IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070625

00:01.34*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|away_ (
00:02.55GnarfozThrae: so, it breaks because, well, because you can't do setpoint on it, if it's owned by ANCHOR_CURSOR?
00:03.54Gnarfozjust trying to understand it all ^^
00:04.24ThraeGnarfoz: The default for mouseover units is already ANCHOR_CURSOR, so giving it ANCHOR_CURSOR makes it try a :SetPoint with ANCHOR_NONE, which fails of course.
00:04.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:05.48ThraeGnarfoz: I was hoping to have the Database and Slash commands finished by the end of today...ugh
00:06.03Gnarfozso, everything left at nil, except MCursorAnchor (set to "RIGHT") should work and position the tooltip at the right side of the cursor?
00:06.42Gnarfoz(or left, possibly)
00:06.42ThraeGnarfoz: Yes, in the middle of the right side, with mouse anchoring.
00:07.46Gnarfozthen, with of course the possibility I fucked something up, again -.-,
00:17.35*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
00:18.41*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
00:21.29GnarfozFAnchor = "CURSOR", MAnchor = nil  -- works, both kinds of tooltips are centered above the cursor. from there on, setting MCursorAnchor and FCursorAnchor to "TOP" makes both kinds be anchored to "BOTTOMRIGHT" of the UI? (i.e., the default position frame tooltips have, if FAnchor = nil)
00:21.36GnarfozThrae: ---^
00:22.04Gnarfozno errors, though
00:24.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
00:24.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobwork (
00:27.10zenzelezzwas it red, was it blue?
00:28.22bleeterMike-N-Go: the barmaid in the World's End Tavern in Shattrath has a couple of new recipes since last patch
00:28.32Mike-N-Gobleeter: Thanks.
00:28.44zenzelezzI already said that several times
00:29.26zenzelezz"Lower City, like patch notes said"
00:30.02bleetersorry, did someone else say something? ;) (tbh, you're aqua coloured, like half the other posts recently in here, no idea what's up with my irssi colours they seem bust)
00:30.17zenzelezzcolors on IRC? Ew
00:30.21bleeterjust wish it'd stop setting users to the same colour as messages
00:30.31zenzelezzanyway I was more poking Mike than you about it though :-p
00:30.33bleeteronly for nicks
00:31.03Mike-N-Gozenzelezz: OK.
00:32.05zenzelezzgah, just had a 1-minute lag spike apparently... by the time it stopped all I see it MSBT scrolling for all it's worth and then "6 Minutes until release"
00:32.26Kaydeethreehate that
00:32.49zenzelezzat least it was on my all-green hunter, not my epic warrior
00:41.09Wobworkbleeter: I has a bucket!
00:42.01*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|away (
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00:42.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
00:42.16Wobworkps even wowhead's talent calculator used to cause my laptop to have 4fps
00:42.51AnduinLotharcurse my hybridity. i have 30 lvl 70 epics and not one of my gear sets is all epic..
00:44.37Gnarfozcurse my lack of a raid, no 70 epics at all :<
00:44.55foxlitflash is evil, tbh
00:45.09foxlitand IE has an uncunny ability to reduce wow fps
00:48.19AnduinLotharwhy does opennign my mail box reduce my fps to 5?
00:59.06foxlit"Imagine a world with chickens. Lots of chickens. Chickens that need killing. "
01:02.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
01:04.59*** join/#wowi-lounge TPD-Wrk (
01:06.17PolarinaHow would I go with adding few lines to a ItemRefTooltip without them disappearing?
01:17.54Mike-N-GoAnyone know when the event that is hapning this week is ends?
01:23.14zenzelezzwow I'm slow... didn't notice the "Report Spam" button on mails until now
01:33.16*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|away (
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01:33.47Mr_Rabies2i want the darkmoon faire to be here
01:33.55Mr_Rabies2so i can see if they added L70ETC or not
01:42.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (n=kody@
01:45.32*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|away (
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01:52.45*** join/#wowi-lounge [519fan]subbawt (n=heh@
01:53.05[519fan]subbawterr whoops
01:54.04*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter_ (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
01:55.07*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
02:03.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (
02:19.24ShadowedAnyone played with issecurevariable before?
02:21.26Shadowednot you
02:21.41Shadowedyou're the one making me play with it in the first place!
02:21.51clad|awayso, maybe you should ask me?
02:25.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom-_ (
02:27.23Thunder_Childno, no logic!!
02:29.12Cairenn|afkthe nerve of some people, wanting to bring logic into it!
02:29.22Shiriklogic is evil
02:29.25Shirikin any case
02:29.28ShirikI have, what do you need?
02:30.21zenzelezzit's a zomgspiracy I tell you!
02:30.26Shadowednothing, figured it out
02:30.29Shirikok :)
02:30.30Shadowedi still blame clad though
02:30.31Shirikin that case
02:30.39ShirikI'm going to sleep in preparation for another long drive tomorrow!
02:38.28zenzelezzhah, figures... [Recipe: Greater Fire Protection Potion]
02:38.28zenzelezzhow many times I 3-manned LBRS to help a friend try to get that before BC, now it drops
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02:42.10kergothany BM hunters around?
02:42.37zenzelezzwell, me, but only on my nub farmer
02:42.51*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus_ (
02:49.07kergothjust wondering whether its better to take imp aspect of the hawk and keep that up, or use viper more
02:50.34zenzelezzhm, afraid I don't know the answer to that one... personally I don't have Imp Hawk, but as I said, it's only a farm char for me, so I've not really investigated :-|
02:54.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
03:20.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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03:43.36AnduinLotharMAG DOWN!
03:43.49AnduinLotharand i, the pally, sustained 500 dps
03:43.57AnduinLotharf-ing long fight
03:44.38zenzelezzgrats :)
03:57.40Gngsk500 dps sustained would've been impressive pre-TBC
03:57.44Gngskbut grats nontheless :P
03:58.57ThraeMages can now do 1000 substained DPS!
03:59.05AnduinLotharnot single target
03:59.11ThraeAH Y DO I HAV AGRO?!
03:59.12AnduinLothari out dpsed all the mages
03:59.35ThraeAnduinLothar: As what, a Paladin?
03:59.42AnduinLotharya, ret
03:59.56AnduinLothartop dps was a rogue @ 630
04:00.27ThraeHow did I know you were a just seem the "Paladin" type.
04:00.33Gngskwell, I guess for a first kill it's not too bad
04:00.40AnduinLotharnormally i would agree, but it was 12min long
04:01.12ThraePaladins, like Druids, secretly like to hurt themselves -- especially those that made them pre-1.8.
04:01.48Mr_Rabies2<Thrae> How did I know you were a just seem the "Paladin" type.
04:01.51Mr_Rabies2perhaps the name? :P
04:02.03ThraeMr_Rabies2: Perhaps!
04:02.21ThraeLooothar, of the Hill People, Looothar!
04:04.14AnduinLotharpre 1.1
04:04.37AnduinLotharthey've buffed and nerfed us so many times i lost track
04:07.45Mr_Rabies2personally i don't care what spec you are as long as you know what you're doing
04:08.14AnduinLotharhaving to make 4 full sets of gear is kinda a drag
04:08.17Mr_Rabies2i'll jokingly make fun of restos and call moonkins laser chickens
04:08.49Mr_Rabies2but no one think's i'm being serious
04:09.11Mr_Rabies2"hey, man, what spec are you?" "all 61 in resto" "...i'm...sorry?"
04:09.13ThraeAnduinLothar: Druids need to carry more gear then Paladins, hands-down!
04:09.14AnduinLothari mean i love loot, it's like my motivation for playing.. but it's kinda painful to have to run everything 50 kajilion times
04:09.25AnduinLotharwhy's that thrae?
04:09.36AnduinLotharunless they respec alot
04:09.48ThraeAnduinLothar: Well, Feral Druids mainly.
04:09.51AnduinLotharin which case i actually have different geat for ret and holy dps
04:10.10Mr_Rabies2because our cat gear is nigh useless in bear, our bear gear is nigh useless in cat, our healing gear is useless for anything but healing, and our nuking gear is useless for anything but nuking
04:10.19Mr_Rabies2and our hybrid gear is useless for everything
04:10.40ThraeMr_Rabies2: Hybrid with high Stam is good for PvP PUGs ;)
04:10.55Mr_Rabies2good for surviving and mooching, yep
04:11.03Mr_Rabies2but useless for actually contributing
04:11.13Mr_Rabies2and hell, that's what stealth is for
04:11.30ThraeWell, I like a little extra mana in PvP then I give myself for PvE.
04:11.47Mr_Rabies2i never use what mana i have anymore
04:11.52AnduinLotharmeh: ret dps, tank, healing, pvp, spell dmg dps
04:11.59Mr_Rabies2trying to heal is a wasted effort more or less
04:12.09ThraeI'm a sucker for punishment, what can I say!
04:12.20Mr_Rabies2because it doesn't hit for hard enough to be useful
04:12.27Mr_Rabies2it's better to just burn them down faster
04:13.11ThraeAnduinLothar: That's all the gears you carry around or all you -have-?
04:13.13Mr_Rabies2i'm thinking about dropping natural shapeshifter because i rarely shift more than 3 or 4 times before my mana regens
04:13.39AnduinLothari carry all of it except one of the dps sets depending on spec
04:13.42ThraeMr_Rabies2: What about EoTS flag running?
04:13.52Mr_Rabies2what about it?
04:13.59Mr_Rabies2travel form's cheap as hell
04:14.48ThraeTravel Form's 20% without Natural Shapeshifter?
04:14.48Mr_Rabies2it's 212 mana with 3/3 NSS
04:14.48ThraeI thought it was a percentage, not a hard number.
04:15.00Mr_Rabies2at 70 that is
04:15.04Mr_Rabies2it's a % of your base mana
04:15.22ThraeOh, right. So I guess you have SOME +Int / +Mana on you ;)
04:15.42Mr_Rabies2i have 4370 mana in my gear
04:15.47Mr_Rabies2and that's plenty
04:16.05ThraeYeah, and 5 shifts will get you down to critical mana.
04:16.29Mr_Rabies25 shifts is more than i will do in enough time to either die or regen
04:16.42ThraeWell critical, not OOM
04:16.55ThraeAssuming you've regen'd at least once by that point
04:17.04Mr_Rabies2and if i'm low on mana i generally just find the fastest way to die
04:17.45Mr_Rabies2it's better than trying to get more int and hurting my dps
04:17.49ThraeDo you have any extra regen?
04:17.52Mr_Rabies2for maybe one more shift
04:18.31Mr_Rabies2100 mana regenerated every 5 sec while not casting
04:18.43Mr_Rabies20 mana regenerated every 5 sec while casting
04:18.45Mr_Rabies2so no
04:18.57Mr_Rabies2i have +4 spirit from Survival of the fittest
04:19.16ThraeYeah, I didn't mean that. Survival of the Fittest is nice for tanking.
04:19.31Mr_Rabies2that's all my +spirit
04:19.36Mr_Rabies2or +mana regen in cat gear
04:20.38Mr_Rabies2i have 0 +spirit or +int from gear
04:22.38Mr_Rabies2and i don't need it
04:23.03Mr_Rabies2because i'd rather not sacrifice damage for a meaningless amount of something that only benefits me when i'm not doing that task my gear's based around
04:23.03ThraeI have decided my next character will be named "Namecensored".
04:23.37ThraeOoh better yet, "Unknownentity"
04:24.30ThraeUnknownentity hits YOU for 234 fire damage.
04:25.07Mr_Rabies2i get that when mages come out of invis and i load to them before they do to me
04:31.04ckknightThrae: best name it "You"
04:31.53Mr_Rabies2i wonder if that'll fuck with SCT and other combat log parsers
04:32.03*** join/#wowi-lounge subbawt (n=heh@
04:32.07ScytheBlade1Probably not
04:32.16Thraeckknight: I was trying to think of -valid- names...You isn't one of them for NA :D
04:32.47Mr_Rabies2Na na na na na
04:32.53Mr_Rabies2gettin jiggy wid it
04:32.57Kaydeethree..katamari damacy
04:33.04Mr_Rabies2or katamari damacy
04:33.06Mr_Rabies2either or
04:34.24ScytheBlade1pfft, xmms
04:34.26ScytheBlade1audacious ftw
04:37.19batricksomeone said 'this' is deprecated
04:37.27batrickI get a bug when I try to use self instead of this
04:37.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
04:39.33MentalPower|Workbatrick: if you're hooking blizz functions, you still need to use this instead of self
04:39.46batrickit's just a function for an event handler
04:40.14MentalPower|Workpastey yer code
04:40.48batrickit's just this: checkbutton:SetScript("OnClick", function() bool = this:GetChecked() end)
04:41.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Bam__ (
04:42.07ScytheBlade1Is there any way to tell which bag and slot the mouse is over?
04:42.28ScytheBlade1I just found out why my addon is malfunctioning, and end result, need to find that out :/
04:43.02MentalPower|Workcheckbutton:SetScript("OnClick", function(self) bool = self:GetChecked() end)
04:43.03ScytheBlade1Are the individual slots frames?
04:43.21ScytheBlade1Wow, that'll destroy performance
04:43.48MentalPower|Worknot if you do it top down
04:44.06MentalPower|Workcheck the bag frames first, then check the slots of the bag that returns true
04:44.19ScytheBlade1Pretty sure it will if I do it several times a second.
04:45.26MentalPower|Workah if you do it OnUpdate, then yes
04:45.44ScytheBlade1OnTooltipSetItem. Almost worse.
04:46.38MentalPower|Workcan't you check the owner of the tooltip?
04:47.11ScytheBlade1Technically, the items won't always be in the bags for this.
04:47.23ScytheBlade1So I'd also have to account for 3rd party frame names too, now that I think about it
04:49.31ScytheBlade1My other option is a database of conjured items.
04:49.34ScytheBlade1Which, I don't want to do.
04:50.04*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
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04:55.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
04:55.20MentalPower|Workcan't you scan for "Conjured Item" in the TT?
04:55.37ScytheBlade1That's the problem
04:55.41ScytheBlade1(That's what I'm doing)
04:55.45ScytheBlade1Master Healthstones.
04:55.49ScytheBlade1Identical names, different ranks.
04:56.08ScytheBlade1local _, itemLink = GetItemInfo(GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText()); <-- that's only going to return the itemLink for a single rank, not multiple ranks.
04:56.32Cidebeware of items that teach you spells that conjure summoned items :P
04:57.30ScytheBlade1{"1113", "22895", "22019", "8079", "2288", "22018", "8077", "30703", "5349", "1487", "2136", "1114", "8075", "8078", "3772", "8076", "5350", "5510", "19010", "19011", "16895", "19696", "5099", "19008", "19009", "5511", "19007", "19006", "14894", "14894", "32840", "32846", "32847", "19013", "9421", "19012", "32844", "32845", "16896", "8007", "14894", "5513", "8008", "22103", "22105", "22104", "22116", "5512", "19005", "19004", "5232", "16
04:57.33ScytheBlade1For anyone interested.
04:57.37ScytheBlade1Typing that out sucked, btw.
04:57.50Bam__ScytheBlade1: if you check the tooltip owner, can't you get the bag and slot id then?
04:57.57ThraeI am totally interested in your random string of numbers.
04:58.09ScytheBlade1Thrae, as you should be.
04:58.45batrickwhat are the numbers?
04:58.49batrickitem vlaues?
04:58.52ScytheBlade1Bam__, yes, but: the tooltips won't always appear over bags (think 3rd party bars)
04:58.56batrickfor conjured items?
04:58.58ScytheBlade1Yeah, of all the conjured consumables in the game.
04:59.03batricko sweet
04:59.23Bam__ScytheBlade1: yes you will always have problems with those...
04:59.38ScytheBlade1Bam__, hence why checking tooltip owner wouldn't work. :)
05:00.05Bam__ScytheBlade1: could still make it work for the default bags
05:00.33ScytheBlade1Bam__, true. And I won't lie, that would work in every single case.
05:00.37ScytheBlade1It's just not "optimal" ;)
05:00.58Bam__what does GameTooltip:GetItem() return in this case?
05:01.06Bam__not the exact link?
05:01.31ScytheBlade1I looked into that, passed on it
05:01.38ScytheBlade1Can't remember why, let me look it up again
05:01.51Bam__hmm maybe it's the itemId and not the link
05:02.34ScytheBlade1I'm extracting the itemId.
05:03.14ScytheBlade1Holy crap, that would work perfectly.
05:03.56Bam__yea provided the tooltip has been initialized with the exact link of the item :)
05:04.25ScytheBlade1Looks like I'm about to find out
05:05.13Bam__it should be if people use GameTooltip:SetBagItem() for example
05:05.36Bam__the problem is when an addon uses SetHyperlink()
05:06.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
05:07.06ScytheBlade1Looks like it's there when OnTooltipSetItem is fired.
05:07.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
05:10.22ScytheBlade1That's odd
05:10.36ScytheBlade1OnTooltipSetItem never stops firing if you mouse over some caster oils.
05:10.53ScytheBlade1Err, it never stops firing period
05:11.01GuillotineScythe: if you want a definitive list, scan the armory with item-tooltip.xml?= for "<conjured/>"
05:11.10Guillotinesince you may not have all conjured items in your cache
05:11.18Bam__that's because many tooltips are updated by Blizzard every 0.2 seconds
05:11.35ScytheBlade1That I am
05:11.45Guillotinebut thats only consumables
05:11.49ScytheBlade1That's all I want
05:12.07ScytheBlade1I'm a mage. It sucks to destroy 30-40 slots of conjured consumables after every raid.
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05:12.17ScytheBlade1Hence, I write an addon which nukes them all for me.
05:12.19Guillotineoh, I see
05:12.32Guillotinesorry >.> sucks to come in in the middle of a discussion
05:12.45Bam__uhhh... addons that destroy something always scare me :P
05:12.45ScytheBlade1I didn't mention that detail yet anyways. No worries. :)
05:12.59ScytheBlade1Bam__, me too. Hence why I didn't want to do a list of itemIds. Typos would SUCK.
05:13.18ScytheBlade1Mostly because PickupItem() and DestroyItem() don't ask for confirmation.
05:13.21Bam__yea and bugs in the addon would too :P
05:13.22ThraeScytheBlade1: That sounds unintended. Have you reported the constant firing of OnTooltipSetItem?
05:13.41ScytheBlade1Thrae, no, I haven't. I'll write a test case and post though.
05:14.05hasteThe tooltips on the bags are updated on a OnUpdate, for cooldowns I believe
05:14.05Bam__you mean it still fires even if a tooltip is not being displayed?
05:14.10hastewhich is the reason it fires like mad
05:14.24ScytheBlade1That would make sense
05:14.28Bam__yep, as I said above... every 0.2 seconds
05:14.44ScytheBlade1That's firing at about my framerate, yeah
05:15.14ScytheBlade1Only fires once on the bars though
05:15.48Bam__yea that's because there is an event for the cooldown on actionslots
05:17.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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05:17.46Bam__if possible see if you can cache what you do on the first time the tooltip is displayed and use than on the subsequent updates
05:27.19*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (
05:56.44kergothwhat's more effective for a hunter farming, a ravager or a boar?  i could see arguments in either direction, i dunno which to use :)
05:58.15Cide-boar is awesome for charge
05:58.37Cide-but ravagar might have that too? dunno!
06:07.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
06:17.28Thunder_Childhmm...wonder why this is called the way it is
06:18.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkkuu (
06:24.28Nom-yay finally got my ldap address searching thing sorted out
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06:54.42ShadowedThunder_Child: Because Cairenn|afk let me get away with it, basically
06:55.11Thunder_Childpushing the envelope?
06:58.21Shadowedno just couldn't come up with any name, will change it once i get one
06:59.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
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08:20.37Corrodiashow interesting has history data on characters for their levels and guild memberships
08:21.26Corrodiasi did not know this
08:21.48Corrodiasapparently i was in a guild back before level 30 for a little while. as i recall, it must have been that i signed somebody's charter for them and didn't bother to /gquit until it dissolved
08:21.50zenzelezzit's not accurate though; relies on the method they farm it
08:22.20Corrodiaswell, it's not precise. i can't say if its data is incorrect, though
08:23.15zenzelezzI mean it can be incorrect in the sense that you may, for example, leave a guild, or ding, and it will go unregistered for some time because you were not online when they updated their data
08:23.43Corrodiashere's mine. yay.
08:23.58Corrodiasi was wondering how long it took me to get through those levels. now i have a vague outline :D
08:24.45Corrodiasthe gap between january and august 2006 was my first big wow vacation
08:26.51zenzelezzI really loved's character info for Anarchy Online characters; example:
08:27.27Corrodiaswhat's that unlabelled graph?
08:27.42zenzelezzcharacter's level
08:32.37Corrodiastheir page for my realm says it doesn't have enough horde data. maybe i can help!
08:32.45CorrodiasA to H Ratio:  2.7 : 1
08:33.27Corrodias47% are either human or night elf? o.O i hope that's an artifact of the lack of horde data
08:33.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Soulless (n=Fridgid@
08:44.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
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08:50.38Mr_Rabies2this guy:
08:50.41Mr_Rabies2owns IGE now
08:56.54Corrodiaswell, somebody has to
08:57.13Mr_Rabies2well actually, it appears he sold off ige and works with affinity now
08:57.18Mr_Rabies2according to this article
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08:57.37Mr_Rabies2but it appears that he's still interested in the secondary market
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09:04.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Soulless (n=Fridgid@
09:10.08Corrodiasi should probably go to bed, now
09:10.10Corrodiasor a couple of hours ago
09:11.00Mr_Rabies2same here
09:11.48Corrodiasi want to play my hunter more. i was back in karazhan today. as the kil'rek tank. boy is that an annoying role.
09:12.14Corrodiasjust whack him a few times and then do as much damage to illhoof as i can, which isn't much in bear form.
09:12.50Corrodiasoh to be the manaless dps! mangle, shred, rip!
09:13.38Corrodiaswe actually almost had him that last time, but we dragged out the fight so long that he enraged and everbody suddenly fell down. :P
09:15.03zenzelezzwe tend to just have one tank for both Illhoof and Kil'rek
09:15.40Corrodiasi'm totally going to recommend that next time. kil'rek doesn't do -that- much damage (i think i'm taking about 760 per hit or so as a bear)
09:15.57zenzelezzmore focused healing that way also
09:15.58Corrodiasi've actually only looked at the number once, and that was the one i saw
09:16.24zenzelezzone healer on tank, two or so on chains works for us usually... just have to be careful with aggro on Illhoof at the pull
09:16.40Corrodiasif i can just farm/buy another 60 felweed, i can provide 90 mana potions to the raid, even though i don't use mana. that's just the flower picking machine i am.
09:17.27Corrodiasaggro on illhoof at the pull? we've never had a problem with that, although the MT's MH is a paladin
09:17.38zenzelezzI mean if he's tanking both
09:17.45Corrodiasah yes
09:18.11zenzelezztanking Kil isn't too tough though, just taunt him if he runs off and punch him a little
09:18.46Corrodiasthis is an awesome idea
09:19.35Mr_Rabies2i should find me an alchemist willing to make me potions for tips
09:19.51Mr_Rabies2then i get all the benefits of alchemy without having to drop enchanting
09:20.17Corrodiasmy guildmates are happy to sit there clicking their potion buttons as long as i keep inserting materials and vials
09:20.38Mr_Rabies2don't they know they're indirectly driving prices down?
09:21.10Mr_Rabies2well, i guess you coulnt really deny a guildy
09:21.45Mr_Rabies2but if i'm in a run, i dont let anyone know i'm an enchanter unless i know they know i am
09:21.48Corrodiasindeed... i'm providing 180 dreaming glory, 90 felweed, and 90 imbued vials for guild use
09:21.54Corrodiasthey can make some damn potions
09:21.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Soulless (i=Fridgid@
09:22.10Mr_Rabies2to assist in keeping the market from getting too saturated
09:22.13zenzelezzjust be sure to use a potion spec one
09:23.27Corrodiasi really have no idea how guildmates make money. they don't really discuss it.
09:23.36Corrodiasi have plenty of cash, and i got it all from quests
09:23.57Corrodiaswell, that's not true. i sold some clefthoof leather a while back. that was good for a couple hundred g.
09:24.18Mr_Rabies2quests at 70 net you a ton of gold
09:24.42Corrodiasi was lamenting how i ran out of quests on my druid, but then they opened those daily quests
09:25.13Mr_Rabies2hell i'm at 2000 again after getting epic flying, Stylin purple hat, the full clefthoof set
09:25.18Corrodiasme too
09:25.27Mr_Rabies2i'm out of quests other than dailies
09:25.30Mr_Rabies2and they're getting boring
09:25.33Corrodiasi don't bother to farm gold or things to sell because i have no expenses other than repair bills
09:25.52Corrodiasnow i'm playing my little hunter alt most of the day
09:26.41FinI got my epic flying mount yesterday
09:26.44Finhoo boy
09:26.49Corrodiastook this long? LOSER!
09:26.55Corrodiasj/k. enjoy
09:26.56FinI only got to 70 last week
09:27.16Finepic mounts give me the horn something rotten
09:27.17zenzelezzI finally went and got my hunter to 70 the other day so I can farm stuff for my warrior... about a dozen times faster
09:27.24Corrodiasyou may be surprised how hard it seems to find felweed when you actually WANT it
09:27.43Corrodiasare you going for a netherdrake/ray, Fin?
09:28.02Finah, not yet, but I'd go for a nether ray I think - they look a bit silly but at least they're original :)
09:29.08FinI was lucky, a mate of mine who quit the game in April (and still has no intention of playing again, so I think it's safe he's not coming back) gave me a load of money, is why I was able to get my mount so quickly
09:29.41Finnow I have to concentrate on getting raid-ready so I can join a proper guild
09:30.08Mr_Rabies2enjoy your spaceslug
09:30.36Mr_Rabies2i can turn into a damn bird
09:30.54Finhealing's OK, up to about +980, but only 16 mp5
09:30.55Corrodiaswell, what do you consider a proper guild? are you going to be doing a LOT of raiding? like 6 hours straight for days a week?
09:31.13Finwell, I use the word "proper" compared to my current guild, which is my own
09:31.28FinI'm actually sort of planning to start my own guild at some point
09:31.30Corrodiasi'd think most of the guild other than hardcore raiding guilds would take you before you get to the point of being ready to raid as long as you have the intention of doing so if you can gear up a little
09:31.32FinI used to be a guild master a while ago
09:32.07Finwhen I quit, I always said I'd start another guild some day and do it properly (the guild I was made guild master of was quite messy, I always wanted to start from scratch)
09:32.35Finso right now I'm in a guild with 18 alts and people who've quit their old guilds and want somewhere to park
09:32.52Finso, "proper" = a fairly casual guild that raids a couple times a week
09:33.19Corrodiassounds like ours
09:33.20FinI don't know if I'll be able to do it
09:33.35Finbut I'd like to have a guild that doesn't have the sorts of problems I see most guilds have
09:33.37Mr_Rabies2i was in one of those
09:33.38Corrodiasalthough now we're up to 4-5 nights a week, still stuck in karazhan and can't get maulgar down yet
09:33.52Mr_Rabies2until the night a 70 mage asked "hey is Attack power or spell crit better"
09:33.59Mr_Rabies2i found a new guild within a week
09:34.11Corrodiasyou had one clueless player in the guild and decided to jump ship?
09:34.16Corrodiasis there more to the story?
09:34.24Mr_Rabies2yeah, lots more noobishness
09:34.35Mr_Rabies2but that one was the camel that broke the bear's brain
09:35.10Corrodiasi've recently been educating the level 51-52 hunter alt of one of our rogues who is trying to get keyed for karazhan
09:35.29Mr_Rabies2wiping on nonheroic mechanar 10 times in a row, stuff like that
09:35.49Corrodiashe didn't know how to use autocast abilities on the pet properly (had growl AND cower going) or how to train new pet skills, like learning claw 7
09:35.51Corrodiasat level 52
09:36.06Corrodiashe's not a bad rogue at all
09:36.16Mr_Rabies2i've always gotten the new pet skills the earliest level possible
09:36.31Corrodiasand he's surprised at himself for not knowing this stuff, but i can't imagine HOW he got that far without knowing any of this
09:36.31Mr_Rabies2even if it means dying quite a few times training angrybears
09:36.42Mr_Rabies2Corr, he's probably stuck soloing
09:36.45Corrodiasme too
09:36.51Mr_Rabies2and there's almost no hints to it
09:36.53Corrodiasme too!
09:37.06Mr_Rabies2hell i didn't know how focus worked exactly until last week
09:37.21Mr_Rabies2i knew it was similar to energy, but couldn't track down numbers
09:37.26Corrodiaswell, i've done a lot of reading about the hunter class. i'm willing to say that i know as much as is possible without having played more than 54 levels of a BM spec hunter.
09:37.29Mr_Rabies2the pet focus, that is
09:37.35Finfocus is damn useful
09:37.42Mr_Rabies2not /focus
09:37.44Corrodiasthat is, as much as can be known without experience, except for bm spec
09:37.47Mr_Rabies2the pet power meter
09:38.00Corrodiashaving focus is useful, too. hahah
09:38.09Mr_Rabies2i've been told that doing the uhh
09:38.11Corrodiasmana, that's some good stuff there
09:38.29Mr_Rabies2teaches you a shitload
09:38.37Corrodiashave to find a way to get that deep into MC
09:38.51Mr_Rabies2they should make a mob in zangarmarsh drop it
09:38.59Fin20 man MC raids, organise a pickup through the forums, they're fun
09:39.05Mr_Rabies2or the item that begins the quest
09:39.16zenzelezzjust move it to Attumen
09:39.24Corrodiaswe tried a guild run of MC. it was great fun, but we only had a couple of hours and didn't get all that far into it
09:39.35Corrodiaswe beat a three-headed dog and some kind of rock elemental
09:39.37Finhow many people?
09:39.40Mr_Rabies2finding reasonably skilled players that are interested is not easy :[
09:39.56Corrodiasaround 20 by the end of the run, various levels, mostly 70
09:40.00Corrodiasi think
09:40.15Mr_Rabies2most of the reasonably skilled ones on my server ran MC enough times to know the place by heart and predict drops reasonably well
09:40.23Mr_Rabies2"i bet he's gonna drop that damn ring again"
09:40.23Finwere most of the people relatively new? ie not with so much MC experience?
09:40.30*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
09:40.32Mr_Rabies2Sulfuron dies.
09:40.40Corrodiassome of us sure were. i had never stepped foot inside MC before that night.
09:40.42Mr_Rabies2Lewts: That damn ringggggg
09:40.44Finwe used to blow through MC in Adys' pickup in about three hours I think in a full 40-man raid
09:41.00Corrodiasat least one person had never been in a raid before. she was a hunter who didn't have Misdirect learned. like, didn't have it. at all.
09:41.06zenzelezzring from Sulfuron? When I went we always saw Vendorstrike
09:41.10Fingot Rag down before the sons spawned for the first time with that raid, too :)
09:41.41Finyeah, we always got vendorstrike also
09:41.53Mr_Rabies2i meant geddon
09:42.05Mr_Rabies2yeah, we saw vendorstrike on sulf every drop
09:42.18Finthe trinket from Rag though, now there's a truly useless item
09:42.31Finwhat's it called again...
09:42.59FinEssence of Pure Flame
09:43.00Finthat's it
09:43.16Finyou'd think a fire god would have something a bit more powerful
09:43.32Corrodiashe's just an elemental
09:43.39Corrodiashigh-ranking of course, but no god
09:43.39Finhe's not *just* an elemental
09:43.57Finanyway, I know, I know, but you know what I mean :)
09:43.58Corrodiasservant of the old gods
09:44.19Corrodiasor follower. or something. those elementals are crazy.
09:44.20*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
09:44.23Mr_Rabies2and the winner for best spell effect in the game goes to...
09:44.45Finoh dude
09:44.47Corrodiasis this spell effect attached to anything in the gamE?
09:44.50FinI want that so, so much now
09:45.22Finwhere does it drop? what item uses it?
09:45.26Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure it's an internal item
09:45.31Finyeah, probably is :(
09:45.33foxlitFunny, my internet seems to be pretty selective in what it connects to
09:46.03FinI bet my internet could beat your internet in a fight
09:46.43foxlitWeird timeouts somewhere along the line to europe :/
09:46.44Fin"bet my internet's dad could beat your internet's dad!"
09:46.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Fridgid (i=Fridgid@
09:46.51Mr_Rabies2my internet once killed a fully grown kodiak bear in a fistfight
09:46.52Fin"my internet's dad is dead :("
09:48.44Corrodiasi take it that executus is pretty deep into MC? :(
09:48.57zenzelezzsecond to last
09:49.03Corrodiasthat's going to be a long night...
09:49.10Finhe's the penultimate boss
09:49.14Finyou don't have to do it all in one night
09:49.25Mr_Rabies2we cleared all of mc in <4 hours
09:49.26Mr_Rabies2at 60
09:49.26Corrodiastrying to get a pug to go BACK to MC in the same week?
09:49.35Corrodiasdude, you knew how MC works
09:49.38Findoesn't have to be the same PuG
09:49.46Mr_Rabies2mc works like cake
09:49.55Corrodiasare... are you aware of Raid ID's, Fin? :o
09:49.56Mr_Rabies2heroics require 1000x more strategy than mc
09:50.01Finthere might be other people who want their rhok
09:50.09Fincorridias: er, yes
09:50.13Mr_Rabies2organize a 40 hunter raid
09:50.20Mr_Rabies2god knows there's enough of them
09:50.21Corrodiasoh sure. have competition for the leaf.
09:50.39Fincorrodias but I'm sure you can get a pickup to go a certain length, then try and get more people who only want the stuff at the end to come later?
09:50.47Finjust an idea mate
09:50.52Corrodiasyeah, i'd love to try it
09:50.52Mr_Rabies2no one else wants the stuff :p
09:50.58zenzelezz"You four, kite the adds to the entrance while we kill these"
09:51.01Corrodiasi'm not the kind of person who can lead or organize, though
09:51.11Finhave you tried? :)
09:51.11Mr_Rabies2they just want to run it for memories
09:51.25Mr_Rabies2i bet mc would be pretty easy with raid targets
09:51.33Mr_Rabies2i haven't been there since they've been introduced
09:51.35Finzenzelezz: heh
09:51.38Mr_Rabies2especially geddon
09:51.49Finit's easier, but still not *that* easy
09:51.52Mr_Rabies2not geddon
09:51.57Mr_Rabies2the EXPLODEY ADDY guy
09:52.10Finwe used to get a priest to mind vision one of the adds
09:52.17Finshit, I still can't remember all their names properly
09:52.23Finthere's too many Ms and Gs and As
09:52.25Mr_Rabies2we set CTRA targets
09:52.58Finheh, yeah, I saw those addons where you could "paint" raid targets on adds
09:53.11foxlitdetect collisions on tank targets, tell tanks to retarget until they all have something unique
09:53.32Corrodiasanyway, my guild did go in, and we were there for a couple of hours but only got the first couple of bosses down, i tell you
09:53.38foxlit(That was fun - we told everyone to target an add, any add, and then told tanks who to assist for targets)
09:53.42FinI was a tank at that point, I had tried so many different addons that did stuff like that
09:54.07Mr_Rabies2hell you can fight domo like
09:54.10Finnot many of them were that great in practise
09:54.15Finmajorhomo and the flaming wankers
09:54.21Finalways thought that sounded like a band name
09:54.33foxlit[Note: Although often referred to as "tokens", the items required for Tier 4 raid armor appear as actual, if statless, pieces of armor. Each piece can be used by 3 different classes for any of its Tier 4 armor, and the tooltip will indicate which class can use that particular piece. No other items are required. ]
09:54.36foxlitWiki is so misguided
09:55.00Finso update it!
09:55.05Finthat's the whole point of a wiki :)
09:55.10Mr_Rabies2how's that misguided? :O
09:55.17foxlitYou can't equip T4 tokens.
09:55.25Mr_Rabies2i think it means the icons
09:55.35foxlitThey are, for all effects and purposes, tokens.
09:55.36Mr_Rabies2are those of armor
09:55.42Finfoxlit: go on, fix the page
09:55.58foxlitNo, I plan on pointing out that inaccuracy seventeen more times in different channels!
09:56.05Mr_Rabies2"The items appears as pieces of armor, but are unequippable"
09:56.10Finpeople who complain about incorrect information on wikis and don't update them should be shot :)
09:56.18Mr_Rabies2"The items appears as pieces of armor, but are unequippable until traded for their complete counterparts"
09:56.23Mr_Rabies2or something along those lines
09:57.30*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
09:58.04foxlitIt's fun how those things persist, though
09:58.12foxlitThat comment was probably there for ages
09:58.55FinI would admit to not having noticed the error myself
09:59.57FinI tend to not fully process things information like that unless it's necessary for something else, I've gotten used to skimming web pages and I'm not great at it
10:00.51*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
10:00.55Finbut I've also trained myself to double check stuff if there's likely to be an error and it's important
10:01.03FinI'll never be a computer scientist
10:01.19Mr_Rabies2i cannot
10:01.21Mr_Rabies2for the life of me
10:01.24Mr_Rabies2find a map of mC
10:01.45Fingoogle "map molten core"
10:01.50Finthere's like three at the top of the page
10:01.55Mr_Rabies2there we go
10:01.59foxlitgoogle times out, still :(
10:02.03Mr_Rabies2from the most obvious location
10:02.21Mr_Rabies2domo only shows up when you extinguish the flames, right?
10:02.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Nimble (
10:02.53Finwell, the rune thingies
10:03.01Fin+click on
10:03.14Corrodiassome of our guild have the items required... but not enough of us :o
10:03.30Finshit, yeah, the MC attunement process would be a pain
10:03.35Finforgot about that
10:03.43Corrodiasby the time our run ended, we had 2 symbols untouched and at least 20 minutes left on the item's cooldown
10:03.48Corrodiashey, MC attunement is easy
10:03.53Finand would you have to do it again each time?
10:03.57Finoh, right, yeah
10:04.03foxlitFin: no
10:04.09Finit's a permanent item now, I forgot
10:04.15foxlitAt revered, that
10:04.34Corrodiasand that isn't attunement
10:05.05Finyes, sorry; brain -> IRC filter is dropping packets
10:05.05Corrodiasi have a vague idea of what you're talking about, but the attunement is just talking to the guy outside BRD and touching a stone outside the MC portal or something
10:05.18Finthat's right, sorry
10:05.32Finit's a Blackrock Depths quest
10:06.22Finbut you have to go and see this guy in the middle of Azshara to get the item to extinguish the flamerunethings
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10:06.33Mr_Rabies2this picture is on kirkburn's userpage
10:06.38Mr_Rabies2and it scares the SHIT out of me
10:06.58Finwow, look at those eyebrows
10:07.11Corrodiasand there's no way to get a good rep with the waterlords except by running MC. yay.
10:07.28Corrodiasso we can't get our people more vials without a lot of MC, which we won't do just to get some hunter quest
10:07.48Finyou're not guaranteed of getting the leaf, either :)
10:07.57zenzelezzyou can just go back and get more vials, summon them back
10:08.00Fins/of getting/to get/
10:08.16Finit's miles away, but yeah
10:08.34zenzelezzset your hearthstone nearby
10:09.22zenzelezzbut you only need eight vials total, should be possible to get eight people with one?
10:10.07Corrodiaslooks like you need to do some stuff to even get the consumable versions
10:10.18Corrodiasnot quite as terrible, still requiring a group
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10:10.44Finthat's what I meant when I said that the attunement process would be a pain
10:10.46Corrodiasoh, including killing 4 MC bosses
10:11.02Finit's running around all over the place and stuff... or am I thinking of Ony
10:11.24FinI'm thinking of Ony
10:11.39Mr_Rabies2is there a consumable version anymore?
10:11.47foxlitHorde Ony
10:12.00FinAlliance Ony is the only one I've done
10:12.04Finalthough I'm Horde now
10:12.08Corrodiasi will have that bow, somehow
10:12.19foxlitYou get consumable versions at low rep, persiting version at high rep
10:12.19Corrodiasanyway, off to bed with me. 'ni
10:12.30foxlitCan't even connect to wow, evil
10:12.34FinCorrodias: transfer your character to a server doing regular MC pickups, then transfer back
10:12.39Finshould only take 6 months
10:12.50Finoh, is it only 2?
10:12.51Corrodiasi will have it WITHOUT spending $50
10:12.53Finwell hey, bonus
10:13.48FinI wonder if Benediction is actually any good nowadays
10:13.53FinI loved that quest
10:14.41Finhuh, no, not really then - only +106 healing
10:14.46Finlooks pretty though
10:15.15foxlitLeotheras is so fun
10:16.11Finis that the hunter quest?
10:16.23Finoh, no
10:16.30foxlitNo, SSC boss that's like sartura on drugs
10:16.41Finfoxlit: does / other tld time out also?
10:16.52foxlitSuprisingly, no
10:16.52Finoh, wow, sounds good
10:17.00foxlitPinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
10:17.00foxlitReply from bytes=32 time=47ms TTL=245
10:17.18foxlitPinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
10:17.18foxlitRequest timed out.
10:17.29Fins'not that surprising really :) they're quite good about proper geolocation
10:17.52foxlitBut they're not good to the point of having pings time out :)
10:17.53FinI suppose being one of the biggest internet companies in the world, they should be
10:18.14foxlitI suspect there's something very wrong in one of the cables connecting me to continental europe
10:18.16Finbut that's beside the point, big companies being good at things they should be good at is not generally the rule
10:18.44Finbig companies being good at *selling* things they should be good at, that's the rule
10:18.48foxlitInsidius whispers are the best, really :P
10:18.56Finwhat does he say?
10:19.08foxlit"We all have our demons"
10:19.26foxlitSummons an add with 11k health that only you can kill; failing to do so within 25 seconds leads to you getting mindcontrolled
10:19.56foxlitIt is, until you reliaze what critical 15% of your raid can't do that much damage.
10:19.57Fin25 seconds, shit
10:20.20Finhow big is the raid? 25-man?
10:20.34purlWhat is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk! Have at you!
10:20.46Mr_Rabies2sorry, was checking to see if that was still working :p
10:20.47foxlitI'll change that to 30%
10:21.25Corrodiasall the healers and tanks, i suppose...
10:21.36foxlitHealers mainly
10:21.47foxlitI'm not sure what's up with tanks, but they didn't seem to be affected
10:21.58Corrodias10k damage in 25 seconds? well, maybe by the time you get to SSC, your prot warriors can output that much damage. :)
10:22.08foxlitSupposedly, the adds are vulnerable to holy, arcane and nature, but it doesn't seem to help them much
10:22.10Finfoxlit: that is now my favourite Youtube video
10:22.14zenzelezzsure about that Corr?
10:22.34Corrodiaswhy are you asking me? if the tank gets mind controlled, the raid is over, so they must be doing it somehow
10:22.40Corrodiasi haven't been to SSC
10:22.48Corrodias*if a tank
10:23.00foxlitWell, it's in the demon phase, so the only thing tanking him is a warlock
10:23.19foxlitEveryone else is pretty much free to do whatever.
10:23.23Corrodiasthen any prot warriors will have dps gear with them? >_>
10:23.26Finare there any items you can get like bombs that are useful for that fight? are the demons vulnerable to anything?
10:23.39Corrodiaswell, never mind. if i really wanted to know, i'd look it up.
10:23.43foxlitI'm not in a position to say, tbh :(
10:23.46Corrodias[away] @ bed
10:23.48Finoh, I didn't read scrollback, sorry foxlit
10:24.07foxlitKilled my add too fast the only time it spawned one on me
10:24.11foxlitSome conspiracy theory
10:24.11Mr_Rabies2i wonder if this quote from Kael'thalas is a castlevania reference
10:24.48Finmy favourite quote from WoW is one from the guy that spawns when you get the Thunderfury
10:25.05Finwonder if I can remember what that is, hmm
10:25.46zenzelezzMy power is discombobulatingly devastating!
10:26.15Mr_Rabies2Mike Tyson
10:26.26Finoh, it's on WoWWiki
10:26.32Finand thanks, zenzeleez :)
10:26.51Fin"My power is discombobulatingly devastating! It is ludicrous that these mortals even attempt to enter my realm!"
10:27.22foxlitChalice "Now... you DIE!"
10:28.13foxlitI've taken to codenaming releases of my addon with bossquotes
10:28.16foxlitFun :)
10:28.30FinBlood Bloodlord Mandokir's dings and grats are pretty cool as well :)
10:28.35Finheh, cool
10:28.45*** join/#wowi-lounge lolinternet (i=bitch2k@
10:29.23zenzelezzI'm a sucker for boss quotes
10:29.45Fina friend of mine wanted to name all the guild ranks in his guild after random quotes that you see NPCs saying around the world :)
10:30.07*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (i=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
10:30.07foxlitLast one was "It is only a matter... of time."
10:30.08*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower] by ChanServ
10:30.18Finwho's that from? :)
10:30.28foxlit(preceded by "<Kalgan> zomg patch tomorrow!")
10:30.36foxlitEnd boss of BM
10:30.56foxlitWas a tie between him and Moroes (Time... never enough time), since the release was mostly timer-oriented
10:31.05Finis the +v a particular thing granted to people on this channel by its admins, or a server thing?
10:31.30foxlitBoth, I think
10:31.39zenzelezzDo not touch the displays.
10:31.40foxlitAdmins have to tell chanserv to voice you automatically
10:31.46foxlitcurator :P
10:31.53Finand you have to be registered for that to happen
10:32.30zenzelezzAnub'Rekhan had a lot of cool quotes; in my taste anyway
10:32.53foxlitIt'll all be over soon.
10:33.00foxlitI use that one as part of a /comfort joke
10:33.00Mr_Rabies2every time something in the caverns of time makes a time parody
10:33.06Mr_Rabies2i punch a baby
10:33.12Mr_Rabies2er, time pun
10:33.27foxlitGrand Widow, though
10:33.44zenzelezzFaerlina? <3
10:34.51FinI would like a windows utility where I can ctrl+click two files, right click, and choose "show diff" - anyone know of one that'll do that?
10:35.08Finbasically, a diff tool that'll modify the context menu for multiple files
10:35.43Mr_Rabies2the funniest thing i've ever seen though
10:35.51foxlitdamn, can't find the /o quote
10:35.59Mr_Rabies2is blizzard's offtopic interview video
10:36.02Mr_Rabies2where they're like
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10:36.40Mr_Rabies2"the greatest thing is when these people come up with these long convoluted strategies that we completely didn't intend that people still use to this day"
10:36.43Mr_Rabies2referring to chromaggus i think
10:36.59zenzelezznever trust people to do things the way you intend :-p
10:37.20zenzelezzThere will be pain; oh so much pain
10:38.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
10:38.38Mr_Rabies2here it is
10:38.49zenzelezzMr_Rabies: cheers
10:39.14Mr_Rabies2i'd love to visit blizzard hq
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10:39.46Mr_Rabies2if it wasn't for my hatred of the average wow player, i'd love to become a GM
10:40.16MoonWolfavarage wow players are not the worst part of the job
10:40.36Mr_Rabies2i hear reporting suicides is the worst part
10:40.37MoonWolfthe avarage wow players is a dream compared to the idiots that create the bulk of the "hard" tickets to fix.
10:40.46Mr_Rabies2and other than that, RPers
10:41.07MoonWolfNever heard that before.
10:41.11Mr_Rabies2apparently sometimes people send in GM tickets when they go to commit suicide
10:41.18MoonWolfthe rp'er part that is.
10:41.30Mr_Rabies2and having to ask "are you okay?" to someone who may or may not be dead is not a great feeling
10:41.53foxlitShouldn't there be a pre-typed lawyer-approved reply for that?
10:41.54Mr_Rabies2RPers are a problem because they tend to report people for stupid stuff
10:41.55MoonWolfare you okay? No I'm about to kill myself you idiots, i'm no okay!
10:42.23Mr_Rabies2and they have to get ahold of the authorities if they get no response
10:42.32Mr_Rabies2i dunno if the GM's themselves do it or get a supervisor or what
10:42.34MoonWolffoxlit, the last thing you do to try and make someone not kill themselves is throw macro's at them.
10:42.50Mr_Rabies2oh, and when RPers report 100 names at once
10:42.50foxlitI'm not sure.
10:42.58Mr_Rabies2that gives the GM one ticket towards his quota
10:43.00MoonWolfwow, this totally unpersonal generic message made me want to not kill myself.
10:43.12foxlitWhat you do by default may be orders of magnitude worse
10:43.23MoonWolfguidlines would be good
10:43.23Mr_Rabies2but he'll have to spend about an hour sorting all the names out and going through the red tape
10:43.31MoonWolfpremade messages BAD.
10:44.16MoonWolfhow hard would it be to make a specific name report tool
10:44.21MoonWolfto streamline that shit.
10:44.43MoonWolfput name in box a, put reason in box b, goes to s special queue for name tickets.
10:45.09Mr_Rabies2or RPers could stop being such pansies
10:45.32MoonWolfmr_Rabies there is a policy on those realms for naming
10:45.41MoonWolfis it unusual for them to want it enforced ?
10:46.16Mr_Rabies2no, but it's annoying to hear them moan and complain about stuff that doesn't matter
10:46.33Mr_Rabies2that's like reporting someone for accidentally saying "fuck" in general chat
10:47.15Mr_Rabies2if they're going into flame mode or being tourettes guy about it
10:47.18Mr_Rabies2then i understand
10:47.28Mr_Rabies2but one accidental profanity is just a waste of a GM's time
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10:48.49MoonWolfits people
10:48.58MoonWolfpeople in general are idiots, live with it.
10:49.14Mr_Rabies2that's why......
10:49.23Mr_Rabies2<Mr_Rabies2> if it wasn't for my hatred of the average wow player, i'd love to become a GM
10:50.56Mr_Rabies2i hate ordinary people too, but wow players much more
10:52.08OsagasuWell, Rabies... if Blizzard would properly enforce RP server rules, 10 and 15 of us wouldn't have to send tickets with 100 names each.  They need to be able to actively enforce the rules, not reactively.
10:53.07MoonWolfI'd be fine with a name aproval system
10:53.16MoonWolfi'm not going to create alts on a rp server like mad anyway
10:53.44OsagasuThe names aren't the only thing.
10:53.55MoonWolf(all my high levesl are on rp servers of some sort either rp or rp-pvp)
10:54.19OsagasuAh, it means you know our problems.
10:54.25zenzelezzI don't play on an RP server, but I would imagine the names, for the most part, would be the least of problems
10:54.59OsagasuThey are the least of our problems, but they're the only.. ONLY things we can get GMs to enforce.
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10:55.31OsagasuI have never seen a person even warned for breaking RP rules continually.
10:55.48Mr_Rabies2how can they actively enforce naming rules?
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10:55.59zenzelezzI remember when I got the game and was reading through the manual while installing; I kept thinking "wow, RP server rules are strict!"
10:56.01Mr_Rabies2unless they turn off name creation for rp realms
10:56.05MoonWolfevery char created gets looked at
10:56.07Mr_Rabies2and make them all use the random name generator
10:56.14Mr_Rabies2no way
10:56.18MoonWolfsomeone who is good can go through about 50 an hour
10:56.19Osagasuit's easy.  /who 1-10 every 5 minutes or so.  Takes one person.
10:56.23Mr_Rabies2that's the most inefficient thing i've ever seen
10:56.49Fininefficient but easy
10:57.38Mr_Rabies2more work than waiting on RPers to send in a ticket
10:57.51OsagasuWith 100 names?
10:57.59OsagasuI think not.
10:58.15Mr_Rabies2you don't understand how many characters get created in a minute
10:58.19OsagasuBecause if one of us has sent in names, most of the time there's a group of us doing it
10:58.43Mr_Rabies250 an hour would be a backlog of like a month in like a year
10:58.46zenzelezzjust flag RP characters as "new" on creation, and don't allow them to level past 10 without having the flag removed when the name was validated
10:59.11Mr_Rabies2they could just close all the rp servers
10:59.15Mr_Rabies2and be done with it
10:59.17Mr_Rabies2that's about as useful
10:59.25Mr_Rabies2probably more useful and a lot less work
10:59.29OsagasuThey wouldn't do that, because then they lose money.
11:00.16Mr_Rabies2i dunno, hiring a huge team of GMs who do nothing but check every character created seems like a pretty big waste of money too
11:01.31zenzelezzin my brief period of trying EQ2 shortly after release I tried an RP server... was a bit freaked out by all the "<number>th season <class> looking for adventure" on the chat channels
11:01.48Mr_Rabies2i'm just glad i don't have any characters on RP servers other than ones i use to laugh at others
11:01.54OsagasuLike I said, /who 1-10 every 5 or 10 minutes.  It doesn't have to be perfect, but skimming through the names would take less than 30 seconds.  I know this because I've done it.
11:01.57Mr_Rabies2i really hate the communities of those places
11:02.13Mr_Rabies2/who 1-50 on 200 servers is going to take a lot of people a lot of time
11:02.25Mr_Rabies2filling out a namechange takes about 5 minutes in and of itself
11:02.28Osagasudid I say 1-50?
11:03.08Osagasuand 10 RPers sending our messages with 100 names each doesn't waste a lot of time?
11:03.34Mr_Rabies2not as much as that
11:03.44Mr_Rabies2that's incredibly inefficient
11:04.10Mr_Rabies2letting people try to police themselves, even as drama prone as RPers are, is more efficient than that
11:04.43Finthere are 463 servers in the US and EU, how many of those are RP roughly, does anyone know?
11:04.54zenzelezzwow, been too long since I got ganked by the Crimson Courier
11:05.05Mr_Rabies2though i will admit running around goldshire with flagRSP on is quite comical
11:05.18OsagasuAbout 20.
11:05.28OsagasuAt least US
11:05.32Osagasuprobably the same EU
11:05.41Finabout 10% then, thanks
11:06.47Mr_Rabies2there's about 1300 GMs in the US as of january or so, last i heard
11:07.15OsagasuAnd I'm sorry, but I don't see a team of RP-GMs who actively enforce roleplay rules as a waste of money.  It's what -I- pay for.
11:08.08OsagasuI'm going to work.
11:08.25Mr_Rabies2most RPers are too volatile and have too high of a sense of entitlement
11:09.28Mr_Rabies2i like to think of the RP servers as leper colonies designed so that regular players don't have to deal with them
11:09.56zenzelezzthat's a pretty interesting opinion
11:10.59Mr_Rabies2the few GMs that i've talked to have said most of the rest of the GMs feel about the same way
11:11.09Mr_Rabies2about the volatility and entitlement thing
11:11.53Mr_Rabies2well, ex-GMs
11:12.06Mr_Rabies2because they're under NDA and stuff i'm assuming during employment
11:12.45zenzelezzif they didn't want people to feel strong about the rules on the RP realms they shouldn't have worded them so strongly in the first place
11:13.31Mr_Rabies2my solution still stands
11:13.50Mr_Rabies2however that means us on regular servers would have to deal with them
11:14.50Mr_Rabies2there's the minority of sane roleplayers
11:15.42Mr_Rabies2and then there's those whose only difference between furries is the majority of them don't think they were a fox in a past life
11:26.10Mr_Rabies2i can't find this thread where an ex-GM has a Q and A with some people on a forum i frequent
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11:58.37foxlit3rd Law of Computing: Anything that can go wr fortune: Segmentation violation -- Core dumped
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12:26.38Finwhat's good for recording videos in WoW? I know about fraps, is there anything better or just as an alternative?
12:27.07Cairenn|afkbetter/worse - dunno, but another
12:27.58Kirkburn|sleepSilly action of the month: (2 Girls Kicked Off Ore. Bus for Kissing...)
12:28.43cladhaireFin: you can use
12:28.49cladhairei actually had good experiences with it
12:29.14Fincladhaire: ooh, open source, thanks :) not necessarily better, but you can hope :)
12:30.17cladhaireit actually worked very well
12:30.32cladhaireand free is nice :P
12:31.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
12:32.16Finis it a bad idea to think about modifying tooltips? they seem quite tricky from what I can tell
12:32.48Fin(mostly because of conflicting / badly interacting addons)
12:33.04LopeppeppyIt's never a bad idea to *think* about something, so long as you have the internal strength and external caffeine to see you through the project?
12:33.20Finoh, it's a small enough thing I want to do
12:33.35Finjust add one or two lines to player tooltips
12:33.42Finbut... is it *really* a small enough thing? :)
12:33.59LopeppeppyThen tricky just adds to the spice.  But yeah, I've formed the understanding that it's a strategically-wonky area of coding at times.
12:34.22cladhaireif its just for you and you dont intend to release it, its relatively easy
12:34.33cladhairesince you can troubleshoot your own issues =)
12:34.37cladhairethere _can_ be conflicts
12:34.39FinI want to modify AltNames to add a player's main name to tooltips, and possibly a list of their alts
12:34.55Finso it would be nice to release it
12:34.56cladhaireso you'd be altering the first line
12:35.01Finnot necessarily
12:35.08FinI was actually thinking a seperate line
12:35.11cladhaireokay, possibly adding stuff to the bottom?
12:35.22cladhairemay want to look at Auctioneer's EnhTT or whatever that library is
12:35.32cladhaireway to add stuff like that and be nice to other addons doing the same
12:35.56FinLopeppeppy: that's why I said "possibly" for the list of alts :) but one of the targetting addons I have lists who's targetting a unit nicely (Targetted by: Name, Name, Name)
12:36.08FinOK, thanks, will do
12:36.17Finpossibly, yes
12:36.52FinI was thinking a line saying "Main: Fin" and maybe (or an option to display) "Alts: Phin, Phyn, Finja, etc."
12:37.29Finthanks for the advice guys, I'll give it a stab
12:38.25LopeppeppyG'luck, let me know if you host it up somewhere for testing.  My client crashes often enough that testing a new addon just adds flavor at this point.  :)
12:40.26Cairenn|afkbtw, just for info - for anyone planning on going to BlizzCon, we've tentatively planned the UI Community supper for Saturday evening
12:41.09FinI wish :(
12:41.31Cairenn|afkI didn't think I was going to be, until certain people brow-beat me into accepting the help
12:41.53Cairenn|afkwhich still blows me away, the response
12:43.06LopeppeppyIt's good to have community.
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12:45.39|Jelly|Still haven't narrowed down our crashing issue, Peppy?
12:46.15LopeppeppyNope.  I did extensive RAM tests, it's not the RAMs.  And it's not my drivers, or my cooling, repaired my game.... nothin'.
12:46.45LopeppeppyIt's not a corrupt Saved Variable, because the crashes always wipe my SV file.  Therefore... aliens are nesting on my video card, and the babies are chewing the wires?  o.O
12:47.12|Jelly|That sounds about right.
12:47.46LopeppeppyPretty much.  I'm down to wondering if I have the stamina to erase my game and re-install, see if that helps any.
12:49.04FinI figured out my crashing issue, my machine was overheating
12:49.15FinI didn't think it was - ran all sorts of temperature monitoring tools and stuff
12:49.26foxlitI can get away with unregistering events I did not register, right?
12:49.36cladhairefoxlit: yes you can
12:49.50Fineventually I tried something that worked once before - took the side of the case off and pointed my big standup summer fan at the machine
12:49.53cladhairetho it wouldn't hurt to track if your code has run, so you don't run it again.
12:49.54LopeppeppyFin:  I've got the side ripped off my case, extra cooling fan installed, and a house fan circulating at it from 12".  I don't think I'm overheating.
12:49.56Finworks fine now
12:50.02cladhairebut nothing fatal will happen if you unregister a non-registered event.
12:50.07Lopeppeppy*laugh*  Jinx, Fin.
12:50.08foxlitIt's mainly a lazyness thing
12:50.25Finhahah :)
12:50.35foxlitI can't use ClearOverrideBindings() in combat, so if the user closes the form, provoking the OnHide clearing bindings, it will not do a thing
12:50.45FinLopeppeppy: have you checked for voltage issues?
12:51.09foxlitSo I'm thinking of dumping ClearOverrideBindings into OnEvent, then either calling it (GetScript) or Registering the event in OnHide
12:51.15FinLopeppeppy: and you might want to move the fan closer ;P (mine is about 2")
12:51.29foxlitWorst case scenario is that once in a blue moon it'll try to unregister something it didn't register
12:51.49LopeppeppySpace issues, Fin.  Unless I get a clamp-on desk fan...  *ponders*
12:52.26Finis there a way of finding out if something's registered, and just re-registering out of combat?
12:53.05cladhaireno, you can't query whether something is registered or not.
12:53.08cladhaireyou'd have to track that yourself
12:53.13cladhairewhich you could do relatively easily
12:54.45foxlitUgly but should work
12:56.54foxlitshould elf:GetScript("OnEvent")(); be elf:GetScript("OnEvent")(self); ?
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13:11.35Josh_Borkeguten morgen alles
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13:13.26LopeppeppyAnd good morning to you too.
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13:48.10foxlitany advantage to: local x; for i=1,10 do x = CreateFrame(...) ... end, vs for i=1,10 local x = CreateFrame(...) ... end
13:48.20foxlitMorning :)
13:48.29LopeppeppyHeya, TS|Skrom.
13:49.39FinI always hate it when I think of a loop that has nothing inside it and I can't think of another way to express it
13:53.15Legorolfoxlit: the first solution is infinitesimally bit more efficient
13:54.00TS|Skromit's early so forgive me
13:54.09TS|Skromwouldn't you just be destroying the previous frame each time?
13:54.37foxlitI'd be destroying my local reference, but the global object would persist
13:54.44foxlitIt's similar to how tables are handled
13:54.53TS|Skromoh okay heh
13:55.07krkaLegorol: why do you think so?
13:55.19krkai think the second is better myself :)
13:55.38Josh_Borkei think i agree with krka
13:56.06Josh_Borkesince the local x would be created on the stack and wouldn't need to be referenced as an upvalue.  though it could be just stuck inside a register when compiled and then, blah
13:56.23krkano upvalue in either case
13:56.37Legorolthey are both local
13:56.47Legorolin the 2nd case, wouldn't there be a tiny bit extra code for stack management?
13:56.59Legorolsince with each loop you have to deallocate/reallocate a register on the stack
13:57.20Legorolunless the compiler is clever enough to optimize that away
13:57.48Josh_Borkethey generate almost exactly the same byte code
13:58.05krkaLegorol: stack slots are not allocated / deallocated
13:58.09krkathey are simply used
13:58.18WobinYou probably won't be creating enough frames to make much of a difference either way =)
13:58.24krkain the beginning of starting a function, lua allocates as many slots as it needs
13:58.26WobinAnd if you are, you have other things to worry about =)
13:59.03Wobin(and by 'much of a difference either way' I mean, any saving you make by choosing one over the other)
13:59.04krkai always prefer as small scope as possible
13:59.47krkathe only byte code difference should be an extra nil allocation to a local variable in the first case
13:59.56Legorolkrka: ok so they are simply used
14:00.16Legorolbut isn't some overhead associated with the fact that you are making use of a "fresh" slot, even if it's physically the same one each time?
14:00.53Wobinnight all
14:01.08krkafor a good explanation on why, implement a virtual machine :)
14:01.29Legoroli consider you the authority on this so i take your word :o)
14:02.05FinI hate it when I type something out, then realise I should check scrollback to see if anyone's already said it, and someone has
14:02.40Finnight Wobin
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14:03.51krkathe first one is actually worse
14:03.57krkait uses an unnecessary move
14:04.19krkacalling CreateFrame and then moving the return value into x
14:04.25krkain the second case, no move is required
14:04.48krkai think a good general rule is: use as small scope as you can
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14:20.20foxlitDid I just pass the WoWI moderation instantly?
14:21.13LopeppeppyDon't know... I didn't see any moderation notices on my pane.
14:21.29foxlitNah, I failed by not changing the radio button to "replace with:"
14:22.07LopeppeppyI believe you when you talk Greek to me.  :)
14:24.30foxlitSo silly; ~16k downloads of recent version of Ogri'Lazy, but only ~6k of the more serious addon :(
14:25.25LopeppeppyI really, seriously, need to finish up my 60-70 quests, and start the daily faction quest lines.  I'm just being Ogri'lazy myself on that.
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14:45.12Josh_Borkemorning bela
14:45.37Josh_Borkei used a tinypad page for the ogri'la simon says
14:45.48Josh_Borkewhat is this 'more serious addon' you mention?
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14:57.55Nom-Is it just me, or is Gruul 100% luck based
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14:58.46LopeppeppyOur group is finding that the first fight seems to be half luck... but I'm sure once we find the "trick" of the tactics, it will be like "Duh!  Should have done that all along!"
15:00.36Nom-High King is all about the pull and positioning
15:00.43Nom-Compared to Gruul it's quite easy
15:00.46Endmaulgar is a lot easier if you have more hunters, since that fight depends a lot on the pull
15:00.58[dRaCo]yeah, maulgar is easy once you know how to do it
15:01.04[dRaCo]gruul is luck based
15:01.09LopeppeppyI think we've been slacking on the DPS, worrying too much about tanking them.... healers run out of mana, etc.  We need more burn, less standing-power.
15:01.15[dRaCo]one bad groundslam can ruin a whole try
15:01.18Nom-The problem we're having is that all the DPS is positioned great, and then they all land in one spot
15:01.39Nom-and by the time they land, we've already got 3-4 ticks and have less than 1 second to move
15:01.45Nom-moving at 20% or normal speed
15:02.06[dRaCo]get more rogues, cloak of shadow ftw! ;)
15:02.24Endgruul does leave an awful lot to luck sometimes, although you can mitigate your chances of getting clumped up :P
15:02.29TS|Skromanyone wanna give me an evaluation of my level 70 healadin spec?
15:02.49ScytheBlade1There are a few spots which will *not* get you thrown
15:03.05ScytheBlade1And if you learn how to time a jump to a ground slam, you'll be flung all of 10 feet
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15:03.23[dRaCo]jumping helps?
15:03.41Endthat I didn't know, but it doesn't surprise me
15:03.54ScytheBlade1If and only if you can time it correctly
15:04.00ScytheBlade1I manage it about 50% of the time
15:04.05ScytheBlade1The other 50%, well, I've got blink ;)
15:04.21LopeppeppyTS|Skrom, give me a few to ponder over it!
15:04.51TS|Skromthanks ;-)
15:06.19LopeppeppyHere's a link to my Armory to keep you busy in the meantime, TS|Skrom.
15:06.33[dRaCo]TS|Skrom: the best healerding I know specced
15:07.23LegorolAs per a guildmate's suggestion, i have created the coolest (for me) macro ever
15:07.25Legorolit has this:
15:07.28TS|Skrom10% chance to 1/2 damage > .32% to block/dodge
15:07.29Legorol/script PlaySoundFile ("Sound\\Music\\GlueScreenMusic\\BCCredits_Lament_of_the_Highborne.mp3")
15:07.30Thrae#us argent dawn Kirwan
15:07.37Legorolthat's my favourite macro atm
15:07.44Legoroli can recommend to everyone
15:07.52LopeppeppyHmmm, Thrae?
15:08.00ThraeForgot the Foxbot trigger
15:08.06LopeppeppyCrud.  Sorry!
15:08.08TS|SkromI don't like kings for 5-mans, which is all I do atm
15:08.33[dRaCo]TS|Skrom: I don't know that much about healerdins, I just know that guy heals like crazy and can take some hits
15:08.42LopeppeppyKings has been vital to some of the Karazhan runs we've done, TS|Skrom, nights when we didn't have a priest for the Fort buff.
15:09.10[dRaCo]yeah, Kings is a must-have, imo
15:09.11LopeppeppyI find I do better with enough Protection to live through a few hits, and Kings has been a deciding factor enough to keep it in place.
15:09.17EndI'd say kings is probably more useful than imp. might
15:09.19TS|Skrommy guild usually has 2-3 pally's per run though XD
15:09.52[dRaCo]10% more hp for your tank are great
15:09.54LopeppeppyThen do you need to be the one with Imp. Blessing of Might?  Or do you have some Prot/Ret paladins who have it?
15:09.57End(although, for raiding you only need one paladin to have kings)
15:10.18Lopeppeppy'cause for me, that was a wasted set of talent points, since our Ret and Prot paladins already had it.  They do it, I do Kings/Wisdom, we're all happy.
15:10.18TS|Skromno, most our pallies are healadins too, though I know at least two of em have kings
15:10.56kaidenmost healadins get kings and improved might
15:11.00TS|SkromI just don't like kings for my own build because from my own perspective, 10% more spirit will not top improved wisdom. 10% more str will not top improved might, etc
15:11.21TS|Skromand the tanks are gonna get light if I'm the only pally there
15:11.30TS|Skromand if I'm not the only pally there then the other pally most likely has kings
15:11.40LopeppeppyFor you, no.  For a raid missing a Fort buff, however.... sometimes I've had to make choices in my talents that are based on what my raid group needs, not necessarily what I want for myself.
15:12.08LopeppeppyMy tanks universally want Kings in 5 mans, and I like it better than Light.  I have enough +heal as I stand to handle 5 man without Light.
15:12.12TS|Skromsee above. Light > kings for the tank with 1 pally. If only 1 pally, then most of the raid is getting salv anyway
15:12.19TS|SkromI don't XD
15:12.41TS|Skromyet muhaha
15:12.43Nom-lol you can't time the ground slam jump with 600 pings
15:12.43LopeppeppyIt is ridiculously easy to get, TS|Skrom.  I have insane +heal without even trying.
15:12.46Nom-which our entire guild has
15:12.52TS|SkromI'm only 59 :(
15:13.06TS|Skrom24% from 60 though!!
15:13.13LopeppeppyYou're of the right level.  Get thee to Honor Hold and start scaring the bejeezus out of the demon pigs!
15:13.28TS|SkromI've been there since I hit 58
15:13.37TS|Skrommy healing doubled, so did my healing set's armor
15:13.49LopeppeppyThere's great healadin quest rewards just out of HH, and Blood Furnace/Ramparts have sweet drops/quest rewards.
15:14.20TS|Skromtook a break last night though to do LBRS, man what a fun time that was.
15:14.34LopeppeppyI like visiting the Azeroth instances, a lot.  It's a hoot.
15:14.36TS|Skrommy 61 shammy friend was tanking
15:14.57TS|Skromthe two mages died a couple times, the warlock died a couple times
15:14.58LopeppeppyI'm doing the 50-60 ones with my holy priest right now... Wow, is the approach different from priesting to pally healing!
15:15.03TS|Skromme and the shammy? nope!
15:15.19TS|Skromif they didn't assist, they got the repair bill XD
15:15.22LopeppeppyPaladins don't die.  We might rust into place, but we don't die.
15:18.00LopeppeppyPriests go squish though.  I went squish a bit more than I was used to yesterday!
15:18.17TS|Skromand man it's a good thing you have fade because dang you need it
15:18.34TS|Skromnow that I've got hypnotists watch I rarely get hit period
15:19.02LopeppeppyHmm... something for me to google up!
15:20.22LopeppeppyMight be a better division between Holy and Prot.  Do you use a shield or offhand item?
15:20.39TS|Skrom atm
15:21.05LopeppeppyMight consider points into that, for those times that mobs like to beat at you.  I do a bit of off-tanking as a holy paladin, and Redoubt has kept my butt alive too often to count.
15:21.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Work (n=cheald@
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15:21.58TS|Skromhrm, tough choice really. Personal protection or increased group mitigation
15:22.23TS|Skromi'll have to reevalute that one as I go
15:22.27LopeppeppyBut I'm doing a lot of group mitigation by being able to stand up when I'm asked to off-tank one of Moroe's undead buddies.
15:22.31TS|Skromlike I said with hypnotists I rarely get hit long
15:22.45TS|Skromwhen I do pull aggro, pop the watch and the mobs shoot off me like a rocket
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15:22.59LopeppeppyI haven't done that set of quests.... I'm a doofus, I really need to get back and finish what I skipped as I leveled.
15:23.41Mr_Rabies2that's a word i haven't seen in a while
15:24.11LopeppeppyI R Ancient.  Older than dirt.
15:24.14AellaIt's a great word. At least epic.
15:24.29LopeppeppyHow about "vexed", I use that a lot too.
15:24.40AellaLopeppeppy: you aren't old until you're older than my parents.
15:25.08LopeppeppyI guarantee I'm not older than anyone's parents, unless "anyone" is 15 or younger.
15:25.22LopeppeppyOr some sort of mutation/experimentation is involved.  :)
15:25.39AellaOff by three years, I'm afraid.
15:25.46Mr_Rabies2i think i may have started a grassroots campaign to get "jawesome" back into the vernacular
15:26.06LopeppeppyWhat inflection does the "j" bring that was lacking in the root word?
15:26.06Mr_Rabies2because i'm seeing it pop up everywhere now after i decided i was going to start using it
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15:26.15Mr_Rabies2it's implying JAWS
15:26.24AellaMmm, jaws
15:26.25LopeppeppyWhy are jaws good?
15:26.37LopeppeppyOr are you talking monster shark movie?  'cause that is indeed awesome!
15:27.22LopeppeppyI've never heard of these "Street Sharks".  I'm deficient in Pop Culture.
15:27.32Mr_Rabies2it was a crappy little animated show
15:27.37Mr_Rabies2that i watched like once
15:28.01Mr_Rabies2but one day i was talking to a friend and described something as jawesome half-conciously
15:28.03TS|Skrom3 mana/5 and 2 healing is enough points to remove 15 sta!
15:28.11Mr_Rabies2and decided it needed to be used
15:28.16TS|Skromwait wait nm
15:28.23TS|Skromjust realized one was finger one was neck
15:28.50Mr_Rabies2probably different ilvls too
15:28.55TS|Skromthe points allocation for items? I thought I'd found a neck with 15 sta/int, 3 mana 5 and 31 healing, and another neck with 15 int, 33 healing and 6 mana/5
15:29.02TS|Skrombut one was a ring.
15:29.04LopeppeppyTS|Skrom, I find Rating Buster nearly invaluable for gear comparisons... I love it.
15:29.11TS|Skromyep I have it
15:29.13LopeppeppyAh... I see what you're getting at now, sorry.
15:29.23TS|SkromMr_Rabies2 didn't consider that since they were from two mobs in the same instance
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15:29.40TS|Skrombut now that I look closer, one is mob drop and one is quested
15:29.44Mr_Rabies2what two items?
15:29.51TS|Skromso there's possibility of huge difference
15:30.11TS|Skrommy word now I'm even more blind
15:30.16TS|Skromnot even the same instance
15:30.24TS|Skromjust ignore me for the next 43.4 minutes
15:30.26LopeppeppyPoor thing, needs more coffee.
15:30.33Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure item type and itemlevel are the things that determine budget
15:30.41Mr_Rabies2well, and rarity
15:30.48TS|Skromit was --
15:31.02TS|Skromwhat I meant was item drops are ilvl'd usually in relation to mob level
15:31.12TS|Skromso two mobs of the same level dropping same quality should have approx same ilvl
15:31.17LopeppeppyLove my Holy Healing band, never got the beads.  :(
15:31.22TS|Skrombut quest rewards don't always follow that pattern
15:31.39TS|Skroma 62 mob and a 62 quest could have very different ilvl rewards
15:33.33Nom-1% on Gruul
15:33.42TS|Skromwhy can't I find the outlook option to "send immediately" when send is pressed ><
15:33.52LopeppeppyBecause it hates you?
15:34.12TS|Skromthat is a very valid opinion
15:35.32*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh__ (n=chatzill@
15:35.33LopeppeppyI've found Outlook generally hateful myself, like a spoiled toddler suddenly sent to bed early.
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15:39.56ScytheBlade1Hmm - anyone know an addon that uses SendAddonMessage() to guild, with channel prefix 2, once every second, with seemingly random data?
15:40.24[Ammo]cartographer, position updates probably
15:40.50ScytheBlade1I disabled them
15:42.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Vangual (
15:42.51[Ammo]ScytheBlade1: the seemingly random data is still carto probably
15:43.22ScytheBlade1That's what I'm thinking
15:43.44Punkie`How did you disable it? According to ckknight there isn't an option to disable that feature
15:43.53Punkie`(unless you manually tear it out of the lua)
15:44.10ScytheBlade1I did disable it
15:44.12ScytheBlade1And then reloaded
15:44.18Punkie`you can only disable them being displayed from your friends, you cant disable the transmitting of your own
15:45.49ScytheBlade1That's, broken
15:46.14Punkie`I believe it's meant to be like that
15:46.49ScytheBlade1I'd be a lot happier if it didn't seemingly use a random channel prefix too.
15:46.58ScytheBlade1I've seen a prefix of "2" and of "yH" so far
15:56.02ScytheBlade1-- disable the guild spammer till we see if we are enabled
15:57.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
15:57.29ScytheBlade1Yeah, these bits of data are being sent once per second. Cartographer updates positions once per second
15:58.25*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
15:59.02GofGBut... But.. It's 2 minutes BEFORE noon!!!
15:59.29Valaron|WorkMy clock says 9am
15:59.37LopeppeppyMy work clock says 12:01.
15:59.41purlmethinks ugt is Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
15:59.43GofGYour clock is incorrect then.
15:59.53GofGOr you live in some stupid place that isn't on the east coast. :)
15:59.55TS|Skromcogwheel|away what was the one that's supposed to follow that?
16:00.09cogwheel|awayhmm... i forget .<
16:00.13TS|Skromyeah :-/
16:00.15LopeppeppyI can like UGT.  I *usually* say good morning no matter what.
16:00.47GofGPurl is like... teh f4st tipest
16:00.51GofGOr a bot
16:01.04TS|SkromYou're new aren't you.
16:01.17GofGI am, in fact, new.
16:01.26TS|SkromWelcome to the channel.
16:01.30GofGWhy thanks
16:01.36LopeppeppyGofG, meet purlbot.  purlbot, meet GofG.
16:01.45GofGHOWDY PURLBOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16:01.54purlhello, end
16:01.54LopeppeppySee?  New friends already.
16:01.54TS|SkromInside voices, please
16:02.08GofGHe doesn't like me
16:02.17GofGor my tilde key is broken
16:02.34purlHowdy Bub
16:02.35GofGWhat did I ever do wrong?
16:02.56GofGOmigod, he can't say howdy, that's my word (and the word of everyone who lives south of the mason dixon line)
16:03.07GofGand now I hunger for sweet tea.
16:03.21LopeppeppyLunchtime is.
16:03.36EndIs it a ravenous hunger?
16:04.20Gofgbookpro|afkWhy it's as ravenous as a bunch of hippies at a wood...stock
16:05.25GofGAhhh, that's much better
16:05.40purlhello, gofg
16:06.02purlYo gofg, how's it going eh?
16:06.02Lopeppeppyperhaps purl is programmed to sometimes respond with stony silence, like anyone might do.
16:06.14GofGActually, I got the following PM after I said it:
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16:06.24GofG<purl> Someone already said that 7 seconds ago
16:06.31GofGthe first time
16:06.34LopeppeppyTime based.
16:06.36GofGI suppose it's an anti-spam maneuver
16:06.45LopeppeppyPurl needs to rest sometimes too.
16:06.57GofGHe's like the Doctor on STV
16:06.59cog|workpurl, you suck
16:07.00purland very well I might add
16:07.12TS|SkromPurl must use duracell instead of energizer
16:07.21LopeppeppyRecharable is the way to go.
16:07.34GofGAs in, you can char it once
16:07.45GofGand then when it's done being charred, it can be recharred? :)
16:08.10GofGLet's see...
16:08.21GofGMay I spend the next 25 lines figuring out what purl can do?
16:08.40GofGThat's no fun
16:08.56purlI ain't no stinkin' bot.  I am a finely tuned and hand crafted tool.  Oh wait... I guess I am a bot (that you should not abuse).
16:09.13GofGIt's much more fun to write a script that will rapidly enter every possible combination of letters and numbers to see what he responds to.
16:09.31ThraeOK, I give up.
16:09.47GofGWhy doesn't he use the exclamation point? I'm so used to the exclamation point
16:10.16GofG~help is extremely unuseful :)
16:10.33TS|SkromLopeppeppy if you don't have the item info on your tooltips... what's the use of using the addon? I mean where else does the info show up?
16:10.51LopeppeppyI think I misunderstood his question a bit, on reflex.
16:11.12LopeppeppyNow I have to go load up a toon and see what it *does* show me, 'cause I might have Dr. Damage all mixed up in my mind.
16:11.17LopeppeppyThis is what happens when you get all senile.
16:11.36TS|SkromGofG purl responds to /msg's
16:11.40TS|Skromdo your testing there
16:11.50GofGOh, okay
16:12.05Nom-blah so close!
16:12.50TS|Skrom10[10:33] Nom-: 1% on Gruul01
16:15.50GofGWhere is Wikipedia?
16:15.58TS|Skromon the interweb
16:16.04GofGCome on, purl
16:16.12zenzelezz~where is wikipedia
16:16.13purlzenzelezz: what are you talking about?
16:16.13TS|Skromyou have to get her attention , ~
16:16.48GofGI got "What are you talking about?" then on line two, "I couldn't find a matching article for Wikipedia in Wikipedia. Search yourself."
16:17.26LopeppeppyHuh...  why doesn't Rating Buster look the same on my bank alt as on my main....  
16:17.42TS|SkromI believe it pulls different datas based on class
16:17.54TS|Skromi.e, doesn't show summaries of mana gained for a rogue
16:17.56Valaron|WorkThat is correct.
16:18.01GofGSo can you guys suggest some awesome WoW addons that I should use?
16:18.17TS|SkromAnythign by the skrom guy, he's dreamy <3
16:18.20GofGAlready have the auctioneer suite and titan panel and Atlas
16:18.22Valaron|WorkWhat awesome factor are you looking for?
16:18.31TS|Skromaround 7.2
16:18.35GofGAn awesome factor of 10
16:18.57GofGWarp factor 10!!! Go!! Oh no! We're traveling at infinite speed! Auugh!! Evolution problems!
16:19.02cog|workawesome big & does everything, or awesome small and does a single task well?
16:19.17GofGAwesome big and does a single task well.
16:19.20TS|SkromI believe you meant ludicrous speed
16:19.37GofGHaha, you obviously aren't a ST:Voy van
16:19.51TS|Skromjaneway can diaf
16:20.36TS|SkromHey Lopeppeppy, he "googled it" and found what he needed.
16:20.38TS|Skromdie in a fire
16:20.56TS|Skromwhy didn't you do that in the first place you putz ><
16:20.58Valaron|WorkJust a 7of9 fan.
16:21.03LopeppeppyTS|Skrom -- it was the greys my bank alt was wearing.  Apparently those aren't worthy of figuring out by Rating Buster.  :)
16:21.24GofGI've seen every single episode of every star trek series except the last episode of voyager :(
16:21.43GofGWhatever it is, yeah
16:21.45TS|Skromgreys don't have stats though :p
16:22.05GofGI hate you, wikipedia
16:22.35Valaron|WorkErr.. instead
16:22.36LopeppeppyExactly, TS|Skrom.
16:22.43GofGDude, memory alpha is where it's at :)
16:22.57Valaron|WorkMemory alpha, eh?
16:23.05GofGHehe yeah
16:23.26GofGLargest star trek wikipedia ev4r
16:23.52GofGErr... Encyclopedia that is a wiki
16:23.52GofGnot a wikipedia
16:23.52TS|SkromWhere's |Jelly| at. Some newbs need to be pwnt
16:23.52GofGSurely you jest
16:24.53GofGI FOUND IT
16:25.07LopeppeppyNewbs are lunch?
16:25.19GofG:Endgame is the title of the [[series finale]] of the [[Star Trek]] spinoff series, [[Star Trek: Voyager]].
16:25.26Valaron|WorkThat's what I said.
16:25.36GofGI know
16:25.38GofGBut I found it on wikipedia
16:25.42GofGusing my trusty Wikilink addon
16:25.46krkagah... how do i get better glxgears fps?
16:25.55LopeppeppyThat.... makes it somehow better, GofG?
16:25.58krkaanyone want to share xorg conf?
16:25.58GofGby typing "/wp Endgame (Star Trek: Voyager)
16:26.03krkaor which nvidia driver they're using
16:26.10GofGYes, it makes it better like... like... like a warm bath makes a day better
16:27.35TS|SkromAn older man was very ill and in the hospital. His son came to visit him one day. Suddenly the man began to breathe heavily, grabbed a pen and paper, jotted a note down, dropped the note, then dropped dead. Overcome with grief the son didn't even remember putting the note in his pocket. While standing at the funeral he reached into his pocket and felt the note. Hurridly he pulled it out, excited that he might have some last words of hi
16:28.18Lopeppeppyyup, I've had those days, TS|Skrom.
16:28.37GofGThree blondes are walking in a forest
16:28.50GofGThey realize they are lost, but they come across some tracks
16:29.01GofGthe first blonde says "Oh, look, we can follow these deer tracks out of the forest!"
16:29.08Valaron|WorkWhat I've noticed about Voyager episodes is that a lot of them involve some sort of time-space event. Time travelling, etc. Endgame is such an episode.
16:29.09LopeppeppyI HATE disabled text search.
16:29.26GofGThe second blonde says "No, no, no, you idiot, you fool, those are rabbit tracks. But we can still follow them out of the forrest!"
16:29.48Valaron|WorkThen again, final episode of TNG was a time traveling one, too.
16:29.54GofGThe third blonde, smarter than the other two, says, "No, no, you two are both so stupid. THey are horse tracks! We can follow them and then ride the horse out of the forrest!"
16:30.04GofGAfter following the tracks for 10 or so minutes, they get run over by a train.
16:30.06ThraeValaron|Work: Well, the show started with a huge space-time warp, why not end with one? The only way they can get back home is by seriously warping space & time anyway ;)
16:30.08TS|SkromThey were still arguing about it when the train hit them.
16:30.34GofGI like your ending better, Skrom. The wording is funnier.
16:34.28GofGHow many elephants will fit in a mini?
16:34.56GofGFour. Driver, passenger, two backseats.
16:35.02GofGHow many giraffes will fit in a mini?
16:35.28GofGNone. It's stuffed full of elephants.
16:35.46GofGHow do you know if there are two elephants in your refridgerator?
16:35.56GofGThere's giggling when the light goes out.
16:36.13GofGHow do you know if there are 3 elephants in your refrigerator?
16:36.25GofGYou can't close the door.
16:36.33GofGHow do you know if there are 4 elephants in your refridgerator?
16:36.44GofGThe mini is parked outside.
16:37.16TS|Skrommah branes jus' sploded
16:37.36EndHow do you know if there are giraffes in your fridge though?
16:37.44EndThey took alternate transporation
16:37.49GofGEnd: You open the door, look, and close the door.
16:38.32GofGMay I tell a politics joke?
16:39.06GofGYes, you may, Gofg.
16:39.51TS|Skromyou can't give yourself permission ><
16:39.51TS|Skromthat's cheatin'
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16:40.19GofGSo, George W. Bush is in a cabinet meeting, when two aids come up to him and say, "Sir, three hundred Brazilian soldiers died in Iraq today. Brazil officials are outraged. Bush just starts crying, and crying, and minutes go by, and he's just crying and crying. His cabinet looks around at each other, and are like "Well... yeah, maybe I could see him being this distressed" but they don't say anything.
16:40.35GofGFinally, Bush looks up at the aids and asks, "How many is a Brazilian?"
16:41.00TS|Skromba dum bum
16:41.51GofGI thought it was pretty good
16:43.12Valaron|WorkI feel like I'm reading
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16:44.34TS|Skrom*posts his log up on*
16:44.39GofGcan you guys read what i type?
16:44.40TS|Skromnow you ARE! muhahha
16:44.43LopeppeppyNever been there, I should go see.
16:44.54sag_ich_nichtGofG no
16:45.01GofGhow do i make it so you can read what i type?
16:45.22sag_ich_nichtwe only see strange runes that are completely undecipherable
16:45.45GofGYou ruined it :D
16:46.15sag_ich_nichtIt's what I'm best at.
16:46.49TS|SkromI've often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well.
16:47.44LopeppeppyAnd you should always be like  yourself.
16:48.02TS|SkromYou know I'm having a wonderful time...
16:48.19*** part/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
16:48.30Lopeppeppywhistling in the dark?
16:48.53TS|Skromgratuitous TMBG references ftw
16:49.57LopeppeppyMostly.  *hugs*
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17:07.41Nom-We finally got Gruul
17:08.03Nom-Required 3 respecs :)
17:08.23Nom-I went Retribution instead of Holy, one of our warriors went arms, and warlock went..something...i dunno warlock specs :)
17:09.23Nom-What a pain in the butt that fight is though
17:09.36LopeppeppyDestruction?  Demonology?  Affliction?  Those are the warlock trees.
17:09.51Nom-Umm, he dropped the improved health stone
17:09.55Nom-that's all i know :)
17:10.02LopeppeppyGrats on kicking his butt, Nom-.
17:10.10TS|Skromthat's 2 points at the first tier of a tree
17:12.56krkais that what's screwed me?
17:15.17Nom-Well we onyl needed a few more % dps
17:15.39Nom-So retnoob added 3-4% dps to the entire raid
17:15.54Nom-plus warrior respec
17:16.08Nom-DPS was the only real's a real race against the clock :/
17:19.14LopeppeppyDPS seems to be key from what little we've done in there, ya.
17:20.30Lopeppeppykrka... not sure.  Are you saying that you have a GE card, and that might be what's messing your FPS?
17:23.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Jumpee (
17:25.13LopeppeppyI have NVIDIA, and I get sucky FPS in Outlands cities...  GE might be a large culprit, but it's not the only suspect, sadly.  I think it's an organized gang stealing our game enjoyment.
17:28.41Valaron|Workim in ur compootor, stealin ur fps
17:29.20LopeppeppyPretty much, Valaron|Work.  LolCats have a picture for everything.
17:31.01JumpeeDoes EnumerateFrames() find all visible frames on the WoW screen?
17:33.05krkaall frames period
17:33.34Jumpeekrka - thanks
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18:10.22kahdgarxickknight: <3
18:10.28kahdgarxiThanks for fixing AceComm xD
18:10.42ckknightpshaw, I'm at least 3, maybe even 4.
18:11.25krkaThat's so funny.
18:11.29ckknightall in all, AceComm uses about half the CPU and half the memory as it did before, which is a definite win.
18:11.56ckknightsarcasm, krka?
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18:12.20GofGhehe ckknight. There's a guild on my server called the Crimson Knights, and so you would be the Crimson Knights Knight. :), okay
18:12.52GofGlol sorry
18:13.05krkait was a scrubs reference
18:13.27kahdgarxickknight: I was just getting ready to start using dkpmon for my guild, and acecom borked the syncing on it.
18:13.37ckknightI've prepared a statement:
18:13.40ckknight"my bad"
18:13.51kahdgarxiit's okay, you fixed it already
18:14.09kahdgarxii was afraid we weren't gonna have it ready for tonight's raid ><
18:14.33kahdgarxiSo, yeah. Thanks.
18:15.18LopeppeppyMore crashes make Peppy an unhappy gnome.  Tech Support is about to feel the sharp side of my Redhead Wrath.
18:17.56kahdgarxiDelete you WTF, Interface, and Cache folders.
18:18.05kahdgarxiThat's all they're gonna say.
18:18.20LopeppeppyDone.  Done.  And Done.  *sigh*
18:18.56kahdgarxiI'd sooner give them my firstborn than delete those... It would take so long to bet my interface set back up. >_<
18:19.49Valaron|WorkYou can always make more.
18:19.50LopeppeppyAt this point, my crashes are bombing my Saved Variables anyway.  It's no trouble at all to delete them, really.
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18:25.46GofG:( youtube takes too long
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18:25.59GofGI've been uploading a 30MB vid for about 30 minutes now
18:27.10LopeppeppyCheck your connection to it, net traffic, that sort of thing?
18:29.51Lopeppeppy*sigh*  It's totally Shattrath....  *grumps, stops bothering*
18:30.24GofGWB, Kaelten
18:32.00GofGKaelten doesn't like me. :(
18:32.40Josh_Borkewb Kaelten!
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19:04.25LopeppeppyStay good, Kiki, I'm going to go swear at chipsets and BIOS and related scary objects.
19:05.09[dRaCo]yay, gruul down.
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19:09.23PeoiiGrats Draco
19:09.40PeoiiI havn't looked at the frost tree in so long :/
19:10.20Peoiiwell, in a serious fashion atleast.
19:15.27[dRaCo]thanks :)
19:20.44zenzelezzgife epixx
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20:28.26purlYou know, this got old a long time ago.
20:28.32purlI'm ignoring you now.
20:28.47Shirikpurl is awesome
20:29.23|Jelly|Purl loves you, Shirik.
20:30.00ShirikI am so happy
20:30.03Shirikback on my dual screen setup
20:31.21|Jelly|I don't know what I would do without mine.
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20:36.04zenzelezz"[1. General] [...]: For All those that enjoy music while playing wow...u can now send ingame mail to me and get the all new WoW_Mp3 v.1 u can have with that a playilist button on your minimap ...<<<NO MORE ALT+TAB>free of charge just send your email so i can send u the addon"
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20:40.38pastamanceraww, why'd you edit out the name
20:41.28zenzelezzif you don't know my server you risk confusing the person with someone else
20:41.41amrodoes anyone ever actually use ♪? or the other useless symbols in ASCII?
20:42.42Shirikyes why?
20:42.47Shirikand why would you call them useless :P
20:42.58Shirikand technically those aren't standard ASCII
20:43.02pastamancerthey're not useless
20:43.08Shirikthose are an extended character set
20:44.01amroShirik: I've never seen them in use
20:44.31Shirikobviously they have very limited uses
20:44.35Shirikbut they have a purpose, otherwise they wouldn't exist :)
20:44.37zenzelezzthat doesn't mean they aren't used amro
20:44.54|Jelly|There needs to be a dictionary addon, somewhat like irc scripts.
20:44.59amroI'm wondering what that purpose is
20:45.04Shirik~define purpose
20:45.04purlUse ~dict for definitions.
20:45.05subbawthmm I need a really light weight bar mod (all i really want it for is showing the pet bar, i don't use any action bars)
20:45.08Shirik~dict purpose
20:45.26Shirikoh addon
20:45.50Shirikthe database would be huge..
20:46.05|Jelly|i know
20:46.09amroWho cares? Addons don't eat up enough memory
20:48.09zenzelezzall right, nub hunter question... does Trueshot Aura replace Aspects or coexist?
20:48.16zenzelezznever tried the MM tree
20:49.31TS|SkromShirik What do you have for your dual screen?
20:49.34TS|Skromvid card wise?
20:49.46TS|Skromso one card?
20:49.47ShirikI need to get a second
20:49.50TS|Skromwhat outputs?
20:49.58Shirikboth dvi
20:51.21TS|Skromanyone else running dual screen? say with a crt and an s-video?
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20:53.09zenzelezztwo LCDs, one native VGA, one through DVI->VGA converter
20:54.28TS|SkromI've got an nvidia card with a vga and an s-video and want to run dual screens. I can't seem to find a converter for that (don't even know if it's possible)
20:54.44TS|SkromI find all sorts to go the other way (s-video female, crt male)
20:55.26Shiriksvideo is horrible
20:55.31zenzelezzso I want to try a slightly different spec for my hunter; mostly use her for farming, but can picture trying out some PvP or just instances also... can't decide on vs.
20:55.37Shirikwhen I tried to run off it, it was just omg make my eyes hurt
20:55.41zenzelezzmy gear sucks for both of them I think, but that can be fixed
20:55.51TS|SkromShirik was this general desktop or 3d or everything?
20:56.10Shirikmostly because of the resolution
20:56.15TS|SkromI'd never considered dual setup before
20:56.24Shirikyou won't get a decent resolution out of svideo
20:56.27TS|Skromand if I'd thought of it I'd have gotten a different video card to start with
20:56.50zenzelezzvideo cards aren't too expensive now if you don't go top of the line
20:57.06zenzelezzmy 9800 Pro is starting to age, but still works
20:57.25kaidenhel even right under top of the line is cheap these days, i bought a 7950 GTOC card the other day for 159 dollars at the store
20:57.31TS|Skromgranted, but dual screen isn't a necessity for my computer use so I can't really justify it :-/
20:57.42TS|Skromnot til I get my new job (cross fingers)
20:57.51zenzelezztrust me, once you get used to dual screen you will hate yourself for not doing it sooner
20:58.43TS|Skromthis wouldn't be a problem but I tried adding a second video card to my system and couldn't get it to not crash
20:58.58TS|SkromI guess most systems can't handle a PCI video card and a non PCI at once?
20:59.11sag_ich_nichtthey can
20:59.14sag_ich_nichtworks fine
20:59.15zenzelezzthey should work just fine
20:59.19TS|Skromnot on my dell xps 400
20:59.26zenzelezzbut it's still easier and better to get a single videocard that runs both
20:59.30TS|Skromthere was a bios switch to use either ... I think it was pcg or peg
20:59.32TS|Skromor use the pci
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20:59.48TS|Skromwhen i switched to the pci it would load but the other would turn off, and vice verse
20:59.48sag_ich_nichtTS|Skrom: it's for which to try init first
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20:59.54zenzelezzonly setting in my BIOS is "Init Display First", ie. "which one is the main?"
20:59.57TS|Skromand no matter what it would blue screen on system load
21:00.21sag_ich_nichtTS|Skrom when installing an addition videocard you will have to remove all drivers for your current one
21:00.24TS|Skromer os load iI mean
21:00.31sag_ich_nichtjust like when you change cards completely
21:00.40zenzelezzshame you don't seem to be .no Skrom, I'd send you one of my spare 9800s :-p
21:00.54TS|Skromseem to be what? lol
21:01.12TS|Skromsag_ich_nicht would not removing the drivers cause the blue screens?
21:01.18zenzelezzNorwegian :-p
21:02.28sag_ich_nichtTS|Skrom: possibly, yes
21:02.56TS|Skromokay so lemme see if I can ponder this out.
21:03.31TS|SkromThe bios setting is which one to load first. With no dirvers installed, both cards in the machine, the PCE one set to load first, the system will hopefully boot to windows. then I install drivers for both cards, reboot and both should be active.
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21:06.04sag_ich_nichtTS|Skrom: yes. both nvidia cards or one ati one nvidia?
21:06.07sag_ich_nichtor both ati
21:06.09sag_ich_nichtwhat ever
21:06.43TS|Skromwelll.... hehe I don't actually know what the second one is yet
21:06.54TS|Skromit's an old card I found in a computer I'd leant to my brother
21:07.08TS|Skromhe upgraded the card at one point but I could't find any lables on it
21:07.23TS|Skromall I want to use it for is desktop
21:07.27TS|Skromno gaming
21:07.47TS|Skromif that's possible with two cards, I don't really know how that all works yet XD
21:08.12TS|Skromwasn't sure if they mirrored each other or if you can expand the desktop across both
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21:08.37sag_ich_nichtyou should be able to extend the desktop
21:08.40TS|Skromfigured I'd just try it and find out XD
21:12.59TS|Skromwaiiiiit a second
21:13.12TS|SkromI just pulled up my 1.5 year old order details for the dell system
21:13.23TS|Skrommy video card line reads: 256MB PCI Express x16 (DVI/VGA/TV-out) nVidia GeForce 6800
21:13.39TS|Skromapparently I'm either blind or they lied
21:13.39sag_ich_nichtyou could just
21:13.41sag_ich_nichtyou know
21:13.45sag_ich_nichtget a DVI-->VGA adapter
21:13.49sag_ich_nichtor a reverse adapter
21:13.51sag_ich_nichtdepending on what you do
21:13.59TS|Skromyeah... that's the thing I don't recall ever seeing a dvi out XD
21:14.10TS|Skromso I'm apparently freakin' blind XD
21:15.51TS|Skromand to think that all this pondering might just be solved by a 12$ adapter
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21:22.36Valaron|WorkWhat kind of Dell do you have?
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21:23.08TS|SkromWoW qusetiont ime: Warrior talent in arms tree, weapon master. Increases chance to resist disarm attempts by an additional 50/100%. Does that mean that if you base if 5% to resist it's now 10% or does it make you immune.
21:23.14TS|Skromit's an XPS 400 system
21:23.53Valaron|Work100% of 5% is 10%.
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21:24.42|Jelly|Are the forums going to be forever retarded now or something?
21:24.42Shirik100% more
21:24.43Shirikis 10%
21:24.48Shirik100% of 5% is 0.05
21:25.23Bleeter|Jelly|: have you ever noticed... the forums are always retarded when you're around?
21:25.31BleeterI think there's something in that for all of us ;) :P
21:25.54Valaron|WorkSorry, Shirik.. that's what I meant. Hence the math.
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21:36.33foxlitAnd Leo died.
21:40.41TS|Skromwell what i was asking essentially was, does it increase some base chance to resist disarm or does it make you immune, I wasn't exactly sure on the wording
21:41.09zenzelezzit's immunity
21:41.20zenzelezzif you mean the 30-something point talent
21:41.27TS|Skromyeah weapon mastery
21:42.22TS|Skromif you take the paladin talent Pure of Heart it "increases your resistance to curse and disease effects by 5/10/15%
21:43.08TS|Skromthe weapon mastery says it increases the chance to resist by an additional 50/100%
21:44.16TS|Skromso we've got one vote for immunity?
21:44.20zenzelezztalent wording sucks sometimes; but for Weapon Mastery it's base + (50/100) %, not (base * [1.5 or 2])%
21:44.35zenzelezzunlike Improved Overpower :-/
21:44.50zenzelezzIO still rocks, but 100% crit would be sweeeet
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21:45.01TS|Skromyeah, so the talent mimics weapon chains and stronghold gauntlets?
21:45.14TS|Skromor is 105% chance to resist (for example) not the same as immune
21:45.25zenzelezzyes, it's essentially a weapon chain
21:45.53zenzelezzwell, could be "105%" as you say, but the effect ought to be just about the same to my understanding
21:46.24TS|Skromwell I'm just basing that 300 atk skill compared to 300 defense has a base 5% chance to resist (at least thats what I thought I remembered XD)
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22:07.42Antiarc|WorkThere's no disarm resist
22:07.52Antiarc|WorkOnly talents/immunity effects
22:08.03Antiarc|Work<-- combat rogue, uses riposte all day long =)
22:08.22zenzelezzno "special" disarm resist, but it can be resisted without talents or immunity
22:08.33Antiarc|Workwouldn't that be a "miss" or something?
22:08.35zenzelezzor was it dodge/parry...
22:08.53zenzelezzI just know you can avoid it without being immune
22:08.56Antiarc|WorkYou can increase dodge/parry, but in three years I have never, ever seen a disarm be resisted.
22:09.21zenzelezzmy combat text flies by too fast, it's probably parry/dodge
22:09.38TS|Skromwell it's physical Antiarc|Work
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22:10.01TS|Skromso yeah not "resisted" but dodged, parried or missed would be about the same meaning :-)
22:10.11Antiarc|Workwell, yeah
22:10.16Antiarc|WorkBut that applies to all incoming attacks
22:10.19TS|Skromand that's still a base 5% on even weapon/defense skills right?
22:11.09TS|Skromright, so my original question was, is the increase in % chance to "resist" disarm effects (their words, not mine) an increase of the default base or is it immunity.
22:11.25Antiarc|WorkIt's immunity
22:11.27TS|Skrombeen pointed out by zenz that it's immunity (no source given but for now I trust him ;-)
22:11.33zenzelezzthe key word in the tooltip is "additional" I believe
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23:41.21zenzelezzI miss Sprocket... don't suppose anyone knows something like it that works in combat?
23:42.31JoshBorkeno.  wobin is slacking and hasn't written splut
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