IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070805

00:10.32*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
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00:41.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
00:46.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
00:50.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Parakie (
00:57.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
00:57.36*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
01:01.21*** part/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
01:08.56*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia__ (n=nymbia@
01:09.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
01:15.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
01:22.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
01:36.53*** join/#wowi-lounge RogueShadow (
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01:50.13*** join/#wowi-lounge [1]spathi (
01:56.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
01:56.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
02:03.24*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (
02:12.06*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
02:22.56Mr_Rabies2clearing Steamvaults in 40 mins ftw :D
02:23.02Mr_Rabies2well, at least the bosses
02:27.58Mr_Rabies2we left a decent chunk of trash in the first room
02:38.52Shirik2 rogues, 3 druids?
02:38.58Shirikheh, could stealth to all the bosses
02:39.03Shirikignore the trash
02:39.22Shirikthat would be a great way to farm for spirit shards :P
02:44.25Mr_Rabies2pally tank, me feral dps, mage, shaman healing, and hunter
02:58.55*** join/#wowi-lounge abug (
02:59.32abugsloukey ain't a rl pirate
03:08.36Gnarfoz lol
03:09.04abugyes slouken, show us how many characters your password is
03:10.46abugor not slouken the other person
03:17.06Industrialwhats his username =D
03:18.27Industrialnuuuuu no xmlsies
03:19.13abugarrow guy is feigning the smile on the xml slides
03:21.44Industrialzomgdsaofmzmozm editing UI
03:21.51bleeterwoot yeah just got to that
03:22.34Arrowmasteris there somebody in that video wearing fake horns?
03:24.40bleeterooh, real combat log with real events
03:31.45Industrialthey cut off the Q&A...
03:32.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
03:32.43abugthey did that on the other ones too =/
03:39.24*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
03:43.39Mr_Rabies2built in editing UI
03:43.43Mr_Rabies2hot damn
03:44.50abugI like the large volume of people leaving the panel
03:46.41Mr_Rabies2i'd have left during the tutorial
03:46.52Mr_Rabies2that's just not fun to watch in a con where all that other stuff is happening :[
03:48.26bleeterwell, there ya go. slouken would be a god even if he didn't work for blizz
03:48.36bleeter'Beardliness is next to Godliness'
03:49.30Mr_Rabies2it's true.
03:49.50Mr_Rabies2i've got an epic beard
03:50.02bleeter.. it's pink?
03:50.38Mr_Rabies26[Fol'likle, Beard of Insanity]
03:52.00bleetermy UI's bust, I don't get any tooltip with stats when I click on that :(
03:56.42Mr_Rabies2"im the lich king lol"
03:56.58Mr_Rabies2talking about frostmourne possibly being a drop, with an equip to become the new lich king
03:57.05Mr_Rabies2but this could present problems :P
03:58.15Mr_Rabies2Leading the Kirin Tor, Rhonin, will feature prominently.
04:03.04Mr_Rabies2i'm more pumped about the lore than anything else
04:04.11bleeterI thought you were going to quit after the last druid nerf?
04:04.17abugdalaran drank red bull
04:04.17bleeteror was it the one before that :P
04:05.13ScytheBlade1PTR patch!
04:05.21ScytheBlade1Under wine, I at least get a SESound.log now
04:05.24ScytheBlade1But it still locks up :(
04:05.33Ky|Awaycedega works =/
04:05.48ScytheBlade1Cedega really works?
04:05.56ScytheBlade1I don't want to use Cedega.
04:06.06Ky|Awayno one does :P
04:06.26Ky|Awayjust from pirate bay until wine works >.>
04:06.28bleeterI wish Blizz would push people towards CrossOver, instead of Cedega.
04:06.35ScytheBlade1Cedega *IS* GPL'd
04:06.38bleeterThat way, Wine would get backports or something
04:06.40ScytheBlade1I'll grab it from CVS and build it
04:06.51ScytheBlade1Portions of it though are not
04:06.59bleeterScytheBlade1: not the DX engine
04:07.02ScytheBlade1And the "nice" interface isn't GPL'd
04:07.05bleeterand they don't feed back upstream either
04:07.06ScytheBlade1bleeter, -opengl is the only way to go
04:07.16ScytheBlade1Yeah, that's why I don't want to use Cedega
04:07.28ScytheBlade1Crap though :/
04:07.31ScytheBlade1Cedega :/
04:08.42ScytheBlade1I'ma hurt myself if I have to
04:09.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
04:16.17Mr_Rabies2anyone find any patch changes on the ptr, ScytheBlade1?
04:16.33ScytheBlade1Mr_Rabies2, not yet. The test realms have been down all day
04:18.03ScytheBlade1.. still down
04:19.50ScytheBlade1The Blizzcon stream is the game music segment now
04:19.52ScytheBlade1SC music!
04:20.55ScytheBlade1SC into music live. It's surprisingly well done
04:21.39ScytheBlade1They cut away to the WoW tourney just as it was getting good :/
04:34.19*** join/#wowi-lounge N3cr0m4ncer (
04:45.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
04:50.29*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
04:59.37*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
05:01.14*** join/#wowi-lounge chrippa (
05:11.38*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
05:12.27*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
05:13.38Mr_Rabies2i go back to giga just in time to see the sylvanas song live :D
05:14.27ScytheBlade1I have yet to actually hear it
05:14.32ScytheBlade1Is somewhat interesting here though
05:16.19Mr_Rabies2wait a tick
05:16.24Mr_Rabies2is that tommy tallorico
05:16.31ScytheBlade1It is
05:16.51Mr_Rabies2i really really hated electric playground
05:17.10*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
05:17.38Mr_Rabies2oh man
05:17.40Mr_Rabies2this is epics
05:17.49Mr_Rabies2trumpets make everything epic
05:17.51Mr_Rabies2it's a proven fact
05:18.39Mr_Rabies2the violinists are like
05:19.30ScytheBlade1You're probably right @ Rabies2
05:20.08ScytheBlade1lol nice @ PSPs
05:21.03Mr_Rabies2gold(en)shire, apparently
05:21.09ScytheBlade1"Hang on a sec, the PSPs are still booting up" <-- I lol'd
05:23.25Mr_Rabies2if the lack of e3
05:23.33Mr_Rabies2makes conventions like this happen
05:23.37Mr_Rabies2i'm happy :D
05:23.48Mr_Rabies2blizzcon 05 wasn't nearly as epic, was it?
05:23.51ScytheBlade1I never really wanted to go
05:23.54ScytheBlade1But for this, well
05:23.56ScytheBlade1This changes things
05:24.26Mr_Rabies2did i miss L70ETC
05:24.42ScytheBlade1They haven't been on the stream
05:25.28Thrae"In the future mages will be able to summon a feast table to their location and group members will be able to get food from it, and yes we will have a water fountain."
05:25.54ScytheBlade1I was watching the stream when they said that
05:25.59ScytheBlade1I nearly died of happiness
05:26.05ScytheBlade1NO MORE MAKING 700 WATER FOR MY RAID.
05:26.27Mr_Rabies2i'm happy too :D
05:26.37Mr_Rabies2and my highest mage is like 14
05:26.47ScytheBlade1<-- mage for life
05:26.53Mr_Rabies2just so you guys will find something else to bitch about
05:27.00Mr_Rabies2oh wait my highest mage is 32
05:27.10Thrae"It was also noted that although mages are considered the DPS kings, it was decided that they would more focus on the AOE damage, and the *rogue* would stand out as a single-target *DPS master*."
05:27.30ScytheBlade110% damage tax? AoE damage caps? The list goes on
05:27.44JunkHead-WorkSame for a warlock.
05:27.57JunkHead-WorkOur warlocks out DPS our mages.
05:28.14ScytheBlade1Then again, the warlock in question that out-does me has nearly 1300 shadow
05:28.20Mr_Rabies2warlocks are hybrids and mages are not
05:28.25ScytheBlade1And I've got 890 or so +dmg
05:28.28Mr_Rabies2via their pets :O
05:28.42JunkHead-WorkWell, we did gruul the other day.
05:28.57ScytheBlade1And since when did warlocks get a 10% coeff. nerf on their Shadowbolt?
05:28.57JunkHead-Work#1 was a rogue, warlock was barely under him at #2.
05:28.58ThraeWarlocks aren't Hybrids, Warlocks are Summoners -- big difference
05:29.02JunkHead-Work3 and 4 were rogues
05:29.08JunkHead-Work5 and 6 were locks.
05:29.09Mr_Rabies2they have one for CC and melee damage, one is an anticaster, one's a tank, one's a pocket arms warrior, and one's a great support class
05:29.28Mr_Rabies2Thrae, they're still hybrids, rogues and mages are really the only two 'pure' classes
05:29.51ThraeMages can do CC, DD DPS, AoE DPS, omg hybridz
05:30.00Mr_Rabies2that's not the same at all
05:30.04ScytheBlade1Because mages can't really spec _out_ of damage
05:30.17ScytheBlade1Whereas other classes can, and in turn, spec into support, tanking, or healing classes
05:30.29Mr_Rabies2it's not that either scythe
05:30.30ScytheBlade1Mages and rogues are the only real classes that can't spec out of damage in raid enviroments
05:30.47ScytheBlade1(Though I won't lie, I know a mage who tries to spec out of damage...)
05:30.49ThraeI declare the definition of Hybrids to be Heal PCs + Melee DPS
05:30.51Mr_Rabies2it's that hunters and locks can be tanks, magic damage, and melee damage at the same time
05:31.01ThraeAt least for WoW's sake.
05:31.40Mr_Rabies2among other things but i'm diluting it a bit
05:32.21ScytheBlade1The "AoE damage kings" thing is a joke though
05:32.24ScytheBlade1Sure we HAVE powerful AoE
05:32.28ScytheBlade1But when do we really use it?
05:32.45Mr_Rabies2you're still the best aoe damage class in the game
05:33.01ScytheBlade1But it's a question of just how valuable that really is to, specifically, end-game raiding
05:33.03Mr_Rabies2it wouldn't make sense for you to outdps rogues in one target AND multitarget
05:33.20ScytheBlade1I'm fine with rogues being #1
05:33.28ScytheBlade1I mean... they get melee
05:33.30ScytheBlade1I get 41 yards.
05:33.33ScytheBlade1I'm not complaining.
05:33.34Mr_Rabies2that too
05:34.02ScytheBlade1But the ease of other classes to hit #2 and #3 in comparison to mages is what bothers me - and the justification is "mages have better AoE"
05:34.11ScytheBlade1It's the value of AoE in general which I question though
05:34.35Mr_Rabies2there's more to balance than endgame raiding
05:34.56ScytheBlade1Now I'm wondering which panel they said that in :P
05:35.02Mr_Rabies2there's plenty of pulls where you pretty much HAVE to have a mage in the party
05:35.04JunkHead-WorkI love my mage in 5 man instances.
05:35.06Kyahxanyone who underestimates the value of AoE obviously never went bombing the AV entrance
05:35.07ScytheBlade1I can't remember if it was the R&D or class discussion
05:35.10JunkHead-WorkI have so much fun doing those.
05:35.10Mr_Rabies2because no other class can AoE realistically
05:35.16ScytheBlade1Heh. I did that AV bit.
05:35.25ScytheBlade1Walked out of AV (pre-NERF) with 1000 HKs.
05:35.33ScytheBlade1Don't get me wrong, it's nuts
05:35.40ScytheBlade1But I want to bring more to a /raid/
05:35.49Mr_Rabies2you bring food and water
05:35.55Mr_Rabies2and portals
05:35.57KyahxI remember bombing the cave entrance, for all the people waiting in line :P
05:36.00ScytheBlade1Heh. Yeah. I should be specific
05:36.05ScytheBlade1More to a /boss encounter/
05:36.06Mr_Rabies2and damage that's unmitigated by armor
05:36.14KyahxCrowd Control?
05:36.15ScytheBlade1Same with locks and SPriests
05:36.16JunkHead-WorkSomething else that can cut into out straight up DPS in a raid, is boss fights that require a lot of movement.
05:36.18KyahxSheep is invaluable
05:36.20Mr_Rabies2and safe damage from 41 yards off
05:36.21ScytheBlade1CC is something that I love
05:36.28ScytheBlade1TK trash I'm very low on the meters, and I'm fine
05:36.39ScytheBlade1But that's the only place so far where I've had to use it in a raid
05:36.50JunkHead-WorkAnd yeah sheep is great when it can be used.
05:36.52KyahxMages bring a very good CC, AoE damage, raid support (via food and water), excellent ranged dps (longest range of any class)
05:36.56KyahxI fail to see why you bitch
05:37.02ScytheBlade1Thought locks also had 41 yard
05:37.06ScytheBlade1I know hunters do
05:37.15KyahxHunters suck
05:37.15Mr_Rabies2locks get 36
05:37.17Mr_Rabies2i think
05:37.31Mr_Rabies2and hunters get 41 but it's mitigated by armor and they're balanced around having pets out
05:37.35Mr_Rabies2which aren't always viable in raids
05:37.44ScytheBlade1Yeah... got a BM hunter in my raids. Scorpid.
05:37.46ScytheBlade1SCARY damage.
05:37.53Mr_Rabies2well, scorpids are bugged
05:38.02Mr_Rabies2he's gonna shit himself when they fix the bug he's exploiting
05:38.12ScytheBlade1 <-- I'm Sbo on that
05:38.17KyahxStill, I think mages would be one of the last classes to complain about Raid viability
05:38.25ScytheBlade1Note that the rogue which pulled 1k DPS died early
05:38.43KyahxYou only need one priest in a raid for buffs, all other healing can be supplemented (if not surpassed) by druids and paladins
05:38.46ScytheBlade1Kyahx, agreed. We bring a lot to raids, but it's not what people on the boards (and me to a lesser extent) really want to bring
05:38.49Mr_Rabies2i pull about 700 atm on my druid
05:38.54Mr_Rabies2on unsundered mobs
05:39.01Mr_Rabies2on sundered mobs probably close to 800
05:39.26ScytheBlade1Hence a sizable amount of mages rerolling locks for "ez DPS"
05:39.37ScytheBlade1(Or at least, again, mages on the forums)
05:39.40KyahxLocks are a different type of DPS
05:39.58KyahxPeople put too much stock into numbers
05:40.00ScytheBlade1But they do it, and they do more of it, increasingly often
05:40.05ScytheBlade1True. Boss dies, who cares.
05:40.12Mr_Rabies2what outputs WWS, ScytheBlade1?
05:40.12KyahxA warlock can be very boring in raids, especially an affliction lock
05:40.21Kyahxdot, dot...mine copper
05:40.25ScytheBlade1Mr_Rabies2, click the link at the bottom
05:40.32Mr_Rabies2aff locks have almost no burst at all
05:40.36ScytheBlade1Mr_Rabies2, it takes raw WoW combat logs, parses it, tada
05:40.37Kyahxre-fresh dots, watch you-tue
05:40.39jmemy hunter is like spam steady shot.. :/
05:40.40Mr_Rabies2sure, it's all instant, but still, no burst
05:40.50Mr_Rabies2they're only useful for bosses really
05:40.56ScytheBlade1The only time I've seen burst matter in a raid is on the Naxx trash.
05:40.58Kyahxthat is the life of an affliction lock in a raid :P
05:41.06Mr_Rabies2burst is important for trash
05:41.07ScytheBlade1Notably gargoyles.
05:41.19Mr_Rabies2when you're killing mobs in <10 sec dots won't shine
05:41.32ScytheBlade1But it's also trash
05:41.35ScytheBlade1Who cares?
05:41.39KyahxBurst damage is always important, burts damage clears trash faster, burst is what kills the boss for the last 5%
05:42.26Mr_Rabies2if trash is counted towards damage meters, then that's who cares
05:42.31Mr_Rabies2people who can't do burst
05:42.32Kyahxburst damage is also what wins in PvP
05:42.33ScytheBlade1It doesn't in any raid I attend :)
05:42.43ScytheBlade1I reset SWS every boss attempt, before and after
05:42.51ScytheBlade1And run the WWS with logs JUST from the boss encounters
05:42.51KyahxI've had a mage DESTROY me in a matter of 3 seconds
05:43.01Kyahxfrom fully-buffed to dead
05:43.01ScytheBlade1Heh. PoM Pyro mages have no use in a raid.
05:43.07Mr_Rabies2mages are about kings of burst
05:43.13Mr_Rabies2next are locks, then rogues
05:43.34Mr_Rabies2enhancement shamans are pretty amazing in bursts if they're in epic gear and the planets align
05:43.44ScytheBlade1Please note that I'm specifically talking about PvE raid encounters
05:43.57ScytheBlade1That's... kinda key, as that's my only real 'complaint'
05:44.31KyahxI fail to see what your complaining about in general, PvE or not.  Mages do a shit-ton of damage, sure they do it fast
05:44.35Kyahxlearn to pace yourself
05:45.09KyahxYou have multiple-viable trees, a large number of spells, high-raid desirabilty from support spells
05:45.17Mr_Rabies2most raids have mages and locks at the top because of how much armor trash and bosses have
05:45.32Mr_Rabies2until TK or BT at least, i hear
05:45.37Mr_Rabies2i hear the armor tapers off at that level
05:46.09Mr_Rabies2but in kara-SSC, armor mitigation is plain awful :(
05:46.38JunkHead-WorkLike I was saying earlier...
05:46.43JunkHead-WorkI like playing my mage.
05:46.49ScytheBlade1I just simply don't think that our single target DPS is where it /should/ be, with "you have awesome AoE" as the justification. I'm fine with #2, but I'm not fine with #4, #5 because I have AoE that I don't use :)
05:46.50JunkHead-WorkHell of a lot more than playing my Paladin.
05:47.14ScytheBlade1(Note that #1, #4, #5 are referring to number of classes, not people)
05:47.17Mr_Rabies2scythe: it's still equal to or higher than rogues in most situations from what i've seen
05:47.42Mr_Rabies2plus, there's not much they can do about that other than add AoE mobs to help
05:47.50Mr_Rabies2because they can't JUST buff your single target DPS in raids
05:47.59Mr_Rabies2buffing it in raids buffs it everywhere else too
05:48.00ScytheBlade1Mr_Rabies2, to be dead honest, get better rogues. I play as a +hit capped deep fire, and smacking Void Reaver around, the rogues are consistently 2-3% overall DPS higher than everyone
05:48.07ScytheBlade1If AoE was used more I'd be happy.
05:48.20Mr_Rabies2i don't see how
05:48.24ScytheBlade1I just think their justification is currently... 'lacking'
05:48.28Mr_Rabies2all it does is mean you're clicking another button
05:48.38Mr_Rabies2and you move up higher on the charts because no one can keep up
05:48.41Mr_Rabies2with mage aoe
05:49.01ScytheBlade1I see your point
05:49.08ScytheBlade1And it's a good one, I won't lie :)
05:49.23JunkHead-WorkI've never gotten to use  my mage on too many raid bosses.
05:49.32ScytheBlade1It's just somewhat disheartening to come from MC/BWL/AQ40 as deep fire, consistently #1/#2 with rogues on the meters
05:49.38JunkHead-WorkI've done I think, 4 bosses in Kara, and an attempt on void reaver.
05:49.43ScytheBlade1To #4/#5 - with "you have AoE" as the reason
05:50.01KyahxRouges also used to suck a hell of a lot more than they do now
05:50.21Mr_Rabies2rogues also take a shitload more damage than mages
05:50.23ScytheBlade1I don't want to displace rogues. I really don't.
05:50.33ScytheBlade1They have it harder to stay alive, to manage threat.. the list goes on
05:50.40ScytheBlade1Glancing blows anyone?
05:51.02Mr_Rabies2then what are you complaining about
05:51.08Mr_Rabies2you're still close enough
05:51.11KyahxSimple put, once again, people put too much stock into meters.  Just because your #1 on damage has nothing to do with how important you are to the raid
05:51.52ScytheBlade1Kyahx, kinda what I said earlier. That's why a lot of mages rerolled 'lock: they want a large amount of sustained, ranged DPS.
05:52.02ScytheBlade1(Note that I'll only ever play my mage, regardless of what they do to it)
05:52.04JunkHead-WorkMy warlock is lvl 10.
05:53.01Mr_Rabies2in order to do any sustained damage on a lock you have to give up all burst, essentially
05:53.11ScytheBlade1I don't want to top the meters, but I'd love to be more competitive.
05:53.27JunkHead-WorkI know a guy, he's on my server but was in another guild...
05:53.32Mr_Rabies2mages are about the most helpful dps class to a raid
05:53.34JunkHead-WorkHe is a 70 warlock.
05:53.35abugjust look at the addon code and fudge your numbers so you're higher, works for me
05:53.40ScytheBlade1lol @ abug
05:53.53JunkHead-WorkHis raid always complained about his dps being too low.
05:54.13JunkHead-WorkHe even bought gold so he could fund his trade skills...
05:54.19ScytheBlade1Heh. I've seen locks and mages be out-DPS'd by prot warriors.
05:54.25JunkHead-WorkTo up his damage, Still got complained about.
05:54.37Mr_Rabies2they do safe damage, they bring water and food, their damage is unmitigated by armor and few raid mobs have high resistances anymore
05:54.45JunkHead-WorkIt got to a point where he never played his warlock, to avoid raiding.
05:55.29ScytheBlade1Mages have never been declined a group because "they don't have enough DPS"
05:55.34ScytheBlade1Which can be said of several other classes
05:56.07Mr_Rabies2i can't tell you how many times i've requested a group to get turned down "because we need real dps/tank/cc
05:56.39ScytheBlade1In a 5-man, a healer tank mage mage mage combo is nothing short of ideal.
05:56.44ScytheBlade1Their value is clear.
05:58.42ScytheBlade1It boils down to, I'd like to be more competitive on single-target.
05:58.58ScytheBlade1As we /once/ were
05:59.11KyahxYou were only competitive because other classes sucked
05:59.26ScytheBlade1Rogues sure didn't
05:59.59abugback when ignitres rolled like tumbleweeds
06:00.02abugignites even
06:00.11ScytheBlade1Heh. Ignites rolling... fun, but not realisitc
06:00.47ScytheBlade1And Kyahx, I'd have a different view if I didn't raid right next to a rogue from MC to TK:TE who has placed consistently as #1 on the meter, no matter how hard I try
06:01.20KyahxSo he's really good?  Who cares
06:01.53abugpay paladins to bop him midfight
06:01.54KyahxHe'd get replaced long before you were, if it came down to spots
06:02.05KyahxYou bring a sheep, you bring food/water
06:02.17KyahxRouges ARE dps, that's what they do, they should be #1
06:02.29ScytheBlade1You'd honestly replace #1 DPS by 1-3% for free water?
06:02.33ScytheBlade1Little skeptical here.
06:02.39KyahxIm not saying him personally
06:02.42Kyahxbut the class for class
06:02.46ScytheBlade1Okay fair enough
06:04.23JunkHead-Work[01:06:03] <ScytheBlade1> You'd honestly replace #1 DPS by 1-3% for free water?  <-- I will. I'm cheap as hell.
06:06.33ScytheBlade1A lot of it comes down to player skill
06:07.35ScytheBlade1It's just maddening the amount of effort I have to put forth to place even close to where I feel I should be, as compared to other classes
06:07.45ScytheBlade1That's a lot of subjectivity, heh
06:08.00JunkHead-WorkI still need some stuff for my mage.
06:08.08JunkHead-WorkI'm just not really in a hurry.
06:08.32ScytheBlade1I'm missing one key item on mine - a new weapon that is more than +121 damage
06:08.38ScytheBlade1Next time the Gruul sword drops, it's mine
06:08.48JunkHead-WorkI don't have spellstrike stuff yet.
06:08.53ScytheBlade1But even given that - that'll place me at +980 raw +dmg
06:08.59JunkHead-WorkAnd I only have 1 dropped epic item.
06:09.03JunkHead-WorkWell 2.
06:09.07ScytheBlade1I'll have an incredibly hard time competing with warlocks
06:09.17ScytheBlade1I have one piece of spellstrike
06:09.22ScytheBlade1One crafted epic total
06:09.44JunkHead-WorkMy Supah Mage ^
06:09.57ScytheBlade1 <-- me
06:10.02ScytheBlade1For a reference
06:10.54ScytheBlade1I'm one of the few people that are actually +hit capped in PvE DPS
06:11.04ScytheBlade1Technically I'm one point over
06:11.35jme164 for mages?
06:11.56ScytheBlade1164 for mages that take Elemental Precision, knocking off 3% of the total needed
06:12.08ScytheBlade1Less if you're an arcane caster, but that isn't viable without T5
06:12.34ScytheBlade1(Arcane Talent will give you +10%, EPrecision will give you +3%, leaving... +3% needed (or 2%?))
06:12.48ScytheBlade1Or 32 +hit
06:13.13ScytheBlade1JunkHead-Work, random question: why did you personally go Spellstrike?
06:13.26JunkHead-WorkWhat do you mean?
06:13.40ScytheBlade1Why did you pick up the set and make it?
06:13.47ScytheBlade1What part of it appealed to you?
06:13.49JunkHead-WorkOh the Spellfire?
06:13.55ScytheBlade1Yes Spellfire
06:14.00ScytheBlade1It's late and my head hurts, sorry
06:14.05JunkHead-WorkWell, I could make it...
06:14.13ScytheBlade1Heh. Always one reason. ;)
06:14.13JunkHead-Workor I could make the fozen shadoweave
06:14.22JunkHead-Workor I can make the mooncloth stuff.
06:14.31JunkHead-WorkSeeme dlike an obvious choice being an arcane mage.
06:15.07ScytheBlade1Fair enough
06:15.10ScytheBlade1I was just curious
06:15.23JunkHead-WorkPlus, it gave me a reason to actually do tailoring.
06:15.39ScytheBlade1Gave a lot of people a reason to do tailoring
06:15.52ScytheBlade1(Though with Inscription, I'll be dropping tailoring completly)
06:16.01JunkHead-WorkMy paladin has engineering.
06:16.06JunkHead-WorkJust a hair above 350.
06:16.13ScytheBlade1Unless they give us some BoP 22 or 24 slot bags or something
06:16.13JunkHead-WorkNo point in going any higher now.
06:16.59ScytheBlade1Ack, okay, my head simply hurts too much. Migraine ftl.
06:17.05ScytheBlade1I'm sleeping, have a good night
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06:33.37ckknightI'm not sure why you all fret about those little extra additions
06:33.44ckknightit's almost as if you forget the most important addition
06:33.47ckknightNew hairstyles!
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07:19.19abugI look forward to looking up dalaran's skirt
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08:51.17Nom-bleh anyone know of a mod which turns all the trade skills into '...'
08:51.34Nom-That's all I see now, most annoying...every single recipe just has '...'
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10:02.11zenzelezzNom-: wasn't that an issue with some fonts/font sizes or something? I seem to recall that a while ago
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12:03.22wereHamsterNom-, some kind of font addon (clearfont?)
12:14.53Nom-Yeah, haven't worked it out yet
12:15.02Nom-Very annoying to have to click down the list to find the potion you want :(
12:15.17zenzelezzif you know the name, use the Search box
12:15.34Nom-Search box is from a mod :)
12:15.37Nom-Which I don't have
12:15.40zenzelezzno it's not
12:15.48zenzelezzthey added that a few patches ago
12:16.11zenzelezzboth the Search box and the "Have materials" checkbox
12:16.32Nom-well i don't have a search box :/
12:16.37Nom-Must be a mod which is breaking that then
12:17.01zenzelezzshould be right below the skill bar on top of the window
12:18.26Nom-ya its not there
12:18.32Nom-so something must be replacing those frames
12:18.40Nom-and probably breaking the names of the things too
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12:41.02wereHamsterNom-, just pick a random potion :)
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12:45.31Industrial(on the phone) "I want ten billion dollars or you may never see your son again!" "... My son is here ..." "I said may!"
12:47.40MoonWolfIndustrial, it could work.
12:48.54KasoSo, did anyone watch the Arena matches on blizzcon live stream ? Im curious about the UI the Comentators were using, that doesnt look like blizzard's design, Have any of the "big" addon authors been helping out?
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14:01.14IndustrialKaso: linkylinky?
14:02.51Kasoi didnt think to take any screenshots
14:04.08Kasobut it was a letterbox style window, with 5 unitframes for each team on top and bottom
14:04.32Kasothe unitframes looked a little like X-Perl, but im not sure
14:04.56KasoThey werent default blizzard thats for sure, they had built in cast-bars and all sorts of lovely stuff
14:13.52zenzelezzcould be an internal, as yet unreleased default UI :-o
14:16.16Garnsfound something, dont expect great quality:
14:18.34KasoYah thats the UI, though you cant see it all that clearly
14:19.13zenzelezzit had cast bars for all the enemies?
14:19.31KasoWell it was an observer, so it had for both teams yes
14:19.39zenzelezzoh, I see
14:19.42Kasothat wasnt a UI the players used
14:20.12zenzelezzcould be they're working on something like HLTV for the arenas or whatever
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14:44.40KasoAnyone heard about this Dateline/Defcon thing
14:45.09Industrialwoah Texhnolyze (anime) is weiiiird
14:46.05zenzelezzKaso: heard the name, but that's about it
14:48.19Kasofun fun
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15:08.58krkahas anyone had a bug that made the graphics more grayish?
15:09.05krkait looks so dull now
15:11.12Shirikcheck your gamma?
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15:24.16krkano... it just randomly happens in game
15:24.20krkaat first it's fine
15:24.24krkathen suddently it becomes grayt
15:28.51zenzelezzyou sure it's only WoW?
15:29.21zenzelezzI had that thing, except with a yellowish tint, because my monitor was dying. It would randomly go yellowish for a bit, then switch back to normal, etc
15:32.01krkayeah, only wow
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16:41.31zenzelezzyou better clean that up before Cairenn gets back
16:41.47ShirikI never want to see another coroutine again
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16:46.51foxlitIf your design involves sending huge chunks of data... time to get a new design? :)
16:47.16Shirikhopefully not
16:47.22Shirikon average that function will be called every 0.25s
16:47.34Shirikyou shouldn't be sending it massive tables
16:47.59foxlitSo why coroutine at all?
16:48.28Shirikto not impose restrictions? ^^;
16:48.44foxlitRestrictions often keep things sane :)
16:48.52Shirikwell, I'm hoping that works
16:48.58Shirikhaven't tested it at all
16:48.58zenzelezzthere's always restrictions, all you do is move them =D
16:49.14ShirikOne problem in RDX before was trying to send a huge table would lock up the UI
16:49.28Shirikeven though it splits up the data, it would try to encode the entire table at once before sending the packets
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16:58.25krkahmm... does anyone know of a way to convert an svn repository to a subdirectory of another repository?
16:59.21Shirikcan't you just do that?
16:59.37Shiriklike... I used to just make repositories in subdirectories of repositories
16:59.44Shirikand there was no problem
17:00.01Shirikdon't trust that though; I know very little about SVN
17:01.30krkasure, but those would be standalone
17:01.39krkanot at all related to the parent repository
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17:12.18KasoI wonder how many accounts dont have BC
17:12.23Kasothat'd be an interesting statstic
17:12.47Kasoi wonder how many of those would be gold farmer / trader accounts
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17:17.36Shirikdon't you think it would be easier to farm at 70 though?
17:17.41Shirikwhat with all the daily quests
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17:21.19Mike-N-GoYay, guild drama!
17:21.31zenzelezzdoes it ever stop?
17:21.32Kasotrue Shirik but they also have alot of accounts that (for want of a better word), launder the money.
17:21.33zenzelezzbut what now?
17:21.36Mike-N-GoAnyone care if I explain my experiences?
17:22.00Ky|Sleepyea, but the cost to but the expansion + time to level their farmer characters would be more than it is to just buy gold off of legeit players and resell it
17:22.06zenzelezzcertainly Mike, it's nice to hear someone else's frustrations =)
17:22.43zenzelezzKyahx: leveling a farm char from 60->70 = serious gold, just buy some cheap greens off AH every few levels
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17:23.22Kyahxyea, but like I said, it's a matter of it being more econimcally profitable to just buy gold off regular players doing daily quests, and resell that stock
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17:23.37Kyahxand using their current farmer accounts to launder the money, instead of actually farming it
17:24.14zenzelezz"normal" players actually sell their gold?
17:24.41KyahxWhy not?
17:25.07zenzelezzall my friends are far more interested in the gold than the money
17:25.11Mike-N-GoWell, I was part of a horde guild called Evidence of Inequity, and this was true.
17:25.21Mike-N-GoAn officer, not just part.
17:25.27Shirikzenzelezz: Psh, I don't even buy greens
17:25.29ShirikI just use what I find
17:25.38Shirikunless you mean to sell those
17:25.38art3misthats what she said
17:25.50Mike-N-GoLevel 70 guild, we tried to run Karazhan, and I was trying to manage the raid.
17:26.13Mike-N-GoEveryone was mad that all other 16 members of the guild, at level 70, could not go.
17:26.40Shiriktell them to make another raid?
17:26.46zenzelezzat the same time, or weren't attuned?
17:26.49Shirikif there's 16 there should be enough...
17:27.01Mike-N-GoI invited a few people from outside the guild to help us, then they revolted on me.
17:27.36Shirikgotta love those types of things
17:27.43Shirikbtw, today's my two year anniversary with TG ^^
17:28.09Shirikthough our site's semi-broken right now as we're transferring servers
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17:28.45zenzelezzhad a similar thing with a player in my guild; he's got "reserve" status meaning it's members (raiders) -> initiates -> him. He was desperately wanting to do Prince, but we were full and he was late
17:29.09Mike-N-GoAuctuly, only one person was invited to the raid from outer-guild, a tank, and he was tanking insed of one of the warriors whom liked Furry.
17:29.16zenzelezzfirst he wanted someone else to log his char for him since he couldn't get online, then when he got online he was pissed off because we didn't let him replace someone since he *clearly* needed things more than *everyone*
17:29.24zenzelezz"yeah, real nice guild everyone" *logs*
17:30.37Matrix110Atleast you dont have people leaving the Naxx progress raid when they get offered to do MC with their alt in a serverpug
17:30.53Kasothats pretty damn bad
17:30.55Matrix110or people going afk 1hr to hold the umbrella for the technican
17:31.03zenzelezzjudging from the first post on your website Shirik, I'm guessing you just might be an American guild
17:31.08Matrix110or going afk because he has to make his dad a sandwich
17:31.13Shirikmostly, yes
17:31.16Matrix110or going afk because he has to dig a hole in the garden
17:31.24KasoWhich naxx raider would even *want* to sit thorugh a MC pug run anyway, that'd be like my own personal hell
17:31.29Matrix110or going afk because he has to clean the table of his father
17:31.30Shirik=P We aren't affiliated with one game
17:31.37Shirikwe're a community, not a guild
17:31.45Shirikthough we have guilds
17:32.19art3misthey called Shiriik "Charlie"
17:32.26Shirikthey what?
17:32.36art3misand play helter skelter over vent all the time ;P
17:32.38Mike-N-GoI dunno why they were so mad at me for trying to get a decent group together that can kill a boss, I doubt it will be a long time for them.. as they have only one 70 tank and a scarce amount of healers.
17:33.18zenzelezzpeople always think they're the important one and the rest should bend to their whim
17:33.22art3misand have a "strat" on thier web page for howto take down the boss "Tate" ;P
17:33.25Mike-N-GoAnd like 10 level 70 hunters and 7 others at 70..
17:33.37Mike-N-GoI even helped with the 'site.
17:34.12Mike-N-GoPaid some money for it, but no, they yell at me who picked up leading the raid, for some reason.
17:34.58ScytheBlade1Ohh, drama
17:36.36ScytheBlade1Sounds like they have no clue what 'part of a whole' means when it comes to raiding
17:37.40ScytheBlade1And a fury warrior tanking prince?
17:37.41ScytheBlade1GOOD LUCK.
17:38.21ScytheBlade1That said, you probably could have communicated things better, from what I'm seeing/not seeing
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18:05.14ScytheBlade1 <-- I couldn't resist
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18:11.25Kasoclearly the best
18:11.27foxlitEU PTRs > US PTRs
18:11.35foxlit"What's a queue?"
18:11.56IrielDo the EU PTR's have pre-mades?
18:12.15IrielThat seems to be the single biggest factor in queue size
18:12.22zenzelezzwhile it's speculation on my part, I don't see why they wouldn't have pre-mades there too
18:12.28foxlitNot sure, but I think they do
18:13.17KasoIm not sure if they've been offically launched yet, but a good few weeks ago i copied mine over by un-commenting the pre-made box on the char-transfer page.
18:13.25foxlitPlenty of people running around doing nothing useful, but I don't think I've been forced to stay in a queue since round about 1.11
18:13.29KasoAnd alot of other people have done
18:13.29ScytheBlade1They should just lock the PTR forum and delete all the premades
18:13.35ScytheBlade1And be done with it
18:14.11KasoThe reason they re-added premades was cos noone was going on PTRs and noone was testing, they served their purpose i think
18:14.12foxlitKaso: there's a background story there
18:14.13IrielThis is the first US PTR that i've had a queue on in a while
18:14.23foxlitThey pulled PTR premades since you could transfer them to live servers at some point
18:14.32ScytheBlade1........ lol
18:14.40Kasothats awesome
18:15.02ScytheBlade1I'd do that in a heartbeat
18:15.08ScytheBlade15,000g for $25USD?
18:15.12ScytheBlade1Yes please
18:15.31foxlitI'd imagine there was a ban wave when that was fixed.
18:16.08ScytheBlade1Or at least a mass deletion wave
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18:25.30ScytheBlade1When did they re-enable the ability to move people around raid groups while in combat?
18:25.46ScytheBlade1Last I heard it was disabled (see: and following post)
18:25.53ScytheBlade1But it's apparently back
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18:26.44IrielProgramatically? or manually?
18:27.00ScytheBlade1If I'm reading this correctly, at all
18:27.08IrielI know there were some attempts at reducing the likelihood of tainting in the base UI in the last couple of patches
18:27.18Shirikoh, morning Iriel
18:27.25ShirikI was just thinking today how I hadn't seen you here in a while ><
18:27.34ScytheBlade1From that thread, it was programatically
18:27.43ScytheBlade1But likewise, the UI wouldn't be able to either
18:28.09Shirikisn't it just the targetting by that frame is removed?
18:28.14Shiriknot the moving people around
18:28.27ScytheBlade1Read the thread I linked.. I'm all confused about it now personally
18:28.28IrielThat's possible, i'm not much of a raider 8-)
18:28.30ShirikI thought they made those nonsecure
18:28.38Shirikinsecure? unsecure?
18:28.41Shiriknot secure
18:29.06ScytheBlade1Because last I heard, moving people in and out of groups while in combat was disabled (see thread); now apparently it isn't
18:29.22ScytheBlade1And I have multiple clueless pricks laughing at me because apparently it is possible :p
18:29.38Shirikcan't see thread but I trust you :P
18:29.49IrielYour best bet, as always, is to log in and try it
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18:39.05ScytheBlade1Looks like you can swap them in combat
18:39.15ScytheBlade1But it's amazingly easy to taint still
18:44.05ScytheBlade1... lol
18:44.10ScytheBlade1oRA2 is tainting it :/
18:45.08Punkie`i have ora2 and can move people in combat
18:45.14ScytheBlade1Hmm, no it's not
18:45.19ScytheBlade1So wtf IS tainting it
18:45.24ScytheBlade1I think I have all of my addons enabled again..
18:46.30ScytheBlade1Have a safe drive
18:47.01IrielThanks, see you all later (or tomorrow, if traffic is bad and I dont have time to log in this evening)
18:47.19ShirikThrae: ping
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18:53.09TS|Skrom_I thought UNIT_SPELLCAST_START reported on everyone?
18:55.02TS|Skrom_SENT I mean
18:55.10Kyahxjust the player IIRC
18:55.17TS|Skrom_aww :(
18:55.25TS|Skrom_then why bother with arg1? (unit casting the spell)
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19:40.11Shirikis globals really a keyword?
19:41.26Shirikwonder why scite's highlighting it :/
19:41.48ckknightcause you're in python mode?
19:42.13Shirikheh, no ><
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19:51.46KasoMy Scite doesnt highligh global in Lua Mode
20:09.50Mike-N-GoScytheBlade1: About a furry warrior tanking, he had been protection eairler. But, he enjoys furry and has been specced such for months. He tanks SV normal alright..
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20:17.46zenzelezzthe key word there is "normal"
20:17.54zenzelezzheroics and raids hit harder
20:18.16zenzelezzand if your guild is anything like mine, he'd at least need the +threat talent
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20:21.11KasoFury tanks, moonkin/shadow/enhancement/retrib healers. PvP dpsers, i hate them all
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20:21.57zenzelezzPvP DPSers as in people specced for PvP DPS trying to do PvE DPS?
20:22.58Kasoif you're gonna raid use the right bloody spec, its not fair that 24/9 other people have to make up for your crappy spec
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20:24.46ShirikKaso sounds like me the other night
20:24.55Shirikwhen I found out one of our healing priests is pvp specced
20:25.39[dRaCo]discipline with pain suppression? ^^
20:25.40zenzelezzI'm a bit puzzled by the people that get the materials for the Felsteel plate tank items and ask to have them crafted rather than just pick them up on the AH... there's like a million blacksmiths all leveling their skill on them and selling them for a fraction of the material cost
20:26.19Kasoi think people just assume that it'll always be cheaper to get mats and crafting rather than AH
20:26.38Shirikin most cases it is; the only people who know that's a good thing to make for leveling is the people that actually have the skill
20:26.38Kasoive never played a plate class and i wouldve assumed the same.
20:26.41zenzelezzit's painfully untrue about those items :-|
20:26.52Shiriknaturally if they were of that profession, they wouldn't be asking for it
20:27.11zenzelezzif they mine the eternium then it's cheaper of course,but Eternium prices are through the roof on my server
20:27.19zenzelezzyou get a few pieces for the cost of the finished item, heh
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22:03.02Shirikwierd you can't have blank lines in your toc file?
22:05.24Shirikno, that wasn't it
22:05.26Shirikwhy is my file not running T_T
22:05.59zenzelezzmaybe it's just not scared enough to flee
22:10.44CideShirik: what file?
22:10.56Shirikone of my lua files
22:11.54Shirikthat doesn't make sense, it has to be running afaict so it must be something else
22:12.07Shirikbut the very first two lines are:
22:12.18Shiriklocal Sync = Conspiracy:RegisterModule("Synchronization Subsystem", {0,0,1}, {0,0,1});
22:12.18ShirikConspiracy.Sync = Sync;
22:12.23Shirikand Conspiracy.Sync is nil so...
22:12.46Cideand registermodule returns something at all times?
22:13.27bleeterhow you doin', mate? hope all's well in Cide-dom
22:13.59Shirikthe only time it doesn't return something is when it throws an error
22:14.02Shirikand since I don't have any errors...
22:16.08Shirikthere's no like "too early" right? If an error happens really early, it will still be caught by something?
22:16.16Shirikmmm.... do I have blizzard error handler disabled >.>
22:16.36Shirikbetting that was it
22:18.32ShirikI need to get a real error handler now :/ any recommendations?
22:19.47KasoBugsack if you're acey, Improved Error Frame if you're not
22:19.56bleeter!swatter if you're cool
22:20.42Shirikwhy not gpl?
22:20.50bleeterdunno, ask norgs! :P
22:29.07Shirikso how do I clear the errors?
22:29.12ShirikI assume a /swatter command
22:29.38Shirikgot it :P
22:32.52bleeterthought you would've looked over the sauce and seen that! :P
22:38.23ShirikI've been working on this too much today
22:38.26Shirikmy brain doesn't work anymore
22:38.48Shirikall stupid mistakes
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23:28.34TS|SkromDoes Unit_Spellcast_Start fire on instants?
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23:55.34TS|Skrom_I guess I'm on a fools errand ><
23:56.51TS|Skrom_Can't find a way to detect my party's instant cast spells :-/ someone want to confirm so I can stop wasting my time? :D
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23:58.03abugwait for 2.4?
23:58.22abugI jest, it probably won't make a difference
23:58.32TS|Skrom_ahh :-/
23:59.09TS|Skrom_I guess I'm back to parsing chat messages again
23:59.33dnmcgoyis it possible to be in two frames at the same time?

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