44OsagasuI like this place a drama free channel.
19:22.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Cholo71796 (
19:22.02ShirikOh please, it's never been drama free, what with us all fighting over Cairenn
19:22.10OsagasuTrue enough.
19:22.14Valaron|WorkWell. True dat
19:22.22CidanNow that Shirik is a few minutes away, I can stab him
19:22.28OsagasuFortunately I'm not anymore. xP
19:22.33Shirikyou have no idea where I am
19:22.38CidanI can find you
19:22.40CidanI have your name
19:22.48Shirikand even if I gave you my address
19:22.51CidanAnd your dad.
19:22.54ShirikI bet you still couldn't find my house
19:23.04OsagasuChildren, Children!
19:23.07CidanYou underestimate my tracking ability, :P
19:23.21Shirikyou underestimate my neighborhood
19:23.31OsagasuSuburban family?
19:23.45CidanShirik, PF Changs was totally eh, so/so last night
19:23.45Shirikgoogle earth it, my address is listed as the tech contact for
19:23.50CidanI don't think I'm going back there for a while
19:23.54ShirikI liked it
19:24.01Kaydeethreeare you still in dialup hell re: net access, shirik?
19:24.08Shirikthen again I didn't have SingaporeStreetNoodles
19:24.14ShirikKaydeethree: Negative :)
19:24.21OsagasuSo... Any nifty new addons I've missed? >.>
19:24.39Cidannot out yet though
19:24.41Cidanwe're gettin' there
19:25.03Shirikit's made significant progress in the past few days
19:25.16Valaron|WorkSomeone posted about a Hello Kitty UI
19:25.16Cholo71796Where can i download a Python reader/converter/user type thing?
19:25.17ShirikI reckon shortly it should be viable for module authors to code if they so desire
19:26.22OsagasuIt's an RDX based mod? o.O
19:26.33CairennCidan/Shirik:  while technically not incorrect, I'd consider changing this" "The end result was a functional UI, but ridden with underlying problems." to "riddled with"
19:26.35Cidanit's a replacement to RDX.Cid
19:26.55CidanTrue, both are valid
19:26.59Cidanbut the latter does sound better
19:27.13Chaotic_Disn't ridden meaning they're riding it?
19:27.30Cidannot in that sense
19:27.55CidanI want a cat
19:28.25OsagasuOkay, so it's an original replacement to an RDX based mod.
19:28.28Punkie`Cidan: Order a chinese meal, it's mostly cat
19:28.29ShirikCairenn: He wrote it not me. I take zero responsibility *looks innocent*
19:28.43ShirikOsagasu: That's an understatement
19:28.43CairennI know someone who has one to give away - however, given that the person is here in Ottawa, that makes it rather infeasible
19:28.50ShirikBut what RDX.Cid did, Conspiracy will be able to do
19:29.04Cholo71796Alright i downloaded the thing from but now it just wants me to select a program to open it with
19:29.06CidanRDX.Cid was a fork of the last free version of RDX before it went "pay 7.50 per month"
19:29.12Shirikoh that's it?
19:29.16ShirikI thought it was more
19:29.19Shirikstill it's annoying
19:29.45ShirikI still wouldn't pay it
19:29.54CidanNot would I
19:30.13Punkie`I didn't understand it really, you mainly had to trust your buyers not to give it out really :)
19:30.21Punkie`Unless I'm missing something important
19:30.48Cholo71796how can i open the python software?
19:30.48Cidaneveryone needs to know this
19:30.53CidanCairenn, you too
19:30.54Cholo71796i downloaded it but...
19:30.59CidanShirik has the most beautiful eyes.
19:31.05Valaron|WorkRead the instructions
19:31.06Chaotic_DWhy are you in my city?
19:31.12CidanThey are this beautiful shade of blue.
19:31.32Cholo71796There are no instructions.
19:31.50Cidanhe's got issues.
19:32.03OsagasuPeople don't tend to like to change raid mods
19:32.08Cidanheh, does anyone else think of the angry german kid playing UT2004?
19:32.18OsagasuIt was hell to try to get my guild to move to Omen
19:32.22ShirikOsagasu: Well aware of that, but at the very least, those sing RDX.Cid are likely to switch
19:32.26ShirikAnd I know for sure I'll force TG to switch
19:32.29OsagasuFair enough
19:32.33Shirikotherwise they ain't getting any new modules
19:32.41CidanAnd not just that, but as better things come along, people do try them.
19:32.51CidanAnd we do feel our UI will be better.
19:33.06Valaron|Work Cholo71796
19:33.12CidanValaron|Work, he /quit
19:33.27Punkie`I've never personally tried it, but for the most of it I heard that RDX had performance issues
19:33.34Punkie`no idea if that was true
19:33.58OsagasuGenerally speaking, I feel that a mod that takes everything into consideration and links it all together starts off ahead of a series of mods that simply compliment each other.  But many don't feel that way.
19:34.06Saint-Nholy christ
19:34.09CidanRDX.Cid we worked on and got to a level where it was okay, but it just wasn't good enough.
19:34.26Saint-Nwhat kind of moron makes a live cd for thier distro and doesnt tell you what the root passwd is
19:34.36CidanSaint-N, noob.
19:34.46Cidansudu passwd root
19:35.01Cidansilly man
19:35.08Saint-Nif i cant get into the system cuz the xorg driver is borked how does that help me ;P
19:35.16Shirikyou fool
19:35.17Saint-Ncidan: sudo shush
19:35.20Shirikit's sudo root
19:35.32Cidanlogin as ubuntu
19:35.33Saint-Nmake me a sammich
19:35.34Cidanno password
19:35.35ShirikPutting your password on the same line is evil
19:35.37Cidanthen sudo
19:35.40Saint-Nsudo make me a sammich
19:35.57purlOsagasu: aw, gee
19:36.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Cholo71796 (
19:36.56Cholo71796Aye, Back!
19:37.27Punkie`We are extatic
19:37.32Cholo71796If only learning to program was like eating cookies.
19:38.04CidanCholo71796, so how is Minnesota this time of the year?
19:38.21Cholo71796Aye, how do ye know I be in MN?
19:38.32CidanI'm an expert in all things.
19:38.36CidanI can see everything.
19:38.47Cholo71796Is there something in me IP Address?
19:38.59Valaron|WorkHe's a supa-spy.
19:39.02Cidan...I wouldn't laugh if I were you.
19:39.05Shiriknever seen this before
19:39.07Shirik"Target is tapped"
19:39.12Cholo71796How did ye know?
19:39.19CidanI have methods.
19:39.29Punkie`Shirik: That happens when you try and use a quest item on a tapped mob usually
19:39.41Cidanor if the mob is just tapped
19:39.47Cidanby someone other than you/your party.
19:39.54*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg_ (
19:39.54Cholo71796Tell me... please...
19:40.03Cholo71796Pwetty pwease?
19:40.08CidanDo you want to know how to be an ereet hax0r?
19:40.11CidanI shall show you.
19:40.18Cidan*** Cholo71796 ( joined
19:40.26Cidaner, comcast.
19:40.30herzogthcyay ok I am so totally not working for hte remainder of the day
19:40.30Cholo71796How you do that?
19:40.35herzogthcwasup shirik
19:40.58Cidancomcast, rather.
19:40.59Cholo71796i don't understand
19:41.15CidanMN == your state
19:41.22Cholo71796i know
19:41.26Cholo71796but how did you find that
19:41.31herzogthcCholo71796: he's talking about the implication that you're in minnesota whereas my comcast info indicates tenn :)
19:41.38Cholo71796i see that
19:41.40Cidanwhen you are on IRC, your IP is known to all
19:41.44Cholo71796but where did he find that link
19:41.45Cidanfor example, /whois Cidan
19:41.49Cholo71796oh >.<
19:41.51herzogthcCidan: that's what bnc is for.
19:42.02Cholo71796it's not doiing anything
19:42.04Cidanherzogthc, Pharos is a good friend of mine, actually
19:42.08Kaydeethreecheck your status window
19:42.13Cidanherzogthc, I've known him for years.
19:42.14Cholo71796Status window?
19:42.27CidanCholo71796, what IRC client are you using, per chance?
19:42.31Shirik12[whois: Cholo7179612]
19:42.31Shirik › name: Cholo71796
19:42.31Shirik › address:
19:42.35Shirikit's pretty evident
19:42.43Cholo71796i don't know.
19:42.52Cidan[15:42] Cidan is
19:42.56CidanI'm in DC area.
19:43.03Osagasusee the bold.
19:43.07Cholo71796i see
19:43.08herzogthcwhats the ctcp client request? :(
19:43.09herzogthcI forgot.
19:43.11Kaydeethreehuh, weird. your client doesn't respond to ctcp version requests
19:43.12herzogthcit's been too long.
19:43.13Cholo71796anyway, how does that appear?
19:43.18herzogthcthat's it!
19:43.25herzogthcthx kd
19:43.25Cholo71796i can type /whois herzogthc
19:43.28Shirikctcp VERSION
19:43.29Cholo71796but nothing happens
19:43.30CidanYes, yes you can.
19:43.36CidanWell, let's see.
19:43.42CidanYou don't know what client you are using
19:43.43Kaydeethreeif you have any other chat windows open, check them
19:43.45herzogthcit means your client has a status window it's dumping the output to probably.
19:43.45CidanAh, what are you typing into?
19:43.51Shirik152:432:34  » 12[CTCP VERSION reply from Cholo7179612]: PJIRC 2.2.1
19:43.54Cholo71796right here!
19:44.01CidanPJIRC is your client, hmm
19:44.02Kaydeethreebah. a java client
19:44.06CidanThat's why
19:44.11Cidanyou're chatting off of a website
19:44.13Cholo71796i don't understand
19:44.15Cidanit's rather limited
19:44.22Cholo71796i am
19:44.27Cidansee, there are these programs you can run on your computer, called "clients"
19:44.31Cholo71796Cogwheel told me to come here for help
19:44.34Cidanthey are JUST for chatting
19:44.41ShirikCholo71796: Do you use windows?
19:44.47Cholo71796Windows XP
19:44.48CidanShirik, is that a serious question?
19:44.53Cholo71796MAC FTL
19:44.59Saint-Nwhat cog actually said was "if you come here you'll need help"
19:45.03herzogthctheres a cocoa irc client
19:45.06herzogthcthat looks really neat.
19:45.12herzogthcbut whateva
19:45.12Cidananyways, go download
19:45.22Cidanand use that to connect, you'll like it much better
19:45.22Kaydeethreebah, don't overcomplicate things
19:45.39CidanKaydeethree, shh, we teach him in the ways of... er, leet-fu?
19:45.54herzogthcheh whyd you even join  wowi-lounge? :)
19:45.58herzogthcjust kinda curious
19:46.06herzogthcI got asked the same when I joined
19:46.12CidanHe wants to learn to code, I think.
19:46.14Saint-Ni didnt
19:46.21Chaotic_Dnobody asked me
19:46.29Cholo71796I downloaded MIRC
19:46.29Saint-Ni came here cuz cairenn promised me boobie pics ;P
19:46.32CidanInstall it
19:46.35herzogthcI also came in here and talked to people as if I knew them
19:46.39CairennI did not!
19:46.53Cholo71796That's what i meant
19:46.57Saint-Nand it was the most awesome picture of a blue footed boobie family i'd ever seen ;P
19:46.58Cidanokay, run it
19:47.14Cholo71796why should i give these thieves my info?!
19:47.22Cidanshh, trust me okay?
19:47.24cogwheelCholo71796: do you use firefox?
19:47.25Shirikyou don't have o really
19:47.29Kaydeethreelie. you're not giving anyone real information
19:47.33Cholo71796InternetExplorer lol
19:47.40Kaydeethreemy real name as far as my client is concerned is "Do you really want to know?"
19:47.43herzogthcoh and you talk about giving thieves info lol
19:47.49ShirikI don't even remember what my name is
19:47.50Cidanand I use "feh" as my real name
19:47.54Cidanand email
19:47.58Cidanso don't put real info there
19:48.01Shirikoh, Shirik
19:48.06Shirikand my email is
19:48.12herzogthcya my names will smith
19:48.12herzogthceven if you find my city
19:48.13Shirikpoor guys over there are probably getting flooded
19:48.14herzogthcg/l finding me ;)
19:48.40Shirikyou live in Tennessee
19:48.46Shirikit's not like there are that many cities to go through
19:48.53Cholo71796k i put in fake info
19:49.00herzogthcyeah but theres like over 200 will smiths in my local phonebook
19:49.00Cidankk, hit OK
19:49.07herzogthcand I'm not even one of them lol
19:49.12Cidanon that white window you see
19:49.17CidanI want you to type this.
19:49.20Saint-Nhrm hrm hrm
19:49.25Cidantype /server
19:49.29herzogthcshirik: However, I am NOT challenging you
19:49.32Cairennmine's cairenn@* where * = whichever one I feel is most appropriate to the situation
19:49.36herzogthcI trust in you all
19:49.36Shirikaww =(
19:49.40herzogthcok bitchx is fucking up brb
19:49.42*** part/#wowi-lounge herzogthc (
19:49.42*** join/#wowi-lounge herzogthc (
19:49.48herzogthclessee if this is any better
19:49.50CidanI wish my client supported IPv6
19:49.54herzogthcthat's a lot better
19:50.07herzogthcoh cidan you and shirik would get a kick out of this
19:50.14herzogthcyou hear about the fiber cable that got shot up in cleveland?
19:50.44Shirik"shot up" ?
19:50.49Shirikas in like, with bullets?
19:51.00Cidanit was... bad fiber?
19:51.02Cholo71796what's the 'channel name"
19:51.07ShirikCholo71796: #wowi-lounge
19:51.14Cidanclose that window Cholo71796
19:51.17Cidanand on the white window
19:51.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Fuhqbitch (
19:51.24Cidantype /join #wowi-lounge
19:51.24Fuhqbitchthis is cholo
19:51.27Shirikherzogthc: Nothing for you to see here. Please move along.
19:51.36Cidanisn't this much better?
19:51.39herzogthcman motherfucker i hate typing links
19:51.40herzogthchold on
19:51.42Cidanclose the web browser thing
19:51.47Kaydeethreewatch the language
19:52.02Cairennyeah, no fucking swearing in here, assholes
19:52.11Kaydeethreebah, that wasn't even supposed to be in here
19:52.22Shirik~lart Kaydeethree
19:52.22purlbeats Kaydeethree senseless with a 50lb Unix manual
19:52.24FuhqbitchI see
19:52.31Lunessa|workingdamn it Cairenn How the hell am I supposed to convey ideas and emotion then? Crap!
19:52.33Cidannow Fuhqbitch, I know it's all cool to curse, but uh, can you change your nick to something, I dunno, nicer?
19:52.37herzogthcthat link :)
19:52.38herzogthcthere we go
19:52.42Fuhqbitchdoes anybody want to make a mod for me while i learn Python?
19:52.47Cidanno, :P
19:52.51Cairennjoking aside, I agree with Cidan's request
19:52.51cogwheelhow much you paying?
19:53.10CidanFuhqbitch, type /nick <something else>
19:53.16Shirikust... wow.
19:53.20herzogthcShirik: Yah
19:53.20CidanSomething cleaner, please.
19:53.30herzogthcthat affected our production servers
19:53.31ShirikI am, however, amused that it only caused a "slowdown" and not an outage
19:53.38herzogthcwho apparently purchase pipeline thru level3
19:53.40herzogthcand believe me, we were DOWN
19:53.49herzogthcit was only slowdown in some areas
19:54.12Cidanno no no
19:54.14CidanSomething nicer.
19:54.27CidanDon't try to be all bad ass with cursing, just a nickname
19:54.39CidanNo, no.
19:54.40cogwheel~nickometer PokemonFTW
19:54.52Shirikonly 14%?
19:55.03Shirik~nickometer ohshutup
19:55.03CidanSeriously, change your nick to something normal, I need to talk to you.
19:55.27CidanThat works
19:55.34Chaotic_D~nickometer Chaotic_Descent
19:55.44herzogthcShirik: but yeah one coworkers bemused comment was "Sorry, clientname, we can't finish your project because yosemite sam shot up our pipeline"
19:55.46CidanSomething, try this: /nickserv register <some password>
19:55.50Cidanlike you did before
19:56.01Somethingnow what?
19:56.06Shirikdoes mirc accept /nickserv natively?
19:56.07Cidandid it say registered?
19:56.09Cidanit does
19:56.09Shirikor do you have to do /msg nickserv
19:56.12herzogthcShirik: yes.
19:56.17herzogthcBitchX does not :)
19:56.21herzogthcbut /msg nickserv is just as effective.
19:56.35ShirikI like /ns
19:57.12Cairennnot all clients accept /ns though, Shirik, which is why you're better to do the full /msg nickserv [whatever]
19:57.42Cairenn(when explaining to someone new, I mean)
19:57.50Shirikalso, going back to a conversation 30 minutes ago, Cidan, my eyes suck, they need to be darker
19:57.56Cidannaw, no way
19:57.59CidanThey are super sexy.
19:58.11Cairennss or it didn't happen
19:58.17ShirikIs this supposed to be a good thing coming from you?
19:58.24ShirikLike if it were nancy I wouldn't have a problem with it
19:58.55ShirikOkay, he whom does not know his name, you're going to have to pick a name and stick with it
19:59.00Shirikbecause you can't register 500 nicks
19:59.05Saint-Nyou can so
19:59.07Cairennseriously, use the name you were using when you first joined the channel or something
19:59.10Shirikwell you can, but then some ircop will destroy you
19:59.12Saint-Nit's just retarded to do it
19:59.25ShirikAnd please lay off the caps key
19:59.57ShirikDo you play WoW? What's your nick there
20:00.00ShirikJust use that
20:00.04ShirikUnless it also is a sentence
20:00.07Shirikin which case, please don't
20:00.11MyNameIsJonasi did it
20:00.19Cidanokay, MyNameIsJonas it is.
20:00.26MyNameIsJonascan you see that cidan?
20:00.38Shirik › 320: MyNameIsJonas is identified to services
20:00.41Shirikso finally all set
20:00.53MyNameisSaint-Nnow we can begin the WoWA meeting
20:01.36Shirikwhen I saw the warning from NS I was like "hmm better go back before I get ghosted"
20:01.56MyNameisSaint-Nhehe it doesnt actually ghost ya
20:02.02Shirikit can
20:02.07MyNameisSaint-Nat least not automagically
20:02.09Shirikif you type it :P
20:02.19ShirikBut when you deal with my nicks.... you go bye bye
20:02.28ShirikIt's mostly Cidan's fault
20:02.43Shiriklike Shirik|zZz, Shirik|AFK, Shirik|Fooding
20:02.52Shirikyeah he kept taking over my nicks =(
20:02.52Saint-Nshow me on the doll where he touched you during dinner last night.
20:04.02Lunessa|UnkleUse the [Gnome Effigy]
20:05.00Saint-Nisn't that just a jumbo gummy bear?
20:05.08Saint-Nor is that still to large to represent a gnome
20:06.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Droffats (
20:06.58Lunessa|UnkleGnomes are wonderful boys. Their heads are filled with gizmos, they make such wonderful toys!
20:08.20OsagasuI'm sure I don't want to know.
20:08.40zenzelezzreminds me of that t-shirt that said "Boys make nice accessories"
20:08.51Kaydeethreeoh, by the way, Saint-N:
20:09.29Saint-Nthats awesome
20:09.32Lunessa|UnkleSaint-N: I'm not on lithium.  I need something STRONGER.
20:09.59Saint-Nalright ill send rowdy roddy piper to your house
20:10.29Lunessa|UnkleHe's here to kick ass and chew bubble-gum.
20:10.36Lunessa|UnkleAnd he's all out of bubble-gum.
20:12.23Chaotic_Dwhat movie?
20:12.45Chaotic_Dif it was MST3K, he would have been all out of ass.
20:13.43jmeKaydeethree: epic
20:15.45Saint-Nit's They Live
20:18.17Saint-Ngod i wish they'd stop calling these printers all-in-one's if it doesnt have a number pad for faxing
20:21.00Cidanoh?  Well *I* have a number pad for faxing...
20:21.05CidanIF you know what I mean!
20:21.13CidanOkay, I'll stop.
20:22.46TS|SkromProblem with that is it only sends, never recevies
20:25.03Chaotic_Dyou know, I got this flash animation with bill cosby bobbin his head and a slowed down "World Hang On (Children of the Sky)" track playing, and I'm addicted to it. I downloaded the original song and... it's... just not as cool as this.
20:26.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
20:26.42CidanLadies and gentlemen...
20:26.45CidanWelcome to Rapture.
20:26.48CidanNeed I say more?
20:27.52MyNameIsJonasWTF its kick ass and chew bubble gum not other way around
20:28.33*** join/#wowi-lounge anakha (
20:28.44anakhahi people
20:30.02Saint-Nbah stupid lag ruined it!
20:30.27CairennSaint-N: how many times do I have to disillusion you? I'm not a 'ho, no matter how much you wish I was
20:30.40Saint-Nim guessing a few more times
20:30.48Cairennapparently so
20:30.55Saint-Nbut feel free to convince me while you're naked and moaning like last time ;P
20:31.06Cairenngood dream, was it?
20:32.33Saint-N^^ me duz wantz
20:33.25zenzelezzyou enjoy toys, eh?
20:33.37herzogthcbigbadtoystore looks like something pornographic in nature.
20:33.49herzogthcI mean, I realize it's probably not, I hope it's not -- I learned a long time ago to be leary of links I see on irc. Especially at work.
20:33.54herzogthcSo I'm not clicking it to find out. :)
20:34.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
20:34.14Cairennthat particular link, at least, is safe
20:34.42Cairennfolks are usually pretty good about putting NSFW tags in this channel, when necessary
20:34.51Saint-Nits transformable soundwave as a minidisc/mp3 p[layer
20:35.03anakhai just started the tutorial in <--- a link in you forum. and i can´t find the interface.mpq that he is talking about. wowdirectory/data
20:35.24Shirikinterface.mpq does not exist
20:35.28Kaydeethreethat's a very old tutorial
20:35.30Shiriklook for locale-enUS.mpq
20:35.37Cairennvnboards isn't my forum, btw :p
20:35.43Saint-Nsure it does it's just inside another mpq ;P
20:36.19Cairennyou mean people still use FlameVault? /amazed
20:36.20anakhanope but your linking in a tutorial thats in your forum
20:36.36anakhado someone got a more up to date tutorial.
20:36.38Cairennshow me, I'll delete it
20:37.29Lunessa|UnkleIt's not.
20:38.09Cairennah, thanks
20:39.04anakhagot any better one to recommend
20:39.26KaydeethreeCairenn, you may want to change the very first link to
20:39.39Cairennyeah, I'm going to, just haven't yet
20:39.52Cairennneed to get that updated on all 3 sites yet
20:39.58Cairennthe entire thread
20:40.32Chaotic_Dhas anyone here ever done that "sign up a friend" thing? he asked for my email address for this, but if he gave it to Blizzard, I wouldn't get the email since I'm set to exclusively filter out people not on my list. but if he was sending me a code or something, I guess it's just delayed. (Hotmail shouldn't take minutes to send)
20:42.28Cairennusually things like that have the company send out an email
20:43.03Chaotic_Dthat idiot! I specifically asked him if he was sending it, or if he was giving my address to Blizzard!
20:43.16Chaotic_Dnow he's at work and I have to wait for him to get back to me AGAIN. :(
20:43.21Chaotic_Dno playing WoW.
20:43.48CairennI don't know for sure that that is how it works for Blizz's "refer a friend", but it's the standard
20:44.30herzogthcI freakin hate work right now
20:45.21Valaron|WorkThat's a lotta hate.
20:45.35herzogthcI just did too much the past two days
20:45.41herzogthcI'm burned out, tired, and salaried to boot
20:45.48herzogthcwhich is why I slack now
20:46.09herzogthcbut it's really frustrating that programming at work makes me wanna neglect programming at home where I can actually leanr new and interesting things
20:46.48herzogthcit's like when I leave the stress of work to go home, I find myself wanting to build on stuff, but HAVING To get intoxicated and play WoW to escape reality ;)
20:47.25Valaron|WorkWhatta life.
20:47.37herzogthcI'm joking, mostly.
20:47.41Chaotic_DI'm unemployed! =)
20:47.48herzogthcReality is that a wife and family keep me occupied in my off-time
20:48.15Saint-Nwhile you're drunk?
20:48.21Saint-Nthats unfair of them ;P
20:48.21herzogthcwho said drunk?
20:48.28herzogthcI said intoxicated.
20:49.02Saint-Ngod im so tired all of a sudden
20:49.04herzogthctypically prefer intoxication of hte hallucinagenic variety. Less hangover. :)
20:49.12Saint-Ni think ill just curl up under my desk and nap
20:49.14Chaotic_DI wonder if it's too late to turn my spam filter off and get that from Blizzard. -_-;
20:49.32Chaotic_Dcrap. it's been 10 minutes. no way is Blizzard that slow.
20:49.47Chaotic_Dthat should have been my first reaction. DAMNIT!
20:49.48Saint-Ncheck yer spam folder idjit
20:50.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Flexom (
20:50.04Saint-Nif you out right delete anything thats not directed to you, you're a moron ;P
20:50.05Chaotic_Dit's HotMail. :S I doubt they'll put spam back in.
20:51.34Chaotic_Dmy HotMail account got so much junk I didn't bother receiving anything that wasn't from people I knew. I mean... I don't use that account for strangers. I have other accounts for that.
20:51.48ScytheBlade1Kaydeethree, ping
20:52.16ScytheBlade1With the latest PTR push, after several minutes, does it give you the debug information?
20:52.38KaydeethreeI haven't let it run long enough to get the crash log. I'll try it real quick
20:52.44Chaotic_DSaint-N, Music Label Soundwave is something I'm trying to get too. I'm a big Transformers collector.
20:52.47ScytheBlade1I'm trying now, but it's not looking like it
20:54.00Chaotic_DI just paid $85 shipped for a damned obscure novelty toy that's Transformers-like. (by Takara, makers of Transformers, it transforms, but it's a different toy line called Web Diver)
20:54.25Thunder_Childdid 2.2 get released today?
20:54.49*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
21:03.07ScytheBlade1Not sure, but I may have found what's breaking it
21:03.11ScytheBlade1The DivX decoder..
21:03.43Cidannew PTR?
21:03.51ScytheBlade1No, just the latest
21:04.21ScytheBlade1Hmm, maybe not
21:06.38ScytheBlade1Who was it in here that was working with the #winehackers people on this?
21:07.05Cairennamongst others, no doubt
21:07.06Saint-Nerr bleeter
21:08.14bleeter and
21:08.32ScytheBlade1 <-- pastey of the WoW error + wine backtrace
21:08.57ScytheBlade1If that's of any use to you
21:09.02bleeteraye, the #132 that looks suspiciously like the random Vista crashes
21:09.42ScytheBlade1I'm sure the WoW info is nothing new, but with any luck, the backtrace can be useful
21:10.29Kaydeethreewow, finally got the ptr to crash
21:10.36bleeterthe winehackers prefer their WINEDEBUG traces
21:10.50bleetereg from the 9386 bug
21:11.54bleeterinsofar as the 9381 bug goes, i don't have time today to patch wine GIT and try it, Uni assignment due. if anyone else has wine GIT, feel free to apply it and see if OSS will fall back to emulation correctly
21:12.08ScytheBlade1That easily doable? I'd gladly contribute
21:12.21ScytheBlade1And I don't have OSS in kernel at all
21:12.25ScytheBlade1Or any emulation
21:12.32bleeterI still doubt it'll fix the issue, but it's stuff that the winehackers have requested that gets done
21:13.44Shirikhey Cidan, I cooked!
21:13.51Cidanno kidding?
21:13.59CidanI'm makin hamburgers in a few
21:14.09Shirikhad too many hamburgers lately
21:14.14bleeterKaydeethree, ScytheBlade1: wereHamster's also been looking in to this issue
21:15.22ScytheBlade1I've got git installed, and I've built wine by hand before. I'll help out how I can :)
21:15.56ScytheBlade1Though I do not have any form of OSS even remotely enabled now
21:16.22bleeterfor the record, vitaly (aka vitamin) is a very stressed/overworked wine hacker, he can get pretty short if you do not meet his exact standards for bug reporting
21:16.36bleeter(as demonstradted in 9381)
21:17.31bleeterthat's do say, one can be talking to the person responsible for a module, who asks you to file bug report/data, which vitaliy will promptly close without referring back to said hacker if the report doesn't meet his requirements ;)
21:18.49bleeterugh, that patch fails in hunk #5
21:20.04ScytheBlade1No worries
21:20.07ScytheBlade1We have at least another week
21:20.16Saint-Nyou would have if you didnt explain the bug issue again ;P
21:20.16ScytheBlade1More I'd guess
21:20.41Kaydeethreeif not 2. I severely doubt the likelyhood of the 28th happening. QA's going to want at least one more PTR push
21:20.53Kaydeethreeespecially since voip's not really working properly for the majority of people
21:21.18Saint-Nhehe welcome to 2.2 if you're got vista....suck it
21:21.28bleeterhere's a couple of other URLs that may be of some interest:
21:21.52bleeterfmod bug, regarding initialisation. I believe it's possible that Blizz have applied the patch mentioned, but.... well, I kinda do have my doubts
21:22.19bleetercedega issue, indicating that their dsound code progresses a little further than wine, and I suspect then crashes at the same point
21:23.05ScytheBlade1I've heard about that
21:23.16Saint-Nhey bleeter
21:23.25bleeterg'day Saint-N
21:23.34Saint-Nhave you tried loading up a windows divx player+codec in wine?
21:24.10bleeternope, not the sort of thing I usually have a call for ;)
21:24.31Saint-Ngive it a try and see how/if it plays properly through wine or cedega
21:24.43bleeterwont have time 'til much later today, if at all, or tomorrow
21:25.12CidanShirik, what'd you cook?
21:25.22Saint-Ncu it looks vaguely like they fergot to push the new divxcodec/dx for the game, and it's conflicting.
21:25.45Saint-Nie they actually have a newer one locally but it's not playing properly remotely
21:26.15Saint-Nwhich would explain the two errors in fmod and the suspected divx issue that scythe says
21:26.30ScytheBlade1Emphasis on vaugely
21:26.46Saint-Nit makes sense though
21:26.52Saint-Nscythe you try it
21:27.13Saint-Ntry and run a divx player through wine and see what happens
21:27.17ScytheBlade1Has it been known to work?
21:27.24Saint-Ndunno never tried
21:27.37Saint-Nif i was at home i could test it with crossover
21:27.40Saint-Nbut im not
21:27.40ShirikCidan: Um
21:27.44Shiriklet's not discuss that
21:27.47Shirikbut I cooked!
21:28.02CidanI take it the dogs are well fed?
21:28.14ShirikI ate it :D
21:28.20CidanLike I said
21:28.25CidanI take it the dogs are well fed?
21:28.38Saint-Nthts what itll be
21:28.51LunessaAll this chatter about food is making me hungry.
21:29.06CidanLunessa, glad to see you didn't get wtfpwned
21:29.19Saint-Nso far
21:29.49LunessaYou mean by big bad Dean, the storm which decided mexico had phatter lewt?
21:30.34Saint-Nhe got all high and tired himself out with the islands before hand ;P
21:30.34Kaydeethreea cat 5 strike on the yucatan... /cringe
21:30.36|Jelly|Not phatter lewt...more nubz to gank.
21:32.30Lunessa... /cast [exists, target=Yucatan] Cat 5 Strike; Sunny Day
21:33.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
21:34.08Shirikvisual studio 2008 beta o.o
21:34.12CidanI saw that
21:34.27Saint-Nfor when your code didnt feel gay enough
21:34.32Shirikdude, <3 visual studio
21:34.33Kaydeethreewell I'll be damned... dean made it off of the yucatan as a hurricane. wonder how much it'll restrengthen?
21:34.34Shirikyou can't deny it
21:34.39Shirikit's one of the few things Microsoft gets right
21:35.02Saint-Nno ms arcade classics was the one thing they got right ;P
21:35.20Saint-Ncuz they didnt have to make it themselves ;P
21:36.40Saint-Ni think i have an ulcer
21:37.03Saint-Nor my acid reflux has chewed a  hole in my esophagus
21:37.32Cidanacid reflux is often because of an ulcer
21:37.41Cidanwhich in turn is caused by an infection
21:38.06Cidansimple cure for it, man won a nobel prize for it in 2005
21:38.22CidanNexium, etc, is just bullshit products
21:38.26Saint-Nactually i dont have anulcer
21:38.34Suntigeryou could be developing one
21:38.37Cidanis == are
21:38.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
21:38.54CidanIn which case, don't let your doctor fool you into Nexium, :P
21:39.01Saint-Npossible i get acid reflux from tomatoes
21:39.12Cidannexium stops your stomach from producing acid which you need to fight the infection
21:39.20Saint-Nactually i rotate between zantac pepcid and some other one
21:39.25Cidanso you feel better, but the ulcer gets worse
21:39.40Saint-Nso i dont get too tolerant to a single product
21:39.42Cidanthen you'll never get better. :P
21:39.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
21:39.59Chaotic_Dmaybe you eat too much.
21:40.03Saint-Nhehe my body picks up tolerance to drugs pretty quick
21:40.20Saint-Nnah i actually eat very little and consume inordinant amounts of dr.pepper and coffee ;P
21:40.27CidanBAI BAI CAIRENN
21:40.31CidanWE WILL MEISS YOU
21:40.32Cairenn|afk<== fooding
21:40.40Saint-NThe Foodening!
21:40.55Chaotic_Deh... that's also bad.
21:41.15Suntigerdon't poor more acid into your stomache
21:41.16Saint-Nhad a physical a few months ago though and nothing showed
21:41.20Suntigerits fine on acid as it is.
21:41.26ShirikFooding is my term!
21:41.26Saint-Nand it hasnt gotten any worse or better than prior
21:41.50LunessaIRC : The Fooding - There can only be weight-gain.
21:41.58Chaotic_Dcaffeine is bad for stomach problems. like... if you have bad posture... you're just gotta fold something in your stomach lining, and then eat it away with caffeine.
21:42.01Saint-Nyou'll have to buy new bellbottom chords ;P
21:42.12ShirikShirik|Fooding is registered under my name
21:42.17Shiriktherefore it is quite obvious it is my word
21:42.48Cidanit's the most common form
21:43.00Cidanand is curable
21:43.27Saint-Nnope i have non of those symtoms
21:43.35Cidanoh, well, you lose then.
21:43.49Saint-Ni get acid reflux/heartburn from tomttos
21:43.53Saint-Nthis is about the same
21:43.55Cidanis relieved by antacid medications
21:43.59Saint-Nusually eatting food makes it go away
21:44.09Cidanthen I would talk to a doctor
21:44.12Saint-Ncidan: yeah it does as a preventative
21:44.12Cidansimple test can tell you
21:44.24Saint-Nbut i get no stomach related pains
21:44.28Saint-Nit's all throat burning
21:44.37Chaotic_DYES!!! my friend emailed me from work! invititation from a friend from Blizzard! awesome!
21:44.49Saint-Nlike when you drink too much citus juice
21:45.07Saint-Nlike 4 gallons too much ;P
21:46.20Chaotic_Dgoodbye life! what little I had of one!
21:46.29Cidanfor what?
21:46.39Chaotic_Dfor WoW.
21:50.36Cidefyi, you're not making much sense
21:50.47CidanCide, ding, :P
21:51.15Cidehmm? :P
21:52.22ShirikYour Mana Tap fails. Anachronos is immune. Anachronos hits you for 4307. You are afflicted by Dazed. Anachronos hits you for 2313 (1473 absorbed). You die."
21:52.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
21:52.48zenzelezzwhy are you attacking him?
21:52.54Cideit's his time now
21:53.22zenzelezzis that a pun on him being the time dragon?
21:53.38*** join/#wowi-lounge bl4q (
21:53.54Cideno, he says "It's not yet my time" if you try to kill him
21:53.58Cideand despawns
21:54.16zenzelezzshame, would've been a clever one
21:55.12Cideyeah, I fail :/
21:55.57Shirikzenzelezz: I wanted to see how much he hit for
21:56.00ShirikI thought I could run away
21:56.02ShirikI was rather wrong
21:56.26zenzelezzwas that the entire fight you posted?
21:56.50Shirikwell I took out the "You gain Power Word Shield" "You are afflicted by Weakened Soul" and the second "You die" that comes as a result of improved death
21:56.51Shirikbut yeah
21:57.15zenzelezzseemed like such a low amount of hitpoints, but I'm probably just spoiled there
21:57.29ShirikI know I have very low HP
21:57.41Shirik5381 without fort, which I stupidly didn't put up
21:57.50Shirik!c us drenden kimina
21:57.50zenzelezzconsidering I play a tank I don't really know what other classes have, excepy my gimp farm hunter
21:58.12Cideabout 8.5k raid buffed for clothies
21:58.12Shirik!char us drenden kimina
21:58.20Saint-Nyes cuz that extra 1k would have totoally helped you win ;P
21:58.26zenzelezzno wonder they die so easily
21:58.38ShirikSaint-N: IT's 1.1k tyvm!
21:58.40zenzelezz!char eu silvermoon zenzio
21:58.40Cideabout 13k raid buffed in pvp gear
21:58.52ThraeBotzenzelezz: Zenzio, Level 70 Human Warrior (11/0/50). 13424 HP; 15769 Armour; 724 AP; 125.3 Melee DPS; 5.64% melee crit; 40 melee hit; 347 defense; 23.96% dodge; 30.21% block;[[ TBR: 1286 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ]]
21:58.53Saint-Nthts really low though
21:58.58ShirikThis /is/ my pvp suffs
21:59.11Saint-Nwith for i sit around 9k-9.5k
21:59.12ShirikI really need to work on it
21:59.17Cide>>> 4307+2313+1473
21:59.17CideCide: 8093
21:59.19Cideyou fail!
21:59.39Shiriknaturally the last hit will be greater than or equal to my total hp
21:59.41zenzelezzfunny, wasn't long since I had only 11500 hp unbuffed... wonder how I got another 2k
21:59.43Saint-Ncourse i have like 16 mana
21:59.46CideI'm at 117xx self buffed (fort) :P
21:59.48Lunessa!char us kirin tor lunessa
22:00.04CideShirik: so you have <8093 hp
22:00.16zenzelezzseems like it's only US armory being unresponsive
22:00.25Shirik172:572:19 12‹Shirik12› I know I have very low HP
22:00.25Shirik172:572:31 12‹Shirik12› 5381 without fort, which I stupidly didn't put up
22:00.42zenzelezzmy 57 priest has like 1800 hp
22:00.48*** join/#wowi-lounge _dreamss (
22:00.50*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
22:00.54LunessaHrm, Thraebot is slow today, or I'm a n00b who can't use the commands.
22:00.57MyNameIsJonasAre there certain dimensions for a minimap button?
22:01.00ShirikI was trying to show you my character but ThraeBot hates me
22:01.07MyNameIsJonasI'm trying to create one
22:01.08Shirik!c us drenden Kimina
22:01.08zenzelezzLunessa: like I said, I think it's only US armory
22:01.13zenzelezzworked for me, for EU armory
22:01.35CideMyNameIsJonas: well, naturally you wouldn't want it to cover up your whole screen
22:01.35Chaotic_DIf I already installed WoW from playing before, but I have a new trial account I have to activate (and then start paying for subscriptions on) do I have to reinstall to stick in my authorization code?
22:01.45CideMyNameIsJonas: so you might want to go for something a bit smaller than that
22:01.47Saint-N!c us echo isles rozalyn
22:02.19Kaydeethreenah. you don't have to touch auth codes during the install. the only place you ever use the auth code is when you activate accounts on the website
22:02.35Shirikand my 3v3 rating is off by 100 =(
22:02.47Shirikwe're at 1536
22:03.17LunessaI don't do 'teh pvp' so all I have is the crafted epics  and a few world drops.  
22:03.19ShirikOMFG I never taliced my shoulders?!
22:03.23Cidanif I table[1] = something;table[2] = something;  then table.remove(table), 2 becomes 1, right?
22:03.37Shirikwait yes I did, armory's just being stupid
22:03.45ShirikCidan: Yes
22:03.52Cidetable.remove = pop
22:03.59ShirikThis may be a bad thing
22:04.11ShirikYou may want to look at how I implemented the queue in sync.lua if that's what you're trying to do
22:04.17Cidannot at all
22:04.27Shirikk, just remember moving all that stuff down takes time :)
22:04.28Cidanjust trying to figure out a way to store gid's for windows
22:04.33Cidannot going to do that
22:04.41Cidanit'll be a direct ref
22:04.46Cidetable.remove(tbl) removes the last entry
22:05.02Shirikwell yeah but table.remove(tbl, 1) doesn't :P
22:05.03Cidaner, yeah, it does the tail
22:05.04Cidetable.remove(tbl, 1) removes the first entry (and bumps the following entries down)
22:05.20Cidanthat's what I meant, typo, :x
22:05.20CideShirik: well yeah, but he asked about table.remove(table) :)
22:05.27ShirikI know I realize that now :(
22:05.35Cideyou both fail at the same thing
22:05.38ShirikI blame Cidan's failing rubbing off on me
22:05.40MyNameIsJonaslets see
22:05.44ShirikHey, I did it right in Sync.lua!
22:05.44Cidewhich incidentally caused you to understand each other
22:05.49Cidethat's funny
22:05.51Cidanmmm, hamburgers cooking
22:05.58Shirikwhich, ironically
22:06.01Shirikwas done before Cidan came around
22:06.12foxlitirony fails
22:06.24Chaotic_Dhow do you automatically skip the intro video for each race?
22:06.34foxlitYou press escape
22:06.42Chaotic_Dawww, but then it has to load.
22:06.47Cidedelete the file
22:06.49Cidanbeing the key word
22:06.54foxlitThere is no file?
22:07.04foxlitIt's an in-game slide through
22:07.09foxlitI think you can even trigger it at any time
22:07.13Saint-Nthers a intro related setting in wtf
22:07.23Cidedelete the slide through coordinates? :P
22:07.24Shirikthere is
22:07.28ShirikI don't remember what it is though
22:07.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
22:08.21MyNameIsJonasCidan, what was the one with all the : functions- not the API
22:08.54foxlitAlso InCinematic
22:09.12foxlitAnd StopCinematic()
22:09.21Cidanpairs() doesn't guarantee an order does it?
22:09.30Chaotic_Dok, thanks. I'll look for it a little later once I delete some setting files and reload it.
22:09.33CidanThat blows.
22:09.35Shirikipairs is your friend :)
22:09.38foxlitThere is no "order" in hashtables
22:10.09Cidanipairs works, neat.
22:10.15foxlitIt might actually give you ordered info in arrays
22:10.24MyNameIsJonasI can't find a CreateText type thing.
22:10.49foxlitObject is for actual <Font :)
22:10.52Cidanyeah, :P
22:11.14MyNameIsJonasand then what afterwards? ("TEXTHERE") ?
22:11.33Cidando it like before, local text = CreateFontString
22:11.58Cidantext:SetText("blah");  set the width, height, postion, etc
22:12.03foxlit>>> t, o = {1,2,3,4}, ""; for k, v in pairs(t) do o = o .. ", " .. v; end print(o:sub(3));
22:12.04Cidefoxlit: "1, 2, 3, 4"
22:12.23MyNameIsJonasWhat about dropping down a line?
22:12.32foxlit>>> t, o = {1,2,3,4}, ""; tinsert(t, 6); tinsert(t, 5, 5); for k, v in pairs(t) do o = o .. ", " .. v; end print(o:sub(3));
22:12.32Cidefoxlit: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6"
22:12.35Cidanthat is one thing you can not do, which is a pain
22:12.46MyNameIsJonasso you have to creat another string?
22:12.48Cidanyou can't return line
22:13.25MyNameIsJonasso is it:  local text = CreateFontString(TextHere?)
22:13.31MyNameIsJonasor what?
22:13.33Cidannope, nothing there ();
22:13.48Cideand pyes
22:13.50Cidanyou have to use a prent
22:13.53Cidaner, parent
22:13.57Cidepairs gives you ordered info in arrays
22:14.06foxlitFontStrings are actually display elements
22:14.26MyNameIsJonaslocal text = thisWindow:CreateFontString();?
22:14.31Cidanyep, :P
22:14.42Cidanalso, I though I read in the lua manual
22:14.42MyNameIsJonasand next line is  text:SetText("blah");
22:14.44Cidanthat it doesn't
22:14.47ShirikCide: Are you sure that's guaranteed?
22:14.56ShirikIt may be a side effect, but I thought that's what ipairs was for
22:14.58Cidanlua manual says it isn't
22:15.09CideCidan: link?
22:15.33cladhaireits njot
22:15.44cladhairepairs() does not guarantee ordered traversal over the array part of a table.
22:16.06cladhairethats why ipairs() exists.
22:16.12Saint-Ni placed an order though the B2B side of tiger and the lady that is my account rep fucked up almost every step ofthe way
22:16.14foxlitcladhaire: but does it guarantee ordered traversal over an array part of an array-only table?
22:16.23MyNameIsJonaswhen i do local text = thisWindow:CreateFontString();
22:16.23MyNameIsJonastext:SetText("Grind Area");
22:16.29cladhaireno, pairs() doesn't not guarantee any order period.
22:16.31MyNameIsJonasit gives me 'Font not set' error
22:16.33cladhaireonly that it will visit all elements of the table.
22:16.48cladhaireso long as you don't set any entires that didn't exist prior to the beginning of the iteration
22:17.27Saint-Ndidnt setup my account properly, put in my cell number when i told that it was private and to put in the business number(had to email her 4 times to get that changed) then my confimation and tracking emiails were sent to the wrong account and email, finally the status check link doesnt work, and now i look at the order finally and it's being shipped to my house but has my work name on it and the apt number listed as the c/o
22:17.30MyNameIsJonasso what do i do to Set my Font?
22:17.50MyNameIsJonasnvm thx
22:18.15foxlitI think
22:18.37Saint-Nonce i get this shipment i do believe ill be ditching her and her company and just ordering directly from tiger again
22:19.02Saint-Ncuz even better they're just a reseller, after i palce an order withthem they contact tiger to do the shipping so in no way does this save me time or money
22:20.30foxlitI sometimes cheat by declaring a template and instancing it through Lua
22:20.53*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:22.37Cidanlua 100% ftw
22:24.11cladhaireWhat server is Veni on?
22:24.15Shirikwas... Eredar
22:24.32Shirikhe doesn't play anymore
22:24.36cladhaireah okay
22:24.56Shirikhe was the first to 70 on the server
22:24.59Shirikplayed for a few weeks
22:25.02Shiriksaid "screw you all" and left
22:25.09Shirikthat's about the entire story
22:25.14cladhairejust killed a veni on the arena
22:25.16cladhairewas curious P
22:25.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
22:26.30Cidanhe hit 70 in like
22:26.32Cidantwo days?
22:26.34Cidanor something?
22:26.39Cidanif even
22:26.43CidanI think like, 30 hours
22:27.13Cidanhe's weird to raid with, and molests women on vent.
22:27.31Cidanbut he has always been kind to me
22:27.44Shiriknah it wasn't that long
22:27.48Shiriker, short
22:27.53Shirikit took him about 5 days or so
22:27.55CidanYou sure?
22:27.57Shirikthough I don't know how long each day he played
22:28.05Saint-Nthe first to 70 was 28 hours
22:28.25Saint-Nthats prolly the one you're thinking of
22:28.49Cidanit was all hazy back then
22:29.08Saint-Nheh i had played to 70 on beta just before tbc came out
22:29.13Cidananyways, every window now has a unique GID created at run time.  Horray.
22:29.18Saint-Nso i got to do all the stuff i'd partially fergotten
22:29.23CidanI played to 63 on beta.
22:29.30Saint-Ni had my fast flyer
22:29.34CidanI mainly just coded RDX.Cid on beta
22:29.36Saint-Nwithout cheating
22:29.48Cidanalso, end of beta was fun, :P
22:29.51Cidaneverything was on fire
22:29.52Saint-Ncheating being copying yourself to the realm numerous times
22:29.58Saint-Nheh yeah
22:30.28Saint-Ni still think Shatrath was the stupidest name they could have picked
22:30.52Saint-Nalthough it does allow uk players to say shat a lot more than normal without getting reported ;P
22:32.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
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22:36.06LunessaLOL - "Dear God, Please grant me the ability to punch people in the face over standard TCP/IP. Amen." Forum .sig
22:36.19Shirikwow, holy rain batman
22:36.27ShirikIt doesn't rain this much in Florida
22:36.28foxlitA similar bash quote exists
22:36.53LunessaI want that power.  Oh man do I want that power.
22:37.06foxlit<[SA]HatfulOfHollow> i'm going to become rich and famous after i invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet
22:37.16Shirikthat's it
22:37.18*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
22:37.35LunessaI'm not the only one who wants that power.
22:37.56Shirik!char us drenden Kimina
22:38.04ShirikThraeBot why do you hate me so T_T
22:38.14Shirik!mload armory
22:38.18Shirikor not
22:38.38zenzelezzagain, it seems to be only the US armory part that doesn't work
22:38.45ShirikI'm viewing the armory fine :/
22:38.51zenzelezz!char eu silvermoon frykt
22:39.06ThraeBotzenzelezz: Frykt, Level 70 Night Elf Hunter (41/20/0). 6644 HP; 5758 Mana; 158 mana regen; 79 mp5; 4622 Armour; 1353 AP; 175.2 Melee DPS; 10.95% melee crit; 70 melee hit; 1265 RAP; 269.9 Ranged DPS; 16.07% ranged crit; 70 ranged hit; 14.55% dodge; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1364 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ]]
22:39.18Shirikoh wait a tick
22:39.25Shirikthey changed the URL on the US Armory
22:40.15ShirikHTTP Status Code: HTTP/1.1 302 Found
22:40.43Kaydeethreeyup it out of beta?
22:41.00Kaydeethreethey're pulling a google in that regard
22:41.04Kaydeethreeit'll never be out of beta
22:41.31alestaneWhich means they're never required to support it?
22:41.32Cideit appears to be significantly faster, however
22:41.44Cidelike, 10x
22:41.55zenzelezzseparated from old main site?
22:42.59ShirikThrae: ping
22:44.23*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:44.35Shirik~botmail for Thrae FYI, US armory page changed, now located at -- your bot needs to be fixed accordingly :)
22:45.34Cidedon't be so gentle...
22:45.47Cideshould be ~botmail for Thrae FFS, FIX YOUR SHIT
22:46.00alestaneI've been thinking for a few hours that gentle is underrated, actually.
22:46.07Cidan~botmail for Cairenn FYI, Shirik totally wants to ask you out on a date.  PST.
22:46.21ShirikCairenn|afk's here you nob
22:46.26JoshBorke~botmail for Thrae FFS, FIX YOUR SHIT (courtesy of Cide)
22:46.27Cidanbut she's AFK
22:46.31Cidanwhen she nick switches, :P
22:46.31Shirikshe's always here
22:46.36Cidanshe was eating
22:46.47CidanDo you stalk her?
22:46.52CidanI SEE HOW IT IS!
22:47.04JoshBorkeyou want him to stalk you too?
22:47.04zenzelezzshe always claims to be doing something, but she never does
22:47.17LunessaCidan has moved into completely paranoid fantasy.
22:47.34alestane"moved into"?
22:48.35Lunessa... assuming of course he was ever anywhere else.
22:48.37Cidantrying to think of a good way of saving window positions
22:49.01alestane(Not actually even sure if I know him or not of course...)
22:49.05JoshBorkecheck out WindowLib by Mikk for some ideas
22:49.14CidanNaw, that's cheating, :D
22:49.32JoshBorkesave by closest attachment point
22:49.55Cidanoh I know how I will save the format, etc, just, some minor details to work out
22:53.37Cide btw
22:54.57JoshBorkei like how the screenshot doesn't match teh url
22:56.23Kaydeethreehm? like the lack of a www in the url means anything to most servers in this day and age?
22:56.35Kaydeethreebut woo for a firefox screencap at least
23:00.00MyNameIsJonasIs there a way you can 'protect' your mod so it is uneditable? i remember doing that in WCII
23:00.12JoshBorkeyou can obfuscate it
23:00.14foxlitNo, not really
23:00.46foxlitYou distribute the source, it must be able to be run by the client, which only really understands plain text
23:04.18*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|_ (
23:04.46Kaydeethreeoh. heh... 6k diggs: "Photo taken With and Without Flash":
23:09.17*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar_ (
23:10.56Saint-NMORTAL KOMBAT!
23:11.32Saint-Ngod i hate my office dsl
23:11.43Saint-Ni wish i was at home on my nice fast cable to leech this iso
23:13.03Saint-Ni dunno his question made sense to me
23:13.24Saint-N7675 or 7686
23:13.28Saint-N== 10
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23:14.19MyNameIsJonasAnybody here have a char on Wildhammer?
23:21.30alestaneA friend of mine does (I believe), but not me.
23:29.34*** join/#wowi-lounge MyNameIsJonas (
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23:47.07ShirikI am now an elixir master finally >.>
23:47.13Shiriknow maybe I can afford my flying mount

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