IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070714

00:03.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
00:10.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
00:18.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
00:33.40Corrodiasthe only thing i don't like about xloot is the way it looks
00:34.03Corrodiasthe names of the items are too low-contrast because the frames have a grey shine kind of background right under the names
00:34.47bleeterGuillotine: sweet, thx for the info... now, if only Wine's ALSA didn't suck so hard.... ;)
00:34.49XuerianCorrodias: You can up the threshold of the highlight ("shine"), it's in appearance options.
00:35.04Corrodiasgah, i searched all over that damn...
00:35.15Guillotinebtw, I found an easier way to view all chat things
00:35.55Guillotinethen just open the sound options
00:36.04Corrodias"highlight by quality"?
00:36.21bleeterGuillotine: I spose you're not noting this down in public somewhere (eg, wowwiki API foo). My gaming machine isn't near me right now, and I'd love to play with some of this stuff in a few hours time when I'm back near it again
00:36.43bleeterbut I won't have access to this IRC session when I do get there
00:36.45XuerianCorrodias: Yeah. If it's highlighting white items (which would cause the low readability), you can raise that to uncommon
00:37.14Guillotinebleeter: nope. I kind of doubt blizzard wants people playing around with it much, as there is *some* interaction with the servers that might screw them over. I'll paste it all in a pastey though if you'd like
00:37.28Guillotinejust probably don't want a bunch of people that don't understand what they're doing playing with it
00:37.47bleeterGuillotine: if you're going to be on in for a few more hours (@ max, 2 hours), I'll just ping you in a different IRC client when I'm there
00:38.02Guillotinesure, that works
00:38.02bleeterGuillotine: just don't want to bore you with having to type it again lol
00:38.21Guillotinedon't really need to type much. /script function IsVoiceChatEnabled() return true end pretty much replaces all the rest
00:38.29bleeterthx, just wanna play with it in Wine, see what works/doesn't
00:38.44Guillotineonly thing you can really test right now is recording an audio clip and playing it back to yourself
00:39.27Guillotinebut ya, you can set a different output device for normal WoW sound and for voice
00:39.32Corrodiasjust downloaded questsfu about an hour ago and it's all buggy :(
00:40.16bleeterGuillotine: are the recorded sounds saved in flat files on the machine?
00:40.29Guillotinebleeter: no. its really a thing to test your mic
00:40.36Guillotineyou can only have 1 at a time
00:40.37bleeterah, kk
00:40.58Guillotinerecords a 5 second clip (though you can change the length by calling the function yourself), then plays it back when you press a button
00:41.29bleetermind you, I'm even more tempted now to go and just buy a Mac, rather than put up with this Wine shit
00:41.51bleeterthough, I suspect the Royal Bank of Bleet (aka 'She Who Must Be Obeyed') may have different thoughts :/
00:41.54MentalPowerbleeter: ask me for the logs later
00:42.02KemayoCorrodias: Download again, I fixed it.
00:42.17bleeterMentalPower: thx mate
00:43.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
00:45.24Corrodiasoh, cool
00:45.38Corrodiasfigured i should wait a little while, and apparently it has been long enough
00:47.08Corrodiasokay, i like xloot a LOT better with the highlighting turned off
00:47.30XuerianI should've set the default threshold to Uncommon.
00:52.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
00:54.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
01:03.13Guillotineoh ya
01:03.15Guillotinewas going to fix TTN
01:03.22sag_ich_nichtthank you
01:03.27sag_ich_nichtbecause i am going to bed now
01:03.38sag_ich_nichtjust came home from the concert of the band of a friend of mine
01:03.43Guillotinenot TTN
01:04.12sag_ich_nichtand thus take 3 times as long to type anything because i typo all the time and need to correct it
01:04.17sag_ich_nichtthus: gn8
01:10.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
01:10.08*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
01:16.20*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
01:22.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
01:22.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:26.23*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
01:26.55dylanmIs there a way to disable the Blizzard experience text that pops up after a kill?
01:27.25Josh_Borkepretty sure you can turn that option off
01:27.30*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
01:27.43dylanmReally? Hmm I looked for a while... I don't mean the one in the chatframe, btw :)
01:27.56Josh_Borkeoh, which then?  the scrolling combat text?
01:28.33dylanmYeah. I have it displayed in MSBT and I'd like to get rid of the floating Blizzard one.
01:29.01bleetahwoohoo, it'd appear that 2.2 refuses to start in Wine on my system
01:31.17Josh_Borkedylanm: turn off the entire floating thing for blizzard
01:31.36bleetah'Describe what you were doing when the crash occurred' -> Running WoW with strace(1) to find out why it won't load
01:32.45bleetahtho I prolly should use those wine dbg chans
01:32.55bleetahany other WoW Winers active atm?
01:33.01dylanmJosh_Borke: Heh I never have any of that on.
01:33.36Wobin_bleetah: joking? =\
01:33.41Wobin_aiee =P
01:33.45bleetahWobin_: wish I was
01:44.55bleetahWobin_: it kinda looks like it's trying to dick around with wine's explorer.exe
01:45.09bleetahhmm, actually, I wonder if this is an issue with the launcher
01:48.52bleetahok, so I threw away the 'imported' (from live), got the full screen thing happening (albeit very black), cursor turned to a caret... hang.
01:49.06AnduinLotharanyone know how to make a resizable horizontal gradient with css/html?
01:49.17Josh_BorkeAnduinLothar: use ACE
01:49.33AnduinLotharum... ok
01:49.39Josh_Borkethat'll do it for you i'm sure
01:50.06Josh_Borkeseriously though, i don't touch HTML :-D
01:52.05Cideresizable horizontal gradient?
01:52.40AnduinLotharyeah like a horizontal gradient with an indetermined width
01:53.19Cidewhere indetermined = extends to the far right on the page?
01:53.38AnduinLotharor to the end of the resizable div
01:53.40Cidegradient from left to right or top to bottom?
01:53.46AnduinLotharleft to right
01:53.50AnduinLothartop to bottom is easy
01:53.58Cideyeah, was hoping you'd say that
01:54.44AnduinLothari cant think of any way to scale the gradient
01:54.52AnduinLotharmaybe js
01:55.10Cideyou could find the width of the page with js I'm sure
01:55.19Cidebut it's going to be ugly (cross-browser compatibility ftl)
01:56.03AnduinLotharis there a way to streach bgs with css?
01:56.14Cidenot really
01:56.16Cideonly repeat
01:56.26Cidethere is?
01:57.40AnduinLotharawesome, thx
01:58.53Wobin_bleetah: Oh noes they be taking your buckets?
01:59.00AnduinLotharnow i can do a gradiated drop shadowed resizable header :)
01:59.27AnduinLotharcurse me when it actually works QQ
02:00.01AnduinLothari did make some cute little shadow squares
02:00.16AnduinLotharrounded edges, diagonal alpha gradient
02:00.21AnduinLotharthey stack nicely
02:01.14MentalPowerbleeter: buckets?
02:01.24AnduinLotharmmm and the div/header bg is gonna be using a png for alpha <3
02:02.04bleetahMentalPower: oh, Vanishing Rogues can't be chased by pets any more (bucket #1), Wont' start in Wine (Bucket #2)
02:03.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
02:09.02*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|book (
02:18.52*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
02:21.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (
02:25.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (
02:25.34bleetahdid we ever get to the bottom of why the CTMod zipfiles fail with some Zip programs?
02:30.04Cidedoubt it
02:31.14bleetahheh, k
02:34.25MentalPowerlua> local index = 4; for index=1, 3 do end print(index)
02:34.25cladbotMentalPower: 4
02:34.41MentalPowerlua> local index = 4; for index=1, 3 do print(index) end print(index)
02:34.42cladbotMentalPower: 1, 2, 3, 4
02:34.53MentalPowerlua> local index = 7; for index=1, 3 do print(index) end print(index)
02:34.53cladbotMentalPower: 1, 2, 3, 7
02:34.59MentalPowerok, nm
02:35.25MentalPowerlua> for index=1, 3 do print(index) end print(index or "foo")
02:35.25cladbotMentalPower: 1, 2, 3, foo
02:42.33*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
02:45.04*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Slartiba@guifications/developer/bleeter)
02:46.10bleetahKaydeethree: ping
02:49.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
02:54.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Bayk (
02:59.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Bayk (
03:04.16*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
03:07.29BaykI'm trying ot make a button for an addon that makes you join a channel but when I output the text it goes ot /say instead of /join
03:08.02Cideum, what code are you using to join said channel?
03:11.41bleetahdamn I hate booting into windows... update for windows, update for pidgin, update for AV, update for WoW, updates for FF, updates updates updates... gah
03:13.04Cidehuh, I never update stuff
03:13.26Cideor it's done automatically (windows, FF, thunderbird)
03:13.33Cidewow once every few months
03:13.36bleetahahhhh, so you're the keylogger distributer everyone's chasing! :P
03:13.45Cidepretty much
03:13.56bleetahsee, I knew everything was you're fault
03:14.12bleetahno one beleives me though, 'cept for you... so I guess that's something
03:14.32Cideyeah, you should probably kill yourself
03:15.11bleetahmake you a deal
03:15.21bleetahif 2.2 goes live and still fails in Wine... I'll kill myself
03:15.29bleetahsound OK?
03:15.58Cidehmm, nah, just do it
03:16.26bleetahwell, yeah, I've already lost both of my buckets. guess there's nothing else for it
03:22.13bleetahhmm, PTR realm selector says I have 2 toons on one of the realms, yet when I go to the char selection it shows only 1
03:22.42bleetahof course, it's the crappier toon that's available :/
03:23.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Fin (
03:25.58bleetahah, they've had some probs with char copies, reset the limit
03:28.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Parakie (
03:32.35AnduinLotharI win!
03:33.32*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:35.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
03:36.26*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
03:39.06Shirikwhat update
03:49.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
03:56.54abuglua> -nil
03:56.54cladbotabug: [string "return -nil"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
03:57.30*** join/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Slartiba@guifications/developer/bleeter)
03:57.36Shirikthat has some interesting consequences on certain compiles
03:57.41abuglua> "cheez".."-".."it"
03:57.41cladbotabug: cheez-it
03:59.16abuglua> lua> lua>
03:59.16cladbotabug: sandbox.lua:260: Compilation failed: [string "lua> lua>"]:1: '=' expected near '>'
04:00.45ShirikI suggest you don't try to put cladhaire into an infinite loop lest you feel the wrath of the titans
04:00.55Shirik(a.k.a. Cairenn|afk & cladhaire)
04:04.55BaykI'm trying ot make a button for an addon that makes you join a channel but when I output the text it goes ot /say instead of /join  I'm setting the channel name to a varible and using outsay to output the varible
04:06.25Shirikrather than getting into a discussion and debating what your problem /could/ be, I think it's best you just show me your code
04:10.31GuillotineBayk: don't just SendChatMessage("/join something")
04:10.42Guillotineuse the join channel command
04:10.46Shirikyeah that's what I was guessing he did
04:10.53Shirikbut I didn't want to get into that without seeing it
04:11.02Guillotinejumping to conclusions = the win
04:12.07Shirik#api JoinChannelByName
04:16.26*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
04:18.34Kirkburn|afkBtw, spot the difference on the wowwiki :P
04:28.43Shirikwellanyway night all
04:29.08Cairenn|afknight Shirik
05:04.57Mike-N-Golua> hi
05:04.57cladbotMike-N-Go: nil
05:05.53Mike-N-GoIs there a limit to the amount of conditionals in a if/then statement?
05:06.33Mike-N-GoCurrently, I have:   if (chnl=="PARTY" or chnl=="RAID" or chnl=="SAY" or chnl=="SELF" or chnl=="AUTO" or chnl=="GUILD" chnl=="RW" or chnl=="RAID_WARNING") then ... end
05:07.13Mike-N-GoAnd I have the error:  ')' expected near 'chnl'
05:08.17Mike-N-GoIt works without the last 2 conditionals..
05:10.30bleetah''r chnl=="GUILD" chnl=="RW" or  should be 'r chnl=="GUILD" or chnl=="RW" or'
05:10.41Cideyou missed an or
05:13.19Mike-N-GoThat could do it..
05:15.04Mike-N-GoThanks for the easy fix.
05:19.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
05:20.05*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
05:28.40*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
05:31.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Parakie (
05:36.43*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick_ (
05:53.52*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick_ (
06:02.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Outlandheal (
06:03.00Outlandhealhey all, ive got a few .lua questions if anyoen can help me
06:04.50Outlandheallol sorry took me a little bit to find the script
06:05.03*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
06:05.19Outlandhealanyways, is there a way to get rid of it? i cnat logon to my wow character because of it
06:05.46Outlandhealmy character race and level is blank and that script comes up as a connection to the error
06:11.41*** part/#wowi-lounge Outlandheal (
06:15.15MentalPowerwhy is that guys looking at the GlueXML?
06:15.33MentalPowerand more importantly, why is it nor working for him
06:15.41MentalPoweroh well, guess we'll never know
06:15.52MentalPoweryeah, thats what I was thinking
06:26.52Mike-N-GoWhat is this PlayGlueAmbience?
06:28.58Mike-N-GoComplain here:;jsessionid=422E9476A27849B559542DE2D37F629E?topicId=108329548&sid=1
06:51.26abugget your own session id though
07:09.57Corrodiasyay, hit exalted with aldor and got my better shoulder enchantments.
07:10.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
07:29.13*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (n=MoonWolf@
07:29.13*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
08:11.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
08:19.52MentalPowerlua>function Foo() return function() return 1 end end print(Foo()) print(Foo()) print(Foo())
08:19.52cladbotMentalPower: function: 0x808f040, function: 0x808f180, function: 0x808f220
08:36.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
08:39.06abuglua> function() function() function() function() function() function() function() end;end;end;end;end;end;end;
08:39.06cladbotabug: sandbox.lua:260: Compilation failed: [string "function() function() function() function() function() function..."]:1: '<name>' expected near '('
08:40.32abuglua> "lua> 'lua> 1'"
08:40.33cladbotabug: lua> 'lua> 1'
08:41.26cladbotabug: sandbox.lua:260: Compilation failed: [string "lua>"]:1: '=' expected near '>'
08:41.35abuglua >
08:43.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Ins- (n=sam@
08:44.32abuglua> p = "do loadstring(p) end" loadstring(p)
08:44.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
08:45.13abuglua> p = "do loadstring(p)() end" loadstring(p)()
08:45.13cladbotabug: sandbox.lua:216: bad argument #1 to 'loadstring' (string expected, got nil)
08:46.06abugscoping scoping scoping
08:46.25abuglua> print getglobal
08:46.25cladbotabug: sandbox.lua:260: Compilation failed: [string "print getglobal"]:1: '=' expected near 'getglobal'
08:46.31abuglua> print(getglobal)
08:46.32cladbotabug: function: 0x80a5f00
08:47.00abuglua> p = "do loadstring(getglobal("p"))() end" loadstring(p)()
08:47.01cladbotabug: [string "p = "do loadstring(getglobal("p"))() end" l..."]:1: attempt to call global 'p' (a string value)
08:48.28abuglua> setglobal("p", "loadstring(getglobal("p"))()") loadstring(p)()
08:48.29cladbotabug: sandbox.lua:260: Compilation failed: [string "setglobal("p", "loadstring(getglobal("p"))()") loadstring(p)()"]:1: ')' expected near 'p'
08:48.48abuglua> setglobal("p", "loadstring(getglobal('p'))()") loadstring(p)()
08:48.48cladbotabug: sandbox.lua:216: bad argument #1 to 'loadstring' (string expected, got nil)
08:49.56abuglua> loadstring("\n -nil")
08:49.56cladbotabug: nil, [string "..."]:2: unexpected symbol near '-',
08:50.17abuglua> loadstring("+nil -nil")
08:50.18cladbotabug: nil, [string "+nil -nil"]:1: unexpected symbol near '+',
08:50.30abuglua> loadstring("nil-")
08:50.30cladbotabug: nil, [string "nil-"]:1: unexpected symbol near 'nil',
08:50.45abuglua> getmetatable(_G)
08:50.46cladbotabug: nil,
08:50.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Bayk (
08:52.40abuglua> --nil
08:52.51abugo rly
08:52.59abuglua> ---nil
08:53.14abuglua nil--nil
08:53.19abuglua> nil--nil
08:53.20cladbotabug: nil
08:53.26abuglua> --nil--nil
08:53.45abuglua> --nil--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------nil
08:53.50Punkie`thats really annoying
08:54.17abugyeah it's all blank
08:54.25abugquite annoying
08:54.31Punkie`it's not rocket surgery
08:54.46Baykhey how do I get this to join a channel instead of outputing channel name
08:55.27abugwhat the heck is outSay?
08:55.44MentalPowerabug: -- starts comments in Lua
08:55.54abuggood point
08:56.06purlhmm... pil is Programming in Lua. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in hardcover and covers Lua 5.1.
08:56.16MentalPowerread it, its quite good and helpful
08:56.17BaykI know what my problem is now
08:56.18zenzelezzlua> -(-nil)-(-nil)
08:56.18cladbotzenzelezz: [string "return -(-nil)-(-nil)"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
08:56.48abugI've read it, but at 5 am it doesn't help
09:00.04Baykhow would i go about sending some text to /join I was looking at sendchatmessage but I don't see way to do it that way
09:00.42MentalPowerBayk: you want to join a channel?
09:00.55Baykahh ok
09:00.59MentalPower!api JoinChannelByName
09:01.01ThraeBotMentalPower: type, name = JoinChannelByName("channelName" [,"password" [,frameID]])  --
09:08.02Baykcan someone point be in the right direction for parsing the text from a chat channel
09:08.50Thunder_Childlike, ""?
09:09.20Thunder_Childhmm..or even more so
09:14.21Baykone last question then I have alot of work to go do on my addon where should I start reading ot find info on how to put an icon on mini map to open/close addon
09:14.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
09:17.56*** join/#wowi-lounge dabu_ (
09:21.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (n=kody@
09:26.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
09:29.43*** join/#wowi-lounge fgsfds (n=rumors@
10:29.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
10:31.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
10:38.39FinThraeBot: hello
10:38.43FinThraeBot: help?
10:50.26Mike-N-GoWhen did we get all these bots?
10:51.00Mike-N-GoFirst, it was purl, then clide, now ThraeBot and cladbot ?
10:52.51Fin[12:49:32] < Mike-N-Go> When did we get all these bots?
10:52.57Finabout 1992 I think
10:54.34Mr_Rabies2what was that command to logout with \n
10:54.55Mr_Rabies2/script SendChatMessage("\n") or something like that?
11:05.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (
11:08.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
11:09.54*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (n=MoonWolf@
11:09.55*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
11:15.18*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
12:15.52Fin!api SendChatMessage
12:15.53ThraeBotFin: SendChatMessage("msg" [, "chatType" [, "language" ] [, "channel" ]]);  --
12:32.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
12:45.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
13:06.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
13:12.26*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
13:12.55Lunessabad sag_ich_nicht - Use a larger file next time.
13:16.52sag_ich_nichtLunessa it already hung
13:16.58sag_ich_nichti win :P
13:21.40LunessaMan... People want WoW to do everything for them.  
13:22.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
13:23.58WobinCan it make me a sunday roast?
13:32.02LunessaAnd do the dishes?
13:32.07LunessaAnd the laundry?
13:32.20LunessaAnd put gas in the car?
13:32.26LunessaAnd go to work for me?
13:36.45nevcairieli think WWS even crashes with a file which includes more then 12 hours, so how long was that 233 mb file ? :P
13:43.07sag_ich_nichtnevcairiel: oh i think it goes back to dec 2006 or something
13:49.12zenzelezzhaving a parser "hang" on a 200+ MB file can simply mean it's single-threaded and still working
13:53.02*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
13:53.35*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
13:57.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (
14:01.33Thelynagiven how much WWS does to data, and the fact it's a web-distributed java application ... yeah, it's probably going to take a while to chew through a 233MB file
14:02.15sag_ich_nicht this WoWwiki article is baised and just plain WRONG.
14:03.11zenzelezzsag: tell Kirk
14:04.14*** join/#wowi-lounge indibindi (
14:04.48Kirkburn|afkFeel like expanding on your accusation?
14:05.11Lunessa... biased and wrong?  
14:10.22sag_ich_nichtGOD DAMN IT RUSSIA:
14:11.48Kirkburn|afksag_ich_nicht, do you want to respond to my question?
14:11.54sag_ich_nichtKirkburn|afk what?
14:12.11Kirkburn|afkSomewhat annoying if someone shouts out that something on their website is "biased and just plaing WRONG"
14:12.16sag_ich_nichtwell :P
14:12.25sag_ich_nichtthe article basicially says "lern2heal, nub"
14:12.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
14:12.38Industrial~botmail for Tekkub wtb tekGossipSkip and tekJunkSeller on wowi. I think they are good enough to be put out there :>
14:12.39Finsag_ich_nicht: you are going to correct the paladin page, right? I mean, instead of just complaining about an incorrect wiki page, you're going to update it too yeah? :)
14:12.49*** part/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
14:12.53sag_ich_nichtFin: i would but i have a bad hangover :P
14:12.59sag_ich_nichtit would probably come out really bad
14:13.17Finyou can explain it on IRC but not a web page? :)
14:13.33Kirkburn|afkWhat section are you talking about?
14:13.41Kirkburn|afkMost of the page talks about the class mechanics
14:15.33sag_ich_nicht"The Paladin's main role in PvE focuses primarily on healing." that's just wrong, paladins can easily be a maintank :)
14:16.39JoshBorkeit seems to me it just hasn't been updated to reflect their new roles
14:17.01Kirkburn|afkLarge sections have undergone a complete rewrite recently
14:17.50Kirkburn|afkIs it really the case that pallys are not primarily healers?
14:18.07JoshBorkethey can also be viable tanks
14:18.14Kirkburn|afkNot the question I asked
14:18.14JoshBorkemuch more so than in the old world
14:18.21JoshBorkeit depends on the guild then
14:18.37JoshBorkebut i agree with sag_ich_nicht that the line should also mention that they are now being used as MTs
14:18.44Kirkburn|afkThen add it :)
14:18.58sag_ich_nichtMikk is already editing it :P
14:19.38Kirkburn|afkOh, for goodness sake, you had to post that in both channels?
14:19.53JoshBorkei agree with kirkie
14:19.55LunessaMy guild has 36 paladins.  33 are retribution, 1 is Protection, and 2 are Holy.   I think any guide which lays out paladins as primary healers is slightly skewed. :P
14:20.10JoshBorkeso many retn00bs :-P
14:20.31Kirkburn|afkNo, it says they are primarILY healers
14:20.41sag_ich_nicht[16:19] <Kirkburn|afk> Oh, for goodness sake, you had to post that in both channels? <--sure. different people on different channels. i am a multi tasking capable human. are you too? :P
14:20.44Kirkburn|afkPrimary =/= primarily
14:20.51[dRaCo]33 times zero damage stays zero damage. :>
14:20.54JoshBorkesag_ich_nicht: i'm not
14:21.45LunessaKirkburn|afk: I was only making a joke.  I'm not disparaging wowwiki at all - mad props to the site. :)
14:22.03Kirkburn|afkLunessa, thanks :)
14:22.23LunessaI really should get off my ass and register...
14:22.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies|away (
14:22.29Kirkburn|afkPlease :)
14:22.29Cairenn|afkdid you know that the concept that humans are capable of multi-tasking is actually a fallacy?
14:22.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
14:23.07[dRaCo]yeah, burst for pvp... but I can think of 7 classes dealing more damage in a raid than a paladin :>
14:23.08Kirkburn|afksag_ich_nicht, reason I'm annoyed is that you posted that the wiki was biased and wrong on two channels - yet did nothing to help, nor notify anyone to do with WoWWiki.
14:23.15LunessaHumans do poorly at multiple-concurrent tasks.
14:23.51LunessaThat's why we invented computers.  
14:24.10JoshBorkei thought they were invented for porn?
14:24.48Cairenn|afkit's true - we don't *actually* multi-task - when we are "apparently" multi-tasking, we actually switch our attention from one task to another so extremely quickly it *appears* that we are doing them simultaneously, but in fact we do move our attention off the first task to work on the second then go back to the first or on to the third, etc
14:25.02sag_ich_nicht[dRaCo]: okay so i increase all party damage done by 2% and the crit of the raid(not the party) by 3%... oh and blessings. :P
14:25.07JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn|afk
14:25.08purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs Cairenn|afk
14:25.14Kirkburn|afkDetails, schmetials
14:25.21sag_ich_nicht[16:23] <Kirkburn|afk> sag_ich_nicht, reason I'm annoyed is that you posted that the wiki was biased and wrong on two channels - yet did nothing to help, nor notify anyone to do with WoWWiki. <--oh noes my troll has been exposed D:
14:25.25JoshBorkesag_ich_nicht: you're still a ret-noob
14:25.49Cairenn|afkbleh, so much for that attempt to derail the unpleasantness :p
14:27.07*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
14:30.02LunessaSomeone bring me coffee and crullers?  I'm stuck at work...
14:31.08Kirkburn|afkI'll just try and get Superman on the phone ...
14:31.47LunessaImagine the bank he could make doing deliveries?  
14:32.01Cairenn|afkshould be easy enough, he's forever changing in phone booths after all
14:32.16[dRaCo]sag_ich_nicht: my healerdin can cast blessing, too
14:33.33sag_ich_nicht[dRaCo]: i am talking 25 man here
14:33.35LunessaI mean, he can carry multiple tons, and super-sonic speeds.... And doesn't need a runway.  Customs Schmstoms!  He can delivery anything, anywhere, in little to no time.  
14:33.39sag_ich_nichtso you will have multiple paladins there anyway
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14:36.48[dRaCo]sag_ich_nicht: makes retri palas even more unnecessary, since the other palas can buff the blessing
14:37.17[dRaCo]blessings, even
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14:38.32sag_ich_nicht[dRaCo]: you know it's 1x blessing class/paladin and that 3% more crit to the whole raid are a fuckton of damage? go theorycraft it :P
14:39.17*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
14:39.34[dRaCo]sure, 1 blessing/pala...
14:40.29Lunessa... tires hard to imagine an interface for WoW that doesn't have tooltips.
14:41.28Kirkburn|afkTooltips ><
14:41.33sag_ich_nicht[16:39] <[dRaCo]> sure, 1 blessing/pala... <--yes. you can only have one blessing per paladin on you
14:41.38sag_ich_nichtyou should kind of know
14:41.44[dRaCo]I know.
14:42.09[dRaCo]3% crit are great, gotta admit that... but the damage of every raid retri pala I've seen so far was... let's not talk about it.
14:42.38sag_ich_nichtyour dps argument is invalid since direct DPS from a ret paladin+indirect damage because of the +crit and +damage=same or more damage than other dps classes
14:43.06sag_ich_nichtthe problem with ret imho is not 25 raid viability, it's 10 and 5 man
14:43.20[dRaCo]You can't count that damage for yourself... every (useful) raid class buffs others, too.
14:43.31sag_ich_nicht[dRaCo]: okay so what does a rogue do?
14:44.00[dRaCo]aight, got me.
14:44.02[dRaCo]almost every
14:45.56*** join/#wowi-lounge dnmcgoy (n=dnmcgoy@
14:46.56sag_ich_nichtnice. go try a non-selfdamage pushing poison on gruul. next case, hunters. that's 120 AP, for one group. that's nice for the melee group, but doesn't push the raid damage nearly as much as 3% crit for everyone on everything that does damage.
14:47.17sag_ich_nichtotoh, a hunter has limited CC. :P
14:47.33dnmcgoyI'm not whether this channel is newbie friendly, however, I'm looking for some very basic help.  If this isn't the place for it, I apologize and I'll keep looking.
14:47.40dnmcgoy*not sure
14:47.41sag_ich_nichtno, you're right here.
14:48.43LunessaYou're in the right place.  
14:49.18sag_ich_nicht wow.
14:49.35Kirkburn|afkNewbie friendly? Quick! Hide the toture equipment!
14:49.41Kirkburn|afkAnd the torture equipment!
14:50.41Kirkburn|afk(dnmcgoy, btw, ask away :P)
14:50.51dnmcgoybasically my problem is that I'm just trying to get blizzards hello_world tutorial to work.  I add the 3 files, (.toc, .xml, and .lua), it shows that the addon has been added, when I look under the addons that my character is using, however, no hello world message pops up, and no changes seem to be made.  The xml specifies a .lua function that should do message("Hello World"); which I assumes should pop up a message as soon as I enter the gameworld.
14:51.31sag_ich_nichtwhy the hell would you need a xml file for a hello world application?
14:51.43Kirkburn|afkIt's a tutorial
14:51.49LunessaCheck your interface options, you probably have Lua errors off.
14:52.09[dRaCo]hey, we already agreed on rogues not bringing any buffs... hunters can skill into BM, Ferocious Inspiration is great
14:52.17Lunessathe message() function in the tutorial is the same thing that option turns off.  
14:52.20Kirkburn|afk(obligatory plug time: you can also find lots of extra UI help on WoWWiki - )
14:52.43Lunessa... the tutorial is slightly out of date,  
14:52.51Lunessabut good none-the-less.
14:53.30[dRaCo]and 3% crits for everybody are a great buff, I totally agree. but I personally dont think it's worth taking a ddler with you whose damage cant compete with others.
14:53.35dnmcgoyyeah, once I get something running i should be fine.. where is that option? (Interface options-> advanced)?
14:54.02sag_ich_nicht[dRaCo]: thus the calc direct damage + indirect damage
14:54.07sag_ich_nichtbut nvm :O
14:54.12Cairenn|afkokay, I'm out for most of the day guys - have fun :)
14:54.22Lunessadnmcgoy: I believe so, yes.  
14:55.30[dRaCo]then you've gotta calc indirect for every class, making rogues totally superflous (which they arent, since they benefit the most from most buffs) and prolly leading to raids of warlocks and shadow priests
14:56.31LunessaMost every calculation that favors adding more of one class to a raid has a corollary of subtracting another. :P
14:57.31Kirkburn|afkSee ya Cairenn
14:58.21sag_ich_nicht[16:55] <[dRaCo]> then you've gotta calc indirect for every class, making rogues totally superflous (which they arent, since they benefit the most from most buffs) and prolly leading to raids of warlocks and shadow priests <--which leads to the conclusion: nerf shadow damage!
14:59.16Lunessasag_ich_nicht: Nein!  Shadow Pew Pew is uber!
14:59.31[dRaCo]that's gonna be fun
14:59.35[dRaCo]even more warlock qq
14:59.55dnmcgoysweet.. that did it. so here's the obligatory question, if message is disabled unless you're in what I'd call a "debugging mode", is there a list of functions that do what they're supposed to even when lua errors are off?
15:00.08sag_ich_nicht[16:59] <Lunessa> sag_ich_nicht: Nein!  Shadow Pew Pew is uber!  <--die!
15:00.38LunessaNeyt tovarisch!  I will melt your face.  
15:00.52sag_ich_nicht~whalestab Lunessa
15:00.52purlACTION stabs Lunessa with a rather narrow and pointy whale named Montgomery
15:01.04Lunessa~whaleparry sag_ich_nicht
15:01.04purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry sag_ich_nicht's attacks.
15:02.18sag_ich_nicht~whalecrit Lunessa
15:02.18purlACTION crits Lunessa with a mathematically skilled whale named Isaac for #NaN. Lunessa dies
15:02.35LunessaZOMG --- You god-mode me.  
15:03.22sag_ich_nichtdurrr, i'm a paladin.
15:03.48Fin~swordfishripose sag_ich_nicht
15:04.23LunessaI'm a priest.  We're natural enemies, competing for a limited habitat.  My name is Ingo Montoya. You killed my father; preapre to die.
15:05.16sag_ich_nichtlol princess bride.
15:06.14sag_ich_nichtyou spelled his name wrong tho
15:06.24dnmcgoyI appreciate the help getting that running... now off to figure out what is doable without having lua debug mode enabled. Just as an opinion, what's the best place to go ot figure out the limitations of this tool? I assume Blizzard's drawn some lines in the sand in terms of what you can and can't do.. is there a listing of that?
15:06.59sag_ich_nichtLunessa: it's Inigo Montoya
15:09.02[dRaCo]with chocolate chips?
15:09.54sag_ich_nichti think someone needs to explain taint and secure functions to dnmcgoy
15:10.13Findnmcgoy: go look at the stickies in the UI forums
15:11.14Finthey're stickied cos they're good, and stuff
15:13.15dnmcgoycool.. reading down through the stickies now.. I had read the first couple, but hadn't seen the one you're talking about *reading away*.. sorry if I'm asking questions that are basically "RTFM"
15:15.11Finsorry, I'll try and be more helpful
15:15.39Finlook for stuff about secure frames, security, and major changes since v2.0
15:18.13Finactually I have to say, there's nothing there that would really answer your question
15:18.57FinOK, I'll try default answer #2: have a look at
15:19.09Finthis might be more what you're looking for:
15:19.41*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|book (
15:20.23dnmcgoy:-/ that's a pity.. still reading though.. there's gotta be something (although I wouldn't imagine finding it on Blizzards forum).. yes that does help alot (and got pulled up win I JFGI)
15:21.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
15:21.15Fingood man
15:23.16sag_ich_nichtdnmcgoy tell us what you want to do
15:23.22sag_ich_nichtand we can tell you if you can do it :P
15:26.30dnmcgoyI'm really just more getting my feet wet and trying new things, I'm a UI programmer for lexmark (so I kinda do similar things for a real job).  So having something new under my belt is useful and lua is pretty industry wide.  So I'm just trying to come up with ideas in my head of what some of the more "nifty" things that I do, but before i come up with a list of what I'd like to do, it'd be nice to know the boundaries so that I don't go down rabbit h
15:27.09*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
15:28.04dnmcgoyfor instance if there's an equivalent of sourceforge for wow mods, that might be useful too
15:28.14sag_ich_nichtI don't go down rabbit h <--you got cut of here.
15:28.28Nom-wowace is the closest thing to a 'sourceforge' for wow mods
15:28.29dnmcgoyrabbit holes.  that's was the end of that line
15:28.35sag_ich_nichtah, good :O
15:28.39sag_ich_nichtNom- true
15:28.55Nom-wowinterface has a nice collection of mods that are and are not on wowace
15:29.04Nom-as do curse/worldofwar
15:29.29sag_ich_nichtbasics :P
15:29.43dnmcgoycool, I've been looking in the right places
15:30.20sag_ich_nichtdnmcgoy: basicially the boundaries are no logic to cast spells in combat, no movement at all, most things have be based on a hardware event
15:30.27sag_ich_nicht(yeah now flame me for being inaccurate)
15:30.35Nom-The unfortunate thing with WoW mods is that there's so much you could do, but Blizzard has been forced to lock it down due to the abuse of a minority
15:31.20Nom-I've got so many great ideas for WoW mods, but they all rely on being able to connect to some kind of web service
15:31.27Nom-In real time, that is
15:31.55sag_ich_nichtNom-: there is a trick for that
15:32.00sag_ich_nichtif you have a really fast PC
15:32.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (
15:32.34sag_ich_nichtencode the information in a picture, change the screenshot format to TGA and spam screenshots, then have a script that reads out the TGA
15:32.36dnmcgoyone idea I had was a ui connection to a teamspeak server that instantaneously joins you to that a teamspeak server when you join the group.. everyone would have to have the mod of course, so it wouldn't be used much, but its a proof of concept
15:32.46sag_ich_nichtOffenderserv is running Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 2 (5.1 - 2600) on an AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5200+ at 2.60 GHz with 1177/2048MB (57.47%) RAM free.
15:32.46sag_ich_nichtIt has an nVidia GeForce 8800 GTX running at 1680x1050x32bpp 60Hz, Sound Blaster Audigy, and 424.44 GB of 596.17 GB available on 1 drive(s).
15:32.55sag_ich_nichtbut even this system isn't capable of handling this lagfree :P
15:33.14sag_ich_nichtalso from where the hell is that RAM usage coming from?
15:33.20Nom-dnmcgoy: Voice comms are being added into WoW natively in the next patch
15:33.26Nom-dnmcgoy: And that's currently not possible either
15:33.30zenzelezzdnmcgoy: you have no way to communicate with the "outside world"
15:33.34zenzelezzaddons are sandboxed
15:33.56sag_ich_nichtvariable files are saved on a clean close of WoW and kept in ram until then
15:34.07sag_ich_nicht(or until you log to a different character)
15:34.15zenzelezzor just reload the UI
15:34.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
15:34.55Nom-But yeah... in game voice comms, guild banks
15:35.05Nom-two features which are desperately needed, i beleive
15:35.16Nom-about time, :)
15:35.33dnmcgoynext patch, really?
15:35.39zenzelezzI wouldn't say voice comm is essential, but it is nice
15:35.47zenzelezzguild banks on the other hand should've been here long ago
15:35.51dnmcgoyI can't play the game without ventrillo
15:36.02sag_ich_nicht[17:35] <dnmcgoy> next patch, really? <--PTR is already up, but the voicecomm isn't enabled yet
15:36.12sag_ich_nicht(the API for it is already available tho)
15:36.23KasoHow does the Voice comms work, does it all route via the wow server, if so doesnt that use a lot of bandwidth?
15:36.34sag_ich_nicht[17:35] <Nom-> about time, :) <--you are only allowed to say this about the blessing changes in 2.2.
15:36.43dnmcgoyKaso: you could always turn it off, I'd suppose
15:36.43sag_ich_nichtKaso: nobody knows yet.
15:37.04Kasowell people should find out!
15:37.10sag_ich_nichtWTB proper multicast architecture on the internet.
15:37.11Kasochop chop, move it move it!
15:38.17sag_ich_nichtKaso: you are not Anne Robinson. please don't say chop chop. it scares me. >_>
15:38.37zenzelezzhow do you know he's not?
15:38.58Kasosag_ich_nicht, you are the weakest link, good bye.
15:39.39sag_ich_nichtKaso: so do you have a gigantic mouth laser that is in reality a teleportation beam yet?
15:39.45Nom-sag_ich_nicht: I know...about time on the blessings too :P
15:39.50Nom-the number of reagents I go through on a raid!
15:40.15Nom-One day at Karazhan ... i could go through 200 Reagents if we wipe a few times
15:40.24KasoNope, nor am i actually a robot.
15:40.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
15:40.57*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
15:42.22dnmcgoyyou can get custom graphics from outside wow though, right? I thought I had seen a couple mods that added things that were blatantly not in a WoW style.
15:42.45|FF|Im2good4uyes u can
15:43.15zenzelezzthat you can
15:43.27zenzelezzbut you have to have them in the right folders when you load WoW
15:43.29LunessaYou can load tga or blp images.  
15:43.37zenzelezzif you copy/save them there after WoW started it won't "see" them
15:43.55Kasoif you are talking about UI art, thats perfectly fine, however replacing textures and models in the 3D world isnt allowed.
15:43.55dnmcgoysounds like the gist of it is then that you can't write to a file descriptor.. that alone would probably sandbox the api
15:44.05LunessaAnd alpha masks/layers/channels are very very important. :)
15:44.58zenzelezzI wish I could figure how to do transparency right in PSP7... all I can manage is full or none x.x
15:45.21sag_ich_nichtstep one: stop using PSP7
15:45.25sag_ich_nichtstep two: install photoshop.
15:45.31sag_ich_nichtstep three: ?
15:45.34zenzelezzif I knew how to use Photoshop I would
15:45.35sag_ich_nichtstep four: profit!
15:45.39dnmcgoyhmm.. I loves the photoshop
15:45.43dnmcgoydang it
15:45.48dnmcgoybeat me to it
15:46.37LunessaInstall The GIMP.
15:46.45sag_ich_nichtalso SHIT!
15:47.11sag_ich_nicht(no, not really, i know. but i don't like it. >_>)
15:47.20dnmcgoyeh, GIMP is pretty solid, its just a little harder to use (IMO) than photosho
15:47.22LunessaWorks just fine for hacking a few images for WoW.   Beats laying out $700 for Photoshop.
15:48.05Punkie`yes, because everyone actually pays for software
15:48.40dnmcgoyif you're wanting to be legit, you can actually pick up an older copy of photoshop for 100 or less
15:49.29LunessaI actually own PhotoShop 5.5 - paid for legit and all.  I've had no call to upgrade, though Photoshop CS was purchased for my work machines. :)
15:49.31dnmcgoyand the only thing in newer versions really is some tools that make professional stuff easier, but isn't really required for your daily run of the mill stuff
15:50.12LunessaBut I tried The GIMP, and it's not bad.   It does stuff pretty solidly and if you can do photoshop, you can do the gimp.
15:53.15dnmcgoyhere's another idea I've been batting around.. not sure of its usefulness, but feel free to tell me if its even possible. Often I lose track of which keys i've hotkeyed to what.  So what about a keyboard layout spell bar at the bottom which you can drag spells to. Since a keyboard would be a large graphic one possiblity is to have it zoom in and out when you move your mouse over it (or try to drag something onto a key).
15:53.39dnmcgoySort of like when you mouse over icons on a mac
15:53.42Finlike to see it in practise
15:55.47dnmcgoyat the very least you could put something like that in another frame.. its just that hotkeys in WoW are one of my pet peeves.. if you want to edit what everything is mapped to, you're navigating down this list of stuff, its not intuitive
15:55.50sag_ich_nichtdnmcgoy: i had that idea long ago, except for keybindings in general
15:55.58sag_ich_nichtbut i could never be bothered to do it
15:56.17sag_ich_nichtdnmcgoy: try out betterkeybindings tho
15:58.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
15:58.44sag_ich_nichtwooo, new trillian astra build
15:58.57FinI personally am a big fan of MyKeyBindings2
16:02.39dnmcgoyyeah, both of those are a litte better, but from the sounds of it I might try what I'm thinking of
16:03.03dnmcgoycause it does sound possible at this point
16:03.12sag_ich_nichtit should be
16:03.14cog|bookThe fact that the PTR gave me a free respec is not necessarily an indication that I will get one when it goes live, right?
16:03.50Lunessacog|book: That seems a safe assumption.  
16:03.54sag_ich_nichtcog|book which class?
16:04.17sag_ich_nichtwouldn't know why you'd get a free respec or did i miss something in the patchnotes? >.>
16:04.22Kasodoesnt the ptr always reset talents
16:04.40cogwheelsag_ich_nicht & Kaso, those are what I figured
16:05.16dnmcgoythanks for all your help guys, I'll probably be back later, you guys have been really cool and helpful.
16:06.37Finyou've been pretty cool yourself
16:06.48Finthat sounded a bit gay
16:07.26cogwheelFin: I understood what you meant :P
16:07.47sag_ich_nichti'm looking at the changelog of galciv2 again
16:07.50sag_ich_nichtand stand in awe once again
16:07.58sag_ich_nichti wish blizzard was this active and responsive
16:08.15cogwheelsag_ich_nicht: Slouken is :P
16:08.37sag_ich_nichtcogwheel: that's nice. too bad i'm EU :P
16:08.45sag_ich_nicht(wtb combined forums)
16:08.59Kasosag_ich_nicht, GMs/CMs in eu are just a sham to stop us complaining
16:09.03cogwheelIf you ever want to post a suggestion, send me a PM on wowi and i'll add it to my suggestions thread :)
16:09.18Kasoi love it when people post bugs and stuff on EU forums, like they'll ever be read
16:09.19cogwheel(as long as it's UI related, anyway)
16:09.48sag_ich_nichtcogwheel: clad already posted one for me, but it's probably going to get majorly missunderstood(probably already got by 99% of the people reading it):
16:11.00sag_ich_nichtand thanks for the offer :)
16:11.05cogwheelsag_ich_nicht: FYI: I've already got a suggestion for a generic /sequence command :)
16:11.33cogwheeland I know slouken looks from time to time, so it's probably just a matter of developer investment
16:11.44sag_ich_nichtcogwheel: that's nice. now combine it with that taint so it allows /click. ;)
16:11.57sag_ich_nicht(else it would obviously allow macro logic and spreading)
16:12.46sag_ich_nicht <--seriously look at this. each. single. patch. for galciv2 looks like this or even a lot better. >_<
16:12.51cogwheelsag_ich_nicht: Is there really anything you can do with a chain of click macros that you couldn't do with a really long single macro?
16:13.25sag_ich_nichtcogwheel: yes. /sequence /click 1, /click 2, then have a /sequence in both of the clicked buttons as well
16:13.42sag_ich_nichtallowing parallel execution
16:14.15cogwheelbut that's really no different than a sequence where each ability is interspersed...
16:14.17sag_ich_nichtwhich is why it would have to halt if you click a macro that has /click or /sequence in it as well(actually, /castsequence should be enough)
16:15.22sag_ich_nicht(okay how do i escape / to purl? :P)
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16:16.00cogwheeltest / test
16:16.18cogwheelguess not...
16:17.08Finalthough my mate who programs perl for a living hates me for that, he says s#/#//# is the way to go
16:17.24Finhashes are for comments tho
16:17.29sag_ich_nichtcogwheel: i want this so i can have a macro that does /sequence cast Judgement, click BUTTONHERE and then be able to drag/drop the current active seal to that button
16:17.30Finthat is all
16:18.35Mr_Rabies2level 40, any grinding suggestions?
16:18.41cogwheelsag_ich_nicht: think of it this way....           Sequence 1       s1-1, s1-2, s1-3            Sequence 2         s2-1, s2-2                      Control sequence:       /click s1,  /click s2             Equivalent single sequence:       s1-1, s2-1, s1-2, s2-2, s1-3, s2-1, s1-1, s2-2, s1-2, s2-1, s1-3, s2-2
16:19.40Nom-Mr_Rabies2: quest
16:20.01Mr_Rabies2don't much feel like questing
16:20.09Mr_Rabies2i'm in a grinding mood for some reason
16:20.18cogwheelso given an arbitrary macro length (which we have via /click chaining & 'macrotext' attributes) I don't really see any need for adding an extra taint layer
16:20.24Nom-grind on quests
16:20.42sag_ich_nichtmhm okay, logic error on my side. it would prevent endless loops tho. :P
16:21.23sag_ich_nichtyou can actually get WoW to slow down to halt if you chain enough macros into a endless loop >.>
16:22.02cogwheelsag_ich_nicht: I have no pity for people who wind up in endless loops :P
16:22.47sag_ich_nicht(before it can even throw the C endless loop error)
16:23.04sag_ich_nichti only did it to test if it was doable, and i was right XD
16:24.04LunessaIs it schizoid paranoia or just the existential blues?  
16:24.46sag_ich_nichtLunessa: what.
16:25.07sag_ich_nichtwhat are you reffering to?
16:25.16*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
16:25.17LunessaSorry... It's Saturday, I'm bored at work, and quoting song lyrics.  
16:27.33sag_ich_nichti want to read technical details like this(quoting from a galciv2 changelog):
16:27.33sag_ich_nicht+ FIX: Optimized new batch renderer so that ship instances of the same type will share the same vertex and index buffers.  This will save memory over the previous implementation where each instance had its own vert and index buffers.
16:27.33sag_ich_nichtin the WoW patchnotes :P
16:27.45Mr_Rabies2ship instances O_o
16:27.49*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
16:29.33Mr_Rabies2what's a ship instance
16:29.43sag_ich_nichtMr_Rabies: please read the line above
16:29.46LunessaEach ship.  
16:29.57sag_ich_nichtthat's not from a WoW related changelog :P
16:30.01Lunessagalciv's interface made the game confusing to me.  
16:30.21sag_ich_nichtnever played galciv, only galciv2
16:30.52LunessaIt's one of the few games where I spent more time in the manual than playing the game; and I'm a die hard Civ player.
16:31.06Mr_Rabies2i missed that line
16:31.14Mr_Rabies2i thought that was IN the wow patchnotes
16:31.20Mr_Rabies2i saw "in the wow patch notes" below it
16:31.27Mr_Rabies2and didn't read the line above it, and was confused
16:32.31sag_ich_nicht[18:30] <Lunessa> It's one of the few games where I spent more time in the manual than playing the game; and I'm a die hard Civ player.  <--you should try galciv2, it's really good
16:32.39sag_ich_nichtespecially if you patch it all up to the latest version
16:32.43sag_ich_nichttons of changes
16:33.00sag_ich_nicht[18:31] <Mr_Rabies2> and didn't read the line above it, and was confused <--i figured :P
16:33.03Garoun|LoupanaYou ready for them to screw up druids again Rabies ;)
16:33.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
16:33.27Mr_Rabies2what do you mean, again?
16:33.31Garoun|LoupanaReferring to the patch note about Furor/Enrage no longer putting us in combat
16:33.31sag_ich_nichtcode more!
16:33.32Lunessasag_ich_nicht: nah, between WoW and CiV IV I don't have time for any more games. :Pp
16:33.36Mr_Rabies2when were we ever unscrewed up :P
16:33.46sag_ich_nichtand help me find that stupid code in GEM that makes TTN not work with it!
16:33.47Garoun|Loupanathe last time they tried that... it had us completely messed up :)
16:33.51ShirikI'm coding a lot, you just don't see it
16:34.00sag_ich_nichtShirik: commit more to the SVN!
16:34.08ShirikI tried once
16:34.13Shirikit took too long so I gave up
16:34.38ShirikI'll commit when I have access to a high speed connection
16:34.51sag_ich_nichtwhy don't you already?: P
16:35.05Shirikbecause I'm about 1000 miles from my house atm?
16:35.11Garoun|Loupanaif I remember correctly, we started by losing rage immediately going into bear, then it was giving us no rage, and then it caused us to get aggro just by targeting something and shifting ;)
16:35.12sag_ich_nichtjust go leech some wLAN >.>
16:35.17ShirikI tried
16:35.21ShirikI'm just barely out of range
16:35.27Shirikstill working on that one though
16:35.53sag_ich_nichtget an antenna >.>
16:36.09ShirikI really don't have money to be spending
16:36.55Shirikconfused >.>
16:37.35Mr_Rabies2did some dummy bump it?
16:37.42Mr_Rabies2or is it recently timestamped
16:38.27Shirikrecent, otherwise it would be filed elsewhere
16:38.36ShirikI love our app system, I designed it :)
16:38.38Shirikit's awesome
16:38.45Lunessa:chuckle: Floating Combat Text of awesomeness. Caw. It'll eat your crackers. (ckknight)
16:39.19Mr_Rabies2what's it called? :p
16:39.48Shirikthe app system?
16:40.03LunessaParrot - sorry.
16:40.04Mr_Rabies2no, ckknight's fct
16:40.23Mr_Rabies2i love ckknight's stuff
16:40.32sag_ich_nichtjust go build your own: wavelenght in meters=speed of light in meter per second/frequency in hertz
16:40.40LunessaCowTip's note is funny too.  
16:40.52sag_ich_nichtthen just use 1/4 of the wavelength and you have the size of your antenna :P
16:41.03Mr_Rabies2ck, anduinlothar, and Gazmik are among my favorite addon authors
16:41.11LunessaCowTip  - Tooltip of awesomeness. Moo. It'll graze your pasture. (ckknight)
16:41.28Mr_Rabies2Pitbull's too
16:41.56sag_ich_nichtShirik: you can also use 1/2 or 5/8 of the wavelength for the size of the antenna :P
16:42.48sag_ich_nichtthen use 1/4 of the wavelenght + 1 meter for the length of the cable(it should be a multiple of that number.)
16:42.50ShirikF = 1/n sqrt(omega/L) where n is an element of counting numbers
16:43.01ShirikI know this math
16:43.06Shirikyou don't need to explain it to me
16:43.19Shirikthat doesn't address the problem that I don't have any time as it is, so I'm not about to be messing with this
16:43.38sag_ich_nichtShirik: pff :P
16:44.50sag_ich_nichtyou could just make one from a coathanger
16:44.56sag_ich_nichtthey aren't that sensitive :P
16:45.07LunessaIn other words... hold your damned horses, he'll commit to SVN when he gets home.  
16:47.24FinLADIES AND GENNULMEN: we prrreeeeesent: TROLLOFF2K7!
16:47.50ShirikI see enough of that on my realm boards
16:48.02Shirikthere's a weekly thread "vote for your favorite troll"
16:48.24Shirikit's very strictly handled
16:48.28LunessaThe competition where EVERYONE loses.  
16:48.29Shirikfirst there's a nomination period
16:48.33*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
16:48.34Shirikand you can nominate anyone
16:48.40Shirikthen they all start with a set number of points
16:48.51Shirikthen the voting starts. You vote for two people: one you like and one you don't
16:49.00Shirikthe person who you don't like loses two points, the person you like gains one
16:49.13Shirikwhen you hit zero, you're out. Last troll standing is the "winner"
16:49.41FinTHIS YEAR - a SpECiAl AnNoUnCeMeNt - yes! back from retirement for one year ONLY:    ....   SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIK!
16:49.55Shirikthey don't even know me, I intentionally avoid that forum
16:50.25Shirikit's as bad as general
16:53.19*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
16:59.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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17:04.55LunessaIf you want to quest/raid/play in peace - never, ever, ever post an AddOn under your character names.  :D
17:05.39Shirikeven if I didn't, my guild would be all over me still so
17:05.51ShirikI even put my real name in my addons ><
17:06.08LunessaBack in the day, Niami - who runs EQTraders used to play EQ as Niami.  She had to stop because people wouldn't stop pestering her about the site, or information from the site ...
17:06.29hastethat's back in the day
17:07.19FinI'm not sure I liked that day
17:07.29LunessaWhen I played EQ, I posted a few UI Mods for it to EQInterface.. and suddenly that character got a lot more /tells.  Fortunately not as many as to make me consider retiring...
17:07.31FinI got really drunk
17:08.27zenzelezzI got really drunk once... hardly touched alcohol since
17:09.27zenzelezznor before, for that matter
17:10.04CideTS had a lot of issues with that.. I was smart enough not to name my character 'Cide' I guess.. since we transferred we both have different names
17:10.28zenzelezztransferred where?
17:10.34Cidealleria -> doomhammer
17:12.10LunessaI mean, imagine this:  Patch Day - you've released a moderately popular AddOn.  You log in to check your Arena Points and check to see if all your code is working, maybe get in an instance...
17:13.27Lunessayou get tells "OMG RU patching? NEED FIX. KANT play w/e!  Kthxbai"
17:14.58*** join/#wowi-lounge theSmiler (
17:15.19theSmileris there a command that can find the name of a party member when given the members index number?
17:15.52theSmilerparty, group, whatever
17:16.23zenzelezzCide is right though, it's right there on the API list
17:16.37theSmilernot in the party section...
17:16.49theSmilerthanks though
17:16.50zenzelezzUnit functions
17:16.55Cidethe function is not directly related to party members.
17:18.44theSmilerhmm... so all the targetting functions are blocked now?
17:19.12zenzelezzhave been for some time
17:19.22theSmileri'm new to UI scripting
17:19.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
17:19.44theSmileras you can probably tell
17:22.06*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
17:24.18Shirikyes, they are
17:24.21Shirikvery much so
17:25.15LunessatheSmiler: For like 7 months.  
17:25.18theSmilerhmm... has anyone ever attempted searching the code in WoW for these functions, and figured out how the blocked ones work?
17:26.19zenzelezzdon't try to bypass the security, if you succeed you'll only have more limits imposed
17:26.19clad|awaywe know quite well how they work
17:26.26clad|awayits not a mystery
17:26.56theSmilerwell that's some interesting feedback...
17:27.06Shirikand if you want to try signing your addon, go ahead. It should only take you about 5 thousand years if you do a brute-force attack
17:27.25Shirik(no exaggeration, it could be more actually, that's an estimate)
17:27.45theSmileroh my god why are you all so mean?
17:28.04zenzelezzbecause the reason we have limits now is because people did things Blizzard didn't like
17:28.04Shirikdon't try to break through security, and we won't be mad
17:28.20theSmileryeah, zen, i figured
17:28.28Shiriknow, if you want to go ahead and cause your addon to target people, it's very possible with secure templates
17:28.38Shirikthough I can't say it will be easy, especially for someone new to scripting
17:28.42clad|awaywe're not mean
17:28.46clad|awaybut someone comes in here once a month
17:28.56clad|awayand wants to do somethign that they're not supposed to be doing, and there is never a good reason to do it.
17:28.59ShirikI am
17:29.08clad|awaytrue, Shirik is
17:29.34theSmilerclad|away: auto targeting for a priest, based on health percentages
17:29.41clad|awaynot allowed
17:29.42clad|awayno way to do it
17:29.44clad|awaywe won't help you
17:29.47clad|awayand you have no good reason to do it
17:29.59clad|awaynot mean, just facts
17:30.13Shirikaddons can no longer make combat decisions for the user, that is intentional
17:30.24Shirikblizzard wants the player to play, not the code
17:30.34ScytheBlade1Read: Decursive, LazyTank, others
17:30.39theSmilerso why add a scripting language at all?
17:31.13zenzelezzhave you *seen* the amount of addons that do all sorts of things?
17:31.13Shirikaddons are a lot more than bots...
17:31.13ScytheBlade1^ truths
17:31.13Shirikthey just don't make decisions
17:31.23ShirikRDX, for example, makes acting upon your decisions far easier, and helps you reach those decisions
17:31.31Shirikbut in the end, it is the user that makes all those decisions
17:32.00ScytheBlade1That was easy
17:32.28Shirikyou're mean on the forums though
17:32.47ScytheBlade1I want to see the voice API
17:32.52ShirikI wanted to say cogwheel is but he wasn't here so I couldn't tab complete
17:33.04Shirikso I got lazy :P
17:33.18LunessaI'm mean everywhere.  
17:34.32*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
17:34.48Shirik"Anders v. Thanatog Douglas Anders of Bellefontaine, Ohio, files suit against Thanatog, a warlock from Goldshire, Elwynn Forest, Azeroth, Bloodhoof Server. The suit alleges that "the defendant did knowingly and willfully, without lawful authority, aggro about 30 goblins in the Deadmines, preventing plaintiff from finishing the instance and retrieving the Cape of the Brotherhood, causing mental anguish and loss of wages
17:34.50Shirikhm, that got cut off
17:34.58Shirik post 2
17:36.56Lunessa... lawl?
17:37.45Shirikyou know what, it ust hit me
17:37.51Shirikbut that theSmiler guy was really arrogant
17:37.59Shirikand I was holding back against him, I shouldn't have
17:38.26ScytheBlade1I think he got the idea
17:39.08foxlitDammit, pallies are on to my Cyclone-Starfire tactics :/
17:47.36sag_ich_nicht <--rofl
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17:56.28clad|away!vs us stormrage sagart us stormrage baileys
17:56.30ThraeBotclad|away: Sagart vs Baileys! Two 70 priests square off!; Baileys +80 HP; Baileys +139 SpellDmg&Healing; Sagart +15 RAP; Sagart +1.6% dodge; Sagart +40 spell crit rating; Sagart +10 nature resist; Baileys +29 resilience; Baileys +2.61% spell hit; Sagart +1 AP; Baileys +54 frost dmg; Baileys +130 shadow dmg; Sagart +1200 Mana; Sagart +16 mana regen; Sagart +1629 Armour; Sagart +12 mp5; Sagart wins
17:56.30ThraeBots by 6%!
17:57.17*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
17:58.53LunessaShirik: Yes, he was.  Like - breaking the security measures 'cause auto-targeting/auto-spell selection for priests is too important for mere plebes to understand.  
18:09.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
18:09.45foxlitMeh, is easy
18:10.36CideI don't think that's the point :P
18:10.44Lunessa... WoWI is selling me pr0n! - That ad banner!  
18:10.50foxlitIt probably isn't :)
18:11.05LunessaSinglesNet... hawt.  
18:11.26LunessaIt's a joke, I need the entertainment.  
18:12.16Cidetry it out!
18:18.59sag_ich_nichti would have wanted to be mean to that guy earlier too D:
18:19.51sag_ich_nichthow does that duell code work in ThraeBot?
18:20.08foxlitNumber-to-number stats compare?
18:20.31sag_ich_nicht/r/eq. full combat simulation!
18:20.38sag_ich_nichtremove those /
18:20.44foxlit"Warlock wins!"
18:20.47sag_ich_nichtstupid habbit >_>
18:22.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Ins- (n=sam@
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18:39.27sag_ich_nichtanyone able to explain this inconsistant behaviour to me(make sure you read the whole thread):
18:45.52sag_ich_nicht~seen cogwheel
18:45.54purlcogwheel <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 2h 23m 52s ago, saying: 'sag_ich_nicht: I have no pity for people who wind up in endless loops :P'.
18:48.03foxlitsag: removed too much of the URL
18:48.50sag_ich_nichtfoxlit no i didn't
18:48.51sag_ich_nichtworks fine
18:49.02sag_ich_nichtyou probably never were at the eu forums
18:49.10foxlitOnly if you already visited the english forums and have the cookies
18:49.12sag_ich_nichtjust press the damn button on the welcome message
18:49.14foxlitNo, they clear on browser restart
18:49.29foxlitquit chopping sid off urls!
18:50.06foxlitPaladin issue? Check.
18:50.13foxlitSolution: done to nerf paladins.
18:51.21foxlitDid I missumarize the thread? :)
18:51.40sag_ich_nichtjust read it ffs
18:51.50foxlitcba, paladins are boring
18:54.55foxlitAnyway, logic
18:55.09foxlitSoC procs of melee attacks. SoC doesn't proc from CS. CS is not a melee attack according to CoS.
18:56.19foxlitWhether or not this was intended, I simply don't care
19:00.32Corrodiasargh, i can't believe i failed the shartuul event again
19:00.40Corrodiasi thought i had that last guy figured out
19:01.50Corrodiasif i switch to shadow after an immolate, he does his high damage attack, and of course i can't switch to the aspect of ice because the aspect change is on CD.
19:04.09Mr_Rabies2does anyone have a list of good weapons while leveling up for rogues? specifically mace or sword rogues?
19:04.36Corrodiasmaybe if i could do it more than once every four days, i could learn something from my experience
19:04.46TainWhatever blues you find near your level.  There's plenty on the AH.
19:05.22Mr_Rabies2this server's awful for early level AH blues, but a list of what to look for specifically would be great if anyone knows of any
19:05.26Mr_Rabies2there's a ton for druids out there
19:06.23Mr_Rabies2i'm using 2x Wirt's Third leg atm
19:10.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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19:12.33sag_ich_nichthi there Iriel :)
19:25.04sag_ich_nichtanyone able to explain this inconsistant behaviour to me(make sure you read the whole thread):
19:25.40|FF|Im2good4uHole tread.. dahm
19:29.19|FF|Im2good4u2 reasons
19:29.23|FF|Im2good4u1 its is broken
19:30.15|FF|Im2good4u2 its doesnt stack up the holy dmg's
19:31.29|FF|Im2good4uanyway does anyone know how to parse the content of the 'Saved Raid Info Window'. if looked it up in blizz code and i cant find the window name anywhere itsj sut shown / hidden
19:31.49Mr_Rabies2what are some good combat parsing addons?
19:32.19Mr_Rabies2damagemeters are okay, but i want all the info recap gives without using some hacked together fan version of it
19:33.33Mr_Rabies2i'm trying combatstats again but i remember it being less than reliable
19:36.06foxlitWhat's wrong with that version of Recap again?
19:36.38Mr_Rabies2i dunno
19:36.49Mr_Rabies2i just don't like using hacked together fan versions when there's other options
19:37.29Mr_Rabies2generally they're either resource hogs from being passed around and bug fixed without being properly optimized, or not reliable
19:37.50foxlitIs the version of recap you're using either of those things?
19:38.17Mr_Rabies2i'm not using any version of recap at the moment
19:38.29Mr_Rabies2the last fan version i used was both of those things, i dunno if it's any better now
19:38.38Mr_Rabies2but fan hacks are things i try to avoid when there's other options
19:38.42Mr_Rabies2i'm asking what other options are
19:39.23foxlit"I want Recap, but not Recap" is what I'm hearing :)
19:39.41LunessaSW_Stats, Recap, and any number of other "damage meters" are pretty up to date.  
19:39.43|FF|Im2good4uLoL i fooung sonething funny in global strings :P
19:39.47|FF|Im2good4uPLAYTIME_TIRED = "You have more than 3 hours of online time. You will receive 1/2 money and XP during this period. Your rest state will reset in %d hours of offline time. Please go rest. ";
19:40.01|FF|Im2good4uor even worse
19:40.03|FF|Im2good4uPLAYTIME_UNHEALTHY = "You have more than 5 hours of online time. You will not be able to gain loot, XP, or complete quests. Your rest state will reset in %d hours of offline time. Please log out to get rest and exercise.";
19:40.04foxlitChina strings, been there for ages
19:40.05Mr_Rabies2sometimes addons that used to be useful no longer are when being updated by random people
19:40.05ScytheBlade1That's why this is a US channel
19:40.09ScytheBlade1And not a japanese channel
19:40.13LunessaHah.. Left over from beta.
19:40.30clad|awaynot left over from beta
19:40.38clad|awaychina requires the game regulate playtime.
19:40.41clad|awaynothing new/special
19:40.49clad|awaythere's an icon on theplayframe as well
19:40.52LunessaNo, not the bits from the original Rest implementation?  
19:41.10foxlitQuestion is, what's it doing in the english client?
19:41.17Mr_Rabies2especially when they go through multiple hands of people just fixing them and not bothering to optimize code
19:41.17clad|awayglobalstrings are in all clients
19:41.21clad|awayand they can run the enUS language pack
19:41.25clad|awayclient region == client locale
19:42.29|FF|Im2good4ulol would be a good debuf to get ppl thier socail life back online :P
19:42.33foxlitSo you're saying that a zhZH client can run with an english localization?
19:42.44foxlitThought that was an ELP-exclusive thing
19:44.00zenzelezzdo the playtime restrictions apply to people living in China but playing on US servers also?
19:44.00clad|awaythe eu client can run enUS
19:44.13clad|awayzenzelezz: peopel living in china play on china servers
19:44.20clad|awaythere's one ISP in china
19:44.22clad|awayand its all restricted.
19:44.27zenzelezzthat bad?
19:44.45foxlitThen how does the gold farming industry work?
19:45.07Mr_Rabies2they use the US client
19:45.08ScytheBlade1They type english characters
19:45.15ScytheBlade1I would know... they've taunted me before :(
19:45.21|FF|Im2good4uyes they have secret chars on our fav server els they never get the gold to the right server P
19:45.31foxlitYou're missing the point
19:45.39clad|awayplus those are jobs
19:45.39foxlit[21:44] <clad|away> there's one ISP in china
19:45.39foxlit[21:44] <clad|away> and its all restricted.
19:45.42clad|awaynot recreation
19:45.45clad|awayi'm sure that helps
19:46.00Mr_Rabies2it's required to be restricted through the client
19:46.17Mr_Rabies2i don't know if the ISP has any way to tell WoW traffic from any other web traffic
19:46.37ScytheBlade1374... 2?
19:46.38ScytheBlade1I think
19:46.41Mr_Rabies2not reliable at all
19:46.44ScytheBlade1It is
19:46.48ScytheBlade1As all clients use the same port
19:46.50foxlitReliable enough.
19:46.57ScytheBlade1Sure, you COULD do some networking magic
19:47.00Mr_Rabies2there's other things that use those ports
19:47.00ScytheBlade1It's DOABLE
19:47.12Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure other blizzard games do, but i'm not sure
19:47.14foxlitMr_Rabies: And I'm sure that the government of china cares.
19:47.22ScytheBlade1All other blizzard games use 6112
19:47.50Mr_Rabies2the industry is also pretty underground
19:47.55foxlitBut really, if you can farm gold on US/EU realms from within china, people must be able to connect to those realms somehow
19:48.01Baykwhat is wrong with this function?
19:48.09Mr_Rabies2chances are they're running through proxies and tunneling through different ports
19:50.22*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
19:50.28Baykstill getting an error
19:50.46foxlitAssignment operator when you're performing a compare
19:50.56foxlita = 1 vs a == 1
19:51.10Baykahh thanks so much that fixed it
19:51.26Mr_Rabies2two things that gold farming companies have shown in the past is a disregard for following the rules and desperation to keep business running
19:51.42Mr_Rabies2i'm sure getting around the law is nothing
19:51.51LunessaMilk the cash cow as long as you can...
19:52.01Mr_Rabies2getting around the law in china is all about knowing and bribing all the right people
19:53.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
19:54.02clad|away!vs us stormrage sagart us stormrage baileys
19:54.06ThraeBotclad|away: Sagart vs Baileys! Two 70 priests square off!; Baileys +340 HP; Baileys +140 SpellDmg&Healing; Sagart +15 RAP; Sagart +1.6% dodge; Sagart +64 spell crit rating; Sagart +10 nature resist; Baileys +29 resilience; Baileys +1.34% spell hit; Sagart +1 AP; Baileys +54 frost dmg; Baileys +130 shadow dmg; Sagart +840 Mana; Sagart +4 mana regen; Sagart +23 Armour; Sagart wins by 4%!
19:54.26Baykcan someone point me to some reading so I can find out how to add a minimap icon for my addon
19:58.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (n=military@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
19:59.32LunessaThere doesn't appear to be a Wiki entry, so I'd suggest reading someone else's code to use as an example.  
19:59.39|FF|Im2good4ustill i wonder does anyone know how the parse your saved raid ID# ?
20:00.07LysistrataHi everyone. I got a little question anyone got an idead what Cartographer got to do with Chat? Right now I can't say anything in /1 everytime I try I get SendChatMessage() Unkown Language.
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20:00.47LunessaLysistrata: Why are you blaming Cartographer?
20:01.22|FF|Im2good4uheh Lunessa is tight this can be cased my anything :P
20:01.36zenzelezzthat's an interesting typo o_O
20:01.50Lunessa... o.O
20:01.59LysistrataBecause Improve Errormessage tell's me that Cartpgrapher is the reason. But to be more precise it seems like it got something to do with Ace x_O
20:02.10|FF|Im2good4uintresting ? u should made an addon to track all my message then u will see something intresting :P
20:02.28zenzelezzas far as I know it's hit and miss if the game gets the addon at fault right
20:02.45zenzelezzI can try to manually /target someone and get any number of different mods reported as breaking it
20:02.48LunessaLysistrata: Try updating all your Ace2 mods from  Chances are you have an old copy of something.  
20:02.52foxlitWell, Cartographer does send a bunch of junk through addon files
20:03.06foxlitSo it might want to throttle that based on other traffic
20:03.25foxlitSo it might have hooked SendChatMessage at some point to gauge the amount of trafic going around
20:03.49LysistrataGuess I'll just try to update. For some reason everything is running fine now after toggling the language.
20:04.01foxlitThat hook would end up catching the error blame when the real SCM errors()
20:04.16Thunder_Childi think GEM still holds the record for sending the most ammount of crap through channels
20:04.52foxlitDoes GEM use completely semi-random channel names too?
20:05.16Thunder_Childno, but it sent a huge ammount of information
20:05.30foxlitHas to, part of the functionality, I believe.
20:05.42Thunder_Childoh it does, but it's still the most
20:05.48|FF|Im2good4uhehe yeah GEM = SPEM
20:06.36|FF|Im2good4uwell.. my other guild used Group Calender. and i created a data logger for it but the info was HUGE
20:07.10|FF|Im2good4uit tryed to keep all member sysnchonised so every time someone logged on i started the hole spam cycle
20:07.17LysistrataHmmm what does GEM do?
20:07.29foxlitscheduling and sign up management
20:07.35|FF|Im2good4uits addon that allow ppl to post events for thier guild or treams
20:07.36Thunder_ChildGuild Event Manager
20:07.43LysistrataAh OK
20:08.11LunessaI <3 GroupCalendar right in the face.
20:08.47LysistrataI love GroupCalendar too but there isn't really any use for it if you're the only one using it -.-"
20:10.26LunessaI have Officer powers to abuse.  You be amazed how fast I got people to use it. :)
20:11.54LysistrataI got that kind of power too... Nobody listend to me :/
20:13.43LunessaTime to lop off a head or two?
20:15.39LysistrataThe Guild doesn't exist anymore so I don't care about it xD
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20:41.51LunessaHahaha!!! " Gear and skill is what drives people and WoW.... and since my main > you. You lose." My very own flame.  
20:43.37sag_ich_nichtwhere is cogwheel? :O
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20:45.56LunessaEnjoying a Saturday away from the office or computer?  
20:46.17Thraesag_ich_nicht: ThraeBot basically adds up the % of stat differences. It's designed for class vs same class for same levels, but it does have some very, very rudimentary code to make class vs other class a little fairer.
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21:03.06sag_ich_nichtthanks for the info Thrae
21:04.12Mr_Rabies2!vs us llane Raybeez us cho'gall jamsheed
21:04.17ThraeBotMr_Rabies2: Raybeez vs Jamsheed! Two 70 druids square off!; 1/46/14 vs 0/49/12; Raybeez +223 HP; Raybeez +171 defense; Jamsheed +19.53% dodge; Jamsheed +15 resilience; Jamsheed +20 mana regen; Jamsheed +17.22% melee crit; Jamsheed +1710 Mana; Jamsheed +904 AP; Jamsheed +279 Armour; Jamsheed wins by 13%!
21:04.38Mr_Rabies2jamsheed is awesome :[
21:05.33dnmcgoyheya guys, if you want to override the functionality of something in FrameXML, is that possible? I tried putting a copy of the modified version in my Interface/Addons directory and then making a dependency on it in the .toc.. that of course doesn't seem to work
21:06.53dnmcgoyI was just trying something simple like TutorialFrame.xml
21:07.50Shirikin many cases you can
21:07.57Shirikusing simple function hooking
21:08.03Shirikhowever, in some cases, you'll break secure functionality by doing that
21:08.21sag_ich_nicht!vs eu gul'dan sodexho us cho'gall jamsheed
21:08.28ThraeBotsag_ich_nicht: Sodexho vs Jamsheed! Two 70 druids square off!; 0/47/14 vs 0/49/12; Sodexho +1003 HP; Sodexho +158 defense; Jamsheed +8.34% dodge; Sodexho +64 resilience; Jamsheed +606 AP; Jamsheed +34 mana regen; Jamsheed +12.7% melee crit; Sodexho +58 Healing; Sodexho +1242 Armour; Sodexho wins by 3%!
21:08.35Lunessadnmcgoy: I don't believe you're allowed to modify FrameXML directly.  
21:08.41sag_ich_nichtthe druid tanks i know > the druid tanks you know
21:08.49Shiriknot directly, but an addon can "override" it
21:09.02Shirikliterally overwrite the code
21:09.15Shirikassuming the addon gets loaded before it runs, of course
21:09.17Mr_Rabies2well jamsheed was in his arena gear, thrae
21:09.17Mr_Rabies2i think
21:09.17Mr_Rabies2by the resilience
21:09.21Mr_Rabies2it's only 15
21:09.26dnmcgoyyeah, that's what I was hoping by putting a modified copy of the xml
21:09.33Mr_Rabies2so maybe dps gear
21:09.44Shirikyou can't directly modify the xml, no. But in many cases you can override it from an addon, if you really wanted to
21:09.50Shirikwhat are you trying to do?
21:10.01ShirikIt USED to be possible to do this, yes, but it caused a million problems
21:10.11Shirikmost notably conflicting addons
21:10.17Shirikthus, it was removed
21:10.38Shirikthink about it, if every addon modified framexml, how can you verify that two addons modifying the same file both get what they want?
21:10.50Shirikinstead, hooking is a very good solution in most all cases
21:11.18dnmcgoywell, ultimately lets say I want to remove a some preexisting piece of the ui .. a button graphic or something.. that's a very good point.. you wouldn't know which version of the function to load
21:11.44Shirikif you want to remove it, you should be able to do so from an addon
21:11.54Shirikwithout modifying FrameXML directly
21:12.16Lunessabah... I really should learn more lua before doing this...
21:12.22ThraeMr_Rabies2: Nothing I can do about that -- it's not like the Armory has access to -all- his gear ;)
21:13.01LysistrataHmm I don't think the question really belongs here but is 6G 30S a fair price for a Netherweave Bag?
21:13.22dnmcgoyso basically hide the existing interface then put another one in its place?
21:14.02ShirikLunessa: I don't know what I'm talking about half the time either, so what :P
21:14.12LunessaLysistrata: Depends on your server, but that's cheaper than matrials cost on my server.  
21:14.12[dRaCo]fair is what others are willing to pay ;)
21:14.21LysistrataHmmm OK thanks Lunessa
21:14.51Lysistratadraco I'm just asking because I doN't visit the AH very often so I don't have a clue about the prices ^^
21:15.25LysistrataBasically I'm running around with 2 bags full of equip which i'd like to sell but I still I need to figure out the prices.
21:15.52LunessaShirik: Bah... I was going to script GetRaidTargetIndex, to grab a targets raid icon and throw it into a chat message, but then I noticed you should test for the existence of the unit first, and it got to be more work than I wanted to do for a stranger, so I just pointed them to the API.  
21:16.12Shirikthat's not too bad
21:16.17ShirikUnitExists() ?
21:16.42Mr_Rabies2armory really does need to have an option to store gear profiles
21:16.49Thrae!api GetRaidTargetIndex
21:16.51ThraeBotThrae: icon=GetRaidTargetIndex("unit");  --
21:16.56Thrae!api UnitExists
21:16.58ThraeBotThrae:  function 1stBuff()  --
21:16.59[dRaCo]Lysistrata: most data sites have got prices you can use as basis
21:16.59Lunessasee... for where I just decided I didn't want to do it all for him. :)
21:17.14*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
21:17.19Shirikwhat is that 1stBuff?
21:17.24[dRaCo]wowhead's data e.g. isn't that far off reality on my server
21:17.33Shirikthat's a horrible page
21:17.33ThraeShirik: Someone isn't making the template correctly on the WoWWiki site ;)
21:18.04Shirikwow. That's REALLY bad.
21:18.08LysistrataHmm OK I'll try that. Most of the time I try to go with 1.5x - 2x Vendor Sell Price.
21:18.27ThraeShirik: WoWWiki accepts anon. edits, it's easy to correct ;)
21:18.43ShirikI would correct it but meh
21:19.08zenzelezzThrae: it does?
21:19.18Thraezenzelezz: Yes
21:19.37foxlitThrae: you fixit!
21:19.42zenzelezzthought they made you register again or something
21:19.55zenzelezz*made you have to
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21:20.05Thraefoxlit: I'd have to login to /dump the function to make sure I have the right number of returns and arguments ;)
21:20.05Shirikalmost got it hang on
21:20.11ShirikI just did that :P
21:20.21Shirikit returns 1 and nil
21:20.37ThraeShirik: 1, not true? Damn old C users! Heh
21:20.45Shiriksorry :(
21:21.12LunessaC was good enough to put men on the moon...
21:21.18ThraeWhat, that's not your fault?
21:21.35ThraeLunessa: Yeah, but WoW is coded in C++, so there's no reason to not use 'true'.
21:21.46Lunessa... true
21:21.57ThraeNot to mention the Lua core supports 'true' regardless.
21:23.11Shirik!api UnitExists
21:23.15ThraeBotShirik: exists = UnitName("unit")  --
21:23.21Shirikah crap
21:23.26Shirikthat's what I get for copy/paste
21:23.53Shirik!api UnitExists
21:23.59ThraeBotShirik: exists = UnitExists("unit")  --
21:23.59Shirikthere you go
21:25.06LunessaMaybe I should make an AddOn for that very purpose...
21:25.17[dRaCo]what purpose?
21:25.27Shirikok, I have to head out
21:25.33Shiriktake care
21:25.33IrielI think the WoW Lua integration was originally pre-5.0
21:25.47LunessaSpitting out the raid icon of your current target or focus in to a chat message.  
21:26.02ThraeIriel: Oh? I haven't looked at pre-5.0. It didn't include 'true'?
21:26.11LunessaIt's be tiny and get lots of feature requests I could ignore.  
21:31.01ThraeLunessa: /script local u,m if UnitExists("target") then u,m="target","%t" elseif UnitExists("focus") then u,m="focus","%f" end if u and m then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("RaidTarget for " .. m .. " is " .. GetRaidTargetIndex(u) .. ".") end
21:31.41LunessaCurses... I was working it out on my own... cheeky!
21:32.11ThraeLunessa: /script local u if UnitExists("target") then u,m="target" elseif UnitExists("focus") then u,m="focus","%f" end if u and m then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("RaidTarget for " .. m .. " (" .. u .. ") is " .. GetRaidTargetIndex(u) .. ".") end
21:32.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (
21:32.25Thraeadded "focus" or "target"
21:32.37ThraeWhoops, removed "%t" by accident
21:32.42LunessaSo I see.  You're fast.  
21:32.47Kaydeethreewoo for being a bad person...
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21:33.15ThraeActually %t might not work in AddMessage
21:33.49ThraeIn that case, change m to UnitName("target"), etc.
21:33.49Lunessaheh... I had to lockdown my Wifi - neighbor's kid was using it to surf pr0n and bypass filters.
21:34.17zenzelezzyou told his parents, righ?
21:34.33Kaydeethreemeh. I'm just using it to get on line, coming back from a weeklong vacation to find my CM offline != happy k_d
21:34.40LunessaNah, I just locked up my Wifi and cut him off at the source.  
21:35.08Kaydeethreebah. you should've used a proxy or something and redirected all of his traffic to tubgirl or something
21:35.19Kaydeethree...or something
21:35.21ThraeLunessa: You should have followed this --
21:35.27Mr_Rabies2i'd just find a way to redirect all disallowed MACs to lemonparty for every website
21:36.05Mr_Rabies2oh wow
21:36.08Mr_Rabies2i missed that from Kaydeethree
21:36.36Mr_Rabies2my brain is on autopilot today
21:36.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata124 (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
21:36.36KaydeethreeI know the feeling
21:36.36Thrae <-- I actually do this since I have wireless internet through my phone + laptop in my car
21:36.47Kaydeethreewhich is a bad thing considering I just got out of the car from a 4 hour drive
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21:38.50LunessaThrae: I'm going to use that as the basis for a function.  
21:38.54LunessaThanks. :P
21:39.09ThraeLunessa: It'd probably fit in a macro too ;)
21:40.08LunessaYeah, I'm going to make it for a slash command for macro use, so that you get the text name for the icon and can just throw it in macros.  
21:40.19ThraeI should make a "Useful Macros" batch/sh script for each class, which sets macros up for macro n00bs. That'd be very cool.
21:41.23ThraeLunessa: Nah, putting a /script before it isn't that difficult.
21:41.55LunessaI know.  I'm doing it to hand out to guildees who can't even figure out the normal macro syntax.  
21:43.30LunessaIt'll be a silly pjt, but lots of addon pjts are silly.
21:45.14bleeterKaydeethree: heya and wb. i'm not really here atm, but if/when you get a chance to try the 2.2 PTR under wine, I'd love to now if you get any further than the X Window creation before it hangs.
21:45.26bleeterer, now/know/
21:45.37bleeteror any other WoW Winer, for that matter
21:51.58Kaydeethreeheyo. soon as I get it downloaded
21:53.12bleeterno probs, I'm suspecting it's due to the voice foo and having multiple sound cards, tho haven't tested that thoroughly yet
21:53.52bleeterthere's a sound.log that's meant to be being generated, but I don't get any of the logs 'cept the cpu.log
21:56.56IrielThere are new API's for handling multiple sound devices
21:57.51bleeterIriel: are you referring to WoW, Wine or ALSA?
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21:59.12bleeteryeah, thought as much. just didn't have that much time yesterday to investigate. and I'm on avian carrier internet at the moment, can't check that link. But it wouldn't suprise me if they don't play nice with WIne/ALSA
21:59.45bleeterhmmm, tho I didn't try using WIne/OSS. Might do that a bit later on today
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22:01.51IrielOuch, client crash just standing in Zangamarsh
22:01.57Irielmethinks they haven't worked the kinks out of this one yet
22:02.39bleeterearly PTR so they have something useful for BlizzCon eh?
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22:05.29IrielIs anyone here on the PvE PTR right now?
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22:06.07Kaydeethreebah. nothing happens when I load the ptr
22:06.08Kaydeethreebleeter, pong
22:06.20bleeterKaydeethree: ping
22:06.31bleeterooh, not even the X Window creation? Ouch
22:06.54KaydeethreeI've got wine creating the virt wine desktop window and that's it
22:07.02Kaydeethreeterminal's not giving any errors
22:07.06IrielAwww... /script CommentatorSetMode(1) --> You do not have permission to perform that function
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22:07.53bleeterah, rightio. I did notice it'd spawn the explorer.exe. No I'm gunna take a wild stab in the dark that it's using some function from there to determine the audio subsystem foo - and Wine doesn't work that way (or can't_)
22:07.58bleeterIriel: :(
22:08.12bleetererm s/No/Now/
22:08.58IrielAnyone want to buy me a Mac Pro?
22:09.02bleeterunless, of course, there's some other hideuously huge change under the hood that's either non-obvious from the patch notes, or just not mentioned
22:09.11bleeterIriel: only if you buy me one too
22:09.24zenzelezzIriel: will it grant me access to protected functions if I do?
22:09.46IrielOooh.. mac version has video recording built in now
22:09.50IrielTake that windows
22:10.00bleetervery much so indeed
22:10.02zenzelezzstill, it's QuickTime
22:10.13foxlitNothing wrong with that, tbh
22:10.18foxlitLooks great <3
22:10.28zenzelezzjust not as supported from editing software as far as I've seen'
22:10.36IrielEven mac editing software?
22:10.42zenzelezzwhat do I know about macs
22:10.43IrielI thought quicktime was pretty ubiquitous?
22:10.48zenzelezzbut I believe Windows can do it just fine too, Carmageddon 2 had QuickTime recording
22:10.54IrielOur video production vendors deliver us quicktime
22:10.55bleeterQUickTime's about the only desktop audio/video API that I trust
22:11.17Corrodiasto what?
22:11.31bleeterthere was some mention by tigerclaw about the possibility of offering same on windows, but would obviously introduce a 3rd party dependency
22:12.00zenzelezzjust bundle the QT libraries or whatever :-p
22:12.35foxlitThere's no pressing need to do that on windows, really
22:12.58zenzelezzno need to do it on Mac either :-)
22:13.10foxlitThere's a rather stern lack of capture software for macs
22:13.19foxlitWhereas everyone and their grandmother has a bootleg copy of fraps
22:13.30zenzelezzif capturing was important then it'd be built-in already
22:13.48Corrodiasimportant to whom?
22:13.49foxlitWhat kind of a reason is that? :)
22:13.57zenzelezzand Fraps, while it works, is still hackish compared to built-in
22:14.12bleeterCorrodias: to work well, as in, professionally, obviously
22:14.36Corrodiasif it were obvious, i wouldn't have asked
22:15.40bleeterFraps can't remove the UI element tho
22:16.04bleetermeaning it's not much worth for the Macichima folks
22:16.26foxlitYou need UI elements to do machinima?
22:16.30foxlitwhy? :)
22:17.04bleeterno, you need to remove them. and as we know, controlling your toon while no UI is active can be... fun.
22:17.45foxlitIt seems to be that it's very easy to avoid that headache
22:18.49Corrodiashow's that?
22:18.55bleeterbeyond very smart editing, which I can guarantee you isn't necessarily easy, I'd be interested to know how
22:19.10bleeterbut for now, I've gotta leave this pigeon internet. I'll catchya later on this topic, foxlit
22:19.15foxlitRealistically, you need a pretty limited number of buttons :)
22:19.18IrielYou could play viewported, and crop the UI out of the final
22:19.40Thrae!quit Reset
22:19.41foxlitResize WorldFrame, and you don't even have to put them on top of your game capture
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22:19.59bleeterfoxlit: ok, you tell that to Nihilum next time they record a major boss fight ;) :P
22:20.01foxlitYou could keybind most of your actions
22:20.20foxlitTrivial, really
22:20.23IrielThe video capture doesn't appear to be entirely bug free, either
22:20.59foxlitRun wow in a 3:2 aspect, but adjust viewport to be widescreen; your UI goes in the parts you do not capture.
22:21.22IrielStill, it's nice to get a clean capture of the non-UI directly without all the faffing about
22:21.40IrielAssuming, of course, that it worked
22:22.24zenzelezzI'm not sure I'm getting this right, will the Mac capture feature be able to capture video without the UI on while the UI still shows for the player?
22:22.51zenzelezzoptionally or exclusively?
22:22.52IrielThat's what the UI options say
22:22.55Irielit's an option
22:22.57Irielone of several
22:22.59foxlitIt's an option
22:23.15Iriel"Record the UI" "Record the Cursor" "Record Sound"
22:23.32zenzelezzsounds pretty cool
22:24.37IrielIt's very easy to use
22:24.39Irielthat's a big plus
22:25.04zenzelezzis there some key binding to start/stop recording?
22:25.24IrielThe default is [
22:25.27Irielto toggle
22:25.40Corrodiasi want more people in our guild. :(
22:26.10IrielYou can capture at a lower resolution than you play, also
22:27.01zenzelezzI hope they bring this to Windows eventually; would be fun to play around with
22:27.03IrielIt's a bit much for my poor macbook pro tho (Which is running wow in windowed mode on a 2nd monitor)
22:27.25IrielI suspect some adjustment of video settings, or closing everything else, would help
22:29.32Corrodiasit appears to save some step of the encoding until after you finish recording. also, you'd certainly want at least two cpu cores
22:29.52Irielthis is a core 2 duo tho
22:29.54Irielso i have 2 cores
22:30.10IrielI just dont have the bestest drive on the planet, or that beefy a CPU
22:30.16Corrodiasi have a question about that name
22:30.42Corrodiasis it the 2 or the duo that indicates it has 2 cores, and what does the other one mean? or are they redundant?
22:31.55foxlitcore 2 is the iteration version
22:32.00foxlitduo implies two cores
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22:33.49foxlitArchitecture revision, family name etc :)
22:34.01foxlitSame as Pentium II, Pentium III and so on :)
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22:35.02foxlitPrevious iteration would be Core; Core Solo/Core Duo processors :)
22:38.39Kaydeethreehm... wonder how easy it'd be to set up a trace of starting the ptr?
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22:40.34Kaydeethreeaha, got it to throw a page fault on ctrl+c... not telling me anything, though
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23:15.55KirovIs it a known bug that bindings for movement keys don't warn when they're being unbound?
23:16.52KirovGetBindingAction(key) doesn't return anything if the function is protected.
23:17.17IrielIt's not a bug
23:17.30IrielMost of the protected-in-combat functions fail silently
23:17.39KirovIt's not in-combat
23:18.01Kirovwell, rather, GetBindingAction("W") should return _something_
23:18.04IrielMaybe I misunderstood the question?
23:18.20IrielI do /dump GetBindingAction("W")
23:18.29IrielI get [1] = "MOVEFORWARD"
23:18.50Kirovok, aparently I got hit with the idiot stick while I was away
23:18.59Kirovlet me rephrase
23:19.17KirovGo to the Key Bindings window, select something that isn't bound, then press W
23:19.21KirovYou'll get no warning
23:19.44IrielLet me kill this withered giant
23:20.35IrielYes, it lets me rebind W happily
23:20.38KirovNo zangarmarsh for you!
23:20.49IrielIf I rebind BOTH of the keys formerly bound to move forward it gives me a red notification message
23:20.59Iriel"Move forward is now unbound" or somesuch
23:21.21KirovSo, it's a multiple bound key issue maybe.
23:21.39IrielIt doesn't seem to mind if you just rebind one of the alternatives
23:21.43Irielthat's' fine by me,
23:22.07KirovBut it seems like there should be some warning
23:22.24Irielit's not like you've disabled the key?
23:22.35KirovTrue, but you may have disabled the main key you used for it
23:22.41IrielThough I suppose some notification "You've just unbound a key fro BLAH"
23:23.08IrielThere's only so far you can go protecting people from themselves
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23:24.32KirovI'm working on my own binding window.
23:24.49KirovBasically, tired of people going, "You know what would be nice, a key binding for this."
23:24.59KirovWhen the key binding already exists.
23:25.08sag_ich_nichtgrmbl, i wish ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED would provide more information ><
23:25.29Irielsag_ich_nicht: You can call debugstack when it fires
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23:25.35sag_ich_nichtIriel: i know
23:25.38Irielor whatever it is
23:25.38sag_ich_nichti am already
23:25.45IrielSo what else are you missing?
23:25.59sag_ich_nichti wish there was a function to get all functions etc. that currently are tainted X)
23:26.00KirovIriel - so, are you actually playing WoW now?
23:26.06sag_ich_nicht(and the source of the taint :P)
23:26.27IrielKirov: I never really stopped actually playing WoW...
23:26.31sag_ich_nichtactually, just the list would be enough, issecurevariable() would be enough to check for from where it's coming
23:26.37IrielKirov: I'm playing my L62 tho, rather than my L40
23:26.54Baykis there a way to have a botton that uses a varible for the text its shows?
23:27.14IrielBayk: Not directly, you have to call SetText when you change the value of the variable
23:27.36IrielThough I suppose if you're lazy you could write an OnUpdate handler that just SetText's every frame
23:28.25KirovWhich is, oddly, more efficient then an OnUpdate that does a != check before it does the SetText
23:28.35IrielNo it isnt!
23:28.53KirovSlouken used to say SetText was smart
23:28.55IrielWell, let me rephrase
23:29.19IrielIf you've kept a reference to the old value somewhere 'easy' then it'll be faster to avoid the method call
23:29.44Kirovmore efficient than :GetText != newvar
23:29.46Irielbut it IS better to do F:SetText(x) instead of if (x ~= F:GetText()) then F:SetText(x); end
23:29.54BaykI mean the text the shows when you see the botton can I us a varible to set that?  Are you saying i need to use settext there?
23:30.06Kirovbah, too much non-mel work, !=
23:30.17Irielbut if (F.old ~= x) then F:SetText(x) F.old = x end
23:30.18Irielis better
23:30.43IrielAt least, it used to be
23:30.59KirovBayk - if your variable is a string or number you can do a ButtonName:SetText(variableName)
23:31.00IrielIt actually may be a wash now the methods are explicit
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23:32.04Baykthank you Kirov
23:32.18KirovBayk - every time variableName is changed, you'll need to do a ButtonName:SetText(variableName) afterwards at the same place you changed that variable at.
23:32.26sag_ich_nichtmhm, anyone know how taint is handled inside the parser? (i.e. what this question is heading at is how hard or easy it would be to implement a request for something along the lines of listtainted())
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23:32.58IrielIt's a property of references and objects
23:33.19Irielso you're going to be just as fast iterating over _G calling issecurevariable
23:34.07sag_ich_nicht[01:33] <@Iriel> so you're going to be just as fast iterating over _G calling issecurevariable <--sure that would tell me everything that's tained? :P (and if so, why is there no addon for that yet? :P)
23:34.15CideIriel: it's still a lot faster when the values are the same (obviously a bit slower when they aren't)
23:34.33Cideif ( old ~= new ) then button:SetText(new) end, that is
23:34.35Irielsag_ich_nicht: It'll tell you all the globals that are tainted
23:35.00sag_ich_nichtIriel: which is not everything. :P
23:35.11Irielsag_ich_nicht: Make it recursive to get all of the reachable variables via global starts, and enumerate over the frames to get all of the normally reachable variables
23:35.24IrielYou can't find 'non reachable' taint, but then you can't get to those objects either
23:35.58Irielit wont get you tainted closures, but it's a rare case where a closure is tainted but its reference is not
23:36.26sag_ich_nichtmhm true... which brings up me being a bad coder and an annoyed tester >.>
23:36.30IrielAnd what you're asking for is akin to something that says "tell me all of the variables with a value of "Spoon" -- not exactly feasible or really all that useful
23:37.01Irielpersonally I think CHANGES in taint (from untainted to tainted) are far more interesting
23:37.11sag_ich_nichtmhm true
23:38.23sag_ich_nichtstill, it'd be useful if you have 388 addons and try to track which taint exactly caused, e.g., this:
23:38.59IrielBut again that's only really useful if you know what stuff WASNT tainted when you didn't have those addons
23:39.02Kaydeethreebah for xchat bailing when it loses connectivity for that 0.25s it takes for the router to soft-reset
23:41.06sag_ich_nichtIriel: i'm just annoyed with having to disassemble the blizz function and test every single action in it for taint to find where it's coming from. >.>
23:41.34Irielsag_ich_nicht: I think possibly a useful AddOn would be one you can use to scan the globals and save a list of those which are untainted
23:41.45Irielsag_ich_nicht: Then a command that compares the list with the current environment and reports differences
23:42.08IrielMake that saved list as complex and thorough as you like
23:43.21sag_ich_nichtokay now we need to find someone to code it, i'm too lazy and you're too busy
23:43.42Kirovis there a way to count the number of returns from a function with out creating a table?
23:43.56IrielKirov: Yes, use another function
23:44.08Irielfunction countReturns(...) return select('#', ...); end
23:44.21Kirovyay for compound variables
23:45.07ThraeIriel: Can't do select('#', foo()) unless foo returns a string or table, eh?
23:45.21IrielThrae: Actually, that probably works
23:45.43ThraeAh cool. That should be better then creating a string everytime from multiple returns.
23:46.03IrielThrae: That works perfectly and is much cleaner than my suggestion
23:46.22Irielthough of course you can't access the return values themselves
23:46.29Kirovdon't care to
23:46.33ThraeKirov: So, uh, try that ;)
23:46.33Kirovjust want the number
23:46.43Irielwhich is the only advantage of a function dispatch inthere, but again, only if you actually DO something after the select('#')
23:46.47ThraeDumping the results of WoW API functions?
23:46.50Kirovlocal oldkeys = select("#",GetBindingKey(oldAction));
23:47.01ThraeAh, gotcha.
23:47.14Kirovif > 1, all unbound, else partial unbound
23:47.21Irielsag_ich_nicht: Part of devtools
23:47.27sag_ich_nichtIriel: i know :P
23:47.37ThraeKirov: What's that for?
23:47.40sag_ich_nichtIriel: altho Ace2 has it's own /dump but it's... not very friendly.
23:47.55KirovThrae - a key binding ui for my own mods
23:47.57Irielsag_ich_nicht: Not sure why they didn't just steal mine, I wouldn't have minded
23:48.16ThraeI'm too busy recoding this Lua IRC Bot, dammit...I need to work on addons again
23:48.46KirovThrae - if you unbind a key from a keybinding with multiple bindings there's no warning with the default UI.  Mine will warn if you're unbinding a key that's in use vs. completely unbinding a function.
23:48.48IrielMmmm.. Pets love sporeling snacks!
23:49.18ThraeKirov: Gotcha.
23:50.29KirovThrae - I'm making the assumption that if GetBindingAction(newkey) returns anything, then if GetBindingKey(GetBindingAction(newkey)) has more than 1 return than it still has bound keys, otherwise the user is unbinding all keys to that binding
23:51.11IrielKirov: Are you going to support the new modifier stuff too?
23:51.27Kirovnew modifier stuff?
23:51.46KirovI've been away from wow for like 4 months
23:52.21sag_ich_nichtbtw. Iriel take a look, but stay quite: ;)
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23:54.16IrielDoes the dungeon stuff work? I've wondered if anyone would ever really try and do a ping based tracker
23:54.44ShirikI've wanted to know how well it works myself
23:54.53ShirikI've seen the code, it's interesting to say the least
23:55.05IrielIn theory if you have a point of reference and people obey ping discipline it SHOULD work pretty well
23:55.47sag_ich_nicht[01:54] <@Iriel> Does the dungeon stuff work? I've wondered if anyone would ever really try and do a ping based tracker <ot dpes-
23:55.49Kirovgoing via CHAT_MSG_ADDON?
23:55.53sag_ich_nicht*it does
23:56.08IrielHow do you establish the reference point?
23:56.13IrielOr is it just relative placement?
23:56.20sag_ich_nichtproblem is it needs a database for each single instance
23:56.33sag_ich_nichtrelative placement, thus you need a DB for each instance
23:56.40mikmadidn't it assume that the place where you enter instance is 0,0
23:56.40sag_ich_nichtor at least some recorded data
23:56.47IrielStand on landmark X and ping it?
23:56.48IrielThat kind of thing?
23:57.10sag_ich_nichtno, on zone=,0
23:57.11Shirikzone-in location is a very solid origin (and the only reliable one I can think of)
23:57.16sag_ich_nichton zone=0,0
23:57.29IrielFor zones with one entrance, anyway
23:57.40Shirikwell, for zones with multiple entrances
23:57.43Shirikit should still be detectable
23:57.43IrielSo reloading/relogging in-instance screws you up
23:57.52Irielbut you can track where you were before in the entrance cases
23:58.10sag_ich_nichtalso in the reload case
23:58.12sag_ich_nichtand relog case
23:58.12IrielNeat, nice to see someone put it together
23:58.16Shirikyou can use a SV to handle reloading/relogging except in the extreme case of a crash
23:58.20sag_ich_nicht is also there
23:58.28Shirikanyway, I have to go eat dessert :P take care
23:58.46sag_ich_nichtaaaaaaaaand then we have something that brings GPSLib and Mode7 together here:
23:59.03sag_ich_nichtonly works in crypts atm and doesn't look pretty at all
23:59.05sag_ich_nichtbut it works :O
23:59.49mikmawell i tested it in stockades some time ago.. was pretty confused because the map didn't match the instance :D

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