IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070730

00:01.14Mike-N-GoAssign someone capaian?
00:01.24Mike-N-GoCollect money, Shirik ?
00:01.47ShirikJust I don't understand it... and this guy's been spamming trade forever with it
00:02.02Shirik"WTS my arena team, Rating 2272 #1 2v2, PST"
00:03.56ShirikI need a codename for this project, anyone have any good ideas?
00:03.59WobworkMaybe it's advertising space
00:04.02Wobworkthey're selling
00:04.23Wobwork[Wobin's Arena Team] <<EAT AT JOES>>
00:04.36Wobworkwhat's your project?
00:05.21ShirikThe addon formerly known as RDX.Cid
00:06.48KirovOr maybe RDX360
00:07.54*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
00:09.14KirovActually, in seriousness, a cool name for a complete raid package would be "conspiracy"
00:10.30*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
00:12.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
00:12.55ShirikI love how my guild's only suggestion so far has been "SHNLSHMTFU"
00:13.41Kirovwhat about Conspiracy
00:13.51ShirikI'm seriously considering it
00:15.33Shirikthe only thing I'm really worried about with it
00:15.37Shirikit's kinda long
00:15.41Shiriktyping that all over the place could be a pain :P
00:15.53ShirikBut I could do something like "local C = Conspiracy"
00:18.29Guillotinebest codename ever
00:18.34Guillotineor GuillotineIsTheBest
00:18.35Guillotineeither works
00:19.51[dRaCo]Project Mayhem!
00:20.20KirovCould call it conspiracy theory and shorten it to CT, that's never used.   ;)
00:20.46Guillotineand since its a raid addon, you can call it CTRaid
00:20.49Guillotineits perfect!
00:20.53Guillotinecompletely unique!
00:21.56sysrageis it a requirement to be a complete god damn moron to become a GM?
00:22.05KirovUsually, yes
00:22.11KirovOnly morons want to be a GM
00:22.41GuillotineI want to be a GM!
00:22.48Guillotinedo you know how much you could mess with people before being fired?
00:23.09sysragethat dragonmaw illusion buff goes on me when i go to dragonmaw fortress so i can't help people do the zuluhed the wacked quest. i report that and the fucker tells me it's a UI problem. delete wtf, cache, and interface folders
00:23.11Shiriknot much if they have the same restrictions I did :/
00:23.30GuillotineShirik: I'm just talking about talking with people
00:23.43Shirikoh heh
00:23.47Guillotine"Please delete your wtf, cache, and files folders"
00:23.55Guillotine"please delete WoW.exe and Repair.exe"
00:24.40Guillotinewtf, cache, and data folders*
00:24.40Thunder_ChildPlese delete C:\*.*
00:25.01Guillotineplease go to Run,and type in cmd
00:25.04Guillotinethen, type format C:
00:25.11Thunder_Childi mean seriously, if they are gonna follow the command, they diserve it
00:25.29Shirikwindows won't let ou format C
00:27.30Shirikit never did on NTFS because it can't format a mounted NTFS partition
00:27.41Shirikand unmounting it would require shutting down the OS
00:28.00art3misyeah but 98 and me werent ntfs
00:28.05art3misso "anymore" ;)
00:28.27art3mishehe i used to have a program called zap.exe to wipe my drives
00:28.30batrick_does 2.2 have a new .toc version?
00:28.39Legorolhave a guess ;-)
00:28.45batrick_i would say yes :)
00:28.52art3misgot to use it the last day of work when they fired me and the owner could only watch as i wandered to my various computers pretnding toi "shut them down"
00:28.54Legorolmay i suggest using the Blizzard Interface Toolkit to extract FrameXML.toc?
00:29.13Legorolthe answer to your question is yes
00:29.24batrick_thank you
00:29.30art3misquick eggroll whats toc stand for?!
00:29.38Shiriktable of contents?
00:29.40art3miserr legorol
00:29.41batrick_table of creampuffs
00:29.52art3misTerms or Conditions ;P
00:29.57batrick_ah dang, is that it right shirik?
00:29.59Legoroltasty oatmeal cookies
00:30.04Shirikwell that's what a TOC file does
00:30.12Shirikit lists all of the files for the addon
00:30.18Shirikin the order they should be loaded
00:30.21batrick_shirik ur no fun
00:30.23Legorolor for the entire interface, in the case of FrameXML.toc :P
00:30.27art3misit steals your cereal too if you're not careful
00:31.05Wobworkwhat does RDX stand for anyway?
00:31.12Shirikraid data exchange
00:31.55art3misso maybe ill ask in here
00:32.10art3misanyone know a good totem bar addon, thats kind of like pally bar?
00:32.20art3misthat just adds totems to a new bar as you learn em?
00:32.25WobworkI've always used Yata
00:32.35Wobworkthat updates
00:32.45art3misyeah i keep getting errors from yata
00:32.53WobworkI've had no issues =)
00:33.06art3miswhich im guessing is a lib issue and the updater hating me ;P
00:33.50Legorolart3mis: if you don't mind me asking, what's the point of having totems on your bars?
00:33.57Legorolwouldn't you want to have the spells instead?
00:34.06Shirikwhere else would you put them?
00:34.14Legoroljust carry them around in your bag
00:34.18Legorolwhy drag them onto your bars?
00:34.39Legorolor am i totally missing something
00:34.55Shirikoh, I thought that's what he meant
00:35.04ShirikI wasn't aware you had to carry them
00:35.19Legorolhm maybe i'm confusing something
00:35.30Legorol"totems" are the stuff you put in the relic slot as a shaman, right?
00:35.35art3misoh cuz im lazy
00:35.43mikmaanyone good with regexp? i have a file full of lines that start with (XPxxxx)|- and i want those to go away
00:35.46art3misbut i meant the actual spells
00:35.55Legorolmikma: what language
00:36.02art3mislike stoneskin totem and earthbind totem etc
00:36.13Legorolmikma: standard *nix regexps or Lua?
00:36.15mikmaLegorol: well i'm using perl now
00:36.33Arrowmasterso posix regex
00:36.41mikmait's perl -pi -e 's/something/other/g' file
00:36.46mikmabut i don't know what to put there
00:37.02Legorolwhich of those Xs are variable?
00:37.21Legoroleither way, wouldn't s/^(.P....)|-)//g work?
00:37.29mikmalet's try
00:37.40Legorolis the capital X alsoa  number?
00:37.54Legoroldoes perl use extended regexp or not?
00:37.54mikmanope, those two are letters
00:37.59Legoroli.e. do you need ( or \(
00:38.08mikmabut i want everything gone starting from letter ( and ending to letter -
00:38.17Legorolalso, you might need \| instead of |
00:38.41Legorolthen it's even simpler, just s/^(.*-)//g
00:38.58mikmalet's try
00:39.06Legorolor actually s/^([^-]*-//g to be safe
00:39.20Legorolas i said, i have no idea if you need ( or \( in perl
00:39.44mikmabut that didn't do anything :D
00:41.29Legorolwhich one didn't?
00:41.34art3miswob:  yeah was a retarded lib issue
00:41.35Legoroli suggested at least 3 different things ;-)
00:42.10mikmaLegorol: the last one didn't i'll test others too
00:42.18Legoroldid you try both ( and \(
00:42.29Legorolif perl uses standard regexp, it's (
00:42.34mikmayeah the ( gave error and \( didn't do anything
00:42.36Legorolif it uses extended regexp, then it's \(
00:42.56Shirikwhat are you trying to do?
00:43.07Legorol<mikma> anyone good with regexp? i have a file full of lines that start with (XPxxxx)|- and i want those to go away
00:43.21Legoroli suggested s/^([^-]*-//g
00:43.28Shirikwhere xxxx is...?
00:43.40Legorolcapital X is literal, small x are numbers apparently
00:43.51mikmaShirik: it doesn't matter, they are just randomcrap, but i want the stuff starting with ( and ending to - gone
00:45.08Shirikso /\([^|]+?\)|-/
00:45.20Shirikalso be aware you proably have to escape the | from shell
00:45.34Shirikif doing it from there
00:45.43LegorolShirik, don't you need a ^ at the start of the match?
00:45.47Legorolto make sure it's at the start of the line
00:45.51mikmaShirik: now that worked perfectly! thanks!
00:45.55Shirikis it supposed to bethe start of the line?
00:46.02Legorolalso, if that works, then \([^-]*- should match too
00:46.05mikmasudo perl -pi -e 's/\([^|]+?\)\|-//g' test.txt
00:46.14mikmathis was the line that removed the crap :)
00:47.02Legorolcan you test if \([^-]*- works?
00:47.20Legoroli have a suspicion that you have space(s) at the start of the lines, that's why it didn't match with ^ in there at the start
00:47.22mikmayeah i can
00:47.49Legorolif \([^-]*- works but ^\([^-]*- doesn't, then you have whitespace at the beginning of your lines
00:48.40mikmaLegorol: sudo perl -pi -e 's/\([^-]*-//g' foo.txt <- works too
00:48.51Legoroland ^\([^-]*- doesn't?
00:48.57mikmahaven't tested it yer
00:49.35mikmaLegorol: that didn't work
00:49.52Legorolcheck to see if there is anything on the line before the opening (
00:50.16Legoroleither you gave us the wrong specification, or my regexp knowledge sucks
00:50.20Legoroli suspect the latter :o)
00:50.28Shirikwell the only thing I don't like about yours Legorol
00:50.42mikmaLegorol: (XP258662)|- <- that's the start of first line
00:50.52mikmai have no idea what the hell they are anyway lol
00:50.53Shirikif a line has a - in it, whether it was |- or not, it will still not like it
00:50.54Legorolnothing in front of the (?
00:50.55Shirikand delete it
00:51.01batrick_sucks trying to make addons work for 2.2 when the queue times are so long /sigh
00:51.02Shirikthat's why I looked for | instead of -
00:51.03LegorolShirik: true
00:51.07mikmaLegorol: nothing. line starts with (
00:51.24Legorolthen perl is not following POSIX extended regexp
00:51.31Legorol^ should mean beginning of line
00:51.59Legoroli'm confuzzled
00:52.01Cidewouldn't you have to do '\\('?
00:52.10LegorolCide: apparently \( worked
00:52.20mikmaoh lol
00:52.36mikmawell i noticed that my terminal sucked and there's still -| at the start of the lines :D
00:52.46Legorolthat explains it
00:53.05Legoroli was starting to get very worried :D
00:53.31mikmait removed the start but left the -| there
00:53.43mikmaerr, |-
00:53.55mikmaeh hehe sorry, -| ;)
00:54.06Legorolhow could you be left with -|?
00:54.08mikmabut they were easy to remove, s/\-\|//g
00:54.16Legorolyou just said that your lines start with stuff like (XP258662)|-
00:54.33Shiriknm, I made it up
00:54.36Legorolor is it -|(XP258662)|-
00:54.38mikmayeah they did actually, lets see
00:54.52Legorolcan you pastey a whole line?
00:54.54mikmaLegorol: -|(XP258662)|- :D
00:55.02mikmamy terminal sucked hehe
00:55.06Legorolok, that makes 100% sense now
00:55.13mikma(was set to xterm instead of xterm-color)
00:55.18Legorolso Shirik's regexp removed (XP258662)|-, leaving the leading -|
00:55.33mikmadidn't show some letters correctly and i started to wonder why is that
00:56.06mikmabut anyway, thanks both, the starts are gone now
00:56.27LegorolShirik: you were absolutely right about my regexp being wrong in that i should've made sure to match more precisely, but conversly, since mikma specified "at start of line", you should've used ^ ;-)
00:56.29Shirikthen try /-|\([^|]*?)|-/ that should get rid of both ends in a single pass
00:56.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
00:56.36Legoroland then it wouldn't have worked, and we would've all been confuzzled :D
00:56.39mikmaShirik: i'll try
00:56.42ShirikLegorol: true :)
00:56.52Shirikmikma: Stick a ^ at the beginning of that
00:57.01Legorolno, try /^-|\(XP....)|-/
00:57.07Legorolno, try /^-|\(XP....\)|-/ even
00:57.09Shirikis it always XP?
00:57.11Legoroli insist :o)
00:57.17LegorolShirik: according to mikma's spec ;-)
00:57.27Shirikok then ya
00:57.57mikmaShirik: well got an error about that one, tried to escape the chars but still errors heh
00:58.03Legorolprobably the number of digits can vary, so it should be /^-|\(XP[0-9]+\)|-/
00:58.21Legorolah yeah you need to do \| instead of | probably
00:58.33Shirikdid you do /^-|\(XP[0-9]+?\)|-/
00:58.36Legorolanyway, the mystery is solved
00:58.38Shirikno, we used | before
00:58.42Legorolso i lost interest
00:58.51mikmaLegorol: /^-|\(XP....\)|-/ <- that removed the - and - :D but left other crap in
00:59.06Legorol[01:46] <mikma> sudo perl -pi -e 's/\([^|]+?\)\|-//g' test.txt
00:59.06Legorol[01:46] <mikma> this was the line that removed the crap :)
00:59.09mikmawhops wait
00:59.09Shirikno ... >.>
00:59.16Shirikhe meant everything else I said :P
00:59.17Legorolnote how that was \|
00:59.18mikmalol direct copypastes ftw, didn't see the .... in
00:59.44mikmabut didn't matter hehe
01:00.05Legorolmoral of the story:
01:00.12mikmaas it didn't remove anything since it prolly needs something after XP
01:00.14Legorola) be precise in your spec and read the line carefully
01:00.24Legorolb) give a regexp that matches as closely as possible with what you think you want to nuke
01:00.41Shirik.... means 4 characters, actually
01:00.44Legorolc) mikma isn't reading everything i typed, only every 2nd line or so
01:00.45mikmaLegorol: i did read it and pasted what i saw :D but the terminal set was wrong and it didn't show me the -| at the start lol
01:00.48Shirikso it should have matched anything that's only 4 digits
01:01.13Legorolhehe anyway
01:01.23Legorolthe mystery is no mystery anymore
01:01.31Legorolnext problem please :o)
01:01.43Legorolwhat, no problems in the waiting room?
01:02.36Shirikwell it's official. The new RDX project is codenamed "Conspiracy" for the time being
01:02.58Legorolthat sounds.. ominous
01:03.34Shirikhey, 10 men sneak into some old guy's mansion to kill a bunch of people
01:03.38Shirikthat sounds like a conspiracy to me
01:03.55mikmawhy not "superraid" while at it
01:03.55ShirikThe name will likely change at release, but for now, that's its title
01:04.01LegorolShirik: what if it involves women and not men?
01:04.08Legorolbesides, most of the stuff they kill aren't even alive
01:04.11Shirikthen it's called a slumber party
01:06.10Shirikmy video driver just crashed
01:06.14ScytheBlade1The difference between pulling at 110% and 130% threat is 10 yards, right?
01:06.20Shirikthis reminds me of the days when you would load up carmen sandiego in DOS
01:06.21AntiarcMelee range
01:06.35AntiarcBut it's measured at 10 yards in threat/KTM because that's as accurate as we can get
01:06.39ScytheBlade1I play a mage :)
01:06.46ScytheBlade1That's what I needed to know
01:06.53ScytheBlade1Writing a post for my guild on how threat works :/
01:07.05Wobwork(11:04:00 AM) Shirik: hey, 10 men sneak into some old guy's mansion to kill a bunch of people
01:07.10Wobworksounds like Murder By Death
01:07.22Shirikgotta restart so I can actually see >.>
01:07.28ShirikWobwork's popup filled the entire screen
01:09.51art3misor a news report on the manson family ;)
01:13.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
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01:27.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
01:31.10Temsigh, why can't there be a gem that fits a yellow socket that increases my dps as well as my suvivability?
01:31.27Temmelee gets one
01:31.45Temwhy do I have to downgrade?
01:38.05Guillotineanybody know in which file Floating Combat Text (the blizz SCT) is created?
01:38.40KyahxBlizzard_CombatText ?
01:38.44Guillotineoh, nm
01:38.49GuillotineI was looking in FrameXML
01:41.02WobworkShirik: My popup"?
01:41.39Shirikwhenever someone pings me, I get a popup in the bottom right hand corner with the nick of the person that pinged me and what the message was
01:41.42Shirikregardless of what window is open
01:41.56Shirikthat way I don't have to switch to mirc to see something I don't care about
01:42.03Wobworkso why does my one take up the entire screen?
01:42.07WobworkHAY SHIRIK!
01:42.07ShirikUnfortunately when your resolution is like 10x20, that doesn't work too well
01:42.22Shirikmy graphics driver crashed seconds before you pinged me :P
01:43.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
01:47.56Kyahxdamn you mikma
01:48.10mikmaKyahx: narf
01:48.23Guillotinemikma: what about it?
01:48.33KyahxIts blizzard's comat text + sexy
01:48.40mikmaGuillotine: everything about it! it's the best there is
01:48.54KyahxI should really get around to releasing it for real...
01:49.00GuillotineI'm just making a quick addon so that I can easily see when my set bonus procs so I know how much it is
01:50.08ScytheBlade1Are all threat modifiers multiplicative, additional, or a mix? I know threat _reduction_ is multiplicative, but I'm not sure if threat _addition_ is
01:50.28mikmaGuillotine: see the end of
01:51.28Guillotinemikma: ya, I got it :) was extremely easy once I found hte file
01:52.06mikmaGuillotine: Kyahx even made a addon to put loot in the FCT, but it bugs. damn that Kyahx
01:52.14KyahxI fixed it tard
01:52.17KyahxGO update
01:52.44mikmaKyahx: did you fix these two: partyloots are shown, and rolls are shown
01:52.46Kyahxit'll only trigger on crap that receive now
01:53.00mikmayay. perfect!
01:54.04*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (n=rtharper@
01:59.30mikmaKyahx: lol another idea. receiving epix = Crit ;)
01:59.30Kyahxno, don't care enough :P
01:59.30mikmadidn't think so, you're such a lazyass
01:59.31Kyahxaugh, this is seriously pissing me off
01:59.31KyahxI have to either run windowed mode, or MEGA-HYPER-DUAL-DESKTOP mode
01:59.31KyahxI can't just keep wow on one screen and use the other for real work :(
01:59.31mikmaKyahx: yeah. don't use the latter :O
01:59.31mikmaKyahx: then you have to use some sort of viewport
01:59.31*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
01:59.31*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v AnduinLothar] by ChanServ
01:59.31KyahxI just want full screen on one moniter, why is that so hard for wine to understand
01:59.31mikmaKyahx: what i did was drag the startbar to screen nr.2 and ran windowed wow toggled max on screen nr.1
01:59.31mikmadid work quite well
01:59.31mikmaoh, wine xD
01:59.31KyahxI haven't used windows in...8 months?
01:59.31mikmaoh well, in future you kinda have to if the sounds still bug?
01:59.31KyahxNah, I got PTR working last night
01:59.31Gnarfozit's bugged on windows too, so what
01:59.47KyahxI even got into the voice-chat options last night :P
01:59.56Kyahxgranted, they didn't work, but the menu was pretty?
02:00.54mikmahmm, i thought they wull add the voip later, after that patch
02:02.07Guillotinethe gui is there
02:02.20Guillotinejust do /scritp IsVoiceEnabled=function() return true end
02:02.26Guillotinethat might nto be right function
02:02.28Guillotinebut something like that
02:02.33Guillotineand you can vew all the options
02:02.37Guillotineand record your voice and play it back
02:03.04mikmatoo "bad" my mic is broken
02:07.50KyahxGuillotine: that's what I did
02:07.51Tembalancing gems for this meta sucks
02:08.12Kyahxallthou record didn't work, it just killed my entier system sound
02:08.14Temesp when they don't give me hardly any blue sockets and all the green gems suck
02:08.19Kyahxgranted that's probley a cedega problem :P
02:13.44*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
02:15.14Nom-Boss just came up and spoke to our team about it
02:15.22Nom-about something
02:15.28*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
02:15.35Nom-and all we heard was "meeting...lunch provided"
02:19.37Cairenn|afklunch provided is always nice
02:19.52Shirikhi Cairenn
02:19.55Cairennhi hi
02:28.09WobworkKyahx: I did what mikma did
02:28.13Wobworkbut with wine =)
02:28.16Wobworkand ubuntu
02:28.33Wobworkdragged the menu bar across to the other monitor
02:28.39Wobworkand windowed-max wow
02:28.48Kyahxthat didn't want to work for me
02:28.52mikmamight be even better in linux after all
02:28.55Wobworkhm =\
02:29.02mikmain windows you still get the stupid topbar of windows programs
02:29.09Wobworkoh I get that
02:29.13Wobworkcause it's windowed
02:29.18Kyahxyea, im trying to use devilspie to hide that now :P
02:29.30WobworkI want to be able to use the monitor for other stuff if I need to
02:29.37mikmai should try that wine + wow sometimes
02:29.37Wobworkso windowed is how it goes
02:29.54mikmabut i guess there will be problems with compiz and wow :P
02:30.08Kyahxjust diable compiz when your playing, no big deal
02:30.31WobworkI have no problems with compiz
02:30.45Wobworkthen again, I'm not too sure what build I'm using of compiz anymore
02:30.53mikmai don't think my amd2500+ has enough kick in it to run them both nicely
02:34.18*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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02:34.35AnduinLotharis moros optional?
02:35.43Shirikeh, not really
02:35.55Shirikin theory, but the room to clear further respawns
02:35.59Shirikat a rather fast rate
02:36.07Shirikdowning moroes stops that
02:36.22WobworkYou need moroes for the opera unlocking
02:36.39Shirikis that so? I never tried not killing moroes so
02:36.45Shirikcan you get to maiden?
02:36.56WobworkMaiden is optional...
02:37.03Wobworknot sure if moroes blocks her though
02:37.10Shirikmaiden is indeed optional
02:37.14ShirikI know that for a fact
02:38.47Kyahxbwahaha, it worked!
02:38.58mikmaKyahx: say wha?
02:39.08Kyahxusing devilspie to remove the window decorations :P
02:40.58*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:41.15mikmaoooh, now i know why i should install wine!
02:41.34mikmasolitaire :D
02:43.03Shirikno comment
02:43.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
02:43.24Kyahxoh snap, it works with compiz enabled still
02:43.28mikmawindows solitaire is propably the best solitaire the is
02:47.53mikmaoh wow, nice typo. the=there :P
02:49.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost3 (
02:56.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
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04:22.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
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04:33.51Nom-while the big cat's away, the mice will play
04:34.07Nom-We just had some rather sweeping changes pushed onto our department, because our exec just left
05:11.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|xchat (
05:20.04Cairenneeep, not a clown!
05:21.40Mr_Rabies2speaking of scary clowns
05:21.58Mr_Rabies2i don't suggest watching that if you're afraid of clowns and/or about to go to sleep
05:22.18Mr_Rabies2it's not a screamer or anything
05:37.16ScytheBlade1wow @ test realm
05:37.21ScytheBlade12,000 person wait?
05:38.06ScytheBlade1They really need to fire up a closed server for some of us :/
05:38.29*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
05:38.40ScytheBlade1It's 10:40 PM "blizzard time" on a Sunday night and they have a 2k people queue
05:38.42ScytheBlade1I mean really
05:38.47ScytheBlade1wts premades
05:58.07Nom-What they need to do
05:58.12Nom-Is make more goddamn fishing competitions
05:58.31Nom-As if any australian is going to get up at 3:00am in the morning on  Monday to do the damn fishing competion
06:03.28art3mishah yer fishing contest is at 3am?
06:04.43art3misor are you complaining because yer aussie playing on a us mainland server?
06:07.14Nom-There are no Australian servers
06:07.52Nom-So we have to play on the US ones, which means the Sunday afternoon fishing contest is at 3:00am Monday for us
06:11.42Corrodiaswhere's the Oceanic zone?
06:12.18Nom-The server times are the same last i checked
06:12.19Corrodiasor what time zones is it mapped to?
06:12.21Nom-Including all events
06:12.53Nom-The Euro timezones are actually better for us
06:13.00Nom-But we don't have access to the Euro WoW of course
06:15.53CairennOh, just thought I'd mention - all you lovely people who are giving me your cell phone numbers? Thank you very much - I'm making a mint selling them to the sex chatlines
06:16.04Nom-epic :)
06:18.28Wobworkwouldn't that make the hotline the one paying for the call?
06:18.38Wobworkor do you have some odd system in the States?
06:18.56WobworkOr in Canadia =)
06:20.38CairennI'm being an evil mastermind, stop spoiling my plotting!
06:22.05Wobworkoh it's pretty evil on behalf of us!
06:22.10Wobworkwe're getting free sex calls =)
06:23.19Cairennno no - people are going to be calling other people for their sex chatlines, and charging them to your phones
06:29.38Mr_Rabies2speaking of akward phone calls
06:29.56Mr_Rabies2i've been getting a bunch of weird calls on my cell phone including telemarketing
06:30.01Mr_Rabies2and spanish voicemail @_@
06:30.12Mr_Rabies2luckily my phone has a block feature but still
06:30.15Mr_Rabies2it's damn annoying
06:30.41ScytheBlade1I got a call some months ago about the upcoming presidential election.
06:30.55ScytheBlade1Some /months ago/ about the /upcoming presidential election/
06:31.46Mr_Rabies2i've gotta remember to vote in the primaries
06:32.00ScytheBlade1I don't see how one could forget.
06:32.10ScytheBlade1It's the biggest news orgy ever in existance every four years
06:32.15Mr_Rabies2i want ron paul to do well but don't believe he will due to the media almost completely ignoring him :[
06:32.41ScytheBlade1Let's put it this way: I don't watch TV or listen to the radio
06:32.50ScytheBlade1I don't check campaign sites, or have ad banners visible anywhere
06:33.04ScytheBlade1But I'm _certain_ that I'll have the related "news" blasted to me in nine different ways
06:33.14Mr_Rabies2he's really the only candidate i've liked, like ever, and if he doesn't do well in the primaries i'm going to end up voting for whoever i hate least :[
06:34.47Mr_Rabies2i just have to remember to vote for him and hope he gets good press at the youtube debate
06:54.52*** join/#wowi-lounge N00bZXI (
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07:10.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
07:16.27Corrodiasi don't suppose it's possible to have both of your primary profession be tailoring and have them be of different specializations? :P
07:18.34Corrodiasi don't understand why the primal mooncloth and frozen shadoweave sets require tailoring specializations just to wear, at least according to wowhead comments
07:18.51Nom-You can't learn tailoring twice ;)
07:19.37Nom-Ya, they do require specialization
07:19.56Nom-They're BOP though, so that's why
07:19.57Corrodiasi don't suppose it's an intentional insult to priests
07:21.13Nom-lol no
07:21.52Nom-It's expected that your mages/warlocks would pick up one or the other
07:22.00Nom-and priests would get the mooncloth one
07:22.11Corrodiasjust like i suppose their talents are amazingly useful in a way that hardly anyone understands. once i started examining the talent trees, i experienced the hilarity of lightwell
07:22.40Nom-lolwell :)
07:22.53Nom-Yeah, it's a joke... circle of healing is good though apparently
07:23.07Nom-It's useless to use on a self, but as a group heal it's quite efficient
07:23.10CorrodiasCoH sounds like it has a place
07:23.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Soulless (n=Fridgid@
07:23.36Corrodiasmaybe this was designed before the expansion? the tiered sets offer both damage and healing variations of the gear which don't require blowing money on respeccing your professions to equip
07:24.07Corrodiasso at SOME point they realized that classes are no longer forced into one spec, or shouldn't be ... so this restriction just confuses me
07:24.27*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
07:24.32Nom-Nah, it's to stop everyone from having everything at the same time
07:24.38Nom-I mean, imagine if you will
07:25.23GofG...oops. wrong macro.
07:25.25GofGHi everyone!
07:25.41Nom-A warrio with Bulwark of the Ancient Kings AND Stormherald
07:25.47Corrodias*pulls razorgore*
07:25.49Nom-Or even worse, a paladin
07:25.51Corrodiasoops, wrong macro!
07:25.56GofGLol Corro
07:26.11GofGAny way to get MyRolePlay to work on a mac?
07:26.15Corrodiasi have never played a class more than 18 levels that can wear anything above leather, except my hunter
07:26.22Corrodiasand have NO idea what those are
07:27.37Corrodiasmy main is a druid, in fact, which rather puts me into a mood of flexibility rather than choosing one thing only
07:28.02GofGim in ur druidz nerfinz ur bearformz.
07:28.47GofGCorrodias: Have you read Allamo's stuff?
07:28.48Corrodiasactually, Bear got a buff recently to increase the damage of Mangle again
07:28.53Corrodiasi don't know that name
07:29.05GofGIt's the best druid guide in the game.
07:29.07GofGIt's free, too
07:29.16Corrodiasthat sounds very familiar
07:29.31Corrodiasah, yes, i have seen that
07:29.57GofGHehe I laughed so hard...
07:30.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
07:32.32GofG:( fin ignur me tehn.
07:32.35GofGi hat u
07:32.55CairennI so hope you are joking :p
07:33.10GofGi hat u 2 u nub, carn.
07:33.53GofGWhat's up, guys?
07:34.12Cairennsleep for me, momentarily
07:34.27Thunder_Childsleep and you dont seem to mix
07:34.52Cairennhey, I got ... ummm .... a lot of hours ... last night
07:35.05Corrodiasnot looking forward to having to choose between the damage set and the healing set, months in the future...
07:35.06Thunder_Childyea, 1 then 1 then 1 then 1...
07:35.24Thunder_ChildCorrodias, get both
07:35.48Corrodiaswhat's the cost to switch between tailoring specializations?
07:36.16GofGI thought it was you had to unlearn
07:36.26Thunder_Childit is, costs 150g to do it
07:36.35Corrodiasa number of patches ago, GofG
07:37.05Corrodiasi seem to recall that you don't need to drop the profession and grind it all over again any more
07:37.27Cairennyou don't?
07:38.07Corrodiasi could be wrong, as i can't quote anybody, but i believe i read that
07:38.21Corrodiaswouldn't it be silly to pay 150g to drop the profession?
07:39.45CairennYou young whippersnappers have it easy these days! Why, I remember, when we wanted to change professions, we had to go eleventy bazillion miles uphill in the snow both ways just for the privilege of being able to talk to a guy who would whack you upside the head with a huge mallet, causing you to forget everything you ever knew and reduce you to having to relearn how to feed yourself again and walk upright before you could even start to
07:39.55Cairennand we said thank you!
07:40.14Corrodiasbut 150g is a rather significant cost, adding a possible respec fee of 50g, so getting both sets is financially infeasible
07:40.28Corrodiasevery time you want to switch roles
07:41.11Cairennokay, so maybe I'm a little tired - night guys
07:44.11Thunder_ChildCorrodias, it's 150g to drop the specilization
07:44.18Thunder_Childok, cant spell
07:44.21Thunder_Childand learn a new one
07:44.30Thunder_Childnot the entire skill
07:45.19Thunder_Childi know, i did it on the taloring i should read before i blindly press ok
07:46.02Corrodiasindeed, well, spending 200g instead of 50g to respec just so you can wear both sets is a little steep. i'd have to decide on a Primary Role for my character, although at least i'm not forced to be a healer
07:46.23Thunder_Childwhat 200g?
07:46.32Thunder_Childgot ya
07:46.43Corrodias50g to respec between shadow and holy/disc and 150g to respec your tailoring so you can wear the gear (to anyone who hasn't gotten it)
07:46.45Thunder_Childbut i dont think you need the spec to war it, just make it
07:47.06Corrodiaswowhead comments and Nom- agree that even wearing them requires the spec
07:47.06Nom-yah iritating
07:47.20Nom-It's pretty harsh
07:47.28Nom-But it's for good reason
07:47.42Nom-A warrior with Bulwark of the Ancient Kings AND Stormherald <-- owned
07:48.10Thunder_Childhardly, gruuls+ has better than the BP i am sure
07:48.13Nom- <-- Bulwark of Ancient Kings
07:48.34Nom- <-- Stormherald
07:48.50Corrodiasthat's an interesting -- yet inappropriate -- comparison
07:49.02Corrodiasmixing healing gear with your damage gear isn't going to make your damage output OP at all
07:49.05Nom-Well, not really, the same principal applies...
07:49.27Nom-Bulkwark of Ancient Kings is as good for tanking as it is DPS
07:49.54Nom-The health bonus makes it good for tanking
07:49.55Corrodiasbut stormherald is not
07:50.24Nom-So for a paladin especially
07:50.38Nom-That's an excellent tanking chest, and an awesome dps mace
07:51.06Thunder_Childt4 for pally is better than that i belive
07:51.07Corrodiasi really don't have a problem with that, myself
07:51.08Nom-If they weren't restricted by spec, then that would give you a huge advantage in some cases
07:51.19Nom-For DPS, T4 is crap actually
07:51.24Thunder_Childno, for tanking
07:51.34Nom-For tanking.... that's debatable
07:51.34Corrodiasyou've crafted one item for tanking and one item for dps. this doesn't bother me at all.
07:51.49Nom-You lose stamina and strength on the pally sets
07:51.52Nom-and gain spell damage
07:52.11Thunder_Childwhich is important for generating agro
07:52.13Nom-Two stats which are actually still important to a tanking paladin
07:52.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
07:52.26Corrodiaswhat is the argument AGAINST being able to craft both offensive and defensive items?
07:52.36Thunder_Childwe can dps within 2 sec's of our mt pally starting an encounter
07:52.38Nom-Yeah, but my pointwas
07:52.43Corrodias(engineering should just be put to rest. RIP.)
07:52.52Nom-You're complaining because you can't equip Healing and DPS gear without changing tailoring spec
07:52.58Nom-But you're not alone
07:53.11Nom-Because Blacksmiths are limited by the same Tanking vs Offensive gear
07:53.19Corrodiaswell, that's just as silly, i say
07:53.26Thunder_Childno, thats healing and shadow dps....i am holy dps i can switch :)
07:53.43Nom-i love lolsmite priests :P
07:53.55Corrodiaswhy, what's it like?
07:54.04Nom-I could never level one myself tho
07:54.06Thunder_Childwell, this lol smite priest hits as hard as a mage..just not as fast
07:54.20Nom-I've got a level 30ish priest
07:54.23Nom-I can't bring myself to level it
07:54.51Nom-I'm actually working on a cloth tank now
07:54.57Corrodiasmy priest (at 28) is surprisingly resilient
07:55.30Corrodiaswith shields, heals, and fears, he can handle some situations i wouldn't have expected of a priest
07:55.45Nom-warlocks are so OP from about level 35
07:55.50Nom-or so i'm told :)
07:55.59Corrodiasi don't doubt that
07:56.34Nom-dot, dot, siphon, tab, dot, dot, siphon, tab, dot, dot, siphon, tab, drain life, drain life
07:57.50Nom-I look forward to it, got my warlock to level 26 last night
07:58.02Thunder_Child#char US Dreanor Prismatic
07:58.14Nom-Got runthrough RFK by a guildie...burned all my rested xp in 2 runs
07:58.15Corrodiasi think mine's 4
07:58.19Thunder_Child!char US Dreanor Prismatic
07:58.20ThraeBotThunder_Child: Prismatic is not the character you are looking for!
07:58.28Nom-!char US Stormscale Yousko
07:58.30ThraeBotNom-: Yousko, Level 26 Orc Warlock (17/0/0). 933 HP; 1390 Mana; 78 mana regen; 3.65% dodge; [[ Link: ][ Talents: ]]
07:58.44Thunder_Childi bet you i just cant spell my realm
07:58.59Corrodias#char US Draenor Prismatic
07:59.10Corrodiasmaybe the bot sucks
07:59.11Thunder_Child! not $
07:59.17Corrodias!char US Draenor Prismatic
07:59.19ThraeBotCorrodias: Prismatic, Level 70 Night Elf Priest (34/27/0). 7091 HP; 9801 Mana; 197 mana regen; 30 mp5; 254 spell crit; 40 spell hit; 724 +spell dmg/heal; 6.18% dodge; 17 resilience; [[ Link: ][ Talents: ]]
07:59.36Nom-spell damage is a little low :)
07:59.48Thunder_Childi know, i have a blue main hond with no enchant
07:59.49Corrodiasmana, too. a new 70, perhaps.
08:00.07Corrodiasnot -very-, but my druid's above that and i don't collect gear specifically
08:00.08Thunder_Childwaiting for princes dagger
08:00.20Nom-I've got almost that much and i'm not wearing fantastic gear
08:00.23Nom-I've got greens in fact
08:00.30Nom-This is on my pally lol
08:00.33Corrodiasi'm wearing your mom
08:00.37Thunder_Childi also run about a 30% crit
08:00.59Nom-bleh logged out in heal gear
08:01.16Nom-I need to get heal enchants actually
08:01.28Nom-that would push me to almost 1700 +healing
08:01.49Nom- <-- if you can suggest any upgrades...mainly ring/trinket
08:02.04Corrodiasi kinda made the priest hoping to make him into a healer, so maybe i should go mooncloth
08:02.08Nom-My shockadin gear is at about 670 spell damage
08:02.31Nom-I should just go buy the Stormcaller from Thrallmar
08:02.37Corrodiasbut i don't know what other cloth healing gear is available to compare it to, nor damage gear to compare to the other. i guess i'll figure that out when the time comes.
08:02.42Nom-I've been trying to get the lower city one though, for better +stamina
08:02.45Thunder_Childisnt the rep ring from kara better than ancestral band?
08:02.55Nom-ah good point
08:02.59Nom-I've still got the tanking one
08:03.12Nom-I started off as tanking kara
08:03.23Nom-Then when I had like mostly healing epics, i swapped roles
08:04.44Thunder_Childi wonder if the offhand healing item from shade is better than the shield for pve
08:04.47Corrodiasi'm one of our MT's, and i used to be a healer in pre-BC ZG. one of our old tanks is now one of the healers, so i like to say we switched.
08:05.24Nom-Well, I was a mage in a former life :)
08:05.35Nom- <-- one letter different
08:05.37Corrodiashealing is still my first and greatest love
08:05.39Thunder_Childi was our MT in a former life heh
08:06.02Nom-I'm working on getting the T2 lookalite set
08:06.06Thunder_Child <-- used to be me
08:06.06Nom-lookalike even
08:06.10Nom-just coz i like the look of it
08:06.26Nom-Got the helm and shoulders so far
08:06.28Corrodiasi've spent both roles as a druid, so i can't link two different characters >_>
08:06.56Nom-ah nice merciless gladiator
08:07.06Nom-You arena in protection?
08:07.25Thunder_Child*used* to be me...before BC
08:07.28Nom-and what do you find is the best combo
08:07.36Nom-Oh, you don't play that char any more ?
08:07.58Thunder_Childwas on my cousins account..when they made a huge hasle to transfer it over, i gave it to him
08:08.06Thunder_Childnow he is the MT for our guild
08:08.34Thunder_Childand yes, he does do prot in pvp
08:08.41Nom-i gotta get that Darkmoone card :(
08:08.55Thunder_Childif people are stupid and attack him first, he just laughs at everyone
08:09.09Thunder_Childhe can easly solo a war and rogue
08:09.19Nom-so can holy spec :P
08:09.38Nom-altho, it was fun watching warriors and rogues kill themselves in prot spec
08:09.42Thunder_Childhe can in prot, he usualy goes in with 15-16k hp
08:10.07Nom-all you have to do to kill a rogue is keep holy shield up, and keep facing them :P
08:10.08Thunder_Childbut in 5v's he usualy goes healing
08:10.30Thunder_Childhe hits like a chump
08:10.40Nom-warriors are even easier, because they can't stunlock
08:11.26Corrodiasi should go to bed. 'ni!
08:11.36Nom-dual wield warriors die so fast on that... i guess that's why everyone is MS these days
08:11.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
08:11.48Thunder_Childnight Corrodias
08:12.00Thunder_Childand hello Wraanger
08:12.48Thunder_Childwhen i stop being lazy and lvl my war up, he will be pve dps, not pvp...will make me sad though i am sure
08:13.58Nom-You know...i had a realisation the other day
08:14.05Nom-I'm doing all this grinding for the gladiator gear
08:14.18Nom-But I don't know *why* i'm grinding it, other than to get MORE pvp gear
08:15.04Nom-I was seriously going to get the shockadin gear, but the more i think about it, the more i think it might be better to get the retribution set instead
08:15.08Nom-At least then I can use it for PvE too the heck (besides afk farming in AV) do you get the 20+K honor required for each piece of PvP armor ?
08:16.00Nom-Best just to wait for the AV weekends and farm it like crazy? :(
08:16.56Thunder_Childover time
08:17.04Thunder_Childbut yes AV weekend is a biggie
08:17.16Thunder_Childsadly it's over blizzcon weekend
08:17.23Nom-ugh...i see some people who say they can get 6K honor per day
08:17.45Nom-I just don't see how... i played like 4 games of AV in a row, and got like less than 1000
08:18.02Thunder_Childdid you win?
08:18.07Nom-I'm horde
08:18.09Nom-What do you think?
08:18.14Thunder_Childsee, thats why
08:18.19Thunder_Childplay games you can win
08:18.36Nom-We don't win any mroe
08:18.37Nom-At anything
08:18.44Nom-Unless it's a premade with my guild
08:19.04Thunder_Childeverything on my battlegroup except for AV is won by horde
08:19.15Nom-Well, we sucked at EOTS this weekend at least
08:19.40Nom-I played a bit on Saturday and we lost 1, won 1 and had a REALLY drawn out win on the other
08:19.43Nom-That was about 700 honor
08:19.49Nom-(for all 3 games)
08:20.21Nom-It's like
08:20.29Nom-Arena is how the casual PvPer gets gear
08:20.37Nom-and battleground gear is for the hardcore plyers
08:21.07Nom-Even though they intended it to be the other way around
08:21.20Nom-I mean, worst case scenario for a 5v5 is 10 losses in a week
08:21.24Nom-You still get 250+ points from that
08:21.37Nom-So 4-5 weeks = first piece of gear
08:21.45Nom-That's what I define as casual PvP :)
08:21.52zenzelezzso, on the way home I see "Alpha & Omega Funeral Service"... I can understand the "omega" part, but the "alpha" seems a bit out of place
08:21.56Thunder_Childyea, that sounds about right to me
08:22.01*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
08:22.24Thunder_Childuhhh.begining and of life, it's a decent name
08:22.29Nom-Actually, I guess that's not quite true though
08:22.41Nom-The battleground gear is for the afk pvpers
08:22.52Nom-arena gear is for the people who are at their keyboards
08:23.13Thunder_Childafkers in pvp really piss me off
08:23.41Nom-I've just given up caring about them actually
08:23.46Nom-I use AV to fix my raid UI
08:23.52Nom-That's about all it's good for any more...
08:24.11Nom-i run out of the cave though, so it *looks* like i'm doing something :P
08:24.47Nom-ugh...i better get some arena games tonight
08:25.03Nom-Or i'm going to be pissed...will be the second week in a row i've missed out on arena points coz noone rocks up
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08:38.53Nom-omg i'm such a nub
08:39.03Nom-I just realised why everyone is QQing over BoSac
08:39.08Nom-Coz it breaks CC
08:39.40zenzelezzwhat's Sanc again, taking some of the person's damage?
08:39.53Nom-transfers X damage per hit to you
08:39.54zenzelezzdoh, misread
08:40.01zenzelezzbut was right anyway o_O
08:40.10zenzelezzhow about that
08:40.14Nom-anything that breaks on damage (sheep, sap, etc etc) gets broken when you get damage in from bosac
08:40.29Thunder_Childi think the patch is making it so that it will not get you out of a stun
08:40.41Nom-errr no...
08:40.47Nom-i never broke stun
08:40.58Nom-unless it's an ability like gouge
08:41.00Nom-which breaks on damage
08:41.05Thunder_Childbah, no, i was thinking the phys imune pally spell
08:41.14Nom-blessing of protection yea
08:41.19Nom-you can still do it on yourself while stunned
08:41.22Nom-but not on someone else
08:41.46Nom-not really a problem tho
08:42.13Nom-In most cases you only get to use either bubble OR protection on yourself
08:42.24Nom-Because it's a 1 minute delay before you can use the other
08:42.36Nom-So you might as well just bubble and then use protection on someone else
08:43.06Nom-If I knew about that blessing of sac thing earlier
08:43.12Nom-There's a few arena matches we would have won :
08:43.42Findon't suppose anyone knows of a BLP plugin for Photoshop?
08:44.05Nom-BLP ?
08:44.21Finit's the (native?) image format used by WoW
08:44.35Nom-I thought it used TGA ?
08:44.46zenzelezzBLP has some extra features I think
08:45.13Nom-ah its a proprietary format apparently
08:45.22FinI think it's a custom format developed by Blizzard
08:45.33Nom-That might help ?
08:46.09Nom-So effectively it's either JPEG or TGA
08:46.36Finthanks Nom, but I'm after something that will allow me to easily edit BLPs in Photoshop or another common graphics editor
08:48.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
08:48.40Nom-try this...
08:48.58Nom-Effectively you work with TGA
08:49.12Nom-And you just drag/drop convert
08:49.12Finand, thanks again Nom, but I already have a converter :)
08:49.28Finnice of you to look, though
08:49.48Nom-I dunno then
08:49.52FinI haven't tried that one however, I'll check it out
08:50.06Nom-i don't think i've ever seen something that will let Photoshop directly read/write BLP2
08:50.40Fin"dobe Photoshop is a SUPER DUPER tool. One of the best paint programs EVER. I also thought it was crap one year ago, but now I realized it rocks. So do not insult Photoshop ever again, just because you don't know how to use it."
08:52.40Finsucks when people don't respond to comments and shit about sites
08:52.50Finbug reports, feature requests, suggestions, and stuff
08:53.26Industrialdepends on who people is
08:53.32Industrialmaybe they didnt make it themselves
08:53.44Finwhy bother asking for feedback if you're just going to ignore it
08:53.49Nom-I know Photoshop is great
08:53.53Nom-I just suck at using it
08:54.18Industrial2 left hands :P
08:54.30Nom-just not very artistic
08:54.46Industrialme neither and I go to a mediacollege =D
08:54.49Nom-I can write beautiful code
08:54.49FinI can spend hours (literally hours) and come up with the most horrible stuff ever
08:54.55Nom-But can't draw to save my life
08:55.00Industrial(but im a webmunkey)
08:55.18Finmy homepage is a testament to my ability to fuck up colours schemes
08:55.27Fin(me too)
08:55.42Nom-My brain is literally wired for coding
08:55.54FinI do *enjoy* fucking up colour schemes every now and again, though!
08:55.55Nom-I can build complex systems from the ground up with no planning that are still actually easy to maintain
08:56.10Nom-But ask my to put a nice GUI on it
08:56.14*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (n=leethal@
08:56.15Nom-And that's just too much..
08:56.16Finbuild a BLP plugin for Photoshop from the ground up
08:56.39Nom-I'm a Perl/PHP programmer by profession
08:57.00Finweb geek
08:57.00Nom-pretty much
08:57.08Nom-I work for Australia's third largest ISP as a Programmer
08:57.30Finwhen I got business cards at my old job, I wanted them to put "Professor of Webnology" on my business cards
08:57.42Finheh, I thought of that when I was stoned once, it made me laugh for like half an hour
08:57.48Nom-I'm still waiting for my business cards actually
08:57.54Nom-I ordered them like 18 months ago :P
08:58.04FinI could have a column in the local paper
08:58.09Fin"Ask the Professor"
08:58.31Finpeople could write in with their CSS problems and I could write about the importance of EOF characters
08:59.13IndustrialCairenn|afk: ping :D
08:59.51zenzelezzstyle avalance: using too many cascading style sheets on one page
09:00.30Industrialhm, theres one thing I always do with css before anything
09:00.32zenzelezztrying to view some sites' styles just makes me QQ
09:00.38Industrial* {margin:0;padding:0;}
09:01.58Finzenzelezz: is "QQ" one of those little face things?
09:02.27Industrialits crying eyes
09:02.27zenzelezztwo crying eyes
09:02.28krka_i think it's short for Quivering Qrying
09:02.31Finoh, OK
09:02.33Nom-CSS is teh bomb
09:02.42Nom-And seriously...there's no such thing as "too much CSS"
09:03.09zenzelezzbut keep it in one file
09:03.20Nom-That's not necessarily true either though
09:03.38Nom-You might want to offer alternative CSS styles
09:03.43Nom-Which are user selectable
09:03.50Nom-In which case, one stylesheet doesn't cit it
09:04.05zenzelezzthat's a good point
09:04.13zenzelezzbut I don't like non-optional multiple style sheets
09:04.15Industrialdamn enter
09:04.28Nom-Industrial got OWNED
09:04.35*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
09:04.36FinI'm flattered Industrial... how do I put this... it's just, I'm just not that type
09:04.37Industrialkeyboard > industrial
09:04.49Finwe can still be friends?
09:05.11Nom-Hmm....that might be bash-worthy
09:07.15IndustrialAnyone play LOTRO? I am playing  10day trial
09:07.33Nom-I considered trying it
09:07.45Nom-Then I realised between WoW, work and sleep I don't have enough hours left :)
09:07.58IndustrialI wanna play with someone
09:07.59IndustrialFin: ?
09:08.03Industrialheh, JUST KIDDING
09:08.13Industrialbut, I do wanna play lotro with someone.
09:08.38IndustrialNom-: if this works out its going to be instead of wow :P
09:09.12Nom-From what i've seen of it so far, it's no WoW killer
09:09.39Industrialit has hot elves
09:09.51Industrialno skinny/jumpy bitches with long elves
09:09.54Nom-uhh hell
09:09.55Nom-Blood Elves
09:10.14Nom-Let's see
09:10.17Nom-Man - Human
09:10.21Nom-Elf - Blood Elf
09:10.31Nom-Hobbit - Gnome
09:10.32Industrialno, blood elves are skinny 17 year olds that twist when they jump.
09:10.35Nom-Dwarf - Dwarf
09:11.05IndustrialNom-: yeah its fantasy. btw the lotro lore is a tad older then warcraft? :P
09:11.15Nom-Yeah...but meh
09:11.36Nom-For me, it all comes down to the raid system
09:11.38Nom-If there is one
09:11.42Industrialall fantasy games have humans elves dwarves and a mix of little/large races
09:11.47zenzelezzTolkien didn't give it much thought I think
09:11.54zenzelezzraiding wasn't high on his priorities
09:12.08Nom-lol yeah, that'd be the problem for me
09:12.13Finheh: (ad for Glider)
09:12.20Nom-If there's no epic raid content like in WoW, then I would't have anything to do
09:12.28Nom-I'm not a huge PvPer (depsite being on a PvP realm)
09:12.36Industrialpvp > *
09:12.51Nom-botting is so lame
09:13.11Industrialespecially in teams where you dont have to wait for other people
09:13.47Industrialall hard single hitting classes on a /follow train doing /assist
09:13.56Industrialat least, you can do that in some games
09:14.11Industrialgroup speed buff on it and gank newbz all around
09:14.12Nom-Star Wars: Galaxies is like that now
09:14.13Industrialghe ghe
09:14.26Nom-The "raid" content that used to require 20 people can now be done with 2-3
09:14.47Industrialcant have mmorpg without progression
09:14.51Industrialit loves on expansions
09:15.08Nom-SWG had two expansions
09:15.16Nom-The first one was fun...added a whole new sub-game
09:15.22Nom-The second one added a new planet which was fun
09:15.29Nom-Then they completely revamped the game
09:15.40Nom-They did that twice actually
09:15.52Nom-There has actually been 3 games all with the same name
09:15.56Nom-Each one superceding the next
09:17.01Nom-SWG1 (Release) - very fun game...kind of wow-like but with no cast times on abilities...would take 20+ people to conquer the high end content
09:17.26Industriali love the wow engines
09:17.35Nom-Although there was one fun 20 man dungeon there
09:17.38Nom-Which you could solo
09:17.46Industrialhow combat works, so direct. its like an FPS
09:18.12Industrialin DAOC you cant cast ever if yo get meelee hit
09:18.16Nom-Because all you had to do was run through the just levelled yourself up as Teras Kasi Master (melee martial arts) with Medic/Doctor (Healing) and you could just heal yourself through the content
09:18.46Nom-Then they released Version 2 which was closer to WoW except all the content was nerfed
09:19.01Nom-Content which used to take 15 minutes to complete now took 1 minute
09:19.08Nom-Like Krayt dragons on Tattooine
09:19.34Nom-Was still kind of fun...groups of 5 to 8 could do what used to take 20 people
09:19.50Nom-Then Version 3 came out (about 12 months ago)
09:19.57Nom-And everything can be soloed by any class
09:20.18Nom-The latest version is a pure pvp game pretty much
09:20.23Nom-There's nothing to do besides pvp
09:20.38Industrialgroup pvp?
09:20.41Nom-And the macro system in it allows you to completley afk a level 1 -> 90
09:20.47Nom-mostly 1v1 pvp
09:20.49IndustrialI love massive pvp. Big fortresses
09:20.50Nom-bounty hunting etc
09:20.57Industrialsiege weapons
09:21.03Industrialstorming a castle
09:21.07Nom-There used to be big pvp battles back in version 1
09:21.17Industrialclimbing over the walls invisible backstabbing the mages/archers
09:21.23Nom-Imagine 40-80 players grouping up and hitting a town like Mos Eisly
09:21.38IndustrialNom-: thats what DaoC is all about
09:21.47Industrialrealm versus realm combat
09:21.56Nom-You'd have epic pvp battles between Imperials and Rebels that lasted hours
09:22.14Nom-No objectives
09:22.16Nom-Just world PvP
09:22.32Industrialits fun to defend and attack a fortress
09:22.46IndustrialI still wanna try battle tactics in an mmorpg
09:22.50Nom-Yeah, base takedowns happened a lot tho
09:22.55Industrialinstead of hordes of people randomly chasing after oen another
09:23.03Nom-Rebels and Imperials can drop bases
09:23.11Industrialtanks go here, dps goes there, rogues backstab their healers, etc
09:23.15Nom-And the opposing faction has to go into them and set them to self destruct
09:23.46Nom-then towards the end
09:23.58Nom-People started getting legendary drops from various mobs and using them in pvp
09:24.22Nom-There was one weapon in particular i remember, a T21 rifle which has a 700 mind fire DoT on it
09:24.39Nom-You just did a single AoE shot on a group of 20 people, and they would all die
09:25.04Nom-Or a legendary Jawa Ion Rifle
09:25.09Nom-That hits for 1000+ dmage
09:25.19IndustrialEver played Planetside?
09:25.23Nom-the average player back then had about 3000-4000 mind
09:25.33Industrialits a conquer MMOFPS
09:25.37Nom-So 3-4 head shots was death (there was 3 pools of health to manage)
09:25.57Industrialit was free2play for a while
09:25.59Industrialpretty fun
09:26.03Nom-Yeah, I tried it
09:26.06Nom-Couldn't get into it'
09:26.17Industrialits more fun with a group
09:26.29Industrialall get into a drop plane at once
09:26.31Industriallike 20 people
09:26.42Industrialand parachute drop their maijn quarters
09:26.56Industrialwith like a hwole horde outside that cant get throught the defense
09:27.01Industrialand the shields drop
09:27.48Industrialyeah, mmorpg is fun without morons
09:28.12Industrialso um, noone plays LOTRO?
09:28.45Nom-don't look like it :P
09:36.37Nom-<DusK> python is pretty easy to learn
09:36.38Nom-<DusK> you write pseudocode, and you indent it correctly :)
09:39.52*** part/#wowi-lounge leethal (n=leethal@
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09:53.36Nom-That's my most favourite bash article ever
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10:51.03Industriallol Nom-
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11:13.02LegorolIs it just me or the PTRs are cranky?
11:13.28LegorolI get stuck on Retrieving Character List and then boom, disconnected
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11:49.14Industrial>>> function check(foo) if foo then return true end end; if check(false) then print('yay') else print('nay') end
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12:10.15|FF|Im2good4ushoulnd that just return nil and print Nay ?
12:10.59MoonWolfwait, that was a puzzle
12:11.06MoonWolfmake them more complicated then.
12:12.46Industrialomg its a MoonWolf
12:12.55MoonWolfmoonwolf is ever watchfull
12:13.02Industrialzeg leef jij nog :P ik heb je al een jaar niet op wowace gezien >_o
12:13.31MoonWolfja hoor, ik praat gewoon niet veel.
12:13.41Industrialok :>
12:17.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Ins- (n=sam@
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12:37.34Wraangerquestion : can anyone explain me a bit how slash handler works ? to be more precise : i need to make it understand two slash commands for my addon ...
12:37.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
12:37.59LopeppeppyMorning suck.  Just wanted to confirm that, recently discovered on the PTR....
12:39.41zenzelezzmust refrain from making joke of that first sentence...
12:40.19LopeppeppyAll morning suck.  Should be shot.
12:40.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnancy (
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12:42.28zenzelezzstill sounds dirty to me without the plural "s" on "mornings"
12:42.43LopeppeppyYou put s where you want.  Caveman ugh.
12:47.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
12:57.34LopeppeppyI'm not crazy, am I?  OmniCC only does cooldown on action buttons, it doesn't pop up timer bars and all that whacky stuff.... right?
13:02.22LopeppeppyOkay... I use it, and I've checked Tuller's page a few times, just to be sure.  Just seems there've been a lot of questions on the forums about the bars that come with OmniCC, and I didn't want to give bad info.
13:03.43Gnancyyou are in the right there Lopeppeppy
13:04.06Gnancyjust read it
13:04.06LopeppeppyI think Mondays make me paranoid.
13:04.23Gnancyheh poster is prolly thinking of Quartz or something like that
13:04.47LopeppeppyOr has both OmniCC and a timer-bar-thing, and is getting confused.
13:04.56GnancyI find when I talk of names of addons people's eyes (that arnt interested) glaze over
13:05.10Gnancythey dont care what the name is they just want it to work
13:05.13LopeppeppyI can glaze the eyes of even those who ARE interested....
13:06.02Gnancynevar! well at least not me. I spend too much time on my guild's site talking about addons
13:06.56LopeppeppyI'm the Tech Geek for my raid group... just selling some of the healers on something to show "out of range" for fights like Gruul is.... interesting work.
13:07.13LopeppeppyMuch less the "in range" warnings from the boss mods for Shatter.
13:07.59GnancyI sold our main healers on grid & perfect raid
13:08.36LopeppeppyNot a fan of Grid myself... I recommend PerfectRaid and sRaidFrames.
13:08.45LopeppeppyHere's another confused soul, wants to keybind his XPearl.
13:08.53GnancyI weaseled my way in and now they listen to my suggestions for guild wide addons ..... bwhahhahahah the power
13:09.12LopeppeppyThe power!
13:09.24Gnancypersonally i love grid .... but i love perfectraid as well
13:10.36Gnancysee another person that dosent care about names
13:17.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (i=kyahx@gateway/tor/x-7311e1654bf8900f)
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13:24.51mikmascarab lord = the one that opens AQ?
13:25.12LopeppeppySounds like it, but I was not so uber as to take any part in AQ on my server.
13:25.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
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13:53.41*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
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14:22.32LopeppeppyMorning, TS|Skrom.
14:28.48TS|SkromCbeck, it out: 3 levels this weekend XD
14:29.31LopeppeppyDamn.  Someone is motivated.
14:29.45TS|Skromactually someone was full of rested XD
14:30.09TS|Skromand someone also wanted a bunch of stuff from ramparts and blood furnace
14:30.36TS|SkromAt one point I had the 2h healing mace, the healing neck, the pally bp, two witching bands and two bands of renewel
14:30.36LopeppeppyNever hurts.  But honey, we have got to get you into some plate mail.
14:30.53TS|Skromall in due time
14:31.14LopeppeppyIt's out there.  A lot more so in TBC.  You'll find yourself in good plate in no time, or at the very least good mail.
14:31.32jmei got several good green plate drops just from mobs while grinding from 58-60
14:31.50LopeppeppyDrops, quest rewards, it's out there.
14:31.52TS|SkromI don't mind it so much I still mitigate 40% or so, which is more then most priests could
14:32.19LopeppeppyThere comes a time when your armor and stamina will be hugely important though, might as well go for the best you can.
14:33.03TS|Skromwell obviously, I examine every piece as I come across it. so far, that's what I've found hehe
14:33.13jmeare you on a pvp server?
14:33.32jmeok, just wondering... your hp is about 2 shots for a 70 ;)
14:33.57LopeppeppyOr half an AoE from a boglord....
14:34.07jmeseriously :(
14:34.15TS|Skromwhat's a boglord?
14:34.20LopeppeppyNo worries.  *grin*
14:34.32jmea mob in underbog, instance in zangermarsh
14:34.39LopeppeppyUnderbog, the next tier of instances out in Zangarmarsh.  You'll like it there, muchly funsome.
14:34.44TS|SkromI hope you mean Heroic underbog...
14:34.53TS|Skrom8k in a level 64ish instance?
14:34.56jmethey're in heroic too, just harder
14:35.04LopeppeppyTeasing, TS?  Ha-ha, poke fun?
14:35.26TS|SkromI've been dealing with Shadomoon Technicians all weekened
14:35.39TS|Skromthe thought of pugging with idiots in a zone with 8k aoe's leaves me weeping inside
14:35.41LopeppeppyLern2laugh.  I think it's like a third teir Protection talent.   *blinks innocently*
14:35.56jmeLopeppeppy: you can't blink, rogue!
14:35.58LopeppeppyI had my bestest Worst Friggin PUG experience this weekend.
14:36.05LopeppeppyRogue am blink.  Ha-ha-ha.
14:36.29jmeyou haven't had a bad pug experience until you've spent over 7 hours in shadow lab with a pug trying to get your key fragment
14:36.34Lopeppeppy"I'm interested in the Sunken Temple, I have quests to complete there.  Will we be doing quests, or just exploring for XP?"
14:36.41Lopeppeppy"Doing the quests anyone has, of course. "
14:36.55Lopeppeppy"Okay, I have the one that starts down in the basement, the Secret of the Circle."
14:37.00jmeand yes, i'm speaking from experience there =)
14:37.10jmeor typing..
14:37.26LopeppeppyCat druid tank proceeds to the statues level, dies a lot, and starts to complete the statue activation step.... they don't understand when I leave.
14:37.44LopeppeppyI spent 2 4 hour runs in a row dying on Time for Fun... oh, I know the pain of a bad Shadow Lab.
14:39.14TS|Skromregardless of my ac and health atm, I very much like having almost 600 + healing
14:39.18TS|Skromit's neat and fun
14:39.38LopeppeppyI don't mind dying a lot, painful as it is, if everyone is trying hard and we're all after the same goal.  I just hate when groups say "yes, we're doing quests" and are totally lying about it.
14:39.40krka_nice Lopeppeppy
14:40.08LopeppeppyTS|Skrom...  I have lots of +heal in plate.  Trust me, it's out there.  But I know the rush of being able to find good healing gear at last!
14:40.39TS|SkromI need a new cape :( can't wait til I can do some CR runs.
14:41.04LopeppeppyCR.... refresh my memory...?
14:41.13TS|SkromCoilfang Resevoir
14:41.40LopeppeppyWhitemend isn't all that expensive for accomplished tailors to make.  And I do remember getting something good from, well, it would have to be Underbog because no one will go to Slave Pens at all.
14:41.40TS|SkromI could have said "do some slave pens or underbog"
14:41.46TS|SkromI was just lumping them together
14:42.17LopeppeppyUnderbog is fun stuff.  I like the whole walking plants thing, and another Gazhrilla to play with.
14:42.21TS|Skromnow I know someoine will say "just get the expedition hammer"
14:42.27TS|Skromand I say "I'm cheap"
14:42.55LopeppeppyNo... get
14:43.13LopeppeppyThat held me until I got ahold of the Essence Focuser at 70.
14:43.18TS|SkromRequires level 65
14:43.36LopeppeppyThat's two levels, TS|Skrom.  You'll get there quite fast at your rate!
14:44.00TS|Skromactually I'm shelving him for a couple weeks. Time to switch back to the lock
14:44.37TS|Skromand I only got 3 levels because I had 150% rested and a ton of quests waiting for me to hit honored lol
14:46.50LopeppeppyYou'll get there in time, I'm sure.
14:47.27TS|SkromI need to go work on my epic mount sometime too XD
14:47.49LopeppeppyLand mount, or air?
14:48.59LopeppeppyCash mounts up pretty fast, no pun intended.
14:51.02GnancyLopeppeppy: that pun was good ... you should intend it!
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14:51.34LopeppeppyUgh.  My mate is the punster, drives me nuts with it.
14:54.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
14:56.39LopeppeppyI'm actually thinking of retiring my paladin from raiding... my raid group has gotten manic about buff micro-management, and it's really getting annoying.
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15:06.31jmeLopeppeppy: find yourself a casual guild that doesn't micromanage?
15:07.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
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15:07.20EndI'm curious what Lopeppeppy means by micro-management
15:07.25LopeppeppyIt's not a guild group, it's a cross-guild conglomeration.  One of only two on the server that I know of.  We're so relaxed and fun right until it comes to paladin buffs.  Then whammo... instant bitch fest.
15:07.36EndI mean, I get bitchy when I don't get salv :P
15:08.02LopeppeppyIt's things like... 3 paladins, 5 different buffs requested for druids.  And then people get bitchy when their 5 minute buff wears off.
15:08.17Josh_Borkejust take a break until 2.2
15:08.45LopeppeppyOr if there's not a paladin with Kings in the raid, the whole world comes to a screeching halt.  "We planned this encounter for having Kings.  Why didn't you train it?"  .....   Talent, not trainer.
15:09.12Endsometimes we have to raid without fort :(
15:09.19Endthat's right, not even a shadow priest in the raid!
15:09.33LopeppeppyExactly.  Crap happens, so get over your buffing fixation and get better gear, peeps.
15:09.47zenzelezzEnd: not a requirement depending on the raid in question
15:09.58Endyes, but I love me some shadow priests!
15:10.00zenzelezzwe did Netherspite fine with 0 priests, no shadow protection or fortitude
15:10.08End<--- plays a warlock
15:10.20Endhonestly, the fort isn't -that- big a deal
15:10.33zenzelezzit's nice, but not essential for a lot of things
15:10.37EndI think our first VR kill last week was without a priest :P
15:10.44Endnot that I needed a shadow priest there specifically
15:10.47zenzelezzyou killed him several times last week?
15:11.05Endjust because it's only...
15:11.09Josh_Borketheir first successful kill of him perhaps?
15:11.10Enddoesn't mean it can't be first :P
15:11.19zenzelezzour main problem on Void Reaver seems to be melee dying
15:11.37EndI have VR, threat is so annoying
15:11.46zenzelezzI sort of like him
15:11.51Josh_Borkei'd hate to be a SPriest on that fight
15:11.53zenzelezzit's epeen++ to hold him for 25% straight
15:11.57Endthe dodging orbs part is kinda cool
15:12.06*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
15:12.06Endoh yeah, we did have a shadow priest!
15:12.31Endwe had him stop using vampiric embrace
15:12.39LopeppeppyStill working on Gruul ourselves, and getting our second group into the back end of Kara.
15:14.38zenzelezzNo more.
15:14.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyah1 (i=kyahx@gateway/tor/x-6d6c5beb77c006de)
15:14.46EndNo more?
15:14.54zenzelezz"No more."
15:15.04LopeppeppyThat's pretty much my feeling, zenzelezz, about Kara.  If we get out of there, this will all just... go away.
15:15.24Endpersonally, I don't need kara anymore, but some of my guildies still do :(
15:15.55zenzelezzI still need the chest from Nightbane
15:16.49LopeppeppyWe'll still need it for attunement to higher instances, but it will be nice to get this whole 10-man bottleneck done and over.
15:17.18EndSSC doesn't require attunement anymore...
15:17.33End(and TK's attunement never had anything to do with kara anyways...)
15:18.00LopeppeppyThere was something that you had to go through Karazhan in order to achieve.  I forget what, because I never really did know.
15:18.10zenzelezzbut they removed that a while ago
15:18.13Endyou used to have to do Kara to do SSC
15:18.23Endyou needed a drop off of Nightbane and Gruul
15:18.39LopeppeppyAh.  Even more neat, that we only "need" it for gear.
15:18.45Endyou can still do the quest if you want of course, but it's not required anymore :P
15:19.41LopeppeppyOh, quests are nice to do, I'm sure, but if not required.... oiy.
15:19.56LopeppeppyI hate Kara with a passion due to the roster squabbles and the whole buff-micro-management thing.
15:20.05zenzelezzdon't even need to do the heroics for TK anymore
15:20.22EndI think the TK heroics slowed people down more than the SSC quest
15:20.47zenzelezzmostly the SH one
15:21.18zenzelezzthat place still makes me QQ on heroic
15:21.30zenzelezzdon't know if it's me or my groups
15:21.46EndI've never completed it on heroic...only ever went far enough for the summon nightbane quest
15:22.02EndI'd like to complete it at some point, but feh
15:22.08LopeppeppyAnd now our leaders are dragging us into Magtheridon when we can't even finish Gruul.... aargle.  Plan ahead, ya, but finish what you start.
15:22.22EndDo Gruul first, heh
15:22.58EndMagtheridon takes a lot more coordination, Gruul is just a gear check with a "oh noes spread out" component
15:23.10LopeppeppyAnd we can't get half of our members into Gruul's because they don't have sturdy enough gear... *tearing out hair*
15:23.34zenzelezzI completed heroic SH twice, but both times was me in a group with four people who clear SSC+TK
15:24.33zenzelezzhealer was a paladin; on Kargath I ask "how do we handle adds?" "Ignore them, I'll tank them"
15:25.04EndI don't think that'd really work with any other healing class o_O
15:25.10Enda priest could fear I guess
15:25.49LopeppeppyI like being a paladin tanky-healer...  It helps a lot when healing less-than-stellar tanks, that I can gather a mob or two and still heal.
15:26.52Enda shaman could probably use his earth elemental
15:26.56EndI dunno what a druid would do
15:27.28LopeppeppyBarkskin and hope.
15:27.35Endyeah, I guess
15:28.14EndThat was why I hated healing on my druid in five mans when I still played him.
15:31.30LopeppeppyYou can drop to bear, but the healing stops.  So all you really have is Barkskin and  hope the tank picks them up fast.
15:32.48LopeppeppyI'm looking forward to respeccing my druid when I get the chance.  She's our mid-level tank right now, but I really did create her to try out druid healing.
15:34.02EndI never got a hang of tree form...I was always more into Healing Touch on my druid
15:34.33End(although, I suppose tree form is better for raid support than anything else)
15:34.36*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
15:35.10TS|Skromimo tree form is good for one thing: making other healers better :-/
15:35.25TS|Skromdamage comes too fast in most places for a treeform to do much more then top off
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15:39.09LopeppeppyI love having a tree in my paladin's party... whee!
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15:54.37jmei am going to turn my bedroom in my apt into that
15:55.52LopeppeppyDrink lots of milk, because there's no vitamin D coming in the sunlight there.
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16:02.45cogwheel|awaydon't use milk for vitamin D... The only reason D is put in milk is because your body can't absorb the milk's calcium otherwise, and most of it gets used up by the milk itself...
16:03.08LopeppeppySomething has to make up for the lack of sunshine in a cave... gnaw some bones.
16:03.33cogwheel|awaymeh... What do you need bones for if you live in a place like that? :P
16:03.56LopeppeppyCogwheel.... nevermind.  *wink*
16:04.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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16:04.49art3mislooks likethe typical nerd basement to me
16:05.06art3misthats what they look like after you clean up the pizza boxes and mountain dew cans
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16:13.10LopeppeppyYou clean up your Mountain Dew cans?!?
16:13.36LopeppeppyActually, I need to shovel out the apartment tonight, after having a 10 year old visitor all weekend.  Yeeks, it's a hovel.
16:13.36TS|Skromdo fist weapons use unarmed skill or is there an actual "fist weapons" 0/300 skill?
16:14.01IndustrialCairenn: ping
16:14.07CairennIndustrial: pong
16:15.18art3misgrowing up the guy who's house used to play d&d had roughly 13000 jolt cans in this huge wall
16:15.39LopeppeppyMy cat would have those knocked down in a heartbeat.
16:15.54art3misoddly his dog cat and brother never did
16:17.12LopeppeppySuper glue!!!
16:27.37Pac2722hey can any1 tell me wat the nods called that holds the info there u find herbs & stuff like that thnx?
16:28.10N|Tivolicartographer or gatherer
16:29.15TS|Skromdeltron ping
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16:50.55IndustrialCairenn: Eliasis, Guardian of Ered Luin
16:54.33Kyahxwow that's annoying, the ubuntu GUI installer dosen't check to see if the partition your installing to actually *has* enough space for the OS, and it fails silently if you run out of space
16:55.01*** join/#wowi-lounge N00bZXI (
16:55.29zenzelezzthat's sort of... 30 years ago for an installer
16:55.38Kyahxyea, I was surprised =/
16:55.57N00bZXIQuestion: How would I get the first value in a table?
16:56.24KyahxHow is your table indexed?
16:56.51N00bZXII mean for example I have a table {[3] = true, [4] = true} - I want it to return 3
16:57.04Kyahxcan't you just get table[3] ?
16:57.30N00bZXINot if the table is {[2] = true, [4] = true} (in this case I'd like it to return 2)
16:58.59Kyahxfor k,v in pairs(table)
16:59.06Kyahxis best I can think of =/
16:59.16Industrialonoz my first death
16:59.20Industriali got mobbed and rooted :(
17:00.45Gngsktime to start over
17:00.47N00bZXIkyahx: Thanks
17:11.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (n=Kirov@
17:15.49Cairennnever ever bother with the first-line people for CS, always go up at least one level to the supervisor
17:16.12Cairennfront-line phone answerers can't do squat
17:16.15zenzelezzcustomer service
17:16.16Cairenncustomer service
17:16.39zenzelezztoo slow!
17:17.21LopeppeppyDepends on the business, some front line can fix, some can't.  But overall, you are in the Zone of Correct Speakingness.
17:17.41Cairennsample conversation:
17:17.50zenzelezzI find it depends entirely who you get to talk to
17:17.56zenzelezzsome are experts, some are nubs
17:19.23*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
17:20.04Cairenn"You guys changed YOUR network, so I had to change my cell phone - I have two problems:"
17:20.04Cairenn1. you charged me for the privilege of the new phones themselves, plus an administration fee to activate them - I want that reversed
17:20.04Cairenn2.  my old phones had call display, my new phones don't, I want it back
17:20.04Cairenn"But ma'am, the only way you can have call display is if you pay for it"
17:20.04Cairenn"I already had it, why do I have to pay again for it"
17:20.06Cairenn"Well, why would you get to have it without paying for it"
17:20.14Cairenn"I. Already. Had. It."
17:20.39Cairenn"Tell you what, just let me talk to your supervisor"
17:24.53EndN00bZXI: actually, you don't even need a for loop.  Just use next()
17:25.14LopeppeppyWish that worked for conversations like Cairenn's.  *hug*
17:25.14Endlocal _,val = next(x)
17:25.22N00bZXIEnd: That's what I was using, but it returns the last value added, not the first value
17:25.30Endthen pairs() won't help you
17:26.20N00bZXIPairs seems to be working fine atm (local function to loop and return first value)
17:26.32Endit's not that it returns the last value
17:26.50Endit's just that it isn't the first value in the hash
17:27.14EndThe actual functionality of pairs would mean next would have the exact same behavior :P
17:27.32Endeither both work or neither works
17:27.43N00bZXIthen I must be missing something
17:27.55N00bZXIpairs works, next doesn't
17:27.56CairennSupervisor: "You're right, both of those were a mix up on our end, we're sorry, here, let me fix it for you"
17:28.32Cairennme, inside voice: "no shit, sherlock"
17:28.36Endpairs(table) essentially returns next, table, nil
17:29.22End>>> x = {} print(pairs(x))
17:29.28CideEnd: function: 007C18C0,  {  } (#1),  nil
17:29.38End>>> print(next)
17:29.38CideEnd: function: 00976BF0
17:30.04Endmaybe I'm wrong :P
17:30.09End>>> print(pairs)
17:30.09CideEnd: function: 007C1F18
17:30.52LopeppeppyNo Shit Sherlock is.... so very, very common, and so frustrating to run into.
17:30.55N00bZXIthen I really must be missing something
17:31.47Endwell, I'm not sure what pairs is using for the iterator
17:31.58EndI thought it was just next
17:32.09N00bZXIt={[2]=true, [4]=true} for k,v in pairs(t) do return k end --returns 2. next(t) --returns 4
17:32.34LopeppeppyI get the most interesting symbols showing in posted code sometimes....  
17:33.26N00bZXIdoesn't make sense to me
17:33.43N00bZXInext(t) seems to return either value
17:33.55Endwell, keep in mind next() returns key, value
17:34.40End(I have a theory)
17:35.26Endwell, they're consistantly giving the same result for me
17:35.31Endnext and pairs I mean
17:36.02EndI tried t ={[4] = 5, [7] = 4, [9] = 10, [11] = 111, [12] = 113} and both gave 12 instead of 4
17:36.38EndThe short answer is "that's how hash tables work"
17:37.12Endnever rely on how hash tables are ordered
17:37.36End(and keep in mind, lua tables are hash tables and arrays)
17:38.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
17:40.55CairennOT: art3mis and I are planning on trying to hook up while I'm in NYC from 2359 mon 6 aug to 1500 fri 10 aug - if there is anyone else around that neck of the woods that would like to try to coordinate something
17:40.56Fincould anybody give me any hints on: how do I make a frame respond to having another frame dragged on top of it?
17:41.30KirovFin - any frame?
17:42.00FinKirov: well, no, there will be a type of frame with some known attributes
17:42.16FinKirov: but I can't control the frames that will be dragged onto my frame
17:42.20Endwhen OnDragStop gets called on the moving frame check compare the positions?
17:42.25Endthat hurts you I think
17:42.41CideEnd: it does just use next
17:42.50EndCide: that's what I thought
17:43.01CideEnd: but since it's separate lua sessions, you get different memory addresses
17:43.10FinI did not understand what was just said
17:43.10Cide>>> pairs() == next
17:43.10CideCide: [string "return pairs() == next"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got no value)
17:43.10EndI tried using my single lua session though
17:43.22Cide>>> pairs({}) == next
17:43.22CideCide: false
17:43.28N00bZXInext({[1]=true,[2]=true,[3]=true}) returns 1, but next({[4]=true,[5]=true} returns 5
17:43.34Cidewell, it might not be the same internal function
17:43.38Cidebut it has the same behavior
17:43.39KirovFin - So, you're dragging default wow frames, or frames you own, but will be locked in combat?
17:43.41Endyeah, funcionally it is the same
17:43.55FinKirov: specifically, it's FuBar plugins
17:43.58EndN00bZXI: first is array, second is hash table maybe?
17:44.07Cide>>> function pairs(t) return next, t; end for key, value in pairs({ "foo", ["bar"] = "baz" }) do print(key .. " = " .. value); end
17:44.08CideCide: "1 = foo",  "bar = baz"
17:44.11EndI dunno if it automatically does arrays though?
17:44.16Endfor [blah] I mean
17:44.20Endbut either way
17:44.29FinKirov: this is probably quite complicated (but might be quite simple, I think (hope)) - I want to make a fubar plugin that eats other fubar plugins
17:44.30Endhash tables aren't ordered in a useful way to the programmer :P
17:44.55N00bZXIyet for k,v in pairs{[4]=true,[5]=true} do return k end --returns 4
17:45.00FinKirov: I want to be able to drag plugins to this one, and it'll hide the entry in the fubar, and add an entry to the menu
17:45.05Cide>>> next({ [1] = 1, [2] = 2, [3] = 3, [4] = 4, [5] = 5, [6] = 6, [7] = 7, [8] = 8, [9] = 9 })
17:45.05CideCide: 6,  6
17:45.24Cidedon't use [...] syntax if you want an array
17:45.41Cide"[#] = ..." syntax, that is
17:46.20Endperhaps {nil, nil, 3, 4, 5, 6} might do what N00bZXI wants?
17:46.26Cideit might
17:46.42KirovFin - ah.  I don't know Fubar's back end well enough to know how it handles dragging.  However you could probably hook whatever function is called on drag end and check if the location is over your plugin's frame.
17:46.52Cidebut if you add too many holes, it doesn't use the array part anymore (iirc)
17:47.10Endah, well, I'm not too sure of its behavior there :P
17:47.24Kirov{nil, nil, 3, 4, 5, 6} == hash
17:47.24FinKirov: thanks muchly
17:47.24Cide>>> t = { "foo" ,"bar" }; for i = 1, 3, 1 do tinsert(t, 1, nil); end return next(t)
17:47.25CideCide: 5,  "bar"
17:47.44KirovAt the very least the first entry needs to be 1 for it to be an array
17:48.08N00bZXIwell that explains why it behaves differently depending on if 1 is nil or not
17:48.15N00bZXII guess I'll change it to use true/false instead of true/nil
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17:48.31Kirov{1,nil,2} should still work as an array
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17:48.52N00bZXIbut {nil,2,3} shouldn't?
17:48.55KirovThough it'll probably be unhappy if you try to iterate over it past 1
17:49.06KirovN00bZXI - correct
17:49.25Endwell, ipairs wouldn't be useful
17:49.27FinKirov: OnReceiveDrag is going to help, I think
17:49.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
17:49.45Cideis there any reason you need to have holes in it?
17:49.47Endif you use nil I mean
17:49.50N00bZXIyep, explains why it behaves differently depending on if 1 is nil or not..
17:50.02Cideyou should either rethink it, or use for i = 1, table.maxn(tbl) do ... end
17:50.04KirovFin - It depends on how fubar does it's dragging, but conceivabley yes
17:50.13Antiarc|Workt = {nil, nil, 1, 2, 3}
17:50.17Antiarc|Work#t == 5
17:50.28CideAntiarc|Work: but not guaranteed to be, afaik
17:51.29CideIf the array has "holes" (that is, nil values between other non-nil values), then #t may be any of the indices that directly precedes a nil value (that is, it may consider any such nil value as the end of the array).
17:51.38N00bZXIeither way I'd have to make another function to get the first true value
17:51.44CideThe length of a table t is defined to be any integer index n such that t[n] is not nil and t[n+1] is nil; moreover, if t[1] is nil, n may be zero.
17:51.48N00bZXIbecause next would return 1,false
17:51.58KirovIf I remember correctly, #{1,nil,3} == 3, but #{1,nil,3,4,nil,5} == 4
17:51.59Josh_Borke>>> t = {nil, nil, 1 , 2, 3} print(#t) t={1, nil, 1, 2, 3} print(#t)
17:52.00CideJosh_Borke: 5,  5
17:52.12Josh_Borke>>> t = {nil, nil, 1 , 2, 3} print(#t) t={1, nil, 1, 2, 3, nil, 5} print(#t)
17:52.12CideJosh_Borke: 5,  7
17:52.18Cidedon't rely on # if you have holes, period
17:52.21Josh_Borke>>> t = {nil, nil, 1 , 2, 3} print(#t) t={1, nil, 1, nil, 3, nil, 5} print(#t)
17:52.21CideJosh_Borke: 5,  7
17:52.22Cideuse table.maxn
17:52.39Cide(or redesign your table structure)
17:52.45Josh_Borkeeither way, holes are bad, mmkay?
17:52.56Cideyou can also keep an index of your own, using tbl._n or such
17:53.34End{nil, nil, nil} would definitely make # think you have an empty array at least :P
17:54.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
17:57.29N00bZXIwell if I change it to true/false, I still have to make another function to get the first true value in the table
17:57.37N00bZXIwhich was what I was hoping to avoid by making it true/nil
17:58.29N00bZXII guess it's best I do it this way
17:58.53N00bZXIno unexpected results
18:01.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Peoii (
18:02.30Endwell, I can verify holes are bad
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18:02.56zenzelezzdepends on the hole
18:03.29LopeppeppyMy, nice that we're having weather!!
18:04.05Endmy smallest hole it hated was 16 elements
18:04.42Cidecan't really rely on that number either :)
18:04.55Endwell, that's an implementation detail :P
18:05.04Cideyeah, but the lua manual explicitly says that # is unreliable with holes
18:05.06Endyou really wouldn't want to rely on it :P
18:06.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Thorarin (
18:07.16EndI wonder if it's trying to minimize memory usage (hash size vs. array sizde)
18:07.35End(I suppose I could just read the source)
18:09.22End"The actual size of the array is the largest `n' such that at least half the slots between 0 and n are in use."
18:09.53EndMy curiousity has been fulfilled now.  Back to work.
18:10.18LopeppeppyGood luck with that, End.
18:10.50N00bZXIQuestion#2: How do I make a secure actionbutton only cast while out of combat?
18:11.16Cidedisable it on P_R_D
18:11.54N00bZXIWouldn't you be in combat then and that would prevent you from modifying it though?
18:12.10Cidethe lockdown goes in effect right after PRD and right before PRE
18:12.31Cideerr, and ends* right before PRE
18:15.41N00bZXIthanks :)
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18:46.17zenzelezzhrmf, CVAR_UPDATE seems to not fire for most setting changes
18:47.33zenzelezzmy guild uses some DKP addon for CTRA, and it keeps disabling my auto-clear AFK setting
18:48.08CideCTRA? or the DKP addon
18:49.00zenzelezzI believe it's the DKP addon, never had troubles with it before, although I think it does it through some CTRA function
18:49.19TS|SkromI'm guessing no, but does the "50% chance to deal double damage" on gore trigger abilities that happen when pets crit?
18:49.28TS|Skromonly if the gore also crits, yes?
18:50.17CideI'd imagine it'd work if the "50% chance for 2x damage" is in reality a "50% chance to crit"
18:50.27Cideif it simply doubles the damage, no, it wouldn't work
18:50.31TS|SkromI don't think that's the case though
18:50.43TS|Skrombecause I recall someone in here saying that theire gore did doulbe damage AND crit
18:50.47TS|Skromso 4x
18:50.54Cideyou'd need "Foo's Gore crits Bar for xyz."
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18:59.06Kasoi second TS|Skrom's 4x damage possibiliy
19:00.05zenzelezzanyway, returning to what I was saying, is there any way to monitor settings like autoClearAFK when the CVAR_UPDATE doesn't fire?
19:01.32N00bZXIhook whatever changes the cvars?
19:02.12art3misman these ice pops are awesome
19:02.12art3misthey have this thing in em called ice forming protien
19:02.34art3misso it never drips without contact with something other than the stick
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19:04.20CideI'll bust that myth by heating it up to 1000 degrees C
19:05.13LopeppeppyThen it would be... a steam-pop?  New genre even?
19:05.24art3misits not a myth
19:05.26CideI smell... revenue
19:05.40art3misand technically the flame would be incontact thus continuing toprove it correct ;)
19:05.52Cideyou don't have to have a flame in order to heat it :P
19:06.13art3mismolecules thrn :)
19:06.17kergothAnyone happen know a good grind spot, 60+, with mostly caster humanoids? (leveling a pet)
19:06.31Cideactually, light waves do the job just fine
19:06.33art3misi kind of wanna know what the iceforming protein is though
19:06.51Cideone could argue whether or not they 'touch' though
19:06.55art3misits kind of rad, if you "melt" it just right on yer tongue you can get it to refreeze to it
19:07.47Lopeppeppy,,,, I remember that scene, was it from some Christmas movie, getting your tongue stuck to the pole.
19:08.03art3misheh yeah
19:08.20Cidekergoth: hmm, some of the scryer npc camps?
19:08.35Cidethe mana forges in netherstorm have mostly caster mobs iirc
19:08.52art3misyou're wrong!
19:09.02kergothhmm, thats a good point, there are quite a few there indeed, i'll try that
19:09.28Cideyou're welcome :)
19:09.34art3misyou could go to that bone pile in terrok too, lots o casters there as well
19:09.45art3misthat wont instantly kill you if you're not 70 yet ;P
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19:38.19Industrialwhy cant people guess that when you are in the same hunting area as an archer hes going to hit the next target first and you can walk on to the next?
19:38.28IndustrialSTOP PICKIN MAH TARGETZ newbz
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20:43.22Thunder_ChildIndustrial, every class has a ranged attack
20:44.09Cairennwrong game Thunder_Child
20:45.21zenzelezzyou didn't think he suddenly started calling a hunter "archer"? :-o
20:45.35Industrialoh, its hunter too in lotro heh
20:45.45zenzelezzok, so he did
20:45.56IndustrialCairenn: can I see coordinates in lotro? :S
20:45.56CairennIndustrial: btw, were you wanting a guild invite?
20:46.02Industrialyesh :)
20:53.39IndustrialEliasis :)
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21:05.29Josh_Borkebye bye
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21:31.57kergothAnyone know if there a way to control the order in which a pet uses its abilities? to control its focus spending?
21:32.53Kasoyou used to be able to automatically toggle auto-cast on and off in a dynamic "smart" way to do that, but they nerfed that long ago
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21:40.22Shirikmorning all
21:43.58cog|workhey Shirik
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21:46.04Shirikholy ow
21:46.19Shirikso that's the last 5 minutes of IRC in a nutshell
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22:02.39*** part/#wowi-lounge leethal (
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22:07.12Shirikj'ai retourné
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22:16.05Shirikhe's afk :(
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22:25.18Shirikthis is pathetic.... voting machines "hacked"?
22:25.40ShirikHow stupid can people get
22:26.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Kamaris (
22:27.01KamarisDoes anyone have a link to a mage macro for swapping between a two handed staff and a dagger + offhand with a single button?
22:27.37Shirikwhy would that have to be specifically for a mage?
22:27.54Kamarisok, scratch mage :)
22:28.39EndI don't have one, but I can't see it being difficult
22:28.52ShirikIt's a simple matter of combining [equipped] with /equip and exists on the wow forums
22:29.16Endwell, I'm not sure you need exists?
22:30.25ShirikIt's a simple matter of combining [equipped] with /equip and it exists on the wow forums
22:30.46Endthat "it" made all the difference
22:31.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
22:34.01Shirikmikma: Is that you?
22:34.24mikmaShirik: ya
22:40.05Antiarc|Workmikma: Someone linked the deprecated tauren hunter pants to you, didn't they?
22:40.30mikmaAntiarc|Work: why yes
22:41.51Shirikthe what now?
22:43.57Endprobably won't work on most realms though
22:44.19Endas servers won't load it normally
22:45.19Shirikthanks for that
22:45.19ShirikI now have the item link
22:49.09Endhaha wtf
22:49.13End"Cowardly Flight Potion"
22:50.33Endit looks like it makes you go at +200% speed, and if it actually fairly consitantly points you away from enemies, that could be pretty useful
22:51.13Mr_Rabies2that reminds me of some arrows i made in oblivion
22:51.51Mr_Rabies2they paralyzed the target for 5 seconds, which makes them fall over to the side like a statue if they have any momentum or aren't perfectly balanced
22:52.15Mr_Rabies2then it demoralizes (analogous to fear) and increases their speed by 500%
22:52.20Mr_Rabies2for 60 seconds
22:52.24Mr_Rabies2so they fall over
22:52.29Mr_Rabies2get up and take off like a missile
22:52.40Endthose arrows sound a bit..silly :P
22:53.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Fridgid (n=Fridgid@
22:55.09Mr_Rabies2there's a vid of the paralyze effect
22:55.21Mr_Rabies2so many times did i see monsters run in fear of me to jump off a cliff going 50 mph
22:55.49Mr_Rabies2i shoulda made a spell that had those effects in AoE
22:58.13ShirikI love these morons on my server
22:58.25ShirikIs it really necessary to go to the trade channel and say "Assorted gems and potions on sale now at the AH!"
22:58.44Mr_Rabies2assorted stuff, no
22:58.53Shirikthat's a direct quote
22:59.02Mr_Rabies2but if you're linking something people may or may not want but probably won't look for
22:59.06Mr_Rabies2it's good to make some propaganda
22:59.43Mr_Rabies2"you know you want this [bow of searing arrows]. i mean come on, it shoots arrows made of fire, how could you not want that? get it on the AH before it goes away foreverrrrr"
22:59.51Mr_Rabies2and i see it sell in 5 minutes
23:04.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
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23:15.27Shirikis there any event that's guaranteed to fire nearing shutdown but before SVs are finalized?
23:19.56Wraanger"PLAYER_QUITING" for instance
23:20.19Wraangeryou need "PLAYER_LOGOUT" , Shirik
23:20.33Wraanger"Sent when the player logs out or the UI is reloaded, after PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD, but before variables are saved."
23:20.39Shirikiirc, changes to SVs after PLAYER_LOGOUT are not guaranteed to be saved
23:20.44Shirikah ok
23:20.49Shirikperfect, thank
23:21.32Mr_Rabies2Clickety clack down the track, it's lots and lots of trains!
23:21.33ShirikAwesome, now I can have a "Shutdown" event that RDX was lacking before :P
23:23.06Mike-N-GoI'm an officer in a newly formed guild, I was wondering how we may implement DKP, and what works for you guys?
23:23.36Mr_Rabies2what content are you doing?
23:23.56ShirikWe've found DKP only causes problems
23:23.58Mr_Rabies2i'd recommend avoiding it in 10 mans, it just slows you down too much
23:24.05Shirikand have since gone partial random-roll
23:24.15Mr_Rabies2and with the smaller raid sizes random rolls are more useful than they used to be
23:24.40ShirikWe use random roll foremost. If anyone has a problem with the winner, they can contact a raid officer and dispute the claim
23:24.43ShirikEssentially, needs first
23:25.03Mr_Rabies2dkp had its uses in 40 mans
23:25.04ShirikIf the raid leads agree, it can be modified. But that almost never happens. It's basically all random roll.
23:25.08Mr_Rabies2random rolling just took too much time
23:25.13Mike-N-GoWe are on normal instances, moving towards Karazhan and Heroics.
23:25.14ShirikWe didn't even do it in 40 man
23:25.24Mr_Rabies2but with 10 and 25 mans
23:25.28ShirikWell we did, then when Veni left us we dropped it
23:25.44Mr_Rabies2there's not much of a reason to do it unless you've used it for so long
23:25.59WraangerDKP is unneeded up to Gruul
23:26.03Mr_Rabies2people tend to be more closely knit when there's no disputing loot
23:26.16ShirikWe're a pretty closely knit group :)
23:26.21ShirikGoing on 6 years now
23:26.28Mr_Rabies2then there's probably not much reason to use dkp
23:26.38Shirikbye Cairenn|afk
23:26.39*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
23:27.00Cairenn|afkout for a while, have to go get the car from my folks so I can go pick up my kiddo whenever she calls to say she's home from her canoe trip
23:27.05Mr_Rabies2maybe have officers keep track of attendance and use that as one of the factors
23:27.20Shirikat one point I coded a php dkp system
23:27.23Shirikbut I doubt I have it anymore
23:27.37Shirikeqdkp is nice aside from its security vulnerabilities
23:28.05ShirikConspiracy will likely have a DKP system built in
23:28.12sysragedoes battlefield 2 have an install disc and a play disc or just an install disc?
23:28.22Shirikwell, actually 3 cds
23:28.27Shirikand they're all the install CDs
23:28.31Shirikbut you have to have it in the drive to play
23:28.37Mr_Rabies2the play disc isn't actually accessed
23:28.42sysragewhere the hell did my play disc go then? i only have one that says install disc
23:28.45Mr_Rabies2it's just used as a crappy form of copy protection
23:28.45Shirikso you could probably get around it
23:28.49ShirikJust use disk 1
23:29.04sysrageoh duh this is dvd.. only 1 with dvd version?
23:29.08sysragehaven't played for ages lol
23:29.09Shirikoh, maybe
23:29.13Shirikshould just be the same disc though
23:29.19sysrageok thanks
23:30.18Mr_Rabies2just a rolling restart for my realm tomorrow if all goes as planned
23:30.32Mr_Rabies2ah crap
23:30.36Mr_Rabies2i missed today's kara run
23:30.47Mr_Rabies2i forgot about it completely and got distracted :[
23:31.07Shirikoh heh
23:31.07Shirikis drenden on the list?
23:31.23Mr_Rabies2aren't you EU?
23:31.28Mr_Rabies2because drenden doesn't ring any bells
23:31.31Shirikdoesn't matter I'll be at work lol
23:31.31Shirikwhy do I care
23:31.40Mr_Rabies2even in lore
23:31.43Mr_Rabies2what is drenden :O
23:32.23Mr_Rabies2Male mage of the Kirin Tor. Appeared in Day of the Dragon and the Road to Damnation mini story.
23:32.31Mr_Rabies2wow, what an obscure character to name a realm after
23:32.36Mr_Rabies2he's a stub on wowwiki
23:33.13Shirikno, US
23:33.30ShirikI have no idea what drenden is, it's just where a bunch of my friends went
23:33.33ShirikNormally I'm on Eredar
23:33.46Shirikbut a bunch of good friends of mine just started playing and then I created Kimina with them
23:33.58ShirikEredar has a nice large wowwiki article :)
23:34.21*** join/#wowi-lounge pacroon (
23:34.48Mr_Rabies2llane's pretty important
23:34.57Mr_Rabies2first king of stormwind and all
23:36.36ShirikDrenden's trade chat is so pathetic
23:36.44Shirik"LF lv 60 to power level me, will pay"
23:36.47Shirikthat's about the extent of it
23:36.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Peoii (
23:36.51Shirik(Just saw that)
23:37.42ShirikOkay, design question: Do you think it's needed for a "Shutdown" module command?
23:37.52Mr_Rabies2what does this command do
23:38.04Shiriki.e., when WoW is shutting down, Conspiracy would send the "Shutdown" command to all modules to request them to finish anything they need to do
23:38.17ShirikJust like it already has the "Init" command when the module should load up
23:38.25Shirikwhich is typically slightly after PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD
23:38.35Cidethere's not really that much of a reason to
23:38.42Cidesome things might be easier but not many
23:38.43ShirikRight, which is why I considered leaving it out
23:38.48Shirikwe got by without it before
23:39.01Cideeasy to add if you feel the need to later
23:39.30KyahxShirik: would you ever need to unload modules mid-game?
23:39.39KyahxThen a disable func could be useful
23:39.45Kyahxto do some cleanup
23:39.46ShirikOn the same note there is minimal reason not to do it; You're not forced to implement any commands in a module
23:40.08ShirikIt /would/ allow for unloading I guess
23:40.20KyahxWhy would you be forced to implement any functions?
23:40.37KyahxIf the module doesn't have a Disable func, don't try to trigger it :P
23:41.26Shirikwell, yeah, I was just reiterating that :P
23:41.26ShirikIn theory one could force a module to implement functions, though it would be a stupid design, imho
23:43.03ShirikI think I'm overthinking this ><
23:44.21CideI think a good base would be to implement the functions necessary for your current modules to work
23:44.27Cideand start off with that
23:45.07ShirikProblem is I don't have any modules yet >< I have the RDX ones but I want to rewrite them since it will be such a drastic change to the way events are handled, etc.
23:45.09*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
23:45.17ShirikMaybe I'll just start with what we had, yeah
23:46.35Shirikthanks :)
23:47.16*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
23:55.00Mr_RabiesWhat do you think, #wowi-lounge? what is there left to improve in my UI other than messing around in dogtags for pitbull :O
23:56.26KyahxUI scale IMO =X
23:56.30Kyahxso big!
23:56.40Mr_Rabies2it's at 75% :O
23:56.47Mr_Rabies2that's just about perfect for me
23:57.16KyahxI'd personally hide the bag / micro menu buttons, but meh
23:57.45Wraangerumm...I , personally, would change all )
23:57.58Mr_Rabies2the bag's not always up, but the buttons for them are :o
23:58.01Wraangerstarting with hiding menu and micro buttons as Kyahx mentioned
23:58.21Mr_Rabies2the ui feels too leftsided
23:58.22Mr_Rabies2without them
23:58.23Wraangerkey B perfectly opens the bags )
23:58.25Mr_Rabies2because that's my chat
23:58.49Mr_Rabies2i like having them available to open individually when i need to
23:58.55Mr_Rabies2i don't need to often
23:59.41Wraangeralmost all modern bag mods have individual bags frame available in some way ...attached to main frame of the bag mod

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