IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070709

00:00.13Mystiqi dont remember
00:00.35Yinxiebtw what u recon to be good sites for wow lua?
00:00.50cladhaireMystiq: don't put your scripts in the xml file unless you need to, use the .toc file
00:00.51Yinxieif ya dont bother me asking ofc
00:00.55Mystiqif it was jsut dealing with LUA i'd have been set years ago
00:01.01cladhaireMystiq: and just pull the ui/namespace decl fro another addon
00:01.08cladhaireMystiq: you can do everything in .lua, no need for .xml files anymore
00:01.13cladhaireunless you need to create an xml template
00:01.15cladhaireif you choose not to.
00:01.17Mystiqsweet, i hate them
00:01.30Mystiqhow you do declare the scripts file in the toc? lol
00:02.08cladhairejust FileName.lua
00:02.11cladhaireinstead of FileName.xml
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00:03.09Yinxieguys current version is 20100?
00:03.32Mystiqits supposed to run ModName_Init() first, no?
00:04.08Mystiqnewb moment
00:04.28Yinxieclad can i start a /w with u? if you have a moment?
00:04.37cladhaireYinxie: any reason you can't ask here?
00:04.51cladhaireMystiq: The entire file gets run, not any specific functions
00:05.10Yinxieuhm it involves loosing face in public, feeling noob etc.. i'd appreciate it :)
00:05.18TainThe entire bottle gets run, not any specific ounces.
00:05.56cladhaireYinxie: Nothing you ask will be any more embarassing than questions all of us have asked.. I'd rather answer it here (we don't bite, unless you're asking about model changing or private servers)
00:05.57cladhaireI promise
00:06.38Yinxiewell then
00:08.05YinxieHere goes lol: Actually im not an experienced lua coder, the need to code lua has risen upon me, and i felt that i should go and learn. so i thought i'd start reading up and came upon this IRC. now im startingwith rebuilding an old addon, currently working altough not updated since january. but i was wondering if you have any good websites so i can teach myself ...
00:08.24cladhairethe best place right now to start is
00:08.37cladhaireif you have anything more specific, like the type of addon you're working on there might be better resources we can point you to specifically
00:08.50abugor cladhaire's book
00:09.02Yinxiecladhaire's book?
00:09.13cladhaireour book has four chapters on writing addons, but it moves pretty quickly and isn't horribly comprehensive
00:09.15KasoUpdating an old addon is always a rather hard task, you have to get used to the other person's coding style, and usually people dont comment thier addon code well :<
00:09.40cladhairewe have another book coming out this year (we're writing it now) but that won't be out until the end of the year.
00:09.40Yinxieclad u got an online version or just offline?
00:09.47cladhairejust in print right now, afaik
00:09.52Kasos/hard task/hard first task/
00:10.39cladhairei will be back in one moment, need to restart irc
00:12.32Yinxiewelcome back
00:13.11Yinxieanyway what if i got this great addon and they stopped supporting it, isnt it a good way to learn lua code to observe ones coding and learn to improve that?
00:13.46KasoTrying to leap straight into someone else code can be confusing i think
00:13.58cladhaireit can be good for some things, if you can figure out what they're doing
00:14.03cladhairebut it can be hella confusing, as Kaso says
00:14.34Kasowithout knowing the basics, you can mistake other peoples (bad) habbits for things that are part of the language, and pick them up, which is never an ideal thing either
00:14.43cladhairewhich addon in particular?
00:14.49YinxieNecrosis ;)
00:15.49Yinxieso you would have me start on
00:16.43cladhairedoes this addon no longer work?
00:18.06Yinxiesee the first or 2nd comment, the guy doing it stopped maintaining
00:18.14Yinxieive emailed him, no response
00:19.48Yinxieso i just wanna try continue that.. and rebuild it to english lol
00:23.10abug has some good stuff too
00:24.05abugalthough some of it is a little dated
00:25.24Yinxiebtw should i read normal lua coding books / pages too? or is that useless?
00:25.37abugpurl, pil
00:25.38purlit has been said that pil is Programming in Lua. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in hardcover and covers Lua 5.1.
00:25.59Temand no quests left until tomorrow
00:26.20Yinxieskyguard or netherwing?
00:26.33Temif it was netherwing I'd go farm an egg
00:26.56abugogri'la has decent rewards for your class?
00:27.21TemI just have shitty gear
00:27.29Temand the tabbard matches my robe
00:27.48Temthe new rep rewards are made of fail
00:28.00Temprobably because the grind to exalted is too easy
00:28.35Yinxielol ok
00:29.04Yinxieur revered to all heroic instances?
00:29.05abug@yinxie: it can be useful to read things about lua in general, just keep in mind that not everything can be used in a wow addon
00:29.45TemI still need rep with HH and CE
00:30.00Tembut I hate the only instance I can use to get rep ><
00:30.13*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
00:30.39Yinxieye same here i need TK, HH and Auch, all close (1k) but need 6k for TK and i just hate Arca
00:30.45abug is
00:30.48abugnice too
00:31.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
00:31.35Yinxiethnx bug :)
00:32.20TemYinxie, do botan or mech?
00:33.05Yinxieim already honored, dont think i get rep there?
00:33.27Yinxiei though from honored to revered its 1 instance of the 3 in the rep group
00:33.42abugby the way, anyone good at batch files?
00:34.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
00:34.28Cideyou get rep all the way to exalted in all TK instances
00:34.30Temyou can rep in all 70-tuned instances until 70
00:34.35Temwhich is all the TK instances
00:34.43Tems/until 70/until exalted/
00:34.46Yinxiescrew arca :)
00:35.03Yinxiebtw guys was wondering
00:35.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
00:35.06Temyou get rep in the non-70-tuned instances until honored
00:35.23Yinxiehave u got a good way of testing an addon rather then starting wow?
00:35.35Temyou can use standalone lue
00:35.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
00:35.57cladhairelue ftw
00:36.13Yinxieuhm (A)
00:36.23Yinxiethats a program i suppose?
00:36.56cladhaireno he's talking about the lua interpreter
00:37.04cladhairebut that really only checks the syntax of your code
00:37.08cladhairedoesn't really "Test" the addon
00:37.37Yinxiewell cause im changing the toc of this addon and the addon dissapeared off the addon list ingame
00:38.19kaiden>>>print "I Love You"
00:38.19Cidekaiden: "I Love You"
00:38.23Yinxieany change its because of loadondemand?
00:38.28kaideni know you do! I love you too Cide
00:38.57cladhaireYinxie: Can you pastey the .toc for us?
00:39.11cladhaireYinxie: Some changes to the .toc require you to exit the game, but it shoudln't just disappear, i don't think.
00:39.52*** join/#wowi-lounge KriLL3 (
00:40.09Yinxieyou want the before or the after?
00:41.27Yinxie## Interface: 20003
00:41.28Yinxie## Title: Necrosis
00:41.28Yinxie## Title-frFR: Necrosis
00:41.28Yinxie## Author: Lomig, Liadora & Eliah
00:41.28Yinxie## Version: 2.0
00:41.28Yinxie## Notes: Shard managment UI
00:41.29Yinxie## Notes-frFR: Gestion graphique des shards.
00:41.31Yinxie## eMail:
00:41.33Yinxie## URL:
00:41.35Yinxie## DefaultState: Enabled
00:41.37Yinxie## LoadOnDemand: 0
00:41.39Yinxie## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: NecrosisConfig
00:41.45Yinxiethats before
00:41.55KriLL3you're doing it wrong
00:42.02cladhairewhen we say pastey.. that eans use
00:42.06Yinxieow shit lol
00:42.10cladhaireas in the topic of this channel
00:42.11Yinxiemy bad
00:42.13cladhairethat way you don't spam us.
00:42.16KriLL3no flood bot in here? :|
00:42.31cladhairei kick normally if i see spam
00:42.32Yinxiemy bad, sorry ppl
00:46.07Yinxiechanged into
00:47.11Yinxiethen i just stopped showing up
00:48.29Yinxiekrill3: soz for that spam mate ;)
00:49.04KriLL3np, but you should know not to multi line like that in IRC
00:49.46ArrowmasterYinxie: its not showing up on the addons list or not showing up ingame?
00:51.15Yinxieit wouldnt show up in the list and when i launched it didnt do anything
00:51.34KriLL3well if it doesn't show in the list it doesn't load
00:52.10Thelynais the folder structure right?
00:52.44Yinxiesame addon with the first toc file worked, and showed up
00:54.17Yinxiehm i removed the 1 after loadondemand and works now..
00:54.42Yinxiemade it a 0 ofc.. not sure why though but still
01:01.35*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
01:19.31cladhaireanyone here have experience with init.d scripts on centos?
01:20.10*** part/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
01:25.46Yinxiesoz clad i dont..
01:27.23Yinxieid love to help but hey im noob ;)
01:27.47Yinxieor can i say miranda?
01:35.38Yinxieanyway im going off.. its 3:35 here and i stil got to sleep
01:35.49Yinxieill be on at 9.45 - 10.30 around there
01:35.51Yinxienn all
01:38.36*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
01:39.32Bleetercladhaire: experienced with init.d on Fedora, I guess that counts ;)
01:39.48cladhaireyeah it does, i found what i needed.. but i may ping ya later =)
01:54.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
02:34.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_Ghost (n=Guilloti@
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02:40.32AnduinLotharwoah. opera just reset on us..
02:40.49AnduinLotharfear through the door?
02:40.59AnduinLotharthe CLOSED door..
02:43.40MentalPowergnight guys
02:56.42*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
02:58.36Nom-Anyone noticed Prince and Heroic Trash bugging out ?
02:59.16Nom-The Shattered Hand Heathens in Heroic Shattered Halls were effectively old-school reckoning bombing non-tank plate (ie. me) and anyone else who happened to pull aggro
02:59.26Nom-Got one-shotted (3 attacks in combat log) on more than one occasion
03:28.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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03:28.52abughow did wowace turn into a political discussion?
03:30.59*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:31.31Bleeterabug: dunno, better off asking in #wowace?
03:54.09KriLL3wowui is slow atm...
03:55.59*** join/#wowi-lounge flexom (
03:56.25KriLL3takes ages to load pages
03:56.49Cairennwhat site?
03:57.02KriLL3... told you
03:57.16Cairennno idea what site that is
03:57.34Cairennah, see, I didn't know their "new name"
03:57.42CairennI'm still used to calling it
04:05.01KriLL3anyone knows of an updated version of lootlink and minimap button bag? both giving me game halting errors...
04:05.54Cairennwhose version of lootlink?
04:06.08KriLL3... one that works?
04:07.48Cairennif you are used to using one, getting a different one that won't necessarily work with the saved variables file you have would be rather annoying I'd think
04:08.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
04:08.27KriLL3"LootLink 8.2.9" is what it says
04:08.38KriLL3and it's making wow freeze
04:08.43Cairenn - that's dated 22 Feb 07, seems not to have updated it recently - there are lots of other one that do similar things
04:08.59Cairennopen up the .toc and see if it gives an author name :p
04:09.05Bleeterthere's several different lootlink variants, just saying a version number doesn't help
04:09.09Bleeteryeah, author name's important ;)
04:09.34Cairennthat's why I asked whose version, not what version
04:09.50KriLL3## Author: Saeris
04:10.25Cairennactually -
04:10.36KriLL3that's the one I got
04:10.43Cairennthe second link?
04:11.14Cairennas I said ... "actually, -"
04:11.43KriLL3my error isn't listed in the fixes
04:12.08KriLL3I'll go with telo's
04:14.46KriLL3 second comment got same bug as I got, and no updates since then. :(
04:15.06KriLL3"stack overflow" isn't fun to get, freezes the game for a long while
04:20.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
04:21.53Cideso open the code and fix it :)
04:37.38*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
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05:07.50GuillotineAnybody know the maximum name length?
05:08.19*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku_ (
05:12.35Nom-Some hunters are claiming to be soloing BT trash?
05:32.39Guillotinea couple of the trash are kiteable I believe
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05:39.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (
05:40.53Nom-Apparently they're selling epic gems on the AH
05:40.59Nom-Because of that
05:49.53Guillotineit'll probably be fixed eventually. Same way the oozes were fixed from naxx
05:50.32Nom-Some Retribution paladin on the forums was claiming to have topped his guilds' DPS on many fights
05:50.57Nom-I suspect he was being sarcastic, but I'd like to find the post again to see if he's posted any proof lol
05:52.20GuillotineI'd believe it
05:52.26Guillotinetheres a ret pally in our guild
05:52.28Guillotinethat does amazing dp
05:52.37ShadowedNom- ret paladins do pretty good damage if you give them *the perfect* group
05:52.58Shadowedexcept, they have no threat reduction and can spike threat a lot and die quickly
05:53.04Guillotineoften tops the damage meters by quite a bit when he doesn't have to watch aggro (e.g. on Shade)
05:53.28Shadowedthey still require a lot more work then other DPS classes
05:53.36Shadowedand aren't really worthwhile since they have no threat reduction
05:54.24Guillotineif they had threat reduction, they would be perfectly viable DPS
05:54.38Guillotineas it is now, our pally has to DPS until hes just under tank, then heal for a bit while he waits
05:55.43Nom-I can't even get close to the threat of the tank at the moment
05:55.49Nom-But i'm going to try the build I saw this guy had
05:56.19Nom-It was pretty much everything from retribution, precision from protection and strength from holy
05:56.37Nom-Pure DPS build, no question about that
05:56.52Nom-But since I'm only going to respec for Gruul, it doesn't bother me
05:56.56ShadowedWell Guillotine, the main issue is mainly the spike in threat
05:57.15Shadowedeven playing it close to the tank, you still risk a chain of crits from WF or extra attack procs which puts you over and gets you killed
05:57.38Nom-Yeah, i'll have to get put into a melee group
05:57.52Nom-I think that was my problem... I usually get lumped in without highest DPS to buff them slightly
05:57.57Nom-And effectively wastes my raid slot
05:58.19Guillotinewe actually have a holy dps priest now
05:58.22Guillotinewhos doing amazingly well
05:58.37Nom-So what's the perfect group?  Paladin/Shaman/Druid/Hunter/Warrior ?
05:58.38Guillotineworks great with the ret pally
05:59.05Nom-lolsmite priest eh?
05:59.28Nom-lolsmite priest + retribution paladin = good combo imho
05:59.34Guillotineeven better
05:59.40Guillotinelolsmite priest+ret pally+balance druid
05:59.47Guillotine+the bug where surge of light can chain proc
05:59.54Nom-I suppose part of my problem is my gear
06:00.09Nom-I'm wearing a fair bit of warrior dps plate, which means i don't have the spell damage needed
06:00.24Nom-and a few pieces of warrior tank plate, which is even worse
06:00.44Nom-The wierd thing is though
06:00.50Thunder_ChildI dub it "The triple Riple"
06:00.57Nom-We literally cannot down gruul when i'm not there
06:01.02Nom-So I dunno what's up with that
06:01.11*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
06:01.22Nom-I went to the movies on our Gruul night last week, and our raid couldn't down him
06:01.32Nom-I come back, same raid on Monday, with just me swapped in for someone else
06:01.34Nom-We get him second try
06:02.04JunkHead-WorkWhat class do you play?
06:02.16Nom-<-- Retribution Paladin
06:02.19Nom-Well, I am for Gruul
06:02.23ShadowedDid they fix the bug where you can keep SoL up "forever" with Inner Focus?
06:02.27JunkHead-WorkWhat did they swap you out for?
06:02.40Nom-Umm.... Shadow Priest I think
06:02.53Nom-Oh, it was a druid sorry
06:02.55Nom-Feral Druid
06:03.16JunkHead-WorkBut I could understand it if it was a shadow priest.
06:03.35Nom-Well, this Feral Druid has rather low DPS :)
06:03.47GuillotineShadowed: do tell more
06:03.55Nom-He's known as DC Cow
06:04.00Nom-Short for Disconnecting Cow
06:04.02ShadowedCan't recall the exacts of it, it was something like
06:04.17Guillotineoh, b/c it didn't cost mana, it doesn't consume inner focus? And gives an extra 25% to crit which causes chain proc?
06:04.21Nom-He inherited the title from another of our druids who finally fixed his computer :P
06:04.21Shadowedoh wait not SoL
06:04.33Shadowedwhich is the one that procs off crit heals
06:04.39ShadowedSoL was only crit dmg abilities I Though?
06:04.44Guillotineany crit
06:04.48Guillotinecan cause a free smite
06:04.55JunkHead-WorkI was in a botanica group the other day.
06:05.04JunkHead-WorkAnd we were going along ok.
06:05.22JunkHead-WorkUntil we got to that one boss, the hooved guy. Don't know his name.
06:05.28Nom-You found a Botanica group?
06:05.34JunkHead-WorkWell, I had a phone call.
06:05.41JunkHead-WorkWent afk for about... 5 minutes.
06:05.49JunkHead-WorkAs soon as I got back, Tank went afk.
06:05.50Nom-I'm lucky to find a group to stand around and laugh at Gnomes in Shattrath lately
06:05.55JunkHead-Workfor over 20 minutes.
06:05.59JunkHead-WorkWe actually waited.
06:06.06JunkHead-WorkBecause we wanted to finish.
06:06.24JunkHead-WorkHe came back, we gave the boss a shot, we wiped.
06:06.26JunkHead-WorkNo big deal.
06:06.39Nom-hmm the last boss buffed him
06:06.44JunkHead-WorkWe ressed and went back, all except the tank.
06:06.48Nom-the last patch buffed him i mean
06:06.55JunkHead-WorkHe went afk again in mid flight.
06:06.59ShadowedWas something like, once SoL procced you could use Inner Focus and it would never be consumed while your abilities were critting, and when you had like a 85-90% total chances to crit that was rather rare
06:07.17JunkHead-WorkAs soon as someone noticed, and mentioend it in party chat, I cast AB on us to start a timer.
06:07.26JunkHead-WorkAt 5 minutes, we portaled out.
06:07.37JunkHead-WorkI stayed in the group to watch his afk status.
06:07.48JunkHead-WorkI finally left the group after 12 minutes.
06:08.20JunkHead-WorkSo he was afk for over 30 minutes in one run.
06:08.38JunkHead-WorkThe other guy in the group, was forming a new party.
06:08.50JunkHead-WorkThat's the only reason I left, so he could fill my spot.
06:08.58JunkHead-WorkNo clue what he did about the absent tank.
06:09.16Nom-Lately it's been near impossible to find groups when I play
06:09.32Nom-I need Botanica on my mage for the alchemy quest
06:09.46Nom-Shattered Halls on my Paladin for rep (nearly exalted for [Stormcaller])
06:09.47JunkHead-WorkI play in the morning time.
06:09.55JunkHead-WorkSo groups can be tough to find for me too.
06:10.09Nom-I play from about 7:00pm to 12:00am AWST
06:10.13Nom-GMT +0800
06:10.21JunkHead-WorkBut since I raid in the morning, I only have about 2 hours to do other stuff before bed.
06:10.30JunkHead-WorkSo... yeah, it kinda sucks.
06:10.38Nom-We're going to 'The Eye' for the first time tonight
06:10.40Nom-So happy :D
06:10.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
06:10.50Nom-Going to whack the loot pinata
06:11.07Nom-SSC on Sunday!
06:11.16Nom-<-- Overjoyed!
06:11.43JunkHead-WorkWe haven't gotten that far yet.
06:11.49JunkHead-WorkWe've downed Gruul twice so far.
06:11.54Nom-Same lol
06:12.01JunkHead-WorkGot him down on the 2nd try this past saturday.
06:12.10Nom-But Gruul is really tough compared to the early bosses in SSC
06:12.16Nom-Especially compared to Void Reaver in The Eye
06:12.40JunkHead-WorkWe might try Mag next weekend.
06:12.43Nom-High King is incredibally forgiving compared to Gruul
06:12.46JunkHead-WorkJust to see what that's like.
06:13.15JunkHead-WorkActually, we seem to have mroe problems on that 3-ogre pull before Gruul, than we do Gruul now.
06:13.16Nom-You need a MASSIVE amount of DPS to down Gruul, but you can stuff around a lot on High King so long as your healers are well geared
06:13.44JunkHead-WorkOne sec.
06:13.50Nom-Our raid leaders are going to need to get really tough on DPS this week
06:13.59JunkHead-WorkI'll show you our classes for this last Gruul kill.
06:14.09Nom-Anyone who can't sustain > 600dps needs to go
06:14.50Nom-Which will include me, unless this Retribution Build I try tonight isn't better
06:15.04JunkHead-Work1 priest was shadow.
06:15.15JunkHead-Workshaman was enhancement.
06:15.18Nom-lol you've got a lot of pallies :P
06:15.26Nom-We take two paladins, 2 dshamans, like 4 priests
06:15.28JunkHead-WorkBoth Druids were feral.
06:15.43JunkHead-Workyeah all Paladins were holy.
06:15.58JunkHead-WorkWe have I think... 1 prot pally in our guild.
06:16.02JunkHead-WorkNo ret pallies.
06:16.15Nom-I'm so far down the DPS list it's embarrassing
06:16.43Guillotineour guild is so offspec
06:16.55Guillotineour two main tanks are me (a feral druid) and a prot pally
06:17.00Nom-lol we've got dedicated raiders
06:17.13Nom-We've got several people who respec for high king
06:17.16Nom-Then respec for Gruul
06:17.27Nom-Then resepec back to pvp fo the rest of the week
06:18.01JunkHead-WorkFor Gruul, we use a Prot Warrior as MT, and a Bear as OT.
06:18.09Nom-Yep, we do the same
06:18.15JunkHead-WorkAnd depending on who shows up, a Bear or Prot Warrior for 3rd tank.
06:18.17Nom-More hitpoints, more armor
06:18.36Nom-Yeah, we have a second bear on tank duty too
06:18.47Nom-That's the 15 and 17 on those dps charts
06:18.50Nom-I'm 16 :(
06:19.31JunkHead-WorkThis last kill, the T4 token for Paladins,Rogues, and whatever  else dropped.
06:19.42JunkHead-WorkA rogue won them with a roll fo 29.:P
06:19.48Nom-Yup, we've had a couple of them drop
06:19.58Nom-Ah, we're doing DKP
06:20.09Nom-I'm next on the list for a token actually.. i think
06:20.11JunkHead-WorkWe have a weird loot system set up.
06:20.19JunkHead-WorkI passed on the leggings token.
06:20.36Nom-ah no i'm not
06:20.39Nom-coz i missed a raid :(
06:21.28JunkHead-WorkI'm pretty good about attendance, I sat out fo Kara last week though.
06:21.45JunkHead-WorkThey asked me not to go to let another Paladin in to gear him up some.
06:22.32Nom-Yah, I keep offering my slot
06:22.38Nom-But we don't have any Paladins to fill it :P
06:23.07Nom-I'd rather farm...need another 4k gold for my mount :(
06:23.34Nom-Actually, I might be able to get it tonight
06:23.40Nom-Coz another guildy offered me a loan
06:23.48Nom-Can farm 4k gold pretty quick, but i'm impatient
06:29.48Corrodiaschronometer does something irritating...
06:30.58Corrodiaswhen a freezing trap springs, it cancels the trap timer and starts a trap effect timer, which is sweet. but when i lay down another freezing trap, it cancels the trap effect timer. which makes it only slightly useful in timing m y traps at all.
06:39.54GuillotineI feel like a hippy right now. The lamp in my bathroom went out, so the sole light source in there now is a random lava lamp I found lying around
06:41.55TainCareful, I just watched the Mythbusters episode where they did exploding Lava Lamps.
06:42.10*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (n=MoonWolf@
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06:42.47Guillotineooo, I saw that one
06:42.53Guillotineif I remember correctly, it never exploded though
06:42.59Guillotineat least not under realistic temperatures
06:43.26Guillotinealso /hate faux scroll frames
06:46.24TainYeah, they had to heat it on a stove top to get it to explode.
06:48.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
06:51.48Guillotinebleeeeh. nerf faux scroll frames
06:52.54Guillotinealright, what does this error mean? Frame CombineSignupRosterFrame: Unknown child node in Layer element: ScrollFrame
06:53.02Guillotinein the FrameXML log
06:53.21Guillotineor at least its much harder
06:53.59ThraeYes, there's nude swimming.
06:54.04ThraeOh, wait...
06:54.13Wobworkif it weren't for lua frame generation, I'd never have done a gui for anything
06:54.35Guillotinethis is really the first time I'm doing anything significant with xml
06:54.40ThraeGuillotine: Well, that's why there are various frameworks out there designed to make GUIs. Besides, Lua dynamic frame generation is the best. WoW XML is silly and reserved for weird LoD magicks.
06:55.07GuillotineI'm tempted to just move it all over to lua, but there was so much already written (not by me) and I'd have to rewrite it all...
06:55.28norgs_awaybite the bullet and do it anyhow
06:55.47norgs_awayit's like taking a shower... you feel all clean afterwards
06:56.08ThraeGuillotine: When you see 'ui-des' at the top of the away! Run awaaaaay!
06:56.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
06:56.40Guillotineeverything possible through XML is possible through lua dynamic frame creation, right? Want to make sure I'm not going to end up having to move it back because scroll frames can't be edited through dynamic frame creation or something -_-
06:57.07ThraeGuillotine: Yes.
06:58.31Guillotinemmm, this is going to be fun. moving 1.3k lines of xml over to lua ><
06:58.53ThraeIf it's hard, then it's not worth doing! ...Wait, that's not right.
06:59.14ThraeIf it's easy, then maybe you'll get lucky!, no.
06:59.37GuillotineI like the first one
06:59.47Guillotineanyway... how do I make a dynamically created frame a virtual one?
07:00.28ThraeGuillotine: You don't -- virtual frames are literally a template to be parsed to instaniate frames. They don't really exist except in pure code form.
07:01.32norgs_awayGuillotine: in other words, what Thrae is saying is that Virtual Frames == function
07:01.46norgs_away(or at least a code block)
07:01.56Guillotinehmm. so to duplicate the functionality of virtual frames I'd just create a function?
07:02.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Drool (
07:02.22Thraenorgs_away: Is that the real underlying functionality, or are you just making an analogy? I thought the XML was just parsed when needed.
07:03.28norgs_awayactually, i assume that instantiation of virtual frames enact more of a deep-copy type thing
07:04.05ThraeGuillotine: But for Lua, a function is best, since then you only need to set stuff you actually need, and can set stuff you can't easily set / looks horrible in XML (like scripts).
07:04.11norgs_awaytechnically a function is far superior since the virtual frame isn't taking up memory
07:04.43Thraenorgs_away: Mmm, I didn't know virtual frames take up memory aside from a pointer. That sounds like a contradiction to the word "virtual" ^^;
07:05.24norgs_awaybuggered if i know
07:05.40norgs_awayi'm just making wild assumptions
07:08.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
07:09.10ThraeHmmm, was there someone with a script/application that could allow you to talk to people in-game from, say, IRC or another medium? Not account-based like XFire, it would actually push to WoW.
07:10.15ThraeI'm trying to think of how to do that without violating the TOS.
07:10.50Punkie`Are you looking for this Thrae?
07:13.16ThraePunkie`: Yeah I know the mechanics of how to do it...I've worked with DX before...but I'm not going to do anything if it's bannable ^^;;
07:14.28Punkie`well, if it was supposed to happen i'm sure blizzard would have put some API in to make it "easier"
07:14.46Mike-N-GoI have a spamable macro that uses /cast to cast my hunter's melee spells, how do I get it to not display errors?
07:15.33ThraeMike-N-Go: I have an addon called "SpamIt!" which can surpress the error frame (only real way to do it).
07:15.33Mike-N-GoOr, to display the first aviable spell?
07:16.23Mike-N-GoThrae: Is that all there is of it, a goggle code version?
07:16.29Mike-N-GoI take it is in beta/gama?
07:17.10ThraeMike-N-Go: I think it might also be on, but you can download it off http://, you don't -have- to use SVN.
07:19.17Mike-N-GoAnd I have '/cast Wing Clip' as the last thing, yet, when I spam my macro in melee range, it does not cast that.
07:19.44ThraeMike-N-Go: That's because if casting a spell fails, for whatever reason, the macro will stop.
07:20.17Mike-N-GoAhh, yah, they don't want someone to play the game with all they have to do is spam a button..
07:21.22Mike-N-GoSo, what would be a good way to have Wing Clip, Raptor Strike, and Mongoose Bite in the same macro as a spamable button?
07:21.32ThraeMike-N-Go: You have to be inventive with your macros. /castrandom is an excellent example -- if you do /castrandom RangedSpell,MeleeSpell, then spamming it will randomly do one or the other. If one is invalid, it won't trigger GC or anything, so you can spam to your heart's content.
07:22.16ThraeMike-N-Go: I have a lot of /castrandom macros, which is why I made SpamIt!, since using /castrandom can get VERY spammy
07:22.28Mike-N-GoOh, you mage it, hehe.
07:23.14Mike-N-GoAll it does is suppress the errors frame?
07:23.57ThraeYeah, SpamIt! was for macros like /castrandom Mangle (Bear)(), Mangle (Bear)(), Mangle (Bear)(), Faerie Fire (Feral)(), Faerie Fire (Feral)(), Maul, Maul, Maul, Enrage
07:24.17Corrodiasi have it cast Raptor Strike, and then it also casts Wing Clip or Mongoose Bite (if i have alt held)
07:24.21ThraeMike-N-Go: Yes, what else do you need for spamming /castrandom?
07:24.32Mike-N-GoAhh, so you can just spam one button to play wow?
07:24.48Mike-N-GoWhy are some of those listed twice?
07:24.59Corrodiaspossibly to make them more likely
07:25.04ThraeMike-N-Go: However, for a hunter, you shouldn't be putting your melee and ranged spells on the same macro -- by the time it takes you to go from ranged -> melee or melee -> ranged, you can easily just use a different button ^^;;; spamming isn't necessary
07:25.20Corrodiasmongoost bite, wing clip, and raptor strike are all melee
07:25.28ThraeMike-N-Go: /castrandom doesn't make everything have the same random chance. The more they are listed, the more chance they will have over the others.
07:25.35Corrodiasyay typing mistakes
07:26.11Corrodiasi think i have /cast Raptor Strike /cast [modifier:alt] Mongoose Bite; Wing Clip
07:26.19Thrae3 Mangles, 2 FFs, 3 Mauls, 1 Enrage = 9 spells, so Mangle 3/9 of the time, Maul 3/9 of the time, FF 2/9 of the time, and Enrage 1/9 of the time.
07:26.31Mike-N-GoI just want to save some space, and instead of having to hold my hand and spam 3 buttons at once..
07:26.49[Ammo]it's like the /castrandom Sinister Strike, Riposte
07:26.58Corrodiasi suppose a pvp hunter has to melee more...
07:27.02[Ammo]thank god for error supression in one form or the other
07:27.20ThraeMike-N-Go: Also note that for that Hunter attack which affects the next regular weapon swing, you can cast that with another spell using /cast Raptor Strike <new line> /stopcasting <new line> /cast Foo
07:27.23Corrodiasmy error frame only holds 3 errors. it's a minor nuisance if even that. is yours larger?
07:27.36[Ammo]mine is no more
07:27.48[Ammo]important ones are sent to chatframe
07:27.51[Ammo]the rest are binned
07:27.52ThraeCorrodias: When you spam one or two buttons, it's effectively taking up screen estate for no reason
07:28.39Corrodiasthis is true
07:29.23[Ammo]now I just need a solution to block the 'you can't use that trinket' sound
07:30.04Thrae[Ammo]: Druid Cat Solo'ing -- /castrandom Mangle (Cat)(), Mangle (Cat)(), Mangle (Cat)(), Mangle (Cat)(), Rake, Rake, Faerie Fire (Feral)(), Faerie Fire (Feral)(), Rip
07:30.05Corrodiasi played my hunter in a group in which i had to do some trapping for the first time, today. i can tell i still have a lot to learn.
07:30.18[Ammo]why the extra ()
07:30.37Thrae[Ammo]: Required for /castrandom and spells that have Spell (Foo)
07:30.49Corrodiasbecause the macro system is "wack"
07:30.56Mike-N-GoBecause it would interrupt the last thing included in '()' as the rank.
07:31.10ThraeMike-N-Go is probably correct!
07:31.22[Ammo]well I only have one spam macro
07:31.32[Ammo]but I have my trinkets bound on my immolate and on my shadowbolt
07:31.42[Ammo]just the sound
07:31.44Mike-N-GoI read on WoWWiki the guide to making macros.
07:32.14Mike-N-GoCorrodias: How old is your hunter?
07:32.27Corrodiassomething over a year
07:32.34Mike-N-GoIn levels.
07:32.45Corrodias62, 61 earlier today
07:33.02Mike-N-GoFor trapping, I use:
07:33.38Corrodiasthat doesn't even include a trap. please. besides, why would i want to put Hunter's Mark on my trap target?
07:33.48Mike-N-GoCCWarn is an addon that msgs everyone in the party/raid if they have your target targeted.
07:34.08Corrodiassounds useful
07:34.11Mike-N-GoOpps, how did that get in there, hehe.
07:34.40Mike-N-GoThat is for pulling the mob into the trap
07:34.41Corrodiasin any case, having a macro to tell people about it and shoot at the mob wouldn't make ma good trapper
07:34.49Corrodias*me a
07:35.05Mike-N-GoI have another action bar slot that casts the frezzing trap
07:35.30Mike-N-GoYou are overlooking the point of CCWarn.. missing it entirly
07:35.58Corrodiasi'm confused, really. i don't know how CCWarn entered the conversation and apparently am missing the point. :(
07:36.01ThraeCorrodias: Never trust anyone to know what's CC'd and what isn't. You must shout it at them.
07:36.04Mike-N-GoIf they have the mob targeted that you are trying to trap, don't you think that may mean they may attack it?
07:36.23Corrodiasoh, i think you misunderstood
07:36.42ThraeOne of the reasons I made VitalWatch is for bad tanks too -- never trust your tank to actually look at people's health :D
07:36.49Corrodiasi wasn't saying that people kept breaking my traps. i just am not very experienced at using the freezing trap properly in a group.
07:36.53Mike-N-GoStupid daze math..
07:37.24Mike-N-GoA broken freezing trap makes a hunter look bad, no mater who broke it..
07:37.59Corrodiasokay, but i'm saying openly that that wasn't the problem
07:38.51Mike-N-GoWould you  care for me, a master trapest, to tell you how I ice targets?
07:39.09ThraeCorrodias: One good way to learn a CC class is to be more aggressive in your solo'ing -- take on situations where you know that you'll have to trap or possibly have a hard fight on your hands.
07:39.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
07:39.36Corrodiassure, describe your method, please
07:39.57ThraeCorrodias: That's where I learned how to main tank & main heal at the same time ^^
07:39.59Mike-N-GoEven try double trapping, that is fun =D
07:40.06Mike-N-GoThrae: Hehe
07:40.57Corrodiaswhat i could really use is yet another different timer addon that will show me the expected remaining duration of traps on the ground and sprung trap effects at the same time
07:41.10Corrodiaschronometer really doesn't cut it for that purpose
07:41.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Moovavoom (n=Moovavoo@
07:42.04Moovavoomi have a question
07:42.23Corrodiasalso, i didn't realize how difficult it would be to find sufficient space for all this trapping stuff in instances while staying in range of the dps target, especially if i have to leave some space between myself and the traps to give me time to start kiting if the mob resists
07:42.42Corrodiasit's a lot to keep track of
07:43.29Mike-N-GoWell, for in group situations, be away from the group and not in the LOW (line of walk), where the mob(s) would walk through.
07:44.03Mike-N-GoI prefer to be behind the group, and pull though the group, makes the squishes scared to see it come running at them =P
07:44.41Mike-N-GoOr, if there happens to be enough room to trap on the left or right, the more power to you.
07:45.03Mike-N-GoMoovavoom: Don't ask to ask, ask.
07:45.07Corrodiasdo you have a decent timers addon?
07:45.10ThraeTried ChronoMeter or whatever it's called now?
07:45.24Mike-N-GoI have not used any timer addon.
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07:45.45Corrodiasyeah, but it only shows either a trap timer OR a trap effect timer, never both at once. which means it might as well not even HAVE a trap effect timer for all the good that does.
07:45.59Guest354mind if I ask a question?
07:46.24Mike-N-GoI haven't boththered to find one.
07:46.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
07:46.44Moovavoom2why does SetBlendMode work with "ADD" but not "ADHD"?
07:47.03Corrodiasis that a joke?
07:47.17Moovavoom2somewhat, yes :P
07:47.33Moovavoom2actually forget the somewhat. yes it is
07:48.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
07:48.13Guillotinenetsplit ftl :(
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07:49.21GuillotineI wonder how hard it would be to make a script that converts WoW XML into dynamic frame lua
07:49.41Guillotinewould be interesting at the least
07:49.44Guillotinethough probably sloppy
07:50.09Mike-N-GoSo, you make sure that a mob won't be in the path to your trap, to avoid the wrong mob going in the trap
07:50.28Mike-N-GoYou lay the ice trap before battle starts
07:50.30ThraeGuillotine: Why don't we make a script that converts Khaos functions into their Ace2 equivilents :D
07:51.02GuillotineThrae: that would be even easier :P
07:51.06Guillotinethough I can't see the point
07:51.20Guillotineother than maybe making Khaos addons compatible with DeuceCommander and hte like
07:51.30Mike-N-GoBattle starts, you pull with just enough force to get it into the trap, you stand with the trap a few feet in-front of you. I have foound arcane shot rank 1 does the trick, mostly.
07:51.44Guillotinethough AL made the reverse work (well, compatible). Check out KhaosAce
07:51.44ThraeGuillotine: Same for the XML parsing. The design of the XML is probably such that it would need to be re-written, and the Lua dynamic code geneerated would just be crap ;)
07:52.08ThelynaMike-N-Go: arcane shot rank one won't be enough aggro if you're going to be re-trapping it
07:52.11Corrodiasjust a little love tap?
07:52.29Thelynajust use distracting shot, feign if the mob loves you too much
07:52.35Guillotinebad analogy. Wouldn't be all that hard to convert Khaos functions to Ace2 equivalents :P But it was more of a 'could we do it' idea rather than a 'would it be practicle' idea :P
07:52.43Mike-N-GoAnd when it is trapped, back up a few feet, lay the second freezing trap.
07:52.53Mike-N-GoSince you probly don't have extended trap timers, unlike me with traps that last 26 seconds, this laying traps in advanced helps.
07:53.34Corrodiasi was leaving a little space between them to make the mob travel a little ways, increasing the time between them and hence the number of times i can chain it before he's loose. i also want to hit them with Concussive Shot just as the previous trap is ending to extend that time a little, hence why i wanted a good timer addon
07:53.43Mike-N-GoThelyna: Enough to get it in a trap, I use arcane shot rank one, it works well at the start of a pull. If it requires more force, I use a max rank distracting shot
07:53.52Corrodiasbut i think that was reducing my DPS too much
07:53.58Corrodiasnot worth the tradeoff
07:54.00Thelynaright, and that works for a single trap
07:54.25Thelynabut if you're going to be trapping it more than once you either need the healer standing on top of you, or a bigger hit
07:54.27Mike-N-GoThe idea is to get it in the trap, but not that it will pound on you so hard that it won't go after the tank easily.
07:54.51Corrodiasa single distracting shot shouldn't be too hard for a tank to overcome when the time arrives
07:54.55Thelynatanks have taunt
07:55.12Corrodiastaunts can be resisted, but then a hunter has FD
07:55.12Thelynaactually if your tank is in the habit of taunting off you you want as much threat as possible
07:55.18Thelynasince that gives him a bigger lead
07:55.22Mike-N-GoIf the rank 1 does not do the trick, do a full rank whatever, distracting, arcnae, auto, anything but viper or serpents sting.
07:56.46Mike-N-GoI am explaining how I go about traping, why must thee be critiqued to much!
07:56.48Nom-Taunt doesn't increase threat unless it's a feral druid
07:57.37Corrodiaswhat, they don't work the same way?
07:58.05Mike-N-GoTake a look at BigRedKitty,
07:58.05Nom-From what I understand, taunt is effectively a 'hit me for 5 seconds' debuff
07:58.08CorrodiasTaunt would be 90% useless if it didn't increase the warrior's threat to match that of the person highest on the list
07:58.15Nom-Whereas growl (druid) is a +threat
07:58.28Corrodiasgrowl also forces the mob on your for something like 3 seconds
07:58.41Nom-Yes, but it does boost threat too from what I understand
07:59.10Corrodiasyes, it increases your threat to match that of the person highest on the mob's list and forces it to attack you for about 3 seconds as i recall
07:59.26Guillotinemoovavoom o.O interesting name. kind of reminds me of the ents in LOTR but combined with a cow
07:59.27Corrodiasi was under the impression that Taunt works the same way. if it didn't, it would be impossible to hold the mob after the debuff expired.
07:59.46Mike-N-GoOr, even
08:00.07Nom-Maybe i'm wrong, but I was always under the impression that you can't just jump to the top of the aggro list after a death using taunt
08:00.08Mike-N-GoI have dried blood in my trash can, need to empty, AFK
08:00.19Guillotinewhen you overwrite a variable, does the previous value have to be GCd?
08:00.20Nom-I mean, bosses..sure..not tauntable...but that seems wrong to me
08:00.25Guillotinetrying to make this as efficient as possible ><
08:01.03GuillotineYa, taunt works the same way for all 3 classes that have it
08:01.08Guillotinethough not pets
08:01.37Nom-Hmm, fair enough... I could be lead to believe that
08:01.37Mystiqwhats this about Taunt?
08:02.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
08:02.36Mystiqconversation too long! cant backtrack!
08:02.45Nom-So assuming a tauntable mob, you don't need to keep your threat up high at all? :/
08:03.02Nom-That's actually why I thought it seemed wrong
08:03.13Mystiqwhats the argument/question here?
08:03.22Nom-Otherwise you could (theoretically) have some new tank fly into the middle of a fight with a big boss at 5% and get as much aggro as the MT ?
08:03.33Corrodiasunless you don't mind it killing people in the 3-second gap between the wearing-off of Taunt and the cooldown expiring
08:03.46Corrodiasyou should probably hit it a few times.
08:03.53Nom-Ah, so it only lasts as long as the buff
08:03.57Nom-that makes more sense
08:03.57Corrodiasbig bosses are immune to taunting
08:04.00Mystiqtaunt for a warrior at least lasts 5 seconds, the cooldown is 10 seconds, thats a large amount of people that could de
08:04.04Nom-Corrodias: Not all
08:04.06GuillotineNom- yes, you could if the boss was vulnerable to taunt
08:04.08Nom-Corrodias: Doomwalker for instance
08:04.35Corrodiasthen yes, a new tank could come out of nowhere and, as far as i understand taunting to work from reading about it and using it many times myself, match the MT in threat.
08:04.44Mystiqbosses that arent immune to taunt usually require multiple tanks, so having them die is bad anyway
08:04.58Mystiqsomeone please fill me in on the conversation lol, i tihnk i have something that'll help you guys
08:05.04Nom-Yeah, but that match of aggro would only last 5 seconds, then they'd go back to however much aggro they have from what I can tell
08:05.13Guillotineno, it stays at that
08:05.19Guillotineand they have to continue trying to stay on top
08:05.21Corrodiasboom, lots of threat. no strings attached.
08:05.23Guillotineor someone can outdo them
08:05.25Nom-No it won' can't
08:05.41Corrodiasother people are still adding threat and you WILL lose it soon if you don't add some on top of what you just got
08:05.43Nom-You can't rez a druid in a big boss fight, have them taunt a boss like doomwalker and expect them to hold aggro...i'm sure of that
08:05.51Corrodiaswhy are you sure of that?
08:05.57Guillotinesure you can
08:06.14Nom-Having said that, the rezzed druid would die immediately due to the debuff, so meh
08:06.16Corrodiasthere are very limited battle rezzes to go around
08:06.30Corrodiasunless your raid consists mostly of druids... >_>
08:06.31Mystiqone last time >< someone please fill me in whats being discussed
08:06.36Guillotinetaunts used to have a max amount of threat added, but I believe that changed back in beta (iirc)
08:06.38CorrodiasMystiq: Taunt mechanics
08:06.39Nom-Mystiq: Taunt mechanics
08:06.41ThraeHmmm, does anyone know anything about HTTP? I'm trying to figure out exactly what commands is sent to to get back a response. Maybe the Firefox Console can tell me...
08:06.50Mystiqyou guys know how threat and aggro work?
08:06.50[Ammo]well most bosses are not tauntable
08:07.10Nom-Thrae: Umm...depends... what are you trying to build a client in?
08:07.43Corrodiaswe're reasonably aware. mob continues to attack its current target unless someone within range exceeds the threat of the aggro holder by 10% or someone out of range exceeds it by 30%
08:08.13Nom-It was a question of how taunt works
08:08.34Mystiqtaunt gives you exactly the same threat as the current target, nothing if you have aggro, dont know that business about druids
08:08.38ThraeNom-: Lua, of course!
08:08.39[Ammo]taunt gives aggro to the taunter equal to current target of the mob
08:08.53Nom-And the question of whether a brand new tank could actually run into a fight, taunt, and all of a sudden have their aggro brought up to the level of the MT
08:09.01Mystiqif its tauntable, yes
08:09.09Mystiqthere is one instance i remember where that did not work, however
08:09.13CodayusNom-: Of can see that in lots of fights.
08:09.16[Ammo]but like I said, most mobs are not tauntable
08:09.17Nom-Thrae: Find a decent HTTP library then...
08:09.20[Ammo]most bosses that is
08:09.27Nom-Thrae: Doing it manually is a PITA
08:09.38CodayusRagnaros is a classic example of where you can see that in action.
08:09.47ThraeNom-: Lua already has a HTTP library through Lua sockets. I just need to know what header I'm suppose to be sending.
08:09.52Corrodiasi never fought Rag
08:09.53Mystiqactually no, i have been lied to by a warrior i knew 2 years ago
08:10.01Mystiqyes, technically you can just taunt if anything was tauntable and be the new MT
08:10.05Nom-Thrae: Depends on the form you're trying to drive
08:10.09Mystiqi used to have taunt wars in molten core
08:10.18ThraeNom-: TinyUrl only has one form, make a url tiny ^^;
08:10.33Nom-Looks like POST
08:10.40Mystiqtechnically any boss in molten core that would work on
08:10.49Mystiqand any boss except nefarian in BWL
08:11.02Nom-With arguments url=<url>;submit=Make%20TinyURL
08:11.34Mystiqduring ragnaros fight, ranged cant pul laggro, so it was really easy to get in there and taunt as tanks died
08:11.53Nom-Mystiq: Well, actually, they can :P
08:12.04Nom-Mystiq: But Rag ignores ranged as long as there's a valid melee target
08:12.07Mystiqif there's no one in melee range its a wipe anyway
08:12.31Mystiqthey copied the mechnically pretty much exactly for Al'ar
08:12.32Corrodiasi think the valid melee target was implied in "pulling aggro off of somebody"
08:13.11Corrodiasno matter. timer addons, that's what i was looking for. but meh. chronometer will do if i don't try any stupid Concussive Shot tricks.
08:13.26Mystiqi have seen instances lately where if a tank dies, you sometimes have another warrior 2nd on threat on some fights and just get some hunters to misdirect
08:13.29Nom-Thrae: What an ugly, ugly library :/
08:13.44Corrodiaswowace has a lot of interesting-sounding addons, but it'd be nice to know what some of them were like without having to install them. like having them published on wowi. :P
08:14.44CodayusHmm, the Void Reaver fight would be weird if he was tauntable...
08:14.53Mystiqwould be trivial
08:14.55Nom-You shouldn't need to specify Content-Type yourself
08:15.01Corrodiasyour mom would be weird if she were tauntable
08:15.01Nom-If you need to, then it's a TERRIBLE library
08:15.10Mystiqclearly you've never fought Broodlord :)
08:15.31CodayusI've fought Broodlord quite a bit.  :-)
08:15.46Thelynavoid reaver is broodlord with more damage
08:15.49Mystiqwell then we're all happy again =)
08:15.50ThraeNom-: Fixed tabs
08:15.53Thelynaand arcane orbs
08:15.58CorrodiasBRK brings up an interesting idea in one of those articles, setting a Main Assist as the focus and having a macro to make the pet attack his target
08:15.59CodayusSorry, just a random thought brought about by thinking how the Ragnaros fight would have been different if he wasn't tauntable.
08:16.04Mystiqi like to call them balls in your face
08:16.11Nom-Thrae: It's still a terrible library :P
08:16.21Guillotineanybody know the dynamic frame equivalent to <ButtonText>?
08:16.29Nom-Thrae: Find something which abstracts that out into a proper OO methodology
08:16.51Mystiqi wish magtheridon was tauntable
08:16.57Mystiqevery time that fucker breaks free and kills a healer its GG
08:17.27Nom-Thrae: <-- that looks al ittle more sane...not ideal, but better
08:17.37Corrodiasso what are the good damage meter and other info meter addons out there? i recall hearing recap, swstats, damagemeters, and violation. what else?
08:17.48Mystiqdamagemeters is horrible
08:17.48ThraeNom-: I searched for a long, long time and there's really nothing besides vanilla Lua Sockets
08:17.58CodayusRecount in game, WWS outside.
08:18.07ThraeNom-: Bah, you and your foreign language sites
08:18.09Corrodiasi'm not a fan -- i run sw_stats currently
08:18.12Mystiqive grown very fond of SWStats
08:18.20Nom-Looks like english to me...
08:18.24Nom-The post at least...
08:18.27Corrodiasit's so accurate with an increased log range and no synchronization
08:18.55[Ammo]is sws patched to count the DoT component from fireball yet?
08:18.56CodayusI used to use SWStats, but Recount does everything I used to use SWStats for...and for serious analysis nothing substitutes for WWS.
08:18.58Nom- <-- try getting that library...much better abstraction of all the hard work
08:19.14Corrodiaswhat is this WWS?
08:19.19CodayusWow Web Stats
08:19.48Corrodiasthanks, i'll examine that soon
08:20.14CodayusCorrodias: Here's an example report from a Kara raid
08:20.20Nom-WoW Web Stats is nice... I'd like a version which breaks down stats by boss attempt tho :(
08:20.35CodayusNom-: Check that link, and click the "full report" link.
08:20.49Corrodiasoh, here's a good example of what i dislike about addons posted only on "Combine   r31990  2007-07-08 05:03:31  A true guild and raid management system. (Kaelten)"
08:21.10Corrodiasa raid management system. great. what does that mean? only god and the author know that.
08:21.12GuillotineCorrodias: there *were* screenshots before the wiki got wiped clean
08:21.14KaeltenSorry you feel that way
08:21.33CodayusThat's broken down by bosses, and you can do various drilldown analysis - stuff like "what did priest X do on the Nightbane kill?"
08:21.38GuillotineAnd thats actually what I'm converting completely over to dynamic frame creation right now ><
08:21.41MystiqWWS just reports on the internet what sws and recap report in-game?
08:21.44Nom-I didn't find any way to generate that report
08:21.52Corrodiasi'm not saying there's anything wrong with the addon. i'm just disappointed that the only way to know what it's like is to install it (unless i can find it on another site)
08:21.53Nom-In the client... hmm ... loading up remote desktop
08:21.58ThraeKaelten: Ooo, it'd be cool if WAU or could show screenshots.
08:22.06[Ammo]WWS has way more detail than SWS
08:22.14KaeltenThrae: you need to hold your suggestions until I'm sane again
08:22.21ThraeKaelten: Haha
08:22.55CodayusMystiq: More or less.  The analysis tends to be a lot more detailed.  It's very nice for looking in detail at what went right or wrong.  Lesse...Warrior X...spammed HS too much.  Hmm, bat DoT uptime on Warlock Y...  Wait, Mage Z cost a FROSTBOLT?  Isn't he FIRE spec?
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08:23.37Mystiqsws can tell you that too
08:23.40ThraeNom-: I don't see how that library would help -- all it's doing is just abstracting, not really doing any work. I already now how to do everything the library is abstracting, I just need to know what header to send. Hmm, lemme try no header...
08:23.54Mystiqhel li often use sws to tell people's specs
08:24.06CodayusAnd you can drill all the way down to the log, and filter it in various ways.
08:24.16CodayusExample:  Was the MT on the Nightbane kill ever crushed?
08:24.35Nom-hmm still can't seem to produce the same report :(
08:24.42Nom-Maybe it's only available on the web site ?
08:24.53CodayusMost of the cool features are hosted only.
08:25.39Nom-argh :(
08:25.41Nom-how crapp y:(
08:25.50Corrodiaspaid accounts
08:25.57Corrodiaswe're too casual for that
08:26.19CodayusYou don't have to pay.  <shrug>
08:26.32Corrodiasbut the only option listed under their .. hang on
08:26.34CodayusIt's just a bit slower and the reports go away in um...2 weeks I think?
08:26.46CorrodiasHosting reports: The WWS client generates some nice statistics, but you can get even more by hosting your reports on the WWS server (log splitting, death replay, log browsing, etc...).
08:27.08CodayusFree - ad supported, loading is slow, reports go away in 15 days
08:27.36CodayusGuild account is fast, ad free, and reports stay for 30 days.
08:27.45CodayusBut $5/month.  <shrug>
08:28.11Corrodiasthere seems to be a lack of instructions on how to actually start using the service, though
08:28.18Nom-only 30 days? :/
08:28.27Corrodias"start WWS client" offers to let me download a .jnlp file
08:28.42CodayusUnlimited accounts ($9/month) last forever.  :-)
08:28.46Corrodiasi've never heard of jnlp, myself
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08:29.02CodayusCorrodias: Right, that's the client which parses the logs and uploads.  It's up...Java Web Start Something or Other?
08:29.32Corrodiasi am not familiar with this technology
08:29.37CorrodiasFIRE BAD
08:29.43CodayusJNLP - Java Network Launching Protocol.
08:30.06Corrodias"CrowBar   r43189  2007-07-08 14:24:08  Open those things for LEWT! (Ammo)" -- there's a great description
08:30.21CodayusI like it.
08:30.54Nom-ok now that's MUCH better
08:31.01[Ammo]crowbar works best with locksmith :p
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08:31.10[Ammo]crowbar opens anything that can be opened
08:31.14Nom-That's precisely what we want
08:31.15[Ammo]locksmith unlocks anything that can be unlocked
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08:31.45CodayusYeah, breaking out the attempts from the trash makes it *so* much more useful, no?  :-)
08:31.58Nom-hell yes
08:32.05Nom-Tht's what I've been trying to do for weeks
08:32.14Nom-I didn't even realise it was a web-only feature
08:32.36Corrodiasso crowbar automatically opens containers as they come into your inventory?
08:32.57[Ammo]no you can't do that
08:33.02[Ammo]but it pops up a red box button
08:33.09[Ammo]that you can click and loot till it goes away again
08:33.26Corrodiasthis is what bugs me about the limited descriptions. the only way for me to know what the 20 cool-sounding addons do is to install them. i weep.
08:33.39[Ammo]Corrodias: visit forums
08:33.41[Ammo]search for crowbar
08:33.46[Ammo]I took the time to make a post about it
08:33.54CodayusLet's see....
08:33.54Corrodiasyeah, that could work
08:33.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin ( forum?
08:34.04CodayusSecond link...  "CrowBar - Official Thread"
08:34.19CodayusGoogle > *
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08:35.47Nom-ugh the scary thing is
08:35.56Nom-On that report, Thanida was supposed to be DPS
08:36.03Nom-Didn't even crack 7,000 damage on the first try
08:36.49Corrodiasoh, 14% presence, does that mean he/she bit it early?
08:37.22[Ammo]but corrodias feel free to try crowbar :)
08:37.22Nom-He disconnected
08:37.22Nom-On every single attempt
08:37.22[Ammo]7 minutes of drycoding that worked :p
08:37.23Corrodiasthanks; it doesn't sound like something i would find useful, but knowing what it does makes me feel a lot better
08:37.44[Ammo]it helps with the clams
08:37.49[Ammo]or when you're a rogue
08:37.53[Ammo]with the pickpocket macro
08:38.01[Ammo]but then I suggest downloading as well
08:38.18Guillotineanybody know the dynamic frame equivalent of <ButtonText>? please? PLEASE? :(
08:38.34GuillotineI'm really hoping it actually exists. since it isn't documented on wowwiki ><
08:39.00Guillotineand that kind of makes all this conversion I've done useless ><
08:39.39GuillotineAmmo: ButtonText move the string
08:39.46Guillotineis to*
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08:40.08Guillotinehmm. is there actually a string object as a child of every button?
08:40.21[Ammo]local testbutton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
08:41.03[Ammo]but there is probably some kind of text child
08:41.05Guillotineya, but you can't move that string
08:41.10Guillotineah, there is. but its unnamed
08:41.33[Ammo]or you could manually construct the button
08:41.40[Ammo]instead of using the template
08:41.43[Ammo]but that's a lot more work
08:41.50Guillotinethough it appears to be the only string child. So I can just iterate through children and move any string I find
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08:51.40Guillotine <-- Bump please
08:52.42Corrodiasbut you just posted it
08:52.52Guillotinebump post count*
08:53.03Guillotineor wait and bump it once it gets down
08:53.09Guillotinebut I know I'll forget about it tommorrow :P
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09:01.20Corrodiaswobin, are you having an Issue?
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09:02.29WobinI finally got my new 22"
09:02.42Wobinand I've been trying to fix it so it's the main screen with my second monitor on the left
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09:02.50WobinWhich I finally figured out =)
09:02.55WobinIt's SO BRIGHT!
09:04.09Wobini can't wait til I get my wow ui setup =P
09:05.04zenzelezzI have an issue with Wobin having a 22" monitor
09:06.03Corrodiasdon't worry, i'll resolve the issue by buying an $800 monitor, soon
09:06.13zenzelezzfor me I hope!
09:06.35WobinI only spent $350 AUD!
09:06.47Wobin800+ is a bit much for me
09:12.14Corrodiastomorrow, after we watch movies at a friend's house, i have to give recap and recount a try.
09:13.53Corrodiasfor now, sleepy time. 'ni
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09:23.42AnduinLothar:) <3 AV weekend
09:23.46AnduinLothar8k honor today
09:24.44Guillotinegn all!
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09:41.52YinxieHey guys i got small question
09:42.03Yinxiei got this french addon :S (dont ask me why its french)
09:42.31Yinxiebut what spell would asservissement be in english?
09:43.29Thelynaso our main dkp modder/exporter/all-around guru left last week ... name me a good raid-tracker mod?
09:43.42ThelynaYinxie: assessment?
09:44.01Yinxiei should have mentioned it was a warlock spell btw :P
09:44.17Thelynaaggravation .. searing pain?
09:44.32Thelynacan you give any more detail?
09:44.38Yinxiewell its catagorised in the buff section
09:44.51Thelynaoh wait
09:44.53Yinxiewhere armor / fel armor / unending breath / etc
09:44.55ThelynaI fail at reading google
09:45.00Thelynashould be enslave
09:45.05Yinxieits between shadow ward and banish
09:45.06Thelynaenslave demon?
09:45.14Yinxienope enslave is in the demon section
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09:45.33Yinxieand its not fear either
09:45.57Thelyna tells me it's close to slavery
09:46.06Yinxieits translates into control or subvervience
09:46.07Thelynaand enslave demon is the only thing I can think of in that line
09:46.21Yinxiewell im sure its not that though..
09:46.38Yinxienobody french around here?
09:48.06Yinxieits lua coding ;)
09:48.17Yinxieill pastey it for ya if you want ^^
09:48.27zenzelezzwouldn't help me :-p
09:49.13Yinxieim just trying to translate this french addon
09:50.35zenzelezzwell I'm neither French nor a warlock, so text alone doesn't help )D
09:50.44zenzelezzstick around though, someone might know
09:50.58Yinxiergr willdo
09:52.10Yinxieill just wait with translating this one then
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10:09.27zenzelezzyou know, I'm aware that these skyguards/ogres say the same to every revered+ person, but I still like how they show you recognition
10:10.00Yinxiewhat do ya mean?
10:10.13Yinxiehow they show that they recognise u?
10:10.24zenzelezzKronk says: We heard that Zenzio single-handedly took out a forge camp!
10:10.40zenzelezzSkyguard Windcharger says: I hear you fly without a parachute cloak, Zenzio.
10:10.47Yinxiehm i think it works like area buffs
10:10.53Yinxiedetect if you are inrage
10:10.59zenzelezzI know
10:11.01Yinxieand then prompt a message
10:11.10zenzelezzmy point wasn't how it works
10:11.20Yinxieow lol
10:11.23Yinxiedidnt get ur point then :P
10:11.56zenzelezzI just think it's cool that the NPCs act like your reputation actually meant something more than which items you can buy :-p
10:12.21Yinxieye ok
10:12.27Yinxiegood point ;)
10:12.28zenzelezznot like those grumpy old guards, "so you're exalted with us, see if I care"
10:12.34Yinxiehaha no
10:12.48Yinxiebtw i like it that their pots are not unique
10:13.01Yinxiei just grind some shards and boom another 30 pots
10:13.40CodayusI never understood why some pots are unique...
10:13.57Yinxiewell its to prevent the alchemists being out of work maybe
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11:36.43N00bZXIQuestion: How would I get the frame created from a chat hyperlink (I'm trying to show the text that ItemRefTooltip would show if you clicked on it when you mouse over it)
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11:40.48cladhaireNot sure what you mean
11:41.08cladhaireYou would set OnHyperlinkEnter (I believe)
11:41.18cladhaireand then extract the item from the link you get passed
11:41.32cladhaireYou can just use the GameTooltip to show that
11:50.36YinxieHeya Clad :)
11:51.58Yinxieclad can i ask a question?
11:52.29zenzelezzyou just did
11:52.33hasteyou just did!
11:53.09Yinxieive got this addon, that generated an ingame panel, and i want to add another tab to it, so i need to change the number on the 4th line in my paste (FYI there are already 6 panels. im about to make a 7th)
11:53.48Yinxieso actually the question is, do i need to change that number (says 6 atm)
11:54.27nevcairielwell yes, you would have to, but i can promise you thats not all you need to change .P
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11:55.19Yinxiewell ive edited the toc, functions-en.lua, panel.lua and dialog-en.lua and the addon then just dissapears
11:56.13Yinxieand i just dont know what to change else
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11:58.31Yinxieanyone got an idea>
11:59.10Yinxieand i created the option-info.lua so that it can open it..
11:59.13Yinxiebut nothing works
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12:08.24JoshBorkecheck FrameXML.log
12:09.25*** join/#wowi-lounge YammYgirlcoding (n=hoho@
12:09.44YammYgirlcodingmorning all
12:09.50YammYgirlcodingis cide around? :)
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12:10.10zenzelezzapparently not at the moment
12:10.34YammYgirlcodingI'm wondering if has been ctmod left behind with that unitframes bug for ever  O.o
12:11.29YammYgirlcodinglast updated was in may. So... Was that abandoned?
12:12.42Yinxiethey just dont have a fix yet
12:12.52Yinxienot that i know at least. but correct me if im wrong
12:13.44KasoIf it was a non ct_mod 2 version i think cide is leaving a few of them behind as he works on complete 2 re-writes
12:16.19Yinxieah ok
12:16.30Yinxieanyway im afk.. chopping some lumber
12:16.38Kasobut im no expert, cide'll be around in a few hours, ask him then
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12:17.40YammYgirlcodingits ctmod2. but it was left bugged for 2 months :(
12:18.20Kasoct unitframes?
12:18.25Kasosays its been updated 2 weeks ago
12:18.26YammYgirlcodingthat'd be a great lost if were left out. I hope someone is fixing it :)
12:18.37YammYgirlcodingbut werent, files are from may
12:18.43YammYgirlcodinglast files > may
12:18.54Kasoare you checking on wowi?
12:19.09Kasoor this on ?
12:19.11YammYgirlcodingi got them on  isnt it the updated place?
12:19.32Kasoyou'll have to shout a cide a bit when he gets online
12:19.43YammYgirlcodinghehe okey. I can do that :)
12:19.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
12:19.52*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
12:20.05YammYgirlcodingmaybe it's just a zip confusion, nobody has told him :)
12:20.21YammYgirlcodingCide ping
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12:20.55YammYgirlcodingwe were just talking about you :)
12:22.09YammYgirlcodingCide honey, know the ctunit frames zip? It says it was updated 2 weeks ago, but the last files are from may. Did you mess up with the zip files?
12:23.37YammYgirlcoding( at )
12:24.00YammYgirlcoding( good morning )
12:25.09hasteomg lisp!
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12:28.58YammYgirlcodingrofl. It's all in ( ) with lisp? rofl
12:30.12YammYgirlcodingwhy someone should write a language that make us waste time typing ( )s all the time? /hated language
12:30.13hasteI have some applications that use it for configurations, which is just wrong
12:30.25krkaYammYgirlcoding: lots of reasons
12:30.31krkait's damn easy to write a parser, for one thing
12:31.06YammYgirlcodinghmmm Well. I code for years, and never needed a parser. Still ugly for me :)
12:31.24zenzelezzyes you did, unless your code is never run
12:32.19krkait's also convenient since you can do all sorts of crazy data / code mixing
12:32.44krkanot sure that's all due to the parens though
12:34.13YammYgirlcodingthat reminds of times when people used to mix <?php> with html, that was so ugly. Glady I learned to abstract ui from data ;)
12:34.43amrothat reminds me of times when I used php. glad I don't anymore :)
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12:37.30YammYgirlcodingguys. that's off. but anyone knows dan west from ? Boy. He is bugging me sending tons of mails just because I replied to him saying I don't want yet another not original guide.
12:37.56YammYgirlcodinghe bugs you guys too?
12:38.03Cide-YammYgirlcoding: to answer your question
12:38.17YammYgirlcodingCide- shoot! :)
12:38.24Cide-no, it's likely intended since I haven't had to change anything in the code
12:38.59YammYgirlcodingso why it says it was updated 2 weeks ago? maybe you should add the reference date for this :)
12:39.13Cide-because there was a patch
12:39.41YammYgirlcodingstill. the data from files are from may :)
12:39.43Cide-it's better to show the users that it was updated for the patch, even if it wasn't
12:39.48Cide-so what?
12:40.09YammYgirlcodingas it doesnt have a reference date, we think it was really 2 weeks ago :)
12:40.19Cide-and why is that a problem?
12:40.25Cide-I never asserted that the file modification date should be the same as the upload date
12:41.26zenzelezzthink what she's saying is that the May version had an issue and she thought the new version had a fix
12:41.26YammYgirlcodingthe download files doesn't show the upload date either :) U can low down the uploads from your site with such information anywhere in dl page :)  So people like me would not download it for nothing ;)
12:42.06YammYgirlcodingi mean. download page says 'uploaded 2 weeks ago' . but says no reference date, so we think it was from today, not from your reference date
12:43.17YammYgirlcodingthink is. the file is not really new. its last files are from may. but download site says 'uploaded two weeks ago'. get it?
12:43.43YammYgirlcodingjust asking for a reference date :)
12:44.03Cide-that's the date you have
12:44.12Cide-I won't be providing more data because that would be a pain to add
12:44.17YammYgirlcodingsee. many people might be downloading it for nothing, wasting your link
12:44.25Cide-many people will download it
12:44.30Cide-because they don't when there's not a patch
12:44.38YammYgirlcodingyes thinkint it was really updated 2 weeks ago, and it wasnt
12:44.41Cide-thus they get updated to the most recent version even if it's not a new release
12:44.46Cide-good, then the system is working as planned
12:45.06Cide-now, we can discuss this further when I get back, but I have to leave
12:45.13YammYgirlcodingrofl. okey
12:45.33YammYgirlcodingI guess he didn't get the whole point.
12:46.58zenzelezzI'm not sure you expressed it too well; or maybe you just don't agree
12:47.16zenzelezzI think the "2 weeks ago" on the website may be generated when you load it, so it really is relative to today
12:47.46YammYgirlcodingi was trying to help. the 'two weeks ago' leads to useless downloads that consumes his site link
12:48.01zenzelezzI'm not saying your intentions weren't good
12:48.10YammYgirlcodingisp uses to charge for the extra downloads
12:48.36YammYgirlcodingas I said. Inside the zip, the files were from may. So the 'two weeks ago' leads to error, get it?
12:48.53N00bZXIWasn't there a patch?
12:49.06YammYgirlcodingand many people might download it thinking it was really updated when it was not. ( )
12:49.15zenzelezzYammYgirlcoding: I believe he only meant the .toc file is updated so WoW won't show it as out of date
12:49.21N00bZXIand wouldn't there be a .toc update?
12:49.24YammYgirlcodingnot even the toc was updated
12:50.28YammYgirlcodingas I'm saying. it need to show the reference date for the 'two weeks ago', because from today, it should be june, but it wasnt. cause probably he added the file some date in june
12:51.08zenzelezzYammYgirlcoding: as *I* said, I think the reference date is the time when you load the page, and the text is dynamically generated
12:51.44YammYgirlcodinghmm. even so. two weeks ago is june, and the files time are from may. the code is wrong then.
12:52.04zenzelezzlet me repeat - the reference is the .zip, not the files inside it
12:52.30YammYgirlcodingoooh. hmm but if the zip changed, why there were no files with date changed inside? makes no sense.
12:52.44zenzelezzthat I can't answer
12:52.58YammYgirlcodinghe zipped again even if didnt update anything? that is odd :)
12:53.24YammYgirlcodingand people say i'm the one crazy =^^=
12:53.52zenzelezzI agree that that would be weird, but from the front page it sounds as if he update (or at least meant to) the .toc file, nothing more
12:54.18YammYgirlcodingmy point is that he didnt update anything at all , not even the toc. all files remain from may
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12:55.00YammYgirlcodingam I the only one that has seen a failure on this ?
12:55.18YammYgirlcodingcome on. I'm not a genius.
12:55.52N00bZXIWell depending on if a .toc update was intended
12:56.02N00bZXIcould be a mistake or could be something else
12:56.09YammYgirlcodingCide- makes me feel like that guy that said the world was rounded with everyone staring surprised at me
12:56.59YammYgirlcodingwell I tried.
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12:57.58Nom-Anyone know how the heck a ret pally can get to the top of the damage meters?  Not using SoC ?
12:58.30N00bZXIProbably was in a BG before the raid started and damage he did there just sync'ed onto it
12:58.32zenzelezzYammYgirlcoding: that was also a difference of agreement
12:58.59N00bZXIOr at least I've had that happen and I don't see any other reason he could've
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12:59.20YammYgirlcodingwho knows :)
13:00.14YammYgirlcodingif you could not work on monday, where would you go farm that would be great on a monday day? :)
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13:11.30N00bZXIQuestion: Is there something I could hook to find out when DropDownList3 is created?
13:18.27KasoUIDropDownMenu_CreateFrames ?
13:18.38foxlitmost generic and evil hook ever
13:18.46Kasocheck out the code line 155 of UIDropDownMenu.lua
13:19.26Kasohook set point then invert the co-ordinates, chaos, chaos i tell you!
13:20.08N00bZXIKaso: I'll look at UIDropDownMenu_CreateFrames, thanks!
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13:39.44YinxieHello all!
13:42.07Yinxieits 15:42 here so not really morning :P
13:44.43Kasotis always morning when you join the channel my friend.
13:44.59*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
13:45.53purlhmm... ugt is Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
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13:49.13Yinxieah ok
13:49.35Yinxiewell goodmorning then ^^
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14:11.23TS|Skromstop being so fast.
14:11.58TS|Skromshe's ninja'ing my responses on the forums. beating me to the punch XD
14:12.20LopeppeppyI'm sick, not brain dead.  *giggle*  Morning, TS|Skrom.
14:12.33TS|Skromsick? aww
14:12.58TS|Skromcogwheel's feeding the trolls (Best click to heal addon thread)
14:13.03LopeppeppyThat which does not kill us makes us stronger, and Death is only the beginning.
14:13.23LopeppeppyYeah, I saw.  When Cogwheel gets all "in yo face" in an Ace thread, I just back away.  :)
14:14.49TS|SkromI love |Jelly|'s responses though, "if it's not ace, it's illegal"
14:15.03Lopeppeppyworks for me!
14:15.31|Jelly|It's the truth -- what can I say?
14:15.49|Jelly|But even I am breaking the law then!
14:15.49LopeppeppyLock me up and throw away the key, I do Illegal Things!
14:15.50TS|Skrom I hate threads like this... because it's like they read enough to think about /stopcasting or they heard it from their friend or something, but didn't try hard enough to just read the whole sticky ><
14:16.29LopeppeppyOne click, one cast.  It should be like... the title of the whole world.
14:17.35cladhaireYAY my laptop is coming home!
14:18.41cladhairesrsly :P
14:18.50LopeppeppyExcellent, cladhaire!  Will it have no screwdriver inclusions this time?
14:18.55Thraecladhaire: *sniffs* It's always so excellent when your little electronics still remember to visit their original owners.
14:18.57cladhairehere's hoping!
14:19.33|Jelly|My favorite are the kind that are "Can I cast renew on person x, then gheal on person y followed by renew on person z? I'd really rather not play my character so much as just push one button over and over again."
14:19.57LopeppeppyThose people loved HealBot.
14:20.11|Jelly|I loved healbot.
14:20.34TS|SkromI didn't know about healbot and made my own <3
14:20.47|Jelly|(as an enhancement shaman who only healed in "oh shit" situations"
14:20.53TS|Skromcourse I played a hunter at the time I made it so didn't do me much good
14:20.54|Jelly|) -- I fail at typing
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14:21.34cladhairei hated healbot with a passion
14:22.26cladhaireI've healed with keys, I've healed with click-casting, and I know it takes skill.. Healers that want the game to be one-button mashable make me sad, because they can't heal without their addons (generalization, of course)
14:22.43TS|Skrommy addon made the game fun for my brother
14:23.00TS|Skromhe had real bad lag due to a client/computer problem which was later fixed via a patch
14:23.33TS|Skromwith my healbot type mod he could actually heal in group because he didn't have to wait for his screen to update graphically
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14:23.54TS|Skromwasn't ideal no, but it helped
14:24.38cladhairebut that was to solve a problem
14:24.43cladhairedid he learn to heal before and after that?
14:24.46cladhaireif not, I don't like it =)
14:25.13TS|Skromactually ironically enough, he quit playing about two weeks after the lag was fixed XD
14:25.33ThraeI don't consider myself going against the TOS when I use botting so my 2-year old can play!
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14:27.04zenzelezzshame he plays better than you
14:27.28|Jelly| <-- lol
14:27.54ThraeMy 2-year old plays a Rogue and spams one /castrandom button!
14:28.18LopeppeppyCastrandom?  *giggle*
14:28.51ThraeLopeppeppy: It's perfect for Rogues, since they can't "run out" of their power ;)
14:28.56|Jelly|Ahh. So nice to be back. *missed Peppy*
14:28.58LopeppeppyI can support age restrictions, honestly.... even if I think they're immature.
14:29.20LopeppeppyI can see it working, Thrae.  < --- rogue main   And I can see it working scarily well...
14:29.42cladhaireyep =)
14:29.47cladhairelove my rogue.. that sounds like fun
14:30.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Soulless (n=Fridgid@
14:30.04ThraeCat Druid version -- /castrandom Mangle (Cat)(), Mangle (Cat)(), Mangle (Cat)(), Mangle (Cat)(), Faerie Fire (Feral)(), Faerie Fire (Feral)(), Faerie Fire (Feral)(), Rake, Rake, Rip
14:30.10LopeppeppyIt so truly could be.
14:30.17ThraeWorks excellently for me
14:33.02ThraeCat Druid version -- /castrandom Shred, Shred, Shred, Shred, Shred, Shred, Shred, Mangle (Cat)(), Mangle (Cat)(), Mangle (Cat)(), Mangle (Cat)(), Faerie Fire (Feral)(), Faerie Fire (Feral)(), Faerie Fire (Feral)(), Rake, Rake, Rake, Rip, Rip <-- ez-mode DPS version!
14:33.08|Jelly|[09:19]* Lopeppeppy{#wowi-lounge} bonks |Jelly| on the head -- What did I miss?
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14:37.17LopeppeppyQuoting me in the healing macro thread.  Very funny.  :P
14:37.55|Jelly|I changed your name!
14:39.55LopeppeppyOf course, to protect the sweet and innocent!  *preens*
14:40.14TS|Skromthis is a wow forum/irc
14:40.16TS|Skromno such thing
14:40.22LopeppeppySrsly.  I totally am.
14:40.29N00bZXIOne thing I don't understand is why users even know a mod is based off ace... most people don't know what libraries a random app uses
14:40.48TS|Skromthey use the ace updater?
14:41.03N00bZXII need sleep
14:41.05TS|Skromif it shows up in that list it must be ace right?
14:41.08|Jelly|They know what their friends tell them.
14:41.14dukeku_why would you carE?
14:41.18LopeppeppyAce is coolio!  Get it!  
14:41.21TS|Skromwhy do YOU care!
14:41.24TS|Skromwanna fight about it/
14:41.27dukeku_i dont :(
14:41.29LopeppeppyPeer pressure shows up in the most stupid things, I swear.
14:41.31dukeku_i don't even play wow |:
14:41.42dukeku_don't ask why i'm still here :D
14:42.02LopeppeppyHangin' with programmers.  We talk programming sometimes too.
14:42.08zenzelezzthat's obvious, you're here to hit on Cairenn like the rest of us
14:42.30|Jelly|<-- isn't here to hit on Cairenn. I <3 Peppy!
14:42.43TS|Skromis Cairenn a redhead?
14:42.58dukeku_i've been here since there were less than ten people in the channel
14:43.00dukeku_old schoolz~
14:43.37dukeku_this is a pretty active channel in the day, gives me something to read while i try to appear like i'm working :P
14:43.47Thraeif EmotionEngine:FeelLikeTalking() and SpaceNTime:Proximity(laptop) then print("We do some coding talk in here for sure.") else sleep(5) end
14:43.54zenzelezzyou'll notice he didn't dispute my claim
14:44.32dukeku_i don't do lua :(
14:44.40dukeku_c and perl, plz (hurr i get paid to do them)
14:45.40dukeku_lua is scary and foreign, although i assume not terribly complicated
14:46.31N00bZXII find it easier to use than most languages
14:46.37TS|Skromget a room
14:46.58TS|Skromand then invite me in was the second half of that sentance
14:47.20TS|Skrombow chica wow, batta do datta do wow
14:47.24|Jelly|Oh man. I'd get a room with Peppy! <3 Gnome!
14:47.33LopeppeppyRedhead gnome.
14:50.41ThraeTS|Skrom: if EmotionEngine.EgoShield < 0.5 or EmotionEngine["Freudian Id"] then NeuralEngine('skill', 'keyboard', 'typing', "WHAT?!?!?!?!") else NeuralEngine('skill', 'keyboard', 'typing', "Huh?" end
14:51.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Fridgid (n=Fridgid@
14:51.49TS|Skrommah breen meets jus sploded
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14:52.11ThraeTS|Skrom: syntax error in Brain_IRC_Reply.lua on line 618373109 -- expected ')'
14:52.18LopeppeppyI think that's the "Neural Engine" aspect...
14:52.28|Jelly|I think I'm confused.
14:52.37|Jelly|Not 100% sure, but I think I'm confused.
14:52.47Thrae|Jelly|: syntax error in Brain_IRC_Reply.lua on line 618373109 -- expected ')'
14:52.58|Jelly|Peppy! Help!
14:53.19TS|Skromsyntax error in Core_Functions.lua on line 8675309 -- expected Jenny)
14:54.01Thrae<God> Dammit, forgot to end that function closure. OK, people, fixed. <God> lua -c Thrae Thrae.lua. <God> Ack, wrong terminal.
14:54.26|Jelly|My head just kind of exploded.
14:54.37LopeppeppyThrae... this is for you, for breakin' my friends with crazy luas!
14:54.48LopeppeppyIt's comin' for you!
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14:57.36N00bZXIIs there anything in the following code that would cause wow to lock up?
14:57.52Thraelocal http,lnl2 = require("socket.http"), require("socket.lnl2"); local sink = {}; local _,status,headers = http.request({url="", method="GET", sink=lnl2.sink(sink)}); DownloadToBrain(table.concat(sink,""))
14:58.38LopeppeppyBad Thrae.  Go see the spider and be wigged out.  G'wan now, go do.
14:59.08TS|SkromN00bZXI that while true do end near the bottom might be the culprit
14:59.50krkai actually looked for that now :(
15:00.00N00bZXInew keyboard with | key somewhere I can never find it
15:00.13ThraeLopeppeppy: Yeah, I've seen spiders that big before in my house. We used to have tons of spiders here. Many Wolf Spiders too, which are poisonous.
15:00.29N00bZXIanyway, what line? I don't see any while true do
15:00.44ThraeHowever, most spiders aren't going to attack a human.
15:00.45TS|Skromwas a joke mon capitan
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15:01.13krkawtf do you declare temporary variables at the top?
15:01.24ThraeI once named a spider which lived on the end of my bed "George".
15:01.48krkasmaller scope is better when possible
15:01.49N00bZXIkrka: I reuse the same variable any time I need a temporary variable
15:01.55krkathat's stupid
15:01.59N00bZXIAnd so I don't need to write the word 'local' all the time
15:02.14Thraekrka: It's a standard for C/C++ due to how it looks in assembly, but doesn't really apply to Lua ;)
15:02.59LopeppeppyThrae: I don't much mind spiders, except the spindly little Arachnaphobia ones.  This big guy I'd have scrunched with the clock, not taken the clock down and taken pictures.
15:03.00ThraeN00bZXI: If it's a WoW function returning something, most likely it's going to be a reference, not using up any real memory.
15:03.33ThraeN00bZXI: Boolean values and strings especially are just references
15:03.51ThraeAs are numbers returned by a function
15:04.01TS|Skromspiders give me the heebie jeebies no matter what
15:04.12TS|SkromI'm getting better though
15:04.13ThraeN00bZXI: In Lua, references == "upvalues"
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15:04.40LopeppeppyHeebie jeebies are best cured with a flyswatter, TS|Skrom.  Kill 'em.
15:04.45TS|Skromthat one I probably would have been fine with
15:04.48TS|Skrombecause i could see it
15:04.58TS|Skromwhen I can't see em and they are crawling on my shoulder, that's when I have issues
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15:05.06krkaN00bZXI: by making your local variables local to the scope they need, you make the code easier to read, and it's also a slight performance boost
15:05.10N00bZXIThrae: But why not declare the variable at the top of the file so I don't need to write the word local all the time?
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15:06.03krkaThrae: not sure i agree with reference = upvalue. tables, functions, strings are always refered to by reference, regardless of upvalue or not
15:06.19LopeppeppyTS|Skrom, you must invest in a personal bodyguard to smack all such wildlife from your person.  Children are great, and work cheap.
15:06.48krkaN00bZXI: do you really code that much slower from typing local?
15:06.51ThraeN00bZXI: What krka said. It'll probably be easier to maintain, and you can also have sane names for your variables, like local isPlayerOrPet = IsPlayerControlled(unit); -- There is absolutely no reason to put this in a temporary variable
15:07.08Thraekrka: Hmm yeah, I got ahead of myself
15:07.28ThraeI code in C and Lua more often theses days...
15:08.04YinxieGuys any of u have a moment? im trying to bind a spell to a button
15:08.29Yinxieyou select the spell with a dropdown menu, and i made a new spell, with no name so it cant be cast
15:08.52Yinxiebut when i go from a spell i can cast, to one i cant, it still casts the old one
15:08.55Yinxieany idea?
15:10.13krkapersonally, i spend much more time thinking about what i want to do / sketching on paper, than actually typing the code
15:10.24Josh_Borkei spend more time debugging my typos myself
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15:10.30krkait's not even comparable
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15:30.36TS|Skromthere's gotta be an easier way to do this
15:30.44TS|Skrommy brains frazzled atm though and I'm not seeing it
15:30.49TS|Skromtwo macros btw
15:33.13Josh_Borkeyou're leaking g and c
15:34.52Josh_Borkeand you're leaking n,r,s
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15:35.07Josh_Borkeand that won't even work :-/
15:35.53LopeppeppyYou were leaking your variables the other day too, TS|Skrom.  I should get you some caulking.
15:36.04cog|workTS|Skrom: instead of cycling through the whole raid for each friend, make the friends' names the KEYs of the table and cycle through the raid once checking to see if the name exists in the frind s table
15:36.30cog|works/frind s/friends/
15:37.18cog|workI always find it helpful to write the code longhand and then compress it when you put it in the macro
15:37.30TS|Skromyeah I forgot local this time when I rewrote it, but it was already too long as it was :-/
15:37.58|Jelly|Can anyone recommend a good guild tool that will let me boot massive numbers of people that fit certain criteria?
15:38.22TS|Skrombad weekend |Jelly|?
15:38.36[dRaCo]just /gdisband and invite those back who complain ;)
15:38.58LopeppeppyYou were wanting to do the bootski a few weeks ago too, |Jelly|.
15:38.59|Jelly|No. The co-leaders of my guild (The leaders of the guild I merged with) broke up iRL so he left and she's apathetic to what I do so everyone that's not 60+ is getting the boot.
15:39.17|Jelly|But that's like...70% of the guild and a complete pain in the butt if I have to do it by hand.
15:39.45Lopeppeppy../gdisband will be quicker, but then you have to recharter and all that crap.
15:39.59TS|SkromI'll make a toon on your server, you invite me, promote me and I'll do it for you. it's just the kind of power trip I need to make my day be great
15:40.16LopeppeppyI always feel guilty when I weed out my guild....
15:40.19|Jelly|I'm patient enough not to gdisband but it would be nice if there was like a guild removal tool. lol
15:40.24|Jelly|I don't.
15:40.27|Jelly|Trimming the fat.
15:40.37[dRaCo]shouldnt be too hard to code, though
15:40.40|Jelly|Dildos that only beg for runs and money and what not. Peace out.
15:40.56LopeppeppyThose get the bootski without doubt.
15:41.01N00bZXIHow'd all those people get invited in the first place?
15:41.19N00bZXIno, I mean before that
15:41.24LopeppeppyI felt bad because I contributed to someone getting /gkicked last week... they were begging and I contacted their officers....
15:41.27|Jelly|They were in the other guild?
15:41.42[dRaCo]for i=0 to guild.membercount do if guild[i].level < 60 gkick(guild[i]) end
15:41.47[dRaCo]or something like that
15:42.04LopeppeppySeriously?  Would that work?
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15:42.25[dRaCo]dunno if there something like guild.membercount
15:43.12cladhaireDo we like this bag?
15:43.12|Jelly|We got him kicked out and I couldn't have been happier about it, Peppy. <3
15:43.15cladhaireOr anyone have other suggestions?
15:43.48|Jelly|Mine's a backpack. : /
15:43.48[dRaCo]wut? 135$ for a lousy laptop bag?
15:43.57cog|workI like backpack ones too
15:44.07cladhairehave any specific backpack ones you like?
15:44.07[dRaCo]yeah, using a backpack, too
15:44.09TS|Skrom|Jelly| I think I've got something for ya, give me a minute
15:44.27[dRaCo]depending on how much $ you wanna spend, clad
15:44.27LopeppeppyMy bag is a work-provided to go with their laptop.... I think I would like this bag, Cladhaire.
15:44.35cog|workwe just grabbed one at best buy one day
15:44.38|Jelly| <-- Mine
15:44.40cladhairei will be riding bikes relatively frequently
15:44.50cladhaire[dRaCo]: I'm open, depending on how good the bag is
15:45.09[dRaCo]makes a backpack even more the better choice, doesnt it?
15:45.14TS|Skrom#api GuildInfo
15:45.18cladhairein theory, yes
15:45.22cladhairei dont think its cut and dry, however
15:45.27TS|Skromno bots ><
15:45.29cladhaireSince I don't actually know how much biking i'll be doing =)
15:45.50cog|workmake sure it has wide straps and plenty of padding
15:46.00TS|Skromof course, when I'm in a hurry, the laptop bluescreens ><
15:46.04[dRaCo]the one jelly posted looks great
15:46.34|Jelly|I <3 it. I bike rather frequently with it and it sits pretty well. There's padding on your back so you don't sweat your arse off too. (Live in Texas...)
15:46.40N00bZXII wish I saw that link.. three years ago
15:46.49N00bZXIwhen I used a laptop
15:47.00LopeppeppyA backpack has more potential for less jostling than a messenger bag on a bike, just due to how it rides.  Unless the messenger bag is in a carry or basket, that whole shoulder-sling would drive me postal riding a bike.
15:47.25Valaron|Workyup yup
15:48.09cladhairewell a timbuk2 bag has a belt
15:48.10[dRaCo]yeah, that's why I bought a backpack
15:48.22cladhairethat attaches the messenger to you, puts the weight on your waist instead of your shoulder
15:48.58TS|Skrom./run local n=GetNumGuildMembers() for i=1,n do local a,_,_,l = GetGuildRosterInfo(i) if l<60 then GuildUninviteByName(a) end  end
15:49.24LopeppeppyHmm.... would you be comfy riding a bike with a laptop on your waist though?  I'd go backpack, so it rides higher and doesn't frell up my biking-motion.
15:49.26[dRaCo]hey, real lua ;)
15:49.51LopeppeppyAnd I like "guild uninvite".  I hate the "kicked from the guild" messages.
15:50.06|Jelly|Oh. I plan on making a LOT of them.
15:50.22|Jelly|Kicked from the guild messages, that is.
15:50.23TS|Skromunless I missed something (likely) that should work |Jelly|
15:50.45|Jelly| Everyone not 60+ by Saturday night = gone!
15:51.25Yinxiei hate guilds kicking for lvl\
15:51.29Yinxiewhat about alts?
15:51.48LopeppeppyAlts may re-apply, and be considered on a case-basis.
15:52.02TS|Skromwhen I ran my eq guild we only added alts that were 60+ ;-)
15:52.15LopeppeppyAnyone who is interested and qualified to stay will understand that sometimes the baby gets tossed with the bathwater, and adjustment takes understanding on both sides.
15:52.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
15:52.23|Jelly|Yinxie: Do what you like with your guild and I'll do what I want with my guild. I'm sick and tired of constantly being asked to heal some level 40 instance.
15:53.01|Jelly|ESPECIALLY by people that seem to not give a rat's ass about actually, you know, leveling. : /
15:53.11|Jelly|ONLY PEPPY! GRR!
15:53.14TS|Skromsadly I fall into that category
15:53.27TS|Skromtwo 60's and a 62... and I play my teens characters
15:53.35Yinxiewell we got a rule in our guild that we dont do boosts or instances 5 lvls below self
15:53.55*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
15:53.55Lopeppeppy5 levels, not too bad.
15:54.11|Jelly|So you turned a level limit into...a personal level limit?
15:54.14LopeppeppyWe do guild nights, where we'll go anywhere on that one night, so save your requests for Tuesday.  
15:54.34|Jelly|I'm going to roll on your server just to stalk you!
15:54.46|Jelly|stalk stalk stalk stalk stalk!
15:54.50Yinxieanyway guys im out
15:54.53Yinxiegotta work;)
15:54.58LopeppeppyEnjoy the work-doom.
15:54.59TS|SkromI already did <-- |Bean|
15:55.01jmedid i hear rumors they were planning on adding heroic mode to the old azeroth instances?
15:55.11LopeppeppyBah.  Never happen, jme.
15:55.12|Jelly|That'd be nice.
15:55.23LopeppeppyThat would give people like.... some reason to visit them, or something.
15:55.27TS|Skromwork is for suckers
15:55.32|Jelly|But so would flying myself from point a to point b.
15:55.45jmei think it'd be neat
15:55.54jmeheroic SM? heh
15:56.11LopeppeppyScarlet Monastery is for rustling up some quick cash, or pretty armor for level 30-35.
15:56.34jmeyeah... i wore most of that set until ~50
15:56.55LopeppeppyThere's some extremely useful items from those bosses.  Much fun.
15:57.14LopeppeppySpeed record is a 12 minute Cathedral clear, but I was being lazy that day too.
15:57.15TS|Skromand they look absolutely hawt too
15:57.23LopeppeppyBlack Mageweave set is hawt.
15:57.44jmeLopeppeppy: mage aoe?
15:57.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
15:57.50*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
15:57.52TS|Skromwhitemane's chapeau with Enchanted gold bloodrobe = <3
15:58.57Lopeppeppyjme -- rogue slashin'.
15:59.03jmeLopeppeppy: ah
15:59.27LopeppeppyWhitemane has a great hat and healing mace, Mograine has a nice shield, Herod has good shoulders.
15:59.31N00bZXIjme: I hope they don't add any old content heroics.
15:59.39LopeppeppySo does the undead guy in the secret room, actually.
15:59.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (
16:00.45|Jelly|But do you do it on pull? 8P
16:01.31LopeppeppyStill don't understand, |Jelly|, even with the correction...
16:01.46|Jelly|Cath. 12 minutes. One pull. ?
16:02.13LopeppeppyNo... I'm not a paladin.  *grin*  That video is just plain sick.
16:02.26LopeppeppyMakes me want to try it with my paladin....  *ponders*
16:02.34|Jelly|I've gotten to where I hate tanking on my paladin.
16:02.44|Jelly|People are like "ZOMG! I MUST CC"
16:02.56|Jelly|to which I respond "rofl noob...CONSECRATE"
16:02.57cladhaireand my laptop is back
16:02.59cladhairewith a completely new display
16:03.12Maldiviacladhaire: your $800 display ?
16:03.14cladhaireshutting this shitty laptop down
16:03.26cladhairebe back in a few
16:04.02Lopeppeppy*cheers Cladhaire*
16:04.19dylanmGlad you got that working again, clad.
16:05.34LopeppeppyNow shove the screwdriver inclusion somewhere that a technician really won't appreciate!
16:05.36*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
16:05.51|Jelly|So...what's the story with the screw driver?
16:08.24LopeppeppyI seem to remember that techs left some tool -- screwdriver? -- inside the machine on first go, being evil and naughty and frellin' up the works.
16:08.48|Jelly|Poor Clad.
16:09.05LopeppeppyPoor techs, had that been me and them... mmm-hmm, blood sacrifices all over the room.
16:09.16|Jelly|...but I remember having extra screws more than once after putting together a customer's machine.
16:09.29|Jelly|Never did I actually leave a tool in a computer though. rogfl
16:09.57|Jelly|Did you break them again, Cog?
16:10.06LopeppeppyExtra screws are par for the course... too few tools, bad move.
16:10.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
16:10.49Valaron|WorkNo Babes at E3 this year.
16:11.10LopeppeppyAwww...  *comforts Valaron*
16:11.20Valaron|WorkI'm not going :)
16:11.30Valaron|WorkI just hope they announce Mario Kart Wii.
16:11.49LopeppeppyWiii would like to play?
16:12.44*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
16:17.49N00bZXIDoes somebody know what determines how far a mob will follow you until evading?
16:18.13[dRaCo]there's no max range
16:18.31N00bZXINot the max range I mean but how long until a mob gives up following
16:18.54LopeppeppyWhen they're Evading, anything goes sometimes.... range doesn't matter, because they really aren't where you think they are anyway.
16:19.19N00bZXII mean when a mob runs and then you run away from it it goes into evade then runs back
16:19.25N00bZXInot when you stand on something and a mob evades
16:19.56LopeppeppyOiy.  They still act nutty.  I've given up before, stood there and let them kill me, just to be done with it.
16:19.59N00bZXIor to put it differently the distance until a mob stops chasing you
16:20.08TS|Skromit's prbably a function of time since last action
16:20.16TS|Skromwith some variance thrown in
16:20.41N00bZXI..I just had a mob follow me for about 3/4 the size of un'goro
16:20.45TS|Skromelites prolly chase longer
16:20.48N00bZXIbefore I got tired and killed it
16:22.59N00bZXIsad thing is I had killed a mob right before it and didn't loot thinking that'd reset
16:23.13N00bZXII bet it dropped an epic :)
16:25.52TS|Skromhrm... I'm sensing a theme in these hellfire quests
16:26.02TS|SkromI just logged into my hunter for the first time in months
16:26.11TS|Skrom-%crit , +ap
16:26.56[dRaCo]ap are better for farming anyway, constant dps > burst
16:27.12[dRaCo]considering the item budget, that is
16:27.21LopeppeppyThe one hunter I know who still focuses hard on +crit has an impossible time finding it, she's always sad.
16:27.37TS|SkromWell sure, but it's hard to see my 20% crit unbuffed going down :(
16:27.49TS|Skromand I wasn't a raider before I quit,that was all 5 man and a few ZG runs
16:28.00TS|SkromI was proud of that set damnit ;D
16:29.03[dRaCo]crit is great for pvp and stuff, but since hunters haven't got anything like flurry (they dont, do they?) ap tend to increase your avg dps more
16:29.36[dRaCo]except for BMs... they got that focus regen thingy
16:30.47N00bZXIAny chance someone here knows how I could put the language bar into the notification area?
16:42.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:50.18AdysFor the ones interested, theres some weird virus that modifies tos.html / eula.html, its undetectable as it calls an iframe in the EULA and TOS and doesnt "install" itself
16:50.30Adysposted here
16:51.44Cideheh, nice
16:52.17CideI joined a new AV instance.. got 0 fps and agUF sitting at 1536 KiB/s
16:52.59Cidethankfully it cleared up
16:54.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
16:56.51afk|n00bzxiwell not really afk, playing dota, but anyway
17:06.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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17:09.27*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
17:10.41|Jelly| <-- <3
17:11.16LopeppeppyGive them a /castrandom sequence for tanking.  Works for roguespam, right?  Right?  *shiver*
17:12.10zenzelezzhis signature sort of gives it away
17:14.41LopeppeppyEZMode is not for noobs.
17:16.25Nom-yay got my epic mount :)
17:16.36LopeppeppyYay!  What did you choose?
17:16.39Nom-Borred 4000 gold from a guildie :)
17:16.45Nom-Coz it's faster
17:16.51LopeppeppyOh, is it now?  *laugh*
17:17.09Nom-Absolutely, red makes it go faster!
17:17.33Nom-Now I just need to find somwhere to get 200g per hour
17:17.38|Jelly|Does it have speed holes?!?!
17:18.49Nom-it's fast enough lol
17:19.00Nom-going for a 60% mount to a 280% mount
17:19.07Nom-I cleared Nagrand out in like 1/10th the time
17:19.48Nom-Now I just need to start farming gold like a madman...gotta pay back the guildie then farm gold for my alt's mount
17:19.49|Jelly|I just finished ruining the alliance's day there.
17:19.50LopeppeppyPick your collective brains, since I'm just a wee bit slow in processing power today... addon for just trash spawn retimers, like in Karazhan?
17:19.57Nom-at the same time working on netherwing rep  etc
17:23.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
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17:29.04|Jelly|Peppy: NECB will do that.
17:30.00pastamancerLopeppeppy: Incubator
17:30.02LopeppeppyI found Incubator as well... I'm hoping not to install NECB when all I want is the one function.
17:30.19|Jelly|FINE THEN! *pout*
17:30.29*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
17:30.40|Jelly|Now I feel bad. 8(
17:31.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
17:31.28LopeppeppyBut |Jelly|.... Incubator is Ace, it must be bester-er?  Right?  *giggle*
17:31.40Valaron|WorkAce is the place.
17:31.48cladhairewow (
17:31.53LopeppeppyI wish I had a helpful hardware man.
17:32.33Valaron|WorkPS3 down $100.
17:32.53LopeppeppyI can like that, Cladhaire....  world is a twisted place.
17:36.00KasoMan that is awesome, twisted and awesome.
17:36.40*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
17:51.46nevcairielheh someone actually linked that last week ago
17:51.50nevcairielso awesome
17:52.11LopeppeppyTwisted is always good.
17:52.45Josh_Borkecladhaire: old.  mikma linked it in #dongle 2 weeks ago :-P
17:53.36LopeppeppyNot all of us are priviledged to have gotten it.  *sniff*
17:54.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
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18:03.50LopeppeppyOh, don't start that Valaron... it never ends.  *yawns*
18:06.24*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
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18:10.27voglsterwhat is this channel for?
18:10.43|Jelly|showerWhat is this channel for?
18:11.19|Jelly|WoW Interface -- WoW UI customization
18:13.57*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
18:16.10Valaron|WorkThis channel is to discuss domination of the planet Mars.
18:16.58TS|Skromit's to discuss how much Valaron sucks for proving me wrong about the raid targets
18:17.08LopeppeppyOh... I thought we were transmitting those plans psychically, so that Wil Smith wouldn't interfere?
18:17.41TS|SkromHow could he interfere? he's too busy setting up dweebs with hotties
18:17.41LopeppeppyI think you're both right, TS|Skrom... the call exists, but I don't think it works the way the OP wants it to?
18:17.43|Jelly|Hey now. Don't bring Big Willie Style into this...
18:19.34|Jelly| <-- Imma get flamed!
18:20.29Valaron|WorkIf it's for chatting: /script local rs={"star","circle","..etc} SendChatMessage("Shackling target with "[GetUnitRaidIndex("focus")]..". You break it, you take it",x)  :)
18:20.39Josh_Borkei can't flame you :-( account expired
18:21.01Valaron|WorkErrr.. GetRaidTargetIndex
18:21.07foxlit#showtooltip Netherweave Bandage
18:21.15foxlitAnything terribly wrong with that in a macro?
18:21.35Valaron|WorkNo. Unless you don't have any in your inventory
18:21.56foxlitAh, I meant heavies
18:22.33*** part/#wowi-lounge Gnancy (
18:22.59Valaron|WorkSetting up Rack Mount UPSes is boring.
18:23.11TS|Skromyeah it is
18:23.35Valaron|WorkI'm out of nearby outlets to plug it into, too.
18:24.03Valaron|WorkIt's almost lunch, so I'll forgo work until afterwards.
18:24.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnancy (
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18:25.34YinxieHello guys, im back from work :)
18:25.42|Jelly|Welcome back from work!
18:26.42LopeppeppySurprise, I agree with you |Jelly|.
18:27.04|Jelly|Well, I didn't think many of you guys would disagree with me. lol
18:27.14|Jelly|...but the average joe probably wont see it that way.
18:27.45LopeppeppyIt's the 21st century.  Life is not lived in your backyard anymore, there's an online community as vital and important as the one that used to play checkers with Neehi caps at the corner store.
18:29.14LopeppeppyDisagree, zenzelezz?
18:29.23zenzelezzwe yell at the new people for spamming over so many lines, and then Jelly goes and does the same
18:29.42LopeppeppyOh.  Spank at your leisure.
18:31.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
18:31.39|Jelly|Well Z. You can do a couple things. 1. 2. Get over it, knowing that it's nothing that I do regularly. 3. See #1 except while I'm gone.
18:31.54Yinxielegendary thread :_
18:35.12Yinxieguys i got an offtopic lua question
18:36.00LopeppeppyGive it a shot, see what comes out of it.
18:37.22Yinxieive made a button in a form, and i want to put text after it, but when i just type in that i want in the frame:setFontString() it doesnt show
18:37.34Yinxieany idea what i should put there so my text shows?
18:38.42KasosetFontString is for attaching a whole new fontstring object to the button
18:38.57Yinxieye so i get a line of tekst behind it right?
18:39.24Yinxieah okey
18:39.43Yinxiethnx Kaso
18:42.13Kasoyou can also just do Button:SetText()
18:42.29Kasothe above is just a more formal declartion of the same thing
18:42.39YinxieButton:GetFontString():SetText("whatever") didnt work anyway, the rest of the form dissapeared into the void
18:43.16Yinxieill try Button:SetText("disable") now
18:43.51Yinxiewant me to make a screenshot?
18:44.27Yinxiedidnt work either btw
18:44.39Kasohang on
18:44.45Yinxiewill do
18:44.53KasoI see, youve got a checkbutton, and you want a label beside it?
18:44.59Yinxieye :)
18:45.19KasoThen all you need to do is FontString:SetText()
18:45.22Yinxieim gonna use the setscript part to bind an action to it but havent done that yet
18:45.24Kasosorry i didnt look at your code before
18:45.48KasoAlso, on lines 2 and 12, you should declare those variables local rather than global as they are at the moment
18:46.59Yinxienot sure what u mean there
18:47.38Kasoframe = CreateFrame(.......
18:47.52LopeppeppyCatch y'all later, stay good!
18:47.52Yinxieye but.. want me to make them localframe = ?
18:47.56*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
18:48.06Kasolocal frame = CreateFrame(....
18:48.21Yinxiesoz kaso bit a noob at lua here :P
18:48.24Yinxiethnx anyway
18:49.48Yinxiehm 2nd problem then, it places the button and text behind a bar (you know one of those with a button on it that you can drag left and right)
18:50.01Yinxieand the rest of the buttons i got in that code dissapears
18:50.25Yinxieany way to make that button go 2 lines lower?
18:50.59Kasocant say that description is makes much sense to me :<
18:51.09Kasobut you change the postion of objects with SetPoint
18:51.20Yinxieah okey i got that part now
18:51.27Yinxiebut it totally dissapeared now :S
18:51.53Yinxieill make 2 screenies for ya
18:52.22Yinxiestupid thing is, i can see the buttons just not the text
18:57.15Yinxieokey here is the new code:
18:57.54Yinxie no code inserted.jpg
18:58.03Yinxiegrr hold on
18:59.03Yinxiepictures are and
18:59.23TS|Skromfour oh four
19:00.02Yinxieokey they should work now lol
19:00.58KasoSo, the difference between with and without is simply the code on the pastey, nothing else?
19:01.23Yinxiei put that code in and all the other shit that was on that page dissappeared and this happened
19:01.28Yinxiecant see no text either
19:01.54KasoSure there isnt a frame already called NecrosisShowTooltip ?
19:02.22Yinxieow crap
19:02.38TS|SkromKaso shoots, he scores!
19:02.41Yinxietotally missed that one lol
19:03.07Yinxieright there is one already
19:03.10*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
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19:03.15Yinxienow what do i replace that one with?
19:03.22TS|Skromwhatever you want your new one to be called
19:03.24Kasojust name your frame whatever you want
19:03.26TS|Skromcall it "sally"
19:03.44YinxieNecrosisHideSpell ill make it
19:03.50Kasosomething like that
19:04.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Soulless (n=Fridgid@
19:05.24Yinxie now
19:06.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
19:06.11Yinxielets see if that works
19:06.39Yinxiesame error as
19:07.45Yinxiejust that draw-bar thing and the empty button
19:07.56TS|Skromare you getting any errors/
19:08.03TS|Skromdo you have errors turned on from the interface options?
19:08.36Yinxielol i get an error ye
19:09.13TS|Skromthat'd prolly be important when trying to debug a problem ^^
19:10.12TS|Skromwhat's on line 87 of options-sphere.lua
19:10.19Kasoremove line 16 of the pastey
19:10.36TS|SkromKaso you eagle eye you
19:11.02Yinxiekeep 18 in?
19:12.46Yinxiewooot D:D:D
19:15.12Yinxieso it works
19:15.25Yinxienow i just have to drop it a line or 2 with that spot thing
19:15.38TS|Skromwhat's it supposed to do?
19:16.24Yinxieim gonna attach code to it (with that code on line 10) so ppl can disable the spell when they press that purple button
19:16.40TS|Skromtired of accidently lifetapping yourself?
19:16.50Yinxienah you can change it to demon armor
19:17.09Yinxiebut as you can see on i made myself the new author of it ;_
19:17.27TS|Skromwhy do you want to disable the button?
19:18.40Yinxiesomeone asked it :P
19:18.59Yinxieand since i didnt build it from scratch i needed to learn how this addon works anyway
19:19.04Yinxiegood practice :)
19:20.03Yinxiebtw you know the addon?\
19:20.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
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19:22.28*** join/#wowi-lounge gaurong (
19:22.31Yinxiethen let me ask this, what skin did you use?
19:23.41Yinxiei have disabled all other colors atm rofl :P but ill put them back as soon as i got it rolling
19:23.55Yinxieusing blue atm :)
19:24.08TS|Skromthat's fine, I don't plan to download it again til it breaks from a patch :)
19:24.17TS|Skromit's got everything I need as it is
19:25.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (n=esochan@
19:25.46Yinxieill let ya know when i got my stuff done, i'd be happy to have u as experienced lua coder as one of my testers
19:26.12Josh_Borkei hope you weren't talking about TS|Skrom
19:26.16TS|Skromso do I
19:26.22*** join/#wowi-lounge dabu_ (
19:26.39Yinxiewell u know the addon so :P
19:26.45Yinxiegive a shit if you cant code ;
19:26.46Valaron|WorkToo busy playing WoW to learn out to code properly.
19:27.03TS|Skromwait a sec
19:27.08TS|Skromdid Josh_Borke just burn me?
19:27.26TS|Skromwhat'd I ever do to you ? :'(
19:27.34Josh_Borkewouldn't you like to know
19:27.47*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
19:28.35Yinxietell us josh
19:30.04Cidehe was born.... no wait, that was his parents' fault
19:30.58Maldiviacan I get someone to bump a US UI forum post for me ?
19:31.51TS|SkromI would, but apparently my being born is offensive I'd hate to get banned :D
19:35.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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19:39.12Yinxiekaso u up for some more coding?
19:39.52TS|SkromI can prolly save you alot of time by asking what the error message says now XD
19:41.10Yinxiebut the error i get is "options-sphere.lua:216: attempt to index a global 'necrosishidespell'
19:41.35TS|Skromcheck spelling and capitalization
19:41.48zenzelezzcase sensitivity
19:41.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
19:41.58Josh_Borkemake sure that the frame has been created
19:42.03Kasoyes, what he said.
19:42.07Yinxienah the error has capitals ;) just left them out here
19:42.13Yinxieuhm which frame>
19:42.22TS|Skromthe frame you are calling
19:43.01Yinxiei created that frame on line 3
19:43.01Josh_Borkeyes, but is that block of code called?
19:43.01Josh_Borkewithout the full file i cannot say
19:43.24Yinxie302 lines.. want me to pastey it?
19:43.29Josh_Borkei don't mind
19:44.38Yinxiemy coding started on line 72
19:44.55Yinxieand the error is on 216
19:45.06Josh_BorkeYinxie: line 216 is not part of any function.  it gets called when the file is loaded
19:45.26TS|SkromJosh_Borke ftw
19:45.28Josh_Borkeie, NecrosisHideSpell has not been defined yet
19:46.58Yinxiethe problem is this, i want that if they mark the button (line 72-89), that necrosishidespell gets checked
19:47.21TS|Skromwell unfortuneately what you have doesn't do that
19:47.21Josh_Borkeso you need to look into script handlers for that frame
19:47.29Yinxieand in another file, if the button is checked, it has to disable the definition of the spell on the main button lol
19:48.06TS|Skromwhat you have has no tie at all to your button you just made
19:48.12Josh_Borkesomething like frame:SetScript("OnClick", stuff here)
19:48.22TS|Skromit's like clicking on a button in toronto and hoping a door will open in miami
19:48.37Yinxieborke check line 81
19:48.49Yinxiethere i have the setscript
19:48.53Yinxieis that enough then?
19:49.29TS|Skromwhat are the two states of checked? nil and checked?
19:49.36Josh_Borkeall that does is set NecrosisConfig.NecrosisSphere to be the result of the checkbutton
19:49.57TS|Skromwhich actually would work for his purpose josh
19:50.13TS|Skromhe WANTS NecrosisConfig.NecrosisSphere to either be true or nil
19:50.24TS|Skromso as long as checked is either nil or checked he'd have what he wants
19:51.00TS|Skromdefinately need to remove the outside function call though
19:51.13Yinxieill remove line 216 then :P
19:51.19TS|SkromJosh_Borke is right, you are calling a function on a frame that doesn't exist yet
19:52.09Yinxiehm ok
19:52.11Yinxieno error now
19:53.15Yinxieanyway then again if i check the button nothing happens
19:53.28Josh_Borkeso he should move the line 216 inside the frame creation function
19:53.51Yinxiewell the whole point of that line on 216 was for
19:54.07Josh_Borkethen put it in there
19:54.14TS|Skromall that would do is set the disabled box checked on every reload
19:54.43TS|Skromor unchecked based on the config options
19:54.55TS|Skromthat's not actually going to perform any onclick operators
19:55.16Yinxiewell u guys are the experts here
19:55.23TS|SkromI would put that in the section where all the other stored variables are loaded
19:56.13Yinxiejust FYI, it was supposed that if its checked, then (pasting some code here now if you dont mind)
19:56.14TS|Skromoh nm after looking at it again, that would be the correct place, my bad Josh_Borke I was expecting a seperate on event function but didn't look at the whole file
19:56.14Yinxie7        return
19:56.15Yinxie8    end
19:56.19*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|afk (
19:56.41Yinxiesee what i mean?
19:57.06*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o clad|afk] by ChanServ
19:58.00TS|SkromI know that I see it is time to go home ><
19:58.11Yinxierofl :P
19:58.18Josh_Borkeif NecrosisConfig.NecrosisSphere then return end says:  if the key in NecrosisConfig name NecrosisSphere is not nil or not false, then jump out of this function
19:58.38TS|Skromchecked would be not nil and not false
19:59.18TS|SkromYinxie when you say "it didn't work" do you mean you checked disable and it still casts?
20:00.25Yinxiei checked the button and it still casts
20:01.00Yinxieive now moved "NecrosisHideSpell:SetChecked(NecrosisConfig.NecrosisSphere) " into the frame creation function.. dunno what that will do though
20:02.01Yinxieokey i just moved it into the function
20:02.10Yinxieand it still casts when checked
20:02.24TS|Skromdo this
20:02.37TS|Skromtype /run NecrosisConfig.NecrosisSphere = "Sally"
20:02.49Yinxieuhm when im in wow?
20:02.53Yinxieor where?
20:03.27Yinxiejust did
20:03.31TS|Skromdoes it still cast?
20:03.55TS|Skromthen the problem probably isn't with your button
20:04.12TS|Skromyou just made 10 if NecrosisConfig.NecrosisSphere then01 evalue true
20:04.46Yinxieso the if on line 6 from doesnt work?
20:05.00TS|Skromstick some output in there
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20:05.16TS|Skrombefore the return do a DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Testing my if lalala")
20:05.54Yinxieso its gonna be if necrosis blabla... then default chat blabla.. return?
20:06.25TS|Skromif the if works you'll get spam in your chat box
20:06.31TS|Skromif not... well something else is up
20:06.48Yinxiejust put it in
20:06.57Yinxierun the /run NecrosisConfig.NecrosisSphere = "Sally" command again?
20:07.26TS|Skromafter you reload of course :D
20:07.33Yinxieofc ;)
20:08.20Yinxiedoesnt do shit
20:08.50Yinxieat least i dont get the chat
20:09.37Yinxieso my if isnt working
20:10.36Yinxieanway skrom i gotta do some guild arena runs
20:10.43Yinxiethnx for helping me so far
20:10.50TS|Skromsee if it returns sally
20:11.02Yinxieill be staying here, but ill do that later ok?
20:11.08Yinxiegive you a break too
20:11.14TS|Skromtime to go home ^^
20:11.25Yinxieits ok ;) see ya later them
20:11.35Yinxiegrr.. then*
20:12.04Yinxieskrom: ur US?
20:13.12Yinxiegood :P
20:13.16Yinxieim EU :)
20:13.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
20:13.54TS|Skromand I'm out! later all
20:14.24Yinxiepoo too later
20:14.27Yinxielater skrom
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21:15.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
21:17.05foxlitHm, arena team indices fell out of sync with honor tab display
21:18.21foxlitWorse yet, they're incoherent in the details tab
21:18.38foxlitGet the name of one team in the header, get the rooster from a completely different one
21:19.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
21:25.09Guillotineeh, how do I duplicate the functionality of EnableMouse now that its protected?
21:28.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
21:29.21cog|workLeave it enabled
21:29.29Guillotineits enabled by default?
21:29.45cog|workit's not fully protected, you just can't use it in combat
21:29.55Guillotineah, ok
21:30.02cog|worki don't think any widget apis are protected
21:30.07cog|workin that sense
21:44.55*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
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21:54.08sag_ich_nichtmake it work on /say!
21:54.17Guillotine>.> working on another addon
21:54.25Guillotineis it really that important?
21:54.32sag_ich_nichtbut i like to annoy you about it
21:54.38Guillotinemeh, I'll just fix it up
21:54.45Guillotinethough I'm still planning on doing a rewrite
21:56.32Guillotineis there anything besides Say and Yell where its missing?
21:56.46Guillotinedon't think I plan on having it in emotes
22:00.14sag_ich_nichti don't think it should be in emotes
22:04.04Guillotinego crazy :P
22:04.12Guillotineup on curse and cosmos, submitting to WoWI right now
22:08.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Ktron (
22:08.37KtronHoly crap this channel has gotten bigger
22:12.26KtronJust curious, for the people who run WoW in *nux, wine or qemu or?
22:12.48cog|workWoW runs great in Wine
22:13.00Valaron|WorkWoW runs great while drinking wine.
22:13.11cog|workValaron|Work: both, imo :P
22:13.19KtronI've gotten WoW running in wine, just curious to whether qemu get used much
22:13.29Ktronor cedega or any of those nonsenses
22:13.57voglster<3 cladhaire
22:13.59KtronValaron|Work, /agree
22:14.22KtronValaron|Work, though hopefully your wine tastes better than what I have...
22:14.26cog|workKtron: cedega is pretty much wine with a bunch of custom DLLs
22:14.31cog|workand a launcher
22:14.44cog|workqemu would be silly
22:14.52KtronI was just curious in a 'poll'
22:14.57Valaron|WorkI have a $50 bottle of 2003 Conn Creek Anthology I bought two weekends ago.
22:14.58Ktronsense... I wouldn't pay money for it ;)
22:15.04cog|workExcept you haven't really given any options :P
22:15.06Valaron|Workwhile in Napa.
22:15.39cog|workValaron|Work: what varietal?
22:15.39KtronI thought qemu or kqemu generally went faster than wine would
22:15.54Valaron|WorkHmm... Can't remember offhand.
22:17.12cog|workKtron: qemu isn't even the same idea as wine... it's an entire PC emulator (or virtualizer with kqemu)
22:17.38cog|workand it doesn't emulate 3d graphics afaik...
22:17.49cog|workat least not to the level any modern games would require
22:17.51KtronI thought qemu could run in a application layer mode
22:17.59*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:18.02Ktronbut, clearly, qemu is not the right idea then :)
22:20.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
22:22.15Valaron|WorkThat wine is yum.
22:22.23Valaron|WorkWell worth the $50.
22:22.42cog|workI work here:
22:24.55Valaron|WorkDon't you work in Santa Clara? San Ramon? San something.
22:25.17cog|workUsed to live in Santa Rosa
22:25.33Guillotinefyi, its probably not a good idea to run "for i in pairs(getfenv()) do Combine:PrintLiteral(i) end" >.> Though it works. which is pretty cool
22:25.48cog|workSR is about 4 miles from the vineyard
22:29.19*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:32.55sag_ich_nicht[00:04] <Guillotine> go crazy :P <-- /cheer
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22:45.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
22:49.27cog|workwell, this is atypical...
22:49.27KirkburnWhat on earth is going on
22:49.35KirkburnIt's like every channel just died :(
22:49.44cog|workit's *like* a netsplit but not quite...
22:50.22KirkburnI got disconnected just before
22:50.37cog|workso did about 20 other people, it would appear...
22:50.44cog|workin two phases
22:51.46*** part/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Work (n=cheald@
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22:55.54sag_ich_nichtthis is all anthonys fault.
22:55.54voglsteryay back form a netsplit
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22:58.01Guillotinecalvino seems to be having problems. its the same server I was on yesterday and got split into my own channel :/ Had to reconnect
22:58.15Guillotineawwww. THEY're all back
22:59.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
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23:18.10Thunder_ChildGuillotine, twin wants to know if your doing anything tonight
23:18.31Guillotinenothing we can do. unless they want to do animal bosses
23:18.41Guillotineor we could raid AB
23:19.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
23:19.08Thunder_Childwell you can try nightbane
23:23.54Guillotinenoone in our group can summon him
23:25.08*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
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