IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070620

00:03.53N00bZXIBTW, since someone here made me realize there's no reason not to submit something I've written, I did:
00:06.45*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
00:07.33Corrodiasnow i wonder how i can set bongos to NOT replace my action bars except the pet bar ;)
00:08.32KarrionN00bZXI: nice
00:09.34Karrionnow make an option to show things you can't cast but someone in your group/raid can, and that you can click on to bitch at them in chat until they give it to you >.>
00:11.15N00bZXIKarrion: You'd need a completely different mod for that lol
00:11.47|Jelly|"bitch at them in chat until they give it to you" I like that part.
00:11.57Karrionyeah I know... you'll get asked for that a lot though, I'm betting
00:12.36Corrodiaskinda doesn't look like i can tell bongos to leave my normal bars alone
00:12.56TullerCorrodias: true
00:13.22Tullerct can act as a supplement, and so can cogsbar, I think
00:13.28*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
00:13.33Corrodiasmy search continues :)
00:13.46N00bZXICorrodias: What are you trying to do?
00:14.00Corrodiasi've seen a bug reported for the current version of CT with 2.1.2 about the bars being locked so you can't use abilities after changing your stance, so i'll try the other first
00:14.06Corrodiasi want to replace the pet bar, but only the pet bar
00:14.17N00bZXIWhy do you want to replace it?
00:14.35Corrodiasbecause blizzard's code tends to taint it
00:14.51Corrodiaseven the "pet bar fix" type addons can't alleviate the issue completely
00:15.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Sixen_ (
00:16.01Tullerwell if it makes you feel better, bongos lets blizzard control most of the pet bar
00:16.06Tullerjust not the placement/layout
00:16.17Sixen_Wow, laggy.
00:16.20N00bZXIEverything I know of does
00:16.53Corrodiaswell, it's just that a forum thread i saw about this issue had people using bongos (or was it bartender?) saying that it wasn't affecting them
00:17.12N00bZXII'm using Nurfed and it doesn't affect me
00:17.38*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
00:17.44zenzelezzwhat isn't affecting you?
00:17.57N00bZXIPetbar issues, shows fine in-combat when using MC
00:18.03|Jelly|da aidz!
00:18.44*** part/#wowi-lounge Sixen_ (
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00:19.33Corrodiaswhat addon does it use to make its action bars?
00:19.53N00bZXIWhat addon does what use?
00:19.58mikmaCorrodias: default
00:20.08Corrodiasnurfed. it's a compilation according to wowi.
00:20.22N00bZXINurfed is a standalone addon which has it's own actionbars/unitframes
00:20.36Corrodiasmy mistake; maybe it's just huge
00:20.48N00bZXIIt's a UI suite
00:21.01Corrodiasno, it actually says it includes ct_mailmod, ct_timer, gatherer, etc
00:21.10N00bZXIThat's from a very long time ago
00:21.20N00bZXIIt's not updated on UI sites anymore
00:22.15N00bZXIIf you want to take a look it's website is
00:23.19Corrodiasokay, yeah, that's a little more updated
00:23.50SixenAnyone know the 2.2 Toc?
00:24.00SixenOr is it still 20100?
00:24.02N00bZXIMy guess is 20200?
00:24.19N00bZXIOh it's same
00:24.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Lywellyn|Away (n=lywell@
00:24.25SixenFigures :P
00:24.27N00bZXIOr at least it's never changed until a major patch
00:25.03SixenHai2u Kaydee.
00:25.14SixenI think i've seen you post in the CSF before; I'm Elzix
00:25.44Kaydeethreeah. I'm a very, very rare poster in CS. only if nothing's happening in UI
00:28.19LunessaI stick to where I think I can help.  Guild Relations, UI & Macros, and if I'm feeling saucy, my realm forum.
00:28.46SixenMmm, I remember you saying how my posts in the OTS looked like oyurs in the UI&M :P
00:32.13Kaydeethreeah, I remember that
00:32.27Kaydeethreethe wall of "last-posted-by"s
00:32.32SixenHaha, yeah :P
00:34.34SixenHai Cairenn
00:35.03CairennI've been here all day, just forgot to change my nick ;)
00:35.07SixenOh, haha.,
00:35.10SixenI just got here anyway
00:37.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted^2 (
00:51.19bleeter" it was very odd watching a duel between titanpanel and cosmos, still not sure who won." lol
00:51.29bleeterblue response is good, too
00:52.49Kaydeethreelmao, a blue "no u"?
00:53.17bleeteryeah, thread was moved from tech support form where that was posted methinks
00:56.35|Jelly|Stop linking crap from general! I didn't think I'd ever get the stink off last time!
00:58.24bleeter|Jelly| lubs teh genral
00:58.45|Jelly|Honestly? The only time I look at it is when someone links something from there.
00:59.25bleeterit's a bit of a bummer one can't tell which forum a thread is by the URL
01:00.14|Jelly|It's not that.
01:00.39|Jelly|I'm so used to clicking on the arrow next to the forum name that I accidently go into the General forums and my head kind of explodes.
01:03.23LunessaWell, that's one way to spread |Jelly| ...
01:03.33|Jelly|oh man...
01:03.43|Jelly|I have to admit, that's one of the better ones I've heard lately.
01:04.00zenzelezzThunder_Child would love that one
01:04.15Thunder_Childi hate you zenzelezz
01:04.16LunessaCouldn't help myself.  I can never resist a chance at dry humor and a double entendre.
01:04.43|Jelly|Seriously. I'm so tired of people hitting on me through use of my name.
01:04.53|Jelly|And even worse is when they know I'm a guy and continue.
01:05.00zenzelezzI love hit-and-puns
01:05.40LunessaI just wanted to make a joke.  Since you just sort of left the opening... I thought I'd take it.
01:05.51|Jelly|Aww. Lunessa <3
01:06.14*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (i=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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01:07.38*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
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01:11.00LunessaMan, |Jelly| Pop a shiner, eat some BBQ... You're wound tighter than a junebug on a leash near a bug-zapper.   -
01:11.14LunessaHell, I'll buy the first Shiner.
01:11.25|Jelly|Alright. To Fort Worth you go!
01:11.36LunessaMmm... 4 hour drive.  
01:11.54LunessaMaybe 5 since I'm right on the shore.
01:12.29|Jelly|So what are you waiting for?!
01:12.50Lunessa<-- Still at w*rk.
01:14.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
01:17.33Thunder_Child<-- still at home being lazy
01:30.41ThraeQ: What did Neo say when he was faced with the task of eating miso soup at a Japanese restaurant?
01:30.57ThraeA: There is no spoon.
01:31.06Garoundoes anyone know if you can summon Nightbane anytime once you've finished the quest?
01:31.31zenzelezzpretty sure you can, as long as you haven't killed him that week
01:31.44Garounthat's what I thought, just not sure ;)
01:31.56zenzelezzI'm not positive about it; only pretty sure
01:32.01Garounit'll be our first week on him so won't be an issue anyway hehe
01:32.30Garoundorf priest in raid so looking forward to it
01:32.57LunessaKarazhan is serious business.
01:36.16*** part/#wowi-lounge Sixen (
01:36.54|Jelly|<3 Kara
01:46.00LunessaUgh... chocies... wait an hour and a half or go get food now....
01:46.23|Jelly|you have a long drive ahead of you 8P
01:46.52LunessaScrew that.  You drive here.  
01:47.30|Jelly|Never did like Houston that much
01:49.13LunessaWhat's not to like... other than the traffic, the pollution, the crappy beaches, the 172 strip clubs, or the high crime rate?
01:49.30|Jelly|I dunno. Just never liked it.
01:50.43LunessaNow you know how I feel about Dallas/Ft.Worth.  
01:50.57|Jelly|Oh, I hate them too. lol
01:51.11cladhaireShirik|zZz: you got pwned
01:52.21*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (i=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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02:05.44Kirkburn"After a lot of thought and deliberation, we've decided to remove the attunement requirements to enter Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep: The Eye."
02:06.22*** join/#wowi-lounge FlAWD (
02:07.28|Jelly|Kaydeethree: Welcome to like eight hours ago! 8P
02:08.46LunessaI think I will do the quests any way... for the $$
02:08.53LunessaAnd the Bling
02:18.29FlAWDanyone here know psyBNC at all? :P
02:21.11Shirik|zZzcladhaire ?
02:21.49cladhaireShirik|zZz: someone wrote a lolcode > lua translator using lpeg, i just can't get it to run yet =)
02:21.54Corrodiasbrb, rebooting
02:22.23Shirik|zZzthe intention all along was not to rely on another interpreter
02:22.53Shirik|zZzdoing that skips the entire need for tokenization, variable storage, anything difficult
02:23.37Shirik|zZzthere already exists a file to do that for C++ on the lolcode site, just need to change the words around a bit and you've got it for lua in about 50 lines
02:29.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:33.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
02:34.29Kaydeethreezomg I now have t5. yay for the loot pinata
02:36.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Seracht (
02:37.00AnduinLotharspeaking of ace... anyone wanna try my Ace2Khaos beta?
02:37.11Serachtis it possibel to make a macro that chooses ground mount in azeroth and flying in outland
02:37.12|Jelly|I wanna try RDX.Ace
02:37.51LunessaAce2Khaos?  ... *blinks*  
02:38.00Serachtadn those 2 one after another?/
02:39.25FlAWD[Space Left On]-[C: 196.344/233.757 GB D: 29.061/233.749 GB E: 119.405/465.759 GB ]-[Total: 344.810/933.265 GB]-[CNCDLL]
02:39.36FlAWDerr ... wrong chan .. srry
02:39.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
02:40.53LunessaAnduinLothar: Wow.  I thought you were kidding.  But looks slick.  
02:48.23batrickwhy is it that I can't call a local function in the same chunk inside an anonymous function
02:48.27batrick: (
02:49.29Cide->>> local function foo() print("hi"); end (function() foo() end)()
02:49.29Cide-Cide-: "hi"
02:49.41Cide->>> (function() local function foo() print("hi"); end foo() end)()
02:49.42Cide-Cide-: "hi"
02:50.02batrickok must be something else then
02:50.14FlAWD>>> (function() local function foo() print("hi"); end foo() end)()
02:50.15Cide-FlAWD: "hi"
02:50.18FlAWDthat's VERY cool
02:51.04mikmatakes alot of mana to summon that cattank in game
02:52.19batrick>>>local foo; function t() print("o") local k = function() foo() end end local function foo() print("k") end t()
02:52.19Cide-batrick: "o"
02:52.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (
02:52.58batrick>>>local foo; function t() print("o") local k = function() foo() end k() end local function foo() print("k") end t()
02:52.59Cide-batrick: [string "local foo; function t() print("o") local k ..."]:1: attempt to call upvalue 'foo' (a nil value)
02:53.29Cide-remove the local
02:53.32batricki'm guessing that makes a new memory location that foo can't find : (
02:53.36Cide->>> local foo; function t() print("o") local k = function() foo() end k() end function foo() print("k") end t()
02:53.36Cide-Cide-: "o",  "k"
02:53.41batrickya i know
02:53.41Adyscan someone remind me the option to cast a spell on yourself in a macro?
02:53.45batrickbut i want the local ><
02:53.49Cide-it still is local
02:53.59batricko right
02:54.00Cide-as can be witnessed by:
02:54.02batricki shoulda read what you put
02:54.03Adys./cast [self]Arcane Intellect or something
02:54.22Cide->>> function abc() print(foo); end local foo; function t() print("o") local k = function() foo() end k() end function foo() print("k") end t() abc()
02:54.22Cide-Cide-: "o",  "k",  nil
02:54.27batrickI was thinking about that, but didn't want to go change all my functions to that qq
02:54.50Adysworks, thx
02:57.12Thunder_Childanyone know what mod creates a soping list on the auction pane?
02:57.54Thunder_Childnvm, found it
03:09.02LunessaWow.  Dry wit fails.  
03:33.16Shirik|zZz~hug Cide
03:33.16purlACTION hugs Cide
03:33.22Shirik|zZzbah he left
03:33.32Shirik|zZzoh wait no, he's just on Cide-
03:33.38Shirik|zZzbecause he fails at /ns ghost and identify
03:33.53Cide-too lazy to do it 15 times a day now
03:34.01Cide-with my router sucking
03:39.55Shirik|zZzabsolute morons
03:40.39Shirik|zZzI give up. Anyone who gets a virus anymore, I will laugh at them and not look back. They deserve it, both for their stupidity and their rudeness towards those whom try to help.
03:40.54Kaydeethreeidiocy on the forums?
03:41.09Shirik|zZzand on that note, back to sleep
03:41.49Shirik|zZzthough I do like the comment "Mcafee is a virus"
03:47.27batrickyou know what else is a virus?!
03:51.58*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|_ (
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03:55.47N00bZXINorton is a virus much more than mcafee imo
03:56.37TainNeither are anything close to a virus, stop that.
03:59.18N00bZXINorton detects other security software as a 'virus'
03:59.25N00bZXIThat makes it one - to me - at least
03:59.43N00bZXI(Specifically - spybot search&destroy)
04:05.54*** join/#wowi-lounge iriel (
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04:09.34batrickdoes local function foo() always remake that local? If you dont' mind my question :)
04:15.00ckknightbatrick: local function foo() end translates into local foo; foo = function() end
04:15.41batrickso if I do
04:15.45batricklocal foo
04:15.51batricklocal function foo() end
04:15.59batrickthe second overwrites the first?
04:16.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (
04:17.11batrickI had a function in between those two declarations use the first local anticipating it would become a function later
04:25.08irielThe second creates an entirely new local and sets that to a function
04:25.12irielthe earlier local is untouched
04:25.18iriel(You just can't reference it by name anymore)
04:25.54batrickthat's kinda wierd but ok
04:25.56batrickthanks iriel
04:26.22irielYou have to remember that lua's variable scoping is entirely lexical (i.e. at parse time)
04:28.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata124 (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
04:29.40CairennShirik|zZz: ping?
04:31.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
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04:37.59Temhave any of you heard of an issue where windows can see a harddisk but doesn't assign it a letter?
04:38.09Tem(so it only shows up in Device manager)
04:38.17Tem(and not in computer)
04:38.21batricki imagine
04:38.24batrickif it can't mount it
04:38.25irielNo, can you give it a letter from disk manager?
04:38.26batrickthat's what it would do
04:39.17Temoh lol
04:39.19Temyeah I can
04:39.23*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
04:39.24irielIf batrick's theory is right you could check the event log too
04:39.29TemI have to set up a volume
04:39.42Thunder_Childwhat batric said is correct
04:40.02Thunder_Childi have that isse with my flash drive wich is picked up as a hd
04:40.10Thunder_Childsometime i have to assign it a letter
04:40.28Thunder_Childand some 'nix flavors have the same issue
04:40.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
04:44.30*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
04:45.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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04:47.48N00bZXIQuestion: How do I add code as an arguement? 'function a(b) if b()==true then something() else somethingelse() end' - would 'b = function() if something then return true end end' work?
04:48.31irielN00bZXI: If your example was asking what I think it was asking, yes
04:49.05cogwheelyou can also do    'function b() if something then return true end end'
04:49.25cogwheelit's semantically identical to b = function() ...
04:49.28N00bZXIiriel: Thanks.
04:51.55N00bZXIHopefully this works, if it does, it'll be extremely useful
04:52.12*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
05:04.03*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
05:06.00*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
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05:18.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
05:23.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (
05:26.00irielFor anyone who used to like my 'Actual changes' thread
05:26.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (
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05:33.43*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
06:06.56*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (n=MoonWolf@
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06:13.24AnduinLotharwhy can't a blizz staff member be paid to do that..
06:19.53Fin... because there's always someone who'll do it for free
06:20.48Nom-_* Added ERR_APPROACHING_NO_PLAY_TIME_2 - New reminder message to log out and do something else
06:20.52Nom-_stupid chinese
06:21.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:21.26Nom-* Added ERR_INVITE_RESTRICTED - Informs trial accounts they can't invite high level characters into groups
06:22.01Fineh? I thought that would be to do with running out of paid time (first msg)
06:23.20Nom-It's the new Chinese government thing where players can only play X hours per day
06:23.29Nom-And MMORPG companies have to enforce it
06:23.31AnduinLotharnot new
06:23.52Nom-No, it's not new, but it's newly added to WoW
06:24.22bleeterwonder if the 'approaching no play time' will trigger in US/EU for the parental control foo
06:24.44Nom-heh doubt it
06:25.04bleeterNom-: Optel ftw! :p
06:30.57bleeteririel is a girl!
06:31.31AnduinLothardont think so nom. it's been in for a while
06:31.35Nom-Now, there's no need for name calling...
06:33.03bleeterit's on the forum, must be true
06:33.17TecnoBratThis macro *should* work ... correct? /cast [target=vij] Blessing of Protection
06:33.23TecnoBratLike syntactically
06:33.41kaidenTecnoBrat, no
06:34.05TecnoBrathmmm how come it worked pre-patch .. was that a known change?
06:34.07kaidenie player party1-5 raid1-40
06:34.21kaidenah, weird, didn't know target could take a not unit token
06:34.34kaidenit was probably a bug and they fixed it
06:34.42kaidenit's quite easy to get around add /target Vij before the /cast ;P
06:35.38Gngskand /targetlasttarget after
06:36.33TecnoBratHmmm, that seems ... weird
06:39.08TecnoBrat"In addition to units, [target=] can also take player names as long as the player is in your party/raid." according to cogwheel's faq, so it seems like its meant to work
06:39.29TecnoBratbut its spewing chatframe.lua errors, multiple per second
06:39.31kaidenjust because cogwheel says doesn't mean that's the way blizzard saw it
06:40.04kaideni'm not saying it's NOT supposed to work that way
06:40.35kaidenit very well may be meant to work that way, but if you can't figure the error out, or supply the error you are getting then just get around it with the /target and /targetlasttarget's
06:41.06*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
06:41.38kaidenvery well could be a blizzard change, or possibly a bar mod causing it
06:41.54TecnoBrathappens with 0 mods
06:42.02sag_ich_nichtdownloading patch, how many bugs did make it into release and what are they? :O
06:42.23TecnoBratand apparantly, macros update feedback multiple times per second, cause I'm getting it lots :P
06:42.48kaidenyup, blizzard change so just do it the other way
06:42.53kaidenit's only a few more bits of text
06:43.06bleetersag_ich_nicht: crust busters in blades edge are snafu, I can say that much (as yet another mob runs away when I get it to 10%)
06:45.30Corrodias"Added ERR_INVITE_RESTRICTED - Informs trial accounts they can't invite high level characters into groups " -- woo hoo!
06:45.53sag_ich_nichtBug Fixes
06:46.04sag_ich_nichtI will only blieve it when i see it.
06:46.21bleeterguildie has reported 'success' on that one ;)
06:46.36sag_ich_nichtyeah well we'll see about that D:
06:46.50bleeteron a side note, there's a thread in the US forums somewhere about widescreen dimensions being a bit bork
06:47.24sag_ich_nichtOffenderserv's Display Details
06:47.24sag_ich_nichtGraphics Card:
06:47.24sag_ich_nichtMonitor: Default
06:47.24sag_ich_nichtDisplay Resolution: 1280x1024x16bpp 42hz
06:47.29sag_ich_nichtno wait
06:47.32sag_ich_nichtthat's a lie.
06:47.39sag_ich_nichtstupid remote desktop is confusing my script
06:47.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Fluid (n=Fridgid@
06:47.43Corrodiaswell, i can tell you that something's wrong with the way it's calculating how wide to make the thing in windowed mode
06:47.47sag_ich_nichti have a 22" widescreen LCD, this is bad D:
06:47.57sag_ich_nichtoh in windowed mode
06:48.06sag_ich_nichtscrew windowed mode, as long as it works in fullscreen
06:48.20Corrodiasno way, nobody uses widescreen. i play in a window.
06:48.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go_ (
06:48.41sag_ich_nichti use widescreen.
06:48.49sag_ich_nicht# Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer: This buff will no longer give excessive critical strike rating to low-level characters.
06:48.57sag_ich_nichtbest change ever
06:49.07sag_ich_nichtCOMPLETELY pointless. D:
06:49.21TecnoBratit was giving like 40% crit to a level 10
06:49.24TecnoBrator some damn thing
06:49.26sag_ich_nichti know.
06:49.35sag_ich_nichtlet the lowbies have some fun leveling :P
06:50.00sag_ich_nichti mean it's not like a lot of people still kill the old lady or nef
06:50.03Corrodiascan't let those level 10 arena players have such an advantage!
06:50.36sag_ich_nichtespecially since the arena doesn't remove rallying cry of the dragonslayer, righto
06:50.53Corrodiasand level 10 people play in the arena
06:51.15Corrodias/cast detect sarcasm
06:51.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
06:51.58Thunder_Child~lart Channel
06:51.58purlslams Channel against a large cement Tux
06:52.04sag_ich_nicht/cast Turn Undead
07:02.23FlAWDanybody alive?
07:04.19Corrodiasstill pondering the whole pet bar thing. not sure what to do.
07:04.28|Jelly|i r her
07:05.24FlAWDdo either of you know where I can find the addon "DSSetup"
07:05.56FlAWDor if there's something else I can use to change the default "center" of my screen to 33% away from the left side? :)
07:06.52Corrodiasour second kara group tonight had a lot of trouble with moroes for some reason
07:07.18FlAWDif you get a bad makeup of adds ... it's best to leave for the soft reset IMO
07:07.33FlAWDlike the 2 warriors, paladin, and holy priest ... that's the worst
07:07.34Corrodiaswhat's a soft reset?
07:08.02FlAWDafter 30-60 mins of nobody in the instance ... everything despawns ... to save server resources
07:08.07FlAWDonce someone zones in they come back
07:08.11FlAWDdifferent adds
07:08.28Corrodiasthere were excess people and i have been going a lot lately, so i was declined entry. anyway, it sounded like they had to take 3 or so tries at him. then they got up to the maiden and somebody's power went out, so i was called in as dps and off tank.
07:08.47FlAWDfun fun
07:08.52Corrodiasseems to be just enough to make a difference; maiden goes down in one try and romulo & whatsherface in two
07:09.23Corrodiasyes, but why such a range?
07:09.32FlAWDi don't remember exactly what it is
07:11.28Corrodiasgroup 1 got through the curator, the farthest one of our groups has gotten in one night
07:11.59Corrodiasthey might get a shot at aran tomorrow
07:12.05FlAWDwe downed mag and gruul tonight! both in one try .. i was amazed when they told me
07:12.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
07:12.31Corrodiaswe tried gruul's lair once...
07:12.32FlAWDwe spent over 2 weeks attempting mag .. finally downed him this past sunday ... and today they one shot him
07:12.59Corrodiasbut we don't really have 25 "good" people who can all show up at once. still, that's hardly an excuse for the circus of wipes that ensued.
07:13.21FlAWDgruuls takes repetition .... everyone's gotta be on point .. the whole time ... you have like 10 KEY people that cannot die or you will wipe ... it's tough
07:13.30FlAWDfor maulgor of course
07:13.51Corrodiasour mage had only 10k health, which left little margin for those 9k fireballs
07:14.03Corrodias*little room
07:14.18CorrodiasGENERALLY the first thing to go wrong during the fight was him dying
07:14.28Elkanowell, even worse here :/ although most of the people from our MC/BWL raids are still in the guild we didn't manage to get 25 people together :/
07:14.47Corrodiasalthough i did manage to pull maulgar prematurely by standing too close. i stood there for a good two seconds before he came after me, so at first i didn't even think he was coming for me.
07:15.39FlAWDwe have a dedicated paladin to heal our mage
07:15.59FlAWDbut he does die sometimes
07:16.03FlAWDand that wipes us
07:17.15Corrodiasso does he really need to DO anything other than hold aggro? could he get away with wearing a bunch of "of stamina" gear?
07:17.24FlAWDlol bleeter
07:17.33FlAWDyea corrod
07:17.47FlAWDbecause of blast wave no melee can get near him
07:18.17FlAWDafter we down the priest, shaman, warlock we go after high king (i'm a rogue) and all ranged is on the mage
07:18.35FlAWDwhen high king whirlwinds we back off and shoot/throw at the mage heh
07:19.26Corrodiason our very last attempt of the night, the mage died prematurely again, but the priest was getting low enough that i said "no way, i'm killing this motherfucker" on vent and a couple of DPS stayed alive just long enough to kill him before the king and the rest of them caught up with us.
07:19.43Corrodiasour mage, their priest
07:25.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
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07:42.13Corrodiasoh snap
07:42.21Corrodiasi think i just tried to load my game with two action bar addons loaded
07:42.24Corrodiasthis won't end well
07:49.08Corrodiasmaybe i just need to give it up and configure one of the action bar addons to my liking
07:50.27Corrodiasi rather like the blizzard default bars, and aspected sets up my hunter aspects on the shapeshift bar, which doesn't really work with action bar addons
07:54.44ArrowmasterCorrodias: how many kara groups does your guild do?
07:55.01Corrodiaswe had about 23 show up today
07:55.41Corrodiasstill putting lots of gear to use. one of our main healers picked up the hammer off the maiden.
07:56.57Arrowmasterjust sounded weird that the furthest in a single night was curator if you were running multiple groups with a good number waiting
07:58.22Arrowmasterdid a guild merger monday night, had 2 kara groups clear everything but netherspite and the beast boss tonight, dont remember where the 3rd group stoped
07:59.36Nom-Out guild has 3 Kara groups... Group 1 clears everything in 1 day, Group 2 clears everything but nightbane in 1 day, group 3 clears everything up to shade in 1 day
08:00.21Nom-We're just about to kill off the organised kara raids i think
08:00.32Nom-Starting on serpentshrine/mag's lair
08:00.34Arrowmasterthats what we did
08:00.50Arrowmasterwe annouced that wednesday was going to be unoffical kara night
08:00.58Arrowmasterbut people decided to start tonight
08:01.16krkaooh... someone made a lolcode -> lua thingy
08:01.17Corrodiasman, they were 1-shotting most things
08:01.27Nom-So glad they dropped the attunements for Serpentshrine/Tempest Keep
08:01.30Corrodiaswe only spend a few hours on it a night. i don't see how you can go much faster.
08:01.36Nom-We haven't downed Gruul yet, so nooone has attunement
08:01.37Corrodiaswithout spending more time.
08:02.00krkaShirik|zZz: seen the lolcode message in the lua mailing list?
08:02.13Arrowmasterwe were thinking about trying 2x gruul raids on thursday if we had the turnout and class comp
08:02.33Corrodiasah, bartender looks so easy to get up into a usable configuration, but refuses to show the stance bar for my hunter.
08:02.52Arrowmasterstance bar for hunter?
08:03.10Corrodiasi like to have my aspects on it
08:04.07Arrowmastertheres an option to reuse blizzard bars
08:04.29Arrowmasterif youve got a mod thats putting the aspects on the blizzard stance bar maybe you should try that
08:05.50Corrodiashey, that's working so far. are there any detrimental effects to using that option?
08:07.21Mr_Rabies2not that i'm aware of
08:07.34Nom-The other programmer that I was working with went home... I need her here to continue the testing we were doing :(
08:07.45Nom-What to do...
08:08.21Arrowmastergo home?
08:08.54Nom-Nah, I need to sit around here and *look* like i'm working
08:09.02Nom-for 2 hours
08:09.29ArrowmasterCorrodias: if you know what your doing you could also probably mod whatever your using to give you aspects on the stancebar to do it to the bartender stancebar instead
08:10.24ArrowmasterNom-: got one of these?
08:11.06Nom-They don't lock anything down here
08:11.25Nom-I'm just SSHed into my Linux boxen at home, which I think use to IRC etc
08:11.27Corrodiaseh, i'd probably be a little lost. well, i like how this is going so far, except for xperl's unit frames apparently not being secure any more. maybe this is coincidence, as i just updated that addon.
08:16.06Corrodias:( it seems having bartender3 enabled is causing odd tainting issues with xperl
08:16.18krkairc from home FTW
08:19.17Nom-lol wtf??
08:19.26Nom-someone bought an Airbus A380 as a private jet
08:20.09Nom-which normally carries like 840 passengers
08:20.35Corrodiaswell, if i disregard bartender, i know of trinity and bongos as other options
08:21.48Mr_Rabies2the solution is to use pitbull
08:22.01Mr_Rabies2xperl killed my dog and burned my house down
08:22.03Mr_Rabies2true story
08:22.16Corrodiaspitbull? doesn't sound like action bars
08:22.27Mr_Rabies2nah it's unitframes
08:22.36Mr_Rabies2i'm just messin anyway
08:22.42Mr_Rabies2but i do love pitbull
08:23.12Nom-pitbull is nice
08:23.20Nom-except it suffers performance problems in large raids
08:23.35ckknightwhich I want to tackle
08:24.22Mr_Rabies2i just use the default raid frames, i'm a big fan of them
08:24.36Mr_Rabies2then again i don't drag out but maybe one or two
08:24.45Mr_Rabies2generally warriors and Priests
08:24.54Mr_Rabies2for emergency heals/innervates while i'm DPSing
08:26.05Nom-i heal the whole raid tho :)
08:26.14Nom-Anyone who is in range and needs a heal will get a heal from me :)
08:26.49Mr_Rabies2i used them when i was healing in 40 mans back in the day
08:27.04Nom-This damn shaman keeps beating me tho
08:27.04Mr_Rabies2did the job
08:27.09Nom- :(
08:27.25Nom-beat me by about 50k hitpoints
08:27.48Mr_Rabies2solution is to spam prayer of healing and mending
08:27.56Nom-<-- Paladin
08:28.15Nom-I'm #2 on the healing meters for the last two raids that I took stats for
08:28.26Mr_Rabies2solution is to....flash of light spam the tank?
08:28.31Nom-I do that :p
08:28.39Mr_Rabies2i mean nonstop
08:28.50Nom-lol overheal is pointless :)
08:29.15Nom-What's scary
08:29.20Mr_Rabies2between pulls, while you're taking a 5 minute break so the tank can whine to his mom about the lack of food
08:29.25Nom-Check out Athene on that list...shadow priest
08:29.39Mr_Rabies2every hitpoint lost is more meter epeen
08:29.43Nom-Keeping up with Proudtusk in healing, who's a Holy priest
08:31.30Nom-We will get nightbane this week, i'm sure of it :)
08:31.49ZealotOnAStickbut the SP has over twice the overhealing, which is actually a bit lowish.
08:32.22Nom-yeah VE healing often overheals because 4/5 of the healing goes onto people who don't need it
08:32.55Nom-I love the buff from netherspite for healers tho
08:33.04Nom-4048 flash of light, 5907 crit :D
08:33.49Nom-That's so scary uber :)
08:34.17Nom-And a shadow priest in the blue beam is so awesome too
08:34.27Nom-The amount of mana from VT is just nuts
08:34.54Nom-There you go...max tick of 403 mana
08:34.57Mr_Rabies2does it count unused ticks of HoTs as overhealing
08:35.06Nom-Yes, I think so Mr_Rabies2
08:35.11Mr_Rabies2that's lame
08:35.18Mr_Rabies2i understand if it's like
08:35.53Mr_Rabies2"Your Regrowth heals Nom- for 95." when it's supposed to hit for 300
08:36.03Mr_Rabies2but even then, not really
08:36.12Nom-Well, depends what the combat logs say
08:36.22Nom-It parses the raw combat logs
08:36.32Nom-It does detect overheal, so i'm guessing it has it as a resisted amount
08:36.37Mr_Rabies2combat log says nothing when the hot overheals
08:36.45Mr_Rabies2so i guess not
08:37.02Mr_Rabies2because it doesn't tick at all if there's nothing to heal
08:37.09Nom-yeah it must be there somewhere
08:37.20Nom-becaues there's a 10% overheal on renews for the holy priest
08:37.29Mr_Rabies2that's pretty lame
08:37.39Mr_Rabies2also inaccurate :[
08:37.57Nom-and it does still tick too
08:38.01Nom-just it doesn't heal for anything
08:38.03Nom-let me grab the log
08:38.10Mr_Rabies2nope, nothing shows in the log if the HoT doesn't heal you
08:39.13Mr_Rabies2and if a tick overheals it simply says says "Rejuvenation heals Nom- for 95." or something along those lines
08:39.27Mr_Rabies2not 95(200 overhealing)
08:40.00Nom-ah ok it must be expecting to see 5 ticks for a renew or something
08:40.29Nom-so it can't tell the difference between a partial renew heal and a non-heal
08:40.45Mr_Rabies2it shouldnt be giving any overhealing for hots
08:41.03Nom-no it does
08:41.09Mr_Rabies2if it is, the overhealing area shouldn't be considered because it's unreliable
08:41.19Nom-because if it ticks twice, and doesn't tick the other 3 times, then it's overheal
08:41.20Mr_Rabies2because hots are SUPPOSED to overheal
08:42.09Nom-it does an average of all overheals by the looks of it
08:42.15norgannaone could argue that hots shouldn't even really be counted as "healing done"
08:42.23Mr_Rabies2and if that area isn't right, then what else isn't
08:42.44Mr_Rabies2this is the reason damagemeters never should be considered for much other than a fun minigame to play
08:43.01Mr_Rabies2a fun minigame that may or may not be accurate at all
08:43.07Nom-I'm completely against the idea of ingame damage meters
08:43.27Nom-As you just said
08:43.41Nom-It's a game that people play...they fight to win the damage meter game instead of fighting to win the raid
08:43.56Nom-however the web stats are a useful tool for analysing the raid once it's over
08:44.09Mr_Rabies2not if they're inaccurate :/
08:44.19Nom-Like you can review your hunters' stats and see they're missing X%, as ours is
08:44.38Nom-So this week we're working on getting some more +hit gear for the Hunter
08:44.43Mr_Rabies2if there was a way to prove its accuracy perhaps
08:44.59Mr_Rabies2but if it's inaccurate with overhealing, there's no telling what else it's inaccurate with
08:45.02Nom-Well, the overheal is broken down by spell ont he other screens
08:45.26Nom-It's not inaccurate, it's just they DECIDED to calculate an overheal based on the number of ticks
08:45.38Mr_Rabies2because there's really no way to overheal with a hot
08:45.42Mr_Rabies2it heals for what it heals for
08:45.52Mr_Rabies2there's no planning it like a direct heal
08:46.12Mr_Rabies2you use max rank, and keep them up at almost all times on the tank
08:46.20Nom-Yah, but someone who casts 2000 renews over a raid and has 90% know something is wrong there
08:46.25Mr_Rabies2and cast them on those who take collateral amage as necessary
08:46.26Nom-So it does have usefulness
08:47.09Mr_Rabies2the problem isn't the overheal, it's the 2000 renews
08:47.22Nom-what about it ?
08:47.41Mr_Rabies2if they're casting 2000 renews they're likely only casting renews
08:47.57Mr_Rabies2unless it's one hell of a long raid
08:48.00Nom-Yeah, that would have been during netherspite tanking
08:48.25Nom-I said before, I love that beam... :)
08:48.38Nom-has something like a 5400 crit flash of light
08:48.43Mr_Rabies2that's 22 minutes of casting nothing but renew if you cast it every global cooldown
08:48.45Nom-which is nuts, in case you didn't know
08:49.25Nom-nah, it's 90 seconds of renews, followed by 90 seconds of nothing, followed by 90 seconds of normal helaing,
08:49.45Nom-You have to alternate healers on that fight
08:50.09Nom-Actually... I just realised that's why i'm second instead of firther
08:50.17Nom-The damn shaman kept stealing my beam
08:51.14Nom-wtb shaman who doesn't steal my netherspite beam!
08:52.39Nom-that throws my bloody flash of light from 2000 crits to 5400 crits... that's a 1.5 second cast time, so i could have done a massive amount of healing once that stacks up
08:52.46Nom-and i've got 10k mana too, so i never would have hit 0 mana
08:53.17Mr_Rabies2i was at 10k at 60, hehehe
08:53.25Mr_Rabies2<3 Heart of the Wild
08:53.47Mr_Rabies2except the cat portion's nigh useless in bc because none of the leather has str :(
08:56.01Nom-yah, but a pally with 10k mana is insane :)
08:57.07Nom-druid mana costs are so high for heals
08:57.51Nom-The only saving grace is the HOTs
08:58.18Mr_Rabies2regrowth's better
08:58.20Nom-healing touch is about 15% higher base mana cost than pally holy light
08:58.23Mr_Rabies2than it was pre patch
08:58.36Nom-regrowth is about the same
08:58.53Nom-i think 840 is max rank holy light, and max rank regrowth is 845
08:59.15Mr_Rabies2and holy light heals for a fuckload more, and is only .5 sec slower
08:59.18Nom-having said that, holy light is a 2.5 sec cast, and heals for ... crap can't remember now
08:59.19*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
08:59.35Nom-rank 9 hits for like 3500
08:59.43Nom-sorry, rank 8
08:59.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (
08:59.51Nom-but that's with 1600 +healing
08:59.54Mr_Rabies2healing touch hits for 2700 or so base
08:59.59Mr_Rabies2but it's a 3.5 sec cast
09:00.14Mr_Rabies23.0 talented
09:00.26Nom-holy light base is 2196 - 2446
09:00.26Corrodiaswell, time for me to sleep. i think i'm just going to have to configure bongos how i like i
09:00.28Nom-rank 11
09:00.41Corrodiasquick question, though. anybody know a good way for cooldown timer numbers to show up on bongos bars?
09:01.03Nom-Corrodias: Don't use that evil thing :0
09:01.16Nom-Ah well, a healer is a healer anyway :)
09:01.23Nom-I'm just happy I can solo heal all the heroics :)
09:01.26Corrodiasomnicc, thanks
09:01.52Corrodiashey, there's nothing overtly evil about bongos. it was the only one of the three i tried that i could quickly configure into a usable form.
09:02.49Mr_Rabies2i'll quickly configure your face with my fist
09:03.34Nom-lol Corrodias
09:03.42|Jelly|<3 Bartender
09:03.46Nom-Bartender3 is drag and drop
09:03.56|Jelly|I was Bongos all the way but I <3 the fade. lol
09:03.56Nom-right-click -> scale to resize
09:04.19Nom-I can set it up from scratch in about 60 seconds
09:04.46Nom-Last time I tried Bongos, it took 10 minutes to get something that I could play with, but I could never get it right
09:04.46Corrodiasbartender was not playing nice with my xperl unit frames so i had to disqualify it
09:05.10Nom-Truth be told, Bongos was good right after 2.0 release
09:05.21Corrodiaswhose fault it is i cannot say
09:05.27Nom-About 2 weeks after release, I updated it, and discovered it was crap
09:07.06Corrodiasand now i'm off to bed. x.x
09:07.57Nom-ah, see druid tree form is where it's at
09:08.10Nom-grand total of talents in that tree amounts to 30% mana cost reduction
09:08.39Nom-pally gets divine illumination, but we don't get any flat mana cost reduction
09:09.17Nom-so a pally with low heal crits is less mana efficient than a drood at the end of the day
09:09.26Mr_Rabies2can't cast healing touch in tree though
09:09.42Mr_Rabies2and you can't exactly spam regrowth and have it be useful
09:09.51Nom-no, but the other spells stacked together make a big difference
09:10.06Mr_Rabies2sure, but they're very slow in acting
09:10.10Mr_Rabies2even stacked together
09:10.19Nom-yah... you win some, you lose some :)
09:10.44Nom-I don't see a druid solo healing through a boss like nightbane, as i did last night :/
09:10.56Nom-Didn't last very long, but I did manage it until I ran oom
09:11.35Nom-Actually kept the MT and DPS up for a full 5% ...until he took off into his phase 2 lol
09:16.21Nom-omg nice
09:17.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole (n=chatzill@
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10:03.49AnduinLotharoh man, these chocolate chex are good.... and i thought chex couldn't get any better
10:04.06AnduinLotharchocolate apparently DOES go on everything cereal
10:04.32Mr_Rabies2who let you out of your cage >:[
10:05.01Mr_Rabies2get back to coding, monkey! i'm a payi--i'm a customer, dammit!
10:05.18Mr_Rabies2dammit i want chocolate chex now
10:12.18|Jelly|Morning, Shirik
10:13.11Shirikwhat the jack not a service time
10:13.14Shirikoh crap it's wednesday
10:13.23|Jelly|*question mark*
10:13.32Shirikrf servers are down for maintenance :(
10:14.10Shirikis ok it's only 2 hour maintenance, and should be up in 45m or so
10:14.12Shirikgives me time to study for test
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11:51.38Legorolalthough it's not mentioned in hte patch notes, i see that Blizzard has removed attunement requirement for SSC and TK
11:51.48Legoroli think this is one of the smartest move they have done recently
11:51.58Legorolmy question is: is it intentional, or a bug? given it's not in the notes
11:52.12Ins-intentional, there's a blue post about it somewhere
11:54.12Ins- there it is
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12:03.57zenzelezzso I'm lying here thinking "9:30, I'll get up in half an hour... and then all of a sudden it's 14:00
12:06.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
12:09.43sag_ich_nichtbleeter i have much work for you in the following days. :O
12:18.17Shirik|Somewherezenzelezz: If I had a penny for every time I did that
12:18.32Shirik|AFK082:182:29  » 12[notice from NickServ12]: Password Incorrect
12:18.36Shirik|AFKno it's not
12:27.20krkaShirik|AFK: seen the lolcode for lua?
12:27.31Shirik|AFKseen, no; heard, yes
12:27.42Shirik|AFKI've seen a .h file for lolcode so I can't imagine it would be much different
12:27.42krkapretty cool sourcecode, but i never tried it
12:27.49Shirik|AFK(preprocessor directives)
12:27.57krkathis is a full grammar, i think
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12:32.11*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o clad|sleep] by ChanServ
12:46.43Shirik|AFKcladhaire: Btw, I haven't seen what you're referring to but it may have one problem
12:46.54Shirik|AFKre: The LOLCODE->Lua interpreter
12:47.09Shirik|AFKif it follows the specification directly, it requires newlines, which you can't do on irc :P
12:47.21cladhaireah gotcha =)
12:47.26cladhairei was just kidding anyway, hehe
12:47.29Shirik|AFKThis is what's caused me the most difficulty, I had to work around that and make whitespace completely ignored, including newlines
12:47.30Industrial\r\n is common for irc
12:47.31Shirik|AFKoh :(
12:48.13Shirik|AFKanyway, study time
12:48.16Shirik|AFKtake care
12:48.17cladhairek k
12:48.28cladhaireso i think i sold my car last night
12:48.31cladhairethe guy is gonna call me today
12:48.34cladhairethat would be gravy!
12:50.07Josh_Borkewow, lots of changes
12:50.11Josh_Borkearen't you leaving your job too?
12:50.22cladhaireto write the new book
12:50.28cladhaireand finding a family to adopt my dog
12:50.33Josh_Borkeare you moving?
12:50.51cladhairein September, moving to England
12:50.55cladhaireto start my PhD at Oxford
12:51.00Josh_Borkeoh grats!
12:51.00zenzelezznew book? What about?
12:51.03cladhaireso i have to sell all my posessions
12:51.27cladhairezenzelezz: Its a full scale programming book/API reference for WoW
12:51.29cladhairezenzelezz: In theory, we don't have final approval yet
12:51.38Josh_Borkeaw, poor doggie, you're gonna have to give him away
12:51.46cladhaireshe's SOOO cute too
12:51.54zenzelezzsomething like "part 2" of the other book?
12:51.59Josh_BorkeSS or it didn't happen
12:52.08cladhairei'm looking, cause i KNEW you'd say that
12:53.15zenzelezzthat is cute; how old is she?
12:53.26cladhaire5 years, give or take
12:53.31cladhairefound a nice family for her
12:53.36Josh_Borkeok, i'll concede
12:53.41Josh_Borkeshe's cute
12:53.53cladhaireso between that, selling my car, selling all my possessions, moving to a new country, quitting my job, working out of my home writing a new book
12:53.55cladhaireits relatively calm =)
12:54.06zenzelezzwhen I was young...
12:54.31Josh_Borkegief updates to addons!
12:54.41cladhaireJosh_Borke: incoming update to LH to support deDE clients
12:54.47cladhaireand have a new parsing of comments.
12:54.52GnancyWKzenzelezz: you did it both ways uphill?
12:55.07zenzelezzGnancyWK: and that was just to get warmed up
12:55.19Josh_Borkeyou know, it's technically possible to do that :-) you just gotta take the stairs at your location
12:56.20GnancyWKyarr we wrote books, addons and moved across the world .... IN THE SNOW!
12:56.31zenzelezz26 hours per day
12:58.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
12:58.42cladhairethat's the car
12:58.50cladhairenot that you are
12:59.24Josh_Borkewow, that's a nice car
12:59.34cladhaireyeah, it's done well for me.
12:59.51cladhairehe's getting a good deal on it
12:59.59Josh_Borkei'd buy it, but i'm poor
13:00.10cladhaireand this summer
13:00.16cladhairemy friends get married July 7
13:00.21Shirik|Ecolelooks nice
13:00.24cladhairei go to canadia for a guild gathering July 15
13:00.41cladhaireI got to florida for my fraternity national conference july 23
13:00.46Shirik|Ecoleooh florida
13:00.51Shirik|Ecoleaw I won't be there during that time
13:00.57cladhairei drive from syracuse to orange county, CA july 31 for Blizzcon
13:00.59Shirik|EcoleI'm only away for 1 month!
13:01.10cladhaireShirik|AFK: boo, wont you be in jersey tho during that time?
13:01.23GnancyWKwhat part of FL?
13:01.27Shirik|Ecoledaytona beach
13:01.27cladhaireoh btw, am i picking you uip for blizzcon, or did you not get tickets?
13:01.35cladhairei'll be in orlando
13:01.41Shirik|EcoleI wouldn't have been able to go actually :( so I never grabbed tickets
13:01.42Shirik|Ecoleit sucks
13:01.46Josh_Borkegeebus cladhaire
13:01.59cladhaireJosh_Borke: yeah, tell me about it.. its a.. busy summer
13:02.07Shirik|Ecolefun summer though
13:02.08cladhairedont ask how i'm going to write the book amongst all this
13:02.09Josh_Borkeyou move in september
13:02.17cladhairewe have 60 days to write it.
13:02.18Shirik|Ecoleyeah cladhaire I drive to orlando all the time, not too far away
13:02.19Josh_Borkeget an auto-driving car
13:02.23Shirik|Ecole30m with the way I drive ^^
13:02.36GnancyWKwhere from Shirik|AFK ocala?
13:02.46Shirik|Ecoledaytona beach, volusia county
13:02.55GnancyWKheh sorry am down south in pompano
13:03.19Shirik|Ecoleit's just an ip
13:05.26cladhairei might be teaching there for the next four years
13:05.34Shirik|Ecoleman, this is the first time in a while... I don't know what to study...
13:05.35Shirik|Ecoleoh cool
13:05.37Shirik|Ecoleteaching what
13:05.40cladhaireComp Sci
13:05.50cladhairejust working as a TA for the department
13:05.53Shirik|Ecoleteach Lua through WoW!
13:06.02cladhaireoh i have a THIRD book i'm gonna work on during my PhD
13:06.05Shirik|EcoleI'm going to be a lab instructor next year actually :)
13:06.06cladhairethat ones just on lua
13:06.10cladhaireits an open source book, actually
13:06.30ThraeBe the first to teach a LOLCODE class ;)
13:06.43ThraeDo your PHD on it!
13:07.06Shirik|Ecolethe benefits of LOLCODE over other used languages
13:07.41Shirik|Ecole(1) program code is more readable by users than other languages like C++, meaning many users unfamiliar with programming would be able to fix problems when they arise, eliminating the need for bug trackers
13:08.01Shirik|Ecole(2) It's the first language which allows mammals other than humans to code, i.e., cats
13:08.33zenzelezzHairball in yarn
13:08.34ThraeCats are notorious for the "HI I UPGRADED UR RAM"
13:08.41Shirik|Ecoleomg zenzelezz!
13:08.43Shirik|EcoleThat's it!
13:08.53Shirik|EcoleI've been trying to think up a way to make a better error message
13:09.21ThraeThe first teacher to give a project in LOLCODE should win the best teacher of the year award.
13:09.40Shirik|Ecolein theory I should be allowed to use LOLCODE for my senior project
13:09.45cladhairei'd totally use it for a compiler class
13:09.46Shirik|Ecoleyou can use any turing-complete language
13:10.10ThraeIf I was a programming teacher, I'd do it, as a small project. It would help relax my students for the bigger projects.
13:10.25Shirik|Ecoleimmediately follow it by an impossible one?
13:10.31cladhaireThrae: loosen then up before you stick it in?  dirty
13:10.49Thrae" code a Red-Black Tree in Fortran."
13:11.19krkadoes there exist any non-trivial projects in lolcode?
13:11.28krkawould anyone do that to themselves?
13:11.36Shirik|Ecolewtf kind of question is this "(1) Does your bathroom mirror show you older or younger than you actually are? Compute an order-of-magnitude estimate for the age difference, based on data you specify"
13:11.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy_ (n=chatzill@
13:12.33ThraeHmm, I have 10 calls in my bucket. How am I going to get this done today...stop talking on IRC would be a good start, I suppose...
13:12.49Shirik|EcoleIRC is addictive, no
13:13.00ThraeYes...damn it!
13:13.19*** join/#wowi-lounge seracht (
13:13.41serachtHi, I am trying to make a macro that will use the flying mount or the ground mount depending if I am in outland or azeroth.
13:13.46Lopeppeppy_Yup.  Drives me nuts that I can't figure out why my home firewall hates it so much.
13:13.56Josh_Borkeseracht: check the wow ui forums, there's one there
13:14.03cladhaireseracht: /use [flyable] Flying Mount Name; Other Mount Name
13:14.10serachtdamn it
13:14.13serachtforums maintenance
13:14.28serachtcladhaire:  so I guess its just a simple : statement
13:14.34Lopeppeppy_There's a challenge from Jelly on the regular WoW forum too.
13:14.36cladhaireits what i just told you it is.
13:14.43serachtnever mind
13:14.45serachtGot it, thanks
13:14.50cladhairejust make sure it works =)
13:16.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Zeal (
13:18.29Zeali was wondering if anyone could tell me what a uvar is (from the UIOptionsFrame.lua), and how register to find out when it's changed and get it's value. it doesn't count as a cvar and trying to get it's value normally results in nil : /
13:18.52Shirik|Ecolewhat line did you see this on?
13:19.05Zealin the lua file i said.
13:19.18cladhaireyes, what line
13:19.19Shirik|Ecolewhat line?
13:19.19cladhaireits a big file
13:19.30Shirik|EcoleXML Parsing Error: no element found
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13:19.47Zealthere are tons of them set in the first part of the file >_>
13:20.01sag_ich_nicht[15:13] <Lopeppeppy_> Yup.  Drives me nuts that I can't figure out why my home firewall hates it so much. <--well, the first reason might be that you are using a software firewall that runs on the same system that you wish to protect
13:20.03Zealto be specific though, i'm interested in line 83
13:20.21sag_ich_nichtthat's like trying to, i dunno, dillute H2O using more H2O
13:20.31sag_ich_nichtit does not work.
13:20.41cladhaireUIOptionsFrameCheckButtons["SHOW_PARTY_PETS_TEXT"] ={ index = 41, uvar = "SHOW_PARTY_PETS", default = "1"};
13:20.49cladhairei think they're just savedvariables
13:20.50Finsag_ich_nicht: aw, you can't expect normal people to set up firewalls independent of their machines
13:20.52Shirik|Ecolebased on just reading the file
13:20.59cladhaireand they're done at the user level, instead of the client level
13:21.04cladhairei.e. video settings are a cvar, set for all users
13:21.10wobinmost people won't have two boxes
13:21.11cladhaireinterface options are done per-user
13:21.13Lopeppeppy_It's fun to try, sag...  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, ports are forwarded... best I can do without a degree.
13:21.13Shirik|Ecolebasically, it's just variables, nothing more
13:21.20Finmost people don't even understand what a firewall really is, just that they have to have one
13:21.27Fins/have to/should have/
13:21.28Shirik|Ecolechecked = getglobal(value.uvar);
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13:22.00Zealdammit : /
13:22.06Shirik|Ecolefirewalls are overrated
13:22.18sag_ich_nicht[15:20] <Fin> sag_ich_nicht: aw, you can't expect normal people to set up firewalls independent of their machines <--the only thing a software firewall on a windows machine does, is add annoyances for the user
13:22.24cladhaireZeal: get all that?
13:22.24sag_ich_nichtdoesn't provide any real protection
13:22.44cladhaireits just a convention for them to abstract the options
13:22.46Finsag_ich_nicht: I've not seen any hardware firewall on windows machines before
13:22.55Finsag_ich_nicht: and they do more than just add annoyances for users
13:23.16Zeali did thanks. though it's a bitch, cos i can't change it without tainting it, and i get find out when it changes to change my var : /
13:23.16sag_ich_nicht"hey i dropped an ICMP ECHO REQUEST so your network can be as inefficient as possible while everyone can still know that i'm here because the router didn't send an ICMP HOST UNREACHABLE"
13:23.41ThraeLopeppeppy_: Just use Windows XP's default firewall for the inbound. If you want extra protection, add on Sygate Personal Firewall as an Outbound firewall.
13:23.47Finthat's an impression of a stupid piece of software. I know this may be hard for you to accept, but: not *every* piece of software is stupid.
13:24.02FinI know, I know, kerrazy concept
13:24.05cladhaireZeal: how soon do you need to respond to it changing>?
13:24.10sag_ich_nichtFin: my openbsd machine that serves as my firewall isn't stupid for one ;P
13:24.14cladhaireZeal: instantly, or within a reasonable amount of time
13:24.15Shirik|Ecole omg.
13:24.23Finsag_ich_nicht: OK
13:24.40Lopeppeppy_I don't have an extra firewall installed that I know, however my ISP or my S.O. may have something between me and the real world that I can't configure from my own sitting.
13:24.47ThraeLopeppeppy_: Window's default firewall gives most people enough protection as-is, but of course a NAT router is still best to put inbetween the computer and the modem.
13:24.49sag_ich_nichtit would not be stupid had it not suffered a horrible horrible hardware death D:
13:24.58Lopeppeppy_Meh.  Use work computer, solve problem.
13:25.09Zealnot immediately, i could work round that part. It's needing to change the value to the checkbox in the options menu matches the setting for my addon : /
13:25.15ThraeLopeppeppy_: Wait, does your modem have more then one ethernet port on the back of it?
13:25.29cladhaireZeal: you need to _change_ the interface options value?
13:25.43cladhairewhich one are you needing to change?
13:26.03Zealas not to confuse people and completely overide blizz's options yeah.
13:26.17Lopeppeppy_I'm not at home to answer such questions, Thrae, sorry.  It's on a shelf above my head in my home office, therefore I have no immediate awareness of what it is/is not.
13:26.25ZealSHOW_PARTY_TEXT, checkbox 80
13:27.18ThraeLopeppeppy_: Ah, well, if it does, that means the modem is also the router and will block incoming connections until you forward the ports correctly. Or, if you have more then one computer, then you probably already have a router, which also needs to be configured.
13:27.45Shirik|EcoleFin: If we could change those that would be awesome
13:27.53Shirik|Ecoleespecially because you can do that, but if you try to do "logout" from console
13:27.58Shirik|Ecoleit says "You do not have permission to do thaT"
13:28.02FinShirik|Ecole: why would I want to change it? I'm a shadow priest - I *am* invicible
13:28.04Zealnew option they added with the patch, so updating my addon to deal with it.
13:28.08Finmwahahah :P
13:28.15Finetc. :)
13:29.36sag_ich_nichtyou must be confusing something
13:29.39Fin<cue my class is better than your class objections>
13:29.43Lopeppeppy_No router, just the cable modem that we both run off.  Only one box above my head in the office.  That much I know, when I think hard about it.  I'll get the SO to check that the ports on the modem are forwarded, as well as the ones on my computer being open.
13:29.48sag_ich_nichtit's disc priests that are invincible, not shadow priests.
13:29.52Finyou know what
13:30.01Zealoh well, i'll see what i can do, to the point of ignoring blizz's new option : / ty
13:30.01Shirik|Ecoleuh oh
13:30.04Shirik|Ecolefight fight fight!
13:30.05FinI've always wanted to try disc properly :)
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13:30.18sag_ich_nichtFin: well go ahead then :P
13:30.29FinI don't have any gear
13:30.37sag_ich_nichtyeah well farm some, durhur
13:30.45cladhaireScholarship #2 has been offered
13:30.51cladhairethis just keeps getting weirder
13:30.54Finthat's the problem, I have no idea about level 70 gear yet :)
13:31.03FinI stopped playing a while ago and only recently got to 70
13:31.08Finjust did my first Co
13:31.12Fin+T the other day! :)
13:31.37FinI'm liking the new time stuff
13:33.46zenzelezzno-one said shadow priests are invincible, they're just great DPS and mana boosts or something like that
13:34.04cladhaire<-- shadow
13:34.07cladhairei am invincible.
13:34.12cladhairei soloed matheridon the other night
13:34.20sag_ich_nichtno, you didn't.
13:34.27sag_ich_nichtalso, you forgot a g there.
13:34.30cladhairebitch kept slapping me, but i used all five cubes and spanked his ass
13:34.40*** kick/#wowi-lounge [sag_ich_nicht!n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by cladhaire (YOUR NAME IS SPELLED WRONG BISH!)
13:34.40*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
13:34.47sag_ich_nichto rly
13:34.52sag_ich_nichti don't habeeb it
13:34.52Shirik|Ecolepotentially nsfw but what do I know:
13:35.14cladhairehow would that be nsfw?
13:35.21cladhairemaybe if you SMOKE CRACK!
13:35.39Shirik|Ecoledunno ^^
13:35.51Shirik|EcoleI think better to say nsfw than get someone fired ^^;
13:35.52FinI don't smoke crack? who said I smoke crack
13:36.10Shirik|Ecole14(0911:3411:4214)  11-› sag_ich_nicht was 4kicked by cladhaire 11(YOUR NAME IS SPELLED WRONG BISH!11)
13:36.10Shirik|Ecole14(0911:3411:4214)  11-› Join: sag_ich_nicht 11(i=bitch2k@
13:36.14Shirik|EcoleI find the hostmask similarity amusing
13:36.45krkagood stuff Shirik|Ecole
13:37.43TS|Skrombtw, good morning
13:38.04Lopeppeppy_Morning, TS|Skrom.
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13:40.56cladhaireBAD MORNING
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13:42.56Fincan anybody recommend an EU server worth migrating to?
13:43.04TS|Skrom|Jelly| I can't find that thread about the draenei shaman who didn't like the look... is it bahleeted?
13:43.05Fin(just one character)
13:43.31Lopeppeppy_It probably was, TS|Skrom, those very often are reported and deleted.
13:44.08TS|Skromahh because it was asking for a way to modify mpq's or whatever?
13:44.22TS|Skromshame... it was comedy imo ;-)
13:44.52krkathat's disturbing yet exciting fin
13:44.58sag_ich_nicht[15:42] <Fin> can anybody recommend an EU server worth migrating to? <--depends on language an faction :P
13:45.06Lopeppeppy_I love 'em.  I love to end those threads with my standard cut and paste... great laughs.
13:45.12Finmaybe I don't have to be female, then
13:45.21Finsag_ich_nicht: English, Alliance
13:45.33sag_ich_nichti dunno, lol .O
13:45.40TS|Skromall my griping two days ago about bad groups
13:46.12zenzelezzI play on EU-Silvermoon, but I'm not sure if it's worth transferring to, pretty populated as is
13:46.21TS|SkromI got invited back to BRD with the warrior I'd kinda "trained" on how to instance tank, the warlock that was with us the first time we played together and a druid and shammy that were pretty cool last night
13:46.38TS|SkromAnd with a level range of 54-57 we actually cleared all of BRD
13:46.43TS|SkromI was freakin' impressed
13:47.24zenzelezzit can be done, all it takes is some skill
13:47.39Lopeppeppy_Nice work, TS|Skrom.  When it works well, it works very well.  When it doesn't.....  murder ensues.
13:47.45TS|SkromI was very very impressed with the warrior
13:48.01TS|Skromthe first time through he could hardly keep aggro on two. Last night he kept 5 mobs glued to him constantly
13:49.58zenzelezz"Your Hunter's Mark failed. Mana Wraith is immune."
13:50.14Shirik|Ecolethey're immune to arcane
13:50.20Shirik|Ecolehunter's mark is considered arcane
13:50.38Shirik|Ecoleyou can tell by the "unable to cast" sound each spell makes
13:50.47Shirik|Ecoleeach school of magic (or skill for that matter) has a distinct sound
13:51.30zenzelezzyou play a hunter with the "AP from int", don't you?
13:51.49zenzelezzhow much int do you need for it to be worth it?
13:52.05Shirik|EcoleI guess that's really dependent upon your other stats
13:53.07Shirik|EcoleI would push for about 300
13:53.14Shirik|Ecoleat least
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13:53.36zenzelezzI'm considering trying it when I hit 70, in conjunction with the mana aspect it seems interesting
13:53.37Shirik|Ecolebut recall that there are talents that increase your intellect
13:53.42TS|Skromwhat talent is that now?
13:53.46Shirik|Ecolecombat experience?
13:53.47Shirik|EcoleI think
13:53.57TS|Skromthat just raises your int 3% per rank
13:54.02TS|Skromdoesn't give you AP
13:54.06TS|Skromaccording to wowhead anyway
13:54.07zenzelezzCareful Aim
13:54.10Shirik|Ecolecareful aim
13:55.02Shirik|Ecoleyou can increase your int by 15%, increasing your ap by (0.5)(0.15)
13:55.11Shirik|Ecoleplus whatever your intellect gives you
13:55.27zenzelezzyou can tell which trackings I don't use often... I'm sitting here fighting elementals, wondering why they don't show up on my minimap, and I've chosen Track Giants
13:56.19TS|Skromman I shoulda stayed home taday
13:56.38TS|Skromone bad thing about a full brd clear is it takes forever XD was up til 3 last night, alarm goes off at 6
13:57.30TS|Skromah well best to save those vacation days :P
13:57.33Lopeppeppy_I have an hour work commute, I HAVE to get at least 5 hours of sleep to hack that.
13:57.45TS|Skromlol same here, usually an hour
13:57.45zenzelezzapart from in bad group I really do love BRD though; great atmosphere
13:57.48TS|Skromtoday was about 45 mins
13:58.20sag_ich_nichtBRD is fun if you're 70.
13:58.30Lopeppeppy_So is Blood Furnace.
13:58.33sag_ich_nichtyou can avoid nearly every single mob pack
14:01.03Lopeppeppy_But... the fun lies in shredding them!
14:01.14Lopeppeppy_Rogue tanking a fire boss without FR gear!
14:01.29TS|Skromlawl... is the armory down or do I just not have the right url
14:01.33Shirik|Ecoleit is
14:01.38TS|Skromokay hehe
14:02.41Lopeppeppy_Armory has been borked since yesterday.
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14:06.41foxlitArmory, er, works :)
14:06.48foxlitSort of, kind of, not really, but kind of.
14:07.23Lopeppeppy_I might sorta need to dump my cookies and take psychotropic drugs to view it then.  :)
14:16.10Corrodias"This forum is currently undergoing maintenance, please check back at a later time. " poo
14:16.40Shirik|Ecolebleh, I can't study... I can't think of anything to study
14:16.46Shirik|Ecolegoing back home for a bit :P
14:18.38ScytheBlade1Noooo, the armory is down :(
14:21.13ScytheBlade1I should read up all of five or six lines before I spout off
14:23.18foxlitLUL WHUT IS WOWBLING?
14:23.20Corrodiastime to leave for work.
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14:47.44zenzelezzwhy can't I call my pet Jennifer
14:48.46zenzelezzfor some reason the server considers it an invalid name
14:49.01TS|Skromtry jenny?
14:49.13zenzelezzjust went with Veronica
14:49.32TS|Skromyou coulda had a macro that sent pet and said "I've got your number!"
14:49.35zenzelezzit had no objections about that one, which puzzles me as to why it didn't accept the first one
14:50.43Lopeppeppy_Jennifer is a great name.  *snorts*  Dumb server.
14:51.20Lopeppeppy_Maybe there are too many pet Jennifer's out there?  *shrug*  A re-use issue?
14:51.47zenzelezzdidn't think pet names were limited in that way
14:55.34Lopeppeppy_I dunno.  Just a guess from Peppy Randomness Center.
14:58.32TS|Skromlol there's at least 8,675,309 Jenny's in existance already I guarantee
14:59.23zenzelezzI used to call my pets Redsel, but it doesn't sound right on a female pet
15:00.06TS|Skromokay I understand that tommy twotone is a bit old fashioned for this crowd, but come on!
15:00.26Lopeppeppy_TS|Skrom, I am painfully aware of the song.  *grin*
15:01.00Lopeppeppy_zenzelezz, add an "a" or an "e" and you've got a feminine form.  Redsela, Redsele...  etc.
15:01.02GnancyWKI saw a boar named RoscoPeko
15:01.21GnancyWKthere is a reference for you
15:01.34zenzelezzLopeppeppy: "redsel" is actually a word in Norwegian, can't just add to it :-/
15:02.47zenzelezzsee, my hunter's name is Frykt, and "frykt" and "redsel" both generally mean "fear", although they're used slightly differently
15:03.11Lopeppeppy_Ah well... was a good try zenzelezz.
15:03.24zenzelezzI just suck with names
15:03.47TS|Skromi woudln't say that, veronica is good
15:03.54TS|Skromjust need a plainstrider named betty now
15:04.01Lopeppeppy_There's an awesome Elvis Costello song for Veronica.
15:04.01zenzelezzbut I didn't exactly invent that name
15:04.21zenzelezzactually stole it from a girl in my class back in high school o_O
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15:09.56foxlitDo you get UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED for instant spells?
15:11.19TS|SkromTime to delve into the wonderful world of SendAddonMessage
15:12.02nevcairielfoxlit: yes
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15:16.14TS|Skromer... how do you say: if (variable == integer)
15:16.22TS|Skromor something similar?
15:17.09TS|Skromif (variable == "%d+")
15:21.35pastamancerdo you mean: if (type(variable) == "number") ?
15:21.54TS|Skromis that the syntax?
15:22.07TS|Skrombecause I didn't think lua had typed variables
15:22.25TS|Skromoops I meant to say "i didn't think LUA had typed variables"
15:22.26krkaTS|Skrom: Lua is not an acronym.
15:22.26pastamancerdynamic typing
15:22.40pastamancerand yes, that's the syntax
15:23.05TS|Skromcool, thanks
15:23.41pastamanceran of course: 4 != "4"
15:24.06TS|Skromhehe yeah I've got ["1"] =! [1] taped to my monitor
15:26.30Lopeppeppy_Look Under... nevermind.
15:30.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (n=esochan@
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15:40.26foxlitDoes sending a message over 255 chars over SAM disconnect client?
15:40.37FinI so prefer ~= to !=
15:40.46FinI wish more languages used ~=
15:40.48foxlit~= == approximately equal!
15:40.55Finthat's =~ isn't it?
15:41.06foxlitWho knows :)
15:41.13foxlitIt's actually got a special char somewhere
15:41.44Josh_Borkethe ~ is supposed to be above the =
15:41.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
15:41.57*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
15:42.49zenzelezzthe way I learned it (ages ago) it was = except both lines were wavey ( ~ )
15:43.26foxlitlocal variables can only be referenced if they're upvalues?
15:43.43foxlitlocal function a() b(); end local function b() print("stuff"); end
15:43.49foxlitwould that work?
15:43.57Josh_Borkewon't work
15:44.04Josh_Borkeb must be defined before a references it
15:44.17Josh_Borkelocal b; local function a() b() end; b = function() print("stuff") end
15:46.01Finzenzelezz: it took me three times to read through that to figure out what you meant, and what Josh_Borke meant by "above", but: yeah I learned it that way too :)
15:46.24Josh_Borkeit's the only way it'll work
15:47.01zenzelezzI r Norwegian, I suck at explaining maths and food in English
15:47.39FinI'm English and I'd find it difficult to explain too (but for different reasons)
15:47.49Fin(well obviously it can't be the same reason)
15:48.24mikmaI'm Finnish and I suck
15:54.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
15:55.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (n=nope@
15:55.33pastamanceryou wacky scandanavians!
15:56.41ZiconWhat did we do this time?
15:57.42pastamanceroh, just reading Fin and zenzelezz's conversation
15:59.25Zealcan you use |c & |r in whispers? :S
16:00.00foxlit|c hides text after it, |r diconnects
16:00.05Zealkk, that's something i just learnt the hard way then :P
16:00.07foxlit(Of course ||c ||r pass fine)
16:00.57Zealbut won't set colour? :p
16:01.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
16:01.23Cideit would if it didn't dc you
16:01.42Zeallol, kk. ty
16:02.17zenzelezzwhy do all the hunter quest rewards suddenly stop having +sta :-|
16:02.43Finyou can use it in |[cr] /script though, right?
16:02.56Finactually it would make sense if you couldn't
16:04.15*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
16:05.12Lopeppeppy_zenzelezz....  keeps hunters from going all melee on ya?  Dunno.
16:05.43pastamancernothing will ever keep certain hunters from going all melee ><
16:07.09zenzelezzit's just annoying when I'm at 25% health and my pet is at 80%
16:08.13Cidecut the suck, imo.
16:08.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
16:09.37Lopeppeppy_Pets are uber.
16:09.49Lopeppeppy_Careful, Kaydeethree, they sometimes bite back.
16:10.11Kaydeethreeif you could consider SBTALOL biting back, ya, I guess
16:10.22*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
16:13.30*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
16:24.00Lopeppeppy_A bit of chocolate sometimes makes it better, I find.
16:25.10Valaron|WorkI'm not much of a chocolate fan. I like salt.
16:25.30Valaron|WorkI can go for months without ever touching sweets.
16:25.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
16:25.57Shirik|Ecolemode Shirik|Ecole +w
16:26.25Shirik|Ecolewindows popping up while you type commands >.>
16:26.33Shirik|Ecolethe slash goes in one window the command in the other >.>
16:26.45Cideyep :P I've had it happen too
16:26.52Cidethat's why you don't type them in manually!
16:27.21Shirik|Ecoleso... my professor is officially evil
16:27.29Shirik|EcoleHe took one of the homework problems and put it on the test
16:27.40Shirik|EcoleA multiple choice test, and I know the answer exactly, but I do the work anyway
16:27.52Shirik|EcoleI must have done the question 4 times saying to myself "Why can't I get this answer right!"
16:28.09Shirik|EcoleI finally just put down the answer I kept getting (instead of what I got on the homework). After the test, I look at the book and see that he changed one of the numbers
16:28.31Cidegood thing you did it then
16:28.35Shirik|Ecoleit's a multiple choice test and he put the homework answer on the test just to mock me >.>
16:28.41Shirik|EcoleI'm curious how many people put that down ^^
16:28.50Kaydeethreehate when professors do that
16:31.26Shirik|EcoleHe's eating lunch here!
16:31.49cladhaireto torment you
16:31.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
16:32.35Shirik|Ecolerofl, he says quite a few peopleput the homework answer
16:33.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ravagernl (n=chatzill@
16:33.43Lopeppeppy_That was a question to make sure you were reading the questions, Shirik|Ecole.
16:33.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
16:34.05Shirik|EcoleDo you have any idea how much time I wasted on that question?!
16:34.24Lopeppeppy_My English teacher did one of those legendary exams once, where the last question was "Now that you've read the exam, make sure your name is on the top and turn in the blank form."  Any idea how many people failed *that* test?
16:35.07Shirik|EcoleI've only ever heard of things like that
16:35.09Shirik|Ecolenever had it happen to me
16:36.08Kaydeethreehappened to me once... one of the three people that passed that test
16:36.28Shirik|EcoleI'd fail it
16:36.30Shirik|EcoleI never read instructions
16:36.37Lopeppeppy_Taught us awful quickly to understand something before just plowing through it.
16:37.00Kaydeethreeheh. finally put up the forum maint. notification
16:37.43Shirik|Ecoleforums up yet?
16:38.43Shirik|Ecolenot really, but I was feeling left out
16:39.46*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (
16:41.14Antiarc|Workcladhaire: I've levelled my hunter from 23 to 31 just killing things to test ThreatLib.
16:41.21Antiarc|WorkMindless is a really good way to put it :)
16:41.44Antiarc|WorkPull a mob, shoot it a couple times to test something, tab out to code and let autoshot finish it off.
16:41.46cladhairei'm eating lunch, taking calls, etc.
16:41.56[Ammo]hunters are good for ttesting stuff
16:42.08[Ammo]I spent 1500 bullets and 2 levels testing violatio
16:42.15[Ammo]level 8 -> 10
16:43.00zenzelezzand how can you spend bullets below level 10? I had to resort to melee :-|
16:43.31Lopeppeppy_Violation, zenzelezz.  I almost remember what it does, but then again, I haven't had lunch so I'm brain-damaged.
16:43.33TS|Skrommmm I love the smell of hyperbole in the morning ;P
16:43.57Lopeppeppy_Huh.  All I can smell is cumin, TS|Skrom.  Similar, gets up your nose and makes you sneeze?
16:45.53[Ammo]violation is a damagemeter
16:46.12[Ammo]and not having to move just turning and shooting gogo
16:46.31[Ammo]send in the boar
16:46.39[Ammo]and see if 2 bars appear
16:46.40TS|Skromwhat boar at level 8?
16:46.41zenzelezzexcept you don't get a pet until level 10
16:46.49[Ammo]level 10 atm
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16:46.58[Ammo]but I started by shooting and meleeing at 8
16:47.04[Ammo]then tamed the first thing I shot at 10
16:47.14[Ammo]which happened to be boar
16:47.23zenzelezzyou shouldn't shoot things you're taming, it's bad mojo
16:47.32[Ammo]it weakens them
16:47.36TS|Skromyeah you'll have the ASPCA all over yo ass
16:47.45[Ammo]you feed women booze before making your move too
16:47.52[Ammo]same in games :p
16:47.55pastamancerif you shoot them, you don't have to tell them twice
16:48.09pastamancerboars, that is
16:48.13[Ammo]pastamancer: depends on your aim :)
16:48.58Lopeppeppy_Ammo: Depends on *yours*  ;)
16:56.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
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17:06.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
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17:09.10Mike-N-GoAwkward, the ELU for WoW is html code, free hotel WiFi FTL.
17:10.33Mike-N-GoI guess that be the splash page.
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17:27.07TS|Skromwhoever is approving addons : thanks :P
17:28.23deltronammoo eh?
17:28.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
17:28.51*** join/#wowi-lounge seracht_ (
17:28.56seracht_do we have any theorycrafters here
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17:29.16Cide-could you be a bit more implicit? I feel that your question was way too specific for my liking
17:29.54Cide-in other words, without sarcasm: care to be a bit more specific?
17:30.03seracht_I am trying to get spirit to mp5 for priests
17:30.12Cide-depends on your casting style
17:30.13seracht_getting conflicting numbers
17:30.13TS|Skromcheck wowwiki
17:30.18seracht_TS|Skrom:  those seem to be old
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17:30.20seracht_pre TBC
17:30.26seracht_that's what someone told me at least
17:30.28Cide-depends entirely on your casting style and talents
17:30.30seracht_it was s/4 + 12.5
17:30.31Mike-N-GoWhy is it 'mp5'?
17:30.37seracht_Cide-:  ya I know
17:30.39Cide-mana per 5 (seconds)
17:30.47seracht_I am just debating between 12spi or 7 manage per 5
17:30.49seracht_*mana per 5
17:30.56seracht_you might say th 7 is better
17:30.58Cide-7 mana per 5 >>> 12 spirit
17:31.03seracht_no way
17:31.06seracht_if my calcs are correct
17:31.11Cide->>> 7/5, 12/4
17:31.11Cide-Cide-: 1.4,  3
17:31.20Cide->>> 7/5, 12/8
17:31.21Cide-Cide-: 1.4,  1.5
17:31.21seracht_12 spirit = 12/4 + 17 = 20 mana per 2 seconds.....thats equal to 50 mana/5 seconds (while not casting)
17:31.27Cide-no no no
17:31.41deltronyou want mp/5 because that works during casting
17:31.43Cide-you only get the 12.5 bonus once
17:31.43seracht_so therefore, while casting you have 15% regen
17:31.55Cide-12 spirit = 3 mana per 2 seconds
17:32.05Mike-N-GoDon't you want both spirit and mp5, more mp5 though?
17:32.05sag_ich_nichtmy raid startet calling me Führer D:
17:32.12Cide-your mana per tick is (total spirit)/4 + 12.5
17:32.22Cide-your mana per tick from spirit*
17:32.32Cide-so one spirit only gives you 0.25 mana per 2 seconds
17:32.33seracht_right, when you are comparing 2 items though
17:32.41seracht_you can just treat it individually
17:32.44Cide-what are you getting the 17 from then?
17:32.46sag_ich_nichterm, forgot the trailing slash D:
17:32.57seracht_Cide-:  thats the confusion
17:33.04seracht_wowwiki says formula is s/4 + 12.5
17:33.11seracht_people in wcradio are saying thats pre TBC
17:33.17seracht_it has changed to s/4 + 17
17:33.22seracht_and I cannot access forums due to maintenance
17:33.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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17:33.58TS|Skromthat's not cide's point I don't think: when comparing two items you have to leave off the 12.5 since you get it with both the mana/5 and the spirit gear.
17:34.01Mike-N-GoHow do you calculate in Spirt Tap?
17:34.15Cideyou can't add the 12.5
17:34.17Cidelook at it this way
17:34.21Cideforget the 12.5 entirely
17:34.23seracht_um what
17:34.27Cideand consider it your 'base' mana/tick
17:34.35Cideyou get 12.5 mana / 2 seconds (per tick) with 0 spirit
17:34.45Cideevery 4 spirit after that you get another 1 mana / 2 seconds (per tick)
17:34.56Cideas such, when comparing two pieces of gear, you can't take that into consideration
17:35.47seracht_hmm well
17:35.53seracht_say your spirit is 50, mp5 is 50
17:36.02seracht_with the +7 mp5 you get 50 spi, 57 mp5
17:36.26seracht_total from that is 50/4 = 12.5 + 12.5 = 25 * 2.5 = 67.5 + 57
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17:36.31seracht_thats approx 130 or so
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17:36.47Cidealright, ok
17:36.50seracht_thats per mp5
17:36.56Cidekeep going
17:36.59seracht_so 57 spirit with the other item
17:37.10Cide62 spirit*
17:37.15seracht_wait yes
17:37.27seracht_120 hmm
17:37.37seracht_4.5 less
17:37.40*** part/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
17:37.43seracht_guess I know what to get
17:37.48Cideit's not only that
17:38.13Cideyou're forgetting that spirit only works outside of the five second rule (or rather, 85% of it if you have meditation)
17:38.16Cidewhereas mp5 works all the time
17:38.28Cideso the "correct" way to calculate spirit to mp5 would be
17:38.53seracht_while casting with the 7mp5 I will have (67.5 * 0.15) + 57 == 67.125     and while casting with th 12 spi I will have60.5
17:39.52Cidespirit/4 * 0.15 * fsrtime + spirit/4 * (1-fsrtime)
17:40.07seracht_you cannot effectivelly measure fsrtime though
17:40.12Cideit's ~50%
17:40.21seracht_doesn't it depend
17:40.27Cideyes, it does
17:40.29seracht_on group layout
17:40.39Cideit depends on casting style, encounter, etc
17:40.42seracht_less druids means more HoTs on priests
17:40.49Cidethat's negligible
17:40.56seracht_it is?
17:40.57Cidebut so is encounter and casting style usually
17:41.01Cideso assume it's 50%
17:41.20Cide>>> (12/4 * 0.15 * 0.5 + 12/4*0.85)*2.5
17:41.20CideCide: 6.9375
17:41.37seracht_damn it
17:41.40seracht_wish I used that
17:41.44seracht_instead of openning up calculator
17:41.59Cide>>> (12/4 * 0.15 * 0.5 + 12/4*0.5)*2.5
17:41.59CideCide: 4.3125
17:42.27seracht_7>4 yay
17:43.12|Jelly|Did I miss the memo? Is Armory down with the forums?
17:43.25N|Tivoliit's probably all being reset for s2
17:43.26seracht_you didn't miss it
17:43.27seracht_but its down
17:43.38seracht_Cide see anything I can change in there
17:43.45seracht_pre-raiding probably post kara as well
17:44.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Thorarin (
17:45.54CideI prefer over Rejuvenating Scepter but that might be a matter of preference
17:46.28seracht_will try to get it
17:46.32Cidelooks pretty good otherwise
17:46.33seracht_running SL today
17:46.55seracht_I will probably replace the neck with the pvp one
17:47.19Cidedid you say post-kara btw?
17:47.35Cidethere are a couple of karazhan drops that are nice
17:47.36seracht_um well the primal mooncloth will be post kara
17:48.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go_ (
17:49.19seracht_but ya
17:49.24seracht_I am currently sitting at 866 healing
17:49.25seracht_340 spi
17:49.32seracht_20 or so mp3
17:49.36seracht_just dinged 70
17:49.51seracht_hoping I can get into kara, being the only Fear ward and one of our MTs is a druid
17:50.00seracht_stuck on Nightbane :(
17:50.20deltron-_- alliance
17:50.30deltronyou need a shaman or two
17:50.31seracht_normally the warriors stance it as well
17:50.40seracht_but warriors dont come on for kara
17:50.42seracht_damn punks
17:50.56zenzelezzwhy not, they have everything from there?
17:51.01seracht_dunno zenzelezz
17:52.04Cidenightbane is the only fight that is a lot easier with a warrior really
17:52.13seracht_or a fear ward
17:52.24seracht_so I am trying really hard to key up by tomorrow
17:52.25Cidenever had that luxury myself, but I suppose :)
17:52.26deltronmeh @ fear ward :P
17:52.37seracht_deltron:  you make addons?
17:52.39seracht_never knew
17:52.46seracht_and what happened to LOTRO
17:52.47seracht_gave up on it?
17:52.57deltronnah I don't
17:53.04deltroni sit and idle really
17:53.10zenzelezzFear Ward makes Nightbane easier as a warrior; but the main reason I like it is because of the off chance that he'll land a hard blow while I'm still in Berserker Stance
17:53.12deltronI play lotro
17:53.18deltronsometimes heh
17:53.43seracht_what's that liquid that makes you throw up a lot
17:54.16seracht_but ya, how's lotro
17:54.32deltronfun, playing a tanking class for once in my MMO life
17:55.18seracht_you hit 50 yet
17:55.35deltronhah no
17:55.38deltron17 or 18
17:57.13Cidewhy are the forums still down? =/
17:57.39*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
18:00.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
18:01.17Lopeppeppy_Forums are hateful, Cide.  It's Murphy's Law.
18:01.55Cideseems that way
18:02.03|Jelly|I need some Dew!
18:02.16|Jelly|It's been a long day and not looking to be any shorter any time soon!
18:03.02Lopeppeppy_Today is Diet Dr. Pepper, |Jelly|... I takes what I get from the convenience store in a rush.
18:03.38|Jelly|I'm thinking about disbanding my guild.
18:05.51Lopeppeppy_I've thought that back and forth in the past as well, Jelly.  Until the urge passed, I just passed on the GM mantle to my first officer.
18:07.05|Jelly|I'm just. I don't know. Too loyalty driven?
18:07.27|Jelly|For instance, one of my healers is running Kara with another guild but refuses to join that guild and I don't want to boot her.
18:07.39|Jelly|(I've known her since RFC)
18:09.34|Jelly|Come on Peppy! Be my voice of reason!
18:11.09Josh_Borkekick her imo
18:11.20Josh_Borketell her she has to choose
18:11.35|Jelly|That's the thing...she says she chooses the guild.
18:11.51Josh_Borkeif she chooses the guild then give her one more chance to not run with the other
18:11.52|Jelly|Until we get a solid group together, she's going to run with them. (Which I understand and doing the same)
18:12.01*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
18:12.03Josh_Borkesounds like a predicament
18:12.09|Jelly|My question to her was what if we raid on Wednesday or Thursday and her friend's guild raids on Tuesday?
18:12.14|Jelly|Who do you choose?
18:12.23|Jelly|She said the guild...but I get the feeling that will change.
18:12.31Josh_Borkeare you EU?
18:12.51Josh_Borkeisn't the reset monday night then?
18:13.04|Jelly|During the server maint on Tuesday
18:13.19|Jelly|so...yes and no
18:13.34Josh_Borkeyea, which happens between monday and tuesday usually, definitely before tuesday evening
18:13.41|Jelly|She thought she could do both but when I brought it up to her about being raid locked, she got quiet.
18:13.49Josh_Borkeyea, exactly
18:16.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
18:16.29*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
18:16.51Shirikwb Cairenn
18:20.46seracht_|Jelly|:  until you get the kara group going in your guild let her keep doing it
18:20.47seracht_don't bring it up
18:20.50seracht_it will create tension
18:20.58seracht_when you ask her to come and she doesn't come, boot her then
18:21.11seracht_don't boot her based on your assumptions that she might not come or what MIGHT happen
18:21.12|Jelly|= what I've pretty much said I'm gonna go
18:21.23|Jelly|i fail, really
18:21.33Lopeppeppy_|Jelly|, our raid group lost the paladin officer for just that reason...  until it becomes a choice, leave it be.  When it comes down to choice, however, be practical. If you've know each other long enough, it will work out fine either way.
18:22.04Lopeppeppy_Don't give yourself ulcers worrying the "might come to pass".  Eat cookies instead.
18:22.18seracht_you just repeated what I said lol
18:23.43TS|Skromexcept she mentioned cookies with is infinately more win
18:23.57|Jelly|Skrom, thanks for the comment by the way 8)
18:26.47TS|Skromnp ^^
18:28.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
18:28.43LunessaHiya |Jelly|
18:28.52AnduinLotharThis just in: Cookies cause ulcers in lab rats!
18:28.54|Jelly|How are you today? 8)
18:29.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
18:29.13LunessaThis just in: I'm eating cookies anyway.
18:29.29Lunessa|Jelly|:  I am sleepy and at work.  
18:29.32|Jelly|This just in: /jealous
18:30.14AnduinLotharThis just in: Michael Jackson eats cookies too.
18:30.16TS|SkromThis just in: AnduinLothar is really a gerbile!
18:32.21LunessaTS|Skrom: What, you don't recall SNL from the 80s?
18:35.44TS|Skromnot that particular event
18:36.15*** join/#wowi-lounge N00bZXI (
18:37.34Lunessa"This just in" and "Jane..." were regular bits on their news segments.
18:37.49cladhaireLightHeaded has been updated with potential support for deDE locale
18:37.50cladhairer139 | jnwhiteh | 2007-06-20 14:11:18 -0400 (Wed, 20 Jun 2007) | 2 lines
18:37.50cladhaire* How about we stop faking deDE locale, and returning the same quest log title and informatino for every single index in the questbook.. kthx
18:37.51cladhairer138 | jnwhiteh | 2007-06-20 14:09:42 -0400 (Wed, 20 Jun 2007) | 2 lines
18:37.53cladhaire.Toc update to include deDE support preliminarily
18:37.57cladhairer137 | jnwhiteh | 2007-06-20 14:09:16 -0400 (Wed, 20 Jun 2007) | 3 lines
18:37.59cladhaire* Add a guard when we return the number of quest comments
18:38.01cladhaire* Add preliminary support for deDE clients.  Lookups should happen properly, but ALL data will be displayed in English
18:38.06cladhairer136 | jnwhiteh | 2007-06-18 14:19:54 -0400 (Mon, 18 Jun 2007) | 2 lines
18:38.08cladhaire* Spell detach correctly please
18:38.10cladhaireoh my
18:38.14cladhairelet me know if it works:
18:38.16cladhairedon't hate
18:38.40Shirik~comfort zen
18:38.40purlThere, there, zen.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
18:38.42Shirik~comfort zenzelezz
18:38.42purlThere, there, zenzelezz.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
18:38.46Shirik~lart cladhaire
18:38.46purlwhips out a sword and chops cladhaire in half
18:39.29zenzelezzI still have 1.1 level left till 70 on my hunter, but trying to figure a talent build... but I've grown fond of BM :-/
18:39.31CideI would like to re-emphasize on
18:39.39Cidesince cladhaire filled my screen with stuff
18:40.18cladhairethat's awesome cide
18:40.37N00bZXICide: LMAO
18:40.56LunessaI'm in ur irc, fillin ur skreenz
18:41.00TemCide, I know where you got that picture
18:41.10Cideon the internets of course
18:41.22TemI've got a better guess of where on the internets
18:41.28Tembut I shant speak of it
18:41.40Cideon irc actually
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18:44.01LunessaBah -
18:45.59*** part/#wowi-lounge jme (
18:45.59Temokay, so I got another darkrune
18:46.16Temis the felguard's special bugged, or am I using it wrong?
18:46.34TS|Skrom XD
18:46.43TemI got to the 'boss' of the first stage last time, but he completely owned me
18:46.52Temand using his special did nothing
18:46.55*** join/#wowi-lounge KriLL3 (
18:46.59Tem(except consume a crystal focus)
18:50.53zenzelezzwhat boss/felguard?
18:52.14Lopeppeppy_Okies, time to go for an hour drive to get to home, y'all stay good.
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18:53.50Temthe first one
18:53.59Temit was only my first attempt so I didn't get very far
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18:54.33zenzelezzbut what context is this? My loose page-up'ing didn't reveal any clues
18:55.18Temthe darkrune event in Ogri'la
18:55.43zenzelezzoh, don't know anything about that :-|
19:17.16KriLL3what needs sea/eart/fire etc? I got all of them and don't know why...
19:19.08*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter_ (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
19:19.12Gryphenlots of things
19:19.27Gryphendisable em, see what goes red
19:19.45KriLL3yeah, that's a good idea actually.
19:20.09KriLL3I've recently more or less shifted most of my UI to other addons, might be some of them aren't needed anymore
19:20.27Grypheni lot of Cosmos addons use those
19:20.29KriLL3mostly cut back on the amount of CTmod addons
19:20.44KriLL3I only got some of the addons cosmos "absorbed", not cosmos itself
19:21.41FinN00bZXI: I like RageBuffs!
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19:26.49AnduinLotharerm Gryphen, who you talkign to?
19:27.12AnduinLotharahh. ignored
19:27.29AnduinLotharmy bad
19:29.46Cide-KriLL3: in favor of ace addons, I hope
19:30.00*** part/#wowi-lounge seracht_ (
19:30.28KriLL3bartender and pitbull etc :>
19:30.41N00bZXIFin: Thanks :)
19:31.09FinN00bZXI: what were the other two things you released?
19:31.37N00bZXIFin: This is the first I've released in a very long time
19:31.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
19:32.04KriLL3where can I get "FireTree" it's not on wowui, nor wowinterface nor curse...
19:32.39N00bZXIThe next two things I might release would be tooltip/minimap
19:33.17Gryphenfiretree is on
19:33.52KriLL3seems all new versions of sea/fire/earth needs it, though when I disabled those no addons became red, guess I've removed my last cosmos related stuff
19:34.23Gryphenthink the only thing that needs firetree is khaos
19:34.25Cairenngah, who was I just talking to in IMs? :p
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19:34.49KriLL3nope all those named are now red due to lacking firetree
19:34.51Cairenntoooo much stuff going on! can't keep everything straight!
19:36.15GryphenKriLL3 something is odd then. Sea should not turn red by anything being disabled.
19:36.22Gryphenit has not deps
19:39.00Valaron|WorkNeebler is in Chico, CA?
19:41.29N00bZXIFin: rofl @ your comment
19:43.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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19:45.47ScytheBlade1:( @
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19:47.35deltronmy former MT called a'dal the crystal mayor
19:48.04KriLL3the latest patch is awesome, removes the memory leak that happened on alt+tab/focus shift, I'm on 3 monitors and switch focus away from wow all the time, ran horribly slow for me
19:48.21KriLL34~ times the FPS after 10 mins of play
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19:52.46KriLL3why does some of the errors that show up in red over your head have . and other not? O_o
19:53.18|Jelly|Blizzard r gud wif gramer.
19:53.53KriLL3u shur?
19:54.09Elkanome dont :(
19:55.10Josh_Borkeneither I
19:56.59Thunder_Childbecause some are proper sentances and others are not?
19:57.05TS|Skromwhat say you?
19:58.11KriLL3"You can't mount indoors" isn't a sentence and "You must equip that item to use it." is?
19:58.50Thunder_Childi said proper sentace
19:58.56Thunder_Child...well i know i cant spell
19:59.08KriLL3"Item is not ready yet." "Can't do that while stunned" "Can only use outside" "You can't do that yet" "Spell is not ready yet." etc
19:59.25foxlit"You can't mount indoors" is fine!
19:59.32KriLL3and yes that's how they appear, that's an exempt from my roguespam list
19:59.33foxlitMisses a dot, bot nothing wrong with it
20:00.10foxlitNeither is there anything wrong with the rest of those
20:00.11KriLL3dots are important imo
20:00.23foxlitAre you just complaining about the lack of punctuation?
20:00.36KriLL3just seems inconsistent
20:00.40|Jelly|and subjects : /
20:00.43KriLL3to use it some places but others not
20:01.11foxlitPrefix with Error:
20:02.37KriLL3I love that I get 20~ errors on load, some of my addons aren't that well written it would seem... :\
20:03.14KriLL3funny that my own addon that is basically just a pile of code works just fine, but Atlas addons give errors XD
20:05.40KriLL3hugz tiem?
20:05.51TS|Skromthat or you don't have them updated?
20:05.57Valaron|WorkI just ate the most greasiest food. My heart's racing like mad.
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20:06.16KriLL3Valaron|Work: drink some de-greaser
20:06.19KriLL3TS|Skrom: possible
20:06.29TS|SkromI would say probable. My atlas gives 0 error
20:06.41KriLL3well it's third party atlas stuff
20:06.44KriLL3not the official
20:06.51TS|Skromsuch as?
20:08.07KriLL3"TitanDSPAdditions" string.gfind was renamed to string.gmatch if that makes any sense to you
20:08.32TS|Skromwhat? what does titan have to do with atlas?
20:08.47KriLL3well I got an atlas thing also
20:09.03Shirikboth titan and atlas return the same value when calling getfenv(0)
20:09.08Shirikthus they are similar :P
20:09.43KriLL3"bad argument #1 to 'ippairs' (table expected, got nil) on atlasloot actually
20:09.56TS|Skromyeah, time to update
20:10.02KriLL3just did
20:10.03Josh_Borketypo i'm sure
20:11.49*** join/#wowi-lounge stigma1337 (
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20:26.16zenzelezzany 70 hunters around?
20:28.38[dRaCo]who need hunters anyway? ;)
20:29.16KriLL3ranged dps that doesn't need mana
20:29.40pastamancerhunters need mana
20:29.45[dRaCo]great. autoshoot dps :>
20:29.46KriLL3not for autoshot
20:29.57KriLL3autoshot best dps ingame
20:30.03TS|Skromomg lol: job application I'm filling out had this question
20:30.30TS|SkromAre you or have you ever been affiliated with any group or organization which seeks or advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States by force of violence?
20:30.40TS|SkromWho in their right mind would ever check yes?
20:31.08[dRaCo]somebody who's proud of being a member of the village people?
20:31.10KriLL3does PETA count? =P
20:32.32N00bZXICide: Was CT_ShieldMod discontinued?
20:33.00KriLL3haven't seen it in ages
20:33.43Industrialwhoever picks something like that up, having a statusbar for it instead of only a numeric value would r0x your s0x
20:33.51LunessaTS|Skrom: Companies which do government work, or contract work with security implications are required by law to ask that.
20:34.29KriLL3Lunessa: and even if you did belong to a group like that, would you say yes?
20:34.46KriLL3would an al-quida operative tick yes in that field? =P
20:34.59LunessaBecause when you say 'no' the background check discovers the answer is 'yes' and you get fired. :P
20:35.39pastamanceryeah, there's plenty of groups that have advocated the violent overthrow of the government
20:35.57KriLL3pastamancer: your own gov for instance
20:36.27N00bZXIPlease.. not politics here :(
20:36.28TS|Skromhere we go
20:36.47TS|SkromLunessa yeah I guess I never considered a "sewer district" to be a secure service
20:37.04KriLL3well it has to with the function of the town
20:37.13KriLL3not fun if the sewers break down
20:37.21LunessaInfrastructure / Public Works .. Oh heck yeah.
20:37.41KriLL3same as roads and water etc
20:37.47TS|Skromhope I get tthis job ><
20:38.00TS|Skrom8k more, free benefits and less responsibility? win/win
20:38.08KriLL3civilization as we know it breaks down without working roads sewers and tap water
20:38.09TS|Skromeven if I won't be able to play WoW at work anymore
20:38.40KriLL3TS|Skrom: I hope you don't have a too intimate connection with the sewers in this job
20:39.06TS|Skromnope, PC Analyst position
20:39.14TS|Skromaka help desk
20:39.22KriLL3good, crawling in poo isn't exactly fun.
20:39.43KriLL3thought help desk isn't overly joyful either
20:40.01KriLL3depends on the average age I guess
20:40.12TS|Skromit's what I do now (my title is network admin, but I'm glorified helpdesk plus I get to buy stuff)
20:40.56KriLL3I worked helpdesk at a company with many seniors, too proud to admit they don't know squat about computers and to conscious about their own supposedly higher position, wasn't easy to deal with.
20:41.39KriLL3I can be smooth at need but when you need to tell a guy the same thing more than 6 times it grows old
20:41.57N00bZXII sure am glad I don't work at a helpdesk
20:42.07KriLL3I'm sure glad I don't anymore.
20:42.43N00bZXII don't mind helping people. I DO mind helping people who make themselves look like THEY'RE entitled to help people.
20:42.51LunessaI work at one.
20:43.14N00bZXIAccording to RL friends that's a pretty large % of people
20:43.26TS|Skrom8k more then I make now is the MINIMUM too which is cool
20:43.42KriLL3Though I almost consider offering my services to where my mom works, their IT staff is a bunch of morons, I formated her PC (locked down so tight you couldn't switch network settings, theme etc.) and when she took it back to them they re-installed XP and manually installed and configured all software it had to run.
20:43.42TS|SkromI've got 4 years experience here as network admin, plus a few other random years doing other tech stuff
20:43.49KriLL3guess "ghost" isn't in their vocabulary
20:43.50TS|Skromso it could be as much as 20k more then I make now
20:43.55KriLL3took them 4 hours to restore it
20:45.22KriLL3restoring a laptop to it's default state the company uses should take a couple of mins using a ghost image, but nope, they did it manually =P
20:46.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
20:46.18N00bZXI[13:32:49]<N00bZXI>Cide: Was CT_ShieldMod discontinued?
20:46.24N00bZXIYou were offline I believe
20:47.13Valaron|WorkSymantec Ghost is the way of the future.
20:47.41Valaron|Work30 computers multicasted in 2 hours.
20:48.04Cide-N00bZXI: not really discontinued, but we haven't released a new version for WoW 2.x (yet)
20:48.37KriLL3CT_Profiles was discontinued when armory was released, correct?
20:48.47KriLL3I'm getting errors with it and I don't see a new version online
20:49.04Thunder_Childit was after, but yes it has been discontinued
20:49.27KriLL3I wish armory would allow multiple item sets
20:49.49KriLL3druids in particular needs quite different gear for each role
20:50.04N00bZXICide-: Alright, guess I'll wait. I could've picked it up if it were discontinued, though. :)
20:50.23KriLL3I hope btw that they keep the cloned arena vendors, anoying to go to area52...
20:50.53KriLL3or are the lower prices and the vendors temporary you think?
20:51.14Kaydeethreethe season 1 prices are low permanently, the cloned vendors in the honor reward areas aren't
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20:51.43KriLL3the new vendors don't have the season1 stuff, correct?
20:51.56KriLL3I only see merciless stuff, and that's the new stuff, If I'm not mistaken
20:53.04KriLL3is there a comprehensive site with the differences between the season 1 and 2 gear sets?
20:57.54*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
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20:58.04foxlitSo, um, they nerfed my decursive exploit
20:58.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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20:58.47foxlitThere was an issue with tainting and secure frames that let you arbirarely determine which spells to cast on which targets
20:59.17foxlitWhich is good, but I think there's a couple of issues with their fix
20:59.36foxlitAh no, darn
21:00.11foxlit* Enabling and disabling buttons is now protected functionality and may not be called on secure frames while in combat.
21:00.59foxlitIriel said they'd make /click ignore disabled status, which would've been better
21:04.15KriLL3I liked decursive, but I stopped using it back when they first nuked it, since I knew that any attempt at re-making it with it's original functionality would only be nuked by blizz a couple of weeks later
21:04.49KriLL3through cromagnuss(sp) wasn't fun without decursive, not at all...
21:04.51foxlitIt's not really decursive I'm concerned about
21:05.35foxlitMy trinket mod used to systematically disable buttons if the cooldown wasn't up; if this happens before combat, it's now not usable. Basically, I need extra code to enable both buttons when entering combat.
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21:06.08KriLL3does it matter? if the cooldown isn't done and you press it no harm done
21:06.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
21:07.52foxlitIt's a nice touch, since I used it to grey out the texture as well
21:09.16foxlitBasically, extra code = whining about writing it :)
21:09.44*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
21:11.39LunessaI want to smash every one who offers /castsequcence reset=X <spell>, <spell>, <spell>, <spell>, <spell>, <spell>; as a work around for cooldowns.
21:13.33*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
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21:19.21LunessaSmash the right in the face.  
21:22.15cladhaire_anyone here familiar with dnsmasq?
21:25.20Josh_Borkei've used it but not familiar
21:25.34cladhaire_ah okay
21:25.38Josh_Borkeit's being used by my server :-)
21:26.37Josh_Borkewhat are you trying to do?
21:26.53cladhaire_my router is caching dns
21:26.54cladhaire_and its pissing me off =)
21:27.25*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
21:28.01Josh_Borketry sending it a SIGHUP
21:30.49Josh_Borkewait, got it
21:31.02LunessaAre you sure it's the router?  I'm not sure what the console commands for a DNS flush is on OSX.  
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21:31.46cladhaireyes, its the router
21:35.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
21:36.46Valaron|WorkWhat kind of router?
21:39.45LunessaWHOA - post timer increased!
21:40.09*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire_ (
21:40.46zenzelezzso you can post less often?
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21:41.52LunessaYeah.  I had well over a 60 second wait between posts.  
21:43.18*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
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21:47.02Shirikcladhaire: You around?
21:50.07clad|awayShirik: whats up
21:50.52ShirikI have a very rough version ready, I just want you to compile it to ensure I'm not using anything specific to windows... the one function that worries me is _scprintf() which I've never used before
21:51.19*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
21:51.22clad|awaymail it
21:53.05ShirikI don't think I have your email :(
21:53.56clad|awayyou swhould
21:53.59clad|awayits at gmail
21:54.02clad|awayi only have two usernames =)
21:54.03clad|awaypick one
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22:00.27Shirikclad|away: sent
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22:11.17Kaydeethreeheh... my gear is beyond broken..
22:11.29KaydeethreeI've got 1 piece of t3, 1 piece of t5, a few pieces of t4
22:11.59LunessaWhat ever you do, don't look at my armory entries ...
22:12.58foxlit__index metatable entry should not confuse pairs(), right?
22:13.24foxlitIf I'm using it to set up a bunch of silent aliases inside a table, none of those aliases should appear in a for k in pairs(t) do print(k) end?
22:15.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go_ (n=MikeNGoS@
22:15.47Shirik|zZzFoxbot: correct
22:16.30Shirik|zZzpairs() returns an iterator that operates on the elements of the table. Those values which are accessible by __index are not actually part of the table, just an alternate lookup
22:17.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
22:17.37Shirik|zZz>>> a = {a=1,b=2,c=3}; b = setmetatable({d=4,e=5,f=6},{ __index = a}); for k,v in pairs(b) do print(k..": "..v); end
22:17.38CideShirik|zZz: "e: 5",  "d: 4",  "f: 6"
22:25.36*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
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22:42.38Shirik|zZz"You are about to close 87 tabs. Are you sure you want to continue?"
22:42.44Shirik|zZzThat explains why firefox was responding so slowly...
22:43.18Valaron|WorkDo you need that many porn sites opened at once?
22:43.21sag_ich_nichtget more ram Shirik.
22:43.29sag_ich_nichtobviously, it's one porn site
22:43.32sag_ich_nichthe opens all the pics
22:43.35sag_ich_nichtthen turns on tab rotation
22:44.19Valaron|WorkIt's a slideshow!
22:44.28sag_ich_nichtand now i go to bed
22:44.31sag_ich_nichtgood night
22:45.00CideShirik|zZz: so you're browsing the net while asleep?
22:45.18Shirik|zZzhaven't you ever seen that xkcd comic?
22:45.18Cidethat's fairly advanced sleepwalking
22:45.47Cidedon't think so
22:47.35Cidehaha, that's awesome
22:50.02Shirik|zZzanyway, night :)
22:51.38ScytheBlade1When was the minigame added?
22:52.13ScytheBlade1Specifically, MinigameFrame + friends
22:54.23ScytheBlade1And why does the wiki lack all forms of documentation on the matter.  -.-
22:54.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
22:54.44tardmrrit was added a LONG time ago
22:54.50tardmrrbut it's not active
22:54.54tardmrrlike around 1.11, I think
22:54.56ScytheBlade1That's kinda depressing
22:55.05ScytheBlade1I just noticed it in the interface files
22:55.17Kaydeethreemeh. how much crap have they sent in the MPQs that haven't been used?
22:55.23Kaydeethreesee: Emerald Dream
22:55.38ScytheBlade1Heh. Or accidently release
22:55.40ScytheBlade1See: linux client
22:56.31Kaydeethreewha? you mean IsLinuxClient()?
22:57.18zenzelezzjust because it's in there and not used doesn't mean it never will
22:57.32foxlitWarning: incoming 5-lines of code. Can anyone see anything wrong in them?
22:57.33foxlitt = setmetatable({}, {__index=function(t, key)
22:57.46zenzelezzI count six lines you liar
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22:58.00Josh_Borkei count 6 too
22:58.08foxlitAnd I'm letired!
22:58.09Josh_Borkekick him!
22:58.20foxlitt.a = {b="x"}
22:58.30foxlitt["a.b"] == nil, why?
22:59.04Josh_Borkefoxlit: t[key] = ?
22:59.18cog|workfoxlit: "a.b" is its own unique key
22:59.19foxlitpastey spam again
22:59.27foxlitI know, you missed the first part
22:59.33cog|workapparently :P
22:59.35Josh_Borke>>> string.match("a.b","^([^.]+)[.](.+)$")
22:59.35CideJosh_Borke: "a",  "b"
23:00.30foxlitIt's fine, btw.
23:00.36foxlitI sucked with command-line lua and locals
23:01.45CideJosh_Borke: nice way of escaping "." :P
23:01.55Josh_Borkeit worked for me
23:02.02Josh_Borkehe did it :-P
23:02.27foxlit%. is le ugly!
23:02.28Josh_Borkefoxlit:  that exact code gave me foo
23:02.38foxlit<foxlit> It's fine, btw.
23:02.38foxlit[01:00] <foxlit> I sucked with command-line lua and locals
23:02.45Josh_Borkeoh, missed the it's fine
23:03.06foxlitdid local traverseMeta = {... table}; t = setmetatable({}, traverseMeta); in two lines
23:04.22Kaydeethreehm. weird... the only time any of the Is____Client()s get used is in the SoundOptionsFrame for the mac client.
23:04.32Cidefoxlit: do ... end :)
23:05.23ScytheBlade1Kaydeethree, no, I mean the binaries I have sitting on my HD. (really)
23:05.26ScytheBlade1Sadly they don't do jack.
23:05.29foxlitCide: thanks, will keep in mind next time :)
23:05.41KaydeethreeoO; when did this happen?
23:05.53ScytheBlade1FilePlanet public beta
23:05.59ScytheBlade1They shipped them in the MPQs
23:07.08Kaydeethreewell I'll be damned
23:07.31foxlitHah, that metatable is so evil :)
23:08.16ScytheBlade1Kaydeethree, never thought it to be possible?
23:08.43Kaydeethreenah, I figured it would be, probably using opengl or something since they're running on a kinda-bsd anyway
23:09.03ScytheBlade1You should see the strings in the binary. :)
23:10.10*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (n=[KaoS]`@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
23:11.10ScytheBlade1... the linux binary
23:11.45EndScytheBlade1: what was the legal reason that made them not ship it?
23:12.05ScytheBlade1End, no clue. I'd suggest asking slouken, but.. that's only so doable. :)
23:12.25Endoh, I thought you knew said reasons, since
23:12.29ScytheBlade1If I had to guess, something about the GPL and the grey area and such crap
23:12.30EndI dug up your slashdot post :P
23:12.37ScytheBlade1Points for style
23:13.25ScytheBlade1"Legal reasons" is what I get out of "people" that I "know"
23:13.37ScytheBlade1Read: people who got personal invites to the WoW F&F alpha
23:14.05Endhehe, ok
23:14.14Endpity though :-/
23:14.28ScytheBlade1No joke
23:14.30ScytheBlade1Wine, while nice
23:14.34ScytheBlade1Is a long run from native
23:16.08Kaydeethreebut it's funny... I've never played my character from a windows box
23:16.24Kaydeethreepart of me wonders what my fps would be on windows with my pos 5200fx
23:16.33ScytheBlade1Especially when the voice chat hits... that day will both both frighten me, and make me incredibly happy
23:17.01KaydeethreeI wonder how far off 2.2 actually is?
23:17.10ScytheBlade1No clue
23:17.21ScytheBlade1I'd imagine a month at a minimum, though
23:17.27cog|workprobably another couple mos
23:17.48cog|workesp. with ptr time
23:17.49BleeterI'd suspect no linux client due to support nightmare
23:17.56zenzelezzso, was TK and SSC stock full of people on anyone else's servers also today?
23:18.01EndIt's likely Zul'Aman will appear in 2.2 I think
23:18.03ScytheBlade1Bleeter, do what UT2004 did. "No support."
23:18.38Bleeterhmm, $100 for a game, $15 per month for subscription but no support... erm, pass thx
23:18.50End$100? o_O
23:18.53ScytheBlade1I'd be fine with it.
23:18.56ScytheBlade1WoW + TBC
23:18.59Kaydeethreenot like we get support as is anyway
23:19.05Endoh, yeah, if you bought both at release
23:19.07ScytheBlade1Hehe, what Kaydeethree said
23:19.18ScytheBlade1We get forums and an overloaded e-mail contact
23:19.29ScytheBlade1Plus a *not* toll free, long distance number
23:19.36Bleeterand as I always say, look at the nightmare VMWare have to jump through to ensure the base OS has sufficient libraries
23:19.57ScytheBlade1VMWare is also doing much, much, much more than WoW would ever need to do
23:20.04Kaydeethree"thou shalt install SDL and be done with it"
23:20.05ScytheBlade1Valid point, yes, but overextended
23:20.18Bleeterwould still need, to some degree, ensure minimum Xorg and closed proprietary driver
23:20.47Bleeteryes, well, SDL WoW *would* be the way to go ;)
23:21.09ScytheBlade1Especially with someone like Slouken on the dev team ;)
23:21.29Bleeterhe's got more important things to worry 'bout at the moment
23:21.47Bleeterlike be @ home to accept delivery of my Nin DS to him so libsdl can get ported to the Nin DS Linux
23:22.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
23:22.23ScytheBlade1I personally think that he both maintains the "port" and plays on linux ;P
23:22.31ScytheBlade1They have proven to have an existing client
23:22.37ScytheBlade1He's blue. He can get away with it.
23:22.42ScytheBlade1(But red tape sucks.)
23:22.50BleeterI'd be very suprised if he didn't have a personal hacked up client that he uses somewhere
23:23.07ScytheBlade1Not even really hacked up. This is production quality software that I have here (for an alpha)
23:23.24ScytheBlade1He has the cross platform experience and everything else needed
23:23.38Mike-N-GoWhat is wrong in this code block, it errors that it is attempting to call a table value?:   for k,v in self.db.account[(GetRealmName())][(UnitName("player"))].friend do ... end
23:24.09Endit wouldn't surprise me if there is a branch slouken (or someone else even) commits to sometimes to keep it somewhat up to date, but it's probably not quite as production quality anymore :P
23:24.42Bleeterhe'd prolly need to hack occasionally, but yes given that on the whole it works so nicely in Wine, the OGL code seems pretty clean, ... yeah, what End said
23:24.43ScytheBlade1I'd be 100% fine with no support.
23:24.53ScytheBlade1I really would be.
23:24.57Endyeah same
23:25.11ScytheBlade1If it breaks, fine
23:25.11Bleeteryeah, I'd be happy with no support, if we got an official forum to keep in contact with each other
23:25.18ScytheBlade1I grab the windows binary, call it good
23:25.43ScytheBlade1Heh. I'd be fine with a 3rd party forum, personally
23:25.48ScytheBlade1Look at the job WoWWiki does.
23:25.58Kaydeethreejust something better than the appdb page on winehq
23:26.04ScytheBlade1Haha, fair enough.
23:26.31ScytheBlade1You know, if I knew enough about my legal rights to distribute these binaries, I'd be happy to.
23:26.35ScytheBlade1Anyone know details?
23:26.35Endinteresting, slouken still messes around with sdl development :P
23:27.10BleeterI seem to recall when he left Loki for Blizz, he said he wasn't going to give up SDL
23:27.28Bleeterand he's still active on the SDL lists
23:27.54Bleeter(hence, when I saw the 'need' for a Nin DS on the SDL h/w page, I sent him mine)
23:28.01EndI remember seeing a post where he talked about how sdl 2 was in the works, but never came to anything because everyone got married and got other jobs and whatnot
23:28.38EndActually, wow, yeah, he posts a lot more than I expected.
23:28.41Osagasuwomen and babies tend to do that to a man.
23:28.42Lunessa*cries* Some people are too stupid to own an iMac.
23:28.51Kaydeethreehow is that even /possible/?
23:28.57Kaydeethreeit's an iMac...
23:29.00ScytheBlade1That's a copy of all SDL strings in the binary.
23:29.19ScytheBlade1Well, and shared objects.
23:29.31Bleeterheh, never occurred to me to strings for SDL
23:29.39ScytheBlade1Line 37 is fun
23:30.37Endgiven there is the libSDL so in the directory without all the other libraries, it's no surprise they used/use SDL :P
23:31.00Bleeterhell, I think it'd just be fun if they release linux PTR builds only
23:31.05*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 Toc: 20100 | RTFPN please | To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world
23:31.33LunessaCan I just get the world to each give me $1?
23:31.34Bleeterbut yes, might be correct then with regards to GPL licensing, etc.
23:31.51ScytheBlade1The WowClient binary has references to SDL too, but in that pastey, most of them are from the lib
23:32.12Mr_Rabies2i basically took southshore back solo against a 46 and 3 70's :D
23:32.21zenzelezzso who's this special person Cairenn?
23:32.28Kaydeethreezen; my thoughts entirely
23:32.47zenzelezzSS or it didn't happen
23:32.47Mr_Rabies2oneshotted the 46 druid, then turned around and killed the shaman when his warrior buddies left him and the druid alone
23:33.09Mr_Rabies2then snuck in and killed one of two warriors before dying, then ran back and killed the other :
23:33.19Mr_Rabies2well, other than the 35 druid following me around moonfire spamming
23:33.32Mr_Rabies2this is on a PVE server, so i'm sure they weren't expecting retaliation
23:33.38Bleeterhmm, guildies reporting is redirecting them to
23:33.44Bleeterwondering if anyone else is seeing this?
23:33.55zenzelezznot me, and I've been using wowhead today
23:33.55Mr_Rabies2not i, they may have switched servers or something
23:33.57Josh_Borkesomeone screwed up the DNS
23:34.10zenzelezzwowhead still loads just fine for me
23:34.21wobinWoW Gold Super Shop is a "related sponsor link" =P
23:34.40wobinalong with MYOB Stock Control =P
23:34.45Endit works fine for me too
23:35.33Josh_Borkewowhead: for me
23:35.44*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
23:35.48Mr_Rabies2it's raining in southshore
23:35.49zenzelezzsame here Josh
23:35.53wobinyeah, same here
23:36.02Josh_Borkeit's back to working now
23:36.05Mr_Rabies2i forgot how good the weather effects look on azeroth
23:36.10Mr_Rabies2i miss them in outland
23:36.12Endzangarmarsh has rain
23:36.16wobinEnd: That goes back to godaddy
23:36.20wobinfor me
23:36.25wobinI don't miss rain
23:36.29Endodd, the ip address worked for me
23:36.31Mr_Rabies2yeah, zangarmarsh is spitting rain most of the time
23:36.48Endoh wow, now it's going to godaddy for me too :(
23:36.58Endwell, it wasn't broken :P
23:37.06ScytheBlade1Before the topic 100% dies - is anyone interested in poking around with the beta binaries?
23:37.07Mr_Rabies2but the azeroth rain has varying levels, and storms and stuff
23:37.48ScytheBlade1Only one person? I'm disappointed in the channel
23:38.00Endah, it appears connecting directly to the real wowhead ip redirects you to the hostname :P
23:38.22Corrodiasi'm going to try bartender again after tonight's raid
23:38.28zenzelezzeven clearing my cache and completely reloading wowhead I don't get the wrong page
23:38.39ScytheBlade1I get wowhead as normal
23:38.42Karrionfrom my work machine (probably cached), wowhead =>; from home machine wowhead => (godaddy)
23:39.23EndI flushed my dns and I can reach it again
23:39.41Karrionso sometime in the last, hour or so? something weird happened to the upstream dns
23:39.59AdysAccessed wowhead fine about 12 mins ago
23:40.05*** part/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
23:40.13Adysskosiris tells me they fixed it
23:40.13Bleeterwhat's the windows flush dns again? start->run->command (then wtf?)
23:40.17Corrodiasi'm also going to use wow ace updater to convert my libraries to standalone, maybe shaving off some loading time
23:40.20Endnslookup /flushdns
23:40.24Corrodiasipconfig /flushdns
23:40.31Endwhat Corrodias said
23:40.41Endit's ipconfig, ignore what I said :P
23:40.59Corrodiaslast time i tried bartender, there were some issues with tainting of my xperl frames, but it may be the fault of something other than bartender or xperl, so i need to investigate more closely
23:41.20Karriondig against my local gives the wrong address, but dig against the authorities gives the right one now
23:41.57Mr_Rabies2Corr, my standalonelibs install doesn't seem to be helping loading times :[
23:42.11Mr_Rabies2i think i'm going to drop it, but it's gonna be a pain to find all these libs and remove them
23:42.26Mr_Rabies2since afaik you can't UNINSTALL addons in the ace updater
23:42.39tardmrrMr_Rabies2, you have to disembed libraries from everything else for the standalones to mean jack
23:42.45Mr_Rabies2i did
23:42.53tardmrraparently you did something wrong
23:42.53Mr_Rabies2and it did for a while
23:42.57Mr_Rabies2but doesn't seem to now
23:43.02Corrodiaswell, it can't hurt
23:43.05tardmrrID-TEN-T error
23:43.26Corrodiasmy UI reload times exceed 30 seconds. is that unusually high?
23:43.30Mr_Rabies2i guess i should double check and make sure during my constant patching of the updater that externals didn't get turned back on
23:43.37Mr_Rabies2mine are about 45, corr
23:43.58Mr_Rabies2i've got like
23:44.04Mr_Rabies2200 addon folders now or so
23:44.08Mr_Rabies2but that's including libs i don't use
23:44.13Corrodiassame with mine, approx
23:44.24Corrodiasi probably have 30 folders that are disabled in the addons menu
23:44.32tardmrrlibs that aren't in use don't load at all
23:44.35tardmrror so I've heard
23:44.42Mr_Rabies2most of them
23:44.52Mr_Rabies2almost all or all now in standalonelibs are LoD
23:44.56tardmrrI haven't verified for myself, but I think they've all been converted to LoD by now
23:45.41Corrodiaseh, screw externalizing. for now, i just want to see if i can get Bartender running.
23:46.01Industrialwtf happened to wowhead? (
23:46.13Kaydeethreedns being screwy
23:46.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Skosiris (
23:46.16zenzelezzwelcome to 15 minutes ago Industrial
23:46.30zenzelezzif you look up you may notice we've just been discussing it :-)
23:46.32Mr_Rabies2tardmrr, i just checked, externals are off but load times seem to be the same :[
23:46.37Corrodiasi can save an inch off the right side of my screen if i get a good action bar addon, although i am a little worried about the way things will be less... spread out, easy to find when i glance for them
23:46.41Mr_Rabies2there used to be a huge difference, but not anymore
23:46.43Corrodiasi need some kind of separator between my action bars
23:46.43LunessaI'm using Bartender 3 - I really like the "Fade Out" feature.
23:47.12Mr_Rabies2lets see
23:47.18Mr_Rabies2what's that addon that tracks loading times?
23:47.48Mr_Rabies2ah that's it
23:48.18zenzelezzaddons load successively, not concurrently, right?
23:49.09Lunessa 1440 x 900 Scale .6, using bartender 3
23:49.35zenzelezzpretty nice one
23:50.02tardmrrI tried BT3, but I ___HATED___ the configuration
23:50.09Corrodiasi don't have a monitor widescreen enough for that
23:50.09tardmrrdrop down menus were not meant for that
23:50.14SkosirisNo worries guys, the site should be back soon. It's just a DNS/ISP thingy, the site works fine for most people.
23:50.29tardmrrSkosiris is wowhead staff or something?
23:50.39LunessaOnce I figured it out, it wasn't so bad.  And there's a Waterfall Niagara config menu for it now
23:50.54tardmrrsorry, I'm very picky
23:50.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go_ (n=MikeNGoS@
23:51.00Corrodiaswhat is that?
23:51.11tardmrrit's what cosmos came up with 2 years ago
23:51.13tardmrrbut for Ace
23:51.44Corrodiasi don't know any more than i did before you said that
23:51.53tardmrrit's like Khaos
23:51.58tardmrrbut less features
23:52.05Corrodiasi don't know what khaos is
23:52.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go_ (
23:52.13Lunessa*shrug*  I don't have a stake in the Ace/Ace2/Cosmos/Dongle/Whatever library war.  I use the addons I like that do what I want.
23:52.18tardmrr(though, tbh, I always felt the extra features in Khaos were just that "extra")
23:52.44tardmrrI use addons that don't make me puke when I look inside the .lua
23:52.46Corrodiasso what is khaos, which niagara is like?
23:52.57tardmrrit's a configuration thing
23:52.59zenzelezzwhy look inside the .lua if it does what you want?
23:53.08tardmrrbecause I care how people do things
23:53.28LunessaI happen to use several Ace2 once currently - because they're what I want.  But I also use a bunch of others that are not Ace2 - for the same reason.  
23:53.31tardmrrif you do it the most ass-backwards way possible, I don't want that crap running on my system
23:53.55Bleeterso, OT... anyone else play a Hunter who thinks Frenzy should be replaced with something else? Was thinking last night, replace it with something that eg, removes 1 enrage effect
23:54.12zenzelezzI'm not sure it "should", but I wouldn't mind if it did
23:54.12Bleeter'coz having one spell that's solely for one mob that no-one ever sees anymore is just madness, imo
23:54.21Josh_BorkeCorrodias: that help?
23:54.51zenzelezzBleeter: oh, you mean the Frenzy effect on mobs, not the talent?
23:54.55Corrodiasah, a centralized configuration panel for multiple addons to use
23:54.57Josh_Borkebut pictures say 1000 words!
23:55.04tardmrrCorrodias, aye
23:55.09tardmrrI like the idea in general
23:55.18Josh_Borkethis whole tardmrr is bugging me :-P
23:55.29Josh_Borkehow do you pronounce tardmrr anyway?
23:55.34tardmrryou don't
23:55.39Bleeterzenzelezz: yeah, frenzy on mobs and the hunter 'tranquilising shot' thing
23:55.39tardmrryou say "tard"
23:55.44Josh_Borkelike retard?
23:55.55*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
23:55.56zenzelezzBleeter: to be fair it was slightly more than one mob, and I thought someone said you could also use tranq shot on the last dragon in Black Morass... but yes, the spell still seems a little uncommonly used
23:55.56Josh_Borkeso colud i add the re to the front?
23:56.29Bleeterzenzelezz: hmm, will ahve to keep an eye out for 'frenzy effect' in BM
23:56.37Bleeterdon't recall seeing it to be honest
23:56.46zenzelezzI only heard it mentioned, don't know if it's true
23:56.56zenzelezzhaven't played my hunter in instances
23:57.21Corrodiaslooks like we might be short a couple people for the second kara group so i might get to start working on configuring addons right away :P
23:57.29Josh_Borkebye all
23:57.29LunessaI wonder how long it will be before old content like MC, BWL, etc get 're-tuned.'
23:57.44Bleeterhopefully before end of this year
23:57.47zenzelezzBleeter: checked, the Wiki does say you can tranq shot Aeonus when he goes into a Frenzy (as he does occasionally)
23:57.57tardmrrI hope never
23:58.03tardmrrI really don't wanna do BWL or MC again
23:58.27zenzelezzthey're re-tuning the old 40-mans? In what way?
23:58.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (
23:58.35Bleeterhmm, well, what are they gunna do @ Blizzcon. ZulAman will keep the masses interested for about 30 mins
23:58.39LunessaSeeing as I only ever got to do a little of MC, ZG, and AQ, I'd like to see more of them.. just to see them.  
23:58.39Bleeterlots of blank time to fill in
23:58.54tardmrrStarcraft 2 much?
23:59.14BleeterI'd like to see some 62+ Azeroth content
23:59.16zenzelezzLunessa: I know what you mean, I never got to see most of Naxx either :-|
23:59.18Bleeterworld content, that is
23:59.20Lunessazenzelezz: I am just musing.  I have heard no plans.  
23:59.21Corrodiasit's entirely possible to go back and do MC with a few level 70 people (10? 15?). it just still takes time.
23:59.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
23:59.35tardmrrI heard 5 could do it
23:59.49LunessaI still want Polymorph:Turtle for my mage.
23:59.53tardmrryeah me too
23:59.56Mr_Rabies2it's so awesome

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