IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070705

00:00.07Shirikbut it does add up
00:00.10Shirikthen again I can't think of a better way to transmit this
00:00.16nevcairielrecycle the table?
00:00.29KaeltenShirik: it also depends on what events your listening too
00:00.38Kaeltenya a simple recyle mech might help
00:01.00Kaelteninstead of msg = {} to msg = gettable()    and when your done with msg call releasetable(msg)
00:01.21Hannesvhey guys
00:01.43Shirikthe real issue though is I don't want to mess with SyncCore.lua
00:01.52Shirikand I can't release the table until it's been transmitted
00:01.52HannesvHey shirik, this morning, I tried this Showmethemoney tutorial, but I didn't understand anything of it =/
00:02.02Shirikmaybe I'll just make the protocol realtime...
00:02.03Kaeltenand define gettable as function function gettable() return #tablerepo > 0 and tablerepo.pop() or {} end
00:02.33Kaeltenand release table would nil out all contents and insert the left over table onto tablerepo
00:03.06ShirikHannesv: Can you show it to me? I haven't seen it myself
00:03.06Shirikand what don't you understand?
00:03.26Kaelten() for k, v in t do t[k] = nil end  tablerepo.insert(t) end
00:03.26Hannesvshow the tutorial?
00:03.29nevcairieli think its the tut bundled with the framexml
00:03.32KaeltenI have one of these somewhere
00:03.41ShirikKaelten: Just kinda curious about throwing this out there
00:03.44HannesvThe tutorial is in the thing you unzip in your wow directory
00:03.52KaeltenKaelten: whatcha mean?
00:03.54Shirikshouldn't tablerepo also be weak?
00:04.08Shirikmaybe not
00:04.12Kaeltenhrm, not sure,
00:04.21Shirikon one side you're looking at the potential for memory leaks
00:04.33Shirikon the other side if you make it weak you'll be recreating tables more often than you would otherwise
00:04.34Kaeltenif there is an "off" condition for your addon you should flush table repo
00:04.57Kaeltenif its a bossmod thing it makes sens that if your not in an instance you might flush the table
00:05.00HannesvAnd I don't understand the XML, the could learn the LUA, cuz it's like functions like in PHP
00:05.22ShirikI think I have a solution that mixes your idea with one of my own :)
00:06.00ShirikHannesv: The reason I ask you to show it to me is I have no method of getting it currently
00:06.13HannesvI'll upload it ok?
00:06.18Shiriksee the topic
00:06.50Kaeltenthats a working one if you want to see
00:07.05KaeltenI think I was mixing syntaxes from other languages I work in
00:08.22ShirikKaelten: My comment about the topic wasn't to you ><
00:08.38Kaeltenlol, no I was digging out my recycler to copy for you :P
00:08.42Shirikah, heh
00:08.53Shirikyeah well it would work like the RDX framepool surely, we've done it before
00:08.59Shirikbut... meh
00:09.09KaeltenI didn't know you worked on RDX
00:09.12Shirikit probably should be a realtime protocol anyway since it's trying to sync everyone
00:10.24KaeltenHannesv: is another tutorial if you want to give it a shot
00:10.43Hannesvyeah, but that's with ace =/
00:11.14Kaeltentrue, nothing wrong with that though :)
00:11.35Hannesvya, I know
00:11.51Shirikthere is nothing wrong with learning with Ace... IF YOU REALIZE that it doesn't make you immune to understanding the language
00:12.02Hannesvbut, I think that tutorial is for people that already know how to create a mod, without ace
00:12.16Shiriks/to/to not/
00:12.31KaeltenHannesv: not really
00:12.48Kaeltenit doesn't go into the things you have to do to create an addon without it.
00:13.21HannesvLet me see
00:13.46HannesvBtw, Shirik, you still want the showmethemoney tutorial, cuz i can't find something to host it on lol
00:13.57Shirikagain, I suggest you read the topic
00:14.13Shirikin fact, Kaelten even posted code to me in between the time I made that suggestion and now
00:14.14Hannesvwhich topic?
00:14.20Shiriktype /topic #wowi-lounge
00:14.47Hannesvthe pastey?
00:14.53KaeltenShirik: might not support everything in there
00:15.05Hannesvbeen there done that didn't woek
00:15.11Shirikwhat doesn't work
00:15.13Shirikwhat are you trying to do
00:15.29Shirikjust paste the code...
00:15.33KaeltenHannesv: what kinda of format is it in, and do you have rights to redistro it?
00:15.34HannesvI did
00:15.40Hannesvit's in HTML
00:15.59Hannesvbut it asks me every link to write backwards and to type how many links to that website are in the HTML
00:16.07Hannesvto make it easy
00:16.42HannesvSpam check
00:16.43HannesvYou appear to have URL's in your submission.
00:16.43HannesvDue to large amounts of spam, we require some information from you.
00:16.43HannesvIn order to complete your posts, we require you to type the domains of any URLs used (in reverse), as well as the number of times you used that domain within your subject/post content.
00:16.44HannesvFor example: If you typed "" 5 times, You would enter "ten.yetsap" and the number "5". :
00:16.57Kaeltenya thats annoying imo
00:17.06Shirikis so easy to get around too
00:17.18Hannesvtell me all about it
00:17.19Shirikthey need to use GD2 and make some randomized images
00:17.21Shiriklike everyone else
00:17.37Hannesvbut, that pastey isn't wowi's
00:18.02Hannesvit's just some free site that hosts it... (I guess)
00:19.21Hannesvok, I made every http change to ht tp
00:20.11Hannesvok, look at it now ;)
00:22.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Bam__ (
00:22.53Shirikthat very much pissed off my browser
00:23.42Bam__The client disconnects me when attempting to link an item to the chat..... but the item is linked directly from my bag... sounds like a bug?
00:24.35Hannesvthen you have some strange browser =/
00:25.19*** part/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
00:27.58Shirikwhat don't you understand?
00:29.08Hannesvthe XML
00:32.27Shiriker, what about it?
00:32.56Hannesvlet's say from here:
00:32.57Shirikit creates a frame. The frame accepts one event, OnLoad
00:33.00Hannesv<Size x="148" y="30"/>
00:33.00Hannesv<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="Minimap" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
00:33.00Hannesv<Offset x="-3" y="-10"/>
00:33.19IndustrialHannesv: do you by any chance play hl1:tfc?
00:33.34ShirikI missed that part
00:33.37HannesvI used to long ago, why? :p
00:34.05Industrialmeh, i know/knew a Hannes that was admin on an EU skillz server :P
00:36.21Hannesvthat won't be me =P
00:42.02HannesvI'm going to bed
00:42.04Hannesvnn all
01:00.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Bam__ (
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01:27.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
01:28.23Temdo you get HH rep in Ramparts?
01:28.34WobworkI'm fairly sure
01:28.42Thunder_Childup to a certian point that is
01:28.46Wobworkmaybe only up to a certain rep
01:28.53subbawt-i think it's up until honored
01:29.21subbawt-if you do ramparts/blood furnace until honored and THEN do hellfire quests
01:29.25Shirikall non-70-tuned instances will give you honor to honored
01:29.40Shirik70-tuned instances (including heroic non-70 instances) will gives you honor to exalted
01:29.40subbawt-you won't need to do many shattered halls runs to get revered
01:29.42Wobworkhehe, that's a mouthful
01:29.52*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick_ (
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01:32.49TemI need to get revered
01:32.51Temwith HH
01:32.56Temand I really don't wanna do SH
01:33.13Temif I could never do that instance again, I'd be a happy man
01:33.42WobworkBut like all the endgame instances, it loses a whole lotta shine after the first X repgrind runs
01:33.58Temit makes me clostraphobic
01:34.02Temand the last boss?
01:34.13Temalso, I want NOTHING from it
01:34.18WobworkThe twoheaded one is pretty amusing
01:34.28Temit is amusing
01:34.41WobworkNow, Shadowlab. That's an instance I'd be happy to ignore =)
01:35.20Thunder_Childwow...have an addon using 58mb atm
01:35.28Wobworkthinking about it, all my top end equipment I've gotten so far has all been from SH =P
01:35.35WobworkThunder_Child: What's that one?
01:35.45Thunder_ChildDopie arena info
01:35.51ShirikAce probably
01:35.57Wobworkhehe =P
01:36.02Corrodiasvideo is acting up again... reboot time
01:36.04Shirikwell what do you expect? Trying to store the info of everyone
01:36.09Wobworkit's StandAloneLibraries =P
01:36.20WobworkAn addon that just loads up all possible libraries =)
01:36.26Thunder_Childit has a 50mb SV file as well
01:36.33Corrodiasit's not overheating, i know that
01:36.34WobworkMaybe it's storing screenshots =)
01:36.38Shirikwell that's where it stems from
01:36.38Corrodiasmaybe it's time to update my video drivers
01:37.05Thunder_Childwell it is a cahe of overyone in my BG
01:39.06WobworkTake it head to head, rockin through the wilderness
01:39.19Wobworkaround the world the trip begins to grumbrerrumusomething
01:39.23WobworkRoam if you want to
01:39.27Wobworkroam around the world
01:40.12Wobwork*enthusiastic nanaahing as he can't understand the lyrics being sung*
01:44.21Corrodiassometimes, my game will start having the ground disappear or it'll go glitchy in other ways. it's pretty infrequent but pretty irritating
01:44.29Wobworkoh I had that
01:44.44Wobworkit was a few versions ago though
01:44.48CorrodiasWoW has some weird stuff in its graphics engine, i know
01:44.49Wobworkhave you changed uifaster?
01:44.54Corrodiashaven't touched it, no
01:45.05Wobworkperhaps set it to 2?
01:45.12Wobworkor whichever it was that's the disable?
01:45.29Corrodiasit's pretty uncommon. i wouldn't even be able to tell if that worked
01:45.41Corrodiasi'm just going to reboot. that should make it not happen for a long time again
01:46.34Corrodiasalso, if i look in certain directions in certain places, it could drop the framerate very low, in conjunction with the other bug. it's as if... as if it's loading many, many copies of some model in exactly the same spot
01:47.13Corrodiaseventually overwhelming the card with polygons, like unto a problem i had with my old laptop. couldn't play Earth and Beyond very well because too much on the screen would cause things to disappear.
01:47.17Wobwork(Batrick, ze LEAPER!)
01:55.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
01:57.09Corrodiasrestarting wow. yay.
01:58.56*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
02:05.35CorrodiasTBag has only one significant flaw... the fact that it pauses the interface for a moment every time you move something between your inventory and the bank
02:09.14Corrodiasitemrack lets you move entire outfits between your bank and inventory
02:09.27Corrodiaswith tbag involved, this causes a lengthy delay :)
02:13.34Temoh shit
02:13.37Temdeathwing is a live
02:15.59*** join/#wowi-lounge PotatoHead (
02:24.41abugthe server deathwing?
02:34.51TemI just overheard 2 npcs talking
02:34.53Temand like
02:35.03Temit's pretty certain that he's alive
02:35.20Tem(and free)
02:35.28Tem(and in outland)
02:35.44Temit was assumed that he was either dead or being held prisonner in grim batol
02:48.28*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
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03:04.47abugwell that's fun
03:13.26TemWhy WHy WhyWHY WHYW HWY WHY
03:14.07TemEVERY DAY I lose at least 1 fel gland to a group that doesn't respond
03:14.40TemI hate the netherwing dailies so much
03:18.40*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
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03:30.00TS|Skrom_Antiarc Ping
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03:55.18Kaydeethreeprotip: make sure at least two non-disobedient peons are actively mining
03:55.39Kaydeethreethat quest can be done in a group. get 5 people, have everyone gather 3
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04:49.03Corrodiasyep, i love feign death bugs
04:49.10Corrodiasno resist messages, but -all- the enemies keep hitting you
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07:00.55ZealotOnAStickanyone know of a standalone alarm timer mod?
07:08.23Cidedefine alarm timer
07:13.09ZealotOnAStickhe wants something that he can set to make a noise every 5 minutes or so.
07:13.27Cideheh, no idea then
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09:34.44Hey-WTFidiot question time ... do I have to have a frame (and xml file etc.) if I want to have OnLoad scripts?
09:36.21abugyou need a frame one way or another
09:37.03abugif you don't want to use XML
09:37.17abugand also do a search on there for SetScript()
09:37.36ThelynaI don't have a particular problem with using XML
09:37.54Thelynabut you have to have a frame to respond to events?
09:38.23abugactually though I just remembered OnLoad won't get called from one created that way
09:38.48abugso ignore me
09:39.37ThelynaI guess I could make a frame and just keep it hidden?
09:41.48abugwhat do you need OnLoad for anyway?
09:47.43Arrowmasterif you just want to do something when the addon loads you can just put it directly into an lua file, if you want to wait for a certain event to fire in the loading process before doing anything then you need to use a frame
09:49.48Thelynaso I can just put a RegisterEvent call at the top of my lua?
09:50.05abugto your frame yeah
09:50.48Thelynahuh ... now I'm confused
09:52.02|FF|Im2good4uin your frmae u best put in the <onload> event of your frame
09:52.21|FF|Im2good4uu register even to your frame not to a seperated lua file
09:52.30|FF|Im2good4uso u need some basic xml aswel :P
09:52.43abugunless you use CreateFrame
09:52.45Thelynaright, but Arrowmaster said I wouldn't need a frame for that?
09:53.37|FF|Im2good4uwell amybe he knows something i dont oO
09:53.57|FF|Im2good4uwell if u o it more complicated u can hook some lua functions :P
09:54.40abughe's just saying if you want to do something like create a frame or make a new table, you can just put right in the lua file (outside of functions and on its own)
09:55.08abugby create a frame I mean if you were using CreateFrame()
09:55.51abugand if you don't want to specify a lua file from your xml, you can put it right in the .toc
09:57.53ThelynaI think I'm going to go with a dummy frame ... what's the syntax for an XML comment again? <!--> </!--> ?
09:58.49Thelynanm, google to the rescue
10:01.49Thelynadoes anyone here use the scite-wowi package?
10:02.08ThelynaI'm trying to use <!-- --> to comment out blocks of code
10:02.36Thelynabut it will not allow me to put a '-' at the start of the line, tells me there's not a property defined for block comments
10:06.29Thelynanever mind, apparently the '-' key on the numberpad of my keyboard is functionally different to the '-' key below F10 =/
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11:12.36ThelynaUNIT_AURA just tells you 'arg1' has changed an aura, doesn't tell you which one or if they gained or lost it?
11:20.53Thelynathat would be ... awkward?
11:22.06Thelynawell it's only awkward because I'm lazy
11:22.27Thelynaguess I get to run around UnitBuff'ing people
11:40.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
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12:03.13sag_ich_nichtwow. i just calculated the max +stealth value a rogue can ever aquire... Apply Aura: Stealth Level Modifier +76
12:08.29sag_ich_nicht(that equals to a stealth level of 85.2)
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12:21.56PaardIs it allowed to ask macro questions in here?
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12:26.56Wobin_Thunder_Child: oh god
12:27.04Wobin_Thunder_Child: Although the amusing line is: Plot Synopsis:
12:27.05Wobin_This plot synopsis is empty.
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12:49.28Thelynawhat's the syntax for a multi-line comment in lua ... is there one?
12:50.12zenzelezzif I'm not mistaken
12:50.26nevcairielthat sounds right
12:50.48ThraeI like ending with --]], but it's not necessary
12:51.46Thelynasorry for the idiot questions
12:53.05Thelynado I need to register UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED if I'm also registering UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT and only interested in instant-cast spells?
12:53.17Thelynasince any instant that starts casting should complete casting, yes?
12:53.32[Ammo]but if you want to know if it was succesful you need SUCCEEDED
12:54.11[Ammo]you also migth want to register the failed stopped etc to reset your cast detection
12:55.30Thelynaah you're right
12:55.37Thelynasince even buff casts can fail on LOS
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13:20.24Thelynanext question ... will UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT always be followed by one of (UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED or UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED)?
13:20.37Thelynaor is there another possible failure event?
13:20.55zenzelezzcute... "For all 70s that go BT tell me so i enchant your weapon with demonslaying"
13:21.36Thelynaor is it possible for a UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT to fail silently without generating one of those other two events?
13:28.14*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
13:28.36TS|Skromping Cairenn
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14:59.41Nom-anyone know if Gruul is immune to vindication ?
15:02.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
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15:09.01zenzelezzhm, six Formal White Shirts on the AH for 8.25s bid, 55g BO o_O
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15:11.07LysistrataProfit if someone really needs them! :D
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15:39.40Legorolkrka: ping
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16:16.39LopeppeppyAnyone else not able to log into the WoW forums, or is this just my special day for fun?
16:18.14cog|workbilling purgatory 4tl
16:18.43MentalPowerLopeppeppy: logged-in just fine here
16:19.14MentalPowerwell... not "just fine", took two tries, but the first one might have been a password thing
16:19.38Lopeppeppy*shrug*  Keeps rejecting my password, which happens to me randomly just to be annoying.
16:20.10cog|workcheck your account management page. if you have a pending charge it means your account is being billed today
16:20.25LopeppeppyIt's about that time of the month, yeah.
16:21.08[dRaCo]if ($userName = "Lopeppeppy") denyLoginForSomeStupidReason();
16:21.32TS|Skromthrow in some random arguments to make it harder to debug
16:21.43LopeppeppyOh my WTF.  *sigh*
16:22.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
16:22.13LopeppeppyDecided not to use my autopay for whatever reason.... must now reenter all info.  I'm terribly excited.
16:22.48TS|Skrom*must resist urge to comment about woman and shopping*
16:23.23LopeppeppyBite me, boyo.   *sniff*  Autopay is not supposed to allow random stupid failures like this.
16:24.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
16:26.06LopeppeppyInfo re-entered, no one need die today.  *hugs TS|Skrom*
16:26.37TS|Skromdodged a bullet there
16:27.02zenzelezzcareful about dodging
16:27.08LopeppeppyThou shouldst not mess with redheads in a temper!
16:28.55*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
16:29.55LopeppeppyI should make you two into a lolcats picture somewhere.
16:30.19TS|Skromcan I be the persian?
16:30.54LopeppeppyYou want to be a long haired squishy face?  Okay... but noses can be useful, think twice before you let a Mack truck hit yours like that!
16:32.17LopeppeppyNever did figure out how breeds like that made sense in an evolutionary way....
16:32.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
16:33.07TS|Skromthe creationist in me wants to point out that you answered your own question ^^
16:33.23LopeppeppyTo be amusement for Mack Trucks?
16:33.47LopeppeppyThe All Spark must have a soft spot for Voltron.
16:36.40krkaLegorol: pong
16:37.34Legorolkrka: repong
16:39.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
16:50.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
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17:41.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
17:56.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
17:59.14Lunessa*sigh*  I'm the only Bill & Ted's fan, huh?
18:00.04deltronwyld stallions!
18:00.55LopeppeppyHaven't seen the movies in way too long, Lunessa.
18:01.41Lunessa"Station!" was the greeting/all-purpose-word of the future.  
18:01.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
18:02.09Valaron|WorkHappy July 5th.
18:02.52LopeppeppyAh... and happy post-holiday to you too, Valaron.
18:03.47abug A demonstration of calling protected functions from non-secure code if anyone is interested
18:03.58abugcall protected functions from the Protected table
18:04.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Ins- (
18:04.16LunessaIt comes only once a year, July 5th - Post-Holiday Burn Center Visit: The Movie!
18:05.06LopeppeppyDig Your Pets Out of Hiding Day!
18:05.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
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18:33.10ScytheBlade1Antiarc, ping
18:33.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (
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18:42.29zenzelezz nerf hunter pets
18:44.16LopeppeppyMakes me want to get my huntress moving along.
18:45.46Lunessanerf me?  
18:46.51LopeppeppyYou're a hunter pet, Lunessa?
18:47.01LunessaNo, I'm a healbot.
18:47.14LopeppeppyOh... are we nerfing healers too?
18:47.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
18:47.37LunessaHaha; no.  I was juts griping/  
18:48.14LopeppeppyI like being a healbot, I'm just strange that way.
18:48.42LunessaActually, I have 3 level 70s - for the longest time I was the only heal-specc'ed person in my guild.
18:48.59LopeppeppyI'm the only healing paladin in my raid group.
18:49.09LunessaEvery druid was feral (kitty dps), every paladin Ret. and Every other priest Shadow.  
18:49.25LunessaAnd I was getting hauled to EVERYTHING.  
18:50.04LunessaI couldn't login without someone being upset that I couldn't do their run.  I'd login an alt and get asked to switch some some group could go somewhere.
18:50.48LunessaWhen TBC came out, I started playing a Draenei shaman and refused to log in the priest until I was ready to do the heal grind again.  
18:51.41LunessaNow the guild has recruited more healers, some paladins switched to Holy (and love it) and I can play what I want when I want with a lot less pressure to "just get the priest."
18:52.10LopeppeppyI have to be pretty strict with my boundaries too, for that same reason.  Now they're demanding my rogue, who is not raid-ready... and they're peeved I won't drag her out.
18:52.50*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
18:52.51LunessaWe're not really a raid guild.  
18:53.25LunessaWe're a social club. :)  But the pressure to do something raid-wise gets pretty intense from some people who want to accomplish raid goals.
18:54.05LopeppeppyWe're a group from different relaxed guilds... of the intense people who want to accomplish raid goals.  :)  So I hear ya.  I'm not so intense as they are.
18:54.43LunessaI'm "hardcore" 'cause I play lots of hours.  I'm not "hardcore" 'cause I'm focused on raiding.  
18:57.25Antiarc|WorkLopeppeppy: Someone wants a rogue? o.0
18:57.50LopeppeppyI'm relaxed both ways.  I like to play and do whatever, but I'm not goal-driven and I don't play every night.
18:58.03LopeppeppyAntiarc: We only have 1 rogue left in the group, from 10 pre-TBC.
18:58.15TS|SkromAntiarc|Work !
18:58.33TS|Skromhey is it known that omen is reporting 0 threat for faerie fire?
18:58.37Lopeppeppy2 changed classes to become class officers (myself included), 2 went to more hardcore guilds, and the rest just dropped their rogues completely for new classes to level.
18:58.38TS|Skromif not /report
18:59.07Antiarc|WorkHm. I didn't know that. I'll check it.
18:59.10Antiarc|WorkFeral or non?
18:59.24TS|Skrommy buddie and I were in redridge last night
18:59.31TS|SkromI'd pull something with faerie fire
18:59.49TS|Skromomen wouldn't start anything for me til I hit it (or he did) and wouldn't give any threat for FF
18:59.54mikmaALL HAIL HYPNOTOAD!
19:00.03Antiarc|WorkHm. Hadn't seen that one. I'll check it out - thanks
19:00.13TS|SkromMight just be rank 1, that's all I have :)
19:00.23Antiarc|WorkOh, doh, there it is.
19:00.30Antiarc|WorkIt only captures feral FF
19:00.41TS|Skromwheeee, I'm useful :d
19:00.48Lopeppeppy*giggle*  good to know, TS|Skrom.  :)
19:02.21TS|Skromdo you have threat values for non feral FF?
19:02.42TS|Skromif not I can run some tests for ya
19:04.50ScytheBlade1Antiarc|Work, ha, I pinged the wrong person. ;)
19:04.55LopeppeppyLater, everyone, I'm off from work.
19:04.59*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
19:05.09Antiarc|WorkTS|Skrom: Should be the same as feral, I expect
19:05.20ScytheBlade1Antiarc|Work, any chance of that on/off switch in Threat that I talked about some weeks ago? ;)
19:06.00Antiarc|WorkI'm sorry, I don't remember - can you remind me? :(
19:06.35ScytheBlade1I need a switch to disable sending threat data to party/raid
19:06.39ScytheBlade1KTM is a four-line change
19:06.49ScytheBlade1Threat is embedded in 209823 addons
19:06.56Antiarc|WorkOh, heh
19:07.13Antiarc|WorkWell, only one copy will be active at a time ;)
19:07.15Antiarc|WorkBut lemme see.
19:07.30ScytheBlade1Be easier to have a single variable to flip, as we discussed
19:10.03Antiarc|WorkScytheBlade1: Added :ToggleThreatPublish(), so you can /run AceLibrary("Threat-1.0"):ToggleThreatPublish(false)
19:10.07Antiarc|WorkAnd that turns off threat publishing
19:10.30ScytheBlade1Antiarc|Work, that was fast and easy. Thanks.
19:10.53Antiarc|WorkCompletely untested, so you get to be my guinea pig :D
19:11.03ScytheBlade1Easily doable
19:11.06ScytheBlade1This on the SVN?
19:11.14Antiarc|WorkYeah, just committed it.
19:11.21Antiarc|Work(12:09:15) CIA-22: antiarc * r42894 Threat-1.0/Threat-1.0/Threat-1.0.lua: Threat-1.0: Added :ToggleThreatPublish() for those people that need to turn off threat publishing for whatever reason.
19:11.49Antiarc|Work(I added non-feral Faerie Fire too)
19:12.14ScytheBlade1That commit to Omen also?
19:12.25ScytheBlade1(Read: should I grab Threat standalone?)
19:12.34TS|SkromI just had the same question XD
19:15.00nevcairielthe lib will be updated in the omen package too
19:15.07nevcairielyou can update that if you like
19:15.12*** join/#wowi-lounge sstixrud (
19:16.23ScytheBlade1Curse not having an actual SVN account
19:16.30ScytheBlade1And being forced to wait on the rebuild
19:16.41sstixrudIt seems by default actionbar behavior is to have a little red dot on the button when it is out of range.  I have seen some actionbar mods red out the button all together.  Any ideas how this is done?
19:17.41Antiarc|WorkYou should be able to check out from svn without an account
19:17.48Antiarc|WorkYou just can't check out from dev without an account
19:18.04ScytheBlade1Bah, I still see r42877 :/
19:20.35Antiarc|WorkHm. Might not have synched yet.
19:20.37TS|Skromremind me: SVN stands for...
19:20.38Antiarc|WorkIt's usually close to instant
19:20.55TS|Skromthat's it?
19:21.07ScytheBlade1Still have 42877
19:21.08TS|Skromoh haha thought it was an acronym, figured the S was subversion
19:21.56Antiarc|WorkSVN's kinda an evolution of CVS, which is an acronym (concurrent versioning system)
19:21.58Lunessasstixrud: The buttons in all bar mods use the "SecureActionButtonTemplate" and custom state headers - you could look at "RedRange" or Bongos2, or Bartender 3 or Trinity bars for code examples.
19:22.04TS|Skromlol well ya never know til you ask
19:22.14Antiarc|WorkSo I think they just kinda nicked the 3-letter acronym-type name as a familiarity thing
19:23.23TS|Skromwhat determines the version number? why did it go from 42877 to 42894?
19:23.26sstixrudLune - thanks, I noticed in trinity the icon color is changed directly during each button update.  I wonder if I can simply change the default behavior for my buttons or if that is the only method.
19:24.08Antiarc|WorkThat's the wowace revision number. Every commit to the wowace SVN increments the number
19:24.52Antiarc|WorkSo if I commit Omen revision 100, then someone commits Aloft, it gets 101, then I commit a Threat change which gets 102, etc.
19:25.00LunessaI believe - but might be wrong since I haven't monkeyed with the code - that you can apply your changes universally.  But check the code of a couple of other authors.  I haven't actually written any code with Secure Action Buttons and could be mistaken.
19:25.20Antiarc|WorkSo basically that's the 42,894th commit to the wowace repo. :)
19:25.35*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
19:25.41sstixrudk thanks
19:25.56TS|SkromI was always confused by that... I'm like, no way there's been 40,000 individual updates to each of these addons XD
19:26.05Antiarc|WorkHehe, no
19:26.09TS|SkromI'm OCD while coding and I don't make that many!
19:26.48TS|Skromwell... "while coding" isn't very accurate but you get my meaning
19:26.51Thrae#item wand of prismatic focus
19:26.52ThraeBotThrae: Name: Wand of Prismatic Focus; Rarity: Purple; BoP; +21 Stamina; +13 HitSpellRating; 75 Durability; Requires L70; +13 HitSpellRating; Drops off: Gurtogg Bloodboil (Black Temple); Drop Rate: Low.
19:27.29Antiarc|WorkThat's pretty hot, Thrae.
19:27.33*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (
19:28.01TS|Skrom#item Sillpine Stinger
19:28.02ThraeBotTS|Skrom: that is not the item you're looking for!
19:28.20TS|Skromthere is no spoon apparently
19:31.20Lunessawouldn't that be #spoon ?
19:31.40TS|Skrom;-) well since you're offering
19:32.37TS|SkromI like the draeni female mage casting anims
19:33.31TS|Skromjust throwing that out there
19:36.40*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
19:37.28LunessaTS|Skrom Dude, you have all the wrong plumbing. :P
19:37.51malrethhey there, old bean
19:38.13TS|Skromoh that's right, you're a dude
19:40.20malrethi leave WoW for, like, four months and everything all crazy now
19:40.36zenzelezzit's the malreth :-o
19:40.58Josh_Borkeit's malreth
19:41.01Josh_Borkequick, hide
19:41.10Josh_Borkeyou chased him to work
19:42.37malrethanyways, yes. i took a little break from wow and stuffs...
19:42.50malrethin the meantime, I picked up photography as a hobby
19:43.30malrethi've found that WoW sucks up all your free time... and photography sucks up all of your free monies
19:43.32LunessaIf it's sunny, f16
19:43.33Valaron|WorkImagine the possibilities once you leave the confines of your computer.
19:43.33TS|SkromI tried to take up photography once
19:43.34*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
19:43.44TS|Skrombut the girl I was photographing wasn't very good
19:43.52TS|Skromplus she ruined my camera with all that mace
19:44.14malrethyou should have used a UV filter, TS|Skrom
19:44.25malrethor a telephoto lens
19:44.39malrethmost mace spray cans have a maximum range
19:44.46TS|Skromso do my hands
19:46.51LunessaDo you need to get out more?  
19:47.11TS|SkromI try not to think about it
19:50.38TS|Skromhehe I read "Third party Hotkey manager? Illegal?"
19:50.51TS|Skromand my brain read: "Thir party Hooker manager?"
19:51.07malrethit's good to know that the forums still are a source of amusement for all
19:51.59Lunessa... TS|Skrom - dude.... walk away from the computer, go outside.  Maybe grab a beer with friends....
19:52.35TS|SkromI don't drink XD
19:53.32TS|Skromand I'm a divorcee who didn't have many friends when he was married and hasn't remembered how to make any XD
19:54.31malrethfor TS|Skrom:
19:54.44LunessaNah, I'm sure you have friends.  You just need some who are not only available to you over the internet. :P
19:55.03TS|Skromwell here's the rub.
19:55.28TS|SkromI got married at 20 after coming home from college. All the friends I had in school had moved away, so I was making new friends with my wife... jointly
19:55.48TS|Skromthe friends that I still had after she left (read: those that weren't really "her" friends) have either moved away or died
19:55.59TS|SkromI've got like one guy I hang with on a regular basis XD
19:56.04Valaron|WorkYou graduated at 20?
19:56.11TS|SkromI wish
19:56.16TS|SkromI left college to get married
19:56.18LunessaI graduated at 19.  *shrug*
19:56.31TS|Skromif anyone's reading this... DON"T make that mistake
19:56.48Valaron|WorkI graduated.
19:57.03TS|SkromI'm a college dropout whee
19:57.14Antiarc|WorkI left college to work at a job that I'd be working if I had a degree. :P
19:57.25Antiarc|Work(then I got married 5 years later, and it's worked out well so far)
19:57.25Ky|Workthat excuse will fly
19:57.34TS|Skromwell let me put it this way Ky, making life changing decisions based solely on a girl = ftl
19:58.03Ky|WorkIm not actually doing so, but it was funny to say so :P
19:58.03Ky|WorkFear not!
19:58.10TS|Skromi lol'd
19:58.23*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
19:58.46malrethi knew a guy who drove to canada for a girl once
19:59.02LunessaI drove to Canada to meet a girl once.  
19:59.02TS|Skromewww canada
19:59.03malrethhe should have checked to make sure that the chick actually liked him before he started, tho
19:59.06abugthat girl was called Draft Dodge?
19:59.25malrethabug: is that a kind of beer?
19:59.33abugit should be
19:59.40LunessaLOL.  No, she was nuts though, so I didn't go see her ever again.  
20:01.21malrethi dated a girl that was nuts... complete psycho... a total hose beast
20:01.46malrethafter i broke up with her (back in high school) she'd drive back and forth in front of my house
20:01.50Antiarc|WorkI just ended up marrying my best friend. It's a pretty awesome arrangement if you ask me.
20:02.00malrethand i had to screen all my calls for a year
20:02.08LunessaWell, dating UT girls will do that to you.
20:02.25TS|SkromAntiarc|Work I'm jealous
20:02.38Antiarc|WorkThough I got yelled at this morning
20:02.47malrethserves you right, you pig
20:02.48Antiarc|WorkBecause I didn't wake her up from her nap yesterday for our Kazzak kill. :x
20:02.56*** join/#wowi-lounge fleetfoot (
20:03.32TS|Skrommy best friend moved away after high school out to california and I got married. She got married about two years later... I got divorced a year and a half after that
20:04.49malreththe only best friend i'd consider marrying is a bipolar avoidant dependent hypochondriacal mess of a girl
20:05.00malrethbut i'm oddly attracted to that type
20:05.15TS|SkromOne of those "strangely sexy" types?
20:05.37TS|Skromit's like at first "eh......" then it's "ah....."
20:05.40malrethmy fiancee is a histrionic attention seeker
20:05.50malrethone sec...
20:06.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
20:06.42malrethone hot chick:
20:06.50malrethshe's the not-fiancee
20:08.34TS|Skromanother hot chick
20:08.40Lunessa... reserves comment, since it can only make me look like a sexist pig.
20:09.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
20:09.43*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
20:09.47TS|Skromso that's the "10bipolar avoidant dependent hypochondriacal mess of a girl01"
20:10.29malrethshe's really nice... she just makes poor decisions
20:10.41TS|Skromwell that's the exact girl i'm looking for XD
20:10.42abugneeds more A1 sauce
20:11.05TS|SkromDecision 1: So, wanna go out? her: Sure why not!
20:11.09TS|Skromworks in my favor!
20:11.27malrethTS|Skrom: are you short? like under 5'5"?
20:11.36TS|Skrom5'10" actually
20:11.43malreththen you're not her type
20:11.52Antiarc|Work<-- 6'
20:11.56TS|Skromwow she has a short "thing"?
20:12.01Antiarc|Work<-- ended up with a 5'3" wife :D
20:12.44malrethalthough the guy she's currently kinda dating is a tall one... about 5'11"
20:12.57malrethwhich is odd for her
20:13.26TS|Skromthat's kinda funny
20:13.26Lunessa5'10" - very average for American Males.  
20:13.34TS|Skromthat's me, I'm an average joe
20:14.35*** join/#wowi-lounge kokice (n=adddd@
20:14.37Antiarc|Work <-- what
20:14.43kokicehbey guys
20:14.48kokiceis wow glider good?
20:14.50kokiceshould i buy it
20:15.08malrethi bought it twice, actually
20:15.10TS|Skromhahaha Antiarc|Work
20:15.17Antiarc|WorkAnd four extra copies of WoW for when your account gets banned!
20:15.38abugI hope he wins the suit
20:15.38TS|Skromwtf is wowglider?
20:15.45Thunder_Childa bot program
20:15.46Antiarc|WorkA wow botting program
20:15.56malrethkokice: don't listen to them... you can use it legally if you are in mexico
20:16.01Antiarc|WorkThe wowglider forums are a source of constant hilarity when Blizzard does their quarterly banning waves.
20:16.07kokiceits good isnt it??? what if i get caught?
20:16.11malrethalso, you should believe everything i say
20:16.12kokicei have too much to risk
20:16.22Antiarc|WorkIf you get caught you get banned. If you can't risk that, don't do it, and lern2play :P
20:16.23kokicewhy would u buy it twice?
20:16.27cog|workif you have too much to risk then you shouldn't be asking
20:16.28TS|Skrommalreth has a 15 foot long penis, I'd listen to him
20:16.29malrethpurl, me
20:16.29purlmalreth is always right
20:16.30kokicei know how to play
20:16.35kokicei dont have the time to play!
20:16.35LunessaSo you want to cheat - but not get caught?
20:16.37kokiceand i want 70-s
20:16.40cog|workkokice: malreth is being a smart ass
20:16.45kokicecog|work: ok
20:16.46cog|workand i don't blame him...
20:16.52Cairenn|afkkokice: it is against Blizzard's TOS and EULA and thus discussion of it as anything other than a theoretic nature isn't permitted in this channel
20:16.53cog|worklazy people like you should learn the hard way
20:16.55kokicecog|work: how would they catch in the first palce
20:17.00*** join/#wowi-lounge dabu_ (
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20:17.12cog|workkokice: wtf does it matter?
20:17.15kokiceim not lazy i just told u idont have time
20:17.17Thunder_Childbecause of...damn whats that program called
20:17.17TS|Skromdun dun duhn, warden!
20:17.24Thunder_Childty TS|Skrom
20:17.28Antiarc|WorkIt boggles the mind that one would pay to not play a game they don't have time for.
20:17.28Cairenn|afkyou have been warned
20:17.37kokicelick my balls
20:17.37malrethkokice:  seriously, they'd catch you when someone reports you for bot-like behavior... and warden... a background process that looks for things like that
20:17.38kokicethere ya go
20:17.42*** part/#wowi-lounge kokice (n=adddd@
20:17.44abugCairen is stacking enrage oh noes
20:17.53Thunder_Childawww, the pussy left
20:17.54*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+b kokice!*@*] by Cairenn|afk
20:17.56Antiarc|WorkThat was awesome.
20:17.57*** join/#wowi-lounge m4rku5 (
20:18.20Cideban his ip instead imo
20:18.33Chomperswhat's your wow char called kokice?
20:18.35Cidehey, everyone DDoS him now!
20:18.36Chompersbah he left
20:18.37*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+b *!*@] by Cairenn|afk
20:18.43Antiarc|Work<3 Cairenn|afk
20:18.55Cairenn|afkthank you Cide, I hadn't looked it up yet
20:18.56TS|Skromwhat subnet is that?
20:19.30Antiarc|WorkGah, damn you, Lua.
20:19.39Antiarc|WorkI'm trying to fix a PHP app and I keep concatenating strings with ..
20:20.03Arrowmasterdoesnt that work in php too?
20:20.07Arrowmasteror is it just .
20:20.10TS|Skromjust .
20:20.42Arrowmasterbeen so long since ive messed with php
20:21.17Cidesame.. never going to again, either
20:21.20TS|Skromwhoa, 10 mins to quittin time :D
20:21.25TS|Skromthis day has flown by
20:21.34Cairenn|afkI know, I'm a bitch - I don't mind people discussing stuff like that as a theoretical exercise, and I don't mind you guys joking around with me telling me to [whatever], but that was out of line, imo, and since I'm the channel owner, mo counts if I decide it does
20:21.35malreththis day won't end for me
20:21.37zenzelezzhow time flies when you're having porn
20:21.39zenzelezzI mean fun
20:21.49TS|Skromand I went from 6-11 on my mage too :D
20:21.59TS|Skrommy *third* mage ><
20:22.09kergothAntiarc|Work: :(  so often i try to ("%s"):format() in C, or try to printf("%s" % foo) (pythonism in c..)
20:22.25LunessaCairenn|afk:  You don't have to put up with crap from anyone.  Honestly.  
20:22.32TS|Skromwouldn't that be Pythonian?
20:22.39Thunder_Childseriously..i was sad he left BEFORE you could ban his ass
20:22.40TS|Skromlike some kind of cult?
20:22.41malrethCairenn: no apologies, hon... the scrub was out of line
20:22.44Antiarc|WorkCairenn|afk: You were totally well within your bounds there
20:23.30Antiarc|Workkergoth: The worst is that I hate semicolons with a passion now
20:23.39Cidekergoth: aye, the '%' operator is awesome
20:23.41Antiarc|WorkAnd any PHP I touch ends up with about a third of the lines missing semicolons
20:23.47TS|Skrom*tries to think of something to chime in with* .... um yeah... f' that stuff
20:24.05CideI just put semicolons in lua to prevent that, Antiarc|Work :)
20:24.16Antiarc|WorkI used to, but they annoy me now.
20:24.32Antiarc|WorkWell, that and the fact that I also work heavily in ruby these days
20:24.37Antiarc|WorkWhich also doesn't need semicolons
20:24.48Cidesomehow, the non-semicolonness of python hasn't affected other languages... yet
20:24.51TS|Skromwhen does Sapphire come out?
20:25.12abughas the tabness?
20:25.33abugyour tab is one space off! you fail
20:25.44Cideabug: never happens with a good editor :)
20:25.47Antiarc|WorkHonestly, whitespace block deliniation irritates me. I liked it for a while, but it just annoys me now.
20:25.48kergothabug: pfft, configure your editor
20:25.57Antiarc|WorkAgain, I blame Ruby.
20:26.01CideI don't mind it
20:26.05Antiarc|WorkThough I think it's -fantastic- for teaching coding style
20:26.11Antiarc|WorkBecause it kicks your ass if your code isn't pretty
20:26.20Cidebut sometimes I want to indent stuff that I can't =/
20:26.54Antiarc|WorkRuby has really spoiled me, to be honest
20:27.10Antiarc|WorkClosures and blocks and chained statements and stuff are really, really nice when you get used to 'em.
20:27.33Antiarc|WorkI just wish it wasn't so dadgummed slow
20:27.53Cideyep, that's my biggest problem with it
20:28.51Cidewell, the only one really
20:28.59Antiarc|WorkThe new interpreter in 2.0 looks promising
20:29.08Antiarc|WorkIf they can really speed it up, I may become a total convert
20:29.20malrethi missed you
20:29.31Cairenn|afkbeen missing you too, how are you doing/
20:29.35malrethi brought you flowers...
20:29.38malrethbut i eated them
20:29.44malreth*nom nom nom*
20:29.53malrethi'm doing ok
20:30.17malrethstill not certain that i'm going to pick up wow again... although my fiancee keeps nagging me to
20:30.29malrethit's just
20:30.44zenzelezzMr. T pities the fool that doesn't play WoW with his girl
20:30.48malrethi found that taking photographs of girls with hula hoops is so much fun
20:30.56TS|Skromand how!
20:31.14Cairenn|afkyou should check out LotRO if you want a change of pace from WoW
20:31.27malrethoh gods no... not another game
20:31.30*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm|walkies_ (
20:32.18Antiarc|WorkI tried the LotRO beta, and I was pretty shocked at how similar its UI was to WoW
20:32.31malrethno, i'll probably try to get back into the game
20:32.36Antiarc|WorkI mean, all my keyboard shortcuts that I've had hammered into me from 3 years of WoW worked, and I never configured them in LotRO
20:32.43malrethbut i think i'll stay away from raiding
20:33.55LunessaI feel about LotRO the same way I felt about SW:G -  It can't match the source material.  And the first time I hear LAWL N00B - the atmosphere is ruined forever.
20:34.10Antiarc|WorkSW:G was basically a giant chatroom though
20:34.36malrethit had a nice crafting system, tho
20:34.49malreththat's all i ever did in that game
20:35.20malrethi'd scour the planets for the best resources, plant harvesters like mad, and churn out pistol after pistol
20:35.35Antiarc|WorkSW:G's crafting system sucked
20:35.40malreththat was back before vehicles
20:35.48Antiarc|WorkOur architect critically failed constructing our town hall
20:35.54Antiarc|WorkLike 3 weeks worth of materials, poof.
20:36.11malrethand i'd log back in the next day and find out that a spawn of red mobs appeared next to my harvester
20:36.19malrethAntiarc: ouch
20:36.36Antiarc|WorkI was a bioengineer. I realized the game sucked when I had AutoIt making 4 billion nutrient samples while I was at work.
20:36.43malrethwell, i only made guns
20:37.21zenzelezzI spent two weeks on SW:G, running around having the few people I ever met try changing my hair; and not figuring the combat system
20:37.57Antiarc|WorkThe thing I remember most about SW:G was the rubber banding
20:38.01malrethraph posted something about the combat system the other day on his blog
20:38.24malrethit was about the whole prone, kneeling, standing thing
20:38.36deltronit was kinda boring
20:38.43deltronit had awesome trade though
20:38.58Antiarc|WorkSW:G's social aspects were excellent
20:39.06Antiarc|WorkUnfortunately, that was basically the entire game.
20:39.29Antiarc|WorkI had a lot of fun just hanging out with friends in it, but actually trying to play the game left me feeling pretty shortchanged.
20:39.46deltronthat, and everyone was able to start out as jedi later on in the game was really lame
20:39.55Antiarc|WorkI quit long before that
20:39.59malrethyeah, same here
20:40.20deltronI played 2-3 months or so after launch
20:40.28deltronand I bought the collectors edition
20:40.30malrethwell, SoE really screwed that game up
20:40.31deltronstupid me
20:40.52Cideis the game's version 2.1.2 or 2.1.3 right now?
20:41.33Tem.2, I think
20:44.31Cidemages? never!
20:47.21malrethhooray, it is raining again
20:47.33zenzelezzif you go to any class forum you'll see whining, always
20:48.21malrethso, i have to get this classroom of computers set up and ready by tomorrow
20:48.38malrethbut the customer... who happens to have the computers and the software...
20:48.41malrethhasn't arrived
20:48.49malrethcuz he's on a plane
20:49.05malrethi don't think he's gonna get here anytime soon
20:49.14malrethbut i have to have this classroom set up by tomorrow
20:49.25malrethnothing good can come of this
20:49.48malrethi think i'll just go to sleep here and wait for him to page me
20:50.30zenzelezzwe're happy to have you back, but please try not to span so many lines in a row; use longer ones instead
20:50.56Josh_Borke~lart malreth
20:50.56purlstabs malreth
20:51.14cog|workmalreth: can i have my eye back now?
20:51.27malrethcog|work: :D
20:52.15Kaydeethreebah. we're in the 2000s, where the hell are our flying cars?
20:53.12Cairenn|afklol, poor malreth - you are suffering from the misfortune of rejoining the channel just after we had someone in here that couldn't speak english and spammed the channel terribly with single word lines
20:53.17malrethKaydeethree: they're with the meals-in-a-pill and the robot butlers
20:53.41malrethit's ok. people will get used to me again. :D
20:54.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
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20:57.23malrethbut i'll try to post longer diatribes in fewer lines. i figure that's fair for everybody.
20:57.44Josh_Borkeyou could use pastey
20:57.49Josh_Borkethen we could all just ignoreit
20:58.02Kaydeethreediatribes in pastey, woo
20:58.11malrethpurl, Josh_Borke
20:58.24abugpurl, wake up
20:58.24purlACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on up and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
20:58.38Josh_Borkepurl, JoshBorke
20:58.38purlYes, I'm even more stupid then Thrae.
20:59.42malrethhmm... it must have changed... or something. or i have you confused with someone else. i forget, did you still owe me money, Josh?
21:00.11Josh_Borkeme?  of course not
21:00.14Josh_Borkei never borrow
21:00.20Josh_Borkeanyway, i'll be back tomorrow
21:03.04Lunessait lives, but we had to give to 1 gigawatt.
21:05.34*** join/#wowi-lounge subbawt (n=heh@
21:10.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Nerinia (
21:10.30*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
21:11.08ScytheBlade1Antiarc|Work, sorry, my ISP died.
21:11.14Antiarc|WorkNo worries
21:11.18ScytheBlade1Antiarc|Work, what was that /run again?
21:12.22ScytheBlade1Testing now
21:15.36ScytheBlade1Antiarc|Work, should it still be sending any data at all?
21:16.15Antiarc|WorkSynch stuff, client info, yeah
21:16.17Antiarc|WorkBut not threat data
21:16.48ScytheBlade1Sync stuff include mob names?
21:17.06Antiarc|WorkYeah, should
21:17.07*** part/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
21:18.10ScytheBlade1Heh. Curious: what is "cumB"?
21:18.41ScytheBlade1Now "numB"..
21:19.21ScytheBlade1Awesome, that seems to work.
21:21.16Antiarc|WorkThat's AceComm encoded stuff
21:21.31Antiarc|WorkIt compresses data structures and such down into serialized strings
21:21.37Antiarc|WorkThat are occassionally naughty ;)
21:22.07ScytheBlade1Well fyi
21:22.11ScytheBlade1It seems to work flawlessly
21:22.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
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21:23.47ScytheBlade1I tested both by watching the raw addon messages and tested against another (older actually Treatlib) client
21:23.51ScytheBlade1One recommendation though
21:24.08ScytheBlade1/run AceLibrary("Threat-1.0"):ThreatPublish(false)  <-- instead of ToggleThreatPublish
21:24.12ScytheBlade1That isn't a toggle :)
21:24.36ScytheBlade1Or PublishThreat, whatever
21:25.08ScytheBlade1That disables KTM broadcast too, right?
21:27.25*** join/#wowi-lounge tardmrr (
21:27.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
21:27.26*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v tardmrr] by ChanServ
21:27.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work_ (n=esochan@
21:28.37ScytheBlade1Heh. Omen: Hidden set to [On]
21:28.39ScytheBlade1... doesn't hide it
21:28.51ScytheBlade1Oh, that's the minimap icon
21:30.06ScytheBlade1Antiarc|Work, thanks. Now I won't have random people telling me to "watch my threat" :)
21:30.24Antiarc|WorkOmen yells at you so they don't have to!
21:30.34ScytheBlade1Some random people don't know that ranged needs 130% threat to pull.
21:30.38ScytheBlade1So they yell at me at 90%
21:30.43ScytheBlade1So... yeah. That's not happening.
21:31.39ScytheBlade1Hmm, warning threshold at 129% sounds perfect.
21:31.53Antiarc|Work"If this goes off, you are going to die"
21:32.02ScytheBlade1Pretty much
21:32.06ScytheBlade1Invisibility isn't instant
21:33.00*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (
21:35.55deltronTS|Skrom_: you're in st. louis?
21:39.29deltroni think we went over this before heh
21:40.03TS|Skrom_I don't recall but it's possible :D
21:41.10deltroni'm in fenton
21:41.47TS|Skrom_nice, oakville
21:41.57TS|Skrom_just drove past you on the way home, I work in olivette
21:42.06deltronI work in brentwood :P
21:42.25TS|Skrom_we'll have to get lunch sometime, good chinese place on olive near warson
21:43.18deltronsounds cool
21:43.42deltron170 is such a mess right now :(
21:43.50TS|Skrom_no doubt
21:43.53deltronmesses up my way to go home heh
21:44.12TS|Skrom_They announced the 40 project right after I bought a property in the city
21:44.26TS|Skrom_so olivette to south city = ftl
21:44.54TS|Skrom_not that olivette to oakville is much better ><
21:45.03deltronI'm right at 40 and hampton
21:45.06TS|Skrom_45mins -1.5 hours on 270... one way :-/
21:45.09TS|Skrom_oh yeah okay
21:45.10deltronright in the heart of the mess
21:45.42TS|Skrom_RIP Tamm overpass XD
21:45.55deltronhah yeah
21:46.01deltronthat was just a few weeks ago
21:46.35TS|Skrom_they are doing cruel, cruel things in my neck of the woods too. Telegraph and 270 is the :(
21:46.35*** part/#wowi-lounge Ky|Work (i=Kyahx@gateway/tor/x-05fc9c7a0afd672a)
21:48.43TS|Skrom_anywho time to go excercise, later
21:48.51deltroni'm leaving work
21:54.03Skrom|AFKDeltron you still there?
21:59.32*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
21:59.41Thrae#item runed dagger of solace
21:59.42ThraeBotThrae: Name: Runed Dagger of Solace; Rarity: Blue; BoP; Unique; 29 - 95 dmg; 1.5 delay; 41.36667 dps; +24 Stamina; Requires L70; 65 Durability; +21 ResilienceRating; Equip: Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 227.; Drops off: Thorngrin the Tender (Botanica); Drop Rate: Low.
21:59.47ThraeThere we go -- much better
22:01.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
22:02.14Nerinia#item bent spoon
22:02.16ThraeBotNerinia: Name: Bent Spoon; Rarity: Common; 5 Stack; Consumable; Get: Unknown.
22:02.24NeriniaArmory Data?
22:02.37zenzelezz#item martin thunder
22:02.37ThraeBotzenzelezz: that is not the item you're looking for!
22:02.58ThraeYes, Armory data
22:04.05foxlit#item Pattern: Golden Spellthread
22:04.07ThraeBotfoxlit: Name: Pattern: Golden Spellthread; Rarity: White; BoP; 20 Stack; Consumable; Requires L60; Use: Permanently embroiders spellthread into pants, increasing healing by up to 66 and Stamina by 20.; Get: Created.
22:04.39foxlitI'm being evil, mostly :)
22:07.21Arrowmasterwtf, patterns arent stackable
22:08.43Thraefoxlit is just having fun breaking my bot
22:08.44Cide-that's not the pattern
22:08.49Cide-that's the item it creates
22:08.56Cide-(that's stackable to 20)
22:08.58Thrae#item The End of Dreams
22:08.59ThraeBotThrae: Name: The End of Dreams; Rarity: Purple; BoP; Unique; 44 - 121 dmg; 1.9 delay; 43.463158 dps; +13 Stamina; +13 Intellect; Requires L60; 105 Durability; Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 95.; Equip: Increases attack power by 305 in Cat, Bear, Dire Bear, and Moonkin forms only.; Equip: Restores 5 mana per 5 sec.; Drops off: Grobbulus (Naxxramas); Drop Rate: Low.
22:09.03ThraeSee, that works fine :D
22:09.23Skrom|AFKoh noes, I broke teh WoW
22:09.39zenzelezz#item Pattern: Golden Spellthread
22:09.39ThraeBotzenzelezz: Name: Pattern: Golden Spellthread; Rarity: White; BoP; 20 Stack; Consumable; Requires L60; Use: Permanently embroiders spellthread into pants, increasing healing by up to 66 and Stamina by 20.; Get: Created.
22:10.08zenzelezzI r slow
22:10.58Thrae#item pattern: golden spellthread
22:10.58ThraeBotThrae: Name: Pattern: Golden Spellthread; Rarity: White; BoP; 20 Stack; Consumable; Requires L60; Use: Permanently embroiders spellthread into pants, increasing healing by up to 66 and Stamina by 20.; Get: Created.
22:11.39*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
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22:13.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (
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22:23.32cog|workIf you were writing a button that switched between two different modules would you a) check to see if the module's open, if so switch to it, otherwise open it, or b) switch to the desired module. When an error occurs because the module isn't open, open the module
22:24.21Skrom|AFKc) right it all as one module thus solving both problems (sarcasm)
22:24.33cog|workSkrom|AFK: that's actually what I would do :P
22:24.53Skrom|AFKdepends how big the app though I'd wage
22:25.50cog|workIf they ever let me rewrite it from scratch, i'm doing it all as one module
22:26.35*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
22:26.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
22:28.27foxlitClearly b!
22:30.08*** join/#wowi-lounge flexom (
22:32.30LunessaCog - I'd go with a) since I'm into "plays nice" code.
22:33.16foxlitWhat's not nice about catching exceptions and handling them? :)
22:33.50LunessaNothing. I just like the style of check first, then act.
22:37.12cog|workException handling was never intended to be used as control logic
22:37.27cog|workit goes against every grain of my programming practice beliefs
22:37.27zenzelezzsort of in the name, isn't it
22:37.45zenzelezzhandle stuff that couldn't/wasn't handled where it should have
22:37.47LunessaCog - /concur.
22:40.15krkayeah, as a general rule dont use exceptions for logic
22:41.06cog|workEvery time I make some modification to this system I find some new quirk like that
22:41.20cog|workI just want to smack the guy who designed it...
22:41.38cog|workespecially considering the company spent WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much money on him
22:42.22cog|workAnd then I remember it's Access + VBA and I forgive him a little
22:42.24abug*shudder* bad python memories
22:43.06LunessaHaha.  Yeah, I recall when I was working for an internet company using a proprietary language who's logic structure didn't make sense to me; at the beginning I wrote them some really crappy code.  Luckily no one complained when I fixed it all later to be more elegant and smooth.
22:43.23cog|workabug: see the latest on :P
22:43.42cog|workCide-: might be amused by it too :P
22:47.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Rasia (
22:50.13LunessaI'm lmao of that link
22:53.08Lunessa#777977 - OMG - I think I just had an evilgasm
23:00.05LunessaThat shouldn't have made me laugh - but... it did.
23:04.07*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
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23:11.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kyahx (
23:12.19Kaydeethreewow... I'm amazed bash is still kicking
23:12.25Kaydeethreeand lmfao at 779288
23:14.22*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
23:14.35cog|workyeah... that one made me rofl
23:14.58ScytheBlade1I hate comcast at times
23:15.41cog|workme too :(
23:15.43Kaydeethreedon't we all hate our ISPs?
23:16.10cog|workKaydeethree: it's a little different when they have a monopoly on reasonably high-speed connections in the area
23:17.05Kaydeethreemeh, I'm effectively stuck with cable. the landlord didn't hook up the phone lines when he redid the house. all we have is cable or using the neighbors' wifi, which is also hooked to a cable modem
23:17.40cog|workBastards disconnected us one day when they ment to turn off the neighbors. A termite inspector was at the house when I got home and he said they just left about 10 minutes earlier. I called comcast to tell them to come back and do it right, and they said they didn't have anyone within 2 hours.
23:19.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
23:19.29Thraecog|work: Tell them to refund you Your Monthly Price / 28
23:20.34cog|workI bitched at them long enough that they said they'll try to get someone out asap
23:20.40cog|workhe was there within 15 mins
23:20.43MentalPower|Workoh wow, is awesome!
23:20.57ScytheBlade1rofl @ cog
23:21.02Kaydeethreeand way oldschool... I'm sad that my old quotes aren't showing up any more
23:21.26ScytheBlade1That's both horrible and incredible at the same time
23:21.26ScytheBlade1However, this is what comcast is doing to me now: 80 packets transmitted, 64 received, 20% packet loss, time 79030ms
23:21.52ScytheBlade120% packet loss?
23:21.55ScytheBlade1Uhh, yeah.
23:22.38LunessaAnd the cable company locall sold out to Comcast. :/
23:23.04ThraeMy comcast connection is available about 99.9% of the time, and my packet loss is 0%
23:23.13ScytheBlade1But this happens to be my 0.1% of the time
23:23.43cog|worktheir service techs are the laziest people I have ever seen... I heard a great tip once... if you ever need a technician, make an appointment first thing in the morning. That way they're not going to rush themselves to get home because they've still got 8 hours of work ahead of them
23:24.04ThraeComcast isn't that bad -- I just download all the shows I want to watch and have basic cable (and they're all on my basic cable channels, so it's not like I'm downloading shows I -couldn't- watch live or record on my HTPC)
23:24.25ScytheBlade1They really aren't bad at all
23:24.29cog|workI'm very happy with my internet connection...
23:24.35ScytheBlade1And all of the techs that I've dealt with are actually knowledable
23:25.45*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
23:25.48LunessaI hear ya, I just don't like change in something as key to my life - without choice on my part.
23:27.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Fin (
23:29.12Elessdythank god for AT&T/Yahoo DSL
23:29.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Laraul (
23:29.21Corrodiaswhich has been surprisingly high-quality so far
23:29.35Corrodiasfor a comparatively reasonable price
23:29.36cog|workcable is 4x faster than dsl
23:29.39cog|work(at least in the US)
23:29.48Corrodiasthat depends on the service you buy
23:29.56cog|workassuming you have a choice
23:30.03Corrodiasalso, given the choices in this area, i'd rather have slow dsl than unreliable cable (charter)
23:30.05cog|workthe highest available DSL is 1.5k
23:30.21Arrowmastermost dsl plans in the US are a lot slower than cable for the same price, you have to go a lot more expensive to get competitive speeds
23:30.23Corrodiask what? :o
23:30.24cog|workand comcast only has one cable rate
23:31.03Corrodiasi've observed the same thing, Arrowmaster, which is why i was surprised at the low cost of this service. i expected it to be of low quality, but it has actually been very reliable.
23:31.47Corrodias$35/mo for ... god, i don't remember what it is. like 6mbit down (i get around 5) and 756k up (i get about 600-something). i'd like more upstream, but i haven't been hurting.
23:31.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller_ (
23:40.19Kaydeethreeahahaha... when I eventually have kids, I've gotta teach them to do this:
23:40.24Kaydeethreeand damn whoever linked bash
23:40.30Kaydeethreeno productivity whatsoever tonight
23:41.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
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23:47.37foxlitHm, #wowradio quotes on bash
23:49.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
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23:51.11*** join/#wowi-lounge bentglasstube (
23:52.47*** join/#wowi-lounge BrickEater (
23:55.54LunessaTo quote Cog "You bitches are the distract."
23:55.57BrickEaterTo quote Cog "You bitches are the kind of stuff that it was the final ISO so i couldn't believe heroes wasn't in 5.1
23:56.21bentglasstubewhat the hell?
23:56.24BrickEaterM A S S A G E
23:56.24BrickEaterwhat the hell bricky

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