IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070728

00:02.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
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00:24.55Corrodiasleinenkugel's berry weiss -- woot!
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00:53.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
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01:01.59*** join/#wowi-lounge spathi (
01:25.48*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|book (
01:27.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
01:29.26IndustrialKaydeethree wins
01:29.35Kaydeethree^my dinner
01:29.53IndustrialWhen's the last time you had some taco Kaydeethree?
01:30.28Kaydeethree15 seconds and about a week ago, depending on variety
01:30.30Tem... what kind of taco?
01:30.42Shiriktaco bell taco obviously
01:30.44Industrialnoo you're supposed to say "That's what she said!"
01:30.54ShirikI'm not like you guys ><
01:31.00Kaydeethreeick. haven't eaten from taco bell in... hell, it's probably been 5 years now
01:31.18TemTaco bell used to be the only 24h food around here
01:31.29Shirikit still is where I live
01:31.40Temso it was an acceptable choice between the hours of 3 am and 5 am
01:31.42Shirikactually I think even taco bell isn't 24h
01:31.43Tembut it's not anymore
01:31.59Shirikonly krispy krem
01:32.01IndustrialTheres a BK MC and KFC near here but i'd have to get on the cycle so I'm too lazy.
01:32.03Shirikand there's only so many donuts you can have
01:32.24Industrial(BK wins, tho imho)
01:32.49Shirikthey do
01:32.55Shirikthe fries, especially
01:33.11Industrialcurly fries :P~~~
01:33.21Kaydeethreearby's fries <3
01:34.07Shirikno arby's anywhere near me
01:34.07Industrialalso, McDonalds is only good for 2 things; curry sauce and sundae ice.
01:42.31*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
01:47.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
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01:50.38Shirik#1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
01:50.44Shiriknow there's something you never want to see phpMyAdmin say...
01:50.48ShirikI'm going to shoot one of our admins
01:51.23Cidespecify a password? :P
01:51.35Shirikno, I don't want to EVER log in as root...
01:51.40Shirikwith or without a password
01:51.49Cideoh! good point
01:52.11Shirikbut the fact that he was trying to do it without a password makes me want to slap him more
01:53.20cog|booknum += 1 - (num % 2);         or            if (num % 2 == 1) num++;               ?
01:53.51cog|book<3 C's obfuscatability
01:54.13Shirikhey, I love making statements like that
01:54.17Shirikespecially in if statements
01:54.30Shirikif (foo[bar++] = GetNext())
01:54.32Shirikfun times
01:55.20cog|bookI'm going through my C++ textbook from years ago to refresh my skillz
01:55.28ShirikI love C++
01:55.32ShirikEven if others hate it
01:55.39cog|bookthe exercises anyway... don't really need to read much thankfully :)
01:55.44Shirikit's where I picked up the majority of my coding knowledge
01:55.59cog|bookit didn't ALL disappear over my recent 3 years of VBA /barf
01:56.00Shirikbtw cog|book
01:56.03ShirikC++ doesn't have an "or" operator
01:56.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
01:56.12Shirikoh, those were two separate statement
01:56.14Shiriknm ><
01:56.21cog|bookyeah XD
01:56.44cog|bookI suppose i should've done:
01:56.58cog|book|num += 1 - (num % 2);|         or            |if (num % 2 == 1) num++;|               ?
01:57.10Shirikoh oh
01:57.58Wobinwhatcha tryin to do?
01:58.21Shirikwhile(foo[bar++] = (*++thisStream)->GetLine())
01:58.22ShirikI did that once
01:58.29cog|bookWobin: nothing really... just fooling around with different ways to write the same logic
01:58.30Shirikoh wait no, it was
01:58.54cog|bookShirik: that's how I USED to write C/C++ :P
01:58.55Shirikwhile(foo[bar++] = (*++thisStream?*thisStream:std::cout)->GetLine())
01:58.55Shirikthat's right
01:59.02ShirikI did that one time
01:59.12Shirikbut, I only did it to prove I could :P
01:59.21ShirikKinda like that one line in RDX that is commented out and written fully later
01:59.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Keshicus (
02:00.05Shirikhere check out this line from RDX
02:00.20cog|bookWobin:  (my old e-mail signature)
02:00.32Shirik-- Thought after all that you could use a laugh, so here you go.... The above block could be one statement... here's what
02:00.32Shirik-- I thought about writing: (tested, it works too :P )
02:00.33Shirik-- _MakeCB(w, "Druid", "DRUID", _MakeCB(w, "Hunter", "HUNTER", _MakeCB(w, "Warlock", "WARLOCK", _MakeCB(w, "Paladin", "PALADIN", _MakeCB(w, "Shaman", "SHAMAN", _MakeCB(w, "Rogue", "ROGUE", _MakeCB(w, "Mage", "MAGE", _MakeCB(w, "Priest", "PRIEST", last_cb))))))));
02:00.38cog|book(would be my current one but gmail doesn't allow formatting in signatures :( )
02:00.52Shirik(But it wrote it more sanely above those comments ^^)
02:01.13Mr_Rabies2i want someone to use the petnames for classes in their code sometime
02:01.25cog|bookI was thinking of lolcats stuff
02:01.29ShirikWobin you like that statement?
02:01.40cog|bookShirik: i think you made him pass out
02:02.21Mr_Rabies2drood, pally, shammy, rouge, huntard, HEELZ, war, lock, waterfountain
02:03.19Shirikbut look it's only a comment!
02:03.25ShirikIt's just something I added later
02:03.57Shirikit still looks a bit strange though because it's like this:
02:04.00Shiriklast_cb = _MakeCB(w, "Priest", "PRIEST", last_cb);
02:04.00Shiriklast_cb = _MakeCB(w, "Mage", "MAGE", last_cb);
02:04.01Shiriklast_cb = _MakeCB(w, "Rogue", "ROGUE", last_cb);
02:04.12ShirikIt's kinda a hack to quickly make a lot of similar boxes
02:04.16cog|booktable + for loop imo
02:04.21WobinIs that a whole recursive function to link casterbars or something?
02:04.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
02:05.29Shirikthis is that function:
02:05.40cog|book<3 tables + for loops
02:07.36Shirikit just makes a bunch of checkboxes
02:07.44CideI prefer for value in ipairs({ 1, 2, 3 })
02:07.46Shirikbecause I was sick of typing the same lines over and over again
02:08.16cog|bookShirik: that's exactly when you know you need a loop :P
02:08.40Shirikfunction was easier at the time
02:08.57cog|bookbut you still ended up writing a bunch of the same lines ;)
02:09.00Shirikpreferably an inline function but Lua doesn't have that
02:09.08Shirikbut I wrote that a while ago :P
02:10.11Shirikwhich brings me to my next point (random advertisement)
02:10.21Shirikgrr... phone brb
02:10.29cog|bookthat was an odd point
02:11.19WobinRandom advertisement?
02:11.25Wobin"Eat At Joes"
02:13.58Mr_Rabies2i'd love to see the day that "-- BUY GOLD @PEASENTS2HELP.NET" shows up
02:21.36Shirikback to that random advertisement
02:22.45ShirikIf we want to completely rewrite RDX, we're probably going to need some help. If anyone's interested feel free to hit me with a PM at or email me if you know my address :)
02:22.58ckknightShirik: do it in Ace3
02:23.01Shirikthis is a rewrite from scratch, with all the same features and more -- not for the feint of heart ^^
02:27.05Shirikalso -- BUY GOLD @ PEASENTS@HELP.NET
02:27.24Shirikoh well
02:28.33Industrialcog|book: 'tcha writin?
02:28.42Industrialheh, or readinge >_>
02:28.55cog|bookthe former :)
02:29.28clad|awayIndustrial: he's writing the book with me, heh
02:29.45ShirikHacking LotRO
02:29.53clad|awayword to that
02:36.38*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|Potr (i=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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02:38.15Shirik"chocolate dipped altoids"
02:38.40ShirikLike I didn't need another reason to be addicted to them
03:04.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
03:14.44Industrial>>> a={b=self} print(b)
03:14.45CideIndustrial: nil
03:15.31ShirikI think you're nuts
03:16.54bleeterShirik: lolcode RDX rewrite, don't Ace3
03:17.27Shiriktbh I even want to drop VFL but I don't think that will go over well
03:25.55IndustrialShirik: ^
03:26.02Industrialits from pil, I changed it around a bit
03:26.15IndustrialI guess the second is pretty wasteful
03:26.55Industrialoh forgot to return the class
03:32.28Industrialone line less yay
03:34.21Industrialhmm, maybe i can
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03:35.22Shirikguardianhq? Which fails anyway btw but it has a fallback for anyone without JS
03:35.47bleeterthe page the fallback went to 404'd on me :P
03:36.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
03:36.41ShirikWhere did it send you?
03:37.11bleeterclicked on the WoW link on the home page, sent me to
03:37.43ShirikThat's because I fail at typing
03:37.47Shirikit should go to wow_index.php
03:38.10bleeteryou don't fail at typing, your underlings fail at testing ;)
03:38.12Shirikbut that might not be very fun either. It has a flash movie there. Pretty cool, but without JS I dunno what happens
03:38.21ShirikWe're gonna completely recode the site anyway
03:44.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
03:45.21Shirikbleeter: Did you happen to go to that video?
03:47.30Shirikanyway, I'm gonna head out guys. Take care
03:47.44bleeterShirik: ah, sorry, attention was elsewhere.. nah, I didn't
03:47.46bleetersafe travels
03:47.49Shirikno worries :)
03:49.35*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
04:18.56Guillotinerandom question I could probably figure out by trying, but don't want to take the time :P (no documentation I've found) Is it possible to turn the global namespace into a metatable?
04:19.19Guillotinethe documentation of setfenv I've found is not the best to say the least
04:23.21CairennGuillotine: got your PM
04:23.32GuillotineCairenn: alright :)
04:23.34GnarfozI heard (donn if recall that right, I was just away for two weeks now), that the secure function concept got circumvented that way?
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04:24.01GuillotineGnarfoz: not quite
04:24.12Guillotineit had to do with metatables, but not changing the global namespace into one
04:24.58Gnarfozalso I wanted to write "dunno", but that's just a sign that my idea of going to bed is probably a good one, so, bbl
04:28.44bleeterHere's a little ponder I had for the next XP. Emerald Dream. The Alliance FP's at Forest Song, when there's a perfectly safe reachable FP in Azshara, really makes little sense.
04:29.30bleeterthen again, someone may have just got over-zealous with FP's
04:32.35Gnarfozthey added it when they put more quests and NPCs there, don't think it's for the next xp (or rather, the one after that? I know model design might not be entirely linear, but the stuff already in seems to point to Northrend first?)
04:37.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
05:06.44bleeterGnarfoz: more like 'moved Shrine of Aessina NPCs to over there, added in World Warsong content'. My point still stands, a FP around 100 yards away from the Azshara one is quite nutty ;)
05:08.51Gnarfozthe new quests are mostly given by draenei NPCs who surely weren't anywhere at all before.
05:09.25bleeterShrine of Aessina's been gutted, the Draenei would seem to have the new Warsong Lumber Camp content quests.
05:09.54bleeterI don't know if the Aessina NPCs have moved over there, or just vanished. But there's far fewer NPC's at Aessina than before.
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05:10.31bleetermy point was more with regards to the FP's being about 100yards apart
05:12.57GnarfozI dunno, but then the Azshara FP would have been sufficiently close to be a "get close to the ED gateway" FP, just as well, wouldn't it?
05:14.06Gnarfozhm, somehow I planned to go to bed 50minutes ago... what the hell did I do in the meantime? :D
05:14.29bleeterGnarfoz: that's kinda where I'm coming from. Two FP's so close together is nutty. Are they 'building it up' for something...
05:14.48bleeter.. probably not, just getting stuff out there lol
05:15.03bleeterGnarfoz: if yer like me, prolly stared at the screen for a while ;)
05:27.41bleeterCairenn: k, devs have just said Pidg 2.1.0 Win32 builds will be done sometime tomorrow (something about a delay due to going to watch baseball today.. /shrug)
05:28.02Cairennsweet, thanks bleeter :)
05:30.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Ky|Sleep (
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05:35.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
05:46.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Sireal (
06:18.40*** join/#wowi-lounge KriLL3 (
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06:53.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Caboose[FH] (
07:13.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
07:19.29art3misi lurv pidgin
07:19.42art3misjust wish that it supported plugins likemiranda does
07:24.16KriLL3Trillian Astra is just too sleek not to love
07:25.05KriLL3miranda is nice, but it's a bitch to set up, half a million plugins you need to download and half a million settings hidden everywhere
07:26.26KirovThey've released Astra?
07:26.59art3mistrillian makes baby jesus cry
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07:27.11art3mismiranda is prety and all but imsooo sick of updateing it
07:27.35KriLL3and it's zillions of plugins that need updating also? :>
07:27.43art3misand pidgin just works but lacks the functionality that miranda had(particularlyweateher info and such
07:28.02art3misheh yeha
07:28.08KriLL3I liked the skinability of miranda, pidgin can't be skinned what so ever
07:28.15art3mismirandaworks nice for totally notbloatedand free though
07:28.27art3misand thier winders are so friggin ugly
07:29.26art3misthe best part is that without openssl suport its a pain tocompilein nix too
07:29.41art3misand that just runnginit through wine makes more sense than nix native
07:30.18art3misstill.... considering its free and all i happyenough withit
07:30.33art3misi just missstupid little things that i'd love to combine from each multi im
07:37.14MentalPower|Potris it OSS like pidgin?
07:41.01MentalPower|PotrOpen Source Software
07:41.11KriLL3what? Miranda?
07:43.00KriLL3who cares if it's open source, a good API and plugin integration is a lot more important imo.
07:43.02KriLL3no it isn't
07:44.23MentalPower|PotrI prefer Open Source myself
07:45.17KriLL3the only open source apps I use have a good plugin/extension system, like Firefox.
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07:47.18MentalPower|Potrif its open source, I can help add the plugin support, something I can't do if its not OSS
07:48.06KriLL3I prefer skinning stuff than re-writing it to have a new skin. =P
07:48.16KriLL3I'm a graphical designer, not a coder.
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09:20.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
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10:49.49TheZankeIs there a way to make a sap macro that will "/cast sap;" .. and then emote ONLY if they get sapped
10:49.59TheZankethis emote spam has gotta go
10:52.45zenzelezzI think you could accomplish that some way through Lua, but not directly in a macro (unless my /script)
10:55.48TheZankeyeah i was thinking something like /sap; if $target = sapped { then /wait /kiss } you know?
10:56.08zenzelezzthat looks awfully PHPish
10:56.16zenzelezzbut I do know what you mean
10:56.40TheZankeyeah when i think about stuff like that, that is basically how it looks in my head
10:56.48*** part/#wowi-lounge Tokusei` (
10:57.03TheZankebut that may be possible?
10:57.05zenzelezzI'm not certain how you'd do it, but two ideas that came to mind was scanning the target's debuffs and checking for Sap, or just listening for the specific combat log message that says "<target> is affected by your Sap."
10:57.11zenzelezzwhatever the exact wording is
10:59.00haste ;3 ?
10:59.17zenzelezzwhere's the fun in that?
11:00.20TheZankewould that work?
11:01.35pacroonAny of you know what C'Thun's model's called?
11:01.59zenzelezzpacroon: what part?
11:02.07pacroonThe top one
11:02.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
11:02.14zenzelezzI think I saw a few different "kathune" models for the different parts
11:04.18Wraangerquestion : what is wrong in the ?
11:04.31Wraangerdoes not doing what it supposed to do =(
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11:10.09leethalWraanger: don't you need to do G[f]:Hide()
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11:10.37leethalthe local in the loop, not the table
11:11.32Wraangerumm ...sorry, I relogged so it seems that i missed first part of your message
11:12.15leethaldon't you need to be doing G[f]:Hide() ?
11:12.50Wraangerum..yep. you are right ....
11:13.11Wraangerbut ....just checked ....G[f]:Hide() does not help too =(
11:13.22Wraangerall frames are in their places still ((
11:14.14leethalno idea what this G is in the first place, really
11:14.38leethalshouldn't f:Hide() be enought anyway?
11:14.41leethalif you want to hide the frames?
11:15.13Wraangeri want to hide only the listed frames ... so the main minimap frame remain intact
11:15.28leethalyou just call hide directly on the gloabl
11:16.27Wraangerwill try )
11:16.48Wraangerbut as far as i know, trying to avoid using globals is good practive
11:17.07zenzelezzcreating them, yes
11:17.07leethalwell, you're using them anyway
11:17.12zenzelezzbut the frames already existr
11:17.13leethalehm, or reffering to them
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11:19.03Wraangerdamn, seems that i misspelled some names of the frames =(
11:19.36leethaldevtools ftw
11:21.31leethalbut some of them got hidden?
11:21.36leethalf:Hide() for the win?
11:22.34leethalstrange, strange
11:22.45leethalyou are calling the Hiding() function? =P
11:23.32hasteread your code
11:23.51haste1) you are attempting to do _G[alreadyaglobalvar], 2) you are using the index of the table
11:24.42leethalah, index index
11:24.52leethalfor _, f in pairs(frames) do ... end ya?
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11:28.54WraangerHaste was right as always ..but ... Tracking button don't want to hide )
11:30.35hastethat's because it's event driven, if you look at my code you'll see that I unregister it
11:33.23Wraanger - unregistering it too ... but anyway the button is there
11:35.03Wraangerfound the case
11:35.06hasteyou shouldn't use PEW
11:35.13hastebut PL if any
11:36.09WraangerPL is ?
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12:11.22wereHamsterWho's working on ItemCatalog ?
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12:33.16pacroonWhat's Magtheridon's modelname?
12:40.01zenzelezzcome on, at least try :-p
12:40.04zenzelezzhe's a pit lord
12:40.25zenzelezzthink what you learned about Nefarian :)
12:41.41pacroonyeah I figured that out :/ But I could not remember any one that looked like him
12:47.00pacroonzenzelezz: Now I've tried every one at with no luck :P
12:47.03pacroonGimme' a hint!
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13:34.57zenzelezzpacroon: sorry, was busy. Tried Pitlord->magtheridon?
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13:39.43pacroonzenzelezz: np .. I dont see no Pitlord at all.. er
13:40.20zenzelezzCreature -> Pitlord -> magtheridon for me at least
13:40.52pacroonHmm.. weird
13:43.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
13:45.22zenzelezz"Order In Handle"... I've seen a lot of weird guild names, but this one I just cannot interpret
13:51.27Mr_Rabies2it's an anagram of ad rhino lender
13:51.32Mr_Rabies2of course, it all makes sense now
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13:56.38zenzelezzMr_Rabies: good point!
13:57.21rophyanyone know how to check which editbox has the current input focus?
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14:01.01Industrialthats a"move" ?
14:01.46zenzelezzsome lock on my server
14:04.26Wraangerlittle request for help eyes are not too godd some I don't sure ...can anyone look into this SS : and tell me if border of minimap is even on all sides ....
14:04.30Industrialoh.. :P
14:06.11Industrialblack background/border needs to move up 1 pixel
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14:06.45LunessaWraanger: Indeed, up and to the left 1 pixel
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14:07.29CairennIndustrial: did you ever hear from jailiborc?
14:07.49Wraangersorry, got DCed
14:09.04Wraangerso, can anyone help me with that ? :)
14:09.10wereHamsterup 1 pixel
14:09.36wereHamsterborder up 1 pixel, not the minimap :)
14:10.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
14:11.36Shirikmorning all
14:12.02Cairennhi Shirik
14:12.12Shirikdon't you ever sleep?
14:12.24Cairenn7 hrs last night
14:12.36Shirikgood :)
14:12.37Cairennor thereabouts
14:13.09LunessaI over-slept, does that count for anything?
14:13.50ShirikI am sick of people filling my bug tracker because they're being stupid
14:14.01LunessaFirst time in 1.5 years I've been late to work on a Saturday.  
14:14.19Cairenntempted to go back to bed for a couple more hours, but have a load of stuff to get done before I fly out on Wed
14:14.50Cairennshame on you Lunessa! what sort of a track record is that? slacker
14:14.52Kaydeethreestuff to do... there's something I'm forgetting
14:15.09LunessaWell, I've only been here a yeah and a half...
14:15.34Shirikyou should sleep more Cairenn
14:15.41Shiriktrust me, I know very well it's unhealthy not to :P
14:15.49wereHamsterno, too much sleep is unhealthy!
14:16.20LunessaThomas Edison once said "I'll sleep when I'm dead."
14:18.07Shirikthat's an interesting statement
14:18.26TheZankefunny, i went and bout 6 5 hour energys today
14:18.35TheZankegot a lil edison in me..
14:21.19TheZankebought* btw
14:22.10LunessaEdison was famous for short naps though, like 15-30 minutes, and he would be awake for days at a time with those little naps.  
14:24.30ShirikEdison was nuts
14:24.53ShirikI personally think he was the epitome of a mad scientist
14:25.56LunessaYes, he was.  He was also a wickedly poor business man, getting rich and going broke with great frequency.
14:26.18LunessaAnd he's still one of my heroes.
14:27.01Shirikbreakfast time bbiab
14:27.21purlbbiab is, like, be back in a bit
14:27.54Lunessaneed caffeine, brb
14:40.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
14:41.35ShirikLunessa: He wasn't a bad man
14:41.40ShirikHe just was in the wrong time, I think
14:42.03LunessaI :heart: mad scientists.
14:44.20LunessaI heart them right in the face.  Madame Curie, Edison, Einstein, Oppenheimer, Pasteur, all those guys.
14:45.28Shirikso I was doing a lot of CAM yesterday at work and I was like "dear god how do people work like this"
14:45.42Shirikso I go into system propertie and see GeForce 5400
14:45.46Shirikor something like that
14:45.53Shirikcomputer aided manufacturing
14:46.08ShirikI'm like "80% of the work they do here is 3d, and they don't even have a decent gpu?"
14:46.08Kaydeethreeouch... using a 5400 for CAM?
14:46.13Kaydeethreethat must've taken a year to do
14:46.17LunessaOh lord.  That card is like, 20 generations old and was slow at launch.
14:46.27ShirikActually it was doing decently OK, but I had to restart quite a few times
14:46.32ShirikAnd lost my work once :(
14:47.34zenzelezzis CAM anything like CAD?
14:47.48Shirikeh, yeah
14:48.04ShirikI think the only real difference is the end use of the product
14:48.46ShirikCAM is usually fed into a machine as instructions. CAD, I really don't know I don't use it much, but when I hear of its use I think of large-scale products, etc.
14:48.53Shirikspace shuttle, airplanes
14:49.06ShirikThey both use the same programs though
14:49.13KaydeethreeI just think of general engineering... autocad
14:49.20ShirikAutoCAD, etc. (I used SolidWorks, which btw, is awesome)
14:49.53ShirikI honestly think SolidWorks has the potential to supercede AutoCAD as the industry-preferred CAD software in the years to come
14:50.07LunessaI played with SolidWorks in the 90s on a Sun workstation - it was wicked cool
14:50.31zenzelezz"I loaded up AutoCAD once, but it must have been a bugged version. I stared at it for an hour and nothing happened. So much for 'auto'"
14:50.46ShirikSolidWorks takes intuitive and powerful and puts them together
14:50.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
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14:50.57LunessaBut my s/o at the time wouldn't let me drop the cash for a toy.  
14:50.59ShirikIt makes everything easy, but it still makes sure you do it right
14:51.05ShirikLunessa: haha
14:52.24LunessaBack then, I had this terrible habit of buying every new computer gizmo that caught my eye.  
14:52.33ShirikI still do :P
14:52.51LunessaI no longer make the kind of cash I did then.
14:52.53ShirikI want a personal copy of solidworks now but that's probably not going to happen
14:54.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost3 (
14:54.27zenzelezzGhost3? You must be severely haunted
14:54.52Shirikit just picks the last successful ghost name
14:55.12Shirikscript I wrote a while back which I should fix but never did
14:57.02Lunessa... someone reported Cog?  Yeah.  Wow.
14:57.07Shirikbut yeah back on topic slightly, I've worked with AutoCAD for quite a while now
14:57.22ShirikI can already do things in SolidWorks I can't do in AutoCAD
14:57.51ShirikLunessa: He probably deserved it hehe
14:58.07LunessaHah.  Cog doesn't dance in the minefield the way I do.  
14:58.16ShirikLunessa: You're a priest, right?
14:58.35LunessaAnd everything else.  
14:59.49*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
15:01.07LunessaGo on, laugh.  
15:01.54ShirikI'll let you see mine
15:01.57Shirikperhaps it will make you feel better
15:02.21Shirik (link not tested)
15:03.05zenzelezzwant to see a real gimp priest? -- check that hp
15:03.09Shirikhe was reported for THAT?
15:03.15Shirikwow, I would have been meaner
15:03.30KaydeethreeI've been meaner than that and not gotten reported, heh
15:04.00LunessaMe too.  Community policing is not always fair or just.
15:05.11Shirikoh wow
15:05.30ShirikSolidWorks' website is already claiming superiority of market share over AutoCAD
15:05.30Wraangerwhat I need to change in so the zone text appear on top of minimap, not behind it ?
15:05.42Shiriknot sure I know that's true but wouldn't entirely be suprised
15:06.05ShirikWraanger: Without looking, what strata are you in?
15:06.28Shirikyou're not
15:06.36Shirikset to frame strata DIALOG
15:07.16Shirikor maybe move the minimap down
15:07.21Shirikbut not entirely sure I recommend that
15:08.06Wraangerframe which creates BG is set to BG strata ..... fontstring draw layer is set to overlay ..but does not to work
15:08.10Lunessa... This looks familiar.  Hacking Squeenix or something?  
15:09.07Wraangernope ... searching WoWWiki and asking ppl here and in #Dongle ... some things was taught to me by Haste
15:09.57Wraanger(tbh, texture for the minimap mask is his :) )
15:10.38*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
15:11.50LunessaI was wondering, 'cause the code looked familiar.  But then, I'm a zombie.  
15:12.19ShirikGonna head up to my aunt's to get away from dialup for a few hours :P
15:16.50Wraangeranyway, i don't know what to do with it so it shows where it should =((
15:24.46LunessaWraanger: You need to specify the location of MinimapZoneTextButton - which you're not doing.  
15:26.26Industrialkergoth: ping pm :>
15:26.50WraangerLunessa ) yeah, I just found that solution
15:26.53Wraangerit works now )
15:27.21LunessaSorry - I'd have responded faster, but I'm in the office and distracted.  
15:27.46zenzelezzquit staring at the secretaries
15:28.00Wraangernp )
15:28.38Kaydeethreeoh, wow.
15:28.45Wraangerthe only problem that persists that even though layer set to OVERLAY ...that little arrow pointing to the nearest camp is overlaying the zone text
15:29.25KaydeethreeI am exactly at the size cap for my sticky over in the PTR. tried to add my little signature, wouldn't even show the new newline
15:33.40LunessaKaydeethree: LOL
15:38.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
15:39.19ShirikI'm baaaack :D
15:39.50LunessaShirik: And now you must bring me .......
15:39.54LunessaA SHRUBBERY!
15:41.22sysragethat's not a shrubbery :\
15:41.32zenzelezzyou forgot a : if you tried to imitate mIRC's mode change message
15:41.54Lunessaoh noes i r teh banned.  againz.
15:42.16zenzelezzfor great justice
15:44.15zenzelezzin conjunction with a server message, "Liek omg lazers pew pew!!" has to be the best guild name I ever saw
15:44.39zenzelezz"Liek omg lazers pew pew!! attacked someotherguild's towers at <coords>"
15:44.49LunessaI should make an all druid group called Sharks with Lasers.
15:46.20*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|_ (
15:48.06LunessaAm I the only one who finds X-Perl visually vicious?
15:48.22leethalnot at all
15:48.34sysragei love xperl
15:48.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
15:49.11sysragehow is it worse than the horrible space wasting default UI?
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15:50.40LunessaWhile I'm about to be branded a heathen, leper and pariah, I like the look of the default frames, but find them lacking in many key features.  
15:52.34sysrageya they take up twice the space of xperl but show 1/10th the info
15:52.41ShirikI use the default frames :P
15:53.34LunessaI just find x-pearl to be aesthetically ... unpleasing in the extreme.  I has a pretty neat feature set.  Just... I can't use it cause it makes me want to gouge my eyes out with a spork.
15:53.52sysragesporks are fun
15:53.54ShirikI had an awesome discord setup
15:54.54LunessaI played a lot with Discord for a while, but man did it chug some CPU time.  
15:57.08Kaydeethreemeh, my unitframes of choice for the longest time were perl classic
15:57.18Lunessa - kills me.  
15:57.47leethalwith that ui you can just :Hide() the 3d world frame
15:58.28ShirikError Encountered
15:58.45LunessaI like the visuals.  I like taking the taxi so I can watch the world.  I like to SEE the stuff in fights, not just the health bars.  
15:59.44leethali <3 minimalist uis with one action bars, no chat and a minimap hehe
15:59.51leethalone action bar*
16:01.31Industrialbtw check out Dash on wowinterface
16:01.41LunessaMeh.  I'm not that minimal.  
16:01.48LunessaBut I wish I were.
16:01.57art3misi like the border of that ui though
16:02.28art3misi like the idea of a viewport so tha all my buttons and crap remain out of the visible movement landscape mob areas
16:06.31LunessaDash looks neat!
16:08.09Industrialits the shit
16:10.52art3misis that the viewport thingy?
16:11.03art3miswhat is it!
16:11.04Industrialdashboard like
16:11.07art3miswhat is it!
16:11.11Industriallook on wowi
16:11.13art3miswhat is it!
16:11.15Industriallook on wowi
16:11.22art3misit's got legs like a chicken
16:12.13zenzelezzit's clearly a hunter pet ability
16:12.18LunessaIt adds flavor to any dish.
16:12.21Industrialur mum's got legslike a chicken
16:12.41LunessaNo, my mum has legs like an elephant.  Get it right.
16:13.17art3misits from invader zim
16:13.25art3miswhen zim gets the hunter destroyer sent to him
16:13.46art3misand at least yer mom doesnt have a "trunk" like an elephant
16:13.59LunessaTrue dat
16:14.47LunessaI never actually liked the Invader Zim cartoon.  I liked the art, but the stories and voices made me want to commit atrocities that would get me tried in the Hague.
16:15.03zenzelezzJohnny Bravo!
16:15.07zenzelezz+/- spelling
16:15.23LunessaNow, Johnny Bravo I liked.  Mmmmm... bacony
16:15.48art3mishehe zim ruled for the bologna episode
16:15.50art3misand Gir
16:24.43Lunessa"Goodbye" threads on my realm forum are the most entertaining lameness ever.
16:25.07zenzelezzhow so?
16:32.47[dRaCo]"can I have ur stuff?"
16:41.40LunessaSo much hate for folks on my server.  Sadly, our realm forums are not even a close approximation of the general atmosphere, but people think they are.
16:42.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
16:43.22art3misyou're all jerks?
16:44.56LunessaYeah, pretty much.  
16:45.04LunessaI am a representative example.  
16:45.31Wraangerquestion .... how it can be done so setting are remembered between sessions / reloads ? for instance, i have added a command to hide zone text ..but it is back after reload
16:46.05Mr_Rabies2look into how savedvariables work :o
16:46.14Mr_Rabies2afaik that's the only way to save things between sessions
16:46.18art3misjerks are good though
16:46.26art3miscarebear and emoservers drive me insane
16:46.28Wraangerwill try
16:47.18LunessaKirin Tor, where I play, is an RP server.  
16:47.25Wraangerlooking exactly there atm ))
16:48.04*** join/#wowi-lounge amro_ (n=amro@
16:48.50Shirikwho writes quartz?
16:49.18TheZankeQuartz r43203 2007-07-28 06:40:40 Modular casting bar. (Nymbia)
16:49.23TheZankeNymbia ?
16:50.13Shirikthanks :)
16:50.30art3miswow rp would drive me insane
16:51.03zenzelezzthen leave it to those that like it :-o
16:51.41TheZankeThey exist?
16:52.03ShirikI like it...
16:52.13Shirikwell not wow rp
16:52.14Shirikbut rp in general
16:52.57TheZanke::Walks in, head hanging low; Eyes glowing with the red hatred of hell::
16:53.06TheZanketoo much imagination in stuff
16:53.11TheZankethats as good as i get
16:53.48TheZankeman...i need to sleep
16:54.08TheZankeor drink another 5 hour energy
16:57.00art3misare those any good?
16:57.13art3misor are they like the original redbull inthe little bottles and taste horrible
16:57.53TheZankebottles are aabout the size of a shot glass tbh
16:58.02TheZankeand they come in berry and lime
16:58.13art3misdo they work?
16:58.22TheZankesome people think it tastes like weak cough syrup but i kinda like it
16:58.24TheZankeyeah they do
16:58.30art3miscuz right now im addicted to the sobe coolattas from dunkin doughnuts
16:58.33TheZankebeen 7 hours since i drank the last one
16:58.44art3misthey make me awesonely jittery
17:03.38TheZankepersonally though, i am a fan of buzzwater
17:06.32art3misheh yeah thats perty good too
17:06.50art3misi cant stand most of the energy drinks cuzthey all taste gross
17:07.13art3mislike as a shot they'd be fine but the thought of drinking them for morethan two chugs is just nasty
17:07.15TheZankeyeah, but buzzwater tastes just like...water
17:07.33TheZankeand you can cook like ramen and stuff in it
17:07.41TheZankeand make cafinated ramen noodles
17:07.42art3mishahahah okay THAT is awesome
17:08.00TheZankeCaffeine is my drug of choice
17:08.22art3misi worship the 3 great gods
17:08.32art3misCaffiend, Nicotinusand Succrocia
17:08.51art3misthey demand worship each and everyday though
17:08.55KaydeethreeI'll pass on the nicotine, but hand me a stack of the other two
17:08.59TheZankewhats the last one?
17:09.19art3misi gave them names about 6 years ago
17:09.25TheZankeI have the same religion
17:09.38LunessaBow down before your Chemical Lords, for they demand the sacrifice of youth and free will!
17:09.57TheZankeexcept somewhere in there there is Siliconia (Motherboards, etc..)
17:09.58art3misbetter than god the imaginary space giant ;P
17:10.21art3misat least the great three show thier boon instantly ;)
17:11.59LunessaI worship at the altar of Succrocia - for I am one of her chosen few; the hypoglycemic.
17:12.59*** join/#wowi-lounge YammYgirlcoding (n=hoho@
17:13.54TheZankeI need to pay tribute to Lord Nicotinus
17:14.03TheZankeafk 4 minutes
17:23.50*** join/#wowi-lounge k_d|3 (
17:31.33art3misthe big brain am winning, i am the greetist! i will now leave earth for now raison
17:35.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (
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17:37.04TheZankeback btw
17:38.14TheZankeHardware: Samsung Develops First LCD Panel Using DisplayPort
17:38.42Cideyou posted news
17:38.44Cidewithout pasting a link
17:38.49Cideyou fail sir.
17:39.14TheZankei dont like posting more than one line without being asked
17:39.43TheZanke"Samsung's new LCD only requires a single DisplayPort interface, instead of the two DVI (Digital Visual Interface) ports now used. The speed enables 2560x1600 resolution without any color smear."
17:39.55Thrae1 billion colours...I don't think that many colours exist in reality!
17:40.13TheZankethen you have never seen the mantis shrimp
17:40.29ThraeReality is definately at 1024x768 resolution.
17:41.02TheZankei run 1680x1050 on both my screens
17:42.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
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17:43.08TheZanke"The Mantis Shrimp are capable of seeing 100000 colors (people can see 10000)."
17:43.40TheZankeimagine that
17:44.22TheZankemovie/farming time
17:44.27TheZankeafk (from irc)
17:44.41TheZanke((need this monitor for "movie" portion))
17:54.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
17:58.04wereHamsterKaydeethree, works fine here
18:03.22zenzelezzsome people are frickin' blind about their egoism
18:04.18zenzelezzgot a guild Reserveist who I (raider) let get the T4 pants the other day, and told him then to stop whining about loot. Today he's talking about how "nice guild" we are that don't let him join the full group for Kara because he "NEEDS" T4 helm also
18:04.28zenzelezznevermind the other three that need the same one and also have raider status
18:05.18*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
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18:23.17Lunessazenzelezz: The same can be said abut all of us.  
18:23.32zenzelezznot in my guild
18:23.41zenzelezzthey may *feel* that way, but they keep it to themselves
18:25.31LunessaEveryone always feels like they're a good  player, got mad skillz yo!, AND deserves a crack at the best loot/bosses, etc.  It's hard to think of oneself in  less than good terms without an element of  either a) wisdom or b) self-loathing.  
18:26.35*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
18:27.40zenzelezzI've been an offtank for 8 months, I never expect loot, even though I'm one of three MTs now
18:27.52zenzelezzand this guy is a reserve, which is a special you're-last-priority rank
18:30.17Shirik"Prevents up to 20 damage done by a physical or magical attack"
18:30.20Shirikas opposed to?
18:35.54Kaydeethreemakes you immune for 8 seconds
18:35.59Kaydeethreelimited invuln pot?
18:36.05zenzelezznot anymore
18:36.13zenzelezzonly stops 180 damage for X hits or something
18:36.30Kaydeethreeit's now what Shirik said, iirc
18:36.38zenzelezzit really *is* limited now :-(
18:36.46ShirikI mean
18:36.53Shirik"physical or magical attack"
19:12.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (n=Arrow@unaffiliated/arrowmaster)
19:18.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Thorarin (
19:19.21Lunessa... only try to realize that there is no spoon.  The you will know that it is not the spoon that bends, but only yourself.   - I feel like all the people I'm trying to help to day are hearing me say stuff like that instead of my helpful instructions.
19:22.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
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19:29.41leethaldo you need to have a trade skill window open to use the tradeskill functions ? like GetNumTradeSkills and those
19:30.03zenzelezzthreat meter funness... "Sappa, watch your threat!!"... Sappa being sixth on threat on everyone's screen except the guy calling out. Even the second on threat was at half the tank's
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19:36.44Lunessaleethal: I believe so. :D
19:36.45*** join/#wowi-lounge xb95 (
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20:18.56Shirikyey finally 70
20:19.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
20:29.33Corrodiassaturdays are awesome
20:29.45Corrodiasexcept that the dishwasher apparently won't start. that's not awesome.
20:31.22CorrodiasWAU reports: !!!StandaloneLibraries - Error During Update
20:31.33Corrodiasi don't even know why it's trying to update that placeholder anyway
20:34.26Josh_Borkegrats shirik
20:34.45Shirikzenzelezz: Yeah but I don't play Shirik too much anymore
20:37.30*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
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20:44.27sysragewhat area seems to put the most load on a computer? shatt?
20:44.42sysrageor is that really just a lot of memory usage and nothing else?
20:45.16Industrialdepends on the computer?
20:45.26Industrialyou can have great ram but a shit ass gfx card
20:46.24sysragei wanna stress my southbridge which is assume is mostly video (PCI-E).. just replaced a fan with a heat spreader
20:47.02sysrageand yes i know WoW is prolly not the best way to do that, but it's what i have available :)
20:52.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
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20:54.49zenzelezzmight have been linked before:
20:55.15Shiriksysrage: I have a lot of load at the stormspire
20:55.20Shirikbut shatt is pretty bad too
20:55.30Kaydeethreegah at thunder shaking the house
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21:12.20Shirikhrm, armory says my weapon is a rep reward
21:12.23Shirikit definitely isn't
21:12.58Shirikazure lightblade
21:17.23Shiriknow I gotta work on getting an alchemist's stone
21:18.49Corrodiassouthbridge is, as far as i'm aware, communication between the CPU and the cards, yeah
21:19.05Shiriknorth is CPU and RAM
21:19.23Corrodiaswhat you want is something that requires a lot of communication between the cards and the CPU, but i really can't think of anything that does that except a video capture card
21:19.44Kaydeethreehdtv capture card
21:19.49Corrodiashdtv is a kind of video, yes?
21:20.18Kaydeethreethat or a few gigabit+ ethernet links. that's about all I can think of that'll push a lot of bandwidth across the bus
21:20.38Corrodiasyeah, hdtv capture would be a fantastic way, hahah
21:21.25*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
21:21.59Corrodiasbah. i rubbed my eyes while trying to get a bit of hair out and now they're itching :(
21:24.19clad|sleepAnyone in Columbus, OH; Springfield, MO; Santa Rosa, NM; Phoenix, AZ?
21:24.54Shirikthose are some interesting locations
21:25.24clad|sleepindeed :P
21:25.25LunessaAlong his driving route to Blizzcon.
21:25.30*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|_ (
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21:26.58clad|awayit seems Cairenn|afk is stalking me, while afk :P
21:27.48Cairenn|afkit seems to me that clad|away wants me to stalk him by giving me his route in updated chucks, while afk
21:27.59clad|awaygotta go to Macy's to buy a black suit for Oxford
21:28.09clad|awaydamn robes, black suits and white bow-ties.
21:28.19ThraeCairenn|afk: By the way, if you ever talk to slouken, give him a belated congrats on being promoted to Lead Software Engineer :)
21:28.29Cairenn|afkwill do
21:28.33Lunessastalking, black suits, afk robots?  MiB: III?
21:28.38Cairenn|afk(very belated that)
21:28.51ThraeBah, it happened in Feb., that's not TOO long ago!
21:29.36ThraeI work on the Martian Calandar.
21:30.54clad|awayokay, off to the store, bbiaf
21:36.40*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|__ (
21:37.48zenzelezzf? Fortnight?
21:38.10Kaydeethreethat'd be accurate if my gf said that. /cringe
21:39.05Shirik~dict Fortnight
21:39.13zenzelezztwo weeks, Shirik
21:45.43*** join/#wowi-lounge abug (
21:46.19abugSendChatMessage("_1_|_2_|_3_", "whisper", "Common", "Dayzee")
21:46.52abugworks using /script but not from a lua file? complains about invalid escape character
21:51.11Iriel| is your problem
21:51.21IrielWhen you type it in to the edit box, it's converted automatically to ||
21:51.29Irielwhich is what you need for a literal pipe
21:52.58*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
21:56.14IndustrialIs there something like AceOptions out there? I want it just for slash commands so AceOptions is too big for me. and easy way to create a slash command handler.
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22:28.18art3misspider pig spider pig does whatever a spider pig does, can he swing frm a web, no he can't cuz hes a pig watch out, he is the spider pig
22:31.58art3missimpsons movie is great fun
22:33.15art3miswas a 2 hour long episode but worth the money just for the jkes that arent tv safe ;)
22:33.53Cairenn|afkif you say so
22:34.08art3misdidnt  like it? or dont intend to see it?
22:34.33Cairenn|afkhaven't seen it
22:34.53Cairenn|afkno particular intentions either way - may see it, may not /shrug
22:35.37art3miswow you're coming along nicely in your Apathy in 14 days learning annex class ;)
22:36.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
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23:10.35leethalif you call return in a loop, the loop will break, right?
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23:15.50JoshBorkeleethal: return jumps out of the function
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23:29.20AdysIs there a way for an addon to request an item's tooltip while ignoring the cache?
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23:29.53*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v tardmrr] by ChanServ
23:53.49IrielAdys: No.
23:53.55IrielAdys: But then, why would you want to?
23:54.08AdysVerify if an item is linkable on a server
23:55.27[dRaCo]Adys: uhm, sorry... I'll check that readme again. prolly had something wrong in mind.
23:55.31IrielAnd how would you expect to do that?
23:55.36IrielAll of the API's disconnect you if it's not
23:55.45Irielso you may as well just wipe your cache then try
23:55.53Irielthere's no 'soft' way to verify item existence
23:56.29AdysOpted for whispering the item's link but thanks anyway :)
23:56.52Irielthat'll work, but again you'll get disconnected if it doesn't exist
23:57.06Adysaye thats what i want
23:57.09IrielSo once again, you can just remove your cache before starting and then bypass the cache by simply not having one
23:59.07[dRaCo]adys: my bad. misread something.
23:59.26Adysnps :) thanks anyway

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