IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070608

00:00.45foxlitpurl, more spam
00:02.28TC-Workingif i have "Font = L["Interface\\AddOns\\ag_UnitFrames\\fonts\\barframes.ttf"]," and replace the font name with another one thats in the correct place...shouldnt it work?
00:02.51Shirikbetter question:
00:03.12Shirikwould it be legal to make that L[[[Interface\Addons\ag_UnitFrames\fonts\bargrames.ttf]]]
00:03.33Shirikand yes, I believe the answer to your question is yes
00:03.45TC-Workingok...then why isnt it working damit
00:05.44TC-Workingfeel like taking a look at and seeing what i am telling him wrong?
00:06.15TC-Workingnvm, think i found it...
00:06.44*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
00:08.59foxlitJust me or is 2.2 relatively boring UI-wise?
00:09.56TC-Workingif i add in a new font, would it have to be updated in the locales?
00:13.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Nerinia (
00:18.01KasoShirik wouldnt you need a space in there
00:18.09Kasodoing t[[[key]]] ?
00:18.10Shirikthis is what I"m asking :P
00:18.14Kasoor two spaces actually
00:18.29Kasot[ [[key]] ] i think would work, but not all three back to back
00:19.27Shirik> t = {}; = "bar"; print(t[[[foo]]])
00:19.27Shirikstdin:1: ')' expected near ']'
00:19.28Shirik> t = {}; = "bar"; print(t[ [[foo]] ])
00:19.57Kasoyou know one thing i never understood
00:20.20Kasowhy they stopped [[ ]] supporting nesseling then added [=[ ]=] which does just that, whats the point?
00:21.07Shiriksame reason they took out "for k, v in t" ?
00:21.31Shirikto remove ambiguity
00:23.05Kasoguess that makes sense
00:25.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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00:27.46TC-Workingwow...this would go so much better if i knew what i was doing
00:40.01TC-Workingtisk tisk Shirik " /script if UnitExists "target" then SendChatMessage("I haf goldz 4 u", "WHISPER", UnitName "target") end "
00:40.09Shirikyou like that?
00:40.42TC-Workingdidnt work though
00:41.37Shirikwhy not?
00:41.42TC-Workingi dunno
00:42.16Mr_Rabies2are there any fairly recent addon tutorials out there?
00:42.25TC-Workingisnt altering the mouse pointer not avaliable?
00:42.28Shirikcalled hacking world of warcraft
00:42.36TC-Workingyes, damit... Shirik beat me to it
00:44.00Mr_Rabies2that requires a purchase, and i'm cheap
00:44.24|Jelly|worth it...
00:44.27Mr_Rabies2well i could always find some torrent site, but that just wouldn't feel right :O
00:44.31|Jelly|completely worth it
00:45.25TC-Workingjeeze. it's only $20
00:45.44|Jelly|Anyone know of a mod that will automagically tell the group/raid when I'm sheep/silence/etc?
00:46.18ShirikIt should exist
00:46.20ShirikI don'tk now though
00:46.32|Jelly|Don't really know how I would go about searching for it. lol
00:47.11Mr_Rabies2i don't mind stealing from faceless corporations indirectly, but i'd feel like a scumbag for indirectly stealing from cladhaire and razark :p
00:47.42Mr_Rabies2is it newbie friendly? if so i may pick it up next time i go to borders
00:47.56|Jelly|Very much so
00:47.56cladhaireMr_Rabies2: It only goes through two addons
00:48.05cladhairethe rest of the book is addon listings, comparisons, screenshots, etc.
00:49.19|Jelly|But it's like five chapters of step by step on how to make an addon, explaining why you do things. (The latter of which is why I have problems with most howtos)
00:49.43cladhaire|Jelly|: What is?
00:49.55Mr_Rabies2i get the jist of it but that's about it
00:50.11|Jelly|Most walkthroughs on writing addons tell you what to do, not really what it does that you just did.
00:50.24Mr_Rabies2i can hack other people's stuff up, but i have no clue how to actually start one up and get even a "hello world" type thing
00:50.26cladhaire|Jelly|: What are you saying does provide that for you tho?
00:50.39|Jelly|Your book, as far as I've read.
00:50.50cladhaireoh, good, I'm glad its helping
00:51.00TC-Workingi'm enjoying reading it
00:51.16TC-Workingto bad it's slightly out of date already though :(
00:51.28cladhairehalf of it was written pre 2.0
00:51.32cladhairewe had to go back and go through things
00:51.35Shirikyeah, like it says RDX.Cid is available on curse
00:51.37cladhairewith WoW.. nothing will ever be up to date, sadly
00:51.44Shirikand I've stopped updating it there :P
00:51.47|Jelly|It's helping quite a bit, actually. I sent Shirik some code and was like "/facepalm" because he mentioned to me something that was in the book that I completely forgot.
00:52.03cladhaireheheh good
00:52.03cladhaireI'd love to hear any feedback you have about WHAT was nice.
00:52.19cladhaireand if you're so inclined, feel free to post a review on amazon.
00:52.34Mr_Rabies2yeah, that's part of my issue with getting a paper guide for a game
00:52.35cladhairesome yahoos are in there reviewing the book down because they thought it was going to be a 400 page reference manual on writing wow addons
00:52.37Mr_Rabies2especially an mmo
00:52.42cladhairewhich is an entirely different book =)
00:52.59Mr_Rabies2can't delete paper and fix it :p
00:53.07Shirikwhat? since when!
00:53.22Mr_Rabies2sure you could like, shred it up and recycle it
00:53.33Mr_Rabies2but that's a lot more effort :p
00:54.04Industrial~seen Lunessa
00:54.35purllunessa <n=chatzill@> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 21h 26m 19s ago, saying: 'ok... I'm out.  Time to go home.  '.
00:54.35Mr_Rabies2well, maybe i can use what abilities i have at coding by mooching off others
00:54.47TC-Workinggee Industrial, why not just get the phone# already
00:55.05Industrialwe are kinda an ocean apart
00:55.22|Jelly|cladhaire: Shirik pointed out that I need to use self.register as opposed to this.register
00:55.48Mr_Rabies2do you know of any addons that either let me trigger sounds on ingame events, or any simple ones that already trigger sounds on events that i could hack up for my own means?
00:56.19cladhaireyou can use PlaySoundFile()
00:56.30cladhaireand event response is easy, we can point you to any number of addons which do it.
00:57.19TC-WorkingIndustrial, L2Skype
00:57.25Mr_Rabies2yeah but i can't just do a on event: Shapeshiftyeventmajig play transformersnoiselol.mp3 one line of code thing like i can in, say mirc :[
00:57.40Mr_Rabies2but point away
00:58.03ShirikI like that name
00:58.08Mr_Rabies2i have to like, register the event, and stuff
00:58.09Shirikimo all events should have _MAJIG at the end
00:58.20cladhaireMr_Rabies2: Well for example
00:58.25cladhaireframe = CreateFrame("Frame")
00:59.28cladhaireframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) PlaySoundFile("Interface\\AddOns\\MyZOMGAddon\\media\\MySoundfile.mp3") end)
01:00.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:01.02hastethat would be fun in raids
01:02.04Shirikimo it should be PlaySoundFile[[Interface\Addons\MyZOMGAddon\media\MySoundFile.mp3]]
01:02.22cladhairefeck you
01:02.35Shirikescaped slashes are ugly :P
01:02.46Mr_Rabies2those 3 lines of code would work, cladhaire?
01:02.57ShirikMr_Rabies: If you want to play the sound on every buff/debuff, sure ^^
01:03.03Mr_Rabies2what if i wanted to do another sound on another event?
01:03.04Shirikwhich would get incredibly annoying
01:03.09Mr_Rabies2well, i know i have to change the event :P
01:03.34ShirikMr_Rabies: Test against the event parameter
01:03.43Mr_Rabies2but say, play sound1.mp3 on "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_AURA_GONE_SELF" for "* Form"
01:03.58Shirikif event == "UNIT_AURA" then PlaySoundFile(...) elseif event == "RAWR" then PlaySoundFile(...) end
01:04.13Shirikone of the args will tell you what it is
01:04.18Shirikwhat buff*
01:05.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Dreadlorde (n=chatzill@
01:05.12Mr_Rabies2see that already goes over my head
01:05.40ShirikCAN HAS STDIO?
01:05.44Mr_Rabies2y helo thar
01:16.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Soulless (n=Fridgid@
01:17.20*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
01:18.53ckknightShirik: I HAS A VAR ITZ 0
01:19.19|Jelly|oh noez! haxxorz t3h on j0r PC?
01:20.14Mr_Rabies2it's more likely than you think.
01:20.57Mr_Rabies29,4[4,9CLICK HERE9,4] here for a free self test.
01:21.11|Jelly|zomg! that didn't do anything!
01:21.13Mr_Rabies2oh well :[
01:21.35Mr_Rabies2i've been tired and tried clicking item links on irc before
01:21.50Mr_Rabies2because the colors mirc uses are incredibly close to the ones wow uses for item links
01:22.15|Jelly|Well. I didn't really click on it : /
01:23.00Mr_Rabies26[Gladiator's Wyrmhide Gloves]
01:23.24Mr_Rabies2i use arial too, which i think the font wow uses for chat :O
01:23.31Mr_Rabies2so it's like, i want to click it to check them out
01:23.34Mr_Rabies2but i can't :[
01:23.36|Jelly|not in my wow! muahahaha
01:24.11Mr_Rabies212[Marshal's Wyrmhide Spaulders]
01:24.21Mr_Rabies2:O that's pretty close, but my lcd could be off
01:24.29Mr_Rabies2it commonly is, especially with darker colors
01:24.41Mr_Rabies2my photoshops tend to look awful on this thing because the black level is pretty meh
01:33.25Mr_Rabies2its a notebook
01:33.40Mr_Rabies2otherwise the colors are good
01:33.59Mr_Rabies2but lcds still have a ways till they're close to crt's
01:38.50Thunder_Child|Jelly| this might do what your looking for..but i dont know for sure
01:39.09Thunder_Child"nnounces user-defined combat events in chat. Dan is bad. (Nymbia)"
01:39.33Thunder_Childhmm..should be an "A" infront
01:39.46nymbiayeah dan is pretty bad
01:40.33|Jelly|I tried using that and couldn't find info on how to use it...perhaps I should pull my head out and look it up on the ace wiki
01:40.41Thunder_Childor bug nymbia
01:41.13purlACTION runs away screaming
01:41.31Thunder_Childheh, wrong person
01:43.09Shirikyou know that boss in ramparts?
01:43.12Shirikthe final one?
01:43.27Shirikfor some reason we got two of them
01:43.31Shirikand faught them both at the same time...
01:44.06Shirik21:21:14 ‹Mr_Rabies2› [CLICK HERE] here for a free self test.
01:44.31Mr_Rabies2i know i have 2 heres
01:44.35Shirikckknight: KTHXBYE
01:45.06ckknightShirik: GIMMEH VAR
01:47.24Thunder_Childcladhaire, did you ever get my lightheaded error?
01:48.12cladhaireah new version coming out
01:48.15cladhairesorry, heh
01:48.20Thunder_Childok, np
01:48.34Thunder_Childyou did say it was beta, so it's all good
01:53.42Thunder_Childhmm..190 mb worth of addons
01:55.43*** join/#wowi-lounge norganna (n=ken@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/Norgs)
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02:01.13*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
02:05.03Shirikbloominator is still in my way!
02:05.23Shirikit took me forever to figure out why I can't click on the top half of my bars
02:05.29Shirikit's because of the invisible bloominator on top of it!
02:05.35Shirikthank god for /dtframestack
02:29.30ShirikPlease provide any additional information below.
02:29.36Shirikbeautiful Thunder_Child
02:29.47Shirikand I was just beginning to believe your bug report might actually be one of the few sane one
02:29.49Shirikbut no
02:30.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (n=kody@
02:31.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Fridgid (i=Fridgid@
02:39.17Thunder_Childi aim to plz
02:43.31*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:45.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
02:55.36Corrodiasillhoof down, after two tries to 15% with a few worse failures between
02:55.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
02:55.49Corrodiasi get Terestian's Stranglestaff or whatever it's called
02:55.50OsagasuGood for you, Corr
02:56.39OsagasuSeriously, Grats.  Now make yourself useful and help me raid Strat.
02:58.15Corrodiasthanks :)
02:58.19Corrodiasraid strat, haha
03:03.28Kaydeethreewow, I miss those days
03:03.40Kaydeethreeback when we all sucked and still wiped with 10 people in there
03:04.46Mr_Rabies2grats corr
03:05.02Mr_Rabies2now go find a japanese schoolgirl and go to town with that thing
03:06.11haste << for some reason, this one comes into mind
03:06.31*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
03:06.53kaidenthe fact that you have that memorized is scary
03:11.56Mr_Rabies2oh god the sound
03:14.47*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
03:16.20|Jelly|Hey Cog
03:23.45sysrageyay! prince dead!
03:25.33|Jelly|"21:51:37 [P] <Sneakie>: wtf how come im not getting xp" <-- Level 70 rogue
03:25.39|Jelly|Congrats, by the way
03:25.50KaydeethreeI uh... wow
03:29.37|Jelly|Pretty much how I felt about it.
03:30.43norgannanot so unlike this level 10 i met who kept re-rolling everytime he/she died
03:32.37norgannai started talking to them, and they couldn't understand how anybody could get to level 70
03:32.49kergothnorganna, just had to say, tried auc advanced in svn trunk, it's impressive, and promising :)
03:33.01Mr_Rabies2rofl norgs
03:33.07norgannaah, thanks kergoth :)
03:33.26Mr_Rabies2i saw a 60 hunter with no ammo once
03:33.38Mr_Rabies2citing "lol i used all mine up at like level 4"
03:33.42|Jelly|"melee hunteR" rofl
03:33.57norgannaand bet they were untrained as well :)
03:34.09Mr_Rabies2wouldnt be surprised
03:37.54*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
03:39.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
03:40.05Dagroni was wondering if anyone here could help me with a little problem i'm having with a tutorial Hello World addon
03:41.51Thunder_Childit's possible, just ask and see if you get a response
03:42.33Dagronwell, I've downloaded the Blizzard UI Custimization stuff and tried to do the hello world tutorial included
03:42.53ShirikDon't ask to ask, just ask it ;)
03:42.55Dagronand when i go to load up WoW, I see the addon in the list, but when it loads up, nothing happens
03:43.04Shirikok, it's probably an XML error
03:43.14Shirikgo to and paste your code
03:44.19Dagronguessing that's what you need
03:44.26Shiriklines 1 and 2
03:44.28Shirikneed to be on the same line
03:44.42Shirikand 3 for that matter
03:45.11Dagronalrighty, i'll give that try
03:45.31Thunder_Childwow, i am using 3.85 GB or swap and 1.58 GB or ram
03:45.47Shirikwtf are you running
03:45.48Thunder_Childwow..i did or twice..
03:46.05Thunder_Childvmware is sucking up a bunch
03:46.08Thunder_Child+wow ofc
03:46.21Thunder_Childfirefox is taking a huge chunk
03:46.35Thunder_Childand aero
03:46.44Dagronfirefox will do that if you live it running for a while
03:46.56Dagron(Shirik): still nothing... >.<
03:47.10Shirikshow me your lua too
03:47.38Thunder_Childyea, long while with 20+ tabs open
03:48.06Shirikoooh my first discovery :D
03:48.50Kaydeethreelucky bastard
03:51.36ShirikDagron: Let me see your toc too
03:51.51Shirik(sorry >< )
03:54.21Shirikand you don't get anything?
03:54.38Shirikgo into your interface options and make sure "show lua errors" is enabled
03:54.49Shirikmessage() may qualify as an error
03:55.10Dagronalright, i'll check that out
03:56.04Shirikthat's it
03:56.16Shirikhaving lua errors disabled blocks message()
03:57.17Dagronand now to decide what kind of addon i want to make
03:57.25Shirikah that's the best part
03:58.44Dagronso, as i try to figure out things, you'll probably see me in here asking for help =P
03:59.16Shirikthat's what we're here for :)
04:01.14Thunder_Childwell, thats what *some* of us are here for
04:01.40Thunder_Childmy job happens to ridicule, be an ass, and misspell alot of stuff
04:01.48Thunder_Childand i do it rather well to
04:01.56Shirik~lart Thunder_Child
04:01.56purlwhacks Thunder_Child with the cluebat
04:07.45Thunder_Childdamn, something keeps reseting my minmaps position
04:08.23Shiriksomeone else was complaining about that earlier too
04:08.29Shirikdo you have bongos?
04:09.10|Jelly|It was me, Shirik!
04:09.28Shirikyeah but I didn't want to make you feel bad by calling you out ><
04:10.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Nerinia (
04:10.33|Jelly|*shrug* It had you stumped for a while!
04:10.54Shirikyeah well I did something stupid
04:10.59ShirikI wasn't using devtools :P
04:11.08Shirikif I had used it right off the bat I would have seen it
04:12.59Shirikyou know
04:13.06Shirikthat is an incredibly stupid way to implement that feature
04:13.20Shirikunless they actually did seterrorhandler(message)
04:13.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
04:13.30Shirikbut all you have to do is create a closure
04:15.46Thunder_Childthis is what i am runining atm Shirik
04:16.56Shirikhey you have RDX!
04:17.09Shirikonly about half the RDX folders that I have
04:17.18ShirikI have too many little projects going on
04:17.30Thunder_Childwell at least your rdx gets used
04:18.53Shiriksometimes I wish I knew how many people were using it
04:19.04Thunder_Childand put together (so far) this is how it looks
04:19.09Shirikour forums have very little activity :(
04:19.29Thunder_Childmy only activity on your forum would be wrf am i doing
04:19.32Shirikpretty :)
04:19.37Thunder_Childs/wrf/wtf/ i just need to have my map stop moving
04:22.00ShirikMiniMap.SetPoint = function() end ?
04:23.11Thunder_Childis that supposed to work?
04:23.21Shirikwell, if you get the right frame name
04:23.26Shirikbut please don't, that's a horrible hack ><
04:24.06Thunder_Childthats ok, i'll just stick in devtools
04:25.19Thunder_Childheh could framestack
04:27.08Shirikso Thunder_Child are you going to be releasing this as a compilation?
04:27.13Thunder_Childdidnt devtools have a scrolling frame?
04:27.23Thunder_Childwasnt palaning on it, why?
04:32.39Thunder_Childi think iriel cheats, as soon as i have devtools in, it doesnt happen
04:37.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole (n=chatzill@
04:37.58Shirikwhat to do with the point...
04:48.59*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (
05:09.13Thunder_Childhow would one go about creating lines that *anything* would snap to?
05:09.33Thunder_Childwell...really just minmap buttons
05:09.41Thunder_Childi want to align them
05:10.05Thunder_Childand the easyist way wuld be to create a stright line i could have them snap/attach to
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05:22.33Thunder_Childi wish i could break up the party frames for ag_uf
05:27.52*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (
05:29.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Bleeter_ (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
05:29.52|Jelly|would be nice
05:33.52*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
05:34.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
05:48.57Shirikso I just realized
05:49.00ShirikI can blow both of my trinkets
05:49.03Shirikwhich do +220 healing
05:49.05Shirikat the same time
05:49.30Shiriknow to see if I can set a record ..
05:51.36Shiriknot bad
05:51.50Shirikseeing my bonus healing break 1k is awesome :D
05:55.35ShirikI'm considering logging out with those up
05:55.37Shirikthat would be awesome
05:55.49|Jelly|do it!
05:56.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@
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06:10.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
06:16.00Kirkburn*** Contributers to the wiki, we have a competition for tickets to Blizzcon! Visit ***
06:16.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
06:16.38Corrodiaswhat about those of us who are just avid readers?
06:17.18KirkburnSorry :( Gotta have at least 100 edits
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06:17.40Kirkburn(And be based in the US)
06:19.46*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz (
06:23.26Kaydeethreefunny, I think I squeaked in just under the wire with the 100 edits thing
06:27.09Temany shamans around?
06:27.19TemI need to understand how the FUCK grounding totem is supposed to work
06:27.34|Jelly|you lay it
06:27.37|Jelly|stand in it's range
06:27.42|Jelly|and watch it get pyro'd
06:28.35Tembecause I'm fucking sick of having a sheep absorbed and then throwing a bolt at the person and it not catching it
06:28.52Temso then I have to change targets, kill it and try to sheep again
06:29.00Temand by that point, he's got another one down
06:30.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
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06:46.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
06:52.55Corrodiasmy new stranglestaff has increased my damage output significantly
06:53.29Corrodiasmy cat gear is now not half bad at all for pve
06:53.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
07:06.57Shirik|Jelly|zZz are you still around?
07:08.51*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (
07:20.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley` (
07:27.24Shirikmy variables are disappearing T_T
07:28.58Shirikanyone want to look at something for a sec?
07:29.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
07:31.57Shiriknever mind -_- it helps to correctly spell variable names
07:32.04Shirikthough I'm surprised Lua didn't yell at me for a nil index
07:33.52Corrodiassilly boy
07:35.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley_ (
07:42.58*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep` (
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07:50.18Temwe have pally warrior down to a science
07:50.19*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz (
07:50.26Temeveryone else bitches, but it's one of our easiest fights
07:50.40Shirikpally warrior?
07:51.02Shirikcurious how do you do it?
07:51.08Shiriktie up the pally while killing the warrior?
07:51.27TemCC the pally while beating on the warrior until he blows the sheild
07:51.32Temthen OWN the pally
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07:52.13TemCC the warrior when able
07:55.22ShirikTem: /dump string.match("2:1!shirik!", "2:(d+)!(.-)!")
07:55.25Shirikwhy doesn't that match T_T
07:55.33ShirikI've been looking at it for 10 minutes now
07:55.34Tembecause I'm in arena
07:55.40Temand I don't have the brainpower to know
07:55.41Shirikok good luck
07:56.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (
07:56.40[dRaCo]dunno, but : or ! could be used as a special char by the parser... tried masking them yet?
07:56.48Shirikyeah I checked that
07:59.46TemShirik, you're missing a %
07:59.54ShirikI am a moron
07:59.59Shirikthank you
08:02.51*** join/#wowi-lounge SunTiger (
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08:48.04Neriniapurl, your status
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10:43.02Antiarc <-- hotness
10:50.29*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (i=MoonWolf@
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11:13.01KasoThat is pretty pretty Antiarc
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11:21.49NeriniaHm, 100% speed ~ 7 yards/second?
11:22.24krkai used to know
11:22.33krkai think it's 6.8 or something
11:23.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole (n=chatzill@
11:24.49Nom-Nice work on the reskin of KTM :P
11:24.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Gh4z88 (
11:25.08Nom-(I know it's not, but I just thought I'd poke fun)
11:39.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|Miranda (
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11:47.45wobinkrka: hehe, they made yards a bit longer eh? =P
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12:07.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (

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