IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070725

00:01.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Nimble_Rabit (
00:01.34*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:07.41*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
00:07.48*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
00:09.17*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
00:14.01*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
00:28.15Corrodiasi think my ThreatLib isn't talking to KTM
00:31.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:31.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
00:32.28Corrodiasi shall update the library since my game crashed
00:34.20Corrodiascrashed again. i guess i shouldn't turn down the spell detail level. *shrug*
00:38.40WobinBleeter: But you are! =)
00:38.52WobinBut that's alright, cause there are a few of us in here =P
00:39.00Wobinoh wait
00:39.01WobinI misread
00:39.21WobinI read it as "since I can fix their win98 boot problems I'm an old fart"
00:39.33Wobinman, cause and effect =P I fail.
00:42.03*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
00:42.55Bleeterwith reading skills like that, you should join the AFP
00:43.01Bleeteror the Fed DPP
00:44.27Bleeterwhat? join the AFP/Fed DPP being unique by an inability to read? I don't believe it!
00:45.28WobinI'm sick!
00:54.10Bleeter|Jelly|: stab it again a few times, it's still kicking
00:55.11Guillotinenow I see why people say Cyclone is OP. its amazing when you're balance or resto o.O
00:56.13BleeterI'm *so* looking forward to getting one of my druids up high enough to have Cyclone... hopefully before any (further?) nerf happens
00:57.31ThraeBleeter: Well, that was a general PvP nerf, not really aimed at Druids.
00:57.43Guillotineif you're looking forward to cyclone, go for rest or balance. probably balance
00:57.47GuillotineI almost never get to use it in feral :(
00:58.48ShirikOne thing I love about small server
00:58.52ShirikI'm like the only healer
00:59.06ShirikSo if you piss me off.... you ain't running that instance no more
00:59.28ShirikThere's this one guy, "Forthehord" (name says it all >.>) who pissed me off a few months ago, I /ignore him and we rerun the instance without him
00:59.31ShirikToday, I gave him a second chance
00:59.42ShirikHe's still a moron, he's still an asshole, and so I leave
00:59.46ShirikNow he begs me to come back
00:59.47Shirikoh well ^
01:00.25LunessaNothing like knowing a group won't live without you.  
01:00.49ShirikI was rather impressed at the start
01:00.51*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|book (
01:00.57Shirikthen he reverted to his usual self
01:01.01Shiriksome people never change
01:01.47Lunessa.. but I would not be convicted by a jury of my peers; still crazy after all these years.  
01:08.38*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
01:12.11Lunessa.. 64 MB Video card and he wants to know why his frame rate sucks. *headdesk*
01:19.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_Ghost (n=Guilloti@
01:21.41*** join/#wowi-lounge `Cyric (
01:41.38Nom-wow lol
01:41.41Nom-9 million players
01:41.48*** join/#wowi-lounge spathi (
01:42.27Nom-225 million dollars per month
01:42.32Nom-That's a lot of $$$
01:42.58*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
01:44.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
01:53.59Kaydeethreenot really, remember that only the west is on a per-month scheme. china's hourly
01:56.17LunessaAnd massive chunks of bandwidth aren't cheap.  
01:56.40Kaydeethreeand most of it's going to vivendi anyway
01:56.44LunessaNor are data centers, employees, development teams, etc.  
01:57.13LunessaStill, I'd like to peak at their balance sheets.  
01:57.35IndustrialREJOICE WEB2.0 PRON
01:57.45Kaydeethreethe hell?
01:57.59Industrialno seriously, thats what I just got in my reader, lol.
01:59.44Kaydeethreewoo for being lazy
02:00.02Lunessazomg pizza
02:00.19Kaydeethreethey're still doing the $5.99 large 1-topping delivered
02:02.13*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
02:06.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
02:06.31Industrialprism tanks :D?
02:06.40Industrialwell, thats the first think I thought of
02:09.38*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
02:09.52Nom-I was thinking more like 'Avengers'
02:10.51Nom-Given the role described on /.
02:13.35*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|book (
02:13.56Nom-Avengers are nice and all
02:15.33Nom-I was going to pick something else that doens't exist from Zero Hour
02:15.35Nom-But there isn't much
02:30.54*** join/#wowi-lounge doskoi (
02:31.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
02:37.20cog|bookKirkburn hax
02:48.34|Jelly|Is there a way to change the binding for ctrl+click to be, for instance alt+click (open the dressing room)
02:49.06Kaydeethreein 2.2, ya
02:49.22|Jelly|k. thanks
02:49.42LunessaZOMG - I totally got myself a WoWwiki account, and now I can't, for the life of me, figure out what to contribute. :p
02:50.12Kaydeethreehit "Random page" and go from there? fix any errors you find? that's how I got started
02:50.45LunessaI was just yanking Kirkburn's chain, but yeah, good call.
02:51.52KirkburnI ban youuuuuuu
02:53.32*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
02:56.53*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|book (
02:57.27Lunessaoh noes!  I r teh banned.
03:02.10Lunessa - this talent build confuses me.  
03:05.56LunessaThis is what I use -
03:06.35LunessaAnd yes, I know my gear sucks.
03:08.30*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm|dogwalk (
03:11.14*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|book (
03:12.38Nom- <-- chinese gold farm !
03:12.50Nom-One of the last few pics
03:12.54Nom-When they finish their 12 hour shift
03:13.00Nom-They go downstairs to unwind
03:13.02Nom-By playing WoW
03:28.14LunessaKaydeethree: ... :cries with you for English:
03:33.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Cowgra (
03:45.50*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|book (
03:59.41Nom-I hate American Express
04:00.24Nom-They just sent me one of their marketing bullshit letters, except at the top of it they have a card... a fake Amex card that was just close enough to real to make me think I'd been identity theived and someone applied for a credit card under my name
04:02.16Nom-altho now that i have the crap
04:02.30Nom-Frequent Flyer points are prolly a good idea given I still have some which are about to expire :)
04:08.19Kaydeethreewoo for writing yet another incredibly condescending guide for the wow forums
04:09.58Kaydeethreeevery single detail I could think of to get the majority of the people's ptr working
04:19.27*** join/#wowi-lounge N00bZXI (
04:27.17Bleeterhah, wonder if anyone else has noticed the error in
04:27.32Kaydeethreeya, it was said a few times that the thread's a year old
04:28.07Bleeterah, rightio... my eyes tend to bleed when a thread gets out beyond 3 pages
04:30.18Nom-Zul'Aman and Guild Banks not in 2.2 :(
04:30.34KaydeethreeI'm expecting 2.3 tbqh
04:30.48Nom-Voice Chat is though
04:30.50Nom-So that's a plus
04:31.24Nom-Hortus laid down the info :)
04:31.53BleeterSo this'll be the first 'major' patch without new content?
04:32.30BleeterI mean, it makes perfect sense if you're changing a major API to seperate it out from content changes, is only an observation
04:33.04Bleeterhmm, maybe there's a hidden scourge invasion re-introduction or something.. we can but live in hope ;)
04:33.24Kaydeethreethat'd be nice. a shame there's nothing I need from the Argent Dawn any more, though
04:33.31BleeterI was thinking the other day, what'd be 'cute', is when a battle-group and/or realm first kill occurs, Kruul should be let loose again
04:33.56Bleeterand then, when/if Blizz have time, they can introduce new 'world first' announcement style NPC activity
04:34.09Kaydeethreethat's be pretty neat
04:34.25Bleeterif you think that's not a bad idea, I'll bang it into suggestions ;)
04:34.26Kaydeethreethough the kael-killing event in shattrath is interesting
04:34.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
04:34.32Kaydeethreego for it
04:37.44Kaydeethreewow, I'm surprised... 160+ views, 3 bumps and no flames or "but it doesn't work!!!!" posts yet.
04:38.17GuillotineKayedeethree: huh? link?
04:40.15Nom-omg pwned
04:40.20Nom-if you group with a priest and duel them
04:40.26Nom-if they use PoM on themselves, the pom jumps to you
04:40.38Guillotineya XD
04:41.25Nom-Sucks to be holy priest for duels then :P
04:43.53Nom-All those PTR crashes are Athlon processor problems apparently
04:44.24Kaydeethreeif you've got the current build, it should be fixed. 6983.
04:44.35Mr_Rabies2what's a good number to shoot for for resilience?
04:44.44Kaydeethree'course, running wow to get the patch up to 6983's kind of problematic since you can't actually run wow...
04:44.46Mr_Rabies2i'm at 301 on this lock with no gems
04:50.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter_ (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
04:51.52*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
04:56.20Nom-nah it's not that Kaydeethree
04:56.28Nom-There's still continual crashes ingame with Athlons
04:56.35Nom-I could always log in withouta  problem
04:56.56Nom-Although, i'm on an Athlon XP 64
04:56.56Kaydeethreeahahaha... I tried to copy a premade today, it's already through the queue
04:57.09Nom-So might be a different set of Athlon errors, or something altogether different
04:57.19Nom-lunch time :D
04:57.58Bleeter_Kaydeethree: great, now starting crying 'coz the world server's down ;)
04:58.09Kaydeethreeit's up on pve
04:58.20Bleeter_meh, I'm just going by the forum babies
04:58.52Bleeter_which, curiously enough, draws to my attention the distinct oversupply of blood in my coffee system... bbiaw
04:59.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (n=kody@
05:00.36Guillotinewhat do you guys think of the legality of ? Its nothing but self imposed lag via a while loop, but it gets around the no delays restriction
05:04.27hastedoesn't it just lock-up for the amount left?
05:04.33hasteby the look of the move that is
05:11.23Guillotinehmmm... sounds kind of like something for botters
05:11.26BleeterGuillotine: my opinion... 'if in doubt, it's probably illegal'
05:11.28Guillotineisn't technically though
05:11.57GuillotineBleeter: I know, but I try not to take things down unless its either blatantly illegal or Blizzard contacts us requesting it be removed
05:12.24BleeterKaydeethree: rofls+'s
05:12.35hasteKaydeethree: same reason they gave the rogue a shield block trinket
05:12.38BleeterGuillotine: aye, I appreciate the difficulty
05:13.06Guillotinethey did pretty well for druids. we got 5 sets of gear XD
05:13.15BleeterGuillotine: I guess one really then has to consider intent, and then just take it from there
05:13.30KaydeethreeI'm still laughing at the "Foror's Crate of Endless Resist Gear Storage"
05:13.40Kaydeethree36 slot bags... insanity
05:13.46Arrowmasterthat was a joke from the naxx ptr
05:14.22KaydeethreeStar's Tears is new to this patch, though. don't remember seeing that on 2.1
05:14.29Guillotinehaha, ya. Sad thing is I'm one of those complaining. As both a druid (need 3 sets of gear. healing, tanking, and dps) and a MT (need all types of resist gear), I rarely have more than 1-2 open slots in my bags/bank
05:14.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|mirc (
05:16.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|mirc (
05:27.08Nom-hmmm... aren't they fixing the /stopcasting thing in 2.2 ?
05:27.14Nom-or is that another of those features that's coming later
05:27.37ckknight2.3 or so
05:29.29Nom-What about the fishing fix
05:29.36Nom-Or are they never going to fix that :/
05:30.09Nom-soooo many missed catches from that annoying cast thing
05:37.19*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
05:58.02*** join/#wowi-lounge norganna (n=ken@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/Norgs)
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06:11.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
06:11.26Cairenn"What the fuck is going on!?" says one of the SAS blokes, bursting in through a hatch down below and charging up the gangway.  "We're all waiting in the fucking lifeboats!"  He bursts into the room, his face red with cold and anxiety, and looks around wildly.
06:11.26Cairenn"Fuck off," Shaftoe says.
06:11.26CairennThe SAS bloke pulls up short. "Okay, Sarge!"
06:11.26Cairenn"Go down and tell the men in the boats to fuck off too," Shaftoe says.
06:11.27Cairenn"Right away, Sarge!" the SAS man says, and makes himself scarce.
06:12.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
06:13.43krkawhoa cool Cairenn
06:13.52krkai am _just_ now reading cryptonomicon
06:14.23Cairennthat one section had me sitting here with tears streaming down my face from laughing so much
06:14.39CairennI just ... omg, that is so hilarious, mostly because it's so true!
06:15.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
06:15.36krkai dont quite get it, but it's nice that you're having a good time :P
06:15.52Cairennthe fact that I'm punchy from lack of sleep might have something to do with it too, but ...
06:16.34krkawas i right about which book it was?
06:16.46krkai dont remember that particular scene, maybe i haven't gotten to it yet
06:17.03Finkrka: hah!
06:17.48Cairennthe fact that in the military if the Sarge (Sergaent) tells a lower rank to fuck off, the lower rank fucks off
06:18.02Cairenn(frequently higher ranks, too)
06:18.03Nom-Well, duh :P
06:18.26Cairennand yes, same book :)
06:18.46krkaaround which part?
06:18.55Cairennpg 341 (in the paperback I've got in hand)
06:19.01krkait could be that i missed it. the shaftoe chapters were the most boring :P
06:19.06krkaah, then missed it
06:19.22Cairenntook me a while to get into the book, the first 100 or so pages are rather slow, but it's improving
06:19.52krkanot ph 341 of my book
06:20.08krkawait... paperback is like a hardcover sized pocket, right?
06:20.27Finuhm, no?
06:20.33krkamy pocket is 918 pages long anyway
06:20.33Finis it?
06:20.36krkai am asking
06:20.44Finoh, well, I would've said no
06:20.54Finbut whenever people ask questions like that it makes me doubt my initial reaction
06:21.01Finbecause... if they're asking... maybe I should be too?
06:21.14Cairenn1152 pgs here
06:21.24krkahm, then could calculate which page it would be on in mine
06:21.36krka341 * 1152 / 918
06:22.09krkano wait
06:22.11krkai mixed it up
06:22.35krka341 / 1152 * 918
06:22.51Finpurl, 341 / 1152 * 918
06:22.56Fin[08:28:25] < purl_> 271.734375
06:24.08Finyou might need a ruler
06:24.54krkadamn, cant find it :)
06:28.31Finkrka: I think I have an electronic copy somewhere if you want me to dig it up
06:28.35krkafoiund it!
06:28.37krkapage 276
06:28.44krkaso my calculations were almost correct
06:28.48Fin5 pages off, not bad
06:29.08krkalawrence waterhouse is the best character in that book
06:29.14krkabobby shaftoe is boring
06:29.50FinI'm curious to see what you think of The System of the World trilogy
06:30.13krkabtw it's odd that stephenson mentions the swedish town "norrsbruck"
06:30.16krkait doesn't exist
06:30.20krkawhy would he make up a city?
06:30.27krkamany of the other swedish references are accurate
06:30.30Finhe's written an essay on this
06:30.35krkaand finnish too
06:30.39krkagief link
06:30.53FinI'll try and find the whole essay, sec
06:31.59Finyou know, until I read his explanation of why he used similar sounding but made up names sounding like real things for things that everyone recognised, I never knew that Gotham City was meant to be New York
06:32.20Finah! the well, that's it
06:32.38krkacrappy :P
06:33.10Finhah, my memory's not so bad after all
06:33.39Finthis is the page I was thinking of:'s%20Site/Old%20site.html
06:33.54krkafound that one too
06:34.43Finfigured, just wanted to note which it was I was looking for
06:59.36*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (n=MoonWolf@
06:59.36*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
07:04.14Corrodiasthere, my priest is at level 18.5 and it's past my bed time :P
07:04.25Corrodiasa little cereal and it's off to sleep for me
07:10.11Nom-Cereal is what you eat when you get up
07:10.15Nom-Not before you go to bed
07:10.53Nom-also, eating just before going to bed makes it harder to get a good nights' sleep, because your body has to work overtime to process the food you just ate instead of resting
07:10.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
07:12.06BleeterNom-: itz peepol lyk u wot mayk ur countri luk smrt
07:19.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Zurk (
07:19.20Nom-Bleeter: Excellent translation from hillbilly accent to IRC Text
07:21.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Fin_ (
07:25.35*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
07:27.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
07:31.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
07:47.48*** join/#wowi-lounge doskoi (
07:51.50*** join/#wowi-lounge doskoi (
07:56.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Bam__ (
07:59.59Finall the other sites are complete shite
08:03.50zenzelezzI'd extend that to generally apply to most of the sites, not just their RSS feeds
08:11.06FinCurse is looking nice
08:11.31Finstill far too much JS, but at least it's not browser-cripplingly slow anymore
08:13.28zenzelezznot my taste, but can't blame them for that
08:15.06Finsure you can
08:16.25Finnot just any old cog mate!
08:16.28Finthe cog
08:16.33Thunder_Childhell, wow uses to much js
08:17.20Finle cog infame
08:17.38FinThunder_Child: you mean, the "web sites"?
08:17.55Thunder_Childthats what we are talking about
08:18.29Finpeople introduce new subjects to conversations, occasionally, you know
08:18.40Thunder_Childapple pie
08:18.43Thunder_Childno they dont
08:18.44Bam__there was a recent change to the /click command I believe... do anybody remember what it was? I can't seem to find the forum post :/
08:20.46FinBam__: how recent?
08:21.18Bam__hmm within the last couple of weeks I think... but I don't know if it's implemented yet
08:21.27Bam__it was to avoid some exploit
08:22.30Bam__umm... it didn't before?
08:22.42Finit was noted as a bug fix in 2.0.3
08:23.15Bam__then I guess it's more than a couple of weeks ago :P
08:24.30FinI have problems getting used to the target thingy you get when placing the area for a mass dispel
08:24.33FinI'm not used to it
08:24.56FinI guess hunters and, uh, other classes do that sort of thing all the time, but it's weird for me
08:25.27Finanyway... would /click maybe help me, if I set up a macro somehow? I'd like to be able to just click a button and have it place the mass dispel area in front of me a few yards
08:25.41Finmaybe I'm just being hopeful
08:26.17Finand yeah, Thunder_Child, they have way too much js... it's like a pre-graduate summer project
08:27.05Bam__fin: don't think you can force that in any way... it requires simulating a mouseclick I think
08:28.36FinBam__: well, that's sort of what I want - there's only one click involved in placing the big-green-area-of-effect-thingy
08:29.17Bam__yea, I know what you mean... don't like those kinda spells myself either... but doubt it can be done because it also depends on where the cursor is
08:29.45Finhm, yeah, I guess
08:29.55zenzelezzthrow in dodging fel flak fire and you have your daily bombing quest
08:29.56Finsort of why I thought I was maybe just being hopeful
08:31.13Finone thing about that placement thing that really sucks - and I think they actually maybe design some fights to take er, disadvantage of this - is that you can't place mass dispells (easily? at all?) when you're standing on some sort of grate
08:32.28Bam__I think it depends on playing style a lot... if you use the mouse a lot, it's probably not a big problem... I tend to only use mouse for movement.. so it becomes a bit annoying with those type of AOE spells
08:33.17zenzelezzwhile I see your point, I think AoE spells would be sort of sucky if you always had to be at the center of where you wanted the effect
08:33.54Bam__yes, I just with there was another way to place that circle than using the mouse :P
08:34.10Finyeah, I can see why I have to do it, I just wish there was a way of presetting where the area was going to be in relation to yourself
08:34.48FinI *always* want it right in front of me - I'll automatically (instinctively) move if where I want it isn't in front of me
08:34.49Bam__or moving it with keys in some way perhaps?
08:35.04Thunder_ChildFin, all i can think of is that they have no people on staff that have html experiance and abunch that have JS, so they went all out
08:35.50Bam__I stay in "mouselook-mode" most of the time, that's why it's troublesome to me
08:36.44FinThunder_Child: unfortunately it really, truly looks like the person responsible was learning JS while creating the site :/
08:37.27Thunder_Childi dunno, it doesnt look like they did a bad job...just way to much of a woman puting on makeup for the first time, heh maybe your right
08:37.35Bam__did anyone play SWG? I really liked the mouselook mode in that game
09:13.04*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
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09:35.05Neebleranyone familiar with a small addon, or line of code to allow the default blizzard unitframes to become movable?
09:35.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
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09:57.47Thrae!te us stormreaver 5 lolcrew
09:57.48ThraeBotThrae: Name: LOLcrew (5v5); Rampage (Horde); Rank: 56; Rating: 1936; Last Season's Rank: 149; This Season: 94/156 (61%) (Won/Played); This Week: 0/0 (0%);
10:19.02[dRaCo]nice rating
10:27.45Thunder_Childif anyone is going to blizcon they have a new faq up
10:54.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Ins- (n=sam@
10:56.36*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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11:59.28Finsomeone give me a nice unpack format string for 2007-07-25T02:26:36.918628Z, pretty please?
12:06.28Finthanks JoshBorke; I feel bad for being so lazy - easier than I thought!
12:06.29JoshBorkelink again when i get back
12:06.35JoshBorkeit doesn't work :P
12:13.02doskoiwhat cvar replace "PVP_RANK_CIVILIAN" , who knows ?
12:13.42zenzelezzdon't know what you mean
12:17.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
12:17.23doskoiI have a addons, this old version before TBC has a var "PVP_RANK_CIVILIAN", but now it a null value
12:19.27Josh_Borkelook in GlobalStrings.lua
12:19.32Josh_Borke~framexml GlobalStrings.lua
12:20.20zenzelezzI'm only guessing, but it sounds like something to do with the old "Civilian" flag for dishonorable kills
12:21.23Bleeterzenzelezz: sounds like a sane conclusion to draw, to me
12:22.38nevcairielPVP_RANK_CIVILIAN = "Civilian"; -- Non-combatant NPC
12:22.41nevcairielis still there
12:23.19doskoiyell, i see that, but error (string expected, got nil)
12:28.03doskoiwhat version of this GlobalStrings.lua ?
12:28.23zenzelezzthe one they linked is the one from the live servers
12:30.01zenzelezzas mentioned elsewhere, the icons for those are also in the English versions, yes, even if it's for the Chinese version
12:30.02hastethe chinese use those
12:30.53Bleeteroh yeah, my minds getting ready for bed.. thats a global strings file... not the enUS strings alone
12:31.07doskoii play with Chinese version
12:31.15BleeterI need some rest
12:32.04Bleeterso all you can do after 5 hours online, is PvP?
12:32.35Bleeter(and I'm guessing, despite the string, one wouldn't get Honor either)
12:33.23doskoiyes,it truth
12:33.35Cairennafter X time, you no longer get exp, rep or reward for anything you do in game
12:33.50Cairennincluding skill ups on tradeskilling
12:33.53zenzelezzso you're left to RP or cybor o_O
12:34.24doskoino, "X time" it for children
12:34.25zenzelezzor both
12:35.13Bleeterinteresting, doskoi... and welcome, too :)
12:35.37BleeterWe rarely get anyone here from .cn, I think
12:36.01Cairennindeed - it's nice to see someone :)
12:36.17doskoiyes, IRC not popularity in cn
12:37.28Cairennso, my apologies - it was my (mistaken) understanding that that applied to all players using the Chinese version after X time, not just age-specified
12:37.49BleeterI can understand. IRC does not usually work well with 'complex' characters
12:38.31Bleeterdoskoi: your English is better than my Mandarin :)
12:39.10doskoiand .. more people english is poor  :)  i just a beginner, @bleeter is you want , i teach your mandarin, u teach me english :P
12:39.56Bleeterdoskoi: haha :D I started University, I have no time to learn Mandarin :(
12:40.45zenzelezzdoskoi: your English isn't really bad, we see worse from Americans
12:40.58Bleeterhaha very true, zenzelezz
12:41.27Cairennthat is the unfortunate truth
12:42.35doskoimy god.. i think i need stay here sometimes for learn your english ..
12:42.57Punkie`doskoi: what is the age for "X time"?
12:43.27Bleeterdoskoi: I am sure you are welcome to stay here and read. Sometimes it is easier to learn a language by listening to others speak it
12:44.21Bleeterdoskoi: although it must be said there is a lot of abbreviations and slang and jargon we may use that you may not understand, the only way to discover those things is by hanging out with people who speak it ;)
12:44.57BleeterOn the 'X Age' subject, I'm intrigues that Blizz do not implement that via their Parental Controls for customers
12:45.35Punkie`well if parents want to stop their children playing the game, a complete shut off is better than x time
12:45.49Punkie`you can still do stuff in x time, just not everything
12:46.07Punkie`doskoi: do you get items from mobs in 'x time' ?
12:46.10BleeterI don't know about Europe, but the US system (last time I looked) would allow an account to be 'locked out' at set times
12:46.21Punkie`we have the same in EU
12:46.50BleeterParents turning a computer off doesn't really work. One can go to a friend's place
12:47.04Punkie`depends how strict your parents are ;)
12:47.06doskoiyes, i'm 21, x time can't limit my player
12:47.21Bleeter'No more WoW Jimmy' 'OK, I'll go to Seth's place and play football'... run around to Seths, get on the computer.
12:47.33Punkie`doskoi: I mean, if you have x time (under 18)... can you get items ?
12:47.46Cairennon the other hand, this channel may not necessarily be the best for a couple of reasons - 1) we tend _not_ to be accepting of the "laziness" that is becoming so prevalent elsewhere, and 2) a significant portion of the discussion in here tends to be WoW code which is pretty universal
12:48.14doskoiplay more that 6 hours can't get anything
12:48.15CairennPunkie`: from my understanding - No, no drops
12:48.22BleeterCairenn: this channel is far far far far far far far... far.. more tolerant of lazy English than #pidgin ;)
12:48.23Punkie`Ah, I see
12:49.09Punkie`Cairenn: A good few people I knew with non-english backgrounds learned good enough english mostly through coding languages ;)
12:49.20Cairennspeaking of which, Bleeter, I need to hop in there at some point in all my copious spare time and bitch about tab completion crashing win-pidgin all the time
12:49.33CairennPunkie`: true enough
12:49.54BleeterCairenn: I'll have a quick poke around, see if I can see any bug reports/comments regarding that
12:49.57Josh_BorkeCairenn: it happens on linux too
12:50.11Josh_BorkeBleeter: there is a bug report on it already
12:50.20Cairennit has gotten a LOT worse since the switch over from Gaim to Pidgin
12:50.22Josh_Borkeever since i started trying to generate a core dump it hasn't crashed
12:50.30Josh_Borkewho would have thought?
12:50.47Bleetersee, thing is.. every pidgin developer knows irssi > any other IRC client... so erm... heh
12:51.16BleeterI can look for the bug report, see if anyone's got a fix pending in another branch, etc.
12:51.49Cairennalso, please note, I didn't say we weren't somewhat accepting of it, I just said we are less accepting of it
12:52.23Cairenn(we do like to argue semantics though)
12:52.38zenzelezzwe heatedly discuss them
12:52.40Cairennnuh uh!
12:53.07zenzelezzwe'll see
12:53.33BleeterJosh_Borke: I can't see a ticket in the system that immediately sticks out as being 'the one'. :/ does it also happen in finch?
12:54.19BleeterJosh_Borke: although, my inability to find a ticket could be because it's closed
12:54.44Bleeterah, right... apparently there was a strcmp to NULL in 2.0.2, which has been fixed
12:55.05Cairennwhat do you mean "we'll see"? /paranoia
12:55.06Bleetererm s/to NULL/on NULL/
12:55.38zenzelezzsooner or later I'll catch you in a white lie!
12:55.56FinCairenn: I'd say people like to argue syntax, rather than semantics
12:57.15Punkie`What's so great about Irssi anyway... I don't use IRC to do anything else than just join some channels and talk in them :P
12:57.41Josh_Borkelet me find it one sec
12:57.42zenzelezzit's the epeen factor of using a command-line client
12:58.04Punkie`ah ok, I just use Opera web browser for IRC :P
12:58.11Punkie`It has cool smilies!
12:58.41FinI joined the WoW channel on
12:58.44zenzelezzwhat game?
12:59.00Cairenn"whose epeen is bigger"
12:59.15Finand it's deader than lua 4
12:59.40Finthat was probably the worst "deader than" line I could possibly have come up with
12:59.41Cairennauthor specific or game general?
12:59.44Fin-5 points to fin
12:59.48*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
12:59.55Fingame general
13:00.05BleeterPunkie`: screen + irssi = win
13:00.10Finbut /whois * only shows about 50 people on the whole server
13:00.10Cairenn(no idea if they have an author specific)
13:00.19Finmost in #guildwars
13:00.19Bleeteris basically what it boils down to
13:00.24FinI don't think they do
13:00.24Punkie`Bleeter: screen?
13:02.07Josh_Borkethat's not the exact same one i found before :-/
13:02.08BleeterPunkie`: a scren manager for unix/linux command line.
13:02.10Josh_Borkeit might have been closed
13:02.22BleeterJosh_Borke: you probably found a dupe
13:02.33Cairennanyway, 4 hrs sleep != enough
13:02.40Josh_BorkeBleeter: i think so too
13:03.00BleeterPunkie`: eg, the terminal I'm on here is my games machine, irssi is inside screen on my server. Turn my games machine off, this is still running. Re-attach later. Don't lose any logs, etc. etc.
13:03.40Josh_Borke<3 screen
13:03.49doskoi~= = !=
13:04.03Punkie`why don't you use a KVM for ultimate enjoyment
13:04.23Bleeteron the other windows in this screen session, I have top (a process monitor thing), ncmpc (a cli client for the music player daemon), a standard shell, tail end of several log files
13:04.36Bleeteras well as the venerable irssi
13:04.42Punkie`Sounds nice
13:05.34doskoiextuse me, did IRC have spake chat function ?
13:05.48Bleeterscreen > ten seperate terminals running
13:05.55Punkie`as for me, I have 1 windows machine with the web browser come IRC client, a c:\dev folder complete with SciTE and WoW... then use the alt+tab buttons when I need to do something except play wow.
13:06.00Bleeterdoskoi: I don't understand precisely what you mean
13:07.15doskoilike TeamSpeak.
13:07.19Punkie`Bleeter: Why install Linux when you can download an explorer shell and "pretend" you are running Linux :p
13:07.23Punkie`doskoi: it does not
13:07.40Bleeterdoskoi: oh, does it have speech. No, it doesn't.
13:08.36BleeterIRC is very old, before good audio on computers.
13:08.58BleeterPunkie`: that comment is nearly worthy of comment of the day
13:09.41doskoii see, do you play wow now ?
13:10.16BleeterI was playing, then I started talking in here. 'Disconnected from server' lol
13:10.30BleeterI need to log in and say goodnight to my guild haha
13:10.31*** join/#wowi-lounge spathi (n=spathi@
13:11.01Punkie`Oh wow, it's 2.10pm... the day's gone quick :)
13:11.25*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
13:11.49doskoibleeter:it's bad network
13:12.27doskoiPunkie: you must go to sleep :)
13:12.43Punkie`doskoi: It is only the afternoon!
13:13.11doskoiwow~ i make a mistake
13:13.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
13:13.15Punkie`hehe :)
13:13.44BleeterIt's night-time where I am (Australia)... finish my lemonade and go to bed, I think
13:14.04Punkie`and cuddle with your Kangaroo?
13:15.21doskoii have a friend live in Sydney
13:16.17BleeterWallabies are easier to cuddle
13:16.27Bleeter(and I don't mean the Rugby team)
13:17.25BleeterAt least you didn't suggest I snuggle up to an Echidna
13:22.45*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
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13:45.24deltronmorning TS|Skrom
13:45.41TS|Skromhey hey
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16:15.58cog|workhehe... "It's interesting to note that if the World of Warcraft were a nation, CIA's World Factbook says that out of 236 listed countries it would be the 90th most populated country on Earth above Haiti, but behind Sweden."
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17:54.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
18:10.45Lunessa... Approach Logan 5, and Identify.
18:11.35LopeppeppyNo disassemble Johnny 5!
18:11.50LunessaNeed input!
18:13.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (
18:13.35LopeppeppyJohnny 5 is alive.
18:14.05[dRaCo]not anymore.
18:15.39LunessaPlease, kill me now :
18:15.56Lunessabefore the aloien incubating in my chest kills us all.
18:16.00[dRaCo]at your command.
18:17.11LunessaDo you have one of those cool sliding red lights?  
18:17.34[dRaCo]nope, but I might get one... would it make you happy?
18:18.13LunessaAs long as you then go around saying "by your command, Imperious Leader."
18:18.35LopeppeppyHoly... crap Lunessa.  I've always said that if you're not intelligent enough to install an addon, you shouldn't use a computer.
18:18.41[dRaCo]gotta sleep over that one.
18:19.00[dRaCo]enough kidding, got some drinks to kill. later =)
18:20.25LunessaLopeppeppy: I used to think no one could possibly fail that many times to understand, despite graphical examples, and clearly written instructions.  I was wrong.  My Zen has been ruined and I will never achieve dharma.
18:21.06LopeppeppyYou're letting one complete and total reject ruin your dharma and run over your dogma!?  No way, Lunessa.  Make them your example of Darwin in action, e-mail him a computer virus too!
18:22.40Josh_Borkesounds like he downloaded a compilation
18:23.19deltronI just had a mazzlegasm!
18:23.26LunessaDon't tempt me down the path of evil.  My soul may be tainted by my hedonistic ways, but some sins are unforgivable - like failure to consume the entire slice of cheesecake.
18:23.41LopeppeppyOr leaving the last brownie lonely in the pan.
18:25.00LunessaOr paying attention only to one nip... er, um, I'll shut up now.
18:26.02LopeppeppyMmm-hmm.  *laugh*
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18:54.42nevcairielHm i need some macro help, i want a macro that casts my heal on targettarget when i am targeting something hostile, and on target when its friendly, and preferably still do the glowing-hand when no target =P
18:55.08nevcairieli failed at doing that
18:55.53ScytheBlade1/cast [target=targettarget,help] [target=target,help] [target=none] Heal
18:56.12ScytheBlade1Meh, yours is better
18:56.12cog|workmine's more accurate...
18:56.13Kaydeethreetarget=target is redundant, just the [help] bit suffices
18:56.16Lunessa... Curse my slow typing.
18:56.27ScytheBlade1Sshhh :P
18:56.45cog|worksometimes i use target=target for clarity, but yeah... it's not strictly necessary
18:56.48*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
18:57.13ScytheBlade1Meh, mind didn't lead with a space :P
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18:57.27TS|Skromanyone here do a lot of wiki editing? not necessarily wowwiki but just wiki in general?
18:57.48Kaydeethreemeh, I'm reasonable at mediawiki syntax
18:57.56cog|workScytheBlade1: that's not the problem... the problem is that you put the targettarget clause first
18:58.02TS|Skromis it possible to do a table within a table?
18:58.11nevcairielworks perfect, i think i misunderstood how help and harm work, i didnt think it would check targettarget when thats selected before *shrug*
18:58.16ScytheBlade1cog|work, ?
18:58.24cog|workso no matter the hostility of the target, it would cast on a friendly targettarget
18:58.46cog|work(e.g. if you're targeting another healer who's targeting a party member)
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18:59.03Kaydeethree{| |- | foo | {| |- | bar |} |}
18:59.11Kaydeethreewith line breaks as appropriate
18:59.29TS|SkromLemme try that ^^
19:00.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
19:05.39nevcairielthere, one macro for every stupid heal, i should make that a feature in bartender3 .. really :o
19:05.59Kaydeethreewhatever happened to that macrotexter mod?
19:07.45TS|Skromwhat's the equivalent in style of border=none?
19:08.00TS|Skromoh and deltron did you get that link earlier?
19:09.32TS|Skromnm on border question
19:09.53Kaydeethreeit's css, toss whatever you want in the style declaration
19:10.15TS|Skromyeah I figured out that in fact border:0 works alot better then border=none :D
19:22.32TS|Skromokay I know how to use templates and var= but what if my template calls another template... where do I put those var = statements? they aren't passing to the subtemplate it seems
19:23.58KasoTS|Skrom, perhaps #wowwiki might offer you enlightenment
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19:43.19KasoWhat is a snerk?
19:43.33cog|worka cross between a snark and a smirk?
19:43.59Antiarc|WorkA snerk is the sharp inhalation of air through the nose
19:44.10Kasoa snark is one of those annoying things from half life right?
19:48.57zenzelezzso we're on Void Reaver, and a hunter names his pet after a main tank
19:49.08zenzelezzhalfway through the fight everyone sees "Tank ... has died."
19:49.21zenzelezzwhen the pet died
19:50.55Endthat's classic
19:57.48Kaydeethreeoh wow. that caught me off-guard...
19:57.48Kaydeethree"Test Server (US PVE is Full): Queue: 220"
20:00.20*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
20:05.39deltronorly? :(
20:05.45deltronI was going to do that when i got home
20:05.57deltronI need to submit a bug report
20:06.03deltronthe new sound system blows
20:07.13ScytheBlade1Not as much as it blows on linux :/
20:07.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (n=nope@
20:10.00ScytheBlade1Premade character copy is up atm
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20:13.55ScytheBlade1Holy crap, and it's instant
20:13.59ScytheBlade1"5 days" whatever
20:15.06Kaydeethreeya, I copied mine early yesterday, it showed up towards the middle of the day
20:15.18KaydeethreeI almost feel sorry for the folks that tried last week
20:15.32Kaydeethreetheir copy got lost in the abyss and they used up a copy or three
20:17.23Beladonais there something special about the PreMades?
20:17.37Beladonain this ptr I mean
20:17.51Kaydeethreethey're wearing t6, have a full set of the season 1 arena gear, spawn in zul'aman without a useful hearth or some ports
20:17.54Thunder_Childt6 ftw
20:17.56zenzelezzapparently the hunter ones have unusual pet choices
20:18.19Kaydeethreemages have a +heal trinket, don't have any of the ports and no runes either
20:18.25Kaydeethreesame kinda thing for all classes
20:18.31BeladonaI thought ZA was pre-T6 raid
20:18.35KirkburnAny Norwegians here?
20:18.44Kaydeethreeit's supposedly slightly harder than kara
20:18.50Kaydeethreebut it's not going in this patch anyway
20:18.51Beladonathats what I thought
20:19.03Endnot sure why the premades are outside of ZA
20:19.19Kaydeethreebecause that's where they will be spawning when the ZA ptr comes out, most likely
20:19.19End..but the premades are probably there to get more people "testing" the patch
20:19.21Beladonaso wait
20:19.29Beladonathey are testing ZA, but it isn't going in next patch?
20:19.37Kaydeethreethey're not testing ZA, the instance is closed
20:19.41Kaydeethreewe just spawn in front of it
20:19.45Beladonaoh wacky
20:19.52KirkburnZA isn't far off anyway
20:20.10Kaydeethreeit's the new audio system and video recording goodies on the mac client that we're testing now
20:20.25Endyup, and voice chat when it shows up later
20:20.45Kaydeethreehopefully in a build or two
20:21.06Kaydeethreethere's a lot of serverside hackery that needs to happen first
20:21.13EndI think it's physically in the code we get even, it just isn't enabled
20:21.37BeladonaI am looking forward to ZA
20:21.57Kaydeethreewe've got the UI bit of voip right now, at least
20:22.03Kaydeethreeit's all on the wdn
20:22.16Beladonawe are beyond Kara at this point, and can do 25 mans, but I want another 10 man
20:22.34*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
20:23.08Bleeterayee, yeah, long queues. And I wonder how many of these premade folks are actually trying to *test* stuff
20:23.14Kaydeethreefew if any
20:23.21Kaydeethreethey're just trying to get people on the servers
20:23.45ScytheBlade1I don't suppose we have a guild in the PTR?
20:23.47Endyeah, they want a lot of hardware configurations tested
20:23.58Endsince it is a new sound system after all
20:24.28KaydeethreeI could form one, pve-alliance side, what should we call it?
20:24.37Bleeterwell, I hope they can consider a PTR realm with no premades available, so us modders can get in and test/update our mods
20:24.56ScytheBlade1<WeHaveNoLife> ?
20:24.59LunessaKaydeethree: Dev Null
20:25.14Bleeterheh, and make the Horde one Dev Clue
20:25.48Kaydeethreeheh. 360 queue on pve. hopefully this won't take too long. I'll be in stormwind when I get on
20:26.06Bleeterno idea where my guys are
20:26.21ScytheBlade1I just got in on a premade
20:26.26ScytheBlade1They managed to screw a lot of stuff up
20:26.34Kaydeethreeya, enjoy the trail of tears away from ZA
20:26.41BleeterKaydeethree: I'll be in as 'Normal' to help you sign the guild registration foo
20:26.46ScytheBlade1That wasn't hard at all
20:26.51ScytheBlade1I'm in as Sboz
20:27.04*** part/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
20:27.15Kaydeethreemy non-premade's copied over as "Kaydeethre"
20:27.29Endthat's annoying they force a name change
20:27.39Endnot a big deal or anything...just..annoying
20:28.26Bleeteryay for position in queue decreasing and est time increases ... man I've missed this kinda thing on live. NOT. :)
20:29.08Kaydeethreeya, it is really weird seeing this again
20:29.12Kaydeethree6+ months at least
20:29.34ScytheBlade1I'd love a server that they let you have complete control of everything, and let you login two characters at once to
20:29.42ScytheBlade1Wipe it all every week and I'd still use it
20:31.16Endhmm, interesting, apparently they can enable or disable voice chat by server or something o_O
20:31.31Endin the strings of the ptr wow.exe I found:
20:31.57EndVoice Chat NOT allowed by server
20:31.58EndVoice Chat allowed by server
20:32.20Bleeterfairly typical in VoIP to be able to do that
20:32.48Endanyways, it really looks like the voice chat code is all there, it just isn't visibly enable
20:33.46ScytheBlade1My mage that has 0 pieces of "tier" gear is more decked than the premade it gives me
20:34.02Kaydeethreehuzzah, through the queue
20:34.02Endgems go a long way
20:34.06zenzelezzcrafted gear?
20:34.13ScytheBlade1I refuse :P
20:34.21Endand the misc gear, like belt and whatnot is gladiator gear
20:34.26Endwhich has less spell damage and whatnot
20:34.45ScytheBlade1That's the thing
20:34.50ScytheBlade177 res is still nothing
20:35.01ScytheBlade1It's a really crappy mix of T6 + PvP gear
20:35.02zenzelezz...ilience or ...istance?
20:35.35Endonly 77? that's..not very much
20:35.54ScytheBlade1That's nothing.
20:36.24Endthen again, that's like 1/4 to 1/3 of the gear is pvp gear
20:36.43ScytheBlade1+708 dmg, +66 crit, and 17% crit
20:36.45Kaydeethreecome find me on the PTR, I'm in stormwind, can port to wherever
20:37.07Endanyways, your lack of gems and enchants probably makes a big difference
20:37.24*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
20:37.25ScytheBlade1The bags come with gems
20:37.34ScytheBlade1My main has ench mats though
20:37.37Endbut I doubt you've gemmed your gear
20:39.58ScytheBlade1Socketed: +795
20:40.20zenzelezzsomeone in my guild claimed some undead character managed to get 500ish resilience
20:40.24zenzelezzany truth to this?
20:40.36buuSeems doable.
20:40.52deltronsounds like he'd suck for doing damage
20:46.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Work (n=cheald@
20:48.42Mr_Rabies2damn, that's awesome
20:49.25ScytheBlade1Yes, Kaydethre. Yay character renames.
20:49.48Mr_Rabies2okay brt
20:49.50Mr_Rabies2on my real char :p
20:50.27Kaydeethreesend me a tell whenever. I'm just flying around. trying to get a friend of mine online so he can sign it too
20:50.27Kaydeethreethat's annoying, 1 sig per account
20:50.30Mr_Rabies2it's been that way for a while
20:50.48Mr_Rabies2i remember trying to get buddies to get on alts to sign my charter a year ago or so
20:51.09Mr_Rabies2argh sorry nevermind, the pve server has a queue now
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20:56.15Bleetercopy queue seems bust atm, too
20:57.06BleeterKaydeethree: btw, grats on getting a sticky... BOO to blizz for removing the word 'Idiot' from it's subject
20:57.22Kaydeethreeya, but hortus responded when it was still the idiot's guide
20:57.22ScytheBlade1Ack, someone online invite me. Sboo.
20:57.25KaydeethreeI've got a screencap
20:58.19ScytheBlade1I just realized that the key binding changes are messing with my binding..
20:59.42Mr_Rabies2is it?
20:59.50Mr_Rabies2it was supposed to be completely backwards compatible
21:00.11ScytheBlade1That's... odd
21:00.26ScytheBlade1I copied my bindings-cache and it nuked everything with a modifier
21:00.53ScytheBlade1My mouse button normally has blink, frost nova, blizzard, and mana shield attached to it
21:00.58ScytheBlade1Now it *only* does mana shield
21:01.00Josh_Borkemaybe because of the new binding stuff?
21:01.01ScytheBlade1Err, frost nova
21:01.14ScytheBlade1Almost certaintly
21:01.15ScytheBlade1But still
21:01.15Mr_Rabies2mine seems to work
21:01.35ScytheBlade1Well, I used spellbinder. None of the actual buttons are bound
21:09.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
21:10.15Josh_Borkeyay!  i got a core file!
21:10.58Josh_Borkei crashed pidgin finally
21:11.00Bleeteroo, FMod is written by Firelight Technologies.. who are based in Melbourne
21:11.12BleeterMelb, Aust
21:11.27Bleeternot that I think that'll help our Linux issues much.. but.. well... never know ;)
21:11.30deltronI'd probably use pigdin if I ran gui on my linux box
21:11.49Bleeteruse finch instead
21:11.55Bleeterif you have no GUI
21:12.05deltronI use centericq
21:12.21Bleeterlast I heard they're moving to libpurple
21:12.28*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (n=[KaoS]`@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
21:12.36Josh_BorkeBleeter: btw, the tab complete is based on strcmp, the bug you linked before
21:12.37Josh_Borkebye all
21:12.57BleeterJosh_Borke: yeah, that's what I said last night :P Fixed in source past 2.0.2
21:13.19deltronthey don't have finch in ubuntu reps it seems
21:13.31Bleeterit's typically bundled with pidgin
21:13.52Bleeteralthough, I guess, some distros dont have pidgin so you won't have finch (or similar)
21:14.05BleeterI beat down the Fedora maintainer to get the split right ;)
21:14.11deltrondoesn't seem so :P
21:14.38Bleeterthen there's the whole Ubuntu thing where they don't update crap after release, so from memory there is actually no pidgin for Ubuntu
21:14.40deltroni'll look into it later
21:15.02deltronthere might be something like automatix2 that has it
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21:16.08deltronwell to be honest, ubuntu is on a 6 month release schedule, most everything is frozen after release, but the development versions are out soon after
21:16.20deltron7.10 testing version is out already
21:18.17Bleeteryeah, but one then one ends up in the rediculous situation where a program such as gaim, gets a forced rename by legal issues during the final stages of freeze and for six months a distro is running with something that is (effectively) three years old and all the associated problems that have been fixed resurface, etc.
21:18.52Bleeterdoesn't even need a legal bunfight to cause that kinda thing, though, really
21:21.06Bleeterdamn, there's a lot of dead alliance in the premade starting area even on PvE
21:21.07zenzelezzbunfight? o_O
21:21.24deltronit's like bringing butter to a bunfight
21:21.32Kaydeethreebleeter, yah. there's dead alliance everywhere, though
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21:22.00deltronBleeter: yeah that's funny :)
21:22.21BleeterKaydeethree: do you have a premade? I seem to recall you last night mentioning the naxx test's resist storage bag... they're back :)
21:22.23Mr_Rabies2the ptr is depressing
21:22.33Kaydeethreeya, I've got a premade and a regular mage
21:22.33deltronyeah they're back
21:22.43deltronI have 4 bags full of gear on my shaman
21:22.47Bleeterthe ptr's general chat/trade etc. is like a normal day on an oceanic realm :/
21:22.51Mr_Rabies2i'm only ~400-500 AP from having fully maxed out ap
21:23.01Mr_Rabies2on my real druid
21:23.09Mr_Rabies2and i've only done a little of kara
21:23.16Kaydeethreeanyone on pve alliance that hasn't signed the /dev/null guild charter yet?
21:24.58LunessaI'm at work and can't join yet.
21:27.09Mr_Rabies2the boats have music now
21:27.12Mr_Rabies2i knew inns did
21:27.20Mr_Rabies2but the boats have this cool medieval sounding music
21:27.29Mr_Rabies2unless it's the same music
21:27.33Mr_Rabies2i haven't been to an inn yet
21:29.18*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
21:29.21ScytheBlade1Wow. For anyone curious
21:29.29ScytheBlade1The voice API as it stands now is 100% broken
21:29.39ScytheBlade1(Plus it's disabled on the server.)
21:30.29Kaydeethreegah. buggy cellphone software ftl. gonna have to go find my dealer and yell at them or something
21:35.39AnduinLotharanyone have any idea how to make a float div wrap at the min-width instead of the max-width?
21:37.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
21:38.06ckknightScytheBlade1: hrm?
21:38.11ckknightScytheBlade1: how do you mean?
21:40.46Kaydeethree"Wow, this is horribly unpoished. Some commands take unitId, some take player names. Channels are both /1 /2 /3 etc. and "Group" "Raid" "Battleground" etc. But the two are not the same
21:41.10Kaydeethree"ChannelSilenceAll() supposedly only take s a channelName, but it requires both channelName and the playerName, and only silences that player"
21:42.15Endthat's probably one of the reasons it isn't enabled yet :P
21:42.20Bleetermeh, makes sense that if there's an API change that involves direct hardware access, get a test version out before the API is finished.
21:42.27Endthat and the fmodex testing currently
21:44.08*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
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21:44.21ScytheBlade1ckknight, what Kaydeethree said. He quoted me from in-game
21:44.28ScytheBlade1It's just... weird
21:44.40ScytheBlade1In theory there is a channel 3 for Raid, but you can also have a /3
21:44.54ScytheBlade1And voice can be disabled/enabled for them both, but there is no difference in the two
21:45.27ckknightoh yea, I noticed that stuff
21:45.30ScytheBlade1Likewise, there has to be a way to choose what you want to broadcast to
21:45.34ScytheBlade1But I can't find it
21:45.47ckknightoh, I've seen it
21:45.53ckknightyou chose from the minimap button
21:46.00ckknightonly works if voice is enabled, though
21:46.42ScytheBlade1I can't enable it
21:46.45ScytheBlade1No sound drivers
21:48.44ckknightoverwrite the API functions IsVoiceEnabled and such
21:49.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
21:57.17Mr_Rabies2i wonder if they're gonna have a little speaker by unitframes for people talking :O
21:57.27Shirikit should be possible
21:57.32Shirikdon't know if they will do it
21:57.37Shirikbut looking at the API it should be possible
21:57.41Kaydeethreefor party, ya, dunno if they've got it setup for raids yet
21:57.47ckknightthey do, Mr_Rabies
21:57.51ShirikI'm really going to have fun integrating it with RDX
21:57.56Shirikoh I have some fun ideas
21:57.58Kaydeethreeparty portraits already have the speaker icon on them
21:58.03ckknightit shows the three states as well: talking, not talking, muted
21:58.09Mr_Rabies2i use pitbull
21:58.09ckknightShirik: care to share?
21:58.11Mr_Rabies2yeah :P
21:58.22Mr_Rabies2i got some raidui errors upon joining bgs
21:58.24ckknightMr_Rabies: I'm the author, I'll be adding support as soon as I can test it
21:58.33Mr_Rabies2about "IsVoiceEnabled" and wahtnot
21:58.35Mr_Rabies2i know :P
21:58.42Mr_Rabies2i've pestered you into adding stuff before
21:58.50Shirikckknight: Well I figure we're not the only raid where we have problems figuring out who's talking, who needs what, who wants loot, etc.
21:59.03ckknightI want loot
21:59.08ckknightspecifically of the "phat" variety
21:59.12ShirikBut one thing at a time, first I'm going to rewrite RDX from scratch
21:59.17Shirikthen deal with extra goodies
21:59.22zenzelezzI just let a guild reserve take my T4 pants :-|
21:59.24Mr_Rabies2i feel like such a hacker after going into my cell phone's filesystem and messing with INI files :D
21:59.45Mr_Rabies2i had to turn off the camera noise so that when i take pictures of people who should not be cosplaying they won't crush me
21:59.51ckknightShirik: and Aced?
22:00.05Shirikhate to break it to you, Cidan would kill me if I did that
22:00.39LunessaJelly will kill you too.  You'll remove his favorite joke.
22:01.46zenzelezzI got tired of it :-|
22:02.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata124 (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
22:02.38Mr_Rabies2i'm loving violator so far
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22:03.03Kaydeethreekk, /dev/null is formed
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22:03.41ckknightShirik: lol. If you decide to use a framework (Ace, Dongle, whatever), get use one that suits your needs best
22:03.44ckknightor roll your own
22:04.03Bleeterlolcode ftw
22:04.30Kirovwow, curse decided to redo their site, again
22:06.08ShirikI doubt I'll use one; I actually want to drop VFL but unfortunately that's going to be difficult
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22:06.26*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:06.28Shirikdoing that means completely redoing the images as well, which... well... I suck at
22:07.43LunessaShirik: What sort of images do you need?
22:07.45Bleeterwho, lolcode's getting there, they're up to 1.3API
22:07.58Shirikborders, menu, etc.
22:08.17ShirikI know it's not hard
22:08.26ShirikIt's just something I really don't want to do
22:09.07ShirikI guess some of those are actually RDX images, not VFL. But VFL has some images I want too
22:11.36Bleeterman, lolcode's just getting better and better... from 1.2
22:11.40BleeterThe variable types that LOLCODE currently recognizes are: strings (YARN), integers (NUMBR), floats (NUMBAR), and booleans (TROOF) (Arrays (BUKKIT) are reserved for future expansion.) Typing is handled dynamically. Until a variable is given an initial value, it is untyped (NOOB).
22:12.39KasoYARN makes me smile
22:12.49ShirikYARN's been around for a while
22:13.03ShirikI should go onto my desktop and pick up that interpreter again O_o
22:13.25Lunessabecause the layout will make you want to?
22:13.40ckknightGIMMEH LETTAR
22:14.01BleeterBOTH SAEM ANIMAL AN "CAT"
22:14.02BleeterO RLY?
22:14.12Shirikwhy did they go to NUMBR instead of NUMBAR
22:14.16Shirikoh I see
22:14.39Shirikthat's a stupid design
22:15.19Shirikand they still haven't implemented arrays
22:15.35KasoVISIBLE and INVISIBLE seem like odd -ones-out, whats behind that?
22:15.41Bleeterat least they've reserved BUKKIT
22:15.53Kaydeethreethere was a bukkit example in 1.0 or 1.1
22:15.55ShirikThis is the one thing I hated about that community. I tried to get involved with it but I gave up with them. They go off on tangents all the time and most of them don't really grasp the true 'spirit' of lolcode
22:15.57Kaydeethreedunno why they took it out
22:16.25ShirikI was really annoyed with all of the symbols some people were trying to put in, and that they used commas as a "soft newline"
22:16.41Lunessa... Someone at Curse thinks very highly of "Web 2.0"
22:17.08BleeterWeb 2.0 is soooo 2005.. or was it '04. Can't we get to 3.0 already?
22:17.15ShirikThey had BUKKIT back in 1.0
22:17.27Shirikand I partially implemented it
22:17.39Shirikbut my point is that it's still just "reserved" rather than a specification
22:17.39ShirikBleeter: I know a lot of sites that are on 4.0
22:17.46Shirikand it makes me want to slap someone
22:18.51Shirikbtw I'm STILL loading
22:18.59Shirikhow much is on it..
22:19.15buuIt's all fail.
22:19.29ScytheBlade1The armory is the only site I've seen that actually uses some degree of XML
22:19.33BleeterKaydeethree: you logged just after I whispered 'inv pls' lol
22:19.55ScytheBlade1Likewise, browsers have to actually work on their XML support now.
22:21.00Lunessa... - I got a lucky drop last night.  Check out my new mace. :)
22:21.12KirovPfff, mozilla is crap.  Firefox all the way!
22:21.45BleeterFF isn't that great
22:22.02Kaydeethreebah, I must've timed out. gimme a sec, I'll relog
22:22.04ScytheBlade1I use seamonkey on linux
22:22.10ScytheBlade1Then I compared it to IE on windows on the armory
22:22.14ScytheBlade1... world of difference
22:22.44ShirikYey I have a white box at!
22:22.49ShirikAnd a page title
22:23.00Mr_Rabies2mine loaded nigh instantly
22:23.08Mr_Rabies2are you on a 9600 baud modem
22:23.37KaydeethreeI'm on, send me a whisper
22:28.35Lunessa... alas, poor Shirik, I knew him Channel.  He was a coder of infinite jest and wisdom.  
22:28.52Shirik"I knew him Channel." ?
22:29.11ckknightinstead of Horatio
22:30.16LunessaYou're on a 14.4 modem, it's internet death.  
22:31.09LunessaSo, I'm doing a Shakespearean mash-up of a a scene for you.
22:31.11Shirikand trying to load curse's site while reading forums isn't working
22:31.14foxlitArmory gives safari HTML
22:31.31LunessaIt used to give Safari a crash.
22:31.34KaydeethreeI wonder...
22:33.30*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
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22:33.35Kaydeethreebah. got to the search page, that's about as far as it'd let me get without javascript
22:37.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
22:41.47EndLunessa, you have like no health :P
22:42.03LunessaI know.  I have like, under 6k - wtf?
22:42.12Endthat's unbuffed, but still! :P
22:42.27Endbrings back memories of a priest that died a lot in kara
22:42.52LunessaI usually die once on Maiden if someone is out of position.
22:43.30LunessaOther than that, I'm pretty good at not getting aggro and keeping myself alive.  
22:43.45Endwell, it's usually not about aggro
22:44.02Endblizzard throws in a lot more enviroment crap these days
22:44.23LunessaI'm not saying it's not low, I'm just saying 80% of the time it's not an issue.
22:45.07Endand of course, you couldn't do Doomwalker in that gear :P
22:45.36LunessaIt's not anything I need to worry about yet.  
22:46.05Endwell, pvp gear comes useful for some people there :P
22:46.27LunessaIt's not like I can solo anything either.  Even in my "loldps" gear, I have a pretty rough time of it.  
22:46.48LunessaMostly, if I want to kill something, I play my mage, my warlock or my shaman.
22:47.14Endyeah, I was talking to a priest friend of mine, and she was like "and if I pull two then I die!"
22:47.19zenzelezzI remember trying to reach 8.5k+ hp for Patchwerk... now I'm at just about 17k raid buffed, without food :-|
22:47.45LunessaAnd yes, you can look them up on my guild's armory listing, I'm Lothay, Mortagen and Unkle.
22:48.13LunessaAnd feel free to make a mockery out of everyone's spec and crappy gear.  I won't be offended.
22:48.41Kaydeethreemeh, I as a mage nearly have enough hp to do doomwalker totally unbuffed
22:48.43Kaydeethree7803 atm
22:48.51EndI think my 67 mage has more spell damage than your mage. </mock>
22:49.05End(not much though)
22:49.10LunessaDid I not mention the crappy gear?  
22:49.18Endyou might have :P
22:50.08LunessaActually, I had a struggle with my guild - when I play anyone but the priest, seems like no one is available to instance - I finally got them to accept that I'm playing the shaman most often.  
22:50.33LunessaSo, most of what the mage and warlock have come from long battles to get anything done with pugs.  
22:51.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
22:51.26LunessaAnd so, they don't get as much time/gear/effort into them as I would like.  
22:51.26Endonly my shaman is really awfully geared
22:51.33Endand he makes your shaman look like a god
22:51.50Endhe's still only 60, but it's mostly like level 40-50 greens
22:52.08LunessaHaha.  My shaman has a lot of work left to do.  Though  I did just pick up his new helm.  
22:52.25LunessaThe Desolation set is what I'm collecting now.  
23:04.16zenzelezznever to be seen again?
23:04.21Kaydeethreeah, nothing like being bored and flying around a'dal upside down
23:09.44Corrodiasting tang timmy too
23:13.31Corrodiasi tell you, i could use some peanuts right now
23:14.15Lunessa... packed  with peanuts, Snickers really satisifies.
23:16.02zenzelezzpeanuts packed with peanuts?
23:19.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
23:19.18Corrodiassnickers bars contain obscene amounts of saturated fat. i'm never eating them again.
23:20.24LunessaFrom the bar right here on my desk... Saturated fat 9g (3 servings / 'king size' bar.)
23:21.52Corrodias9 grams is a -lot- when it comes to sat. fat
23:21.55Antiarc|WorkSnickers are so yummy :(
23:22.40LunessaWell, that 45% Daily Value - so, um, be careful what else you eat that day if you eat the entire King Size Bar.
23:23.02LunessaIt's um, 3g per serving, 3 servings per bar.
23:29.33Cairennthe way I see it, guys, is that they had it right a very long time ago - "Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die"
23:30.10Cairennthe latest study I just saw is that if you have too low cholesterol, it increases your chances of cancer
23:30.27Cairennyet we all know if you have too much, it increases your risk of heart disease and stroke
23:30.34Cairennso what the hell are you supposed to do?
23:30.49Cairennsay "fuck it" and enjoy your life, is my opinion
23:31.11LunessaHey, like I said to someone who told me I eat poorly, "I'll eat what the hell I want, and at least I'll die happy.  You'll be thin and miserable - and still dead."
23:31.17Kaydeethreegasp. a swear word. my virgin ears ;)
23:31.29Kaydeethreemeh. I eat what I want. I'm just thankful I've still got the metabolism that lets me do that
23:31.38Kaydeethreenot for much longer if what dad keeps telling me is true
23:31.50LunessaKaydeethree: You missed it earlier, I almost said the word nipple.
23:32.16zenzelezzmy guild says it often
23:32.16Cairennoh noes! not the word nipple!
23:32.22zenzelezztank 3 on nipple, tank 4 on thong
23:32.43|Jelly|That's kind of hot.
23:33.10Kaydeethreemeh, circle is condom for us
23:33.16LunessaWait, you're going to off-tank the thong?  
23:33.36|Jelly|No. The thong is my shackle. Get it straight.
23:33.46LunessaI'd swear you'd just want to DPS that thing down.
23:33.54zenzelezznot in every pull
23:34.20Cairennrofl, this conversation sounds so very dirty out of context
23:34.48LunessaTotally the point, no?
23:34.50Cairennnot that that would be deliberate on anyone's part, though
23:34.51zenzelezzI think you're reading it wrong... we mean it just the way you think
23:35.22|Jelly|Umm. I'm talking about shackling down the thong.
23:35.27Wobinpeanuts packed with peanuts?
23:35.28|Jelly|You can take that however you want.
23:35.41zenzelezz"everyone get on the nipple"
23:36.07WobinBastard coated Bastards with a Bastard filling...
23:36.45Lunessaand spam
23:40.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
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23:49.02Antiarc|WorkCircle is condom for us, too
23:49.13Antiarc|Work"Guys, Nell can't find her condom"
23:49.28Antiarc|Work(when trying to track down a feared mob)
23:51.30*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (

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