IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070612

00:00.08Shirikwe hate people who like efficiency
00:00.16Shirikany addon without random for x = 1,10000 do end
00:00.20Shirikdoesn't deserve to exist
00:00.21Corrodiasthere's no problem asking any question here, but you may not get an answer
00:00.30Shirikseriously though don't ask to ask, just ask it :)
00:00.48N00bZXIFor a tooltip mod, what would be more efficient? Reusing the text Blizzard adds, and formatting it, or just creating my own text?
00:00.53Corrodiasfor x = 1,rand(1,100000) do
00:01.22ShirikN00bZXI: depending on what you're trying to do, it could go both ways
00:01.24Shiriktypically the former
00:01.42N00bZXIATM I'm reusing Blizzard text
00:02.00N00bZXIAnd using gsub to add color/etc
00:03.27*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
00:04.01LopeppeppyY'all stay good, I have to go blow up my computer and change a whole lot of passwords again!  :|
00:05.23N00bZXImy bad
00:05.26N00bZXIwrong channel :\
00:15.34mikmaso, who has coded something with ColorPickerFrame? i have a problem with it :(
00:19.05ShirikI have :D
00:19.08ShirikI hate them though
00:20.27*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
00:22.23ShirikI'm about to write the entire RDX events subsystem
00:22.30Shirikso that it doesn't use "this" or global args
00:22.39Shirikfun times ahead :D
00:23.42foxlitfunction OnEvent(self, event, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg0);
00:23.53Shirikyeah, if only it were that easy
00:23.58N00bZXIArg10 don't you mean?
00:24.21Shirikfoxlit: I have to go through every place there's a VFLEvent:NamedBind() and adjust the handler function
00:24.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
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00:24.32Shirikthat is, after I make VFLEvent actually pass those
00:24.55foxlitI don't think it goes past 9, actually
00:25.24Shirikwhy would you do that anyway
00:25.24foxlitWell, you don't _have_ to
00:25.25Shirikjust use ...
00:25.48foxlitJust pass them through lib, and patch functions as you go
00:26.09foxlitUsed arglist since that doubles as both the lib call and the event call definition
00:26.11Shirik>>> SV.GetArg = function(n, ...) return (select(n,...)) end
00:26.17Shirik:( where's Cid
00:26.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
00:26.40foxlitpointless! expensive! lunacy!
00:26.43Shiriklua> GetArg = function(n, ...) return (select(n,...)) end; return GetArg(4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
00:26.43cladhaireShirik: luabot is not enabled.
00:27.01Shirik> GetArg = function(n, ...) return (select(n,...)) end; return GetArg(4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
00:27.13ShirikFoxlit would you rather I made a table?
00:27.26ShirikGetArg = function(n, ...) local t = {...}; return t[n]; end
00:27.29foxlitWhy would you want a table? :)
00:27.35Shirikexactly :P
00:27.42foxlitPresumably your handlers know what they're getting
00:27.43N00bZXIWhat's wrong with just using select(1,something(...))
00:27.53foxlitIt's not needed when you know what ... is
00:27.55Shirikbecause select(1,...) does not return the first parameter
00:28.29foxlitBesides, if you wanted the first, (...) would do it
00:28.30Shirik> = select(1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
00:28.31Shirik1 2 3 4 5 6 7
00:28.58foxlitpoint being, you have some legacy handler code
00:29.05foxlitThat operates on global arg1, arg2...
00:29.07Shirikoh god legacy doesn't even give it justice
00:29.10Shirikit is incredibly old
00:29.18Shirikit desparately needs some spring cleaning
00:29.27foxlitpatch definitions to accept event, arg1, arg2, arg3... from lib
00:29.29Shirikhell, it has functions in it defined like this, check this out:
00:29.32foxlitpatch lib to pass arguments.
00:29.51foxlitdone, it's no-globals-in-the-future compliant
00:30.01Shirikreturn function(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20)
00:30.01ShirikfnBefore(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20);
00:30.01ShirikfnAfter(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20);
00:30.03Shiriklike that function?
00:30.09Shirik(this is before ... existed)
00:30.14foxlitI had that one
00:30.16Thunder_ChildShirik, want to see alot of VFL?
00:30.20foxlit_Raise and stuff
00:30.31foxlitOnly saved up to 9, though
00:30.35foxlitWhat uses 13? :)
00:30.49Shirikholy hell
00:30.50Shirikwhat is that
00:31.01Thunder_Childmy framexml
00:31.13N00bZXI1270 lines
00:31.30ShirikI need to fix that too I guess
00:32.07Shirikactually what did you do
00:32.11Shirikit looks like you broke every addon
00:32.47Thunder_Childi r skild
00:33.05N00bZXIWow though, I wonder how much load time that adds
00:33.13Thunder_Childa lot
00:33.36N00bZXIMine's 55 lines..
00:34.38foxlit6/12 00:24:23.593  Couldn't open Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_InspectUI\PVPFrameTemplates.xml
00:35.21foxlit#quit *falls asleep*
00:35.38foxlitBah, the one part I can't reload
00:35.45ShirikThunder_Child: Found the problem, thanks
00:35.56Shirikthat's an old inherited FontString
00:36.12*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
00:36.20Thunder_Childi also have CF if that makes a problem
00:36.30Shirikno, it quite literally does not exist anymore
00:37.18Shirikthis is why I wanted to move away from XML
00:37.49foxlitJust check the log every few releases, it's helpful!
00:39.17Thunder_Childso i can find RDX.cid at right?
00:46.39mikmanew version out <3
00:48.21cladhaireUpcoming LightHeaded goodies: and
00:49.03N00bZXIWow, nice
00:49.31mikmagooooo cladhaire!
00:49.32cladhaireall thott, alla and wowhead item links are converted to tooltips, and check the cache to make sure they won't D/c you
00:49.51cladhairequest series implemented, and fully clickable.. the simplehtml has a stack and a back button so you can go back to where you were
00:49.59cladhaireall quest URLs in comments are also converted to clickable links
00:50.56Finthose LightHeaded updates give me the horn
01:04.13Shirik|AFKso this is pretty pathetic
01:04.23Shirik|AFKthe entire school network has been down for about 12 hours now
01:04.37Shirik|AFKif they were any professional IT department they'd all be fired
01:07.33Shirik|AFKall of the vending machines don't work either :(
01:07.42Shirik|AFKbecause they can't connect to the network so they won't let you swipe your car
01:07.58Shirik|AFKboth the DHCP and DNS servers are down
01:08.17Shirik|AFKon that note, it's probably the same server
01:10.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
01:17.15*** part/#wowi-lounge Polarina (
01:19.10FinKirkburn|sleep: grats on end of exams!
01:36.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:39.39N00bZXIIs it just me or do are more people digging up pre-2.0 macros on UI forums today than usually?
01:41.10Shirik|AFKI already answeed it
01:41.13Shirik|AFKno need to go out of the way :P
01:41.38|Jelly|So apparently in getting Chatzilla, Lopeppeppy got a virus?
01:41.55|Jelly|[19:03]<Lopeppeppy>Jelly, I managed to get a virus making a solid attempt at my computer downloading Chatzilla. Suddenly my faith is shaken.  :(  Catch you later on the forums, need to go reset a world-load of passwords now!
01:42.38|Jelly|I used the same link I gave her and didn't get a virus.
01:42.39N00bZXII use chatzilla and have nothing of the nature.
01:42.53Shirik|AFKyou all are using the same version
01:43.38N00bZXImIRC crashes my comp
01:43.47N00bZXIso.. ya
01:45.26N00bZXINot only that.. but I just re-downloaded it two days ago.. because I reformatted two days ago.. Because Vista beta expired
01:45.32|Jelly|By the way...apparently "muting vent" doesn't mute text to speech...
01:45.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
01:45.42|Jelly|And that's a creepy ass way to wake up -- your computer saying your name
01:47.06N00bZXIDumb question: Is there a drawlayer between BACKGROUND and ARTWORK?
01:47.14*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
01:52.52|Jelly| wtf
01:53.05|Jelly|that's two in like the top 10 posts wanting shit that's been dead for over six months
01:53.25|Jelly|(and as fate would have it, two in the three I've opened)
01:53.35N00bZXII've seen about 5 today
01:54.41Shirik|AFKWhat is happening?
01:54.42Shirik|AFKDue to the storm, there is water in the server room of the simulation center on the Daytona Beach Campus . It is necessary for Information Technology to bring down all of the servers. Various systems will not be available during this time including Stellent, Oracle HR and Financial eBusiness Suite, Eagle card, and Net Storage.
01:54.51mikma|Jelly|: DO YOU HAS A AUTOBUFF 4 ME?!??!
01:54.51Shirik|AFKI find it amusing
01:54.55Shirik|AFKthey posted this on our website
01:54.57Shirik|AFKthat nobody can view
01:55.20|Jelly|mikma: ???
01:55.30mikma|Jelly|: hi
01:55.48|Jelly|Sorry...just woke up
01:56.02|Jelly| my computer screaming my name
01:56.12mikmai want one too
01:56.18Shirik|AFKHAI |JELLY|
01:56.22Shirik|AFKCAN HAS STDIO?
01:56.24|Jelly|HAI SHIRIK
01:56.32mikmacan you also make it screm "PRINCIPLE! PRINCIPLE!"
01:56.50|Jelly|And so you know, Jelly was taken so I had to do something else but I wasn't giving up Jelly!
01:56.55Industriallol, mikma, you just remimded me of that
01:57.18mikmagood thing tekkub ain't op in here
01:57.25mikmawould have kickban you
01:57.59Shirik|AFKwho me?
01:58.24Industrialme :P
01:58.42mikmayeah, he would have kb indie :)
02:00.55mikmashiiit! pickle pickle pickle.
02:01.15hastewonder if he has any new videos out
02:01.34mikmatell me if you find any
02:02.45mikmaquite alot of new ones actually
02:02.51mikmagotta watch them after shitpickle
02:03.10hasteseen them all :(
02:12.48*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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02:17.43Thunder_Childyou people hurt my face
02:18.38|Jelly|Yeah hurt my pancreas
02:18.44Industrialis that a good or a bad thing?
02:18.51Thunder_Childat least i do something
02:19.18Shirik|AFKow, my lazanga
02:19.48Shirik|AFKThunder_Child: Just for you, 202:422:31 12‹CIA-3012› 03skulls * r280 10/branches/r280: [BRANCH] Branching from development path to investigate a new issue regarding the no-longer-existing VFLFontSmall
02:20.24Thunder_Childyou need a whole new branch just for that?
02:20.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
02:21.02Shirik|AFKbecause if I don't finish it
02:21.07Shirik|AFKI don't want it to jack up v11
02:21.21Shirik|AFKI really haven't messed with that at all so I really have no idea where to start
02:21.26Shirik|AFKI'm probably going to break everything
02:21.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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02:22.44Thunder_Childyes, break == bad
02:23.10*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
02:25.18|Jelly|We've had the "I use mods rah rah rah" thread
02:25.38|Jelly|And now the "I don't use mods! I'm holier than thou!" ...really...who cares?
02:29.14Shirik|AFKwb Tem
02:29.21|Jelly|I got your back, Shirik.
02:31.20|Jelly|No one attacks my BE!
02:31.28mikmagood posts
02:31.33|Jelly|Oh. And Hi Tem!
02:32.07*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
02:32.57ckknighthey all
02:33.38Shirik|RFcan has stdio?
02:35.21mikmaautobuff plx?
02:37.30N00bZXiThat's just about the only thing that was removed with 2.0 that I wish was still here.
02:38.00|Jelly|I think I went a little too far in that thread, Shirik but I feel better and another noob has been put in his place.
02:42.32*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
02:45.18bleeterdamn, text search disabled on the warcraft forums
02:45.29bleeterwas going to bring an old thread of mine back to life
02:45.43bleetertho it's prolly fallen into the bitbucket by now /sigh
02:48.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
02:49.18|Jelly|*shrug* It's nice to see people that use their forum names here; I recognize them!
02:50.27bleeterthis nick is older than WoW, 'sif I'd change it to match n00b forum names
02:50.44*** join/#wowi-lounge N00bZXi (
02:50.49|Jelly|So. What's your theory on the influx of macro requests that were done away with in 2.0?
02:51.44N00bZXIThe other question is where these people are getting macros from
02:51.49Aella"omg TBC sux I quit" (*six months*) "omg I can't live without WoW"
02:51.53N00bZXIThe last guy who posted one posted one that would error anyway.
02:52.10N00bZXICause it's missing an end statement
02:52.14|Jelly|Aella: rofl
02:53.13bleetermy theory (if I understand your question correctly): people who were in pre-2.0 big raiding guilds with MC/Naxx/AQ on farm, and who left the game. These guilds now have big BC instances on farm, and are getting their old people back on the trial accounts
02:53.49bleeteror, if not trial accounts, at least just back in for a 'run around the park', and they discover to their horror that they can't be as leet as before
02:54.07bleeter(leet being a subjective term there ;-)
02:54.19|Jelly|leet equating to lazy
02:54.28N00bZXIDepends on who you are
02:55.18AellaI used to think Blizzard's customer base sucked far and away more than most other companies', as far as whininess goes, but I'm starting to lean towards the theory that one exists for every popular company, you just need to know where to look.
02:55.23N00bZXISome people had no chance to raid pre-2.0 cause the only guilds they met requirements for were on other servers, and still in mc/zg.
02:55.44N00bZXIAnd they couldn't do nothing about that cause guilds further on their server required more gear.. that they couldn't get.
02:56.03bleeterone hasn't seen whininess until one's seen the majority #pidgin users.
02:56.17bleeterN00bZXI: heh, I know that feeling oh so well ;)
02:57.00bleeterI think the oceanic realms are just starting to settle into a rhythm now, which is good
03:12.36N00bZXIWe now know where the pre-2.0 macros are coming from..
03:14.37Nom-bloody unstable router :(
03:14.49N00bZXIWhat brand?
03:15.11Nom-It locks up when using a Cisco VPN connection
03:15.15Nom-That's the only time it ever locks up
03:15.23N00bZXINever used one.
03:15.36Nom-Unfortunately, I need to use a Cisco VPN connection to connect to the Office from home :(
03:16.04Nom-Well, I don't...managed to get the old Windows VPN connection going
03:16.18Nom-But that's been a little dodgy too...just dropped a few mins ago
03:19.40Thunder_Childi hate vpn connections
03:20.30Thunder_Childi have to use cisco's as well for work
03:20.46Thunder_Childbut it cant tunnel through my connection, no, it has to take it over...
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03:29.22|Jelly|Is there an easy way to change the font on Perfect Raid without changing the font on everything else (CF2)
03:29.45*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Holding (
03:32.56|Jelly|What's RF mean?
03:33.28cladhaire|Jelly|: youd have to alter the code, but yes.
03:33.50*** join/#wowi-lounge N|Tivoli (n=asdf@
03:34.14|Jelly|cladhaire: What code in specific? I looked it over and well, couldn't find anything that was glaring obvious (or I'm just too ignorant in Lua to find it).
03:34.26cladhairesearch for GameFontHighlight
03:34.39cladhaireI believe that's the only font instance I use in the unit frames themselves
03:34.43cladhairethat instance needs to be replaced with another.
03:34.51cladhairebut there are a few places its used
03:34.57|Jelly|In the main Lua file?
03:35.27Nom-Thunder_Child: It can's a configuration option
03:35.45Shirik|Jelly|: It's a game
03:35.54ShirikI hadn't played it in 6 months
03:35.58Nom-Thunder_Child: Mine adds all the routes when I log in, so I have a whole heap of routed added just for the staff network
03:36.01ShirikI came back today for a major event
03:36.05Shirikit was nice to see how many people remembered me :)
03:36.11Shirikit's where my name Kimina comes from actually
03:36.14bleeterheh, general thread on US forums about 'famous stars playing wow'
03:36.16*** join/#wowi-lounge tedr0ck (
03:36.19bleeter"Michael Jackson played but recently quit when Children's Week ended."
03:37.08|Jelly|"  local font = raise:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontHighlightSmall")  " <- along those lines?
03:37.34N00bZXIYou could probably just run font:SetFont
03:37.39N00bZXIDirectly after that
03:39.16TC-HoldingNom-, no it takes over the entire connection
03:39.27N|Tivolilocal font = raise:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
03:40.00N|Tivolitry that ^^
03:40.10bleeterhmm, some porn start's having her armory posted
03:40.16N00bZXIWouldn't that do the exact same thing as before though?
03:40.44*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
03:42.17*** join/#wowi-lounge [Ammo]_ (
03:42.25Nom-TC-Holding: Then either your network admins suck at configuring the VPN server, or you didn't change the config option in the Cisco VPN connection to not use default route
03:42.35Nom-I can find the option to change if you want to play
03:42.37TC-Holdingi mean from my system to theirs
03:43.04Nom-The Cisco VPN client has a 'use default route' option, which you can turn off
03:43.12Nom-Then it only adds routes which are advertised by your network admins
03:43.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|zZz (
03:44.07|Jelly|You're totally not a ghost!, any connection i have going out is over the vpn
03:44.33TC-Holdingi cant pick and choose what program uses what tunnel
03:44.52Nom-Yeah, but what i'm saying is that's not how it has to work...
03:45.20TC-Holdinghow would i pick that IE goes over the vpn, but everyhing else is my standard connecion
03:47.12Nom-It's based on IP addresses, TC
03:47.13bleeterheh, there's also a thread suggesting Haris Pilton should be moved into a jail, maybe given an escort quest whilst in there too
03:47.33Nom-ie. When you connect, the Cisco VPN client should add a route so that goes through your VPN connection, for instance
03:48.29N00bZXIbleeter: lol
03:49.25Thunder_Childstill, i cant make my CS go over normal and wow go over vpn?
03:49.59*** join/#wowi-lounge [Ammoo] (
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03:53.44Nom-Thunder_Child: You could, if you added blizzard's networks into the VPN route
03:53.58Nom-Routes are IP address/network specific, not application specific
03:57.05Thunder_Childright, and i need aplication specific
04:02.46*** part/#wowi-lounge N00bZXI (
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04:05.18N|Tivolinj ^^
04:05.39*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:09.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron (
04:14.12N00bZXI Someone who's 'not fond of addons' requesting an addon. :O
04:16.18ValaronI haven't used IRC in over a decade.
04:24.30LegorolThunder_Child: ping, if yo9u are still around
04:24.50LegorolNot so long ago i was in a situation where i was on a machine that had very limited internet access
04:25.10Legorolit had a private IP address, it could browse web via a web-cache, it could read email, and could establish SSH connection to a few select machine
04:25.11cladhaireLegorol: o hai!
04:25.15Legorolhi cladhaire
04:25.26Legorolthe aim for me was to get WoW running on that machine, and i managed :o)
04:25.46LegorolI beleive your problem is you want to separate what applications go over what sort of tunnels
04:26.41Legorolwell in my case, what i did was created a fake virtual local loopback adapter
04:26.49Legorolassigned to it all the IP addresses of the WoW realms
04:27.02Legorolso that any conneciton WoW makes was actually looped back to my machine
04:27.17Legoroli then tunneled those connections out via the ssh connection to the real wow servers
04:27.23Legoroldon't know if this would work for you
04:29.27Thunder_Childall i really wanted was for my connections NOT to be taken over by the vpn connection
04:32.17Thunder_Childdoesnt really matter though, friday is my last day
04:33.14Thunder_Childstill, kinda sad that i can configure a router for a vpn connection but cant use the damn app efectively
04:33.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
04:34.10bleetergah, more guildies with un-mailable toon names
04:34.52bleeterblizz's 101/102 kybd policy is a joke :/
04:35.12zenzelezz101/102 key policy?
04:35.13bleetercourse, i was always amazed that pre-2.1, no gold sellers seemed to ever wake up to the 'hey guys, if we name our lvl 1 spammers with UTF chars, no one will ever report us' logic
04:35.37bleetertoon names policy... contains something like:
04:35.38bleeter* Consist of any alphanumeric character not normally found on a standard 101/102 key keyboard (O§iri§, Ÿelena, Jašon; Does not apply to Guild, Arena Team or Pet Names unless used to impersonate an existing guild or arena team, or could be considered pure gibberish.)
04:36.17zenzelezzyou don't have § on a "standard" US(ish) keyboard?
04:36.40Legorolthey have to hire lawyers as a result, to type any text with that symbol in it
04:36.48bleeterthink, US-ASCII-7bit, iirc
04:37.26Legorolbleeter: i bet my hat that you have at least one key on your keyboard that's not in US-ASCII-7bit
04:37.33bleeterbasically, it boils down to 'toons shouldn't have a name that's not typable on your locale's keyboard'
04:37.37Legorolwant to know which one?
04:37.44bleeterLegorol: more than likely. Logitech G-15 :P
04:38.10Legoroli was thinking of delete, afaik that's char code 128 or something like that
04:38.19Legorolbut i might be confusing it with unix world
04:38.41bleeterI suspect you're correct, hence 'BS as DEL' and similar fundom we see from time to time
04:38.45Legorolbleeter: that wouldn't really fly in Europe unfortunately
04:38.58KarrionLegorol: DEL is 127
04:39.36Legorolthen you get to keep my hat
04:39.53*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
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04:40.03cogwheelanyone around who's written a unit frame?
04:40.08bleeterLegorol: Indeed, however I suspect even EU client has an inbuilt list of un-usable chars, my 'argument' (for want of a better term) would be the enUS client should hold non 101/102 chars in that list as well
04:40.37Legoroli'd imagine the clients are the same code-wise
04:40.54cogwheelI need to know what event is fired when your target's reaction changes (e.g., when a duel starts)
04:41.06Legorolcogwheel: sweat on forehead?
04:41.55bleeterhmm, I guess it'd 'stop' EU clients playing on US realms and vice-versa
04:42.32bleeterbut I don't think it's too much of an ask that players name their toons in the charset the realm 'lives' in ;)
04:43.07bleeterthen again, last time I looked, UTF on Windows blew goats bigtime
04:43.15*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
04:43.18zenzelezzhow so?
04:43.19bleeterso it's entirely probably it's too hard a problem 'coz of gimp OS
04:43.26Karrionbleeter: the auth server should reject names with out-of-locale chars
04:43.55Legorolhow do you define locale?
04:44.10Legorolin EU, you can use the enGB, deDE and frFR clients to connect to any of the realms
04:44.15bleeterzenzelezz: fallback fonts.... erm, don't. Frequently, a complain against pidgin, is that 'it don't do UTF' when, in fact, the user hasn't installed sufficient fonts so that fallback occurs and the correct char is displayed
04:44.25Karrionyeah just us vs europe
04:44.27bleetertho this *might* be better in Vista, I dunno
04:44.52zenzelezzbleeter: you can't blame the OS when the user manually chose not to install the fonts
04:45.20bleeterzenzelezz: the OS is claiming proper UTF support, the default should do it and not rely on 'additional fonts' to do it ;)
04:45.43zenzelezzit supports UTF fine, it just can't always display it since the users suck
04:46.17bleeterhmm, s/users suck/default fontset sucks/ and I'd agree ;)
04:47.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
04:50.52Shirik|AFKstop bumping that thread!!
04:51.10Shirik|AFK|Jelly|'s doing it intentionally no
04:51.23|Jelly|yeah...i am
04:51.59Thunder_Childme to
04:52.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
04:54.08Thunder_Childi duuno, pissing Shirik|AFK off is quite a lot of fun
04:54.10Thunder_Childcant explain it
04:54.43*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
04:55.03cogwheelcould I get a volunteer to start a level 1 gnome/dwarf so I can get the events that fire when starting a duel?
04:55.15Legorolin EU?
04:55.22cogwheelno :(
04:55.23Shirik|AFKwhy me
04:55.25Shirik|AFKit's like
04:55.32Shirik|AFKeverywhere I've ever been known, be it RF or whatever
04:55.37Thunder_Childi will cog
04:55.37Shirik|AFKpeople pick on me T_T
04:55.39Legorolthis regional separation is harsh, coldhearted and miserable
04:55.43Legorolunify the regions!
04:55.45Legorollet's organize a march
04:55.49|Jelly|<3 Shirik
04:55.52Shirik|AFKI'm going to start RPing a girl so that everyone <3s me
04:55.54Shirik|AFKlike |Jelly|
04:56.14Kimina|AFKnow back to studying...
04:56.46cogwheelhmm... forgot i had run to kharanos... running back to the starting area ><
04:57.02Thunder_Childwhich do you want? A/S/L ?
04:57.45Thunder_Childsex, class?
04:57.50cogwheeldoesn't matter
04:57.54Thunder_Childand do i need a mod running?
04:58.20cogwheeli just want to capture a few events with devtools
04:58.42Thunder_Childok going in
04:59.47cogwheelalmost there
05:00.57Thunder_Childgood job bleeter
05:01.03cogwheelthanks, tc
05:01.08cogwheelas you were
05:01.11Thunder_Childthats enough?
05:01.11bleeteroh, and apparently 'i win' the rogue macro thread thing
05:01.49cogwheelThunder_Child: yeah
05:01.56cogwheel<3 devtools
05:02.08Thunder_Child*sniff* you dont like me, i did my hair just for you
05:02.22cogwheelmy wife's gnomes are sexier
05:02.40Thunder_Childyea, but your wifes char isnt named cogswoman
05:03.05|Jelly|he makes a point
05:03.09bleeter|Jelly|: I presume that's you in post 10 on
05:03.52cogwheelHeh... One time I wanted to make a druid and have her play a hunter. I would charter a guild called <Mikina's Pet> and be the only member.
05:04.10cogwheeland spend my time in animal forms
05:04.42bleeterhmm, you'd get ignored in PvP. I could see that working to some degree.
05:04.45|Jelly|Yeah. That was me and yeah, you win.
05:09.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
05:13.26Thunder_Childdamit where is shirik!
05:13.50Thunder_Childdamn....the bastard
05:13.51|Jelly|...ignoring us
05:14.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ZOAS (
05:14.42ckknightlol, |Jelly|
05:14.47ckknightthat thread is satire, right?
05:14.59Thunder_Childtotaly serious
05:15.15|Jelly|not. even. kidding.
05:15.51Kimina|AFKyou can diaf
05:17.00|Jelly|<3 Shirik <3
05:17.04bleeteralmost did once, damn those pesky firemen
05:17.34bleeterah, the magic of /whois
05:18.07*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
05:18.10Kimina|AFK~lart bleeter
05:18.10purlgives bleeter a "free" copy of Windows and then charges double for "Upgrades"
05:18.25ckknightwell, I bumped the thread
05:18.28ckknightI had to.
05:18.32Thunder_Childgj ckknight
05:19.02N00bZXISo I just looked at the UI screenshots thread
05:19.05bleetercharges me for coffee coasters?
05:19.11Thunder_Childack, you killed it ckknight, shame
05:19.12bleetercurel and inhuman punishment
05:19.17Thunder_Child~lart ckknight
05:19.17purltakes large quantities of Krispy Kream donuts and stuffs them one after another down ckknight's throat until ckknight puts on 150lbs
05:20.06N00bZXISeems like every other UI either looks like crash's charcoal UI, chim's UI, or ryas' UI
05:20.06Kimina|AFK01:20:25  » [notice from NickServ]: Please wait 120 seconds before using REGISTER again
05:20.33Kimina|AFKI hate this nickserv
05:20.37ckknightah, it needed to die
05:20.40Kimina|AFKwhy do you have to register a nick if you're going to link
05:21.02ckknightyou register
05:21.04ckknightand then link
05:21.09bleeterckknight: sorry, couldn't help myself
05:21.10ckknightwe all know you're Shirik in disguise
05:21.17Kimina|AFKya that's what I mean
05:21.22bleeterKimina|AFK: something tells me you haven't properly linked all your alternative nicks
05:21.24Kimina|AFKbut I want to link about 3 nicks
05:21.35bleeterah, you're still registering nicks
05:21.35Kimina|AFKand I have to register each one
05:21.41Kimina|AFKI had all the Shiriks registered
05:21.44Kimina|AFKjust not the Kiminas
05:21.46Kimina|AFKand it's annoying
05:21.53Kimina|AFKcause I have to wait 2 minutes in between links
05:22.08bleeteras freenode is where quite a few OSS devs hang out, it's frequently a target of bot attacks 'n stuff like that.
05:22.17bleeterhence, it's a bit more anal in some respects than other networks.
05:22.28bleeterin other respects, it's a compelte joke lol
05:22.52Kimina|AFKanyway, now that that's done
05:22.54Kimina|AFKback to studying
05:23.45ckknightbleeter: responded
05:26.05bleeterditto, and to nymbia
05:26.49bleeter(meaning his posts into the shirik thread are to be taken light-heartedly as he's bored senseless)
05:27.24nymbiableeter: that's actually a joke from way way back (the cheater thing)
05:27.44nymbiasome guy was ranting about how addons were cheating
05:28.10bleeterhopefully that was me
05:28.19bleeterI've posted some fairly insane crap during weird hours
05:28.31N00bZXInymbia: lol
05:29.33N00bZXISpeaking of bot attacks, anyway I can cloak my IP here?
05:29.39bleeterI'd cite, as a reference, my attempts to patch Linux Maelstrom using the (iirc) 2.0.3 patcher and failing
05:29.57bleeterand someone actually thinking I was serious... 'cept text search is off and I can't find it
05:30.20bleeterN00bZXI: get yourself involved in a project, and then get a mask (such as what I've got)
05:30.23ScytheBlade1Blah, it's 11:30 and I can't sleep due to lack of food
05:30.26|Jelly|i loved how people thought I was serious. lol
05:30.29ScytheBlade1If I eat, I won't sleep, period
05:30.36ScytheBlade1So what do I do?
05:30.38bleeterI beleive Cairenn handles wowinterface masks, and maybe submasks too
05:30.38ScytheBlade1Code addons.
05:31.13nymbia|Jelly|: some of those responses were pretty great
05:31.20|Jelly|I tried.
05:31.37ScytheBlade1Ohh, link?
05:31.52bleeteroh, the 'upshot' of me trying to patch Maelstrom with WoW-2.0.x patcher -> managed to get in direct contact with Slouken about some libsdl stuff, I'm shipping him my Nin DS and he's looking at porting libsdl to DSLinux for it :)
05:31.55|Jelly|just look for the EPIC RDX thread. lol
05:32.08CairennI handle all the submasks for Ace, WoWI and Norgs (WoWUIDev being the pre-face mask) on freenode
05:32.22ScytheBlade1bleeter, now get us a native linux binary!
05:32.31ScytheBlade1One that isn't from a beta
05:32.34ScytheBlade1I've got that one
05:32.42ckknightCairenn: mask?
05:32.54bleeterScytheBlade1: nope, I'd prefer it runs in Wine. Much easier that way. Can do more than just 'linux', and...
05:33.07Cairenn/who Cairenn
05:33.29ScytheBlade1bleeter, wine sucks. :)
05:33.44bleeter... if you look at the hoops VMWare have to jump through, at a guess a game would need a local X server and X driver on the offchance the provided X doesn't do 'enough'
05:34.00Kaydeethreemeh; considering I've got a pos 5200fx, I'm getting a reasonable framerate in wow with wine
05:34.00bleeter'bout the only thing in wine that's still real suck is ALSA, and that's a GSoC project
05:34.11ScytheBlade1Good to know @ GSoC
05:34.21ScytheBlade1But still..
05:34.28ScytheBlade1The wow beta binaries taunt me
05:34.40bleeterinsofar as Cedega *cough* goes, compare and contrast their hack to get WoW 2.1 working, and the real fix that went into Wine 0.9.38
05:34.56ScytheBlade1I use vanilla wine
05:35.00ScytheBlade1I won't support cedega
05:35.14Kaydeethreewhat kind of stunt did they pull? I stopped paying attention when I stopped paying ~10 months ago
05:35.25bleeteryeah, I can understand the desire for a native Linux binary, but as I said, it'd require ensuring a compatible Xorg and video card binary.
05:35.28ScytheBlade1It's just them from the start
05:35.32clad|sleep <-- win
05:35.50bleeterKaydeethree: just a nasty hack in, iirc, wininet.dll
05:36.07Kaydeethreeto do what? get Scan.dll working?
05:36.09bleeterKaydeethree: commented with 'proper fix would require reworking several layers'
05:36.26nymbiaclad|sleep: rofl
05:37.04ScytheBlade1bleeter, a pain, yes, but I still want it :/
05:37.09ScytheBlade1wine is only so nice on amd64
05:37.32bleeterneedless to say, wine did the actual legwork of the proper fix
05:38.49bleeterthen there's the entire 'ok, so what WM's would we support, and do we want to ship known versions of those libs as well, or do we just offer a vanilla X fullscreen'
05:39.03bleeterof course this could, theoretically, change with virtualization.
05:39.46bleeterBlizz ship an, eg, 'Ubuntu WoW' and I run it virtualized on whatever host I like
05:40.01N00bZXIwait bah wrong char
05:40.14ScytheBlade1lol @ " 15 minutes with Ace can save you 15% or more on your car insurance ... I mean code efficiency. "
05:40.15Kaydeethreeick. then we'd have to deal with the overhead that is virt
05:40.46bleeterKaydeethree: I'd suspect, at a guess, it'd be less overhead than Wine. But yeah, jsut a guess ;)
05:41.30N00bZXI..for some reason I name my mods after a toon I no longer play
05:42.32ScytheBlade1N00bZXI, at least you're original. I'm the author of "HideMainMenuBar" "ExtendCombatLogRange" "ProfessionExport" and soon to be "DestroyConjured"
05:42.58*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
05:45.59N00bZXIScytheBlade1: And yours say exactly what they do. First addon I wrote using the prefix Rage_ was a swing timer.. named it Rage_Timer.. (never released) - however, an end-user wouldn't really be able to tell what it does without looking.
05:46.16ScytheBlade1hehe, true
05:47.04*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
05:57.33bleeterI knew you guys would agree with me, which is why I posted without consulting you yet claiming 'the community demands'
05:57.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
05:57.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
05:57.34Dagronso, can anyone tell me how to format numbers so that they only display 2 decimal places?
05:57.34bleeter:( they've deleted it, clearly I went too far.
05:57.34Kaydeethreeslouken's watching the board and wondering what the hell we're all on right now, I bet
05:57.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
05:57.35bleeterhuh, it's sytill there
05:57.35ScytheBlade1If he is, I imagine he'll join here eventually
05:57.35N00bZXIquestion: function getglobal(v) return getfenv(0)[v] end
05:57.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
05:57.36bleeterN00bZXI: replied
05:57.40N00bZXIbleeter: replied
05:57.40ScytheBlade1Bah, that's it. I demand food.
05:57.40ScytheBlade1afk wendys
05:58.02N00bZXIbleeter: replied again
05:59.17bleetercogwheel: (sight unseen)
06:00.20cogwheelCan't watch... sleeping wife in room :(
06:00.20N00bZXII have a feeling someone's going to make a @slouken thread with '[22:52:35]<Kaydeethree>slouken's watching the board and wondering what the hell we're all on right now, I bet'
06:00.34|Jelly|wheels in motion
06:10.12|Jelly|Shirik. I just spit muffin on my keyboard laughing at your lolcode post.
06:10.31|Jelly|I mean Kimina ^^
06:11.25Kimina|AFKIt's clearly written in the specs:
06:12.33Dagronso can anyone tell me if there is an easy way to tell what day it is in for a WoW addon?
06:12.42Dagroncan i garner that info from date()?
06:13.22Kimina|AFKdo you want to trust the user's clock?
06:13.23bleeterKimina|AFK: I did indicate it was 'sight unseen' or similar... anyways, responded
06:13.38Dagronis there a better way to do it?
06:13.43Kimina|AFKYou can use the server's date
06:14.05Dagronhow do i get that? new to this whole addon/lua thing
06:14.08GuillotineIRC is taking over the UI&Macros forum
06:14.12Kimina|AFKit really is
06:14.18bleeteranyways, time to go rescue mum from the butchers, bbl
06:14.25Dagronalright, thanks
06:14.27Kimina|AFK~factinfo api
06:14.27purlapi -- it has been requested 16 times, last by Cairenn at Wed May 23 07:38:48 2007.
06:14.33Kimina|AFK~factinfo wowap
06:14.33purlthere's no such factoid as wowap, Kimina|AFK
06:14.34Kimina|AFK~factinfo wowapi
06:14.34purlwowapi -- last modified at Fri Dec 15 06:27:43 2006 by abug!; it has been requested 3 times, last by Mike-N-Go at Wed Jan 24 22:04:02 2007.
06:14.41Kimina|AFKI need a new one :;/
06:14.45ScytheBlade1WENDYS WAS CLOSED
06:15.00Dagronthat appears to only return hour and minutes >.,
06:15.00Kimina|AFK~factinfo wikiapi
06:15.00purlKimina|AFK: there's no such factoid as wikiapi
06:15.07|Jelly|Those assholes!
06:15.12|Jelly|Burn that sucker to the ground!
06:15.14Dagroni need to get the day of the week >.<
06:15.31Kimina|AFKthat's what I need actually
06:15.37Kimina|AFK~wowapi GetGameTime
06:15.48Kimina|AFKI was going to rewrite that ><
06:16.02zenzelezz#api GetGameTime
06:16.10Kimina|AFKhe's not here
06:16.13Kimina|AFKotherwise I would have
06:16.20zenzelezzyou make a valid point, human
06:16.28ScytheBlade1purl may be experiencing some latency. It's hardware isn't impressive
06:16.39Kimina|AFKin the future, I demand that all bot hosters must be online 24/7
06:16.44Kaydeethreeriker's got bots in how many channels?
06:16.52Kimina|AFKthis includes Cide and foxlit!
06:17.02ScytheBlade1iirc four bots in one process
06:17.06Guillotineand clad
06:17.07ScytheBlade1In... well over 150 channels
06:17.22ScytheBlade1I think ibot is in >80 alone
06:19.15Kimina|AFKyou know
06:19.22Kimina|AFKsome forum moderator is going to come and ban us all
06:19.29Kimina|AFKfrom all the crap we've got up there
06:19.42ScytheBlade1Nah, they know better I think
06:20.03ScytheBlade1Post history says a lot
06:20.16ScytheBlade1Jelly might be perma banned if they look at his post history though, lol
06:21.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
06:21.24*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
06:21.26*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
06:21.47ScytheBlade1Can't even defend yourself I see
06:21.56ScytheBlade1Too used to trolling offensively.
06:22.38|Jelly|Not really worried about it, to be honest.
06:22.46ScytheBlade1Nah, no reason to be, lol
06:22.48|Jelly|99% of what I say (barring tonight) if the damned truth.
06:22.50Shirik|Studyingshe's like
06:22.58Shirik|Studying"If they ban me, I'll actually have a life again"
06:23.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:23.09Shirik|Studying"unlike the rest of these fools whom are tortured to stay here forever
06:23.17ScytheBlade1lol yes
06:23.20Shirik|Studyingbeating mercilessly on those that refuse to read stickies"
06:23.28|Jelly|No. I'm like "If they ban me, I'll get my other account(s)"
06:23.32*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
06:24.11N00bZXII gotta crash but I'd like to see what's going to happen later with the forums
06:24.25|Jelly|Yeah. I need to bookmark a couple; pending I can log in in the morning.
06:25.06ScytheBlade1Bets on Slouken posting an entire portion of the UI in LOLCODE?
06:25.15ScytheBlade1Then locking the thread?
06:25.31Shirik|Studyingthat would be awesome
06:25.57Mr_Rabies2what did i miss
06:26.10ScytheBlade1It would be awesome beyond belief
06:26.29Shirik|Studyingthe only thing keeping me up right now
06:26.33Shirik|Studyingis the fact that I'm about to fail a test
06:26.37Shirik|Studyingand the fools ont he UI forums
06:26.45|Jelly|You love us!
06:26.52*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 Toc: 20100 | RTFPN please |
06:27.18Shirik|Studyinghai Cairenn
06:27.27|Jelly|"Want to prove once and for all that yours is bigger?" hahahaha
06:27.31zenzelezzCairenn: what about the signed posters?
06:27.59Shirik|Studyingyes you forgot the signed posters
06:28.08Shirik|StudyingIt's ok I'l add in the comment at the bottom
06:29.50|Jelly|How Jelly qualifies groups:
06:29.53|Jelly|01:26:17 [W From] <Oge>: Would you like to heal BOT?
06:29.55|Jelly|01:29:00 [W To] <Oge>: Does your tank suck?
06:29.56|Jelly|01:29:08 <Oge>: Level 70 Orc Hunter <Catalyst> - The Botanica
06:29.58|Jelly|01:29:08 1 player total
06:29.59|Jelly|01:29:15 Ellysin has gone offline.
06:30.01|Jelly|01:29:23 [W From] <Oge>: no we are 4 manning with a shadowpirest healing atm
06:30.27|Jelly|Wait. What?
06:30.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Valconeye (
06:31.16*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
06:31.21*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
06:31.21*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v slouken] by ChanServ
06:31.28zenzelezzuh oh, he's onto you guys
06:31.30slouken... so... what are you guys smoking???
06:31.40nymbiayou don't wanna know
06:31.43|Jelly|01:30:40 [W From] <Oge>: dam the healer came back
06:31.44|Jelly|01:30:51 [W From] <Oge>: "fell asleep" for a sec
06:31.46|Jelly|01:31:11 [W To] <Oge>: hahahaha
06:31.46Shirik|Studying › 320: slouken is identified to services
06:31.55Esamynnwhatever it is, I need some of it!
06:32.01Shirik|StudyingI seriously didn't start it!
06:32.12|Jelly|Kaydeethree did!
06:32.12ScytheBlade1Ohh, he is online
06:32.23ScytheBlade1Haha, I am blind
06:32.25Shirik|StudyingIt was that quest
06:32.29ScytheBlade1I so called it
06:32.34Shirik|Studying"They took me hookah and me drinks"
06:32.35sloukenAnyway, I've enjoyed watching the threads, funny stuff.
06:32.36Shirik|Studyingor something like that
06:32.55Kaydeethreeglad we could be of assistance
06:32.58ScytheBlade1One request for the blue
06:33.00|Jelly|Does that mean I'm not getting a permaban?
06:33.08ScytheBlade1<|Jelly|> Yeah. I need to bookmark a couple; pending I can log in in the morning.
06:33.08ScytheBlade1<ScytheBlade1> Hmm
06:33.08ScytheBlade1<ScytheBlade1> Bets on Slouken posting an entire portion of the UI in LOLCODE?
06:33.08ScytheBlade1<ScytheBlade1> Then locking the thread?
06:33.08ScytheBlade1<|Jelly|> rofl
06:33.09ScytheBlade1<Shirik|Studying> that would be awesome
06:33.11ScytheBlade1<Mr_Rabies2> what did i miss
06:33.13ScytheBlade1<ScytheBlade1> It would be awesome beyond belief
06:33.17ScytheBlade1cogwheel, sshhhh
06:33.19nymbia|Jelly|: that was never implied!
06:33.26Shirik|Studyingnight Kaydeethree
06:33.26Mr_Rabies2WHAT IS GOING ON
06:33.35*** part/#wowi-lounge slouken (
06:33.41Mr_Rabies2i just woke up and it's like the channel started licking toads
06:34.02ScytheBlade1cogwheel, sorry. I just want LOLCODE + lock.
06:34.15GuillotineI'd be fine with just the lolcode
06:35.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Valconeye (
06:35.17Shirik|Studyingso he totally parted
06:35.20Shirik|Studyinginstead of quitting
06:35.28|Jelly|I turned into you again, Shirik.
06:35.29Shirik|Studyingoh he's in #SDL
06:35.33Shirik|Studyingwhat's that
06:35.55ScytheBlade1SDL is a cross platform dev thing, essentially
06:35.59|Jelly|I'm tired of people saying I'm not helpful because they're lazy.
06:36.03ScytheBlade1For audio/video/input/etc
06:36.20ScytheBlade1|Jelly|, might want to remove the IP from your post. :)
06:36.33zenzelezz"Simple DirectMedia Layer" or something like that
06:36.55*** join/#wowi-lounge tedr0ck (
06:36.58|Jelly|he did it for me
06:37.01N00bZXIslouken already removed it
06:37.24ScytheBlade1Ha, silent edit too
06:37.24|Jelly|at least he's reading it. rofl
06:37.56|Jelly|*puts one foot in the permaban grave*
06:38.21N00bZXI|Jelly| lol
06:38.40Shirik|StudyingI will select my toon then press enter, then the loading screen will appear and fill up at its normal rate.
06:38.40Shirik|StudyingAfter it is done filling up, My modem loses its DSL ( The green light starts blinking red). After a couple seconds it will attempt to reconnect and sometimes it does before i can get booted from wow.
06:38.56N00bZXI slouken's edited by appears to have disappeared.
06:38.57|Jelly|That's totally an addon issue.
06:38.57Shirik|Studyingthere are some crazy people on the tech support forums
06:39.12Shirik|Studyingthat's because |Jelly| re-edited it :P
06:39.36zenzelezzShirik|Studying: in honesty, I have in some occasions had my DSL go down upon connection... something about burst data after a patch or something, never pinned it down
06:39.37|Jelly|What? Am I going to hell now?
06:39.53Shirik|Studyingif slouken edits something, it is set in stone
06:40.07Shirik|Studyinghis word is god!
06:40.37Shirik|Studyingslouken says something like "There shall be no more intelligent macros" and then "Let it be done" and it happens
06:40.40|Jelly|lol. totally forgot i was still in game
06:41.22|Jelly| Doesn't CS remove you from stealth?
06:44.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
06:47.04ScytheBlade1I'm confusing the noobs in BEM
06:47.20ScytheBlade1If you do the new 5 man quests that they added, the ogres make you their king, right?
06:47.47ScytheBlade1Well, if you stand on top of a high object (or fly up), macro /dance, and then target every ogre in sight and hit the macro
06:47.58ScytheBlade1Entire swarms of ogres stop in their tracks, turn to you, and dance..
06:48.32Shirik|StudyingScytheBlade1: lol
06:48.46Shirik|Studyingyou have to target them first?
06:48.48Shirik|Studyingand then do it?
06:48.53|Jelly|Shouldn't you be srudying?
06:48.58Shirik|Studying:( I know
06:48.59|Jelly|studying too!
06:49.02Shirik|StudyingI have a whole chapter to read still
06:49.03ScytheBlade1Yeah, you have to target them
06:49.16ScytheBlade1/point will do something too
06:50.06ScytheBlade1That's why I macro'd /dance... and then hotkeyed it. Lets me move quicker (several per second)
06:50.49|Jelly|So I just went to the General Forums.
06:50.55zenzelezzyou fool
06:50.59|Jelly|I don't think you can wash that taint off.
06:52.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (
06:53.30Shirik|Studyingthat is some massive circlage
06:53.53|Jelly|indeed it is!
06:54.16*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
06:54.23Shirik|Studying6 pages devoted to me being supposedly back:
06:54.23GuillotineMicrosoft should ACE windows
06:54.24Shirik|Studyingthey <3 me
06:54.29Shirik|StudyingGuillotine: you can die now
06:54.33Cairennnight guys
06:54.36Shirik|Studyingnight Cairenn
06:54.39|Jelly|Nighty night
06:55.35ScytheBlade1Die conjured items die
06:56.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
06:59.46GuillotineI think whateve we were smoking has finally stopped our hearts. Its dead quiet in here all of a sudden
07:01.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
07:04.04ScytheBlade1What's the difference between pairs() and ipairs()?
07:04.07ScytheBlade1I can never remember
07:04.16Guillotineipairs does it in order
07:04.20Guillotinepairs doesn't
07:04.32ScytheBlade1Heh, simple enough
07:11.33krkaipairs only iterates through the integer keys from 1 and up
07:11.37krkauntil it hits a nil value
07:11.51krkapairs iterates through all the keys, without any guaranteed order
07:13.07*** join/#wowi-lounge SunTiger (
07:13.08*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v SunTiger] by ChanServ
07:17.39*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg_ (
07:18.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
07:20.30*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
07:27.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Zek (
07:27.54ScytheBlade1Hmm, 1:30 AM
07:29.28Zek8:30 :)
07:29.31Zekand hi
07:34.58Zek400 visits to wowiki and never noticed the irc link. go me.
07:35.43XuerianWhat are we doing again?
07:35.56Zekhopefully, this'll somewhat help with the inability to post on the us forums
07:36.53ScytheBlade1It is almost complete
07:36.59ScytheBlade1Too bad I'm too scared to test it
07:37.45ScytheBlade1Eh why not
07:37.53ScytheBlade1Let's just hope I don't nuke all of my gear
07:39.39SunTigerScytheBlade1, what are you doing ?
07:40.06ScytheBlade1Addon that scans my bags for conjured items, and destroys them
07:40.22ScytheBlade1I can't help but think, "What if it bugs out, picks up my potions, and nukes them..."
07:40.34SunTigerwhy would you want to destroy conjured items.
07:40.44ScytheBlade1I'm a mage, and after a raid
07:40.52SunTigernice idea
07:40.54ScytheBlade1I spend far too many clicks nuking crap I don't want
07:41.06N|Tivolilogout for 15 min ^^
07:41.07SunTigerScytheBlade1, roll a level one mage ?
07:41.25Zekcomment out the actual delete bit, and just chatframe the final code it'll run :)
07:41.29SunTigerthey can conjure water from level one or two
07:41.30ScytheBlade1N|Tivoli, or, I could write an addon which does it for me!
07:41.34ScytheBlade1Zek, that's what I did
07:41.39Zekgood good
07:42.03ScytheBlade1However, it seems to work
07:42.54N|Tivoliipairs iterates over integers and stops at the first break, pairs does string and integer table values, integer values are still ordered in pairs
07:43.02N|Tivolito answer your earlier question ^^
07:43.18ScytheBlade1Yeah I got it, thanks
07:43.29|Jelly|Ok guys. Good night. Shirik, if you're still there...good luk on your test.
07:43.35Shirik|Studyingthanks :)
07:43.44N|Tivolii'm just scrolling up and reading ^^
07:44.04|Jelly|zZzyou've got a lot of BS to sift through
07:44.06N|Tivoliprobably missed an answer in there lol
07:44.21N|Tivolimeh, nothing else to do while sitting in queue ^^
07:44.35Shirik|StudyingN|Tivoli that's not right
07:44.41Shirik|Studyingyou cannot guarantee ordering with pairs()
07:44.48N|Tivolii could do ui work, but i'm not feeling it atm
07:45.16N|Tivolithe strings aren't, but i'm pretty sure the integers are
07:45.27Shirik|Studying> t = {[1] = 1, [2] = 3, ["foo"] = 5, [100] = 7}
07:45.27Shirik|Studying> for k,v in pairs(t) do print(k .. ": "..v); end
07:45.27Shirik|Studying2: 3
07:45.28Shirik|Studying1: 1
07:45.28Shirik|Studying100: 7
07:45.28Shirik|Studyingfoo: 5
07:46.14*** join/#wowi-lounge tedr0ck (
07:46.28ScytheBlade1It is working
07:46.58ScytheBlade1Never again will I spend two minutes clicking just to nuke crap I don't want in my bags :P
07:48.14Shirik|Studyinglast line is, by far, the best
07:48.40ScytheBlade1Shirik|Studying, I like that test material. What class?
07:48.50Shirik|Studyingthat's what happens when you get distracted
07:48.54Shirik|Studyingthe book tells me to go to a website
07:49.01Shirik|Studyingunfortunately it doesn't tell you to close the other tabs on firefox first
07:50.16|Jelly|zZzPK IN PONG!
07:53.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
07:53.18Shirik|Studyingdid he get renamed devnull?
07:53.25Shirik|Studyingor did that already exist?
07:53.27|Jelly|zZzHe didn't get renamed
07:53.33ScytheBlade1Now the real question, is do I localize my addon or not
07:53.35|Jelly|zZzNot sure, to be honest.
07:53.56ScytheBlade1It'd be easy!
07:53.57ScytheBlade1if (GameTooltipTextLeft2:GetText() == "Conjured Item") then
07:54.06|Jelly|zZzok. for really...going to bed this time. Shirik, I apologize in advance.
07:54.11Shirik|Studyingnight :)
07:54.46Dagroni'm having trouble pulling my saved variables from the savedvariable files >.<
07:55.14Dagronanyone know how to overwrite nil's coming in from a saved variable?
07:55.55Dagronfigured out my problem
07:56.00Shirik|Studyinga nil can't come from a saved variable...
07:56.08Shirik|Studyingnil is quite literally the lack of a value
07:56.26Dagronwell... yeah, if you don't have a value to save initially, it won't have a value
07:56.46Dagronwhich is what is currently happening with a table i have, but i figured out what was going wrong
07:56.53Shirik|Studyingit won't save nil
07:56.56Shirik|Studyingit can't
07:56.56Shirik|Studyingit doesn't exist
07:56.58Dagronso no problems now =)
07:57.02Dagronwell, it won't save anything
07:57.14Dagronso when the addon goes to load, it doesn't find a value and says its nil
07:57.16Shirik|Studyingright, so how can you overwrite something that doesn't exist? ;)
07:57.31Elkanosaving nil means not saving it ^^
07:58.05Elkanohow can you kill those that has no life?
07:58.32ScytheBlade1Now to test my addon against the only other addon that I know of that hooks OnTooltipSetItem
08:02.14ScytheBlade1Whoo, I win
08:02.14ScytheBlade1And now I win sleep
08:02.14*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
08:06.28Shirik|Studyingalso btw
08:06.31Shirik|Studyingvery late but
08:06.36Shirik|Studyingdevnull is an awesome name
08:09.35Zektrying to fix more of this damned lockup problems. fixed for many ppl, but not all ofc...
08:11.07Zekticks me off. code that's worked since TBC release >< 2.1.2 hitting tomorrow or no? :O
08:11.07Mr_Rabies2i'm guessing june 19 since that's the new season
08:11.08Mr_Rabies2but maybe for once they'd like to release a patch a bit ahead of the big change so that when said change happens everything doesn't go to hell
08:11.36zenzelezzbig change?
08:20.17Mr_Rabies2arena season 2
08:25.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
08:30.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso_ (
08:40.07Kaso_lol code?
08:41.42bleeterssh i iz hidin
08:43.04Kaso_i appparently missed some fun in irc whilst i slept tonight
08:46.23*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
08:54.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Zek (
08:59.25bleeterhmm, is there a way to tell ingame which renderer one's running (OGL vs D3D)? I'm lazy atm, don't want to stop this AH scan.
09:00.11bleeteroh, nm, wine complaining about some d3d errors tells me enough heh
09:04.22Kasowell, you dont need it but, GetCVar("gxApi") would have done it
09:04.32Kasowhy do (did?) you need to know
09:05.57bleeter'coz I've got around to running WoW back in Wine, after going to Windows for a few weeks
09:06.41bleeterI also did an OS upgrade, but grabbed the Wine from the testing repository. Then copied over the WOW from the windows partition. It just occurred to me I hadn't 'suffered' from previous D3D issues I'd had
09:07.09Kasoooh, its playable on d3d?
09:07.18Kasolast i tried i crashed moments after pew
09:07.19bleeterand was wondering if somehow I'd managed to forget changing the gxApi over, but as I hadn't the conclusion is Wine 0.9.38 D3D is probably usable
09:07.48bleeterno double mice, no horrid jerking, tho this is just running around IF between AH and Bank, seems a *lot* better than previous wine I used (0.9.36)
09:08.02bleeterer, you can s/mice/mouse pointer/
09:08.33bleetergetting some errors ion the console, but a lot less than previous
09:08.37bleeterfixme:d3d:IWineD3DDeviceImpl_ResourceReleased Vertex buffer released while bound to a state block, stream 0
09:08.40bleetererr:d3d_draw:blt_to_drawable Blitting surfaces from sysmem not supported yet
09:08.50bleeterare the only two problems I'm seeing atm
09:09.05Kasohmm, very interesting
09:09.40bleeterresizing the window seems a little problematic, tho somewhere along the way I did turn the compsite manager off which may have helped a fair bit too ;)
09:09.40Kasoits always nice to see tangable improvements with new versions
09:09.56bleeteroh, and I can exit it now without my cache being 0 bytes ;)
09:10.01bleeterwhich was the main thing I was after
09:21.44bleeterbut, yeah, in general, as a straight copy over of a previously existing windows install, seems a heck of a lot better than previous Wine :)
09:22.14bleeterstill, I'm prolly gunna end up running in OpenGL for a while, 'til I can do some fps timing-in-fight foo
09:26.33bleeterKaso: I will say that D3D, with all 'video option' bling enabled, performs a *LOT* better than OGL with bling enabled, on my 6800XT
09:26.44bleeterwhen standing around Shattrath
09:27.04bleetertho, 15fps vs 2fps is 'better', it's no way ideal
09:29.02Mr_Rabies2someone tell me what crazy scandinavian language this is in:
09:29.34Mr_Rabies2and alternatively translate the portion talking about Richard Kyanka
09:30.15bleeterthat's Nederlandse (Dutch)
09:31.06bleeterwhich, curiously enough, is kind of half semi-almost-old-English, half German
09:31.56bleeterapart from the 'Nederlanders' mentioned, and a couple of other words... 'kunt' is a dead give-away
09:32.31Zekanyone happen to use X-Perl here? and have that old lockup problem still after upgrading to 2.2.6 ? long shot, but i need testing fodder :)
09:32.34Kasobleeter interesting, i might update Wine and give it a test
09:32.36bleeterI can only read about 1/3 of each sentence, so it doesn't make much 'sense' to me, sorry Mr_Rabies2
09:32.50SunTigerbleeter, yes it means, can.
09:32.54Mr_Rabies2you're uselesssssss >:[
09:32.55bleeterKaso: if you're into fiddling a little, I'd say it'd be worth the effort, see what happens
09:34.06bleeterSunTiger: it does? I thought it was something like 'checkout', hence the girls standing near a cash-till with 'u kunt heir' or something similar on a sign above their heads. Must admit, was a while since I was there, memory's a little hazy
09:34.23bleeterI guess now, that the phrase meant 'you can pay here'
09:34.28SunTigermore or less
09:35.02Mr_Rabies2the dutch
09:35.02SunTigerlet me get read it and give you the short version mr_Rabies
09:35.10SunTigerkick your ass
09:35.18bleeterNot that Hoofdorp(?) was the stunning hive of nightlife activity that lead to any haziness
09:35.21Mr_Rabies2It's something about vegetarian society and secret police or something
09:35.44SunTigeryes on the first part no on the second
09:36.00Mr_Rabies2oh and "pfft, the dutch" is from a tv show :O
09:36.02SunTigerkyanka is talking about that the dutch are banning smoking in public area's
09:36.13SunTigerhe wants to ban eating meat in public area's too.
09:36.31SunTigereventually he want all meat to disapear from supermarkets
09:36.35bleeterwhat? no public blowjobs? the guy's insane!
09:36.48SunTigerand the secret police needs to check if people are eating meat
09:37.25SunTigerbut as a start he wants to create meatfree zones in all restaraunts where vegetarians can eat in peace.
09:37.31SunTigerthats about it
09:37.47SunTigerthere is some going on about how bad eating meat is and bio industry and the like too
09:38.02Mr_Rabies2That's not actually written by richard, i think the whole article's a joke, and possibly photoshop
09:38.06Mr_Rabies2since richard doesnt know dutch
09:38.15Mr_Rabies2since he lives in missouri, i'm pretty sure he doesn't know dutch :p
09:38.46SunTigeri don't know the entire person
09:38.56Mr_Rabies2 for richard's best contribution to our society
09:39.16SunTigercould have been translated
09:39.36Mr_Rabies2he plays Reginald P. Linux in that video
09:39.47SunTigeri did not sense any sarcasm in the writing
09:40.11SunTigerbut that may be inentional
09:41.28Mr_Rabies2he is a world class actor
09:41.35Mr_Rabies2i see him going far in hollywood
09:42.07Mr_Rabies2he even got his ass kicked by uwe boll
09:44.24SunTigerwhat is the POINT fo that move ?
09:47.44Mr_Rabies2there is no point
09:47.50Mr_Rabies2literally, not one
09:49.03Mr_Rabies2mood house makes even less sense
09:49.17Mr_Rabies2it's doom house's "plot" in reverse, with the characters switched
09:51.54*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
09:52.42SunTigerwho the hell thinks this shit up
09:55.34Mr_Rabies2he is a cinematic genius what are you talking about >:[
09:56.04Mr_Rabies2i mean
09:59.21SunTigerweird doll figurine1!!!!!1
10:01.39Mr_Rabies2What an odd looking....figurine. What is this...figurine....doing in my....hoooouse?
10:01.50Mr_Rabies2top notch acting there
10:02.05Mr_Rabies2I'm about to install Safari for windows :o
10:03.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Zek (
10:06.49SunTigerit will eat your computer and make you buy ipods
10:07.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
10:08.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
10:09.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
10:18.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
10:40.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (
10:42.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Zeksie (
10:51.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
10:53.40*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
10:55.08Mr_Rabies2new glider banwave yesterday
10:55.16*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
10:56.12Mr_Rabies2just those who were playing when warden was updated, apparently
10:56.49Recluse212 installing tonight?
10:58.44foxlitThought it was 19th
10:59.04Mr_Rabies2no signs of it yet
10:59.09Mr_Rabies2but we'll know within an hour or two
10:59.26Reclusedidn't know if i should stay up lol
11:05.05Zeksielet us know if it does. we have to wait till wednesday >.<
11:05.53Mr_Rabies2generally within an hour of the servers going down the new patch is up if it's going to be up
11:06.48Mr_Rabies2servers go down at 8 EST and it's...
11:06.49Mr_Rabies214,1Time: (47:05:37 AM EST on Tuesday, June 12, 200714)
11:08.59foxlitGenerally, patch == extended downtime == warning a day before
11:15.02bleeterdoubt we'll be patching tonight
11:15.18bleeterthey've got next week to ruin the 'no downtime' plan with ;)
11:17.32Mike-N-GoGuild dram FTL.
11:18.18foxlit !
11:18.52Mike-N-GoNay, the problem is I can't find and stay in a guild, stably, nor find one active if I do say in it.
11:19.57foxlitSell yourself as a guild destroyer to high-end guilds
11:20.13foxlitThey're probably poaching members from each other, so it's all cool if one of them suddenly falls apart :P
11:20.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
11:21.06Mr_Rabies2one guild on my server is notorious for poaching
11:21.20Mr_Rabies2they've wrecked plenty of guilds for their own in the past
11:27.22Mike-N-GoSo, I am thinking on moving to a new server, so I may have a fresh start.
11:28.22zenzelezzMike-N-Go: transfer or reroll?
11:28.34Mike-N-Gozenzelezz: Both =P
11:28.58zenzelezzregarding poaching, there was a guild formed on my server last summer that was pretty much breakaways from a few guilds; and ended up poaching a few players from many raid guilds
11:29.09ThraeI haven't been assigned any calls yet...I just got up, and yelled in an English accent, "Ready to work!"
11:29.22zenzelezzwe had a few "Sorry guys, it just isn't working out"ers in my guild, they'd leave the guild and one minute later was in the new one
11:29.22ThraeDammit boss, click on me.
11:29.39Mike-N-GoCoining to move my main, level 70 Tauren hunter, to another server where there is less variance between the horde to alliance ratio, and more people RP there.
11:30.13Mike-N-GoThrae: Bosses click?
11:30.33ThraeMy work is done through the Internet ;)
11:31.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Foxbot (
11:32.59zenzelezzthen what good is standing up and shouting? o_O
11:33.27ThraeIt was a WC RTS reference.
11:34.14Mike-N-GoNight guys.
11:34.23zenzelezzafternoon I'd say
11:34.25zenzelezzbut have fun
11:34.37purlrumour has it, ugt is Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
11:34.43Mike-N-GoWell, it is a few hours before sunup, and I am yet to slumber!
11:34.51*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
11:34.58Mike-N-GoYes, Universial Greeting Time FTW
11:35.19Mike-N-GoMr_Rabies: Do you have Rabies?
11:35.47Mr_Rabies2perhaps i'm a squirrel with rabies, perhaps i'm the actual virus typing away
11:35.52Mr_Rabies2the world will never know
11:36.30Mike-N-GoMaybe, I am a cow in disguise?!!?
11:41.02ThraeMr_Rabies2: Heh, he equipped it.
11:41.37ThraeThere are so many crazy people out there. Sometimes the drama can be funny.
11:42.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|Miranda (
11:44.05Mr_Rabies2there's a lot of drama bombs out there
11:44.38Mr_Rabies2but if i was the druid that got ninja'd off of i'd probably make sure everyone on the server knew of his exploits :D
11:45.14Mr_Rabies2he'd probably end up out of 25 bucks or just quit altogether which makes me far happier than losing the best bear trinket available
11:45.42ThraeI'd ninja that from a Rogue. Screw Rogues!
11:46.13ThraeFeral Druid > Rogue. It's true.
11:46.14Mr_Rabies2most rogues wouldn't even want it except to sell it :P
11:46.25Mr_Rabies2300 armor is 300 armor to them
11:46.36Mr_Rabies2300 armor is at least 1200 to us
11:48.28ThraeI don't really see anyone other then a Feral Druid having a real claim to it...
11:48.41ThraeWell, any Druid
11:49.10Mr_Rabies2most restos i've met never use their forms
11:50.14foxlit"Ret pallies can chain repentance and HoJ but both last no where near as long as a cyclone or sheep. But then again CC isn't a huge deal to me in PvP. It only concerns me in 5man/raiding. "
11:50.39Mr_Rabies2there's so much wrong with that sentence
11:50.59foxlitWoW forums are awesome for that :)
11:51.23Mr_Rabies2HoJ is 6 sec
11:51.27Mr_Rabies2Repentance is 6 sec
11:51.47Mr_Rabies2cyclone is 6 sec
11:51.58Mr_Rabies2HoJ + Repentance > Cyclone
11:52.45foxlitDifferent DR timers too
11:52.54foxlitPlus HoJ == instance?
11:53.40Mr_Rabies2i mean we can go bear and bash
11:54.07Mr_Rabies2yeah i think 4 sec untalented
11:54.15Mr_Rabies2i think the talent's broken though
11:54.30Mr_Rabies2because i can't even get a HT off during a bash talented
11:54.46foxlitI've done that several times in 2.0
11:55.01foxlitGCD on shift out is evil, though
11:55.16Mr_Rabies2there isn't one on shifting out
11:55.25Mr_Rabies2it's just laggy because the forms don't cache or something
11:55.35Mr_Rabies2so there's a natural delay in shifting or something
11:57.00Mr_Rabies2i'm making a character on mug'thol to harass Binar later today
11:57.20Mr_Rabies2"grats on the trinket man, so...which server you transferring to?"
11:58.21Thrae16:00 < Foxbot:#wowwiki> Nahahateu, Level 70 Druid (0/49/12). 9853 HP; 5480 Mana; 210 Str; 149 Agi; 5023 Armor; +159 defense. <-- nice stats
11:59.01Mr_Rabies2is that your druid, foxlit?
11:59.37ThraeNo, his Bot can call up Armoury stats
11:59.53Mr_Rabies2how do i do that :O
12:00.07ThraeHis bot isn't in this channel...only #wowwiki
12:00.29ThraeOh wait
12:00.32ThraeIt IS in this channel
12:00.40Thrae#char US Maelstrom Thrae
12:00.40FoxbotThrae, Level 59 Druid (1/41/8). 4043 HP; 2899 Mana; 193 Str; 233 Agi; 19.62% dodge.
12:00.56Mr_Rabies2#char US Cho'gall Jamsheed
12:00.57FoxbotJamsheed, Level 70 Druid (0/49/12). 10158 HP; 6905 Mana; 468 Str; 455 Agi; 29.07% dodge.
12:01.02Mr_Rabies2that's not me, just an awesome druid
12:01.16Mr_Rabies2#char US Llane Raybeez
12:01.17FoxbotRaybeez, Level 70 Druid (1/46/14). 6314 HP; 4310 Mana; 319 Str; 389 Agi; 25.74% dodge.
12:01.17Mr_Rabies2that's me
12:01.19Mr_Rabies2in dps gear
12:01.27Mr_Rabies2he's got better everything
12:01.35subbawt#char US Mal'Ganis subbawt
12:01.36FoxbotSubbawt, Level 70 Priest (20/41/0). 6321 HP; 8805 Mana; 316 Spi; 171 mp5; 1857 +heal.
12:01.40Mr_Rabies2hp, armor, stam, dodge, everything
12:01.58ThraeYour health is only 2000 over mine, that doesn't sound right
12:02.19Mr_Rabies2druid dps itemization is pretty bad at 70
12:02.32Mr_Rabies2all of it is attack power/crit rating
12:02.42ThraeAh, your focused clearly on edging out DPS
12:02.49subbawtwe have a feral druid that does competitive DPS, he has to tank most 25 man fights though
12:02.51Mr_Rabies2instead of Str/Agi/Stam
12:03.05Mr_Rabies2i keep up with those stats though
12:03.06bleeterman, that priest taking the armor/+agi trinket is... like... prolly the dumbest thing I've seen for the past three months
12:03.09Mr_Rabies2i have to back off in kara
12:03.11Mr_Rabies2or i'll pull aggro
12:03.23Thraebleeter: No, the dumbest thing is him EQUIPPING IT
12:03.29Mr_Rabies2read the thread, bleeter
12:03.31Mr_Rabies2he's so goddamn smug
12:03.40Mr_Rabies2i'm going to harass him until he goes offline with counter-smuggery
12:03.42bleeterwell, yeah, equipping it's part of the dumb thing
12:03.52bleeterread the thread too... no wonder he sucks @ PvP
12:03.59bleeter'need the armor'.. a .. shadow.. priest :/
12:04.24subbawtarmor used to be THE pvp stat for priests
12:04.33subbawtbut yeah it's pretty bad now
12:04.38bleeterwhat occurred to me, when he said he'd never grouped/instanced with his guild... purchased account
12:04.50Mr_Rabies2he was a high warlord
12:05.01ThraeMr_Rabies2: When I was looking at 70 Druid itemization, I saw more +Stam on DPS items though. So I guess your sacrificing a lot of Stam for marginal increases in DPS?
12:05.02Mr_Rabies2whoever owned his account was
12:05.32bleeterprolly an afk'er in AV
12:05.33Mr_Rabies2i am in some cases, thrae
12:05.43ThraeAnything to show those damn Rogues :D
12:05.55Mr_Rabies2only because until you go to raiding, all dps upgrades cut hp way way down
12:06.01ThraeI do a lot of PvP, so I always have to find the Zen Balance
12:06.08Mr_Rabies2so do i
12:06.09Mr_Rabies2that's the thing
12:06.14Mr_Rabies2i survive pretty well on mine
12:06.22Mr_Rabies2i start in bear gear in arenas
12:06.29Mr_Rabies2which places me at about 14000 hp
12:06.40zenzelezz#char US Arthas Zenzio
12:06.41FoxbotThat is not the character you're looking for, zenzelezz.
12:06.53Thrae14k in Bear?
12:07.02Mr_Rabies2then if i'm fighting casters, i jump to cat gear
12:07.14Mr_Rabies214k in bear with motw
12:07.16zenzelezz#char EU Silvermoon Zenzio
12:07.17FoxbotZenzio, Level 70 Warrior (11/0/50). 12324 HP; 258 Str; 129 Agi; 13994 Armor; +349 defense; 21.14% dodge; 27.84% block.
12:07.18bleeteroO I've been afk from IRC, we've got an armory bot?
12:07.33Mr_Rabies2#char US Llane Rilley
12:07.35FoxbotRilley, Level 70 Rogue (30/0/31). 8084 HP; 104 Str; 367 Agi; 18.13% dodge.
12:07.38Thraefoxlit was showing it off
12:07.40Mr_Rabies2this is my pet gnome i arena with^
12:07.55Mr_Rabies2she needs more dps though :[
12:08.09ThraeI have more Dodge then her :D
12:08.16Mr_Rabies2yeah her dodge is pretty meh
12:08.18zenzelezzI have too o_O
12:08.28Mr_Rabies2i have more agi
12:08.31Thraezenzelezz: I'm level 59
12:08.39Mr_Rabies2well, stats are different at 59
12:08.46ThraeOh, true
12:08.52Mr_Rabies2in that gear at 70, you'll have much less dodge than her
12:09.05Mr_Rabies2or him
12:09.11Mr_Rabies2i haven't found a way to ask that doesn't sound creepy
12:09.20bleeteromfg, they fixed the armory search for linux firefox
12:09.33ThraeI just assume they're all male until proven otherwise.
12:09.47Mr_Rabies2i assume based on character gender until proven otherwise
12:09.49ThraeNude pics or you're a man!
12:09.51Kirkburn|sleepMy kingdom for an Iriel!
12:11.21Mr_Rabies2generally speaking though
12:11.21zenzelezzbleeter: how so?
12:11.21Mr_Rabies2gnome females tend to be females moreso than most other races
12:11.21bleeterI ain't bringing up my stats thru the bot, I'm wearing my about town pimp gear (and missing half my buffs)
12:11.21Mr_Rabies2tauren females too
12:11.21ThraeThat's true. Gnomes are generally too "cute"
12:11.21Mr_Rabies2because who wants to be a chick AND a furry
12:11.22zenzelezzLinux Firefox armory search was bugged?
12:11.22bleeterzenzelezz: originally, couldn't search using the field in the top of the screen
12:11.22ThraeTekkub: Hey there, how ya doin'
12:11.22zenzelezzbleeter: must have been a while ago
12:11.22zenzelezzI've been searching fine for at least one or two weeks
12:11.25bleeterI've been off Linux until today, since about two days after 2.1 ;)
12:11.36zenzelezzwelcome back
12:11.37Mr_Rabies2i've been trying out safari for windows
12:11.39Mr_Rabies2so laggy :[
12:11.42zenzelezznow fix my Æ Ă˜ Ă… keys pliz
12:11.42bleeterfinally got a decent build of Wine 0.9.38 that I'm happy with
12:11.57Mr_Rabies2i think firefox is faster honestly
12:12.09Mr_Rabies2then again i've tweaked the hell out of mine to work well with my connection :o
12:12.17bleeterand ff3.0 should be faster still, seperate JS threads 'n all 'n stuff
12:15.16bleeterah, yay, more private pages that are (probably) done by someone on a payroll somewhere ;)
12:16.28bleeterreality: both IE and FF are steaming piles of crap, in their own way
12:21.51Kirkburn|sleepWell now you can use Safari on Windows
12:26.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Trela (
12:28.11Thrae <-- Firefox fans dispel their own myths ;)
12:28.48Kirkburn|sleepLol, looking at the reviews of the Safari for Windows beta. It's *shite*
12:28.56Kirkburn|sleepA complete buggy mess
12:30.38bleeterno suprise there, smells awfully like 'hay guyz, if we don't put safari on windows, no one will write for the iPhone as bugger all Mac users regularly use it as a browser'
12:31.23bleeterthen again, betas are generally buggy piles of shite, releases just less buggy piles of shite
12:31.38TrelaSafari is weird any way.  >.>
12:32.59zenzelezzI think many people confuse "beta" and "release candidate"
12:33.08Kasoat least a jellow building in an earthquake wouldnt kill those inside!
12:33.16Mr_Rabies2this is the page of a guy with way too much time on his hands
12:34.11bleeterzenzelezz: would that be because MS have managed to convince people to pay for their betas by calling them 'release candidates'?
12:34.32bleeter(amongst other companies, but they're the highest profile I could think of who'd do such a darstadly deed)
12:34.35zenzelezzbleeter: don't know, I don't pay attention to betas and RCs most of the time
12:34.39zenzelezzbut I do see your point
12:35.57Mr_Rabies2Generally for big microsoft products,
12:36.30Mr_Rabies2Beta = pre alpha, release candidate = alpha, release = beta Service pack 1 = release
12:36.43Mr_Rabies2man i need to add some commas or something
12:36.51zenzelezzwould help
12:36.52Mr_Rabies2Beta = pre alpha, release candidate = alpha, release = beta, Service pack 1 = release
12:36.53Mr_Rabies2there we go
12:37.09zenzelezzI find the quality of MS products varies by a lot
12:37.26Mr_Rabies2vista's gonna be amazing when SP 1 or 2 hit i'm sure
12:37.29zenzelezzI really love VC++2003 (IDE and compiler/debugger)
12:37.34Mr_Rabies2just like XP was sub-par at release
12:37.45bleeterproblem when your fingers are in so many pies, so easy to fsck up
12:37.47Mr_Rabies2around SP1 it was handy
12:37.57Mr_Rabies2and SP2 made it pretty damn awesome
12:38.04bleeterwe'll just ignore NT4 until SP4 ;)
12:38.05TrelaWindows XP was at least miles better than what Windows 9x was.
12:38.17zenzelezzyeah, but so was 2000
12:38.22bleeterand conveniently forget NT4SP3 ever lived
12:38.26zenzelezzXP was just 2000 for Joe Average
12:38.52TrelaOS 10.0 = Never happened in Apple's eyes.
12:39.17Mr_Rabies2XP was 2000 with a shiny new coat and a few fixes at release
12:39.39zenzelezzbut the shiny new coat never lasted more than five minutes past installation on my computer
12:39.39Mr_Rabies2now, browsing with 2000 on today's internet is pretty scary
12:39.48bleeterI seem to recall Win2K and WinME weren't going to exist at one stage, then they 'discovered' that they had to (due to the new driver model thing fscking up so much in ME), tho I'm prolly wildly wrong as I don't do windows ;)
12:40.03Mr_Rabies2and vista, at the moment is basically just XP with a shiny new coat and a few fixes
12:40.08Mr_Rabies2for the user at least
12:40.11TrelaBleeter, Mac person?
12:40.15Mr_Rabies2i know underneath it's pretty different
12:40.22bleeterTrela: nothing person, every OS sucks
12:40.22ThraeIf you mention OS 10.0 on a Mac, or Windows ME on a Windows computer, the screen will flash randomly and you'll forget you ever said anything.
12:40.28zenzelezzTrela: there are PC OSes besides Windows
12:40.52TrelaI am just guessing Bleeter just uses the power of his mind to play Wow and get on IRC then.  :P
12:40.58Thraezenzelezz: Hell, Apple OSes are now "PC OSes" ;)
12:41.09zenzelezzThrae: valid point
12:41.20Mr_Rabies2my buddy's gonna be happy they're developing BF2142 for macs
12:41.24zenzelezzTrela: there's a fairly large number of people running both IRC and WoW on Linux
12:41.34Mr_Rabies2i dunno if it's gonna work on the ibm processors or not
12:41.37bleeterBeOS FS and some of their GFX fun, some Amiga hardware, some Solaris SMP scaling, Windows availablity, MacOS UI ease of use for newbies...
12:41.39Mr_Rabies2but we'll see
12:41.48TrelaI am a Linux administrator, but not for personal use.
12:41.56bleeterlist goes on of various OSs that had good parts, but fail miserably in other areas
12:42.00bleeteror have
12:42.05Mr_Rabies2i'm tempted to get the new acer cheapo laptop
12:42.08Mr_Rabies2and install ubuntu on it
12:42.14ThraeI just run IRC on my Ubuntu system, with a monitor right next to my WoW. If I want them both on the same system, I'll use PuTTY.
12:42.23ThraeMr_Rabies2: Link?
12:42.30Mr_Rabies2lemme find it
12:42.44Mr_Rabies2it's like
12:42.48zenzelezzI run IRC on my left monitor, WoW on my middle, whichever code editor I'm messing in on the right
12:42.53bleeterI do a bit of open source coding, so it's just inconvenient to me to boot into WIndows just to play a game
12:42.56TrelaThrae, the newer Macs actually do flash the screen bright white at you with some things, erasing... what was that?
12:42.58Mr_Rabies2and there's one in japan for a bit more with much better features
12:43.03bleetertho, I could use VMWare... I don't
12:43.11ThraeI just recently spent $250 on a used laptop from Ebay, so I'd like to know how much I was ripped off
12:43.38Mr_Rabies2asus, not acer
12:44.13ThraeOoo, I'm an Asus fanboy
12:45.14TrelaActually, I came around to ask, is it really worth recoding an entire AddOn to use Ace?
12:45.56Mr_Rabies2probably not if it's already written :O
12:46.12Trela100% written and released~!
12:46.14Mr_Rabies2ace is more or less something to make addon writing easier, as far as i understand :O
12:46.37krkayes, ace makes your addon like 200% faster and makes it use almost no memory
12:46.40zenzelezzdon't consider it just because some nub user asks you to; but it is of course up to you
12:46.41ThraeTrela: Ace is just a framework. Perhaps your addon will be better in performance using Ace2 standards, perhaps not. The point is to make a well-coded addon that's easy to maintain, regardless of framework.
12:47.05krkadid i say 200%? i meant 500%
12:47.19Mr_Rabies2remaking an addon in ace is kinda like adding a type r sticker to your car
12:47.20zenzelezzand use 150% less memory
12:47.21ThraeTrela: Try asking your question in #wowace ;)
12:47.26TrelaAlready using 2-4mbs of RAM for my AddOn.
12:47.31TrelaThanks, Thrae.  :3
12:47.40Mr_Rabies2it adds at least 100 horsepower when you slap that type r sticker on
12:48.02krkayou're really supposed to shoot speed holes into your car
12:48.51bleeter(or so I've been told)
12:48.54Mr_Rabies2my friend had a bullet hole in his truck, that was pretty interesting :o
12:49.04ThraeTrela: Hopefully they'll give the same answer, I'm just interested in seeing what they'd say. If you're looking to decrease the memory usage of your addon, and it's already made and released, Ace2 is actually not a good idea, because it "hides" a lot of the resource usage behind its libraries.
12:49.10Mr_Rabies2you can set the strata of Cartographer's frame, iirc, bleeter
12:49.24zenzelezzkrka: don't explain your joke... Mr. T pities the fools who need their explanation
12:49.28ThraeThis doesn't mean Ace2 doesn't decrease used resources, it's just harder to track.
12:49.44TrelaAh, makes sense.  99% of my AddOn's resources is a giant database.
12:49.45ThraeBest way is profiling with minimal library usage
12:49.57bleeterMr_Rabies2: hmm, then I wonder why the users are being told be wowace to not use gatherer, instead of changing the strata.. /shrug, might ask MP about that tomorrow
12:50.05bleeterer, s/be/by/
12:50.15Mr_Rabies2i can't exactly check right now or i would
12:50.29Mr_Rabies2i just downloaded it like last week
12:50.35ThraeTrela: AceDB can do some database optimization
12:51.06TrelaMmm, must figure this out then!
12:51.16Mr_Rabies2what does said addon do? is it kinda like a lootlink sorta thing?
12:51.36Zeksieand if your data lookups can use shared info that already exists in ace tables, then you're avoiding data duplication and yes will save memory. but if you just 'pretend' it's ace, with a few hooks and use all your own data.. there's no point
12:51.41Mr_Rabies2here's a bit more info on the Eee
12:51.43ThraeTrela: However, with a huge database, best to do your own optimizations
12:52.04Mr_Rabies2Release date is set for this fall. A 10" version is set for first quarter next year.
12:52.20TrelaWell, I originally optimized the database format from the original AddOn from about 10mbs down to a typical 3mbs.
12:52.23Zeksieindeed. predictable data can be optimized much smaller than an unknown
12:52.32bleeterthen there's the whole 'getting clean interoperability with non-ace stuff can sometimes be like pulling teeth'
12:52.46Mr_Rabies2it uses a solid state drive, apparently, thrae :O
12:53.02ThraeTrela: All the optimizations you can do will be sacrificing hash speed for memory usage
12:53.19ThraeSuch as converting the data into compressed strings
12:53.49Mr_Rabies2$299 for the 10" version, thrae
12:54.01ThraeMr_Rabies2: That's the cheapest?
12:54.10Mr_Rabies2199 for the 7" one
12:54.18Zeksieeven such compressed tables have to be expanded when actually needed, into weak tables usually.
12:54.24ThraeAh, well I don't feel TOO bad then...7" is kinda small ;)
12:54.37Mr_Rabies2yeah, it's a small cheapo
12:54.43Mr_Rabies2but it'll run ubuntu
12:54.48Mr_Rabies2i'd love a little ubuntu box
12:55.28krkayour momma didnt think 7" was small!
12:55.32ThraeZeksie: Yeah, but when you're dealing with a Item database, that can save you a HUGE amount, since you can't control when SavedVariables are typically loaded
12:55.36Mr_Rabies2but it does have a solid state HDD
12:55.44ThraeOoo, I just thought of something
12:55.55XuerianMr_Rabies2: They haven't released any detailed specs on what chipset they're using, eh?
12:56.10Zeksiehey. i'm not knocking it. just warning that you can't rely on a permenant saving of memory. it's still gonna be used 'sometime'
12:56.11TrelaExample database that I work with.
12:56.18Mr_Rabies2CPU & Chipset: Intel mobile CPU & chipset is all i'm seeing
12:56.39TrelaThe old format used to have three different tables duplicating the same data.(Before I took over development.)
12:56.48XuerianI'm going to laugh when that thing is faster than my desktop
12:56.48Zeksieeww :)
12:57.14Mr_Rabies2well, the 199 dollar one only has a 4 GB hdd
12:57.19ThraeTrela: If you can seperate your addon into "Catagories" of data, where users may typically only need X out of XY catagories, you can split them up into seperate LoD addons each with their own SavedVariable table
12:57.20XuerianWell, true
12:57.22Mr_Rabies2but it's all solid state
12:57.28XuerianWhich has the 16?
12:57.36Mr_Rabies2i dunno if they have a price for that yet
12:57.51ThraeTrela: That way 100% of the data may never get loaded, compressed or not
12:58.00Zeksieor build needed data in desired format at run time from compressed source
12:58.07TrelaThat makes sense, Thrae, though I use all data most of the time.
12:58.07XuerianHope they don't make it come with windows
12:58.17XuerianThough for that price it seems like they're not loading it with anything
12:58.26Mr_Rabies2imagine loading your OS to the solid state and using an external drive for everything else
12:58.28ThraeAh, flagRSP2. Glad that's getting a makeover.
12:58.36XuerianMr_Rabies: There's the idea
12:58.41Xuerianthat'd be pretty sweet
12:58.46Mr_Rabies2it's got linux on it from the start
12:58.52Mr_Rabies2apparently it takes about 15 seconds to fully boot
12:58.54TrelaWhat do you mean FlagRSP2 getting a make over?  O.o  It is the redo of the original.
12:59.03TrelaOf flagRSP that is.
12:59.03krkayou could save some memory by reducing number of tables
12:59.12ThraeMakeovers can be redos!
12:59.12Mr_Rabies2flagrsp's pretty resource heavy i hear
12:59.18krkaessentially structure it like this:
12:59.19ThraeYeah, the original was[character] = whatever
12:59.33XuerianSounds like someone should be in #wowace, doing re-write #3
12:59.36Mr_Rabies2probably from all the RPers with novels for descriptions
12:59.40krkatable.faction[character] = "alliance"
12:59.51krkatable.realm[character] = "the server!"
12:59.51TrelaFlagRSP would normally use about about 10mbs.  FlagRSP2 is around 3mbs.
13:00.06krkathat would make it a constant number of tables, instead of a variable amount of tables
13:00.08Mr_Rabies2i use it to laugh and cry at the same time on argent dawn
13:00.19XuerianMr_Rabies2: lol. I gave up there
13:00.27Mr_Rabies2i just have a level 1
13:00.30Mr_Rabies2that i use to laugh at the RPers
13:00.35Mr_Rabies2and sometimes recoil in horror
13:00.53Mr_Rabies2i don't have a problem with some RPers
13:01.01TrelaI guess that makes sense, Krka, but I could have to see it an actual table layout for it to make more sense.
13:01.33bleetermy problem with RPers, is when they tell me what Role they want me to play
13:01.33Mr_Rabies2but the majority have a huge persecution complex and either have scary sexual descriptions or incredibly emo ones :P
13:01.33krkais this porn or something?
13:01.33krka"Around her neck is a small necklace made of bright silver hair holding a tiny crystal vial that rests snugly between her large breasts."
13:01.34Xuerian*Night elf rogue*: "Whatevername is a infernal, with a eyepatch and a big laser gun. He walks with a stagger and sexes up the ladies"
13:01.54TrelaKrka, yes, there is some porn in there, probably.
13:02.01Xueriansome porn?
13:02.14XuerianIt's not a day in ad unless you walk in on someone in stormwind or goldshire
13:02.15Thraekrka: Doesn't SavedVariablesByCharacter only load one character's table?
13:02.19Xuerianhappyily cybering away in /em
13:02.32Mr_Rabies2then there's the sane RPers that realize they're just playing a game
13:02.38Mr_Rabies2and decide to take place in a storyline
13:02.48Mr_Rabies2too bad there's more of the crazy ones than anything else
13:02.56Xuerianwow just isn't a RP game
13:03.04XuerianIf they really wanted to rp they should get nwn1
13:03.18krka"er full breasts stand out prominently no matter how modestly she dresses, and her firm, round backside has caused more than a few men, as well as some women, to gaze after her admiringly despite her diminutive stature."
13:03.23TrelaMost of the complaints I get are that I make more bugs than I add features.  :P
13:03.26Mr_Rabies2second life has some scary rpers
13:03.30ThraeHey, just because I want to RP a Night Elf with a humungous slong, doesn't mean I want to cyber with anyone :D
13:03.34XuerianMr_Rabies: Uh
13:03.49XuerianMr_Rabies2: Second life.... yeah. Along with those tentacle simulators, ey?
13:03.52SunTigerI'll remember that Thrae
13:03.56ThraePart of RP'ing is about making your character into (partly) who you WANT to be!
13:04.04TrelaThrae, the better question is, how did ANY ONE ever know that night elf had a huge crotch just by looking at them in plate armor?
13:04.06Mr_Rabies2oh theres much worse than tentacle simulators in that horrible excuse for a game
13:04.18XuerianTrela: You HAVE seen plate armor on females, right?
13:04.21ThraeTrela: Well, I play a Druid.
13:04.23Mr_Rabies2giant codpiece
13:04.39TrelaXuerian, since when did females have huge cocks?  :P
13:04.49Mr_Rabies2google futanari
13:04.59Thrae"As Thrae The Magnificent transforms into a Bear, one may notice he is more then well-endowed."
13:05.01TrelaI have too much of that, thank you.
13:05.05Mr_Rabies2actually don't i wouldn't recommend it to anyone mostly sane
13:05.05XuerianTrela: Don't have to have a cock to have a huge crotch
13:05.10bleetererm 'time;'
13:05.16XuerianThrae: Haha, I played a feral druid on Argent Dawn
13:05.23XuerianThey attract the weird ones in rp
13:05.24SunTigerwhy can't people RP sensible things
13:05.35XuerianMr_Rabies2: I'd rather not
13:05.44SunTigerNightelf outrunner in a miletary regiment.
13:05.47Mr_Rabies2RP a descendant of Arathor or something
13:05.53SunTigeri did
13:05.55SunTigerit was fun.
13:05.55XuerianSunTiger: Because it doesn't involve sex
13:05.56Mr_Rabies2stop Rping goddamn felguards and demon hunters :[
13:06.01SunTigerXuerian, .....
13:06.06ThraeActually, I roleplay Thrae as a Druid driven insane by his time spent in the Emerald Dream. He thinks he's still in there, and nothing is real.
13:06.07SunTigeryes thats the point
13:06.13XuerianSunTiger: and that's the reason
13:06.28SunTigerits rping something that is every lickely to exist and actually do something in the world
13:06.28TrelaMy troll is sane.  :P
13:06.37bleeterI also rp a low level tank, 'kantankerus'; mainly because I can get away with swearing my head off when people take aggro off me :)
13:06.45ThraeI like roleplaying insanity, because I like saying random things.
13:06.56Mr_Rabies2Xuerian, i've seen things in SL that would make the most manly man break into a full-on bawl
13:07.09SunTigerthrae, roleplay something sane for once
13:07.12SunTigerits more challanging.
13:07.24ThraeThrae on Maelstrom has an unnatural obsession with berry juice. He washes himself in it five times a day.
13:07.25Mr_Rabies2i'm going to RP a fruit vendor
13:07.43XuerianMr_Rabies2: I bet I could meet some of your scary circumstances with a few of mine
13:07.48Mr_Rabies2oh i dunno man
13:07.50XuerianNot all, but a few
13:07.51Mr_Rabies2i've seen things
13:08.01Mr_Rabies2i've seen hermaphrodite hyenas with 4 breasts
13:08.07ThraeSunTiger: That's the same elitist crap that makes me stay away from some guilds ;)
13:08.26SunTigerits not elitist, its NORMAL , normal is good.
13:08.28Mr_Rabies2this was an avatar in SL
13:08.42ThraeSunTiger: Insane people cannot exist in roleplaying environments?
13:08.43Mr_Rabies2someone was walking around
13:09.01SunTigeryes, but half the world appears to be insane.
13:09.04Mr_Rabies2as a 4 titted dickgirl hyenathing
13:09.14TrelaFeathermoon has a guild based around the guild leaders being powerful factional leaders and that loot priority goes to those leaders over other guild members.
13:09.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
13:09.48XuerianI had half of this story typed out
13:09.53Xuerianthen I realized Cairenn might boot me >_>
13:09.59bleeterrealm I used to be on had a guild of pirates, sole purpose was to keep booty bay closed to traffic
13:10.02ThraeSunTiger: So you want me to conform to normality because then I would be a non-conformist?
13:10.10krkaanyone tried role playing a neo-type character? "maybe we're all just in a game!"
13:10.19SunTigerpretty much
13:10.20Mr_Rabies2i mostly just hang around with the SA goons
13:10.22krkaif so,  how was that received?
13:10.33Mr_Rabies2and grief furries and other weirdos :O
13:11.03ThraeSunTiger: If you have that attitude, you're going to be a bitter roleplayer in my mind...
13:11.55ThraeRoleplayers are already non-conformists. Even on so-called "RP Servers", we're still a true minority. Roleplaying should be about having fun while staying within reasonable guidelines.
13:12.31krkaisn't it spelled roll playing btw? from rolling dice?
13:12.35ThraeIf you make an honest attempt at roleplaying, you're a Roleplayer in my mind.
13:12.38Mr_Rabies2it's roleplaying
13:12.42Mr_Rabies2as in playing a role :O
13:12.52TrelaGood night!
13:13.23Thraekrka: You're confusing D&D with other RPGs...I've done plenty of Roleplaying that did not involve set numbers ;)
13:13.35Mr_Rabies2this one time we zerg rushed a furry hot tub
13:13.37SunTigeror dice
13:13.41Mr_Rabies2that was entertaining
13:13.45Mr_Rabies2literally, too
13:13.51Mr_Rabies2some guy made zergling avatars for us
13:14.01Mr_Rabies2and we all teleported at the same time yelling starcraft quotes
13:15.09Mr_Rabies2then one furry started doing leekspin with a nazi uniform on
13:15.13Mr_Rabies2it was pretty bizarre
13:17.09Mr_Rabies2i personally don't have much against furries, but they tend to be walking drama bombs
13:17.42Mr_Rabies2most of the stuff i have against them isn't their abnormal sexuality stuff, it's their persecution complex and whatnot
13:17.50XuerianTry having one as a gf.
13:18.04Mr_Rabies2yeah i'd sever
13:18.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
13:18.37Mr_Rabies2and furry art doesn't creep me out all that much
13:18.46Mr_Rabies2but like, at conventions, seeing people in fursuits
13:18.54Mr_Rabies2just freaks me the hell out for some reason
13:19.10Mr_Rabies2my fight or flight response starts going crazy
13:19.44Mr_Rabies2you may wanna nws that for those who
13:19.49Mr_Rabies2don't know what fchan is :p
13:20.05Xuerianthe hentaiplanet should kindof warn them off
13:20.25ThraeAnyone who clicks on a link with a domain of "hentaiplanet" without realizing it's nsfw, while someone is in the room with them, deserves what they get ;)
13:20.58ThraeMr_Rabies2: Speaking of which, how did YOU know what fchan is? I just google'd "furry porn" and got it as the 2nd link.
13:21.09ThraeFirst I heard of it...knew what 4chan was
13:21.09Mr_Rabies24chan is how i know what fchan is
13:21.10Cairennbelieve it or not, not everyone knows what "hentai" means.  NSFW tag next time, please?
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13:21.41ThraeCairenn: Bah, always the realist...fine, fine :D
13:21.47Cairennthank you
13:22.20Mr_Rabies2some guy in the w-hat group in second life got paid like, 20 real life bucks for making a butchery/rape barn for some furries in SL
13:22.47Mr_Rabies2if i was at all talented i'd make all kinds of weird stuff if it meant i got paid well enough
13:22.58ThraeStill, it's not like the front page has any images on it
13:23.32Mr_Rabies2i think one of my friends might be a furry but i'm afraid to ask :[
13:23.33Cairennwhich is the reason why I didn't really yell at you, just asked you nicely for in the future
13:23.48Mr_Rabies2he LARPs as a fox, apparently
13:23.57Mr_Rabies2which foxes are a staple of the furry community
13:23.59ThraeWell, I don't normally link to graphic websites ;)
13:24.05Xuerianthere's varying degrees of furry
13:24.14Mr_Rabies2can't pick a "totem animal" or whatever? go with a fox
13:24.22TrelaRabies, I have a coworker who openly has pictures of his furry suit on his cubicle wall.
13:24.25ThraeKitsune are so cuuute!
13:24.34Mr_Rabies2bwahahaha trela
13:24.38bleeterand then wishes all a good night
13:25.17ThraeLemme many furry webcomics do I have...
13:25.40Mr_Rabies2see it's not the art
13:25.48XuerianIt's the wackjobs
13:25.52Mr_Rabies2as much as people thinking they were a bear or giraffe or something in a past life
13:26.11Mr_Rabies2i mean
13:26.28Mr_Rabies2i think bears are awesome, but i don't think i was one nor am attracted to them in any way
13:26.38Mr_Rabies2they're just awesome
13:26.44Mr_Rabies2i don't care what colbert says
13:27.06Mr_Rabies2hippos are pretty nifty too
13:27.06krka1) hippos are mammals
13:27.17Mr_Rabies2imagine an epic hippo versus a fully grown grizzly bear
13:27.28TrelaEpic Hippo?
13:27.38Mr_Rabies2imagine an epic battle between a hippo and a fully grown grizzly bear
13:27.45Mr_Rabies2EPIC HIPPO
13:27.52TrelaThey are already purple!
13:27.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
13:27.57*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
13:28.46Cide(can you nod loudly?)
13:29.05bleeter(if you do it aggresively enough and break your neck, i suspect one can)
13:29.12TrelaYes, while banging your head against the desk.
13:29.27CideI suppose
13:29.40krka3.    The purpose of the hippo is to flip out and kill people.
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13:35.32Thrae,,,,, (may not count), (sometimes NSFW),,, (EQ!), (kinda), (the penultimate of furry comic communities). Not
13:35.49ThraeThat's all the furry webcomics in my bookmarks, I think.
13:35.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
13:36.21ThraeIn case that got cut off.
13:36.39sysragepenny-arcade and ctrlaltdel are safe :)
13:36.44bleeterwtf rofl           and Protection 4.22"]
13:37.49OsagasuPA is anything but safe
13:38.41foxlit"If you put Merc out of business you will have to deal with thousands of other people that he will release the source to!!! You don't want to mess with us! "
13:38.50foxlitzomg, people with source code! RUN! HIDE!
13:39.01bleeteryeah, that was the bit I lol'd the most at
13:39.13XuerianThrae: 2kinds is awesome. Vgcats too. More, more, more! SHAZAM!
13:39.16nevcairielfear me, i create source code!
13:39.27sysragewhere do you work that PA isn't safe??
13:39.48foxlit"thousands of people use Glider to avoid having to glide endlessly to 70"
13:40.43ThraeXuerian: My favourite out of those is Yosh! And oh wait, I forgot one...
13:40.50Mr_Rabies2<Thrae> That's all the furry webcomics in my bookmarks, I think.
13:40.57Mr_Rabies2why do you have furry webcomics
13:41.04krkahm.. i seem to recall some old web comic that was really nsfw... about incest, necrophilia, all sorts of weird stuff
13:41.04Mr_Rabies2in your bookmarks?
13:41.08krkacant remember the name
13:41.16Mr_Rabies2you're thinking sexylosers
13:41.18Mr_Rabies2i guarantee it
13:41.22Thraekrka: Sexy Losers
13:41.39XuerianThrae: Haven't seen yosh yet...
13:41.45krkaah thanks Thrae, that's it
13:41.50krkaand Mr_Rabies
13:41.54George_ZimmerYou're gonna like the way you look, I guarantee it.
13:42.47Xuerian (awesome art)
13:42.58ThraeXuerian: It's also a favourite of 2kinds author ;)
13:43.24Thrae <-- another comic with furries
13:43.37foxlitIn fact,
13:43.46Mr_Rabies2i worry about you guys and your furry webcomics
13:44.07Mr_Rabies2just please, if you own a fursuit, keep it to yourself for the sake of my respect towards you :P
13:44.21Mr_Rabies2unless you're like, a mascot or something, i guess that's cool
13:44.38XuerianMr_Rabies2: Haha, no way. There's lots of really good artists though
13:44.38AellaBut a mascot for *what*?
13:44.42Mr_Rabies2though i hear a lot of mascots are furries
13:44.58XuerianMr_Rabies2: The Mascot Files: Bandcamp
13:45.03Xuerianor wel
13:45.04Mr_Rabies2think about that next time you pose with the local baseball mascot
13:45.07Xuerian.... mascotcamp?
13:45.21Mr_Rabies2for a photo
13:45.29Xuerianquit while you're ahead :p
13:45.29Mr_Rabies2think of the horrible things he could have used that suit for
13:45.31ThraeMr_Rabies2: If you judge me by my bookmarks tagged "webcomic" on, I am a Lesbian Transexual Furry Gaming Otaku Romantic
13:45.50Ziconthrae: Wanna go out some time? ;P
13:45.55krkado not judge us by our bookmarks!
13:46.00*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
13:46.42ThraeXuerian: Already had seraph-inn, do you have Foxtails? The story is good, the art is kinda ehh.
13:46.54XuerianThrae: Nah, I don't
13:47.06XuerianOpened all the ones I didn't have though, will read through them later :p
13:47.11Mr_Rabies2the only webcomics i ever read are vgcats, pbf, penny arcade, and ctrl alt del
13:47.40Mr_Rabies2vgcats is drawn by a somethingawful goon who is most definitely not a furry
13:47.45Mr_Rabies2or he'd have been banned by now
13:47.58Mr_Rabies2being a furry is a bannable offense at SA :p
13:47.59krkajeffk comics rock
13:48.28XuerianOh, and
13:48.34OsagasuI'm...  apparently...  a magic using anthropomorphic gamer geek who lives and works in an futuristic fantasy world whole using his seer powers for the good of all.
13:48.37XuerianI'd link Strings of Fate if it was still around :(
13:48.38Osagasu!! Deegan!
13:48.49Xueriandd ftw :p
13:48.56Mr_Rabies2scientologists are also banned on site at SA :p
13:49.02XuerianMr_Rabies: As they should be
13:49.52Mr_Rabies2oh and recently i've been reading lfg
13:49.57Xuerianlfg is awesome.
13:50.36XuerianCan't go wrong with Richard :p
13:50.43OsagasuI have... Applegeeks, CAD, Deegan, GPF, GU Comics, LFG, Megatokto, Penny Arcade, Poisoned Minds, Questionable Content, Sinfest, Tales of the Questor, and VG Cats.
13:50.44Mr_Rabies2it's the only comic that makes no sense at all out of context though
13:50.54krkameh, my bookmarks are all just about: java, bytecode generation, latex, hungarian matching, bezier curves, game programming, dice wars, web caching, bash, javascript, cinelerra, xvid
13:50.56Mr_Rabies2i stopped reading megatokyo when it stopped being funny
13:51.01krkanot even my bookmarks are non-geeky
13:51.09Mr_Rabies2when uhhh
13:51.11Mr_Rabies2whats his name left
13:51.14XuerianMr_Rabies: IE when largo left
13:51.16Mr_Rabies2and it was just piro
13:51.19OsagasuThat's funny, that's about the time I started reading it because it has a good story. =P
13:51.28Xuerianit's all emo now, dammit piro
13:51.28Mr_Rabies2it was far far too emo for me
13:51.36Xuerianneed b33r
13:51.37Thraekrka: We're talking about Webcomic bookmarks...I have the same bookmarks as you, too ;)
13:51.38OsagasuPiro isn't emo anymore.
13:51.40krkanone of you are listing xkcd
13:51.41OsagasuTrust me.
13:51.42krkathat's weird
13:51.56XuerianOsagasu: but all the b33r shticks are artifical :(
13:51.59Mr_Rabies2entertainment > storyline :o
13:52.09Mr_Rabies2i read xkcd too
13:52.13Xuerianmust have b33r & cereal beowulf cluster!
13:52.17Mr_Rabies2but it's not so much a webcomic as it is a mind massager
13:52.19OsagasuBah.  I have CU, PA, and CAD for my quick laughs in the morning.
13:52.46Mr_Rabies2oh god
13:52.57Mr_Rabies2the most recent xkcd is awesome
13:53.11Kasoindeed it is
13:53.24ThraeThe latest xkcd explains me so perfectly.
13:53.49ThraePenny Arcade is funny about 70% of the time. Today it's good ;)
13:54.02Mr_Rabies2my friend martin's a real life quagmire(from family guy), so he doesn't even try to supress it now
13:54.09Mr_Rabies2he'd say that right to the mom's face and then laugh
13:55.18Mr_Rabies2he's a bit weird
13:55.37OsagasuThe point is that Penny Arcane always makes some form of commentary.
13:55.39Mr_Rabies2first time i checked out his projector he quickly typed up meatspin before i could turn away in horror
13:55.43*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
13:55.52OsagasuDamnit, I need my D&D fix
13:56.13Mr_Rabies2so i got meatspin in my brain, displayed on a whole wall
13:56.21TS|Skromso and wowinterface are collabarating
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13:56.38OsagasuIf it makes you feel better, the one on top isn't actually a man.
13:56.51Mr_Rabies2yeah a lot better
13:57.03Mr_Rabies2not really, no
13:57.07Xuerianspellsandwhistles is gone :(
13:57.08OsagasuThat took my to an ad page.
13:57.57Xueriancan see the thumbnails! >_<
13:58.06Mr_Rabies2pbf is going downhill recently
13:58.11Mr_Rabies2cause he's working on his book
13:58.20OsagasuOh, I have OOTS for that kind of D&D fix.
13:58.31Mr_Rabies2 is pretty good though
13:58.34OsagasuBut I mean dice rolling fix
13:58.39XuerianIt was funny =( oh yes and was another of the furry ones. has some more funny stuff
13:59.32TS|Skromdamnit but I need to get my resume in someplace fast
13:59.56TS|SkromI'm frickin' sick of the sales manager here and his bull
14:00.07TS|Skrom"my computer's slow and it's been four days since I asked you to fix it"
14:00.23TS|SkromNo shit.. and 2 of those were the weekend right?
14:00.46TS|SkromI guess maybe if you stopped looking at porn at work then maybe there wouldn't be a problem
14:00.50TS|Skrombut that's just too much to ask
14:01.39Mr_Rabies2ahhh i love pbf
14:01.47Mr_Rabies2because the punchline isn't always so obvious
14:02.29TS|Skromgreen doesn't look too thrilled
14:05.13Xuerian ... Ok, really truly afk now :D
14:06.11Mr_Rabies2it's so dark, i love it
14:07.55Kasoi do love that commic
14:08.00Kasopoor scorpy
14:08.10Mr_Rabies2 bwahahaa
14:08.44Xuerian XD
14:10.08Mr_Rabies2 :[
14:10.37Kasoi havent seen that before, is that new?
14:11.18Mr_Rabies2nah, pretty old
14:12.03Mr_Rabies2did you see when that one was in GBS, kaso
14:12.22Mr_Rabies2there's always the people trying to find some deep meaning in PBF comics, but that one was horrible for it for some rason
14:12.42KasoYah i do recall that
14:12.59KasoIts mimes! Mimes are funny! Leave it at that. :>
14:14.56Mr_Rabies2he has a sniper rifle :O
14:14.59Mr_Rabies2see the dot
14:17.25Thrae <-- funniest webcomic
14:18.03Kasochick is quite astounding
14:19.02Mr_Rabies2that's a lot of text and effort put into the art
14:19.05Mr_Rabies2too much >:[
14:19.28KasoWell i know when playing world of warcraft, my guild always tries to recruit me into a witches's coven
14:19.46ThraeA Witches Covent or a Wiccan Covent?
14:20.27ThraeCovents are just gatherings, they don't mean you become a Witch
14:20.51ThraeWiccans are usually cool, I'd hang out with 'em
14:21.23KasoThrae twas just a joke about a chick tract.
14:21.37Mr_Rabies2most wiccans i know are just attention whores
14:21.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh_ (
14:22.06ThraeKaso: I thought that comic was just about a Pagan cult? Diana isn't a goddess of witches...I think
14:22.51KasoAll i know is it said about a witches coven there so i just copied, i only glaced at the tract
14:23.02Kasomost of them arent worth the 1min it would take to read them
14:23.47ThraeAh, but the true way to fight religious-spurred ignorance is to become as knowledgable as possible, even about their own ignorant statements ;)
14:24.17ThraeThat reminds me, I need to read the Bible again...I haven't read it since I was 14
14:24.42ThraeI read it like 2-3 times during 12-14
14:24.53ThraeGood read, up there with Aesop's Fables
14:26.05zenzelezzI read Lord of the Rings instead
14:26.29TS|SkromI hope no one thinks that Chick tracts are a true representation of what the majority of Christians actually believe...
14:26.54TS|SkromIf you do then I'd like to point you to as a true representation of baptists
14:27.02TS|Skromalso I've got some swampland in florida to sell you
14:27.17ThraeTS|Skrom: I tagged it with "conservative-neo-religious-nutjob", what do you think ;)
14:27.47Mr_Rabies2nuff said
14:33.14*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Holding (
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14:44.51Kirkburn|sleepOff on holiday, see ya on Friday!
14:45.09zenzelezztime to vandalize the wiki
14:45.30Kirkburn|sleeplol, Adys'll keep you in line ^^
14:45.50Mr_Rabies2i just slapped my leg with a plastic fork
14:45.55Kirkburn|sleepEr, nice
14:46.03Mr_Rabies2twas an accident
14:46.03Kirkburn|sleepnevcairiel, such bonds can never keep me in check
14:46.14TS|SkromBlessing of Freedom!
14:46.16Mr_Rabies2i was drumming with it and it slipped and slapped my leg :[
14:46.35nevcairielKirkburn|sleep: well too bad, but good luck then! :)
14:46.40nevcairieland have fun :p
14:47.35Kirkburn|sleepThanks :)
14:48.39*** part/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn|sleep (
14:49.13Mr_Rabies2 is my favorite Gimmick guild ever
14:51.25nevcairielyou know what really worries me
14:51.30nevcairielthe chars are high level..
14:52.33Mr_Rabies2they're different people
14:52.45Mr_Rabies2every one, or most of them at least
14:53.00Mr_Rabies2i've seen 10 or 12 gathered in IF talking in /say
14:54.09Thrae <-- better
14:54.29krkawhat, no "alt" ?
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15:06.16cog|workwhy are the forums reacting more quickly today with realms down for maintenance than they were yesterday?
15:06.41nevcairielthey directed processing power from the realms servers to the forums.
15:06.58cog|workthat would be cool :P
15:07.10nevcairieltoo cool to be true
15:08.22jmethey need a text only forum imo :/
15:09.05TC-Holdingmorining |Jelly|
15:09.42purlmooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass, or and
15:10.03cog|workTC-Holding sounds like a stock brokerage or mutual fund or something...
15:10.17cog|workno... venture capital firm...
15:10.30cog|workcan i have 5 gold plz?
15:10.34Thunder_Childthat would be nice, would mean i had money
15:10.40*** join/#wowi-lounge kneecutter (
15:10.43Thunder_Childohhh....ingame...yea sure
15:10.51cog|worki want to mak teh intarnet startup
15:11.48Thunder_Childoh? in regards to what?
15:13.52cog|workima make phat bank
15:14.08|Jelly|still bumping the rdx topic, eh?
15:14.12cog|worki jsut need 5g ta start
15:14.15cog|workgimme plz
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15:14.53Thunder_Childcouldnt help it
15:15.09Thunder_Childdiff server cog :(
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15:18.36|Jelly|Apparently AVG decided it needed to scan twi ce at once.
15:19.06Mr_Rabies2its that good
15:19.21Mr_Rabies2i thought my tea water was hot enough but it's not :[
15:19.29Mr_Rabies2now my tea's all watery and stuff :(
15:19.30|Jelly|"Complete Test" "Detailed Complete Test"
15:21.22|Jelly|Stop bumping that thread, Cog! I'm tired of the "omg i have no mods" people trying to play the martyr. 8P
15:22.10Mr_Rabies2what's worse than the "i don't use mods because they may have keyloggers" crew are those who thinking having mods is no different than botting
15:23.45|Jelly|I dunno. I'm just sick of people coming to the UI Forum and wanting a cookie because they don't use any mods.
15:24.29Mr_Rabies2i don't mind if you don't use them, personally i love blizzard's default ui
15:24.34Mr_Rabies2it just kinda got stale for me
15:24.56|Jelly|I don't mind if you use it, but don't hold you not using it against those of us that do.
15:25.00Mr_Rabies2i was using cosmos, which barely modifies the visual UI while adding a lot of new features since....beta
15:25.08|Jelly|(Not saying you do..)
15:25.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
15:25.21Mr_Rabies2yeah i know what you mean
15:25.32Mr_Rabies2ugh this tea is so weak
15:25.41Mr_Rabies2should have reheated the water
15:25.46|Jelly|I was Titan and MobHealth only until like November of last year. Then I got into modding just in time to break them all. lol
15:26.42Mr_Rabies2i really like the default ui, minus the gryphons
15:26.51|Jelly|I just. Don't.
15:27.00Mr_Rabies2mine's setup similarly to it now with
15:27.01|Jelly|*shrug* Personal preference, in the end. : /
15:27.04Thunder_Childi started with cosmos whay back when, and evloved from there
15:27.07Mr_Rabies2a slew of visual addons now
15:27.15Mr_Rabies2i still have a decent chunk of cosmos
15:27.28Mr_Rabies2but it seems that AnduinLothar is the only author left with any drive
15:27.46Mr_Rabies2most of the rest in cosmos are burned out, quit, or busy as hell
15:28.00Mr_Rabies2so when stuff breaks, i get used to not having it for months
15:28.22Mr_Rabies2not saying AL isn't busy as hell, he is, or was, i dunno about now
15:28.34Mr_Rabies2he was goin crazy with his senior finals and stuff last i heard
15:29.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:31.26Thunder_Childbah, have to go to work now... I shall see you soon TC-Working....
15:31.42|Jelly|take it easy
15:31.48Mr_Rabies2slow ride
15:31.49cog|workFriggin idiot
15:31.56Mr_Rabies2take it ee-zay
15:32.40Mr_Rabies2i love people that hijack blue threads to ask some question thats been asked 40 times
15:33.00|Jelly|"3) It's only 8:30... Lern2timezone" rofl
15:33.10Mr_Rabies2cogwheel for mvp
15:33.19Mr_Rabies2cogwheel for forum mod
15:33.21Mr_Rabies2mvps can't ban
15:34.44|Jelly|Gah. I was actually helpful. Without being a jerk. I feel kind of sickly.
15:35.18mikmacog|work: do we see a MVP coming? ;)
15:35.21Mr_Rabies2What happened the fantastic realism I could imagine myself a part of? When I fight a monster with 39 alliesREALISM ENDS HERE
15:35.33Mr_Rabies2from that "how mods ruin the game" thread
15:35.36cog|workI would rather not...
15:35.49cog|workI would have to restrain myself more
15:35.53Mr_Rabies2yeah, you kinda have to stop being an asshole to the idiots when you get green text
15:36.00|Jelly|I all but stopped reading when the WallofText critted me for 29467.
15:36.07mikmacog|work: stop being so active and helpful in there then
15:37.11Mr_Rabies2i'm more concerned about that thread still having a red biohazard sign
15:37.14Mr_Rabies2lemme fix that a bit
15:38.08Mr_Rabies2 is how you fix that problem
15:38.38mikmaAn error was encountered while processing your request :(
15:38.54Mr_Rabies2probably some kind of
15:38.56Mr_Rabies2session thing
15:39.03Mr_Rabies2or some kind of referral thing
15:39.05Mr_Rabies2i dunno
15:39.12|Jelly|What'd you type?
15:39.16mikmacog|work: hahahah that's one persistant noobie :)
15:40.02mikmawas that even a word.. oh well
15:40.08cog|workTC-Working: "it is! Language Underneath Addons."         <---- Don't say anything like that in #lua :P
15:40.59Mr_Rabies2just "trolling"
15:41.04Mr_Rabies2it's limited to 256 characters
15:41.19cog|workHey... if you guys were considering buying a book on WoW programming, what would you expect it to cover? (things like slash commands, working with textures, specific stuff like that)
15:41.52Mr_Rabies2how to actually get an addon off the ground
15:41.54Mr_Rabies2problem is
15:42.00Mr_Rabies2that's so easy to get outdated :[
15:42.48cog|workassuming that away, tohugh....
15:43.01Mr_Rabies2that's my big problem with getting started
15:43.11|Jelly| Cog writing a book?
15:43.18Mr_Rabies2i can't find any guides to tell me HOW to get an addon even up and detectable by WoW
15:43.33|Jelly|Clad's book does that. :/
15:43.34Mr_Rabies2that arent way out of date
15:43.52|Jelly|I would like (if it's true) Cog's book to be an advancement on that.
15:43.52Mr_Rabies2yeah, but i hear the tutorial part is only a small portion of it
15:43.58|Jelly|half the book
15:44.03*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
15:46.36cog|work*I'm* not writing a book... ;)
15:47.10|Jelly|Why, huh?
15:47.16cog|workBut let's just say you understand Lua & XML and have a general idea of how the WoW API works.....
15:47.18|Jelly|The public must know!
15:47.31cog|workand how to create a basic addon skeleton
15:48.06Josh_Borkeuseful resources, GOOD guides on SetTexCoords :-)  also, more concrete examples on scaling issues and positioning of frames
15:48.07cog|workwhat specific paradigms would you like addressed (like tooltip scanning, combat log parsing, saved variables, etc.)
15:48.12Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure that's beyond both my and jelly's scope
15:48.17|Jelly|All I can really say is build off of Clad's book. Which I know would be kind of hard considering it wouldn't be like version 2 or whatever but the general principal (explain why you're doing what)
15:48.42cog|workwell, I know you two aren't the only ones in this channel right now :P
15:48.49Josh_Borkemetatable tricks
15:48.51|Jelly|But we're the ones talking!
15:48.54Josh_Borketooltip is meh
15:49.06Josh_Borkecombat log scanning is important, but i'd say use a library for it
15:49.22Mr_Rabies2i need to find something that replaces the default mouseover tooltip
15:49.33|Jelly|TinyTip = lurve
15:49.45Mr_Rabies2there's one in pitbull but it doesn't override the old one and has a lower strata
15:49.57Mr_Rabies2and it vanishes right away upon un-mousing over instead of slowly fading
15:49.58Cidecog|work: but.. thinking takes.. effort =/
15:50.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
15:50.44cog|workdon't it, though
15:52.13*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
15:52.16|Jelly| retch!
15:52.28Mr_Rabies2dammit phone
15:52.39Mr_Rabies2you were on the fedex truck 30 miles away 3 hours ago
15:52.39|Jelly|punch it in the head
15:52.41Mr_Rabies2where are youuuuuu
15:52.54|Jelly|sorting facility!
15:53.05Mr_Rabies2i hate the default buffs frame
15:53.09Mr_Rabies2when did they change it
15:53.24Mr_Rabies2because i used archaeologist before they changed it
15:53.33Mr_Rabies2so when they made it so you had to mouseover to see buffs i flipped out
15:54.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
15:55.17Kaydeethreeheh. that's been my image macro for qq moar for a few days now
15:56.13|Jelly| Post 39. She said she's using mods? So...she's ruining the game too? *boggle*
15:56.48Mr_Rabies28:25 AM   On FedEx vehicle for delivery
15:59.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
16:00.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
16:00.10*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
16:01.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
16:02.02Kaeltenowwe that stung
16:02.05*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
16:04.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
16:04.55|Jelly|:( no love
16:05.37*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
16:06.32TC-Workingit's a secret cog|work, thats why you dont see it in any official Lua papers
16:07.04Mr_Rabies2it's a secret to everybody
16:07.10Mr_Rabies2or is it everyone
16:07.17TC-Workingnot to me/people i am telling
16:07.23Cideor maybe everytwo?
16:09.08Mr_Rabies2it's everybody
16:12.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
16:12.13Shirikholy hell.
16:12.19ShirikYou have no idea how much crap I just went through
16:12.22|Jelly|Kick that test's ass?
16:12.24Shirikjust to try to get connected to the internet
16:12.30Shirikmy IT department SUCKS
16:12.32TC-Workingwe can put you through more if you would like
16:12.49Shirikso get this, my computer lost its DHCP lease overnight
16:13.05Shirikso I had to scan the entire school network, find its gateway, go through logs and find what my old IP was (to find something valid)
16:13.12Shirikmanually configure it, find some DNS server to use, put that in there
16:13.28Shirikas for the test.... by my calculations I should get a 75
16:13.34Shirikworse than I wanted but better than I expected
16:15.24ShirikI am also beyond tired right now
16:15.24Shirikslept 4 hours in the last 48
16:15.25Shirikdoesn't work
16:15.25nevcairielgo to sleep, then.
16:15.25TC-Working~sleep Shirik
16:15.27purlACTION sends Shirik to bed without supper
16:15.27Shiriknah I'm going to go run this CW real quick
16:15.27Shirikthen go to sleep
16:15.27|Jelly|You have two hours before servers are live. Hop on it. Then I expect you to pound away at some aceifying rdx.
16:15.27Shiriknah, RF servers are up
16:15.27TC-Workingi think when the took purl down they striped a bunch of stuff
16:15.27Shirikunfortunately out of habit I just started up WoW instead of RF
16:15.28|Jelly|and what the hell is rf?!?
16:15.30|Jelly|other than "another game I play" lol
16:15.30Shirikrf online
16:15.42cog|workIs that some geeky game for radio nerds?
16:15.43ShirikI used to work for them
16:15.44|Jelly|making me google my own shit
16:15.50Shirikcog|work: rofl
16:15.55Shirik|Jelly|: Let me grab you a link
16:16.00nevcairielisnt that this asian anime game?
16:16.14Shirikwell "anime" may not be the appropriate term
16:16.17Shirikit is indeed korean
16:16.38|Jelly|Isn't that the game that serious filters put on half of Asia's internet?
16:17.01|Jelly|Or am I thinking of another game?
16:17.25ShirikAnyway, it's a pretty cool game, but a hell of a grind, etc.
16:17.53Shirikbut the coolest part
16:17.57Shirikevery 8 hours, there is a massive war
16:18.02TS|Skromit's also crashed my firefox ><
16:18.02Shirik3 races, every player online
16:18.14ShirikTS|Skrom: That's because codemasters sucks at programming :P
16:18.21Shirikactually in their defense, they didnt' code it
16:20.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:22.42mikmaerm. i need some help with SetScript("OnClick"..), anyone wanna try helping me? :)
16:23.01foxlitAsk questions, not meta-questions :)
16:23.11TS|SkromWell when a daddy script and a mommy script love each other very much...
16:23.18mikmawell this might require some time, so i want to know is there someon who's up for the job :D
16:23.56Cideif it will take some time
16:23.56mikmai'll commit my latest code that bugs first
16:24.56*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
16:24.58Cidethen you either don't know lua well enough, don't bother to reduce the problem/question to the smallest amount of relevant code/info/whatever, or something else that I thought of before I started typing this
16:25.52mikmaanyway, here wo go. code:
16:26.17mikmafrom rows 454 and 455 theres 2 setscripts
16:26.31mikmathe first one, mik_tooltip_editbox1:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", function() chatwidth(arg) end) works
16:26.31nevcairielyou know, browsers dont have line numbers
16:26.53TS|Skromtee hee
16:26.53Cideand see reason #2
16:26.53mikmasecond, mik_tooltip_button1:SetScript("OnClick", function() chatwidth(arg) end) doesn't work
16:27.05nevcairielwhats arg supposed to be anyway?
16:27.11cog|workdon't use global args
16:27.23foxlitanonymous handlers there are also redundant
16:27.24Cidenow, reduce the problem to a smaller code sample
16:27.25mikmanevcairiel: it's supposed to be the a number, 1-4
16:27.25cog|workyou should be passing parameters to the function.
16:27.29TS|Skromcog|work do you have that scripted?
16:27.44cog|workTS|Skrom: that would be nice :)
16:27.46TS|Skrommy word you are fast
16:27.53foxlitregistered for clicks, mikma?
16:28.09Cidemikma: ping?
16:28.19mikmafoxlit: LeftButtonDown registered for that
16:28.20mikmaCide: pong
16:29.02Cidetake the effort to figure out where the problem is next time
16:29.16mikmaCide: like i said this will take some time :D
16:29.27nevcairieluse your time, not ours :)
16:29.37CideI don't want to scan through all your code
16:29.39mikmait's not like i haven't troied fixing it for a huge amount of time now already
16:29.48Cidethen what you do is
16:29.52Cidetake the parts that don't work
16:29.56Cideremove everything else
16:29.59mikmaCide: that's why i told the lines what are the problem :O
16:30.12Cidemikma: see: I don't want to see your file
16:30.19Cideuntil you get a minimal sample of code that reproduces the issue
16:30.24mikmaCide: then don't help me at all
16:30.30Cideoh, don't worry
16:30.32CideI'm not going to :)
16:30.45mikmafine :)
16:31.02Cidebut I think you should respect the other people in here too
16:31.08Cidethat put up with your laziness
16:31.18mikmalaziness? ok! lol
16:31.21Cidebecause that's what it boils down to
16:31.22cog|workmikma: usually, taking the time to build a small test case will actually lead you to finding the problem yourself
16:31.31cog|workso you never end up needing to post the test case at all
16:31.35Cidethat too
16:31.59cog|workFor me, it's definitely >50% solve rate just by creating the test case
16:32.01Cidemikma: you wouldn't want me to paste CT_RaidAssist.lua and say "hai, fix mah prbloem plz?" do you?
16:32.21|Jelly|so long as it was lolcode
16:32.22mikmaCide: like i didn't try explaining it
16:32.26Cidesitting at 4769 and all...
16:32.26nevcairieli really wonder why people keep doing stuff like for german translations..
16:32.32Cides/and/lines and/
16:32.35nevcairielthe international language code is still de :P
16:32.57Mr_Rabies2my phone is here
16:33.00Cidemikma: it wouldn't "take a while" if you bothered to reduce the code to a small test case
16:33.01Mr_Rabies2now i just have to charge it forever
16:33.05Mr_Rabies2thanks at&t
16:33.11cog|workMr_Rabies2: that happened to me last week :P
16:33.17cog|workgot a KRZR K1m
16:33.20Mr_Rabies2i can't tell if it's charged or not
16:33.24Mr_Rabies2i see 3 bars on the battery thing
16:33.28Mr_Rabies2but they're orange
16:33.29mikmasure i can try doing a small code but i don't know what will i put there since i don't know what's the exact problem with it
16:33.37Cideif you had a small amount of code, I could just look at your 30 lines, find whatever mistake you made in next to an instant, and help you
16:33.39TC-Working~bad foxlit
16:33.41purlBad foxlit, bad! No cookie for you!
16:33.41Mr_Rabies2nah, mine was only 25 bucks after mail in rebate
16:33.45TC-Workingno jesus phone for you
16:33.48Cidethat's why you spend some time and working that out
16:33.54cog|workMr_Rabies2: mine was free for renewing my contract :P
16:33.54Mr_Rabies2has a 2.0 MP camera and overall not too bad for an american phone
16:33.57Mr_Rabies2especially for the price
16:34.02Mr_Rabies2mine was 25 bucks for renewing mine
16:34.02nevcairielpeople actually think about the iPhone?
16:34.18Cideyou take out irrelevant code for one
16:34.19foxlitIt's an ipod... and a phone... and a psp... and it's not sold in Europe
16:34.25Cideand then you work from there
16:34.29Mr_Rabies2 cog|work
16:34.42Mr_Rabies2that's what i got
16:34.46mikmaok. small code: SetScript("OnEnterPress"..) works, SetScripts("OnClick"..) doesn't :D now i will try to tinytip it and build a pastey
16:34.48Mr_Rabies2it's a direct competitor to the razrs
16:34.50nevcairieli have an ipod, and a phone, and i dont really have a use for a psp
16:34.52Mr_Rabies2and is better in every way i hear :O
16:34.58nevcairielplus i live in europe .. guess i will pass :D
16:35.00Cidemikma: there you go
16:35.05|Jelly| I want
16:35.06Mr_Rabies2also it's at&t branded which means it has the latest firmware
16:35.39Mr_Rabies2instead of cingular branded
16:35.42Mr_Rabies2i wasn't sure which i was gonna get
16:35.43foxlitnevcairiel: wifi internet on psp is cute; video display is > iPod
16:35.45mikmafoxlit: i typed it, didn't copypaste so i made a typo while typing it
16:36.23|Jelly|it's taking me a year to sign into Cingular's website (AT&T whatever)
16:36.44Mr_Rabies2samsung makes top notch phones
16:36.47Mr_Rabies2and i saw a thing on tv
16:36.54Mr_Rabies2"samsung phones temporarily 50% off"
16:37.03Mr_Rabies2and i was already eyeing the sync like a week before
16:37.08Mr_Rabies2so i was like @_@ *gank*
16:37.11|Jelly|Samsung makes top notch __________________. 8P
16:37.26Mr_Rabies2i'm not in a 3G area though
16:37.28Mr_Rabies2right outside one
16:37.36Mr_Rabies2but it'll expand out here eventually
16:38.00nevcairielwhats 3G?
16:38.11Mr_Rabies2at&t's new data network
16:38.29Mr_Rabies2voice too apparently
16:38.33nevcairieltheir answer to UMTS?
16:39.43foxlit3g = video phones!
16:39.50nevcairielUMTS can do that too
16:40.25nevcairielin fact, i even could use that, but havent found anyone who has a video phone, and a compatible network :P
16:40.55foxlitnevcairiel: you live in a cave, 3G phones are quite popular around here :)
16:41.07Mr_Rabies2UMTS is a 3G standard i think
16:41.10foxlitThough they tend to bait people with messenger
16:41.11nevcairieli simply dont live in US :p
16:41.14Kaydeethreemeh, it'd be nice if the US would freaking roll it out everywhere
16:41.15foxlit4G according to wiki
16:41.22foxlitnevcairiel: neither do I :)
16:42.10nevcairielUMTS is the state-of-the-art network we have here, broadband wifi internet, video phone, dunno what else .. didnt really use it much yet :D
16:42.39Mr_Rabies2i hope it works with my wifi
16:42.42Mr_Rabies2would be so sweet
16:42.50Mr_Rabies2apparently that's part of the 3g standard
16:42.50nevcairielUniversal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) is one of the third-generation (3G) mobile phone technologies.
16:42.52Mr_Rabies2so we'll see
16:42.58nevcairielguess we are just weird not knowing the term 3G
16:43.13Mr_Rabies2at&t's pushing it as 3g over here
16:43.19foxlitAh, was looking at the wrong page
16:43.57foxlitSo yeah, it's likely that 3G is actually a non-technical name for UMTS/3GSM :)
16:46.30cog|workForums will be unavailable from 4am to 7am tomorrow!!!!!11
16:47.21ScytheBlade1That's okay
16:47.25ScytheBlade1That's why we have IRC
16:47.33foxlitBut where will I troll?
16:47.42nevcairieltroll in notepad
16:47.45nevcairieland post it afterwards
16:47.50ScytheBlade1I can always fire up another client and ask stupid questions here
16:47.55ScytheBlade1Then bash myself for being stupid
16:48.01ScytheBlade1If nothing else, it'd be a show!
16:53.36*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
16:54.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Foxbot (
16:56.29TC-Working4am to 7am.....who the hell gets up at that time?? on the west coast that is
16:56.45nevcairielcog|work obviously
16:57.38TC-Workingpfft, he is west coast
16:57.49foxlitBah, patch one thing, break three others
16:58.01nevcairielfoxlit works for blizzard?
16:59.05foxlitNo comment.
16:59.11TC-Workingit might be up already, they dont always go directly to 11
16:59.48|Jelly|My server's up : /
17:00.45cog|workmine is too
17:01.01cog|workthat's how I noticed the forums would be unavailable (notice on login screen)
17:01.39*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus_ (
17:03.36|Jelly|When will they be down? I just kind of skipped over it in my hurry to log on.
17:05.11ScytheBlade1cog|work, I just replied to your @Addon Authors thread.
17:05.46*** join/#wowi-lounge N|Tivoli (n=asdf@
17:05.54cog|workty :)
17:05.58*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
17:06.03|Jelly|I love when I log on my low level characters and people try to sell me crap telling me how much my gear sucks.
17:06.20ScytheBlade1It highlights, largely, my ineptitudes when it comes to creating addons, and my reasons for being inept at those.
17:07.31TC-Workingpfft, cog|work is just trying to get the free blizzcon tickets
17:07.53ScytheBlade1Free blizzcon tickets?
17:08.05cog|workScytheBlade1: for MVPs maybe?
17:08.09ScytheBlade1Oh, haha
17:08.21TC-Workingmore like MVE's
17:08.30ScytheBlade1I started reading the UI forum stickies to see if there was a running contest or something
17:08.47TC-Workingno, it's for wowwiki iirc
17:08.48cog|worknot that I know of...
17:09.12ScytheBlade1Anywho, I have to head to work. Cog, in the event that I'm brain-dead and blind, please respond accordingly. :)
17:09.50TC-Working" * 7th June 2007 – BlizzCon 2007 Sponsorship! WoWWiki and Wikia are sponsoring two WoWWiki contributors to attend BlizzCon 2007 in Anaheim on August 3-4. Take a look at the 2007 BlizzCon Invitation for qualifications and information on how to nominate yourself. Don't delay, the last date to add yourself is next Tuesday, June 12th!
17:09.51cog|workI am :P
17:10.10cog|workTC-Working: heh... hadn't seen that... This is for .... something else <.<
17:10.18ScytheBlade1I'll read and reply (or kill myself) when I can.
17:10.57TC-Workinghmm...looks like wowi's premeium membership is up
17:11.22TC-Workingor is that just for alla's site?
17:11.24TS|SkromCog, after my recent debacle with dropdowns a howTo explaining the parts of a custom dropdown menu might be nice. I.e. for my quote addon I needed a dropdown that could take more then 30 entries and be scrollable so I had to make one
17:12.27foxlitIf you need long dropdowns, reconsider your design
17:12.50TS|Skromoh okay, since I'm making a dropdown to simply list and let choose from any spell a character can know
17:12.55TS|Skromyeah I'll rethink my design on that
17:13.16foxlitYou may want to do something spellbook-style
17:13.51TS|Skromno, really a dropdown was easiest
17:13.55cog|workHeh... maybe one on good UI design :P
17:14.17TS|Skromit's got 10 lines, is scrollable and works perfectly for what I wanted
17:14.45TS|Skromor if not a tutorial on making dropdowns, just edit the existing to list their limitations *shrug*
17:21.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
17:21.46TC-Workingmmmm...premium gold sexyness
17:22.30TC-WorkingCairenn, is there a restriction on what you can put for the custom user title?
17:22.50Cairennkeep it clean
17:22.50TS|Skromthere are adds on
17:22.58TC-Workingdamn, and i wanted so say what i really am
17:23.00krkain soviet russia, clean keeps you!
17:24.36Cairennjust follow the site rules - a bit risque is okay, but don't go overboard
17:24.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
17:24.54Cairennno severe profanity (it'll just get filtered out anyway), etc
17:25.08TC-Workingi presume asshole is severe?
17:25.22Cairennthat'll be filtered, yeah
17:25.26Cairenndamn won't
17:25.50TC-Workingwell i'm just trying to describe myself...
17:25.58TC-Workingyou know, as fair woarning
17:26.57krkacan we use Ace? or is that too ugly a word?
17:27.09Cairennace is fine :p
17:27.17TC-Workingwhat about ACE?
17:27.22TS|Skromhow bout LUA
17:27.23krkaTS|Skrom: Lua is not an acronym.
17:27.25TS|Skromtee hee
17:28.18TC-Workingdamn, and my other one is 7 letters to long
17:28.37TC-Workinghmm..if i use no spaces
17:28.50TC-Workingstill, IAMTHEWHALEPENISOFSARCASM looks kinda odd
17:29.32TC-Workinghey, people call me a dork, they are going to suffer for it
17:30.01Cairenncareful, or that's what I'll set your title to - "dork"
17:30.28TC-Workingpfft, i could set my title to's just not as fun as the other one
17:30.39TC-WorkingIamtheWhalePenisofSarcasm might work better
17:31.10CairennI'll have to smack you if you put that
17:31.19TC-Workingsmack away
17:33.50Mr_Rabies2holy crap
17:33.50Mr_Rabies2this phone
17:33.50Mr_Rabies2is awesome
17:38.52TS|SkromEr... Cairenn where do I report a bug that I seem to have with wowinterface?
17:39.06Cairennin the bug report forum
17:39.20Cairennwhat's the problem?
17:40.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata124 (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
17:41.12TS|SkromWell, I did a search for the terms: spells available, clicked description (so title and description were checked). Search loaded with 4 pages. Page 1 no problem, page 2, no problem, click on page 3 and it says "Sorry - your search term was too long." This is only when going from page 2-3+ From page 1 to any page (2 or 3) works fine, but from 2 to 3-4 it gives taht error
17:41.29TS|Skromoops, loaded with 10 pages not 4 lol
17:41.40Cairennhuh, that's weird
17:41.49TS|Skrombut still going from page 2 to either 3, 4 or "last" comes with same error
17:41.57Cairennwell, post it in the forum so dolby-wowi_ will get a chance to look at it
17:42.02TS|Skromwill do
17:42.07Cairennthanks, and sorry
17:42.45TS|Skromoh here's why: that's the link for going to page 4
17:42.57TS|Skromthe search script seems to be adding teh search terms repeatedly
17:43.42TS|Skromwhich means just increasing the limit on search terms won't help as eventually you'd still reach the limit if it keeps repeating itself indefinately
17:43.54TS|SkromI'll post this in the forum asap :)
17:44.01Cairennthanks TS|Skrom :)
17:44.36dolby-wowi_it adds words together on purpose
17:44.49TS|SkromI'll post the workaround too (in the url for the page you are on, it will usually end with page=#) change that to the page number you want to view and it goes straight there
17:44.53dolby-wowi_because so many authors liketonametheremodlikethis
17:44.59TS|Skrombut indefinately repeating itself?
17:45.28TS|Skromspells+available+spellsavailable makes sense
17:45.29dolby-wowi_hmmm no it shouldnt be doing that
17:45.44TS|Skromthat doesn't
17:46.13dolby-wowi_ahh, its adding per page?
17:46.17TS|Skromthat was after clicking on the "2" link to go to page 4
17:46.27TS|Skromunsure to be honest because I can't get a third page to load
17:46.36TS|Skromit gives me the too big message after one new page
17:46.45TS|Skromlet me try a shorter search term to begin with
17:47.46TS|Skromokay I got to page three, here's the link to go to page 4
17:48.28dolby-wowi_are you just searching title?
17:49.15TS|Skromtitle and desc
17:49.50TS|Skrommy search terms were short and er
17:50.05TS|Skromalmost looks exponential lol
17:50.16TS|Skromon page 5 I get Sorry - your search term was too long.
17:50.29dolby-wowi_k, I think I know where the problem is
17:50.42dolby-wowi_hopefully have it fixed later tonight :)
17:50.52TS|Skromheh, good luck :)
17:51.05dolby-wowi_thanks for takeing the time to report it :)
18:02.45zenzelezzUnderbog Lurker grows in size upon seeing Zenzio!
18:02.48zenzelezzthat is so sexually loaded
18:03.48TS|Skromso did mazzle move away from the pay model they were working with?
18:05.52cog|workTS|Skrom: there was no pay model
18:06.00cog|workhe was simply offering beta spots to people who donated
18:06.29cog|workas soon as it went gold it was freely available
18:07.51TS|Skromit's pretty neat looking, can't say I'd use it though. Even with the "space saving" mechanisms it looks too crowded for my tastes
18:09.49TS|Skromheh I got a positive review, sweet :P
18:11.01*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
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18:14.10TC-Workinghmm...someone has been editing my account...
18:15.26TC-Workingdamit, the RDX post has hit the second page already
18:16.40cog|workSeeing as some people have joined us since I last linked it: any feedback from you guys would be great:
18:16.58cog|work(if you can't post on US forums, just tell me here :P)
18:17.33TC-Working"Let's assume for the sake of argument that you are someone who understands Lua and the basic workings of the WoW API & frame system" well that doesnt include me
18:18.24zenzelezzif I had a US account open I'd post "how to convert to ACE"
18:18.52cog|workTC-Working: all will be revealed in time...
18:18.54TC-Working*snicker* @ zenzelezz
18:19.22TS|Skromwho cares about ace, what's this LUA I hear about all the time
18:19.23krkaTS|Skrom: Lua is not an acronym.
18:19.50TC-Workingand it sucks that krka is abusing the bot :(
18:22.27KasoNameplates! needs more nameplates cog|work !!!
18:22.35KasoAnd speech Bubbles!
18:22.41cog|workKaso: good ones!
18:22.57krkayou can abuse it 4 times per hour if you want
18:23.01Kaso:< theyre the only ones i know alot about /cry
18:23.15*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
18:23.35TC-Workinghmm..i dont knwo of any addons that manipulate the speec bubbles
18:23.45KasoKasoBubbles on wowi!
18:23.49Kasogogogo search i do
18:24.28TC-Workingah, but it doesnt modify it visualy...thats your next step
18:24.41TC-Workinge.g. bg coloer by class
18:24.49TC-Workingomfg i cannot type today
18:24.52Kasohmm, interesting idea
18:25.49TC-Workingor maybe, just a colored border and a textured bg
18:25.58TC-Workinglots of diff things can be done with it
18:26.21KasoAttempt to index a number value, what the fuck how is that even possible.
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18:27.07TS|Skroma = 1, z = a[1]
18:27.45KasoI know what the error is, i dont see how that could have happened on line 76 of my code like this guy is reporting
18:27.47TC-Workinghmm..maybe you can make the links clickable in the speech bubble as well
18:31.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
18:31.33Kasoif region:GetText() and (region:GetText()):match("[^%[]"..item.."[^%]]?") then
18:31.35Kaso[2007/06/07 06:36:14-1366-x218]: KasoBubbles\KasoBubbles.lua:76: attempt to index a number value
18:32.05Kasounless the region returned from GetRegions is somehow a number and not a Region i dont see how i could error
18:32.19Kasosomeone done a bad metatable hook of GetRegions maybe?
18:32.20nevcairielhow do you get the region?
18:32.54Kasousing this itterator to go through them in a for loop
18:34.57Cidehaving an arg called WorldFrame scares me
18:35.37KasoWell it was either just make a local copy of worldframe, or pass a copy of worldframe into the function, both served the same purpose
18:35.43TC-Workinghmm...if you walked up to a trainer, couldnt you parse all of the skills?
18:36.02*** join/#wowi-lounge dsfargeg (n=rumors@
18:36.06CideKaso: but you named the arg "WorldFrame"
18:36.08TC-Workingor did i not use that word corectly
18:36.29KasoCide and? im not sure of your issue with that.
18:36.47Cideso you have to call the function using custom_it(WorldFrame)?
18:37.23Kasofor i,region in custom_it(WorldFrame) do
18:37.37Cidewhy are you passing in a parameter in the first place, when it's hardcoded?
18:37.45|Jelly|Don't chu be touchin' dat sumbitchin boat! Boat's mine!
18:37.55Kasojust makes it more obveous to me what the code is doing whilst still keeping the efficceny of a local
18:38.09Cidecapital W makes it seem like a global to me
18:38.41KasoI guess i couldve given it a better name, but thats just coding style i guess.
18:38.44Cidewell, you're free to do as you choose of course
18:38.47Cidebut that's bad design IMO.
18:39.23Cideespecially given that you're relying on the parameter to be a constant (WorldFrame)
18:41.50KasoWell that aside, any idea how the error reported here ( could possibly happen im truely mystetified (full code =
18:43.31|Jelly|The boat is NOT a toy!
18:44.11TC-Workingthats retarded
18:44.18|Jelly|You're retarded!
18:44.24TC-Workingthis we know already
18:44.35TC-Workingdoesnt make that any less retarded
18:44.43TC-WorkingHeroes as well
18:46.51LunessaSquidbillies is always retarded.  That's the whole point.  
18:46.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
18:47.59foxlitDid blizzard ever release decent help material for new slash commands?
18:48.25AellaThat would be up to the web team, so no.
18:48.26TC-Workingtalkin about the post?
18:48.55foxlitNah, just somewhere official with a listing of conditionals and how they work
18:49.38AellaI think "official" was the key word. =(
18:49.40cog|work"official material" == ChatFrame.lua
18:49.49cog|workPlus Iriel's old sticky
18:49.53foxlitNothing aimed at end-users then
18:49.57AellaThere, "decent" is the key word.
18:50.09AellaYeah, Iriel's sticky would be the closest thing.
18:50.10cog|workwhy would tehy neeed to?
18:50.13foxlitdecent+official :)
18:50.22foxlitOh, I don't know
18:50.29foxlitTo actually use the macro system?
18:50.30cog|workThey just outsource to sticky writers like me & neuro :P
18:50.31AellaChatFrame.lua doesn't actually have the commands, just the tokens, gotta head to GlobalStrings for that, which sucks.
18:51.09cog|workFor a list of slash commands, see globalstrings.lua. For a list of options, see chatframe.lua. For an actual guide on how to use them, see my link above
18:51.26cog|workit's quite complete
18:51.35AellaIt is indeed.
18:51.49AellaYou just can't hand someone a link and say "here, everything you need."
18:52.16AellaWell, yeah, you can with your sticky, I guess.
18:52.20cog|workalso, I've heard Hacking World of Warcraft has an awesome macro guide
18:52.51cog|workAella: yep. it covers macro options in their entirety as well as all (iirc) of the secure slash commands
18:53.08TC-Workinghuh, finaly found a site that gives a proper IP location tool
18:53.22AellaUnfortunately, not *all* slash commands. But doing so is a bear. =P
18:54.30foxlitcog|work: "stance:0/1/2/.../n - In a stance "
18:54.40foxlitHow do numbers map to what I'm in?
18:54.48cog|workkeep reading, silly
18:55.05Dagroncan anyone direct me to a tutorial or a starting point for sharing addon data between clients?
18:55.21AellaDagron: how much data?
18:55.28Dagronone table
18:55.41Dagronthat could be fairly large >.<
18:55.50AellaWhat does it store/when does it need to be shared?
18:56.10foxlitI believe Shirik has a hot serializer
18:56.23ShirikI have a what?
18:56.32TS|Skromhe's coming on to you
18:56.32cog|workyou heard him...
18:56.44KaydeethreeI uh
18:56.47Lunessait's ... hawt.
18:56.49Dagronit stores information about guild members (info i have made seperately from the game) and it needs to be shared either as often as possible or at least when they come online
18:57.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@
18:57.25foxlit#api SendAddonMessage
18:57.27Foxbotfoxlit: SendAddonMessage("prefix", "text", "type", "target")
18:57.51*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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18:58.01cog|work#api UnitCanAssist
18:58.03FoxbotCould not find anything relevant, cog|work
18:58.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@
18:58.30foxlitIt's wiki :)
18:58.36AellaDagron: I can pastey some 200 lines of code (which aren't intended for public consumption, but work) that you could look at for one way to do add-on communication.
18:58.41foxlitSo the page probably doesn't exist
18:58.43Dagronso, correct me if i'm wrong, but that SendAddonMessage is hidden, correct?
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18:58.50AellaCorrect, Dagron.
18:59.00TS|SkromDagron yes
18:59.15TS|Skromit's the replacement for all the hidden channels that addons used to use to pass data
18:59.24Kaydeethreeheh. that's interesting... someone wants to use a MIDI keyboard to play wow
18:59.25foxlitWell, not all of them
18:59.34AellaThat's... neat.
18:59.39TS|Skromit's the potential replacement for all the hidden channels that addons used to use to pass data
18:59.45KaydeethreeI kinda /jawdropped in the thread. it's on the front page
18:59.48cog|workexcept global
18:59.51Dagroni see that it creates an event, and so on that event how do i get the message to the other addons?
18:59.53foxlitexcept global
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19:00.04Dagronwell, other clients i guess
19:00.09TS|Skromyeah yeah okay
19:00.12Dagronas in, how do i read the message?
19:00.15Kaydeethreeit works like a chat channel, just send the message across SAM() and listen to that event
19:00.25cog|workthe event
19:00.26Kaydeethreelike you would normal chat events
19:00.39foxlitIt's fired for everyone recieving the message
19:00.56AellaSendAddonMessage("Prefix", "Message", "GUILD") triggers the event CHAT_MSG_ADDON with ("Prefix", "Message", "GUILD", "<sender>")
19:00.59TS|Skromthis:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_ADDON") (someone fix me)
19:02.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@
19:03.05TS|Skromswing faster
19:03.14TS|Skromtry Seal of the Crusader
19:03.28AellaKill a few critters to get the rage for mortal strike
19:03.51TS|SkromMortal Strike! It won't make her stay connected but damn she'll know you love her!
19:04.15*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
19:05.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@
19:06.04cog|workon time that time...
19:06.21nevcairieltoo bad
19:06.26AellaResisted an autoattack? that takes skill
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19:08.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@
19:08.28foxlitcog|work: so that transform table ould be summarized to (1 for classes without shapeshift bar); position on shapeshift bar for others?
19:08.49ScytheBlade1Cog: I keep on harassing your @Addon authors thread ;)
19:09.14cog|workactually, for classes without shapeshift it would be 0
19:09.27cog|workScytheBlade1: good :)
19:09.40cog|workor nostance
19:09.47foxlitcog|work: I'm refering more to shadowform
19:10.09cog|workis shadowform not on the shapeshift bar?
19:10.23cog|workand ghostwolf?
19:10.24foxlitNo, it's an ordinary spell
19:10.29AellaNor ghost wolf.
19:10.30foxlitProbably not either
19:10.32cog|workok... I'll elaborate on that then
19:10.38cog|workthanks for the input :)
19:11.01TS|Skromonly things that are on the shapeshift bar is warrior stances, druid forms and rogue stealth iirc
19:11.19Kaydeethreepally auras, but those aren't treated as stances
19:11.21TS|Skrompally aura's technically use the bar but don't count as stances
19:11.22Kaydeethreethink hunter auras too
19:11.24LunessaZOMG - I missed |Jelly| taking a leave of good sense yesterday?
19:11.29TS|Skromhunter aspects are NOT
19:11.30cog|worknegative on hunters
19:11.40Kaydeethreeyou missed a lot of us taking leave of sense last night
19:11.44Kaydeethreea bunch of it's still on page two
19:11.54LunessaI'm reading page 2 now.
19:12.15ScytheBlade1Heh. Last night.
19:12.23Kaydeethrees/last night/this morning/
19:12.25ScytheBlade1I woke up with the most incredible migraine after that.
19:12.45Lunessalolcode, ace RDX.cid, I HAZ LOLZ, GIMMEH ROFLMAO KTHX BAI
19:13.23cog|worknext time I update my post, there will be a brief mention of that
19:13.24foxlitKTHX should just be the generic "end"
19:13.31foxlitBAI then mapping to Quit();
19:14.20|Jelly|Sorry Lunessa, you missed out.
19:14.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
19:14.46LunessaNo worries.  I can still lol while reading.  I'm a lot more passive.
19:15.21*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Working (n=TC-Testi@
19:15.21ScytheBlade1w t f @
19:15.24ScytheBlade1I'm scared now
19:21.04cog|workScytheBlade1: responded ... <.<
19:22.48cog|workMy grandma has a gag fart detector... it's a smoke detector looking thing that goes "Fart Detected! Fart Detected! <klaxon> Evacuate! Evacuate!" when someone walks by
19:23.07ScytheBlade1cog|work, any reason for the mysticism when I request a FrameXML tutorial/HOWTO? :P
19:23.38ScytheBlade1Is this project of yours really that top secret?
19:23.44ScytheBlade1And if it is, let me in and let me help :P
19:24.53TC-Workinghmm..very tastefully done
19:25.18cog|workso... many... rounded... rectangles
19:25.33TC-Workingyes, they are called ovals
19:25.40cog|workTC-Working: no
19:25.45ScytheBlade1Cog: you're no fun :P
19:25.46cog|workAella: purple's ok by me
19:25.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=chatzill@
19:26.00cog|workScytheBlade1: I'm having a lot of fun, actually...
19:26.09Kaydeethreegah. too much crap on the screen for my tastes
19:26.10AellaWell, yeah, but it's... a lot of... purple..
19:26.32|Jelly|oh wow...i hadn't scrolled down...that is a lot of purple
19:26.39krkathere's a diff between rounded rectangle and oval you know
19:26.55ScytheBlade1lol @ "Ritual of Staying Put"
19:27.05LunessaOW.... My eyes, they beeld.
19:27.08KaydeethreeI'll stick with my fairly transparent UI, kthx.
19:27.11cog|workovals are a continuous curve. rounded rects have straight edges
19:27.13TC-Workingi know, but i am bored and it's fun to nedlle people
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19:28.11krkayou call it needling when you incorrectly correct someone? :)
19:28.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
19:29.44TC-Workingwhen i do it on purpase anyways
19:30.44Lunessa*jedimindtrick* This is not the thread you are looking for.
19:30.52foxlitCan lua interact with the commandline?
19:31.03AellaOS command line? NO.
19:31.11Josh_Borkestandalone?  yes
19:31.15Kaydeethreestandalone, sure
19:31.28foxlitObviously not wow :)
19:31.35ScytheBlade1Cog: replied ;)
19:31.44foxlitHow? :)
19:31.54Kasointereact as in get input?
19:32.19foxlitAllow user to type something while the script is executing and read that
19:32.20cog|workif you're running a script from the command line, args are passed in via ...
19:32.27cog|workoh... that's the io library
19:33.03foxlitAny way to do that async?
19:33.52Kasoim not sure ive never looked into it
19:34.36TC-Working|Jelly|, you know your UI DL's as "jellys-ui-jellys-ui"
19:34.38Lysistrata124is blocking? elsewise i'd think it shouldn't matter that much.
19:34.54|Jelly|Can't say I've ever downloaded it. lol
19:34.56Kasoin its default form yes
19:35.06Kasois it alterable? i have no idea
19:35.20|Jelly|I wish people would tell me what they don't like about it before rating it poorly though.
19:35.55|Jelly|But alas -- i don't care. It's served it's purpose for the most part.
19:39.27LunessaHeh, if I could do something aesthetically (esthetically) pleasing to myself I'd release a package.  
19:39.35Josh_Borkefoxlit: look at wowbench
19:39.40TC-Workingi may if anyone asks
19:39.56|Jelly|*shrug* I'd rather it be functional than pretty but I suppose a twofer is never bad.
19:40.19Kaydeethreethat's the whole point of my ui setup. functional. I could care less for pretty crap
19:40.30TC-Workingwell form should *always* follow function
19:40.38TC-Workingbut the 2 can be done
19:40.40Kaydeethree...wonder how easy it'd be to trim the soundtrack window to display less
19:40.52|Jelly|And to be honest, I don't think my UI looks all that bad. : /
19:40.58|Jelly|To each their own though.
19:41.06*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
19:41.14LunessaYes, form follows function.  But I want elegance.  It's the difference between a beetle and a jetta.
19:41.17cog|workScytheBlade1: replied...
19:42.11TC-WorkingLunessa, but those have different wold be more like the difference between, and BWM and a mercedez
19:43.09ScytheBlade1Cog: somewhat better. But not much. ;)
19:43.25*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|work (
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19:43.50Kaydeethreeoh hot. we've finally got enough people attuned to TK. yay for killing the loot pinata that is void reaver, finally
19:43.52Josh_Borkequick, hide
19:43.56Lunessa*shrug*  Off-the-cuff comparison for the sake of making a point.  Before I stick my name on it, I want it to function well, look attractive and be easy to use.  
19:43.57cog|workwhat do you think of the name, then?
19:44.04ScytheBlade1It's... unique :P
19:44.11LunessaSo, I haven't ever released a "ui pack".
19:44.24TC-Workingpfft, i dont want it to be easy to use...then everyone could do it
19:44.35cog|workhere's mine (on my lock) fwiw:
19:45.11LunessaCog - are you playing at 800x600?  
19:45.18Lunessa1024 x 768?
19:45.45LunessaUI Scale set to 1?
19:47.03cladbullshit, no ZFS in leopard =(
19:47.23Josh_Borkebulls do shit
19:47.27Josh_Borkequite often so i've heard
19:47.30cog|workLunessa: .83
19:47.30Kaydeethree`yum install zfs`?
19:47.33Kaydeethreeoh wait, leopard
19:48.05Zekdid the us servers get patched btw?
19:48.13Kaydeethreenext week
19:48.21cladKaydeethree: Uhh.. try I'd like to run my core OS as zfs
19:49.17LunessaI went from this:  to this:
19:49.31LunessaAnd I'm re-working my interface again...
19:52.37LunessaI'm trying to free up as much screen space as possible. while still keeping pretty much everything to hand quickly.   It's a daunting task.
19:52.53TC-Workingi'm reworking mine as well, i would just be a lot happier if people made Party UF's that could be seperated.
19:52.55Josh_Borkeclicktip ftw!
19:53.44Lunessaclicktip? Sounds vaguely dirty.
19:54.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@
19:54.11Josh_Borkehm, i don't know what i was thinking with that
19:54.13Josh_Borkei mean clique
19:55.44LunessaI use Clique.  Mostly though, I use it to cast spells that dispell, or cure.  Everything else is buttons with hot keys for combat use, or a button for mouse-clicking if I don't need it often enough for a key bind.
19:55.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@
19:56.14TC-Working|Jelly|food, this is what i was talking about....i got lazy about finishing it + it was eating up 100% of my cpu (stupid work comp)
19:56.20LunessaI'm a pretty terrible typist, and I use arrow-keys for movement most of the time.  
19:58.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@
19:59.17LunessaI like quartz, but I think it may be too much addon for me.  I mean, it's like the swiss army knife of casting bars and mostly what I want is moveable, shows casting time and adds lag to the end.  
19:59.18TC-Workingwelcome Esamynn, i do belive cog|work wants to talk to you
19:59.32TC-Workingor not
20:00.09cog|workno... just want him to stop spamming connection messages ><
20:00.09TC-Workingwhere did quartz come from?
20:00.29TC-Workingoh..i doubt his is trying to fail at staying connected
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20:02.06EsamynnI give up on the proxy for the time being
20:02.14Esamynndamn thing keeps crashing
20:07.03LunessaAnd now on Sprokets its the time when we dance!
20:07.13ArrowmasterLunessa: just disable the parts of quartz you dont need
20:07.47LunessaI do; I wasn't griping, I was just saying it's more than I need.  Nymbia did an awesome job.  
20:08.37Arrowmasterbest casting bar mod ever
20:10.26KasoHave any of you noticed that in firefox if you shift -double click on some text it'll make everything within that span vanish
20:13.26TC-Workingnot for me it doesnt
20:13.26TC-Workingjust hikightes
20:13.27TC-Workingthere we go
20:13.27LunessaNo vanishing text for me.  
20:13.27zenzelezzdepends on the element perhaps
20:13.36zenzelezzif you view the source afterwards you'll see it sets the attribute "visibility=hidden"
20:14.13Kasoyah zenzelezz
20:14.21Kasoso is that like a feature of firefox? if so what use is it
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20:15.31TC-Workingretarded question "How much video RAM (memory) does your video card have?" options are between less than 128 to 1 no one has more than 1gb of ram
20:15.57nevcairielmore then 1gb video ram is really not that common yet tho
20:15.57TC-Workingohh...damit, i didnt read
20:16.13TC-Workingbesides, mine has like 7XX or something
20:20.08LunessaWait... there are video cards with 1gb of ram commercially available?  
20:21.39TC-Workingi have seen 2, 4 ,and 8
20:21.44TC-Workingbut you wouldnt want them
20:21.55LunessaI need a better computer.  
20:21.56nevcairielnvidia quadros have that
20:22.02TC-Workingthey are workstatoion only cards
20:22.08nevcairielthe more normal desktop cards have max 768
20:22.09Kasoand the ATi FireGL
20:22.54TC-Workingnot gaming cards, those are for rendering number crunchers
20:23.01LunessaMy machine is almost 2 years old now.  I really want to upgrade, but $$ is tight.  
20:23.04TC-Workinge.g. the stuff they make movies with
20:24.19LunessaAVID machines. :)
20:25.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Foxbot (
20:26.32TC-Workingthats right...we have some here...i dont get to play with them though :(
20:27.02TC-Workingthey also have their own internal gigabit fiber backbone for transfering info
20:27.11LunessaThey're very very nice.  
20:28.39Cairenn*hypnotic voice* go buy premium membership *hypnotic voice*
20:29.20foxlitalla's evil, no! :)
20:29.34Josh_Borkenot until i get my signed poster
20:29.44foxlitI mean "khazam"... how the heck do you spell that!
20:29.44TC-Workingi have it...although some unanmed admins are screwing with my account
20:30.00CairennI told you I would
20:30.58TC-Workingsorry, i should have made that more of a pointed referance
20:31.02*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
20:31.02TC-Workingi did remeber
20:35.40TC-Workingi dont get it, are they waiting to put the blizzcon tickets on sale the last day?
20:41.32*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
20:46.46TC-Workingyou know it's sad that a mod author has to write something like
20:48.46LunessaIt's like saying "X product is better than Y product 'cause it's a Brand Name!"  
20:53.10TC-Workingbtw if someone remembers what the strings look like in msbt they can correct me here
20:58.18zenzelezzthe MSBT config lists the %... values for each specific event
20:58.26zenzelezzjust click on it and it'll show the tooltip
20:59.25TC-Workingah, i'm not at home
21:04.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
21:04.55TC-Workinghey Lopeppeppy
21:05.03Cairennhey Lopeppeppy :)
21:05.15Cidehi Lopeppeppy
21:05.15cog|workhey Lopeppeppy =D
21:05.18LunessaIt's the peppy gnome!
21:05.25Mr_Rabies2that's an awful lot of P's
21:05.35cog|work<3 the letter P
21:05.49CideLo pew e pew pew e pew pew y?
21:05.52Cideshadow priest style
21:06.12Cidemight be difficult to pronounce, however...
21:06.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy_ (
21:06.48Cidehi Lopeppeppy_
21:06.54cog|workhey Lopeppeppy_ many Lopeppeppy_'s we gonna get?
21:07.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy__ (
21:07.43Cidewhat's the maximum character length of nicknames?
21:08.25a123456789012345apparently 16  chars
21:08.49Cide>>> 16-("Lopeppeppy"):len()
21:08.50CideCide: 6
21:08.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy___ (
21:09.04TC-Workingheh, we is getting flooded with Lopeppeppy's Join: Lopeppeppy___ ( (clones with: Lopeppeppy, Lopeppeppy_, Lopeppeppy__ (3)
21:09.10Cideso 7!
21:09.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
21:09.46*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Lopeppeppy!n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
21:09.51*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Lopeppeppy_!n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
21:09.57*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Lopeppeppy__!n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
21:10.11cog|workI don't think she means to :(
21:10.18Cairennno, I know, not upset
21:10.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy____ (
21:10.34Cidewhy hello there!
21:10.52TC-Workingwell she did say she was an IRC noob
21:10.52*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Lopeppeppy___!n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
21:11.25cog|workingoi, this is confusing
21:11.43LunessaI HAZ A Lopeppeppy GIMMMEH THE BOOTZ K BAI
21:11.47cog|workyou should've stayed as cog|work... i would've booted you
21:11.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy_____ (
21:11.54Josh_Borkecog|work: i fell for that once
21:11.56*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Lopeppeppy____!n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
21:12.23Kasoclones are fun!
21:13.52cog|worknot exactly SFW but text only :P
21:14.21nevcairielthats a classic
21:14.22Arrowmasteris WDN not updated with the latest framexml? getting blank pages
21:14.32LunessaAsimov was a wickedly funny man.
21:15.00*** join/#wowi-lounge TheCompWiz (
21:15.15TheCompWizdoes anyone know a way to target based on raid symbol... instead of name?
21:15.23Arrowmasternot possible
21:15.24cog|workintentionally impossible
21:15.25LunessaNot possible.
21:15.38|Jelly|GRR tp ;aziness!
21:15.45|Jelly|GRR to lack of typing skillz!
21:15.50|Jelly|GRR to cog!
21:16.14EsamynnTheCompWiz: if it was possible, then setting icons would be a blizz only function
21:16.14TheCompWizgrrr = growling noise commonly used to show frustration.  happy now?
21:16.43|Jelly|Umm. No.
21:16.46TheCompWizjust seems foolish to be able to mark targets... but not easily select them.
21:17.03cog|workTheCompWiz: they're there to help plan not to help fight
21:17.08|Jelly|Can't have your cake and eat it too, it seems.
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21:17.20Josh_Borkequick, hide
21:17.28TheCompWizcog|work... than... with that logic... why have such things as "targetlasttarget" & such?
21:17.40cog|workif we could target them arbitrarily then they would make it impossible for addons to change them programatically
21:17.53Arrowmasterif they ever made it possible to target based on icon, then we would only be able to set icons based on the menu or keybinding
21:18.07cog|workTheCompWiz: Blizz gives us three "arbitrary" units: target, focus, and (as you pointed out) lasttarget
21:18.09cog|workthat's it
21:18.22nymbiaTheCompWiz: think about marking someone who needed a decurse, then spamming a decurse on that mark's unitid
21:18.23cog|work(lasttarget isn't a valid unit, but it is something that's kept track of for us)
21:18.45TC-Workingdoes marking a target trigger an event?
21:18.53Arrowmasterthink so
21:18.58nymbiaif you're targeting it probably
21:19.04nevcairielblizz could allow a single macro command to target a specific raid icon
21:19.05TC-Workingw/o targeting it
21:19.15Arrowmasterperty sure theres an event that fires everytime a mark changes
21:19.21nevcairiela macro command which stops macro executionm like a cast
21:19.23cog|worknevcairiel: but they'd have to make it so addons can't set the targets in the first place
21:19.53nymbianevcairiel: then you'd just need to spam two keys instead of one
21:19.56TC-Workingdoes the event contain the mark ID?
21:20.04Arrowmasterdoubt it
21:20.15cog|workI think any raider would agree that being able to programatically SET the icons is far more useful than being able to arbitrarily target them. They are mutually exclusive unless blizz decides out of the blue to bring back decursive
21:20.28TC-Workinghmm...but you can change what the icon looks like
21:20.37nevcairieldepends who you ask tho .. setting is great for bossmods
21:20.43nevcairieltargeting is good for lazy raiders.
21:20.47Josh_Borkegod, if they took away setting, it would suck
21:20.53TC-Workingso if everyone has an addon, then the info can be broadcasted by the person setting the icon
21:20.55Arrowmastersetting is great for lazy raiders too
21:21.23Arrowmasterlike 'hey when you get the big skull on top of you during this fight get the fuck away from everybody else'
21:21.26nevcairielTheCompWiz: you lost
21:21.37nevcairielwe are on vashj
21:22.00Josh_Borkenevcairiel: mine's longer
21:22.20nevcairieland borky
21:22.29Josh_Borkeyea, it does curve quite a lot
21:22.38Josh_Borkemy fiancee thinks the heart shape in the middle is sweet
21:23.24Josh_Borkeseriously though, is it fun?
21:24.18TheCompWizis there a way to "save" a target in a variable... and revert back to the target at a later time?
21:24.18nevcairielyeah the fun is cool, but its another fight where you really notice the slackers
21:24.29LunessaSeriously - most "Main Tank" window mods will show you the raid icon of the main tank targets.   I know CTRA and ORA do, so I'm pretty sure other raid packages will too.   But targeting things auto-magic-ally via their icon?  Bah.  Why even brin other raiders?  Just 25-box then.
21:24.33Josh_BorkeTheCompWiz: targetlasttarget
21:24.46TheCompWizJosh_Borke... besides targetlasttarget :P
21:25.21Josh_Borkenevcairiel: i'll never see it.  my entire guild is full of slackers
21:25.32Josh_Borkenevcairiel: there are about 10 people who aren't, and none can play at the same time
21:25.40*** part/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
21:25.48nevcairiellol cog
21:29.04TC-Workinghell yea we distract
21:29.34EsamynnTheCompWiz: set your focus unit
21:29.52TheCompWizEsamynn... possible to have multiple focus units???
21:31.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
21:31.15TC-Workingit could be done i think, since it would be pre combat. you would either have to be the one setting them or have a mod that comunicates with the person setting them
21:32.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
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21:32.46TheCompWizidea being... if I have a shackel/polymorph/sap target... I can click one button & revert back to it...  in addition to attack the previous target that i was attacking... ... and same with a heal last target kinda thing.
21:32.50zenzelezzI wonder what it'd take to bribe Blizzard into adding an UnloadAddon
21:33.45Guillotinezenzelezz: then it would be far too easy to import data from out of WoW into WoW
21:33.58Guillotineunload, edit file, load again
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21:34.26TheCompWizand even perhaps a "my target" and "my pet's target" ... and an instant switch between the two.
21:35.39LunessaTheCompWiz:  You can use Focus as a valid unit for targeting a spell - on my mage I have /cast [target=focus] Polymorph:Pig  - once I've set my focus I can just hit the macro to re-poly.  I never have to change targets.
21:36.17zenzelezzGuillotine: true; but I'd settle for one that didn't save the variables
21:36.27zenzelezzjust hate having to reload the UI
21:36.34Guillotinezenzelezz: I'm not even talking about SV
21:36.37Guillotinethe actual addon file
21:36.39TheCompWizLunessa... but again... you're talking about only 1 occourance.  I usually need 2 or 3.
21:37.07LunessaYou get three - Target, Focus, lasttarget
21:37.28LunessaAnd that's one more than we used to get. :)
21:37.29zenzelezzGuillotine: aha... still, cache the file on startup and load that one. I don't care, I just don't want to reload my UI to get rid of addons :-p
21:37.37CideTC-Working: saw it, but I haven't verified it yet
21:37.45TC-Workingah, ok
21:38.13Guillotinezen: but then its loaded anyway
21:38.14TheCompWizshackel target... heal target... and kill target.    I want to be able to switch between those on the fly... without having to guess which was the last one I was working with etc...
21:38.26zenzelezzGuillotine: nope, I haxx some of my addons to be load on demand
21:38.28zenzelezzlike KTM
21:39.23TheCompWiz1 button shackels the target that I initially targeted... 1 button heals the last guy I was healing... 1 button re targets the target I was doing damage to....
21:39.32Lunessa*shrug*  I use a focus for shackle, and I mange to do just fine healing with raid bars out and still do some DPS.  
21:39.34TheCompWizall rolled up into 3 separate buttons.
21:40.24TheCompWizI use focus for shackels too... (morose... etc...)  but it would be nice to have a go back to hittin' button... or go back to healin' button...
21:40.48LunessaSure, nice.  But we ain't got one, and ain't gettin' one.
21:40.55TheCompWizthere's gotta be a way to store the current target ... and revert back to it.
21:41.01TheCompWizbesides just 1 focus.
21:41.11Lunessatargeting can't be done from a script.  
21:41.42TheCompWizbut only by generic name... which commonly... there are lots of targets with the same name.
21:41.48Guillotinezenzelezz: my point is that if its cached anyway, whats the point of it not being loaded yet?
21:41.49LunessaIf you can't /target or /target lasttarget or /target focus you're out of luck.
21:42.23zenzelezzGuillotine: I'm not asking for something that logically makes sense; I just wish I was able to unload load-on-demand addons without reloading the rest of the UI
21:42.45TC-Workingheh, i keep seeing "Macro: Spells with no GCD" and thinking it says
21:42.51TC-Working"Macro: Spells with no OCD"
21:43.09Josh_Borkezenzelezz: too easily expoitable as gullotine points out
21:43.31zenzelezzJosh_Borke: I'm not asking for them to implement it, I'm just stating a wish; stop arguing it
21:43.38Josh_Borkethough it would be nice
21:43.38zenzelezzI've already said I don't care if it never updates
21:43.44LunessaTC-Working: Feeling a little OCD today?
21:44.04TC-Workingpfft, i have never been lazy
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21:50.02Josh_Borkebb all
21:51.24*** join/#wowi-lounge TheZanke (
21:51.50*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
21:52.56TheZankeQ: I haven't looked into anything about addons or making them.  I reformatted, is there a link I can get to the toolkit I am going to need to pick it back up again??
21:53.31zenzelezzthe Blizzard UI extractor?
21:53.33*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar_ (
21:53.51purlget the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here: or view it online at
21:54.01TheZankeJust anything.. Like is XML better handcoded or is there a program that'll do it for you... I thought i rememberd one..
21:54.27TC-WorkingUI builder?
21:54.31ElkanoWoWUIDesigner from wowi?
21:54.37TC-Workingeh, that
21:55.09Cidedon't use that if you want to learn anything
21:55.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Seracht (
21:55.28TheZankeDoesnt matter, if that is bad practice (Like Visual C++) Then I don't want it
21:55.57SerachtSorry to bother you guys but just had a couple questions on mods. Just making a list of useful/necessary mods. So far I have: agUF, Quartz, Bongos, Fubar, Clearfont
21:56.01Serachtam I missing anything
21:56.14Cideyou understand
21:56.16TC-Workingkinda personal isnt it?
21:56.20Cidethat comes down to personal preference
21:56.20Kaydeethreewhatever you feel like using
21:56.33TheZankeSeracht, I am a HUGE fan of AutoProfit
21:56.37Cideunless you want to list all, what, 100k mods that exist?
21:56.55CideTheZanke: I'm a HUGE fan of <mod x>
21:57.02Cideevery person has their favorites
21:57.09*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost__ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
21:57.14Cideevery single mod I've made is useful
21:57.33Cideso give me a second
21:58.12Cideyou can add: CT_Core, CT_BarMod, CT_BottomBar, CT_BuffMod, CT_ExpenseHistory, CT_MailMod, CT_MapMod, CT_PartyBuffs, CT_RaidAssist, CT_RABossMods, CT_Timer, CT_UnitFrames and CT_Viewport.. to the list
21:58.27TC-Working~lart Cide
21:58.27purldoes a little 'dpkg -P Cide' action
21:58.40Cideoh, and mods that are not actively maintained at the moment too, I suppose... CT_RaidTracker, CT_ShieldMod
21:59.03Cideand deprecated mods such as CT_QuestLevels, CT_PlayerFrame, CT_TargetFrame, CT_PetHealth...
21:59.09Cideall very useful mods indeed!
21:59.21Cide(do you see my point yet?)
22:03.10TC-Workinghahaha, " I currently use KTM, but i'd much rather use Omen since it's an Ace mod.
22:03.30CideI would, too
22:03.48TC-Workingbecause it's an ace mod, or because it's good?
22:03.58Cideit would up my fps by about 10-15
22:04.00Zeki gained about 5 fps using it.
22:04.04Cidebecause it's an ace mod, of course
22:04.24CideZek: what would you attribute that gain to?
22:04.54Zekusing same parser as prat, recap etc. and not having it's own one. and not having a polling state engine that eats cpu cycles for breakfast.
22:04.57Zekfor a start
22:05.23Cideand what would you attribute that to?
22:05.55TC-Workingdamit Cide, you got me, i was beliveing you for a bit there
22:06.24Zekwhich bit. ktm using a lot of cpu? u got me. i didn't write it.
22:06.48LunessaI wouldn't use either one.  I've never really felt the need for a threat meter. :P
22:06.55CideZek: the polling state engine
22:07.59Zektheir choice. not mine. i just know it's slow for me. eats a lot more cpu time. running multiple parsers and such is not good for anyone
22:08.39CideZek: are you an addon developer?
22:08.41Zekif you want a direct answer, ask a direct question :)
22:08.56Cideit would be too obvious what I was after if I did
22:09.01Cideyou developed x-perl?
22:09.39Cideso I'm debating not releasing this upcoming mod that I have now
22:09.41Zekand may well have missed some of hte context of the initial question, having wiped to hydross yet again
22:10.01Cideit will most likely only slow people's computers down
22:10.09Cidesince it doesn't use a shared parser
22:10.10Kaydeethreeboo for annoying fights as the first boss of the instance
22:10.33Cideor maybe I should just leave this channel forever, realize that it's a lost cause and shut down my website
22:10.49Zekor have another beer, cos you sound way too tense atm
22:11.01CideI don't drink, but thanks anyway
22:11.11Cideand no, I'm in an excellent mood actually
22:11.25Zekok. just checking ;)
22:12.04Cidehowever, it's becoming increasingly obvious that this community is ultimately doomed, destroyed by false myths
22:12.17Wraangerhow's the cast bar frame is properly called ? dont' have DevTools loaded atm so can't check myself =(
22:12.32CideI'm guessing CastingBarFrame
22:12.40bleeterCide: fwiw, I know a bunch of people who'd rather slit their wrists than not have CT_MailMod ;)
22:12.43Cideha, I was right.
22:12.59Wraangerthanks ..will try it at once
22:13.00Kaydeethreeone of those people would be me
22:13.04Cidebleeter: not worth it
22:13.10Lysistrata124bleeter any recommendation what to use instead of CT_MailMod?
22:13.15CideI have one
22:13.20Cideit's vastly superior
22:13.26Zekif you're asking whether i prefer Omen/threatlib cos it's ace2. the answer is no. i try the alternatives. and a 5 fps gain for me is enough of a incentive for me to choose the ace2. regardless of it's coding method
22:13.27Cideyou should go download it right now
22:13.37pastamancerlol Cide
22:13.43Kaydeethreewasn't that the search/replace job?
22:13.49Zekand yeah. i still use ct_mailmod too :)
22:13.50CideZek: see: false myths, destroyed community, yadda yadda
22:13.55bleetertelnet <realmname>.wow.omg 25 for sending mail, port 110 for recieving (it's clearly POP)
22:13.58Cidealso known as my previous reply
22:14.05Cidewell, before the gmail yadda yadda
22:14.12CideKaydeethree: yes
22:14.15Lysistrata124Well currently I don't even have WoW installed at all :X but I was curious because I tried to find an alternative but most addons didn't have one feature or another i liked ^^
22:14.30CideLysistrata124: oh, you were serious?
22:14.31*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
22:15.13Cideincreases of 5-15 fps were reported by simply adding the ace2 libraries to CT_MailMod's code. coders worldwide baffled.
22:15.24TainI liked my old mail addon for what I needed.  But I never updated it.
22:15.45foxlitIt's public knowledge that Ace2 is so good it makes while true do end take 4.2 seconds!
22:15.52Lysistrata124Not really it will be at least 1-2 months before I start WoW again which means there will be at lest 4*10^3 new mail addons.
22:16.00Zeki'm not talking of myths. i'm talking of my own experience, on my pc. enable 1.. 15 fps, turn it off and use the other 20 fps... no myth, no mystery..
22:16.06bleeterKaydeethree: have you tried WoW Wining in D3D recently? I've been running around a little in the past 12 hours, and I'm getting the feeling that Wine 0.9.38 D3D > OGL. Wondering if you've tried.
22:16.18CideZek: and you attribute this to ace2.. why, exactly?
22:16.22Kaydeethreenot lately. have they fixed the double cursor?
22:16.27bleeterKaydeethree: yup
22:16.47Kaydeethreeoh sweet. let's see
22:16.52Lysistrata124well gn8 ^^
22:16.57bleeterKaydeethree: and, at least on my 6800 card, there's a heck of a frame speed boost, it's close to if not better than, OGL speed
22:17.05Zeki don't. i attribute it to the clear evidence that it runs better for me. that it's ace2 is beside the point
22:17.23Kaydeethreemeh. dunno if my pos 5200fx will show much of a difference
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22:17.57CideZek: surely; most authors say that
22:18.04bleeterhehe, fair 'nuff. But at least you'd be able to change video settings without having to relog ;)
22:18.20Kaydeethreemeh. that's what "ApplyToForehead" is for
22:18.25Zekif i was to analyze the matter. it could be pinned to any number of things, shared use of parserlib mostly. but i'd have to go and run the numbners, which i'm not inclined to do.
22:18.27Kaydeethreenulls out the three api calls that crash wow
22:18.46CideI'd wager a shared parserlib plays a minor part
22:20.09*** part/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
22:20.18Zekperhaps, perhaps not. as i said, i don't much care for the details of it atm. more concerned with making sure x-perl doesn
22:20.28Zekdoesn't still lockup in BGs and such atm :)
22:20.43Zekcured most of it apparently. very few complaints any more
22:20.50Zekwhich i'm glad of. was ticking me off
22:20.52*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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22:21.10Kaydeethreebah. I'm still getting double cursors and I can't enable hardware cursor in vid options
22:21.11foxlitSo what did you do to fix it?
22:21.23Kaydeethreestill, reasonable framerates. big improvement from a few builds ago
22:21.32TheZankeWoah, almost typed my super-secret 12 character alphanumeric password in here... That could've been bad... not to say i dont trust you guys... Damn Dual Monitors.
22:21.52Zekthe slowdown seems to occur if you try to set secure template attributes before a player_entering_world event. whther that's from logging in, or zoning.
22:22.08Zekso having to delay it after that point somewhat
22:22.18Zekand remove redundancy et.c
22:22.18Kaydeethreemeh. it's not us you should worry about... it's the chat logger that's putting everything we say on the web
22:22.56foxlitHey, if you didn't tell us that was your password, nobody would know the better
22:23.01foxlitLike that totally wasn't my NS password.
22:23.23TC-WorkingTheZanke, i have done that multiple times
22:25.02TheZankeWhere do I go about learning this XML... Is there a difference between how WoW uses it and how it is used elsewhere?
22:25.41bleeterKaydeethree: hmm, that's odd. I've gotta go afk shortly, but when I get back if you haven't 'discovered' what's causgin the cursor issue, I'll do some tolling around see if I can turn anything up
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22:26.12bleeterer, s/toll/tool/
22:27.22TheZankeThank You
22:27.48LunessaFist of Dragon says - My GoogleFu is Strong!
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22:29.47pastamancerblargh, I've been doing some reading up on erlang and it reminded me how much I miss linked lists in lua
22:29.56pastamanceror rather, the lack thereof
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22:30.40TheZankeYeah I can usually find anything on google I just wasnt sure if WoW uses XML a different way... I remember the first time I had looked into it I had discovered that all it is is an organization language or something and it was really hard for me to learn with school and all..  But now I am a free man with a lot of time.
22:31.33TC-Workinge.g. no partner
22:32.09TheZankeMeaning significant other?
22:32.21TheZankeI am assuming
22:32.39TheZankeThat's what I thought you were saying..
22:32.46TheZankeLow blow dude... low blow..
22:33.02TC-Workingwell "But now I am a free man with a lot of time." rather gave it away
22:34.25LunessaXML handling is always described in the schema.   However, baseline XML is a language, and learning the core is the best way to go. :)  Once you know the basics, picking up the implementation differences as described in the schema documents for a project is easy.
22:36.48*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
22:37.15Wraangerquestion ..what would be the best way for changing onscreen position of default cast bat ?
22:37.21bleeterKaydeethree: hmm, it'd seem I've managed to get it stuck in an infinite loop whilst changing toons (trying to enter world)... fixme:d3d:IWineD3DQueryImpl_GetData >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL_INVALID_OPERATION (0x502) from glGetQueryObjectuivARB(GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE)
22:37.33bleeterKaydeethree: which can't be good in anyone's books =)
22:37.49Kaydeethreeit's my card. I moved elsewhere and vid options still wouldn't let me enabled the hw cursor
22:38.01bleeterbummer :(
22:38.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
22:39.07bleeterKaydeethree: fwiw, I don't have double mouse pointer with or without the 'hardware cusrsor' video option enabled
22:39.34Kaydeethreeoh. hah
22:39.44Kaydeethreeit's still using 0.9.36
22:39.53bleetergrab 0.9.38 from updates-testing ;)
22:40.10bleeter"yum --enablerepo=updates-testing update wine", iirc
22:40.40bleeterassuming you're using F7
22:41.19bleeterannoys me that Democracy was broke on release on F7, still haven't got around to getting the update from Koji
22:42.37N00bZXIAnybody know somewhere where I could find how to see if a toon has a certain buff by name?
22:45.05N00bZXISo I'd do something like this? 'for i=1,40 do if UnitBuff('player',1)='buffname' then break end end
22:45.26Kaydeethreethere's an example on the page iirc
22:45.57N00bZXIMy bad then, didn't notice.
22:46.12Kaydeethreehuzzah. dx mode without the double-cursoring
22:47.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=chatzill@
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22:56.27cog|workif a mob has detect magic, do any buffs on it simply appear inline with its debuffs?
22:56.56zenzelezzthink they show in a separate row... but can't recall
22:57.05zenzelezzlast time I really saw it used was on the mobs by AQ40 entrance
22:59.13*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
22:59.22Kaydeethreethey show separately like buffs/debuffs do for friendly players
22:59.26Kaydeethreejust in the reverse position
23:00.22*** join/#wowi-lounge N00bZXI (
23:00.29N00bZXIDisconnected from wrong server :\
23:00.32Kaydeethreein the default ui it's <target frame> <rows of buffs> <rows of debuffs> for friendly players, right?
23:00.49Kaydeethreefor hostile units it's <target frame> <rows of debuffs> <rows of buffs>
23:05.28LunessaIf I recall, mostly they just show on the unit frame as kaydeethree says.  It's been a while since I had to use Detect Magic.  I'm glad they've added a reason to use it with TBC.
23:06.16zenzelezzhm, they did? On who?
23:06.24Kaydeethreespellstealing +350 dmg buffs ftw
23:06.40zenzelezzis that the Botanica one?
23:06.49zenzelezzoh, nice
23:07.09*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
23:09.18LunessaSpellsteal = good stuff.  Knowing what's on someone so you know when to steal = better stuff.
23:09.53zenzelezzI'm not arguing its usefulness; I'm a warrior, that's why I ask :-)
23:12.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
23:19.27LunessaPre-TBC, I didn't get to use it much.  It wasn't like knowing which buffs something had on it made much difference to me in PVE.  In PVP (which I avoid) is uppose it's more useful.
23:20.19TheZankeHokay, so I learned about XML where on wowwiki can I find all of the tags usable in XML for WoW?
23:20.25TheZankeand like... what they mean.
23:20.26zenzelezzfor the AQ40 guardians (the pulls of four huge guys) it helped to know who had what ability on the pull; but I agree that one single example hardly means it was very useful overall
23:21.33*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
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23:55.11LunessaDid everyone go home or something?
23:55.42CideI want to kill people
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23:56.33Kasothat mob is like 2 lines of script, and its ace -_-
23:56.34Cidegod I hate ace sometimes
23:56.39Cide14 fucking libraries
23:56.43FinI'm sure it hates you too :)
23:56.55Cideand the mod doesn't use it for a single thing?
23:57.18Kasohold shit
23:57.24Kasohe doest use anything does he
23:57.39LunessaSomone should smack that author.  
23:57.41Kasoreplace AceLibrary("AceAddon-2.0"):new("AceConsole-2.0", "AceEvent-2.0")
23:58.14foxlitIt's clearly got superior performance cause it's ace!
23:58.16Finmust be a pisstake
23:58.23Fin*has* to be
23:58.30foxlitDid you see hwat it does to calculate?
23:58.38KasoYou faith in humanity is pretty high fin
23:59.05foxlitsec, I'll pastey
23:59.13LunessaOMFG Clad... FUNNEH!
23:59.17cladhairenot really
23:59.18TC-WorkingCide, was that from the xCalc forum post?
23:59.21cladhairebut it kept me amused
23:59.25cladhaire~seen Kirkburn
23:59.27purlkirkburn <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowwiki, 1d 5h 37m 38s ago, saying: 'I guess I'll have to spend some time on ClearFont too later :/'.
23:59.32LunessaI likes me the dry sarcasm.
23:59.38cladhaire=(  where's kirky
23:59.40Kasocladhaire, kirkburn has gone on holiday
23:59.43Kasoback on friday

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