IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070807

00:00.17dnmcgoyand I've copied the exact same file to HelloWorld\Images
00:00.26Shiriknot opened it in your editor and resaved it
00:00.28Shirikbut copied it
00:01.01Shirikthat sounds completely illogical
00:01.07dnmcgoyI agree
00:01.32dnmcgoyyour statement makes me think I've missed something trivial though
00:01.45dnmcgoysome small "semi-colon" type of problem
00:06.04dnmcgoyugh.. the paste from emacs to that pastey client doesn't make the xml any easier to read either
00:06.20Shirikhere's a suggestion
00:06.22Shirikstop using emacs :P
00:07.01dnmcgoyare you a vi or eclipse person?
00:07.33Shirikvi :P
00:07.36Garoun|LoupanaOk, hard question for you :P
00:07.45ShirikI used eclipse a long time ago and I wanted to shoot the professor that made me use it
00:07.57Garoun|LoupanaI have no OT for the fleshbeasts pull, do you know of any CC that will work for them even if it's kiting?
00:08.01dnmcgoyits nice for refactoring
00:08.20Shiriktrue, but netbeans can do that too
00:08.26Shirikwhich I use for java
00:08.36dnmcgoyah, can netbeans do say.. C++?
00:08.45dnmcgoyor is it strictly java?
00:08.56Shirikiirc it does have a C++ module though I don't have it
00:08.59Shirikit was written for java though
00:09.06ShirikI use MSVC
00:09.12Shirikwell, visual studio
00:09.25buuGaroun|Loupana: Fear
00:09.36buuGaroun|Loupana: Hibernate
00:09.50dnmcgoyI'd use eclipse at work.. if our code would load onto it
00:09.54foxlitThey're not beasts
00:10.09ShirikI hate the dev environment I use at work
00:10.13dnmcgoyunfortunately its over 5 million lines big.. so eclipse looks at that and throws up almost immediately
00:10.31Garoun|Loupanadoe schain fear work on them?
00:10.38Garoun|LoupanaI thought they were immune to like evcerything
00:11.01dnmcgoywhat environment do you have at work?
00:11.28|Jelly|Is there a mod that tracks how many buffs each person casts? Cause I go througha  LOT of damned candles and I'm really curious if I'm the only person buffing 90% of the time. lol
00:11.47Shirikit's called BSYIde and I hate it
00:11.55Shirikit seems proprietary
00:11.56foxlitWhy not just assign people to buff specific groups?
00:12.11dnmcgoya propietary environment?!
00:12.23Shirikwell, it /is/ designed to work with the exact chips that we're using
00:12.38Shirikbut I've worked with far better in the past with just a null modem connection - AsmIDE in particular
00:13.05buuGaroun|Loupana: Well, no idea really, I was just guessing. I thought it worked.
00:13.10dnmcgoyah.. so you do some embedded stuff?
00:13.30dnmcgoythat makes more sense then
00:13.47Garoun|Loupanaoh if it does i'd be happy, because I'd just warlock chain fear :)
00:13.51ShirikI'm still trying to convince them to switch, they're just lazy :P
00:13.56dnmcgoyI'm working on a linux build that is going on an arm chip, so sorta similar but I don't have to deal with propietary stuff
00:14.12ShirikThey don't want to type commands like "md 2000" and instead just have a window with the memory dump there
00:14.19Garoun|LoupanaI'm confident in bear tanking since I'm 1 of our 2 MTs, but I think 2 fleshbeasts may be a bit too much for one person to handle :P
00:14.20Shirikthe problem is the chip has to run so slow when debugging
00:14.32Shirikevery time you step one instruction, it reads the entire memory again to update the IDE
00:14.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
00:14.46Shirikit's the stupidest thing I've ever seen
00:14.49dnmcgoyoh man
00:15.10Wobworkwhat's that?
00:15.26dnmcgoypropietary ide's
00:15.36Garoun|Loupanahmm, according to wiki at this time, they are immune to all cc and snares :(
00:15.42Garoun|Loupanagod tonight is going to hurt
00:16.41dnmcgoyso unless its confidential info.. what are the chips going in?
00:17.02Shirikpens, actually
00:17.23dnmcgoywhat do these pens do?
00:17.42dnmcgoyletter recognition?
00:17.44Shirikesentially draw without touching the paper
00:18.06Shirikmy current project is part of a safety system
00:18.11dnmcgoyhuh. that's actually interesting
00:18.26ShirikI unfortunately can't say too much :P
00:18.30Shirikotherwise I would be a bit more specific
00:18.36dnmcgoyyeah.. I know the feeling
00:18.55*** join/#wowi-lounge spathi (
00:19.06dnmcgoyanything I can talk about isn't all that interesting
00:21.09dnmcgoyso out of curiousity.. if you've tried.. how many layers of frames can you have before Wow grinds to a halt?
00:21.21Shiriktheoretically infinite
00:21.38dnmcgoyreally? it handles a whole lot of frames pretty well?
00:21.46Shirikwell it really depends on the frame
00:21.50Shirika bunch of empty frames, sure
00:21.59ShirikAlmost every addon has one, most have many
00:22.30Shirikevery action button you have is technically a frame, usually more
00:22.45Shirikevery unit frame, every status bar on the unit frame
00:22.52Shirikthere are a lot
00:22.55dnmcgoyyeah, everything is eitehr a frame or an attribute I think
00:23.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Gl0bal (
00:23.43Shiriklet's see
00:23.45dnmcgoybasically I'll have about 200 frames before its all said and done I think
00:23.46ShirikI can count how many frames I have
00:24.01Shirikand I'm running an extremely run-down version of usual
00:24.42dnmcgoycrap I need to head out.. the peoples are waiting for me to get food.. will you be on later Shirik?
00:24.52Shirikusually am
00:25.11dnmcgoycool.. hopefully see you guys in a few
00:27.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
00:27.33Shiriktake care
00:29.19*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
00:32.25*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
00:32.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
00:37.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
00:38.45Shiriksomeone want to take a look at a pattern for me?
00:41.11Thunder_Childlike cross stiching or a code pattern?
00:41.45Shirikcode pattern
00:41.51Shirikbut brb
00:41.57Thunder_Childcant help you there
00:42.17Thunder_Childhmm..dunno if i could help you with the other one tbh
00:50.57Shirikand back
01:09.55*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
01:09.55*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower] by ChanServ
01:11.34*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
01:24.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
01:24.44KirkburnHullo all!
01:26.11MentalPowerhey Kirkburn
01:26.11Shirikeverything I've heard from Blizzcon so far has just made me angry :P Bad idea
01:28.14ShirikI take that back
01:28.18ShirikI have heard one good change
01:28.31Shirikability to uniquely reference units in the combat log
01:28.40Shirikthat's it
01:30.27dnmcgoyand back... what pattern?
01:30.35Shiriktoo late, I figured it out :P
01:30.51Shirikactually it was because I had the order of parameters in string.match mixed up >.>
01:31.43dnmcgoyeek.. caps
01:32.47Shirikdo you like that string above?
01:32.57Shirikthat's what I was trying to match :P
01:35.38KirkburnBtw, to anyone back from BlizzCon that I met (or didn't, despite sitting on the same table) ... it was great to meet/see you
01:36.10Kirkburnand to those who could go on to Disneyland afterwards ... bastards.
01:36.23Shirikdisney world > disney land
01:36.27Shirikso =P
01:36.31Thunder_Childi will put the pics up from dinner later Kirkburn
01:36.51Thunder_Childafter i make people look pretty
01:47.31CideShirik: where'd you see that? (uniquely referenced units)
01:47.40Shirikclad|away said it
01:47.50ShirikYou CAN'T use them for targetting, etc.
01:47.59ShirikBut you can use them for things such as parsing combat log, etc.
01:48.06ShirikExpect approx 2.4
01:48.29KirkburnThunder_Child, heh
01:49.06KirkburnI wish I'd gone to the UI panel on friday, bloody schedule
01:49.11Thunder_Childme to
01:49.44Nom-Hydross down last night :)
01:49.50Shirikafaik, this will also allow you to uniquely reference units even if they are not targetted by a player
01:49.55*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
01:53.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
01:54.09cogwheelhey Kirkburn :)
01:54.10clad|awayfor data correlation, yes.
01:54.13clad|awayyou'll be able to do that
01:54.14cogwheelbye, Kirkburn
01:54.21Kirkburnoff home, be back in a bit hopefully
01:54.26clad|awayliterally, its just a GUID for every combat "actor"
01:54.50clad|awaypoky poky
01:55.12KirkburnI'm running away to the circus
01:55.17KirkburnNo, wait, my apartment
01:55.24KirkburnThe keys are like right next to each other
01:55.28cogwheelmy old GL has a circus
01:55.47*** part/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
01:55.49MentalPowerBTW, you guys are just as insane in real-life as you are here :)
01:56.18cogwheelc'est vrai
01:59.01clad|awayokay, flying home now
01:59.03clad|awaysee you all later
01:59.19MentalPowerlater clad
02:00.00Shirikhave a good flight
02:00.07ShirikKilmar shouldn't keep you in pattern too long
02:01.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
02:08.25Nom-mmmm... Tidewalker this week apparently
02:08.28Nom-That's going to be interesting
02:10.35*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
02:12.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
02:16.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
02:17.51*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
02:22.27CideNom-: tidewalker sucks :P
02:24.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
02:26.34Nom-I bet :/
02:26.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
02:26.44Nom-I'm trying to convert my guild to Paladinism
02:27.02Nom-Being a horde guild, they're very, very closed minded about specs
02:27.14Nom-Like, they don't want shamans or paladins in anything other than holy
02:27.24Nom-resto/holy whatever
02:27.25Wobworkno BM hunters? =)
02:27.36Nom-I think hunters get to spec any way they like
02:31.31Arrowmasterwe have a prot pally in our raid right now
02:32.04Arrowmasterhad 2 oomkins earlyer
02:41.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
02:41.25Shirikis anyone else having trouble logging in?
02:41.59Guillotineif I wasn't offended that you didn't come to blizzcon I'd tell you that yes, I am having trouble. And I'd tell you that I was stuck at authenticating
02:42.32Shirikthanks :)
02:42.52ShirikI told you I couldn't go :(
02:43.23GuillotineI know :P
02:45.24Guillotineyou could have protected me when I suggested to slouken that he ace the default ui. since you're acing RDX and everything, you know what its like
02:49.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
02:52.45ShirikI'm not acing RDX...
02:52.49ShirikI'm not even coding RDX anymore
02:52.57Shirikyou must be out of the loop, RDX isn't even on my computer
02:53.57Guillotineoh. then you're acing everything else on your computer?
02:54.00*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
02:54.32ckknightlol, Guillotine, how'd he react?
02:54.46buuWTB [authserver]
02:54.50ShirikConspiracy is the new, ground-up replacement
02:54.56Shirikand it will be sexy
02:54.58ckknightyou should Ace it
02:55.05ShirikIt's not even VFL :P
02:55.15Guillotinehe kind of rolled his eyes. And cair started beating me with a magazine
02:55.16ShirikAnd I know how to use VFL
02:55.28Nom-I hope I can bring the guildies around to the idea of trying a Paladin tank.  I'm getting so frustrated with some of the attitudes, and it's only been 2 weeks :/
02:55.38gnorlishtank what?
02:55.41ShirikAnyway, video driver just crashed again so that means it's time to go to sleep
02:55.43ShirikTake care guys
02:55.54Nom-Anything, basically, gnorlish
02:55.57GuillotinePally tanks ftw. Ours is tanking TK no problem
02:56.11Guillotinethey are very gear dependant, but scale quite well with gear
02:56.30Nom-Guillotine: Yeah, I know... they just seem stuck on the opinion that Paladin Tank < Warrior Tank for *everything*
02:56.47Nom-At first, they weren't taking off-spec due to lack of healing
02:56.59Nom-Now that we've got more than enough healing and lack tanks, they're looking to recruit another warrior
02:57.16Nom-Instead of using a Paladin (me) who has already volunteered and has better gear than 2 of the Warriors
02:57.18gnorlishwe've been bringing a paladin alt into karazhan
02:57.30gnorlishand now he's fully tanking geared from there, he does great
02:57.38Nom-The only warrior tank which outgears me in everything is our MT
02:57.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
02:57.42Nom-Which is to be expected...
02:57.44gnorlishjust needs more hps for harder stuff
02:58.20Nom-Yeah, that's it... Paladin tanks stack Stamina
02:58.34buuWhat gear do you give a tanking pally?
02:59.04KirkburnHey hey
03:04.25Guillotinehey Kirkburn :)
03:04.46Nom-buu: Warrior tanking gear, plus a really good spell damage weapon
03:04.58Nom-The T4 lacks enough stamina really
03:05.29KirkburnGuillotine, hullo there!
03:06.12buuNom-: No spell on the other items?
03:07.05Temanyone having auth issues atm?
03:07.25Nom-buu: You need it for higher level tanking, but the T4 sucks
03:07.34Nom-buu: T5 is OK from memory
03:08.55buuTem: Yeah.
03:09.30TemI took a nap and got up to do my dailies and a little honor farming in AV but nooo
03:11.01*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:11.27Temsigh, the forums are slow as hell
03:11.37Tembut other people seem to be having the same issues
03:11.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
03:13.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn_ (
03:14.02Temtheir site was faster when everyone was hammering it trying to get info about the new expansion
03:30.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
03:33.42*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
03:37.10Nom-Anyone seen a patch notice on login yet ?
03:37.20Nom-or downtime at least
03:38.22GuillotineNom- for live?
03:40.34Tierriesooo want to see my blizzcon photos?
03:41.02Nom-For live, yes
03:43.11Tierriemy favorite picture is of cladhaire sexing the photographer -
03:43.17Thunder_Childheh, took you that long to take a pic of the naked BE?
03:43.21Tierrie"rawr, and now, you're pregnant"
03:43.23Thunder_Childmostly naked*
03:43.34TierrieTC: they only showed up on 2nd day, and i rearranged my photos by theme
03:44.02Tierriethe BE showed up only on saturday, wasn't there on friday
03:44.22Tierrieso they are fairly late in the series, and then i moved them back more to be with the cosplayers
03:44.31Tierrieas in, moved their order back
03:45.01*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:45.44Thunder_Childi should put mine up as well i suppose
03:47.01Thunder_Childtake a while to convert from RAW...pluss i should touch them up...and i am lazy
03:47.24Thunder_Childand cant type well
03:54.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
03:54.31Thunder_Childi will post up the unedited panorama of sat's dinner, it looks silly
04:05.06*** join/#wowi-lounge [Ammo] (
04:07.00Thunder_ChildTierrie, your running with the same camer i have, stock lens or upgrade?
04:08.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
04:13.16*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
04:28.48WobworkWow, AL is ... White =)
04:28.52Tierriestock lens atm
04:29.04Tierriehaha, its just a joke, i just overexposed the picture
04:29.17Tierriei am thinking of getting another lens, maybe the 17-40mm
04:29.30Thunder_Childi want the 35-170mm
04:30.08Thunder_Childhere is the retarded panorama
04:30.22Kirkburnit's tiny!
04:30.37Thunder_Childi cant post it bigger
04:30.41Thunder_Childthe actual file is 15mb
04:30.43KirkburnAnd I'm on a frakkin JOIN
04:31.06Thunder_Childya ya, i have to manualy edit each pic to make it fit properly
04:31.38KirkburnI'm sure the final version (?) will look awesome
04:31.43Thunder_Childi hope so
04:31.52KirkburnI'm on the 5/6 join for those that care
04:32.21KirkburnThe guy on the far right is the WoWWiki tech guy :)
04:33.02KirkburnBah, guess I'll have to set up a flickr account then
04:33.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:33.38KirkburnTierrie, I agree with your comments about taking a picture of Cair :P
04:33.59Mike-N-GoDo WF totems help a druid tanking in bear?
04:34.11Thunder_Childheh, she tried hiding, iriel took about 50 of her face
04:34.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
04:34.25Esamynnbah, whatever
04:34.26Wraangerwhen druid is shapeshidted, his attacks don't cound as weapons attack
04:34.34KirkburnWe all got picture, fo sho, but dare we post them?
04:35.16Thunder_Childif you really need to see yourself Kirkburn, here
04:35.29KirkburnOh, it's sooo flattering :)
04:35.45Thunder_Childit's not my fault you picked that time to drink
04:36.20Thunder_Childi need to go down to the store, brb
04:36.20KirkburnWell, at least I have a distinctive profile
04:36.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
04:37.48Wobworkoh god
04:37.53Wobworkfreaky dryad bambi chick
04:37.55Wraangeranyone know how to hide that armored man which shows durability status ? DurabilityFrame:Hide() won't help =(
04:38.17Mike-N-GoAnyone answer my question?
04:38.19KirkburnWobwork, one assumes you aren't talking about me ...
04:38.23KirkburnMike-N-Go, yes
04:38.31KirkburnWraanger did
04:39.08EsamynnKirkburn: damnit, somehow, you escaped my camera! :P
04:40.01KirkburnI was only at the dinner :(
04:40.12Esamynnthat's why
04:40.19EsamynnI didn't take any pictures at dinner
04:40.22KirkburnNot for want of trying though
04:40.24Esamynnsilly me
04:40.37KirkburnSteal others' and say their yours
04:40.50KirkburnThat's my plan ^^
04:40.56WobworkThe costumes are kinda cool
04:41.06WobworkExcept the dryad =P
04:41.12WobworkWho looks like she sat on Bambi
04:41.58WobworkBambi: "Is it dark in here, or is it just me? Hello?"
04:42.43Tierriei liked that bambi chick
04:42.52Tierriedryads = cool!
04:42.53EsamynnI got a good shot of the UI team at the panel
04:43.16Tierriefunniest moment for me was when i was at the UI panel
04:43.16KirkburnWho was there apart from Slouken?
04:43.19Tierrieand i wanted to sit on the second row
04:43.30Tierrieand this dude said to me, "these seats are reserved for wowi people"
04:43.36Tierriei was sad faced :(
04:43.47EsamynnKirkburn: Rislyn, Horkin
04:44.07KirkburnThink the faces can be uploaded to WoWWiki?
04:44.47Kirkburn(I know Rislyn has a page)
04:45.16KirkburnShe's so ninja, she disappeared from the forums, did she not?
04:45.43KirkburnTierrie, I just wanted to be at the UI panel, but stupidly followed the printed schedule
04:46.14EsamynnKirkburn: didn't see the revised schedule huh? :(
04:46.36KirkburnI did, but thought the printed one was correct
04:46.49Kirkburnnvm, such is life
04:47.00Tierriewould have been nice to meet ya kirk
04:47.21EsamynnTierrie: you should have said you were an author :P
04:47.45Tierriei didn't know who you were, I didn't want to be like "BEGONE, I TOO KNOW CODE!"
04:47.49Mike-N-GoWe have a druid tank, mage, shaman healer, rouge, and hunter.
04:48.00Mike-N-GoRogue has about 1/2 of the damage done
04:48.11EsamynnTierrie: do you know who it was you talked to?
04:48.13KirkburnTierrie, next Blizzcon :)
04:48.13Mike-N-GoAir or WF, we'er using air, currently.
04:48.20Tierrieyes, but its not a big deal
04:48.25KirkburnAssuming I get paid travel again ^^
04:48.34EsamynnTierrie: I hope it wasn't me :/
04:48.47Tierriecould have been, are you the dude with the long hair and looks a bit like ronaldinho?
04:48.51WraangerMike-N-Go : air, because only rogue would benefit from WF
04:48.55EsamynnTierrie: nope
04:48.58Tierrieok then
04:49.05Wraanger<< shaman ))
04:49.25Tierriei wished i had known you guys would hang out -- my guild went but we didn't stay close
04:49.32Tierriewas kind of boring, felt like i was at the event alone
04:49.36EsamynnTierrie: long blonde air?
04:49.38Tierrietook good pictures though! need a tripod next time
04:49.46Tierrieno, long blonde hair is like jeebus
04:50.42Tierrienot photoshopped :)
04:50.46AnduinLotharwtf, overexpose mroe plx
04:51.00Tierrieany more and you would have no face :P
04:51.13Mike-N-GoThanks for the advice.
04:51.28ckknightt'd be better just to give a halo
04:52.23Tierrieyou know, people were all "blood elf blood elf" but the cutest girl i saw was a redhead and this person -
04:52.49Tierriei wonder if i can get cosplayers to take off their clothes next year
04:53.13Guillotinemany of them were already halfway done with that
04:53.21Tierrieya well
04:57.25Thunder_Childlong blond hair is AL i think
04:57.36Thunder_Childforgot to scrool down
04:58.02Guillotineyes, it is
04:58.21Guillotineand I'm the guy in the white curse shirt that is barely visible in TC's panoramo
04:58.45Thunder_Childyes, must needs fix
04:59.14Guillotineyou bastard TC, you're not in the panorama
04:59.17Thunder_Childthe issue i have with pictues isnt that they come out blury (i take multiple at a time for that) but that i dont take my time and it focuses on something else
04:59.22Guillotineyou'll have to get a picture from iriel and add it in
04:59.37*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
04:59.55Thunder_Childi think he was the only one to get a pic of me
05:00.21Thunder_Childmaybe cair..she was pointing her phone at me
05:00.30*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
05:00.49Mr_Rabies2anyone know any pvp addons with similar functionality to sspvp?
05:00.56Mr_Rabies2i have the feeling sspvp is permanently broken :(
05:01.00Guillotineso I met a GM while doing the TCG beginners tournament. He believes mods are the bane of all existance, I believe GMs that know nothing about them are :P
05:01.39Mr_Rabies2they probably believe that because they're tired of idiots asking them to help them with addons
05:01.44Thunder_Childhe prolly had to deal with issues all day that have to do with them..hell i might be a bit miffed at them as well
05:01.57Mr_Rabies2GET OUT OF MY MIND
05:02.00Thunder_Childalthough i would usualy blame the retards that cant use them
05:02.06Tierriei think, if i ever go to blizzcon again, i will ask the devs, "i am rock, scissor's fine, nerf paper"
05:02.08Thunder_Childno, it's comfy in there
05:03.00Thunder_Childrock == war, scissor == rogue, paper == mage...ya, works
05:03.52Guillotinerock==war scissor==rogue paper==mage atomic bomb==lock
05:03.54KyahxMr_Rabies2: how is sspvp broken?
05:04.19Mr_Rabies2autojoin's broken, like half the events are broken
05:04.29Tierriealso, i will ask "when is the sequel to your famous franchise, the lost vikings and rock and roll racing, coming out"
05:04.38KyahxI hanent used it in a while
05:04.57Kyahxhave you tried Shadowed's SVN version?
05:05.32Kyahxor is the current wowi version the same, dunno
05:05.54Mr_Rabies2he's done with addons kyax
05:06.02KyahxI know that
05:06.36Mr_Rabies2i want to find something else to use because sspvp's going to eventually be permanently unsuable if it isn't already :p
05:06.50KyahxJust take sspvpv and fix it *shrug*
05:07.28Mr_Rabies2yeah let me do that oh wait i don't know the slightest about addons :(
05:08.24Kyahxlearning can be fun! :P
05:11.31Mr_Rabies2unless this learning involves coding
05:11.35Mr_Rabies2which i'm not a fan of
05:13.00Guillotineits easy to fix. just add this code to the top line:
05:13.03Guillotinewhile true do end
05:13.18Esamynn~lart Guillotine
05:13.18purlinstalls a bad bootloader on Guillotine and turns Guillotine into a brick
05:18.13Kaydeethreeoh, gah.
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05:20.17KirkburnIriel, hello
05:21.16IrielHello! Made it up north intact?
05:24.18KirkburnJust about :)
05:24.22Thunder_Childheh, the 1 hr drive to la
05:24.54KirkburnAlmost messed up getting to the airport though ><
05:25.17KirkburnBut I'm here now, and have started at Wikia
05:35.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
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06:17.56Mr_Rabies2i dunno
06:18.14Mr_Rabies2usually a bonk starts the channel back up
06:22.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
06:23.04Esamynn~poke Mr_Rabies
06:23.05purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Mr_Rabies, pokes Mr_Rabies repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
06:23.23purlaw, gee, Esamynn
06:41.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
06:42.16Kirkburnbehind you!
06:42.29EsamynnLOOK OUT!
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06:48.15KirkburnHe's a slow runner
06:48.28KirkburnSix minutes that took ><
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07:08.29ckknightdoes anyone know if you can send whispers to the opposing team in an arena?
07:09.02Guillotineif they are the same faction, yes
07:09.09Guillotineno restrictions on that :/
07:09.39ckknightI'm just thinking that it could lead to possible issues if someone put a backdoor into an addon :-P
07:09.57Guillotineso, technically, one way to see who you are against would be to loop through all known names of arena teams not on your server, but same faction. for each name, send a whisper. if it goes through, you're against that team
07:10.14Guillotineyah, it could cause a problem. but then, theres so many ways to do that anyway
07:10.31Guillotinethey could just do "if UnitName("target")=="Guillotine" then while 1 do end"
07:10.36Guillotineskip the whole backdoor part :P
07:10.50nevcairielyou could even trigger that backdoor crossfaction with a pre-formated yell, so *shrug*
07:11.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
07:11.12ckknightGuillotine: hehe
07:11.19ckknightGuillotine: clearly, it should be done.
07:13.04Guillotinemy point is just that, while the backdoor could be added, its not worth disabling "WHISPER" in BGs. Theres just so many ways to mess someone up like that that it won't be worth interfering with perfectly good addons when there won't be any advantage gained anyway
07:14.54*** part/#wowi-lounge leethal (n=leethal@
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07:15.39Guillotineckknight: not to mention if they're doing it they could just program it themselves. If someones trying to program in a backdoor to help them witn arena matches, I doubt they're going to care about the 'efficiency' of said backdoor :P
07:15.52Guillotinehence they can just go around AceComm
07:16.25*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (n=MoonWolf@
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07:16.36Guillotinethough heres a possiblity
07:16.47Guillotinewhat if you just restricted whispers from people not on your server while in BGs
07:16.56Guillotinein arenas*
07:17.04Guillotinethat way it can't interfere with legitamite addons
07:17.16Guillotinebut SEVERELY limits the amount of damage that can be done by a backdoor like that
07:17.33Wobworkwhat's wrong with in-faction whispers in BGs?
07:18.21Guillotinethe possibility of someone putting in a backdoor to crash the enemies clients when they press a certain button
07:18.29Guillotineif the enemy has the required addon of course
07:19.00Wobworkwell that follows for just about anything, doesn't it?
07:19.20Wobwork/yell ABRACADABRAALAKAZAM!
07:19.54Wobworkif personyelling == "wobin" then send cash now end
07:20.10Guillotineor, as I said before: if UnitName("target")=="Guillotine" then while 1 do end
07:21.10ckknightwhile true
07:21.14ckknightyou and your C-isms
07:23.07Punkie`the problem in arenas is that you can whisper 'Warglaive of Azzeroth' and if that player has not seen it or not had it drop on their server, clicking it will make them crash and leave the arena
07:24.20Guillotinehmm. thats a good idea. thanks for the tip >.>
07:24.50Guillotinewould have been better back in patch 1.12 where you could make the links that were guaranteed to d/c someone that clicked on them
07:27.56WobworkAnd it's almost instinct for a WoW player to click on a link they've not seen before =)
07:28.13Punkie`yeah, or try it on in the wardrobe
07:30.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Wor1 (n=cheald@
07:32.42Mr_Rabies2i find myself trying to click links in irc sometimes
07:32.46Mr_Rabies2like, for example
07:34.56Guillotinegn all :)
07:36.06Mr_Rabies26[Jin'Rohk, The Great Apocalypse]
07:36.57Esamynndoh! I clicked it!
07:48.36Nom-just got my tax return :D
07:53.33kergoththat reminds me, i should do my taxes
07:53.38kergothi'm only .. what.. 4 months late
07:53.45Esamynn~lart kergoth
07:53.45purlchanges kergoth's permissions to 0777 and tells the world
07:56.45*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
08:06.55Kirkburn|sleepI'd rather get my permissions changed to 007
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08:52.24Mr_Rabies2i'm trying to remember, 0777 is full permissions, right?
08:52.38Mr_Rabies2but what's the 0 infront for? :o
08:52.46zenzelezzoctal I think
08:53.01Mr_Rabies2i seem to remember messing around with those on my ftp back when i used one
08:53.21Mr_Rabies2i also used to slink around on blizzard's ftp to check for leaked content :p
08:53.23zenzelezzlike 0xFF is hex, 0777 is octal in C/C++ anyway
08:55.22zenzelezzit could just be an explicit "nothing here" value also... I think 3777 (or was it 377?) the "max" octal value for a certain number of bits
09:07.59Mr_Rabies2instant alt mail ftw
09:09.05Mr_Rabies2oh no
09:09.19Mr_Rabies21900 to 1650g in a couple seconds :[
09:09.29zenzelezzheh, what did you buy?
09:09.30Mr_Rabies2these huge wallet hits are tearing me down
09:10.05Mr_Rabies2it still doesn't compare to going from 5010g to 10g in one click though :(
09:12.51zenzelezzI went from 6100 to 2100 not long ago, and I was pretty startled at how little I cared
09:13.18nevcairielwhat can you buy for 4k?
09:13.33Thelynaprobably a couple of darkmoon decks
09:14.09zenzelezzdidn't buy anything; I got tired of seeing my gold amount without ever spending on anything, so I gave away some to the guy that's been pretty much a mentor to me since I came to the server I play on
09:14.35zenzelezzhe was quite surprised too
09:14.49nevcairieli bet
09:16.28Mr_Rabies2my friend bought me an epic mount when they were more than the training
09:16.34Mr_Rabies2for xmas
09:16.45Mr_Rabies2cost him a day's work at ingles :(
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13:25.30zenzelezzso... guildies on alts are discussing who could keep my 70 tank alive in normal mana tombs... before asking me if I want to do a normal mana tombs :-o
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13:37.52Wobinfills you with a sense of foreboding?
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13:56.49Kyahxsounds like a good time to logout to me
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15:20.36art3misso quiet
15:20.40art3misim scared
15:26.52TS|Skrom D&D goodness ^
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15:34.20cog|workwell... time to redo my UI
15:34.38LopeppeppyHuzzah.  I hope you enjoy it, Cogwheel.
15:34.46zenzelezzreinstalled or just in need of change?
15:35.01cog|workGot a new monitor... went from 1280x1024 to 1920x1200
15:35.54LopeppeppyOooh... very nice change.
15:36.09zenzelezzas long as the quality is good, indeed
15:36.24cog|workwas just nominated for a newegg customer choice award :)
15:36.30zenzelezzI was amazed how much better my Samtron was compared to my old stupid Acer
15:37.17zenzelezzsurprisingly one of my best ever LCDs is my first, a now somewhat old Hyundai
15:38.13LopeppeppyI have a little 19" Acer LCD, it makes me happy for the time being.
15:38.24Punkie`I have a Hyundai :)
15:38.31Punkie`Very good indeed
15:38.33zenzelezzLopeppeppy: how old is it?
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15:39.16LopeppeppyMaybe a year old, zenzelezz, tops.
15:39.25LopeppeppyNo, just over, because I had it before I moved.
15:39.29zenzelezzshould be decent then, mine is much older
15:39.47art3misi lurv my viewsonic 21"ws
15:39.55Punkie`Mine's about 6 months old or so, I'm glad I picked a widescreen though :)
15:40.06art3mishehe ws is the debbil
15:40.14art3misi cant use regular monitors anymore
15:40.20art3misit just looks "wierd"
15:41.02cog|workThe only thing I'm unhappy about is that it doesn't seem to have any way to automatically change the aspect ratio when running 4:3 fullscreen games
15:41.33cog|workI'd much rather have black bars on the sides than a stretched image
15:41.38Punkie`4:3 only games are old and suck !
15:41.39zenzelezzI've yet to try a widescreen LCD, but I feel cramped with less than two monitors
15:41.55cog|workPunkie`: Warcraft III
15:42.01foxlitLaptop + desktop at the same time works
15:42.06Punkie`never played it :P
15:42.10cog|workold, yes... suck, no :P
15:42.13KyahxI'd say that is the best deal in a moniter.
15:42.21foxlitThough there are a few problems when I try to copy/paste stuff between two computers
15:42.25Punkie`can't you edit one of its config files to change the resolution by hand?
15:42.34Punkie`matching your screen rez ofc
15:42.43Punkie`I did that to some old games, worked quite well
15:42.52cog|workPunkie`: haven't tried... maybe
15:43.11foxlitBx6W samsungs look awesome!
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16:42.09zenzelezzI hate how the last weapon skill point always taken an eternity to level
16:42.18LopeppeppyIf not an entire lifetime.
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16:48.18foxlitGot 350 staves meleeing Vashj
16:48.28foxlitCost us a wipe, root + charge
16:49.05zenzelezzI've been punching Servant of Razelikh somewhere around 30 minutes now without getting the last 2h axe point :-|
16:49.22LopeppeppyThose things live forever, zenzelezz.  :)
16:49.37zenzelezzthat's the point
16:49.53zenzelezzbut you'd think after 30 minutes I'd get the last skill point
16:50.19nevcairielyou sure you even skill on those?
16:50.29zenzelezzI've done 305-349, so yes
16:50.29foxlitIt's like fishing
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16:50.33foxlitYou skill on anything
16:51.00Antiarc|Workzenzelezz: I skilled maces from 1-300 way back when on those guys. Heroism card + crusader for the win.
16:51.11Antiarc|WorkStart whacking, go AFK for TV or whatever
16:51.30nevcairielyou sure you skill weapons on anything? i remember that it wouldnt work on too low mobs .. but i can be mistaken :shrug:
16:51.39Antiarc|WorkYes, you can, nevcairiel
16:51.47Antiarc|WorkI skill new ranged weapons on the deeprun rats
16:51.58zenzelezzI took my guns skill from 1-100ish on the wolves and boars in Dun Morogh at 70
16:52.00Antiarc|WorkThey instantly respawn
16:52.02nevcairielTHATs why they are always dead
16:52.05Antiarc|WorkSo you have an unlimited target supply
16:52.27zenzelezzAntiarc|Work: hm, thanks for the tip, I need to level my thrown
16:53.17*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
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16:58.37|Jelly|Morning everyone!
17:02.09clad|sleepmy intarweb is extremely slow today
17:02.38LopeppeppyMy intraweb is too fast, I'm making myself seasick flipping pages.
17:04.57zenzelezzI don't get Teremus the Devourer... he's marked as skull, but does not do crushing blows on me, and I resist 90% of his spells with 0 resistance. However, he does occasionally crit me, with 514 defense
17:05.40LopeppeppyHe's a weird boss mob, the one they kite to Stormwind to watch him have endless life off the newbies.
17:06.17leethalSPELLFAILCASTOTHER = "%s fails to cast %s: %s." -- what is the last %s?
17:06.31leethalwould that be something like Foo fails to cast Fear: Hogger is immune.?
17:08.33zenzelezzI would guess so
17:09.57leethaltrying to decrypt this one too - AURAAPPLICATIONADDEDOTHERHARMFUL = "%s is afflicted by %s (%d).";
17:10.14leethalI have a feeling I see something like that when I'm dazed
17:10.29leethallike, Foo is afflicted by Harbl (dazed)
17:10.32leethaloh, it's a %d
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17:15.14Endleethal: multiple stacks for a debuff perhaps?
17:15.27End(like sunder for example?)
17:16.14*** join/#wowi-lounge LemonFrosted (
17:17.02End(well, I can verify "Hive'Zara Wasp is afflicted by Sunder Armor (3)." is a possible message)
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17:20.36Cideyep, that's what it's for
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17:23.08ScytheBlade1Huh, wtf
17:23.21ScytheBlade1Apparently Blizzard now has a chance to proc clearcasting on every tick it does
17:23.39ScytheBlade1... same with Fireball DoTs...
17:24.04jmemy thoughts exactly
17:24.16ScytheBlade1Pretty sure if that goes live I'm dropping my unique fire spec and picking up clearcasting.
17:24.52Endignite + fireball dot + normal direct damage = go go clearcasting?
17:25.18ScytheBlade18s DoT that's up always, that can proc clearcasting?
17:25.31ScytheBlade1On top of the 4s Ignite DoT, and the fireball DD, in combo with scorch..
17:25.46ScytheBlade1Nevermind the AoE changes that brings. Holy crap yes @ infinite mana always with Blizzard.
17:26.02Endyeah, that'd be immensely useful for aoeing
17:26.13EndAoE spells tend to be pretty expensive
17:26.28ScytheBlade1If that went live I'd be 100% onboard with my guild's tossing around an AoE strat on Hydross
17:26.38ScytheBlade1But as it is now, I don't really like 1400 mana per Blizzard
17:26.49Saint-Nawww there there muffin ;P
17:27.06ScytheBlade1Err, 1645
17:27.19ScytheBlade1Careful, I'll piss in your water.
17:27.27ScytheBlade1Gnome piss can do things to you.
17:27.31Endit wouldn't help as much when he's frost though, but that'd be a huge mana saver when he's nature
17:27.44Saint-Nim undead, you're gnomish parasites mean nothing!
17:27.47Saint-Nerr your
17:28.16Saint-Nwhat i dont quite get is why gnomes are in the game and goblins arent
17:28.40Endis blizzard a lot better when you can channel fully?
17:28.46Saint-Ni honestly dont remember seeing a single gnome in any of the warcraft games
17:28.56Endok, that makes sense
17:28.58ScytheBlade1Simply because if you don't, you're still out 1645 mana for less damage
17:29.12jmei love when people use blizzard outside van's room in AV
17:29.15jmeto stop us
17:29.20ScytheBlade1Start Blizzard --> cancel == waste of nearly 2k mana
17:29.27Ender, I suppose I didn't explain properly
17:29.37Endis it a lot better than arcane explosion?
17:29.44End(besides being ranged)
17:29.55ScytheBlade1In terms of mana effeciency, yes
17:29.59MatthewSdepends on what you are using it for
17:30.05Endok, that's what I thought
17:30.07ScytheBlade1The differences being instant cast and range
17:30.29End(of course, as we all know, if it gets interrupted, that's bad)
17:30.34ScytheBlade1Very :)
17:30.36MatthewSand if you sink talent points to get added slow
17:30.58ScytheBlade1That's why I'm not liking this AoE Hydross strategy.. I'll run oom far too early
17:31.32Endwe don't have enough good tanks
17:31.50Endour attempts so far have required banishes, which sucks immensely :(
17:32.02ScytheBlade1We have the tanks... just not the competent DPS
17:32.16ScytheBlade1DoT tick == oopsaggrolol
17:32.30ScytheBlade1Spawns another set of mobs on accident
17:32.34foxlitIt's acceptable to use a banish on hydross, tbh :)
17:32.37ScytheBlade1And then runs back to the tank, spawning four mour
17:32.44Endfoxlit: yeah, but I wanna aoe!
17:32.50ScytheBlade1Leaving us with.. 12 adds spawned.
17:32.57foxlitYou can't handle the AoE! :P
17:33.11Endoh, I can kill them!
17:33.17EndI just die before my seeds go off
17:33.20foxlitSeriously, though, those adds are evil if loose.
17:33.32End(which is why we don't aoe either)
17:34.05EndI don't like that fight though
17:34.14End(DoT ticks being one of the reasons)
17:34.24ScytheBlade1And HoT ticks actually
17:34.33Endwe've had that too
17:34.34ScytheBlade1We've got two trees and uh... they aren't happy
17:34.35ScytheBlade1At all
17:34.51EndI think we have our healers stand to either side of him now though
17:35.04End(if possible)
17:35.41ScytheBlade1... lol
17:36.04foxlitHm, question
17:36.16foxlit<Script file="Subdirectory/File.lua"/>
17:36.24Endheh, the kernel has nothing to do with it
17:36.28foxlitDoes the slash style matter?
17:36.37Endfoxlit: I've heard it doesn't
17:37.10End(unfortunately, it might be that it matters in some places and doesn't in others...)
17:37.17foxlitGetting some odd "Error loading Interface\Addons\RABuffs\ConfigUI/Base.lua" log messages
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17:37.41EndIt might want consistant slashes
17:37.56foxlitYeah, but I only supply ConfigUI/Base.lua
17:38.04EndI just realized that
17:38.13EndI'd try flipping the slash then, I guess
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17:39.13foxlithah, that forum post is win
17:39.43ScytheBlade1For some definitions of "win"
17:39.52ScytheBlade1I never knew that the OSX kernel integrated FTP.
17:39.55ScytheBlade1News to me.
17:40.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
17:40.11foxlitIt's very misguided
17:40.17foxlitAnd hell, windows has better FTP support
17:40.56foxlitHe means Finder can mount volumes through FTP.
17:41.04foxlitUnfortunately, it can't write to them, so it's all sort of silly
17:41.49ScytheBlade1Wow. Try all sorts of retarded.
17:41.53ScytheBlade1FTP has been around how long?
17:43.41EndI'd expect being able to write to FTP is probably about as relevant as UUCP these days
17:44.00Endactually I take that back
17:44.11EndI guess it still gets used a bit?
17:44.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Thorarin (
17:44.34End(Everywhere I care about copying files upstream tends to use SFTP though)
17:44.38ScytheBlade1FTP is still used everywhere, sadly
17:44.42ScytheBlade1FTP just needs to die
17:46.52Saint-Nftp is great though
17:47.00Saint-Np2p needs to die ;P
17:47.19Saint-Nand bit torrents
17:47.33Saint-Nfrom people who have shitty up BW or limit thier up to 1k/s
17:57.00zenzelezz<ScytheBlade1> FTP has been around how long? <--- the same could be said for IRC
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17:59.42Endboth are a product of the '80s I think?
17:59.56Endalthough, IRC is the newer of the two
18:00.06zenzelezzquick Google for 959 and 1459 suggests 1989 + 1993
18:00.14zenzelezzsorry, 1985
18:00.56zenzelezzgranted that's the RFCs, so the protocols could be older
18:02.24leethalwhat's all these SPELLDURABILITYDAMAGEOTHERSELF thingies?
18:02.31leethalthere's no spell that causes you to lose durability, is it?
18:02.50EndIRC was first around 1988 or 1989 I, let's see, wikipedia says august 1988
18:03.08leethalhmm.. or wasn't Nefarian doing some of that stuff?
18:03.10leethalnever did BWL =P
18:03.30EndRagnaros damages your weapon doesn't he? Although I don't think that appeared in your combat log.
18:04.39End"Melt Weapon"
18:04.42EndOften Ragnaros damages melee weapons that strike him. This takes 1 point off a weapon's durability per attempt. To counter this, bring spare weapons and ensure the raid has a repair-bot for between every few attempts.
18:05.59LopeppeppyNefarion was the one that did class calls, the reason why hunters brought an extra bow and had the swap macros, IIRC.
18:09.57LopeppeppyYa-ya, spell-freak.  :)  I never faced him, nefarious or not.
18:10.24zenzelezzVictor Nefarius, dragon form Nefarian =) And yes, I am a spell freak... and into word play and whatnot
18:11.08Endah hah
18:11.11zenzelezzOooh yeah baby, bend that verb!
18:11.34LopeppeppyThere's Neltharion too, there's a whole crop of nasty black dragons with similar names.
18:11.45EndThere is nef's hunter class call spell :P
18:11.57zenzelezzLopeppeppy: yups
18:12.13LopeppeppyYou'd think they're like.... related or something!
18:12.17zenzelezzI can't remember off-hand which it is, but there are some other mobs I confuse too
18:12.18EndI don't speak of Neltharion anymore *wink wink*
18:14.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
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18:15.10leethala disarmed mod just disarmed me :O
18:15.45LopeppeppyI hear Daffy Duck ho-ho-ing in the background...
18:20.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
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18:29.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
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18:32.11Saint-Nho ha turn parry spin *whirrrrrrrrrrr* *sploosh*
18:33.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
18:33.42LopeppeppyI do love classic Warner Brothers.
18:33.53Kaydeethreeduck amuck ftw
18:34.44LopeppeppyTransylvania 6-5000.
18:34.49LunessaDuck Dodgers in the 25th-and-a-half Century!
18:34.52LopeppeppyAbra-ca-pocus.  Hocus-cadabra!
18:35.18LunessaPlant X is the last source of the Shaving Cream Molecule!
18:35.55LunessaI have something like 90 hours of classic cartoons on Laser Disc.
18:36.56LopeppeppyIf I could get Transylvania 6-5000 on DVD, my life would be complete.
18:37.29Saint-Nive got the entire collection of roadrunner cartoons somewheres
18:38.16LunessaI just need to find a working Laser Disc player so I can import these to my computer.  
18:39.17LopeppeppyAlways a good treasure hunt, Lunessa.
18:40.13Saint-Nbest line in bugs bunny was when he was being chased by the evil witch that wanted to cook him after he set hansel and gretle free
18:40.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Leachim (
18:40.29Saint-Nand he changes her into a female rabbit and says "arent they all witches inside?"
18:40.56LopeppeppyIt's a something.
18:43.59LunessaLopeppeppy: Check out Chuck Redux - all about Chuck Jones - very fun and instersting stuff.
18:44.48LopeppeppyI'll toss it on the bottom of the "books to read, movies to see" list, Lunessa!
18:45.37LunessaHe talks about the orign os many cartoon characters.  
18:46.51deltronchuck jones was a genius
18:46.52jmefoxlit: hello dream job
18:47.10deltrondo eeet
18:47.37jmei wish, i don't have 2 years of industry experience and i've never coded a wow addon in my life
18:47.50deltronsounds like me!
18:50.24jmetoo bad blizzard doesn't have a college recruit entry level thing
18:50.28jmei'd be all over that
18:51.40AnduinLotharthey're starting an internship program next year
18:51.43chuckgStart working as a QA>
18:51.44jmethat would rock
18:51.47chuckgI met their whole QA team.
18:51.51chuckgThey're all under 20.
18:51.51jmeAnduinLothar: nice
18:51.56chuckgWithout a college degree.
18:51.56jmechuckg: lol
18:52.08chuckgStart entry and work up.
18:52.11chuckgThat's how 90% of their team is.
18:52.21jmechuckg: are they always hiring QA people?
18:52.25chuckgThe guy who designed c'thun, vashj, onyxia, all that..
18:52.25AnduinLothari did QA night shift for a while. not much vertical movement, but it was fun
18:52.28chuckgHis name is Zan.
18:52.32chuckgHe started doing "mob placement".
18:52.33chuckgThat's it.
18:52.37chuckgNow he's lead raid designer.
18:52.40chuckgFor every big encounter in the game.
18:52.56jmei guess he was one of the guys talking at the raid panel at blizzcon?
18:53.04chuckgHe didn't do much talking.
18:53.04AnduinLotharmob placement is similar to the entry level with BS
18:53.14chuckgHe's a good guy though,
18:53.15jmewhich one was that? i didn't know any names.. i only watched about 3 minutes of a video
18:53.19chuckgOne on the end.
18:53.27chuckgFor the raids and dunegones panel.
18:57.08mikma <3
19:00.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
19:02.04Kaydeethreegack... what the hell is up with the heat today? 37 outside right now, heat index of 46
19:03.14LopeppeppyI'm looking at 95 degrees and 90% humidity outdoors, I soooooo do not want to get in my car for an hour long commute.
19:03.49LunessaLopeppeppy: It's only slightly cooler here.  
19:05.10foxlitAh, the joy of splitting code into chunks.
19:05.48foxlitA year's worth of function with different naming conventions is... annoying.
19:06.29jmedoes blizz's QA staff include GM's? or is that separate?
19:07.00zenzelezzfairly sure they're separate
19:07.43foxlitGMs are more of a customer support thing?
19:07.51foxlitWhile QA is probably more technical.
19:07.57jmeyeah, good point, i'm not thinking
19:08.21zenzelezzgood luck Lopep... peppy
19:08.40*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
19:08.56foxlit~seen Cide
19:09.06purlcide is currently on #wowi-lounge (2h 42m 4s). Has said a total of 1 messages. Is idling for 1h 48m 30s, last said: 'yep, that's what it's for'.
19:09.27foxlitCide: ping
19:09.58foxlitDo you still maintain CT_RaidAssist to some degree? :)
19:10.12cog|workHe's the C in CT :P
19:10.42foxlitObviously, but I wouldn't want to burden him with feature requests if he's not interested :)
19:10.52*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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19:11.05Cideit's maintained but we're not really adding features at this point
19:12.15foxlitIt's not a huge one - I want a way to force a broadcast of a CD message through the comm protocol.
19:12.41foxlit("Is Rebirth up? You'll never know until the druid casts it")
19:13.30TS|SkromYou kow I've never really been a big gun person. Never really interested me.
19:13.47Saint-Nwho you calling a kow?
19:13.49foxlit(CTRA sends CD (id) (minutesleft) if it detects a spell it tracks cooldown for being cast, but there's no way (as far as I can see) to actually ask it whether a spell is up)
19:14.00TS|SkromBut I'm reading about this one developed by H&K called G11, neat thing puts out a burst of 3 bullets before you even feel any recoil ^^
19:14.04TS|Skromthat's pretty darned cool
19:14.19Saint-Ni love the old german glock(sorta) guns
19:14.23Saint-Nwith the wood casings
19:15.10ScytheBlade1Whoo, there's a voice tab now in the Sound & Voice Settings
19:15.16ScytheBlade1That is seemingly visible by default
19:15.39TS|Skromsomeone who knows guns want to tell me what the term "cook-off" means?
19:16.26*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (n=MoonWolf@
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19:16.51LunessaIt means Ammo got too hot and fired.
19:16.53jmeScytheBlade1: patch 2.2 went live?
19:17.07ScytheBlade1jme, on the PTR
19:17.18jmeScytheBlade1: oh
19:17.20TS|Skromso avoiding cook off is a good thing when making a gun XD
19:17.47TS|SkromI'd guess your magazine size would be limited by your cook off threshold, don't wanna hold more bullets then you can safely shoot?
19:17.51LunessaYes, very much so.
19:18.21LunessaYou don't want to have anything that generates enough heat to ignite the primer.
19:18.29ScytheBlade1Or it's not enabled by default
19:18.42ScytheBlade1As soon as you do anything which might activate the voice chat, it disappears
19:18.47TS|Skrom "no cook-off after 300 rounds"
19:18.54TS|Skromthat's quite a bit!
19:19.09jmeScytheBlade1: heh
19:19.18Saint-Nwhy isnt there a linux distro that has everything i want and doesnt suck
19:19.25Saint-Nout of the box that is
19:19.28jmeSaint-N: Ubuntu!
19:19.32Kaydeethreeit's called rolling your own
19:19.35deltronTS|Skrom: wow that thing is HUEG
19:19.36Kaydeethreethat's the whole freaking point
19:19.36ScytheBlade1Saint-N, that's why I roll Gentoo.
19:19.37Saint-Nheh yeah jay
19:19.41deltronSaint-N: ubuntu!
19:19.42Saint-Nerr kay
19:19.43jmeugh, gentoo
19:19.49Saint-Nubuntu makes babies cry
19:19.55deltrongentoo is great if you like stuff broken all the time
19:19.58ScytheBlade1ugh, ubuntu
19:20.05ScytheBlade1Like what?
19:20.05jmedude, just get a mac, use OSX
19:20.10Saint-Nim flip flopping between mepis and fedora right now
19:20.34Saint-Nthe day i pay more than a car for a laptop is a sad sad day
19:20.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano_ (
19:20.42Saint-Ni love macs but i will NEVER buy one
19:20.47Saint-Nnever ever ever
19:21.07foxlitWhy? :)
19:21.11jmei use one daily
19:21.15jmefor everything... including wow
19:21.19Saint-Nmostly because they dont deserve the price tag attached to them
19:21.29foxlitjme: Full screen glow enabled?
19:21.34Saint-Nsame reason i refuse to buy an ipod or iphone
19:21.50foxlitThe design deserves the price tag, in most situations
19:21.58Saint-Nnot to me it doesnt
19:22.00jmefoxlit: in wow or osx?
19:22.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano_ (
19:22.07jmei think so
19:22.17jmefoxlit: i have a macbook pro too, heh
19:22.17foxlitHm, mine chokes, which is odd
19:22.32AnduinLotharnot appreciating design and ease of use is why you can't find a *nix you like
19:22.55AnduinLotharif you did, you wouldn't bother looking
19:23.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
19:23.19Saint-Nnah im just lazy
19:23.31Saint-Nand i figurethat enough linux people have already done the work for what i want
19:23.32AnduinLotharnot lazy enough
19:23.34foxlitGoing from osx to xp is becoming painful
19:23.56jmefoxlit: it's a trap
19:23.57*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
19:24.02TS|Skromhrm. I think I'm going to play X-Com tonight
19:24.05foxlitWru, expose?
19:24.06MatthewSfoxlit: isnt that the wrong progression?
19:24.07TS|Skromthat sounds like fun
19:24.22jmeMatthewS: exactly
19:24.36jmeit is against the natural order of things
19:24.49foxlitIt is, it is.
19:25.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
19:25.45jmei like how we all hang out in the same channels, yet we carry on three different conversations in each channel with the same people
19:26.26SroshDo not think about it too much, it could make the universe collapse. Too many paradaxons.
19:28.48Lunessa... If sir would care to order drinks, the Universe will explode later for your pleasure.
19:28.53*** part/#wowi-lounge GnancyWK (
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19:40.29Lunessa... Wow, Hitchhikers quotes kill IRC
19:40.48zenzelezzhow so?
19:41.21cog|workI saw someone with XLII tattooed on their neck
19:42.42Lunessa11 minutes of nothing... right after my quote.  Enough to give a guy a complex.
19:42.43*** join/#wowi-lounge alext (
19:43.07cog|workyou get used to it
19:43.11MatthewScog: boo
19:43.16Lunessacog|work: You made a cryptic reference to 2.4 in a thread about damage meters type addons.  Spill
19:44.08Saint-Ncogs a spy!
19:44.14cog|workLunessa: the new combat log they announced at blizzcon
19:44.32cog|workNo more taking apart strings
19:44.45cog|workplus GUIDs
19:44.55cog|workshould make damage & threat meters much more accurate
19:45.05Lunessa... schwing!
19:45.13ScytheBlade1Wait, what? GUIDs?
19:45.14Saint-Nim perplexed by the bossmods comment though
19:45.21Saint-Nwhy would they build in boss mods
19:45.38cog|workI'm really pissed Warcraft Radio didn't record the Q&A session
19:45.41Saint-Nthat seems to be counter productive to making new and exciting and puzzling bosses
19:45.44cog|workdid anyone else do one?
19:45.49zenzelezzisn't there already boss-mod-ish stuff in the game? Like the "Eye of Sartuul focuses intently." and whatever
19:45.57ScytheBlade1lol @ Eye
19:46.02Saint-Nits only in say ofrmat that ive noticed
19:46.02ScytheBlade1It's too bad I can't turn that off
19:46.22Saint-Nwe4 should have a "no mods" day
19:46.25zenzelezzwhat more do you want Saint-N?
19:46.30[dRaCo]keep it realistic: "Evil Eye of Evilness casts Evil Blast of Killing."
19:46.43Saint-Nzenzelezz: nothing, thats my point to seei9ng blizz adding boss mod type stuff as silly
19:47.10ScytheBlade1I think we actually had clarification of that in channel
19:47.19ScytheBlade1Things like cyclic fears was the example
19:47.34zenzelezzcyclic fears?
19:47.45ScytheBlade1Fears that happen every X seconds
19:47.52ScytheBlade1Not things like phase transitions, etc
19:48.12Endphase transitions are often based on percentage anyways
19:48.20End(of health)
19:48.53Cideor time
19:49.07zenzelezzare there (m)any cyclic fears in the fights now?
19:49.12Endyeah, a timer works easily for time
19:49.19Endnot very well for a percentage of hp though
19:49.35ScytheBlade1That's the only one I know of, off the top of my head
19:49.54zenzelezzalways seemed random to me, but I'm sort of busy during that fight :-) The cast bar lets me know anyway
19:50.04Srosh<cog|work> I'm really pissed Warcraft Radio didn't record the Q&A session <--- Ye, me too. Don't know of any transcripts, either. =(
19:50.41ScytheBlade1It's consistent enough that you can get it 100% of the time by just chain casting fear ward
19:51.01zenzelezzsod fear ward =) (unless you don't use warrior tank)
19:51.02AnduinLotharthe Q&A usually got the best info
19:51.07AnduinLotharlike at the class panel
19:51.21ScytheBlade1Druid tank
19:51.21zenzelezzactually fear ward has come in handy... we have a druid that seems to always manage to die if he gets feared
19:51.23zenzelezzand he did
19:51.26cog|workMatthewS: :)
19:51.42SroshEspecially since the UI panel mostly consisted of a "how-to-do-lua-mods-for-wow". =/
19:51.54ScytheBlade1I would have loved that
19:51.58SroshWhich wasn't interesting to most there.
19:52.13AnduinLotharyeah, don't know why they did that
19:52.21Endto annoy you
19:52.22Endand me
19:52.23SroshWell, that part you can watch. It's been recorded by WoWRadio.
19:52.23Endand all of us
19:53.07SroshAnd then, for no apparent reason, they stopped and didn't record the Q&A part.
19:53.30AnduinLothari was gonna badger them as to why ChatScroll was never included even tho it was like the first mod made in wow beta and is still used, but when i asked slouken he said it'd never come up, lol
19:53.34*** join/#wowi-lounge TonyD (
19:53.42foxlitI think they just run out of video space
19:53.56*** part/#wowi-lounge TonyD (
19:54.05foxlitSeems that most wcradio panel videos cut at odd times
19:54.27Thunder_Childif guiily and i had goten there we would have asked when they were gonna ace the default UI
19:55.37ckknightin all honesty, if I ever end up working on a UI department for an MMO (fingers crossed), the addon API would probably be very Ace-like
19:55.44Thunder_Childwe asked it later at lunch, cair started hitting guilly
19:55.53ckknightthat is, if it's a new game, not an existing game like WoW
19:55.55Saint-Nckk did you apply to the blizz spot?
19:55.58ckknightnot yet
19:56.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (n=kd3@
19:56.03ckknightI applied for a spot in Texas
19:56.04Saint-Nyou should
19:56.05Thunder_Childand slouken just looked poleaxed
19:56.22*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
19:56.32Endslouken doesn't write that much lua anyways *wink*
19:56.38Endmost of his code is backend
19:56.47Lunessackknight: Where in Texas, Austin?
19:56.54Saint-Nend: ive heard that
19:57.10LunessaIf you get hired, let me know.  I know the city pretty well.
19:57.14ckknightLunessa: cool
19:57.26jmeshe'll get you all the cool hookups
19:57.29ckknightyea, I'll definitely take you up on the offer if that happens
19:57.44LunessaHah... Lunessa is very male.
19:58.02Saint-Nwell he'll still get you all the hookups
19:58.02LunessaBut it's ok. I like Mac OS X
19:58.07ckknightlol, me too
19:58.10Saint-Njust not the type you'd prolly want ;)
19:58.13Mr_Rabies2trying to find how how to gem up my gear
19:58.15jmei use osx daily
19:58.22Mr_Rabies2it's becoming difficult to figure out a way to do it well
19:58.34[dRaCo]Mr_Rabies2: class? meta gems?
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19:58.47LunessaActually, I know a lot of people in Austin, and I'm sure some of them could "hook you up" with just about anything...
19:58.56Endthe only part that I can see being a problem are meta gems
19:58.56jmeLunessa: sorry, for some reason the nick didn't click as being male
19:58.59cog|workMy sister-in-law just moved to Spring, texas
19:59.02Mr_Rabies2druid, tanking gems, draco
19:59.16Mr_Rabies2i need at least 2 of each primary color to activate my meta gem and it's becoming difficult
19:59.31ckknightin all honesty, I want out of the state I'm in and if I were to get a dev job, that'd just sweeten the deal immensely
19:59.34Mr_Rabies2because i'm way over max def rating
19:59.38Lunessacog|work: Spring is closer to me here in Houston.
19:59.43Mr_Rabies2i'm at 433 and only need 415
20:00.02jmeMr_Rabies2: trade some def for stam?
20:00.11Endfor red you could throw in +dodge I guess...dunno what you'll do for yellow though, since only tanking stat there is defense
20:00.15cog|worktexas is texas
20:00.18Endjme: he needs different colors
20:00.19Mr_Rabies2i can't, i'll lose too many yellow gems, jme
20:00.22jmeEnd: ah
20:00.37EndI guess you could go stam/crit
20:00.40Lunessackknight: Well, I know Austin, Houston and Dallas pretty well.  And I'll happily show you around.
20:00.44Endfor green
20:00.47Mr_Rabies2hit rating wouldn't hurt i guess
20:00.47Endor agi/stam for purple
20:01.00Endoh, yeah, that'd probably be good
20:01.01ckknightLunessa: I wanna go see the basement of the Alamo
20:01.03Lunessacog|work: Ya'll ain't from around here.  
20:01.11Endmissing that first hit can suck :P
20:01.24[dRaCo]str/stamina, crit/stamina, agi/stamina
20:01.31Lunessa(( I grew up in Los Angeles, and now I live in Houston.  Scary enough ))
20:01.39buuLunessa: Woo, texas represent.
20:01.53buuLunessa: Hilariously, I grew up in Houston and now live in LA.
20:01.55Lunessackknight: That's San Antonio, and it's closer to Austin than Houston.  
20:01.59jmepronounced "repruhzent"
20:02.02Saint-Nin L.A a cowboy hat and boots are amusing at best... in houston it's a sad sad truth ;P
20:02.12Lunessabuu: A guildee of mine, who has the same first name as I did the same thing.
20:02.15ckknightLunessa: it's a Peewee's Big Adventure reference
20:02.15buuSaint-N: It's a fashion choice.
20:02.26Saint-Nbuu: lies!
20:02.27buuLunessa: Nice.
20:02.33Saint-Nnobody chooses that fashion
20:02.36ckknightcowboy hats are the only hats I can wear.
20:02.46Lunessabrb. Icecream
20:02.47[dRaCo]maybe hit/agi
20:02.48ckknighteverything else just looks funky on me
20:02.51Saint-Nckknight: thats only because the top of your skull never rounded out ;P
20:02.57ckknightnah, it's cause my nose is too big
20:03.11Saint-Nso you look like a vulture from far side?
20:03.19jmehead is too wide for hats or something
20:03.22jmei hate wearing them
20:03.25Saint-Nhey everybody look at me, im a cowboy, howdy howdy howdy
20:03.40jmes/head/my head
20:04.12buuSaint-N: you're just jealous.
20:04.18Saint-Nof what?
20:04.22Mr_Rabies2end: halp
20:04.30buuSaint-N: Cowboy hats.
20:04.33Saint-Ni lived for 10 years in calgary ;P
20:04.37Mr_Rabies2i need to lose some defense and get some stam/agi/hit rating :x
20:04.50ckknightSaint-N: I had a satire series where I pretended to be southern and wore a cowboy hat, posted up on youtube
20:05.03Saint-Nyeah ihate cowboyhats, always coming over here and taking jobs away from good american ballcaps
20:05.23Saint-Nckknight: heh nice
20:05.58ckknightalso, for some reason, I actually enjoy country music
20:06.03ckknightI used to hate it out of peer pressure
20:06.07ckknightthen realized it wasn't so bad
20:06.21Mr_Rabies2i live in the south ckknight, so i've got a lot of reason to hate it :P
20:06.34Mr_Rabies2i also hate pop and emo-pop
20:06.44Mr_Rabies2and country's pretty much merged with regular pop these days
20:06.48Saint-Nthere are only two good things about country music... faith hill(the person not the music) and shania twains body. ;)
20:07.01ScytheBlade1cog needs to update his thread :P
20:07.08Mr_Rabies2there's usually a small bit of guitar that lets you know it's country, but otherwise it's the same old poppy sound
20:07.21Saint-Nyeah i dont like pop music either
20:07.42ckknightyea, I'd do Shania Twain
20:07.53Saint-Nwonder if i should go see manson and slayer at the garden next month
20:07.56Mr_Rabies2the only pop i like is jpop to an extent
20:08.02Mr_Rabies2despite how annoying it is
20:08.04EndMr_Rabies2: can you afford blue quality gems?
20:08.09Mr_Rabies2yeah, probably
20:08.24Mr_Rabies2depends on the gem
20:08.33Endfor chest piece, for example, you could pop in two rigid dawnstones and a solid star of elune
20:08.37Enddawnstones tend to go cheap though
20:08.39Mr_Rabies2lemme see
20:08.46End(that'd give you a pretty decent about of hit)
20:08.47Mr_Rabies2i have a regular dawnstone so that saves me some money
20:09.00Mr_Rabies2i may put a dawnstone in the hat because i use it for DPS too
20:09.09Endhere's the thing though: if you have to, don't be afraid to lose socket bonuses
20:09.14Mr_Rabies2yeah i know
20:09.31Saint-Ni wish they had stolen the swocketting from diablo
20:09.37Endactually, you should probably switch gems in your pants first though ;p
20:09.43Mr_Rabies2while 10 dodge rating is okay
20:09.45Saint-Nwhere combos of certain things do different effects and whatnot
20:09.50Mr_Rabies2i can do better
20:09.53End(yeech, vendor gems!)
20:09.54buuSaint-N: It made the white items a lot more interesting.
20:10.07Mr_Rabies2end, i just popped em in to activate my meta gem
20:10.09Saint-Nand a  lot more fun too
20:10.18Mr_Rabies2i think
20:10.28Mr_Rabies2that and i'm a cheap bastard
20:10.33Mr_Rabies2these things are far too complicated though
20:10.36Endif you have a jewelcrafter in your guild, he or she probably has like 10 billion green quality gems, so that'd even be better
20:10.42Endthan vendor gems
20:10.46Mr_Rabies2i don't much feel like spending 500g on enchanting my blue gear :[
20:10.51Mr_Rabies2or more
20:11.02Mr_Rabies2probably more since bright living rubies go for ~80-100g
20:11.20Endmy server goes about half the price
20:11.30Endhow much are star of elunes?
20:11.33Mr_Rabies2gems are massively expensive
20:11.34Mr_Rabies2i dunno
20:11.36Mr_Rabies2lemme check
20:11.39Endprobably a lot more :P
20:12.06Endtalasites are cheap, but unfortunately that doesn't help you if you are capped on defense
20:12.18Enddawnstones are pretty good too, and hit is nice to have
20:12.30End(so that'd actually be useful)
20:12.53Antiarc|WorkI usually just buy raw gems and have a guildie cut them for me
20:12.57Antiarc|WorkUsually ends up about 20% cheaper
20:13.02Antiarc|Work18g dawnstones for the win
20:13.14Mr_Rabies2lemme see how much dawnstones go for
20:13.19Mr_Rabies2enchants are even more expensive
20:13.23Antiarc|WorkMy rule is that I only put blue gems in stuff that I don't expect to replace quickly.
20:13.30zenzelezzI seem to find Dawnstones and Talasites all the time, but I never use those myself :-|
20:13.33Antiarc|WorkOtherwise, the 1.5g greens are good enough
20:13.48Endon my realm, noble topazes and star of elunes usually you can't buy (off the AH at least)
20:14.03Mr_Rabies2dawnstones go for 20-25g on my server
20:14.29Endyeah, I'd definitely go with green quality if you can't afford or don't want to buy better
20:14.37Mr_Rabies2stars of elune are 50g a piece uncut
20:14.55Endit's more expensive on my server
20:15.04Endfor stars of elunes I mean
20:16.04Mr_Rabies2yeah i think i'll get a dawnstone cut and a bunch of moonstones
20:16.05Endanyways, I have 60 of each color of green quality gem :P
20:16.14Mr_Rabies2because i  have about 10 moonstones
20:16.38Endeveryone once in a while I make rings out of them and get someone to disenchant them, but then like two weeks later I'm full on gems again
20:17.07End(er, s/everyone/every/)
20:18.13LunessaEnd: My warlock has the same problem.  I keep about 100 of each uncommon around to cut free for guildees.  Keeping it to JUST that number is hard.
20:18.26EndI visit the vendor a lot
20:18.48Endthe vendor has a lot of dust and green gems in stock I'd imagine ;p
20:19.32End(and 3 stacks of each color is specific: that and one blue quality stack is how much a gem bag can hold of all the colors)
20:20.03zenzelezzI'm like that with bandages
20:20.07zenzelezzif I go below 100 I get worried
20:20.34EndI'm not worried about gems, although I do like to specific number of bandages too
20:20.44End(although for me it's only 40 bandages)
20:21.04EndI have another 80ish bandages in the bank
20:21.45zenzelezzwhat class are you?
20:22.31zenzelezzaha =) I'm a warrior, bandaging is my primary means of healing, heh
20:22.40zenzelezzI've found myself bandaging the ranged people on Hydross
20:22.45Enddrain life ftw :P
20:22.53EndI -do- use bandages sometimes though
20:23.25LunessaOn my Shaman, my backpack is entirely filled with "essential" items like totems, spell reagents, mounts, mining pick and skinning knife. It's silly.
20:23.25Endalthough if I -can- use drain life, I'm probably better off doing so (although bandages are useful if you are silenced, since you can't do jack anyways)
20:23.57LunessaPet commands are not affected by silence. :P
20:24.02zenzelezzthere are some items I just never leave out of my bags... mining pick, blacksmith hammer, two non-combat pets that I never use, fishing hat + rod, 5+ stacks of bandages (usually 8+)
20:24.16Endfine, I'll make my imp run around
20:24.27EndI'm sure he'll do a lot of damage too
20:24.33LunessaMy warlock is Demonology spec.
20:24.41End<--- Affliction
20:25.43EndFunny thing about imps though: I have his firebolt turned off, but if he's on agressive for some strange reason, the guards will still attack me
20:25.57EndSo apparently my imp running around not being able to kill people gets me killed ;p
20:26.07zenzelezzhe's whispering insults at them
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20:29.26LunessaYou gotta watch those imps.  They don't have your best interest at heart.  
20:29.34LunessaIt's not in their contract.
20:29.35zenzelezzI'm too distracted today... so far I've wrangled two rays, killed five
20:30.10jmei like the imp in a ball
20:30.32Endimp ina  ball?
20:30.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
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20:30.48Endloot card
20:30.55Endfrom the trading card game
20:31.10Endyeah, that's what I was just looking at :P
20:33.55*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
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20:39.07Saint-Nfor anyone not in wowace zeeg needs someone to test the new curse ticket system
20:39.21Saint-Nif you're hosting an addon there that is i believe
20:39.31zenzelezzticket system?
20:39.54Saint-Nask him
20:40.13Saint-Nim assuming a bug submission type thingy instead of just cluttering the comments
20:41.57leethal"%s's %s drains %d %s from you. %s gains %d %s." -- in case someone gains less/more mana than they drain from the mob they drain?
20:42.54zenzelezzany mobs or spells that drain one stat but give another?
20:44.33Endnot that I know of, but it's probably coded so it could be different /shrug
20:46.19Endand I believe drain life still "heals" if you are at full health
20:51.33Cidepretty sure that's it, yes
20:59.43leethalmkay =)
21:02.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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21:38.48leethalwhere's that vendor on the PTRs that sells the old AQ/BWL/Wootevah patters?
21:40.28leethalhmm, it's spread all over the place it seems, nvm
21:43.48*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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21:51.31zenzelezz -- I like the first post
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22:01.03Thunder_Childckknight ping
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22:09.43Thunder_Childckknight, parrot reports the dmg feedback from SW:D as unknown
22:10.07ckknightyea, cause the combat log doesn't have where it comes from
22:10.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost3 (
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22:13.29clad|afkwhats the soup de jour re: collapsing minimap buttons under a single one, or down to a bar, or something
22:13.36LopeppeppyCogwheel.... *blink*  That's a long time, don't hold yer breath.
22:15.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata124 (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
22:15.29LopeppeppyMiniMapBagButton?  I think that's something similar to the name, Cladhaire, but not 100% on it.
22:23.47*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
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22:24.16Lunessa... I feel a major case of forum ennui.  
22:24.36*** part/#wowi-lounge Dyalad (
22:24.59LopeppeppyNo hot debates, nothing much to say...  *le sigh*
22:25.23|Jelly|Want me to fix that?
22:25.25LunessaMostly its the same 12 questions we've been answering for moths.
22:26.37LopeppeppyCut and paste gets boring after a while.
22:27.23*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
22:28.35ShirikLopeppeppy: You suck. Discuss.
22:28.59Lopeppeppy"I said, just fix the damn thing and leave my private life out of it, okay pal?"  :P
22:29.57LunessaI could see the anchor in her eye.
22:30.16ShirikLou Dobbs is pissed
22:30.23ckknight_Shirik: howso?
22:30.28LunessaLou Dobbs is always pissed.  
22:30.41ShirikI dunno I'm not entirely watching
22:30.48Lunessathat's his schtik.
22:31.07Shirikbut he was not only beating Bush into the ground, he was stomping on his head with cleats
22:31.11LopeppeppyIf you're not watching, how do you know he's pissed?
22:31.39Shirikbecause I heard about one sentence and the tone of his voice
22:32.41LunessaYelling about the incompetency, vileness, or evil machinations of elected officials gets ratings.  I tend to discount all things said by media personalities as "what they do to make a living."
22:32.52LopeppeppyMedia is acting is media.
22:33.40Shirikno, media is spinning politics to gain attention of viewers
22:33.49LunessaYeah, it doesn't matter if it's true or false.  It only matters if it keeps them employed.  
22:33.52Shirikhowever not everyone takes the route of "let's bash the president into the ground with a baseball bat"
22:34.05Shiriknot that I have a problem with it
22:35.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
22:36.36Shirikanyone here use bankofamerica?
22:37.11LunessaNot since '93 when mysterious fees caused me to overdraft by about $500.
22:38.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
22:39.06Lunessa(( My local bank was acquired by them, fee structure changed, and several months of back fees were applied to my account all at once.  It was.. painful and non-refundable. ))
22:40.33LunessaSo, no, I don't use them anymore.  I prefer Wells Fargo or a credit union.  
22:40.57*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
22:42.04cog|workI had similar experiences with Wells Fargo
22:42.25|Jelly|Same, Cog.
22:42.34cog|workI switched to US Bank and haven't regretted it
22:42.39Mr_Rabies2so bored :(
22:42.40Mr_Rabies2nothing to do
22:43.02Mr_Rabies2tired of farming ogrila rep, no one is running any instances :/
22:43.15LunessaUnderstood.  In a system millions of people large, even a 0.001% error rate is large.
22:43.36Mr_Rabies2like in office space
22:43.49Mr_Rabies2cutting off those fractions of a cent :o
22:44.09cog|workWells fargo dosen't (or didn't) offer any free checking without direct deposit. When I went to close my account (after already opening the one at US Bank) I told them that's the reason why and they said they could've given me a free checking account :\
22:44.25cog|work(I had previously had direct deposit but changed jobs)
22:44.28LunessaThat's based on an event that actually happened Mr_Rabies.
22:45.06Lunessacog|work: Yeah, bank will negotiate a lot to keep customers, and they all love direct deposit.
22:45.09Mr_Rabies2yeah i seem to remember hearing something like that
22:45.40cog|workI'm still happy I switched though... they have a branch in one of the grocery stores I frequent in between home & work
22:46.33LunessaMr_Rabies sometime in the late 70s early 80s.  Details are hazy, but a guy noticed that those fractions weren't going anywhere, then made the system cut a really big check based on the money left over from rounding errors to some charity.  
22:50.59*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
22:51.58LunessaSadly I'm not turning up anything using google or snopes.
22:54.16*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
22:57.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
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23:01.18ShirikI just bitched someone out in guild chat
23:01.21Shirikfirst time I did that in a long time
23:02.06ShirikSomeone was claiming there was an addon that would allow you to "Cheat" in BGs (pick up the flag immediately, drop the flag and pick it back up, etc.)
23:02.21ShirikSo I immediately said that's impossible
23:02.44Shirik"You didn't even let me finish" "I don't care" then he continued to try to defend himself while I said "and?"
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23:03.06Valaron|WorkI once had to tell a guildie that a hack is not a mod.
23:03.09ShirikAnd at the end I finished with a "This is the exact reason why people want to remove addons from the game, because of people like you that don't know how addons work and think they give unfair advantages"
23:04.03ShirikOh, and "Stop making crap up"
23:05.14LunessaHah.  See I'd have said, "Stop being stupid, go do the research, and STFU."
23:06.03ShirikThat's what I said at first
23:06.11Shirik(The "Stop making crap up" was at the beginning)
23:06.17Shirikbut he insisted on defending himself, so I let him continue
23:06.30Shirikthen I ended more annoyed than I started
23:06.50LunessaYeah, guildees don't argue too often with me.  I have a short temper and access to /gkick
23:07.16ShirikWe usually get along
23:07.28LunessaKnowing both of those facts, I am amazingly restrained on a daily basis, but I don't tolerate fools for long.
23:07.29Shirikbut when someone says something stupid, they deserve the punishment
23:07.36|Jelly|I just had a STFU rank.
23:07.43Shirikoh we do too
23:07.47Shirikbut it's put a bit more nicely
23:07.59ShirikBut I tend to use that when I'm just joking, not seriously annoyed :P
23:08.15LunessaMy guild has one real rule, "Don't act like a jerk."  
23:08.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
23:08.32LunessaOnce you cross the "jerk" line, I just kick ya. :P
23:08.43LunessaIt's happened very few times.
23:09.44art3miswow i wouldt be in yer guild long if at all ;P
23:10.36bleeterrandom thought for the day: has anyone seen a numerologist who specialises in binary, octal or hexadecimal readings?
23:11.10ShirikI wouldn't find it so far fetched
23:11.12Shirikbut no
23:11.35ShirikMoving back and forth between bases can sometimes get confusing if you're doing huge calculations
23:11.40art3misto imagine that those con artists would be able to think and process in any of those forms seems a tad "odd"
23:12.00art3misyou're talking the psychic type right?
23:12.05art3misor just wierdo math people?
23:12.13ShirikI was just thinking math...
23:12.22art3misheh i immediately thought of the other type
23:12.34art3misi know a guy who does most of his math in hex
23:12.47art3mismakes for some really odd "common formulas"
23:13.00art3misif you're trained decimal that is
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23:13.53Shirikpi in hex
23:14.32art3misheh try reading simple physics stuff like f=ma when the values are hex ;)
23:14.57art3misspecially when you're solving for a or m ;P
23:15.03art3misthe steps look wierd ;P
23:15.20Lunessabah, I always convert octal or binary to dcimal, 'cause it's easier on my brain.
23:15.55art3missomeone converted a ps3 and loaded linux on it for the DARPA ubran challenge
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23:17.02*** join/#wowi-lounge andross_ (
23:17.33Lunessa... if one were to read the forum for my server you'd think it was a cesspool of worthless players and souless hate-mongers.  
23:18.04art3misand if we were to sit here and listen to you, we'd be right?
23:20.18LunessaYeah, you would be. :P is my new fav rss feed site
23:20.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
23:33.57art3misits a good thing theres a [place like distro watch to monitor all the flavours of nix coming out
23:34.24art3misalthough i suspect that 89% of them are "we didnt like the default colour scheme so we changed it and gave it a new name"
23:41.26buuI was reading random wow articles someplace and it said something like "2.3 might bring us the third 10 man instance.."
23:41.29buuIs there a second one?
23:42.17buuSSC isn't .. 25?
23:42.23ShirikI don't know, I don't run it
23:42.34Thunder_ChildZul'aman is the next 10-man
23:42.49Thunder_ChildSSC is a 25-man
23:43.09Thunder_Childthere will be another 25-man The Sunwell (or something like that)
23:43.23Shirikthat should be interesting
23:43.33ShirikI don't care about the gear
23:43.52Thunder_Childthey havent said if they are going to be putting in another dungeon set
23:44.01Thunder_Childjust that the gear "will be better"
23:44.15buuYes, it's technically not a tier.
23:44.18buuIt's better than t6.
23:44.32Thunder_Childalso they want to stick in a new 5-man if they can
23:45.13buuThat would be pretty awesome.
23:45.22buuI'd just like to see some heroics with decent items =[
23:45.27*** join/#wowi-lounge spathi (
23:45.53Shirik$ wc -l ../Conspiracy/*
23:45.54Shirik1977 total
23:46.15ShirikJudging by RDX, I'm 10% done :)
23:46.27*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
23:47.36LunessaMasochism Pinky, it's our new tool!
23:48.01*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (
23:48.11TS|Skrom_ :O
23:50.20ShirikLunessa scares me sometimes
23:50.31LunessaOnly sometimes?  
23:50.34LunessaI'm slipping
23:50.54Shiriksorry :(
23:52.00art3miswork faster shirik
23:52.04Thunder_Childkick it up a notch Lunessa
23:52.22LunessaI'm reading realm, Guild Relations, and the UI forum and ... They make me want to lay waste to large swaths of the population.  Something like killing the first born male child in every household.  ...
23:52.31Shirikart3mis: Hopefully when I finish the root, I'll commit it and some others might be willing to code modules <-- thats kind of neat
23:52.37Shirikwhich will really help things come together
23:52.54art3misif i understood anything of your code that didnt make me claw at my eyes i'd help ;P
23:53.10art3misits like reading C without any white space
23:53.18*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (
23:53.22art3miscept i understand C sorta
23:53.35Shirikyou haven't even read it yet
23:53.37Shirikhow would you know
23:53.44art3misokay the new one i havent
23:53.59Shirikyou can't judge my code from RDX, you don't even know which of it's mine :P
23:53.59art3misthe old one that cid and veni worked off of gave me nightmares
23:54.02Lunessabah, Shirik follows good coding practices and indents.  
23:54.05Shirikand yes, it was... horrible
23:54.31Shirikhere, I'll give you a sample, you can judge from that
23:55.02KyahxIs it possible to search wowi using like{searchText}
23:55.08KyahxI know that that syntax is wrong
23:55.19Kyahx(Trying to make a firefox search plugin
23:55.34art3misi think wowi uses numbers
23:55.38art3misnot names
23:55.39Thunder_ChildLunessa...i do belive that has already been done
23:55.54LunessaWhy try to improve on the classics?
23:56.35LunessaIf I wanted to get a bit more recent, I  could just put every 10th person to the sword as my mounted hordes ravaged the land.
23:56.43art3misCall me Ishmael....dummy
23:57.01Thunder_Childthere is something to be said for origionality
23:57.06Thunder_Childand spelling....
23:58.29art3misspeelin iz uhvar ated
23:58.37LunessaEverything old is new again.  There is nothing new under the sun.   What goes around comes around.   ... Nuke the site from orbit.  It's the only way to be sure.
23:59.04art3mismaybe luny is just trying to be a ipseter and go retro ;P
23:59.40LunessaOr it could be insulin inspired depression brought on by an over-indulgence in icecream.

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