IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070606

00:00.14LunessaOk, I like having a roof and utilities too. :p  
00:03.19Shirikshe figured it out
00:03.36Shirikfoxlit: complete, 667s
00:03.38|Jelly|...after giving you my password and failing at t3h intarnetz
00:03.46Shirikverify took 4.6
00:03.58foxlitYeah, significantly shorter exponent :)
00:04.09foxlitworked, at least?
00:04.22Shirikyup :)
00:04.29foxlitI sort of added padding since I last ran the full thing :)
00:04.32*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
00:05.26foxlitWoah, get a mac is vicious!
00:06.12foxlitAwesome but mean :)
00:11.41foxlitBut anyhow, I'll check up on you tomorrow :P
00:11.49Shiriktake care :)
00:11.52foxlitOr later today. Odd sense of time past midnight.
00:19.28Shirikya I saw that :P
00:21.48TC-Workingheh, read the msg, i'm lazy
00:24.29Shirikcompiling openssl
00:24.35Shiriktakes forever -_-
00:28.23zenzelezzit never stops being embarassing to fall to your death in Shattrath
00:29.06|Jelly|...especially if you have a flyer
00:29.41JoshBorkeShirik: have you compiled octave or oracle?
00:29.49Shiriknope :P
00:30.19JoshBorkek, try that, then get back to me :-D
00:36.13LunessaFalling to your death remains embarrassing under all circumstances.  Especially if you invoked the ire of the gods by saying, "Check this out," "Hey ya'll, watch this," or "This'll be cool."
00:36.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Pac2722 (
00:37.16zenzelezzyou know the room after curator, between the two spiral stairs?
00:37.38zenzelezzI once died on the way up on the other side. They ressed me, and I spotted a corpse below that I could loot...
00:37.42zenzelezzjumped, and died
00:37.47zenzelezzthey laughed at me on TS :-(
00:40.40Kaydeethreedamn it
00:40.43Kaydeethreegruul's bugged again
00:40.47Kaydeethreehsing #3
00:40.59LunessaBeing a guild leader/officer in rough terrain can be hazardous to your health,  I can't count the number of times I've run off a cliff, fallen off a mountain or other terrain feature while trying to do guild business.  
00:49.27cladhaireAnyone played with SetCursor?
00:49.34TC-Workinginteresting....910 pages on the wow general forums yet 909 is half full
00:49.44TC-Workingor 1/4 w/e
00:50.40cladhaireCan anyone convert a tga to an uncompressed BLP for me?
00:51.22JoshBorkejust say no!
00:52.04cladhairei dont have a windows machine
00:52.06LunessaClad - why not just use TGA?
00:52.07cladhairethat's why i'm asking for help
00:52.16cladhaireLunessa: because its for a cursor, which only takes uncompressed blp
00:52.33LunessaAh,  One sec.. let me d/l the tool and I'll do it for you.  
00:58.46cladhaireHAHAH FUCKING HOT
01:01.28JoshBorkei think clad went off the deepend...again
01:01.48cladhairethis is really cool =)
01:02.14JoshBorkethe new armory stuff?
01:02.31JoshBorkebe more descriptive!
01:02.34JoshBorke~lart cladhaire
01:02.34purlexplains, ever so gently, that if cladhaire doesn't give the channel more information, they can't help
01:02.47cladhaireso appropriate
01:03.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
01:04.39KasoI think this is about the most efficient code i've ever written, but is there anywhere that i can still improve? The Custom iterator seems a little questionable to me;
01:08.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Bam__ (
01:09.02mikmaKaso: what's this? region:SetText(KasoBubbles:Repalce(region:GetText(),item,color))
01:09.36mikmawell, what does repalce mean
01:09.52Nerinia~dict repalce
01:10.09LunessaHe replaces plain text with the item link.  
01:10.30Bam__is there any way to make a SecureActionButton perform more than one action similar to the way macros can?
01:11.27LunessaKaso - that's really slick.  If I used chat bubbles, I'd install this. :)
01:12.42ArrowmasterKaso: yeah that does seem quite questionable, defining the function everytime through the that for loop....
01:13.08KarrionBam__: I believe you can have a secure button execute a macro
01:13.29Karrionor (I think) even attach macro text directly to it
01:13.35Bam__Karrion: yea I know... I should have said "without using macros" :)
01:13.56Karrionthen no ;-)
01:14.05Arrowmasteryou can set multiple attributes on secureactionbuttons
01:14.13Bam__I am just wondering about the strength of macros compared to secure attributes... it seems macros can do more
01:14.40Bam__Arrowmaster: yes but not so that they execute in a sequence?
01:14.55NeriniaBam__: Here is an example -
01:14.57Bam__meaning.. with only one click
01:15.00Arrowmasteryou mean like a /castsequence?
01:15.02Karrionthey're kind of orthogonal concepts
01:15.41NeriniaAnd then you can do /click NextMacroButton :P
01:15.47Bam__no.. I mean like could I implement something like "/dismount; /cast Something; /stopcasting; /cast SomethingElse
01:15.55Arrowmasteri dont think so
01:16.10Bam__Nerinia: thanks.. but it's not what I am after :)
01:16.12Arrowmasterunless you use the macrotext attribute
01:16.19NeriniaAh, ok
01:17.08zenzelezzmacros are secure* without frames
01:17.10zenzelezzsort of
01:17.29Bam__just to explain why I ask... I have spent some time implementing a generic "ActionButton" component that can handle all attribute types... now I am starting to wonder how useful it really is considering I would most of the time use macros or the macrotext attribute
01:17.39Kasomikma, its a typo im too lazy to fix ofc :> and Arrowmaster, yah i though i had that function outside the loop, clearly not >.<
01:18.17mikmaKaso: that's cool. accidental typos that work are the best, they screw people up when they look the code
01:18.27Bam__just a simple thing like this macro: "/startattack; /cast Something" cannot be implemented with attributes, I think
01:18.43Bam__apart from macrotext
01:19.27Karrionno, because macros are 'special' in that they can execute multiple actions (which is why they exist in the first place)
01:20.57Kasohokay, so
01:21.39Kasomoved the itterator definition outside the scan function so it isnt re-defined every 0.1sec
01:23.02Bam__hmm yea... but is there much or anything at all you can NOT do in a macro that you can do with a SecureActionButton?
01:24.02KasoArrowmaster, lovely fast, efficient code is now uploaded to wowi, once an admin has accepted it, there you go.
01:25.05Arrowmasteri hope to never see it listed as #1 memory usage addon again by my preformancefu
01:25.37KarrionBam__: no... but you have to have some way to actually click the macro, which is where the action buttons come in
01:25.39KasoTo get it to no1 you must have had alot of /say spam.
01:26.12Arrowmasteri think i was standing near some npcs
01:26.24Arrowmasterfor a while
01:26.46Bam__Karrion: that's true... it's just that there are all these other nice-looking attribute types too... they sort of seem less useful when the type 'macro' can actually do the same.. and more
01:27.12zenzelezzby and large macros are useless without buttons
01:27.20zenzelezzthey're just easier to edit in some ways
01:27.26Karriontrue, but there is probably an efficiency benefit to only using what you need
01:27.59Karrionan action button of type "spell" (or whatever the keyword is) doesn't have to parse the text like a macro does
01:28.01Bam__but it was really this one "/startattack;" that I found out I needed for basically all my buttons
01:28.11zenzelezzdon't get me wrong, I'm all for macros; I just believe buttons and macros are fairly tied together anyhow
01:28.19Bam__that's the reason I started wondering
01:28.21Nom-Nice damanage lol
01:28.29Nom-Anyone done sepentshrine yet?
01:28.31KasoThe big killer was the tonnes of tables i was creating whilst enumerating the WorldFrame children regions, but now i've sat and learn how iterators work, which has allowed me to do it alot more efficiently
01:29.10Karrionyeah the game's a little inconsistent on what turns autoattack on and what doesn't
01:29.25Bam__yea never could figure out what does and what does not
01:30.07Karrionyou could try petitioning slouken for a "andstartattack" attribute >.>
01:30.20Bam__would be nice
01:30.31Bam__I dont have access to the US forums though :(
01:30.53zenzelezzprepare your post and get someone here to post it for you
01:31.30Bam__not sure it's the only thing... but it would eliminate the need for many of my macros I think
01:31.49zenzelezzI finally unbound my U key today
01:32.04zenzelezzwas getting very annoying to have the reputation window pop up when I tried to Intervene anyone
01:32.15zenzelezz(Intervene being bound to I)
01:35.28*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
01:35.56cladhaireanyone know the soundfile for the kharazan door?
01:35.57Bam__just thinking... would it make sense to ask for a more general "Game option" to always start auto-attack when entering combat?
01:37.52Finthey wouldn't do it cos of bots
01:38.15zenzelezzalso would be hard to pick a default... melee might like it, but casters might not
01:38.19Bam__hmm... doubt it would make a differense for bots
01:38.40Finyou could just leave a character somewhere near a frequent spawn point, the only difficult bit would be avoiding the autologout
01:38.45LunessaYeah, park yourself on a path, let something attack you, enter combat - start attacking - Profit!
01:39.08Bam__well that only allow auto-attacks... not much of a bot :P
01:39.20Findoesn't matter
01:39.29Lunessa*shrug*  Even so.  
01:39.45Neriniacladhaire: Doodad\Karazahn_WoodenDoors_Close_A.wav?
01:39.46Finit would mean you could get infinite amounts of money just by leaving a character logged on somewhere
01:40.09Bam__you are probably right they might use that reason... I just dont think it makes sense.... nothing Blizzard has done so far has limited what 3rd party programs can do any way
01:40.17cladhaireNerinia: thanks, i'll try that
01:40.50Finyou're a glass half full kind of guy, huh?
01:41.30Bam__no I get your meaning... it's not worth asking for since they will turn it down :P
01:42.08Finit was sarcasm, sorry - I meant, Blizzard have definitely made some effort towards limiting what third party programs can do; it might not be effective, but if you don't acknowledge even them trying... :) no offence though mate!
01:42.23Finor, what you said
01:42.24cladhaireNerinia: How would I play that?
01:42.28Finmore succinctly :)
01:42.32Bam__I dont acknowledge them trying :)
01:42.38NeriniaA wav file?
01:42.41FinI have to go to bed!
01:42.51NeriniaA you mean ingame :D
01:42.51cladhaireNerinia: I want to play it from within the game
01:42.58Bam__I dont think they should spend time on it either.. it's a losing battle for them :P
01:43.11FinI've got my leaving do tomorrow, have to be fresh for that so I can last the distance
01:43.38Pac2722IT'S DAY HERE
01:43.48Pac2722soz on the caps
01:44.01purlhmm... ugt is Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
01:44.01Neriniamh, try PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Doodad\\Karazahn_WoodenDoors_Close_A.wav")
01:44.29Bam__saying "night" basically means "goodbye" :D
01:44.32Pac2722im in australia
01:44.50cladhaireNerinia: thanks, i'll try
01:44.58cladhaireNerinia: HAWT thank you
01:44.59zenzelezzis there any even that happens when the loading screen vanishes and you can see the actual game? Not during the loading screen
01:45.45Bam__PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD.. or is that fired too early?
01:46.10zenzelezzI'm not actually sure, I always imagined that was during the loading
01:46.20Bam__might be
01:46.22Nom-got armor ?
01:46.30zenzelezzdefinitely needs moar
01:46.38Bam__wonder if you could hook OnShow on WorlfFrame for something
01:46.54zenzelezzthe Illidan shield was closer to how it should be
01:47.34Nom-yeah, but that's a tank shield
01:47.39Nom-I'm talking healer shields :)
01:48.10zenzelezzit is nice to have healers with armor
01:48.25Nom-<-- Paladin
01:49.26Nom-Just wondering when my guild is going to give Mag's lair a go
01:49.28|Jelly|<-- holy priest *sigh*
01:49.49Nom-We have a name for those, |Jelly|
01:49.52Nom-Bug swat :P
01:50.02KasoDivine spirit whores?
01:50.02Nom-Coz that's what bosses look like when a priest pulls aggro
01:50.08|Jelly|better than mana battery
01:50.21Nom-<3 Shadow Priest
01:50.34Nom-Holy Paladin + Shadow Priest = Uber Heals that never quit
01:50.37|Jelly|Figure that...yet another paladin loves shadow priests
01:50.57Nom-we have one for Kara now
01:51.15Nom-We have a Shaman and a Priest healer too
01:51.17Nom-They love it too
01:51.33Nom-Bosses like Maiden, we're on 90% mana at the end of the fight
01:51.53KarlThePaganand because of facts like that it makes better sense to put mostly dpsers in the shadow priest group
01:51.56Nom-I don't need to even use a pot until like Shade of Aran
01:51.56KasoCurator + sp ^^
01:51.58KarlThePaganfor gruul etc
01:52.10Mike-N-GoAnyone know how, via macro, to summon a non-combat pet via macro, and do nothing if it is already summoned?
01:52.35zenzelezzhumanoid instances like Shadow Labs are fun with two shadow priests
01:52.43Kasoim not sure that is possible Mike-N-Go...
01:52.44Nom-Get to find out tomorrow if we've got High King on farm in Gruul's lair
01:52.45Bam__do non-combat pets count as pets at all?
01:52.59zenzelezzNom-: meaning you took him first time last week?
01:53.08Nom-zenzelezz: Yeah lol
01:53.13Kasozenzelezz, i've done 3 sp 1 warlock 1 warrior CoT:BM before, which was awesome.
01:53.24Nom-zenzelezz: But that seems to be how we go... Week 1 = 10 tries, Week 2 = one-shot
01:53.36zenzelezzNom-: :)
01:53.39KasoThe warrior went afk for like 2 of the portals and the amount of VE healing kept up whichever priest became the "tank"
01:53.45Nom-It's been like that for Karazhan... we've got the entire dungeon on farm now
01:53.58Mike-N-GoBecause, on my shaman, I want to add that to a macro before I would cast ghost woof.
01:54.02Nom-Our first takedown of Nightbane was only 2-3 weeks ago, now we one-shot him
01:54.06zenzelezzI notice a guild on my server has Kael'Thas on farm now; third week in a row we had the Kael'Thas slayer buff
01:54.42Nom-We do Karazhan in one day now
01:54.45Nom-It's quiet nits
01:54.53Nom-Takes 6 hours, but one day :P
01:55.03zenzelezzyour nuts are usually not quiet?
01:55.04Bam__Mike-N-Go: I doubt you can make any conditions for them.... basically non-combat pets are just an item you can use, I think
01:55.50LunessaThere's no way to check the presence of a vanity/non-combat pet in a macro.  Sorry.
01:55.55zenzelezzKaso: sounds fun; but I was thinking more for the pure pwnage DPS and MCing everything in sight
01:56.55KasoI must admit, the Cabal Cultist in SL do stupid amounts of dps when youve mced them
01:57.13Shirik3862 aimed shot crit in viper o.o
01:57.16Shirikif only I was in hawk..
01:57.33Neriniazenzelezz: UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED fires with arg1="player" and arg2="LOGINEFFECT" i guess ("LOGINEFFEKT" with my german client)
01:57.56zenzelezzNerinia: hm, didn't think of that - cheers :)
01:57.57|Jelly|critting on critters doesn't count!
01:58.09Bam__Nerinia: login is a spell? :D
01:58.26NeriniaHuh, yeah, try /cast LOGOUTEFFECT :P
01:58.27zenzelezzit's true what he says, I noticed it once when testing that thing
01:58.38zenzelezz*that event
01:58.41Shirikthat waws in durnholde
01:58.41NeriniaSWOOOSH *logout*
01:58.45Shirikoneo f the veterans
02:03.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
02:03.40Lunessalol - something NOT to try later. :)
02:06.21LunessaTootise Rolls are not nutritious.  
02:06.47|Jelly|random much?
02:07.04LunessaOnly when my bloodsugar is low.  
02:07.33*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
02:09.14Nom-That's a little harsh... T6 token has Paladin, Priest, Warlock on same item
02:11.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
02:11.49cladhaireso.. WHAT do people think of me when i'm modding
02:12.02cladhaireI sit on a naked female paladin, in front of the IF auction house/bank
02:12.04cladhaireon Draka.
02:12.13cladhaireand peopel alwas dance, flirt, and send me tells telling me to turn on clothes.
02:12.17cladhaires/turn on/put on/
02:13.10Lunessavamping for gold!  
02:13.26Neriniacladhaire: more Karazhan sounds in the Doodad folder:
02:13.55cladhaireNerinia: thanks, but that one worked out PERFECTLyu
02:14.02cladhaireit fit with the animation i'musing for this frame
02:14.05*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
02:14.06cladhaireso it clanks at the right time =)
02:17.37Nom-oh nice
02:17.46Nom-Armory shows the bosses that stuff drops from now
02:18.01AellaThat's cool.
02:18.16Nom-You can see where my lewt is from now :D
02:18.34AellaAll kinda new stuff just added, it seems...
02:21.06AellaPrediction: the next database site (Thottbot/WoWHead/Allakhazam) to take prominence will be the one with the best Armory integration.
02:22.17Nom-it has a 'find an upgrade' function too
02:22.27cladhairekergoth: You'll like the changes I'm working on right now
02:22.30cladhairewhcih aren't related to that at all
02:22.39kergothheh :) whatcha workin on?
02:25.11cladhairewho has experience with SimpleHTML?
02:25.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
02:25.50AellaAsk your question and I'll say either "Me" or "Haven't a clue."
02:26.01cladhaireuhh.. how do i make the text wrap
02:27.47AellaIf it isn't :SetMultiLine(true)...
02:28.04Aella...then I don't know.
02:28.13cladhairehehe it snot.
02:28.54AellaWish it was simple to look at GlueXML (well, simple w/o an MPQ viewer).
02:30.21Nom-if armory was faster than a snail, it'd replace places like wowhead
02:30.22cladhaireit just needs an explicit size
02:30.26cladhaireanchoring it isn't enough
02:30.28Nom-Oh, doesn't have quests yet I guess
02:30.39AellaOr comments.
02:30.46zenzelezzwhy doesn't EU armory have drop location info yet :-(
02:30.50Nom-Don't need comments
02:30.58AellaComments are the second-best part of quest pages.
02:31.04Nom-They can just put a static list in there, and it'll be just like the real thing
02:31.12Nom-etc etc
02:31.20AellaOn a Twill Vest?
02:31.42AellaDon't get jealous yet, zenzelezz, the US one isn't working quite right yet.
02:31.55zenzelezzit hung my Firefox several times
02:32.03zenzelezzbut I'm not sure that was its own faulr
02:32.07AellaNot giving me any results for PvP rewards.
02:32.30LunessaArmory + Firefox 2 + OSX = CRASH
02:32.55Nom-It crashed on me actually, Firefox 2 + WinXP
02:34.21LunessaSomeone in the Web group at Blizzard isn't as good as they think they are at this...
02:34.47Nom-I can't see a reason you'd want a 2-hander with bugger all healing
02:34.49Nom-Arena i guess
02:34.51AellaThat's why I say the next best database site will be the one with the best Armory integration.
02:35.05Nom-dps is crap too though
02:35.10Nom-So that's like pointless++_
02:35.39Lunessa*nod* Maybe it is pretty?  
02:36.18Nom-Pretty stuff doesn't concern me any more
02:36.43Nom-I'd rather take a hideous sword with 200 spell damage, than a pretty one with 100
02:36.47KarlThePagansad to say I miss Postal
02:37.14Nom-Which is effectively what that item is... it's got less than half the stats of the kara lewt
02:37.44Lunessa*shrug* maybe it exists to become void crystals?
02:37.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:38.06Nom-I think so
02:38.29Nom-It's a mace, so you're talking druids, paladins and shamans
02:38.45Nom-Druid maybe?  but they can equip a one-hander too?
02:42.33Nom-hmm ... i need to get my epic mount :(
02:42.55Nom-I think the only way i'll ever farm the money for it is to level a dps class tho lol
02:43.05Nom-(Holy Paladin DPS)--
02:46.35zenzelezzI wasn't previously very interested in crafted weapons; but 2.1 and changed my mind
02:47.45Nom-That's dropped ever week for us... everyone who can use a 2-hander now has one
02:47.49Nom-We DE the last one
02:48.40zenzelezzI'm 11/0/50 tank spec warrior, but I was the only non-caster in my Arcatraz team yesterday, so I went away with
02:49.23Nom-nice :)
02:49.36zenzelezzhad some rogue friends drool all over it
02:49.50Nom-I don't think there's any class better for solo farming than a hunter, is there?
02:50.03Nom-Rogue tempts me...i've got a level 30-something
02:50.16Nom-But I think survivability will be low compared with a hunter, dps too
03:16.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
03:16.19*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
03:21.22TainRogues have insanely high suvivability and DPS.
03:21.36LunessaThis is not news.
03:22.06TainI was referring to Nom's last comment, thanks.
03:28.14Nom-right but
03:28.21Nom-hunters can heal their pets without chanelling now
03:28.33Nom-Can do more DPS than a rogue in many cases
03:28.37Nom-can kite and dps without getting hit
03:28.53Nom-Have FD on a 30 second cooldown
03:29.44Nom-I'm not so sure that rogues can compete with that :/
03:30.37Nom-and damn
03:30.43Nom-aspect of the viper must be nice for grinding
03:31.51Nom-you get 400 int, and that's as good as a pally blessing - 50mp5
03:35.28Nom-The only downside is needing to buy arrows
03:35.33Nom-But that seems a small price to pay
03:37.20Shirikaspect of the viper is for a lot more than grinding
03:37.34Shirikand my aotv is far better than a pally blessing :P
03:37.46Shirikand 400 int is 100 mp/5
03:38.23Nom-oh ryt
03:38.41Shirikconsidering intellect converts into RAP for me
03:38.42ShirikI stack it
03:38.46Shirikand it does me very well
03:40.44Shirikbut yeah
03:40.48Nom-Yah, i'm definately rolling a hunter :)
03:40.55Nom-Well, grinding the hunter i have
03:40.56Shirikwith aotv, kings, wisdom, might,
03:41.06ShirikI have zero problem being near if not at the top of damage meters
03:41.51Nom-Just a slight difference between my gear and the other raiding pally in my guild
03:43.09Nom-He's got more mana, but i've got more +healing and plate
03:43.28Nom-I do have cow shoulders tho
03:43.31Nom-That kinda sucks :(
03:43.48Shirikdamn it
03:43.58Shirikspent the last ten minutes trying to figure out what the problem was here
03:44.04Shirik"I know I saved the file, why is it not working?!?!"
03:44.08Shirikforgot to save the toc -_-
03:51.44Shirikdoes loadstring() return the error when it fails?
03:57.32*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
03:57.32*** topic/#wowi-lounge is #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 Toc: 20100 | RTFPN please |
03:57.38ShirikI take that as a no :(
03:57.41Shirikwelcome back purl!
04:00.59|Jelly|I would Shirik but I bougt you want that
04:01.21Shirikhere have fun if you so desire:
04:02.19NeriniaUuuh, live patching module? :)
04:03.29Shirikmy intention down the road is to transmit patches through guild chat
04:03.43Shirikif they are validated against a digital signature, then they are added to a patches table
04:03.46Shirikwhich is run on every UI load
04:06.13KarrionShirik: I don't think v ends up being a valid chunk of lua
04:07.51ShirikI'm fairly certain string.dump() should return a loadstring()'able string
04:09.54Shirikstring.dump (function)
04:09.55ShirikReturns a string containing a binary representation of the given function, so that a later loadstring on this string returns a copy of the function. function must be a Lua function without upvalues.
04:10.13Karrionhm you're right, forgot loadstring would do bytecode
04:13.30ShirikI wonder if WoW doesn't allow that
04:13.33Shirikit's possible
04:13.37Shirikthis doesn't work either :/dump loadstring(string.dump(function() VFL.print("Hello world!"); end))
04:13.39Shiriksame error
04:15.34ShirikI think
04:15.41Shirikthere's a bug/intentionally different behavior in string.dump
04:15.46Shirikthe lua interpreter likes it ok
04:15.50Karrionhmm I just ran your code in standalone lua and it's fine
04:16.29Karrionso yeah, something weird in wither string.dump or loadstring in wow's lua I guess
04:17.49zenzelezzdoes "char(27)" refer to the character value 27 or character number 27 in the string?
04:17.59Shirikgood question
04:18.12Shirikor do you mean
04:18.19Shirikit should mean ASCII 27
04:19.20Nom-Most likely it'll return a single character
04:19.30Nom-as in the chr() function in C
04:19.41Shirikor CHR$ in basic ^^
04:19.41Karrionascii 27 happens to be escape
04:20.02Karrionwhich happens to be the header intro char for a binary string.dump...
04:20.15*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
04:21.50Karrionso I'm betting wow's lua has some kind of 'enable loadstring to load binary chunks' switch turned off
04:22.43|Jelly|there needs to be a way to turn certain people's volume down in vent
04:23.02zenzelezzonly certain people?
04:23.05Kaydeethreethere is. right click on their name and screw around with settings
04:23.20zenzelezzreally? I didn't know there was per-user settings :-o
04:23.56zenzelezznothing worse than hardly being able to hear someone while your eardrums nearly burst from someone else talking
04:24.03Shirikright click them
04:24.05Shirikgo to special effects
04:24.08Shirikunder misc
04:24.12Shirikadd a volume filter
04:24.26zenzelezzwoot, cheers for the tip
04:24.35Shirikyou will see a "S" appear next to them for special effects
04:24.43Shirikand it will persist until you remove it (or until they change their name)
04:25.23Shirikwell hopefully we'll know the answer soon enough:
04:29.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
04:29.45*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
04:30.02cogwheelkeyed for kara
04:30.51Shirikgrats :D
04:30.55Shirikgot a sec?
04:30.58|Jelly|now that i'm done with it, i refuse to run BM anymore. lol
04:31.15Shirikwould you mind taking a look at and giving me your thoughts on the matter?
04:31.19Shirik(bug or intentional?)
04:32.05IrielI asked about it in the past.
04:32.23IrielThey dont want folks distributing binary AddOns
04:32.25Shirikdo you know any reasoning behind it?
04:32.53Shirikok thanks
04:33.09Shirikguess that means I have to transmit plaintext code then...
04:33.34IrielThat's for the best anyway, do of course make sure you validate the transmitted code to be guaranteed safe
04:33.40Shirikoh yeah
04:33.49IrielI had a long exchange with the ephemeral (I think that was the AddOn) folks when they did something like that
04:33.52Shirikreceived code is tested against a known public key :)
04:33.57ShirikRSA digital signature
04:34.16Shirik2048 bit
04:34.19ShirikI think it's good enough
04:35.12*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
04:35.44ShirikIriel: You can see some good reasons for it though
04:35.55Shirikespecially if they themselves want to see the code of an addon
04:36.00Shirikif they need to figure something out
04:36.34IrielIt helps keep the community open and honest, thott has been the only person I know of paranoid enough to try obfuscation
04:36.42Shirikveni did too :P
04:36.44Shirikbut it was cracked
04:36.46Shirikveni was EVIL
04:36.56Shirikif it was detected that you tried to de-obfuscate it
04:37.00IrielObfuscation is inherently crackable.
04:37.02Shirikit would scramble your saved variables
04:40.32Karrionbah, scrambling saved variables is weak, it should start sharding gear
04:40.54cogwheelI don't think the GM department would be too happy with that :P
04:40.54Shirikthat also existed -_-
04:41.16Shirikthe raid leader had the ability to shard anyone's gear (if possible), or forcibly log off any user he so desired
04:41.28Shirikneedless to say, this has been removed in RDX.Cid
04:42.39Karrionheh, now _that_'s evil
04:42.52ShirikI told you
04:42.54Shirikthe man was crazy
04:42.58Shirikhe still is :P
04:43.05Shirikbut I gotta give him props he knows his stuff
04:43.12NeriniaSo string.dump'ed functions can't be loadstring'ed in WoW?
04:43.23Shirikit would appear this way
04:43.29ShirikI /know/ I've loadstring'ed plaintext
04:43.33Shirikso that's definitely possible
04:43.52IrielCorrect, we have no access to the binary loader, not via a file, not via loadstring
04:43.56Iriellua source only. period.
04:44.09NeriniaAh, thanks.
04:44.23Shirikit doesn't really put a kink in my project, so I can respect it :)
04:44.28Shirikin fact it makes my job easier
04:44.32Shirikthough it does mean more to transmit
04:44.46IrielSomeone suggested writing a lua bytecode to lua source decompiler as a workaround
04:44.57IrielShirik: I bet it compresses well (lua source)
04:45.14Irielstring.dump is inherently limiting all by itself anyway
04:45.25Shirikyeah but is there an easy way to compress?
04:45.26KarrionShirik: wouldn't doing it in binary risk sending, eg, newline chars that disconnect you anyway?
04:45.37ShirikKarrion: Actually newlines in SendAddonMessage() do not disconnect you
04:45.44Shirikin fact the only thing I have found that you can't do is a tab in the prefix
04:45.52IrielShirik: I believe clad's been working on huffman encoding
04:45.58Kirkburncogwheel, honk honk
04:46.03ShirikI know clad|sleep's been doing some kind of compression
04:46.04cogwheelbing bong
04:46.09Shirikand used it on LightHeaded
04:46.12ShirikI might have to take a look at it
04:46.14Karrionhey if you've written a public key check surely gzip can't be that hard, right?
04:46.24ShirikI didn't write it, foxlit did :P
04:46.29Kirkburncogwheel, I saw your guide earlier - looked pretty damn impressive
04:46.33ShirikI tried to give him math pointers every so often but yeah
04:46.34IrielShirik: I believe that's because tab is the prefix-message delimiter
04:46.39ShirikI definitely don't understand enough about RSA
04:46.46ShirikIriel: that's what I understand :)
04:46.58IrielYou'd be crazy to do anything beyond finding someone else's reference implementation and porting it 8-)
04:47.18IrielThough grabbing a copy of "Applied Cryptography" is worthwhile if you DO care, it's a bit old but it's still the bible
04:47.35Kirkburncogwheel, dunno if you acted on your suggestion, but I think it'd be a great idea
04:47.53cogwheelI haven't quite finished yet...
04:48.59ShirikIriel: I do intend to get into that kind of stuff
04:49.06Shirikand thanks for the recommendation
04:53.10ScytheBlade1Is there any way to tell if an item is conjured without walking the tooltip text?
04:53.30ScytheBlade1GetContainerItemInfo returns quality, but it's the same for both conjured items and pots
04:53.36ScytheBlade1I want specifically conjured items
04:53.48Shiriknot that I'm aware of :/
04:53.51Shirikwhat about type?
04:53.58IrielScytheBlade1: Hm, do conjured items have the maker in their name?
04:54.40Kaydeethreeconjured mana gems, yes. conjured food/water, no
04:54.45ScytheBlade1Iriel, not all of them
04:54.46Shirikno it comes up as consumable :(
04:54.48ScytheBlade1What he said
04:54.59ScytheBlade1They all have a line of text in the tooltip - "Conjured"
04:55.10ScytheBlade1That's the only dependable way of telling (that I know of)
04:55.19Shirikdon't they all have "conjured" in their name?
04:55.30ScytheBlade1"Mana Jade"
04:55.40MentalPower|ZzZzScytheBlade1: list of ItemIDs is your other option
04:55.41Shirikwell Kaydeethree has already proposed an alternative for that
04:55.51ShirikScytheBlade1: what I would probably do
04:55.53Shirikscan the tooltip
04:55.57ScytheBlade1MentalPower|ZzZz, that's a lot of itemIds
04:55.58Shirikcache what item IDs you have found
04:56.09ScytheBlade1I really only want one thing
04:56.11Shirikin fact
04:56.14Shirikyou can even use a metatable
04:56.14ScytheBlade1Push a button, destroy my conjured items
04:56.24ScytheBlade1I'm a mage, and I carry all sorts of crap after a raid :P
04:56.33Shirikhave a table that stores what item ids are conjured items
04:56.44ScytheBlade1I may have to do that, yeah
04:57.05Shirik__index = function(t,i) --[[scan the tooltip]] rawset(t,i,--[[true or false depending on findings]]) return --[[whatever]] end
04:58.08Shirikman that's probably the coolest use of a metatable I've come up with so far ^^
04:58.32ScytheBlade1/dump GameTooltipTextLeft2:GetText();
04:58.35ScytheBlade1"Conjured Item"
04:58.37ScytheBlade1That's what I want all right
04:58.38IrielThe only problem is that the tooltip is asynchronous
04:58.56Iriel(if the item isn't in your cache)
04:58.59ScytheBlade1And it requires previous
04:59.06Shirikwell he has the item
04:59.06MentalPower|ZzZzit will be, its in his bags
04:59.08ScytheBlade1+ knowledge/scanning of the items in question
04:59.12Shirikshouldn't that imply that it's cached?
04:59.13ScytheBlade1Right, it's in my bags, always
04:59.18IrielMentalPower|ZzZz: Depends when the code runs
04:59.21ScytheBlade1I want to nuke conjured items out of my bags
04:59.25MentalPower|ZzZzis it always the second line?
04:59.38Shirikthen that's the best way of going about it :P
05:00.03ScytheBlade1I just wanted a quality parameter to the existing API that gave me a "conjured" quality :)
05:06.30ScytheBlade1Hmm - is there an event that fires when the tooltip is updated?
05:08.09ScytheBlade1(Read as: how can I tell when the tooltip is displayed/changed?)
05:09.05IrielIt's got a handler for that
05:09.37Neriniathis one: tooltip:SetScript("OnTooltipSetItem",function(self) local name,link = self:GetItem() end)
05:09.38IrielAn On<something> one
05:09.41IrielThat's the one
05:09.47ScytheBlade1Oh, okay
05:10.27ScytheBlade1This may wind up as another micro addon of mine
05:10.29Shirikan On<something> one ^^
05:11.28NeriniaThe handler still triggers twice when requesting recipes right?
05:11.47IrielIt triggers as many times as there are updates to the data
05:15.47Shirikhm, I'll have to poke foxlit later
05:16.01ShirikI think I'm signing this wrong, it says there are 2056 steps, when there should only be 2048 >.>
05:16.36Nom-lern2zeroindex ?
05:17.54KirkburnDid 2.1.1 do anything to UI mods?
05:17.57ScytheBlade1Seems that this will be an experiment in handlers for me
05:18.04KirkburnSomeone added "* Some UI mods are acting funny." to a page about 2.1.1
05:18.20Kaydeethreekirk; nah. just a change to some global strings
05:18.33Nom-2.1.1 was just bug fixes
05:18.40KirkburnBet the guy didn't tick load out of date addons
05:18.55Kaydeethree^ a .diff of all of the changes
05:19.18Shirikthey felt the need to adjust the order
05:19.20KirkburnI wish they'd keep the list alphabetical for once :/
05:19.20Shirikthat's awesome
05:19.30ScytheBlade1I remember when they didn't take it down to the minute
05:19.32KirkburnEvery bloody time
05:19.42ScytheBlade1I extended by 10 day trial by over ten hours ;)
05:20.49Nom-What's with all the random name spam lately?  It's all blocked by SpamSentry, but I notice there's been a lot more in the last week
05:20.56Nom-Not peons4hire either, it's another mob
05:21.17ScytheBlade1rpgus or something?
05:21.26Nom-yeah i think so
05:21.28Nom-not sure now
05:21.35ScytheBlade1I've recieved two from them
05:21.41ScytheBlade1So I'm up to... four since 2.1 hit
05:21.45KirkburnI'm seeing rpg something something too
05:21.49*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (
05:21.51Kaydeethreeheh, more than me. I've gotten a grand total of 2
05:22.02ScytheBlade1I play at "odd" hours.
05:22.06ScytheBlade1You know, 10:00 AM.
05:22.13ScytheBlade1(When there are six people online)
05:22.13KirkburnAlso, do the links they type mess up, showing like "w[ww." ?
05:22.25ScytheBlade1Pretty sure that's intentional on their part
05:22.40KirkburnJust wond'ring if it's the same macro :P
05:22.41Kaydeethreesame way the peons had to change the url to their site a few times
05:22.56ScytheBlade1imo, and I don't know if they're already doing this
05:23.09ScytheBlade1But the servers should collect the data of reported spam automatically, and once it reaches a quota
05:23.12KirkburnMebbe this is peons4hire, but trying to use a different name
05:23.15ScytheBlade1Simply block that line from being sent period
05:23.33Nom-Nah, that'd screw up things like gem mods
05:23.44KaydeethreeI thought blizz brought an injunction against p4h as part of the lawsuit
05:23.53ScytheBlade1Take into account the reported person's level and location too, I should add
05:23.59Nom-Kaydeethree: They probably did, but it's other places that are going nuts now
05:24.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Gorbulas (n=Gorbulas@2002:470a:fda2:1:0:0:0:1)
05:24.25Shirik01:23:22 ‹ScytheBlade1› But the servers should collect the data of reported spam automatically, and once it reaches a quota
05:24.26KirkburnIf they don't use peons4hire in their macro, how could Blizz link it to them
05:24.28Shiriksomething like this is already done
05:24.35ScytheBlade1I'm sure it is
05:24.39ScytheBlade1Well I hope it is
05:24.42Shirikaccording to CMs, one of the capabilities is
05:24.47Shirikwhen enough people have clicked that report spam link
05:24.50KirkburnOnce someone is reported several times, they are prevented for messaging anyone
05:24.54Shirikthat player becomes temporary invisible
05:24.58Shirikuntil they can be investigated
05:24.59KirkburnUntil a GM investigates
05:25.09ScytheBlade1That must be an incredible number of people then
05:25.13ScytheBlade1Well over 100 I'd imagine
05:25.24Shirikand it's surely not the only capability
05:25.27Shirikbut it's one they've mentioned
05:25.35ScytheBlade1Had a spammer in front of the IF mailbox.. reported it on three characters, as did multiple other people
05:25.35Shiriksurely they don't want us to know everything
05:25.44ScytheBlade1Heh, nah, of course not
05:26.10zenzelezzis the "report user" function protected?
05:26.16Shirikgood question
05:26.29ScytheBlade1It is not
05:26.38ScytheBlade1But it's been threatened that if abused, it will be protected
05:26.53zenzelezzI Just imagined sneaking a distributed reporting function into some popular addon
05:27.04Shirikjust a few people you really hate
05:27.13Shirikhave it all trigger at the same day, same time
05:27.41*** join/#wowi-lounge subbawt (n=subbawt@
05:27.53ScytheBlade1Honestly, my fear is that "the spammers" write addons that fill their spam queues full of "lol" and random gibberish
05:27.53Shirikthere is a box that pops up when you try to report someone
05:27.57Gorbulasare there any mods that create a distributed file system that is accessible by other mods?
05:28.11ScytheBlade1Shirik, the function doesn't pop up the box I don't think
05:28.12zenzelezzspeaking of protected functions, I still find it annoying that I can type /target someone and get a warning about any random addon being blocked
05:28.12ShirikGorbulas: Not sure what you mean
05:28.21zenzelezzatlas, enhtooltip, ctra
05:28.23Kaydeethreemeh. that's part of the popup menu to report the person. the actual spam complaint can be done without player intervention
05:29.03ScytheBlade1So SpamSentry can (and does?) report spam automatically
05:29.08ScytheBlade1Problem is, it's locked to 5 per account per day
05:29.15GorbulasI'd like to have a mod that creates a distributed guild file system for storing data. It could be used to make a groupcalendar that works even when the event creator is offline
05:29.17Shirikand 1 per minute
05:29.23KaydeethreeI dunno, I haven't looked through SS's code since 2.1 has come out
05:29.32ScytheBlade1I haven't used it since 2.1 came out
05:29.38ShirikGorbulas: it's extremely difficult, but possible
05:29.41ScytheBlade1No need, quite frankly
05:29.42ShirikI would recommend you look at GEM
05:29.45Shirikand how they sync
05:30.03Shirik(which, btw, is almost exactly what you're talking about)
05:32.43Kaydeethreeheh. the new "Find an Upgrade" feature on the armory is pretty neat
05:32.45ShirikI know why it did 2056 instead of 2048
05:33.00Shirikfor some god-unknown reason, openssl puts a 00: at the beginning of the modulus :(
05:33.10Shirikwhich is exactly 8 bits longer than 2048
05:35.03Shirikon that's because I used the public key instead of the private key to sign -_-
05:35.22zenzelezz/target Shirik
05:35.24Kaydeethreeyah... that kinda defeats the purpose
05:35.37Shirikactually, no now I'm just completely confused
05:35.51IrielIt doesn't really defeat the purpose
05:36.03IrielYou can encrypt with either key, and decrypt with the other, with RSA
05:38.35Shirikright, I understand it now
05:38.42Shirikbut is one supposed to be longer than the other?
05:39.15Shirikbecause I'm looking at this right now, and my public key was given as a 2056 bit number which starts with 0x00
05:39.25Shirikand my private key was given as a 2048 bit number
05:39.34Shirikwhich, yes, I realize both are 2048 bits, it's just confusing me as to why it would do that
05:39.42Gorbulasare you doing this stuff for a mod?
05:39.56Gorbulaswhat mod
05:40.16Shirikan in-game patching capability for
05:41.01Kirkburn|afkhey, wow, the armory updates are ..... competing with wowhead, thott, alla, etc.
05:41.15Kirkburn|afkThey've even added drop rates for items
05:41.36Kirkburn|afkAlbeit "low", etc
05:41.39Mr_Rabies2i see nothing new
05:41.48Kirkburn|afkArmory front page
05:41.50Kirkburn|afkClick updates
05:41.56Kirkburn|afk(also note reference to Kralnor)
05:42.24IrielShirik: Is it possible the leading 00 is just to make sure the number remains positive?
05:42.26GorbulasGEM looks too specific
05:42.32Shirikit's possible
05:42.42Shirikthis is what I get:
05:42.45ShirikC:\openssl-0.9.8e\bin>openssl rsa -text -in rsa.private
05:42.45ShirikPrivate-Key: (2048 bit)
05:42.47Shirik(and it continues)
05:42.58IrielShirik: when I dump my ssh RSA key all of the strings with high bits in the most significant position have a 00: prefix
05:43.11IrielAnd those without have no prefix
05:43.18Irielso 00:c2, but 4e:4f
05:43.56IrielIf you're sure your math library wont screw it up, you could just ignore the leading zeroes
05:44.00Shirikwouldn't the most significant position be 7_:__ ?
05:44.03Mr_Rabies2that's awesome kirk
05:44.04Shirik(or higher)
05:44.04GorbulasI'm hoping to have a distributed fs running over primarily the guild addon channel that facilitates a number of other services
05:44.12Kirkburn|afkMr_Rabies2, :D
05:44.16Shirikbut yeah I'm seeing the same
05:44.28Shirikalso I think that the math library should calculate it correctly, it's supposed to work for any size key
05:44.37Irielit's the most significant bit, so 0x80 - 0xff would need a preceeding 0x00 to stop it being interpreted as a 2s complement negative number
05:44.39Shirikit was just a bit wierd when I first saw it
05:44.45Mr_Rabies2whoever designed the new armory should get a congressional medal of honor
05:44.47Kirkburn|afkCripes, check out the browse list. Totally stolen from Woehead
05:44.59Shirikyeah but you said 4e:4f ? which isn't inside 0x80 - 0xff?
05:45.13Irielright, there's no 00: in front of 4e:4f
05:45.17Shirikooh right
05:45.21Shirik(not thinking, it's late)
05:45.29Shirikok that makes sense, thanks :)
05:45.54IrielIt's a bit of a guess still, I've not fiddled with how openssl et al display stuff much, but it's consistent with my observations.
05:46.01Gorbulashow can I test addons that require multiple players?
05:46.10Shirikno it makes perfect sense, and reading over my results it appears exactly the same
05:46.17Shirikin theory, a leading 00 shouldn't affect anything
05:46.23ShirikGorbulas: The way I do it
05:46.25Shirikis to emulate a player
05:46.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (
05:46.31Shirikfor example, to test a boss mod
05:46.55ShirikI'll type in /script RDXM.Kara.Event("CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_EMOTE", "%s does some wierd event that triggers an alert")
05:47.06Shirikfor more complex things, though, I poke random people in guild chat until they let me invite them to party :P
05:47.09Kirkburn|afkOh, also 2.2.0 will have VoiP
05:47.31Mr_Rabies2oh my god this is epic
05:47.41Shiriknot really
05:47.44zenzelezzno more Ventrilo/TeamSpeak?
05:47.45Shirikit was only written in blue
05:47.52Shirikso it can only be rare at best
05:47.55Mr_Rabies2i mean the armory update
05:48.09Kirkburn|afkAlso, 2.2.0 PTR inc
05:48.11Shirikya I saw the blue post on it
05:48.31Shirikbut it really depends on what the quality will be
05:48.34Shirikif it's like CS
05:48.38Shirikno way in hell I'm using that over vent
05:48.39Thunder_Childzenzelezz, there will always be vent/TS
05:48.57Thunder_Childas of yet, there will be no 'guild' chatroom
05:49.04ShirikIriel: as always, thank you for letting me probe your awesome mind :)
05:49.07Thunder_Childparty/raid only i belive
05:49.28IrielShirik: You're welcome, glad it could be useful while I work on modifier code for secure templates 8-)
05:49.44Shirikthat's something I like to hear
05:50.06Gorbulaswhat can I send over the guild addon channel?
05:50.16Shirikanything you want
05:50.21Mr_Rabies2hopefully they use the speex codec
05:50.25Shirikwell let me be a bit clearer
05:50.29Shirikany string you want
05:50.31Mr_Rabies2because most of the other ones suck
05:50.32Gorbulaseven non text data?
05:50.37Thunder_Childwell they would have to use something thats compatable with macs
05:50.41Gorbulaswhat is a string?
05:50.43Shirikthere is a way to encode anything into a string
05:50.47Shirik"this is a string"
05:51.12Shirik[[this is also a string]] .. 'combined with another string' .. "and another string"
05:51.18GorbulasI know that, but I don't want to base64 everything if I can just send binary
05:51.41Gorbulaswhat ranges of characters are allowed?
05:51.44Shirikyou can only send strings, therefore you must find some way to encode it
05:51.53ShirikASCII 0 through 256
05:51.55Shirikand possibly higher
05:52.07Gorbulasusually not 0
05:52.07IrielI was about to say
05:52.12IrielAscii 256 would be a feat
05:52.14Gorbulasand the other low ones
05:52.17IrielI dont think you can send \0 can you?
05:52.25Shiriklet's find out
05:52.26Gorbulasand I think WoW has over 256
05:52.27Corrodiassend \-1
05:52.36Shirikdteventtrace to the rescue!
05:53.01IrielWoW uses UTF-8 for wide characters
05:53.13IrielYou're still stuck in 0x01 - 0xff
05:53.14Corrodiaslike ogres and dwarf women?
05:53.20Shirikwhen I transmitted "\0" arg2 was nil :(
05:53.23Gorbulasin which case, do I need to send valid unicode? and what code pages are allowed?
05:53.24Shirikso I guess anything 1-255
05:53.36IrielIt doesn't care
05:53.41IrielAt least, for transmission
05:53.45Mr_Rabies2i love you new blizzard armory
05:53.49IrielFor display it depends on what the recipient has installed font-wise
05:53.58Mr_Rabies2even if you run like crap for now :O
05:54.00Shirikall that matters is you decode it in the same manner it was sent
05:54.10GorbulasI'm thinking about sending hashes and such
05:54.26Shirikthen why go any further than sending a string?
05:54.38IrielPersonally I'd stick to readable text purely for the debuggability
05:54.53Shirik"ffffffffffffffffffffffff" is no harder to transmit than "ÿÿ.."
05:54.58Shirikwell, ok it is slightly b
05:55.01Shirikbut no good reason to
05:55.13Gorbulasbut I don't want to use up all that extra space
05:55.23Corrodiaswe one-shotted attumen, moroes, maiden, and big bad wolf today :o
05:55.26Corrodiasi was like :O
05:55.30Shirikwould you really notice?
05:55.34ShirikCorrodias: Grats
05:55.40Gorbulasthe server will
05:55.44Corrodiasas much as we were stuck on the damn maiden
05:56.32Mr_Rabies2big bad wolf is fun
05:56.32ShirikGorbulas: I think you're worrying far more than you should be
05:56.32Corrodias"holy crap"
05:56.32CorrodiasMr_Rabies2: the page for armory is still "loading"
05:56.32Mr_Rabies2refresh it
05:56.32Mr_Rabies2it runs like crap at the moment but the information is so awesome
05:56.33Corrodiasi think it's stuck at "loading"
05:56.40Shiriklike Iriel said, I would recommend using human readable strings
05:56.52Shirikwhich can then be tonumber'ed later
05:56.55Shirikif you really need to
05:56.56Gorbulasalso, will I run into the profanity filter if a hash happens to contain any substrings?
05:57.08ShirikSendAddonMessage() is immune to such filters
05:57.08IrielNo, the addon channel isn't filtered
05:57.15Gorbulasok good
05:57.17Corrodiasi decided not to put 17 of my hunter's points into survival for =10% trap resist and instead take them to MM for Big Damage and Scattershot, then just learn how to deal with trap resists
05:57.39CorrodiasBig Damage being the collection of various crit & focus talents. and aimed shot.
06:04.04Gorbulasshould add a message to my chatframe, correct?
06:04.34Shirikor ChatFrame1.AddMessage(ChatFrame1, "test")
06:04.34Gorbulasisn't that the same?
06:04.50ScytheBlade1You want the :
06:04.54Shiriktable:function(...) is syntactic sugar for table.function(table, ...)
06:05.22Shirikwithout getting into the details for why this works, this is done to assist with OOP
06:09.45|Jelly|can you /petattack [target=focustarget] ? (You know i'd look it up but i really am healing. lol)
06:10.10Mr_Rabies2i almost miss healing in 40 man raids
06:10.18Mr_Rabies2i could eat dinner while healing
06:10.24Mr_Rabies2can't really do that while tanking :[
06:10.33Guillotineanybody know if there is a way to set the amount of timer required for a timeout with luasocket?
06:10.44Shirika luasocket o.o
06:10.55Shirikthis is definitely not wow-related ><
06:11.00Guillotinewell, kind of
06:11.04ShirikI don't know though :(
06:11.11Corrodiaskind of not
06:11.23GuillotineI have a script scanning the armory and importing all talent information from your battlegroup to an addon
06:11.30Shirikah and wrote it in lua
06:11.49Shirikunfortuantely I don't have an answer for you
06:11.54Shirikif nobody here does, perhaps #lua ?
06:11.59Shirikthough they're kinda dead at this hour :(
06:12.10ShirikI did get a response to my question over there though
06:12.14Guillotineit works, but when it gets a timeout, it waits about 10 seconds before continuing on. which adds up over time with all the profiles its scanning ><
06:12.38Shirikwait so
06:12.40Guillotinein general, most of the responses I've gotten there about luasocket are that they have no idea :(
06:12.46Shirikit times out and then goes another 10 seconds?
06:12.50Shirikor does it just take 10 seconds to time out?
06:12.56Guillotinetakes 10 seconds to time out
06:13.09Shirikimo you would do what I did with just about any socket and handle connections asynchronously
06:13.30Shirikif it times out, it times out, but don't keep waiting for it to come back
06:13.36Shirikkeep moving on
06:13.43Shirikcoroutines can do this rather decently for you
06:13.49Guillotineya, but I don't like coroutines in lua -_-
06:14.03Guillotinethough its probably the best bet here
06:14.10Guillotinewas just hoping for some way around it
06:14.14ShirikI have, quite literally, never used Microsoft's synchronous connection APIs
06:14.30Shirikand every comment on MSDN I've seen on them say "use asynchronous instead when you can"
06:15.44Gorbulasaparently, if WoW can't understand your script file, a reloadui will reload the old version
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06:16.45GorbulasI printed the wrong string :(
06:17.00Corrodiasnow i just wish i could get my hunter to level 70 in one day
06:17.03Gorbulasand then undid changes, closed file
06:17.12Corrodiasthis middling-level crap is getting boring
06:17.17Gorbulascan't get it back to how it was a second ago
06:18.07ScytheBlade1Haha, oops
06:18.14ScytheBlade1/dump UIParent:GetChildren();
06:18.20ScytheBlade1That took a second or two to run.
06:19.17GuillotineI tried I recursive one of those a while ago. not a good idea
06:19.25Guillotinebut I did get a list of every frame >.>
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06:21.40Thunder_Childhow would i do a literal search in google with a nonstandard char, it keeps removing it
06:22.11Thunder_Childi am trying to do Camer@...does it w/o the @ every time
06:22.23Guillotineput it in quotes?
06:22.38Thunder_Childstill strips it out
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06:24.53Thunder_Childwell according to the page it uses it...but i am not geting a return
06:25.01Thunder_Child"Results 1 - 100 of about 680,000 English pages for Camer@. (0.17 seconds) "
06:25.10Thunder_Childand i know it's out there
06:25.14Guillotinethe problem is, at least from what I understand, with coroutines in lua you can't really start multiple instances of them. and you can't restart one. you just have to resume it.
06:25.39Shirikwhen a coroutine dies, it cannot be resumed, correct
06:25.44Shirikbut you could make a factory function for coroutines
06:26.32Guillotineas in make a new coroutine for every team and every person?
06:27.32Shirikit's possible
06:27.39Corrodiasi don't really see how things could be done differently in, say, java. you can't just "reuse" a thread unless it sits there waiting for variables to change...
06:27.50Shirikthe alternative is
06:27.55Shirikyou have, say, five coroutines
06:28.09Shirikwhich go into an infinite loop of yielding until it is given something to do
06:28.34Guillotinehmm. wouldn't making a new coroutine for each one be horribly inefficient when scanning thousands of profiles?
06:28.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:29.00Corrodiasnot when they disappear after they finish executing
06:29.09IrielI'm not sure I understand what coroutines really buy you there, unless the lua library exposes poll/select and non-blocking IO?
06:29.11Corrodiasalso, less efficient than waiting for 10 seconds each time?
06:29.31GuillotineCorrodias: goot point
06:29.34Corrodiasdon't run more than 3 concurrently or something
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06:29.48IrielAnd even then you can just store the state of each transmission/receipt and use a master loop, you dont need coroutines.
06:29.50IrielThey're not threads.
06:30.07Corrodiasah, sorry, i don't really know what a coroutine is
06:30.13Corrodiassounded like they were talking about threads, to me
06:30.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (
06:30.28GuillotineI thought a coroutine was a thread o.O
06:30.29Irielit's all of the STATE encapsulation of a thread, without the 'concurrent execution' part
06:30.33Shirikcoroutines are essentially threads
06:30.44Shirikin fact
06:30.44Irielin this case, that last bit is quite significant
06:30.50Shiriktype(coroutine.create(...)) returns "thread"
06:30.55Irielwithout non-blocking I/O you're screwed.
06:31.04Corrodiasi see
06:31.42Guillotinenon-blocking I/O?
06:31.57Corrodiassomething that doesn't sit and wait 10 seconds for a response
06:32.01IrielGuillotine: When you try and read and there's nothing waiting, you return instantly and dont get stuck
06:32.05Corrodias(or forever)
06:32.20IrielGuillotine: Generally it's combined with a call that lets you get notified when a file descriptor has something interesting to share
06:32.45Guillotineso really theres nothing to do but wait the 20 seconds for a timeout?
06:33.10Corrodiasunless you can figure out a way to either shorten the timeout or change the thing to a non-blocking.. thing
06:33.23IrielGuillotine: luasocket has 'select'
06:33.23Guillotineright. my original idea was to shorten the timeout
06:33.28IrielGuillotine: You can use that
06:33.51GuillotineIriel: thanks, I'll look into that
06:34.05IrielGuillotine: Basically you give it a list of the sockets you're waiting to read from, and it wakes up and tells you when ANY of them are available
06:34.22IrielGuillotine: Then you read from THAT one, and go back into the select again
06:34.37Guillotinethe thing is, I'm not exactly sure what socket its using. I'm just using http.request
06:34.50Guillotineshould I start manually doing it all?
06:35.19IrielOh, hm, you may have to
06:35.29IrielOr look inside the http package and see how easy it is to mutilate
06:35.36IrielThat's where coroutines MAY come in handy
06:36.17Guillotinemaybe I'll just start up several different cmd prompts and run the lua script in all of them, each set to scan a different page >.>
06:36.18IrielActually it looks like there's plenty of hooks to provide your own coroutine aware magic non-blocking socket
06:36.20Guillotinedirty, but it'll work
06:36.28Guillotineah, ok
06:36.53Guillotinethanks Iriel :)
06:36.55IrielNot that doing so is necessarily 'easy' but it'd be interesting for sure 8-)
06:38.02IrielLots of things are easy, it's just that by virtue of their easiness they rarely catch your eye
06:38.20Shirikprint("Hello world") is easy
06:38.24Shirikso is print("Hello world 1")
06:38.29Shirikand print("Hello world 2")
06:38.32GuillotineShirik: you forgot the !
06:38.37Guillotinesee, its not all THAT easy
06:38.42Shirikby that definition, there are an infinite number of easy things
06:38.49Shirikwhich is the opposite of
06:38.52Shirik02:37:52 * Guillotine grumbles about nothing ever being easy
06:39.32Shirikit could be worse :P
06:39.45zenzelezzif something's hard to do then it's not worth doing
06:40.15Thunder_Child"If it was easy, then everyone would be doing it"
06:47.07Corrodiasi should be in bed. 'ni
06:49.03Guillotinecogwheel: dare we ask what you succeeded at?
06:49.42cogwheelI made a simple HTML to WoW Forum BBCode converter so I can write my posts with a WYSIWYG editor :)
06:50.02Guillotinehaha. nice
06:51.49Shirikwoot it works :D
06:51.55Shiriksignatures are verified perfectly ^^
06:52.16cogwheel'tis a good night for coding... DRINKS ALL AROUND!
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06:54.47Guillotinenot for me :( My testing was just interrupted by the armory going down :(
06:55.53zenzelezzand it's all your fault!
06:58.36GuillotineI can't say my scanning is good for blizz's servers, but I've seen many people do far worse :P
06:58.39Guillotineso probably not me
07:02.47Guillotinedamn, the new item browser on the armory is pretty dang cool
07:02.55Thunder_Child./blame Guillotine
07:03.13zenzelezzthe Armory isn't problem free; but they've done a pretty damn good job with it so far
07:03.18Thunder_Child~blame Guillotine
07:03.29purlACTION blames Guillotine (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
07:03.30Thunder_Childthats better
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07:03.43Guillotinezenzelezz: /agree
07:03.58Guillotinebut hey, its still in beta. you expect there to be problems
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07:15.21cogwheelumm... are the website login servers down or something?
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07:17.10Gorbulasdoes anyone know what mod uses addon channel 2?
07:17.33GorbulasI'm seeing messages like "Jumcjim++"
07:18.26seebsNo clue, sorry.
07:18.36seebsWoot!  I finally got SimpleMail working reliably enough to upload.
07:18.38Gorbulasand does anyone understand why group calendar does some of the things it does?
07:19.50Gorbulaslike it seems to keep a list of people's alts
07:20.16Gorbulasand synchronizes an unreasonable distance into the past
07:21.17Gorbulasand if I understand the protocol correctly, sometimes gets into fights with other copies of the calendar where it adds and deletes every character nonstop
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07:26.37Gorbulassomebody just deleted all the events in GC and started readding them
07:27.13Corrodiaswhat's the cost of getting another account?
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07:30.53Gorbulasheh the guy with the weird heartbeat messages doesn't know what's sending them
07:34.18Corrodiaslooks like $60 to obtain new keys
07:34.41Corrodiasas convenient as it would be, i'd really rather not spend that much on it
07:36.23Gorbulasnow that's interesting, if I correctly guess the next number in the sequence, then the mod on the other end skips that number. I can tell because the first letter is constantly incremented by one
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07:38.31Gorbulasactually, if I guess wrong it seems to skip the next occurrence of that letter in a case insensitive way
07:38.45Corrodiasthey could probably get another $15 /mo out of me if they'd let us open multiple accounts without paying full price for all of them, and if they'd allow character transfers without those fees. bah.
07:39.44seebsI was very surprised to find out that you can now buy licenses.
07:39.54seebsBack when I wanted to do it, the only way was to buy a physical retail box.
07:40.11Corrodiasstill is, for WoW anyway. TBC is available as an online version, though.
07:41.16Corrodiasthey make no attempt to make it cheaper...
07:41.22seebsThe account transfer rules are weird.  Last I checked, I can't trade stuff with my spouse, but I could trade stuff with my mom (if she played), because it keys off "same last name".
07:41.58Corrodiasi'm a little surprised at how they demand so much money for these things such as opening an account and moving a characer around
07:42.25Corrodiasalmost as if they don't get enough from the normal fees
07:43.02seebsI suspect it's to discourage some kind of abuse, although I don't know what kind of abuse that would be.
07:44.12Corrodiaswell, i need sleep. i just came on to check what the cost would be, and there's no way i'm paying that. 'ni
07:44.28Guillotineprobably laundering stolen characters
07:44.34Guillotinethats my guess at least
07:45.20norgsSeebs: I'm sure you would be able to transfer between spouse if you faxed or scanned a copy of the marriage certificate (whether you want to go to that effort however...)
07:46.10seebsThat may be.  I did, however, get support to say they don't care if I log in on the spouse's account sometimes.  (Which is useful, because I'm the only one with the patience to debug addons.)
07:46.41seebsI am now up to, I think, five addons I wrote for my own use.
07:46.48seebsAdmittedly, two of them are very small.
07:46.58norgsActually, one thing i always wished is if i bought multiple accounts, i'd be able to play 2 of my characters from the same account at the same time...
07:47.10norgsoh, how good would enchanting be then???
07:47.23seebsThat was why I spent $15 to move my enchanter to my second account.
07:47.24norgsoh yeah, you know it
07:47.32seebsBetter yet, my enchanter/65 mage.  :)
07:47.57seebsI have an addon whose sole function is to enable and then disable ambient sound, because if I don't do this, it's flagged as turned off but I get the sounds anyway.
07:48.09seebsI have no idea why I need to do that, but the addon works.
07:48.31Nom-someone in my guild just got surprised that nihilium downed Illidian
07:48.50Nom-They raid like 6 days a week lol
07:49.34seebsI've been in exactly one raid.
07:49.56seebsSome people on my guild organized a naked PVP-flagged L1 gnome race to Booty Bay, and one of my characters came along to kill mobs so the gnomes could keep running.
07:50.16seebsOh, wait.  I think I helped some people kill wossname in EPL, the guy with the dogs.
07:50.40Nom-<-- Clearing Karazhan
07:51.38seebsAnd one time, we tried to PUG the dragon in Duskwood, but we had to give up because this guy decided it would be really fun to pull the dragon on us whenever we tried to prepare for an attack.
07:51.39seebsHe gloated about how he didn't need to make friends, because he had a guild, but strangely, a day later, he didn't have a guild anymore.
07:51.57Nom-We tried the dragon in Azshara
07:52.05Nom-With a mixture of players between 60-70
07:52.08Nom-He's still pretty hard :)
07:52.23Nom-We were just killing time anyway :)
07:52.38Nom-Hey, what's the gold cap for a respec ?
07:52.46Elkano50g iirc
07:53.07Elkanoand dropping by 5g every month
07:53.08|Jelly|too damned much, imo
07:53.35Nom-I'm tempted to spec ret, but the problem is our next raid is Thursday night
07:53.47Nom-I suppose it's a question of whether I can make more than 100g in one night of farming as ret
07:54.35Nom-Holy spec rather sucks for farming
07:58.43Nom-I see these guides saying advertising you can get 180g per hour
07:58.45Nom-I just don't see how :(
07:59.00Nom-Maybe as a hunter, but definately not as a pally
07:59.40seebsI make money on auctions.
07:59.55norgsdisenchanting's where it's at
07:59.58seebsMy pally's not that high level, but all I need is an enchanter and a bit of free time.
08:00.18seebsExactly.  Bottomscanner+disenchanting = free money.
08:00.45seebsIf you have bag space, you can just wait until one of the days when there's no greater eternals at AH, and sell 20+ for 15g each.
08:01.32seebsAuctioneerpack recently stopped containing Enchantrix, or I started downloading a different version, or something, which briefly broke this, but it's all better now.
08:02.10norgsAuc5 + Enchantrix + BottomScanner = Free Gold; Knowing when to sell = Priceless
08:02.43Nom-I did have an enchanter, but I don't have the gold to play the AH like that
08:02.52Mr_Rabies2enchantrix was being a jerk to me and being way off on prices :[
08:03.12seebsIt's not too bad to get started at AH.
08:03.22seebsI got an orc to Orgrimmar with 1s24c, and had him up to 2g in a day or so.
08:03.55Mr_Rabies2some guy used bottomscanner to make about 24 million gold on a forum i go to
08:03.55Mr_Rabies2lemme see if i can find the thread
08:03.55seebsAbout 10g is enough to speculate on lowbie enchanting mats, because of the lack of listing fees.
08:03.56norgsseebs: yah... new auctioneer has some really nice stats algorithms in it (like standard deviation)
08:04.11seebsOoooh.  Where is this wonderful new auctioneer?
08:05.43Nom-and our market is so flooded with enchanting mats too
08:06.14seebsWhen the market gets really flooded, I generally stop doing the disenchant dance for a day or three.  Everyone else gives up too, and then prices skyrocket.
08:07.13Nom-And I don't think I can afford to grind encahnting again either :)
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08:07.49Nom-My paladin has a grand total of 100g to his name...he's a double-gatherer profession, but gathering is so damn slow, because it takes so long to kill the mobs around nodes :(
08:10.25seebsWhich gatherings?  I've had only mediocre luck with them.
08:10.38seebsI have a feral druid herbalist pretty much just for ghost mushrooms.
08:10.41Nom-aka. the gold farm
08:10.54Nom-That combo works best on a dps class unfortunately
08:11.05Nom-someone who can clear the 1-2 mobs around nodes in a few seconds
08:11.11seebsThe main thing, in my experience, is to stock stuff and wait for a day when a particular thing runs out.  You sell a lot more, and pay fewer listing fees.
08:11.30Nom-Yeah, selling stuff isn't the problem
08:11.32Nom-It's getting the stuff
08:11.47seebsYou might do better with lower-level mats.
08:11.47Nom-When I sell herbs or ores, I never have to relist them
08:11.50Nom-And I get market value too
08:12.07Nom-I undercut by 5% (using auctioneer)
08:12.29Nom-So i'm never selling stuff for less than 2-3g below the majority of stuff
08:12.29seebsHmm.  What level?
08:12.45Nom-my pally?
08:12.46Nom-level 70
08:13.10Nom-Holy Paladin needs a LOT of spell damage gear to do good DPS
08:13.20Nom-and i don't have it, i don't really have ret gear either actually
08:13.25seebsWell, do the lower-level stuff.  On my server, Thorium sells for nearly as much as the higher-level metals, and it's a lot easier to get.
08:13.45Nom-Herbs tend to sell better :)
08:13.56Nom-I sell stacks of Terocone and Mana Thistle for pretty good prices
08:14.09Nom-But it takes *so* long to clear mobs...especially around Mana Thistle
08:14.48Nom-My chances of dieing to the mobs are virtually 0, but it takes a good 40 seconds to kill one level 40 mob
08:14.52Nom-level 70 mob
08:15.03seebsI was gonna say, that sounded a bit bad, even for a holydin.
08:15.12seebsI have a L52 holydin.  Oh, the tedium!
08:15.22Nom-Protecetion isn't bad
08:16.17Nom-I was protection for ages... Reckoning is a big DPS booster
08:16.31Nom-Although I think they fixed the double-proc on SoR with 2.1 :(
08:16.34seebsI am aiming for 41/20.
08:16.52Nom-I respecced just after 2.1 so didn't really get to test it
08:17.08Nom-Reckoning used to proc whatever seal you had on
08:17.10seebsI'm bad about alts, so my characters level very slowly.
08:17.24Nom-So Windfury + Reckoning would get you 3 swings with your weapon plus 3 procs of your seal
08:17.42Nom-Now I think it doesn't proc off Reckoning or Windfury
08:18.05Nom-A protection paladin could put out insane burst dps (as long as they're getting hit)
08:18.23seebsHmm.  So, why is it that, whenever the login screen says a "small" or "minimal" number of players is affected, I'm one of them?
08:18.23Pac2722wats better fire or frost for a mage?
08:18.26Nom-The worst part about being protection was having high defense tho
08:18.42Nom-Because everything procs off hits, not from block/dodge/parry
08:18.44kergothAny rogues around? Would like someone to test  just a tiny standalone combo point display, but i dont want to be the only one who's tested it when i release it :P
08:19.00seebsIf I could log in, I would totally try this.
08:19.01Nom-Pac2722: Depends on what content you're doing, what your preferences are etc etc
08:19.14kergothstupid login server
08:19.25seebsBTW, kEnergy is my FAVORITE energy ticker.  I love it.
08:19.37Nom-I use the one in Pitbull :)
08:19.45kergoth is the addon.. the textures i'm using are the ones from the ColorComboPoints addon
08:19.51kergothseebs, glad to hear it :)
08:19.52Kirkburn|afkLOL -
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08:21.07Nom-Pac2722: I have a fire mage, respecced for grinding, was frost for a long time before that
08:21.43Pac2722k thnx
08:22.01Pac2722im frost right now at lvl 61
08:22.37kergoth"I seem to be having an issue with KEnergy. Every time I try to unlock KEnergy, the bar disappears. I've turned off all add-ons but KEnergy and I still can't manage to move the bar. Any idea's? Right now I can use Energywatch but it really doesn't add much in the way of customizing the look of the bar."
08:23.02seebsWhat's the thing on the left side of the display in the kcombopoints picture?  It looks like a combat log of some sort.
08:23.15seebsI was a little confused by the display options too.
08:23.26kergoththat's EavesDrop
08:23.31seebsYou know what would be a cool option for kE?
08:23.34kergothwhats that?
08:23.45seebsA less-visually-disruptive, but still visible, mode for a full energy bar.
08:24.07Nom-Pac2722: Both are quite viable for levelling..the only thing is you tend to get your fire spells 2 levels before you go up a fireball rank 2 levels before a frostbolt rank
08:24.12seebsI like knowing when the ticks are expected, but the full display sorta draws my eyes when I'm just running around.
08:24.36Nom-Pac2722: Fire tends to have about 10% more damage on the base hits, but crits from frost are higher (slightly)
08:24.43Pac2722is there a mod for endless bags to hold more then ya bags let u?
08:24.57seebsI don't think so.
08:25.18kergothhmm.. i'll see about adding it post 1.0.  i'm gonna get border changing and a few other minor bits in, release 1.0, then add the "tick" which is a heartbeat sound that some folks have requested, and will think about how to do a less obtrusive version
08:25.22Nom-Pac2722: As long as you're specced into ignite, fire keeps up just fine
08:25.24seebsI went pure frost because I love frost.  I found fire to be less forgiving of mistakes.
08:25.24kergothmaybe like the swing / autoshot timer bar in Quartz
08:25.32seebsYeah, something like that.
08:25.54seebsI love having some kind of notification, but the full display, while excellent when I'm in combat, is sorta too much the rest of the time.
08:26.07seebsI have kCombo downloaded, but no authentication.  Waah.
08:26.27Nom-Pac2722: To take an example, 1100 fireball = 1650 crit = 660 ignite = 2310 damage.  1000 frostbolt = 2000 crit = 2000 damage
08:26.39kergoth"we estimate the number of users this may affect should be minimal" hah
08:26.58seebsI am *sob* apparently minimal.  I guess I'd go eat worms, but I'm too lazy.
08:27.08Pac2722lol yer still cant log in
08:27.14seebsReally sucks, though, because I'm very stressy and I really WANT to go kill stuff right now.
08:27.36kergothi've been fucking around with addons most of the night, and finally decided to settle down and actually play, and then cant get in.
08:27.45seebsI'm in week two of waiting for an offer on a job... Everyone up to the VP says they want to hire me, but the CFO instituted a hiring freeze about a week AFTER everyone else was agreed.
08:27.48Nom-Pac2722: If you go fire, be sure to get impact...i'm regretting not having it
08:27.51seebsAnd they aren't sure whether he'll be flexible or not.
08:27.58kergothseebs, ugh, that really sucks
08:28.12kergothwaiting for an offer is agonizing... i hate waiting in general, but thats worse :)
08:28.14seebsKergoth, same exact situation.  I finally uploaded 2.1 versions of AnnoyRP and ToDo, and added SimpleMail... And now I can't get in.
08:28.18Pac2722k thnx nom-
08:28.28Nom-Pac2722: Arcane is worth considering too :)
08:28.40Nom-Arcane build rather kicks arse now, in fact
08:28.40seebsI'm doing frost/arcane.
08:28.51seebsMana absorption is excellent for farming lower-level stuff with caster mobs.
08:29.00seebsIt's like free drinks!
08:29.10Nom-Arcane/Fire = POM + Arcane Power + Pyro = pwned
08:29.36Nom-seebs: Oh, it's awesome for tanking Illhoof in Kara too
08:29.54Nom-Better than a warlock :)
08:30.15Nom-Put on about 200FR worth of gear, get buffed and you'll be at full mana the whole time while spamming flamestrike
08:30.20seebsMana absorption is the talent that convinced me to stop listening to people on the forums saying "everyone knows talent X sucks".
08:30.39Nom-lol it's kind of situational tho
08:30.46Nom-It's great for farming low level stuff
08:30.47seebsYeah, it is...
08:31.00Nom-low level casters (should clarify that)
08:31.03seebsBut with mage armor as my preferred armor, I get a fair number of resists even on same-level...
08:31.11seebsAnd really, casters are my weak spot anyway.
08:31.19Nom-heh...i use molten armor now
08:31.29Nom-It's nice for keeping an ignite going :P
08:31.39seebsI did a DM run with molten armor just for fun.  Creatures could die just from hitting me.
08:31.52Pac2722is there a mod for mailbox to send more then 1 thing at a time to some 1
08:32.07seebsPac, I don't know of one, but I really like mike's AutoMailDirector.
08:32.10Nom-Pac2722: Yes... CT Mod used to do that
08:32.14seebsYou still pay 30c per item, though.
08:32.21Nom-I think it was CT Mod...something that had mailmod in it
08:32.26seebsBut it works really well.  SimpleMail will probably eventually add sending features.
08:32.27Pac2722yer that ok
08:32.42seebsFor now, SimpleMail is just doing the Other Half of AMD for me.
08:33.12Nom-CT_MailMod does it
08:33.19Nom-Mass Mailing: This option allows you to send up to 21 items or stacks of items to the same person with one click. Simply enter their name and add the items, the subject will automatically show each items name.
08:33.29kergothBulkMail2 works well for automatic sending also, can choose what to send to whom, by periodictable set or specific itemids or..  handy for sending mats away from my farmer
08:33.35Nom-CT_MailMod also adds the ability to Alt+Click item functionality. Alt+clicking an item will add it to both regular mail and Mass Mail screens, as well as to a trade window with another player..
08:34.23Nom-I should really get that, but i've been staying away from CT_Mod since all the issues with lag right after 2.0
08:34.30Nom-Rather silly, I guess, but I'm just like that
08:34.54Nom-Kind of like not eating ice cream because that one you had 6 months ago wasn't that nice
08:34.55seebsI really like small, simple, mods.  I think most mod authors have a very poor sense of focus.
08:35.14kergothvery true
08:35.23ShirikI probably do
08:35.25kergothsome start out small and nifty, but suffer from bad feature creep
08:35.29Shirikin theory
08:35.35Shirikevery mod I write is extremely short
08:35.37Nom-I like modular stuff
08:35.39Shirikthey all just patch into the same thing
08:35.48Shirikwhich makes it, in essense, huge
08:36.02seebsEven then, small and modular code tends to work better and stay smaller.
08:36.10Shirikbut there are very few modules in RDX that are over 800 lines
08:36.12*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
08:36.15Shirikthe assists window, which is one of the more complex ones
08:36.18Shirikis 1200 I believe
08:36.35kergothi'm torn by two conflicting desires.. the desire for tiny minimal addons and efficient interfaces, and a desire for huge amounts of information and powerful tools
08:36.35seebsToDo is 1087, AnnoyRP is 1394.
08:36.37Shirikoh wow I was off
08:36.39Shirikbut yeah
08:36.56seebsI am pretty sure that I could make AnnoyRP much smaller if I rewrote it given what I know now; it was my first non-trivial lua code.
08:37.03Shirikyes that is huge
08:37.04ShirikI mean
08:37.09Shirikone of the only reasons RDXM_Assists is so long
08:37.10seebsIts event-handling code is crap, too.
08:37.15Shirikis because of a 200 line comment
08:37.17Nom-I do need to get a mod that lets me alt-right click to add stuff to trade tho
08:37.20|Jelly|good morning? shirik?
08:37.22Nom-That's a VERY useful feature
08:37.25Shirikhaven't gone to sleep yet
08:37.34Shirikwhich, btw, is a very bad thing
08:37.49|Jelly|5h into this kara run. lol
08:37.57seebsSimpleMail is 432 lines, but it does a fair bit of stuff.  It would probably be about 100 lines shorter if the Blizzard mail API weren't conceived in an incestuous union with a diseased goat.
08:37.57Nom-|Jelly|: Which boss you up to ?
08:38.04|Jelly|we wont talk about that 8P
08:38.18Nom-Moroes? :P
08:38.32Nom-heh, i hope not
08:38.38|Jelly|close : /
08:38.44Nom-It's be /wrists after 5 hours on Moroes
08:39.06|Jelly|We're in Maiden
08:39.31Nom-Do you have a Paladin
08:39.51Nom-You have two paladins and you can't down MaideN?
08:39.53Pac2722me no
08:40.01Shirikis so totally working perfectly
08:40.03|Jelly|umm...we haven't attempted 8P
08:40.10|Jelly|hence why i said we wont talk about it. lol
08:40.16seebsI was in a group once where, after the fourth or fifth time a couple of players did something incredibly stupid and then said "oops lol", the mage just teleported out.
08:40.17Nom-OMG :O
08:40.19seebsI friended him immediately.
08:40.25Nom-Yeah, i'd be /wrists about now
08:40.32Shirikand so yeah
08:40.34Nom-5 hours and you're only starting on maiden? :/
08:40.50|Jelly|Yeah...i bet your first time here went perfectly. : /
08:40.53|Jelly|Night Shirik
08:41.06Nom-Well, Moroes...we downed him in 3 attempts
08:41.08Shirik|zZzmoroes is seriously a cock block
08:41.10Nom-Like literally
08:41.15Shirik|zZzit depends on a lot
08:41.16Nom-first attempt, wipe
08:41.20Shirik|zZzmoroes and curator
08:41.22Nom-second attempt, accidental reset
08:41.23Shirik|zZzthe two sudden jumps
08:41.25Shirik|zZzanyway, night
08:41.26Nom-third attempt, dead
08:41.51Punkie`Shirik|zZz: Curator is just a gear check, a pretty simple one too
08:42.04Nom-lol curator is whacky actually
08:42.31Nom-He's not really a gear check honestly...he just needs two people to have crafted AR gear
08:42.45Punkie`who uses AR gear on him?
08:42.53Nom-Arcane Resist, for sure
08:43.01Punkie`why would you use that?
08:43.07Nom-umm why wouldn't you?
08:43.15Nom-The adds he spawns do arcane damage
08:43.21Punkie`because you don't have to use it
08:43.33Nom-lol you don't have to wear armor to tank a boss either
08:43.36Nom-But it makes it a lot easier
08:43.50Punkie`curator is an easy fight if your dps is good
08:44.08Pac2722dam wow im off to play guildwars
08:44.16Nom-It's a walk in the park if the people DPSing the adds are wearing Arcane Resist
08:44.26Nom-Well, the people tanking the adds i should say
08:44.28Punkie`It's a walk in the park if you aren't
08:44.40Punkie`and we don't have people tanking the adds either
08:44.50Punkie`we just dps them down and wait for the other to spawn
08:45.11Nom-Well, we have a feral druid in bear form pick them up
08:45.18Nom-and hold them away from the ranged dps
08:45.21Nom-Work a charm
08:45.41Nom-He and the rogue wear arcane gear just to reduce the amount of damage they take...makes it easy
08:45.54Nom-We've one-shotted him every time for the last 4 weeks after we had those two in arcane resist gear
08:46.00Mike-N-GoPac2722: Hello.
08:46.23Punkie`well, ok :p
08:46.47Punkie`we downed him on our second go ever, the first go we just tried to DPS him as we thought the adds would despawn
08:47.08Nom-Yah well first few times we tried him, healers ran oom
08:47.21Nom-So we put Arcane Resist on the two adds melee dps, and problem solvered
08:47.32Mike-N-GoI'm Mike, and I made Auto Mail Director to send mail to my trade alts faster.
08:47.34Pac2722yes Mike-N-Go did u want some thing?
08:47.52purli guess mike-n-go is the n00blet that could..  The author of AutoMailDirector, available on WoWI, or, or his email is
08:47.52Nom-We've now swapped the group around a bit, and have a shadow priest, so the healers don't even need to pot any more
08:47.56Punkie`fair enough, we always tend to have a shadowpriest or resto shaman
08:48.27Nom-We have both :)
08:48.33Mike-N-Goseebs: What is this 'other half' of AMD?
08:48.48subbawtYeah I would say people wearing Arcane Resist on curator is less common than people not wearing it.
08:48.59seebsWell, AMD sends mail, so I have an addon that receives mail very efficiently.
08:49.07Nom-Well, we could probably do it without AR gear now
08:49.16Nom-But why change when this is working for us really well?
08:49.23seebsAMD is awesome.
08:49.26Nom-I mean hell, we killed him in 2 evocates the other day
08:49.36Punkie`Nom- because you could probably kill him faster :p
08:49.39Nom-1st evocate = 51%
08:49.57Nom-2nd evocate starts he was on 45%, he was at 9% when it broke and he enraged
08:50.22purlRDX (Reverse Distributed Cron-like System) is a set of clients to connect to a server, and identify themselves via a string, and get a job list with schedules. URL:
08:50.23Nom-Now, that's more than fast enough, imho :D
08:50.49Punkie`One of my friends in Forte told me they downed him in 1 evoc :p
08:51.04subbawtwe have after the patch, too
08:51.08Punkie`enhancement shamans etc
08:51.13Mike-N-Goseebs: I will have to look into that mod and, when able to, implement receiving mail as well.
08:51.24seebsHeh.  And I've been thinking of adding sending.  :)
08:51.27Nom-Yeah, we don't dps between evocates, aside from dots tho
08:51.36Nom-We have everyone on adds to make sure we have them down
08:51.46Punkie`Nom-: Do you use a warlock?
08:52.00Punkie`Get them to time their CoD's then :P
08:52.04Nom-We do :)
08:52.06Mike-N-Goseebs: You've developed a mail mod?
08:52.07seebsSimpleMail's a very unixy solution to the problem.
08:52.20subbawti remember when i used to think the hateful bolts on curator was threat based
08:52.26subbawtand i was shadow, so i told the pally not to give me salvation
08:52.28seebs"/sm get -e" gets every item from an Auction expired message, for instance.
08:52.36subbawti tanked curator for a good 10 seconds
08:52.42seebs"/sm check -s" lists all your Auction successful messages, and their total money value.
08:52.55Mike-N-GoMay it get all the auction mail?
08:53.11Punkie`I still think one of the best fights is Aran :p
08:53.16seebsYup.  "/sm get -a" gets any and all auction mail, and "/sm get -A" gets all NON-auction mail.
08:53.18Punkie`The voice over's rock
08:53.28seebsAlso, usage options like "/sm get -f Bob" gets everything from Bob.
08:53.30Mike-N-GoAnd it is GUI-less, just like my mod =]
08:53.45Nom-1. Dest Warlock, 2. Demon Warlock, 3. Shadow Priest, 4. Holy Priest, 5. Holy Paladin, 6. Resto Shaman, 7. Feral Druid, 8. Protection Warrior, 9. Marks Hunter, 10. Rogue (not sure on spec)
08:54.04Nom-armory is down, so i can't check spec on rogue
08:54.12Punkie`Who are you? What do you want? Stay away from me!
08:54.23Nom-- Shade of Aran
08:54.25subbawtWe don't really do organized kara anymore, so I never go.
08:54.37subbawtWe usually have some sort of group form up on the weekend though
08:54.47Nom-Ah we do...we're rotating player into our Kara Raid 1 and gearing them up
08:54.58Mike-N-Goseebs: Cool, mind if I implement the code into AMD and give you credit?
08:54.59Nom-We've got 2 main Kara raids, and 1 adhoc Kara raid
08:55.37subbawtWe did everything but nightbane the first week we had enough 70s in the guild attuned
08:55.42Nom-Raid 1 (my raid) clears it every week, Raid 2 clears up to Netherspite/Chess (they struggle beyond shade)
08:55.49Nom-Raid 3 is only going as far as Curator last i checked
08:56.25subbawtWe're working on SSC right now, our attendance has been bumpy, so we aren't as far as we should be.
08:56.33Nom-Works well, we're currently rotating people from Raid 2 into Raid 1 and training/gearing the
08:57.06subbawtYeah we used to run two groups, but we tried to make them even.
08:57.25subbawtIt usually resulted in both groups killing prince, but only one able to kill nightbane.
08:57.49Mike-N-GoShirik|zZz: What is RDX?
08:57.50Nom-Yeah, nightbane is a little bit luck based still :)
08:57.57subbawtAnd then eventually people stopped showing up for two day karazhans if we tried to run two groups.
08:58.06subbawtso we started doing one group
08:58.13subbawtnow sometimes we get two groups going that clear it in one day
08:58.16Nom-Last week took us two attempts, we lost 2 people in the first landing which kinda screwed us over
08:58.35subbawtsometimes we don't do it at all, though
08:58.36Nom-1 healer, 1 dps....that really hurts
08:58.46Nom-actually, we lost 2 healers, but 1 got a combat rez
08:58.58subbawtI solo healed nightbane from 50% to zero once. It was intense.
08:59.11Nom-They didn't do bad though, got him to 25% after such a bad start
08:59.25Nom-subbawt: With what?  Two shadow priests?
08:59.45subbawtNone actually
08:59.49subbawti got an innervate from a feral druid
08:59.51subbawtand chugged pots
09:00.20subbawtwe are known to pull off some whacky boss kills
09:00.20Nom-The amount of heals required through, I don't see how :/
09:00.42Nom-Even with Divine Illumination, I can't keep up that level of heals long enough
09:00.48Nom-Not unless I got crit after crit
09:01.37Nom-I don't see how you could really completely solo heal
09:01.40subbawtwell, we outgear the encounter significantly now
09:01.49Nom-The sole heal-spec healer i could understand
09:02.11Nom-Well, most of our raid is in Kara Epics
09:02.48Nom-I'm in 2/5 T4 too
09:02.50subbawtWell, I mean it was just one air phase solo, which is really the only rough part.
09:02.54Nom-I don't see me solo healing it ong enough tho
09:03.02Nom-That's true enough
09:03.09subbawtnightbane is a wuss now
09:03.24Nom-Actually, I suppose the biggest pain about Nightbane is when you're fighting with 3 other healers
09:03.42Nom-I always overheal on the MT coz someone gets a heal in 0.005 seconds before me
09:04.01foxlitConsider using different heal timing :)
09:04.22Nom-Heal timing?  I just heal when i see the hp go down :)
09:04.31foxlitNow, see, that's wrong
09:04.35Nom-2 second heal time on holy light
09:04.50foxlitChances are someone else is also healing that target
09:05.03Nom-yeah, but you can't assume that :P
09:05.03foxlitSo paladins really need to quit healing what HoTs would've already brought to 100%
09:05.04subbawtI constantly cast heals, and cancel them if I see a parry/dodge right before it's about to land.
09:05.29Nom-lol i'm not talking about flash of light heals
09:05.40Nom-I don't care if they overheal, because they're a whopping 180 mana
09:05.52Nom-I'm talking about holy light heals...the 7k crits i throw around
09:05.59foxlitThat disqualifies you from qqing about Illumination :)
09:06.07foxlit(just 7k?)
09:06.22Nom-About 8-9k on a warlock :P
09:06.49subbawtI don't know how much my top rank greater heal does, but I have 1800ish +healing.
09:06.56Nom-i have 1700 on my pally
09:07.25Nom-Given the typical comment when I throw one of those is "HOLY S@#$
09:07.31Nom-I'm guessing 7K is quite big
09:08.10Nom-Rank 7 = 2396 - 2784 base
09:08.38foxlitOrdinary HT hits for like 5.5k
09:08.57|Jelly|Maiden down first shot : /
09:09.04subbawtyou're comparing 3.5 second casts to 2 second casts though foxlit
09:09.21|Jelly|and I got the cloth bracers (not as good as the hammer...but...)
09:09.30subbawtI need those bracers
09:09.35subbawtI'm still using tier 3
09:09.42foxlitsabbawt: while your sentiment is correct, the numbers are wrong.
09:09.55Nom-1700 + healing would make that like 3853 - 4241
09:10.04subbawtWhich one?
09:10.12Nom-Greater Heal Rank 7
09:10.15foxlitEither, depending on what you wanted to say
09:10.27Nom-That's not taking into account any talents which make Greater Heal more effective
09:11.30subbawti need to get my new staff enchanted
09:11.51subbawtI keep replacing all of my gear that has spirit on it, it makes me sad :(
09:11.56Nom-Which from talents you get 10%
09:12.13subbawtand 20% more benefit from +healing, Nom-
09:12.14Nom-Plus 20% from extra spell damage, so you get 20% of 1700
09:13.22Nom-4612 - 5039
09:13.33Nom-so 7.5k max crit
09:13.52Nom-and as said ealier, we're comparing a 2 second cast to a 3 second cast :)
09:14.13subbawtgreater heal is 2.5 with talents
09:14.21foxlitHoT stack mitigates that :)
09:14.25Nom-2 to 2.5 then :)
09:14.42Nom-Well technically Holy Light is 2.5, but after the first one you get a 15 second buff which takes 0.5 seconds off the casting time
09:15.04Nom-So it effectively becomes 2.0 casting time for most of a fight assuming enough damage is gonig around
09:15.18zenzelezzserver downtime is fun,
09:15.25subbawtI need more spirit. I'm starting to regret this whole stacking mp5 thing.
09:15.29zenzelezzalways someone taking the chance to bash someone on the realm forums
09:15.45Nom-But yeah, that effectiveness is about the same as Paladin Holy Light
09:15.57subbawtI have 171mp5 while casting, but only 354 while I'm not.
09:16.01Nom-I hit for about the same non-crit with my max rank holy light
09:16.38Nom-mana cost is about the same too
09:17.44Nom-825 mana vs 840 mana
09:18.28Nom-I use rank 8 most of the time instead of rank 11 tho
09:18.38Nom-580 mana for 5k crit
09:19.03Nom-I save rank 11 for when the tank is low on health :)
09:20.30subbawtI keep renew up religiously, keep prayer of mending on cooldown, while spamming rank 3 greater heal.
09:21.28Nom-Yah, that's the only thing pally lack... a HOT
09:21.42Nom-That's why god invented FoL spam tho
09:21.55Nom-180 mana for 1400 heal = uber
09:23.08Nom-okies cya later guys, time to go home
09:23.15Nom-petrol station first tho otherwise i don't get home :
09:34.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
09:46.48WobinThe whole "I'm helpful, but hey, rantrantrant" is getting boring =P
09:48.03Industrialbut its true.
09:48.28Wobinwell it's badly formed
09:48.45Wobin"Ace is X, Ace is Y, Three Chickens say Bwak"
09:49.41Wobintbh, It's not the content =) It's just the disparity of points =P
09:57.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
10:17.36foxlit" Is there a primarily ACE only site where I can download files that has a screen shot of the mod in action I can view before I download it?" :(
10:19.26|Jelly|"No. You have to use your imagination."
10:19.30WobinIt's true
10:19.48WobinSince ace is merely the framework behind it. It'd be like looking at a construction site
10:19.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
10:19.57foxlitMeh, need to invent a new label for "performance-friendly mods"
10:20.04zenzelezzlooking at construction sites is fun though!
10:20.14WobinAll the hot sweaty men, zenz?
10:20.26zenzelezzthe power tools, and the metal!
10:20.34zenzelezzso much steel
10:20.38|Jelly|Well...people think ace is synonymous with great performance...and make decisions solely based upon that. : /
10:20.48Wobin|Jelly|: Unfortunately so
10:21.11foxlitWhich sucks.
10:21.31Wobinwhy have a new label?
10:21.41WobinWhat's wrong with "I want a well coded efficient mod"?
10:21.50foxlitBecause people obviously want a label
10:22.07WobinWe'll call it 'gay' =)
10:22.12foxlitSo many words!
10:22.14Wobin"I'm looking for a gay mod"
10:22.26foxlit"coded"? "efficient"? me no spell words over three letters long!
10:22.56foxlitGayness rating!
10:23.08Wobinspl wdz ovr thr ltr lng
10:23.16foxlitOn a scale of 1-10, how much will this mod impact your gameplay in the following situations: solo play, party content and 25 man raiding
10:23.19KasoIf people dont think Ace is a  synonym for "efficient", then they believe "Low memory" == "efficient" which also is far from the truth. Correlation is not connection!
10:24.32KasoI like fabulous, as long as on the addon list, each letter in the name is the next color in a nice rainbow.
10:25.50KasoWhich reminds me, where did i put that code for HSV coloring....
10:26.23foxlitWouldn't mind a HSV2RGB function :P
10:26.53KasoWe have a guild channel that is base64 encoded to allow color codes, so i made a function to make my text rainbow colored
10:27.08Kasolike increased my message length by 20x
10:27.11Kasobut was fun :>
10:27.44foxlitWee, undocumented changes
10:28.23foxlitThere's no longer a noticible dps drop in the Blade's Edge forge camps :P
10:28.44Wobinwhy would dps drop?
10:30.08Nom-grrr bloody login server
10:30.11foxlitIt's one of the more annoying places to farm
10:30.12Nom-just got home and can't log in :(
10:30.29WobinThat means I can't either, doesn't it?
10:30.31Wobindamn you iinet
10:31.04foxlitYou'd think Wobin's internet was powered by his oven
10:31.12*** join/#wowi-lounge wobin (
10:31.27wobinwrong button
10:32.37Nom-It's not iiNet's fault
10:32.41Nom-Blizzard has an outage notice
10:35.29wobinwoot, no issue authenticating
10:36.02Nom-*tries again*
10:37.12Nom-yay there it goes
10:37.16Nom-*starts playing hunter*
10:43.24foxlitShirik: so how goes the patching?
10:44.27|Jelly|Shirik--I got purpelz!
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11:31.50Kaso\124cffffaa 0F\124r\124cffaaff 0a\124r\124cff 0ff 0b\124r\124cff 0ffa9u\124r\124cff 0a9ffl\124r\124cff 0 0ffo\124r\124cffaa 0ffu\124r\124cffff 0aas\124r\124cffff 0 0!\124r
11:32.32JoshBorkeis that right?!
11:32.36JoshBorke~lart kaso
11:32.36purltakes a large goose feather pillow and swings it wildly in kaso's direction, hitting kaso and sending kaso flying into the closet
11:33.06Elkanohai; can has stdio?; visible " "; kthxbye
11:33.07KasoIt says Fabulous in a nice rainbow effect
11:33.44Kasoin connection to the convo me, wobin and foxlit had earlier
11:34.16Kasofoxlit, if you want the HSV-RGB-HSV code it's here;
11:34.34KasoAn implentation of some guy's algorithim i found on google.
11:34.47Kasoi alsow thrown in my "Color" function to make your works more gay!
11:46.03Elkanowhere is cide when you need him :/
11:47.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
11:53.32Mr_Rabies2temptation to model change netherwing eggs rising
11:55.49Kirkburn|afkAlso temptation to get yourself banned? :P
11:56.04Mr_Rabies2i'd just change it to something a bit more colorful, nothing huge so it's obvious i'm looting an egg from miles away
11:56.05Mr_Rabies2that's just dumb....but these things blend in way too much :[
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12:41.19KasoWhats the correct way to do string.format("|cff%2x%2x%2x", r,g,b)
12:41.41Kasoatm that gives "|cff 0 0 0" if r,g,b are 0
12:41.43Josh_Borkethat's what i do in guildbook
12:41.47Kasoinstead of 00 00 00
12:41.47Josh_Borkehm, sec
12:42.41Josh_Borkehm, weird, dunno
12:42.54Kasoim sure it used to give 00
12:43.28Kasoi mean "|cffffff 0" *is* valid for wow, but addons dont like it cos it doesnt match thier patterns
12:46.45KasoJosh_Borke, #lua tells me you need %02x
12:46.51Kasootherwise it just pads with the default space
12:58.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Karen@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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13:05.14Kasoi really should test my code better before releasing
13:08.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Eggi|afk (
13:12.16XuerianCairenn, you sneaky sneaky witch. Teasing us with PotBS beta keys...
13:13.12Cairennwho, me?
13:13.29XuerianYes, you!
13:15.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|AFK (
13:15.34Kasofoxlit are you there
13:16.18XuerianCairenn: Bah, my system doesn't meet the requirements. Your siren's song has been countered.... for now >..>
13:22.40*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@
13:29.46Mr_Rabies2someone lemme know when login servers wake up :[
13:32.48Pac2722wow one's have
13:33.31mikmaCairenn: have you ever played WoW? :)
13:34.09mikmais that a yes? :D
13:34.26Cairennlike you don't already know the answer :p
13:34.30Cairennyes I play wow
13:34.44mikmawell i haven't evenr heard you talking about actually PLAYING any game :D
13:34.54mikmayou are all quiet and ... purry
13:35.08Cairennyes, I play wow
13:35.11CairennI also play LotRO
13:35.30CairennI played EQ for 5+ years, I've dabbled with EQ2 and Vanguard
13:35.47mikmaSo, what's Cairenns UI like in WoW? :D
13:36.20Josh_Borkeshe won't say
13:36.37foxlitShe hates UI modifications and plays with UIParent hidden
13:37.14Cairennno, I don't really tend to say, for fairly obvious reasons
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13:41.53TS|Skrommorning all
13:42.33Cairennhi TS|Skrom
13:42.48TS|Skromhow's everyone doing today?
13:48.54TS|SkromQuestion: Can dropdown boxes be set to be scrollable or are they always static frames with a maximum length (which frustratingly is shooting off the top of my screen atm)
13:51.30AellaThe built-in UI dropdown isn't scrollable, but it's possible to create a scrollable dropdown.
13:51.40TS|Skromahh the good old "yes and no" answer
13:52.03TS|Skromwell then that brings up even more questions, like for starters: how do you make one?
13:52.33AellaWith great difficulty, probably.
13:52.40AellaYou'd need to make the frame yourself.
13:53.51TS|Skromgreat difficulty isn't a big deal, I've got lots of time, just need to be pointed in the right direction. I kinda thought about that, but I didn't know what frame to replace see I'm awfully bad at seeing links at times and in the standard dropdown element I coulnd't quote figure out what the actual dropped down part was called or if it was just an extension of the button itself
13:54.03TS|SkromI don't know I confuse myself more often then not
13:55.09AellaYou'd basically need to rebuild UIDropDownMenuTemplates.xml, UIDropDownMenu.xml, and UIDropDownMenu.lua--though there might be some reusable portions..
13:55.55TS|Skromso you are saying that the dropped down portion of a menu is a subframe listed in one of those files?
13:56.08TS|Skromif so I'll get looking right away! rockin'
13:56.10AellaThat is where the standard dropdown menu code resides.
13:56.15mikmaany tailors here? :)
13:56.26AellaBasically everywhere one is used, yeah.
13:57.03mikmaSo, Cenarion Herb Bag is 20slot herb-bag... is there any bigger ones out there?
13:57.34AellaSatchel of Cenarius.
13:57.42mikmathat requires revered with CC?
13:58.09mikmapff, like i'm revered :(
13:58.18TS|Skromohhh what was that addon that let you mouse over areas of the screen and see the frame stack?
13:58.20AellaWell, revered to create it, you could find someone else with it.
13:58.22mikmait's a wonder that BC didn't bring any new bags
13:58.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh`` (
13:59.06zenzelezzno new bags? What about mining bags, gem bags, netherweave bags?
13:59.12leethalthe 20 slotter wins
13:59.14AellaEngineering bags?
13:59.23mikmazenzelezz: herb bags
14:03.26foxlitBoo, hiss, phpbb3 upgrade script chokes randomly :(
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14:15.04Corrodias1) the -pattern- for satchel of cenarius requires the faction rep, not the item
14:15.13Corrodias2) the frame stack showing addon is devtools
14:16.01TS|Skromthanks corro
14:19.04KasoI wonder if i can claim credit for the default UI now showing healing done over head, seeing as i wrote an addon to do that before they added it :>
14:19.20KasoPerhaps its a little tenuous seeing as i didnt really realise that addon..
14:19.40AellaSCT is probably the add-on that can best claim that. =P
14:20.21Kasosct nicked the nameplate things from me and Shadowed.
14:20.46Josh_Borkei hate the healing things
14:20.58Josh_Borkebut then again, i'm a shadow priest, so it probably happens more for me than anyone else
14:21.51Mr_Rabies2skyshatter down :D
14:22.02Mr_Rabies2people said these races were hard
14:22.07Corrodiasdruids can cheat
14:22.16Mr_Rabies2i didn't have to
14:22.31Mr_Rabies2actually wait i did once on skyshatter cause he was being buggy and hit me with an invisible meteor
14:22.39Corrodiasthey're difficult because there seems to be little relation to where the guy throws his attacks and where they end up
14:22.49Corrodiasto where -> between where
14:23.05Mr_Rabies2that's because it plans a trajectory to your serverside location
14:23.07Corrodiasmulverick hit me 3 times on my successful run, and skyshatter did once
14:23.31Mr_Rabies2i oneshotted all of them but skyshatter because he kept randomly looping around quickly then vanishing
14:23.55Mr_Rabies2i finally realized just to imagine he didn't loop and keep going straight
14:24.23Corrodiaswell, it's time for me to go to work. curator again tonight.
14:24.35Corrodiaswe're going to fuck him up >:o
14:25.19wobinJosh_Borke: It gets incredibly spammy, doesn't it =\
14:28.14Josh_Borkewobin:  yea :-)
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14:41.56wobin <--- Win!
14:43.00TS|SkromI don't get it
14:45.15wobinWe'll tell you when you're older, TS|Skrom  =
14:46.08TS|Skromno I mean I get what they are doing.. but what's with the olympic rings and I can't even read whats on the other one
14:46.27zenzelezzit's the London olympics logo
14:46.36wobinfor 2014?
14:46.44Kasowhich alot of people say looks like lisa simpson giving head
14:46.47zenzelezzsomething like that
14:46.50wobinGoddamn, even knowing it, I can't read it =P
14:47.03wobinWorst logo ever =P
14:49.14Punkie`yes, that logo is terrible
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14:57.45clad|worki'm glad i'll be out of england before the olympics =)
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15:33.49Thunder_Childheh, wowi had it's first favorable book review; Page 348 "A few IRC channels out there are related to WoW modding, but the most useful is the #wowi-lounge channel on Freenode (irc.freenode)."
15:34.33*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
15:34.57foxlitphpbb3 converter dies without outputting anything to HTTP stream :(
15:43.16krkayay, i finally beat wii tanks
15:44.58Kaso|afkoh no! clad|work what have you done, all the plebs will be in here now
15:46.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
15:51.22krkacrap! i just completed 20 missions - apparently that just unlocked 80 more missions
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16:16.22KasoUltimate rogue UI imo:
16:17.03foxlitWhere's the magic stunlock button?!
16:17.49Kasowell that would be in the middle but my rogue aint high enough level yet!
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16:26.16KasoYou're not a noob, dont worry
16:26.42TC-Workingpfft w/e 2 buttons do not a good UI make
16:27.11Kasoits a joke you see
16:27.17TC-Workingit's a bad one
16:27.30Kasoim cleverly suggesting that rogues require no skill to play
16:28.12TC-Workingwhat suggestion?? it's the truth
16:28.21TS|Skromis it still clever if it's been rehashed 3 dozen times before?
16:28.46Kasoumm, well in the interesting of protecting my own interests im gonna say "yes"
16:29.22mikmaKaso: now that's what i call a rogue ui
16:30.02TC-Workingmikma, dont be an enabler
16:30.50mikmaTC-Working: now that's what i call a... noob!
16:30.53mikmahehe :O
16:31.10TC-Workingwell at least your correct about 1 of the 2
16:31.18mikmagood enough
16:31.40mikmaif Josh_Borke would be here, he would say "as whiner" win at 50%?? they must hate you at raids
16:32.05mikmaTC-Working: what raids, they won't let me in!
16:32.15TC-Workingah, and now we know why
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17:15.57kergothdamn, auctioneer 5 svn is looking awfully promising.  /me looks forward to it being finished (well, no code is ever finished, but at least mostly feature complete ;)
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17:33.55zenzelezzI think it's fair enough for people to try to PUG Karazhan, but this group has been asking for two hours now... first "2 tanks, 2 healers", then "2 tanks", "1 tank gtg!", "2 healers", "2 tanks"...
17:34.01zenzelezzat least they're persistent
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17:35.56TC-Workingpugs make me want to kill babies
17:39.08jmeehh, you win some, you lose some
17:39.28jmei was in an awesome pug this weekend with people that actually knew what they were doing... but that's rare
17:41.12Shirik|AFKthe thought of a PUG karazhan
17:41.15Shirik|AFKmakes me want to
17:41.18ScytheBlade1I'm such a creative coder
17:41.19Shirik|AFKwell yeah
17:41.20ScytheBlade1function DC_Destroy() DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("testlol"); end
17:41.21Shirik|AFKwhat TC-Working said
17:41.44ShirikScytheBlade1: I don't get it
17:41.57ScytheBlade1"testlol" ?
17:42.05ScytheBlade1I'm not even sure where that came from
17:42.16Shirikshould I hurt you for making a global function with a name like that? ^^
17:42.18TC-Workinglolcode maybe?
17:42.31TC-Workingwould fit in
17:42.38ScytheBlade1heh, yeah it would fit
17:42.46ScytheBlade1And Shirik, possibly maybe yes :)
17:42.54ScytheBlade1Better not look at the rest of my code if you want to, heh
17:43.08ShirikI had to make another global variable today
17:43.10ShirikI was mad about it
17:43.14ShirikI think, actually, I can remove it
17:43.35Shirikbut I don't really want patches to be distributed on a character basis, I want them to be non-character-specific, of course
17:44.47ScytheBlade1Shirik, time for me to be called a noob. If I define a function as local, how can I call it with /script ?
17:45.01ShirikI never said to make it local
17:45.14Shirikhere, let me show you one of my modules
17:45.28ScytheBlade1No, but to be honest, I'm largely clueless about the differences. I have the basics, but not all of the pieces.
17:45.55foxlitYou can expose it!
17:46.03ScytheBlade1Sounds riskey
17:46.19foxlitlocal function foo() ... end; SomePublicTablePerAddon.ExposedFoo = foo;
17:48.18Shiriknotice how every function I make starts with RDXM.
17:48.18Shirikspecifically, RDXM.Gruul.
17:48.18foxlitwtf is this, Shirik!
17:48.18foxlitglobal arg1?!
17:48.18Shirikyaya I know
17:48.18ShirikI need to update VFLEvent before I can use a local
17:48.18foxlitanonymous function wrappers?
17:48.18foxlitboo! hiss!
17:48.19Shirikyou like BlizzEvent() ?
17:48.19Shirikyou know how it's defined?
17:48.19Shirikfunction BlizzEvent(...) return ... end
17:48.19Shirikwe just have it there in case we ever want to add our own events later
17:48.33Shirikso we can change those up quickly
17:48.33foxlitI'm evil
17:48.33ScytheBlade1Shirik, is RDXM a frame?
17:48.34ShirikRDXM is just a table
17:48.45foxlitEC_Register("SOME_EVENT_NAME", "id", func); EC_Raise("SOME_EVENT_NAME");
17:48.45ScytheBlade1... that's simpler than I thought.
17:49.15foxlit(thing is, it also rather naively does :RegisterEvent(); so it's like dongle's events and messenging rolled into one :P)
17:49.22Shirikscroll down to 386
17:49.35Shirikthat's a frame
17:50.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
17:50.15clad|workfoxlit: Dongle's messages and events were seperated for a VERY specific reason
17:50.34clad|workand I have a problem, with systems where they aren't seperate, if its used by more than one addon
17:50.45clad|workwow.. random comma usage, lol
17:50.47ShirikI completely agree
17:50.55foxlitI'd imagine you'd want them separated too.
17:50.58foxlitI just didn't bother :)
17:51.07ShirikFor now, we only use Blizzard's events
17:51.11Shirikso BlizzEvent() literally has no purpose
17:51.17Shirikbut out of habit it's there
17:51.20clad|workthe problem is, an addon should NEVER EVER be able to trigger a Blizzard event for other addons.
17:51.27Shirikand we don't :)
17:51.42clad|workthat's why we broek them out, and gave them different names
17:51.52clad|workit was a long fight, but I'm glad we did it =)
17:51.52ShirikVFLEvent:NamedBind() doesn't do anything except add a function to call when that event comes through
17:51.56foxlitI don't see a problem with using that for say debug :)
17:52.10Shirikfor debugging what I do
17:52.18clad|workfoxlit: If you're debugging.
17:52.31Shirikis something like /script RDXM.Gruul.Gruul.Debuff("You are afflicted by Cave In.")
17:52.46clad|workits not hard to do Dongle.frame:GetScript("OnEvent")("UNIT_AURA", "player")
17:52.53Shirikthat too :P
17:53.10foxlitToo much typing :)
17:53.29Shirikbtw foxlit, I only have one question for you about prism
17:53.30ScytheBlade1mmm, k
17:53.33Shirikother than that I am amazed :P
17:53.57Shirikin the keys in the test file, you have d, e, and n
17:54.06Shirikwhich I understand to be
17:54.40Shirikn = modulus, d = private exponent, e = public exponent
17:55.24Shirikand... return Prism_Crypto.Verify(TestProper_Message, TestProper_Signature, Prism2048Key.e, Prism2048Key.n, true);
17:55.28Shirikso is that correct?
17:55.53Shirikok :) wewt
17:56.09Shirikany idea if it's going to take longer with larger messages? (noticably longer)
17:56.29foxlitNot significantly
17:56.48foxlitIf anything, you're looking at performance of Prism_Crypto.Hash there, and that should actually be okay
17:57.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|Miranda (
17:57.33Mike-N-GoI'm haveing a wired bug
17:57.45zenzelezzdisconnect it
17:58.02Mike-N-GoAnd my toon is about to die, ok now, let me continue =]
17:58.27Mike-N-GoI am a hunter, when I fly to the Netherwing Ledge, my pet is dead.
17:58.50Mike-N-GoIt was alive when I took off =/
17:59.00Mike-N-GoAt least, it eats mage-food..
17:59.58foxlitMaybe I shouldn't have run that.
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18:05.31zenzelezzwell this was a weird recruitment spam... "seeking holy priests [...]"
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18:06.58TC-Workingwhy is that odd?
18:07.33zenzelezz"everyone" says priests should be shadow these days ;-)
18:09.21ShirikI don't :(
18:09.27ShirikI will kill myself if I have to go shadow
18:10.00ScytheBlade1Sounds painful
18:10.24Shirikwell I do have improved death...
18:10.32Shirikkilliing myself = free heals
18:11.04Elkanolike the shamans agro reset ability?
18:12.47foxlitShirik: about 0.15s to hash a 8192byte string
18:12.51foxlitIt's not that bad
18:12.54Shirikthat's good
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18:14.56foxlitBad news is that part isn't coroutined
18:15.09foxlitSo you'll freeze wow for as long as it takes
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18:16.26Shirikfoxlit: If it's 0.15s
18:16.40Shirikis that only required in signing or verifying too?
18:16.41ShirikI think both
18:18.00*** part/#wowi-lounge leethal (
18:18.33foxlitYes, it's both
18:19.27Shirikhowever what I /am/ confused about is I keep getting "attempt to yield across a metamethod/C call boundary"
18:19.56foxlitCalling it with cr = true while not in a coroutine?
18:20.09ShirikI'll show you, but yes cr is true and afaict I am in a coroutine
18:20.10MentalPower|FoodYou cannot yield while a C function is in the stack.
18:21.30MentalPower|Food(or a metamethod like __index)
18:21.30ShirikI know that but there isn't/shouldn't be one
18:21.44Shirikoh wait
18:21.48foxlitYou don't need to pcall it
18:21.48Shirikcan I yield across a pcall?
18:21.49Shirikprobably not
18:22.00ShirikI don't?
18:22.46foxlitLet the coroutine crash and handle it in the callback
18:22.57MentalPower|Foodpcall is yer problem
18:23.05Shirikfoxlit: I can't just let it "crash"
18:23.12MentalPower|Foodyes you can
18:23.24MentalPower|Fooda coroutine is already pcalled
18:23.32Shirikbut I need to unschedule
18:23.41Shiriktherefore I need to know when the coroutine is about to exit
18:24.57MentalPower|Foodwrap the resume call in a function, that will tell you when the coroutine is done
18:25.10MentalPower|Foodor you can query the coroutine's status
18:25.24Mr_Rabies2that mousepad i won in that irc contest thing came in today
18:25.31Shirikthat seems so ugly though :/
18:25.38Shirikchecking to see if it's dead before resuming each time?
18:25.39Mr_Rabies2it's....totally not worth the 20ish dollars they charge for it
18:25.51foxlitthis: VFL.AdaptiveUnschedule(this_name);  
18:25.55foxlitgoes into callback
18:26.13Shirikbut I'll never reach the callback if it errors
18:26.13Mr_Rabies2it's like a widescreen version of a freebie dell mousepad or something
18:26.17foxlitThough you swapped my scheduler :P
18:26.21Shirikyes ;)
18:26.38ShirikI'm trying to drop it and only use the crypto library, this is stuff that should be happening in the background ><
18:28.57Shirikokay so I did what MentalPower|Food recommended
18:28.59ShirikI still hate it ><
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18:32.55foxlitMakes sense to split scheduling and actual math :P
18:33.44foxlitPlus you broke my are-we-there-yet feedback mechanism! :(
18:34.10foxlitWonder what it does in that case
18:34.40foxlitlocal function checkHalt(tl, ...)
18:36.02foxlitAllows scheduler to communicate how much time it wants the coroutine to spend
18:36.49Shirikis that why it's taking forever?
18:37.10foxlitQuite possibly, 0.025 is relatively conservative
18:37.34Shirikwell I mean
18:37.45Shirikdoing this: /script RDXM.Patcher.Verify({p=RDXPatches.patches[1], s=RDXPatches.signatures[1]}, function(r) VFL.print("Complete!"); VFL.print(tostring(r)) end)
18:37.49Shirikand... no callback :P
18:38.01Shirikmy fps dropped for the first maybe half second
18:38.09Shirikand then after that everything's back to normal
18:38.13Shirikbut it appears it never returned
18:38.24foxlitThe fps drop is the hash, probably
18:38.49foxlitAs for why it doesn't return...
18:39.05Kaydeethree2 pages of reserved posts, cog?
18:39.54Shirikhey it finally returned!
18:39.57Shirikthat only took a year
18:40.14foxlitPlus, um, BigNum has its own ideas on when to yield
18:41.21Shirikmaybe I'm going a bit over the top on waited time
18:41.21ShirikI was resuming every 0.5s
18:41.21foxlitTry doing the thing using Prism_Tasks!
18:41.58Shirikbut I'm trying to do it in the background :/
18:42.10Shirikand not distribute it with a "bloominator" floating around ^^
18:44.33foxlitFixed that, btw
18:44.47Shirikah I get it
18:44.52ShirikI need to pass a value to coroutine.resume() ?
18:45.02Shirikthe amount of time I want it to run?
18:45.04foxlitOptional, but would help
18:45.16foxlitAnd there's no guarantee it will respect that
18:46.32foxlit(the whole UI is removable, btw)
18:46.36Shirikbut it's a recommendation
18:48.00Shirikso out of curiosity
18:48.00Shirikwhy name it prism?
18:48.24Kasofoxlit ive been meaning to ask actually, do you have some issue with tabs or something?
18:48.37Kasowas reading through prism, intenting made me cry!
18:50.37foxlitYes, notepad + tab length = silly
18:50.45Shiriklol notepad
18:50.52|Jelly|zZzlol Shirik
18:51.06KasoIm a fan of nice 8 space tabs
18:51.13Kasobig and clear
18:51.53foxlit<Shirik> why name it prism?
18:52.09foxlitDunno; a pretty random name
18:52.25Kasoi think it fits well
18:52.54foxlitI'm not sure if splitting spectrum is that relevant, but you could probably insert some bs about identifying sources.
18:56.42foxlit<Kaso> was reading through prism, intenting made me cry!
18:56.57foxlitcu still shows 0 downloads, where did you pull the code from? :)
18:57.22Kasoi got it from curse, they must just be not registering properly
18:57.25foxlitHm, actually it just lags
18:57.54foxlitThat's 20 more than I know about!
18:58.41Shirikfoxlit: I got it from curse too :P
18:58.42Shirikso yeah
18:58.50Shirikit'll be interesting to see who else downloaded it
18:58.59Shirik"wtf is this crap you suck at author does nothing for me but lock up ui lol"
18:59.08ShirikI want to see comments :D
18:59.23foxlitThere are none :P
18:59.37Kaydeethreeoh wow. that's new... the forum software isn't throwing up the link interceptor page going to the wowi addon install guide
18:59.48foxlitOpening it in a new tab?
19:00.00TC-Workinglink it
19:00.36Shirikmaybe they trust wowinterface :)
19:00.59TC-Workingeh, i meant foxlit, but i can look at this as well :)
19:01.02Shirikall wowi links aren't going
19:01.03Kasoquickly now is the time to strike! redirect wowi to goatse!
19:01.40Shirikfoxlit: I guess I'll break down and use your scheduler :P
19:02.52Kaydeethreeheh, it did pop up clicking on the "latest downloads" link from my sticky, though
19:04.38ShirikThere appears to be a slight problem with the database T_T
19:04.53KasoShirik, i just got that too but it went after a refresh
19:05.02ShirikI got it 3 times in a row :(
19:05.15CairennI've reported it too
19:10.10Kaydeethreeyou too?
19:11.09ScytheBlade1I'm a horrible, horrible person
19:11.34Maldivia~bad SB!
19:11.45purlBad SB!, bad! No cookie for you!
19:11.45Maldiviahmm, without the tilde :)
19:11.56ScytheBlade1No, you meant the tilde.
19:13.01ScytheBlade1Whatever you do cog
19:13.03ScytheBlade1Don't read up
19:14.33ScytheBlade1Heh. I should have said "c-c-c-c-combo breaker!" instead
19:16.10ScytheBlade1OFF TOPIC YET AWESOME:
19:18.08krkahow is that off topic?
19:18.17krkaon a forum about world of warcraft
19:18.22cog|workoff topic from what we were talking about
19:19.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata124 (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
19:22.37Mr_Rabies2there should be a dead fruit vendor somewhere or something
19:22.40Mr_Rabies2i demand closure
19:22.49Mr_Rabies2i must know the fate of this fruit vendor
19:23.02Kaydeethreewatch it be part of the patch-before-3.0 patch events
19:23.04foxlitLife under eternal threat!
19:23.33Shirikfoxlit: Is this a bug?
19:23.38ShirikRDXM.Patcher.Verify({p=RDXPatches.patches[1].." ", s=RDXPatches.signatures[1]}, function(r) VFL.print("Complete!"); VFL.print(tostring(r)); end)
19:23.49ShirikRDXPatches.signatures[1] is a valid signature for RDXPatches.patches[1]
19:24.02Shirikif I add a space to RDXPatches.patches[1], and use the same signature
19:24.06Shirikit still says it's valid
19:24.28ShirikI mean in the end it's ok for my purposes, but I don't know if it is for you
19:24.40foxlitIt shouldn't do that
19:24.58ScytheBlade1cog: hindsight and all that... but you probably should have turned your sig off on all of those posts (for asthetic reasons)
19:25.17Shirikand this is using your scheduler :P
19:25.26foxlitgief code
19:25.37Shirikfor RDXM.Patcher.Verify?
19:25.48foxlitWell, signature + plaintext will do
19:25.58foxlitplus public key
19:27.47TC-Workingis Sbo supposed to be ScytheBlade0?
19:28.18ScytheBlade1o = one
19:28.36TC-Workingah, is there a sbt?
19:28.43Shirikfoxlit: This is the code and copy from my SavedVariables
19:28.53ScytheBlade1That's an alt of mine actually
19:28.59ScytheBlade1Still not sure what I should do about three
19:29.34ShirikIf you want the private key I used to sign it I can give you that too, I intend to change the pair before I start distributing this anyway :P
19:30.04foxlitNah, only need  pub_key
19:30.16Shirikoh whoops
19:30.17Shirikforgot that, sorry
19:30.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
19:31.02ShirikI overwrote that pastey
19:31.09Shirikit should have the public key now
19:31.25Shirikoh also a later line does pub_key.d = string.gsub(pub_key.d, "(..):", "%1");
19:31.32ShirikI just kept the : in there to make it readable
19:32.33foxlitTell you what
19:32.46foxlitAre you sure that your return value isn't actually the "coroutine exited okay" flag?
19:33.42ShirikI'm going to go eat now
19:34.04Kaydeethreeooh that's a good idea. wonder if I have any icecream left
19:34.10Shirikit was
19:34.15foxliticecream :(
19:35.00Shirikit's nil now that I got the right return value
19:35.00foxlitpurl, fetch icecream
19:35.17foxlitshould be false
19:35.17foxlitnot nil
19:35.17Shirikactually yeah it's nil always
19:35.18foxlitSince the return is a comparison operator on two strings
19:35.18ShirikRDXM.Patcher.Verify({p=RDXPatches.patches[1], s=RDXPatches.signatures[1]}, function(r,a) VFL.print("Complete!"); VFL.print(tostring(a)); end)
19:35.30Shirikit should be the second return value yeah?
19:35.33ShirikI see the issue
19:35.37ShirikI didn't return _VerifyPatch()
19:35.38Shirikjust called it
19:36.01foxlitThat's a 512-bit key live sample of what you're doing
19:36.12foxlitCan run that outside CRs, it will give the correct results
19:36.49zenzelezzGruul is one ugly bastard
19:37.08zenzelezzand pretty scary the first time, when the rest of the guild knows the fight :-(
19:37.13Kaydeethreeand with fairly pornographic grunting as of 2.1
19:37.25KaydeethreeI've gotta mute vent now, it's rather annoying
19:37.29foxlitSo basically something goes wrong with coroutine handling if you aren't getting the return values :)
19:37.32Shirikthank you foxlit
19:37.40ShirikI was being a moron, I got it
19:37.49TC-Workingwowpage seems to be rather handy at that
19:37.58foxlitHey, it's complicated, and I didn't exactly provide great examples :)
19:38.12Shirikwowwiki goes to google?
19:38.21foxlitcause internal search sucked
19:38.23TC-Workingtheir search engine is
19:38.27foxlitI guess
19:40.05zenzelezzI'm sitting here staring at Gruul... [...] whispers: pls uldaman
19:41.49Shirikbtw foxlit I do have a real bug, but since I don't really use your UI for anything but signing it doesn't matter for me :P
19:41.53Shirikwhen I go over 4 tasks
19:41.58Shirikyou can scroll down
19:42.03Shirikbut all of the bars remain at full
19:42.09Shirikeven if they're still executing
19:47.43TC-Workingdoes the armory not show an item that hasent been found on any server?
19:48.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
19:51.57amroTC-Working: probably, it would be stupid if it did show em
19:54.54Gryphenthere is a whitelist
19:55.14foxlitHm, that's interesting
19:55.15TC-Workingbut i want to see in all it's glory
19:55.30Kasoindeed, sometimes high end drops arent on armory, which then prevents players who have that item's profile from working
19:55.59foxlitThey should just use signed item ids!
19:56.32foxlitIf the data is there, they could verify and fetch directly; if it isn't, you can't datamine it
19:56.32TC-Workingbesides, they should link the weapons to the ppl that have them
19:56.41Shirikfoxlit: lol
19:57.49Gryphen[13:29:25] <|Pixel|> because the whitelist isn't updated to prevent people from datamining and discover "in dev" items
19:58.29Kasofoxlit, did you say you would like the HSV-RGB-HSV code earlier? i cant remeber who it was
19:59.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
19:59.29foxlitI wouldn't mind it
20:00.09Kaso thats the code, along with my function to make rainbow text strings at the bottom
20:00.18foxlitI needed it at some point, but I used an rgb randomize instead
20:00.35Kasoi just implemented some algorithm i found on google in lua.
20:16.37TC-Workingwow dreanor just took their trash out to the general forums
20:18.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
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20:23.34Shirik|Foodingparadox quit
20:23.35Shirik|Foodingwonder why
20:27.26TS|Skromwhat's the most SOLID backdrop file i.e. 100% opacity. Or as a side question can you change the opacity on backdrops
20:29.18cog|workTS|Skrom: you can only make them more transparent. As for your first question, i don't know
20:30.08TS|Skromoh okay. I managed to make a fake scrolling dropdown box just like I wanted, but the backdrop I was using is a little too transparent and you can see the text underneath which makes it hard to real what's in the box lol
20:34.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
20:39.44TS|Skromcan  you rotate a texture?
20:40.06TS|Skromlike if I wanted to use point UI-ChatIcon-ScrollDown-Up to the right?
20:41.41TS|Skromhaha I was just reading that XD
20:42.44Shirik|Foodingmatrix multiplication ftw
20:42.54Lunessa|Jelly| referring to people from the great nation of Texas, "We really are a bunch of %#!!##%s."
20:42.54Shirik|Foodingand seriously
20:42.54Shirik|Foodingnow food time
20:43.16cog|workShirik|Fooding: see my reply 1st
20:43.37Shirik|FoodingI blame it on the lack of food
20:44.11TS|Skromif I could just find a stronger black background I wouldn't even be worried about it ><
20:44.47Shirik|Foodingbtw cog|work
20:44.51Shirik|Foodingyou totally didn't get the first two pages :P
20:44.58Shirik|Fooding(if you want me to delete I can)
20:45.03cog|worki noticed :P
20:45.10cog|worknah... don't worry about it...
20:45.19cog|workif it gets stickied, I'm sure slouken will take care of it ><
20:47.15Shirik|FoodingI don't know why I thought 19+20 = 29...
20:47.23Shirik|Foodingit's more like you thought 9 + 20 = 39
20:48.06cog|workno, 'cause i got to 29 and then stopped...
20:48.30cog|worki was like "ok... there's another 20"
20:48.30Shirik|Foodingoh I thought you posted 9 times and then said "There, now there's room for 38 pages of macros"
20:49.03cog|work2 pages = 40 posts... after maldivia and someone else who deleted, that went down to 48 :P
20:52.00LunessaHoly cow Cog... you've been BUSY
20:53.16*** join/#wowi-lounge chrippa (
20:53.42Shirik|Foodinghe's a gnome
20:53.44Shirik|Foodingit's what he does
20:54.04LunessaNo kidding.  I feel special, I made the credits.  
20:54.07Shirik|FoodingDisable() is now protected in combat :(
20:54.12LunessaIt's my big Hollywood moment!
20:55.19cog|workwoops... forgot lealla & aella
20:55.48cog|workBasically all the people who gang up on idiots who don't read the FAQ ><
20:56.20Shirik|Foodingo.o I'm in the credits too apparently
20:56.25cog|workI miss Shouryyu (or however it's spelled)
20:56.35Shirik|Foodingand now
20:56.41Shirik|Foodingthat cog|work has successfully distracted me for an hour
20:56.42LunessaZOMG... Cog: p.s. typing on a Wii takes a really long time... :P
20:56.44Shirik|FoodingI will really go eat
20:57.07Shirik|Foodingand then log on from IRC from the cafeteria
20:58.52TS|SkromCog, how long were you gonna sit there laughing at me before suggesting I just make my own 32x32 deep black tga and use it instead?
20:59.16Lunessa... I was going to wait a long time. :P
20:59.16cog|workprobably never would've thought of it ><
20:59.24cog|workI'm very tired today...
21:00.06Lunessafor any time you need a background 100% opaque, best to use a graphic, rather then setting the opacity to 100%.
21:00.07cog|workI was up 'till 1 working on
21:00.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
21:01.13TS|Skromnow for the time in every addons life of mine where I actually release it, only to find out a week later that there were already 5 addons that did the same damn thing
21:02.30Lunessalol - I haven't released anything.  Someone here has usually a) done it first, b) done it better.
21:03.08ScytheBlade1lol, nice @ compilepost
21:03.21LunessaWow.  You wrote all that in LUA... I'd have hacked it in PERL and faked it. :P
21:03.36cog|workIt's really nice to be able to write posts in Dreamweaver :)
21:04.04Lunessa*nod* If my copy wasn't oooo... 7 years old...
21:04.05cog|workmakes it easy to convert it to wiki format (which I did:
21:04.20TS|SkromI've released 2 so far of 4 i've made, 1 got real good reception, the other which was mainly just a mod I made because I wanted to learn how to do it and happened to be something I was interested in (efficient healing) got jeered by a certain subset because it was "just like" Quickheal... even though it had quite a few differences
21:04.37krkaLua is not an acronym
21:04.49cog|workLunessa: I bet nVu would work fine... it just has to output well-formed XHTML and use the supported tags
21:05.09cog|workoh, and I'm MUCH more familiar with Lua than I am with Perl :P
21:05.45cog|workthe actual xml parsing bits I got off of Then I just had to add the rendering and file handling stuff
21:06.45pastamancerso you did end up using an xml parser? :)
21:06.45*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|work (
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21:06.46cog|workyep. thanks for the idea :)
21:06.46cog|workmade it very flexible. It could easily be adapted to any simple markup for output
21:07.07pastamancerit the source somewhere?
21:07.28pastamanceroh, now I have to scroll up
21:07.47cog|workor svn://
21:08.30cog|workI'm sure I could do things a bit more cleanly, but it works :)
21:08.52ScytheBlade1I think I have yet to take down your SVN repo
21:09.02ScytheBlade1I'm pretty sure it's sitting there functional still
21:09.03krkai try to live by the rule "shorter code is better code" instead of keeping things clean
21:09.09krkait's an easier goal to achieve
21:09.11cog|workScytheBlade1: hehe
21:09.19krkaand most of the time it's the same
21:12.02cog|workYeah... Sometimes I like to go back through and clean things up if it makes it more maintainable. But I built in enough flexibility that I shouldn't have to modify the rendering code itself any time soon
21:12.05LunessaNow if only some of the responses to the sticky could be deleted to a) shorten it, b) clean up goof ball stuff...
21:12.49*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
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21:25.35LunessaI hate downloading an AddOn for a feature I want, and then being completely unable to make it work.  
21:27.48Josh_Borkeok back :-)
21:27.50Josh_Borkehi all :-)
21:28.34ScytheBlade1Okay, time for the noob to be educated. (me)
21:28.52ScytheBlade1Is the only way to check if something is in a table to loop over the table?
21:28.52|Jelly|Hey Josh
21:29.06Josh_BorkeScytheBlade1: as a key or as a value?
21:29.16Josh_Borkeas a key, no.  as a value, yes
21:29.32Josh_Borkeone option is to have a table that is in reverse
21:29.39Josh_Borkewhich can be achieved with a metatable
21:31.02Kaydeethreeoh wow... [17:29:30] You receive loot: [Netherwing Egg]. [17:30:17] You receive loot: [Netherwing Egg]
21:31.06TC-WorkingLunessa, slap it around and make it work
21:31.36ScytheBlade10_o @ Kaydeethree
21:31.49Kaydeethreeno one checks the murkblood area of the mines
21:31.51LunessaTC-Working I'm going to have to open up the code since the menu made zero sense and the addon didn't appear to do what I thought it did. :P
21:32.01snurrei got the last 3 i needed for exalted withing 4 mins :p
21:32.16TC-WorkingLunessa, i said slap it...not massage it...
21:32.28KaydeethreeI've been slacking, should've been exalted last week
21:32.39KaydeethreeI'm 15/21k atm, got a few quests and 2 eggs to turn in, though
21:32.40LunessaTC-Working Ok, I deleted it. Slapped hard enough?
21:33.02TC-WorkingLunessa, heh, maybe just a tad to hard
21:35.05TC-Workingis it possible to have an arena match a draw?
21:35.36Kaydeethreeif they both die at the same time (<0.5s or so) it'll call a draw
21:36.12Josh_Borke~lart cladhaire
21:36.12purlstuffs cladhaire into a shiny new tin can and vacuum seals it
21:36.18Josh_Borkehit them while they are down, that's what i always say
21:37.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
21:40.32TC-Workingdamit, i want to hit 70
21:40.43KasoWhats stopping you?
21:40.43|Jelly| -- Is his name ironic considering he got keylogged?
21:40.51TC-Workinglack of free time
21:40.55ScytheBlade1|Jelly|, you play on doomhammer?
21:41.16cladhaireAnyone have experience with real scroll frames?
21:42.53TC-Workingwhat is it with arena teams and retarded names
21:45.21cog|workIs it just me or does Medivh sound like Kuno from Ranma 1/2?
21:46.12Lunessacog|work - Been too long since I watched the show.  Mostly to me he just sounds deranged.  
21:46.38Kaydeethreedunno, all I've ever gotten a hold of is the sub
21:46.57cog|workheh. my wife has the entire tv series
21:46.57cog|workon dvd
21:47.28KaydeethreeI'd say something snarky before looking at my bookshelf full of ranma manga
21:48.02*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
21:49.06Shirik|Ecolecladhaire: Enough to know they suck
21:49.21Shirik|Ecolewhat are you considering it for?
21:49.29cladhairenothing, i fixed it
21:49.31cladhairenow the question is
21:49.36Shirik|Ecoleheh ok ^^
21:49.38cladhairewhat frames can have OnHyperlinkClicked?
21:50.31Kasocladhaire is that perhaps the random anonymus frames that hover around the chatlinks in ChatFrames?
21:50.34Shirik|EcoleSimpleHTML and ScrollingMessageFrame according to wowwiki
21:50.46cladhaireShirik|Ecole: hrm.. I tried to set it on a SimpleHTML frame
21:50.48cladhaireand it yelled
21:50.50cladhairemaybe i did the wrong one
21:50.51cladhairebrb  =)
21:51.04Josh_Borkecladhaire: you did it wrong
21:51.19cladhaireno, I did it on my SimpleHTML frame
21:51.20Josh_BorkeSimpleHTML has hyperlinks
21:51.22Shirik|Ecoleit may have changed
21:51.23Josh_Borkei use them
21:51.35Shirik|Ecoleand it may have not :P
21:51.49cladhairelet me look
21:51.57Shirik|Ecolecladhaire: A common problem I have is doing table:SetScript() instead of something like table.titleBar:SetScript()
21:51.58Josh_Borkekergoth: does GuilDbook still work?
21:52.00Shirik|Ecoleperhaps that's what you did?
21:52.01ScytheBlade1Bah. IsConjured() would be much too simple.
21:52.08cladhaireShirik|Ecole: nope
21:52.09Shirik|Ecole(table being a frame, table.titleBar being another frame)
21:52.19cladhairei'm getting the "doesnt have OnHyperlinkClicked" message
21:52.27Shirik|Ecoleyeah, because, for example
21:52.27kergothJosh_Borke, seems to, though i havent used it all that much lately myself, been tracking my gear plans in loottracker :P  but  my brother's been using it (he's using my addon set too)
21:52.36TC-Workingjust noticed the "upgrade an item" portion of armory...very nice
21:52.44Shirik|Ecoletable is a frame, and table.titleBar is a SimpleHTML with parent of "table"
21:52.51Josh_Borkecladhaire: i haven't done it with lua frames, mine is an XML frame
21:52.51cladhairespelled it wrong
21:53.01Josh_Borke~noob cladhaire
21:53.33Shirik|Ecole~lart cladhaire
21:53.33purldrops a truckload of VAXen on cladhaire
21:53.41ScytheBlade1Josh_Borke, no no, that's wrong. It's ~cladhaire--
21:53.48Josh_Borkepurl, cladhaire--
21:53.54ScytheBlade1~karma cladhaire
21:53.54purlcladhaire has karma of 1
21:53.59cladhaireyour karma does not affect me
21:54.02ScytheBlade1Yeah, you have to ~ it
21:54.08Josh_Borkepurl, cladhaire--
21:54.12Josh_Borke~karma cladhaire
21:54.12purlcladhaire has neutral karma
21:54.15ScytheBlade1Or not
21:54.24cladhairei'll kick all yall bitches
21:54.25Shirik|Ecole~ is the same as purl,
21:54.32Shirik|Ecoleexcept with one difference
21:54.39Josh_Borkepurl, cladhaire--
21:54.39Shirik|Ecoledoing purl, for something invalid will result in purl yellingback
21:54.48Shirik|Ecoledoing ~ with something invalid will just result in purl ignoring you
21:54.58Shirik|Ecolepurl, do something that doesn't exist
21:55.00purlACTION does something that doesn't exist.
21:55.02cladhaireooh i get to try my bluetooth headset with my raid tonight
21:55.08Shirik|Ecolepurl, opijwefepaw
21:55.09ScytheBlade1Owned owned owned.
21:55.18Shirik|Ecolebleh, I give up
21:55.18*** join/#wowi-lounge seebs_ (
21:55.31Josh_Borkepurl, Shirik|Ecole--
21:55.36Shirik|Ecoleit's ok
21:55.40seebs_I just had to log in to pass on the coolest thing ever.
21:55.40Shirik|Ecolemy karma is already way in the red
21:55.47seebs_I learned Lua to write addons.
21:56.05seebs_I just got a job, and I just found out we have a real need for Lua expertise and no one else in the department knows any.
21:56.17seebs_My WoW account has just paid for itself.
21:56.22ScytheBlade1hehe, grats
21:56.34cladhaireseebs: nice =)
21:56.45Shirik|Ecolenow cladhaire expects a commission
21:56.51Shirik|Ecoleas payment for all the help given in the past
21:57.04seebs_Heh.  Ask me again in a couple of paychecks.
21:57.19ScytheBlade1lua has kinda exploded within the past year or so, hasn't it?
21:57.27Shirik|Ecoleit has
21:57.34|Jelly|True/False: Repair cost is determined off the Item Level versus Cloth-Leather-Mail-Plate ?
21:57.38Shirik|Ecole(and tbh I wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard had a part in it)
21:58.01ScytheBlade1All repair costs were normalized to be identical to cloth several patches back
21:58.12|Jelly|Awesome. Thank you.
21:58.22Josh_Borkecause paladins and warriors bitched
21:58.28|Jelly|(Get tired of people telling me "'re cloth...your repair is like 2g")
21:58.29Josh_Borkeall a bunch of whiners
21:58.32ScytheBlade1Warriors I can understand
21:58.37Shirik|Ecolewoah wait
21:58.39ScytheBlade1Paladins have only ever whined. Ever.
21:58.40Shirik|Ecoleit costs the same
21:58.46Josh_Borkenot true!
21:58.51*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
21:58.54Josh_Borkei didn't whine when um...
21:59.00Josh_Borkeok, yea, always whined
21:59.01Josh_Borkecarry on
21:59.09|Jelly|I whine when we wipe because of stupid people.
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21:59.11Shirik|EcoleI whine just because other people whine and I like to play along :P
21:59.19Josh_Borkeyou such a sheep shirik
21:59.24Shirik|Ecolea sheep?
21:59.30Shirik|Ecoleplease don't tell multani that
21:59.32Shirik|Ecolehe might get excited
21:59.41purlsheep is probably at #tuxboxproject
21:59.56ScytheBlade1purl covers many more channels than this one ;)
22:00.03Shirik|EcoleI know but
22:00.07Shirik|Ecolethat was so unexpected ><
22:00.12ScytheBlade1purl actually is one process and I think four seperate nicks on freenode
22:00.35purlokay, ScytheBlade1
22:00.35ScytheBlade1Running on a 350MHz PII, actually. That's why it gets laggy at times
22:00.35ScytheBlade1Err, no, 300MHz
22:00.43Shirik|Ecolethat channel's empty...
22:00.53ScytheBlade1purl, forget actually
22:00.53purlScytheBlade1: i forgot actually
22:00.58purlScytheBlade1: :)
22:01.06Josh_Borkebah, where's cide when you need him
22:01.14Shirik|Ecolegood job ScytheBlade1
22:01.31Shirik|EcoleJosh_Borke: I am a slower alternative to Cide
22:02.06Josh_Borke> t = {"1", "2", [3] = nil, "4", "5"}; print(#t); t[5] = nil; print(#t)
22:02.25Shirik|EcoleJosh_Borke: 4
22:03.02cog|workJosh_Borke: don't bank on any of that
22:03.08Shirik|Ecolethat's technically undefined
22:03.13cog|worklua's behavior is undefined if you have nils in an array
22:03.28foxlitI've heard that before!
22:03.37Josh_Borkeit's not undefined, it's not guaranteed to be something useful
22:03.51cog|workfoxlit: zomgwhere?!
22:04.01Shirik|Ecolethe same array can generate multiple reslts
22:04.04foxlitLike a few days ago!
22:04.05Shirik|Ecoledepending on how it was made
22:04.22cog|workerr... nm
22:04.30cog|worki can't think straight
22:04.35foxlitcog|work meant: foxlit: zomgwwhere?!
22:05.21foxlitYou said the exact same thing when I asked a similar question a few days ago
22:05.37purlrumour has it, logs is apt/ibot/infobot/jbot/purl all log daily to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz
22:05.37Josh_Borke> t = {"1", "2", [3] = nil, "4", "5"}; print(table.getn(t)); t[5] = nil; print(table.getn(t))
22:05.56Neriniasame result: 4, 4
22:05.58Shirik|EcoleJosh_Borke same
22:06.08Shirik|Ecolealso, table.getn is deprecated
22:06.15Josh_Borkei know shirik
22:06.22Josh_BorkeNerinia: i'm trying to determine the path through the code
22:06.25Shirik|Ecolejust telling you what my interpreter said :P
22:06.28Josh_Borkeit's easier when i remove objects myself
22:06.51Josh_Borkeoh wait, i'm reading the code wrong
22:07.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
22:08.09Shirik|Ecole1. LIGHT BULBS MATTER – Switch from traditional incandescent lightbulbs to compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFL). If every American household replaced one regular lightbulb with a CFL, the pollution reduction would be equivalent to removing one million cars from the road. A 30-watt CFL produces about as much light as an ordinary 100-watt bulb. Although the initial price is higher, CFLs can last 12 times as long. CFLs are available at most home-impr
22:08.42cog|workavailable at moste home-impr
22:09.02Shirik|Ecoleimprovement stores and
22:09.08Josh_Borkegod how i love C
22:09.11Josh_Borkepurl, love C
22:09.15purlIf you love C so much, why don't you marry it? (oooooh)
22:09.15cog|workWhich is worse? a lot of CO2 in the atmosphere, or a lot of mercury in the ground water?
22:09.21LunessaI like CFLs.  They last forever, and therefore cost me less to buy.
22:09.24cog|workMe? I'll take the global warming...
22:09.24Shirik|EcoleNerinia: Welcome to undefined behavior
22:09.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
22:09.43Shirik|Ecoleit's because it's converting table types
22:09.47Shirik|Ecolethe 2 applies to keys 1 and 2
22:09.51Shirik|Ecolethe 5 becomes part of the hash table
22:10.04Shirik|EcoleLua allocates arrays in powers of 2
22:10.05Neriniaand 3 is nil?
22:10.07Josh_Borkeit converts the arrays?
22:10.12Shirik|Ecoleremoving 3 and 4 allows it to go down to 2^1
22:10.36Neriniabah, that's confusing
22:10.40Shirik|Ecoleremoving 3 doesn't help because 4 can still be taken by 2^2
22:10.45Shirik|Ecoleor for that matter, 2^3
22:10.54Josh_Borket = {[1]="1", [2]="2", [4]="4", [5]="5" [8]="8"}; print(#t); t[4] = nil; print(#t)
22:10.58Shirik|Ecoleand this is why they call it undefined :P
22:11.13Shirik|EcoleJosh_Borke: stdin:1: '}' expected near '['
22:11.25Josh_Borkeforgot a comma
22:11.33Josh_Borket = {[1]="1", [2]="2", [4]="4", [5]="5", [8]="8"}; print(#t); t[4] = nil; print(#t)
22:11.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
22:11.42Shirik|Ecole> t = {[1]="1", [2]="2", [4]="4", [5]="5", [8]="8"}; print(#t); t[4] = nil; pri
22:11.49Josh_Borkewhat now biatch :-P
22:11.58Shirik|Ecole2^3 = 8
22:12.09cog|workCFLs may be more costly than you think:
22:12.12Josh_Borkei know, but we didn't remove the 8! :-D
22:12.16Shirik|Ecoleright, but
22:12.21Guillotinewhoa, thats wierd. On the armory, each class has an index. For some reason they skipped 6. Conspiracy? Most definately
22:12.22Shirik|Ecoleit's easier to do 2^1 and then hash 5 and 8
22:12.30Shirik|Ecolethan it is to do 2^3
22:13.14Shirik|Ecolebut, again, you can't really rely on all of this
22:13.18Shirik|EcoleLua gets to decide a lot of this on its own
22:13.21ScytheBlade1I really don't get why they do such extensive user-agent checking
22:13.23Shirik|Ecoleand it may not be consistent
22:13.33ScytheBlade1If I set my seamonkey on linux to be Opera on Vista
22:13.35ScytheBlade1It works flawlessly
22:13.51ScytheBlade1Otherwise, the tooltips refuse to load, and I can't click anything. :/
22:14.39Josh_BorkeShirik|Ecole: i'm trying to follow the logic in the code, but i'm not sure where it converts the 5 and 8 to hash values
22:16.08Shirik|Ecoleit's difficult to say
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22:16.08TC-Workinghmmm...anyone have an idea on the UI....DUF/DART?
22:16.11Shirik|Ecoleit's when Lua decides it's easier
22:16.11Shirik|Ecolethat's about it
22:16.33Josh_BorkeTC-Working: how can you stand those frames?
22:16.42TC-Workingi dunno, it's not mine
22:16.46Shirik|Ecolebut I'm not kidding about the powers of 2:
22:17.11TC-Workingi dont want them, but someone was asking, so i thought i would give him a hand and ask around
22:17.13Josh_Borkeno, i knew you were right
22:19.17foxlitLess gcing and more signing!
22:19.35Shirik|Ecoleat school :P
22:19.44Shirik|Ecolewell, cafeteria
22:19.47Josh_Borke> t = {[1]="1", [2]="2", [4]="4", [5]="5", [7]="7", [8]="8"}; print(#t); t[4] = nil; print(#t)
22:20.09Shirik|Ecole8, 2
22:20.33Shirik|Ecolemy guess is that
22:20.33Shirik|Ecoleooh storm... this is gonna suck
22:20.43Shirik|Ecolemy guess is this: lua keeps looking through the table until it finds a nil
22:20.47Shirik|Ecolethen it looks until the next power of 2
22:20.53Shirik|Ecoleif it doesn't find anything before that, it gives up
22:21.02Shirik|Ecolebut it's just a guess, nothing more
22:21.08Shirik|Ecoleand technically the behavior is undefined
22:21.20Josh_Borkei know the behavior is undefined :-)
22:21.24Shirik|Ecolemeaning other interpreters (Kaso's?) could be different
22:21.51Shirik|Ecoleor was it krka?
22:21.58Shirik|EcoleOne of you was making a java interpretr
22:21.58Kasoi think..
22:22.05Shirik|EcoleYou both start with K I can't remember you two
22:22.06Kasonot i
22:22.13Shirik|Ecolethen it was krka
22:22.28Josh_BorkeC arrays start at 0, right?
22:22.42Shirik|Ecolethat's a bad question to answer :P
22:22.46Shirik|Ecoledirect answer, yes
22:22.51Shirik|Ecolecorrect answer: It's a memory offset
22:22.56Josh_Borkeyea, i know
22:23.01Shirik|Ecolea two dimensional array can still be accessed with one number
22:23.06Josh_Borkebut the array physically starts at &array + index
22:23.09Shirik|Ecolex[2][2] is identical to x[4]
22:23.17Shirik|Ecolefor a 2x2 array
22:23.23Shirik|Ecolebut yes
22:23.39Shirik|Ecolethe first element in an array will be array[0]
22:25.30Shirik|EcoleI tink
22:25.37Shirik|EcoleI'm going to go homne before this storm gets really ugly
22:25.43Shirik|Ecoleit looks pretty crappy outside right now
22:28.48TC-Workinghmm..interesting art at the bottom
22:34.16LunessaThat art was originally created for the 'Fairy Tale UI' - found on  - it's since been copied/cribbed/stolen for all kinds of other packages. :)
22:36.24TC-Workingthe first link or the second one?
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22:42.53TC-Workingckknight, interestingly enough in the pic, it looks like ag has the text on their own seperate texture
22:43.35Shirikreading tech support forums
22:43.44Shirikthis guy posts a tracert and then gets mad because blizz can't help him
22:43.45Shirikso he says
22:44.05Shirikone more time im going to ask. because i wont be home until u leave the blizz office, why cant i sign something for u to log onto my network to get the info u need to fix the latency issue
22:44.42|Jelly|oh em ge
22:44.45Lunessauninformed, willful ignorance FTL
22:44.49Shirikbecause we know that
22:44.53Shirikif he can't figure out what a router is
22:45.12Shirikhe TOTALLY can set up a VNC login for the blizzard guys
22:45.24TC-Workingor RDP
22:45.25Shirikor SSH for that matter
22:45.27Shirikor RDP
22:45.48ckknightTC-Working: you can select whatever texture you want in both UFs.
22:46.29TC-Workingi know, it's just interesting to note that they seem to have an extra floating texture under the text
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22:54.40LunessaZOMG - so wrong, so funny:
22:55.04ckknightyou didn't know about that?
22:55.10ckknightthere's one with a pic of her
22:55.41LunessaI'm so out of the loop on WoW Hussies apparently.  
22:56.10Kaydeethreethe followup's been posted too
22:56.17LunessaI mean, 5kg is what?  A week or so of grinding ogres in nagrand?
22:57.55trika week?
22:58.13trikhow do you get that much in a week?
22:58.40trikjust by grinding ogres in
22:58.41LunessaOn my warlock, to get the 900 I needed for my normal flyer, I ground out 700g in 8 hours.  
22:59.01trikis there something that they drop that is valuable?
22:59.20LunessaThey drop decent coin, netherweave, greens, and blues.  
22:59.43Lunessaand rep turn-in items that pay cash.  
23:01.29*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
23:03.17LunessaNow, ask me why I don't have my Epic flyer...
23:03.33Kirkburn|sleepVia #wowwiki - <[NewsBot]> MMO Champion: 2.1.2 PTR Patch released. -
23:05.45cog|worklink to blizzard post or it didn't happen
23:05.56Kirkburn|sleep ?
23:06.26cog|workvia worldofraids...
23:06.39cog|workalso without official link
23:07.42Kirkburn|sleepSomeone's cynical today
23:08.25TC-Workingi thought they already fixed "Players can no longer fail with skinning at maximum skill."
23:08.46cog|workI just find it funny that none of those places linked to the source...
23:09.13Kirkburn|sleep2.1.0 - Gathering skills no longer fail when you have reached the maximum skill possible.
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23:09.23Kirkburn|sleepI guess skinning was forgotten
23:09.33TC-Workingi guess so
23:09.48Kirkburn|sleepAnyway, sleep
23:09.56TC-Workingnight Kirkburn|sleep
23:09.57KasoFinally arent needed!
23:10.25Kaydeethreeya, the ptr downloader is up, at least
23:11.36cog|workThis download is not authorized
23:11.36Shirik# Fixed bug with Misdirection where sometimes only two attacks were redirected instead of three.
23:11.39Shirikthank god >.>
23:11.48Shirikthat was annoying
23:13.07cog|workPlayers can no longer fail with skinning at maximum skill.    Wasn't that supposed to be in 2.1.0?
23:13.30Shirik# PvP Trinkets: Insignia of the Alliance, Insignia of the Horde, Medallion of the Alliance, and Medallion of the Horde have all been redesigned. The trinkets for all classes now have the same effect: Dispels all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character.
23:13.32Shirikthat's interesting too
23:13.33subbawtHey where's the boss going? Hunter has died.
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23:14.09Kaydeethreeah, there has been a blue post for the 2.1.2 patchnotes
23:14.23ShirikThe door leading to the Celestial Watch in Karazhan now starts open,
23:14.23Shirikand Netherspite does not path so close to the door.
23:14.40Kaydeethreethank the gods
23:14.45Kaydeethreenot like we do netherspite any more anyway
23:14.54Shirikyou have to get lucky on netherspite
23:14.58Shirikopen the door at the right time
23:15.05Kaydeethreedetect demon
23:15.08Kaydeethreelock or potion
23:15.23Shirikbecause hunters aren't good enough for that
23:15.25ShirikI see how it is
23:16.13Josh_Borkewhat's a huntard?
23:16.29cog|workJosh_Borke: most posters on the General forum
23:21.18Kaydeethreethey've retuned the illidan fight
23:21.47Josh_Borkeguess it wasn't hard enough
23:29.56ScytheBlade1Bah, where is Cide when you need him :/
23:30.08ScytheBlade1Anyone know of a way to bring up CTRA options without the minimap icon?
23:30.24Josh_Borke/ctra ?
23:30.25Corrodiasnot i
23:31.52Shirikanyone want to hear my logic for syncing patches and tell me if I missed anything?
23:32.17ScytheBlade1I'd love to personally, as I was trying to think of a way to do that myself recently
23:32.22Karrion|AwayShirik: shoot
23:33.52Shirik(each patch is given a numerical identifier, which will also be chronological)
23:34.05Shirikand they will be loaded in that order
23:34.16Corrodiasi'll load your mom in that order
23:34.30Karrionyou have a way to ensure ID uniqueness?
23:34.38Corrodiasis flighthud done yet? *poke poke*
23:34.40ShirikI will be the only one creating patches
23:34.42Shirik(and cidan)
23:35.11ShirikOther users couldn't possibly write valid patches (they can't digitally sign them with my key) so there's no need to worry about conflicts
23:36.16Karrionhmm, seems fine, albeit a little bandwidth intensive on logon
23:36.30Corrodiaswe're so going to murder the curator tonight
23:36.32Shirikthat's the only thing I'm slightly concerned about
23:36.35Corrodiashis sparkly ass is mine
23:36.43Shirikbut the transmission will probably be something like "1 4 6 39 304 2003"
23:36.47KarrionI wonder if you could just broadcast each client's maximum patch number, since they're monotonically incremented
23:37.01Shirikyeah but you can't guarantee that each client has all patches below that
23:37.12Shirikor can you
23:37.14Josh_Borkeugh, patching seems like such an awful thing
23:37.15ScytheBlade1Are patches cumulative, or can you tell the clients that this patch makes all previous patches useless?
23:37.31Shiriklocal minPatch = 0;-- Skip patch #s below this (these were included with current release)
23:37.43Shirikso when I make a new release, I'll pull that up so it will skip those patches
23:37.46Karrionno but you could then iterate over the ones that exist but you don't have and ask if anyone has it
23:37.47Shirikand won't run them
23:38.13ShirikKarrion: actually you're onto something, considering it's impossible to get a later patch before an earlier patch
23:38.18Shirikhow can you get patch 300 without getting patch 299?
23:38.32Shirikso you're right
23:38.37ShirikI only have to broadcast the max number
23:39.16Shirikalso I think
23:39.19Shirikwhen I request a patch
23:39.34ShirikI should do it over a whisper maybe?
23:39.44Shirikso I don't have 10 people responding to the same request
23:39.51ScytheBlade1No.. guild
23:39.57ScytheBlade1First person to reply gets a "send"
23:40.02Karrionyeah I'd use whisper for the actual peer to peer xfer
23:40.04ScytheBlade1Next people get a "Got it anyways"
23:40.10ScytheBlade1Right, for the xfer whisper
23:40.15Karrionand just use the shared channel for the discovery broadcasts
23:40.17ScytheBlade1But request over guild/raid
23:40.21LunessaI'd also use guild, and only ask for 'highest patch' number.
23:40.43Shirikthe benefit of using guild for transfer
23:40.48Shirikis if multiple people need the same patch
23:40.52Shirikyou don't have to retransmit
23:40.57ScytheBlade1Until only one person needs it
23:41.01ScytheBlade1And it's needlessly sent to everyone
23:42.08Karriontrue, but since it's asked for on login, the chances are each one will request separately anyway
23:42.20Karrionwith the exception of the initial release
23:42.51Shirikright the initial release is really what I'm thinking of
23:43.37KarrionI guess it's a balance question then
23:43.37foxlitpack SKU -> pack patch
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23:43.37*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o clad|work] by ChanServ
23:43.39Karrionhow often how have a new patch, how many people are typically online at the time, and how many people come online later to ask for it
23:43.58foxlitsuperseed it
23:44.09foxlitThough there's no integrity check on pieces, which kind of sucks.
23:44.17ScytheBlade1Time it then
23:44.20ScytheBlade1Throw a date check on it
23:44.23ScytheBlade1If >1 day old, PM
23:44.27ScytheBlade1If <1 day, guild
23:44.57foxlitPrismComm does something like:
23:45.05foxlitJoin channel. Announce addons + versions.
23:45.22foxlitIf people have versions above yours, they respond.
23:45.30Karrionor make a flag in you own copy which says "when I send it, broadcast" and make the receiver able to receive on both
23:45.31foxlitIf people have versions under yours, they ask for pieces.
23:45.47foxlitOutput queue round-robins sending pieces of patches to interested parties
23:45.56ScytheBlade1That's another idea
23:46.01ScytheBlade1Count the people who respond vs. those who don't
23:46.14foxlitTbh, implement BitTorrent
23:46.18TC-Workingi get that with some mods i's iritating as hell
23:46.19ScytheBlade1There you go
23:46.28TC-Workingespecialy the popup crap
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23:46.43foxlitUpdate, dammit!
23:46.51foxlitAnnoying popup goes away if you do.
23:47.17*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
23:47.34TC-Workingheh, i would prefer a whisper
23:48.35Shirikthat's the other thing I'm worrying about
23:48.42Shirikdo I do a popup? Do I just install behind the scenes?
23:48.49ScytheBlade1Behind the scenes, please
23:49.48ShirikSome people would be mad that I don't ask to install, and some would be mad that they're getting popups
23:49.48ScytheBlade1Maybe a line in the chat box once you've updated all the way, nothing more
23:49.48Karrionyour should probably notify in chat
23:49.48Shirikwell, what I really mean
23:49.49Shirikshould there be a confirmation required
23:49.49Guillotinenerf the armory going down while I'm trying to work on my addon :(
23:49.49Guillotinebtw, it works perfectly :D and doesn't use much memory
23:49.49Karrionbut a full confirmation potentially when anyone logs on would get irritating
23:49.49Guillotinebut I'm trying to make the scanner recursive so I get more people
23:49.51foxlitShirik: "Update available. ReloadUI to apply?"
23:49.59Shirikwhat if I don't want to apply? :P
23:50.05LunessaShirik - What do you do in the case of failure?  
23:50.21foxlitswarm performance > individual problems
23:50.45ShirikLunessa: In the event that a signature doesn't match, it ignores the transmission (and makes a debug message). In the event that a patch causes lua errors, they are pcalled() so they get a warning at login, requesting to contact the developer about the problem
23:51.07LunessaWe are RDX.CID of Borg. Resistance is futile.  You will be assimilated.  
23:51.45Shirikyeah I totally just copy-pasted that to guild
23:51.55KarrionShirik: does it make sense to be able to decline a patch?
23:52.08Shirikit makes sense in the fact that some people don't like not being able to
23:52.19Shirikpeople are stupid, they don't like not being in control
23:52.24LunessaWhen in doubt, give the user an option.  
23:52.28foxlitScrew them, silent updates!
23:52.36foxlitNever know what hit them.
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23:53.06LunessaHey... All I know is if I was using RDX.CID and it 'patched' without my ok, I'd stop using it, even if it meant I never got to raid again.
23:53.30|Jelly|*cough* Mazzlegasm
23:53.30Karrionyeah, but the implications of not applying it are potential incompatibility
23:53.38OsagasuIsn't RDX that commercial raiding software?
23:53.39LunessaI don't like apps doing things that write files without my knowledge.  
23:53.39Karrionie brakage
23:54.02ShirikOsagasu: this is why I need to change the naem -_-
23:54.36ShirikRDX.Cid is an almost-completely-rewritten version of the freely released RDX5, written by Veni
23:54.37foxlitLunessa: meh?
23:54.52Shirikhe had written it for team Rambo. When we broke off of team rambo, we started using our own in-house version
23:55.01Shirikfrom there it expanded
23:55.03Lunessafoxlit call me paranoid.  
23:55.05Karrionyou could always do a "RDX.CID patch 123 has been received, type /rdx patchdisable 123 to unload"?
23:55.18foxlitThat's not paranoid, that's silly
23:55.22foxlitYou've downloaded an addon
23:55.34foxlitThat assumes you trust the author enough to run code you didn't inspect.
23:55.36LunessaAnd it shouldn't change without my consent
23:55.53ScytheBlade1Lunessa, I disagree. Likewise, here's the answer
23:55.56ScytheBlade1Give them an option.
23:56.01Karrionhell, just have a config option "install patches yes, no, ask"
23:56.04ScytheBlade1Apply updates automatically, or ask.
23:56.17foxlitBut basically, the position is silly :)
23:56.36LunessaSo is your assumption that I should have no say.
23:56.44ShirikI didn't mean to make this an argument :(
23:56.49foxlitI did!
23:56.59foxlitYou trust author -> author pushes patch -> ?
23:57.01ScytheBlade1No. My position is that if you harass the user, they'll get sick of crap they don't care for and ditch it.
23:57.06|Jelly|Me too otherwise I wouldn't have dropped the name. But it didn't work. 8(
23:57.41ScytheBlade1That's why I ditched xperl (though I never really *liked* it). Whenever a guildie got online, it would spam me with "go download updates!"
23:58.05LunessaI'm an iconoclast.  And fox is deliberately pushing me on an area where we disagree. Debate is healthy.  
23:58.18Shirik~dict iconoclast
23:58.45Shirikthey have a synonym starting with like every letter of the alphabet
23:58.49Shirik~dict 2 iconoclast
23:59.00Shirikthat's better
23:59.05Lunessamuch closer.
23:59.18foxlitThat doesn't fit!
23:59.26foxlit"You no update my addons without asking me" is a traditional idea
23:59.39ScytheBlade1So is "you don't bug me"

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