IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070816

00:01.05*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
00:13.29AnduinLotharanyone know how to put example code in xhtml so that it it doesn't parse the code within?
00:13.52haste<!-- --> ?
00:14.02AnduinLotharno, i want it to show on the page
00:14.11hastethen you just have to use the entities
00:14.14AnduinLotharcode doesn't seem to work.
00:14.33Cideyou have to replace <> with &lt; and &gt;
00:14.53Cideand ideally the others too (& => &amp; etc)
00:15.37AnduinLotharoh, duh...
00:26.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
00:27.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
00:35.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
00:59.37*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
01:02.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
01:20.44*** join/#wowi-lounge dolby-wowi_ (
01:26.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
01:26.28CidanAnd that's why Shirik smells.
01:26.30CidanThe end.
01:26.41CidanI hope you all enjoyed the story.
01:26.51CidanAt least as much as I enjoyed telling it.
01:27.12Thunder_Childit was a very good story
01:27.13CidanO hai
01:27.32Thunder_Childwhens the movie coming out?
01:27.35Shirik/ignore Cidan!*@*
01:28.20CidanI made some changes to the way grids render
01:28.25Cidanit's a lot tighter now
01:28.31ShirikI read "grids" as "girls"
01:28.35Shirikthat's pretty bad ><
01:28.51Thunder_Childyes, girls *are* a lot tighter now
01:28.57Shirikhey btw
01:28.58CidanOh jesus.
01:28.59Thunder_Childthey have meds for thayt
01:29.07ShirikI'm going to be in Virginia tomorrow
01:29.12CidanWhere abouts?
01:29.14Shirikbut I'll be going to florida fri-sun
01:29.18ShirikThen coming back to VA again
01:29.23Cidanfor how long?
01:29.26Shirikfor a week or so
01:29.29Shirikuntil school starts
01:29.54ShirikI was gonna drive home tonight
01:29.55CidanOkay, well, tomorrow is... fine for me, but Nal's won't be home 'til like almost 8
01:29.57Shirikbut apparently "I'm not allowed"
01:30.10Shirikthey apparently won't let me in the house if I come home today
01:30.14Shiriksomething about "too dangerous"
01:30.39Shirikparents >.> I don't own a house in virginia I have to stay with them
01:31.25CidanWhere are they?
01:31.30CidanI'll go drive to them and talk to them
01:31.51Cidanso I guess next week will be the best time?
01:32.11CidanYou can come on over while Nal's is at work, we can uh, go do stuff
01:32.30Thunder_Childlol, sounds like you 2 are having an affair
01:32.34CidanI has a wii, PS2, go eat, throw a football in the park... son.
01:32.35Shirikyou have no idea
01:32.42CidanYeah, seriously.
01:33.05Shirikp.s. I can throw a football about half a foot
01:33.08Shirikif I'm lucky
01:33.32Shirikanyway I probably won't be around until.....
01:33.39Shirik2PM if I leave at 9
01:34.00CidanWell you can come over later, get here ~ when Nal's gets here
01:34.05Cidanwe can go to dinner or something
01:34.09Cidando you like Pho?
01:34.21ShirikI'm assuming that's asian and I like almost any asian food so sure
01:34.32Shirikamerican food is too bland
01:34.39Cidanthis is anything but
01:34.57CidanNow I'm going to say this as witness
01:35.05Cidaner rather, for all to witness
01:35.12CidanI do hope you're not shy in person, because I'm not.
01:35.22CidanAnd as I'm sure #wowi-lounge can tell you, I talk A LOT.
01:35.32Shirikand usually nobody listens
01:35.34ShirikI kid I kid!
01:35.39CidanToo true.
01:35.58ShirikI just spent the last 30 minutes troubleshooting this printer
01:36.00Shirikit's off.....
01:37.16ShirikI blame vista
01:38.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
01:38.20*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
01:38.33CidanI blame Tem
01:38.37JoshBorkei blame shirik
01:38.45Shirikit's totally Tem's fault
01:38.55TainI blame society.
01:39.00JoshBorkefor you not being able to turn on a printer?
01:39.05TemCidan, that's just gross
01:39.31ShirikI love how I can click "run as administrator" on a printer -_-
01:39.32Shirikwtf does that mean
01:40.51Shirikr34 being...
01:40.52CidanUh, I don't know, er, it... I dunno?
01:41.03CidanCan you lock down printers in Vista?
01:41.09CidanI guess you can, but hmm.
01:41.17Shirikthis is the first time I've ever seen it
01:41.24Shirikand I'm never getting it on my computer after what I've seen
01:42.11CidanAs do I
01:42.18TainI can't stand it.
01:42.20Shirikthere's just way too much going on for me
01:42.29TainI have to use it at work, and it just gets in my way.
01:42.31ShirikI just want something that works, nothing "zomg fade in fly across the screen"
01:42.40CidanI love windows-tab, :P
01:42.44Shirik"wtf you clicked install something, are you sure?!?!11one"
01:42.47Cidanin particular when I'm coding
01:42.52TainEverything I try to do as an admin causes Vista to stand in front of me and yell, "You shall not pass!"
01:43.01TemShirik, that's the first thing I do is turn it off
01:43.03Cidanyou guys don't disable UAC?
01:43.09Cidanme too
01:43.10ShirikI'm not going to turn it off on my aunt's computer
01:43.10TainDisabling UAC doesn't solve everything.
01:43.14Shirikshe don't know what the hell she's doing
01:43.31Tems/that's //
01:43.48Shirikp.s., wtb Conspiracy hostname!
01:43.49TainEven disabling UAC doesn't make you a full admin, you still have to sometimes launch things as an Administrator specifically.
01:44.00Cidanoh right
01:44.02Cidanwhat do you want?
01:44.06Shirikso I can submit a RFG
01:44.11Cidanhelp us guys
01:44.18Cidanwe need a domain name for conspiracy
01:44.24Shirikwhat did you suggest earlier? ?
01:44.30Cidanyeah, but, you'll laugh
01:44.31TainAnd in its infinite wisdom MS decided that you cannot do things like copy and paste between an admin launched window, and a non-admin window.
01:44.37CidanI'm afraid WoW'ers can't spell conspiracy
01:44.52Shirikit's probably true
01:45.01TainI'm surprised when WoW'ers can spell WoW.
01:47.29CidanNal's said sure
01:47.41Cidannext monday
01:47.44Shirikah cool I guess?
01:48.28ShirikI do see your concern though
01:48.32Shirikpeople not being able to spell it
01:48.50CidanYeah, I cringe when I see
01:48.51Shirikthough something said by Cide (or someone else) a while ago would follow along the lines of if you can't spell it, you don't want them as a user :P
01:48.57CidanI'm not even sure it's right the way I just typed it.
01:49.13Shirikno "a"
01:49.20Shirikand no "e"
01:49.21Cidanah, see? :D
01:49.44CideShirik: it's true
01:50.27CidanI want as many people using it as possible, really. :D
01:50.38CidanSoon, it will be downloaded onto computers
01:50.41Cidanthen cellphones
01:50.44Cidanthen it grows
01:50.47Cidanit melds with you
01:50.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
01:51.24CidanWhere were we?
01:51.25ShirikConspiracy on your phone?
01:51.53CidanWobin, ding!
01:52.29ShirikEr, afk haircut?
01:52.59*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
01:54.43CidanI need to shave my head this week sometime
01:54.50CidanI keep forgetting
01:55.31*** part/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
01:56.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:56.56CidanTV says doughnuts are high in fat, kazoo. Found a hobo in my room. It's Princess Leia, the yodel of life. Give me my sweater back or I'll play the guitar!
01:58.58WobinYata yata yata
02:01.53Cidanis sometable[1] the same as table.remove(sometable, 1); ?
02:02.18Cidansans the removal part, of course.
02:04.07Wobinindexwise, yes
02:07.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Nimble (
02:08.29Mr_Rabies2<Cidan> TV says doughnuts are high in fat, kazoo. Found a hobo in my room. It's Princess Leia, the yodel of life. Give me my sweater back or I'll play the guitar!
02:08.52Mr_Rabies2i just watched hyakugojyuuichi forever
02:08.56Mr_Rabies2get out of my miiind
02:09.18*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
02:09.24*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
02:09.29*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
02:10.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Nimble_Rabit (
02:16.48Nom-hai all
02:17.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh`` (
02:17.05Nom-Did you guys see the post from the kid who's parents banned him from WoW for checking out a Succubus?
02:17.09Nom-10/10 lol
02:18.44Shirik"checking out" ?
02:20.44ShirikNom-: Beautiful
02:24.12Cidanshirik, do me a favor?
02:24.30WobinWhy is Argent dawn back up?
02:24.33CidanToo bad, take a look at the newest code in Windows.lua, the first function
02:24.35WobinI thought we had another 6 hours or so
02:24.37Cidanthey are all back up
02:24.41Cidanthey were up hours ago
02:24.54Wobinbah, noone ever tells me these things =P
02:24.59WobinWhat happened to 48 hours?
02:25.16Cidanalways overstate something negative
02:25.25Cidanthis way when it falls short, you look good
02:25.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
02:25.36Cidanlook at that first function with the giant block of commented test code
02:25.40Cidantell me what you think of it?
02:25.49CidanIs there something I could do better?
02:25.59Thunder_Childhave someone else write it
02:26.18Cidandie, :P
02:26.32Thunder_Childbut not before making your life a living hell
02:28.46Shirik"giant block of commented test code"
02:29.19Shirikin init?
02:29.42Shirikit looks... incredibly easy
02:30.12CidanGood, whew, trying to make it as simple as possible
02:30.17Cidanand not the CF that was RDX.Cid
02:30.48Shirikis "win" a default object that will exist in all?
02:31.27Cidanin all windows, yes.
02:31.32Cidanname subject to change.
02:31.52ShirikI'm thinking perhaps we provide an additional function w:GetWindow() which is a synonym for w:GetObject"win"
02:32.12CidanAye, I have it for grid and cells
02:32.13ShirikPurely for ease of use, nothing else
02:32.19CidanLet me just do that, I guess.
02:32.30Shirikw:GetObject"win" would still be valid
02:32.41Cidanalso have w:GetClientArea()
02:32.51Cidanfor the client area below the title bar on any given theme
02:33.11Cidanso topleft of client area will always be in the same place, even if the theme has a 500pt high titlebar, :P
02:33.22Shirik"BackgroundDownloader.exe is attempting to access the internet"
02:33.28ShirikThat had me scared for a second...
02:36.56Cideany reason you use "win" instead of "window"? :P
02:37.06Cidanthe reason is
02:37.07CidanI'm a moron
02:37.16Cidanchanging all that now, :P
02:37.23Cideah, nice excuse :P
02:40.06ShirikCide, have you seen the code though?
02:40.08ShirikIt's pretty clean...
02:40.17CideI checked out the svn briefly
02:40.18ShirikAnd I like easy making UIs... cause I suck at graphics
02:40.29Shirik(I really just mean the random commented code he showed me)
02:40.31Cidemeh, it's not that hard with the built in graphics!
02:40.36Shirikno it isn't
02:40.43Shirikbut I suck at making something look good
02:40.47ShirikI can do it if you tell me exactly what you want
02:40.48Cidebut since I'm a programming I suck at graphics too
02:42.36ShirikI got dced from wow :(
02:43.10*** join/#wowi-lounge benjr (n=user@
02:43.48benjri have an addon that dosnt save my settings after when i exit wow. where could i start looking for how to configure its default settings?
02:44.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (
02:44.44benjri know thats the heart of it, but i know nothing about, but i got no idea what im lookign at when i open it
02:45.08JoshBorkemy shadowform and blood pact are flashing
02:45.08Cidanit could be anything, there is no template for configuration in WoW or anything
02:45.12JoshBorkein ct buff mod
02:45.16Cidanit could litreally be anything
02:45.22Shirikscrew wireless >.>
02:45.25benjri tried searching for "minimapiconpostion" and stuff but yea im sure its no that easy
02:45.36Cidanit could be the first line of the first file to the last line of the last file
02:47.05benjris there a fuction for drawing a window, making a minimap icon, making a button etc? if i knew what they were i might be able to bluff it
02:49.42Cidanit's just a bunch of :Show()
02:49.45Cidanand :Hide()
02:49.48Cidanand :SetPoint()
02:49.57Cidantelling you where to put the object
02:51.03benjrwhat if i have another addon thats doing somehting similar to what i want from this one, can i compare them in some way and find the part that controlls it?
02:51.47Shirikaddons can do things in completely different ways
02:51.51Shirikhell they can do them in different LANGUAGES
02:52.33benjrall i wnana do is change the X and Y of some of its element, it lets me chnage them ingame, but dosnt store them when i close :(
02:52.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
02:54.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (
02:54.14Cidanwell that was strange
02:54.25Cidanx and y of some object?  size or position?
02:55.14benjroh i mean position
02:55.24Cidanonly two ways to do that
02:55.37Cidanthe likely way is ":SetPoint"
02:55.50Cidanlook for that in the code, if not, then it's somewhere in an XML file
02:57.17benjrthats about 4 instences of that, neat :)
02:58.01benjrany quick way to test this or do i need to log into the world each time i test?
02:58.13Cidanedit the file, save, then in game /console reloadui
02:59.04benjrif im jst changing some numbers in setpoint, theres no way i can cause any harm si there?
02:59.12Cidanlikely not
02:59.16Thunder_Childthe planet could explode
02:59.20Thunder_Childbut not likely
02:59.21CidanWell yeah
02:59.22Cidanbut not likely
02:59.33Cidanyou could also crash the server
02:59.46CidanI think raids go down too, if you mess up
02:59.57CidanShirik, right?
03:00.01benjrlong i dont loose the settings in my other addons
03:00.04Thunder_Childtheos personal visits from blizz's "enforcement" division are fun
03:00.32CidanOh yeah, man, one time I crashed like 3 Naxx raids with my addon back before burning crusade
03:00.36CidanBlizzard was pisssseeddd
03:01.06Thunder_Childwell it was their own fault....they shouldnt have made it so easy to do that
03:01.16Cidanto think almost a year later, no fix.
03:01.19benjrargh why ctn icon position be simple, sin this, cos that
03:01.45Thunder_Childwasnt there something along the lines of killing you if it happened again?
03:02.21JoshBorkewhat was the problem?
03:02.22CidanI think they were about to call the Feds on me
03:02.33CidanScroll up Josh, it will all make sense.
03:02.41Thunder_Childyea, 9 mill people playing and they have to focus on one little thing
03:02.47Thunder_Childthe bastards
03:02.53benjrooo its moving stuff, exciting
03:03.05JoshBorkesomething about nax and setpointing is what i see
03:03.23JoshBorkei'm int he middle of kara =P
03:03.28Cidanwatch out! make sure it doesn't equal a negative position number, lest you get the visit I did.
03:03.41Thunder_Childhmm..blizz must be filtering JoshBorke's irc...he cant see it
03:03.57JoshBorkei'm confused
03:04.35Thunder_Childi'm sorry JoshBorke....blizz has infiltrated your system...your compramised now
03:04.39JoshBorkewhat did the bad addon do?
03:04.43Thunder_Childi wish i could spell
03:04.50Thunder_Childit would work so much better
03:08.23CidanShirik, asldkjsdjk?
03:08.32Shirikhealing ><
03:08.34*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
03:08.35Shirikwill read later
03:08.53Cidanlies, :D
03:15.26benjr"initSettings = initSettings or {}"  whats the point of making something equal itself?
03:16.05Cidanbecause it may not be empty
03:16.31Cidanthat's line is the same as: if not initSettings then initSettings = {}; end
03:22.00benjrall ive managed ot so is chnage the angle it drags at, and the location of the texure on the button :(
03:23.28Nom-Anyone try to make a ret pally on the PTR btw ?
03:23.41Nom-Fully gemmed up with the *best* premade T6 gear for Retribution Paladins
03:23.48Nom-And I had 1200AP and 21% crit
03:24.13Nom-That's with Deep Thunder, T6 retribution gear, fully gemmed with +8 STR gems
03:24.33*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
03:24.39Cidanis that the premade?
03:24.53Nom-Yeah, the premade
03:24.58Nom-The gear is shocking
03:25.14Nom-My paladin on live has 1500AP and 22% crit
03:25.22Nom-That's in like 1 piece T4 and mostly blues
03:25.47Nom-Another guildie has mostly arena gear, and has 2000AP, 24% crit
03:26.10Nom-Yet the premades, which should be the "best of the best" don't even compete with a paladin in blues
03:26.28Nom-On the other hand, they have an AWESOME set of holy dps gear
03:26.36Nom-40/0/21 build would be in heaven there
03:26.54benjri can move what looks like the button it seems, but the area that responds ot my click dosnt change /cry
03:32.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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03:53.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
03:53.24cladhairethis is the pussiest arena team i've ever gone against
03:53.29cladhaireWarlock, Paladin, Hunter
03:53.37cladhairestay inside their prep area.. and just sit there
03:55.04JoshBorkeyay nightbane
04:01.40ShirikI'm off to bed
04:01.42Shiriktake care guys
04:06.39Kaydeethreeoh, wow. the bitching on the PTR continues
04:06.48Kaydeethreemore players have been banned and "didn't do anything". lmao
04:09.51Kaydeethree among about 5 others on the front page at the moment
04:09.56Kaydeethreeit's fun baiting the fools
04:11.27Cairenn|afkoi, will people ever learn?
04:11.47Kaydeethreewhich is why I'm busy trolling the ptr forums again
04:38.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Bam__ (
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04:47.12*** join/#wowi-lounge tyroney (
04:55.35*** part/#wowi-lounge benjr (n=user@
05:03.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Saroz_ (
05:34.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
05:58.46*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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06:01.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Nimble (
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06:02.05*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
06:02.29Bleetersome people on the ptr forum are full of win.. "Game crashes every time I go into PvP combat, therefore those players are trying to hack me"
06:02.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten_ (
06:04.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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06:07.36KirkburnSo, how much [redacted] talk is there tonight? :O
06:09.18ScytheBlade1Not much
06:10.08*** join/#wowi-lounge N3cr0m4ncer (
06:14.22Mr_Rabies2i love the mangle bug
06:15.21KirkburnWhat is the mangle bug?
06:19.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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06:27.32Mr_Rabies2Kirkburn: occasionally if you spam it fast enough and have enough energy when a mob dies
06:27.45Mr_Rabies2your mangle will do the range check on the dead mob but will hit the closest enemy
06:27.50Mr_Rabies2even if it's like 40 yards off
06:28.39Mr_Rabies2i think they fixed it in 2.2
06:28.49Mr_Rabies2but i've only had it happen a handful of times
06:29.24Mr_Rabies2mostly because i use mangle as soon as i have energy if it's facing me and usually don't have enough for a 2nd right after killing one
06:37.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
06:58.26*** join/#wowi-lounge abug1 (
07:04.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
07:06.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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07:15.07*** join/#wowi-lounge tedr0ck (
07:33.59Bleeterthink I've seen all but horde win in 5 mins now in AV... warlock kiting a WM from FWK past IBGY
07:36.36Bleetersomeone called 'kite a WM'.. someone says 'ok, me'.. 'bout 2 mins later O calls 'wtf that WM go?' I say "think that was him going past me"... 'you're @ ibgy'.. "I know"
07:36.52Bleeter"wtf u doing" says O.. "kiting, wtf look like?"
07:37.29Bleetermuch hilarity
07:39.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
07:40.26Mr_Rabies2warlocks are freaking beasts in AV
07:40.51Mr_Rabies2i got like 4x the amount of damage done in an av on the ptr than anyone else
07:40.51Bleeterwish i'd recorded the lock's name.. woulda gone onto their realm and told them how much win they were
07:40.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairen1 (
07:41.00Mr_Rabies2just by standing there hitting tab and seed of corruiption
07:41.16Mr_Rabies2tab, seed, tab, seed, tab seed
07:41.24[Ammo]sounds like me :p
07:41.27Mr_Rabies2with an occasional unstable affliction
07:41.30Bleeteris seed getting buffed or nerfed in 2.2?
07:41.36Mr_Rabies2i dunno, i doubt it
07:41.38[Ammo]I think it's the same
07:41.49Mr_Rabies2i don't see locks getting many nerfs still somehow :[
07:42.02Mr_Rabies2it's about as likely as us getting potions or procs in forms
07:42.02Bleetersomething mafe me think 'nice' ;)
07:42.17Mr_Rabies2or ron paul winning the presidency
07:43.03BleeterSeed of Corruption: Dead targets will no longer be erroneously counted toward the damage cap on this spell.
07:43.45zenzelezzsounds nice
07:44.07Mr_Rabies2that's a buff in the form of a bugfix
07:44.19Mr_Rabies2i want some buffs :(
07:44.23zenzelezzwonder if that will make it easier on our locks during Morogrim
07:44.25*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
07:48.31[Ammo]zenzelezz: it's already easy enough
07:48.48zenzelezzdidn't say it isn't
07:49.01zenzelezzbut if they're currently getting an incorrectly low cap, it should go faster
07:50.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
07:52.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
08:03.12KirkburnI'm off to bed now
08:03.18KirkburnSleep well, my crazy friends :)
08:04.45zenzelezzI cringe when I click the noscript icon on a website and get a list of 10-15 sites it has currently disallowed scripts from
08:13.35*** join/#wowi-lounge dolby-wowi (n=Dolby-wo@MMOI/Administrator/Dolby)
08:13.35*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o dolby-wowi] by ChanServ
08:19.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
08:33.42Nom-Anyone seen a post by a blue indicating Crusader Strike is going to a 6 second cooldown ?
08:33.50Nom-Apparently that's _the_ rumour...
08:35.16Nom-yay for quality sigs
08:35.20Nom-"Yes, I'd like to report a bug. I spent three talent points in Improved Blizzard, but the company still sucks."
08:39.54Industrialomg nom
08:40.01Industrialthats nice
08:54.08*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
09:00.07Punkie`Did people actually get that golden pig pet from blizzcon?
09:00.22Punkie`In fact what did people get at blizzcon? :o
09:02.56*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
09:04.04Punkie`thanks nub
09:04.33Punkie`? :o
09:04.39Cairenn|afkthe "nub"
09:05.00[Ammo]punkie is silly like that
09:05.19Industrialzomg murloc suit =O
09:05.21Cairenn|afksorry, sense of humour at a low atm
09:05.21[Ammo]thinks he's above and beyond :p
09:06.07Cairenn|afkanyway, I'm going to go see if I can sleep, back later on today
09:06.18Punkie`Need murlock suit! :o
09:07.37|Pixel|need murloc suit as well :'(
09:07.51Punkie`aren't you only level 20 or so indy?
09:07.57Punkie`that potion is like 100hp
09:10.43Industrial25 actually
09:21.52sag_ich_nicht[10:33] <Nom-> Anyone seen a post by a blue indicating Crusader Strike is going to a 6 second cooldown ? <--want a photo from blizzcon or something? because that's where it's from, it was changed that way in the WotLK demo stations
09:28.26Nom-fair enough
09:28.31Nom-<-- wants a murloc suit :(
09:29.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
09:38.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Drool (
09:40.11Bleeterare BG summonses re-enabled yet?
09:43.18sag_ich_nichtno, and they are probably going to stay disabled.
09:43.40sag_ich_nichttoo much (ab)use in AV
09:45.19BleeterI'd argue a crucial tactic in some situations
09:45.48Nom-lol they really turned them off?
09:45.53Bleeterdid they say something @ blizzcon?
09:46.03Nom-Wow... that's just like another big nail in the coffin for Horde
09:46.07BleeterNom-: yeah, I thought it was due to abuse in WSG falg caps
09:46.21Nom-Given that was one of the few ways we'd actually win... summon half the raid past the defense
09:46.37Bleetersame when horde block allianec @ galv/IB
09:46.59Nom-Such a wide gap for alliance to get past
09:47.25Bleeternot really, wipe 'em on galv, then when they get back down just hold the gap between IBGY and T
09:47.38Nom-Any alliance that can't get to Frostwolf needs to l2p... that's the biggest complaint, we have NO way to block the
09:48.36Bleeterhmm, you should drop by the battlegroup I'm on sometimes
09:48.51Bleeter<WILL WIPE YOU ON GALV> are masters of the art of blocking near IB
09:49.23Nom-lol the best defense I ever saw on AV we had 20 people camping the pass you're talking about
09:49.25Bleetermind you, most alliance are clueless as to how to work it
09:49.44Bleeterthat's pretty much it.. wipe them on galv, or knock them heavily on galv.. then hold that pass
09:49.56Bleeterif you're lucky, allies won't take SH in revenge
09:50.04Bleeterwhich is about 9/10
09:50.10Nom-About 20 mins in, both frostwolf graveyards, and both towers were simultaneously capped
09:50.17Nom-And they had 30 people at Frostwolf
09:50.23Nom-That was with NOONE getting past the defense
09:50.52Nom-there was about 10 at the gap, and 10 at frostwolf, who got completely overrun
09:50.53Bleetersomething you say makes no sense 'no one got past defensive line @ IB'... '30 got past'
09:50.55Nom-It sucked
09:51.15Nom-That's the thing... you can't stop them... turns out they went up past some hill which noone thought they could go through
09:51.23Nom-straight past all defenders
09:51.34Nom-I'm so over the AV thing anyway
09:51.37Nom-Just go there to farm honor
09:51.42Bleeterafker, eh?
09:52.00Nom-No not really
09:52.07Nom-I can't say I really put much effort into it though
09:52.36Bleetermaybe that's why you bitch bout alliance! :P
09:52.42Nom-running naked up to clothies and hitting them with my blacksmith hammer doesn't really help the cause much :)
09:53.39Nom-nah, i used to respec to ret and go hitting AV hard
09:53.52Nom-Then I discovered there was no point, because no matter how many people I WTFpwned we still lost
09:54.17Nom-At one point, I was #1 damage and killing blows in the game
09:54.22Nom-We still lost abysmally
09:54.46Bleeteraye, well, yeah, some real good horde on our battlegroup... actually take the fight to alliance... it's prolly 50/50
09:54.59Nom-Yeah, well it's not like we don't
09:55.23Nom-But it's just the fact they can bypass so much of our defense without even trying
09:55.30Nom-And we have to constantly throw ourselves at them
09:55.33Nom-It's a no-win
09:55.49Nom-So quite frankly, it's not a matter of the horde being better, but the alliance being worse :)
09:56.13Nom-Horde as a general rule is much better at PvP... we very rarely lose in any other BG that I've been in
09:56.30Nom-I played something like 20 games of AV over the AV weekend just gone
09:56.32Nom-0 wins
09:56.42Bleeterbah, l2p :P
09:56.48Nom-Played ~ 10 games of WSG this weekend just gone, won 9
09:57.10Nom-I think my win ratio is about 95% over every battleground except AV, which is 0%
09:57.35Nom-Yeah, I just play defense
09:57.39Nom-More fun than going out the back
10:12.35*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
10:13.47Mr_Rabies2if WSG was more like tribes
10:27.50IndustrialCTF games with different classes are fun when everybody knows his role
10:28.32Industrialeg dont defend as rogue, dont steal flags as priest (kinda useless class for that init) etc
10:29.21Industrialwarriors and dps go midfield, make sure healers dont get hit, healers stand back
10:30.03Industrialway faster then everyone trying to get a kill
10:30.12Industrialits fun when it works
10:30.51Industrialmages and rogues and pallies team up for the enemy flag
10:31.40Industrialthats just my tactics tho
10:31.59Mr_Rabies2they just need to have a way to prevent flag turtling
10:32.37Mr_Rabies2like after being out of combat with the flag for >1m you take x% of your hp per sec in damage
10:33.04Mr_Rabies2or something
10:33.44BleeterNom-: heh, worthy to note after that AV convo, horde used the tactic I told you about.. worked fine for them ... l2p :P
10:34.31Industrialwhat tactic? ZERGZERG ohnoes lol they got defence ah we lose again?
10:34.59Industrialthats the prob i always had in av, noone wanted to defend
10:35.18Bleeteras A or H?
10:35.25Bleeteror both lolk
10:36.03Industrialyou know whats fun? a map with points where you cant get point C if you dont have B occupied, and both start on an end
10:36.04Bleeteryeah, key to H winning is strong defense, knowing when to put numbers where... key to allies is zerg fwk asap
10:36.07Industriala big push
10:36.30Mr_Rabies2bleeter, the reason it is is because horde in most cases would rather lose 5 games in the time it takes to win one
10:36.48Mr_Rabies2alliance defend and win, therefore it's far more one sided than it appears
10:37.00Mr_Rabies2alliance defend and win, therefore it appears far more one sided than it is
10:37.03Bleeternot my BG lol
10:37.06Mr_Rabies2half asleep
10:37.34Mr_Rabies2in both BG's the horde basically says "stop delaying the game just lose, it's more honor"
10:38.02Bleeterallies say same soon as wipe on galv/anything resembling strong defence @ IB :P
10:38.46Mr_Rabies2the problem is it's more honor to just lose, especially when you have instant queue
10:39.07Mr_Rabies2alliance is more likely to push out a win in most servers because they've got to wait longer
10:39.40Mr_Rabies2(which in turn extends it EVEN more, but alas)
10:39.42Bleeterwell, depends whether one's playing the game, or merely for honor. I think that's 1/2 the prob
10:39.55Mr_Rabies290% of players i've seen just play for honor
10:40.04Mr_Rabies2just like 90% of the players i've seen just raid for purples
10:40.53Mr_Rabies2no one cares about fun, just getting that phat lewt
10:41.08Bleeterit'll be interesting to see how AV changes when the afk debuff system starts
10:41.20*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
10:41.32Bleetercertainly seemed tougher on PTR, but that could quite easily be coz ppl actually wanna be there to play the game... no honor
10:41.37Bleeterwell, honor's worthless
10:42.04Industriali wanna get the unstoppable force LULZ
10:42.26Bleeterreminds me
10:42.35Bleetermust naked dual-weild fish on day
10:42.58Mr_Rabies2mutton and fish imo
10:43.13Mr_Rabies2is there a fish main hand?
10:43.16Mr_Rabies2i just know of the offhand
10:43.18Bleeterthought there was
10:43.22Mr_Rabies2dual wielding bones is cool too
10:43.38Bleetermain problem is what ench to put on them
10:45.08Bleeterthink I've got the 103 pound mightfish somewhere
10:45.43Bleeterscreenshot shows dual weilding fish
10:49.39Bleetergotta wonder 'bout wowhead sometimes, Browse->Items->Misc->Junk
10:49.57Bleeterwhich is where the mightfish seemed to have been categories, but can't see them there /shrug
10:57.25Mr_Rabies2does wowhead have fishing locations on the map?
10:57.30Mr_Rabies2i haven't cared about fishing in forever
10:57.39Mr_Rabies2but i think i may pick it back up for some extra cash on the side
11:03.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Bibi (
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11:38.35BleeterMr_Rabies2: who knows... wowhead's data integrity, I've discovered, ain't that hot
11:40.14sag_ich_nichtMr_Rabies i'd wait for the patch
11:40.27sag_ich_nichtbecause fishing is broken atm
11:40.30sag_ich_nichtand drives me mad
11:48.40zenzelezzBleeter: how so?
11:52.14zenzelezzhrm, background downloader :-o
11:58.33Bleeterzenzelezz: (1) PTR is authoritative for all data
11:58.39Bleeterfrom there, lotsa stuff follows
11:58.45*** join/#wowi-lounge ravagernl (n=chatzill@
12:04.12zenzelezzBleeter: you mean WoWhead uses PTR data as if it was live?
12:04.38zenzelezzwell that's... peculiar
12:04.43Bleetergo look at the +15 agi to gloves, it's all PTR info
12:05.02BleeterI asked them, they said 'yup, it's easier if we do it this way' :/
12:05.46Bleeteranyways, leads me to believe drop rate data is crap, too ;)
12:05.58Bleeterand if they do have spawn maps, them too prolly
12:06.58Bleeterif they weren't commercial, I'd have offered to help out.. but as it is, they're looking for staff in the US.. so.. meh
12:37.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (
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12:56.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
13:08.40Bleeterwas bout to report one of the better known duelists/pvpers from my realm for being AFK based off the minimap
13:08.48Bleeterbig map totally different... was @ the keep
13:10.07Bleeterif default UI, hope it's fixed for 2.2 lol
13:10.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
13:10.35Bleeterheh, friend's just said 'yeah, I had wondered how you could be @ the cave and standing next to me @ SFGY @ the same time"
13:15.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan- (
13:19.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion_ (
13:22.53Cidanoh neat, brb
13:26.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (
13:26.47Cidanthis client doesn't support ipv6
13:27.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan-_ (i=aj@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:709)
13:27.45CidanThere we go.
13:27.55CidanBitchX, it wins.
13:28.23nevcairielmy ISP doesnt even offer it yet
13:28.36Cidanmost do not
13:28.59nevcairielthen again, maybe my irc proxy here does
13:32.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion (
13:32.28*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
13:32.37CidanI love this windows IRC client, but ergh, it's just not done yet.
13:32.46Cidanno ipv6 support makes me sad, :(
13:36.43Bleeterjust remember, folks
13:36.49Bleeterdon't you ever step
13:36.51Bleeteron my blue
13:37.28Cidanwhew, wind is blowing hard here
13:41.06Rallioni used to be afraid of strong wind
13:41.21Rallionwell...moreso than one should be
13:42.48*** join/#wowi-lounge nevcairiel (i=nevcairi@unaffiliated/nevcairiel)
13:43.04CidanI like it, the sound is nice
13:43.10CidanI'm in a high-rise too
13:43.12Cidanso it's even better
13:44.03*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
13:49.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
13:52.04*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
13:52.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
13:53.31Cidanshirik shirik shirik
13:53.35CidanI made you out of claaayy
13:53.39Cidanor something.
13:53.40ShirikI haven't left yet :(
13:53.46ShirikI wanted to leave by 7
13:53.46CidanI'm... sorry?
13:53.54Cidanman, you'll get here by like, 10 PM
13:54.06Shirikhai cladhaire
13:57.08sag_ich_nichtShirik you visiting Cidan?
13:57.17Shirikat some point in time, maybe next week
13:57.35sag_ich_nichtmaybe you'll get more done that way :P
13:58.05Shirikyou haven't seen the svn have you :P
13:58.10CidanShirik's parents live right near me
13:58.25Cidanbtw, do you have any hot sisters, etc?
13:58.41Shirikno, but I have a moron brother
13:58.43sag_ich_nichtShirik no, because you switched SVNs or something
13:58.52Shiriksag_ich_nicht: :D awesome isn't it
13:59.07CidanNOT SO SECRET NOW
13:59.16Shirikshould have been able to guess imho :P
13:59.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
13:59.40ShirikLopeppeppy :)
13:59.54LopeppeppyI didn't do it.
14:00.07LopeppeppyMorning, everypeople.
14:00.10CidanDO A BARREL ROLL FOX!
14:00.18RallionCidan, I resisted, you did not.
14:00.41Rallion....god, that was such a great game.
14:00.51CidanIt still is, I play it on the Wii all the time
14:00.53Shirikit was
14:00.58Shirikthey have it on wii o.o
14:01.04CidanVirtual Console
14:01.07deltronvirtual console
14:01.09CidanYou can download it
14:01.25Cidanuse a gamecube controller, which works quite well I might add
14:01.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
14:02.15Rallionyeah, I have a gcn controller exclusively for VC games
14:02.32CidanI still have two classic controllers though
14:02.39CidanSNES games are not fun on the GC controller
14:02.41deltronI bought a gamecube controller for my wii for only 1 game
14:02.45deltronthat game is ikaruga
14:02.50Rallionhaven't gotten Starfox yet, seems silly because I have an actual cartridge right next to the Wii...
14:03.09deltronI have many snes games, so I haven't bought many
14:03.36CidanI think I have the entire collection of every SNES rom for every game in every country on a drive somewhere
14:03.47Cidansomething like 11,000 roms in a single 7zip file
14:04.07CidanI rather play it on TV though
14:04.12CidanSo I shell out the money for VC
14:04.16deltroni used to be big on the emulator stuff
14:04.32CidanI still am, I set in #zsnes all day
14:04.34*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
14:04.34Rallionokay, that's pretty cool, within the Aero 3D window switcher, I can actually see WoW rendered in real time.
14:04.56Rallionbest. animation. ever.
14:04.58Cidanyou can also put your mouse over it on the taskbar
14:05.14deltronI hang out in #retrogamers on efnet :P
14:05.16Rallionoh, but I disabled that, because the popups were pissing me off
14:06.12sag_ich_nichtbtw. for the new RDX, WTB bossmod that you don't have to turn on/off from hand
14:06.17RallionI have a pretty large ROM collection...I was going to burn them to a DVD but they didn't fit. :(
14:06.45deltronI need to finish making my mame cabinet
14:07.24Cidansag_ich_nicht, we plan (I think?) to have auto detection of bosses when you get in range of them
14:07.26Bleetersag_ich_nicht: I don't know why, but I read that as 'bosommod' :/
14:08.05Cidanor when you come into a certain zone
14:08.08LunessaYou  just wanted to say "Boobies" didn't you?
14:08.18Cidanwe might need to pre-define some static coordinates or something, but eh
14:08.19Bleeterkirkburn was in here yesterday asking what in wowwiki UI could be improved... I really wanted to say 'boobies' but knew he'd ignore me
14:08.28Bleeterwell, he'd respond here, but ignore the request
14:08.39TS|SkromLunessa is there ever a reaon needed?
14:08.44LunessaWoW Wiki Babe of the Day?
14:08.53Bleeterany time or reason is a good time or reason for boobies
14:09.13TS|SkromOur mammarial fixation as a culture always amuses me
14:09.22sag_ich_nicht[16:07] <Cidan> sag_ich_nicht, we plan (I think?) to have auto detection of bosses when you get in range of them <--good. because i like the RDX bossmods, but i don't like the fact that you have to manually select them. >.>
14:10.02Bleeter'boobies are like model train sets... originally designed for kids, it's the dads who spend most of the time playing with them'
14:10.19Shirikwow.... just wow
14:10.26ShirikI really wish we had more threads like this
14:10.36Shirik(somewhat long, but worth it )
14:10.46Cidanwait, europe?
14:10.54Cidanaren't there like, castles and dragons over there?
14:10.58Cidanor something?
14:11.00Bleeterisn't that some island in the arctic?
14:11.05Cidannot sure
14:11.08Rallionthey hae a castle each
14:11.12sag_ich_nichtwe have castles.
14:11.15sag_ich_nichtno dragons anymore, tho
14:11.17sag_ich_nichtkilled em all
14:11.23sag_ich_nichtstupid siegfried D:
14:11.53CidanA castle each?  Are they a pain to drive around? :P
14:12.40Bleeterdoes WoW have any true Brünnhilde models?
14:13.23Bleeterlike with tonsils that boil your ears at 1000 yards
14:14.40Bleetersag_ich_nicht: these folks are teh fail
14:15.21ShirikBleeter: no comprendre unicode
14:16.25RallionCidan, they just long for a bungalow.
14:16.27Cidanthat's a nice post.
14:16.34Shiriktold ya
14:16.35CidanA really nice post
14:16.40CidanWorth the read.
14:16.41RallionWooo, I was right about something and my girlfriend was wrong!
14:17.19LunessaDon't crow too much.  If you do, you will find those moments ever more rarely, and you will have to get used to sleeping on the couch.
14:17.26CidanRallion, with a room with a view.... OF HELL!
14:18.42sag_ich_nichtthat thread is like
14:18.46sag_ich_nicht1 1/2 months old
14:18.48sag_ich_nichtor something
14:18.53Cidanstill nice.
14:18.57Shirikdoesn't change how nice it is
14:19.15Shirikfor fairly obviou... oh crap
14:19.33Shirikmsn :P
14:19.44Shirikmy next sentence randomly reminded me of something :P
14:19.59Shirikanyway, sag_ich_nicht, for fairly obvious reasons I don't check the wow-eu forums
14:20.46Lunessa..."and by the state of his outfit, it looked like he hit mach 2 and collided with a Dorthy Perkins store." - I lol'ed
14:21.06ShirikCid! MSN!
14:21.19ShirikLunessa: Yeah I didn't get that ><
14:21.42LunessaShirik - google is your friend, grasshopper
14:22.49Ralliongah! my eyes!
14:23.05Shirikis that like the regular perkins?
14:23.59Shirikoh wow
14:24.41Shirikvery wow
14:25.20Cidanman, now that the Wikipedia scanner is up and running matching IP's to edits, they are catching a ton of things edited by bias parties
14:25.36Shirikheh, not entirely surprised
14:25.47CidanEA updating their own page removing lawsuit info, CIA editing Iran's president page, etc
14:26.12Shirikthose are pretty good
14:26.13RallionWikipedia is a crazy crazy thing
14:26.51SroshNothing manipulates better than what is regarded trustworthy.
14:27.02RallionI was having and argument over some piece of factual information with a friend once, and, having convinced him that I was right, he said "I'm going to change Wikipedia right now so that I'm right."
14:27.10Rallionand I think that sums up the craziness.
14:27.29CidanThat's a bit... sad
14:27.38CidanI do hope this tool will help audit Wikipedia
14:27.43Cidanit seems to be working well
14:28.22CidanIt's all the historical stuff that is disputed -- great source for math theory though. :P
14:28.25sag_ich_nichtCIA/NSA actually did quite a few factually no bias updates tho that were removed -_-
14:28.30CidanAnd most sciences
14:28.48CidanI'm sure a lot of no bias updates from all sources are removed
14:28.53sag_ich_nichte.g. black september, extremely detailed account of the events, got edited out instead of a {{fact}} added because there was no source cited
14:29.24Cidanwell, yeah.  I set citation needed on articles all the time
14:29.28Cidanno source, not valid
14:29.29Shirikyeah I use it a lot for math theory :P
14:29.33Shirikand EE theory
14:29.42SroshMathematic aside there's nearly nothing that can be attributed to be the "only truth".
14:29.57ShirikI would argue that transistors always work the same way, every time :P
14:30.02sag_ich_nichtCidan it was too detailed to be made up, go look in the history 22th september last year in the Black September article
14:30.04Shirikwell, within tolerance
14:30.07SroshAnd when faith plays in, forget reason, forget anything.
14:30.37Cidansag_ich_nicht, I don't care about the specifics of any one issue in this regard.  No source, no likely.
14:30.47Cidaner, likey. :P
14:31.14sag_ich_nichtCidan stop being a dick. just go look at it yourself :P
14:31.26Cidan:/ This conversation is over.
14:31.33CidanAnyways, Shirik, when are you leaving?
14:31.43Shirikshould have been like an hour ago
14:31.46ShirikI'm still in bed
14:31.49Cidanget up
14:31.55CidanYou'll be driving all night
14:32.00Cidanit takes like 10-12 hours
14:32.01Shirikis only 5 hours..
14:32.03Cidanwell depending
14:32.13ShirikI'm in PA right now not FL :P
14:32.26Cidanwell then, at ease.
14:36.57Cidanwow, Bioshock is getting 10/10
14:36.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
14:38.12TS|Skromit looks good
14:38.26Cidannew game by Irrational
14:38.31Cidancoming out next week
14:38.41Cidansame devs who made System Shock 2
14:38.47*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (n=[KaoS]`@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
14:40.50sag_ich_nichtCidan how's the demo
14:41.44CidanI wouldn't know, I wouldn't touch a 360 if my life depended on it. :P
14:42.11TS|Skromtry the PC version?
14:42.17Cidanno demo for it yet
14:42.50CidanThough Tabula Rasa servers open up again tonight, looking forward to it
14:42.51Bleeterwow, wouldn't touch it to detroy it.. that's some deep hatred
14:43.31CidanIt's not an anti-MS thing, etc, I just don't really like the console.  No games on it I would really want to play.
14:43.36RallionBioshock: A game that I COULD pirate, but I'd lose all respect for myself if I did.
14:43.39CidanNow the PS3... *drool*
14:43.56RallionI'll be buying an XBox when Rock Band comes out
14:45.15CidanI hope that Halo 3 comes to PC at some point
14:45.18CidanIt likely will
14:45.27RallionProbably, but not for a few years
14:45.32Cidanthe original xbox had some really nice games
14:45.37Cidanthe 360, not so much
14:45.47RallionI want to play Dead Rising real bad
14:45.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
14:46.06CidanI want a PS3 for AC4 and Warhawk
14:46.27Cidanand of course the fact that you can put a 750 GB hard drive in there, and the PSN...
14:47.20RallionEven Sony execs say PSN is crappy
14:47.58Bleetermost closed networks are
14:48.35CidanPSN will pick up, mark my words.
14:48.47CidanWhen all is said and done, the Wii and the PS3 will be fighting head on
14:49.08CidanThe Wii is going to have Bluetooth keyboards soon, I suspect, along with voice chat.
14:49.20RallionI don't know about that
14:49.28sag_ich_nichtin b4 WoW2Wii port
14:49.29CidanYou can already use a USB keyboard, they just enabled it in the last patch.
14:49.41RallionBut only on certain screens
14:49.51CidanYeah, that's because a new Opera has to be put out
14:50.02Cidanbut the base underlying API for keyboards is done
14:50.19Rallionthis reminds me, I need to watch the new Metroid Prime previews.
14:50.54*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
14:51.25CidanCheck out Aurora, :P
14:51.41sag_ich_nichtafk driving home
14:52.04Shiriksag_ich_nicht real quick
14:52.12Shirikthat post you said is a month and a half old
14:52.14Shirikit's 10 days old ><
14:53.30sag_ich_nichtShirik it's a repost
14:53.37sag_ich_nichtevery repost is repost repost
14:53.38sag_ich_nichtand now afk
14:54.03CidanWell, that explains that.
14:55.35CidanThis is why we can't have nice things.
14:55.39CidanNevermind, :P
14:57.07LunessaI'm amused by console discussions since I own none of them, and even when I did, I played like, 1 game.
14:58.02Cidan<3 consoles
14:58.09Cidan<3 PC's too, obviously
14:59.42Shiriknobody likes PCs
14:59.46CidanI dews.
14:59.55Shirikcladhaire thinks everyone should switch to mac
15:00.24LunessaShirik: I like computers.  Pretty much all of them.  
15:00.25Shirikbleh, he must be afk :(
15:00.36ShirikI still hate vista though
15:00.40LunessaI'm on a Mac and a Windows PC right now.  
15:02.55Shirikwoah hold up
15:03.00Shirikthere was a Blizzard post on that topic
15:03.38Shirikand Blizzard unlocked it from its post limit too o.o
15:03.44ShirikI didn't even know they could do that
15:04.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
15:05.13LopeppeppyYaar, mateys.
15:05.23Shirik~lart Lopeppeppy
15:05.23purltakes a rusty axe and swings it violently, taking Lopeppeppy's head off
15:05.28Shirik~lart Lunessa
15:05.28purljudo chops Lunessa
15:05.38Shirikno pirating
15:06.26RallionI'm actually A-OK with Vista so far
15:06.44RallionThe big, big thing that made that so was disabling UAC
15:06.51Shirikthere's just too much bling for me
15:06.57Shirikthen again I said the same for XP when it came out
15:07.01RallionWell, the bling is togglable in both
15:07.19RallionI always used XP with Windows Classic style, and all effects turned off
15:07.47Shirikplus I still get XP for free
15:07.48LopeppeppyOwies, Shirik.  *cry*
15:07.53Rallionfree is nice
15:07.55ShirikI don't think dbinstall has vista yet
15:08.06Shirikthey'll probably have it next year if not this year though
15:08.21cladhaireShirik: no, i don't
15:08.28Shirikhey he's back :D
15:09.12ShirikLopeppeppy: You like it? :)
15:09.14Shirikand what's owies?
15:09.21Lunessa~lart Shirik
15:09.21purlblasts Shirik to oblivion with a kamehameha wave
15:09.22Shirikoh wait, you logged on after I linked :P
15:09.23Rallionthe big thing I like about Vista is that I'm definitely getting slightly better performance in games, even with the larger OS overhead
15:09.47CidanI'm not
15:09.54CidanI'm getting lesser FPS
15:09.59Cidanin every game I play
15:10.02Shirikwine totally gives me the best FPS I've ever seen
15:10.03Shirikend of story
15:10.15Shirikin anything I've ever tried it with
15:10.17CidanLinux naitive games give me the best FPS
15:10.34Shirik(I meant comparing apples to apples >.>)
15:10.34art3misi get the best fps in Nethack
15:10.43CidanQuake 4, NWN, etc, all run 20x better in Linux rather than windows
15:10.43Shirik(Not apples to beef jerky)
15:10.58RallionMy WoW FPS went from about 40 to 50
15:11.08LopeppeppyOwies is head chopped off.  The rest, I know nothink aboutski.
15:11.18LunessaDidn't NWN have a native Linux client, or was that just the server software?
15:11.23Shirikhow did you say owies without a head?
15:11.41LopeppeppyI'm a ventrol-lol-iquist-er-izer.
15:11.58Cidanit did indeed have a naitive client
15:12.30LunessaI thought I recalled installing it on my Red Hat box back in the day.
15:12.47Shirikpurl, Lopeppeppy is <reply> I'm a ventrol-lol-iquist-er-izer. -- Lopeppeppy
15:12.48purlShirik: okay
15:13.04LopeppeppyLove you too, Shirik.  *laugh*
15:13.10ShirikI just had to
15:13.31LopeppeppyI'm good with that.  Impulse control is for the sane and well-mannered, after all.  ;)
15:13.57art3misdoes that mean you can talk and troll with your mouth closed/full?
15:14.34ShirikI really should get up
15:14.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
15:15.19LopeppeppyOh dear, art3mis.  How rude to accuse me of being a troll.  ;)
15:15.53art3misven-trol-lol-... ;)
15:16.00LunessaLopeppeppy: I think he was going straight to the gutter with that.
15:16.15art3misbut yes luney is closer ;)
15:17.03art3misya know, b-100 complex makes for a nice energy shot in the morning
15:17.46art3misand appearantly im wierd for liking the taste of the gelatin capsules
15:17.52LopeppeppyI'm staying out of the gutter at work, Lunessa.  Tomorrow I shall be my true self again.
15:18.17LunessaWise Lopeppeppy very wise.
15:19.17ShirikI thinik I'm going to get up now, take shower etc
15:19.20Shiriktake care guys
15:19.38art3misbi bi
15:19.45Cidangood luck fox!
15:20.11Cidan<3 that man.
15:20.14art3misheh i was thinking "you mean iceman"
15:20.21art3misand then he quits with a barrel roll
15:21.11CidanOne time I was in a raid, MC, we had this kid playing with us -- an amazing DPS rogue -- who sounded *JUST* like Slippy in StarFox64
15:21.17CidanNo one really said anything about it
15:21.35Valaron|WorkI haven't played that game in years.
15:21.49Valaron|WorkAnd now it's available on the Wii Virtual Console.
15:21.50Cidan'til I told him on Vent, "Silver, I'll give you 100 gold if you yell out on vent 'Enemy Shields Analized!'"
15:22.00CidanHe quit the raid because everyone was laughing. :(
15:22.22purlba-dum CHH
15:22.26art3misso to speak
15:22.56CidanI think it's time for me to get up and take a shower too.
15:23.13LopeppeppyThat just sounds... wrong.... makes my mind go to NSFW places.
15:23.19art3misshouldnt you wait til shirik is done in there?
15:23.41Valaron|WorkHee.. NSFW
15:23.50art3misand clad too i suppose
15:31.34zenzelezzWhat did the pirate spec his mage?
15:31.36RallionI have a hard drive that's been giving SMART failure warnings for years, and now that I have Vista I apparently have to be reminded of it constantly
15:32.36sioraiochtRallion: replace it, imo
15:32.58Rallionoh, no, I'm simply going to remove it
15:33.08RallionIt's only 60GB
15:33.14deltronthe firmware might just be bad on the drive
15:33.17sioraiochtoh gawd
15:33.22deltronthere was an issue with that a while back
15:33.55Rallionhah. laptops is tiny.
15:34.09LopeppeppyTell me about it.  I laptops for work, it's not fun.
15:34.20deltronI got a sweet new laptop :D
15:34.27RallionI'd love an old crappy laptop, actually
15:34.37Rallionsomething to finally install Linux on
15:34.46sioraiochtmy laptop is a macbook pro, it's super nice, but I'd like a mac pro, too, lol
15:34.49art3misi lurv my new lappy as well
15:35.30art3mis3800x2-64 turion, acer
15:35.58art3misthe lcd is super nice and clear, and the wifi has ungodly ange for an onboard
15:35.59deltronI just got a Lenovo T61, widescreen, dual core, it's <3 (work laptop)
15:36.11art3mis<3 lenovo
15:36.26art3misits great that they didnt change the style of them when they bought em
15:36.43art3misive had thinkpads since about 95/96ish
15:37.39deltronI really love thinkpads
15:37.57deltronI have to give up my trusty T43 :(
15:38.01art3misi just sold my old trusty standby thinkpad600 the other day
15:38.26deltronI'm glad we're an IBM shop here at work heh
15:38.45art3misibm makes great laptops but dear god i hate thier desktops
15:39.03Cidannice and clean.
15:39.09art3misremember the desktop series where the sound and power was on the keyboard and had that wierdo cable?
15:39.12deltrontheir desktops aren't that bad, nice small form factor
15:39.51art3misthe tower itself had only one button and it was for ejecting the cdrom
15:40.19art3misas a tech that made me shudder at the thought of accidently spilling coffee on it and killing your whole machine
15:42.52CidanGateway makes these monitors that I want so much.  They have no buttons, but on the left hand side of the frame it's touch sensative
15:43.07Cidanand when you touch the frame there, an OSD shows up
15:43.19Cidanand touch-areas light up on the side of the frame
15:43.29art3misi really wonder why the new imacs dont ahve touchcreens
15:43.52art3misjack the price up 300-500$
15:43.54CidanI've been considering getting a touch screen for a 3rd monitor when I get a second card to SLI
15:43.58Valaron|WorkPlaying WoW on a touchscreen. Hmm.. The possibilities.
15:44.01art3misthat would be perty
15:44.11Rallionart3mis, it's also a new thing that can break, and cost $800 to fix
15:44.19art3misrallion: it's an imac
15:44.19LunessaI don't like touch screens most of the time.
15:44.37art3misyou're forgetting that if it breaks in the first palce its 800$ to fix
15:45.04art3mistouchscreens are novel
15:45.14art3missorta like stylist mice
15:45.24art3miserr "mice"
15:45.42Cidana nice expensive touchscreen (ie: NOT the bank ATM type) is nice.
15:45.51CidanThey are a dream to work with
15:45.59art3miswith full draw and drop iphoneish support would be great
15:46.19Cidanever worked with a Cintiq?
15:46.26CidanThey are freaking amazing.
15:46.37LunessaThey are pretty amazing
15:46.48art3misoo perty
15:46.55Cidanon screen drawing with a pen
15:47.02art3miscourse im artistically retarded
15:47.03CidanI love it, I want one so much.
15:47.29art3misi debated making my next laptop a flip tablet
15:47.54LunessaIf I could get that level of it, sure.  But that's a very expensive screen, and wouldn't eliminate my need for a keyboard.
15:47.55art3misbought one of the thinkpad ones last year for a client
15:48.22art3misfun to play with, but the noveltey wore off pretty quick
15:48.55art3misonly major benefit for me would be for reading/watching movies on the train
15:49.06art3misin a handy notebook form
15:49.34art3misoh and my office landlord has a 30" mac lcd at home
15:50.26art3misit's funny to hear him go off on art and photography and stuff and needning this ultra wicked lcd to do photoshop stuff, and he's not even that good but thinks he is
15:51.14RallionI knew a woman who was actually a pretty good photographer and was also quite adept with Photoshop
15:51.18Rallionand I HATED it
15:51.28Rallionbecause she was my boss, and she was a bitch
15:51.43art3misheh yeah, the extent of my artsy is resizing thigs in infranview ;P
15:51.59RallionI'm sorta decent at graphic design type stuff
15:52.04Rallionnot actual photo editing
15:56.30CidanBlu Ray will become the new standard for optical media.
15:57.07LopeppeppyLike from laser disk to DVD?  I dunno.
15:57.40RallionI'm waiting for 3D media storage! like a little cube. that would be awesome.
15:58.12Valaron|WorkWhat about HDDVD?
15:58.20Cidanholographic disks are the next big thing
15:59.35LopeppeppyI want movies to show on the inside of my tinfoil hat.
15:59.35Punkie`Cidan: I hate those pen screens :(
15:59.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
15:59.40Lunessabah.  Atom-etched carbon
15:59.40Punkie`makes me wish I could draw :P
15:59.48Cidan -- Xfer rate of 1 gigabit, 3.9 Terabytes of data on a single disk.
16:00.31art3mishehe ya know why thsoe wont catch on?
16:00.42art3misvery few would ever be sold
16:01.04Cidannow?  Sure
16:01.20Cidanlater, in about 10 years after Blu-ray/HDDVD enters and exits?  We'll see
16:01.21art3misin the next 20 years, ditto
16:01.57art3misbluray/hddvd while 25gigs is pretty good it's still not gonna be good enough
16:02.22art3misthe main issue i hav with increased capacity for optical drives is the burn speeds
16:03.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
16:03.56art3misand as long as my lg dvd player can handle xvid who needs it for movies
16:04.10sylvanaarsolid state is next
16:04.32art3misthat would be pretty rad
16:04.58art3misdump your data to a bios sized chip for storage
16:05.43sylvanaarthink more like credit card size
16:06.16Kyahxthe new floppy?
16:06.28art3misheh uisb-keys are the new floppy ;P
16:06.42Cidansolid state isn't has durable as magnetic storage, the medium doesn't last long enough and in a lot of cases it's _not_ faster than a hard drive unlike some people would want you to believe.
16:07.03KyahxWe'll just all move to pen drives for everything
16:07.07sylvanaarlol, ok - but its faster than a dvd
16:07.44CidanHVD is faster than both, upwards to 60k bits per pulse of data using a cone-shaped laser
16:07.55Industrialone day well make a HD our of our brains
16:08.08art3misit already is industrial
16:08.13Kyahxbut I wouldn't have much storage space :(
16:08.19art3misit's the access "software" that blows ;)
16:08.31Valaron|WorkSays Johnny Mnemonic.
16:08.37Industrialart3mis: well yours maybe
16:08.56IndustrialI prefer to stay on the receiving end
16:09.03IndustrialZING, never mind, continue
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16:10.23KyahxI guess I don't see the point to HD-DVD/Blue-Ray atm anyways...atleast for movies
16:10.33Cidanalso, cap'n crunch == \o/
16:10.45KyahxGranted, my TV only does 1080i...but I think it looks just fine with standard DVDs...
16:10.50art3miskyax: more special features for you your not to watch ;P
16:11.00CidanKyahx, then you haven't seen a Blu-ray
16:11.04Cidanit's like night and day
16:11.05sylvanaarHVD sounds like fantasy, not likely to make it to market in much quantity anytime soon - much easier to improve an existing technology
16:11.11CidanDVD vs Blue-ray
16:11.22KyahxI haven't given Blue-ray an honest chance, because im an avid sony hater
16:11.29art3misuntil they start making imax home tv's i dont much care for quality above 1080
16:11.35sylvanaarwhat did they say bluray capped out at like 60GB
16:12.08Kyahxbut I suppose I'll just wait for one of the two formats to win, and then I'll care
16:12.10CidanI believe
16:12.19sylvanaarbluray won
16:12.30Cidanbluray is winning right about now
16:12.38Cidanmost are endorsing it.
16:12.39Kyahxsadly :p
16:12.56art3misim not gonna worry about it, ive got an lg play everything dvd with composite, and my bose lifestyle, neither of which will play them but they're good enough
16:13.00Industrialonly reason I use discs is to burn linux images
16:13.03Industrialand throw them away
16:13.14Wobin_!vs us bluray us DVD
16:13.15CidanIndustrial, I do that too. :(
16:13.24Industrialliek frisbees!
16:13.30art3misheh me too!
16:13.32Kyahxisn't that what bootable USB sticks are for?
16:13.43art3miscds are eacher and easier ;)
16:13.47art3miserr cheaper
16:13.57Kyahxeh, not entirely
16:14.57Kyahxflag your pen-drive as bootable, mount the iso, and copy/paste
16:15.26art3misreboot machine put cd in hit enter once
16:15.40Kyahx:P depends on the machine I suppose
16:15.54art3misfor vm type stuff usb lives are obviously better
16:16.02CidanI'd say it more depends on the user
16:16.57art3misheh i keep looking at these 500gb drives for 89/99 bnucks and thinking i should get some
16:17.08art3misthan i raelize they arent sata and my interest dwindles
16:17.17art3mis*EVERY* time i see the ads for them
16:17.36Kaydeethreeheh... part of me wants to shell out for the WD 750GB sata drives and build a freaking massive raid-5 with them...
16:17.50art3misheh yeah
16:17.51Industrialgooo power!
16:17.53Kyahx320 for $70 is fine with me :P
16:18.06art3misive got 360 in this machine with about 60% free
16:18.06IndustrialI founf out my household uses more then twice the average
16:18.18Kyahxbest balance between price/space imo
16:18.22art3misive cut back on usenet a fair amount
16:18.33Industrialso im closing down like half of it
16:18.39art3misused to average 200-320gb a month ;P
16:18.50Kaydeethreeheh, I've got about ~720GB, using about 660
16:18.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Lin (n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity)
16:18.57sylvanaarraid isnt worth the trouble most of the time
16:19.01LinCidan: hi there
16:19.13art3missylvanaar: it is for work servers ;P
16:19.19Kaydeethreeit is when I've probably lost somewhere around 200 gigs of stuff since I started collecting due to hdd crashes
16:19.23art3misi <3 raid on ym exchange box
16:20.06sylvanaarit has its uses clearly
16:20.41art3misand ata raid is amusing for mucking around
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16:20.57art3misspecially if you've got hotswap drives and wanna impress the chicks ;P
16:21.18art3mismy landlord isnt gonna be happy
16:21.31art3misfield a complaint for no hot water for last week and it came today
16:21.55art3misand yesterday the hpd people came by for an inspection and cited her for about 10 violations of safety habitability and fire code
16:22.41art3misthats what she gets for threatening to take me to court for non rent payment when i told her that i'd give her this months rent cheque when the hot water worked again
16:22.46sylvanaarwell, use an addon card for ata raid - not the crap in the southbridge
16:23.23Cidanshe can still get you in small claims
16:23.25Kaydeethreeholy hell...
16:23.30Cidanyou can't just stop paying because something doesn't work
16:23.37art3miscidan: nope and yes i can ;P
16:23.38Kaydeethreedean's already nearly a cat 2
16:24.00art3misi run the risk of court, but most judges wil hold the rent in escrow until the problem is fixed
16:24.05LopeppeppyCidan: You can in many areas.  Small claims get filed, but most states have renter's rights.
16:24.24art3misand if she filed it in small claims it would get tossed out for being in the wrong court
16:24.40art3misit goes to housing court and no-where's else
16:24.45art3misit's new york
16:24.55LopeppeppyIt's never pretty, no matter what.  I hate renting.  But I would hate owning even more.
16:25.16art3misi wanna break my lease and move out of here
16:25.24art3misi hate this place and my lying landlord
16:25.32Kaydeethreemeh, which is why I'm glad I'm in a brand new apartment complex, everything works, our work orders have already been fulfilled
16:25.51art3misi dont thnk it will be that hard thuogh, seeing as how i have the ground floor with the backyard and she has a dog ;P
16:25.52LopeppeppyI with you, Kaydeethree.
16:26.23art3miswa looking at these other places with backyards and they're about 400/mn cheaper
16:26.47art3misim a bbq fiend thus the need for a backyard
16:26.53art3misplus my cats like it
16:28.58Rallionhmm, where's MY cat. usually when I'm playing WoW, he interrupts.
16:29.13art3mishe knows you're on irc
16:29.19Rallionah, yes.
16:29.25Rallionhe's a clever one
16:29.29art3misirc isnt near as fun to "play"
16:33.12LopeppeppyLove the kitties.
16:34.33Rallionthat website is my guiltiest pleasure.
16:34.53Kaydeethreeoh wow...
16:38.04Rallionay, that is awwwweeesssoooooome
16:40.51Kaydeethreethe waiver they had people sign is on page two, lmao
16:47.34Wobin_oh man
16:47.36Wobin_it's Bruiser!
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16:54.48LopeppeppyI haven't had lunch yet, Lunessa, no fair!!!
16:55.12Rallionmmmm chicken
16:55.15Rallionbut instead
16:55.20LunessaThe storm here is so bad the facilities people have turned on the pumps for the basement.
16:55.21RallionI am going to go nuke 3 hot dogs.
16:55.36art3misman that downy wrinkle remover spray is awesome
16:55.50RallionLunessa, sunny as hell here :P
16:56.02LunessaI hate you.
16:56.03Rallionchance of thunderstorms later  (yesssss!)
16:56.05CidanIt's raining here too
16:56.09Cidanbeen all day
16:56.23LunessaWe're getting hammered by thunderstorms all day.
16:56.45RallionI have to say, the area where I live is pretty good as far as severe weather goes
16:56.55Rallioncentral NY
16:57.06Rallionwe can get some nasty thunderstorms, but seriously, who doesn't
16:57.22Rallionand the worst parts of the blizzards usually miss us
16:58.08LunessaDisaster teams are preparing for Hurricane Dean just in case it makes landfall here.
16:58.28Cidanand the season comes, full force
16:58.37KaydeethreeI haven't made a grocery store run (need to, running out of food), but I fear the georgians are doing their usual thing and already panicing
16:59.09Wobin_Bruiser is one hell of a man =P
16:59.21Kaydeethreeno freaking joke
17:01.01RallionI hate the weather panics
17:01.15Rallionfor hurricanes, i guess i could accept it :P
17:01.23Rallionbut I really, really hate blizzard panic
17:01.32Kaydeethreeoh geez, that's even worse up in atlanta
17:02.04Kaydeethreethe merest hint that a single snowflake's in the air and there are guys out on street corners selling "I survived the blizzard of 07" t-shirts
17:02.31RallionI mean, in a blizzard, there's really almost no way that you can't get to a store and buy some stuff
17:02.34art3misheh at elast its not toronto actting all cool and then they get a blizzard and get the canadian army to dig them out
17:02.43Rallionthere will always be stores open.
17:03.10art3misit was kind of wierd to see a tornado in brooklyn last week though
17:03.10Rallionand just because there is snow in the air does not mean that 15mph is an ideal driving speed.
17:03.17Rallionyeah, that's messed up
17:03.33art3misit must have come to signal the closing of coney island
17:05.14art3misWobin_: the cinder blocks at the bottom give me some concern though
17:05.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
17:05.24art3mishit the slide wrong and yer handicapable
17:05.25Wobin_art3mis: hehe
17:05.40Wobin_despite that, you can't look at that slide and -not- go "coooooooool..."
17:05.53art3misdoesn change the fact that if *I* had a yard that big i'd totally do that too
17:06.23LunessaLast time I was sober, man I felt bad; worst hang-over than I ever had. Went through six hamburgers, scotch all night; nicotine for breakfast just to put me right.  If you want to run cool, you've got to run on heavy, heavy fuel.
17:06.31art3misthen again im from the generation of lawn darts
17:06.43Wobin_What brings a man to suddenly think "Hey, I think I'll build a 535" slipnslide!"?
17:06.52art3misWobin_: he had a bulldozer
17:07.01Wobin_True =)
17:07.03art3misonly THIS time he used it for good
17:07.18Wobin_Bruiser -always- uses his powers for good
17:07.22Wobin_For good entertainment
17:07.50Rallionfor good or for awesome!
17:13.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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17:19.19snurreanyone here experienced in coding AutoHotKey stuff?
17:20.04Kasosnurre, i think perhaps if you're planning to use that with wow then you shouldnt be asking in here.
17:20.17snurreno, not for wow
17:22.00snurrejust need to find out how to make a script change worksheets in excel
17:24.30*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
17:25.10KasoYou can use ctrl and page down to step through worksheets
17:25.43KasoNot sure how autohotkey works but sending a simple key combo seems like id be fairly simple.
17:25.56zenzelezzworksheep is the "pages"?
17:26.00snurredoesnt work for the spreadsheet im working, for some reason the sheet-related shortkeys are blocked
17:26.24zenzelezzcan't you do that through macros and/or (shudder) VBA?
17:26.50snurreprobably VBA, yes.. but i suck at coding and have no idea how to run it from ahk :p
17:27.59zenzelezzfair enough :)
17:28.47snurrethe guy at work that made ahk scripts and stuff quit, so someone had to step up and start learning it to add new features :p
17:29.04snurrestarting to get a grip of ahk, but not much else :(
17:36.42Rallionlol @ finding a drink in a footlocker
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17:57.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
18:01.30LopeppeppyI keep breaking the college internet.  This is so fun.
18:05.26Cidanokay, I'm done.
18:05.27zenzelezzthe connection just can't handle you
18:06.23LopeppeppyI guess maybe!  I keep going RAWR at it, that's for sure.
18:06.36CidanI bet, :P
18:11.47ScytheBlade1R&D thread, I'm warning you
18:13.13nevcairielok, comes from a pally, but still
18:13.41LopeppeppyPalliles rule.
18:15.01CidanYes, yes we do.
18:16.21ScytheBlade1Read that thread and tell that to me with a straight face
18:16.28CidanWell we do!
18:16.32CidanHe... doesn't so much
18:17.18LopeppeppyHE might not.  But I certainly do.
18:26.31Industrialdeclaring you are not trolling and then you dont want any messages saying you are trolling is trolling, so hesa troll.
18:26.47Industriala.. furry pink one.
18:26.48LopeppeppyBig tusks, break dancing all over the place.
18:26.51Cidanoh the rythm of my heart, is beating like a drummm; Witht he worlds I love you rolling of my tonngguee
18:27.30Cidanno never will I roam, for I know my place is home; Where the ocean meets the sky, I'll be saiiiiilllinggggg
18:28.07Cidanit's such a good song though
18:28.31Cidanthat is too, :P
18:31.00LopeppeppyNow that is a very, very good scene and song.
18:31.39CidanBest part of the movie IMO.
18:32.14Valaron|WorkMmm... Milla
18:33.17Cidanheads higghhh, kill em with the noooo
18:35.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
18:37.08Saint-Nthe whole movie is awesome though
18:37.18Saint-Nbut yeah thats the best part ;)
18:38.04Saint-Ni wonder how bad resident evil: extinction is gonna be
18:39.18zenzelezzMorogrim is much less fun as MT than OT/murloc helper
18:40.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (
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18:42.32CidanBest DDR song, IMO. :P
18:42.35Kaydeethreethat's a fun song to dance
18:42.38CidanYes, it is.
18:42.44Kaydeethreespeed over beethoven, kthnx
18:43.16Kaydeethreethat's my favorite. big fan of spins
18:43.18Cidankakumei is good too.
18:45.40zenzelezztip: don't place SHield Wall next to your potions
18:46.16LopeppeppyInteresting, ya.
18:48.01*** join/#wowi-lounge abug (
18:50.12Kasothe "where to put shield wall button" question is a hard one
18:50.36Kasocos, you want to have it easy to get to so you can use it in an emergancy
18:50.49Kasoyet you dont want to accidently
18:50.53Kaso*use it
18:51.04zenzelezzit was nice and isolated when I hit 70
18:51.16zenzelezzthen I started getting like a million different healing potions to put on the bar :-|
18:52.21buuCreate a giant button and put it someplace.
18:52.37zenzelezzgoing to redo all my actionbars One Of These Days(tm)
18:58.36Saint-Nsomeone eneds to make me a retardedly easy actionbar thingy that automagically gets every skill you have, and allows you to assign numbers to then thus eliminating the need to drag and drop
18:58.53buuWhat do the numbers do?
18:58.59Saint-Nyou just just tick which bar its on and what number
18:59.15buuWhere's the win?
18:59.17Saint-Nand it puts the ability/spell there
18:59.30Saint-Nit makes it easier to move it around
18:59.38Saint-Nand im REALLY lazy
18:59.45buuI just need to grow about 3 more fingers so I have some more hot keys.
19:00.09Saint-Nim starting to think that maybe i need to add hotkeys to my totems
19:00.24Saint-Nbut thats too much effort to pick out the ones i want
19:00.45LunessaSaint-N I use Yata and macros for most 'common' combos.  
19:00.57buuDoes anyone know if there's a addon that would let me assign button sequences as hot keys?
19:04.02abugbutton sequences?
19:05.20Cidanyou mean one button after another?
19:05.22Cidanin order?
19:05.28Cidanwith a single button push?
19:06.07buuCidan: No, opposite
19:06.20buuone button push after the other to trigger a single spell.
19:06.33Kaydeethreeoh, chording
19:06.40Kaydeethreedidn't marsbar do that?
19:06.44buuIs that technically cording?
19:06.46buuEr, chording.
19:07.09Saint-Nluney: yeah ive got yata but its a habit from my priest to hit certain keys for common things and im sick of clicking each totem ;)
19:07.15buuI don't think it is..
19:08.22LunessaSaint-y - Yeah.  there are just too many damned totems for me to memorize a key for every one.  
19:08.41buuKaydeethree: Chording would be 'ctrl-alt-k' or some such.
19:09.07Kaydeethreemeh, different definitions
19:09.32Saint-Nhrm gibbor me yer macros
19:09.51buuKaydeethree: In this case I think it's usefully different.
19:10.42ckknighthey, anyone here want to give some advice wrt a color picker I made?
19:11.10ckknightwhite: - black: - gray/blue w/ alpha:
19:11.56Saint-Ni gotz sum advice
19:12.08Saint-Nlearn to resize jpgs ;)
19:12.23Kaydeethreethat's pretty neat
19:12.53*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar_ (
19:13.22LunessaIt's neat. but label the controls - I had to think about what the various items were which could be eliminated with more labels.
19:14.16Lunessackknight: Are the value fields inputs or displays only?
19:14.30ckknightand mousewheel works on the sliders as well, for better precision
19:14.42ckknightthey are labeled, btw
19:14.46ckknightthe H, S, V to the left
19:15.28Saint-Na get mouse colour would be nice
19:15.36ckknightyes, but impossible
19:15.52Kaydeethreeoofh, the ptrs are going down. next build's finally getting pushed
19:16.01LunessaLooks good.  
19:16.07Saint-Nhow impossible?
19:16.55ckknightyou can't get color under the cursor
19:18.41Cidanmmm, pop-up menu's almost done
19:19.45buuSo what is the patch data that was sent out last night?
19:19.53Kaydeethreefirst part of 2.2
19:19.58CidanI imagine art assets
19:20.01Cidanwhich are done
19:20.14buuWhat requires 45 megs of new art assets?
19:21.06buuAnd am I the only one slightly confused by the dot mechanics?
19:21.13buuI mean, RE resillience.
19:21.39Kaydeethreeif you get 1% crit reduction-worth of resil, dots on you tick for 1% less per tick
19:21.45buuRight right..
19:22.07zenzelezztanking Moro was actually boring... no running, no reflecting, no nothing... just spam threat and Shield Block :-|
19:22.19buuBut if you have 10% res reduction, and I dot you for 100, it now does 90, but if I shadowbolt you for 100.. it still does 100
19:22.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Karen@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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19:22.47Kaydeethreebecause shadowbolt's not a dot and regular resist gear will help for that
19:23.28buuRegular resist gear doesn't help for dots?
19:24.12Cidanand no Lunessa, I will not help you get more pictures of Cairenn
19:24.14buuIf you assume a ruin situation, then I suppose reduction in crit chance is the same as a flat reduction in damage..
19:24.17CidanQuit asking me already.
19:24.27Kaydeethreeoffhand, couldn't tell you. I'm oohing and aahing at the new textures
19:24.36Kaydeethreelots of "BrewFest"-tagged stuff
19:25.20KaydeethreeHeadlessHorseman, pumpkinSoldier models
19:25.21buuIf you have ruin, and 100 dmg shadowbolt that crits, it does 200. Does 10% resilience reduce that to 190 or 180?
19:25.29Kaydeethreewhat on earth is the new october event going to be?
19:26.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
19:26.52Kaydeethreemore of the zul'aman models are coming too, as is the broom mount. /ponder
19:27.55LunessaAwww.. Cidan You never let me have any fun!
19:28.04Saint-Ni want a broom mount
19:28.06buuWhat are the Area Damage Caps ?
19:28.28Kaydeethreetake arcane explosion for example and it arbitrarily hits for 500 damage
19:28.50Kaydeethreeup until 10 or so mobs get affected it'll hit for 500 for all of them, as more mobs get hit past 10 or so, they all get hit for less
19:30.04Kaydeethreethere's a grand total cap of damage that a single round of an aoe ability will do, it'll evenly split that damage across all of the mobs instead of ramping up infinitely like it used to
19:33.10LunessaHeh, someone AoE farming big time?
19:33.23Kaydeethreefaxmonkey's even stupider mage tricks during the undead invasion
19:35.45LunessaI missed  most of that.  I had to move during it.
19:36.43Endoh yeah, I remember that
19:37.21Kaydeethreeheh, I've got videos that got a lot of things nerfed... the reckoning bomb, kazzak does stormwind, logout flying, etc...
19:38.01Saint-Nthe kazzak xmas present to stormwind from the horde made me laugh so hard
19:38.09Saint-Nmostly because it had fangtooth there
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19:38.21Cidanreck bomb was the best
19:38.30Cidanno, no, fireshield bug was the best
19:38.52Kaydeethreeanother faxmonkey video...
19:39.09CidanFireshield stacked 5 times, and was affected by +spell damage
19:39.17Cidanyou would do 1000+ damage per second
19:39.18Kaydeethreeand freaking awesome to play with, learned how to blink in to flags then
19:39.19Cidan5 times over.
19:39.27Cidanover 5000+ dps per second to everyone in range.
19:39.43Saint-Niused the aoe one for the undead
19:39.50Saint-Nused to run around with a mage
19:39.55Saint-Ni'd heal and shield he'd aoe
19:41.24zenzelezzfriend of mine seems to be having a *blast* in AV, some warlock keeps trying to SoC him... reflect -> farewell enemies
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19:43.10Kaydeethreeoh what the hell, they reset ptr character copies again
19:44.34CidanDid they fix voice chat?
19:44.51KaydeethreeI don't have any working audio at all
19:45.02KaydeethreeI'm assuming the build that'll be getting pushed today may help a little
19:45.29Kaydeethrees/be/probably be/
19:47.06buuHrm. anyone have knowledge of the major shadow damage flasks?
19:47.27Kaydeethreesaw them on wowhead, they should be on the wiki too
19:47.33abugflask of pure death?
19:48.26buuSo it's confirmed in 2.2?
19:49.59Kasohot indeed
19:50.01CidanMight I say... that's... KILLER!
19:52.11abug :P
19:52.25Kasowell there you go!
19:52.40abugshould be damage/healing imo
19:57.41Cideit is I'm fairly sure
19:58.22Cidenope, it isn't
19:58.57abugpaladins everywhere QQ
19:59.20buuNerf pallies.
19:59.51sag_ich_nichtbuu SHUT YOUR FUCKING FILTHY MOUTH
19:59.56sag_ich_nichtand say nerf holy pallies.
20:00.00sag_ich_nichtbecause i can agree with that.
20:00.07buuEvery class should get a mass dispell on a 2 second cooldown.
20:00.26sag_ich_nichtbuu if the bubble is your biggest problem with paladins, you are doing something fucking wrong.
20:00.34sag_ich_nichtand no, not every class should get that
20:00.39buuNOT THE POINT.
20:00.41sag_ich_nichtunless it consumes 100% of their mana.
20:00.52buuBut bubbles are my biggest problem =[
20:00.53sag_ich_nichtbuu, no, EXACTLY the point.
20:00.57sag_ich_nichtthen you suck and need to l2p
20:01.16buuI should probably stop 2v2ing with an enh shaman.
20:01.27Kasocalm the hell down you guys.
20:01.39Kasonice friendly channel no shouting!
20:02.07buuThis is the internet.
20:02.22buuA completely capitalized FUCK YOU is just another way of saying "I love you"
20:02.33sag_ich_nichtKaso guess you haven't seen a lot of flamewars, huh? :O
20:02.47buuBut paladins make me cry.
20:02.58sag_ich_nichtbuu well shut up and play one, then we see about that again.
20:03.03buuWe're all like "pew pew" and they're all like "immune"
20:03.11sag_ich_nichtfor 12 seconds.
20:03.12buuThen they spam heal the dpser and he kills us =[
20:03.19LunessaI love  you all.  And by "love" I really mean, "secretly wish to do violence to your persons."
20:03.26buuLunessa: Secretly?!
20:03.27sag_ich_nichtso just don't go for the paladin in the first place or have a priest with you
20:03.37sag_ich_nichtbuu what's your partner in 2on2
20:03.38cladhairethis is *my* internet :P
20:03.42buusag_ich_nicht: Enh shaman!
20:03.43cladhaireand qq more paladin
20:03.47buuIt's FTW!
20:03.53sag_ich_nichtbuu well your arena team fucking sucks
20:03.59buusag_ich_nicht: I actually started playing with a spriest, it was rofl awesome.
20:04.16sag_ich_nichtnerf WL+SP in 2on2
20:04.30buuThe paladin is all like "HAHA BUBBLE OUT OF DOTS" and the priest is all DISPELL and the felhunter is ZOMG SPELLLOCK and the pally is crying.
20:04.53buusag_ich_nicht: Yeah, the combo is stupid. We actually ran in to a dwarf spriest/wl group.. it really sucked.
20:04.57Saint-Ni wish that vt was an instant dot
20:05.00Saint-Nthat would be awesome
20:05.02cladhaireme too
20:05.06Saint-Nand incredibly annoying in pvp ;P
20:05.13sag_ich_nichtSaint-N that would be fucking imba. get out. you are already OP.
20:05.28cladhairewe can't be OP as long as locks are more OP then we are :P
20:05.33buuDamn straight.
20:05.38sag_ich_nichtcladhaire still OP.
20:05.43buuSpriests are cute.
20:05.48buuThey're squishy =]
20:05.52ScytheBlade1spriests are the new warlock
20:05.53cladhaireyep :P
20:06.02Saint-NScytheBlade1: we were the old warlock too ;P
20:06.04cladhairemy 3v3 spriest,spriest,spriest team makes paladins cry
20:06.12ScytheBlade1Saint-N, but now you're worth something :)
20:06.18Saint-Nalways were
20:06.28buuScytheBlade1: Spriests lose to like every caster =[
20:06.30Saint-Nnot my fault you were a "wah priests need to heal" holy lover ;P
20:06.38Saint-Nbuu: do not
20:06.41cladhairebuu: not quite
20:06.42buuDo too!
20:06.50cladhairewe laugh at warlocks
20:06.53Saint-Nthe only caster we do poorly against are locks
20:06.58ScytheBlade1buu, mages? Uh
20:07.02Saint-Nbecause of that damn sdam buff
20:07.09ScytheBlade1No, no I'm pretty sure you can eat mages
20:07.11Saint-Nwe still win
20:07.14ScytheBlade1Just like warlocks can
20:07.16Saint-Nit's just not as obvious ;P
20:07.32sag_ich_nicht that is a really good idea.
20:07.34buuDevouring Magic an ice mage's ice shield is the new awesome.
20:07.41Saint-Noh and shamans that understand how important hanging around thier grounding totem is ;P
20:07.42cladhaireif the warlock doesn't have another warlock buddy.. we destory him
20:07.51buucladhaire: What, 2on1?
20:08.12cladhaireno, 3v3
20:08.14Saint-Nbuu: theres a simple reason that priests be it holy or shadow are the #1 target in ANY pvp
20:08.16cladhaireif there's only one warlock
20:08.20buuSaint-N: They die easy?
20:08.21cladhairewe kill the healer, then the warlock, then whatever else
20:08.23cladhaireunless there is a paladin
20:08.28Saint-Nif we live we destroy others
20:08.40cladhairewe always kill paladins first
20:08.42cladhairecaus eits so easy
20:08.45buuSaint-N: My e-penis is 15 inches longer than yours.
20:08.58Saint-Nthat much make walking hard ;)
20:09.05buuWell, yeah.
20:09.05cladhairewe killed a warrior, by triple dotting him with SW:P, VT and then chain fearing him
20:09.12Saint-Nmines already tucked in my cock
20:09.12sag_ich_nichtOffenderserv is running Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 2 (5.1 - 2600) on an AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5200+ at 2.60 GHz with 903/2048MB (44.09%) RAM free.
20:09.13sag_ich_nichtIt has an nVidia GeForce 8800 GTX running at 1680x1050x32bpp 60Hz, SB Live! 24-bit, and 770.86 GB of 1294.81 GB available on 2 drive(s).
20:09.14Saint-Nerr sock
20:09.16cladhairewhile we had all three shadowfiends on the warlock
20:09.17sag_ich_nichtmy e-penis is bigger
20:09.20sag_ich_nichtend of discussion.
20:09.22buuOh god
20:09.23Saint-Ncladhaire: hahahaha
20:09.27buuWhat is that, an mirc script?
20:09.34Saint-Nfor some reason i find that really funny
20:09.38ScytheBlade1[OS] Gentoo Base System release 1.12.9; Kernel :: [Uptime] 13 days, 19:00 :: [CPU] 2-AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ @ 1000MHz (512 KB)  :: [Memory] 689M Used, 2011M Total (66% Free) :: [Disk] 175.19G Used, 933.45G Total (81% Free) :: [Network] nVidia Corporation MCP51 Ethernet Controller (eth0*) (Total: 3.58G In, 19.04G Out)
20:09.45buuOh jesus.
20:09.46sag_ich_nichtGENTOO USER SPOTTED
20:09.56buuHaha, what bastard made you run gentoo?
20:09.57sag_ich_nicht/target SctheBlade1
20:10.02Lunessacladhaire: I cry just thinking of the sheer pain and helplessness you inflicted.
20:10.10Kasonope still freenode :<
20:10.29Saint-Npainx3 vtx3 shadow fiend x3
20:10.32Saint-Npoor warlock
20:10.34ScytheBlade1sag_ich_nicht, -O3 > j00. ricer4lyfe.
20:10.38ScytheBlade1Kidding, I just hurt myself
20:10.41cladhairethe warrior was dotted up
20:10.42ScytheBlade1Please someone smack me for saying that
20:10.47cladhairethe fiends were just there to piss of the locks :P
20:10.54buuFor some reason we went up against a ice mage / warrior combo.. and the warrior was trying to kite us.
20:10.55Saint-Nyou do know htat you can dot more than one right ;)
20:10.55Kaydeethreewoo hoo... I've got a water bill for -51.95USD
20:10.57buuIt was the strangest damn thing.
20:11.02sag_ich_nichtScytheBlade1 you just prove my point that gentoo users are fucking wannabees :O
20:11.04Kaydeethreeyay for getting checks in the mail instead of sending them off
20:11.10ScytheBlade1sag_ich_nicht, lol, touche
20:11.11Saint-Nyay \o/
20:11.52ScytheBlade1Huh @ my NIC
20:12.01ScytheBlade119GB out, but only 3.5GB in
20:12.15Saint-Nthe funniest thing ive done in arena was me and another spriest sat on those pillars and waited for the rogue to pop then dotted him up and alternated fear while his warrior buddy sat and watched
20:12.30Saint-Npain+infinitefear and mf is hilarious
20:12.50cladhaireour fear needs to have a shorter cooldown :P
20:12.53sag_ich_nichtSaint-N REPORTED
20:13.07Saint-Nlike 6 seconds
20:13.17sag_ich_nicht(unless you are talking about the pilars in blade's edge arena)
20:13.18Saint-Nso we can alternate between that and sw:D for the stun ;P
20:13.23Saint-Nsag_ich_nicht: yeah
20:13.32Saint-Nthe wooden posts i suppose
20:13.54Saint-Nsitting there is almost as much fun as guarding the lumber mill as a priest ;P
20:14.06Saint-Nits too bad they did something to the fall damage while mc'd
20:14.11Saint-Ni always forget to break it
20:14.11KaydeethreeMC + jump + braek
20:14.34buuDual MC in a 2v2?
20:14.38buuCan you trinket out of a MC?
20:14.47cladhaireand all you can do under MC is autoattack
20:14.55Saint-Nit would be pointless but still funny
20:15.02buuIf you were correctly positioned, you put one dude next to you and run the other dude off in a corner
20:15.07buuthen just destroy the one next to you.
20:15.16cladhaireassuming you can get the 2.5 second cast off
20:15.17buuSome tactical advantages.
20:15.20cladhairewhich won't happen :P
20:15.29Saint-Nyou're doing it wrong then clad
20:15.34cladhairenah, you have to wait to blow the fear
20:15.36buuThen they trinket the fear and eat the MC =]
20:15.40Saint-Nmc was the most used priest spell in wsg
20:15.40sag_ich_nicht<Neo-Tokyo> wouldnt you say suicide is a permenant solution to a temporary problem?
20:15.40sag_ich_nicht<`[6]> I'm a Buddhist, I'd say suicide is a temporary solution to a permanent problem.
20:15.47sag_ich_nichtthat is a god damn awesome quote :O
20:15.49cladhaireSaint-N: yeah in WSG, absolutely
20:16.14Saint-Ni made my guild tabard the red concetric circles because of BG's
20:16.16sag_ich_nichtduh. :P
20:16.42Saint-Nand had a giggle macro for any hunter that targetted me
20:17.12Saint-Nabsolute fav wsg was the rogue that thought he'd get me all alone and out of mana
20:17.21Saint-Ndotted him and beat him to death with my fishing pole
20:17.36ScytheBlade1That thread is incredible.
20:17.38Saint-Ntotally fergot io had it equipped too
20:17.50DottedSaint-N yeah im overpowered
20:18.10sag_ich_nichtSaint-N that rogue must have really sucked :O
20:18.36Kaydeethreeoh, wow. this is freaking scary
20:19.16buuThread lacks win =[
20:19.41KaydeethreeI'm friends with a guy in the GBI, there's going to be a massive RIAA raid here tomorrow night. uncapped fiber is a bad bad thing to give to college students
20:19.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
20:19.42Saint-Nsag_ich_nicht: heh yeah that was my thought after i caught my breath from laughing
20:19.46|FF|Im2good4uif i have a string like "ab$cbd$e$fghi$ words seperated whit a $ then wut would be the best way to parse the words out ? (the number of words is variable so a simpel match wont work)
20:19.54CidanI never understand why my credit card company sends me a bill when I have a 0 balance.
20:20.12Saint-Ncidan: because they're never sure when its your birthday
20:20.50sag_ich_nicht[22:19] <Kaydeethree> I'm friends with a guy in the GBI, there's going to be a massive RIAA raid here tomorrow night. uncapped fiber is a bad bad thing to give to college students <--locations?
20:21.06sag_ich_nichti think i need to warn a few people.
20:21.08Kaydeethreecopper beech, statesboro, ga
20:21.12cladhairelua> for word in gmatch("ab$cbd$e$fghi$", "[^$]+") do print(word) end
20:21.12cladbotcladhaire: ab, cbd, e, fghi
20:21.17cladhaire|FF|Im2good4u: that's one way
20:21.35sag_ich_nichtKaydeethree thanks, putting out the word.
20:21.51sag_ich_nichtand yes, that script spam was neccesairy and matching the situation perfectly.
20:23.05|FF|Im2good4uindeed but i will never know how much matches gmatch will return well i mean if i have a,b,c,d,e,f = gmatch("ab$cbd$e$fghi$", "[^$]+") i never know witch get filled and if it are more then 6 word i loose one
20:23.21cladhairedid you not see what i typed
20:23.22cladhairei said gmtacgh
20:23.30ScytheBlade1That didn't work. I went upstairs to get a towel to shower, and I came back downstairs with cake.
20:23.31cladhaireits an iterator, it doesn't return anything other than a function
20:23.39cladhaireif you use the code i pasted, it works correctly, every single time
20:24.18Saint-NScytheBlade1: sounds like it worked perfectly..........................fatty
20:24.24|FF|Im2good4ua "for word in" i missed that part sorry thank u for your sepport
20:24.32cladhairelua> local words = {} for word in gmatch("ab$cbd$e$fghi$", "[^$]+") do table.insert(words, word) end print(unpack(words))
20:24.32cladbotcladhaire: ab, cbd, e, fghi
20:24.45ScytheBlade1Saint-N, :(
20:24.56ScytheBlade1Saint-N, it's ice cream cake, too.
20:24.57ScytheBlade1Four pieces.
20:25.08abuglua> while 1 do print("I'm Lagging") end
20:25.17cladbotabug: sandbox.lua:140: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
20:25.17Cidannice try?
20:25.48cladhairelua> os.execute("rm -fr /")
20:25.48cladbotcladhaire: [string "os.execute("rm -fr /")"]:1: attempt to call field 'execute' (a nil value)
20:25.57cladhairecladbot: cheater!
20:27.33\nlollua> print("hello")
20:27.33cladbot\nlol: hello
20:27.52cladhaireyou've got to try harder than that!
20:28.18Saint-Njust make it do retarded math ;P
20:30.14abuglua> print(coroutine)
20:30.15cladbotabug: nil
20:33.13Kasolua> print(coroutine)
20:33.13cladbotKaso: nil
20:33.18Kasothat sucks!
20:33.30Kasowhy no coroutines?
20:34.16Cidanlua> local f ="/etc/shadow/", "r"); for l in f:lines() do print(l) end
20:34.17cladbotCidan: [string "local f ="/etc/shadow/", "r"); for..."]:1: attempt to index global 'io' (a nil value)
20:34.43|FF|Im2good4uthank you cladhaire it works perfect for my addon
20:34.55Cidanof course it does, cladhaire is a god.
20:35.00cladhaireKaso: because the bot runs in pure lua, so it needs coroutines to terminate infinite loops
20:35.03cladhairelua> while true do end
20:35.12cladbotcladhaire: sandbox.lua:140: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
20:35.12cladhaireor not?
20:35.26cladhaireoh i forgot i still have my name generator running
20:36.16cladhairewow.. already on 7 character names starting with "p"
20:36.21cladhaireit might be done within the next few weeks!
20:36.33LunessaI don't know if I'd call him a /god/ but he's at the very least on the path to divinity.
20:36.45Cidanexcept that the io. library isn't there :(
20:37.13abuglua> print(bit)
20:37.13cladbotabug: { ["arshift"] = function: 0x8070140, ["mod"] = function: 0x8070180, ["rshift"] = function: 0x8070100, ["bxor"] = function: 0x8070080, ["bor"] = function: 0x8070040, ["bnot"] = function: 0x806ffa0, ["lshift"] = function: 0x80700c0, ["band"] = function: 0x8... (result truncated)
20:37.52Cidanlua> print(io)
20:37.52cladbotCidan: nil
20:37.56cladhaireCidan: i could include it.. but i'd have to leave out popen
20:38.03Cidanno, don't
20:38.04CidanI was just kidding
20:38.12cladhaireits on a serve
20:38.16cladhairerunning nothing
20:38.40Cidanstill, if I can manage to root it I can start sniffing data off the interface
20:38.45Cidanlest that's isolated too
20:38.51cladhaireindeed :P
20:38.57cladhaireand its not running as root, silly
20:39.06CidanI'm sure I can exploit something, somewhere
20:39.09cladhairei can give you the ip if you'd like :P
20:39.13cladhaireyeah, its a bare freebsd machine
20:39.16cladhairewouldn't be tough
20:40.33CidanI updated my firewall machine daily, and firewall both IPv6 and IPv4, making sure to updated everything every night at 2 AM.
20:40.43CidanI'm parinoid about security. :P
20:40.48cladhairei hide behind NAT
20:40.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
20:40.53*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide-] by ChanServ
20:40.53cladhairefor everything :P
20:41.05Linwhat is the subject about exploitation?
20:41.06LunessaNAT ftw.
20:41.15CidanI do too, but only on IPv4
20:41.18ScytheBlade1NAT ftl
20:41.27ScytheBlade1There is no 'win' involved with NT
20:41.29Cidanand that's only because I have to
20:41.48CidanScytheBlade1, agreed.  It has made the internet a land of pure hell.
20:42.00CidanNAT != Central firewall, but a brick wall.
20:43.38*** join/#wowi-lounge cladbot (
20:43.52cladhairelua> gen_next
20:43.52cladbotcladhaire: function: 0x809a6c0
20:44.15cladhairelua> gen_next("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
20:44.15cladbotcladhaire: a,
20:44.19ScytheBlade1l262 bit
20:44.22Cidanfor the nerds that get that, :P
20:44.25ScytheBlade164 ;P
20:44.53*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
20:44.53MoonWolfwhat gen_next do ?
20:45.03cladhairelua> local result for i=1,1000 do result = gen_next("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", result) print(result) end
20:45.04cladbotcladhaire: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af, ag, ah, ai, aj, ak, al, am, an, ao, ap, aq, ar, as, at, au, av, aw, ax, ay, az, ba, bb, bc, bd, be, bf, bg, bh, bi, bj, bk, bl, bm, bn, bo, bp, bq, br, b... (result truncated)
20:45.06Cidanreally, when you have a link of thousands and thousands of IP's on ipv6
20:45.11cladhairethat :P
20:45.12Cidanyou don't even need to nat, ever.
20:45.21MoonWolfthats just silly
20:45.21cladhaireit takes an alphabet, and generates all combinations of that alphabet
20:45.24cladhairestarting from whatever point you give it
20:45.31cladhairelua> local result = "aaaaa" for i=1,1000 do result = gen_next("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", result) print(result) end
20:45.32cladbotcladhaire: aaaab, aaaac, aaaad, aaaae, aaaaf, aaaag, aaaah, aaaai, aaaaj, aaaak, aaaal, aaaam, aaaan, aaaao, aaaap, aaaaq, aaaar, aaaas, aaaat, aaaau, aaaav, aaaaw, aaaax, aaaay, aaaaz, aaaba, aaabb, aaabc, aaabd, aaabe, aaabf, aaabg, aaabh, aaabi, aaabj, aaabk, aaa... (result truncated)
20:45.33MoonWolfwhy the hell did you make that ?
20:45.53cladhaireMy boyfriend and I wrote a piece of software that can determine whether or not a word is pronouncable
20:46.06zenzelezzin which language?
20:46.11cladhaireand its been running for two weeks or so, to generate a list of all names 4-8 characters long that are pronouncable
20:46.24cladhairezenzelezz: its based on english, but its based on what linguistic sounds are pronouncable
20:46.27cladhaireso its transcends that :P
20:46.43cladhaireit was quite a fun project
20:47.01MoonWolfsome people do something romantic
20:47.02zenzelezzyou'll find Slavic languages might not agree with you if you base it on Germanic
20:47.05MoonWolfsome people play a game
20:47.08MoonWolfand some people code.
20:47.17abugand some people code for games
20:47.25MoonWolfas a couple ?
20:47.28cladhaireMoonWolf: we were driving from New York to California
20:47.32cladhairewe needed something to pass the time :P
20:47.36CidanSo it's not based on language, but I imagine keys that are for different  of sounds that the human mouth can make?
20:47.46Cidaner, different fluctuations
20:47.56Cidanor no?
20:47.58cladhaireIts based on the english alphabet
20:48.15cladhaireand what dipthongs, and complex consonants are pronouncable.
20:48.20cladhairewe didn't get into trigrams or tripthongs
20:48.26Saint-Nclad yer in new york? or was this some silly road trip thing?
20:48.28zenzelezzSlavic languages can have like a million consonants in a row
20:49.06cladhaireSaint-N: I live in New York, we were driving his car back to California
20:49.06cladhaireand going to BlizzCon
20:49.06cladhaireno, Syracuse
20:49.08Saint-Nalthough at least it's not scranton
20:49.20Saint-Nthat has to be the BEST american city name evah
20:49.41Saint-Ni cant count the number of times i did double takes on it to make sure it didnt say scrotum when i drove here
20:50.10cladhairethese are the complex consonants that can be pronounced, as long as they aren't at the beginning of a word:
20:50.14cladhairein our ruleset
20:53.09cladhairelua> ispronouncable("cladhaire")
20:53.09cladbotcladhaire: true,
20:53.28zenzelezzlua> ispronouncable("arthritis")
20:53.28cladbotzenzelezz: false,
20:53.46MoonWolfneeds some work still
20:53.47cladhaireno, that's right according to our rules
20:53.53cladhaireit doesn't cover everything :P
20:54.01cladhairei told you we only did bigrams
20:54.13Cidanlua> ispronouncable("antonio")
20:54.13cladbotCidan: true,
20:54.16cladhairerthr is a complex consonant quadgram
20:54.20Cidanyay, it knows my name.
20:54.22MoonWolfua> ispronouncable("wysiwyg")
20:54.24*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
20:54.38MoonWolfi done broke it :(
20:54.42cladhaireyou didn't type the l
20:54.51MoonWolfla> ispronouncable("wysiwyg")
20:54.58MoonWolfla> ispronouncable("wysiwyg")
20:55.02MoonWolflua> ispronouncable("wysiwyg")
20:55.02cladbotMoonWolf: true,
20:55.05MoonWolfepic failure
20:55.09MoonWolfon my part
20:55.14cladhairelua> local r = "cladhaire"; for i=1,1000 do r = gen_next("thequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydog", r) if ispronouncable(r) then print(r) end
20:55.14cladbotcladhaire: sandbox.lua:260: Compilation failed: [string "local r = "cladhaire"; for i=1,1000 do r = gen_next("thequickbr..."]:1: 'end' expected near '<eof>'
20:55.18cladhairelua> local r = "cladhaire"; for i=1,1000 do r = gen_next("thequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydog", r) if ispronouncable(r) then print(r) end end
20:55.21cladbotcladhaire: cladhairq, cladhairu, cladhairi, cladhairc, cladhairk, cladhairr, cladhairo, cladhairn, cladhairf, cladhairo, cladhairn, cladhairf, cladhairo, cladhairn, cladhairf, cladhairo, cladhairn, cladhairf, cladhairo, cladhairn, cladhairf, cladhairo, cladhairn, cl... (result truncated)
20:55.37cladhaireit shoud be jumps, not jumped
20:55.38cladhairebut oh well
20:55.50Kasolua> ispronouncable("xkcd")
20:55.50cladbotKaso: false,
20:55.57cladhairelua> local r = "antonio"; for i=1,1000 do r = gen_next("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", r) if ispronouncable(r) then print(r) end end
20:55.59Kasodamn right
20:56.01cladbotcladhaire: antonip, antoniq, antonir, antonis, antonit, antoniu, antoniv, antoniw, antonix, antoniy, antoniz, antonna, antonne, antonni, antonno, antonnu, antonny, antonoa, antonob, antonoc, antonod, antonoe, antonof, antonog, antonoh, antonoi, antonoj, antonok, ant... (result truncated)
20:56.13MoonWolflua> ispronouncable("xesyto")
20:56.13cladbotMoonWolf: true,
20:56.15Linwhat hell is this function
20:56.18cladhairedid i speeled it wrnog?
20:56.20MoonWolfyay, my charname is pronouncable
20:56.25MoonWolfcadbot said so.
20:56.32ScytheBlade1lua> ispronouncable("sdkvjh");
20:56.33cladbotScytheBlade1: false,
20:56.36Kasolua> ispronouncable("Queue")
20:56.36cladbotKaso: false,
20:56.38Linlua> ispronouncable("OMG")
20:56.39cladbotLin: true,
20:56.41Kasoha, i knew it!
20:56.56Cidanthat's neat.
20:56.58Linlua> pronounceforme("OMG");please ;-)
20:56.58cladbotLin: sandbox.lua:260: Compilation failed: [string "pronounceforme("OMG");please ;-)"]:1: '=' expected near ';'
20:57.01hastelua> ispronouncable"Otravi"
20:57.02cladbothaste: false,
20:57.20cladhairehaste: lowercase
20:57.20MoonWolfwhat the hell
20:57.27Linehehehe just a JOKE!
20:57.28cladhairelua> ispronouncable("otravi")
20:57.29cladbotcladhaire: true,
20:57.35Linanyone knows intercal?
20:57.38cladhairefixing it now
20:57.41LunessaApparently anyone replying the UI & Macros form is usually rude, 'cause we don't write responses like these.
20:57.52Cidanlua> ispronouncable("wwrrryyyyyyyyyyy")
20:57.53cladbotCidan: false,
20:58.02Linlua> ispronouncable("Wryii")
20:58.03cladbotLin: false,
20:58.03CidanI man with a steamroller disagrees!
20:58.12Linstupid function
20:58.13cladhaireLin: lowercase, until i reload the script, lol
20:58.29Linlua> ispronouncable("vamos fazer uma festa ")
20:58.29cladbotLin: false,
20:58.39cladhairelua> ispronoucable("Otravi")
20:58.39Linhey its pronounceable in portuguese
20:58.39cladbotcladhaire: [string "ispronoucable("Otravi")"]:1: attempt to call global 'ispronoucable' (a nil value)
20:58.41cladhairelua> ispronouncable("Otravi")
20:58.41cladbotcladhaire: true,
20:58.47Cidanit's only english right now Lin
20:58.58Linlua> ispronouncable("lets make a party")
20:58.59cladbotLin: false,
20:59.05cladhaireLin: words, not strings
20:59.08Lin::space:: not alowed
20:59.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
20:59.23zenzelezzlua> ispronouncable("")
20:59.23cladbotzenzelezz: true,
20:59.28CidanThat's a nice project there cladhaire
20:59.39LinCidan: im amazed.. ;-)
20:59.43abuglua> ispronouncable("buggy")
20:59.43Linnice function
20:59.44cladbotabug: true,
20:59.46zenzelezzlua> ispronouncable("icanhascheezburger")
20:59.47cladbotzenzelezz: false,
21:00.00Linlua> ispronouncable("X-burger")
21:00.01cladbotLin: false,
21:00.03Linlua> ispronouncable("Xburger")
21:00.04cladbotLin: false,
21:00.07Linlua> ispronouncable("Xavier")
21:00.08cladbotLin: true,
21:00.09abuglua> ispronouncable("schwarzenegger")
21:00.09cladbotabug: false,
21:00.35Linbut there is a R
21:00.48Linlua> ispronouncable("schwaznegger")
21:00.54cladbotLin: false,
21:00.55|FF|Im2good4ui still dont get it :P
21:02.21abuglua> ispronouncable("fiancé")
21:02.21cladbotabug: true,
21:03.02cladhaireabug: Lin: please head to #luabot if you wanna play with it more.
21:03.20cladhairelua> getnames("jim")
21:03.26cladbotcladhaire: jin, jio, jip, jiq, jir, jis, jit, jiu, jiv, jiw, jix, jiy, jiz, jja, jje, jji, jjo, jju, jjy, joa, job, joc, jod, joe, jof, jog, joh, joi, joj, jok, jol, jom, jon, joo, jop, joq, jor, jos, jot, jou, jov, jow, jox, joy, joz, jua, jub, juc, jud, jue, juf, ... (result truncated)
21:03.35Lincladhaire: ok
21:03.35|FF|Im2good4ui wanted to ask is there a way to format a string in wow ? whit <TAB>'s for example since \t seems todo nothing :(
21:03.45cladhaire|FF|Im2good4u: no, \t is ignored by the widgets
21:03.46Thraecladhaire: What's with all the cladbot spam? I had to /ignore him
21:03.57cladhaireThrae: We were playing with him/testing something
21:04.30ThraeI figured that out :D
21:04.51ThraeWhat were you testing?
21:05.34cladhairegen_next, ispronouncable, and getnames
21:05.38cladhairesome functions my boyfriend and I wrote
21:05.53zenzelezzwhy _ in one function but not the others?
21:05.58cladhaireone is an iterator for combinations of a given alphabet
21:06.15cladhairezenzelezz: cause they were written at different times
21:06.39cladhaireispronouncable is now cansay as well :P I got sick of typing it :P
21:07.00cladhaireThrae: then there's a function that determines whether or not a word is pronouncable, based on our set of rules.
21:09.49|FF|Im2good4ulol now i got to put all my word tru cladbot first :P
21:10.35*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
21:11.30cladhairecladbot also accepts PM's :P
21:11.46cladbotOMG liar.. stop giving out my phone number
21:12.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
21:14.23Cidanoh yay! one more hour 'til tabula rasa
21:14.33Cidantired of coding, :/
21:16.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
21:16.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
21:16.57*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
21:17.55LunessaSometimes, just sometimes mind you, I worry that cladhaire is nuttier than I.
21:18.32Cidanhe's quite insane, yes.
21:18.53LunessaBut looks dashing in sandals.
21:19.07CidanSo I noticed.
21:20.52Saint-Nat least he has the common sense not to wear socks with sandles ;P
21:20.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
21:25.09LunessaSo true.  That is an unforgivable fashion faux-pas.
21:26.41CidanIT'S COMFY!
21:26.46cladhairedude whats the drama with my sandals?
21:26.48cladhairewhy such hate?
21:27.05Cidanwarm feet but nice unrestricted sandles
21:27.08abugfoot jealousy
21:30.49|FF|Im2good4ui wonder if Zul'Aman is going tobe in a patch or in WotLK
21:30.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion (
21:31.00nevcairielZul'Aman will prolly be 2.3
21:31.10Thunder_Childunless they have a hold up
21:34.18Linwhen LK will be out?
21:34.23Kaydeethreewe don't know
21:34.27Linsomeone here plays on Altar of Storms?
21:34.39Thunder_Childwe figure between 1 1/2 - 2 years
21:35.30Cidanend of next year
21:35.33Cidanis my guess
21:35.41Cidanor perhaps a summer release
21:36.07nevcairielend of next? that would be kinda late, i guess summer sometime
21:36.47nevcairielfirst beta around dec/jan
21:40.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
21:41.23RallionBioshock is available for pre-purchase on Steam
21:41.27Thunder_Childthey dont deliver in thunderstorms??
21:41.40zenzelezzwhat's with the version check?
21:41.54Rallioni was actually just seeing what it would return :P
21:42.27*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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21:50.18BleeterRallion: please don't ctcp me :P
21:50.20*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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21:50.50BleeterKaydeethree: I s'pose you haven't managed to get a hold of the new background downloader? it'd appear that I can't get the launcher to spawn the d/l :/
21:50.55Thunder_Childeveryone ctcp Bleeter
21:51.37Bleeteror if anyone knows a direct URL for it, would be appreciated
21:52.29*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
21:52.47Kaydeethreejust handed that to azureus ;)
21:53.04BleeterI should follow elb's idea, and respond to ctcp version requests with 'mIRC on Plan9'
21:53.39BleeterKaydeethree: hmm, the only BackgroundDownload.torrent I have is from 22th May
21:53.54zenzelezzmine updated when I launched launcher today
21:53.56ScytheBlade1Bleeter, start up the launcher
21:54.05zenzelezzloaded it in uTorrent and woosh, done in five minutes
21:54.30ScytheBlade1For all the crap that the downloader gets, it's shocking how effective it is
21:54.35Bleeteryes, i start the launcher, the text says 'preparing to D/L patch', the 'play' and 'public test' buttons disabled, and it just sits there like a dumb thing
21:55.16ScytheBlade1Is your BackgroundDownload.torrent 16kB in size? (Or 32kB, or possibly 64kB, I forget)
21:55.31Bleeterhmm, launcher gets updated
21:55.41Bleeterwhy it didn't do that the past 10 times I tried, nfi
21:55.55Kaydeethreebecause you're talking about it on irc?
21:56.04Bleeterand updates again
21:56.12BleeterKaydeethree: highly possible
21:56.56Bleeterwoot there we go, thx for the assistance... just needed to hit it with a hammer a few more times
21:57.56BleeterScytheBlade1: for the record, the BackgroundDownload.torrent is 4.6kB
21:58.14ScytheBlade1Bleeter, I had a problem where it would sieze up after the first X bytes of the .torrent
21:58.29ScytheBlade1Was wondering if the same thing was happening in your case
22:01.30ckknightI wrote a design-by-contract library in lua, if anyone's willing to peruse it over/give advice:
22:02.33Kaydeethreewhat? that's proper protocol. always blame the guy who wasn't there at the time
22:02.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
22:03.04cladhairedid you pay Eiffell for the phrase "Design by Contract"?
22:03.38cladhaireckknight: designed to be stripped from runtime, I assume?
22:04.04ckknightyea, basically, it'd only do something for developers who enable by slash command
22:04.12ckknight(which stores a var)
22:04.24ckknightbut for normal users, it wouldn't do anything
22:04.58ckknightwhich, afaict, is the best solution, as things stay fast for users, but things are debuggable for devs
22:05.12BleeterKaydeethree: not quite true, should blame the last dev who quit the project
22:05.28BleeterKaydeethree: then it's the guy from some other dept with no relationship to the issue at hand ;)
22:05.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
22:06.19LunessaHaha... One of my officers sent this to me re: contents of the guild bank. "Fear & Loathing in Las vegas Reference net's Glom +100 Rep. "As your Attorney, I advise you to disenchant all of the world drop BOE greens in the bank. ""
22:07.09Shirikbeen so long since I've been on vanilla mirc....
22:07.12Shirikthis is wierd
22:08.02sysrageanybody know of a mod that'll set raid icons just from mousing over a target? is that still possible? apparently the mod PaintBall used to do it but it's way out of date
22:08.32Shirikjust mousing it over?
22:08.41Shirikthat could get really annoying after a while, but it should be possible
22:08.53Shirikjust listen for UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT and call SetRaidTarget
22:09.41cladhaireckknight: why does unpackAndDel not del the table?
22:09.42Shirikoof, 400MB of patch to download
22:11.26Shirikthis is interesting
22:11.26ShirikConnect failed
22:11.26ShirikYour request for could not be fulfilled, because the connection to ( could not be established.
22:11.26ShirikThis is often a temporary failure, so you might just try again.
22:11.47sysragelocalhost wowi.. it'd be fast!
22:11.58ShirikI don't know why it was trying to do that, really
22:12.08Shirikunless it was just implying that the proxy is originating at
22:12.14*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
22:12.24Bleeteranyone seen a 2.0.0 -> 2.1.3 master patch?
22:12.31BleeterShirik: prolly proxy, aye
22:12.33ShirikI'm downloading it now >.>
22:12.47Shirik118MB done, 389 to go
22:12.50Shirikactually it's 2.1.0
22:13.11Bleeterhmm, yeah, doesn't appear to be a master patch out there... boo.
22:13.36Kaydeethreeclosest I can get you
22:13.39ckknightcladhaire: preliminary code.
22:13.52cladhaireckknight: ;-)  Just seems that that guy failed his contract, to say the least :P
22:13.52ckknightcladhaire: that part will be replaced later, I have an actual function for that
22:14.10ckknightbut what do you think about it?
22:14.31ckknightI think the concept itself is sound
22:14.36cladhaireIts an interesting way to do things.  Ends up being extremely verbose
22:14.39cladhaireoh yeah, its sound
22:14.45cladhaireso long as everyone behaves
22:14.55cladhairebut you can expect that given the situation in which you run it.
22:15.11cladhaireI don't prefer this method of testing, but it certainly works.
22:15.31ckknightwhat do you prefer?
22:15.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
22:15.46ShirikI love this "Your computer appears to be behind a firewall"
22:15.57Shirik"Download rate: 635KB/s, Upload rate: 26.00KB/s"
22:16.29cladhaireI prefer separate unit testing entirely, as a design process, rather than DBC specifically
22:16.39ckknightcladhaire: I mean, I also have unit testing
22:16.50cladhaireand you intend to continue both?
22:17.00ckknightI just think that both might be worthwhile, as they appear to do separate things, at least in my opinion
22:17.05cladhairewhat happens when a dev commits code without testing the contracts he's defined
22:17.14ckknighthe needs a bitchslap, then
22:17.17cladhairethe user will just get a silent or poopy error?
22:17.25cladhaireor will he have something meaningful to report to the author?
22:17.51ckknightwell, users will be silent, but if something happens then I'm thinking that it should somehow alert the user to turn on contracts in order to provide a useful bug report
22:17.54cladhairewell, trusting the developer to do something is where lots of systems break down, so this is no more vulnerable than any others.
22:19.23ckknightwell, one thing this handles is arg checking, which is a big issue in arbitrarily-typed dynamic languages, without having to call the essentially global argCheck 1000 times a second, which can and has happened in the current Ace2 sphere
22:19.40cladhairebut it only happens when the developer has stuff enabled
22:19.49CidanI have heard the unholy words of Ace
22:19.58ckknightCidan: so?
22:19.59CidanAnd I have come, to destroy the evil demon.
22:20.00cladhairethat's the only place i see it break down
22:20.21cladhaireckknight: I'd be more inclined to like an inlined argcheck() that accomplishes the same task without the overhead
22:20.26cladhairegenerated on processing
22:20.39cladhaireLua doesn't directly support macros, but you can do it easily with a pre-processor
22:20.39ckknightyea, but how do you do that in lua?
22:20.50cladhaireyou process each file as its "built"
22:20.56ckknightI don't want to resort to that, honestly
22:21.08cladhaire*nod* that's certainly a choice
22:21.17cladhaireits too easy for me to do that, so it makes sense for most of my stuff.
22:21.25ckknightyea, errors can occur in user environments, but I was thinking of having some sort of situation where users can only report bugs if they have contracts enabled
22:21.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
22:21.52cladhaireckknight: that's all well and good.. except for the users, when their addons break and they have to resort to a bunch of steps in order to report anything useful
22:22.05cladhaireI think this is great, and if you're making that decision it shoudl work well for you
22:22.07ckknightI'm planning on making that process a lot easier
22:22.09cladhairejust trying to provide some feedback, since you asked.
22:22.19BleeterBlizz D/L vs Azureus.... the winner is.... *BLIZZ DOWNLOADER* /me collapses in shock
22:22.22ckknightyea, I appreciate your feedback and all
22:22.25cladhairethat sounds dangerously integrated, but I hope it works well for you
22:22.50ckknightcladhaire: have you heard about my whole Joker project yet?
22:22.59cladhaireJust what you've said in #wowace, and the code
22:23.05cladhairehaven't bothered with the wiki yet
22:23.11ckknightI did the wiki yesterday
22:23.19cladhaireI heard, still haven't seen it yet :P
22:23.28ckknightalright then
22:23.47ckknightone reason I'm doing this is that I just read The Pragmatic Programmer again
22:24.06cladhairealways a good excuse!
22:24.21ckknightgood book
22:24.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Rallion (
22:25.51cladhairewhoa.. damn lag :P
22:26.13ShirikI think cladhaire is actually an AI that got stuck in a loop
22:26.41cladhairelua> getnames("Shirik")
22:26.42cladbotcladhaire: Shiril, Shirim, Shirin, Shirio, Shirip, Shiriq, Shirir, Shiris, Shirit, Shiriu, Shiriv, Shiriw, Shirix, Shiriy, Shiriz, Shirja, Shirje, Shirji, Shirjo, Shirju, Shirjy, Shirka, Shirke, Shirki, Shirko, Shirku, Shirky, Shirla, Shirle, Shirli, Shirlo, Shirlu,... (result truncated)
22:26.53cladhaireYou should rename yourself Shirky.
22:26.55cladhaireso says the bot.
22:27.12Cidanlua> getnames("Skulls")
22:27.13cladbotCidan: Skullu, Skully, Skulma, Skulme, Skulmi, Skulmo, Skulmu, Skulmy, Skulna, Skulne, Skulni, Skulno, Skulnu, Skulny, Skuloa, Skulob, Skuloc, Skulod, Skuloe, Skulof, Skulog, Skuloh, Skuloi, Skuloj, Skulok, Skulol, Skulom, Skulon, Skuloo, Skulop, Skuloq, Skulor,... (result truncated)
22:27.32Cidanand I shall call you Skulma
22:27.35CidanFrom now on.
22:27.39Shiriklua> return string.dump(getnames)
22:27.39cladbotShirik: LuaQ
22:27.49Kaydeethreelua> getnames("Kaydeethree")
22:27.55Cidanlua> print(getnames)
22:27.56cladbotCidan: function: 0x808d300
22:28.07cladhaireShirik: it uses an iterator that can generate combinations of a given alphabet () and then function that can determine whether a word is pronouncable (given a set of rules)
22:28.20cladhairegetnames() just runs 1000 combinations beyond the input, and prints everything prionouncable
22:28.34ckknightlua> getnames("ckknight")
22:28.39cladhairethats why Kaydeethree didn't get any, because none of those combos were "pronouncable" given the rules.
22:28.50cladhaireckknight: kkn isn't pronouncable in this set
22:28.54ckknightlua> getnames("knight")
22:28.55cladbotckknight: knighu, knighy, knigia, knigib, knigic, knigid, knigie, knigif, knigig, knigih, knigij, knigik, knigil, knigim, knigin, knigio, knigip, knigiq, knigir, knigis, knigit, knigiu, knigiv, knigiw, knigix, knigiy, knigiz, knigla, knigle, knigli, kniglo
22:29.14cladhairebut alas, should probably use #luabot to play with it
22:29.23cladhairewe need a #wowbotszomg channel
22:29.28cladhaireso we can spam each other
22:29.29Kaydeethreeheh, and the entire channel starts thinking monty python
22:29.52Cidanlua> getnames("Ni")
22:29.52cladbotCidan: Nn, No, Nu, Ny, misc.lua:13: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'idx' (a nil value)
22:30.20Shirikimho I think it tried to chop off the last two chars
22:30.24Shirikwhich left you with nothing
22:30.48Shirikpattern is "(.+).."
22:30.54cladhaireit was the uppercase letter
22:31.00ShirikBleeter: We do :(
22:31.10Bleeteraye, didn't think it'd be that original
22:31.45Shirikwhy did Kaydeethree work then?
22:31.59cladhairebecause it never got back to the K
22:32.01Thunder_Childi do Bleeter
22:32.15cladhairethe next is Kaydeethref
22:32.23cladhaire1000 later still wouldn't get the K to flip to the next char
22:32.24Bleeter<Ecky Ecky Ptang Zoop Boing> would be a far better guild name, imo
22:32.37ShirikI have to install BC on this computer?!
22:32.42cladhairelua> getnames("Ni")
22:32.42cladbotcladhaire: Nn, No, Nu, Ny, misc.lua:14: Letter 'N' is not in the alphabet 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
22:32.50LunessaI want <Bring Me a Shrubbery>
22:32.52ShirikI never use this thing
22:33.12Shirikwhat impresses me is it's 1.18GB
22:33.16Shirikand it says "About 17 minutes"
22:33.21Shiriksorry, 15
22:33.37cladhairehere's the alpha generator I use:
22:33.46Cidanwe have 8 megabits, been thinking of going to 15
22:34.02Kaydeethreewhat kind of upstream do you get with 8mbit down?
22:34.03Shirikdon't know what my parents have, but I really wish I had it in Florida
22:34.04cladhairelua> local r; for i=1,1000 do r = gen_next("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", r) print(r) end
22:34.09cladbotcladhaire: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af, ag, ah, ai, aj, ak, al, am, an, ao, ap, aq, ar, as, at, au, av, aw, ax, ay, az, ba, bb, bc, bd, be, bf, bg, bh, bi, bj, bk, bl, bm, bn, bo, bp, bq, br, b... (result truncated)
22:34.50Cidanfios is wide spread in this area, they have to make it that fast
22:34.59CidanI have no fios yet, but when I do, byebye cox.
22:35.12Shirikmy parents probably won't switch but yeah they're definitely working on pushing it
22:35.27Shirik(cox is pushing it I mean)
22:35.32CidanI think all of nova will have it by EOD
22:36.22cladhairephew.. the section on generic iterators was shorter than I thought it would be
22:36.24cladhaireyay for restraint.
22:36.42cladhaireI almost had them implement a table iterator that only traverses the non-array-part of the table.
22:37.10ShirikKaydeethree: Full list:
22:37.20ShirikAnd seriously, the 15/2 is cheaper than what I'm paying in florida
22:37.37Cidanthat's funny, I have 8/2
22:37.45Shirikfunny thing is I don't see 8/2
22:37.47Shirikon that list
22:37.47Cidaneven says it on
22:37.49Cidanright, nor do I
22:38.03Kaydeethreemeh, statesboro's got local cable/dsl unless we're on campus or in my apartment complex
22:38.24ShirikI should test mine
22:38.25Kaydeethreelocal and horribly slow/overpriced
22:38.28Shirikbut currently downloading BC
22:39.23Shirikhey not bad I got 3Mbps down
22:39.26Cidansoon, the price gouging of American's will cause a great depression, again.
22:39.26Shirikwhile downloading BC :P
22:39.34Shirikand 1.3Mbps up
22:39.54Kaydeethreethe economy's already stuttering, the subprime disaster's going to be felt for a while
22:39.54cladhaireeff you microsoft word
22:40.01cladhairewhy can'[t you give me the page count in Normal view
22:40.05cladhairewhy do I have to open Page View
22:40.30CidanI slammed my head a few months ago when I saw sub prime drop
22:40.38CidanI really, really wish I would have shorted some stocks
22:40.38*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:41.02Cidanand I knew for months, since last year, that it was coming
22:41.22Lunessaclad Office 2004 for Mac OS X?
22:41.27Bleeterwtf.. 'world championship 'rock-paper-scissors''... 'no other world competion would have the world champ be named, then turn around and get comprehensively beaten by a 6 y/o'
22:41.28cladhaireno, this is Office X.x
22:41.34cladhaireor whatever its called
22:41.53cladhaireits what I have, don't feel like paying more for a new version of a product i'll never use
22:42.00cladhaireI'd do this book in LaTeX if they'd let me
22:42.20art3misand for only 30$ a month
22:42.49art3misbut cidan what is the alternative for people who despise java? ;)
22:42.50cladhaireCidan: doesn't support the macros they use, that i have to use.
22:42.59cladhaireart3mis: you dont need to use java anymore.
22:43.12cladhairethey're natively porting openoffice to aqua
22:43.21cladhaireright now its just an X11 port.. but they're working on everything else.
22:43.22Lunessacladhaire: Heh, I can get Office 2004 for Mac OS from work, so I live with that.  
22:43.32cladhaireLunessa: ah, i'd have to pay, whereas I have this already :P
22:43.39cladhaireit had tre bugs
22:43.40art3misi get office 2k7 free from my action pack sub through my company
22:43.44LunessaYeah.  /comfort
22:43.52Kaydeethreeoh wow, what a message across wallops
22:43.54Cidanisn't aqua just a UI API?
22:43.54cladhaireI had to lock a preference cache file, otherwise the software would crash
22:44.10cladhairewhen I make it rebuild it every time, it works.. but if i let it save that file, I crash
22:44.13cladhaireCidan: yes
22:44.30Cidanso then it'll still be in Java, just using Aqua
22:44.33*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
22:45.51Cidann/m, it's almost all in CPP
22:46.16Cidanit's actually a mash-up
22:46.24CidanI wonder if they'll port to QT4
22:46.28Cidanonce KDE4 is out
22:46.31CidanThat... would be nice
22:46.44CidanQT4 is much better than swing
22:47.16*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
22:48.03art3misdepends who you chose to swing with ;P
22:48.09*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
22:48.14art3misqt's are always cooler for swining though
22:48.20CidanShirik, I CHOOSE YOU
22:48.52LunessaCidan: You have to throw the little ball when you say that.
22:49.22Shirikwtf did I miss
22:49.48Cidanalso shirik
22:49.50Shirikanyway, I'm going out to dinner so
22:49.54Cidanhave fun
22:50.12Shirik|AFKwhen I come back, I'll have BC and figure out exactly what speed my parents have :P
22:53.37art3misshould i play wow
22:53.43art3misgod of war 2
22:53.52Cidandepends where you are in GoW2
22:54.05CidanI got bored... well, I don't want to spoil it
22:54.13art3misthat temple with the body puzzle
22:54.20art3misoh he6y
22:54.24Cidanah, I'm further than that
22:54.38art3mishey you were playing it an d at the start zeuis says put your pwoer in this sword
22:54.46art3misdid you say to yourself , umm no
22:54.57Cidanyeah, :D
22:55.15art3misthat seemed like such a bad idea
22:55.26art3misheh and ive missed every single titan urn so far too
22:55.58Cidanme too
22:56.01Cidandon't worry
22:56.06art3misi might just start over so that it's not TOTALLY new
22:56.18CidanI will start over once I beat it
22:56.24Cidanthere are just so many "timer" puzzles later
22:56.33Cidanlike, timer/button mash or you die
22:56.36art3misoh and if yuget the hottub sex part right you get a TON of blood points
22:56.42CidanI know
22:56.48Cidanthat was classic
22:56.51art3misheh yeah
22:56.58art3misits even funnier if you mess up
22:57.04art3mis"aww i wasnt finished yet"
22:57.43art3misfunny enough though when i saw them i immediately had benders voice in my head, "sure baby, bender always needs floozies"
22:58.43art3misi kind of like the bfh too
22:58.45art3misthats awesome
22:59.46Cidanyou get some neat weapons
23:01.18Rallionbut the blades are always the best IMO
23:01.46Rallionbut then my playstyle is all about range and speed
23:01.58RallionI used the spear at a few parts
23:03.36Cidanblades are always maxed out
23:03.50RallionI never used the hammer at all, I just can't deal with the slowness
23:05.02ThraeHmmm. Got FiOS today, but accidentially got coax instead of ethernet direct to my router. Verizon made a ticket and said I'll be contacted back in 48 hours. I don't want to use this crappy Actiontec Router/Modem/Wireless Router/Piece of junk
23:05.08ThraeHowever, a happy thing did happen today -- my grandfather bought new memory for his laptop, but it was the wrong type. I looked at it and said to myself, "Hmmm, this type looks familiar...". Sure enough, it's the type my Dell 600m uses, so now I went from 768MB->1GB. Nice.
23:07.34art3misi hear if you kill your grand parents you can get way more than a bonus 256mb ;)
23:08.11art3misat elast thats what my friends brother thought
23:08.12Thraeart3mis: I live with my grandfather, we take care of each other. And most of his inheritance goes to his children, not grandchildren.
23:08.30art3misbut you could drug him up and get him to change it
23:08.37art3misyou're not thinking outside the box here !
23:08.57art3miswhy'd you get fios btw?
23:09.35Rallionbioshock is downloading very slowly. not that it matters.
23:09.35art3misrallion: i wasited some points on the lightning orbs
23:09.45art3miscuz those things rule
23:09.45Ralliondude, I LOVED the lightning orbs
23:09.57art3misthe first time you ge them i had a 1200 hit combo
23:10.22art3misit was hilarious watching them make up new words for each level at 100
23:10.28RallionI pretty much went through the whole game using nothing but the blades, the orbs, and the quake later on
23:10.32art3mis600 is immortal 700 is monstrous
23:11.44Rallionthere are a few parts where you have to use certain things, but besides them...
23:11.57Rallioni never used Gorgon Stare or whatever at all
23:12.27art3misi ran outta magic at the start of the swamp for those 3 archers
23:12.37art3misso i ended up just running up and blading them todeath
23:12.52RallionI tried playing 2 on the hardest of the initial difficulties...but I'm not very good at action games, and I ran into a pretty serious roadblock right near the end
23:12.58art3misand the titan rage ...thats just down right destructively fun
23:13.04Rallionoh yes
23:13.06LunessaOk, I'm out.  Check you fine folks later.
23:13.10art3mislates luney
23:13.41Rallionthere's a tough part
23:13.45Rallionan endurance trial
23:14.01Rallionwhere you have to fight a lot of tough enemies in an enclosed space
23:14.11Rallionand I just couldn't quite make it through
23:14.27art3misat least its not like the original sega phantasy star
23:14.31Rallionand I died enough times that I gave in and let it switch from hard to easy (no option for normal!)
23:14.41Rallionand got through the whole thing without even getting hit.
23:14.59art3misif you miss one step near the begining there arent any rebels in the cave later on
23:15.12art3mismuch much much later on
23:15.25art3misso we came to conclusion they were such rebels they rebeled from the 3rd dimension
23:15.48art3misun fortunately they took the underwater helemt you need to continue
23:16.31art3misnwn 1 did that to my ex-gf too
23:16.43art3misshe fergot tot alk to someone so a boss mob didnt load
23:16.54art3misand she needed the key he had to get out of the tower
23:17.05art3mis3 weeks playing shot to hell
23:18.09Rallionthat sucks
23:18.12Rallioni loved that game
23:19.00art3misyeah it was pretty fun
23:19.05art3misi miss black isle
23:19.18Rallionso do i
23:19.25art3miswodner if they're actually gonna go ahead with nwn online
23:19.39art3misif they keep the same style as 1 and 2 it's gonna be amazingly awesome
23:20.19RallionI'm more curious about whether Fallout Online is going to end up existing
23:22.00Rallion...and whether Fallout 3 will suck.
23:22.52art3misitll come out right after duke nukem 3-d ;P
23:23.14art3misoff to play gow2
23:23.18Rallionand right before Spore.
23:24.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
23:25.07ThraeDammit, didn't slouken implement a way to do dual monitors full-screen (not windowed)? Where you can have the UI on one screen and the world on the primary/
23:25.18ThraeI can't find a relative link on the forums, still searching
23:26.34Thunder_Childyou can do it through addons
23:26.59ThraeYeah, but I could have sworn slouken made it built-in...maybe he just made it supported through addons
23:28.46sag_ich_nichtuh, you can move the viewport, since like, forever, using addons
23:28.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
23:31.34Corrodiashot damn i look mean with this new helm
23:31.42Corrodiascowl of defiance, i think it is
23:48.01batrick_how silly of me... apparently: for i in pairs(_G) do print(i) end    ... was  a bad idea
23:55.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@

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