IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070720

00:07.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
00:09.31LegorolPTRs down?
00:11.37JoshBorkei know this is dumb of me to ask but:  how can i match ^visuals$ or ^vis$ with the same string.match call?
00:12.10Shiriksame call?
00:12.16Shiriksorry I missed before
00:12.25JoshBorkemissed what?
00:12.34Shirikmisread actually ^^
00:12.36JoshBorkei want to match visuals or vis
00:12.49Shirikiirc, there is no binary ? operator with Lua patterns, sadly
00:12.52Shirikit would be possible with a regex
00:13.28LegorolJoshBorke: so you want to match visuals and vis, but not for example visage?
00:13.34JoshBorkeLegorol: correct
00:13.57Legorolif only we had grouping in Lua regex :/
00:14.00Legoroldon't even need ?
00:14.07Shirikit would be something like "^vis(uals)?$"
00:14.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
00:14.15Legorolbut, alas, we don't have that
00:15.03Thrae<+Legorol:#wowi-lounge> if only we had groping in Lua regex :/ <-- this is the way I read it at first
00:15.16Guillotineyup. best you can do is string.match(mystring,"^visuals$") or string.match(mystring,"^vis$")
00:15.42Shirikyeah, for that purpose, I guess that's ok
00:15.50JoshBorkei'm going with : ^vis(%s*)$ then checking to make sure \1 is uals or ''
00:16.03Legorolthat's pretty neat
00:16.07Guillotinethat works as well
00:16.08Legorolavoids having to do to matches
00:16.17Legorolalthough you probably didn't mean %s ;-)
00:16.26Legorolstring comparison is very fast in Lua, so good solution
00:16.32ShirikI think he meant %S hehe
00:16.39JoshBorkewhat's the difference?
00:16.43Shirikactually, . will work just fine
00:16.45Legorol%s: all space chars
00:16.49Guillotine%s is all spaces, %S is all non space characters
00:16.49Legorol%S: all non-space chars
00:16.51JoshBorkenope, don't want that :-D
00:16.58Shirikwhy not? it will act exactly the same
00:17.01Legoroli'd personally go with (.*)
00:17.07Shiriksince $ asserts the end position, and then you're testing it
00:17.08Guillotineyah, no reason not to do .*
00:17.09Legoroldoesn't matter if it's space or not, and a tiny bit faster
00:17.25Shirikin fact, you don't even need the $
00:17.29Legorolyou can even drop $
00:17.33ShirikI win!
00:17.43Guillotinewow, everyones dropping $? I'll take any extra you have!
00:18.04Thraevisu?a?l?s? <-- giving "visu", "visua", "visual", and "visuals" still isn't good enough?
00:18.23LegorolThrae, unfortunately it will also give visul
00:18.40JoshBorkethrae loses once again
00:18.45ThraeTrue, but visul isn't a word, and who cares if they misspell it.
00:18.50LegorolJoshBorke: actually i have an idea
00:19.05Legorolwhy not just do if s == "visuals" or s == "vis"
00:19.12Legorolsince you are matching using ^ and $
00:19.17Legoroldon't even need the string.match
00:19.21JoshBorkebecause of the way i'm passed the string
00:19.35JoshBorkeit's for Dongle Slash Commands
00:19.37Legorolwell your original statement was you wanted to match ^visuals$ or ^vis$
00:19.42Legorolthe string comparison does exactly that too
00:19.46abuglua> strfind("visuals","[(^visuals$)(^vis$)]")
00:20.01abuglua> "hello?"
00:20.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (
00:20.10Thraeabug: #luabot
00:20.13Legorolabug: that won't work
00:20.27JoshBorkehuh, abug wins
00:20.28foxlitHm, question
00:20.29LegorolJoshBorke: back to my statement: if your original spec is correct, you can just do it with two string comparisons
00:20.41Shirikit did work
00:20.45JoshBorkewait, nvm, doesn't work
00:20.51ThraeFor slash commands, I see no reason why you shouldn't accept misspelt commands unless that command will definately conflict with another
00:20.52JoshBorkeLegorol: the way it's being called i can't :-(
00:20.56Shiriknm no it doesn't
00:21.00foxlitfunction test() local time = os.clock(); return somethingThatTakesTime(), os.clock() - time; end
00:21.05Shirikit's just stupidly saying it matches
00:21.07foxlitWould second return always be 0?
00:21.08LegorolJoshBorke: are you not getting passed the string?
00:21.18JoshBorkeLegorol: only get passed the captured string
00:21.40JoshBorkethrae does have a point
00:21.45Legorolit matches because the expression [(^visuals$)(^vis$)] in Lua means "match a single character, which can be any one of: (, ^, v, i, s, u, a, l, s, $ or )"
00:21.47Shirikfoxlit: yes
00:21.56ShirikI misread again :(
00:22.17LegorolJoshBorke: but that's fine
00:22.25Legorolyou said that you are trying to match ^visuals$
00:22.38Legoroldoing s == "visuals" is identical to string.match(s,"^visuals$")
00:22.51Shirikfoxlit: That's fine. It would only return 0 if somethingThatTakesTime() doesn't do what it says it does
00:23.14Legorolso either your initial specification was not quite correct, or i'm right and you don't need match
00:23.18*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (
00:23.33ThraeWho cares if someone does /foo barn or /foo bar or /foo barney or /foo barne -- just bind them all to /foo bar. Might as well just look for string.match(foo,"^foo bar")
00:23.36Shirikhowever, it seems to only increment in integral values
00:23.39Shirikwhich is rather interesting
00:23.54Shirikbut if you really want to see how long something takes, use the debug timers
00:24.04TS|Skrom_Burn Notice tonight ^^
00:24.13*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
00:24.14ThraeIf /foo bar and /foo barn are different commands, you need to rename your commands
00:24.22ThraeBecause that's ambigious
00:24.55ShirikI think foxlit is ignoring me :(
00:25.09JoshBorkei think i might concede thrae's point
00:25.30Thraefoxlit is currently working on his bot probably
00:25.44Shirikhe asked a question and disappeared ><
00:26.01ThraeJoshBorke: Yeah, that's what I always say -- everyone hates slash commands anyway. You don't need to make them the best damn coded slash commands in the world. Everyone's going to ask you for a good GUI.
00:26.22ShirikRDX.Cid doesn't even have slash commands stil
00:26.39Shirikthough some have asked for an /rdx show
00:27.04JoshBorke <-- like that thrae?
00:27.27foxlit"integral" knocked me out of context :)
00:27.29bleeterKaydeethree: Wine 0.9.41 has hit the update repositories, updating now
00:27.34*** join/#wowi-lounge cladbot (
00:27.40foxlitAnd you said something along the lines of "Yes", so I didn't look it up :)
00:27.41Kaydeethreehuzzah. /pokes yum
00:27.45*** part/#wowi-lounge abug (
00:27.51TS|Skrom_what is that JoshBorke?
00:27.54bleeterKaydeethree: hmm, quite a few mirrors are still missing it
00:27.58foxlitThraebot: i 30007
00:27.58ThraeBotfoxlit: Name: The Darkener's Grasp; Rarity: Purple; BoP; Neck; +40 Stamina; +40 Stamina; +14 BlockRating; +23 DodgeRating; +27 DefenseSkillRating. [[ ]]
00:28.01JoshBorkeTS|Skrom_: the gui to my mod LootTracker
00:28.12TS|Skrom_What's LootTracker do?
00:28.13JoshBorkewell, new gui
00:28.14bleeterKaydeethree: oh, and there's a FF update that's not complete (dependencies), so don't try a complete update ;)
00:28.17JoshBorkeit's using OptionHouse
00:30.02JoshBorkeyea, it was useful while lvling tailoring
00:30.47JoshBorkei know of at least 2 people who use it so i continue to develop it
00:31.12Kaydeethreeholy hell. 764MB of updates to leech. why is yum not getting updates by itself?
00:31.52bleeterKaydeethree: you've probably selected the openarena update, and some others too
00:32.06bleeterthat's... 247M by itself
00:34.08bleeterKaydeethree: oh, do you mean why haven't you been notified previously? have you turned off the yum-updatesd service?
00:34.23Kaydeethreenah, first thing I checked. s-c-services says it's running
00:34.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
00:35.18bleeteranyways, I can confirm that 0.9.41 on live gets me at least to the Char Selection screen. :)
00:35.30bleeterdoing other updates so didn't try entering the world ;)
00:36.21Kaydeethreeodd. I've not been having any issues on live, just the usual ptr mess.
00:36.53bleeternah, I don't have live issues. was just saying 'if you have probs past char selection, don't come lookin' at me 'coz I ain't saying it works' :P
00:38.33IndustrialHows this:
00:39.10bleeterKaydeethree: can't test against PTR, realms are down :(
00:40.02Kaydeethreeya, realized that shortly after I asked. hopefully the new build getting pushed will help
00:41.11bleeterare you playing in OGL or D3D mode? I know last time we chatted, D3D had improved considerably, but personally I didn't think it was ready for 24/7 playing. I'd get the occasional hang when switching toons.
00:41.23bleeteramongst other minor irritations
00:41.37ShirikI never even tried d3d through wine
00:41.42Shirikit never worked for me
00:41.54Shirikwell, s/tried/got d3d to work/
00:41.55bleeterShirik: until Wine 0.9.39, it was pretty awful
00:42.06bleeternumber of hoops required to leap through, etc.
00:42.11ShirikI tried it maybe twice then fell back to opengl
00:42.12KaydeethreeI still play in ogl
00:42.53bleeterdamnit, I wish the A/V configure dialog was available outside of the playing world
00:43.09JoshBorkeedit the file directly?
00:43.19bleeterdrives me crazy that I have to enter world to 'test|set' stuff
00:44.09ShirikRTFPN: for those that haven't seen
00:44.14bleeterJoshBorke: that's not really the point. A 'standard' user should have to open up a text editor to switch the game from Fullscreen to Windowed mode, as an example
00:44.18ShirikI guess I'm 5 days late, so shoot me
00:44.32JoshBorkebleeter: i agree :-)
00:45.00bleeterThis specific case, I wanna see what the PTR thinks about the new D3D/ALSA code in wine. But without a realm up, can't tell ;)
00:45.47*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
00:46.13bleeterwhich, boils down to, I should not need a server to be up and running so that I can use a dialog to change a local only setting
00:46.27bleeterapplicable to any app, really
00:47.06JoshBorkesuggest it :-)
00:48.14bleeterI'll have to phrase it in terms of 'reducing load on your infrastructure'
00:48.24bleeterrather than 'this is pissing me off in Wine'
00:49.35*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
00:49.40Kaydeethreeany ubuntu users or knowledgeable people mind helping me get someone up and running in #wowwiki? I can't remember what the ati proprietary graphics driver package is called
00:49.54Kyahxfrglx iirc
00:50.10Shiriklinux is the reason I went to nvidia tbh
00:50.16Kyahxthe newest ubuntu should auto-install them through the restricted driver manager
00:50.39Kaydeethreeya, but I tried to have the guy apt-get search flgrx and he responded 'search' is an invalid operation.
00:50.44Kaydeethreebeen too long since I've tried to use apt-get
00:51.04KyahxI'll join the channel
00:51.24JoshBorkeapt-search flgrx
00:57.16bleeterok, gunna try some D3D playing... see how we go.
00:58.58bleeterand fail on an infinite loop while trying to enter world
00:59.07bleeterfixme:d3d:IWineD3DQueryImpl_GetData >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL_INVALID_OPERATION (0x502) from glGetQueryObjectuivARB(GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE
00:59.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:00.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
01:02.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
01:06.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|sleep (
01:07.44Kaydeethreewoo venture brothers
01:09.29Shirikthat show
01:09.30Shirikis so bad
01:10.25|Jelly|That show. Wins so hard.
01:13.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_Ghost (n=Guilloti@
01:13.56Shirikit is the opposite of wins so hard
01:14.08Shirikit doesn't make sense, it's horribly drawn, it's....
01:14.15Shirikeverything that entertainment is not supposed to be
01:38.24JoshBorkenn all
01:50.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
01:51.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost3 (
01:52.01ShirikI ghosted shirik and it automatically /nick'ed me
01:52.04Shiriksince when does that happen
01:52.59Kaydeethreedepends on your client/scripts
01:53.05Kaydeethreeand ooh, ptr's up. 12.6MB patch
01:53.47Lunessa... need liquor
01:54.36Kaydeethreeall I've got is some beer in the fridge
01:55.15LunessaPass me one, will you?  This is turning into one of *those* days.
01:55.26Kaydeethreeshould I tab open the UI forum?
01:55.51ShirikKaydeethree: That's just it, I haven't change anything
01:55.56Shirikand it's never done that before
01:55.58LunessaNah, it's "oh noes teh guild drama"
01:56.14Shirikto be honest I think it's just that I habitually typed /nick Shirik and it just happened late enough that I completely forgot ><
01:56.55Kaydeethreeahahaha... cro threadstrong's yelling at the ogre now
02:00.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost3 (
02:04.38Kaydeethreenew ptr's up. diffs at and
02:22.04Kaydeethreelocal invoiceType, itemName, playerName, bid, buyout, deposit, consignment, moneyDelay, etaHour, etaMin = GetInboxInvoiceInfo(InboxFrame.openMailID)
02:22.34Thrae!api getinboxinvoiceinfo
02:22.36ThraeBotThrae: Could not find a relevant page. Perhaps you could be so kind as to create one?
02:22.49ThraeAh, new function
02:22.58Kaydeethreeyup. just got changed in the last ptr build too
02:28.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
02:29.55*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
02:31.18Wobworkhm, interesting on that api call
02:32.04Kaydeethreefallout from the 'gold now takes an hour too' change. it's all over the auction house as well
02:32.50*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
02:33.24WobworkKaydeethree: hehe people using the auctionhouse to shift gold, now?
02:33.40WobworkThat's one way of doing it, I guess
02:33.45WobworkIt's fairly secure too
02:34.57ThraeWobwork: Using the Auction House to shift gold has been done for about as long as I've been playing WoW...which has been since 1.3 or so I think
02:35.07ThraeMaybe 1.4 or 1.5, I can't remember
02:35.26ThraeWobwork: When I first started, I always wondered why there were grey candles up for 500 gold.
02:36.32LunessaIt works especially well for transfering items/cash to the opposite faction.
02:36.46LunessaThough the fee is steep.
02:37.07Kaydeethree" FYI, we're working on something for 2.3 to help make /stopcasting lag workarounds unnecessary."
02:37.26Kaydeethreeholy hell, they may finally be implementing a 1-deep server-side queue
02:39.43Nom-E! Gads!
02:40.06Lunessa... Soulken... A prince amouong pirates!
02:43.29Kaydeethreewhoa, that was quick
02:43.34Kaydeethreeand my idea got shot down in a flash
02:44.03Kaydeethreewonder what they're implementing, though?
02:44.29LunessaCareful, or he mayt implement code to check for YOU and make your repairs cost an extra 20%.
02:45.06Lunessa... *headdesk*
02:45.36Kaydeethreehow can I answer that and not sound like a total asshole?
02:45.56LunessaSee my reply.
02:47.06cog|bookW.   T.    F.   {interrobang}
02:47.51LunessaI need an {interrobang} to go with my elipses
02:48.05cog|book<3 …
02:48.18Nom-Ahhh...looking forward to this afternoon
02:48.25Nom-My Bosses' Bosses' Boss is leaving today
02:48.43Nom-So we're all going to the pub in about an hour or so, and it's highly likely we won't be back :P
02:48.51LunessaJust 40 minutes left in my "work-day"
02:48.58Kaydeethreehahaha... was gonna suggest "celebration in the break room?"
02:49.16Nom-Given that I only started work 2 hours ago
02:49.24Nom-It's not a bad way to spend a Friday :P
02:49.31Kaydeethreenot at all
02:49.43cog|bookROFL! My wife got a book on CD called Master Harper of Pern and Itunes--sry... iTunes--wanted to import it as "South Park Mexican - Dope House Six"
02:50.52Thraecog|book: That's funny, however, what I find funnier is that you couldn't even stop mid-typing to backspace and fix your typo, you just fixed it in the same message ^^;;;
02:51.35cog|bookIt was a conscious decision… {irony mark}
02:51.51cog|book{look! more ellipses!}
02:52.13cog|bookno, …
02:52.54cog|bookAutoHotKey 4tw! (<3 sag_ich_nicht )
02:53.42Nom- <-- check out gruul try 2... not bad for me, given i've got AH bought crap for like 2 or 3 slots
02:56.32Nom-I'd use an iMac if (1) I could afford it, and (2) they had a decent selection of games
02:56.51Nom-Until more places start porting games to Mac (on release date) i'll never switch
02:57.21ThraeI'd use an iMac if 1) I had lots of extra money, and 2) If I had lots of extra money, and 3) If I got hit on the head, lost my knowledge of Unix, Linux, Solaris, BSD, and Windows, and then got lots of money
02:57.28Nom-That's the most annoying part... I remember back when I was playing Quake 1 on the'd be weeks between a PC Upgrade of the client and the Mac release
02:57.51Nom-lol... Mac's aren't that bad...just the available software selection is horrid
02:58.16cog|bookit's gotten a lot better since OSX
02:58.23cog|booksince it IS unix
02:58.42cog|book(hell, I'm just glad it uses memory protection at all now)
02:59.08LunessaIt is, OSX is certainly a very nice mechanics upgrade while maintaining the Human Interface Guidelines that made macs popular in the first place.  
02:59.10Thraecog|book: It is "Certified as a Unix Operating System", but it isn't Unix. Unix is Unix ;)
02:59.37LunessaAnd... if you desire Windows games... dual boot?  
02:59.45LunessaOr use Parallels?
03:00.08cog|bookyeah... the fact that they're intel now makes a difference too
03:00.12LunessaParallels is... sexy.
03:00.28cog|bookbut then, so is cedega, for what it does :P
03:00.39ThraeReally, so much money though...might as well just go take Linux 101 and save like $1000, make a Windows / Linux dual boot.
03:00.41cog|bookand actually, vanilla wine plays WoW very nicely
03:01.11LunessaYup.  I don't worry much about platform.  I like pretty much everything, and am more or less comfortable in any O/S.  
03:01.52ThraeNot to mention, if you just want to make Bill Gates poor, buying a Mac is not a good way to do it -- Bill Gates already has stock in Apple, I believe ;)
03:02.14cog|bookI'm getting to that point… I still get pretty annoyed at MS sometimes though… And I do give them a chance… I went straight internet explorer for about 3 weeks but went back to firefox
03:02.25LunessaDepends on how many funds he lets his advisors buy/manage without his direct input.  
03:02.44LunessaFirefox ... well, firefox is love.  
03:03.04ThraeLunessa: Bill Gates shows up to some Apple stockholder meetings
03:03.30LunessaI wouldn't be shocked.  Microsoft the company made an investment in Apple in the late 90s.
03:03.41ThraeFirefox is love in some ways, and teh suck in other ways. It has very nasty performance issues and some bugs which are waaaaay too old, yet fixed in Seamonkey.
03:03.53ThraeI use Firefox, because I like it more then Opera.
03:03.58TS|Skrom_good Burn Notice again tonight ^^, not quite as good as the others imo
03:04.09TS|Skrom_less spying/trapping/mcguyvering in this one
03:04.26cog|bookI wanted to like Opera… It had a nasty font rendering bug that was a deal breaker for me
03:05.12LunessaI wanted to like it too, but I got sick of adding code to every CSS to work around it.
03:05.44ScytheBlade1Threat/Omen bugs ftw
03:05.49LunessaThe "play nice with Opera" fix for multi-collum layouts.
03:05.53ScytheBlade1I wand Void Reaver and suddenly I've got 120k threat
03:05.57ScytheBlade1That got a few wtf's
03:06.24cog|bookI thought opera was known for its extensive CSS support :>
03:06.49ThraeScytheBlade1: Wands need to be nerfed imo -- 120,000 crits on Void Reavers are just insane!
03:06.55LunessaI quit loving Opera 3 years ago.  It might have gotten better.
03:07.00ScytheBlade1Thrae, no joke
03:07.09cog|bookOpera 9 is nice
03:07.11ScytheBlade1Thrae, almost makes me wish I specced wands
03:07.39cog|bookthe next version is supposed to have full support for the CSS selectors (v3 iirc)
03:07.44ThraeScytheBlade1: Yeah seriously, I wonder wtf is up with wands when they're doing more damage then a Hunter does...and each Hunter autoshot still takes up a bullet
03:08.14LunessaMight have to give it some more attention then.  
03:15.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Bam__ (
03:16.01cog|bookLunessa: fwiw
03:18.46Lunessacog|book: Thanks.  
03:19.15Kaydeethreeeesh.. 764MB later, yum's finally done downloading updates.
03:20.39Lunessa... lazy paladins ftl
03:21.49ThraeKaydeethree: Yum == "yum yum, I like your bandwidth! Ooo, and this HDD space..."
03:23.44Lunessa"Bandwidth?  We doan neeed no steeenkin' bandwidth!"
03:24.58KaydeethreeI'm just glad my connection stayed up long enough to get it all
03:25.04Kaydeethreewas down for 7 hours today
03:29.09*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:32.52bleeterKaydeethree: great, now update your PTR ;)
03:33.05bleeteranother 12.6MB lol
03:33.30Kaydeethreeit's already been updated. I've got .diffs of the interface changes up. still wating on yum to finish updating... 170/632
03:33.56bleeterah, fair nuff
03:34.00bleeteraye... I'm looking forward to when they start using deltas for the updates (yum, that is)
03:35.01LunessaLater all.  
03:36.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
03:38.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Rhaene (
03:38.55RhaeneDoes anyone know what I would hook in order to modify / add to the party member portrait right click dropdown menu?   I cant seem to figure it out
03:40.54bleeterKaydeethree: I've managed to enter world, so the new PTR and the new Wine aren't immediately obvious as crash-dummies :)
03:41.18Kaydeethreenice. still using oss?
03:42.51bleeterthink so, lemme get out and check/test etc.
03:44.12Bam__what's this yummi thing you talk about?
03:44.18bleeteryup, ALSA's still bork
03:44.34bleeterBam__: the update tool for Fedora Linux (as well as Yellow Dog, CentOS and some others)
03:44.38KaydeethreeBam__, software updater for fedora linux
03:44.44Bam__ah ok
03:45.01bleetermight just try ALSA in D3D mode for kicks
03:45.06*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:45.07Bam__OS X by any chance too? :P
03:45.27Kaydeethreejust rpm-based linux distros afaik
03:45.41*** join/#wowi-lounge dolby-wowi (n=Dolby-wo@MMOI/Administrator/Dolby)
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03:46.24bleeterKaydeethree: no joy under D3D/ALSA here, either
03:46.39bleetersame ol' 'draw the window, lock the app hard'
03:46.45Kaydeethreeblah. I /really/ don't want to have to resort to aoss
03:47.36bleeterhmm, I wonder if changing the Hardware Accel from Full to Emulated, or something equally crazy, may help
03:47.40bleeterdoubt it, somehow
03:48.05Kaydeethreejust about every combination of using the dropdowns and the checkbox I've tried, no dice
03:48.15bleeterfixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No master control found, disabling mixer
03:48.19bleeterwould kinda seal it's fate
03:48.47Kaydeethreeyou have a busted .dmixrc?
03:49.21bleeterif by 'busted' you mean 'non-existant'.. then I guess I do ;)
03:49.59Kaydeethreenah. the system-default's supposed to work fine. before dmix was enabled by default (back in fc4 or so?) I had to have one to get it working properly
03:50.10Kaydeethreeer, the one that fedora ships, at least
03:51.03art3miswheeeeee getting a new laptop on tuesday
03:51.14cog|booknice :)
03:52.46bleeteroO when did they open premades up for 2.2 PTR?
03:53.07Kaydeethreechar transfer's been having issues
03:53.35cog|book:) I transfered my wife's mule to the ptr 4 times so I could get myself an epic flyer ><
03:53.50Kaydeethreefirst time in a year. now that's all the 'gimmeh premades' ilk will be asking for for the next year
03:54.03Thraecog|book: you...oh. For a minute there, I thought you paid $100 for a mount.
03:54.23art3misat least hes not whoring himself to get one ;P
03:54.43art3misand a girl
03:55.16bleeterKaydeethree: I wonder if it was to placate people re: Season 2 Mage foo
03:55.31bleeternext person who mentions Orc shoulders, tho, gets a stab in the face from me
03:55.44Kaydeethreethey got fixed in the current build
03:56.02Kaydeethreeso /hopefully/ that bitching will die down in the next few days
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04:36.41bleeternew hotfix:  - Warlocks can no longer summon players while in a Battleground.
04:37.11Kaydeethreeand general goes up in flames
04:39.10bleeterKaydeethree: um, and that's different to usualy.. how? ;) :P
04:39.40Kaydeethreeit's the new rant of the day
04:48.22*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
04:48.27Kaydeethreeah, I figured out why yum wasn't getting updates even though updatesd is running... "do_update = no" actually does what it says
04:49.54Kaydeethreewonder how the config file got set up to do that? /ponder
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05:19.00bleeterquestion from a guildie: 'How's 2.2 PTR look'
05:19.13bleeterreply from me: 'IF AH looks the same as always, 2.2 is crack'
05:20.47Wobworkbleeter: so 2.2 is fine with wine? =)
05:21.20bleeterWobwork: yup, 'cept for the ALSA crap
05:25.37Wobworkthe stuff blizz is putting in for the inline chat?
05:26.08Kaydeethreethe entire sound system got rewritten, alsa's choking, oss needs some tweaking in order to get it to run (I've yet to succesfully hear any sound in the ptr...)
05:28.35bleeterKaydeethree: meh, don't listen to Wobwork.... he's a *pidgin* user! ewww!
05:28.54WobworkDid I say something?
05:28.59Wobworkdid I? =P
05:29.09ThraeWobwork: You seem to do a lot of IRC at work.
05:29.13WobworkIt's true
05:29.25ThraeWhat is your job?
05:29.28bleeterWobwork: no doubt complaining about the trains, or the cold 20 degrees C, or something... :P
05:29.30WobworkProgrammer =)
05:29.52Wobworkactually I don't have too much problem with the trains, as I come into work around 10am =)
05:29.54ThraeAhh, you're probably sitting there waiting for something to compile a lot of the time.
05:30.08Wobworkwell, at the moment, for someone else to finish their part of the project
05:30.21Wobworkand for the water to boil so I can make some tea
05:30.33ThraeWhat time is it over there?
05:30.40Wobwork3:30pm atm
05:30.45bleeterfor the record, there's a debate kicking around at the moment as to whether trains in Sydney are as bad, or worse, than those in England (punctuality, fitness for service, etc. etc.)
05:30.56ThraeAhh, gotcha.
05:31.00Wobworksydney trains are kinda sliding down atm =)
05:31.10ThraeIt's 1:30am EST, or 1:30am GMT-5.
05:31.15Wobworkgranted, our rail network is a little bit more complex
05:31.16bleeterI thought they peaked around 2000.. strangely enough ;)
05:31.17Wobworkthan the tube
05:31.24ThraeThis is not "optimal work hours" for me.
05:31.27Wobworkhehe odd that =)
05:31.46ThraeWell, optimal for getting paid to work. I don't want to get paid to work at my -real- optimal working hours, that would suck.
05:31.55WobworkIt proves we can put on a good show, but maintaining it? =P
05:32.11bleeterthat's what sydney is a to me... a great show, but long term.. ugh
05:32.30WobworkI love living here though
05:36.57art3misheh was watching national geogrphic today
05:37.12art3misand according to thier deadly animals in australian list the only safe place if the gold coast
05:37.23art3mislike directly in the middle and insland about 5 miles
05:41.21Wobworkbut it's boring =)
05:41.59WobworkWhat's life without a little thrill
05:42.46bleeteri wouldnt call gold coast safe
05:42.56bleeteroh, inland... yeah, maybe
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06:02.05Nom-"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by" : Douglas Adams
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07:52.01DragonWinpass in quick on em1 proto udp all keep state
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08:15.19The_GoldFishAnyone here know if the raid target symbols which show up above mob's heads are considered part of the interface or not? Or even where their texture is located? (I've looked around a looot of mpqs just trying to find the texture and can't...)
08:20.04The_GoldFishYeah, those ones I found
08:20.08The_GoldFishso far as I can tell
08:20.16zenzelezzthose are the ones the UI uses
08:20.17The_GoldFishthose're only the ones that you select via the targetting frame
08:20.46zenzelezzthe UI only has a concept of the icons through a number, which corresponds to a certain part of that texture file
08:21.15zenzelezzie. star is 1, circle is 2, etc
08:21.21The_GoldFishyeah I understand how it all works
08:21.29zenzelezzthen I don't understand what you were asking
08:22.30The_GoldFishthe texture used for the icons in the targeting frame have no relation to the texture use for the icons which visually appear above mobs
08:22.43The_GoldFishI can't find the texture for them *anywhere* so I've no idea if they're considered modable or not
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08:23.04The_GoldFish(basically I just want to make them smaller or semitransparnt)
08:24.01zenzelezzI see... if that is possible then it's beyond my knowledge
08:24.31zenzelezzstill early though, stick around and someone else might know =)
08:24.40The_GoldFishyep, cheers though
08:24.47The_GoldFishI had good fun replacing the icons texture with the races one
08:25.38The_GoldFishalso I dunno if it's early or late :P
08:26.20zenzelezzfor this channel it's early
08:26.48zenzelezzI find it a bit odd that the raid target icons over mobs don't scale like quest indicators and stuff like Hunter's Mark
08:28.53The_GoldFishyeah, they're mainly annoying for the tank who, if we use them, gets a face full of giant skull
08:32.24zenzelezzI'm an add tank on Hydross; like the tanking part, but it's a real pain since we pull them under him to AoE them... visibility underneath him is not exactly high =D
08:35.43The_GoldFishyeah, well, we're just a pretty casual team and wanna know if we can make use of them, but at current they're too obtrusive
08:35.47The_GoldFishso there :P
08:37.27The_GoldFishanywho, time to go fishing \o/
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09:00.37Nom-some kid bought a PS3 off eBay
09:00.45Nom-and it had $103,000 cash in it
09:00.51Nom-And they idiots actually reported it to police
09:01.53zenzelezzheard about that one
09:02.12Nom-I mean seriously
09:02.18MaldiviaI would have done the same
09:02.22Nom-If $103,000 cash turned up in my eBay delivery
09:02.29Nom-I'd have to think long and hard about that...
09:03.25Nom-Although, I guess it'd be hard to do anything with it, aside from use it as pocket money
09:03.28The_GoldFishso you're saying that you'd keep 183k you got in a playstation 3, (read, hidden away) from someone who has mailed you the item in question (read, has your address)
09:03.54The_GoldFishI think they might just come looking for it, possibly with a shotgun
09:03.59Nom-Who sayd they'd have MY address ?
09:04.15Nom-I usually have stuff delivered C/- office
09:04.26Nom-They'd have to find me amongst 1000 employees first :P
09:04.42The_GoldFishso you have stuff delivered namelessly to your office?
09:05.21The_GoldFishcause they probably at least have your name and a general idea of where you live
09:05.51The_GoldFishsomeone who had 183k stashed in a PS3 probably has the means to find you
09:06.18The_GoldFishwhat I'd do, is swipe a good chunk of the cash and *then* report it :P
09:06.28Nom-Now you're thinking
09:06.36Nom-I mean...what a strange amount
09:07.07The_GoldFishalmost enough to buy a PS3 at launch
09:07.33Nom-I'm thinking there was $110k or $120k or a nice round $150k
09:07.39Nom-And they've done just that :P
09:07.51The_GoldFishthing is though
09:08.15The_GoldFishit could just be some old lady's saving that she tucked away in one of the electronic devices which never gets used (eg a PS3)
09:08.40Nom-Or even worse
09:08.55Nom-It could have been that, and some punk kid swiped it from the house and sold it on eBay
09:09.26Nom-because, seriously, noone in their right mind would put $103,000 into a PS3 and then eBay it for a few hundred $$
09:09.50Nom-That's what I was thinking too...I mean you wouldn't send it if you know it's there
09:10.01Nom-Therefore, they didn't know it was there, so they're not going to come looking for it
09:10.26The_GoldFishnot unless it's all fake and/or money stolen from someplace and the FBI are after it
09:10.30The_GoldFishand you're an idiot
09:10.43Nom-Or, another equally likely scenario...  a grandmother died and had a ps3 in her house for grandkids to play with
09:10.50Nom-Which was also used to hide cash
09:11.02Nom-Family didn't know cash was in there, decides to ebay it because they have one already
09:11.17Nom-That's about the only scenario where i'd want to return the cash :P
09:11.23Nom-(at least that I can think of so far)
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09:13.05Maldiviathe $103.000 might be because the money was in another currency, and the article you read they converted it to dollars
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09:13.37The_GoldFishlike a million dollars canadian
09:13.47krkaor maybe the people just werent anal enough to require a "nice rounded" number
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10:02.59nevcairieldoes anyone know what that launcher update was for?
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10:07.48Thunder_Childto update the launcher
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10:14.41zenzelezzno wai
10:20.26Thunder_Childya wai
10:20.42zenzelezzoh kai
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13:13.57phyberif someone could just post "Lifebloom" in that thread, that would be magic :)
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13:19.14|FF|Im2good4uome yeah gief warlocks a main healing abeley >.<
13:21.21|FF|Im2good4uwarlocks still need a "death" debuf that instatly kills the mob or players after 3 mins'
13:21.46Neeblercurse of doom
13:22.01|FF|Im2good4udoesnt kill u
13:22.03|FF|Im2good4ui think
13:22.17LopeppeppySeed of Corruption does, when cast inside Karazhan unwisely....
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13:23.50|FF|Im2good4uanyway is it tru that u cant add / remove content in a drop down menu ?
13:23.59Josh_Borkewhich dropdown menu?
13:24.13LopeppeppyWhat content?
13:26.20|FF|Im2good4uwell any normal dropdown menu :P im thinking of using one in my addon but need to be able to moddify the contents (buttons inside the drop down menu), i though it wasnt posable to remove or add them after its created
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13:27.23Josh_Borkeprobably not with blizzard style
13:27.25Josh_Borkedunno though
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13:29.01k1337orisHi there. anyone Knows how to customize CyCyrcled ingame?
13:29.18Josh_Borkecustomize how?
13:29.36k1337orisehm..need the minimap icon
13:29.51k1337orisor the command for the chat
13:30.12LopeppeppyDid you try just /cycircled ?
13:30.32k1337orisdidnt worked :>
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13:31.18Josh_Borkek1337oris: do you have fubar installed?
13:31.32k1337orisbut this icon is lost too
13:32.12LopeppeppyTry /bar for that one, I think....
13:32.12Josh_Borkek1337oris: where did you get the adodns?
13:32.15k1337orishrhr i got
13:32.29k1337oris./cycircled hide
13:32.41Josh_Borkei thought you said /cycircled didn't work
13:33.47k1337orisanyways cycircled worx...ehm u know how to get the minimapicon of bartender 3?
13:34.06LopeppeppyDoes /bar or /bartender do nothing for you?
13:34.13Josh_Borkedid you try /bt3 or /bartender3 or /bar or /bartender?
13:34.23k1337oris./bar works
13:34.34k1337orisbut i cant find the command fpr minimap
13:34.53Josh_Borke/bar show?
13:34.57LopeppeppyKeep poking at it.  Not like I have a menu here to guide ya through, but it should be in there.
13:36.15k1337orisbar show doesnt work
13:36.35k1337oristryed to delete it and reinstall but doesnt work too
13:36.55Josh_Borkek1337oris: that's because the setting is saved
13:37.10Josh_Borkek1337oris: there's an option in there someone.  it might say something about a plugin or fubar
13:37.12k1337orisin the WTF or?
13:37.23Josh_Borkek1337oris: yes, in the WTF  folder
13:37.49k1337oristhere's an option in there someone.  it might say something about a plugin or fubar
13:37.59k1337oris./bar fubar hide
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13:38.18Josh_Borkeglad to help
13:38.39k1337oriswhat char u guys play?
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13:39.32Josh_Borkei'm a shadow priest
13:40.05k1337orisi play shami :(
13:40.15k1337orisnerfed class nr.1 :<
13:40.30Lopeppeppy.../bar gets me a list of cool options.  "config" is one of them... so /bar config opens me up a sweet little GUI and it's under Fubar Plugin config.
13:41.13TS|SkromWhat's the difference between in-laws and out-laws?
13:41.24TS|SkromOut-laws are "wanted" ^^
13:41.35purlba-dum CHH
13:41.51LopeppeppyGood morning to you too, TS|Skrom.  Did you put extra sugar on your cornflakes or something?
13:42.10TS|SkromI get free pizza and soda paid for by the company today
13:42.16LopeppeppyFor breakfast?
13:42.23TS|SkromI actually had a successful ramparts run on my pally last night
13:42.36LopeppeppyI like Ramparts and Blood Furnace, they're a hoot.
13:42.41TS|SkromI did quite a bit of work on a new addon last night as well, and am pleased with the project so far
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13:43.00TS|Skromand I get to DM my D&D group tonight and I'm excited about what we're up to
13:43.05TS|Skromall in all, it's a pretty rockin day
13:43.06LopeppeppyOkay... so you're in double-afterglow, I guess I can see why you're so perky in the morning.
13:43.18TS|Skromoh and i have a bacon egg and cheese biscuit on my desk waiting for me to devour
13:43.36TS|Skromoh and it's payday
13:43.38LopeppeppyI have a cat on my desk waiting for me to give her another mushroom slice.
13:43.45TS|Skromthough a fair portion of that is going toward the mortgage
13:43.51LopeppeppyHouses.  Bah!
13:44.04LopeppeppyLive in a cardboard box, I says, save on rent and utilities.
13:44.11TS|Skromthankfully my renter pays the majority of that !
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13:45.03|FF|Im2good4umaybe a drop don menu isnt verry good for my addon. is there any simpel way to make a tree type list like u have in your prof window ?
13:45.25Josh_Borkecopy the prof window?
13:45.33|FF|Im2good4uneh that to easy
13:45.58|FF|Im2good4ui dont think that going to work but ill try
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13:52.33cladhaireThree shadow priests in arena, two pew pewing, one healing.. lots of fun :P
13:52.54LopeppeppyIf it makes your life tingly, I say do it more.  :)
13:53.56TS|SkromI'm a little dissatisfied with Buffalo2, the timers get all wonky when you recast a buff (timer moves down attached to the bottom most buff but the icon stays where it was)
13:54.03TS|Skromanyone got any other suggestions?
13:55.14LopeppeppyHuh.  I've always just used regular Buffalo, never really seen that problem with it.
13:55.55TS|SkromI don't suppose CT_Buffmod can run without CT_Core?
13:56.42TS|SkromI liked CT_Buffmod, but CT_Core was redundent when I got prat and questfu
13:56.50|FF|Im2good4uahhh that skill frame is hella confusing >.<
13:57.01TS|Skromthe only thing I kept core for mainly was the chat scrolling and quest tracker anchor
14:02.40Josh_BorkeTS|Skrom: drop prat for mumble imo ;-P
14:02.57Josh_BorkeTS|Skrom: and yes, CT_BuffMod runs witohut core
14:03.30Josh_Borke<3 CTBuffMod
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14:06.30TS|Skrom_good, becuase like I said, I liked buffmod
14:06.39TS|Skrom_how does it configure without core for the GUI?
14:09.32GnancyI second Lopeppeppy with Buffalo1
14:22.31Josh_BorkeTS|Skrom_:  since 2.0 it's done by a configuration library
14:32.40sag_ich_nichthow do i create a slashcommand alias
14:32.40sag_ich_nichtand more specificially, how do i overwrite a /# slashcommand? ><
14:33.15zenzelezz/#? Like the chat channel ones?
14:34.03sag_ich_nichti need to overwrite one.
14:34.14zenzelezzdon't think you can override default slash commands
14:35.16sag_ich_nichtthat. is. dumb.
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14:35.28zenzelezzthat is your opinion
14:35.28Josh_Borkesag_ich_nicht: what are you trying to do?
14:36.03sag_ich_nichtnot much, i have a slash command and i want it to be alias by /8
14:36.59Josh_Borkemake it /eight
14:37.25Josh_Borkeand i don't think it's dumb :-D
14:40.16krkawhy dont you think you can override default bindings?
14:40.26sag_ich_nicht[16:36] <Josh_Borke> make it /eight <--no.
14:40.42sag_ich_nichtQWERTZ keyboard
14:40.46sag_ich_nicht/ is shift + 7
14:41.03zenzelezzI think so because I *think* I read it somewhere
14:41.09zenzelezzif I knew for sure I would say so
14:42.08Josh_Borketry it
14:42.11zenzelezz"Special 'built in' slash commands for chat are handled first." -- from the howto on the wiki. I don't know how many of them this applies to
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14:44.00sag_ich_nichtthe wiki is ooooold :O
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14:47.59krkait's possible you can't... but i am looking at ChatFrame.lua now, and it could be doable with some hooking i think
14:48.42krkapossibly by hooking ChatEdit_ParseText
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14:49.19sag_ich_nichtkrka question is what that would taint :O
14:49.57krkagood point
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15:00.19sag_ich_nichtcauses an endless error flood from thottbot
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15:02.21TS|Skrom_okay I'm torn
15:02.38deltronwhat's /gcinfo?
15:02.41TS|Skrom_work on my new addon project... work on D&D stuffs... or encode Hamlet in my Thespian format
15:02.50TS|Skrom_notice how "do real work" wasn't in the list
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15:03.24Gryphengcinfo is garbage collect info
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15:04.18LopeppeppyHamlet is my choice, TS|Skrom.
15:04.49sag_ich_nichtdeltron: i wanted to do /necb gcinfo
15:04.51sag_ich_nichtbut forgot the /necb
15:04.58sag_ich_nichtwhich caused this crazy behaviour
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15:05.46TS|Skrom_goign to put each actors part in it's own saved variable file then zip the whole thign up and upload it to curse as an "extension" to thespian
15:05.46LopeppeppyYou'll be busy a long time, dear.
15:08.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkkuu (
15:11.09TS|Skrom_hehe SetStatusBarColor(math.random(),math.random(),math.random()) is fun :)
15:11.51LopeppeppyPuce?  Magenta?
15:12.08cog|workI prefer using an HSV calculation :P
15:12.50TS|Skrom_all sorts of neet colors
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15:42.54LopeppeppyI really do hate when search is disabled.
15:42.57TS|Skrom_ugh... why can't I find OnMouseOver?
15:43.09TS|Skrom_does it not exist?
15:43.29zenzelezzwhat exactly do you want, a notification when the mouse enters your frame?
15:43.41TS|Skrom_ohh OnEnter?
15:44.01TS|Skrom_I guess I'm thinking in Javascript again or something
15:47.04zenzelezzOnEnter + OnLeave most likely
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16:10.19LopeppeppyWith cheese.
16:10.20TS|Skrom_BAG_UPDATE isn't called when you loot something?
16:13.39*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
16:13.49TS|Skrom_wait no that doesn't make sense. It's the only event I'm registered for so obviusly it's getting called or my onevent wouldn't work
16:13.54Cairenn|afkand since I know that it'll apply in here, too (for those of you in both channels, sorry for the repeat spam):
16:13.56Cairenn|afkjust for info - we (WoWI) have told Mazzle that we can't and won't support or host or otherwise have anything whatsoever to do with a "pay for" site
16:14.05Cairenn|afkhe asked us if we would be willing to set up a forum or site for it and we said no
16:14.18Cairenn|afkjust thought I'd let you guys know that
16:14.34LopeppeppyOiy.  More Mazzledrama!  *hugs Cairenn*
16:14.58zenzelezz"pay for" site?
16:15.04zenzelezzlimited access thing?
16:15.07Cairenn|afkhe asked us about it weeks ago
16:15.34zenzelezzI voted for the third option
16:15.37Cairenn|afkLopeppeppy: honestly, I'm just sick to death of the whole thing - it's been one headache after another
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16:16.46Cairenn|afknormally I would never say anything like that "publicly", but ...
16:16.56zenzelezzwhy not?
16:17.05zenzelezzwe still lubs joo
16:17.12LopeppeppyCairenn is discreet and professional.  
16:17.23Cairenn|afkbecause I keep my "personal" opinions about things quiet
16:17.26zenzelezzyou can be professional without being discreet
16:17.38|FF|Im2good4udoes every frame exist as userdata ?
16:17.44Cairenn|afkbut at this point, the mess that is MazzleUI is well beyond "personal" feelings
16:18.22LopeppeppyIt's just... ooky.  And I'm on AD with 'em.
16:18.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
16:18.42Cairenn|afknot any more you aren't - he's quit
16:19.11KyahxI still find it hard to believe he hasn't gotten atleast $15 from open donations so far
16:19.21LopeppeppyJust means that General chat will be that much more mazzlecentric for a few weeks.  *shrug*
16:19.24Kyahxhe can afford a wow-account to upkeep his stuff if he wants to be popular
16:20.10TS|Skrom_*palmface* pass your Lua the actual event if you want your OnEvent to actually be able to see it ><
16:20.24TS|Skrom_always forgetting the little things
16:20.39Cairenn|afkanyway, I didn't mean to start a whole bruhaha in here about it either, I just wanted to let the authors whose work is in the compilation know that we (WoWI) aren't supporting this idea
16:20.55zenzelezzbut we like a good bruhaha!
16:21.03LopeppeppyBrewski?  Where?
16:21.04Cairenn|afkhehehe, well, there's that
16:21.14LopeppeppyBruschi....  football season fast approaches.
16:25.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
16:25.58LunessaApproach Logan 5 and Identify.
16:27.50*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
16:28.02art3miswow silly mazzle
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16:29.21art3misif he does end up making a "pay to download" site i think its almostcommunity required that someone make a free mazzle like installer that allows any one to specify layouts and addons for distrobution like mazzles does just to be jerks (think rdx.cid) ;)
16:30.28Lunessa... So Mazzle wants some cash? But he's using other people's code/addons?  *sigh*
16:30.44art3misthats the gist
16:31.00art3mismaking a pay forum site that just happens to have mazzleui for download
16:32.46cog|workLunessa: it's not quite that simple
16:32.55LunessaI don't mind people getting paid to write code, and make packages.  
16:33.22cog|workThere *are* Mazzle-specific addons that took a considerable amount of work
16:33.26LunessaI don't mind cash being forked over for support and bandwidth either.
16:33.48cog|workplus mazzle-specific modifications to some of the 3rd-party mods
16:33.49LunessaI just don't think he should charge for other people's work without sharing.  
16:34.10cog|work(with permission)
16:34.43cog|workHe's not charging for other peoples' work... he's charging for his own. and he doesn't need to share the other peoples' work because they're already shared...
16:35.10LunessaYeah, yet one more reason I've not released any code.  
16:35.20LunessaI'm greedy.  
16:35.23LopeppeppyIt's complex, messy, drama-ridden and unfun no matter which slice of the pie you nibble on.
16:35.24art3misi think that was because you're a jerk?
16:35.59Lunessaart3mis: Oh yeah, that too.
16:35.59art3misdamn ups to hell!
16:36.16art3misorder a laptop yesterday looking at the tracking its IN nyc right now
16:36.18LunessaYes, Lopeppeppy - it's messy.  
16:36.27art3misbut nooooooo they're delaying delivery til next tuesday
16:36.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
16:36.41LunessaAnd cog|work isn't wrong to be saddened or disappointed.  
16:36.55LopeppeppyHarry Potter deliveries are making a complete mess of UPS and all other similar delivery services.
16:37.07*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
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16:37.57Gnancyi am picking up my potter at the store tonight
16:38.29art3misim burning a local barnes and noble when it gets released to cull the gene pool
16:39.00TS|Skrom_this is odd... says my server isn't listed on any of the dns based servers they run through, but my buddy is getting 550 errors from his company email to me...
16:39.18TS|Skrom_as far as I know I've not been listed for months since I had that firewall problem that I took care of
16:42.48TS|Skrom_not listed in any of em
16:49.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
16:51.19Lunessa.. who is this guy who's every post is "get mazzle" ?
16:51.47art3misi love that the cable company has decided everyone needs more speed
16:51.53art3misi can now leech at 1.5MB
16:52.44zenzelezzmy ISP has done that with ADSL over the years
16:53.07zenzelezzwe pay the same now as we did six years ago, but then we had 1024/256, now we have 4000/400
16:54.32art3misyeah was a free magic upgrade a few months ago
16:54.57art3misi think its to piss off the fios verizon people
16:55.11art3miswho are charging premium for 20mbit/3mbit
16:55.33art3miswhere as a minor update to cable puts me at 10mbit/4mbit
16:55.53art3misand i still have the option to spend 10$ more amonth for 30/5
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17:13.50Lopeppeppy.... /wrist
17:17.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
17:19.35LunessaSomeone sneak into her home and add wireless routers...
17:20.43LopeppeppyI dream at night of such heavenly wonders....
17:21.46LunessaIf I had a 40-megabit pipe....
17:23.47LopeppeppyNo way my grandmother would use it to read the newspaper!!
17:24.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies|away (
17:28.50Lunessa... Is high latency really such a huge issue for WoW?  (note, I don't PVP, so I may have never noticed.)
17:29.51zenzelezzdefine high
17:30.56LunessaI'm reading about 400ms.  I mean, I've rarely seen that sort of latency issue, but I'm also not playing transatlantic/pacific.
17:31.15Industrialany place microseconds count, you want it under 50 optimally.
17:31.39zenzelezzI do all right with 200-250ish, but less is preferable of course
17:32.16Industrialor else you have to do things in advance of seeing them happen on screen - without the visual guidelines that make it easier if you'd have a low ping
17:32.46Industrialwich sucks, basically, imho :3
17:33.34LopeppeppyI've found instancing and healing is....  horrible above 250.  I usually run from 150-200 though, so I do okay.
17:34.02Industrialhow about timing rogue energy ticks and shit >_>
17:34.28zenzelezzyou should develop a sense for that before long
17:34.32LopeppeppyMy rogue does not get to raid, so I haven't run into that post TBC.
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17:48.33|FF|Im2good4u - now the RaidInfoTracker_Interface_List_Panel need tobe inside RaidInfoTracker_Interface_List but its at the top left of my screen instead?
17:52.39CairennLopeppeppy: you around per chance?
17:54.41TS|Skrom_ping deltron
17:55.33LopeppeppyStill right here, Cairenn.  *wave*
17:58.40*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
17:59.44TS|Skrom_I know it's all level based, etc, but honestly... where would a Durnholde Sentry in Old Hillsbrad get Netherweave cloth :-/
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18:00.39LunessaWell ... there was limited contact with draenor before the battle at Mt. Hyjal...
18:01.08Lunessa'sides, how ticked would you be if you got runecloth from them?
18:01.24LopeppeppyAnd not all that was once known still is known.. sometimes culture and craft will backslide.  :)
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18:18.09Mr_Rabies2aren't the sentries actually infinite dragonflight?
18:18.37LopeppeppyIn Durnholde?
18:18.56Temnot in durnholde keep, I don't think
18:19.05Temwhich is why thrall bitches the whole time
18:19.08LopeppeppyNo... I think they're just Durnholde Sentries, average alliance humanoid.  The dragonflight is manipulating the hell out of them, but they're still humies.
18:19.09Mr_Rabies2well there's 3 that attack you that turn into dragons
18:19.21LopeppeppyThose are different-specialer.
18:19.24Mr_Rabies2during the endboss fight
18:19.26Temthat's much later
18:19.37Temhe's talking about the ones that are actually _in_ the keep
18:19.48Mr_Rabies2but does that mean that quite a few more infiltrated?
18:19.55LunessaYeah, they're pretty bad-ass too. If the Alliance had more guys of that level and power, the war might have gone very differently.  
18:20.04Mr_Rabies2i mean, they're dragons, they can shapeshift and walk among anyone
18:20.14Temthe first war wouldn't have ended the way it did at all
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18:34.31Skrom|Sarcasmping deltron
18:37.03deltronTS|Skrom: howdy
18:37.56CairennI love how everyone instantly becomes a lawyer on internet ... /roll eyes
18:38.48Cairennand with that comment ... /me runs out the door again
18:39.21Josh_Borkebye cairenn
18:40.14Lunessa... IANAL... but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express...
18:40.48EndIANAL ... but I know how to ride a bicycle...
18:41.22deltronIANAL ... but I play one on the internets
18:44.22Josh_BorkeCairenn: i have a complaint about wowi
18:44.24Josh_Borkeor a question
18:45.55EndShe ran out the door.
18:49.14*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
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18:53.51art3misi believe shes actually on a long bungie cord attached to a car outside
18:54.06art3misshe runs in for a short time fights the pull but eventually gets snapped back outside
18:54.30art3misyour pick
18:54.50LopeppeppyI'll get her a box cutter for Xmas to set herself free.
18:55.01art3miswould seem like asensible gift
18:55.16art3misperhaps you should not wrap it up though and lfy to her place to present it in person
18:55.39LopeppeppyYeah.  Right.
18:55.56LopeppeppyAlways wrap sharp objects with a ribbon and a penny so as not to cut the bonds of friendship.  Duh.
18:56.11art3misi was gonna also suggest rushing to the airport for your flight right after you washed your hair and had it upin a towel
18:56.29art3misso you'd look your best of course
18:56.43LunessaLopeppeppy: ... do you always give wallets with cash in them?
18:56.54LunessaIf so, will you add me to your X-mas list?
18:57.06LopeppeppyIf a penny is cash, sure....
18:57.07art3misonly to the nice men who offer to let him keep breathing on long night walks ;P
18:57.40art3mishas anyone seen cowboy bebop knocking on heavens door?
18:57.42Lunessapennies = cash.  
18:57.56LopeppeppyPennies do add up, after a while.
18:58.07art3misso doesraw copper piping
18:58.17art3mishowever one is A LOT easier to convert into bills
18:58.32art3misand is easier to roll
18:58.36LopeppeppyI have a metal recycler only an exit up the highway.  Easy to convert copper pipe into cash.
18:58.56art3mishehe take a bag of ennies to the bank sometime and compare the wait times ;P
18:59.52art3misanyways in bebop when you get hit by this nano machine gas thingy you start seeing yellow butterflies at the edge of your vision
18:59.59art3misand its a sign that your dying
19:00.15LopeppeppyI use the CoinStar, no wait.  Just 5 cents from every dollar... I can live with that fee.
19:00.18art3misthe drug lunesta uses green butterflies in the same sorta way ;P
19:00.43art3misdude you have to use money part it's only 3 buck on a hun!
19:00.49art3miserr mart
19:03.42LunessaI need a cheeseburger.
19:04.05clad|afkLopeppeppy: If you get an gift card, you don't get charged at all
19:06.28LopeppeppyThat's true, Cladhaire.  And when my male is with me, he reminds me of that and goes shopping with it later.  If it's just me, I get the little slip to give to the cashier and just go with it.
19:06.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
19:09.37[Cu]weriKCan anyone help me out with templates? Fightning with these wowwiki examples since a while, not much success
19:09.44clad|afkwhich template?
19:10.34[Cu]weriKI'm trying to take it easy, made a simple button template, cant really inherit it
19:10.51foxlitvirtual="true" ?
19:11.06clad|afkyou make one with a name, that has virtual="true"
19:11.15clad|afkand then you use inherits="WhateverNameYouUsedBefore"
19:11.16clad|afkto inherit it
19:11.27foxlitYou can post your code if you want to :)
19:11.35clad|afkbeyond that, we'll need to see the code
19:11.46[Cu]weriKinherits= or inherit=?
19:12.15[Cu]weriKmkay, that explains some things i guess
19:12.43foxlitYou can check Logs/FrameXML.log to see if your XML file parses fine :)
19:12.52foxlitThat'd probably pick up wrongly named parameters
19:14.02[Cu]weriKOh well, I thought of many things except that wowwiki has is wrong. Works now, thanks :)
19:14.27clad|afki'll make sure to cover that in the book
19:15.15[Cu]weriKEvil wowwiki, seriously
19:15.28clad|afksrsly :P
19:15.52foxlitLink some page :)
19:15.52LopeppeppyYou'd think that people who find errors would update the wiki.  *pokepoke*
19:15.56[Cu]weriKim updating it;P
19:16.09foxlitXML user interface, dammit
19:17.22Lopeppeppy*cheer [Cu]weriK*
19:18.29sag_ich_nichtam i allowed to say spoilers 1 second after midnight... i mean technicially it's out then and not a spoiler anymore. :O
19:18.42art3misyou can saythem now
19:18.49art3misi wont be offended ;P
19:18.59sag_ich_nichtmaybe you won't be
19:19.33art3miswell so far im the only one thats answered you so my weight to the quesiton is at maximum potential ;P
19:19.35foxlitDumbledore lied, Vader is Harry's faster.
19:19.42art3mishis faster?!
19:19.49art3misi totally didnt see THAT coming
19:19.56clad|afksag_ich_nicht: I will cunt-kick you
19:19.59clad|afkin the face
19:20.13LopeppeppyI'm soooo aggressively disinterested in the whole "ruin it for everyone because it's funny" thing.  I'll catch people on Monday, when this is not an issue.
19:20.16*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
19:21.51art3missag ypou just need tobe a bit crafty likesay "so iw as working on blah blahthe other day and i noticed that a valid point from x->y seems to be only one way happy potter eats his toast with the left hand, so i was wondering if anyone had any input on this
19:22.23deltronharry's magic is really midichlorians
19:22.54art3misi cant even ruin harry potter for everyone because to do so would reauire me to learn something about it
19:23.08art3misand i dont find it at all readable
19:23.35deltronI found it really boring
19:23.46deltronbut that said, it's a kid's book
19:23.49foxlitColbert's spoilers were <3
19:24.46foxlitOh wow
19:24.52foxlitThursday brought more HP comedycentral content.
19:25.42sag_ich_nicht[21:19] <@clad|afk> sag_ich_nicht: I will cunt-kick you
19:25.42sag_ich_nicht[21:19] <@clad|afk> in the face
19:25.44sag_ich_nichtso that means
19:25.50sag_ich_nichtyou want conilingus?
19:25.53cladhairedon't try to understand it
19:25.56cladhairejust be afraid :P
19:26.02sag_ich_nichtam not.
19:26.23foxlitWow, that video is win
19:27.18sag_ich_nichti could give you a youtube link
19:27.23sag_ich_nichtthat has all the spoilers in one neat video
19:27.39sag_ich_nichtbut i wouldn't recommend linking it here
19:27.47sag_ich_nichtmight get cladhaire angry :P
19:29.08art3misheh perfect!
19:29.13art3misill tiny url it later;P
19:29.33Josh_Borkecladdy waddy is always angry
19:29.47art3mishes got cms
19:30.08Josh_Borkebecause he's jealous of us
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19:32.04art3misbut its a medical business, you go to the doctor shop
19:32.23art3miswatching the colbert thing
19:33.04Industrialwhat colbert thing
19:34.02art3mismain page of comedy central
19:34.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem|Work (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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19:34.08art3mishis interview with michael moore
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19:35.10art3misoh yeah i saw that a few weeks ago
19:35.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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19:37.46art3missome car that runs on the tears of children
19:42.05Industrialthat sounds really colbert.
19:42.41art3misjohn olivers harry potter report
19:42.57art3misin answer to johns quesiton of why spomeone would releases it and ruin it for everyone ;)
19:44.05sag_ich_nichtrelease it?
19:44.08sag_ich_nichtscene fame
19:44.13sag_ich_nichtalso so we can read the book earlier
19:44.20sag_ich_nichtdelaying the release like this just for hype
19:44.22sag_ich_nichtand dumb
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20:25.10Industrialpff harry potter. go read Ian M. Banks or Katherine Kerr or Chris Wooding :P
20:25.45IndustrialI just read the first book of Deverry - vrey nice
20:26.25Cidewhat's wrong with harry potter?
20:27.18[Cu]weriKIt exsists?
20:27.27Cidedon't be silly
20:30.28buuIt's hideously cliched?
20:30.38zenzelezzit's not my kind of book, but there's nothing wrong about it either
20:30.58buuzenzelezz: Sure, it's just not worth of the ridiculous hype.
20:31.20zenzelezzthat's no different than anything else
20:31.30zenzelezzeverything gets overhyped today
20:33.19Cidebuu: well, people seem to like clichés then :)
20:34.22buuCide: Sure.
20:34.43Cideoverhyped? I don't know
20:35.04zenzelezz"overhyped" just means those that aren't interesting get annoyed by it
20:35.14zenzelezzfunky typo
20:36.06buuzenzelezz: Probably, yes.
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21:24.00AnduinLothar:) css is cood when it wants to be. <3 resizable web pages
21:25.17foxlitIsn't that doable with tables?
21:25.31cog|workfoxlit: that's not the point
21:25.43cog|worktables aren't "supposed" to be used for that kind of thing...
21:25.59foxlitCare level: minimal
21:26.21AnduinLotharit is possible with tables, that's how i did the borders and things in
21:27.04AnduinLotharbut as you can see the code for the tab;es one is a lot more messy
21:29.48AnduinLotharplus i've upgraded to pngs now that IE can handle then decently. when i wrote that main page 4 or 5 years ago IE had no decent transparency
21:30.14AnduinLotharalso back then there was no possible way to do streachable horazontal gradients
21:30.31foxlitIE6 still has more browsershare than most other things, I think
21:30.48AnduinLotharright 70% or so
21:31.15AnduinLothari make sure everythign works on ie, but that doesn't mean i liek it or use ie-only features
21:35.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|mirc (
21:43.33AnduinLotharwow. IE fails at scaling pngs
21:43.45AnduinLotharguess i'll have to manually resize it
21:45.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (
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21:46.45IndustrialIE? whats that?
21:47.01IndustrialI should block IE from my site.
21:48.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
21:48.58foxlitYou should burn.
21:49.28foxlitWell, maybe not :)
21:54.53*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick_ (
21:55.29Industrialghe ghe did it
21:57.10foxlitI'd check, but hey, I can't be bothered
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23:53.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (

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