IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070619

00:00.14bleeterzenzelezz: 'sif weak mind. +15 to Engi! ;)
00:01.55N00bZXIHow would I find what professions someone has?
00:02.11zenzelezztry what Antiarc|Work said
00:04.27*** join/#wowi-lounge N00bZXI_ (
00:05.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
00:11.05foxlitbleeter: easy
00:12.00foxlitbleeter: Mob aggroes a few fractions of a second before bolt spells land. Mob decides to charge. Frostbolt lands. Frostbite procs. Mob charges, but is frozen in place along the charge trajectory - you still get the debuffs.
00:13.31bleeterfoxlit: 68 against 65/67's from 30 yards? I'd agree with you my aggro radius was larger. I guess I'll have to double/triple check that next time it happens ;)
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00:14.00bleeterpretty sure I ain't done anything that'd trigger an aggro, but as I say I'll triple check next time
00:14.33N00bZXIbleeter: Charge happens before movement
00:14.43N00bZXII've prevented people from charging using distract on my rogue
00:14.45OsagasuI thought it was because the mob aggroed from the bolt strike and frostbite didn't proc will after that.  And since the Charge ability is borked because they changed it to combat pathing issues
00:14.52Osagasuthe charge effect still hits you
00:15.17N00bZXICharge movement happens after the actual charge
00:15.30N00bZXIBy a very small amount of time
00:16.48bleeterrightio, thanks for your replies. I can at least understand the mechanics going on, if not actually appreciate the resulting mess ;)
00:17.32zenzelezzI noticed how my pet and mobs take ages to determine where to fight now :-(
00:18.07bleeterheh, my hunter's noticed that. pet and mob 'circle' each other deciding where to fight
00:18.18bleeterdamned annoying when fighting in tight aggro area
00:18.19zenzelezzexactly... really sucks
00:18.55bleeteror, better yet, mob goes in/out of range, then the hunter gets visual cues saying he's in range (actions light up) but errors 'out of range'
00:19.15zenzelezzoh yeah, that small window between those two; had that
00:19.49bleeterparticularly nice if there's some mob position problem happening as well, and where you see the mob ain't where it is
00:21.40bleeterso, you've then got your pet and the mob circling each other, hitting each other but on your screen they're 20 yards apart. your UI says you're in range, but your not, and you can't tell where the mob really is so you just gotta run round like a mad thing on auto-shot trying to find somewhere that just works
00:23.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
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01:53.44zenzelezzyou make kitteh scared
01:54.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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01:54.10Mr_Rabies2the silence was freaking me out :x
01:54.50*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
02:02.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:07.23TainWitness my new kitten!
02:08.20cogwheelmy dog was just nearly trampled by a deer...
02:09.07cogwheelthey were having a standoff and when my wife opened the door to get him inside, he went charging at the deer
02:09.20cogwheelwhich is really stupid becaues he's only 10 pounds...
02:09.30cogwheelhalf chihuahua half poodle
02:12.04cogwheellet's just say the deer wasn't exactly intimidated
02:12.54clad|awayTain: hehe =)
02:13.31TainI have named her... Smudge.
02:13.40zenzelezzhow come?
02:15.18Mr_Rabies2Tain, what is your gamertag? :o
02:15.27TainIt is Shrubber0
02:15.32Mr_Rabies2i must fight you in guitar hero leaderboards
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02:15.59Mr_Rabies2(i'm sure you'll kick my ass)
02:16.10TainI actually haven't played GH in a few weeks.  I was so frustrated with trying to five star all of Medium, I have 2 songs to go.
02:16.50TainDamn Psychobilly Freakout.
02:16.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Rawrrr (
02:16.57Mr_Rabies2i'm like
02:17.01Mr_Rabies27 from 5 starring
02:17.08Mr_Rabies2just beat hard though
02:17.17Mr_Rabies2now onto expert :(
02:17.36TainYeah although really Hard to Expert isn't as bad as Medium to Hard, really.
02:17.46Mr_Rabies2Institutionalized and carry me home tear me up
02:17.59Tainhaha yeah Institutionalized is a mofo.
02:18.13Mr_Rabies2this song has no rhythm :(
02:18.33TainIt's the ones that have too many off-beat notes that suck.
02:18.43TainOf course Guitar Hero 80's edition comes out in July.
02:18.46Mr_Rabies2off beat's okay, but like
02:18.58Mr_Rabies2random parts of 16th notes in no apparent ryhthm sucks
02:19.05Mr_Rabies2it's a funny song
02:19.08Mr_Rabies2just not fun to play
02:19.24Mr_Rabies2yeah, i don't have a ps2, though
02:19.27TainYeah, that really was the gripe I had with GH2 over 1.  They did a better job (in my opinion) with laying the notes out in Guitar Hero 1.
02:19.39Mr_Rabies2so i'll either play a friend's
02:19.54Mr_Rabies2or hope it hits as DLC (hopefully for less than the first 3 packs)
02:19.56TainMe neither. :(  I gave my PS2 to my brother so he could play and picked up the 360 version.
02:20.18TainI still refuse to buy the DLC that is out there, it is just a rip off.  
02:20.34TainI want the songs, but I won't do it on principle.
02:21.10Mr_Rabies2i bought the first two packs
02:21.18Mr_Rabies2mostly for killer queen and bark at the moon
02:21.31Mr_Rabies2which the former is insanely easy, yet fun as hell
02:21.35TainI really do want them.  But I was so angry at the prices.
02:21.39Mr_Rabies2and the latter is just a pain in the ass
02:22.02Mr_Rabies2i hate incubus and RHCP so the 3rd pack was useless for me
02:22.24Tainhah yeah me too, actually.
02:22.25zenzelezzwhy do you hate Incubus?
02:22.38Mr_Rabies2i don't like the sound
02:23.04zenzelezzstill a long way from "don't like" to "hate"
02:23.31Mr_Rabies2i hate the sound
02:24.01TainI'm not a fan of Incubus either.  
02:24.51*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
02:24.51Mr_Rabies2i hate them and every band that sounds exactly like them
02:24.52TainI reserve "hate" for things like... oh.. I don't know... Rachel Ray.
02:26.25TainOf course I feel a little more justified that I heard a lot of their earlier stuff while living in California, and disliked it hen.
02:26.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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02:27.07Mr_Rabies2i hate most 90s music in general
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02:27.35Mr_Rabies2grunge, nu metal, etc
02:41.15Cairennif anyone has been trying to talk to me today, my apologies for the lack of response, I've been at the hospital all day - daughter passed out at work - she's fine, but we sat around there forEVER
02:42.21TainAnd daughter, by proxy.
02:43.16zenzelezzdid they figure out what happened?
02:43.27Mr_Rabies2hopefully something minor like dehydration :O
02:44.08Cairennshe just fainted - it's not the first time, won't be the last - she's slightly anemic, has low blood pressure (both run in the family) and got dehydrated (she works as a cashier at a grocery store, and they don't let them have water bottles at their cashes) - so down she went
02:44.15Mr_Rabies2relatively speaking of course
02:44.26Cairennshe now has a note from the ER doc saying she's to be allowed a water bottle at her till
02:44.40Cairennthe doc was FURIOUS when he heard
02:45.02Mr_Rabies2passing out in general isn't great news, but dehydration's probably the most minor available as long as you're still in civilization
02:46.30Cairennso yeah, she's absolutely fine, but it made for a very very long day of sitting around
02:46.39TainI hope it at least forces them to allow her to be oh I don't know.. healthy at work from now on.
02:46.52Cairennnow to try to get caught up on everything I've missed all day
02:47.34Cairennoh, the doc was absolutely fuming
02:47.46Cairennhe was all but ready to get the police to charge them
02:48.11Cairennbut yes, she will now be allowed to have water at cash
02:48.14TainWell to catch up, I have a kitten biting my toes righ tnow.
02:48.29Cairennawwww kittie!
02:49.21Mr_Rabies2i want a cat, but i'm far too allergic
02:49.26Mr_Rabies2any animal that's reasonably intelligent, lazy, and a jerk is cool by me
02:49.34TainI went through a few names, Smoke, Shade, Smaug (heh).. but settled on a suggestion I loved.  Smudge.
02:49.38Mr_Rabies2oh and mostly self sufficient
02:51.27Mr_Rabies2i used to be in marching band in high school and almost passed out many a time from dehydration and overexerting myself :x
02:52.29Mr_Rabies2no water breaks during some 3-5 hour practices out in the hot georgia sun is not fun :(
02:52.51Cairennit wouldn't be
02:53.32JoshBorkenorth or south georgia?
02:54.14Mr_Rabies2especially when you're generally sprinting with a chunk of metal in your hands that you're playing, and thus spending even more of your water reserves :X
02:54.18Mr_Rabies2Northwest, Josh_Borke
02:55.08JoshBorkecool :-)
02:55.14JoshBorkei was just outside of atlanta
02:55.15Mr_Rabies2a little north of atlanta, and about 30-50 miles west
02:55.34JoshBorkepretty much on the perimeter for me
02:56.43Mr_Rabies2it was 96 here yesterday :(
02:57.08JoshBorkeouch, only 92 in downtown
02:57.14Mr_Rabies296 + humid = pain
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04:50.22Thunder_Childlol @ Cairenn
04:51.06zenzelezzI would expect people to react just as she did if they knew the song
04:51.17Thunder_Childwhy? i like the song
04:51.41Cairennnot his version of it
04:52.04Thunder_Childi'm fairly sure it's the same version
04:52.18zenzelezzto quote the captioned cat picture
04:52.26zenzelezzI hate it with the intensity of a thousand desert suns
04:53.03Thunder_Child...not following, his version or the song itself?
04:53.10zenzelezzthe song itself
04:53.28Thunder_Childeh, what can i say, i like bubblegum pop
04:54.28zenzelezzI lost faith in humanity when that song was popular here
04:55.44Thunder_Childi lost my faith in humanity a long time ago....
04:55.53Thunder_Childso now i get to be care free
04:56.21zenzelezzI was young and still harbored hope when that song was new
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05:02.55Thunder_Childpfft, lightweight
05:03.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
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05:10.26ckknight <-- table recycling lib, could be interesting for devs
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06:01.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
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06:21.32PeoiiGod I love the guild competition on my server.
06:21.49Neeblerwhat server.. I'm going to transfer there!
06:25.30Peoiitransfer away, just don't bring a mage over :P
06:25.30Peoiior a rogue...
06:25.30Neeblerwhat faction?
06:25.30PeoiiWell, that's for alliance side
06:25.30PeoiiHorde is... yea, they don't really exist.  We've got I THINK 1 horde guild who's keyed for TK
06:26.54Neebler:\ nevermind then
06:27.08PeoiiYou play horde?
06:27.14Peoiibah ;)
06:28.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
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07:51.59kergothAnyone here familiar with MessageFrame? curious why the number of lines of messages displayed seems to go outside of the frame's dimensions, further and further outside as the frame's height increases
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08:19.53Zeksieif you are adding 1 single huge peice of text with \r embedded, then that's probably why. MessageFrame handles lots of single lines as far as i know
08:40.07*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
08:40.23bleeterCairenn|afk: Pidgin news - Decision reached on how to merge guifications2 into Pidgin as it's native notification system (no idea on release schedule, but yay for not having to d/l guifications2 seperately ;-)
08:40.59bleeterand before anyone else bitches 'pidgin should use libnotify'... libnotify ain't cross-platform
08:41.52Shirikpidgin should use libnotify
08:43.00Shiriktoo busy working on this lolcode interpreter
08:43.15|Jelly|i want it!
08:43.27bleeteroooh, porting RDX to lolcode? bypassing the who ACEify RDX then LOLCODE ACE path? sweet
08:43.48Elkanoit's Ace not ACE... ;)
08:43.56ShirikACE and LUA
08:43.56krkaShirik: Lua is not an acronym.
08:43.59ShirikYes it is!
08:44.16bleeterIt'S WHAt EVEr I DEcide WHen I PRess my SHIFt kEy
08:44.32bleeterhence, swapping lolcode and LOLCODE etc.
08:44.34|Jelly|...he does have a point
08:45.58Shirikyou're lucky I made this case insensitive
08:46.04Shirikthough I dunno if that follows the spec correctly
08:46.54Shirikoh and I wrote this memory leak detection class, and I was testing it out, and it actually found a memory leak before I even was able to test it. It works so awesome
08:47.01Shirikc:\lolcode\lolcode.cpp(653) : Memory block at 0x0000000000320CA0
08:47.03Shirikthat's hawt.
08:47.35Shiriksoon, we'll have an in-irc lolcode interpreter...
08:47.38Shirikso clse
08:47.47krkaoh god
08:48.06Shirikfoxlit: NO WAI!
08:48.23foxlitGIEF SHIRIK's PASSWORD
08:48.34Shirikhm, is GIEF a real keyword?
08:48.45ShirikI don't have that in
08:49.22foxlitDoesn't seem to be
08:49.36Shirikoh, it's part of recommendations, but not the standard
08:49.40Shirikso I won't include it yet ^^;
08:50.30Shirik rofl
08:54.40ckknightthat's a good one
08:55.10Shirikya it is
08:55.15Shirikshowed that one to my professor ^^
09:00.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Foxbot (
09:00.33sag_ich_nichti just pwnt a friend of mine with attack tables calcs.
09:01.08foxlitSo, you tell me
09:01.24foxlitIn the long run, is the crit% displayed on the character tab the same as the observed crit%?
09:01.35sag_ich_nichtno. :O
09:01.44sag_ich_nichtwe had an argument on the probability of crits and crushings from mobs
09:02.02sag_ich_nichti am yet to get a respons to my shattering argument :O
09:02.25sag_ich_nichtfoxlit depends on class and skill and level of the mob you fight
09:02.44sag_ich_nichtunless you have an addon that does extra calcs for you, blizzards sheets lie.
09:02.45foxlitSpells vs 73 bosses, ignoring (or factoring in) any +crit% talents
09:03.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (
09:03.15sag_ich_nichthit rating comes into play with that, you might crit that much, but if you don't hit half the time it isn't worth batshits
09:03.33PolarinaHow would I go with disabling all Blizzards UI?
09:03.42sag_ich_nichtPolarina you can't
09:04.13foxlitHook every frame. See if it's tainted. If it is not, unregister all events.
09:04.15sag_ich_nichtand if you ignore any +crit talents, it should obey the critrating given there, but only for spells that hit and even then that's not correct, iirc the values there are against level 70 mobs
09:04.16Polarinasag_ich_nicht: But hide it and disable key-binds? And such..
09:04.19bleeterman, wish I were in Iceland right now... it'd be warmer than here! lol
09:04.33Polarinableeter: :)
09:04.49sag_ich_nichtand then there are mobs who have modified values that fuck up that as well :P
09:04.52Polarinableeter: I was planting trees at midnight and it was hot out there.
09:05.02sag_ich_nichtit's a very exact, but not very accurate science :P
09:05.12bleetertho, I think next time I'll take some nose plugs or something... sulphur smells ftl (I almost abused a guy on the bus from the airport for farting in enclosed spaces, 'til I realised! doh!)
09:05.17Shirikfoxlit: That's an awesome solution
09:05.21foxlitRoll for hit, roll for crit?
09:05.34|Jelly|well that sucked. lol
09:05.50|Jelly|anyone ever had aran flamekill their shit...while they were casting?
09:06.01foxlitShirik: almost as good as replacing all non-table globals with "l2use locals!"
09:06.13PolarinaWell, how would I go with disabling Blizzards UI mostly? Hiding, disabling key-bindings, etc.?
09:06.47sag_ich_nichtremove the keybinding in the keybindings menu, duh
09:06.51Zeksieunregistering their frames goes a long way to it
09:06.56Shirik_G = setmetatable({realG = _G}, {__index = function() print("l2use locals!"); end});
09:06.58sag_ich_nichtalso what Zeksie said
09:07.00Shirikit must be done.
09:07.21sag_ich_nichtShirik stop that and continue working on RDX. :P
09:07.34Zeksiethat's what i did with x-perl, just unregister and hide them. there's 1 or 2 addons which re-show them, and god knows why. but they're few and far between
09:08.30foxlitI end up tainting raidUI with one of my disable tricks
09:08.30sag_ich_nichtZeksie: it's mostly addons that change the content of the default frames(e.g. archeologist) :P
09:08.50ZeksieHUDS too
09:09.07ShirikPolarina: an addon
09:09.11sag_ich_nicht[11:07] <Polarina> RDX? <--a raid addon that SHOULD be awesome, but who's window system is broken making me go insane :P
09:09.29Shirikblame Cidan
09:09.31Shirikhe's the one that coded it
09:09.37ShirikI also found out why I think that bug's happening
09:09.39bleetermaybe sag_ich_nicht can help Shirik port RDX to lolcode && ace
09:09.56|Jelly|LOLcode AND ACE?!?!?!
09:09.58Shirikthe RDX units table should be weak; when party members/pets leave, the unit table is holding on to units that no longer exist
09:09.59foxlitHAI; CAN HAS PATCH?
09:10.19sag_ich_nichti had to deal with myself showing up FIVE times last sunday doing gruul
09:10.25sag_ich_nichtonly ONE of them worked.
09:10.27sag_ich_nichti mean geeze
09:10.34bleeter|Jelly|: why do you think shirik's spending so much time on his lolcode interpreter?
09:10.52bleeterit ain't for shits and giggles, it's coz he's lolcoding ace before porting rdx to it!
09:11.15nevcairiellolcode interpreter in lua, and addon in lolcode.. that would be soooo awsome :D
09:11.37PolarinaAnd a Java intepereter in lolcode. That slooow... :P
09:11.37bleeternevcairiel: I put a thread in the UI forum a week ago about it, didn't get much help. search for 'lolcode 101'
09:12.12bleeternevcairiel: kinda got stuck when I was looking for Blizz to export 'WOWBLING' (syn: TOC Version)
09:14.22foxlitCartographer renders instance maps? o.O
09:14.36Shirikthough you can't see yourself on it, obviously
09:14.36nevcairielit patches minimap maps together
09:14.57Shirikyou know
09:15.29sag_ich_nichtShirik i know
09:15.59sag_ich_nichtit's possible actually if you sync
09:16.12sag_ich_nichtbut it'd require way more work than it's worth.
09:16.36sag_ich_nichtso: nvm is quite right :P
09:17.41sag_ich_nichtbtw. what ever happened to that flight level indicator thingy from the forums?
09:17.50Shirikso many projects
09:17.54sag_ich_nichtyou guys had it nearly working then nothing ever more got posted :(
09:17.54Shirikbalancing act between all of them
09:19.28sag_ich_nichtbtw. as someone already posted, the maps aren't off, no recording needed, outland is just a bit tilted :O
09:21.30sag_ich_nichtso: get it done :P
09:22.12ckknightfoxlit: yep.
09:28.32|Jelly|yay. shade's down and I get another epic
09:28.40|Jelly|<3 being the only cloth healer
09:30.21sag_ich_nichtlol healers.
09:30.31sag_ich_nichtyou're a priest
09:30.44sag_ich_nichti'm only supposed to make fun of paladins that heal.
09:32.46*** join/#wowi-lounge TheZanke (
09:32.56TheZankeInc. Stupid Question
09:33.32foxlitZone out before it hits! Zone out!
09:33.59TheZankewould it be possible for (me) to make a ui that would turn on whenever a hunter's mark is put up and (based on the hunters mark base and +ap per hit) calculate what the current amount of ap being added to that target is?
09:35.03TheZankeor does something like that exist
09:36.10sag_ich_nichti guess you could use ratingbuster as a start and go from there
09:36.36foxlitYou'd need to know the hunter's stats
09:36.45foxlitWhich basically means your addon runs on the hunter's client.
09:37.00TheZankelike i would want it to show something like... hold on (left photoshop at work.. MSPaint[this'll be ugly!])
09:37.05foxlitYou then need some way of discerning if mark stacked
09:37.37sag_ich_nichtmark can't stack foxlit.
09:37.53sag_ich_nichtat least as far as i know
09:37.57foxlitIt increases in power / hit?
09:37.59TheZankehe means if the +ap on hit went off
09:38.03TheZankewhich its not a chance
09:38.06TheZankeits guarenteed
09:38.07foxlitAt least that's what I remember on patchnotes :)
09:38.17foxlitYeah, but you still need to know if you hit.
09:38.20sag_ich_nichtvengeance stacks
09:38.24sag_ich_nichtreckoning stacks
09:38.33sag_ich_nichtsunder armor stacks
09:38.41sag_ich_nichthunters mark does not, and that's what i was getting at :P
09:39.42foxlitEat it!
09:39.48foxlitRenew stacks from separate sources.
09:40.00foxlitSunder and Expose Armor don't stack
09:40.48sag_ich_nichtfoxlit: i will one hit you if my crits go off right. eat it!
09:41.11foxlitI wonder if you can stack enough resilience to make crits hit for less than hits
09:41.34foxlitNote "stack" :)
09:42.12sag_ich_nichtyeah okay
09:42.14sag_ich_nichtshut up :P
09:42.29foxlitTheZanke: your problem will be that it's very hard to know whether the target of Hunter's Mark was hit by a ranged attack
09:42.46foxlitAnd it gives no indication of how much bonus it applies in the tooltip / timer and so on.
09:43.03PolarinaIt also wont increase the attack power beyound sertain range.
09:43.07foxlitBasically, in raid groups, you're better of assuming it's always at 10 stacks due to other hunters in the group
09:43.18foxlitPlaces the Hunter's Mark on the target, increasing the ranged attack power of all attackers against that target by 110 and by an additional 11 each time they are struck by a ranged attack, up to a maximum of 440
09:43.51foxlitBah, not 10 - 40
09:44.20foxlitYou need to parse the combat log to get ranged hits :/
09:45.03PolarinaMax. = Start * 4; = Start / 10.  
09:47.24Shirikenum LolVarType
09:47.27|FF|Im2good4uyes the new hunters mark i realy wonder wut happent when u recast it on the mob before its timedo ut
09:47.31Shirikwrong button
09:47.33Shirikdamn it
09:47.36Shirik052:432:05 12‹Polarina12› It also wont increase the attack power beyound sertain range.
09:47.39ShirikPolarina: What do you mean?
09:47.59foxlitI pasted the spell description a bit up, scroll :)
09:48.06WobinShirik: It's not an YARRAY?
09:48.07ShirikI know the spell description, I'm a hunter
09:48.11PolarinaShirik: The ranged attack power won't go beyound a certain range.
09:48.15ShirikWobin just folowing the spec ><
09:48.17foxlitWobin: it's a string!
09:48.31ShirikPolarina: Oh you mean it won't go beyond 440
09:48.33foxlitOr maybe not
09:49.06ShirikFor future reference, when you say "range" most people think distance :)
09:49.13PolarinaShirik: My Hunter's Mark is maximum 300.
09:49.15WobinIt should go over NINE THOUSAND!!!!1!
09:49.18ShirikBetter word there would be "cap" or "maximum"
09:52.48TheZankelike i said: thanks to lack of photoshop it looks REALLY bad
09:52.52TheZankebut here's what i want
09:53.12WobinI log in
09:53.16Wobinjust in time for shutdown
09:53.17TheZankeLight Grey would be normal ui transparent (obviously)
09:55.16TheZankefoxlit: its really just for me leveling so i'd only need it to know if I hit the target... or maybe it could do it same way combat log / eavesdrop knows when someone gets hit...
09:59.01TheZankeSo I am just going to assume it would be ridiculously hard and to give up now...
09:59.30TheZankeespecially since i haven't made a working addon handcoding my xml yet..
10:04.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (
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10:15.09TheZankei was told there is patch today... true or false?
10:15.38|Jelly|well. the servers (US) are down. : /
10:16.23ckknightpatches don't come until a few hours after shutdown
10:16.40TheZankeanyone know if it is true though?
10:16.45|Jelly| shows my server as up...but I just got the boot. 8P
10:17.11TheZankei heard stuff about like swords spec for warrior getting fixed and stuff...
10:17.31Zeksieoh please god, let them fix the lockups once and for all. amen..
10:17.53|Jelly|"Sword Specialization: The change to Sword Specialization making its extra attacks appear in yellow has been reverted. Extra attacks will appear in white and act like any auto-attack. They will no longer reset the swing time of your weapon. Rage awarded will be calculated by damage dealt as with any normal auto-attack."
10:25.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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10:27.43WobinDoes that make sword spec no longer suck?
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10:33.10Wobin40 megs of patchilicious
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10:37.57clad|sleepits too early
10:38.03clad|sleepbut i woke myself up this morning
10:38.10clad|sleepi have all email from Oxford forwarded to my phone
10:38.22clad|sleepand of course, the one day I want to sleep, they respond to me early =)
10:38.27clad|sleepearly meaning 10:30am
10:39.30purlOsagasu: thanks
10:42.30Wobinclad|sleep: Such a trial =P
10:43.28clad|sleephehe well it meant I was awake at 5:30 this morning
10:43.37clad|sleepI normally don't wake up until at least 6:30
10:43.41clad|sleepmakes a difference :P
10:44.03Wobinhehe =)
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11:02.57Wobin... anyone use linux and has the patch?
11:06.01*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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11:06.33foxlitI'm using a relatively dumb script to parse XML from armory and transform it to the wiki's tooltip syntax
11:06.37*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
11:07.00foxlitEssentially, it does XML->DOM table, then DOM table -> string describing {{tooltip}}
11:07.21foxlitMost of the transforms are done on a "if this key in the DOM table exists, do this" basis
11:07.56foxlitI've ran into a situation where I need to concat multiple values together into a single output chunk - essentially, I've got a format string, and a list of table keys to put in it
11:08.20foxlitWhat's the best way to transform {formatstring, key1, key2...} into a string.format(formatstring, t[key1], t[key2]...) call?
11:09.29JoshBorkehrm, hash keys instead of all keys?  probably just going to have to build it up
11:10.56foxlitspawn another table, and unpack it into format?
11:11.29JoshBorkeyou could do that, it'll probably be less memory intensive
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11:14.38JoshBorkeyou could even use the same table for storing the values
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11:16.39clad|sleepyou said you have a rtable
11:16.49clad|sleepor is it t.formatstring t.key1, etc.?
11:18.33foxlitno, you get formatstring as a value
11:18.36*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
11:19.01foxlitso {formatstring, key1, key2...} describes the transofmration formatstring:format(t[key1], t[key2]...)
11:19.34clad|sleepI get that, i'm just confused about the table structure
11:19.42clad|sleepare you saying {"%s%s", "blah", "poo"}
11:19.59clad|sleepif so, you can simply string.format(unpack(tbl))
11:20.12clad|sleepif not, i can't come up with a solution in the 10 seconds i have before I need to shut down my computer =)
11:20.26clad|sleepbbiab =)
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11:26.15JoshBork3friggin VPN software
11:26.17JoshBork3i hate it
11:28.43foxlitHaha, the more generic I try to make this thing, the more special-cases I have to add.
11:31.42*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (
11:38.44Maldivia2.1.2 was released today ?
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11:41.58foxlitWOWBLING 20102?
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11:45.13foxlitNo fair, should be 20102
11:45.19foxlitBroke my decursive, breaking changes!
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11:51.21sag_ich_nichtso i heard CS procs SoC now on the PTR.
11:52.41JoshBork3that's awesome
11:53.06JoshBork3counterspell i believe
11:53.16JoshBork3i read SoC as Summer of Code at first
11:53.52sag_ich_nichtJosh_Borke no.
11:53.57sag_ich_nichtCS=Crusader Strike
11:54.01sag_ich_nichtSoC=Seal of Command
11:54.09sag_ich_nichtit appears to have been a false report though
11:54.17sag_ich_nichtBUT that means it must be a bug with the bugfix
11:54.26sag_ich_nichtsince it should trigger off CS
11:54.32sag_ich_nicht(with the bugfix from the PTR)
11:54.58foxlitWhy would CS proc SoC?
11:55.07foxlitAh, nervermind :)
11:55.22foxlitWoW seems to have exhausted its acronym space
11:55.38sag_ich_nichtwell CS takes 8% basemana
11:55.57sag_ich_nichtthings not proccing off abilities that cost basemana is supposed to be fixed on the PTR
11:55.59sag_ich_nichtit's not
11:56.05sag_ich_nichtsomeone care to post a bugreport? :O
11:56.15zenzelezzWoW should just give every spell/ability long names like Anarchy Online
11:56.59zenzelezzstill boils down to acronyms, but at least you use more letters on them so they don't generally conflict
11:57.17zenzelezzncu gsf hot plz
11:58.25sag_ich_nichtbleeter are you there? :O
11:58.52Maldiviazenzelezz: they could also just drop the names, and just use the internal ids ?
11:59.16zenzelezzI don't see how that would aid
11:59.43foxlitUgliest code ever:
11:59.45Maldiviathen there's no need for acronyms, as everything would be unique, and 5 or less chars :9
12:00.19zenzelezzmost people are quicker at recognizing regular names or acronyms than they are to distinguish spell IDs
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12:00.52foxlitItem 30013 lolz!
12:00.54Maldivianaah, evreyone can remember that 25389 is Power Word: Fortitude, rank 7 :)
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12:01.26zenzelezzranked spells, that confused me when I started WoW
12:02.00Maldiviafoxlit, it's not very good :|
12:03.00sag_ich_nichtcould someone file a bug report for me on the US forums? :O
12:03.00foxlitOh, it's fine
12:03.07foxlitIt's just ugly
12:03.11sag_ich_nicht(since the god damn europe forums still don't have a bug report forum)
12:03.14Maldiviafoxlit: 31337 on the other hand!
12:03.41foxlit#doitem 31337
12:03.44FoxbotTooltip saved, foxlit. View at:
12:03.57foxlitOrb of the Blackwhelp?
12:04.36foxlitDoes Blizzard remove PTR items from MPQs?
12:04.53Maldiviathere are no items in the MPQs
12:05.08sag_ich_nichtno actually, i can post that on the europe PTR forum, since we have THAT one.
12:05.40foxlitMaldivia: oh? I thought that's how people datamine them :/
12:05.56foxlitGuess they have to abuse the server to give a link first, then read the cache :/
12:06.57Maldiviaitem information is only available through the cache files - although the MPQ does contain information about the looks of items, which items can be created by professions, and which items are part of sets
12:07.46foxlitSo that's why my GetItemQuality errors every patch
12:08.38foxlitSeems silly, though
12:09.30Maldiviadefine "errors"
12:09.51sag_ich_nichtdefined in this case as: only works after /console reloadui so the cache works.
12:10.23Maldiviathe cache works right away, but since you start with an empty cache after a patch, it takes time to populate it
12:11.54foxlitworks after a while after PEW
12:12.06foxlitWorks when the server finishes syncing items to the client, tbh
12:12.08Josh_Borkeok, morning
12:12.44cladhairemorning jb
12:13.10Josh_Borkenow that i'm at work i can do real work
12:13.13Josh_Borkewow related of course
12:14.23Maldiviahmm, my current cache files has around 10500 entries, too bad it will be cleared tomorrow :|
12:16.23Gnarfozyes, but on the other hand, that also means yummy 97.4 dps offhand for me, so... I think that's a good deal. :P
12:16.51Gnarfozit's a cache anyway, it's *supposed* to be temporary ;D
12:17.20Maldiviabut I like having a lot of items in my cache, will take a while for me to get it to that size again... atleast a week
12:19.46NeriniaI like to lookup itemnames with GetItemInfo
12:19.46wobinby which time it's patch time!
12:19.48wobinand reboot
12:22.37Maldiviawobin, well, the cache isn't cleared at reboot - only the server cache :9
12:23.01wobinit wipes on patch, though?
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12:25.18Josh_Borkei think local does
12:25.33foxlitPatches kill local cache
12:25.44foxlitThey don't _really_ have to, but they do
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12:44.48wobinfoxlit: that turtle is obnoxious =P
12:44.59Maldiviafoxlit: yeah, they don't have to, as the game will do it automatically when it starts, and notices that the build version of the cache files doesn't match the build version of the client
12:51.39foxlitChew the bitter towelette of truth!
12:52.02wobinIs it lemon scented?
12:52.36foxlitTaste the scorched fruit inside my pies.
12:54.37foxlitDouglas Coupland is brilliant, basically :)
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13:25.14Zeksiewhen do servers come up for you guys? ie, how long from now. wanna know when we can expect to find out if it fixes the lockup problems. or whether to waste another day on it..
13:26.53Lopeppeppy_AD, which is an EST server, usually comes up around 1-2pm EST
13:28.23Zeksiewhen is that? -5 hours gmt? or -8.. i never did get the hang of those :)
13:29.08foxlitNow, by gmt do you mean BST?
13:29.20Zeksieofc :)
13:30.02Zeksieabout 5 hours from now if i'm right... bleh, middle of raid time.
13:30.06zenzelezzwhy "of course"? BST isn't GMT
13:30.25Zeksiei know... i meant, 'of course i meant BST'
13:30.46Zeksiei also did not mean to turn it into a debate.
13:30.47Pac2722hi can any1 tell me if thay know of a program called MMO Trader & where to get it  it's for wow & guildwars i looked all over & cant find it can some1 help?
13:31.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
13:36.37Lopeppeppy_Not anything I've ever heard of, Pac2722.  If Google doesn't find it, I don't know where to point you.
13:39.46Josh_Borkebecause obviously google knows of everything
13:40.30Pac2722not every thing but most of tho
13:40.33foxlitGoogle _can_ find it
13:41.46Lopeppeppy_foxlit is better than Peppy.
13:42.41Pac2722yer I dont want to pay us$ soz im from australia
13:45.00foxlitOriginal domain was deleted in march; judging by lack of any other info than ebay-type stuff, I'd say the software was commercial and somewhat unpopular
13:46.25Pac2722k mite just have to buy it in us$ then
13:46.44foxlitWhy buy it at all?
13:46.55foxlitNo like Actioneer doesn't do a good job of tracking prices already
13:49.30foxlitCalvin : You can't just turn on creativity like a faucet. You have to be in the right mood.
13:49.30foxlitHobbes : What mood is that?
13:49.30foxlitCalvin : Last-minute panic.
13:53.09*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
13:53.46Lopeppeppy_Yesterday was International Panic Day.
13:54.01TS|Skromno kidding?
13:54.06Lopeppeppy_No kidding.
13:54.30TS|Skromheh cool
13:55.19foxlitMarch 9th as well
13:55.35krka15:54:02 <TS|Skrom> ORLY?
13:55.36krka15:54:06 <Lopeppeppy_> YA RLY.
13:55.36krka15:54:31 <TS|Skrom> KTHX
13:55.42krkaJosh_Borke: Lua is not an acronym.
13:56.02foxlitGEMMEH LUA
13:56.25Elkanololcode> HAI; CAN HAS STDIO; VISIBLE "lol..."; KTHXBYE
13:56.39Lopeppeppy_Hugz tiem?
13:56.40Elkanohmm... no lolcode interpreter bot yet? :( ;)
13:57.22foxlitHm, need more Calvin and Hobbes quotes
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13:57.31nevcairielElkano: shirik is working on it :P
13:57.39cladhaireElkano: it'll  be up soon
13:57.46cladhairebut it'll have the same restrictions as luabot
13:57.57Shirikno semicolons
13:57.57cladhaireunless people can learn how to behave
13:58.06Shirikthe syntax is strict enough such that you can interpret the code without semicolons
13:58.22foxlitBehaving is overrated
13:58.39Shirikthere's really only one part left
13:58.45Shirikonce that's done it's done :)
13:59.18krkayou write an interpreter that fast?
13:59.27Shirikit's not exactly a robust language
13:59.31krkadoes it have upvalues, closures, first order functions?
13:59.40Shirikthe language only specifies global variables :P
13:59.44krkagarbage collected?
14:00.09Shirikyou can't "delete" a variable or deassign it, so there's no GCing until you hit KTHXBYE anyway
14:00.31krkabut you can reassign?
14:00.34ShirikI only followed the lolcode spec, nothing more :P
14:00.40Shirikbut there's no "nil" value in lolcode
14:00.44Shirikonly numbar, yarn, and array
14:01.05nevcairielwhats yarn? string?
14:01.37TS|Skromonce lolcode is "done" they should start on piratecode
14:01.46TS|Skromso it could be Arrrray
14:01.54TS|Skromand exit could be Avast!
14:03.06TS|Skromdon't cry I was only kidding around :-/
14:03.14Elkanosouldn't be that hard. Base it on brainfuck where the number of r in Rrrrrrrrr! defines the op
14:03.19krkastring... yarn... lolcats... it's brilliant
14:03.50krkai think you should make a lolcode -> lua converter
14:03.56krkawrite it in lua
14:04.02krkathen you could make addons in lolcode
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14:29.56TS|Skrombah forgot about patch day XD
14:30.39Lopeppeppy_TS|Skrom....  every Tuesday, in one form or another....  
14:30.47TS|Skromyep yep hehe
14:30.53TS|Skrombut I forgot today was tuesday mainly
14:33.08beerkeAnyone know how to set a tooltip on a spell button, without scanning the spellbook. According to wowwiki you need to :SetSpell(id, typ) where id refers to number in spell tab. Isn't there a way to easier set the tooltip depending on the highest rank of the spell ?
14:33.15|FF|Im2good4uguys does any1 know when u cast a hunters mark on target that already has it on it. if it will keep the +AP build up by ranged hits
14:33.29beerkeyes it will
14:33.38beerkeonly if mark expires charges are lost
14:33.52|FF|Im2good4uoke thne i must make sure i refresh it in time :P
14:34.08beerkeyes u do :)
14:34.20Lopeppeppy_Speaking as a rogue.... yes, refresh hunters mark and I will love you forever.
14:34.28TS|Skrombeerke you have to give it an id... and the spellbook is where you get the id from
14:34.34beerkefor rouge the charges are irrelevant
14:34.36TS|Skromso to answer your question, no not really
14:35.21|FF|Im2good4ueh.. the +Ap bones only aplies to ranged hits not to melee
14:35.37|FF|Im2good4umelee only get the 110 AP from improved hunters mark
14:36.13Lopeppeppy_Ah, darn.  For a moment it sounded even better.
14:36.32Lopeppeppy_I still like the IHM, whether it has charges or not.
14:36.51Lopeppeppy_Can ya tell they don't let me raid with my rogue much?  :|
14:37.16TS|Skrombeerke I'd be happy to share my scanning function and a line of code showing how to set the tooltip if you like
14:37.27TS|Skromit's not elegant but it works
14:37.57beerkei can scan the talent book
14:38.09beerkebut for what i need it is too much :)
14:38.28beerkewowwiki even has a simple example for it
14:39.00TS|Skromwell what you could do is scan it once (and once again any time a spell is added to the book) and save that as a variable and use that variable for your tooltip id
14:39.09beerkeone more question : Is the talent book localized in other languages
14:39.33beerkeWell that was the plan, just on init scan once, and then hook the event for talent book updates
14:39.55TS|SkromSounds like you've got it all figured out then ;-)
14:40.11beerke<-- lazy :)
14:42.28Shirikdamn clad|meeting
14:42.34Shirikyour bug tracker is so messy
14:42.44Shirikopen bugs from 7 months ago :P
14:43.04nevcairielmaybe its not the tracker ..
14:43.15Shiriklol it's definitely the users :P
14:43.28Shirikbut I make a point, personally, to close stupid reports, not leave them in "needs more information"
14:43.59Shirik|AFKoff to class take care
14:44.27TS|SkromI think you guys are focusing on the wrong problem. It's not the users, it's not the tracker, it's the fact that you are letting those whiners tell you stuff that's wrong in the first place
14:44.41dukekui got me these night vision goggles
14:46.39cladhaireShirik|AFK: What bug tracker?
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14:51.00*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn|afk -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 Toc: 20100 | RTFPN please |
14:51.14Cairenn|afkpatch notes, for any that haven't seen them yet
14:52.04zenzelezzcheers mistress
14:52.33Lopeppeppy_oh, yay.  I'll have to read those up, thanks Cairenn.
14:54.24cladhaireShirik|AFK: pingaling
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14:57.48wobinhow does the 'not slowing down' thing work with aspect of the cheetah or other speed enhancements?
14:58.46krkalike coffein
15:02.13Josh_Borkeprevents you from slowing down when running on ice?
15:02.17TS|SkromCan someone help me with some string manipulation? I'm dreadfully horrible at this ><
15:02.24Josh_Borkewe can try
15:02.31TS|SkromI've got a string of the following pattern: 23-27 3
15:02.42TS|SkromI want to take the 23, 27 and 3 and save them to a local var each
15:02.55[dRaCo]sounds like a job for regex :>
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15:03.09wobin*cue dramatic music*
15:03.19[dRaCo]something like "^%d-%d %d$"
15:03.24krkalocal a,b,c = "23", "27", "3"
15:03.28krkathere you go
15:03.32TS|Skromkrka funny :P
15:03.40Josh_BorkeTS|Skrom: is it always in that f ormat?
15:03.47TS|Skromthat was just the pattern, the string in question will be a slash command input
15:03.51krkamy solution works for your pattern
15:03.52Josh_BorkeTS|Skrom: and are the numbers guaranteed to be a certain length?
15:03.55TS|Skromyeah, I'm gonna force the user to use that pattern
15:04.06TS|Skromsometimes it might be 101-107 10
15:04.10[dRaCo]^(%d+)-(%d+) (%d+)$
15:04.15Josh_Borkewhat draco said
15:04.21krkai concur
15:04.31[dRaCo]yay, I know lua regex.
15:04.39TS|SkromI don't that's why I ask
15:04.48TS|Skromcan you explain that for me [dRaCo]?
15:04.49krkalua patterns*
15:04.54Josh_Borke() is a capture
15:04.58Josh_Borke%d is any number
15:05.03Josh_Borke%d+ is 1 or more number
15:05.08Josh_Borkei should say digit
15:05.09krkahmm.. isn't - special?
15:05.10Josh_Borkebut i'm too lazy
15:05.10krkai cant remember
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15:05.20[dRaCo]don't think so
15:05.21Josh_Borkekrka:  good point, but i think only for captures
15:05.51[dRaCo]if ^(%d+)-(%d+) (%d+)$ doesnt work, try ^(%d+)%-(%d+) (%d+)$
15:06.10TS|Skromwhat do the ^ and $ do?
15:06.17Josh_Borkeworks fine in this case
15:06.26Josh_BorkeTS|Skrom: ^ means anchor to the beginning of the string
15:06.29Zeksiestart and end of string
15:06.31Josh_Borke$ means anchor to the end of the string
15:07.11Josh_Borkekrka:  confirmed, only for matching characters
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15:12.42foxlit* is greedy 0+ chars?
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15:18.22beerkeAnyone can point me into the direction on how to set the itemcount on a button, have a hard time finding it
15:18.39TS|Skrom#showtooltip ItemName?
15:18.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Ins- (
15:18.53beerkenon macro !
15:20.10*** part/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
15:20.15lolinternetShirik while you are working on that new window system, be sure to already prepare for the in-WoW VoIP system(speaking indicators :P)
15:28.15TS|Skromcan you use a function call inside a while conditional?
15:28.27TS|Skromi.e. while startTime + interval > GetTime()?
15:30.03zenzelezzas long as they return a value
15:31.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
15:32.17foxlitCode transforms XML-style documents into a table
15:32.44foxlitIt recurses for large blocks, but my problem is mainly with the self-closing tags
15:32.53foxlit<Tag parameter="value"   />
15:33.26foxlitThe marked line is the loop that does them - any way I can modify it to ignore self-closing tags inside other tags which would be handled by the recursion?
15:38.57ThraeNSFW NSFW NSFW
15:39.17ThraeDidn't think my paste had EOL in it, heh
15:39.28sag_ich_nichtyou broke rules #1 and #2 Thrae
15:39.30sag_ich_nichtyou must now die.
15:39.48ThraeRules #1 & #2?
15:40.08sag_ich_nichtoh man.
15:40.12sag_ich_nichtjust don't.
15:41.19TS|Skromsomeone explain to me why the sun is a flasher
15:42.59TS|Skrom <-- Is my theory about lines 4-6 correct?
15:43.26CodayusHmmm, I feel like I'm getting about 10% of the jokes in that image...
15:44.03nevcairielTS|Skrom: it will lock wow up during that loop iirc
15:44.08foxlitTS|Skrom: yes.
15:44.10foxlitBut don't do that.
15:44.15TS|Skromcrap ><
15:44.27nevcairielthere is no usleep in lua :P
15:44.43TS|Skromso I need to resort to a frame with an onupdate
15:45.34*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
15:50.50foxlitWould that work like I think it'd work?
15:50.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:52.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
15:53.34JoshBorketry in #luabot
15:56.02zenzelezzanyone know which new recipes Kylene is selling?
15:56.35[dRaCo]saw em somewhere... gimme a moment
15:56.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
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16:01.57[dRaCo]cant find em, sorry :/
16:02.26zenzelezznp, I'll find out tomorrow =)
16:03.24TS|Skromhrm.. okay I might have found something better, pastey inc:
16:04.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
16:05.44TS|Skromif I follow my own logic the OnUpdate will only run after the slash command is given because that sets AutoplayOn to true, otherwise the OnUpdate portion of the xml won't even run
16:06.17TS|Skromonce it's run through each of the things it wants to during the onupdate it will turn autoplayOn back to nil which would stop the OnUpdates once again
16:06.19*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
16:06.41Shirikcladhaire: your perfectraid one :P
16:07.23nevcairielTS|Skrom: it will still run for quite some time, right? the interval time? and still lock wow for that period =P
16:07.35cladhaireShirik: thats because i used it as a brainstorming site for the community
16:07.36TS|Skromwhy would it lock wow?
16:07.40TS|Skromit's an IF not a while this time
16:07.43cladhairelet everyone post what features they wanted to see when i rewrote it for 2.0
16:07.49ShirikIt was more of a joke than anything :P
16:07.56nevcairielTS|Skrom: there is a while in your OnUpdate script
16:08.03nevcairielin the xml
16:08.25*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
16:08.36nevcairielusing time based loops is not good in wow lua
16:09.06nevcairielyou can, however, change your while into a if
16:09.13nevcairielthe OnUpdate runs every frame anyway
16:09.17TS|Skromhaha duh
16:09.21nevcairieljust use that as your loop
16:09.22TS|Skromthanks XD /palmface
16:11.24TS|SkromI was sitting here thinking "how can I make that onupdate only run some of the time ... when you typed that XD
16:11.41TS|Skromblind as a bat I am!
16:12.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Foxbot (
16:12.10TS|Skromassuming I got the regex's figured out we talked about earlier I might actually be done with this part XD
16:12.22TS|Skromif a server would come up I'd know for sure hehe
16:12.32Lopeppeppy_Soon, TS|Skrom, soon.
16:12.42TS|SkromI get antsy lol
16:12.52*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
16:12.54|Jelly|two. hours.
16:13.10TS|SkromI get really nervous working with larger blocks of code all at once. I prefer the Change, reload, verify method usually
16:13.34TS|SkromI'm always afraid I'll build something too intricate, not be able to figure out where the bug is and have to scrap it all XD
16:13.42|Jelly|Peppy. You'll be glad to know that I just woke up. And am not happy about it. lol
16:13.56TS|Skrom|Jelly| Hi!
16:14.01TS|Skromfinish that readme? hehehe
16:14.09|Jelly|Yeah. It's so horrible.
16:14.22|Jelly|But it seems to have worked.
16:14.35foxlitTS|Skrom: this never seems to have happened :)
16:14.42|Jelly|Shit thing is, like two hours after one of the two people that wanted it downloaded it, I see this....
16:14.50TS|Skromwhat's that foxlit?
16:15.22foxlitCreating something complex enough not to be able to figure out what goes wrong
16:15.41ShirikI am so fking sick of people that think that they got hacked
16:15.43Shirikand it wasn't their fault
16:15.55Shirikwell, "hacked"
16:15.57Lopeppeppy_Never their fault.  *rolls eyes*
16:16.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
16:16.02Shirikconsidering it's not really hacked
16:16.10|Jelly|She didn't say it wasn't her fault. : /
16:16.18Shirikno, but it implied such
16:16.18|Jelly|I just didn't want her thinking I did it to her. rofl.
16:16.36|Jelly|Well yeah. Everyone has the "it'll never happen to me" mentality.
16:16.43Shirikthe fact that she said "everyone run a virus scan" would imply that it wasn't just her that got the virus, indicative that she didn't do anything to receive it
16:16.59TS|Skromfoxlit true it never seems to have happened, but irrational fears wouldn't be irrational if they weren't um... irrational?
16:17.14|Jelly|Shirik: Good point
16:18.14Lopeppeppy_Maybe the virus was server-wide, is the implication?  That if you're on that server, you'd better start scannin'.
16:18.14|Jelly|I really did think I was going to get to explain, or rather link to one of Lunessa's posts about how addons can't haxxorz on t3h pc!
16:18.19ThraeIrrational fears come from irrational warlocks.
16:18.26Lopeppeppy_And irrational donuts.
16:18.34|Jelly|Don't talk about donuts!
16:18.42TS|SkromI usually ask one of three questions: 1) was the world of warcraft porno you downloaded good, 2) How's that "WIN WITH LEET SKRIPT" working out for you, or 3) I guess it's a good thing you downloaded that "HOW TO MAKE MONEY IN WARCRAFT" guide
16:18.52*** join/#wowi-lounge KriLL3 (
16:19.10ThraeI think I actually have WoW porno, somewhere...
16:19.13Lopeppeppy_I ask them if they have popups blocked, and if they use firefox.
16:19.38TS|Skrom"good image" heh
16:19.40|Jelly| was her character deleted? lol
16:19.56ThraeI'm a man -- my reputation increases from saying I have porno ;)
16:20.01Shirik"XML Parsing Error: not well-formed"
16:20.39|Jelly|none of them work 8(
16:20.44|Jelly|I blame Blizzard.
16:21.11foxlitI get 500s from US armory
16:21.18Lopeppeppy_Not well formed... must be a night elf?
16:21.31foxlitHad to change Foxbot to EU-default
16:21.39TS|Skromdraenei females in plate are hawt
16:21.52TS|Skromwrong channel?
16:22.01TS|Skromheh heh
16:22.28TS|SkromI mean it though, it's like they are wearing metallic thigh highs with an iron bikini
16:22.53TS|SkromI can't decide whether to get roses or a can opener first
16:24.23|Jelly|I think I'm a little too paranoid. don't want to click on any link, really. lol
16:24.29Lopeppeppy_TS|Skrom -- think welding iron
16:24.32TS|SkromLopeppeppy you didn't help the guy, he asked for a "treat" meter
16:24.52Kaydeethreebah... 500'd
16:24.54Lopeppeppy_I know, I should have given him a freakin' trick or treat bag.
16:24.59|Jelly|Skrom. LOL@Sig
16:25.09TS|SkromI told him to check out Fizzwidget's Hunter Helper ;-)
16:25.25TS|Skromhelps make sure you give enough 'treats' to your pet
16:25.41TS|Skrom|Jelly| it's true ^^
16:26.30|Jelly|I don't honestly know what the hell my avatar is wearing.
16:28.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron (
16:28.33Lopeppeppy_You're evil, Skrom.
16:28.44TS|Skromnot evil, just misunderstood
16:29.34|Jelly|people need to be punched.
16:30.34|Jelly|in the throat
16:30.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
16:30.55TS|Skrom|Jelly| this would be my guess: mainly because of the shoulder adornments
16:31.19|Jelly|But where's the sex hood?!
16:31.37TS|Skromit's the brown thing that goes up the side of your face
16:31.55TS|Skromwith the little sparklies near your cheeck, etc
16:32.04|Jelly|...that looks nothing like the picture!
16:32.30TS|Skromthe hood no, but the fact that it 1) has a hood, 2) has sparklies 3) the shoulder things leads me to believe that's it
16:33.11TS|Skromthat and lopepoppy is very clearly wearing which is also tier 5
16:33.27ValaronBah.. Now is one of those times I wish I had a 4GB flash drive.
16:33.47TS|SkromI say "very clearly" because I think it's the only purple rogue set
16:34.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
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16:34.35|Jelly|Valaron: That was one thing working for Best Buy was good for. 8)
16:35.32TS|Skromlf ace addon to change the skin of a non ace addon! PST!
16:35.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Darklin (
16:35.39|Jelly|" i have come across some addons that you have to have a certain UI for them to run off of" Translation: I tried Ace. Was too lazy to get the libraries. I fail.
16:36.00|Jelly|I lol'd at that too. 8P
16:36.09DarklinAfternoon folks, anyone have the link to where I can download the current blizzard UI pack? I had it one upon a time but it seems to be gone now.
16:36.12|Jelly|I think we need to get Troodi in here.
16:36.23purlget the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here: or view it online at
16:36.25DarklinGoogles of Blizzards sites + the mod sites turns up nothing
16:36.32DarklinThanks Zenzelezz
16:36.48Lopeppeppy_Ummmm.... Troooooodi.
16:36.57TS|Skrom|Jelly| that didn't even make sense though. "10 i have come across some addons that you have to have a certain UI for them to run off of01" =! "I have come across some addons that don't work with khaos"
16:37.09Valaron|WorkI've never used KTM before.. but can you lower the opacity of its window.. then use eePanels to colorize the background?
16:37.12|Jelly|We need to taint her -- she's being far too helpful.
16:37.25TS|Skromtaint heh
16:37.39|Jelly|IIRC, you can only change the alpha of the whole frame, not the border alone.
16:38.04TS|Skrom~lart Valaron|Work
16:38.04purldoes a little 'renice 20 -u Valaron|Work'
16:38.21|Jelly|Where's TC been?
16:38.37|Jelly|I haven't had to Whaleparry in a while.
16:38.38TS|Skromping Thunder_Child
16:38.54TS|Skrom"Request timed out"
16:39.01ScytheBlade1Nooooo my realm is still down :/
16:39.32|Jelly|Blizzard wants you to suffer.
16:39.55ScytheBlade1It's working
16:40.57TS|Skromwhat's working?
16:41.05|Jelly| yay for guild infomercials
16:41.16sag_ich_nichtvideo driver locked up
16:41.31Lopeppeppy_My video card has been.... cranky post 2.1.  I'm not happy either.
16:41.34TS|Skromanyone ever play the fallout series?
16:41.37TS|Skromman I love those games
16:41.43sag_ich_nichtLopeppeppy: mines been cranky since 2.0
16:41.47sag_ich_nichtonly rebooting helps D:
16:41.53sag_ich_nichtand i have a 8800GTX :(
16:42.04sag_ich_nichtreboot time
16:42.19TS|Skromargh naked night elf mens ><
16:42.20Valaron|WorkUpdated nVidia drivers?
16:42.21sag_ich_nichtbbl, because i have to go directly to kara then, no time to start IRC :O
16:42.24TS|Skrommust... gouge... eyes
16:42.24sag_ich_nichtValaron|Work yes.
16:42.39ScytheBlade1rofl @ general forums
16:42.57ScytheBlade1I've never seen a more volitaile topic, I don't believe
16:43.02sag_ich_nichtValaron|Work: I work as IT-Technican, I think I know my job pretty well, but thanks for the advice ;P
16:43.04sag_ich_nichtnow reboot
16:44.35TS|Skromobviously not if his computer isn't working
16:44.44TS|Skromheh hope he don't go readin' the archives :P
16:46.00*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
16:46.16TS|Skromlol the manufactorer we sell for just posted back on a support issue I had
16:46.27TS|SkromI had thanked them for their help: she said Your welcome.
16:46.34TS|Skromshould I post back "You're"
16:46.39TS|Skrominstinct tells me yes
16:46.58TS|Skrombear in mind that this is something ANYONE who reads the support forum can view
16:47.06TS|Skromand my name/dealership is clearly attached XD
16:47.16Kaydeethreebah, it's a patchday. why am I getting annoyed at the forums not working properly?
16:47.36|Jelly|Because obviously us > them
16:47.37TS|SkromI think I'll have to take a pass at this one.
16:47.40ScytheBlade1TS|Skrom, yes, reply back with that
16:47.57TS|Skrommaybe I could report her to her manager with the message "Did not properly service my needs. Was unclear on her use of words."
16:48.11ScytheBlade1Nah, that would overly confuse her
16:48.29TS|SkromBuddy, I'm thinking 2+2 would do that...
16:49.00NimbleRabitWhat's a good mirror to get the patch?
16:49.04Kaydeethree5, for extremely large values of 2
16:49.06Kaydeethreecheck wowwiki
16:49.09ScytheBlade1Rephrase... if I got that back, it'd confuse me... largely because I have no idea what you'd be talking about.
16:49.20Lopeppeppy_I always get mine from Fileplanet, NimbleRabit.
16:49.31NimbleRabityeah fileplant doesn't like me
16:49.34Kaydeethree is where I send guildies
16:49.52NimbleRabitahh that's the new url
16:50.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
16:50.44TS|Skromno, that's the really old url that's new to you :P
16:51.01NimbleRabitwell, either way I'm glad I know it now =D
16:51.02*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
16:52.53ScytheBlade1Wow, this troll is of epic quality
16:52.55ScytheBlade1"but in a game of this size and draw, especially of younger folk, it is very important to transcend the lore of the game and make damn sure that the good word of the lord Jesus is still being taught to our youth."
16:53.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
16:53.32DarklinI like his use of the words "damn sure"...
16:53.41ScytheBlade1No kidding
16:53.46ScytheBlade122 page thread so far
16:54.00ScytheBlade1Then you have things like this: "
16:54.00ScytheBlade1I hate you and all you stand for.
16:54.00ScytheBlade1Christians throughout history have been the most violent, racist, and prejudiced religious organization of any kind. Not only that, but they are narrowminded and hypocritical.
16:54.00ScytheBlade1Christianity is false hope."
16:54.17ScytheBlade1" mindless slaughter?
16:54.17ScytheBlade1i am hoping to spread the words of Jesus
16:54.17ScytheBlade1not of Muhammad"
16:54.25TS|Skrom|Jelly| I'm disappointed in you
16:54.41DarklinThere, hopefully that will fix DHUD.
16:54.42|Jelly|What'd I do?
16:54.48TS|SkromYou gave a helpful answer
16:55.10TS|Skromremember: Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and he's bored... er I mean fed for life
16:55.13|Jelly|I give quite a few of them. You just usually have to sift through me calling you an idiot to get to it.
16:55.17GnancyWKi missed it
16:55.21TS|Skrominstead of saying ratings Buster, you just type:
16:55.53DarklinNow the servers really need to come back up so I can test my DHUD edit.
16:56.15NimbleRabitwhy is it the works for me but not
16:56.17TS|Skromit's amazing how many of these questions can be answered by typing the topic + the word addon into google
16:56.40TS|Skromdifferent frontend maybe?
16:56.42|Jelly|don't bring your filthy logic here!
16:57.20TS|Skromsorry :-/ I'll go whore it elsewhere
16:58.52*** join/#wowi-lounge seracht (
16:59.38serachtI have a couple questions of a couple of mods if you guys don't mind :)
16:59.53|Jelly|Asking to ask a question is silly. 8P Just ask.
17:00.00serachtWhat's Fubar
17:00.02serachtwhat does it do
17:00.04TS|Skromspit it out, someone might answer or we may tell you to go jump off a bridge
17:00.20DarklinWooHoo! I Am Legend comes out in December!
17:00.22TS|Skromit's like russian roulette in that way
17:00.33TS|Skromcept this guns always loaded
17:00.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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17:01.23serachtalso, are there any mods that you guys would seem useful/nice to have? I know it's a personal preference but ya...
17:01.28Lopeppeppy_Why am I pretending to be amazed that Guildportal is slow on Tuesdays.
17:01.34TS|Skrom|Jelly|... what have I told you about that...
17:01.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
17:02.01Lopeppeppy_seracht, check the "top downloads" section of mod sites to find out what's popular... but it's all personal preference in the end.  Just try a few, see what you lik.
17:02.02TS|Skromgo to and download anything from that skrom guy
17:02.05TS|Skromalso give them good ratings
17:02.08|Jelly|It was easier for me to give him the link I gave him considering I was already there looking up Omen.
17:02.34|Jelly|And really, seeacht, that's too much of a subjective question considering there are many authors in here. 8P
17:02.53TS|Skromthe day goes so much more slowly at work when I can't test my stuff ><
17:03.02serachtany of you use Grid?
17:03.08TS|Skromgrid is da debil
17:03.13TS|SkromI mean, "yes some of us do"
17:03.20|Jelly|PerfectRaid is where it's at
17:03.27Zeksie*cough* X-Perl
17:03.28serachtLink please?
17:03.31TS|Skromx-perl 4 lyfe yo
17:03.38Zeksiejust psted a new one btw
17:03.41|Jelly|[12:02]<TS|Skrom>go to and download anything from that skrom guy
17:03.46Valaron|WorkI currently use Grid.. I used PerfectRaid before.
17:04.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
17:04.12TS|Skromwow fubar'd that real good
17:04.15DarklinI use Grid as well. Mainly because PerfectRaid was broke for a long time.
17:04.36|Jelly|Subject: Will this macro work?
17:04.44|Jelly|My guess: No.
17:05.02|Jelly|oh man. I win.
17:05.10Lopeppeppy_Grid is the devil.  *shrug*  I use sRaidFrames and Clique.
17:05.16serachtcurrently I am just using bongos, agUF and quartz
17:05.25|Jelly|oh man...sRaidFrames < PRaid by a LOT
17:05.46|Jelly|Then again...I just like how it looks. : /
17:05.50TS|SkromAny chance you can extend healer mode - deficit/max to the raid frames?
17:06.02Zeksieyea. it's on my todo list atm
17:06.19Zeksiegot distracted by wasting a LOT of time with this f&&king lockup problem
17:06.32Zeksiethen I got distracted with Grim Reaper (new part of X-Perl) \o/
17:07.25TS|Skrom10[12:03] |Jelly|: [12:02]
17:07.25TS|Skromgo to and download anything from that skrom guy01
17:07.32TS|Skromwhat you trying to say there |Jelly|?
17:07.48Zeksieremembers the last 15 or so hits/heals per unit, so u can see what killed them etc. crit streaks, lack of heals etc. great for raid leaders
17:07.50|Jelly|I was being helpful, in a non-helpful way.
17:07.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
17:08.00serachtdo you guys know what font is that in his chat frame
17:08.02|Jelly|He wanted a link to PRaid so I gave him one. Sort of.
17:08.05serachtalso if its supported via clearfont?
17:08.08TS|SkromI don't see how anything to do with MY addons could be non helpful
17:08.27TS|Skromiirc you can put any font you want into clearfont
17:08.29|Jelly|IIRC it's in clearfont
17:08.45|Jelly|Read: Without adding it.
17:09.43*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
17:10.34|Jelly| I'm not going to lie. This would scare me.
17:10.42TS|Skromis there something I don't know about that fight or does hunter REALLY need to feign
17:10.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie_ (
17:11.05|Jelly|he might be doing adds : /
17:11.17TS|Skromokay yeah so there is something I don't know haha
17:11.22|Jelly|no...looks like they're feared
17:11.26|Jelly|so yeah...
17:11.41zenzelezzwhy would anyone put text on underwear, there are more interesting things to behold there
17:11.47Lopeppeppy_Kiss kiss, I'm off to conduct some training.
17:11.53*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy_ (n=chatzill@
17:11.55|Jelly|Have a good one!
17:12.01|Jelly|wow. denied.
17:12.20TS|Skromtoo slow
17:12.42|Jelly|I know, right.
17:12.57|Jelly|*makes a macro just for Peppy's departure*
17:13.37|Jelly|And now that I see what you're talking about, KTM, in my experiences has been very innaccurate when it came to more than one mob. The adds might be throwing it off, but I see why you said he needed to FD. lol
17:13.41TS|Skromthe next time she leaves she's going to say "Gotta go, mom just died" and you'll say "Have a good one" then there will be crickets
17:14.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
17:14.06|Jelly|You make it seem as though I don't kill chat often enough as it is.
17:14.07zenzelezzTS|Skrom: were you talking about feigning on Pathaleon?
17:14.42zenzelezzgranted my hunter is only a BM solo alt, I thought feigning in any situation just meant you could be more reckless with DPS
17:14.49*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
17:15.02TS|Skromit does. but when you feign your threat is reset to 0
17:15.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
17:15.14TS|Skromaka that hunter must not have feigned ever for his KTM to look like that
17:15.42|Jelly|How can he play when every 20 seconds his UI shits on his chat like that?
17:15.43zenzelezzoh, didn't notice KTM
17:17.18zenzelezzalso think I misread you, thought you meant "is it really necessary", not "why the hell is he top of threat"
17:17.19TS|Skrommy highest raid experience is ony so I'm not familiar at all with any of this new stuff but back on ony I used to get pissed at my hunters who allowed themselves to get within 10-20% (heck I got pissed when they got within 50%) of the tanks aggro
17:17.39TS|Skromone or two knockbacks when the tank has trouble building back up and guess  what hunters you just wiped the raid!
17:17.42|Jelly|I simply don't like hunters : /
17:17.48|Jelly|Heal my pet QQ.
17:17.49zenzelezzhwo come?
17:17.52zenzelezzah, heh
17:18.05TS|SkromI heal pets in 5 man, havn't tried anything more yet
17:18.06|Jelly|I don't even have pets shown. They're not worth my mana.
17:18.07zenzelezzwell, I can understand that part; but hunter DPS and CC is awesome
17:18.20zenzelezzno "oh, it's a demon", or "can't shackle"
17:18.29*** join/#wowi-lounge seracht_ (
17:18.32|Jelly|Too bad, in my experiences, they're too busy being fucksocks to be useful.
17:18.36TS|Skromi wish trapping worked like it used to :(
17:18.52zenzelezz|Jelly|: I do hear a lot of people saying that; and for PUGs it may very well be the norm
17:19.40|Jelly|IMO, it's not really their fault. You're taking a character that's MADE to solo and tossing them into a group environment with different dynamics but still... L2Lern.
17:19.42TS|Skrombecause of the way the timers are now I tend to not be able to trap something for as long
17:19.52TS|Skromused to be I could keep something down indefinately barring resists
17:20.09TS|Skromnow.. 2-3 times tops
17:20.21|Jelly|" I could of cared less" I'm glad he could have cared less! At least he's not as low as he makes out.
17:20.37zenzelezzI get somewhat pissed off when a mage complains to me in whispers because I ask her to watch her aggro on Prince. If we didn't use KTM, then fair enough, but when you have that display, don't keep stealing my aggro >:-|
17:21.04ScytheBlade1Sorry, that mage has no room to speak
17:21.08TS|Skrom19 pages O.o
17:21.21ScytheBlade1The tank is the single most important player pretty much period, and on an encounter like prince... sorry
17:21.28ScytheBlade1TS|Skrom, that thread is epic.
17:21.32|Jelly|Scythe: rofl. Another GMOWNED topic
17:21.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
17:21.41TS|Skromis it 19 pages of "ownt" or can I skip ahead some
17:21.55ScytheBlade1Just click the next blue post
17:21.59ScytheBlade1Last post on the last page
17:22.08ScytheBlade1Sums it all up nicely
17:23.08|Jelly|"Oh. Looks like you guys are having fun while the servers are down! We can't be having that!"
17:23.42ScytheBlade1I just like the way he phrases it
17:24.01ScytheBlade1"While I do admire the sense which has been fostered in these 19 pages"
17:24.03zenzelezzI wonder if people like Amulet think that Blizzard keep no logs
17:24.14|Jelly| too many red arrows!
17:24.33|Jelly|Did he ever post again?
17:24.54*** join/#wowi-lounge kergoth (
17:24.59|Jelly| apparently not
17:25.23ScytheBlade1But yeah, epic thread
17:26.07zenzelezzdoes the Armory not work while the servers are down?
17:26.40Darklinzenzelezz: It does, it's just that everyone and their 45th cousin are using it.
17:26.56zenzelezzgood point
17:27.30TS|Skromthey've got 34 minute to bring these servers back up or i'll... i'll... prolly just wait longer
17:27.31DarklinJust like the forums on patch days. So congested that you can barely get page displays.
17:27.54DarklinTS|Skrom: YEAH! I say we...wait some more... Possibly bitch about it alot... The usual.
17:29.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Crache\__ (
17:29.23zenzelezz"If the servers aren't back up in 30 minutes, I'm logging in anyway!"
17:29.38|Jelly|That'll show them!
17:30.14ScytheBlade1Here's another GMOWNED:
17:30.25ScytheBlade1Man, customer service is a funny place
17:30.29ScytheBlade1I need to read it more often
17:30.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
17:33.22seracht_I found that earlier today
17:35.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Thorarin (
17:35.04ScytheBlade1wtb realms
17:35.14ScytheBlade1That way I can do my dailys, grab some food, then go to work
17:35.40seracht_how do you get that fade thing they have beside the chat
17:35.43seracht_and the minimap
17:35.45deltronScytheBlade1: lmao!
17:35.56deltronhmm no more SSC or TK attunement
17:35.59ScytheBlade1deltron, it's good stuff
17:36.07seracht_is eePanels > skinner?
17:36.11seracht_or are they the same pretty much
17:36.12deltronyeah that is the only section that has many responses
17:36.13zenzelezzI must say, I like that UI
17:36.44ScytheBlade1Yeah, I need a quality chat frame replacement and I'll be happy
17:37.02seracht_ok I think I got it
17:37.06ScytheBlade1Okay, serious question
17:37.09*** join/#wowi-lounge drc|away (
17:37.13ScytheBlade1Why can you not link items in channels?
17:37.16|Jelly|There are no serious questions here.
17:37.33ScytheBlade1I'm really, really curious as to why
17:37.44deltronyou can only link items in party, guild, or trade
17:37.51ScytheBlade1And *why* is that?
17:37.57ScytheBlade1Why can't I link them in other channels?
17:37.59kaidenseracht_, eePanels and Skinner are two COMPLETELY different things
17:38.00deltronalways been that way
17:38.01Valaron|WorkReduce trade spam
17:38.02|Jelly|Probably because of douches that would link items that made people crash! Could you imagine zonewide crashing? lol
17:38.05ScytheBlade1It *was* a feature in beta. It was removed.
17:38.09seracht_oh right
17:38.15kaideneePanels lets you create frames with defined settings
17:38.17seracht_skinner completely changes everything
17:38.24seracht_to that black/white glow
17:38.26ScytheBlade1Okay, that's legit, |Jelly|... and makes sense
17:38.38kaidento get what Caith did you create a frame in eePanel and change it's gradient to horizontal
17:38.40ScytheBlade1Only person to ever answer that so far :P
17:38.41|Jelly|But still...doesn't make sense.
17:38.42kaidenand it will fade
17:38.43seracht_ok so what Mods do you see here
17:38.48seracht_I see: AGUF
17:38.52kaidenchange the colors and fade percentages to change the left to right fading
17:38.54|Jelly|cause Trade is probably gidder than any single zone
17:38.58kaidenthat's not aG_UF
17:39.00kaidenthat's pitbull
17:39.07seracht_how do you tell? heh
17:39.08ScytheBlade1|Jelly|, disable it in trade then!
17:39.30ScytheBlade1Just give me my private channels.  -.-
17:39.31kaidenseracht_, i asked caith ... and the smaller bars can't be done without recoding the layouts
17:39.32Antiarc|WorkScytheBlade1: Mods like ChatLink let you link items in channels, though all parties in the channel need to have it installed.
17:39.33|Jelly|eePanels. Bartender. Eavesdrop (probably), Simple Mini Map, etc etc etc.
17:39.35kaidenand not many people are willing
17:39.39Antiarc|WorkWe use it for our guild alliance channel.
17:39.48seracht_kaiden:  huh?
17:39.50seracht_can you explain please
17:40.03ScytheBlade1AnduinLothar, and I use it. A lot. Problem is, combine that with DreamChat and neither work correctly ;)
17:40.04|Jelly|He said you'd have to rewrite parts of Bartender to get it to look like that.
17:40.16kaidenseracht_, just trust me, it's PitBull, get it learn to use it, it's nice. :)
17:40.29seracht_lol ok
17:40.32seracht_is pitbull hard to use?
17:40.54Shirik|EcoleTK is now open?
17:40.59Shirik|Ecoleinstead of requiring attunnement?
17:41.25Shirik|Ecole"After a lot of thought and deliberation, we’ve decided to remove the attunement requirements to enter Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep: The Eye. While many of our attunements in the Burning Crusade have been good progression checks, a few of the attunements have turned out to cause unnecessary stress on guilds either doing the content or attempting to do the content."
17:41.42deltroni'm not happy
17:41.48ScytheBlade1TO THE R&D BOARD
17:41.53DarklinIt would seem to me that it says no more TK/SSC attunement
17:42.35ScytheBlade1Hmm, nothing on R&D
17:42.40Shirik|Ecoletrying to find the blue post, this is just a quote on guild forums atm
17:42.59deltronthis is a terrible choice imho
17:43.03Shirik|Ecolesays it's from "Tigole"
17:43.07Shirik|Ecolethanks |Jelly|
17:43.18|Jelly|Thank deltron. 8)
17:43.39deltron|Jelly|: lolwut?
17:43.54mikmayeah, i rofl'd:
17:44.03|Jelly|Unless I'm mistaken, you linked the blue post; I just copied it.
17:44.07deltronyeah heh
17:44.08kaidenseracht_, no it's very easy to use it's fully configured through it's dewdrop's
17:44.20seracht_Alright :)
17:44.25deltronyou guys see the drama over the supposed 'trojan' in the downloader?
17:44.26|Jelly|Was it updated recently?
17:44.34seracht_oh also
17:44.36|Jelly|Pitbull, that is.
17:44.37kaidenseracht_, you know the only problem i find with Caith's ui is, it's gorgeous.... but there are SO few buttons
17:44.37ScytheBlade1And I continuted not caring
17:44.41kaideni'd go mad i think without more buttons
17:44.45Shirik|EcoleI'll disappear now
17:44.47Shirik|Ecoleapparently I'm behind the times
17:44.50seracht_kaiden:  guess she only needs that man
17:44.55seracht_also what were you saying about the bottom bars
17:44.58|Jelly|deltron: LINK!
17:45.00kaidenseracht_, yeah :P
17:45.01seracht_aren't those just another pannel
17:45.06kaidenyes they are
17:45.06cladhaireno more attunement
17:45.08cladhaireare you kidding?
17:45.15ScytheBlade1Nope... no jokes there
17:45.17seracht_so why does it have to be reconfigured or something
17:45.18|Jelly|[12:40]<|Jelly|>He said you'd have to rewrite parts of Bartender to get it to look like that.
17:45.22kaidenthey are simply panels created with their gradient values changed
17:45.34seracht_I never used eePanels :)
17:45.41kaidenseracht_, no, i said to get the smaller bars on the UNIT Frames you'd have to change the lua in AGUF
17:45.46kaidenwhich is why i said it was PitBull not AGUF
17:45.54kaidenbecause most people wont know how to change that stuff
17:46.07seracht_is it possibel to change fonts without clearfont
17:46.28kaidendepends on where you are changing it
17:46.35kaidenin the chat frames yes, everywhere else in the ui no
17:46.42kaidenPrat can change it in the chatframe
17:47.06seracht_I thought I could just add a new folder in the wow directory
17:47.18seracht_and name the fonts some wierd things like Matrix or something
17:47.23seracht_I remember that used to work when Clearfont2 was not out
17:47.29seracht_guess it doesn't work anymore
17:47.33|Jelly|"We need to investigate this tomorrow. It locked up our test machine. It's an epic battle of McAfee and ZoneAlarm and it somehow knocked Techbot off of the network." I've never had two installed virus scanners play nice together. Ever.
17:47.47Shirik|Ecoleseracht_: It depends on what you're trying to do
17:47.52Shirik|Ecoleyou have to convince the UI to use your fonts
17:47.54deltron|Jelly|: that cracked me up
17:47.56ScytheBlade1Okay, Prat looks nice
17:48.12kaidenseracht_, you can do it the folder method too
17:48.13Mr_Rabies2hahaha oh wow
17:48.16|Jelly|Prat is sex incarnate.
17:48.20kaidenjust create a folder called Fonts in your main wow folder
17:48.29kaidenand create the various wow named fonts there as the fonts you want :)
17:48.37Mr_Rabies2Manhunt 2 banned in the UK
17:48.40PeoiiHrm, I don't know what to think about this whole "No attunements for SSC/TK" thing... it's not like they were difficult in the first place. :/
17:48.57Shirik|Ecolein general
17:49.07seracht_in general?
17:49.07Shirik|EcoleI think the majority of people that are mad are the ones that already did it
17:49.10Shirik|Ecoleand are mad cause they wasted the time
17:49.10seracht_kaiden:  you know the file names?
17:49.13deltronI don't like the no more attunement thing
17:49.24deltronbut Tigole made the descision
17:49.25|Jelly| 8P
17:50.10PeoiiShirik|Ecole: Oh no, see, I'm one of those people who actually would do it even if it weren't required.  I just think it gives some direction from guilds.  Honestly? If you don't master the fights for the attunements anyway, you're going to flounder like a fish in the instances you've now got access to.
17:50.16Shirik|Ecoleoh me too
17:50.35Shirik|EcoleI'm just saying in general, I think that's what it is
17:50.50Shirik|Ecolethere are people like you and me that do things for other motives than because we have to
17:50.59Shirik|Ecolefor example, the hunter lok'delar quest
17:51.03Shirik|EcoleEVERY hunter should do it
17:51.05|Jelly|I don't care either way. I purposely killed the bishop last night because the server was going down!
17:51.10Shirik|Ecoleeven if you will never use the weapon
17:51.19kaidenseracht_, sure, they are, ARIALN.ttf; FRIZQT__.ttf; MORPHEUS.ttf; skurri.ttf
17:51.23deltronI never got to do lok quests on my hunter, I got a better bow :(
17:51.33Shirik|Ecoleyou should still do it
17:51.34Shirik|Ecolelike I said
17:51.36Shirik|Ecoleit's not about the weapon
17:51.39Shirik|Ecoleit's about what you learn from it
17:51.41Shirik|Ecoleand you learn a lot.
17:51.57deltronwell I did try it
17:52.02Shirik|EcoleYou cannot complete the quest without a very specific and intimate knowledge of every aspect of the class
17:52.10deltronand i was borrowing the hunter really :P
17:52.12ScytheBlade1I agree
17:52.16kaidenseracht_, from looking at that ui she used 14 eePanels to get that effect
17:52.21Shirik|EcoleEach boss teaches you something different
17:52.37|Jelly|really? 14?
17:52.49deltronthere's still kara attunement lol
17:52.50|Jelly|I used 12 and have more going on : /
17:52.55PeoiiShirik|Ecole: And Leothras teaches you "l2/stopcasting!"
17:52.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
17:52.58*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
17:53.03ScytheBlade1Kara attunement is nothing
17:53.04kaiden|Jelly|, not sure how you did that with the borders she's got going
17:53.04Shirik|Ecoledunno who that is ><
17:53.10ScytheBlade1TK/SSC attunement was worth something
17:53.22PeoiiLeothras the Blind in SSC :/  Fun fun fun boss.
17:53.26kaidenactually it looks like maybe 15 eePanels
17:53.31deltrondammit i'm bummed
17:53.36deltroni was almost done with TK attunement :(
17:53.40kaidenbecause for every "border" and every black fade it's 1 eePanel to get the effect
17:54.09kaidenand she also has a border around the minimap which can't be done as far as i know on any mod except squeenix and squeenix can only add a very small black border
17:54.11kaideni could be wrong
17:54.25|Jelly| not the best background to see it on but...
17:54.48seracht_she is using Squeenix
17:54.53seracht_list of her mods
17:54.58ScytheBlade1|Jelly|, what chat addon is that? Prat?
17:55.18ScytheBlade1Stupid realms being down two more hours.. I can't try it out until then :/
17:55.29kaiden|Jelly|, she has far more going on than you think
17:55.38|Jelly|I really hope so
17:55.47kaiden1 you use a default border on your minimap whereas it looks like she creates one, you also dont have a border around your chat frames only on the top / bottom
17:56.01|Jelly|No I don't.
17:56.03|Jelly|That's eePanels.
17:56.10seracht_wait I dont get it
17:56.16seracht_why do you need so many panels for that gradient effect
17:56.18seracht_cant you just make 1 pannel
17:56.22seracht_and change hte gradient of that
17:56.28kaiden|Jelly|, ah why not just use simpleMinimap then and let it create a border?
17:56.29|Jelly|The border causes it
17:56.48|Jelly|That is Simple Mini Map and I didn't like the borders...I wanted it to be the same color throughout.
17:56.57kaidenseracht_, because you can't create multiple gradients within 1 panel
17:57.07kaidenit can only gradient from certain directions to certain directions
17:57.33seracht_and isn't that what she is doing?
17:57.34seracht_Oh wait
17:57.36seracht_I get it
17:57.38seracht_3 for the borders
17:57.40seracht_and 1 for the inside part
17:57.51kaidensee you got it
17:57.57|Jelly|So is that where her two come from that I don't have?
17:58.03kaidenyou create one for the left top and bottom borders then 1 for the inside panel
17:58.11|Jelly|cause for all intents and purposes, I think I pretty much have everything else. lol
17:58.16seracht_ok I think I got this
17:58.19seracht_so far my mods are
17:58.34seracht_Bartender3 + cyCircled, Buffalo + Dreamlayout, eePanels, Simple minimap, Pitbull, Prat
17:58.39kaidento create her whole ui i would suggest, InfiniBar, cyCircled, simpleMinimap, eePanels, PitBull, Prat
17:58.45kaidenoh and buffalo if you want
17:58.47seracht_what's infinibar
17:58.56kaidenseracht_, infinite bars/buttons
17:59.03kaidenextremely configurable
17:59.19seracht_better than bartender I guess
17:59.44kaidendont say that with nevcairiel in the room
17:59.54seracht_I dunno
17:59.59seracht_I'm just listening to what you are saying :)
18:00.23seracht_also what's that addon that moves the tip thing to your mouse?
18:00.35seracht_er never mind
18:00.39Mr_Rabies2then my dream of filling my entire screen with moonfire icons will be complete
18:00.51TS|SkromMr_Rabies2 O.o
18:00.52Mr_Rabies2or maybe cyclone
18:00.53nevcairieli wont do infinte buttons .. way too much stuff to consider really
18:00.54kaidenseracht_, TinyTip is great for tip management
18:01.02kaidennevcairiel, evil person!
18:01.10nevcairiel120 buttons is enough for everyone :P
18:01.18kaidenok then i want to see your idea of infinitely configurable default blizz id's
18:01.19kaidenmmmkay ?:)
18:01.37seracht_Thanks a lot kaiden
18:01.40nevcairielwhen i actually finishe it someday
18:01.48nevcairielyou will be able to do anything with your 120 buttons
18:01.53kaidennevcairiel, cncfanatics is back and working on FlexBar2 again
18:01.59nevcairieli know
18:02.04kaidenso now you have some competition :)
18:02.18nevcairielwe'll see
18:03.06kaidenseracht_, you are evil too, you've inspired me to go recreate Caith's ui exactly, i've been wanting to
18:03.25TS|Skromthis is the first "late" patch I've seen recently
18:03.48|Jelly|well. you have two extra hours to think about it, Kaiden
18:03.53kaidenTS|Skrom, yeah servers wont be back up til 1pm due to blizzard dev's having a shitty production push schedule
18:04.09kaidenor QA department.. or push procedures, what have you
18:04.41*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
18:04.42kaiden|Jelly|, what exactly is Love Struck? valentines day thingy?
18:04.56|Jelly|Proc off my robe
18:05.00TS|Skromhah silly taco bell people
18:05.01|Jelly|+145 spirit
18:05.11TS|Skromthey don't even ASK if I need hot sauce. they just give me 20 packets
18:05.14TS|SkromI don't even use it
18:05.34kaidenTS|Skrom, i want taco bell :(
18:05.41|Jelly|I want a drink.
18:05.43kaidenthe closest one to my house is like 20 mins away and i'm lazy :P
18:06.12seracht_I assume Buffalo2 is the latest Buffalo
18:06.25kaidenseracht_, it's a remake of it
18:06.35seracht_I see
18:06.38kaidenin other words, just use Buffalo
18:06.43seracht_:) ya
18:06.45kaidenfor now at least ;)
18:07.21seracht_Is Dreamlayout in the default buffalo addon?
18:07.39kaidenshe's also using the Vol layout skin i believe
18:07.55seracht_thats for Buffalo?
18:07.59seracht_She said she used Dreamlayout
18:08.12seracht_ list of her mods
18:08.29|Jelly|Question: Why do you want to recreate her UI exactly? Why not add your own personality to it. : /
18:08.47seracht_I am
18:08.52seracht_I just wanted her list of mods
18:08.56kaiden|Jelly|, because if you see something you like
18:08.57seracht_and then change it up accordingly
18:08.59kaidenwhy not use it
18:09.05seracht_and no way I will use her layout
18:09.10seracht_not enough space for buttons
18:09.16seracht_gotta do some scaling for more buttos
18:09.19|Jelly|With Bartender3, there is.
18:09.32seracht_no I meant
18:09.34|Jelly|I have three bars down there, two of which are hidden until roll over.
18:09.45seracht_I never used Bartender3 heh
18:09.49seracht_normally a bongos guy
18:09.52|Jelly|36 buttons = more than I ever use
18:10.02deltroni've always used bartender
18:10.07deltronnever cared for bongos
18:10.07kaiden|Jelly|, god i wish it were that easy for me
18:10.07|Jelly|I was...until I decided to redo my UI and I'm not looking back.
18:10.27kaideni use 63 buttons just for my stances on my druid
18:10.28Thunder_Child*cough cough* copycat
18:10.29|Jelly|*shrug* I'm a click-caster so I don't really need a crap-ton of buttons.
18:10.33TS|SkromI disagree with the assertion that  "this looks freakin awesome"
18:10.56|Jelly|I missed having to stab you with a whale!
18:11.27Thunder_Childi just woke up
18:11.39Thunder_Childno work = lots of sleeping goodness
18:11.40|Jelly|...thinking you would get to play, eh?
18:11.47|Jelly|Well Blizzard sure showed you!
18:11.55Thunder_Childhuh what?
18:12.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
18:12.59Thunder_Childboo 2 more hours
18:14.42kaidenso, i watched an interesting zombie movie last night, first time i've ever seen a Zombie Comedy :P called The MAD
18:15.06Thunder_Childwasnt shawn of the dead supposed to be a zombie comedy?
18:15.23Valaron|WorkGah.. I can't even log into the forums.
18:15.29kaidenhrm, well.. i guess it was a little funny but i dont really ever remember laughing hard in shawn of the dead
18:15.45kaidenThe MAD had Billy Zane in it
18:15.55TS|Skrom28 days later was a zombie comedy
18:16.07Thunder_Childdont look at me, i thought shawn of the dead was retarded
18:16.33Thunder_Childheh, 5 sec meeting clad|away
18:16.54clad|away|meeting isn't registered
18:16.55clad|away|away is
18:17.00clad|awayso i retain my netmask this way =)
18:17.08clad|awayand i'm alreayd over 20 linked screennames
18:17.21Thunder_Childpfft, status whore
18:18.16NimbleRabitThunder_Child: 2 more hours?
18:18.23*** join/#wowi-lounge trik (
18:18.33Thunder_Childextended down time till 1pm
18:18.38Thunder_Childfor the realms
18:18.48trikanother 2 hours?
18:19.28trikanyone have any pictures of the new season 2 arena gears?
18:19.35TS|Skromthey're on curse
18:19.43|Jelly|...they had to go buy a new hamster...
18:20.31deltronthey were on mmo-champion earlier this week
18:21.05trikno new weapons for season 2?
18:21.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
18:24.40Thunder_Childnothin like going to curse and seeing an advertisement for bras....
18:24.43TS|Skrommy initial estimate was wrong
18:24.52Thunder_Childi think they missed their market target
18:25.04TS|SkromI have in fact 25 packets of hotsauce (9 mild, 16 hot) that I didn't ask for
18:26.29|Jelly|I'm hungry.
18:26.36Thunder_Childme to
18:27.56Mr_Rabies2servers need to be up :[
18:28.42seracht_can'tw ait to go home and work on this addon
18:28.55Mr_Rabies2i can't wait to bomb some dodongos
18:29.19seracht_shit I gotta hit level 70 too :(
18:29.30seracht_273k till level 70 and I have 2 hours to ding it
18:29.34seracht_to make the Gruul raid
18:29.40*** join/#wowi-lounge dacoffey (
18:29.44Mr_Rabies2cd-i zelda
18:31.02deltronI have those games :)
18:32.03Mr_Rabies2i'm sorry
18:32.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Drool (
18:32.56Antiarc|Work <-- get yet $10 DSL here.
18:33.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
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18:34.48Mr_Rabies2dammit dammit dammit servers come back :[
18:35.00IzzaKsrsly faced
18:35.28Mr_Rabies2damn, that's awesome, Antiarc|Work
18:35.46Mr_Rabies2hopefully my mom can drop her 50 bucks a month satellite internet at her office
18:35.55Mr_Rabies2<Antiarc|Work> <-- get yer $10 DSL here.
18:36.13IzzaK<---- is confused
18:36.35Mr_Rabies2read that
18:36.39Mr_Rabies2and you'll be unconfused
18:37.17IzzaKk brb
18:38.51Thunder_Childmeh, i'll stick with my $50/mo 6mb pipe
18:39.41Mr_Rabies2for some reason at&t stopped offering 6mbit to my area
18:39.45Mr_Rabies2i dunno why
18:39.51IzzaK*sparks start to fly from hi head at the confusion the story just gave him*
18:40.02TS|SkromI almost stayed home today. wasn't feeling to well. Glad I didn't because I would have wanted to play some today
18:40.11TS|Skromcourse not like being at work is really stopping me from trying
18:40.42IzzaKk i got a question about addons
18:41.33TS|SkromLike I explained before "it's russian roulette what type of answer you get"
18:41.41TS|Skromso spit it out and duck
18:41.44IzzaKis there an addon that is like a webbrowser where u can go to like thottbott or wowwikki
18:42.02TS|Skromsorry you lose ;-)
18:42.10dacoffeyyou could 'addon' a 2nd monitor to your computer
18:42.12deltronIzzaK: yes, kinda
18:42.22TS|Skromaddons can't interact with windoze
18:42.28deltronhence the kinda
18:42.33IzzaKwell i dont want a second monitor... and my comp can handle alt tabbing but i hate doing it
18:42.42|Jelly|Doesn't Photoshop have premade arrows in it somewhere?
18:42.46purlACTION watches thunder_child pull the trigger:  Click!
18:42.47deltronIzzaK: check out LightHeaded & TomTom (with cartographer of course)
18:42.58TS|Skromdacoffey that was comedy gold
18:43.00deltronlightheaded = ftw
18:43.10purlACTION watches deltron pull the trigger:  Click!
18:43.19deltroni'm safe
18:43.23purlACTION watches ts|skrom pull the trigger:  Click!
18:43.38TS|Skromhrm... trigger must be broken
18:43.41purlACTION watches ts|skrom pull the trigger:  Click!
18:43.56IzzaK6 shots right?
18:44.05TS|Skrom~purl grow some balls and kill someone
18:44.12IzzaKDO IT
18:44.31deltron <-- has quest info & coords and stuff from wowhead
18:44.38TS|SkromTry him ^--
18:45.47IzzaKi wanted it more for items/ prof info than quests
18:46.05IzzaKive got atlasloot
18:46.14IzzaKbut only does half the job
18:46.31deltronwhat about an item database mod?
18:47.10Mr_Rabies2there's always the tried and true lootlink, but i hear it's sorely in need of a rewrite these days
18:47.22Temdeltron, using if you're using tomtom, you don't need Cart for LightHeaded
18:47.29TemLightHeaded supports both
18:47.44Tempersonally, I prefer tomtom to cart for the waypoints
18:47.52kaidenAnyone know what quest mod that is in the LightHeaded screenshots that resize the quest frame to dual pane
18:48.22TS|Skrom2nd paragraph in the description sir...
18:48.29*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
18:49.41kaidenTS|Skrom, lol sorry, i remember reading that a while ago and didn't remember it saying it so i just asked
18:49.57TS|Skromdon't have to apoligize to me :P
18:50.10kaidenare you skrom from Zul'jin?
18:50.21IzzaKWell skorm u mentioned that addons cant interact with windos.. would just accesing the internet be interacting with windows?
18:50.34DarklinIzzaK: Yes
18:50.51TS|Skromwtf I just got a chain letter in my phone's text message
18:50.55TS|Skromwhat has the world come to
18:51.20DarklinIzzaK: It would take a whole lot more explanation than I remotely have the patience to give. Therefore, the answer is no, it's not possible, nor will it ever be possible.
18:51.34IzzaKthe Mayans believe the world will end 12/21/2012
18:51.49IzzaKalright if u say so i shall take ur word for it
18:51.55TS|SkromIzzaK let me clarify. Addons can only interact with the game. No other processes period.
18:52.30TS|Skromthe game client doesn't pass api calls to anything outside itself, in fact you couldn't even make a windows api call as the command interpreter for ...ahem LUA.. wouldn't recognize it
18:52.31krkaTS|Skrom: Lua is not an acronym.
18:52.33|Jelly|Skrom. Use the sandbox reference!
18:52.33dacoffeythe only way in/out is writing to savedvariables, and that only happens on logout/reloadui
18:53.07TS|Skromlike |Jelly| said, WoW is a sandbox
18:53.16TS|Skromand what happens in Sandbox, stays in Sandbox
18:53.25DarklinGood enough, TS.
18:53.39TS|Skromnow, back to my questions. What has teh world come too that I'm getting chain letters on my cell phone ><
18:54.03DarklinTS|Skrom: A very sad state...
18:54.18IzzaKyeah skrom ive gotten them before
18:54.22TS|Skromgranted it was a message from this girl I'm kinda cooky for atm and it was a sweet little nothing (that she may or may not have sent to others) but stil
18:54.50IzzaKwell fro ur sake lets say she sent it to u and oly u
18:55.21IzzaK*shoos away the typo deamons from him*
18:55.52DarklinServers are starting to come back up.
18:56.07IzzaKWarcrack FTW
18:56.14TS|Skromhaw I just got a myspace bulliten of "wedding anniversary dates" I should throw in a bunch like: Erin and Dana
18:56.24TS|Skromor Sammy and Chris
18:56.33TS|Skromgender neut names hehe
18:56.50|Jelly|Adam and Steve
18:57.06TS|Skromer... kinda missed the point on that one didn't ya dear...
18:57.23IzzaKsammy is both male/female
18:57.25|Jelly|Wasn't really paying attention at all, to be honest.
18:57.27IzzaKso is chris
18:57.49|Jelly|Had to make a compilation for my raid and now I have to get dressed to take my mother to the doctor. : /
18:57.56|Jelly| wasn't. <3
18:58.04TS|SkromI'm saddened, but placated
18:58.30IzzaKMichele and Michele
18:58.34TS|Skrommy mom is on her way to san antonio today to attend my cousins wedding
18:58.44TS|Skromthat wouldn't work izzak because only gay guys are named michele
18:58.46|Jelly|WOE IS TS|Skrom
18:59.01|Jelly|Is it sad when you have to actually look for your laptop?
18:59.08IzzaKit is
18:59.14TS|Skromwhat do you mean look?
18:59.21TS|Skromyour's isn't surgically attached to your forearm?
18:59.28IzzaKi know jeeze
18:59.32|Jelly|As in, I don't quite know where it is.
18:59.49TS|Skromwho said the servers were coming back up and do you kiss your mother with that lying mouth?
18:59.49|Jelly|Why do I need it right this second? I'm on my desktop :/
18:59.54IzzaKthey should make a beeper for other things than a phone
19:00.14|Jelly| There's one up....
19:00.22TS|Skrommy dad one time found these really neat keychains that when you whistle it makes a sound
19:00.26TS|Skromhe got a whole bunch of em
19:00.30IzzaKoh nice
19:00.32TS|Skromwhich was counter productive
19:00.33IzzaKi want one
19:00.43TS|Skromsince every time he whistled things went off in like 8 directions
19:00.53TS|SkromI don't think he's found those keys yet
19:01.24Mr_Rabies2man, the world's changed since warcraft 1
19:01.29TS|Skromfor true
19:01.37IzzaKWell i guess Blizz is working today because thier website is up and i got to Authenticating
19:01.57Mr_Rabies2servers are down until 1 pm EST if you're on enUS
19:02.12TS|Skromyou mean PDT right?
19:02.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
19:02.18Cairennit's 3pm EST now :p
19:02.18DarklinYou mean 1pm PDT
19:02.29|Jelly|I meant 3 CST, damnit
19:02.30Elkanoit even changed since wc3... eg razorfen Down location
19:02.40Cairennit's 2 CST
19:02.45Mr_Rabies2er, pdt, yeah
19:02.53IzzaKDamn i got to server list
19:02.56Mr_Rabies2halfway zoned out mid-typing
19:02.56|Jelly|...and the servers are going to come back up at 3CST
19:03.11|Jelly|Or at least that's what they said anyway.
19:03.21IzzaKpsh lies
19:03.29Cairenn3 EDT, 2 CDT, 12 noon PDT atm
19:03.30|Jelly|But after EverQuest, I hardly believe anything they say in regards to when servers will be back.
19:03.31Mr_Rabies2your best bet is to plan on not playing today
19:03.53TS|Skromand then be pleasently surprised?
19:03.54IzzaKthats why when the sun goes down the fam wont see me
19:03.57Mr_Rabies2if you do, it's a nice surprise
19:03.59Darklin|Jelly|: lol So true. VI would be like, "We'll be back in 30 minutes." 6 hours later...
19:04.15TS|Skromhah I played on The Gameless server for my eq time :p
19:04.24|Jelly|I remember when they changed Bristlebane from UUnet
19:04.28TS|Skromaka The Nameless but the other name fits better
19:04.33DarklinPresux for me.
19:04.44|Jelly|Bristlebroke for me.
19:04.44DarklinEr PrexSucks
19:05.05IzzaKplayed EQ on a private server once... if that counts...
19:05.20DarklinI tried playing EQ on a private server not long ago. I couldn't get into it.
19:05.36TS|Skromyour game client was prolly to up to date
19:05.36IzzaKi didnt like Eq cause of all the ZONING
19:05.54|Jelly|Get a computer that doesn't suck. :/
19:05.55IzzaKim going to the in... ZONE ZONE ZONE done
19:05.57DarklinTS|Skrom: Actually, by couldn't get into it I meant, "I had exactly zero fun doing it."
19:06.04TS|Skromohh haha
19:06.17|Jelly|Zoning was the least of my worries after the 38h camp for my stupid epic.
19:06.21TS|SkromI setup my own once
19:06.23DarklinI kept trying to use Warcraft keybindings for it.
19:06.30TS|Skromzoned into Veeshan's peak, owned face
19:06.33TS|Skromlogged out
19:06.37DarklinCLERIC EPIC ALERT!
19:06.52|Jelly|Druid Epic. My cleric wasn't all that bad.
19:06.56IzzaKso i said screw EQ and went to DAoC
19:06.57TS|Skrom38hour druid epic?
19:07.04|Jelly|One camp. :/
19:07.07TS|Skromwas that before spawnable fay?
19:07.15TS|Skromwhat camp???
19:07.28DarklinYeah, that had to have been Faydedar before they made him spawnable.
19:07.31|Jelly|the one in Karnors...I don't remember the name.
19:07.40DarklinBecause the cleric epic was the BISH!
19:07.44TS|Skromso I'm guessing it was before they made VSR
19:07.47DarklinVenril Sathir
19:08.04TS|Skromcause the druid epic was damn easy after that lol
19:08.17TS|Skrom38 hours for one camp... we'd run the druids in my guild through the whole thing in about 6
19:08.19DarklinZordak Ragefire camps were awful.
19:08.45TS|Skromit was like "welcome to the guild, here's your Nature Walker's Scimitar"
19:08.51|Jelly|kk...unless i can haxxorz on someone's internet...i'll be back later.
19:09.03TS|Skromsee ya
19:09.03IzzaKhaxing FTW
19:09.41TS|Skromfreakin' rogues were the same way
19:10.00IzzaKeww rogues
19:10.32IzzaKi think my lvl on Eq was 8???
19:11.10TS|Skromheh I went back to EQ before I came back to wow
19:11.23TS|Skromplayed about a month, got a bard from 1 to 51 with 40 some odd AA
19:11.27TS|Skromno PLing
19:11.33TS|Skrompretty easy these days
19:11.43IzzaKi wanted to play EQ2 but didnt
19:11.59TS|SkromI can't get into that anymore
19:12.02TS|Skromeq2 that is
19:12.06IzzaKgot WoW and didnt like it... then started accualy playing and now i wont get off
19:12.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
19:12.08TS|SkromI liked it in beta and at release
19:12.18deltronI hated it in beta
19:12.19TS|Skrombut they've fubar'd most of the good stuff about that game
19:12.33IzzaKWhat r ur thoughts on Vanguard:SOH?
19:12.41deltronIzzaK: stay far far away
19:12.50IzzaK*backs away*
19:12.51deltronI did that game for 3 weeks
19:12.56deltronnever again
19:12.59IzzaKlol why
19:13.05deltronlotro is awesome though
19:13.08TS|Skrommy thoughts.. "liked the diplomacy (in beta anyway) but didn't like the rest
19:13.11IzzaKi also wanna try that
19:13.18deltrondiplomacy was awesome though
19:13.31IzzaKsee i didnt even get beta
19:14.38TS|Skromheh "A little boy was at a large shopping mall and got seperated from his dad. He approached a uniformed security guard and told him of his plight"
19:14.48TS|Skrom"what's your father like?" the guard asked
19:14.59TS|Skrom"Beer and women with big books usually"
19:15.10TS|Skromfreakin' spelling
19:15.50TS|Skromthis is why I stick to telling jokes in real life... you can't typo there
19:16.04IzzaKthis is true
19:16.50seracht_damn VBA
19:17.22IzzaKwhos played EVE?
19:17.39IzzaKcause i hate it
19:18.14deltroni did not
19:18.41IzzaKu did not what? hate it or play it
19:18.50deltronplay it heh
19:19.24IzzaKthe graphix are amazing ill give it that
19:19.32IzzaKbut to learn a skill can take 2 hours
19:19.36TS|SkromI have a hard time getting into SCi Fi rpgs
19:20.01TS|SkromI'm always like "why am I not dead? I've been shot 60 times in the last 2 mins"
19:20.17Josh_Borkebecause getting sliced with a sword is easy to survive?
19:20.46IzzaK check those out
19:21.35IzzaKthere are some screens of Eve there
19:21.36deltronI only played 1 directx 10 game
19:21.37deltronso far
19:22.56IzzaKwhich one/
19:23.53Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure halo 2 isn't a dx10 game
19:23.56IzzaKtheres supposed to be some really sweet DX10 MMORPG comming out.. not AOC
19:24.00Mr_Rabies2i think it's dx9, but is vista only
19:24.03IzzaKwell it says it is
19:24.10Thunder_Childit's dx9
19:26.15IzzaKwell as with Eve and some others it may go with a patch
19:27.23Thunder_Childit itsnt, i would trust the articles i read mor than some random person
19:28.38foxlitWhy would anyone develop for vista?
19:28.38IzzaKwell im not saying it is... but the to links i just posted are =\
19:28.47IzzaKMArketing plot
19:29.00Thunder_Childbesides, where on that list is halo 2?
19:29.07IzzaKon which list?
19:29.14Thunder_Childthe link
19:29.17IzzaKthe forum list its at the bottem ov the post
19:29.33IzzaKin words... didnt have a pic there
19:29.49IzzaKEdit : hmm these Halo 2 shots look better than the ugly previous ones. still not something that i consider DX10ish ..
19:29.59Thunder_Childof which there are NO ss
19:30.27IzzaK 10th game
19:31.07IzzaKi agree the pics are shit
19:31.08Mr_Rabies2last i heard it's not DX10, but it really doesn't matter if it is, it still doesn't look all that great
19:31.16IzzaKbut its what it says
19:31.17Mr_Rabies2better than FPS creator i guess
19:31.40Thunder_Child IzzaK
19:31.58*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
19:32.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
19:34.18IzzaKWell thunder thank you for clearing that up... but the words that it is DX10 never came from me i was just posting a link to DX10 games and halo 2 happen to be on it
19:34.45zenzelezzpeople make such mistakes
19:34.56zenzelezza lot of people thought Half-Life 1 was built on the Quake 2 engine
19:35.02Thunder_Childindeed, i was rather disapointed when they did nt make it for dx10
19:35.39IzzaKEh its halo... no need for it
19:35.56IzzaKit shall be played either way
19:37.35IzzaK*punches blizzard in forehead* Get the damn servers u[!! another game
19:38.33Thunder_Childor did i just speak blasphemy?
19:38.36TS|Skrom_or do what I do, use these 8 hours or so to do all the real work you need to do to justify your paycheck in a given week
19:38.48Mr_Rabies2zenz, it's a heavily modified Quake 1 engine :o
19:39.04Mr_Rabies2referred to as GoldSrc or Goldsource now :O
19:39.32IzzaKSkorm.... its vacation time and ive got nothing else to do.....
19:40.10IzzaKAnd i dare not go back to my really old ways of the infamous game of RS
19:40.40TS|Skrommsg NickServ IDENTIFY karmic22
19:41.01TS|Skromtimes to change the old password XD
19:41.12nevcairielhe had that coming
19:41.13subbawtit wasn't me
19:41.16subbawt(it totally was)
19:41.17nevcairielme neither
19:41.26*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
19:41.31subbawt[15:41] -NickServ- [TS|Skrom] has been killed
19:42.21IzzaKwtf Starcraft 2 is dx10.. so says this site
19:42.29Mr_Rabies2TS|Skrom, are you using mirc? if so, write an alias man :o
19:42.39TS|Skromno, using trillian
19:42.52TS|Skromforgot to put it in the autojoin
19:42.58TS|Skromafter my settings got wiped somehow
19:46.35Shirik152:412:34 12‹subbawt12› [15:41] -NickServ- [TS|Skrom] has been killed
19:46.37Shirikpoor TS|Skrom :(
19:47.00Shirikbtw TS|Skrom
19:47.09ShirikI've totally done that before myself
19:47.11TS|Skromokay changed the password XD haha
19:47.21TS|Skromnot that I really care if someone talks as me
19:47.28Shirikyou can tell nickserv to recognize your IP
19:47.29TS|Skrombut meh, it's still me damnit
19:47.32Shirikthen you can just do /ns identify
19:47.35Shirikwithout the password
19:47.43Shirikand if you're on that IP, it will +i you
19:47.43TS|Skromyeah I read that just now actually lol
19:51.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
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19:56.12*** join/#wowi-lounge ravagernl (n=chatzill@
19:57.06IzzaKMkay i gotta find soemthink else to do
19:57.09IzzaKnice talking to u all
19:57.32IzzaKmay or may not be back
19:57.38*** part/#wowi-lounge IzzaK (
20:02.05*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
20:03.04Thunder_Childtat, back up
20:04.12Mr_Rabies2realms inc
20:04.26Mr_Rabies2tat back up
20:05.47*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
20:06.08Thunder_Childfyi: "The attunements for Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep: The Eye have been lifted"
20:06.17Josh_Borke~lart chuckg
20:06.17purlpushes the wall down onto chuckg whilst whistling innocently
20:06.53chuckgJB is mean.
20:07.14Josh_Borkei don't know what you mean
20:07.27zenzelezzThunder_Child: from when?
20:08.02cog|workThought for the day: [an error occurred while processing this directive]
20:09.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
20:10.58nevcairielThunder_Child: ever better, care to link?
20:11.18deltroni'm keeping that in my clipboard :P
20:11.26nevcairielmeh forums busy :P
20:11.57deltrontigole said "gl hf in SSC & TK"
20:12.04deltronpretty much :P
20:12.24zenzelezz"We’re listening to feedback from you guys constantly and your opinions are important to us. We want this game to be the best possible MMO experience for our players."
20:12.34zenzelezza.k.a. "stop whining"
20:13.34LunessaCan I whine that the forums server is busy?  
20:16.25TS|SkromI thought if (varname) was the same as if (varname == "true")
20:16.36Josh_BorkeTS|Skrom: incorrect
20:16.50Josh_BorkeTS|Skrom: if var then is the same as if (var ~= nil and var ~= false) then
20:17.00ckknightonly faster
20:17.19TS|Skrombut but..
20:17.29TS|Skromif it's not nil and it's not false... then it's true..
20:17.53Josh_Borkeit's just not false or nil
20:18.01Josh_Borkeit's still not true
20:18.03TS|Skromnm found the problem
20:18.08Josh_Borkeit's only true if it's true
20:18.12Josh_Borkeotherwise it's not false/nil
20:20.51*** join/#wowi-lounge seracht (
20:21.43Thunder_Childnevcairiel zenzelezz, sry wasnt apying attention
20:23.27TS|Skromother then very very very carful reading is there any tools to check for capitalization/variable name discrepencies? I just got thrown off for 15 mins because of two lower case characters and two reversed characters in a var name..
20:24.45kaiden*Gasp* my servers apparently back up
20:27.53serachtgo make the UI!!!
20:28.25N|TivoliI missed nether drakes by 4 POINTS!! i'm so mad now =\
20:29.23ScytheBlade1Mine isn't :(
20:30.25TemNo sympathy
20:30.38*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
20:32.06*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
20:32.49cog|workmine came back up right after my lunch break during which I had intended to play :(
20:33.15Temmine's not back yet
20:33.34Temand if it's not back in 10 minutes, I'll hit the paranoia
20:34.12*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
20:36.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
20:36.01*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
20:36.29ScytheBlade1ckknight, update to your "Horrible crashes on raid changes" thread.
20:36.46ckknightslouken's response or something after?
20:36.52ScytheBlade1His second response
20:36.58ckknightokay, seen it
20:37.07ScytheBlade1Just making sure.. it's killing a lot of people I know in raids :/
20:37.19Temhmm that's interesting
20:37.27Temmy entire battlegroup is still down
20:37.42TemI bet they bring the realms up in groups based on battlegroup
20:38.40ScytheBlade1Random question
20:38.55ScytheBlade1How many people have "forgotten" RL "daily quests" in place of WoW daily quests?
20:40.12Zeksieyou mean the laundry quest and wash the dishes quest and bath quest?
20:40.21dacoffeyyou mean like, 'take out the trash' ? i get 200 rep from my gf for that
20:40.54ScytheBlade1Or shave, in my case
20:41.01ScytheBlade1Also, wtf @ "US Event Server 3"
20:42.35*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (n=MoonWolf@
20:42.35*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
20:46.28TemScytheBlade1, Arena Tournament
20:46.40ScytheBlade1Tem, sure, but 3?
20:46.47ScytheBlade1There are two other events going on?
20:47.20Tempve, pvp, rp
20:48.48TS|Skromlawl I can use my new addon to tell jokes in game XD
20:48.54TS|Skromwithout having to stop and type each line
20:53.26*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
20:55.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
20:58.01ScytheBlade1I log into an Oceanic server, on a gnome
20:58.07ScytheBlade1There are a literal 20 level one gnomes
20:58.14ScytheBlade1All in the starting "twenty yards"
20:58.27Valaron|WorkThey're gnomes. Don't expect much.
20:58.28pastamancerit happens
20:58.29Tembecause their server is late in coming online
20:58.35Tem... like mine
20:58.41ScytheBlade1w t f
20:58.46ScytheBlade1Try it, really..
20:58.52ScytheBlade1Roll a gnome, you'll see what I'm talking about
20:59.28*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|away (
20:59.29bleeterit's all those craaaazy aussies!
20:59.47bleeterthey just love signing in at 6:59AM
20:59.56cog|workfirst randomized name it gave me was Peppy :P
21:01.06ScytheBlade1You in, Cog?
21:01.53cog|workjust wanted to see
21:01.58cog|workcan't really play right now
21:02.24ScytheBlade1Just look, yeah
21:02.26*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o clad|away] by ChanServ
21:02.38Mr_Rabies2mannn :(
21:02.45cog|workthey're thinknig of raiding gnomer
21:02.46Mr_Rabies2for some reason my pitbull's settings keep resetting :[
21:02.57ScytheBlade1They are
21:02.59ScytheBlade1It's scary
21:04.38*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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21:08.00*** join/#wowi-lounge N00bZXI (
21:08.28Shirikwb cladhaire
21:08.59Thunder_Childstupid mailboxes
21:10.11Thunder_ChildShirik, wtb RDX that starts in the middle
21:10.17N00bZXIGreat, right when I fix my network problems I can connect to every server but gurubashi.. perfect way to spend a day I called in sick
21:10.23Shirikthe encounter bar?
21:10.30Shirikyou can move it :/
21:10.44Thunder_Childbut i have stuff at the top, so i always have to more the stuff first
21:10.48ScytheBlade1Even more extended maint:
21:10.55Thunder_Childwhy cant it be centered like everythign else
21:11.05Shirikyou only have to move it once per character ><
21:11.11ShirikI guess I could put it in the center
21:11.28Thunder_Childi know, but i have to move stuff for every char
21:11.57Thunder_Childi dunno why you wouldnt...most everything else does as well
21:12.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
21:13.15ScytheBlade1F5 needs to work on the realm selection list.
21:13.28subbawtit automatically updates
21:13.31ScytheBlade1I know
21:13.35ScytheBlade1But it still needs to work
21:14.47bleeterhell, first time in like, forever, I've seen my main's realm listed population as 'High'
21:16.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Peoii (
21:17.37ScytheBlade1Doomhammer (Nightfall battlegroup) is up!
21:20.16N00bZXIApparantly either a trojan or something mistaken for one was in Blizz downloader today
21:21.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
21:21.58bleeterN00bZXI: that's AVG's rather infamous False-Positive detection for ya ;)
21:22.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Nerinia (
21:22.27N00bZXIbleeter: Apparently AVG isn't the only thing that's detecting it, which is why I was somewhat worried
21:22.32LunessaWhich boggles my mind, because AVG never registered a peep for me.
21:22.50N00bZXII'm running x64 so I can't use AVG
21:23.05OsagasuI've never had a false positive with AVG.
21:23.33bleeterwrite a few apps and package trhem using NSIS, you'll eventually hear about them
21:23.35OsagasuBUt, I have been hearing reports of people using the Blizzard downloader as a backdoor.  No idea if there's any TRUTH to them.
21:23.56OsagasuBut I have been hearing em
21:27.29*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
21:27.33bleetermeh, most AV is a waste of time anyways; continues the arms race. application authentication is looking increasingly likely the place to be
21:28.55ScytheBlade1Or just a whitelist of progams (and their locations), plus proper file system permissions. *shrug*
21:29.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (n=nope@
21:33.05zenzelezz"All World of Warcraft European realms will be closed from 0.03 to 11.00"... that's an interesting typo; or at least I assume it is
21:37.12zenzelezzthe servers don't go down at noon
21:37.46Temwow fucking lame
21:37.58TemI get to netherstorm and there's 800 people on top of the arena guy
21:38.03Temso you can't interact
21:38.16foxlitNPC healthbars
21:38.23foxlit(or was it ctrl-v?)
21:38.31foxlitRight click on nameplate, done
21:38.35subbawtshift v is my mindvision keybind :(
21:38.49Temdon't know his name
21:39.02Temand it includes player nameplates
21:39.36cog|workprob has a 1st & last name...
21:41.58Temhit is a fucking wow version of habbo hotel
21:42.13ScytheBlade1cog|work, place for cogsbar suggestions?
21:42.19Mr_Rabies2bobba that
21:42.30cog|workScytheBlade1: feature requests on
21:42.32ScytheBlade1My guild just found out that I make addons, and I instantly have addon wishes from half of them.
21:42.41Mr_Rabies2poor scythe
21:42.43cog|workScytheBlade1: i know the feeling :P
21:42.51ScytheBlade1Actually this may already be in
21:42.56ScytheBlade1Individual button scaling?
21:43.07Mr_Rabies2action button?
21:43.08Shirik172:422:35 12‹ScytheBlade112› My guild just found out that I make addons, and I instantly have addon wishes from half of them.
21:43.10Shirikwelcome to my world.
21:43.19cog|workScytheBlade1: it's in the CB2 upcoming features
21:43.27Shirikwhat guild are you in?
21:43.28ScytheBlade1cog|work, that works. thanks
21:43.32cog|workI have no eta though
21:43.32ShirikI'll join to help spam the requests
21:43.33Mr_Rabies2you can use moveanything, visor, fluidframes, pretty much anything to resize pretty much any frame possible :o
21:43.41ScytheBlade1lol @ Shirik
21:43.55ScytheBlade1Mr_Rabies, yeah, but apparently visor2 never saves his settings, and MA locks up his computer.
21:44.02ScytheBlade1And uh, I'm not fixing either of those. :)
21:44.15Mr_Rabies2sounds like his problem and not yours
21:44.58Mr_Rabies2pitbull drops my settings when i update it, but then and only then
21:45.09Mr_Rabies2and i dunno why it does now, probably something relating to my standalonelibs install
21:45.26*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
21:46.03ScytheBlade1cog|work, he says thanks for the hawt addon.
21:46.19cog|workhe's welcome :P
21:46.33Temmy gloves _lost_ crit rating
21:46.45Mr_Rabies2what class?
21:46.48cog|workOh, just get back to crashing wow, will you?
21:46.57Mr_Rabies2you gained a ton of armor though
21:47.01Temfuck armor
21:47.05Tem'm a mage
21:47.09TemI AVOID melee damage
21:47.11Temnot tank it
21:47.13Mr_Rabies2i'll trade you
21:47.22Mr_Rabies2yours has more armor than the leather sets
21:47.24Mr_Rabies2the cloth does
21:47.45Mr_Rabies2my set has +healing on it
21:47.49Mr_Rabies2and it's the feral set
21:47.51Mr_Rabies2i mean wth
21:47.54Mr_Rabies2oh, and crit rating
21:47.55Temyou know what?
21:48.04TemI beat feral druids that don't even try to heal
21:48.18Mr_Rabies2you must tear the ones up that waste their time trying
21:48.21Mr_Rabies2to heal :P
21:48.48Tema druid can heal through all of my damage without casting a single spell that I can counter
21:48.53Temall the while staying at full mana
21:48.55Mr_Rabies2not a feral can't
21:49.01Tem(resto makes a big difference, though)
21:49.03Mr_Rabies2a feral can't
21:49.31Tembut anyway, when the druid doesn't even try to heal, it's a win for us
21:49.53Mr_Rabies2a feral trying to heal is a very fast, very dead druid
21:50.12Mr_Rabies2because his heals don't hit for crap, and he's suddenly target #1
21:50.43Temmaybe you're right.  I don't play a druid so I don't know what's what
21:50.45Mr_Rabies2ferals don't have much place in arenas anyway
21:50.57Tembut I know this: when I see a feral druid, I rejoice
21:50.59Mr_Rabies2they're too squishy
21:51.09Temand they don't even try to heal
21:51.15Mr_Rabies2because it's a waste to
21:51.18Temif he was smart, he'd run the hell away and get off a heal
21:51.27Mr_Rabies2for 3000 hp
21:51.28Temit's _so_ easy for a druid to run away from me
21:51.29Mr_Rabies2is like nothing
21:51.53Mr_Rabies2and you can just counterspell him
21:51.59Temnot really
21:52.04TemCS has a 30 yard range
21:52.17Temwhich is VERY short when he pops travel form and runs across the arena
21:52.37Mr_Rabies2hit him with the uhhh ice speary thingymabob
21:52.41Mr_Rabies2ice lance
21:52.43Mr_Rabies2there we go
21:52.43Temfor 300 damage?
21:52.46Temno thanks
21:52.48Mr_Rabies2it slows him back down
21:52.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
21:52.56Temice lance has no snare
21:53.01Mr_Rabies2it doesn't?
21:53.18Mr_Rabies2i just know i'm slowed faster than i can fight it when i fight mages
21:53.33bleeterice lance is only good if the mob/player's already snared, and even then it's just chance to get the big crits
21:53.36Mr_Rabies2so i don't even bother most of the time
21:53.38Mr_Rabies2ohh, thats right
21:53.44Mr_Rabies2+to frozen targets
21:53.45bleetertho, as you've no doubt observed, when it works it's pretty cool
21:53.56Tem<3 icelance
21:54.05Temit's just not good for what you're suggesting it
21:54.06Mr_Rabies2a feral trying to heal in arenas is like a resto trying to dps you down
21:54.08Mr_Rabies2it just doesn't work
21:54.25Temanyway, so what do I do here?  S1 gloves compared to the S2 gloves: +3 stam, +1 int, -5 crit rating, +2 spell damage
21:54.33Temdo I spend more points and hope they fix my set?
21:54.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
21:54.36Mr_Rabies2and a ton of armor
21:54.42TemI told you already
21:54.48TemARMOR IS MEANINGLESS to a mage
21:54.53*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
21:54.56Mr_Rabies2armor'sa hell of a lot more useful to a mage than +healing is to a feral
21:55.05Mr_Rabies2or crit rating to a feral, for that matter
21:56.51Mr_Rabies2it's basically just eating our item budget
21:56.56ShirikTem: My character disagrees!
21:57.01ShirikWell, in RF Online that is ^^
21:57.14Shirikmy character's avg def power rivals warriors ^^
21:57.18Shirikwrong game though
21:58.09Mr_Rabies2armor is very useful to a mage when the set gives you better survivability and damage than a hunter
21:59.36Temoh god
21:59.40Temwarlocks are such evil people
21:59.47Temlike 6 of them just summoned infernals
22:00.00Temand they're letting them go on top of everyone in the arena shop
22:00.01OsagasuLucky it wasn't doomguards
22:00.16Temcan they get free too?
22:00.38OsagasuYou're thinking Felguards as the ones who can't get free.
22:08.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn_ (n=jbcc@
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22:09.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
22:10.13|Jelly|and back!
22:10.59Thunder_Child~lart cog|work
22:10.59purlinstalls PocketPC on cog|work's PDA
22:11.22cog|work(first one was sarcastic)
22:11.22zenzelezzdoes everyone else also have the issue of half the raid chuckling everytime someone says "use the back door" when you're doing Karazhan?
22:11.28|Jelly|cog|work: It'll be ok. Just tell us what's going on. 8P
22:11.41cog|work[15:11]<|Jelly|>and back!
22:11.44Lunessacog|work: The correct phrase is "Kahn!"
22:11.47Thunder_Childhmm..the person writing this stuff seems to really hate windows
22:13.13|Jelly|By the way, do you mind if I take your macro guide in a word document and put it in a compilation for my raid? It's really hard to explain how to write various macros via vent.
22:13.44N00bZXI|Jelly|: Just write it for people?
22:13.53N00bZXIThat's what I did
22:13.57|Jelly|I do
22:14.11Cairenn|afktoo freaking funny (thanks Kaelten):
22:14.15|Jelly|But for instance, I typed "use /cast [target=focus
22:14.20cog|worknot at all... I can send you my HTML master file if you like
22:14.22|Jelly|and he wrote that in exactly...
22:14.30Kaelten:) his other stuff was great
22:14.37|Jelly|"use /cast [target=focus] etc etc"
22:14.53|Jelly|That'd be awesome. Save me some formatting, I'm sure. :)
22:15.39N00bZXII don't know what kind of people you're making macros for, but if anyone from our guild even tried to figure out macros they'd waste even more of my time then just asking me to write one.
22:16.17*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:16.54|Jelly|I don't think you understand. I do write them for them. But without a basic concept of them, writing them is futile due to their errors in typing them.
22:17.39|Jelly|Going back to my example, the poor guy had his macro put 'use' infront of /cast just because that's what I said when that's not what I meant. And thanks because now, you're confusing me.
22:18.36*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
22:18.46Valaron|WorkProper English grammar is important in a text-based society.
22:18.57LunessaHaha.. My guild includes two DBAs, an ORACLE programmer, a Web Developer of varied talents, and I still end up writing everyone's macros.
22:19.19|Jelly|Son of a bitch.
22:19.20Valaron|WorkPeople don't take the time to read. They're too lazy.
22:19.36|Jelly|I got the email about me canceling my account but I STILL haven't gotten a response as to why EXACTLY I was suspended.
22:20.42Lunessa... Wait.. suspended?  Did I miss some "oh noes teh dramz"?  
22:20.52bleeter|Jelly|: hah
22:21.45|Jelly|They were so quick to hit me with the ban-stick but now, when I want to know why...they ignore me.
22:22.18LunessaOh, forums ban.  Blech
22:22.26N00bZXIYou're OP?
22:22.30|Jelly|no, I was suspended for three hours in game. lol
22:22.41*** part/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
22:22.45|Jelly|(Post number 2 has my name 8P)
22:22.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
22:23.49LunessaI'm skimming... but... color me clueless?
22:25.17|Jelly|I didn't do anything. That's the point.
22:25.33|Jelly|My name was Curedaaidz on a RP server and I can only assume that's what I was hit for
22:25.47|Jelly|But like I said, I don't know for certain because they haven't emailed me.
22:26.53Lunessa*chuckle*  I wish they would ban my guildee... who named himself after prescription drugs.  
22:28.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
22:28.48N00bZXILunessa: Depending on what that is, they could
22:29.37LunessaI know.  I'm the lone voice of decent - I'm tempted to report him 'anonymously' to remove the annoyance.  
22:29.42|Jelly|technically speaking, couldn't they anyhow considering most drugs being trademarked or whatever?
22:29.48*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
22:30.13LunessaYes, but Blizzard usually only takes action if the trademark holder complains.  
22:30.28[dRaCo]yeah, you prolly could get him a rename for using a trademarked name
22:31.09[dRaCo]just create a BE and report him :>
22:31.21ckknightyea, create a report, typically they take that stuff seriously.
22:32.57LunessaHeh, the fallout will come to me. I've complained previously - I can't believe another officer extended an invite to someone named Valtrex, Cymbalta or Zyvox.  
22:33.46Lunessa... Yeah. *sigh* on an RP server.  
22:34.08|Jelly|So I get a 3h suspension for wanting to cure aidz! but they don't get anything?!? weak!
22:35.23N00bZXICouldn't you email Blizz if you don't want to do this ingame?
22:35.30Karrion|AwayLunessa: could be worse, could be Viagra? >.>
22:35.42N00bZXII believe that's blocked
22:35.56Karrionheh probably
22:36.16LunessaMy summation included "If he were named Viagra, he'd never have been invited."
22:38.35Karrion|Jelly|: someone probably thought that name was making an offensive remark about the (nonexistant yet somehow believed by idiots) link between homosexuality and HIV
22:38.57N00bZXIThere ARE worse things than either of those that you could name a character though
22:40.13LunessaSo he's named for a herepes med and two anti-depressants.  
22:40.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
22:40.43N00bZXIBelieve me, there's worse, I wouldn't like to say what.
22:41.08Karrionheh, maybe next time I set up a computer network I'm should use antidepressent brands for hostnames
22:41.09LunessaNo, I get it.  Just *shrug*  
22:41.58N00bZXIAlthough I agree that IS pretty bad
22:42.51*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
22:50.03N00bZXI|Jelly|: Isn't Emerald Dream RP?
22:50.42N00bZXIWell that's probably why, name means something literally
22:51.12|Jelly|[17:25]<|Jelly|>My name was Curedaaidz on a RP server and I can only assume that's what I was hit for
22:51.20N00bZXIAh, didn't see that
22:55.25Shirikso true too
22:56.11Mr_Rabies2When he laughed, his voice shot up abruptly into an octave range that induced headaches and probably killed any dogs within earshot.
22:56.39LunessaHAH!  I posted that ages ago!
22:58.22cog|work??? (first ? was @ Lunessa)
22:59.04Lunessa16:09 - I linked the same article.
22:59.43cog|workGG me
23:00.18Shirik~fail cog|work
23:00.28cog|work~kill me
23:00.29purlACTION shoots a super-inverse fluxneutrino gun at cog|work
23:00.30Shirik~fail purl
23:00.56Shirik~literal kill
23:01.11Shirikhow to make purl emote :(
23:01.12|Jelly|[G] <Killanova>: can i ask a question?
23:01.13|Jelly|[G] <Killaperson>: to who?
23:01.14|Jelly|[G] <Killanova>: everyone
23:01.15|Jelly|[[G] <Jelly:2>: Isn't that a bit redundant to ask to ask a question? 8P
23:01.18|Jelly|that's how i roll in game too!
23:01.30Shirikno it's not redundant
23:01.36Shirikit's just proceeding before you got the answer
23:01.43Shirikso if someone were to deny the request
23:01.47bleeter'can I ask a question?' 'you just did, now gtfo'
23:01.48ckknightlol, Thunder_Child
23:01.52Shirikyou've already overstepped your permissions
23:02.22Shirikwhy does purl hate me :(
23:02.38zenzelezzshe goes with the crowd
23:03.13|Jelly|<3 Shirik!
23:03.19*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
23:03.24Shirikisn't it ~literal ?
23:03.33ShirikI just want to know how to make purl do an emote :(
23:03.48cog|workShirik: some of purls commands are preprogrammed
23:03.50*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
23:03.59cog|workthey don't show up on ~literal
23:04.10cog|work~literal lart
23:04.11purl"lart" is "Luser Attitude Re-adjustment Tool"
23:04.11Shirikwell do you know the answer to the question? ^^;
23:04.19Shiriknot <reply> but the one for emotes
23:04.26Shirikthanks :D
23:04.36Thunder_Childyea ckknight, very sad
23:05.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
23:05.25mikmaliek, panda sad
23:05.49Thunder_Childehh...sad for human race kinda sad
23:06.30*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
23:06.56Shirikpurl, fail is <action> gives you the worst grade imaginable, an A minus... minus!
23:06.57purlokay, Shirik
23:07.02Shirik~fail cog|work
23:07.08ShirikI give up T_T
23:07.10zenzelezznot the same
23:07.20Shirikdoesn't "you" get parsed?
23:07.32zenzelezzbut not to work like you want I believe
23:07.41mikmahah, that's from Futurama
23:07.44Shirikyeah :)
23:07.45zenzelezzactually, I'm not sure about "you"
23:08.10mikmaAll hail hypnotoad!
23:08.21zenzelezzpurl, fail2 is <action> gives $who the worst grade imaginable, an A minus... minus!
23:08.22purlokay, zenzelezz
23:08.26purlACTION gives zenzelezz the worst grade imaginable, an A minus... minus!
23:08.39zenzelezzpurl, forget fail2
23:08.39purli forgot fail2, zenzelezz
23:08.41Shirikpurl, no, fail is <action> gives $who the worst grade imaginable, an A minus... minus!
23:08.42purlShirik: okay
23:08.48Shirik~fail cog|work
23:08.55zenzelezzthat's different again
23:08.56cog|work~fail shirik
23:08.58Shirikhave fun zenzelezz trying to fix it
23:09.06Shirikpurl and I don't get along well
23:09.07purlYou don't get along well?
23:09.16zenzelezzI don't know how the blutbot targetted factoids work
23:09.16Shirikwith you, no
23:09.42cog|work~literal hug
23:09.58mikmazenzelezz: "fail2 $who" is "something $who something" ?
23:10.14zenzelezz$who just matches the person that requested the factoid
23:10.23|Jelly|"[G] <Killanova>: well when the guild gets to be doing raids at 70 n stuff u guys gunna let me use doomguard an infernal?"
23:10.41|Jelly|I just facepalmdeskwallwindowgunrazorbladed
23:10.53mikma|Jelly|: down the road
23:11.00ShirikVISIBLE 4 OVAR 3
23:11.04Shirikprints 1 :(
23:11.26Shirikwait no I made that up
23:11.29Shirikit's doing 1.333 now
23:13.09mikmaoh so that's how it's done
23:14.53mikmamy friend is obsessed with this:
23:16.42Cairenn|afkTuller: (yes, I know, I'm slow) - ROFL on the name!
23:17.00Tullerwhat did I do?
23:17.05Tulleroh sellfish :)
23:17.10mikmashe laughed at your name
23:17.14mikmais funneh!
23:17.17Cairenn|afkno, I laughed at his mod's name
23:17.42mikmano, laugh at his name :D it's what we others do
23:18.00JoshBorkei prefer laughing at the person directly
23:18.08Tulleryeah i cannot take credit for the name though, a friend came up with it
23:18.24Cairenn|afkit's amusing, regardless :)
23:18.35JoshBorkesometimes Cairenn|afk, i lose my patience with people who post on wowi
23:18.47zenzelezzyou're tired of Cairenn?
23:18.55Cairenn|afkJoshBorke: now what?
23:18.59|Jelly|I think that guy is crazy. Like bad.
23:19.00JoshBorkei could never be tired of cairenn :-)
23:19.20JoshBorkeCairenn|afk: it's just me wanting too much from society/people is all :-)
23:19.38JoshBorkelike using one's brain
23:20.14zenzelezzI tried that once
23:20.45Corrodiasi must find a "pet bar" addon. one that replaces the pet bar, but not others!
23:20.54Corrodiasor make it. or jury-rig another addon's code into being it.
23:20.56mikmathings like that can make a man cry
23:21.13JoshBorkeCorrodias: you could use Bongos and just disable the other buttons o.O
23:22.01Corrodiasyay! but the last time i tried bongos, it remapped my keys without asking me
23:22.19Corrodiasbroke rule #1 of addon law. or is it #4?
23:22.30JoshBorkei thought #1 was not to delet your char?
23:22.32JoshBorkestupid fubar...
23:22.39Tullerthat came when people broke rule #1 of, "read the directions"
23:22.54JoshBorkeme, i blame the developer
23:22.56Tulleraka I got far too many, "my stances don't work when I switch my bars :P"
23:23.06Corrodiasnot that it couldn't have been undone. it was just some simple rebinding.
23:25.33*** join/#wowi-lounge gaurong (
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23:30.10Corrodiasthis is odd. i started the game after patch 2.1.2 and it's slightly smaller horizontally than usual
23:30.33LunessaSomeone posted a note about that ...
23:30.49Corrodiasdo you know where?
23:30.58zenzelezzwhat resolution are you running?
23:34.50Corrodiasdid they really have to mess with the engine again?
23:35.05JoshBorkeha!  i just noticed
23:35.22JoshBorkei log in: motd: Patch 2.1.1 is now live!
23:35.40*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
23:40.42|Jelly| posts like this made me the asshole I am today
23:41.42Thunder_Childi made me the asshole i am today...the posts are just the topping
23:42.22zenzelezz|Jelly|: and I thought it was just sexual frustration
23:43.09|Jelly|So. I don't have so many problems there. It's the stupidity in the world that causes it.
23:43.25JoshBorkesometimes i amaze myself at how civil i can be
23:43.32N00bZXIif he can't bind a key
23:43.38N00bZXIhow the hell does he figure out how to post on a forum
23:44.17zenzelezzbinding a key to a random /say isn't exactly explained by the default UI
23:44.34JoshBorkei agree
23:44.42JoshBorkei was feeling very helpful when i made my post
23:44.46JoshBorkei gave him the benefit of the doubt
23:45.05N00bZXII thought the topic title was 'How to keybind?'?
23:45.08N00bZXII must be blind
23:47.25JoshBorkeit is how to keybind
23:47.31JoshBorkethanks jelly :_D
23:47.38JoshBorkelike i said, i was amazed at myself
23:49.15ScytheBlade1One of the warriors in my new guild, used an addon to tank....
23:49.17zenzelezzthat doesn't sound too hard
23:49.19zenzelezzthey let us go!
23:49.20ScytheBlade1Up until the day 2.0 was released.....
23:49.31LunessaPersonally, and it might just be my sexual frustration, but key-binding sounds like a fetish of some sort.
23:49.52GuillotineDAMMIT. less than 20 arena points away from getting my S2 helm :(
23:51.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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23:51.20Lunessa - mmmm... glossy everything.
23:51.54N00bZXIActionbars aren't really glossy
23:51.58ScytheBlade1Funny what gloss does to sex appeal
23:52.09Corrodias"Many players have reported that their pet action bars are not displayed when summoning pets. QA has not been able to reproduce this issue internally using the default WoW UI, only while add-ons installed, and we believe this is a UI tainting issue caused by add-ons. "
23:52.12N00bZXIThat has to be the dumbest ui-related thing I've ever said
23:52.14Corrodiasgod bless faulty logic
23:52.38krka|Jelly|: Lua is not an acronym.
23:53.19bleeteris UNITFRAMES and acronym?
23:53.32|Jelly|Guess so.
23:53.58bleeterwonder why you don't get pulled up by the grammar police then
23:54.15N00bZXIActually, I did: [16:53:33]<bleeter>is UNITFRAMES and acronym?
23:54.43bleeternah, wasn't telling you how to spell it, merely asking the Q ;)

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