IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070611

00:00.11PolarinaBut if I would use the frame.vuiMoney way, what should I change in the XML file?
00:00.29AellaYou should be able to use what I have at
00:01.19PolarinaAnd CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame, "ValuationUI_MoneyFrameTemplate")?
00:01.44AellaThat creates a new money frame, for whatever tooltip you're at (whatever you pass as "frame")
00:02.02PolarinaShould I do it at the OnLoad stage of the Addon?
00:02.29AellaAs long as you can always get ahold of the proper money frame for the tooltip you're showing in ValuationUI_AddInfoToTooltip.
00:02.53PolarinaWith frame.vuiMoney of course, right?
00:03.16AellaSure, that'd work. Or whatever you want to call it.
00:03.36AellaLike, GameTooltip.vuiMoney = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame, "ValuationUI_MoneyFrameTemplate")
00:03.58Polarinaframe.ValuationUI_Tooltip  :)
00:04.05AellaWhy not? =P
00:05.20PolarinaOr I could do the CreateFrame() thing inside ValuationUI_Hook() but check if it is nil prior to doing the CreateFrame thing. :) Would that work?
00:05.37AellaYeah, that'd work indefinitely for any future tooltips you want to support, as well.
00:06.03PolarinaAella: Great, thank you very much.
00:06.07AellaHope it works. =P
00:06.53*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
00:12.46Thunder_Childdamit, i cant find my bg button
00:18.40*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
00:39.19Thunder_Childckknight, is there a max limit of guildies being shown on cart?
00:40.08Thunder_Childbecause i only see 3, and there are 23 of them
00:40.17zenzelezzthat all have Cart?
00:40.42Thunder_Childoh..all have to have it?
00:40.47Thunder_Childblast and damnation
00:49.22ckknightyes, they all must have Cart
00:53.46*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
00:56.45*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
01:01.29*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
01:03.07|Jelly|Hey Cog
01:08.04Kaydeethreeoh what the hell? the 30% zonewide everyone gets hit for 6k move that mag does hit the MT for 21k...
01:13.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
01:19.06cladhaireKaydeethree: zomg hael
01:19.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
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02:44.43Thunder_Childhmm..should i remove clearfont before using clearfont 2?
02:44.46mikmaerr, stupid question. how can i create completely black frame with 0 transparency? Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Background is semitransparent and can't be used with CreateFrame to do that :(
02:44.58Shirikso our MT got enfeebled
02:45.00Shirikthat was fun
02:45.18zenzelezz<Texture setAllPoints="true"><Color r="0.0" g="0.0" b="0.0" a="1.0"/></Texture>
02:45.28mikmazenzelezz: with lua?
02:45.32ShirikDarkburn's all like "Shirik, why did I just get a message saying I have enfeeble?"
02:45.33Thunder_Childhow is it that everyone decided to talk at the exact same time after the channel being so freakin dead
02:45.36zenzelezzno clue about Lua
02:46.21mikmaoh, found a nice texture that does the trick
02:46.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
02:47.08Thunder_Childand thats another thing, is there a diff between "\" and "\\", because they both seem to work for me
02:47.17Legorolmikma: myTexture=frame:CreateTexture(); myTexture:SetTexture(0,0,0)
02:47.18zenzelezz\ = Lua
02:47.23zenzelezz* \\ = Lua
02:47.43zenzelezzsingle \ = XML
02:47.43Thunder_Childbut they both work zenzelezz
02:47.50ShirikThunder_Child: Only in certain circumstances
02:47.56Shirikfor example
02:47.56mikmaso, I'm making a SuperRoleplayer addon :D
02:47.58Shirik\U means nothing
02:48.01Shiriktherefore \\U == \U
02:48.06Thunder_Childerr..for textures
02:48.06Shirik\r does mean something
02:48.07zenzelezztry \Tooltip
02:48.10Shirik\\r is not \r
02:48.12mikmaif you get feared/something, your WorldFrame will blackout
02:48.54|Jelly|no thanks
02:49.07Thunder_Childwell i was refering to texture pathing
02:49.23Thunder_Childmy comment was following mikma's path
02:49.29zenzelezzagain, it's not the same
02:49.46ThraeHmmm, would running WoW on a 64-bit OS with 64-bit drivers get much of an improvement?
02:49.55Aella64-bit drivers for what?
02:49.57zenzelezztwice as many bits
02:50.20ThraeAella: All applicable hardware, of course.
02:51.06AellaThere is no 64-bit compiled version of WoW, so of course you'd only get the incidental benefits... I don't believe any would make a noticeable difference.
02:51.22ThraeAella: Right, as I thought.
02:51.56Aellalua> "\U"
02:51.56cladhaireAella: luabot is not enabled.
02:52.23Thunder_ChildKaelten: Ping
02:53.32Thunder_Childis there a non login place i can submit WAU errors to?
02:53.59Thunder_Childi dont feel like creating an account with right now
02:54.15Kaelten1.8 is going to be replaced by 2 which has a complete rewrite done to it
02:54.30Kaeltenbut opther that wowace's forums there is not much of aplace.
02:55.00Thunder_Childmeh, ok, thanks
02:55.37Thunder_Childis there an eta on 2.0?
02:58.23Kaeltenbeta's due out within a few weeks
02:58.31Thunder_Childcool, thanks
03:24.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
03:30.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphon (
03:30.35IRCCRICKET1wish i had beta
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03:38.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
03:43.03Guillotinewoohoo :D I have now tanked Kara all the way up and through prince :D We just downed him for the first itme
03:49.18zenzelezzgood job
03:49.27ShirikIllhoof without warlock
03:49.42ShirikI have never had to call out so much crap on vent in my life
03:50.51batrick_does anyone understand how to save the stack when an error is encountered?
03:50.58batrick_I can't find anything on it : /
03:51.05batrick_save or print*
04:04.28IRCCRICKET1hey do any1 know how to setup a vent server?
04:04.55Paccan any1 help me
04:05.25batrickask your question
04:05.25clad|sleep8-Ball says: "Sure"
04:05.28batrickdon't ask for help
04:06.07Pacany1 know how to setup a vent server?
04:06.47batrickI'm pretty sure it's well documented?
04:07.40Paciv tryed but cant seem to get it to work
04:11.15zenzelezzheh, Nihilum took Archimonde too? Those guys are on fire
04:12.52Cairenn|afkmikma: ROFL!
04:14.24zenzelezzyou sure have a weird way of coming back from long AFKs just to laught at people
04:15.16Kaydeethreewoohoo. tidewalker down
04:15.34Kaydeethreehorrible, horrible kill. fear kiting the locks at the end because all three of us mages were dead
04:17.06zenzelezzheh, great mod name there mikma
04:17.06Cairenn|afkread the description! you'll know why I laughed
04:17.14Shirikhai Cairenn|afk
04:17.22Cairenn|afkhi hi :)
04:17.23ThraeThe screenshot makes me laugh the most ;)
04:17.36Shirikawesome mod
04:17.38mikmathe name was told to me by Wobin
04:17.43zenzelezzthat actually reminds me of what I always heard about the 12.6 Anarchy Online patch... when mobs became insanely hard and kept telling players to "Take it easy"
04:17.49Shirikreference to hitchhiker's gude?
04:18.17batrickthat is the greatest mod ever
04:18.18Shirikthat is awesome.
04:18.20Shirikit is.
04:18.59mikmawell all credits are pointed to wobin when he comes online ;) I was gonna name it SuperRoleplayer but he thought that one is better
04:19.28zenzelezz"better" I don't know, but certainly cooler
04:20.02zenzelezzif I ever release any mods I'll name them Geoffrey
04:23.28mikmatoo bad Sap and such skills require a great amount of work to enter in that addon :(
04:23.31ShirikI'm not creative with addon names :(
04:23.47mikmait doesn't fire PLAYER_CONTROL_LOST
04:24.30mikmaBlind, Sap ..
04:26.54batricknor does stun does it?
04:27.04batrickpretty crappy qq
04:27.38mikmahmm, gotta make a list of all those skills that would require the same effect
04:28.04zenzelezzwould be a large list
04:28.31Shirikpolymorph, sap, banish, freezing trap effect
04:28.40Shirikthose are the important ones
04:28.48mikmamost of those are handled by the event
04:28.55mikmabut some skills aren't.
04:29.11mikmaand freezing trap.. well, you're a block of ice, you can see but can't do anything :D
04:29.23Shirikbut you're in danger!
04:29.42*** join/#wowi-lounge jediarchives11 (
04:29.43mikmahow can you be in danger, you're a block of ice!
04:29.47zenzelezzmikma: freezing trap = the frame gets 0, 0, 0.75, 0.75 color
04:30.20mikmasemitransparent blueish
04:30.26zenzelezzthat's what I said
04:30.30mikmalike 40% visibility
04:30.40zenzelezz40%? You kids these days
04:30.51zenzelezzwhen I was young we had 15% visibility at best
04:30.54mikmathat would require some cool texture to hit on too :D
04:31.04mikmaice and stuff
04:31.59mikmathere, did free up the patch/new version upload hehe
04:38.18Thunder_Childwtb tab completion for prat
04:38.25Kaydeethreewe had to run back to morogrim after clearing the first 5 trash packs not controlled by him after hydross
04:40.01zenzelezzI don't think I get it
04:42.38Kaydeethreeno one survived on the kill, all of the druids used their brezes during the fight
04:42.43Kaydeethreeat least he didn't despawn when we got back
04:44.25zenzelezzI'm still steamed about the stupid infernals at Prince Malchezaar... tonight they all landed right on top of us all the time, every single try
04:46.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
04:51.51Kaydeethreehate that fight
04:51.56Kaydeethreerandomness sucks
04:52.21*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
04:53.37jediarchives11would anyone here be able to answer an easy addon programming question?
04:54.26jediarchives11i'm trying to register a slash command, and i'm following the example at but i can't get it to work
04:54.28Shirikand I just did
04:54.47Shirikthat works perfectly
04:54.53Shirikit not working implies that you did something wrong
04:55.06jediarchives11can you look at my code then?
04:55.12Shirikof course
04:55.13jediarchives11do i put it in the thing?
04:55.15Shirikbut you have to show it to me first
04:55.21jediarchives11k one sec
04:56.30jediarchives11that's just the lua
04:56.49jediarchives11i know the xml is correctly directing it to the lua because it shows the frame on load
04:57.00ShirikI suggest
04:57.07Shirikin RaidReady_SlashCommand
04:57.24Shirikyou put DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Got: "..tostring(msg))
04:57.28Shirikto see what it's getting
04:57.34Shirikp.s. iirc it will never get nil
04:57.49batrickjediarchives11, you can just use if not msg then ... end
04:57.54batricknil is false
04:58.10batrickfor if statements*
04:58.45jediarchives11ok, although when I type /rr it comes up with the standard WoW response to unknown slash commands
04:59.00jediarchives11so I think the problem is before the function
04:59.02jediarchives11is that correct?
04:59.26Shirikyes that is correct
04:59.52jediarchives11that's the part that i don't really see what i'm doing wrong
04:59.53Shirikof course
05:00.03Shiriklet me see your XML
05:00.06ShirikI bet I know what it is
05:00.09Shirikand your TOC
05:00.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
05:00.21batrickyou don't need to put that stuff in a load function
05:00.22Shirikif my guess is correct
05:00.26batrickjust put it at the end of your chunk
05:00.33batrickthat is to say, at the end of your lua file
05:00.38Shirikyour function does not exist at the time you are defining the slash command
05:00.50batrickshouldn't matter shirik
05:01.01Shirikif his function does not exist
05:01.08ShirikSLASH_CMD_LIST["RAID_READY"] = nil
05:01.24batrickyes but his lua file is already loaded
05:01.28batrickwhen onload is called
05:01.30Shiriknot necessarily
05:01.34Shirikthat's what I wanted to check ;)
05:01.42Shirikand why I asked for the XML/TOC
05:01.46batrickdon't see how it couldn't be the case
05:02.01Shirikif he loads the frame before the lua file
05:02.13Shirikin which case, for that matter, the OnLoad function wouldn't exist
05:02.18Shirikso yeah that can't be it
05:02.43jediarchives11ok i updated the same thing with the toc, then the xml, then the lua
05:03.32batrickjediarchives11, do you know that your load function is being called?
05:04.02Shirikit isn't
05:04.05Shirikbecause you never load your lua file
05:04.13Shirikpick one of
05:04.21Shirikput RaidReady.lua before RaidReady.xml in your TOC
05:04.25jediarchives11oh wow
05:04.31Shirikor put <Scripts file="RaidReady.lua" /> in your XML
05:04.40jediarchives11i'm really sorry that i just took up your time like that
05:04.46batrickit's fine
05:04.47Shirikcommon mistake :)
05:05.14jediarchives11thanks for the advice about the slash command function too
05:05.27batrickeverything is true except false and nil
05:05.32batrickjust so you know
05:05.51jediarchives11do i even need the nil, if i just want /rr to hide the window?
05:06.01*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
05:06.13batrickyou don't need the if statement at all if thats all you want the function to do
05:06.42jediarchives11so i can just do function RaidReady_SlashCommand()   RaidReadyMain:Hide(); end
05:06.44Shirikyou have way too many globals :P
05:06.56batrickwhat you may prefer is: SlashCmdList["RAIDREADY"] = function() RaidReadyMain:Hide() end;
05:07.22jediarchives11well i'm really new to writing addons, so i'm just trying to play around
05:07.36batrickwe strongly suggest you read pil
05:07.37zenzelezzthat's the best way to learn
05:07.50purlsomebody said pil was Programming in Lua. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in hardcover and covers Lua 5.1.
05:08.02|Jelly|jediarchives11: Buy cladhare's book.
05:08.17batrickclad's book isnt' out?
05:08.26|Jelly|It's in my hand..
05:08.36batricko :o
05:08.53batrickwell regardless
05:08.55jediarchives11but that doesn't cover the WoW part of writing addons, right?
05:08.55batrickhe should read pil
05:09.05batrickand most things he needs to know are either in pil or on wowwiki
05:09.08Cairenn|afkit covers some of it
05:09.21Shirikpurl, hackingwow is <reply> "Hacking World of Warcraft" is a book by Daniel Gilbert and James Whitehead (authors of Atlas and Clique), covering all aspects of addons from what you need, what you can do, and the basics on how to write macros and addons
05:09.23purlShirik: okay
05:09.55batrickthat's clad's book?
05:10.24Cairenn|afkthere's the info on it
05:10.24Shirikhow dare you ignore a post from Cairenn|afk!
05:11.12jediarchives11i'll have to look at that hacking wow book, and pil
05:11.14jediarchives11thanks again
05:12.32batricki <3 writing addons while dutifully watching snowfall gy
05:16.19Shirikaccidentally writing RDX = nil in one of the modules
05:16.24Shirikdefinitely causes major issues
05:16.32Kaydeethreesomehow I'd think so
05:18.20batrickno wai!
05:18.26Shirikya rly
05:18.31batrickit's fast cleanup tho
05:18.57batricklua> ru there?
05:18.57clad|sleepbatrick: luabot is not enabled.
05:19.09Shirikbatrick: yes!
05:19.23Mr_Rabies2oh hey look
05:19.32Mr_Rabies2av's queue time is down to 23 mins
05:19.39Shirikbatrick: I am the new version of Luabot, v-1, which has increased latency but also responds to english and proposes code changes!
05:21.44batricklua> hi?
05:21.44clad|sleepbatrick: luabot is not enabled.
05:21.57Shirikbatrick: hi!
05:22.01batrickwat r u talkin about shirik!
05:22.10batrickthat was so slow
05:22.12batrickyou fail
05:22.13Shirikbatrick: Sorry, I could not understand that as english
05:22.23Shirikbatrick: Correct, I have intentionally increased latency to allow for corrections
05:22.36batrickShirik you're scaring me
05:22.46Shirikbatrick: I have no emotions, and do not intend to cause harm
05:23.11Thunder_Child~lart Shirik
05:23.11purlteaches Shirik the basics, including how to RTM
05:23.22Shirikpurl: Sorry, I don't understand "RTM"
05:23.26Thunder_Childdmait purl, thats RT*F*M
05:25.48*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
05:25.50batrickis it gone?
05:26.01Shirikbatrick: Is what gone?
05:26.12batrickI hate you
05:26.27batrickfunction while true do x = { } end
05:26.30*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
05:26.46batrickwhile true do x = { } end
05:26.50batrickdoo it!
05:27.34Shirikbatrick: I gave up while attempting to execute your statement. Try using a loop with a condition not equal to "true"
05:27.45batricki hate you
05:28.05Shirikbatrick: I have no emotions, and do not intend to cause harm
05:28.16batrickx = { } while x do x = "OVER 9000" end
05:29.21batricki think it's gone
05:29.23*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
05:30.33Shirikbatrick: I gave up while attempting to execute your statement. Try using a loop where the condition does not get set to a constant value.
05:31.05batrickx = { } y = { } while x or y do x = "bye" end
05:31.30batrickyou need to get a static bot
05:31.35batrickthat doesn't try to think
05:31.58Shirikbatrick: How does one define thought?
05:32.10Shirikok I'll stop ^^
05:33.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie_ (
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05:34.16ShirikI died
05:34.21Shirikthanks batrick for distracting me
05:34.26batrickyou probably typed all that out anyway
05:34.28batrickyour welcome
05:34.41batrickgogo purl!
05:34.49zenzelezzyou missed the ending /
05:35.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
05:35.07TemDo a barrel roll!
05:35.09zenzelezzthere's no "your" in "ugh"
05:37.11Thunder_Childpfft, it's always PEBKAC
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05:44.30*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
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05:51.42Nom-Woot, i can get employee pricing from apple now :D
05:51.54Nom-<3 this company :D
05:53.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Terrifion (
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06:11.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
06:20.56Mr_Rabies2and yet it's probably still more expensive than a comparable windows system from, say, dell or alienware :
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06:31.20Terrifioncladhaire is my God. I now worship her, I even have a shrine.
06:31.43Terrifionthough since I don't know what she looks like, I just have a picture of her avatar.
06:32.02Mr_Rabies2i thought she was a he
06:32.16Mr_Rabies2damn you people and your confusing internet personalities
06:33.02Mr_Rabies2i had a roommate once that RP'd a female character in some gundam related chat-based RPG
06:33.17ShirikI love RPing females
06:33.22Mr_Rabies2like, everyone thought he was a female and he used that to his advantage for business deals and stuff
06:33.24Shirikit's fun
06:33.49Mr_Rabies2he probably has about 50 sweaty nerds hitting on him in said chat room
06:34.02Mr_Rabies2i don't think i could take that
06:34.24Mr_Rabies2i let everyone know when i'm on a chick character that i'm a dude as soon as things look like they're heading in that direction
06:34.53Mr_Rabies2i have some standards, now
06:34.56Shirikthat's the funnest part!
06:35.05Mr_Rabies2i'd probably draw furry porn for people if i was paid sufficiently
06:35.21Mr_Rabies2but i don't think i could accept being hit on by a bunch of sweaty nerds
06:35.29Mr_Rabies2even for a lot of gold
06:37.11TerrifionI'll still worship cladhaire if she is a he.
06:37.28Terrifionher or his addons are what I love
06:37.33ShirikI'll go out with him/her too
06:37.37Terrifionclique, lightheaded, tomtom...omg
06:37.39Terrifion: D
06:37.54ShirikI believe she is a he
06:37.57Shirikbased on the authors of the book
06:38.23Terrifiondoes anyone know how to make winrar shut up about buying it? or do I really have to buy it in order to do so?
06:38.33Kiminayou have to buy it
06:38.35Mr_Rabies2yeah unless you want to break the law
06:38.47Terrifionstupid crybaby program
06:38.55Terrifionwaaah buy me waaaah
06:39.01Kiminalike I wrote into my programs when I use his APIs
06:39.08Kiminahe wrote everything about it, and he needs a way to make money
06:39.11Kiminahe deserves it
06:39.15Kiminabecause the RAR format is rather impressive
06:39.32TerrifionI'm just poor
06:39.33Mr_Rabies2alternatively use 7zip
06:39.34Terrifion: (
06:39.34Kiminahe does give extraction APIs which is nice
06:39.36Mr_Rabies2i think it's free
06:39.55Mr_Rabies2it's slower than winrar at opening rars, but it does it with no nag screens
06:40.31KiminaI'm thinking about getting another wow account
06:40.32Terrifion30 bucks?
06:40.35TerrifionI guess i'll help him out
06:40.36KiminaI need a way to test comms
06:40.43Terrifionhowever little 30 dollars is
06:40.53Terrifionits worth it though not to see that nag window
06:41.09Mr_Rabies2i'm tempted to buy nod32
06:41.33Mr_Rabies2it'll probably be the first piece of software i've bought since burning crusade
06:41.38Mr_Rabies2and before that, WoW
06:41.50Mr_Rabies2well, for the pc at least
06:42.16TerrifionI don't buy much stuff, since I don't use much
06:42.38Mr_Rabies2i generally try to find a freeware solution if i can
06:42.46Mr_Rabies2but nod32 is just awesome
06:43.09Terrifionwhat is that, av?
06:43.54TerrifionI don't use the internet on this comp save for mIRC and wow
06:43.57Terrifionso I don't have anti virus here
06:44.00Terrifionother comp does though
06:46.48Terrifiondoes anyone elses heart jump a bit when you misspell your password but you didn't realize you did so you figure your account was stolen?
06:46.57Terrifionor do I love wow too much?
06:47.17|Jelly|considering how jacked up my password is, yeah
06:48.48Mr_Rabies2it's happened once or twice to me
06:48.49Kimina02:47:11 ‹Terrifion› does anyone elses heart jump a bit when you misspell your password but you didn't realize you did so you figure your account was stolen?
06:48.54Mr_Rabies2i keep leaving off a letter or something
06:48.57Mr_Rabies2in tiredness
06:48.59Mr_Rabies2and i'm all like
06:49.10Mr_Rabies2OH GOD I'VE BEEN HACKED
06:49.22Mr_Rabies2for like 10 seconds until i type it out slowly and it logs in
06:50.25|Jelly|i actually got keylogged like two weeks ago.
06:50.32|Jelly|was on the phone with blizzard within 2 minutes
06:51.12|Jelly|i was amazed at how fast my password was changed, honestly
06:53.41Mr_Rabies2i use firefox, noscript, and nod32 sitting in the background looking for suspicious stuff
06:53.50KiminaI don't use jack
06:53.54Mr_Rabies2oh and adblock but that rarely applies
06:53.54Kiminaif I get keylogged, it's my own damn fault
06:54.07Mr_Rabies2if i get keylogged something horrible happened
06:54.40Mr_Rabies2like, someone snuck into my house and plugged a hardware keylogger inline to my ps/2 port
06:55.18Terrifionit's my fault if I get keylogged too
06:55.37Mr_Rabies2like this:
06:56.23sylvanaarI got keylogged, the thing wasnt caugt by my scanner for a week
06:56.26Mr_Rabies2someone managed to get one of those installed in some classified computers in some government agency's offices
06:56.26Kiminathat's awesome!
06:56.29Mr_Rabies2by a 6 year old
06:57.13OsagasuThe problem with those is that they're stupif
06:57.25OsagasuThey can detect ctrl c and ctrl v
06:57.32Osagasunow ahat you're copying
06:58.03Mr_Rabies2the hardware ones probably can't
06:58.11Mr_Rabies2but the software ones can and will check the clipboard
06:58.42OsagasuI meant the keycatcher
07:00.03Mr_Rabies2argh i can't find the news story
07:00.12Mr_Rabies2it was some security firm the government hired
07:00.25Mr_Rabies2a 6 year old managed to install a hardware keylogger to a classified government computer
07:01.05bleeterMr_Rabies2: heh, you have similar to my setup, 'cept I'm also using privoxy with firefox (occasionally switching on Tor)
07:01.18Mr_Rabies2same here, heh
07:01.27Mr_Rabies2i don't use it for security, just to laugh at those who are more paranoid than i
07:01.29bleeterprivoxy + noscript + adblock ftw
07:01.48bleeterI just use the combination to totally eradicate popups and ads
07:02.01Mr_Rabies2i don't need privoxy for that :p
07:02.10Mr_Rabies2noscript + adblock get rid of 99.9%
07:02.27bleeteryeah, tho privoxy sits in front of those two
07:02.33Mr_Rabies2and the rest i either have enabled on purpose, or it's just a banner ad picture that i can adblock away within seconds
07:02.45bleeterso it does take a li'l load off the browser's own process
07:02.55bleeterreally, I should put it in front, or behind, squid
07:03.17Mr_Rabies2Tor does have a huge huge huge huge chinese base though
07:03.19bleetermeh, anyways... hopefully last day of having resorted to windows ehre anyway
07:03.24Mr_Rabies2they're using it to get past the "great firewall"
07:03.27Mr_Rabies2or whatever
07:03.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
07:05.52Mr_Rabies2it's pretty interesting seeing like an underground revolution forming in a heavily censored country
07:15.45Kiminais there a way to get a second wow account without buying the game?
07:15.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
07:18.20Shirikreally I should have rephrased that
07:18.22Shirikwithout buying a box
07:18.29Shirikbut still I expect the same answer
07:19.48Corrodiasthe answer is, in the US and presumably also in europe, also no
07:20.09Corrodiasyou can upgrade the account to TBC without buying a TBC account, but they don't sell keys for original WoW outside the box
07:20.23ShirikI need a way to test :(
07:21.06Corrodiasi'd love to move my hunter to another account -- i'd probably be happy to pay $30/mo for WoW -- but there's no way in hell i'm paying $85 up front to do it
07:21.32Corrodiasuntil blizzard changes their minds about that, they're only going to get half as much from me as they could
07:24.00Mr_Rabies2i'm about to try to solo SM cathedral the hard way
07:24.10Mr_Rabies2by pulling Mograine before clearing anything else.
07:24.18Corrodiasas a druid?
07:24.29Corrodiasi don't think you're going to make it
07:24.30|Jelly|happens all the time
07:24.36Mr_Rabies2does it?
07:24.44|Jelly|on my server, it does
07:24.53Corrodiasas a feral druid? seems unlikely
07:24.55Mr_Rabies2i know i can't solo Strat anymore since the bear nerd
07:25.17|Jelly|Prot paladin has been with me running me the couple times I've been there.
07:25.34Mr_Rabies2though i may be able to solo strat now with the armor buff
07:25.39Corrodiasof what relevance is that, jelly?
07:25.44Mr_Rabies2since i'm at like
07:25.54Mr_Rabies222500 armor or so
07:26.19Mr_Rabies2that's probably above max
07:26.27*** join/#wowi-lounge sysrage (
07:26.31Mr_Rabies2mitigation by armor for those mobs
07:27.12|Jelly|What relevance doesn't it have? I said it happened, he asked if it did. I don't recall you being involved.
07:27.51Corrodiasif you're going to be pissy about it, i'd like to point out that going "with" a paladin is absolutely NOT solo, and thus has nothing to do with this conversation.
07:28.11|Jelly|Yeah. You're right. my level 27 rogue totally saved his ass.
07:28.31Corrodiasah, sarcasm. you become even more endearing.
07:29.00Corrodiasfurthermore, a paladin soloing something is quite different from a druid soloing it
07:29.07Shirikdolby-wowi_ are you floating around here?
07:29.21Shirik(send tell if you want to be secret)
07:30.09|Jelly|What's that have to do with anything? At the point I said what I said, I didn't  know he was a druid. Are you just tired or do you enjoy being a random douche?
07:31.24Corrodiasyou came out with information about a paladin doing something. i asked you what the relevance was because i knew rabies was a druid. i figured you also knew because i said "as a druid?" before you spoke.
07:31.30Corrodiasyou got snippy about it first, not me
07:31.53Shiriknow now kiddies let's not argue
07:31.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
07:32.09Corrodiasas if adults never disagree
07:32.14|Jelly|So what you're saying is you can be a douche but no one else can. Roger.
07:32.20Shirikobviously we never disagree
07:32.24Shirikotherwise we wouldn't have elected bush
07:32.46Mr_Rabies2did i miss some delicious drama
07:33.07ShirikI was going to respond with a witty statement
07:33.13Shirikbut it was in bad taste :/
07:33.26|Jelly|Might as well say it. lol
07:34.45Mr_Rabies2 :O
07:35.37|Jelly|The Family Guy episode just went off.
07:41.02SunTigermr_Rabies that was a good one.
07:41.22Mr_Rabies2i take zero credit for it, but yes i agree :p
07:42.14Mr_Rabies2i hear they're going to patch it out in 2.1
07:42.26Mr_Rabies2i mean :O
07:42.35SunTigerdamn bastards
07:43.33ShirikI love watching CPU profiling
07:43.46ShirikKTM, 2%, Lootlink, 1.5% ........ RDX... 0.09%
07:44.21Mr_Rabies2ktm eats resources so bad
07:44.30Mr_Rabies2even out of combat with the window hidden
07:44.57Mr_Rabies2it's using 3% and is eating more cpu time than Ace2 with standalonelibs
07:45.06ElkanoShirik, Lootlink? there are still people using it? ;)
07:45.31Mr_Rabies2i use linkerator
07:45.36Shirikit works for me :)
07:45.45Elkanowell, I coded my own addon 18 month ago ^^
07:45.47ShirikI like the fact that I can go [Item Name] and it immediately appears in my chat
07:45.59Mr_Rabies2Linkerator has that functionality, shirik
07:46.15|Jelly|I like that Shirik has KTM installed.
07:46.22ShirikI have to :(
07:46.37Mr_Rabies2i'm thinking about unintalling it again
07:46.38Mr_Rabies2it's just
07:46.38|Jelly|I bet you're a closet SWS user too
07:46.40GuillotineHas anybody compared KTM to Threat-1.0 with CPU profiling?
07:46.42Elkanowhy? tried Threat, yet?
07:46.44Mr_Rabies2wayyyy too bloated
07:46.53ElkanoGuillotine, it can only be better ;)
07:46.57Mr_Rabies2and i dunno how to get threat to work :O
07:47.07GuillotineElkano: hehe. ya, but my question is how much better :P
07:47.16Mr_Rabies2i can get it working with pitbull
07:47.21Mr_Rabies2but...i don't really want it in my unitframes
07:47.26Elkanowell, profiling ace2 addons is hard because of the shared libs
07:47.32GuillotineThe problem is that Omen accepts KTM stuff, but won't send it. And I'm our MT, so they need my bar the most :/
07:47.46ElkanoMr_Rabies, I have it working with Omen, Violation and Aloft
07:47.46Guillotineand most of my guild is too stupid to install Omen
07:47.56Shirik|Jelly|: Nope
07:47.59GuillotineElkano: true
07:48.05Mr_Rabies2what is omen? :o
07:48.07ShirikI use RDXM_BattleRecorder for my statistics :)
07:48.07|Jelly|Shirik: All lies
07:48.23GuillotineMr_Rabies2: Threat is just a library. Omen is basically what makes Threat data visible
07:48.25ElkanoOmen is the man UI developed for Threat
07:48.28Guillotinewell, oneof the addons that can do it
07:48.36GuillotinePitBull can as well iirc
07:48.44Mr_Rabies2ahh, thats what i thought
07:48.48Mr_Rabies2that it was just a library
07:48.57Mr_Rabies2so omen's a frontend for threat
07:49.02Elkanowell, but Pitbulls UI isn't that informative... but try Aloft ^^ hreat bars over the mobs head
07:49.03Guillotineit handles all the communicaction and stuff as well iirc
07:49.40Shirik03:49:53 ‹|Jelly|› no idea what SVN is
07:49.44Shiriklet us all laugh at |Jelly|
07:50.03Elkano~laught |Jelly|
07:50.36ShirikSeriously though, for |Jelly| and anyone else who may not know (those who aren't professional coders rarely are familiar with the term):
07:50.52GuillotineSome Vain Noob
07:50.56ShirikSVN is a version control system. In its most basic state, it allows multiple developers to coordinate changes to code and other developments
07:51.11Shirikit allows developers to work on the same files without fear of overwriting each other, etc.
07:51.23Guillotinesub version network, isn't it? Sub versioning somethinga t least
07:51.27ShirikIt gives each version of the code a "revision number" and allows you to revert at any time
07:51.37Elkano(still doesn't mean that a merge will go wizh no problems ^^)
07:51.45Shirikyes, but it means that merges are possible :P
07:51.59ShirikBut more often, many people use SVN so that they can download the absolute latest version
07:52.07Shiriksince that is what the developers commit to
07:52.15Shirikanyone who connects to it can get the absolute latest revision
07:52.32Shirik|Jelly|: For my server, svn://
07:52.47Guillotinedoes Cid even work on RDX.Cid anymore?
07:52.50ShirikAn easy-to-use client would be TortoiseSVN,
07:52.52Guillotineor is it just Shirik now?
07:53.00Guillotine(sorry, off topic question)
07:53.04ShirikCid is in the middle of moving and all that other stuff
07:53.12Shirikhe hasn't worked on it in a while but I understand that he intends to come back
07:53.54Guillotineso... when I enter an arena now, I can see the specs of all my opponents XD
07:53.58Guillotinethe file is huge now though
07:54.17Guillotinealmost 5 megs
07:54.57ElkanoShirik, wrt Lootlink, have a look at my ItemDB if you want :) (PS: GUI is still the same as in the screens on the ui pages but the download at is a lot more up2date)
07:55.10Guillotineeventually I'll optimize it and compress the data
07:55.49ShirikI was just telling someone the two rules of IRC
07:55.49Shirikwould you agree with this one?
07:55.49Shirik03:55:05 ‹Shirik› (2) never, ever, take anyone seriously, especially someone who says they're a 16 year old female virgin
07:55.49*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus_ (
07:55.49Guillotinebut I think my next project will be in-game lolcode editor. So you can program simple addons in-game via lolcode
07:55.54GuillotineShirik: Dare I ask what 1 was?
07:56.25Elkanothere are no girls on irc, these are all boys. and there are especialy no female kids on irc, these are all FBI agents
07:56.51Guillotinezomg. Cairenn is an FBI agent :0 I knew it!
07:56.57Guillotineoh wait
07:57.04Guillotineno, according to that definition Cairenn is a guy
07:57.10sylvanaari tried to write an in-game tab complete for writing macros
07:57.12Guillotineif Cairenn was a kid she would be an FBI agent
07:57.47GuillotineSylvanaar: I would think that wouldn't be too hard if you just take the completions from the basic slash commands and spells in the spellbook
07:57.50Guillotineand I suppose items
07:57.57sylvanaaryeah, but
07:58.01sylvanaarits all tainted
07:58.04Elkanowell, did you ever see a picture of Cairenn? see... ;)
07:58.12ShirikI have a poster of her on my wall
07:58.33GuillotineSylvanaar: don't actually edit the macro. Just edit the textbox
07:58.37GuillotineElkano: actually, yes
07:58.40Guillotinefrom last blizzcon
07:58.56GuillotineSylvanaar: you can edit the textbox while out of combat
07:59.18sylvanaarthe chat edit box? or the macro one?
07:59.47sylvanaarthe chat edit box is where its useful
08:00.13Guillotinethe macro one
08:00.15Guillotineoh, I see
08:00.15Elkanook, so using contra-position it's proven that she isn't a "girl on irc"
08:00.21Guillotineya, that would taint it. nm
08:00.30sylvanaaryeah lol, its pretty weak
08:03.12GuillotineI really should be working
08:03.14GuillotineDAMN YOU IRC
08:03.14sylvanaari actually had something working, I think i had it save the macro
08:06.38GuillotineI really wish you could script your pet's AI using lua
08:06.44Guillotinenow that would be cool
08:07.09Guillotineit would obviously have to have its own environment with only certain functions available, but...
08:12.45Mr_Rabies2rofl corr
08:12.45Mr_Rabies2you're right
08:12.45Mr_Rabies2the healers heal him too fast for me to kill him
08:15.37Mr_Rabies2without pulling anything else in sm cath
08:18.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
08:18.55Guillotineya, the only way I've done it has been by pulling that room
08:19.02Guillotine(also as a feral druid)
08:19.21Guillotinethough you can do several rows at a time if well geared
08:19.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
08:29.20*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
08:29.24Guillotinelol. <3 this new ad. "THIS IS NOT A JOKE - YOU ARE THE 10,000TH VISITOR"
08:31.21*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|_ (
08:31.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Peppa (
08:33.01Shirikit's not a joke, it's just a crappy advertisement
08:34.14*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
08:38.04*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
08:40.27Shirikthoughts: Can I safely temporarily replace the SetText() function on a frame?
08:40.31Shirikand then restore the old one later?
08:42.24Mr_Rabies2i just thought of something
08:42.44Mr_Rabies2why doesn't the ace patcher use the svn to patch itself instead of having to go to sourceforge to update it every time :O
08:45.17*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|_ (
08:46.27Mr_Rabies2all this time with no ads has really messed with me though
08:46.34Mr_Rabies2i'm not as resistant to them anymore
08:47.46Mr_Rabies2so when i use someone else's computer and see ads they distract me
08:49.25Mr_Rabies2blah, both omen and aloft are still command line only? :[
08:49.51Mr_Rabies2aha! i found a gui for aloft
08:50.05Mr_Rabies2i guess i just had to scroll through the paragraph of command line to get one :p
08:53.43*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
08:58.28Mr_Rabies2oh wow, i'm dumb, they have fubar icons
08:59.27GuillotineDeuceCommander ftw
09:01.03Shirik04:43:07 ‹Mr_Rabies2› why doesn't the ace patcher use the svn to patch itself instead of having to go to sourceforge to update it every time :O
09:01.09Shirikdoesn't it use the SVN?
09:01.11ShirikI thought it did
09:01.15Mr_Rabies2it's like
09:01.20Mr_Rabies2Oh hey there's an update
09:01.22Mr_Rabies2want to update?
09:01.38Mr_Rabies2*opens firefox to the sourceforge site*
09:02.11ShirikI used to think that it was a horrible idea to hook coroutine.resume()
09:02.13ShirikI am so glad I did
09:02.24Shirikeven if just for debugging purposes
09:02.27Shirik...e\AddOns\RDXM_BattleRecorder\RDXM_BattleRecorder.lua:156: Fatal error in coroutine: ...e\AddOns\RDXM_BattleRecorder\RDXM_BattleRecorder.lua:258: attempt to index field 'titleFrame' (a nil value)
09:02.38Shirikinstead of getting spammed with "attempt to resume a dead coroutine"
09:02.39Shirikit's beautiful
09:03.09Guillotinewish there was a way to make individual threads in lua :(
09:03.18Shiriktechnically a coroutine is a "thread"
09:03.25Shiriktype(coroutine.create(f)) == "thread"
09:03.42Shirikbut you mean concurrent threads?
09:04.08ShirikI'm very glad it's not possible, tbh
09:04.12Shirikthink about WoW
09:04.20Guillotinewhat about it?
09:04.20Shirikhow many addons, do you think, authors would have that poll 24/7
09:04.31Shirikbecause they haven't the slightest idea what the hell they're doing
09:04.50Guillotinemake it complicated or something :P Like how most beginning authors don't know about coroutines
09:05.02Guillotinewell, I suppose thats not exactly complicated
09:05.08Guillotinebut most people don't hear about it for a while for some reason
09:05.40Shirikyeah but most people won't use coroutines cause they don't know how to use them effectively
09:05.44Shirikand using a coroutine will do nothing for you
09:05.56Shirikon the other hand, people can spawn concurrent threads all they want even if they have no idea what they're doing
09:06.02krkacoroutines are very useful for some things :)
09:06.13krkathe best example that comes to mind for me is writing actor ai
09:06.13Shirikthey are :)
09:06.36Guillotinethen disable it in WoW. I just want it for my scripts :P
09:07.19ThraeCoroutines are indeed useful, however, most addons do not (or should not) require that much processing time. Some addons could benefit from them, but the majority probably won't.
09:07.31krkaGuillotine: there should exist thread libs for lua
09:07.54Shirikmy favorite part of coroutines
09:07.55krkaThrae: it's not about processing time
09:08.02Shirikis their simplicity: They provide inherent synchronization
09:08.03krkait's about structuring code more neatly
09:08.20ShirikEven though one of my modules does use a mutex but that's another story
09:08.47ThraeEh, you shouldn't use something like coroutines just to "make your code look neater". Not with something as small as an addon.
09:09.09zenzelezzwhy not?
09:09.41ThraeIf you get to the level of CTRA, or BigWigs, then you can probably find a legitimate use for them, even if it is to make maintenance easier.
09:09.58Guillotinekrka: no concurrent thread library I've found for lua
09:09.59zenzelezzthose are still addons
09:10.04krkawhat else are you using coroutines for Thrae?
09:10.19krkajust from a quick googling
09:10.24krkanot lua 5.1 though
09:10.29Guillotinethats why
09:10.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
09:11.01Thraekrka: Who said I use coroutines? I use them in my own scripts on my server, but in an addon, no.
09:11.20ThraeI haven't found a use for them.
09:11.23krkawhy are you against using coroutines in simple addons?
09:11.51Shirikon another note
09:11.52krkathey're great for stuff that resemble state machines
09:11.57Shirikdoes any blizzard code use coroutines?
09:12.14Shirik(i.e., do I have to worry about hard hooking coroutine.create?)
09:12.27Shirikand coroutine.resume
09:12.27Kaso"Blizzard has filed a federal lawsuit against the operators of Peons4hire, a popular gold-selling organization" -- gasp!
09:12.28krkaShirik: doubt it
09:12.32ThraeBecause most simple addons do simple tasks. I never said there were not instances to use coroutines. However, I must disagree in any general notion they can "make code look cleaner".
09:12.35ShirikKaso: Old news :P
09:13.01krkaThrae: that's really all coroutines offer
09:13.13krkayou could use ugly state machines as a replacement
09:13.30ShirikRDX makes 3 uses of coroutines: All of which are by no means "simple tasks." But both Thrae and krka are right
09:13.53Shirik(1) It is not a simple task, and thus it's done with a coroutine. (2) It could most definitely be done without a coroutine, but very ugly-ly
09:14.03krkathat's like saying don't use for loops just because they make the code neater than while loops
09:14.14krkasince that is _all_ a for loop does
09:14.20Mr_Rabies2does anyone here use Aloft?
09:14.39Thraekrka: You could code an addon entirely in one function, on one line. Coroutines are made for some situations where they are granted.
09:14.46ShirikThe Lua manual even shows that a for loop is just syntactic sugar for a while loop :)
09:15.24ThraeI think we're in agreement on this, so I don't know what this argument has turned into...
09:15.31krkayou're saying nothing there: "coroutines are good in situations where coroutines are good"
09:15.48ShirikCoroutines are bad in situations where coroutines are bad. Discuss.
09:16.02Shirikhow dare you agree!
09:16.08krkasorry, i disagree
09:16.11Shirikgood man.
09:16.12subbawtwhat is a coroutine o_O
09:16.17Shirikcoroutines = god.
09:16.31subbawti don't know LUA, i'm just here to bitch about mods
09:16.32ThraePerhaps what I was trying to illustrate was that coroutines can be misused.
09:16.43Shirikit's a way of splitting a task into multiple segments, essentially
09:16.53Shirikfor example, let's allocate an array and initialize every element to 0
09:16.55krkasubbawt: it's called Lua
09:17.02krkait's an actual word
09:17.14Shirikfunction(t, n, e) for x = 1, n do t[x] = e; end
09:17.20Shirikwell, what if n was 1000000000000000000
09:17.22Shirikthat would take forever
09:17.24ThraeMany things can be misused, but coroutines, like metatables, are something most authors do not fully grasp.
09:17.34Shirikso you make it a coroutine, and do, say, 1000 per call
09:17.49Shirikfunction(t, n, e) for x = 1, n do t[x] = e; if x % 1000 = 0 then coroutine.yield() end end end
09:18.05Shiriknow what you do is create a coroutine from that function: co = coroutine.create(f)
09:18.23Shirikand call it: coroutine.resume(co, {}, 100000000000, 1)
09:18.27Shirikand keep resuming it
09:18.35Shirikuntil it's done
09:18.45Shirikthis allows you to split up the task
09:21.17KasoWhats the difference of .create and .wrap
09:21.49Shirikcoroutine.wrap = function(f) local co = coroutine.create(f); return function(...) coroutine.resume(co, ...); end end
09:21.51krkaLike coroutine.create, the coroutine.wrap function also creates a coroutine, but instead of returning the coroutine itself, it returns a function that, when called, resumes the coroutine. Any arguments passed to this function go as extra arguments to coroutine.resume. coroutine.wrap returns all the values returned by coroutine.resume, except the first one (the boolean error code). Unlike coroutine.resume, coroutine.wrap does not catch err
09:21.53Shirikquite literally
09:22.09ShirikI actually wrote that up for Cide because coroutine.wrap caused problems for his bot
09:22.16Shirikso he actually changed coroutine.wrap to that
09:22.45Kasohmm interesting
09:22.50Shirikit's really nice actually
09:22.51krkanot quite literally
09:22.55krkaerror catching differs
09:22.55ShirikI tend to use coroutine.wrap instead of coroutine.create
09:22.58ShirikYes it does
09:23.05Shirikbut in Cide's case that doesn't really matter
09:23.34Shirikin fact if you wanted to
09:23.55Shirikcoroutine.wrap = function(f) local co = coroutine.create(f); return function(...) local s, e = coroutine.resume(co, ...); if not s then error(e); end end end
09:24.03Shirikyeah? :)
09:24.07Kasoso wrap runs in an un protected enviroment?
09:25.27krkayou're not returning the return values from resume
09:25.36Kasowell ive always done ok,err = coroutine.resume(co) if err error(err) end anyway so its not a issue for me, but hey.
09:25.52Shirikok ok
09:25.54Shirikfine :(
09:26.06Shirikkrka gave the absolute definition
09:26.17ShirikI gave essentially what it does, in code format :P
09:26.32krkafunction maybeerror(bool, ...) if bool then return ... end error((...)) end
09:26.36Shirikthere are only a few reasons you would want to use coroutine.create over coroutine.wrap
09:26.52Shirikthe most common one is that with coroutine.wrap, you can't check the status of a coroutine
09:27.07krkacoroutine.wrap = function(f) local co = coroutine.create(f); return function(...) return maybeerror(coroutine.resume(co, ...) end end end end end
09:27.22ThraeSo, what's the next addon you shall inject the lovliness of coroutines into?
09:27.23Shirikmissing a ) I think?
09:27.31krkaah, that's probably right
09:27.48ShirikThrae: See my patcher :)
09:27.50Shirikthey're all over the place
09:28.14Shirikbut that's mostly because I have to wait for the signature to be verified, I have to spend time receiving patches, which don't come all at once, etc.
09:30.15ThraeYour patcher?
09:30.38Shirikan RDX module which, quite literally, receives patches from other users, verifies a 2048-bit digital signature, and then installs it if needed
09:30.44Shirikdoes this in-game
09:31.00Kaso2048 bit? thats a bit over-kill for ingame isnt it?
09:31.02Shiriknot intended (nor possible) to be a substitute for updating to the latest version, but
09:31.12Shirikallows for critical patches to be distributed over guild chat
09:31.23ShirikKaso: Well... tell that to those guys that downed illidan :P
09:31.27ThraeOh, I thought you meant you were patching existing addons.
09:31.33ShirikI am
09:31.38Shirikpatching existing RDX modules
09:31.54ThraeNo, I mean other people's addons. Spreading the wealth that is coroutines.
09:31.58Shirikah ah
09:32.09Shirikthey jacked up their own addons, they can keep em :P
09:32.13GuillotineShirik: oh ya, I was going to talk to you about that. This could lead to the first in-game "viruses", if its use becomes widespread, couldn't it?
09:32.23krkaso brillian
09:32.24Shirikit would be rather interesting
09:32.46Shiriksadly, I could see my friend Tim saying that
09:33.19ShirikGuillotine: I'm being sure to keep it disabled by default, and (at least currently) restricted to only distribution over guild chat
09:33.35ShirikI would like to expand it to server-wide channels but I really have to think about the security implications before I do that
09:33.53GuillotineI'm not sure how you COULD do that without some VERY HEAVY obfuscation
09:33.57Guillotinesince everything is open source
09:34.06Shirikwell it's using private key-public key pairs
09:34.10ShirikI'm not distributing the private key
09:34.13krkayou dont need obscurity for security
09:34.33ShirikI will include the code to sign a patch but I won't include the actual key
09:34.36Guillotineah, I see what you're doing
09:34.42Shirikmostly just because I'm too lazy to take out that code
09:35.30Shirikit takes approximately 10s to verify a patch at max speed. Asserting a maximum framerate, about 1 minute to verify the signature. I think that's ok
09:35.37Guillotinebut then... if people have the code to sign a patch, couldn't they rather easily reverse engineer the code to unsign it?
09:36.04GuillotineI suppose it really depends on what encryption method you're using
09:36.13ShirikRSA technology has been around for years. People haven't been able to go backwards from a public key to a private key yet... I don't imagine they'll be able to do it in WoW
09:36.44Kasothis is all using Prism right?
09:37.03Shirikand of course foxlit gets all the credit for that
09:37.22Kasocept his lack of tabbs in it! :grrr:
09:37.30Shirikhe says he wrote it in notepad
09:37.31Mr_Rabies2oh man
09:37.32Shirikand notepad didn't like his tabs
09:37.43Mr_Rabies2omen is awesome
09:39.36krkawow... talk about over engineering :)
09:39.44krkathat's usually fun to do though
09:39.47krkain game patching
09:39.53Shirikwhat sparked it
09:40.06ShirikI am so sick of my guildies saying during runs "Hey Shirik _______ is broken"
09:40.07krkai'd just have people post their version, and that'd make people go update it
09:40.14Shirikand then me responding "I fixed that yesterday go download the update"
09:40.20Shirikthen them responding "But I downloaded an update a week ago!!"
09:40.28GuillotineSee, what I'd do is:
09:40.31SunTigerdon't say anything about addons anymore
09:40.36SunTigerits how i make idiots go away
09:41.20Guillotinethen they have plenty of time to see your message
09:41.31Guillotineand can't complain about using an old version
09:41.34Shirikthis already exists when a leader does a version check
09:41.45Shirikbut then they're like "wtf I have to download again?!?! qq"
09:41.48Guillotineincluding the while 1 do end part?
09:41.51Shirikoh rofl
09:41.59Mr_Rabies2i hope my phone arrives today :[
09:42.01Guillotinesee, that would force them to download the new version
09:42.20Shirikfor those that are curious though, here's the code
09:42.24Shirik(obviously not finished yet)
09:42.28Guillotinethen you don't have to listen to them complaining about not having the new version
09:42.51Kasowe have similar guild-warning to update your addon, then we have a guild rule saying you if you dont have it updated by next raid you dont raid. People usually get it done
09:43.08KasoThough i did suggest a in-game updater to the guild master actually, he wasnt a fan
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09:43.18Guillotinehmm... I should make a library that adds a bunch of different functions to crash WoW
09:43.22Guillotineit adds all sorts of posibilities!
09:44.24Elkanofunny thing is that ace2 even allows you to check if they are up2date ^^
09:44.34Guillotinethen you could have it loop through all other addon's saved variables looking for a function and hook that function with its own
09:44.40Guillotinethen even if they delete your addon its still there :D
09:44.44Shiriktake a look, feel free to offer suggestions
09:44.58Guillotinethough I think most addons don't store functions in SV
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09:45.19KasoShirik, im just playing with prism, what does the slider on the task sheduler do? doesnt seem to be much
09:45.28Shirikit adjusts target framerate
09:45.48Shirikslide to the left it will do more processing per pass, slide to the right for less
09:45.48Guillotine72-- (haha you thought I left it in this pastey, didn't you?)
09:45.51Guillotinehaha, love that part
09:46.03KasoDoesnt do anything for me :<
09:46.17Shirikworks for me
09:46.21Shirikmaybe you have a beast computer
09:46.23*** part/#wowi-lounge Peppa (
09:46.33Kasooh it does, its just my fps is so low the difference isnt perceveable >.<
09:46.53GuillotineShirik: why don't you just store the Public Modulus without the :
09:47.02Shirikbecause a copy-pasted it from command prompt
09:47.04GuillotineI'm obviously just glancing at it at the moment, but...
09:47.18Shirikand I was too lazy to go in and delete every :
09:47.21Shirikso I just did that
09:47.55Guillotinejust use normal lua to remove it and paste the new one in. Its a small reduction in memory use (very small), but so easy to do
09:48.07Shirikyeh, I just haven't gotten around to it
09:48.09ShirikI probably will
09:48.21KasoShirik how long did you say it took you do to a 2048 ?
09:48.30Shirik10m to sign
09:48.42Shirikabout 5s processing time to verify
09:48.52Shirikwhich can be anything from like 10s to a minute depending on the target framerate
09:49.42krkausing a coroutine?
09:49.55Shirikprism allows the use of a coroutine
09:50.11Shirikin the pastey I made, function RDXM.Patcher.Sign(patch)
09:50.32Shirikthe last parameter to Prism_Crypto.Sign is "true" indicating "I want you to do this in a coroutine"
09:50.42Shirikmeaning it will yield, and you have to wrap it
09:51.02Shirikhowever, PrismTasks.AddTask does the coroutine wrapping for you
09:51.13Shirikif you so desire to use it
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09:52.11Elkanoshirik, is that tested ingame or only in external lua interpreter?
09:52.21Shirikpartially tested in game
09:52.26Shirikthere are definitely components that don't work
09:52.35ShirikI know, however, that discovery works correctly
09:52.40Elkanolike loadstring?
09:52.52Shirikyeah that works fine
09:53.04Shirikthe concept is valid, the only part that isn't entirely finished is communications
09:53.10Elkanoah, ok, it was you whose post on loadstring I had seen on forums
09:53.11Shirikeverything else is tested fine
09:53.18Shirikya because what I /wanted/ to do
09:53.26Shirikwas transmit the patch as compiled code
09:53.29Shirikto save space
09:53.39Shirikbut instead I have to transmit the code as plain text
09:53.57Guillotinemy goal is to make the first WoW in-game virus. Just a script that will stick around after the addon has been deleted. Doing nothing but saying "You've been infected"
09:54.03Elkanowhich one wasn't working? loadstring or string.dump?
09:54.03Guillotineseriously, how cool would that be?
09:54.17ShirikElkano: I think loadstring() is configured so that it will not load compiled code
09:54.24Shirikstring.dump I think is working correctly (looks correct)
09:54.28Guillotineit really isn't that hard if an author stores a function in the SV
09:54.33Shirikloadstring() works with plaintext code
09:54.36Shirikbut not with compiled code
09:54.40Elkanoah, ok
09:54.45ShirikGuillotine: Take one of your addons
09:54.49krkayou can store functions in the SV?
09:55.01Guillotinesure. you can store any variables
09:55.06ShirikPut in there a little portion to allow for it to do that at a specific time
09:55.14ShirikGuillotine: Really? Interesting
09:55.16GuillotineShirik: but that would take out the fun
09:55.20krkais that new?
09:55.24Guillotineat least I'm pretty sure
09:55.31krkayou used to be unable to write functions to the saved variables
09:56.06Guillotineyou have to use string.dump though
09:56.06Guillotineand loadstring
09:56.07Shirikbut you can't loadstring() compiled code
09:56.07Shirikwhich is what we were just discussing
09:56.15Guillotineoh really? o.O
09:56.15krkayou'd have to make lua decompiler
09:56.25krkathat would be kinda neat :)
09:56.30Shirikit's intentionally blocked
09:56.38Shirikaccording to Iriel
09:56.40Guillotinehmm. I thought loadstring(string.dump(test))=test
09:56.50ShirikI just tried it a few days ago, loadstring() fails
09:56.58Elkanowell, krka, that would at least in some place result in plain code which would be easy to analize
09:56.59Guillotinewell, nm then
09:57.00Kasowait, you cant loadstring dumped text
09:57.04Kaso100% sure...
09:57.17Shirikas for the SV files:
09:57.20Shirik["lol"] = nil --[[ skipped inline function ]],
09:57.39GuillotineI know you can't store it as a function
09:57.46Guillotinebut I thought you could store it via string
09:57.59Shirikyou can store it as a string, that's what I'm doing, but not from string.dump()
09:58.02Shirikyou need the plaintext code
09:58.09Shirik["patches"] = {
09:58.09Shirik"VFL.print(\"Hello World!\")", -- [1]
09:58.09Shirik"VFL.print(\"Hai Geld!\");", -- [2]
09:58.10Guillotinebut then its too easy to find :(
09:58.19Shirikyeah :( but that's exactly why it's blocked
09:58.22Shirikthey don't want hidden code
09:58.25krkajust write a decompiler
09:58.36Guillotineahh, I miss the good old days of Beta with compiled Cosmos
09:58.39Kaso*just* write a decompiler! its so obveous!
09:59.31Kasothat would be pretty cool! could finally read thottbot's code
09:59.34GuillotineShirik: so how are YOU storing the functions? Via plain text?
09:59.45Shiriksee that table above
09:59.47Shirikthat's how they're stored
09:59.56Shirikthose are two "patces"
10:00.03Shirikalso: [string "assert(loadstring(string.dump(function() VF..."]:1: [string "LuaQ"]:1: unexpected symbol near 'char(27)'
10:00.17Shirikfor assert(loadstring(string.dump(function() VFL.print("Hello world!") end)))
10:01.08Shirikalso can someone do me a favor and /dump strcolor
10:01.15ShirikI'm trying to figure out where this function came from
10:01.31ShirikI'm starting to use it but I don't even know if it's supposed to exist ><
10:01.40Kasostrcolor = nil
10:01.45Shirikstrcolor(1,0,0) for example returns "|cffff0000"
10:01.46Guillotinedoesn't exist as part of the default UI
10:01.49ShirikI wonder if it's part of VFL :/
10:02.03Guillotineif its not it wouldn't be that hard to make
10:02.09Guillotineat all
10:02.15Guillotinethats what TTN does
10:03.29Shirikthere it is.... it is indeed in VFL
10:03.37Shirikpretty simplistic
10:03.49Shirikfunction strcolor(r,g,b,a) if not a then a = 1; end return format("|c%02X%02X%02X%02X", math.floor(a*255), math.floor(r*255), math.floor(g*255), math.floor(b*255)); end
10:05.16ShirikI find it amusing he used format()
10:05.20Shirikbut not floor()()
10:05.22Shirikfloor() *
10:05.26Shirikor string.format
10:05.45Guillotineheh. I do that type of thing all the time
10:05.48Guillotineinconsistencies ftw
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10:08.54Shiriktoo many |Jelly|s!
10:09.12Elkanojelly beans?
10:09.17Shirik06:08:45  » Join: |Jelly|_ ‹› ‹clones: |Jelly|, |Jelly|_›
10:09.21Shirikshe cloned herself
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10:12.39Shirikshe did it again o.o
10:12.46Guillotinewell, its after 3 here and I have to get up early, so I'm off to bed
10:12.47Guillotinegn all
10:12.53Shirikit's 6:15 here
10:13.05Shiriknight :)
10:13.14Guillotinenight :)
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10:15.46Mr_Rabies what do you think about the latest iteration of my UI, #wowi-lounge?
10:16.08Shirikyou're a scryer
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10:16.36Shirikalso it's pretty nice :)
10:16.48zenzelezzthe minimap lacks a border of some kind (in my taste)
10:16.56Mr_Rabies2it has a little black one
10:17.09Mr_Rabies2/squee border black :P
10:17.17zenzelezznot visible enough for me :-) But that's just my opinion
10:17.19Mr_Rabies2it's hard to tell cause of the "inside building"
10:17.46Mr_Rabiesthere's an exploded view
10:19.20Mr_Rabies24,1[0X4] are debuffs, 4,1[9X4] are buffs
10:19.25Mr_Rabies2oh well
10:19.27Mr_Rabies2you know what i mean
10:19.55Mr_Rabies24,1[0X4] are debuffs, 9,1[0X9] are buffs*
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10:20.27Mr_Rabies2i gotta turn the target bufs down
10:20.32zenzelezzthere's a whole lot of Jelly going on in here tonight
10:21.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
10:21.02*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
10:21.49Shirikhai Cide!
10:21.56Cidehi hi
10:22.01Shirik>>> string.dump(coroutine.wrap)
10:22.01CideShirik: "\027LuaQ\000\001\004\004\004\008\000\018\000\000\000@d:\\lua\\input.tmp\000\025\001\000\000\029\001\000\000\004\000\002\005\016\000\000\000\n\000\000\000D\000\000\000\165\000\000\000\\\000\000\000\"@\000\000D\000\128\000F\000\192\000\134@@\000\196\000\000\001\001\129\000\000\\@\000\002d\000\000\000\004\000\128\001\000\000\000\000^\000\000\001\030\000\128\000\003\000\000\000\004\008\000\000\000sethook\000\003\000\000\000\000\000\000\240?\004\0
10:22.19*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|_ (
10:22.24Shirikdid you take the coroutine.wrap that I gave you a while back?
10:22.31krka>>> string.dump(coroutine.create)
10:22.32Cidekrka: "\027LuaQ\000\001\004\004\004\008\000\018\000\000\000@d:\\lua\\input.tmp\000\001\001\000\000\011\001\000\000\004\000\002\005\028\000\000\000\n\000\000\000E\000\000\000\132\000\000\000\229\000\000\000\\\000\000\000\"@\000\000F@@\000Z@\000\000\022\000\001\128E\128\000\000\134\192@\000\\@\000\001\030\000\128\000\022\000\003\128D\000\128\000\128\000\000\000\\@\000\001D\000\000\001F\000\193\000\134@@\000\196\000\128\001\001A\001\000\\@\000\002E\128\0
10:22.42krka>>> string.dump(coroutine.resume)
10:22.43Cidekrka: [string "string.dump(coroutine.resume)"]:1: unable to dump given function
10:22.48Shirikwow lag
10:22.52Shirikit just took me about 30s to cast inner fire
10:22.58CideShirik: think so
10:23.54Shirikwe were discussing how it might be wrong :P
10:24.13Shirikunable to dump given function?
10:24.32Cideprobably a c function
10:24.48zenzelezz>>> string.dump(string.dump)
10:24.48Cidezenzelezz: [string "string.dump(string.dump)"]:1: unable to dump given function
10:24.50*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|_ (
10:25.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
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10:31.51zenzelezzBlessing of Protection on |Jelly| plz
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10:34.36Shiriknick Shirik|Fooding
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10:40.56Shirik|Foodingmorning clad|sleep
10:41.10clad|sleephow did you know i was here?
10:41.19clad|sleepstalker imo
10:41.23*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|_ (
10:41.33Shirik|FoodingMost users ever online was 9405, 12-06-2006 at 07:43 PM.
10:41.33Shirik|FoodingShirik, aeternum, Alayn, Andor, Arabeth, Athou, Barabas, belgarion456, Bengarion, Binhoberde, BlueSteel, Borhast, caladein, CanRanBan, cataldoc, Cerender, ch1lly, Cladhaire,
10:41.53Shirik|Foodingit has nothing to do with the camera I placed on your desk, really
10:42.06clad|sleepdot dot dot
10:42.41clad|sleepwi mean
10:43.00Shirik|Foodingpeople asked us to Ace RDX a while back
10:43.07Shirik|Foodingprobably 3 months ago or so
10:44.01Mr_Rabies2every time someone asks "pls put this on ace updater plx" or "plx mak tihs into an ace adon plz"
10:44.01Shirik|FoodingI didn't feel like going through and rewriting something like 10klocs of code though
10:44.01clad|sleepthey didn't even ask me to ace it
10:44.01Shirik|Fooding(at least)
10:44.01clad|sleepjust to release it on WAU
10:44.02Mr_Rabies2a puppy dies
10:44.02krkaseems reasonable!
10:44.02Mr_Rabies2clad, i bet he's going to reply
10:44.02Mr_Rabies2"well can u make this into an ace addon plz then"
10:44.02clad|sleepi'll find him and stab him
10:44.21Mr_Rabies2i mean
10:44.47Mr_Rabies2it would be nice if there was something like WUU that wasn't a bitch to get working with more than 20 addons
10:44.58Cidebah, I didn't catch it in time
10:45.01Mr_Rabies2but i don't mind updating my few non-svn addons manually :O
10:45.02Cide10klocs of code though
10:45.11CideShirik|Fooding: welcome to the department of redundancy department
10:45.26Shirik|FoodingI think it's about that
10:45.30Shirik|Foodingthat was more of a rough estimate
10:45.31Shirik|Foodinglet me check
10:45.36CideI meant
10:45.42Cide"loc of code"
10:45.44Shirik|Foodingyeah yeah
10:45.47Cidenewb :P
10:45.53Shirik|FoodingI'm tired leave me alone :(
10:46.06CideI'm hungry leave me al.. oh.. foooood
10:47.20*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|_ (
10:47.42Kasoclad|sleep you should got through a load of ace mods and say "Cool mod, but please make this dongle thanks!
10:48.13Shirik|FoodingCide: 23541 actually
10:48.22Shirik|Foodingeveryone always says ATM machine
10:48.29Shirik|FoodingI should be allowed to say loc of code
10:48.50SunTigerno you should not be
10:48.55Kasopeople who say atm machine are retards, and yo are fully justified in punching them
10:48.57SunTigerand people should stop saying ATM machine
10:49.04Shirik|Foodingcan I say lines of loc?
10:49.06Kasoalso pin number
10:49.06zenzelezzand NIC card
10:49.17Shirik|Foodingor LUA!
10:49.20SunTigerVIP people
10:49.20CideShirik|Fooding: no!
10:49.46Shirik|Fooding06:48:05 ‹Kaso› clad|sleep you should got through a load of ace mods and say "Cool mod, but please make this dongle thanks!
10:49.54Cidesaying "PHP" in itself is redundant and should be punished
10:50.07SunTigerPHP is a seperate issue
10:50.16SunTigerself referencing names are annoying.
10:50.17Cideunless you're referring to "Personal Home Page", that is (lol)
10:51.04Shirik|FoodingI say pin number too :(
10:51.09Cideand now it's PHP: Hypertext Processor, isn't it?
10:51.15krkaram memory, dvd (or cd) disc
10:51.27Shirik|FoodingVIP people I've never heard before though
10:51.33Shirik|Foodingand I don't say NIC card because I say network card
10:51.36Shirik|FoodingI never liked that acronym
10:51.52Kasoi think we should re-name Lua to the acronym "Lua Ultimately [isn't an] Acronym"
10:52.04SunTigerbrilliant kaso, brilliant.
10:52.28Kasoor something else beginning with U, cant quite thing of anything better at the moment :<
10:53.04krkaLUA = Lua Users should know that it's not an Acronym
10:53.10SunTigereverything is better when you put ultra in the name.
10:53.26CideLua: UltrA
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10:53.43Shirik|FoodingLua++ ?
10:53.55Shirik|FoodingLUA = Lua++
10:54.01Kasokrka, i think thats pushing the "this word is part of the acronym but not one of the letters" things a little too far
10:54.02Shirik|Foodingmaybe they'll actually give us a ++ operator this time
10:54.10krkamake a new project called LUA and say you dont know much about it
10:54.39SunTigerLua Uppercase Acronym
10:54.39krkaLua Unleashed on Assholes
10:54.46KasoSunTiger i like that!
10:55.00Shirik|Foodingpurl, what is LUA ?
10:55.20purlShirik|Fooding: what are you talking about?
10:55.21krka"bla bla bla LUA bla bla" - "oh sorry, i dont know much about Lua Unleashed on Assholes"
10:55.21Shirik|FoodingI have a feeling purl isn't casesensitive :(
10:55.30Shirik|Foodingpurl, what is lua?
10:55.37purlShirik|Fooding: what are you talking about?
10:55.51Shirik|Foodingpurl, what is Lua?
10:55.55purlShirik|Fooding: what are you talking about?
10:55.55Cidepurl, what is love?
10:55.58purlCide: what are you talking about?
10:56.06Shirik|FoodingCide: I tried to add that in
10:56.08Shirik|FoodingI did
10:56.17Shirik|Foodingpurl, love is <reply> Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more!
10:56.19purlIf you love is <reply> Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more! so much, why don't you marry it? (oooooh)
10:56.25Shirik|Foodingbut she won't take it :(
10:56.59SunTiger<Shirik|Fooding> Cide: I tried to add that in
10:56.59SunTiger<Shirik|Fooding> but she won't take it :(
10:57.02SunTigeryou dirty bastard
10:57.19Cidemaybe this works
10:57.20Cidepurl, what is love? is <reply> Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more!
10:57.23purlI think you lost me on that one, Cide
10:57.43Shirik|Fooding~set love <reply> Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more!
10:57.57Shirik|Foodingis there a way to get a list of commands?
10:58.32Mr_Rabies2anyone know of any addons that autoswap trinkets while in flight form and mounted :O
10:58.36zenzelezzpurl, \what is love is <reply> Baby don't hurt \me, don't hurt \me, no more!
10:58.39purl...but what is already something else...
10:58.44Shirik|Fooding~topic add love <reply> Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more!
10:58.44purlerror: you do not have enough flags for that. (T required)
10:58.48zenzelezzpurl, \what \is love is <reply> Baby don't hurt \me, don't hurt \me, no more!
10:58.50purlokay, zenzelezz
10:58.56zenzelezzpurl, what is love?
10:58.57purlBaby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more!
10:59.20*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
10:59.32Shirik|Foodingwhat exactly did that do?
10:59.51zenzelezz"what", "is", and words like "me", "I", or nicks get translated
11:00.15zenzelezzif I didn't escape "me", if you had asked for the factoid purl would say "baby don't hurt zenzelezz"
11:00.27Cidethat would've been awesome
11:00.35zenzelezzat least if it works like infobot; which it seems to do
11:01.03purlperhaps you mean blootbot
11:01.03Mr_Rabies2purl, what is a man?
11:01.06purlMr_Rabies2: what are you talking about?
11:01.06Cidebaby don't hurt zenzeless, don't hurt zenzeless, no more
11:01.07Cidehas a nice ring to it
11:01.12purlit has been said that blootbot is an IRC bot written in perl descended from infobot. Hosted on SF. Patches welcome, submit on SF or, or , I am a blootbot
11:01.27Mr_Rabies2purl, \what \is a man is <reply> A Miserable little pile of secrets, but enough talk, have at \you!
11:01.29purlokay, Mr_Rabies2
11:01.30purl:), SunTiger
11:01.43Mr_Rabies2purl, what is a man?
11:01.44purlA Miserable little pile of secrets, but enough talk, have at you!
11:01.53Mr_Rabies2oops i suck at caps
11:02.07SunTigerback on topic
11:02.12Shirik|Foodingon topic, right.
11:02.15Mr_Rabies2no purl, \what \is a man is <reply> A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk, have at \you!
11:02.30Mr_Rabies2dammit i forgot how to change purl
11:02.31Shirik|Foodingah right, ATM machines.
11:02.38SunTigerpurl LUA is <reply> Lua Uppercase Acronym, try looking for lua instead.
11:02.40purl...but lua is already something else...
11:02.47Mr_Rabies2no purl \what \is a man is <reply> A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk, have at \you!
11:02.47SunTigercase sensitivity
11:02.54Shirik|Foodingpurl, no, \what \is a man is <reply> A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk, have at \you!
11:02.56purlShirik|Fooding: okay
11:03.00Mr_Rabies2thanks Shirik|Fooding
11:03.06Mr_Rabies2i keep reading fooding as flooding
11:03.26Shirik|FoodingMr_Rabies: You should always address purl directly, so she doesn't get confused
11:03.29Shirik|Foodingthat's how I remember it
11:03.41Shirik|Foodingi.e., the first word is always purl
11:03.53SunTigeror simply use pm's or use the ~
11:04.05Shirik|Foodingbut I don't think you can do ~no \what is
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11:04.12Shirik|Foodingmaybe you can
11:04.20SunTigeryes you can
11:04.25SunTiger~ replaces purl,
11:05.27SunTiger~no emulate moonwolf is <reply> I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, Call me!
11:05.32purlSunTiger: okay
11:05.41SunTiger~emulate me
11:05.43purlEmulate you? I dont think I can dumb myself down that much!
11:05.54SunTiger~emulate moonwolf
11:05.56purlI hate you, I hate you, I hate you, Call me!
11:06.13SunTiger~emulate cide
11:06.15purlPlease remove this discussion from your consciousness.
11:06.31SunTigeri wonder
11:06.34SunTiger~emulate rowne
11:06.45SunTiger~literal emulate rowne
11:06.47purl"emulate rowne" is "<reply> Abuuuh? || <reply> I'm simply aboggle"
11:06.53Shirik|Fooding~emulate Cairenn|afk
11:07.04Shirik|Foodingwe must fix that
11:07.59SunTiger~whalekill Shirik|Fooding
11:08.01Shirik|Foodingon that note, mcdonald's is open!!
11:08.13SunTigerdamnit no whalekill
11:08.20SunTiger~whalecrush Shirik|Fooding
11:08.29SunTigerwho removed all the whalefu
11:08.32Shirik|Foodingit's there
11:08.36SunTiger~whalestab Shirik|Fooding
11:08.38purlACTION stabs Shirik|Fooding with a rather narrow and pointy whale named Montgomery
11:08.57Shirik|Foodingbut seriously
11:08.58Shirik|Foodingfood time
11:10.27SunTiger~ emulate Cairenn|afk is <action> Secretly watches the channel.
11:10.41purlSunTiger: okay
11:10.41SunTiger~emulate Cairenn|afk is <action> Secretly watches the channel.
11:10.44purlSunTiger: i already had it that way
11:10.57purlaw, gee, SunTiger
11:11.19SunTiger~emulate Cairenn|afk
11:11.23purlACTION Secretly watches the channel.
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11:17.52Mr_Rabies2ok all i care about even thow flying mounts in azoroth would be awsome but blizzard ur a good comony just make it ezer to get the flying mounts serisouly 5000g for traning 200for mount i can stand the 200 but 5000 no i should be able to hop on a mout without training o i need a training to ride a horse and flying mouts too now just lower the prise
11:18.09Mr_Rabies2oh wow forums-chan
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11:23.33KasoI really dont get the winers about 5000g >.<
11:23.48zenzelezzthe solution was simple to me
11:23.53KasoI started playing months after tbc lanuched yet i got a mount before some people i know playing from the start.
11:23.57zenzelezzstick with the slow mount, like I did with the horse
11:24.29Kasoare you a masochist or something !
11:24.40zenzelezzjust a cheap bastard
11:24.46Mr_Rabies2i'm a cheap bastard
11:24.53Mr_Rabies2and i have 2000g after my epic mount
11:25.14Mr_Rabies2and i don't grind/farm for more than 30 mins a day or so
11:25.44Mr_Rabies2and i'm an enchanter who DE's all of his quest rewards/greens
11:26.00Mr_Rabies2and haven't sold a single enchant since bc started
11:26.39Mr_Rabies2okay, so, anyone  know any addons that autoequip appropriate trinkets when mounted or in flight forms? :O
11:27.25Wraanger <<you can get it here
11:28.18Mr_Rabies2doesnt work with flight forms
11:28.35Mr_Rabies2wardrobe works fine with mounts, but not flight forms :[
11:30.10Wraanger << fun update including flight form
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11:31.24Mr_Rabies2it'll work until i can pester AnduinLothar sufficiently :p
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11:40.19zenzelezzthe "how Juggernaut learned Naxxramas" picture still cracks me up
11:41.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (n=test@
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11:47.13Shirik|FoodingElkano: You don't have a US account?
11:47.19*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|_ (
11:48.05Elkanosince I'm playing on EU...
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11:50.36Shirik|FoodingI thought I had seen you post before
11:50.38Shirik|Foodingthat's why I'm confused
11:50.50Shirikalso this jelly spam is totally eating up my screen :P
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11:53.46Shirikx-perl is ace based, ya?
11:54.01[Ammo]don't think so
11:54.35WraangerX-{erl is not Ace2 based ...
11:55.16Wraangerquestion ....what can be improved in ?
11:56.16JoshBorkemake it Ace2 based :_D
11:56.39Shirik... no.
11:56.44krkabest idea today!
11:56.54Wraangerit will be like using intercontinental nuclear missile to sway a fly
11:57.06zenzelezzonly way to be sure
11:57.13Shirikyou can get rid of a few characters
11:57.15Shirikbut that's about it
11:58.16krkayou could avoid changing maps
11:58.16krkathat's generally annoying
11:58.16Shirikthere you go:
11:58.17ShirikI removed 8 sets of parentheses and made your code yugly
11:58.32Shirik>>> print'test'
11:58.32CideShirik: "test"
11:58.36Shirikgood good
11:58.38krkai'd make elapsed a local
11:58.51krkaor technically an upvalue
11:58.59Shirikyou used "this!"
11:59.04Shirikok yes that needs to be fixed
11:59.15krkaand i'd import some functions
11:59.18Shirikreplace "this" with "frame"
11:59.19krkalike GetPlayerMapPosition
11:59.22Shirik"this" is global and evil
11:59.43JoshBorkenot if defined locally :->P
11:59.51Shirik"this" as he used it is evil
12:00.12zenzelezz>>> this
12:00.13Cidezenzelezz: nil
12:00.16zenzelezz>>> self
12:00.17Cidezenzelezz: nil
12:00.21JoshBorkef:SetScript("OnEvent", function(this, event, ...) end )
12:02.49Wraanger better ?
12:03.02Shiriknot f
12:03.13Shirikthe first parameter to OnUpdate
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12:03.37Shirikupvalues are still slower than locals
12:04.00krkayes, but faster than table lookups
12:04.15Shirikyes so it's better than it was
12:04.19Shirikbut not as good as it can be :)
12:04.34krkahow can you handle elapsed as a local?
12:05.04Shirikit's not really a "local"
12:05.14*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|work (
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12:05.20Shirikor maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're asking
12:05.24krkaanother small fix - don't use constant locals for strings
12:05.28Shirikyou want to take frame.update
12:05.35Shirikand make that a upvalue
12:05.40Shirikinstead of an element in frame
12:05.41krkawhat frame.update?
12:05.47krkaare we looking at the same code?
12:05.49Shirikframe.elapsed *
12:05.52ShirikI'm tired :(
12:06.35krkai'd even do local IsVisible = WorldMapFrame.IsVisible
12:06.46krkaand call it with IsVisible(WorldMapFrame)
12:06.49krkaand make that local too
12:07.05krka(technically an upvalue)
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12:07.50JoshBorkethat code looks all wrong
12:07.56JoshBorkerepaste it to me when i get back
12:08.55clad|workLuabot has been enabled, prefix a command with lua> to have me run it.
12:09.20clad|workkrka:lua> nil
12:09.41zenzelezzlua> print(Shirik.."owns")
12:09.41clad|workzenzelezz:lua> [string " print(Shirik.."owns")"]:1: attempt to concatenate global 'Shirik' (a nil value)
12:09.48Wraangerok ..and if we do it like this ?
12:10.16Shiriklocal update
12:10.17Shirik4local left=update
12:10.19ShirikI'm confused by that
12:10.31Shirikupdate is obviously nil, why would you do left = update?
12:11.47Shirikyou forgot to do update = some number
12:11.52Shirikbut once you do that it looks good
12:12.36Wraangeri forgot
12:12.48Wraangerit should be local update=1
12:14.03Wraangerlocal left=update
12:14.03Wraangermy fault
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12:20.27WraangerJosh, new code :
12:21.47Shirikbtw, lines 6-8 are bad, fyi
12:21.55Shirikunless you're just trying to make less to type
12:22.29Josh_Borkei like those lines...
12:22.33Shirikyou may also considering local GetPlayerMapPosition = GetPlayerMapPosition
12:22.48Shirikand local SetMapToCurrentZone = SetMapToCurrentZone
12:24.01Wraangerumm .. surely I can do them as a local , but ..what it would be for ? ( I really don't know that and whant to know, so asking )
12:24.01krkaagree - 6-8 make it slightly slower, afaik
12:24.25krkaand local IsInInstance = IsInInstance
12:24.30Shirik|ShowerWraanger: Those would speed it up
12:24.37krkayou wont have to make table lookups to find the functions
12:24.38Shirik|Showerglobal lookups are as slow as table lookups
12:24.48Shirik|ShowerGETLOCAL doesn't even exist in bytecode
12:24.50krkaglobal lookups _are_ table lookups :)
12:25.32krkai'd localize WorldMapFrame, IsVisible, SetText, format
12:26.01Cairenn|afklol - O
12:26.10Cairenn|afkI'm neither a guy, nor an FBI agent
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12:26.34Shirik|Showeroh fun times
12:26.36clad|workCairenn|afk: LIES
12:26.38Shirik|Showerthat conversation was so long ago
12:26.47krkaCairenn|afk: you'll never convince us
12:27.01zenzelezzI think Cairenn is most certainly an agent in the Female Bureau of Intimidation
12:27.03Shirik|ShowerCairenn|afk: Are you a female?
12:27.14Shirik|ShowerAnd you are on IRC, we can assert.
12:27.16Cairenn|afkShirik|Shower: well duh
12:27.25Shirik|ShowerTherefore, we can deduce that you are a FBI agent
12:27.26Cairenn|afkzenzelezz: ROFL!
12:27.26krkasee, she can't even admit it when asked
12:27.35Shirik|ShowerRule #2 of IRC
12:27.45krka"well duh" is avoiding the question
12:27.49Shirik|Shower03:55:05 ‹Shirik› (2) never, ever, take anyone seriously, especially someone who says they're a 16 year old female virgin
12:28.08Shirik|Showerrule #3 is a corrolary, females don't exist on the interwebz.
12:28.14Cairenn|afkyou'll notice I've NEVER said that :p
12:28.17Shirik|Showerseriously I have to go shower
12:28.40Shirik|ShowerCairenn|afk would kick me but she knows I have autojoin so it would be futile
12:29.48Shirik|ShowerCairenn|afk: Real quick I have to ask
12:29.52Shirik|Showerdo you call it ATM or ATM machine?
12:29.58Shirik|Showersimilarily PIN or PIN number?
12:30.16Shirik|ShowerI think I scared her away :(
12:30.27zenzelezzyou seem to have that effect on girls
12:30.31clad|workyou're talking to an afk woman from the shower
12:30.33clad|workwhat do you expect
12:30.40clad|workNIC CARD
12:30.42Shirik|Showershe really does read everything >.>
12:30.57Cairenn|afkclad|work: 2
12:30.59clad|worki read everythign in the morning too
12:31.02clad|workhelps wake me up =)
12:31.04Shirik|Showerthis is like
12:31.18Shirik|Showerpurl coming back after being afk for 2 hours
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12:32.20Cairenn|afkif my name has been said while I was afk, I always do a search on it so I can find out if it was something serious or something I need to deal with, or whether it was folks just goofing around etc
12:33.03Cairenn|afkseldom, but occasionaly
12:33.25Shirik|ShowerI used to be a lot more serious
12:33.30Shirik|Showerthat's back when I slept
12:33.46zenzelezzserious = people flirting with her behind her back
12:33.55Cairenn|afkrofl zenzelezz
12:34.12Shirik|ShowerI'm not identified
12:34.16Shirik|Showerno wonder nobody's answering me T_T
12:34.59Shirik|ShowerI forget how to link nicks :(
12:35.09Mr_Rabies2/ns help link
12:35.14Shiriktoo hard :P
12:35.22ShirikI like randomly entering commands to NS until it works
12:35.30zenzelezz<N: NickServ> Syntax: LINK <nickname> <password>
12:35.30Mr_Rabies2sometimes i wish i weren't so lazy
12:35.52Shirik|Showerthere we go
12:36.43Mr_Rabies2because i'd love to have a program that uploaded Object Info from wowhead to Cartographer_Treasure or Gatherer or something similar's savedvars  :O
12:37.09Wraangerwhen I try to localize all of the above does not want to work =(( ... says "= expected near x" in line 16
12:37.59zenzelezzto call a function you need ()
12:38.18zenzelezzI think
12:39.08krkaor {, or ", or ', [[, or [=(, or [==[, ...
12:39.19Shirik|Showerwait hold up
12:39.22Shirik|Shower[=( ?
12:39.27krkai meant [=[
12:39.48zenzelezzis he declaring the locals correctly? I'm a bit tired, but it seems like he's calling the functions instead of making them local
12:39.59mikma ->
12:40.01Shirik|Showerdrop the () at the top
12:40.03Shirik|Showeradd the () at the bottom
12:40.17Shirik|Showerlocal SetMapToCurrentZone = SetMapToCurrentZone()
12:40.19Shirik|Showerneeds to be
12:40.21Shirik|Showerlocal SetMapToCurrentZone = SetMapToCurrentZone
12:40.27zenzelezzmikma: pretty nice, is the color configurable?
12:40.43mikmazenzelezz: not yet, that's 100% tinypad atm :D
12:41.13zenzelezzlooking good so far, is it meant to be a small mod just to affect that or part of a larger mod?
12:41.32mikmaerr, I don't know :) haven't thought about that one
12:41.42Wraangerand what about GetPlayerMapPosition ?
12:41.51mikmai could release it as a independent mod if i get a colorpicker coded
12:41.59Wraangerhow correct syntaxis for localising would be looking like ?
12:42.12zenzelezzmikma: I'd use it as a standalone :-)
12:43.38krkasame thing Wraanger
12:43.47krkalocal GetPlayerMapPosition = GetPlayerMapPosition
12:44.35foxlitwhy are you localling a function at all? :)
12:44.46krkait makes it faster
12:44.54zenzelezzanyone remember VB? 'functionname "parameter1", true' if you didn't care about return value, 'var = functionname("parameter1", true)' if you did
12:45.00krkakinda like aceing an addon, except this actually helps
12:45.15foxlitJudging by his code, it's overkill
12:45.19foxlitlua> print("hi")
12:45.20clad|workfoxlit:lua> hi
12:45.29zenzelezzfoxlit: they all told him to
12:45.39krkafor onupdate code, i think it's a reasonable thing to do
12:45.41foxlitlua> GetTime();
12:45.41clad|workfoxlit:lua> [string " GetTime();"]:1: attempt to call global 'GetTime' (a nil value)
12:45.51krkathere's no drawback, really
12:46.20krkaa few bytes
12:46.36foxlitversus a few microseconds?
12:46.55foxlitlua> os.time();
12:46.55clad|workfoxlit:lua> 1181565977,
12:46.57foxlitlua> os.time();
12:46.57clad|workfoxlit:lua> 1181565979,
12:47.00Wraanger look like working version
12:47.01krkanot sure... how long does a table lookup take?
12:47.04foxlitlua> time();
12:47.04clad|workfoxlit:lua> 1181565986,
12:47.18foxlitbah, where are you, millisecond-correct timers
12:47.23Mr_Rabies2ugh you still can't target through stuff that obscures LoS in 2.1.2
12:48.04Wraangerlooks that by localising all of that, 2Kb of memory was freed )))
12:48.15krkalooks good Wraanger
12:49.35Wraangernow as Coords module is done, we can get to doing an actual minimap addon ))
12:50.13Shirikfoxlit: debug timers
12:50.56foxlitlua> for k,v in pairs(debug) do print(k); end
12:50.56clad|workfoxlit:lua> traceback
12:51.33foxlitlua> for k,v in pairs(_G) do if string.match(k, "time") then print(k); end end
12:51.33clad|workfoxlit:lua> difftime, time
12:51.47krkalua>local s="."while 1 do s=s..s end
12:51.48clad|workkrka:lua> maximum memory (5000 KiB) exceeded
12:51.49foxlitlua> difftime
12:51.49clad|workfoxlit:lua> function: 0x302b80
12:51.53foxlitlua> difftime()
12:51.54clad|workfoxlit:lua> [string " difftime()"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'difftime' (number expected, got no value)
12:51.57Wraangerquestion, willit make sense to localise things like GetContainerItemLink ?
12:52.09Wraangerfor a lil module which sells trash items )
12:52.17clad|workkrka:lua> { ["clock"] = function: 0x302b00, ["time"] = function: 0x302d20 } (#1)
12:52.21Shirik>>> return debug.getregistry()
12:52.21CideShirik: [string "return debug.getregistry()"]:1: attempt to call field 'getregistry' (a nil value)
12:52.47foxlitlua> os.clock
12:52.47clad|workfoxlit:lua> function: 0x302b00
12:52.50foxlitlua> os.clock()
12:52.50clad|workfoxlit:lua> 0,
12:52.52foxlitlua> os.clock()
12:52.52clad|workfoxlit:lua> 0,
12:53.07Shiriklua> return debug.getregistry()
12:53.07clad|workShirik:lua> [string " return debug.getregistry()"]:1: attempt to call field 'getregistry' (a nil value)
12:53.25clad|workbecause sandboxes are good ideas.
12:53.26clad|workthat's why
12:53.31Shirikreally I just want to know what that does
12:53.40ShirikI saw it in the documentation with nothing about it :(
12:53.58krkaso download lua
12:54.02ShirikI have it
12:54.12Shirikand I'm trying to work with it but print() doesn't like table values :(
12:54.27clad|workzomg require"Serialze"
12:54.30clad|workrequire "Serialize"
12:54.43Shirik> require "Serialize"
12:54.43Shirikstdin:1: module 'Serialize' not found:
12:54.44clad|workafk for a ew
12:54.52clad|workso write a serialize module
12:54.54clad|worksimple as that
12:55.00clad|worklua -lSerialize
12:55.03ShirikI have one but it's buried in rdx :(
12:56.14foxlitC&C3 patch nerfed nearly every single one of my strategies :(
12:56.34Shirikthat is most definitely a fun function :)
12:57.23Mr_Rabies2what's that addon that blocks invites from certain level ranges?
12:57.43Mr_Rabies2because i'm tired of closing uhttytbbtht's spam 18 times in a row until he finally gets banned
12:58.40Shirikyou could just... report spam?
12:58.41Wraangerquestion ...I understood that using "this" is evil .... what about using "self" ?
12:58.48ShirikWraanger: self is local
12:58.52Shirikdepending on where it comes from
12:58.56Shirikbut 99% of the time it is local
12:59.06Shirik99% of the time "this" is global
12:59.12Mr_Rabies2can't report spam until i join the group or get a whisper from them shirik
12:59.14Shirikand also a pita
12:59.20ShirikI just join the group :P
12:59.26Shirikleave immediately
12:59.27Shirikreport spam
12:59.46Mr_Rabies2installing an addon is simpler than that :O
12:59.55foxlitClicking no is easier too :)
12:59.55Wraangeri was thinking about using self in like self:RegisterEvent and self:SetScript ...
13:00.24Mr_Rabies2clicking no 18 times in a row sucks :[
13:00.38ThraeMake an addon to auto-accept the group invite, then auto-leave if it's 1-10 and not on your Friends or Guild list.
13:00.52Mr_Rabies2i'd rather ignore invites from levels 1-50
13:01.07foxlitOr make a repeated reject invite
13:01.24Mr_Rabies2there's one out there
13:01.27Mr_Rabies2i just don't know its name
13:01.28foxlitIf you've rejected an invite in the last 1 minute from the person, reject any subsequent requests
13:01.28ThraeWell, the addon could automatically create a spam report that way.
13:01.55Mr_Rabies2i'd rather just block it and let all the people too lazy to install addons report them
13:02.00ThraeAh, so many things on my todo list...too bad I've never been harrased by gold sellers.
13:02.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Foxbot (
13:02.11ThraeThen I'd have more motivation ;)
13:02.13Mr_Rabies2happens 5-6 times a day or so
13:02.14Mr_Rabies2for me
13:02.22ThraeYou're a Level 70?
13:02.27Mr_Rabies2Thxuasihd has invited you to group
13:02.32Mr_Rabies2Thxuasihd has invited you to group
13:02.42Mr_Rabies2until he gets banned
13:02.53foxlitNever had that :)
13:03.01foxlitStill, sticky reject would solve everything
13:03.33Mr_Rabies2well i usually just decline unsolicted invites as a rule anyway
13:03.35Mr_Rabies2even by guildies
13:03.37ThraeNote that not all Level 1s inviting you into their group are harrasing you -- I've randomly invited people when I can't find test subjects for real-world testing ;)
13:03.53ThraeAlthough I usually stick to people who are also 1-10, they tend to accept more often
13:04.00Mr_Rabies2if they're not gonna bother telling me why they're inviting me, i'm not interested enough to go
13:04.45Mr_Rabies2i've got pretty much no reason to accept invites from levels 1-50
13:04.51Mr_Rabies2or even 1-60 honestly
13:05.13ThraeAwww, you make the 59 Druid sad
13:06.00Mr_Rabies2what use do i have of a 59 druid?
13:06.04Shirik09:04:00 ‹Thrae› Note that not all Level 1s inviting you into their group are harrasing you -- I've randomly invited people when I can't find test subjects for real-world testing ;)
13:06.11Shirikat least I limit that to my own guild ><
13:06.14Mr_Rabies2there's not possibly anything he could do that inviting me to a group would help with :O
13:06.28ShirikI need to test my hax
13:06.37Mr_Rabies2and if you'll send me a whisper before-hand and you need me to reset an instance, or whatever, i'll happily do that
13:06.48ThraeThat reminds me of another addon idea I had..."Spammo", it spams everyone in the currently open /who list with a message.
13:06.50Shirikdon't need that anymore but yeah
13:06.57Mr_Rabies2but geez, ask first :P
13:07.05ThraeShirik: I tend to always pick guilds where everyone is busy or offline...
13:07.31ThraeIn fact, there's a good population in my guilds who are "morally against addons"
13:07.50Shirikimo we should make a developers guild
13:08.00Shirikmuch like was on TBC beta
13:08.32ThraeThere are a few developers guilds out there, they're just too scattered...not like the Ace, Khaos, CT, etc. community could all get together and be one big happy family ;)
13:08.57Mr_Rabies2people should just get over that junk
13:09.04Mr_Rabies2whoa calm down killer
13:09.18Shirikcaps = hurt eyes
13:09.43Pacsoz didnt know it was on
13:09.48Mr_Rabies2you can't get it anymore, no
13:09.51Mr_Rabies2it ended in like
13:09.56Shirik3 months ago
13:10.00Mr_Rabies2or january
13:10.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
13:10.29ThraePac, stop being an ass. If you "didn't know caps was on", the first message you typed and sent would have clued you in.
13:10.54clad|workThrae: there are two guilds
13:10.55clad|workRegister For Save
13:10.59Shirik09:02:09  » Quit: |Jelly| ‹› ‹SendQ exceeded›
13:11.01clad|workand Load On Demand
13:11.01Shirikpoor jelly :(
13:11.03clad|workI'm in both of them =)
13:11.09clad|workuse them all the time, actually
13:11.16Shirikof course I never got invited
13:11.20ShirikI'm not one of the cool club
13:11.24Thraeclad|work: Servers?
13:11.33clad|workthis is all posted in the stickies in the forums
13:11.34clad|workand on wowi
13:11.38ThraeBoth are on Draka?
13:11.43ThraeWell, I never read anything.
13:11.49Shirikyeah who reads stickies anyway
13:11.56Mr_Rabies2:/ spamsentry uses a lib not included in standalonelibs :(
13:11.58krkadoes freenode have any auto kicking for certain phrases?
13:12.03clad|workyeah, there's an alliance and a horde guild
13:12.11clad|worki can invite you to either
13:12.16*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
13:12.19Shirikwhich is Load on Demand?
13:12.20clad|workther eis a running raid going since like.. 1.07
13:12.23clad|workstill hasn't shut down =)
13:12.31clad|worki need to log in to check, one sec =)
13:12.35Thraekrka: No, that's handled by a channel's bots. I think there are some generic ones running around, like purl, who can help with channel maintenance.
13:12.51Shirik09:12:21 ‹krka› does freenode have any auto kicking for certain phrases?
13:12.56krkais purl set up for that?
13:12.56Shiriklolcode will soon be added to this
13:13.01Shirikpurl would need +o to do that
13:13.09Wraangerquestion .... as I understand, even local table lookupas generally eat moe memory than just hardcoding the values, yes ?
13:13.16ThraePurl isn't a channel maintenance bot, he is an info bot / party favour.
13:13.18purlThrae: I think you lost me on that one
13:13.18Josh_BorkeWraanger: yes
13:13.25Shirikpurl, be quiet
13:13.27purlAh, shuddup.
13:13.33clad|workLoad On Demand is the alliance guild
13:13.49Wraangerummm ... need to think than ))
13:13.53ShirikI need a new name :(
13:13.57ShirikI can't make a female shirik
13:14.23Thraeclad|work: Which has the most devs from curse-gaming on it? I'll pick the other. Oooo, dev-ism!
13:14.48ThraeShirik: Because your name closely matches "Shirk" from the Zelda series, who was female?
13:14.59Mr_Rabies2i thought it was Sheik
13:15.18ThraeSomething like that, it had Sh--k, all Sh--k names are alike to me
13:15.27Shirikimo female names end in a vowel
13:15.38Shirikand are multi-syllabic
13:15.41ThraeJust like Ge---e can be George, Geode, etc.
13:15.46ThraeAll the same!
13:16.04zenzelezzhow about Karen?
13:16.04ThraeShirik: Erm, that's romance language thinking.
13:16.14Shirikaddon error spam ftl
13:16.23ShirikSpamSentry definitely does not like new characters
13:16.32ThraeGermanic names don't have to end in a vowel
13:16.36Shiriknor does bongos
13:16.53ThraeIn fact, they don't even need vowels
13:17.07zenzelezzthat sounds more like Slavic languages
13:17.09ThraeThere are probably Norweigan women named Frghgl
13:17.21zenzelezzno, we have no words or names without vowels
13:17.35ThraeYes you do, you crazy Fjords
13:17.46zenzelezzname one
13:18.01ThraeLook, your F and j are touching in an unnatural way! That's just crazy right there!
13:18.11ThraeI rest my case.
13:18.21krkafj is a common combination!
13:18.28zenzelezzwe have a lot of crazy things about out language, but we still always use vowels
13:18.48*** join/#wowi-lounge drc|away (
13:18.53Josh_Borkezenzelezz: i once had a conversation with a pair of teenagers who never used vowels
13:19.13ThraeActually, now that I think about it, 'j' must have had some special meaning in the ancient Norse language.
13:19.16zenzelezzI r teh suck at English phonetic spelling, but I believe Fj is close to Phy (y as in "year")
13:19.29ThraeIt's used in words like "Fjord", and "Mollinjir"
13:19.31Mr_Rabies2Fjord with umlats and stuff
13:19.33Shirikload on demand does not exist :(
13:19.37Mr_Rabies2Mjollnir isn't it
13:19.39zenzelezzwe don't do umlats
13:19.41Shirikor rather, nobody online
13:19.46zenzelezzwe have separate letters instead
13:19.52ThraeI use the alternate spelling of that mythical hammer, thank you very much.
13:20.19Mr_Rabies2i love halo fanboys that prononuce the spartan armor as Ma-jol-nur
13:20.31Mr_Rabies2then i give them a history lesson :p
13:20.38ThraeHeh, I remember my old studies of Norse mythology...
13:20.55ThraeThor used a magickal oven mitt to carry the hammer! Haha!
13:21.00ThraeYou crazy Fjords.
13:21.01zenzelezzgo back to the days of Tomb Raider (1), you'd find it funny how many Norwegian teenagers pronounced it "Tom--b Ray--der"
13:21.27Shirikpoor zenzelezz :(
13:21.30Mr_Rabies2you'd find it funny how many english teenagers pronounced it tom--b ray-der
13:21.35Shirikeveryone's making fun of him :(
13:21.47clad|workkrka:lua> 23456
13:21.47Mr_Rabies2er i meant american
13:21.56zenzelezzMr_Rabies2: then it all makes sense
13:21.57Mr_Rabies2but i wouldn't be surprised if the limeys did it too
13:21.59clad|workkrka:lua> please ban me! porn warez hacks cracker nuclear terrorist bomb explosive jihad
13:22.15zenzelezzShirik: that's all right, they all have diminishing returns
13:22.23Shirikin all fairness krka
13:22.34Shirikmost moderating bots will ignore all ops
13:22.41Shirikthat would be a better test on Cide
13:22.54ThraeMr_Rabies2: Yeah, British Teenagers pronounced it "Tum RAy-der" ;)
13:22.54Cidekrka: "please ban me! porn warez hacks cracker nuclear terrorist bomb explosive jihad"
13:23.11Shirikhow long did it take you to look up the code for that?
13:23.20krkai used this:
13:24.45krkaclad and cide are quiet... the fbi probably has them by now
13:25.41Shirikno, just Cairenn|afk
13:25.56Mr_Rabies2British teenagers probably pronounced it "Toom RIDUH, you kno, dat game wit da layrah crawft with dose huge knockuhs"
13:26.20Mr_Rabies2i can't think of any english colloquialisms for breasts right now so i'm going to go with knockers and hope i'm right
13:26.39krkajeff seems to like breasts
13:26.49krkaoliver says puppies
13:27.17Pacmilk juggs
13:30.06Mr_Rabies2someone run some crazy virus checks on this, i'm too paranoid to do it myself
13:30.17Shirikvirus checks are overrated
13:30.18Shirikbut ok
13:30.38Mr_Rabies2alternatively i'll wait for more people to hit it up
13:30.53Shirik"This download is temporarily unavailable"
13:31.00Mr_Rabies2maybe some of the dummies from the forums will install it
13:31.12Mr_Rabies2and give a report back :O
13:32.52Josh_BorkeIndustrial:  :-P
13:32.58krkajust run it without any privileges
13:33.14Shirikyou all are missing the fact that you have to download it first ><
13:33.38Shirikthe "This download is temporarily unavailable" is somewhat putting a temporary stop in any investigation
13:33.47Shirikjust slightly
13:33.57Mr_Rabies2krka not everyone's using vista yet :O
13:34.05Mr_Rabies2quite the opposite, actually :x
13:35.00krkai am not using vista either
13:35.00Mr_Rabies2how do i run it without any privledges :o
13:35.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
13:35.24krkachange to a user without any rights
13:35.38krkarun it with wine
13:36.16Mr_Rabies2if i was playing on linux, why would i worry about it having a virus in the first place :o
13:36.30krkait's possible, if you're running random executables
13:36.42*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|work (
13:36.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o clad|work] by ChanServ
13:37.31clad|workLuabot has been enabled, prefix a command with lua> to have me run it.
13:44.56*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
13:46.35mikmalua> print"hello baby"
13:46.36*** join/#wowi-lounge xanithon_ (
13:46.36clad|workmikma:lua> hello baby
13:46.46mikmanice :D
13:48.41Shiriklol> HAI
13:48.51Shirikclad|work: get to work on that!
13:49.03Shirikxanithon_: hi
13:49.21clad|workfind me a lua interpreter that i can run on the commandline
13:49.28clad|workand ensure there's no os.execute or arbitrary file writing
13:49.29clad|workand i will
13:49.30clad|workits easy
13:49.42Shirika lol -> lua interpreter?
13:49.53clad|workI just need a commandline lol intepreter
13:49.58clad|worki feed it a .lol
13:49.58Shirikyou said lua :P
13:49.59clad|workit runs it.
13:50.14Shirikwhat if I wrote it :D
13:50.25[dRaCo]some guy wrote a lol interpreter in perl
13:50.27Shirikstandard C
13:50.34clad|worki just need an executable
13:50.38clad|workthat i can run against a file
13:50.42clad|workand capture stdio
13:50.43Shirikif I gave you teh C code could you compile it?
13:50.59ShirikI'll see what I can do ;)
13:52.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
13:52.14krkawould be fun to mod the lua compiler to accept lolcode instead
13:52.36*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (n=MoonWolf@
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13:55.06ShirikI think that'll be my project over the next few days
13:55.26krkaor just a preprocessor to lua
13:56.01Shirik|Jelly|: Welcome back :)
13:56.25Shirikyour internet was so mad last night :P
13:56.27Shiriknot even kidding
13:56.43clad|workShirik: well hurry up
13:56.45Shirikyou must have gotten DCed at least 100 times
13:56.50Thunder_Childreally?, you should always be kidding
13:56.57|Jelly|Yeah. It doesn't like me uploading large things to friends while I sleep.
13:57.06Shirikclad|work: Ok if you rush me
13:57.14ShirikI'll be sure to throw in some buffer overflows you get to work out
13:57.18Shirikwant that? ;)
13:57.20clad|workI'll just blame you
13:57.24clad|workfrom applescript
13:57.29clad|worksay "no output, Shirik fucking sucks"
13:57.51Shirikok WTF!
13:57.58Shirikjust when I was starting to get used to curse again
13:58.05Shiriknow they have ads appear right under your cursor
13:58.08Thraelua> print("no output, Shirik fucking sucks")
13:58.08clad|workThrae:lua> no output, Shirik fucking sucks
13:58.08Shirikright before you click stuff
13:58.12Shirikso you have to click the
13:58.35ThraeShirik: Firefox + noscript is your friend.
13:58.43ShirikI like scripts
13:59.01ThraeWell I think Firefox w/o addons can block that too.
13:59.41Thunder_Childhey ckknight, the pitbull tutorial is up
13:59.59Shirikclad|work: You just want it to accept a file as input (as a parameter) and then output to stdout?
14:00.09Shirikor in from stdin?
14:00.25Shirikthis will be a nice break
14:00.31clad|worki couldn't find the lolcode specs
14:00.36ShirikI haven't had a chance to use C for a while, I was getting disappointed
14:00.38clad|worki thought about it =)
14:00.39krkait has a spec?
14:00.42Shirikyes it does
14:00.49Shirikwell a recommendation
14:01.24clad|worki might be able to breathe after wednesday
14:01.26clad|workand get other projects done
14:01.29krkathe recommendation is to not use it
14:01.32clad|worklike my ajax web based luabot
14:01.42krkaooh... i should make one of those
14:01.48clad|work#lua was asking for one
14:01.53clad|workthere's a ruby interactive tutorial
14:01.58clad|workthey were mentioning it and you the other day
14:02.04Shirikmaybe there isn't a spec
14:02.07Shirikoh well :(
14:02.08krkaright, i remember reading that backlog
14:02.11ShirikI thought I had seen one
14:02.13clad|workI was just gonna adapt my sandbox for it
14:02.14krkamaking it interactive is tricky though
14:02.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Busko (
14:02.18clad|workShirik: you could still do it =)
14:02.25ShirikI still intend to
14:02.27Shirikhi Busko
14:02.48Buskoi was wondering if anyone could tell me where i could get some help with ACE2 and Fubar
14:02.58Buskojust 2 small questions :P
14:03.03Buskooki thanx
14:03.21clad|worklua> print("vhaar: ACE is not an acronym, please use Ace")
14:03.21clad|workclad|work:lua> vhaar: ACE is not an acronym, please use Ace
14:03.46ShirikI think I'll start saying LUA all the time too
14:03.49krkai'm going to start acronyming WORDS at random
14:03.51Shirikeveryone else does
14:04.13*** join/#wowi-lounge dabu (
14:04.15ShirikI think we ALL should
14:04.42krkai think PYTHON is a cool language
14:04.46krkaand SCHEME
14:04.56clad|workoooh WWDC today
14:05.09krkawhat IS WWDC?
14:05.38Shirikthat goes to apple site
14:05.41ShirikI refuse to click it
14:05.48ThraeACE - Actual Certified Egotism.
14:06.13Shirikoh I've heard of this
14:06.33ShirikI think we should start capitalizing BLIZZ as an acronym
14:10.39ThraeBLIZZARD - Blatantly Lively Interactive Zionistic Zoo At centeR Drive
14:11.03Shirikyou can't go taking the last letters
14:11.11ThraeI know, it was a stretch
14:11.18Shirikand I don't even know what that means ><
14:12.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Saroz (
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14:12.33*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
14:12.46ThraeBLIZZARD - Blatantly Livid Irrational Zionistic Zoo Accumlating Rigid Development
14:13.08ShirikI'll accept that
14:13.52ThraeDONGLE - Dangerously Objective No Garbage Library Environment
14:15.01zenzelezzthat can be debated
14:15.22zenzelezzsomeone set up us the sun :-/
14:15.38|Jelly|kk -- gotta take my mom to the hospital; be back later
14:16.00krkaare you gonna have a child / sibling?
14:16.05Shiriksomebody set up us the bomb
14:16.28|Jelly|bblNo -- I might be down a mother and a grandfather in one week though. : /
14:16.38ThraeAnd, of course, LUA - LUA Universal Acronym
14:16.47krkaoh... that sucks, sorry
14:17.04|Jelly|bblIt's not your fault. KK...really leaving.
14:21.03*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
14:24.18Thunder_ChildLUA = Language Underneath Addons
14:24.38zenzelezzthat's actually pretty good
14:24.49Thunder_Childty, took me about 30 sec just now
14:26.16Thunder_ChildACE = Addons Created Easily
14:26.33Xanithonv. nice xD
14:27.05Thunder_ChildBLIZZARD & DONGLE might take me a minute then...time to dry my hair
14:27.09zenzelezzalthough this one is rarely ever mistyped...
14:27.22zenzelezzCOSMOS = Collection Of Several Meaningless Out-dated Scripts
14:28.01zenzelezz(and I'm not taking sides, I use neither Cosmos nor Ace or any collection/framework)
14:29.09ThraeThraemosce ftw!
14:30.00Mr_Rabies2Thunder_Child = Ten huge unicorns nastily denying reality_Chewbacca hates imperial light drives
14:30.03Mr_Rabies2don't know
14:30.13*** join/#wowi-lounge weavor (
14:30.42zenzelezzmy nick usually generates some funky acronyms
14:31.07weavorSo I finelly found you guys
14:31.31zenzelezzwell done
14:31.49zenzelezzbeware of Cairenn
14:32.04weavorwill they eat me?
14:32.17zenzelezzand probably not, but she may bite
14:32.23weavornotice I didnt specify gender.....
14:32.42weavorbiting is ok
14:32.43zenzelezzI am aware of that, but for all her greatness she is not plural
14:32.51*** join/#wowi-lounge DarkBusko (
14:33.06Thunder_Childexcept when pregnant
14:33.27weavoragreed then they may just eat you
14:33.34zenzelezzI don't think that happens very often TC
14:33.59Mr_Rabies2man, that toxic one, TS|Skrom_
14:34.01Thunder_Childbut you dont know for sure
14:34.03Mr_Rabies2it's like, exact
14:34.06*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
14:34.35Mr_Rabies2that video you linked
14:34.37weavorPregnent...Women get pregnent see its when a man and a women love each other very much.....
14:34.45TS|Skrom_which one? i had sound off when I watched it
14:34.48Mr_Rabies2the blood elf/britney spears one
14:34.54zenzelezzyes, but I don't think Cairenn gets pregnant every day
14:34.57zenzelezzthough I have no proof
14:35.05ThraeCairenn gets pregnent every day
14:35.20zenzelezzshe'll enjoy this log
14:35.31ThraeHowever, she has not been pregnant, as far as I know.
14:35.43zenzelezzshe has an offspring
14:36.21ThraeCairenn had her own add-on person at one time?
14:36.37zenzelezzstill does AFAIK
14:36.44TS|Skrom_in that context would a cesarian be a mod, not an addon?
14:36.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Fu-z-logic (n=ma3lstro@
14:37.09Thunder_Childno, the child as an addon
14:37.11mikmai hate colorpicker and myself
14:37.13ThraeAll humans were once add-ons to their mothers, later to become compliations of both parents and the human genom ;)
14:37.31*** part/#wowi-lounge Fu-z-logic (n=ma3lstro@
14:37.46zenzelezza child is more of a merge between a fork of the parents
14:37.49Mr_Rabies2i think my brain just exploded from all the nerdiness eminating from here
14:38.01Thunder_Child~lart Mr_Rabies2
14:38.01purlblasts Mr_Rabies2 with a huge firehose then strangles Mr_Rabies2 with it
14:38.06weavorI resent that Im a geek not a nerd
14:38.25Thraezenzelezz: Hence why incest is wrong -- too many forks from forks cause stack overflow
14:38.41Thunder_Childonly by 2%
14:38.55weavorOk...Now that we have hashed out the problem
14:39.06Thunder_Childbad pun >.<
14:39.19zenzelezzTC loves puns
14:39.23zenzelezzmore than anything
14:39.29Thunder_Child~slay zenzelezz
14:39.40purlACTION brandishes Excalibur!  "With this sword, I vanquish thee, zenzelezz!"  apt lops off zenzelezz's head.
14:39.40TS|Skrom_except maybe ice cream
14:39.52zenzelezzI scream in the sun
14:40.02Thunder_Childthat would make you a vampire
14:40.04Thrae"When a man loves a woman who loves a horse who loves a cow...OK wait, stop, this is getting pretty fucked up here."
14:40.05zenzelezzname the game
14:40.55zenzelezzno-one? It was the name of one of the race tracks in Carmageddon
14:41.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
14:41.10zenzelezzpun on "ice cream in the sun"
14:41.17weavorYeah questions on Forms
14:42.08weavorcan one mod have multiple forms
14:42.10Thunder_Childright zen, because people actuly raced in caramgeddon....
14:42.23[Ammo]I race in carmageddon
14:42.33Thunder_Childi kill
14:42.33zenzelezzI pity the fool that don't enjoy such quality puns
14:42.34TS|Skrom_form or frame
14:42.37[Ammo]in fact it's the only game I play outside of WoW :)
14:42.42[Ammo]carmageddon 2 that is
14:42.49TS|Skrom_or combine their power to be frome
14:42.54Thunder_Childthey have a 3rd
14:42.55zenzelezzthe race name was right there on the screen every time before you entered the race
14:43.07weavorOK...quite new like 2 day's at this so I think form
14:43.34weavorugh spelling
14:44.02weavorMod loads shows main *frame*
14:44.34weavorhave button for another *frame*
14:44.53weavorcant seem to get to load
14:44.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
14:45.03TS|Skrom_did you check your framexml.log file?
14:45.23weavorno ?
14:45.31TS|SkromWould be a good way to check for errors in your xml
14:45.38weavorwhere would I find that again very new
14:46.14weavorIll check now
14:47.12weavorIf it logs anyproblems in the XML I have none
14:47.38TS|Skromyou read the whole thing already eh? :P
14:47.49weavoryes very small 15lines or so
14:48.01zenzelezzwhat do you mean "whole thing"? My FrameXML.log never goes past 10 øomes
14:48.06zenzelezznor lines
14:48.19TS|Skrommines pretty big usually
14:48.36TS|SkromI mean it's a log of every addon being loaded, and I run quite a few
14:48.47zenzelezzI don't :)
14:49.42weavorWell, I disabled most of my mods so I could work on this...only kept a couple on
14:49.43Thunder_Childhmmm..mine is 1693 lines long
14:50.16Thunder_Childalthough quite a number of those lines are "6/10 21:52:22.742 Couldn't find inherited node: VFLFontSmall"
14:50.28TS|Skromweavor no errors in the log typically just means that you didn't leave any tags undone, that the files are loading in the right order (no parenting problems, etc). You could still have issues causing the frames not to show if for example you set the "hidden" tag on one of the frames, or didn't give it any anchors
14:50.53zenzelezzor any visible elements
14:51.18TS|Skrommine's 5436 lines long when I'm playing
14:51.49TS|Skromwhen modding I only load the addon I'm working on, devtools and myDebug
14:51.53weavorok maybe Im just not set yet...but I am using WoWUi Designer, and created 2 Form.xml
14:52.13TS|Skromno offense to whoever made that program but man does it bloat the xml files
14:52.41TS|Skromand I had a hard time getting some parts to even work right for example when adding script tags to the frame
14:53.38weavorForgive me....Im just used to a IDE like MS Dev Enviorment
14:53.59TS|Skromsorry didn't mean to sidetrack the conversation that's just my experience :
14:54.14TS|Skromif you wanna post your xml file to I'm sure someone will look at it
14:54.30TS|SkromI will look too but since I'm not as good someone else will prolly answer before me :P
14:55.48weavorMy. thanks I will but could it be the LUA?
14:55.49krkaweavor: Lua is not an acronym.
14:56.24krkai'm already loving my new irssi script
14:57.32CideLUA hi krka?
14:57.32krkaCide: Lua is not an acronym.
14:57.50TS|Skromwhat if you were simply shouting LUA
14:57.51krkaTS|Skrom: Lua is not an acronym.
14:57.51krkaweavor: Lua is not an acronym.
14:58.04KasoLUA LUA
14:58.05krkaKaso: Lua is not an acronym.
14:58.09weavorDoes someone have LUA script
14:58.09krkaweavor: Lua is not an acronym.
14:58.14TS|Skrommust resist urge to... LUA
14:58.15krkaTS|Skrom: Lua is not an acronym.
14:58.30weavorAnd if aI go to a LUAowl
14:58.30krkaweavor: Lua is not an acronym.
14:59.13Kasoi loLUAre silly
14:59.13krkaKaso: Lua is not an acronym.
14:59.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
14:59.42krkaJosh_Borke: Lua is not an acronym.
14:59.52krkaJosh_Borke: Lua is not an acronym.
15:00.01weavorLUA LUA LUA LUA
15:00.02krkaweavor: Lua is not an acronym.
15:00.20LUAdamn !
15:00.27LUAMy name, LUA doesnt set it off!
15:00.28krkaLUA: Lua is not an acronym.
15:00.32krkapur1: Lua is not an acronym.
15:00.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
15:00.55weavorman thats areal LUAser
15:00.56krkaweavor: Lua is not an acronym.
15:01.52AellaFor some reason, that makes me want to define TINAA.
15:02.04AellaThis Is Not An Acronym.
15:02.23*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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15:02.54TS|SkromI'm thinking of going to Louisianna University of the Arts, you know good old LUA?
15:02.54krkaTS|Skrom: Lua is not an acronym.
15:03.07*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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15:03.20Kasodid we break krka?
15:03.26JoshBorkedid we? LUA
15:03.26krkabreak me?
15:03.29Kasowith all this LUA talk!?
15:03.30krkai broke myself :)
15:04.12TS|Skromleave it to WoW-I lounge to take a positive script and twist it
15:04.13krkaok, try again
15:04.14krkaclad|work: Lua is not an acronym.
15:04.23clad|workin the face
15:04.39clad|workAnyone familiar with \028 \029 \030 and \031 historically?
15:04.41MoonWolfLua Uppercase Acronym
15:04.45krkaappears to be working
15:04.49krkai'll only say it once a minute
15:04.49clad|workI know they're file, group, record and unit seperators
15:04.55clad|workbut what is group?
15:04.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
15:05.09TS|Skromodd I thought they were just sequential numbers
15:05.17TS|SkromLUAearned something new today!
15:05.17AellaTS|Skrom: the characters.
15:05.17krkaTS|Skrom: Lua is not an acronym.
15:05.56MoonWolfbut LUA is
15:05.56krkaMoonWolf: Lua is not an acronym.
15:06.24MoonWolfi know
15:06.32MoonWolflua is moon in portugese
15:06.49TS|Skromwould krka go into self chastisement if he accidently set his message to say LUA is not an acronym?
15:08.09Kaso>>> print("\76\85\65")
15:08.09CideKaso: "LUA"
15:08.10krkaCide: Lua is not an acronym.
15:08.15Kasoyah get told cide!
15:09.47weavorSO then we could call you LUAwolf
15:09.48krkaweavor: Lua is not an acronym.
15:10.29weavorPasted guys
15:11.17Aella>>> "Lua is not an acronym.":upper() -- I is liking this
15:11.18CideAella: [string ""Lua is not an acronym.":upper() -- I is liking this"]:1: unexpected symbol near '"Lua is not an acronym."'
15:12.01Aella>>> ("Lua is not an acronym."):upper()
15:12.02CideAella: "LUA IS NOT AN ACRONYM."
15:12.02CideAella: "LUA IS NOT AN ACRONYM."
15:12.02krkaCide: Lua is not an acronym.
15:12.11weavorNothing wrong with XML im sure, maybe the LUA
15:12.56weavorno LUA is not an Acronym?
15:13.07weavorBUT IT IS!!!!!!!
15:13.08AellaOnly happens once a minute.
15:13.47*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
15:14.20weavordisabled the script maybe...
15:14.29cog|worklike Mac, not MAC
15:14.47OsagasuI think you all have your first meme.
15:15.30JoshBorkecog|work: so, it's not LUA but Lua?
15:15.41TS|Skromweavor I don't find your script on
15:15.46cog|workyep. it's not an abbreviation
15:15.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Bam__ (
15:15.58JoshBorkethat's good to know, i wasn't sure
15:16.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
15:16.19OsagasuLua is a word. LUA is an acronym. Wine is a word. WINE is acronym...  ho hum.
15:16.57Bam__is there a way to programatically figure out if a spell is self-only, friend-only, or enemy-only spell?
15:17.05JoshBorkecog|work: kill-joy
15:17.23Kasoi thought Wine was still an acronym, just one they decided to write with upper case first letter lower rest
15:17.29AellaBam__: Not as far as I'm aware.
15:17.42Bam__Aella: yea seems that way :(
15:18.03Bam__anyone know of an addon or library with that kind of spell data?
15:18.04cog|workthere's a lot of information like that which is all handled server-side and/or C-side
15:18.48Bam__yea, doesn't seem like it can be obtained from the tooltip description either
15:18.50OsagasuTheir personal preference doesn't change the fact that grammatically speaking, acronyms are put in all upper case.
15:19.36Buskohey guys
15:19.43Buskoanyone use moveanything addon ?
15:19.55KasoOsagasu, in england actually that isnt as set in stone, we had a debate abouts this on wowwiki the other day
15:20.59weavorBam___ you can use TargetNearestFriend(); or TargetNearestEnemy(); would basicly disable your spells that couldnt be cast
15:21.00OsagasuBloody brits.
15:21.16Bam__weavor: interesting idea
15:21.47KasoWe like Nato and Unicef and whatnot, but hey thats just us
15:22.08Bam__weavor: ah wait.. those functions are protected, arent they?
15:22.22weavorI use threm in a macro
15:22.25TS|Skromweavor on the xml you posted what isn't happening"
15:22.36Bam__yea but can't use them from an addon I believe
15:22.55Kasomy opinion is it should be captitalised when you say it as letters "RPG", "PHP", "SQL", but when its said like a word, it is treaded like a word, "Nasa", "Nato", "Lua" "Wine" etc.
15:22.58weavorthats only 1 of the forms I have a duplicate that loads another body frame
15:23.20OsagasuOver here they're both in all upper case last I saw.
15:23.25weavorbasicly want two forms
15:23.35*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
15:23.37weavorneed to load one from another
15:23.48JoshBorkeso never LUA?
15:23.53TS|Skromsooo the second isn't loading?
15:24.04TS|Skromare they named the same thign?
15:24.12weavorbut its exactly the same form
15:24.24weavornope form1, and form2 respectivly
15:24.45cog|workKaso: Lua isn't an abbreviation in the first place
15:24.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Foxbot (
15:24.53cog|workit's the portugese word for moon
15:25.15cog|workBut you can use Radar & Laser instead :P
15:25.18TS|SkromI just did a ctrl+f search of your post and don't see form1 mentioned anywhere. where are you naming them?
15:25.26cog|workand Scuba
15:25.33TS|Skromonly name I see is InSiteForm
15:25.50weavorthose are the names
15:26.42Kasocog|work true, i shouldnt have used that example :> LUA is not an acronym!
15:29.35TS|Skromweavor only thing I can see maybe is that alot of your buttons are labled "ButtonChat" or things like that, instead of  "$parentButtonChat"
15:29.40TS|Skromthose names would conflict on the second form
15:30.25weavorso second form would not load because of that
15:30.58TS|SkromIt might load but it wouldn't load the buttons
15:31.13TS|Skromsomeone correct me if I'm wrong of course :P
15:31.20*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
15:31.55TS|Skromfrom the way I understand it though, frame definitions (aka <button name="xx"> are treated as global variables
15:32.03TS|Skromhence you can only have one with a certain name
15:32.36weavorOk so maybe there is a better way....In my XML there is a Body section, I only need to change that part of the GUI...better way of doing this
15:32.42JoshBorkeso LUA is an acronym in here?
15:33.08JoshBorkeaw, he throttles it
15:35.58weavorIt is actully called $parentPanel4
15:39.13purlmooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass, or and
15:39.42*** join/#wowi-lounge dabu (
15:47.41TC-Workingpfft, LUA is an acronym. (07:24:20) (Thunder_Child) LUA = Language Underneath Addons
15:47.41krkaTC-Working: Lua is not an acronym.
15:47.49*** join/#wowi-lounge weavor (
15:49.41TS|Skromweavor I'm looking at line 597 specifically
15:49.58TS|Skrom<Button name="ButtonRoster" text="Roster">
15:50.21TS|Skromtry <Button name="$parentButtonRoster" text="Roster"> see if you get any difference.
15:50.24TC-Workingcog|work, i have no irony
15:50.37weavorAlright one sec
15:51.40TS|Skromalso if teh files are duplicates... this one is set to be anchored at 0,0 in UIParent, if the other is as well, and has identical features... well you may be getting two frames and not even notice  since they'd be right on top of each other :p
15:51.48TC-Workingi am as pure as the driven snow.....why driven?
15:51.48TS|Skromone more thing while I'm thinking about it and before I get distracted by real work again. Are you calling both of the xml files from your toc?
15:52.00*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
15:52.04weavorIn my button script I have :hide(); and :show();
15:52.47weavorIll will have to double check that
15:53.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
15:53.27TS|Skromlaod up the addon devtools (can be found at ) once loaded type /dtframestack
15:53.41TS|Skromwill pop up a window that will show what frames your mouse is hovering on
15:54.00TC-WorkingTS|Skrom, ~devtools is prolly easier
15:54.17weavorK, ill get those and yes the Forms are in my toc
15:54.33TC-Workingfor the whole, what it is and where you can get it statement
15:54.44TS|Skromohh hehe
15:54.57TS|Skrompurl is back I take it?
15:55.25purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
15:55.29*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
15:55.38TC-Workingi would say yes...but a little slow
15:55.49TS|Skromlol well either way I found it for him :P
15:56.11TS|Skrommy pleasure
15:56.39weavorWell Ill see what I can do with the info you gave me appreciate your help and see you again
15:57.01TS|Skromeven if I don't know much beyond getting my own addson coded, I like to help with what little knowledge I do have (which is mainly pointing people to the same places I was pointed to :P
16:01.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
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16:06.07|FF|Im2good4ulol took me like 2 years of lua to uderstand those the functions are the same ( ) :P
16:07.54*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
16:08.22Kaso|FF|Im2good4u ever done ternary operator in lua?
16:08.46|FF|Im2good4umaybe i dunno wut ternary is though :P
16:09.35Kasoif t.var > 5 then t.text = "five" else t.text = "zero" end     becomes    t.text = (t.var > 5 and "five" or"zero")
16:10.47Cideor rather
16:10.53Cidebool_expr ? true_expr : false_expr
16:11.06KasoI love them to bits.
16:11.09|FF|Im2good4u6^ though that only worked in C lol
16:11.31Cidethere's no operator for it in lua, but short-circuit logic makes it work
16:11.35Cide(in most cases)
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16:11.50Kasowhich cases doesnt it work?
16:11.57TS|Skromshort-circuit logic: NO DISASSEMBLE, STEPHANIE
16:11.58Cidewhen true_statement evaluates to false
16:12.11Cidedespite bool_expr evaluating to false
16:14.16Cide>>> true and nil or 5
16:14.16CideCide: 5
16:14.16Cideshould be nil
16:14.16|FF|Im2good4uso basicly (t.var > 5 and "five") returns "five" instead of true ?
16:14.17Cideit returns "five" or false, depending on whether or not t.var is greater than 5
16:14.17Cide>>> t = { var = 7 }; return ( t.var > 5 and "five" )
16:14.17CideCide: "five"
16:14.17Cide>>> t = { var = 4 }; return ( t.var > 5 and "five" )
16:14.17CideCide: false
16:14.30Kasothe ever popular use of it is functionThatRequiresAString(var or "")
16:15.03CideI commonly use var = var or defaultValue
16:15.16Cidewhich is the same principle of course
16:15.29KasoTS|Skrom you nerd
16:16.48|FF|Im2good4uhm i expected (t.var > 5 and "five") to end up in a logical true or fasle but it actualy keeps the real values of then that usefull knowedge
16:17.20TS|SkromKaso it was a moment of weakness
16:17.53Cide"and" returns the left-hand side's value if false, otherwise the right-hand side's value
16:18.00Cide>>> false and 5, nil and 5
16:18.00CideCide: false,  nil
16:18.09Cide>>> true and 5, true and false
16:18.09CideCide: 5,  false
16:18.13Cide>>> true and nil
16:18.13CideCide: nil
16:18.32Cidenote that if the left-hand side's value is false, the right-hand side's value is not even evaluated
16:18.42Cide(commonly referred to as short-circuit logic)
16:19.04|FF|Im2good4uhmm yes i readed that in the manuel but i never though about using it like that :P
16:20.40*** part/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
16:22.56JoshBorke>>> a = function() print("Woot") end;  true and a or nil;
16:22.57CideJoshBorke: [string "a = function() print("Woot") end;  true and a or nil;"]:1: unexpected symbol near 'true'
16:23.11JoshBorke>>> a = function() print("Woot") end true and a or nil
16:23.11CideJoshBorke: [string "a = function() print("Woot") end true and a or nil"]:1: unexpected symbol near 'true'
16:23.13krka>>> false and (function() while 1 do end end)()
16:23.13Cidekrka: false
16:23.17krka>>> true and (function() while 1 do end end)()
16:23.22Cidekrka: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
16:23.24JoshBorkekrka is mean
16:23.26krkaproof of short circuit
16:23.30krkanah, that wasnt mean
16:23.32JoshBorkei heard LUA was a acronym
16:24.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
16:24.39TC-Workinghow come it never works for you JoshBorke
16:24.50JoshBorkei dunno
16:25.05krkai only do it once every 15 minutes at the most
16:25.07JoshBorkekrka just doesn't like me
16:25.16krkaregardless of channel
16:25.17TC-Workingstill it IS an acronym
16:25.22krkain this case, it was triggered earlier in #lua
16:25.22TC-Workingi did prove that
16:26.12TS|Skromholy cow it's almost lunch time
16:26.31TS|Skromodd choice of words now that I think on it.
16:26.48TS|Skromconsidering that depending on where I go for lunch I may very well have a holy cow
16:27.11TC-Workingreally, where can you get your meat with holes in it?
16:27.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
16:27.18TS|SkromWhite Castle
16:27.26TS|Skrom(depending where you live you'll know the name)
16:27.50TS|Skromthe burgers there have little holes like swiss cheese
16:30.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata124 (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
16:30.29TS|SkromKrystal burger if you have them is similar (dunno about the holes though :D)
16:30.40TC-Workingi know the name...they just dont have them out here
16:30.47TC-Workingeither name
16:31.09TS|Skromyeah I think white castle is a midwest thing
16:31.25TC-Workingreally, i thought it was an east coast thing
16:31.42TS|Skrommaybe it's midwest to east :D
16:31.47TS|SkromI'm in ST. Louis and we have WC
16:32.21TC-Workingi'm in cali and i know for a fact it isnt out here...closest thing is the freezer section
16:33.36Kasolua> function modifyFunction(func,stringInFunc,stringToReplace) local funcText = string.dump(func) funcText = funcText:gsub(string.char(stringInFunc:len()+1), string.char(stringToReplace:len()+1)) funcText = funcText:gsub(stringInFunc,stringToReplace) local ret,err = loadstring(funcText) if ret then return ret else error(err) end end print(modifyFunction(function() return "This is a test" end,"This is a test","This is a Banana")())
16:33.36clad|workKaso:lua> maximum memory (5000 KiB) exceeded
16:33.52Kasohu? how did i excede 5mb?
16:34.15Kasolua> print"test"
16:34.16clad|workKaso:lua> test
16:34.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Hallucinosis (n=Hallucin@
16:36.38Kasoclad|work, sup with that?
16:36.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
16:37.31Kaso (code with tabs/newlines)
16:37.41clad|workKaso: ?
16:37.50CideCide: [string "function modifyFunction(func,stringInFunc,s..."]:9: binary string: bad constant in precompiled chunk
16:37.57Kasoyah your one doesnt like it cide
16:38.11KasoMy function shouldnt have hit 5mb clad|work it has no loops or whatever
16:38.20Kasojust a couple of string manips and a loadstring
16:38.45Elkanolua> function modifyFunction(func,stringInFunc,stringToReplace) local funcText = string.dump(func) funcText = funcText:gsub(string.char(stringInFunc:len()+1), string.char(stringToReplace:len()+1)) funcText = funcText:gsub(stringInFunc,stringToReplace) local ret,err = loadstring(funcText) if ret then return ret else error(err) end end
16:38.46clad|workElkano:lua> No output
16:38.50Cidenot sure why my code would get that error if it's not a problem with your code
16:39.09Cideare you sure it works?
16:39.27Kasofunction() return "This is a test" end -> modifyFunction() -> This is a Banana
16:39.34Kasoon my stand alone lua that results
16:40.27mikmahas anyone played around with ColorPickerFrame?
16:40.29KasoIm altering the actual compiled bytecode, so i could be some platform differences causing a problem, or something
16:40.41mikmai'm having some interesting problem with 2 colorpickers in same code hehe
16:43.54mikma <- if I use either of the slashcommands, values for another colorpicker gets reset to defaults
16:46.33zenzelezzdoes it show more than one color picker on the screen?
16:47.31mikmanope, just the one picker. but, if i start with ie. backgroundcolor picker (red) and set it to blue, then go to bordercolor picker and set it to green, the backgroundcolor gets reset to red
16:47.47mikmaso it's like set other, another gets reset
16:49.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
16:49.11zenzelezzI'm not familiar with color pickers, so take this with a grain of salt, but it looks like both the slash commands's functions blindly reset the values for the picker, ignoring whatever the previous one did (if it was open)
16:50.14Nom- <-- lol, oops?
16:50.54zenzelezzactually, may just be me misunderstanding
16:51.29Mr_Rabies2i hope that rumor about nihilium being supported by a gold selling company is true :O
16:51.37Mr_Rabies2i loves me some drama
16:51.58AellaDoesn't need to be true to be drama.
16:52.10Cidedoesn't matter anyway
16:52.28Mr_Rabies2it's bigger drama if it's true though :D
16:52.36Mr_Rabies2especially if bans come down the line as a result
16:52.52Mr_Rabies2it'll be bigger than the arena DQs
16:52.57zenzelezzdoesn't matter if they're supported by one as long as they haven't bought from them
16:53.20Mr_Rabies2well, that's what i'm hoping
16:53.29zenzelezzand why?
16:53.31Mr_Rabies2that "supported by" means given gold
16:53.45MoonWolfits not illegal to sponsor a guild even if you are a gold selling company
16:53.51zenzelezzdid their downing the bosses so fast somehow interfere with your play?
16:53.58Mr_Rabies2they have a sponsors section on their site
16:54.02Mr_Rabies2and a supporters section
16:54.02MoonWolfselling gold is also not illegal, only a breaking of the terms of service.
16:54.07Mr_Rabies2the supporters are the gold sellers
16:54.26Mr_Rabies2guilds like that are usually huge drama bombs
16:54.36zenzelezzI've never seen it
16:54.36Mr_Rabies2i don't hope they get banned if they did nothing wrong
16:55.02Mr_Rabies2but if they did i'll be grinning for a while if they get caught
16:55.43MoonWolfLets be very honest here, Blizzard watches high end raiding guilds like a hawk
16:55.49Mr_Rabies2because most of those guilds feel entitled to special treatment and when they're denied they turn into drama bombs
16:55.54GuillotineMr_Rabies2: "that "supported by" means given gold" if they were just given gold, they technically did nothing wrong. If they bought it, then they might have action taken against them
16:55.56MoonWolfif there was something to act on, it would have happend already.
16:56.06*** part/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
16:56.19Mr_Rabies2Blizzard has no way to tell if they purchased it or not
16:56.24|FF|Im2good4uhmm is it posable to scan inside closed Headers on the faction tab (GetFactionInfo())
16:56.35TS|Skromlol omg
16:56.43Guillotineno, you have to open them, scan, close them
16:56.45TS|SkromI just got a gold seller spam whisper
16:56.48TS|Skromso I reported it
16:56.57TS|Skromthen tried to add him to friends list to see how long it takes
16:57.03TS|Skromnot fast enough: "Player not found"
16:57.13Mr_Rabies2yeah, GMs are fast on those reports
16:57.18Guillotinesomeone had probably already reported him as well
16:57.26Mr_Rabies2i think one of my addons is supressing my report option
16:58.27TS|Skromwonder if they do ip bans on the spammers
16:58.38TS|Skromcould potentially take care of quite a few at once at least for a little while
16:58.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (
16:59.00Mr_Rabies2ip bans tend to be unreliable
16:59.16Mr_Rabies2what if they're playing from a cybercafe
16:59.39TS|SkromI guess that's a possibility but I'm still picturing some sort of sweatshop
17:00.05CideI thought the format of "custom" iterators was iteratorfunc, constant, variable?
17:00.05Mr_Rabies2there's really no reliable thing to do other than keep banning accounts
17:00.36TC-WorkingTS|Skrom, reporting it auto ignores an account, and you cannot add an ignored account to friends list (too lazy to open my browser)
17:00.41TC-Workingerr..not account, but name
17:01.06TS|Skromdidn't know that
17:01.40TC-Workingwell, afaik you cant add an ignored person to your flist...i hanet ever tired it
17:02.23GuillotineI don't think it would quite give that error message though
17:02.40TC-Workinghmm..well i dont know how wow would return that
17:02.40TS|Skromdidn't know it autoignored, guess I should stop reporting my guildmates for being assholes
17:02.53Guillotineat least with that function :P
17:02.57TC-Workingspam reoprt are diff than other reports
17:02.57Cide>>> local function iter(a, i) print("iter run"); end local function loop(a) return iter, a, 0; end for key, value in loop({}) do end
17:02.57CideCide: "iter run"
17:03.11TS|Skromit was a joke ;-)
17:03.32TS|Skromgood one!
17:04.51PolarinaStill can't figure out how to have multiple MoneyFrames in a single tooltip.
17:05.50TS|Skrommy humor is lost on you people :P
17:06.27TC-Workingyour right TS|Skrom, so go find it :)
17:07.32TC-Workinganyone know a really really good screen motion capture program?
17:07.33TS|Skromit's a good thing it's lunch time or I'd have to retort
17:07.40TS|Skromfraps, gamevideo
17:07.57TC-Workingfraps isnt good enough, it errors out after getting 4gb of data
17:08.07[dRaCo]using fat32?
17:08.17TC-Workingntfs ofc
17:08.21TC-Workingi do it uncompressed
17:11.27clad|workooh C&C3 coming to the Mac
17:11.40clad|workBF 2142
17:12.28zenzelezz1942 or nothing
17:13.25|FF|Im2good4uis it true that GetWatchedFactionInfo(999) retuns "other" ?
17:14.10TS|Skromsays Stormwind for me
17:14.42|FF|Im2good4uhmm says "other" for me..
17:14.51zenzelezzblank for me
17:15.10|FF|Im2good4uoh so i sid wrong fucntion i mean GetFactionInfo(999)
17:15.33zenzelezzthat gives other for me
17:15.54TS|Skromyep other that time
17:16.46TS|Skromanything >10 for me gives other
17:16.53TS|Skromaka anything past the "inactive" heading
17:16.57|FF|Im2good4uwierd since other is actualy a valid header :P
17:16.59Maldiviain reality it should say "Mana Creature" :)
17:17.15TS|Skrom"other" also shows for GetFactionInfo like 6 or 7 too
17:17.28|FF|Im2good4uyes its a valid header
17:17.29TS|Skromthen Cenarian Circle (I'm a druid) then Inactive, then back to other
17:18.20foxlitSo, playing the new C&C3 patch
17:18.34Maldiviathe armory is actually quite fun to play around with :)
17:18.46foxlitbuilt a mothership, decided to use it to wipe out a few units I didn't need at the time.
17:18.49foxlitBig mistake.
17:18.49*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-WaitingForNam (n=TC-Testi@
17:19.25TS|Skromdude Nam was years ago ;-)
17:19.58foxlitghost it? :)
17:21.11TC-Workingthanks foxlit, always forget about that
17:21.31GnarfozI wonder why they're u sing services that can't display who ghosted the nick and that they did
17:22.37Maldiviaservices knows who did it, it just opt not to show it :)
17:24.14GuillotineMaldivia: yes, playing with the armory IS fun :D
17:24.41MaldiviaGuillotine: well, as long as it's not through the web site :)
17:24.49Guillotineof course
17:24.53zenzelezzconsidering it's still in beta, the armory is starting to look really good
17:24.54Guillotine<3 lua socket
17:25.57Maldiviawell, was too lacy for that, made a simple C# app, for fetching the boss list and thier loot, and to do simple item searches, just to see how fast thier back really was, without the heavy site ontop
17:26.00Kasozenzelezz, except the horrivle performance.
17:26.21zenzelezzperformance can be tuned
17:26.26zenzelezzthe features are great
17:26.37Maldiviathe problem with the performance is that's it's client-side performance
17:27.20Guillotineya. its EXTREMELY fast when you just pull the data
17:27.39*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Waiting4Name (n=TC-Testi@
17:27.50Maldiviait's the browsers generating the sites from the stylesheets that takes ages
17:27.54Guillotinehmm. it really says something that, in the item search, under the options for "Source", crafted isn't a valid option
17:28.22PolarinaHow do I show multiple MoneyFrames within a single tooltip?
17:29.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (
17:29.13GuillotinePolarina: MoneyFrames?
17:29.40MaldiviaPolarina: you have to create your own, since the blizzard one is a single frame only
17:30.12MaldiviaGuillotine: the frame that gets added to tooltips, to show the price of items at vendors
17:30.14PolarinaMaldivia: Yes, but the problem is how to do it correctly?
17:30.33MaldiviaPolarina: look how Blizzard implemented it, and copy it :) ftw
17:30.42Maldiviaprobably the easiest way
17:30.43TS|Skromsomeone explain this to me: [2. Trade] [Whitfire]: Need to find an ALchemist who was 60 pre BC with Transmute Water to Undeath, pst
17:31.05TC-Workingthis is retarded...i can ghost the nick with the pw, but i cant login with it
17:31.26GuillotineTS: I think they just doubt that anyone who wasn't 60 pre-BC would have water to undeath. It was a VERY rare drop iirc
17:31.53Maldiviawasn't it from the ghost vendor ?
17:31.58Maldiviaat scholomance
17:32.12TS|Skromso people don't do scholo anymore is what they were saying?
17:32.14Maldiviabut who would sate a transmute on water->undead
17:32.20Guillotineah. must have been a different one that dropped off of the oozes
17:32.44PolarinaMaldivia: Tried that, no luck.
17:33.17TC-WorkingWTB working nickserv
17:33.50clad|workthe WWDC is going on
17:33.52clad|workand WoW just crashed
17:33.57clad|workint he middle of Steve Job's Keynote
17:34.11MaldiviaTC: Working fine here :)
17:34.12Maldiviaclad, hehe
17:34.15TC-Working(10:29:36)  -› [notice from NickServ]: [TC-Working] has been killed
17:34.15TC-Working(10:29:36)  -› Nick changed to: TC-Working
17:34.15TC-Working(10:29:36)  -› [notice from NickServ]: This nickname is owned by someone else
17:34.15TC-Working(10:29:36)  -› [notice from NickServ]: If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
17:34.15TC-Working(10:29:39)  -› [notice from NickServ]: Password Incorrect
17:34.27*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
17:34.30Guillotineworks fine for me
17:34.34zenzelezztry the right password
17:34.40TC-Workingwell it worked for the gost
17:35.17Maldiviayou have single account, or a linked one ?
17:35.19TS|Skromsilly TC-Working, ghosts don't use passwords they are incorporeal
17:35.28TC-Working~lart TS|Skrom
17:35.28purloverclocks TS|Skrom until TS|Skrom burns out
17:35.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (
17:37.00TS|Skromactually it was Water -> Air that is sold at scholo
17:37.07TS|Skromnow I'm even more cofused by that trade tell
17:39.51zenzelezzwhy didn't you just ask him?
17:40.26TS|SkromI'm more secure in myself sounding like a copmlete newb here since you guys already know it
17:40.54TS|Skromthat and he's offline
17:41.40TC-WorkingElkano: Ping
17:42.02TC-Workingis buffbars still in beta?
17:42.29Elkanoif you would have checked WoW forums today... ;)
17:43.08TC-Workingi is there
17:43.50TC-Workingoh, havent yet went down that far, ok, got it thanks
17:44.15MaldiviaElkano, what ever happened to your itemdb addon ?
17:45.51Elkanostill working, why?
17:46.11Elkanotoday I just coded some advanced (but still damn slow) filters
17:46.19Maldiviaok, just because it hadn't seen an update for a very long time :)
17:46.31Elkanowell, I updated it on wowace
17:46.32Maldiviabut then again, not much has happened on that end
17:47.12Elkanobut since I just got you in place: what about EnchantMe?
17:47.23Maldiviait's updated for 2.1 :)
17:47.57Elkanowell wrt ItemDB I extracted data gathering and sharing into a lib and optimized a few parts althoug I should do a recode of what is left besides the lib
17:48.07Maldiviaand made a new addon similar to it, that contains all professions :)
17:48.11Elkanoit is? so I should search for it and update ^^
17:48.28Elkanowell for the latter, there is TradeSkillInfo
17:49.25PolarinaHow do I display multiple MoneyFrames in a single GameTooltip correctly?
17:50.16MaldiviaElkano: ok, I just reused my EnchantMe template, and added all other recipees in the game :)
17:51.42|FF|Im2good4uhm i have a table whit only ["strings"] vars but is there a way to see if my table is still empty or in i added ant ["strings"] = true's ?
17:53.01Cideif ( not next(table) ) then --table is empty
17:53.03Elkanoor local function empty(table) for _ in pairs(table) do return false end return true end
17:53.11Cidedon't use that
17:53.14Cidepairs is a next wrapper
17:53.22MaldiviaPolarina: you'll have to make your own code, I'm afraid - there's no way to have 2 of blizzards show
17:53.29Cidefunction pairs(t) return next, t, nil; end
17:53.51PolarinaMaldivia: Yes, but how do I do it painlessy?
17:54.43MaldiviaPolarina: there's really no painless way to do it, make your own frame, resize the tooltip (add empty lines), anchor your frame to the tooltip
17:54.50TS|Skrombribe someone or for even less pain convince them to do it for free somehow
17:54.52*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
17:55.21PolarinaMaldivia: Yes, yes!!! I KNOW! How do I do it without just making tons of bugs?
17:55.30Maldiviatrial and error
17:55.55TS|Skromhaha I got another gold spam. Reported and added to friends. GOes offline in <2 mins
17:56.25TS|Skromthat's frickin' awesome
17:56.49PolarinaMaldivia: You're not helping.
17:57.15TS|SkromPolarina have you TRIED to make your own yet?
17:57.17MaldiviaPolarina: well, what do you want to me to tell you? we all make bugs, we find them and fix them - that's usually how it goes
17:57.21PolarinaYes, I have.
17:57.30TS|Skromthen post your failure and maybe someoine can help
17:57.39TS|Skromdon't just ask "how do I" without at least showing what didn't work
17:59.26*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
18:00.54MaldiviaPolarina: and the problem is ?
18:01.05PolarinaSee the bottom of the code.
18:01.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
18:01.58MaldiviaPolarina: you're using the moneyframe associated with the tooltip, which the game then later uses..
18:01.58Cidehmm, interesting
18:02.26Maldiviameaning your settings to it are overwritten
18:02.27PolarinaMaldivia: Yeah, I know. I can't find a way around it.
18:03.26Maldiviatry something like: local myMoneyFrame CreateFrame("Frame", nil, GameTooltip, "MoneyFrameTemplate"); and then use myMoneyFrame instead of moneyFrame
18:03.28Cidefor some reason my gmatch call is returning nil every other time
18:03.53Maldiviamissing = before CreateFrame :)
18:04.13Maldiviaofcourse, only make the frame once for every tooltip, keep them in a cache or something :)
18:05.07TS|Skromisn't there a library that comes with enchantrix that does this sort of thing? i.e. helps manipulate tooltips to add info or make a second tooltip below the main?
18:05.31Maldiviaok, have to have a name aswell, can't use nil then :)
18:05.34TS|SkromenhancedTooltip I think
18:07.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
18:07.19*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
18:07.41MaldiviaPolarina: so something like: if not cache[frame] then cache[frame] = CreateFrame("Frame", frame:GetName() .. "ValuationUIMoneyFrame", frame, "MoneyFrameTemplate") end  local moneyFrame = cache[frame];
18:08.13Maldiviaand have cache defined as a table
18:09.32TC-Working" Blizzard changed (IMO broke) the /follow command in the 2.1 patch so that if you are following a stationary target you walk instead of run." If your following a stationary target, why are you moving at all...hell for that matter, why are you /following them
18:10.18PolarinaMaldivia: Can't I store it inside the tooltip like: GameTooltip.ValuationUI_Tooltip ?
18:10.29ElkanoTC-Working, wrt EBB's thread being lower in forums, feel free to stealth bump it ;)
18:10.45TC-Workingi already did bump it
18:10.52TC-Working<-- blorb
18:12.30Elkanooh, forgot to hit f5 ^^
18:13.06TC-WorkingTabsMixPlus for firefox has an auto refresh feature per tab
18:13.12TC-Workingor maybe it;s built in
18:14.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2|away (
18:15.07Elkanobtw: Cide, looking at my tests EBB2 wasn't that bad compared to CTBM... and considering that it has lots more features...
18:15.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
18:15.48TC-Workingare you refering to " I'm going with CT mod, for two reasons. For one, it works a lot better the Elk, and not onl that, but its a lot easier to use."?
18:16.10Cideit was 15 and 273 times worse for me, comparing cpu and memory usage respectively
18:16.20Elkanothat + cide's comment + tests cide had run.
18:16.22MaldiviaPolarina: yes you can
18:16.24Josh_Borkethank goodness i use the old one
18:16.35Josh_Borkeof elkano that is
18:17.20ElkanoCide, runing EBB disembedded and thus not seeing memory consumption occuring in libs EBB had 200kb initial memory compared to 150kb for CTBM but a bit less memory increase
18:17.43ElkanoI didn't have cpu polling active at that time
18:20.53TC-Working"Creating a version of Safari for Windows. Safari 3 runs on Leopard and XP and Vista. How's the performance? HTML performance on XP: IE, Firefox and Safari tested. Running through the benchmark suite, IE gets done in 4.6 seconds, Firefox in 3.7, Safari in 2.2. Javascript: 2.4 for IE, Firefox 1.6, Safari 0.9. "Fastest browser on Windows.""
18:21.54TC-WorkingPublic Beta at "".
18:22.08Maldivianot yet :|
18:22.19TC-Workingi dunno, it's from the keynote speach
18:22.37Maldiviayeah, watching it aswell - already checked the site :)
18:23.44MaldiviaI liked the pricing model :)
18:23.56CideElkano: I had EBB showing 273 times the memory usage increase per second - disregarding ace libaries
18:24.56Elkanofor me ctbm was at 10k increase for the session when EBB was at 8k... using FuBar_UsageFu
18:25.15Elkanocould it be that some of the initilization code for EBB was counted where that of ctbm wasn't?
18:25.18PolarinaMaldivia: It isn't working, eh...:
18:25.56CideElkano: talking usage per second
18:26.10Cidethen again, you most likely only used ctbm, yes?
18:27.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
18:27.10Elkanoyes, I did
18:27.18MaldiviaPolarina: call frame:Show()
18:27.30Cideyeah, see, it uses a library too
18:27.34PolarinaMaldivia: The code does that already..
18:27.36MaldiviaPolarina: to make the tooltip recalc it size
18:27.38Cideso you factored in that for ctbm but not for EBB
18:27.40Elkanoyeah, I know
18:27.47PolarinaMaldivia: The point is, the moneyframe isn't supposed to be there.
18:28.03Elkanobut still, 8kb increase isn't that bad for 1h play time or so
18:28.32MaldiviaPolarina: remember to hide your new moneyframe
18:28.43CideElkano: true, and I never said it was :)
18:28.48PolarinaMaldivia: The point is, where do I do that?
18:29.14Elkanowell, but only seeing a "270 times worse" still makes it look bad ;)
18:29.29Maldiviayou could do it when the tooltip hides? (in OnHide or similar)
18:29.44Elkanoand wrt your lib, iirc it does the things like buff scanning and such, doesn't it?
18:29.51Cideno, it doesn't
18:29.54CideCT_Library does extremely little
18:30.16PolarinaMaldivia: That wouldn't work with the current code as it is... But a little change might do the trick, I guess.
18:30.30CideI do my best to denounce the effects of ace, and I can't say my numbers lie ;)
18:30.43PolarinaMaldivia: How do I put the OnHide part with CreateFrame frames?
18:32.05Cidethen again
18:32.16CideI've never mentioned those numbers outside of developer circles
18:32.34Elkanowell, there still seem to be a few 'memory holes' in Ace2 I think ^^ but it's hard to blame them :/
18:33.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
18:33.29MaldiviaPolarina: hook GameTooltip_ClearMoney, and make that method clear your added money frame aswell
18:33.47Elkanoso wrt ctbm, I'll go with "less features and thus also a bit smaller in memory/performance" though nothing beats a KTM wrt that ;)
18:33.57PolarinaMaldivia: Ok, I'll try that.
18:34.21CideElkano: "a bit"? :)
18:34.29Cideand also, what features does ctbm lack?
18:34.52TC-Workingomen vs. KTM?
18:35.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
18:35.07*** part/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
18:35.32Elkanobuff renaming, groups, pet/focus/target bars, 2x2 fontstring matrix with idividual font settings, ...
18:35.53Elkanodoes ctbm use statusbars or textutures meaning does it suport left2right bars?
18:36.06Cideso yes, it supports l2r
18:36.11KaydeethreeI've got my copy of ctbm going l2r
18:36.40Kaydeethreeand about as small as I can possibly get it. buff icon and time
18:37.00Kaydeethreejust wish I could drop the alpha on the buff icons
18:37.15CideKaydeethree: that's probably not a bad idea
18:37.26CideI'll see if I can add that actually
18:40.07CideElkano: although I imagine the difference in performance will likely increase drastically if you take into account libraries
18:40.57PolarinaMaldivia: Done, but now it shows my current money I hold, (i.e. Current money = GetMoney()).
18:41.04TS|Skromserendipitous. I was thinking of when I should release my addon i just finished. There's a post on the UI forum asking for exactly the functionality I'm providing. If I wanted a clearer sign I'm not sure i'd find one lol
18:41.38Elkanomost likely, yes. though I still think that the resulting numbers wont be as high that you could call them bad.
18:42.35Cidedepends on how you define bad I suppose
18:43.20PolarinaMaldivia: But everything else works as expected...
18:43.28Cidea difference of of 27200% sounds quite nasty to me, for example
18:43.56kergothanyone know of any addons to enhance the UIErrorsFrame?  i.e adjust fade time, number of lines, position
18:44.19Cides/of of/of/
18:44.27Elkanowell, blaming whole Ace2 to a single addon will make that addon lose almost all competitions...
18:45.14TC-WorkingTS|Skrom, what addon?
18:45.22Cideremember that those numbers are without ace2 factored in
18:45.41CideI can only imagine what they would look like *with* ace2
18:46.14Cidebut when I made that comparison people called me an idiot "because ace2 is supposed to be used by multiple addons at once"
18:46.21Cideso I wasn't allowed to do that :)
18:47.49Elkanowell, but I still don't think the 270x holds...though I would most likely have to disembed your lib to get the numbers
18:49.07MaldiviaPolarina: hmm, it's probably the value argument you use
18:49.14TS|Skromsec TC-Working I'm uploading to wow-interface, when it's approved I'll link ya
18:49.24Cidewhich is the only way to make a fair comparison, isn't it?
18:49.31TC-Workingok, just poke Cairenn to get it there :)
18:50.11TS|SkromI'm a patient man :p
18:50.18TC-Workingi'm not
18:50.24PolarinaMaldivia: there's nothing wrong with it.
18:50.46MaldiviaPolarina: try updating the pastey
18:51.07CairennTC-Working: what ARE you on about? it's already approved for pity's sake
18:51.14PolarinaMaldivia: With the current code?
18:51.18MaldiviaPolarina: yeah
18:51.43ThraeCide: I scrolled up and couldn't see when your discussion with Elk became about Ace2 philosophy
18:52.00TS|Skromthanks Cairenn
18:52.11CideThrae: you lost me am i supposed to poke you if your Competent Cairenn
18:52.28Cairennyou aren't, that's the point
18:52.43CideElkano sparked the discussion
18:53.03TC-Workingwell thats just takes all the fun out of it
18:54.25TC-Workingnice TS|Skrom. Now, when will you add more than just spells?
18:54.34TS|Skromsuch as?
18:54.38TC-Workingi want one for water
18:54.53TS|Skromwell bear in mind that this isn't something to make you say it EVERY TIME
18:55.00TS|Skromfor that just use cog's addon
18:55.23TS|Skromthis does it on average once every 2.5 mins for whatever happens to be the spell you are casting at that time
18:55.30TS|Skromno way (yet) to force it for any particular spell
18:56.52TC-Workingyea i want random every time
18:57.30TS|Skromhere's the thread I was talking about: she wanted to be able to say something with overpower, but not every single time she used it
18:57.38MaldiviaPolarina: ahh, it's because the default behaviour of the moeny frames are to display the player's money
18:57.59PolarinaMaldivia: And to change that?
18:58.02ElkanoCide, maybe it is as it's often: there simply is no really god way to compare them...
18:58.22TC-Workingah yea, i saw that one, but i skiped it
18:58.32TC-WorkingQ u o t e:
18:58.32TC-WorkingI wish my lawn was as emo as you, so it would cut itself.
18:58.41CideI would argue that comparing them without ace and without CT_Library favors EBB by an absolutely huge margin
18:58.49MaldiviaPolarina: = MoneyTypeInfo.STATIC;
18:58.59Cideand saying anything contesting that is ridiculous in my opinion
18:59.23Maldiviaor: this = moneyFrame; MoneyFrame_SetType("STATIC")
19:01.18ElkanoCide, why? I think you lib and Ace do almost the same stuff so when it comes to the code itself that could be a way to compare (and turn out that Ace2 isn't that optimal choosen as a lib)
19:01.23PolarinaMaldivia: Won't I screw up the entire thing by changing "this"?
19:01.46CideI think CT_Library does less than a tenth of what ace does
19:01.48Cideout of the box
19:02.21MaldiviaPolarina: depends on your code :)
19:02.42PolarinaMaldivia: I mean, other addons...
19:02.44MaldiviaPolarina: but you can alwasy just use the first method - setting the table entry directly :)
19:02.51TC-Workingis anyone here "Lopeppeppy"?
19:03.03Cideand since ace2 does so much more, offloading that cpu and memory to the specific addons, which means that you get to disregard all of that memory and cpu usage automatically. as such, measuring the performance without libraries in this case hugely favors the ace2 addon
19:03.36Elkanocide depends on what Ace2 is actually used for...
19:03.43Cidehow so?
19:04.08TC-Workinguhh...with following this conversation between elk and cide, did you 2 just switch sides??
19:04.16Cideum, no
19:04.19ThraeCide: ckknight has been making changes to allow profiling of how much resources an addon is using through Ace2, such as making the Event frames attached to each addon.
19:04.24MaldiviaPolarina: could always just back up the contents of this before setting it, and then setting it back afterwards :)
19:04.42ElkanoThrae, iirc this wasn't working as expected so it was reverted
19:04.50PolarinaMaldivia: Or doing this: <Frame name="ValuationUI_Tooltip" inherits="SmallMoneyFrameTemplate" virtual="true" hidden="true"> with the <Scripts> thing and change the 4th argument CreateFrame() to "ValuationUI_Tooltip"?
19:04.51ThraeWell, he's trying ;)
19:04.56Cideand failing
19:04.59MaldiviaPolarina: might have to do moneyFrame.moneyType = "STATIC"; aswell, if you opt for the first version
19:06.01MaldiviaPolarina: which ever way you prefer :)
19:06.12PolarinaMaldivia: Ok, thanks.
19:06.53ThraeAnyway, Cide is right. Using Ace2 will not magically make any addon use substantially less resources, and it's hard to measure it except for what the library authors do on their own unit tests...if they do them.
19:06.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
19:07.07Josh_Borkeunit tests? what're those :-D
19:07.09MaldiviaPolarina: but altering this at the time your hook methods are run, shouldn't affect anything
19:07.13Elkanocide: I use Ace2 for getting the chat command, event stuff, sheduling and DB management, GUI is done with Dewdrop. I don't know how good/bad WoW is with blaming function calls eg wether they are blamed to the addon calling or providing the function...
19:07.27MaldiviaPolarina: since they are run directly, meaning this is out of context at that time
19:07.36TC-WorkingElkano, and textures :)
19:07.38ThraeThere's a lot of "belief" involved in Ace2's design and usage.
19:07.39PolarinaMaldivia: ?
19:08.00Elkanoso most of the code is still in EBB, the question is only if it is correctly blamed
19:08.19MaldiviaPolarina: the global variable is set by the game everytime it calls a script block on a frame
19:08.36ThraeYou can insert your own profiling into your addon if you really want to see what Ace2 is doing
19:08.41MaldiviaPolarina: since all your hooks are run directly, when the addon is loaded, thus not from a script block, there is no "this" (that refers to anything particular)
19:09.21MaldiviaPolarina: so changing "this" at that point doesn't change anything, since when the variable is needed, the game will already have set it to what it's supposed to point to at that time
19:09.21PolarinaMaldivia: Ok, thanks. :)
19:09.59CideElkano: CT_Library is used for event stuff, scheduling and the gui
19:10.11Cidebut I'm pretty sure most of those resources are offloaded to ctbm
19:10.22Cidewell, the gui is the big part obviously
19:10.37Cideand all of those things are irrelevant to cpu and memory usage per second usually
19:11.14Cidepossibly not cpu/sec, but that's the hit you take for using a lot of libraries
19:11.46ThraeI want to know which addon has the record for using the most libraries...without cheating.
19:12.35TC-Workingwhats the range for nameplates to show?
19:12.42Josh_Borkeabout 20 yards
19:12.44Kaso20yrds i think
19:12.47TC-Workingok, thanks
19:13.02Thrae20 yards, 30 yards if you have glasses
19:13.54CideElkano: not sure how it would be blamed in any way but in favor of EBB
19:14.23PolarinaMaldivia: It works! Thank you very much.
19:14.33Cideand given that when I tested this, my "Ace2" addon used over 2.5mb of memory and a lot of cpu and mem per second, so that sounds unlikely at best
19:15.20PolarinaThe impossible has been done.
19:15.27PolarinaThanks you.
19:15.39TC-Workingmy "ace2" routinely uses 5mb+
19:16.07Cidewell, you're using more addons than I was I'm guessing
19:16.15TC-WorkingSI, quite a few more
19:16.25ThraeI think someone tested PitBull against agUF, and found that PitBull actually used a good bit more resources with the same fuctionality enabled (others removed completely), despite it trying to do the contrary.
19:17.06ThraeSometimes rampant modularity and embedding can lead to bloat.
19:17.31Shirikholy storms batman
19:17.44clad|workmodularity ~= sleek and sexy
19:17.51Shirikstupid thunderstorm woke me up :(
19:17.53clad|workespecially when done wrong
19:17.57clad|workShirik: I sent it.. sorry =(
19:18.10TC-Workingit's remove the WTF&addons forlder to go back to basics, yes?
19:18.23ThraeTC-Working: That
19:18.30ThraeTC-Working: That's the most bloat of all!
19:18.42ShirikI love going to accuweather and seeing my entire state covered in red with "greatest severe threat"
19:18.49TC-WorkingThrae, huh?
19:19.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
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19:21.36Shirikthere was a french post on the forums and everybody answered it but me!
19:24.45TS|Skromaaarrgh why the heck do I even bother
19:25.18TS|Skromnever fails I finish my addon, release it and suddenly find at least 10 addons that do the same thing that for some reasoon I never noticed before
19:25.57Maldiviasafari is up now, for people interested :)
19:26.56TC-Working|Jelly|, how is your family doing?
19:28.28|Jelly|Mom has graves disease; Grandfather is being kept alive by O2 : /
19:28.40Shirik" And until you do that, authors like myself will continue to produce the same mods that they always have, and there isn't a damn thing you can do to stop it."
19:28.47ShirikI think that statement summed that up pretty well
19:28.49|Jelly|Which, in the case of my mother sounds a lot worse than it is.
19:28.56Shirikoh really graves disease?
19:28.59ShirikI do too actually
19:29.03TC-Workinghm...dont know that one
19:29.10ShirikTC-Working: It's hyperthyroidism
19:29.13Shirika form of it, specifically
19:29.55ShirikAnd yes, you can go to the hospital for it, most often due to a thyroid storm
19:29.56|Jelly|Yeah. From the small research I was able to do on my phone, it's not nearly as bad as the phone call we got this morning telling my mom that if we couldn't get into see the "ocular specialist" that we needed to go to the ER. lol
19:30.11KasoShirik where was that quote you just posted from?
19:30.15|Jelly|That's pretty much what happened last week. Her eye all but swelled shut.
19:30.48|Jelly|" Dear Everyone Interested in Running Mods:
19:30.50|Jelly|Stop ruining WoW. "  Well. I'm done reading.
19:31.38ShirikI actually didn't read his post
19:31.49ShirikI read "Stop ruining wow" then read about 3 more words as I looked for the reply button
19:32.03ShirikI'd like to think that I"m good at replying without reading
19:32.04|Jelly|It's WALLOFTEXT after WALLOFTEXT which all leads to QQ.
19:32.23Kasoim sure he wrote that like last year
19:32.32Kaso"I can cleanse a debuff off a comrade without clicking a button or knowing the debuff happened in the first place"
19:32.36Kasolol whut?
19:32.39Shirikno you can't
19:32.42Shirikwhere is that
19:32.53Kasosecond para
19:32.57|Jelly|He's just mad that 2.0 broke his "I can hit one button and the game plays it's self" and is going to cry about every mod now.
19:33.26|Jelly|And I find his guild to be lol-able.
19:34.12Elkanocide, I just set up a config running ctbm, ebbs, libs for ebbs and FuBar_Usage:
19:34.46*** join/#wowi-lounge dacoffey_ (
19:34.53TC-Working|Jelly|, are you lope?
19:34.54ElkanoI still don't see something near 270x
19:35.00|Jelly|What's lope?
19:35.07TC-Workingnvm then
19:35.09CideElkano: /shrug
19:35.16Cidethat's what I saw
19:35.40*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
19:35.40ShirikDNS request timed out.
19:35.40Shiriktimeout was 2 seconds.
19:35.40Shirik*** Can't find server name for address Timed out
19:35.44Elkanowell, I don't say you didn't but maybe it really only was some bad blames
19:35.48Shirikmy school sucks at internet.
19:36.11Elkanolike eg the 200kb initialy being blamed as increase or sth like that
19:36.13Shirik*** Default servers are not available
19:36.29Elkanoor Blizzard's profiling is more crap than we thought ;)
19:36.50ThraeGetTime() at start of function, GetTime() at end of function...why not?
19:37.02Industrial~seen Lunessa
19:37.35purllunessa <n=chatzill@> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 1d 21h 29m 26s ago, saying: 'Ciao tutti.  Off to grab dinner and maybe see a movie.  '.
19:38.03Endinteresting, apple ported safari to windows
19:38.05TC-Workingffs Industrial, just move in with lunessa already
19:38.16Cide>>> 4.25/0.03
19:38.16CideCide: 141.66666666667
19:38.34Cide>>> 2.43/0.055
19:38.34CideCide: 44.181818181818
19:38.47Cide>>> 520/84
19:38.47CideCide: 6.1904761904762
19:41.01CideElkano: seeing ~44 times more cpu usage/sec, ~6 times more memory usage (not counting increasing rate, since apparently my version of PerformanceFu can't check that)
19:41.09*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Working (n=TC-Testi@
19:41.26ShirikCide: wtf version of performancefu do you have?
19:41.28Cide140 times more cpu usage from reload (likely caused by a cpu usage spike in the beginning, the ~44x has been stable for a few minutes now)
19:42.36*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Waiting4Name (n=TC-Testi@
19:42.45KarlThePaganarmory would be nice if it didn't freeze my browser so much
19:43.51Shirikit would also be awesome if like
19:43.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
19:44.01Shirikmy internet either (1) went down completely or (2) was working completely
19:44.06Shirikinstead of letting me stay connected to IRC
19:44.09Shirikand not do anything else
19:44.11Elkanook, I just enabled cpu profiling and it seems like it does favour you coding stile since it increased my memory increase over your's
19:44.17Shirikso you all can talk about crap like the armory and I can qq
19:44.18EndKarlThePagan: I'm curious, which web browser do you use?
19:44.26ShirikEnd: I have the same problem, firefox
19:44.32KarlThePaganEnd, Firefox
19:44.43EndI've noticed this too, but it usually isn't very bad.
19:44.53KarlThePaganthe item filter stuff is pretty horrible
19:46.01KarlThePaganthey try to do web-2.0 but... while they're servicing your javascript requests they decode "OH WE'LL MAKE THE BROWSER MODAL KEKEKEKE" and that's the end of it... can't cancel... no progress... just stare at it until you give up and hope you can restore your browser session or don't care enough to try
19:47.01Elkanocide, what did you do while profiling? starting with no buffs and buffing (eg with a priest you can put up sw:f, shield, inner fire, renew, ...)
19:47.01Shiriktotally just clicked the "report post" on Aella's post
19:47.01Shirikinstead of "quote"
19:47.01Endthey dont use that much javascript considering
19:47.02End90% of the work is actually xml/xslt
19:47.02|Jelly|so...back to the wall of text
19:47.18EndI wonder the browser might be waiting for the rest of the xml to load or something (since it can't do anything with part of the xml)
19:47.35KarlThePaganthat's unfortunate...
19:47.35CideElkano: well, without buffs...
19:47.58CideEBB has used 1110x the cpu time ctbm has
19:48.08Endtheir use of xml does make development of armory analysis tools really easy though :P
19:48.12KarlThePaganXML data should ALWAYS be stream processed
19:48.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
19:48.49CideI could not measure cpu usage/second since ctbm was sitting at 0.00%
19:48.49foxlitHere's an interesting tidbit: if you change your useragent to something silly, you can lose the XML part
19:48.56foxlitServer gives HTML
19:49.03Endit'll do the processing server side
19:49.26Cide240x cpu/sec with one buff
19:50.39TS|Skromin light of the ongoing conversation between Cide and Elkano I HAVE to post this thread:
19:50.58Shirikwtb you replacing with the IP so I can read it
19:51.07*** join/#wowi-lounge pastamancer (
19:51.21TS|Skromit's the thread titled Moving standard blizzard frames
19:51.30TS|Skromlike 3rd from the end of the sticky'd
19:51.36Shirikyeah,I can't get to it
19:51.55Cide125x with two, 87x with three...
19:51.58ElkanoDns resolved to ?
19:52.00Cide>>> 518/84
19:52.00CideCide: 6.1666666666667
19:52.17Cidestill 6x memory
19:52.22TS|Skromgah, foiled again
19:52.44|Jelly|pfft. i beat you all!
19:52.47Shirikhey,they used relative urls!
19:52.54Shirikyeah she did :)
19:52.59Shiriknow I can actually read something!
19:53.25Shiriki have recently discovered how boring my life is without the internet
19:53.32TS|Skromhave you tried disconnecting your internet conn, clearing your dns cache and reconnecting?
19:53.41Kaydeethreejust add to your hosts file?
19:53.49ShirikKaydeethree: Too lazy to do that
19:54.03ShirikTS|Skrom: I know it's my school, probably has something to do with that lightning bolt that woke me up
19:54.12ShirikOF COURSE!
19:54.16ShirikWhen I FINALLY find something to do
19:54.17Shirik"Server is busy, please try again"
19:54.21TS|Skromcould ping your dns servers to be sure
19:54.29Shirikoh I've tried that a looooong time ago
19:54.33Shirikit's still running
19:54.37ShirikI'm watching it to come back
19:54.43TS|Skromrequest timed out?
19:55.18Elkanohmm, with ctbm embedded, ebb disembedded and no buff I'm having about 2x cpu for ebb, and mem 0 for both with no buffs up
19:55.34ShirikPing statistics for
19:55.34ShirikPackets: Sent = 376, Received = 0, Lost = 376 (100% loss),
19:55.43Shirikso yeah
19:56.27jmein case anyone missed it:
19:56.27CideElkano: so you're still not running fair tests
19:56.27jme<3 napoleon
19:56.46Elkanowell, problem is that I don't have a fair display since FuBar_Usage is blamed to the libs and I have no disembedded ctbm
19:57.01Cideis blamed to the libs?
19:57.29TS|Skromdo you have access to change your dns addresses? could try using alternates like
19:57.41ShirikI should
19:58.08Elkanowell, since it's Ace2 I can't tell if usage on libs is from EBB or FuBar_Usage. but I'll try to disembed yours now
19:58.29CideI'm not even counting the libs' usage
19:58.36Cidesince I'm running several ace2 mods myself
19:59.31TC-Workingisnt there a freestanding mod that gauges mods useage?
19:59.47Cidethe api?
19:59.57Elkanodoes CT_Library need the localization file?
20:00.23Cideno, that's part of the mod
20:00.38TC-Workingi dunno cide, i just thought there was one.....
20:00.48Cidethere probably is
20:00.58CideI've simply used the api if I need that though
20:01.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Foxbot (
20:01.23ShirikCide: Does CT have any unit frames?
20:01.30Cidedepends on what you mean
20:01.41ShirikI'm not even sure what I mean
20:01.51TC-Working~lart Shirik
20:01.51purlslaps Shirik upside the head with a wet fish
20:01.52ShirikI'm just curious if you've had this lockup problem
20:01.54CideCT_UnitFrames adds customizable health/mana fontstrings to the health/mana bars for player/target/pet/party
20:01.58Cideand so on
20:02.07Cidelock up when joining a raid?
20:02.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Foxbot (
20:02.16Shirikcause I haven't
20:02.22Cideoh yes :)
20:02.23Shirikand everyone keeps blaming it on blizzard
20:02.36Elkanoso with your lib disembedded the comparison should be fairer, shouldn't it?
20:02.41Shirikdo you use any other unit frame mods?
20:02.55CideI spent some 5h debugging it with a blizzard dev a year ago or so
20:03.09Cideand probably 24h+ (active time) other than that
20:03.17CideElkano: probably
20:03.25subbawtI have never had the lockup problem until after 2.1.0
20:03.39ShirikI've never had it.... period...
20:03.54subbawtGrid does it for me
20:04.05Cidemy theory has been
20:04.13TS|SkromI remember when that happened Cide (the lockup problem), you got that sucker nailed and fixed quick lol
20:04.20foxlitThing is, how do you hang wow?
20:04.22CideI've technically proven it by now.. it's not a single one process
20:04.29ShirikFoxbot: while true do end
20:04.38foxlitNobody writes that intentionally
20:05.01CideTS|Skrom: I spent some hours debugging it, yep :P
20:05.02ShirikI don't know
20:05.07TS|Skromnext time I get an ass in my group I'm going to tell him to do that. I'll tell him it'll add to his fps and yowzah's!
20:05.07ShirikI just know RDX seems to be immune to it
20:05.29foxlitTS|Skrom: a = function(a) coroutine.wrap(a)(a); a(a);
20:05.33Shirikand I want to know why
20:05.39ShirikFoxbot: Missing an end
20:05.42foxlitThough while 1 do end is shorter :)
20:05.57ShirikI think we should make an addon
20:06.01Shirikfor /quit = that function
20:06.02TC-Workingfoxlit Shirik, foxlit
20:06.04Cideanyway, what caused it for me was 1) having 40+ raid frames with several children that overlapped, in the same rendering layer as blizzard's party frames -- that called SetFrameLevel(x) 10+ times on RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE - causing 10 full re-render passes on that layer
20:06.07TS|Skromand it's not like those 8 year old retards would know not to do it anyway
20:06.30foxlitFrameLevel for secure frames does stuff I can't even begin to describe
20:06.31Cide2) not hiding the raid roster headers before reconfiguring the attributes - causing a full update of the raid roster for every attribute change
20:06.46TS|Skromincluding when people joined/left
20:06.54TS|Skromthat was the big one for us
20:06.55ShirikI bet that's it
20:07.11ShirikYeah see, I forget details like that
20:07.22Shirikever since we got RDX.Window:new() working perfectly, I forget that stuff now
20:07.31Shirikbut that's not blizzard's fault
20:07.36Cideit's not, nope
20:07.51Shirikwoot I have a dns server now
20:07.53CideI had this happen before 2.x too
20:07.57Shirikthanks TS|Skrom
20:07.58Cideand that was a lot harder to debug
20:08.11Cidethat was a separate issue though that I to this day don't know what fixed
20:08.24Cidethat, if anything, could have been an issue with the game client
20:08.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Nerinia (
20:09.14TS|Skromlol I got a question on my new addon that required "yep" as an answer and I had to make it "yes it does" because you can't leave comments <10 characters XD
20:10.13Cideit only occured when the fontstrings' (that displayed health values on ctra's health bars) heights were within a specific range (i.e. it never happened when the height was >40.32x or something like that)
20:11.07Shirikclad|work: You floating around?
20:11.14clad|workhere and there
20:11.31ShirikI know this won't exactly be easy but
20:11.54ShirikWhen I have both my talents window and my quest log open at the same time, they overlap if I have lightheaded open :( and sometimes I want to see both at once
20:11.58Cidecan you conquer the world? please
20:12.07Shirikbut I know that can be a pain so
20:12.13Shirikjust throwing that out there
20:12.24Cide:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN") imo.
20:12.39Josh_BorkeShirik: do you have a wide-screen monitor?
20:14.21clad|workShirik: i can't/won't fix it right now.. next graphical update should fix it for you
20:14.21Shirikok :)
20:14.21clad|workrewriting part of the code
20:15.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Foxbot (
20:15.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
20:15.35Kaydeethreewow... haven't seen that since the mass-join AV days
20:15.45Kaydeethreean entirely blue map, no lost caps, all the gys and mines alliance-controlled
20:15.50TS|Skromlater folks, quittin' time here!
20:15.59|Jelly|Take it easy
20:15.59TC-Workinglaters TS|Skrom
20:17.13TC-WorkingWTB properly working forums
20:18.08zenzelezzwoot, Cairenn is awake
20:18.09TC-Workingcamn, you got the drop on me
20:18.46TC-Workingi guess i will go bug the nice people over at wowi as well
20:19.59TC-Workingofc, it seems that no matter where i go, i find stupid people
20:20.05Shirikthis is awesome
20:20.12Shirikthe internet has never been this fast before
20:20.21ShirikI imagine everyone else can't connect cause they don't hvae a DNS either
20:20.34ShirikI have a router all to myself :D
20:21.53TC-Workingcant have Shirik feeling happy about his connection, space and time as we know it would shatter
20:22.42|Jelly|That happened the other day/week when he posted a picture of his UI and it was proven that he uses KTM.
20:22.46Elkanook, cide, seems like I have some base usage but smaller per/bar usage where yours increases more per bar. so I'll look into improving that base a bit :)
20:23.00Elkanoso thanks for looking through that anyways :)
20:23.02ThraeI admit it. I use Cosmos, CTRA, and PitBull.
20:23.26|Jelly|Thrae: Stop ruining WoW!
20:24.33CideElkano: I noticed that too; your code seemed to run at constant time.. although while that sounds nice in theory, I don't think that's possible in reality in this case -- your algorithm might reach linear time (with a lower base, as you said) with some optimization though
20:24.44TC-Workinglolz |Jelly| (about deleting the blizz ui)
20:24.52Kaydeethreehah. that thread's funny
20:25.03KaydeethreeI had to restrain myself to say what little I did
20:25.04|Jelly|It's the truf!
20:25.22Thrae|Jelly|: TinyTip is EZ-Mode :(
20:25.37TC-Workingi know, but it's elegant, it's true and it makes him look like a moron
20:25.52Elkanowell, if I read your code correctly when passing over it your bars are objects handeling their updates while in my case the updates are done by a core and the bars only show that data
20:25.53|Jelly|And yes, Kaydeethree, that thread made me lol a little. A translation of her post is "My computer sucks and I'm going to QQ that I can't run mods."
20:25.54Esamynnhmm, I think the thread got deleted
20:26.03|Jelly|Hey now! I <3 TinyTip!
20:26.27TC-Workingindeed, i TT as well
20:26.37CideElkano: correct
20:26.44|Jelly|Hunter is EZ-Mode!
20:26.54CideElkano: what's the difference?
20:26.56Elkanowith EBB supporting multiple bar groups and thus the same buff showing up more than once, your approach wouldn't be working for EBB
20:27.07Cidewhy not?
20:27.38Elkanowell, if every bar would gather it's own data I would have data polled twice maybe
20:27.43TC-Workingyou would be generating it for each bar instead of generating it once and displaying it?
20:27.54Cideupdating the display and gathering data are two separate things
20:28.01Shirik"Yes. It's illegal. In fact, all mods are illegal! You're all just a bunch of botting chinese farmers!"
20:28.06Kaydeethreegah. why is the server busy today? it's monday...
20:28.08Shirik|Jelly| ><
20:28.29foxlit"These performance enhancing add ons "!
20:28.40|Jelly|Shirik: <3
20:28.45Elkanoespecialy when it comes to filtering for the groups having the pregathered data is most likely a bit faster than calling the API over and over again for me
20:28.47Cidein fact, gathering data is done in a separate process and file
20:28.48foxlitAll addons I have are perforamnce reducing :(
20:29.13CideElkano: I'm calling the api once per buff, regardless of how many times it's displayed. you're assuming an inefficient approach is necessary when it's not
20:29.16Elkanohmm... than maybe the addons are more similar than I thought
20:29.47Cidefoxlit: do you have any ace2 addons? if so, I would disagree with your previous statement ;)
20:30.00|Jelly|And people [Sorry Cog] think writing more and more stickies will help people.
20:30.03CideI'm too much of a chicken
20:30.08Cidethat would've been more fun without the ";)"
20:30.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
20:30.51foxlitCide: yes, but that's because some people insist on using Ace2 :)
20:31.40kergothhmm, is there a macro conditional for if you're in a party/raid?
20:31.41Cidefoxlit: well, any and all ace2 addons are by definition performance enhancing, so your previous statement is 100% incorrect
20:31.51foxlitWhat, they make wow run faster?
20:32.05Cideyes indeed!
20:32.26Cidehaven't you heard? latest reports indicate a 87.3% fps increase
20:32.31foxlitDid someone invent perpetual motion while I wasn't looking?
20:32.37ShirikI did
20:32.45Cidekergoth: group, I think?
20:33.02kergoththatd make sense. /me slaps forehead
20:33.15Elkanocide: the funny thing about that ace2 ledgend is that it's rumors spread mainly by users and not coders.
20:33.30Shirikthat's the worst part of it
20:33.37Thrae|Jelly|: That post overloaded the forums =/
20:33.40CideElkano: while partly true, I tend to disagree to an extent
20:33.49foxlitI need to make an Ace2 mod!
20:34.01ShirikElkano: Any time such an issue is spread by users and not developers, bad things happen
20:34.08Shiriksuch as the "Increased memory usage is bad!" myth
20:34.11Cideauthors help spread the rumors a lot, too. it might not be apparent at first, but oh yes, they do
20:34.22ShirikIn Lua, for two equally well written addons, higher memory usage means less CPU cycles
20:34.38Shirikunfortunately users take what information they're given and try to decipher it
20:34.41Shiriktypically incorrectly
20:34.46kergothIncreas*ing* can be, depending.  Increased, no
20:34.53|Jelly|I want someone to make an ACE2(purpose) mod to just bog the hell out of someone's machine. So we can link it every time there's an "OMG! ACE(purpose, again) is zomg bettAr than anything evAr!"
20:35.03Shirikkergoth: note the "equally well written addons" point
20:35.05Thrae|Jelly|: Alright, I added my two cents.
20:35.21Shirikif you cache information, for example, this will always have (1) increased memory usage and (2) saved cycles
20:35.22|Jelly|Thrae: To? The addons ruining WoW post?
20:35.40ShirikMy point is
20:35.48|Jelly|Kergoth: Completely agree.
20:35.49ShirikUsers should stop trying to make development decisions
20:35.50CideElkano: would you say you're in favor of this rumor? do you like it, do you help spread it?
20:35.54Shirikwhen they haven't the slightest clue wtf they're talking about
20:35.58foxlitHm, it's cute
20:36.10Cideactually, any and all ace2 authors in here should answer that question
20:36.13|Jelly|That your way of telling me to STFU, Shirik?
20:36.18foxlitI've written a mod that you can actually ask "is it illegal?!" and be completely serious
20:36.18kergothi think the rumors about ace performance -hinder- the ace2 community as a whole, and its image
20:36.22Shirikyou're not a user anymore, are you?
20:36.27Shirikiirc you did code an addon
20:36.30Shirikthat makes you a developer
20:36.31|Jelly|Technically, no.
20:36.37Cidedo you, as an author, consider yourself helping spreading the rumor that ace2 addons are better, and that end users should use them over non-ace2 addons?
20:36.37ShirikI saw the code
20:36.48|Jelly|I gragieated!
20:36.48Josh_Borkecide:  i've done it
20:36.50Shirikand more specifically if you don't understand something
20:36.54Shirikyou asked questions
20:37.01Shirikunlike most people who just infer from it, typically incorrectly
20:37.13CideJosh_Borke: I mean right now, with any ace2 addons you may have on "the market"
20:37.18kergothA couple of my addons are ace2, and i wrote aceoo, but a bunch dont use ace2 as well.  perpetuating baseless rumors / stats just weakens the image
20:37.35|Jelly|Don't lie. You get tired of my questions! You're just the poor sap that was nice to me once and now, I'm like a leech! 8P
20:37.55Cidekergoth: name one
20:38.07CideJosh_Borke too, if you'd like
20:38.09|Jelly|Thrae: LOL. Thank you. That post was just what I needed.
20:38.10ElkanoWell, a well choosen package of Ace2 addons will often beat a similar non-Ace2 package, especialy when things like combat log parsing is done by multiple addons but simply using Ace2 in an addon doesn't make it better. Though it can make it easier for the coder.
20:38.31CideElkano: forgive me: LOL.
20:39.05Josh_Borkecide:  no, i don't believe that i am spreading rumors that ace is better.  and for the record, i don't have any Ace2 addons
20:39.17CideJosh_Borke: alright, thanks anyway then :)
20:39.22|Jelly|*interrupts* Elkano: I love your mod! I'll nevuh stop using it! <3
20:39.28Elkanocide, I know why I used the term "well choosen" ^^ if you want to proof it, you can. if you want to disproof it, you can, too ^^
20:40.02Cidecan you point out a few of these well choosen packages, and a couple of these similar and non-Ace2 counterparts?
20:40.12CideI'll give you, say.. 10 minutes? 20?
20:40.43Shirik16:38:33 ‹|Jelly|› Thrae: LOL. Thank you. That post was just what I needed.
20:40.44Shirikshow me!
20:40.46Cideto come up with 2-4 compilations on both sides of the fence that meet the requirements
20:40.58|Jelly|Oh man. I just caught on to what's really happening here. Ace2 vs Non-Ace DUEL! *plays the old western music*
20:41.13Cide|Jelly|: welcome to round number 10^99
20:41.13|Jelly|Are you still DNS-less?
20:41.18ShirikI will make only one comment on Ace and one only
20:41.20TC-Workingindeed Cide
20:41.22Shirikno I found a replacement :)
20:41.26kergothheh, dont look at me, elkano made the claim.  i'm likely rewriting my kenergy addon to drop ace2 just cause it doesnt use half of what ace2 provides
20:41.27Kaydeethreemeh. we get enough of this from the ace fanatics on the forums
20:41.34ShirikI am dead sick of users asking me to Ace RDX
20:41.39TC-Workingthis has been hashed more than any mod in existance
20:41.47Shirikwithout having any clue what the implications would be
20:41.52|Jelly|Shirik: roflopotumus!
20:41.59ShirikUsers need to focus less on Ace. Ace is a tool for developers, not users.
20:42.05ShirikAnd it needs to be kept that way.
20:42.17|Jelly|Yeah, I know the Ace v. Non-Ace has been argued over and over again but I've never seen it real-time!
20:42.20TC-WorkingShirik, your a tool ")
20:42.26Cidekergoth: I'm just curious whether or not ace2 authors consider themselves spreading the rumor that ace2 is better for the end user (in the shape of an end-user addon development platform)
20:42.27TC-Workingerr.. :)*
20:42.29Shirikyeah, people use me all the time :(
20:42.46|Jelly|Sorry Shirik! <3
20:42.55Elkanowell, take a package including eg a threat meter, a damage meter, a proximity meter, ... each doing combat log arsing of its own. now simply put that combat log parsing into a single addon providing the data for all others would improve performance, wouldn't it?
20:42.57Shirikincluding that one ^
20:43.10CideElkano: now, find me a few of these packages
20:43.12Shirikso where is this Thrae post!
20:43.15Cide20 minutes.
20:43.21Cidehurry up, you're running out of time.
20:43.22|Jelly|at the bottom!
20:43.24kergothI don't consider myself doing so.  I dislike that the rumor exists at all and think it weakens the community, and the use of ace2 in only one of my addons is representative of the fact that I believe it's just a tool for saving time in the creation of the addon.
20:43.26Shirikoh I see it
20:43.54kergothcourse my opinion isnt as big a deal, my name isnt well known in the community like ck and kael and others
20:43.56Cidekergoth: that's what most ace2 authors feel, I think
20:43.59ElkanoSo for Ace2, choose lost of addons that have synergies like that and choose there common counter parts.
20:44.10Shirik"It boils down to one point -- Playstyle. Some people use W,A,S,D. Some people use the arrow keys. Some people use the mouse. Some people scream at their computer until the vibrations of their voice move the mouse.
20:44.12CideElkano: show me some raw data. go.
20:44.18Shirikis Thrae the last of those?
20:44.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
20:44.24Josh_BorkeShirik: yes
20:44.29CideElkano: just name a couple of packages that meet the requirements, on both sides of the fence
20:44.30Josh_Borkeexcept he farts, instead of screams
20:44.35kergothShirik, the screaming one sounds fun
20:44.37Elkanoand which packages I didn't mean UI compilations uploaded by someone.
20:44.53|Jelly|Jelly has been known to be.
20:45.11CideElkano: waiting... 18 minutes and 12 seconds
20:45.11Elkanowell, I'm using almost only Ace2 addons so I'm not that good a choise for running that competition ;)
20:45.31CideElkano: I just want you to name a few
20:45.41CideI'm not gonna perform any actual tests, so just go
20:45.51TC-Workingyes Shirik, i could have my UI get a pizza and clense it for me
20:45.52Elkanoespeccialy with running about 200 addons myself *hides*
20:46.29CideElkano: waiting.
20:48.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
20:49.25Elkanowell, compare threat (+ Omen maybe) to KTM, Cartographer to hmm, Gatherer + Atlas + AtlasLoot + a mapnote addon + a map revealer + ..., FuBar to Titan, Mendeleev to informant, tinytip to tipbuddy.
20:49.36Cidefind me a package
20:50.17Elkanosome may beat there counterparts, some may be beaten by their counterparts but I thing together the ace2 side would beat the other package
20:50.33Cidecut the theorizing crap now
20:51.14Cideand show me 1 well-chosen ace2 package that utilizes these features and one similar, well-chosen, non-ace2 package that doesn't
20:51.48Josh_Borkecide:  the problem is that there are some ace addons for which there is no well written counterpart
20:51.59Josh_BorkeCide:  see threat.  i think we can all agree that KTM is not well written
20:51.59Cidesuch as?
20:52.08CideI don't care if they're well written
20:52.32|Jelly|But even Shirik uses it!
20:52.32*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
20:52.33|Jelly|Hey God!
20:52.34Shirikthat doesn't mean it's (1) well written
20:52.39Shiriknor does it mean that (2) I like using it
20:52.49krkaJosh_Borke: Lua is not an acronym.
20:52.50|Jelly|(not even I know what I was thinking in that...)
20:52.56TC-Workingwhy do you then?
20:53.03Josh_Borkepeer pressure
20:53.03|Jelly|Guild requirements
20:53.06Shirikwhat was that
20:53.08|Jelly|He buckled!
20:53.15TC-Workingpfft, i tell my guild to stuff it
20:53.16Josh_Borkehe has no spine
20:53.20ShirikI thought maybe krka had some auto-reply to it
20:53.21|Jelly|If he was a teenager, he's be doing dope and having sex!
20:53.30CideElkano: ten minutes have passed - done soon? getting bored :)
20:53.33TC-Workingkrka does
20:53.37TC-Workingbut it has a delay
20:53.43Josh_BorkeShirik: 15 minute delay
20:53.48TC-Working15 mor something liek that
20:53.50Shirikfun :)
20:53.54TC-Workingcrap...cant type today
20:53.56Shirikwhat about PIN number?
20:54.04Elkanowell, as I said, I wont do the search.
20:54.11CideElkano: why not?
20:54.13TC-Workingor ATM Machine?
20:54.45Shirikwoot svn's up
20:54.48Shiriktime to switch computers
20:54.58foxlit"Shirik: please ACE RDX!"
20:54.58|Jelly|some of the forum regulars' bullshit detector isn't in proper working order
20:55.10|Jelly|isn't = aren't
20:55.46Elkanowell, it's hard to tell if an addon is well written without running exessive test and comparing it to other addons doing similar stuff. and that still doesn't mean it couldn't be done better
20:55.57CideElkano: ok, so
20:55.58|Jelly|I wonder how flamed I can get before they catch on.
20:56.01Cidelet's look at what you said again
20:56.06Cide"Well, a well choosen package of Ace2 addons will often beat a similar non-Ace2 package, especialy when things like combat log parsing is done by multiple addons but simply using Ace2 in an addon doesn't make it better. Though it can make it easier for the coder."
20:56.15Cidea few things here that caught my attention
20:56.19Elkanoas you said: theory ^^
20:56.42cog|work|Jelly|: you broke the forums
20:56.43Cide" a well choosen package of Ace2 addons will often beat a similar non-Ace2 package"
20:56.46Cidehow is this a theory of yours?
20:56.55|Jelly|I know.
20:56.57cog|workI keep getting Server is Busy errors ><
20:56.58|Jelly|I'm sorry Cog.
20:57.01Cidesurely you must have tested this with several packages
20:57.19Cidegiven that you know that such packages often beat similar non-ace2 packages
20:57.28TC-Working|Jelly|, see my reply :)
20:57.36Cideyet you can't come up with a single package, ace2 or not, in 20 minutes of time?
20:57.39|Jelly|But this thread broke the internetz :
20:58.00|Jelly|Blorb = you TC?
20:58.24Cidethis is not theorizing - you must definitely have raw data to back up your statement!
20:58.25TC-Workingwe already went over this acronym thing and i won
20:58.45|Jelly|(I really don't care, I mix it up all the time; I'm just bored and wanted to cause a riot)
20:59.05TC-Workingyou should care, makes it more interesting
20:59.11foxlitAsk for blizzard to ban all non-ace mods!
20:59.19foxlit== riot!
20:59.31TC-Workingor what was that thing going around...blizz was going to rewrite the wow ui in cae
20:59.41|Jelly|Why? I couldn't care less if people use ace or non-ace or even if they say that ace is better than non-ace. I use what I want because it works for me.
20:59.47ElkanoI didn't say it's prooven, but from simple thinking: take a bunch of highly optimized addons that have some code doing the same things. by having that code only rune once for all addons it would improve performance, wouldn't it?
21:00.11TC-Workingi meant for screwing around with people
21:00.15CideElkano: "often beat" -- quite poor choice of words for a theory of yours, don't you think?
21:00.32|Jelly|Well. I'm failing at pretending to care with a rampant passion.
21:00.43|Jelly|That sentence didn't really make a whole hell of a lot of sense.
21:00.47*** join/#wowi-lounge gaurong (
21:00.51Elkanoif the number of addons taken in consideration grows larger, the amount of code that can be split of into a lib in order to be run on a shared base increases.
21:00.53|Jelly|And the forums are still broke.
21:00.54TC-Workingi cought it
21:01.02TC-Workingthey are working for me
21:01.08Cideit's quite obvious that you weren't talking about a theory of yours when you typed that out
21:01.12TC-Working...some thing like that
21:01.43CideElkano: in fact, you can't even prove that such a package exists, and even less that a non-ace2 counterpart exists
21:01.46|Jelly|1 post every 60 seconds spread across all the forums is a little excessive
21:02.28Elkanoseing that what I said abouve wrt the ace2 package is a personal statement and I do at least consider the Ace2 libs being (highly) optimized, having a package use them as a shared code base should end up better than dos running their own code side by side without sharing.
21:03.10|Jelly|Kaydeethree: You're no fun.
21:03.14|Jelly|None at all.
21:03.39Kaydeethreemeh. I couldn't lace it with enough sarcasm to get my point across without getting a short vacation from the forums
21:03.58|Jelly|But you were completely helpful with zero sarcasm!
21:04.05|Jelly|That's...too helpful!
21:04.24KaydeethreeI'll edit in my second line of response, then
21:04.25CideElkano: stop trying to defend yourself with nonsense, thanks :)
21:05.30CideElkano: and yes, in theory you are correct. parsing the combat log once instead of thrice is a performance gain. however, you can't come up with a single compilation that utilizes this, nor can you come up with a compilation that doesn't utilize this
21:05.40Kaydeethreejelly; check now
21:05.51CideElkano: which further proves my point that you haven't tested any of this, yet you were acting as if you had - several times
21:06.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed| (n=wingzero@
21:06.22|Jelly|Must have been a great post. It broke the forums. lol
21:06.40foxlitlua> for w in string.gmatch("this is a string","%S+") do print(w); end
21:06.48foxlit>>> for w in string.gmatch("this is a string","%S+") do print(w); end
21:06.48Cidefoxlit: "this",  "is",  "a",  "string"
21:06.55|Jelly|Coming from you, that is borderline epic.
21:07.13|Jelly|If it were to come from me, it would just be jackassery at it's finest. : /
21:09.13|Jelly|TC: Well played.
21:09.24TC-Workingbtw buffbars are not beta anymore
21:09.39MentalPower|Work>>> print(strsplit("This is a string"))
21:09.39CideMentalPower|Work: [string "print(strsplit("This is a string"))"]:1: bad argument #2 to 'strsplit' (string expected, got no value)
21:09.43|Jelly|Fine! I'll edit it!
21:09.53MentalPower|Work>>> print(strsplit("This is a string", " "))
21:09.54CideMentalPower|Work: "",  ""
21:10.00TC-Workingas a matter of fact, go bump
21:10.06TC-Workingi already did it once
21:10.16Cide>>> (" "):split("this is a string")
21:10.16CideCide: [string "(" "):split("this is a string")"]:1: attempt to call method 'split' (a nil value)
21:10.16MentalPower|Work>>> print(strsplit(" ", "This is a string"))
21:10.17CideMentalPower|Work: "This",  "is",  "a",  "string"
21:10.28Cidehm, that's interesting
21:10.31Cide>>> string.split
21:10.32CideCide: nil
21:10.35Cidecog|work: boo
21:10.37MentalPower|WorkI think its wrong...
21:11.02TC-Workingwe are such forum whores....we really should get Lopeppeppy in here
21:11.02Cidethe separator goes first in wow too, MentalPower|Work
21:11.02MentalPower|Workdoesn't strsplit split on whitespace by deafult?
21:11.03TC-Workingso we corodinate
21:11.05Cideoh, hm
21:11.19CideMentalPower|Work: nope
21:11.24|Jelly|TC: I honestly thought at first glance that thread was a keylogger using EBB. I was pretty sad.
21:11.27Cidethe separator is the first argument and it errors when nil
21:11.37|Jelly|And I agree, we need more gnome love in here!
21:11.46TC-Workinghardly what i meant....
21:11.46cog|workCide: that's strange.... string.split = wow.strsplit is in my alias chunk
21:11.47|Jelly|Cog...just doesn't do it for me.
21:11.49MentalPower|Workhmm... oh well
21:12.04Cidecog|work: hmm, maybe I'm outdated
21:13.39foxlitcog|work: your wowlua distribution comes with no lua.dll? :)
21:13.49foxlitOr am I being an idiot and not looking in the right places?
21:13.50cog|workit statically links
21:14.07Elkanowell, Cide, sorry if you got me wrong... I tend to leave out parts that are obviuos to me (but unfortunatly not to others :/ )
21:14.10Kaydeethreedamn it, forums. accept the post
21:14.15foxlitSomething goes a bit wrong if I try to add luasocket to your binaries
21:14.19Josh_Borke~emulate cogwheel
21:14.36purlACTION shakes its fist at the forums...
21:14.39CideElkano: no.. your choice of words makes it quite clear what you meant; not sure how you can twist that into a theory
21:14.54foxlit(lua.exe crashes (windows) upon some http requests)
21:15.00cog|workfoxlit: I use a custom Visual C++ project to compile the binaries.
21:15.02|Jelly|Hmm. Kaydeethree posted. To look or not to look. lol
21:15.23|Jelly|Server busy!
21:15.24cog|workyou can compile it using mingw yourself if you want
21:16.28TC-Workingsafari 3 impressions if your interested
21:16.50Kaydeethreewoot, rare mob with a ilvl103 blue ring on it
21:16.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Lord (
21:17.31Lordi've got a question about patching
21:17.41Lordis there anyone who can help me here please?
21:17.45TC-Workingjust ask
21:17.47cog|workasking to ask is silly
21:18.01Lordi asked who can i ask, not can i ask
21:18.06Lordwhat do i do with mpq files?
21:18.21cog|workWhat are you trying to do?
21:18.24TC-Workingin what way
21:18.27Lordi downloaded a patch that contains two of them, named wow-partial-1 and 2
21:18.40Josh_BorkeLord: wait until you have the entire patch
21:18.41Lordim trying to patch my tbc to 2.01
21:18.45Josh_Borkethe downloader sholud update you
21:19.02Lordi didn't use the blizz game downloader
21:19.09|Jelly|And for the record, the whole "Are you lope?" question TOTALLY just hit me WTF you meant...
21:19.11Lordi got those two from a ftp server
21:19.11Josh_Borkeuse the blizzard downloader now that you've downloaded it
21:19.24Josh_Borkelord:  the blizzard downloader will check it and launch the updater
21:19.35cog|workLord: you need to put them into the Patches\<whatever the name of the patch> folder
21:19.50TC-Workinglol |Jelly|, thats the only other person that posts as much if not more than us
21:20.08|Jelly|She's FAR too helpful though.
21:20.18TC-Workingtrue...maybe we can corupt her?
21:20.21Lordk, will try, thanks for your patience
21:20.22|Jelly|I agree.
21:20.30*** part/#wowi-lounge Shadowed| (n=wingzero@
21:20.30TC-Workingsee, thats why we need her on here
21:20.33|Jelly|The wheels are in motion...
21:21.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
21:21.50|Jelly| In motion indeed!
21:21.59TC-Workingso i see
21:22.08Josh_Borkeok bye
21:22.19|Jelly|Well. I would have linked it like five minutes ago had the forums not eaten my soul.
21:22.25TC-Workinglaters Josh_Borke
21:22.41|Jelly|Take care
21:22.54cog|work|Jelly|: Server is Busy ><
21:23.03TC-Workingi posted tp it
21:23.12|Jelly|It can't handle Cog trying to look at it!
21:23.23|Jelly|Please don't make the internets explode, Cog!
21:23.57foxlit>>> string.match("quit reason", "^quit ?(.+)$")
21:23.57Cidefoxlit: "reason"
21:23.59|Jelly|But thanks all the same...that was pretty important information I left out there, wasn't it?
21:24.03foxlit>>> string.match("quit", "^quit ?(.+)$")
21:24.03Cidefoxlit: nil
21:24.10foxlit>>> string.match("quit", "^quit ?(.-)$")
21:24.10Cidefoxlit: ""
21:24.17foxlit>>> string.match("quit reason", "^quit ?(.-)$")
21:24.17Cidefoxlit: "reason"
21:24.54foxlitHrm, that'd work on quitreason as well. I suppose I can't fix that in a single pattern?
21:30.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
21:30.45cog|work>>> string.split
21:30.46Cidecog|work: nil
21:30.47*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
21:31.44foxlit>>> for k in pairs(string) do print(k); end
21:31.44Cidefoxlit: "sub",  "trim",  "upper",  "len",  "gfind",  "rep",  "find",  "match",  "char",  "dump",  "gmatch",  "reverse",  "byte",  "format",  "gsub",  "lower"
21:31.47Cidefoxlit: did you solve it? if not, what're you trying to match?
21:31.52Cide>>> string
21:31.52CideCide: { ["sub"] = function: 009895A0, ["trim"] = function: 0098A9B8, ["upper"] = function: 009895E0, ["len"] = function: 00989460, ["gfind"] = function: 009893A0, ["rep"] = function: 00989520, ["find"] = fu... (exceeded 200 characters)
21:31.57Cideweak :P
21:32.02foxlitI win <3
21:32.17foxlitTrying to write a catch-all quit pattern for Foxbot
21:32.37foxlitSo that it'd take "quit", the no-reason-given quit, and "quit Some obscure reason" the reasoned quit request.
21:32.57foxlitI ended up doing does message match quit-with-reason? is message "quit"?
21:33.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
21:36.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
21:37.38TC-Workingi wonder A. how much capacity wow's fourms have now. B. if they can double it.
21:38.10Kaydeethreenot enough and I doubt it
21:38.15Lordthnx for your help again, bye everyone
21:39.02TC-WorkingKaydeethree, i will admit runing what they have going takes alot of money...but still, i bet they could if they felt like it
21:39.48|Jelly|I'm just wondering why they're so jacked today. It's MONDAY...NOT patch day!
21:40.02|Jelly|Or is it Tuesday and I didn't get the memo?
21:40.31*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
21:41.39*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
21:41.49TC-Workingheh, SC2 alpha testing is hoging all the bandwith i am sure :)
21:43.35TC-Working*sigh* i still have to post my UI in the forums
21:43.49|Jelly|yeah. yeah you do.
21:44.22TC-Workingbut i want it pretty, with arrows showing what item on the screen is which mod
21:44.38TC-Workingi did it the other day, then it crashed :)
21:45.10TC-Workingerr.. :(
21:45.13|Jelly|I think there should be a sticky that's moderated by say...someone... that's a "Show your UI" but you have to post screenshotS and then a list or a link to what you used to make it. Asking there is almost retarded.
21:45.27|Jelly|Oh and unlimited responses.
21:45.38TC-Workingpost a ss of your UI and ss of your addon folder
21:45.48|Jelly| done
21:46.12|Jelly|...for all intents and purposes, it still looks like that. Subtle changes of course.
21:46.29TC-Workingneed one where you point out, what mod is what
21:46.42|Jelly|Not enough free real estate.
21:46.56TC-Working....what are you talking about?
21:47.05|Jelly|...what are YOU talking about?
21:47.41TC-Workingpicture...little arrows on it, each one pointing to a different ellement on the screen detailing what addon it is
21:48.02|Jelly|And like I said, not enough realestate. lol
21:48.30TC-Workingeven if you have two mods you could do it
21:48.54|Jelly|No. I mean there would be lines EVERYWHERE and after a while, it would get to the point where it would be more confusing that helpful.
21:49.22TC-Workingnot even
21:49.36TC-Workingsend me one of them
21:49.40|Jelly|I fail at typing.
21:49.47|Jelly|With the lines and arrows?
21:49.57TC-Workingplain, i will put the lines and arrows on
21:50.44Shirik|AFKI hate you ><
21:50.55TC-Workingahh..the sound of an adoring fan
21:51.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
21:51.07*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
21:51.11|Jelly|Wait. Say it ain't so!
21:51.34Shirik|AFKI'm hungry but ...
21:51.41Shirik|AFKI don't want to go eat cause there's no internet there now
21:51.46Shirik|AFKthe wireless is apparently down too
21:51.49Shirik|AFKalong with the DNS
21:51.52|Jelly|That's a perfect reason not to eat.
21:55.21Shirik|AFKor mayber
21:55.23Shirik|AFKI get free food
21:55.31Shirik|AFKsince the registers won't be connected to the account system
21:55.32|Jelly|I say you order in.
21:55.40|Jelly|Internets AND food.
21:55.52Shirik|AFKKaydeethree: ?
21:56.14Shirik|AFKdid you just
21:56.24Shirik|AFKyou totally had me confused for like 10 minutes thinking I'm going crazy
21:56.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
21:56.59Kaydeethreeif that's the "mods are bad for you" thread, I was yelling at the op, not you
21:57.09Shirik|AFKI know
21:57.12Shirik|AFKbut you um
21:57.12|Jelly|You like c/p your post. lol
21:57.19|Jelly|And i lol'd/
21:57.26Shirik|AFKand like 2 hours apart too
21:57.30Kaydeethreebah. stupid forums
21:57.36|Jelly|He doesn't mess around.
21:57.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
21:58.03|Jelly|Dear Strongbad!
21:58.40|Jelly|Thanks KD3. Now I look like a double posting crazy person.
21:58.59|Jelly|Well. I suppose if they're all true.
21:59.00Kaydeethreeglad to help
21:59.02Shirik|AFKI think I'm going to start posting on my BE
21:59.05Shirik|AFKso nobody knows who I am
21:59.21|Jelly|We'll totally give you up!
21:59.40foxlitThat gives me an evil idea!
21:59.41|Jelly|And by we, I mean me!
22:01.00|Jelly|*cues the doom music*
22:01.00foxlitIdentify posters based on their writing style programmatically.
22:01.00zenzelezzI don't think there are many French-speaking blood elves
22:01.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
22:01.01Shirik|AFKit's ok, the only french post in like 2 months
22:01.01TC-Working+ check for same realm
22:01.01Shirik|AFKand I missed it
22:01.01Shirik|AFKnot same realm actually ;)
22:01.01foxlitOffrealm twinks are not impossible
22:01.01|Jelly|+sig check
22:01.02TC-Workingdamn, 1 idea down
22:01.02Shirik|AFKyesterday, I had switched to her name
22:01.02Shirik|AFKfor about 30 minutesin
22:01.02Shirik|AFKin IRC
22:01.05|Jelly|Yeah. I noticed.
22:01.29Shirik|AFK022:382:38  » @2Shirik 14is now known as @2Kimina
22:01.29Shirik|AFK032:162:14  » @2Kimina 14is now known as @2Shirik
22:01.34foxlitHey, post "Is this mod Illegal?!" linking to prism!
22:01.58Shirik|AFKwait wtf
22:02.04Shirik|AFKsignatures stay the same across all characters?
22:02.18cog|workhaha n00b
22:02.20|Jelly|Oh and WTF does your sig mean?
22:02.20Shirik|AFKfoxlit: Where
22:02.21foxlitBut they're updated per-post?
22:02.34TC-Workingjust un check it then
22:02.36Shirik|AFK|Jelly| the shakespeare part?
22:02.39cog|workfoxlit: yes
22:02.54Shirik|AFKhehe, /(bb|[^b]{2})/
22:02.59|Jelly|I both tried and failed to figure out it's cryptic message.
22:02.59Shirik|AFKsays "to be or not to be"
22:03.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
22:03.12Shirik|AFKquite literally it says 2 b or not 2 b's
22:03.24foxlitDunno, UI customization or something. I'm not sure it's a good idea, but it'd be a deviation from the standard "is this mod legal?" topics
22:03.25Shirik|AFKit's a regular expression, let's see wiki should have it
22:03.32Shirik|AFK~wikipedia Regular Expression
22:03.36|Jelly|Funny enough, I figured it was that line; just didn't know how it played out.
22:04.06Shirik|AFKyou know like when you do *.jpg
22:04.07Shirik|AFKor something
22:04.16Shirik|AFKthat's a really really simplified version of a regular expression
22:04.16|Jelly|Hey now!
22:04.32|Jelly|Don't get fancy on us here what with your jay pee gees!
22:04.41Shirik|AFKsorry *.bmp ?
22:04.48|Jelly|Much better.
22:05.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
22:05.27TC-Workingit's about time
22:05.36|Jelly|Shirik: [17:05]-->|Lopeppeppy ( has joined #wowi-lounge
22:05.40Kaydeethreeheh. wow froze while I was in AV. got ported out and I didn't get deserter
22:05.41cog|workhi peppy :)
22:05.53LopeppeppySaid I was a noob, didn't I?  Took a bit to figure out my stuff.
22:06.22|Jelly|Seriously...if you only had a link to the topic where I was asking all kinds of noob questions to Shirik and Cog.
22:06.37TC-Workingsome of us were NEVAR noobs
22:06.44Shirik|AFKlike Iriel
22:06.45|Jelly|nevAr, eh?
22:06.45cog|worklike iriel
22:06.47Shirik|AFKIriel was born gode
22:06.58|Jelly|That's pretty...nevAr....
22:07.00TC-Workingalong with slouken
22:07.04LopeppeppyI've had to earn my godhood the hard way.  *sniff*
22:07.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
22:07.17|Jelly|By c/p and patience?
22:07.22|Jelly|...I'll never get my Godship.
22:07.26Shirik|AFKsetmetatable(Shirik, {__index = God})
22:07.39|Jelly|setmetatable(Shirik, {__index = Nerd})
22:07.47Shirik|AFKboth are probably true
22:07.59foxlit>>> Shirik = setmetatable({}, {__index = God}); print(Shirik.brain);
22:07.59Cidefoxlit: nil
22:08.27*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
22:08.29LopeppeppyCopy and paste is the essence of customer service... 6 years retail management, baby.
22:08.30cog|workfoxlit: God is undefined
22:08.32TC-Working~8ball will |Jelly| get godhood?
22:08.48purlAre you smoking crack?
22:08.48Shirik|AFKfoxlit: That's not fair, you gave me nothing to start with :(
22:08.56cog|workpurl, wb
22:08.59purlIt's great to be back!
22:08.59GuillotineI think thats a no
22:09.12|Jelly|Lopeppeppy: How did you manage without /wrist-ing?
22:09.20purlACTION rolls the eight ball and gets: My reply is no
22:09.37LopeppeppyJelly: I wore bracers to work?  :P
22:09.48|Jelly|Oh man.
22:09.53purlRemember, emo kids, it's down the street, not across the road!
22:10.10foxlitin more ways than one
22:10.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
22:10.45foxlit>>> SV
22:10.52|Jelly|I suppose I was lucky. When I had to talk to people, I wasn't forced to play layman and infact spoke over their heads so they wouldn't want to talk to me in the future. I miss that job.
22:10.54Shirik|AFKSV == SavedVariables
22:11.10foxlit>>> print(type(SV));
22:11.18cog|workuh oh...
22:11.19Shirik|AFKso I'm really, really sorry to ask
22:11.25cog|worki think you broke Cide
22:11.27Shirik|AFKwhy does everyone know Lopeppeppy except me :(
22:11.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
22:11.36LopeppeppyJelly: I did some of that, but my raid mates need a more gentle touch.
22:11.40|Jelly|Because you're only a Forum troll where as we're forum assholes.
22:12.04Shirik|AFKI only read stupid posts as of late
22:12.06Shirik|AFKit's depressing
22:12.08Shirik|AFKyes, I'm not really here
22:12.19|Jelly|By the way, I'm speaking for myself here; anyone else can chime in at any time.
22:12.26foxlit>>> print(type(SV));
22:12.26Cide-foxlit: "table"
22:12.31Shirik|AFK|Jelly| no I'm pretty sure you got it right
22:12.36foxlit>>> SV.SV = SV;
22:12.36Cide-foxlit: nil
22:12.44Shirik|AFK>>> SV
22:12.44TC-Workingyep <-- asshole
22:12.44Cide-Shirik|AFK: { ["GetRandomArgument"] = function: 008C96B8, ["SV"] = { ["GetRandomArgument"] = function: 008C96D8, ["SV"] = <table: #2> } (#2) } (#1)
22:12.53Shirik|AFK>>> SV.SV.SV.SV.SV
22:12.53Cide-Shirik|AFK: { ["GetRandomArgument"] = function: 007C9EC0, ["SV"] = <table: #1> } (#1)
22:13.04Shirik|AFKwait why is there only one element in SV
22:13.14|Jelly|No. Lopeppeppy is turning into another Troodi. It's amazing.
22:13.16Shirik|AFK>>> SV = SavedVariables
22:13.16Cide-Shirik|AFK: nil
22:13.20Shirik|AFKthat's why
22:13.24Shirik|AFKoh whoops
22:13.28Shirik|AFK>>> SV == SavedVariables
22:13.28Cide-Shirik|AFK: true
22:13.36TC-Workingheh, ace'ing rdx is now on 2 pages
22:13.37foxlit>>> SavedVariables
22:13.37Cide-foxlit: { ["GetRandomArgument"] = function: 007C9EA0, ["SV"] = { ["GetRandomArgument"] = function: 007C9EC0, ["SV"] = <table: #2> } (#2) } (#1)
22:13.38Shirik|AFK|Jelly|: I get it
22:13.47Shirik|AFKTC-Working: It's not funny!!
22:13.50|Jelly|Help me keep that EPIC!
22:14.08foxlit>>> getmetatable(SavedVariables)
22:14.08Cide-foxlit: nil
22:14.09|Jelly|Or perhaps.....LEGENDARY!
22:14.23TC-Workingi dunno Shirik|AFK, it's funny to me
22:14.26Shirik|AFKhm, cafeteria is going to close in 45 minutes
22:14.30|Jelly|I really outta post the conversation leading up to that thread being made.
22:14.37foxlit>>> SavedVariables = setmetatable(SavedVariables, {__index = function(t,k) return k; end})
22:14.37Cide-foxlit: nil
22:14.37|Jelly|No internet = order in.
22:14.40Shirik|AFKDNS is still down
22:14.41kergothi need a good name for my hunter's new boar.  his old one was named Razorback
22:14.48foxlit>>> SavedVariables = setmetatable(SavedVariables, {__index = function(t,k) return k; end}); print(SavedVariables.donut);
22:14.48Cide-foxlit: "donut"
22:15.03Shirik|AFKfoxlit: I doubt the metatable persists
22:15.08Shirik|AFK>>> getmetatable(SavedVariables)
22:15.09Cide-Shirik|AFK: nil
22:15.23foxlit>>> GlobalPersist = true;
22:15.23Cide-foxlit: nil
22:15.26foxlit>>> GlobalPersist
22:15.27Cide-foxlit: nil
22:15.34foxlitso there's a mini-SV thing going on?
22:15.38Shirik|AFKand the __index metamethod does not store to the table, only acts as a proxy
22:15.44cog|workfoxlit: yes
22:15.48*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
22:15.57Shirik|AFKwhat you could do is something ilke
22:15.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Jake_ (n=chatzill@
22:16.20cog|workfoxlit: you can test in PMs, btw...
22:16.34*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
22:16.43foxlitProbably, but then I get no feedback :)
22:16.44Shirik|AFK>>> setmetatable(SavedVariables, {__index = function(t,k) v = 1; rawset(t,k,v); return v; end } ); print(
22:16.45CideShirik|AFK: 1
22:16.49CideShirik|AFK: 1
22:16.57Shirik|AFKbut still the metatable doesn't persist
22:17.47Shirik|AFKor #RDX
22:17.50Shirik|AFKthat's a cool channel too
22:17.53Shirik|AFKeven if I'm the only one in it
22:18.08foxlitWatch me talk to foxbot in cryptic code
22:18.15|Jelly|#jellyisawesomer !
22:18.20|Jelly|8( doesn't exist.
22:18.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
22:18.58TC-Workingleaving |Jelly|?
22:19.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
22:19.51Shirik|AFKGuillotine joined my channel
22:19.52Shirik|AFKme = happyn ow
22:20.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Karrion (
22:21.24|Jelly|Dude said hi and then left.
22:21.45purlba-dum CHH
22:22.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
22:23.17TC-Working~poor cog|work
22:23.25LopeppeppyNever give up, Cog, it just makes them happier.
22:23.58cog|workI mean the forums themselves... :P
22:24.19cog|workServer Busy every couple clicks is very annoying
22:24.35LopeppeppyMust love overload.  What can we break next?
22:25.15|Jelly|Giddeaon, are you here? ???
22:25.26|Jelly|If so, I owe you a slappin!
22:25.41cog|workServer is Busy...
22:25.47|Jelly|*hug* Cog
22:25.51Shirik|AFKI'm going to see if I can grab some food
22:25.52Shirik|AFKtake care
22:25.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
22:26.01|Jelly|Seeya in a bit
22:31.56mikma blingbling!
22:32.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine_Ghost (n=Guilloti@
22:32.31zenzelezzmikma: sweet :)
22:32.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Fridgid (i=Fridgid@
22:33.00*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
22:35.57|Jelly|Mikma: Is it Ace?!?!?!
22:35.59*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-WaitingForNam (n=TC-Testi@ to be me
22:36.37Punkie`i guess it does
22:36.38|Jelly|Especially if you're waiting for a war that happened like 40 years ago
22:37.07mikma|Jelly|: it's superace if you ask me :D
22:37.42|Jelly|Mikma: Thanks all the same. I wanted an *easy* way to change this.
22:38.08TC-Working|Jelly|, had gone through more than 50% of that pic...damn circuit breaker triped
22:38.23TC-Workinglost it all...not to mention the 5 or so servers it brought down as well
22:38.46|Jelly|lol @ server loss / get the fuck back to work @ my pic
22:39.14TC-Workingtrue, the important servers are in the server room, these are just the ones in the NOC
22:39.58mikma|Jelly|: yeah, small ideas are usually pretty nifty :D
22:40.01LopeppeppyOh, JUST the NOC!
22:40.21LopeppeppyLong as you didn't trip the whole server room, you may survive.
22:40.27|Jelly|mikma: Imma dissect it to see how it works. 8P
22:40.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
22:40.45TC-Workingyes..there are 50+ in the server a mear 9 in here are nothing
22:41.02TC-Workingdamn, WTB speel check
22:41.21|Jelly|WTS failure lessons
22:41.34LopeppeppyWTS slightly used dictionary.
22:41.57|Jelly|WTS <3
22:42.38|Jelly|Oh and thanks mikma but I <3 SciTE. I just need to learn to not be a noob. And I learn by breaking. So... yeah
22:43.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
22:46.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (
22:47.22TC-Workinganyone know where to get a 6 ft HDMI to HDMI calbe with a right angle on one side?
22:49.45*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:55.10cog|workplace i get cables from doesn't have any with 90 deg. connectors
22:55.32Buskohi guys and girls, anyone used a addon called moveanything ?
22:55.55cog|workused to... causes some taint problems in 2.0 though (unless it's been fixed)
22:55.58Kaydeethreemeh, I try to avoid MA. all of my mods' frames can be moved on their own
22:56.19Buskocog|work for moveanything ?
22:56.26TC-Workingnot a connecter cog|work, a cable that has it buit in
22:56.43Buskooh hehe :P
22:57.25TC-Workingi am sure there is signal Degradation with a connecter
22:57.52cog|worki didn't mean a separate connector piece... i just meant the connector on the end of the cable
22:57.56cog|workBusko: yeah
22:58.22Buskowell it works very well well for me but one problem
22:58.26TC-Workingyea, i cant find any...yet you think someone would have made one by now...
22:58.29Buskowhen i open bag in combat i get error
22:58.42Buskoand bag show in defult bag slot
22:58.46Buskonot where i put it
22:58.54cog|workTC-Working: i suppose they expect you to have at least a few inches clearance behind whatever you're plugging it into...
22:58.59LopeppeppyBusko: that's the taint issue in a nutshell.
22:59.08Busko:/ oh
22:59.27Buskoanyone know addon that dose the same without problem ? :D
22:59.33cog|workBusko: do yourself a favor and get a bag mod like TBag, OneBag, ArkInventory, etc.
23:00.00TC-Workingnot always cog|work, hell look at the selling point behind one of the adapters "What's the point of having that handsome, sleek, flat-panel monitor in place if the connections to that panel make the monitor stick out another 4 or 5 inches from the wall?"
23:00.35cog|workdidn't say they were correct in expecting that :P
23:00.56TC-Workingwell, it makes me think that someone, anyone would have made one by now
23:01.16Buskohehe yea problem is i moved around other frames to
23:02.08Buskoall those mods u said cog are they like 1 big bag ? i dont really like that thats why i dident get onebag thing
23:02.42cog|workTBag & ArkInventory use one window, but they categorize items so they go into different areas of the window depending on what they are
23:03.05KaydeethreeOneBag uses one frame but can show each of the bags individually
23:03.08cog|workit's not just one big bag that you have to manage yourself
23:03.34Buskodose it let me manage my bank also ?
23:03.53cog|workTbag does, I think ark does, and onebag has a companion mod, onebank
23:04.20bleeterheh, woot, finally got time to test wow in wine 0.9.38, all seems good :)
23:04.45LopeppeppyPINE is not ELM.   :)
23:04.51Buskook cog thax i will try them out
23:04.55Kaydeethreeit's been working fine for me
23:05.01Buskoany of them ace2 ?
23:05.07cog|workark is
23:05.12Kaydeethreedoes it matter?
23:05.43Buskonop but makes it ezer to find it :P
23:05.53cog|workBusko: though, if your motivation is anything but using the wow ace updater then don't pay attention to that fact :P
23:06.05TC-Working~ignore Codayus
23:06.29purlACTION sticks her fingers in her ears.  "La, la, la!  I can't hear you, Codayus!"
23:06.29TC-Workingoops, damn tab
23:07.06Buskodont use auto update stuff :P
23:12.18Guillotinewait, purl is a she? but thats impossibible! Therse no gurls on teh interwebz
23:12.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
23:12.44TC-Working~slap Guillotine
23:12.54purlACTION slaps Guillotine, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
23:12.56TC-Working~bitchslap Guillotine
23:12.58purlACTION beats the sh*t out of Guillotine
23:13.03TC-Workingis what i meant
23:13.04cog|workThere's plenty of gurlz on tah intarwebz
23:13.16cog|workComputer Science is another story...
23:14.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
23:14.54BuskosThanx for your help all ^^ will go try them out and see if there is any for my liking :P
23:15.00LopeppeppyLast I checked, I was even a gurl who took a Comp Sci course.  *shrug*
23:15.31TC-Workingthere were quite a few taking networking with me
23:15.47ShirikLopeppeppy: Impossible
23:16.09TC-Workingfyi Lopeppeppy, i'm Blorb
23:16.44LopeppeppyPoor Cog.  Peppy works well too as needed.  Good to know, Blorb!
23:17.31TC-Workingjust incase you need to scream at me, it's handy for |Jelly|napping
23:18.12Shirik|Jelly|napping's annoying because I have to hit | to tab complete
23:18.15Shirikinstead of just typing her name ><
23:18.21TC-Working~scream Industrial
23:18.34TC-Workingheh Shirik, i know that feeling
23:18.35Shirikthat goes for all of you with names that don't start with letters!!
23:18.41Shirikand [Ammoo] for that matter!
23:18.59TC-Workingand that @Cairenn person
23:19.06IndustrialShirik: irssi completes Am to [Ammo] and [Ammoo]  just fine
23:19.08*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
23:19.09Shirikya seriously, who does she think hse is
23:19.12Shirikputting a @ in front of her name
23:19.23|]|GuillotineIndustrial: does it match mine now? >.>
23:19.25TC-Workingeven worse @ChanServ, the bastard
23:19.29Industrial|]|Guillotine: ofcource
23:19.41Shirikhow do I know you didn't type |]
23:19.55Industrialyou dont, but you may assume
23:20.32Industrialit does |]| but not ]|
23:21.50TC-Working*sigh* still 4 days left
23:22.11LopeppeppyFour days until what, TC-Working?
23:22.19TC-Workingtill i get to quit work
23:22.38LopeppeppyI looked pretty far forward to that once upon a time, I know the feeling.
23:22.55TC-Workingi get to be a bum again for a while
23:24.05TC-Workingthat includes finaly getting to 70
23:24.19*** join/#wowi-lounge N00bZXI (
23:24.59LopeppeppyOooh... the magical 70!  Like turning 21, it's not necessarily all it's cracked up to be.
23:26.15cog|workMy wife's 21st b-day was less significant than mine because mine came first....
23:27.20TC-Workingit's better for wow than rl
23:27.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
23:28.01Industrialalcohol meh, thats not dangerous
23:28.04Industrialguns are.
23:28.14cog|workbe glad i have to go home
23:28.18LopeppeppyGuns, meh, they're not dangerous, bullets are.
23:28.23LopeppeppyBe glad I don't?
23:28.35N00bZXII can't believe I didn't know of this channel till today.
23:29.16TC-WorkingN00bZXI = Distract?
23:29.23N00bZXIOn forums, yes
23:29.35LopeppeppyWelcome to the First Day party, NoobZXI.  Have a noise-maker.
23:29.50TC-Working~cookie TC-Working
23:29.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
23:30.06TC-Workingdamit purl
23:30.42purlHey what was that for, tc-working?
23:30.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
23:30.45*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh (n=chatzill@
23:33.23N00bZXISo, now that I've finished reading I am curious.. what caused this?
23:34.49foxlitAce2's incredible superiority to all other addon frameworks ever.
23:35.29TC-Working|Jelly|napping caused it...
23:35.56Kaydeethreea random offhand comment by shirik a few minutes before that post was made
23:38.08Shiriknot really
23:38.16ShirikI said it to |Jelly|napping in pm
23:38.22Shirikand then she's all like taking that to forums
23:38.48Shirik16:48:41 ‹Shirik› I care about (1) stupid authors and (2) users making stupid decisions
23:38.49Shirik16:48:49 ‹Shirik› such as "Hey Shirik go make RDX Ace so we can use it"
23:38.49*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|work (
23:38.49*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o clad|work] by ChanServ
23:39.39TC-Workingheh, Cairenn is getting in the gaame
23:39.49TC-Workingbut not faning the flames :(
23:40.01TC-Working" Been around since Dec 2005:"
23:40.02Shirikso like, I'm looking at a game I used to play
23:40.03TC-Workingis you
23:40.10Shirikwhich has server PvP rankings, just like WoW
23:40.14ShirikI've been gone for about 6 months now
23:40.16Cairennyeah, but that isn't me getting "into the game" :p
23:40.17Shirikand I'm still #39
23:40.22N00bZXIIsn't RDX paid-for?
23:40.27ShirikI'm like "wtf have you guys been doing"
23:40.38Cairennone version of it
23:40.44ShirikN00bZXI: not mine
23:40.48TC-WorkingRDX.cid isnt
23:45.45ShirikI give up
23:48.08ShirikYou're not supposed to bump that thread!!
23:48.16ShirikYou're supposed to let it fall off so my disgrace can be ignored T_T
23:48.59foxlitwiki question, but it looks like something very strange is going on, so I need someone to slap me with some trout after pointing out what's going on
23:49.01foxlit<foxlit> How does link to ?
23:49.47foxlitBoth pages exist
23:49.50Shirikit doesn't to me
23:49.55foxlit- doesn't
23:49.55Kaydeethreeand it's not linking to me, it's showing "Link to - contamination text" and a {{lootbox}}
23:50.13foxlitBut whatlinkshere says it does. Question: why? :)
23:50.59ShirikThe following pages link to here:
23:51.00ShirikView (previous 50) (next 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).
23:51.00Shirik* WoWWiki:Sandbox
23:51.00ShirikView (previous 50) (next 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).
23:51.04ShirikI see no index
23:51.57foxlitKael'thas Sunstrider (tactics)
23:51.57foxlitThe Lurker Below
23:51.57foxlitMagtheridon (tactics)
23:52.16foxlit(Sandbox 6 links to -)
23:56.46foxlitAnswer: #ifexist: parerfunc in Lootbox/Row counts as a link, even if it is no such thing.
23:59.08Shirikyou all suck
23:59.13Lopeppeppy*sigh*  I've spent the last 2 hours weeding out a virus I got while I was trying to connect to here.  This is very not my day.
23:59.14ShirikBlorb, whomever you are!
23:59.40Corrodiasi screwed up a veterinary clinic's data today. well, friday, but i found out today.
23:59.40N00bZXII should ask
23:59.52N00bZXIIf I have some question reguarding efficiency
23:59.56Corrodiasi sent out another two so i may have screwed up one today, too
23:59.56N00bZXIIs there a problem with asking it here?

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