IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070610

00:00.05ckknightlua> local fib = setmetatable({[0]=0,[1]=1}, {__index=function(self, key) local value = self[key-2]+self[key-1]; self[key] = value; return value end}); local _ = fib[1000]; return table.concat(fib, ", ")
00:00.06cladhaireckknight: [string " local fib = setmetatable({[0]=0,[1]=1}, {_..."]:1: C stack overflow
00:00.26ckknightlua> local fib = setmetatable({[0]=0,[1]=1}, {__index=function(self, key) local value = self[key-2]+self[key-1]; self[key] = value; return value end}); local _ = fib[500]; return table.concat(fib, ", ")
00:00.26cladhaireckknight: [string " local fib = setmetatable({[0]=0,[1]=1}, {_..."]:1: C stack overflow
00:00.34ckknightlua> local fib = setmetatable({[0]=0,[1]=1}, {__index=function(self, key) local value = self[key-2]+self[key-1]; self[key] = value; return value end}); local _ = fib[250]; return table.concat(fib, ", ")
00:00.34cladhaireckknight: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, 514229, 832040, 1346269, 2178309, 3524578, 5702887, 9227465, 14930352, 24157817, 39088169, 63245986, 10233415... (result truncated)
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00:01.20AellaOkay, as far as I can tell, given "return %s" and bailing out if you see the word "function", you can't bork Lua.
00:01.48ckknightAella: loadstring
00:01.59Aellasetfenv(x, {})
00:02.32AellaThat's why my line had pcall(setfenv(assert(loadstring(format(
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00:03.44AellaIt just feels ugly to have to censor the keyword "function."
00:05.07ckknightwhat if they use it in a good context, as well?
00:05.14ckknightx = '"function"'
00:05.25AellaThough that's a statement. =P
00:05.37ckknightwhat're you doing this for, btw?
00:05.47AellaI guess you could match function (...) ... end
00:05.55amroI wish there was a way to hurt a binary.
00:06.00amroapache is starting to really piss me off
00:06.18AellaMostly mental exercise, but I was coming up with an equiv to string.format that accepted Lua expressions.
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00:10.03Aellacladhaire: DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format(WRITING_ADDONS, version))
00:11.10Kasocladhaire, can that be translated to "i am writing a very technical book about writing world of warcraft addons"
00:11.25cladhaireKaso: Hypothetically you could translate it however you'd like
00:11.39AellaNot going for it, cladhaire?
00:11.39cladhairethat doesn't allow you to draw conclusions from it.
00:11.57Kaso"Wow UI Development; frames, metatables and fun!
00:12.00batrickthere wouldnt' be any money in a book like that
00:13.12FinI have to say, the cover was a bit... not what I would've chosen :) but I can understand why it *was* picked
00:16.20cladhaireFin: i don't.
00:16.23cladhaireso that makes one of us
00:16.26cladhairebatrick: why do you say that?
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00:17.06batrickI just get the feeling most people who would be interested in making an addon would find other means of doing it
00:17.16batrickor, there just isn't a large enough audience
00:17.22cladhairebatrick: you should read the forums, or the comments on amazon.
00:17.33cladhairepeople are flat out upset that a highly technical book about writing addons doesn't exist
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00:17.46batricklink to comments on amaon?
00:18.05cladhaireits on the book, on amazon.
00:18.14cladhaire4/5 readers wanted a more technical book
00:18.14Kasothe current book, how did that come about? were you guys approached or did you take an idea to the publishers?
00:18.18cladhaireand they're not the only ones.
00:18.22cladhaireKaso: the publishers approached us
00:18.35Aellacladhaire: the thing that would make such a book a good investment for me is nothing more or less than an API reference.
00:18.39batrickwhat book do you speak of cladhaire
00:18.51cladhaireAella: well any book would absolutely have to have that, yes.
00:20.00Kasothe bottom right hand corner makes me snicker each time i see it
00:20.17cladhaireit makes me wretch
00:20.36AellaIn a Lua pattern, is it possible to say "match this where it is not directly prefixed or suffixed by this character set?"
00:20.40IndustrialQuestion: does sitting down improve regenerating speed?
00:21.06AellaLike if you were looking for an identifier, looking for that identifier not prefixed or suffixed by A-Za-z0-9_
00:21.06KasoAella, [^set]pattern[^set]
00:21.12Industriali thought so
00:21.15batrickcladhaire, go for it I guess.. especially if the publishers approached you
00:21.17Industrialwhy didnt anyone ever tell me?
00:21.19cladhaireAella: you want %f I think
00:21.32KasoIndustrial it does for hp regen
00:21.33Industrialor rather, why didnt blizzard ever say so
00:21.35Kasoim 95% sure
00:21.37cladhairebatrick: I wasn't asking for advice on whether or not to propose one, but looking for a title.
00:21.40cladhairei have no idea what it would be named
00:21.43Kasoit goes up like 10% or something
00:21.48Aellacladhaire: not seeing %f on the list of patterns, probably just RegEx?
00:21.53cladhaireAella: no
00:21.55batrickya I can't think of a name
00:21.56cladhaireits a hidden feature
00:21.57cladhaireone sec
00:22.00AellaHmm, neat.
00:22.02batricksomething simple would probably be best cald
00:22.13batrickAddons and Macros in World of Warcraft
00:22.15batricksomething like that
00:22.19batrickMaking Add*
00:22.28AellaKaso: Just realized that the key is not repeating the pattern, that makes sense.
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00:25.07AellaI think this would match any identifier? [%a%d_]?identifier[%a%d_]?
00:25.19Aellacladhaire: Wish this was documented. D=
00:25.30cladhairewell they may be removing it
00:25.32AellaDurr: [^%a%d_]?identifier[^%a%d_]?
00:25.33cladhairewhich is why its not documented
00:25.38AellaYeah, that's what I mean.
00:30.30Kaydeethreehah... DMF_L70ETC01.mp3
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00:42.55cladhairefoxlit: function: 0x3031c0
00:43.56|Jelly|Stupid Question Incoming! A /reloadui will save my UI settings (locations) wont it?
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00:46.13|Jelly|kk. thanks
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00:58.57Thunder_Childunless your UI is being retarded
01:02.24Guillotineor if you're on vista and don't have admin priveleges
01:29.10kergothany hunters around have a link to a good marksmanship build?  i'm level 57, been BM, would like to try out a different build fro a change of pace
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01:50.32AtriaceAlright, I've finished my web search with no definitive answers.  Anyone know if it's possible to switch actionbars based on target during combat?
01:51.38Neriniabased on target = harm/help ?
01:52.38ShirikAtriace: Welcome to 2.0 restrictions
01:52.41AtriaceUh... yes?  I think I'm thinking target = hostile/friendly
01:52.51Shirikthen yes, welcome to secure state headers
01:52.57NeriniaHehe :D
01:53.16Atriace<insert crude comment>
01:53.43AtriaceThere has got to be a way around that.... and yet I know there can't be.
01:53.59Shirikaround what?
01:55.02AtriaceI just finished my mod... the one I spent 3 months building.  Logging back into my priest, I find my actionbar doesn't auto-switch to bar2 based on target=friendly/hostile.  I played the game that way forever.... and now...
01:55.34AtriaceThis basicly means I'm going to have to learn how to play the game with only half the hotkey buttons I need.
01:55.38MentalPowersecure state headers
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02:55.12wobinsecure state headers =(
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03:26.49cladhairehas anyone seen the movie "Omen"?
03:28.56Garouncan you summon Nightbane any time after you've finished the quest? Or doyou have to kill prince every time first?
03:29.55ckknightcladhaire: no, what's it about?
03:30.12cladhairestandard son of the devil drama
03:30.43Garounoriginal or remake? :P
03:31.16Garounnever saw remake :/ and been a long time since I watched original
03:31.55cladhaireit was okay
03:31.57cladhairelame ending
03:32.13cladhaireI mean I wasn't honestly expecting much =)
03:32.26Garounshould watch the original
03:32.39cladhaireaye, il'l try to get my hands on int.
03:32.47cladhaireMy boyfriend wont' watch any "scary" movies
03:32.49Garounone of the scenes was filmed near me inthis area :)
03:32.58cladhairewhich makes it kind of suck.
03:33.02Garounand they watched omen? :P
03:33.07cladhairehe's gone
03:33.11cladhaireso i watched it by myself
03:33.16cladhairewhich sucks :P
03:33.31Garounhehe, get him to watch each of the Scary movies... he'll no longer get scared
03:33.40cladhairenah he's a pussy
03:34.06Garounthey are comedies
03:34.20cladhairei know they are
03:34.23cladhaireit won't solve his issue :P
03:35.20cladhairewish it would
03:35.59cladhaireokay bed time now =)
03:36.01cladhairehave a good night
03:36.09Garounnight clad
03:36.25GarounWAR time for me :)
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04:44.10ChrisD   <-- There's a note about crisp text by creating separate text objects. Anyone have suggestions on how I might go through this for dynamically named/shown objects? ie, programmatically
04:44.31ChrisDI saw in SWStats, he seems to resize the parent object and then scale it back down but that seems like kind of an ugly hack
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04:53.09Nom-You managed to fix the Pitbull issue in big raids?
04:53.21ckknightnot sure
04:53.32Nom-The one where it locked up completely for about a minute
04:53.43Nom-And pauses for 2-3 seconds whenever someone joins/leaves raid
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04:54.03Nom-Or whenever someone zones in fact
04:54.17Nom-It's bearable in a 10-man, but a 25-man is really bad
04:55.37ckknightwell, I'm not sure
04:55.41ckknightI don't raid much
04:55.44ckknightso I can't really test
04:56.04Mr_Rabies2i'll raid your face with my fist
04:57.04ShirikI'll face your fist
05:02.02Nom-I can't even see the raid frames now :/
05:02.25Nom-ah found it
05:09.58Nom-OneBag is completely disabled
05:10.10Nom-Can't use's all greyed out and not even tooltips show up :(
05:10.15Nom-Any alternatives?
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05:24.07Shirikcheck out this new gem I can cut!
05:28.46Shirikone of the people on my kara team
05:28.55Shirikhad a ressurection timer today
05:28.57Shirikhe died so much
05:33.03Shirikhe's normallly our tank :P
05:33.10Shirikhe decided to spec fury and do some dps to break up the norm
05:33.16Shirikand he has no sense of aggro control
05:33.19Shirikit's hilarious
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05:37.31Shirikwho's that by?
05:37.43ckknightyea, who made that?
05:37.56Thunder_Childit was in a post
05:38.01Thunder_Childnear the bottom
05:39.19ckknightwell, I commented on his blo
05:40.36Thunder_Childmaybe next he could do one for RDX.cid >.<
05:40.49Shirikdo what?
05:40.55Thunder_Childtutorial video
05:41.05Shiriklearn the features and fill our wiki!!
05:41.23Thunder_Childmake a placeholder setup so i can
05:41.29Thunder_Childi am not always in a pary/raid
05:41.32Shirikyou could go to #RDX and ask questions
05:41.36Shirikbut considering I'm the only one there
05:41.40Shirikprobably wouldn't do you much good
05:42.03ckknightShirik's in #wowace, too, now. Feel free to ask him questions there
05:42.19ShirikI joined #RDX a while ago
05:42.25Shiriknow I just use it for system message logs
05:43.25ckknighthey, anyone have a good example of coroutines in use in an addon?
05:43.36Shirikwant to take a look at my patcher?
05:43.45Shirik(not complete yet but it gives some interesting looks at how to do it)
05:44.21Shirikbetter yet maybe battle recorder
05:44.25Shirikthey both use coroutines
05:44.37ckknightShirik: #wowace is handled by Chanserv anyway
05:44.51ckknightk, link?
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05:51.09Shirikhere ckknight
05:51.14Shirikthis is the processing function in the battle recorder
05:51.20Shirikit is run at the end of any encounter to sync all clients
05:51.25Shirik(still not finished, but good enough)
05:52.25Shirik(this is wrapped in a coroutine, I tried to make this as simple as an example as possible)
05:57.16Shirikmake sense?
05:57.21ShirikI tried to make it as simple as possible :/
05:57.25Shirikit's a bit more complex than that but yeah
05:57.29ckknightoh yea, I get it
05:57.34ckknightnot sure if anyone else could
05:58.07Shirikthat function is actually called by another function which is coroutine.wrap()'ed and then scheduled to be called every 0.25s
05:58.10Shirikor something like that
05:58.52ckknightjust wondering to myself whether there are places where I could use coroutines
06:00.18ShirikI use them in places where I think that I could run into problems with performance
06:00.36Shirikfor example, battle recorder uses them such that whenever an event comes in, since I don't need to handle it right away, it stores it in a queue
06:00.48Shirikthen, whenever we have free time, we go ahead and pull a few out of the queue and process them
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06:03.07Shirikckknight didn't link +v to my nick
06:03.10Shirikwith chanserv
06:03.20ckknightgotta wait for Kaelten
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06:32.37subbawthmm how would this Fubar_voicefu mod work? "Displays who is talking on voice chat programs (TS or Vent) (Triam)"
06:36.04ckknightI don't see how that could work...
06:36.53MoonWolfit can't...
06:37.46Shirikit's not
06:38.06ShirikI would check into its legitimacy
06:38.32subbawtwell it's on
06:38.50MoonWolfyou could make a 3rd party exe overlay the names
06:39.02MoonWolfover the part of the fubar occpied by this addon
06:39.15MoonWolfbut the addon itself would not be doing anything.
06:39.37ScytheBlade1Other "third party" (legit) programs can do that
06:39.53ScytheBlade1They don't touch WoW, they just touch Vent and DX to render text on the screen
06:40.04ScytheBlade1--- or
06:40.14ScytheBlade1You bind a hotkey in WoW, which sends an addonmessage to your party/raid.
06:40.18ScytheBlade1Others who have it, shows it.
06:40.40ScytheBlade1Bind the same hotkey in WoW as your vent hotkey.
06:41.36gaurongTeamSpeak Overlay is quite good for that
06:41.47gaurongworks for any game
06:45.18MentalPowergnight guys
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06:56.21FinVoice Overlay works with Vent and TS, missing a couple of features that TSO has tho
06:56.32Finand vice versa
07:08.29Mr_Rabies2i can't wait for wow to have voice chat capabilities
07:08.44Mr_Rabies2because it'll be endless hilarity
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07:19.28Thunder_Childnothing beats having 2 monitors
07:19.38Thunder_Childwhere you can have it reside on one to look at
07:19.51ChrisDactually i think something does
07:19.59ChrisDa 30" monitor :)
07:20.09ChrisDi like this infinitely more than 2 20"s
07:20.16Thunder_Childnope, then your playing wow on a 30"
07:20.25ChrisDwindowed mode :P
07:20.29ChrisDi'm playing wow right now
07:20.31Thunder_Childwont feel right
07:21.37ChrisDyou get used to it
07:21.55ChrisDmy playable area is physically as large as a 21" full screen
07:22.03Thunder_Childwhy bother..get 2 30" screens
07:22.13ChrisDfind a desk big enough and maybe i will! :p
07:22.27Thunder_Childno desk...but i can find stands that do that
07:25.28Mr_Rabies2<Thunder_Child> nothing beats having 2 monitors
07:25.34Mr_Rabies2laptop + desktop :O
07:25.49Mr_Rabies2or 2 desktop...
07:26.36Thunder_Childi should say nothing beats having 2 "or more" monitors "per comuter"
07:27.44Corrodiaswow, i hate pvp
07:30.17Thunder_Childunless i have good gear that is
07:30.44Corrodiasunless i'm fighting people 10 levels below myself, i hate pvp. and then i wouldn't want to because i'd be getting nothing for it.
07:31.07Corrodiasthat last time, the paladin was smart enough to bubble himself after the pounce and the first cyclone :(
07:32.26Thunder_Childwhy doesnt anyone make a skinable DM
07:32.29Corrodiasso i switched to the mage who had gotten down a little while my partners were attacking this warrior. the paladin couldn't heal both and i ended the mage. i then went back to stun the paladin with a Bash before heading over to the warrior.
07:33.46Corrodiasended up as one on one, my feral druid (bear form, cat pve gear, plus two stamina trinkets) vs his warrior, which i won easily.
07:34.36Thunder_Childgratz, you opened up a can of whoop-ass, and you are now "the man"
07:35.36Vilkkuis arg1 for ADDON_LOADED the folder name or the name in the .toc file?
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07:36.16Thunder_Childodd...i just reloaded and got 90 errors, and other issues...from having nothing issues previously
07:36.58Thunder_Childand i reloaded again...and nothing.....damit
07:37.29Thunder_ChildWTB consistancy
07:38.43Thunder_Childname in the .toc, or name of the .toc?
07:39.09Corrodiasi am the man
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07:41.34Corrodiasthen there was the duel between myself (in bear form, pve bear gear) vs a prot-specced warrior
07:41.50Corrodiaswith some kind of trinket that gave him a bubble
07:43.35Mr_Rabies2the guy in the red robe is rofl
07:46.30Corrodiasalmost every time i hit him, he dodged, parried, or blocked, or the trinket absorbed it
07:46.43Corrodiashis attacks on me were either dodged or did so little damage...
07:46.57Corrodiashit -> attacked
07:47.54Thunder_Child~seen elkano
07:48.22purlelkano <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 10h 57m 13s ago, saying: 'group -> bar layout -> text <position> -> font'.
07:49.43Thunder_Childok, going to sleep before i pass out at my desk
07:49.45Thunder_Childnight all
07:51.12Vilkkuis arg1 for ADDON_LOADED the folder name or the name in the .toc file?
07:51.30Vilkkuand by name in the .toc I mean the one specified by ## Name: or whatever the line is
07:51.47Vilkku## Title:
07:52.52Mr_Rabies2it was "absorb" not immune, corr?
07:53.32Corrodiasand there are plenty of trinkets that absorb damage
07:54.28Corrodiasi think he also used a consumable to heal himself during the fight
07:54.32Corrodiasbut only once
07:54.52Mr_Rabies2if you can't use it in arena, you shouldn't use it in duels, imo
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07:55.21Corrodiasat the end, he appeared to be trying to run away, but i finished him with a moonfire
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08:12.26Mr_Rabies2rofl, some guy was like "my group bailed on me, need help on last boss of mana tombs"
08:12.44Mr_Rabies2we get 3 people in kara gear to help him and his level 65 buddy and kill him in about 40 seconds :p
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08:45.17Vilkkuhello again!
08:45.28Vilkkuhow should I make my addon show SCT messages?
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09:06.12Shirik|zZzI loled:
09:06.15Shirik|zZz"HydraIRC has been designed from the ground up using state of the art tools (Microsoft VS.Net 2003), the latest in super responsive un-bloated GUI toolkits (Windows Template Library) and with multiple server support designed in from the start"
09:06.31Shirik|zZz"microsoft VS.Net" and "super responsive un-bloated" are mutually exclusive
09:08.07Corrodiaswhoa, is this 1998 again?
09:08.33Corrodiaswindows has actually improved since '98, although vista may be bucking the new trend
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09:55.02Corrodiasher mind is tiffany-twisted; she's got the mercedes bends
10:01.28*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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10:26.57Mr_Rabies2sooo the poopsockers are out of content
10:29.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
10:44.41Mr_Rabies2just cleared BT and Hyjal
10:45.39Elkanowell, both will be made a bit harder by Blizzard iirc
10:46.21Mr_Rabies2i know they already hotfixed BT a bit
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10:50.46Mr_Rabies2does the latest version of SVedit still work with WoW?
10:56.57Corrodiasi should have gone to bed
10:58.29Mr_Rabies2GO TO BED GARFIELD
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11:04.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
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11:20.43Mr_Rabies2got my first "gyufrtvty invites you to a group"
11:27.51*** join/#wowi-lounge gaurong (
11:34.43Nom-woot another successful clear of Karazhan :)
11:34.46Nom-6h 20m
11:36.07Nom-1 wipe on netherspite, 2 wipes on shade, 1 wipe on nightbane
11:36.11Nom-all round quite succesfuly
11:40.18Mr_Rabies2we're going for prince on wednesday
11:40.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|Miranda (
11:43.30*** part/#wowi-lounge Athou (
11:44.44Nom-i just logged a whole raid using /combatlog
11:44.50Nom-but i can't find the file
11:45.08Nom-where is it meant to save ?
11:46.23Nom-ah found it
11:49.56Zeal<Mr_Rabies2> just cleared BT and Hyjal <- several days ago now..
11:50.14Mr_Rabies2Hyjal was last night for nihilium
11:50.21Zealah, granted
11:57.59Nom-omg wtb stats rock
11:58.12Nom-legendary app
12:00.26Nom-wow just goes to show
12:00.34Nom-over the course of the raid, i got 100k mana back from illumination
12:00.45Nom-33k from spiritual attunement
12:02.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
12:04.30Nom-The only thing lacking
12:04.44Nom-I'd like to see the web stats break down your raid log for each boss
12:06.49Mr_Rabies2i just argued with myself internally
12:06.50Mr_Rabies2i was like
12:08.51Mr_Rabies2"well how would you get information accurately on the boss? what if he has adds?" "well, i guess you could set an addon to click 'boss fight begins now'" "no, that's dumb, just check the timestamps for the first amount of damage to the boss, dummy" "oh, duhhh
12:09.10Mr_Rabies2i think i'm going crazy
12:11.35Nom-that's such an awesome thing
12:22.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
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13:11.40wereHamsterwow, that's nice.. firefox-3.0a6pre renders buttons and dropdown lists in the gtk theme. HTML forms look much better now :)
13:14.28wereHamsterI'm using the murrine engine for gtk:
13:16.14zenzelezzthis doesn't get old [1. General] [...]: can someone pliz ress me i am out side the elevator
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14:07.21cladhaireLuabot has been enabled, prefix a command with lua> to have me run it.
14:07.42ThraeI thought Cide had a Lua bot already.
14:07.51cladhairedo you see him here? =)
14:42.43cladhaireAuthors, paypal links from aren't working right now.  I've let Dolby know.
14:46.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
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15:02.51Mr_Rabies2me and my internet gang reported you a bazillion times because you refused to needlessly turn one of your addons into an ace one >:[
15:06.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
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16:13.22zenzelezzoh man... (lots of static) [4 min 48 sec]
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16:20.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Angwe (
16:21.55Angwehey, can anyone see why is going into the else block every time, the entry im trying to grab is
16:22.03foxlit<foxlit> There are no syntax errors
16:22.03foxlit[18:21] <foxlit> What you're having the code do is fundamentaly wrong, try reading it line by line
16:22.07Angweim mousing over that player
16:22.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
16:22.53Angwegood morning kaso
16:23.36Angwei have a question for you again
16:24.02KasoShoot, i'm all ears
16:24.05Angwecan you see why is going into the else block every time, the entry im trying to grab is
16:25.04foxlitJust go through the first two lines, Angwe.
16:25.15Kasoi agree with foxlit
16:25.20KasoGUN is the problem
16:25.55zenzelezzby the way, you could put the return from "UnitName("mouseover") .." - ".. (select(2,UnitName("mouseover")) or GetRealmName())" into a local so you didn't have to type it out in all those cases
16:26.42Angweok thx much
16:28.25zenzelezzI'm unsure what you're trying to use GUN for; or maybe just what you are trying to set it to
16:29.16Kasozenzelezz, i assume he/she was trying to do what you said with gun but got confused.
16:29.43Angweyes lol
16:29.47Angwehe btw
16:30.13Angweit was working yesterday, but it had an error if i moused over characters too quickly
16:30.13Kasonoted for future reference
16:30.24Angwebecause my mouseover would change mid function i would imagine
16:30.40foxlitNerf stupidity
16:30.41Kasoi assume sometimes if you do it too quickly it might get called when UnitName("mouseover") is name
16:31.00Kasoyou'd prob just h ave to check UnitName("mouseover") is no nil then you're set
16:31.13foxlitI get spam past my only-accept-mail-from-people-I-know filter because those idiots forward chain letters :/
16:31.42Angwelol i thought you were talking to me for a sec foxlit
16:31.52Angwewhen you said nerf stupidity lol
16:31.59foxlitNah :)
16:32.35foxlitCoke giving away itunes downloads <3
16:35.07Angweoh lol
16:35.13Angweam i capturing the whole table?
16:35.19Angweand not the name stored?
16:35.39Kasoin GUN? yes
16:36.17Angwei would post the face palm
16:36.22Angwebut i would have to pastey it
16:48.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Foxbot (
16:49.18foxlitCan use #api ApiFunctionName to lookup arglist from wiki :)
16:49.27Angwethats awesome, it works
16:49.41Angwepulls players name, hp, build and rating off of the armory
16:49.48Angwethen puts it in a little frame
16:50.48zenzelezz#api CastSpellByName
16:50.49Foxbotzenzelezz: CastSpellByName(spellName{, onSelf});==Arguments==
16:51.14zenzelezz#api UnitBuff
16:51.16Foxbotzenzelezz: name, rank, iconTexture, count, duration, timeLeft =  UnitBuff(unit, buffIndex[, castable]);
17:10.39zenzelezzI find the "prot warrior soloing ZG panther boss" funny
17:10.47*** join/#wowi-lounge lrrlo (
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17:12.14Kasozenzelezz oh?
17:13.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
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17:13.42zenzelezzbasically uses the Colossus trinket that heals on block to fully heal from the panthers
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17:13.46Blaimeare wow europe forums more or less elitist than the world of warcraft US forums
17:14.50zenzelezznot quite sure, but probably not too different
17:15.13foxlit"Hey, look, a casual!"
17:17.15BlaimeThe last time I checked most people with lives are casual in the while "time spent playing" context
17:17.29foxlitlua> t={a=2,b=4}; f = function(k) f[k] = nil; end; for k,v in pairs(t) do f(k); print(k); end
17:17.30cladhairefoxlit:lua> [string " t={a=2,b=4}; f = function(k) f[k] = nil; e..."]:1: attempt to index global 'f' (a function value)
17:17.40foxlitlua> t={a=2,b=4}; f = function(k) t[k] = nil; end; for k,v in pairs(t) do f(k); print(k); end
17:17.41cladhairefoxlit:lua> a, b
17:20.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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17:23.09zenzelezzthe next thing the armory needs is item screenshots (official, not contributed)
17:23.57ThraeI tried to run, but the end boss was too hard
17:25.57foxlitFoxbot, shoo
17:26.18foxlitHm, that worked a bit better than I expected
17:27.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
17:30.02Angwei got another one
17:30.06Angweif self.liverating ~= 0 then self.frame.text:SetText(self.liverating) else self.frame.text:SetText("Arena Master") end
17:30.38Angwe[2007/06/10 10:25:53-215-x2749]: ArenaMaster-1.0\Core.lua:565: attempt to index field 'self' (a nil value)
17:31.01Kasothat code you posted isnt in the pastey  ^_-
17:31.17Angwethe top code isnt, but thats the declaration of the frame
17:31.27Angwein the pastey
17:31.40Kasothe error line corrosponds to the line you posted?
17:32.00Angwethat first part i posted is line 565
17:32.23Kasouse the stack traceback to see how whatever function that line is in was caused, thats likely the problem
17:32.39Angwestack traceback lol
17:32.46Angwewhats that
17:33.11Kasowhich error addon you using?
17:33.37Kasoim pretty sure that gives a trace by default doesnt it
17:33.54Angweall i know, is that i can mouse over the little icon, and it gives me my errors
17:33.57Angweill look around
17:34.05Kasoclick on the icon
17:34.15Kasothen the window that opens should have something like
17:34.19Kasostack traceback:
17:34.19zenzelezzwhere does the "self" in this function come from?
17:38.01Angwei dont see a stack traceback, i see something that says show stack, but it doesnt show anything more than what i posted
17:38.17zenzelezzwhere does the "self" in this function come from?
17:38.34Angweand i honestly dont know zen, im rewriting this one to do what i want as i am weak with the lua
17:38.52KasoAngwe just post your whole file to a pastey please
17:40.33Angwewoot thx
17:40.50zenzelezzas the message said, the field "self" most likely doesn't exist in the frame :-)
17:41.36Angwesame error :(
17:41.52zenzelezzsame line number too?
17:42.06zenzelezzwhat did you change it to?
17:42.19Angweif self.liverating ~= 0 then self.frame.self.text:Set(self.liverating) else self.frame.self.text:Set("Arena Master") end
17:42.36Josh_BorkeAngwe: do you define a field called 'self' in self.frame?
17:42.36zenzelezzyou still have self.frame.self.txt
17:42.50Josh_BorkeAngwe: self.frame.self.text == self['frame']['self']['text']
17:42.57zenzelezzI suspect you mean self.frame.text
17:45.01Angweim looking where it is defined, and i dont see it, but if i take that if statement out, the frame loads fine
17:45.22Angweand everything else works, so i would assume its defined
17:45.36zenzelezzlet me repeat... does your code say self.frame.self.text? If so, attempt to change it to self.frame.text and see if it changes anything
17:46.24Josh_BorkeAngwe: what is self.frame.self.text?
17:47.17Josh_BorkeAngwe: are you trying to set the header text or a button text?
17:47.31Angweself.frame.self.text is declared in i believe
17:47.49Angweif self.liverating ~= 0 then self.frame.text:Set(self.liverating) else self.frame.text:Set("Arena Master") end
17:47.57Angwestill gives the same error on the same line
17:48.03*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (n=MoonWolf@
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17:48.05Josh_BorkeAngwe: where? ok, but do you see the different between those 2 sentences you just typed?
17:48.09zenzelezzthere's no definition of frame.self.text there
17:48.38Josh_BorkeAngwe: (01:47:31 PM) Angwe: <HERE>self.frame.self.text</HERE> is declared in i believe vs (01:47:49 PM) Angwe: if self.liverating ~= 0 then <HERE>self.frame.text</HERE>:Set(self.liverating) else self.frame.text:Se
17:49.07zenzelezzas Josh is pointing out, I don't think you're really reading what we're saying
17:49.39ThraeWhat the hell is "liverating"
17:49.48zenzelezzThrae: live (server) rating
17:49.50Angweyea im extremely confused lol, ill reread it all again and it will probably clear things up
17:49.52zenzelezztook me a while to figure out
17:50.06Angwethx for your help sirs
17:50.08Josh_BorkeAngwe: self.frame.SELF.text vs self.frame.text
17:50.10zenzelezzAngwe: looking at your second pastey I think you *may* perhaps mean SELF.FRAME.HEADER.TEXT (in lower-case)
17:50.11ThraeYeah, I read it as "liver-ating", heh
17:50.23zenzelezzThrae: same
17:50.27Josh_BorkeThrae: same
17:50.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
17:50.58Angwejosh i changed it because zanzelezz told me to try something
17:51.33zenzelezzyes, because you didn't give us enough info :)
17:51.45zenzelezzbut like I said later, try self.frame.header.text instead
17:51.49Angweyea, was just saying why the 2 were not the same line
17:51.53Angwekk will do
17:53.41Angweyea, using self.frame.header.text gives the same error, it doesnt like self, but later on down in the code it uses the same line, but with one extra part
17:53.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
17:54.24Josh_BorkeAngwe: what text are you trying to set?
17:54.49zenzelezzAngwe: paste only the line it errors on in here
17:54.56zenzelezzas it is in your file now
17:57.30zenzelezzand also the microphone
17:58.16Josh_Borkecould you pass the grey poupon?
17:59.03Angwei furbared something while copy/pasting so im trying to figure out what i did lol does one fubar copy/paste? o.O
18:03.15Angweha, it works now, i copied / pasted one of teh things over a working line
18:03.44Angweso when i used self.frame.header.text:SetText it errored out on another line
18:03.57Angwewhen i fixed that line from a earlier version, everything works now
18:04.04Angwethanks tons for your help :)
18:05.43*** part/#wowi-lounge Angwe (
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18:14.32zenzelezzthat was either very random, or the wrong place to log in
18:14.49Thunder_Childsecond one is correct
18:14.56Thunder_Childbut not for irc
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18:30.16Thunder_Childtoy know, after they put in the voice, i think they should enable webcams so you can pass the argument and have it feed into the unitframes
18:33.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Foxbot (
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18:58.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
18:59.01Aellacladhaire, I hadn't the faintest idea you used a Mac/Colloquy. I learn something every day, it seems.
19:00.40cladhairewhy is it blocked?
19:01.22cladhairealso, how is it blocked
19:01.41|FF|Im2good4uhmm does anyone know how to get the ui to show error messages again ? since i think they are suspressed
19:01.49AellaJust port filtering, I believe.
19:01.52cladhaireInterface Options
19:01.55cladhaireShow Lua Errors
19:02.00AellaI could tunnel out if I had a dedicated machine outside.
19:02.11cladhaireAella: you can get in via some other client?
19:02.19AellaNo, all IRC clients.
19:02.30Kaydeethree<3 tunneling to get around firewalls
19:02.36cladhaireoh okay
19:02.39cladhairethat makes more senes
19:02.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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19:02.56AellaI'd just have to convince the family not to turn off one of their computers every night.
19:02.58cladhairewb Kaelten
19:03.38Kaeltencladhaire:  :)
19:03.54Aellacladhaire: your script's execution time limit is imposed by the AppleScript?
19:04.00cladhaireno, actually
19:04.09AellaAltered binary?
19:04.23cladhaireits just a lua script
19:04.24|FF|Im2good4uthanks cladhaire
19:04.34AellaHow does that work?
19:04.51Aella*grumbles* debug library.
19:04.55cladhaireits a function that gets called every X instructions, or every line
19:05.00cladhaireor every function call
19:06.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
19:06.37Thunder_Childhey cladhaire, got your book handy?
19:06.46cladhaireyes i'm open to it righ tnow
19:06.55Thunder_Childpg. 262 3rd paragraph
19:07.15Thunder_Childsays 3 dashes, i see 2 in the example
19:07.45cladhairetypesetting issue
19:07.51cladhairenote the first dash is an em-dash
19:07.52Thunder_Childmerged 2 of them?
19:08.06cladhairethey fucked that up more than once =(
19:08.12*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
19:08.21Aellacladhaire: what format was the manuscript in?
19:08.40cladhairebut it was submitted correctly
19:08.44cladhairethey messed that up in conversion
19:08.52AellaYeah, unsurprising.
19:08.58cladhairewe had to go back and manuallyf ix every single comment in the book
19:09.16Aella...geez, it combined every --?
19:09.35cladhaireat some point, yes
19:09.45cladhairethis one seems to have been missed as we corrected
19:09.56cladhaire-- is meaningless in english, and becomes an emdash
19:09.59Thunder_Childsame on the next page as well
19:10.20Thunder_Childbut 3 is correct?
19:12.20cladhaireand neither will "error"
19:12.33cladhaireit will just show two dashes instead of three
19:12.54IndustrialXuerian: ping
19:21.08Shirikcladhaire that sucks
19:21.30cladhairehehe this is the first one that snuck through i guess
19:22.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
19:22.28Shirikhold up
19:23.09Kaydeethreeanyone know offhand what the spawnrate for black lotus is in each zone? is it still an hour or did it get dropped to 15m?
19:27.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Recluse (
19:28.10zenzelezzin itself Nightbane isn't a too tough fight, but god damn do I get nervous when on my first time there they ask me to tank
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19:40.33AellaMetatables can get pretty addicting sometimes.
19:40.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
19:44.20Shirik<3 Metatables
19:44.25Shirikthey are my crack
19:44.57AellaI just think "this could be shinier with metatables" and poof.
19:53.06IndustrialQuestion: Can I macro to always VE when i SWP ?
19:53.54JoshBorkeIndustrial: you could do: /cast VE <new line> /cast SW: P
19:54.02JoshBorkeno, wouldn't want that
19:54.08JoshBorkeboth trigger the global cooldown, so no
19:55.08Shirikcastsequence is the best you can get
19:56.23Thunder_Childor simply hit multiple buttons
20:00.56|FF|Im2good4uim just wondering is there a way to know the name f frame u see onscreen ? since i wana attach something to it or do i have ot search in the .xml files and gues a bit ?
20:01.12Shirikyup, /dtframestack
20:01.30Thunder_Childneed devtools though
20:01.46purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
20:01.46Shirikif you don't have devtools you can die
20:06.20|FF|Im2good4uhmm oke iv never used it in any of my addonds :P maybe i should give it a try
20:08.03Corrodiasthere's GetName() that you can run on the frame if you can get a reference to it
20:12.15Corrodiasif you want to figure out what frame is under the mouse (and its parent frame) such that if you click here, that frame will receive the click, i think this works for it...
20:12.16Corrodiaslocal tempframe = GetMouseFocus(); print("Current frame: "..tempframe:GetName()); tempframe = tempframe:GetParent(); if (tempframe) then print("Parent frame: "..tempframe:GetName()); else print("No parent frame"); end
20:12.36Corrodiaswhere print() is a function defined to show text in whatever way you prefer
20:12.52*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
20:16.22KasoCorrodias problem with that one is itll only show mouse enabled frames wont it?
20:17.13Kasoalso if you have a couple over-lapping frames
20:18.53Corrodiasthat's the point
20:19.01Corrodiasi said if you want to see the one that'll receive mouse clicks
20:19.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
20:19.41Industrial~botmail for cladhaire Hey im having trouble with lightheaded. I get the error COULD NOT PARSE on the quest The Black Shield (horde side)
20:19.57Kasooh i notice i didnt see your line there
20:20.06Kasosorry i glanced
20:22.58foxlitHrm. Doing boomkin math yields some rather disturbing results
20:23.24foxlitdamage / average cast of starfire
20:23.33Shirikm = 0xA00 + 0x100
20:23.45Shirik0xB00 = m
20:24.19foxlitThose things can't stack like I think they do.
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20:25.48foxlitAnyone familiar with how CoS stacks with other increases damage done by % effects?
20:26.14foxlitShed some light on it!
20:26.34Kasosay you have 10% + damg and 50% + dmg, then your spells do 160% damage
20:27.02foxlitSo not 100% * 110%  * 150%?
20:27.31Kasoim pretty sure they work additively
20:27.52foxlitWell, that does put some brakes on this
20:28.38foxlitAnd what about imp fireball type effects?
20:29.16foxlit(your xyz gains an additional x% damage of your bonus damage effects)?
20:29.52Kasothat just adds onto your spellpower co-efficent for that spell i believe
20:29.58ScytheBlade1Imp Fireball does -2% of your +dmg coef
20:30.08ScytheBlade1Emp Fireball does +3% +dmg coef
20:30.31ScytheBlade1Talent them both, your fireball coef is +105%
20:30.36foxlitPoor mages
20:30.39ScytheBlade1Err, just 105%
20:30.49zenzelezzI'm a Norwegian noob, what exactly is the "coefficient"?
20:31.09Shiriky = 3x + 2
20:31.10ScytheBlade1In this case, it's the percentage of your +dmg that you actually get from a spell
20:31.13Shirikcoefficient is 3
20:31.16Kaydeethree(untalented cast time/3.5)* your +dmg
20:31.16Shirikbasically it's a multiplier
20:33.49foxlitWonder if bonuses from idols are subject to the same thing
20:34.33Kasoall types of plus damage are i believe
20:36.12Kaydeethreeget a mod like DrDamage and you can tell it to show you your +dmg coefficient for all of your spells
20:36.49foxlitI'm not interested in a mod that shows me my +dmg coefficient for all my spells
20:37.18foxlitBesides, where does it get information on how they stack? :)
20:37.32Kaydeethreelots of reverse-engineered testing
20:38.17foxlitCan I get the results of that somewhere?
20:38.22|FF|Im2good4uhmm great i created a checkbox it does recieve on click event but i cant see it while i have set all textures ?
20:40.29foxlitNot really that great, those pages
20:41.36Corrodiasthat's all we've got
20:41.39|FF|Im2good4ucan anyone maybe tell me why i can click my checkbos and recieve the on clicked event but i cannot see it ?
20:41.40Corrodiasif you have more information, improve them
20:41.54foxlitI don't, or I wouldn't be looking :)
20:42.23GuillotineQuestion: I know theres a limit on data somewhere in lua. Is it based on a) The size of a table, b) the size of a file, c) the size of a variable?
20:42.46Kasolimit on data?
20:43.13Guillotinee.g. why you have to purge your Auctioneer data every so often
20:43.23Elkanowasn't there a limit of 256 chars per string or sth like that?
20:43.32GuillotineElkano: definately not
20:43.38GuillotineI have a string of several thousand characters
20:43.43Guillotinethat stores data for all items
20:44.07Guillotineand that loads fine. But I'm trying to figure out how I should put together the data of the talent specs for everyone on my battlegroup
20:44.07KasoGuillotine thats just an auctioneer imposed limit i think
20:44.18Elkanoor a larger number... iirc the savedvariables used to have some kind of problem with that
20:44.32GuillotineKaso: no, if a SavedVariables file is big enough, it won't load. I know that. I'm just trying to figure out exactly why that is
20:44.36Guillotinewhat the exact limit is
20:45.55cladhaireLuabot has been enabled, prefix a command with lua> to have me run it.
20:45.58Corrodiasreally? :o
20:46.09Corrodiasan SV file too large won't load?
20:46.30Guillotineya. it just logs you out immediately as you log in
20:46.37Guillotineits a rather large limit
20:46.37Kaydeethreelua> print("Hello World!")
20:46.38cladhaireKaydeethree:lua> Hello World!
20:46.45Corrodiashow large are we talking?
20:46.48Guillotinebut less than the data for all character specs
20:46.56GuillotineCorrodias: I really don't know the exact limit
20:46.58MentalPower|FoodGuillotine: (2^18)-1 constants
20:47.15GuillotineMP: thanks .is that per table, per variable, or per file?
20:47.20MentalPower|Foodper file
20:47.28ElkanoI wonder if the lua-bot running on cladhaire's account is based on the one cide used
20:47.35Cideit is
20:47.38cladhaireroughly, yes
20:47.39Corrodiaswhat do you mean by "(2^18)-1 constants"?
20:47.39Guillotinealright. So I'll just put each realm in its own file
20:47.42cladhairesame overall sandbox
20:47.45cladhairesame trace functino
20:47.59Elkanoso the flaws yours had have already been fixed? eg the strin concat one?
20:48.45MentalPower|Foodlook at the checkConstantsLimit(), getNumConstants(...) and getConstants(tbl, constants, recursedTables) functions
20:49.44|FF|Im2good4udoes nobosy know wut iv done wrong ? (
20:49.47Corrodiasi don't understand what's going on here
20:49.58Corrodiasis there a limit to the number of constants you can have defined in a file?
20:50.05cladhairehe's just said that
20:50.08Shirik|FF|Im2good4u: What's the problem?
20:50.08Corrodiasi've lost the context of this conversation
20:50.08cladhairea few times actually =)
20:50.15MentalPower|FoodIf you can wait 30mins I can explain it, but I gotta leave for work
20:50.20Corrodiashe did not..
20:50.21Shirik|FF|Im2good4u: You need to escape your backslashes
20:50.30krkawhy is it 2^18 - 1 and not 2^18?
20:50.41krkathe LOADK opcode should use 18 bits
20:50.48Shirikalternatively, instead of frame:SetCheckedTexture("Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Check") , use frame:SetCheckedTexture[[Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Check]]
20:50.58Corrodiasyou said that you didn't know what the limit to the size of a savedvariables file is. he said "<number> constants", which doesn't use the same unit of measure at all
20:51.07Corrodiasi couldn't work it into an answer for that question
20:51.09Shirikframe:SetCheckedTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Check") , use frame:SetCheckedTexture[[Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Check]] --< one of those
20:51.16zenzelezz pwn
20:51.19foxlitCouldn't you be evil and self-serialize into a few string variables?
20:51.48Corrodiasbut okay, i'll be here in 30 minutes :)
20:51.55Guillotinefoxlit: thats what I did with my item database >.> Its all in 1 LONG string
20:52.13krkalimit of filesize would be roughly 2^32 * 2^18
20:52.27krkai guess
20:52.44Guillotineand a long string with repititions of that for every item
20:53.49Kasoyou're keeping it as one long string? why's that?
20:54.23|FF|Im2good4uah yeh i jsut copied those out of xml file i forgot to convert them to lua strings >.< thanks ill try that
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20:54.42cladhaireonly one string gets hashed, takes up less memory than a hash table with 50k entries, and string.find is fast enough
20:54.45cladhairei'd guess
20:54.57krkastring.find is not really that fast for long strings
20:55.01Guillotinealso, clad told me to >.>
20:55.08Guillotineits plenty fast enough
20:55.13cladhairekrka: but its not slow in this case
20:55.20krkai'd do it fixed width, so i could binary search
20:55.33cladhaireaye, you could split it more intelligently
20:55.41GuillotineI'd do that if I knew what it meant
20:55.43cladhairebut a table with 50k entries is a patently bad idea =)
20:55.47krkaor something
20:55.59krkathen you'd now which positions contain itemids
20:56.08krkathen you keep the items sorted by itemid in the string
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20:56.21Guillotinethe problem is with the big gaps in places where there is no item
20:56.26krkano no
20:56.29krkayou misunderstand
20:56.33GuillotineI suppose so
20:56.40Guillotinecare to re-explain?
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20:57.03krkayou write something like this: 0x001341:000100,0x051501:001000
20:57.25krka(: and , are actually redundant since its fixed width)
20:57.37krkathen you can binary search for a given item id
20:57.42Guillotineah, I see
20:57.49Guillotine*shrug* I may do that eventually
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20:57.53cladhaireI prefer using \031 and \032 and friends as field/record seperators
20:58.04cladhairebut that only matters when : could show up, if you're using =)
20:58.04krkaactually, i'd probably just use a hash table of item id -> item price
20:58.34cladhaireand lookup speed isn't an issue with what he has
20:58.40krkahow much larger than the string?
20:58.57cladhairehe could tell you, I dont have the listing to go through
20:59.09cladhairebut consider that each string needs to be hashed individually
20:59.20krkayou could use doubles
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20:59.30krkaerr, "numbers" in lua
21:00.57cladhairelua> sgc = gcinfo() t = {} for i=1,50000 do t[i] = tostring(i) end print(gcinfo() - sgc)
21:00.58cladhairecladhaire:lua> 2085
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21:01.00cladhairelua> gsc = gcinfo() t = "" for i=1,50000 do t = t .. tostring(i) end collectgarbage("collect") print(gcinfo() - sgc)
21:01.04cladhairecladhaire:lua> maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
21:01.20cladhairehrm.. gotta be creative about it =)
21:01.21Guillotinecladhaire: highest is at around 35k
21:01.29*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Esamynn] by ChanServ
21:01.30Guillotinejust FYI
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21:01.59foxlitHm, so I get that boomkins can do 105324damage / manapool vs 73in one minute, 47 seconds
21:02.07cladhairekrka: 50k for the long string.
21:02.12cladhaireas opposed to 2085
21:02.20cladhairelua> sgc = gcinfo() t = {} for i=1,50000 do t[i] = tostring(i) end collectgarbage("collect") print(gcinfo() - sgc)
21:02.20cladhairecladhaire:lua> 2084
21:02.32cladhaireNot an entirely fair example, since the size of the string grows with i
21:02.42cladhairebut 2 megs versus 50k is pretty telling
21:02.53Shirikgcinfo is evil!!
21:03.26foxlitwru, dps classes! Tell me if 105324
21:03.29foxlitfs, tabs
21:03.38foxlitdamage / 2 minutes is any good :)
21:04.19Kaydeethreelua> 105324/120
21:04.19cladhaireKaydeethree:lua> 877.7
21:04.34Kaydeethree877 dps? not bad
21:04.42Kasofoxlit i think burning a mana pool in 1.47 is pretty crappy though
21:05.03foxlittechnically, since I rounded from 1:47
21:05.38Kaydeethreethat's so-so, then. unsustainable over most end-game bossfights, though
21:05.39zenzelezzfoxlit: DPS on what?
21:05.47foxlitstraight starfire spam
21:05.53foxlitin a raid environment
21:05.59foxlitvs a level 73 target
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21:06.18Kaydeethreehow long did the fight last after you went oom?
21:06.20krkasgc = gcinfo() t = {} for i=1,50000 do t[i] = 100*i end print(gcinfo() - sgc)
21:06.25krkathat's a better test, imo
21:06.30foxlitI didn't, it's entirely theorycrafted
21:06.31krkagsc = gcinfo() t = "" for i=1,50000 do t = t .. ":" .. tostring(i) .. "=" .. tostring(i * 100) end collectgarbage("collect") print(gcinfo()  - gsc)
21:06.32cladhaireso run it
21:06.35krkai did
21:06.39cladhairelua> sgc = gcinfo() t = {} for i=1,50000 do t[i] = 100*i end print(gcinfo() - sgc)
21:06.39cladhairecladhaire:lua> 767
21:06.41cladhairefor all to see
21:06.41krkai got 1019
21:06.46cladhairelua> gsc = gcinfo() t = "" for i=1,50000 do t = t .. ":" .. tostring(i) .. "=" .. tostring(i * 100) end collectgarbage("collect") print(gcinfo()  - gsc)
21:06.51cladhairecladhaire:lua> maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
21:06.54krkathat's gonna take a while
21:06.57cladhairewhy is that a fair comparison?
21:07.16krkawasn't that the format that was used?
21:07.21krkamore or less
21:07.41krkathe string was 677788 bytes long anyway
21:07.47cladhairewell we're skewing our own data
21:07.50cladhairelets make this easy
21:07.57krkaso for that test, the table is only slightly larger
21:07.59foxlit<Kaydeethree> how long did the fight last after you went oom?
21:08.06krka1 meg vs 0.677 meg
21:08.21foxlitAP regen should mitigate some of that; it's not interly over past 1:47
21:08.31AellaWhat exactly are you guys testing? Concats?
21:08.35krkaim assuming that item ids and item prices are both integers
21:08.39krkaperhaps that's wrong
21:08.48cladhaireits possible
21:08.55cladhairethe prices certainly should be
21:09.02cladhaireso yes, that saves a lot in the table version
21:09.10krkaif item ids are strings of a certain format, they should certainly be possible to encode as a lua number :)
21:09.13AellaItem sell prices can theoretically be fractional, but they can't be observed in-game as such.
21:09.23MentalPower|FoodCorrodias, Guillotine: I'm back, whatcha need?
21:09.28Corrodiashey there
21:09.38AellaItem ids are always integers (unless you account for random suffixes).
21:09.39Corrodiascould you explain this constants/size/whatever limit for savedvariables files?
21:09.45GuillotineMP: I'm good ;) Was just wondering whether the limit was per file, per table, or per variable
21:09.52krkaimo, it's worth having a 40% or something larger data size for the ease of use and speed increase
21:09.53Guillotinenow I know I can just store my data in multiple files
21:10.01cladhairehe said earlier, per file
21:10.08KasoAella, items with fraction sell prices arent vendorable iirc? like lowbie arrows
21:10.12AellaHow many bytes per file?
21:10.16MentalPower|WorkA constant is defined as a key or value in a table
21:10.24krkacladhaire: assuming that blizzard compiles each file seperately
21:10.25AellaKaso: right, the only way to determine them is to take purchase price / 4.
21:10.28Guillotinecladhaire: I know :) I was just telling him he answered my question
21:10.35cladhaireokay =)
21:10.36MentalPower|Workso in something like "table={foo=bar}" is three constants
21:11.10AellaSo it's not a fixed size, just a number of constants?
21:11.11krkai'd encode it as a string for SV, but deserialize it into a table when starting
21:11.13MentalPower|Workhowever constants are unique
21:11.41MentalPower|Workso something like "table={foo=bar, baz=bar}" is only 4 constants
21:11.48MentalPower|Worksince bar is used twice
21:12.03krkanote that numbers are also considered constants
21:12.05AellaMentalPower|Work: this is for the limit on SavedVariables?
21:12.17MentalPower|Workon any file in Lua, SavedVariables included
21:12.29AellaAh, it's a Lua engine imposed limit?
21:12.45MentalPower|Workif you exceed (2^18)-1 constants in a file you get a "constant table overflow" error on login
21:12.46AellaI thought SavedVariables were no longer loaded via Lua...
21:12.50krkathe LOADK opcode uses 18 bits to reference constant index
21:12.51MentalPower|Works/login/file load/
21:13.04cladhaireAella: what gave you that impression?
21:13.14AellaThought Slouken mentioned it once.
21:13.20MentalPower|WorkAella: layman's SVs still are, blizz's SVs are not
21:13.22krkahm, that's an interesting point. can you insert custom lua code in SV?
21:13.40Shirikit would likely be overwritten on next logout
21:13.43krkado blizzard just loadfile("sv.lua")?
21:13.46ShirikI wouldn't be surprised if it rewrites the whole file
21:13.48AellaAh, because Blizzard's SVs are treated as untainted...
21:15.19AellaIs table = {"something", "something else"} treated as three constants or five?
21:15.42AellaAnd is table = { [1] = "something", [2] = "something else"} treated the same way?
21:16.07AellaSo, my question then is are array indices counted as constants?
21:16.12Shirik{"something", "something else"} is syntactically equivalent to {[1] = "something", [2] = "Something else"}
21:16.31Corrodiasthat doesn't answer the question
21:16.32ShirikAella: My guess is yes, but it's a lua implementation thing, not a WoW one, iirc
21:16.36krkaAella: two constants, i think
21:16.45krkaerr sorry
21:16.48krkamissed "table"
21:16.49Guillotine3. table, table[1], and table[2]
21:16.49Shirik(yes, two constants)
21:17.03Shirikone for key, one for array, but
21:17.10Shirikfor array parts of a table, only one constant
21:17.12Shirikfor hash parts, 2
21:17.19Shirik(this is mostly a guess, but it makes sense to me)
21:17.29MentalPower|Workhmm... good question
21:17.34krkaall strings and almost all numbers are constants
21:17.37krkathat's it
21:17.43Shirikthat's what I based the statement off
21:17.47Corrodiasour realm is infested with too many nelfs
21:17.54AellaYeah, but the array portion of a table doesn't store the constants.
21:18.09GuillotineI really wish I could be a dwarf or gnome ;( Damn druids only being NEs on alliance
21:18.33krkaAella: that sentence didnt make sense to me
21:19.24AellaIn the VM, the array portion of a table doesn't store index = value, just a flat list of values...
21:19.37AellaSo are the indices still constants?
21:20.04Shirikthey don't really "exist"
21:20.04krkano, the bytecode for generating those dont require constants
21:20.11Shirikjust the values are there
21:20.14krkahmm... or maybe if it's really long
21:20.16Shirikthe index is a memory offset
21:20.24krkalike over 256 perhaps
21:20.35krkathen it would need to store the last index as a constant
21:20.42AellaThe *last* index?
21:20.54krkaactually i am not sure
21:21.16krkai should read more on the setlist operator
21:21.19MentalPower|WorkIriel would know for sure, since he was the one that told us the limitation
21:21.49GuillotineIriel would know for sure, since he is Lua incarnate
21:22.06krkaah no, sorry
21:22.07MentalPower|WorkAlso note that Auctioneer is the only AddOn known to cause this issue in the wild
21:22.18krkai think pure array part doesnt require constants for indices
21:22.19Shirikconstant table overflow issue?
21:22.22krkaunless it's really sparce
21:22.26ShirikI've caused that issue before
21:22.28Shirikbut not in the wild :P
21:22.34AellaWell, yeah, I'd expect a sparse array to do it.
21:22.35Shirikand it was mostly intentional
21:22.38GuillotineMP: I'm thinking my addon that has the talent spec of EVERY level 70 in my battlegroup would hit that limit as well
21:22.54MentalPower|WorkJesus indeed!
21:22.57Shirikkrka: From talking with rici last night, a sparse table does not use the array part
21:23.03Shirikeven if you have an element at every 2^n index
21:23.17cladhaireIf you were hypothetically reading a book about Programming Addons for World of Warcraft.. how deep would you want the section on the XML format (nothing wow specific) to be?
21:23.19AellaArray part is only used from 1...n.
21:23.27AellaOn the XML format in general?
21:23.33krkaShirik: right
21:23.39AellaDon't explain namespaces.
21:23.46Shirik17:22:44 ‹krka› unless it's really sparce
21:23.52Guillotinecladhaire: Hacking World of Warcraft 2?
21:23.53AellaDon't go more in-depth than <tag /> == <tag></tag>
21:23.53cladhaireAella: so no namespaces, no xsd?
21:23.54Shirikreason is because it's not array part anymore :)
21:24.02cladhaireGuillotine: s/Hacking//
21:24.08Shirikcladhaire: I vote 0 section on xml ^^
21:24.14MentalPower|Workxsd is good
21:24.22MentalPower|Workatleast validation against an xsd
21:24.23cladhaireMentalPower|Work: but WHAT to show them?
21:24.23krkai'm mostly pondering this: {[1] = "a", [2] = "b", [4] = "c"}
21:24.46AellaStop at saying what xmlns:xsi and xsi:schemaLocation do, and leave it at that
21:24.56Guillotinedepends. If its a beginner's book, I'd want it to go into inheriting frames and thats about the limit
21:25.00Guillotineif its for more advanced users...
21:25.01krkawill the lua compiler make OP_SETLIST of "a", "b", nil, "c" or a bunch of table inserts
21:25.04Shirikkrka: From my tests that should cause [3] to be allocated too
21:25.05krkaor a combination
21:25.09Shirikjust set to nil
21:25.10cladhaireGuillotine: both
21:25.37Guillotinethen ya, probalby xsd
21:25.41MentalPower|Workand mention that certain programs like a, b and c do validation against the xsd
21:25.47Guillotinedon't really need namespaces
21:25.53krkai tested it, it doesn't use SETLIST
21:25.55cladhaireWell, I don't know much about them, to begin with
21:25.58AellaWell, definitely don't explain the XML schema format.
21:26.01Shirikwhat does it use?
21:26.09krkathree of them
21:26.09Shirik(I should go test this myself)
21:26.14cladhaireSo, explain the overall format
21:26.23cladhaireMention how XSD works
21:26.23Aellacladhaire: you could explain how to read UI.xsd.
21:26.31cladhaireshow them how they can use Jaxe to look at UI.xsd
21:26.39krkadon't think the compiler tries to be smart
21:26.45cladhairemention validation of XML against an XSD
21:26.46cladhaireand blamo, done.
21:26.53MentalPower|Workyes, 5.1 does settable whenever it sees {[1]=foo, [2]=bar}
21:27.02MentalPower|Workeven if the array is not sparse
21:27.14MentalPower|Workthats why slouken had to change the WoW serializer
21:27.27krkaby not doing [1], [2], it uses setlist instead
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21:27.52krkaso it's possible, for large tables, that indices requires constants if they're larger than 255
21:27.57AellaAnyone know what happens in the event that you do t[1] = x; t[1000] = x; for i = 999, 2, -1 do t[i] = x; end... will that end up as an array section or a hash section?
21:28.05krkaif they're explcitly written in the source
21:28.10ShirikAella: It gets converted to an array ;)
21:28.28Shirikas it reallocates
21:28.32krkaShirik: why is it odd?
21:28.35AellaShirik: ah, that makes sense.
21:28.38Shirikbecause, I've always been told
21:28.46Shirik{1, 2} == {[1] = 1, [2] = 2}
21:28.55krkawell, semantically it is
21:29.03Shirikthe fact that the bytecode is different suggests that different processes are going on
21:29.09Shiriksemantically it is, sure
21:29.12MentalPower|Workin 5.0 its completely true, in 5.1 its only semantically true
21:29.37AellaShirik: what if it doesn't reallocate when it hits t[2]? Is there a "gap" distance that it says "okay, make it an array"?
21:29.39krkaif you're really anal about speed, you'd use the first version if you could :)
21:29.50krkaAella:something like that
21:29.53zenzelezzI really dislike the Malchezaar encounter; depends too much on luck with the infernals
21:29.57krkafeel free to look through the lua source
21:29.59krkait's really interesting
21:30.07ShirikI don't know the details of when it decides to use an array part and when to use a hash part
21:30.10AellaI need to set aside the time to do that sometime. =P
21:30.19ShirikBut I do know that it makes the best decisions it can
21:30.34krkabasically it counts how many elements are between [1, 2^N]
21:30.35Shirikwhich includes, at some point during that code segment you gave, coverting it into an array instead of a hash
21:30.48krkaif it's high enough, it allocates an array part up to 2^N
21:30.50Shirikbut starting out with {[1] = 1, [1000] = 1000}
21:30.55krkathis is also done on every rehash
21:31.09krkai.e. when it tries to add something and it cant find a spot for it
21:31.12cladhairetable reallocs are killer
21:31.13Aellakrka: so basically your conclusion is that when Lua loads a Lua file, {3, 4} is two constants while {[1] = 3, [2] = 4} is four constants.
21:31.14Shirikyeah I knew the whole 2^n part I just didn't know how it decides from there
21:31.33krkaAella: not for that case - lua doesn't need constants for integers 0 - 255
21:31.52MentalPower|WorkI'll need to ask Iriel about that case
21:32.01krkaask someone in #lua
21:32.01cladhaire8-Ball says: "Absolutely."
21:32.08krkathey're the experts
21:32.09AellaOkay, so the array has to go over 255 elements for it to matter.
21:32.14cladhairei should change that bot's trigger
21:32.16krkaand really friendly about technical questions
21:32.20cladhairebut its too amusing to both =)
21:32.23MentalPower|Workmy code currently assumes its four constants
21:32.33MentalPower|Workwhatever the original literal is
21:32.33cladhaireask Are monkeys mammals?
21:32.34cladhaire8-Ball says: "I have my doubts."
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21:33.28MentalPower|Workgnight krka
21:34.36AellaSo you could get metaevents for times when a key isn't nil.
21:34.45cladhaireuse a proxy table.
21:34.47AellaThough it'd probably wreak havok with performance.
21:34.49cladhaireits like three lines of code.
21:35.00kergothproxy tables don't work properly in the general case.  __len doesn't work on tables
21:35.01AellaYeah, but that's twice as many table allocations. =P
21:35.01cladhaireit would as a default metamethod, that's why they don't exist
21:35.12AellaWait, it just doesn't *work*?
21:35.15cladhaireAella: uhh, no its one extra table.
21:35.35cladhairekergoth: correct, but if you're the one regulating the data, thats managable.
21:35.39AellaIf there's one table. If you've got five tables, it's five proxy tables and five data tables.
21:35.48cladhaireif your data is broad, yes
21:35.54cladhaireI'd say thats bad data design =)
21:36.47AellaIf you were making an OOP system for Lua, wouldn't you need two tables for each object?
21:36.52AellaAssuming a proxy table.
21:37.05cladhaireif you need a proxy table for an OOP system i'd again claim design fault =)
21:37.09cladhaireI mean, yes, I agree it woudl bve useful
21:37.17cladhairebut we can easily design or code around the limitation P
21:37.28cladhairekergoth: use newproxy() then, __len should work on it.
21:37.39kergothit does, and i have, but it's still not generally useful
21:37.57AellaWoW Lua doesn't have newproxy(), does it?
21:37.57kergothbecause table.* abort on userdata, they dont try to operate anyway
21:37.57kergothAella, it does
21:37.58Aella*blinks* news to me.
21:38.05cladhairewell its not really useful
21:38.07cladhaireso no one bothers
21:38.18AellaWhat does/doesn't it do?
21:38.30clad|dinnerit doesn't do much more than a table
21:38.40clad|dinnerfor one
21:38.49clad|dinnerokay, i'm off to dinner
21:38.54kergothit just creates a userdata.  it can use __len, and you can use the gc metamethod, but it has limitations as well, since it doesnt act like a table, so any assignment/lookup has to go through the metamethods
21:38.57kergothwhich adds overhead
21:39.03kergothsince it cant cache in itself
21:39.15AellaBut if you're doing a proxy for both get/set, you wouldn't be caching anyway.
21:39.16kergothusually not worth it
21:39.32AellaSince if you did proxy[t] and then proxy[t] = "x" it wouldn't propagate.
21:39.46kergoththats about the only time itd be useful, but keep in mind you cant use the table.* methods on the proxy.  you'd have to, say, for i=1,#foo do ... end
21:39.49kergothrather htan using ipairs
21:39.55kergothor write a custom iterator
21:40.09AellaYeah, that's survivable. Since a proxy table couldn't use those methods anyway.
21:40.35kergothif tables could use __len, they could :|
21:40.44AellaNot pairs().
21:41.08AellaAnd don't most of the table.* functions bypass metamethods?
21:41.41kergothgood question, i cant remember
21:41.50AellaFairly sure table.insert ignores #len.
21:41.54Shirikguess I shouldn't be trying to understand without reading the rest of the conversation
21:42.24kergoth__len doesnt work for tables anyway, so it wouldnt either way right now
21:42.29kergothbut probably
21:43.35AellaAnother question, any guesses which would be faster, x .. "_" or t[x], assuming that t[x] = t[x] .. "_"?
21:43.59Aellas/t[x] .. "_"?/x .. "_"?
21:44.05Aella^ failure.
21:45.33Shirikhas t[x] already been calculated?
21:45.34Aellaa.k.a. would it be faster to cache the result of the concat or just do it every time?
21:45.34*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
21:45.34Shirikx is local?
21:45.40AellaBut it's only being accessed once each time...
21:45.40ShirikI would probably just do the concatenation every time
21:45.41Aellax.."_" vs. t[x]
21:46.14Shirikyou're looking at obfuscation over something that is a minimal improvement at best, and we haven't even proven it's an improvement
21:46.14AellaEven though after the concat it has to search through the string table to see if it already exists?
21:46.37Shirikwhy does it have to do that?
21:46.49AellaString references are unique?
21:46.56AellaIt does the concat and then a hash lookup.
21:47.08AellaAs far as I can see it's a hash lookup either way.
21:47.17AellaThough chances are with different implementations.
21:47.36Shirikwell, it's a common tradeoff
21:47.45Shirikyou're looking at wasting memory for performance
21:47.53Shirikdepending on what you're really trying to do, it could go either way
21:48.37Cideaww, won't someone help the poor fella out?
21:48.57kergothi'm showing a concatenation is 0.39μs and a table index on a non-existing element without an __index in an mt is 0.27μs, in some quick testing in a lua interpreter
21:49.14AellaNon-existing element?
21:49.32kergothexisting is 0.15μs
21:49.44AellaHmm, so it *is* somewhat faster.
21:49.46kergothjust not worth the added code complexity imo
21:49.54ShirikI don't see how that's possible. If it doesn't exist
21:49.57Shirikyou have to do the concatenation anyway
21:50.14AellaSince he doesn't have an __index, I'm assuming it's just one that returns nil.
21:50.15Shirikwhich would imply that you have the concatenation time plus table access time
21:50.16Cidepreemptive optimization is very bad
21:50.22Cidedon't bother if you don't need it
21:50.35AellaIt's also somewhat additional abstraction.
21:50.55kergothShirik, quite, i only tested the raw operation, no combinations
21:51.02kergothAella, no, there was no mt in that test.  having an mt without __index is an added lookup in that operation
21:51.38AellaThat happens once per identifier, though, not worried about that--only adds the lookup if the item doesn't exist, correct?
21:55.30ShirikI agree with what Cide said btw
21:55.34Shirik17:50:38 ‹+Cide› preemptive optimization is very bad
21:55.46AellaThis is completely theorycrafting at the moment.
21:57.05AellaBut look at it this way... the only reason to use x.."_" inline is... optimization.
21:57.32AellaI'm just translating an identifier x to another identifier y.
21:57.41kergothcode it so it's comprehensible and intuitive, and come back and performance test it later :P
21:57.50Cidewhat kergoth said
21:57.54Cidereadability is king
21:58.09AellaAnd methinks x.."_" loses there too. =P
21:58.20AellaWell, at least in the prettiness departmnet.
21:58.23Kaeltenwhats the function that lets you run code from a string?
21:58.38CideI think it's loadstring
21:58.44Shirikor better yet
21:59.42Dagronso, can anyone tell me why when i first load up my addon it doesn't look right, but after doing two reloadui's its fine?
21:59.57AellaYou aren't waiting for the server to respond before asking for some info?
22:00.08Dagronhow do i make it wait to ask?
22:00.12AellaWait for the event.
22:00.15AellaWhat are you asking for?
22:00.21Dagronguild list
22:00.31AellaCall GuildRoster() on login and wait for GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE.
22:00.47Dagroni'll try it, thanks
22:01.18Aella*Fairly* sure you can call GuildRoster() at login.
22:01.25AellaBut you may have to wait for PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD or some such.,
22:03.47*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|napping (
22:07.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
22:09.16zenzelezzanyone know if it will be long until 2.1.2?
22:09.31Aella2-9 days.
22:09.54zenzelezzhm, not too bad... but I want it now :-( Would be so nice to not have to play with helm display turned off
22:12.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
22:14.34Kaydeethree9 days... they're pushing arena season 2 with the patch
22:16.03Dagronso... i get it to wait till player enters world... and then my code tells me i'm not in a guild... >.<
22:16.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Foxbot (
22:16.23AellaWhat is waiting until PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD?
22:16.32AellaThe call to GuildRoster() or the iteration over the members?
22:16.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
22:16.49Dagroni think i messed up
22:16.52Dagronlet me change something
22:17.12Dagronwell... wait
22:17.16AellaGuildRoster() just asks the server for the list, it doesn't return anything.
22:17.29Dagroncurrently, GuildRoster() is waiting till PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD
22:18.09Dagronthen on GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE i have the iteration through members, which checks to see if i'm in a guild
22:18.18Dagronand that's telling me i'm not
22:19.52AellaAs far as I can tell, that always returns correctly.
22:20.03AellaWhat happens if you do /run message(tostring(IsInGuild())) in-game?
22:22.07Dagronreturns a 1
22:22.24AellaWhat does your if statement look like?
22:24.57Shirikmessage() is blocked if you have "hide lua errors" enabled
22:25.05Shirikor don't have "show lua errorS" enabled
22:25.07Shirikwhatever way it goes
22:25.35Shirikjust throwing that out there
22:25.50AellaYeah, that's annoying. =P
22:25.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Foxbot (
22:26.55ShirikDagron: pastey your code
22:29.13Dagronwhile i was waiting for Pastey to load, i fixed it =)
22:29.22Dagronso everything is in the clear!
22:29.33Dagronthanks for the help
22:29.39Dagronyou guys rock =)
22:31.30Shirikso I do have those g keys bound to something :/
22:31.31foxlit== 10^308!
22:32.06Aella(10^122)-1, it seems.
22:32.12AellaEr, no.
22:32.40Aella...(2^122)-1 in base 2? *gets out of it*
22:33.08zenzelezzhey, the gryphon master in Wildhammer Stronghold is friendly now? Funky
22:35.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
22:36.59zenzelezzdoes the Battlemaster enchant heal yourself also; or only others?
22:37.35OsagasuThere's one way to find out for sure
22:37.35Shirikwhat is securecall() ?
22:37.52foxlit#api securecall
22:37.53Foxbotfoxlit: securecall(function[, ...])
22:37.55Aella(calls a tainted function from secure code without tainting the code)
22:38.12Aellas/tainting the code/tainting the execution path/
22:38.24OsagasuBattlemaster heals everyone in your party
22:38.45Shirikassume this is a protected function
22:38.47Osagasu"Permanently enchant a Melee Weapon to occasionaly heal nearby  party members of 180 to 300 health when an enemy is struck.  Requires a level 35 or higher item."
22:38.58AellaTainted code can call it, but it just acts normally.
22:39.09Aellaa.k.a. securecall(f, ...) == f(...)
22:39.19Shirikhere's what I'm looking at
22:40.06Shirikwow pastey's slow
22:40.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:40.39zenzelezzOsagasu: yeah; but as it only says "nearby party members" and not specifically "all party members" or "and yourself", I'm not sure :-p And it's a bit expensive to test
22:40.55Shirikwell in short, here's what I see
22:41.03Shiriklocal defaulteditbox = securecall(GetDefaultChatEditBox);
22:41.13Shirikand GetDefaultChatEditBox is defined as
22:41.18Shirikreturn DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.editBox;
22:41.26Shirikthis is so if someone replaces the edit box it's ok?
22:41.57foxlitCan also replace GetDefaultChatEditBox
22:42.02AellaNah, it's local.
22:42.49Shirikit's not onyl local
22:42.53Shirikit's local inside of a do...end
22:42.59AellaNo chances =P
22:44.14zenzelezzit's almost as if they don't want you to access it!
22:44.31Shiriknow what gave you that idea
22:44.31AellaMethinks you're on to something.
22:44.43foxlitHow does getfenv work?
22:44.54AellaUsing a number or a function param?
22:45.00Shirikthe inverse of setfenv()
22:45.02foxlitWhat's the number?
22:45.05AellaStack depth.
22:45.09Aella0 being thread.
22:45.16Aella1 being calling function.
22:45.50Shirikthere should be a -1 imo
22:46.05Shirikall that has ever existed, ever
22:46.18clad|dinneris the genv
22:46.24foxlitCan only get global and self?
22:46.34AellaShirik: that'd kill the stack.
22:46.35Shirikyeah but that only exists for this instance of lua
22:46.38ShirikI know ^^
22:46.42Shirikbut it would be fun
22:46.45Aellafoxlit: you can do 0...n, where n is anything
22:46.57Aellagetfenv(2) is the function calling the calling functino
22:47.16Shirikn isn't qiute anything
22:47.18Shirikthere is a limit
22:47.20zenzelezzthere's something amusing about seeing people try to PUG Gruul... I'm sure it can be done, but it's not exactly a PUG Kara
22:47.25AellaStack depth as the limit.
22:47.37Shirikputting something like 289539285 will result in an error thrown
22:48.05Shirik[string "return getfenv(100)"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'getfenv' (invalid level)
22:48.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
22:48.30foxlitfunction b() setfenv(1, getfenv(2)); cookie="stolen"; end; function a() local cookie="stuff"; b(); return cookie end; print(a());
22:48.37foxlitlua> function b() setfenv(1, getfenv(2)); cookie="stolen"; end; function a() local cookie="stuff"; b(); return cookie end; print(a());
22:48.37clad|dinnerfoxlit:lua> stuff
22:49.17Aellaclad needs to add a lua^ command.
22:49.37foxlitlua (^ that)
22:49.47clad|dinneri dont get it.
22:49.48Aellalua^ would execute the previous message from the sender.
22:49.58Shiriklua that
22:49.58clad|dinnerwhy would you want to re-do it?
22:50.00AellaWe always see <some lua code> followed by lua> <some lua code>
22:50.06AellaLike foxlit just did.
22:50.06Shirikbecause someone forgot to put lua>
22:50.12Shirikbe like
22:50.14clad|dinneri dont have a way to do that
22:50.14Shirik"analyze that!"
22:50.18zenzelezzdon't let them get away with being nubs clad
22:50.19clad|dinneror rather
22:50.20clad|dinneri dont want to
22:50.25foxlitstore last message / nick
22:50.30Shirikbetter yet
22:50.32AellaThis is AppleScript. =P
22:50.32Shirikmake it global
22:50.39Shirikif someone puts code
22:50.42Shirikanyone can do lua^
22:50.45Shiriki.e., someone new
22:50.47*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick_ (
22:50.53clad|dinneragain, this is applescript.
22:50.55AellaGuessing he doesn't call lua with every chat line.
22:50.55CideI could do that, sec
22:51.24AellaAnd it'd need to be persistent anyway.
22:51.29Shirik>>> Cide, clad = 1, 0; return Cide > clad
22:51.29CideShirik: true
22:51.34*** part/#wowi-lounge clad|dinner (n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
22:51.38*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|dinner (n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
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22:51.54clad|dinneri was apple w happy
22:51.57clad|dinneryou didn't do anything
22:52.08Kaydeethreegah. /trade's getting linkspammed with the Kael legendaries
22:52.24clad|dinnerLearning XML:
22:52.24clad|dinner•Understanding XML Format
22:52.26clad|dinner•Describing Data using XML
22:52.26clad|dinner•Schema Definitions
22:52.28stavmarclad|dinner: how is the book doing? Looks interesting
22:52.28clad|dinnerwhat else.
22:52.31zenzelezzKaydeethree: had that last week on my server
22:52.32clad|dinnerstavmar: what book?
22:52.50AellaThis is still non-WoW-specific XML?
22:52.51stavmaryour name is on there right?
22:53.07clad|dinnerAella: correct
22:53.17clad|dinnerstavmar: Some peopel are enjoying it, others wish it was a more technical book
22:53.30clad|dinnerAella: I'm just trying to figure out what to cover, and how in depth
22:53.31stavmarso you  found it somewhere in teh middle
22:53.38zenzelezzsounds like any other coding book (in terms of user feedback)
22:53.42clad|dinnerstavmar: no, its far on one side
22:53.45Aellaclad|dinner: how in-depth will "Schema Definitions" be?
22:53.49clad|dinnerzenzelezz: well this isn't a book about coding
22:53.50stavmarclad|dinner: lol ok
22:53.56clad|dinnerAella: I dont' know.. we can have as many subheadings as we want
22:54.03stavmarwas it you and Dan who wrote it alone?
22:54.04clad|dinnerthis is broad because i dont know anythign about XML other than using it =)
22:54.10clad|dinnerstavmar: Yes, Dan and I wrote it.
22:54.11Thunder_Childit's a beginers guide mor or less
22:54.19Thunder_Childgood stuff though
22:54.19AellaWhat's the difference between the first two sections?
22:54.21clad|dinnerits 11 chapters of where/how/why to get addons
22:54.26clad|dinnerand show what types of addons are available
22:54.35stavmarwell congratulations, writing any book that gets published is a quite an accomplishment. Best of luck to you
22:54.36Thunder_Childit explains things more than just saying this does this, it says why as well
22:54.42clad|dinnerAella: One is just introducing the overall format, the system of tags, and indentation, etc.
22:54.43zenzelezzclad|dinner: does it include how to not post on forums about WinZip asking you for money?
22:54.46clad|dinnershowing attributes, and child elements, etc.
22:54.50clad|dinnerzenzelezz: hehe
22:54.58zenzelezzthat thread made me QQ inside
22:55.01clad|dinnerAella: the second would be an example describing some data using XML
22:55.38Aellaclad|dinner: short list of generic XML tools? =P
22:55.45clad|dinnerAella: if you have a moment, i'd actually like to legitimately chat about this, seriously
22:56.28Cide>>> "hi"
22:56.28CideCide: "hi"
22:56.53clad|dinneraaw =/
22:56.57Cidepython error, sec!
22:57.26Cidetry now
22:57.33Cideclad|dinner: [string "^"]:1: unexpected symbol near '^'
22:57.33zenzelezzAella: what made you think otherwise in the first place?
22:57.47Aellazenzelezz: faith in human nature.
22:57.57zenzelezzyou must not visit the WoW forums much
22:58.17Cidetype some lua code followed by >>>^
22:58.26Shirik>>> print("Hello world!")
22:58.27CideShirik: "Hello world!"
22:59.03Cidetry now
22:59.57Cidewhat about now?
23:00.04CideIndustrial: [string "^"]:1: unexpected symbol near '^'
23:00.21zenzelezzdoes it cache the "previous" string too soon?
23:00.43Cidesomething like that
23:00.46Cidenot sure yet
23:01.03Cidewhat about now?
23:01.31Cideoh, I see
23:01.41Cideshould work now
23:01.45Cidezenzelezz: [string "^"]:1: unexpected symbol near '^'
23:01.56Cideoh, I'm stupid
23:02.25clad|dinnernow i feel obligated to get this working on mine =)
23:02.32clad|dinneri have to see if there are dictionaries i can use in applescript
23:03.04clad|dinnerhash tables.
23:03.06AellaTables, hashmaps, pick your terminology.
23:03.06clad|dinnerand there aren't.
23:03.23clad|dinnerAella: are you ignoring me? Am i not pretty enough for you?
23:03.33AellaAm I?
23:03.44AellaSending you messages...
23:03.49clad|dinnernot getting any
23:03.53clad|dinnerare you not registered?
23:04.01clad|dinnerthat's why i keep talking.. i'm getting no response
23:04.08clad|dinnerwell you can't send pm's if you're not registered.
23:04.10Thunder_ChildWe have a winnar
23:04.15Cideshould work now!
23:04.16clad|dinneras the irc server is politely telling your client :P
23:04.17AellaLemee fix that.
23:04.20Cideclad|dinner: [string ">>^"]:1: unexpected symbol near '>'
23:04.21Cideclad|dinner: [string ">>>>>^"]:1: unexpected symbol near '>'
23:04.24AellaColloquy doesn't listen =P
23:04.28Cideclad|dinner: "hi"
23:04.40Cideclad|dinner: [string ">>>print"hi""]:1: unexpected symbol near '>'
23:04.45clad|dinnerCide: why did you get the first error?
23:04.59clad|dinner>>>print("I personally feel that zenzelezz should become the new messiah of the WoW UI community")
23:05.00Cideclad|dinner: "I personally feel that zenzelezz should become the new messiah of the WoW UI community"
23:05.08clad|dinnerCide: I'm glad you feel so strongly!
23:05.10clad|dinnersuch conviction
23:05.13zenzelezzthat's a disturbing thought
23:06.15ckknight>>> ="hey"
23:06.15Cideckknight: "hey":1: unexpected symbol near '='
23:06.23ckknightaw, I can do that on the command line
23:06.26ckknight>>> "hey"
23:06.26Cideckknight: "hey"
23:06.35ckknight>>> print "pants"
23:06.35Cideckknight: "pants"
23:06.42CideI know, but I opted for just >>> expr
23:06.54Cideok so
23:07.15zenzelezzI'm still confused about what this environment variable "PANTS=ON" on my Linux box means
23:07.34Cidesomeone type some code!
23:07.42Cideand then someone else do the >>>^
23:07.50Kaydeethree>>> print("Hello, world!")
23:07.51CideKaydeethree: "Hello, world!"
23:07.59Cidewithout the ">>>"
23:08.09Kaydeethreeprint("Hello, world!")
23:08.17CideKaydeethree: "Hello, world!"
23:09.40Cidezenzelezz: [string "^"]:1: unexpected symbol near '^'
23:10.40Cidehm, gonna change the syntax to just >>^
23:10.57Cideand it doesn't record anything that I type, btw
23:11.05Cide(side effect of xchat's event system)
23:11.06zenzelezzI noticed that earlier
23:11.13zenzelezzsame as mIRC's remotes
23:11.38zenzelezzor basically the way IRC works; IIRC... the client would have to manually tell itself your message was incoming
23:11.38Kaydeethreemeh, thought taht was just a mIRC thing. xchat handles remotes the same way?
23:11.50Shirikyeah you don't get informed of the message
23:11.52zenzelezzI believe IRC servers don't send you your own messages
23:11.52Shirikon IRC
23:13.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
23:13.43zenzelezzthat's also the reason for the "my sentence appeared first on my screen!"
23:15.21ckknightCide: I think if you do >>>^ and it has a compilation error, maybe it shouldn't yell. Also, it seems like it should ping the person who did >>>^ instead of the person who typed the code. Or maybe both.
23:16.07CideI considered the compilation error part
23:16.19Cideit'd require a bit of restructuring, but I might do that tomorrow
23:16.56Kasoso whats all this ^ talk about?
23:17.05clad|dinneri like hats
23:17.12KasoSilly hats only
23:17.12CideI can easily have it tell the person who did the >>^ instead of the person who typed the code, that's up to you really
23:17.35Shirik>>> ^
23:17.35CideShirik: [string "^"]:1: unexpected symbol near '^'
23:17.37CideShirik: [string "^"]:1: unexpected symbol near '^'
23:17.46CideShirik: [string "^"]:1: unexpected symbol near '^'
23:17.53Kaydeethreeprint("Hai world!")
23:17.57Shirikoh you changed it to >>^?
23:18.00CideShirik: nil
23:18.01CideShirik: [string ">>> silly"]:1: unexpected symbol near '>'
23:18.04Shirikthere you go
23:18.06Shiriksilly hat
23:18.22foxlit>>> t = {[[any " key]]=1};
23:18.23Cidefoxlit: [string "t = {[[any " key]]=1};"]:1: '}' expected near '='
23:18.29foxlit>>> t = {[[[[any " key]]]]=1};
23:18.29Cidefoxlit: [string "t = {[[[[any " key]]]]=1};"]:1: '}' expected near ']'
23:18.36AellaI'm glad that my suggestion has caused such a frenzy.
23:18.37foxlit>>> t = {[["any \" key"]]=1};
23:18.38Cidefoxlit: [string "t = {[["any \" key"]]=1};"]:1: '}' expected near '='
23:18.39Shirik[ [[ ]] ]
23:18.42Shirikhave to do it like that
23:19.08Shirik>>> t = {[ [[any " key]] ] = 1} print(t)
23:19.08CideShirik: { ["any \" key"] = 1 } (#1)
23:20.34AellaIs it doing it based on last message or last message by person?
23:20.44Thunder_Childcide, can you make it ignore recuring >>^?
23:22.27CideThunder_Child: "truly?"
23:22.29CideThunder_Child: "truly?"
23:22.55Cidealso made it so you can repeat >>> commands
23:22.58Cide>>> reload
23:22.58CideCide: [string "reload"]:1: '=' expected near 'lua'
23:23.12Cidetry, for example
23:23.17Cide>>> math.random(1, 10)
23:23.28Aella>>> math.random(1, 10)
23:23.28CideAella: 8
23:23.32CideAella: 6
23:23.44AellaI vote syntax change to ^^^, easier to type =P
23:23.58Cidenot in line with >>> and >>? :P
23:24.19AellaDepends on how many other >>? you're going to add =P
23:24.55Aella>>! would be rockin'.
23:25.00zenzelezzhe already has >>?, so it is in line
23:25.10zenzelezz>>? hai
23:25.10Cidezenzelezz: [string "hai"]:1: '=' expected near '<eof>'
23:25.13Cidesyntax check
23:25.22Cide>>? function() end
23:25.22CideCide: [string "function() end"]:1: '<name>' expected near '('
23:25.28Cide>>? return function() end
23:25.28CideCide: input appears to be syntactically correct.
23:25.31Shirik>>? HAI; CAN HAS STDIO? KTHXBYE
23:25.31CideShirik: [string "HAI; CAN HAS STDIO? KTHXBYE"]:1: '=' expected near ';'
23:25.35Cideoh god
23:25.40Cidewe need LOLCODE>
23:25.44AellaIt's true.
23:25.50AellaBut lines breaks r a prblm.
23:25.53Shirikclad|afk has already said he considered it :P
23:26.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (
23:26.29PolarinaHow do I display two MoneyFrames in a GameTooltip instead of one?
23:26.59KasoYoud have to do some funking around, the tooltips created only have one moneyframe be default
23:27.05clad|afkCide can easily do lolcode
23:27.11Kasoperhaps make your own tooltip template
23:27.12clad|afkthere's a python interpreter forit, no?
23:27.17Cideno idea
23:27.22Kasothat inherts from GameTooltip and adds a second moneyframe
23:27.48PolarinaI can't use my own. My Addon just adds information to existing tooltip when you hover over items in the mailbox.
23:28.02AellaIt's easy enough to make a new money frame and add it to an existing tooltip.
23:28.50PolarinaAella: How?
23:29.08PolarinaI tried messing around for a while without any luck.
23:29.35PolarinaTried that too..
23:30.04AellaShould be able to do CreateFrame("Frame", nil, GameTooltip, "SmallMoneyFrameTemplate")
23:30.53AellaBut I'm not sure what the best way to call SmallMoneyFrame_OnLoad() would be.
23:31.22AellaAnyone? Do you have to hijack the global "this"?
23:32.20MentalPower|Workfirst of all, you can't do nil with Blizz templates
23:32.30MentalPower|Workwell... you can, but its a bad idea
23:33.06PolarinaI'll contribute my addon to charity if someone would want to take a look at it?
23:33.25MentalPower|Worksure, pastey it
23:33.35PolarinaThe addon is multiple files.
23:33.44MentalPower|Workuse pastey
23:33.49PolarinaOk. link.
23:35.04PolarinaCan't paste..
23:35.14AellaAt pastey?
23:35.27PolarinaNowhere to put the code... :S
23:35.40AellaNot the big text box?
23:36.04PolarinaWait, refresh works.
23:41.05*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|afk (
23:41.05*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o clad|afk] by ChanServ
23:42.35PolarinaSorry for the wait, pastey is freaking me out with these tabs.
23:44.18PolarinaPastey doesn't handle spaces in the beginning of lines...
23:45.01PolarinaI'll paste it anyway.
23:46.30PolarinaAella: See the bottom of the paste, added few lines to descripe the problem.
23:48.11AellaThis isn't embedded, right? You can use an XML file?
23:49.16PolarinaAella: I'm using a XML file too.
23:49.16AellaOkay, you should be able to set up a virtual money frame in there...
23:49.16PolarinaAella: Just one of the few files the Addon has.
23:50.28AellaSo you could use CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame, "ValuationUI_MoneyFrameTemplate") to create it...
23:51.12Aellae.g. local moneyFrame = frame.vuiMoney; if not moneyFrame then moneyFrame = CreateFrame(); frame.vuiMoney = moneyFrame; end;
23:51.37Polarinaframe.vuiMoney is?
23:51.46AellaSome private variable you put on the frame table.
23:51.59AellaYou'd just need to copy the moneyframe thing from the GameTooltipTemplate.xml file.
23:52.01PolarinaInside ValuationUI_AddInfoToTooltip?
23:52.15AellaYeah, replacing "local moneyFrame =_G[frame:GetName() .."MoneyFrame"]; "
23:52.48PolarinaI don't understand what this frame.vuiMoney is for..
23:53.04AellaTo keep track of the frame you've created.
23:53.24PolarinaCan't it be stored inside the function itself?
23:53.46AellaYou can store it in your add-on, yeah, if you know you're only going to be dealing with one tooltip.
23:54.05PolarinaSure. :)
23:55.50PolarinaAella: So instead of using the MoneyFrame that is there by default, I always I use my own?
23:56.19PolarinaAella: Great, I'll fix this right away.
23:56.37AellaReload the second pastey link (, fixed an anchor problem (i.e. there were some).
23:57.29AellaYou can make it not virtual if you want, if you are only going to be using one.
23:57.37AellaShouldn't be a problem as long as you only hook GameTooltip.
23:57.51PolarinaVirtual and not virtual, difference is?
23:58.03AellaVirtual doesn't exist until you call CreateFrame()
23:58.12AellaNon-virtual, you have one copy around at all times.
23:58.18PolarinaI'm also hooking ItemRefTooltip..
23:58.42AellaThen, theoretically, you'll need two of your handy little money frames, because one could be shown in each tooltip.
23:59.03AellaThat's what frame.vuiMoney was.
23:59.10AellaThough you can call it whatever you want.

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