IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070618

00:00.06Corrodiasfix it, zenz
00:00.30zenzelezzI was the one that took it down, bwahaha
00:13.36Corrodiasbah, persistent spell effects again
00:13.42Corrodiasi need to reboot after the raid
00:14.07zenzelezzoh, visual?
00:29.23*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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00:43.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
00:45.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
00:52.48*** join/#wowi-lounge RogueShadow (
00:59.29*** join/#wowi-lounge phyber (
01:03.24*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
01:21.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
01:21.44*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
01:26.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
01:26.36*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
01:27.54Corrodiasour first shade of aran attempt
01:28.05Corrodiassomebody moves during flame wreath, we're interrupting every fourth spell or something...
01:28.40zenzelezzsounds like our first time
01:30.20Corrodiasi know
01:30.24Corrodiassome priest hasn't heard that chant
01:30.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
01:32.50*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
01:32.58Corrodiasi ran back and i'm the first to get to the door
01:33.04Corrodiasby 15 seconds!
01:33.39Corrodiasand the hunter trails the rest of us by 30 seconds on his own. *facepalm*
01:34.39Corrodiasmy framerate drops to crap when blizzard is going on :)
01:45.34Corrodiasour hunter wasn't sure if he was supposed to interrupt fireball
01:45.50Corrodiasit'll be 5 tries (we're up to 3) before everyone remembers what they're supposed to do, much less figuring out how to do it
01:49.08Corrodiasbut we ARE getting better
01:49.12Corrodias37% that time
01:49.35Corrodiasand we got mass polyd while all four elementals beat on us
01:49.49zenzelezzhehe, bad timing
01:53.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
01:54.38zenzelezzbefore 2.1 my guild used to let him hit 0 mana at ~41-42% so everyone would be at full health when the adds spawned; not sure if they still do that
01:59.44N00bZXIWhen'd your guild start kara?
02:00.22zenzelezzwhich one of us?
02:00.28Corrodiasi dunno, a couple of months ago
02:00.49N00bZXIGL with shade :)
02:01.28Corrodiasthanks. 27% that time.
02:01.55N00bZXIBefore I joined the guild I'm currently in it took us about a week to down shade
02:02.06N00bZXIOnly thing that took longer was prince, never did down him, cause our tank got one-shotted
02:02.32zenzelezzin which phase did he get one-shotted?
02:02.37N00bZXIPhase 2
02:02.51N00bZXIWe were also using the door trick before we knew it was an exploit
02:03.09zenzelezzlast week we had hell doing Prince... every single time the infernals landed in bad spots
02:03.48zenzelezzI (the tank) only died one out of ten times in phase 2, the rest were phase 3 wipes when we simply couldn't avoid the infernals enough
02:04.18N00bZXIHow much HP does your tank have?
02:05.53zenzelezzhm, I'm about 12500 unbuffed, add shout, fortitude and kings and I guess I'm at about 14-something
02:06.19N00bZXIOur tank had more than that, and we only made it to phase3 3 times :\
02:06.35zenzelezzwell, it gets easier once you're used to it of course
02:06.48N00bZXIOur tank kept getting oneshotted in phase3
02:06.57zenzelezzbut in phase 2 he can easily burn shield block seconds before it's off CD so he can land a crushing blow
02:07.19zenzelezzdoesn't take more than a little bad luck in that fight
02:09.16N00bZXIMy opinion is luck should not be a major factor in any fight
02:09.28zenzelezzI totally agree, I hate the Prince fight
02:09.38N00bZXII hear Vashj's worse.
02:09.39Cide-I love it
02:09.48zenzelezzI accept *some* level of luck, but not that much, skill should be able to outweigh luck
02:09.50Cide-it's fun
02:09.59Cide-it does, zenzelezz
02:10.03Cide-we haven't wiped to prince for 6 weeks
02:11.17Corrodiasand aran wipes the floor with us again
02:11.19zenzelezzI'll confess it's hard for me to fully see what's going on when tanking, since the god damn camera clips at the wall and my screen is full of demon; but from the infernals I saw last week I don't think skill could outweigh it
02:12.15zenzelezznot in those cases at least
02:13.10N00bZXIYou could increase max camera distance
02:13.22N00bZXIAnd zoom out quite a bit
02:13.29zenzelezzsideways only
02:13.36zenzelezzit'd still clip in the direction I want to soom out
02:14.45N00bZXIThe other problem with prince is he wouldn't reset sometimes
02:14.52N00bZXISo to reset him we'd have to bring a mob near him and wipe the raied
02:17.05zenzelezzheh, Gruul bugged slightly for us today after a wipe, the gate to his room wouldn't open... think someone was DIed inside... eventually they aggroed him and he came charging after the rest of us outside his room :-|
02:20.23ScytheBlade1zenzelezz, SAME thing right now
02:20.29ScytheBlade1Only in this case, he didn't aggro us
02:20.32ScytheBlade1Door shut, didn't open
02:20.34ScytheBlade1Had to soft reset
02:21.13N00bZXIMy current guild hasn't started Gruul yet due to lack of numbers (Nightbane down two weeks after starting kara, though :D)
02:22.21zenzelezzthat's quite a good job
02:23.30Corrodiasyeah... we're pathetic
02:24.33zenzelezznot exactly what I meant
02:24.33TainNew kitten!
02:25.03zenzelezzaww, grats
02:25.04Corrodiasgod, we sucked against aran
02:25.55TainHaven't named her yet.
02:26.35Cairennawwww, kittie!
02:26.42JoshBorkewhat do you call a pet you haven't named?
02:27.44JoshBorkebtw, cute kitty tain
02:28.12TainWell she's six weeks old.  My cousin's cat had a litter.  My cousin was calling her Davinci, her daughter was calling her Wolfie.
02:28.48zenzelezzI prefer Wolfie over Davinci
02:29.12Thunder_Childi prefered "Kitty Tain"
02:32.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
02:34.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
02:34.24JoshBorkepurl, whip kergoth
02:34.31purlACTION takes kergoth outside to be thoroughly whipped by joshborke
02:36.16TemDavinci is an awesome name
02:37.06TainI actually like Davinci but not for a girl kitty.
02:37.10Kirkburn|sleepKitty! :D
02:37.39Kirkburn|sleepMonaLisa? :P
02:39.43Corrodiaswell, we spent about 2 hours on our first ever 4 or 5 Aran attempts and got him to 27% once
02:39.47Corrodiasnot terrible
02:40.13Corrodiasexcept that the whole fight is decided after 40%
02:40.16zenzelezzI'd say it's not bad at all for your first time
02:40.24Corrodiasso that's like less than half
02:44.05Cairennnight JoshBorke, sweet dreams
02:44.10JoshBorkesame to you
02:44.13JoshBorkehow's therapy going btw?
02:44.16JoshBorkegetting better yet?
02:44.22Cairennyeah, coming along, finally
02:45.37JoshBorkeglad to hear :-) take care
02:45.40*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
02:49.47TainThe Robot Chicken Star Wars thing was really funny.
02:57.40*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (
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05:04.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
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05:12.22ShirikCairenn: ?
05:12.28Shirik222:442:50 12‹JoshBorke12› how's therapy going btw?
05:12.44Cairennthe physiotherapy, from my car accident in Feb
05:13.55*** part/#wowi-lounge Lactrox (
05:16.41bleeters/my car accident in Feb/putting up with you lot/
05:16.59bleeterCairenn: good to hear :)
05:17.34Cairennand on that silly note - night guys
05:17.48zenzelezzI agree, sleep is silly
05:26.16*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
05:29.27ScytheBlade1k... Lua theory question..
05:29.33ScytheBlade1if ((a or b) and c) then
05:29.57ScytheBlade1If a and b are both true (and c), it'll fire, right?
05:30.06bleeternn Cairenn|afk rest well
05:30.33Temlua> (true or true) and true
05:30.53ScytheBlade1That's pretty much my question.. and that's the only bug I can see in my code here
05:30.57ScytheBlade1It makes no sense at all
05:34.44Thunder_Childwhat doesnt make any sense?
05:35.06ScytheBlade1This retarded bug
05:35.20ScytheBlade1The addon is simple: recurses through your bags for conjured items, and nukes them
05:35.30ScytheBlade1To find conjured items, it has to scan the tooltip, which I have working
05:35.36Thunder_Childto free up space?
05:35.46ScytheBlade1For two of the three versions of the warlock healthstone, it finds them, throws the itemId into the table, it works
05:35.53ScytheBlade1But ONE rank of the healthstone is not picked up
05:36.05ScytheBlade1And I cannot figure out why in the crap it's even slightly different
05:36.17Thunder_Childbut its the same formula and all that jaz?
05:37.19ScytheBlade1if ((GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText() ~= DC.LastItemName or (DC.LastTime - GetTime() > 0.4)) and GameTooltipTextLeft2:GetText() == "Conjured Item") then
05:39.16Thunder_Childhmm..that means one of the stones escapes the perameters....i guess
05:39.47Thunder_Childthere are more than 3 though
05:39.53ScytheBlade1DC.LastItemName is the last item name it scanned (TextLeft1)
05:40.09ScytheBlade1Time is just a time, as it fires some times 12+ times per tooltip, destroying performance
05:40.25Thunder_Childyou said 2/3...but there are more than 3
05:40.34ScytheBlade1Two of the three ranks I was carrying
05:40.41Thunder_Childah, which one did it miss?
05:40.43ScytheBlade1itemId 22104
05:40.54ScytheBlade1No differences in comparison to the others aside from the rank
05:40.57ScytheBlade1And I'm utterly confused
05:42.21Thunder_Child~= is roughly equal to?
05:42.22purlThunder_Child: what are you talking about?
05:42.32Esamynn~= is not equal
05:42.33purlEsamynn: I think you lost me on that one
05:42.44Esamynnpurl, I wasn't talking to you
05:42.45purlYou wasn't talking to you?
05:42.51ScytheBlade1Is not equal to
05:42.55Thunder_Childdamn...messing up languages
05:44.31Thunder_Childwell i seem to get everything but ((GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText() ~= DC.LastItemName
05:44.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
05:45.14Thunder_Childare you saying this item not equal to last item?
05:45.20zenzelezzI assume he's checking that the tooltip isn't for the same item he already checked
05:45.22ScytheBlade1To the last item I scanned
05:45.32Thunder_Childso if you scan 2 of them in a row?
05:45.40Thunder_Childit would be = right?
05:45.56Thunder_Childso it would fail...
05:45.59ScytheBlade1If I wave my mouse over ten stacks of water
05:46.07ScytheBlade1It only scans one (unless the DC.LastTime checks out)
05:46.26Thunder_Childi see
05:48.00ScytheBlade1Before I threw in the LastItem and Time checks
05:48.07ScytheBlade1Waving my mouse between two items dropped my FPS by 30-40
05:48.35ScytheBlade1There is a reason those checks are in :)
05:48.51Thunder_Childwhat if the first () resturns false?
05:50.14Thunder_Child((= or (<0.4)) and == conjured
05:53.05*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus_ (
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06:58.00Mr_Rabies2argh i can't wait for blizzcon :<
06:58.08bleeterhaha, I'm a belf wearing [Tabard of the Protector] (transporter malfunction)
06:58.29bleeterMr_Rabies2: pass out for a few days, it'll get here much quicker ;)
06:58.43Mr_Rabies2brb eating a bottle of benadryl
06:58.56Thunder_Childi dunno, i'm excited about itm but i dont see the need for it now
06:59.04Mr_Rabies2and washing it down with a gallon of tequila
06:59.23Mr_Rabies2the need is hopefully announcing wow expansion 2
06:59.40Thunder_Childi doubt your even done with one yet
06:59.53Mr_Rabies2that doesn't matter
07:00.07Mr_Rabies2AQ was ingame in alpha :O
07:00.27Mr_Rabies2BWL was almost finished before MC was even nearly finished
07:00.32Thunder_Childwhat does that have to do with anything?
07:00.46Thunder_Childyour not done with what you have NOW
07:00.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
07:00.53Mr_Rabies2order of development and release rarely coincide :O
07:01.05Mr_Rabies2at least with blizzard
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07:01.18Mr_Rabies2there's not much left to add to bc,really
07:01.19Thunder_Childso, why bother hoping for something new when you havent finished what your currently working on
07:01.20zenzelezzsince when did you have to finish something to be excited about new stuff?
07:01.27Mr_Rabies2Zul'Aman is about it
07:01.45Thunder_Childi prefer to get excited about an SC2 beta key
07:01.53Thunder_Childvs a wow2 beta key
07:02.10Mr_Rabies2i don't care about beta as much as i do features
07:02.14Mr_Rabies2like, location, etc
07:02.38Thunder_Childeh, i was always more about the interacting than the hearing of, or watching of
07:02.41Mr_Rabies2they said they're planning to release a new one every year
07:03.11Mr_Rabies2so they'll probably release the next one around this time next year
07:03.25Mr_Rabies2so blizzcon would likely be a good time to announce it
07:04.37Mr_Rabies2i'm done with most of BC that i'm interested in
07:04.55Mr_Rabies2i mean, i'll likely never even see gruul or magtheridon, but i'm fine with that
07:06.16Mr_Rabies2sure, i would like to see everything up to illidan, but i'm a realist
07:08.46Thunder_Childpfft realism
07:31.35*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|ACERDX (
07:32.30Shirik|zZz032:322:12  » Join: |Jelly|ACERDX 2‹n=ChatZill@adsl-76-213-69-103.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net2›
07:32.32Shirik|zZzI will hurt you.
07:37.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (n=me@
07:38.36Thunder_Child*snicker* @ Shirik|zZz & |Jelly|
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08:30.12Nom-what a shame
08:30.18Nom-We can't get a 1TB SAN any more
08:30.28Nom-So we have to get a 6TB SAN instead
08:31.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
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09:08.43phyberNom-: unfortunate.  what happened to make this terrible event occur?
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09:22.13AnduinLotharWhat's the default AceConsole confirm dialog text?
09:26.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
09:36.11Nom-We needed more disk space, phyber :)
09:36.28phyberpush delete butanz!
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12:17.34sag_ich_nichtwhen did shirik go to sleep? :O
12:18.20sag_ich_nichtuh-hu, and i'm in a different timzone so tell me what time it is now in your tiemzone
12:18.56[dRaCo]~seen shirik
12:19.06purlshirik <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 7h 6m 38s ago, saying: '222:442:50 12‹JoshBorke12› how's therapy going btw?'.
12:19.45|Jelly|*cough* [02:32]<Shirik|zZz>{#wowi-lounge} Night.
12:27.42*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|sleep (
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12:47.59*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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13:09.50*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
13:09.57|Jelly|Morning Cog
13:10.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
13:10.22Lopeppeppy|Jelly|, are you one of those morning people?  *laugh*
13:10.37|Jelly|No. I hate the morning. I however have been up for six hours now.
13:10.49|Jelly|So,'s like 2pm to me.
13:12.36LopeppeppyMorning, cogwheel.
13:12.54LopeppeppyI've been awake 4 hours, mobile 2, and sane for about 30 minutes.
13:13.39AnduinLotharsag_ich_nicht: ping
13:14.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Foxbot (
13:15.01|Jelly|Morning Clad
13:15.05cladhaireo hai
13:15.09LopeppeppySee, even cladhaire was still asleep, I'm not alone!
13:15.14cladhairescraping is slow =/
13:15.41purlMornings MUST be destroyed! (see also
13:16.01purltoday is probably may the forth be with you
13:16.59Josh_Borkemorning clad
13:17.18LopeppeppyShipping to Canada can be such a serious PITA.  I need a new best friend.
13:17.36Cairenn|afk<== Canuck
13:17.41cogwheelshipping wine to Canada is even more of a PITA
13:17.54|Jelly|<-- Texan without Health Insurance; wanna trade? 8P
13:18.38LopeppeppyIt's just little bitty books.... Cairenn, tell me the secret to effective communication with the Border Patrol?
13:19.05Cairenn|afk*laugh* yeah, right, you think they communicate?
13:20.38LopeppeppyThey did when I was a kid, I lived on the NYS/Canada border, it was great.  I think I must have forgotten a lot of things from back then!
13:21.10Cairenn|afkactually, it isn't the border patrol that is the problem
13:21.28Cairenn|afkit's Revenue Canada / IRS
13:21.51Cairenn|afkand you KNOW there's no talking to them :p
13:22.17|Jelly|Whew. I thought the world was going to implode there for a second.
13:22.43LopeppeppyIt still is, |Jelly|.
13:22.51Cairenn|afkGovernment Accountants? not a chance you can get them to pass up on a chance to get money
13:23.03|Jelly|No it's not. I just accidently unplugged my ipod as opposed to it being b0rk3
13:24.28LopeppeppyDead iPod would equal a disaster, that's for sure.  It's my only sanity in the workplace.
13:27.37|Jelly|Shattered Halls : /
13:28.33LopeppeppyI had a worse time in Shadow Labs than Shattered Halls, honestly.
13:28.44LopeppeppyI'd pluck out my eyes rather than see Shadow Labs again.
13:28.49|Jelly|Well, in the end...I hate BM more than anything evAr
13:29.04subbawti loved BM
13:29.25subbawtit's quick and easy, with no bs
13:29.25LopeppeppyTrue... that was a bit of a pain to complete.  "Why did you let me die?"  "Well, because you ran out of range, and there's only one of me?"
13:29.26|Jelly|I can't seem to find a group that can control the adds without everything going to hell.
13:29.58LopeppeppyPally healing the Timestop is.... unique.  
13:30.07subbawtI probably ran BM 15 times in one day
13:30.19subbawthelping a friend farm for hourglass
13:30.21|Jelly|screw all that
13:30.25KasoI love my guild BM runs, one time we did a 3 shadowpriest 1 warlock 1 warrior run which was awesome.
13:30.44Kasothe warrior went afk for three portals and it was fine, the VE healing was so much the priests could tank
13:30.44subbawtthis was several months ago, though
13:30.47subbawtyou couldn't pay me to run it now
13:31.04LopeppeppyI can see it working with a lot of different class combinations... and bandages.  Yup, bandages.
13:31.12|Jelly|Only time I run it is to help guildies get keyed
13:32.27LopeppeppyI've done it so many times to get people keyed... gets frustrating that my class is on the hardest attendance rotation, and I'm helping other people be able to attend.
13:33.08|Jelly|so reroll something useful 8P
13:34.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
13:35.45LopeppeppyI did that for the group for MC, to give them a paladin officer.  *tragic sigh*  If neither my rogue nor my paladin are needed, I don't know what else to roll for us.
13:36.52|Jelly|puh @ paladins
13:37.16LopeppeppyI know...  all are suxxors.
13:37.28|Jelly|<- holy priest <3
13:39.25LopeppeppyI know....
13:39.37|Jelly|don't elipsis at me! 8P
13:41.29Lopeppeppy*shrug*  Can't help the class balance on my server, ya do what ya gotta to survive.
13:42.33Shirik|zZzsag_ich_nicht: My timezone means nothing
13:42.43Shirik|zZzmy sleep schedule is so jacked up nobody will be able to figure it out
13:42.52|Jelly|me too!
13:44.13foxlitHow does a for ... in string.gmatch(str, pat) do handle modifying str inside the loop?
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13:46.12Shirik|AFKtechnically it's undefined
13:47.13Shirik|AFKsince it returns an iterator, etc.
13:47.24Shirik|AFKI'm going to assume that it will not affect the results
13:47.40Shirik|AFKchanging any parameters of a for loop during the loop makes the behavior undefined, though
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14:03.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
14:04.15Shirik|Ecoledid something bad happen?
14:04.25Shirik|Ecole" Channel Rules: Treat each other with respect and courtesy, or leave."
14:04.26TS|Skromwell it IS monday
14:04.28Shirik|Ecoleinstead of the common joke
14:04.43Josh_BorkeShirik|Ecole: you're slow
14:04.48Shirik|EcoleI know!
14:04.55|Jelly|*shrug* I didn't know it was changed
14:04.56*** join/#wowi-lounge jme (
14:05.04TS|SkromJosh_Borke that wasn't nice or courtous!
14:05.14Josh_BorkeTS|Skrom: you're slower!
14:05.27Shirik|Ecoleby channel rules
14:05.27TS|Skrom*sob sob* it's true, it's so true
14:05.32Shirik|EcoleJosh_Borke has to leave now
14:05.38*** part/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
14:05.41LopeppeppyIt's International Panic Day, does that help?
14:06.31*** join/#wowi-lounge SunTiger (
14:06.31*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v SunTiger] by ChanServ
14:07.01Shirik|Ecole=( I can't even invite him back
14:07.02Shirik|Ecole14(1011:0611:5314)  11-› #wowi-lounge: You need to be a channel operator to do that
14:07.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
14:08.28Josh_Borkei guess now i have to show respect and courtesy
14:08.37Josh_BorkeShirik|Ecole: i think you're slow, but that's only my opinion
14:09.03Shirik|EcoleI do not agree with your opinion, but I agree that you have the right to express it.
14:09.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
14:09.13Josh_Borkei'm glad we agree i'm right
14:10.07Shirik|Ecolehm, watching CNN
14:10.30Shirik|Ecole"Police bust pedophelia ring of 700 internet suspects"
14:10.56Shirik|Ecolealways glad when I see something good on the news :/ break from all the "xx died, yy died" crap
14:16.51Shirik|Ecolelol |Jelly|
14:17.01Shirik|Ecolefirst 5 priorities in life are always you?
14:17.18|Jelly|...generally speaking
14:17.37Cairenn|afkcan anyone remember the addy for that lovely generic C&D?
14:18.18lolinternet[15:13] <+AnduinLothar> sag_ich_nicht: ping <--pong
14:19.12lolinternet[15:42] <Shirik|zZz> sag_ich_nicht: My timezone means nothing <--i asked for Jellys timezone so i could actually get any use out of the timestamp he gave me so i could take a guess to how long you would sleep
14:20.06Shirik|Ecoleconstructor and destructor
14:20.11Shirik|Ecolebut they don't exist in Lua, Cairenn|afk, sorry
14:20.15sag_ich_nichtAnduinLothar: oh i see what you did there, i'll try it out
14:20.20Cairenn|afkcease & desist
14:20.35Josh_BorkeShirik|Ecole: you're WRONG!
14:20.40Shirik|EcoleI'm never wrong
14:20.45sag_ich_nichtShirik|Ecole: which part of RDX is enGB "depedant"? :O
14:20.54Shirik|Ecolea lot tbh ><
14:20.57Shirik|EcoleI'm working on that
14:21.03Shirik|Ecoleactually it's enEN
14:21.22Josh_Borkesag_ich_nicht: dependent ;-)
14:21.31Josh_BorkeCairenn|afk: perhaps?
14:21.31sag_ich_nichtJosh_Borke: [16:20] <sag_ich_nicht> +n
14:21.45sag_ich_nichtoh, typo'd on the e as well
14:21.48Josh_BorkeCairenn|afk: i pulled it from the wikipedia site
14:21.51sag_ich_nichtwork is making me dizzy ><
14:22.00Josh_Borkepurl, restrain sag_ich_nicht
14:22.29Shirik|Ecolesag_ich_nicht: I have a feeling v11 will be released with localization
14:22.29sag_ich_nichtJosh_Borke: I'm a paladin. he can't restrain me :O!
14:22.44Josh_Borkesag_ich_nicht: he just has to wait 12 seconds and try again!
14:22.55Cairenn|afkthanks guys
14:22.58Josh_BorkeCairenn|afk: <3
14:22.59TS|Skrom16 with talents!
14:23.03sag_ich_nichtJosh_Borke: no, because I play retribution, i can double stun him :O
14:23.13sag_ich_nicht(well, stun and sap :P)#
14:23.15Josh_Borkerepent doesn't work on robots!
14:23.39sag_ich_nichti can still use my hearthstone
14:23.40Shirik|EcoleWhat the jack was M$ smoking when they decided to make adware
14:23.42Josh_Borkebesides, i was just trying to help, didn't want you to fall over
14:23.43sag_ich_nichtand robots can't be a priest
14:23.56Josh_Borkefrom being dizzy
14:23.57Shirik|Ecole"Hey, let's pop up the same message every 15 minutes over and over again until they click yes!"
14:24.05TS|SkromTell that to Father NutsNBolts
14:25.04sag_ich_nichtShirik|Ecole: i'm asking because I just might use the RPC protocol to make a small addon for some people I know(because they are too damn lazy to re-write the addon they used for it :P)
14:25.19sag_ich_nichti'm going to drive home now
14:26.09LopeppeppyBlind, Sap, Vanish.... *yawn*  Just feed him breakfast, that will occupy him for a while.
14:26.54|Jelly|I want breakfast 8(
14:27.04Josh_Borkei'm ready for lunch
14:28.27TS|Skromit made me giggle inside when I saw the thread titled: Custom Funcion Problem -- I immediately thought: "Well of course it won't work..."
14:28.41Shirik|EcoleI'm eating breakfast :D
14:28.46Shirik|Ecolepotatoes, eggs, and french toast
14:28.49Shirik|Ecolewant some?
14:29.05Shirik|Ecoleno waffles
14:29.09TS|SkromJelly you plugged cladhaire's book :P
14:29.10Shirik|Ecolewaffles are wednesdays
14:29.32|Jelly|It is my opnin that your breakfast fails.
14:29.39|Jelly|opinion too
14:31.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Saroz (
14:33.22Shirik|EcoleI'm like those anime guys
14:33.29Shirik|EcoleI eat a full table of food in like 5 seconds
14:33.49Shirik|Ecoleand then my stomach hurts for the next hour lol
14:34.07LopeppeppyI'm like an anime mouse, one bite of crumb at a time.
14:53.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost2 (n=nospam@
14:53.15|Jelly|Coooookie <3 (cursing..)
14:54.22*** join/#wowi-lounge GnancyWork (
14:57.49|Jelly|CoooookieI'm going to meander into the kitchen and work up something edible.
14:58.37LopeppeppyYou may have missed |Jelly| linking a video, Shirik.
14:58.54Shirik|Ecoleah I can't watch it
14:58.56Shirik|Ecolein class
14:59.19LopeppeppyYeah... definitely not class material.
14:59.56Shirik|Ecole|Jelly|Coooookie: Have you seen my BE? ^^
15:00.00Shirik|Ecolebeen posting on it
15:00.04Shirik|Ecolemostly beause I'm too lazy to switch back
15:02.20*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
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15:10.34Gnarfozis anyone here knowledgeable about windows xp's start menu 'most used' list? can batch (.cmd, .bat) files even get in there? or only executables? or only special executables (ones with "manifests")?
15:11.45zenzelezzGnarfoz: the XP start menu?
15:11.56zenzelezzas in not the classic one
15:12.22Gnarfozthe classic one doesn't even have the feature :)
15:12.32zenzelezzhe's actually talked about that feature for the last week or so
15:12.45zenzelezznot sure, but he might've answered it there, have a look :)
15:14.00GnarfozI'll read around there, perhaps I'll get something useful out of it :>
15:14.30GnarfozI miss my WoW being in that list, since I use a script to start it that 7zip's all my SVs beforehand
15:15.19zenzelezzI saw mention of "stickying" shortcuts, but I don't use the "fancy" menu so I'm not sure what it meant
15:15.40Gnarfozthat's not quite what I want to do
15:16.02Gnarfozper default, there's $your_webbrowser and $your_emailclient up there (pinned to the top)
15:18.41|Jelly|I hadn't really noticed your alt posting. I see your sig every now and then though.
15:23.28|Jelly|So. Yeah.
15:23.58LopeppeppyWas lunch good, |Jelly|?
15:24.05|Jelly|eating now
15:24.14|Jelly|egg sammich and coffee
15:26.05TS|Skromgah! freakin' level 1 gold spammers inviting me to groups ><
15:26.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Ins- (
15:26.50zenzelezzfor some reason I've hardly seen gold spam at all lately; not mails, not whispers, not invites
15:26.54zenzelezznot even on trade
15:27.30nevcairielnow that you mention it
15:27.36nevcairieli havent either
15:27.43TS|Skromwhat's the string search param for an alpha char?
15:27.47|Jelly|you both just totally screwed yourselves!
15:27.49TS|SkromI always forget ><
15:29.39LopeppeppyI've only gotten about 5 goldspams since the fabulous patch.  I'm totally content.
15:32.24[dRaCo]blizz implemented some decent spam filters with 2.10
15:33.49|Jelly|They invite me to groups. Makes me kind of want to kill them in the face.
15:34.53LopeppeppyMy server doesn't seem to have seen the group-spam yet.  I'm lucky.
15:37.07|Jelly|Mmmmm. Watered down mud!
15:37.42|Jelly| <- can someone double check that and tell me if I'm an idiot or not? (Non-tested)
15:39.46TS|SkromOne of these days I'll remember that ["1"] does not equal [1]
15:40.14|FF|Im2good4uwell it doesnt seem that bad |Jelly| :P
15:40.26|Jelly|Which means it doesn't seem that good either. rofl
15:40.38|Jelly|I just wanted to know if there were any glaring faux pas in it.
15:40.39|FF|Im2good4uTS|Skrom u got to remeber that 1 is not the same as "1" :P
15:40.52TS|SkromI know rite!
15:41.14|Jelly|Shirik: How's the lolcode interpreter coming along? :)
15:41.51N|Tivoliwhy do you need the onupdate script in there?
15:42.08|FF|Im2good4uyeah why
15:42.20|Jelly|actually, i need to change it more... gimme a second
15:42.36N|Tivolilooks like you can just take all all the if (event ==... and just have the script in there
15:44.19N|Tivolialso are the GoingSolo_Raid_Show and GoingSolo_Raid_Hide functions missing?
15:44.29|Jelly|[10:42]<|Jelly|>actually, i need to change it more... gimme a second
15:44.43N|Tivolijust pointing it out since i noticed it ^^
15:44.53|Jelly|don't need those anymore at all since I changed my ui to not use 3d models
15:45.06|Jelly|(those were going to hide the 3d models for my party when in raid)
15:46.30|Jelly|And to answer your question, I don't know -- Shirik put that in there and well, I didn't mess with it.
15:47.32|Jelly|Crap of it is, I can't remember which of the problems he was helping me with because as it seems, what i remove makes that null and void.
15:47.45|Jelly|I really need to start taking notes. : /
15:48.42|FF|Im2good4uLoL i just google lol code its hella fun
15:50.56|Jelly|Peppy: [W From] <Huntor>: Shadow Lab?  *shudder*
15:51.03TS|Skromhow is it that I'm getting two table cells with an index of [1]
15:51.07TS|Skromthis is odd
15:52.20Lopeppeppy|Jelly| Response: "No thanks, I've already got one, it's verra nice!"
15:52.47TS|Skromomg... the answer to my own qeustion is guess what... ["1"] =! [1]
15:59.29|Jelly| wash rinse repeat
16:01.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
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16:04.24subbawti hate guildportal, we use it too
16:05.19LopeppeppyThey've ramped up their security features today... so ramped that 90% of users can't post.  It's wicked fun to be the tech officer for my group, with an inbox full of "what did I do wrong" posts from members....
16:05.34subbawthow do i fix it? :[
16:06.12subbawtim being serious!
16:06.21LopeppeppyOh, sorry.
16:06.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:06.37|Jelly|I've had four people (the entire group) ask me if I wanted to run Shadow Labs.
16:06.43subbawtthat happens to me
16:06.54|Jelly|I wish people would communicate when someone says "OMG NO" that means exactly that.
16:06.59LopeppeppyThe issue is on the GP end, not guilds or users.  Some people find that if they click "Okay" on the error screen, and then IMMEDIATELY click ESC, they can post.  But that's only some peoples, doesn't work for me.
16:07.08LopeppeppyNot, "OMG, you three beg her too!"
16:08.23|Jelly|Ok guys. I'm sorry for asking an Ace question here. (lol) How can I tell what libraries I need and what I can delete? Someone just asked me to publish my new UI *sigh* and well, I used the StandAlone which added all of them (it seems)
16:08.58cog|work#wowace :P
16:09.39|Jelly|You know Cog. It's assholes like you tha... Yeah. I can't even finish that without laughing.
16:09.49cog|workI've always just put whatever I *know* i'm using and then add more as it complains that it's missing something
16:09.58|Jelly|GRR! Now people are asking me to heal for BM.
16:10.10|Jelly|The two instances I hate just as much as Mara!
16:10.32*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
16:10.53LopeppeppyYarg.  "No thanks, I already have one, it's verra nice.  And if your friends PM me, I'll hit them with a SW P so hard their brains will leak out of their ears."
16:11.18|Jelly|Are you on a RP server? 8P
16:11.38cog|work|Jelly|: can u hela plz 4 gnomer?
16:11.52|Jelly|I actually enjoyed Gnomer so long as people weren't stupid.
16:11.58cog|workme too :P
16:11.59subbawti've never done gnomer
16:12.11|Jelly|You're missing out. Really.
16:12.22cog|workI think it's an incredibly well-designed instance
16:12.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
16:12.42|Jelly|I couldn't agree more.
16:12.45LopeppeppyYup, I'm on an RP server, and I've only done Gnomer once.  I got lost, hated it, never went back.
16:12.47GnarfozI hate it when people illogically abbreviate instance names :D
16:13.13|Jelly|Peppy. You have to go back!
16:13.19|Jelly|You're 70 now. Go rock that!
16:13.46zenzelezzI'm more annoyed at all the S instances in Outland... SV, SL, SeH, ShH
16:14.07|Jelly|Gnarfoz: Elaborate?
16:14.24LopeppeppyWhat's an SeH?
16:14.29LopeppeppyVersus an ShH?
16:14.29Gnarfozsethekk halls
16:14.32GnarfozShattered Halls
16:14.38LopeppeppyOoooh... birdville versus orctown.
16:14.49|Jelly|Oh. Ok. I thought you were talking about "gnomer" lol
16:14.55GnarfozI was
16:15.05|Jelly|Well then. DIAF! 8p
16:16.07*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
16:16.29cog|workhmm... ChanServ = slow this morning :P
16:16.29jmeso i was rolling a belf mage last night, and when i killed the murloc boss dude in the starter zone all the murlocs got feared for some reason
16:16.34jmeand just ran around
16:16.56|Jelly|<3 acronyms! 8P
16:17.28jmeno, just a bug (or feature) i've noticed on several occasions, heh
16:17.54zenzelezznot sure it's a bug, there are occasions when mobs are scripted like that
16:18.36LopeppeppyI remember the boss ogre head in one of the 55ish zones does that for a quest....
16:18.56zenzelezzyeah, Burning Steppes
16:19.18LopeppeppyThat one.  I always get talking about Searing Steppes and Burning Gorges...  *confused easily*
16:19.27|Jelly|BRD <3
16:19.37zenzelezzburning gorges sound painful
16:19.44Kaydeethreeso does searing steppes
16:19.54Kaydeethree'course, burning steppes doesn't sound any better
16:20.04LopeppeppyI don't mind Sunken Temple, it's one of my favorites.
16:20.25Kaydeethreemeh. I haven't been to ST since I ran to eranikus' room for the AQ gate-opening questline
16:20.37jmei skipped ST, scholo, all of the blackrock mountain
16:20.44|Jelly|I don't like it because I play zoomed WAY out and all the crap hanging off the ceiling gets in my way...but other than that, I like it.
16:20.49jmeexcept i went back and got attuned for MC just for fun
16:21.32zenzelezzST was fun in good teams, but a bit cramped
16:21.52LopeppeppyI play waaaaay zoomed too, I have to change my zoom for in there.  But I love the whole lights-statues thing, and all the levels.
16:22.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
16:25.21|Jelly|I honestly liked Black Rock Depths.
16:25.34|Jelly|It's just hard to find a group that doesn't suck for it.
16:25.53LopeppeppyMy S.O likes it too... me not so much, too many sucky people who only want to do one quest and then leave.
16:25.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
16:26.02LopeppeppyNever one that I have in my log, sadly.
16:26.08zenzelezzthat's not the instance's faul
16:26.27LopeppeppyNo, but it contributes to bad experiences in the instance, which leads to instance-hate.
16:26.29|Jelly|I love the people that want to do a key run...but don't wanna go for Emperor ever.
16:26.48LopeppeppyI've never had a successful Emperor run.  I just gave up.
16:27.03|Jelly|Lyceum isn't anything to mess around with.
16:27.10|Jelly|Stupid people = insta-death
16:27.18zenzelezzI remember when me, a rogue and a paladin went three-manning the emperor and coffer for phats
16:27.41Kaydeethreeheh... it's funny. of all the times I've run BRD, I never saw the emperor
16:27.43LopeppeppyWhen you can three man it, the loots aren't as pretty.
16:27.50cladhairewhat hunter pets are good in the XP?
16:27.54Kaydeethreewas mainly jailbreak/MC attunements
16:28.18zenzelezzLopeppeppy: yup, mostly not, but the rogue wanted that trinket thing, and me and the paladin needed items for librams
16:29.48zenzelezzcladhaire: which pet did you use before BC?
16:29.53sag_ich_nichtShirik are there going to be "major" changes to the RPC protocol in the next release? :O
16:30.02cladhairefor no particular reason
16:30.28zenzelezzcladhaire: I don't know much about the new pet types, or how the various BC mobs compare, but I'm still using a wolf and happy with it
16:30.28mikmacladhaire: some folks like tha warpstalkers
16:30.34cladhairehrm k
16:30.45mikmabut the best hunters in the guild i am still use wolf as their pet
16:30.52zenzelezzjust grabbed a new wolf today actually
16:31.02zenzelezzRema in BEM
16:31.07cladhairenice :P
16:31.13cladhairei'm level 57
16:31.17cladhaireso i'll stick with this one for now
16:31.37zenzelezzI used my Blackrock Worg until I could tame Ironjaw or whatever his name was
16:32.31zenzelezzbut my choice of pets is usually more about getting one I think looks cool, that preferably also doesn't suck :-p
16:32.51Shirikso I just managed to cut myself on a bed
16:33.01zenzelezzon a bed?
16:33.06Shiriksag_ich_nicht: nope
16:33.14Shirikzenzelezz: yes, I was rather impressed
16:33.18Shirikunfortunately, now it hurts
16:33.29zenzelezzcuts tend to do tha
16:33.45sag_ich_nichtShirik: fine. are you going to create a more, well, "usable" documentation for it any time soon? :P
16:34.11Shirik is the best for now
16:34.16Shirikuntil v11, there's a lot of work to do so
16:34.30Shirik'that is
16:34.32jmei need to get the 60 elite cat from winterspring.. forgot the name
16:34.49jmewell, want to get :P
16:35.11ShirikThey normalized pets several patches back
16:35.16Shirikhaving an elite pet doesn't do much
16:35.19jmei know
16:35.41jmeit looks cool ;)
16:35.42sag_ich_nichtShirik: that documentation isn't very useful, you know :P
16:35.48Shirikit's very useful to me ^^
16:35.52ShirikIt gives me a list of all the protocls
16:35.57Shirikso I can refer back to it later :D
16:36.07Shirikthat's the only reason it's been updated tbh
16:36.13Shirikbut yeah it's crap, I know
16:36.18Shirikwhen I have free time it'll be expanded
16:36.26Shirikat some point in time we hope to have a full documentation
16:36.32Shirikso that instead of Cidan and myself coding all the modules
16:36.35Shirikperhaps other people will pitch in too
16:36.54sag_ich_nichtShirik: any intend to bring back the module push mechanic? (because i think i heard something from you about that a few days ago)
16:37.04sag_ich_nichtactually, *intention -.-
16:37.10Shirikpush mechanic?
16:37.21|Jelly| woe is me. my feelings are hurt.
16:37.23sag_ich_nichti remember it being in the "original" RDX5
16:37.31sag_ich_nichtwhere you were able to push whole new modules to clients
16:37.37sag_ich_nicht(as raidleader)
16:37.45Shirikpoor |Jelly|
16:37.56ShirikI... never heard of that being in RDX5, but it could have been
16:38.01Shirikin any case, the patcher will be capable of that
16:38.34*** join/#wowi-lounge chrippa (
16:39.20sag_ich_nicht[18:37] <Shirik> I... never heard of that being in RDX5, but it could have been <--i'm reffering to the very original cracked one ;P
16:39.31ShirikI had the non-cracked one
16:39.33Shirikand I never saw it so
16:39.45Shirikboth Cidan and I had RDX far before it was released
16:39.54Shirik(legally of course)
16:40.03sag_ich_nichti never had the cracked one either
16:40.11sag_ich_nichtbut i read quite a bit about it's features
16:40.31sag_ich_nichtand the RPC is more or less ideal for module pushing :O
16:40.41ShirikI know that when it was first bracked, there were a lot of extra "features" added
16:40.43Shirikby random people
16:41.13sag_ich_nichtsay you are a coder and raidleader, get to a boss(new one, that is), and decide to write a bossmod after a bit of testing
16:41.21TS|Skromhaha nice on |Jelly|
16:41.27sag_ich_nichtonce you are done you could just use the push module button and everyone would have the bossmod
16:41.35|Jelly|TS:Skrom: ?
16:41.50TS|SkromYes. Probably.
16:41.59|Jelly|It's the truth. :/
16:42.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (
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16:48.19LopeppeppyThe picture of grace and kindness, TS|Skrom challenges himself to not only answer a question, but provide the addon!   *cheer*
16:49.23TS|Skromdid you see this one from friday?
16:50.57LopeppeppyA hero... you just like challenges, don't ya?
16:51.19TS|Skromyes I do XD
16:51.32TS|SkromI figure, I'm not going to learn anything unless I'm coding
16:51.37LopeppeppyWhatever gets your coding creativity flowing, my friend.  I like pickles myself....
16:51.40TS|Skromand coming up with new ideas is the hardest part
16:51.55sag_ich_nichtShirik: the reason i ask is because i want to create a modular spam addon, which allows you to synchronize some stuff(i.e. emotes, abilities & text) with other players... i.e. so we(=me and some people :P) can spam songlyrics with a 'perfectly' timed lightshow in IF at 3 in the morning :P
16:52.23sag_ich_nicht(yes, i'm really really bored)
16:52.36|Jelly|Are you *that* bored? (had this written before you said that) lol
16:53.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie`` (
16:54.02LopeppeppyWow... sag_ich_nicht, you must be from a newer RP server than mine!   *laugh*
16:55.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
16:56.53sag_ich_nicht[18:53] <Lopeppeppy> Wow... sag_ich_nicht, you must be from a newer RP server than mine!   *laugh* <--no, i'm on a normal PvP server. :O
16:57.13sag_ich_nichtLopeppeppy and what exactly lead you to the assumption that it must be newer? :P
16:57.15|Jelly|pvp server 4tw!
16:57.59sag_ich_nicht+than yours
16:58.59TS|Skromthe fact that you use lasors in your show?
16:59.46TS|Skromis there a command to reindex a table? i.e. if I delete [3] to make it move 4 -> 3, 5 -> 4, etc?
17:00.10TS|SkromI know, I know rtfm
17:00.30sag_ich_nicht[18:58] <TS|Skrom> the fact that you use lasors in your show? <--what
17:00.33sag_ich_nichtyou know
17:00.54sag_ich_nichtblizzard, arcane explosion, consecrate, etc. :P
17:01.02TS|SkromI was joking :) a lazor lightshow would have to be on a newer server since it's new technology!
17:01.15TS|Skrombut that's my guess I have no idea what Lopeppeppy was talking about :P
17:01.27zenzelezz"After a long discussion Blizzard has decided carpets are Working as Intended."
17:01.45sag_ich_nichtzenzelezz are you kidding me?
17:01.52sag_ich_nichtthe carpets are not fucking working D:
17:02.42sag_ich_nichtthat was not a "WAI"
17:03.27zenzelezzof course not
17:04.57LopeppeppySorry, went to fetch some salad.  I'm on an old RP server, and well... it's not an RP server anymore, it's just normal.  *shrug*
17:05.29LopeppeppyLike a long established marriage, the spark has gone out.  *sniffle*
17:05.37sag_ich_nichtLopeppeppy D:
17:05.47sag_ich_nichtand why did you think i was playing on an RP server? :O
17:05.49|Jelly|I'm on a release server. It's hard making new characters on it. lol
17:05.59sag_ich_nichti'm on a release server as well
17:06.25sag_ich_nichtactually, this is the second release server i'm on
17:06.34sag_ich_nichtfirst i had a hunter on a release server
17:06.41LopeppeppyI've never seen something so complex for fun on any of the normal or PvP servers I second on.
17:06.44|Jelly|technically, same. My alliance server was release :/
17:06.45sag_ich_nichtthen i created a paladin on a friends server, that friend stopped playing
17:07.10sag_ich_nichtthen there was a free character transfer from these two servers to a new server
17:07.18sag_ich_nichtso i transfered the pala and the hunter onto that server
17:07.36|Jelly|That's what happened with my Alliance character.
17:07.38sag_ich_nichtTHEN I PCT'd these to a release server a friend of mine is playing on.
17:07.50sag_ich_nichttalk about serverhopping >.>
17:08.05|Jelly|Then I decided that I wanted the dark side so after hitting 60, I rerolled on a friend's server which happened to be PVP. (I hate pvp, personally)
17:08.15sag_ich_nichtlol nub :O
17:09.23|Jelly|How many times am I going to have to say this?
17:09.26|Jelly|HOLY PRIEST
17:09.37|Jelly|*Note* Not Smite Spec <3
17:09.44sag_ich_nicht|Jelly|: WELL RESPEC DISC :P
17:09.55|Jelly|I don't think you can wash that taint off you.
17:10.22|Jelly|Granted, it did take a prot warrior, bm huntard and I like five mintues to kill a fuckin disc priest
17:10.41|Jelly|...while she was running away from our raid!
17:11.57LopeppeppyThe Disc talents have uses... my end build for my 52 priestess is about half disc half holy.
17:12.22sag_ich_nicht|Jelly|: as i said, disc priests are more unkillable than a damn prot paladin
17:12.30sag_ich_nicht(well, maybe nearly as unkillable)
17:12.47|Jelly|I remember a duel between my resto shaman and a holy paladin.
17:12.52|Jelly|I got three mana tides...
17:13.12sag_ich_nichtlongest duell ever? holy paladin against resto druid.
17:13.37sag_ich_nichtTWO hours, i kid you not
17:14.02sag_ich_nichtthen a lagspike owned the druid
17:14.04|Jelly|screw that.
17:14.10|Jelly|I sat down and let her beat me.
17:14.37|Jelly|seriously... 3 mana tides is a bit much for me...I couldn't imagine 2 hours.
17:14.45|Jelly|I'd get bored more than anything.
17:14.47zenzelezz"It's a shame you don't like your class; you might want to try a different one then? Don't call us liars, that's not very nice." -- quality blue response
17:15.06|Jelly|SS or it didn't happen!
17:15.08sag_ich_nichtalso, i like these reponses from blue
17:15.29sag_ich_nichtplayers and especially forum posters are sometimes being a real dick to them
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17:17.34sag_ich_nichtwhat I DON'T like are "WAI" responses when it clearly isn't
17:17.55sag_ich_nicht(it took them until NOW to realize that vanish is broken, it's been broken since what, 4 major patches?)
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17:18.24|Jelly|Peppy. I got a rogue question for you!
17:18.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
17:18.36sag_ich_nichtand i'm not even playing a rogue, and know it's damn broken
17:18.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Work (n=cheald@
17:18.53sag_ich_nichthello there Antiarc :O
17:19.13|Jelly|Since the 2.1 patch where everyone has imp sap, have you been seen more often than you did when you actually spec'd imp sap? (never...for me...)
17:19.18LopeppeppyWait.... sag_ich_nicht, did a blizzard poster actually acknowledge it was broken?  Really?
17:19.53TS|Skromwhat do you mean "everyone has improved sap"?
17:20.22|Jelly|They made it so sap didn't remove you from stealth anymore.
17:20.22zenzelezzdidn't you read the 2.1 patch notes?
17:20.22|Jelly|Whereas it used to be 7 points into sub
17:20.39TS|Skromto be honest, no. I didn't start playing agian til after 2.1 came out. Just patched up and played
17:20.51LopeppeppyI took the extra 2 points out of the talent that improves the range, Jelly.  I only have 5 points in opportunity on that side, so I dont' have extra stealth.  I always Distract first.
17:20.52TS|Skromoh... wondered about that last night actually hehe
17:21.00LopeppeppyAnd no... I don't think I get seen any more often than before.
17:21.13|Jelly|Mobs just must thing my BE is sexxorz.
17:21.14TS|Skromwas doing bg's with my rogue and looking over my talents I had picked...
17:21.30TS|Skromnoticed improved sap didn't say it didn't keep in you in stealth anymore
17:21.47LopeppeppyCould be, |Jelly|.  Elves are hawt, I'm just a tiny gnome hopping up to bop them on the head.
17:22.16TS|SkromI like the reduced energy cost of sap though. I sap a LOT in bg's. Puts them on edge especially if you do it to the FC :P
17:22.40TS|SkromAs long as you switch targets every sap or so they won't hit DR, and you can really throw em for a loop while waiting for backup to arrive
17:23.07sag_ich_nicht[19:19] <Lopeppeppy> Wait.... sag_ich_nicht, did a blizzard poster actually acknowledge it was broken?  Really? <--yes
17:23.11sag_ich_nichtcheck the US bugreport forums
17:23.18|Jelly|"Sap no longer removes you from stealth when used." <- 2.1 patch notes
17:24.44sag_ich_nichti always wanted to do a NE 61 point subtility(yeah i probably misspelled that) rogue with the back enchant for +stealth
17:24.49sag_ich_nichtbut i'm not sure if it all would stack
17:25.54LopeppeppyAh, Hortus is acknowledging a poisons bug, but not the issue with pets.
17:26.19zenzelezzwhat issue is that?
17:26.33sag_ich_nichtLopeppeppy: there is no issue with pets
17:26.40sag_ich_nichtnot really
17:26.40LopeppeppyOf course there's not, sag.  *sigh*
17:26.46sag_ich_nichtLopeppeppy let me finish
17:27.03sag_ich_nichtvanish should remove you from all npcs and players targets(that includes pets)
17:27.22sag_ich_nichtsometimes, it doesn't, allowing them to still attack you, and he acknowledges that
17:27.50sag_ich_nichtthe problem is that SOME rogues think they should be able to re-stealth(not vanish) and get away from the pet using that... which they shouldn't be, as that is WAI :P
17:28.07LopeppeppyWhee, finally.... that's been a hard bug to get acknowledged.  All I keep hearing is that Stealth isn't intended to break aggro...   no, stealth isn't, but Vanish is, and Vanish is broken... the discussion goes round and round.
17:28.38sag_ich_nichtwell, you know, i work as a tester from time to time
17:28.59sag_ich_nichtsometimes it's really hard to reproduce a bug in a controlled environment so you can actually trace it
17:29.06sag_ich_nichteven if you get a million reports about it
17:29.48Gryphenwish they would take the stick out of the NE ass in stealth animation
17:29.54LopeppeppyOh, indeed.... over time, I would have hoped it were more possible than it has been.  I believe this happened concurrently with the Shadowmeld/Aimed Shot thing, which should have pointed out a clue in theory.
17:31.14sag_ich_nichti mean, last saturday or something i was finally able to give a stacktrace for a bug in VanasKoS(well, actually AceComm, but vanaskos was the only thing that triggered the bug :P) and it got fixed pretty quickly
17:31.20sag_ich_nichtbut i had the bug for months :P
17:33.06LopeppeppyThis one has been around for over a year, it's awesome to see it finally acknowledged and being worked on.  I have great hopes that it will one day allow me to put Vanish on a hotkey again!
17:33.59TS|Skrom*GASP* I just realized something...
17:34.09TS|SkromI've created the perfect addon for my smart alecness
17:34.15LopeppeppyOh.... my.
17:34.50TS|Skromif I'm trying to be sarcastic I'll say things like "Treston's reasons for why tanking in berserker stance is stupid #25"
17:34.59TS|Skromand then follow with some other comment
17:35.10TS|Skromnow I can actually store those in an easy to use ui
17:35.31LopeppeppyYou've enhanced your monster!
17:35.32TS|Skrom./thespian use 2 (my warrior "rules") /thespian out 25
17:35.40TS|Skromit's beautiful!
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17:36.47sylvanaaranyone have a blp viewer link?
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17:44.01|Jelly|Cog. Don't lie to the people! The stickies are there just for show; they're not useful in the slightest!
17:45.26Shirik132:442:01 12‹|Jelly|12› Cog. Don't lie to the people! The stickies are there just for show; they're not useful in the slightest!
17:45.28Shiriktrue story.
17:46.06|Jelly|I know right.
17:46.14Josh_Borketrue story
17:46.17LopeppeppyLike parsley on the plate.
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18:11.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
18:11.24|Jelly|*feels a tldr coming on*
18:13.41|Jelly|: wonders what the hell r'ing is
18:13.52LopeppeppySounds scary.
18:13.54cog|workycob hric
18:13.59cog|workfrom tldr
18:14.20|Jelly|I failed my acronym class, Cog. I'm sorry.
18:15.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Thorarin (
18:16.48LopeppeppyI failed my "Understanding Cogwheel" class last semester, I am a noob.
18:18.19Shiriklolcode - 4322 error(s), 1 warning(s)
18:18.22Shirikthat's a new record for me
18:18.23ShirikI'm impressed
18:18.55Shiriksame error over and over again though :P
18:21.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
18:21.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Peoii ( to be on the cataclysm and frenzy battlegroups
18:22.53Thunder_Childthey will be down for 24
18:23.03Thunder_Childfrom 19 3 am to 20 3 am
18:23.11nevcairieloh well :)
18:23.12Thunder_Child19th 20th*
18:24.15Kasocog|work, "Night Elf Wizards"
18:24.35cog|worknot like i wrote it :P
18:24.45Thunder_Childdont lie
18:24.46|Jelly|So I'm half way through it and starting to feel a TLDR coming on.
18:26.31KasoThe issue i have with condemning gold selling/farming/whatever is all these guys are doing this because there is little or nothing better they can do for a living, so if everyone suddenly stopped buying gold these guys would end up worse off. It aint a universalisable maxim
18:27.17Thunder_Childworse off?like the guy with the law degree?
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18:27.30Thunder_Childs/?l/? l/
18:27.50LopeppeppyIf one economic niche goes away, another comes around.  I don't buy the "doing this to feed families, don't take our livelihood" angle.
18:27.51Kasoif there are better jobs for him out there, why hasnt he
18:28.02LopeppeppyBecause easy is easier.
18:28.06Thunder_Childbecause it requires work
18:28.14Thunder_Childyea, what lope said
18:29.20Kasomy point, i didnt say what makes one job better than another, for them a "good" job is prob one that gives him enough money to live whilst he doesnt have to work that hard. He'd be more unhappy (grammar? lol) if his current job was taken away
18:30.07*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
18:30.23LopeppeppyHis unhappiness at finding another job is not Blizzard's problem.  Their problem is protecting their patents, copyrights, and other such things.
18:30.25TS|SkromLopeppeppy too fast
18:30.29TS|Skromwas gonna link
18:30.32TS|Skromas one example
18:30.58LopeppeppySorry, TS|Skrom.... I'll tie one hand behind my back and do the hunt-and-peck!
18:31.34Kasoim not saying blizzard should stop cracking down with them, theyre free to do whatever they want its their business, all im saying is i wouldnt ever say "Noone should buy gold, it is immoral" or something similar
18:31.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
18:32.12LopeppeppyIt's not immoral, except in the sense that it violates established copyright and terms of use, patents, etc.
18:32.16cog|workso it's always OK to violate a contract as long as some third party benefits?
18:32.32LopeppeppyIt's "illegal", which has nothing to do with "morality".
18:32.38foxlitLopeppeppy:You're confusing immoral and illegal
18:32.38*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
18:32.45cog|workI find it immoral to break an agreement you make...
18:32.47LopeppeppyI don't think so, foxlit.
18:32.59|Jelly|stupid dsl
18:33.23|Jelly|What did I miss?
18:33.35|Jelly|someone pm me the spam!
18:37.14LopeppeppyJust a 2 second debate on illegal vs. immoral.
18:37.30|Jelly|But I wanna read it!
18:37.38|Jelly|And foxlit didn't help! rofl
18:37.44foxlit<Lopeppeppy> It's not immoral, except in the sense that it violates established copyright and terms of use, patents, etc.
18:37.44Kasowait till midnight and check purl's logs :>
18:37.52foxlit<foxlit> Lopeppeppy:You're confusing immoral and illegal
18:38.27foxlitwhere it = gold farming/buying/selling/stuffs
18:38.45wereHamsterfunny: He is that rarest of World of Warcraft obsessives, a Chinese gold farmer who has actually bought farmed gold.
18:39.10zenzelezzgold farming is not wrong, I know lots of people that hoard it
18:39.15Thunder_Childi hope he got a discount
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18:40.11KasoI also think that blizzard really do not mind so much about people buying gold
18:40.28KasoI know several people who simply wouldnt play if they could not buy gold, which is bad for blizzard
18:40.36Thunder_Childwhat gives you this insight?
18:40.38LopeppeppySure'n they don't.   *best Irish accent*
18:41.00cog|workKaso: imagine how many more would leave if it were shown that blizzard didn't care...
18:41.14cog|workTrust me... Their best interest is far better served by caring.
18:41.33TS|SkromKaso: I would put money on the fact that for every person who would quit if they couldn't buy gold, there's two who WILL quit because people who buy gold make them unhappy with their toons when they chose not to buy gold.
18:41.45zenzelezzI wonder what the casual to hard-core player ratio is
18:41.45LopeppeppyBlizzard doesn't have to care or not care.  They have to protect their copyrights, patents and intellectual property.  It's not about what they think, it's about practical business matters.
18:41.47zenzelezzin WoW
18:42.35Kasowhich is why blizzard  put token effort into it, but really do not do anything to limit gold trading, like they are doing currently, best of both worlds, those who dislike get to feel blizzard are doing "something" those who like can still get their gold.
18:42.38wereHamsterchinese farmers: They moved through the dungeons in silent harmony, 40 intricately interdependent players, each the master of his part. I wish my raid was like that :(
18:43.30LopeppeppyThey have an active lawsuit, they ban 10's of thousands of accounts... that's pretty actively stepping out against the trade in virutal WoW goods.
18:44.21Kasothe 10's of thousands of accounts are farmer acconts which will just re-register (more money for blizzard) and the lawsuit against peons was more about the advertising than the selling, or am i miss-remebering
18:44.34LopeppeppyAdvertising IS selling.
18:45.18LopeppeppyAnd re-registering the account is not more money for Blizzard, it's the exact same money.  They're not doing it for money, they're doing it to protect their product and perhaps their players.
18:45.47LopeppeppyHopefully, each ban swipe actually loses them a bunch of farmer accounts, so they make LESS money overall.  But they still do it.
18:46.22Kasore-registering requres a new CD key which is £20 or whatever?
18:46.35LopeppeppyDoes it?
18:46.41LopeppeppyOr just registering a new payment method?
18:46.49LopeppeppyNot ever having had an account banned, I don't know.
18:46.55cog|workno... new account = new box essentially
18:47.04krkai'd imagine the cd key is banned forever
18:47.16wereHamsterinteresting read:
18:47.39LopeppeppywereHamster: That's what started the discussion.  :P
18:47.41Kasohehe wereHamster
18:49.57Kasoalso Lopeppeppy the distinction is advertising impacts the average player which is why they sued to stop it, whereas plain selling of gold does not so much.
18:50.18wereHamsteroh, cog was faster :P I didn't know he also posted the link -.-
18:50.18ckknightalso spam is easier legally.
18:50.34Kaydeethree^ my thoughts entirely
18:50.42foxlit"Every World of Warcraft player needs those coins, and mostly for one reason: to pay for the virtual gear to fight the monsters to earn the points to reach the next level."
18:50.50foxlitBlatantly wrong :/
18:50.53Kaydeethreethey've got a better chance winning on the advertising aspect rather than the IP rights issues
18:51.12Kasothat makes sense also.
18:51.29Kasofoxlit, didnt you see the bit about the nelf mages!!
18:52.04wereHamsterfoxlit, repairs?
18:52.16foxlitrepairs are pathetic
18:52.38foxlitAnd the game is raining gold at 70 at the moment.
18:52.53foxlit"No! Please! Take this gold! TAKE IT, FOXLIT!"
18:53.18ScytheBlade1It's true
18:53.19LopeppeppyOne of the best ways to put gold sellers out of business... make it more available.
18:53.30ScytheBlade1Spend 30m doing daily quests and pull in repairs for a few days
18:53.49ckknightbut 5g mount
18:54.04foxlitit's light!
18:54.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
18:54.17Kasoi do think the mount is the thing that drove alot of normally not buying players to buy.
18:54.32Mr_Rabies2I'm at 2000g again after getting epic flight
18:54.37TS|SkromLopeppeppy I disagree. That wouldn't put them out of business just increase their required quotas.
18:54.40Mr_Rabies2there's no excuse at ALL to buy gold
18:54.49Mr_Rabies2i didn't even vendor any of my quest greens or anything
18:55.04Mr_Rabies2i Disenchanted all of them and am hoarding my enchanting mats like a maniac until i feel like leveling it
18:55.14wereHamsterno, maybe, but before BC gold was much more valuable
18:55.22LopeppeppyIf I can get it on my own easier, I'm not as likely to go buy it.  But that's just me, i would never have bought in the first place.
18:55.27krkajust disallow you from mailing more than 1% of your total gold earnings from questing
18:55.35KasoAlot of casuals are still flying around on slowbie mounts with <1k in their bags
18:55.39krkaaccumulative, of course
18:55.44TS|SkromLopeppeppy you answered your own statement.
18:55.51Mr_Rabies2Kaso, i'm casual as hell
18:55.52TS|SkromYou wouldn't have bought inthe first place.
18:55.53|Jelly|The dilemma you're going to run into is people are willing to pay for instant gratification. : /
18:55.54Mr_Rabies2i don't grind
18:55.56Mr_Rabies2i just quest
18:56.05Mr_Rabies2and questing nets you a metric fuckton of gold
18:56.10LopeppeppyAh, so because I have a personal view, that negates impartial thought?
18:56.26LopeppeppyThen I fail to see what you're trying to point out.
18:56.27TS|SkromIt just means that just because you wouldn't buy it, doesn't mean someone else wouldn't
18:56.33krkaseriously, wouldn't that work? forcing the gold sellers to grind 100x more to sell the same amount of gold?
18:56.34Mr_Rabies2those people just suck at the game
18:56.39TS|Skromincreasing the supply doesn't hurt the sellers
18:56.51LopeppeppyIt doesn't necessarily help them either.
18:57.00Mr_Rabies2it depends on demand's increase
18:57.05TS|SkromJust being in existance is help enough for them :p
18:57.08Mr_Rabies2demand has increased at a smaller rate than supply imo
18:57.20Mr_Rabies2but gold is still reasonably valuable, especially compared to, say, diablo
18:57.26TS|SkromMr_Rabies2 that's very true, which is what has caused the drop in gold sellers prices
18:57.27Mr_Rabies2i'm glad gold still has SOME value
18:57.36Mr_Rabies2actually, gold seems to be more expensive
18:57.42TS|Skromif gold had no value then every AH price would skyrocke
18:57.42foxlittbh: if you need gold while under level 60, you need to stay the heck away from AH
18:57.44Mr_Rabies2because they're getting banned more quickly
18:58.41foxlitAt 70, well, you got gold through questing to buy your flying mount. The 5kg mount can wait, it's not really required.
18:58.52Kasokrka, that would work, but as i said earlier, my theory is that blizzard really do not want to stop gold farming once and for all, its a rather big cash cow (if you want to listen to my tinfoilhat style comments :> )
18:59.00Mr_Rabies2like i said i rarely played the AH
18:59.03KarlThePaganwith the daily quests... it shouldn't be AS bad to get your epic flyer
18:59.07Mr_Rabies2and never vendored greens
18:59.12krkai think blizzard is being serious about stopping what they consider cheating
18:59.13Mr_Rabies2and yet i've gotten 7000g without even trying
18:59.19purllogs is, like, apt/ibot/infobot/jbot/purl all log daily to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz
18:59.21LopeppeppyI think so too, krka.
18:59.27krkathey've come up with a couple of innovative solutions to it in general, imo
18:59.27KarlThePaganreally people should be ready to loan money
18:59.30|Jelly|Hey Rabies, I'm 70, flying around on a non-epic mount with less than 100g. I guess I suck, huh?
18:59.41KarlThePaganMr_Rabies2, diaf then... 7kgold is not a trivial thing
18:59.53Mr_Rabies2it's not useless, no
18:59.55LopeppeppyI'll suck right along with ya, |Jelly|.  ;)
18:59.56Mr_Rabies2but it's really easy to get
19:00.02KarlThePaganagain, diaf
19:00.03Mr_Rabies2and i'm joking jelly :P
19:00.03|Jelly|I suppose the difference between me and you is that I don't grind. Ever.
19:00.09Mr_Rabies2i dont eitehr
19:00.24Mr_Rabies2i've never grinded for more than an hour, generally 15 minutes of it and i remember i hate it
19:00.31|Jelly|I can't say I honestly believe you...especially with your view on gold being worthless.
19:00.40KarlThePaganI also call bullshit
19:00.45Mr_Rabies2<Mr_Rabies2> but gold is still reasonably valuable, especially compared to, say, diablo
19:00.51wereHamster|Jelly|, Lopeppeppy, I'[m not even 70!! I suck More than you all !!1!1
19:00.54Mr_Rabies2it's worth less but not worthless :P
19:00.56*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
19:01.09|Jelly|You just don't get that much gold without grinding..........or buying............
19:01.20KarlThePaganI finished leveling to 70 with a good amount of gold... before TBC I had maybe 800g after grinding cenarion circle rep
19:01.23LopeppeppyAnd therefore, I have just enough gold for my modes needs.
19:01.25krkablizzard could do all sorts of small tweaks to nerf gold farmers... one of the things could be to implement diminishing returns if you're doing repetative killing
19:01.28Mr_Rabies2well, herbs make me a decent amount, but they're nowhere near the main source of my gold
19:01.43Kaydeethreekrka; but then non-goldfarmers are screwed
19:01.44KarlThePaganbut that was only 3000g being conservative with my choices & gearing... didn't buy blue quality gems
19:01.57krkaKaydeethree: non-goldfarmers dont grind repetatively
19:01.57KaydeethreeI had to grind out ~10 primal fires in the past few days, nearly as many airs and waters
19:01.59Mr_Rabies2Herbs have probably just made up the lost revenue from not vendoring greens
19:02.02Lopeppeppykrka, blizzard seems to be trying to do things that screw only the farmers, not the rest of the players.  That takes more finesse, but they try.
19:02.22KarlThePaganand I do grind... I go fishing for primal waters, and I make at least 8-10g proffit on every alchem transmute I do
19:02.27Mr_Rabies2seriously, questing at 70 makes you a TON of gold
19:02.34KarlThePagannot 7k
19:02.43Mr_Rabies2that's been the majority of my gold :O
19:02.48KarlThePaganand I still don't have my cloth caster gear
19:02.49Kaydeethreemeh. I've bought 2 epic mounts and I'm working on a third
19:02.56LopeppeppyI can repair my gear after a hard hard raid, that's all I really need.
19:02.57ScytheBlade1It can run you 2-3k easily
19:03.00Mr_Rabies2i don't sell primals or anything, i sell herbs i happen upoon
19:03.28Mr_Rabies2but still, questing is the majority of my gold
19:03.37|Jelly|Perhaps we're skewed on the term "grinding" because to me grinding is doing the same repetitive shit over and over again for hours, be it questing or looking for primals.
19:03.48KarlThePaganor looking for herbs
19:03.51Mr_Rabies2well, i don't like grinding when there's no quest involved
19:03.56KarlThePaganwhich is exponentially easier with an epic flyer
19:04.00Mr_Rabies2and i don't -look- for herbs
19:04.04KarlThePaganas well as about 100g per day of daily quests
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19:04.06Mr_Rabies2i just find them :P
19:04.26Kaydeethreeheh... netherwing was great. I probably made ~1700g getting to exalted
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19:04.35Mr_Rabies2i'm still only honored
19:04.39LopeppeppyAh.... the Netherwing faction I can't quite figure out as of yet.
19:04.42Mr_Rabies2cause i can't booterang from the air and i'm cheap as hell
19:04.49ScytheBlade1I still need my initial 5k gold down
19:04.57Mr_Rabies2that's another reason i'm making gold like crazy
19:04.58ScytheBlade1Then I have my nether ray sitting there for me
19:05.09Mr_Rabies2i never ever spend it unless absolutely necessary
19:05.09Kaydeethreelope; my section on wowwiki's got a fairly extensive writeup
19:05.16Kaydeethreeall of the quests, mobs, npcs, etc
19:05.17KarlThePaganI wish I had your 6th sense for herbs then Mr_Rabies2 because I do have to look at my minimap and do go on herbing sprees in azeroth... of course I also support several people with raid buffs
19:05.39LopeppeppyI'll peek, Kaydeethree.  Faction grinds have never been my thing, although it seems to be the only entertainment for a solo rogue these days.
19:05.41Mr_Rabies2your best bet for herb money
19:05.46Mr_Rabies2is  just to fly over shadowmoon
19:05.52Mr_Rabies2and gather nightmare vine like crazy
19:06.04Mr_Rabies2that stuff sells for like 30g or so a stack
19:06.09Mr_Rabies2and a stack takes about 5 mins to get
19:06.11ScytheBlade150g a stack here
19:06.20Mr_Rabies2yeah, it may be more
19:06.22Mr_Rabies2i can't remember
19:06.27Mr_Rabies2i don't really look at the number
19:06.36KarlThePaganMr_Rabies2, sounds like you're looking for herbs
19:06.36Kaydeethreenw is no CC or timbermaw grind. do all of the daily quests once a day and you'll be exalted in 2 weeks with a few hours of work a day
19:06.45Mr_Rabies2not really, nightmare vine is EVERYWHERE
19:06.59KarlThePaganyou can't be on a high pop server then...
19:07.06Mr_Rabies23rd highest alliance pop
19:07.09Mr_Rabies2full, but no queue
19:07.28Mr_Rabies2i'm just awesome, that's the only explanation :P
19:07.31foxlitWow, I love the video
19:07.41foxlit"Gold than can be Sold for real money"... it almost rhymes!
19:07.41KarlThePaganMr_Rabies2 clearly you play a different game than I do ;)
19:08.02Mr_Rabies2your best bet is to act like a goblin with your cash
19:08.26Mr_Rabies2never spend it unless you absolutely have to, and wait for deals :P
19:08.29Lopeppeppy"Mine.  Mine."
19:08.34Mr_Rabies2that and lots and lots of questing
19:08.55KarlThePaganthis isn't news to me... that's how I had 3kg at 70 when most people I know had 0
19:09.06Mr_Rabies2i had about 1k when i hit 70
19:09.16Mr_Rabies2all the rest i made from finishing off every quest
19:09.27Mr_Rabies2other than raid quests, so far
19:09.39Mr_Rabies2and one quest that i get a net loss of gold and no rep for
19:09.46Mr_Rabies2and the rewards suck
19:09.57Mr_Rabies2that one with the +demon damage items that starts in shadowmoon
19:10.20Kaydeethree? unless you paid massively over market price you make money doing that questline
19:10.46KaydeethreeI came out ahead
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19:11.13Mr_Rabies2let's see, what's it called
19:11.48Mr_Rabies2the demon warding totem costs 30g
19:11.55Mr_Rabies2and you get 9g from completing it
19:12.04Kaydeethreethe rest of the chain rewards money
19:12.08zenzelezzyeah, that quest sucks
19:12.29Mr_Rabies2i thought the last part of that chain was the one where you get the +demon stuff
19:12.40zenzelezzbut will you ever use those?
19:12.58Kaydeethreemaybe to poke illidan with. I just did it for completion purposes
19:12.58Mr_Rabies2i'll disenchant them on the spot
19:13.13Mr_Rabies2but my weapons net me more damage to all mobs
19:13.16Mr_Rabies2than those do to demons
19:13.20zenzelezzI didn't check; but I don't think Nihilum or anyone else bothered with +demon weapons for Illidan
19:13.41Mr_Rabies2no, because the epics and stuff pre-illidan are much much better
19:13.45Mr_Rabies2for ALL mobs
19:13.46KaydeethreeI highly doubt it. it'd just be a whack! -> equip real weapons kinda thing
19:13.48Mr_Rabies2not just demons :P
19:13.53zenzelezzperhaps the 400ish trinket from Naxxramas
19:13.55zenzelezzbut not weapons
19:14.44Mr_Rabies2nightmare vine goes for 35-40 on my server
19:14.54Mr_Rabies2(a stack)
19:14.55zenzelezzwait, Naxx was undead
19:14.59zenzelezzI r nub
19:15.30Mr_Rabies2what a nub
19:15.38zenzelezztis true
19:15.53Mr_Rabies2i'm bored :(
19:16.01Mr_Rabies2i'm out of quests other than dailies
19:16.17Mr_Rabies2and i will not grind without a quest attached
19:16.48zenzelezzI'm the same way
19:16.54Kaydeethreemeh. my grinding is 'get to exalted so I can grind another faction to exalted' atm
19:17.07Mr_Rabies2mine's not
19:17.08zenzelezzLopeppeppy: sounds dirrtu
19:17.18Mr_Rabies2i want the trinket from nw
19:17.24Mr_Rabies2and the ogrila trinket
19:17.26Kaydeethree+45 stam is nice
19:17.28Mr_Rabies2but thats it
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19:31.32Kaydeethreeah, yay for netsplits
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19:31.34|Jelly|spam much
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19:31.35Kaydeethreegah, screw you... SBTALOL
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19:31.54|Jelly|Is it my connection or are the forums hosing all over the place again?
19:31.54IndustrialHLEP KAYDE SBTATIN MEH
19:32.08Kaydeethreeit's the forums... keep getting the server is busy, please try again crap
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19:32.08Thunder_Childwth is the lol to english dictionary?
19:32.08Kaydeethreeor as it's known over in CS, SBTALOL
19:32.08|Jelly|I was gonna be mad if they ate my QQ post.
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19:33.59|Jelly|GRR @ Peppy!
19:34.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano ( they call the spam noise?
19:36.22KaydeethreeI've just got show joins/parts disabled...
19:36.42|Jelly|Lucky. I've got like 250 lines of spam. 8P
19:36.48Kasowhats wrong with calling it noise?
19:37.05|Jelly|What is...everything? 8P
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19:40.41TS|Skrom|Jelly| <3
19:40.51TS|Skromthe "will it end" thread
19:41.09|Jelly|IMO that's a stupid place to post that.
19:41.49|Jelly|"Hey guys who do this as much as in their freetime as a you think you'll ever be just shut down? I think that would be swell because you're giving people an unfair advantage."
19:42.43|Jelly|Maybe I need a break seems my posts are going down hill fast.
19:42.59|Jelly|Which means I feel another "You're an asshole" post coming on in response to something I said.
19:43.27TS|SkromI could help you out with that if you like
19:43.37|Jelly|lol...I'm sure I don't need help.
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19:43.41|Jelly|I've already gotten one todya.
19:44.08KaydeethreeI'm surprised the op didn't say something to me after responding in that thread
19:44.19|Jelly|which one?
19:45.30Kaydeethreesequencing spells
19:45.36|Jelly| For instance. My response would have been to google it.
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19:46.40|Jelly|hmm. I don't guess I remember what you wrote.
19:46.46GnancyWorkheh Kaydeethree
19:46.57|Jelly|and of course now text search is disabled
19:47.27|Jelly|wow...lots more added to that thread. rofl
19:48.46ckknightugh: I r in ur armory! Stealing ur specs!
19:48.50ckknighttotally butchered it
19:49.15ckknightit's im in ur armory steelin ur spex
19:49.31GnancyWorkhmm spex = glasses?
19:49.54ckknightyea, let's go with that
19:51.10foxlitLurker decided not to stop spouting after one revolution
19:51.25TS|SkromIM IN YR LOOP hehe
19:51.32KaydeethreeI'm going to get yelled at for responding in the upcoming 2.2 changes thread
19:51.33|Jelly|I'm confused.
19:51.44|Jelly|rut roah
19:51.59TS|Skromludicrous speed XD
19:52.22|Jelly|At least you didn't take it all the way to BLITZKRIEG SPEED in one step.
19:53.41ckknightKaydeethree: link!
19:54.03GnancyWorkoh too slow
19:54.59KasoI wonder why he said "Game Code"
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19:56.08|Jelly|Peppy. If you're there. <333
19:56.11TS|Skrom|Jelly| he's back
19:56.17TS|Skromand he's trying to make a point
19:56.28|Jelly| peppy pretty much STFU'd him
19:59.09|Jelly|we're like 4-tag-teaming (???) him
19:59.10|Jelly|poor guy
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20:00.27|Jelly|I'm too hyper right now. I can't make a flowing thought...I'm all over the place. 8(
20:00.45TS|Skromhe just got beat by some rogue with energy watch and a stun counter
20:01.19TS|Skromdamn rogues and their stunlock
20:01.28TS|Skromhow the heck am I supposed to heal my team when I can't even move
20:01.33TS|Skromsorry that was me, not him :P
20:01.44|Jelly|They're hacking!! OMG! Take their addons away!!!
20:02.07TS|SkromI applaud a good rogue that can stunlock me though.
20:02.21Kaydeethreewoo for the armory crashing firefox...
20:03.04|Jelly| is my "technical" response correct? I seem to remember that when I was asking about shadowform way back when
20:03.20|Jelly|you'll have to sift through my douchebaggery first...
20:03.36TS|SkromI thought it was a fair response. I was just playing good cop for a chance
20:04.22|Jelly|Perhaps I was alone in thinking my response told them that I had tried it and it never worked.
20:04.43GnancyWorkmy exp is that if GDC isnt called you can spam the macro
20:04.52GnancyWorkif it is the macro wont work
20:05.02|Jelly|Read the subject. That's where her flaw is.
20:05.29TS|SkromThat would have been my next suggestion. It's still in the spirit of the thread, but would actually work for her
20:05.33|Jelly|Not trying to be a jerk. She just expects it to work in one keypress.
20:05.37TS|Skromwhy I asked her to post the macro
20:06.33|Jelly|Technical Editing question: Is white on black easier to read than black on white?
20:06.56TS|SkromI always found white on black easier
20:06.57|Jelly|cause maybe my brightness is just too high but black on white hurts my eyes for whatever reason.
20:07.01TS|Skrombut that's prolly personal preference
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20:10.47TS|SkromI've been avoiding adding another hotkey bar for my greater blessings
20:10.59TS|SkromI just realized I could use Button1/button2 macros for blessing greater blessings
20:11.03|Jelly|<3 bartender3 for hiding bars until rollover.
20:11.08|Jelly|don't know how i lived without it
20:11.21TS|SkromI don't recall that particular function
20:11.43|Jelly|It's in the one on the updater. *shrug* They call it "Fade Out"
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20:11.57TS|Skromoh, but it snapps to full on mouseover?
20:12.20TS|Skromsnaps...not schapps or snapps...
20:12.34TS|Skrommy spelling is horrible today
20:12.49|Jelly|yeah. I can get some quick screens for you if you want.
20:13.09TS|Skromthat's okay, I just assumed the fade out option was for people that like to have a semi transparent look
20:13.15TS|SkromI didn't even bother trying XD
20:13.48TS|Skromthat's kinda cool, still think I'll go with the macros on this one, just as easy and no extra bars (even hidden ones lol)
20:13.57pastamancerI use a /cast [modifier:ctrl] Greater Blessing of Foo; Blessing of Foo macro
20:14.07|Jelly|To each their own. 8P
20:15.05GnancyWorkjelly am i your god cop for today?
20:15.17TS|Skromhope you meant good
20:15.32|Jelly|I generally don't start anything that I can't defend myself. lol
20:15.35TS|Skromotherwise that didn't make sense :P
20:15.38|Jelly|She's being a bitch and I called her on it.
20:16.09|Jelly|Just as I'm sure she or someone like her will me in the near future -- especially if people keep distracting me from writing this readme.
20:16.34TS|SkromWhatcha doin
20:16.55|Jelly|Oh. And I don't mind arguing. The question was answered already so all I'm doing is bumping a post so we don't have to answer it again in 15 minutes.
20:17.05|Jelly|Someone wanted me to upload my UI.
20:17.24|Jelly|And well, instead of answering a million questions for everyone that downloads it, I'm just going to write a readme.
20:17.31GnancyWorkohh ohhhh look at me Jelly!
20:17.37GnancyWorkno readme for you!
20:17.39TS|Skrom*distracting shot*
20:18.07|Jelly|And sorry Gnancy, I wasn't trying to be a jerk a second ago...I'm kind of wired and well...I turn into a jerk when I'm hyper.
20:18.13GnancyWorknot at all
20:18.18GnancyWorkim having fun!
20:18.39|Jelly|And so you know, I've made the frame set and the title!
20:18.43|Jelly|Step 1. Done.
20:18.53|Jelly|I hope I hit the profit step soon.
20:19.48TS|Skromit's almost time to go home!
20:19.51TS|Skrom11 mins and counting!
20:19.56KarlThePaganhey AnduinLothar if you're there, did LookLock ever get resurrected?
20:20.02TS|SkromI feel like I had such a productive day at work
20:20.10TS|Skromeven though the only thing I did was write that Thespian addon
20:20.32|Jelly|Those are the best days at work.
20:20.33TS|Skrombut hey, I get paid still so 3) profit for me = win!
20:21.00GnancyWork3 more mins left for me
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20:24.43GnancyWorkjelly are you there?
20:26.10|Jelly|half way through my opening page 8P
20:26.20Kaydeethreeheh, and my first model-changing c/p of the week. /sigh
20:26.23GnancyWorkdo you happen to use ClearFont. I really like the font selecion in your SS
20:27.04GnancyWorkkk its time to switch fonts
20:27.24|Jelly|If I recall, the font that I use for...everything but Prat is Enviro but without checking, I can't be certain.
20:27.59AnduinLotharKarlThePagan: no, look lock can be done witha  few macros i believe. i dunno if it was made into an addon by someone else
20:28.15KarlThePaganI should get off my ass then :P
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20:30.53TS|SkromI smell eBay
20:31.10TS|SkromYou just figured out... at level 70 that you don't like the way Draenei look?
20:31.20|Jelly|can I quote you on that? rofl
20:32.20TS|SkromI'm famouse I've been quoted on the wow forums... *glee*
20:32.33TS|Skromokay quittin' time see y'all next time.
20:32.38|Jelly|Take it easy
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20:55.02ScytheBlade1/script SetDungeonDifficulty(3); -- wtb working Epic instances
20:55.34ScytheBlade1The command works, and it sets the difficulty to Epi
20:55.39ScytheBlade1But... can't zone in :/
20:55.44Josh_Borkethat'll be awesome
20:55.49Josh_Borkei'm guessing that's for the next lvl cap?
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20:56.04ScytheBlade1I kinda hope it'll be in soon personally
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20:56.07ScytheBlade1Heroics are easy
20:56.42ScytheBlade1Admittedly, my group is stacked... but they're still easy :P
20:57.32KarlThePaganyou finished the Naaru trial in arcatraz then?
20:57.51ScytheBlade1Trials = done
20:58.01KarlThePaganssc gear?
20:58.04Josh_Borkestacked how?
20:58.07ScytheBlade1When your druid tank has 27k armor, it's... trivial
20:58.21ScytheBlade1Throw in a priest with 1600 +heal, a mage, rogue, and another rogue
20:58.40Josh_Borkethat's pretty nice
20:59.00ScytheBlade1It really couldn't be any better
20:59.05ScytheBlade1But it makes me want epic instances :/
21:00.18ScytheBlade1But no @ SSC gear actually
21:00.24ScytheBlade1We just tend to chain run heroics ;P
21:04.53KarlThePaganI haven't even finished arcatraz without an offhealer for the last boss
21:07.32Arrowmasterskyriss is perty easy, its getting to him thats harder
21:08.17zenzelezzthose abyssals hurt
21:08.32ScytheBlade1The only boss which really gave us trouble was Morkar the Crackler or whatver
21:08.43ScytheBlade1The crab one
21:08.55zenzelezzthe what? In SP?
21:08.55ScytheBlade1Three squishies + stacking poison makes the healing light
21:09.16zenzelezzbefore they made him only DoT the tank?
21:09.25ScytheBlade1Was a trick
21:09.26zenzelezzI can imagine
21:09.32ScytheBlade1Poor rogues...
21:09.44ScytheBlade1Poor priest rather, heh
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21:23.32zenzelezzso we're buffing up before Prince Malchezaar, had one wipe
21:23.43zenzelezz"click for HS"
21:23.54zenzelezzand we all click. Then I start wondering "what's a doom portal"
21:24.16ScytheBlade1Nah, promote the guy imo
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21:26.19HolyfaithWondering if it's possible to recieve RSS feed about updates of my favourite addons at wowinterface.
21:26.47KaydeethreeI've just got bookmarked
21:27.45Holyfaithyeah, I know I can subscribe for latest addons, but if there's a option to filter it only to addons I use.
21:27.47Josh_BorkeHolyfaith: good idea for premium membership
21:29.04Holyfaithmaybe there's a option to filter RSS by name :)
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21:33.56DottedJosh_Borke would be sad if you had to pay for such a simple feature oO
21:34.36zenzelezzthis is new...
21:35.07zenzelezz[Raid] [...]: I bet Zenzio is a girl with a hot sexy voice that makes every 15 year old boy jerk off
21:35.12zenzelezzsince I don't speak on Ventrilo
21:35.24Holyfaithha! I got it, just made all new gmail account to send the info about new updates of my fav addons and subscribed to RSS feed @ gmail ;P
21:36.32Thunder_Childlolz @ zenzelezz
21:47.21N00bZXIZenzio: Haha, I hear you.. you don't want to know what people have told me reguarding my comp's mic port being cracked
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22:19.50CideI linked it a week ago or so
22:20.08N00bZXII don't seem to get cladhaire's comment though.
22:20.09Cideit uses 14 or 15 libraries to.. create a table
22:20.17Industrialdoes it have 4 menus, a fubar display,etc?
22:20.22Industrialright. lol.
22:20.35ckknightI don't get Cairenn's comment
22:20.37Cideit's true
22:20.39CideAceCalc = AceLibrary("AceAddon-2.0"):new("AceConsole-2.0", "AceEvent-2.0")
22:20.41Cidereplace with
22:20.43ckknightoh wait
22:20.44CideAceCalc = { }
22:20.45ckknightthat's cladhaire
22:20.49Cideand it works all the same
22:21.07ckknightI don't get his comment
22:21.09Cide150 times more efficient, of course
22:21.20ckknightCide: all it is is /dump
22:21.26ckknightleast that's all you need
22:21.28Cideckknight: actually, no
22:21.32cladhaireckknight: my comment, is because we get "Can you please Ace this so its available via AceSVN"
22:21.45Cideit's simpler than /dump, iirc
22:21.51ckknightCide: true
22:21.58ckknightI didn't know Dongle had a unique relationship with wowi
22:22.00N00bZXIYa, replace : with . replace self with the addon name
22:22.14cladhaireyou did notice that the addon was on wowinterface?
22:22.16cladhairethus it was a joke?
22:22.17N00bZXIAnd replace the addon name with acelibrary function with {} and it should be standalone
22:22.21ckknightyea, I know, it seemed weird
22:22.21Finckknight: oh man, it's the most unique relationship out of all of them
22:22.26ckknightit seems more confusing than joking
22:22.28N00bZXIcladhaire: Yep, hence why I say I didn't 'get' it
22:22.33cladhairealrighty then
22:23.04Cidethe comment's hilarious
22:23.21Finprobably the most unique relationship that doesn't exist anywhere else
22:23.37N00bZXIWhat does that have to do with Dongle or WoWI though?
22:23.40N00bZXII still don't get it
22:23.50IndustrialN00bZXI; "can you ace this so its available on wau?"
22:24.17N00bZXIIndustrial: But what does that have to do with Dongle or WoWI? Different library/website
22:24.37IndustrialN00bZXI; its the other way around.
22:24.53cladhaireyeah, *sigh*
22:25.59N00bZXIIndustrial: Alright I understand it now, but I still don't see what's funny
22:26.17IndustrialN00bZXI; its funny cause its true.
22:26.27cladhairehold on a second.
22:26.31cladhairelemme see if i can illustrate
22:26.38Fingot to catch the first, first!
22:27.55cladhairefourth comment
22:28.02cladhaireand make sure to look at the mod
22:28.42[Ammo]silly people
22:28.59N00bZXIAh, I get it now
22:29.45N00bZXISad though, that WoWAce is now the addon site of choice for people too lazy to update a mod themselves
22:30.24Antiarc|WorkMost people saying that "this addon needs to be aced" are just saying "I want to be able to update this addon through WAU"
22:30.52N00bZXIExactly :\
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22:31.31Antiarc|WorkI really, really, really love the 20-minute build interval in the wowace SVN, because really, I'm a damned lazy bastard when it comes to publishing my crap
22:31.37ScytheBlade1Industrial, I'm a perpetual beta tester. :)
22:31.45Antiarc|WorkOn the other hand, I drycode a change and check it in and I get 93 people saying ZOMG IT BROKE FIX IT PLZ
22:32.02mikmacladhaire: rofl
22:32.08[Ammo]Antiarc|Work: buy an asbestos suit and tell em 'sod off' :)
22:32.21Antiarc|Work[Ammo]: "It's beta, wait for the next commit" :P
22:32.37Industrialits beta wait for the next release on wowi
22:32.47N00bZXIThe only real thing Ace offers to it's users is things like Dewdrop/Waterfall/SharedMedia
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22:32.58Antiarc|WorkIts users or its developers?
22:33.10N00bZXIUsers, it offers more to developers
22:33.12Antiarc|WorkAs a user, I loved when I discovered the ace suite because everything had consistent configuration
22:33.30ckknightN00bZXI: you do realize that with a framework (including stuff like AceEvent), then developers could work faster and release more often, being better for users
22:33.33Antiarc|WorkThe worst part of a new mod if figuring out what obscure slash command the author decided to give it.
22:33.41Antiarc|WorkDeuceCommander made me an extremely happy user.
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22:33.59Antiarc|WorkI think the biggest benefit to the user is just consistency, really.
22:34.02ckknightAntiarc|Work: hey, same for me, I originally liked Ace cause AceCmd-1.0 was standard
22:34.02N00bZXIckknight: Yes, I do. As a matter of fact if I were writing anything big I'd probably use it for exactly that reason.
22:34.40N00bZXIEh, some mods I used to use I had to search through the lua to figure out what slash they used or how to configure them
22:34.50Antiarc|WorkSame, N00bZXI
22:34.59Antiarc|WorkThat was kinda standard for me upon getting a new mod, actually
22:35.04Antiarc|WorkWhich is really, really bad for users.
22:35.18Cideso is, you know
22:35.26Cideconfiguring it through dropdowns :)
22:35.38Antiarc|WorkIt's only slightly worse than every mod printing out a "THIS IS HOW YOU USE ME" message on UI load.
22:35.49IndustrialI write for myself and share it, dont make any configurability and say so :P
22:36.01Antiarc|WorkEh. Dropdowns are better than digging through slash commands, IMO. They're clunky sometimes, admittedly, but not always.
22:36.02N00bZXIIndustrial: Same, except I don't share it as of now.
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22:36.43N00bZXIAce prettymuch can give users the choice of using slash, dropdowns, or waterfall, which is nice because some people prefer different things
22:37.11TS|Skromsomeone real quick log into uldum, make a warrior and level it up to 50ish and play in BRD with me
22:38.41Gnarfozsure, be right there
22:39.04TS|Skromhehe sweet! I'll tell the group!
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22:39.20Finhey! isn't it about time we discussed the pros and cons of Ace2 vs Ace and other alternatives, I'd especially like to ask a few questions about embedded libs and their memory consumption after we've covered the basics of what libraries are needed or desired for what types of applications
22:39.41TS|Skrom~lart Fin
22:39.41purlpushes the wall down onto Fin whilst whistling innocently
22:39.51Finhello wall!
22:43.26N00bZXIEither way, best mods are what you write yourself imo
22:54.47N00bZXIQuestion: Is there any point in releasing no-configuration mods?
22:55.02Antiarc|WorkSure, why not?
22:55.24N00bZXINobody except yourself might use it?
22:55.24Antiarc|WorkUnless you mean no-config to mean something other than "a mod that requires no config"
22:55.38Antiarc|WorkI guess I need an example
22:55.47N00bZXII mean a mod that could use config but has none because it only does what the author wants
22:55.57N00bZXIExactly as the author wants
22:57.36DottedN00bZXI well telo's quickloot was pretty much popular
22:57.40N00bZXIAntiarc|Work: For example a tooltip mod that displays units you mouse over in one format and you can't change anything
22:57.46N00bZXIDotted: What COULD you configure for that?
22:57.47FinI can give you one: SendSelf
22:58.04Finanyway, the answer is: it depends on what colours you prefer
22:58.30DottedN00bZXI various thing like if the loot box should always follow cursor or just on the initial loot
22:58.32Antiarc|WorkN00bZXI: Sure, I guess. Just make it clear it doesn't do much.
22:58.37N00bZXIWould it be better if I pastey'd something?
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23:01.25N00bZXIAnyway, if I were looking to release something on WoWI, where would I go?
23:01.34Finwhat is it?
23:02.13N00bZXIWell there's more than one thing I've written that might be useful for someone
23:03.00Finthis is the part where you explain what that is
23:03.29N00bZXII'm asking if there's a form or something somewhere where I can submit?
23:03.47Finoh go on, don't leave me in suspense
23:03.56TS|Skromlogin to your account, go to Upload and Update I think
23:05.02N00bZXIFin: As of now I don't even know what I'd decide to release or not, but I guess I'll list what I have: An AH mod, a mod that displays buffs you don't have, a chat mod, an inspect mod, a map mod, a minimap mod, and a tooltip mod.
23:05.19N00bZXII guess I'll release something since there's a point in doing so
23:06.11Finindecision rulez! possibly!
23:06.47Finhonestly mate, sounds like you've done a lot of work for something you find useful; chances are there's some else in the world who might find it similarly useful
23:07.20Finyou are possibly lacking in pride and hubris
23:07.33N00bZXIFin: Well, that just came to me a few minutes ago.
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23:11.09foxlitI've got a 2.2 request:
23:11.13foxlitMake arena groups not raids.
23:11.43foxlit(i.e. UnitInRaid("player") == false while in an arena)
23:15.01Antiarc|WorkUnitInRaid("player") and select(2, IsInInstnace()) ~= "arena"
23:15.16N00bZXIGetNumRaidMembers > 5
23:15.23N00bZXIGetNumRaidMembers() *
23:18.05N00bZXIQuestion: Is there any way to get a buff's texture knowing only the buff's name?
23:20.49Antiarc|WorkI doubt it, unless you have teh buff.
23:23.08Antiarc|WorkN00bZXI: If you use Babble-Spell, I believe it allows you to correlate names with textures.
23:23.24TS|Skromhow are you getting the name N00bZXI
23:23.58pastamancerand if you'll recall Lothaeb, there are debuffs with the same name but different textures
23:25.24N00bZXIAntiarc|Work: Well my addons are way too small to use Ace
23:25.42N00bZXIHmm, I guess I'll just add a second arg to the register function being the icon
23:27.57foxlitN00bZXI: Impossible!
23:27.58ckknightmeh, you don't have to use all of ace if you use Babble-Spell
23:28.03ckknightI mean, look at AtlasLoot
23:28.14foxlitN00bZXI: Adding ace to your addons will decrease their memory footprint by legions of megabytes!
23:29.09foxlitAntiarc|Work: that's all nice and dandy, BUT you're still considered in a raid by almost all UI features. I'd rather be considered in a party
23:29.13N00bZXIfoxlit: My addons already use ~0.01mb and are less than 100 lines long for the most part
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23:29.38N00bZXIIf I used ace it would be for the same reason as AceCalc used it... to make a table
23:29.39foxlitObviously adding ace would make them actually free up 10mb of memory and be less than 1 line long
23:31.52TS|Skromyou know it wasn't til I read the "less then 1 line long" part about 3 times that I realized that was sarcasm XD
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23:32.56foxlitsubtle trolling <3
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23:33.57N00bZXIQuestion: Is there any alternative to #{frame:GetRegions()}
23:34.06Corrodiastonight, we're gonna rock MC
23:34.25Industrialanyone got a cam?
23:35.15zenzelezzpics plz?
23:35.20bleeterIndustrial: asl?
23:35.29Industrialno imserious
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23:35.40N00bZXII imagine using a table's really not needed to get the number of values a function returns..
23:36.17CorrodiasYou need to upgrade your Flash Player
23:36.26bleeterCorrodias: enable JS ;)
23:36.33N00bZXIEnable javascript
23:36.33Corrodiasanyway, i have this guy on my AIM friends list, and we absolutely cannot figure out who each other are
23:36.35Corrodiasoh, good point
23:36.46bleeterand by the looks of things, port 4000 outbound
23:37.58Industrialgogo people join
23:38.09cladhaireyeah its lonely in here
23:38.13Corrodiasi have no "cam"
23:43.30Industrialnoone else brave enough to show him (her?) self?
23:44.02zenzelezzI fetch my robe and wizard's hat
23:44.16zenzelezzdon't think I have the webcam installed though
23:44.35IndustrialI slip out of my pants, just for you, zenzelezz.
23:44.53N00bZXII don't even have a working mic port..
23:44.54zenzelezzyou don't IRC nude?
23:45.24Industrialnot in public channels
23:45.34zenzelezzguess it's just me :-(
23:49.43zenzelezznot everyone can handle it
23:50.11zenzelezzif I was American I would now say "amg no pun intended @ handle it !!!!!"
23:50.59Kaydeethreewoo for being bored... I'm flying around shattrath with ~15 booterangs trying their hardest to catch me
23:51.04purlYou are going to DPS very, very slowly... and I mean f*cking slow!
23:51.09zenzelezzI have a distaste for mainstream American humor :-/
23:51.11Industrialmmm pizza
23:51.30zenzelezzwhat's a booterang?
23:52.32Kaydeethreenetherwing quest item at friendly+, throw one at disobedient dragonmaw peons and there's a new object floating around in 3d space trying to catch back up to you
23:53.00zenzelezzsounds similar to a boomerang then
23:53.03Kaydeethreeepic mounts are faster than booterangs, so it's possible to outrun them
23:53.38zenzelezzI'll have to get me one of those
23:54.20N00bZXIQuestion: Is there any easy way to detect if someone is a herbalist or miner?
23:55.44zenzelezzcould check the tracking texture perhaps, but that'd only work when they have it active
23:58.43Antiarc|WorkSure, scan the spellbook.
23:58.57bleetercould someone explain the mechanics of this to me... I frostbolt a daggermaw lashtail (raptor) from around 30 yards. it gets hit by the 'freeze in place' proc, yet I get knocked over by the lashtail's 'charge'
23:59.31bleeterhappened to me yesterday on a charging ogre, too
23:59.39zenzelezzbleeter: the force can have a strong effect on a weak mind

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