IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070609

04:07.57*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
04:07.57*** topic/#wowi-lounge is #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 Toc: 20100 | RTFPN please | "I IS PEWPEW Mindblast WHEN U IS PRESIN 5" - Guillotine
04:10.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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04:15.07*** join/#wowi-lounge tardmrr (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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04:17.24*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
04:19.54MentalPowerincomming bot!
04:20.12MentalPowerhehe, its already here
04:20.16MentalPower~hello purl
04:20.53Cidegood bot
04:32.04Thunder_Childi just spent 1 1/2 hours seting up and adjusting my mods that now i dont feel like playing...
04:32.32Thunder_Childerr.. 2 1/2 hours
04:35.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
04:35.49Thunder_Childsadlt i am not anywhere near being done, but i think it is getting better
04:37.47|Jelly|I just spent the past two hours configuring my UI for 1024x768 only to have WoW crash.
04:38.16|Jelly|My fault for not reloading but still
04:38.37Thunder_Childwrite a small script to auto reload every 30 min or whatever
04:38.42|Jelly|Shit thing is... I was done.
04:38.51|Jelly|Had just taken the screenshot for Curse
04:44.53Mike-N-Goseebs: I don't understand SimpleMail to well, I do '/sm get -sc' and maybe add a number, sometimes it would be some monies, sometimes it would not, care to explain any of this?
04:55.27cladhaireShirik: ping
04:57.03Mike-N-Gocladhaire: pong
04:57.13cladhaire.. i didn't ping you.
04:57.37Mike-N-GoSo what? Can I not pong you?
04:59.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:59.52Mike-N-Go~dict pong learn something new every day
05:02.38Mike-N-GoI'm having a fun time running 2 bag addons at once, OneBag and  Bagnon =]
05:11.14Thunder_Child|Jelly|, link the ss
05:11.42Thunder_Child(21:38:49) (|Jelly|) Had just taken the screenshot for Curse
05:12.47|Jelly|Looks pretty much like the one up there -- just smaller. lol
05:13.11Thunder_Childwhat one up where?
05:13.20|Jelly|On Curse. lol
05:13.29*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
05:13.32*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
05:13.37|Jelly| rather
05:13.47Thunder_Childyea, i got it
05:14.21|Jelly|Ya really think so? (Honest question)
05:15.04Mr_Rabies2not my cup of tea but that doesnt mean it's bad
05:15.13Mr_Rabies2i'm more of a minimalist
05:15.24|Jelly|I'm like Shirik -- info overload
05:15.34Thunder_Childlet me put it this way, there is nothing there that screams out..."dosent belong"
05:15.39|Jelly|Note: That's not in combat
05:15.59Mr_Rabies2my chat window is smaller than the default, i don't keep my combat log out
05:16.04|Jelly|awesome...that's more or less what I was asking when I was wondering if you really liked it. Things that I might wanna change. lol
05:16.19Mr_Rabies2i only have 2 action bars up and the rest are over to the side and hidden
05:16.29|Jelly|I couldn't do it
05:16.51Mr_Rabies2well, my main is a druid, so we get extra ones for forms
05:16.56Thunder_Childwhere is the target frame?
05:17.09|Jelly|i'll give you an updated screenshot
05:17.26Mr_Rabies2druids do have the most spells, but our form specific ones make it look like less
05:19.04Mr_Rabies2i take that back, priests have more
05:19.34Mr_Rabies2well, i can't get just rank 1 and rank 0 spells on wowhead, or i'd tell you something a bit more useful
05:21.32|Jelly| from the other shot, you can see where KTM and the combat/heal log is
05:21.49*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (
05:22.09|Jelly|Also...the party members have 3d frames but without the party...they're not there. lol
05:22.22*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire_ (
05:22.22|Jelly|in a raid, perfect raid is at the top right
05:22.22Thunder_Childah pitbill
05:22.52Mr_Rabies2too much info :[
05:23.02|Jelly|I'm kind of scared to change from Healbot -- I want to but when I forget where shit is or what button is where, people die 8(
05:23.21*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
05:23.47Thunder_Childheh i'm a SP for a reason of...i dont feel like seting up my healing raid stuf
05:23.50Mr_Rabies2i have ktm and damagemeters turned off unless i'm in a party
05:23.53Mr_Rabies2otherwise it's just
05:24.07Mr_Rabies2bartender bars 1 and 2 on, 3 is hidden, autobar is on
05:24.14|Jelly|Well, I'm in the process of writing an addon to hide quite a few frames when I'm out of a party
05:24.27Thunder_Childi have omen instaid of ktm..does the same, looks better
05:24.28|Jelly|I couldn't do it
05:24.44Mr_Rabies2stance bar is on, chat log is up with combat log hidden behind it, fubar with most of my information stuff, and pitbull frames in the places where they are in the default wow ui
05:24.52|Jelly|*shrug* KTM's the standard...when that changes, I'll change.
05:25.17Thunder_Childwith tinking like that, things will never change
05:25.27Thunder_Childbut then i am not building my UI for others
05:25.28Mr_Rabies2i just didn't use ktm for a long while
05:25.36Mr_Rabies2simply because it's all theory
05:25.46Mr_Rabies2especially after patches
05:25.57Mr_Rabies2i mostly have it on for the use of others
05:26.05|Jelly|*shrug* I've found it to be accurate enough for me
05:26.27Mr_Rabies2since i'm usually the tank
05:27.11|Jelly|Shirik|Fooding needs to be known as Shirik|TellingJellyHowToLogInBecauseJelly'sATard
05:27.48Shirik|TellingJehow can you not log in?
05:27.52Shirik|TellingJeseriously wendy's gonna close so
05:27.53Thunder_Childhmm... Shirik, not quite the same
05:27.54Shirik|TellingJeI'll be back
05:28.11|Jelly|I tried to send people messages and it's all "Screw you nub, you need to register!"
05:28.19|Jelly|...when i already have
05:28.30Thunder_Childand did you log in a s well?
05:28.38Thunder_Childs/a s/as/
05:29.01Thunder_Child"/ns IDENTIFY <pw>"
05:29.21Thunder_Childthis focus crap is getting silly
05:29.27Kaydeethreequick! change your pass
05:29.39Thunder_Childyou dont know my account name
05:30.00|Jelly|So really...
05:31.20Kaydeethreeif the /ns command doesn't work (don't think that's an alias in chatzilla), "/msg nickserv identify <pass>"
05:32.08|Jelly|I win
05:32.09Thunder_Childhmm..never took mine unless ident was all in caps
05:32.23Thunder_Childbut that just might be me
05:32.25|Jelly|"*NickServ*Password accepted - you are now recognized"
05:32.27Kaydeethreedepends on the services daemon
05:32.30|Jelly|it's just you
05:32.48Kaydeethreebut most don't care about capitalization unless it's for passwords
05:32.48Thunder_Childyea...i'm with |Jelly| on that's standard for me
05:33.13Kaydeethreeor you're using an alias instead of a standard privmsg, that is
05:34.55|Jelly| lol
05:35.04*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
05:35.55Kaydeethreeneed to link that to some qqers on the guild forums
05:35.57GuillotineI spent all that time making the addon to show all the sell prices from the armory and now I find that the prices on the armory aren't all correct -_-
05:36.09Thunder_Childhow would that be?
05:37.05Guillotineis the vendor price lower for items with non-full durability?
05:37.20Thunder_Childit used to be...did they change that?
05:37.30XuerianYes, it does lower.
05:37.32Kaydeethreewhoa... seriously?
05:37.34Guillotineah, nm
05:37.36Guillotineit works
05:37.46Guillotinesell price for every item in the game :D
05:37.47Guillotineand some not in it
05:37.54XuerianHaha. Nice.
05:38.16Guillotineand my addon uses nearly no memory XD
05:38.33|Jelly|too bad it's not accurate! 8P
05:38.51GuillotineJelly: it is, I just forgot that items with non-full durability vendor for less
05:39.02|Jelly|Ok so yeah...that really does suck.
05:40.29Thunder_Childit's not like it's new
05:41.58Thunder_Childwoot, i have now shoved litestep into every bar i have on my UI
05:42.23Thunder_Childdamn, forgot about ICEhud
05:42.28Thunder_Childthe texture
05:42.55Thunder_Childelks buf bars, top right
05:43.09Thunder_Childi now have it in, AG_UI
05:43.46Thunder_Childhmm..forgot icehud, aloft, and candybar
05:43.55Thunder_Childer..not candyabr
05:44.50|Jelly|What resolution is that?
05:45.08|Jelly|*cry* I want a bigger monitor
05:45.19Thunder_Child<-- dual 22"
05:45.32|Jelly|<-- dual 17
05:45.40Thunder_Childeven with all the crap on there , i have lots of veiwing room
05:46.09|Jelly|autobar on the left?
05:46.13|Jelly|(far left)
05:46.13Thunder_Childhmm..someone needs to change the motd as well
05:46.28|Jelly|rock on
05:49.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
05:49.26Guillotinehmm. making the file slightly smaller. No reason to record the sell price if it doesn't sell
05:50.05Thunder_Childwhats it recording then..0?
05:53.22Shirikbtw |Jelly|
05:53.27Shirikif you paid attention to notices you'd get...
05:53.32Shirik01:49:11  » [notice from NickServ]: This nickname is owned by someone else
05:53.32Shirik01:49:11  » [notice from NickServ]: If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
05:53.44|Jelly|yeah too bad it didn't tell me any of that
05:54.19|Jelly|And Shirik: L2fmfc !
05:54.30|Jelly|fix my fucking code!
05:54.42|Jelly|...even though I really haven't had time to mess with it lately
05:55.27Thunder_Childthis is what i am running with...
05:58.27Corrodiasa decently long list, thunder, but a bunch of it is cartographer
05:58.46Thunder_Childyea, i need to get rid of some...wel most..but i am lazy
05:58.49|Jelly|I have three (including RDX) boss mods -- I just like too many things from all of them, I guess
05:59.01|Jelly|mine's all cart and fubar shit
05:59.06Thunder_Childi still havent figured out rdx yet
05:59.11|Jelly|Me neither.
05:59.18|Jelly|It's kind of over whelming
05:59.24Thunder_ChildShirik needs to hold a class
05:59.37Thunder_Childwell i havent because i am never in a group/raid long enough to test it out
05:59.45Thunder_Child*sigh* need to hit 70
05:59.48Corrodiaso shi
06:01.26Corrodiasi'm down to 10gb free on my first drive?!
06:01.26Shiriklol on RDX?
06:01.26Shirikwhen I get our wiki together...
06:01.27Corrodias212 folders in my addons folder, although that includes the blizzard ones
06:01.28Corrodiasno longer a list than yours
06:04.03Mike-N-Go~dict ratify
06:06.05Mike-N-Goseebs: Props on SmartMail, I like how much faster it can remove mail then CT.
06:07.54Mike-N-Go~dict cipricate
06:08.03Mike-N-Go~dict recipricate
06:08.11Corrodiasokay... but where can you GET it, mike?
06:08.13ShirikI'm not sure if I can go to blizzcon anymore :(
06:08.22Mike-N-GoCorrodias: SimpleMail?
06:08.26Kaydeethree~dict reciprocate
06:08.37Corrodiasyou said smartmail
06:08.39Thunder_Childyou had better Shirik
06:08.55ShirikIt depends on a lot of factors
06:08.57Mike-N-GoSimplemail.. is the name.
06:10.34Mr_Rabies2bit too simple for me, but then again, he's not writing addons for me :P
06:12.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
06:13.57Thunder_Childcan someone tell me what i had runing mid left that used candybar textures??
06:14.11Thunder_Childthat showed debufs on my target
06:14.18Thunder_Childi cannot seem to remeber
06:15.12Mr_Rabies2link to screen :O
06:15.20Mr_Rabies2i missed it earlier if you posted one
06:15.54Mr_Rabies2naturenemycastbar? i dunno :O
06:16.10Thunder_Childno, dont have that one :(
06:17.05Mr_Rabies2is it...elkbuffbars?
06:17.15Mr_Rabies2i'm looking at your addon list for possible culprits
06:17.29Thunder_Childnope, those are top right and left
06:17.55Thunder_Childthat sounds right
06:18.23Thunder_Childwent right ever it...10 times maybe
06:18.29Thunder_Childway way to tired for this i think
06:18.40Mr_Rabies2i bet that's it
06:19.15Thunder_Childok...then what the heck is the other one...geeze
06:19.58Thunder_Childi cant think straight
06:20.40Mr_Rabies2other one where
06:20.51Thunder_Childthat you said
06:21.08Mr_Rabies2i dunno
06:21.14Mr_Rabies2i don't use it i was just pointing out names
06:21.18Mr_Rabies2it's probably the bars
06:21.21Mr_Rabies2for your buffs
06:21.27Thunder_Childno...that elkanos
06:21.37Mr_Rabies2i'm sensing a connection
06:21.53Thunder_Child(23:17:35) (Mr_Rabies2) MSBTCooldowns?
06:21.53Mr_Rabies2oh wait
06:22.26Mr_Rabies2there's a button for it on your fubar one, replaceing sct
06:23.13Thunder_Childthanks for your help Mr_Rabies2
06:23.30Mr_Rabies2if i randomly suggest enough things one's bound to be right
06:23.57Thunder_Childtrue, but at least you could see them...i kept looking right through it
06:24.03Thunder_Childor around it...or something
06:25.57Mr_Rabies2and i've had 3 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours or so
06:26.15Mr_Rabies2eh probably only 24, i'm awful at math when i'm tired
06:26.32Mr_Rabies2somewhere between one and 10 billion hours
06:26.50Mike-N-GoG'night guys.
06:27.04Thunder_Childi dunno, your math seems fine to me...i see "between 1 and 10"
06:27.40Mike-N-GoThunder_Child: ArcHUD2?
06:27.57Corrodiascaffeine makes me drowsy :P
06:28.02Corrodiasunless i drink a lot
06:28.07Thunder_Childand trying to skin it to match everything else
06:28.19Thunder_Childcaffine doesnt really do it for me
06:28.37Thunder_Childthe monster drinks even only last a few hours
06:29.55Corrodiasnow if only i could convert my WoW screenshots to something smaller that doesn't lose any quality
06:31.07Mr_Rabies2i'm tempted to swap over from alphamap to cartographer after looking at it
06:32.17Corrodiasit's handy-dandy
06:32.20Mr_Rabies2i really like ckknight's stuff, but how does it compare to atlasloot+alphamap in terms of information and resource usage?
06:33.12Thunder_Childwell you saw how much stuff i have, and i am hitting 54.3 mb
06:33.23Corrodiasthis should be a recent screenshot, Terestian Illhoof fight, OT perspective.
06:33.24Mr_Rabies2i'm right at 40 usually
06:33.28Corrodiascluttered UI ahoy!
06:33.44Mr_Rabies2lern2 dyndns
06:33.46Thunder_Child404 ahoy more liek it
06:34.03Mr_Rabies2it's okay i just hacked your gibson
06:34.05Corrodiasoh, hang on
06:34.34Thunder_Childwell my point is, is that i have atlas+atlasloot+atlaslootenh+ck's map mod
06:34.40Mr_Rabies2and holy wow lag
06:34.43Thunder_Childand it's still the same as yours
06:34.44Corrodiasmy account appears to be inactive
06:34.56Mr_Rabies2er, holy wow cluttered
06:35.01Mr_Rabies2i'm tired and not thinking properly
06:35.14Corrodiasyes! this is how i roll in WoW
06:35.23Mr_Rabies2104.4MB memory usage
06:35.23Corrodiasat least in a raid. solo it looks a bit cleaner.
06:36.17Corrodias24 fps is just fine in there
06:36.43Corrodiasi don't want to know how much onupdate is going on with all those addons
06:36.47Mr_Rabies2yeah, i get less than that usually with my 40 mb usage
06:36.57Mr_Rabies2i know mem->fps isn't really reliable
06:37.07Mr_Rabies2but in my case it is since my ram is my big bottleneck
06:37.09Mr_Rabies2that and cpu
06:37.13Corrodiasaw :(
06:37.22Thunder_Childlolz, more trying to skin ICEhud for me
06:38.06ckknightMr_Rabies2: I made Cartographer because I was upset at AlphaMap/MetaMap's resource usage
06:38.16Mr_Rabies2i may check it out then
06:38.22Corrodiasi equipped the hourglass of the unraveller here because i didn't need more stamina from the trinket i usually use and i was hitting illhoof, so i figured i could use the crit/AP
06:38.32Mr_Rabies2does it work with atlasloot? or is there something similar built in?
06:38.51ckknightworks with, but Cartographer_InstanceLoot works as well
06:39.01Corrodiasinformative, yet uselessly cryptic
06:39.08Mr_Rabies2atlasloot is kinda lacking in some drops atm
06:39.21Mr_Rabies2i may check it out tomorrow
06:39.45Mr_Rabies2at this rate my cosmos addons are dropping like flies :[
06:39.57Mr_Rabies2i'm turning into an acewhore :[
06:40.08Corrodiasnothing wrong with ace :)
06:40.25Corrodiasand i do love cartographer, myself
06:40.27Guillotinenot at all. As long as you're not using them specifically because their Ace
06:40.35ckknightuse them because I wrote it
06:40.47Guillotine<3 Cartographer and ArkInventory
06:41.12CorrodiasTBag is my cup... bag... well, that's what i use for inventory, anyway.
06:41.20ckknightMr_Rabies2: for some ungodly reason, Daviesh is converting AtlasLoot to Ace anyway
06:41.23Guillotineoh, and ClosetGnome
06:41.35Mr_Rabies2yeah, it seems to do better now, but i dunno honestly
06:41.37Corrodiasclosetgnome sounds a little too freaky-kinky for me
06:41.39Mr_Rabies2the menu's less buggy
06:41.55*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
06:41.55Thunder_Childit's ok, Guillotine's a little freaky-kinky
06:41.58Thunder_Childas well
06:42.16Mr_Rabies2alphamap still shows the default map ping on the bottom left corner of a transparent square
06:42.20Mr_Rabies2and it drives me nuts
06:42.24Mr_Rabies2been doing it since 2.1 hit
06:42.35Mr_Rabies2i get the built in alphamap ping on my player location
06:42.39ckknightCartographer just manipulates the WorldMapFrame, doesn't make its own
06:42.44ckknightwhich is a big difference
06:42.46Mr_Rabies2and then the blizzard one shoved into a corner that's partially visible
06:43.35Mr_Rabies2i've been using cosmos addons since beta and i feel like i'm giving up on them :[
06:44.04Corrodiasgive in to your hatred
06:44.05ckknightI gave up on em a while back :-P
06:44.13Mr_Rabies2though they have lost a lot of their coders over time
06:44.13ckknightCorrodias: Nooooooooooooo!
06:44.28ckknightthat's the main issue with Cosmos, imho, lack of devs
06:44.34ckknightlack of motivation
06:44.38Mr_Rabies2most of the reason i still used cosmos is either built in now or no longer being maintained
06:45.37Thunder_Childif i -- the begining of a fucntion will it bitch at me if i dont do every line?
06:46.01ckknightThunder_Child: wrap it in --[[ ]]
06:46.20Thunder_Childright, long version, thanks
06:46.21Mr_Rabies2wrap it before you tap it
06:46.34Thunder_Child~lart Mr_Rabies2
06:46.34purlhurls dozens of incontinent, insomniac, hungry kittens with tiny little razor-sharp claws and a wide variety of contagious intestinal parasites at Mr_Rabies2
06:46.53Thunder_Childpurl had an upgrade?
06:47.04Thunder_Childquick and deadly
06:47.08Mr_Rabies2she's known as P-1000
06:47.22Shirikpurl, calculate sin(3^48)
06:47.32Shirikpurl, what is sin(3^48)
06:47.35purlI think you lost me on that one, Shirik
06:47.46Thunder_Child~math sin(3^48)
06:48.00Mr_Rabies2i really wish i could make this sentence respond properly
06:48.10Mr_Rabies2but i don't wanna mess with someone else's stuff for her
06:48.19Mr_Rabies2purl, what is a man?
06:48.22purlI think you lost me on that one, Mr_Rabies2
06:48.36Corrodiaspurl has gone sour
06:48.41Shirikpurl, what is love?
06:48.44purlShirik: what are you talking about?
06:48.57purlWhat is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk! Have at you!
06:48.59Shirikpurl, love is <reply> Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more
06:49.01purlIf you love is <reply> Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more so much, why don't you marry it? (oooooh)
06:49.01Mr_Rabies2well that's still there
06:49.19Shirikpurl, what is love?
06:49.22purlShirik: I think you lost me on that one
06:49.26Thunder_Child*snicker* @ Shirik
06:49.36Shirikpurl, love is <reply> Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more
06:49.37purlIf you love is <reply> Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more so much, why don't you marry it? (oooooh)
06:49.43Mr_Rabies2no purl, love is <reply> Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more so much, why don't you marry it? (oooooh)
06:49.43Mr_Rabies2<Shirik> ...
06:49.54Shirikpurl, what is love
06:49.57purlShirik: what are you talking about?
06:50.05Thunder_Childbut damit, no you have that song stuck in my head
06:50.08Corrodiaspurl, fix yourself
06:50.10purlACTION opens the hood of yourself , looks inside and says "that'll be 500 dollars."
06:50.17purlLove suffereth long, and is kind; love envieth not; love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things....  And now abideth faith, hope, ...
06:50.19Thunder_Child~love is
06:50.21purlIf you love is so much, why don't you marry it? (oooooh)
06:50.34Thunder_Child~literal love $nick
06:50.36purlIf you love $nick so much, why don't you marry it? (oooooh)
06:50.54ckknight~literal CMD: love (.*?)
06:50.55purl"cmd: love (.*?)" is "($1): <reply>If you love $1 so much, why don't you marry it? (oooooh)"
06:50.58Thunder_Childhmm..isnt a nick...$t?
06:51.01Mr_Rabies2~literal a man
06:51.09Thunder_Childah $1*
06:51.19Corrodias$1* is all arguments
06:51.25Corrodias$1 is just the first
06:51.40Corrodiasat least in mirc scripting, as i recall. i know nothing about perl, php, or whatever that's written in.
06:51.40Mr_Rabies2in mirc language it's $$1- i think
06:51.42Mr_Rabies2or something
06:51.50Thunder_Childpurl = perl
06:51.52Corrodiasyeah, that looks closer
06:51.58Corrodias$$1 means it won't execute unless there's at least one argument
06:52.01Corrodiasah, something in my eye!
06:52.09Mr_Rabies2semen joke goes here
06:54.54Corrodiastentacle goes here
06:55.24Thunder_Childso i need an easliy skinable yet well done HUD and Damage Meter
06:57.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
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07:37.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
07:45.39Corrodiaslooks like a new blizzard bug, party members who die in mechanar and release still show as dead until they enter the instance
07:54.35Mr_Rabies2hrm... that's odd
07:55.28Mr_Rabies2my item tooltip frame's strata is below my character frame's
07:55.29*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
07:55.54ShirikCorrodias: Partially makes sense
07:56.00Shirikthere's no event to say that they are alive
07:57.24Mr_Rabies2oh my god :O
07:57.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
07:57.42Mr_Rabies2ckknight has a crazy tazi arrow for corpse recovery in cart
07:57.46Mr_Rabies2er taxi
07:58.04ckknightor any waypoint
07:58.57Mr_Rabies2everytime i die i'm gonna say "follow...the arrow!
07:59.05Mr_Rabies2damn you quotation marks :[
07:59.27Shirikthere's a /dteventtrace stop!
07:59.37ShirikI wish I had known this earlier T_T
08:01.38Guillotineguild drama ftw
08:02.34ckknightGuillotine: ?
08:03.48GuillotineBladed Shoulderpads of the Merciless dropped in Chess today. A rogue felt that he should get them, but I rolled on them because there are no better feral tanking shoulders before Gruul. I won, and hes pissed off along with his posse
08:04.02ShirikI lost on that ring from curator today
08:04.04ShirikI got over it
08:04.09Shirikthat's one of the few things I want
08:04.10Shiriktoo bad
08:04.33Guillotineunfortunately, one of our raid leaders is one of this rogue's good friends, so its causing all sorts of drama -_-
08:04.58ShirikI'M the raid leader
08:05.05ShirikI don't have a problem with it
08:05.09Shirikget over with it jeesh
08:05.17Shirikit was an AP/crit ring
08:05.21Shirikthat went to a resto druid
08:05.25Shirikffs oh well
08:05.29ShirikI don't get purple pixels on my screen
08:06.07Shirikit would have been very easy for me to hit "Shirik" instead of "Darkburn"
08:09.37[dRaCo]why are you giving ap/crit stuff to restos?
08:09.56Shirikthe only reason he's currently resto is because we forced him to be
08:10.02Shirikand when we can, he'll be back to feral
08:10.14Guillotinethats what I had to do when my guild was first starting
08:10.16Guillotinenow I'm MT :D
08:10.35[dRaCo]ah, good point.
08:10.48[dRaCo]forcing ppl to skill resto is bad.
08:10.52[dRaCo]damage is good.
08:11.02*** join/#wowi-lounge amro_ (n=amro@
08:11.04Guillotineunfortunately, my guild wasn't near as good at still letting me roll on feral gear -_-
08:11.08Shirikit only procs at the end of a fight
08:11.11Shirikor when I have full mana
08:11.24Guillotinelol. same with Hourglass
08:12.58Guillotine<3 my new addon. Though I need a better name than GuillSellPrice -_-
08:13.06Mr_Rabies2ckknight, you still here?
08:13.12Guillotinecan anyone think of a good name? preferably with a pun
08:13.16ckknightI have never left you, child
08:13.29[dRaCo]what exactly does it do?
08:13.53Guillotine[dRaCo]: shows the sell price of EVERY item in game (values taken from the armory, so it has EVERYTHING)
08:13.55Mr_Rabies2someone hacked together a netherwing egg thing for cartographer treasure before it was official, would these SV's still work with yours? i'm too lazy to spend an hour hunting down eggs to see
08:14.23Mr_Rabies2are the names and icons "Netherwing Egg"?
08:14.37Guillotinealso, its about 1/10 the size of most addons that do the same thing XD
08:15.02ckknightMr_Rabies2: yea, probably.
08:15.08[dRaCo]I'd stick with the good old *gnome thingy
08:15.09Mr_Rabies2may as well try i suppose
08:15.14ckknightMr_Rabies2: you need to register the icon, though
08:15.25ckknightcheck the wowace wiki for API
08:15.27Mr_Rabies2oh wait, treasure's not made by you, is it?
08:15.36Mr_Rabies2it's in there now
08:15.39Mr_Rabies2the egg
08:16.04Guillotine[dRaCo]: but thats not punny enough!
08:16.05Mr_Rabies2they were hacked in before the author of treasure added em in
08:16.16Mr_Rabies2worth a try i guess :p
08:16.44ckknightGuillotine: BoyForSale
08:16.56ckknightis this legal, man?
08:17.03ckknightonly in here and Mississippi
08:17.39Guillotinewhere is that from? sounds so famliir
08:19.20ckknightSkinner on the street trying to sell Jimbo
08:29.13Mr_Rabies2goddamn, cartographer is fast compared to Alphamap
08:30.18ShirikWho's the author of AGUF
08:30.34Shirikhe here?
08:30.44Mr_Rabies2uh what the heck ckknight
08:30.53Shirikhe's blaming the lockups on Blizzard?
08:30.54Shirikcome on
08:31.01ckknighthrm, Mr_Rabies2?
08:31.03Shirikthere is nothing wrong with the code that would cause a lockup on joining a raid
08:31.14[dRaCo]na, but most of the time he's over at #wowace
08:31.21ShirikI refuse to join that channel
08:31.55ckknightShirik: why's that?
08:31.55Shirikhe can see my post on the forums if he cares
08:31.55ckknightI'll give you voice
08:31.56Mr_Rabies2cartographer just freaked me out
08:31.56Shirikno real reason for me to
08:31.56Mr_Rabies2i was seeing a guildy flying into shattrath that wasn't in my party or anything
08:31.56Shirikthing is, I'm just annoyed at people blaming stuff on blizzard
08:31.56Mr_Rabies2it was just weird
08:31.56Shirikwhen it's their own fault
08:31.56[dRaCo]it's funny there :>
08:31.57ckknightMr_Rabies2: was it the strippers or the blackjack?
08:32.01ckknightMr_Rabies2: ah, GuildPositions
08:32.04Mr_Rabies2i was like @_@
08:32.17ckknightShirik: oh yea, like the fucking #132 errors?
08:32.25Mr_Rabies2at first i was like what is that blue dot thing
08:32.26Shirikthat might be their fault
08:32.27[dRaCo]Shirik: ag` <n=ag`> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 1d 6h 59m 55s ago
08:32.29Shirikbut there are some things that aren't
08:32.37Shirikand the lockups of uis when joining a raid is not theirs
08:32.45ckknightShirik: frankly I think a lot more is their fault than people realize
08:32.52ckknightnot sure about the lockups, though
08:33.10Shirikgiven that the only UI I've heard of having issues with it is AG
08:33.16[dRaCo]btw shirik: flight mod? :D
08:33.18ckknightPitBull too
08:33.20ShirikI can't see how you can possibly blame that on a GC or Memory issue with
08:33.21ckknightI've heard
08:33.23ckknighthaven't tested, though
08:33.30ShirikI haven't heard that tbh
08:33.43[dRaCo]only when joining ssc or generally?
08:33.44ckknightI think I'm gonna play some Civ
08:33.52Shirik[dRaCo]: :(
08:34.00ShirikI can only do one thing at a time
08:34.07Shirikand right now I'm trying to get this patcher working
08:34.10Shirikwhich, btw, is working fricking awesome
08:34.11*** join/#wowi-lounge pakoz (
08:34.14Shirikawesomely* ?
08:34.19[dRaCo]thought you were fapping ;ţ
08:34.29Shirikthe only real issue I have right now
08:34.37Shirikis if someone doesn't respond in 30 seconds with the patch (which is programmed to be the timeout)
08:34.46Shirikthey start getting spammed with lua errors "cannot resume dead coroutine"
08:34.48ShirikI need to check into that
08:36.21*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
08:37.19pakozdid you ever finish that guild mod / website thing?
08:37.54Shirikthe what now?
08:38.18pakozyou told me about it 2-3 months ago
08:38.26ShirikI did wha?
08:38.29Corrodiasi can't wait for my damn hunter to get to outland
08:39.25pakozyou were making a wow addon for pulling data from guild info site to do something with the guardianhq site
08:39.56Shirikguild history perhaps
08:40.02Shirikbut that's not an addon and that's been done for a while
08:40.49pakozit was post BC
08:42.15Corrodiasi'll post YOUR bc.
08:42.38Corrodiasmy hunter is at level 45 and it's an incredibly boring time
08:42.50Corrodiaslots of running around just to do a few quests
08:43.39Corrodiasi have to see what quests tanaris offers, but if they're no better, i'm tempted to grind to 48 and proceed to the hinterlands, where at least there isn't so much travelling
08:44.21pakozanyone try out the new Ace Threat addon?
08:44.32ckknightwhich one?
08:44.34ckknightthere's like 5 now.
08:44.53pakozi guess "threat-1.0"
08:44.59ckknightthat's a library
08:45.02Shirikholy crap
08:45.04ckknightI've been hacking it a lot
08:45.05Shirikthat boss fight
08:45.08Shirikclearcasting procced
08:45.10Shirik4 times in a row
08:45.18Shirikwhile I had innervate up
08:45.19Shirikit was sick
08:45.30Shirikall of a sudden I had 100% mana again
08:47.06ShirikI still can't believe I was like
08:47.13Shirik"Yes clearcasting!" *max rank heal*
08:47.13Guillotinepakoz: GuildBook?
08:47.17ShirikSCT yells "Clearcasting!" again
08:47.24ShirikI'm like o.o ok... flash heal?
08:47.26pakozwhich one do you recommend?
08:47.33Shirik"ok wtf do I do now?! everyone's max health!"
08:47.33pakozi'll check it out guillotine
08:47.45Corrodiasfortunately the clearcasting buff probably lasts for a little while
08:47.46GuillotineShirik: /agree on the bug thing. Most things are the author's fault. Pretty much the only issue that wasn't was the pet bar staying hidden
08:47.51Corrodiasi think on Omen of Clarity it's 12 seconds
08:47.57Shirikya 15s
08:48.05Shirikbut I found a use for it so
08:48.09ShirikI was glad
08:48.13Shirikcause I was running low on mana
08:48.24Shirikbut seriously though, blood elf priests have so much at their disposal
08:48.26ckknightpakoz: Omen seems on the up and up, made by Antiarc, also author of Threat-1.0. There's also Violation, which is also a damage/heal meter dealy. There's also Assessment, I haven't tried, but supposed to be pretty snazzy. I also put threat bars into PitBull, and they're also in Aloft now.
08:48.27Shirikthey're powerful
08:48.32ShirikI should have run out of mana so early
08:48.40Shirikbut with consume magic, arcane torrent, inner focus, hell you know what
08:48.45ShirikI just realized I forgot to use my shadowfiend
08:48.52Shirikbut they have so many ways to get mana it's insane
08:49.03Corrodiasbeing a blood elf only adds arcane torrent
08:49.08Shirikconsume magic too
08:49.16Corrodiasi don't recall this... must be a priest thing
08:50.07ckknightBE priest dealy
08:50.18Shirikconsumes one priest buff, gives mana in return
08:50.22Shirik3m CD
08:50.30Shiriksometimes you get lucky and consume inner fire
08:50.39Shiriksometimes you get unlucky it consumes divine spirit
08:50.45Shirikin any case, you save it for an emergency move
08:51.12*** join/#wowi-lounge drc|away (
08:51.17pakozthx xkknig
08:51.27pakozhmm =/  ckknight*
08:51.57drc|awayhmpf, stupid hibernation mode
08:53.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (
08:54.09Shirikguild named "Dont CC me prz"
08:54.52Corrodiasi guess i should get to bed. 'ni
08:54.58Shirikyeah, I should too
08:56.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
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09:30.26ArrowmasterShirik|zZz: i saw a warrior today in "PLZ DONT MAKE ME TANK" or something like that
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10:54.34|Jelly|Curator = Down. Epix = MINE!
10:56.37Neebleryou = months behind
10:57.02|Jelly|I fail to see your point.
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12:14.59Industrial~help botmail
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12:26.33Kasoburglarized is a word that makes me cringe each time i see it
12:27.25zenzelezzwhat's it supposed to mean? Robbed? Turned into a life of theft?
12:27.53Kasoyah robbed, "We were being robbed", "We were being burglarized"
12:27.58Kasosilly word imo >.<
12:28.36Kasowas reading this article;,0,7646124.story?page=1&coll=bal-home-headlines
12:28.47Kasoand it annoyed me
12:29.02zenzelezzmy view on English words is simple... if it's in my dictionary or Tolkien, it's valid; otherwise not
12:29.12zenzelezzand burglarized most certainly isn't
12:29.18Kasohaha or Tolkien
12:32.00foxlitResults 1 - 10 of about 297 for tolkien burglarized.
12:57.27foxlitQuestion: I do a little hooking trick on GameTooltip_SetUnitBuff
12:57.39foxlitThe idea is that I add the time remaining to the tooltip
12:58.05foxlitThis doubles up with blizzad's default text if I cast the buff, though
12:58.22zenzelezzthat's not a question
12:58.48foxlitHow do I detect if a particular buff was cast by me (and thus has a timer) via SetUnitBuff?
12:59.34zenzelezzI don't know if it works, but call UnitBuff with the same unit and buff ID, and check if the Duration and Time Left returns are nil?
12:59.42zenzelezzor rather, non-nil
13:02.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
13:03.10*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|sleep (
13:03.11*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o clad|sleep] by ChanServ
13:03.17zenzelezzsleep-spamming, eh?
13:03.29clad|sleepzenzelezz: luabot is not enabled.
13:04.33Lunessai r not sleepin!
13:04.45*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|sleep (
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13:32.01*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
13:32.32cladhaireLuabot has been enabled, prefix a command with lua> to have me run it.
13:32.47cladhairelua> for k,v in pairs(_G) do print(k,v) end
13:32.47cladhairecladhaire: Compilation failed: [string " for k,v in pairs(_G) do print(k,v) end<'
13:33.00cladhairezenzelezz: Compilation failed: [string ".<"]:1: unexpected symbol near '.'
13:33.13cladhairehrm.. that's interesting, lol
13:33.18cladhairelua> 4 + 5
13:33.18cladhairecladhaire: 9
13:33.21cogwheelcompeting with Cide? :P
13:33.28cladhairelua> for 1,1e6 do print(i) end
13:33.28cladhairecladhaire: Compilation failed: [string " for 1,1e6 do print(i) end"]:1: '' expected near '1'
13:33.35foxlitstring.repeat(pants) again?
13:33.39cladhairelua> for i = 1,1e6 do print(i) end
13:33.39cladhairecladhaire: Compilation failed: [string " for i = 1,1e6 do print(i) end"]:1: unexpected symbol near '<'
13:33.44cladhairefoxlit: that won't break me.
13:33.51zenzelezzlua> my_iq * 10
13:33.52cladhairezenzelezz: [string "return my_iq * 10"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'my_iq' (a nil value)
13:33.52cladhairebut i dont know why this for loop isn't working
13:34.16foxlitThat syntax is broken
13:34.24cladhairefor i=1,1e6 do print(i) end
13:34.31cladhairelua> for i=1,1e6 do print(i) end
13:34.31cladhairecladhaire: Compilation failed: [string " for i=1,1e6 do print(i) end"]:1: unexpected symbol near '<'
13:34.49zenzelezznear what now?
13:34.53foxlitlua> while 1 do print(1); return; end
13:34.59cladhairefoxlit: Compilation failed: [string " while 1 do print(1); return; end"]:1: 'end' expected near '<'
13:35.03cladhairetell me about it
13:35.05cladhaireLuabot has been disabled.
13:35.07cladhairelemme play with this
13:35.23*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
13:35.50cladhairefucking html based client
13:35.52cladhairehow obnoxious
13:35.59cladhairei need to try and get it back to ptext
13:36.15cladhaireit was wrapping end in a <span class="member>
13:36.35cladhairei'll play with that now
13:36.37cladhaireapplescript ftl
13:37.08cladhaireits because end is a user in this room
13:37.13cladhaireso he gets highlighted
13:37.43Lunessahaha!  Applescript FTW!  I used to use it to do daily code builds - But it is tempermental.
13:38.02cladhaireLunessa: yeah, the way it interacts with my irc client can be.. tempermental at best
13:38.35Lunessacladhaire /agree
13:38.48cogwheelI find that highly amusing
13:39.38LunessaI do my best to amuse.
13:39.52foxlitI'm not amused.
13:40.56LunessaI find a high degree of amusement in people complaining about raid issues and they're all using XPerl or AG_UF for raid frames.  But Clad's PerfectRaid or Shirik's RDX.CID -- no problem.  
13:41.12cogwheel*cough* default UI
13:42.04LunessaI don't know... I haven't used the default UI's raid frames since the first release of perfect raid.
13:42.13foxlitdefault UI is rather... bad.
13:42.21foxlitThough they try.
13:42.42subbawtI LOVE Grid
13:42.44foxlitThink Grid has the same lag-on-entry issues
13:43.07foxlitThough I'm awful at keeping ace mods up to date
13:43.16LunessaThe problem with the default raid interface, for me... was scaling.  
13:43.36zenzelezzI r warrior. wut raid frames?
13:44.27foxlitToToT frame!
13:44.54zenzelezzI have no interest in the target of my target's target
13:45.09zenzelezzso long as I can has aggro!!1 they can hit whateer they want
13:45.48LunessaOh, I'm sorry; did I miss a heal?  My bad.
13:45.50foxlitYeah, I think I added one more level
13:46.13foxlitIt's the zomg-the-spore-giant-is-actually-targetting-me-while-I'm-healing-the-warrior moments.
13:46.29foxlitSSC particulary
13:46.49zenzelezzthat's their problem, seeing what the target's target has targetted gives me no aid in my decisions
13:47.11zenzelezzall I need to know is that my target is targetting me
13:47.54cladhaireLuabot has been enabled, prefix a command with lua> to have me run it.
13:48.03LunessaDifferent roles, different needs.
13:48.10cladhairelua> for i=1,1e6 do print(math.random(i)) end
13:48.12cladhairecladhaire: maximum execution time (2.5s) exceeded
13:48.22cladhaireokay, fixed that specific HTML markup O.o
13:48.24zenzelezzLunessa: that's what my initial comment was supposed to mean \o/
13:48.24Industrialaw :P
13:48.59cogwheellua> print("<span class=\"member\">end")
13:48.59cladhairecogwheel: end
13:49.50cladhairecogwheel: that shouldn't have been stripped actually
13:49.55cladhairewithout the other <span>
13:49.56cladhaireoh well
13:50.00cladhairedon't try to print html bitchez
13:51.20cladhairelua> print([[<span class ="member">]]..This is a test this is only a test ..[["</span>"]])
13:51.21cladhairecladhaire: luabot is not enabled.
13:51.23cladhaireLuabot has been enabled, prefix a command with lua> to have me run it.
13:51.24cladhairelua> print([[<span class ="member">]]..This is a test this is only a test ..[["</span>"]])
13:51.25cladhairecladhaire: Compilation failed: [string " print([[]]..This is a test this is only ..."]:1: ')' expected near 'is'
13:51.30wereHamsterdo we now have two lua bots?
13:51.39cladhairewell Cide isn't around at the moment
13:51.44cladhaireand I was bored last night
13:51.49cladhairebut this makes the count three, as far as I can tell
13:51.58wereHamsterwho's the third?
13:52.44cladhairelua> return "<span class=\"member\"" .. ">Test</span>"
13:52.44cladhairecladhaire: Test
13:53.27zenzelezzso you strip all HTML tags?
13:54.09zenzelezzwould be fun to mess with <img> and <blink>
13:54.14cladhairetry it =)
13:54.16cladhairei dont strip anything
13:54.20*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
13:54.22cladhairei think my client tries to display them
14:02.11zenzelezzlua> return "<ul><li>I</li><li>can</li><li>has</li><li>cheezburgr</li></ul>"
14:04.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
14:10.23cladhairelua> "<strong>Heyas</strong>"
14:10.23cladhairecladhaire: Heyas
14:11.38LunessaSo really, it's a LUA and HTML bot
14:18.52kaiden^cladhaire, gave 0.97 of Lightheaded a try last night.. LOVE it! :)
14:20.07Punkie`did you fap?
14:20.14kaiden^Punkie`, indeed i did
14:20.17kaiden^all over my keyboard
14:20.36Punkie`you should send the recept of buying a new keyboard to cladhaire imo
14:21.00Punkie`i know i will be
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14:26.53Finyep, top work on the new LH - who's the new guy though? ;P
14:30.44cladhairewhat do you mean new guy?
14:31.03cladhaireua> a = {1,2,3,4, monkey = "banana"}; a.tbl = a; return a
14:31.06cladhairelua> a = {1,2,3,4, monkey = "banana"}; a.tbl = a; return a
14:31.06cladhairecladhaire: {[1] = 1, [2] = 2, [3] = 3, [4] = 4, ["monkey"] = "banana", }
14:31.26cladhairelua> {test = coroutine.create(function() end)}
14:31.26cladhairecladhaire: {["test"] = thread: 0x307310, }
14:32.01Findoes anyone know of a mod that could tell you where you can find a vendor that sells a particular item?
14:32.05Finpreferably the nearest one, or a those in the current zone by distance, with an option to list other zones?
14:32.09Fin(just dreaming out loud there)
14:33.21Fincladhaire: "coded by Jim Whitehead", and yeah I know, just another quality joke from the comedy *machine* that is me
14:35.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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14:35.28foxlitlua> s=""; for k, v in pairs(_G) do s = s .. " " .. k; end print(s)
14:35.29cladhairefoxlit: luabot is not enabled.
14:37.18Lunessa::Slackerbot enabled:: Now I'm not working even more efficiently than before!
14:37.33foxlitGet back to slacking, you slacker!
14:37.56zenzelezzI'm a slacker; never tried any other distro o_O
14:38.36LunessaIn the late 90's I was doing a lot of technical editing work for IDG books, the company that publishes the '... for Dummies' books.  I pitched "Slacking for Dummies' but they wouldn't bite.
14:40.54Finthis is a stupid question, but: you're a (the?) WoWI admin, right cladhaire?
14:41.08cladhaireLuabot has been enabled, prefix a command with lua> to have me run it.
14:41.13cladhairelua> _G
14:41.13cladhairecladhaire: {["log"] = function: 0x3037e0, ["wow"] = {["strconcat"] = function: 0x3044c0, ["strtrim"] = function: 0x304400, ["strsplit"] = function: 0x304440, ["getglobal"] = function: 0x304500, ["strjoin"] = function: 0x304480, ["debugstack"] = function: 0x304580, ["setglobal"] = function: 0x304540, }, ["tostring"] = function: 0x300e90, ["getn"] = function: 0x301cb0, ["gmatch"] = function: 0x303140, ["os"] = {["clock"] = f
14:41.25cladhairehow about truncating that next time stupid bot
14:41.27Fincladhaire: is this an appropriate place to report broken links?
14:41.27cladhairelua> _G
14:41.27cladhairecladhaire: {["log"] = function: 0x3037e0, ["wow"] = {["strconcat"] = function: 0x3044c0, ["strtrim"] = function: 0x304400, ["strsplit"] = function: 0x304440, ["getglobal"] = function: 0x304500, ["strjoin"] = fun... (result truncated)
14:41.29cladhairethere we go
14:41.41cladhaireFin: You can post them on the feedback forum on the site, and they'll get to them
14:41.44zenzelezztalking to yourself is the first sign of madness
14:42.23Lunessa... Infocom!
14:43.23LunessaYou're in a mazy of twisty passages, all alike.  It's dark.  You might get eaten by a grue.
14:45.45zenzelezzlight a candle
14:47.10Cidenice cladhaire :)
14:47.33cladhaireCide: I don't have backreferences yet.. do you have an example that would use them?
14:47.43Cideas in...
14:47.47cladhaireI ended up doing things in a bit different way then you did, but it made some of them easier
14:48.00Cide>>> a = { }, a.b = { a = a }; return a
14:48.00CideCide: [string "a = { }, a.b = { a = a }; return a"]:1: unexpected symbol near '='
14:48.01cladhaireCide: the weird serialize/picking issue you guys fixed, with tables?
14:48.06Cide>>> a = { }; a.b = { a = a }; return a
14:48.06CideCide: { ["b"] = { ["a"] = <table: #1> } (#2) } (#1)
14:48.18cladhaireah okay..
14:48.24Cideare you referring to that?
14:48.26cladhairethose are valid references, just more for us than anythign
14:48.54cladhaireCide: does string.rep still lock your client for > 5s?
14:49.03Cideit did last night
14:49.09cladhairelua> string.rep("monkey", 500)
14:49.12cladhaireLuabot has been enabled, prefix a command with lua> to have me run it.
14:49.13cladhairelua> string.rep("monkey", 500)
14:49.22Cideusing like
14:49.26Cide>>> #(("a"):rep(10^80))
14:49.26CideCide: 0
14:49.31Cide>>> #(("a"):rep(10^8))
14:49.36CideCide: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
14:49.50cladhairelua> string.rep("monkey", 500)
14:49.50cladhairecladhaire: log function: 0x3037e0 wow table: 0x304300 tostring function: 0x300e90 gcinfo function: 0x300330 gmatch function: 0x303140 os table: 0x302920 format function: 0x3030c0 getfenv function: 0x300cd0 frexp function: 0x303720 pairs function: 0x3010f0 max function: 0x303820 assert function: 0x300b00 tonumber function: 0x300e50 io table: 0x3023a0 load function: 0x300b80 module function: 0x301950 atan function: 0x303520
14:49.52Cidecan't remember exactly what ckknight used
14:49.59cladhairelua> string.rep("monkey", 500)
14:49.59cladhairecladhaire: *** Please stop trying to break the bot intentionally No output
14:50.04cladhairei haev to remember to remove debug code
14:50.06cladhaireI just hook string.rep
14:50.19cladhaireand if the lenth of arg1 times arg2 is greater than the buffer we allow, yell at the user =)
14:50.31cladhairethat way it returns instandly
14:50.39Cidelol :)
14:50.43cladhairelua> a = { }; a.b = { a = a }; return a
14:50.43cladhairecladhaire: {["b"] = {}, }
14:50.52Cidemy bot runs in a separate thread so it's not much of an issue for me anymore
14:51.03cladhairehehe i can't do that with applescript =(
14:52.37cladhaire>>> a = {} a[a] = {} return a
14:52.38Cidecladhaire: { [<table: #1>] = {  } (#2) } (#1)
14:52.38*** join/#wowi-lounge gaurong (
14:52.49cladhairewow thats confusing
14:53.08Cide>>> tostring({})
14:53.09CideCide: "table: 002E9010"
14:53.11Cideless confusing than
14:53.28Cidecladhaire: { [table: 0022E9010] = { } } :)
14:53.35cladhaireyeah i know
14:53.36cladhairehehe :P
14:54.36foxlit"Filter Effects plug-ins are an ultra-cool component of GIF Animator that allow you to take simple, rather uneventful images and turn them into something else entirely wild and new. "
14:54.53foxlitAnd that's in a help file of a commercial gif editor. woah :/
14:57.21*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
15:00.01cladhaireI've got a bunch of work do to, so I'll just stick with memory locs for tables =)
15:00.03cladhairelua> a = {} a[a] = a print(a)
15:00.03cladhairecladhaire: {[table: 0x3080b0] = table: 0x3080b0, }
15:13.47cladhairefunction f() while true do end end; c = coroutine.wrap(f) c()
15:13.54cladhairelua> function f() while true do end end; c = coroutine.wrap(f) c()
15:13.56cladhairecladhaire: maximum execution time (2.5s) exceeded
15:14.08Cide2.5s? conservative bastard!
15:14.13cladhairedual core
15:14.22cladhaireoh yeah
15:14.34cladhairelua> for i=1,1e6 do local t = {math.random(i)} end
15:14.36cladhairecladhaire: maximum execution time (2.5s) exceeded
15:14.40cladhairelua> for i=1,1e5 do local t = {math.random(i)} end
15:14.41cladhairecladhaire: No output
15:14.59cladhairelua> for i=1,1e5 do local t = {math.random(i), string.rep("a", i)} end
15:15.01cladhairecladhaire: *** Please stop trying to break the bot intentionally *** Please stop trying to break the bot intentionally *** Please stop trying to break the bot intentionally *** Please stop trying to break the bot intentionally *** Please stop trying to break the bot intentionally *** Please stop trying to break the bot intentionally *** Please stop trying to break the bot intentionally *** Please stop trying to break the b
15:18.30*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|sleep (
15:18.30*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o clad|sleep] by ChanServ
15:19.19clad|sleepthat was fun
15:19.21clad|sleepi made my own problem =)
15:19.23clad|sleepby being nice and using print to print an error message instead of error()
15:20.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
15:20.14clad|sleepLuabot has been enabled, prefix a command with lua> to have me run it.
15:20.25clad|sleeplua> for i=1,1e6 do _G[i] = {} end
15:20.26clad|sleepclad|sleep: maximum memory (5000 KiB) exceeded
15:21.13clad|sleeplua> for i=1,1e6 do _G[i] = {} end
15:21.13clad|sleepclad|sleep: maximum memory (100 KiB) exceeded
15:21.21Kasolua> a=function() return a() end a()
15:21.26clad|sleepKaso: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
15:21.27zenzelezzlua> int 13h
15:21.28clad|sleepzenzelezz: Compilation failed: [string " int 13h"]:1: malformed number near '13h'
15:21.53clad|sleeplua> for i=1,1e6 do _G[i] = {} end
15:21.53clad|sleepclad|sleep: maximum memory (5000 KiB) exceeded
15:22.18clad|sleeplua> for i=1,1e6 do _G[i] = coroutine.wrap(function() end) end
15:22.19clad|sleepclad|sleep: maximum memory (5000 KiB) exceeded
15:22.38clad|sleep>>> for i=1,1e6 do _G[i] = coroutine.wrap(function() end) end
15:22.43Cideclad|sleep: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
15:28.22foxlitlua> print("escape\nthis");
15:28.23clad|sleepfoxlit: escape this
15:28.42foxlitlua> print("escape\r\nthis");
15:28.42clad|sleepfoxlit: escape this
15:28.49foxlitlua> print("escape\r<br />\nthis");
15:28.49clad|sleepfoxlit: escape
15:29.34foxlitlua> print ("%20", "%2f", "&quot;", "&copy;")
15:29.35clad|sleepfoxlit: Compilation failed: [string " print ("%20", "%2f", """, "©")"]:1: ')' expected near '", "'
15:31.09foxlitlua> print("&#33;")
15:31.09clad|sleepfoxlit: !
15:31.32foxlitlua> print("&#9224;")
15:31.35clad|sleepfoxlit: â
15:31.50clad|sleepdo I need to strip those escapes? =)
15:32.03foxlitlua> print("&#080;")
15:32.03clad|sleepfoxlit: P
15:32.09foxlitlua> print("&#008;")
15:32.13zenzelezzlua> print("&oslash;h&oslash;")
15:32.13clad|sleepzenzelezz: øhø
15:32.33clad|sleepit doesn't really bother me, its just yall spamming =)
15:33.03foxlitEvil plan of the day: make your and Cide's bot spam each other
15:33.13cladhairehehe that shouldn't be too hard
15:33.24cladhairelua> print(">>> 4 + 5")
15:33.24cladhairecladhaire: >>> 4 + 5
15:33.26zenzelezzthey would have to get the prefix right, wouldn't they?
15:33.29foxlitYou're both being very annoying with what you prefix
15:33.34cladhaireoh derf
15:33.42zenzelezztrust me, I considered this 30 minutes agi
15:33.46cladhairei dont think you can find a way around it
15:34.00zenzelezz-- >>> :Erroneous Nickname :-(
15:34.52cladhairewell mine only checks the first six characters of the incoming message
15:35.28foxlitlua> print("&#007;")
15:35.38cladhairecladhaire: monkey
15:36.16cladhaireif you want, you can test it in PM's so you don't spam the channnel
15:36.46foxlitlua> s=""; for k, v in pairs(_G) do if (type(v) == "table") then s = s .. " " .. k; end end print(s)
15:36.47cladhairefoxlit: wow os _G coroutine debug string bit table math
15:37.39foxlitI think I can be evil with that. Bot runs on your PC? :)
15:37.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
15:37.39*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
15:37.45foxlit(and the lua interpreter?)
15:38.03foxlitlua> s=""; for k, v in pairs(os) do if (type(v) == "table") then s = s .. " " .. k; end end print(s)
15:38.04cladhairefoxlit: No output
15:38.08cladhairelua> return os
15:38.09cladhairecladhaire: {["clock"] = function: 0x302b00, ["time"] = function: 0x302d20, }
15:38.13cladhairelua> return coroutine
15:38.13cladhairecladhaire: {["resume"] = function: 0x301250, ["yield"] = function: 0x301350, ["status"] = function: 0x3012d0, ["wrap"] = function: 0x3086a0, ["create"] = function: 0x308680, ["running"] = function: 0x301290, }
15:38.21cladhairelua> print(debug, string, bit, table, math)
15:38.22cladhairecladhaire: {["traceback"] = function: 0x304020, } {["split"] = function: 0x304440, ["match"] = function: 0x303240, ["gmatch"] = function: 0x303140, ["upper"] = function: 0x303340, ["gsub"] = function: 0x303180, ... (result truncated)
15:38.39foxlit{["traceback"] = function: 0x304020, } ?
15:38.41cladhairenot much for you to muck about with
15:38.43foxlitWhat's the comma for?
15:38.51cladhairethe next element of the table
15:38.55cladhaireits syntactically valid
15:38.57cladhairebut extraneous
15:39.00cladhairelua> print(debug, string, bit, table, math)
15:39.00cladhairecladhaire: {["traceback"] = function: 0x304020, } {["split"] = function: 0x304440, ["match"] = function: 0x303240, ["gmatch"] = function: 0x303140, ["upper"] = function: 0x303340, ["gsub"] = function: 0x303180, ["format"] = function: 0x3030c0, ["lower"] = function: ... (result truncated)
15:39.13cladhaireraised the output limit to 255
15:39.23Kasolua> t={1,2,3,4,} print(t[4])
15:39.23cladhaireKaso: 4
15:39.29Kasoi always use extra commas
15:39.33cladhaireme too
15:39.42foxlitlua> t={1,2,3,4,,,6} print(t[5])
15:39.43cladhairefoxlit: Compilation failed: [string " t={1,2,3,4,,,6} print(t[5])"]:1: unexpected symbol near ','
15:39.43Kasothen when i add extra things to the table i dont forget commas
15:39.47cladhaireit can serialize tables, so you can just return them or print them directly
15:39.53cladhairelua> print(_G)
15:39.54cladhairecladhaire: {["log"] = function: 0x3037e0, ["wow"] = {["strconcat"] = function: 0x3044c0, ["strtrim"] = function: 0x304400, ["strsplit"] = function: 0x304440, ["getglobal"] = function: 0x304500, ["strjoin"] = function: 0x304480, ["debugstack"] = function: 0x304580, [... (result truncated)
15:40.29Kasolua> loadstring(string.dump(function() print("yay") end))()
15:40.29cladhaireKaso: yay No output
15:40.37Kasoyay no output ?
15:41.06cladhaireyour function didn't return anything
15:41.09cladhairewhy would there be output?
15:41.22cladhairelua> loadstring(string.dump(function() print("yay") end))()
15:41.22cladhairecladhaire: yay No output
15:41.28cladhairelua> loadstring(return string.dump(function() print("yay") end))()
15:41.28Kasowell i printed something so surely that should over-write the no output hting
15:41.29cladhairecladhaire: Compilation failed: [string " loadstring(return string.dump(function() print("yay") end))()"]:1: unexpected symbol near 'return'
15:41.38foxlitlua>a={b={c={d={}}}}; a.c = a.b.c.d; a.e = a.b; a.b.c.d = a.e; a.c = a.b.c; a.b.c.e = a.e; a.b.a = a; return a; -- I lost track at this point
15:41.38cladhairefoxlit: {["e"] = {["c"] = {["e"] = table: 0x309220, ["d"] = table: 0x309220, } , ["a"] = table: 0x308ae0, } , ["c"] = table: 0x309260, ["b"] = table: 0x309220, }
15:41.48Cideoh god :P
15:42.13cladhaireCide: im just too lazy to put your pickling code into my script
15:42.17cladhaireto be completely honest =)
15:42.28Cidewould it require major modifications?
15:42.33cladhairei dunno
15:42.35cladhairehaven't looked too much
15:42.51Cideyou should just have to c&p that function, call getPickleNamespace() and save/load
15:42.57Cidewas like 3-4 function calls for me
15:43.07cladhairei'll take a look at it later
15:43.33foxlitlua> e = function(e) loadstring(string.dump(e))(e); end print(e(e));
15:43.35cladhairefoxlit: /Users/jnwhiteh/bin/runlua.lua:150: stack overflow
15:44.59foxlitlua> e = function(e) loadstring(string.dump(e))(e); end print(pcall(e,e));
15:44.59cladhairefoxlit: false/Users/jnwhiteh/bin/runlua.lua:150: stack overflow
15:45.07KasoI wish there was a way to list all pasties by one username on
15:45.45Cidemysql> SELECT id FROM pasties WHERE user = "Kaso"
15:46.00KasoTell that to norgs!
15:46.24*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf_ (i=MoonWolf@
15:46.34Kaso /lă€
15:46.34KasoďĽďľźď˝¤ 。 7
15:46.34Kaso l〠~ă˝ă€€ .
15:46.34Kaso ăă—l_, )ăŽ
15:46.45Cidepoor kitten
15:47.06Kasoim searching through my browser history for pastey, that was in it, pretty cute
15:47.29Kasocept hes a little skewed
15:48.16foxlitlua> e = function(e) loadstring(string.dump(e))(e); end print(pcall(e,e)); print("stuff");
15:48.16cladhairefoxlit: false/Users/jnwhiteh/bin/runlua.lua:150: stack overflowstuff
15:48.48foxlitlua> e = function(e) loadstring(string.dump(e))(e); end print(select(1,pcall(e,e))); print("stuff");
15:48.49cladhairefoxlit: false/Users/jnwhiteh/bin/runlua.lua:150: stack overflowstuff
15:48.59foxlitWhere's this /Users/jnwhiteh/bin/runlua.lua:150: stack overflow coming from?
15:49.46Kasoline 150 of runlua.lua i think!
15:49.46cladhaireits on the trace function
15:49.47IndustrialzButtons zChat zExperience zMinimap zQuestAutomation zStats, cmon I need more projects :P
15:50.27Kasothe sleeping mod!
15:50.40Cidepronounced "zee   zee-zee"
15:50.49Industrialyeah im prefixing them so I dont have to worry about duplicate names, and I dont have to think of a fun and orignal name :P
15:51.01Industrialdoes what it says :P
15:51.06CideCT_BarMod, CT_UnitFrames, CT_BuffMod...
15:51.12foxlitYou think people won't collide with "z"?
15:51.28Kasoi like to use J<whatever>
15:51.29foxlitIt's not as popular as x, but still, there'll be something
15:52.04foxlitI used Junk
15:52.04IndustrialzHunterMod is the only one I know of
15:52.05foxlitTurns out there's a mod somewhere called that
15:52.05foxlitWuu offered to update :(
15:53.03cladhairenot sure why you're getting a stack overflow
15:53.06cladhairewill have to play with it later
15:53.16foxlitThere is actually stack overflow
15:53.19foxlitIt's basically
15:53.29foxlitlua>e=function(e) e(e) end; e(e);
15:53.30cladhairefoxlit: /Users/jnwhiteh/bin/runlua.lua:152: stack overflow
15:53.35cladhairethat code
15:53.41cladhairecauses a stack overflow in the standard interpreter
15:53.44cladhaireso it will cause on in mine.
15:53.52foxlitIt's odd that it simply continues to next line
15:53.52Kaso>>> print(JColor("Awesome"))
15:53.52CideKaso: [string " print(JColor("Awesome"))"]:1: '<name>' expected near '/'
15:53.57foxlitlua>e=function(e) e(e) end; e(e); print("hi")
15:53.57cladhairefoxlit: /Users/jnwhiteh/bin/runlua.lua:152: stack overflow
15:54.11KasoCide, you dont like pastey and code in one command hey?
15:54.20foxlitOnly when pcalled. So I guess your "zomg, something broke" hook doesn't account for pcall
15:54.22Cidenope :P
15:54.32Cideit uses a regexp to figure out if it's a valid pastey link
15:56.47KasoI'm late! Where's the Skillet!  -
16:01.09*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
16:04.49LunessaTake an episode of Cops and make it a hit song.  
16:05.49Kasoyou can lockpick random items for skill ^^
16:06.55*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
16:07.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Thorarin (
16:12.24mikmaso i have m.editbox1 ... how can i add text in it? /script m.editbox1:SetText("text") throws me this: Message: [string "m.editbox1:SetText("text")"] line 1: attempt to index field 'editbox1' (a nil value)
16:12.53Kasois m a local ?
16:13.12mikmanope, it's m = {}
16:13.19*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
16:13.32KasoDont make globals with names like that :>
16:13.48mikmano i won't, this is just a tinypad test
16:13.49Kasoits possible your m is being over-written, or that editbox1 isnt getting set properly
16:15.29Kasopost the full code if you would like any more insight than that
16:15.46mikmai'm changing the global now and see what happens
16:16.37zenzelezzI put all my globals in _!
16:17.20Kasoa perfect plan with no possible problems imo zenzelezz !
16:18.02Kasothe name isnt valid
16:18.17mikmahow should it be then?
16:18.18Kasojust give it nil for the name.
16:18.34Kasoif you're keeping a reference to it you dont need a global name for the edit box
16:21.15mikmaerr, now i'm not sure how to do this properly
16:21.36cladhairelua> a={b={c={d={}}}}; a.c = a.b.c.d; a.e = a.b; a.b.c.d = a.e; a.c = a.b.c; a.b.c.e = a.e; a.b.a = a; return(a)
16:21.37cladhairecladhaire: { ["e"] = { ["c"] = { ["e"] = , ["d"] = } (#3), ["a"] = } (#2), ["c"] = , ["b"] = } (#1)
16:21.46cladhaireCide: Thanks for that, I just needed those three functions
16:22.27mikmaKaso: so how should i do that?
16:23.24Kasomik.["editbox"..i] = CreateFrame("EditBox", nil, mik.tooltip, "InputBoxTemplate")
16:23.39Kasosame with the top just do
16:23.43Kasomik.tooltip =  CreateFrame("GameTooltip",nil, UIParent,"GameTooltipTemplate");
16:25.01mikmaKaso: Message: [string "mik = {}..."] line 22: '<name>' expected near '['
16:25.26Kasoblah, remove the .
16:28.08mikmaKaso: now i get a different error :D Message: ..\FrameXML\GameTooltip.lua line 95: attempt to concatenate a nil value
16:29.33Kasohmm, tooltips need name, who know it
16:29.34Kasoknew it
16:30.10mikmayeah, this ain't so simple ;) and this is the first time i'm doing this
16:31.37Kasowell just put a name in, but using a dot in the name confuses things
16:32.04Kasocos then CreateFrame makes a frame at _G["whatever.whatever"] but that is not the same as whatever.whatever
16:32.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
16:32.54mikmaand the editboxes need name too, or else the graphics will mess up completely
16:33.20Kasook well give subsitute in _ i guess, but just stick to using your local references
16:36.40LunessaQuotes like this.. " I don't understand the philosophy behind trying to make the macro facility as dumb and cumbersome as possible. It only encourages add-ons, whether or not legal under the TOS. " make me want to gouge someone's eyes out.
16:36.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Angwe (
16:37.15Angwehey, anyone here decent with LUA?
16:37.38mikmalua> print( "I am!" )
16:37.39cladhairemikma: I am!
16:37.47mikmabah, it replied to me :(
16:38.22Angwemind if i ask you a question, its probably pretty simple, but im about 4 hours fresh into trying to learn the syntax for this
16:38.29Kasoi assume cladhaire is pretty good with lua too :>
16:38.41Kasogogo ask
16:38.48*** part/#wowi-lounge weziman (
16:38.53Angweok i got a savedVars file
16:38.57Angweand inside of it its got tables
16:39.17Angweoutput looks like this
16:39.18AngweArenaMasterDB = {
16:39.18Angwe["profiles"] = {
16:39.18Angwe["Default"] = {
16:39.18Angwe["data"] = {
16:39.19Angwe["Chrno - Ursin"] = {
16:39.20Angwe["name"] = "Chrno",
16:39.30Angwe["rating"] = 1800,
16:39.30Angwe["health"] = 6853,
16:39.31Angwe["build"] = "61/0/0",
16:39.34mikmaouch-paste :(
16:39.40Kasoin future use if its more than 3lines
16:39.41cogwheeluse pastey for things like that :P
16:39.45Angweok sorry lol
16:40.09KasoSo, the anyway, the question..
16:40.31foxlitpurl, be evil
16:40.33purllua> print("hi");
16:40.33cladhairepurl: hi
16:40.35purlhello, cladhaire
16:41.04Angweok, well im trying to grab the value in health
16:41.18Angwebut this vars file is like 20,000 lines long
16:41.29Angweso i want to search through all of the table names in data
16:41.37cogwheelthe easiest way to read lua files is to simply write your script in lua and use the standalone interpreter
16:41.37Angwethen grab the health value
16:42.02cogwheelthen all you have to do is dofile("Path & Name of SavedVariables")
16:42.18foxlitDon't tell purl to be evil. It's exceptionally evil!
16:42.18cogwheelthat will create the table in your script's memory
16:42.46cogwheeland then you just access it like you do in your addon
16:43.41mikmaKaso: mik. -> mik_ ftw
16:44.12Angwei think you lost me at standalone interpeter lol
16:44.27mikmathe mighty C's! cladhaire, Cide, cogwheel ... list goes on
16:44.32foxlitI can't make your two bots talk to each other
16:44.41foxlitBut purl is cooperative!
16:44.57foxlitSo "~be evil" and "~be evil to Cide" is what I have in mind :)
16:45.02KasoAngwe, youre trying to do stuff with your data outside of wow right?
16:45.22Angweno, i have the data in wow already, i just dont know how to access it[1].health
16:45.41Angweis what i was trying
16:45.46Angweand a bunch of variations of that
16:45.57foxlitSort of like
16:45.59foxlit~be evil
16:46.03purllua> print("be evil");
16:46.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ravagernl (n=chatzill@["Chrno - Ursin"].health
16:46.34Kasosorry capital D on default
16:46.38foxlitThough perhaps purl is smarter than me :)
16:46.45foxlitpurl, ping
16:46.51cladhairepurl PM'd me
16:46.53cladhaireand yelled
16:47.27LunessaSo, ~purl punish foxlit isn't going to be happy either?
16:47.28Angweyay, it worked
16:47.37Cidefoxlit: see if it works on me :)
16:47.51foxlitpurl, be evil to Cide
16:47.53purl>>> print("be evil to Cide");
16:48.03Angweis there any way to cycle through the tables in data?
16:48.25foxlitSo you just ignore our friendly bot? :)
16:48.28Angweand check the name of the table vs. the target?
16:49.44purlwell, pil is Programming in Lua. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in hardcover and covers Lua 5.1. the Python Imaging Library
16:50.03foxlitwhat about the python imaging library?
16:50.09Kasoyou should definitely give that a read Angwe
16:50.49Kasopurl, pil is Programming in Lua. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in hardcover and covers Lua 5.1.
16:50.56purl...but pil is already something else...
16:50.56Angweok, will do sir, thanks for your help
16:50.59Kasoi dont care!
16:51.04Kaso(how do you over-ride)
16:51.11foxlitno, xyz is abc
16:51.17Kasopurl, no pil is Programming in Lua. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in hardcover and covers Lua 5.1.
16:51.21purlKaso: okay
16:51.31foxlit~no pil
16:52.09purlmethinks pil is Programming in Lua. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in hardcover and covers Lua 5.1.
16:52.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
16:52.28foxlitSo the comma is optional
16:53.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
16:53.39Kasopurl should have the ability to set channel specific factoids
16:55.33KasoAh, patrolling Hillsbrad, killing blood elfs
16:55.36Kasoso much fun
16:56.29Kasosome might call it ganking, but im only level 31 so im not that much above them.
16:56.36KasoThough.. i did just 1hit a mage
16:57.18*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
16:57.44foxlitPatched Kasobot yet?
16:58.38Kasonah cos im lazy
16:58.46Kasoyou wannt look at the horrific code?
16:58.58Kasoi warn you, your eyes may well bleed from it
16:59.57foxlitSure :)
17:02.22Kasoknow somewhere i can upload filez? my web hosting is still gone cos i havent gotten around to paying for the next year
17:02.33Kasoim beeing pretty lazy atm as you might tell :>
17:04.22cogwheelpurl, cidewar is <reply>lua> print("~cidewar")
17:04.48purlcogwheel: okay
17:04.57cogwheelpurl, forget cidewar
17:04.57purli forgot cidewar, cogwheel
17:05.08*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
17:05.13*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
17:05.15cogwheelpurl, cladwar is <reply>lua> print("~cidewar")
17:05.37purlcogwheel: okay
17:05.38*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
17:05.38cladhaire>>> a = { };  a["selfref"] = a;  return a;
17:05.38Cidecladhaire: { ["selfref"] = <table: #1> } (#1)
17:05.39cogwheelpurl, cladwar is <reply>lua> print("~cladwar")
17:05.43purl...but cladwar is already something else...
17:05.48cogwheelpurl, no cladwar is <reply>lua> print("~cladwar")
17:05.50purlokay, cogwheel
17:05.56purllua> print("~cladwar")
17:05.57cladhairepurl: ~cladwar,
17:06.17cogwheelpurl, no cladwar is <reply>lua> print("cladwar")
17:06.18purlcogwheel: okay
17:06.24purllua> print("cladwar")
17:06.25cladhairepurl: cladwar,
17:06.27Kasoim so confused
17:06.33cogwheelstupid comma
17:06.36Cidelua> return "cladwar"
17:06.36cladhaireCide: cladwar,
17:06.47cogwheelpurl, no cladwar, is <reply>lua> print("cladwar")
17:06.49purlcogwheel: okay
17:06.54purllua> print("cladwar")
17:06.54cladhairepurl: cladwar,
17:06.56purllua> print("cladwar")
17:07.15cladhairepurl stops it
17:07.18cladhaireand you'll get me banned =)
17:07.30foxlitAlternate keywords?
17:07.32cogwheelcide ignores purl :P
17:07.47cladhaireyeah, I should do that
17:07.54cladhairebut i'd have to cover both ~bladsh and purl,
17:08.08foxlitinfobot, say hi
17:08.09cogwheelnot really...
17:08.23foxlitInteresting split personality you have, purl
17:08.26cogwheeljust ignore messages from purl
17:08.30foxlitJust ignore everything sent by purl
17:08.32cogwheelnot the word purl
17:08.49cogwheelpurl, say >>> return "true"
17:08.51purl>>> return "true"
17:09.38foxlitpurl, no, cladwar is <reply>lua> print("cladpeace");
17:09.41purlokay, foxlit
17:09.55foxlitpurl, cladpeace is <reply>lua>print("cladescapalation");
17:09.57purlfoxlit: okay
17:10.05foxlitpurl, cladescalation is <reply>lua>print("cladwar");
17:10.08purlokay, foxlit
17:10.11Cideyou need with commas
17:10.56foxlitI don't actually intend to run that, though's spam stopper is cleaverer than me
17:12.01Kasoi cant get past it but im not spamming
17:12.08foxlit"buy my medical problems"?
17:13.00foxlitConsidering how much spam actually gets through that, I'm surprised you're having difficulty :)
17:15.04Kasoi think this spam filter is new
17:15.23foxlitspam filtering code is silly
17:15.26foxlitThrow in a few more operators
17:15.31Kasoalso when you're questioned for spam it then removes synatx highlithing on your code >.<
17:24.21LunessaMaking Disc Images in Mac OSX 10.4 with Disk tools it 'teh suck'
17:25.53purllua> print("cladpeace");
17:25.54cladhaireor did you make it forget it?
17:25.57cladhairepurl: cladpeace
17:25.59cladhairepurl: cladescapalation
17:26.40cladhairelua> print("purl")
17:26.40cladhairecladhaire: Purl is serious business!
17:26.55JoshBorkelua> print("purl")
17:26.55cladhaireJoshBorke: Purl is serious business!
17:27.02JoshBorke<3 clad
17:27.45Finhave people already tested whether cladhaire's disabled file io? :)
17:28.07cladhairelua> return io
17:28.07cladhairecladhaire: nil
17:28.16cladhairelua> return debug, io, os
17:28.16cladhairecladhaire: { ["traceback"] = function: 0x304020 } (#1), nil, { ["clock"] = function: 0x302b00, ["time"] = function: 0x302d20 } (#2)
17:29.52LunessaClad is brave, perhaps even foolhardy, but not stupid. :P
17:30.03cladhairei made a mistake last night
17:30.10Finsure, sure, I know people who are all those things but still forgetful :P
17:30.10cladhaireand shirik almost wiped my hard drive =)
17:30.23cladhairei had the code, just had it commented out for some reason
17:31.00CideI think we've ironed out most issues together in the past month
17:31.00LunessaThe QQing would have been great over wiped drives.
17:31.21cladhaireCide: yeah, and it was easy to see what you covered and just apply it
17:31.27cladhairethat cide.. such a trailblazer =)
17:31.46Cide(at the trailblazer part!)
17:39.41*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal ( 's new anti-spam stuff is really a pain
17:41.03Kasoand to me seems a little silly, they get you to type out the domain backwards and then enter the number of times you used that domain,
17:41.10KasoSurely that is *easier* for a script than a person
17:41.23cladhaireso talk to norgs about it
17:41.54zenzelezzhe just doesn't like all the pesky users
17:42.36Kasoi was sitting there trying to work out backwards
17:42.42Kasogot it wrong twice >.<
17:43.35Thunder_Childwrite a script for it...oh wait thats what they are trying to stop....
17:45.07Finperl -e 'print join "", (reverse( split //, "string"))'
17:45.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (
17:45.58Finoh, wait
17:46.30Finperl -e 'print scalar reverse "string"'
17:49.40Kasolua> string.reverse("")
17:49.41cladhaireKaso: No output
17:49.46Kasolua> return string.reverse("")
17:49.47cladhaireKaso: moc.tfarcrawfodlrow.yromra
17:50.29Thunder_Childheh, i was trying to read that...and failing
17:51.42Finof course
17:52.57*** part/#wowi-lounge leethal (
17:52.58mikmalua> return version
17:52.59cladhairemikma: nil
17:53.09cladhairelua> return _VERSION
17:53.09cladhairecladhaire: Lua 5.1
17:53.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Thorarin (
17:55.05Industrialreturn os.time()
17:55.10Industriallua> return os.time()
17:55.12cladhaireIndustrial: 1181411676
17:56.08cladhairezomg teh hacking my timez
17:56.08Kaso>>> return os.time()
17:56.08Kasolua> return os.time()
17:56.09CideKaso: 1181411757
17:56.09cladhaireKaso: 1181411721
17:56.09cladhairelua> for i=1,1e6 do _G[i] = math.random(i) end print(table.concat(_G)
17:56.09cladhairecladhaire: Compilation failed: [string " for i=1,1e6 do _G[i] = math.random(i) end print(table.concat(_..."]:1: ')' expected near ''
17:56.18cladhairelua> for i=1,1e6 do _G[i] = math.random(i) end print(table.concat(_G))
17:56.19cladhairecladhaire: maximum memory (5000 KiB) exceeded
17:56.26Industriallua return #(getfenv(0))
17:56.27cladhairelua> for i=1,1e3 do _G[i] = math.random(i) end print(table.concat(_G))
17:56.27cladhairecladhaire: 113232167105711119121829161423221431913222925922612242939151142323430430431422402513152010285354456323321653318766636282168403673461626811258745565648980222933495782408327425548301917618645955107846310272981926861612341524901203124421178720925353692182119... (result truncated)
17:56.32Industriallua> return #(getfenv(0))
17:56.32cladhaireIndustrial: 0
17:56.35mikmalua> print(os.getenv("HOME"))
17:56.37cladhairemikma: [string " print(os.getenv("HOME"))"]:1: attempt to call field 'getenv' (a nil value)
17:56.41cladhairelua> for i=1,1e4 do _G[i] = math.random(i) end print(table.concat(_G))
17:56.42cladhairecladhaire: 113232167105711119121829161423221431913222925922612242939151142323430430431422402513152010285354456323321653318766636282168403673461626811258745565648980222933495782408327425548301917618645955107846310272981926861612341524901203124421178720925353692182119... (result truncated)
17:56.47cladhairelua> for i=1,1e5 do _G[i] = math.random(i) end print(table.concat(_G))
17:56.48cladhairecladhaire: 113232167105711119121829161423221431913222925922612242939151142323430430431422402513152010285354456323321653318766636282168403673461626811258745565648980222933495782408327425548301917618645955107846310272981926861612341524901203124421178720925353692182119... (result truncated)
17:57.14Kasoi wish IRC supoorted full 16bit color
17:57.26Kasothen i could demo my cool Rainbow text function!
17:57.27mikmalua> os.execute("mkdir " .. lol)
17:57.27cladhairemikma: [string " os.execute("mkdir " .. lol)"]:1: attempt to concatenate global 'lol' (a nil value)
17:57.32mikmalua> os.execute("mkdir " .. "lol")
17:57.33cladhairemikma: [string " os.execute("mkdir " .. "lol")"]:1: attempt to call field 'execute' (a nil value)
17:57.36mikmaboo :P
17:57.51Industriallua> setfenv(_G, {})
17:57.52cladhaireIndustrial: [string " setfenv(_G, {})"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'setfenv' (number expected, got table)
17:58.25mikmalua> print("/etc/passwd", "w"))
17:58.28cladhairemikma: [string " print("/etc/passwd", "w"))"]:1: attempt to index global 'io' (a nil value)
17:58.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Nerinia (
17:58.49mikmacopypaste rocks xD
17:59.02Finlua> for x = 1, 3 do print(x .. "\n") end
17:59.02cladhaireFin: 1 , 2 , 3
18:00.19Industriallua> return coroutine
18:00.20cladhaireIndustrial: { ["resume"] = function: 0x301250, ["yield"] = function: 0x301350, ["status"] = function: 0x3012d0, ["wrap"] = function: 0x3002b0, ["create"] = function: 0x300290, ["running"] = function: 0x301290 } (#1)
18:00.44KasoFin clad removes that
18:00.52Kasoto stop you putting "whatever\nlua>dostuff()"
18:01.00Kasothen having a infinte loop
18:01.03cladhairemy client stops that
18:01.06Kasoah ok
18:01.09cladhairewithout trying =)
18:01.10cladhairetry <BR> tho
18:01.15cladhairedunno if it'd work
18:01.23Kasowell then to stop you flooding channel with tones of new lines then
18:02.01Industriallua> local a='' for i=1,25 do a=a..loadfile() end return a
18:02.01cladhaireIndustrial: Compilation failed: [string " local a='' for i=1,25 do a=a..loadfile() end return ..."]:1: unexpected symbol near '&'
18:02.10Finlua> return xpcall
18:02.10cladhaireFin: function: 0x300870
18:02.40Finooh, /msgs work, hooray
18:03.01Industrialguess i cant break it then cladhaire :(
18:03.20IndustrialI give up!
18:10.50IndustrialHow do i bind a key to a function?
18:11.39Industrialonly takes a "command" ?
18:11.53IrielThere's a whole family of binding functions now
18:11.59Finoh, k
18:12.00IrielSetBindingClick, SetBindingMacro, etc
18:12.17IndustrialI need a button (`) to execute a function every time its pressed
18:13.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
18:13.08cladhairewell you could make a button
18:13.14cladhairegive it an attribute to make it execute the function
18:13.17cladhaireand then setbindingclick
18:14.01LunessaOr you could make a macro, and use SetBindingMacro to bind it to `.
18:14.47Finyou can't register an event and run a function every time? (<- API ignoramus, geniune question)
18:15.42KasoFin, is the question related to Industrial ? if so theres no key pressed event.
18:16.05FinOK, thanks
18:16.27*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
18:16.52Thunder_Child~seen dorje
18:17.24purldorje <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 62d 22h 34m 43s ago, saying: 'meh my typing just sucks sometimes...'.
18:17.25*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
18:21.31Industrialcladhaire: cant I SetScript('OnClick', togglefunc) and SetBindingClick(key, button, 'LeftButton') ? :P
18:22.16Industriallets try this sucka out! >:O
18:26.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
18:28.02Angwehey Kaso
18:28.07Angwegot a sec?
18:29.18Angweim getting a error message for[GetUnitName("target",true)].health
18:29.37zenzelezzIIRC, someone said it's Default
18:30.12Angwethey did, but default was working when i was explicity stating which data i wanted
18:30.21Angwesoon as i put in the GetUnitName it started erroring
18:30.26Kasois GetUnitName a function?
18:30.31Kasosure you dont mean UnitName
18:30.49Kasoalso i seem to recall the table was indexed by "Server - Name" wasnt it?
18:31.11AngwegetUnitName("target",true) returns Target - Server
18:31.17Angweas a string
18:31.35Angweif i throw it in a macro alone
18:31.37Angweit works
18:31.43Angwethe getUnitName i mean
18:31.56zenzelezzwas the line you pasted a copy+paste?
18:31.58FinAngwe: I think it's just UnitName() ?
18:32.11KasoGetUnitName is not a blizzard function
18:32.12zenzelezzhe just said it works from a macro, so I'm assuming his function works
18:32.21zenzelezzofficial or otherwise
18:32.31Angwesec ill get my macro text
18:32.39Kasooh what the fuck
18:32.42Kasoit is.. ^--
18:33.18Angweok so im not crazy?
18:33.25Finoh I don't know about that
18:33.27zenzelezznot about that anyway
18:33.30Kasobut Angwe, im pretty sure by server it means for cross faction pvp
18:33.49Angwebut i tried targeting a player on my server(kalecgos)
18:33.56Kasoon your server it returns just name
18:34.38Angweyes, but i can target a player on my server with /target spunkay - kalecgos
18:35.03Kasoif you do /target spunkay - ELEPHANTS it will still target him
18:35.15Kasojust do this
18:35.22Angweoh lol
18:35.51Angwe./target spunkay - penis does still grab the target
18:36.00zenzelezzthe only time you should have a problem is if you encounter someone with the same name as you I think
18:36.25Angwebut its not pulling anything atm
18:36.26KasoUnitName("target") .." - ".. (select(2,UnitName("target")) or GetRealmName())
18:36.29Kasouse that[UnitName("target") .." - ".. (select(2,UnitName("target")) or GetRealmName())].health)
18:37.17Angwethat would be valid?
18:37.44Kasoi think so
18:37.52Angweill give it a go, thx again sirs
18:38.49Kasoso GetUnitName... thats odd
18:38.56Kasowhy have two functions for to do one job
18:39.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
18:39.49Angwestill getting null value lol
18:40.00Kasoexact error please
18:40.27IndustrialI dotn get exp from grey quests right/
18:40.28Kasoyou get a tiny amount
18:40.36Angwe[2007/06/09 11:40:45-138-x1]: ArenaMaster-1.0\Core.lua:224: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
18:41.14FinThe default Blizzard UI defines GetUnitName(unit, showServerName) which only returns the unit name, but for characters from another server appends the server name (showServerName==true) or "(*)" (if showServerName==false).
18:41.42KasoAngwe, is there an entrie for whoever your targetting in your table?
18:41.56Angwethe target is spunkay
18:42.04Angweand ill get the table data
18:43.21Kasoyou still have default without a D
18:43.25Kasoprob the problem
18:43.28*** join/#wowi-lounge pagangeek (
18:43.39pagangeekhowdy all!
18:43.46Angweok, thought it was workin, ill try that
18:44.00Finhowdy, pagangeek
18:44.30pagangeekim having some trouble with scripting /run got a second to point out where i'm going wrong?
18:44.50Fin"/run got a second to point out where i'm going wrong?" won't work
18:45.00Finsorry, sorry
18:45.28Angwesame error
18:45.40Angwei have a feeling im doing something stupid lol
18:47.18Finpagangeek: describe the problem?
18:47.44pagangeekBasically, the emote never shows
18:48.12Thunder_Child~lart Fin
18:48.12purlblames Fin for all the evil in the world
18:48.45Lunessaextraneous space !=1 instead of != 1
18:48.47Angwei love you guys
18:48.50Angweit works!
18:48.57Finpagangeek: that's because
18:49.08pagangeekahh.. *scurries back to the other side of the desk*
18:49.15Finwait, wait...
18:49.21FinI think I'm wrong
18:49.35pagangeekextraneous space removed, but didnt fix it..
18:51.47Lunessachange it to IsMounted() ==0 ? Test for the inverse?  
18:51.57FinI was going to suggest DoEmote()
18:52.00NeriniaPHP ~= LUA? P
18:52.02Finwhy not /emote, anyway?
18:52.20Iriel0 is not false in lua
18:52.30LunessaEr, nil
18:52.32krkaLua is not an acronym
18:52.32Lunessanot 0
18:52.40Irielgenerally you're best off doing if (IsMounted()) and if (not IsMounted())
18:52.45Finif it's already passed a test for being unmounted in [..., nomounted, ...] then why test again?
18:52.48Irielthat way it doesn't matter which true/false values slouken uses
18:53.18pagangeekgood point fin..
18:54.07LunessaYeah.  Good point.  just /me whispers in Draconic...
18:54.25Finmaybe that wouldn't work if you were in combat
18:54.32pagangeekIts got a dismount function as well.. I'm a roleplayer so things have to be perfect :-)
18:54.33Finalthough I don't really know why not
18:55.04pagangeekthe conditional is to stop my emoting when nothing happens or when i dismount..
18:55.42Finjust add /dismount [mounted] first
18:55.43zenzelezzpagangeek: do you not have an "end" for the "if"?
18:56.09Kasooh the joys of disabled lua errors
18:56.22pagangeekit needs an end?
18:56.41Kasoif <something> then <somethingelse> end
18:56.52zenzelezzI don't think Lua has short ifs like C
18:57.02pagangeekill give that a poke :-)
19:00.37pagangeekcan I use an item number instead of a name to show a tooltip for the macro?
19:01.25pagangeekdoesn't need a name at all..
19:06.56pagangeeknow to stop it emoting when im indoors.
19:06.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Thorarin (
19:07.19Kasocant you use /stopmacro with conditionals ?
19:07.35Kasorather than having to have tonnes of tests on your send chat message script
19:07.57pagangeekKaso: how do you mean?
19:08.29Kasounder what conditions do you want it to emote
19:09.11pagangeekonly when im outdoors and not mounted.
19:09.55Kasothen do like /stopmacro [nooutdoors] /stopmacro [mounted] /emote whatever
19:10.08Kasoi think.. i dont use alot of macros
19:10.22pagangeekwont that break the rest of the macro?
19:10.29LunessaYou could very well do that Kaso.
19:10.38Kasoif you put it at the end the only thing it will stop is your emote line
19:11.15GuillotineWTB punny name for my addon that shows item sell prices :(
19:12.02Gnarfozanother one?
19:12.10FinMarket Leader / The Price Is Right / The Root of All Evil
19:12.19GnarfozYAPA - yet another price addon -.-
19:12.34pagangeekill give that a go.
19:12.52GuillotineGnarfoz: but this one has data for EVERY item (mined from the armory), and takes up about 1/10 the memory of most others
19:13.03GnarfozSellFish, ItemPrice, SellValue, Informant already exist :\
19:13.31Gnarfozpublish it, I'll rip the data and add it to ItemPrice's item lib xD
19:13.59GuillotineGnarfoz: I will as soon as i think of a good name >.>
19:14.02Gnarfozactually, how does it save so much memory? :P
19:14.08Guillotinehmm. I like The Price Is Right
19:14.15GuillotineGnarfoz: all data is stored as one long string
19:14.21Guillotinerather than a table
19:14.53pagangeekKaso: Now it emotes when I use the macro to dismount..
19:14.54Guillotineits not really 1/10, I was exagerrating. But its little more than half
19:15.05GnarfozItemPrice already has it that way, for example ^^
19:15.34krkahow do you retrieve the data from the string?
19:15.36Gnarfozanyway, who am I to stifle new developements! :D
19:15.47Guillotine*shrug* I didn't test ItemPrice. I compared it to ColaLight and SellFish
19:15.47Gnarfoznames, hrm
19:17.51Kasopagangeek, i give in, perhaps look at Iriel's aftercast addon i think thats basically what your trying to do
19:17.52GnarfozHowMuch?, WorthShit (:D), Register
19:18.01Finyou could put some random phrases in with catch phrases from the show
19:18.43IrielAre you just trying to do actions whenever you mount?
19:18.47Finah, krka wins again
19:18.50IrielOr just under certain mount conditions?
19:18.50Findamn you man, damn you!
19:19.07krkai always win
19:19.08LunessaCogWheel's Macro Talk!
19:19.25pagangeekKaso: I'll give the addon a look.. but if I can do it with a macro, i'd rather save the overhead :-)
19:19.32FinFilthy Lucre
19:19.36Finit sounds filthy
19:20.09krkano that was a bad one
19:20.16Finwas that a... pun?
19:20.28krkaa bad one
19:20.46Finwell that's OK then
19:20.50Finbecause you know - you can't really fail at puns... attempt is success
19:20.57pagangeekIriel: Just certain conditions.
19:20.57krkaif you like german, how about InSell?
19:21.05LunessaLucre a term for money, it's old, but still in use.
19:21.15krkaFin: sounds like something a wise man would say
19:21.27krkaoh right, it was i who said it
19:21.29Finkrka: sounds like someone who just made a bad pun would say
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19:22.12krkatip can be interpretered in two ways!
19:22.13Finthat's quite good
19:22.30IrielThat'd be a double entendre, rather than a pun, tho
19:22.36Findouble pun, I'd say
19:22.47krkathose are better than puns, Iriel  :)
19:22.58Fincos he's not referring to his penis
19:24.35cladhairewhat shall I do for dinner?
19:24.38cladhaireany suggestinos?
19:24.41Finplay wow
19:24.42LunessaThat would make an excellent chat addon.
19:25.02IrielGrilled salmon, with some wild rice and mushrooms?
19:25.04LunessaCladhaire... Steak, Baked Potato and a bottle of suds.
19:25.09cladhaireim' not a fan of mushrooms
19:25.21cladhairetragic, i know
19:25.30Gnarfozas long as it has loads of meat, anything. just meat is ok, too. :P
19:25.32IrielGrilled salmon, steamed broccoli and a small baked potato?
19:25.43cladhairei'll take you up on the broccoli and potato
19:25.45krkayou're way too grown up iriel
19:25.50cladhairei forgot i dont like fish =(
19:26.02Irielhm, grilled lemon pepper chicken then?
19:26.03LunessaSo, steak or chicken
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19:26.19cladhaireyeah, i have chicken
19:26.21cladhairei shoudl take some out
19:26.21Irielkrka: That's because i'm old now.
19:26.24Finso I suggest, supermarket pizza with tons of extra stuff
19:26.45LunessaHah, Iriel - marriage !=Old
19:27.12krkareally? i always assumed you were like 17-18
19:27.14IrielCorrect, but in this crowd mid-30's is old
19:27.23pagangeekokay, i'm still struggling here.. is there something in the api that will test for indoors/outdoors? cant seem to see it anywhere..
19:27.26LunessaThen I'm pushing ancient.  
19:27.36krkathat's a compliment, because i think everyone else is 12-13
19:28.00FinI love making old jokes with my friends
19:28.16Fin(the best one of which is that as everyone knows, the old ones are always the best)
19:28.31IrielLunessa: Age is relative, of course 8-)
19:28.46Lunessa[indoors] [outdoors] and their reverses, [noindoors] [nooutdoors]
19:28.49krkano it's not, it's fairly absolute
19:29.09Irielkrka: Ok, ok, 'old' is relative
19:29.11Finno it's not, it's absolutely absolute
19:29.19LunessaIriel: I'm late 30s, staring down the barrel of 40 and wondering "how did I get here?"
19:29.26Finif you're going to be picky :)
19:29.41FinI think what happens is, first you're 39
19:29.49Finthen a bit before that, you're 38
19:30.13Lunessa~purl be evil to Fin
19:30.26pagangeekLunessa: do those terms work in that format for /run?
19:30.26IrielLunessa: I crossed the mid-point last sunday
19:30.27Guillotinehmm. I think I like SellOut
19:30.34krkai liked that one the best too
19:31.14Lunessapangangeek no. But with /stopmacro they do.  Or you can use Cog's MacroTalk to make them work on /say or /emote
19:31.34LunessaIriel Happy Belated
19:31.39pagangeekaye.. i think i may just seperate it up and have a single dismount button..
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19:32.22IrielLunessa: thanks.
19:32.42Finwhy not put /dismount [mounted] first?
19:32.57Finthen you only have one button to click?
19:32.58zenzelezz -- why didn't my bags turn out like this :-(
19:34.02Guillotinelink constructing ftw
19:34.40zenzelezzactually that was just a guildie linking it to show mats
19:37.07pagangeekFin: I tried that, but then i emote when dismounting again..
19:38.34Finwhen dismounting again?
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19:39.30pagangeekas in, when i mount up.. it emotes.
19:39.36pagangeekand when i dismount it also emots
19:39.52Finwhy are you using that macro to mount?
19:40.22FinI thought it was a button you wanted to click to dismount and emote "/me whispers in Draenic..." or just do the emote if you're already dismounted?
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19:40.28Finsorry if I missed something :/
19:40.35pagangeekother way around..
19:41.02pagangeekits a "Not mounted? Emote and Mount Up... Mounted? Then Dismount" button.
19:42.06GuillotineKaso: haha
19:42.28pagangeek20:41 < Kaso>
19:42.35pagangeekbloody terminal..
19:43.30Kasoaddons with too much color in their names annoy me
19:45.45foxlitYeah, evil
19:45.51Finuhm... I *think* this should work?
19:45.56foxlitShould actually disable it for that dialog
19:47.45LunessaFin /say doesn't take options.
19:47.53LunessaEither does /emote
19:47.58Finhence cogwheel's addon :)
19:49.05pagangeekI dont suppose its possible to have a macro show a custom tooltip?
19:49.20Finuhm, doesn't #showinfo do that?
19:49.35foxlitHm, I wonder
19:49.55foxlitWindows must store the locations of where to look for executables in comandprompt
19:50.01foxlitWonder where.
19:50.06Shirikfoxlit: PATH env var
19:50.28pagangeek#showtooltip shows the item tooltip for the first item in the macro, but im using /userandom
19:50.33Shirikfoxlit: type PATH
19:50.45Shirikpagangeek: Yeah but he said #showinfo, got confused :/
19:50.46zenzelezzit's not actually in the command prompt
19:50.49Finset %path%
19:50.57Shirikno %
19:50.57foxlitGot it, actually
19:51.03Finyou can set this if you right click My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables
19:51.04Shirikleast it's not necessary
19:51.06foxlitCP -> System -> stuff
19:51.10Shirikdon't know if it's legal
19:51.18zenzelezzControl Panel -> Advanced -> Environment Variables is the "proper" location
19:51.22Finoh, duh, yes, no %s :)
19:51.24zenzelezz*CP -> System -> Adv
19:52.11FinI forward the motion that both working suggestions are equally valid
19:52.39ShirikI forward the motion that you should use command prompt to set path
19:52.42Finwho put the notion of notion in my motion
19:52.59Finbut using the command prompt only sets it for that instand of cmd.exe, no?
19:53.10Shirikhm, probably
19:53.10Lunessapagangeek in that case, use #showtooltip spellname - then it will use the tooltip for the spell specified.  You can't customize the tooltip beyond that in a macro.
19:53.11ShirikI forget
19:53.13foxlitNow how do I clear the cache between CP and cmd?
19:53.28Shiriktype cmd
19:53.40pagangeekthanks Lunessa
19:53.40Guillotinewtf. every time I log onto my chars I'm instantly disconnected o.O even with all addons disabled
19:53.44foxlitStill old one
19:54.00Shirikare you sure you clicked the "ok" button? ^^
19:54.37foxlitIt turns out that user-specific setting overrides the system-default one, and I've changed system.
19:55.19TC-WorkingGuillotine, wipe out wtf?
19:55.42GuillotineI don't want to lose all my saved data >< So I'm going addon by addon and renaming the saved data
19:56.01foxlitDo it in chunks, at least?
19:56.34TC-Workingwhen i said wipeout i meant more like rename
19:56.38TC-Workingthe folder
19:56.50ShirikGuillotine: Are you currently in a raid?
19:56.55GuillotineShirik: nope
19:57.10Shirikthe servers just say
19:57.12Guillotineahh, could be the server
19:57.14Shirik"Patch 2.1.1 is now live!"
19:57.18FinGuillotine: good man! that's exactly how you should fix it
19:57.22Shirikwithout saying "please disable all addons" etc
19:57.36GuillotineI bet its just my server. Logging into another server works fine
19:57.40GuillotineTC: can you get on?
19:57.45TC-Workingat work right now
19:57.49TC-Workingbut i did earleir
19:57.52Shirikso that's a no
19:57.54Shirikwhich proves it
19:57.55foxlitLooking up lua sleep on google yields fun stuff
19:57.58foxlit"Anyone use Lua? more specifically, anyone know how to make a Lua scrit sleep?
19:57.58foxlitIt's just for fun, but world of warcraft supports Lua scripting in its macros and i want to write something that requires the script to pause for a few seconds.
19:57.58Shirikboth Guillotine and TC-Working can't log in
19:58.01Shirikmust be the server
19:58.06TC-Working!lart Shirik
19:58.10foxlit" silly!
19:58.11TC-Working~lart Shirik
19:58.12purltakes large quantities of Krispy Kream donuts and stuffs them one after another down Shirik's throat until Shirik puts on 150lbs
19:58.25ShirikI've tried that
19:58.32ShirikI don't gain weight :/
19:58.37TC-Workinglucky bastard
19:58.41Shiriknot really
19:59.01Shirikit comes with other complications
19:59.06Finmight be all the speed
19:59.14Shirikbeing 6'3" and only 130lb has its own problems
20:00.34TC-Workingthe fact that you look like a beanpole?
20:00.54pagangeekheres another tooltip/icon related question.. doing a trinket swap.. is it possible to get the icons and tooltips to change based on whats equiped?
20:01.12pagangeekso when my dps trinket is equiped the macro shows the riding crop and vice versa..
20:01.16Shirik#show 16
20:01.17Finuse the ? icon
20:01.19Shirikand #show 17
20:01.28Shirikoh wait
20:01.30Shirikyou don't even need that
20:01.40Shirikjust the ? icon and /use 16 or /use 17
20:02.16pagangeekbut if the trinket has an on use?
20:02.41Shirikto answer your question
20:02.56Shirik#show 16 and #show 17 will show the icons for trinkets one and two, respectively
20:04.21pagangeekis it possible to invert it?
20:04.34Shirikinvert what?
20:05.02pagangeekso that when trinket a is equiped, the tooltip and icon are of trinket b.
20:06.02LunessaFor that, you really want an AddOn like Gello's TrinketMenu
20:08.02Guillotinealright, looks like its the server. can't log in with/without addons/saved variables. But I can log onto other servers
20:08.31foxlitShould Lua.exe be refusing to eat the unicode byteorder marker?
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20:14.25pagangeekalrighty.. and last question.. is there a chattype i can use in the sendchatmessage that prints text that only i can see somewhere?
20:15.17Fintry just /echo
20:15.31Findid I mean /print?
20:17.05Finbut you can do DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage('message') also
20:20.33pagangeekfunky! thanks.
20:23.21|Jelly|wow... alarm clock is no match for sleeping a lot!
20:26.20MentalPoweror just ChatFrame1:AddMessage()
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20:30.20pagangeekokay.. so i lied.. another question.. i want a script to return the name of the item equiped in a trinket slot.
20:30.49Shiriklearn it, love it, live it
20:31.03pagangeekim on it now :-)
20:31.35Thunder_ChildGuillotine, yep server...i get a char not found
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20:32.02pagangeekbut can't find a function that returns the item name based on slot..
20:32.11Thunder_Childwell that time it was a D/C
20:33.03Thunder_Childyay, blizz broke wow
20:35.04Shirikhere I can be a GM for you
20:35.21ShirikThunder_Child: Please disable all your addons and delete your WTF folder.
20:35.30ShirikIs there anything else I can help you with today?
20:36.31Neriniapagangeek: You can combine GetInventoryItemLink() with GetItemInfo(): local itemName = GetItemInfo(GetInventoryItemLink("player", 13))
20:37.09Thunder_Childyes there is Shirik, i need a few mods made...get cracking
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20:37.29amroThunder_Child: if that doesn't help, delete any addons your neighbor has and try again
20:37.55Thunder_Childlol, i dont have any neighbors that play...that i am aware of anywyas
20:37.57pagangeekand that will return the name of the item in slot 13..
20:38.11Thunder_Childmore stupidity
20:38.15NeriniaYeah, the upper trinket
20:39.04Shirikno you can't have your characters back
20:39.10Shirikthey're permanently deleted
20:39.14Zealis there any API for setting/getting what a frame inherits from?
20:39.30Thunder_ChildI <3 Stupid People
20:39.32zenzelezzinherits? Doubt it
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20:39.47Zealdarn : /
20:40.24zenzelezzdon't trust me completely on it, but I believe inheritance is a creation attribute
20:40.34Shirikit is
20:41.14Zealthought there might atleast be a get, though i doubted set.
20:41.31Shirikthere isn't a really good reason you need it
20:41.35Shirikwhy do you think you need it?
20:42.07Zealoh, i was going to see how changing the targetoftarget frame, rather than replacing it.
20:42.15Zeal*see about
20:42.28Shirikso you want to see what it inherits?
20:42.39Zealjust curious as to possible ways to do so.
20:42.55Zealwanted to see what it inherits and change what it inherits tbh :p
20:42.57Shirikthere's only one possible way I'm aware of: Look at the blizzard code
20:43.04Shirikchanging what it inherits wouldn't work
20:43.19Shirikwell it won't work because it doesn't exist, it doesn't exist because it would be incredibly difficult to do
20:43.52Zealyeah, i'm guessing cos it's all applied one load and can't be changed dynamically huh?
20:43.56Zeal*on load
20:44.32pagangeekokay.. again.. im stuck.. i know how to send a message to the chatwindow, and i know how to get the item name... but combining these two things is prooving tricky..
20:45.06Shirikwhat have you tried?
20:45.50pagangeekfirst off tried /print itemName after the run command.. but got "nil" i figured that was because the variable doesnt get passed along.
20:45.58Shirikwhat is /print ?
20:46.39pagangeekso then tried DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage('itemName')
20:46.57ckknightShirik: /print is like /dump
20:47.03ckknightShirik: it's created by AceConsole-2.0
20:47.41Shirikpagangeek: Drop the '
20:47.41ckknightI thought /dump sounded like you were gonna take a shit, and /print seems much more neutral
20:47.57ckknightpagangeek: if /print itemName shows nil, then it's nil.
20:47.59Shirikdump is pretty much a standard term :/
20:48.17ckknightShirik: so is print
20:49.11pagangeekdropped the ' and still no joy.. so like ckknight says.. ive probably cocked something else up xD
20:49.28Neriniapagangeek: remove the local if you copypasted my code
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20:50.11pagangeekahh! joy! again.. cookies aplenty!
20:50.52NeriniaYeah, but now i give you the honor to explain what local is :P
20:51.07Shiriklocal is what makes your addons not suck!
20:52.04Shirikpagangeek: Do you have any other programming experience?
20:52.13Shirikwhat languages?
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20:52.31pagangeekwell.. most of the programmers i speak to tell me that php doesn't count :-)
20:52.53pagangeeka bit of java, but nothing serious.. hence my inability to fix these things on my own
20:53.06Shirikdo you understand what I mean when I say the principle of least visibility?
20:53.53pagangeeki think i can guess from its name.
20:54.21Shirikwhat's your guess
20:55.07pagangeekthat defining a variable as local, ergo, least visible is better in some way
20:55.55Shirikdo you understand the differences between local and global?
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20:57.22pagangeeklocal variables are restricted for use only in the function in which they are defined?
20:57.39Shirikthat's one possible use
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20:57.56ShirikKnow this: If there is no reason for another addon to know something, don't let it know it.
20:58.01IrielIt's more that they're only accessible in the scope they're defined (and any sub-scopes of that scope)
20:58.17Zealanyone know of a good article that goes into depth about how inheritance is resolved with mutiple conflicting things? just cruious really.
20:58.32IrielZeal: In what context?
20:58.59Shirikpagangeek: Given that you know the basics of scoping, I suggest you read this article I wrote up a while back:
20:59.13Zealdunno, let's so for soem some crazy reason i made a frame that inherited the character frame, auction frame and player frame, lol.
20:59.23Thunder_ChildGuillotine, let me know if you get back in
20:59.25IrielThe last thing in the list always wins
20:59.48Zealwould the previous 2 have any effect at all?
21:00.04pagangeekill bookmark it and read it later.. its cheaky enough that im chatting on irc while raiding ;-)
21:00.29IrielZeal: If they defined things that the subsequent ones didn't, then yes
21:01.13Zealcool, ty.
21:02.42Zealoh, btw been meaning to ask. is there a reason why the last 2 versions of the files on the wdn are all empty?
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21:03.20amropagangeek: locals are also faster to access in lua than globals
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21:03.57Shirikglobals are slow
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21:04.11Shirikand globals cause conflicts
21:04.15Shirikin essense, like I said
21:04.21Shirikif there is no reason anyone else needs to know something
21:04.24Shirikdon't let them know it
21:04.33pagangeekill remember that :-)
21:04.54Shirikthat's a principle you should follow in any language
21:04.58Shirikneither php nor java are excluded
21:05.05Shirikthough now that I think of it Java doesn't have globals
21:05.06Shirikdoes it
21:05.34ShirikI guess it has.... static member variables? that could be used as globals?
21:05.44IrielIt has globally acessible 'things'
21:05.51Irielbut they're ALWAYS tightly scoped
21:06.04Irielthough system properties are a single namespace
21:06.25Zeali take it back, not all the fiels are empty, but a great deal of them are.. someone screwed up the extraction? :S
21:09.16sylvanaarok, which is better style to use true/nil or true/false? (for binary conditions)
21:09.29cladhaireif you're putting them on a frame, true/false
21:09.48cladhairebecause if its nil, you hit the metatable
21:09.59cladhairejust an extra lookup that's not needed
21:10.21cladhaireif you're putting them in saved variables, they all should mean something different nil means you don't have a setting (use the default), where as false and true are explicit toggles.
21:10.24Cidefalse is likely better most of the time
21:10.43Shirikthere's only one good reason I can think that nil would potentially be better (and even then, I don't like it)
21:10.59cladhaireShirik: nil is good when you're meaning to note the lack of something
21:10.59Cide>>> value = nil; assert(not not value == false)
21:11.00CideCide: nil
21:11.01Shirikis when you have a looping condition checking for something, returning true when you find it, returning false if you never find it
21:11.10sylvanaarnil doesnt have to be stored
21:11.10Cide>>> value = nil; assert(not not value == value)
21:11.10CideCide: [string "value = nil; assert(not not value == value)"]:1: assertion failed!
21:11.13cladhaireauch as a setting, or when you have a lookup table for a given condition
21:11.18cladhairesylvanaar: correct, but again
21:11.19cladhaireif you're talking SV
21:11.22cladhairewhich is the only storage
21:11.24cladhairenil means use default
21:11.30cladhairethey mean different things
21:11.37cladhaireif you dont use defaults now, you probably will =)
21:11.59sylvanaarok so, if there are metatables involved - prefer false, otherwise nil?
21:12.11Shirikno, always prefer false unless there's a good reason to use nil
21:12.11cladhairei would prefer false regardless
21:12.16cladhaireyou dont need metatables to do defaults.
21:12.30cladhairethe first line of your addon can be MySV = { some_setting = true }
21:12.36foxlitDo __index metatables propagate?
21:12.43foxlitAwful phrasing :(
21:12.49cladhaireand when the vars are loaded, if its nil, your default goes in, otherwise it'll be overwritten with the SV value
21:12.56cladhairefoxlit: that was awful phrasing :P
21:13.06foxlita = {}; setmetatable(a, {__index=_G}); -- if a.x doesn't exist, it returns _G.x
21:13.36cladhairelua> a = {}; setmetatable(a, {__index = _G}) print(a._VERSION)
21:13.37cladhairecladhaire: Lua 5.1
21:13.43foxlitb = {}; setmetatable(b, {__index=a}); -- if b.x does not exist, it returns a.x, and hence _G.x?
21:13.50ShirikI've tried that before :(
21:13.53cladhairethe lookup is a rawget
21:13.58cladhairewhich bypasses the metatable
21:14.03cladhaireyou could chain them yourself howeever
21:14.17Cide>>> a = setmetatable({}, { __index = setmetatable({ }, { __index = setmetatable({}, {__index = _G}) }) }); return a.string.rep
21:14.17CideCide: function: 003F9520
21:14.19Shirikinstead of __index being a table, make it a function
21:14.33CideI'm surprised I didn't fuck that one up
21:14.34foxlitlookup self.key, if not, return x.key
21:14.41sylvanaarclad ok sv's are a wierd case which could fall under metatable-like behaviour
21:14.47cladhairea = setmetatable({}, {__index = _G}) b = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t,k) return a[k] end}) print(b.VERSION)
21:14.55Shirik>>> a = setmetatable({}, {__index = function() return b.
21:14.56CideShirik: [string "a = setmetatable({}, {__index = function() return b."]:1: '<name>' expected near '<eof>'
21:14.57cladhairelua> a = setmetatable({}, {__index = _G}) b = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t,k) return a[k] end}) print(b.VERSION)
21:14.57cladhairecladhaire: nil
21:14.58Shirikclad beat me
21:15.00Cidesylvanaar: just use false if in doubt
21:15.04sylvanaari do
21:15.05cladhairemine is teh broek
21:15.13cladhaireyes, thats the moral of the story
21:15.22Shirik>>> a = setmetatable({}, {__index = _G}) b = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t,k) return a[k] end}) print(b._VERSION)
21:15.22CideShirik: "Lua 5.1"
21:15.26cladhairebut there's no clearcut answer.. it really does depends on the context
21:15.26Shirikyou forgot the _ cladhaire
21:15.30cladhaireShirik: yea i know
21:16.06cladhairetaking the dogs out
21:16.08cladhaireanyone want to go to dinner?
21:16.13ShirikI'll go :D
21:16.22Shirikdinner with a famous author
21:16.24ShirikI'd feel special
21:16.29cladhairewait until the next book
21:16.33cladhairethen i'll be TEH UBER FAMUS
21:16.53LunessaOooo... Dinner with Clad!  Do I have to put out?
21:17.04cladhairei didn't buy you roses
21:17.10cladhaireif we were talking dinner and a movie, then yes
21:17.16cladhairebut i said nothing about a movie.
21:17.44LunessaWell, if you come pick me up then.  I don't feel like driving that far. :P
21:23.40cladhairehrm k k
21:24.19cladhairejust gonna take two days to get there
21:24.42LunessaOK.  In that case, I'll buy.  
21:25.11cladhaireokay im off to my parent's house for a bit to see my neice.
21:25.21Thunder_Childwasnt you coming out to socal cladhaire?
21:25.22cladhaireI'll be back later, have more work to do on this proposal.
21:25.30cladhaireThunder_Child: yes, for blizzcon
21:25.37cladhairewe'll be driving from NY
21:25.49LunessaI'm going to try to make it too.  Scrapping up the $$ for the tickets/flights
21:25.52Thunder_Childhuh, thought there was another reason...oh well, have a nice time today
21:25.52ShirikI have to go get something to eat, take a shower, get away from the forums
21:25.54Shirikbefore I shoot someone
21:26.00ShirikLunessa: I know, me too :(
21:26.01ShirikI'm goin
21:26.05Shirikyo usaid driving from NY?
21:26.13Shirikpick me up!! T_T
21:26.17clad|awaydonde where
21:26.26ShirikI'll be in NJ during that time :P
21:26.40clad|awaywhich one is it?
21:26.49Shirikshe used to live in NJ, I got confused :P
21:26.51clad|awayIf you can get a bus to erie, we could probably pick you up
21:27.05clad|awayping me later and we can chat about it
21:27.08clad|awaywe're flying back tho
21:27.17Shirikyeah I have to figure out everything else anyway
21:27.24Shiriki.e., time off requests and all that good stuff
21:27.24clad|awayokay, it would still work out to less
21:27.31clad|awaylemme know
21:27.44Shirik|Foodinghave a good dinner :)
21:27.49clad|awayyou too
21:27.59LunessaOh yeah, that reminds me... I'd better put in for the time off too. :D
21:29.07Thunder_Childso whos hotel room are we having the WoWI dev conferance?
21:29.41ThraeWhat, you're not going to all pile into Cairenn's room with wild abandon?
21:29.52Shirik|FoodingThrae: That's what we already agreed upon
21:30.04ThraePoor Cairenn...
21:30.12Shirik|FoodingIndustrial: I disown you now
21:30.29ThraeShirik|Fooding: You're just jealous.
21:30.38Industrialeat that!
21:30.59zenzelezzhe never said PHP was better
21:31.08LunessaThere will be much drinking and making of bad code jokes.
21:31.13Shirik|Foodingruby is what happens when you combine Blizzard's "this," global "event/argN" and OnUpdate calls that create a table on every pass
21:31.17Shirik|Foodingcombined together
21:31.19Industrialbut I know hes a php programmer :)
21:31.21Shirik|Foodingand put it on a website
21:31.32Shirik|Foodingzenzelezz: Here I'll say it
21:31.34Shirik|FoodingPHP > Ruby
21:31.49Shirik|FoodingTo be fair though...
21:31.58ThraeShirik|Fooding: Ruby is a language defined for specific purposes. I don't know what the hell you're talking about, unless you specifically mean RoR.
21:32.00Industrialwell id be happy with lua IF it had a decent web framework :P
21:32.07Shirik|FoodingI haven't given Ruby a fair chance, nor taken a serious look at it. All I know is I've looked at the language and gone "wtf"
21:32.11Shirik|FoodingI specifically RoR sorry
21:32.16Thunder_ChildCairenn said she isnt coming to blizzcon....but we all know she's lieing
21:32.29ThraeI used Ruby w/ Asterisk, and that had nothing to do with RoR ;)
21:32.42Shirik|Foodings/Ruby/Ruby on Rails/ for every occurance of ruby in the last 10 minutes
21:33.04IndustrialI wonder how lua does sockets
21:33.18Shirik|FoodingIndustrial: There /are/ several Lua frameworks
21:33.24Shirik|Foodings/frame/web frame/
21:33.29Shirik|Foodingbut I haven't looked at them at all
21:33.34Shirik|Foodingor whether or not they're decent
21:34.13Industrialyeah kepler seems to be the best one, but its not decent by far. its more a package of lua libraries with a shabby printing frontend and no real introduction documentation
21:35.04Corrodiasit's in California, is it...
21:35.13Shirik|Foodingso will Cairenn|afk be
21:35.16Shirik|Foodingas will I
21:35.24Shirik|Foodingwhat a perfect opportunity...
21:35.37Shirik|Fooding(she's seriously going to kill me a few hours later when she reads this)
21:35.38Corrodiasi'm tempted to consider going
21:35.58Thunder_Childi live ~2 hours away and i still want to get a room
21:36.01zenzelezzShirik|Fooding: why is that?
21:36.12Thunder_Childcuse she is married
21:36.25zenzelezzso? We hit on her all the time, she never seems to mind
21:36.33Thunder_Childwe do?
21:36.35*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
21:36.44Thunder_Childthere is no 'we' in that
21:36.53zenzelezzwe disagree
21:36.58Corrodiasit's only two days. i could probably get some vacation time for that.
21:37.31Thunder_Childdont need more, it's a thur and sat
21:37.36Thunder_Childerr..fri and sat
21:37.37Shirik|Foodingthere is definitely a we in that
21:37.52Thunder_Childthere is no we, i do not hit on married women
21:37.53LunessaWe are amused.
21:38.09Shirik|FoodingWell, perhaps "hit on" is the wrong phrase
21:38.12Corrodiasi'm so clueless on the cost of travel
21:38.22Thunder_Childwhat...sexualy joke with?
21:38.46|Jelly|Thank you Shirik. You kept me from having to respond to the meathead.
21:38.46Garounis the command just /script SetCVar("M2Faster",1)
21:38.58Garounand then a /reloadui on it
21:39.01Corrodiashang on, Garoun
21:39.05Garounjust an example :)
21:39.05Shirik|FoodingI really have got to get off the forums
21:39.09Shirik|FoodingI'm going to kill somoene in a sec
21:39.13Shirik|FoodingI'm going to go grab some food
21:39.15Corrodias/script SetCVar("M2Faster", 1, "scriptCVar")
21:39.18Garounit's teh SetCVar function I'm trying to remember
21:39.27Shirik|Foodingjust the summation of stupid people on the forusm
21:39.31Garoundoes that still need a ui reload after it Corr?
21:39.38Corrodiaswowwiki has informed me recently that there's a third argument required to get the cvar_update event to fire
21:39.39zenzelezzI most certainly do not limit myself to sexually joke with women on IRC o_O
21:39.40Shirik|Foodingwhich will likely result in the planet's population being cut by 66$
21:39.41Corrodiasi don't know. try it.
21:39.48Corrodiasi don't know what m2faster does so i can't say
21:40.02|Jelly|66%? Nice.
21:40.03Corrodiasif it's ffxGlow (the full screen glow effect), it doesn't need to be reloaded
21:40.39Garounthe M2Faster was the optimization stuff they added a while back and trying to helpsomeone with fps issues
21:40.47Thunder_Childequal oportunity zenzelezz?
21:41.14Corrodiasi like that the full screen glow makes things a little brighter, but unfortunately i hate everything else about it
21:41.42zenzelezzTC: don't know what you mean by that
21:41.45Thunder_Childif ti makes you feel better Shirik|Fooding some people admit their mistakes
21:41.48Thunder_Childall to few though
21:42.26*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|away_ (
21:42.40*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
21:43.29Shirik|Foodingack wtf!
21:43.42Shirik|Fooding|Jelly| you're supposed to remind me when my signature is out of date!
21:43.46Shirik|FoodingIt's three revisions behind!!
21:43.53|Jelly|Wait. What? I am?
21:44.25Thunder_Child~shame |Jelly|
21:44.29purlShame on you |Jelly|!
21:44.30|Jelly| better?
21:44.37Corrodiaswhat airport are you-all going to arrive in CA in?
21:45.22Shirik|FoodingThank you |Jelly|
21:46.12CideI'm considering going to blizzcon too... but I doubt I'll be able to pay for the airfare
21:46.23Corrodiasi could get a round trip for $563
21:46.57Industrialafter-afterparty at Guillotine !
21:47.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
21:47.17Shirik|Foodingand pre-party so that we can get the UI code bound
21:47.38Shirik|Foodingbefore-party ?
21:47.40Shirik|Foodingwhat's it called
21:47.43Guillotineso if we find the author of ToCUpdater there we have somewhere to... eliminate them
21:47.52Shirik|Foodinghold up
21:47.56Shirik|Foodingwhat is this ToCUpdater?
21:48.02Industrialja ganz geil
21:48.02|Jelly|and during-party
21:48.10pagangeekhmm buggrabber is going crazy with error notices since i added that macro
21:48.11Corrodiasi can't pay $560 just to get there and back, another $100 for the ticket, another god knows what for a hotel room, and far too much on merchandise
21:48.27|Jelly|So it's pretty much going to be a constant party at Guillotine's. Hmm
21:48.35Shirik|Foodinghelllls yeah
21:48.46Shirik|FoodingI'm hungry, cafeteria's gonna close
21:48.51Shirik|Foodingstop distracting me!
21:48.59GuillotineShirik: its a program that goes through all your ToCs and changes the version to the current one. Unfortunately, it causes all types of false bug reports from people thinking that fixes the addon for patches
21:49.07Guillotineand they use an old version thats not supposed to work anymore
21:49.09Shirik|FoodingI want to kill him
21:49.19Shirik|Foodingwhy on earth
21:49.22Shirik|Foodingwould you do something like that
21:49.34Guillotinebecause clicking the "Load Out Of Date Addons" button is too complicated
21:49.39|Jelly|it is!
21:49.42Shirik|Foodingdamn, I forgot about that
21:49.43Shirik|Foodingok then
21:50.00Guillotineno, actually, the program was created before that. But people continue to use it anyway
21:50.19|Jelly|oh wait...
21:50.21|Jelly|it really isn't " /
21:50.27Shirik|Foodingok then
21:50.32Shirik|Foodingthen I don't have a problem with it, really
21:50.38Shirik|FoodingI was unaware that the option didn't exist before
21:50.43Shirik|Foodingnow I want to shoot all the people still using it
21:50.48amrothe problem is why it's still being distributed
21:51.20Corrodiasbecause you can't delete information from the internet
21:51.25Thunder_Childhey the toc program was great way back when
21:52.01amroyeah that was like 2 years ago
21:52.59|Jelly|Shirik, are you still there?
21:53.14Guillotineno, hes fooding
21:53.24|Jelly|He's been "fooding" for like half an hour!
21:53.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
21:54.01Guillotineyou know, when I first saw that, I thought it said "Flooding". I was thinking that you don't change your nick to say you're flooding. You just do it
21:54.41Thunder_Childbut then Guillotine tought himself how to read :)
21:54.53Thunder_Childbut i never learned how to spell :(
21:54.54Guillotine~lart Thunder_Child
21:54.54purlexecutes killall -KILL Thunder_Child
21:55.36pakozIs it possible to increase the update rate of Assessment?
21:55.52Thunder_ChildGuillotine, what do you know about SharedMedia?
21:56.16Guillotine~wiki SharedMedia
21:56.43Thunder_Childdont you mean wowace? not wiki
21:56.48|Jelly|Translation: You lazy bastard, look it up yourself!
21:57.18Corrodiasairlines lose money but they want $600 just to go anywhere. i see a pattern here.
21:57.21Guillotineoh, is it an addon?
21:57.24GuillotineI didn't even know that >.>
21:57.36Thunder_Childone of the ace ones SharedMedia-1.0
21:57.51Thunder_Childah, ok
21:57.55LunessaIt's an AddOn for sharing textures with all your ACE2 stuff.
21:58.23Thunder_Childok..but where does it pull the textures from..because they are not in there
22:00.06zenzelezzthrown weapons have the same range as guns/bows, right?
22:01.24LunessaOther AddOns.
22:04.14Corrodiaszenzelezz: i believe so, and the range is determined by the ability being used and the class doing it
22:05.02LunessaTrying to decide if I want to go to a movie or not.
22:06.58ckknightLunessa: Ace2, not ACE2
22:07.10LunessaYeah, my bad.
22:08.05Garounaw, they removed the -console cmdlineflag :(
22:08.09LunessaCiao tutti.  Off to grab dinner and maybe see a movie.  
22:08.18Thunder_Childnow i gotta read!!..... heh, Thanks ckknight :)
22:08.26ckknightit's just pictures
22:08.45Thunder_Childso it is, what i want to know is where are they stored?
22:08.54ckknightSharedMedia addon
22:08.59ckknightthe addon is not the same thing as the library
22:09.04ckknightthe addon registers all those textures
22:09.22ckknightI believe
22:09.53Thunder_Childthat cant be right, i'm not running that yet i have all of them avaliable
22:10.19ckknightit's magic
22:10.38Thunder_Childyes, well magic is all well and good...but not when i cant edit said magic   <--- hows this work?
22:13.23Corrodiasa zip file?
22:13.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
22:13.38pakozrather, how does it change ktm to make it more cpu friends?
22:13.39zenzelezzCorrodias: yeah; I was just looking for something fast for a few special pulls (like Maulgar)
22:13.49zenzelezz2.8 gun vs 1.4 throwing blades = big difference
22:14.04Corrodiasi have no idea, pakoz, sorry
22:14.51Shirik|Ecole"A new version of nbs-irc is available"
22:14.57Shirik|EcoleDo they release a new version every day or something?
22:15.07Thunder_Childreally? i havent updated at all
22:15.13zenzelezzsounds like Noscript
22:15.20Shirik|Ecole -› A new version of nbs-irc is available.
22:15.20Shirik|Ecole -›
22:15.34Shirik|Ecole2.34 is released
22:15.47Shirik|Ecolestupid changelog:
22:15.48Shirik|Ecole* Improved system info:
22:15.48Shirik|Ecole* Shows the different Vista versions
22:15.48Shirik|Ecole* Shows Core 2 Duo instead of Pentium 3
22:15.50Shirik|Ecolethat's it
22:16.06pakozGooberrawr runs an x86 Intel Pentium III at 2.40 GHz with 0 KB of L1 Cache, 0 KB of L2 Cache. It is at 6% load.
22:16.12Thunder_Childok, thats retarded
22:16.39Shirik|Ecoleos: Windows XP Home Edition - SP 2 :: cpu: Intel Pentium M, 1.59 GHz :: mem: 574/991 MB (57%) :: gfx: Intel(R) 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Controller (1280x768x32bit 60Hz)
22:16.42Shirik|Ecolethis is my crappy computer :(
22:16.47Thunder_Childbesides the vista.txt link doesnt work anyways so....
22:17.03Thunder_Childwhats the command for that?
22:17.09Shirik|Ecoleright click the chat window
22:17.17Shirik|Ecolestuff->say sys info
22:17.25Shirik|Ecoleoh, apparently /sys
22:17.35Thunder_Childos: Windows Vista :: cpu: Intel Pentium III, 2.41 GHz :: mem: 1197/2046 MB (58%) :: gfx: nVidia GeForce 8800 GTX (1680x1050x32bit 60Hz)
22:17.38*** join/#wowi-lounge trik (
22:17.42Shirik|Ecolelol P3
22:17.43|Jelly|That is pretty crappy.
22:17.46trikanyone know what's going on with the servers?
22:18.18Corrodiasnothing unusual?
22:18.20pakozGooberrawr's Display Details
22:18.20pakozGraphics Card: nVidia GeForce 8800 GTX
22:18.20pakozMonitor: Plug and Play
22:18.20pakozDisplay Resolution: 1920x1080x32bpp 60Hz
22:18.21Thunder_Childyes trik, we know they are not working
22:18.31trikhow come?
22:18.34Shirik|Ecoleworks for me :D
22:18.46|Jelly|"nVidia GeForce 8800 GTX" <- I just peed myself a little
22:19.04Thunder_Childif we knew that trik, we could fix/work for blizzard
22:19.26Corrodiaseldre'thalas is working, so they are not all broken
22:19.29Thunder_Childit's only a vids card...not worth the pee
22:20.36Shirik|EcoleThunder_Child: How awesome that would be
22:20.47Shirik|Ecolemind reading a computer
22:20.50Shirik|Ecoleinterfacing like R2-D2
22:20.55Shirik|Ecoleto determine the problem
22:20.57Shirik|Ecoleand fix :D
22:21.24Thunder_Childyep, and you saw how much money R2-D2 got paid for his job.....
22:22.42zenzelezzdid anyone else find it peculiar that all the "computer outlets" in Star Wars were always perfect height for R2-D2?
22:23.43|Jelly|What's so wrong with that? He wasn't the only R2 unit in the galaxy!
22:24.12zenzelezzno, but he also wasn't the only robot type
22:24.32|Jelly|So perhaps there were other interfaces for other types of robots.
22:25.03Shirik|Ecolethat sounds so wrong...
22:25.05zenzelezzalso funny how they seemed to have access to vast parts of all networks from just about anywhere
22:25.16Shirik|Ecolezenzelezz: Beauty of teh interwebz!
22:25.22|Jelly|Why must you over complicate these things?!
22:25.32Shirik|EcoleIt's obviously fairy dust
22:25.36Shirik|Ecolemade it work
22:26.09zenzelezzI realize it was a long time ago, and far, far away, but I like to think of them as smart people if they manage to build the kind of spacecraft they did
22:30.11Shirik|EcoleI heard that!
22:30.15Shirik|EcoleIt wasn't very quiet
22:31.32zenzelezzfor some reason my ĂĄ (&aring; if X-my Chat's encoding isn't set right) and family work fine on tty1-6, in X, and in xterm... but Eterm (and rxvt, but who cares about that) gives me Ă + the Yen sign
22:32.17Shirik|Ecolexterm > Eterm anyway
22:32.25Shirik|Ecolexterm is very ftw
22:32.37Shirik|Ecoleand tbh
22:32.38zenzelezzI'm familiar with Eterm, not xterm :-p
22:32.40Shirik|EcoleI don't even know what rxvt is
22:33.04IrielIt's going to be a character encoding problem, but I have no idea how you fix it
22:33.08zenzelezzrxvt is some other terminal, I only remember it because of some button in KDE or Gnome or wherever long ago
22:33.16Iriel'You need to make the terminals use RXVT
22:34.40amroisn't eterm enlightenment?
22:34.40Shirik|Ecolemy KDE button always brought me to kterm
22:34.40zenzelezzwhy? xterm works, rxvt doesn't (if you're still talking the encoding thing)
22:34.40zenzelezzamro: yes
22:34.40IrielSorry, I mean, you need to make the terminals use UTF-8
22:34.41Irielbrain fart 8-)
22:34.43zenzelezzI think they're already set to that... but I'm not quite positive. Since it works seemingly everywhere except Eterm/rxvt I'm guessing it's a config thing with those two
22:35.07amrothere's a unicode version for rxvt
22:35.28Shirik|Ecoleif you would l2userealletters
22:35.31Shirik|Ecolewouldn't be a problem :D
22:35.49zenzelezzI don't really care about rxvt, just noticed I had the problem there too
22:37.31|Jelly|Is there a way to get the width of a frame? (I'm trying to make a couple chat frames the same dimensions)
22:37.43zenzelezzhm, interesting... xterm +u8 gives the garbled characters, xterm -u8 gives the "right" result
22:37.47IrielGetWidth() ?
22:37.57|Jelly|touché Iriel
22:38.07|Jelly|*facepalm* Thank you
22:39.33IrielI realize that's a bit non-intuitive 8-)
22:39.51IrielAt least these days it returns a consistent result
22:40.12Shirik|EcoleOr if you're using the RDX APIs, GetAccomodatedWidth() !
22:40.24Shirik|Ecolewhich is a bit long, we should shorten that name :/
22:41.14*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf_ (i=MoonWolf@
22:41.17Shirik|EcoleGetWidth() returns the width of the frame, GetAccomodatedWidth() returns the visible width of the frame (which may differ depending on which theme is currently being shown) :P
22:41.23IrielThat'll drive people crazy for years
22:41.26Shirik|Ecoleyeah ><
22:41.30*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
22:41.32Kaydeethreeugh... it's too damn hot today. 35c atm
22:41.37|Jelly|Is that measured in pixels or units?
22:41.38Shirik|Ecoleoh qq!
22:41.40Shirik|EcoleCome down to florida
22:41.47zenzelezzjust do it the Visual Basic style! RDXframe.Width
22:41.49Shirik|Ecole|Jelly|: It's measured in an indeterminate width
22:41.58|Jelly|So units. lol
22:41.58Shirik|Ecolezenzelezz: Width and acommodated width are two different things
22:42.04Shirik|Ecoleframe:GetWidth() still exists
22:42.16Shirik|Ecoleyeah UI coordinate is sorta its own thing
22:42.24zenzelezzI pity the fool who points out details for what's clearly a joke
22:42.45KaydeethreeShirik|Ecole, meh. lived north of tampa for the first 10 years of my life
22:42.48Shirik|Ecoleanyway, time for home
22:44.55ckknightzenzelezz: VB!
22:45.13Angwegot it all working, but if a character is not in the list, it gives me shit
22:45.41Angweif[UnitName("mouseover") .." - ".. (select(2,UnitName("mouseover")) or GetRealmName())].health then
22:45.49Angwegives me the error:
22:45.50Kasothen you need to do
22:46.13Kasoif stuff and then
22:46.41zenzelezzckknight: yeah... I still find it scary that my interest in coding started with *shudder* Visual Basic Control Creation Edition... from some demo CD my dad got
22:47.26Angwei dont think im understanding
22:47.30ckknightI used to do a lot of Borland C++ stuff back in the day, very similar to VB stuff
22:47.40Angwe[2007/06/09 15:45:28-171-x4]: ArenaMaster-1.0\Core.lua:220: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) is the error btw
22:48.15Kasoits a table right, that is indexed by the player name/realm
22:48.35Kasoso you want to make first sure that table exists before you try to get the .health value of it
22:48.59Angwethx again
22:49.02Kasono problem
22:50.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
22:50.44Shirik>>> print(
22:50.44CideShirik: [string "print("]:1: attempt to index global 't' (a nil value)
22:50.46*** join/#wowi-lounge gaurong (
22:50.48Shirik>>> print(assert(t).health)
22:50.48CideShirik: [string "print(assert(t).health)"]:1: assertion failed!
22:51.01Kasoswapping one error for another! yay
22:51.13Shirik>>> print(assert(t, "You gots no tablez!!").health)
22:51.14CideShirik: [string "print(assert(t, "You gots no tablez!!").hea..."]:1: You gots no tablez!!
22:51.17Shirikthere, better?
22:52.09batrickassert has alot of overhead... better off with an if statement :)
22:52.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Bam__ (
22:52.29Shirikit was more of a "hey you can do this if you really wanted to"
22:52.32ShirikI've never done that before :P
22:52.34IrielDoes it?
22:52.43Irielassert, overhead, that is?
22:52.49*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf__ (i=MoonWolf@
22:52.54ShirikI never heard of it
22:53.04Shirikand it would contradict the philosophy of assert
22:53.07Shirikbut I don't know either way
22:53.16IrielI could see overhead if it FAILS
22:53.20Shirikand in either case, Like Kaso said, assert doesn't make much sense since
22:53.29Shirikit's just swapping one error for another
22:53.44batrickso use an if statement
22:53.51Bam__depends how it's used... assert can be good for catching errors earlier
22:54.00Shirikyes, I mean in the example above
22:54.03ShirikI use assert all over the place
22:54.15Shirikbut I have a habit of ensuring assert, also, is only used in places where I should be catching them, noone else
22:54.20Irielasset(valid, "Constraints violated in recalculatePositionsAndSizes, validate your constraint model")
22:54.27Bam__about overhead... there can be overhead if it takes time to evaluate the arguments to assert
22:54.31IrielThat's a perfectly good use of assert
22:54.32ShirikBecause, in MSVC, ASSERT() becomes nothing in release version
22:54.37Irieleven if I typo it
22:54.52Shirik#define ASSERT() ;
22:54.59batrickya but shirik was catching errors thrown
22:55.08Shiriklike I said
22:55.17Shirik182:522:48 12‹Shirik12› it was more of a "hey you can do this if you really wanted to"
22:55.34Bam__ok sorry.. didn't follow convo from start :P
22:56.23zenzelezzpersonally I prefer if ((not val >= 1) and (not val <= -1)) then end
22:57.10Bam__I like assert because it clearly identifies error conditions in the code
22:57.23zenzelezz(I know it's no assert, but it stuck in my mind as a fun alternative to ==)
22:57.26Shirikassert, in my mind, is to be used as a development checlk
22:57.38Shirikbut this is a habit I've gotten from developing in C
22:57.39batrickzenz... if val >= 1 or val <= -1 then end?
22:58.21zenzelezzdon't start confusing me when I'm sleepy
22:58.55zenzelezzat the time of writing, my line in my mind meant if val == 0
23:10.38*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
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23:23.10clad|away_the overhead from assert is in the creation of the error message, which is concatenated even if the assert passes
23:23.21clad|away_if you're not doing dynamic msgs, then it doesn't matter
23:23.25*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
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23:24.45Irielcladhaire: That'd be true, same goes for logging libraries
23:30.12cladhaireThats the only time I'll use manual if statements to trigger asserts
23:30.22cladhaireespecially in a critical path
23:30.36*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
23:30.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
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23:35.32AellaHow badly is it possible to bork Lua with an arbitrary string x in this? pcall(setfenv(assert(loadstring(format("return %s", x))), {}))
23:35.51cladhaireLuabot has been enabled, prefix a command with lua> to have me run it.
23:36.12amrolua> print("hi")
23:36.13cladhaireamro: hi
23:36.25amrocladhaire: does it accept queries from purl?
23:36.40Kasolua> return pcall(setfenv(assert(loadstring(format("return %s", x))), {}))
23:36.41cladhaireKaso: [string " return pcall(setfenv(assert(loadstring(for..."]:1: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
23:36.57Kasolua> return pcall(setfenv(assert(loadstring(format("return %s", "arbitrary"))), {}))
23:36.57cladhaireKaso: true, nil
23:37.05Guillotinelua> "testing":rep(9^9^9)
23:37.06cladhaireGuillotine: Compilation failed: [string " "testing":rep(9^9^9)"]:1: unexpected symbol near '"testing"'
23:37.09mikmadoes anyone know how can i get EditBox created with CreateFrame to react on enter-press?
23:37.22Kaso("testing"):rep you need
23:37.22amrocladhaire: wouldn't something like setting a factoid to <reply>lua>print("what is factoid") screw things up a bit?
23:37.25Aellalua> ("testing"):rep(9^9^9)
23:37.26cladhaireAella: No output
23:37.40Guillotinewhoops. forgot hte () ><
23:37.43cladhaireamro: no, my script won't address purl
23:37.51cladhairelua> print("purl, what is cladhaire?")
23:37.52Shirikpurl, say lua>print("What is factoid?")
23:38.15purllua>print("What is factoid?")
23:38.15cladhairecladhaire: Purl is serious business!
23:38.15AellaNo thoughts, anyone?
23:38.15Cidecladhaire: I would consider changing the output slightly
23:38.17cladhairepurl: What is factoid?
23:38.46purlcladhaire: I think you lost me on that one
23:38.47Cidelua> return "5"
23:38.48cladhaireCide: 5
23:38.48Guillotinelua> ("testing"):rep(3)
23:38.48cladhaireGuillotine: No output
23:38.48Cidelua> return 5
23:38.48cladhaireCide: 5
23:38.48Cidelua> return 5 == "5"
23:38.48cladhaireCide: false
23:38.48Shirikow spam
23:38.49ShirikI'm in too many channel
23:38.49Guillotinelua> return "testing"
23:38.49cladhaireGuillotine: testing
23:38.49Shiriktoo many click click
23:38.49Guillotinelua> return ("testing"):rep(3)
23:38.49cladhaireGuillotine: testingtestingtesting
23:38.59Guillotinelua> return ("testing"):rep(9^9^9)
23:39.14Mr_Rabies2man i'm lucky i got in my guild's "A Team"
23:39.22Mr_Rabies2B Team's still wiping on Moroes
23:39.32ckknightlua> return ("pants"):rep(10^6)
23:39.32cladhaireckknight: maximum memory (5000 KiB) exceeded
23:39.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Soulless (i=Fridgid@
23:39.41zenzelezzMr_Rabies2: how far is A?
23:39.45Mr_Rabies2I'm Mr. T
23:39.45ckknightlua> return ("pants"):rep(10^7)
23:39.49cladhaireckknight: maximum memory (5000 KiB) exceeded
23:39.59AellaSomewhat serious question here. =P
23:40.00cladhaireLuabot has been disabled.
23:40.04cladhaireyou'll lock me up if that works
23:40.05ckknightlua> return ("pants"):rep(10^8)
23:40.05cladhaireckknight: luabot is not enabled.
23:40.07cladhaireand i dunno why it does =)
23:40.07Mr_Rabies2ummm we were gonna try for illhoof and nightbane the other night, zenzelezz
23:40.15cladhaireLuabot has been enabled, prefix a command with lua> to have me run it.
23:40.17Mr_Rabies2we haven't even tried them yet
23:40.21cladhairelua> string.rep("abc", 300)
23:40.21cladhairecladhaire: /Users/jnwhiteh/bin/runlua.lua:172: Limit on string.rep has been reached.
23:40.22zenzelezzMr_Rabies2: heh, that's quite a difference between the two groups
23:40.24cladhaireLuabot has been disabled.
23:40.27cladhairethat's what you're supposed to get
23:40.46Mr_Rabies2i think all they can do is attumen at the moment
23:41.08Mr_Rabies2i really hate the two kara groups thing, but you know
23:41.09ckknightlua> t = {}; for i = 1, 1000000 do t[i] = "pants" end; return table.concat(t)
23:41.11cladhaireckknight: luabot is not enabled.
23:41.15Mr_Rabies2i like being with competant people
23:41.17Guillotineboth of our groups are up to prince :D And we have a very strange guild. One group has a druid tank, one has a pally tank
23:41.20Aellacladhaire: how are you hooking string.rep?
23:41.34cladhairein lua, which means i need to hook the mt entry
23:41.35cladhairenot an issue
23:41.35Mr_Rabies2hell we randomly ran around in the chess event the other day and somehow managed to win
23:41.38cladhairejust need to do it quick
23:41.45Mr_Rabies2Guillotine, i'm a druid tank sometimes
23:41.55Guillotinehehe. <3 the chess event. free loot :D
23:42.05zenzelezzchess event is fun
23:42.07Mr_Rabies2we went there and everyone was like
23:42.07GuillotineI'm still trying to get my Badge of Tenacity -_-
23:42.12AellaAsking again: How badly is it possible to bork Lua with an arbitrary string x in this? pcall(setfenv(assert(loadstring(format("return %s", x))), {}))
23:42.12cladhaire8-Ball says: "ROTFL"
23:42.15Mr_Rabies2"i don't know how to play chess"
23:42.29Mr_Rabies2so we just randomly did stuff and somehow won
23:42.31ckknightAella: very.
23:42.34cladhaireLuabot has been enabled, prefix a command with lua> to have me run it.
23:42.36Mr_Rabies2i think our laser chicken was secretly kasparov
23:42.42Mr_Rabies2his name is kprime
23:42.43Mr_Rabies2i bet he is
23:42.44cladhairelua> ("monkey"):rep(400)
23:42.45cladhairecladhaire: /Users/jnwhiteh/bin/runlua.lua:172: Limit on string.rep has been reached.
23:42.46Aellackknight: How very?
23:42.47ckknightAella: actually, with the setfenv, not sure.
23:42.58AellaI'm assuming you can't inject "while true do end" into that
23:43.00Guillotinelua> x=1 while 1 do x=x^x end
23:43.06ckknightlua> t = {}; for i = 1, 1000000 do t[i] = "pants" end; return table.concat(t)
23:43.09cladhaireckknight: maximum memory (5000 KiB) exceeded
23:43.09cladhaireGuillotine: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
23:43.13AellaBecause return has to be the last statement in a block.
23:43.15Guillotinewoo! it works!
23:43.24ckknightua> t = {}; for i = 1, 10000000 do t[i] = "pants" end; return table.concat(t)
23:43.27Kasolua> os.clock()
23:43.28cladhaireKaso: No output
23:43.31Kasolua> return os.clock()
23:43.32cladhaireKaso: 0
23:43.38ckknightlua> t = {}; for i = 1, 10000000 do t[i] = "pants" end; return table.concat(t)
23:43.40cladhaireckknight: maximum memory (5000 KiB) exceeded
23:43.42cladhairei wonder why the stripped return versino isn't working
23:43.44cladhairei'll dig
23:43.44Kasoduh ofc its a new lua thread for each command -_-
23:44.04GuillotineAella: it still processes it, just doesn't display anything if return isn't the last command
23:44.07ckknightcladhaire: perhaps something should be done about table.concat?
23:44.27cladhaireno its not a table.concat issue
23:44.29cladhaireerr what do you mean?
23:44.31cladhairei misread what you said
23:44.47Guillotinelua> for a,b in pairs(os) do return a,b end
23:44.47cladhaireGuillotine: clock, function: 0x302b00
23:44.52Aellalua> return loadstring("return 10; while true do end")()
23:44.53cladhaireAella: [string " return loadstring("return 10; while true d..."]:1: attempt to call a nil value
23:45.13Aellalua> local x, err = loadstring("return 10; while true do end"); return err
23:45.13cladhaireAella: [string "return 10; while true do end"]:1: '' expected near 'while'
23:45.34cladhaireckknight: Table concat will at least return, and there's a limit to how long it can hang me
23:45.36Guillotinelua> somestring="" for a in pairs(os) do  somestring=somestring.." : "..a end return somestring
23:45.36cladhaireGuillotine: : clock : time
23:45.45Guillotineawww. os.execute doesn't exist :(
23:46.02ckknightlua> return string.dump(function() end)
23:46.02cladhaireckknight: LuaQ
23:46.14Guillotinelua> return #os
23:46.15cladhaireGuillotine: Compilation failed: [string " return 12irc://"]:1: unexpected symbol near '<'
23:46.23AellaCan anyone parse that error for me? Why is it saying '' expected? (That's two apostrophes.)
23:46.45AellaExpected an empty string?
23:46.55cladhairenah its probably something gettins escaped out.
23:46.56ckknightlua> return string.dump
23:46.57cladhaireckknight: function: 0x303040
23:47.12Aellalua> return 10; while true do end;
23:47.12cladhaireAella: Compilation failed: [string " return 10; while true do end;"]:1: '' expected near 'while'
23:47.51Aellalua> return 10 print(os.time())
23:47.51ckknightlua> do return 10 end while true do end
23:47.52cladhaireAella: Compilation failed: [string " return 10 print(os.time())"]:1: '' expected near 'print'
23:48.17ckknightcladhaire: why didn't mine work?
23:48.20cladhaireyou can't use return unless its at the end of a block
23:48.25ckknightAella: return  has to come before end
23:48.41cladhairelua> do return 10 end while true do end
23:48.42ckknightlua> do return 10 end; while true do end
23:48.48AellaYeah, I was just making sure you couldn't put return at the end of a block.
23:48.51Aella*before the end
23:48.52cladhairehold on a sec
23:48.54ckknightshould return 10 right away
23:49.08AellaGiven that, does anyone else see a way to inject a statement into "return %s"?
23:49.16AellaOr is there an expression that causes an infinite loop or something?
23:49.20cladhairelua> do return 10 end while true do end
23:49.20cladhairecladhaire: 10
23:49.24cladhaireit was a syntax error in the script
23:49.29cladhairethe bot does nothing if i mess it up =)
23:49.40Aellalua> return 10 while true do end
23:49.41cladhaireAella: Compilation failed: [string " return 10 while true do end"]:1: '' expected near 'while'
23:50.20Aellalua> local t = {}; for i = 1, 1000 do t[i] = i; end; return unpack(t);
23:50.20cladhaireAella: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, ... (result truncated)
23:50.55Aellalua> local t = {}; for i = 1, 2000 do t[i] = i; end; return select(1000, unpack(t));
23:50.56cladhaireAella: 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1032, 1033, 1034, 1035, 1036, 1037, 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041, 104... (result truncated)
23:51.04Aella...shouldn't the stack blow up sometime?
23:51.12Aellalua> local t = {}; for i = 1, 2000 do t[i] = i; end; return select(1900, unpack(t));
23:51.13cladhaireAella: 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 194... (result truncated)
23:51.32cladhairelua> 4 + 5
23:51.32cladhairecladhaire: 9
23:51.40cladhairelua> table.concat({1,2,3,4}, " ")
23:52.03Aellalua> local t = {}; for i = 1, 5000 do t[i] = i; end; return unpack(t);
23:52.03cladhaireAella: [string " local t = {}; for i = 1, 5000 do t[i] = i;..."]:1: stack overflow (table too big to unpack)
23:52.40cladhairelua> table.concat({1,2,3,4}, " ")
23:52.40cladhairecladhaire: No output
23:53.02AellaDoes anyone else know of a way to inject a statement into format("return %s", x), or is it possible for an expression to blow Lua up?
23:53.17cladhairei dont understand what you're asking.
23:53.28CideI don't either
23:53.30ckknightAella: why?
23:53.40Aellapcall(setfenv(assert(loadstring(format("return %s", x))), {}))
23:53.53AellaHow badly can a value of x bork Lua?
23:54.08ckknightsince you setfenv, I don't think there's a real issue
23:54.20AellaBut if you inject a statement in there somehow, you can put in "
23:54.23Aella"while true do end"
23:54.31cladhairelua> table.concat({1,2,3,4}, " ")
23:54.31cladhairecladhaire: 1 2 3 4,
23:54.34ckknightlua> local t = setmetatable({[1] = 0}, {__index = function(self, n) if n%2 == 0 then local value = self[n/2]+1; self[n] = value; return value else local value = self[3*n+1]+1; self[n] = value; return value end end}); print(t[10])
23:54.34cladhaireckknight: 6
23:55.32ckknight3n+1 problem ;-)
23:55.32cladhaireyou can't inject anythign after a return statement
23:55.32Kasolua> function fib(n) return n<2 and n or fib(n-1)+fib(n-2) end for i=1,30 do print(fib(i)) end
23:55.32cladhaireKaso: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
23:55.32cladhairethey'd need to get to the front of a string
23:55.32cladhaireso you're safe.
23:55.33ckknightcladhaire: ah, I suppose you're right
23:55.33AellaAnd you can't close a block without a block being opened...
23:55.33cladhairereturn HAS to end a block
23:55.33ckknightKaso: use caching
23:55.33Kasoduh you cant print multiple times :<
23:55.45AellaAnd there isn't any expression that can cause an infinite loop? (Without function calls.)
23:55.53AellaOh. Ah.
23:56.01Kasolua> s="" function fib(n) return n<2 and n or fib(n-1)+fib(n-2) end for i=1,25 do s = s .. (fib(i)) end print(s)
23:56.04cladhaireKaso: 112358132134558914423337761098715972584418167651094617711286574636875025
23:56.07ckknightKaso: actually, it was because the problem has O(n!) complexity the way you did it
23:56.24Cide>>> pcall(function() return 5; while true do end end)
23:56.24CideCide: [string "pcall(function() return 5; while true do end end)"]:1: 'end' expected near 'while'
23:56.37cladhairejoin #luabot if you want to spam
23:56.38Aellapcall(setfenv(assert(loadstring(format("return %s", "(function() while true do end end)()"))), {}))
23:56.40cladhaireso not everyone has to see =)
23:56.41Kasoofc, i should do it itterative using a table or something, but i wanna make it slow!
23:57.00Kasolua> s="" function fib(n) return n<2 and n or fib(n-1)+fib(n-2) end for i=1,25 do s = s .. (fib(i))..", " end print(s)
23:57.00Kaso>>> s="" function fib(n) return n<2 and n or fib(n-1)+fib(n-2) end for i=1,25 do s = s .. (fib(i))..", " end print(s)
23:57.01CideKaso: "1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, "
23:57.02AellaI *knew* it had to be possible somehow...
23:57.03cladhaireKaso: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025,
23:57.10Kasocladhaire, your pc sucks!!
23:57.38Aellalua> pcall(setfenv(assert(loadstring(format("return %s", "(function() while true do end end)()"))), {}))
23:57.44cladhaireAella: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
23:57.51Aella^ lua borked.
23:58.07ckknightlua> local fib = setmetatable({[0]=0,[1]=1}, {__index=function(self, key) local value = self[key-2]+self[key-1]; self[key] = value; return value}); local _ = fib[25]; return table.concat(fib, ', ')
23:58.08cladhaireckknight: Compilation failed: [string " local fib = setmetatable({[0]=0,[1]=1}, {__index=function(self..."]:1: 'end' expected near '}'
23:58.09Kasocos cide beat you on doing 25 recursive fibbo numbers clad
23:58.24ckknightlua> local fib = setmetatable({[0]=0,[1]=1}, {__index=function(self, key) local value = self[key-2]+self[key-1]; self[key] = value; return value end}); local _ = fib[25]; return table.concat(fib, ', ')
23:58.25cladhaireckknight: Compilation failed: [string " local fib = setmetatable({[0]=0,[1]=1}, {__index=function(self..."]:1: unexpected symbol near '&'
23:58.34cladhaireckknight: ooh
23:58.36cladhairelemme loko
23:58.39cladhairei have HTML escaping issues.
23:58.55ckknightcould be the '
23:59.11ckknightua> local fib = setmetatable({[0]=0,[1]=1}, {__index=function(self, key) local value = self[key-2]+self[key-1]; self[key] = value; return value end}); local _ = fib[25]; return table.concat(fib, ", ")
23:59.11AellaOkay, I learned somethign.
23:59.21ckknightlua> local fib = setmetatable({[0]=0,[1]=1}, {__index=function(self, key) local value = self[key-2]+self[key-1]; self[key] = value; return value end}); local _ = fib[25]; return table.concat(fib, ", ")
23:59.22cladhaireckknight: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025
23:59.31Kasoooh metatable, fancy
23:59.36cladhaireckknight: fixed, see if it works
23:59.39ckknightI like metatables
23:59.47ckknightlua> local fib = setmetatable({[0]=0,[1]=1}, {__index=function(self, key) local value = self[key-2]+self[key-1]; self[key] = value; return value end}); local _ = fib[25]; return table.concat(fib, ', ')
23:59.48cladhaireckknight: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.