IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070729

00:00.19*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
00:00.26[dRaCo]would be great to have, though.
00:00.42[dRaCo]someone should poke slouken to add an api call for that.
00:00.58IrielWhy? It's deliberately not there
00:01.15IrielThe whole point of GetItemInfo working the way it does is to NOT provide a mechanism to validate server links
00:01.34IrielBecause blizzard dont want people trying to scan all of the possible item ID's for things they haven't published yet
00:01.44[dRaCo]they do that anyway
00:02.01IrielTrue, but it's a real pain in the ass for them
00:02.47leethalis there any ways to get your tradeskill-skills without having to open the tradeskill windows?
00:03.13Irielleethal: No, but you can make the API calls and block teh window from opening
00:03.36leethalit's very, very annoying that enchanting is using a different system, though
00:03.42leethalthe craft skills thingie
00:03.46[dRaCo]iriel: should be easily blockable by he server, shouldn't it?
00:04.19Iriel[dRaCo]: I imagine if they cared enough they could lock your account out after N bad links in X minutes
00:05.14[dRaCo]they could just stop you from linking anything that isnt for the public eye yet.
00:05.36[dRaCo]instead of preventing you from linking stuff the server hasn't "seen" yet
00:05.53IrielIn theory those items aren't available on the server, it's only if a GM or somesuch happens to create one that it ends up known to the server
00:06.05IrielSince 'seen' is "has loaded since last restart"
00:06.11Irielnot "has seen ever in its life"
00:06.53Adysa blacklist/whitelist system would be easier to handle in the end, though
00:07.26Arrowmasterlike martin thunder
00:07.36[dRaCo]and pretty easy to maintain
00:07.39clad|awayeasier for you
00:07.41leethala whitelist would rock. and then just do nothing if the item isn't around on the server, or the item doesn't exist at all
00:07.49*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
00:08.01Arrowmastersome gm has it and it only shows up on your server if the gms been there since restart
00:08.13[dRaCo]big db, all IDs, flag them.
00:08.19clad|awayi love when you guys pretend you actually _know_ how the servers work, and what makes sense and what doesn't :P
00:08.34AdysAuto whitelist, like the armory's one
00:08.36leethalyeah I really think I know how they work
00:08.44clad|awayand what happens when the first Arthas kill stops him from dropping any items because someone forgot to unflag it?
00:08.46leethalI dream about how they work at night
00:08.59clad|awayI didn't say "leethal"
00:09.09clad|awaysince you were only expressing how neat a whitelist would be
00:09.20[dRaCo]clad: let a man have his dreams.
00:10.06[dRaCo]but why? :/
00:11.59Adysclad|away: its not any hard to generate a list of available items from the current armory's available items and to unflag a couple of dozens
00:12.55clad|awayyou assume the databases are anywhere near each other, or that that level of propagation is somehow "easy" in their current structure
00:13.13clad|awayi just dislike that on principle
00:13.23leethalmm the armory isn't exactly using the database the game server is using through a real-time connection
00:13.32clad|awaymaking a suggestion is cool, but pretending you know what is or isn't easy for their coders and server techs
00:14.26clad|awaynot trying to be a dick, just expressing my opinions, and that's something that happens to bother me.  When someone says I can do something "easily" when they have no idea of the universe I operate in.
00:14.31clad|awayTell me what you want, and I'll decide how easy it is :P
00:15.00Adysim not pretending anything :P Blizzard's structures are weird enough as it is
00:15.26clad|awayyou said it would be easy, that's all i was reacting to :P
00:15.46Adysdo you think it'd be hard to generate a whitelist?
00:15.57*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
00:15.58clad|awayI think it has its own unique set of problems
00:16.21Adysits a hour work for a single person, that doesnt work there
00:16.25clad|awayand not knowing anything about how their multi-site data centers work, I'm not willing to assume it will be "easy" for them
00:16.37clad|awaygenerating the list isn't the only part of things
00:16.46AdysYes but thats what Im talking about :P
00:16.53clad|awaywhats wrong with the current system?
00:16.54AdysIts not like its gonna get implemented is it
00:17.08Adyscurrent system makes it easy to link weird items
00:17.26clad|awayI think that's fun, not bad :P
00:17.45Adyslol so do i, but its still a flaw of the system
00:18.00Arrowmastereasy to link weird items?
00:18.01clad|awaythere'll be a flaw in almost any system
00:18.06clad|awayunless Iriel writes it imo
00:18.06Arrowmasterhow is that a flaw?
00:18.20Adysmartin thunder is right now linkable on 5 european battlegroups and 2 US at least, didnt have the chance to check them all, thats just an example
00:18.33Arrowmasterblame the GMs for that one
00:18.37IrielI think it's a "tradeoff" more than a flaw
00:18.52leethalmartin thunder?
00:19.00ArrowmasterGM item
00:19.02AdysDeprecated Rogue's Vest, Deprecated Tauren Trapper's Pants, Essence of the Firelord DEPRECATED are all three linkable on every server, all the time
00:19.05Irielsimplicity and manageability over complexity and chance for mistakes
00:19.18leethalI don't get GM items heh
00:19.33leethaldoes GM run around in towns bragging about their items?
00:19.36clad|awayAdys: So, unequip them from the GMs
00:19.47leethaldo they need imba weapons to pwn people, instead of blocking their account?
00:20.18Adysleethal: GM Weapon is just the name given to it, its no use for them
00:20.18Arrowmasterand if a GM was to show up in the middle of town wearing any of that you could possible end up getting everybody nearby disconnected if those items werent linkable
00:20.35leethaland afaik it's pretty common not to let silly stuff out in the wild, such as zones and items that doesn't exist in the public version of the game yet
00:20.42clad|awayi suspect they do it, because they can and they have thankless jobs, are relatively underpaid, etc.
00:21.05Adys"relatively" underpaid :P
00:21.16Arrowmastertheres a full set of GM cloths
00:25.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:36.37pacroonlol christ
00:56.38Thunder_Childwell crap...kinkos cant bind 2000 sheets of paper
00:57.51Cairenn|afkThunder_Child: you're going to both the supper on sat and disney on sun?
00:58.09Thunder_Childsupper yes, i dunno about diseny though
00:58.20Cairenn|afkjust trying to get numbers figured out
00:58.32Thunder_Childwell, i printed out frameXML but now i cant get it bound :(
00:58.36ThraeThunder_Child: Something witty concerning your hilarious typo!
00:59.04Thunder_ChildThrae, huh?
00:59.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
01:00.50*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn|afk -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 Toc: 20100 | RTFPN please | If you are going to BlizzCon, please respond:
01:09.18sysragedisney land or world?
01:13.11Thunder_Childhmm..never been to disney world
01:16.28Cairenn|afkthe one right across the street from the anaheim convention center
01:18.13sysragecalifornia adventure for teh lose
01:36.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
01:37.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
01:39.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
01:41.16Cairenn|afkKaydeethree: hopefully you'll at least be able to come hang out with us for the supper
01:41.26Cairenn|afkhow many people from wiki are going to be there?
01:42.37Kaydeethree3. kirkburn, tusva and me
01:42.54Cairenn|afkso why don't all 3 of you come to supper with us?
01:43.47Kaydeethreewe'll see. we've got a dinner meeting penciled in at 6 on saturday, but it's tagged (optional), dunno how optional it actually is, though
01:44.14Cairenn|afkwith some other group, or ?
01:44.37Kaydeethreeprobably with our other wikia contact. dunno if anyone else is supposed to be there
01:44.45Cairenn|afkif it's just the three of you, do it over the course of ours, too - not like the groups don't overlap enough :p
01:45.00Cairenn|afkso drag them along too :p
01:45.04Kaydeethree"Saturday 6PM- Meet in Clarion Hotel Lobby for a Wikia team dinner (Optional)"
01:45.05Kaydeethreetrue enough
01:45.16KaydeethreeI'll poke then when I can get a hold of em
01:46.22Cairenn|afknot trying to force the issue or anything, just presenting options :)
01:46.38Kaydeethreeoptions are good
01:47.16Thunder_Childbesides, would be a really cool dinner group
01:48.14Thunder_Childnow lets get the blizz dev team to join as well
01:48.55Cairenn|afkwe're just trying to firm up numbers to a certain degree, because from the size of the group we're looking at, it wouldn't be fair to just walk into a restaurant and expect them to be able to seat us all without any forewarning
01:49.38Cairenn|afkso we're going to make reservations ... somewhere ... that hasn't been decided yet, but it'll be close, so folks can eat then get to the concert
01:50.57Thunder_Childbetter make it a place that has options..incase someone is a vegitarian etc.
01:51.50clad|awayI only eat people
01:52.05Cairenn|afkwell, most restaurants have options :p
01:52.15Thunder_Childcanabal options?
01:52.32Cairenn|afkat the very minimum, I've yet to go into one that didn't at least have soup and salad available
01:52.43Cairenn|afk(restaurant, not fast food place)
01:55.22Thunder_Childdamn, there goes getting some cat onna' stick
01:57.03Cairenn|afk(9:51:27 PM) clad|away: I only eat people
02:06.09Thunder_Childjust say it!
02:10.30Kaydeethreeraaagh, sleep. 7 hour drives first thing in the morning are pain.
02:12.32Cairenn|afksweet dreams :)
02:13.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
02:19.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
02:20.13ThraeI hear Thunder.
02:21.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
02:22.43*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
02:24.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
02:45.36*** join/#wowi-lounge dnmcgoy (n=dnmcgoy@
02:46.42dnmcgoygood evening all, does anyone know if there is a way to keybind to an action button of my own creation, or do I have to reuse a multiaction button
03:01.42art3misman now i have they might be giants in my head
03:02.11art3misnot to put to fine a point on it, say im the only bee in yer bonnet, let's make a birdhouse in the sunnn
03:05.48Thunder_Childin your soul
03:05.51Thunder_Childnot in the sun
03:05.54Thunder_Childi think
03:07.54clad|awayits soul
03:07.57clad|awayway to eff it up
03:11.55Mr_Rabies2a birdhouse in the sun is two in the soul
03:12.12art3misive never actually heard the lyrics fully
03:12.28art3misim not even sure where i heard that song recently enough to put it in my brain
03:14.16clad|awayblue canary in the outlet by the lighthouse, who watches over you, make a little birdhouse in your soul imo
03:14.38clad|aways/lighthouse/light switch/
03:14.41clad|awaythat was crack smoking
03:15.37Thunder_Childnow i have that bloody song stuck in my head
03:15.53Mr_Rabies2wearing two toasters for shoes are not a good idea
03:16.01Mr_Rabies2not a good idea
03:16.25art3misthat was my main goal thunder
03:27.44Thunder_Child~slap art3mis
03:27.45purlACTION slaps art3mis, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
03:40.36tardmrrw/nick Tem
03:45.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=njbcc@
03:45.28Cairenn|afkrofl! a pair of your underwear?!?!
03:48.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=chatzill@
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03:49.46KirovNext time on "Comments with No Context"...
03:50.27art3misyeah but as the go that a pretty good one
03:50.33clad|awayCairenn|afk: Again, with the stalking me.
03:50.44clad|awayi lourve it
03:50.49art3misit calls to mind all sorts of "odd" questions that could have lead to that answer
03:50.51Cairenn|afklol, YOU'RE the one that posted it!
03:52.08clad|awayyou're the one who stole my underwear last time I was over
03:52.12clad|awayif we're throwing accusations out
03:52.38art3misthats what you get for owning hello kitty boxers clad ;P
03:52.52art3misyou can't tell me you didnt fully expect it
03:53.10WobinThey're irresistible =)
03:53.16clad|awaytrue story!
04:01.12KirovI'm torn between curiosity and horror
04:04.09art3miscurious because cairenn is involved and horror because clad is?
04:04.57Kirovwell, more the horror of clad in hello kitty boxers
04:05.04clad|awayyou loves it
04:06.50Garoun|Loupanathat's painful :(
04:07.02Garoun|LoupanaMoonrunner just crashed and reset :(
04:07.18Garoun|Loupanataking all of our Illhoof attempts for the night with it
04:07.59clad|awayillhoof is a punk
04:08.03clad|awaywe just dps him away :P
04:08.16Garoun|Loupanayeah, we've killed him, it's just been one of 'those' nights
04:15.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
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04:18.59Thunder_Childwe did illhoof in 4:33 about an hour ago
04:36.23*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:48.47purlACTION blorbs
05:11.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|xchat (
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05:32.13Cairenn|afknight guys
05:37.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
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11:01.08zenzelezzHoofit never fails to deliver:
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13:06.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
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13:57.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
14:00.17zenzelezzbah, there's something messy about either Pidgin or the link between me and some person in Australia... messages keep dropping silently
14:00.35zenzelezzI'd like to blame MSN, but I'm not savvy enough to know if they're at fault
14:26.20*** join/#wowi-lounge gaurong_ (
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14:58.44*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
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15:06.30art3miszen: nah thats a pidgin flaw, happens whenn i talk to my wife when shes at work through gmail as well
15:10.32|Jelly|Will Prat keep you from getting AFK spam? (talking to someone while their AFK tag is up)
15:17.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
15:17.45Shirikmorning all
15:18.17art3misi think its got a no spam mod yeah
15:18.19JoshBorkemorning shirik
15:18.21JoshBorkegrats on 70 :-)
15:18.26Shirikhehe thanks
15:18.41art3miswow you're old ;P
15:19.16art3misgrats on 70 on irc == happy birthday!
15:21.33dnmcgoyThis is a repost from wow ace, so I apologize if this is annoying, but I'm currently trying to secureactionbuttons working and I'm seeing behavior I dont' know how to track down. Here's the pasted code (its pretty short)
15:21.58dnmcgoyBasically two things are occuring I don't know how to fix.  1) the spell is attached and if I click on it, it is cast, but its picture isn't shown (it just shows an empty action button) and secondly, when I press the button, it becomes highlighted, but doesn't unhighlight like a normal action button does
15:22.44zenzelezzI don't think it automatically sets the icon when you set the spell; but I could be wrong
15:22.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
15:23.14zenzelezzand the second is something about whether it's an instant action or not I think, but again I may be wrong. Sounds like "Next melee" anyway
15:23.45dnmcgoy"next melee" is that a setattribute?
15:23.56JoshBorkemorning Cairenn
15:24.00Cairennhi hi :)
15:24.01JoshBorkednmcgoy: no, it's a function of the spell
15:24.11JoshBorkednmcgoy: like Heroic Strike is on next melee
15:24.11Shirikhow do you do one of those advanced /who s?
15:24.18Shiriklike with name and level
15:25.01dnmcgoyit doesn't matter what spell its on though.. the highlighting remains
15:25.16dnmcgoyuntil I click it again
15:25.18*** join/#wowi-lounge gaurong_ (
15:25.33leethalShirik: /who 28 name
15:25.43leethalShirik: or /who 42 Thousan Needles
15:25.49leethalit does a pretty good job parsing it for ya =)
15:26.14dnmcgoyfor instance, I put "Seal of the Crusader" into the action button in question, click the button, highlight changes
15:26.24dnmcgoySeal of Crusader also goes off
15:27.04dnmcgoyput judgement in and it of course says that I'm not attacking anything, highlight changes though
15:29.08|Jelly| <-- what the hell is that?
15:29.45JoshBorkelooks like a website to me
15:30.12|Jelly|No really. I'm amazed.
15:30.32JoshBorkeperhaps you're referring to something specific?
15:31.03|Jelly|Yeah. How it's pretty freaking ugly as opposed to last time I went there.
15:31.11|Jelly|...which wasn't exactly great in the first place.
15:31.23IndustrialI like it
15:31.24JoshBorkei kinda like the new layout
15:31.28IndustrialI like it better
15:31.41|Jelly|Wow. subjective opinion much?
15:32.39IndustrialTHe looks are great, but I'm a minimalist myself. I like to see as little information that doesnt apply to what I'm doing directly at that time
15:32.54ShirikI think it's ok
15:32.54Industrial(in other words its packed full of bars and dialogs and windows and stuff)
15:33.10Shirikbut not great, and imho worse than it was
15:33.16Shirikbut w/e, I didn't like the site to begin with
15:33.21|Jelly|They didn't really change that...all the BS is still on the right side of the page and the nav is on the top as opposed to the left.
15:33.29|Jelly|They didn't fix clutter...just rearranged it. lol
15:34.05Industrial <-- Top Contributors totally unneeded
15:34.37Industrialand the big gap because of te wow logo topleft under the curse bar
15:36.55krka_hm, cant we do global savedvariables anymore?
15:37.01krka_seems like it's only per account now
15:39.18Shirikit's per account
15:42.15|Jelly| <-- no thanks
15:43.41mikmawell i said some days ago that only usable site now is WoWI
15:44.21Cairennyou guys know we'll be changing our look at some point too, right?
15:44.38Cairennlayout will be:
15:44.58Cairenn(just graphics differences between that and WoWI)
15:45.30Cairenn(aka, same basic layout as now, just slightly updated)
15:46.42zenzelezzbleh, why so many visible borders?
15:47.18Cairennactually less graphic-intensive than what we've got now
15:47.25mikmaCairenn: that's not bad, compared to where curse has went
15:47.35zenzelezzgraphic-intensive how?
15:48.08Cairennthe current site (full edition, not lite mode) has a lot of graphics
15:48.32JoshBorkethere are graphics all around the borders
15:48.33zenzelezzI don't generally care if a site has 50 or 0 pictures as long as the end look is nice
15:48.43zenzelezzI prefer websites to look clean and flat
15:48.48JoshBorkeyea, but graphics increase bandwidth load
15:48.55JoshBorkei like the potential new look
15:49.16JoshBorkei do like the slight graphic between the top tabs in the current one though
15:49.17JoshBorkei'll miss that
15:49.45JoshBorkebut it'll be better to have everything on one line i think
15:49.51Cairennwe were trying to come up with a compromise between the full out edition and the light mode - for folks that the full edition lags them to hell and gone
15:50.26zenzelezzmy favorite layouts are something like
16:05.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
16:12.16IndustrialAnyone here play lotro?
16:13.04IndustrialHow does it compare to wow? I know ill like the 3d graphics alot better (style and all), but is it as fluid as wow?
16:13.08Industriallike, camera movement and such
16:13.27|Jelly|It plays (IMO) a lot like EQ2, if you ever played that.
16:13.47zenzelezzI never liked EQ2's camera/animation "feel"
16:13.50IndustrialAO, DaoC, WoW
16:14.01IndustrialI love that of wow, at least if you turn auto follow off
16:14.14[dRaCo]lotro sucks, if you ask me. interface looks like the default wow one, but worse. run animations totally suck.
16:14.53[dRaCo]oh yeah... even more Lolgolas guys than on the average wow server.
16:15.05zenzelezzthat can't be possible
16:15.09[dRaCo]it is.
16:15.34IndustrialThe thing is, I'm not playing wow anymore now and I can get a copy of lotro for 20 euros.
16:15.35zenzelezzLotR-based names
16:15.39Industriallegolas, duh :P
16:15.44Shirikwell that's to be expected, no?
16:15.52zenzelezzyou stopped playing WoW Industrial?
16:15.56[dRaCo]it is, but I hate it.
16:15.57Industrialare the servers separated into an eu and US version?
16:16.01Cairennand if you see one, you are supposed to report it, the GMs will change it
16:16.02Industrialzenzelezz: about a month ago
16:16.07zenzelezzhow come?
16:16.14Industrialheh -_-''
16:16.18zenzelezzthought you were working on that interface thing
16:16.25IndustrialMyaccount got banned.
16:16.27IndustrialOh I still am
16:16.35zenzelezzbanned for what reason?
16:17.37[dRaCo]Cairenn: I do that, but that's WoW...
16:18.12Cairennsame on LotRO, they're even more strict about upholding their naming policy than WoW
16:18.41Cairennbut honestly, meh, different strokes for different folks - some like one game, some like another
16:18.47TemAnyone else trying to stomach the WSVG for the wow portion?
16:19.25IndustrialAnyway, Cairenn, are the servers separated into EU/US ? I really wanna play with people I know from the community. THats a big minus with wow.
16:19.25zenzelezzfrom what I see on my server, WoW can't claim to be strict about naming policy by a long shot
16:19.37CairennI don't recall
16:19.44Industrialzenzelezz: it depends on PVP/normal/RP too
16:19.47IndustrialCairenn: ok
16:20.07ShirikThey're pretty strict on RP
16:20.17Temzenzelezz, to my knowledge, they don't police it at all on anything but RP servers
16:20.33Shirikwell they never "police" it
16:20.35Temyou have to report someone for them to notice on PVP and PVE realms
16:20.42|Jelly|I was suspended on a RP server. 8P
16:20.42Shirikiirc they don't do that on RP either
16:21.08TemIt's possible people on RP realms are just more anal about it and report a lot more often
16:21.39zenzelezzShirik: I've always been curious, how is PvE (instances/raids) on RP realms?
16:21.47Industrialrp servers always reminds me of the The Noob comic
16:21.57ShirikI'm not on an RP server, though I should be
16:22.06Shirikjust I don't know anyone that is really into that stuff
16:22.11zenzelezzhm, I must confuse you with someone
16:22.11ShirikI am, but nobody I know, minus a few
16:22.43CairennIndustrial: if you are interested, I can get you a trial account
16:23.50Cairennditto anyone else in here that wants to try it
16:24.08ShirikI've been in since beta :P
16:24.14ShirikWorking for AD has its benefits ^^
16:24.33ShirikI wasn't particularly fond of it though, nor have I ever been into lotro in general
16:24.58zenzelezzI'm still happy in WoW, but I wish there was *some* other interesting MMO in the works somewhere; nothing yet has caught my eye
16:25.00Shirikhas it changed much since beta?
16:25.18Cairennwhich beta Shirik?
16:25.29CairennI've been in since alpha, so I've got everything muddled up at this point
16:25.33Shirikuh... beats me
16:25.43Shirikthey just came to me one day and said "here's your account check it out"
16:26.17Shirikmaybe I'll hop in again sometime, I should still be able to get a trial
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16:27.42zenzelezzI'd love a reworked Anarchy Online... with better game mechanics and such than the original, but starting where the original did :-o
16:29.27Cairennas I said, I can get a number of keys if people want them
16:29.38Temlol... hearing them explain an mmo...
16:30.20Tem"Warriors are sometimes called tanks..."
16:30.20Temoh man
16:30.46Tem"A rogue is capable of what we call 'burst damage.'"
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16:34.01Industrialzenzelezz: yes :) less golfcourt
16:35.06Industrialand im not sure if 99 skills in wich any class can put points is where MMO is going/should be going. It may be nice for diversity in builds for expert players but its condusinf as hell to learn and especially NOT to mess up when you are new
16:35.59zenzelezzif they didn't have limited reset points I wouldn't mind it at all; I somewhat like the skill system
16:36.04zenzelezznumber crunching was fun
16:37.00IndustrialI also like the twinking system very much
16:37.15Industrialif you have the skills you can put on an item and keep it on
16:37.28Industrialeven if the skills bonuses wear off
16:37.33zenzelezzyeah :)
16:38.26zenzelezzI also really like the original story a lot; but they did some peculiar twists and turns with it... (Shadowlands was nice, but not exactly what I expected in a sci-fi MMO)
16:38.36TemYou CC in 3v3 and they call it a "POWER PLAY"
16:38.38Industrialand, ofcource, the tradeskilling sytem - but I never did much with that myself. Only played AO briefly ;)
16:38.47IndustrialTem: power play?
16:39.05Temit's a cheesy hockey term
16:39.36Industrialjust say "I POWERPLAYD URMUM" or something :\
16:44.17Tem"Why did it go so well?"
16:44.24Tem"We just outplayed everyone else"
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16:59.52sysragehow is a hockey term cheesy?
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17:32.52CorrodiasTem: i was just reading off a list of buffs i had in a screenshot
17:33.37Corrodiasactually, it was two screenshots and i was assuming all the AP bonuses were stacking; if bloodlust doesn't increase it, i might have miscalculated, because the numbers made it look like it did
17:35.05Corrodiasdo one of you have a character on the PTR? i'd like to know if the horizontal resolution issue in windowed mode has been fixed. that's the only issue i'm really interested in.
17:37.24ShirikHey |Jelly|: If I tend to be the first to die
17:37.29Shirikdoes that mean I'm doing something wrong or someone else?
17:38.04zenzelezzit depends why you're dying
17:38.19Shirikbecause they want me dead?
17:42.21Corrodiasin an arena? the first to die is just a strategical choice, not necessarily the fault of the person dying
17:42.33Shirikno in an instance
17:42.34Corrodiaswell, tactical choice
17:43.03Corrodiasokay, in that case, it's probably you, but you have to be familiar with everyone else's job to know if they're messing up in a less than obvious way
17:44.19ShirikI'm not paying enough attention to everyone else, I'm just trying to keep them alive
17:47.56zenzelezzbasically if the mobs are not on the tank, they should be on the DPS
17:48.02zenzelezzotherwise both your tank and DPS suck
17:48.14zenzelezzideally they should all be on the tank (or CCed)
17:50.29Shirikjust somehow always ends up if anything goes wrong it's on me
17:50.30Legorolwhat class do you play?
17:50.30zenzelezzhealers generate threat on all targets, so that tends to happen if things go wrong
17:50.30zenzelezzbut the mobs should still go for others if they're doing their job
17:50.30Legorolit depends on what exactly went wrong,
17:50.30Legorolmost of the time what goes wrong is untanked or unCCd mob
17:50.30Legorolthose will almost always go for the healer
17:50.30Legorolit's pretty simple explanation really, and of course once the healer is down, all hell breaks loose
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17:51.03Legorolthe problem is that if any one of the non-healers messes up (bad tank, bad CC), the consequence is almost always healer death
17:51.48zenzelezzsome DPS have a tendency to break CCed mobs (Multi-shot, Sweeping Strikes, Blade Flurry, I'm looking at you) and get healers killed if the CCer and tank aren't paying enough attention
17:51.50Legorolin a 5-man that may mean 4 possible ways for things to go wrong, all of which kill you ;-)
17:52.01Shirikthat sucks
17:52.10zenzelezzit's the life of a healer
17:52.31Legorolhealing is such a powerful game mechanic, that i think it's appropriate for it to be the person in the most precarious position
17:52.45Shirik~dict precarious
17:53.06zenzelezzneeds moar synonyms
17:53.25Legorolthat doesn't mean there aren't things the healer can do about it
17:53.34Legorolfor example, fade before you even get aggro (if you are a priest)
17:53.42Legorolrun towards the tank (or stand still) if you get aggro, and not away
17:53.44Legorolthat sort of things
17:53.54Legorolmany healers are bad at that and panic when they get aggro
17:54.01zenzelezzthat's not just healers
17:54.10Legorolyah but it's most dangerous if a healer does that
17:54.11zenzelezzI've seens like 1/10 people run the right way with aggro
17:54.16zenzelezzand most of those are tanks on alts
17:54.17Legorolnot to mention the healers that don't heal themselves
17:54.22Legorolvery heroic, but very stupid :D
17:54.41Legorolzenzelezz: too true
17:54.53Legorolunfortunately, it's a natural instinct to try and move away from something that's hurting you
17:55.11Legorolalso people will move, run, jump etc. even though it doesn't reduce damage taken in the slightest if the mob is already in melee range
17:55.26Legorolnevertheless, it's a very basic instinct that is very hard to overcome
17:55.35Legorolit just goes to show how immersive the game is, imo
17:55.42zenzelezzand if they turn too far around to run they get hit in the back and dazed
17:55.46ShirikI don't panic when I get aggro
17:55.49Shirikgotten used to it by now ><
17:56.02zenzelezzdidn't you use to play a Feign Death?
17:59.11Legoroli'd give an arm if hunters used FD pre-emptively *sigh*
17:59.47zenzelezzit's no problem, it's not like it can be resisted!
17:59.48ShirikI do >.>
17:59.55zenzelezzat least that's how they act
18:00.13ShirikI have a personal RDX module I coded but never released
18:00.19Shirikit checks all of my hunters' FD cooldowns
18:00.25Shirikand if it's not on cooldown, I hurt them
18:00.34Legoroli'm not in favour of such micro-management
18:00.41Legoroli'd prefer my players to be smart and act on their own
18:00.42Shiriksometimes they need it
18:00.48Legoroli'm not playing an RTS, so i don't want to control 5 units
18:00.59ShirikI would love for some people to be smart. Unfortunately, some people just can't get things through their skull
18:01.01Legorolif they need it, they have scope to learn ;-)
18:01.15Legoroleveryone can, it's jsut a simple matter of voltage
18:01.31Legorolthat was a paraphrase, and if anyone guesses the film that's from, they get a cookie
18:03.25Shiriksounds like something that would come from back to the future
18:03.36ShirikI find that amusing though, voltage
18:07.18Legorolback to the future rocks so much
18:07.32Legorol1.4 Gigawatts. 1.4 Gigawatts!!
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18:12.21Shirikwas that where it's from?
18:25.07Kirkburn|afkCairenn, I'm a possible for the dinner on the saturday - assuming Wikia is okay with it :)
18:27.05Cairennas I was saying to Kaydeethree, why don't you guys just join us, not like there isn't already a major cross-over :p
18:30.50zenzelezzthey just can't handle the Cairenn
18:41.01Kirkburn|afkIt would certainly make sense
18:41.50Kirkburn|afkAh, Kaydeethree has sent an email about it
18:41.54zenzelezzyes, she's quite intimidating
18:42.31Cairenn:( I'm cuddly!
18:42.58zenzelezzthey're not mutually exclusive
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20:09.24Shirik"You may use your server IP or domain name as the host address the port we use for SSH is 1291."
20:09.41zenzelezz22 is too obvious
20:09.57zenzelezzall the 1337 h4x0rs would break in in not time!
20:10.14ShirikI realize that 22 is obvious, but obfuscation is never the way to secure something
20:10.22zenzelezzI'm joking :-)
20:10.32Shirikwell no, I honestly think that's their reasoning
20:12.44Kasoi guess its just that obfuscating doesnt hurt, and it might help keep at least some unwanted traffic away, so why not?
20:13.43Shirikdestandardizing ports is only going to cause havoc in the long run
20:13.52Shirikwhat if everybody's web server started running on different ports
20:15.11KasoYou want public to be able to access your website easily so tahts why you use default port, sometimes people use non-standard ports for non-public websites in the same manner
20:15.35KasoI dont claim it to be a universalisable thing, but its hardly a crime against the gods of computing
20:16.30ShirikThe gods shalt rain fire upon thy ports and inject lag into your internetz!
20:22.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
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20:22.52Shirikwb Cide
20:23.18zenzelezzfifth night on Morogrim or something, and they still insist on the strategy of *one* paladin tanking murlocs, despite it being obvious by now it's entirely luck based
20:23.55zenzelezznone of the videos I saw did him anywhere close to how we've tried
20:25.25AnduinLotharwe tried him a couple times, how it it sposed to be done?
20:26.13zenzelezzwe haven't taken him yet so I can't really say, but most videos I saw tanked him between the two pillars and didn't really tank murlocs at all
20:26.18zenzelezzjust frost trap/AoE
20:27.40AnduinLothardo you have a prot pally?
20:27.49zenzelezzthis time, yes
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20:29.08zenzelezzhe can tank better, but it doesn't help when he gets tombed
20:29.18zenzelezzthe alternative was to have him tank out of range, but that's not working well either
20:29.34AnduinLotharright, it's luck like prince, pretty sure
20:29.42zenzelezzat least with the tank tactic
20:29.57zenzelezzif you just go with AoE + slowing CC you should always have someone not tombed
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21:02.51Cide-zenzelezz: we use 2-3 paladins
21:03.09Cide-warriors pick up murlocs from one side and pull them to the paladins, the paladins pick up the murlocs from the other side
21:03.32Cide-as soon as one side of murlocs get in range, warlocks start spamming seed of corruption
21:03.52Cide-when they are together, one mage frost novas and then mage aoe goes all out (warlocks keeps SoC-ing until they're all dead).. use another frost nova if necessary
21:04.03Cide-works pretty well
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21:05.58zenzelezzwe don't seem to have the discipline
21:06.07zenzelezzI'm surprised we even got Hydross with some of these people
21:07.05zenzelezzbut also, where do you keep Moro?
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21:21.20Cide-to the north, by that hallway to fathom-lord
21:33.34Cairenn|afkKaelten: did you ever confirm the sat night dinner and disney?
21:33.44Kaeltenoh, no :s
21:33.51Kaeltensat night dinner is a yes.
21:34.02Kaeltendisney is a not likeyly but maybe
21:34.33Cairenn|afkwell, that's "less important" since we don't need to make reservations for it
21:34.38Kirovare the wow forums broken for other people?
21:36.11KirovThe ui forum doesn't appear to have changed for two days
21:36.39zenzelezzyou had sorted by something other than date?
21:37.18Kirov.... no! ... yes
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22:11.00sysrageis there a CTRA slash command to check everybodies version? i use oRA2 so i can't find it but a guildmate needs it
22:12.05mikmatell him /radisband (or something) lol
22:22.25Shirikhm, so I never thought I'd need this in Lua
22:22.37Shirikbut I just implemented semaphores for RDX >.>
22:23.48ShirikThe rewrite has a radical change to the way it handles events. But some modules need information on these events at points after they occur. So, to ensure that the data isn't freed, each module can acquire a lock on the event
22:24.06ShirikThe data is guaranteed not to be freed until after all locks are released
22:24.47ShirikThis way I can reuse tables safely
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22:32.29Shirikeh, I guess it's more of a... reverse semaphore?
22:32.52KasoIve never come accross it in a programming sense before
22:33.31ShirikWell for most, the only use of semaphores is a mutex, since that's about all anyone needs
22:33.42KasoOh shit! ERROR ERROR!
22:35.08Shirikholy crap 11MB
22:35.13Shirikyou suck KAso
22:35.21Kaso11KB ?
22:35.23Shirikoh, KB
22:35.30ShirikI read it wrong
22:35.57Kasothat little charater seems so emotive
22:36.07Kasoyou can tell that something bad's happened
22:36.09Shirikkaso what is that >.>
22:36.24Kasothats the semaphore sign for "error"
22:36.25Shirikoh that's that ship flag thing ...
22:36.25Shiriknot that >.>
22:36.39ShirikYou know what a mutex is right?
22:36.54KasoFlags are so much cooler than programming man!
22:37.20KasoNope, i havent come accross those yet either
22:37.28Kasostill first year of my comp sci degree
22:37.55ShirikOkay, basically a semaphore keeps track of something that can be used by multiple threads (or in this case, modules)
22:38.31ShirikEach time a thread (or module) requests a "lock" on that object, the semaphore is decremented by one. If it's already at zero, the lock is denied.
22:38.54ShirikWhen someone releases the lock, it's incremented, allowing more concurrent accesses.
22:39.16ShirikA mutex is a special case where only one thread may access the object at the same time. (Thus it's intiialized to 1)
22:39.51Kasothat seems fairly common sense
22:39.53ShirikMy implementation, though, counts up, because I need to do something when it reaches zero, not when it's NOT zero.
22:40.00ShirikIt's a very simple system :)
22:40.11ShirikBut it's vital for safe concurrent operations
22:40.51zenzelezzsemaphore, mutex, critical section => MINE! ALL MINE! memory
22:41.51ShirikRight, my terminology was bad which I realized after I said it, but it's essentially the same theory in reverse. I don't want to limit access, I just want to track it until it's no longer needed
22:43.50zenzelezzreference count then
22:44.17zenzelezzthat's about the only thing I ever understood about MS's COM thing
22:44.37ShirikI never really got into COM, though I still think I should
22:45.17WraangerShirik ...a question .... is there any progress with Kara boss mod for RDX.CiD ? +)
22:45.55Shirikyeah actually, without thinking I know
22:46.00Shirikmy version is different than that on the SVN
22:46.09Shirikwhat are you looking for in particular
22:46.56Wraangeryou said like 2-3 days ago that Kara modult is still a bit ...betaish ))) for instance, Illhoof module by your words was not working ')
22:47.04Shirikah yeah
22:47.19Shirikno I really haven't done much work on it for the very reason that any current bossmods will be obsolete in the new version of RDX
22:47.32ShirikI can give you the current version which is mostly working and offer you the places to change
22:47.47zenzelezzwhat about a Maraudon module? That place can be raided too :-o
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22:49.30Wraangerwould be good
22:50.49Wraangerand regarding "will be obsolete in new version of RDX" ..... any ETA on it ? ;)))
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22:52.22art3miswhere's syl or kael
22:52.51zenzelezzKael is probably hiding in The Eye somewhere
22:52.53art3mishows rdx.cid coming along shirk
22:53.07art3misineed them to change how thier stupidupdater works ;)
22:53.22art3misi hatetagging a bunch of shit using the word search and losing all those tagged items
22:53.45art3misand whats that shammy tool?
22:53.51art3misor is there another
22:54.25Shirikart3mis: It will be completely rewritten, which may imply a name change (Cidan and I discussed that earlier)
22:54.35ShirikWraanger: It's far too early for an ETA, really
22:54.38Shiriksorry :(
22:54.54art3miswill be or is in the process of?
22:55.03zenzelezzShirik: RDX.Shi?
22:55.06ShirikIn the process of
22:55.12Wraangersame question as art3mis ;)
22:55.17Shiriklol no
22:55.17ShirikI mean, no longer RDX
22:56.22ShirikThere are a lot of reasons for the rework, but the nicest thing about it will be its focus on performance. We strived for performance earlier but there were some key flaws at RDX's very root
22:56.24KirovWill RDX be optimized for 14.4?
22:56.38ShirikI'll probably be off 14.4 by the time it's done, thank god
22:57.00KirovDoes that mean the rat counter will be out then too?
22:57.10KirovYou could probably build it in to the next version.  ;)
22:58.09ShirikI don't know what's going on with the rat counter. It works but has no GUI
22:58.16art3misSuper Uber Cid and shiriK Integrated Team Virtual Endgame 'N party Interface
22:58.19art3miscall it that
22:58.44art3miscomplete with bolding ;)
23:00.41art3misso has anyone made ashammy totem bar that basically accomplilshed the same as the stance bar and auto adds to it for casting as you get new totems?
23:00.46Shirikinteresting name
23:00.50art3miswould that be yata?
23:01.04art3misheh im not a fan of veni since he went pay
23:01.16art3misfor some reason that pisses me off an immence amount
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23:13.55Shirikart3mis: You're not the only one like that
23:14.07Shirikp.s. I love reading Cidan's comments. Wraanger just helped me find this gem: <!-- Looking for windows? Don't. Windows are dynamic now. -->
23:14.21ShirikYou could have told me where to look so I don't have to call you!!
23:15.49art3misyou should read through some of vharr/rabbits addons
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23:15.55art3mishis comments are hilarious
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23:46.42Mike-N-GoWhere would one find what kind of sholder enchants there are?
23:47.11Mike-N-GoAre they all called Inscriptions?
23:55.58Shirikcan someone explain to me how you "sell" an arena team?
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