IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070726

00:07.50*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
00:09.16Mr_Rabies2i'd get to have fun on my druid if only i was in tier 6 :[
00:09.35Mr_Rabies2i'm tearing the arenas up with tier 6 :D
00:14.35Lunessa... I'd be happy with some tier 4 right now.
00:16.44Mr_Rabies2ptr :P
00:16.56Mr_Rabies2all the druid sets are pretty meh except tier 6
00:17.27Mr_Rabies2feral that is
00:17.31Mr_Rabies2i dunno about the other ones
00:20.27Bleeterzenzelezz: for the record, guild I was previously in also used 'nipple'
00:20.41Mr_Rabies2it's condom or nipple, alternatively
00:20.49Mr_Rabies2i usually use circle with pugs though
00:20.56Mr_Rabies2just so that some whiner doesn't report me
00:21.24Bleeteracutally, being Aussies, we called it 'the tit', which would no doubt amuse Kirkburn no end
00:21.34Bleetersame idea, tho
00:22.03LunessaA man after my own heart.
00:22.21BleeterKaydeethree: were we going to creat a Horde guild as well?
00:22.36Bleeteror alternatively, was one created?
00:22.50KaydeethreeI dunno. I don't have any horde characters and don't feel like waiting for a premade to transfer over
00:23.25Bleeterfair nuff, well, might go register a <Dev Clue> guild... if anyone wander past needs/wants, etc.
00:25.21KirkburnMy god our game articles are shite
00:25.30KirkburnSeverly AWFUL
00:25.58KirkburnIt's like someone was purposely beating them with the ugly stick
00:27.22KirkburnI forgot what channel I was on, then :P
00:27.41*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden^ (
00:28.34BleeterKirkburn: I thought you were the ugly stick!
00:28.44KirkburnNah, that's your mom
00:29.00Bleeterdunno what's worse
00:29.07KirkburnYour mom
00:29.13Bleeterthe idea of beating wowwiki articles with my mum, or kirkburn beating himself
00:29.55KirkburnYour mom. It's always your mom.
00:33.42Bleeter<Dev Clue> Horde PvE PTR is created, msg Mumu ingame, or ping me here
00:33.56LunessaMy mom beating Kirkburn with an ugly wowwiki-stick?  *boggle*
00:34.27KirkburnI'll go black and blue ;)
00:34.47KirkburnWell, several shades of grey and blue
00:34.52Bleeterbtw, need sigs for the Horde PvE PTR modder guild
00:34.56KirkburnAnd a little orange
00:35.00LunessaRemember to tip your waitstaff. Try the veal.
00:35.07*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|book (
00:37.11*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
00:39.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
00:41.22Mr_Rabies2i'm allegedly exalted with your FACE
00:41.55LunessaI shot him with a fireball.  RIGHT. IN. HIS. FACE.
00:42.18Shirikthat's hwat
00:43.03LunessaYes, I'm bored, and I'm at work.  
00:44.31Shirikthat's awesome
00:50.46Bleeterwoot, seem to have lost connection to the PvE PTR
00:51.11Bleeteryup, world server down
00:51.43Bleeterouch, 1200 queue on the PvP realm
00:51.43Shiriktime to look up the server crash dump
00:52.15BleeterI wonder how much genuine user feedback Blizz are getting from all these premade folks
00:52.30*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
00:52.48Shirikwhy do people do premades on ptr
00:53.46Kaydeethreebecause they want to compensate for their poor play on live with leet epics and a different class?
00:54.06Kaydeethreeread: everyone copying warlocks
00:54.17Shirikwell yeah
00:54.54LunessaServer logs give lots of juicy data though.
00:55.37BleeterMy only interest, really, in premade is to 'confirm' to me the builds I'm making on non-levelled live toons, ie trying not to have to respec @ 70
01:08.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
01:11.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost3 (
01:12.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
01:12.21KirovYay! New wireless router!
01:12.24KirovThis one doesn't suck!
01:13.20ShirikI HATE programmers that write programs that think they're smarter than you
01:13.40Shiriklike when I type "" I actually somehow meant ""
01:13.41Lunessa... So, you hate me?  
01:13.54*** join/#wowi-lounge spathi (
01:14.01LunessaI kid, I kid.
01:14.02Shirikor the guys who made my CAM program
01:14.13Shirikwhere you click on "top overlay" and then try to move something in the top overlay
01:14.20Shirikand it decides "no you actually meant to move this item on the bottom layer"
01:15.03Shirikluckily we're trashing that program soon
01:19.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:21.15Shirikbeen around for a while
01:21.16Shirika lot of "translators"
01:21.28Shiriknot too many actual interpreter/compilers though
01:24.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
01:27.16*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
01:31.45ScytheBlade1I don't suppose there's a table of Raid Icon IDs to names? (1 = star, etc)
01:31.57*** join/#wowi-lounge norgs_away (n=ken@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/Norgs)
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01:31.57Shirikno wonder my internet was horrible
01:31.59ShirikI was in vent
01:32.14Shirikit randomly opened itself >.>
01:33.21ScytheBlade1... in game table ;)
01:33.44Lunessa0 = none, 8 = skull
01:33.56ScytheBlade1Yes, I'm looking for one that's already defined in the default UI
01:33.57ScytheBlade1In game
01:34.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem_ (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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01:34.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
01:38.52ScytheBlade1That doesn't have the names though
01:40.59Garoun|LoupanaI don't think they have names, if you mean code wise
01:41.09Garoun|Loupanathey are just a number associated to a texture
01:41.14Lunessabah, code your own list.
01:41.20ScytheBlade1It's for a macro :/
01:41.39Garoun|Loupanathen use the numbers :P from the lucky_charms link lunessa gave you :)
01:42.05ScytheBlade1I know the number, I just didn't want to make my own list of (number) = (english for symbol)
01:42.27ScytheBlade1<ScytheBlade1> I don't suppose there's a table of Raid Icon IDs to names? (1 = star, etc)
01:42.34Shiriksure there is
01:42.39Shirikit's in RDX
01:42.57ScytheBlade1... that's not an in-game table.
01:43.00KirovSRTI has it too
01:43.03ScytheBlade1That's a list on a website.
01:43.04Shirikit's in-game for me :D
01:43.20KirovAnd, actually ...
01:43.20Garoun|Loupanahe's being difficult Shirik :P
01:43.28Shirikwant me to post the code?
01:43.32ShirikYou can even include it if you want :D
01:43.35ShirikIt even has alternate names
01:43.46ScytheBlade1I'm just asking if there is such a table in the default UI
01:43.49Shirik-- And some extra data for scalability
01:43.50ScytheBlade1That's all, lol
01:43.50ShirikMIN = 0, ICONMIN = 1, MAX = 8 -- (ICONMIN is the minimum value which still represents an icon (NO_ICON is not an icon) )
01:44.09Garoun|Loupanano, there isn't a table in teh default ui
01:44.12Shirikto answer your question, no
01:44.15Shiriknot in the default UI
01:44.24ShirikBut if everyone had RDX, then everyone would have it
01:44.24Garoun|Loupanathe default ui uses a number, that maps to a texture
01:44.25*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|book (
01:44.32ScytheBlade1That's all I was asking for
01:45.27KirovUnitPopupMenus["RAID_TARGET_ICON"] =
01:45.53Garoun|Loupananow why did you have to go there Kirov :P
01:46.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
01:46.40ShirikKirov: That helps how?
01:46.57Shirikyou get 1= RAID_TARGET_1, 2 = RAID_TARGET_2, etc...
01:47.12Garoun|LoupanaI think he was trying to say that there is actually a place that the default ui ties a name to a number
01:47.25Kirovfor k, v in ipairs(UnitPopupMenus.RAID_TARGET_ICON) do
01:47.25Kirovif ( v:match("^RAID_TARGET_%d$") then
01:47.25KiroviconNames[k] = getglobal(v);
01:47.28Kirovend end
01:47.37ShirikAnyway ScytheBlade1 if you really want it
01:47.52KiroviconNames will result in a table of 1-9 with the icon names
01:47.54Garoun|Loupanaooo texture name voodoo, nice kirov lol
01:47.57Shirikah I see
01:49.34KirovRAID_TARGET_1 - _9 are all references to GlobalStrings
01:49.52Kirov"None" is the only odd ball
01:50.00KirovSince it's not technically an icon
01:50.06ShirikBut getglobal() sucks :P
01:50.47Kirovfor SRTI I have a table matching basic names to each icon, so "star" and "yellow" both match "1"
01:53.16Shirikso like mine :)
01:54.01ShirikI think that's the easiest, most straightforward way to do it
01:54.02KirovBut does yours have an animated radial menu?
01:55.44Lunessa... shiny!
01:57.31KirovOut of curiosity, does anyone here use BananaBar2?
01:57.54KirovAt this point it seems to of become the defacto raid icon addon, but I've never actually been able to use it.
01:58.06KirovIt locks my WoW on load.
01:58.33Shirikuh.. someone wants me to run steam vaults
01:58.36Shirikso... I'm gonna try this
01:58.39Shirikwish me luck
01:58.48Kirovhappy dying!
01:58.50ShirikHopping off mirc though to get as much bandwidth as I can ><
01:58.51Shiriktake care
01:59.19Mr_Rabies2again i ask
01:59.25Mr_Rabies2are you on a 9600 baud modem?
01:59.47Mr_Rabies2messing with keyboard, arrow key is stuck
01:59.54LunessaI don't.  I have a bar with 11 macros on it for targeting functions that sits next to my target/focus block.  
02:02.08LunessaMostly they're /run SetRaidTargetIcon("target", 1); stuff, but this let me name the macros the same as the icon and get used to memorizing the bindings.  
02:02.46Mr_Rabies2i just bound mine to shift + numpad
02:02.47LunessaOnce I have the bindings on automatic in my head, I'll ditch the macros and just use direct keybinds.
02:02.50Garoun|LoupanaI use targetcharms
02:02.58Garoun|Loupanasmall, customizable, does the job
02:03.32Mr_Rabies2shift + 1 is skull, which is the only one often set in combat
02:03.39LunessaKey-binds take me lots of repetition to learn/unlearn.  
02:04.54KirovGaroun|Loupana - you might try SimpleRaidTargetIcons
02:05.15KirovMy biggest problem with all of the marking addons is they take up screen space where the icons sit and do nothing most of the time.
02:05.56Mr_Rabies2i just set mine to keybindings :P
02:06.14Mr_Rabies2no ui necessary :o
02:06.30Garoun|Loupanamine is set to go across the bottom of my screen below my cast bar
02:07.04Garoun|LoupanaI'm raid/group leader 99% of the time so I end up using it a lot :) and it's gotten to where I forget to turn it off when I take a screenshot :P
02:07.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
02:08.45Bleeterwow, so the US members of the guild I'm in are getting together for a BBQ... and are buying a whole cow
02:08.58*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|book (
02:09.07Lunessa... There better be a lot of people going.  
02:09.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (
02:09.16LunessaThat's a lot of beef.
02:09.46BleeterSounds like about 20-30+.. it's a result of one of those old casual vs hardcore splits, and the two guilds that went 'hardcore' have collapsed and have come back
02:10.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
02:10.34Bleeterparrently an all-weekend BBQ, byo grog
02:10.49KirovA friend of mine has parents who own a farm.  He has a massive freezer next to his front door that has basically an entire cow in it.
02:10.58LunessaI did a pig roast once.  I got a small pig.  There was enough food for more than 30 people.  A whole cow is several hundred pounds of meat.
02:11.16Bleeterthey aren't sending me an airplane ticket, though... so I asked for a tub of lard to cover myself with while I swim the Pacific. Turned me down on that, too :'(
02:18.58Finwhere's my cow?
02:20.29Mr_Rabies2just ride a hunstman spider there bleeter
02:20.42Mr_Rabies2i'm sure they're excellent swimmers
02:25.40Nom-OMG that's awesome
02:30.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (n=kody@
02:40.10LunessaMonkey Boy!
02:41.37Finthere's my cow!
02:42.25cog|bookis there something i should know about SetScale that would cause fontstrings to get all crappy?
02:43.49Finyes, SetScale makes fontstrings get all crappy
02:43.59cog|bookgood to know
02:44.28Finhey cogwheel! mind if I pick your brains about messin with chat messages?
02:44.47cog|booknot much left to pick atm, but you can try :P
02:45.14FinI've spent hours and hours trying to figure it out myself, and failed unfortunately
02:45.49Finhere's my problem: I wrote a module for Prat called Alias, that should let set unix-style aliases
02:46.00Fineg, /alias /sh /say hello
02:46.09Finthen you can just type /sh to say hello
02:46.19*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo_ (
02:46.45cog|booksimplest way is to just store the slash command and run it... no need to do anything with chat messages
02:46.50Finit sort of works, but I can't figure out how to get it to parse aliases and replace them with the aliased command if the user presses return straight after the alias
02:47.08FinI wanted to try and stay away from that way of doing it
02:47.25cog|bookany particular reason?
02:47.50cog|booksimple to implement and incredibly flexible...
02:47.55FinI had thought of it, but I didn't want to mess with existing slash commands, sort of - I'd like it to work like unix aliases do, so an alias is parsed before anything else
02:48.45Finalso, I'd like the aliases to be a bit more flexible in the future, hopefully
02:48.45Finso you can do /alias /sh %1 /say hello %1
02:48.45Finor something
02:48.49Nom-btw, the reason that article is funny to me
02:48.53Nom-is coz i work at that company
02:48.57Finthat's the reason I'm picking on you :) because of MacroTalk
02:49.14Nom-I don't have a Nintendo DS or watch Chaser :P
02:49.26Finalso: now that I've spent such a long time trying to figure out how to do it another way, I'd really like to know why I couldn't get it working
02:49.55Finmy problem is that I can't figure out how to modify the actual command - the UI does some weird things with channel names and chat message headers and stuff
02:50.05ZealotOnAStickwhich is a better Worms game, World Party or Armageddon?
02:50.24cog|bookFin: i still think it would be better to consider it a slash command challenge than a chat api challenge
02:50.44Finit does editBox:GetText() a lot, which is empty most of the time - I think because the text has had the header (channel?) removed, and the "text" is only the rest of the stuff (which means there's no text if you just type /onecommand)
02:50.50cog|bookI'm imagining some cool upvalue tricks
02:51.00cog|bookbased on the existence of the %1, %2, etc.
02:52.01Finso, I guess you don't know off the top of your head where it's possible to parse and modify the command when a user enters /slashcommand?
02:52.04cog|bookso when you do /alias /sh %1 %2 it will create a new slash command parser function that iterates through ...
02:52.25cog|bookerr... not ... but the message
02:52.53FinI've read through ChatFrame.lua so many times my brain hurts
02:53.03Finhurts more
02:53.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
02:53.23cog|bookignore all that for now :P
02:53.28FinOK, it's worth a try
02:53.40cog|bookfeel free to steal my slash command running code if you haven't already :P
02:53.56FinI'll see if I can get a basic alias system up and running first
02:54.06Finoh, hey thanks, I might do that
02:54.24FinI want to understand what's going on though, I'll try and get something working if I can :)
02:54.39FinMacroTalk is awesome, btw :)
02:54.49cog|booktx :)
02:55.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
03:05.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
03:05.24doskoiuse macro talk ?
03:06.36doskoiFin: what is MacroTalk ?
03:07.06Fin"MacroTalk provides extended chat command support especially useful for macros.
03:07.09FinFor comments, bug reports, etc., please visit"
03:08.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
03:09.22doskoiit make slash better
03:09.51Finyes, and more
03:10.00Finbuy now! for a free murloc
03:10.10cog|bookNooo!!! Murky is MINE!
03:11.30Finsorry! we are unable to provide your free murloc as we are temporarily out of stock due to high demand. please accept ** one free day ** as a token of how much we care about you
03:12.04Bleeternoooo! they be stealing my Murky!
03:12.06doskoiemm, what is murloc ?
03:12.58Bleeterdoskoi: what is the name in Chinese? Can it be said in English?
03:14.08doskoinice pet, this call "Ben Bo Er Ba", it a mob name in <Story of a Journey to the West or The Pilgrimage to the West>
03:14.22CideI am murloc!
03:14.33cog|bookI will be murloc after blizzcon!
03:14.45doskoii like blizzcon
03:15.02Lunessaso I herd u like murlocs
03:15.03*** join/#wowi-lounge N|Tivoli (n=asdf@
03:15.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
03:16.18doskoibut , i never get this cute pet
03:17.13cog|bookI got mine at the last blizzcon... It's gonna be so cool dressing up as a murloc and have murky trailing behind me ><
03:17.53Lunessa... I have merloc envy
03:18.41ZiconWe all do.
03:18.56doskoiare murloc like dance often?
03:19.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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03:22.40Finonly on the weekends
03:24.02cog|bookevery five minutes they have a random chance to go off
03:24.13cog|bookwe had 5 murkies in my guild at one point
03:24.29cog|bookthey would dance together every now and then :)
03:24.36cog|book(not all 5 at once, but still)
03:24.43Bleeterdoskoi: do the have a Blizzcon, or similar gathering for Warcraft fans, in China?
03:25.15doskoiI never hear that
03:25.43doskoibut in game ,have a npc to input blizzcon code to get murky
03:26.11BleeterI think I remember they were advertising earlier this year for a Public Relations person for China, maybe they're hoping to start something
03:27.11doskoimaybe have some gathering, but it just game's agent do it, not blizzard
03:28.19Bleeter(also known as a holiday for staff ;-)
03:28.38doskoiand maybe your used blizzcon code can use at china server again
03:29.04Bleeterinteresting idea ;)
03:29.35Bleeterif the US codes can be used on Europe servers, it might work in China as well, but I doubt they do
03:30.35doskoiso, china never have blizzcon, why ingame have this npc
03:31.18Bleetera lot easier to leave an NPC ingame that has no function, than have more different code to maintain, I guess
03:33.11doskoii try input number 11111111,  it's tell me this a invalid code
03:34.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
03:35.42doskoiit be work, i was see this pet of another player ingame
03:39.49Kirkburn|sleepBtw, I have to post this, it's far too disturbing -
03:40.01Kirkburn|sleepAnyone from Texas, prepare to be pissed off
03:40.26Kirkburn|sleep(Or if you're not pissed off, prepare to make me pissed off ;)
03:40.37Kaydeethreeoh, no way
03:40.42Kaydeethreethat <...> idiot
03:40.50cog|bookping |Jelly|
03:43.09doskoilunch time
03:45.21Nom-Doomed indeed
03:45.50Kaydeethreeand I thought cobb county (where I went to high school) was bad with the anti-evolution stickers in the biology textbooks
03:45.52Kaydeethreethis takes the case
03:46.29Kirkburn|sleepStickers? o_O
03:46.36Nom-Creationists are the new whacky christian bible bashers
03:46.37Kirkburn|sleep(to lighten the mood - )
03:47.08Bleeterwhat gets me, is that people don't see this kind of behaviour as objectionable as blowing people up for disagreeing with a certain belief
03:47.16Kaydeethreeyeah, they put stickers on the inside front cover of textbooks stating to the effect that "evolution is a theory, not a law, let's have a discussion in class about it, blah blah blah"
03:47.54BleeterI mean to say, how screwed up was the old USSR sciences because of a certain religious belief on some scientific teachings (can't recall specifics, but I'm sure some know what I mean)
03:54.09Bleeterthen again, there's only two things that come out of Texas... so I guess they can't be too concerned with whatever potential intellectual capacity they instill in them ;)
03:54.21*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:56.30ScytheBlade1Antiarc, my guild played with Void Reaver and the 80% multiplier tonight. According to the tanks, "dead on"
03:56.50AntiarcWe just did him and I forgot to set the multiplier :(
03:56.57AntiarcBut I'll see about setting 80% in trunk
03:56.59ScytheBlade1Hehe, oop
03:57.00AntiarcThat's sounding more and more right
04:01.48Bleeterwow, if you thought that texas thing was dumb...
04:01.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Outlaw| (n=outlaw@
04:04.37Cidehahaha, Bleeter
04:14.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
04:31.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
04:42.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (
04:45.20Nom-holy crap
04:45.26Nom-They have 2ms widescreen LCDs now
04:45.28Nom-That's crazy
04:45.35Kaydeethreeno kidding
04:45.52Nom-I'm getting one with my tax return :)
04:45.54Nom-Should get enough
04:46.06Kaydeethree...crap, I've still got a check I need to cash
04:46.38Nom-22" Widescreen LCD = AUD 429
04:46.49Nom-That's soooo cheap compared to 6 months ago
04:48.18Nom-That's with HDCP too
04:48.30Nom-Without is around AUD 330
04:49.03XuerianBleeter: <Facepalm>
04:53.33*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
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05:00.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Outlaw| (n=outlaw@
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05:28.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
05:31.33Nom-In contrast to that article about the texas idiot
05:32.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar2 (
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05:46.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar4 (
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06:46.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Outlaw| (n=outlaw@
07:01.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
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07:15.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Bejitt (
07:16.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter_ (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
07:17.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
07:19.40Bleeterfor those who may have been following the story
07:24.22ckknightshe's not attractive
07:28.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
07:28.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
07:31.12BleeterI think that's 9/10th's the point of meeting someone online
07:31.49Bleeterthe remaining 1/10th being suddenly discovering you're comitting a felony when you fly half way 'round the planet to 'save them' from their opressive parents
07:33.33MentalPower|Potr$10 says the kid will run away to australia at the first opportunity
07:34.00BleeterI'll take that
07:34.08Bleeterplain old run away would be a safer bet ;)
07:34.25Bleetergnight mate, rest well
07:34.36MentalPower|Potryup, gnight
07:42.55*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
07:43.41sag_ich_nicht <--someone please quote Drysc in this thread with an "o rly?" and a link to this page from wowhead:
07:50.15sag_ich_nicht(the patchnotes from 2.1.12 claim it's now working for all crits, but i think they lie)
07:52.24Nom- <-- lol
08:06.33*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
08:10.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
08:23.03Bleeteroh dear, some poor guy on my realm just got beat up 'coz he was asking for work so he could go to med school
08:23.13Bleeterpeople told him to give up WoW, there's $15 a month
08:23.24Bleeterhe came back with '((erm, guys, I'm RPing!))
08:24.45*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
08:24.51ckknightyou on an RP realm?
08:31.29MaldiviaBleeter: tell him to postpone med school till he's level 70, then he'll have enough money to respec :)
08:32.41BleeterMaldivia: lol
08:32.43Bleeterckknight: aye
08:33.00ckknightyou US or EU?
08:33.14BleeterUS, Thorium Brotherhood
08:36.18ckknightah, okay
08:36.18ckknightCenarion Circle for me
08:36.19ckknightalso RP
08:37.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Ins- (n=sam@
08:39.07BleeterRP realms seem to be lacking in, how can I put it.. the annoying 12 y/o git factor
08:39.20Bleeternot that they don't have small pockets, but they're far less common
09:00.38Nom-Anyone seen any announcements about when the PTR voice comms are being added ?
09:03.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
09:04.26BleeterNom-: Last I read 'in a future PTR build'
09:29.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
09:30.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
09:53.50*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (i=spam@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
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10:13.14*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
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11:55.38zenzelezzit's player versus *environment*, not *mobs*
11:56.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
11:57.12BleeterI thought test realms partially existed for the likes of us to test new API stuff on
11:57.27Bleeterpretty hard to test, say, Auctioneer when there's not a single AH NPC to be found
11:57.49zenzelezzI find your lack of faith disturbing
11:58.28Bleeterhell, there's no flight masters either lol
11:58.35Bleetercan't fly to BB to see if they're working down there
12:00.22BleeterTopper McNabb's still beggin'
12:00.25Bleetercan't see him
12:01.01Bleeterfixes it
12:04.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
12:07.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
12:12.08Bleeterheh, running around SW with Blessing of Archindoun's pretty cool, too.. can't be bothered testing to see if the buff's actually applying, or just showing
12:13.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Chomp (
12:20.14*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
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12:35.12*** join/#wowi-lounge spathi (n=spathi@
12:43.36Bleeteranyone on Horde PvE PTR? Looks like the AH is empty, but if you do a search it'll infinite loop
13:06.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (i=Kyahx@gateway/tor/x-151ee873b2214ebe)
13:16.26|FF|Im2good4uthen your ui is broken
13:19.20Bleetercertainly something freaky's going on. Removed my Interface, Cache and WTF folders. Same result.
13:19.38BleeterWas working fine when I tried Alliance side :/
13:20.17Bleeteryup, switch back to alliance. perfect.
13:25.16*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|book (
13:38.04Bleeterback to Horde, no banana. Back to alliance, works fine. /me cannot grok, and goes off to pass out.
13:38.16Bleetergmorn cog|book, gnight cog|book
13:38.42zenzelezzwhat about the neutral AH?
13:39.07Bleeterhmm, everlook transporter ftw
13:39.19cog|bookpfft... gadget > everlook :P
13:40.37Bleeteryou you you.. gnome engineering lubber!
13:41.10zenzelezzpfft, it's only a 12-minute flight from Everlook to Gadgetzan anyway :-o
13:41.15BleeterEverlook's fine... though I refuse to pay 228570g72s64c for a Runed Living Ruby
13:42.03cog|bookCoT... 'nuff said ;)
13:42.24zenzelezzand AQ back in the day
13:42.45BleeterBack in the day, had hearth set @ Cenarion Holde
13:43.05Bleeterand, btw, if you've got a gadget portal.. you get a Toshley's portal... just as useful as Everlook ;)
13:43.20cog|bookI use toshley's all the time :P
13:43.31BleeterArea 52 > Toshley's
13:43.48cog|book2 minute flight :P
13:43.49zenzelezzno we didn't, we had them set to Ironforge
13:43.51Bleeterhell, Toshley's got engineers but no forge? wth's with that?
13:45.13cog|bookArea 51 didn't have a forge 'till last patch iirc...
13:46.09deltron52 :)
13:46.12Bleeterdunno, my engi wasn't my first BC levelled toon, so would've missed it
13:49.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
13:49.39|Jelly|cog|book: UBER late Pong?
13:50.01cog|bookI was just pinging you 'cause they were making fun of texas...
13:50.11|Jelly|I make fun of Texas. lol
13:50.40cog|bookyou guys have a creationist as the top education dawg now :P
13:52.34|Jelly|I really can't say that surprises me.
13:52.42|Jelly|Kind of glad I'm not still in school though.
13:55.49Bleeterohhh, |Jelly|'s from Texas... must be a Steer then
13:56.11|Jelly|Delay? Did it take you that long to think that up?
13:57.37BleeterNah, still trying to work out this annoying AH PvE Horde issue I've got :/
14:00.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
14:04.54Bleeterwell, I still don't get it... meh, gunna file a bug report on the forum, and leave it at that.
14:05.35Bleeterthere seems to be an issue, at least alliance side, of missing NPCs. Some claim it's due to Horde raid, but as non-flagged players, corpses and mobs are missing as well, I doubt that severely.
14:06.25jmenon flagged players just disappear?
14:07.08Bleeteron login, can't see any NPCs, mobs, critters, players.
14:07.14Bleeterrelogging 'fixes' it
14:08.08Bleeterwhat I say above is, that I'd expect if there had been a horde raid that'd killed all the guards, I'd see some non-flagged players wandering around. which I didn't. Also, the rats near Topper McNabb have a fairly fast spawn rate. Didn't see them, either ;)
14:13.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
14:24.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
14:25.02Industrialyay new WAR newsletter
14:40.39jmeBleeter: that regularly happens to me after i log in, takes a while for models to show up on screen. i just see their shadows at first.
14:40.47jmei just ignore it
14:41.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Ins- (n=sam@
14:41.04jmeIndustrial: i didn't get it :(
14:41.25Industrialwarhammer online
14:41.29jmei know
14:42.08jmeWarhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
14:42.09jmeStatus: Applied
14:42.12Industrialhm, maybe you will?
14:42.17Industrialoh the beta?
14:42.20Industrialme neither
14:42.35Industrialbut i want it badly ;o
14:42.39jmeyeah i do too
14:42.57Industrialkind of worn out by wow
14:43.08jmei just hope it turns out to not suck
14:43.10Industrialthe whole "new and exciting where the hell am I" is gone
14:43.16Industriallong gone
14:43.41jmei'll still play wow, i've got a lot of gear to collect :D
14:47.02*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
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15:02.06*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
15:08.58cog|work|Jelly|: some huntard was sharing an AutoHotkey script to automate steady shot
15:09.37cog|workOne hunter responded "This post makes me embarrassed to play this class" and a bunch of others followed suit ><
15:14.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (i=Kyahx@gateway/tor/x-225be0812a8c88e2)
15:18.30|FF|Im2good4uim a rading hunter i stil palt old school
15:19.59|FF|Im2good4uno macro's i just click the shots i wana use
15:20.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
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15:39.06|Jelly|cog|work: lawl
15:46.00Mr_Rabies2oh geez
15:46.07Mr_Rabies2seed of corruption is godly in av
15:46.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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15:48.58cog|workmorning, Cide
15:49.05Cidemorning cog|work
15:50.44EndMr_Rabies2: especially considering people run away...FARTHER into the group
15:54.20*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
15:55.37Mr_Rabies2i just did about 100000 damage or so with it
15:55.46Mr_Rabies2in one cast
15:55.51Mr_Rabies2i had it on about 5 people too
15:56.20EndI think you exaggerate a little :P
15:56.43End20k in one cast is about the maximum
15:56.48Mr_Rabies2this is in tier 6 ;o
15:57.26Mr_Rabies2so i guess about 50k or so,
15:57.32Mr_Rabies2because it crits for ~2600
15:58.25Endkeep in mind, after 10 targets it scales down badly
15:58.41Mr_Rabies2all i know is my screen was covered in numbers from 1000-2500
15:59.05Endyou hit less or equal to 10 targets then :P
15:59.54End(hmm, wowwiki is claiming it's 15)
16:00.07End(but they don't use precise wording either)
16:01.08Mr_Rabies2i dunno
16:01.13Mr_Rabies2it seemed like a lot more than 10
16:01.19Mr_Rabies2it could have been more than 1 going off at once
16:01.24Mr_Rabies2it was about 30 numbers
16:01.38Mr_Rabies2maybe more
16:01.42Mr_Rabies2i didn't count :P
16:01.49Mr_Rabies2it was covering my whole screen though
16:02.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten|Work (n=kaelten@
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16:03.06Mr_Rabies2nothing like alternating between tab and SoC
16:06.47Endhmm, I wonder what patch they added the AoE caps was
16:07.19End(they are adding it to additional AoEs they missed somehow in 2.2 I know)
16:08.16Kasoit was one of the TBC beta patches it got introduced in, it was fairly late in the beta iirc
16:08.20Kasoi think.
16:09.07Kasocos frost mages were aoeing down half of nagrand at once
16:09.09EndI remember it being added
16:10.35Endwell, it's 10 targets, unless they changed it
16:12.46EndMr_Rabies2: how much spell damage do you have?
16:12.56Mr_Rabies2907 i think it said
16:13.14Mr_Rabies2that's tier 6
16:13.17Endyou aren't hitting more than 10 targets
16:13.30EndI'm telling you that now
16:13.42Mr_Rabies2it had to have been multiple ones going off then
16:13.55EndI have ~1100 spell damage on my warlock, and those numbers aren't too different from my numbers
16:15.14Mr_Rabies2i was tearing up the ptr AV
16:15.25Mr_Rabies2casting it on 3-4 people at a time
16:15.27Mr_Rabies2freakin awesome
16:15.33Endyeah, it works very well in AV :P
16:16.55Mr_Rabies2and ua works very well everywhere else
16:17.25Endcorruption should be doing more damage, unless they are dispel happy :P
16:17.35Mr_Rabies2it keeps them from dispelling corruption
16:17.39Endtrue dat
16:17.41Mr_Rabies2so i do both
16:20.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
16:21.14Mr_Rabies2it's fun to cast on pallies
16:21.31Mr_Rabies2then watching them nuke themselves
16:22.13Endit's when they dispel it off themselves twice...that's just like o_O
16:22.51Endput UA, paladin gets silenced, put UA on again, and as soon as they aren't silenced again, dead paladin o_O
16:23.05Endhow can you be that dumb? :O
16:23.09Mr_Rabies2oh god though
16:23.10Mr_Rabies2last WSG
16:23.14Mr_Rabies23 rogues on the other team
16:23.17Mr_Rabies2STALKING ME
16:23.28Mr_Rabies2every time i would res
16:23.39Mr_Rabies2without hesitation, 30 seconds later i'd have 3 rogues gnawing on me
16:23.51Mr_Rabies2UD rogues
16:24.04Mr_Rabies2wotf, trinket, clos
16:24.52Endyou'll find CoEx helps somewhat
16:25.04Endalthough I think imp. sprint dispels it
16:27.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
16:29.27Mr_Rabies2doesn't help
16:29.32Mr_Rabies2they just stunlock me
16:29.49Mr_Rabies2even with 12k hp i can't handle that
16:30.36Endyeah, 3 rogues is going to make that difficult?
16:30.51Ender, no question mark :X
16:31.04Enddid they give you the pvp trinket at least on ptr?
16:31.23Endwell, that's good at least
16:31.31Mr_Rabies2i have that and quag's eye
16:31.32Mr_Rabies2i think
16:39.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
16:41.14Kaydeethreegah, as I log in to the forums the @hortus post gets locked
16:42.34ScytheBlade1I just saw that too :/
16:44.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Outlaw| (n=outlaw@
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16:45.27EndI'm curious if it works under Cedega
16:45.39ScytheBlade1/tar End; /doom
16:45.48Kaydeethreedunno, I gave up my subscription a year ago
16:46.02Kaydeethreewonder if I've still got it lying around?
16:46.19ScytheBlade1I've just got a problem with the company in general :P
16:46.20LopeppeppyWhat did this thing do?   *at work not always able to see spiffy forum fun*
16:46.59ScytheBlade1Lopeppeppy, the "@ hortus" thread was a thread about the WINEers. And how the audio does not work at all.
16:47.09ScytheBlade1It was locked stating that "wine is not supported in any way"
16:47.15ScytheBlade1And that was that
16:49.40*** join/#wowi-lounge gaurong (
16:49.51Endthe latest version of fmodex listed on the fmod site is 4.06
16:50.16Endthe dll the ptr client uses claims to be 4.7.19
16:50.39ScytheBlade1Internal version?
16:50.40LopeppeppyAh.... yeah, I've seen some threads about the new sound stuff, and WINE.  I'm not unix/linux enabled/knowledgeable, so I just sorta feel bad that something doesn't work, without any way to really empathize beyond that.
16:50.58EndBlizzard has a source code license
16:51.00KaydeethreeI read somewhere that blizz has a source code license to fmodex, they can make it show whatever version number they want
16:51.46EndI don't think Blizzard would change the version string, but it might be an unreleased version
16:52.05ScytheBlade1If they modify it at all, I'd hope they change the version string
16:52.43EndIf I were Blizzard I'd stick -Blizz on the end of the string or something, not change the numbering :P
16:53.05Endah hah
16:53.13EndI see FMOD Ex 4.06.22 (STABLE). Released 22nd June 2007.
16:53.20Endand then: FMOD Ex 4.07.19 (DEVELOPMENT). Released 22nd June 2007.
16:54.33ScytheBlade1Good to know that they're shipping non-stable code in a retail client :D
16:54.43Endyou could try dropping different versions in I guess, but that probably won't help any
16:55.44Endparticularly because the api isn't quite the same
16:56.10ScytheBlade1PTR forums aside, I AM curious if the PTR is down because they're adding voice chat
16:56.41Kaydeethreeusually they'd give us some kind of a warning if the ptr's going to be down, that is kinda odd
16:56.43Kaydeethreedunno, hope so
17:00.18Endwell, Blizzard is using the stock dll
17:00.30Ender, I mean no, source code changes to fmodex.dll
17:00.41Antiarc|WorkHow can you tell? Checksum's the same?
17:01.39Endalthough Blizzard probably pushes changes upstream anyways
17:01.46Endif they did make any
17:02.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
17:02.53Endok, here's something interesting
17:03.00Endoh wait, I think I know why
17:05.09Kaydeethreethere's the 'ptr downtime' sticky...
17:09.14Mr_Rabies2oh end
17:09.18Mr_Rabies2i think i figured out what did it
17:09.27Mr_Rabies2the tick from one SoC set off the other 3 or so
17:10.00Mr_Rabies2i didn't realize it popped on any damage, not just its own
17:10.35Endthat's why I don't like using it with mages who AoE right away
17:11.14Endtheir AoE triggers it so I don't get all my seeds off, I pull aggro, and then have a hell of a time tanking all the mobs :P
17:11.58Mr_Rabies2 :O
17:12.07Mr_Rabies2if i was paul sams i'd be concerned about how tigole was staring at me
17:16.29zenzelezzI'm sure they can extend it if you prefer
17:25.12*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
17:30.29Kaydeethreeptr's up, by the way. serverside maint, no patch
17:35.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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17:48.01Mr_Rabies2is it up already?
17:48.23Kaydeethreewas flying in circles around a'dal for a while
17:48.53Mr_Rabies2i thought it was going down for four hrs
17:49.14Mr_Rabies2blizzard actually met a deadline early? haxxx
17:49.30Kaydeethreethe server was down for a while before hortus made that post
17:51.42Mr_Rabies2your mom was >:[
17:54.45Mr_Rabies2is there no way to unsummon demons anymore?
17:54.53Mr_Rabies2i want to remove mine so i can enslave a doomguard
17:55.27Mr_Rabies2aha, right click dismiss
17:57.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
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18:16.13Josh_Borke/wave Cairenn
18:20.24cog|workWhy are spam subject lines so damned amusing?
18:20.43cog|work"Let the big d**k fairy bless you"
18:20.52cog|work"thanks, but ... i'd rather not O.o"
18:23.13CairennLopeppeppy: thank you again for your help on getting that updated.  slouken is back from his vacation and has stuck a pin in it now. :)
18:23.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
18:23.46cog|workEVERYBODY RUN!
18:24.19cog|workthat makes it easier... now we don't have to
18:24.46LunessaOh man.  So cruel.  
18:26.11cog|workCairenn: poof!
18:26.18Cairenncog|work: thanks :)
18:29.58LopeppeppyI'll bask over it when I head home and can peek at the site.
18:31.38LunessaWhat did I miss?  
18:31.55Cairennjust an updated mod faq
18:32.20CairennLopeppeppy very kindly helped me give it some long-overdue tld
18:32.46ckknightcog|work: you should be nicer to the big duck fairy
18:32.50ckknightI mean, everyone likes ducks
18:33.28cog|workYeah, but he makes it sound like the duck is going to anoint me with its poo or something...
18:33.36Lunessa... big duck fairy?   In a tu-tu?
18:36.15LopeppeppyDucks do not echo when they quack.
18:36.57cog|work^ busted by Adam & Jamie
18:37.07ckknightoh yea?
18:37.07ckknightwell, ur mom quacks
18:37.47LunessaDucks echo.  All sound echos.
18:38.21CairennLunessa & Kaydeethree: would you mind poofing yours as well, pretty please?
18:38.27LopeppeppyBut if a duck quacks in the forest and no one hears it, do they echo?
18:38.46LunessaI have a FAQ?  
18:38.47Cideif a forest falls in a tree, does it make a sound?
18:39.18Cairennno no, your posts in the thread, bumping it :)
18:39.18cog|workyou know... the off topic ones? :P
18:39.18LunessaOh, sure...
18:39.18Kaydeethreesure thing, just a sec
18:39.21Cairennwhen you can, no rush :)
18:39.23LopeppeppyI dunno, Cide.  I swear I watched that Mythbusters episode and they didn't get an echo, but maybe I wasn't paying attention correctly...
18:39.44cog|workLopeppeppy: they discovered the problem... The quack itself has a waveform similar to an echo
18:39.45Kaydeethreethey got an echo, it just blended in with the sound
18:39.58LunessaCairenn - poofed -
18:39.58cog|workso it sounds as if it's not echoing when in actuality it is
18:40.10Kaydeethreemine's gone too
18:40.19Cideis an echo an echo if it doesn't sound like an echo?
18:40.31LopeppeppySometimes a cigar is just a cigar....
18:40.33Cidewhat is life? why are we here?
18:41.01cog|workone person applause 4tw!
18:41.10Lunessawhat is the sound of one coder coding?  
18:41.19LopeppeppyIf that's related to the spam mail you were discussing earlier, Cogwheel, I don't wanna know....
18:41.29N|Tivolitick tick slurp tick tick slurp
18:41.56Cide*lalala* Maybe manager wanna write god damn login page himself...
18:42.31Lunessa... got it.  
18:42.35Cideah, good!
18:42.38LopeppeppyThat's my stapler?
18:43.00Lunessa"We fixed the glitch."
18:43.01*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
18:43.34LunessaI'm going to have to ask you to come in on Saturday.  
18:45.34Cideheya tom, it's bob
18:46.03LunessaLooks like somebody has a case of the "Mondayss."
18:48.15LunessaYeah, let me make sure you get a copy of that memo.  Yeah, that would be great.  
18:51.36LunessaWhy is it that some people are so reluctant to go get an updated version of an AddOn when their current version is broken?  I'm sure there's a PHD in that question somewhere.
18:52.45LopeppeppyThey want things mysteriously fixed, without them having to go and download the new version...  somehow....
18:53.44LunessaPress the magic button for me.
18:54.31*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
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19:01.44foxlitpssst, self-updating addons, gogo!
19:03.53Esamynnfoxlit: sounds like a pipe dream to me :P
19:04.34cog|workIt would be possible
19:04.38cog|workthough very hackish
19:05.34cog|workand would only work if someone on a realm+faction updates manually
19:07.18*** join/#wowi-lounge dsfargeg (n=rumors@
19:09.47foxlitbattlegroup + faction + pvp :)
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19:12.50jiteoThere seems to be an error in my XML, the frame it describes isn't being created. The file is 700 lines long, there has to be some way to know where the error is...
19:13.45cog|workWorld of Warcraft\Logs\FrameXML.log
19:14.10Esamynnalso, load the xml file in a web browser
19:14.25jiteoDidn't get updated.
19:14.25Esamynnfor a basic syntax check
19:14.44jiteoLast modified date is 2:58, it is now 3:14.
19:14.50cog|workjiteo: check out            Makes it much easier to work on WoW XML files
19:14.52jiteoAnd I've reloaded the UI a few times since then...
19:15.27jiteoLoaded it in Firefox too, all seems clear.
19:16.35zenzelezzdon't mean to be Captain Obvious, but you're sure the addon itself is being loaded, and that the .xml is listed in the .toc?
19:17.30jiteoFrom the last FrameXML.log entry: Loading file Interface\AddOns\Alcohol\AlcConfig.xml
19:17.33jiteoSo yeah :)
19:17.49zenzelezzbut there's no mention of errors in it?
19:18.40jiteoThere are, I didn't paste those.
19:19.01Antiarc|Workjiteo: I'll betcha you have a < or > in a script block
19:19.03Antiarc|WorkDoing a comparison
19:19.10Antiarc|WorkCan you pastey the file somewhere?
19:21.08foxlitIt's only <
19:21.18foxlitSo you can use >= freely
19:21.22jiteo for what it's worth...
19:24.33jiteoInstall Visual Studio now, btw...
19:25.09cog|workit'll underline any problem spots in your XML with little squigglies
19:25.30foxlitI don't see that closing?
19:25.36foxlitBut highlighting suggests it does
19:25.43jiteoThe comment? Way further down.
19:26.27jiteoThe installation wants a reboot, see you on the flip side...
19:26.30cog|workyeah... that part's borked
19:31.55*** join/#wowi-lounge jiteo (
19:32.07jiteoStill installing...
19:36.59Antiarc|Workjiteo: Which frame isn't being created (AlcConfig?) and what do you have in FrameXML.log?
19:37.38jiteoYeah, AlcConfig
19:38.26jiteoThe (outdated, I've reloaded both game and UI since the last write) log says that OnClick isn't a valid handler for a UIDropDownMenu frame...
19:38.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
19:40.19jiteoAlright, Visual Studio is set up, now how do I get it to tell me what's wrong? I've added the scheme location in my XML declaration...
19:40.38cog|work[12:27]<cog|work>it'll underline any problem spots in your XML with little squigglies
19:41.04cog|workbut you should've listened to foxlit before restarting
19:41.35cog|workyou have an unclosed comment
19:41.47jiteoNo I don't ;)
19:42.26cog|workif your code is the same as what you pasteyed, you do...
19:43.09cog|workYou can't have tags inside comments
19:44.47cog|work(last i tried anyway)
19:44.57cog|workBut still... did you check FrameXML.log like we suggested? :P
19:45.53zenzelezzjiteo: don't nest comments, it confuses the parser
19:46.18jiteoWell, even with the comment block removed, still doesn't load.
19:46.33cog|workand what does FrameXML.log say?
19:46.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ben (
19:47.00benHow do I find out the current date using the WoW API
19:47.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Xapht (n=sdfs@
19:47.10jiteoBut... That's outdated...
19:48.11XaphtAnybody have a link to a good "First Mod" tutorial? I have a quick and dirty UI mod to write, but dont really know where to start. I just want to dump the names of everyone in a raid to a text box to copy/paste out of.
19:48.25jiteoGame has been reloaded many times since FrameXML.log was modified...
19:50.11benXapht: Dump it to chat, use Prat to be able to copy from the chat frame
19:50.52cog|workjiteo: as i said, it will underline any errors if you've set it up correctly
19:50.56cog|workI've found two so far...
19:51.05cog|workThere is no such attribute as readonly
19:51.16cog|workAnd even if there was, you spelled it wrong in one of the spots ><
19:51.18jiteoThe readonlys? Yeah, I got rid of those.
19:51.27jiteoSame problem :/
19:51.41Xaphtben, that would work.. But truthfully. I would like to do more with it in the future, and just looking to get this working as a framework to add-on to. Hence looking for a decent ui tutorial
19:52.04jiteoWhat's not allowed in a script block? [ and " are OK I hope?
19:52.46benWhat is a script block
19:53.59cog|workben: the stuff inside <OnLoad> for instance
19:56.58jiteoOk, found Visual Studio's error view - it finds nothing!
19:57.01cog|workjiteo: you should be making templates
19:57.08cog|workyou've got a lot of repetitive code
19:58.19jiteoHrmpf, thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
19:58.28jiteoIt doesn't help the current situation though ;/
19:58.53cog|workIt might... lol
19:59.06cog|workI've found when i refactor my code, some things spontaneously begin working ><
19:59.09bencog|work: Uh, you should probably just xml-escape that.
19:59.15benerr, jiteo should!
20:01.43jiteoQuestion though, you notice I have quite a few EditBoxes with a label next to it - can I make one template for all of them and then just set the label's FontString's text, or do I need one template for every different label?
20:02.49cog|workWhat I would do is make the template include the label and the set the text in an OnLoad script
20:03.37jiteoHeh, smrt.
20:03.41jiteoSuch a hack though ><
20:03.48cog|workactually, it's a pretty common practice
20:03.53jiteoLike most of doing UI in WoW, actually...
20:06.58jiteoWell, gonna have to try templates tomorrow, time for work.
20:07.04jiteoThanks for the help!
20:07.16jmeIndustrial: finally got that WAR newsletter an hour ago
20:07.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
20:08.06jmeWork is well underway on WAR's final racial pairing - High Elf vs. Dark Elf
20:08.14jmeok, so every other MMO has that
20:09.23deltronI can't wait for WAR :P
20:09.44jmesame here
20:12.20ScytheBlade1Okay, offtopic question. Anyone here run WoW Web Stats for their guild, or contribute logs?
20:12.37jmenot i
20:13.17ScytheBlade1I do, and for one run in question, five people were not listed once in the logs
20:13.33ScytheBlade1They just simply "didn't appear" in 5MB worth of text, despite being there the entire time
20:13.49ScytheBlade1No kidding.
20:15.00jmedeltron: did you get the newsletter?
20:15.11deltroni thought I did
20:16.00jmedeltron: - marauders
20:18.05*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
20:18.14deltronholy shit that is awesome
20:19.53deltronI love the last line
20:22.00jmei'm not sure what race/class i'm going to roll
20:22.48[dRaCo]undead rogue, like everyone.
20:25.59jme"Sewers are rumored to be home to unspeakable things..." (in the capital)
20:27.11deltronbattle priest :D
20:33.12deltronoh wow
20:35.29jmedeltron: ingame:
20:40.32mikmai hate people who can draw like that :)
20:40.50deltronyou mean draw well? heh
20:41.04mikmawell, draw :D
20:55.54LunessaThat was a neat video.
20:56.11*** join/#wowi-lounge kergoth (
20:56.23LunessaI used to play WH40K a lot, and the thing that intrigued me most about the game was the art.
20:56.48deltron40k isn't what the MMO is based off of
20:56.52deltronat least this MMO
20:57.05LunessaI know.  
20:57.17LunessaSame artists worked on WHFB and WH40K
20:58.37deltronI'm a pen & paper newbie :(
21:01.01Josh_Borkebye all
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21:23.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
21:23.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Regex (
21:23.36RegexHey guys
21:24.01RegexI'm umm looking for an addon
21:24.09Regexis this the right place to find one?
21:24.21Regexwell, to ask if there is one like this?
21:24.22Shirikyou want RDX
21:24.29RegexRDX? lol
21:24.31Shirikbut yeah what are yoi looking for
21:24.48Regexoh btw, shirik
21:24.49Regexit's me
21:24.59Regexremember me?
21:25.02RegexProlly not
21:25.10Regexi'm umm looking for an addon
21:25.32Regexthat shows like everything you can buy with BG tokens / Honor points
21:25.39Cidehi, try and type on one line and not\nlike\nthis
21:25.56ShirikYou can use \n if you want, just not enter ^^
21:26.10Shirikhm, that's an interesting idea for an addon
21:26.14RegexOops well yeah, that was my problem last time too, very sorry
21:26.19ShirikPersonally I haven't heard of anything that does that
21:26.29RegexHehe, I'm a source of inspiration
21:27.14RegexWell, if there isn't an addon like this, would you make one that does that then?
21:27.32ShirikI'd love to, but I already have a million other projects that I'm supposed to finish
21:27.47ShirikFor this very reason -- someone comes to me and asks for an addon, then I offer to make it. Rinse and repeat 50 times
21:28.17ShirikAnyone here ever used SolidWorks? (Or AutoCAD, or preferably both)
21:28.19cog|workWhere's my critter counter!!!!111
21:28.27CideShirik: exactly why you shouldn't take requests :P
21:28.30Regexah ok, well i'd say I would help as much as I can, but I don't know anything about lua
21:28.45ShirikAnd I'd love to take the project, but I have too many going on right now
21:28.50cog|work :P
21:28.51Shirikthis is actually the first time I've declined a project I liked
21:28.57Cidedo contract-based addons instead
21:29.01Cidewant an addon? pay me
21:29.10Regexawww, damnit why does this need to happen to me lol
21:29.16CideI'm half serious
21:29.30cog|workI agree to the extent that you're serious :)
21:29.31Regexwith what part are you serious then, cide :p
21:29.33ShirikCide, do you know the #1 reason Cidan and I reworked RDX?
21:29.42CideShirik: no
21:29.51cog|workso you wouldn't have to pay?
21:30.05ShirikWell us nor anyone else
21:30.10CideRegex: I'm serious about the fact that if people want something but can't do it on their own, they should pay for the service of doing ot for them
21:30.19Cides/ ot / to /
21:30.21cog|workthat was the general "you"... probably should've used "one" :P
21:30.25RegexWell, If someone gets me on the way creating this addon, i can continue it
21:30.40ShirikThis is why other languages like french use that distinction frequently :P
21:31.05cog|worklojban > *
21:31.43ShirikSo anyway I got to use a new program today, SolidWorks. It is by far the coolest CAD/CAM program I have ever worked with
21:31.44Shirikand so easy
21:31.45cog|workI hate linguistic ambiguities
21:31.58cog|workTime flies like an arrow
21:32.04cog|work^ has so many meanings it's scary
21:32.17ShirikI like "ghoti" personally
21:32.21Tem|Workwhat does UnitIsPlayerControlled return for hunter pets?
21:32.21Shirikit's how you spell "fish"
21:32.22*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
21:32.33cog|workShirik: <3 ghoti
21:32.35ShirikTem|Work: Good question. I would imagine nil (not false nor true)
21:32.46Shirikbut there's one way to find out ^^
21:32.53cog|workenou*gh*   w*o*men   revolu*ti*on
21:33.26Bleeterjme: nope, no shadows either (ie, not a cache issue)
21:33.52ShirikTem|Work: I'm testing for you
21:33.53Shirikjust a sec
21:34.04Shirikhave to log in
21:34.24Tem|Workafk a sec
21:35.03Regexok, i'm going to try to create something like the battlegrounds reward thingy (maybe anyone wants to help? :p)
21:35.20RegexIt's just something like Atlasloot i think
21:35.27ShirikTem|Work: Are you sure that's the name of the function?
21:36.03Shirikactually it returns 1
21:36.11cog|workShirik: french is pretty bad in that regard too
21:36.18Shirikthey have "on"
21:36.27cog|workqu'est-ce        pronounced        kes
21:36.27Tem|WorkI need a way to determine if a given unit is a player or a pet
21:36.44ShirikIt returns 1 if the pet is present, nil if it is not
21:36.55Tem|Work(and don't you dare tell me to scan the tooltip)
21:37.16Shirikwhat about UnitCreatureType ?
21:37.17KyahxCouldn't you check the unit type?  I don't know of many humanoid pets
21:37.22Kyahxtype is the wrong word
21:37.31ShirikALL hunter pets will be beasts
21:37.31KyahxYea that :P
21:37.39ShirikALL warlock pets will be demons
21:37.44cog|workqu'est-ce que c'est que ca?        Literally:    what is this what this is what that?          Meaning: What's that?!
21:37.47Shirikcombine UnitPlayerControlled with UnitCreatureType and you're done
21:38.01Shirik"qu'est-ce que" what is it that
21:38.05Shirikmakes sense to me
21:38.19Shirikqu'est-ce que t'aimes? What is it that you like?
21:38.29ShirikAnyway I gotta head to dinner
21:38.29Shiriktake care
21:42.03jmeBleeter: ah, weid
21:46.35*** join/#wowi-lounge seebs (
21:46.57seebsHey, ckk, is cartographer supposed to give a cryptic error message on startup?  :)
21:48.34Lunessaall error messages, by nature are cryptic.  
21:49.27seebsThis one didn't look too awful, just happened not to be onscreen when xchat finally attached.
21:49.51seebsI just went through and updated all of my mods, and I'm going through debugging things.
21:51.24seebs"Notes: Bad argument #5 to `RegisterNotesDatabase' (boolean or nil expected, got table)"
21:54.38seebsThere's only 4 calls to RegisterNotesDatabase.  It's called with self, cantDelete, self, and Waypoint... "self" seems likely to be a table, to me.
21:54.54LunessaSounds like a problem with your stored notes, or that you need another update.  
21:54.57seebsBut wait, those are all 3-argument calls, nevermind.
21:55.11seebsHmm.  Could be!  I'll look at/nuke my stored notes.  The version I'm using is as recent as I can find.
21:57.34seebsNope, not savedvariables.
21:58.20seebsCartographer claims to be revision 41974, in Cartographer.lua, the file is
22:00.15seebsThe backtrace looks to be just plain wrong.  Line 999 of AceAddon-2.0.lua is not calling RegisterNotesDatabase.
22:00.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
22:01.02Shirik<3 chinese food
22:01.36seebsI don't even know what program generated this bug report, but it looks to me as though it may be very confused.
22:01.50Shirikwhat's that?
22:02.21seebsI'm getting a bug report claiming a problem in Cartographer.
22:02.37seebsIt is giving me a file and line number that do not involve, directly or indirectly, the function allegedly getting called incorrectly.
22:02.47Shirikpost it
22:02.54Shirikp.s. Lua never lies
22:04.21seebsLine 999 of AceAddon-2.0.lua is safecall(addon.OnEnable, addon, first)
22:05.00Shirikwhich is right
22:05.20Shirikthe error is thrown at ..dOns\Cartographer\Libs\AceAddon-2.0\AceAddon-2.0.lua:25:
22:05.22Shiriknot 999
22:05.44seebsI misunderstood the error; I read the first file/line it gave me.
22:05.53ShirikThat error is misleading imho but it has enough differences to differentiate it from a Lua error
22:06.46seebsThe question, then, is where should I be looking for the actual call that it's complaining about?
22:07.14Shirikthat's a very loaded question
22:07.48ShirikIt could be in a million places depending on what exactly is going on
22:08.00seebsThere's no calls in this code I can find to RegisterNotesDatabase that have a 5th argument, unless :foo calls are syntactic sugar, in which case, ther's one call that has a FOURTH argument...
22:08.07ShirikThe only person that can accurately answer that is the author(s) of Cartographer and the respective libraries used
22:08.20Shirikit is
22:08.31Shirikfoo:bar(...) is, ...)
22:08.32seebsOh, wait.  No, that's a prototype.  Every actual call has only three arguments...
22:08.37seebsOkay, thought it might be.
22:10.46seebsTrainerFu is calling it with an extra argument.
22:10.47Regexok, im back, and i have a question! /cheer
22:10.56seebsSing to us of your question!
22:11.06Regexwhats wrong with the:
22:11.11Regex-- add our very first chat command!
22:11.11RegexSlashCmdList["HELLOW"] = hello_world_command;
22:11.11RegexSLASH_HELLOW1 = "/hellow";
22:11.11RegexSLASH_HELLOW2 = "/hw";
22:11.13Regexfunction hello_world_command(msg)
22:11.15Regex-- this function handles our chat command
22:11.34seebsSLASH_HELLOW* should be getting assigned OUTSIDE the function, I think.
22:11.44seebsOr maybe I'm confused.
22:12.13seebsThis is interesting.  Start WoW, log in, get d/c'd immediately, log in again, all is well.
22:13.01Regexwell, i first had an error (something with nil value), then i tried /hw bluh, nothing happened, then i did /console reloadui, and i did /hw bluh, and i get this message bluh
22:13.13Regexso, it works, kinda :) Thanks anyway :)
22:13.37sysragefriggin curse changed layout AGAIN?
22:14.11Kaydeethreeevery 3 weeks, didn't you get the memo?
22:14.12cog|worksysrage: it's a brand new site
22:14.13RegexI don't like the new layout, i'm getting confused in there new lol
22:14.29cog|workgive it some time :)
22:14.31Regexyeah, its not curse-gaming anymore
22:14.45cog|workI actually like the new site
22:14.56sysragemakin me manually update NECB
22:15.00Regexwhere can i find the all the blizzard functions?
22:15.15Regex-1 the
22:15.34cog|workis the best reference right now
22:16.08ShirikI love my battery
22:16.12Shirik"4 min (14%) remaining
22:16.27Kaydeethreereminds me of my cellphone
22:16.39Regexhehe, or my first iPod :p
22:16.42Kaydeethreewhich reminds me, need to go bitch at my verizon dealer tomorrow
22:18.54Regexguess what, i got a new question
22:19.56Regexwhen i do this: "message("lol");", it prints 'lol' right, but what if i want to let it print out lol AND the content of the string msg?
22:20.16Regexin php, I would need to do "lol".$msg, but this isn't php :p
22:20.45Regexsigh ( _ _;
22:20.54cog|workMore specifically
22:22.12seebsThis is so very odd.  I get disconnected with flawless reliability when I log in... The first time after I start WoW.  The second or later is fine.
22:22.26seebsI fear that I have uncovered a race condition.
22:24.12Regexwoot, thanks mr cog|work :D
22:24.21cog|worknp :)
22:25.47Bleeterseebs: I seem to recall that's not unusualy on first run of the game, as the local cache of items and stuff is being populated. Typically hits people with a higher natural latency. (Though, of course, you could be speaking to some other issue and thus what I just said is worthless ;-)
22:26.35seebsCould make sense, something's bogging the DSL and latency is bad.
22:27.55ShirikCide got a moment?
22:28.44ShirikRegex: The concatenation operator is ..
22:28.48Shirikmuch like PHP's .
22:29.02ShirikDon't get them confused like I do, it brings countless hours of debugging
22:30.23CideShirik: yes
22:30.24Regexya, I already found that :p
22:30.39ShirikOkay, question is this
22:30.47ShirikI want you to double check my spec before I comit it
22:30.53RegexBtw, LUA, is going great, but I don't understand anything bout XML / Frames stuff
22:31.03ShirikYou're a priest yeah?
22:31.23Shirikhold up
22:31.24Shiriktha'ts wrong
22:31.48Cidewhat playing type is it meant for? raiding?
22:32.22Shirikis holy reach useful?
22:32.24Shirikhealing raiding yes
22:32.26Shirikand 5 mans
22:32.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
22:32.31Cidenot that useful
22:32.48Shirikthat's what I figured
22:33.01Shirikok try this one
22:33.07CideI would drop holy reach and holy nova, and put the points in holy specialization
22:33.09Cideoh, you jsut did
22:33.23Maldiviavery useful if you like to smite
22:33.38CideI'd strongly urge you to get lightwell though.. it's not that great right now, but it's going to be awesome next patch (2.2)
22:33.45Shirikoh is it?
22:33.59Cideevery charge gets 100% of +healing over the renew's duration
22:34.14Cideso it ticks for like 1400-1500 depending on +healing every 2 seconds
22:34.16Shirikif there's major changes in store for 2.2 maybe I'll just wait
22:34.23Maldiviastill breaks on damage though :|
22:34.24Kaydeethreeso it's finally going to be more than a bandaid?
22:34.26Cidethat's the only priest change
22:34.29LunessaI might have to get lolwell then.
22:34.37Cideor rather, the only one that matters :P
22:34.41Shirikstill people would have to click on it
22:34.47Shirikhow many people pay attention to when they don't have hp
22:34.53Shirikthey just expect to receive heals, admit it
22:35.19Cidetrue, but I think it's worth a point now anyway :)
22:35.52Lunessabah... I'm Holy/Disc but I didn't take Lightwell.  I decided to pick up Power Infusion for funsies.  
22:36.16ShirikI thought about PI but I really didn't want to go that far down the disc tree
22:36.18ShirikI like holy more
22:36.27Mr_Rabies2i shoulda done that
22:36.28Regexguys, in the wowwiki API, there's something like this: GetItemCount(itemID|"itemLink") , what does the | mean?
22:36.36Mr_Rabies2copied a priest to the ptr for lolsmite fun
22:36.36Shirikespecially because my guild has someone who'sgoing almost entirely disc
22:36.42Shirikin which case I might want to drop divine spirit too
22:37.38N|TivoliRegex it means you can use either the itemid or the link
22:37.39ArrowmasterRegex: for getting the amount of an item you have in your bags/bank
22:38.55Regexok thanks Tivoli and Arrowmaster (although Arrowmaster didn't read the question very well :p)
22:39.20Arrowmasterno no i didnt
22:39.28Maldiviawhat irony, someone named Regex asks what | means :) (no offense, just found it funny)
22:40.23RegexLol, true, I thought it was or, but mostly or is || no?
22:40.30Bleeterwould be more ironic if someone called pipe had asked
22:40.53RegexBtw, I hate Regex, it's just a cool nick XD
22:41.21RegexI try to avoid regex amap (when i'm using php)
22:41.24MaldiviaRegex: depends, both | and || are or - in C, | is bitwise or, and || is logical or
22:41.51RegexSorry, i'm not familiar with C
22:41.58Regexaaaanother question (yay)
22:42.23RegexUmm, when I make my addon Fubar, do i need to work with XML? :p
22:42.38Regexaddon with Fubar*
22:43.05Regexand when i wanna make it work with Ace?
22:43.07Maldiviaeveryhting you can du in XML, can be done in LUA aswell (with a very few exceptions)
22:43.32Maldiviabut there are workarounds for the exceptions
22:43.43Regexsigh, u makin me confused
22:44.09MaldiviaXML are used to define UI elements... in LUA, you can use CreateFrame to get the same result
22:44.17Regexok, is there a tutorial arround to make addons for Fubar
22:44.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
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22:46.28CideShirik: hmm
22:46.34Shirikany thoughts?
22:46.39Cideit looks good
22:46.48Cideif someone already has divine spirit you might want to replace that though
22:47.05Shirikyeah well he's not 70 yet and I don't know how active he'll be
22:47.12Cideand go something like
22:47.14Shirikso for the time being I'm going to be the DS guy
22:47.16ShirikI think
22:47.51Cidethen I'd do something like
22:50.38Cide>>> (0.16+3/3.5)/(3/3.5)
22:50.38CideCide: 1.1866666666667
22:50.45Fincogwheel: I figured it out!
22:50.45*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|_ (
22:50.52Lunessa - I like mine.  
22:51.01cogwheelFin: cool :)
22:51.06Shirikbut is it worth taking one out of spiritual guidance?
22:51.12Shirikwouldn't it be better to take it from empowered healing
22:51.14FinI'm sure you don't give a flying fuck really, but I finally figured out how it all works, and actually got what I wanted working :)
22:51.15Shirikgiven that I have DS?
22:51.20FinI LOVE this feeling
22:51.22Antiarc|WorkHey Fin
22:51.23CideShirik: actually
22:51.30Shirikbrb I have to move the car
22:51.31Antiarc|WorkYou're listed in the Prat authors
22:51.34Antiarc|WorkI have a possible bug report
22:51.35Finman I spent such a long time on this, I really was going to give up
22:51.41FinAntiarc|Work: shoot
22:51.44LunessaWoot FIN
22:51.51Fin:) :)
22:51.53cogwheelFin: gratz :)
22:51.56Finthanks :)
22:52.02Antiarc|WorkPrat_UrlCopy:StaticPopupUrl creates a new table for the static popup every time you call it
22:52.13Antiarc|WorkIt should probably only create the table if StaticPopupDialogs["SHOW_URL"] == nil
22:52.19Cidetwo points of spiritual guidance vs two points of empowered healing...
22:53.08FinAntiarc|Work: hmm, yeah, you're probably right. unfortunately there's quite a few modules that really should be completely rewritten (starting with PlayerNames...) - I'll got the URL copy one on my list of shit to look at though, I'll make a note of what you said
22:53.16Cide8% of +healing vs 10%*3/3.5 of +spirit...
22:53.37CideI'd say empowered healing is better
22:53.47LunessaI have to agree with Cide
22:53.57LunessaWhich means I might be re-speccing.
22:54.25FinAntiarc|Work: this isn't a hint - just letting you know - but you're more than welcome to fix it yourself, if you can be bothered :)
22:54.48Finoh, hey Cide, I just respecced to swap around those very two talent points
22:55.00Shirikthen why not take one more out and put it in empowered healing?
22:55.07CideI just did:
22:55.20Finyeah, well, that's what I did, I took a couple of points out of disc and got 5/5 on both
22:56.46cogwheeldeath kitteh
22:56.58ShirikI still don't know if I can justify getting lightwell
22:57.11Finthat's because it's a complete waste of talent points
22:57.46Shiriknot according to Cide post-2.2
22:57.48Finwell, not complete, but as near to as it makes no difference
22:57.56Cideit ticks for ~1500 every 2 sec in 2.2
22:58.33ShirikI just figured out I never trained any of my 69 spells
22:58.33Finhuh - I have said I was curious to see how much it'll heal with the patch - that sounds nice
22:58.55Finthat gives me the horn, in fact
22:59.18FinCide: what +healing is that with?
22:59.48Cidearound 1500
23:00.28Lunessammmm... might be sweet.  I'm at +1500 right now, unbuffed.  
23:00.42Shirikwhat's the cheapest it gets to respec?
23:00.46ShirikIt will cost me 15g atm
23:01.06Finand I'd say the points are better spent in spiritual guidance, if you favour spirit over +healing when choosing gear, you get the benefit of +regen as well
23:01.28Finplus it's better for soloing :P
23:01.41Shiriksee that's the argument we just had
23:01.46ShirikI love spirit
23:02.05Shirikspiritual guidance is not like hunter's combat experience
23:02.08Shirikit does not increase your spirit
23:02.16Shirikit merely increases your +healing
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23:02.33Finto be honest, I'm a bit of a sucker for those big numbers, +healing is instinctively attractive to me :)
23:02.43Shirikbut then empowered healing would be even better
23:02.45Fin+int and +healing + make friends with the droods
23:02.53Finthat's my strategy
23:02.56ShirikSorry Cide I hate to say it
23:02.59ShirikI think this is what I'm gonna do
23:03.11Finbribe them to be liberal with the ol' priest crackervate
23:03.17Shirikthank you for the advice though
23:03.20Lunessacogwheel: o.0 The spin machine is on the move.
23:03.41RegexUmm guys, IDK who made atlasloot, but i'm askin myself the guy that did atlasloot did he need to put all the items that are able to be looted from the instances in his code?
23:03.43CideShirik: go for it :) it's your choice!
23:03.58ShirikI'm going to be mad if in a month or two I respec to pick up lolwell though
23:04.12Shirikthen you have full bragging rights
23:04.15Bleetershades of the story 'Contact'
23:05.56FinShirik: do you get healing aggro much?
23:05.59Shirikoh god yes
23:06.04Shirikright now I'm 0/0
23:06.07Finhum, fair enough
23:06.12Finoh! jesus
23:06.51Shirikmy groups aren't that great :(
23:06.53Shirikpugs ftl
23:06.55Antiarc|WorkFin: Sure, I'd be happy to fix it myself.
23:07.00Finpugs ftl indeed
23:07.03Antiarc|WorkI just tend to not want to touch code without permissions :)
23:07.19RegexUmm guys, IDK who made atlasloot, but i'm askin myself the guy that did atlasloot did he need to put all the items that are able to be looted from the instances in his code?..?
23:07.26FinAntiarc|Work: oh, hey, great :) yeah, I know how you feel about permissions - that's why I mentioned it (not as a nudge for you to actually do it :)
23:07.37Antiarc|WorkI'll poke my head into it then
23:07.43Antiarc|WorkMaybe fix up a couple more while I'm in there. :)
23:07.59Finoh, feel free, although I'd appreciate knowing beforehand if it's one of my modules :)
23:08.19Finsyl is always fiddling as well, but there's plenty to fix :) heh
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23:08.48Regexok nvm then
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23:09.43FinRegex: lack of an answer (probably) just means that noone knows
23:10.06FinRegex: and, I don't know who made AtlasLoot either; why don't you ask him?
23:10.07Finor her
23:10.14Bleeteror them
23:10.41Bleetermy guess would be, given what it does, yes it does need to be in there. Whether the data's LoD or not, and whether it should be, is probably a different matter.
23:11.07FinI actually properly like, understand what's going on with user sent chat messages now, it's such a good feeling after being frustrated for so long :)
23:11.25Regexok thanks
23:11.54Regexsigh ( _ _; i'm still strugling with these frames -_-'
23:16.09Regexisn't there any utiliy that generates the XML for you :p
23:16.30Shirikbut I strongly discourage it
23:16.59cogwheelRegex: check out
23:17.07cogwheelmakes editing WoW XML many times easier
23:19.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
23:19.46Regexok ty
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23:20.15RegexBut I think I should learn how to use the XML and then use this Visual Studio, no?
23:20.32Shirikvisual studio will help you more quickly find mistakes
23:21.21WobinRegex: Also, depending on how complex the XML gets, you might want to generate it programatically in lua, sometimes it's easier to conceptualise in code rather than XML
23:21.24ShirikI want...
23:21.40ShirikWobin: If you did that, why not just code it in Lua
23:21.41Wobins/might want/might want to consider/
23:21.54ShirikYou mean like generate with CreateFrame
23:21.58Wobinyeah =)
23:22.04ShirikI thought you meant generate the XML in Lua ><
23:22.04Wobinsorry, should have been more clear =)
23:22.23WobinLets add another layer of complexity =)
23:22.36Regexnow i'm totally confused -.-
23:22.49Regexwhy did they need to make it this damn hard lol
23:22.55ShirikYou can make frames without XML if you want
23:22.59ShirikAlmost none of my frames are in XML
23:23.09Regexya, but i looked at that, and that looks even more confusing imo
23:23.17ShirikIt's all about personal preference
23:23.38WobinSorry, I meant, "If the xml will possibly end up difficult to interpret after the fact (lots of repeated frames/nesting/etc) you might want to consider using CreateFrame in Lua to generate your framework
23:24.12LunessaShirik: - :P
23:24.12WobinIf it's a simple one, then XML could possibly be the answer =) But I find I can be a whole lot more specific and fiddly in lua
23:24.29cogwheelRegex: check out
23:24.41ShirikLunessa: That's not fair
23:24.44RegexI did the example, and it did work! But I don't really know how to put text and all that in there
23:24.56Regexcogwheel: Yeah, I just discovered that site :D
23:25.04ShirikI saw this blue on someone :( That purple I'm not exactly counting on
23:25.12LunessaWhat's not fair is it was a "freebie" drop in Black Morass
23:26.17WobinShirik: I got this! \o/
23:27.18Wobinalthough, god knows I really want:
23:27.23ShirikWobin: That's cheating too
23:27.32ShirikI can't go to Kara yet, I'm 69
23:27.41WobinBah, it's only a level
23:27.45Wobinyou can grind that out easy
23:27.57Wobinwhat class are you?
23:28.03Shirikthe class that doesn't kill
23:28.07Finthat's a BoE item? ye gods
23:28.10Wobinpally? =)
23:28.24Finthe Scepter I mean
23:29.48WobinYou're raid specced and can't even raid =)
23:30.00ShirikI like running instances
23:30.03WobinI'd so respec for surge at least
23:30.14ShirikI just respecced
23:30.17ShirikI'm not doing it again
23:30.33Regexis this right? the <Script> tag doesn't have an ending tag:
23:30.34Regex<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
23:30.35Wobinhehe noone goes for imp ds anymore =\
23:30.37Regex<OnLoad> FaraFrames_OnLoad(); </OnLoad>
23:30.48ShirikPlease read the topic
23:31.10WobinYou =)
23:31.21ShirikWobin: That's because they're all shadow
23:31.32BleeterRegex: Paste Code Here:
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23:33.45Regexbtw Offtopic: Is there a way to set firefox as standard browser for MIRC (firefox is my OS's standard browser), cuz always when i click a link it goes to IE =/
23:34.01Shirikmine goes to firefox
23:34.38Regexand that doesn't load
23:34.40Finfirefox probably isn't set as the default browser for all types of web thingies
23:34.50Corrodiasi'm sure i've seen the answer, but i can't find it in mirc options
23:35.00Regexya, me neither
23:35.00Finyou can set defaults for .htm files, .html, .url, and links, I think
23:35.11Finmaybe it's something to do with that
23:36.09Regexanyway, it's here:
23:38.06Regexit doesn't have an </script>
23:38.30Shirikit doesn't need one
23:38.53Regexah ok :D
23:39.15Corrodiasyou could try setting IE as the default and then setting firefox as the default
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23:39.18Corrodiasdo this from within the browsers
23:39.20Shirikthat's what the / at the end of the tag indicates
23:39.45RegexShirik: Ah, didn't see that one sorry :D
23:39.58RegexCorrodias: I think i figured it out
23:40.26RegexI think MIRC generates a .url file, which opens then, but FF can't open .url files, so it opens in IE
23:40.50Shirikmirc is not the issue
23:40.53Kaydeethreethere's been known bugs with mIRC for years and not respecting the default browser operation
23:41.00Shirikit works fine for me
23:41.12Shirikand we're both on 6.21
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23:42.49RegexMIRC just hates me cuz i'm newb :p
23:43.39BleeterShirik: I disagree. mIRC is *very* much the issue, when ever it's being used anywhere (even if 'successfully' :P )
23:43.45Shirikwell ok
23:43.58Shirikbut it is not the cause of his specific problem he is referencing
23:44.34Regexthis isn't really a problem :), was just asking if anyone knows an answer to make it go to FF, but nvm :D
23:45.14batricki love goto hate threads
23:45.15Shirikit will make you .. well
23:49.12batricki saw that earlier ya :)
23:49.45Bleeternot too sure whether it was a snort or a guffaw that I did when I saw that originally
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23:50.15Kaydeethreebefore even seeing the last panel I knew a velociraptor was going to be involved somehow
23:50.27Regexoh, btw, I thought when u do /console reloadui, it would only reload Lua and toc, but no XML..., now I did this, and it refreshed my XML too
23:50.33batrickthere are somethings only a goto can do without wasting memory needlessly or impacting performance
23:50.51Bleeterthe driver init example on that thread is a good one
23:50.59batrickRegex: it doesn't reload your .toc
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23:51.15ShirikRegex: And it doesn't load any new files
23:51.28batrickconsequence of not loading the toc shirik :P
23:51.32batrickand that's not really true
23:51.33Shiriknot necessarily
23:51.36batrickif you add a script file to your xml file
23:51.40batrickit will load it
23:51.47ShirikI.. don't think that's true
23:51.56ShirikBecause if you preemptively add a filename to a TOC
23:52.07Shirikand add the file later and then /console reloadui, it won't load
23:52.21Shirikoh wow, nbsirc finally got the netsplit system right
23:52.32Shirik192:522:03  » Netsplit - 1 quits: Zicon 2‹ ‹-› irc.freenode.net2›
23:52.41Shirikinstead of spamming with tons of quits it's supposed to put it all on one line
23:52.45RegexBatrick: ok, then i was wrong :p
23:52.48Shirikbut it's been buggy for the last 4 versions
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23:53.09Kaydeethreemeh. I'll just stick with the xchat solution: no joins/parts ;)
23:53.16batrickShirik: what the hell are you talking about lol
23:53.29ShirikIf you, say, put in your toc foo.lua
23:53.33batrick"Because if you preemptively..."
23:53.34ShirikBut foo.lua does not yet exist
23:53.42batrickshirik i know that
23:53.45batricki'm tlaking about the xml file
23:53.52ShirikAnd you load up WoW. If you create the file later then it still won't load foo.lua
23:54.02ShirikI know
23:54.10batrickyou can load .lua files without using the .toc
23:54.15Shirikbut essentially it's the same issue. In neither case do you have to reload the TOC file
23:54.58batrickI think you're line of thought is running parallel to mine
23:55.18ShirikI think so too
23:56.21batrickis there a non-suck version of ArenaMaster?
23:56.26batrickbecause ArenaMaster blows
23:56.44batricki really don't want to make another addon /cry
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23:59.38Shirikwell does it blow or suck
23:59.40Shirikpick one

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