IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070721

00:00.35*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
00:07.39*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
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00:23.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
00:32.40*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
00:47.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
00:48.06*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|book (
00:48.44nevcairielmorning? comeone, even for you its gotta be late :P
00:48.51purlrumour has it, ugt is Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
00:48.52Shirikit's 8:48 pm
00:48.57Shirikbah you beat me
00:49.04Shirik202:482:55 12‹purl12› Someone already said that 4 seconds ago
00:49.10ShirikI didn't know purl does that
00:49.55Shirikuh oh
00:50.00Shirikbug report filed on site T_T
00:50.07Kaydeethreela-de-da... 3 hours til I can buy a legit copy of HP7
00:50.16Shirikwho cares you already read it
00:50.31Kaydeethreethus the 'legit' bit
00:54.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
00:57.56Guillotineanybody know the name of the addon that shows the diminishing returns timer in the upper right of ?
00:58.17Guillotinelooks kind of like Quartz, but Quartz doesn't have a DR timer afaik
00:58.36Kaydeethreesight unseen, I'm going to guess: natur enemy cast bar
00:58.48GuillotineNECB has a diminishing returns timer?
00:58.57Guillotineawesome. ty much :)
01:00.38Shirikuh oh
01:00.42Shirikscreeech boom
01:00.44Shiriknot a good sound
01:01.01Kaydeethreecoming from your computer, speakers or outside?
01:01.35Kaydeethreecar crash? nat gas pipe explosion?
01:01.49Shirikha, gas pipe
01:01.56ShirikI wish they had that kind of technology up here
01:02.21Kaydeethreeoh ya, that's right... you're out in east bumblefuck. 90s-era cable modems and dialup.
01:02.25IndustrialIs there a number for the amountof degrees you can turn to still be in view of the target?
01:02.31Industrialjust curious
01:02.38Industrialalmost 180
01:02.52Shirikyou mean like
01:02.55Shirikright click drag?
01:03.12bleetahIs Bumblefuck near Buttfuck Montana?
01:03.22bleetahor just one of those sister-city relationship thingies
01:03.29Shiriksister city thingies
01:03.34Guillotinesister/cousin relationship thingies you mean
01:03.40Guillotineand wife
01:03.57bleetahs/friend/professional associate/
01:04.04GuillotineIndustrial: you already got it right. 180
01:04.24Industrial180 straight? can i get that from lua, or is there a resource?
01:05.12cog|bookIndustrial: i don't think you can. it depends on a number of factors like screen ratio & drunkenness...
01:05.30cog|bookor i'm misunderstanding ><
01:06.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Cowgra (
01:07.52Industrialthe field of view of the 3d player model, not the camera :>
01:09.07Guillotinelike when it will say "You must be facing your target"?
01:09.10ShirikI'll view your field
01:11.42Shirikso..... we just received a guild application
01:11.51Guillotine180 degrees then
01:11.55GuillotineShirik: grats
01:11.57Shirikone of the questions is " If you held a nice dinner this weekend and could invite any three people, past or present, who would they be, and why?"
01:12.17Shirikwe normally don't pay much attention to it, it's just a question we threw in there to break stuff up
01:12.20Shirikbut... "Marilyn Monroe because she's hot
01:12.20ShirikFamke Jennson because she's hot
01:12.20ShirikElizabeth Hurley because she's uber hot
01:12.47ShirikWhat can you bring as a member of TG?
01:12.47ShirikMy pimp hand
01:12.56ShirikI'm like....
01:13.01ShirikI don't even know how to respond
01:16.37Cide"you're hired"?
01:23.21IndustrialLooking for someone with an enUS 60day game card. You can email it to me. You have a paypal account. Pm me.
01:23.59Shirikdon't live in US or something?
01:24.16Cidethat's what credit cards are for :)
01:25.28bleetahNot that I'm cynical or anything, but I wonder if the reason Blizz don't accept PayPal is due to the whole eBay thing
01:26.00Cowgraare there any mmos that accept paypal?
01:26.11Shirikrf online
01:26.21CowgraAO is free anyways.
01:26.32IndustrialCide: not an option :P
01:35.35*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
01:38.11ShirikBattery: 8 min, 17% remaining
01:38.11Shirikthat's pathetic
01:39.09Cide>>> 8/0.17
01:39.09CideCide: 47.058823529412
01:39.11Cideyeah, it is :P
01:46.45cog|book3 lines in't considered spam, right?
01:47.01cog|book(oh crap that was 4)
01:47.36Tullerhrm, why in the world is Sage listed in the bar mods category, and not in the unitframes one? :)
01:49.45*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
01:50.02ShirikI call 5 spam
01:50.05Shirikso you're safe cog|book
01:50.17Shiriktime for me to see if I can sneak over to my aunt's to leech internetz :P
01:50.19cog|book<me> gah... I hate it when you spend hours coding something and it seems to work perfectly the first time you try it out O.o
01:50.21cog|book<someone in my guild> Isn't that a good thing cog?
01:50.22cog|book<me> you would think...
01:50.24cog|book<me> but you end up tiptoeing because you think there's an axe-wielding madman around the next corner
01:51.58bleetahI lost count somewhere around 8 :P
01:56.05*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
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03:06.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata124 (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
03:11.53MentalPowerDoes anyone here know how Kerberized FTP works?
03:17.52Corrodiaslike all other ftp? if not, then no.
03:18.34MentalPowerno, its similar to regular FTP, but it replaces the USER command with USER :SomeHugeAssStringGoesHere
03:19.30Corrodiasnow i shall drink
03:19.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
03:20.41Corrodiasafter one long night at work
03:23.13Corrodiasfor the last, what, month i've been playing my hunter alt a lot
03:23.50Corrodiasnah, i probably already talked about healing alts
03:24.15Corrodiasno need to be emo about it
03:29.19Corrodiasso. how can i change the text of the names over people's heads if i so choose?
03:29.29cogwheel|awayyou can't
03:29.33cogwheel|awayit's not part of the UI
03:29.42Corrodiascould have sworn i've seen a screenshot with it altered
03:29.55cogwheel|awayfont, maybe
03:30.06Corrodiasoh, stupid me. i meant font. :(
03:30.51cogwheel|awayI don't think you can without changing every other font
03:31.05cogwheel|aways/font/occurrence of that font/
03:34.13Corrodiasi actually rather like the default fonts, myself. well, anyway, i need to think about modifying my SCT setup
03:40.58*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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03:41.49Corrodiasi shall try msbt
03:45.37*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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03:46.03ckknightCorrodias: you should try Parrot :-P
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03:47.11Corrodiasi suppose i can
03:49.09ckknightit's pretty nifty now
03:49.15ckknightI reached feature parity with MSBT
03:49.31ckknightI just need to stick in more animation styles to reach parity with SCT
03:49.52Corrodiasi haven't tried MSBT in-depth. i don't even know just how i want my text to show up.
03:50.14ckknightwell, just try Parrot, see if you like it, it's pretty customizeable
03:50.25ckknightI won't feel too bad if you decide not to use it
03:50.58Corrodiasi shall try it, but it's hard to say if i'll like it when even i don't know what i want
03:51.09ckknightyea, I know how that is
03:51.13Corrodiasall i don't like about my current SCT setup is how spammy it gets, how much space on my screen it usesl
03:51.48ckknightParrot is much less spammy than SCT
03:51.51ckknightdue to event merging
03:52.00ckknightAoEs show up as a single message instead of multiple
03:52.10ckknightand hots/dots can merge as well
03:52.15ckknightas well as power gains
03:52.25ckknightso VT/VE spam is a thing of the past
03:52.41Corrodiasi don't suppose Parrot is configurable via Niagara and i somehow missed it on the list?
03:52.52ckknightyou click the parrot on the minimap to bring up Waterfall
03:52.59ckknight(which is what Niagara uses)
03:53.14Corrodiasoh, there it is!
03:54.09ckknightbtw, if you come up with useful features or bug reports, don't be afraid to tell me
03:55.22cogwheel|awayCan anyone think of a template in the default UI that would provide a quick but satisfying (read: visual) example of using CreateFrame?
03:55.44JoshBorkecog|book: hm
03:55.58JoshBorkecog|book: i just made some widgets using the equivalent of the xml templates
03:56.21cog|bookHmm... a button might not be a bad idea
03:56.30JoshBorkea slider and a checkbox to be exact
03:56.34JoshBorkeand a button is a great idea
03:58.05Corrodiasthat beer went straight to my head
03:59.35Corrodiasby default it suppresses the Clearcasting event? that seems odd
04:00.43Corrodiasof course, i'm having trouble setgin. seeing and typing right now so maybe that isn't all that odd.
04:02.43Corrodiashealing text starts out waaay too long
04:03.21*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
04:10.47Corrodiaseh, trying to switch from SCT and my current config just feels wrong no matter what i do!
04:19.01KemayoCorrodias: It suppresses the clearcasting buff notification, displaying a trigger instead, I think.
04:19.39Kemayo(So, for instance, if you're a Warlock you don't see "+Shadow Trance", you get "Nightfall!" in the notification area.)
04:20.17ScytheBlade1Anyone had any luck with the PTR client under wine?
04:23.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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04:46.30*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
05:06.36Corrodiasaw, ToFu doesn't display flight points on the world map?
05:08.26*** part/#wowi-lounge Cowgra (
05:11.30Corrodiascan i get a touch of macro help? /castsequence reset=60 [modifier:alt] Divine Protection, [target=player] Blessing of Protection <LINE>
05:13.03Corrodias/cast [nomodifier] Blessing of Protection
05:13.07Corrodiasthat was supposed to come after that there
05:14.40Corrodiassomething about using [modifier:alt] in a /castsequence isn't quite jiving.
05:23.07*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
05:29.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
05:32.56KemayoCorrodias: It displays them if you have Cartographer.
05:39.48Shiriktake care guys
05:40.35Corrodiasi do have cartographer. hmm.
05:41.19Corrodiasalso, as far as i can tell, /castsequence [modifier:alt] reset=300 One, Other should work
05:41.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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05:45.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
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06:03.00Kirovhmm... some Ace addon is locking wow before it even finishes loading
06:03.09Guillotineso I'm completely redoing my UI. anybody have any addons they suggest that they just can't do without?
06:03.20Guillotinecan't be Ace. Ace is perfect in every way
06:03.29Guillotineit makes your addons more efficient
06:03.35KirovGuillotine - SimpleMouseover'sTarget, SimpleRaidTargetIcon
06:03.46GuillotineKirov: ty, I'll look them up :)
06:04.01cog|bookGuillotine: BuyEmAll, CT_MailMod
06:04.45GuillotineI like CT_MailMod, but BuyEmAll doesn't do much for me since I don't buy from vendors often
06:05.45KirovsimpleMinimap is nice too, if only for the fact it displays who pinged in a _sane_ way
06:07.14GuillotineKirov: are you Brodrick by any chance?
06:08.01KirovIt's a complete coincidence that some of my favorite mods are by someone named Brodrick, aka Kirov ... and that I wrote them
06:08.07ScytheBlade1 is good too (though I may be biased)
06:08.33GuillotineScythe: lol
06:08.43ScytheBlade1I've actually got 1.1-20100 coming soo
06:09.43KirovSimpleMouseover'sTarget is basically useless if you use something like TipBuddy (or any Tooltip addon that show target's target information)
06:10.01KirovBut I don't use any of those mods, so my version is useful for me
06:10.06art3mishehe illegaladdon rules
06:10.40GuillotineKirov: ya, only tooltip addon I use moves mine to the top center of the screen
06:10.56Guillotinewhats a good action bar addon?
06:11.05art3misaftte is the goodest tooltip
06:11.16art3misor if yer a minimalist get sphere
06:11.27art3missphere rules as a player uf/actiojn buttons
06:11.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
06:11.31Guillotineya, I was looking at bartender
06:11.38art3misdoublewide is good for quests
06:11.51KirovI need to get a new router
06:11.53art3misautobar of course
06:12.03art3misand metahud
06:12.11Kirovmetahud ... meh
06:12.13art3misthats aboutall i really am so used to using i cant do with out
06:12.21art3misi dont like the way the others format
06:12.33art3misone hud is as good as the next though
06:12.41Guillotineeh, I don't use HuDs
06:12.53KirovI use a "hud" mod on my rogue, an no one else
06:12.57art3misi do cuz im too lazy to look at UF's ;)
06:13.12KirovIt's the only class I really never look away from the center of my screen with.
06:13.17Guillotinethe problem is I'm a feral druid, so I'm in and out of forms alot. So alot of the cool action bar setups have to be reconfigured for each form :/
06:13.29art3mischeck out sphere
06:13.35art3misyou might actually like it if you're a clicker
06:13.42art3misif yer a keyboard player not so much
06:13.58art3missupports forms and circumstance buttons
06:14.23ScytheBlade1Spellbinder is a microscopic addon which replaces all need for any form of buttons on my screen.
06:14.34ScytheBlade1(But I am an obsessive keybinder.)
06:14.41art3misheh yeah
06:14.45art3misim  forgetful
06:14.55art3misi like visible buttons ;P
06:15.04GuillotineScythe: ya, I use spellbinder :) Definately an addon I'm keeping
06:15.07GuillotineI'm a heavy keyboarder
06:15.11Guillotinefor most things
06:15.16GuillotineI use click casting for healing
06:15.19ScytheBlade1My bindings-cache is 4.3kb
06:15.22Guillotineand keyboarding for tanking/dpsing
06:15.44ScytheBlade1Yeah, for healing, I'd bind heals to my mouse buttons 4/5
06:15.45Guillotineart3mis: have any screenshots of sphere? Can't find any on the official thread and/or wiki page
06:15.46art3misheh i use benecast for healing cuz im REALLY lazy
06:15.52art3misits a wowace
06:15.54GuillotineClique for healing
06:15.55ScytheBlade1Then use mouseover raidframes to heal with that
06:15.57Guillotineart3mis: I know
06:15.59art3misnot sure if it got put anywhere else
06:16.10art3misits in "beta" sorta
06:16.12Guillotineah, found it
06:16.14art3misits on files.
06:16.17Guillotinea screenshot that is
06:16.18GuillotineI know
06:16.21GuillotineI knew where the file was
06:16.26Guillotinejust wante dto see what it looked like
06:16.31art3misyeah i only just talk to people in #wa
06:16.36art3misthats easy
06:16.47art3misits a picture of yer head and 2 circle bars
06:16.59art3misand radiant buttons that sprout from it
06:16.59Guillotinenot so much for me. I rarely use icons other than to see if I have enough energy/rage and if the ability is ready
06:17.08ScytheBlade1afk sleep
06:18.08*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
06:22.22Kirovwow, bananabar2 completely screws my wow
06:22.48Guillotineis there anything like ArkInventory that uses less memory?
06:22.56Guillotineseems to be a real memory hog :/
06:23.15art3miserr santiybags
06:23.23art3mistakes a bit of config
06:23.26art3misbut its perty neat
06:23.33Guillotinewell, so does Ark
06:23.41Guillotineis it more efficient than Ark though?
06:23.46art3misanti makes fine addons
06:24.01Guillotineeh, I'll try it
06:24.04art3misdunno about actual useage though
06:29.54Guillotinewhats a good unit frame addon?
06:30.33GuillotineI use grid for raid healing
06:30.36Guillotinejust need one for myself really
06:30.46Guillotinehmm, guess I could use a HUD for that actually. save space
06:33.08Kirovx-perl or pitbul
06:33.54Kirovas pretty as a lot of HUDs are, I find they make me focus on the middle of the screen way too much.
06:34.07KirovI pretty much loathed using them as a hunter or priest
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06:38.05KirovSCT or MBT are good to have too
06:43.07KirovOut of curiosity, what are peoples' thoughts on LootLink / ItemSync like addons?
06:45.35JunkHead-WorkI've used Lootlink before, but realized I didn't use it enough so I removed it.
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06:52.59GuillotineI havn't used them in a while
06:53.09GuillotineI've used things like the old GetLink recently
06:53.25Guillotinejust iterates through all item ids and prints the names that match
06:53.29Guillotineso uses no memory when not searching
06:55.33JunkHead-WorkI've been working lately with thinning out unused addons.
06:55.47JunkHead-WorkI still have a few I need to get rid of.
06:56.00JunkHead-WorkI wonder what will break if I ditch informant.
06:58.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
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06:59.42GuillotineI really want to ditch Tattle, but gladiator won't work without it :/
07:00.38JunkHead-WorkDon't know what either of those do.
07:01.08Thunder_Childarena mods
07:04.33JunkHead-WorkI'm also probable going to get rid of Auctioneer, I don't use it much.:\
07:04.55deltronheh I use it quite a bit
07:05.20JunkHead-WorkI just go to the AH buy crap and leave, I don't sell much.:\
07:05.24JunkHead-WorkI stay broke.
07:05.42deltronI don't farm anymore
07:05.49deltronbut I do use it to buy cheap stuff
07:06.26JunkHead-WorkI try to farm for my own stuff. But even I have trouble doing that.
07:06.42JunkHead-WorkI'm working tailoring, and and saving up primal fires for my spellire robe.
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07:06.50JunkHead-WorkThat's a pain.:\
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07:09.34GuillotineI just have a bank char and only have auctioneer enabled on him
07:09.43Guillotineanybody know of a VERY lightweight unit frame mod?
07:09.54Guillotineneed nothing but my health, my mana, my target's health, and my target's mana
07:10.05KirovGuillotine - Sage Unit Frames
07:10.58Guillotinemm, looks perfect
07:12.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
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07:28.44Guillotinewell, my interface takes about twice as long to load now as before the 'cleanup'
07:29.44JunkHead-WorkYou broked it.
07:31.24Temlol the skirmish arena on the ptr is hillarious
07:34.31Temit'll pit you against the poeple you just played with on your team
07:34.38Temquite funny
07:34.51MoonWolffinally, you can kill that idiot on your team
07:35.23Guillotinedamn. sage doesn't have MobInfo support :/
07:36.03Guillotinemaybe I'll just use default frames
07:36.05Guillotineand move them
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12:06.01clad|awaygood book, enjoyed it.. need 45 minutes of sleep before i go to a family picnic
12:07.04Thraeclad|away: This is why I try to avoid books and manga -- I'll just keep reading until it's suddenly next Tuesday.
12:07.27clad|awayi have limits :P
12:07.45clad|awaythis is the only series I'd do it with, only because the world if full of fanatics who love nothing more than spoiling stuff for other people.
12:07.56clad|awayI preferred the series when it wasn't popular, when I started reading it
12:08.16ThraeWe're talking about Harry Potter?
12:08.51ThraeLemme guess -- Dumbledore's Ghost kills Snape, p.6281
12:08.59clad|awaydon't even kid :P
12:09.04clad|awaytoo tempting
12:09.09ThraeThat was suppose to be a '!', but page 6281 also works!
12:09.26clad|awayokay, naptime
12:09.40clad|awaytook me 7 hours, I'm disappointed
12:09.48clad|awaybut read slowly so I could absorb :P
12:26.44Industrialwhen reading dont say the words
12:26.59Industrialjust read phrases then sentences etc
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12:59.58LunessaApproach Logan 5, and Identify.
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14:39.10Finsit facing the screen, Logan 5
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15:34.28LunessaI see how it is: Cairenn in non-AFK mostly at hours when people should still be sleeping!
15:34.43Cairennheh - it's 11:30 am here, dear
15:35.44LunessaLunessa's Law #346 - Thou shalt not acknowledge the existence of any time before noon on Saturday or Sunday unless getting paid, or still awake from the previous night.
15:37.43Lunessareasonable people are sleeping, right now.  At home, snug in their little beds, blankets pulled high over their pointy little heads.  Oh yes, how I envy them.  
15:38.03Cairennunfortunately, that doesn't get websites checked, mods approved, jerks slapped down
15:38.27Cairenn(I especially enjoy that last one)
15:38.51Lunessa... true.  Or support for students who seem to think Saturday is the best day to upload an entire semester's worth of class asignments.
15:39.24Kaydeethreewhat is this "sleep" that you speak of?
15:39.33LunessaSleep is for the weak?  
15:39.46LunessaIn which case, I'll take two.
15:40.42Cairennsomething of which I got, most unusually, a reasonable amount last night, for a change
15:41.09SroshIt's 17:41 here!
15:41.44CairennI know, it shocked me too, Lunessa
15:42.17LunessaI made the horrible mistake of "going out" last night.  When I had to get up at 6am.  Foolish me.
15:42.57Cairennyou mean, like, a "social life"?!?!
15:43.08*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|book (
15:43.14Cairenneep, hide, the world is about to end
15:43.40Cairennlol, not you cog|book
15:44.23Lunessa... The world ended yesterday, at 11:00PM Central Daylight Time .. all that's left now is to pick up the pieces and carry on.  
15:44.38Cairennoh dear
15:44.43cog|bookgimmeh link plx
15:44.44Cairennand I missed it - damn
15:45.03Cairennwhy do I always miss the fun stuff, like the end of the world
15:45.08zenzelezzyeah, SS or it didn't happen
15:45.32LunessaJust scroll up cog|book - I went out.  Sure sign and proof of the apocalypse.
15:45.43Cairennhe just joined channel
15:46.23LunessaA Friday evening where I played no WoW and answered no technical questions.  And copious amounts of fermented sugars were consumed.  
15:46.53cog|booksounds yummy
15:46.58Kaydeethreealways a good night
15:47.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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15:47.34Cairennthat's what I get for trying to explain
15:47.46Cairenn(11:34:19 AM) Lunessa: I see how it is: Cairenn in non-AFK mostly at hours when people should still be sleeping!
15:47.46Cairenn(11:34:34 AM) Cairenn: heh - it's 11:30 am here, dear
15:47.46Cairenn(11:35:35 AM) Lunessa: Lunessa's Law #346 - Thou shalt not acknowledge the existence of any time before noon on Saturday or Sunday unless getting paid, or still awake from the previous night.
15:47.46Cairenn(11:35:42 AM) Cairenn: hehehehe
15:47.54LunessaHey look! The Queen is back!
15:47.55Cairenn(11:37:34 AM) Lunessa: reasonable people are sleeping, right now.  At home, snug in their little beds, blankets pulled high over their pointy little heads.  Oh yes, how I envy them.  
15:47.56Cairenn(11:37:54 AM) Cairenn: unfortunately, that doesn't get websites checked, mods approved, jerks slapped down
15:47.56Cairenn(11:38:18 AM) Cairenn: (I especially enjoy that last one)
15:47.57Cairenn(11:38:43 AM) Lunessa: ... true.  Or support for students who seem to think Saturday is the best day to upload an entire semester's worth of class asignments.
15:48.00Cairenn(11:38:50 AM) Cairenn: lol
15:48.02Cairenn(11:39:15 AM) Kaydeethree: what is this "sleep" that you speak of?
15:48.04Cairenn(11:39:24 AM) Lunessa: Sleep is for the weak?  
15:48.06Cairenn(11:39:37 AM) Lunessa: In which case, I'll take two.
15:48.08Cairenn(11:40:33 AM) Cairenn: something of which I got, most unusually, a reasonable amount last night, for a change
15:48.11Cairenn(11:41:01 AM) Srosh: It's 17:41 here!
15:48.13Cairenn(11:41:17 AM) ***Lunessa boggles at Cairenn
15:48.15Cairenn(11:41:35 AM) Cairenn: I know, it shocked me too, Lunessa
15:48.17Cairenn(11:42:09 AM) Lunessa: I made the horrible mistake of "going out" last night.  When I had to get up at 6am.  Foolish me.
15:48.20Cairenn(11:42:16 AM) Cairenn: lol
15:48.43Cairenn(11:42:48 AM) Cairenn: you mean, like, a "social life"?!?!
15:48.43Cairenn(11:42:59 AM) cog|book [] entered the room.
15:48.43Cairenn(11:43:05 AM) Cairenn: eep, hide, the world is about to end
15:48.43Cairennthere, didn't flood it that time
15:48.43zenzelezzCairenn: amg pastey plix
15:49.11Cairennthat would be sensible zenzelezz - can't have that, that would be as world ending as having a social life, or sufficient sleep
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15:50.04LunessaI demand that I may or may not be Vroomfondel!
15:50.25Fin[17:43:08] <+Wobin>
15:50.37Kaydeethreeheh. I need to reread the series... it's been a while
15:50.49Kaydeethreebut first, zomg hp7 is out. time to go read a legit version
15:51.47Fin[17:51:26] <@Cairenn> (11:39:15 AM) Kaydeethree: what is this "sleep" that you speak of?
15:51.50Fin[17:51:28] <@Cairenn> (11:39:24 AM) Lunessa: Sleep is for the weak?
15:51.53*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
15:51.56Finhey! those are *both* my lines!
15:52.10CairennFin: those are everyone's lines :p
15:52.15Finit's like me having a conversation with myself where I try and be witty
15:52.26Finno! I claim ownership!
15:52.27zenzelezzin case of a conflict, Cairenn's lines supercedes Fin's
15:52.30FinI'll see you in court, buddy!
15:52.46GofGANyone in here use Bongos?
15:52.55KaydeethreeI do
15:52.59GofGAnd would be willing to help me troubleshoot my problem?
15:53.05Cairennumm, in this case, the line should be "I'll see you in court, chickie!", since I'm female
15:53.07Kaydeethreeask away
15:53.28zenzelezzCairenn: proof plz
15:53.28GofGSo, every time I relog back into my Mage, all my hotbars are reset to page 1
15:53.35GofGno matter what I set them to afterward
15:53.55Fin(Cairenn: yeah, I know, but I don't see people use them often (enough) and for some reason I find them particularly funny so say them all the time - just struck me as coincidental to see them together. (I'm not seriously claiming them) :P)
15:54.06FinCairenn: we can't be buddies?
15:54.14GofGand then, this is new, when I try to change the page back to what it is supposed to do, it doesn't change anything. It stays page 1 even though the slider says Page #
15:54.16CairennI suppose ... ;)
15:54.21Finaww, shucks
15:54.25Kaydeethreepart of me would say "make sure you've enabled paging from the right-click menu", but why are you paging bars on a non-stance-based class?
15:54.28Finwant to go shopping?
15:54.35Finis that what female buddies do?
15:54.57Finjust got off the phone with my gf, sorry
15:54.59Cairennmore like go partying
15:55.06KaydeethreeI'm not sure tuller made sure that works properly for non-rogues/warriors/druids/spriests
15:55.08Finwe're moving in to a new place... ye gods this is going to be expensive
15:55.16zenzelezzall female buddies do is hang out and have pillow fights, didn't you know?
15:55.22Finoh! yeah that's right
15:55.24LunessaFin there are only two ways in which a male can be buddies with a female if shopping is involved.
15:55.33FinLunessa: she's got my credit card!
15:55.40LunessaThat's way #1
15:55.48Kaydeethreefin; hahaha
15:55.59GofGKaydeethree: What do you mean? Maybe I don't fully understand how Bongos works.
15:56.01Cairennin sexy little nothings, which get 1/2 torn off, after which we have a female-on-female orgy - duh
15:56.17Finyeah! and they keep slipping over and stuff
15:56.20Lunessa... is it getting hot in here?  
15:56.26Finbecause of all the grease on the floor
15:56.31cog|bookI hadn't looked at this window for a while 'till just then...
15:56.39Finthat reminds me, I'd better start getting that stuff on the floor before she gets here
15:56.54Kaydeethreeunlock the bars "/bob lock", right click on the bar you want to page and play with the settings. I'm not in-game right now so I can't give you line-by-line instructions
15:56.57FinLunessa: go ooooon...
15:57.04FinLunessa: #2?
15:57.10LunessaWay #2 is if he's gay.
15:57.22KaydeethreeI was under the impression that bar paging is tied to the secure state driver and depends on what stance you're in. since mages don't have stances it'll revert to page #1 when you log back in
15:57.24LunessaThen he's probably advising her on colors and styles.
15:57.26GofGKaydeethree: that's what I'm doing, but what do you mean by why use paging for a non-stance class
15:57.40GofGReally? I thought bar paging was... much different.
15:57.47GofGWhich is probably why...
15:57.48GofGbah afk
15:57.57LunessaTake shopping out of the equation and things get more ... interesting.
15:58.11FinI try to take shopping out the equation at every available opportunity
15:58.16Kaydeethreee.g. for rogues: getting in to stealth should change the bars, changing stances for warriors/forms for druids/getting into shadowform for priests/etc...
15:58.39The_GoldFishoh how I loathe stances
15:58.41FinOK! I said I was going on my quest about 30 minutes ago and I'm still here
15:59.10zenzelezzgiven the choice of questing and listening to Cairenn talk dirty... the choice is obvious
16:00.22LunessaWhy do I concur so easily with zenzelezz 's last staement?
16:00.28Kaydeethreehm? beer's not in the fridge?
16:05.12Lunessa... Never be a guild leader, guild banker, site admin, and only person who understands the macro system all at once.
16:06.23zenzelezzat least not publically knows it
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16:16.18GofGKaydeethree: That's "Stance", not "Page"
16:17.08GofGI think
16:17.14GofGI honestly have absolutely no idea how it works
16:17.26GofGBut here is how I believe it works: (tell me I'm wrong)
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16:17.45GofGThere's a certain number of "pages" that have a set of buttons on them
16:18.09GofGPage ONe might be attack, fireball, frostshield,and arcane intellect
16:18.17GofGYOu can set an action bar to Page One
16:18.26GofGor Page Two, which would be a different set of buttons
16:18.53GofGObviously that's wrong, but I can't find any documentation anywhere
16:18.56LunessaStances is for changing like a warrior, rogue stealth etc.  
16:19.01The_GoldFishyeah I never got the whole, page thing
16:19.09LunessaPaging is like hitting Shift+bar number in the default ui
16:19.31Finding! levelled after completing that quest
16:19.31The_GoldFishso far as I know, you can page to any bar from 1-6
16:19.37The_GoldFishand then 7+ etc are reserved for stances
16:19.40Finawesome reward also
16:19.51zenzelezzFin: grats
16:20.06zenzelezzI still find it more *reward*ing to listen to Cairenn though
16:20.20FinI didn't listen to Cairenn?
16:20.24The_GoldFishFairly sure that's one quest reward which won't be getting DEd
16:20.35The_GoldFishboy would that make a mess... hehe
16:20.56GofGThe_GoldFish: So then, if I wanted two action bars, one with my spells and one with my tradeskills, how would I set that up?
16:21.06Finoh, right, got it about the Cairenn listening thing
16:21.30zenzelezzsomeone wake up TC, I don't want to have wasted that one
16:21.30The_GoldFishI dunno, I guess it depends what you have
16:21.57The_GoldFishI know a little about the original UI
16:22.00LunessaGofG Just set up two bars to display.  You don't need paging at all.
16:22.26Finand hey, it's so nice to see that other people are confused by the whole paging thing as well as me
16:22.29GofGLunessa: When I do that, when I put an ability on one of the bars, it shows up on the other bar too
16:22.34Finit took me fucking months to understand how it worked
16:22.35The_GoldFishYeah, I put my trade stuff on the action bars you can turn on in interface options
16:22.40FinI get it now though
16:22.43Fin<-- clevr
16:23.13GofGBecause, I believe, they are both on the same "page"
16:23.35The_GoldFishbasically there are only 120 quickbar icons
16:23.41LunessaGofG - Bars 1-6 shouldn't duplicate.  Bar 7, 8, 9, & 10 will because they are the hidden "stance" bars in the default UI
16:24.00GofGI get it
16:24.17GofGSo what do I set the pages to?
16:24.35LunessaIDK - UR BFF JILL?  
16:24.46Kaydeethreeyou shouldn't have to mess with paging at all
16:24.52LunessaSeriously though... You don't need to set ANY pages.  
16:24.54GofGOkay, set them all to 0 then :)
16:25.07The_GoldFishwell, it depends, you must be using some sort of addon, any of the original bar stuff shouldn't duplicate ever
16:25.27LunessaPaging just duplicates the default UI's behavior of allowing you to SHIFT+# to get to a specific bar.  
16:25.44The_GoldFishI have to press shift-1 every time I log in
16:26.01The_GoldFishcause I hate stances!
16:26.02LunessaThe_GoldFish: In the default UI, Attack and a couple other things are auto-added to the stance bars.  
16:26.33The_GoldFishhmmm, that would make sense, I made a druid the other day and there were all these attacks on my bars
16:26.39The_GoldFishwhere as I'd never had that with eg my priest
16:26.50The_GoldFishbut I guess druids have more stances
16:26.52The_GoldFishand melee
16:27.51The_GoldFishEither way, I had a right tizwaz with the default UI over stances
16:29.21The_GoldFishcause the first time I turned shadowform on, my bar full of spells suddenly turned into a bar full of potions - I'd hacked together a bar mod so I could use the other hidden bars (which I had no idea where used for stances) and there was seemingly no way to stop it doing it
16:30.50LunessaHaha.  That stance change for Shadowform is a relatively recent addition. Would have been handy while I was leveling my priest from 58-60 solo.  
16:31.40The_GoldFishYeah, well, like I say, I completely wasn't expecting it
16:31.47The_GoldFishfrankly I have no need whatsoever for the stance change
16:32.15The_GoldFishbut I didn't wanna dedicate 2 whole bars to being my default spell bar!
16:32.30The_GoldFishit pissed me off for at least a day till I worked out how to get around it
16:33.07The_GoldFishhad to recode chunks of a modified bar mod I'd whipped up to jsut give additional bars (not just replace the whole UI, I liked - up until that stupid stance change - the default UI)
16:33.36ThraeMost Bar Addons give stance changes for Shadowform, so I guess Blizz thought it was a good idea. Most of the newer changes to the UI started out as very popular, fan-made addons.
16:33.52LunessaI've been using action bar mods for so long, I occasionally forget what it's like to use the default.
16:35.08The_GoldFishI just would have appreciated the choice is all
16:35.52ThraeThe_GoldFish: You could use an Action Bar addon to stop the page swap ;)
16:36.24The_GoldFishI would if there was one that looked and worked exactly like the original ui in every *other* way :P
16:36.44The_GoldFishI look at most of the ui mods and think they're hidious!
16:37.04The_GoldFishI dunno, I might have tried it, I tried a few, gave up and hacked my own
16:37.16The_GoldFishfrom I think an early version of popbar, hehe
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16:50.31The_GoldFishI'm sure you'll all think I'm some sort of insane heathen, but I'm still using something which looks like; (about 500k!!)
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16:51.45nevcairielthat looks so -- default :p
16:52.13The_GoldFishyeah, but with EXTRA GOOD BITS
16:52.16The_GoldFishwhich is all I ever wanted
16:56.42LunessaYou're a clicker?
16:57.45The_GoldFishmix and match
16:58.17Corrodiasi click on rarely-used, non-combat abilities, although i think Flare is one of those
16:58.39Corrodiasbeast lore, eyes of the beast, etc
16:58.40The_GoldFishfireworks and psychic scream are things I rarely click on, hehe
16:59.48The_GoldFishthe only macros I have are those 4 in the middle, which are all fundamentally basic, heh
17:02.34LunessaRight.  I'm the same way. I hot key for most things, using 1 through = and Alt/Ctrl versions of the same.  But I still have lots of "clickable" things for stuff I don't use all the time, but still need to find in a hurry.
17:04.51zenzelezzwhat are those fancy colored circles near the bottom left?
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17:05.21The_GoldFishthey go all flashy whenever stuff happens in one of the chat channels
17:05.45The_GoldFishtruth is I don't know how to get rid of it, I didn't put it there, stupid cosmos!
17:07.01The_GoldFishtypically though, if I'm targetting with the mouse (or using those center macros) I'm shooting with the keyboard, and if I'm targeting with the keyboard I'm shooting with the mouse
17:10.57zenzelezzgood times:
17:12.19Lunessa" Yeah, and don't forget to remove Dinosaurs from Jurassic Park. They're ganking like mad in that movie."
17:15.54The_GoldFishI'd laugh
17:16.04The_GoldFishbut those damn dino's ate me twice last night
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17:17.14The_GoldFishand our tank got chased halfway around the map by King Mosh, hehe
17:17.40LunessaI should go back and rock King Mosh's world.  I owe him a few...
17:18.09KirovThat is, if you can find him.
17:18.14KirovHe's a sneaky bastard
17:18.55LunessaOh, I have his spawn all mapped out.
17:20.16The_GoldFishhe's pretty easy to find
17:20.30The_GoldFishlook for level 48s running around shouting ohshitohshitohshit
17:21.11KirovI actually managed to solo King Mosh when I was lvl 48ish
17:21.28Corrodiaseither that's impressive or you're a paladin
17:21.46KirovI just finished killing something, went to eat, couldn't, thought "that's odd, why am I in combat?" then a huge head filled my screen.
17:22.17The_GoldFishyeah, that's pretty how much most of those devilsaur events go down
17:22.18Kirovmy pet died, but so did King Mosh
17:22.56The_GoldFishinterestingly, I managed to psychic scream one and it ran away
17:23.27The_GoldFishI really really wasn't expecting it to work, hehe
17:23.57zenzelezzyou can fear quite a lot of things really
17:24.10The_GoldFishI rarely try
17:24.17The_GoldFishmainly because everyone in the party shouts at you
17:24.32zenzelezzmy biggest "uh oh" moment was when I discovered that Intimidating Shout doesn't work well on undead targets
17:24.47The_GoldFishyeah I had a similar epiphany
17:25.21Corrodiasi found a map someone posted somewhere of where the devilsaurs patrolled
17:25.30Corrodiashad some good times farming up devilsaur leather on my druid
17:28.28Corrodiaswowdigger has to improve their client, i think. it takes 10 times as long to upload as the other clients do.
17:29.04KirovIt takes a lot longer when it has to upload all of your porn each time.
17:29.23Corrodiasthat would take ages
17:29.36Corrodiascthulhu would awake before i could upload all that
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17:32.04LunessaToo many people think fear is useless as CC.  More fool them I say.  A well timed fear effect is a great tool. '
17:34.42Industrialpeople fear fear
17:34.48Industrialwhen they hear the sound they panic
17:35.03Industrialwhats happening whats happening *chaos*
17:35.10zenzelezzwe use fear all the time on Aran's adds
17:35.43sag_ich_nichtR.I.P. Atlas Instance Level Ranges Project
17:35.44sag_ich_nichtabout time :O
17:36.06zenzelezzwhat was that?
17:37.08sag_ich_nichtcheck the last page for a download link to updated it until 1.9.2 of atlas gets out
17:38.37Corrodiasi -really- like EnableAddOn and DisableAddOn
17:38.41Corrodiasbeats relogging every time
17:46.05Matrix110Corrodias take a look at ACP or another ingame Addon Manager
17:46.16Matrix110Thats even better
17:46.47Matrix110Defining a "raid" set of addons a "arena" set of addons a "soloing" set of addons a "5man group set of addons" etc. is good aswell
17:47.43Corrodiasas long as it isn't one of those "load on demand" managers...
17:48.53Matrix110It can load LoD addons but you can also tick on tick off every other mod and press the ReloadUI button for enabling/disabling the changes you made
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18:05.39Corrodiaslooks neat
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18:49.58Kirovhmm... ACP is nice, I can finally get rid of MCP
18:54.41nevcairieli like rMCP
18:58.24sag_ich_nichtis there a mod for a calculator inside of WoW? :P
18:58.46zenzelezzseveral I think
19:00.37Temthat's all the calculator you'll ever need
19:03.25sag_ich_nichtTem: true enough
19:03.36sag_ich_nichti'll still take a GUI with it tho
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19:20.20FinTem: need ~= want :P
19:20.50zenzelezzYour Misdirection crits Maintankone. Threat permamently redirected.
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19:21.24jmepug against a premade too :X
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19:22.05Industrialshh shh shes back
19:22.21Finand then she was like
19:22.28Finer never mind
19:25.34sag_ich_nichtyeah a heard that she
19:25.36sag_ich_nichtnever mind
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19:27.58Bam__on the PTR they removed GetActionFromMacroText and SecureCmdOptionParseArgs... do anybody know if there is some replacement functionality?
19:29.21Bam__if not, I can pretty much trash the addon I been working on :(
19:30.00TemBam__, l2readiriel's thread
19:30.07Temalso, those functions were lua
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19:30.28Bam__tem: yes I do and are you saying my question is answeredd?
19:30.52Temso there's nothing stopping you from just pulling the old ones if you still need them
19:31.08Temhowever, I'm pretty confident they were replaced with C functions which are mentioned in Iriel's thread
19:31.25Tem(that being said, I haven't looked myself)
19:31.33IrielThey are/have been
19:31.36IrielThe PTR is up
19:32.47Bam__hmm... I used them to implement visual feedback for SecureActionButtons... I don't see how I can get that information now if Blizzard does not provide a "hook" into their C implementation
19:34.12IrielYou can still call them
19:34.30IrielThey're just not written in lua any more
19:34.41IrielOr are you saying they're gone completely?
19:34.46Bam__yes they are
19:34.51IrielI'll admit I wasn't paying quite as much attention as I could've been
19:35.08Bam__I scanned the global environment for changes.. those function no longer exist
19:35.27IrielSecureCmdOptionParse is the new one, I think
19:35.49IrielThe macro text one, however, may be gone
19:36.00IrielYou can post on the 2.0 changes thread requested it be retained
19:36.07Iriel2.2 changes, even
19:36.30Bam__EU account sadly
19:36.45Bam__hence why I ask here :)
19:38.36Bam__but basically what I would like to know is if Blizzard wants to support addons providing visual feedback for macros and macrotext... obviously they don't need it themselves now since they only use SecureActionButton for type="action"
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19:45.41IrielI think blizzard's  approach is that they want to provide highly optimized C++ implementations of visual feedback for macros
19:45.54Iriel2.2 is substantially improved both in terms of functionality AND performance from 2.1
19:47.20Bam__yes, that's also a great idea for their own UI... but it sort of cuts off our ability to code addons that provide this for buttons that don't have type="action"
19:47.47IndustrialCan I drag/resize chat frames to fit my layout with lua with setpoint?
19:48.06Industrialor will it reset
19:48.29zenzelezzI did it to mine anyhow
19:48.43zenzelezzbut I don't know if it sticks across sessions
19:48.50zenzelezzI put it in an OnLoad
19:48.59TemBam__, I think you'll run into more serious barriers to making buttons that fake being action buttons than macro feedback
19:49.27Templus it's a whole lot of effort for _very_ little payoff
19:49.40Bam__Tem: I have it working pretty well though... only the visual feedback is an issue
19:49.45Temwhat do you gain from not using type="action"?
19:50.03TemBam__, IsCurrentAction
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19:50.10Temyou can't do that afaik
19:50.28Temthere are other problems, like showing cooldowns
19:50.30Bam__much more customizability in terms of state changes and not being limited to the 120 action slots
19:50.42Temhow do you figure?
19:50.55Temany customizability you have for actions you have for spells
19:50.57Bam__cooldown is not an issue if I can just know what action is "pending"
19:51.05Temthere isn't anything "more"
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19:51.39Tembasically, it's just not worth the effort imo
19:52.59Temdrag and drop of spells, macros and items would be a pain as well
19:53.24Tem(especially dragging off of your button)
19:53.26Bam__drag and drop is problematic yes... but doable... at least when not in combat
19:53.34Temadditionally, they wouldn't changable in combat
19:53.43Temtoo many limitations
19:53.46Temtoo many hacks
19:53.52Temtoo much code duplication
19:54.15Temanyway, I've gotta run
19:54.26Bam__you aren't thinking too far I think.... I have it pretty well working :P
19:54.45Bam__but it relies on those functions I mentioned
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19:55.05Temmy point is that you'll never get it to look _exactly_ like a normal action button
19:55.07kergothdoesnt infinibar do something like that?
19:55.16Temand you've got all these nasty workarounds along the way
19:55.29Bam__yes it is basically an addon similar to InfiniBar I am working on
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19:55.53Bam__but as you know... the author is MIA :(
19:55.56Temalso, doing your macro feedback manually will be pretty intensive
19:56.17Temit just got moved into C for normal action buttons for a reason
19:56.17Bam__exactly.. that's why I would like to call Blizzard's function :)
19:56.37sag_ich_nichtblizzard has a flaw in their aura system :O
19:56.50zenzelezzdo they now?
19:57.02zenzelezzlet me rephrase
19:57.05zenzelezz"please elaborate"
19:57.11sag_ich_nichti am typing
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19:57.15Tem|AFKBam__, good luck.  I hope the headaches this project causes you are less than I anticipate
19:57.33sag_ich_nichtdepending on who has PvP flags enabled/disabled, the aura does not afflict other players, basicially someone with pvp flag can have his aura afflict other players, but someone with it off can not afflict people with it on
19:57.35Bam__Tem|AFK: lol thanks
19:57.39sag_ich_nichtthis is not a bug in itself
19:57.49sag_ich_nichtthis shouldn't be happening on pvp servers
19:57.52sag_ich_nichtbecause that's just dumb
19:58.02sag_ich_nicht(might as well be a flaw in the pvp flag system, not in the aura system)
19:58.05sag_ich_nichtsame problem tho
19:58.17Tem|AFKpeople that aren't flagged won't aoe buff people that are
19:58.29Tem|AFKthis include group buffs and auras
19:58.41Tem|AFKbecase if they did, they would be flagged as well
19:59.17IrielYeah, I can't understand why that's wrong
19:59.23sag_ich_nichtTem|AFK: yes
19:59.28sag_ich_nichtbut on a pvp server, the pvp flag is pointless
19:59.31IrielA "PvP server" just controls how much effect you have on your flag
19:59.35IrielNot really
19:59.39IrielOrgrimmar, for example
19:59.46IrielI'm not flagged there
19:59.51IrielI'm safe from invading allies
20:00.35sag_ich_nicht...pvp servers are badly designed? :P
20:00.37zenzelezzalso the starting zones
20:00.40IndustrialIs there a tinypad-like mod that can run pages of lua when you log in?
20:00.42IrielNot at all
20:00.49Irielas soon as I enter contested lands i'm flagged
20:00.52Irielwhich is most of the world
20:00.56Bam__Industrial: Lua Slinger
20:01.21sag_ich_nichtIriel: that just means you and i have a different concept of pvp :P
20:01.23Bam__dunno if it's the best.. but I've used it for a while
20:01.24sag_ich_nichtbut yes
20:01.30sag_ich_nichti admit i was wrong
20:01.52IrielThey have to strike a balance between danger/excitement and the game being tolerable
20:01.57sag_ich_nichtbtw. shame on your for not being flagged in og :P
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20:02.14IndustrialBam__: thanks
20:02.15IrielWhat fun would it be if L40 jerkoff rogue could hang around in the starting area
20:02.42IrielI'm usually flagged in org, since i've usually been somewhere contested
20:02.46Cowgrawhat fun is it when lvl 70 jerkoff mage hangs out in hillsbrad?
20:02.47sag_ich_nichtthe problem is that you don't run to help if l40 jerk rogue is ganking lvl 4 noobplayer
20:02.48IrielMy bank character, however, is never flagged
20:03.00IrielCowgra: Well, less so, but i have a choice about going to hillsbrad
20:03.52Cowgratechnically you have a choice about what starting area you level in although admittedly it does take some work to go to another one.
20:04.17Bam__there are always PvE servers for the rest of us :D
20:04.40Cowgrai'm just playing the antagonist. i do and always have played on pvp servers
20:04.50IrielI play on both types
20:04.51zenzelezzto be fair, WoW has a fairly robust PvP system
20:05.27deltronpvp was extremely boring when WoW first came out
20:05.28Bam__I like to control when my heart rate goes berzerk :D
20:05.35sag_ich_nichtzenzelezz: except pvp servers are pve servers with forceflagging in some areas.
20:05.47zenzelezzsag_ich_nicht: and they don't claim to be anything else
20:06.18sag_ich_nichtyou should be flagged everywhere, the guards are enough already imho
20:06.44zenzelezzif you want to be flagged, just flag yourself
20:06.47sag_ich_nichtmaybe move guards in green areas then ;)
20:06.52sag_ich_nichtzenzelezz i am
20:07.01Cowgraimagine having everyone flagged in shattrath
20:07.08zenzelezzI can't quite picture guards all through Barrens
20:07.14sag_ich_nichtshat is sanctuary
20:07.17zenzelezzjust to let the lowbies get a grasp of the game
20:07.20sag_ich_nichtzenzelezz: i am talking about spawning guards
20:07.42deltronbarrens is so open compared to alliance towns
20:07.57zenzelezzcomparing Barrens to a town is a bit misrepresenting
20:08.10deltronthen any alliance controlled zone
20:08.36The_GoldFishyou can walk straight into UC through the sewer the bats fly in
20:08.47sag_ich_nichthaving guards spawn when you attack a player in a "protected" zone would also fit the reason for the protection better imho
20:08.53sag_ich_nichtthen just being unable to attack
20:09.13zenzelezzwould be pretty silly after a while
20:09.24zenzelezz"hey, there's those magic guards that follow this guy in stealth"
20:10.50sag_ich_nichtit's just "hey this area is protected by the [faction] and under it's control if you attack that guy he yells for help and you are crushed by the combined force of the [faction]"
20:11.31zenzelezzI'd still find it stupid :-)
20:11.32The_GoldFishI think they expect other high level players to do it or something
20:11.40The_GoldFishbut who'd go to the barrens
20:11.49sag_ich_nichtThe_GoldFish that's exactly what should happen
20:11.52sag_ich_nichtbut what isn't happening
20:12.19sag_ich_nichtbecause, except for servers like dark iron where you can find "real" gamers, there are too many casual, lazy people
20:12.41The_GoldFishsome hunter and warrior ran into silvermoon the other day, they were exploiting the east side AH's side steps to avoid all the guards
20:12.59zenzelezzthere's nothing I hate more than the people that whine about those of us that don't care about PvP... "zomg horde at <...> !!! were r u 70s???"
20:13.15sag_ich_nichtreroll pve.
20:13.18sag_ich_nichtget off my pvp server
20:13.23sag_ich_nichtsimple as that
20:13.26The_GoldFishkept killing all the AH members
20:13.47zenzelezzI am on a PvE server :-p
20:13.49sag_ich_nicht[22:04] <deltron> darkfall? <--
20:14.02sag_ich_nichtzenzelezz then you have no right to participate in this discussion :P
20:14.04The_GoldFishthey were only like, 60ish we think
20:14.07IrielThe only real problem I have with WoW PvP is there's no enforcement of honor
20:14.08zenzelezzmy first 60 was on PvP because of friends there, and I didn't give a damn about PvP
20:14.20The_GoldFishwe (group of 41s) took them down a few times
20:14.25Irielso 3 L70's can happily take out my L40 with impunity, again and again
20:14.34IrielSure, it's war, but there's no honor in that kind of encounter
20:14.42sag_ich_nichtIriel war has no honor.
20:14.47The_GoldFishand there literally isn't any honour in it
20:14.53sag_ich_nichtit's a brutal, inhuman action
20:15.16IrielSadly, there are many practical reasons why they can't enforce it well.
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20:15.26The_GoldFishthe only things at war in WoW are the people playing it, the mobs don't do dick
20:15.35IrielWell, TRUE war does, but WoW is somewhat the idealized historic view of war as an epic battle of wills, honor, skill, etc
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20:15.56sag_ich_nichtIriel war never was that, tho.
20:16.14The_GoldFishearly Japan?
20:16.30zenzelezzwasn't at the time, that's a delusion we have now
20:16.36sag_ich_nichtcorrect zenzelezz
20:16.48sag_ich_nichtthe honor was AFTER the battle
20:17.08zenzelezzbut people don't play games like WoW for realism; if they wanted that they'd play something like Armed Assault
20:17.09IrielBut there was also who was involved in the battle
20:17.33Iriel(Differentiating 'battles' from 'pillaging')
20:17.48sag_ich_nichtwhen you were found to have acted dishonorable by your shogun
20:17.59sag_ich_nichtyou were executed by having to commit seppuku :P
20:18.44sag_ich_nicht(that's not completely accurate, i know, but i cba to go into the details)
20:18.47IrielThe point made by zenz is a good one though
20:18.55IrielThe 'war' is simply a justification of conflict
20:19.06IrielWithin which we hopefully get challenge, excitement, etc
20:19.36sag_ich_nichthave you ever played UO? :P
20:20.08IrielNo, it was timed badly w.r.t. other parts of my life
20:20.52zenzelezzwith regards to
20:20.55IrielMmo's have only been CoH, Jumpgate, AO, AC2, Eve Online, ATITD, WoW, DAoC
20:21.16sag_ich_nichti liked the PvP in UO :P
20:21.34zenzelezzyou should see AO PvP, at least before I left
20:21.41zenzelezzaimedshot <repeat>
20:21.42sag_ich_nichtanyone who disagrees that UO PvP was godly, was a bad player :P
20:22.14sag_ich_nichtand deserved to be exitblocked, killed and looted
20:22.18Iriel(Actually there's D&DO and LOTRO as well, but those dont really count given time played)
20:22.52IrielI have no sense for the UO community, was it as broadly popular in terms of demographic as WoW
20:22.58IrielAs I think that's a large part of the problem
20:23.04Irielor 'problem'
20:23.10Irieldepending on how recently i've been ganked
20:23.51sag_ich_nichtIriel: considering UO was the "first" MMO
20:24.03sag_ich_nichtit had a pretty big community for the time back then
20:24.13IrielIm talking breadth tho, not size
20:24.47sag_ich_nichtit had :)
20:24.56IrielAs the 'first' MMO, I suspect there were a much larger percentage of folks from traditional RPG backgrounds with a much greater sense of what was 'right'
20:24.59sag_ich_nichtyou had a lot more hardcore gamers back then of course
20:25.13Irielbeyond simply 'whatever I want to do is right' obviously
20:25.19sag_ich_nichtthere were a lot of dicks
20:25.21sag_ich_nichttrust me
20:26.03sag_ich_nichtin UO you had safezones too
20:26.25sag_ich_nichtyou had guards, and you could actually yell for them
20:27.02zenzelezzI wonder how many new AO players I saw get tricked into attacking friendly guards
20:27.03The_GoldFishgreat so people could run 2 accounts and call them away from their attack, hehe
20:27.36sag_ich_nichtIriel: UO had a full player loot system, so the economy was a bit different :)
20:27.45sag_ich_nichtwhich affected PvP quite a bit
20:28.01sag_ich_nicht(and reverse, obviously)
20:29.21Irieli'm sure
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20:31.10sag_ich_nichtbasicially you were a lot more scared of attacking someone
20:31.36sag_ich_nichtbecause he might call all his friends and you'd lose all your items :)
20:31.40The_GoldFishI suppose it was more of a standoff
20:32.43sag_ich_nichtyes, it was a motivation and a demotivation at the same time
20:32.52sag_ich_nichtit made you think before you attacked someone :)
20:35.45IrielThat's the tricky tradeoff in wow
20:35.48The_GoldFishand to be clear, there are no 'rules' as such with PvP, you just attack someone or you don't - it's the players who do the ganking etc, the idea that "hey, wait, I'm really just being a dick" doesn't cross their mind
20:35.56Irielthe lack of 'death severity' makes it a much more approachable and pleasant game
20:36.18Irielbut it also leads to griefing being much more tolerated
20:38.01The_GoldFishso far as I can tell, on PvE servers, the majority of any half decent PvP happens in the instanced PvP areas, and everywhere else is gank city
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20:38.46The_GoldFishmainly because no one cares
20:40.32The_GoldFishand afterall, why should they
20:40.43Bam__Iriel: I think the "saving" function for me is QueryCastSequence... it still exists and is not called at all by Blizzard's code... so I wonder if it is intended for addons to use of if it's an oversight that it's still there :)
20:41.08IrielIt could just be a nod to the community from slouken
20:41.14Irielhe leaves useful things exposed often
20:44.43Bam__I do wonder a bit though.. if the entire visual feedback computation has been implemented in C, then there is actually two versions of it now... the C one and the Lua one that is used for controlling sequences when actually casting
20:44.53Bam__that's a code smell if nothing else :P
20:46.34Irielmost of the lua one is gone, IIRC
20:47.31Bam__ExecuteCastSequence still remains and is the one that actually determines what is to be cast based on the CastSequenceManager
20:48.14Bam__so I guess there must be some duplicated logic in the C code
20:49.09sag_ich_nichtBam__ have you checked on the PTR too? :P
20:49.23Bam__yea it's the PTR code I am talking about
20:49.57Bam__which I suppose may not be finished yet
20:51.16Bam__I've really had my head up the arse of the part of the Lua code lol
20:51.32Bam__excuse my French :P
20:52.07IrielIf you can summarize your questions around duplication and extension, email them to, and ping me here to remind me when you have, I can post them in the forum for yuo
20:52.15Irielor possibly answer what I can via email first 8-)
20:52.23Bam__ok :)
20:54.47Bam__I cannot be 100% sure of course... since I don't know the C code :P
20:55.00IrielOf course -- that's why we ask slouken stuff 8-)
20:55.29Bam__Slouken: send me the C code and I will debug it for you :D
20:55.45IrielHe doesn't fall for that one 8-)
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20:56.39IrielBut he tends to be very good about 'Can you expose this bit of the implementation so we can do XYZ' as long as XYZ is useful and consistent with the spirit of the UI/game
20:57.31Bam__yea well... part of what I would like to know is also how far they want to extend the support for non-actionslot buttons really
20:58.50IrielI suspect a practical solution to full support for all of their types would be encouraged
20:59.21ckknightwhy won't he give me what I want, though? *whimper*
20:59.35Bam__I would love to see then implement a button like ActionBarButton that supports all types
20:59.45Bam__that is basically what I've been trying to implement :P
20:59.58sag_ich_nichtckknight: because you are a dick
21:04.22ckknightthings I want: :SetTexCoord without bleeding, reverse direction for StatusBar, sane combat log arguments, and there was one more thing, but I forget it right now.
21:04.35KasoOoh i like some of the lua codes snippits at
21:04.37IrielThe event ones are tricky because they're soo 'established'
21:04.41Kasolike the subframe cache thingy
21:04.59IrielKaso: They need to be updated, the ace folks had a couple of good ideas for improvements.
21:05.02ckknightIriel: so what about the other two?
21:05.05IrielKaso: but thanks.
21:05.09ckknightI at least want reverse status bars
21:05.24ckknightcurrently I have to use massive hacks to accomplish it
21:05.26Irielckknight: The SetTexCoord one likely depends heavily on the underlying graphics libraries, it may not be that easy, I dunno
21:05.33ckknightyea, I figured
21:05.42Irielckknight: As for the status bars, I suspect that's just purely a time/effort thing.. I can't think of a reason beyond that for not doing it.
21:05.53ckknightreverse status bars seems the easiest
21:06.00ckknightI wantses it
21:06.18IrielThe trick there is probably to make a really cool UI using the hack version, so cool that blizzard implement it themselves, and thus need the functionality
21:07.26ckknightit's been done!
21:07.33ckknightnobody seems to care, though
21:07.38ckknightand Grid does it
21:07.40ckknightby default
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21:07.53Bam__definition of "cool" is perhaps the problem :P
21:09.50IrielI forget who it is who has the magic touch for requests, tekkub perhaps
21:11.41Bam__does it require a magic touch or just good arguments? :)
21:11.55IrielA little from column A, a little from column B
21:12.51ckknightwell, I tacked it on Cog's thread
21:13.04IrielThat's a good start, he does at least read that
21:16.46Bam__I like this comment in UIParent.lua: "Designers previously wanted these disabled when feared, they seem to have changed their minds" :D
21:24.02TainFinished Deathly Hallows (not spoiling or discussing further!  Just saying.)
21:25.54ckknightHarry dies of a heart attack after eating a really greasy cheeseburger
21:26.10TainI could go for a cheeseburger.
21:26.20TainHold the heart attack.
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21:30.00ScytheBlade1Voldemort winds up killing himself.
21:38.42IrielThat;'s my favorite
21:42.46Bam__how about FloatingChatFrame.lua: -- New version of the crazy function :D
21:43.00IrielMuch of FCF is crazy
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21:54.15TheZankeis there a way to get rid of combat log(i am using eaves drop)
21:55.05Matrix110are you using more than 1 chattab?
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21:55.25TheZankei have 2 tabs
21:55.35TheZankenot including combat log
21:55.50Matrix110hmm are they seperated or you switch via the tabs?
21:56.14Matrix110But normally you can just delete the combatlog frame or am i wrong?
21:56.16TheZankewell until jiust now i had general and "Private Messages" tabbed and combat log somewhere else
21:56.19Matrix110not on so i cant check
21:56.35TheZankei clicked "remove window" but when i relogged it was back
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22:18.21Bam__I wonder if this is considered a bug: Tooltips for action buttons with macros don't update if the effective action changes while the tooltip is displayed
22:19.11|Jelly|Drunk forum posting = bad idea. rofl
22:19.56Kasoi doubt it Bam, thats kinda just how the system works, once the tooltip is Show() only items refresh for changed data
22:20.53Kasoi'd be a pain the ass if they refreshed every tooltip like they do the itemtooltips for cooldowns
22:21.03Kasoredraw the tooltip 4 times a second? whyever not!
22:21.03ckknight|Jelly|: link?
22:21.08Bam__aha... then I will try with a macro that shows an item :P
22:21.11|Jelly|No. You'll yell at me.
22:22.25ckknightfound it.
22:22.32|Jelly|Shouldn't be too hard.
22:22.33Bam__Kaso: they actually used to update action tooltips 5 times a second regardless :P
22:22.41|Jelly|I can only recall being an asshole to one person.
22:22.49Kasowell thank god they stopped that
22:23.10Kasothe item tooltip system is retarded enough as it is
22:23.28Bam__so they still do it for all item tooltips?
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22:23.50Kasoits been a while since i did tooltips but yeh, in some situations at least
22:23.59Kasoso the "Cooldown 59 seconds" can update
22:24.38Bam__this is on PTR btw
22:25.11Kasowell the tooltip code hasnt changed much this patch has it i dont think?
22:25.30ckknight|Jelly|: that guy was a douche, though
22:25.35Bam__it has on the PTR code
22:25.44|Jelly|That's what I thought. And called him on it.
22:25.48|Jelly|I love his new question.
22:26.17|Jelly|...logically speaking, unless your wow crashed (due to running out of memory) would mods being memory hogs have anything to do with one of the simply not working?
22:26.42Bam__bleh I don't have any cooldown items to test with :P
22:27.46Bam__yea could do that... i just counts down so slow :P
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22:28.01ScytheBlade1|Jelly|, haha, "you are a complete freak."
22:28.09|Jelly|I am, apparently.
22:28.17Kasoeven though it cools down slow it still refreshes multiple times a second
22:28.40Kasojust hook GameTooltip.Show to spam to ChatFrame so you can see when it refreshes
22:29.27SaerisAnyone know whether the spell name and spell rank args on the UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT event are localized?
22:30.06Bam__just checked... it does get updated
22:30.37KasoSaeris, yes they are
22:30.41ScytheBlade1|Jelly|, post harry potter spoilers!
22:30.43ScytheBlade1If you're on ignore..
22:30.54|Jelly|I don't think I'm on ignore, to be honest.
22:31.06|Jelly|considering he responded that I was "obsessed" with that thread.
22:31.08KasoOn currently half the banner ad rotation is harry potter spoiler ads
22:31.12ScytheBlade1I don't think you are either
22:31.14|Jelly|Unless he's going off the fact that there's a post there.
22:31.18SaerisKaso, thanks
22:31.23ScytheBlade1If you really were, he wouldn't have said so
22:31.51KasoSaeris i think wowguru has a spell database in most of the languages if you need spellings
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22:33.08Bam__Iriel: not sure I will send this... it's going to sound too much like I'm trying to teach them a lesson in programming :D
22:33.54ckknight|Jelly|: I'm not sure I like the liberally-biased punk song in your sig
22:34.16IrielMaybe you should just re-word it as questions and requests.. Slouken's a very smart guy, he's going to know the underlying reasons why you want stuff, just not the functional ones.
22:34.36Bam__yea... will see if I can find that "magic touch" :P
22:34.39|Jelly|I don't imagine very many people on these forums and I would get along in real life so I'm alright with it.
22:35.04ckknight<-- libertarian and all
22:35.08ScytheBlade1|Jelly|, I vote you see how many people you can ignore on general before something bad happens.
22:35.09|Jelly|And considering 99% of the people will jump to the same conclusion as the original poster did about what the song is actually about, I'm alright with it.
22:36.46|Jelly|(For the record, I'm not an extremist liberal...I actually think being extreme in any direction is a destructive quality) But I would really rather not get into a political discussion here. <3
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22:42.06|Jelly|ckknight: ...does that make sense? Really? Cause I use a LOT of mods and have never had one just not work cause of a memory issue...
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22:43.04ScytheBlade1Okay, dead honest question
22:43.11ScytheBlade1I ask thinking I know the right answer, but correct me
22:43.13|Jelly|I'm a guy iRL.
22:43.22ScytheBlade1Does addon memory usage have anything to do with actual performance?
22:43.40IrielNot directly no.
22:43.41|Jelly|As I understand it, not unless you have a horribly low amount of ram.
22:43.48ScytheBlade1Didn't think so
22:43.59IrielThere's really two things that are significant, and they boil down to the same one
22:44.24IrielWHEN garbage collection has to run a full sweep, it takes longer if you have more memory in use.
22:44.49ScytheBlade1But didn't the incremental GC largely fix that?
22:44.50IrielThe volume of memory allocation drives how often GC has to happen
22:44.57ScytheBlade1I understand that it can be bad regardless
22:45.05IrielSo really it all boils down to not allocating lots of memory you dont need
22:45.17ScytheBlade1That's... really weird.
22:45.22IrielIncremental GC offsets most of the problem of large amounts of in use memory as long as you dont allocate too much
22:45.28ScytheBlade1Nothing I didn't know, just... odd.
22:45.30IrielThat's why GC churn is bad
22:45.38IrielBut memory use is kind of neutral
22:45.49|Jelly|Iriel: Could you elaborate on "not allocating lots of memory you don't use" ? I've never fully understoof GC process but I didn't think you could pick and choose memory allocation anymore.
22:46.09IrielJelly: Suppose you have a function that runs every frame and needs a temporary table
22:46.20ScytheBlade1|Jelly|, think of allocating 2MB in a variable and setting it to nil. Often.
22:46.27IrielJelly: You could allocate a new temporary table every time it's called, that'll create lots of objects
22:46.37|Jelly|And own your computer. Roger.
22:46.38IrielJelly: Or you could use one temporary table and re-use it between calls, that wont
22:47.09IrielJelly: All of those throw-away tables are memory you dont use, once you're done with it
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22:47.15ScytheBlade1Once you "destroy" something - be it a table or variable, etc. - it isn't actually gone until the GC runs
22:47.15IrielThat's all I meant
22:47.30IrielRight, though destroy is a bad word
22:47.40|Jelly|Aww. But I like destroying.
22:47.44ScytheBlade1s/destroy/stop using/
22:47.47|Jelly|Granted we're probably talking about different things.
22:47.48IrielOnce you release the last reference to something, it hangs around until GC finds and destroys it
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22:52.25ScytheBlade1Iriel, how exactly does the incremental GC work? Exactly as it sounds?
22:53.53Bam__it's just a matter of when it performs the garbage collection really... incremental GC tends to behave better in real-time systems like a UI
22:54.45Bam__as opposed to older GC techniques often called "stop-and-copy"... which do exactly that :P
22:55.29Corrodiasi need some help with one of mym acros here
22:56.26Corrodiasi'm trying to have something that, while holding alt, will cast Divine Protection and then Blessing of Protection on myself (until 5 minutes have passed). this is what i have so far: /castsequence [modifier:alt] reset=300 Divine Protection, [target=player,modifier:alt] Blessing of Protection
22:56.50Corrodiasit totally doesn't work
22:57.16|Jelly|Give me a second. (I really am drunk...I wasn't screwing with you guys. lol)
22:57.39|Jelly|notepad's lack of wordwrap makes me sad sometimes
22:58.31ScytheBlade1Alt, F, W
22:58.58ScytheBlade1Alt, O, W
22:59.17|Jelly|You win.
22:59.31|Jelly|like. for seriously.
22:59.38|Jelly|Anyway...back to the question at hand!
22:59.39Bam__Corrodias: now I don't know what is not working... but remember that the reset-timer is restarted everytime you execute the macro
23:00.30|Jelly|I'm going to have to agree with Bam on why it might not be working as expected.
23:01.44Bam__basically, you can't use castsequence to account for cooldown
23:03.10Corrodiasi don't think i understand what you mean by that
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23:03.35|Jelly|Everytime you hit the button, the 300 seconds restarts.
23:03.48|Jelly|as opposed to being once per 300 seconds.
23:04.04Bam__well you cannot make a macro that has a reset time that "follows" a spell cooldown... I assume that's what you are trying to do
23:04.04Corrodiaseven if the cast fails?
23:04.13|Jelly|Fails as in resisted?
23:04.28Corrodiasfails as in you have an invalid target and it doesn't try to cast it
23:04.33Bam__just by executing the macro... no matter what the result is
23:04.45|Jelly|Technically, it tried to cast it. (As far as I undestand)
23:04.45Corrodiasfails as in the castsequence doesn't proceed
23:04.54Corrodiasi can set up a quick test to find out
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23:05.15Bam__bah not quite right.... it's when the castsequence is executed.. not necessarily the entire macro
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23:05.29Bam__subtle difference.. and doesn't matter in this case :P
23:06.32ShirikCairenn or Cairenn|afk: ping
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23:07.43Corrodiasokay, i tried this: /castsequence reset=3 [target=player] Holy Light, Mana Tap
23:08.10Corrodiasi target an enemy who doesn't have mana, hit it once to heal myself, then it switches to mana tap. i hit it again, get an invalid target message... and nothing. even after waiting 3 seconds, it doesn't switch back.
23:08.29[dRaCo]hey, whatcha think is the best mm hunter weapon available from heroics, rep, kara and gruul?
23:08.36|Jelly|It's trying to tap you.
23:08.50|Jelly|You can't dynamically change targets mid sequence.
23:08.54Guillotine[dRaCo] gun from big bad wolf I believe
23:08.55Corrodiassunfury bow, right?
23:09.10Guillotineoh, MM
23:09.13[dRaCo]oh, sorry
23:09.14GuillotineI read BM for some reason
23:09.25[dRaCo]weapon as in axe or polearm or something
23:09.26Corrodias|Jelly|: if i don't target anything, it says "you have no target", so it's not trying to cast it on myself
23:09.53Shirikyou need [target=player] before reset
23:09.55|Jelly|*shrug* I can't explain it but I can tell you that's the problem.
23:09.55Corrodiasand it STILL doesn't reset, even after the 3 seconds
23:10.12Corrodiasokay, i'll give shirik's thing a whirl
23:10.49|Jelly|Shirik: How would that help? In the end, he's still wanting to heal himself and tap something else in the same sequence. Unless I missed something in the RTFPN.
23:10.51Corrodiasokay, that works as expected, and yeah, it resets the timer even if the macro doesn't -do- anything
23:11.07Corrodiasthat's rather disappointing
23:11.11Shirikit doesn't do what he wants
23:11.17|Jelly|Oh, ok.
23:11.17Shirikbut it corrects the problem that he was referring to
23:11.18Guillotine[dRaCo] legacy I think
23:11.25|Jelly|lol. ok.
23:11.45Corrodiasso my bubble macro is impractical, if not completely impossible
23:11.55[dRaCo]Guillotine: hm, thanks, was the only one I could think of, too.
23:12.16Bam__Corrodias: what do you want it to do exactly?
23:12.18Corrodiasi didn't want to put Divine Protection and Blessing of Protection on different buttons. i REALLY hate doing that.
23:12.45Corrodiasthus, i wanted to be able to hold alt to cast it on myself as usual, but i want it to use DP instead of BoP if it's available, which apparently is not possible.
23:12.46|Jelly|Modifier or Right/Left Button
23:12.54Corrodiasclicking on bubbles = bad paladin
23:13.12Corrodiasor rather, i don't click on time-sensitive abilities
23:13.20Corrodiasi'd feel like a klutz doing that
23:13.21Bam__yes, you cannot make any logic that "tests" availability of spells
23:13.28|Jelly|So you completely didn't see the beginning of that? "***MODIFIER*** or..."
23:13.41Corrodiasthat was my original idea, |Jelly|. that's what the macro is trying to do.
23:14.14Corrodiashold alt for self-cast, use DP then use BoP unless 5 minutes pass without the spell being successfully cast.
23:14.30|Jelly|Which you can't do.
23:14.38|Jelly|[18:13]<Bam__>yes, you cannot make any logic that "tests" availability of spells
23:14.59Corrodiasso the modifier idea isn't going to work as i had hoped
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23:15.52Bam__no, but you can still get two spells on one button if you want
23:16.07Corrodiasyeah, if i never want to BoP myself >_<
23:16.38Bam__well I mean without any castsequence... just using modifiers
23:17.00Guillotineyou could have something like clicking button=BoP, alt clicking=DP self, shift clicking=BoP self
23:17.05Bam__it's not what you wanted exactly... but at least it's only one button
23:18.14Bam__personally I just don't find it any easier to remember all those modifier combinations :P
23:19.11Bam__let me see... was this spell ALT-SHIFT or was it ALT-CTRL-SHIFT or .... ? :P
23:19.17Guillotineeh, I have a couple like that
23:19.24Guillotineall healing spells are alt-clicking someone
23:19.28Guillotinecuring debuffs is shift clicking
23:19.30Guillotinepretty easy to remember
23:19.40Guillotinee.g. alt-left=regrowth
23:19.49Bam__if you can group it like that, I guess it is
23:20.03Guillotinejust make all self casts be alt+spell
23:20.11Guillotineand secondary self casts be shift+spell
23:20.42Corrodiasunfortunately, shift+key is assigned to another bar entirely
23:20.54Corrodiasbut no matter, i'll just have to click on my character after hitting that key if i want to cast BoP on myself
23:21.17Bam__and in patch 2.2 you can extend it to LEFT-SHIFT-LEFT-ALT-RIGHT-CTRL :D
23:36.11bleeterlol some idiot sold his account on ebay, then used his name in a newspaper article about selling wow accounts
23:36.21Kaydeethreeoh, geez
23:36.52bleeterNot all Queenslanders are that stupid, are they norgs_away ;)
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23:41.48sag_ich_nichti need an addon that has all blizzard blizzard LOD addons as dependency to get them to load before my addons. anything like that already exist? :P
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