IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070629

00:00.39cladhairepastamancer: its really stupid the way it is right now, heh =)
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00:06.31Kaeltencladhaire: are you feeling ok, you seem to be talking to yourself
00:08.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
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00:21.48*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
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00:49.48batrickis there a nice list on wowwiki of bgfiles to choose from for frames?
00:49.54batricki can't find anything :S
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01:02.44AnduinLothar war of the worlds?
01:05.49Bleeterwtf "Furries are shy people who normally sit in front of the computer playing World of Warcraft," says Howler, "and being a furry is a way to make friends."
01:10.47AnduinLotharthat article is disturbing
01:11.05ckknightBleeter: warcraft is nowhere in there...
01:11.17ckknightwait, more pages...
01:11.25Bleeterckknight: yeah, it's the closing line on page 3 ;)
01:12.33AnduinLothari dont know where the author's take or the subject itself is more disturbing tho
01:13.09BleeterEl Reg usually takes the piss outta their subjects, or if they wish to revist the topic later, hide the fact they're taking the piss ;)
01:21.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
01:22.42Finpurl, tell Mr_Rabies2 about el reg
01:22.52Mr_Rabies2someone's horribly misinformed as to what a furry is
01:23.24Mr_Rabies2i'm not going to read that whole article
01:23.51Mr_Rabies2but yeah, they seemed to skim over the fact that 90% of them are drama bombs with persecution complexes :x
01:29.46Mr_Rabies2dammit i need a better looking helm
01:29.49Mr_Rabies2this one is AWFUL
01:30.39Mr_Rabies2hrm, i could get a cobrascale hood made
01:33.36Corrodiasokay, our rogue and shadow priest keep getting disabled early in the prince fight
01:33.42Corrodiaseither by death for disconnection
01:34.11Tem|Workthat's bad, mkay
01:34.20Corrodiasit's me and one enh shaman on dps at that point :P
01:34.26Corrodiasoh, and the warlock
01:34.31Corrodiasoh! and hunter
01:34.34Tem|Workyou = ?
01:34.34Corrodiasthey're so quiet i don't notice them
01:34.38Corrodiasferal druid
01:34.47Corrodiasthey're back at range where i don't see them
01:37.22Corrodiasthis MM hunter who has a tallstrider
01:37.45Corrodiasnot terrible for a MM hunter i guess
01:39.18Mr_Rabies2his voice freaked me out
01:39.29Mr_Rabies2ride by a tauren and hear a little kid's voice as you click on him
01:40.21Mr_Rabies2it threw me off so much
01:40.34WobinAhab? =)
01:40.39Mr_Rabies2it's not a weird voice or anything, i was totally not expecting it though
01:41.50*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
01:46.36cladhairethink I can pull it off?
01:46.44Mr_Rabies2that's you? :o
01:46.51cladhairefor some value of "me".. yes.
01:47.00cladhairehorrible pictures, but you get the idea
01:47.37Mr_Rabies2you've got the jawline to pull off the duke nukem/sarge look
01:48.28cladhairemy cowlick makes that more difficult
01:48.45ckknightjust get a lot of gel and slick it straight up
01:48.56cladhaireyeah i'm not such a fan of that =/
01:49.14ckknightthen slick it back
01:49.17cladhaireI've definitely tried it.. but it only looks good for so long before whatever you use to put it up gets nasty
01:49.36ckknightmy hair's great
01:49.39ckknightso easy to work with
01:49.57ckknightyea, go for the duke nukem haircut
01:49.57cladhairemine's good too, i always get told that.. I'm just hair retarded
01:50.05Mr_Rabies2mine does its own thing, regardless
01:50.21Mr_Rabies2and its own thing is hobohair
01:50.34ShirikI give up
01:50.41Shirikwhenever I see "Ace is awesome" anymore, I'll just accept it
01:50.44ShirikI don't even care anymore
01:51.12ckknightno more fighting the good fight?
01:51.16Mr_Rabies2that's like saying sony is awesome because of....ridge racer
01:51.19Mr_Rabies2or something
01:51.20ckknightoh, btw, Ace is awesome
01:51.29Wobindamnit where's krka?
01:51.32ckknight|Jelly|: ?
01:51.47WobinLua is not an acronym Jelly
01:52.08ShirikAce is ok. It is a very nice convenience, and it provides some nice features to users.
01:52.15ShirikIt is NOT the solution to all problems, and it does not cure cancer.
01:52.20*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
01:52.29|Jelly|It is and does too!
01:52.30ckknighthey, no one has proved that it _doesn't_ cure cancer
01:52.36Shirikauthors know this
01:52.38Shirikunfortunately users do not
01:53.13ckknightI mean, the reason I got into Ace (1) in the first place as a developer was because of the standardization of the command line
01:53.18cladhaireMr_Rabies: Duke Nukem added to the suggestions
01:53.39ckknightas a user, its addons were more efficient on my system than the alternatives
01:54.01Mr_Rabies2alternatively you could go for the anime school punk haircut
01:54.37Wobincladhaire: I could also suggest the roman cut? Where it's a really short but straight fringe up front?
01:55.30Mr_Rabies2which i can't find
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01:58.16Mr_Rabies2i give up
01:58.20Wobinkinda like: maybe?
01:58.33Mr_Rabies2all the crazy anime thug hair is hiding from google images
01:58.35Wobinbut not what I had originally envisaged
02:00.27cladhairethat's scary =)
02:00.33cladhairebut i'll add it :P
02:01.39cladhaireNot sure that would work on me =)
02:02.07Mr_Rabies2i vote this
02:08.08batrickhe missed his eyebrowes
02:19.53*** part/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
02:22.58zenzelezzamusing, my pet gets more nature resist from my aura than I do
02:24.43Shirikbecause he gets your nature resist plus the aura
02:24.53Shirikmeaning he gets about 30 from you, followed by another 70 from the aura
02:25.04zenzelezzwhat's the %, about 40?
02:25.23Shiriknot quite sure, that sounds about right
02:33.54Mr_Rabies2my ace updater seems to be stuck in no externals mode
02:34.17Mr_Rabies2we shall see
02:37.26*** join/#wowi-lounge k_d|3 (
02:52.19Mr_Rabies2okay, so my loading time difference is the same with or without standalonelibs
02:52.29Mr_Rabies2time to go without because i'm tired of having 80 bajillion folders
02:54.57*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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03:06.05Thunder_Childso 79 bajillion is ok?
03:07.04Mr_Rabies2i went from like, 99 ace related ones to like, 40
03:21.05*** join/#wowi-lounge InfernalRyan (
03:23.10InfernalRyanhate to come in and just ask away but i had a question regarding map coords and how to translate them onto a world map =[
03:23.35Shirikand hi Cairenn
03:23.57ShirikInfernalRyan: what other purpose is there here than to ask questions?
03:24.03Shirikdon't answer that
03:24.05InfernalRyananswer questions
03:24.05Shirikjust ask your quesiton ><
03:24.23zenzelezzShirik: you know very well that we come here to worship Cairenn
03:24.43InfernalRyanI'm wanting to mark a world map on a in-game coordinate
03:24.53InfernalRyanlike, draw an icon or something
03:25.21InfernalRyanthere's gotta be some kind of translation though from like, a mouse x,y coordinate and a game location x,y coordinate
03:26.22InfernalRyananyone have any ideas?
03:27.14Shiriknot really
03:27.21InfernalRyanthis might be it
03:27.21Shirikother than math
03:27.27Shirikbut it's all math
03:27.45Shirikx-y coordinates are nothing more than a percentage along the texture
03:27.47InfernalRyanya i realize that but there are some offsets or something that need to be figured in
03:28.01InfernalRyantexture of a given zone map?
03:28.16Shirikwhy do you think it goes from 0 to 1
03:28.42InfernalRyanguess i was thinking more that the locs were made up from like 'imaginary' zone boundaries of the 3d world
03:28.53MentalPowerInfernalRyan: Astrolabe
03:28.56Shirikyou don't have access to the 3d coords at all
03:29.17Shirikwhat is considered the 3d xy coords are actually just a system invented by addon authors a long time ago
03:29.25InfernalRyanShirik: was thinking of using that however I'm not a fan of 3rd party libraries
03:29.29InfernalRyanfor support purposes
03:29.34InfernalRyanI like to know if it's broke i can fix it
03:29.35ShirikMentalPower recommended that :P
03:29.45InfernalRyanSo forgive me for reinventing the wheel =]
03:29.53ShirikI'm a fan of doing the same
03:29.59ShirikI refuse to use CTL, ParserLib, and a bunch of other stuff
03:30.25zenzelezzhe's a big fan of Ace though
03:30.30ShirikI hate you
03:30.32MentalPowerparserLib I can understand
03:30.35MentalPowerwho, me?
03:30.39MentalPowererr... no
03:30.39Shirikno, zenzelezz ><
03:30.51ThraeEh? ParserLib-1.1 is made by rophy, it's the ParserLib-3.0 which is ckknight's Ace'd version.
03:31.09MentalPowerCTL on the other hand, theres no reason not to use it
03:31.22zenzelezzThrae: no-one said anything about an Ace ParserLib
03:31.24Shirikother than the fact that what I have already works and there's no good reason for me to switch
03:32.03MentalPowerWe've gone thru this so I won't start again, but you already know the case where your replacement will break
03:32.07ThraeShirik: Well, rophy was very, very careful to try and get ParserLib-1.1 working for ALL localizations
03:32.14ShirikI know, no point to start this all over again
03:32.23ThraeIf you don't care about that, then that's fine
03:32.26ckknightCTL isn't Ace
03:32.35MentalPowerI know that
03:32.39MentalPowerand so does Shirik
03:32.40Shiriknever said it was ?
03:32.42zenzelezzguys, Shirik said nothing about Ace
03:32.43zenzelezzI DID
03:32.47zenzelezzso stop it
03:33.15InfernalRyanWell i'm going to look into the coord thing a bit more
03:33.19ThraeShirik: You know, you could always help rophy and Mikk develop their libs instead of branching out on your own -- that way you start with a proven framework
03:33.23Shirikthis is the same discussion all over again so no point in doing it again
03:33.36InfernalRyanthanks for the help i'll stick around
03:33.40Shirikno problem
03:33.40ckknightactually, Thrae, ParserLib doesn't work on all localizations, due to Blizzard's evil ambiguous globalstrings
03:34.12ShirikThrae: I'm not going to go out and say "hey do you want help on ____"; if someone asks for help I'd typically offer it but I don't want to go sticking my nose into things that aren't mine, it's rude imho
03:34.58Thraeckknight: Which is why rophy has some locale-specific strings from his testing, but he hasn't done a lot on it lately
03:35.00zenzelezzI'd say it's only rude if you go saying "hey, you should do this [...]"
03:35.59ckknightThrae: Parser-3.0 has the same stuff...
03:36.31MentalPowerInfernalRyan: FYI, Astrolabe is released on an OpenSource license and you can modify it to your hearts desire
03:36.51ThraeShirik: "Hey, because I want to use your lib in my addon, can I assist in the development of your lib, for the sake of both of us?" <-- that's rude?
03:37.35Thraeckknight: I thought the discussion was "I don't want to use Ace libraries", but I was wrong. I was only saying ParserLib-1.1 was not Ace, not that it was better then ParserLib-3.0.
03:37.52Shirikin my personal opinion, yes. Potentially not to some, but there are those that can be very posessive of their code
03:38.05ckknightThrae: ah, okay
03:38.08ShirikNot me, really, but I know there are some that are
03:38.32ckknightanyone is feel free to hack on my stuff :-P
03:39.36ThraeShirik: If people take offense at things obviously not ment in any way to be derogatory, then that's -there- fault, not yours. I believe, including real life, that people who are oversensitive or paranoid should NOT be coddled.
03:40.09Shirik~dict coddled
03:51.34MentalPower#char us alleria mentak
03:54.49Thunder_ChildThrae is right Shirik, do NOT fondle them...however much fun it may be
03:56.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ThraeBot (
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04:36.48ShirikThunder_Child ><
04:44.31Thunder_Childwell thats what it said
04:44.37Shirikhey um, random comment
04:44.38Thunder_Childdont blame me
04:44.46Shirikdoes that offline message look ok?
04:45.03Shirikit looks kinda... blah to me
04:45.12Thunder_Childit works
04:45.19Shirikit does work
04:46.39Thunder_Childbut i'm the kind of person that would put on a msg like, cant you see we are busy, come back later...and stop knocking at the web addy
04:50.09InfernalRyanthanks for the help w/ the coords
04:50.52InfernalRyani've got a good enough handle on them that i feel comfortable using em
04:51.04Shirikcool cool
04:51.12Shirikjust be aware blizzard really doesn't want to give us any of that
04:51.23Shirikif you saw the amount of work I went through just to make an altimeter/artifical horizon
04:52.03Shirikso, basically, everything you want to do with coords always stems from the map
04:52.08Shirikand you have to do the calculations from there
04:52.42norgannahow could you possibly do an altimeter?
04:52.51Shirikmostly, it's a guess
04:52.55Shirikbut a rather complex guess
04:53.15ShirikI should point out, however, that it works as an altimeter, not as an altitude indicator
04:54.15Nom-You last visited: Yesterday at 11:59 PM
04:54.32Nom-I was watching the end of the Transformers movie at that time!
04:55.28InfernalRyannice, tihs works like a charm =]
05:06.54*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
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06:05.20MentalPoweris there a table.concat equivalent for perl?
06:08.10Shirik`echo table.concat(table, {1,2,3}); | lua`
06:08.25MentalPower~lart Shirik
06:08.25purlpours hot grits down the front of Shirik's pants
06:08.40Shirikon that note I know almost nothing about perl, sorry :(
06:08.45Shirikand on that note, time for befd
06:08.47Shirikbed too
06:09.53Shirikhm, I guess more accurately that would be
06:10.23Shiriknah that was right, nm
06:10.25Shiriktime for bed
06:10.48MentalPowernight Shirik
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07:02.33ckknightgah, where's Iriel?
07:02.43ckknightI want to yell at him for making secure frames so damn complex
07:02.46ckknightlousy pie
07:02.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
07:02.56krkahm, where can i find astrolabe?
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07:06.29MentalPowerkrka: Gatherer SVN
07:07.42krkaah i see
07:07.43purlYou can get the gatherer SVN from ( See also ~svn and ~tortoisesvn )
07:07.43krkai ignore purl, but thanks :)
07:07.54MentalPower[02:07:20]<purl>You can get the gatherer SVN from ( See also ~svn and ~tortoisesvn )
07:09.16krkafinally got wow up and running
07:09.23krkatime to do some more coding
07:13.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
07:15.03*** part/#wowi-lounge Karrion|Meeting (
07:17.55krkaweird... astrolabe seems to run code that depends on the activate function, before the activate function can be run
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07:25.31MentalPowerkrka: what line?
07:27.45krkaline 1171: for continent, zones in pairs(Astrolabe.ContinentList) do
07:27.57krkadefined in: newInstance.ContinentList = { GetMapContinents() };
07:28.13krkaah no wait
07:28.23krkai think it's actually called before
07:28.28krkahere: DongleStub:Register(Astrolabe, activate)
07:28.34krkanever mind :)
07:29.53MentalPowerhmm... I just noticed that your name is mentioned krka :)
07:39.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
07:48.33Temwhos name is mentioned in kz?
07:48.41Temand in what context?
07:49.18MentalPowerTem: look at the top of the Astrolabe source file
07:50.05TemI read "krka" in your line as "kara"
07:50.13Temhence my confusion
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09:34.13Mike-N-GoAnyone here skilled with Gatherer, I have been having trouble with figuring out how to share my whole database to a single target, although I have tired in #norganna, everyone there is idling. I have looked at but that only has a 'To Do' sticky, anyone have insight on this?
09:36.16Mike-N-GoOh, I had to press 'mark these' I think that did it..
09:37.44*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
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10:26.05pakozanyone know how to lock/unlock elkano's buff bars
10:26.41[Ammo]from the fubar lugin
10:26.52[Ammo]it's show anchor
10:27.01[Ammo]the option you're looking for
10:27.22[Ammo]if you're talking EBBs, if you're talking EBB (the old one) then it's /ebb locked or something
10:27.51*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
10:28.38pakoz./ebb lock unlock wont work
10:28.45pakozi just wanna move it lol
10:29.10N00bZXIWhich one are you using?
10:29.13N00bZXINew one or old one?
10:30.00N00bZXIThen it should print all slashes when you type ebb so you can find the command
10:30.08pakozya it doesnt lol
10:30.21pakozconfig hide about
10:30.26pakozi cnat find it in config list
10:30.48N00bZXIIs the fubar plugin shown?
10:31.30pakozi dont use fubar
10:31.38N00bZXIThen it's probably a minimap button instead
10:31.49pakozi see it
10:31.51pakozthats the config menu
10:31.57pakozi cant find unlock/lock in config
10:32.26N00bZXI[14:26:54]<[Ammo]>it's show anchor
10:32.31N00bZXITry looking for that
10:33.26pakozi have been
10:34.08N00bZXII'm not sure then :(
10:35.23zenzelezzif you stick around Elkano might show up
10:35.30zenzelezz(or someone that knows the answer)
10:35.40pakozgot it
10:36.34pakozit was the anchor
10:36.39pakozi just couldnt find it ;x
10:42.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
10:44.04sag_ich_nichtwake up
10:44.14sag_ich_nichtand take a look at GPSLib if you don't know it yet :P
10:46.56foxlitQuestion is described in pastey; mainly has to do with table.insert being weird
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10:49.57foxlitt = {}, table.insert(t, 1, 1); -- t[1] == nil; table.insert appears to do nothing when called that way on a blank table
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10:52.45krkafoxlit: that's not how my lua works
10:53.24krka> t = {}; table.insert(t, 1, 1); print(t[1])
10:53.27krkareturns 1
10:53.38foxlitsec, looking up insert syntax
10:54.12foxlitIt's actually table.insert(table, position, entry) :(
10:54.43foxlitWhich explains everything -- I actually used 2, 1 to check
10:54.44krkai consider that a design flaw
10:55.02krkait is inconsistent with table.insert(table, entrt)
10:55.02foxlitDon't like optional arguments being inserted in the middle of things
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11:45.37N00bZXIIs there a way I can get if any text is highlighted in a chat frame?
11:46.48JoshBorkeyou can't highlight chat frames, they are message frames
11:46.59JoshBorkeor so i thought
11:49.23JoshBorkeperhaps you mean editbox?
11:53.07Mike-N-GoAnyone know about using /castsequence with spell ranks?
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12:18.20sag_ich_nichti now definitifly have figure out what is wrong with women
12:18.40sag_ich_nichttheir brain only supports UDP, but not TCP D:
12:21.39nevcairielso they can receive and send to anyone, but not establish a real connection ? :P
12:23.07ZiconFunny, I thought that was the most common female gripe about males...
12:24.00krkayou mean that women talk in weird ordering and skip vital messages?
12:26.23Josh_Borkekrka wins
12:26.54ZiconI have no idea what you're talking about. Also, cake!
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12:34.24sag_ich_nicht[14:24] <krka> you mean that women talk in weird ordering and skip vital messages? <--and they don't send ACK packages on a SYN.
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12:39.00Josh_Borkeyou guys make me sad sometimes
12:40.42zenzelezzI made up something like that eons ago; except I just spoke of how my TCP implementation wasn't compatible with that of girls... something about bind(), listen() and connect()
12:42.21Josh_Borkefailure to bind and connect?
12:47.10zenzelezzbah, I'm stuck in combat on the Ogri'la plateau, but there's nothing attacking me
12:48.39norgannaWorst part is when they send a FIN, you ACK, and send a FIN back, but they don't ACK, and leave you in a FIN_WAIT_2 state...
12:51.47*** join/#wowi-lounge lolinternet (i=bitch2k@
12:52.35Josh_Borkei have got to say that compiz = sex
12:52.49norgannatis true
12:53.01Josh_Borkeexcept the bug where i can't open new windows, that kinda sucks
12:53.19zenzelezzfunny, "kompis" is Norwegian slang for "buddy"
12:53.39*** join/#wowi-lounge N00bZXI_ (
12:54.17lolinternet[14:48] <+norganna> Worst part is when they send a FIN, you ACK, and send a FIN back, but they don't ACK, and leave you in a FIN_WAIT_2 state... <--yes.
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12:56.09norgannaphew... i was thinking it flew over everyone's heads there for a sec
12:57.09sag_ich_nichtDSL being a jerk
12:58.16sag_ich_nichtI think it's worse if they send a SYN, you SYN-ACK, but they don't ACK back
12:59.02norgannaalthough apparently it's possible to do a two-way connect, i heard
12:59.33sag_ich_nichtif both sides were to send a SYN-ACK at the same exact time i guess(maybe)
12:59.37norgannayou can apperently connect with a SYN+ACK, and they SYN+ACK back for a ultra-fast connect
12:59.50sag_ich_nichtor that
13:00.35norgannaactually, some DOS attacks use the SYN+ACK connect to speed up the attack, since it's completely legit TCP/IP
13:01.16norgannaanyhow, I must away.. the weekend calls me
13:04.33*** part/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
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14:35.33SpiderFLSi have a little problem with localization... how do i localize the "gains" in this code? string.find(arg1, "(%a) gains (%a)")
14:36.03pastamancerlocalize the entire string
14:36.18pastamancerstring.find(arg1, L["(%a) gains (%a)")
14:37.41SpiderFLSi dont really understand what you do there o_O
14:37.52pastamanceryou're using AceLocale, right?
14:38.12pastamanceroh wait, wrong channel
14:38.26foxlitYour pattern is flawed either way
14:38.29pastamancerwell, you can still localize the entire string
14:38.42SpiderFLSwhats flawed about it?
14:38.58foxlitlua> string.find("Someone gains an aura.", "(%a) gains (%a)")
14:39.19foxlit7       15      e       a
14:40.40*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
14:40.58SpiderFLSand what should that tell me? o_O
14:42.04foxlitJust an example of what you're capturing :)
14:42.58*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (n=kaiden@
14:43.37TS|SkromI like teknicolor
14:43.46SpiderFLSyes thats what it does^^ well i did that a long time ago and i needed a way to locate the positions of the letters...
14:43.57TS|Skrombut I don't like that names don't get colored til you open the guild list or see the person every time
14:44.05TS|Skromis there one that does that, but saves the info ?
14:44.18foxlit(which is evil)
14:44.22SpiderFLSso can you tell me how to lacalize it?
14:44.24kaidenprat's not evil!
14:44.30kaidenit's made from sunshine and skittles
14:44.31foxlitPrat's very evil.
14:44.31TS|Skromnothing against prat or other things but the only chat mod I want is the coloring
14:44.35TS|SkromI don't need anything else
14:44.45nevcairielprat simply has way too much
14:44.48foxlitSo disable all other modules? :)
14:44.55deltronI like prat :(
14:44.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
14:45.03nevcairieli liked idChat
14:45.07foxlitI spent 4 hours figuring out how to work around Prat.
14:45.11nevcairielnot what has become of it :P
14:45.20kaidennevcairiel, shouldn't you be working on bartender 4? *(eyes you)* ;p
14:45.30nevcairieli am working on my linux box
14:45.31kaidendarn.. i tried
14:45.31Shirik|zZzfoxlit: missing the +
14:45.42foxlit(not my pattern)
14:45.44Shirik|zZzI guess that';s SpiderFLS
14:46.11SpiderFLShow can i localize it?^^
14:46.28Shiriksimilarly it is generally recommended that those patterns actually be "([%S]+) gains ([%S]+)"
14:46.46Shirikyou would make that a variable instead
14:46.47foxlitBlessing of Salvation?
14:46.47Shiriksuch as
14:47.05ShirikL["AURA_GAINED"] = "([%S]+) gains ([%S]+)"
14:47.22Shirikthen string.find(arg1, L["AURA_GAINED"])
14:47.29SpiderFLSoh i see
14:48.04Shiriknp :)
14:48.17krkawhy the [] around %S?
14:49.20nevcairieland why capital s ?
14:49.31foxlitcomplement to %s
14:49.37krkabecause it's inverse of %s
14:49.39ShirikI don't know why the []
14:49.42nevcairielah nvm
14:49.47nevcairieli mixed the pattern up again
14:49.55Shirikbecause I was originally doing [^%s]+
14:49.55nevcairieli should print those and tape to my screen
14:50.01Shirikand then I hit backspace and changed it to %S
14:50.05Shirikwithout removing the []
14:50.32foxlitBet that's like 0.00000001s of extra processing item
14:50.39Shiriksorry :(
14:50.42ShirikI make your addons slow
14:50.53foxlitClearly you should use Ace :)
14:51.15foxlit(So when is LOLACERDX coming out?)
14:51.17krkai think ace automatically strips away redundant []
14:52.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Rasia (
14:54.29Shirikanyone here use firebug?
14:55.45Shirikrofl! I added a breakpoint, then ran the code I expected to bug out, and got "firefox.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
15:01.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
15:01.51TS|Skromcombat log mod - name me a couple
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15:05.04*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
15:06.50|Jelly|So what's with the influx of holier than thou people on the forums being against compilations and people emulating other's uis?
15:07.04|Jelly|By the way...AWAKE! 8P
15:07.17Shirikyeah, I gave up really
15:07.30N00bZXII'm gonna go sleep soon
15:07.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Dakous (
15:07.42|Jelly|Seriously...I haven't seen a truly unique UI in...forever?
15:07.43TS|Skrom|Jelly| !!
15:07.54|Jelly|And even then, there's only a handfull.
15:07.56N00bZXINeither have I
15:08.13N00bZXIAll UI's look somewhat like something someone made some time ago
15:08.27N00bZXIs/All/Almost All
15:08.41DakousNothing new under the sun.
15:08.42N00bZXIAlmost all*
15:08.44TS|Skrom|Jelly| hai2u
15:08.45|Jelly|GG. You can cluster shit at the bottom of your screen (like everyone else), call it unique and bitch at people that like how theirs look
15:08.56|Jelly|Hey Skrom. Sorry...I'm on a little rant here. lol
15:09.05TS|SkromI see
15:09.09TS|Skromlogging in now to view it
15:09.33|Jelly|I haven't posted. lol
15:09.36|Jelly|Just reading
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15:12.10|Jelly|If "Of" is in retreating.
15:13.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (
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15:15.34N00bZXI|Jelly|: :(
15:15.59N00bZXII could link mine since I haven't seen any like it but I don't think -that'd- be a good idea..
15:16.13|Jelly|link it here. i wanna see it so i can rip it off.
15:16.25|Jelly|I MEAN...
15:16.55N00bZXII can link last SS although no player/target frame anymore, using hud only
15:17.18N00bZXIactually, I'd rather not, since more than that has changed
15:17.23|Jelly|still trying to be minimalist, eh?
15:18.45N00bZXI...if you remember why are you asking for a SS
15:18.45|Jelly|Cause I change my UI almost weekly.
15:19.23N00bZXI've used the same UI (with a few things changing here and there) for.. as long as I can remember?
15:19.42|Jelly|Obviously not...
15:19.44N00bZXIActually, I've used it since my rogue, and that's quite a long time ago
15:19.54|Jelly|...since so many things have changed that you'd rather not link an old screenshot.
15:20.20|Jelly|But irregardless, I'm not trying to argue with you. 8P
15:20.23N00bZXIthere you go
15:20.35|Jelly|I'm not even going to click on it now.
15:21.21TS|SkromI will
15:21.43N00bZXIThat can't be older than 1.12
15:21.46TS|Skromnice looking, simple
15:22.04TS|SkromYou've got too many buttons on your bar for a rogue though
15:22.14N00bZXINot a rogue anymore
15:22.33N00bZXIThat toon's now 70 and only for posting on forums
15:25.04sag_ich_nicht[16:45] <Shirik|zZz> sag_ich_nicht? <-- ping
15:25.18sag_ich_nichthello Shirik
15:25.29Shirik062:442:10 12‹sag_ich_nicht12› Shirik|zZz
15:25.29Shirik12[#wowi-lounge12] - 12[29/06/200712]
15:26.02sag_ich_nichtbecause we were talking about position maps in instances and syncing a few days ago
15:26.24sag_ich_nichtwell, take a look at GPSlib(or for a more pratical[and awesome] work, dungeoncrawler)
15:26.56sag_ich_nicht(wowace svn :P)
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15:37.14ShirikI don't like how he uses 140 columns before a line break
15:37.17Shirikin his comments
15:37.25Shiriki.e., assuming people are running at 1280x1024 :P
15:38.06TS|Skromwow, trimmed my stuff down to 113 mod folders
15:38.18TS|Skromyay lol
15:38.33Antiarc|Work1920x1200 for life, yo
15:38.49sag_ich_nichtDisplay Resolution: 1680x1050x32bpp 60Hz
15:39.18N00bZXII wanted to get a 1024x768 monitor after using a laptop for a few years but couldn't find one, was too small apparantly
15:39.33N00bZXIUsing 1280x1024 atm
15:39.34Shirikthat's um
15:39.36Shirikpretty impressive actually
15:39.46Josh_BorkeShirik: his gpslib?
15:39.47Josh_Borkeyea it is
15:39.53Josh_Borkei still don't understand it
15:39.54|Jelly|I've never seen a monitor that wouldn't go to 1024x768. lol
15:40.28sag_ich_nicht[17:39] <Josh_Borke> Shirik: his gpslib? <--not mine, but i stumbled upon it :P
15:40.33N00bZXII mean natively
15:40.40Josh_Borkeyea, i know who wrote it
15:41.02deltroni'm 80x24!
15:41.15Shirikhopefully that's col x lines
15:41.17Shirikand not pixels
15:41.40Shirikbut only reason I commented on that is because it's generally considered good practice to not go beyond 80 columns
15:41.47Shirikmost IDEs even have a line at 80 so you don't pass it
15:42.02Josh_Borkemeh, i do whatever is convenient :-)
15:42.33Shirikbut see that's the point, 80 is convenient for everyone; you will always (usually) have that width no matter what resolution you're in, whether you're in a text-based environment or a graphical one, etc.
15:42.37|Jelly|cog|work: I <3 you
15:42.46cog|workI <3 me too
15:42.47Shiriki.e., myself whom had to scroll every 2 lines to read his comments :P
15:42.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Hador (
15:43.28|Jelly|I'm waiting for a response on that.
15:43.34|Jelly|Cause IMO, you nailed this conversation.
15:43.44sag_ich_nichtShirik just use autowrap with wrapmarkers :P
15:44.52Shirikso |Jelly|
15:44.54Shirikwhat did cog|work do?
15:44.55|Jelly|*waits for the question to ask a question*
15:46.26HadorI've got a little question obout programming a WoW-addon: is it possible to overwrite the wow-invite function with an function in my own addon?
15:46.49Hadorhow is it possible ;-)
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15:46.50Shirikbut you have to be aware of the implications of that
15:47.07cog|worklook under H
15:47.14N00bZXIYou can except anytime anything else calls it it could cause problems
15:47.14cog|workfor hooking functions
15:47.21N00bZXISince other addons don't expect it be overwritten
15:47.24Shirikyou're intending to do InviteUnit() ?
15:50.15*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
15:51.34Hadorlet me discribe wat i want to do
15:51.39|Jelly|And again "Of" makes a dildo of himself.
15:51.56ShirikI never seen him before
15:52.07|Jelly|Oh, I meant in one thread.
15:52.09Hadorive got a function who sends to the party-leader a request to invite some player
15:52.37Hadorthis function is now called by the slash-cammand /inviter xy
15:52.48Shirikok, so how does it send that request?
15:52.52N00bZXIYou want it to be called by invite instead?
15:52.53ShirikSendAddonMessage() ?
15:53.16N00bZXIYou might want to hook the slash command instead (assuming it's not secure)
15:54.00Hadorbut this function should be called when the original slash-commands for the invitation of an player (/i /inv /invite, ...) are typed
15:54.20Hadorand if someone rightclicked on an caracter and selects invite
15:54.24Shirikwell you can hook InviteUnit as you originally intended
15:54.43Shirikthat function doesn't need to be secure so
15:55.16Hadorso inviteunit is directly called by the slashcommands?
15:55.25Shirikshould be
15:55.30Shirikthough there's a way to find out
15:55.32Hadorand the rightclick?
15:55.53Shirikagain, should be, but there's a way to find out for sure
15:56.45Hadork i try it (first i let wow write in the chat) than i should see if this is right
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15:59.12Hadorthx for help
15:59.20Hadori'll try it
15:59.28Shiriknice idea btw
16:01.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
16:01.34Hadori think in the next days i will come here again and ask one mor question, as i momentary dont now how to programm a countdown because there is now timer in wow. But it also might be that i will find it out by myself ;-)
16:03.28Shiriktake care :)
16:05.50Shirikin other news, a DoS (application crash) vulnerability has been found in RDX.Cid today!
16:05.56Shirikfun times
16:08.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|Miranda (
16:08.40Shirik|Jelly|: My circles aren't round enough
16:08.56ShirikI don't want my circumference/diameter to == 3.14
16:09.29Shirikmy ratio of circumference to diameter should be equal to the pi'th root of pi ^ pi
16:09.56|Jelly|Shirik: I hate you so bad.
16:12.23ShirikI know :)
16:12.35ShirikI'm just trying to blow time while my forums are rebuilt
16:12.40|Jelly|But hate being the cycle that is it; <333
16:12.42ShirikI have to recount/rebuild every single post on the forums
16:12.48Shirikand we have over 100k posts
16:12.51|Jelly|umm. no?
16:12.52Shirikand this is taking forever
16:13.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
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16:13.25Shirikmaybe I should work on that rat kill counter
16:13.27Shirikbut I suck at GUIs
16:13.37|Jelly|I think you should work on.
16:14.00Shirikthink "Exterminator" is a good name?
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16:14.13|Jelly|Could it count all "critters" ?
16:14.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairen1 (
16:14.27Shirikthat's what it will do
16:14.31|Jelly|Cause in that case, yeah.
16:14.38cog|workshould only count level one critters imo
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16:14.55cog|workplus cows
16:14.57Shirikmorning Cairenn
16:15.02Shirikit will be only lv 1 critters
16:15.04Cairennhi again
16:15.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
16:15.16cog|workaren't cows like level 5?
16:15.17|Jelly|Yes. Cows.
16:15.58ShirikI love how ctrl+a no longer selects all
16:16.08Shirikoh no
16:16.19Shirikjust my selection highlight for some reason is invisible
16:17.14|Jelly|i hate herbalism in the face
16:24.02|Jelly|I love how it's only the low level alts that attempt to be smartasses. I think by default, the forums should use your highest /played character. !
16:24.15Shirikthen I couldn't be a BE :(
16:24.24|Jelly|small price to pay
16:25.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
16:28.32TS|SkromI'm gonna go log into my lowest alt and make an @|Jelly| thread, brb
16:29.07TS|Skromtoday's friday
16:29.57|Jelly|I love you too, cog.
16:30.23TS|Skromhow could you, he's so... gnomish
16:30.57|Jelly|Ever heard of Gnome Punting?
16:31.11cog|workthe drillmaster did that to me a few times...
16:31.11|Jelly|I go like his nasty comb over. lol
16:31.37cog|workthat makes me wish even more that the forums used our actual avatars
16:32.08cog|workat least just the basic head appearance so they don't bog down the servers
16:32.38cog|workthere can't be THAT many combinations of facial features, skin tone, etc...
16:33.05|Jelly|oh wait
16:33.15|Jelly|since you hit 70, it doesn't use the sex combover anymore!
16:34.05cog|workHere you go, |Jelly|:
16:35.37|Jelly|Hawt beard too.
16:36.09cog|workThe real me: (10 levels ago, anyway)
16:37.34cog|workI should take a new shot at Toshley's
16:38.31[dRaCo]does overheal produce aggro?
16:39.13cog|workand the only reason I know this is because of the recent KTM drama which inspired me to read Kenco's article on wowwiki last week ><
16:39.29|Jelly|KTM drama?!
16:39.41Arrowmasteryou dont know about the ktm drama?
16:39.59Josh_Borkeoverheal does not cause aggro (which intuitively makes sense)
16:40.03[dRaCo]then heal aggro is always the tank's fault :>
16:40.49Cidecan you link to kenco's article?
16:40.59cog|worklooking for it...
16:41.35cog|work|Jelly|: drama: start with Leprosy's post near the bottom
16:42.22Cidethanks, cog|work :)
16:42.27Shirik""From today, users will be asked to give their real name and social security number before being allowed to write their postings," said a spokesman of Daum, one of the country's top portals which boasts of 38 million users."
16:42.32cog|worknot sure if any of it has changed yet
16:42.39cog|works/yet/since then/
16:45.59Wobinnot more KencoCrap
16:46.01*** part/#wowi-lounge GnancyWK (
16:46.54cog|workit's a fun read if you don't care either way :P
16:47.07WobinIt's painful
16:47.23WobinIf Kenco were even the slightest bit civil, it might be worthwhile
16:47.39cog|workthat's what makes it amusing to me XD
16:47.40|Jelly|I'm tired of people telling me to calm down because I tell them to use their common sense.
16:47.41Wobinbut I'm completely disregarding anything he says just because he's a compelte arse
16:48.00WobinHe can argue til he's blue in the face, but I won't believe a single thing he says
16:48.09WobinMuch like his attitude to everyone else
16:48.13Wobinbut with less insulting
16:48.33TS|Skrom|Jelly| calm down!
16:49.50|Jelly|I've yet to see one @Jelly thread!
16:50.06WobinActually Cog, what I'd like is for Bag_Update to fire reliably =P
16:51.01WobinOn a completely different note =P (in reference to that changes thread)
16:51.45cog|workif it fires reliably enough to work with the default UI, i wouldn't hold my breath :P
16:52.32WobinI've moved a lot of objects in the bag and not had a reliable equal number of bag_events returned
16:52.45WobinThere are always some being dropped somewhere
16:52.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
16:53.19Josh_Borkewobin:  you fail ;-P  just poll
16:53.46Wobinoh of course
16:54.46Valaron|WorkHunter does not always equal win
16:54.53*** join/#wowi-lounge GnancyWK (
16:55.08TS|Skromquickest way to run out of mana on a warlock: back to back to back shadow trance
16:56.33cog|workone of the quickest to steal aggro, too
16:57.21TS|Skromheh yeah, don't have to worry about it when I'm soloing, but then again I stopped trying to have a pet tank for me at level 20
16:57.27TS|Skromor was it 30
16:57.29TS|Skromyeah 30
16:57.56cog|workdemonology + affliction = win for leveling
16:58.17TS|Skromgot a link to a spec?
16:58.40TS|SkromI went through a few iterations as I leveled this loc
16:58.40cog|workwhat level are you now?
16:59.15cog|workthis might actually be relevant for you then ;)
16:59.40cog|workI'd bring demo up to soul link, then switch to affliction
17:00.07cog|worksome of my affliction talents are filler for siphon life
17:00.08TS|Skromsee i  just can't see how that'd be more efficient then drain tanking and dark pact
17:01.18cog|workhelps to have fel armor...
17:01.44cog|workI have virtually no downtime between siphon & drain life
17:01.48TS|Skromthere's me, though I just got the staff of twin words so add 14 to the spell damage XD
17:02.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Vangual (
17:02.11TS|SkromI have virtually no downtime either, and my pet does 0 damage.
17:02.21TS|Skromhe's just there for the hp buff and for me to drain his mana
17:02.29TS|Skrommy widdle invincible mana battery <3
17:02.49cog|workI played a hunter before i played a 'lock so I may be a bit biased in using my VW for tanking :P
17:03.10TS|Skromyeah i've not used the void since level 20 XD
17:03.14TS|Skromnot in any real sense
17:03.23TS|Skrommaybe once or twice when I needed a shield
17:08.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
17:14.45TS|Skrommy thought was always... if I want to kill things fast then I need to do damage. if i do damage, the void will NOT be holding aggro
17:15.00TS|Skromif the void's not holding aggro I may as well not use it since it's own damage is so anemic
17:15.38Antiarc|WorkThe VW's torment scales extraordinarily slowly
17:15.40TS|Skromso from around 20-40 I just used succy for damage while I tanked, then switched to imp at 40 and started dark pacting XD
17:15.45Antiarc|WorkI'm currently collecting data on that right now.
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17:25.47zenzelezzthis sounds like a fun night. "don't we need a priest for Moroes?" "3x palas for fear"
17:25.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
17:26.09Antiarc|WorkKiting works out just as well for the melee adds
17:37.25Kaydeethreemeh, we've killed moroes without priests before. pally fears help, kiting/trapping helps more
17:37.30*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
17:38.00|Jelly|<3 being the only priest
17:38.41deltron<3 being the only resto shaman
17:41.54Lunessa</3 Being the only priest.  
17:43.28cog|workI want to make a website that starts with ww instead of www to mess with peoples' heads
17:44.25deltronI hate it when sites don't have their dns set up, and make it so you HAVE to type in www.
17:45.08cog|workyeah... even worse, my guild's website uses www for the normal site... take it off, and you just get the calendar :|
17:45.45deltronheh I need to fix dns on my site, add in a forums. raid. etc
17:46.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (
17:48.07LunessaZOMG Cog - Who is the site admin?  Pummel them with a FISH.
17:48.59cog|workI think i shall.
17:49.23LunessaA big fish.  Preferably one that has been left out a day or three.
17:49.53Nom-yay finally got my second level 70
17:50.06Nom-now gotta spend all day tomorrow questing to makes some gold lol
17:50.44deltronhehe cya
17:57.12ShirikI'm disappointed
17:57.20Shirikexterminator doesn't even show up on performancefu
17:57.31Shirikwith both memory usage and cpu profiling enabled
17:58.04Shirikit probably would with 40 peope in raid, dunno
17:58.47ShirikI'm about to kill this squirrel
17:58.52Shirikand one of the wolves comes over and kills it
17:59.02cog|workThe bigest CPU hog of the addons I use is RedRange ><
17:59.06Shirikdo you have any idea how hard they are to find when you're looking for them?!
17:59.13N00bZXIShirik: I've got to say owned.
17:59.33LunessaPWNT by a wolf!
18:00.40*** part/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Karen@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
18:04.29|Jelly| -- What do you think of when you see that picture?
18:04.39Antiarc|WorkFor the win.
18:04.50cog|workI think of Nip/Tuck
18:06.34N00bZXII think 'what am I supposed to think'
18:07.34cog|workI'm not the only one to feel weird about FTL being printed all over fruit of the loom underwear...
18:08.32zenzelezzagreed, underwear FTL
18:08.51LunessaTighty-Whities FTL! LOL
18:09.22|Jelly|Just imagine what someone else might think when they're...coming off.
18:10.15Shirikso there's a critter named "Talubk"
18:15.15cog|workanother one that we didn't already know about? :P
18:16.26LunessaNo, I've been out for a few days and I'm catching up.
18:17.06cog|work     <----- The funny thing is, most people think the responder is the stupid one
18:17.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
18:19.31LunessaIt's wickedly smart - points out the mathematical fallacy.
18:20.13N00bZXII notice something different
18:21.14N00bZXIFirst he says the average person is dumb, then he says most of them are dumber than that. So who's they?
18:21.35|Jelly|What's the /script for "tab" ?
18:22.45ShirikTargetNearestEnemy() is protected
18:22.47cog|workyou can't use that
18:25.03TS|Skromcog|work you are a wee bit grouchy today, eh?
18:25.27TS|Skromgood use of PEBKAC though
18:25.36cog|worki'm like that all the time :P
18:25.45cog|workI just haven't been trolling the forums as much recently
18:26.07|Jelly|I guess I'm totally missing it.
18:26.30cog|workAlso, I have Lunessa & |Jelly| to do the reaming for me now :P
18:29.17TS|Skromwtf... why did this guy take a screenshot... of windows picture and fax viewer... of the screenshot he wants us to look at...
18:29.35cog|workprobably doesn't know how to convert from tiff
18:30.08|Jelly|wtf...where are these phantom threads?!
18:32.03TS|Skromyou reading the right forum, missy?
18:32.18|Jelly|No. I didn't read that. TLDR.
18:32.41|Jelly|Blocks of text online are hell on my eyes so I don't try.
18:33.25LopeppeppyI was kind to Mr. WTF.  In spite of that horrible picture-of-picture-inside-picture crap.
18:33.38|Jelly|Peppy! <333
18:33.51|Jelly|That's actually the one I wanted to see. rofl
18:33.52LopeppeppyJust seein' me, |Jelly|?  *hugs*
18:33.54TS|Skromit was like MC Esher, "the eternal jackass" or something
18:34.04|Jelly|Yeah. *hug* 8)
18:34.06deltronthat guy took a picture of a screenshot?
18:34.24TS|Skromtook a windows screenshot of the ingame screen shot loaded in the picture viewer
18:34.31|Jelly|lol. ok
18:34.38|Jelly|now i see what you're talkinga bout.
18:34.42LopeppeppyAnd it's so small that I can't tell if there's a voidwalker in the picture, or a bit of jelly on his screen.
18:34.55|Jelly|That was actually the post that incited my mini-rant earlier.
18:35.09TS|SkromI figured actually
18:35.24LopeppeppyMaybe I missed the rant?  Or was that in the other thread TS|Skrom linked...
18:35.37TS|Skromwhat would have been better is if he used his digital camera to take a picture of his screenshot of his screenshot in the viewer
18:35.44LunessaWow... Nite... is a raging psycho!
18:35.46|Jelly|no, it was an IRC rant...I think you missed it
18:35.55LopeppeppyOoooh!  TS|Skrom, you should go tell him that.
18:36.08TS|Skromand then printed it out and ran it through a copier then scanned it into a pdf
18:36.12LopeppeppyLunessa.. I think I've seen Nite on another forum being the same psycho.
18:36.30|Jelly|I almost used the c-word on her.
18:36.57LopeppeppyNot sure she goes that far, 'cause it's just words.  I have to be able to punch someone right in the face if I'm going that far.
18:36.59LunessaI just wish I had some of the artistic talent other people have.  My current UI layout looks like le poop.
18:37.29Lunessa... right in the *FACE*.
18:37.32Valaron|WorkYour UI is what you make of it.
18:37.44LopeppeppyMine is... functional for me, Lunessa, but my crashing problems prevent me from doing the eePanels refining and beautification I was hoping for.  It's like....  a virtual "no watering" zone right now.
18:38.10|Jelly|Cog...go look at her UI
18:38.41LunessaRight now I have a 3 "blocks" to my layout.  
18:38.42Antiarc|WorkI should post in one of those threads.
18:38.59LopeppeppyI like the purple....if I liked purple....
18:38.59LunessaAnd it's functional, and even handy.  But not pretty.
18:39.08|Jelly|HOLY SHIT
18:39.46LopeppeppyAntiarc.... very evil.  But I love it, even if half the idiots would treat it as serious and miss the point entirely.
18:40.12|Jelly|No really, please post that.
18:40.18|Jelly|Or I will!
18:40.23LopeppeppyIn the "original" thread!
18:40.35*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
18:40.56Lopeppeppy'cause it's totally unique.  :P
18:41.19Kaydeethreemy gods... I've seen bad UIs
18:41.22TS|Skromwhat does "designed from scratch by myself" mean exactly?
18:41.25Kaydeethreethink that one takes the cake
18:41.32*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
18:41.33TS|SkromI see... pitbull, um... fubar...
18:41.40TS|SkromI don't think nite coded those
18:41.49|Jelly|I think it's the "from scratch" part that gets her.
18:41.51TS|Skromcould be wrong of course but i'm pretty sure I'm not! (sarcasn)
18:42.00LopeppeppyDesigned from scratch should mean that your UI is pencil and paper, no more game screen for joo?
18:42.13Antiarc|WorkHeheh, if it makes you all feel better, that's my "profiling Omen in a raid situation" UI :P
18:42.28|Jelly|We all think you should post it.
18:42.32TS|Skrom <-- that's the screenshot I'm referring to btw
18:42.33Antiarc|Workk, fine, posting :P
18:43.03|Jelly|I like my version of it better.
18:43.14TS|Skromshe really has a "thing" about not completing things doesn't she
18:43.15LunessaThere is nothing original about that.  It's just lots of gradient and art.
18:43.19|Jelly|I just need to figure out what the hell to do about party frames.
18:43.20TS|Skromever single window kinda trails off.
18:43.28TS|Skromshe was prolly a very unfocused child
18:43.58LopeppeppyI like edges.  I was a very neat child.
18:44.06TS|Skromsomeone should wap her upsdide the head with a window border
18:44.26Antiarc|WorkYou're all welcome :P
18:44.28LopeppeppyOr punch her in the face like I wanted to.
18:44.55|Jelly|So everyone wants to punch me in the face too? 8(
18:45.03LopeppeppyNo... not you!
18:45.04sag_ich_nicht|Jelly| nothing personal
18:45.10sag_ich_nichti want to punch everyone in the face
18:45.12sag_ich_nichtso not your fault
18:45.25TS|Skromwhat the.... your omen and the stuff under it...
18:45.26|Jelly|Eh. Peppy will bite you.
18:45.34TS|Skromlooks different then my omen (and I don't now what that stuff is)
18:45.44Antiarc|WorkThe stuff under it is Violation
18:45.48LunessaNah |Jelly|  I want to see you drunk and passed out in a pool of spilled beer so we can shave your head, paint it blue and post it on YouTube.
18:45.55Antiarc|WorkOmen's fully skinnable so I may just be using different display settings than you.
18:46.04|Jelly|Well. Drive your happy ass up here.
18:46.10TS|Skromoh i
18:46.15Lopeppeppy.....   Lunessa is now Ruler of Evil.
18:46.16Antiarc|WorkThat screen's also a week old, so that's like 341 Omen commits old.
18:46.20TS|Skromviolation eh?
18:46.34TS|Skromrunning comparisons or somethign?
18:46.38mikmahehe nice ui's there
18:47.08ShirikRDX hasn't had that many in its lifetime
18:47.10Antiarc|WorkHyperbole :P
18:47.12TS|Skromrogues get threat from energy gain?
18:47.15Shirikoh ><
18:47.17Antiarc|WorkThat's the theory.
18:47.30TS|Skromwow that's kinda silly
18:47.32Antiarc|WorkThought between Threat and Omen I've got several hundred commits.
18:47.36LopeppeppyI Feint just for standing still....
18:47.55Antiarc|WorkI like running DMs, but wanted to drop DamageMeters as it sucks up RAM like a mofo which is bad when you're trying to get some decent profiling numbers.
18:47.58TS|Skromwould explain some things I've noticed though
18:48.01Antiarc|WorkSo I popped up Violation.
18:49.48TS|Skromwhat's expo?
18:50.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
18:50.56Antiarc|WorkIt's a function-level profiler - the big window there on the right.
18:51.07Antiarc|WorkGive it a table and it profiles all methods in that table.
18:52.10Antiarc|WorkI've been using it to track down methods that are creating excess garbage. Extremely useful.
18:52.20Antiarc|WorkI've got ThreatLib running super lean and mean now thanks to it. :D
18:53.24TS|Skromthat something you downloaded or made?
18:54.32Antiarc|WorkDownloaded. It's in the wowace repo.
18:54.37Antiarc|WorkFantastic little tool.
18:55.45TS|Skromand the other one that tracks how much mem addons are using, and last GC, is that FuBar_GCInFu?
18:56.41TS|Skromahh okay
18:57.01Antiarc|WorkIt's great for a lot of stuff, but Expo's better for performance optimization, as PerformanceFu is subject to the memory usage masking that goes on in Ace mods.
18:57.24Antiarc|WorkFor example, I had a bunch of garbage being created by Omen, but it was credited to Threat-1.0 since the codepath was invoked by a Threat event raise.
18:57.57sag_ich_nichtperformancefu has some bug that seems to have left gone unnoticed for a long time anyway
18:58.11sag_ich_nichtevery so often it has a very short, but noticeable CPU usage spike
18:58.17sag_ich_nichtwhich is why i have it deactivated
18:58.35sag_ich_nicht(hate the picture freezing for a few ms every so often)
18:59.00Shirikyup I've seen the same
18:59.07Shirikbut I thought that was the CPU profiling, not performancefu
18:59.15Antiarc|WorkIf you have CPU profiling on, it does that since it's calling the method that actually does the profiling measurements.
18:59.29Antiarc|WorkNot much way around that, but you don't generally need CPU profiling on in live situations
19:00.13sag_ich_nichtit happens with CPU profiling off though
19:00.25sag_ich_nichtwith cpu profiling ON, it gets very bad
19:00.26Antiarc|WorkHrm. Haven't seen that.
19:00.27TS|Skrom1.5 hours before quitting time and I havnt eaten lunch yet
19:00.36TS|Skrom<-- ftl
19:00.43sag_ich_nichtwith it off, it might even look like a lagspike
19:00.50sag_ich_nichtbut it's not, since it goes away when i turn it off
19:01.03Antiarc|WorkHuh. Odd.
19:01.07sag_ich_nichtyes, very
19:02.39sag_ich_nichtmight be a local problem, but i doubt it
19:02.54sag_ich_nicht(might be that it only shows up with a lot of addons though, considering i have over 300 >.>)
19:03.17sag_ich_nicht372 folders in my addons folder
19:04.06foxlitHaha, joy
19:04.07TS|Skromlol nice!
19:04.12TS|Skromscreenshot that for me, eh?
19:05.07sag_ich_nichtTS|Skrom meh
19:05.37sag_ich_nichtalso 153 MB big
19:05.55sag_ich_nichtWTF folder is another 33 MB
19:08.59sag_ich_nichtalso no conflicts
19:09.08sag_ich_nichtand 60 fps
19:09.25LopeppeppyDeeply envy you, sag_ich_nicht
19:09.33foxlitWhat's the second return from string.find? end position?
19:09.46sag_ich_nichtIF there is a conflict
19:09.51sag_ich_nichtit takes hours and hours to track down
19:09.52cog|worksag_ich_nicht: what resolution?
19:09.59Antiarc|WorkLopeppeppy: Think so.
19:10.01sag_ich_nichtcog|work lemme take a screenshot
19:10.07cog|workfoxlit: start, end, (captures...)
19:10.19sag_ich_nichtDisplay Resolution: 1680x1050x32bpp 60Hz
19:10.31LopeppeppyHmm, Antiarc?
19:10.44Antiarc|WorkErr. Sorry. Misread. Meant to respond to foxlit
19:10.50Antiarc|Work(afk, getting coffee)
19:10.53cog|worksag_ich_nicht: what gpu?
19:11.00sag_ich_nichtOffenderserv is running Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 2 (5.1 - 2600) on an AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5200+ at 2.60 GHz with 1631/2048MB (79.64%) RAM free.
19:11.01sag_ich_nichtIt has an nVidia GeForce 8800 GTX running at 1680x1050x32bpp 60Hz, Sound Blaster Audigy, and 424.88 GB of 596.17 GB available on 1 drive(s).
19:11.01LopeppeppyGood, 'cause I was confuzled.
19:11.22Antiarc|Work1920x1200 4 lyfe.
19:12.00TS|Skromcog|work are you accepting incoming /msg's?
19:12.07TS|Skromshoulda asked before I sent that XD
19:12.09LopeppeppyRadeon 9200 series...
19:12.22sag_ich_nichtbe glad you have a 5200fx
19:12.23zenzelezzI'm quite happy with my 1280x1024 + 1280x1024
19:12.27sag_ich_nichtdrivers for the 8800GTX are buggy
19:12.32sag_ich_nichtand WoWs support for them as well
19:12.34cog|workOh... mine would be getting that kinda FPS if i weren't running in windowed mode on vista with desktop composition enabled ><
19:12.36sag_ich_nichtlots of crashes on alt + tab
19:13.17Kaydeethreemeh. it's just using the unified kmod-nvidia-100.14.09- driver anyway
19:13.28cog|work>>> print(string.find("ABC123", "(%d+)"))
19:13.49sag_ich_nichtcry in his pillow about the success of oRA2?
19:14.04cog|worklua> print(string.find("ABC123", "(%d+)"))
19:14.32sag_ich_nichtthere cogwheel
19:15.42*** join/#wowi-lounge pakoz2 (
19:15.42deltronlol nice macro's
19:15.52pakoz2yo all
19:16.00LunessaHoly full on button extravaganza Batman!
19:16.34deltron <-- mine :P
19:17.09pakoz2huge raid frames
19:17.16Josh_Borkewith a wopping 109 MB of mem usage :-D
19:17.59pakoz2anyone here recommend i dump deadly boss mods and go with big wigs
19:18.13sag_ich_nicht[21:15] <deltron> lol nice macro's <--the best one is hidden in the left lower corner :P
19:18.16deltronI've used big wigs for a long time
19:18.35Antiarc|WorkI loves me some BigWigs.
19:18.44deltronsag_ich_nicht: what's it do?
19:18.46Lunessadeltron: That block of buttons below your raid frames, vas ist?
19:19.12deltronLunessa: those are my totems :P
19:19.14deltronall of them
19:19.30LunessaAh.  I use YATA for mine.  
19:19.50deltronyata was being a pain for me for some unknown reason
19:19.57LunessaShaman is level 67 and raising.  
19:20.05deltronthat's some basic shaman mod
19:20.12deltronand I use shammyspy for the timers
19:20.17sag_ich_nicht[21:18] <deltron> sag_ich_nicht: what's it do? <--summon my mount
19:20.27deltronusually I'm shammyspy/yata
19:20.39LunessaI used to use Bongos and just dedicated a bar to each totem type.
19:20.59deltronI used to have 3 bars of totems
19:21.49mikmaLunessa: same here :D
19:22.09mikmai even made the totembars come visible when i press shift
19:22.22deltronlol yeah
19:22.23LunessaI got the Earth Elemental totem the other day... <3.
19:22.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (
19:25.34*** join/#wowi-lounge flukes1 (
19:25.41deltronthe elementals are a little nice now
19:25.52deltronsince they get 2-shot instead of 1-shot
19:25.53flukes1Hey, is there an event which fires when a raid member disconnects?
19:25.55pakoz2does big wigs have a range finder
19:26.08flukes1i.e. loses their connection to the game
19:26.17LunessaThere's 2 features in BT3 that I want in Bongos2 "Fade Out" and "Page on Modifier Key"  
19:26.18deltronpakoz2: umm there's a plugin like the gruul one
19:26.31flukes1Will that fire for the entire raid though
19:26.34pakoz2ya, sry thats what i'm fter
19:26.36Antiarc|WorkNo idea.
19:26.55deltronone for gruul, that guy in kara
19:26.59deltronumm what else
19:27.22deltronnot been to him yet
19:27.29deltronguild is still working on resist gear
19:27.30deltronbut i'm sure
19:27.39pakoz2is there a way to look up what it does have events for?
19:28.16LunessaMmm... Sanity 2.  
19:29.18sag_ich_nicht[21:18] <deltron> sag_ich_nicht: what's it do? <-- btw.
19:29.38deltronohhh nice
19:29.55deltronI really need to start making macro's
19:31.48LunessaBenna always has a sexy looking lay out for her priest.  I need a bigger monitor.  
19:31.58sag_ich_nichtdoes nothing unless you are in an area where you can mount, if you're in a form it cancels that form, if you are on a mount you are unmounted, then summons the flying mount if you can fly, otherwise the ground mount
19:32.02sag_ich_nichtunless you used a rightclick
19:32.09LopeppeppyIf I replace my computer, I might get a second monitor as well.  Go right out.
19:32.09sag_ich_nichtin which case it will always summon the ground mount
19:32.22deltroni just use the mount button on autobar heh
19:33.07deltronanyone a macro god that can answer a question?
19:33.18cog|workI'm *the* macro god
19:33.20TS|Skromyour title on that mcro suggests there's a better mount macro
19:33.22LopeppeppyI use Autobar too, Delton...  I are lazy.
19:33.34LunessaI dual monitor now, but they are different form factors and I play wow in 1440 x 900 on the primary and keep a browser and TS on monitor two.
19:33.42LunessaI'm a macro High Priest.
19:34.21deltronif I have a macro to switch out my totems before casting a heal, is there a delay before the gear takes effect?
19:34.52deltronthat's what I guessed heh
19:34.53cog|workThe macro completes executing before the server even gets word that you want to change gear
19:35.03sag_ich_nichtcog|work: happy with the screenshot i gave you?
19:35.09LunessaWeapon/releic swaps invoke global cooldown
19:35.34cog|worksag_ich_nicht: I was just curious what resolution you were using at 60fps
19:35.49sag_ich_nichtit tends to drop a bit
19:35.54sag_ich_nichtand this is this LCDs native res
19:36.04deltronit'd be awesome to macro switching my healing totems with whatever heal
19:36.15deltrondidn't seem to really work when I tried
19:36.15sag_ich_nichtbut otoh, i am playing at the highest possible settings forced by driver :P
19:36.19cog|workI have all options turned up all the way in game and even some extra ones turned up in my drivers (e.g., transparency antialiasing)
19:36.31sag_ich_nichti have all of them upped to max in the driver.
19:36.34cog|workand get around 45 in shattrath at 1280x1024
19:36.40sag_ich_nichtsame here
19:36.44sag_ich_nicht60 in IF though
19:36.52cog|workyeah... if is cake :)
19:37.04sag_ich_nichti'd get constant 60 easily if i turned my addons off
19:37.11deltronI'm 45-ish in shatt, 1650x1080
19:37.15cog|workIf I weren't on vista (or at least turned off desktop composition) I get a 10-20% better rate
19:37.18sag_ich_nichtWTB proper dualcore support from WoW
19:37.31cog|worki'm on a core2 e6600
19:37.32deltronlet's protest!
19:37.41deltroncog|work: me too :D awesome proc
19:37.47sag_ich_nicht[21:37] <cog|work> i'm on a core2 e6600 <--enjoy your broken CPU
19:38.02deltronwhat theo said eh?
19:38.18cog|workyeah. read that the other day
19:38.20sag_ich_nichtHAIL theo, the grrrrrrrreat flamer.
19:38.29ShirikI just used XML in my addon
19:38.33deltronyeah, he's a disturber heh
19:38.35sag_ich_nichtbad Shirik
19:38.41sag_ich_nichtno cookie
19:38.42|Jelly|Bad! Bad! Shirik!
19:39.05sag_ich_nichti was kidding :P
19:39.17ShirikI can't make a virtual frame with lua :(
19:39.21cog|workI was too. I can't really smack anyone here :(
19:39.27|Jelly|I don't know enough about it to care either way, to be honest.
19:39.31cog|workShirik: use a table and write your own creator function
19:39.34sag_ich_nicht[21:38] <sag_ich_nicht> HAIL theo, the grrrrrrrreat flamer. <--anyone who gets what i was refering to with this gets a cookie btw. :P
19:39.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
19:39.37Shirikusually I do
19:39.43Shirikbut in this case it seems like so much work
19:39.46Shirikxml's actually going to be easier
19:39.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Vangual_ (
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19:41.02*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
19:45.55LopeppeppyI'm going to look at adoptable kitties.  Y'all stay good.
19:46.20zenzelezzdemand pics
19:46.28Antiarc|WorkLopeppeppy: beware!
19:46.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
19:46.56LopeppeppyOkay... stay froody then, |Jelly|.  *kisskiss*  If I become a mommy, I will drive you all crazy with pictures.
19:47.00*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
19:52.00sag_ich_nicht awww X)
19:53.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
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19:55.50Lunessa - I want this level of clean.  
19:56.03|Jelly|oh my god
19:56.09|Jelly|<-- would die
19:57.45LunessaSeriously.  It's functional clean, and easy on the eyes.   But I still need party/raid frames and lots of buttons - I'm just assuming he has most of them hidden away.  
19:58.24*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
19:58.45Lunessa - not bad either, but odd button placement.
20:03.43Josh_Borkewhat's up with all the odd bottom space?
20:05.31kaideni'm weird with my layouts,
20:07.37KirkburnBtw, Skull of Guldan is a mage trinket :D
20:07.52LunessaNo, not really,  You have two major sections for buttons.  And it looks like the seals/blessings thing on the right is click while the rest is key-bound.
20:08.38|Jelly|Kaiden: I like your party frames. Simple and to the point. 8)
20:08.55kaiden|Jelly|, :) no need for anything else hehe
20:09.35kaideni had to make it so they were close to my own health because i kept letting myself die
20:09.38|Jelly|Are you left handed? (Out of curiosity)
20:09.47kaidennope, why do you ask?
20:10.11|Jelly|Cause a couple friends of mine are and all their party frames, etc are on the left...opposite for right handed.
20:10.16KirkburnWow, I should try reducing my button sizes. Those are some damn clean layouts (@ Lunessa)
20:10.42LunessaI liked them too.  
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20:11.03Kirkburn*sigh*, yay for crashing
20:11.03LunessaI want to have some level of clarity like that on my screen.  
20:11.23KirkburnThat now means I lost the links to the other screenshots people posted :/
20:13.09*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
20:15.09Shiriksomeone posted in the tech support forums, a blue responded
20:15.12Shirikit was moved to the UI forums
20:15.16Shirikand then back to the tech support forums
20:15.52nevcairielCMs ftw
20:16.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Hallucinosis (n=Hallucin@
20:21.25kaiden|Jelly|, nah, i have multiple computers sitting near me and most of the time my left side is where i'm watching movies or reading websites
20:21.32kaidenso i'm used to stuff being on the left for visibility
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20:42.03Shirikwhom here knows something about dropdown menus, which I never use?
20:44.29Shirikit won't appear :(
20:44.37ShirikI know the function's being called, but it never shows up
20:44.39Shirikwant to see the code?
20:47.02Shirikthis is the xml
20:47.26Shirikthe frame in question is ExterminatorFrameTitle
20:48.36ShirikI'm a moron
20:48.37Shiriknever mind
20:48.45Shirikwait no, no I'm not
20:49.25Shirikhere's the lua:
20:50.48*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
20:51.01krkaweird... something smells burned, and now i cant get any sound
20:51.21cog|workI know the feeling...
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20:51.26Kaydeethreeyour motherboard blow a cap?
20:51.32krkapossibly, hard to tell
20:51.55cog|workI've watched a power trace on my mobo go up like a fuse in open air....
20:52.47Shirikfyi, the Lua is loaded after the XML
20:52.51Shirikbut I don't think that should be an issue
20:55.42ShirikI should point out, foxlit
20:55.45Shirikis never run
20:55.51Shirikat least as far as I can see
20:57.23|Jelly| <-- tired of those threads
20:57.43Shiriknow you know why I wrote that up
21:02.56*** join/#wowi-lounge subsonic (
21:03.20Lunessa - *sigh*
21:03.47Shirikso I'm sitting here coding
21:03.54Shirikand some guy comes up to me and gives me a void crystal and a LPS
21:04.04Shiriknever seen him before in my life
21:04.26LunessaThose sort of threads make me want to quote "The Matrix" - "That sounds like a really good deal, but I have a better one. How about I give you the finger, and you give me my phone call?"
21:04.31subsonicWhere's a good place to get started to learn to make a mod?  Also, when creating frames, do you guys tend to use XML or build them in LUA?
21:04.42sag_ich_nichtShirik wth
21:04.43deltronShirik: a fan?
21:04.44ShirikI tend to create them in Lua, but that's a preference
21:04.50Shirikalso, Lua is not an acronym
21:04.53Shirikdeltron: I have no idea ><
21:04.55Shirikhe said he was deleting his char so
21:04.57ShirikI doubt it
21:05.05deltronhah nice
21:05.24Shirikfoxlit: any idea? :(
21:05.25foxlitThough I think I'm in the minority there :)
21:05.35foxlitOh, gah, I got sidetracked, sec.
21:05.46Shiriksorry ><
21:05.57ShirikIt seems like Exterminator.MenuInit is never being called
21:06.26subsonicStrange, people in #wowace tend to build them in LUA.  But I'd like to see examples.  Anybody know of good example code of making frames with text in LUA?
21:06.40cog|worksubsonic: I use XML for one simple reason:
21:06.40Shirikagain, Lua is not an acronym
21:06.56subsonicShirik: ahh, thanks
21:06.56Lunessadeltron: Grid is not for me.  I use Clique and I'm happy with it.  I don't bother with Healbot, Decursive, or any of those.  Just bind my debuff removers to CTRL+RightClick and Shift+RightClick and I'm happy. :P
21:06.58|Jelly|LUA LUA LUA
21:07.08*** join/#wowi-lounge dotk (
21:07.12subsoniccog|work:  I don't use visual studio :)
21:07.13Shiriksubbawt: It comes down to preference
21:07.25cog|workyou don't have to memorize as many API calls because the XSD file specifies exactly which tags, attributes, and values are applicable so VS can do autocomplete
21:07.28Shirikpick which you like -- personally I hate XML, I think it just looks ugly and not very straightforward
21:07.37Antiarc|WorkHey guys, I'm founding the Lua Users Association
21:07.39Antiarc|Work(LUA for short)
21:07.42foxlitShirik: you never intialized the menu, did you?
21:07.45Shirikbut there are reasons to use XML too, some think it looks better because you can easily see its structure
21:07.54Shirikfoxlit: I'm not sure. I have UIDropDownMenu_Initialize()
21:08.05foxlitNot in the pastey? :)
21:08.06subsonicShirik: do you have examples of non XML (I don't think i want to use the xml)
21:08.15foxlitah, x2
21:08.15Shirikya, in OnLoad of ExterminatorFrameTitleMenu
21:08.34ShirikI have examples, yeah
21:08.39Shirikthey'll probably be unreadable, unfortunately
21:08.45ShirikI can try though
21:08.47cog|worksubsonic: check out
21:08.58cog|workit's incomplete, but it gives you an idea
21:08.59subsonicAlso, to display fonts, you need to put a CreateFontString in a frame?
21:08.59deltronLunessa: I don't use any of the healing mods, I'm one of the pitbull users :P
21:09.09subsoniccog: thanks
21:09.45Lunessadeltron: Ah.  The general posters made me *facepalm* so I resorted to skimming.
21:10.05deltronI haven't tried using grid at all
21:10.10deltronwell in a while
21:10.16deltronI never liked it because it's somewhat too small
21:10.36foxlitHrm, that should actually work :/
21:10.48foxlitYou aren't missing anything obvious that I can see.
21:10.52foxlitCall! and stuff outputs?
21:10.55Shirikthe only thing that is apparent to me is that Exterminator.MenuInit() is never called it seems
21:10.57Shirikit doesn't
21:11.00Shirikas far as I can see
21:11.13foxlitOkay, then things are going way wrong
21:11.22foxlitSince that init function should be called on _Initialize call as well
21:11.28*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
21:11.35LunessaI don't feel the need to add a second set of frames to do what I can do with Pitbull and PerfectRaid.
21:12.10foxlitExterminator.MenuInit isn't nil at OnLoad?
21:12.18deltronI used to use SimpleRaid
21:12.23deltronbut pitbull is fine for raid frames
21:12.32ShirikI forgot about that
21:12.35|Jelly|<3 perfect raid
21:12.56Shirikthe lua file is run after the xml file
21:12.58LunessaIt probably is.  but I  "less-than-three" PerfectRaid.
21:13.05foxlitExplains things :)
21:13.28Shirikthis is gonna get ugly then
21:13.39Shirikcause I somewhat need the xml file first too ><
21:13.48foxlitDon't call it on OnLoad, then
21:13.55deltroni'll look into perfectraid again
21:13.56subsoniccog|work: Dude, this is nice.
21:14.00Shirikoh that's just where I've seen it done
21:14.03foxlitLoad your lua, check if XML frame exists, call it in main Lua chunk :)
21:14.07Shirikah ok
21:14.35cog|worksubsonic: not mine, btw :P
21:14.48subsoniccog|work: still, this is what I'm looking for
21:15.18foxlitNot that big a deal; I usually load XML after XML-related Lua to avoid that, though (with a definitions-only mainchunk to avoid a horde of errors if I kill the XML file)
21:15.38Shirikusually I load XML later too
21:15.45Shirikjust in this case something arose where I needed the Lua first
21:16.10Shirikok well
21:16.14Shirikthis time I got "Call!" but
21:16.25Shirikno dropdown menu :(
21:16.45Shirikdoes that only get called at the beginning btw?
21:16.49Shirikor is it supposed to be called on every click?
21:17.01foxlitIt's called whenever a menu should be generated
21:17.06foxlit+ on _Initialize call
21:17.41foxlitSo you should be getting a call after your Toggle ca;;
21:17.43Shirikhm, so it's only being called on that _Initialize call
21:18.06foxlitTry running Toggle* manually
21:19.17ShirikI forgot to register for all clicks -_-
21:19.25Shirikthanks >.>
21:21.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
21:24.27Shirikperfect foxlit thanks
21:31.35subsonicWoah, status bars are easy :)  I'm surpried people haven't used them in quest mods
21:32.11*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
21:32.27krkawtf is up with this mainboard :/
21:41.40*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
21:48.11subsonichow is layering handled?
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22:00.58subsonicAnyway to comment out multiple lines at once?
22:01.26Thraesubsonic: --[[ lalalala --]]
22:03.34Shirikdon't need the -- before ]]
22:03.36Shirikbut ya
22:05.17subsonicSo I was using setWidth instead of SetWidth.  How can I see UI errors?
22:05.39Antiarc|WorkI like to use --[[ whatever ]]-- because it's nice and balanced.
22:05.46LunessaThey're logged in the logs folder
22:05.48Antiarc|Worksubsonic: BugGrabber + BugSack are my preferred poison.
22:06.41subsonicAntiarc: Just google them?
22:07.02Shirikyeah I tend to do that as well
22:07.07Shirik--[[ comment ]]--
22:07.14Shirikonly time I don't do it is when I have stuff to the right
22:07.20Shiriklike if I commented something out in the middle of a line
22:07.33Shirikor like one line in my defaults.lua:
22:07.34ShirikTalubk --[[sic]] = 5,-- This was on wowhead... is that a typo or what??
22:09.17Antiarc|Worksubsonic:!BugGrabber/! and
22:10.16Lunessa"I hope this isn't asking too much but could you put the whole macro together for me?" - And that's what I believe most of our posters are really asking.
22:11.08subsonicAntiarc: thanks!
22:13.48subsonicAntiarc: Much nicer :)  thanks
22:15.01Antiarc|WorkMakes it nice and easy, huh? :)
22:15.11Mr_Rabies2this is crazy
22:15.11subsonicmuch better
22:16.44subsonicMr_Rabies: oh yeah, seen it, it's horrible!
22:17.32mikmaanyone of you speak that language in the video?
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22:20.38Mr_Rabies2that's Arabic, and there's subtitles
22:20.45Mr_Rabies2from what i've heard, they're pretty much spot on
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22:21.07Mr_Rabies2this is on hamas' official tv station
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22:28.46subsonicFor making a frame without a border, what's the best method?
22:32.17cog|workdon't give it one :P
22:32.35subsoniccog: so no edgefile?
22:32.53cog|workpretty sure just ommiting it will work, yeah
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22:36.57subsonicWhere's blizzard's official API docs?
22:37.17MentalPowerinside blizzard
22:37.54subsonicseems the wiki doesn't have some information about stuff
22:38.00cog|workPretty sure they don't even use the docs. they just look at the source code
22:39.17Antiarc|WorkThe source is the doc :)
22:39.27cog|works/the docs/docs/
22:39.34Antiarc|WorkAll the doc on the WoW API is user-generated, barring some comments in the source files.
22:39.50Shirik-- HACK
22:39.51Shirik-- END HACK
22:39.59cog|work<3 blizz code
22:40.04Antiarc|WorkWell, like the secure headers stuff.
22:40.07Antiarc|WorkLots of good doc in there.
22:40.24cog|workyeah, but that's because Iriel had to explain it to Slouken ><
22:40.39sag_ich_nichtwtb some people from here working for blizzard
22:41.12cog|workthat would be shweet... i'd so just walk out of my job if they offered me one :P
22:41.43sag_ich_nichtdoesn't alexander work for them?
22:41.50sag_ich_nicht(well, not like he's around much :P)
22:42.09cog|workbut i don't think he does UI work there...
22:42.12sag_ich_nichti know
22:42.19sag_ich_nichthe's a "game designer"
22:42.33sag_ich_nichtsomeone should punch him to take a look at the UI code from time to time
22:44.18sag_ich_nichtcog|work: maybe you should just send them a resume :P (unless you already did)
22:45.11cog|workNo job postings for ui work :(
22:45.20sag_ich_nichtthat means nothing.
22:45.36cog|workI work at a place where people randomly send us resumes... they get tossed ><
22:45.59sag_ich_nichtyou need a good letter with the resume then :P
22:46.42cog|workI'd need a REALLY good letter, 'cause my resume is mostly irrelevant except for the Skills section... education & work experience are completely unrelated
22:47.07cog|workplus i'd have to convince them that i'd stop being a dick on the forums ><
22:47.40cog|work(though, now that |Jelly|'s around, i may be able to :P )
22:47.54sag_ich_nichtlooks like they changed their policy though
22:48.15sag_ich_nichtthey had a "but send us something anyway if you think you're really good"-like sentence on the jobs site somewhere
22:48.23sag_ich_nichtthey don't anymore, more of the reverse
22:48.34sag_ich_nichtgo make a troll post
22:48.49sag_ich_nicht"Slouken you need assistance, get them to hire some for you"
22:49.13Tem|Workslouken isn't actually the "ui guy"
22:49.22Tem|Workhis job is elsewhere
22:49.38Tem|Workspells, pathing, pet ai, I think
22:49.50sag_ich_nichthe's the only one really doing any work on the forums though :P
22:49.53sag_ich_nichtdev side
22:49.57sag_ich_nichtand eyonix
22:50.02sag_ich_nichteyonix is well
22:50.05sag_ich_nichta dick.
22:50.13Tem|Workeyonix does not get SHIT for credit on the ui forums
22:50.38sag_ich_nichti am talking about the forums in general
22:50.39Tem|Workbut he was  cool guy during the end of beta event
22:50.44Antiarc|WorkI'd actually wondered about that. Slouken seems more like the guy that works on the C<->Lua interface than the actual implementation of the WoW UI.
22:50.50Antiarc|WorkSo who writes the majority of the WoW UI code?
22:50.53cog|workAntiarc|Work: exactly
22:50.57Tem|Workhe joined our ui dev guild
22:50.58cog|workthey have other minions
22:51.15cog|workartists & lua coders
22:51.16Tem|Workand he ported to my level 45 shaman when I was stuck between a bunch of their spawned mobs
22:51.25Tem|Workto one shot them for me
22:51.28Tem|Workit was kinda cool
22:51.30sag_ich_nichti remember beta shutdown
22:52.06kaideni want to see a sleeper like event in wow
22:52.07sag_ich_nichtinfernals everywhere D:
22:52.09kaidenthat'd be fun :)
22:52.31sag_ich_nichtwtb scourge invasion
22:52.35sag_ich_nichtalso GM events
22:52.36sag_ich_nichtbut noooooooo
22:53.14kaidenso i wonder if blizzard intends on revamping mc/bwl/aq/naxx
22:53.24kaidensince.. little to nobody goes there anymore
22:53.27sag_ich_nichtthey intend on revamping gnomeregan.
22:53.30Antiarc|WorkI'd heard some rumor about them possibly upgrading Naxx to a level 70 zone.
22:53.41sag_ich_nicht(and that's not a joke either)
22:53.45Antiarc|WorkWhich would be awesome, because I love Naxx.
22:53.51sag_ich_nichtlol naxx
22:54.08kaidenrevamp the zone, make it a little less tough, change all the loot
22:54.17sag_ich_nichtleave the toughness
22:54.34sag_ich_nichtnaxx is naxx
22:54.44sag_ich_nichtjust make it work for 25 people
22:54.46sag_ich_nichtnot 40.
22:55.02sag_ich_nichtbecause you still need like 40 at 70 to get through naxx, unless you're really good
22:55.04kaideni dunno, i really liked the idea of dungeon difficulty levels, but they didn't put enough work into it
22:55.35kaidenthat should have had multiple tiers, not just 1 easy tier that gave pretty shit loot then 1 uber tier that you had to have the loot to get to
22:55.40kaidenthey could do that with Naxx
22:56.59sag_ich_nichtWTB the following dungeons and places: uldum, the instance in the wetlands, the second stormwind prison, the BG in azshara
22:57.35sag_ich_nichti forgot something
22:57.43sag_ich_nichtright, kingdoms south of silverpine
22:57.48sag_ich_nichtmirror karazhan
22:57.54sag_ich_nichtand uh
22:58.11sag_ich_nichtyeah but hyjal is borked :P
22:58.16sag_ich_nichtyeah hyjal
22:58.20sag_ich_nichtdeathwings place
22:58.27sag_ich_nicht(or who ever else that cave belongs to :P)
22:58.38sag_ich_nichtuhm, the playertown or what ever the hell the other portal in stormwind is for
22:59.12sag_ich_nichtuhm... the instance that should be in the nightelf starting area in that cave
22:59.29sag_ich_nichtthe story behind the naga in tanaris
22:59.57sag_ich_nichtcontinueing the burned down inn, the missing diplomat, eranikus chained esssence(and NOT the stupid thing from the AQ event)
23:00.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley` (
23:00.20sag_ich_nichtalso emerald dream
23:00.41sag_ich_nichtalso uhm.... wait, there is more, yeah, that furbolg keep
23:00.57sag_ich_nichtalso the goblin capital
23:01.13sag_ich_nichtwell yeah
23:01.17sag_ich_nichtfuck you and gimme blizz D:
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23:17.37AnduinLotharzomg traffic on google maps. win.
23:19.38Tem|WorkAnduinLothar, I like how on google traffic it basically just shows your entire area of the world as red
23:21.23AnduinLotharbet it's no coincidence it's announced right before the iPhone is released
23:21.42Tem|Workit's been up for at least a month
23:22.09AnduinLotharright. draggable routes go up at the same time?
23:22.20Tem|Workah, no
23:22.33Tem|WorkI haven't messed with it at all because my area isn't supported
23:23.22Antiarc|Work looks right to me.
23:23.28Antiarc|WorkWrong channel.
23:25.30sag_ich_nichtit might look right, but that doesn't change the fact that the commit is broken.
23:25.46Antiarc|WorkI'm just saying that I think it's the files script rather than the file I committed :P
23:26.08sag_ich_nichtwell what ever file is on the fileserver right doesn't have the bug fixed it should have fixed :P
23:27.36Antiarc|WorkI'll get to it when I get home :D
23:29.48Tem|Workoh wow
23:29.56Tem|WorkI farmed 3k scryer rep yesterday
23:30.29Tem|Workif I can keep that up, I'll be exalted in less than a week
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23:55.38sag_ich_nichtdaze explained
23:58.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (

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