IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070817

00:05.06cladhaireno its not :P
00:05.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
00:06.19*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
00:06.58batrick_maybe not in a global env as polluted as wow :P
00:07.45cladhairewb Esamynn
00:08.19Esamynnoh noes! I've been spotted by a cladhaire!
00:12.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
00:19.43Wobworkbest business name ever:
00:27.30cladhaireorly fool?
00:27.38*** kick/#wowi-lounge [cladhaire!n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by cladhaire (stop spamming the channel)
00:27.42*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
00:27.43*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
00:28.39cladhaireSo, if you had to teach someone _what_ XML is, and how it relates to WoW addons, where would you start?
00:29.44Cidanfirst I'd ask if they know HTML
00:29.47Wobworklay it out like "This is the graphical framework of an addon...[this frame here that button there etc]" "this is how it's laid out in the file "<frame...>"
00:29.57cladhaireCidan: A book is not exactly a conversation :P
00:30.03Cidanoh, right.
00:30.05Cidana book.
00:30.54cladhaireooh the next chapter is EASY
00:31.01cladhaireyay for documenting the Lua standard libraries :P
00:32.17Kaydeethreediffs of the new PTR interface are up: and among others
00:33.14Wobworkcladhaire: hehe mass c/p from PiL =)
00:33.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
00:33.27cladhaireWobwork: uhh.. that would be copyright infringement :P
00:33.37cladhaireplus no fun
00:33.40cladhairetho it would be nice to catch up :P
00:33.51Mr_Rabies2i wish people would run diffs on the ToS
00:37.24Kaydeethreehrm... interesting addition to the patch notes, "World Environment" section
00:37.26KaydeethreeCrypt Fiends around Azeroth and at Hyjal Summit are now more totem friendly.
00:37.40Wobworktotem friendly?
00:38.13Kaydeethreeprolly that they won't break the aggro table to attack totems first, but I was pondering the hyjal summit bit
00:38.25EsamynnMr_Rabies2: I think Iriel *does* run diffs ono the ToS
00:38.54Mr_Rabies2i've yet to have seen any :o
00:39.09EsamynnI've never seen him publish them
00:39.14Wobworkundead in Hyjal? Heaven forbid =)
00:39.15Esamynnbut I think he runs them ;)
00:39.28Mr_Rabies2well i meant publish them after running them :p
00:39.38*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
00:45.17*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
00:46.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
00:55.15Legoroli made a grave mistake. i went to the official test realm forum
00:55.21Legorolmy eyes are bleeding now
00:56.01Legoroli can't beleive people are harassing because test realm maintenance is overrunning the approximate ETA
00:56.11Legorolpeople's stupidity/impatience knows no limits i guess
00:57.42Kaydeethreethis is par for the course for the test realm forums
01:00.29Mr_Rabies2the test realms make the real realms look like the shining pinnacle of human achievement
01:00.43Shirikgot my first credit card today
01:00.52Mr_Rabies2i still don't have one
01:00.54ShirikI will soon join the bajillion americans that are neck-deep in debt >.>
01:01.06Mr_Rabies2i really hate that they're pretty much required for most stuff :/
01:01.12ShirikActually, I don't intend to use it
01:01.18Mr_Rabies2i hate the whole "credit score" system and all that junk
01:01.25Kaydeethreeat some point I'll break down and get one, I've gone 22 years without need
01:01.27ShirikI just figured, since my bank had already approved me, I'd agree to it so I can at least establish some kind of credit
01:01.37Shirikfor now, my checking account suits me fine
01:01.53WobworkShirik: just cause you have a credit card doesn't mean you have to be in debt =P
01:02.04WobworkI just use it as a debit card =P
01:02.05Mr_Rabies2i've got a debit card i use all the damn time, but i'd be too lazy to pay my shit back on a real credit card
01:02.28Mr_Rabies2that pisses me off sag_ich_nicht
01:02.41Mr_Rabies2i'd run into places with my tanking gear on for traveling
01:02.48Mr_Rabies2so i didn't have to worry about getting dazelocked
01:03.08sag_ich_nicht# The WoW client on Windows no longer defaults to 800x600 video resolution if the WoW resolution is higher than the desktop resolution when going from fullscreen mode to windowed mode.
01:03.27sag_ich_nichtthank god this was being a damn annoyance because it was causing a resolution lock bug when alt tabbing(VERY rarely)
01:04.19Wobworkdoes that mean we're going to get dazed no matter what if attacked from behind?
01:04.27Wobworkdoes dodge reduce the chance?
01:04.31Mr_Rabies2no, wob, it probably is the base 5% chance
01:04.36sag_ich_nichtit just means the chance to get dazed is the same for everyone.
01:04.46Mr_Rabies2it has to be a successful hit
01:04.51Wobworkah, k
01:04.59Mr_Rabies2it's a chance on hit on mob attacks
01:05.05ShirikWobwork: That's why I said I don't intend to use it :P
01:05.08sag_ich_nichtit's a "STFU WHINERS" from blizzard, and also a fix so nobody can QQ about it being unfair depending on player
01:05.14ShirikWhat I said was more of a joke than anything :)
01:05.53Mr_Rabies2Chance on hit: dazes your target, slowing movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds.
01:06.30Shirikthey're making it EASIER to be dazed?!
01:06.34Shirikyeah, that was really needed
01:06.36Kaydeethreewow, haven't gotten a SBTALOL in a while
01:06.41Mr_Rabies2when behind
01:06.48Mr_Rabies2it's the same for people with base defense, shirik
01:07.00Mr_Rabies2just easier for those with higher than base
01:07.02Shirikthat doesn't change the fact that they're making it easier
01:07.26Mr_Rabies2oh, it's 20%
01:07.31Mr_Rabies2it's only easier for people in defense gear, shirik
01:07.34Mr_Rabies2it's an equalizer
01:07.39Shirikit's still easier
01:07.46Shirikif you looked at the mean across the board
01:07.49Shirikit would be easier
01:08.32Mr_Rabies2i'm glad they're equalizing it honestly
01:08.52Mr_Rabies2it makes no sense for mr tankyspank to be impossible to daze while mr mageypants gets dazed every other hit
01:10.03Wobworkexcept maybe a metal helmet
01:10.08Wobworkcompared to a hood
01:10.40sag_ich_nicht...mages can't get stopped by daze
01:10.48sag_ich_nichtit's all UNMOUNT BLINK
01:11.33Mr_Rabies2Wobwork, using real world examples for game mechanics is a slippery slope :/
01:12.29Mr_Rabies2by that example, when you're in plate armor you should move slower than those in mail, and mail should move slower than leather and cloth
01:12.43Mr_Rabies2and swimming should be impossible in mail and plate
01:14.03Mr_Rabies2it's just not a good idea trying to balance stuff ingame around reality :/
01:15.16Shirikwb Cairenn
01:26.08CidannOoOooOoo shirik
01:26.11Cidanyou died on MSN
01:26.14CidanWhat ever will I do?!
01:26.25cladhaireuse googletalk not MSN
01:26.33Cidantell that to him
01:26.41Cidangoogletalk == better code paste
01:26.45cladhaireCidan: well i obviously wasn't talking to you, I talk to you on googletalk :P
01:26.48Thunder_Childi hate googletalk
01:26.50cladhaireCairenn: and your'e a fag imo :P
01:26.59Thunder_Childtheir "app" sucks
01:27.00cladhaireThunder_Child: so use "arbitrary jabber client 17" with your googletalk account
01:27.09cladhairejabber > msn
01:27.17Cidanmsn wordfilters
01:27.19vulturecan someone explain to me why cartographer is using about half as much cpu as damagemeters while we're raiding (i.e. DM is using a ton of CPU) ?
01:27.20Cidanwhich is retarded.
01:27.31Cairenncladhaire: if she's hot enough, I might very well be :p
01:27.32Cidanbad programmers.
01:27.36cladhairevulture: because damagemeters has to parse every single mesage in your combat log
01:27.40cladhairecartographer is a passive map addon
01:27.46cladhairei.e. they're not comprable.. at all.
01:27.46Thunder_Childi use it with pidgin, but it doesnt always pick up all of the conversations
01:28.03*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
01:28.21vulturecladhaire: so WHY is cartographer using a shitload of cpu time? :P
01:28.24vultureDURING a raid
01:28.39cladhaireOh, your questino was unclear
01:28.43cladhairein that case, I cede to Cidan: "bad programmers"
01:28.57vulturecartographer is bad then =[
01:29.00CidanLikely to update position of raid members on the map
01:29.04cladhaireits doing something it should not, is the moral of the story
01:29.13cladhaireCidan: there's no map in a raid, so
01:29.28Kaydeethreeoh, I really wish I had access to a banstick so I could perform a cleansing of the PTR forum
01:29.32Cidanhmm, forgot, can't get coordinates
01:29.35vulturedoing a LOT of things it shouldnt, to use that much cpu time... apparently
01:29.40CidanThen, yeah, really really bad programmers?
01:29.44cladhairetalk to ckknight
01:29.56cladhairesomeone may have written a stupid module, or something
01:29.58ckknightwhat's all this, then?
01:30.05Cidanckknight, <3
01:30.20ckknightvulture: you sure you have the latest version?
01:30.27ckknightthere's a bug in the old versions
01:30.49vultureI dont upgrade daily
01:30.56Cidanyeah, due to a bug called 'l2code'
01:30.58vulturea good mod doesnt need updates!
01:31.05ckknightjust stop there
01:31.13Cidanno kidding
01:31.16vultureI just disabled it, gained 15 fps for hydross
01:31.20vulturepretty amazing
01:31.30KirkburnOne year ago today:
01:31.30CidanBlizzard rewrites the API every 2 weeks or so.
01:31.31ckknightbecause of said bug I told you about.
01:31.50vultureI see
01:31.59vultureCidan; it doesnt change that much!
01:32.16CidanYes it does.
01:32.22*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Cidan!n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by cladhaire (You can't have fun in this channel. Be sad.)
01:32.30vulturemods that I wrote pre-tbc still work without much modification
01:32.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (
01:32.59ckknightvulture: that's an anomoly, seeing as there were language changes and large API changes.
01:33.02cladhaireCidan: <3
01:33.09Cidan<3 4ever. :D
01:33.16ckknightCidan: you can have fun in #wowace
01:33.20ckknightI won't be mean and stop you
01:33.25ckknight...for now
01:33.30cladhaireso chapter 6 is.. copy and paste from the lua reference manual.
01:33.33cladhairehow.. boring.
01:33.36vultureyou mean TINY language changes (tables iterators) and api changes are so minor and/or dont affect a lot of mods
01:33.41CidanI should tell you, I can't stand ace, :P
01:33.51ckknightvulture: they added proper tuples.
01:33.55ckknightthat's a huge change
01:34.02Cidanvulture, Huge, huge changes.
01:34.02ckknightCidan: oh?
01:34.06ckknightCidan: why's that?
01:34.10cladhaireckknight: negatory.. they changed vararg to a specific type of tuple, that has one existance and use.
01:34.15vultureI still use telo's mods from like, original wow beta, with almost no change!
01:34.17cladhaireckknight: they didn't add proper tuples, at all.
01:34.20cladhaireI'd be stoked if they did.
01:34.21ckknightah, true
01:34.31ckknightstill better than before.
01:34.32cladhairetho I'm working on that ;-)
01:34.35ckknightcheaper, at least
01:34.40cladhairethere's a good camp of us
01:34.43ckknightI was in #lua before talking about that
01:34.52ckknightwith rici and the like
01:34.55Cidanckknight, I just don't like how it works, that's all.  It's nice in it self, but I have my own style I guess.
01:34.58cladhaireeveryone has, lol
01:35.46Wobworkcladhaire: re: c/p Ha =)
01:36.18cladhairedidn't have a choice
01:36.21WobworkIt's true
01:36.27cladhaireevery time i try to write another line describing the function
01:36.27KirkburnLookit, sexy featured media on teh WoWWiki (skroll teh bottom)
01:36.30WobworkThere's only so many ways that info can be laid out
01:36.32cladhairei get pisssed, and want to make it sounds like the refman
01:36.37Kirkburn(omg link
01:36.43cladhaireKirkburn: is a whore.
01:36.55Wobworkyou're such a pimp, Kirkburn
01:37.02ckknightfeature me, Kirkburn
01:37.04Wobworkneeds animation imo =P
01:37.06KirkburnI multitask
01:37.06cladhaireKirkburn: I don't want to calculate the exact name of my perfect lover.
01:37.16Wobworkcladhaire: it's "JOE"
01:37.19KirkburnNew screenshot everyday :)
01:37.33KirkburnYeah, I saw that ad earlier
01:37.38cladhairemy boyfriend won't be happy to hear that, Wobwork
01:37.59KirkburnYeah, well, we can't spell his name
01:38.00WobworkHe can change his name by deed poll =)
01:38.21WobworkJust don't yell it out during sex before the change
01:38.33KirkburnHere's an interesting thing - you don't have to do anything to change your name in the UK
01:38.39cladhairei dont like the name joe, imo
01:38.40KirkburnYou name is whatever name you go by
01:38.44WobworkKirkburn: what, officially?
01:38.44cladhairehey s-autocomplete, i mean.. sioraiocht
01:38.52Wobworks-tab =)
01:39.14KirkburnSome banks, etc, might be bitchy about it, in which case you get some documents for it, but legally, whatever anem you go by, is your name
01:39.14WobworkKirkburn: sounds a bit chaotic
01:39.29Wobwork"My parents called me 'Hey You'"
01:39.31KirkburnHow often do people change their name?
01:39.42WobworkWhat about people with multiple personalities?
01:39.55Wobwork"Arthur" one day, "Linda" the next...
01:40.23cladhairegah.. i leave for england in 36 days, 21 hours.
01:40.32WobworkNot that anyone's counting =)
01:40.37KirkburnWell, this is what I was told, I'm reading up on it now
01:40.40cladhairei have a dashboard widget
01:40.57KirkburnHere we are -
01:41.18Kirkburn"In theory anyone who is at least 16 years of age and resident in the United Kingdom can call themselves whatever they wish."
01:41.29cladhaireits on wikipedia
01:41.31cladhaireit must be true
01:41.35buuKirkburn: But can you call your self "Gandalf" ?
01:41.37*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Kirkburn!n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by cladhaire (can you feel this in your Wikia?)
01:41.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
01:41.48Wobworkdeed poll, then, see?
01:41.59cladhaireSorry, just trying to drive up the stats for the channel :P
01:42.06Thunder_Childadmin abuse!!
01:42.12Wobworkcladhaire. Always thinking of the people
01:42.20Kaydeethreeabusing the peons is the best part of being an op
01:42.27Kirkburnbuu, don't see a reason why not
01:42.48WobworkCidan, the chatty one
01:42.48cladhaireNice opers here, no one got kicked!
01:42.56cladhairetrying to fix that
01:42.58cladhairewe'll get a bad rep
01:43.14KirkburnLog only just started today?
01:43.29buuWhat was the name of that addon that imported the wowhead database?
01:44.16cladhairebuu: LightHeaded
01:44.22KirkburnI wonder who made that
01:44.23cladhaireit sucks tho, don't use it
01:44.32KirkburnYeah, totally sucks. The author sucks too.
01:44.57Thunder_Childthey have better
01:44.58WobworkHe swallows too, so I hear
01:45.17KirkburnNo smiley face from me ... -_-
01:45.18cladhaireWobwork: no arnotts at the international store at the mall.
01:45.27cladhaireKirkburn: can i buy TimTam's in the UK?
01:45.30WobworkThat's a ...
01:45.39Wobworkgah I want to say "tragedy" but that's not the right word
01:45.51KirkburnWtf is a TimTam?
01:46.00cladhairedelicious goodness
01:46.05WobworkDamn, where've you been Kirk =)
01:46.15Wobworkhm, I wonder where you can get it...
01:46.21WobworkI would say try near the Aussie Embassy
01:46.22cladhairethat was the best "holy shit i just gave my address to some random guy on IRC and instead of sending me a bomb, he sent me cookies!"
01:46.30KirkburnI'm off home
01:46.31cladhairemoment I've ever had
01:46.35Cairennnight Kirkburn
01:46.46*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
01:46.46KirkburnI'll be back :)
01:46.55WobworkI'm like the chocolate cookie fairy
01:46.55Thunder_Childto bad
01:47.00Wobworkwithout the wings
01:47.13cladhaireWobwork: i was lead to believe you had wings
01:47.23WobworkI had them cut =(
01:47.28Wobworkit ruined the line of my suits
01:47.54cladhairemy suit is in the tailor
01:48.00cladhairehad to buy a new black suit
01:48.09cladhairedamn Oxford and their subfusc =/
01:48.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
01:49.04WobworkBut yeah, most of the 'international supermarkets' near embassys carry the local goods, so to speak
01:49.11WobworkSo your best chance for Timtams would be there
01:49.16Shirikwell, that was shortlived
01:49.27cladhaireWobwork: thanks, i'll take a look when I get to england
01:49.28ShirikI turn on this desktop for the first time in a good half year or so
01:49.36ShirikInstall BC on it, walk away while it's installing patches
01:49.45Shirikit locks up and now won't POST
01:50.05Shirikoh well, I don't need it anyway
01:50.12Shirikit was actually put together with all spare parts
01:50.36Shirikmy old board when I decided Pentium D sucked, the ram to go with it
01:50.43Shirik(since it was DDR2 and not what my AMD board uses)
01:50.52Shirikmy old vid card, old sound card
01:50.57Shirikspare case
01:51.01Shirikthe only thing I bought for it was the PSU
01:52.12Mr_Rabies2new tos on the latest ptr
01:52.24hastepost a diff!
01:52.26Mr_Rabies2i wish i knew some diffs on it :(
01:52.33Mr_Rabies2hell if i know how to
01:52.38Kaydeethreemeh, I'll revert and run diffs
01:55.09Kaydeethreeoh wow
01:55.51cladhairecovered boobies
01:55.52cladhaireif you're at work
01:55.56Kaydeethreegnome shoulders seem to be large now
01:56.29Mr_Rabies2they should swap orc and gnome shoulders for a patch
01:56.54WobworkCidan's faithful follower, cladhaire, didn't speak so much: 1578 words.
01:57.13cladhaireIN CAPS EVEN RAR!
01:57.38Kaydeethreegnome weapons/shoulders are definately larger. orc-sized or something
01:57.51Kaydeethreethis is going to go over well on the forums
01:58.56WobworkPriceless =)
02:01.09ScytheBlade1This could be messy
02:01.14ScytheBlade1Magtheridon with three total tanks
02:02.10Wobwork4ed D&D
02:02.28WobworkI never understood the first three anyway =P
02:02.34Shirikwtf cladhaire
02:02.43Shirikyou're supposed to tell me I'm not in dongle
02:02.54ShirikI feel bad, like I was leaving you guys out
02:02.55WobworkShirik: You're not in dongle
02:02.59Shirikyes I am
02:03.00Shirikstop lying
02:03.05JoshBorkeShirik: you're not in dongle
02:03.18Shirik~lart JoshBorke
02:03.18purleats JoshBorke and falls over dead
02:03.30JoshBorkeShirik: CTL RDX, kthxbai :-P
02:03.33WobworkYou killed Purl!
02:03.35WobworkYou bastard!
02:03.43cladhaireShirik: you're not in Dongle.
02:03.48cladhaireShirik: and ace RDX please.
02:04.04ShirikWhat is RDX?
02:04.17Wobworkcladhaire: nono, it's ACE RDX plx
02:04.29cladhaireSo can anyone think of a value, that when tainted, affects some other part of the UI?
02:04.52Shirikdo string = nil
02:05.13cladhairetaint.. not ruin :P
02:05.17Shirikit'll taint
02:05.19CidanI'm sure there is
02:05.24Shirikfine, do
02:06.08JoshBorkecladhaire: beside the one others found (NUM_ACTIONBUTTON_SOMETHING)?
02:06.18cladhairewell that just taints the action bars
02:06.38cladhairethe goal is to taint a value, and affect some other _relatively_ unrelated system
02:06.40Shirikstring = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t,k) local v = string[k]; if type(v) == 'function' then return function(...) return v(...) end; else return v; end end})
02:06.40JoshBorkewasn't there something with the dropdown stuff?
02:06.50ShirikNo ruining, only tainting of the entire string library
02:07.09CidanSo, I was looking at google, and I found something interesting
02:07.58Cidangoogle cache
02:08.20WobworkNO CAGED RDXs!
02:08.26WobworkRDX IS INNOCENT
02:08.37Shirikthat seems to have failed miserably
02:08.51CidanLikely died out when BC hit
02:09.10CidanHard for people who rip code and don't know what they are doing when an all new API is introduced. ;x
02:09.58Kaydeethreegnome shoulder comparison:
02:10.26Cidanpoor thing will have to waddle
02:13.13Wobworkhehe shoulderpads
02:13.16Wobworkhow very 80s
02:13.44hasteKaydeethree: did they fix orcs tho' :p ?
02:14.00Cidanokay shirik
02:14.03Kaydeethreethat got fixed around build 6983
02:14.03Cidangoing to register the domain
02:14.15Shiriksounds good
02:15.06ScytheBlade1Kaydeethree, is that on the PTR?
02:15.15Kaydeethreemy description's got the details
02:15.30ScytheBlade1lol, so you do
02:15.36ScytheBlade1That's going to be both awesome and broken
02:15.38WobworkCidan: You managed to get =P
02:15.44CidanI wish.
02:16.01WobworkYou certainly would have gotten the traffic if you did =)
02:18.10Nom-wtb coffee
02:39.26Shirikpurl, ping
02:40.28Shiriklol cladhaire you kicked Cidan?
02:40.35Shirikdo it again, he probably deserved it
02:43.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
02:46.50KirkburnI is back
02:47.29WobworkHas you a bucket?
02:49.42*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
02:51.58KirkburnI has a bukket
02:52.33Shirikcan I has buket?
02:52.57Shiriks/can I/I can/
02:53.30cladhairein england, i'm going to be doing serious PVP
02:53.35Nom-no, i has teh bukit
02:53.43cladhairei have a spriest and a hunter (rogue i have, but dont want to use)
02:53.51cladhairewhat should I roll for 2v2/3v3?
02:54.14*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:54.23Nom-Dude, do you have any idea how much work it takes to get a viable PvP pally ?
02:54.40Shirikhm, yeah can't bubblehearth I guess
02:54.48Shiriksince hearth is on a >5m CD
02:55.22Nom-No, but have to have a LOT of gear to do viable PvP on a pally
02:55.33Nom-1600 AP and 20% crit isn't that easy to acheive
02:55.37ShirikI would have thought it'd be easy
02:55.44Shirikonly plate healer in the game
02:55.56cladhaireokay, so what should i roll
02:56.02cladhaireor should i keep my spriest?
02:56.10Nom-The healing plate (the good stuff) is in heroics
02:56.10Shiriklol warlock
02:56.20Shirikactually, yeah warrior
02:56.23Cidecladhaire: what partner?
02:56.27Shirikwarriors ftw
02:56.31Shirikafk power cord
02:56.31cladhaireeither a Shaman or a mage
02:56.34Nom-So that's a few weeks of grinding rep and a few more weeks of grinding heroics to gear up
02:56.47Cideshaman/mage is a deadly combo
02:56.52Nom-Basically, the best Retribution stuff comes FROM PvP
02:56.53cladhaireso i'd need to roll mage
02:57.00Cidemage/mage is also pretty good
02:57.02Nom-So you have to do PvP in order to PvP more
02:57.03cladhairei'm level 35, i guess i could try to finish ti.
02:57.29Nom-Well, spriest is pretty damn nice for pvp
02:57.35Cideonly with warlocks
02:57.39Cidein 2v2/3v3
02:57.45Nom-Get yourself up to 1000 shadow damage and you can OWN
02:58.02cladhaireim there
02:58.06Cideonly with warlocks, really
02:58.14Cideor elemental shamans
02:58.33Nom-you should be pwning then cladhaire
02:58.41cladhairehe could be elemen shaman
02:58.43cladhairethe shaman isn't 70 yet
02:58.43Wobworkhow do spriests synergise with ele shammies?
02:58.45cladhairewe're planning
02:58.45ThraePhew. Every have one of those moments where you don't feel like doing anything in particular, so you reorganize 50% of the house?
02:58.46Nom-1000 shadow damage makes for some insane mind flays
02:58.47cladhaireand i need to re-roll
02:58.58CideWobwork: bloodlust and lots of damage
02:59.10Nom-dual wield enchance shamans are pretty nasty in pvp
02:59.11Wobworkface melty
02:59.22Nom-I'm actually going to roll one myself for my next character
02:59.26Cidelots of interrupts
02:59.59cladhaireso should i plan to stick with my priest?
03:00.07Shiriktbh, I hear in arenas
03:00.09Shirikholy is the way to go
03:00.10Cideif you can get yourself an ele shaman, sure
03:00.11Shiriknot shadow
03:00.17Nom-A well geared spriest is scary good for pvp
03:00.18cladhairenot in 2v2
03:00.19cladhairein 5v5, sure
03:00.22cladhairein 3v3, sure
03:00.32Nom-If you're going to arena though, holy is nuts in the 3v3, 5v5 brackets
03:00.43Nom-Get yourself 300 resilience and you're harder to kill than a paladin
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03:01.00Nom-And I am not joking at all
03:01.05Shirikso I hear
03:01.11Cideno, Nom-
03:01.22CideI'm sitting at 406 resilience and that's definitely not the case
03:01.30Nom-l2p :)
03:01.32Cidehowever, we're pretty damn good WITH a paladin
03:01.52Nom-You are seriously... at that level of resilience you almost never get crit
03:02.00cladhaireCide: Well, sioraiocht has a Shaman he's rolling, and already has a Mage
03:02.01Cidedon't need to get crit to die
03:02.04Nom-in the next patch, dots are going to do so much less to you
03:02.10Cidedots aren't an issue
03:02.15Nom-That's why you have fears
03:02.15Shirikthe cool thing is
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03:02.18Shirikdoesn't that thing that heals you
03:02.22cladhaireI have a spriest, hunter, rogue, and my next closest is my mage
03:02.24Nom-and in 5v5 at least 1 other healer
03:02.29Shirikstill heal if resilience blocks the crit?
03:02.44CideShirik: it doesn't work that way
03:02.47Shirikboo :(
03:02.54Nom-Prayer of Mending?
03:02.55Cidesec, let me explain
03:03.00Shirikthe talent
03:03.04Cidethe game doesn't know that resilience converted a crit to a non-crit
03:03.06Nom-ah kk
03:03.06Shirikthat heals on crit
03:03.26Cideso as resilience goes up, you get a %chance to proc crit-only abilities on non-crits
03:03.30Cideproportional to your resilience
03:03.31Nom-no but seriously... there's a priest on our server with 350+ resilience... 2v1 (ret pally + rogue) we could not kill her
03:03.57Nom-admittedly, that was due to kick being resisted an abnormally large number of times
03:03.58CideNom-: l2p :)
03:04.00Nom-But still
03:04.18Nom-No crits = no burst damage = no death
03:04.23Cidedon't need burst damage
03:04.24ShirikCide: I see
03:04.32CidanDo you now?
03:04.38Nom-Cide: Against a holy priest with 1500 +healing, you do :)
03:04.40Shirikbut still it works out in your favor
03:04.43Cideburst damage is king in 5v5 pvp
03:04.47Shirikso you get a chance to heal randomly
03:04.51CideNom-: not 2v1
03:05.05Cidewhen avoiding interrupts as a holy priest, you have HORRIBLE mana efficiency
03:05.12Cideyou'd run out of mana in 1 min
03:05.16Nom-all i know is
03:05.26Nom-One arena game, we decided to kill the MS Warrior first
03:05.29Nom-Because the priest was too hard
03:05.47Shirikinterrupts made me want to destroy something when doing my kara key quest
03:05.55Cideyou'll have a hard time killing a priest 2v2 without a warrior
03:05.57Shirikthose damn mobs kick way too much
03:06.09CideI have no issues staying alive until my mana pool runs out (in 2v2)
03:06.11cladhairethis is a stupid question
03:06.18cladhairebut how do i get resilience gear
03:06.21cladhaireother than pvp :P
03:06.24JoshBorkeno stupid questions, only stupid people
03:06.26Cidecladhaire: you can't
03:06.26Nom-pvp only cladhaire
03:06.31JoshBorkethere's one in SSC!
03:06.31cladhaireyeah see that sucks
03:06.37Cidewell, you can kill hydross/lurker/morogrim
03:06.38Nom-Grind honor, get the blues
03:06.39cladhairewe can't PVP on our server, other than arena/bg
03:06.48cladhaireso bg grinding is the best option i have
03:06.49Nom-Or just do arena and get the pieces slowly
03:07.09Shirikyou can get spirit shards
03:07.10cladhairewhen you're sub-1500 rating
03:07.12Nom-In fact, do that... milk the arena points before they put a rating cap on items
03:07.14cladhaireslowly takes on a whole new meaning.
03:07.18Shirikthere's some resilience gear there
03:07.22Shiriknot much, but some
03:08.06Nom-Retribution Paladins are so hard to gear for PvP compared to other classes :(
03:08.12Nom-I'm reduced to either:
03:08.15cladhaireCide: so spriests suck in PVP now?  is that the deal?
03:08.16Cideret paladins don't get resilience!
03:08.23Cidecladhaire: nah, they're pretty good
03:08.24Nom-1. Farm AB/AV/WSG/EotS (which is really boring)
03:08.31Shirikfarming AV isn't bad
03:08.36Shirikit's endless killing spree :P
03:08.36Nom-2. Grind arena, which i'm trying to do, but it's slow
03:08.39Cidebut you need good pvp gear for it to work, cladhaire
03:08.41cladhaireeven 5v5?
03:08.50cladhairethats what i'm trying to work on
03:08.56Nom-spriests don't suck in pvp
03:08.56Cidebut you'll need gladiator gear
03:09.03cladhairewhich is all arena?
03:09.06Nom-But they're squishy without good gear
03:09.13Cidegladiator + veteran gear
03:09.30cladhairewhich i can't get without sucking at arena week after week :P
03:09.37Cideveteran gear = bgs
03:10.04cladhairei dont have the time to put in for bGS =/
03:10.15Cidejust /afk /sit! :P
03:10.23Shiriknight Cairenn|afk
03:10.25cladhaireuntil 2.2
03:10.26Nom-Not going to be able to do that much longer
03:10.27cladhairethen no more =)
03:10.37Nom-Well, actually, you still could
03:10.45Nom-But you'd need to kill a wolf every now and then
03:10.51Nom-To kill the debuff
03:10.59cladhaireand then GMs watch me
03:11.01cladhairedont' need that
03:11.10Cairenn|afknight guys - going to pick up my kiddo from D&D, then will probably be going straight to bed since I only got like 3 hrs sleep last night and tomorrow is going to be another long day of worrying
03:11.22cladhaire1800 rating 5v5 get like 1000+ points a week =/
03:11.25Nom-Why?  As long as you're participating (even if in a useless way)
03:11.25cladhairei get like.. 300 a week
03:11.30Nom-Not like they can do anything
03:11.42Thunder_Childnight Cairenn|afk
03:11.42Cidecladhaire: you should be able to get like 400-500 with shitty gear
03:11.47Cideand a decent partner
03:11.54Nom-Do 5v5 for farming
03:12.01cladhairei dont have a 5v5 team
03:12.05Nom-Find one :)
03:12.07cladhaireand my battlegroup has some insane pvpers
03:12.12cladhairewe're on the shittiest pvp server in the BG
03:12.22Nom-Slightly harder to organise and keep going, but as long as you can hover around 1500 rating, you can get a decent amount of points every week
03:12.51cladhaireis the halaa/shard gear worth getting for the +res?
03:13.03cladhairei can get shard gear, can't get halaa, cause we have no horde on our server
03:13.25Cidecladhaire: sure
03:13.30Cidecan only get it once though
03:13.40Cidei.e. the gem is unique
03:13.44cladhairei know that
03:13.47cladhaireyou can re-socket to destroy it
03:13.56cladhairebeen there, done that
03:13.59Cideit's worth getting for one piece though
03:14.17cladhairei'd need a helm to put it in
03:14.28Cideput it in your veteran neck
03:14.30Cidethat's what I did!
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03:14.43Nom-I wish I had the patience to grind AV
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03:15.28Mr_Rabies2Ogrila rep is slow :[
03:15.42Mr_Rabies23000 more :/
03:17.00Mr_Rabies21500 a day is the max, correct
03:17.03cladhaireCide: a neck you can socket? O.o
03:17.36cladhaire15k honor
03:17.49Cidethat's just one piece
03:18.14cladhairehow much honor per BG win these days?
03:18.22cladhaireor is it still based on kill/objectives?
03:19.02JoshBorkecladhaire: approve my file
03:19.14JoshBorkeplease :-D
03:19.58ScytheBlade1cladhaire, still based on kills and objectives
03:20.54Mr_Rabies2"win" is an objective though :o
03:23.00*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
03:23.03Nom-cladhaire: I get about 500-600 per loss in AV
03:23.20cladhairethats lots of matches for one piece :P
03:23.33Nom-You can farm honor through AB/WSG faster
03:23.36Nom-If you get a premade going
03:23.52cladhairei have no time for that
03:24.05cladhaireseems like i'm gonna do.. nothing
03:24.16Nom-lol i'm the same
03:24.17cladhaireand in a year, maybe i'll have half my arena 1 set
03:24.34Nom-between raiding 4 days a week, work and sleep, i don't have much time to farm
03:24.42Nom-so it's either farming honor or farming gold/rep
03:24.45cladhaireyeah i can't do that
03:24.47cladhaireno pve
03:24.50cladhaireno pvp apparently
03:24.56cladhairekinda sucks
03:25.12Nom-Third kill on Hydross last night
03:25.17Nom-He's a real pain in the butt :(
03:25.30Nom-Took us ... 4 hours to kill him
03:25.44Nom-12 or 13 attempts .. was painful
03:26.23Nom-Normally we'd have a boss on farm by now
03:26.27ScytheBlade1I remember one night when we had 12 attempts at Magtheridon
03:26.34Cidewe've never had issues with hydross
03:26.38Nom-It's wierd... Void Reaver we had on farm the next week
03:26.47Cidewe killed him on our third attempt ever
03:26.54Nom-Magtheridon.. well we'll see how that goes on Sunday, but probably on farm
03:26.58ScytheBlade1Cide, which guild are you in again? ;P
03:27.07Cidebasically a shit guild
03:27.16ScytheBlade1Well compared to Jugg, of course
03:27.21Cidenot on doomhammer
03:27.33Nom-I don't know why he's giving us so much trouble honestly
03:27.40Shirikaww Cide
03:27.43Shirikyou can come with me :D
03:27.47Nom-We've got Gruul's Lair on Farm, Lurker Below on farm, Void Reaver on farm
03:27.54Cideyou're on DH Shirik?
03:28.04Shirikyou can transfer and come with me ><
03:28.10Nom-Hydross however... well we have a new tact to try next week anyway
03:28.19Nom-The same one we used on our last 2 attempts :)
03:28.22ScytheBlade1Same for the most part... Mag and VR is on farm, but Hydross is painful
03:28.33ScytheBlade1I'm waiting for the patch when they buff up VR to the 'proper' difficulty for TK
03:28.36ScytheBlade1Imagine the whines
03:28.46Nom-Proper difficulty ?
03:28.53Nom-He's where he's meant to be
03:29.05Nom-You can't go in there with tanks in blues
03:29.13Nom-You gotta have at least some T4 equivilent gear
03:29.16ScytheBlade1Dunno about you, but Gruul --> TK sounds a bit off to me.
03:29.18CideVR = gruul or so
03:29.27Mr_Rabies2man i wish someone would do some awesome javascripty stuff with this:
03:29.33ScytheBlade1In terms of supposed linear progression
03:29.44Cideincidentally, I just died to VR
03:29.48Cidejust 30 seconds ago
03:30.00Cidebecause I was typing here
03:30.02Nom-Gruul = T4
03:30.03Mr_Rabies2like being able to sort by vendor rewards, pvp, crafted, dungeons, heroic dungeons, etc
03:30.04Nom-TK = T5
03:30.06Thunder_ChildVR in TK is easier than many bosses
03:30.08Nom-It's next in line
03:30.29Nom-Most (many) guilds will work on The Eye and SSC at the same time
03:30.36ScytheBlade1I'd disagree
03:30.37Nom-It's a natural progression from Gruul/Mag to SSC/Eye
03:30.48ScytheBlade1Most (many) guilds will gank Gruul, then VR, then work on SSC
03:30.54ScytheBlade1And never come back to TK until SSC is cleared
03:30.55CideSSC = TK
03:31.04Cideal'ar is on par with hydross
03:31.09CideVR is easier than both al'ar and hydross
03:31.19Nom-VR is about as easy as Lurker Below
03:31.22ScytheBlade1VR is stupidly easy, that's all I'm really trying to say
03:31.22Nom-Both very simple fights
03:31.47Nom-We constantly have that debate in our guild too, over which is easier.. Lurker or Void Reaver
03:31.56Nom-The hardest part about Void Reaver is the trash
03:32.02Nom-Same with Lurker
03:32.19ScytheBlade1I'm the mage who typically sheeps the humanoid in VR's room
03:32.22ScytheBlade1It's... painful
03:32.33Nom-Yeah, they're nerfing that trash i beleive
03:32.36Nom-Saw Blades ftl
03:33.20ScytheBlade1Definite ftl
03:33.43ScytheBlade1Taking three because a banish was resisted and I was in the wrong spot = nothing the healers can do, given the direct damage and the DoT
03:34.07Nom-We have _never_ cleared that trash without losing at least half the raid
03:34.26ScytheBlade1We're getting better
03:34.27Nom-I recall one time it was 2 holy paladins and 1 prot warrior
03:34.32Nom-They killed the last add
03:34.36ScytheBlade1Last time we only lost maybe three people, and commonly it's clean
03:34.45ScytheBlade1But there's still the random chance of multiple people dying
03:35.01Mr_Rabies2this url is interesting
03:35.30Mr_Rabies2is it loo tables? loot ables? lootables? loot tables?
03:35.39Shirikloot ables
03:35.40Mr_Rabies2lootables being loot-abullz
03:35.49Mr_Rabies2like lunchables
03:35.58ScytheBlade1I just want a copy of their database :(
03:36.03ScytheBlade1I'd love to mess around with such a database :(
03:40.14Mr_Rabies2i need to get wastewalker shoulders
03:40.24Mr_Rabies2but no one runs heroic auchenai
03:41.32Mr_Rabies2that's about the best i can get shoulder wise until tier 4, which i don't see myself getting anytime soon :/
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03:52.32Shiriknight all, want to get some sleep in before flight
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03:57.47Nom-pub for lucnh!
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04:23.53Kaydeethreecrap... the mafiaa raid is tonight
04:24.12Kaydeethreeif I randomly disappear this morning, say a prayer for my anime collection
04:25.39Kirkburnmmm-mmm-mmm, chocolate fudge brownie
04:26.03KirkburnKaydeethree, wait .... wtf?
04:26.33Kaydeethreeseveral of my gbi friends have informed me that the riaa's making 17 raids tonight in my apartment complex
04:27.03Mr_Rabies2as in
04:27.03KirkburnYou're newly arrived though, no?
04:27.19Mr_Rabies2georgia bureau of investigation? :O
04:27.20Kirkburngbi being close to the name of another organisation?
04:27.30KaydeethreeMr_Rabies, ya
04:27.50Mr_Rabies2the riaa can't make raids
04:28.00Mr_Rabies2they just send subpeonas and stuff
04:28.14Kaydeethreenot with what kind of bandwidth our complex is using right now
04:28.17Kaydeethree16MB/s up
04:28.44KirkburnStill didn't think it was within their juristiction
04:29.00KirkburnRIAA by proxy? (totally making up ideas now)
04:29.29Kaydeethreeit's not, but the riaa can poke local law enforcement and say "hey, big news for you guys, craploads of copyright violation in progres. go raid x y and z"
04:29.42KirkburnAs I thought
04:29.50KirkburnHere's hoping
04:29.57KirkburnBut I thought you just moved there
04:30.12Kaydeethreethe apartment complex basically opened up a month and a half ago
04:30.24KirkburnThat's fast response
04:30.28Kaydeethreeno joke
04:33.18Mr_Rabies2whereabouts in GA do you live Kaydeethree? :O
04:40.21Mr_Rabies2like general location? near ATL, west of ATL, etc?
04:41.23WobinIn your apartment block, Mr_Rabies
04:41.34WobinBTW, I hear there'll be a raid tonight =)
04:41.34Mr_Rabies2i don't live in an apartment block :O
04:41.59Mr_Rabies2i live in the middle of the boonies
04:41.59Mr_Rabies2trees in two directions, pasture in two mroe
04:44.07*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
04:45.46sag_ich_nichtIN MORE IMPORTANT NEWS, DnD 4.0 ANNOUNCED.
04:46.27KaydeethreeMr_Rabies, statesboro, ga
04:48.42GofGsag_ich_nicht: Woah woah woah
04:48.50GofGI just finally memorized my 3.5 manual word for word :(
04:49.34Mr_Rabies2you live damn well across the state from me
04:52.49Mr_Rabies2i'm northwest of ATL by about 50 miles
04:53.09Mr_Rabies2about 250 miles off from you :O
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04:53.17KaydeethreeI lived in Marietta/Smyrna for a while, my parents are out in Paulding county somewhere
04:53.39Mr_Rabies2that's where i am
04:53.47Kaydeethreedallas? hiram?
04:53.57Mr_Rabies2off of dallas in the middle of nowhere
04:54.03Kaydeethreesame for my parents
04:54.50Mr_Rabies2towards rockmart kinda
04:56.06sag_ich_nicht"The setting for the core books are campaign neutral.  Forgotten Realms will be the first campaign setting to be updated (in August 2008). " HELL YEAH, FORGOTTEN REALMS!
05:06.18Kirkburn3.5 is how many years old now?
05:06.33KirkburnAlso, what kind of changes?
05:08.41Mr_Rabies2new level cap of 255 imo
05:08.54ScytheBlade1Go 256
05:09.09Mr_Rabies2i'm surprised people still play D&D
05:09.24Mr_Rabies2why not NWN or something similarly customizable?
05:10.22Cairenn|afkas my daughter goes "Oh no!  Now I've got to update all my books!"
05:11.26Thunder_Childno kidding
05:11.48Thunder_Child*cough cough* "then will probably be going straight to bed since I only got like 3 hrs sleep last night and tomorrow is going to be another long day of worrying"
05:12.13Cairenn|afkyeah, well, I just walked back in the door and was checking the sites before heading off
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06:13.52Mr_Rabies2one of my roommates denied the existence of anything after 2nd ed
06:14.05Mr_Rabies2he had about 200 2nd ed books
06:14.08Mr_Rabies2was pretty crazy
06:14.24Mr_Rabies2a couple first ed books
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08:02.44Mr_Rabies2oh jeez
08:02.54Mr_Rabies2read the thread list
08:03.09Mr_Rabies2someone forgot to escape some of the formatting characters apparently :[
08:03.46TC-Holdinguhhhh, i dont see antthing wrong with it
08:04.05zenzelezzI see someone pointed out that "worgen" spelled backwards could be controversial (and shouted conspiracy)
08:04.15TC-Holdingallthough the one that says "COX Problems" might be interesting
08:04.46Mr_Rabies2notice that some of them have the text and the pages backwards
08:05.26Mr_Rabies2that character is apparently some kind of formatting text for swapping everthing from right to left
08:05.42Mr_Rabies2and they forgot to escape it, so it's even messing with thread list formatting
08:05.49Mr_Rabies2and timestamps in threads and stuff
08:05.59Thunder_Childheh "???????????Backwards!
08:06.16Thunder_Childi copied and pasted it...thats what i got
08:06.30Thunder_Childis there a way for mirc to ignore formating?
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08:06.46Mr_Rabies2mirc doesn't work with unicode and stuff
08:06.51Mr_Rabies2i think it's unicode or something
08:06.53Mr_Rabies2hell if i know
08:07.01Mr_Rabies2there's a lot of characters it doesn't like
08:07.10Mr_Rabies2check the timestamp
08:08.13Thunder_Childwow, it even reverses the highlighting direction
08:08.53Mr_Rabies2search the character on wikipedia
08:09.11Thunder_Childlink it, i cant even find the damn char
08:10.18Mr_Rabies2that threat^
08:10.21Mr_Rabies2i linked
08:10.25Mr_Rabies2???????????has it
08:10.33Mr_Rabies2accidentally pasted it
08:10.40Thunder_Childthats the problem
08:11.10Mr_Rabies2i don't think the protocol supports it
08:11.15Mr_Rabies2or  sommat
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08:13.31zenzelezzwhat protocol?
08:14.00Mr_Rabies2i'm going to watch a couple episodes of battlestar galactica and then go to bed
08:14.01zenzelezzI can't recall if they have a defined character set or not... some clients cheat and use one anyway
08:14.51Thunder_Childlol Mr_Rabies2, i do see what it does to wiki
08:15.05Thunder_Childit's a starburst
08:15.20Thunder_Childfoun it
08:15.22Thunder_Childfound it
08:16.47Mr_Rabies2i'm surprised someone hasn't written some type of addon "malware" of sorts for the data sharing ones that makes all the text backwards while it's there or something :P
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08:31.26Nom-three cheers for meetings
08:31.59Nom-12:00 - 13:30 : Pub Lunch
08:32.08Nom-13:30 - 14:30 meeting 1
08:32.16Nom-14:30 - 16:30 meeting 2
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11:08.13Bam__is any event fired when you activate a spell like Blizzard but have not yet selected the target area?
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11:12.26bleetahhah, someone's fake linking on PvP PTR... [Book of How to Be A Game Marstar], [Book of How To Get A Life] [Book of Blizzard Hates You]
11:12.51Bam__I thought that would disconnect you
11:14.00bleetah[Cookie's Porno Pants]... rofl
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11:22.19bleetah[Sword of Ownage]
11:29.44ckknightkids today
11:29.47ckknightmisspelling Pwnage
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11:59.14IndustrialAnyone know if/how you can decide if a quest in the gossip window is completable? I'm automating this and seeing as the blizzard coded quest icon changes to yellow when it is completable, it must be possible
11:59.18Industrialbut I cant find it
12:00.08IndustrialI see no Completed icon or something
12:00.21Industrialmaybe the one in GossipFrameOptionsUpdate(...)
12:01.27JoshBorkeIndustrial: unpack the mpq's and check the GossipIcon files looking for the one that represents a completed quest
12:03.30JoshBorkeor i can find it
12:03.37JoshBorkesince i have some completed quests to turn in
12:03.45Thunder_Childdoesnt wowwiki have a full listing of icons?
12:03.55Industrialalready extracting :3
12:04.58JoshBorkeit's not an icon
12:06.15JoshBorkeit's ActiveQuestIcon
12:06.32bleetahIndustrial: my only suggestion would be that the Capping mod, for timing battleground events, has an option to auto-turnin the collectable quests in AV (armor scraps etc.)
12:06.35JoshBorkethat doesn't seem right
12:06.57bleetahthat's to say, that the Capping code may give some insight... dunno really
12:07.16Industrialbleetah: ill take a look
12:07.31Industrialim automating all questing :P it will accept and complete all quests
12:07.41Industrialit already does butyou have to click them
12:07.51Industrial(it has a hold-shift override ofc)
12:10.15IndustrialJoshBorke: its probably being colored white for the grey icon
12:11.24IndustrialCapping counts items in your bag when completing
12:11.26Industrialspecific items
12:12.59JoshBorkeIndustrial: yea, but you'll have to find what colors it
12:13.08zenzelezzSetVertexColor I reckon
12:13.08JoshBorkei guess you could just check the color
12:13.15IndustrialGossipTitleButton1.type == 'Available'
12:14.02Industrialill go complete it and check it again :)
12:14.31bleetahpersonally, why the default UI don't auto-turnin the AV quests is beyond me... 'oh my, a battleground.. plenty of time to stand round and read the text and press the buttons' :/
12:15.44Industrialstress :D
12:16.02zenzelezzit's so you'll build up anger which you in turn take out on the enemy
12:16.27Industrialhm no its Active when you can complete it
12:16.39JoshBorkeit's available when you can't
12:16.41JoshBorkewhen it's new
12:17.01zenzelezzguessing Available = !, Active = ?
12:17.30IndustrialGossipTitleButton1GossipIcon:GetVertexColor() -> 1, 1, 1, 1
12:17.36Industrialwhen yellow
12:17.52zenzelezzwouldn't 1, 1, 1 be white?
12:18.18Industrialnot if the texture is colored
12:18.54zenzelezzperhaps; but using vertex coloring on a non-greyscale picture seems tedious =D
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12:20.27Industrialgrey is texture:SetDesaturated(false)
12:20.35Industrialuh, true
12:20.44Industrialno, false
12:21.06Industrialhm, it does seem to know when quests are completed
12:23.53Industrialseems to select all quests to get their status
12:23.59Industrialicky :(
12:24.09IndustrialDO WANT API
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13:18.44Industrialgot it working
13:18.51mikmawut wut
13:20.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
13:20.14bleetahgrats Industrial
13:20.37Industrialwonder if you can do it without the quest window open, ie with the last gossip data
13:20.40Industrialdoubt it
13:21.13mikmalots of text from indie. is he coding something? :)
13:21.38Industrialmikma: im automating selecting quests/gossip and adding it to idQuestAutomation
13:21.51Industrialso now theres no more gossip window ever ;o
13:22.07mikmaIndustrial: well, gz. tekkub has an addon that does the same ^^
13:23.01Industrialthis does way more :P
13:23.13Industrialselects quest, completes them, accepts them, etc
13:24.06mikmawell like the previous version zQuestAutomation
13:24.45KyahxIndustrial: L2GoogleCode -- giev betas!
13:25.03Industrialit didnt/doesnt select the quests ;o
13:25.13IndustrialKyahx: meh
13:29.25hasteThrae: I've startd to document the rtorrent xmlrpc :p
13:29.43Industrialim filling it now
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13:50.05LunessaDon't "bah" me!  
13:50.12Lunessa~lart Thunder_Child
13:50.12purlwhacks Thunder_Child with the cluebat
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13:54.42bleetahhaste: does that mean what I think it means?
13:54.42Thunder_Childhuh i have watched 10 hours straight of house
13:54.49hasteI don't know what you think tho' :(
13:55.09bleetahnm, quick google would indicate I don't know either
14:02.04LunessaThat much "House" is probably hazardous to your mental health.
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14:12.07deltronIT'S NOT LUPUS!
14:12.46TS|Skromit's always lupis
14:13.41Thunder_Childno, it's always cancer....48 shows and 47 of them are bacause of cancer
14:14.21TS|Skromeither there's been more then 48 shows or your numbers are wrong. I can think of a dozen episodes off the top of my head that weren't cancer
14:14.58Thunder_Childseason 1&2
14:15.28Thunder_Childit's an exageration i know, but more than 50% of them *are* because of cancer
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14:20.01Thunder_ChildCidan, you know, if your going to stay, staying longer than 11 sec is nice
14:20.35TS|Skromhe can't hear you, he's too busy leaving
14:21.10TS|Skromtrue lies
14:21.18TS|Skromman that was a horrid movie
14:21.43[dRaCo]it's with arnie, it's awesome.
14:21.52Thunder_Childi dunno i enjoyed the movie
14:22.16CidanI did too
14:22.18CidanI thought it rocked.
14:22.27[dRaCo]'nough kidding... found it was worth watching. funny movie.
14:22.36Thunder_Childit was a really good cross between action and comedy
14:25.02LunessaAnd Jamie Lee  Curtis....
14:27.23Thunder_Childcant say i care for her
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14:27.41Thunder_Childas a woman that an actor she is fine
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14:28.33LunessaShe's very entertaining.  She was BRILLIANT in "A Fish Called Wanda."
14:29.09Industrialur moms called wanda
14:29.23Industrialso anyway
14:29.26Industrialbbl food
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14:59.31GofG <--- win.
14:59.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
14:59.44GofG(not porn or keylogger)
14:59.49LopeppeppyYes I am!
15:00.03zenzelezzyou're in porn? O_o
15:00.04GofG <--- win.
15:00.13GofG(not porn or keylogger)
15:00.14LopeppeppyAh.  4chan.  *nod*
15:00.18GofG(refering to that picture, not to lopeppeppy)
15:00.31GofGYes, with 4chan, I had to be explicitely clear that it wasn't porn, because the assumption is that it is
15:00.34GofGBut that is not porn
15:00.42GofGIt is a rather humorous Garfield comic.
15:01.25CidanGofG, rules 1 and 2.
15:01.33zenzelezzI'm more interested in hearing how Lopeppeppy claims to be porn
15:01.37GofG:( Enjoy my b&?
15:01.51GofGLop mentioned it first
15:01.54CidanThis is why we can't have nice things.
15:02.05GofGWait, Cidan
15:02.18GofGEh, nvm
15:02.53LopeppeppySorry if I participated in something un-permitted.  I R confused, but sorry anyhow.
15:03.17Thunder_Childwow....welcome to the last 5 min of the most wtf i have seen in this channel in a while
15:03.45GofGOmg furry, enjoy ur b& thunderchild.
15:04.29GofGLop, no, you didn't. You unknowingly broke Rule #1 and #2, but you're not a /b/tard so it doesn't really matter.
15:04.30LopeppeppyI'm having a nice time coding with my cat.  She understands the use of the mouse in computing, even if she's a weeeeee bit enthusiastic about it.
15:05.36GofGRule 34 on your cat and your computer mouse. /b/ will deliver.
15:06.16CidanSweet god GofG
15:06.19CidanQuit it
15:06.25GofGK, stopping :(
15:06.42zenzelezzmy cat thinks my keyboard is meant to support her when she's lying in front of me
15:06.52*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
15:06.53CidanI wish I had a cat again, :(
15:07.02GofGI wish I had a cat :(
15:07.04GofGThey're adorable
15:07.06GofGMy GF wants a cat real bad, but she's allergic
15:07.43LopeppeppyI'm allergic too, GofG.  I just have to take my medicine and wash my hands a lot.
15:07.43CidanI just don't have time to take care of one
15:08.06GofGShe threw together a powerpoint presentation for why she should be able to get a cat, and did it for her parents
15:08.08GofGThey were not amused :(
15:08.55Thunder_Childi would be
15:10.36bleetahpussy want his fish? pussy not eat his fish, pussy get thin and waste away
15:10.45bleetahor so I'm told
15:10.49LopeppeppyYes!  Love that series.
15:10.55LopeppeppyCareful with the toothpicks.
15:10.58bleetahor so I think I'm told
15:11.14bleetahwhen the noises come out of the speakers, do they make sounds in your head too?
15:11.29zenzelezzTC: lol
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15:22.45cogwheelI'm writing a section on how taint spreads and am now covering the situation where you taint one variable, some built-in code accesses it tainting that execution path, then that now-tainted built-in code modifies some other value thereby tainting it... Can anyone think of a simple situation where this would occur? (preferably setting a variable as opposed to hooking a function)
15:24.14Thunder_Childshame on you cogwheel
15:25.15Kyahxcogwheel: font objects -- didn't clearfont have some issues post-tbc with tainting?
15:25.26Punkie`maybe tainting the RAID_CLASS_COLORS can taint the raid frame?
15:25.39cogwheelKyahx: never used clearfont...
15:25.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Jumpee (
15:25.59cogwheelPunkie`: i'll look into it... my laptop chokes pretty hard on WoW these days :(
15:26.16Kyahx -- search for taint
15:26.17Thunder_Childcogwheel fails
15:26.40Punkie`I remember people turning the shaman color back to the original light blue caused some raid frame problems
15:27.33cogwheelnow, FYI, those all could be symptoms of the first step of the problem I'm trying to address ;)  (taint is a harsh mistress)
15:27.51KyahxI hate the taint
15:28.13cogwheelI had someone ask me once how I would describe taint to a new addon author...
15:28.26cogwheelI should've said with five to six pages of text and flowcharts
15:30.06foxlitChanging variables resulting in taint shouldn't really happen
15:30.19Kyahxit does occasionally however =/
15:30.22cogwheelfoxlit: but it does
15:30.30KyahxAllthou I believe blizz was working to limit that as much as possible
15:30.30foxlitFlaws in Blizzard's design
15:30.36Kyahxsince in theory, it shouldn't, and they know that
15:30.51LopeppeppyWith a picture of a paper towel having one drop of food coloring dropped on it.  You can see how it spreads from that point of impact.  And then you fold the paper towel up, and watch how the taint spreads to anything that touches it....
15:30.54cogwheelthe problem is that most of the built-in code hasn't been retrofitted to use secure templates
15:31.18Kyahxwell maybe they should re-write the entire thing :P
15:31.34cogwheelHeh... they've got their hands quite full as it is :P
15:31.38foxlitIn lolcoded ace
15:31.40Kyahxit sure as hell could use it... (Im looking at you, FloatingChatFrame)
15:32.04cogwheeldidn't even have the voice chat UI finished until what, 4 weeks of 2.2 ptr?
15:32.17KyahxHave the community re-write it :P
15:32.32Kyahxlet me rephrase that...
15:32.39KyahxHave trusted members of the community re-write it
15:32.52cogwheelI can picture it now... 3/4 would be Ace, 1/8 would be Dongle, and the rest would be hand-coded :P
15:33.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
15:35.35JumpeeAnybody know if the name returned by GetRaidRosterInfo() while in a battleground will have the servername included if a player is from another server?
15:36.48foxlitHad you asked that 15s earlier, I could've checked :)
15:36.59JumpeeSorry. heh
15:38.01JumpeeI assume it does but I never do battlegrounds myself so I can't test it
15:41.25cogwheelIs there a concise list anywhere of protected frame methods that are disabled during combat for addons?
15:41.39foxlitshow hide enable disable
15:41.57cogwheelsetlevel (or whatever)
15:42.17LopeppeppyMy raid leaders are getting all "number crunchy" on me, and it's really peeving me.  Anyone have any feedback on ?
15:42.23cogwheelsee what I mean now? :P
15:43.10foxlitJumpee: Name-Server
15:43.44Jumpeethat's why my mod doesn't work in Battlegrounds, as I suspected
15:43.44foxlitif cross-server.
15:43.48foxlitName if not.
15:44.01cogwheelguess i'll just manually parse the method page on wowwiki
15:45.04KyahxI was under the impression that the only thing you *could* do was SetAlpha
15:45.29JumpeeI know SetAlpha works in combat
15:46.05JumpeeStrange SetAlpha works but SetScale doesn't
15:46.20foxlitSetScale would allow you to essentially reposition frames
15:46.26foxlitSetAlpha would not affect the hitbox
15:46.39LunessaLopeppeppy: I've never used it, but I don't think crunching numbers is inherrently bad. :P
15:48.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
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15:50.55Cidanso I don't like geeklog
15:51.05CidanWas going to use it, but eh.
15:53.52Cidanand I want to use Drupal, but their site is offline, lol?
15:54.15Cidanany other ideas for CMS websites?
15:54.18cogwheelHeh... I'm looking through this list of widget methods and pondering a bunch of possible exploits ><
15:54.19Cidaner, software
15:55.04Punkie`wordpress? :p
15:55.16Punkie`oh god that was awful
15:55.17Cidanno, and no. :P
15:55.23Punkie`is phpnuke still around?
15:55.28CidanJoomla is bloated, don't want that...
15:55.58LunessaI'm actually looking for another CMS - HATE dotnetnuke - HATE
15:56.58Cidandrupal is really nice actually
15:57.05Cidanjust looking around though
15:57.10Cidanlooks like I'll be going back to drupal
15:57.43Cidanwas really nice
15:57.49Cidanbut it's never updated
15:58.05Punkie`looks like crap
15:58.15Cidanit is now, :P
15:58.17Industrialwas just about to say that
15:58.44Cidanyou can actually configure the hell out of it
16:01.50Cidanlol@no released files
16:02.18Punkie`i just googled
16:02.20KaydeethreeI'm surprised they didn't try to make examples of people this morning, the raids happened and they were quiet about it
16:02.21Punkie`oh well :P
16:03.53Kaydeethreethe GBI (read: RIAA) made copyright raids around 3 am from what I've been hearing in my apartment complex
16:04.32KaydeethreeI was half-expecting crucified bodies strung up outside or something to that effect
16:04.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
16:04.57Kaydeethreegeorgia bureau of investigation
16:05.03foxlitIs he suing?
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16:07.06foxlitA forum I visit has a thread about WoW
16:07.38foxlitIt's mostly composed of posts like "I have a level 24 hunter on Vol'jin"
16:08.26foxlitApparently "casual" players exist.
16:10.02CidanI see nothing of any GBI raid on any site, hmm.
16:10.18Lunessaheh,  casual is so rife with levels of nuance and meaning
16:10.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
16:11.50foxlit"wf, those people bought the expansion to play as a final fantasy reject race and will probably never see outland"
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16:13.24Cidanlulz@final fantasy reject race
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16:13.59zenzelezzLopeppeppy: inaccurate logs?
16:14.23zenzelezzYour Fireball hits Some Guy for approximately 50 damage.
16:14.59LopeppeppyAs I understand from many past conversations, things like pets and poisons and DoT's and HoTs aren't always accurately reported, or at least ya can't tell whose is whose is whose sometimes.
16:15.36MoonWolfthe reporting as such isn't bugged
16:15.37zenzelezzI don't know for sure, but I thought the logs were accurate for the player and his pet at least
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16:15.58zenzelezzas in the local player, not his mates
16:15.59MoonWolfhowever the mechanic behind certain things fuck it up.
16:15.59LopeppeppyAre they accurate when I see them, though?
16:16.08LopeppeppyDing-ding, MoonWolf.
16:16.15zenzelezzI would think so, they should be fed to you by the server
16:16.38foxlitLogs are weird stuff
16:16.47LopeppeppyThen why are damage meters never accurate on these sorts of things?  I had understood it to be a flaw in the underlying combat log, not the meter addon.  Is that not correct?
16:16.56zenzelezzaccurate how?
16:17.00foxlitI mean, combat log does not always reflect reality, at least as far as time is concerned
16:17.02zenzelezzwhen synched or local?
16:17.52foxlitPeople who are dead can still kill you, according to the combat log :P
16:17.52zenzelezzthat's desynch
16:18.01zenzelezzhis action may be sent before the server processes yours
16:18.29LopeppeppyOkay.  To be more specific, let me post the website again....
16:18.38zenzelezzso I wouldn't call it inaccurate, just a side-effect of client/server environments
16:19.03foxlitCombat log can say heals landed, then target dies from insignificant damamge
16:19.10zenzelezzthe only time I'd expect the log to be inaccurate is for other people's damage and such things, your client ought to have the correct info about the playuer
16:19.11LopeppeppyMy argument with my raid group is that these reports are nice, but are not the end-all-be-all of analysis, due to the way that combt logs parse and record.
16:19.36zenzelezzthe order in which you receive the notifications isn't guaranteed to be the same as they happen I think
16:19.50foxlitSo either I can heal someone who's dead
16:19.58foxlitOr they can be killed after my heal lands
16:20.08LopeppeppyAnd that becomes "overheal" on someone's log, or "underheal" on someone elses.
16:20.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
16:20.52zenzelezzI agree that reading purely from logs is a bad way to analyze, especially if you read step by step, but I don't think they're inaccurate
16:21.24LopeppeppyThey're not inaccurate, per se, but they are a flawed tool.  Particularly when you mush them together for a whole-raid report, I should think.
16:22.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Fumler (
16:22.37zenzelezzthe way I'd do it (and have been considering) is having a tool that combines a set of logs, each registering only events concerning the local player, that way I imagine it would be closer to correct
16:22.53zenzelezzbut it's an assumption, nothing more
16:23.38LopeppeppyI wish I knew if that was how this site crunches numbers.  *sigh*  I forsee our raid leaders using this tool to hand out punishments and boot people from the group, even though the information might not be accurate...  It's driving me spare to think our group is going down that authoritarian road.
16:23.48zenzelezzit is not, as far as I know
16:24.01zenzelezzmy guildies throw those reports at me and I sure as hell haven't uploaded any info
16:24.19LopeppeppyWhich is why I have a problem with it... it's accurate for what I report about me, but if it lets me report about everyone else....  *sigh*
16:24.46LopeppeppyI have always despised damage meters as a raid-running tool.  For personal use, they rock.... but not for raid group management, in many cases.
16:25.00Valaron|WorkDmg meters are e-peen extenders.
16:25.23LopeppeppyAnd our new co leader has been waving his e-peen EVERYWHERE in the last 3 weeks.
16:25.34zenzelezzdamage meters are good for one thing only in raids, seeing if you're going too slow... and you might as well use a stopwatch and UnitHealth() for that
16:25.39Valaron|WorkThat's a sight to behold.
16:25.52LopeppeppyTake a hard core raider and put him into a casual group.... stir and shake and screw up 2 years of teamwork.
16:26.25*** join/#wowi-lounge drc|away (
16:27.10Cidanbleh, website almost up.  Sucks, I wanted to code -- not setup a website. :/
16:27.59LopeppeppyYou're almost done, Cidan.  Patience, grasshopper!
16:29.42LunessaLopeppeppy: I agree.  I'd point you at a post made by a recent addition to our guild that was a "hard core raider" pre-TBC who basically told someone their entire concept of tanks was shite because they didn't  do it his way.
16:29.57LunessaIt's an attitude.  "I've done everything, I'm god, you casuals SUCK."
16:32.06LunessaI deal with this sort of thing all the time.  You just have to keep pushing the message - "this is a game, it's about fun. We'll do things our way, which is working for us. "
16:33.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
16:34.23Fumlercan anyone tell me /script for chat justify chatwindow 2 to right instead of left?
16:34.29Fumlermy justify module in prat is gone :x
16:38.19LunessaFumler Are you using SimpleCombatLog?
16:38.34FumlerLunessa no
16:38.39FumlerStandard chat window :)
16:38.57Fumler<3 foxlit
16:42.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
16:43.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
16:46.57*** join/#wowi-lounge _Eggi|afk (
16:47.45LopeppeppyOMG I need chocolate.
16:48.04Thunder_Child~lart Lopeppeppy
16:48.05purlturns Lopeppeppy into a lifesized tux doll
16:48.28Lopeppeppy*blink blink*
16:48.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
16:48.56Thunder_Childi'm one of the worlds 2% of the population that doesnt like chocolate
16:49.35LopeppeppyThat's okay, darlin'.  I'll eat your share and now I don't have to feel guilty about it!
16:50.34Thunder_Childfigures....because the other 98% of the pop treat it like catnip for humans
16:50.48*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
16:53.25Kaydeethreemmm, chocolate
16:54.28FumlerI only like chocolate cake, but not chocolate bars and stuff :b
16:58.59*** join/#wowi-lounge [quoin] (
17:01.28LopeppeppyIt's not human-catnip?
17:02.10LunessaGive me the chocolate and no one gets hurt.  
17:02.31LopeppeppyNo, no, help!
17:02.37*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
17:04.05LunessaI believe you have my ... chocolate.
17:04.18LopeppeppyOnly my own.
17:04.44LunessaDon't make me get all kung-fu up in here.
17:04.59Thunder_Childthe least you 2 could do is argue about something meaningful
17:05.03LopeppeppyGo ahead.  I'll watch.  I have plenty of Mint Lindt to see me through.
17:05.22LopeppeppyWhat might you prefer, Thunder_Child?  I've already debated combat log/damage meter accuracies, that's my heavy topic of the day!
17:05.23LunessaDefine meaningful?
17:05.25Kaydeethreemeaningful, like? chocolate: great food or greatest food?
17:05.48Thunder_Childmeaningful.....excluding chocolate
17:05.58KaydeethreeI'll take that as greatest food, then
17:07.09LopeppeppyBah.  Everyone thinks their own topic is the most meaningful, and derides those of others' as being unimportant.  It's a fact of chat-room life.
17:07.21LunessaSo, which is better?  An AddOn with links to redheads, blonds, or brunettes?
17:08.12zenzelezzbrunettes, duh'
17:08.43Cidanby far and large.
17:08.58LunessaThe rarest gems ar emost valued by far.
17:09.51zenzelezzno, that is just not the case
17:09.56LopeppeppyAnd if not, we'll kick arse until we ARE most valued.
17:13.31*** join/#wowi-lounge cladbot (
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17:29.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
17:30.23Cidanokay, so I need to make a new logo for Conspiracy.  Ideas?
17:30.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
17:30.31*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
17:30.35deltrontinfoil hat
17:30.47Cidandeltron, we have a winner.
17:32.20cladhaireawesome ;-)
17:32.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
17:33.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
17:34.13*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (n=chatzill@
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17:48.19Lunessafooding.  Back later
17:48.49LopeppeppyI'm about at that point too, Lunessa.  Race ya.
17:52.34Kaydeethreeand the 2 PM advisory's up
17:52.38Kaydeethree125mph, woo cat 3
17:56.50TS| fun with javascript and styles!
17:56.56Valaron|WorkTurning off file, web, and mail servers is no fun.
17:57.28Kaydeethree"/sbin/service httpd stop", "/sbin/service postfix stop", "/sbin/service smb stop"?
17:57.57Valaron|WorkI meant production servers.
17:58.59*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
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18:15.04zenzelezzit's a whole UI now?
18:15.35CidanIt will be more than just raid frames, yes.
18:17.51AnduinLotharanyone know what event your party member's pet dmg is on?
18:17.57AnduinLotharI know your pet's is CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_PET_HITS
18:20.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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18:23.05*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (n=chatzill@
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18:37.53LunessaIO have returned.
18:38.11zenzelezzIO can be useful
18:38.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Suntiger (
18:38.47*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Suntiger] by ChanServ
18:39.18KasoIO is always a bit confused
18:39.26KasoIt can never decide if it's coming in or going out
18:39.49zenzelezzyou dirty, dirty person
18:47.50LunessaC is not a crime.
18:48.55zenzelezzit's the header I object to
18:49.00zenzelezzand you neglected <> or ""
18:49.34buuWelcome to C
18:50.05zenzelezzI don't use C, only C++
18:53.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|AFK (
18:53.52Shirikseriously, if everyone had to do what I just did to get internet, America wouldn't have an obesity problem
18:55.14zenzelezzwho needs food anyway
18:55.20Kaydeethreerun 3 miles uphill both ways?
18:55.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (
18:55.53zenzelezzlooks like he didn't do a very good job
18:56.04Shirik|Ghostwell, what I'd like to call internet at least >.>
18:56.30zenzelezzso what did you do?
18:56.37LunessaSounds like one of the truly addicted then.
19:00.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (
19:00.38Shirik|Ghostit would be really cool if I get to stay connected this time
19:01.24ShirikAnd to think I just spent the last 2 hours walking to and from the mall to get this >.>
19:01.56CidanSometimes I think Shirik is cheating on me
19:01.58Cidanhe comes and goes
19:02.02Cidanwe never talk anymore
19:02.09Cidanhe's out on these "walks"
19:02.11Shirikit's your fault
19:02.18Shirikyou spend all your time with Nalia
19:02.38Cidango login,
19:03.05ShirikIt would be really cool if I could
19:03.13Shirikbut when I try to make an account it's all like "rofl noes gtfo"
19:03.20CidanI has you a new login
19:03.22Cidancheck MSN
19:03.41*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
19:03.48art3misxkcd has been pretty good the last fwe ones
19:04.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (
19:04.38Shirik|Ghostand people seriously wonder why I hate brighthouse
19:06.58Shirik|Ghostanyone whom has ever had brighthouse before knows what I'm talking about
19:07.31art3misi had a bright house but that was mainly because it faced south
19:08.10art3misso finished god of war 2 on easy mode last night
19:08.36art3misthe final cut scene button pressing drove me mad i think though
19:09.09art3misbut the mini game challenges are fun
19:09.28deltronthat's one thing I don't like about god of war
19:09.34deltronthe button mashing stuff is kinda lame
19:09.59Industrial28 AP or 9agi 9spi
19:10.00Industrialim hunter
19:10.05art3miswell it was kind of dragon's lair ish
19:10.08Industrial(level 25)
19:10.38art3misbut the ammount of time to do it was a tad irritating specially when you're not expecting it and you need to go through the whole talking part each time
19:11.08art3misit's okay industrial we won't think THAT much less of you ;P
19:11.25Industrialwich one do i take
19:11.35Lunessa28 AP
19:11.36Industrial28ap or 9agi 9spi ?
19:11.40art3misi pick grab the ogres club and run
19:13.42*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel_ (n=chatzill@
19:14.23LunessaYou're in a mazy of twisty passages, all alike.  It's dark.  You might get eaten by a grue.
19:15.18Kaydeethreeif anyone's got any PTR bugs they want to get off their chest, tigerclaw's started a thread:
19:16.36cogwheelthe wifi connection here isn't exactly reliable on the 7th floor
19:16.43Shirik~moo cogwheel
19:16.44purlACTION moos at cogwheel
19:16.52Shirikcogwheel, you have no right to complain
19:17.05cogwheelSure i do... you just have more of a reason to :P
19:17.27ShirikI just spent 3 hours walking to and from the mall to pick up a mostly-defective cable modem, then talk with the worst customer support (I already knew they were, but I have no other choice)
19:17.29Shirikbut on that note
19:17.35ShirikIf everyone had to walk to get a cable modem
19:17.42ShirikAmerica would be a much less obese place
19:17.59LunessaZOMG - I had to walk 200' to get a cheeseburger and fries.  
19:18.10Shirikesp. in this weather:
19:18.11cogwheelI had to walk to the elevator to go downstairs for breakfast this morning...
19:18.17Shirik(at noon, not 3)
19:18.36Kasoi hope you got extra bacon with that, to make up for those calories you burnt walking there!
19:19.08cogwheelKaso: how'd you know?
19:19.24cogwheelsrsly though... free made-to-order omelets = <3
19:20.22zenzelezzmy daily workout is mostly limited to my hands
19:20.25zenzelezzwait, scratch that
19:20.37Lunessacogwheel: (quoting my favorite Shattered Halls boss) I ... hate ... you.
19:20.48Lunessazenzelezz: ewwwww
19:20.56Kasoi figured out i walk up nearly 2000 steps a week at work
19:21.02Kasothird floor ftw!
19:21.17LopeppeppyI used to walk 5000+ a day at work.  I do miss that job.
19:21.43ShirikLunessa: Best. boss. ever.
19:21.53Shirikmmm no
19:21.59Shirikvael was still pretty awesome
19:22.02LopeppeppyFunny to watch him eat my warlock for lunch.
19:22.03Shirikbut best 5-man boss
19:22.05LunessaFor a while, I lived in San Francisco, and my office was on the third floor of a 'historical landmark' building.  Which meant the elevator was often out of order due to needing special parts. I got a LOT of exercise working there.
19:22.30*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (n=chatzill@
19:22.34LunessaI love that guy, "Hey what are you doing?!" "Me got bored."
19:22.36Shirikwb cogwheel
19:22.41IndustrialI currently work in storage/goodsflow
19:22.46Industriali should count my steps
19:23.23LopeppeppyI worked in a 2 story retail bookstore.  Sooooo much walking, so little time.  :)
19:23.53ShirikI worked in a tiny cubicle
19:23.56LunessaI used to wear a pin that said, "So many books. So little time. "
19:24.07ShirikI breathed in lead on a periodic basis, and sat in my chair all day
19:24.53LunessaIf you pushed the right colored button did you get a food pellet?
19:25.11Shirikno :( the food pellets were for the higher-ups
19:25.12cogwheelSo, now that more people are on, i shall pose my question again...        I need to find a working example of a taint situation that has the following characteristics:     Addon code sets some global variable (preferably not a function hook). Secure code accesses said variable and the execution path becomes tainted. This now-tainted execution path then writes a new value to some other...
19:25.14cogwheel...built-in variable. This new variable now causes some other system to become noticeably tainted.
19:26.50IndustrialQuestion: I cant get mail back from a GM right? i sent it to the wrong char
19:27.06Industriali know 100% sure it will not be opened or returned
19:27.11Industrial(closed account)
19:27.28LunessaIndustrial: It'll be returned automatically in 29 days
19:27.36Industriali need it now
19:27.47Industrialin 29 days ill eb sporting my L70 *cough*
19:27.53Lunessacogwheel: Just write anything that uses CastSpellByName
19:27.55LopeppeppyYou could petition, they might help you.  But they might not be able to, either.
19:28.08Shirikthere was an issue a while ago that required them to help you
19:28.16Industrialill try anyway
19:28.17ShirikI'm sure they can, but whether or not they want to might be another issue
19:28.58LunessaWait, not a good example...
19:29.03cogwheelLunessa: simply using a protected function doesn't taint it
19:29.43cogwheeland the execution path would end as soon as it attempts to run the function so it wouldn't have a chance to spread taint any further
19:29.49LunessaAny thing that hooks dropdown menus off the player frame.  
19:30.12LunessaPlayerMenu did this before it was discontinued.
19:30.46cogwheelDoes that actually cause taint to spread, or does it just taint the dropdown and any time you use the dropdown it runs into the taint and throws an error?
19:31.26LunessaTaint spread.  It's why I eventually tossed it instead of trying to update it - I don't think the original author is working on it anymore.  
19:31.54cogwheelMight be a bit advanced, but i'll take a look
19:32.14cogwheelDropdowns are being covered in a much later chapter
19:32.15LunessaIt hooked the menu from chat, etc.  
19:33.06*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
19:33.10LunessaAlso, I think MicroMenuFu might still have an issue where it taints the spellbook - so you might be able to snag an example from there.
19:36.49cogwheelckknight: ping
19:38.34LopeppeppyMicroMenuFu does indeed still do that, Lunessa.
19:38.44Industrialgm sad he cant help :(
19:38.58LunessaSo that might give Cog exactly the example he's looking for.  
19:39.11LunessaIndustrial: Well, in 29 days you can AH it. :P
19:39.15art3misthings that can be taken out of context... <Lunessa> Taint spread.  It's why I eventually tossed it instead <--
19:39.32CidanShirik, site setup is done
19:39.35Cidanopened it to the public
19:39.36Lunessaart3mis: I still won't sleep with you.
19:39.47CidanWhen do you think we should post the SVN?
19:39.54Shiriknot sure
19:39.54art3misawww come on baby you know you want a nice fresh tossed salad
19:39.58Shirikbut I think we should fill out the RFG now
19:40.08Cidangimmi link.
19:40.27art3miscidan: new rdx site?
19:40.33Shirikwhat's rdx?
19:41.33art3misis it opperational in that i could sign up? or should i wait?
19:41.34foxlitIf you're calling your addon conspiracy
19:41.57foxlitYou have to include
19:42.36CidanI may just do that. :P
19:42.41LunessaCidan: Add some test to your banner "Are you wearing /your/ tinfoil hat?"
19:43.51cladhaireCidan: way to not have drupal perms set up correctly nub
19:43.57cladhairegief access to the forums, NOW
19:44.14cladhairemy mom is denied
19:44.15cladhaireoh dip!
19:44.19cladhaireshut the front door!
19:44.53Lunessazomg access is denied
19:45.06art3miscid's a tyrant
19:45.16art3mishe rules with his tinfoil fist ;)
19:45.22Lunessaquick, rotate another hexagonal, poorly rendered object and scream!
19:46.11Cidanthere you go
19:46.48cladhairethanks slut
19:47.05cladhaireooh they finally let you disable posting on container forums
19:47.09cladhairebeen waiting for that forever!
19:47.15cladhairetheme needs tweaking
19:47.21cladhaireand your butt is sticking out in that picture.
19:48.16CidanThat's not the drupal forum software
19:48.26Cidannot the default one anyways
19:51.18LunessaOh man, I'm a bug.  I thought for SURE I was a feature.
19:51.45cogwheelPunkie`: what was that idea you had this morning? my brain is approaching meltdown right now :|
19:51.58|Jelly|Shirik: 8(
19:53.29|Jelly|WTB Screenshots.
19:59.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
19:59.36*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
20:00.17Shirikhiya Cide
20:00.21Cidehey Shirik
20:04.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
20:05.41CidanThere, forums have icons and are a bit nicer looking now.
20:15.47LunessaThe phpBB looks ... squished into the space alloted.
20:16.31Shiriknot using phpbb
20:17.11LopeppeppyNo wonder it's squished?  :P
20:18.10Kaydeethreegeez, 22 seconds and 3 different people point that guy to tech support, heh
20:18.43|Jelly|What was the question?
20:18.59LunessaI just guessed, since it looked phpbb-ish.  But it does look squished.  
20:19.08Kaydeethreehe can't connect to the servers
20:19.18|Jelly|Me neither. ZOMG! UI PEOPLE HELP!
20:20.02LopeppeppyAnd the original post is deleted already.  :)
20:21.29Cidancan anyone even post? :/
20:22.57Cidanguess so
20:23.05LopeppeppyI can post.  *shrug*
20:23.30ScytheBlade1Heh, just read about the website
20:23.41LopeppeppyWhat has happened to it?
20:23.51LunessaYes, but the form exceeds it's boundaries on Firefox 2.x on Mac OSX
20:23.57ScytheBlade1"A command got typed into the wrong window and well, things went bad." <-- bets on `rm -rf / home/user/dir` ? ;)
20:24.07Shirikthat's what I did long time ago
20:24.12Shirikdamn I was pissed
20:24.21LopeppeppyOh, is that the bad dump from a month or so back, ScytheBlade1?
20:24.23CidanI can say that I've never rm -rf'd anything
20:24.30Cidanbad anyways.
20:24.36Shirikactually it was rm -rf / srv/www/public_html
20:24.38Shirikbut same difference
20:24.39ScytheBlade1I've done the same thing to my /etc dir actually
20:24.52|Jelly|In regards to Omen/KTM, people say to run both and look for weird numbers? ...wouldn't they be completely different numbers if you have something targeted?
20:25.20LopeppeppyAll the numbers look weird to me, |Jelly|.  I run mine to make my tank happy, and keep in minimized.
20:25.55|Jelly|Yeah, I don't really pay attention to it. If I'm pulling healing aggro, something's wrong anyway. (I fade just about every chance I get in bigger fights)
20:27.09foxlitpsst, the Fade does nothink!
20:27.19LunessaI run it, and I pay attention playing my shaman.  I tend to put out a lot of threat very quickly.
20:27.23ShirikI've had crappy tanks lately
20:27.25Shirikonnly one good one
20:27.26|Jelly|It makes me feel better though. lol
20:27.30Shirikand he was awesoe
20:27.33Shirikthough the dps sucked
20:27.36foxlitwasted mana in most situations
20:27.44Shiriksomehow, though, I healed hi through the last boss at SV
20:27.45|Jelly|Lunessa: What spec?
20:27.48Shirikand we didn't kill a single tank
20:27.52foxlitOnly Morogrim's murlocks / Solarian's adds make it interesting
20:27.56ShirikI felt pretty good of myself :P
20:28.01CidanShirik, anything pending on commit?  about to dive in
20:28.11Shirikgo for it
20:28.13|Jelly|foxlit: mp5 = win
20:28.33foxlitI need 5 more talent points
20:28.49|Jelly|If I ever run out of mana because I was using fade, something wrong to begin with.
20:29.28foxlit330 mana / 30 seconds
20:29.37foxlit55 mp5!
20:29.47foxlitThat's quite a hit :P
20:30.15|Jelly|I stand by my statement.
20:31.05|Jelly| <- my shaman nub
20:31.37LopeppeppyMuch love to all, but I have to go grill like a zillion veggies for tomorrow's picnic!  Stay good, Kiki.
20:31.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
20:34.08Cide|Jelly|: you might be better off using it when you pull aggro :P
20:34.19|Jelly|I don't. That's the point. :P
20:34.25Cideyou don't pull aggro?
20:34.36Cidethen why do you use it?
20:34.37|Jelly|I use it cause I'm paranoid.
20:34.44Cideoh, well, stop it :)
20:35.01Lunessa|Jelly|: I'm considering leveling 2 more shaman.  so I can explore all the different specs during the leveling process.
20:35.18|Jelly|Klot was enhancement to 62, resto to 65 and elemental to 70.
20:35.19Shirikyeah actually, using fade proactively has very minimal benefit
20:35.29Shirikbecause it's an aggro loan not a dup
20:35.37|Jelly|I know. <.<
20:35.38Shirikman this M key is really going to piss me off
20:35.46LunessaFade-Pulling is fun
20:36.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Sab (
20:37.24LunessaYes, I'm nuts.  Pre-TBC I used to kite drakk as a mage, and I pull as a priest.  
20:37.45Kaydeethree<3 drakk-kiting
20:37.53Shirikour priests like to pull too
20:37.56Shiriktypically curator
20:38.08|Jelly|My big ass has pulled him once.
20:38.23LunessaPeople are like... Nowai we need huntar for dis - And then I would just do it.  
20:38.27|Jelly|Why wasn't I up against the wall you say? I don't know and leave me alone. lol
20:40.45CideI always pulled the beast (as a priest)
20:41.04Kaydeethreemeh, anyone can pull the beast as long as they get shielded, the punt's the fun part
20:41.04Cidewas fun to be able to fly for some 5-7 seconds
20:41.13Kaydeethreewe typically had a roll-off, low roll got the pull
20:41.17Cideyep, that was the whole point of it
20:41.23Cidemeh, I just ran in. screw the others
20:41.24ScytheBlade1Kaydeethree, did you get sound to work with the latest PTR build? I just saw your post, and can't decide what you're saying there
20:41.47Kaydeethreewith wineoss enabled, I can safely start the PTR without getting the usual hang-on-start
20:41.55Kaydeethreeaudio's still broken, but some progress has been made
20:42.08ScytheBlade1Dunno if I'd call OSS 'progress'
20:42.10ScytheBlade1But good to hear
20:42.13Kaydeethree8/17 16:03:15.622  ######## FMOD ERROR! (err 74) This command failed because System::init or System::setDriver was not called.
20:42.13Kaydeethree8/17 16:03:15.622  ######## FATAL ERROR INITIALIZING. ALL GAME SOUND DISABLED.
20:42.13Kaydeethree8/17 16:03:15.622  .\SoundEngine.cpp(1612)
20:42.14Kaydeethree8/17 16:03:15.623  => Game Sound Init Failed.
20:42.22KaydeethreeI'll try it with winealsa
20:42.33ScytheBlade1I will once my windows box downloads the patch
20:42.50Kaydeethreeoh, duh
20:42.52ShirikKaydeethree: ############## == zomg wtf error
20:43.03Kaydeethreenvm. wasn't running the ptr with aoss
20:45.22ScytheBlade1So it's still 100% broken?
20:45.40KaydeethreeI'm waiting for it to time out and throw up the wowerror window now
20:47.38Endlol huge gnome shoulders....
20:47.48ScytheBlade1Yeah, makes me happy
20:47.55ScytheBlade1Small orc shoulders need fixing
20:48.00ScytheBlade1Huge gnome shoulders are awesome
20:48.19*** join/#wowi-lounge RogueShadow (
20:48.32LunessaHuge shoulders FTW.
20:48.56EndKaydeethree: pff, your shoulders aren't -quite- as silly looking
20:49.11Endthey still look pretty silly
20:49.14ScytheBlade1heh, I just saw your sig, Kaydeethree
20:49.26ScytheBlade1"It seems mages were saving more money than originally intended. Any money saved will now be reduced by 10% and will break frost nova."
20:49.29ScytheBlade1I think I love you now
20:49.35Kaydeethreefound that on the mage forum somewhere
20:50.01Lunessa<3 Mages.  Feed me.
20:50.30ScytheBlade1gtfo warlock
20:50.32ScytheBlade1Just gtfo
20:50.35AnduinLothardamnit... blogger doesn't support xhtml. that's a pain...
20:51.58foxlit>>> t = {1,2,3,foo=true,bar=false,4,5}; print(t[4]);
20:51.58Cidefoxlit: 4
20:52.13art3miswhat are these things called "mages"?
20:52.28|Jelly|`round here, they're called Vending Machines
20:52.30Cide{ 1, 2, 3, foo=true, bar=false, 4, 5 }
20:52.32Cide>>> { 1, 2, 3, foo=true, bar=false, 4, 5 }
20:52.33CideCide: { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ["bar"] = false, ["foo"] = true } (#1)
20:52.37art3misoh so they're the same thing
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20:53.21LunessaImagine if you will a very large, dangerous cannon, made from cardboard tubes and tinfoil, with treats taped to the outside and you might understand "mages."
20:53.49art3misi like treats
20:54.09Kaydeethreeoh, wow
20:54.14ScytheBlade1I like your description
20:54.23art3misit's pretty apt
20:54.33Kaydeethreecrashed the PTR that time far enough in to get SESound.log output
20:54.41art3misyou fergot the "tear recepticle" though
20:54.50ScytheBlade1I'll contribute the same once I get this patch
20:55.03LunessaNo, rogues are the new qq machines.
20:55.19|Jelly| <-- LAZY people
20:55.26art3misthey were the old ones too ;P
20:55.27KasoI think what was said about glass cannons at blizzcon was a very truthful
20:55.51|Jelly|I'd rather hear about rogue qq than the stupid orc shoulders.
20:55.55Kasoabout how people like choosing gear that makes themselves into glass cannons.
20:56.42Endin pve it seems somewhat expected
20:56.53art3misheh the orc shoulders made me laugh
20:57.01LunessaYeah, they do.  BIG NUMBARZ WOOT. zomg, rez plx.
20:57.32art3misits a good thing they didnt build in "wacky spell failure"
20:57.56art3misicenova freezes everything but the mobs
20:57.57EndI think that'd be good for a particular boss fight
20:58.02Endbut not general gameplay
20:58.09art3misfireballs splode at your feet
20:58.18Endimagine pvping and suddenly you own yourself ;p
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20:58.26ScytheBlade1Done that before
20:58.29|Jelly|I wouldn't mind being able to nova people in Gruul's so they don't freaking run to me and blow me up. : /
20:58.32art3misme too ;P
20:58.33Kaydeethreescrew spell reflect
20:58.36Endok, disregarding spell reflect :P
20:58.54Endagainst warriors you have some indication
20:58.54art3misswd on spell reflect
20:58.58art3mispoof owned
20:59.09Endalthough that meta gem is don't expect it at all
20:59.42Endwtf, why am I hurting and why does that mage have "reflect" above his head instead of a number?
21:00.01*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy2 (
21:00.25art3misso far my fav was on kazzak accidently hitting my sw:d button instead of fade
21:00.40Endhmm, that'd be bad :P
21:00.40art3misnot only did it not kill him but i sploded beautifully
21:00.48art3misand so did a fwe people around me
21:00.51|Jelly|I'm one of the many that suicided on Curator! go me!
21:00.55ScytheBlade1That'd be awesome
21:01.03art3mismade oe person clear the mountain thats behind you during the fight
21:01.14LunessaOne of the mages in my guild recently came to me to cut several Solid Stars of Elune.  ... Because she didn't want to gimp herself to hit higer DPS numbers at the cost of health.  
21:01.38ScytheBlade1I know a mage who specs /out/ of damage. Intentionally.
21:01.44Endhow much health does she have?
21:01.46LunessaAnd I <3 her for it.
21:01.46Kaydeethree...the hell?
21:01.58foxlitimproved wands!
21:02.00art3misive always gone balance
21:02.00|Jelly|[16:01]<Kaydeethree>...the hell?    <-- what he said
21:02.20art3misi'd rather have slightly more mana than hps
21:02.25Lunessa7083 right now.  
21:02.31art3mismost holys pre tbc had about 3k-4k hp
21:02.32ScytheBlade1Sorry, mages exist in one of two states
21:02.34ScytheBlade1Alive, or dead
21:02.35art3misi had 8k
21:02.46art3mismuch more durable
21:02.47ScytheBlade1Don't try to make an inbetween. You can't.
21:02.58|Jelly|I <3 the mages that get upset when they die while AE mobs.
21:03.03art3misschrodeingers mage?
21:03.18ScytheBlade1Heh. Most mages don't know how to AoE.
21:03.26foxlitif a mage dies in a forest, do they still do the animation?
21:03.40ScytheBlade1foxlit, if they're a gnome, safe bet yes
21:03.45ScytheBlade1Safe bet that you can still hear the sound, too
21:03.47art3miswe had one mage we nicknamed mala-bomb
21:04.14art3mishehe even with no-one around gnome deaths are always popuar ;P
21:12.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Aarisa (
21:19.35ScytheBlade1I have a valid SESound.log!
21:19.43ScytheBlade1It still locked up, but it went somewhere, too
21:19.54ScytheBlade1No errors listed, sadly
21:20.11Aarisa12No fun without errors
21:20.35ScytheBlade1I should disable the dmix driver and see if that changes anything
21:21.00Aarisa12I have a newbie question, if anyone wants to handle an easy one... (unfortunately, no, it has nothing to do with your sound)
21:21.55Aarisa12Most posts I see about interface.MPQ are about game crashes... I completely lack the file and the game works fine... is reinstalling the only way to get the file?
21:21.57Lunessa~purl asktoask
21:21.57purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
21:21.58|Jelly|Just ask. lol
21:23.06mikmaAarisa: disable those colors please
21:23.30AarisaIs this better?
21:23.48ScytheBlade1Mmm, nothing like having a client that strips out colors by default
21:24.04LunessaThe Interface.mpq file is only available after you've installed the UI Kit.  
21:24.46AarisaOkay, I have downloaded the CustomInterfaceKit.exe and it is yelling about not being able to find said file
21:24.47LunessaAt least, I don't see one on this machine, and I haven't installed the ui kit on it.
21:24.51Shiriksomeone used my factoid!!
21:24.58Shirik(other than me)
21:25.37Cidansigh, time to get cookin'
21:25.43CidanYOU, SLAVE!
21:25.45ShirikI've never heard of 'interface.mpq'
21:25.45Cidanback to work!
21:25.57Shirikthere are others
21:26.05Shirikthe interface should be in locale-enUS.mpq
21:26.32ShirikLunessa: The interface kit doesn't make any mpqs, it just extracts them
21:26.53AarisaIs CustomInterfaceKit the proper UI kit?
21:26.55LunessaBah, I need to pay more attention to what I type.
21:27.23ShirikI don't know, I've never used it
21:27.31AarisaWhat's your tool of choice?
21:28.04*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
21:28.04Shirikwowwiki, wdn, or winpq
21:29.02AarisaAh, thanks Lunessa
21:29.39Aarisawowwiki is amazing and I have plans to download winmpq
21:29.49AarisaI was just having a tough time getting started
21:30.15AarisaAh! I remember running this on my laptop :)
21:30.35AarisaThanks for the help, all
21:32.26Cideinteresting.. apparently the PHP interpreter doesn't take care of circular references
21:32.40AarisaHaha, trying to break things?
21:32.44Shirikyour php code has a circular reference...
21:32.48Cideno no
21:32.55CideI'm never touching PHP again
21:33.00CidanHow to lose a guy in ten days.
21:33.03AarisaAww, but php is fun
21:33.04Cidebut I just read about it
21:33.08CidanStep one: Kick him in the family jewels.
21:33.10ShirikI like php
21:33.11CidanThe end.
21:33.20hastePHP is very consistent.
21:33.20Shirikyou're a RoR person aren't you
21:33.25CideShirik: nope :)
21:33.29Cidewell, close
21:33.34Cidanis my bet.
21:33.55Shirikpython is infinitely better than RoR, I can still respect you for that
21:34.08Shirikeven if I don't like it entirely
21:34.17CidePHP isn't that bad, really
21:34.21AarisaI need to start touching python at some point
21:34.25Cidebut I like python more
21:34.34Cideit's just fun to jump on the 'hate PHP'-train
21:34.38ShirikI picked up PHP quick because it's so similar to C
21:34.55Shirikeven its OOP is similar to C++'s
21:34.58Shirik(or maybe java's)
21:35.01CideI'd urge you to try out python if you're into web development though
21:35.15AarisaNot quite similar to java
21:35.18CidePHP barely had OOP when I used it
21:35.21AarisaI'd say it's similar to C
21:35.26ShirikC's OOP?
21:35.43AarisaEh, not to die-hard OOP programmers
21:36.00ShirikI don't see how you can call C at all OO... anywhere
21:36.08Shirikbut yeah
21:36.12ShirikI learned C++ before C
21:36.25AarisaEh, I'm really only familiar with C++ and semi-familiar with C#
21:36.30Lunessamain (void)
21:36.34Kaydeethreeforums go splat for anyone else?
21:36.39Shirikthe pointless void word
21:36.44Shirikis it required in C?
21:36.58ShirikI don't see any good reason to do that ><
21:37.00AarisaHmm... C++ doesn't care if it's there
21:37.20AarisaThat explains why my prof always used int main(void)
21:37.23Cidecan't see a good reason, other than being more explicit
21:37.28LunessaI never did either; since it annoyed me, I went on to C++
21:37.58Cideexplicitness is good sometimes
21:38.12Cidemost of the time
21:38.17LunessaDr. Ralph May (who taught my C and C++ classes) used to laugh at me for being annoyed by (void)
21:38.29AarisaI prefer void main() :P
21:38.35Cidevoid main(void)!
21:38.48Shiriksee I'm just looking at this like
21:38.49Cidanint main(void)
21:38.49AarisaThough int main() makes more sense on some OSs
21:38.50CideI don't like void main though
21:38.51Shirikyou have no parameters
21:38.58Shirikwhy on earth would you put something in the parens
21:39.08Shirikyou don't call it like foo(void)
21:39.12Shirikjust when you create it
21:39.23LunessaKaydeethree: I think the main forums just went South for me too.
21:41.12Shirik|Napoh you so lucky
21:41.19Shirik|Napa second sooner you'd be ghosted
21:41.36AarisaRegistration for the win?
21:41.42clad|Away~seen Shirik
21:41.47purlshirik <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 41s ago, saying: 'DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS'.
21:41.47Shirik|Napp.s. Cairenn|afk's totally going to read that later and be like 'wtf'
21:41.50Shirik|Napclad|Away =(
21:43.02cladhairei hate the pvp game
21:43.08cladhairehwo much time you have to put in to have competitive gear
21:43.34AarisaToo true
21:44.09Cidecladhaire: some 30 hours of BGs I'd say
21:44.14Cidefor all of the veteran gear
21:44.22cladhaireyeah thats just ricktarded
21:44.24Cidemaybe 10-15 weeks of arenas too
21:44.25cladhairei dont have pre-mades to run with
21:44.26EndI'm glad they got rid of the high warlord method at least
21:44.33cladhaireEnd: indeed
21:44.53cladhairethey just made it a gear game, instead of a farming cap game.
21:44.59buuThey should just make arenas equip you with the same gear
21:45.02buuIt'll be awesome.
21:45.02cladhaireslash time game
21:45.07buuEveryone gets a pointy stick and two rocks.
21:45.24cladhaireit sucks when you have a 3/2 arathi
21:45.26cladhairetakes so long.
21:45.32IndustrialQuestion: when will a pet teach me his skill? im not getting CLaw 4 but the pet does have it.. iw ant ot give it to my kitty
21:45.50EndI think you -should- have to spend time, but it's still far too slow to acquire gear
21:45.50AarisaIt sucks when you're alliance in my battlegroup :P
21:45.52IndustrialI dont get it cause I do have scorpid poison and gore
21:46.15cladhaireIndustrial: is the pet happy?
21:46.18Cidebuu: I disagree - choosing gear is part of being successful
21:46.28cladhairethey have a lower chance of teaching you if they're red or yellow, imo
21:46.31Cidebuu: however, it would be nice to let everyone have the same gear *pool*
21:46.36buuCide: Well..
21:46.38Industrialcladhaire: yes
21:46.49Industriali just keep it for a while?
21:46.56buuCide: I don't really believe there are that many choices, although I suppose there are some major ones due to spec.
21:46.56cladhaireand have it attack yet
21:47.22Industrialah got it now
21:47.24Industriallol :P
21:47.40AarisaThe problem is that gear is important, the problem is that gear is TOO important
21:47.43Cidanso I want to level, btu I don't want to do instances
21:47.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
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21:47.51Aarisa*that first is should be 'isn't'
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21:48.09IndustrialCidan: so do a solo levelign guide like me
21:48.10Endanyways, I don't think their required rating weapons will work too well
21:48.11buuCidan: So don't?
21:49.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan|IPv6 (i=aj@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:709)
21:49.18Shirik|NapI'll test this somewhere else
21:49.22Shirik|NapI hate you cid
21:49.44*** part/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
21:50.23Cidan|IPv6I have about 65,000 IP's on IPv6.
21:50.24Endeither you need rating to use, in which case you lose too rating you get screwed, or you need the rating to buy, in which case high rating teams can sell spots a lot easier (unless you need to be in a team for a certain amount of time, in which case new teams/having difficulties with teams can be a big problem, especially if your team breaks up mid-season)
21:50.27Cidan|IPv6It's sick.
21:50.45Enddoes anyone know how the rating required S3 gear -does- work?
21:51.11End(actually, I don't remember seeing a blue post...was this announced at blizzcon or something?)
21:51.13KaydeethreeI'm assuming it'll work like pvp-1.0 rank gear, get to x rank, buy it, use it no matterwhat rank
21:51.18Kaydeethreethat was announced at blizzcon
21:51.43Endwell, originally you needed to keep the rank to use the original pvp gear :P
21:51.52Shirik|Naphey Cidan
21:51.53Shirik|Naptry that again
21:51.54Kaydeethreepvp-1.1, then
21:51.58Endthey realized how absurdly stupid that was after a bit though :P
21:52.12Shirik|Napyou suck
21:52.20Kaydeethreeghost him!
21:52.28Shirik|Naphe cheated
21:52.45LunessaSeriously, the PVP-Ladder system was designed to punish you into doing nothing but PVP
21:52.46Shirik|Naphe's scared
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21:52.58Shirik|NapShirk ~= Shirik
21:53.12CidanI did it on my ipv6 client
21:53.12Endyeah, it was stupid
21:53.55Shirik|Napcmon Cidan, show off to Kaydeethree my newest script :P
21:53.57Endmost people who got high warlord (or whatever alliance have) didn't do it alone
21:54.04Cidanno thanks. :P
21:54.19CidanI have a feeling I know what it will do
21:54.25End(meaning, they had others play their account to some extent)
21:54.28Shirik|Napyou're probably right :P
21:54.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan|IPv6 (
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21:54.48Kaydeethreeend; that was par for the course towards rank 12-13
21:55.31foxlitHow are unanchored frames positioned?
21:55.37Shirik|Napthey aren't
21:55.40Cidanthey are not
21:55.43AarisaHaha, I believe I was just thinking the same thing
21:55.51CidanThey just don't show up.
21:56.00Aarisa(or not)
21:56.35AarisaI'm assuming there are several different layers of panes?
21:56.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
21:56.48Shirik|Napnow Cidan (hopefully) has no workaround
21:57.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (i=aj@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:709)
21:57.34ShirikOh that's right.
21:57.35Shirik|Napyou fail at life, ON JOIN!
21:57.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (i=aj@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:709)
21:57.55ShirikWhat was that?
21:57.57Shirik|Napwrong var name
21:57.57ShirikI do what now?
21:57.58Shirik|Napdamn it
21:58.03Cide-haha, nice
21:58.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (i=aj@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:709)
21:58.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (i=aj@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:709)
21:58.43Shirik|Napnow I can sleep in peace
21:58.55Cidannot really, :P
21:59.11Shirik|NapIt tried to ghost you guys
21:59.15Shirik|Napbut I don't have those links
21:59.44Cidedid you use a wildcard match for that notice? :P
22:00.06AarisaAre there multiple layers of panes in the UI?
22:00.09Shirik|Napis kinda like a *Shirik*
22:00.14Shirik|Napcase insensitive
22:00.17CidanAarisa, What do you mean?
22:00.23foxlitAarisa: yes, stratas
22:00.24Shirik|NapAarisa: yes
22:00.32CidanOh, that, :P
22:00.58AarisaWhich layer contains the 'v' information?
22:01.46Shirik|Napprolly TOOLTIP
22:01.54AarisaAh, okay
22:02.01Shirik|Napmaybe not
22:02.10Shirik|Napprobably not
22:02.11Cidango sleep
22:02.16Shirik|Napit's probably close to LOW
22:02.19Cidansooner you sleep, more code can be don
22:02.20Shirik|Napnow that I actually think about it
22:02.35Shirik|Napgo cook
22:02.46Cidanchicken is taking a bath atm
22:03.06Cidanalso, if any hot young ladies live in Norther Virginia, you're welcome to come eat a nice homemade chicken dinner. :P
22:03.10foxlitsays devtools
22:03.23foxlitsame strata as worldframe
22:03.25AarisaThere's an "UNKNOWN" layer?
22:03.30Shirik|Napnot really
22:03.34foxlitI'm guessing that's an artifact of something
22:03.39Shirik|Napand be careful
22:03.40AarisaSo it's possible to add stuff to the world frame?
22:03.42Shirik|Naplayer is not strata
22:03.47Shirik|Napthey are two completely different things
22:04.06tardmrrthere is no UNKNOWN layer /or/ strata
22:04.30tardmrrit's likely that the frame has no strata so :GetFrameStrata is returning nil
22:05.09tardmrrand DevTools is falling back on "unknown"
22:05.10Shirik|NapI agree
22:05.17foxlitWell, you'd both be wrong
22:05.25foxlitIt returns "UNKNOWN", not nil
22:05.44Endwhat happens if you try to set a frame to that strata?
22:05.46Cideit should return "MYSTICAL", in my opinion
22:06.10*** join/#wowi-lounge blq (
22:06.22LunessaOHNOES you silly cat, ur open wurmhole!
22:06.22foxlitIt'll error out, saying UNKNOWN is unknown
22:06.28AarisaOkay, so what I was referring to as 'layers' are actually called stratas?
22:06.40EndAarisa: layers are for textures/fontstrings only
22:06.49AarisaLayers are contained with frames and frames within stratas?
22:07.01blqeveryone: I'm doing my first tries to develope a own script.. could anyone tell me where "commands" like "addmessage" are explained? I didn't find this one @wowwiki
22:07.15foxlitWidget API should have it
22:07.17Shirik|Napyou would find that at wowwiki if you look in the right place
22:07.42Shirik|Napand please be careful, variables (including functions) are case sensitive
22:07.44AarisaAh! That looks useful!
22:07.49Shirik|NapAddMessage is not the same as addmessage
22:07.53blqhm.. I've just used the google search - I thought if google cant find it it isnt there :P
22:08.06Aarisawowwiki is the most amazing thing ever :P
22:08.25Cideblq: if google can't find it, there is no "it"
22:08.30LunessaOk, time for me to go home.  
22:08.32Shirik|Napit's definitely there,
22:08.37Lunessaciao tutti.
22:08.43Shirik|Napa bientot
22:09.01CidanPEACE OUT HOMMIE?
22:09.10blqcide: sorry I can't follow you
22:09.20Cideblq: nevermind, then :)
22:09.35Shirik|NapCidan: Obviously nobody cares about you
22:09.35blqcide: ah ok you were jokin :P
22:09.38Shirik|Napexcept me
22:10.04foxlitlocal lcmeta =  {__newindex=function(t,k,v) if type(k) == "string" then k = k:lower(); end t[k] = v; end, __index = function(t,k) if type(k) == "string" then k = k:lower(); end if type(t[k]) == "table" then return setmetatable(t[k], lcmeta); else return t[k]; end};
22:10.14foxlit_G = setmetatable(_G, lcmeta);
22:10.59foxlitAlmost, nested tables wouldn't play nice
22:11.06blqeveryone: is it possible to use variables and text strings in the same "addmessage" output?
22:11.14Shirik|Napyour goal being to taint the entire UI to allow for case insensitivity?
22:11.20AarisaMy instincts say 'yes', blq
22:11.29blqokay - but how? :P
22:11.31Shirik|Napblq: Yes, but I would recommend reading pil first
22:11.35AarisaConcatenation :P
22:11.41Shirik|NapWe can answer the questions, but you won't learn anything from it
22:11.52Shirik|Nap.. is your concatenation operator
22:11.57Aarisa <-- This should answer all my questions :)
22:12.06Shirik|Nap>>> foo = 4; print("bar" .. foo);
22:12.07CideShirik|Nap: "bar4"
22:12.31Cideblq: it'll help you
22:12.36Shirik|Napit will
22:12.37blqfor sure I'm reading wow wiki up and downwards - but somehow I don't find that much - thanx @ cide I'll try that page
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22:12.50Shirik|NapI recommended it first T_T
22:13.02blqthx 2 you 2 :P
22:13.04Cidethe wow wiki is more of a reference manual
22:13.04foxlitwowwiki covers more of the wow-specific API, rather than general lua concepts
22:13.20foxlitbump the ace rdx thread!
22:13.31Cideit's more of a "what's this function used for? where can I find an event for X?" deal
22:14.02foxlitNapping people don't talk!
22:14.10blqShirik|Nap: foo = 4; print("bar" .. foo); << thx, that helped me
22:14.11AarisaHe didn't talk, technically
22:14.14AarisaHe .............. ed
22:14.17Endit's a little better than that, but not a lot
22:14.32AarisaApparently he fell asleep on his '.' button and rolled over onto the enter key
22:14.36foxlitHe wasn't silent! :P
22:14.57foxlitAnd that's a rather difficult feat to accomplish on a keyboard
22:14.58EndShirik|Nap: so, ...... ... .. ..   ...........?
22:15.34*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|__ (
22:17.15AarisaStrata > Frame level > Frames > Layers ... sound right?
22:17.27Cideframes aren't actually layers
22:17.38Cidebut yes, otherwise that's correct
22:17.46AarisaI mean layers are contained within frames
22:18.00Cideyes, but that has no effect on the actual rendering :)
22:18.11CideStrata > Frame level > Layers
22:18.25foxlitAnd virtually everything can stretch outside the parent container
22:18.37AarisaHehe, I've seen that :x
22:18.54Cide>>> 240/160 == 1024/768
22:18.55CideCide: false
22:19.09foxlit>>> 240/160, 1024/768
22:19.09Cidefoxlit: 1.5,  1.3333333333333
22:19.16Endframe sizes are useful for anchoring and catching mouse clicks :P
22:19.34foxlitInsets are bloody awful on some addons
22:19.44foxlit$parentparent works in XML, right?
22:19.55CideI've never used it
22:19.56foxlit(as in relativeTo="$parentparent")
22:20.00CideI don't think it works
22:20.04EndI've never seen anyone use it.
22:20.14CideI think that would translate into self:GetParent():GetName().."parent"
22:21.00*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|__ (
22:21.34Endand I can say Blizzard doesn't use it.
22:21.43foxlitThat sounds about right.
22:23.12CidanDon't you hate it when you define a function in a library, you use it, but then you think of a better name for the function after you place it all over the code?
22:23.37AarisaHahaha, yeah, that's no fun
22:23.41Cidanie: AddChild should have been named SetChild, sigh.
22:23.51Cidanand that's after I renamed it from AddObject
22:24.02AarisaDepends on what the function does
22:24.14AarisaIf it creates something new, it should be addChild
22:24.24AarisaIf it modifies something old, it should be setChild
22:24.34Cidanit does both, so I'll name it set
22:24.49AarisaIt does both?
22:24.53CidanIt does both
22:25.04EndAh, yes, but does it do both?
22:25.47AarisaI think it might do both
22:26.01Endisn't it, add if you can have multiple, set if you can only have one?
22:26.02Aarisa<-- is too java-oriented
22:26.32AarisaYes, End
22:26.38Cidanyou can override a child that is in place
22:26.42AarisaBut you can set an old child too
22:26.47Cidanw:SetChild(name, child);
22:26.56CideCidan: regexps!
22:27.42Cidehahaha, I was about to link that, Kaydeethree
22:28.00Aarisaparent:addChild( ... ) versus parent:setChild( childid, ... )
22:28.16AarisaThat's how I would differentiate anyways :x
22:28.48Kaydeethreemeh, at some point I'm going to buy a "sudo make me a sandwich" shirt
22:28.50Cidanyou don't frame:addAttribute, you frame:setAttribute; :P
22:29.13Endwell, it's one child per "key" or whatever
22:29.18Endset set makes sense here I think
22:30.07AnduinLotharany regex pro's wanna help? perl syntax.  i need to find all "&" that aren't part of a "&amp;"
22:31.02Aarisa#&^(amp;)# ? ... not sure if that's perl syntax though
22:32.58Cidebad repeat?
22:33.28Endis that pcre, or actual perl?
22:33.59Cidepreg_replace('/&(?!amp;)/', '&amp;', $str) // doesn't work?
22:34.01End(there isn't much difference, but there is a difference)
22:34.13Shirik182:332:59  » 12[notice from NickServ12]: You cannot GHOST yourself.
22:34.32AnduinLotharREG_BADRPT cide
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22:34.52AnduinLothardont think it likes the (?!
22:34.54ShirikCide: Want me to send you regexbuddy?
22:35.00Shirikhere, I'll just run it real quick
22:35.03Endit probably doesn't support that
22:35.06Cidewhat about
22:35.09Cidepreg_replace('/\&(?!amp;)/', '&amp;', $str)
22:35.13AarisaI thought ^ was the nulling character
22:35.17Endpcre tends to have 1 or 2 extra features, and miss 1 or 2 features
22:35.24AarisaErm, not nulling, negating
22:35.24Endthey're -almost- the same
22:35.25Cide(?!foo) is negative lookahead
22:35.32ShirikCide: That is legal
22:35.35Shirikwhat are you trying to match
22:35.43CideShirik: & not followed by 'amp;'
22:35.53AnduinLotharsame cide
22:35.56Shirikthat will match &
22:36.03Shirikeven if it's followed by amp;
22:36.07Shirik(will just match the &)
22:36.14ShirikI take that back
22:36.16ShirikI forgot the ;
22:36.19Shirikthat's correct
22:36.22Cidehehe, good :)
22:36.24CideAnduinLothar: try \\& then
22:36.26AnduinLothari want to match all &'s that AREN'T followed by amp;
22:36.29Cidepreg_replace('/\\&(?!amp;)/', '&amp;', $str)
22:36.34CideI fail at php
22:37.01AarisaDoes it work if you group?
22:37.07Shirik<3 regex buddy
22:37.12Shirikcoolest program I ever got
22:37.16CidanYou know what's great?  When you mess up and find/replace AddChild with GetChild
22:37.18Shirikof course, got it for patterns far ore coplicated
22:37.28AnduinLothararg. somehow i'd replaced preg_replace with ereg_replace
22:37.29AarisaHahahahaha, poor Cidan
22:37.30Shirikand I have GOT to fix this damn m key
22:37.43ShirikAnduinLothar: heh, that'd do it
22:37.54Endyeah, it would :P
22:38.12CideAnduinLothar: oh, hehe
22:38.32CideAnduinLothar: just try '/&(?!amp;)/' then
22:39.10AnduinLotharok, that works
22:39.14CideShirik: I may try regex buddy out
22:39.17Shirikit's nice
22:39.19art3misawesome big ol thunder and lightning storm
22:39.21AnduinLotharof course now i have another problem
22:39.24Shirikif you come across something you don't know, it can pull it up:
22:39.35AarisaGrouping in regex was always convoluted to me
22:39.41AnduinLotharit now breaks all other special chars
22:39.50CidanI wonder if I can bring a bot in here to run regex patterns...
22:39.58AnduinLothar&nbsp; becomes &amp;nbsp;
22:40.05ShirikMatch the character "&" literally «&»
22:40.05ShirikAssert that it is impossible to match the regex below starting at this position (negative lookahead) «(?!amp;)»
22:40.05ShirikMatch the characters "amp;" literally «amp;»
22:40.17Shirik(Those are tabulated to make it more readable, irc just hates me)
22:40.20EndAnduinLothar: that's a feature *wink*
22:40.37Shirikbut that is the smallest feature it has
22:40.40ShirikI <3 its debugging
22:40.58Shirikyou can go through a match step by step to figure out exactly why something isn't matching
22:41.02CideAnduinLothar: what about "/&(?![a-zA-Z0-9#]+;)/" ?
22:41.27CideAnduinLothar: should match &foo and &, but not &nbsp; or &foo; or &#169;
22:41.38Cideshould match the & in &foo, that is
22:41.41Shirikor \\w :P
22:41.45AnduinLotharguess that works
22:41.46Shirikwell, [\\w#]
22:42.03CideShirik: ya, well, I wasn't sure if that worked in pcre :)
22:42.11AnduinLotharlooks good thx
22:42.15Cideplus I always get confused which stuff it matters and which it doesn't
22:42.32CideI spent some 2h debugging the other day because I used \w and it didn't match -
22:43.21AnduinLothar$content_string = preg_replace('/&(?![\\w#]+;)/', '&amp;${1}', $content_string);
22:43.50AnduinLothardont need the \\ actually
22:43.55AnduinLotharjust 1
22:44.37Cide${1}? backreference?
22:44.39Shirikthat can depend
22:44.48Shirikin that case, yes it's ok
22:44.52Shirikcause php doesn't understand \w
22:44.57Cidanremember kids, don't use . and use :
22:45.05CidanI need food.
22:45.07Shirikbut if it were something like \t, php would have a fit
22:45.11Shirikor \n
22:45.21Shirikso I think in general it's best to escape all your backslashes
22:45.52CidanI think if it required minimal memory usage, PHP would have a fit. :P
22:46.22AnduinLotharit's a blog, not a web enterprise
22:46.39*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:47.37Cidehey! :P
22:47.38Shirikdamn you tab complete!
22:47.46ShirikI demand Cidan change his name to be more distinct
22:49.21art3mishah a t-shirt thats says "i survived roe v wade"
22:49.21buuHA HA PHP
22:49.54Shirikp.s. Cide: To answer your question way back when
22:49.59Shirikyes that's a backreference :P
22:50.13Cideshould remove it then
22:50.19Cide(?!...) won't match anything
22:50.21art3misjust found my dreamcast
22:50.30Shirikisn't \1 the entire match?
22:50.31art3misand it even ahs the boot cd with it!!!
22:50.37CideShirik: no clue
22:50.47CideShirik: if it is, it'll end up being &amp;&
22:50.55Cidesince & will be the entire match always
22:51.05Shirikyou're right
22:51.21CidanNalia just asked if we're secret lovers
22:51.26CidanI said yes.
22:51.32Shirikof course
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22:52.13JoshBorkeit is obvious after all
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22:52.37Shirikyeah, the backreference is totally unneeded
22:52.51Shiriknow that I've wrapped my head around the reasoning behind it
22:53.11Shirikhowever, a better question is, AnduinLothar
22:53.17Shirikthis is PHP? Why aren't you using htmlspecialchars?
22:53.40AnduinLotharbecause i only want to replace &'s that aren't already used in special chars
22:54.19Shirikphp 5.2.3 allows for that
22:54.21AnduinLotharand, yes the backreference is needed because otherwise it will erase the character following the &
22:54.23Shirikif you're running that late
22:54.51Shirikit shouldn't, no... (?! does not "match" anything, just asserts something
22:55.20Shirikbut yeah, if you're on 5.2.3, see
22:55.24Shirikdoubleencode = false
22:55.29art3misaside from crazy taxi whats a fun dc game?
22:56.20Cidanpower stone
22:56.25Cidansonic adventure
22:56.28cladhaireworms armageddon
22:56.39AnduinLotharyou can get armagedon on pc tho
22:56.40Shirikpower stone
22:56.42Kaydeethreeneed to play that again at some point, it's been entirely too long
22:56.46Shirikpower stone is own
22:56.49Cidanpower stone is the best.
22:56.49art3misfound my binder of 100 games too
22:56.53CidanI still have my DC
22:56.56ShirikWe used to play that in one of my classes
22:57.06Shirikthe teacher and I would team up, we made an awesome team :P
22:57.06art3misnow to find my other controller that has me mem card
22:57.10Shirik2v2 madness = fun
22:57.13Shirikwell that was power stone 2
22:57.20TainPowerstone, Soul Calibur, Skies of Arcadia, Chu Chu Rocket
22:57.21Shirikwe did power stone 1 for a bit, that had to be 1v1 though :(
22:57.25art3misits too bad the dc died
22:57.30TainHouse of the Dead 2, if you get guns.
22:57.31art3misit's a great system
22:57.38Shirikpower stone was god
22:57.55TainShenmue, Samba de Amigo, Jet Grind Radio
22:57.57ShirikI was that girl with the shruikens
22:58.02Shirikforget her name :(
22:58.14CideAnduinLothar: yes, Shirik is right - (?!foo) doesn't match anything, it just "looks ahead" and makes sure the following text doesn't match
22:58.34art3misalone in the dark!
22:58.36Shirikin fact, regexbuddy even makes a point to say that :P
22:58.45Shirik"Assert that it is impossible to match the regex below starting at this position (negative lookahead) «(?!amp;)»"
22:58.52art3miskeep in mind that i despise all fighting games that arent mortal kombat
22:58.53ShirikIt uses the term "assert" whenever it isn't matching something
23:00.16Shirikso AnduinLothar, you updated enough to use that function instead? :P
23:00.28ShirikMy host has us on php 4.4 :( But' l'll be fixing that shortly
23:00.38AnduinLotharcan't don't want to replace <> or " '
23:00.57AnduinLotharunless i can specify charset
23:01.15AnduinLotharnot what i though
23:01.22Shirikiirc there's a way around that too
23:01.26Shirikbut I can't remember what it is
23:01.31AnduinLothari really only need &'s replaced
23:01.32Shirikand it's quickly becoming more trouble than the regex
23:01.46AnduinLotharsince that's what xhtml whine's about
23:01.55AnduinLotharand what blogger doesn't want to be compat with
23:03.45AnduinLotharok, now i need a function to replace all "',;=- with <wbr/> within <code> tags
23:04.39art3mishey anduin when you get bored wanna drag me through skf or gnomer?
23:04.44art3miserr sfk
23:05.01CidanShirik, almost all of grid is switched over to SetChild
23:05.04Cidanmuch cleaner
23:05.05AnduinLotharwho're u?
23:05.19Cidaninstread of,, grid.wtfpwn.
23:05.22Cidanand so on, :P
23:05.42Kaydeethreehrm. some wtfpwn would be good right about now
23:05.50ShirikAnduinLothar: <wbr/> ?
23:06.08AnduinLotharit tells browsers that it's an acceptable place to line break
23:06.14art3misor do i have you confused with someone else
23:06.37art3misare you on kelthuzad?
23:06.49art3misk i do have you confused
23:06.54art3misnm then ;P
23:07.05AnduinLotharKJ, not KT
23:07.36Shirikhaven't really gotten into XHTML myself
23:08.11AnduinLothar<wbr/> is good for wrapping long lines of code without spaces
23:08.29AnduinLotharand still allows for copyign the text fromt he browser
23:09.18AnduinLotharthe problem is there's no way to jsut tell the browser it can wrap on any non alpha numeric, you have to specify chunks
23:10.02Legorolhm, noob question: if a non-LOD AddOn (call it X) has an LOD AddOn (call it Y) as an OptDep, will the loading of X cause Y to load?
23:10.29Shirikgood question
23:10.33Shirikguess is yes
23:10.43Shirikpurely a guess
23:12.36foxlitI'd say yes as well
23:22.49Punkie`That must be a real girl on the internet! Quick, get her!
23:23.02art3misheh ya know that layout is pretty nice
23:23.11art3misthe colours make me shudder though
23:23.17Punkie`art3mis: want some delicious cake?
23:23.45art3misI hear in 2.3 that's going to be the default UI for paladins.
23:23.53art3mismmm cake
23:24.02mikmaPunkie`: get her and surprise buttsecks!!!
23:24.03art3misi want a hellow kitty ui
23:24.16art3misthat would be great
23:24.21art3misrenames all your tooltips
23:24.36ShirikCide is a real girl imo
23:24.42art3misand puts all damage in nice happy bubble lettering
23:24.46CideShirik: you wish
23:24.49purl"Welcome to IRC: where the men are men, the women are men, and the little girls are FBI agents."
23:24.59Punkie`he heh heh
23:25.04Punkie`it had acid in it
23:25.23Punkie`I added it in as a freebie
23:25.24art3misgood bye world of warcraft hello hello kitty island adventure!@
23:25.44art3misokay this is wierd
23:25.51art3misi installed opera today to check some stuff out
23:26.06Punkie`Opera owns
23:26.12Punkie`are you using it for IRC?
23:26.14art3misand for some reason the internet looks cleaner and crisper and has "more true" colours
23:26.28art3misits kind of creepy
23:26.30Punkie`use it for IRC!
23:26.34Punkie`I do!!
23:26.42art3misyou alwso make cakes with acid
23:26.43AnduinLotharOpera makes me want to kill kittens
23:26.50Punkie`I hope that's a good way
23:26.54Punkie`as in the fapping kind of way
23:26.54foxlitOpera has pulled in into an alternate reality
23:27.05art3misi think so fox
23:27.06AnduinLotharit's rendering is so.... not good
23:27.07foxlitAnd updated your internet to Web 4.0
23:27.21Punkie`what is web 4.0?
23:27.26Punkie`dogtag embedded?
23:27.28art3mis2 above web v2.0
23:27.32Punkie`i lolled
23:27.49art3misweb 4.0 is ckk's version
23:28.08art3misyou've got 16 dynamic tabs created each time you start it and 7 layers of menu options for each tab
23:28.26art3misit also lists itself in taskmanager 14 times just so you remember
23:28.33Punkie`does it collect my garbage irl every time my screen refreshes ?
23:28.47foxlitRather than storing all content on a single server, websites are split between 16 servers that turn on and off based on whether enough people access them!
23:28.55art3mishah fox
23:29.01Shirikdan what I would give for a garbage collector irl
23:29.06Shirikas much as I hate garbage collectors
23:29.08Shirikthat would be awesome
23:29.15Punkie`damn straight
23:29.21art3misman i cant wai for distributed websites
23:29.42art3mis"shit only 1 seed for this site and he's offline"
23:30.00Punkie`oh god
23:30.15Punkie`p2p websites
23:30.15art3misgranted its not a porn site
23:30.28Punkie`If that ever happens
23:30.29art3missince obviously those would ALWAYS have 40k+ seeds
23:30.38Punkie`I will kill you art3mis
23:30.41foxlitAnd blizzard still uses a horribly bugged BT client
23:30.47CideShirik: that'd be interesting.. "oh, Cide no longer references this sock, for it's hidden under his bed. destroy it!"
23:30.56art3misfoxlit: they stopped showing the absolute url too
23:31.02foxlitCouldn't update PTR version since downloader got stuck at 99.9% and refused to request pieces
23:31.17Rallionporn is more like "ahh it's done cancel cancel cancel!
23:31.22Rallionend quote.
23:31.27art3misyou could check the downloader.log for the real torrent link and use a diff client
23:31.41art3misrallion: my bt sites would disagree ;P
23:31.45foxlitI wasn't interested enough
23:31.55foxlitBut it's sad, I posted about that issue several months back
23:32.03Punkie`you would just go to a patch mirror and HTTP it 1 hour after its released
23:32.04art3misfoxlit: im saying that doesnt work anymore, it doesnt right the full url
23:32.34Punkie`foxlit: I remember that being a 'thumbs.db' problem
23:32.41Punkie`you know, that windows cache thing
23:33.07art3misman could you imagine how horrible that would be forthe mpaa and riaa ?
23:33.09foxlitIt's pretty simple :)
23:33.28art3missomeone posts and instantly it's on 4million computers(r fragments there of
23:33.56art3misheh i was reading about the simpsons movie today
23:34.15art3misappearantly within an hour of it being online 140k copies had been moved and leeched
23:34.28art3misthe mpaa had no idea how to stop it
23:35.01art3misit's like they time warped back to 1989 in that they THOUGHT first off they could
23:35.38Ralliondid you see it?
23:35.57art3misyeah im in nyc, saw it 2 days before release
23:36.01art3misditto for transformers
23:36.07Rallionfor any who didn't see it, in the opening bart is writing on the blackboard something like "I will not download this movie on the internet"
23:36.08foxlitBT makes almost no attempt at concealing who is sharing what, so the technically correct solution is to sue them all.
23:36.08art3miswhich btw is still my fav movie of this year
23:36.10Rallionand it was funny.
23:36.15RallionTransformers was awesome
23:36.19art3misthe whole intro is hilarious
23:36.30foxlitwowp2p, coming soon to a wow client near you!
23:36.33art3mismocking everyone who came to a movie for something they could get on tv free
23:37.34Cidanpewpewpew lasers.
23:37.52Cidanif WoW could write to hard disk
23:37.59Cidanit can!
23:38.08Cideoh.. really..? :P
23:38.09Cidanbetcha I could make a WoW p2p client
23:38.18Cidanwell it can write vars to disk
23:38.20foxlitIt's easy!
23:38.30Cideshould make addons distributed via p2p
23:38.39Cidethe only problem would be security, of course, but who cares
23:39.08foxlitThere's no real security to begin with; signing could solve some of the problems as well.
23:39.15*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
23:39.21art3miscide: didnt rdx do that already with thier layout stuff?
23:39.27Cideart3mis: no idea
23:39.31CideI'm planning on doing it
23:39.39art3misthat seems...bad ;P
23:39.52AnduinLotharare addons even large enough to bother p2pign them?
23:39.53Cideyou just limit it to very specific syntax
23:40.23Cidefor example CT_RaidAssist2.Distributed.<Foo>(<...>)
23:40.29Cideonly allow function calls like that
23:41.14CideAnduinLothar: there's no point in distributing full addons like that, no
23:41.21Cidebut you might want to distribute dynamic content and such
23:41.41foxlitYou could distribute addons like that to enable people to [virtually always] run the current version
23:42.07foxlitWithout actually requiring them to bother with downloading updates, just as long as someone does it.
23:44.45Cidefoxlit: if you were very creative, yep
23:45.30Cidanyesh, but if you lost your saved vars, you'd lose the updates
23:45.33BleeterKaydeethree: I've just had a quick email exchange with the Fedora Wine maintainer, looks like I've been able to convince him to push a 0.9.43 build on to the testing repo this weekend. I'll keep you posted.
23:46.51CideCidan: yep, in which case you'd have to update manually (*gasp*!)
23:48.24foxlitOr you could acquire your saved vars again :)
23:48.46Cidanbleh, either way I wouldn't use it to update UI's, but to stream dynamic content like RDX6 did
23:48.56Cidanie: new window configs and templates
23:49.34foxlitMinor bugfixes could also be good
23:49.54foxlitSuppose you messed up a release to botch some sync message that suddenly becomes importnat - you could push code to fix that.
23:50.06ShirikCidan doesn't know of my latest project I think
23:50.18Cidanwut, the Java one?
23:50.26CidanThen... no.
23:50.35Shirikfoxlit knows I think
23:50.36Shirikand Cide
23:50.41Shirikit involves RSA encryptions
23:50.57foxlitThere's no real encryption :)
23:51.04Shirikthat's still a form of encryption
23:51.29ShirikCidan, I had a mostly-functional, secure method of updating RDX over guild chat
23:51.32foxlitIt's a form of cryptography :)
23:51.34Shirikdistributing critical patches, etc.
23:51.53foxlitBut it doesn't protect your messages from being read when intercepted
23:52.30Cidannot just that, what if you had some raid leader who sent out code that would destroy the UI
23:52.30Shirikit was beautiful
23:52.41Shirikthey can't sign it
23:52.50foxlitJust verifies that the message probably came from a specific source, even if through an insecure channel
23:52.51Shirikall patches are signed with a 2048-bit signature
23:52.54Shirikonly I have the private key
23:53.36Shirikfoxlit wrote the inherent library though
23:54.37ShirikI just took it and pushed it to its fullest potential
23:55.03CidanI guess that would be pretty secure
23:55.16ShirikI got sick of "omfg xx doesn't work" "well MAYBE if you went to the WEBSITE"
23:55.21Shirik"but I just updated last week!"
23:55.32Shirik"Well I just fixed that yesterday!"
23:55.40CidanI still don't like it
23:55.51Cidananother addon could wait for your input on the private key
23:55.53Cidanand intercept it
23:56.06Cidanhow do you figure?
23:56.10Shirikthe private key is never distributed, ever
23:56.27CidanDo you run this data through the private key before you start the game?
23:56.35Cidanand load it into a var file?
23:56.35ShirikHere's how it works
23:56.44Shirikme, myself, and only me, I write a patch and sign i
23:57.09ShirikI then take that signature and put it into the patch file itself. The public key is distributed with the module and doesn't change between patches
23:57.29Cidank, well then, all is well I suppose
23:57.31ShirikI distribute the patches pre-signed, and guild chat works as a network of people filling in missing patches
23:57.32foxlitI'd code a revoke mechanism if I were you
23:57.42Shirikprobably a good idea, yes
23:57.45Shirikbut hadn't really gotten that far
23:58.14Shirikthe only real problem
23:58.19Shiriksigning the patch took 10 minutes on average
23:58.27Shirikverifying the signature, though, took all of about 5 seconds
23:58.36Shirikand since I'm the only one who needs to sign...
23:58.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (
23:58.48Shirikit wasn't intended to be a replacement for periodic updates, just a means to distribute critical updates
23:58.56Shirikuntil they fully patch
23:59.41Cidanwhat if someone logs into the game with a 1 month old version and we've put out two hard updates since then, but then they get a patch for the last hard version
23:59.56Cidanin which a function or method existed that didn't a month ago

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