IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070624

00:00.13sstixrudis there a way to print out all the contents of a table in the wow chat screen?
00:00.38N00bZXIsstixrud: for k,v in pairs(table) do print(k) print(v) end
00:01.15IrielOr, install DevTools and do /dump SomeTable
00:01.31N00bZXIOr /print table with AceConsole
00:04.01sstixrudthanks I have Devtools installed
00:04.10ScumbagNewbie question: how do I define a global integer variable in Lua?
00:04.30N00bZXIScumbag: nameofthevariable = 0
00:04.51N00bZXII suggest not using variables something else might define
00:04.59ScumbagThanks. There are no type definitions like in C?
00:04.59N00bZXIVariable names*
00:05.31ScumbagSo you don't have to say: int nameofthevariable = 0;
00:05.50N00bZXIYou can actually reuse the same variable for different types of values
00:06.04ScumbagApplescript does that.
00:06.15ScumbagHaven't used that language in years though :p
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00:09.57ScumbagIs it possible to write an addon using only Lua, with no XML file, by writing doing this:
00:10.10Scumbagframe = CreateFrame("Frame")
00:10.25Scumbagframe:SetScript("OnEvent", MyFunc);frame:RegisterEvent("ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED");
00:10.27ScumbagIt is?
00:10.55N00bZXIExcept I'd suggest making the variable 'frame' local, to avoid possible conflicts with other addons attempting to use a variable of the same name
00:11.04ScumbagOkay, because I read about doing that with a local variable, but I wanted to know if I could make frame global and it would still work
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00:12.05N00bZXIYes, although I wouldn't suggest using a variable name like 'frame'
00:12.16ScumbagIf I make the frame local, can I still alter it in functions outside the one in which it is defined?
00:12.30ScumbagLike unregister an event?
00:13.01N00bZXIframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function() this:UnregisterEvent("ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED") MyFunc() end)
00:13.33N00bZXIthis refers to a frame if there's a frame it can refer to
00:13.51IrielIf you want to access it later from other code I'd say give it a global name
00:14.12Iriellike local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", "SomeLongerNameWithYourAddonsNameInIt");
00:14.29Scumbagn00bZXI: you say "this refers" do you mean the token "this" or just what you wrote?
00:14.54IrielDont ever do the code the way Noob showed you just then 8-)
00:15.14Irieldo frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self) self:UnregisterEvent("ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED")MyFunc() end)
00:15.35IrielTry not to use the 'this' global, it's messy and slow
00:15.47N00bZXIIriel: First arg is the name of the frame?
00:15.55ScumbagI don't even know what "this" means in Lua.
00:16.51ckknightScumbag: it's a WoW-ism
00:16.52Scumbagin "function(self)" is "function" a keyword or an example identifier?
00:17.17Scumbagckknight, I've heard of you, you've written a bunch of addons I use. Hello.
00:18.01N00bZXIArg1 is the name of the function?
00:19.22IrielN00bZXI: First arg is the frame itself, second is the event, the remainder are the event args (For OnEvent, anyway)
00:19.48N00bZXIIriel: I didn't know that! Thanks!
00:19.56Arrowmasterits new i think
00:20.07Cidenot really 'new'
00:20.16Cidebut it's not that old, no
00:20.26Arrowmasterlike 2.1 ish maybe
00:20.26Cidecame with the release of 2.0 I think?
00:20.37Cide2.0 I'm pretty sure
00:21.09Arrowmasterdont think it was an original 2.0 feature, one of the later patchs, i remember seeing it mentioned in one of the changes posts on the forums
00:21.29N00bZXIIs first arg the frame for OnLoad and other scripts also?
00:21.38CideIriel, do you remember?
00:21.49CideI think it was an original 2.0 feature
00:22.14Arrowmasterthe first arg is always self for any of those when used with SetScript
00:22.30Arrowmasterthe rest depend on what script it is
00:22.56N00bZXIArrowmaster: Thanks.
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00:23.49N00bZXII'm gonna change some of my code not to use this then, since using the first arg instead makes more sense to me
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00:24.29TheZankewhat are the possibilities of making my game play that admiral ackbar sound clip "IT'S A TRAP" everytime someone lays down a tarp(this is totally just for learning and isnt helpful at all)
00:26.12N00bZXII think there's no event fired, but I also think I've seen an addon that warns when hunters place traps.
00:26.15N00bZXISo I'm not sure
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00:33.41ScytheBlade1The "Deadly Boss Mods vs CT Boss Mods" thread makes my head hurt
00:34.02Cideit makes me laugh
00:34.13ckknightBigWigs ftw?
00:34.30ScytheBlade1It really, really makes my head hurt
00:34.41ScytheBlade1Like wow
00:35.42Shirik"Generally I think it's better if us laymen who don't program for a living just pay attention to how quickly the game is responding to our the input from out machines than looking at the numbers. "
00:35.46Shirikthat's what I wish more people would say
00:35.52ScytheBlade1People say that threads "make their head hurt"
00:36.02ScytheBlade1But this one is *literally causing me physical pain*
00:36.14Wobinwith a shiv?
00:36.21WobinI hear some of those threads can get rough
00:37.33ScytheBlade1"15 < 19" <-- his reasoning and logic behind that is astounding
00:38.00CideScytheBlade1: it's true though
00:38.22N00bZXIScytheBlade1: Who's, mine?
00:38.28ScytheBlade1Oh, I'm confusing undead rogues
00:38.39Wobin15 is less than 19
00:38.54Wobinisn't it?!
00:39.01Cidecommon misconception, Wobin
00:39.03dieckhm, as you speak about bossmods, I used to use LaVendetta (DBM), and switched to BigWigs - is there any PvP addon for BigWigs? for Arathi timers (including "win"-prediction), tower and graveyard timers for Alterac?
00:39.04Wobin5 lights!
00:39.08Cide15 is EQUAL to 19
00:39.18ScytheBlade1dieck, I use Capping personally
00:39.49dieckhm, I'll have a look
00:40.00ScytheBlade1It's simple and works well
00:41.32N00bZXIQuestion: Is there a way to avoid 'this' when using hooksecurefunc?
00:41.43Shirikthere is always a way to avoid "this"
00:41.52Shirikwhy do you need it anyway?
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00:42.06ThraeN00bZXI: I was under the impression everything was fully migrated to self
00:42.18N00bZXIHooking ContainerFrameItemButton_OnModifiedClick and need to know what was clicked
00:42.19Shirikthough it is always possible to use something other than this
00:42.24Shirikwhich, in most cases, is self
00:42.32N00bZXIArg1 is the button that was clicked
00:42.36N00bZXIErr mousebutton
00:42.48CideN00bZXI: hooksecurefunc("ContainerFrameItemButton_OnModifiedClick", function(self, button) ... end)
00:43.21ScytheBlade1Nice @
00:43.23N00bZXICide: I'll use that, thanks
00:43.30ThraeN00bZXI: Are you using GetScript() and SetScript() to hook it?
00:43.58N00bZXIThrae: I'm using hooksecurefunc
00:44.01ThraeN00bZXI: Instead of hooking ContainerFrameItemButton_OnModifiedClick, why not hook ContainerFrameItemButton:GetScript("OnModifiedClick") ?
00:44.04Shirikomg taking forever to download
00:44.35ScytheBlade1Shirik, 43000x2159
00:44.48ThraeShirik: New patch?
00:44.58Shirik202:432:31 12‹ScytheBlade112› Nice @
00:45.00Cidewhat the hell
00:45.04Shirikevery developer... ever?
00:45.05ShirikI think?
00:45.11ScytheBlade1Just in the 2.6.22 release
00:45.33Cideand quicktime is trying to load it since I booted it up in IE =/
00:45.53ScytheBlade1Took the gimp ~3 minutes to load and render the thing on my computer
00:45.58batrickabout yesterday
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00:49.01Wobinfail =)
00:49.02WobinThe image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
00:49.18ScytheBlade1It crashes Adobe too (all versions)
00:49.25N00bZXIWon't display for me either
00:49.26ThraeAnyone familiar with svn? I'm trying to make a directory which is an external to another directory on another svn server. I was trying to avoid setting the value on /trunk.
00:49.27N00bZXIThat exact error
00:49.56ScytheBlade1I had to load it up in the gimp for it to work
00:49.58ScytheBlade1It's really massive
00:49.59WobinThrae: That has to be one of the most convoluted unhelpful descriptions ever =P
00:50.13WobinWant to lay it all out?
00:50.40Wobinps, why avoid setting it on trunk?
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00:50.47ThraeWobin: I want /trunk/TinyTip to be an external to
00:50.55ThraeBecause I'm doing this on the Wowace SVN ;)
00:51.07WobinI don't think you can then...
00:51.22Wobinalthough you could hack together a toc
00:51.29Wobinand have that in the TT dir
00:51.36ThraeYeah, but that sucks
00:51.37Wobinand external another folder inside
00:51.53WobinNo, it's not possible then without modifying trunk
00:52.00Wobinnot for an external
00:57.07ScytheBlade1Gah. Is there any known version or incarnation of WoWAceUpdater that works under linux?
00:57.14ScytheBlade1I've tried the bash and perl scripts, they fail me
00:57.53WobinThe python script works great for me
00:58.44*** part/#wowi-lounge Scumbag (
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01:01.06mikmagod damn that's one huge picture
01:01.18mikmatakes forever to load and almost hangs my mac
01:02.29*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
01:03.07ScytheBlade1I really need to find that "let's kill X!" hotkey and nuke it
01:04.20ScytheBlade1It's some combo of ctrl+alt and the page up/down/home/end/insert/delete keys
01:04.39ScytheBlade1Because c+a+pgup and pgdn switch desktops, but for some reason... I randomly hit some unknown hotkey and nuke X
01:04.58mikmaScytheBlade1: best i have found is reset-button in computer ;)
01:05.20zenzelezzonly c+a+backspace for me; but I guess it could be the same setting, 'Option "DontZap"' or something like that
01:05.52ScytheBlade1mikma, hehe
01:07.05WobinScytheBlade1: I can't recall offhand, but search for kemayo's script on the forum
01:07.13ScytheBlade1Wobin, will do, thanks
01:08.13ScytheBlade1This is killing X and everything in it..
01:11.05zenzelezzagain, if it's what I think it is, check your X config (xorg.conf or whatever) for 'Option "DontZap"'; at least for me that disables the hotkey that nukes X
01:11.11Shirikit downloaded 10% of that image
01:11.13Shirikand gave up
01:11.28ScytheBlade1I had to use the gimp to open it
01:11.33ScytheBlade1wget to save, gimp to open
01:11.34Wobin*Shirik's browser*: GASP!
01:12.41ScytheBlade1zenzelezz, will do
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01:23.19zenzelezzthe helm reward from the Teron Gorefiend quest line is supposed to put the "amg I see ghosts" buff on you when equipped, or do they only silently apply the buff (no buff icon) now?
01:27.59ScytheBlade1I think it's silently applied
01:28.05ScytheBlade1Having that buff was annoying
01:28.50zenzelezzagreed; but since I don't get it now I can't help but wonder... the spectreles still show the buff icon
01:29.21zenzelezzthe easy way to find out would be to go back and see; but I'm raising my herbalism in Azeroth :-p
01:29.55Arrowmasteri think they show the buff but only if you equip them or res in shadowmoon
01:30.05Arrowmasterso if you dont have it take them off and put them back on
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01:32.35zenzelezzI'll have to try that later, thanks for the tip
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02:24.29Zombicaloha all
02:27.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley` (
02:27.45batrickis there something more to the getglobal function than: function getglobal(string) return _G[string] end
02:29.38batricksemms to be an unnecessary function call :s
02:30.05Cide-more userfriendly than _G[...] though
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03:28.41ScytheBlade1Kemayo, awesome, ty
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04:34.56N00bZXIWhat function would I use to check if a unit is both in range and in line of sight of a certain spell?
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04:40.09subbawti don't think such a function exists N00bZXI
04:40.12subbawtat least not for LoS
04:41.01ScytheBlade1Range can be done with the UI, but LoS can't
04:41.12ScytheBlade1The UI shows you what spells are out of range; they don't show you LoS
04:41.19ScytheBlade1You get the AddMessage() error instead
04:43.11N00bZXII see, well, I guess I'll just use range then
04:58.52*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
05:27.22Xuerianwowhead sold out? o_0
05:28.22Xuerian 0_o
05:28.28Wobinwow they really did
05:28.53subbawtof course they sold out
05:29.34WobinWell naturally =)
06:03.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
06:37.33Thunder_ChildXuerian, did you read ?
06:38.12Thunder_Childsame people that do wowi now do wowhead as well
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07:00.53Jazradelhey all
07:04.07JazradelThe wind whistles in the background as a small piece of tumbleweed bounces over the desolate scene.
07:13.50IrielSuddenly a post-apocalyptic sub-humanoid on his spiked rocket jeep leaps over the horizon, shattering the tumbleweed into a thousand burning pieces, in search of flesh to consume
07:15.15Jazradelnice to see someone else is in here
07:16.00Irieleven if i'm not paying attention.
07:16.08IrielThere's many people here, likely all doing something else aswell 8-)
07:16.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
07:16.47Jazradelwell, while someone is in here do you mind taking at look at
07:17.10ZealotOnAStickSome of us are just habitual lurkers.
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07:18.04Thunder_Childshhh..i'm trying to sleep here
07:18.17JazradelAs the sun slowly fades into the horizon the lurkers awaken.
07:19.01IrielIsn't it SetBindingClick ?
07:19.19Jazradeleither one
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07:19.35Jazradeli got rid of the actually version and typed that second code blokc from memory
07:19.49Jazradelso yeh it probably is SetBindingClick
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07:25.07batrickanybody see why: /cast [help, target=targettarget] Frostbolt
07:25.09batrickdoesn't work
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07:27.45Jazradelhmm maybe it checks [help] after it sets target=targettarget
07:28.44batricki understood it to be otherwise, and cogwheels guide agrees so i dunno
07:28.52batrickeither way it doesn't work
07:29.13Jazradeli'll log into wow and have a look
07:29.59Irielthe order isn't important for target=
07:33.14batrickI'm pretty sure it used to work, couple of patches ago it stopped working and I didn't bother trying to figure out why
07:36.21batrickI can't see what's wrong with it
07:36.27batrickhow annoying : (
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07:44.52Fincladhaire's book is called "Hacking World of Warcraft", right?
07:51.51*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
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08:03.38Corrodiaswait, wait
08:03.56Corrodiasmy hunter's helper says that spiders can learn Gore. it may have been a while since i updated it, but i'm not aware that has ever been true.
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08:04.33IrielI dont believe it has
08:06.46Corrodiasif it were true, spiders might be nearly useful. we can't have that.
08:07.50Corrodiasthey'd just be missing a speed-increasing ability and then boom, they'd be the perfect pet! >:o
08:08.19Thunder_Childbad helper then
08:08.40JunkHead-WorkI had a dream today, that I bought a GI Joe aircraft carrier.
08:08.53JunkHead-WorkHas anyone else ever had that dream?
08:09.09Jazradelnot that i can think of
08:09.20JunkHead-WorkOk just checking.
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08:46.23batricki'm getting my friend's to do this
08:46.32batrickand I rationalize it saying "it saves memory"
08:54.06sag_ich_nichti'm too tired to figure out what that does
08:54.11sag_ich_nichtwhat does it do batrick
08:54.23sag_ich_nichtlooks like you are nilling some table
08:54.37batricki'm hiding all frames
08:54.43batrickdeleting everything
08:54.50batrickonly way to recover is alt+F4
08:55.16sag_ich_nichtyou should be kicked in the balls.
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09:11.51ckknightactually, batrick, it doesn't delete anything
09:12.03ckknightchange v = nil to _G[_] = nil
09:15.26batricko right
09:15.29Finyou're an idiot
09:15.37batricko well
09:15.46batrickit has the appearance of deleting everything
09:15.51batrickthat's all that matters lol
09:17.18ckknightbatrick: /script for _,v in pairs(_G) do if type(rawget(v, 0)) == "userdata" and type(v.Hide) == "function" then v:Hide(); end; setfenv(0, {})
09:19.20batrickyou're going to far greater lengths than I would normally just to scare friends that every setting was deleted :P
09:19.35batrickwhich it was
09:19.39batrickif they were able to log out
09:23.58IrielBear in mind if they happened to get disconnected then you'd have deleted all of their settings
09:25.19FinI would expect most people might just quit and restart anyway if something like that happened, rather than alt-f4
09:25.54Finsomeone like my girlfriend wouldn't even know that alt-f4 does what it does
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09:49.20Corrodiasokay. rapid killing reduces the cooldown on rapid fire, useful for raid bosses, so i do want that.
09:53.17Corrodiascan't help but STILL wish i had another 30 talent points
09:54.54Corrodiashere's the question. do i want Endurance Training (+10% health) or Thick Hide (+20% armor, +3% to the armor bonus from the hunter) and Catlike Reflexes (+9% dodge)? I think the latter is much more effective-sounding
09:55.21Corrodiasif there's decent magic resistance, that's a nice combination
09:55.39Corrodiasi keep changing my planned hunter spec every other day, but i'm having fun doing it
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10:03.11Corrodiaswhy do the wow forums never let me search? :P
10:05.04Corrodiasso i'm planning on NOT taking Mortal Shots, at least at the moment i'm planning this
10:05.36Corrodiasreason being that i calculated that a BM hunter with a 25% crit rate is only going to get a 3.6% boost in total dps from 5 points in Mortal Shots which could be used elsewhere
10:05.51FinCorrodias: because they are a pile of fetid horse wang
10:06.45Mr_Rabies2which one is mortal shots?
10:06.52Mr_Rabies2100% more damage from crits?
10:06.54Corrodias+30% damage bonus on crits
10:07.01Corrodiasso you get 230% damage instead of 200%
10:08.39Corrodiasif a BM hunter is doing only 60% of his total damage (a number i keep hearing from end-game BMers) and that talent doesn't affect the pet's crits, the damage increase doesn't meet the 1% per point threshhold
10:09.42Corrodiasi think i'd rather move those points over to BM for greater pet survivability, to help keep my pet from dropping unexpectedly and losing 40% of my dps
10:10.43Mr_Rabies2i'll probably get avoidance and/or that aoe damage reducing
10:10.55Corrodiasthat is avoidance
10:11.01Corrodiasso "and"
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10:11.11Corrodiaseasy decision there :)
10:11.36Mr_Rabies2what's the dodge one
10:12.02Corrodiasmy biggest question, after just how i should spec, if whether to get a regular ravager or one of the "extra spiky" ones
10:12.13Corrodiasthere's a talent for dodging called Catlike Reflexes
10:12.25Corrodiasbut no pet abilities for it
10:12.48TheZanke1% for you 3% for your pet
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10:13.16TheZankeon cat like reflexes
10:13.27Corrodiasper point
10:13.30Mr_Rabies2i guess i was thinking cobra reflexes
10:13.40Mr_Rabies2and that's a dps thing
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10:14.41Corrodiasi think i'm getting me a big orange spiky ravager
10:14.52Corrodiasjust to scare you
10:15.04Mr_Rabies2i'm seeing conflicting reports on cobra reflexes
10:15.06TheZankei am actually leveling my first hunter as we speak
10:15.08Mr_Rabies2some people are saying it's a dps boost
10:15.09TheZankelvl 41
10:15.14Mr_Rabies2and some are saying it's a dps decrease
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10:15.35Corrodiascobra reflexes increases speed by 30% and decreases damage by a little less, totalling in a 12% white damage dps boost, approximately
10:15.37Corrodiasor so i've read
10:16.20Mr_Rabies2well, ravagers have the highest white dps, tied with cats
10:16.23Mr_Rabies2plus CR
10:16.30Mr_Rabies2plus Command racial
10:16.46Mr_Rabies2plus frenzy
10:16.47Mr_Rabies2= win
10:16.47Corrodiascats have slightly higher health, ravagers have slightly higher armor. the big difference there is gore vs claw
10:16.57Corrodiasgore does 13% more damage than claw, on average, over time
10:16.57Mr_Rabies2gore's much better
10:17.06Mr_Rabies2but geez
10:17.08Mr_Rabies2my ravager
10:17.11Mr_Rabies2hits like a truck
10:17.24Corrodiaswe should get our ravagers together
10:17.27Mr_Rabies2he white(orange) critted for 500
10:17.32Corrodiasmake little ravagerlings
10:17.34Mr_Rabies2at level 60
10:21.15foxlitWould that allocate the {} even if pc[v] isn't nil?
10:21.24foxlit(or will it lazily skip that part?)
10:21.41Corrodiasthe term you're looking for is "short circuit"
10:21.53Corrodiasjust kidding
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10:22.10Corrodiasit wouldn't necessarily be the same answer
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10:23.21foxlit(pc[v] can never be false in this context)
10:23.21Corrodiasthough it won't "evaluate" {}, that doesn't necessarily mean it isn't allocating it, but i'd doubt it does
10:23.21foxlitMerely making sure I have a table :)
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10:26.30Corrodiasgot my hunter from level 51 to 53.5 today. hope to accomplish as much tomorrow.
10:26.37Corrodiasbut for that, i have to go to bed. 'ni!
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10:38.25foxlitNevermind, I'm being a bit silly.
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10:52.27Wobinfoxlit: to check if you have a table, just check the type
10:53.51foxlitWobin: I removed the original question there, I'm afraid :)
10:54.13foxlitI was complaining that it wasn't iterating through txml["Tag.AnotherTag.1.SomeOtherTag.YetMoreTags"]
10:54.53foxlitAnd of course the problem was that once it .1., it was actually trying to do txml["Tag.AnotherTag"]["1"] rather than txml["Tag.AnotherTag"][1]
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13:25.37ArtoisHey, does anyone know of an addon that shows you when your next mana tick will occur*?
13:41.25Shirik# youPod Micro (third-gen): This youPod doesn't hold any songs, and to see it you need an electron microscope.
13:41.25Shirik# youPod Giga: Only four million of these are being created. They are the size of Jupiter and most of them are being sent to other solar systems with all recorded music ever created by mankind to prove that there is no other intelligent life in the Universe. This was your idea.
13:42.01zenzelezzuncyclopedia <3
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13:46.25zenzelezzI wish they'd let hunters buy one or two more stable slots
13:52.54Cairenn|afkElkano: hi
13:53.38Elkanoho, highlight was because of the two spam messanges on the forums
13:54.26Cairenn|afksubsequently dealt with, I'm presuming, since I didn't notice anything just now when I scanned the site?
13:54.41Elkanoyeah, they are gone by now
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14:42.26krkahm, anyone know of a way to scan pixel values of the screen in linux?
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15:56.00JunkHeadHi, can anyone help me with the addon "Quartz"? I'm having a problem.
15:56.34bleeterkrka: start with 'man X'
15:56.36JunkHeadI can't figure out how to move the "Five Second Rule" bars.
15:58.06JunkHeadLet me try something.
15:58.23JunkHeadGoddammit nm.
15:58.27JunkHead<-- Stupid
16:00.02bleeterkrka: but, you probably don't want to be doing that. last thing we want is for warden to have to start looking for Wine/Cedega/X hacks
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16:08.56krkamaybe i can just run autoit through wine
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16:12.13zenzelezzwhat are you trying to accomplish?
16:15.27krkabetter not say :)
16:15.44krkastep 1 is reviving Autotravel into an addon that just gives directions
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16:19.01zenzelezzsounds fishy
16:20.23krkaperhaps so
16:22.07foxlitbleeter: Why? I'd want the warden to look for Wine/Cedega/X hacks; last thing I want is that those filthy communists* running linux cheat!
16:22.37bleeterIt's not the sort of question I'd ask in here, with a full name, public IP etc. etc. You never know who's watching/reporting to Blizz.
16:23.00bleeterfoxlit: performance in Wine is... wanting, last thing it needs is for smartasses to cause it to further lag out ;)
16:23.56krkawine performs nicely
16:23.59bleeterfoxlit: however, I do agree, that Warden should be looking for such nastiness - though I'm totally 100% unsure how it'd manage it
16:25.08bleeterput it this way, I can think off the top of my head, of a method to do such stuff that'd be next to impossible for Warden to track - and Blizz's only response would be to stop it running on Wine/Cedega. And we don't want that, do we.
16:25.18bleeter*stop the game
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17:15.47WobinDon't be taking my bucket =(
17:17.34trikyou can play wow on linux?!
17:18.05zenzelezzthrough Wine/Cedega, yes
17:18.31WobinI get quite good fps now I have my new desktop =)
17:18.36Wobin<3 110 fps in IF
17:18.44trikwhat about in shattrath?
17:18.53WobinShattrah only gets about 50 =P
17:19.01Wobinor maybe 60
17:19.20WobinBetter than my laptop
17:19.25Wobinwhich I was getting 8
17:26.17foxlitWhat the heck does Prat do to ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler?
17:27.43Gnarfozgrep to the rescue
17:28.30Gnarfozhooks it
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17:30.02sylvanaarfoxlit it uses a capture and rewrite technique, which works well for it
17:30.53foxlitTrying to figure out what exactly is going on with my hook on that as well
17:32.42foxlitSo far I've got that I hook ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler and modify arg1 to colorize some parts of the text
17:33.01foxlitNo prat, it passes through okay. Prat seems to eat colorizing.
17:33.38Cideto prevent dc's?
17:34.22foxlitNah, it's mostly a visual aid
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17:34.50foxlitAddon-generated messages containt some sort of class-player name encoding, and I translate those to colorcodes to take up less space and be more apparent
17:35.21foxlitIt's all client-side so no worries about disconnecting
17:35.53foxlitIf I have a separate chatFrame:AddMessage call in ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler, prat replaces my text with the chat text of the last message
17:35.57foxlitLooks awful :/
17:38.37foxlitAnd I don't output anything, it seems to ignore the changes I make to arg1
17:39.24sylvanaarfoxlit Prat does its own thing in order to have all its parts work together. You have to hook ahead of Prat in order to modify arg1.
17:40.20foxlitAnd how do I do that?
17:41.23sylvanaarwhen do you install your hook?
17:41.29foxlitAt load time
17:41.37foxlitPart of the main block of one of the addon files
17:42.43foxlitIs there a load before-type toc field?
17:43.16sylvanaarYou need to get called before Prat, so you need to hook after it does
17:45.18sylvanaaryou can register for the aceevent prat triggers when it has loaded
17:45.26foxlitNot ace.
17:45.37sylvanaarif prat is there so is ace
17:46.09sylvanaarwhich means you can register for for the event
17:46.32foxlitPresumably it's there after Prat loads
17:46.40foxlitDoes prat not hook immediately for some reason?
17:47.04sylvanaaryeah, it delays so that its at the end of the chain
17:47.31foxlitThat's a bit annoying.
17:49.05foxlitI can be evil and keep checking that I'm on top, but given the general nature of the issue, we'd probably be caught in some infinite loop of rehooking.
17:49.56sylvanaarlocal AceEvent = AceLibrary and AceLibrary:HasInstance("AceEvent-2.0") and AceLibrary("AceEvent-2.0")
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17:54.19sylvanaarthen you can use AceEvent:RegisterEvent("Prat_Ready", function() <your code> end )
17:55.45sylvanaaror you can check out the way prat does it. its ultimately alot easier
17:56.34sylvanaarif you have to deal with many modules all trying to change the same line of text at least
18:05.18sylvanaarbut i guess if you do that why not just use the prat events Prat_FrameMessage, Prat_PreAddMessage, and just set .MESSAGE
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18:18.47foxlitTrying to think of some evil mechanism to remove an existing hook and rehook on top; it's a bit shady
18:25.12ScytheBlade1Heh, the "Addon Spotlight" is indeed trojan'd.
18:25.40ScytheBlade1UI forums
18:26.58ScytheBlade1Nothing like hex editing binary "batch files" in linux ;)
18:27.07Cairennpresume it's been reported already, yes?
18:27.32ScytheBlade1I just reported it, so yes
18:27.37zenzelezzI'd say "never trust direct links on public forums", but then again I know lots of people who would :-|
18:27.51ScytheBlade1It's just depressing to see pricks take high quality addons and trojan them
18:28.46ScytheBlade1Then repost it and nuke accounts
18:30.48ScytheBlade1I'm still waiting for someone to trojan an addon with a desktop.ini, causing a literal autorun of trojans whenever you open the folder
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18:32.16ScytheBlade1Has anyone explored the possibilies of allowing addons to run from a .zip?
18:32.30ScytheBlade1I mean the technical limitations, advantages, disadvantages, etc.
18:33.28foxlitStep 1: Blizzard-based addon hosting and signing.
18:33.30foxlitStep 2: ???
18:33.32foxlitStep 3: Profit.
18:33.35kergothaddons dont run from disk, they run from ram after the file is loaded as a lua chunk and executed.  the only difference would be in load time, for a minor disk savings
18:34.13ScytheBlade1kergoth, so my thinking: toss some .zip code into WoW, let people "run addons without extracting them"
18:34.27ScytheBlade1Solves a whole host of problems concerning keyloggers, and it simplifies installation.
18:35.10zenzelezzif that was your purpose they could give us a tool to turn our addons into some other single archive file
18:35.43zenzelezzfor example
18:35.59ScytheBlade1I talk to ShadowFlare. I might be able to convince her to fix WinMPQ to support the large WoW MPQs. :P
18:36.10kergothi dont see how it solves the problem of keyloggers unless the author can sign it with gpg and the player only allow the addon with that key to be used
18:36.49ScytheBlade1If people move a file around, as long as they don't double-click, they can't be hurt
18:37.01ScytheBlade1Conversely, public key signatures may be overkill.
18:38.05ScytheBlade1Authentication shouldn't be required for addons. It'd be nice, but imagine the case for ".wowaddon" which is simple a renamed .zip.
18:38.25ScytheBlade1Admittedly, then people would just distribute single-file executables...
18:38.35foxlit<ScytheBlade1> Authentication shouldn't be required
18:38.41foxlitWhy the hell not?
18:39.25kergothi like the idea of signing personally, but then blizzard would need to provide an "addon installer" which they point at the zip and .sign to install, so its easy
18:39.31ScytheBlade11) It "works" now 2) Addons have to be created somehow. Are you going to re-sign your addon every time you change a line of code? No, they'd throw another field in the .toc. Which the trojan people would just flip anyways.
18:40.01foxlit1) It doesn't. Some people may be okay with it not working, however.
18:40.15foxlitYou can _never_ be sure that the update you're downloading actually came from the preson who wrote the original mod
18:40.39LegorolIn that ominous link to Cartographer, that was just mentioned, how can I see that it's a trojan/keylogger?
18:40.47LegorolI downloaded the zip, scanned it and came up with nothing.
18:40.53LegorolI also don't see any executable files inside it
18:40.56ScytheBlade1Check out the 156kb .bat file.
18:41.10Legorolwhich one, there are 2
18:41.19ScytheBlade1Heh, the both of them.
18:41.21kergothits not that hard to re-sign the zip.  its easy to write a release script, many competent authors already do, for svn tagging or just re-zipping and cleaning out backups of text files and shit
18:41.27ScytheBlade1They're both executables renamed to .bat.
18:41.40Legorolah right
18:41.44Legoroli see it, you are right
18:41.56Legorolbut why would anyone run a .bat file? that's nonstandard for installing an addon
18:42.04Legorolusually you just unzip and that's it
18:42.05ScytheBlade1kergoth, so signing with an accepted private key is in the hands of the authors?
18:42.12Legoroldo people really fall for this?
18:42.30Legorolhm, i guess they would
18:42.31ScytheBlade1Legorol, cartographer has that as a legitmate install. You'll see all of the "Catrographer_*" folders there?
18:42.35kergothit'd have to be, to be a valid proof that it came from the author and is unmodified
18:42.51LegorolScytheBlade1: yeah i do
18:42.52ScytheBlade1They are all seperate addons, and it ships with a valid .bat file which installs them for you (by copying them)
18:43.12ScytheBlade1kergoth, so then the "bad guys" just resign with a different key and a matching name.
18:43.14Legorolok, interesting
18:43.35Legorolthat's an interesting way of distributing an addon package
18:43.43Legorolwhy not just zip them up normally?
18:43.59ScytheBlade1Do YOU want to download 13 addons for one to function?
18:44.18ScytheBlade1(That's what I see anyways.)
18:44.20Legoroli don't understand
18:44.24Legoroli download a single zip
18:44.25kergoththere's a reason gpg and pgp have a web of trust.  a key thats never been signed shouldnt be trusted.
18:44.27Legoroli extract
18:44.28Legorolend of story
18:44.40kergothbut admittedly the complexity is increasing
18:44.49Legorolif i'm supposed to "install" anything, why not just zip it up like that in the first place?
18:44.52Legorolor am i missing something?
18:44.57ScytheBlade1Legorol, all of those folders inside of Cartographer are seperate addons. To get their functionality, you're downloading 14 components to it.
18:45.15ScytheBlade1kergoth, signed by who, though? That's the question.
18:45.17Legorolif those are 14 separate addons, then why aren't they in 14 separate folders in the zip file to begin with
18:45.33ScytheBlade1Legorol, *shrugs* Ask the addon dev. :)
18:45.33Legorollook, all i am objecting to is having to do a separate "install" step
18:45.37Legoroli don't see the necessity for that
18:45.55Legorolif Cartographer doesn't function without me doing that install step anyway, i need all 14?
18:46.07Legoroli think i will
18:46.14Legoroli must be missing something because this doesn't make any sense
18:46.27zenzelezzI just extracted Cartographer and loaded WoW, never noticed any bat files o_O
18:46.47ScytheBlade1I click the .sh script personally ;P
18:47.22ScytheBlade1kergoth, don't get me wrong, signed addons would help immensely. But keep in mind how few people are going to even stop to compare and check for proper signatures? For it to really not load addons from bad signatures, you'd need it to be signed "by blue" - or at least signed by a key that is signed by blue.
18:47.31ScytheBlade1Then you have the question of who has access to those corresponding private keys.
18:47.45ScytheBlade1And, more importantley, who does NOT have access to get one.
18:48.46kergoththat's why i suggested a blizzard installer that accepts the key and signature.  it could abort if that sig is untrusted in your web of trust.  you wouldnt need it signed by blue, you'd need your key signed by someone who knows you're you.  itd be sufficient if cair recognized me on irc as me via my behavior and signed my key, and hers having been signed by fellow site admins and blizz folk she knows..
18:48.54kergoththe web of trust doesnt require that the trust be direct.
18:49.09ScytheBlade1So essentially a third-party PKI then
18:49.31kergoththe problem is the addon community is relatively distributed, and confirming that you're you to sign your key is best done in person
18:49.38kergoththough irc helps, unless a good actor is posing as you
18:49.42foxlitkergoth: blizzard as signing authority
18:49.48ScytheBlade1And knows your ident password...
18:50.00kergoththat's true, nickserv would help matters immensely
18:50.05ScytheBlade1foxlit, then throw in my questions. Who gets the right to sign? Who doesn't?
18:50.58ScytheBlade1How do you tell a legit addon dev. from another legit addon dev. with bad intentions?
18:51.00kergothanyway, you'd have a lot of details to be worked out, thats obvious, but i think itd still be viable.. certainly not in this game, maybe in their next endeavor
18:52.27ScytheBlade1kergoth, I kinda like this chain of thought though. :)
18:52.27ScytheBlade1Plain and simple, even doing a WoWI chain of trust is more effort than 9/10 of people would go through. It'd require "blue backing" - and even then, we'd be incredibly lucky to get 50% of the users to properly build their chain of trust
18:52.50ScytheBlade1It's the other 50% that need these protections, and I don't see how it could be done in a simple manner that would work
18:53.03zenzelezzdoes anyone else find this wording a bit funny? "[1. General] [...]: <Betrayal> - A friendly and social guild [...]"
18:53.14kergothall itd prevent is the casual jackass from getting dangerous files to the user, the ones that want it bad enough would be able to fake it with some genuine releases enough to get signed by someone with blue connections
18:53.43ScytheBlade1Pretty much exactly, yeah
18:53.47kergothjust a half measure, really, and as you say, probably more trouble than its worth given that
18:54.43ScytheBlade1Hence why I'm saying don't bother. Distribute addons as a renamed .zip, and make the blizzard addon installer check to see if it's an executable renamed to .wowaddon. Deny if it is.
18:54.54kergothyeah.. users will sitll download exes that claim to be self extractors with wowaddon files inside, but we cant prevent idiots from shooting themselves in the foot
18:55.04LegorolScytheBlade1: that doesn't seem to stop incidences like the cartographer trojan just mentioned
18:55.37ScytheBlade1Legorol, true. Cartographer would have to be re-architected or come in a literal 15 pieces.
18:55.40kergothi still like the idea of an addon development social network as an indicator of trust of the addon author though, even if it isnt actually viable.  would be nifty.
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18:55.48ScytheBlade1Yeah, I agree with that
18:56.20kergothwhat i hate about most social networks is people go "oh, that person says they know me.. they must from somewhere, i'll hit yes.."
18:56.27kergothon shit like linkedin, makes it less useful
18:56.52ScytheBlade1Heck, throw in a wowaddon:/ file handler into windows. wowaddon://server.tld/path/to/addon/addon.wowaddon
18:56.59foxlitNeeds even more direct blizzard intervention
18:57.12ScytheBlade1From there, whitelist domains and post a list of authentic addon sites on the boards.
18:57.22foxlitKill downloads from outside blizzard-controled sources at all
18:57.30foxlitYou either use their software to load addons, or you don't load addons.
18:57.37ScytheBlade1Not needed... they support trusted 3rd party sites.
18:57.42ScytheBlade1Just look at the SC modding community.
18:57.54foxlitI don't see the need for 3rd party sites
18:58.07foxlitIt's an extra weak link in the chain of trust, it shouldn't be there.
18:58.33ScytheBlade1This wouldn't be a chain of trust, simply a list of known trusted sites and a renamed .zip.
18:58.42ScytheBlade1Two different threads of conversation going on here
18:59.04ScytheBlade1In reality, we could do the PKI stuff now. Wouldn't be hard.
18:59.15ScytheBlade1Well, it would be, but not compared to changing the real system :P
19:00.51ScytheBlade1kergoth, I also wouldn't go as far as to say that it's not likely to see in WoW, but rather the next game. This IS the largest MMO out there period, and as long as people spend money on it, dev will continue..
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19:02.40kergothtrue, but it seems kinda invasive for an existing deployed game.  when all their addons stop working, people will do a lot of bitching and moaning
19:02.45kergothcourse people do a lot of bitching and moaning /anyway/
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19:03.11zenzelezzthey already had that with 2.0 ;-o
19:03.13ScytheBlade1Eh, it's already happened once
19:03.14ScytheBlade1Yeah, exactly
19:03.24kergoththat's true, good point
19:03.43ScytheBlade1I remember a thread from a LONG time ago where slouken stated that he'd look at a re-write of the chat code in 3.0
19:04.03ScytheBlade1Point releases (so far, for what it's worth) broke everything anyways.
19:04.28ScytheBlade1Err, major point releases.
19:05.48ScytheBlade1I still personally think that removing the extraction step and distributing addons in a non-executable format would help tons
19:06.08ScytheBlade1And in comparison to a full blown PKI system, would be very easy to impliment
19:06.35foxlitWhat's so wrong with extracting a zip?
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19:06.54ScytheBlade1Extra step of needless complication, imo
19:07.11ScytheBlade1Never mind the *possiblilty* of desktop.ini exploits (which I admit haven't been seen yet, to my knowledge)
19:08.07zenzelezznothing's forcing you to use archive files now; it's just more convenient than making people download all the files manually
19:08.30ScytheBlade1Likewise, just make the archive format an accepted format to load from.
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19:12.21krkahmm... i just installed wow in linux, successfully
19:12.24krkabut it runs really slowly
19:12.31krkaanyone have any tips?
19:12.37ScytheBlade1What video card?
19:13.23krka06:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV44 [GeForce 6200 LE] (rev a1)
19:13.35krkai think i am running a proper driver for it
19:13.43krkarunning in 64-bit mode though... could that be a problem?
19:14.18ScytheBlade103:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G70 [GeForce 7600 GT] (rev a1)
19:14.26ScytheBlade1Nope, I'm running 64-bit myself
19:14.46ScytheBlade1Works fine for me, though
19:14.53ScytheBlade1Some times locks up, but I blame that on wine
19:14.57krkai ran it previously on some slightly different, and worse, hardware
19:15.07krkamust be some weird driver or weird wine-issue
19:15.21krkai used to run on 32bit, slower processor, 512 mb ram
19:15.28krkanow i have 64bit, dual core, 1gig ram
19:15.32krkaand better graphics card
19:16.12ScytheBlade1Get another gig of RAM... you'd be shocked at the difference
19:16.55krkastill... it's weird that this is performing worse
19:21.56sylvanaaris wow 64bit?
19:22.07sylvanaarthere you go
19:22.27nevcairielnot sure how that is for linux
19:22.33ScytheBlade1Works fine here
19:22.36ScytheBlade164-bit everything
19:22.45nevcairielthe windows 32bit emulation works good for wow .. dunno about linux
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19:24.16krkahow annoying
19:24.18sylvanaarits prolly still pretty costly to cross the boundary though
19:24.20krkagetting like 8 fps
19:24.35krkacpu is not really working too hard, and plenty of free mem
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19:32.21krkahave any nice xorg settings?
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19:33.28ScytheBlade1Nope, nothing fancy
19:33.30Corrodiasif a post on the wow forums has the grey biohazard symbol, indicating it has been reported by somebody, would it do any good for me to also report it or should i just leave it?
19:33.46ScytheBlade1Yes, it does do any good
19:33.50ScytheBlade1Every point counts, so to speak
19:35.27krkahmm... annoying
19:46.22IndustrialI need youtube/gvideo standup comedy! Can anyone recommend something?
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20:03.18sag_ich_nichti'm a paladin, what should my mount macro look like after 2.1? i didn't bother so far :P
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20:15.18sag_ich_nichtfound a bug in the blizz code for macros
20:15.33batrickdid you now
20:15.35batrickwhat bug is that
20:16.10Legorol<sag_ich_nicht> i'm a paladin, what should my mount macro look like after 2.1?      <= how did it look like before 2.1? I can't read your mind
20:16.19sag_ich_nichtLegorol i worked it out already
20:16.23sag_ich_nichtit's a bit broken :P
20:16.27sag_ich_nichtsee the pastey
20:16.47batrickwhy use outdoors?
20:16.54batrickonly useful for druids imo
20:17.07sag_ich_nichtbatrick because you can't mount when you're not outdoors.
20:17.12sag_ich_nichtIF is outdoors as well
20:17.13batrickso what
20:17.19zenzelezzwhy are your #showtooltip and #showicon blank? I thought they expected more
20:17.28sag_ich_nichtzenzelezz nope
20:17.34nevcairielhe wants to avoid the error messages
20:17.38Legorolsag_ich_nicht: what is the issue with your macro? please describe
20:17.44sag_ich_nichtsee the title of the pastey
20:17.46sag_ich_nichthold down CTRL
20:17.47batricki think in that case the error messages are useful
20:17.54nevcairiel#showtooltip implies showicon
20:17.54sag_ich_nichtit should show the icon for Summon Charger
20:18.03sag_ich_nichtnevcairiel oh? :O
20:18.04nevcairielyou only need #showtooltip :)
20:18.23sag_ich_nichtstill doesn't show the right icon if i hold down ctrl though
20:18.31batrickit should
20:18.35batrickhave you tried leaving those out?
20:18.41sag_ich_nichtthus, bug
20:18.42Legorol<batrick> why use outdoors?    <= i would like to know too
20:18.45sag_ich_nichtbatrick which?
20:18.50sag_ich_nichtLegorol: because it'
20:19.04nevcairielthats what i use
20:19.05batrickis that your bug sag?
20:19.15sag_ich_nichts/it'/it's pointless to try mounting if you can't?/
20:19.42batrickwhat is the bug exactly?
20:19.42batrickbut the error message is useful
20:19.42batrickand doesn't hurt you any
20:19.49sag_ich_nichtthere is no error message
20:19.53sag_ich_nichtit DOES what it SHOULD
20:19.59batrickso what's the bug...
20:20.00sag_ich_nichtit just doesn't show the correct icon for the action
20:20.08sag_ich_nichtwhich it should since 2.1
20:20.13sag_ich_nichtthus: bug
20:20.18batrickmine works fine
20:20.22nevcairieltry modifier:ctrl on your summon line
20:20.32sag_ich_nichtnevcairiel: that wouldn't work
20:20.47sag_ich_nichtit should use the charger if it's non-flyable, without ctrl+click
20:20.48nevcairielwhy not?
20:21.04sag_ich_nichtit works that way currently, but the icon updating is wrong as i said
20:21.08Legorolwhy type lines like
20:21.21sag_ich_nichtit shows the question mark instead of the summon charger icon
20:21.30Legorolmay i suggest the alternative of:
20:21.37Legorolbatrick: statement A
20:21.41Legorolsag_ich_nicht: statement B
20:21.47batricklegorol who pissed in your cerial
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20:21.59Legorolbut i like pissy cereal
20:22.04zenzelezzyou're obviously cluttering up his screen batrick
20:22.05sag_ich_nichtBug: it should show The summon charger icon when i hold down ctrl, it doesn't, it shows the question mark.
20:22.15Legorolzenzelezz: that'd be correct
20:22.20batrickluckily for him irc comes with ignore features
20:22.26nevcairielsag_ich_nicht: try that, just for testing :)
20:22.38Legoroli'm not trying to ignore anyone ;-)
20:22.48zenzelezzjust impose your opinion onto them
20:22.58batrickhave you tried removing the semicolons sag?
20:23.00zenzelezzin a most uncouth way
20:23.04batrickI don't think they should be there
20:23.09Legorolin a rather rude way you might say
20:23.19Legorolthat i'd agree with and apologise for
20:23.22Legorolbut my point still stands
20:23.40zenzelezzI agree with your point, but not the way it was presented
20:23.44sag_ich_nichtnevcairiel: nope, question mark as well if i hold down CTRL
20:23.58sag_ich_nichtsummons the charger though if i click
20:24.01LegorolI'd like to apologise to everyone for presenting my point in a rude manner, will watch it in the future
20:24.03Legoroland i do mean it
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20:26.35nevcairielsag_ich_nicht: you know the funny thing is, i just copied your inital macro, and it works :P ( i am using a normal land mount and no summon tho )
20:27.19sag_ich_nichtnevcairiel: i think the summon might be the problem
20:28.24nevcairieldoes the spell really have the postfixed (Summon)?
20:28.29nevcairieland not only Summon Charger?
20:28.42Neriniawell, if that not works, you can still use conditionals on #showtooltip
20:29.30nevcairielor try postfixing a () .. maybe it thinks summon is a spell rank
20:29.30sag_ich_nicht[22:28] <nevcairiel> does the spell really have the postfixed (Summon)? <--yes, i shift + clicked it from the spellbook because it didn't work at all initially
20:29.32nevcairielwho knows.
20:29.46sag_ich_nichtnevcairiel it DOES summon the charger
20:29.50sag_ich_nichtit just doesn't show the icon
20:30.02zenzelezzbut why don't you try the extra () just to make sure :-p
20:30.20nevcairieli tried using some random spell so that i actually do have /cast
20:30.20sag_ich_nichtdoesn't help either, just tried
20:30.24nevcairieland it still works
20:30.29sag_ich_nichtwell what the hell
20:30.40sag_ich_nichtlemme try with a random spell
20:30.40nevcairieltry replacing summon charger with any other spell
20:30.55nevcairieland go buy a mount :P
20:31.12sag_ich_nichttried holy light
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20:31.14sag_ich_nichtdoesn't work either
20:31.17sag_ich_nichtlemme try an instant
20:31.23zenzelezzdoes it every show the right icon?
20:31.36nevcairieland i didnt use the ; at the end of the lines
20:31.37nevcairielwho knows :D
20:31.43sag_ich_nichtlemme see
20:31.57nevcairieli added ;
20:32.00nevcairieland it stopped working
20:32.02sag_ich_nichtthat's it
20:32.18zenzelezzoh, the ";" probably makes it think there are more conditionals following?
20:32.54zenzelezzthink I actually read that in the macro guide on the wiki
20:33.29sag_ich_nichtlemme think how i can make this work on rightclick to summon the charger
20:33.53nevcairielthats simple :P
20:34.03sag_ich_nichtin the first one
20:34.07nevcairielor button:1
20:34.17sag_ich_nichtalso no
20:34.30sag_ich_nichtbecause then it won't summon the charger on a normal click if i'm in azeroth
20:34.46nevcairielconfusing macro
20:35.00nevcairielmine is simple
20:35.07nevcairielsince i dont want my land mount in outlands :P
20:35.12sag_ich_nichtokay what the hell
20:35.19sag_ich_nichti want it
20:35.24sag_ich_nichtsince i don't have an epic mount :P
20:35.41nevcairieltrue, i used it back then too
20:36.17sag_ich_nichtlol, now it errors but continues to work if i use nobutton:2
20:36.22sag_ich_nichttells me another action is in progress
20:36.52sag_ich_nichtlemme see
20:37.20sag_ich_nichtfixed for good.
20:37.57sag_ich_nichtwait i can save a lot of space in that macro.
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20:40.13nevcairielhm a /stopmacro [nooutdoor] would reduce alot too :P
20:42.24sag_ich_nichtnow of course the unmount is broken
20:43.02nevcairieli dont even have a unmount statement
20:43.09nevcairielclicking my macro while mounted umounts me
20:43.38zenzelezzthe same way rightclicking your mount while mounted unmounts
20:43.48nevcairielor place the /dismount [mounted] before the stopmacro
20:46.05sag_ich_nichtthen it won't instant summon the charger if i rightclick while i'm on my flying mount though
20:46.14sag_ich_nichtit does
20:47.14sag_ich_nichtmy work is done.
20:47.41nevcairieli think you can get rid of the nomounted
20:47.59nevcairielit will dismount you before anyway
20:50.17sag_ich_nichtactually, i could remove a tiny bit of cpu strain from that macro by switching dismount with stopmacro
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20:50.48zenzelezzif you consider that /dismount a CPU strain, you should upgrade
20:50.56sag_ich_nichti was making a joke
20:51.00sag_ich_nichtthat seems to break the macro
20:51.01sag_ich_nichtfor no reason
20:52.19sag_ich_nichtnow it's working.
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20:56.41krkai get like 500 fps in glxgears
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20:57.31sstixrudHow do you reset the position of a frame to its origional value?
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21:22.52batrickreset the position to it's original?
21:22.54batrickyou can do
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21:25.51sstixrudbat hmm I tried that didnt seem to do anything at all other then return an error :)
21:26.22sstixrudwell no error, but didnt move the frame
21:26.52batrickyou have to give parameters to SetPoint
21:27.00batricklook at the wowwiki page for it
21:27.19sstixrudwell I know how to do it that way, what I want to do is read the default frame settings from the .xml files
21:27.34batrickyou can't do that
21:27.51batrickyou'll need to save the default somewhere in your addon
21:28.35sstixrudsigh, maybe I can read the defaults in and save them for use later, I just dont want two places to maintain the same values
21:28.58batrickare you doing this for many frames or just one?
21:29.07sstixrud30 or so
21:29.13batrickare tehy all of the same type?
21:29.19batrickas in, anchored in the same spot
21:29.31zenzelezzis the positions from the XML applied before OnLoad?
21:29.36sstixrudthey are anchored to each other
21:29.44batrickzenzelezz, pretty sure they are
21:30.14zenzelezzif you don't want to hard-code them you could perhaps read and store them in the OnLoad then
21:30.23sstixrudthey are action button bars, I have two groups and within each group they anchor to the one above them
21:30.42batrickwell it hsould be pretty easy
21:31.20sstixrudya ill just hard code them.
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21:31.47batrickhave a default method: function default() this:ClearAllPoints() this:SetPoint("TOP", _G["FrameNames"..(num + 1)], "BOTTOM") end
21:31.57batrickthe second parameter needs changing
21:32.11batrickwhat you can do is parse the name of the object, and get the number assigned to it
21:32.19batrickthen put that in for num
21:32.28Thraebatrick: Use of 'this' is deprecated, use 'self' instead
21:32.35batrickah I meant that
21:32.46batrickthanks for pointing it out ^^
21:33.22batrickdoes that make sense sstixrud ?
21:33.52sstixrudHmmm kinda, not sure how to parse the object OnLoad tho
21:34.07batrickWhy do you need to parse it?
21:34.13batrickdo you mean set it to some user
21:34.17batrick's settings*
21:34.21zenzelezzthink he's mixing what I said and what you said
21:34.38sstixrudya :)
21:34.52batrickthe frames in the XML file should have the defaults to begin with
21:34.59sstixrudthey do
21:35.06batrickthen there's nothing to worry about
21:35.16batrickthat method is for setting the defaults alter, if you wanted
21:36.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (
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21:37.46batrickno ur!
21:39.28Shirikso yeah, drove for 8 hours today
21:39.37Shirikand XM had crap on all day
21:40.06zenzelezzdon't you have some sort of MP3 player like everyone else?
21:40.50Shirikwhat's MP3?
21:40.59Shirikheh, but seriously no
21:41.06ShirikI just listened to some CDs that's about it
21:41.13Shiriktiesto, guilty gear, avenged sevenfold
21:41.29Kaydeethreeyay for tiesto
21:41.50[dRaCo]yay for avenged sevenfold
21:41.53zenzelezzCDs are for backing up porn, nub
21:41.57ShirikI got this new tiesto cd
21:42.00zenzelezzgo buy a portable media player
21:42.04Shirikforgot what it's called though
21:42.05Shiriklove it
21:42.15Shirikit's got a picture of the greece flag on it?
21:50.22Kaydeethreebah. why does the launcher never handle downloading patches properly?
21:52.23zenzelezzit doesn't?
21:52.55Kaydeethreenot in wine. at least for me. had to start wireshark, relaunch wow, figure out what it was trying to leech and download it manually
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21:54.47sag_ich_nicht[23:50] <Kaydeethree> bah. why does the launcher never handle downloading patches properly? <--more like, why does wine not handle what the patcher is doing correctly.
21:55.09sag_ich_nichtso don't lay the blame on the patcher.
21:55.28sag_ich_nichtor launcher, for that matter.
21:55.37sag_ich_nichtShirik: no, running WoW in wine
21:55.39zenzelezzI don't know the problem anyway - but are you talking about the launcher or the background downloader?
21:55.48Kaydeethreethe launcher. it just got a tools update today
21:56.02Shiriksag_ich_nicht: That would imply pebkac
21:56.20sag_ich_nichtShirik: why?
21:56.21KaydeethreeI don't even bother with the BGD or big files in the regular downloaders. azureus is faster anyway
21:56.37ShirikYou state the problem is running WoW in wine
21:56.46Shiriktherefore the obvious solution is not to run it through wine
21:56.50Shirikthat is a concious decision by the user
21:56.56Shirikwhich, therefore, implies pebkac
21:57.02sag_ich_nichtShirik it doesn't run on linux without wine
21:57.07sag_ich_nichtit's not pebkac
21:57.09zenzelezzone of these days I should try installing Wine and move uTorrent to my Linux box
21:57.10sag_ich_nichtstop trolling.
21:57.10Shirikyes it is
21:57.16ShirikBecause the obvious solution to that
21:57.19Shirikis not to use Linux
21:57.21sag_ich_nicht~whalestab Shirik
21:57.22purlACTION stabs Shirik with a rather narrow and pointy whale named Montgomery
21:58.04Kaydeethreemeh, that'd be my reaction but I've gotta let mailmod get my earnings from the mailbox first
21:58.15ShirikI have no problems through Wine
21:58.25Shiriktherefore I doubt that's the issue
21:58.30Shirikor if it is, it's not configured properly
21:59.10sag_ich_nichtis the battle recorder anything but a pretty frame atm?
21:59.17Kaydeethreeentirely possible. now if only I could figure out what's causing winealsa to crash wow whenever I change system-wide pcm volume
21:59.36sag_ich_nichtKaydeethree which distro
21:59.52sag_ich_nichtwhich DISTRO
21:59.54Kaydeethreefedora 7
21:59.54sag_ich_nichtnot which release
21:59.57zenzelezzno need to shout
22:00.00sag_ich_nichtthere is your problem
22:00.02Shiriksag_ich_nicht: not visibly :P
22:00.05sag_ich_nichtyou are using a red hat problem
22:00.05Shirikbut it does a lot more, yes
22:00.15Shirikhow could 1500 lines be just a pretty frame
22:00.25sag_ich_nichtShirik: i'm sure you'd manage
22:00.28sag_ich_nicht-problem +distro
22:00.36sag_ich_nichtstop using a red hat distro, start using debian
22:00.39sag_ich_nichtproblem solved.
22:00.46Shirikubuntu = ftw :P
22:00.48zenzelezzoh come on, don't even start with the distro propaganda
22:00.51sag_ich_nichtubuntu is retarded
22:00.51Shirikthough I also use red hat enterprise
22:00.58Kaydeethreeya. I'm not going anywhere near that flamewar
22:01.01sag_ich_nichtit's filled with unstabled code
22:01.06sag_ich_nichto rly
22:01.26Shirikbut anyway, I use both Ubuntu and Red Hat Enterprise, like em both
22:01.44sag_ich_nichtwell, RHEL is a different thing
22:01.48sag_ich_nichtbecause you get support for it
22:01.53ShirikI don't
22:01.54Shirikschool does
22:02.06sag_ich_nicht[00:00] <zenzelezz> oh come on, don't even start with the distro propaganda <--it's not that i like debian so much
22:02.12sag_ich_nichtit's just that i hate red hat
22:02.20sag_ich_nichtand especially rpm
22:02.24zenzelezzdoesn't make a difference
22:02.28zenzelezzpropaganda works both ways
22:03.07Kaydeethreemeh. dependency hell went away a long, long time ago. the only thing I install manually any more is the proprietary codec pack for mplayer.
22:04.14tardmrrI just 5 capped in AB
22:04.18tardmrrwith an alliance pug
22:04.27tardmrrAND I killed a warlock 1v1
22:04.35Kaydeethreethe planets aligned or something?
22:04.45tardmrrdid we just get into opposite day or something?
22:04.52tardmrror have pigs begun to fly?
22:05.32sag_ich_nichtTem no
22:05.37sag_ich_nichtit's just
22:05.41sag_ich_nichti'm starting to cheer up
22:06.01sag_ich_nichtbut expect bad weather and no good things for the coming week
22:06.20sag_ich_nichtShirik is there anything about the BR that i could actually use atm? :P
22:06.34Shirikif you want to read a 150000 line saved variables file, probably
22:06.54mikmasounds like discord addon
22:07.00mikma150000 min. :)
22:07.15sag_ich_nicht[00:06] <Shirik> if you want to read a 150000 line saved variables file, probably <--code faster, ffs :P
22:07.27Shirikit's probably not 150000
22:07.28Shirikbut it's huge
22:07.37Shirikbut see thing is, it's very compressed
22:07.41Shirikjust the way it's serialized makes it huge
22:07.45Shirikit's mostly just numbers
22:07.49Shirikbut lots and lots of numbers
22:08.34Shirikhave the forums gotten even worse
22:10.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Nemo (
22:10.49mikmaah haha, good post
22:11.02Nemodon´t you think?
22:11.06mikma3h ban! forum troll!
22:11.20Temlevel 10 forum troll
22:11.26Temhe has no special abilities
22:11.31Nemoi wonder if could ask a question bout gatherer versions here
22:11.31Temand he's really mad about it
22:12.00Nemo<.. lvl 20 Troll (can ask reaaaaly stupid Questions) ^^
22:12.27ShirikNemo: You can ask anything
22:12.33Shirikwhether or not you'll get the answer may be another story
22:12.41ShirikThe one thing you cannot ask, though
22:12.46Shirikis to ask a question
22:12.51sag_ich_nichtI second this request.
22:13.06ShirikI already considered writing it :P
22:13.13sag_ich_nichtdo it
22:13.23sag_ich_nichtit should be already possible with the BR
22:13.27sag_ich_nichtunless you did something wrong
22:13.33sag_ich_nichtin which case i'll just punch you.
22:13.36Shirikyup it would
22:13.44Nemookay, here it comes: what version of gatherer is compatible with WoW version 2.0.12
22:13.45Shirikbut for something as simple as this there's no reason to need something so complex
22:14.00ShirikNemo: Why do you care about an older version?
22:14.06Kaydeethreewhatever version's currently on the site
22:14.09sag_ich_nichtto be more precise
22:14.23Nemobecause a friend of mine has got his own server taht runs with an older version
22:14.25sag_ich_nichtoh wait
22:14.30Shirikyou can leave now
22:14.32sag_ich_nichtwe don't support this
22:14.33sag_ich_nichtget out.
22:14.33Nemoyeah, waiting
22:14.40Kaydeethreenot something we deal with in here
22:14.43Shirikfyi, that's very illegal
22:14.49Shirikand I strongly suggest you get out while you can
22:14.49zenzelezzCairenn will smack you in a moment if she sees what you're asking
22:14.52Nemodidn´t know that
22:15.04Nemoim kind of new to this add on stuff
22:15.12sag_ich_nichtthis isn't about addons
22:15.17sag_ich_nichtprivat servers are illegal
22:15.20Shirikthis is about private servers
22:15.25Nemoahh okay
22:15.49sag_ich_nichtyour friend is violating federal law right now. you might be in germany, but it's illegal there as well.
22:16.04Nemoahh okay
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22:16.25Nemoperhaps i should go and hit him on the head really hard...because he didn´t tell me
22:16.32sag_ich_nichtperhaps you should.
22:16.40Nemoi surely will
22:16.52Nemookay, then thanks for the info
22:17.16Nemobye bye
22:17.28sag_ich_nichtactually i lied to him
22:17.28Shirikright so, I think it's awesome
22:17.39sag_ich_nichtit's not illegal in germany, it's in a greyzone
22:17.42Shirikthat every question I asked him
22:17.48ShirikI already knew the answer
22:17.53Shirikno it's illegal
22:18.23sag_ich_nichtnope, greyzone. no software patents there, so it goes down to copyright questions
22:18.29ShirikAt the very minimum, it is an illegal import
22:18.38sag_ich_nichtnot really
22:18.39Shirikhowever, the UN has its own laws
22:18.52sag_ich_nichthow would it be an illegal import?
22:19.05Shiriklook up the Berne convention, btw
22:19.18sag_ich_nichtthe berne convention doesn't deal with software.
22:19.32Shirikoops sorry
22:19.36Shirikreading the wrong line
22:19.54Shirikwhich is a "special agreement" under the Berne convention
22:20.18Shiriksag_ich_nicht: because it would be stolen goods imported
22:20.23Shirikand exported, for that matter
22:20.24sag_ich_nichtShirik how so?
22:20.31Shirikstolen code?
22:20.32Gnarfozwhat about a private server is stolen? o_O
22:20.36Shirikthe code!
22:20.38sag_ich_nichtShirik the code is not stolen
22:20.42Shirikuh, yes
22:20.48Gnarfozit's written by the authors of the emulators
22:20.48sag_ich_nichtthe code is whiteroom engineered
22:20.49Shirikcopyright infringement is equivalent to stealing
22:21.06Gnarfozlike yeah, because something is missing after copyright infringement!
22:21.15Shirikthe code and artwork both belong to Blizzard, not the authors
22:21.22Gnarfozthey don't use blizzard code
22:21.28Gnarfozand the server doesn't use any artwork
22:21.51sag_ich_nichtthe server doesn't use any artwork, and the code for it is reverse engineered using analysis of the traffic WoW causes
22:22.05Shirikok, reverse engineering is equivalently illegal
22:22.06Gnarfozwhich, luckily, is not illegal here
22:22.23Shirikit is illegal for anyone who opened the WoW box
22:22.33sag_ich_nichtnot really Shirik
22:22.35Gnarfozsuch agreements are not legal here
22:22.36Shirikanyone who opened that box
22:22.41sag_ich_nichtnot legal in germany
22:22.42Gnarfozbecause they can't be viewed before purchase
22:22.50Gnarfozheh ;D
22:22.50Shiriksag_ich_nicht: what you're saying to me right now
22:29.12Shirikis that it's not illegal to break a contract
22:29.12Shirikquite literally
22:29.12sag_ich_nichtshrink wrap licenses are illegal in germany
22:29.12sag_ich_nichtthat's what i'm saying
22:29.12Shirikthat is irrelevant
22:29.12sag_ich_nichtno it's not
22:29.12Shirikyes it is
22:29.12Gnarfozit's the entire point oO
22:29.12sag_ich_nichtyou don't sign a contract with the purchase of the WoW box
22:29.12sag_ich_nichtneither by opening it
22:29.13sag_ich_nichtyou do sign one
22:29.14sag_ich_nichtbut only for the purchase
22:29.15sag_ich_nichtnot for what you do with it
22:29.15Gnarfozand since the terms are not available until after you have purchased it
22:29.15Shirikhow have you generated traffic with the WoW server?
22:29.15Gnarfozthey don't apply to the contract
22:29.15Shiriklet's look at it from another angle
22:29.15sag_ich_nichtShirik so let's look at it from this angle
22:29.15sag_ich_nichti have a hub in my network
22:29.15sag_ich_nichtsomeone is playing WoW on my network
22:29.15sag_ich_nichtmy port gets flooded with his IP packages
22:29.15sag_ich_nichti start analyzing the traffic
22:29.15sag_ich_nichtthen try if i can emulate it
22:29.15sag_ich_nichti don't even know what it's for
22:29.16sag_ich_nichtoh noes, i just wrote myself a WoW server emulator
22:29.16Cideentirely unrelated but awesomely awesome:
22:29.16ShirikI give up, because obviously none of you will alter your views, but I'll maintain the point that if you think you can hide behind the "international barrier" you are very wrong
22:29.16Shiriknot that you are trying to, but the point remains
22:29.16Gnarfozalso awesome and unrelated:
22:29.16sag_ich_nichtnot Shadowed
22:29.17Gnarfozthere is no international barrier, anyway, blizzard has european offices
22:29.17mikma"Set as background"
22:29.17Gnarfozit's too small for my desktop, unfortunately :<
22:29.17mikmai was getting tired of the man getting RGB -shots
22:29.17sag_ich_nichttoo small for mine as well
22:29.17mikmajust perfect for my laptop resolution :)
22:29.19Gnarfozblah wrong channel
22:29.19mikmaGnarfoz: just point it to Thrae, he's everywhere
22:29.19sag_ich_nichtShirik just go look at my link
22:29.20Gnarfozomnipresence? first sign of him being supernatural!
22:29.20Shiriksag_ich_nicht: Again, this is fully irrelevant
22:29.35sag_ich_nichtnot really
22:29.35Shirikand I am fully aware of what that is
22:29.35Shirikwithout going to the link
22:29.35ShirikAgain, I'm not continuing this argument, it's pointless
22:29.35sag_ich_nichti know it's illegal in the united states, but it's not illegal here, and it's not about importing stolen goods either. unless you are talking about a server emulator written in the US then brought to europe
22:29.35sag_ich_nichtwhich is a completely different thing
22:29.36sag_ich_nichtbecause that _would_ be an illegal import
22:30.07GnarfozCide: wtf? awesome ^^
22:31.24Shirikrofl Cide
22:32.32ScytheBlade1How can I tell the vendor price of an item?
22:32.37sag_ich_nichtor did you mean something else Shirik? because all i'm doing is trying to understand your point... you're free to have the opinion that it's illegal, but i'd like to understand why you think that
22:32.43Kaydeethreesbo; find a database
22:32.46sag_ich_nichtScytheBlade1: with a huge friggin database
22:32.49ScytheBlade1GetItemInfo() doesn't seem to do it..
22:32.56zenzelezzsag_ich_nicht: what part of "I'm not continuning this discussion" was unclear?
22:33.01ScytheBlade1No API functions give me that?
22:33.05zenzelezz+/- typos
22:33.12ScytheBlade1That is really depressing
22:33.15sag_ich_nichtzenzelezz: i was just finishing the sentence i had already typed up.
22:33.17ScytheBlade1So much for my addon then
22:33.29Shirikwhat's with that random frame at exactly 1:40?
22:35.55Cidewtf indeed, awesome indeed
22:36.59zenzelezzI need to figure out how to set up sound on my Linux box so I can start viewing youtube links :-|
22:37.06zenzelezzbut I'm too lazy
22:37.47Shirikdo you have the drivers and sound system installed?
22:38.20zenzelezzno clue about drivers really, though I think I compiled them with the kernel... should have ALSA
22:40.03ScytheBlade1Hmm. It seems that Informant ships with a database of it's own
22:40.43ShirikI love how you have to log in like five million times to WoW to get the latest client
22:40.49Shirikwhy can't it just download everything at once
22:40.50zenzelezzShirik: I'm on Slackware 11 if my version reply didn't say
22:40.56Shirikyeah it didn't :P
22:41.13Shirikall it told me was your kernel :(
22:41.14Gnarfoz < lol :D
22:41.34Shirikdid you go search for theremin now?
22:42.17zenzelezzI'm pretty nub about various aspects of Linux; I just compile everything, so I think most of my software doesn't know what distro I'm on
22:43.22Shirikwell while this new patch downloads I guess I'll go find my headset in the back of my truck >.>
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22:53.39Shirikso my guild has been killing farmers like mad
22:53.43Shirikthis is what we get in response:
22:53.51Shirikhm, you may not be able to read that now that I think about it :(
22:55.00zenzelezzI can make some guesses, but there are blanks to be filled in
22:55.20Shirikcan you read it?
22:55.28ShirikI thought it would say that you have to log in
22:55.42zenzelezzloads for me
22:55.50Shirikoh yey :)
22:56.24zenzelezzis "acc" a farm guild?
22:56.50Shirikoh I guess I should clear that up
22:56.56Shirikthat's not WoW, but I figured I'd post it anyway :P
22:56.59Shirikacc is a race
22:57.36zenzelezzI guess lure farming is also something specific to whichever game that is then
22:58.02Shirikjust a zone :)
22:58.08Shiriklure's lot
22:58.33ShirikI just found it amusing the farmers switched to our race to chat with us
22:58.36Shirikthen threatened us
22:58.43Shirikjust makes me want to kill them more now haha
22:59.17zenzelezzI hear that's not unusual in WoW either :-p
22:59.37sag_ich_nichtShirik what game is that :O
22:59.38ShirikI've never had a farmer get mad enough to come over and yell at me :P
22:59.42ShirikRF Online
22:59.47zenzelezzin Anarchy Online you could communicate cross-faction, since you could even switch faction, made for some fun "chats"
23:00.25sag_ich_nichti think preventing cross faction communication is kind of dumb, i liked the old system from the beta more :(
23:00.35sag_ich_nichtwhere you actually had to learn all the languages
23:00.49ShirikIf you're curious enough, I should have some good screenshots of RF from when I was a GM :) I would just stand in the middle of huge battles invis and take screenshots at max quality
23:00.55zenzelezzI can understand it with the races being different; but would still be nice to be able to talk to them all
23:01.05sag_ich_nichti remember playing my warlock and getting skillups for demonic when my imp talked in the beta
23:01.07Shirikbut they're on my desktop not my laptop
23:01.39sag_ich_nichtthe same things applied to Draconic etc.
23:01.43sag_ich_nichtwish they would bring it back :(
23:01.58zenzelezzI can't quite explain it, but there's something sad about seeing LHC all deserted again... it was so full of life between Naxxramas release and BC
23:02.17zenzelezzLight's Hope Chapel
23:02.44sag_ich_nichtbut i don't really miss the times of farming at tyr's hand.
23:03.13*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
23:03.27Shirikpsh, I do
23:03.29Shirikgood pvp there
23:04.13zenzelezzif LHC was as it was before Naxxramas it wouldn't matter that it was deserted, but seeing all those NPCs standing arouind doing nothing...
23:04.37Kaydeethreeyou could say the same thing about cenarion hold
23:05.01zenzelezzby the way, why is the Earthen Ring NPC at Light's Hope neutral to me when the one in Outland (Shadowmoon?) is friendly? Unless I'm getting two similarly named ones confused
23:05.17sag_ich_nichtthere is no earthen ring NPC at LHC
23:05.24zenzelezzEarth something
23:05.25Kaydeethreeit's earthen circle iirc
23:05.36zenzelezzstill think it was the same one in Outland
23:05.46Shiriksag_ich_nicht: Here's an old video from a fight I set up a while back, but quality kinda sucks
23:05.49Kaydeethreeor emerald circle
23:05.56Kaydeethreebut that's the camp in felwood, nvm
23:06.20Gnarfozboth are earthen ring
23:06.23GnarfozLHC + SMV
23:07.25zenzelezzGnarfoz beat me to it, but also shows the same
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23:15.58Shirikns identify I say!
23:16.00Shirikthank you!
23:16.08Shiriknetwork here is as bad as my school's :(
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23:16.47zenzelezznow for the fun part, 300-375 herbalism...
23:17.00Shirikit's not bad
23:17.15zenzelezznah, but it would've been easier if I'd done it while leveling =)
23:19.30sag_ich_nichtShirik well that's nice
23:19.34sag_ich_nichti go to bed now
23:19.35Shirikwhat is?
23:19.39sag_ich_nichtthe video
23:19.54Shirikoh I didn't even think that went through before I DCed heh
23:20.29sag_ich_nichtit did
23:20.31sag_ich_nichtgood night
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23:40.14Shirik14(1911:3911:5214) 14(1115CIA-3214) thrae-wow: 03generalmx * r93 10/trunk/TinyTip/TinyTip.lua: TinyTip: Added yet another comment line for Gnarfoz. You see, you must give nil to let TinyTip use its default.
23:40.19ShirikGnarfoz = owned
23:40.47Mike-N-GoI've heard about a new recipe vendor, would anyone know her name or location?
23:40.50zenzelezzthe hardest part about 300+ herbalism is I can't remember where the herbs grow :-|
23:40.55Gnarfozdon't see how setting something that's the default anyway breaks stuff
23:40.59zenzelezzMike-N-Go: what recipe(s)?
23:41.12ThraeGnarfoz: Because nil is what its already set to, not an actual value. IE, the default for all values is nil.
23:41.18Mike-N-GoBuyable recipes, come in a patch or 2 ago.
23:41.31Kaydeethreetrainers, halaa, cenarion hold
23:41.36zenzelezzlet me rephrase... for which professions?
23:41.36Kaydeethreefor alch recipes
23:41.42Kaydeethreecooking recipes are at toshley's
23:42.10Gnarfozdon't quite know if I grasp that, Thrae, but whatever :D
23:42.19Mike-N-GoFor cooking, forgot that part.
23:42.49zenzelezzas Kay said, there were some added to Toshley's Station, and 2.1.2 added some to that woman in Lower City (as the patch notes said)
23:43.22Mike-N-GoAny recipe vendors that don't hate Horde that are new?
23:43.42zenzelezzLower City doesn't hate horde
23:44.01Mike-N-GoToshley does.
23:44.11Kaydeethreethe horde version of those recipes were at the mok'nathal camp since BC release iirc
23:45.14Mike-N-GoI don't know exactly what I am looking for, I guess those buyable recipes for the Alliance are the quest counterparts for Horde, thanks for the insight.
23:55.07Gnarfoz>>> "asdf" or "asdf"
23:55.08CideGnarfoz: "asdf"
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