IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070614

00:00.09bleetercladhaire: that /script works fine
00:00.38bleeterclicking on the quest, tho, still throws the error
00:00.54cladhaireI just don't understand how that's possible
00:00.58cladhaireis it only that quest?
00:01.20bleeterthat's the only one I've managed to throw the error on so far, yes
00:02.16cladhaireI'm not sure what to tell ya =/
00:03.02KasoDivert secondary EPS power to the heisenburg compensators Tuvok!
00:03.43*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
00:06.22purlACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
00:06.38bleeterhmmm, I think I jsut managed to generate it using qid 631 on another toon, but noticed I'm missing the LH 40 subdirs, just fixing that and trying again
00:08.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
00:08.35purlACTION watches tc-working pull the trigger:  Click!
00:13.43bleetercladhaire: ok, that 'fixed' the qid 631, hogger's still bustoid tho.. /me shrugs
00:15.22bleetershouldn't take you long to level a new toon to get the hogger quest and see if you get the same issue, tho ;)
00:16.02TC-Workingjust let him use your account....
00:16.13bleeterI got one thing to say to that...
00:16.26*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
00:17.41TC-Workingas in 'they are lacking?'
00:18.33bleetercladhaire: ok, I've logged in one of my mains (lvl 66 ally mage). each and every group quest throws that error too.
00:18.59cladhairesomething is fucked then
00:19.05cladhairedid you put put all the Lh directories in your addons folder?
00:19.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
00:20.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
00:20.31bleeterthe download is unzipped into Interface/Addons. I'm gunna have to afk temporarily, I'll play some more when I get back, and let you know how I go
00:20.36bleeterTC-Working: did you lol?
00:21.04TheZankeI dont think I am smart enough for this...
00:21.17bleeterWTB: [Sense of humour] for TC-Working
00:21.31bleeterTC-Working: that was a very weird night in here ;)
00:21.53TC-Workingi own one, it's just twisted, and donest like puns
00:21.57TC-Workinguhh...what night?
00:21.57TheZankeLike, I dont understand how I am supposed to know what to write in my XMl and i REAKKY dont understand how to NOT use a XML file..
00:22.23bleeterthe night of the 'ace-ify RDX' thread
00:22.45Reclusesay... addons work on mac just like a pc in-game right?
00:22.59KasoTheZanke, what are you aiming to do
00:23.15TC-Workingwasnt my night, but yes, was interesting
00:23.25TC-Workingi blame |Jelly| for that
00:23.57bleeterI blame myself for the lolcode thread, and am still waiting for someone to help with the versioning foo
00:24.11Kasodid soluken really come in to wowi-l and ask what we were smoking?
00:24.17Kasoor was that a joke
00:24.19TC-Workingbleeter, mahi is you?
00:24.30TheZankeKaso, I am working on making (or re-making) a dodge parry counter I made prior to TBC... However, when I had first made it I had something that did the XML (or most of it) for me...
00:24.32Reclusekk. talking to a mac player who was told that addons did not work on macs lol
00:24.32bleeterTC-Working: aye
00:24.36*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
00:24.48TC-Workingsoluken has been know to come here
00:25.05TC-Workingit's like the lord himself decending down to man
00:25.07Kaydeethreehe joined the night of the aceify rdx thread
00:25.15TC-Workingor something like that
00:25.15Kasoah coo
00:25.25bleeterhe stuck his head in on april 1st
00:25.30Kaso TheZanke?
00:25.38TC-Working~seen soluken
00:25.54purlTC-Working: i haven't seen 'soluken'
00:25.56bleeter~seen slouken
00:25.58purlslouken <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 1d 17h 52m 24s ago, saying: 'POOF!'.
00:26.05Kasoha, proof
00:26.14TheZankeKaso, YEAH... but I dont want to use it.. because I was told you dont learn that way... And (IMO) its like... Visual C++...
00:26.18TC-Workingheh, we have an IP
00:26.24*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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00:26.24TC-WorkingCairenn|afk should really mask it
00:26.36Kaydeethreehe's shown up with a masked IP before
00:26.38bleeterhe should get his own libsdl mask ;)
00:26.47TheZankeTC-Working, I am good with IPs ^.^
00:26.51bleeteras I've seen him in that chan more than in here =)
00:26.56TC-Workingme to...thats the scary thing
00:26.58KasoTheZanke, well explain briefly what you want yout frame to look like
00:27.11TheZankeTC-Working, I am getting certified for "Ethical Hacking"
00:27.47TC-Workingi have a degree in networking security, the upperclasses were all about hacking
00:28.05Kaydeethreenetwork security is fun
00:28.19Kaydeethreeactually learning how to use the tools I've had on my linux box for years was nice
00:28.27TheZankeKaso, I just need a frame with a minimize button and a hide button and then 2 lines one for "Dodge: [xxx]" and one for "Parry: [xxx]"    OH and a reset button at the bottom.
00:28.42bleeter"Make something idiot proof, and some idiot will break it"; the fun bit is trying to think like a moron without getting stuck in that frame of mind ;)
00:28.43TC-WorkingP address info:
00:28.43TC-WorkingIP address:
00:28.43TC-WorkingIP country: United States
00:28.43TC-WorkingIP Address state: California
00:28.44TC-WorkingIP Address city: Laguna Niguel
00:28.44TC-WorkingIP latitude: 33.535099
00:28.48TC-WorkingIP longitude: -117.705299
00:29.11TheZankeTC-Working, my 'nix is in pieces atm or id nmap his arse
00:29.30purlfaraframes is a rather good tutorial of basic wow frames creation using XML, it can be found at
00:29.41TC-Workinginteresting if it's true
00:29.45KasoTheZanke, read faraframes then come back with any questions.
00:30.27bleeterTC-Working: I'd suggest that's where the connection is, not where he is. eg, if you were to have my IP and do the same, it'd say 'Townsville' which is about 2000kms away ;)
00:30.51TC-Workingthats your closest station?
00:31.11TheZankeTC-Working, that website shows where my ISP is not me, when i look up my ip
00:31.12bleeterthe closest station where I got the best deal from an ISP that I wanted
00:31.19bleeterbroadband in .au sux ass
00:31.21Kaydeethreemeh. I think my ip'll geolocate on the wrong side of the country
00:31.54bleeterwhere best deal = cell # of the senior sysadmin =)
00:33.12TC-Workinghmm..putting in mine only gave an addy about 4 miles away
00:33.46TheZankeyeah, mine showed up 2 or 3 towns away
00:34.03TC-Workingbut thats deff not where my ISP is located
00:34.05TheZankeyes, towns not citys (indiana)
00:34.20TC-Workingi think it might be closest routing station
00:34.43TheZankeKaso, fara still apply in 2.0?
00:35.09TC-Workingor maybe not...mine show up in the middle of a graveyard
00:35.22AnduinLotharmine shows up about 10miles away
00:35.48KasoTheZanke im pretty sure all of it is still valid for 2.1, just need to update its TOC number
00:35.55Kasolemme quickly glance to make sure thats true
00:36.27bleeteroops, 3200kms
00:38.07KasoTheZanke, yah seems to all be valid, its perhaps a little dated in its Lua coding style but it will all work
00:38.13bleeterthough I don't think the google map directions are.. ideal.,145.92712&sspn=37.733791,53.261719&ie=UTF8&ll=-31.052934,145.986328&spn=37.733791,53.261719&z=4&om=1 fail
00:39.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Juido (
00:39.29Kaso"Continue straight onto Bass Strait Ferry Terminal"
00:39.32TheZankebleeter, so is downloading a 2kb file like sucking a watermelon through a straw?
00:39.32KasoSeems valid.
00:39.48Juidohello together
00:40.00bleeterTheZanke: that's common in most of .au ;)
00:40.12TheZankethat sucks :-(
00:40.23TheZankei'd hate to be you on patch day..
00:40.25bleeterreally, though, I get about a 15ms difference through this connection layer 2, than if I were connected locally
00:40.28TC-Workinglolz, Juido, that was such an airplace reference
00:41.24Juidoomg.. the first sentence in my direction and i just need a dictionary ^^
00:41.36KasoAlso bleeter "TOWNSVILLE"? What sort of crappy name is that?
00:41.37TheZankesomeone needs to make a video tutorial on making a wow addon (in 2.1)
00:41.52KasoTheZanke, you need cladhaire's book!
00:41.55TC-Workingmaybe i should spell correctly in the first place
00:42.19bleeterTheZanke: Unless one lives in one of the state capital cities, it's generally *very* hard to get a connection above 1.5Mbps
00:42.37Kasoalso TheZanke, have you read the blizzard tutorials with the Interface Addon Kit?
00:42.52Juidowell i see the words but i fear i miss the meaning :)
00:43.01TC-Workingit's from a movie
00:43.07bleeterKaso: It was named after a sea captain, Mr. Towns, comissioned a wharf to be built ;)
00:43.41Kasoha! Well i guess that makes more sense
00:43.59Juidowhats the movie name, maybe i know it
00:45.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
00:45.19Juidohmm i know snakes on airplane, airplane crash, flightnumber 768, ... ^^
00:45.25Juidowell nevermind ^^
00:45.57KasoSurely you cant be serious!
00:45.58Juidowhy i came here.... is it possible to hide the macro names from the UI button grid ?
00:46.17bleeternote to enUS: the movie 'Airplane' was known in many other English speaking countries as 'Flying High'
00:46.19Juidoim serious but dont call me surly :)
00:46.27bleeter'coz, Airplane is a silly word :P
00:46.53Juidoclub 977 comercial :) my favourite inet radio station :)(
00:46.57TC-WorkingTed Striker: Surely you can't be serious.
00:46.57TC-WorkingRumack: I am serious... and don't call me Shirley.
00:47.30Kasobleeter (avoids pun) are you serious?
00:47.46TC-Working~lart ckknight
00:47.46purlpulls out his louisville slugger and uses ckknight's head to break the homerun record
00:47.59TC-Workingckknight, answer
00:48.08*** join/#wowi-lounge veronal (n=agae@
00:48.14bleeterLooks like I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines
00:48.30KasoI have a drinking problem! *splash*
00:48.42Juidoanyone an idea how to hide the macro names from the macro icon ? its overlay with the amount of items left
00:49.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
00:49.04bleeterCut me some slack, Jack! Chump don' want no help, chump don't get da' help!
00:49.15veronalguys when i try to /cast within any macro i get "Tainted function: CastSpellByName()" error.. is there a way to fix that?
00:49.32Kaydeethreeupdate the rest of your mods
00:49.45Kaydeethreeis it saying what mod's tainting csbn()?
00:50.31veronalyeah atlasloot, cartographer and prat
00:51.12*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
00:51.13Kaydeethreekeep disabling until you stop getting the error. the last mod you've disabled is the only one actually causing problems
00:51.14TC-WorkingJuido, have you tried
00:51.37Kaydeethreeand you're not using /script CastSpellByName() in that macro, are you?
00:52.02Juido@TC-Working: sure but there is no hint how to hide the name from the ui afaik
00:52.24veronalaah thx for the tip.. so it must be prat
00:52.37veronalbtw, any other chat management addons you may list other than prat?
00:52.43TC-Workingeh, i wouldnt know then, i am just here to mess around with people, not because i can help them,
00:53.18*** join/#wowi-lounge TheZanke (
00:53.43TheZankeH'okay, I am back...
00:54.30Juidolet say i have a macro like this: #show Teleport: Shattrath /cast [button:1, modifier:alt] Teleport: Ironforge
00:54.59Juidothen the macro icon show me the amount of Rune of Teleport left and the macro name
00:55.14KasoYou want to hide the name on the button?
00:55.25Juidoboth is overlay and hard to to read the amount of the runes
00:55.28Juidoyes @ kaso
00:55.36Kasojust name the macro with spaces
00:55.37Kaso"    "
00:55.53Juidothe only way ?
00:55.59Kasoits the simplest way
00:56.08Kasowithout installing an addon i think  yes only way
00:56.11Kaydeethreeother ways include using bar mods that can disable macro text
00:56.44TC-Workingckknight, do you have pics of pitbull posted around?
00:56.54Kasoalot of my macros are named with varying numbers of spaces
00:57.00ckknightcheck the wowace forum
00:57.17Kaydeethreemeh, I've just got macrotext turned off in bongos. whatever works for you
00:58.08TC-Working"Note: do not ask me for screenshots."
00:58.16Juidoim using ct_barmod for a while
00:58.36ckknightyea, other people have posted screenshots
01:02.03TC-Workingok, home time for me, laters all
01:04.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
01:07.30Juido3am, bedtime... cu and gn8 all, thx for help
01:07.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
01:13.42Lunessackknight: Do recent revisions of PitBull allow grouping of party and partypet frame (like the default ui) or should a user just use clever spacing to make it appear so?  
01:13.56ckknightclever spacing
01:14.21ckknightdon't expect the grouping to come, Blizzard fucked us too far up the ass to allow something like that
01:14.46Lunessa:nod: I can dream though, right?  :D
01:15.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
01:15.17ckknightI suppose I can't stop you
01:18.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
01:20.12LunessaI love your layout mode feature.  hands down the most useful thing to come along in a long time.  
01:23.36cladhaireits been around for a long long time.
01:24.37LunessaDiscord had something like it.  
01:25.02ckknightyea, the configMode was a great addition, I must say
01:25.08LunessaBut most other UF addons didn't.  Not trying to belittle anything, just really like the featuree.  
01:25.38Kasothis topic sounds interesting, could you quickly explain to me a non-user what this feature is?
01:26.06Lunessait puts up virtual frames so you can lay out your unit frames to the positions you desire.  
01:26.08*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
01:26.30Cideso what discord did
01:26.39Kasoi understand
01:27.22LunessaI tried several UF addons.  I liked Discord's flexibility, but it was a pain to learn.  
01:27.53LunessaThough right now I am using the default ones, I liked that feature a lot in PitBull.  
01:29.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
01:29.41ckknightyea, totally stole the idea from Discord, though
01:29.47ckknightnot that that's necessarily a bad thing
01:29.52KasoRandom question which i really should search myself but im lazy...
01:30.17KasoAre there any Action Bars mods around that allow isolated single buttons like discord's floaters?
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01:34.09LunessaOk, I'm out.  G'night everyone.  
01:34.16*** part/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
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01:35.48Kasoam i sad for reading that as _G.night
01:36.53DT__Can anyone help me out with a quick addon question? Basically what I want to do is delay the showing of a whisper, so I've hooked ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler and stopped it from showing up, but when I call the original function it'll always error because arg1-argn aren't set. How would I go about fixing it?
01:38.07MentalPower|Workset arg1-argn...
01:38.19Kaso^indeed, it is fairly obveous.
01:38.47DT__That's what I thought but I was a bit confused since it seemed so ... "not the right way" to me
01:39.11DT__Creating all those extra globals
01:39.14MentalPower|Workits not, but blizzard has not changed their code to not use the global vars
01:40.01KasoThats the code i use for simulating artificial CHAT_MSG events
01:40.26DT__What's JSpam?
01:40.49KasoMy personal Anti-Spam addon i used pre 2.1
01:41.00sylvanaaryou need more than arg10
01:41.26Kasooh? i thought arg10 was as high as chatframe went.
01:41.49sylvanaari think it goes to arg13
01:42.03Kasoah, well i dont use the addon anymore so its not an issue
01:42.12Kaso2.1 has fixed all my spam problems. all is good
01:42.31Kaydeethreethink it's fixed all of our spam problems, thank the gods
01:42.39KaydeethreeI've gotten *2* since 2.1 dropped
01:44.27KasoBonus lol if you change arg6 to "GM" DT__  :>
01:46.56DT__Looks like I only need args 1, 2, 3, and 6 for CHAT_MSG_WHISPER but I looked through the rest of the chat events and couldn't find any with more than 9
01:47.15Kasoi know 10 is used for cross faction CHAT_MSG
01:47.26Kasojust pass as many as you can, better safe than sorry
01:48.38sylvanaararg11 is the line number that's part of the playerlink
01:50.12*** join/#wowi-lounge DT___ (
01:50.29DT___Comp crashed >.> If anyone can kick the other DT, feel free
01:51.25KasoKaydeethree, dont you hate people who ask questions then hang around like 0.2sec for an answer then leave >.<
01:51.59*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
01:51.59DT_I didn't leave on purpose >.>
01:52.07Thunder_Childreally? i like them, keeps me from having to help them
01:52.17KasoWasnt refering to you DT_ dont worry :>
01:52.24DT_kk ;)
01:52.24Thunder_Childbut then we all know i'm an asshole
01:52.24Kasolol Thunder_Child :>
01:54.43*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
01:55.27bleeterKaydeethree: hmm, have you noticed at all, getting stuck in an infinite loop either on logout or trying to switch toons, a 'fixme' error like
01:55.42bleetertho, I might've already mentioned that
01:55.48Kaydeethreenah. I've been getting nailed with a bunch of crit errors, though
01:55.53Kaydeethreetrying to figure out what addon's causing it
01:56.46bleetercouple of times I've been just standing around doing nothing, and thrown out of the game completely. Until about 4 hours ago, wasn't running from a terminal, so no idea what/why/when etc.
01:59.50Thunder_Childmorning shirik
01:59.59Shirikwell it's 10pm but morning :)
02:00.23Thunder_Child7pm for me...guess you were just naping then
02:02.06Shirikno definitely sleeping
02:02.17Shirikunless you can consider a 9h na
02:11.21Thunder_Childnight person huh...thats so me after i stop working
02:13.10bleetercladhaire: hah, I think I 'fixed' it (at least on one of my toons, fighting atm can't test other toons; and it doesn't explain why I got the error with all but lightheaded loaded) -> Fizzwidgets 'Levelator' mod
02:13.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:13.48bleeterwhich I should really have thrown away by now, as it's horridly out of date and doesn't play well with doublewide
02:13.56bleeter*doesn't seem to play..
02:17.33Thunder_Childhmm..prat needs tab completion
02:17.45Thunder_Childnvm, dose
02:19.52Kemayomikma: You were looking for me?
02:20.04mikmaKemayo: dunno
02:21.21mikmadid i say something? i can't remember
02:23.09KemayoOh, it was days ago.  Darn last-highlighted keystrokes.
02:25.12mikmaKemayo: why is there a lagspike when i complete a quest and hear the sound?
02:25.25mikmamy game freezes for 1sec and then continues
02:34.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron (
02:35.36Kemayomikma: That I do not know.  I haven't noticed it myself... I'll try to pay attention next time.
02:38.14Thunder_Childis there a command line way to bring of the info you would normaly see on the BG button...since i seem to have lost mine
02:43.47*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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02:48.43ckknighthow can f:IsVisible() == nil when f:IsShown() == 1 and f:GetParent():IsVisible() == 1?
02:49.12Cidefunction f:IsVisible() return nil; end
02:49.35Cidefunction f:GetParent():IsVisible() return 1; end
02:49.46Cidetake your pick!
02:50.18Shirikfunction f:GetParent():IsVisible()
02:50.20Shirikcan you do that?
02:50.36ShirikI guess so, it's syntactic sugar for f:GetParent().IsVisible = function(self) ...
02:50.50Cideheh, no, apparently not
02:51.54Cidefunction (f:GetParent()).IsVisible(self) return 1; end
02:52.42*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
02:53.43Irielckknight: I wonder if that's one of those wierd transient things we've been seeing that fixes itself OnUpdate
02:53.54ckknightIriel: nope
02:53.56ckknightI figured it out
02:54.08ckknightbasically, I :SetParent'd
02:54.21ckknightand if I do :Show(), then :IsVisible() == 1, even though :IsShown() == 1 before
02:54.29ckknightthe previous parent's :IsVisible() == nil
02:54.30ckknightit didn't update
02:56.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Gorbulas (n=Gorbulas@2002:470a:fda2:1:0:0:0:1)
02:57.29Irielckknight: Hm, when are you checking? A reparent hides the frame, reparents it, then (if it was originally shown) re-shows it at the new parent
02:57.34GorbulasI'm running Karazhan, and I've been having trouble receiving summons and resurrections all night
02:57.45Irielckknight: That can confuse some code if you happen to hide other things OnHide
02:58.01ckknightOnHide = nil
02:58.17Gorbulascan this be caused by addons?
02:59.04Gorbulasif so, how?
02:59.08IrielGorbulas: it's unlikely, though in theory an AddOn could hide the popups
02:59.29GorbulasI have too many addons to start trial and error on a problem that happens sometimes
02:59.42|Jelly|"too many addons" rofl
03:00.06GorbulasI have xperl and ctmod and dbm and klhtm for raiding
03:00.35ckknightGorbulas: it should only take you math.ceil(math.log(num_addons)/math.log(2)) iterations.
03:00.43bleeteraka 'not enough friends prepared to sit down for half an hour or so to help me track this down'?
03:00.52Gorbulasthat too
03:01.02|Jelly|bleeter: too lazy
03:01.11Gorbulasmore than half an hour
03:02.14GorbulasI've been having other trouble with WoW that's couldn't have been caused by addons today
03:04.11GorbulasI don't even get a tick noise like a resurrection box popped up
03:04.51bleeterat a guess, you might be able to use devtools to see what events are incoming, etc., but I've never used that mod that much so don't really know
03:04.55Gorbulasif anything it's a taint issue, but I don't know what could taint stuff such that WoW wouldn't let me ressurect
03:05.06bleeterbut if it'd do that, it might show an inbound event... dunno
03:05.16IrielI doubt it's a taint issue
03:05.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Dreadlorde (
03:07.27Gorbulasseems like an intermittent problem, and if I ask a GM or anything I'll be told to disable addons(which I can't do during a raid) and try again
03:08.44bleetermaybe your guild/party are just messing with you when they say they're summoning/rezzing you.. ahve you annoyed them recently?
03:09.03TheZankewhere'd kaso go?
03:10.30Gorbulasno I hadn't released and I saw the ressurection effect on my corpse
03:13.11TivoliWhy o why is Spirit of Redemption a stance? =\
03:14.13Cidewhy is that a problem?
03:14.38Tivolibecause to setup bars using a stance, you have to kill yourself, but then you are still in combat so you can't set them up
03:15.12Cidecan't you simulate that ooc?
03:15.16Tivoliso if you have a button that uses stance:0 and stance:1 when you SOR you change to stance:1
03:15.32CideSetAttribute("stance", 1) ?
03:16.07Tivoliyeah, but if you have bars setup for like shadowform, which is stance:1 also it's gets to be very tedious
03:16.20Tivolisince you have to reset them up if you respec back and forth
03:16.22Cideeh, that sounds easier than dying to me :)
03:16.27|Jelly|If you have both shadow form and sor, all I can say is "WTF" <3
03:16.43Tivolirespec for pvp and pve ^^
03:16.58Tivoliit just doesn't make sense to be a stance anyway
03:21.25N00bZXITivoli: Why not set your bars to not change with stances while specced for Spirit of Redemption?
03:23.16Tivoliyeah, i just remove the stance state, but from a users standpoint it's something that's constantly coming up
03:23.42Tivolibecause it's usually something that happens when they die and then they are like, oh i don't have spells anymore
03:24.23N00bZXIAdditionally I have no clue how anyone is going to heal with the mainbar anyway
03:24.24Tivoliit still doesn't make sense as a stance since it's not something you actively switch to, like all other stances
03:24.49Tivoliunless you like to suicide a lot ^^
03:24.54CideI can die pretty much on demand in arenas, so... :P
03:25.04cladhaireyay priest
03:25.16N00bZXI<-- priest
03:27.07Tivoliactually does the default bar not change to stance:1 when you SOR?
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03:27.25N00bZXINot sure since I play shadow.
03:28.24Tivoliyeah, i'm thinking it only does for custom buttons, which is wierd
03:28.30Tivoliwill test it out and find out
03:29.03N00bZXITo my knowledge shadowform also doesn't switch for default bars (99% unsure)
03:29.15Shirik<-- priest
03:29.25|Jelly|<- awesome
03:30.12TPD<-- newb
03:31.44Tivolii thought shadowform did change on the default bars
03:31.57Tivoliit's been a very long time though since i have used defaults
03:33.33GorbulasI am not receiving a RESURRECT_REQUEST event when people try to rez me
03:33.52Gorbulasis that possibly caused by an addon?
03:34.27N00bZXII don't believe so.
03:34.48cladhaireres bugged
03:34.52cladhaireif you log, it should fix itself.
03:35.15Gorbulasbut I did log and it didn't change
03:35.36Recluseany text replacement addons available? (regex prefered...)
03:35.58Gorbulasdo you think I can accept a res I can't see?
03:36.12Gorbulaslike have a slash command that tries to accept
03:36.17N00bZXIIf your client never recieves it probably not
03:36.22cladhaireRecluse: ... what do ou mean?
03:36.25N00bZXIAnd if no events are firing it's probably not
03:36.34N00bZXIWhich is probably bugged or something
03:36.34ShirikRecluse: ?
03:36.36N00bZXIBecause it should be
03:38.03RecluseShirik, cladhaire: like i could tell it to check for the string "lf1m" in incoming message and replace it with whatever i choose "Need one for" for example.
03:38.22cladhaireLua, pil.. string library
03:38.24ShirikIt wouldn't be hard to make that addon but
03:38.25cladhairedon't need anything more than that.
03:38.28Shirikit's very possible to do
03:38.34Kaydeethreeisn't there  a mod that does that? some RP mod iirc
03:38.34Shirikbut Id on't think it exists yet
03:38.39N00bZXIstring.gsub("lf1m", "lf(%d)m", "looking for %1 more")
03:38.41ShirikI never heard of it
03:38.48cladhairelua> string.gsub("lf1m", "lf(%d)m", "looking for %1 mo
03:38.48cladhairecladhaire:lua> Compilation failed: [string " string.gsub("lf1m", "lf(%d)m", "looking for %1 mo"]:1: unfinished string near ''
03:38.49RecluseI've found two that do it but they're not updated since like 1.9 lol
03:38.55cladhaireN00bZXI: way to syntax error
03:38.56Shirikcladhaire fails :P
03:39.01cladhaireShirik: wasn't my code.
03:39.08Shirik23:39:08 ‹N00bZXI› string.gsub("lf1m", "lf(%d)m", "looking for %1 more")
03:39.08Shirik23:39:10 ‹Shirik› I never heard of it
03:39.09Shirik23:39:17 ‹@cladhaire› lua> string.gsub("lf1m", "lf(%d)m", "looking for %1 mo
03:39.12Shiriklooks like your fault to me
03:39.18cladhairelook like i dont care!
03:39.24cladhairelua> string.gsub("lf1m", "lf(%d)m", "looking for %1 more")
03:39.25cladhairecladhaire:lua> looking for 1 more, 1,
03:39.26Shiriklua> string.gsub("lf1m", "lf(%d)m", "looking for %1 more")
03:39.26cladhaireShirik:lua> looking for 1 more, 1,
03:39.30cladhairevagina face
03:42.14N00bZXIcladhaire: way to not copy&paste completely  - you missed 're")'
03:42.30cladhairewelcome to 10 minutes ago =)
03:43.01TivoliTAKE THE BLAME!!!
03:43.12*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Tivoli!n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by cladhaire (no)
03:44.29N00bZXIcladhaire: 3mins, not 10
03:44.40cladhairei broke tivoli
03:45.14Shirik12[whois: Tivoli12]
03:45.14Shirik › idle: 1m 52s, signon: 02:49:28 - 13/06/2007 2‹20h 55m 55s ago2›
03:45.24Shirikhe went afk crying
03:45.26Shirikwhen you kicked him
03:45.31*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
03:45.32Shirikyou're mean
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03:47.19N|TivoliWTS Scroll of the Sun!!
03:47.30Shirikcladhaire: You'll be pleased to know I'm almost done with the interpreter :)
03:47.41N00bZXIshirik: Interpreter?
03:47.44Shirikthe basic layout is done just need to actually code in the keywords now
03:47.51|Jelly|Shirik: <3
03:47.55Shirikthe layout was a pita though
03:48.04Shirikthe fact that you can't rely on semicolons and some keywords are more than one words
03:48.10Shirikand that some have arguments to the left and some to the right
03:48.12Shirikfricking pain
03:48.19N00bZXIshirik: Interpreter?
03:48.49Kaydeethreeuso... you're actually implementing one?
03:48.51cladhairethen we'll have a lol> bot
03:48.58cladhairelua> print("lol ftw")
03:49.00cladhairecladhaire:lua> lol ftw
03:49.00ShirikKaydeethree ya :)
03:49.02N00bZXIthat would be ownage
03:49.07cladhaireask will shirik finish the interpreter?
03:49.10cladhaire8-Ball says: "Hmmm, that's a tough question."
03:49.16N00bZXIImplementing in lua?
03:49.22Shirikwell C++
03:49.25Shirikwith printf() instead of cout
03:49.29ShirikI started in C and then switched :P
03:49.34Shirikbecause I wanted throw
03:49.58N00bZXII think it'd be possible to write one in lua.. using string.find/runscript
03:50.08cladhaireof course it would be
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03:50.14cladhairei just couldn't find the spec :P
03:50.17ShirikLua is a turing-complete language
03:50.25Shirikit has to be possible
03:50.26N00bZXIscring.find(s, "I HAS A %w+")
03:50.28N00bZXIand such
03:50.34N00bZXIscring.find(s, "^I HAS A %w+") actually
03:50.39Shirikit's definitely harder in C
03:50.44Shirikdealing with actual memory allocation, etc
03:50.45N00bZXIAssuming %w is the pattern for word
03:50.46Shirikbut possible :)
03:51.01cladhairenight all
03:51.26N|Tivoliwth is a scring!
03:52.00N00bZXIa typo
03:52.04N|Tivolii know ^^
03:52.54N|Tivoliyes %w is word
03:52.55N00bZXIMost of the time I spend fixing bugs in my own code
03:52.59N00bZXIIs spent fixing dumb typos
04:00.33bleeterclad|sleep: fwiw, turning off fizzwidget's levelator helped my high end toon wrt lightheaded, but i'm still failing with hogger
04:05.33bleeterclad|sleep: hmm, then maybe not... gotta go to uni soon, will test more later ;)
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05:46.55TheZankewhat exactly are virtual frames?
05:47.11DT_They're templates you inherit from
05:47.27DT_It's like a blueprint for a frame, and you create a bunch of frames that use that blueprint
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05:48.51TheZankelike the $parent thing is used in coordination with a virtual frame?
05:49.08TheZankeif that makes sense to anyone but me...
05:49.52DT_If you have a frame named FrameA and in the <Frames>  tag of that frame you have a frame with <Frame name="$parentOtherFrame"> then the name of the child frame will be FrameAOtherFrame
05:49.53TheZankesay i want a frame with 3 buttons and 2 lines of text...
05:50.03DT_$parent just gets replaced by the name of the parent frame
05:53.17DT_So if you want to create 3 buttons, then your 3 buttons will probably have a lot of similarities ... mainly how they look, so what you do is create a virtual frame which defines all the aspects of the buttons which are similar, and then create 3 buttons which inherit from that virtual button. In the 3 buttons you create, you define the per-button settings, things like the location of the button, the text of the button, etc
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06:00.35|Jelly|I feel a new UI in the making.
06:01.50TheZankelua was easy but xml is retrded...imo
06:02.38TheZankewhy doesnt that work ffor me
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06:11.08TheZankeis there a simple addon i can read over and actually play with i learn better that way then reading the tuts like fara's frames
06:11.18|Jelly|all of them, really
06:11.24|Jelly|just look for an addon that does one thing
06:11.27|Jelly|then rip it apart
06:11.30|Jelly|and go from there
06:11.45TheZankewell all of the addons i really* use are like 10 lua files deep and have custom graphics and stuff
06:11.47krkatake something small
06:11.53krka|Jelly|: Lua is not an acronym.
06:13.18TheZanketrying to find one..
06:16.49TheZankewell i guess the frame id like it to be most like would be monkeyquest
06:17.05TheZankeabout the same size as MQ showing 3 quests
06:23.25TheZankewhere do i view all the different backgrounds and texts and stuff that i can use?
06:23.31TheZankeor is that possible?
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06:23.55|Jelly|It's possible. There's a program that does it; I just don't remember the name off the top of my head.
06:25.29Cairenn|afkWoWBench or WoWUIDesigner ?
06:25.50Cairenn|afkwere either of those the one you were thinking of |Jelly|?
06:26.23|Jelly|Names don't ring a bell.
06:26.25|Jelly|: /
06:26.32|Jelly|I have the second one downloaded and it's not it.
06:26.47|Jelly|Unless it can look in the MPQs and see the textures. (I really haven't played with it)
06:27.31Cairenn|afkwhy can I never remember that?
06:27.39TheZankedoes it do that?
06:27.44|Jelly|Yeah. That's it.
06:27.50DT_You can look in the MPQ's but all the textures are in *.blp format Jelly
06:28.07|Jelly|DT: I know, I have a converter.
06:28.21|Jelly|...and don't use the stock textures hardly ever
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06:28.47TheZankeam i going to have to get my photoshop cd for this?
06:28.50TheZankeits at work..
06:29.17|Jelly|You need a blp converter
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06:32.29bleeter" I've got to say, hiding next to Mankrik's wife after a bank robbery is about the single most intelligent idea I've ever seen."
06:33.40bleeter(from the near legendary, new 'super engineer adventures' thread -> )
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06:45.33Corrodiasintergalactic planetary planetary intergalactic
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07:07.18Corrodiastonight, we try gruul's lair for the first time "for real"
07:07.57Corrodiaslast time, we just grabbed the first 25 people we could get to show up, not even necessarily level 70, just to have some fun and see what it's like inside. the trash was challenging, but fun, and the first boss wiped his ass with us.
07:08.06Corrodiasnow, we shall see what we can do.
07:10.21Corrodiasand by now i mean tonight
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08:41.37Shiriklua> math.pi
08:41.37clad|sleepShirik:lua> 3.1415926535898
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09:59.46*** topic/#wowi-lounge is #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 Toc: 20100 | RTFPN please | LOL MIN_WOWBLING R 20200
10:15.59Shiriklolcode.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
10:17.02amrowindows has a funny way of saying segfault
10:17.14Shirikin fact it's fricking annoying
10:17.24amrolike it's talking to a 5 year old
10:17.25ShirikI have to click 3 buttons just to get the part that says 0xC0000005
10:17.35Shirikand I have to remember all those codes too
10:17.41Shirikadmittedly that's the only one I remember though ><
10:17.48amrowhy dont you run it in the debugger?
10:18.11Shirikcause I had command prompt already open and I could just hit up enter :P
10:18.23Shirikwas being lazy :P
10:18.37Shirikplus if it had actual useful output, the window closes too fast
10:18.59amroyeah I hate that
10:19.04amrogdb ftw =)
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10:31.08sag_ich_nichtit appears that you have slept
10:31.33Shiriknot really
10:31.45sag_ich_nicht...well that's bad
10:32.25sag_ich_nichtbecause i was going to ask if you'd be willing to help me now(where now=later, when i get home from work) with that stupid GEM display issue ;P (if i wait for an author response, it will take forever and lead to nothing ><)
10:32.52ShirikI can but it'd have to be after my class
10:33.11Shirikwoot! it works!
10:33.12ShirikWell sorta
10:33.33Shirikit doesn't know how to handle "CAN HAS" yet so the error message doesn't exactly make sense
10:33.35Shirikbut it works!
10:33.42zenzelezzU CAN HAS 0xC0000005 WTF
10:33.43sag_ich_nichtwhen does your class end? (and tell your IRC client to stop ignoring CTCP requests, it's annoying)
10:34.07ShirikC:\lolcode\Debug>lolcode C:\lolcode\
10:34.07ShirikUnexpected "<eof>" near "STDIO?"
10:34.30zenzelezzbefore or after?
10:34.40Shirikhopefully the eof is after
10:34.50Shirikconsidering if there were an eof before something that would be a bit of a problem
10:34.55zenzelezzI'm surprised every time I encounter a program that insists on a trialing new-line after the last line in a file
10:35.15Shirikhm, maybe I shouldn't enclose <eof> in quotes
10:36.19sag_ich_nichtzenzelezz go away.
10:36.22sag_ich_nichtno seriously
10:36.32sag_ich_nichtno EOF break=teh evul
10:37.10ShirikC:\lolcode\Debug>lolcode C:\lolcode\
10:37.10ShirikUnexpected <eof> near "STDIO?"
10:37.12ShirikI think that looks better
10:39.17Shirikwb cladhaire
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10:44.25JoshBorkemorning claddy waddy
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11:33.34sag_ich_nichtthe thread is still getting bumped Shirik
11:33.44sag_ich_nichti think you're never going to get rid of it
11:35.27sag_ich_nichtbtw., Shirik, the timers for the wolf appear to be off from time to time, same for the maiden :O
11:36.07sag_ich_nicht(and the event detection doesn't work properly for the wolf)
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11:36.50sag_ich_nichtokay so that was pointless
11:37.08Shirik9906ms lag
11:37.22sag_ich_nichtwhat was the last thing you saw on irc
11:37.30Shirik072:362:55 * Disconnected
11:37.42sag_ich_nichtthe thing before that
11:37.46sag_ich_nichtor clocks might be off
11:38.02Shirik072:342:03 12‹8sag_ich_nicht12› the thread is still getting bumped Shirik
11:38.12sag_ich_nicht[13:33] <sag_ich_nicht> i think you're never going to get rid of it
11:38.12sag_ich_nicht[13:35] <sag_ich_nicht> btw., Shirik, the timers for the wolf appear to be off from time to time, same for the maiden :O
11:38.12sag_ich_nicht[13:36] <sag_ich_nicht> (and the event detection doesn't work properly for the wolf)
11:38.28Shirikoh, I've never really tested wolf
11:38.33Shirikand maiden can't be accurate
11:38.37Shirikshe does her repentance at random intervals
11:38.51Shirikthe best I can do is indicate the earliest the next repentance may occur
11:39.00sag_ich_nichtheh :O
11:39.11sag_ich_nichtwe had the wolf bug on us last week
11:39.18Shirikwhat happened?
11:39.18sag_ich_nichtwiped 13 times because of that >.>
11:39.25sag_ich_nichtit seems the server lagged
11:39.51bleeterShirik: I'm rather fond of Pidgin's 'chronic crash' segfault message... much better than any boring DOS foo you'll ever see
11:39.54sag_ich_nichti.e. was happened was that our ping was okay, but sometimes we had people 10-15 meters away from the wolf take damage
11:40.03Shirikchronic crash?
11:40.21sag_ich_nichtand other times we had them bascially more or less inside the wolf and take no damage at all
11:40.29bleeterthe string that doesn't get translated, in case translations are failing too
11:40.39bleeter"Hi, user.  We need to talk."
11:40.39bleeter"I think something's gone wrong here.  It's probably my fault."
11:40.39bleeter"No, really, it's not you... it's me... no no no, I think we get along well"
11:40.42bleeter"it's just that.... well, I want to see other people.  I... what?!?  NO!  I"
11:40.46bleeter"haven't been cheating on you!!  How many times do you want me to tell you?!  And"
11:40.49bleeter"for the last time, it's just a rash!"
11:41.43bleeterit's in gtkmain.c, about two pages after the /* FUCKING GET ME A TOWEL! */
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11:42.09bleeterwhere the main loop is defined
11:42.48ShirikC:\lolcode\Debug>lolcode C:\lolcode\
11:42.48ShirikSyntax error near "STDIO?"
11:43.09bleeterNEED MOAR RAMZ
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11:45.07sag_ich_nichtgiev pastey
11:47.40Shirikyou really want to see it
11:47.42Shirikit's ugly atm
11:48.59Shiriksyntax highlighting is broke on pastey for C++ :(
11:50.31sag_ich_nichtthat's ugly
11:50.39Shiriktold ya
11:50.47sag_ich_nichtand i hate that bracket style D:
11:50.56Shirikwhat would you rather?
11:51.11krkaShirik: how about writing a bnf grammar for it and generate an abstract syntax tree?
11:51.18krkaand from there, generate lua source? :)
11:51.22ShirikI thought about that
11:51.37Shirikbut I wanted it to be standalone :P
11:51.51sag_ich_nichthow the hell did i typo K&R to K&C?
11:52.01bleeterskill and dexterity?
11:52.01Shirikok let's continue along that line
11:52.04Shirikwhat's K&R
11:52.12bleetersubconcious prolly thinking of chickens
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11:52.24bleeterShirik: it's only the Bible of C
11:52.29Shirikoh right
11:52.30bleeternot that important at all =)
11:52.37sag_ich_nichtit's why you can't find the error
11:52.46sag_ich_nichtyou never learned the bloody language in the first place
11:52.55Shirikbleeter's told me to get it
11:52.57Shirikbut meh
11:53.01Shirikbesides, I'm not coding in C
11:53.06sag_ich_nichtit doesn't matter
11:53.06Shirikalbeit they are similar
11:53.07sag_ich_nichtget it
11:53.08ShirikC++ is not C
11:53.11sag_ich_nichtand re-learn the language
11:53.25ShirikI know how the language works, and to be perfectly honest
11:53.32Shirikif that book told me to use a bracket style of
11:53.38Shiriktype function(...) {
11:53.43ShirikI still wouldn't do it
11:53.47sag_ich_nichtit doesn't tell you
11:53.49Shirikthe brackets not lining up annoys me
11:53.56sag_ich_nichtthe examples are written in that way :P
11:54.03Shirikthat doesn't change what you were saying
11:54.17Shirikwhich is that it's ugly merely because the brackets do not follow what they supplied in the examples
11:55.06bleeterwhich is practically , for all intents and purposes, the default coding style for the vast majority of coders out there so if one codes differently one will always get 'ugh that's ugly' ;)
11:55.25ShirikI've seen it in a million places the way I've written it right there
11:55.40bleeterwhen in reality one should code how one's happy, unless one's coding for a pre-existing project
11:55.40Shirikwhich is where I picked it up from in the first place
11:55.56bleeterunless yer given the job to fix up the gawd-awful style in this POS source ;)
11:56.16bleeterspeaking generically, that is hehe
11:56.21ShirikIf I'm trying to figure out what brackets line up to what, when I know they aren't lined up right
11:56.24Shirikthink about it, what's easier
11:56.30Shirikfollow the column up until you find the bracket?
11:56.44Shirikor look up until you see some incorrectly tabulated text, hope it's tabulated correctly, follow to the right looking for the bracket
11:56.57sag_ich_nichti like having the closing bracket under the function it belongs to, not the opening bracket
11:57.12Shirikif it wasn't
11:57.14Shirikwhere would it be?
11:57.19Shirikthe entire function on one line?
11:57.26sag_ich_nichtit's below the opening bracket
11:57.30bleeterlook at a close bracket, look up to see what function name is aligned to it. If the function doesn't have an opening bracket, I'm sure the compiler will bitch at me
11:57.32sag_ich_nichtwhich is on  it's own line
11:57.52sag_ich_nichtand if you still aren't using a editor with bracket highlighting
11:57.56Shirikin any case, the argument is pointless. You're not going to change the way I wrote it
11:57.58sag_ich_nichtthen i feel sorry for you :O
11:57.58Shirikthat doesn't change a thing
11:58.03Shirik(1) I am
11:58.11sag_ich_nichti figured :P
11:58.14Shirikbut (2) the whole point is if they're not lined up correctly
11:58.16bleeterthe code still doesn't work, so it's fairly immaterial atm :P
11:58.18Shirikthen all it's going to tell you
11:58.28Shirikit that it's not lined up correctly
11:58.31Shiriknot where it should be
11:58.43Shirikbleeter: Actually the code's working fine, found out it's merely because I haven't implemented that
11:59.05bleeteranyways, if you want it truly standalone crossplatform, you may have to consider glib
11:59.52bleeteror.. QT rofl
11:59.56sag_ich_nichti am suprised
12:00.05sag_ich_nichti didn't find a swearword in these comments yet :P
12:00.25ShirikI try to keep code professional, is that a problem too?
12:00.36*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
12:00.36*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
12:00.38bleeterprofession contains lots of cursing!
12:00.51bleeterlook at the leaked windows source, as an eg
12:01.01bleeter'fucking access bugs' or similar
12:02.04zenzelezzMr. T pities the fools that feel a need to curse in their code
12:02.37ShirikI have no intention of using comments for anything more than their purpose
12:02.57Shirikwhich does not include relieving stress caused from stupid mistakes made earlier
12:02.59zenzelezzI use them to remind myself what the heck my code does
12:03.09zenzelezzand occasionally write a poem or love letter
12:03.36Shiriksag_ich_nicht: Would you rather I made no comments?
12:03.38ShirikI could do that too
12:06.36*** join/#wowi-lounge wobin__ (
12:12.48Shirikbleeter: Explain why I would use QT >.>
12:12.52Shirikfor a ... command line tool >.>
12:13.25Shirikconcurrently I haven't done anything OS-specific therefore there should be no reason to use glib
12:13.40ShirikA compiler which doesn't properly handle new[] isn't a C++ compiler
12:14.01bleeterI thought there was file IO in lolcode
12:14.21bleeterdunno what your trying to do, anyways
12:14.52ckknightCAN HAS STDIO?
12:16.25Shirikbleeter: any C++ package should include ifstream/ofstream
12:16.32Shirikstandard library
12:16.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
12:16.44Shirikthat's all I need
12:17.40Shirikagain, I say, C and C++ are not the same; though they are similar, you can't apply the same rules to both
12:17.43WraangerShirik, a question .... VFL is supposed to consume so much ? it was like 2.5Mb and like 15% CPU after 12 min in WSG
12:17.57Shirikthat is because of a few things
12:18.01cladhairezomg ace rdx imo
12:18.05Shirikfirst and for.. no
12:18.32Shirikfirst and foremost, whenever there is a RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE, RDX rebuilds the unit tables
12:18.39Shiriknow because of this, a little garbage is generated
12:18.53Shirikin a battleground, that will "appear" to be a high memory usage, but in actuality it will just be cleaned up the next time the GC is run
12:18.59cladhaireuse OAC instead of RRU
12:19.07Shirikeh I really don't know what it uses but
12:19.17Shirikwhatever it is, it rebuilds the unit table ^^
12:19.43Shirikas for 15% cpu
12:19.46Shirikthat seems extremely high
12:19.48Shirikwhere did you get that number from
12:19.56ckknightcladhaire: did you see the freaky complicated commit I did to make PitBull efficient?
12:21.41Wraanger2Shirik ....from the PErformance_Fu tooltip ..with CPU profiling enabled
12:22.13cladhaireewll, keep in mind that 15% of the cpu just means 15% of the cpu usage the script system is using
12:22.27cladhaireits not a task monitor.. its a unit of measure relative to the script system's CPU usage
12:22.28ckknightokay, well, say you have a situation where you have Alpha and Charlie, two guys. A third comes in, Bravo, in the middle. Now Alpha doesn't need to be updated, but Bravo and Charlie would be in most implementations. What I did is that all of Charlie's data (health bars, aura frames, etc.) is shifted down to the third position and Bravo is created in the second, creating a single update on a join. In the same light, when Bravo lea
12:22.57ckknightso what basically happened is that in AV, it went from a theoretical 40 updates to 0-1 updates
12:22.58ShirikIn the same light, when Bravo lea
12:23.07cladhaireckknight: thats all it should be
12:23.11ckknightBravo leaves later, Charlie is shifted up and no update occurs, but it's all peachy
12:23.27ShirikI thought you couldn't move secure frames in combat?
12:23.29ckknightcladhaire: but if you just use OAC, it wouldn't work like that, since the header isn't intelligent
12:23.35Shirikor you're just deferring this until out of combat
12:23.43ckknightnope, Shirik, not with sneakiness
12:23.44cladhaireckknight: you can make it intelligent
12:23.52ckknightcladhaire: how so?
12:24.04cladhaireusing OAC
12:24.06cladhaireit reveals all
12:24.09ckknightyou can make it so Alpha stays as "raid2" and doesn't turn into "raid3"?
12:24.10Shirikalso what is this OAC?
12:24.18cladhaireckknight: ... you're faking mappings?
12:24.22ckknightcladhaire: nope.
12:24.32cladhairedot dot dor
12:24.34ckknightcladhaire: I merely account for them intelligently
12:24.46cladhaireseems overly complex for no gain
12:24.49cladhairewhat do i know tho
12:24.53Shirikcladhaire: The reason we used RRU is because this is completely independent of frames
12:24.54ckknightOAC does only half of it
12:24.59Shirikthis is just a table of units
12:25.39bleeterI'm still puzzled as to why astrolabe is to blame for the problems between cartographer and gatherer, if any of you fine minds can work it out I'd be highly appreciative
12:25.57ckknightwho's the author of it?
12:26.21cladhaireand it worked pre 2.1
12:26.29cladhaireand overlay transparency in cart to 75% fixes it.
12:26.29ckknightif you have Frame1 (Alpha), Frame2 (Charlie), and Frame3 (none), Bravo joins, Charlie takes over Frame3, Bravo takes over Frame2. Now using just OAC, how do you accomplish it with only 1 update?
12:26.58cladhaireckknight: You do the accounting and delay the update until the next OnUpdate
12:26.59bleeterI asked esamynn, suggested I ask ckknight, ckknight said it was an astrolabe problem. so I'm now just going in circles and getting mighty annoyed.
12:27.00cladhairefor example
12:27.20cladhairebleeter: If you set cartographer's overlay transparency to 75% it fixes it
12:27.23cladhairebut it works with the world map
12:27.29cladhairethus its not an astrolabe problem.
12:27.29Mike-N-Goseebs: I have added a link to your mail addon in my mail addon's description, I hope you may do the same for your mod.
12:27.31ckknightcladhaire: but how do you only update once in that situation?
12:27.34Mike-N-GoGood night.
12:27.40purlugt is, like, Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
12:27.42ckknightperhaps I'm wrong about it being an Astrolabe problem, bleeter
12:27.47bleetercladhaire: that's what I thought, but ckknight said it was astrolabe
12:28.08cladhairebleeter: if it works with the worldmap, it can easily be classified as a cart problem
12:28.11bleeterthere's also a ticket in the gatherer tracker indicating commenting out some cartographer code fixes it all nicely
12:29.21bleeterwhich is why I asked ckknight initially, but when the response was 'astrolabe' I just got real pissed off at the running in circles
12:29.35bleeter'coz I've got guildies who don't want to drop carto, or gatherer
12:29.51ckknightbleeter: btw, some of the people on that thread seem like assholes
12:29.51bleeterand I ain't no hard core coder like ckk, esam, etc. etc.
12:30.03ckknightI haven't done anything to specifically prevent Gatherer from working with Cart
12:30.06bleeterckknight: most people on this planet *are* assholes
12:30.14ckknightif it doesn't work, it's a bug and coincidental
12:30.32cladhaireckknight: this has been reported multiple times, as a bug in cart
12:30.41cladhaireclearly those peopel didn't go through the correct channels
12:30.43cladhaireor something
12:30.46bleeterckknight: I'm sure it isn't intentional. Just that eventually, someone has to make some noise and get the damned problem out of both our tracking systems lol
12:31.04ckknightbleeter: btw, the code the guy says to comment out is in Gatherer, not Cartographer
12:31.06ckknightso *shrug*
12:31.34ckknightcladhaire: going back to the UF issue, how do you solve the situation I described using just OAC and a single (1) update.
12:31.37cladhaireit is fixed by setting overlay transparency to 75%
12:31.39ckknightI'll look into it, bleeter
12:32.05bleeter[peterl@dick gatherer]$ find . -name GathererMapnotes.xml
12:32.07cladhaireckknight: I'm not coding something right now, but you could shift the actual frames down, change the unit and toss the new unit/frame in there.
12:32.30ckknightbut how do you do that with secure headers?
12:33.12cladhairei was proposing something
12:33.14cladhaireI dont have anything coded
12:33.20cladhaireperfectraid works perfectly without any lag
12:33.26cladhaireno complicated code, simple OAC
12:33.40cladhairei have 80 frames up in a 25 man raid testing, not a single issue
12:33.46cladhaireI'm glad you resolve the issues in pitbull
12:33.50cladhairemaybe people will quit bitching about it now.
12:34.01ckknightbut using a straight OAC and no frame manipulation, you have to have more than 1 update if a frame is inserted in the middle
12:34.07ckknightthat was my point
12:34.19Shirik(random) this is pretty old, but awesome:
12:34.24ckknightI implemented a shifting mechanism which allows for it to have a single update
12:34.40cladhairewell great, i'm sure its awesome.
12:34.46ckknightalright then
12:35.33bleeterckknight: ah, rightio, my bad. /me wonders why ... oh, no capital N
12:36.20bleeterthe guy who posted that ticket incorrectly named the file, so my quick search for it failed. as I don't have carto, I figured the search was failing 'coz it was in carto. my bad.
12:36.42bleeteroh, heck, just go back to ignoring me for now
12:36.51Shirikbleeter: now I KNOW you know better than that
12:36.53Shirikusers are stupid
12:37.01bleeter'cept for the bit where I try and get Esamynn|afk and ckknight to try and work out what the cause is ;)
12:42.50bleeter'coz I just hate seeing fingerpointing between two dev teams, wild accusations both sides, then I come along shoot my mouth off 'n put my foot in it and proove what a dumbass I really am. 'coz in the end, it's the users who suffer. not us dev types, we learn to live with snafu.
12:43.02bleeterand on that note, I'm gunna go to bed.
12:43.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
12:44.47cladhaireyou can't setwidth() on a secure frame in combat, correct?
12:45.00cladhairestupid question, but my brain is elsewhere
12:45.33Shirikcladhaire: affirmative
12:45.53ShirikSetPoint won't (shouldn't) work either
12:46.27cladhairesomeone's asking me to dynamically change the width of the praid frames, based on the aura fontstring
12:46.35cladhaireso its only as big as it needs to be
12:46.42cladhairei was like "yeah.. not so much with the templates"
12:46.44cladhaireand wanted to make sure
12:46.56Shirikotherwise you could just SetWidth(0) to hide em
12:47.18cladhaireyeah, thats why/what I thought
12:47.24cladhaireI'm in work mode at the moment tho
12:47.54bleeteranyways, donation of some weekend drinking money (via paypal) for anyone who can sort that mess out without having to resort to changing transparencies/configs etc.
12:48.15ckknightbeer is tempting
12:48.19ckknightbut I'm only 19
12:49.06zenzelezzthat never stopped anyone before
12:50.08zenzelezzI find the American legal age for drinking peculiar
12:50.38ckknightit is
12:50.44Shirikall limits in the US are moronic
12:50.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
12:50.57ckknightah, blame midwestern conservative housewives
12:50.59Shirikwhere do those numbers come from
12:51.07ShirikI like Japan
12:51.09Shirik15, 20
12:51.12Shirikthose numbers make sense
12:51.31Shirik13 only partially makes sense
12:51.34Shiriksince it's the first teenage year
12:52.10zenzelezzmost of the limits here are 18
12:52.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
12:52.17zenzelezzsome minor stuff 16, some heavier drinks 23
12:52.33zenzelezzor is it 21... can't remember
12:52.38Shirikwe don't operate in base 2
12:52.41Shirikor prime numbers
12:52.44Shirikwe operate on the decimal system
12:53.03Shirikwhere these numbers come from I'll never have any idea
12:53.17zenzelezzI'm not saying they make sense; but having most of them gathered to one single age helps either way
12:53.20Shiriklol every prime age will give you one more benefit
12:53.47Shiriktbh it almost looks accurate ><
12:54.17Shirikzenzelezz: Yeah didn't say you did, just throwing this stuff out there
12:54.24Shirikbear with me I still haven't had any good sleep for a few days
12:54.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
12:55.35bleeterargh, still here.... I used to like the Australian Army's drinking age... 'If you are expected to die for your country, you can have a drink at the Army bar!'
12:56.13bleeter*I liked the ... former drinking age
12:56.27bleetersome conservatives got upset that the kids could have a drink and die
12:56.31bleeterthey'd rather they just die
12:58.38krkaroses are red, violets are blue, you can't rhyme and neither can i
12:59.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Ins- (
12:59.22zenzelezzroses are red, violets are blue, when this fight is over, so are you
12:59.52zenzelezzswear I saw that on some boss fight once
13:00.18bleeterroses are blue, violets are red. I'm crap with colours but awesome in bed.
13:00.26Shirikfoo = function() end; co = coroutine.create(foo); coroutine.resume(co); --< Now you == co
13:01.16Shiriklua> foo = function() end; co = coroutine.create(foo); coroutine.resume(co); print(coroutine.status(co))
13:01.17cladhaireShirik:lua> /Users/jnwhiteh/bin/runlua.lua:190: bad argument #2 to 'sethook' (string expected, got function)
13:01.30Shirikcladhaire >.> fix your coroutine hooks
13:03.11krkayou shouldn't expose your user name like that :)
13:03.20krkait's so indecent
13:03.25cladhaireits in my hostmask imo
13:03.35cladhaireor either way, i dont care =)
13:04.13zenzelezzI bet you can't guess my username
13:04.29ShirikI definitely can't
13:04.32Shirik12[whois: zenzelezz12]
13:04.33Shirik › name: Lasse Hovlandsdal
13:07.17Shirikso curious
13:07.26Shirikdoes zenzelezz mean anything or just came up with it?
13:07.32Shirikor how did you arrive at the name?
13:07.53cladhairelua> foo = function() end co = coroutine.create(foo)
13:07.53cladhairecladhaire:lua> Made a boolean, /Users/jnwhiteh/bin/runlua.lua:191: bad argument #2 to 'sethook' (string expected, got function)
13:07.54Shirikoh ..
13:08.10cladhairelua> foo = function() end co = coroutine.create(foo)
13:08.10cladhairecladhaire:lua> Made a thread, /Users/jnwhiteh/bin/runlua.lua:191: bad argument #2 to 'sethook' (string expected, got function)
13:08.16cladhairelua> foo = function() end co = coroutine.create(foo)
13:08.16cladhairecladhaire:lua> Made a thread
13:08.21cladhaireShirik: there ya go
13:08.33Shiriklua> foo = function() end; co = coroutine.create(foo); coroutine.resume(co); print(coroutine.status(co))
13:08.33cladhaireShirik:lua> dead
13:08.44zenzelezzShirik: I just liked the word, but back then (must be close to eight years ago now I think) the 'z's looked "so cool"
13:09.11krkaz's ARE cool
13:09.21zenzelezzdepends how they're used
13:09.35krkait's cooler the more you have of them
13:10.12zenzelezzI don't really agree :-p If I hadn't used this nick for so long I'd have chosen something better by now
13:10.47zenzelezzmy character still has two z's in the name, but at least that's not a butchered word
13:11.31krkathe ultimate nick is like: ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZ
13:11.39Shirikthe ultimate.
13:11.45Shirikbut it has to be capitals at the beginning and end
13:12.48Mr_Rabies2new halo ARG it looks like
13:12.58Mr_Rabies2this was in my email O_o
13:13.18Mr_Rabies2i hope it's as good as ilovebees
13:13.58*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
13:15.57bleeterI went /nick Sue, and was going to say in here HOW DO YOU DO!!
13:16.04bleeter23:15 -!- Sue Erroneous Nickname
13:16.20Shirikwhy does it doe that?
13:16.40Shiriktoo short?
13:16.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
13:16.55zenzelezzit doesn't like >>> either
13:22.10*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
13:25.55*** part/#wowi-lounge Nerinia (
13:28.47krkaJosh_Borke: Lua is not an acronym.
13:29.20cladhairepurl, zomg is lua> print("LUA"
13:29.20purl...but zomg is already something else...
13:29.50purlfrom memory, zomg is making fun of internet people
13:30.19Shirik~factinfo zomg
13:30.19purlzomg -- created by withoutclass <> at Thu Apr 27 00:15:36 2006 (413 days); it has been requested 3 times, last by Shirik, 29s ago.
13:30.26Shirikyeah definitely without class
13:34.38Mr_Rabies2i have a feeling they're pushing the patch back another week
13:34.46sag_ich_nichtzomg is an ironic omg, actually
13:34.58Mr_Rabies2the new arena stuff still isn't up on the ptr, as far as i can tell
13:35.02sag_ich_nichtMr_Rabies2 sooo?
13:35.29Mr_Rabies2the ptr's really hardly different from the live realms at the moment
13:35.37Mr_Rabies2like, hardly any of the changes are on it yet
13:35.56sag_ich_nichti'd rather have patches tested longer and working than having to get another 20 hotfixes >.>
13:36.15Mr_Rabies2they've already pushed it back once
13:36.30Mr_Rabies2the arena crew aren't going to be happy they have to keep grinding arena for a netherdrake
13:37.23Mr_Rabies2this is why they should never mention dates
13:37.32Mr_Rabies2they stopped before because they knew they'd never follow them
13:37.42*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
13:37.48Mr_Rabies2they mention one for the first time in a long time and they're likely gonna miss it twice
13:40.00|Jelly|so apparently my server's going down
13:40.04|Jelly|...which is lame
13:40.13deltronprobably means mine too heh
13:40.24deltronmine was hosed last week
13:40.24|Jelly|no news of it either
13:41.17deltronthey were working on the auth servers this morning
13:41.30deltronthat was a note from last night
13:42.03*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus_ (
13:42.50*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus_ (
13:43.35*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus_ (
13:43.41Shiriksancus_: You may consider covering that hole in your roof
13:44.08Shirikguess not
13:44.20*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus_ (
13:44.23zenzelezzhe just has a lot on his mind that he wants to share
13:44.41TS|SkromAny forum questions that need my teneder loving care this morning? still getting everything started up around here
13:45.13Shirikso help you if you bump that thread
13:47.26zenzelezzI can has ACE RDx kk?
13:48.32Mr_Rabies2The PTRs are expected to come down for a patch at approximately 18:00 CEST today. The downtime should not be more than 4 hours.
13:49.03|Jelly|I don't play on the PTR 8P
13:53.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
13:54.17Shirikhiya Aella
13:54.28|Jelly|Aella! Hi 8)
13:55.13|Jelly| This is some crap.
13:55.24Aellalua> print("enabled?")
13:55.24cladhaireAella:lua> enabled?
13:55.30Aellalua> if not ico or GetTime()-ico.t>15 then ico={t=GetTime(),n=1,8,5,4} end SetRaidTarget("target",ico[ico.n]) ico.n=(ico.n+1)%#ico
13:55.30cladhaireAella:lua> Compilation failed: [string " if not ico or GetTime()-ico.t>15 then ico={t=GetTime(),n=1,8,5..."]:1: unexpected symbol near '<'
13:56.19TS|Skromwhat's crap? all those green arrows?
13:56.26Aellalua> print("#lua")
13:56.26cladhaireAella:lua> Compilation failed: [string " print("12irc://")"]:1: ')' expected near 'irc'
13:56.37Shiriklua> print("#")
13:56.37cladhaireShirik:lua> #
13:56.54Shiriklua> print("#lua")
13:56.54cladhaireShirik:lua> Compilation failed: [string " print("12irc://")"]:1: ')' expected near 'irc'
13:56.56Aellalua> if not ico or GetTime()-ico.t>15 then ico={t=GetTime(),n=1,8,5,4} end SetRaidTarget("target",ico[ico.n]) ico.n=(ico.n+1)%ico
13:56.56cladhaireAella:lua> [string " if not ico or GetTime()-ico.t>15 then ico=..."]:1: attempt to call global 'GetTime' (a nil value)
13:57.10Shirikwtf is that though?
13:57.20AellaRaid target castsequence.
13:57.29Shirik092:572:24 12‹@8cladhaire12› Shirik:lua> Compilation failed: [string " print("12irc://")"]:1: ')' expected near 'irc'
13:57.34AellaWhat? The auto html-channeling?
13:57.38TS|Skrom*gasp* my beautiful troll from yesterday was deleted?
13:57.44AellaOr channel-htmling?
13:57.46Shirikno, why is #lua becoming
13:57.48ShirikI get it
13:58.00cladhaireit gets linkified
13:58.04Shiriklua> t = {1,2,3}; print(#t)
13:58.04cladhaireShirik:lua> 3
13:58.08cladhairei can strip it
13:58.17Shiriklua> lua = {1,2,3}; print(#lua)
13:58.17cladhaireShirik:lua> Compilation failed: [string " lua = {1,2,3}; print(12irc://
13:58.49foxlitbumb ACE RDX thread!
13:58.53TS|Skromoh false alarm, it's still there XD
13:58.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Ins- (
13:59.33|Jelly| *ahem*
13:59.55cladhairelua> print("#lua")
13:59.56cladhairecladhaire:lua> #lua
14:01.17Aellalua> if not ico or GetTime()-ico.t>15 then ico={t=GetTime(),n=1,8,5,4} end SetRaidTarget("target",ico[ico.n]) ico.n=(ico.n+1)%#ico
14:01.17cladhaireAella:lua> [string " if not ico or GetTime()-ico.t>15 then ico=..."]:1: attempt to call global 'GetTime' (a nil value)
14:01.22AellaGood, compiles.
14:01.29foxlitlua> &#112;&#114;&#105;&#110;&#116;&#40;&#34;&#35;&#108;&#117;&#97;&#34;&#41;
14:01.29cladhairefoxlit:lua> Compilation failed: [string " print("#lua..."]:1: unexpected symbol near '&'
14:01.56foxlitlua> &#112;&#114;&#105;&#110;&#116;&#40;&#34;&#104;&#105;&#34;&#41;&#59;
14:01.57cladhairefoxlit:lua> Compilation failed: [string " print("hi")..."]:1: unexpected symbol near '&'
14:02.10Aellalua> "&#112;&#114;&#105;&#110;&#116;&#40;&#34;&#104;&#105;&#34;&#41;&#59;"
14:02.10cladhaireAella:lua> print("hi");
14:02.13Shiriklua> oldprint = print; print = function(s, ...) if not s then return; elseif type(s) = "string" then oldprint('"'..s..'"'); print(...) else oldprint(s); print(...); end end; print(3, "3", "3")
14:02.13cladhaireShirik:lua> Compilation failed: [string " oldprint = print; print = function(s, ...) if not s then retur..."]:1: 'then' expected near '='
14:02.28Shiriklua> oldprint = print; print = function(s, ...) if not s then return; elseif type(s) == "string" then oldprint('"'..s..'"'); print(...) else oldprint(s); print(...); end end; print(3, "3", "3")
14:02.28cladhaireShirik:lua> 3, "3", "3"
14:02.33krkai should add a temporary ignore on everyone who uses "lua>"
14:02.37Shirikdo it!
14:03.47Aellalua> oldprint = print; print = function(s, ...) if not s then return; elseif type(s) == "string" then oldprint(string.format("%q", s); print(...) else oldprint(s); print(...); end end; print(3, "3", "3")
14:03.47cladhaireAella:lua> Compilation failed: [string " oldprint = print; print = function(s, ...) if not s then retur..."]:1: ')' expected near ';'
14:04.03Aellalua> oldprint = print; print = function(s, ...) if not s then return; elseif type(s) == "string" then oldprint(string.format("%q", s)); print(...) else oldprint(s); print(...); end end; print(3, "3", "3")
14:04.03cladhaireAella:lua> 3, "3", "3"
14:04.17Josh_Borke/who purl_
14:04.19Aella^ likes better.
14:04.44Aellalua> oldprint = print; print = function(s, ...) if not s then return; elseif type(s) == "string" then oldprint(string.format("%q", s)); print(...) else oldprint(s); print(...); end end; print(3, "3", "\000\n")
14:04.44cladhaireAella:lua> 3, "3", "\000\ "
14:04.53krkaseriously... the channel is being spammed by lua code
14:04.56krkait annoys me :(
14:05.07Josh_Borkekrka:  just look at your thumbs and everything will be fine
14:05.13AellaGuess I need to stop slacking and just install Lua.
14:05.48krkacladhaire: can you change your script to only respond in private?
14:05.55cladhaireto only respond in private?
14:06.00cladhaireLuabot has been disabled.
14:06.15cladhairethe point is to have it available for people to illustrate lua concepts to other people in the channel.
14:06.15krkaoh i see
14:06.19cladhaireI can't help if its abused.
14:06.28cladhairepeople can PM me
14:06.30cladhairethey just don't.
14:06.32AellaDoes it respond in private if it's... ah
14:06.38krkaperhaps there should be a #luabot channel or something
14:06.40cladhairei've said that about 30,000 times
14:06.45cladhairekrka: I've made it, no one joins
14:06.51AellaAnd I've missed it 29,999 times.
14:06.53zenzelezzthe bot spam dies down as soon as the possibilities to crash clad are ironed out
14:07.00krkaand disable it in other public channels? :)
14:07.06cladhairezenzelezz: I've never been crashable.
14:07.15cladhaireI'll blacklist this channel
14:07.19cladhaireif i can figure out how to
14:07.20TS|Skromtake a fifth of vodka nad say that again
14:07.22zenzelezzthey're still looking for flaws
14:07.29cladhaireand notify those people by PM to join #luabot or PM me.
14:08.15krkacladhaire: that would rock!
14:08.24cladhaireit'll stay disabled for now
14:08.29cladhairesince i dont have any idea how to do any of that at the moment.
14:08.38krkawhat are you coding the irc bot part in?
14:09.29krkahey cair
14:09.46zenzelezz"..." what?
14:10.05krkashe means "variable arguments" of course
14:10.06cladhairekrka: its an applescript plugin to colloquy, which just dispatches the lua script, and prints the results.
14:10.06foxlitselect(2, ...)
14:10.18TS|SkromQuote: Addons cannot interact with the minimap and 3D world in that fashion. -- regarding an addon to scan the minimap for mining nodes and popup an SCT message
14:10.19bleeterRDX thread bummed... I'm *really* off to bed now. gnight all.
14:10.23Cairenn|afkspamming the channel makes for an unhappy Cairenn, because it makes for unhappy chan members
14:10.24cladhaireso my control is limited
14:10.26cladhaireto say the least
14:10.28TS|SkromI thought that addons COULD scan the blips...
14:10.42krkadoesn't the applescript callback receive the target channel as input?
14:10.56foxlitTS|Skrom: not quite.
14:10.57cladhairenot really
14:11.03cladhairei wish it was that easy
14:11.11cladhaireCairenn|afk: I agree 100%
14:11.16krkaCairenn|afk: you must all give them a good banning! followed by the oral sex
14:11.17foxlitYou can move minimap under mouse and read gametooltip, but that's slow and painful
14:11.22cladhairei wasn't watching, so when I was pinged, I disabled the bot.
14:11.35TS|Skromhow slow and how painful?
14:11.45foxlitDon't know; you try.
14:11.58TS|SkromWhere I come from we call that a challenge!
14:12.23zenzelezzI thought I heard about someone doing that long ago; and that it was "quite inefficient" or something
14:13.02TS|Skromwhen a blip is made does it set itself as a child of the minimap?
14:13.19nevcairieli dont think you can actually find the blips as any frame
14:13.21nevcairielits been tried
14:13.22nevcairieland failed
14:13.41nevcairielyou can replace their texture tho
14:13.49TS|Skromso they must "exist"
14:13.58TS|Skromeven if only as a template that's applied to whatever shows up
14:14.43nevcairielor something
14:14.51AellaNot necessarily. They could be just drawn as textures directly, not passed through the frame system.
14:15.10TS|Skromgood point
14:15.12nevcairieltthats it
14:15.17nevcairielthats all you can do with it iirc
14:16.42TS|Skromokay but let me ask this: in order for the client to know that it should show a blip, something must tell it. Does an event fire when a blip is added or deleted?
14:17.07nevcairieli think its intentionally hidden in the client and not exposed to addons in any way
14:17.09foxlitTS|Skrom: C-side can do that
14:17.19zenzelezzas they're saying, the client can cheat
14:17.47zenzelezzaddons are on a need-to-know basis, and right now, they don't need to know!
14:17.48Endthe entire minimap stuff is rendered C-side
14:18.14nevcairielso yeah, the blibs are directly drawn onto the texture by the engine :)
14:18.33TS|Skrombased on sekrit infoz
14:19.19nevcairieljust tell them to open their eyes :P when i go herb farming, i pay attention to my minimap .. thats just it :D
14:19.46TS|Skromyeah same here, I just thought it *would* be kinda neat hehe
14:20.36TS|Skromalthough it would open up a whole new avenue to hunters... build a PC database of players you've encountered and send warnings to you when a hostile pc approaches
14:20.51TS|Skromlike an automated ICU
14:21.05TS|Skroma little too powerful in that regard
14:21.11nevcairiela little
14:21.22foxlitNot the same blips, are those?
14:21.31nevcairieltracking blibs are tracking blibs
14:21.34foxlitTracking and nodes use different textures, at least
14:21.50TS|Skromwell i figure a blips a blip. if it were possible to get data from one type it would be possible for all
14:21.51nevcairielthats true
14:21.54foxlit(i.e. find herbs vs sense demons)
14:22.03TS|Skromone's red, ones yellow
14:22.07nevcairielnpc/pc tracking has this reddish blibs
14:22.15nevcairielmeh too slow :D
14:22.27zenzelezzwhat about quest-hand-in blips?
14:22.37foxlitsame as herbs
14:22.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Saroz (
14:26.12TS|Skrom"SPELL_FAILED_ONLY_NIGHTTIME" -- heh cool
14:26.24AellaHeh, that's probably a leftover from Shadowmeld. =P
14:26.40TS|SkromDAYTIME version too
14:26.56TS|SkromI can never tell for some reason
14:27.00TS|Skromit never really gets dark
14:27.04AellaFor symmetry. =P
14:27.10nevcairielin some regions it does
14:27.27nevcairielor unhide the sun icon on the minimap :D
14:27.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Foxbot (
14:28.07TS|SkromHey, what's the key to getting a WTF copy to work for someone else... I zipped my addons and wtf folder for my friend who was just starting again, but he still had to manually set all the settings instead of just plug and play
14:28.36AellaCharacter name.
14:28.41nevcairielthe SVs are based on account name, and some even character name
14:28.49AellaIf an add-on saves character-specific variables, you've gotta rename a folder.
14:29.02AellaIf an add-on has a profile system, you've gotta actually edit the savedvariables file.
14:29.04TS|Skromright... I copied WTF in, renamed Account name, server name and character name
14:29.08TS|Skromloaded and nothin
14:29.45AellaIf an add-on has a profile system, they usually do MyProfiles = { ["Charatername"] = {...} }
14:30.11nevcairielor even ["Charactername - Server"]
14:30.16nevcairielor something
14:30.34TS|Skromnever even thought of that
14:37.57*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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14:45.10*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
14:48.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
14:48.32zenzelezzuh oh, it's back
14:49.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
14:50.50TS|Skromhrm... is 7int 5sta and 270 armor worth 11 spirit
14:50.52TS|SkromI think so
14:51.06zenzelezzfor what class?
14:51.11TS|Skromoooo crap, not worth 12g when I'm broke though
14:51.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
14:52.34Kirkburnzenzelezz, "uh oh, it's back" ... should I be taking offence? :P
14:52.52zenzelezzpreferably a bit faster next time
14:53.06TS|Skrom*sigh* 664armor 24spr/37sta for 7g... 491armor 17int/16 sta for 12g...
14:53.40cladhairehi Kirkburn ! web
14:54.14Josh_BorkeTS|Skrom: yes
14:57.06KirkburnI refuse to rbing myself to the level of teh internets .... your mom.
14:57.06*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
14:58.56*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
14:59.16deltroncladhaire: quick question about lightheaded, what would cause it to have a frame error where I can't move lightheaded?
15:00.23cladhairedeltron: is it detached?
15:00.36deltronnot really, it's behind the quest window
15:01.20TS|Skromlol I should get 6/8 wildheart for my pally
15:01.36TS|Skromchance for 300 mana back when i get hit? as a healing tank? yowsah!
15:02.15*** join/#wowi-lounge dabu_ (
15:02.41zenzelezzWildheart must be pretty imba in heroics
15:03.04zenzelezz"did he just die again?"
15:03.08TS|Skromfor those of us who's highest level is 60, can you explain?
15:03.35zenzelezzI thought everyone was 70 by now
15:03.51TS|Skromquit when bc came out
15:04.06TS|Skromwhen I came back I went back to my first character (paladin) who was only 49
15:04.23TS|Skrominstead of my hunter who was 60
15:06.45*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (i=MoonWolf@
15:06.45*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
15:12.31Josh_Borkevim is not listed as a text editor :-(
15:12.57TS|SkromI didn't think vim WAS a text editor
15:13.04TS|SkromI always thought of it more as a text molestor
15:14.37*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
15:17.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Work (n=cheald@
15:22.08cladhairedeltron: type /lh detatch
15:22.24cladhairedeltron: You're probably using skinner, which I don't support.. because I think its the devil.
15:23.58*** join/#wowi-lounge KriLL3 (
15:25.03*** part/#wowi-lounge KriLL3 (
15:26.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:27.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
15:28.13*** join/#wowi-lounge KriLL3 (
15:29.35KriLL3this might sound like an odd question, but is it possible to show/hide/move frames of different addons depending on triggers like switching druid form?
15:29.53KriLL3something like move anything, but with a profile for each form
15:31.04deltroncladhaire: thanks :)
15:31.35deltroni'll just remove skinner :P
15:31.36cog|workKriLL3: It's possible for an addon to do that, yes, but I doubt there's anything around that does
15:33.34cog|workof course, you're in the right place if you want to learn how to do that kind of thing yourself :P
15:34.01KriLL3I know actionscript, html and css, I doubt I'd be any good at LUA
15:34.01krkaKriLL3: Lua is not an acronym.
15:34.10KriLL3krka: bot?
15:34.16cog|workonly when you type LUA
15:34.23cog|workother than that he's a real person :P
15:34.32KriLL3really important message there...
15:34.42cog|workwe're perfectionists
15:34.50KriLL3most coders are
15:35.04KriLL3helps in their chosen profession
15:35.48TS|Skromprofessin?? people get PAID to do this?
15:36.00cog|workLua's pretty easy but there aren't any good beginning programming tutorials that use it (yet)
15:36.17KriLL3DART can do stuff with scrips checking what buffs are applied, and DFM can do stuff also, but I'm way tired of Discord... a headache to use.
15:36.29cladhairedeltron: Removing skinner will just attach the frame to your quest log (nothign will be blocked, and you'll be able to see anything)
15:36.49cladhaireyou can detach the frame, and you can resize/move it wherever you want withotu disabling skinner
15:36.57deltroncladhaire: that's fine with me if it's attached :)
15:37.00KriLL3skinner isn't something you'd recommend cladhaire ?
15:37.13cladhairei think skinner looks bad, and it does bad things
15:37.22cladhaireyou're welcome to do what you'd like :P
15:37.34KriLL3Yeah not that pretty, agree with that.
15:37.42deltronwoo hoo! I broke vista! :(
15:37.48KriLL3deltron: gz
15:39.25KriLL3anyone here seen Druidium or Ultimate UI? I'd like to do my own stuff similar to that, but changes depending on druid form, caster = normal button overload, cat = sleek and with only the cat buttons visible,(swift) flightform = no bars no nothing, just a framed cartographer directional arrow and an enlarged minimap
15:39.28KriLL3but I guess all this is only a pipe dream :(
15:41.05KriLL3I'm an accomplished graphical designer, but I don't know that much about LUA or the WoW API... looking into eePanels for bottom texture and that seems to work out fine, but I don't know how to change that texture depending on what form I'm currently in, not to mention hiding bartender3/bongos bars and changing/moving/scaling other elements of the UI...
15:41.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Zek (
15:42.38KriLL3DART + DFM could most likely do part of this but Discord isn't exactly well documented, the version that is out currently is a third party port of the pre TBC one and the author isn't even close to releasing the new version... and the forums are silent as a grave, no help there.
15:43.47KriLL3Is there an addon that lets you place elements that works as popup menus? tired of having tons of bars filled with stuff I don't use that often but still don't want to dig in my spellbook for...
15:44.25KriLL3Yes, everyone flee the raving maniac, run... :|
15:49.16deltronI use yata for my totems
15:49.27deltrontoo bad you're not a shaman eh
15:49.45KriLL3I don't mind not being a shaman
15:49.57deltrondruids are fun
15:50.18KriLL3I got 60~ of all classes, but only 1 70, my druid.
15:50.37KriLL3hard to keep away from my druid for any length of time
16:01.55*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Working (n=TC-Testi@
16:03.33TS|SkromKriLL3 someone will correct me if I'm mistaken, but I believe with WoW 2.0 it was changed that you couldn't have buttons that would hide/show while in combat
16:03.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:04.00Shirik|AFK112:372:43 12‹@cladhaire12› i think skinner looks bad, and it does bad things
16:04.01TC-Workingas far as i know, thats true
16:04.02Shirik|AFKso agree
16:04.11Shirik|AFKpersonally I just think it's ugly, but others like it so hey
16:04.14Shirik|AFKnot going to hold it against them
16:04.17KriLL3TS|Skrom: I don't need stuff that works in combat
16:04.17TC-WorkingShirik|AFK, i like it
16:04.23Shiriklike I said there are those that do
16:04.27Shirikpersonal opinion nothing more
16:04.31TC-Workingyes, you just have no taste
16:05.04Shirikit's been nearly a week now
16:05.05TC-Workingehh...what happened to
16:05.08KriLL3all my combat stuff is bound to keybinds, I need it for emotes and professions and stuff
16:05.08Shirikthe school network is still down
16:05.17ShirikTC-Working: Their SVN is jacked last I heard
16:05.20TS|Skromlol funny story, I did some battlegrounds last night and this warrior (the flag) carrier kept asking how I was "casting the first aid icon on him"
16:05.36TS|Skrompoor bloke'd never seen blessing of sacrifice before
16:05.37TC-Workingah, ok, thanks Shirik
16:05.39Shirikcast the first aid icon?
16:05.42KriLL3is there any bar addon that can have one of it's bars shown/hidden by the use of a toggle macro?
16:06.04TS|Skromagain, the showing/hiding can only be done out of cmbat
16:06.14KriLL3and again, I don't need it in combat
16:06.19TS|Skromso yes, there are plenty of menues you can show/hide on, bartender3 for one
16:06.31KriLL3since all my combat stuff in already bound to keys and will not ever be hidden
16:06.33TS|Skromany window can be toggled with a macro
16:06.58KriLL3It's impossible to have more than 10 bars even if you mix bar addon, true?
16:07.24TS|Skromthat part I'm not sure on. Some addons used to claim 10 bars with 10 pages
16:07.27TS|Skromnot sure how that worked
16:07.28KriLL3I don't need 10 full size bars, just wish to mix up the size of stuff to make combat stuff more focused, and make random stuff smaller
16:07.37Shirikla da da da da da da da da da da da
16:07.42ShirikI can't believe this song is stuck in my head >.>
16:07.47ShirikI don't even know the words!
16:07.56ShirikI only know the part that goes "la da da"
16:08.13KriLL3bartender's page function basically switch the content to another bar, so you can't use all 10 if you got pages etc
16:09.08TS|Skromso were old time barmods like discord "faking" pages by saving/creating buttons as you paged?
16:09.32KriLL3SuperMacro does that with macros
16:09.46*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
16:09.46*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
16:11.34KriLL3anyone know of an addon that gives you circular buttons in a bar? seen it in some screens, I don't mean necrosis btw, only round buttons not the whole warlock thing
16:11.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Zurks (
16:12.13nevcairielcyCircled offers skins for all major bar addons
16:12.44KriLL3not on curse or wowui
16:13.06nevcairielthe files page is teh broken right now tho
16:13.12nevcairieli think its on wowinterface
16:13.29KriLL3"cyCircled" isn't
16:13.44KriLL3I wish wowace would get an actual UI on their site..
16:13.51nevcairieldunno how recent the version there is
16:13.57TS|Skrommy faith in all things "ACE" is shaken not that I've witnessed the looming four oh four
16:14.10KriLL3"Date: 11-23-2006" hmm...
16:14.19nevcairielguess no one updated it there :P
16:14.28TS|Skromit's not a mod that has leant itself to NEEDing updates
16:14.38nevcairielwell support for new actionbars
16:14.40KriLL3it lists Bartender2 as one of the compadible addons...
16:14.45nevcairielits from november
16:14.47KriLL3no mention of 3
16:14.52nevcairielthere was no 3 :P
16:15.02TS|Skromno spoon either
16:15.14KriLL3everyone knows addon authors got access to time machines
16:15.57nevcairielanyway i can zip it up for you
16:16.07KriLL3I'd like that. :)
16:16.11TS|Skromlawl time machines
16:16.16TC-Workingdont trust him, it has a keylogger....
16:16.32KriLL3I'm on a very secure system and auto scan all downloads...
16:16.52nevcairieleveryone and their dog has a keylogger
16:17.22TS|SkromI'm on my work laptop with about 10 backdoors opened because I hate my job
16:17.25foxlit<KriLL3> I'm on a very secure system and auto scan all downloads...
16:17.37nevcairielthere is no such thing as a secure system tho :)
16:17.50foxlitKriLL3: This is a novelty virus. Please hit start, select run and type "format c:", followed by "yes" "yes" "yes", "fucking yes already"
16:17.51TC-WorkingKriLL3, you can only scan for things that match the filters you have
16:17.51KriLL3"very secure"
16:17.56KriLL3not perfectly secure
16:18.19KriLL3anything with a user at the controls isn't secure
16:18.30nevcairielso, nothing :D
16:18.31KriLL3nevcairiel: done, thx :)
16:18.31TS|Skromwhat I want to know is why my bartender is suddenly not showing cooldow shaders
16:18.31TC-Workingyea, it's always prbkac
16:18.48KriLL3TS|Skrom: I got the shaders, but not the count :(
16:18.57nevcairielyou need OmniCC for the count
16:19.02KriLL3oh, right.
16:19.02TS|SkromI don't have the count because dr.damage covers over it lol
16:19.06TS|Skrombut my shaders are gone ><
16:19.06nevcairielor some other cooldown counter
16:19.17KriLL3ctmod got that in by default...
16:19.36nevcairielwell bartender is not ctmod :P
16:19.36TS|Skromwhich part of ctmod?
16:19.43nevcairielprolly barmod :P
16:19.47KriLL3nevcairiel: U SHUR?
16:19.50TS|Skromthe one I just turned off...
16:19.58KriLL3yeah, same
16:20.03KriLL3replaced em with bartender
16:20.13nevcairielpretty sure
16:20.35TS|SkromI went through my addon list and unchecked a bunch of stuff that I didn't think I was using XD
16:20.43KriLL3can you make a bar in bartender/bongos that has mixed icon sizes?
16:20.49TS|SkromI had bartender3 so didnt' think I needed ct lol
16:20.57nevcairielyou dont need ct barmod
16:21.06nevcairielif you have bt3
16:21.06[dRaCo]KriLL3: no, not in one bar
16:21.14KriLL3I want something like 3 large once and 4 smaller once bellow that but I don't want to waste 2 bars on it
16:21.20nevcairieli planned that for bt4
16:21.28nevcairielbut i am kinda lacking time
16:21.31nevcairielfor development
16:21.41KriLL3nevcairiel: you're on the dev team of bartender?
16:21.51nevcairieli am the dev team :D
16:21.56TS|Skromwell nevcairiel without ct barmod I get no cooldown shader, what can I use istead?
16:21.58KriLL3heh, nice. love the addon.
16:22.20nevcairielTS|Skrom: default bartender has the shaders, unless some other kinky addon keeps hiding them
16:22.27TS|Skromcould be
16:22.34TC-Workingthat cant be right....i get a cooldown shader with bar3 and i dont have ctbars
16:22.38TS|Skrommaybe dr.damage is doing it, it plays funky with the bars
16:22.52KriLL3just give a feature that makes uneven columns scale to fit ;) like 3 on top and 4 bellow makes the 3 ontop bigger so it's all the same width or similar.
16:23.08KriLL3I got CTmod bars on, dunno why...
16:23.11KriLL3don't use it
16:23.36KriLL3it's not needed to nuke the default action bar, correct?
16:25.34TS|Skromstupid coworkers making me stop playing
16:25.41TS|SkromI should make her pay my repair bill
16:25.54KriLL3work infringes on fun/spare time, hate it.
16:26.16KriLL3nerf work
16:26.34TS|SkromI was actually doing pretty well, was a Elite-2 and I could window in a couple times when she turned around to write something down and heal back up to full but the last window out just took too long XD
16:26.53|Jelly| what combat log is that?
16:27.00KriLL3what is the name of the addon that gives you a 3d render of your char's/target's face?
16:27.10|Jelly|Model Magic / Model Citizen
16:27.12zenzelezzlots of them
16:27.26KriLL3zenzelezz: which would you recommend?
16:27.33|Jelly|sorry...didn't see face
16:27.38KriLL3|Jelly| is any of those TBC compadible?
16:27.39TS|Skromcombat log looks like the one by SCT guy... erm... what's the name..
16:27.44|Jelly|Both of them
16:27.48KriLL3saw both and both looked pre TBC
16:28.01KriLL3TS|Skrom: that combat log confuses me
16:28.17KriLL3I use Hitsmode, like it, thought it misses some stuff I had to add with simple combat log
16:28.17Punkie`The combat log is called Eavesdrop i think
16:28.36TS|Skromtoo slow ;(
16:28.49TS|SkromI kept wanting to call it "OverHear", "ListenIn"...crap
16:29.15KriLL3how does it work? looks really confusing
16:29.34TS|SkromI'm serious! I was about to type: "I can't remember the name but it's a synonym for listening in on someone's conversation" lol
16:29.36Punkie`the left is the damage in and the right is the damage out
16:29.38Punkie`whats confusing?
16:29.54KriLL3well 2 of each value?
16:30.11KriLL3oh, it scrolls, nvm
16:30.20KriLL3looked it was tabular
16:30.26KriLL3+ like
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16:33.16|Jelly|*cry* it doesn't seem to be updated
16:34.32KriLL3can you move stuff using MoveAnything! to a specific possessions using slash commands?
16:35.12TS|Skromlatest update is 6/2/07
16:35.47TS|Skromnow I don't know what kind up update schedule you keep with your addons, but 12 days is hardly one to call "not updated"
16:36.55KriLL3are the fonts in wow really low res or why does it look really pixelated when scaled up?
16:37.10|Jelly|Considering it's an Ace addon, I would assume you could get the latest off the Updater; which isn't updated.
16:37.35nevcairielthe page where the updater updates from, is currently down
16:37.47KriLL3pfff, details
16:38.09KriLL3just an excuse if you ask me, a server being down shouldn't stop software updating
16:39.49KriLL3sorry if I ask too many and too widely varied questions, but I'm in the middle of re-building my UI from the ground up, didn't quite like my old UI and now when I got my 22'' LCD with 1680x1050 3000:1 contrast my old one looked both ugly and didn't scale well with widescreen
16:40.26Mr_Rabies2does anyone here use photoshop enough to help me out a bit?
16:40.37KriLL3I'm a photoshop wiz
16:40.41Mr_Rabies2my crop tool is being a filthy hooker
16:40.47Mr_Rabies2it won't let me change its shape
16:40.55KriLL3pressing shift?
16:40.56Mr_Rabies2it keeps to a rectangle shape for some reason
16:41.12KriLL3press both shifts a couple of times, might be stuck
16:41.36Mr_Rabies2nope, guess i'll just save my work and relaunch it
16:41.49KriLL3I think there is option somewhere for it to keep the current dimensions but I dunno where, never used it.
16:41.57KirkburnA mayor in the US state of Louisiana says he will sign into law a proposal to make wearing saggy trousers an act of indecent exposure.
16:42.09KriLL3Mr_Rabies: edit->canvas size also works if you don't mind entering numbers
16:42.27KriLL3Kirkburn: gives fashion police a totally new meaning
16:42.37KriLL3I guess you saw it on digg? =P
16:42.51KirkburnBBC News :P
16:43.17KriLL3it's one of digg's top stories atm
16:44.32KriLL3Do I need to unzip WoWAceUpdater anywhere in particular? the readme doesn't say.
16:45.24Mr_Rabies2hrm, KriLL3
16:45.27KriLL3wounder if vista comes with .NET pre-installed...
16:45.30Mr_Rabies2it still did it until i hit "clear"
16:45.31Mr_Rabies2on crop
16:45.37Mr_Rabies2dunno why
16:45.45TC-WorkingKriLL3, not a problem if you do updates
16:46.04KriLL3TC-Working: I do
16:46.12TC-Workingthen you have all the .net you need
16:46.25TC-Workingmore .net than a man can handle
16:46.29TS|Skromwhy can the default interface dismount me to cast, but not stand me up
16:46.39KriLL3since the moron's over at m$ gave all OEM brans 1 key each for vista installs... and it's childsplay to enter that one... =P
16:47.29KriLL3yes this puter is an ASUS OEM, most parts aren't asus and no logo on the box... but it's an ASUS OEM alright... *cough*
16:48.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=chatzill@
16:49.15KriLL3nevcairiel: is it possible to hide bartender bars depending on what form you're in, you can page bars using forms but I haven't spotted a hide feature
16:50.13KriLL3I got 3 bars in caster, and I only use one of them in cat (cat doesn't have more stuff than that) especially since I've merged a couple of buttons using macros
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16:51.37KriLL3quite ugly having 2 bars above the one I use while in cat especially when I can't use any of the buttons in kitten form
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16:53.12KriLL3should demonstrate what I'm saying: yes that is my UI in it's current state :(
16:53.29TS|SkromI think we get the idea ;-)
16:53.44TS|Skromchances are good he's not thinking about it, he's just afk :p
16:53.49KriLL3TS|Skrom: like the right portion of the image? =P
16:54.16KriLL3switching to widescreen isn't something most UIs handle with ease...
16:54.20KriLL3yeah, true
16:54.31TS|Skromheh yeah I have the same issues if I copy wtf folder from desktop to laptop
16:54.45KriLL3odd that my profession buttons and potions aren't shaded, can't use them in forms
16:55.00TS|Skromthat's a freakin' lot of mana pots XD
16:55.12KriLL3I switched from a 19'' CRT (5:4) to a 22'' LCD (wide)
16:55.17KriLL3it's a mana potion injector
16:55.21KriLL3see the small tip?
16:55.34KriLL3yeah I inject...
16:55.42TS|Skrombear in mind I'm newly returned to the game :p
16:55.52KriLL3want to make a hp potion injector but no schematics for it on AH
16:56.16TC-Workingbad pun TS|Skrom
16:56.23KriLL3TS|Skrom: you get 20 potions and like 3 fel iron bars and 2 knothide leather and make one, saves space
16:56.24TC-Working~bitchslap TS|Skrom
16:56.25purlACTION beats the sh*t out of TS|Skrom
16:56.54KriLL3can't be used in arena and doesn't have any different cooldown than regular potions though :(
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16:57.54TS|Skromholy crap you are right
16:57.59TS|Skromslap me again >< I deserve it
16:58.25TS|Skromwasn't even paying attention, windowed in and was being attacked by a black drake XD
16:58.41TC-Working~bitchslap TS|Skrom
16:58.42purlACTION beats the sh*t out of TS|Skrom
16:59.24KriLL3I like having 3 monitors, can IRC and wow at the same time without Alt+Tab
16:59.38dukekui like being sane, i can irc without playing wow
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17:00.11KriLL3thought my 2 remaining 19'' CRTs look really dim and bland next to my 22'' LCD
17:00.27TS|Skromoh I'm not tabbing to irc
17:00.38TS|Skromirc is on the desktop lol I have to window out in case someone walks by though
17:00.52KriLL3dukeku: I IRC, Browse (FF) and WoW at the same time, sometimes I replace IRC/FF with Photoshop... yes photoshop and wow...
17:01.33KriLL3but I'm legally insane, so why not?
17:02.02TS|Skromokay yeah something really weird is happening iwth my cooldown shaders... I click divine favor (2 min cooldown, but isn't expended until I cast a heal spell) and it goes shaded like the cooldown started
17:02.02KriLL3I've put my webcam on record and fast forwarded through 2~ hours of this kind of activity, my eyes are scary to watch
17:02.37TS|Skromthen I cast the heal. Once the heal is finished casting and the divine favor is consumed the button goes back to normal, no shading texture no cooldown...
17:02.40dukeku<-- at work
17:02.47dukekui have one 1024x768 monitor
17:02.59dukekuand irc fits in a nice 80x120 char window
17:37.19*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
17:37.19*** topic/#wowi-lounge is #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 Toc: 20100 | RTFPN please | LOL MIN_WOWBLING R 20200
17:37.43KriLL3love the "Select fastest mirror automatically" button on curse, why does it require that i press download on the addon page and then choose a mirror? why can't it do what it says? auto pick fastest and download...
17:38.16Gnarfozit selects the mirror automatically
17:38.19Gnarfozwhen you tell it to do so
17:38.42KriLL3should be able to tell it once and then do it always after that
17:41.23TS|Skrommom just called. My Grandma's sister-in-law (my great uncles wife) died
17:41.33TS|Skromso he's the last one of that generation left in our family
17:44.19TS|Skromshe was due to go soon, had real bad alzheimers
17:44.19KriLL3I still got both my grandmas, one granddad and a great grandma  
17:44.43KriLL3great grandma is 97
17:44.56KriLL3still physically active, memory is gone though
17:46.01KriLL3she can turn a corner, look behind her and be surprised you're there for a visit... kinda hard to live with the knowledge that all you tell her is gone in an hour or less...
17:46.01Cairenn|afkTS|Skrom: very sorry to hear that, my condolences to your family
17:51.30TS|SkromThanks. It was no big suprise and all so that makes it easier. And the fact that she wouldn't even have known ya had you gone and visisted lessons any potential guilt for not spending more time hehe
17:53.28*** join/#wowi-lounge CIA-6 (i=cia@
17:54.41cladhairehai CIA-6
17:56.24Temwhat is today's date?
17:56.51TC-Workingwish it was the 15th
17:56.57TC-Workinger...16th actualy
17:57.07TemI think it /is/ the 15th
17:57.45Temoh finally
17:58.30TemI've been failing to accept certificates becase my clock was set to 2000
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17:59.19TS|Skromlol tem
17:59.32cladhaireLuabot has been enabled, prefix a command with lua> to have me run it.
17:59.42TS|Skromany time on of my users calls saying they "can't login" to a website and it doesn't give them an error I say "Check your computer's clock"
17:59.55cladhairecladhaire:lua> [string ""]:1: attempt to call field 'date' (a nil value)
17:59.59cladhaireJosh_Borke:lua> [string ""]:1: attempt to call field 'date' (a nil value)
18:00.01cladhairelua> date()
18:00.03cladhairecladhaire:lua> Thu Jun 14 13:59:08 2007,
18:00.05cladhairethere we go
18:00.07cladhaireLuabot has been disabled.
18:00.16Tivolidisabled =\
18:04.44cladhairegimme 2 seconds, i'll enable it in PM's only
18:04.46cladhaireor in specific channels.
18:05.53KriLL3TS|Skrom: yeah it's best when it isn't sudden and everyone gets time to say farewell and reconcile themselves to the fact, my granddad on my fathers side passed away a couple of months ago but he was on a decline during half a year or so, memory went, blood clots in the brain, etc.
18:06.13KriLL3everyone in the family knew it was comming
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18:08.27KriLL3it's natural and normal for old people to die, and when you know it's going to happen it's not as bad, a lot worse when someone young dies suddenly, haven't happened to anyone I know or any of my family luckily enough
18:08.34foxlitCIA-6, help
18:09.57foxlitIsn't that an acebot, anyway?
18:10.48KriLL3"cladhaire>Luabot is disabled in KriLL3, please send requests in #luabot or private message" wtf..
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18:12.22KriLL3does eePanels crop a texture that is larger than the panel's size?
18:13.15KriLL3say I make a 512x512 texture that is actually a 512x300~ texture with a large transparent section to fit teh 2^ rule, does eePanels crop the transparent section if I make it the size of the "actual" texture?
18:13.48|Jelly|pending you have the alpha channel set up correctly, set it to 512x512 and it'll show how you want it to.
18:14.21TC-Working"By default, the icon will stretch to fit the panel. This is because tiling is turned off by default. If you keep tiling off, you'll need to modify the height/width of the eePanel so that it has the same ratio of the texture so that it doesn't look distored."
18:14.33KriLL3|Jelly| but doesn't that area interact with the mouse?
18:14.57KriLL3TC-Working: does it crop when in tiled mode?
18:15.00|Jelly|not unless you want it to. By default, the frames are set to background.
18:15.14TC-Working"The background color/opacity/blend mode all affect the texture's visibility. If you know the texture is right (for instance, you're using my icon image above), but can't see the texture, make sure the panel is transparent, or that the blend mode is set how you need it. It's also possible if you have tiling enabled that you've set a tile size so large, you can't actually see the image. Double check these settings.
18:15.19|Jelly|I've never used tiled mode so, I can't answer questions regarding it. 8P
18:15.32TC-Working"Tiling stops the image from stretching. Instead, the image will duplicate itself across the panel as many times as possible, based on the tile size. The tile size will set the size height and width of the texture to whatever pixel size you've entered."
18:15.33KriLL3can you move the panel outside the rendered area of the game? as in having the transparency in the bottom of the texture and move that down out of view?
18:16.00KriLL3ah, good.
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18:16.49KriLL3TC-Working: is that a yes or a no? =P
18:17.01TC-Workingfor what?
18:17.15KriLL3does a tiled panel crop the texture if the panel is smaller than said texture
18:17.30KriLL3way 512x512 texture in a 512x300 panel
18:17.40TC-Workingi think so....]
18:17.43cladhairelua> print("Ace RDX please")
18:17.59KriLL3cladhaire: why did you pm me earlier?
18:17.59TC-Workingi didnt use tileing that much
18:18.07TC-Workingi was just screwing around with it
18:18.07cladhaireKriLL3: script error
18:18.43KriLL3TC-Working: found something better or just not interested in that aspect of UI customization?
18:18.50TC-Workinginterestingly enough if you play in windowed mode with 2 monitors, you can drag things outside the WoW window, E.G. you can drag an inventory item to your other monitor
18:18.54KriLL3cladhaire: "?" was the trigger?
18:19.06cladhaireKriLL3: no, i responded to every single incoming message
18:19.12TC-Workingmore along the lines of havent gotten around to it
18:19.16KriLL3TC-Working: it's not rendered though, correct?
18:19.28KriLL3cladhaire: oh
18:19.38TC-Workingwhats not rendered?
18:19.46KriLL3the item you drag to another screen
18:19.55KriLL3it can't be shown outside the game window, correct?
18:20.11TC-Workingwell if you let go it dissipears but if your still holding on to it, you can see the icon
18:20.55KriLL3can you make higher level than bars stuff in eepanels that is click-through ?
18:21.38KriLL3by level I mean strata ofc
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18:21.50TC-Workingdepends what you are trying to click i suppose...
18:22.06TC-Workingif the thing being clicked is tooltip lvl then maybe
18:22.28TC-Workingthough you prolly wouldnt see the texture then
18:23.19KriLL3so you can't make a panel in eepanels that is ignored by the mouse?
18:23.34|Jelly|What are you worried about?
18:23.48|Jelly|You can lock them and make them the background -- your mouse shouldn't ever bother them.
18:23.55KriLL3I'd like to add some graphics that partially overlap bartender bars
18:24.19KriLL3like custom frames etc
18:24.47TC-Workingyes, you can make a pannel that is ignored by the mouse...but it coudlnt overlap something that you wanted to click
18:24.48|Jelly|You'll have to break them up into more than one frame and set the strata. However, so long as you have the panel locked, I don't see what your mouse could do to bother it. (Unless you're talking about click through, which I've never tested)
18:25.17KriLL3yeah it's the bar underneath I'm worried about
18:25.33KriLL3I don't want the mouse to try to click the panel instead of the bar
18:25.35|Jelly|All I can tell you is to test it : /
18:25.49KriLL3yeah, I'll try it out
18:26.28KriLL3can you show/hide eePanels using slash commands?
18:26.28TC-Workingdont forget you can also set the pannels parent as well
18:26.59|Jelly|You should be able to /script FRAME:Hide() but again, I'm not sure
18:27.16KriLL3TC-Working: can I make another panel it's parent, or possibly even the frame of another addon?
18:28.00KriLL3would be neat to have different backgrounds for my bars+chat etc depending on my current druid form
18:28.01TC-Workingi dont know what the rules are for parenting...but whatever the standard rulse are i am sure they apply here was well
18:28.26KriLL3I've made DAF frames children of other addon's frames
18:28.39KriLL3and when that addon hid it's frame the attached frame was hidden also
18:29.03KriLL3I got an energy watch addon for catform, would be cool if I could make that the parent of a set of cat textures :>
18:29.10KriLL3it's hidden when not in catform
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18:46.58KriLL3is there a good source of UI textures? like the stone WoW uses in many places?
18:47.27KriLL3I'd like my UI to fit in style with the rest of the game.
18:47.48Zeksiewhatever for.. :)
18:48.16Zeksieok. maybe the background tex, but the borders and stuff are tres ugly
18:48.27|Jelly|The stock textures are held in the MPQ files. You'll have to get something to look into them.
18:48.29TC-Workingdid wowi just go down?
18:48.31KriLL3agreed, I only want the background texture
18:48.53KriLL3TC-Working: works for me
18:48.57Zeksiejust pick a random frame and peek in the xml what it uses..
18:48.58KriLL3check your tubes
18:49.07TC-Workingwell i am talking to you aint i....
18:49.25KriLL3might be some kind of magic, might not be your interwebs
18:49.29TC-Workingbesides i am sitting here on an OC12
18:49.38TC-Workingis it still working for you?
18:49.38KriLL3OC12 = ?
18:50.01TC-WorkingOC-12 / STM-4x
18:50.01TC-WorkingOC-12 is a network line with transmission speeds of up to 622.08 Mbit/s (payload: 601.344 Mbit/s; overhead: 20.736 Mbit/s).
18:50.01TC-WorkingOC-12 lines are commonly used by ISPs as WAN connections. While a large ISP would not use an OC-12 as a backbone (main link), it would for smaller, regional or local connections. This connection speed is also often used by mid-sized (below Tier 2) internet customers, such as web hosting companies or smaller ISPs buying service from larger ones.
18:50.39KriLL3why would an ISP carry that much traffic on copper instead of fiber?
18:50.54TC-Workingwho said it isnt?
18:51.07TC-WorkingOC = Optical Carrier
18:51.14KriLL3fiber is generally faster than that
18:51.38TC-Workingyou pay for the badwith so thay have tiers
18:51.45TC-Workingyou only pay for what you need
18:52.03KriLL3so it's a rented line, not the ISP's own, got you.
18:52.08TC-Workinghighest right now is OC-768 / STM-256x
18:52.08TC-WorkingOC-768 is a network line with transmission speeds of up to 39,813.12 Mbit/s (payload: 38,486.016 Mbit/s; overhead: 1327.104 Mbit/s).
18:52.48KriLL3TC-Working: wikipedia is a lovely thing :>
18:54.00KriLL3I got 24Mbit, was having an actual speed of 1~ Mbit earlier this morning, called my ISP and the guy in the other end told me some server near me had crashed and not been restored, did it remotely and my speed was back, would have thought my ISP would have noticed stuff like that...
18:54.40KriLL3odd feeling having about 90KB/s down and 50KB/s up...
18:55.11*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
18:59.40KriLL38672/788 best sofar, tired 3
19:00.13Cide2473/6972 on the first one for me
19:00.21Mr_Rabies2holy hell
19:00.37TC-Workingi got 6501/708
19:00.38KriLL3you got more upload than download?
19:00.41Mr_Rabies2i'm at 3000/384
19:00.48Cide6972 kb/s upload
19:01.21Cideto a swedish server I got
19:01.21KriLL3I'm 9000~/800~ it seems, thought 24Mbit would be faster than that
19:02.06Cideah, there we go
19:02.15Mr_Rabies2damn you people and your
19:02.19Mr_Rabies2fast ass internet
19:02.25KriLL3Mr_Rabies2: the ISS isn't working atm :(
19:02.33Mr_Rabies26 mbit is about as fast as we can get
19:02.34CideI am the ISS
19:03.03Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure it's 6/512 too
19:03.23KriLL3I'm on 24Mbit, ¬35 a month no cap, and my ISP just lowered the cost $10 a month no strings attached and I don't even need do anything...
19:03.29TC-Workingheh, going ~7950 mi to Melbourne i got 2869/317
19:03.44KriLL3odd that your ISP lowers the price without warning and no reason given...
19:04.00Mr_Rabies2what types of dollars are though
19:04.10KriLL3... Euro
19:04.20KriLL3no kind of dollar at all
19:04.22Mr_Rabies2well, you said $
19:04.28KriLL3... meant ¬
19:04.32Mr_Rabies2isn't the euro symbol something else entirely :O
19:04.34KriLL3buttons right next to one another
19:04.43KriLL3said ¬ first time
19:04.55Mr_Rabies2that's like a right angle for me, this font must not support the encoding right
19:05.00KriLL3I guessI got another charset
19:05.08KriLL3no it's the charset
19:05.12Mr_Rabies2yeah, cide's works
19:05.30KriLL3¬ for me is the euro sign, a C with a = through it or close
19:05.57KriLL3basically a rounded E with 2 middle pins... so to speak...
19:06.24Mr_Rabies2let's see
19:06.30KriLL3I'm using ISO 8859-10 and you're most likely on UTFS or something like that
19:06.36Mr_Rabies2so it's 35 Euro a month or 25?
19:06.44KriLL335, was 45
19:07.20Mr_Rabies2that's $46.50 a month or so in usd
19:07.23KriLL3well my nation doesn't use euro but I'm converting for convenience
19:07.40TC-Workingconvenince for whom?
19:07.47KriLL3Mr_Rabies2: not really, since US prices hasn't changed to reflect your rapidly plummeting dollar
19:08.12Mr_Rabies2i dunno, i'm using google's thing, no clue how accurate it is
19:08.17KriLL3TC-Working: everyone, most don't know the rate of the Swedish Krona (SEK)
19:08.18Mr_Rabies2i've never even seen a euro
19:08.25Mr_Rabies2and probably never will
19:08.55Mr_Rabies2i pay the equivalent of about 26 euros a month, according to google
19:08.59KriLL3"350 Swedish kronor = 49.43645 US$"
19:09.01TC-WorkingKriLL3, it was a joke...e.g. why euro and not the holy all american dollar
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19:09.37KriLL3the US dollar is hard to compare with atm, since it's rapidly declining.
19:10.00KriLL3and your prices doesn't change to reflect that
19:10.17KriLL3I'm paying about the equivalent of $30
19:10.41KriLL3I know it's tons cheaper than broadband in the US
19:10.44Mr_Rabies2anyway, 35 a month for 3 mbit is brutal
19:10.57KriLL3I'm 30 a month for 24Mbit
19:11.00KriLL3no cap
19:11.23nevcairieli want that .(
19:11.26TC-Workingme to
19:11.28Mr_Rabies2infrastructure's a bit harder to manage out here
19:11.29Cide~$40/mo for 100mbit here (no cap)
19:11.31nevcairieli am at 3mbit for like 30
19:11.36TC-Workingi have 6mb for about 50
19:11.39Mr_Rabies2where's "here" cide?
19:11.53nevcairielstupid them :(
19:11.58Mr_Rabies2goddamn you scandinavians
19:11.59KriLL3Mr_Rabies2: that claim is kinda funny since Sweden is the size of California with 9 million people, and we got 99% broadband penetration
19:12.10Mr_Rabies2with your blonde hair and your guitar solos
19:12.29KriLL3Mine is brown actually
19:12.50KriLL3we're getting 100Mbit DSL this fall without change in price or connection fee :>
19:13.08Mr_Rabies2and your cell phones are like, computers
19:13.12KriLL3and we don't have an option, the bastards will just upgrade it without even asking.
19:13.16Mr_Rabies2damn you scandinavia
19:13.25KriLL3Mr_Rabies2: our phones make the iPhone seem old
19:13.28TS|Skrom99% is alot easier when it's 25% of your comparison's population
19:13.28nevcairielKriLL3: sucks to be you, seriously :x
19:14.02Mr_Rabies2yeah, at&t's rolling FioS out in georgia pretty soon
19:14.10Mr_Rabies2so i'll hopefully be able to stop bitching
19:14.24KriLL3"nevcairiel: is it possible to hide bartender bars depending on what form you're in, you can page bars using forms but I haven't spotted a hide feature"
19:14.29TC-Workingyea, good stuff 30mb+ for about 15 mo
19:14.32KriLL3asked that earlier but you wasn't here
19:14.32cladhaire8-Ball says: "Sure"
19:14.39Mr_Rabies2the iphone really isnt all that great in the first place
19:15.13KriLL3TS|Skrom: it's spread out thus a network that support one area isn't as profitable
19:15.19Mr_Rabies2i got a phone with mostly better features for 25 bucks wgen i renewed my plan
19:15.53Mr_Rabies2there's chunks of the US with no broadband at all
19:16.06KriLL3nevcairiel: is it possible to toggle/hide/show bartender bars using slash commands, aka possible to put showing/hiding bars into macros?
19:16.19Mr_Rabies2it's just not cost effective to support it out where there's 5 people in a square mile
19:17.09KriLL3as said, sweden got a very low population density
19:17.23KriLL3yet most of them are covered
19:17.41Mr_Rabies252 /sq mi
19:17.53Mr_Rabies2yeah a bit lower than the us's 75 or so
19:18.05nevcairielKriLL3: hm yeah, BT3Bar1.class:ToggleVisibilty() .. i think
19:18.07nevcairielnot in game
19:18.15nevcairielreplace 1 with your bar number
19:18.27KriLL3nevcairiel: is there an out right hide function?
19:18.56nevcairielif BT3BarX:IsShown() then toggle end :D
19:19.24KriLL3so I can put a macro in bar with BT3Bar#class:ToggleVisibilty() inside it, put the bar it hides/shows over that button and all buttons on that bar are macros that does an emote and then hides the bar it's on?
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19:20.03KriLL3I'm trying to hax a popup menu together =P
19:20.03Temprobably not
19:20.10nevcairielnot in combat
19:20.12Temit'll fail in combat
19:20.15KriLL3don't need it in combat
19:20.32KriLL3all I use in combat is bound to hotkeys and shown
19:20.42nevcairielit'll prolly cause a protection error, not sure if i have combat checks there
19:20.46KriLL3meant to use it for emotes and profession windows etc
19:21.23KriLL3nevcairiel: can I hide bars depending on what form I'm in btw?
19:21.37nevcairielyou can look for a empty bar, and set it to switch to that :P
19:21.41KriLL3but I can set them to page to an empty bar
19:21.48KriLL3yeah, done that
19:21.49nevcairieli didnt really implement showstates
19:21.56KriLL3but it doesn't support flight form :(
19:22.04nevcairielonly forms where it matters
19:22.20KriLL3well, I'd like all my bars to go away in flightform, since they're useless there
19:22.33KriLL3same as all but 1 bar are useless in cat/bear
19:23.47nevcairielbartender4 will prolly support that
19:23.52TS|Skromthat would seem kinda dangerous to me... don't you ever get put into combat from flight and need to then switch out? When you switched you'd be stuck with no bars...
19:23.53nevcairielwhen i actually am in the coding mood again
19:23.54KriLL3trying to figure out a way to only show certain bars depending on shape, like if statements that check my current form and hide/show bars
19:24.02nevcairielTS|Skrom: not if done right :)
19:24.08KriLL3TS|Skrom: I don't switch forms using bars
19:24.16TS|SkromThat's not what I meant.
19:24.34KriLL3bound keys work on hidden bars
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19:24.43TS|SkromIf you've got everything hidden in flight... get put into combat. Boom stuck with no bars since they can't be shown while in combat.
19:25.05KriLL3yeah, true enough
19:25.21KriLL3thought I don't enter combat in flightform
19:25.23TS|Skromat least that's what I think would happen *shrug*
19:25.25nevcairielyou generally dont get thrown out of flightform
19:25.31nevcairielso you can fly away :P
19:25.46nevcairielthats the biggest advantage over mounts
19:25.51nevcairielno daze-dismount
19:26.01KriLL3and you can re-cast it in mid air
19:26.17TS|Skromgranted I play my druid very little and he's only 24, but I tend to shift alot, I just don't see how I could do it myself
19:26.22KriLL3thus falling to your death is less likely
19:26.32TS|Skromthe paging is enough for me, I just ignore the bar with my heals on it
19:26.55|Jelly|Is there a way to set bindings for Bartender without having to go through the Keybindings menu?
19:27.04TS|Skromthere used to be :'(
19:27.16nevcairielkeybindings have always been weird
19:27.18TS|Skromor am I thinking of bongos
19:27.23TS|SkromI don't know I've used too many XD
19:27.25nevcairieli really need to get a new way setup
19:27.34|Jelly|Bongos is really easy
19:27.41KriLL3TS|Skrom: you can page bar to empty once and thus they "vanish"
19:27.45TS|Skromyeah nevcairiel and add support for more then two bars!
19:27.46|Jelly|...but I like the fact that Bartender can hide bard until they're hovered over
19:28.04TS|Skromkeybindings for more then 2 I mean
19:28.10nevcairielyou can bind all ten
19:28.13TS|Skromfrom the keybindings menu I only see bartenderbar1 and bar2
19:28.13nevcairielat least i can
19:28.21nevcairielbut ive heard lots of reports that others cant
19:28.21KriLL3TS|Skrom: I see 10
19:28.24nevcairieldont ask me why :(
19:28.27TS|Skromwhoah... I'll have to look again. I really need to download "better keybindings" mod again
19:28.38KriLL3TS|Skrom: that might be the issue
19:28.50TS|Skromwhat? not having that mod?
19:28.58KriLL3having it
19:28.58TS|SkromI figure I must be scrolling past them or something
19:29.01TS|SkromI don't have it
19:29.09TS|Skrom04[14:28] TS|Skrom: 01whoah... I'll have to look again. I really need to download "better keybindings" mod again
19:29.26TS|Skromnote the words need and again :D
19:29.35KriLL3thought you meant update
19:29.49TS|Skromoh hehe
19:30.12KriLL3btw, I've found the ultimatez screen raiser!
19:30.38TS|SkromI love nwn
19:31.19TS|Skrommy love extends to all members of the family
19:31.33KriLL3hate the controls of both, after playing wow it feels awkward
19:31.44KriLL3like the story and feel though
19:32.49KriLL3nevcairiel: does keybinds carry over when you change page?
19:33.25nevcairielof course
19:33.28KriLL3that thing to the left of my keyboard is what I play wow with, atm the keys of it are bound using CTBar
19:33.28nevcairielthe bindings are per bar
19:33.30nevcairielnot per action
19:33.53KriLL3so item 1 on a bar is set to a key, and the page changes the new item 1 is bound?
19:34.03KriLL3nice :>
19:34.08nevcairielthats the point of paging
19:34.32KriLL3and reducing the needed amount of bars for us shapeshifters/stance changers
19:34.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
19:35.02nevcairieli am a druid myself :)
19:35.06KriLL3was odd though having my main bar vanish when going into stealth, since default + CTmod bars doesn't have pages for stealthed cat
19:35.16nevcairieli liked that feature
19:35.19nevcairielso i enabled it by default
19:35.29KriLL3I got macros that change depending on stealth or not
19:35.49KriLL3got pounce/maim and ravage/shred
19:35.58TS|Skromhah I googled the name of my addon, and I had gotten linked to a guild forum where someone mentioned the addon for use. That was back when it was still broken. So being the complete loser with a net connection and nothing to do at work I thought I'd login to their server and tell them it's fixed! Well... I've been looking on their site for about 5 minutes and can't find any mention of what server they are on...
19:36.26TivoliNurfed bars imo ;)
19:36.55nevcairielpeople still use nurfed ? :)
19:37.02TS|SkromI guess they don't expect any random people wanting to join their guild
19:37.35N|Tivolilots of people still use it
19:37.45KriLL3I might need more than 10 bars, can I combine bartender and another bar addon to get a total of more than 10? seems most use some common system thus when I change stuff in one bar the corresponding # on the other bar addon is changed...
19:38.07KriLL3I use some of the root mods nurfed "adopted"
19:38.18nevcairielat least i havent heard people complain, and half my server runs to me complaining about addon errors
19:38.28Josh_Borkeno ids though
19:38.36nevcairielwell there are 120 action ids
19:38.40nevcairielmost mods base on those
19:38.56nevcairielbut you could design a system to be independant of those
19:38.58KriLL3but can I use more than 10 bars if most of the bars are short?
19:39.11nevcairieldepends on the flexibility of the addon :D
19:39.12Kaydeethreeyou could create 120 1-button bars if you wanted
19:39.14KriLL3say 3-4 long
19:39.19N|Tivoliyeah, that's what i have built up, the actionbars dont use ids
19:39.20KriLL3Kaydeethree: how?
19:39.27Kaydeethreedepends on the mod
19:39.48KriLL3I got bartender and bongos, don't seem possible with eihter
19:39.58nevcairielbongos can do it afaik
19:40.00nevcairielbartender cant
19:40.03nevcairielnot yet, anyway
19:40.34TC-Workingi think DAB could do that
19:40.39KriLL3I'm trying to make a layout with different sized colums... say 3 ontop and 4 beneath and same total width
19:40.41TC-Working120 1-button bars
19:41.06TC-Workingyou had "bars" and "floaters"
19:41.14KriLL3I'm not going near discord until the author makes a new version, all the current versions are ports of his old and busted once
19:41.26TS|Skromfloaters were great <3
19:41.51TC-Workingbut the coding inside them is not bad...or at least the ideas behind it
19:42.06KriLL3I dunno what progress the author is making, haven't updated the site since January
19:42.19KriLL3agreed, but big parts of the UI is simply horrible
19:42.19nevcairieldidnt he quit?
19:42.24TC-Workinghe is back
19:42.30TC-Workinghe was on vacation or something
19:42.32nevcairielbut he quit once iirc :P
19:42.41TC-Workingyea, i think so
19:43.16TS|Skromfinally found a clue!
19:43.18KriLL3I would quit if my addon looked like this:
19:43.29KriLL3button/option overload
19:43.36TS|SkromOn their main page is a little tiny box with links, one of them goes to the kilrogg wow forums
19:43.39AellaThey obviously worked to make it so confusing, thouhg.
19:43.40nevcairieldiscordart was too much imho :)
19:43.45TC-Workingwhy, pretty it may not be, but it had every option you might want
19:43.53Kaydeethreediff of the latest ptr build's interface up at
19:43.54KriLL3TC-Working: and more
19:44.01Kaydeethree+ERR_INVITE_RESTRICTED = "Trial accounts cannot invite high level characters into groups.";
19:44.19TC-Workingit was ment for people who kewn what they were doing, not for noob users
19:44.31KriLL3the later versions had options for where the textures began and ended, touch it and it goes to hell in a handbasket
19:44.36nevcairielis there a diff against live somewhere?
19:44.42nevcairielwdn is out of date :(
19:44.52KaydeethreeI can generate one. gimme a sec
19:44.52KriLL3TC-Working: well it had a couple of bugs
19:45.04TS|Skrom"tired time" heh
19:45.12AellaWhat is tired time?
19:45.13nevcairieltired time sounds like china again
19:45.23AellaDaily quests?
19:45.24TS|Skromit's what they had before the current rested system
19:45.26TS|SkromI believe
19:45.34nevcairielits china restriction prolly
19:45.35TS|Skromback in beta?
19:45.36Kaydeethreeno. it's for china
19:45.42nevcairielyou cannot play more then x hours
19:45.45nevcairielor you get tired
19:45.50nevcairielno loot, no ep
19:45.51KriLL3wasn't in enabled everywhere due to some bug?
19:45.53nevcairielno nothing
19:46.22nevcairielits pretty hard on chinas pve progression tho :
19:46.43Kaydeethreea full diff of live-latest ptr's getting uploaded to wowi.pastey now
19:46.50nevcairielpoor pastey
19:46.55nevcairieli bet its not so small :)
19:47.00KaydeethreeI've uploaded bigger
19:47.06Zeksiesurely they'd just screw it and play on the EU servers..
19:47.27Zeksieor US, whatever
19:47.29[dRaCo]great, that's what we need.
19:47.40nevcairielits been in place for like ages
19:47.51Zeksienot saying it's good, but i certainly wouldn't put up with being time restricted.
19:48.08Zeksiethen again. i wouldbn't live in china..
19:48.20nevcairielchina is even still behind a big firewall .. who knows what they put up with
19:48.24[dRaCo]sure, sucks to be a wow player in china, then
19:48.40nevcairieland i think blizzard still has wow-china on 1.12
19:48.51[dRaCo]but even more "nihao"-ppl over here?
19:48.56ckknightzhTW is 2.0, I believe
19:49.10nevcairielyeah it is
19:49.12nevcairielbut zhCN not
19:49.23nevcairieli got a mail once
19:49.33nevcairielfrom a guy who played on zhTW and used bt3
19:49.45nevcairielnow he switched to zhCN with 1.12 again, and asked if i had a backport
19:49.49Kaydeethreebah. stupid urls in the globalstrings file making me do the validation thing
19:50.50TS|Skromwhat's the total limit on # of toons? 60?
19:50.59nevcairiel50 i think
19:51.00Kaydeethreetotal number of chars on account: 50
19:51.11nevcairieland 10 per server
19:51.37TS|Skromlook at all the full servers. Someone got graduation presents
19:52.29TS|Skrom17 servers listing as "full" and it's 3pm in the heartland
19:52.54TS|Skroma bit early for prime time anywhere in the us
19:52.56nevcairieli never bother to check how much servers are full here
19:53.33TS|Skromoops, didn't scroll far enough
19:53.36TS|Skrom29 listing full
19:53.42TS|Skromtime for a new server! yay!
19:54.10AellaDoubtful. =P
19:54.13Kaydeethreebah. the pastey check's refusing to work. it's up at
19:54.28Kaydeethreewhoever was looking for the full current-latest ptr patch diff
19:54.34nevcairieli was =)
19:54.45nevcairielthat reminds me
19:54.55TS|SkromAella yeah I know :-/
19:54.59nevcairieli need to fix some stuff for 2.1.2 release :(
19:55.15TS|Skrommakes me kinda sad. I came to teh party late, just barely started raiding MC when my guild split up then BC came out
19:55.28TS|SkromI hate missing out on stuff
19:56.02nevcairielseriously, they should stop re-sorting the global strings
19:56.07nevcairielalways pollutes the diffs :P
19:56.17Aella*shakes fist at GlobalStrings generator program*
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19:58.13AellaYay optimizations.
19:58.28EsamynnAella: what did it do to encur your wrath?
19:58.52Josh_BorkewereHamster: ping
19:59.09wereHamsterJosh_Borke, pong
19:59.30nevcairielthat makes sense
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20:00.51Josh_BorkewereHamster: update coolDown on wowinterface?
20:00.54Josh_Borkewith newest zip from wowace?
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20:04.30wereHamsterdo I really need to?
20:05.24Kaydeethreehey nevcairiel, full list of diffs I've got since I started generating them is at
20:06.08Josh_BorkewereHamster: it includes the bugfix for the duplicating timers is all
20:07.20KriLL3If I make a 512x512 texture, put it in a 512x512 eePanel what size is it the UI?
20:07.53nevcairielKaydeethree: nice :)
20:09.06TS|Skromnevcairiel I downloaded the latest bt3 off of wowace and I have all the keybindings now
20:10.21AellaWill someone look at the last part of this and tell me if I'm misremembering?
20:11.10KriLL3If I make a 512x512 texture, put it in a 512x512 eePanel what size is it the UI?
20:11.47AellaKriLL3: depends on your screen size/UI scale
20:11.57KriLL3... great
20:12.02TS|SkromI remember it that way to Aella. In a castsequence it won't move on til you actually cast it
20:12.08AellaI'd expect a 512x512 texture to be two-thirds of the screen.
20:12.23AellaTS|Skrom: this isn't a /castsequence, though, different rules apply.
20:12.26KriLL3I'm on 1680x1050
20:12.30Aella*two-thirds of the vertical screen
20:12.38TS|Skromyeah just scrolled up
20:12.55AellaSince UI coordinates are adjusted to a height of 768, and I'd expect eePanels coordinates to be UI coordinates
20:13.06TS|Skromactually I think /cast Ghostly Strike
20:13.09TS|Skromwould work
20:13.37AellaI seem to remember that fallthrough macros were limited because they made things like /cast Sinister Strike /cast Eviscerate work.
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20:14.03TS|Skromyep you are right
20:14.06TS|Skromjust tested it
20:14.09KriLL3Aella: seems 1 failure works
20:14.24TS|Skromsays spell not ready after bop is cast
20:14.28TS|Skrom./cast Blessing of Protection /cast Seal of Light
20:14.30cog|workKriLL3: it depends on what the first spell is
20:14.51Josh_Borkei thought it depends on if the GCD is triggered
20:15.03cog|worknot exactly
20:15.11cog|workit's if the GCD *would be* triggered
20:15.13Josh_Borkeblah on you cog
20:15.22Josh_Borkethat's what i meant, i should learn to speak
20:16.19cog|workthat's because they wouldn't trigger the GCD
20:17.08KriLL3cog|work: well if I'm moving and not in combat and not in outland it wants to use my mount, but uses my travelform when that fails
20:17.12TS|Skromnevcairiel oddly enough, newest bartender has the shaders working for me again...
20:17.19TS|SkromI must have had a real old version or something *shrug*
20:17.22AellaProbably works different for items.
20:17.29KriLL3TS|Skrom: or it's a miracle
20:18.10TS|Skromlol what am I doing aella I've got a rogue with ghostly strike, I'll go try now
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20:20.01TC-Workingnew lol fad,
20:20.29KriLL3new? it's a week old, it's ancient
20:20.44TC-Workingyea, i'm not up on the lol fad
20:20.53KriLL3can you make some bars of an addon round using cycircled, instead of all?
20:21.11KriLL3TC-Working: I'm in the forefront of lol and meme
20:21.20KriLL3I'm on the cutting edge
20:21.21TC-Working~bitchslap KriLL3
20:21.22purlACTION beats the sh*t out of KriLL3
20:21.56|Jelly|~whalestab TC-Working
20:21.56purlACTION stabs TC-Working with a rather narrow and pointy whale named Montgomery
20:22.13TC-Working~whaleparry |Jelly|
20:22.14purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry |Jelly|'s attacks.
20:22.14TS|Skromokay I don't have Hemorrhage though dangit ><
20:22.22TS|SkromI did ghostly strike with sinister strike and it did not work
20:22.24TC-Workingi swear |Jelly| has that scripted
20:22.30|Jelly|Not yet.
20:22.58cog|workI can predict the future... Krka is about to tell me LUA is not an acronym....
20:22.59krkacog|work: Lua is not an acronym.
20:23.19TS|Skromholy crap cog|work!
20:23.38TS|SkromWhat am I thinking in 5 seconds?
20:24.01TS|Skrom(you were supposed to say "that cog|work is amazing")
20:24.16TS|SkromI'd be so amazed, I'd think you were amazing!
20:24.19TS|Skromomg win!
20:26.29TS|SkromThat's right, I said "slinks" bet you didn't think a 5'10" 300lb guy could do that didja!
20:27.18|Jelly| I did it!
20:27.50|Jelly|...and shortly after, I made WoW take shots on TGA again.
20:28.07|Jelly|Oh, It's not exactly original.
20:28.11OsagasuThat rep bar is officially bad ass
20:28.18AellaI know, I was here when the sex UI got linked.
20:28.24|Jelly|ahh, ok
20:28.54|Jelly|Osagasu: XPBarNone with the Frost texture
20:29.22|Jelly|And I finally switched to Clique
20:29.49cladhaireglad it works for you
20:30.14|Jelly|I haven't used it in a group yet...but I set up all the buttons exactly like Healbot was so it should be pretty seamless
20:30.44cladhaireokay, i'm heading home
20:30.51|Jelly|Take it easy
20:31.22TS|Skromquittin' time here too, later
20:32.06|Jelly|Is there a way to show like generic PerfectRaid bars without being in a raid so I can configure it?
20:32.57TC-Workingisnt that no longer being updtaed?
20:34.07|Jelly| *points at author section*
20:34.46TC-Workingah, he just has not updated the ace page
20:34.59|Jelly|To be honest, I didn't know it was Ace. lol
20:35.17TC-Workingif it's ckknight, it's ace
20:35.39cog|workit's not ckknight
20:35.42cog|workand it's not ace
20:35.46cog|workit used to be ace
20:35.47TC-Workingoh, clad
20:35.49|Jelly|[15:34]<|Jelly|> *points at author section*
20:35.54cog|workhence the ace page no longer being updated
20:36.24TC-Workingsee, thats what i get for not paying attention
20:36.38ckknight|Jelly|: why aren't you in #wowace?
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20:37.10|Jelly|I've gotten rather use to the abuse from these guys. Don't really want to start over. lol
20:37.31TC-Working~abuse |Jelly|
20:37.32purlACTION smacks |Jelly| across the face. "Take that, sucker!"
20:37.32ckknightbut it's a whole different kind of abuse
20:40.13*** join/#wowi-lounge TheZanke (
20:41.28TC-Workingsee, now i learned my lesson...i *read* now
20:42.03TC-Workingi was gonna ask a question but saw it was posted already
20:42.10TC-Workingnow it's time to bug clad about it
20:43.46|Jelly|How would I make clique allow me to have both a "Helpful" right click (renew) and still be able to say...right click my character to leave a group or change loot?
20:43.56TheZankeOkay, ready for attempt 2 of TheZanke's addon?
20:44.03TheZankestill on the XML
20:44.16|Jelly|i = tard
20:49.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
20:50.35KriLL3why does an eepanel at 1445 width span my game exactly?
20:50.51|Jelly|Because it's in "units" and not pixels
20:51.00|Jelly|me's thinks
20:51.33KriLL31228/1445 = 0,849826989619
20:51.42KriLL3"WoW normalizes all screen resolutions to be 768 pixels high, and then an aspect-appropriate width. Thus any 4:3 screen resolution appears as 1024x768, any 5:4 as 960x768, and 16:10 as 1228.8x768"
20:51.48KriLL3my UI scale is 85%
20:52.34KriLL3imagine that...
20:59.58TheZankedid i reas somewhere that instead of <Offset><AbsDimension x="blah" y="blah" /></Offset> you can just do <Offset x="blah" y="blah" /> ?
21:00.35TC-Workingyes, thats the short form
21:00.42TheZankeis that a bad idea?
21:00.46TC-Workingsome restrictions though
21:00.59TC-Workingthat i cant tell you...need to read more in clads book
21:01.22KriLL3how do I resize ZMC stuff?
21:01.38|Jelly|shift+right click, I believe
21:03.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Famine (
21:03.18TheZankehmm i am reading over the STC_options xml and they seem to have a <size> tag where the Ui.xsd doestn allow one...
21:04.13*** part/#wowi-lounge Famine (
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21:05.14TheZankeline 449 if anyone can confirm this..
21:09.40|Jelly|Not a day goes by that I don't have to tell a hunter that they need to not go melee.
21:09.42*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
21:09.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
21:09.42TheZankeline 15 in that
21:10.13TheZankecan someone look at that cause i shouldnt be there...
21:10.16|Jelly|Welcome back, Clad. 8)
21:10.19TheZankeline 15
21:11.13|Jelly|It's specifying the absolute size of the frame
21:12.15|Jelly|This is from WoWWiki but it's in Clad's book too 8P
21:12.17|Jelly|"A size is specified using a Size element with either an AbsDimension or RelDimension child element."
21:12.37Cideit's valid there
21:12.54Cidewell, I don't know if it is in the xsd but that's the standard place to put it
21:14.02TheZanke"The element 'Frame' in namespace '" has invalid child element 'Size' in namespace ''. List of possible elements expected: 'TitleRegion, ResizeBounds, Backdrop, HitRextInsets, Layers, Attributes, Frames, Scripts' in namespace ''.
21:14.44TheZankewouldnt let me copy and paste so i had to retype the message lol
21:17.20KriLL3nevcairiel: what was the slash command to show a bartender bar? got the toggle but forgot the show one
21:17.26TheZankeso i Can put it there in mine?
21:17.54nevcairielKriLL3: a toggle means hide when shown, show when hidden :P
21:18.10KriLL3well I want something that always shows...
21:19.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
21:20.47zenzelezzso we're doing Nightbane in my new guild, and the Ventrilo chat turns to Thai shemales...
21:21.06|Jelly|Lunessa <3
21:21.16Lunessa|Jelly| <3
21:21.21sag_ich_nichtabout fucking time, curator down second try :O
21:21.45ckknightzenzelezz: ?
21:21.50ckknightthey're ladyboys
21:21.56zenzelezzckknight: that's part of the discussion
21:21.59sag_ich_nichtzenzelezz thanks.
21:22.10sag_ich_nichtShirik you there? :O
21:22.12ckknightzenzelezz: or "kathoey" in Thai
21:24.55KriLL3success, I've made the parent of an eePanel an addon frame that is shown/hidden depending on current form =D
21:25.11KriLL3(energy watch bar)
21:25.52KriLL3this effectively means that I can make different themed setups depending on form :>
21:26.36Maldiviahmm, who want to post in the # c CancelPlayerBuff() Issue
21:26.51Maldiviathread with: CancelPlayerBuff("Name of buff")
21:27.05TC-Working ?
21:27.18sag_ich_nichti wann invastigate this whole chatmessage issue
21:27.37MaldiviaTC: yeah, why go to all the trouble scanning, whne you can use the string :)
21:27.53|Jelly| *pokes Shirik*
21:28.19TC-Workingbecause you use the scan for more than just that?
21:28.52TC-Workinge.g. if a buff is there/needs to be buffed...etc.
21:29.19Maldiviawell, in the example, they just scan for the buff, to remove it
21:30.04LunessaDon't you hate when you give someone the exact information they need to do what they want, and they passive-aggressively act to get someone to do it for them?
21:30.39TC-WorkingMaldivia, did you want someone to post for you?
21:31.06Maldiviaannoys me, my posting right are gone again :)
21:31.20TC-Workingif you want to give me a block of text i will do it for you
21:31.47Maldiviabut doesn't really matter - if you like, post that CancelPlayerBuff can take a string, and that instead of UnitBuff, the player buff method to use is GetPlayerBuffName
21:33.29KriLL3is there an unit frame addon that got energy watch and druid bar inbuilt so to speak?
21:33.42Maldiviathanks :)
21:34.40Maldiviathey need to make EU accounts able to post on the US boards :)
21:35.07Maldiviaor atleast make it, so old US accounts can still post, if they have had a paying record of say atleast a year :)
21:35.13KriLL3yeah so we can whine there when ours go down
21:35.36TC-Workingwhy?, is the UE boards not kicking?
21:36.31Maldiviathe EU interface forums are a joke
21:36.37Maldiviacompared to the US
21:37.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
21:38.04foxlitHm, I've got a bug for you US posters to post
21:38.20foxlitBanish Crystal (Ogri'la quest to banish demons in forge camp) highlighting is wrong
21:38.46TC-Workingis that it?
21:38.49foxlitIt persists as showing it as "castable" even if you don't have the item
21:38.57TC-Workingi mean, is that all of what you want osted?
21:39.44foxlitNot much more wrong with it
21:40.00foxlitJust appears to act as a status button on whether you have apexis shards
21:44.37*** join/#wowi-lounge N00bZXI (
21:45.10KriLL3does anyone know of an addon with a frame that only shows while a druid in in caster form?
21:47.29|Jelly|there's a couple that show mana bars
21:48.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
21:49.04|Jelly|PEPPY! <3
21:49.12LopeppeppyEvening, |Jelly|.
21:50.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Scre3m (n=max@
21:50.17*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Working (n=TC-Testi@
21:50.26|Jelly|I ripped off the sex ui, Peppy!
21:51.39LopeppeppyI hope it was fun!  Sure sounds confusing though....
21:51.50TC-Workingisnt that supposed to be sex*Y*
21:51.51nevcairielsex has a ui for you?
21:52.08KriLL3them powerful word
21:52.13TC-Workingthat thing had nothing to do with sex
21:52.20|Jelly|Sure it did.
21:52.25TC-Workinghow so?
21:52.34|Jelly|It just did. Don't ask questions.
21:52.48TC-Workingwhy not?
21:52.56LopeppeppyIf it was powerful, wonderful and excellent... it can be about sex by my book!  :)
21:53.16TC-Workingyour book needs dirtier words
21:54.08LopeppeppyMy book has lotsa dirty works, TC-Working.  I trot them out when the occasion is right.  ;)
21:54.33TC-Workingthe ocassion *was* right
21:54.45bleeterwobin__/nom-/any other aussies ->,0.jpg
21:54.50LopeppeppyWell.... if I wasn't there, I can't contribute the right words, now can I?
21:55.03TC-Workingyou was here, close ehough
21:55.06LunessaLopeppeppy I HAZ A BOOK
21:55.24|Jelly|I'm proud of it!
21:55.27|Jelly|Rip of:
21:56.07LunessaNicely done.  I'm considering doing the same thing.  
21:56.28N00bZXIThe original is taken from another one I believe
21:56.32LunessaOr a "battle block" thing
21:56.35LopeppeppyTeeny weeny tiny.  Wow.
21:56.38LunessaCaith's ui
21:57.43TC-Workinghmm..the faiding thing just doesnt get me in that configuration....
21:57.52|Jelly|I didn't make it for you!
21:58.06LopeppeppyI still like.... click buttons, mine is much more cluttered and vile.
21:58.09N00bZXILet me ask: would this UI be considered minimalistic?
21:58.24TC-Workingno, there are things on the screen
21:58.35N00bZXIOK, seriously
21:58.38|Jelly|not to me
21:58.42LopeppeppyYup.  Things on the screen.  I've seen far more minimal.
21:58.46TC-Workingatl+z = minimalistic
21:58.54|Jelly|I mean, it's more minimal than mine...but really...
21:59.07LopeppeppyPeople who hide all their bars and use keybindings only.... that's getting there.
21:59.22N00bZXII.. did.. but then I had to use CDT for cooldowns
21:59.27N00bZXIand then it was even less minimalistic
21:59.27LunessaMinimalism is the idea of putting the most function into the least number of visibile elements.
21:59.38TC-Workingthis is a little closer to minimal
21:59.51LopeppeppyI don't go near minimalism, I think it's like... some heretical concept or something.
21:59.52bleeteris it just me, or do others parse the 'F' in 'FCT' for something other than 'Floating'?
22:00.03N00bZXITC-Working: That's not in combat, or in a group
22:00.08N00bZXIHence it appears more minimal
22:00.34LopeppeppyI'm more used to SCT, bleeter... everyone knows what "F" means in an acronym.
22:01.00foxlitF(ps killing) Combat Text
22:01.34TC-WorkingFlying Combat Text
22:01.41*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
22:01.45bleeterFreakin-ace-ify-this-already Combat Text
22:02.01OsagasuI thought it already was?
22:02.05Lunessa<Entering Combat>
22:02.19Lunessa<Leaving Combat>
22:02.35bleeterLopeppeppy: so if I parse the F in FCT as 'fucking', you can imagine what I parse the S in SCT as ;)
22:03.24LopeppeppyEveryone has fun their own way, bleeter!
22:03.35LunessaPut the Bong and the pr0n down and back away slowly.  
22:03.38bleeterWTB: [IV Drip of Coffee]
22:03.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Ins- (
22:04.04N00bZXICleaner shot of the same UI:
22:04.07bleeterI think Lunessa mistakes me for someone half my age
22:04.31|Jelly|It's not hard to be a minimalist when you're not doing anything..
22:04.41LunessaNo, but if F and S parse *evocatively* every time...
22:05.01N00bZXI|Jelly|: My point exactly.
22:06.18LopeppeppyYes, N00bZXI... I think that one will qualify as minimalist OOC.
22:06.44N00bZXIAnything I could change to make it qualify in-combat?
22:07.28Cide-I'm confused by the fact that you're asking people if your ui is minimalistic
22:07.35LunessaAll I want is to figure out how to make my F'ing Nostromo n52 speedpad work.
22:07.51Cide-if you like it - good!
22:08.10N00bZXICide-: I always look for ways to improve my UI.. hence why I ask
22:08.44Cide-is 'more minimal' = 'better'?
22:08.49Cide-at all times?
22:09.20N00bZXIAt all times - no, but sometimes - yes.
22:09.28LopeppeppySometimes, the combat UI just HAS to be a bit more active.  Especially for a class that can heal -- that was a priest, right?
22:09.48LopeppeppyEven a shadow priest needs the party visible, just in case you need to hop in as main healer.
22:10.00LopeppeppyMy rogue can get away with a LOT less than my healadin can.... nature of their role.
22:10.54N00bZXIEven as a rogue I generally need party UF's
22:10.59N00bZXIpurely so I can see what's going on better
22:11.31LopeppeppyI like to have them up as well, so I see when my healer stealz da aggroz and go get it from them.
22:11.37LopeppeppyStealing is my job, after all....
22:16.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
22:20.58TC-Working"(15:09:48) (Lopeppeppy) Even a shadow priest needs the party visible, just in case you need to hop in as main healer." Pfft, if they need healing, they gonna die
22:21.24bleeterwow, the focussed testing on PTR....
22:21.27bleeterThe latest PTR build (6803) introduced a fix for many of the targeting issues players were reporting in the 2.1 builds (can not target through obstacles, can not tab target etc)."
22:21.49bleeterfixing targetting through obstacles? HELLO! THEY'RE OBSTACLES!
22:21.50N00bZXITC-Working: PW:S
22:22.27TC-Workingyes, but that alnoe hardly makes you be able to main heal
22:23.03*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:23.19kergothso glad they're fixing that
22:23.48LopeppeppyNo, but it's hard to main-heal if you can't see them, too.  *shrug*  First part of being a good healer is having a UI that gives you the information YOU need to do your job well.  YMMV on what those variables mean though.
22:25.02TC-Workingi was talking about being an SP in a party
22:25.10TC-Workingor raid
22:25.30afk|n00bzxiDunno bout other people but I shield people as a spriest if there's need
22:25.40afk|n00bzxi..and I forgot to mark myself as not-afk
22:25.49LopeppeppyI've seen shadow priests main heal, I've seen not.  *shrug*
22:26.06N00bZXIA shadowpriest cannot mainheal in shadowform
22:26.09TC-Workingverry cool
22:26.40LopeppeppyDidn't say they could, N00bZXI.
22:28.30*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
22:31.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
22:33.22N|TivoliN00bZXI depends on the fight ^^
22:34.22Wraangerohh..Tivoli .....question for you ;)
22:34.25zenzelezzrecall the 5-man Loatheb?
22:34.43Wraangerany news with that question of mine about VERY old-style Nurfed HUD ?
22:34.44N|Tivoliyou can do it on any fight with increased damage
22:35.12N|Tivoliyeah, i just haven't made a layout with the images, been working on the new frames menu ^^
22:35.40Wraangeralso a (I understand that it is bugging ) question about when frame menu will be implemented )
22:35.58Wraangerit's the only thing atm stopping me from trying to build a new UI with Nurfed
22:37.11N|Tivolisoonish ^^, i've been working on Rupture project lately though
22:37.40sag_ich_nichtI want a "last seen" tracker for the friendlist
22:37.41N|Tivolispriest healing on netherspite is hot ^^
22:37.44sag_ich_nichtlike there is for the guildlist
22:38.09sag_ich_nichtsomeone go suggest it on the US forums for me, everyone knows blizz doesn't read the EU UI forums >.>
22:38.11Wraangerwill be looking forward to iy
22:39.31TC-Working~poke |Jelly|
22:39.32purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind |Jelly|, pokes |Jelly| repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
22:39.36TC-Workingsee, much better
22:39.45sag_ich_nicht|Jelly| you seem to be spamming on the UI forums anyway
22:39.56sag_ich_nichtso go post that for me in the UI suggestions thread :P
22:40.09TC-Working|Jelly| & Lopeppeppy are huge spammers
22:40.23TC-Workingand Aella
22:40.31TC-Workingand Lunessa
22:40.46LopeppeppyI adore spam, I want to go to Hawaii and see the McDonalds that sell spamburgers.
22:40.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
22:41.03TC-Working~lart Lopeppeppy
22:41.03purlblasts Lopeppeppy with a huge firehose then strangles Lopeppeppy with it
22:41.07LunessaTotally.  Now that I'm past the filters, I can begin selling cheap Viagra on the UI Forum.
22:41.30TC-Workingpfft, what filters
22:42.10LopeppeppyThe ones that block all of the repeat keylogger sites, of course!
22:42.21KriLL3Lopeppeppy: burgers with spam spam spam spam egg spam spam spam spam spam fries dipped in spam spam spam spam spam and bacon?
22:42.29sag_ich_nichtEXCELLENT. my new cooling fans are here
22:43.31|Jelly|Umm. I haven't posted on the forums really at all today.
22:44.32sag_ich_nichtwhat is this
22:44.34sag_ich_nichtah there
22:44.42sag_ich_nicht|Jelly| well now you have a reason to :P
22:44.43TC-Working*snicker* "God made man and rested, God made woman and never rested."
22:44.46sag_ich_nichtit'd be a really useful feature
22:45.29sag_ich_nichtand it can only be implemened properly by blizz(because of offline tracking) >.>
22:45.49KriLL3women don't get exhausted, they exhaust others, women never pay too much money, they make others pay too much money.
22:46.14LopeppeppyAnd males all have pickled krill for brains?
22:46.24zenzelezz<TC-Working> *snicker* "God made man and rested, God made woman and never rested." <--- I would much rather be busy with women than men
22:46.29LopeppeppyNeither statement is true or false, nor to the point.
22:46.31KriLL3the nick is "Krille" actually
22:46.41sag_ich_nichtstop this discussion
22:46.42sag_ich_nichtright now
22:46.53zenzelezzdon't assume control of the channel
22:46.55TC-Working~mute sag_ich_nicht
22:46.56purlACTION surgically removes sag_ich_nicht vocal chords and feeds them to the local pygmies
22:46.57zenzelezzCairenn will smack you for it
22:47.04sag_ich_nichtelse i'm going to start missing someone i know again >.>
22:47.08sag_ich_nichtand that would be bad >.>
22:47.35TC-Workingzenzelezz, maybe, but not 24/7
22:47.47zenzelezzwhy do you think I keep mentioning her name?
22:48.21zenzelezzand no, it's not just because I'm obsessed!
22:49.36TC-Workingevery 3 sec zenzelezz, every 3
22:59.17sag_ich_nichti'd really like a PlayerLastSeen() function ><
22:59.32Corrodiastonight, we attempt gruul's lair
22:59.55zenzelezzfirst time?
22:59.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
23:00.08Corrodiasat least for most of us
23:00.09zenzelezzhehe, have fun :-)
23:00.13zenzelezzMaulgar is a cool fight
23:00.44LopeppeppyI enjoyed my first time dying in there last night.  :)
23:00.56Corrodiasi expect to have plenty of dying
23:01.05sag_ich_nichtsomeone go request it for me >.>
23:01.06Corrodiasgotta buy all sorts of potions!
23:01.11sag_ich_nichtall sorts of?
23:01.15sag_ich_nichtyou can either get a flask
23:01.19sag_ich_nichtor a guardian and a combat
23:01.20zenzelezzthe first part to get right is the pull =D
23:01.24sag_ich_nichtit's not like you have much of a choice :P
23:01.30LopeppeppyMy fondest dreams are of smashing every G15 keyboard in the universe, so no one asks the "is this legal" question again.
23:01.43Corrodiasflasks look too weak :(
23:01.43cladhaire8-Ball says: "ROTFL"
23:01.48sag_ich_nichtMy Model M > every G15
23:01.53Corrodias500 hp and 10 defense... meh
23:02.22sag_ich_nichtmaybe cladhaire is willing to post the request for me >.>
23:03.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
23:04.00sag_ich_nichtslouken is probably going to deny it, but i'd like to see a PlayerLastSeen() function(maybe if he doesn'make it so it only works on players who have you on their flist, then he'd have no real reason to deny)
23:04.05sag_ich_nichtdamn enter key
23:04.08sag_ich_nichtlemme re-type that
23:04.49sag_ich_nichtslouken is probably going to deny it, but i'd like to see a PlayerLastSeen() function(maybe if he doesn't like the whole idea make it so it only works on players who have you on their flist and you them, then he'd have no real reason to deny it, it already kind-of-exists for guildmembers)
23:04.56zenzelezzlast time *you saw them* online, or last time they *were* online?
23:05.04sag_ich_nichtthey *were* online
23:05.17sag_ich_nichtthe last time *you* saw them wouldn't really require an API change
23:05.19sag_ich_nichtjust addon coding
23:05.34zenzelezzthen you could just /friend someone, and the "on your friends list" would be a moot point
23:05.42sag_ich_nichti mean
23:05.48sag_ich_nicht...just read my sentence again :P
23:06.08sag_ich_nichtmutually :P
23:06.42*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
23:06.43ckknightanyone want some KTM drama?
23:06.44zenzelezzI don't quite see the point, but that's personal opinion
23:06.50LopeppeppyYeeps.  I wouldn't put anyone on my friends list!
23:07.12sag_ich_nicht[01:06] <Lopeppeppy> Yeeps.  I wouldn't put anyone on my friends list! <--pff, why not? :P
23:07.44sag_ich_nichtmaybe you should distinguish between friend and peer ;P
23:08.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Valle (
23:08.30LopeppeppyMaybe my friends list is large because I use it to track pickups for my raid group?
23:08.49LopeppeppyI wouldn't want to share the "when I was last on" with that many people, however... so it would get shorter in a wicked hurry.
23:09.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
23:09.19LunessaYeah, there aren't categories.  The Friends List is a weak subsititue for a 'network'
23:09.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
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23:09.56LopeppeppyI tend to lose my little pieces of paper with names and info on them.... so I just suck it up with my Friends List.
23:10.07KriLL3is there an addon that lets you add categories? with tabs or something like that? and you can set what categories (if any) you want notifications on online/offline
23:10.09sag_ich_nichtLopeppeppy: there are addons for that ;P
23:10.21*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
23:10.29sag_ich_nichtor at least i guess there are
23:10.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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23:10.36KriLL3I got tons of crafters in my buddy list, they're not buddies...
23:10.54LopeppeppyI know, sag.  I use some, but then again the utility isn't there, so I go back to my notes, then I try one again.... I'm not quite happy with my networking options IG.
23:10.56sag_ich_nichtbut maybe someone should go ahead and post a request for that API function _and_ a bit of a rework of the friend system :O
23:11.01bleeterlol, "buddy list"
23:11.33bleetersorry the term amuses me, I'm suprised there wasn't a lawsuit over that term as well /sigh
23:11.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
23:12.19N00bZXInote to self: Make sure your frames's parent is UIParent not WorldFrame
23:12.41ckknightbad N00bZXI
23:12.43ckknightno banana
23:13.08LopeppeppyI like your notes better than mine, N00bZXI.  Seems like you'd understand that the next day, versus "Keeta htr green"
23:13.12KriLL3I pay you Tuesday for banana today?
23:13.30Mike-N-Gobanna: Hello?
23:14.37N|TivoliWhat's Beethoven's favorite fruit? Bananana
23:14.48N00bZXIthis is what happens when I'm too lazy to type ',nil,UIParent'
23:14.50KriLL3is that why he went blind?
23:15.02N|Tivolipotassiam poisoning ^^
23:15.08KriLL3if you stroke the banana too much you go blind
23:15.26LopeppeppyAnd the banana bread comes out all wrong.
23:15.42LopeppeppyI keep reading "heroin" in this thread title....
23:16.40KriLL3what do you see in hp/mana portion injectors?
23:17.08TC-Working"(16:15:08) (KriLL3) if you stroke the banana too much you go blind" Why do you think so many people wear glasses
23:18.19KriLL3makes you look smarter
23:18.58KriLL3is there a good place to go for really specific eePanels questions?
23:19.48KriLL3I get errors at reloadui/relogin with frames with other frames as parents/other addon's frames... works while I don't reload/relogin perfectly, but not after...
23:20.18KriLL3I clicked it
23:20.47KriLL3yay another mf:ing forum to register at, giev univeral forum user :<
23:21.07KriLL3TC-Working: can I haz cheezburger?
23:21.58LopeppeppyHugz tiem now.
23:22.11TC-WorkingNOWAI KTHX
23:23.24LopeppeppyCute redhead gnome looking for fellow rogue for gankage, must enjoy hugz tiem.
23:23.40sag_ich_nichtyou know
23:23.44sag_ich_nichtyou should liek
23:23.45sag_ich_nichtadd the gender
23:23.49sag_ich_nichtthat might help the search.
23:24.14LopeppeppyLike gender matters to pixels?
23:24.19KriLL3I don't hug rogues, especially not gnomes, get back pains if they're not standing on a barrel...
23:24.35LopeppeppySo bring a barrel, or let them chop off your kneecaps a bit.
23:25.05KriLL3then I switch to stroeng baer and topple the barrel and eats them
23:25.17TC-Workinggnomes....never did get them
23:25.55KriLL3midgets needs some representation in the game
23:26.13|Jelly|*hugs* Peppy. It's ok.
23:26.14LopeppeppyWord.  Yo.  And stuff.
23:26.20LopeppeppyJelly still luvs me.
23:27.42LunessaI R NOT ROGUE, but I liek hugz tiem.
23:27.45|Jelly|Sorry. Healing on new UI = weird
23:28.24|Jelly|Now I'm really not trying to start an argument by asking this but how does Omen stack up agains KTM?
23:29.18N|Tivolihow far along is omen now?
23:29.20|Jelly|I mean, I know it's all theory but KTM seemed pretty close.
23:29.41ckknightstack up how?
23:30.22KriLL3best frame name ever: FuBarPlugincyCircledFrameMinimapButton
23:30.29|Jelly|accuracy, mainly
23:30.39|Jelly|I'm looking to have it replace KTM
23:30.50|Jelly|...since I'm not dps nor tank, it doesn't matter if they can't see me.
23:31.17ckknightas far as accuracy goes, Threat-1.0 (which Omen uses) has an upper-hand by being target-based, unlike KTM
23:31.20ckknightKenco's Threat Meter
23:31.59cladhaireactually isn't its KLHThreatMeter?
23:32.00ckknightas far as overall accuracy, KTM might be currently more accurate, but it's rather slight, and expect it to be more even within a week or so
23:32.06ckknightcladhaire: yea, that's it
23:32.08Mr_Rabies2plus it doesn't eat tons and tons and tons of resources
23:32.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
23:32.32LopeppeppyKQT...  KTH....  I gets confused.  My tanks like my rogue to run it, so I plug it in and let it do the thing up in the corner.
23:33.00ckknightI'm not fond of KTM's CPU usage
23:33.17ckknightI just did a rant on the curse comments about optimization wrt KTM
23:33.18Cideshould ace it.. oh wait
23:33.48cladhairenot so much
23:34.12ckknightah, you're right
23:34.13|Jelly|So it's a replacement for KTM currently, ?
23:34.33ckknight|Jelly|: yes
23:34.39|Jelly|kk. thank you 8)
23:34.41ckknight|Jelly|: well, roughly
23:34.52ckknight|Jelly|: if you're MT, I'd be wary
23:34.55LopeppeppyAnd does the same thing with KTM that oRA does with CT -- mimics and reports across, right?
23:34.58ckknightjust in case.
23:35.09ckknightLopeppeppy: it listens, doesn't speak
23:35.15|Jelly|I'm a healer. lol
23:35.20LunessaGentlemen, choose your seconds and weapons.  
23:35.24*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
23:35.31|Jelly|Any prospects on making it talk too?
23:35.41ckknightLopeppeppy: seeing as it's not global-threat based and instead target-based, talking back to KTM is ...absurd
23:35.55ckknightand would be inaccurate due to KTM being inaccurate by nature
23:36.04Cidecan you copyright protocols? =/
23:36.04KriLL3nice that all fubar plugins have a minimap button named "/move FuBarPlugin(name)MinimapButton"
23:36.07cladhaireover-hyped feature
23:36.25ckknightCide: don't think so, that falls into the realm of trade secrets and patents
23:36.26KriLL3not redundant at all...
23:36.35Cideah, true
23:36.43ckknightCide: though a copyright charge could come against for "reverse engineering" the original code
23:36.57ckknightbut if it's done in China-room style, that's a non-issue
23:37.08*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
23:37.12ckknightKriLL3: what else would they be called?
23:37.42ckknightKriLL3: the frame is created by FuBarPlugin, it is a MinimapButton, and needs to be unique based on the addon
23:37.54cladhaireThe issues with KTM were over-hyped, Omen is cool and all, but hardly usable right now unless you suck at DPS, aren't a healer, or aren't the main tank.
23:38.03LopeppeppyListening is good, ckknight.  In this case with this mod, I run it to make my tanks happy, not for myself.
23:38.10|Jelly|Well. I am a healer. 8P
23:38.21cladhaireyeah, omen not so much
23:38.26KriLL3"FuBarPluginBartender3FrameMinimapButton" just seems... well... redundant =P
23:39.13KriLL3FuBartender3Button <- more to the point, so to speak.
23:39.26ckknightbut there's no point.
23:39.29Cideya, but doesn't really go with the inheritance scheme
23:39.31ckknightjust deal with it
23:39.41ckknightLopeppeppy: then you should either keep KTM or convince your tanks to use Threat-1.0
23:39.50CideFuBarPlugin -> FuBarPluginBartender3Frame -> FuBarPluginBartender3FrameMinimapButton, likely
23:40.14KriLL3It's parent is Minimap
23:40.19ckknightthat doesn't matter.
23:40.25ckknightCide's right.
23:41.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
23:41.30*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
23:41.38N00bZXIKTM runs too much onupdate
23:41.51Cidehow so?
23:42.16ckknightN00bZXI: fix your code in the comment
23:42.30cladhaireN00bZXI: It polls.. that's not a bad design for what it does.
23:42.45cladhaireN00bZXI: and it hardly does "too much"
23:43.30Cidesome people like to perpetuate the incorrect myth that onupdate is bad
23:43.34ckknightthe top and bottom line aren't in the code block
23:43.40cladhaireand make an uproar in curse comments
23:43.41cladhaireits fun
23:44.16LunessaTo quote my favorite imp, "This is not in mu contract."
23:46.15Lopeppeppy"Why can't we all just get along?!"
23:46.58KriLL3It's fun to move something using moveanything, then move the mover of the moved object using the same addon
23:46.59cladhaireShirik: I'm waiting.
23:47.02Lunessa"I ... must ... feed."
23:47.13KriLL3Lunessa: bananana?
23:47.37TC-Workingyall are weird
23:48.00Antiarc|WorkOnUpdate isn't bad as long as you just use it when you need to.
23:48.14Antiarc|WorkMy issue with KTM is mostly that it just runs code that it doesn't need to with reckless abandon.
23:48.28cladhaireDo Gruul/Maulgar/Magtheridon drop any good caster weapons?
23:48.35KriLL3Antiarc|Work: you got spare cycles to spare, right?
23:48.46cladhaireAntiarc|Work: if by that you mean, it runs when you're not in combat then sure.
23:48.51Antiarc|WorkKriLL3: I want those cycles being used by the graphics management ;)
23:48.58KriLL3pff, not important
23:48.58cladhaireCould it have been cleaned up a bit, sure
23:49.07cladhaireWas it likely affecting your framerate?  not really
23:49.13Antiarc|Workcladhaire: Well, it scans your buffs once per second, all the time. It runs hunter-specific code for all classes on every frame. It checks your talents once every 10 seconds or so.
23:49.38cladhaireand it was effective.
23:49.42KriLL3I often change my talents very few seconds
23:49.55cladhairewas it all right, nope.
23:49.55Antiarc|WorkOh, it certainly was effective, I don't dispute that.
23:50.05cladhairebut rather than going into the thread and talking to Kenco about
23:50.10Antiarc|WorkSeriously, I give Kenco full credit for the ground he broke. KTM has been tremendously important.
23:50.14cladhairethe Ace mafia went in pretending a.) they knew more and b.) they were better.
23:50.27LopeppeppyOff for dinner and date, ta everyone!
23:50.32cladhairei think the framework you've built for Omen is great
23:50.34Antiarc|Workcladhaire, I've tried talking about that kind of thing before and Kenco basically told me to piss off. :/
23:50.37TC-Workinglaters Lopeppeppy
23:50.38cladhaireand as far as I know, you weren't involved into that threa
23:50.42KriLL3there are faction in UI customization? nice.
23:50.43|Jelly|Bye Peppy!
23:50.53*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
23:51.09Antiarc|WorkI had one post in it before, mostly saying "You could optimize a bunch of stuff by using events instead of blinding polling gear and talents, and by using bucket events for a bunch of stuff"
23:51.15Antiarc|WorkThat was about my extent of the involvement in it.
23:51.18cladhaireAntiarc|Work: *shrug* its all in the approach
23:51.21cladhairewell that thread was bullshit
23:51.25cladhaireand it woudln't have happened on wowi
23:51.28ckknightKriLL3: you didn't know?
23:51.30cladhaireespecially not in comments.
23:51.43ckknightproblem is it did happen
23:51.43KriLL3ckknight: I use addons, not make them.
23:52.10cladhaireckknight: as a result of members of the ace community.
23:52.18cladhairethe posts there were nasty as hell
23:52.19cladhairefrom the start
23:52.24cladhaireanyone would respond defensively
23:52.30cladhaireis he right, nope
23:52.38cladhairebut people made TOO big of a deal out of it without understand what those numbers actually mean
23:52.53cladhaire60% of 1.0% isn't a problem
23:53.04cladhairethats the issue I had with it.
23:53.10cladhairethen it turned into an epeen measuring match
23:53.29Antiarc|WorkKTM has a noticable effect on my system, unfortunately.
23:53.44Antiarc|WorkEspecially my laptop, which is kinda underspecced.
23:53.49Antiarc|WorkSo it does matter to me :/
23:53.57cladhaireagreed, i didn't say your points weren't valid.
23:54.09ckknightsame situation, I have a laptop and I need more ram
23:54.11cladhairei sad peopel made too big of a deal out of it, which is true no matter how you look at it.
23:54.12Antiarc|WorkBut I do agree that the people flaming out of jingoistic loyalty to the Church of Ace weren't helping things :)
23:54.18cladhaireckknight: so run a lighter addon, problem solved.
23:54.25cladhaireno need for the shit that got thrown aroun din that thread, period.
23:54.28ckknightcladhaire: which is what we've been trying to do
23:54.33cladhaireckknight: grats, i said great work.
23:54.37cladhairei'm fine with omen
23:54.41cladhairei never said a bad word about it
23:54.47ckknightAntiarc|Work made an addon that would temporarily shut off KTM OOC/in cities and such, good stuff, that.
23:54.54ckknighthey Antiarc|Work, did Kenco ever comment on that?
23:55.02cladhaireyes, i saw this
23:55.13cladhairebut fuck teh ace community for pulling that on Kenco, after all the work he did.
23:55.15Lunessag'night folks.  Off to home and playing WoW.  
23:55.20cladhairenothign like shitting on your heritage
23:55.23TC-Workinglaters Lunessa
23:55.23Antiarc|WorkNot that I know of, ckknight
23:55.27*** part/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
23:55.58Antiarc|WorkEvery programmer's gonna be defensive of their code. That's totally understandable.
23:56.08cladhaireAntiarc|Work: it was more than that.
23:56.14cladhairequitting my job would be cool
23:56.16cladhairei'm looking forward to it.
23:56.17Cideyeah, I kinda like shitting on people and then stealing their work
23:56.37cladhaireCide: good times for all
23:56.44*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
23:56.47cladhaireCide: by the way, the fucking code you wrote for the curson on the minimap is shit
23:56.53JoshBorkeyou're quitting your job?
23:56.54cladhairebtu i hate ace so i stole yours.
23:56.58cladhairefucking CPU hog
23:57.02cladhaireJosh_Borke: god willing
23:57.05Cidewhatever, bitch.
23:57.31JoshBorkelol.  cool.  means you can finish all your addons for once
23:57.34KriLL3wow addons aren't proprietary software, yeah it's not open source but if you give credit where credit is due isn't it more or less ok to fork/modify an addon?
23:57.37JoshBorkeor sohuld i say AN addon?
23:57.40cladhaireJosh_Borke: nah
23:57.45cladhaireKriLL3: nope
23:57.50cladhaireKriLL3: actually
23:57.50Cidewrong wrong wrong
23:58.09Antiarc|WorkAddons are generally subject to copyright law like any other work
23:58.14cladhaireI've never included a bit of code from someone in this community without permission
23:58.26Antiarc|Work(which is why Threat is explicitly licensed, incidentally)
23:58.29KriLL3you can't get paid for it, it's based on a platform you don't own
23:58.32TC-Workingyea, just ask before you rape their code
23:58.38CideKriLL3: wrong
23:58.42cladhaireKriLL3: wrong.
23:58.48cladhaireKriLL3: Copyright is copyright
23:58.53Antiarc|WorkKriLL3: It's still intellectual property, and the author holds copyright by default.
23:58.58ThraeI stole a for loop from cladhaire once -- for k,v in pairs(i) do ... end
23:59.03cladhaireAnd you absolutely can get paid for it.
23:59.05KriLL3I guess fair use isn't in your vocabulary
23:59.07ckknightThrae: royalties!
23:59.11Thraecladhaire definately used that somewhere in his code, and I took it without permission!
23:59.12Antiarc|WorkThat's not faire use though.
23:59.16cladhaireKriLL3: derivative works are not fair use.
23:59.16ckknightKriLL3: depends on the context.
23:59.27ckknightcladhaire's right
23:59.45JoshBorkebtw claddy waddy.  i liked the book
23:59.55cladhaireKriLL3: The people here have been doing this for 2.5 years.
23:59.57cladhaireKriLL3: Nothigh you present hasn't been discussed and shot down time and time again.

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