IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070716

00:04.36*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
00:04.36*** topic/#wowi-lounge is #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 Toc: 20100 | RTFPN please | TC tells puns too, we have proof: "...we were..."Testing the waters" so to speak"
00:05.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
00:24.48Mr_Rabies2are there any addons out there that calculate proc percentage and stuff?
00:25.07Mr_Rabies2procwatch is really really out of date, as far as i can tell
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00:31.47Mr_Rabies2i just would like more addons to give me more factual stats on combat
00:32.12Mr_Rabies2like recap, but without the huge memory usage unless it's been totally overhauled recently on its 5th or so author
00:32.41ThraeMr_Rabies2: Violation is good for yourself, Assessment is the SWStats-type mod.
00:32.57Mr_Rabies2i just mean me
00:33.54Mr_Rabies2i really loved recap back in the day
00:34.02Mr_Rabies2but it ate a decent amount of resources THEN
00:34.11Mr_Rabies2comparatively now it has to eat a bunch
00:34.30Mr_Rabies2especially since it's gone through so many authors fixing it without really overhauling it
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00:42.20dnmcgoyhi all
00:44.31Mr_Rabies2does violation check weapon procs and stuff too, thrae?
00:44.45ThraeMr_Rabies2: Honestly, I've never used it.
00:44.57Mr_Rabies2~lart Thrae
00:44.57purlfarts in Thrae's general direction
00:46.26Mr_Rabies2actually, thrae
00:46.37Mr_Rabies2Violation is basically a remake of damagemeters
00:46.44Mr_Rabies2like, almost exactly
00:46.47Mr_Rabies2but with gradients
00:47.42ThraeMr_Rabies2: Yeah, but it doesn't have sync'ing. That's what Assessment is for...or maybe it's the other way around. I always get the two confused.
00:48.13ThraeSo, uh, either Assessment or Violation is exactly what you want. Assessment can give you a -crap load- of data, much more then even Recap does.
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00:48.25Mr_Rabies2i want like
00:48.37Mr_Rabies2Proc rates, % of damage from x, etc
00:48.53ThraeMr_Rabies2: Assessment should be able to do that...
00:49.07Mr_Rabies2i may use violation but if it has no syncing then nuts to that
00:49.16Mr_Rabies2it's basically a pretty damagemeters with less functionality
00:50.02ThraeMr_Rabies2: Look at Assessment then
00:50.07Mr_Rabies2will do
00:50.09Mr_Rabies2ace based?
00:50.24Mr_Rabies2just wanna know where to check
00:50.30Mr_Rabies2yep it is
00:51.31Mr_Rabies2nevermind, violation DOES have syncing
00:52.02Mr_Rabies2so it's just pretty damagemeters with less gui options atm and more command line
00:53.12Mr_Rabies2oh damn nevermin
00:53.16Mr_Rabies2all the config is fubar
00:53.18Mr_Rabies2i feel bad now
00:53.24Mr_Rabies2this is awesome
00:54.11Mr_Rabies2it looks like it has a built in threat meter too
00:54.13Mr_Rabies2this is like
00:54.35Mr_Rabies2it's great :P
00:54.39Mr_Rabies2thanks for suggesting it man
01:02.24MentalPowerHow do you change the format the screenshots are saved in?
01:02.40cladhairethere's a CVar
01:02.50MentalPowerI know, which one
01:03.00MentalPowerits not defined in my
01:03.20cladhaireSET screenshotFormat "PNG"
01:03.31MentalPowerthanks clad
01:03.47ThraeMentalPower: The only contains what is set through the UI -- it does not contain --all-- the variables.
01:04.23MentalPowerI know, I was just saying that it was not there for me to change easily
01:06.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
01:08.17MentalPowerbah, the windows client does not support PNG screenies
01:08.19Mr_Rabies2wow assessment does have everything
01:08.27Mr_Rabies2except scaling
01:08.31Mr_Rabies2for the windows
01:17.14*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
01:20.53Mr_Rabies2that seems like so obvious the guy will probably kick himself when he realizes he hasn't put scaling it yet
01:29.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
01:31.38Corrodiasassessment? what does this do?
01:31.56Corrodiasalso: it looks like the latest version of recount no longer lets you turn off the "use global textures" for bars option
01:34.24Corrodiasassessment analyzes combat, i take it? currently, recap is my favorite addon for that
01:38.37FinMr_Rabies: got a URL?
01:40.26Fincladhaire: what does it mean if noone replies to a post in the Site help / feedback forum?
01:40.31cladhairewhat post?
01:40.37cladhaireit means no one looked at it most likely
01:43.39Fin and
01:43.51FinI only ever posted once there before, and noone ever replied to that, either, bah
01:44.17Finit's fixed now, but for ages the paging was broken if you used nonstandard ordering
01:44.39Finsad Fin
01:44.52Fin that was it :)
01:45.14Finwho the hell came up with the forum ranks? they're awesome
01:46.06Cairennsorry Fin
01:46.31Fincladhaire: it's no big deal, I was just wondering if no replies meant "we're looking at it" or noone'd seen it, or that I was wearing my invisible hat again
01:47.02Shirikso, my IRC client, I'm thinking about adding the capability to add scripts to it through Lua
01:47.05Cairennif it is in the Feedback forum, it has been looked at, guaranteed
01:47.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
01:47.23Finit's OK Cairenn, I know it's a lot of work running a site like that
01:47.27FinOK, spiffy
01:47.48*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
01:47.49Finsorry, I do apologise if I was wrong about this - cladhaire, are you not an admin of WoWI?
01:47.53Finhi ck
01:48.12Shirikshe's a mod :)
01:48.14Finu p
01:48.14Shirikor he
01:48.17Cairennhe's a moderator, you weren't wrong to talk to him, I was kinda afk
01:48.25FinOK, good stuff
01:48.37Cairennbut came back, saw the conversation and jumped in - sorry clad
01:48.42cladhaireno prblem
01:48.44cladhairewas mid boss
01:48.45cladhaireI'm a he.
01:48.47cladhaireand i'm a mod
01:48.50cladhairei hate you shirik
01:48.52Finincidentally, got any jobs going? do you make enough money to hire people? I'm worth the money, honest
01:49.24ShirikCairenn's worth the money too
01:49.25KirovAre there any curse moderators that frequent this channel anymore?
01:49.38ShirikI'm just kidding don't kill me!!
01:50.03CairennFin: I could wish =/
01:50.30FinI have an idea to make lots and lots of money from WoW
01:50.54FinI'm going to be super-rich, and popular too, and my penis will probably grow as well
01:51.14Shirikmake an addon that acts as a daily calendar
01:51.21Shirikpictures, daily pictures
01:51.37Shirikseed each server
01:51.48Shirikmembership charge
01:51.52Shirikit would do all of those things
01:52.01ShirikAnd I know just the female to get you those pictures
01:52.18Finyour sister?
01:52.21FinI didn't know she was into that
01:52.29Fin... BOOM
01:52.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
02:04.11Mr_Rabies2Thrae, as much as i appreciate your suggestions of assessment and violation, they're not what i really was looking for
02:04.22*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:04.22Mr_Rabies2i guess i'll check out recap again
02:04.33Mr_Rabies2for some reason it's on the ace updater, did someone ace it @_@
02:05.34KirovRecap has been using Ace2 for a while
02:06.17KirovEver since Gello dropped it, the two major offshoots started using ParserLib
02:06.30Mr_Rabies2i haven't used it since gello dropped it really
02:06.37Mr_Rabies2i used a couple fan updates and hated them
02:06.45XuerianRecap was the best :(
02:07.25XuerianRecap, Sprocket and Yatlas: Most unfortunate MIA's
02:07.26KirovRecount's pie charts are cool
02:08.02KirovSprocket's author quit WoW in the belief that Sprocket was no longer possible.
02:08.04XuerianKirov: Yeah, I know.
02:08.43KirovIt's unfortunate too since Sprocket was entirely possible after 2.0.
02:08.55XuerianApparently it's not
02:09.00KirovIt is
02:09.03XuerianNot completely anyway
02:09.11XuerianOr extremely hard
02:09.14XuerianOr something <_<
02:10.13KirovThe main issue was he'd just finished optimizing his code to use the fewest possible frames, and post 2.0 required all possible frames existed all the time.
02:10.17XuerianI know SecurePie was implemented, and it's extremely unfortunate that he left right before it was put in
02:10.52XuerianAh, that was the reason?
02:11.05XuerianShows my lack of knowledge of the situation :P
02:12.01KirovI think he was just done with Sprocket, he finished it in his eyes, and Blizzards changes made all that work worthless.
02:12.20XuerianThat's what I thought too; Right as he had gotten it working almost flawlessly, bam, secureshit >_<
02:14.22KirovKinda' like MazzleUI, she finally finished that and released it 3 days before the 2.0 patch.
02:14.46KirovThough, amazingly, she redid the whole thing from scratch and re-released it
02:15.36XuerianYeah, that was a pretty big feat, even though I'm not too keen on the whole idea. Was on the same server as her and saw her around though, so it was interesting
02:16.19KirovMazzleUI is by far the most impressive UI compilation to come out of (basically) a single person.
02:16.43Shirikif you can call a compilation to be from a single person
02:16.52XuerianYeah, I completely agree there.
02:18.07KirovThe addons might be originally written by many different people, but some of the more popular compilations seem to have those addons modified in some way.
02:18.19KirovUsually to match some consistent visual theme.
02:18.22XuerianShirik: Of course not the addons themselves, hell, XLoot is in there. But getting it all to work together in more or less a unified and distributable UI along with whatever modifications is a pretty big work
02:18.53KirovMazzleUI went the step further to make them auto-configure themselves with out needing to do anything fancy with the WTF folder.
02:19.45cladhairethats a huge step tho
02:20.06KirovWhich is why I think MazzleUI is so cool
02:20.16ShirikI will stay out of this discussion
02:20.21Shirikotherwise bad things will happen
02:22.44Kirovnot a fan of Mazzle?
02:23.09Shirikthat's a bit of an understatement. The UI is great, I won't deny that
02:23.17Shadowedhe's said some things that make people hate him
02:23.18Shirikbut there are other... issues
02:23.20XuerianI have mixed feelings about the whole thing too, but it doesn't necessarily keep me from acknowledging the work that went into it
02:33.08Finbtw, Shirik - you said you had problems with
02:33.16Shirikon dialup yeah
02:33.21ShirikI don't know why, it might be the isp
02:33.26*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:34.11Finhave you tried just putting a + at the end of the URL? eg,
02:36.16Nom-I'd use MazzleUI If I was running widescreen
02:36.20Shirikwow that's awesome
02:36.23ShirikI didn't know you could do that
02:36.25Nom-It seems too crampt for non-widescreen
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02:42.26ckknightcool, Fin
02:47.43Shiriktake care guys
02:48.31*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy2 (
02:50.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Fin (
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04:03.37Nom-n00bs in the forums complaining because blizzard changed some sound/audio stuff
04:03.57Nom-I else are they going to impliment voice chat? :P
04:20.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
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04:32.42Corrodiasi need to get my credit card limit raised
04:32.46Corrodiasso i can order a new monitor
04:39.37*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
04:41.19Kaydeethreebleeter, ping. the ptr loads if I disable alsa in winecfg.
04:41.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
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06:32.49krkaMentalPower: what?
06:33.56MentalPowerprivate server on your scrennie :)
06:35.43krkajust for developing purposes
06:36.17WobworkI want a development server
06:36.21Wobworkthat can reboot every day
06:36.28Wobworkbut doesn't have the weekly maintenence
06:46.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
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07:01.33Nom-As much as Blizz hates it, I actually want a private server I can run... just so i can explore the new dungeons, even though the mobs and bosses will be completely different
07:01.40Nom-At least I could have a look ^_^
07:02.31Nom-And I must admit, the prospect of being a level 255 warlock sounds interesting :P
07:03.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
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07:58.33Jadrieanyone awake this hour in here?
07:58.56Punkie`this hour is 9am
07:59.03zenzelezztry asking anyway
07:59.40Jadrielol, here it's 4 am =D
07:59.49Corrodiasi'm awake
07:59.54Jadriewas wondering if anyone wanted to trade Gatherable Report data
08:00.21JadrieI've got 4710 nodes, and was gonna see about expanding that a little for my guild
08:00.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
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08:09.30*** topic/#wowi-lounge is #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 Toc: 20100 | RTFPN please | TC tells puns too, we have proof: "...we were..."Testing the waters" so to speak"
08:17.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
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09:39.05|FF|Im2good4ua new update of wow ui desinger would be nice :P
09:44.27*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
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10:41.42|FF|Im2good4udoes anyone know a addon or lib for transfering your data to guild members ?
11:12.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Ins- (n=sam@
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11:43.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
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13:11.29foxlit#1: link dead pages? :)
13:12.43foxlit#100, tbh
13:13.31zenzelezzfoxlit: well the site loaded fine for me, and I'd never visited it before
13:14.02foxlitDoes it still load? :)
13:14.18zenzelezzfoxlit: yes, it does
13:17.01foxlit93 is odd
13:17.58LopeppeppyAs in... "I should not decide to do that, because it will lead to my doom.  I will hold only separate executions."  It's just more poorly worded than the others.
13:18.21Josh_Borke#60 is cute
13:20.03Wobin#50 =)
13:20.08WobinIf only the aliens thought of that!
13:20.37WobinI like #99
13:20.38LopeppeppyI'm thinking the inspirations were... Star Wars, Beast Master and Independence Day.
13:21.18Wobin"No matter how tempted I am with the prospect of unlimited power, I will not consume any energy field bigger than my head."
13:21.24WobinWords we can -all- live by! =)
13:22.13LopeppeppyI would never eat anything bigger than my head, unless it should happen to be a lobster or a chocolate-item.
13:25.43*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|book (
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13:57.30|FF|Im2good4uhmm that devtools does work nice :P
14:01.02cog|bookanyone know what UnitIsPVPSanctuary is for?
14:02.41foxlitstair of destiny
14:03.13foxlitThere are zones where you can't attack a PvP-enabled target
14:03.28mikmafoxlit: yeah. like, shattrath
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14:03.43Josh_Borkestair of destiny? o.O  where's that?
14:03.54ts|skrom_outland side of the dark portal
14:03.56LopeppeppyAs you come into Outlands from Blasted Lands, IIRC
14:04.32clad|bookthere are a few sanctuaries
14:05.02clad|bookbut it looks like it means a.) the unit is flagged PvP, and b.) the unit is in a sanctuary zone and cannot be attacked.
14:11.08ts|skrom_no wiki today?
14:11.12sag_ich_nichtgod, now you're reading both? :O
14:12.01sag_ich_nichtcogwheel suggestion for you to post, getplayerstatus() to get the AFK or DND message of a given player(no, wouldn't require server sided saving, just a bit of whisper addon comm usage from the blizz interface) :P
14:16.06cog|booksag_ich_nicht: would you mind PMing me on about it? I have to head out to work now and will most definitely forget :P
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14:41.56|FF|Im2good4uu know in shatt i can kill npc's :P that are pvp :P
14:42.27|FF|Im2good4uim scryter and i can kill the lowbie npc of aldor that are standing below near the elevator :P
14:42.41|FF|Im2good4ui dont even loose honer :P
14:42.56LopeppeppyYes, you can kill NPC's in Shattrath.  *shrug*
14:43.20LopeppeppyYou can kill NPC's anywhere you want to, if you get the right vantage point.
14:45.08|FF|Im2good4uyes but u know in shatt u cant hatrdly kill anything at all not even the chickens :P
14:46.28LopeppeppyIf you stand in the right places, you can kill whatever you want.  Just don't go say "hello" up on the other faction tier.
14:46.49LopeppeppyI'm on an RP server and people clear out the bank NPC's all the time, it's annoying.  But if we can figure it out, any server can.
14:55.55clad|bookWowLua released
14:56.19krkarenamed wowpad?
14:56.36Josh_Borkeclad|book: <3
14:56.44zenzelezzseems people can't agree on Lunacy card prices yet... one Eight for 10-12g, one for 450-550g
14:57.12LopeppeppyThe new cards have pretty wild price schemes, ya.
14:58.14krka<3 indeed
14:58.21krkai'll even go so far as to say <2
15:00.31clad|book(Please note, the infinite loop detection is EXTREMELY limited and will not work in all situations (especially if you loadstring() a function, or do something else nefarious to get around it). This functionality is only included to prevent casual mistakes, not to serve as a true sandbox for the environment. (This means your Shirik)
15:00.34krka< -infinite
15:01.17krkahas someone made a seemless zoomable world map addon yet?
15:01.36clad|bookYatlas has the googlemaps of wow
15:01.39clad|bookits so sexy
15:01.41clad|bookif that's what you mean
15:01.58Josh_Borkescreenshot or it didn't happen
15:03.16Josh_Borkeyea, that's pretty sexy
15:03.17krkathat's nifty
15:03.27clad|bookits very fun in-game
15:03.31krkadont see any zoom
15:03.38clad|booksame as gmaps
15:03.44krkawhat if you dont have a mouse wheel???
15:03.52clad|booklrn2mousewheel =)
15:04.08LopeppeppyBuy a new mouse-mouse.
15:04.12krkamaybe i could use that for autotravel... hm
15:04.40clad|bookvery possible =)
15:04.46clad|booki dont know how/where he gets the textures from
15:04.47clad|booki should look :P
15:04.58krkaextracted from wow probably
15:05.26clad|bookis there any way to do that dynamically, without needing to extract or anything?
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15:09.56krkadont think so
15:10.12krkahm, unless you reference the underlying texture directly
15:13.04cog|worksag_ich_nicht: "p.s.: there is a bug in AutoDND that always sets me to DND when I log in. :P"   <-- That's the point of the addon :P  Or do you mean it happens even if you're not DND when you log out?
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15:19.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
15:21.10Valaron|WorkBlech.. Morning.
15:22.36LopeppeppyMblargleyargh.  Coffee?
15:23.04Valaron|WorkOoh. I have cash. Time to get some :P
15:24.37LopeppeppySee?  Cash, coffee, cohesion.
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15:44.02Valaron|WorkI am searching the UI/M forum for my name. I always seem to be the thread stopper whenever I post something.
15:44.33LopeppeppyI get that sometimes too.  It's either because we answered the question, or because the poster gave up and went away.
15:44.47Josh_Borkei think it's because you chased them away
15:45.59LopeppeppyIdiots deserve to be chased from the forums.  Honest questions deserve thorough answers.  Everyone wins.
15:47.06Valaron|WorkAre anyone on the 2.2 PTR?
15:47.56Valaron|WorkWill the in-game VOIP work with bluetooth headsets?
15:48.05LopeppeppyNot on the PTR yet.
15:48.16LopeppeppyAs in, I'm on there yet to check, sorry for being unclear.  :)
15:48.28clad|bookValaron|Work: Bluetooth is an os level thing
15:48.28nevcairieli suppose it will work with anything that can be used a sound in/out
15:48.37clad|bookyou set the in./out tho, as nevcairielsaid
15:49.04Valaron|WorkTime to pull out the old adapter.
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16:13.01Nom-Just won the roll on a BOE epic
16:14.06*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
16:14.13Nom-There's a nice chunk of mount money right there
16:14.41lolinternet[17:13] <cog|work> sag_ich_nicht: "p.s.: there is a bug in AutoDND that always sets me to DND when I log in. :P"   <-- That's the point of the addon :P  Or do you mean it happens even if you're not DND when you log out? <--correct, it's even setting DND wh
16:14.51lolinternetdamnit, something fell on my keyboard
16:15.07sag_ich_nicht[17:13] <cog|work> sag_ich_nicht: "p.s.: there is a bug in AutoDND that always sets me to DND when I log in. :P"   <-- That's the point of the addon :P  Or do you mean it happens even if you're not DND when you log out? <--correct, it's even setting DND when i logged out with no DND
16:15.55*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
16:16.16cog|workhmm... I haven't had that problem myself... Before you log out, check out what AutoDNDSV.enabled is set to...
16:16.30sag_ich_nichtwill do :)
16:16.59cog|workalso, if you're using a non-english WoW, the AFK code might be failing since it checks for "You are no longer AFK."
16:17.11sag_ich_nichti'm using enGB :)
16:17.13clad|bookcog|work: why not use the globalstring?
16:17.35cog|workclad|book: I didn't think the global string was used by the CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM
16:17.57clad|book*shrug* dunno :P
16:18.01cog|workI figured the message was created C-side
16:18.31sag_ich_nichtclad doesn't like my suggestion btw, what do you think of it? :P
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16:19.33clad|booki just dont think you'll find blizzard wanting to use client to client messages to accomplish something
16:19.45clad|booki agree it would be nice to not have to bother them to get their away message
16:20.21sag_ich_nicht[18:19] <@clad|book> i just dont think you'll find blizzard wanting to use client to client messages to accomplish something <--well storing it serversided would cause more server load than that tho :P
16:22.00clad|bookits not the server load, its the difficulty of implementing new API that has server comms
16:22.08clad|bookand what slouken is and isn't willing to do :
16:23.45sag_ich_nichtso what you are arguing about is just a matter of new jersey style versus MIT style :P
16:24.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:24.16clad|bookno, i'm basing my objections off what slouken has said in the past, whats available, and what the default UI would prefer to do.
16:24.23sag_ich_nicht(with a certain amount of assumed lazy- and busyess involved)
16:24.31clad|bookYou want to implement a Peer to peer handler in the default UI.  I sincerely doubt you'll ever see Blizzard move in that direction.
16:24.46clad|bookI'm not objecting, just stating an educated opinion
16:24.53clad|bookthat just gets really dirty really quickly
16:28.23sag_ich_nichtactually storing the message on the server might not be such a bad idea, you could check the afk message of someone before he went offline or something :O
16:28.23sag_ich_nichtor even define a new state of quit :P
16:28.23sag_ich_nicht(okay now i'm thinking too irc like, i know)
16:28.23clad|bookthen the difficulty there is an API function that requres server communications you won't see appear anytime soon, unless the default UI has a good reason to use it.
16:28.23sag_ich_nichtto-do lists can be pretty long
16:28.23sag_ich_nichtbut the earlier you add something the earlier it gets implemented, so requesting it now may cause it to be implemented in 3.0 instead of lets say 4.0 :P
16:28.23cog|workI'll add the generic request for a way to get DND message to the list... Not going to suggest an implementation though. And they can always say "NO" :)
16:28.46sag_ich_nicht[18:28] <cog|work> I'll add the generic request for a way to get DND message to the list... Not going to suggest an implementation though. And they can always say "NO" :) <--solves the problem. should be AFK and DND tho, not just DND ;)
16:28.47Josh_Borkehm, there is already API for server communication.  GM tickets are saved across toons
16:34.43clad|bookJosh_Borke: You're assuming too much.
16:35.00clad|bookthere/'s also server communications for guild roster, etc.
16:35.16clad|bookthat doesn't mean there is a generalized server communication api that can be used for this
16:35.31Josh_Borkethat's true
16:35.55Josh_Borkeok, bye all
16:38.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ts|skrom_ (n=TS|
16:39.21ts|skrom_when a friend is afk or dnd doesn't it say <afk> on the friends list?
16:39.29clad|bookyes, but you can't get the message
16:39.46clad|bookwithout sending them a message :P
16:39.50clad|bookhopefull it gets added, would be nice
16:40.29ts|skrom_this is odd
16:40.37ts|skrom_my firewall is reporting "trouble contacting your wan route"
16:40.47ts|skrom_but obviously I'm connected to the wan just fine...
16:40.55sag_ich_nichtTS|Skrom details of the firewall please
16:41.10ts|skrom_I'll get right on that >.>
16:41.16sag_ich_nichtno i mean
16:41.24sag_ich_nichtis it a software or hardware firewall? :P
16:41.54TS|SkromI had some trouble this morning getting my remote users in
16:42.14sag_ich_nichtremote users? oooooh, wait, nvm, okay so you know what you are doing :)
16:42.15TS|Skromeventually rebooted the firewall and the t1 which prolly lead to the message
16:42.27TS|Skrombut they are coming in, and we are going out and it's giving that message O.o
16:42.29sag_ich_nichtmaybe the ISP router is being a jerk? :P
16:42.35TS|SkromI'm not gonna touch it lol, since it's working
16:42.37sag_ich_nichtICMP blocking? :P
16:42.42LopeppeppyUpset to not have shared the peanuts in the reboot?
16:42.43TS|SkromI don't care if it says the world is ending as long as it works
16:43.02sag_ich_nichtthat's the wrong approach imho
16:43.06TS|Skromwell the isp router is just set for passthrough
16:43.19sag_ich_nichtjust like "i'll never add security updates until i get an intrusion"
16:43.26sag_ich_nichtwhich reminds me
16:43.28TS|Skromwell no see that IS a bad approach lol
16:43.28sag_ich_nichtpatch time :O
16:43.42sag_ich_nichtyours is also a bad approach :P
16:43.48TS|Skrombut if it's working I'm not going to care if the firewall (that I suspect might be failing anyway) is giving a false error
16:44.02Lopeppeppy"If it ain't broke, don't fix it"  isn't the same as "if it needs patching, patch it".  You can do both.
16:44.15sag_ich_nichtthrow it away and replace it with a openbsd box running pf :P
16:45.04sag_ich_nichtwhat the bloody hell
16:45.04sag_ich_nichtcreative released new drivers for my soundcard?
16:45.07sag_ich_nichtthat's the first time... in about 4 years.
16:45.18LopeppeppyResponse to Vista?
16:45.40sag_ich_nichtlemme see if it completely breaks my audio system
16:46.13LopeppeppyRemember that 2.2 has huge sound changes... so you may yet see a "break".  I thank the gods for driver roll back sometimes.
16:46.59sag_ich_nichtcan only get better
16:47.14sag_ich_nichtWTB 5.1 environmental sounds
16:47.18LopeppeppyKnock on wood, my friend, 'cause that's not true.
16:47.36sag_ich_nichtworse is better
16:47.42sag_ich_nichtit gives me a reason to try and fix it
16:48.09TS|Skromwhy DOES accept trade require a hardware event? if someone's stupid enough to download a mod that will give all their gold away then meh, more gold for me
16:48.12sag_ich_nichtwhich leads to an overall system improvement since i'll probably stumble upon a million other problems in the process of that, which i'm too lazy to investigate until then
16:48.26sag_ich_nichtTS|Skrom because of exactly what you said.
16:48.47TS|Skrombut but... there's so many good uses it could have to be blocked across the board :(
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16:48.57LopeppeppyTS|Skrom -- I think to help prevent a few of the scam reports.  It's like... adding the confirmation to the Master Looter frame to prevent tons of tickets for mislooting.
16:49.28sag_ich_nicht[18:48] <TS|Skrom> but but... there's so many good uses it could have to be blocked across the board :( <--the same is true for half of the protected functions :P
16:49.34sag_ich_nicht(or even more)
16:50.13sag_ich_nichttime to reboot
16:50.27TS|Skromthere's no good reason to unprotect the movement functions imo
16:50.39TS|Skromor casting.. even though I loved my heal helper addon I like that change
16:51.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (
16:51.45zenzelezzsome people in my guild have yet to learn this:
16:51.50TS|Skromcan someone summarize for me why perrealm saved variables was declined?
16:52.19TS|Skromzenzelezz XD
16:52.49Gnancyzenzelezz: thats not just your guild ..... there are a few in every bunch
16:52.54Lopeppeppyzenzelezz -- lag?  *shrug*
16:53.08zenzelezzLopeppeppy: nope, just recklessness :-)
16:53.14LopeppeppyBut there's always someone... the tank who uses Thunderclap and interrupts 3 CC targets, then says "oops".
16:53.43Gnancyjust last night i tried to time it with my skywich drap
16:53.47MentalPower|WorkTS|Skrom: short answer: they do not want to encourage database mods
16:53.54Gnancyi forgot that the elevator comes back up
16:54.32MentalPower|Workie: auctioneer, lootlink, et al
16:54.37TS|SkromAnd that's all perrealm could be used for I suppose lol but yeah that makes a little sense
16:58.36*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
16:58.43sag_ich_nichtwell this seems to have improved my EAX.
16:59.35TS|SkromAddons able to shapeshift immediately to the desire form so why not implementing it by default ? it's only tedious for these who don't use addons or these who are new to the game and addons overall.
16:59.40TS|SkromI don't get what he's asking for
17:00.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
17:00.28sag_ich_nichtshift from bear to cat "instantly"
17:00.32sag_ich_nichtthe addons don't even do it instantly
17:00.48sag_ich_nichtif you have a laggy situation it'll probably even break :P
17:01.05TS|Skromhow could they? it takes about a second for the game to realize you shifted anyway
17:01.40sag_ich_nichtit's faster than clicking anyway :P
17:01.49sag_ich_nichtor pressing the buttons
17:01.51*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
17:02.07TS|Skromahh, I just mapped neat little macros to my buttons 3,4 and 5
17:02.19TS|Skromthe macros I use prevent me from leaving the form when spamming it
17:02.26TS|Skromwhich was always my issue
17:02.43sag_ich_nichtlet's see what happens in WoW with the new drivers
17:03.46TS|Skrom|Jelly| hehe
17:03.52TS|Skrom"I can't read!"
17:06.12sag_ich_nicht7/16 19:03:03.953  Channels: 93 (0 software, 32 2D hardware(dsound), 61 3D hardware)
17:06.21sag_ich_nichtthe new driver doubled my hardware 3D channels D:
17:08.20JoshBorkepoor rat
17:08.25JoshBorkewhat'd he ever do?
17:09.13LopeppeppyRats am fun to make into skewers.  Ask the guy in the tram.
17:12.05sag_ich_nichti wish driver upgrades would always cause such awesome effects
17:13.25LopeppeppyI wish my driver updates were positive experiences too!
17:14.58*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
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17:33.47|FF|Im2good4udoes dev tools have any improved error messages ?
17:34.26|FF|Im2good4uwell maybe some more info ;P
17:34.42clad|bookan error message is an error message, the only think you can add is a stack traceback
17:34.45clad|bookdevtools does not do this
17:37.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
17:38.14sag_ich_nicht <--someone tell me if that's a stupid or a good idea for pvp :P
17:38.17Bam__I'm still working on an error tool that will tell you what to fix exactly when it encounters a bug.... :P
17:39.36foxlitI'll settle for a "PEBCAK" error message :)
17:40.00*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
17:40.09Bam__well I'm kinda stuck a bit.. not sure why.. :P
17:40.13LopeppeppyWhy not Sanc, sag_ich_nicht?  Aura Mastery in PvP seems a bit useless, unless you're in tight enough quarters.
17:41.00sag_ich_nichtarena is pretty tight quarters :P
17:41.38LopeppeppyThen do you really need the extra 10 yards?
17:42.40sag_ich_nichtaura range=30 yards
17:42.43sag_ich_nichtheal range=40 yards
17:43.28LopeppeppyIf they get out of range, at least they have some cue to come back.  *shrug*  But whatever, I don't PvP much, I'm just reflecting how uber I've been told Sanctuary is for PvP.
17:43.50sag_ich_nichtmhm, i dunno about that
17:44.16LopeppeppyGive the build a few weeks' test run, see what you think.
17:44.29sag_ich_nichtmeh, i am only theorycrafting here
17:44.37sag_ich_nichti don't intend to respec any time soon :P
17:45.18foxlitWhat sort of PvP are you thinking of? :)
17:45.28sag_ich_nichtarena :)
17:46.06foxlitThere's a difference in what you'd want in 2v2 versus 5v5
17:46.18sag_ich_nichtnot sure about the team components yet, but 3v3 probably :P
17:46.33foxlitSo, realistically, you're going to be healing
17:48.29sag_ich_nichtmore or less, but i think a consistant healer who can't be killed as easily is better than one who heals a lot more but also dies a lot faster
17:48.30foxlitMight as well dump retribution points into something useful :)
17:50.14sag_ich_nichtnah, think longrange. eye for an eye is pretty evil, especially if you pop divine shield afterwards and heal yourself up afterwards, and the parry helps against melees(more than you'd think it does in my experience), altho some of the points may better be spent in benediction :)
17:50.51foxlit30% is rather sad.
17:50.59LopeppeppyDon't heal while in Divine Shield.  Bandage.
17:51.16sag_ich_nichtLopeppeppy i know :P
17:51.35foxlitBut anyhow, strategy versus paladin-backed teams: 1. Get paladin to bubble 2. Laugh. 3. Slaughter paladin when buble fades.
17:51.36LopeppeppySorry, you said the words.  *shrug*
17:52.23sag_ich_nicht[19:51] <foxlit> But anyhow, strategy versus paladin-backed teams: 1. Get paladin to bubble 2. Laugh. 3. Slaughter paladin when buble fades. <--that's why there is so much damage reduction, my intend is to survive a long time before i need DS
17:53.02sag_ich_nichtand i think blessed life isn't as good for that
17:53.15foxlitYour, um, damage reduction would have no effect versus casters? :)
17:53.50sag_ich_nichtspell warding, and the caster eats eye for an eye :)
17:54.06foxlit30% of a crit is a joke :)
17:54.10sag_ich_nichtnot really
17:54.21foxlitYarly :)
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17:54.23sag_ich_nichtit adds up
17:54.30sag_ich_nichti've seen it in the arena, a lot :)
17:56.45foxlitPlus, of course, dots don't crit.
17:57.01foxlitBut hey, have fun :)
17:57.09sag_ich_nichtdots get nerfed in 2.2 :P
17:57.16LopeppeppyResilience will soon have an effect on dots.
17:57.43foxlitDoesn't change the uselessness of Eye for an Eye.
17:58.05sag_ich_nichti'd say duell me, but that's not possible D:
17:58.27foxlitPaladins are hilarious, tbh :P
17:58.43sag_ich_nichtI eat mages and rogues. :O
17:58.44LopeppeppyYeah, yeah.  What-EV-uh.
17:59.03foxlit< druid.
17:59.15sag_ich_nichtfoxlit: that doesn't say anything, tell me which spec :P
17:59.25sag_ich_nichtonly mages i really have a bit of problem with are frost mages
17:59.29foxlitDoes it really matter? :)
17:59.31sag_ich_nichtbut then i BoF and munch them.
17:59.33Lopeppeppy< holy paladin, feral druid, combat rogue and baby holy priest
17:59.43sag_ich_nicht<--ret atm :)
17:59.46foxlitFeral outlasts your mana, resto outheals your dps, and balance moonfires you in the face
17:59.58LopeppeppyIf they're lucky.  *shrug*
18:00.02sag_ich_nichtno, resto dies.
18:00.06sag_ich_nichtbalance is luck
18:00.15sag_ich_nichtand feral, well i'm fucked against a feral :P
18:00.30LopeppeppyIf not, feral gets DPS'd down, resto gets crunched, and balance goes all OOMkin and dies.
18:00.56sag_ich_nichtferal shifts into bear and has 30k armor
18:01.09sag_ich_nichtand some insane amount of dodge
18:01.22sag_ich_nicht(and hp, to add to that)
18:01.30foxlitTbh, the value of a paladin versus any of those specs is really measured in the amount of time they can keep them occupied
18:01.40LopeppeppyThen I shouldn't be playing against Tier 5 druids?  *shrug*
18:01.54sag_ich_nichtyou don't need T5 for that, at all
18:01.59sag_ich_nichtyou don't even need T4
18:03.07LopeppeppyWe can smack talk against classes back and forth all day.  Not going to change a thing -- it's about playstyle and skill and connection speed, not spec or class.
18:03.48sag_ich_nichtwe can always smack talk one class
18:03.50sag_ich_nichtWLs are OP!
18:04.23foxlitMS is OP, discuss.
18:04.24sag_ich_nichtwait what.
18:04.43sag_ich_nichtlol MS
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18:31.38Valaron|WorkI keep forgetting that my office computer running Vista is hosed, and that watching inline Quicktime videos will crash Firefox.
18:32.04Valaron|WorkSo much for watching E3 videos at work.
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18:59.08krkaanyone know of a good Autoit replacement? possibly for linux
18:59.13krka(otherwise i'll wine it)
19:01.18TS|Skrom_I never thought I'd have to be more specific then "reboot the firewall"...
19:01.36TS|Skrom_this guy in Kansas city just thought I meant to unplug the modem cable from the firewall when I said reboot
19:03.03LopeppeppyWell.... that's one way to reboot a modem, just unplug it....
19:03.19TS|Skrom_however that wouldn't do a thing to the firewall :D
19:04.10LopeppeppyModem, firewall, what's the difference?  :P  Average user = PEBKAC.
19:05.39LopeppeppyYuk it up, Fuzzball, but I'm right, aren't I?   *grin*
19:06.15TS|Skrom_in most cases, oddly this guy knew which one the firewall was (the white one that'
19:06.19TS|Skrom_'s labled 3com)
19:06.31TS|Skrom_he just didn't know what I meant by "reboot"
19:07.05LopeppeppyWell... half educated is a start.
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19:13.44*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
19:13.48sag_ich_nichtcog|work: something is wrong with AutoDND 100%, it's even setting me dnd when i remove the afk flag
19:14.22cog|worksag_ich_nicht: someone else reported that problem on curse... It seems like it's not setting enabled to false at some point
19:14.52cog|workI haven't been able to look at it in detail at all this morning... very busy time at work
19:15.04sag_ich_nichtyeah no big deal :)
19:15.14TS|Skrom_You too cog|work?
19:15.33Valaron|WorkIt's grape harvesting season.
19:15.34TS|Skrom_I got 4 branch offices having intermittent connection problems since 8:30
19:15.53TS|Skrom_one will go up, two others go down
19:16.15TS|Skrom_finally got all 4 up just now
19:16.23TS|Skrom_hopefully it will stay that way
19:16.33cog|workValaron|Work: harvest is still a few weeks out... we just sent out our mailing list offerings though and are receiving ~400 orders/day
19:16.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairen1 (
19:17.06Valaron|WorkHmm.. I'll have to try some of your winery's stuff next time I'm in the area.
19:17.13*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cair] by ChanServ
19:17.42cog|workWe actually sell it all through the retail mailing list except one bottling which is distributed to restaurants :|
19:18.28Valaron|WorkNo in-house?
19:18.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairen1 (
19:18.48cog|worknope. Don't even keep the bottled wine here... it's sent to a warehouse in Santa Rosa
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19:19.10Kirkburn|afkAah, Cairenn, Cairenn everywhere!
19:19.11cog|workWe don't even have enough parking spaces for the employees, let alone visitors :P
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19:19.26zenzelezz[...] whispers: makes me really angry [...] whispers: and sad in my pants
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19:22.17Valaron|WorkTaking my gf to SF this weekend. She's never been to the Piers.
19:22.33Kirovgoing to pier 38?
19:22.43*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cair] by ChanServ
19:23.03Valaron|Work39.... Fisherman's Wharf.
19:23.31Valaron|Workand probably Chinatown if time permits.
19:23.49Kirovpier 39 isn't Fisherman'sWarf
19:24.18Valaron|WorkI know.
19:24.20TS|Skrom_Take her to pier 42, she'll find her answers there
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19:25.36KirovI live by pier 42
19:25.42Kirover, work
19:26.07Valaron|WorkI haven't been to SF in years.
19:26.09KirovIt's parking
19:26.15Kirovnear the ball park
19:26.39Kirov2-42 are south of market
19:26.46Kirov1-45 are north
19:27.25TS|Skrom_I didn't even know there was a pier 42, I was just making a HGttG joke
19:27.34Kirovyeah, I know
19:27.45TS|Skrom_oh hey it's monday
19:27.57TS|Skrom_that's rent one get one free day at blockbuster.. i think I'll rent that tonight
19:28.24TS|Skrom_awww lopepeppy left
19:28.45TS|Skrom_was gonna tell her that 'the girl' is coming over tomorrow with her sister and brother in law for dinner ^^
19:29.06TS|Skrom_I'm making taco salad fixins with fajita steak strips and chicken grilled out :-)
19:30.25Kirovhmm... are there any working mods out there that allow for macros over 255 characters?
19:31.08Valaron|WorkSuperMacro doesn't work?
19:31.22Valaron|WorkI haven't had to use that Mod in a long while.
19:33.42KirovIt hasn't been updated in a while
19:33.51Kirovwasn't sure if it still worked or not
19:34.03Valaron| has a May 31st update date.
19:34.47KirovYeah, looking at it.  Looks like it works still.
19:35.15KirovA way around the limit in 2.0 just dawned on me, but it looks like SuperMacro already does it.
19:35.44Valaron|WorkThe only other one I saw was BigMacro, but that hasn't been updated since 2006.
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19:55.42krkai have a weird font bug... one of my fontstrings doesnt line up properly
19:56.00krkathey are all created the same, just with different y-offsets
19:56.28krkaanyone know what could be the problem?
19:56.44krkathey are all anchored topleft relative to the parents topleft
19:58.43sag_ich_nichtbad me
19:59.06sag_ich_nichtTransformers.TS... i am so bad D:
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20:03.08krkano one? :/
20:03.57|FF|Im2good4uwell iv had the same problem but i never figured out wut went wrong :P
20:04.09sag_ich_nichtkrka: fontstrings are bugged atm iirc
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20:06.01krkahmm never mind, figured it out
20:06.09krkadifferent fonts
20:06.24krkaboth had "-" as text, but different spacing i guess
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20:10.00sag_ich_nichtbump the Ace RDX thread
20:14.47sag_ich_nicht <--heh, i still have that addon lying around somewhere here(no, not using it. just kept it for curiousities sake)... don't know why people still think it's legal >_<
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21:26.59cog|workDoes UNIT_TARGET fire if your target changes targets?
21:27.55zenzelezzI think it does, but I'm not sure
21:28.04CideI doubt it
21:28.45cog|workhrm... I remember something about the blizz code using an OnUpdate to display/hide the TargetofTargetFrame so bleh...
21:30.05Cideactually it looks like UNIT_TARGET fires with arg1 "target"
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21:32.56Cideyeah, it does
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22:34.51cog|workhi, clad|book's boyfriend
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23:06.36Mr_Rabies2freakin awesome
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23:11.15Mr_Rabies2i love L70ETC
23:11.40Mr_Rabies2i hope they're added into the darkmoon faire or anywhere in the game world after blizzcon
23:11.55Kaydeethreedidn't they get added to the .mpqs recently?
23:12.03Mr_Rabies2using those models for one thing, especially since they're in everyone's game files
23:12.06Mr_Rabies2seems like a waste
23:12.14Mr_Rabies2yeah, Kaydeethree
23:12.31Mr_Rabies2and the song is labeled as L70ETC_DMF_Song.mp3 or something
23:12.39Mr_Rabies2it's the one from warcraft 3 at the moment, though
23:12.48Mr_Rabies2DMF = darkmoonfaire
23:12.51Mr_Rabies2i think
23:13.27Mr_Rabies2check that video out^
23:13.34KaydeethreeI saw. twas funny
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23:21.47Kaydeethreehm... is the voice comms handler only in the raid frames? scanning through the diff, haven't seen it anywhere else yet
23:29.03Mr_Rabies2heh, they've gotta be adding them then
23:29.36Kaydeethreemeh... considering all of the other crap in the mpqs that we're never going to use...
23:29.45Kaydeethreeread: emerald dream et al
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23:35.58Mr_Rabies2i doubt they'll utterly scrap the dream
23:36.09Mr_Rabies2they'll probably change it around a bunch
23:36.23Mr_Rabies2since as of now it's got two sections that are only barely started on
23:43.04Corrodiasat least, i recall reading something like that in an interview. as far as i know, they're definitely planning to have the emerald dream and northrend in wow in the future
23:43.39Kaydeethreenorthrend, emerald dream, undermine/the great sea/maelstrom are all possible expansion possibilities
23:43.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
23:43.54Kaydeethreejust hope we get to use flying mounts...
23:44.14Kaydeethreeand ick. can't use audio at all trying to play on the ptr... none of wine's drivers are working
23:44.19Corrodiasyou know, i've told WoW to use the launcher. it never does.
23:44.31Thelynayou're not missing much
23:44.35Kaydeethreedoes your shortcut point to WoW.exe or Launcher.exe?
23:44.50Corrodiasprobably wow.exe. i thought they combined them into one executable recently.
23:45.20Kaydeethreedunno. there's still a launcher.exe in my wow directory
23:51.40Garoun|LoupanaDoes anyone knwo if Enchant Ring - Striking effects druid in forms
23:52.01Garoun|LoupanaI realized after getting Revered with Consort that it may have been a waste of time :(
23:52.19buuGaroun|Loupana: What do they give you?
23:53.33Garoun|Loupanathis is the actual enchant:
23:53.53Garoun|Loupanathe problem is the recipe says "physical attacks" but the actual enchant says weapon damage :/
23:55.47Garoun|LoupanaI'd enchant it and test, but the mats are rather expensive for a 'test'

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