IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070711

00:04.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
00:05.32*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
00:11.41*** join/#wowi-lounge w00tz (
00:29.51bleeterah, I see some macro issues slipped through into 2.1.3, not to be fixed until 2.2
00:33.22Mr_Rabies2he kinda sorta in a roundabout way said that 2.2 will be the next to hit the ptr
00:33.53Mr_Rabies2i've been wanting a new content patch :[
00:35.05bleeterI've not seen any mention of a 2.1.4. Though I ain't been looking hard.
00:35.23bleeterI kinda get the feeling 2.1.3's more to fix the unit frames issue more than anything else.
00:35.31bleeterbut, wtf would I know lol
00:41.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:44.09bleeteryay! iPhone blending!
00:44.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Scumbag (
00:44.34ScumbagHello! I'm just learning how to write addons, and I'd like a guild invite to the Horde guild on Draka, so I can ask some questions. Name's Crotch. (Yes, "Crotch")
00:44.50Scumbaganyone here?
00:44.58foxlitI'm surprised they allow that per naming policy.
00:45.18ScumbagI've gotten away with Buttplug, but not Crackpot. Go figure.
00:45.20foxlitNo, no one here. There's a random note on the desk.
00:45.31foxlitA chill wind is coming from the basement.
00:45.54foxlitSuddenly, the light goes out. You're likely to be eaten by a grue.
00:46.53ScumbagAnyway, I remember there being a way to create an invisible frame, so you could register for events. Where can I find the code for that again?
00:48.06foxlitYou descend into the basement, turning on a portable candlerack to ward off the grues. Inspecting the desk, you find a small piece of paper with "" on it. The URL appears to be written in red ink.
00:48.43Lunessafoxlit: Adventurer and Enchanter references earn you +10 Honor.
00:48.44ScumbagFound it:, but thanks.
00:49.16bleeterfoxlit: does one have to wear the dressing gown before going to the basement?
00:49.31foxlitNo, but your inventory seems to suggest that you have no tea.
00:49.42Scumbagso how do I get into Register for Save?
00:49.57ScumbagI have tea *and* no tea!
00:50.07cladhaireScumbag: which side is that?
00:50.11bleeterno tea? god damn, I feel I'm gunna get stuck in this for several weeks :/
00:50.11cladhairei can invite you
00:50.19Scumbaghorde side
00:50.33ScumbagName's Crotch.
00:50.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
00:50.37cladhairesend me an im on cladhaire
00:50.41bleetercladhaire: remind me to create a toon on that realm so I can run around making 'beep beep' noises :P
00:50.42ScumbagScumbag was my other character
00:50.53Lunessafoxlit: Use llama treats
00:51.53cladhaireScumbag: Nevermind, i no longer have the right to invite.. sorry
00:51.55cladhairebother Cairenn
00:51.57foxlitYou get a packet of fresh llama treats out of your pocket and open it. The stench is horrifying, and there appear to be no llamas in the basemenet.
00:52.15Scumbagafk for pasta. pasta taskes priority over WoW.
00:52.32bleeterLlamas are larger than frogs.
00:52.45Lunessafoxlit: look change of adress card
00:53.06bleeterThe llama is a quadruped which lives in the big rivers like the Amazon. It has two ears, a heart, a forehead, and a beak for eating honey. But it is provided with fins for swimming.
00:53.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
00:53.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
00:54.37bleeterLlamas are dangerous, so if you see one where people are swimming, you shout...
00:54.48bleeter"Look out, there are llamas!"
00:55.01foxlitYou further inspect the basement, discovering a change of address card in one of the drawers - the owner of the house appears to have moved out over 42 days ago. As the candles begin to flicker and die down, you could've sworn you saw something move behind you."
00:55.22Thraefoxlit: Which Zork is that?
00:55.56foxlit#wowi-zorg, here-and-now, generated live!
00:56.21ThraeZorg is like the Zerg of Zork-like games?
00:57.18LunessaI feel so old all of a sudden... I remember with great fondness all of the Infocom titles.
00:58.09LunessaI lost entire weekends to the two written by Douglas Adams.
00:59.02ScumbagAhh, yes. I enjoyed "mucking up all of [Prosser's] fancy facial work."
00:59.33foxlitHm, should make a bot-sponsored zorg game
01:00.22ScumbagJust curious: how many people here use Ace?
01:01.22FinScumbag: 5
01:01.31bleeterScumbag: e
01:01.35bleeterno, make that pi
01:01.38Finbleeter: Scumbag
01:01.45bleeterScumbag: Fin
01:02.00FinScumbag: Scumbag
01:05.33Garoun|MeOrder of the Phoenix was pretty good but really really dark, not saying anymore then that since I know that nobody has seen it :)
01:08.02Bela|afkthey get progressively darker. I believe that was on purpose
01:08.15Garoun|Meyep, it does
01:08.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
01:08.33Bela|afkI am going to an HP party the night the book comes out
01:08.50Bela|afkjust saying that makes me cringe, but I am hooked
01:09.10Garoun|Mecool, I went to a sneak preview held by Mythic with some friends
01:09.21*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
01:09.25Garoun|Menicest thing was lack of crowded theater :)
01:10.23bleetercya clad, safe travels
01:10.24Garoun|Mehave fun
01:10.27clad|hp5will do
01:10.33clad|hp5have a 3 hour wait for the movie
01:10.46Garoun|Meare you doing preview or midnight showing?
01:11.02Garoun|Meoh, gonna guess midnight showing
01:11.20cog|bookquel film?
01:12.08Bela|afkwaiting till tomorrow here
01:12.56Garoun|LoupanaI honestly don't think I would have liked it if I saw it with the general public
01:13.11Garoun|Loupanait's 130min... reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally long
01:14.18Scumbagwhat's the EVENT_NAME for OnUpdate? Is it just OnUpdate, or what?
01:14.41ScumbagI need to know what to supply as an argument to RegisterEvent
01:14.46cog|bookOnUpdate isn't an event like CHAT_MSG_ADDON or PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD
01:14.53cog|bookit's a frame event handler
01:15.17cog|bookyou have to use a <Scripts> tag in XML or :SetScript on a frame in Lua
01:15.45ScumbagYeah, I already have that in the code
01:15.50Scumbagframe:SetScript("OnEvent", a);
01:16.01Scumbagwhere a is the (badly named) function name
01:16.13cog|book"OnUpdate" goes where "OnEvent" is
01:16.21ScumbagAh, thanks.
01:16.57ScumbagSo I don't need to register an event if I want the function called every update?
01:17.39ScumbagReally, what I just want to do is have a function called continuously.
01:19.01ScumbagI created a macro to take all the money and items from AuctionInvoices in the inbox using a for loop, but that only took the first one, so I want to continually try taking stuff until there's nothing left in the inbox.
01:19.20*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
01:23.45cog|bookMaybe look at the code for CT MailMod since it has an Open All button...
01:24.09cog|bookI don't know if it uses timers, or some other mail-related event to do its business...
01:25.21ScytheBlade1It can't use timers
01:25.25ScytheBlade1Latency varies too much.
01:25.49Legorolfolks, what's the build number of the live 2.1.3 patch?
01:25.52Legorolis it 6898?
01:26.50cog|bookScumbag: if you do use OnUpdate, don't do your work every single time...
01:27.10cog|bookgive it at least 1/2 second between passes so you're not eating up CPU cycles
01:28.17bleeteroh hell
01:28.21bleeterwater's been turned off
01:28.27bleeterno coffee for 12+ hours
01:32.51*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
01:32.57Legorollol bleeter, that'd be the least of my concern without water
01:33.10Thelynacoffee is life.
01:33.24LunessaI'd be worried about showering.  
01:34.28bleeterwell yeah, haven't had a shower this morn yet
01:35.49bleeterI went to have one, it's when I discovered the water's off
01:37.39Gnarfozhp5 was... neat, but at the same time, very abridged
01:38.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
01:40.51Mr_Rabies2can i override smart self cast with specific spells in a macro?
01:42.14cog|bookif you specify [target=whatever] i'm pretty sure it should do that without respect to the self-cast key
01:42.46Mr_Rabies2well, i'd like to override it if the target is hostile for Rebirth
01:42.54Mr_Rabies2so i get the nice little glove
01:43.06Mr_Rabies2because rebirth can't be self cast, and you kinda have to be fast about it
01:43.09cog|bookoh... hrm...
01:44.34cog|bookmaybe....  /cast [help] Rebirth; [target=none] Rebirth
01:46.00LunessaI must be nuts, or a masochist.  70 Priest, 70 Mage, 70 Warlock, 70 Shaman.  
01:46.01Mr_Rabies2yep, thanks :D
01:46.04Mr_Rabies2seems to be working, cog
01:46.09cog|bookkewl :)
01:46.21Mr_Rabies2and even better
01:46.28Mr_Rabies2if target is friendly and alive, i innervate
01:46.34Mr_Rabies2if friendly and dead, i rebirth
01:46.44cog|booknice :)
01:46.46Mr_Rabies2otherwise i cast rebirth with notarget
01:46.58Mr_Rabies2thanks mang
01:47.12cog|booknp :) glad my brain was working tonight ><
01:47.35Mr_Rabies2been trying to streamline that for a while
01:47.43Mr_Rabies2because you kinda have to hurry in most cases to even use rebirth
01:49.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
01:50.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
01:54.11cog|bookAnyone else find typing /SendChatMessage"\n" and reentering your password much faster than waiting for the logout timer?
01:54.43cog|books/Send/run Send/
01:54.55Mr_Rabies2that still disconnects you?
01:55.00Legorolwoot! EU realms are down, but PTR still up
01:55.03Mr_Rabies2i thought they fixed that ages ago
01:55.09Legorolthere are a whopping 17 people on the PTR
01:55.37*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
01:55.54Legorolcog|book: i find Alt+F4, reload WoW the fastest
01:59.08LunessaMeh, if my AddOn folder didn't make wow take ... oh, 45 seconds extra at login...
01:59.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Parakie (
01:59.42LunessaI seriously need to "disembed Ace libraries ...
01:59.57ThraeLunessa: Why?
02:00.23LunessaBecause then I can manage them separately.  
02:00.32WobworkThat could make the loading up faster...
02:00.39Wobworksince there would be less folders to deal with
02:00.40ThraeA little bit, yeah
02:01.09Wobworkhehe come on =P the biggest complaint is that all the ace addons use every ace library possible
02:01.14LunessaI want to get metrics on libraries as opposed to the addon from which it was loaded.  And seek optimization. :D
02:01.16WobworkThere'd be heaps of commonality then =)
02:01.31ThraeWobwork: Actually, I think the files would still be loaded, just the stub would exit out quicker
02:01.38ThraeLunessa: Ah, well -that- is an excellent reason
02:02.00ThraeWobwork: Unless the addon uses the new embeds.xml feature, maybe
02:02.01Lunessa<--- Old C programmer, not user dork. :P
02:02.10WobworkThrae: Well more in that if you disembed, you won't have a lot of /libs/ folders to scan through on startup (not load)
02:02.15ThraeLunessa: Brother!
02:02.21ThraeOr Sister!
02:02.31Wobwork(Or both!)
02:02.39ThraeOr Strange Asexual Transvestite Extraterrestial!
02:02.45LunessaLunessa is just the character I posted most often from in WoW.
02:03.01ThraeI'm just covering all my bases ;)
02:03.13LunessaI used to hang on the old EQUI forums as Lothay, and I'm still known as that over at EQTraders.  
02:03.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
02:03.34WobworkAgeless Faceless, Gender Nonspecific Culturally Aspecific Adventurer Type Person
02:03.41WobworkOr AFGNCAATP for short
02:03.47LunessaWhen I remember to log in and you know, do my moderator duties.  
02:03.49ThraeWobwork: Oh, right, if she deletes the /lib directories entirely, yeah
02:04.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
02:04.11WobworkDamnit, I need to go find and install Z:GI again
02:04.19Wobworkbest game ever
02:04.20ThraeI merged "Disembedded" with "Standalone" I suppose
02:04.31LunessaI'm also lazy.  I haven't gotten to it 'cause I'd rather be playing.  
02:04.44Wobworkreebootle time
02:04.53ThraeLunessa: I code addons because I'd rather not be playing :D
02:05.20ThraeExcept I watch TV because I'm too lazy to code all the time
02:05.21LunessaI hack addons 'cause it is like a meta-game for me.  
02:05.22bleeterI play 'coz I'd rather not code
02:05.37ThraeBut then I play WoW when I
02:05.41ThraeBut then I play WoW when nothing's good on
02:05.50ThraeI'm a paradox!
02:06.02LunessaWhich is why there's not a single addon published by me...
02:06.04ThraeA paradox wrapped in an enigma sitting in a conumdrum.
02:07.06Finif a paradox is solved in the woods with noone to witness it - does it make any sound?
02:07.36Finalso: what's the sound of one enigma clapping?
02:08.19LunessaFin If a philospher stays up all night wrestling with the basic questions of existence, does he still fail the exam?  
02:11.48Lunessahaha... I'm a kind sweet person...
02:12.17*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
02:13.13Finif a philosopher doesn't stay up all night wrestling with the basic questions of existence, is he still a philosopher?
02:13.28Finand why is blue?
02:16.15Lunessa -- this is not half bad.
02:16.44CairennLunessa: indeed
02:17.23Fingives me the horn
02:17.37Finthe philosophical horn
02:18.51Finthe problem with a layout like that, I find, though, -- actually there are two problems I have mostly
02:19.25Finfirst is that with the buttons down in the corner, which looks nice, it means I'm not looking at what's actually going on
02:19.51Finand the transparent background for the chat frame always seems to mean that I can't read the actual text most of the time
02:19.56Finit does look lovely though
02:20.50LunessaYeah, I have yet to find "the perfect layout" for me.   I have a panel behind my chat frame.  
02:21.10LunessaJust enough to add contrast and visual appeal.  
02:21.28Finright now I've sort of got a lot going on in the middle of the screen... too much really, bars and all sorts
02:21.44*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
02:21.48Findone nicely with eepanels and some fading, I reckon it could be quite nice actually
02:22.02Finnot sure I could live with only one chat frame tho
02:22.12LunessaI use lots of tabs.  
02:22.42FinI used to (I kept running out), but I gradually got rid of them and condensed stuff
02:23.19Finthree is the perfect number for me, but I'd prefer only two -- but definitely not just one (I'd always be missing stuff)
02:23.37FinI still do have a load of tabs enabled, but I hide the actual tabs and don't really miss them
02:23.58Finwhispers, guild chat, raid / party chat, an "all" tab just in case, combat, general stuff, spam
02:24.04LunessaI really should have /g on a window of its own; being an officer and the senior-most one online most times makes for a lot of chatter I can't afford to miss.  
02:24.35Finnot sure if it would be to your tastes, but Echo is a pretty nice way of avoiding that problem
02:24.40LunessaThe thing is, 1440 x 900 doesn't seem to be enough space for everything, even at .64 UI scaling.
02:24.54LunessaWhat's "Echo"?
02:24.57Finone sec
02:25.16FinI fixed an old version I had the other day cos I missed it:
02:25.51Finbasically it lets you specify message types that will appear at the top of the screen
02:26.29LunessaProbably not for me, but sounds useful.  
02:26.56FinI have whispers and stuff shown (I was always missing important whispers about stuff in parties in the middle of combat, I just don't realise)
02:27.14Finfair enough, didn't quite think it fit for you
02:27.40ThraeFin: Hmmm, I was thinking about retooling VitalWatch to use something like that, but Echo looks too oddly made
02:27.43LunessaIt's a good idea, and if I wasn't trying to figure out how to get crap OFF my screen, it'd rock.  
02:28.22FinThrae: too oddly?
02:28.36FinLunessa: yeah... well, for me, it means I don't have to have a whispers chat frame visible :)
02:28.48ThraeI made VitalWatch for myself, and honestly, I can't play very well without it. Perhaps because of my eyesight, I don't respond to smaller visual cues nearly as fast as audio / larger visual cues.
02:28.54LunessaGood thing for me I read fast, no?  
02:28.56ThraeFin: Did you make Echo?
02:28.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
02:29.16FinThrae: no, I just fixed it because I used to use it months ago, and missed it
02:29.26ThraeFin: How much of it did you rewrite?
02:29.27FinLunessa: yes, and I'm jealous
02:29.43FinThrae: very little, I think, just fixed a couple of smallish errors to get it working again
02:29.51ScytheBlade1Holy crap
02:29.55LunessaI'm a strange mix of clicking and keyboarding, and I need lots of buttons and visual cues.  
02:29.59Finyou don't have worry about offending me; I know my code's shit anyway :)
02:30.01ScytheBlade1Anyone remember the rickroll I mentioned earlier?
02:30.27ThraeLunessa: I think my macro + addon use is awesome. I only need like 4 buttons showing at a time, and my screen is mostly empty except for important stuff.
02:30.28ScytheBlade1Same guy just replaced all of his roommate's mp3s after 30s with rick astley
02:30.33ThraeThen again, my screen is also 24" wide
02:30.37ScytheBlade1So 30s of music, bam, rickroll
02:30.39ScytheBlade1On EVERY mp3
02:30.47LunessaThrae: ...
02:30.49ThraeFin: Well then it's oddly coded and it's not your fault
02:30.55LunessaI ... hate ... you.
02:30.59ThraeLunessa: PR / Grid helps a LOT
02:31.09Finheh, between the two of you you've described how I play - I need larger visual stuff to notice things, my eyesight is crap, and I absolutely have to use both mouse and keyboard the whole time, just one or the other seems weird
02:31.10LunessaPerfect Raid is love.  
02:31.24ThraeFin: KB turners == teh fail
02:31.27FinThrae: I was just curious as to what you meant by "odd" :)
02:31.35LunessaEvery time I use it, I want to kiss Clad.  
02:31.51ThraeFin: A nice way of saying "I don't think it's really coded that well to use any part of it myself" ;)
02:32.04FinThrae: ahh, thank you for the clarification
02:32.11LunessaScytheBlade1: Good thing you didn't do that to my music... I'm not sure it would be considered justifiable homicide.  
02:32.18ThraeFin: However, I'm sure I have not seen your fixes
02:32.31ThraeThen must make it look like Iriel's code
02:32.39ScytheBlade1Lunessa, it gets better. His roommate is inviting a girl over, and will be playing music :)
02:32.58LunessaScytheBlade1: LOL - so great.
02:32.59ScytheBlade1Timing could not be better
02:33.06ThraeI play Anime OPs & EDs when the girls come over
02:33.08ScytheBlade1<[> i think my roommates are planning something romantic
02:33.08ScytheBlade1<[> i need to get their mp3s rickrolled stat!
02:33.08ScytheBlade1<Nayuki> See you in hell
02:33.08ScytheBlade1<[> it'd be fucking hilarious if they put on some shitty love music and then it went to rickroll
02:33.22ThraeThey like it
02:33.27FinThrae: terrible, I'm sure :) actually I value elegance in code very highly, but I know I am nowhere near experienced enough in Lua to be able to achieve it to a great degree
02:33.35LunessaFin - I have CTS in both hands so I use the keyboard for MOST things, but click things which are combat-critical.
02:33.55ThraeLunessa: Is CTS some type of slang for a--nevermind
02:34.19Cairenncarpel tunnel syndrome
02:34.26LunessaCardboard Tube Samurai?  No, I have Carpal Tunnell Syndrome.
02:34.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
02:34.36ThraeCan you get CTS from--nevermind
02:34.39LunessaAnd an inability to spell.
02:34.47LunessaRepetative stress?  
02:34.56FinLunessa: I'm a big fan of keyboard + mouse keybindings, because (as I see it) it means I don't have to move either hand that far to do stuff
02:35.02Cairennaka Repetitive Motion injury
02:35.14bleeteraaka Wanker's Cramp
02:35.21LunessaI think you should be more worried about hairy palms or blindness.
02:35.31ThraeI know what Carpel Tunnel Syndrome is, just never heard to it referred to as "CTS" ;)
02:35.56ThraeOnly the back of my hand is extremely god, and I thought I knew my body like the back of my hand!
02:36.01LunessaFin I use a logitech trackman - 3 buttons (the wheel is programmable as a button) and that's it.
02:36.05bleeterpersonally, I blame Cide for every CTS sufferer
02:36.13bleeter'coz.. it's like CTMod, but not
02:36.15LunessaIt's ideal for stress reasons, not so good for buttons.
02:36.18Thraebleeter: I blame the Home Key Method
02:36.26ThraeLunessa: Do you use the Home Key Method?
02:36.33bleeterThrae: you blame Cide for the Home Key Method?
02:36.36FinI used to spend loads of money on keyboards and mice
02:36.40Thraebleeter: That too!
02:36.43LunessaNo, I'm a poor typist.  55wpm with 5 fingers.  
02:36.52Finhow do you do with 10?
02:37.01ThraeLunessa: Are the other 5--nevermind
02:37.03LunessaNeed 1 hand free for...
02:37.19Finnowadays though, I just buy the cheap keyboards and the standard optical mice
02:37.22ThraeI get around 100 WPM with both hands, but with one hand, not so much
02:37.23LunessaNo, i just never learned to touch-type and after 20 years it's too late.
02:37.44Fin~90wpm (~120 if I didn't make any mistakes :)
02:37.51Lunessamake that... 25 years
02:37.52bleeterI learned to 'touch type' by inputting pages and pages and pages of code from computer magazines when i was a kid (ahh, nostalgia)
02:37.56Finthe only useful thing I ever learned from my school
02:38.20ThraeLunessa: Weird. Most touch typers I know do NOT get Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, because their hands are not in the same position all the time. It's the "Home Key" method (ala, typwriter schools) which really do it.
02:38.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
02:38.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
02:39.04ThraeFin: You use the Home Key method?
02:39.10LunessaThrae The thing is, doctors aren't sure yet what really causes it.  Prior to popular computer, it was mainly butchers and carpenters.
02:39.12Finhah, I remember, my sister spent a whole day once putting in this example code from the manual of my Amstrad 6128+, she actually got it working (had more stamina than I did, it was huge), I felt so sorry for her when she got all frustrated and turned it off later - she didn't know about the concept of "saving"
02:39.16bleeterssh, Iriel's here now. so let's not mention it anymore.
02:40.06ThraeLunessa: Nah, excessive typewriter use can cause it when the typewriters switched from manual new line to automatic, but they didn't last long enough against the new computers that came out shortly thereafter.
02:40.26LunessaI /concur
02:40.29FinThrae: I don't know the term, sorry - but for some reason I'm a natural typist, I remember doing the 6-week course (in the term before I left my school) and was up to about 60wpm after two weeks
02:40.37Lunessait's just that the causes are still poorly understood.
02:40.46Finmy mother is a Proper Typist
02:40.50LunessaAnd there are those who will say it's not a real issue.  
02:41.00LunessaThe science is lacking. :p
02:41.09ThraeLunessa: Most studies I've read have clearly shown that touch typers who don't stay in the same position over the KB for very long are far less prone to Carpel Tunnel Syndrome.
02:41.12Finwhen she sees me type she cringes - she does the proper hold-your-fingers-above-the-keyboard-and-drop-them type thing
02:41.17Fin(haha, "type" thing :P)
02:41.33ThraeLunessa: I have two trigger fingers (my pinkies), and if anyone seriously, I -should- have gotten carpel tunnel syndrome looooooooong ago
02:42.03ThraeFin: Do you keep your fingers stationed on the "F" and "J" keys (F left, J right)?
02:42.20ThraeFin: Note -- I do not know if you use Dvorak :D
02:42.32FinThrae: yes, and I instinctively look for the bumps on those keys; if I can't find them I'm fucked
02:42.33LunessaThrae yes, true. It's just that people in identical circumstances don't always develop it, while others to.  it's odd.  
02:42.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
02:42.51FinDvorak, pff, I tried it, read about it, doesn't seem to be much difference to be honest
02:42.54ThraeFin: Weird, that is the "Home Key" method. Your hands normally don't move from the same position very much?
02:43.10ThraeFin: Well, I wasn't sure if the "Fin" came from being Finish or not. I guess I could have done a /who ;)
02:43.13FinThrae: not really, nope
02:43.20LunessaMost of the time, it's not a problem.  I long ago made adjustments to lifestyle and peripherals to make things easier on me.  
02:43.21Finohh, right, heh :) no, I just like short nicks
02:43.37ThraeFin: Yeah, then you're a prime candidate for carpel tunnel syndrome. Might just need to get older...
02:44.00Wobworkheh, give it time =P
02:44.13FinI get tired hands, and sometimes very painful, but I wouldn't define it as carpal tunnel
02:44.17LunessaI developed it at 23
02:44.21ScumbagOnUpdate has an argument, called "elapsed" in an addon I'm reading. What exactly is does this represent? Milliseconds? Frames? What?
02:44.31FinI've been typing for about, uh... 14 years?
02:44.50ThraeLunessa: I think it has to do with age, exercise strength and flexibility (women generally have less innate strength), and bone density
02:45.21FinI always used to boast that I had very flexible fingers though, heheh :) bit silly, but I can do all sorts of tricks with bending them and stuff
02:45.21ThraeFin: And about how many hours does it take before your hands start feeling tired?
02:45.32LunessaI'm glad my case was caught early, treated non-surgically, and I was able to get on with things.  
02:46.05FinThrae: depends... if I'm coding, all day, then at the end of the day they'll ache - keep that up for a few days and well, my brain is actually the first thing to go normally
02:46.24ThraeLunessa: Yeah, I've seen some bad cases. Not pretty. My mother, who's a psychologist and teaches sometimes at a local middle school, actually wanted to know how I avoid carpel tunnel syndrome after spending sometimes 15 hours on a computer per day
02:46.39Findo you have some secret, then?
02:46.52FinThrae: do you use the "home key" method as well?
02:46.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_Ghost (n=Guilloti@
02:46.57LunessaMany doctors would give a lot to know that too. Like I said, the science is lacking.
02:47.06Finahh, I see, home key - right, bumps - not the "Home" and "End" keys :)
02:47.09ThraeFin: Yeah, I usually have almost no pain or stress on a -regular- keyboard even after like 15 hours. This laptop keyboard I'm on right now does give me a little bit of an ache, but I've been on it for about 8 hours.
02:47.38Arrowmasterwhat else is there besides home row and chicken pecking
02:47.38WobworkThe 'home row' is the a-l'
02:47.41FinI don't buy expensive keyboards, but I will check four or five before choosing
02:47.44ScumbagWhy isn't the SetScript function listed at
02:47.46ThraeFin: Right. That was taught to me (which I discarded) as the "Home Key" method. I got up to 33WPM on it and said "screw it" and went back to my regular 55WPM (at the time)
02:47.59ArrowmasterScumbag: its in the widget api part
02:48.00cog|bookScumbag: because it's not part of the API
02:48.05WobworkI have crossover... like with the 'b' key
02:48.07LunessaAnd there's a difference between tendoitus (sp?) and CTS
02:48.16Wobworkit's supposed to be pressed with the left hand I think
02:48.23FinThrae: actually now I come to think of it, I didn't learn like that - I remember I never understood what "those stupid bumps" were for on the keyboard
02:48.40ThraeFin: -regular- keyboards, the expensive ones are the "ergonomic" keyboards, which I can't type on -- I keep trying to type in the middle, but the middle doesn't have any keys on an ergonomic keyboard. You could type on one of those, though. It might reduce your aches.
02:48.53Wobworkhehe I learned almost touchtyping by having a 20" CRT monitor
02:48.58Finyou mean those sort of bent ones?
02:48.59LunessaI love my ergo keyboard.
02:49.02ThraeFin: Right
02:49.12WobworkSince I didn't have any deskspace afterwards, I had to put the keyboard on one of those underdesk trays
02:49.18Wobworkand I just left the tray rolled in
02:49.20Finew, I hate those things, never got used to them. I'll give it another go though.
02:49.41ThraeI invented my own style of typing because I needed it -- my pinkies, mostly due to my "trigger finger" syndrome, do not have enough power to fully strike a key
02:49.51WobworkIf I use an ergo keyboard, I have to have it at home as well as work
02:49.54ThraeSo I type with 8 fingers (and yes, my pinkies are always doing something sexual)
02:49.55Finpersonally (and I've never really thought too hard about this), I think it's more to do with the pressure of the keys when you click them, and the distance the key actually goes down
02:50.51ThraeActually, I -mostly- type with 6 fingers. The ring finger's muscle, as you know, is connected to the pinky's, so it's hard to not use your pinky but use your ring finger.
02:50.56Finif you end up hitting too hard (because the keys are too soft or too far from the top, or too stiff), or not hitting hard but hitting a hard surface regularly (because the keys are too close to the bottom) it's bad
02:51.09Wobworkthere's soemthing satisfying about those machine grade IBM keyboards that go 'CLINK'
02:51.11ThraeI type pretty hard. I love the old clickety-clack IBM keyboards.
02:51.20Arrowmasteri think i probably type a lot different than the 'correct' way when using the home row, i just know where the keys are and hit them with whatever finger i feel like
02:51.31ThraeI think I've destroyed keyboards before with my typing strength.
02:51.35Arrowmasteri also almost always use the left shift
02:51.40WobworkFINGARS OF STEEL
02:51.50ThraeArrowmaster: Pretty much same here, but I have a bit of a pattern I follow
02:51.57FinThrae: huh, I don't use my pinkies much at all
02:52.09ThraeFin: Pinkies are necessarily for full "Home Key" power
02:52.15Wobworkyeah I use pinkies a lot
02:52.18ScumbagHey, is there any chance I could get a guild invite to Register For Save?
02:52.39FinI mean, I do use them... hmm.. this is an interesting conversation, I've never really thought about this much
02:52.43ThraeScumbag: Of course! Your name sounds so trustworthy, so we can tell you're a top 'ol sport!
02:52.57ScumbagThe name of my character is "Crotch"
02:53.18ThraeFin: Think about this -- try to really think hard about how -exactly- you type, and how -exactly- you know which key to press down on...and watch your WPM drop until you snap out of it!
02:53.26FinThrae: yeah, I know - I make a lot of mistakes, with a bit part of them involving words needing pinkiage
02:53.34LunessaI should make a guild called dev null
02:53.48FinThrae: oh god yeah! I've done that one before :) it's horrible
02:53.50ThraeLunessa: Developers already have two guilds on a server -- "Register For Save", and, uh, one other
02:53.51Finbut that's how my mother types!
02:54.01Finshe was a Secretary in a Typing Pool and all that
02:54.02bleeterLunessa: GM should be called 'clue' ;)
02:54.11Arrowmasterone of the things i dislike about keyboards his the way the keys are staggered, its good for the right hand but hell for the left hand
02:54.15ScumbagAre these guilds on ALL servers or just... whatever that one is called, I forget
02:54.49FinI'm sure everyone knows this, but the Qwerty keyboard is actually, by design, one of the least efficient layouts possible
02:55.11N|Tivolithat's because old computers couldn't keep up with people's typing speed ^^
02:55.20cog|bookDo all units have a class according to the API?
02:55.22LunessaBecause on mechanical typewriters it was possible to jame the striker arms by typing too quickly.
02:55.40WobworkN|Tivoli:  ><
02:55.40ThraeFin: I couldn't use anything else after 20 years
02:55.50Arrowmasteri tried switching to dovorak once with my friend, we both gave up because we felt like retards when we kept looking down at the keys and the labels were wrong
02:56.01Wobworkworst misinterpretation of reasons ever =P
02:56.03N|Tivoliit takes a bit to switch
02:56.10Finhowever, I think that's all a load of cock *anyway*, because a) there's a limit to how fast my fingers can move, and it's about how fast they're going right now (so it doesn't matter if there were a more efficient keyboard); and b) once you get used to a layout, your natural skill evolves to fit the layout
02:56.10ScumbagSo how could I go about getting an invite to Register for Save?
02:56.12cog|bookI use Dvorak
02:56.18LunessaSame reason phone keypads are reversed from 10-key
02:56.39WobworkI'd like to actually try dvorak
02:56.46WobworkI tried that other format that's flaoting around
02:56.50FinThrae: have you tried Dvorak? I was quite lucky, I lived in France for a while and got used to Azerty
02:56.51WobworkI can't recall what it's caleld
02:57.09WobworkCol something
02:57.18Finwhen I went back to Qwerty (which seemed weird after Azerty) I decided to try Dvorak before I got too used to anything
02:57.31bleeterI didn't mind Azerty, or the one the German's use. Having to code on Zerty, Qwerty and German, practically simultaneously, though, was a pain
02:57.54ThraeFin: No, but I'm 99% sure without trying, and I'm not being defeatist, that I would fail. I can't even use Ergo keyboards, even being forced to use one for days at a time, how can I ever really learn Dvorak up to my current level?
02:58.13Finthe fucking Czechs man, they piss me off though :) they have the z and y keys swapped, and the number row is all letters with diacritics
02:58.19FinI swear they just do it to be awkward
02:58.48FinThrae: heh, fair enough - and anyway, there's no need
02:58.56ThraeFin: My method involves having literally memorized where all the keys are on the keyboard as a child, and I'm proverbially, but almost literally, an old dog who new tricks cannot be taught to.
02:59.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
02:59.20LunessaThrae welcome to my world
03:00.03Arrowmasterfrom what i remember of dovorak it didnt look that great for programing (not that qwerty is either though) because of the special character placements
03:00.17Finyou know, it's weird, and I should probably just keep this to myself, but for some reason I decided to learn the order of the keys in sequence, and you can actually say them
03:00.44Finkwerteeooeeop azzduffguhuhjuhkul zuxxkuvbunumm
03:01.10Finthe bit I should keep to myself is that it really amuses me to say that out loud
03:01.15ThraeNow, for an Undead Joke! Why is the reason you rarely see Undead kids? ... Undead Relative (to the two undead parents and their baby) : "My, that little bag of bones sure does have yer eyes there, George!"; George: "Yes, and I'd wish he'd give 'em back already!"
03:01.38Fin-3/+7 points
03:01.48abugmodding parent down
03:02.32Findid you hear about the teacher with a squint?
03:02.36Finshe wasn't very good
03:02.41Fincouldn't control her pupils
03:03.04Lunessa~whaleslap Fin
03:03.14purlACTION beats Fin upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
03:03.41abug~whaleparry purl
03:03.42purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry purl's attacks.
03:06.34*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:06.44Wobworklucky floor
03:07.06FinThrae: I see what you mean about Echo's code
03:07.53FinThrae: still, it worked with very little fixin, I find it hard to bash stuff that doesn't break easily
03:08.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
03:08.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies|away (
03:10.22ThelynaI just picked up S2 arena chest today (holy paladin), has two red and one yellow socket (with a spell crit rating socket bonus) - should I go +heal/+heal+/+resil, or something else? (purely for arena/pvp usage)
03:10.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
03:11.05FinI might add an echo module for Prat, actually
03:11.57Finincidentally I do wince internally when I think of new stuff for Prat, but... when the choice is not have a tweak / feature / twiddly thing, or have it... I want it
03:12.18Finnot that I'm exactly a monster contributor, or anything
03:13.18LunessaI will lay odds that most of the regulars here contribute FAR more code than I do.  I just write macros for people, or expalin why they can't do something deliberately broken by Blizzard. :D
03:14.08FinMacros for the People
03:14.12Finviva la revolucion
03:14.21LunessaMacros for the Proletariat.
03:15.23ThraeFin: I dunno about cheap keyboards, I use a G15 + 5-button scroll wheel mouse (opt.) + 24" vertical LCD/HDTV w/ PiP
03:15.45Lunessazomg monitor envy
03:16.11FinThrae: see, I'd love one of those G15s, but I can tell you right now I would break it soon enough for it to not be worth getting it in the first place
03:16.24Finbefore it didn't matter if I broke it, standard mice and keyboards were so shitty that it mattered
03:16.36Arrowmastermaybe i should get a new keyboard soon, my saitek eclipse doesnt seem a bright as it used to
03:16.45Finbut I reckon the cheap models these days are easily good enough :)
03:17.28Thrae"he Warlock spell Incinerate has had the performance of its graphical spell effect improved." <-- AND YOU SAID WARLOCKS WERE GETTING NERFED IN 2.1.3!
03:17.52Wobworkomg nerf warlocks
03:17.57ArrowmasterFin: i'd like to see you break on of those from normal use
03:18.21FinI used to class keyboards, mice, and headphones in the category of "commodity items that have been around long enough that the cheap ones are good enough", but I bought some Sennheiser headphones a couple of months ago
03:18.27Wobwork"...with its new gold-plated and clicky high-end mechanical key switches"
03:18.34Wobworklove the technical terminology
03:18.36FinArrowmaster: are they immune to bear?
03:18.49Thrae"The "show launcher" option has changed so that it now defaults to "on". Players will now see the launcher when running WOW by default." <-- Does ANYONE *like* the Launcher?!
03:18.59ArrowmasterThrae: no
03:19.22Wobworkoh I'm tempted
03:19.26Finobviously *I'm* not immune to beer
03:19.42Wobworkbut shipping to over here would be painful
03:19.48bleeterThrae: launcher is pointless to me
03:19.54Thrae2.1.3 Patch Notes should just read, "We had a few good changes here, but we won't list them because the others will just piss you off."
03:20.06IrielI like the launcher
03:20.17Wobwork"Australian: get it from AUSPC Market Online and get express kanguru delivery."
03:20.20IrielBecause when the PTR is live it's easy to pick which version I want
03:20.42FinThrae: I would put money on that being the result of an extended period of painful discussion between multiple departments, with the driving force being sales who have some execs on their side
03:20.51ThraeIriel: You don't count, you've been contaminated by being so close with the innards of Blizzard.
03:21.09Finand Iriel
03:21.12ThraeIn do I know you're not already an employee of Blizzard?
03:21.26IrielI dont live in the right place?
03:21.30IrielAnd i'm not.
03:22.04bleeterIriel: meh, for me, alias wowtest='/usr/bin/wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/World\ of\ Warcraft/WoWTest/WoW.exe' is more than enough than using the method you suggest :P
03:23.32FinI hate backslashes
03:23.50Finer, nothing personal bleeter
03:24.02IrielBleeter only needed backslashes to escape his spaces
03:24.04Lunessammm... beer.  
03:24.17FinIFS ftw!
03:24.23LunessaMaybe I should drink beer tonight instead of playing WoW.  
03:24.28Fininstead of?
03:24.45LunessaAs in go out to drink beer.
03:25.10FinI've heard of this "out" of which you speak... intriguing - tell me more
03:25.37ThraeIriel: Aha! My hacker powers tell me you're in California! And Blizzard is in California!
03:26.17Finactually I take that back, I actually like going out and think it's both big and clever to get violently drunk at pubs with your friends (as long as you don't piss anyone else off like those fuckin stag parties here)
03:26.40ThraeIriel: You are within 770x250 miles from Blizzard! Admit it!
03:26.49ThraeWait, 250x770
03:27.02*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:27.34ThraeHe's not answering...mwhaha, fear my assumptions!
03:28.30ThraeI would drive up to 100 miles to work over at Mythic Entertainment, if they would offer me something better then a CS job.
03:28.32cog|bookanyone know of an addon that will automatically put you on DND when you are no longer AFK?
03:28.56Thraecog|book: That's too specific and cool to be made by anyone other then someone absolutely new at coding
03:29.01Thraecog|book: IE, it's on curse somewhere
03:29.03FinI know of an addon that puts you on DND while you're in combat
03:29.33cog|bookmeh... i'll just hack it into LuaSlinger
03:29.56FinI suppose I should google this
03:30.19Lunessa... sorry had to go AFK to close up shop and prepare a machine to leave the building.  
03:30.37ThraeLunessa: I want a job where I can IRC at work.
03:30.49LunessaGo to work for a university.
03:30.59ThraeLunessa: Do you have any naked pictures I could blackmail you with, stealing your job?
03:31.11Fincog|book: are you a curse or a wowi or a ui guy, can I ask? wowi, right?
03:31.18ThraeScratch that thought. Do you have any naked pictures of your mother, if she's under...60?
03:31.22Thunder_Childcarefull Thrae, it may backfire
03:31.31ThraeI think I could still blackmail you with those.
03:31.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
03:31.39WobworkKE-DASKEYBOARD2    Â    Price ex GST -   $158.00   Price inc GST -   $173.80
03:31.42FinThunder_Child: you shouldn't refer to Lunessa's mother as "it"!
03:31.46cog|bookFin: wowi & curse
03:31.52WobworkI so can't afford that
03:32.33Fin. o O ( Wobwork... this is your brain... b u y  t h e  s h i n y  t h i n g ... )
03:32.59cog|bookWowi 'cause i love it, curse 'cause 1) it's easy to post my readmes since I can just copy/paste HTML, and 2) the localization checkboxes.
03:33.05Temcog|book, local f = CreateFrame("Frame") f:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM") f:SetScript("OnEvent",function(self,event,arg1) if arg1 == "You are no longer AFK." then SendChatMessage("","DND") end end)
03:33.14WobworkFin: I accept donations of keyboard
03:33.23cog|booktem, already there :P
03:33.24Fincog|book: you know that LuaSlinger is only on ui? :)
03:33.32cog|bookFin yeah :)
03:33.37cog|bookit's not mine
03:33.40Finheh, k :)
03:34.13Thraecog|book: Can LuaSlinger respond to any event with the code you give it, or just load crap on startup?
03:34.14cog|bookbut it has a scripts tab where you can easily write or paste code and tell it what events to run it on
03:34.18FinOK I think I'm justified at this point in asking for a URL or some other reference point wrt LuaSlinger :)
03:34.28ThraeAh, you just answered my question
03:34.31cog|bookThrae: both plus running code on demand
03:34.41Thraecog|book: Did you code it?
03:34.49ThraeWho then?
03:34.53Fincog|book: is there a URL or some other reference point where I can read about your LuaSlinger?
03:35.04Finit's not yours... right!
03:35.07ThraeI always look at the code before I use an addon :D
03:35.09cog|bookI've been using it religiously for a year and a half or so :P
03:35.12FinOK that took a while for brain duh whu?
03:37.16cog|bookWoah... Tem, you vicariously crashed wow...
03:37.57cog|bookanyway... time for horror movie with the mrs :)
03:38.06Finoh come on
03:38.09FinI'm sure she's not that bad
03:38.21Guillotinelol :P
03:39.30Thraecogwheel|away: Looked at LuaSlinger's code, not the greatest, could definately be worse. Probably just suffers from being made long ago and the author losing interest.
03:39.49ThraeIt's pretty darn tiny, except for the evil, evil XML
03:40.25cogwheel|awayXML ftw
03:40.36cogwheel|awayactually i've never looked at its code
03:41.05cogwheel|awayIt works, doesn't crash, doesn't bog me down... i don't really care if it's ......... [stops ranting before wife starts]
03:41.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
03:42.04Nom-"You cannot Block while mounted." <-- that seems to be false, at least for flying mounts
03:42.25Nom-I've seen blocks come up in my SCT while getting hit by birds in Skettis
03:43.49*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:45.41bleeterWhat? Flying from Winterspring to Astranaar goes via Azshara, not the new Alliance Felwood FP? MAD!
03:46.25Nom-There's a new FP in Felwood ?
03:46.56bleeterNom-: Emerald Sanctuary now has an FP
03:47.36bleetertho, iirc, still no fireplace or vendor let alone repair person
03:48.05bleeterTem: what's up?
03:48.18TemI really, really, really hate it when people blame a patch for things that have nothing to do with the patch
03:48.38bleeterwhen we know it's all Cide's fault
03:48.48Cidewhat's my fault btw?
03:49.39Tem"Blizzard made it so I can't use vent while wow has the focus in the patch"
03:49.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
03:49.49bleeterNom-: just went there, both Alli and Horde have FP in Sth Felwood
03:50.17bleeterKirkburn having an identity crisis?
03:50.28bleeterhe shoulda been here couple hours ago, had discussion that would've helped him
03:51.16KirkburnIt was so I could log into my other PC's IRC without getting auto kicked :D
03:51.36ThraeKirkburn: omg, learn to "screen"!
03:51.54bleeterThrae: that'd involve ditching his beloved Vista
03:52.05Thraebleeter: He has 2 computers
03:52.17ThraeI pray he does not have Vista on both -- that's legal insanity
03:52.36KirkburnDamn useful for multitasking
03:52.44KirkburnBut no, only XP on this one
03:52.47ThraeEven I have 2 Windows machines (one laptop, not much choice), but I also have 2 Linux machines
03:52.49KirkburnHence, er, the Vista tag on the other
03:53.03ThraeKirkburn: Turn that XP machine into an Ubuntu workstation, since you already have a Windows machine
03:53.33KirkburnWell, it does need a reinstall
03:55.04ThraeKirkburn: Dual boot my friend, dual boot. You shall find yourself in LOVE with Linux. You shall.
03:55.20Kirkburn|VistaBut that's scary :(
03:55.55Kirkburn|VistaArgh, double pinging ftl
03:56.10bleeterit's possible that Kirkburn could love Linux. After all, he loves another certain pile of sewerage :P
03:56.15Kirkburn|VistaIt's a Dell laptop - would that be okay for it?
03:56.37Kirkburn|VistaWhat, the iPhone? :O :O :O :O :O
03:57.33bleeterKirkburn: did you see the iPhone blender video?
03:58.05Kirkburnlol no
03:58.08Kirkburnlink, link!
03:58.15KirkburnDoes it blend I wonder
03:58.27bleeteroooh, does it blend!
04:00.02KirkburnYes! It blends!
04:00.57abugthat's like the guy who bought a 360 just to smash it on the street
04:01.41bleeterI wanna know if the Blue Gene/P will blend :(
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04:31.27batrickwas there a .toc change this patch?
04:33.43Irielthere shouldn't have been, no
04:38.49bleeterwow, nelf mage anims are fucked up
04:46.42*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm_ (
04:47.36bleetermm, yeah, I love blowing cone of cold out the side of my ass lol
04:49.23Scumbaganyone here?
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05:30.59Nom-wtb instnace runs lol
05:31.16Nom-Anyone had trouble finding groups for 68-70 dungeons lately /
05:34.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Me (
05:34.54Arrowmasteri havent done a 5 man in.... god i cant even remember now
05:35.07Arrowmastermostly because my server is full of morons so i wont pug
05:35.12bleeter5mans are dead. given the amount of effort etc., required, many people just go arena
05:39.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
05:40.08Nom-Yeah, I know, but still
05:40.32Nom-I'm trying to fill out my protection, retribution and shockadin gear sets
05:40.39Nom-My healing set is the only one which is decent
05:40.45RecluseNom-: I have trouble finding groups for anything over 65 on my realm (outside of guild that is)
05:40.48Nom-By decent, I mean I have full epics :)
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06:14.47Mike-N-GoHas /castqueue been removed?
06:15.31Arrowmasteryou mean /castsequence
06:16.24Mike-N-GoI guess that is why it does not work, I was spleing it wrong..
06:19.06*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
06:22.22norgannaSpelling it wrong? or typing completely the wrong thing?
06:31.29Nom-Well, more
06:31.32Nom-Probably 1000g :D
06:31.35Nom-So happy
06:32.33*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (i=MoonWolf@
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06:40.49*** part/#wowi-lounge Scumbag (
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06:43.54ckknightNom-: share the wealth
06:49.15Nom-lol I'm not wealthy
06:49.23Nom-I have a 4000g loan to pay back :P
06:49.41Nom-farming with an epic mount is quicker though, that's all
06:49.45Nom-questing too
06:55.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
06:57.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
07:00.18ckknightThrae: shouldn't you have a command to turn it to tinyurl?
07:00.32ckknightlike !tinyurl http://longurlhere/
07:04.43Thraeckknight: It's for the convience of clients that don't have clickable links (so copying can be a pain), as it only does it for links > 50 characters (after http://)
07:04.59Thraeckknight: !t <url> also exists
07:05.35Thrae!char us maelstrom thrae
07:05.37ThraeBotThrae: Thrae, Level 59 Night Elf Druid (1/41/8). 4043 HP; 2899 Mana; 193 Str; 233 Agi; 2021 Armour; +14.25% melee crit; 96 +heal; 19.62% dodge; +15 all resists (+10 nature). [[ Link: ][ Talents: ]]
07:05.40ThraeIt's also used in situations like that
07:05.53ThraeBut that's not much use for this server :D
07:05.58ThraeErr, this channel
07:06.35Guillotine!char us draenor Guillotine
07:06.38ThraeBotGuillotine: Guillotine, Level 70 Night Elf Druid (0/46/15). 10174 HP; 4670 Mana; 282 Str; 326 Agi; 4118 Armour; 6 mp5; 854 AP; +15.6% melee crit; 51 +heal; +85 defense; 22.91% dodge; +25 resilience. [[ Link: ][ Talents: ]]
07:08.32GuillotineThrae: you going to be able to leave it in here even when you're not on?
07:08.56ThraeGuillotine: Runs off my server, which is up 99% of the time (might go down tomorrow due to t-storm, but hey, what ya gunna do)
07:09.09Guillotinethen you have to add a lua script to it
07:09.16ThraeIt IS written in Lua
07:09.17Guillotinesince we don't have one up 24/7
07:09.22GuillotineI mean a way for us to compile lua
07:09.28Guillotinewell, execute code
07:09.35ThraeOh, well, cladbot is usually around now
07:09.37Guillotinehmm, can I see your script pastied?
07:09.45Guillotinejust interested in how you did it :)
07:10.17*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
07:10.21ThraeGuillotine: Yep, pure tcp goodness, and http for the various website replies
07:10.47Guillotinenever spent the time to read about tcp
07:10.47ThraeYou'll have to ask foxlit if me giving the code out is OK, since he wrote part of the core
07:10.53Guillotineah, ok
07:11.04ThraeI'm in the process of re-writing it, but it's not all mine yet
07:11.29Guillotineonly part of lua socket I've used is the http for scanning the armory and turning the data into an addon
07:11.53ThraeYeah, !char and !item both scan the armory
07:11.58Thrae!item claw of the phoenix
07:12.00ThraeBotThrae: Name: Claw of the Phoenix; Rarity: Purple; BoP; 98 - 183 dmg; 1.5 delay; 93.666664 dps; +28 Stamina; +20 Agility; Requires L70; 75 Durability; Equip: Increases attack power by 38.; Drops off: Al'ar (Tempest Keep); Drop Rate: Low. [[ ]]
07:12.22ThraeThat shows wowhead because wowhead is a short URL :D
07:12.50Thrae!api UnitDamage
07:12.51ThraeBotThrae: lowDmg, hiDmg, offlowDmg, offhiDmg, posBuff, negBuff, percentmod = UnitDamage("unit");  --
07:13.35Guillotinenow that is nice
07:13.40Guillotinewhat if there are multiple results?
07:13.46Guillotine!api message
07:13.47ThraeBotGuillotine: message("text");  --
07:14.01Guillotinehmm, bad test
07:14.02ThraeGuillotine: !api is very simplistic ;)
07:14.16ThraeIt searches if API_<foo> exists
07:14.21Guillotineah, ok
07:14.25Guillotinesame with !item?
07:14.44ThraeYes, all of them are pretty simplistic, since the query options for the armory is open
07:15.22ThraeIE, it goes in the pattern of
07:15.52ThraeOK, that wasn't the right URL
07:15.54ThraeBut you get the idea
07:17.30Corrodiastried the shartuul event for the first time tonight
07:17.44Corrodiasi wasn't adequately prepared for the very last boss, having no experience
07:20.57Guillotinethe one time I've gotten the rune it bugged and everything despawned for no reason -_-
07:22.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
07:22.54GuillotineThrae: now make it so you can search for an addon and it returns results on WoWAce, WoWI, and Curse
07:23.26ThraeGuillotine: I think they'd kill me, but I can take a look
07:23.34GuillotineThrae: why?
07:23.39ThraeParsing HTML is a bitch though
07:23.46Guillotinewith curse at least, you can get those results in XML
07:23.50ThraeGuillotine: Extra traffic ;)
07:23.50Guillotinenah, not too bad
07:24.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
07:24.42Guillotinewell, I can only speak for Curse, but thats what we have all those services for ;)
07:25.25Guillotinewhen you're not loading images or anything and you're just loading 1 page...
07:26.11Guillotineits really not using much bandwith at all
07:26.59ThraeGuillotine: true.
07:27.27ThraeEither way, I'll look into it...
07:27.33Guillotineawesome XD
07:27.48GuillotineI have a python bot that does it, but I don't care to leave my computer running
07:28.28ThraeGuillotine: Heh, well this is a server which stores data for all the computers in my home, web server (LAMP), etc.
07:29.09Guillotinehmm, I suppose I could see if I can get my script to run on mine
07:29.20WobworkThrae: hm, that sounds good
07:29.23Guillotinewould rather convert it to lua anyway though. lua > python
07:29.36Wobworkand the funky tinyrulising would certainly be useful
07:30.34ThraeHeh, not long enough :D
07:31.54bleeterbest PvP toon name I've ever seen -> Señorpwnface
07:33.14Nom-Not allowed to use 'ñ' in names :P is still free
07:33.54Wobworkgrab it while you can!
07:35.03Nom-Man, now that I know how easy arena points are, I wish I'd participated last season :(
07:35.26Nom-Our two highest DPS guild members are all in Arena gear
07:36.18Nom-How foolish I was to think that grinding Karazhan, heroics and dungeons would get me good gear :(
07:37.23Nom-scaaary... our MT has been PvPing heaps lately...he's got (unbuffed) 1660 AP, 32% crit, 11k hitpoints, 118 hit rating :O
07:37.37ThraeNom-: What
07:37.53ThraeNom-: !char <us/eu> <server> <character name>
07:38.02ThraeLemme see
07:38.08Nom-!char us Stormscale Viorate
07:38.10ThraeBotNom-: Viorate, Level 70 Orc Warrior (33/25/3). 11104 HP; 538 Str; 9759 Armour; 1660 AP; +32.07% melee crit; 6.09% dodge; 5% block; +246 resilience. [[ Link: ][ Talents: ]]
07:38.29ThraeHe looks like tha hurt
07:38.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
07:38.44Nom-mortal strike hybrid build at the moment :(
07:38.54Nom-Can you say "ouch" ?
07:46.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
07:52.22Corrodiasi think i've got the hang of all the fights before shartuul himself, but on that last one, i forgot the vital step of removing my debuffs and i screwed up the health-regaining trick
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08:02.14Nom-wtf is it with people copying my character names ???
08:02.33Nom-Someone has rolled a NElf priest with the same name as my BElf Hunter
08:02.44Nom-And I chose that wasn't a game generated one
08:04.44krkawas your name legolas?
08:04.49krkaadmit it, it was, wasn't it?
08:08.42AnduinLotharrofl krka
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08:12.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
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08:21.05Nom-No, krka
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10:06.00YinxieHey all
10:06.31Yinxieguys how do i print a chat message? is it CHAT_MSG_GENERAL_ but then what?
10:12.24KriLL3you mean actual chat msg into a channel like general or just display it in the chat frame?
10:12.59Yinxiewell either of them
10:13.05Yinxiei have this IF, and i want to test it
10:13.12KriLL3ChatFrame1:AddMessage("insert something here") <-- just displays it to you
10:13.49YinxieYES I JUST DID IT :D
10:14.12Yinxieworking on Necrosis
10:14.22Yinxieand was trying to make a cooldown for the use healthstone
10:15.35KriLL3Necrosis? Isn't there half a million forks of that already?
10:15.47Yinxieall unmaintained ye
10:16.05Yinxieim just modifying it for myself :)
10:31.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Ins- (n=sam@
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10:55.30YinxieKrill u use the addon yourself?
11:05.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
11:12.36Yinxieokey im more addon work today.. time for some daily's and AV's
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11:51.13foxlitHm, quick question: did someone already write a "Yes, I'm sure I want to buy that non-refundable token-payed epic" addon?
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13:34.35*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
13:35.16TS|Skrom_morning all you crazy cats
13:35.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (
13:36.14zenzelezzI am not a crazy cat; I am in fact a cool cat... so my Aussie friend told me
13:37.15*** join/#wowi-lounge GnancyWK (
13:37.28TS|Skromwait, do aussies have cats?
13:37.33TS|Skromdidn't the dingoes eat em all?
13:37.50zenzelezzI wonder when the last time I found dingo ate X jokes funny was
13:37.59TS|Skrom1 minute ago
13:38.08zenzelezzI can assure you that is not the case
13:38.18TS|Skromsad panda
13:38.21*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|away (
13:38.30zenzelezzmay well be
13:38.42zenzelezzI just find the dingo jokes utterly overused
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13:43.26TS|Skromthey are still fresh to me
13:43.41TS|Skrommainly because I don't pay attention to what 99% of the chuckleheads on the internet are saying/doing
13:46.40TS|SkromWhat would cause a chat log even to not fire?
13:47.01zenzelezzusually that it doesn't occur
13:47.17TS|SkromI'm been doing some work on my totem timers and very rarely, my totem takes damage and dies, but there's no "Mob hits Totem for x damage" chat line
13:47.26TS|Skromwe're talking maybe 1% of the time if that
13:47.55TS|SkromI'm trying to consistently duplicate it but so far I've got nothing
13:48.30bleeterwell, that's a first for me. An AV with around 30 afkers
13:49.06bleeterpeople who do 0 dmg, 0heal and don't move out of the cave should get a special name tage that they can't turn off 'afker'
13:49.44bleeteryou know, over say 3 consecutive matches, 0dmg 0heal <100yard move = AFKer nameplate, can't participate in a BG for 24 hours.
13:50.22nevcairielyou know, people would just start running to any other cave and hide there until game is over :P
13:50.22bleeteror, say 4 hours, with a special PvP Debuff, say all stats for PvP reduced by 95%
13:51.32bleeter"you haven't seen action in any recent AV, you are being ported to drek|van's room"
13:51.49nevcairielthey should just link honor/reputation gain to actualy proximity of the fight
13:52.27bleetermeh, I doubt they really care though. it's all EotS and Arena these days
13:52.30TS|Skromtee hee just had a funny thought.
13:52.52nevcairielarenas pretty much destroyed the funny 5mans imho
13:52.54TS|Skrom -- Kenco should make this report like 20mb's for omen just as a joke XD
13:53.01nevcairieleverone and their dog does arenas in their non-raiding time
13:53.06nevcairielno one wants to do 5mans :(
13:53.42TS|Skromno one wants to do 40 mans either :(
13:53.45TS|Skrom<-- sad
13:54.00nevcairielwhat do i care what content, but i pretty much prefer PvE over PvP anytime
13:54.43zenzelezzI'm still doing 5-mans all the time
13:54.57nevcairieli am not, sadly
13:54.57zenzelezzgranted I'm a tank
13:55.02TS|Skromi do when I can get a group for em
13:55.06TS|Skrompugs ftw :-/
13:55.07bleeteranother possible solution, entering a BG costs a deposit of Honor. If you haven't 'done enough' (value of this to be ascertained later), lose your deposit
13:55.30nevcairielI am a healer, granted i am in a raiding guild, no guild member needs anything from 5mans anymore, but i still think its fun :/
13:55.48zenzelezzsame (except the healer part)
13:56.08zenzelezzI can get groups with guildies' alts at times, but mostly semi-PUG
13:56.17bleeterI can't recall last time I got asked for strat/scholo/brs
13:56.25bleeterlast year, definately.
13:56.38TS|SkromI got asked to an UBRS the other night oddly enough
13:56.54TS|Skrom3 level 70's running some mid 50's through and wanted a few more dpsers
13:56.55zenzelezzI get asked to Uldaman and SM all the time
13:57.02zenzelezzusually when I'm in Gruul's Lair or TK
13:57.12TS|Skromwe freakin' wiped just before rend's arena because the retards didn't kill the summoners
13:57.20TS|Skromhad literally 30 summoned mobs running around
14:00.25TS|SkromI didn't even realize there were summoners at the time, I was fighting one of the dragons... til I saw the third summoned footman charge past me toward the priest...
14:00.49TS|SkromI started tab cycling and burned down all 3 of the summoners before I got laid low XD
14:01.08*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
14:01.09TS|Skromwhich was about .5 seconds after the tank finally bit it
14:03.21*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
14:04.38TS|Skromall the slackers and degenerates in my guild you'd think at least one of them would be on this mornign to keep me company
14:20.06KriLL3for those of you who haven't seen it yet: hilarious video podcast/show
14:20.27KriLL3a 20~ guy with all the social awkward stuff, and a hitman.
14:20.59KriLL3calls his mom about being picked up and puts her on hold while shooting a guy in the face XD
14:37.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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14:47.34foxlitWhat's the name of the battlefield minimap frame?
14:57.18*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
14:58.31N00bZXIMiniMapBattlefieldFrame I believe
15:03.09LopeppeppyI have developed a hate for broken servers, or servers undergoing inconvenient maintenance.
15:03.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
15:04.26TS|Skrompoor Lopeppeppy
15:08.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
15:08.03TS|Skromthere any way to disable that "activate at your own risk" page on the forum?
15:09.04LopeppeppyI find that if I right click the links and do "open in new browser", 90% of the time it does, without the annoying page.
15:09.34Lopeppeppy< -- is in trouble at work because her e-mail notice of being out sick was eaten by the server undergoing maintenance
15:11.01LopeppeppyYeah ugh.  I notified everyone I could via ICQ as  well, but the ONE person who needed the e-mail... server grues did not put it through the queue when the server came back up (as I expected they should have!)
15:14.54sioraiocht> read "4" :: Double
15:15.05sioraiochtsorry, wrong room
15:16.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (n=esochan@
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15:36.02wereHamsterwhy does the patcher need JavaScript? Why doesn't Blizzard write it in flash? or Web 2.0?
15:36.26LopeppeppyIf a tree falls in the woods, does a blind hamster hear the noise?
15:38.06zenzelezzwereHamster: or Ace
15:41.25foxlitwereHamster: javascript is used to detect which language patch notes to display
15:41.32foxlitIt basically reads a browser setting
15:42.07TS|Skromwhat's a good place to farm silk besides sm?
15:42.43LopeppeppyHuh... I farm all mine in the Monastery, TS|Skrom.  But any mobs of that same/equivalent level would have it.
15:42.58LopeppeppyI usually use the graveyard at SM to farm it...  respawn is my friend.
15:44.32TS|Skromyeah I usually farm there too, but was wondering if anyone knew a good non elite place XD
15:44.43TS|Skromcasting 3 spells per mob takes longer then casting 1 per lol
15:48.25LopeppeppyLazy!  *laugh*
15:48.42zenzelezzsilk cloth?
15:48.46TS|Skromjust trying to be the most efficient with my time :D
15:48.51zenzelezzhumanoids in Searing Gorge perhaps
15:49.05TS|Skromwoulda thought they'd drop mageweave more
15:49.05zenzelezzor was that mageweave
15:49.16zenzelezzthink they drop both, but can't remember which is more common
15:49.18TS|Skromthat was my problem in ferelas XD 5:1 mageweave to silk ratio so far
15:49.29cog|worktrolls in STV?
15:49.44TS|Skromnot a bad idea
15:49.54TS|Skromthey got that whole little city over on the east side
15:50.49cog|workI think the one in the Northwest would be better ... the ones on the east side might drop too much mageweave.
15:51.19TS|Skromnorthwest...northwest... ohhh right that one
15:51.30LopeppeppyToo many troll cities, too little time.
15:51.53TS|SkromI totally neglected tradeskills whiel leveling this toon, so now I'm trying to catch up...
15:52.23TS|Skromhave a respectable 12 days played to level 62 though so it wasn't all bad
15:52.26LopeppeppyOoops.  Tailoring, or first aid?
15:52.46TS|SkromI was mining/jc, but couldn't bear yet another miner
15:52.54TS|Skromplus the high level tailored sets look neat-o
15:55.09TS|Skromoh and while we're on teh subject I assume Shadoweave is generally preferred for locks/
15:56.50*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
15:58.48LopeppeppyHigh level tailored sets do look neat.  My lock isn't above 35 yet, so she doesn't have much for special gear.
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16:03.02TS|Skromthat's odd, u usually the levels required progress in order up the tailoring skill chain. However I noticed that Netherweave gloves require 320 tailoring and level 63 to wear, but the boots require 335 tailoring and level 62
16:03.31LopeppeppySome of the new crafting recipes have seemed odd that way.
16:04.34TS|Skromthe imbued netherweave stuff doesn't seem considerably harder to craft then basic netherweave... more materials sure, but tha'ts just a grinding issue
16:04.53LopeppeppyGrind grind grind.
16:05.44wereHamsterdoes windows pass floating point variables in registers instead of the stack?
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16:25.52Cairenn|afkwow, that one rattled the house! (thunder)
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16:27.03Cairenn|afknet split!
16:27.03zenzelezzthat one apparently took more than the house
16:27.29LopeppeppyThunderstorms are killin' everything, including my netz!  *cry*
16:28.24Cairenn|afkif I poof, you'll know why
16:28.25cog|work... I got d/c'ed, then shortly after i logged back in, it said I left...
16:28.25zenzelezzfor great justice?
16:28.25LopeppeppySame here, in spades, Cairenn.
16:28.25*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:28.25Cairenn|afkLopeppeppy: mind if I ask where you are (approximate)
16:28.57Valaron|WorkShe's in NY
16:29.20Cairenn|afkwell that's good then, it means my hubby is getting soaked too then! hah!
16:29.33cladhairewe're not getting any rain in syracuse
16:29.43Cairenn|afkit's absolutely pouring here
16:29.57cladhairemuggy and sunny here
16:30.09Cairenn|afkit's been muggy here, that's why the t-storms
16:30.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
16:30.15LopeppeppyAlbany is pretty dry now, but it's just waiting, waiting, waiting for the thunderstorms to break.  90+ and humidity is huge.
16:30.37Cairenn|afkah, you're in Albany? I'm just north
16:30.42Cairenn|afkof you
16:31.14cog|workOut here in California, our summer storms are mostly made of fire...
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16:31.43Cairenn|afkwelcome back splitters
16:31.56LopeppeppyI'm actually a wee south of 787, but "Albany" suffices for the most part.  *shrug*
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16:32.20Cairenn|afkjust as I'm not actually in Ottawa proper, but it suffices
16:32.34Valaron|WorkWe had some light rain in the north state.
16:32.44Valaron|WorkMy bike seat is wet now.
16:32.57LopeppeppyI tried once to describe my suburb of Boston... and just gave up and always told people I lived in Boston.  Much easier.
16:33.07cog|workValaron|Work: yeah... it rained a bit last night here but it was probably like .01 inches
16:33.16cog|worknot exactly a "storm" :P
16:33.32LopeppeppyIf i could send some, Cogwheel, I would.  Although our creeks are a bit low, yours are lower I think.  :|
16:34.13Cairenn|afkI'm not complaining, we've been near drought conditions here for a few years now
16:34.23Cairenn|afkwe need all the rain we can get, and then some
16:34.25cog|workIt's funny how the media treats weather patterns. This year it's ZOMGNOWATER and last year we had torrential flooding and hundreds of millions of dollars in damage in my county...
16:34.43cog|workOf course both problems are global warming's fault...
16:34.44sag_ich_nichtit's raining here.
16:35.18Cairenn|afkheh, yeah
16:35.35LopeppeppyNo, the weather isn't Ace'd, so it sucks.
16:36.31Lopeppeppy|Jelly| isn't around to do it, someone had to make the stock joke.
16:37.20Valaron|WorkLet it die.
16:37.31*** join/#wowi-lounge jme (
16:37.43LopeppeppyDead.  *shrug*  Sometimes sick finds things funnier, my bad.
16:38.37*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
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16:39.14Cairenn|afkI thought it was funny :p
16:39.43Cairenn|afkhell, the reasonable members of the ace community agree that a lot of the hype is ridiculous
16:40.13dylanmCairenn|afk: What's this now?
16:40.18LopeppeppyAs do I.  Never did buy a cabbage patch doll.
16:40.26Cairenn|afkLopeppeppy: me either
16:41.05cog|workdylanm: an earlier snark about Ace :P
16:41.07*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
16:41.26dylanmcog|work: Ah. Thanks. That comes up way too much :p
16:43.19LopeppeppyWas just a bad joke.  Honest.  Nose already spanked.
16:44.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
16:44.21cog|workI liked it :(
16:44.22zenzelezzah, get over it, most of us aren't actually bashing Ace
16:44.44MentalPower|AFKits an easy target
16:44.59dylanmLopeppeppy: Hehe. Nothing wrong with making light of mindless fans.
16:45.09zenzelezzif I had to dislike everything I make jokes about I wouldn't make many jokes
16:45.13MentalPower|AFKwe all need some comic relief sometimes
16:45.46cog|work"I have nothing against God, it's his fan club that I can't stand" seems oddly appropriate
16:45.49zenzelezzI am amused that Informant still calculates arrow/bullet costs incorrectly
16:46.00zenzelezzin the version I have that is, might be fixed
16:46.33*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
16:49.47MentalPowerzenzelezz: its not
16:50.15MentalPowerdoes it calculate price x 200?
16:51.06zenzelezzit says my 179 bullets cost me 53g 70s at vendor; or on my hunter that my arrows cost me ~1800g
16:51.13zenzelezzbut I may have an old version, can't remember
16:51.53MentalPowerthat will tell you the version at the top, I think
16:53.36zenzelezzdoesn't seem to. Anyway, I believe it's one of the early 4 releases
16:53.55MentalPowercode hasn't changed, so bug is still there
16:53.59MentalPowerI'll add it to the list
16:54.02purlfrom memory, ugt is Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
16:54.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
16:54.27*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide-] by ChanServ
17:00.34MentalPower|AFKgotta go
17:01.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
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17:02.20*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
17:04.13sag_ich_nicht~whalecrit Cide
17:04.13purlACTION crits Cide with a mathematically skilled whale named Isaac for #NaN. Cide dies
17:05.19sag_ich_nichtCTRA is still using item names and not item IDs for its reagent check and missing hallf the reagents. I blame you. :P
17:09.44*** join/#wowi-lounge vhyser (
17:09.51vhyserHey, how do i get the total amount of spells in a player sspellbook?
17:10.31vhyserI looked in the wiki for spell/spellbook functions
17:10.42vhyserbut could only find a function to count the amount of bookpages
17:10.48Josh_Borkevhyser: iterate over all spells
17:10.53TS|Skromiterate over the book counting as you go
17:11.13vhyserye that's what im trying to do
17:11.22vhyserbut it gives me an error if i go outside the range
17:11.39vhyserfor i = 1, 25 do local name = GetSpellName(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL); end
17:11.50vhyseror should i iterate in any other way?
17:11.54vhyser*some other.
17:12.23Josh_Borkeone sec
17:12.23TS|Skromwhat's the error?
17:12.33vhyserinvalid spellId
17:12.38vhyserif i go outside that amount i have
17:13.15Antiarc|Workwhile true do i++; local name = GetSpellName(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL); if not name then break; end
17:13.19Antiarc|WorkPseudocode, but you get the idea.
17:13.34TS|Skrom^-- correct
17:13.43vhyserAntiarc|Work thanx ;)
17:13.45TS|Skromthat's how I did it in healhelper oh so long ago
17:18.03vhyseri know i'm a bit of a lua newbie, but is there anyway to dump a table in a debug-friendly manner
17:18.03vhyseror do I have to write a custom function
17:18.17purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
17:18.28vhyseroh, thnx
17:19.40vhyserhelpfull bunch, thanks :)
17:20.54cladhaireThraeBot: that's rather obnoxious
17:21.00cladhaireThrae: you too
17:23.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
17:24.22Cairenn|afkwell THAT was interesting - lights went out, computer stayed on ....
17:24.54Cairenn|afkme thinks it's time to shut down
17:25.23Cairenn|afklater all
17:25.51zenzelezzI find your lack of faith disturbing
17:26.19Cairenn|afkI really can't afford a fried computer - later all
17:31.36wereHamster.. a few more days and I'll be able to reimplement WoW
17:34.12Valaron|WorkMario Kart Wii has been announced!
17:37.11sag_ich_nicht[19:24] <@Cairenn|afk> well THAT was interesting - lights went out, computer stayed on .... <--lol american wiring standards
17:37.26sag_ich_nichtalso lol capacitivities.
17:38.44sag_ich_nichtdon't uh me. the american power grid scares me
17:38.58sag_ich_nichthigh voltage lines till nearly the consumers house >_<
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17:40.27sag_ich_nichtit's like they're asking for dead people after a storm
17:40.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
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17:40.50sag_ich_nichtmhm... disconnect time? >.>
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17:44.58sag_ich_nicht*why is this not showing me the icon and tooltip of my Trinket anymore:
17:45.02sag_ich_nicht/cast 14
17:45.40ScytheBlade1Known bug
17:45.43ScytheBlade1It's on the forums
17:45.45ScytheBlade1Fix in 2.2
17:46.37*** join/#wowi-lounge N00bZXI (
17:46.50sag_ich_nichtgod damn it -.-
17:47.00sag_ich_nichtwhy the hell do we even have a damn PTR
17:47.35ScytheBlade1It's an icon
17:48.58sag_ich_nichtit's knowing which button to click first
17:49.29sag_ich_nichtand knowing the cooldown of the trinket
17:50.53ScytheBlade1I use coolDown
17:50.58ScytheBlade1I don't have any buttons ;)
17:56.34*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
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17:58.45ScytheBlade1I just submitted an addon... that might actually be deleted
17:58.47ScytheBlade1But we'll see
18:00.08TS|Skrom_what is it?
18:04.54vhyserOk another question
18:05.10vhyserHow do I get a hold of a frame that has been created dynamicly with createFrame() and a loop
18:05.26vhysersay the frame name is "Frame_Nr_1" and i have that Id in a variable
18:05.32vhyserso i need to concatenace "Frame_Nr_"..ID
18:05.45vhyserI know there is a function for that
18:05.46Kasoyou need getglobal
18:05.47vhyserI just forgot it's name ;(
18:05.57Kasowhy not just put your frames into a table
18:06.14Kasot={} for i=1,10 do t[1]= CreateFrame(whatever) end
18:06.17vhyserye mi should do that
18:08.38*** join/#wowi-lounge GnancyWK (
18:09.38foxlitWhy not use the global table?
18:13.30*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
18:14.53cladhaireanyone know how to move the cursor in an editbox?
18:16.06Josh_Borkeare you sure you can?
18:16.07cogwheel|awaycladhaire: maybe look at For All Indents and Purposes... it does a lot of edit box manipulation
18:16.11N|Tivolii've never tried, not sure if you can
18:16.27cladhaireI have an easier way to fix it
18:16.37N|Tivoliactually, can you do a highlight, then clear the highlight?
18:17.21*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:17.24N|TivoliHighlightText(x, x)?
18:17.27cladhairethats what i was thinking
18:17.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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18:18.50krkaw00t, someone mentioned my addon
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18:19.43krkayeah, you can move the cursor, but it's really a big giant hack
18:19.43cladhaireand i'm using it already in my new addon
18:19.43krkai copied that code from someone else though
18:19.46krkacant remember who
18:19.55krkaprobably a credit line left in the code
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18:20.33cladhaireactually not sure using it in this part of the addon makes sense
18:20.35krkaah, it was tem
18:20.37cladhairewould be more confusing than anything =)
18:21.27Temwhat did I do now?
18:21.39LopeppeppySure'n that Cladhaire is a strange one, wantin' clarity and rationale in programmin'!
18:21.40krkamake the cursor movement code
18:21.56krkafor editboxes
18:22.00krkaremember? :)
18:22.04krkai shamelessly stole it
18:22.10Tema long while back
18:22.21TemI still want slouken to add a setcusor
18:22.28Tembecause my code is such a hack
18:22.28krkame too
18:22.45krkabut it's the best solution possible :/
18:24.02cladhaireI actually don't need it in this situation.. having a fontstring and using anchors makes much more sense
18:24.09*** kick/#wowi-lounge [ThraeBot!n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by cladhaire (cladhaire)
18:24.52krkaah, working on that
18:24.56krkahow's it unfolding?
18:25.07*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
18:25.20cladhaireneed it for chapters 1-9 of the book
18:25.23krkasupport = as a shortcut for return?
18:25.27krkaah i see
18:25.48cladhaireyep ^%s*=%s* gets gsubbed to return
18:25.49krkaah... you're not sure if faiap in there is a good thing?
18:26.39cladhairewell it wouldn't make much sense since its line-by-line
18:26.43cladhairethe block editor will use it.
18:26.46cladhaireif you let us =)
18:26.50krkaof course
18:27.51krkahey... what's that emacs mode you're using for lua?
18:28.04cladhairetoo easy to lock the client tho.. so tempted to do while true end
18:28.07cladhaireand i can't sethook =.
18:28.24Cidewhy not?
18:28.27krkawrite your own VM? :)
18:28.41Cideoh, nvm
18:28.43cladhaireCide: its in wow.
18:28.52krkahere's a trick:
18:28.53Cideyeah, I'm stupid
18:29.15krkabefore each end or return, add a "if time > maxtime then return end"
18:29.32cladhairethat could be fun =)
18:29.48krkastore the original for display purposes, but run something else
18:29.48Valaron|WorkDoes /stopcasting take conditionals?
18:29.58cladhairekrka: <3
18:30.01N00bZXIIf that addon is what I think it is, I'd defenantly use it
18:30.08krkai think you only need to worry about recursion and loops
18:30.17krkayou could possibly use the lexer in FAIAP
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18:31.02krkathe lazy solution is appending the code before each end
18:31.12cladhaireyeah, i'm down with that
18:31.13krkathe advanced is constructing an AST
18:31.16cladhairecogwheel|away: This font is too large now, heh
18:31.20krkaand only append where it's really needed
18:32.09krkayou could still lock the client if you really really really wanted too
18:32.17krkathis should atleast protect against honest mistakes
18:32.29cladhaireyeah i can think of at least two ways to do so =)
18:32.33cladhairethis protects against inf loops tho
18:32.49cladhairei'll need to use %f to do this i think
18:33.04cladhairefor stuff like print(1)return
18:33.12cladhaireyeah, the frontier pattern
18:33.19krkawhat's that?
18:33.33Josh_Borkeooo, that's nifty
18:34.10krkaactually... use an error instead of returning as escape
18:34.23cladhaireaye, i was planning on it
18:34.45krkai see
18:34.52krkawhy not use faiaps lexer?
18:35.02krkait would split that into print, (, 1, ), return
18:35.05cladhairehonestly i wouldn't know where to start
18:35.13cladhairelemme grab it and take a look
18:35.50krkathat's all you need, i think
18:35.57cladhaireand all I need is indent.lua?
18:36.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
18:36.15cladhaireI'll need you to license this in a way that I can distribute it, if you get around to it =)
18:36.16LunessaApproach Logan 5, and Identify
18:36.39krkahm, i dont have a license on it?
18:36.44cladhairenot that i can see
18:36.47krkawhat licence do you need?
18:36.49krkagpl fine?
18:36.56krkaor bsd/mit?
18:37.01cladhairei'd prefer bsd/mit
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18:37.05cladhairebut your call sir =)
18:37.09cladhaireI'll make it work either way
18:37.09vhyserok, another question
18:37.16vhyserI need an event that fires when a spell comes OUT OF cooldown
18:37.21krkanp, i'll make it mit
18:37.31krkajust need to figure out where i keep my latest version
18:37.57foxlitvhyser: there probably isn't one
18:38.02N00bZXIvhyser: To my knowledge there isn't one, you need to start a timer when the spell is cast, and watch for things like preparation.
18:38.12vhyserhm ok
18:38.19N00bZXIand entering arena
18:39.30Josh_BorkeSPELL_UPDATE_COOLDOWN or something does fire, but not with the name of the event
18:40.00vhyserJosh_Borke that's when it startes.
18:40.03vhysernot when it ends.
18:40.08Josh_Borkeah, right
18:41.25krkacladhaire: does that work for you?
18:41.29cladhairekrka: And actually, I shortcut = to print, not return
18:41.42krkai even include a commandline indenter there
18:41.50cladhaireoh really
18:42.05cladhairehow's it work/what's it do?
18:42.05krka-- usage: lua run.lua input.lua > output.lua
18:42.11cladhaireoh, heh
18:42.16krkait takes a lua source file and indents it properly
18:42.30vhyserthe SPELL_UPDATE_COOLDOWN event fires
18:42.44vhyserbut how do i know which spell was fired?
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18:42.46Josh_Borkevhyser: you don't
18:42.56vhyserok, so... how would I make it work then? ;P
18:43.09vhyseri have to
18:43.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Fridgid (n=Fridgid@
18:43.15vhyserloop through all spells
18:43.17vhyserand check
18:43.24N00bZXItry using that
18:43.35N00bZXInot sure if that's the right name
18:43.38krkacladhaire: faiap also avoids creating unnecessary strings - it scans the bytes of the string
18:43.49vhyserthnx ;)
18:43.59krkaand the nextToken function simply returns the type of the next token, and where it ends
18:44.00cladhairenow how can i use nextToken to make this work
18:44.15cladhaireit seems to return a number for the first return
18:44.21cladhairethat's for some lookup table>
18:44.31krkalocal tokenType, nextPos = lib.nextToken(inputString, pos)
18:44.46krkalookup table?
18:44.52krkayou mean the token types+
18:45.03cladhaireany reason nextToken is a global function? =)
18:45.19krkaheh... we both typod the questionmark
18:45.24krkabut on different layouts
18:45.48krkaweird... i dont know why
18:45.58krkai must have missed putting it in the lib
18:46.44cladhaireso i can just use the tokenizer to find "return" or "end" and put the timing code before it, right?
18:47.03cog|workwtf? we just got an order form and someone had taped a used staple to the back of the envelope... And it didn't look like it was an accident... There were two pieces of tape and neither were covering the flap of the envelope itself...
18:47.10cladhaireok.. i'll play with this.
18:47.14krkado that :)
18:47.44krkai'd just use pattern matching for, if it wasn't for annoying stuff like lua strings and comments
18:48.00Lunessacog|work: OCD is a terrible thing...
18:50.49Josh_Borkecog|work: yea cog, how could you be so insensitive?  GEEZE!
18:50.51Josh_Borkei'm disgusted
18:51.02krkacladhaire: since it's mit, just rip out the parts you need and refactor to your hearts content
18:51.16cladhaireI'll need it all eventually, I'll just leave it intact
18:51.20cladhairebut clean up any leaked globals =)
18:51.42krkait's open source, fix it yourself! ;)
18:51.51cladhairethat's what i meant
18:51.53cladhairei'm gonna clean that up
18:51.54cladhairesorry =)
18:52.00Thraecladhaire: So ThraeBot just decided to start spamming tiny urls without people giving a url in the first place? ^^;
18:52.08cladhaireThrae: People were giving URLs
18:52.15cladhairebut not evey single url needs to be tinyurl'd
18:52.25krkathat's the best thing about open source, you can tell people to fix stuff themselevs
18:52.27cladhaireits obnoxious.. make it a command ~tinyurl LONG URL
18:52.31*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar|laptop (
18:52.36cladhaireor at least put a size limit on it
18:52.41cladhaireso it only does it if the URL is > 80 chars or so
18:52.43Thraecladhaire: Only urls > length 50 (after http://) are tinyurl'd
18:53.03ThraeSee, that's not tinied
18:53.04cladhaire doesn't need to be tinyurl'd
18:53.20cladhairenothing needs to be automatically tinyurl'd in my opinion.
18:53.23Thraekrka: !t <url>
18:53.40cladhaireand it was getting _really_ obnoxious having it respond to almost anything that was posted in either channel
18:53.45cladhaireI'd request you make it a command, not an automatic response.
18:53.55Thraecladhaire: IE, people were abusing the bot?
18:54.07krkai've found that even the simplest and unobnoxious script gets annoying
18:54.10cladhaireno, but not a single one of us needed tinyurl's for what we were posting.
18:54.16krkalike my "Lua is not an acronym"
18:54.19cladhaireand i dont like something that responds without being given a command.
18:54.23krkaso stopped it
18:54.26cladhaireit should be explicit.
18:54.56krkacladhaire: yeah! i hate it when people respond without a command
18:54.57Thraecladhaire: Ah well, it's for people with clients, like me and many others, who don't have clickable links in their IRC client. If a URL is wrapped, it can be difficult to copy&paste.
18:55.03krkatoo... casual
18:55.10ThraeI'll up it to 80.
18:55.11cladhaireThrae: Thats; great.. have it do it to your client.
18:55.23cladhaireThats' a client issue, not somethign to be solved by an irc bot.
18:55.30krkaThrae: really? my terminals can all copy/paste across wrapping
18:55.35krkaboth gnome-terminal and putty
18:55.39krkadepending on where i am
18:55.59Thraekrka: *shrugs* Maybe it's a problem with irssi's split windows
18:56.05krkai guess it wouldn't work if you had some side-bar thingy
18:56.10krkayeah, i have the chat fullscreen
18:56.59cladhairethen make a !tinyurl command
18:57.06cladhairethat takes the last url posted in the channel, and makes it a tinyurl
18:57.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
18:57.11ThraeThere is one.
18:57.19cladhairegood, then don't make it respond automatically
18:57.32Josh_Borkeit was kinda annoying
18:57.48cladhairehence why it was kicked.. bots should not auto-respond to anything
18:57.58cladhairei believe its against the tos for freenode, but I would have to read up on it.
18:58.19*** join/#wowi-lounge flexom (
18:58.20Thraecladhaire: Nope, TinyUrl bots are used in some other Freenode channels, where I got the idea.
18:58.43cladhaireokay, well i'm requesting you dont' enable it in my channels
18:58.45cladhairethat means #dongle and #wowi-lounge
18:59.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Soulless (n=Fridgid@
18:59.29Lunessacog|work: LOL
18:59.45cladhaireLunessa: haha
19:00.12cog|workLunessa: where did I post that, again? ><
19:00.47cog|workOh and <3 google's image search :P
19:00.59LunessaIn  a post ( titled: Beware wowecon, hackers took over the site.
19:01.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
19:02.08ThraeThe code was disabled.
19:02.29LunessaDamn it cog - you use "grok' too.  If you get much cooler, we're going to have to store beer in you.
19:02.44*** join/#wowi-lounge TimRIP (
19:02.47LopeppeppyFor shame.
19:03.03Thraecladhaire: I'd like to say that I think you're way overreacting, I fixed the code, but I can't argue with an op.
19:03.17cladhaireThrae: I appreciate you disabling it
19:03.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Fluid (n=Fridgid@
19:04.08cladhaireIt generates two urls for every single long one that is posted, the first one, and then a message from you.  We shouldn't have to IGNORE spam to the channel, because your client can't handle something.  Now if we're talking convenience for posting in the .toc or passing a URL around, absolutely.. but that's not what your bot did.
19:04.22cladhaireIt was an automated response to solve an issue you have personally with your client (regardless of whether others have it or not)
19:04.48cladhaireIf we start letting bots auto-respond to things in this channel, it will get way out of hand, way too quickly. Slippery slope, my friend.
19:04.49krkai think we should get rid of purl too
19:05.02TimRIPi'm a bit new in this addon stuff....i'm trying to follow the "helloWorld" example ...i can get it to show up on the addon selection page but it does nothing when i start it up...useing the <OnLoad>
19:06.00Thraecladhaire: I don't really have the issue for my client. It's an issue that permeates across thousands of channel across many networks -- I've seen about 50 different TinyUrl bots on major channels in major networks. I disagree that it was wrong on general principle, but you're an op, and therefore you can set the rules for your channels.
19:06.30ThraeI believe "fighting" an op is wrong, but I'm not going to agree with you on principle.
19:06.36KyahxTimRIP: which hello world example, there are a few.  I'd presonally avoid using XML, I just think its confusing as hell
19:06.44cladhaireI don't expect you to, feel free to disagree with me
19:06.57cladhaireAnd I appreciate you turning it of, thank you.
19:07.06ThraeFor instance, I thought purl was useless and annoying (especially the s/foo/bar/ auto-response), which is why I thought ThraeBot -would- be accepted.
19:07.29cladhaireI think purl is useless and annoying for lots of things, when people abuse it
19:07.30CideI don't like that auto-response either to be honest :/
19:07.33ThraeI had to change my sed delimiters to s:foo:bar: in my corrections, and then people always ask "uh, purl doesn't respond to that"
19:07.37krkapurl _is_ useless and annoying
19:07.38cladhaireand perhaps the tinyurl code just needed to be tuned
19:07.42ThraeI answer, "I dun wanna spam"
19:07.47cladhaireBUT, purl never responds without being prompted.
19:07.53cladhaireand posting a url isn't a "prompt"
19:08.00cog|workLunessa: I wouldn't mind more beer in me...
19:08.05krkaespecially since people use purl for silly things
19:08.06*** join/#wowi-lounge N00bZXI_ (
19:08.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Fridgid (n=Fridgid@
19:08.22Thunder_Childcog|work, you are surounded by wine and you want beer.....
19:08.26cladhairepurls ~dict and ~wiki are extremely useful, as are some of the other valid things
19:08.37Thunder_Childneedy, needy, needy
19:08.38cog|workThunder_Child: Beer is the new wine... I'm not talking Bud, coors, miller, etc.
19:08.39krkai suppose so
19:08.43cladhairepurl is also extremely over-used and full of crizzap =)
19:08.49krkacan you turn off all the useless tuff?
19:08.55krkathat would make me unignore purl
19:08.57cladhairenot really
19:09.03Thraecladhaire: Well, I and tons of others in my of the channels I'm in have used sed notation, since we're all a bunch of geeks (especially of the #sed and #vi channels), it's mainly just the auto-response to sed that annoys me
19:09.07N00bZXI_I think you guys missed this due to my connection: [23:07:21]<N00bZXI>imo, best way to solve this is just to allow people to whisper the bot with ~t [url] and have it reply with the tinyurl
19:09.23ThraeN00bZXI_: You can already do that -- /msg ThraeBot t <url>
19:09.46zenzelezzN00bZXI: that wouldn't solve it since selection was part of the problem
19:09.57ThraeAnyway, I plan on adding stuff like !TOC, !wwiki (wowwiki), !awiki (ace wiki), etc.
19:09.59zenzelezzif you had to retype/copy the URL you wouldn't need tinyurl in the first place
19:10.09cog|workMy favorite beer right now:
19:10.11krkacan't we make a #wowi-lounge-bot channel then?
19:10.26krkaand this channel strictly for humans
19:10.39CideI'd rather have a single channel
19:10.43Cideand not have useless bot stuff in it
19:10.48Cidei.e. ~slap
19:10.53Josh_Borke~slap Cide
19:10.54purlACTION slaps Cide, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
19:10.54N00bZXI_I'd also rather have a single channel
19:10.54Cideshould be gone if possible
19:10.55cladhaire~whaleparry cide
19:10.56purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry cide's attacks.
19:10.56zenzelezz"useless" is a personal opinion
19:11.04zenzelezznot everyone finds the lua bots useful
19:11.05cladhaireheh =)
19:11.05krkazenzelezz: no. no it's not
19:11.12Lunessacog|work: Heathen that I am I imagine that would make a nice Black & Tan...
19:11.13Cidezenzelezz: perhaps
19:11.31Cidethat would, however, be solved by using a separate user to control the bot
19:11.42Cideso that people can ignore that user
19:11.48ThraeI would talk more on this discussion, but I'm late for my doctor's appointment
19:12.34cladhairei.e. cladbot and thraebot
19:12.47cladhaireif someone doesn't like the armory details and item stuff thaebot can do,they can easily ignore it
19:12.55cladhairekrka already solved the purl issue for himself =)
19:13.41krkawell, it still gets confusing when people interact with purl and i only see half of it
19:13.50krkaor try to use purl to explain something to me
19:14.00Thraecladhaire: I'm going to change that so that it only does it on channels I select, or when voiced (not sure which one yet)
19:14.12cladhaireokay, sounds like a plan
19:14.20TimRIPcan someone help me with a "HelloWorld" example
19:14.22krkausing voice seems like a good idea
19:14.32cladhaireTimRIP: Which example are you following, can you link to it for me?
19:14.35krkawould make it easy for ops to control it
19:14.50Thraecladhaire: !t, !api, and other "info" commands relevant to the channel seem viable though -- they all have strict throttling
19:15.18ThraeAnyway, off to the, my doctor's usually an hour late anyway
19:15.25N00bZXI_ *cries*
19:16.11TimRIPCladhaire: i whisperd the code i have 2 u ;D
19:16.26cladhaireyour whispers don't come across unless your registerd.
19:16.36cladhaireyou should use and post the code there
19:16.39N00bZXIpastey it?
19:16.41cladhaireand then give us the URl so we can all look at it
19:16.54cladhairethe more people the look at it, the quicker you'll get a solution, as I'm somewhat busy =)
19:17.00TimRIPok thx m8
19:17.17TS|Skrom_do all those guys at the end of armory that spawn after youy kill herod have a chance to drop silk?
19:17.20TS|Skrom_if so.... $$
19:17.27TimRIPwill do that asp
19:18.04N00bZXITS|Skrom: I believe so
19:18.17jmeheh, interesting
19:18.18LunessaTS|Skrom_: Yes, but they usually just drop copper.
19:18.47krkacladhaire: maybe the code is so good that it needs to be kept secret so people dont steal it
19:18.56cladhairekrka: See anything absolutely silly here?
19:20.14cladhairekrka: cause it works, heh
19:20.41krkalooks ok
19:20.50krkadidnt look at the finer points of string replacement
19:21.17Kyahx<3 GMs
19:21.47LopeppeppyOh dear.
19:21.48krkacladhaire: not really necessary to do :lower on the token
19:22.02cladhaireyou already do that?
19:22.58krkaerr, have you ever seen "eNd" or "rETUrn" in lua code?
19:23.05krkakeywords are always lower case in lua
19:23.09cladhairegood point
19:23.24krkain fact... i think End is a legal variable name
19:23.31N00bZXIit is
19:23.36krkawhich would make your modified code broken
19:23.53krkalocal End = 1 + 2 would become
19:24.02krkalocal if time .... end End = 1 + 2
19:24.08cladhairehrm.. need to think of a way to scrub the error after the fact
19:24.11cladhaireso it doesn't show my code
19:24.15cog|workkrka: can you fix FAIAP so it doesn't add a bunch of extra newlines to the end of the code?
19:24.18krkascrub the error?
19:24.20krkacog|work: no!
19:24.33krkahow many does it add?
19:24.36krkait should stop adding after 2
19:24.48cog|workDepending on how much editing I do, it can grow to dozens
19:24.55krkathat's a bug if so
19:24.59krkai've had it before
19:25.03krkacan't remember if i fixed it or now
19:25.18krkai recall it being tricky to fix
19:25.23krkause version 17?
19:25.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
19:26.03krkaweird.. i have an explicit fix for that
19:26.08krkamaybe the fix is broken
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19:26.51krkadoes it only add \n\n when you're writing strings?
19:27.32cog|workI haven't done any extensive testing... I've just been using it a lot recently and noticed it happening...
19:27.45cog|workOh! lunch time... guess i can log in now :P
19:28.08krkai might take a look at the bug tomorrow
19:29.11KyahxAnyone following the E3 press conferences?
19:29.31KyahxIm really underwhelmed by Sony's showing so far (not that I didn't expect to be)
19:29.55krkacladhaire: i just realized something
19:30.03zenzelezzI stopped caring about E3 after they made those changes last year or whenever
19:30.11krkayou'd still be unprotected from loadstring("while 1 do end")()
19:30.34cladhairebut if they do that, they're trying to crash their machine
19:30.41krkafunction f() f() end f()
19:30.41cladhairethis is just to prevent unintentional infinite loops
19:30.42cog|workIt's kinda hard to test since newlines are blank and the scroll bar slider doesn't change size...
19:30.46krkacladhaire: good point
19:31.15krkahm, my second example crashes with stack overflow though
19:31.21krkaso that doesn't count i guess
19:31.47krkacladhaire: i think you need to hook pcall too
19:32.15cladhaireI'm not really concerned about that at all
19:32.30krkaheh, fine then :)
19:32.46cladhairei sandbox everything for the luabot tho :P
19:33.01TimRIPoki people i have made my helloWorld exaple puplic ...can someone plz have a look at it's at
19:33.07krkayou could buy a lot of computers and wow accounts, and have a bot on each server
19:33.11krkawith the same name
19:33.27krkathen the player could send you the lua code, you run it securely, and send back the result
19:33.30cladhairenah, don't have access to the debug library on the server
19:33.46TS|Skrom_TimRIP You probably have WoW errors turned off in the interface options.
19:33.47krkayou'd have to use some sort of packet sniffer, or other hack
19:33.54cladhaireanyone know the constant for the max length of an error exceprt by any chance?
19:33.56TS|Skrom_TimRIP message() is treated as an error
19:33.59TimRIPahhhhhhh heheh
19:34.06krkamax length of error?
19:34.28cladhairekrka: Yeah, if you get an error from loadstring, it gives you an excerpt from the start of the string
19:34.37cladhaireknowing how long (max) that can be would help me =)
19:34.39krkaah, that thingy
19:34.40N00bZXITimRIP: ChatFrame1:AddMessage("HELLO WORLD")
19:34.54TimRIPthx noob
19:34.56N00bZXIyou could just make that one line in the .lua file
19:35.15N00bZXIwould be executed on login (you don't need to have a frame just to execute an OnLoad script)
19:35.41krkaneed exact number cladhaire+
19:35.46krkai get 106 in a simple test
19:36.03cladhairei'll keep playing may scrape my stuff out of there in an easier way
19:36.11krkanow i got 108
19:36.45TimRIPthx evryone it works now ;D
19:36.51TS|Skrom_N00bZXI I think the point of the hello world example is to show how frames, functions, and handlers work togther
19:36.51krka[string "function asdihasodguiasdgaulskdgkadgsjkasdgajksdgjkasgdkajgsdkj..."]:1:
19:36.57krkathat part is 80 chars, maximum
19:37.08krkahm, actually, not sure about line number
19:38.31TS|Skrom_Take the HelloWorld example one step further and add local myMsgVar = "Hellow World" and change the message to message(myMsgVar) and bam now you've introduced the user to variables
19:39.29TS|Skrom_I always want to type Yellow when I type hello
19:39.38*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
19:41.15vhyserok i've maneged everything with spellcooldowns except one thing
19:41.26vhyserpresence of mind, nature's swiftness, etc.
19:41.34vhyserthey don't activae thier cooldown untill AFTER they've been used
19:41.38vhyserhow do I deal with that?
19:42.24Lunessa"All I want is a mod that shows me everyone on the battlefield, everything about them, and gives me a 1-click "I win!" function. Can someone write that for me? Plx? "
19:42.30*** join/#wowi-lounge TimRIP (
19:43.19LopeppeppySure thing, Lunessa.  Get right on the I Win button for ya.
19:43.23*** join/#wowi-lounge TimRIP (
19:43.27*** part/#wowi-lounge TimRIP (
19:44.30vhyserWidgetButton_IWIN extends WidgetButton
19:45.29LopeppeppyMuch love for y'all.  Nap time, cheerio.
19:45.30*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
19:45.36Guillotine>>> print(_G)
19:45.37CideGuillotine: { ["log"] = function: 00399E48, ["wow"] = { ["strconcat"] = function: 0039AA58, ["strtrim"] = function: 0039A9B8, ["debugstack"] = function: 0039AAB8, ["getglobal"] = function: 0039AA78, ["setglobal"]... (exceeded 200 characters)
19:46.35Guillotine>>> print(
19:46.36CideGuillotine: [string "print("]:1: attempt to call field 'date' (a nil value)
19:47.44*** join/#wowi-lounge TimRIP (
19:47.44Guillotine>>> print(_G.os)
19:47.44CideGuillotine: { ["clock"] = function: 009A8788, ["time"] = function: 009A91A0 } (#1)
20:00.52*** join/#wowi-lounge TimRIP (
20:03.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
20:03.43Guillotine>>> local somevar={var1="test",var2="this",var3={var4="thing,var5="now"}} print(somevar)
20:03.43CideGuillotine: [string "local somevar={var1="test",var2="this",var3={var4="thing,var5="..."]:1: '}' expected near 'now'
20:04.16Valaron|WorkYou're missing a " after thing
20:04.23Guillotine>>> local somevar={var1="test",var2="this",var3={var4="thing",var5="now"}} print(somevar)
20:04.25CideGuillotine: { ["var1"] = "test", ["var3"] = { ["var5"] = "now", ["var4"] = "thing" } (#2), ["var2"] = "this" } (#1)
20:04.26Guillotinehaha, yup
20:04.39cog|workThey need to increase the drop rate for small bags in the pre-BC starting areas... BE's and Draenei have it made...
20:05.39CideGuillotine: { ["log"] = function: 008C9E48, ["wow"] = { ["strconcat"] = function: 008CAA58, ["strtrim"] = function: 008CA9B8, ["debugstack"] = function: 008CAAB8, ["getglobal"] = function: 008CAA78, ["setglobal"]... (exceeded 200 characters)
20:06.07Guillotine>>> print(log)
20:06.08CideGuillotine: function: 00919E48
20:06.23Guillotinefunction, not a table ><
20:20.18krkawhat's the coloring? i'm guessing it's not faiap
20:20.31krkajust gray for output, white for input, red for errors?
20:20.40krkalooks nice
20:20.58cladhairenice and basic
20:21.06krkayou should brag about it in #lua
20:21.12cladhaireheh, its nothing that special =)
20:21.15krkaemulating a lua interpreter in wow
20:21.49cladhaireI need to figure out a way for the user to switch from interpreter to block edit mode
20:21.53krkayou should make faiap an option atleast, even if it's single line
20:22.08krkayou could ignore the indenting code - highlighting would be enough
20:22.19cladhairehow can i do that on the commandline?
20:22.26cladhaireyou have something for the edit box?
20:22.35krkai _only_ have stuff for the editbox
20:22.49krkayou can't apply faiap to other things than editboxes
20:22.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Ins- (n=sam@
20:23.01cladhaireoh duh, heh
20:23.03krkahm... actually
20:23.11krkafor static texts, it's even easier
20:23.19krkajust run the highlighter before :SetText
20:23.37cladhairewell the top isn't an edit box
20:23.46cladhaireits a one-line edit box, and a messagescrollframe
20:24.55krkaone line editboxes work the same as multiline, right?
20:24.59cladhairegot faiap to toss a wow assertion =)
20:25.08cladhairei have it working on the edit box, that's not an issue
20:25.10cog|workUm... anyone have any idea why this would crash-quit WoW when you leave AFK?
20:25.50cladhairehrm.. weird stuff happening krka
20:26.03krkado elaborate
20:26.16krkai actually haven't used faiap in a long time in wow :)
20:26.27cladhairenvm.. think it was a victim of the assertion
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20:27.09krkahm, still, let me know if there's a problem in faiap
20:27.15cladhairei certainly will
20:27.29cladhaire<3 it
20:27.44krkalooks nice
20:27.52krkai think it could help for newbies
20:28.09krkaeasier to detect keywords and unterminated strings
20:29.21krkai think you could colorize the history fairly easy
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20:29.51cladhairefor anything other than multi line constructs yeah
20:29.57cladhairei think this stands out a bit better tho
20:30.15wereHamsterhow likely is it that Blizzard would fix this 'issue' ?
20:30.19krkayeah, it separates input from history
20:32.10cladhairesomething is weird when you use the editbox history tho, trying to figure it all out
20:32.13cladhairei think it adds newlines
20:33.19krkaah, yes it does
20:33.27krkait adds two newlines
20:33.35krkafor a bug that occurs in multi-line editboxes
20:33.43cladhairewhere does it add em?
20:33.49krkain editmode
20:33.52cladhaireat the beginning or the end?
20:34.08cladhairei'll trim commands before i run them
20:34.15krkathe reason is that editboxes crap out if they have many lines, and the last two lines arent newlines
20:34.24*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
20:34.32krkaunless they fixed that bug recently
20:35.11krkacladhaire: i am assuming you run the commands in its own environment
20:35.14krkawith its own print defined
20:35.24krkadoesnt seem like print follows the same specification
20:35.32krkatab-separating the inputs
20:35.33cladhaireits actually not their own environment
20:35.35cladhairei'm getting to that next
20:35.43cladhaireit comma seps print input
20:35.44krkayou're just adding a global print?
20:36.11cladhaireno, it will go in the functions environment in a moment
20:36.16cladhaireand i'll hook loadstring to push it down too
20:36.29krkawould be kind of neat to use a custom environment, that possibly has a metatable that points __index to the real environment
20:36.43cladhairethat's what i'll be doing
20:36.45krkathen you could access all functions / tables, and still not mess up anything
20:36.47cladhairejust haven't gotten to it yet.
20:36.56krkaand define some emulations of the plain lua env
20:37.02cladhairenot sure i want to do that
20:37.05cladhairethat kills persistence
20:37.14cladhaireand there's too much lua-side sandboxing that needs to happen
20:37.37krkaall in all, a very cool project
20:37.49cladhaireI'm enjoying it
20:37.52cladhaireand i need it for chapter 1
20:37.56krkai assume the goal is to make a lua learning-mode inside wow?
20:38.02cladhaireits for the book
20:38.14cladhairechapters 1-8 are learning lua, and I want those exercises to be runnable inside and outside of wow.
20:38.15krkaright... so you can try out lua code, to learn?
20:38.38krkanot sure where we disagree then
20:38.50cladhairei just misunderstood you is all =)
20:39.08krkai see... so the answer really is "yes [, for the book]"
20:40.01krkayou should hook into iriels devtools too, for /dump
20:40.16krkaare you using up/down for command history btw?
20:40.29cladhaireits alt-up, alt-down by default
20:40.34cladhaireactually, up/down works
20:40.49krkadump(x, y, z) might be nice to have inside the luapad
20:41.00krkadoes highlighting work with that?
20:41.02krkai have never tried that
20:41.09cladhaireno idea
20:41.22krkaoh, i just assumed you tried it
20:41.30cladhairewhere is the newline stuff getting added in FAIAP?
20:41.41cladhaireoh i misunderstood, highlighting does work with history
20:42.15krkalib.line 926
20:42.27krkaerr, sorry
20:42.33krkait's added at 1013
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20:43.20krkai should add an option for that
20:43.27cladhaireindeed =)
20:43.47krkapossibly even detect if the box _is_ multiline or not
20:44.03cladhairenow that is a good idea
20:44.04cladhairei'll code it up now =)
20:44.36krkayou kids today have it too easy:
20:44.37krkaEditBox:IsMultiLine() - Determine if the EditBox accepts multiple lines - New in 1.11.
20:44.44krkanever anything like that when i grew up
20:45.18cladhairewell actually, padWithLinebreaks doesn't 'go near the editbox
20:45.38cladhairejust talking to myself mostly
20:45.51krkaif editbox:IsMultiLine() then newCode = lib.padWithLinebreaks(newCode) end
20:45.55krkathat should do the trick
20:46.22krkajust in two places
20:46.38ScytheBlade1HA, YES
20:46.41ScytheBlade1IT HAS BEEN ACCEPTED
20:46.54Cairennhehehe, I was amused by the name ScytheBlade1
20:47.20ScytheBlade1After the discussion around it last night, I just couldn't resist
20:47.34[dRaCo]ScytheBlade1: lemme guess: print "no illegal addons found."?
20:47.41ScytheBlade1Not even a .lua
20:47.46ScytheBlade1Just a .xml
20:47.57krkaScytheBlade1: brilliant
20:47.58ScytheBlade1Size:  1.68 Kb <-- most of it is a readme
20:48.06cog|workcould've been smaller if it was just lua :P
20:48.16krkai approve
20:48.19ScytheBlade1cog|work, meh, I don't know how to work with frames in the lua. ;)
20:48.26krkait's dead simple
20:48.29ScytheBlade1It is
20:48.30krkaand you dont need frames
20:48.34LunessaThat is full of awesome and win.
20:48.38Valaron|WorkChange "are installed" to "detected"
20:48.44krkaDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("no illegal addons found!")
20:49.05ScytheBlade1DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("IllegalAddon: Scanning addons... pass! No illegal addons are installed.");
20:49.32ScytheBlade1Now we just need to update the FAQs. ;)
20:49.39krkamight want to add some progress bar that runs for 10 seconds in the middle of the screen
20:49.47krkathat way, people think it's actually doing something
20:49.53Lunessa... Loop like .... 65 seconds before sending the message.
20:49.55cog|workand actually print the names of the addons
20:49.59cog|workthat are installed
20:50.02krkagood idea
20:50.03cog|workas it's going
20:50.13krkaand on ADDON_LOADED, add a new message
20:50.15ScytheBlade1That would require *actual code* though
20:50.23krka"scanning " .. arg1 .. "... clean!"
20:50.24ScytheBlade1Okay, the ADDON_LOADED is a good idea
20:50.26Cairennwell, it definitely "worked" for me hahahah
20:50.40CairennI think it rocks
20:50.59ScytheBlade1I debated doing a slash command which lists all addons and their "clean status"
20:51.00krkayou are so easily satisfied
20:51.04ScytheBlade1But then I realized one line works too
20:51.56krkasomeone should make an acefyer-tool
20:52.12cladhaire"your addons are now zomgaced"
20:52.13krkaautomatically embedding ace into all addons
20:52.15ScytheBlade1... the only thing that could make this more awesome
20:52.21ScytheBlade1Is if I got a request to ace it.
20:52.41cog|workI'll do it... tempting
20:52.45ScytheBlade1"Hi, I've been using IllegalAddon since I found it... any chance I could get an ace version of it? It's my only one.."
20:52.53ScytheBlade1*only one that isn't an ace addon
20:53.30[dRaCo]u could actually use candybars to create a progress bar ^^"
20:53.34cog|workName it something vague or punny
20:53.41ScytheBlade1I could
20:53.51ScytheBlade1Or I could leave it as-is
20:53.55ScytheBlade1And link it whenever someone asks
20:54.08ScytheBlade1I do have to wonder who would actually install it though..
20:54.19ScytheBlade1If you're curious about addons and how legal they are, why would you trust an addon to check for you?
20:54.20Matrix110enough people would i bet
20:54.28Matrix110doesnt matter
20:54.31Matrix110people are stupid
20:54.34cog|work14 have downloaded it so far...
20:54.35ScytheBlade1That's what scares me :/
20:54.52ScytheBlade1I sincerly hope so
20:54.56krkawhen you assume you make an ass out of u and me
20:54.58[dRaCo]krka: great, you even capitalized Ace ;)
20:55.06zenzelezzthink of the "omg ur 1000000 visitor u win!!" ads... you think we see so many of them because no-one is clicking?
20:55.35cog|worksome times those flash ads are fun :P
20:55.45Matrix110I dont see ads:-(
20:55.51ScytheBlade1Where's the "is this legal?" threads when you want them?
20:56.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Kongoo (
20:56.16krkathis is on par with the addon that makes everything go black in combat
20:56.25CairennI'm still laughing over this
20:56.25krkawhat was that called?
20:56.26cog|workOoooh... I'm totally gonna do the ace version... Call it FolsomPrison
20:56.28ScytheBlade1I forget
20:56.37krkano cog|work! that's too obvious
20:56.43krkacall it BarbieFunHouse or something
20:56.51Kyahx"i lov this addom...sum1 told me that ktm was illegal and i wamted 2 mke sure but ALL CLEAN!
20:56.51KyahxTHX (also plz ACE)"
20:56.56Kyahxworks over, time to go home
20:57.24[dRaCo]I just remember the name referencing to h2g2
20:57.44foxlitWe broke Magtheridon's Lair
20:57.47cog|workkrka: What about MountRushmore?
20:58.02krkawhat about it?
20:58.08cog|workas a vague name
20:58.24cog|workthat would be a friggin awesome name for an addon that auto-equips mount trinkets...
20:58.27foxlit"Heroic mode is not available for this instance"
20:58.41ScytheBlade1foxlit, /script SetDungeonDifficulty(3);
20:58.45krkai always come up with cool names, and then try to make addons that fit the name
20:58.56foxlitScytheBlade1: It's set on normal
20:58.58*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
20:59.02ScytheBlade1foxlit, you did break it
21:01.09Cairennthis was the combat one you were thinking of, krka:
21:01.22krkawhoa, how can you read my mind?
21:01.32krkaand why aren't you appropiately disgusted?
21:01.41Cairenn(4:55:56 PM) krka: this is on par with the addon that makes everything go black in combat
21:01.41Cairenn(4:56:04 PM) krka: what was that called?
21:02.10krkathanks for the link anyway, that
21:02.13krkais awesome
21:02.48krkawould be cool if it showed a big screen of my little pony and sang a happy kids song
21:03.25Josh_Borkeyou make me sad krka
21:03.59krkablack is too scary, i mean
21:04.11krkaactually, my suggestion is scary too, in another way
21:04.18krkapossibly more damaging
21:04.32Josh_Borkepossibly?  how about far more :-P
21:04.48krkafar more more damaging?
21:04.53krkathat fails grammar
21:05.04krkatime to sleep
21:05.29krkasense of humour has declined so much that even i know it's bad... that means its time for sleep
21:06.30Cairennsweet dreams krka :)
21:07.12TemI need an addon that makes me naked and dancing when it detects a warlock-pally team against us in 2v2
21:08.32Josh_Borkenn krka
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22:13.17LunessaIt never rains but it pours around here...
22:13.58LunessaIn the last hour everything exploded at once.
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22:22.15Laraulwhy is this channel +s?
22:23.40Valaron|WorkThat question reminds me of
22:25.04LaraulI can't recall if +s hides it from the channel /list or /whois reply... i think the former
22:25.22Laraul+p hides it from /whois i think
22:25.26Laraulhell i have no idea
22:25.46Valaron|WorkHmm.. I wonder if this is worth buying:
22:26.16LaraulHitachi is a good brand
22:26.28LaraulProbably worth it
22:26.28Valaron|WorkLook at the size.
22:26.38LaraulYes 1 terabyte
22:26.48Valaron|WorkThat's a lot of porn.
22:27.05*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
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22:27.33Valaron|WorkI mean... uhh.. mp3s
22:27.51Laraulhonestly I don't care what you put on your hdd
22:28.04*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
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22:38.52LaraulSo I finally get myself a LUA reference guide
22:39.10LaraulIt's clear C
22:40.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Hannesv (
22:43.14cladhairethe reference manual is all C, yes.
22:43.17cladhairePiL is lua
22:45.10LaraulIt's not C it's built on the language though
22:45.52cladhairei'm not sure what you'rs saying.
22:46.34*** join/#wowi-lounge fleetfoot (
22:47.18LaraulIt's like ANSI C without brackets... lol
22:49.32LaraulThere are no pointers though I assume everything is passed by reference
22:50.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
22:52.09cog|workThe reference has two parts... the language reference and the Lua API... Only the API part has anything to do with C and it's entirely irrelevant to WoW...
22:53.34cog|work(unless you work for Blizzard :P)
22:53.53cladhaireYou really should just read Programming in Lua
22:54.34LaraulWhat about the standard libaries?
22:55.04cladhairei'm not sure what you're asking
22:55.22Laraullike the I/O libs
22:55.27Larauler api calls
22:55.34cladhaireyou just call them from lua
22:55.41cladhaireand wow doesn't have the io libraries.
22:56.49Laraulwhat about the debug interface?\
22:56.53cladhairenot available in wow.
22:57.01Larauli doubt it has that as well
22:57.12cladhairelua> for k,v in pairs(_G) if type(k) == "table" then print(k) end end
22:57.28*** join/#wowi-lounge cladbot (
22:57.32cladhairelua> for k,v in pairs(_G) if type(k) == "table" then print(k) end end
22:57.32cladbotcladhaire: sandbox.lua:260: Compilation failed: [string "for k,v in pairs(_G) if type(k) == "table" then print(k) end en..."]:1: 'do' expected near 'if'
22:57.37cladhairelua> for k,v in pairs(_G) do if type(k) == "table" then print(k) end end
22:57.52cladhairelua> for k,v in pairs(_G) do if type(v) == "table" then print(k) end end
22:57.52cladbotcladhaire: wow, os, _G, SV, string, bit, table, math
22:57.57cladhairethat's whats available in wow
22:58.06cladhairelua> os
22:58.06cladbotcladhaire: { ["clock"] = function: 0x806cd40, ["time"] = function: 0x806cf60, ["date"] = function: 0x806cd80 } (#1)
22:58.14cladhaireand os has almost nothing
22:58.21cladhaire(it may not even be in wow.. i could be smoking crack)
22:58.55Cideit's not there, nope
22:59.08Cidebut instead you have a couple of global functions from there
22:59.10Cide>>> time
22:59.10CideCide: function: 009791A0
22:59.13Cide>>> time == os.time
22:59.13CideCide: true
22:59.57cog|workI still think you're smoking crack though...
23:00.48LaraulIt has to have more OS apis then that
23:01.05cog|workLaraul: Lua does. WoW doesn't
23:01.09Guill|AFKthose are the only ones available
23:01.20Guillotineto the IRC bot
23:01.23Guillotineand WoW
23:01.30LaraulHow do you get what OS the user is using?
23:01.40Guillotineyou don't
23:01.41cladhaireLaraul: Are you here for Lua, or for using Lua in World of Warcraft?
23:01.55LaraulWell I
23:02.04LaraulWell I can't find anywhere else to use lua
23:02.13cladhairethere are tons of applications that use Lua
23:02.37cog|workand you can also write your own :P
23:02.40cladhaireand what you can do with lua outside of wow is huge.. the wow sandbox is really tight.
23:03.25cog|workbut if you're after general Lua knowledge then you'll have better luck with #lua. WoW's lua is heavily limited due to security and automation concerns
23:03.34GuillotineLaraul: I suppose it may be possible to get the OS of the user by looking at the format of os.time(). Though that won't always be accurate
23:03.55cladhaireGuillotine: the format of os.time() is specific.. it doesn't differ from os to os
23:04.16Guillotinecladhaire: has that changed since 5.0?
23:04.25cog|workcladhaire: not afaik...
23:04.41Guillotineaccording to the manual The returned value is a number, whose meaning depends on your system. In Posix, Windows, and some other systems, this number counts the number of seconds since some given start time (the "epoch"). In other systems, the meaning is not specified, and the number returned by time can be used only as an argument to date and difftime.
23:05.00cladhairethe game runs on windows, mac and linux
23:05.11cladhaireall either posix or windows
23:05.18cladhairethey all return a number from some given start time
23:05.25Guillotineah, didn't know mac was Posix
23:05.26Guillotinenm then
23:05.28cladhaireits bsd
23:05.32cog|workGuillotine: mac = bsd
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23:06.20Guillotinelua> print(_VERSION)
23:06.21cladbotGuillotine: Lua 5.1
23:07.16Guillotinelua> return(loadfile)
23:07.17cladbotGuillotine: nil
23:07.46Laraullua> for k,v is pairs(SV) do if type(v) not == nil then print(k) end end
23:07.46cladbotLaraul: sandbox.lua:260: Compilation failed: [string "for k,v is pairs(SV) do if type(v) not == nil then print(k) end..."]:1: 'in' expected near 'is'
23:07.56cladhaireif you're going to mess with the bot, please move it to #luabot or PM's.
23:08.01cladhaireno need to spam the channel with it.
23:08.09Guillotineoh, yours works with PM's :D
23:08.18Cideso does mine
23:08.22cladhairethey both do
23:08.26cladhairejust tell me if you break it via pms
23:08.28Guillotineoh, havn't tried in a long time
23:09.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
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23:14.25LaraulHonestly I need like ; or something cuz i can't tell when a line starts/ends
23:14.38cladhaireyou can use ; if you want
23:14.41cladhairebut its unnecessary
23:15.55LaraulLaraul: sandbox.lua:260: Compilation failed: [string "local i = 0; while true do; i = i + 1; if i > 100 then; break; ..."]:1: unexpected symbol near ';' <--- ??
23:16.19cog|workcan't put a ; after do
23:16.26cog|workor then
23:16.28cladhaireyou can't use a semi there
23:16.51cog|workonly after statements
23:17.40Cide>>> foo = { };
23:17.41CideCide: nil
23:17.47Cideworks fine
23:17.53Laraulwhile i < 100 do { block }
23:17.57Laraullike that
23:18.08Cidethe syntax is while i < 100 do ... end
23:18.21cog|work{} is a table constructor
23:19.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
23:20.52cladbotLaraul: Lua 5.1
23:21.29Cidelua> _VERSION, _VERSION
23:21.29cladbotCide: Lua 5.1, Lua 5.1
23:21.44Cideany reason you're not enclosing strings in "", cladbot ?
23:22.00cladhaireCide: No specific reason to
23:22.09cladhairei easily could, heh
23:22.15Laraul5 and "5" are not the same
23:22.49Cidedoesn't really matter though, you're right
23:22.50cladhairethey are when they're printed.
23:22.53cladhaireand i'm printing them
23:23.24cog|work>>> "\3"
23:23.24Cidecog|work: "\003"
23:23.31cog|worklua> "\3"
23:23.49*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
23:23.56LaraulNo first one is a number second is a string you print strings enclosed in "
23:24.11CideI'm fairly sure cladhaire doesn't need that lesson ;)
23:25.09cog|workthe issue is whether it's really worth formatting the output to indicate type
23:25.11cladhaireopen your lua interpreter
23:25.12cladhairetype = 4
23:25.14cladhairethen type = "4"
23:25.21cladhairei emulate this behavior.
23:25.52cladbotLaraul: /quit
23:26.13cladhaireagain, please use PM's or #luabot to mess with the bot, or i'll turn it off.
23:26.19Laraullua>print("\r/quote quit\r")
23:26.19cladbotLaraul: /quote quit
23:27.36LaraulI need to write some applescript
23:27.40LaraulDoes the bot eval that?
23:27.52cladhaireno, its a luabot.
23:28.57LaraulI need a LUA module for BBEdit arghs
23:29.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
23:30.10Garoun|LoupanaWhat'd you think Clad?
23:30.21cladhaireGaroun|Loupana: hrm?
23:31.28Larauldo shell script "restart"
23:32.26Garoun|LoupanaThe new harry potter I thought you went to early this morning :P
23:33.37cladhaireoh it was good =)
23:33.40cladhairei enjoyed it a lot
23:34.15Garoun|Loupanavery long :)
23:35.11cladhairenah, too short
23:36.16foxlitHm, quick question
23:36.40foxlitI'm relying on lazy evaluation to first check cache, then US then EU functioncalls.
23:36.52foxlitAny way I can make that a bit more obvious?
23:37.01Corrodiasgod damn
23:37.03GryphenI shall damn it!
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23:37.12Corrodiasi think the sky just took a personal interest in pissing on me
23:37.12Antiarc|Worklocal itemID = cache.iid[ln] or findItemId("US", itemname) or findItemId("EU", itemname)
23:37.22Antiarc|WorkThat sorta indicates that you expect lazy evaluation
23:37.23foxlitThing is, return isn't itemID
23:37.29Antiarc|WorkWell, whatever it is.
23:37.34Antiarc|Worklocal myFoo = cache.iid[ln] or findItemId("US", itemname) or findItemId("EU", itemname)
23:37.51foxlitI don't really want to keep it, but I suppose another local variable could do the trick :)
23:38.16Antiarc|WorkEh. Locals are cheap.
23:38.38foxlitBut they aren't free
23:40.00foxlitAnd yet :)
23:40.02Cideyou're making your code harder to understand just to save virtually nothing
23:40.04Cidebad practice
23:40.22Cidepremature optimization ftl
23:40.39foxlitI'd say it's defendable in this context.
23:40.45Cideno, it's not
23:41.17LaraulI do have a question about TOC files
23:41.31LaraulAre any of the ## comments required?
23:41.47cladhairethey're not comments, and that's addressed on
23:41.48Cide## Interface:
23:41.55Cideis the only necessary one afaik
23:42.05foxlitWould be pretty odd without Title?
23:42.06Cidebut yeah, I'm too helpful
23:42.12Cidewhat cladhaire said
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23:50.38Thunder_Childanyone know of an addon that lets you create multiple random says on a button press when casting a spell?
23:51.04LaraulAre most addons written in a UNIX enviroment?
23:51.52LunessaThunder_Child: Check out SpeakEasy, or BattleCry
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23:52.36kergothLaraul: it depends on the developer.
23:55.28ckknightLaraul: I do mine in OS X
23:55.36ckknightbut before that, I had a Windows machine
23:55.49Thunder_Childty Lunessa
23:55.57LaraulWhat app do you use?
23:56.05ckknightfor what?
23:56.25LaraulOn the mac for writing LUA? XCode?
23:56.43ckknightalso, Lua is not an acronym
23:57.22LaraulEr i just like typing LUA in all caps though
23:57.39ckknightbut you shouldn't
23:57.45ckknightbecause it's not an acronym
23:58.21LaraulTextmate looks interesting
23:58.28LaraulLet me download it
23:59.00LunessaI'm lazy, if I'm coding lua on my Mac, I use TextEdit.
23:59.06LaraulIt's missing a Script menu!

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