IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070605

00:00.04Corrodiasoh? :(
00:01.22TullerCorrodias: but it was due to how i setup hiding empty buttons
00:01.50Tullerthere's a bit of a difference between the timings of the stateheader updating and the events being called which screws things up
00:02.20FinBODMAS! that was it!
00:02.29Finoof took a bit of searching, must be a UK thing
00:02.45FinBrackets, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction
00:03.05TullerFin: I didn't know there was one for precedence :)
00:03.11Corrodiasi don't suppose SecurePartyHeaderTemplate is any good for figuring out when pets become active/inactive?
00:03.31ShirikSecureRaidPetHeader :)
00:03.31TullerCorrodias: true :)
00:03.31Shirikand SecurePartyPetHeader :)
00:03.51TullerCorrodias: frame:SetAttribute("unit", "pet"); RegisterUnitWatch(frame)
00:04.02FinTuller: that's the one my maths teacher taught me :) I always use parens though, as you can see I can't remember shit most of the time
00:04.36Fin(of = "powers of" incidentally)
00:04.53Corrodiasit's -very nearly- worth it to me to write a pet bar, but 1) that would take work on my part and 2) maybe blizzard will fix it SOME day
00:05.25TullerCorrodias: you have to use the blizzard pet buttons, too :)
00:05.39TullerCorrodias: or you'll lose the ability to toggle autocast
00:05.42Corrodiasi don't know what that implies
00:05.48Tullerthough they might have fixed that
00:14.59FinCorrodias: so, you're lazy, and mad, basically :P
00:15.22Corrodiaseven more lazy than mad, yes
00:15.46Corrodiasit's only a minor irritation to me as i keep autocast on and use keys to direct my pet anyway
00:15.57Corrodiasthen i can hit a macro to show the bar once i exit combat
00:16.39Corrodiaswhat worries me more is, for example, the chess event. do you enter combat? i know you do in BWL's first boss, or i think you do anyway
00:17.07Finmy laziness is a towering fortress manned by invincible gargoyle demons who channel magic to create an frictionless spherical barrier around for thousands of kilometres into space
00:18.14Finas an aside
00:18.54Corrodiasi'll perform repetetive tasks to obtain meaningless loot, but ask me to think and i must laugh
00:38.07zenzelezzis there any way to detemine the dispell type of a friendly buff obtained through UnitBuff()?
00:39.47zenzelezzother than tooltip parsing
00:39.58MentalPower|Workyou mean magic vs. disease vs. poison etc?
00:40.20MentalPower|Worktheres a function, the standard UI uses it to color the border of the debuffs
00:41.47*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
00:46.12zenzelezzthe player's buff frame uses GetPlayerBuffDispelType() I believe, and the target frame only gets it from UnitDebuff()'s dispell type return value... I didn't find any for UnitBuff()'s returns :-|
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01:00.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:30.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
01:31.08Findoes anyone know a function to reset the sound?
01:32.45ShirikI'm missing something stupid again:
01:33.03Shirikresults in
01:33.03ShirikInterface\AddOns\RDXM_Logistics\RDXM_Logistics.lua:956: invalid order function for sorting
01:33.21KasoFin, i'd recommend checking the FrameXML to see how the optitions frame sets the sound.
01:34.14FinKaso: thanks
01:34.28Kasooptions i meant ofc
01:35.07Shirikany thoughts? :(
01:35.55nymbiaShirik: looks right..
01:36.27Finyes, Shirik
01:37.19Kasodoes table.sort run in a protected environment ? could an error in the sort function be causing it to give the "invalid order function for sorting" error?
01:37.30Shirikthat's what I'm wondering
01:38.54nymbiaset up the function locally and give it a run manually
01:39.09Shirikand now it works
01:39.13ShirikI didn't even change anything!!
01:39.15nymbiano reason to make a new closure every time you run a sort, anyway ;)
01:39.21ShirikI didn't even reload ui!
01:39.44Shirikyeah probably
01:39.50ShirikI probably need to change that anyway
01:39.56Shirikthat assumes the version number is X.X.X
01:39.57Shirikwhich it isn't
01:40.19Shirikit can technically be anything
01:40.22JoshBorkeShirik:  i've had table.sort go wonky on me with perfectly valid sort functions
01:41.19Shirikthe manual doesn't make any mention of it running in protected mode
01:45.59Kasothat is my name.
01:46.01Shirik> table.sort({1,2,3}, function() error("Rawr") end)
01:46.02Shirikstdin:1: Rawr
01:46.02Shirikstack traceback:
01:46.05Shirikwhich would imply no :/
01:47.39Mr_Rabies2somehow my daily quests got reset
01:47.44KasoI guess your problem was just "One of those things"(tm)
01:47.50Mr_Rabies2i wonder if it has anything to do with it using the local time of 4 am and not the server time
01:48.07Mr_Rabies2maybe it uses time zone too
01:49.19Mr_Rabies2if so i think i just totally halfway accidentally exploited daily quests :O
01:50.14FinThe sort algorithm is not stable; that is, elements considered equal by the given order may have their relative positions changed by the sort.
01:50.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
01:50.35Shirikthat means
01:50.45FinShirik: my guess is that you need to put "return true" at the end
01:50.45Shirikbasically, the function always has to return true or false, right?
01:50.51Finor false, sorry
01:50.57Shirikwhich basically indicates whether or not it needs to swap positions
01:51.07Shirikif they are equal, however,
01:51.12Shirikyou still have to return a true or false
01:51.28Shirikthe order in which these tests are made is not stable, which means a consecutive pass could cause a different order to result
01:51.42FinI'm just guessing that whatever checks to see if the comp() function is valid might trip up if there's not a return false at the end
01:51.58ShirikFin: It returns false if it doesn't return true
01:51.59Shirikreread it
01:52.03Fin(the thing about the algorithm not being stable I only pasted for interest :)
01:52.04Shirikelse return false; end
01:52.12FinI do see that
01:52.16FinI have read it :)
01:52.19Shirikoh I thought the "huh" meant what does that mean :P
01:52.19Fin[03:54:00] < Fin> I'm just guessing that whatever checks to see if the comp() function is valid might trip up if there's not a return false at the end
01:52.33Fin+ outside of an if / else
01:52.43Shirikthat would be a stupid way to check it, imho
01:52.46Shirikbut possible
01:53.00Shirikif I did it I would run the function, and if neither false nor true were returned
01:53.03Shirikthen throw the error
01:53.46Finit's probably wrong; it's just that most uses of user defined sort functions I've seen always just return whatever the comparison operator returns rather than an explicit true or false
01:54.41Shirikyeah not really something I can do here :(
01:54.59Finno, I can see that, which is why I was suggesting adding return true to the end
01:55.00Shirikif they're equal I need a fallback
01:55.19Finlike I said, I'm probably wrong
01:55.29zenzelezzyay for reaching first boss in heroic Slave Pens only to find out one of the party members was saved
01:55.31ShirikI have nothing to argue that you're wrong :P
01:55.32Finbut *something* is saying "invalid function"
01:55.48Finwell, you could argue that it doesn't sound particularly likely :) which is fair enough
01:56.20Find'oh, I keep dying cos I'm fiddling with addons :)
01:56.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Nerinia (
01:56.42Finhowever! I have managed to actually get Bagnon to load without errors! progress
01:56.54Fins/errors/errors caused by my fiddling/
01:57.31Finthink I'll actually play the game a bit now
02:01.51Shirik22:01:50 ‹rici› yes, the error is triggered when the order function returns inconsistent results
02:01.53Shirikfor those that care
02:02.09ShirikWhen both d1 and d2 are not tables, the function can be inconsistent
02:27.51Nom-Anyone seen a downtime notice while logging in today? :0
02:28.00Finthere were some notices about downtime for a few EU servers
02:28.15Finno ETA, no reason given, standard Blizzard customer service
02:28.30Nom-Yep, you gotta love it :(
02:29.01Nom-I love it how every week the downtime notice says "See the Realm Status forums for more information"
02:29.02Nom-and every week there's nothing in there
02:29.07FinPS: this is a lie
02:29.53Nom-Occasionally I find something in the CS Forums
02:29.55Nom-But not often
02:30.09Finit's just to throw us off
02:30.13Finso that we have to check every time
02:36.16Thunder_Child~cheer Thunder_Child
02:36.27purlACTION cheers Thunder_Child on
02:36.27Thunder_Childi got my hacking wow book
02:36.58*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
02:49.11*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (
02:49.43Thunder_Childnow i just need to learn how to use it
02:55.28*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Holding (
02:56.08Corrodiashmm. i really don't want to take my hunter on MC raids to start the rhok quest
02:56.18Corrodiasi don't suppose there's any other way to start it?
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03:14.54zenzelezzaren't there better bows in BC?
03:26.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
03:28.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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03:28.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie_ (
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03:51.26Shirikso RDXM_Gruul forgot to unbind events
03:51.31Shirikso turning it off and on 10 times per raid
03:51.41Shirikresults in every growth counting as 10 growths
03:51.56Shirikand 10 timer bars
03:52.00Kaydeethreeoh I bet jaws were dropping when that was announced in /rw
03:52.11Shirikoh the MT was like "I can't see my screen anymore shirik!!"
03:52.28|Jelly|Who bought Clad's book? *raises hand*
03:52.36Shirikwaiting for it to come in but *raises hand*
03:52.55|Jelly|I spent $10 extra dollars on Instant Gradification
03:53.10ShirikI went to Barnes and Noble and they were like "lol wtf is that crap"
03:53.19Shirikthen I was like "lol? You order now rawr"
03:53.24|Jelly|I went in wearing my old Geek Squad worked out for me.
03:53.34Shirikhey I was in geek squad :D
03:53.39zenzelezzfor some reason I always associate "Barnes" with the stage manager now
03:53.42|Jelly|Really? Wow.
03:53.45zenzelezzOn with the show!
03:53.45Shirikstore 273
03:53.54|Jelly|55 4tw!
03:54.07|Jelly|(Like how I pretend I care? That's how I survived there...)
03:55.36ThraeYou bought Clad's book? Then buy my book!
03:55.41|Jelly|I doubt that's going to get you a copy too, Josh. 8P
03:55.54CairennThrae: you have a book?
03:55.59CairennJoshBorke: lol
03:56.28JoshBorkebut that might ;-)
03:56.30ThraeHacking World of Warcraft -- Who is the WhoMod? By Matt & Josh
04:00.31Thunder_Childhow do i recover a pw for a nick...mine stoped working for some reason
04:01.22Thunder_Childdidnt seem to find it there
04:02.27ThraeThunder_Child: "RECOVER[Wowfreenode] -NickServ(NickServ@services.)-     RECOVER    Kill another user who has taken your nick
04:02.36Thrae08:04 [Wowfreenode] -NickServ(NickServ@services.)-     RELEASE    Regain custody of your nick after RECOVER
04:02.40Thunder_Childneeds a pw for that
04:02.48Thunder_Childmy pw doesnt seem to work anymore
04:03.39Kaydeethreebah. freenode doesn't associate an email with a nick at registration. I'm not sure nicks can be recovered using this rather old version of Services
04:03.54Shirikwhy can't you just /ns ghost
04:04.05Shirikand why doesn't your password work?
04:04.12Kaydeethreeor check /ns help set password
04:04.33ThraeKaydeethree: You need the password to change the password.
04:04.33Kaydeethreebah, that won't work either
04:04.43Thunder_Childi have no idea why it wont work
04:04.46Shirikwell why don't you have the password?
04:04.54Shirikand what nick are you talking about?
04:04.59Thunder_Childi dunno, it's the same one i have been using for months
04:05.01Thunder_Childthis on
04:05.15Shirikyou can contact ircops and ask wtf is going on
04:05.15ThraeThunder_Child: Go to #help and get an ircop
04:05.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
04:05.21Shirikthey have a policy where someone can take over your nick
04:05.27Shirikbut you have to have not used it for 30 days
04:05.31Shirikwhich you don't fall into
04:05.37Thunder_Childwill do
04:05.37ThraeShirik: Or if you drop it
04:05.44ShirikI meant forcibly :P
04:10.40Thunder_Childbah, it seems i have to wait out the 60 days
04:11.58Shirik:( why?
04:12.54Thunder_Childthats what i was told
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04:13.24Thunder_Child(nalioth) Thunder_Child: i suggest you look in your logs for it
04:13.24Thunder_Child(21:07:33) (nalioth) there is no way to recover it, Thunder_Child
04:13.24Thunder_Child(21:08:01) (Thunder_Child) then how would i go about killing it and starting over?
04:13.24Thunder_Child(21:08:25) (nalioth) Thunder_Child: you'll have to wait for 60 days of non use to pass
04:14.39Kaydeethreeare you keeping logs? ns says you logged in 24 hours ago
04:15.05Thunder_Childyea, i have logs
04:16.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
04:28.14Corrodiasmy hunter's at level 44.5. i wonder if i can get him to 60 in two weeks, and i highly doubt it.
04:28.14Corrodiasnot with instance tanking and karazhan raids in there anyway
04:28.14Corrodiasand work
04:28.18|Jelly|Shouldn't be a problem really, at all.
04:28.25|Jelly|Joana to the rescue!
04:33.57wereHamsterJoshBorke, pong
04:35.09JoshBorkewereHamster: mind if i commit a fix to coolDown to fix the double timers when zoning?
04:38.45wereHamsterJoshBorke, how would you fix that?
04:41.00JoshBorkewereHamster: i iterate over the state table checking for the existence of the current texture
04:41.39JoshBorkefor _, tbl in pairs(coolDown.State) do if tbl[4][texture] then return end end
04:42.12JoshBorkein coolDownState.lua, just before table.insert in local function insert
04:42.18wereHamsteris it safe to rely only on the texture?
04:43.03JoshBorkeyou could check type also, but start and duration are going to be slightly off
04:44.05wereHamsterduration not, but start changes at PEW.. :(
04:44.15JoshBorkewereHamster: i've been running the code forever and it works fine
04:44.24wereHamsterdid you replace the whole for loop in insert() with your loop?
04:44.35JoshBorkeit's after the loop
04:45.05JoshBorkenn all
04:47.21Shirikso... anyone want to take a look at the gruul RDX window and make suggestions?
04:47.54zenzelezzneeds more Shatter
04:48.24wereHamsterJoshBorke, if it fixes the problem, then almost anything is good :)
04:48.39ShirikwereHamster: #dongle :P
04:48.42wereHamstercan someone please tell JoshBorke when he comes back? I have to leave now
04:49.08Shirikgruul window, right side:
04:49.28Kirkburn|sleepAnd here's a Son of Gruul -
04:50.10Kirkburn|sleepShirik, bloody hell, where's the actual scenery?
04:50.19Shirikas I've said millions of times I like information overload :P
04:50.30Shirikbe happy I don't have dteventtrace up too
04:50.30Kirkburn|sleepYou sure do ^^
04:50.37ShirikI usually have that up to debug stuff during fights
04:50.47Kirkburn|sleepYou don't even have a UF addon :O
04:51.04Shirikthough I should probably turn off party frames
04:51.07Shirikwhich RDX can do
04:51.09ShirikI just never did
04:51.15|Jelly|You should probably...omG! YOU HAVE KLH!
04:51.23ShirikI know :(
04:51.26Kirkburn|sleepBut then again, you appear to be raid leader, so you need lots of info
04:51.29Shirikit's a requirement for raid
04:51.43Kirkburn|sleepIf you're raid leader, change the req :P
04:52.13ShirikI'm not the only leader
04:52.21Shiriklook at my unit frame and note the lack of master loot
04:52.42ShirikNellah and I work together, but... I agree with him KTM is probably a benefit for everyone
04:52.45Shirikit can't hurt
04:52.59Kirkburn|sleepI wouldn't know what ML looked like if it bit me on the ass
04:53.11zenzelezzit can hurt... your performance
04:53.14Shirikit's a little bag icon :P
04:53.17Shirikzenzelezz: true
04:53.35ShirikIf I ever feel like it, RDX will have its own threat meter
04:53.40Shirikbut there are higher priorities for now
04:53.42Kirkburn|sleep18fps, not bad for middle of a raid fight
04:53.49Shirik18fps sucks :(
04:53.55ShirikI wasn't using the adaptive scheduler for the gruul window
04:53.57ShirikI should have
04:53.58Kirkburn|sleepTry playing on my PC ...
04:54.10Shirikthe gruul window updates at a static 0.2 seconds
04:54.13zenzelezzI saw talk of a new threat meter addon the other day, that aimed to not suck like KLH
04:54.16Shirikinstead of an adaptive 0.2 seconds that I'd want :(
04:54.20Shirikzenzelezz: Yes, but it's ace
04:54.24Kirkburn|sleepMy *max* in Shattrath is 18 fps
04:54.41zenzelezzShirik: I'm willing to accept that if it uses a more sane approach to the rest
04:54.49Shirikfrom what I have read about it
04:54.50Shirikit doesn't
04:54.58Kirkburn|sleepIt's all those damn glowy effects, and Adal especially
04:55.07Shirikbut this is just what I've been told
04:55.12ShirikI haven't read it myself
04:55.36Kirkburn|sleepBack on Azeroth I can reach 30 ... howerver, I've now decided that to reduce my view distance to the min, and now everywhere looks like it's a misty day. Quite cool actually.
04:56.04Kirkburn|sleepEspecially seeing Shattrath shrouded in fog early morning. They should add more fog effects!
04:56.10Shirik|Jelly|: what do you think of that screenshot?
04:56.21|Jelly|I think I threw up a little in my mouth.
04:56.26Shiriknow do you believe me about information overload?
04:56.29Shirikyou didn't before
04:56.32Mr_Rabies22 warriors and me (a feral druid) in heroic mech
04:56.37Mr_Rabies2guess who's tanking
04:56.44zenzelezzthe priest
04:56.56Mr_Rabies2actually we have a pally
04:56.58zenzelezzare they supposed to be DPS or tank warriors?
04:57.01Kirkburn|sleepI don't think "it uses Ace" is a valid reason to *not* use something :/ But perhaps I just shouldn't go there ...
04:57.05Mr_Rabies2dps i think
04:57.08Shirikbut seriously
04:57.12Shirikfocus only on the gruul window
04:57.17Shirikis it sensible?
04:57.18Shirikclean enough?
04:57.49|Jelly|Umm...I don't really see a whole hell of a lot of information, really. Health Bars. KLH. Mana. SCT. BW/DBM. EBB. You have mail. I's like an exploded version of my raid screen.
04:57.55Shirikright side
04:58.06ShirikGrowth count, damage, range
04:58.13*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
04:58.19|Jelly|I've never faught Gruul so I don't know what information is needed but it looks like that should CYA pretty well.
04:58.24Kirkburn|sleepLooks pretty simple to me
04:58.32Shirikthe real problem with me
04:58.35Shirikis I want to know everything
04:58.39Shirikand my screen resolution sucks
04:58.40|Jelly|Now if you could just adjest the frame in real-time through RDX. 8P
04:58.43Shirikthat's why everything's uber compressed
04:58.55Kirkburn|sleepHow on earth do you get the "in shatter range" bit?
04:58.56|Jelly|What resolution do you use?
04:59.04ShirikKirkburn|sleep: A complex mix of a few things
04:59.12Shirikthe most simplistic approach is CheckInteractDistance()
04:59.31Shirikwhen someone is within 11.11yd (trade I think?) their name appears there in red
04:59.34Kaydeethreelast I heard, using bandages was DBM's means of checking range for gruul
04:59.44Shirikisn't that like 25yd?
04:59.59Shirikbecause shatter is only 15yd, and you can get away with only being 10yd away
05:00.12Shirikanyway, the yellow is determined by a complex mix of transmissions and other fun stuff
05:00.29Shirikyellow isn't perfect but it's an attempt of a guess of people who are "near" 11.11 yd
05:01.23Shirikso it looks ok then?
05:01.46Shirikonly thing I'm worried a bit about is sneakybob's name is a bit too dark I think
05:01.52Kirkburn|sleepI love that Kungen's armory profile - - doesn't have two pieces of his equipment.
05:01.53Shirikbut my monitor tends to screw around with colors like crazy
05:02.51ShirikKirkburn|sleep: and still has 16k hp
05:03.07Kirkburn|sleepI think the items just aren't in the database ><
05:03.37Kaydeethreewe've been saying that about the armory since he started getting t5
05:03.44Shirikhis defense rating
05:03.46Shirikis way too high
05:03.57Kirkburn|sleepYou can tell he has an old char, since none of his Horde rep have reached revered
05:04.15Shirikthere is zero purpose to go over 495, and usually going over that means that you are losing out in something else you could have
05:04.21Kirkburn|sleepFor comparison, my draenei hunter is exalted with every except gnomes (and that's only 5% off)
05:04.52zenzelezzShirik: what would you rather he use, DPS gear?
05:05.03Shirikthere's probably another option somewhere :/
05:05.06Kirkburn|sleepIt's probably due to his choice of enchants
05:05.11ShirikI know if Nellah saw him
05:05.16Shirikhe would force him to fix it before he'd tank
05:05.39Kirkburn|sleepAnd yet Kungen is the one currently attacking Illidan :P
05:05.45Kaydeethreechrist, is he already 4/5 t6?
05:05.50Shirikyeah that's a bit insane
05:06.12Shirikbut think about it just for a second, there's no purpose, so why do it?
05:06.16Shirikeven if you do go DPS instead
05:06.20Shirikthat /does/ mean more threat
05:06.26Shirikeven if it isn't a wise choice
05:06.32zenzelezzpersonally I couldn't care less about what other warriors say; I choose my gear as I see fit - and by chance that gives me a lot of defense, since the item designers love throwing defense rating on anything that's meant to tank
05:06.44Shirikthis is true
05:06.57zenzelezzDPS gear doesn't have as much stamina as tank gear; and defense aside, stamina matters
05:07.05Kirkburn|sleepHis fishing is 5/75
05:07.19Shiriksounds like me
05:07.22zenzelezzhow can you only have 5 fishing
05:07.30zenzelezzI got more just waiting for the boat
05:07.30ShirikI might be lower :(
05:07.34Kaydeethreewhat does he care? he's gm of the #1 raidguild worldwide. the rest of the guild can fish for him
05:07.44Kirkburn|sleepKaydeethree, so true
05:08.09ShirikKaydeethree: Maybe he's like cogwheel
05:08.15Shirikgets mails saying "how to fix my guild"
05:08.19Shirikand accepts fish as payment
05:08.19Kirkburn|sleepI wonder if he ever respecs
05:09.56Shirikoh wait!
05:09.59Shirikmy fishing is 7/75!
05:11.07Kaydeethreegah, damn it. need to stop doing this...
05:11.16Shirikyou should be doing self
05:11.16Kaydeethreefirefox has 30 different tabs open pointing at wikipedia atm
05:11.17Shiriknot this
05:11.37Shirikhaven't you seen my firefox SS?
05:11.52Shirik"You are about to close 115 tabs. Are you sure you want to continue?"
05:12.10KaydeethreeI fear fx's memory usage right now
05:12.15Shirikto make it worse I usually have about 4 copies of firefox open at the time
05:13.48Shirikand on that note
05:13.51Shirikit is definitely foods time
05:14.04|Jelly|Shirik doesn't eat! He codes all day!
05:14.18Shirik|Foodingit's only 1:14...
05:15.10Kaydeethreedamn, it is 2500. suppose I oughta crash at some point. but the latest 2.5 gal batch of tea I made today is soo good
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05:27.18Shirik|Foodingj'ai retourné
05:27.20Shirik|Foodingdid you miss me?
05:27.28|Jelly|I did!
05:34.18Shirikyou should totally be able to cast binding heal on yourself
05:40.54Shirikman that would be awesome
05:41.01Shirik2k-3k heal, 1.5s cast time, low threat
05:41.18|Jelly|*self heal*
05:41.43|Jelly|Well. If you left it like you did, people would be all "OMG OP!
05:41.50|Jelly|like the retards they are, IMO
05:41.59Shirikif you can be killed by it, it's OP
05:42.29Shirikbtw, I absollutely DESTROYEd this shadow priest today
05:42.48Shirikhe was all like "lol vampiric embrace" so I was like "scatter shot ice trap"
05:43.01ShirikBack up, aimed shot for 4.5k, followed by a multi shot and arcane shot
05:43.04|Jelly|I like destroying
05:43.11Shirikyeah he was a bit mad afterwards :P
05:47.51Corrodias4.5k, was that a crit?
05:48.03Shiriknot my best though
05:48.08ShirikI crit a shaman once for 5.3
05:48.18ShirikI seriously laughed out loud after that
05:48.25Shirikand my gear was far worse then than it is now :/
05:48.26Corrodiasthat's strange
05:48.37Shirikthough, on the shaman
05:48.43ShirikI had rapid killing and a trinked up
05:49.52Corrodiasmy cat form 5-point ferocious bite crits on "no armor" mobs won't exceed 2600, and shamans wear mail. admittedly, my cat gear isn't fantastic because i focus on bear gear. but now that you mention rapid killing, it's a little more believable.
05:50.21Shirikwell these are definite maxes
05:50.26Shirikmy average aimed shot crits for 3k
05:51.25Mr_Rabies2my fb crits for about 2800-3k on cloth :O
05:51.56Mr_Rabies2had one for 3700 once but that was double triketed at 100 energy
05:52.13Corrodiasi was thinking "this seems like a lot for an attack with no 'combo points'" but mages do as much (re: aimed shot)
05:52.58Corrodiaswhen i help on cyrukh the fire lord, sometimes i do a lot extra damage. i think he gets a debuff during the fight, +25% damage or more
05:53.39Corrodiasa 3500+ FB crit under the same conditions as i'd normally get 2300 or so
05:56.00Corrodiaswell, my guild has a Molten Core run scheduled for two weeks from today, or should i say yesterday? monday
05:56.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
05:57.09Corrodiasmy hunter's at 44, and while i'd like him to get the drop to start the rhok'delar, i don't know that i'd be able to get him to 60+ in two weeks while still participating in raids and instance tanking
05:57.22Mr_Rabies2why do you want rhok'delar
05:57.44Shirikget it.
05:57.45Corrodias*start the rhok'delar quest line. i want to do that quest.
05:57.48Shirikyou do.
05:57.53ShirikSo many people won't go for it
05:57.57Shirikand they'll be far worse off because of it
05:58.01ShirikYou learn so much from that quest
05:58.12ShirikIf you don't have complete control over every aspect of your class, you won't complete it
05:58.29Shirikit's also fun
05:58.30Corrodiasi want to be a good hunter. i want to be a damn good hunter, and for that i need to complete that quest.
05:58.46Corrodiasi wonder, is it possible to complete as BM or would i have to spec MM or SV?
05:59.15Corrodiasnot that i'm opposed to the idea of changing for a while
05:59.44Shirikdo you have eagle eyE?
05:59.54Corrodiasi will by then, yes
06:00.04Shirikthat;s the only thing you really "need"
06:00.04Corrodiasnot yet at 44
06:00.17ShirikI completed it as MM without a problem, it shouldn't be much harder BM
06:00.25Shirikespecially given the extra stamina
06:00.34Corrodiasi'm currently still heading straight toward serpent's swiftness
06:00.46subbawti thought you couldn't use your pet on the rhok'delar quests?
06:00.50Shirikyou can't
06:02.18Shirikbut I'm just saying the difference between BM and MM will not be much
06:02.49Shirikfor example, the winterspring guy
06:02.49Shirikit doesn't make any difference at all
06:03.06Shirikthe only thing you need there is eagle eye
06:03.06ShirikThe one in Un'Goro? Stamina helps a lot
06:03.09ShirikSilithus? Explosive traps being able to be placed mid-combat makes it so much easier
06:03.18subbawti remember watching a friend do that one
06:03.18subbawthe dueled a warlock and had the warlock put CoR on him
06:03.18Shirikthe fear isn't a big deal
06:03.18Corrodiashot damn i want to do this quest
06:03.35Shirikit's very fun
06:03.48Shirikman I remember a paladin walking up to me randomly in burning steppes while I was doing it
06:03.51ShirikI tried to warn him
06:03.53Shirikbut he heals me
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06:03.59Shirikthen he gets hit for 30k
06:04.09Shirikand then on my last guy
06:04.15ShirikI ran across a horde at the last possible second
06:04.25Shirikhe was kind enough to let me finish the kill, and get the loot before killing me
06:04.29Shirikhe even clapped for me ^^
06:05.46Corrodiasi should get to bed so i can stay awake while levelling the hunter tomorrow. oh yeah, and tanking in karazhan. :P
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06:17.34Shirikso I already wasn't running out of mana
06:17.38Shirikand now I have shadowfiend to play with
06:17.41Shirikwhich restores 25% of my mana o.o
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06:27.19subbawtckknight: omen errors every time i cast binding heal! please halp
06:27.21Shirikoh is ckknight the author of omen?
06:27.25subbawti don't know
06:27.26subbawti thought so
06:27.27subbawtis he not?
06:27.39ckknightno, Antiarc is, but we're sorta co-authors for Threat
06:27.39Shirikinner focus shadow word death is awesome
06:27.49ckknightwell, he's the author, I just hack it as much as he does
06:27.50subbawtwell it's actually threat anyways
06:27.59ckknightwhat's the error?
06:28.22AntiarcOmen is mine, and binding heal is known
06:28.26Antiarcckknight: I think it's a parser error
06:28.34AntiarcIt's not capturing the unit ID of one of the recipients properly
06:28.41subbawtThreatClassModuleCore.lua:419 Usage: UnitAffectingCombat("unit")
06:28.43AntiarcI don't have a 64+ priest to test with though
06:28.54AntiarcYeah, know that one
06:28.56ShirikI do :)
06:29.00ShirikI'll play around with it tomorrow
06:29.11Shirikfar too tired to do so tonight
06:29.14AntiarcShirik: If you feel like it, register a heal event in parser-3.0 and PrintLiteral on the table that gets passed
06:29.22AntiarcThat should help ckknight fix it
06:29.28Shirikok, just not tonight ><
06:29.30Shirikperhaps tomorrow morning
06:29.34ShirikI was about to go to sleep :P
06:30.32|Jelly|I'm telling you...Shirik doesn't sleep.
06:30.41ShirikI wish this were so :(
06:30.44|Jelly|He recharges like a Borg for like an hour a day.
06:30.45Shirikunfortunately I get sick when I try this
06:30.53Shirikanyway, night
06:31.08Shirik|zZz(I /have/ gone 72 hours without sleep, it doesn't end well)
06:31.20Shirik|zZzthis was the day preceeding the RDX.Cid v9 release :P
06:31.28|Jelly|What's that I hear? Weakness being expressed?
06:32.30Shirik|zZz<3 night
06:32.40Shirik|zZzand sorry if that didn't come in right... monitor's off so I don't really know what I'm typing...
06:32.59|Jelly|So what you're saying is that you can't see this?!
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06:36.29Mike-N-GoBoo, water disappears if you /afk out of BG , now=[
06:39.22Thunder_Childguess not |Jelly|
06:43.40|Jelly|He's still there...he's just...ignoring me! yeah...
06:44.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
06:45.40Thunder_Child|Jelly| i think you have Shirik|zZz withdrawl
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08:11.35Nom-What's better for solo farming...
08:11.49Nom-Hunter (any spec) or Feral Druid ?
08:12.16|Jelly|Didn't really play a feral druid but i loved my huntard
08:12.34Nom-I'm leaning towards my hunter lol
08:12.43Nom-The change to healing makes them freakin nuts from what i've seen
08:13.07Nom-I took down an equal level elite with no problems just because i could still DPS while healing my pet
08:16.06|Jelly|I liked killing multiple things : /
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09:12.46kaidenanyone have a link to cogswheel's new macro guide
09:13.55foxlitHow do I emulate floor(number*10)/10 from string.format?
09:14.26foxlit(or is there any point, even?)
09:15.01foxlitkaiden: stickies on US forums and stuff?
09:15.36foxlitThanks :)
09:19.14Nom-man printf
09:19.28Nom-string.format = printf
09:19.36Nom-Sorry, sprintf
09:37.06|Jelly|Cog's guide:
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10:11.52Mr_Rabies2the huge influx of keyloggers every day
10:11.56Mr_Rabies2puts me in such a downer
10:12.01Mr_Rabies2on the wow forums
10:12.16|Jelly|IMO that's Darwinism working at it's finest.
10:12.17Mr_Rabies2it makes me more sad than melee hunters
10:12.27KasoWonder if its connected to the lack of whisper adverts
10:12.32Mr_Rabies2i'm sure it is kaso
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10:12.48Mr_Rabies2they're hurting for revenue so they're always gonna find a way
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10:12.59|Jelly|Clad! I both purchased and used your book tonight! <3
10:13.04Mr_Rabies2the thing is jelly, sometimes it's hard to tell
10:13.07KasoIf you dont like melee hunter's you wont like this then;
10:13.23clad|sleep|Jelly|: THanks, hope you find it useful
10:13.24Mr_Rabies2of course for those of us who are tech savvy it's not too much of a problem
10:13.25clad|sleepplease let me know if you don't.
10:13.47|Jelly|*shrug* Maybe that statement was a bit harsh but I'm just weird about clicking on well...all links. lol
10:13.55Mr_Rabies2but someone might see or something
10:14.18|Jelly|Oh. It's going to be useful! The only problem that I've found (and there's nothing you can/would do about this) is that all I bought it for was really Chapter 10 and on. lol
10:14.27Mr_Rabies2"guys nihilium just downed illidan, look here: <link>"
10:14.47|Jelly|BUT, like I said...most people will find your walk through of all those addons to be quite useful and I totally see why it's there 8)
10:15.02clad|sleep|Jelly|: Yeah, that was a tough thing to do.  If we wrote a book about writing addons, it'd have a market of maybe 6,000 users in the world.  With the book written as it is, it hopefully appeals to a broader audience.
10:15.04Mr_Rabies2they're even going back and editing peoples' old posts and changing links to keyloggers then bumping the threads from other accounts
10:15.38|Jelly|Oh, I understand. And to be honest, I'll use the other chapters for friends when I recommend them things that perhaps they'll like over what I personally use.
10:16.00cladhaireI call chapter 1 the "Guildmate" chapter :P
10:16.29|Jelly|All in all, what I've read (and has been very well written and very useful...not to mention, easy to read even for the layman (me)
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10:19.35|Jelly|*sigh* You know you've been up too long when you've listened to the entire discography of a band with 5+ albums.
10:19.56|Jelly|*restarts discography* lol
10:20.52Mr_Rabies2i once listened to yakkety sax for four hours
10:20.57Mr_Rabies2at a lan party.
10:21.00Mr_Rabies2through my speakers.
10:21.10|Jelly|I think I might kill you
10:21.10Mr_Rabies2after about 20 minutes you don't notice it
10:21.25Mr_Rabies2then all of a sudden at 4 hours everyone looked at each other and was like
10:21.27Mr_Rabies2man what the hell
10:21.37|Jelly|Yeah...I don't remember a lot of the's just white noise after a while.
10:22.02|Jelly|Pretty much the only reason my TV is ever on: background noise
10:23.17|Jelly|Is !Warmup at all useful? I've read that it's MAD inaccurate.
10:23.48|Jelly|Now that my UI apparently has fans, I need to streamline is and one of the problems is load time 8(
10:24.36KasoWarmup is great for startup times, but now with the new profiling aint so hot for addon memory and suchsuch
10:24.47foxlit|Jelly|: what did you make? :)
10:25.04|Jelly|Alright. Yeah...that's all I wanted it see what's taking so long to load.
10:25.18|Jelly|By UI, I meant compilation. I'm still very new to actually coding addons.
10:26.17Nom-lol 2.1.1 out already ?
10:26.27foxlitHas KTM!
10:26.36|Jelly|yeah yeah yeah
10:26.39|Jelly|Shirik uses KTM!!!
10:26.57foxlitAnd is that a gold pam whisper
10:27.10foxlitAnd the reply is "yeah... your mom"
10:27.23|Jelly|the version that you download now is fitted with updated Spam Sentry. hehe
10:27.52|Jelly|I just haven't been home lately to do all the crap I want to do (different resolutions, mainly)
10:27.58Nom-GRR there's not even a downtime message
10:27.58Mr_Rabies2i get like one goldspam a week now
10:27.59Nom-It's just down
10:28.16foxlitCombatlog addon seriously fails
10:28.17Mr_Rabies2from hijacked accounts
10:28.20|Jelly|Kind of mad because I did my friend's at 1024x768 and didn't get the stupid layout file.
10:28.22Mr_Rabies2it makes me sad
10:28.50Nom-It's not just me, is it?  Servers are down?
10:28.57Recluseweekly maintenance
10:29.05|Jelly|(is the layout file all I really need to copy it for different resolutions or the whole WTF?)
10:29.33Nom-They're meant to have this bloody alternating downtime stuff
10:29.36Nom-So much for tht
10:29.49Reclusei wish they did have that
10:29.55|Jelly|You mean when they just had rolling restarts there for a while?
10:29.58Wobinyeah =(
10:30.03|Jelly|Because that was win
10:30.16Nom-|Jelly|: That was announced as the "official" downtime roster
10:30.23Reclusei remember one week where they didn't even restart them lol
10:30.30Nom-One week maintenance, 1 week rolling restarts, etc etc
10:30.44|Jelly|Nom-: Huh? *stupid and tired*
10:30.45Nom-And if there's a patch in a rolling restart week, the following week would be rolling restarts
10:30.56Nom-I'd like it
10:30.59Nom-Link it
10:31.01foxlitI don't care!
10:31.04Nom-But even the WoW forums are down
10:31.13foxlitIf they have a patch, they're welcome to force downtime to push it!
10:31.26Reclusewow forums are up for me...
10:31.33WobinAre we patching?
10:31.39WobinCause if we are, I'm all for the downtime
10:31.53Nom-oh ffs
10:31.55Nom-routing problem
10:31.59Nom-that's why i can't connect to anything
10:32.08Recluseoh nice it IS a patch
10:32.19Nom-yeah, 2.1.1
10:32.46|Jelly|For whatever reason, somtimes Zone Alarm turns on me and everything but like...WoW and chat clients wont work. (It's like it blocked port 80 all of the sudden)
10:32.53|Jelly|...makes me want to punch them in the throat
10:33.19Recluseboo only 5 changes?
10:33.27Nom-ah it's back up now
10:33.31Nom-(the routing that is)
10:33.35|Jelly|Anything useful? lol
10:35.13|Jelly|Maybe the flickering terrain error will fix ElkBuffBars' flickering issue
10:35.28WobinWRU Authentication servers?
10:35.39Nom-still no downtime notice
10:35.44Nom-and still no able to login
10:35.50|Jelly|Mine has a notice : /
10:35.58WobinI can't authenticate
10:36.08Nom-Neither can I, Wobin
10:36.17Nom-Something dodgy is going on with routing from Australia
10:36.25Nom-iiNet specifically
10:36.28|Jelly|yay...i shaved 6mb off my compilation for Jelly-Lite (ROFL)
10:36.44Wobinwhere are you Fin?
10:36.49WobinSave us with yer dooverlacky
10:37.03Recluse* Players will no longer see the flickering terrain issues that were introduced with 2.1.0 when the LOD system is enabled.
10:37.13Wobinto be honest
10:37.27WobinI'm glad this happened during downtime =P
10:38.47Nom-omg :/
10:39.01Nom-i actually don't have anyone on my MSN list that works in the Call Centre any more :(
10:39.07Nom-Can't be arsed calling the NOC
10:39.19Nom-Oh well, they'll work it out...someone will whinge on Whirlpol
10:42.38Reclusedoes goldspam even work? seems like people who were gonna buy it would have googled for it. the spammers should spend more time doing seo on their sites...
10:43.07Nom-My screen has been blissfully blank for the last few days, thanks to SpamSentry
10:43.09|Jelly|It's like mass hit enough people and a certain percentage are sure to bite.
10:43.35foxlit"zomg, gold! must buy gold!"
10:43.43|Jelly|I will admit though, that screenshot was the first gold spam I've gotten since 2.1 and I didn't have a spamblocker until like Saturday
10:44.07foxlitMy spamblocker requires 0KB of addon memory :P
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10:44.12Reclusei only get goldspam from someone doing a /say at the IF bridge
10:44.48|Jelly|I don't know. Performance_Fu doesn't do but 20 addons (any way to increase this easily?) and I don't recall ever seeing SpamSentry on it. : /
10:44.58|Jelly|I got one of the invite spams...that was annoying.
10:45.05|Jelly|But it's my fault for accepting.
10:45.28|Jelly|See? Darwinism. I clicked it and suffered the consequences of being dumb.
10:46.18Reclusea rumor i heard was that they are random inviting higher ups to steal raid keys so they can goldspam using those >.>
10:47.56Wobin#  Script handlers defined in XML are implicitly wrapped with a function declaration (and trailing end) as follows (NOTE: AddOns that hook script handlers must now pass these parameters):
10:48.05WobinDoes this mean I can just hook like a normal function?
10:48.15Wobinrather than trying to hook the script?
10:48.16cladhaireno, what are you hooking?
10:48.27cladhaireWobin: those implications are just for local parameters and suck
10:48.35Wobinonleave/onenter/onclick for the tradeskill window
10:48.57cladhairedo you need to replace them ?  or retain the original behavior?
10:49.11Wobinretain =)
10:49.26WobinHave you seen Reverse Engineering
10:49.32cladhaireno i can't say i have
10:49.41cladhaireyou can securehook those buttons
10:49.47cladhaireas a a matter of fact, I think you'd have to.
10:49.57WobinBasically a mouseover one of the 'ingredients' for a recipe will show a little icon if that item is manufacturable
10:50.05Wobinand a click will move to that recipe
10:50.32cladhairethen you can just hook them
10:50.42Wobinand shiftclick will do as normal, (post the mat to the editbox)
10:50.48cladhaireyou can get the script with GetScript("OnEnter")
10:50.57cladhaireif it exists, then hook it with a new function and SetScript() your new one
10:51.04cladhaireotherwise you can just SetScript()
10:51.15WobinI don't want to do that destructively
10:51.30Wobinso the first method
10:52.14WobinGive Dongle hooking =)
10:52.21cladhaireit doesn't need it
10:52.24cladhairebut it will be getting it
10:52.35cladhairehooking is easy if you know what you're doing
10:52.56WobinOh I agree, but it's infinitely easier to leave that to the framework
10:53.04Wobinwhich is why RevEng is still Ace'd
10:56.23Recluseif shaman stance 1 is ghostwolf, stance 0 would be normal, unshapeshifted?
10:56.39Wobinwell, should be
10:56.43Wobinthe listing is on wowwiki
10:57.04Recluseah, i'll attempt a search for it, ty
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11:13.32Recluselooks like you might do a /dismount to get out of ghostwolf, which is odd
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11:22.43JoshBorkeo.O 2.1.1?
11:25.50WobinNom-: We're back up
11:33.09Mr_Rabies2i hope they fixed the booterang not working in flight form bug :[
11:33.23Mr_Rabies2because having to restort to booteranging on the ground sucks
11:35.02JoshBorkeheh, you said booterang
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11:43.52foxlitMr_Rabies2: not a bug!
11:44.03foxlitHow are you goin to toss a boot from flight form? :)
11:44.18Mr_Rabies2can't you do it while flying mounted?
11:44.23foxlitYou can.
11:44.27Mr_Rabies2then it's a bug
11:44.30foxlitBut that works because you actually have hands!
11:44.32Mr_Rabies2cause you can bomb in flight form
11:44.44foxlitYeah, that's more like dropping stuff from your birdfeet
11:44.52Mr_Rabies2who's saying i'm not wearing boots
11:45.09foxlitYou don't wear the booterang
11:45.14foxlitYou throw it!
11:45.14Mr_Rabies2how do you know
11:45.17Wobinhonestly, what were they thinking with that new olympic logo?
11:45.20Mr_Rabies2maybe i wear it and kick it
11:45.28Mr_Rabies2and it arcs back to me
11:45.30foxlitGrats, broken feet!
11:45.47Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure it's just a bug though
11:46.01Mr_Rabies2but i also can herb in swift flight form so i'm not complaining too much
11:46.04foxlitOh, i doubt that :)
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11:46.09foxlitNow, that's a bug.
11:46.19foxlitWhich will be fixed in either .1 or .2 :)
11:46.23Mr_Rabies2it has an animation :O
11:46.28foxlitSo did skinning.
11:46.47Mr_Rabies2i dunno, i think i should be able to booterang
11:46.58Mr_Rabies2it's stupid that a fun quest turns into a tedious quest for one class
11:47.08Mr_Rabies2everyone else loves the booterang
11:47.10Mr_Rabies2then again
11:47.21Mr_Rabies2i could always booterang while falling then go back into flight form midair
11:47.23foxlitNobody is stopping you from getting onto an epic mount!
11:47.39Mr_Rabies2you're just being a jerk about this :[
11:48.30foxlitI know, I play a druid :P
11:59.06Mr_Rabies2it's a bug, just like the herbing thing is
11:59.06Mr_Rabies2i'd lose herbing in forms to be able to booterang
11:59.06Mr_Rabies2just because it'd be a double bugfix patch
11:59.07Mr_Rabies2flight forms
11:59.07Mr_Rabies2that is
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11:59.10Mr_Rabies2i like bug fixes in general
11:59.10Mr_Rabies2i understand not being able to herb in flight forms
11:59.11*** join/#wowi-lounge dolby-wowi__ (n=Dolby-wo@
11:59.12Mr_Rabies2but i don't understand not being able to open chests and other doodads in any form
11:59.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
11:59.14foxlitclaws don't work very well on locks :)
11:59.15Mr_Rabies2it's just annoying, it's not like it'd throw game balance off or anything
11:59.16Mr_Rabies2someone hasn't seen jurassic pack
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11:59.16Mr_Rabies2*opens door*
11:59.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
11:59.17foxlitJurasic park had bears and stuff?
11:59.17Mr_Rabies2it had raptors
11:59.17Mr_Rabies2they have claws
11:59.18foxlitI have a feeling they're more into breaking down doors :)
11:59.18Mr_Rabies2they managed to open a door with a chicken's intelligence
11:59.18Mr_Rabies2a chickenwolf
11:59.18Mr_Rabies2you're telling me someone who retains the intelligence of their humanoid form can't figure out a way to bash open a door or a chest or something
11:59.18foxlit"High Bandwidth Digital Content Protection is a technology that protects your content played on your computer, DVD or another product and makes sure you see a perfect picture and future-proofing."
11:59.18*** join/#wowi-lounge kahdgarx1 (n=kahdgarx@
11:59.20foxlitLoose translation, but meh, that's one weird way of saying "we're preventing you from stealing movies"
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11:59.20Recluseimpossible to stop that though
11:59.20foxlitFamiliar with how HDCP works?
11:59.21Mr_Rabies2someone's bound to run a fraps of the video running or something
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11:59.21Recluseyeah, always a way
11:59.21foxlitThe correct phrasing is "still a way"
11:59.22Mr_Rabies2there's pretty much no way to prevent it
11:59.22foxlitNot really
12:00.40foxlitWindows could easily kill fraps ability to intercept unwanted content
12:00.40Mr_Rabies2no way that the consumers would still want to use the product
12:00.40foxlitWhich is why this is evil
12:00.41foxlitHDCP gets slipped through now (and you can hardly avoid it if you want a decent LCD nowadays), used in a year or so
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12:00.43foxlitAnd consumers know none the better until they actually can't pirate content.
12:00.44foxlits/know none the better/know nothing/
12:00.59KasoHDCP is evil, just further example of the entertainment caring more about their own protection rather than paying customer's opinions
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12:01.01Mr_Rabies2i'm sure someone will develop a hardware solution
12:01.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
12:01.02Reclusefor all encrypted media, it must be decrypted at some point for retrieval. your pirates will just perform this decryption with their own software/hardware is all
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12:01.03WobinMoney =(
12:01.03WobinMoney is stopping me from getting onto an epic mount =(
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12:01.04Mr_Rabies2By 2005, HDCP filtering devices were developed and freely sold in countries without restrictions on circumventing DRM. Those usually take the form of filters that have to be installed in the signal path between the movie player or decoder and the TV. The devices strip HDCP information out of the video signal, leaving the movie playable on non-HDCP displays.
12:01.04Mr_Rabies2i guess it's already done
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12:01.33foxlit<Recluse> for all encrypted media, it must be decrypted at some point for retrieval. your pirates will just perform this decryption with their own software/hardware is all
12:01.33foxlitAssuming I can design a secure keystorage box, that's pretty much void
12:01.36foxlitAll current "hey, look, I can decrypt stuff" steps from cryptographic weakness in the protocol or compromised keys
12:02.02foxlitDoesn't mean those will be there forever
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12:02.24Mr_Rabies2will be as long as most people remain incompentant
12:02.39Mr_Rabies2which is a double edged sword i suppose
12:02.50foxlitMuch easier to get compentent people to design an encryption scheme than to get competent consumers to actually detect a problem
12:04.49Mr_Rabies2ugh i need to get to sleep
12:04.49Mr_Rabies2sleeping all day is not fun or healthy
12:04.58Mr_Rabies2but i listen to my body's internal clock and it says "i get tired whenever i feel like're sleeping when i tell you to, bitch!"
12:06.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun (
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12:20.54Kasocan you "/equipslot 17" to deequip the current item in the slot?
12:22.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
12:26.45KasoOooh, copy pasting text now doesnt loose item formatting
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12:31.27Josh_Borkeoh noes, there are 2 of them
12:31.30Josh_Borkewhew, we're safe
12:33.03cladhaire_poo on you
12:33.46*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o clad|afk] by ChanServ
12:33.57clad|afkmy laptop has many many wirelss issues
12:33.59clad|afkit is the suck
12:34.08Josh_Borkejust plug it in and work!
12:34.21nevcairielso are there 2.1.1 notes somewhere around already ? =)
12:34.25clad|afkyes, on the wiki
12:34.27clad|afknothing extensive
12:34.33clad|afkfixed "The Fel and the Furious" thjo
12:34.38clad|afkwhich makes me happy, thats a fun quest
12:37.18nevcairieli hope the gfx issues are really gone now
12:38.55Kirkburn"There is actually a bug with shapeshifting and herb gathering, but only regarding the flight form. Currently it's possible to gather herbs while in flight form, which is not intended. This will be corrected in a coming patch."
12:39.08nevcairielquite you!
12:39.40nevcairielit even has a herbing animation, why did they add that ? :(
12:40.40Wobinawwwwww =\
12:41.20Kirkburnnevcairiel, aye, it is odd there's an anim for it :P
12:42.02nevcairielwell everyone know they would remove it .. it was just too unfair
12:42.09nevcairielyou could herb without aggroing anything
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12:42.49Kirkburnnevcairiel, you're totally just copying what I'm saying in the Ace channel >_>
12:42.57nevcairielnah i am not reading there
12:43.02nevcairieltoo lazy to switch channels :D
12:43.12KirkburnWhatEVA! =)
12:43.26nevcairielbut yeah, the instant cast epic speed is still a big advantage over a mount
12:43.53Mr_Rabies2i want to booterang in flight form
12:44.12KasoCan you use Booterang whilst on a flying mount?
12:45.25Mr_Rabies2that's the point of the quest
12:45.30Mr_Rabies2it loses its charm on the ground
12:45.42Mr_Rabies2it's just a remade part of the level 1 orc/troll quest to bonk peons
12:47.21Mr_Rabies2instead you're flying over lazy peons' heads and chucking a boot at them from the heavens
12:49.45Mr_Rabies2the ToS changed again
12:50.07Mr_Rabies2we need some kind of person that can read lawyerspeak to help us point out changes :[
12:51.31foxlitRun a diff!
12:55.55Mr_Rabies2i'll diff your face with my fist!
13:01.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
13:04.17Kirkburn"level 1 orc/troll quest to bonk peons" ... wow, they're damn frisky at low levels, those orcs/trolls ...
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13:09.22Mr_Rabies2damn british colloquialisms always messing up our good words
13:10.04Mr_Rabies2bonking someone on the fanny is quite a different beast over there than here
13:26.46*** join/#wowi-lounge YammYgirlcoding (
13:27.47YammYgirlcodingpeople. Is anyone aware of what happened to fizzwidget ? the guy disappeared and his site is down
13:30.10Mr_Rabies2horrible goblin dragon gun accident
13:30.17hastesite works here, and it has a notice that his moving to another server
13:30.46Mr_Rabies2ah, dns problems then
13:32.58YammYgirlcodingaaah!! i was thinking the guy has been shot or something :)
13:34.06sysragehe had.. but dragon guns aren't very lethal
13:37.03Neeblergoing goblin really disappointed me when I found out they get a crappy flame thrower and gnomish engineers got the death ray
13:37.16Neeblerbut in 2.0 goblin redeemed itself with the rocketlauncher
13:38.25Mr_Rabies2i want the rocket launcher just so i can get a nice beefy trinket with a lot of stam
13:38.33Mr_Rabies2then again i could just grind netherwing rep
13:39.38Mr_Rabies2since engineering is nigh useless to a feral druid except the trinkets
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13:51.13TS|Skromanyone know where to get help for the program "wow ui designer"?
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13:52.22Industrial~seen lunessa
13:54.50purllunessa <n=chatzill@> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 2d 15h 48m 21s ago, saying: 'And... on that note, I'm allowed to close the shop and go home.  Enjoy gents.  '.
13:56.23TS|Skromnever mind, thought i had 2.0 framework in stalled on that pc but I didn't. problem fixed
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14:35.38zenzelezzhow rude
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14:59.15Thunder_Childso was irc, zenzelezz
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15:16.46cogwheel|workThey need to add a "Please don't visit the forums to complain abount maintenance" message to the in-game maintenance notice...
15:17.30zenzelezzor just disable posting on some of the forums at all for the duration =D
15:17.57cogwheel|workI don't even think it's the posting... just the swarm itself is an effective DDoS
15:18.16zenzelezzoh, you're talking about the traffic
15:18.21zenzelezzI thought you meant the whine posts
15:18.34cogwheel|workheh... that too :P
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15:22.46foxlitnameplate-attached castbar seems oddly wrong
15:22.56KirkburnBtw, any wiki editors, I'd love input on
15:23.21KirkburnAnd ... maybe even non wiki editors too! :O
15:24.27TS|Skromhaha my eyes skipped to the races section and I saw "human - nice" then saw "dwarf - rather short" and got really confused.
15:24.36TS|SkromThought we were discussing physical appearance XD
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15:30.38foxlitDiscuss: FA is boring, useless, and depressing
15:30.57zenzelezzfirst aid? Full auto?
15:31.06foxlitfeatured article!
15:32.13foxlitThough tbh pick whichever FA that works for you
15:41.03cogwheel|work~seen tekkub
15:41.37purltekkub <n=tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/Tekkub> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 7h 22m 9s ago, saying: 'I expect to see a page of abuse in the morn.. preferrably stickied'.
15:46.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
15:48.01TS|Skrom*whimper* I'm having a really hard time figuring out all the steps to making a successful drop down box... anyone got any tips to make it easier?
15:53.50clad|afkI do a very simple one in TomTom
15:58.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
16:00.13wereHamsterJosh_Borke, morning
16:00.15cogwheel|workPoor tiger :(
16:00.27TS|SkromOh my
16:00.44cogwheel|workI definitely feel worse for the tiger than for the man...
16:03.01zenzelezzyou keep such an animal caged, you risk it. Sucks to be you
16:03.05wereHamsteryou _always_ take care of the tongue, so it doesn't slip down the throat :(
16:03.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
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16:13.44*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn|afk -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 Toc: 20100 | RTFPN please |
16:17.33KirkburnIllidan down, just so you know :P
16:18.21KirkburnAye, nihilum of course
16:18.59OsagasuForgive the french, but Holy f***
16:20.33ShirikCool Cairenn|afk :)
16:22.13Kaydeethreeholy hell
16:23.28Kaydeethreepatch out for 2 weeks and they're already done? wow they undertuned
16:24.54zenzelezzwell, it's not like they were new to half the fights when it hit live
16:25.41zenzelezzstill impressive of course
16:26.12KirkburnLoot images -
16:26.29OsagasuDid they even finish Hyjal?
16:26.29Kirkburn(It's better than a cockblock .... i.e. C'thun)
16:26.36KirkburnArchimonde ain't dead yet
16:26.41zenzelezzArchimonde has been taken
16:26.41Kaydeethreenext reset most likely
16:26.55Kirkburnzenzelezz, ?
16:26.56Kaydeethreemeh, bt's probably the first instance they didn't cockblock somewhere
16:27.01Kaydeethreewhich is weird
16:27.20OsagasuWeren't you supposed to have to kill Archimonde before Illidan?  I mean, he was supposed to be the biggest bad guy of the expansion.
16:27.35Kaydeethreeno. they're both t6 instances
16:28.01KirkburnThat wasn't a liegit kill
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16:28.11KirkburnUnless this *just* happened?
16:28.13Kaydeethreebugged on the ptr
16:28.17KaydeethreeI remember seeing that one
16:28.27zenzelezzwell, Hyjal is going down fast as well at least
16:28.30Kaydeethreegm was surprised at the exploit they used iirc
16:28.37KirkburnIndeed, that's on Archimonde now
16:28.51*** join/#wowi-lounge CIA-20 (n=CIA@
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16:29.40OsagasuIn that case, I'm glad I left.  Both of the top instances being friggen pansy instances.
16:29.46OsagasuIt's disillusioning.
16:30.22Kaydeethreemeh. maybe we'll get to them some time this year, then. of the t5 instances all we've killed is hydross
16:30.34zenzelezzjust because Nihilum, Forte & co. take them don't mean they're pushovers
16:30.54TS|Skromquestion about concatenating a variable name... I've got a couple of edit boxes on my options menu. I want to programatically fill each box with text from a table where editbox1 = table[1], editbox2 = table[2] I would assume a for statement would be appropriate, but how do I append my 'i' from the for loop to the end of the editbox'i' part of the loop?
16:31.17Kirkburnzenzelezz, exactly
16:31.38*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (i=MoonWolf@
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16:31.49KirkburnThose guilds are *excellent* players, who have had a long time to get used to playing WoW
16:32.52KirkburnConversely, Blizzard have much more experience creating instances for those players
16:33.23OsagasuIt doesn't matter.  It took them longer to down Malchezzar after they hit 70 then it took them to down Illidan after the patch.
16:33.53KirkburnWell yea, they weren't 70 then!
16:34.03OsagasuI just said after they hit 70
16:34.11dukekui was 70 before you were born, son
16:34.35OsagasuAnd it took them longer to down Vashj after they entered Serpentshrine than Illidan after the patch
16:34.47Osagasunot even two bloody weeks
16:34.48KirkburnWell, also note they wouldn't have had time to get used to the new talents and style of play
16:34.49OsagasuI mean, seriously
16:35.06KirkburnVashj was bugged
16:35.11KirkburnThat's why they didn't down her.
16:35.25Mr_Rabies2i think they just had more time to tune them on the ptr, and got some good serious 1 on 1 with the poopsockers
16:35.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
16:35.50Kaydeethreeoh wow. that's a term I haven't heard in a while
16:36.12zenzelezzyou can't forget that these are people that Blizzard turn to for help in testing these raids
16:36.14KirkburnAh yes, don't forget the guilds tested /every/ encounter on the PTRs. Dunno about Arch and Illidan though
16:36.21zenzelezzI win
16:36.30Kirkburnh8 u
16:36.43Mr_Rabies2i won with less detail okay
16:36.49OsagasuThey downed Vashj.  In fact, I think they downed her twice in the first week they downed her at all because she was bugged.
16:36.55Mr_Rabies2poopsockers = bleeding edge raiders
16:38.48Shirikqq at forums
16:38.51Shirikare servers still down?
16:39.03Kaydeethreepatch day. wouldn't be surprised
16:39.22Shiriklocal _, _, item, who, price = string.find(arg, pattern)
16:39.33Shirikapparently you can't ctrl+c patch notes >.>
16:39.53Shirikanyway what is this crap about stackable items from mail no longer stacking in your inventory
16:39.55TS|Skromif I do EditorSinglelineEditBox..i that's not going to append the value of i to the end of the EditorSingllineEditBox variable name is it?
16:39.55Shirikthey never did for me
16:40.22Shirikhey they fixed the z fighting!
16:40.26Shirikabout time..
16:41.09Shirikhm no severs are up
16:41.17Shirikwonder why the forums are = crap
16:41.23Shirikall the trolls need to get back in the game
16:41.52Kirkburncogwheel|work, ooh, interesting
16:43.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (
16:43.54Mr_Rabies2<Shirik> hey they fixed the z fighting!
16:44.02Shirikthe flashing of terrain
16:44.11Shirikthat I've been complaining about forever
16:44.15Mr_Rabies2z fighting always conjurs images of guys floating in the air and grunting for hours before fighting and one getting killed in 3 minutes
16:45.08Shirikz fighting is quite literally two objects having the same world Z coordinate
16:45.23Shirikwhich results in the graphics processor not being able to determine which one is hidden and which is shown
16:45.30Shirikwhich results in flashing back and forth between the two objects
16:45.45Shirikthere's a really simple fix - almost every graphics card I know of supports stencil buffering
16:45.54Mr_Rabies2i'm sorry, the correct answer is goku charging a spirit bomb and killing frieza
16:46.09Kaydeethreehuzzah. they finally changed the server motd, no more bitching about addons
16:46.20Mr_Rabies2tribes 1 has awful z fighting on modern cards
16:46.27Mr_Rabies2because it was designed for glide with limited opengl support
16:47.02ShirikZ-fighting, also called stitching, is a phenomenon in 3D rendering that occurs when two or more coplanar primitives have similar values in the Z-buffer, causing random parts of the primitives to be rendered. This problem is usually caused by floating point round-off errors. Z-fighting is reduced by the use of a higher resolution depth buffer, by W-buffering, or by simply moving the polygons further apart.
16:47.06Mr_Rabies2when zooming with the mouse you can see THROUGH structures on nvidia cards that are geforce 4 or above
16:47.28Mr_Rabies2so you can see inside buildings
16:47.33Mr_Rabies2built in wallhack :x
16:47.33ScytheBlade1I'm so glad that'll be fixed
16:47.37ScytheBlade1BF was horrible for that
16:47.57Mr_Rabies2something in the legion camps in BEM was wrecking my FPS
16:48.00ShirikMr_Rabies: That's typically caused by the fact that many objects don't have a texture to render on the other side
16:48.03Mr_Rabies2apparently its the core hounds or something
16:48.07Shirikfor performance reasons
16:48.09ScytheBlade1Nothing like unloading on a mob only to pull aggro and suddenly get... a very odd view of the place, and no view of the mob now beating on me
16:48.12Mr_Rabies2yeah, shirik
16:48.16Mr_Rabies2but it didn't use to do it
16:48.17Shirikas a result, if you can get behind it, you see through it
16:48.19Mr_Rabies2on older cards
16:48.27Mr_Rabies2especially in glide mode
16:48.33Shirikfun times
16:48.55Mr_Rabies2newer cards get terrible FPS in it and textures pop and disappear like mad
16:49.16Mr_Rabies2but man, get a voodoo 3 on that thing and BAM
16:49.26Mr_Rabies2it looks pretty for a game from 1998, and runs smooth as helll
16:49.33*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
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16:54.16Mr_Rabies2aaand my trinketmenu's broken again
16:54.19Mr_Rabies2after an ace update
16:54.37Shadowedoh hey we can mouseover things that are in front of objects again
16:54.59Shadowedor at least only objects that cause LOS I guess
16:55.04Kaydeethreethank the gods, they finally fixed the mouse-targetting bug?
16:55.19Mr_Rabies2now if only they'll let me booterang while flying
16:55.34Kaydeethreeflight form?
16:56.00*** part/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
16:56.12Mr_Rabies2hrmmmmm i can't target through this crystal here
16:56.15Mr_Rabies2are you sure, Shadowed?
16:56.27Shirikfoxlit: Ping
16:58.01Mr_Rabies2:[ damn you booterang
16:58.05Mr_Rabies2you could be such a fun quest
16:58.12Mr_Rabies2but instead you're tedious
16:58.31*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (i=MoonWolf@
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17:01.28Mr_Rabies2warden's apparently been updating like crazy recently :O
17:01.35Mr_Rabies2now it's detecting rootkits i think
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17:42.49Josh_BorkewereHamster: morning
17:43.07wereHamsterJosh_Borke, did you commit your changes?
17:43.36Josh_Borkewasn't sure if you wanted me to
17:43.37wereHamster.. if it fixes that 'bug', then go ahead :)
17:43.45Josh_Borkeok, will do tonight
17:43.53wereHamsteryesterday you left before I could tell you :)
17:44.36wereHamsterI'm not really playing anymore, so I'm glad someone is fixing bugs for me :)
17:44.41Josh_Borkesorry, i was falling asleep at the keyboard :-)
17:44.49*** join/#wowi-lounge |beerke| (
17:44.56zenzelezzthe only way to sleep
17:47.23|Jelly|no...I've laid my head open on my desk falling asleep at the computer
17:47.38|Jelly|Stupid EQ and it's million hour corpse recoveries.
17:49.43Shirikhold up
17:50.02Shirikwhy does it take so long?
17:50.13|Jelly|did it take so long?
17:50.20|Jelly|(They've fixed it since I played)
17:50.26Shirik13:47:49 ‹|Jelly|› Stupid EQ and it's million hour corpse recoveries.
17:50.34|Jelly|But because you had to get to your corpse, alive, to rez it.
17:50.42|Jelly|No ghost form or whatever.
17:50.50TC-Workingsucked getting killed on the way to your corpse
17:50.52|Jelly|And how.
17:51.05Shirikdid you have to get to your corpse twice then or something? ^^
17:51.06TC-Workingthen you had multiple corpses to loot again
17:51.11wereHamsterTC-Working, to which corpse did you then have to go? to both?
17:51.38TC-Workingwell, if you dodnt equip anything the second time then you only had to go to one, but if you did...
17:52.11TC-Workinginventory items you start out with when you rez but equiped items lay on the corpse
17:53.02TC-Workingso if you equip twice and die twice, it's a long long time before your fully ready again
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17:54.19AndaliaCan anyone here tell me if it is possible to move WorldStateAlwaysUpFrame (the one that shows resources for AB or flags for WSG). It just keeps resetting after I move it and I dont know how to prevent it from doing so
17:57.02Shirikhm, I just moved it
17:57.05Shirikbut not correctly ><
17:57.27TC-Workingi use dfm and it works fine
17:57.45TC-Workingdfm = discord frame modifier
17:58.02ShirikI believe WorldStateAlwaysUpFrame is not correct
17:58.38Andaliahmm...I wont use dfm ;) But there must be a way :(
17:59.10Kasohook it's setpoint method to stop it moving!
17:59.42*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
17:59.50Kasothe problem is its moving back, so hook setpoint to stop it :>
18:00.14Shirik"The problem is I'm getting errors, so do a seterrorhandler(function() end)
18:00.39Kasobrilliant idea!
18:01.01pastamancerOn error resume next
18:01.15zenzelezzthat was in all of my VB functions
18:01.49pastamancerthere's a special place in hell for people that do that
18:02.15Shirik10th ring?
18:04.32*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
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18:29.48TC-Workingnothin like looking at the ingredients on the back of a monster drink to make you wonder what the hell your pouring in
18:30.39Mike-N-GoAny indication on if is a spoof, because my browser gives me a certificate warning when I go to 'manage account'?
18:31.17Shirikgo into command prompt and type
18:31.22Shiriktell me the results
18:31.40TC-Workingi'm not getting a cert error when i do it
18:31.46ShirikI take that back I am getting the error too
18:31.55TC-Workingi'm not
18:32.08Shirikoh lol
18:32.11Shirikthe issue is
18:32.11TC-Workingcert doesnt expire till 2008
18:32.16Mike-N-GoI get the error when I click on
18:32.17Shirikit's registered to
18:32.21Shirikwhich is not equivalent to
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18:33.45TC-Working*sigh* @ retarded names
18:33.47TC-WorkingWorld of Warcraft Finalists:
18:33.47TC-Working1st - The HUKHUKHUKHUKHUKS
18:33.47TC-Working2nd - We lose cuz Daorok sux
18:33.47TC-Working3nd - Power Trip
18:34.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin_ (
18:34.40TC-Workingyou know, the next ToS needs to have a min IQ req for playing
18:35.17TC-Working"so we'll also be providing a beta key for an upcoming Blizzard game" like we dont know what it is
18:35.48|Jelly|*boggle* 8P
18:36.44TC-Workingi refuse to do the costume contest though
18:36.59TC-Workingi have my pride and dignity
18:37.06TC-Workingi just cant find them atm thats all
18:40.49|Jelly|13:40:10 [4] <Lokeina>: LF1M BOT, need non cloth dps -- Someone doesn't want competition!
18:41.22Shirikbe happy they actually use the LFG channel
18:41.26Shirikinstead of the trade channel
18:41.45|Jelly|They're using trade too...I just have it filtered to another window so I don't see it. lol
18:41.47TC-Workingi wish i could /report people for doing improper things on channles
18:41.55Shirikin theory you can
18:41.59Shirikbut last time I petitioned a GM on it
18:42.10Shirikhe said that there were so many people doing it, he won't do anything about it
18:42.14Shirikand I was like "wtf"
18:42.25|Jelly|Like...LFM in trade? or what?
18:42.27Shirik"that's like saying there's so many people committing murder that we aren't going to do anything about it anymore"
18:42.41amroexcept it's paying customers, not murderers :P
18:42.41sysragei've never seen a GM actually take action against anything
18:43.03Shirikamro: They are no more a paying customer than I am
18:43.21amroShirik: but they're more than you are
18:43.27|Jelly|What if they've all paid for a year?! huh?!? 8P
18:43.40amroI mean, there are more of them
18:43.54|Jelly|I wish WoW would implement what LOTRO did and have a lifetime subscription. lol
18:44.00ShirikI mostly disagree with that, but there are more of them than are complaining about it, yes
18:44.05Shirik"the silent majority"
18:44.23TC-WorkingLotRO has a lifetime subscription?
18:44.31Shiriksomething like $200 iirc
18:44.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
18:44.39TC-Workingwow, thats quite cheap
18:44.40amroShirik: never said I agree with it, but that's the way it is
18:44.44ShirikI know :)
18:44.46pastamancerI guess they don't plan on being arond that long :p
18:45.00TC-Workingheh, i was just thinking it would be stupid for blizz to do it
18:45.06TC-Workingthey make way more than that
18:45.14|Jelly|I played was actually pretty fun.
18:46.44TC-Workingi played beta as well,
18:46.44TC-Workingnot for me
18:46.44|Jelly|How so? at $16 a month, $200 is 12.5 months. They've got ya for a year once you do it regardless if you play or not. : /
18:46.44Shirikand after a year? ;)
18:46.44|Jelly|It was pretty much a carbon copy of EQ2
18:46.44amroyeah $200 is pretty cheap
18:46.44ShirikI'm willing to bet many, if not most, current WoW subscribers have been in game for more than a year
18:46.44|Jelly|Well...after a year, you reup or don't...regardless, you were going to pay $16 a month.
18:47.22amro<- since release
18:47.40|Jelly|Please keep in mind that I'm not looking at this from Blizzard's point of view, really. I'm just tired of since I don't have a credit card, having to buy game cards. lol
18:47.44Shirikfrom your side it's great
18:48.37|Jelly|And my side...if, of course, the only side.
18:48.37Shirikblizzard's side, not so much
18:48.37Shirikon another note
18:48.37|Jelly|Blizzard has no say in my side!
18:48.37Shiriklet us assume that Blizzard has locked in tons of lifetime subscriptions
18:48.41Shirikthere is now no real incentive to provide patches
18:48.44|Jelly|Oh shit. Here comes Shirik with his logic bomb.
18:48.46TC-Working@ $500 a pop
18:49.04|Jelly|You make a really good point there.
18:49.13TC-Workingnew players Shirik
18:49.18|Jelly|But in that case, can I go back to shadow since it shouldn't be nerfed anymore?
18:49.21LunessaDid I miss an announcement, or are we dealing in the metaphysical realm of pure speculation?
18:49.28Shirikwe are :
18:49.49Shirikfoxlit: Come back!!
18:50.06|Jelly|Yeah foxlit...we're annoying him!
18:50.21LunessaOk.  'cause I was going to say that with an MMO, you can never really predict how long people will keep playing it.  I mean, like EQ is still rocking since '99.  
18:50.37TC-Workingi dunno if i would call that 'rocking'
18:50.40Shirik~botmsg foxlit Find me when you get back, I want you to look at something for me :)
18:50.53|Jelly|And I feel SOOO bad for the people who start new on servers that aren't progression servers.
18:51.28IndustrialTC-Working: yes?
18:51.30Shirikwtf is this
18:51.31LunessaWell, rocking in that SoE is still making money.  
18:51.37Shiriksmite gets interrupted
18:51.40Shirikand MB goes on cooldown?
18:51.46Shiriksomething's broke there >.>
18:51.52|Jelly|I miss Galaxies...before they broke it
18:51.53TC-Workingnothing, i just felt like typing in your name
18:52.57Shirikhi Industrial
18:53.05*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
18:53.09Shirikand cogwheel|work
18:53.19|Jelly|Hey Cog
18:53.36TC-Workingah, the wino is here
18:53.56cogwheel|worknow, Shirik, your tab-completion gave you away
18:54.12cogwheel|workwould you really have bothered to put the |work on there if you were talking about me?
18:54.27Shirik14:53:09 ‹Shirik› hi Industrial
18:54.27Shirik14:53:17  » Join: cogwheel|work ‹›
18:54.27Shirik14:53:21 ‹Shirik› and cogwheel|work
18:55.49|Jelly|Question regarding Ace Libraries: If I load the StandAloneLibraries, do I need to install the mods "with Externals" ? Which is 'best'?
18:56.01*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
18:56.02Shirikneither is "best"
18:56.03TC-Working "Flame On"
18:56.19ShirikStandAloneLibraries only ensures that the latest version of the libraries are the first and only libraries to be installed
18:56.26LunessaHaha... once more the causes of coding religion rear their ugly heads.  
18:56.29Shirikin theory, an outdated addon could be loaded first, loading an older library for the first few seconds
18:56.32XuerianIf you're installing libraries separately (be it in SAL or the real way), you should probably go without externals.
18:56.58Shirikthe older library would be overwritten shortly thereafter though
18:57.07|Jelly|So it would take load time though?
18:57.30Shirikin theory it could shorten load time
18:57.35Shirikbut there's no real way to guarantee that
18:57.40|Jelly|So irregardless, that's not going to increase or decrease load time (to have both)?
18:58.23Shadowedcogwheel|work: The ? icon thing is a bug btw
18:58.36|Jelly|Roger. Sorry for the weird UI's taking a while to load and well Warmup, while helpful, told me to replace quite a bit of my 'crucial' stuff.
18:58.39cogwheel|workTC-Working: done
18:58.46Shadowedit doesn't reset to the default state if you're already on the action or something
19:01.34kaidengrrr i see they've still not made a fix to /follow
19:01.40kaidenevil blizzard
19:02.51TC-Workinglol, thanks cogwheel|work
19:03.04LunessaWow... I don't look at the forums for 2 days ... and not a single new or interesting question has been asked.  
19:03.29|Jelly|You cut me deep...mine is interesting!
19:03.43Kaydeethreeheh. only globalstrings changes with this interface revision
19:04.55mikmacogwheel|work: :D
19:06.09LunessaI missed your Jelly... But most of it is all stuff that's eithe: a) in the FAQ, b) lol wut addon is this, or c) asked a zillion times and text search would have given the answer.
19:06.43Shirik|Jelly| posted a question?
19:07.08|Jelly|Same question I spammed you about last night while you were sleeping. lol
19:07.36|Jelly|...of which, I've all but given up on.
19:07.50Shiriklooking through my pings
19:07.53Shirikthat I missed last night
19:07.55Shirik02:45:50 ‹Thunder_Child› |Jelly| i think you have Shirik|zZz withdrawl
19:07.55Shirik[#wowi-lounge] - [05/06/2007]
19:07.56Shirikwhat is that
19:08.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (
19:09.22Shirik(02:33:10) ‹|Jelly|› So what you're saying is that you can't see this?!
19:09.26Shirikyes I really couldn't
19:09.38Shirikwhat's funny is I actually hit backspace while typing that sentence too
19:09.42PolarinaDoes anyone know if it is possible to get the repair cost for items, "without" discount even when at a merchant that gives discount?
19:09.43|Jelly|Lunessa: Which FAQ talks about hiding and showing frames automagically? The addon doesn't matter, I gave the names of the frames (which actually includes the name of the addon. Asked a zillion times? me...
19:10.00ShirikPolarina: Definitely possible
19:10.06KasoPolarina, surely you could; check faction of the NPC, check the char page to tell if player is honored with that faction, then adjust the price accordingly
19:10.28PolarinaKaso: And how do I check the faction of the merchant?
19:10.43Elkanoor simply calculate it from the durability values
19:11.08PolarinaKaso: It returns for example "Alliance" or "Horde", nothing better than that. :(
19:11.16|Jelly|Lunessa: I can't PM you because I haven't registered. lol
19:11.45Elkanoshame on you :P
19:12.00LunessaIt takes like... 2 seconds.  
19:12.01|Jelly|I'm in Heroic BF currently or I would 8(
19:12.15Kasoi could have sworn that function returned the faction of npcs
19:12.32TC-Working~shame |Jelly|
19:12.47purlShame on you |Jelly|!
19:12.48TC-Workingdamit purl
19:12.55purlTC-Working: thanks
19:13.34|Jelly|and wince we wiped...i suppose I could do it
19:13.46|Jelly|and of course -- my fault that they pulled the pat
19:14.05Shirikof course!
19:14.13Shirikhow dare you not be able to heal 50 at once
19:14.18Shirikyou're a priest!
19:14.26TC-Working<-- SP
19:14.49LunessaOMG - I hate it when someone 'blames the priest' for stupid things they did.  
19:15.20Shirikyou get used to it
19:15.24ShirikI just say sorry every time we wipe now
19:15.27Shirikby habit
19:15.49LunessaI don't.  I'm known as a "cranky priest."
19:16.11ShirikPolarina: Look at the tooltip code
19:16.16Shirikdetermine how it figures out what faction they're in
19:16.17foxlitSo cute
19:16.30foxlitThe wowforums interceptor is powered by javascript that replaces the link live
19:16.32LunessaPolarina - Scan the tooltip?
19:16.35PolarinaShirik: That's the dirty way, is there a clean way?
19:16.38foxlitSo if you open it in a tab, the interceptor never works.
19:16.44Shirikwhy would you call that the dirty way?
19:16.48ShirikI never said scan the tooltip
19:16.51ShirikI said look at how they did it
19:17.19Kaydeethreefox; by design. people were bitching when they put the forums in beta that they shouldn't have to deal with the interceptor for opening new tabs
19:17.24PolarinaShirik: They do it the dirty way.
19:17.41Shirikok what is this "dirty way" you speak of?
19:17.53TC-Workinghuh...blizzcon forum...odd
19:18.25PolarinaShirik: Even multiplying the value with 1,1 (110%) doesn't give accurate results.
19:18.51Shirikok well
19:18.54Shiriklet me put it this way
19:19.11ShirikIt's what you have to work with. If Blizzard looked up the faction in a specific way, that's probably how you're going to have to do it too.
19:19.26ShirikTo answer your question, no, there is no function (nor should there be) to get the absolute price of an item
19:19.37PolarinaJust the repair cost. :(
19:19.42ShirikAnd at the very worst, multiplying by 1.1 would be off by just a few copper
19:20.05foxlitHm, you're looking to detect honored status with NPCs?
19:20.17Shirikfoxlit: Polarina doesn't want to do that either
19:20.22Polarinafoxlit: Better yet, finding out the repair cost of items without discounts.
19:20.47foxlitBut basically, it comes down to detecting whether you get the discount or not?
19:20.54Polarinafoxlit: Yes.
19:21.51ShirikPolarina: You never answered me
19:21.57ShirikWhy do you call what Blizzard did "the dirty way" ?
19:22.11PolarinaShirik: Undocumented API.
19:22.31foxlitall api is undocumented!
19:22.39zenzelezzdamn you fox, you were faster than me
19:22.43Shirikyeah me too
19:23.00ShirikIf you're not willing to read the Blizzard code
19:23.05foxlitI'd suggest UnitReaction, but that doesn't quite work like you'd expect
19:23.05ShirikI'm afraid there's nothing I can do to help you, plain and simple
19:23.13Shirikfoxlit: Will you be around in about 10 minutes?
19:23.19ShirikI want to ask you a question but I need food ><
19:23.23foxlitYeah, sure
19:23.33foxlitIt's only 2123
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19:37.46LunessaLogger of the Keys - A new Drama by W.H. Shakes-a-Beer
19:40.51TC-Workinghmm.. do /me not trigger pings?
19:41.22|Jelly|I still think people that don't release need to die in a fire
19:43.33zenzelezzwhen they die you mean?
19:43.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
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19:44.13TC-Working|Jelly|, they are already dead, and if they got hit with a fireball they already died in a fire
19:44.15zenzelezzit depends on the situation in my opinion, but in a wipe + no SS/DI I agree
19:44.17|Jelly|more importantly, when I die
19:44.21Shirik|Ecolefoxlit: still here? ^^;
19:44.30foxlitbooteranging stuff
19:46.50TC-Workingnow i am sad i looked at my realm forum
19:47.32foxlitAsk away :)
19:47.46TC-Workingi should post a warning in there *Warning* This realm contains %90 of all retards in WoW
19:47.54Shirik|Ecolefoxlit: did you get my pm?
19:48.22foxlitSecond round, yeah
19:49.09Lunessa|Jelly| I prefer people not to release.  Especially in Tempest Keep or places where we'll have respawn.   If we have no DI/SS then yeah, they should release, but usually I prefer they not. :P
19:51.29foxlitHelp, I being chased through SMV by 20 angry spinning boots!
19:55.44Shirik|Ecolelol @ cm : -edit-
19:55.44Shirik|EcoleOh noes someone moved me.
19:55.49LunessaOMG - Cog actually used PEBKAC
19:56.08TC-Workingi used it on my work email...and got in trouble
19:57.00LunessaI work in support for a university.  Imagine the political fall out if I told a user that?  But techs use it all the time describing a problem.
19:57.44TC-Workingthats because it *is* always the problem, if no one ever touched a puter, it would never have a problem
19:58.22LunessaShirik - I work for a university in Texas.  I'd rather not divulge more than that in a public forum.  
19:58.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (
19:59.33|Jelly|It's not UNT, is it? 8P
19:59.38foxlitAccording to wikipedia, there are 136 distinct universities and colleges in texas.
20:00.03Shirik|EcoleLunessa: That's not what I meant
20:00.10Shirik|EcoleI meant where did cogwheel|work use PEBKAC ><
20:00.14LunessaI suppose if you really wanted to, you could trace my IP addy...
20:00.25LunessaOh... One sec.  
20:00.27cogwheel|workI use pebkac a lot :P
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20:02.05LunessaBah.. I don't want to look through all these threads again...
20:02.58foxlitso much junk in those search urls
20:04.46*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
20:05.10TC-Workingstop at junk and you have the right of it
20:09.47LunessaHrm... Change i n 2.2 ... " Key bindings and modified clicks may optionally specify LSHIFT, RSHIFT, LCTRL, RCTRL, LALT, RALT instead of the normal SHIFT, CTRL, ALT modifiers. The default UI will not set L/R modifiers and will continue to use the normal (either side) modifiers. "  I can finally use something other than ~ for my 'push to talk' key.
20:12.14Kasoyou use tilde for your push to talk ? how do you reach?
20:12.41|Jelly|WASD, it's not much of a reach
20:12.44Shirik|Ecoleit's not that far away, at least on a US keyboard
20:12.45LunessaI have large hands.  :P
20:12.48Shirik|EcoleKaso where's your ~ key?
20:13.02sysragemy tilde = sheep macro
20:13.09LunessaOn a US keyboard, it's the key to the left of 1/!
20:13.15Kaydeethreeglad I don't have a mic. don't have to deal with vent foolishness
20:13.33|Jelly|me neither ...they still make me join so they can yell at me though
20:13.58|Jelly|Because as we all know, every wipe is the healer's fault. EVERY ONE.
20:14.08sysragedon't know why people don't like vent. makes the game more fun and a lot easier to tell ppl if something is behind them
20:14.36Kasonext to enter Shirik|AFK
20:14.36|Jelly|I can type as fast as I can talk and when I type shit, I don't have to wait for some moron to stop singing to talk.
20:14.41sysragenothin like drunken late night vent conversations while doing heroics
20:14.41KaydeethreeI use vent, I just don't care enough to go out and buy a mic and set up alsa+wine+vent to work with it
20:15.01Shirik|Ecoleyeah on US keyboard, it's literally just up and left of Q
20:15.02sysrageyou can not type fast while still casting shit.
20:15.04hasteand you have to hold down <alt gr> !
20:15.21Kasoive always used Mouse 3 anyway, best imo!
20:15.32TC-Workingi use mouse 5 for vent
20:15.35hasteat least I have to do: <alt gr>+<button to the top left of enter> :-(
20:15.39|Jelly|umm, i don't type when I'm casting...I don't talk either so it doesn't make much difference
20:15.47TC-Workingmouse 4 will be ingame then
20:15.52sysragewtf? how do you use mouse 5 for vent? when i tried binding that button vent wouldn't let me
20:15.53LunessaI like Vent/Teamspeak for social reasons.  And because in combat my slow typing gets people dead.  :P
20:16.22TC-Workingi dunno sysrage, i just have it under push-to-talk and it went in just fine
20:16.23Shirik|Ecolesysrage: You have to use direct
20:16.29Shirik|Ecolewhat's it called
20:16.37sysragehmmm. will have to mess with that more tonight
20:16.50Shirik|Ecolethat's what it's called
20:16.59sysragethought i had that on.. guess not
20:17.01Shirik|Ecoleyou have to have DirectInput enabled or you won't be able to use advanced features
20:17.16Shirik|Ecoleyeah I definitely use mouse 4
20:19.33*** join/#wowi-lounge tedr0ck (
20:20.07LunessaWTB: Trackball with more than three buttons, kthx.
20:20.44zenzelezzso I finally went and did heroic Steamvaults... and for some reason I had imagined that the tank cloak only dropped in heroic x.x
20:20.51zenzelezzat least it dropped anyway
20:21.42sysrageheh. i didn't doubt you. just coulda sworn i had tried directinput and still couldn't use my other mouse buttons
20:22.02PolarinaTry OpenAL.
20:22.05zenzelezzmaybe it depends on how your keyboard drivers are configured
20:22.21TC-Workingyou mean mouse drivers zenzelezz?
20:22.26zenzelezzI r smrt
20:22.46zenzelezzbut yeah, my mouse drivers let me configure the extra buttons to act as keyboard buttons
20:23.35TC-Workingplz flame
20:23.35zenzelezzdon't know if they get recognized as extra buttons then
20:24.35|Jelly|reason I stay out of general...
20:26.06*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
20:26.10Shirik|Ecolesad but true :(
20:26.27|Jelly|"No instance servers are available" Too bad that's where my bloody corpse is.
20:27.11foxlit"An additional Holy Priest brings no extra non-heal utility.
20:27.16foxlitWhat's in a lolwell?
20:27.20|Jelly|*shrug* my gear's down to 30% anyhow -- it's not really going well in the first place.
20:27.26Shirik|Ecolethat pos
20:27.32Shirik|Ecolethat and circle of healing
20:27.34foxlitIt stacks.
20:27.36|Jelly|hey! I have lolwell!
20:27.36Shirik|Ecoleworst designed talents EVAR
20:27.40foxlitIs my only point :P
20:27.41|Jelly|...over lolnova
20:27.45Shirik|Ecoleand lolnova
20:28.01|Jelly|I kind of wish I had lol25 but I'd rather keep DS
20:28.06Shirik|EcoleI have heard of a holy priest using holy nova during strat
20:28.08Shirik|Ecoleon baron
20:28.12Shirik|Ecolefor the skeletons
20:28.21|Jelly|I used to lolnova all the time.....
20:28.24|Jelly| ST and Mara
20:28.26Shirik|Ecolehe had spirit tap too
20:28.27Shirik|Ecoleso it was like
20:28.36LunessaI have 31 in Discipline and 30 in Holy.  I don't think Holy is broken, I just didn't want lolwell.
20:28.37Shirik|Ecoleevery skeleton kill = spirit tap proc
20:28.41|Jelly|DPS Holy build : /
20:28.44TC-Workingnova only really good for pvp
20:29.19foxlitScreams "keeel meee! keeeeeeeeeeeeel meeeeeeee!" too much for my liking
20:29.54Shirik|EcoleI wish my priest had that tabard
20:29.58Shirik|Ecolefrom the opening of the dark portal
20:30.05Shirik|Ecoleso I could run around clicking it
20:30.38Shirik|Ecolemaking people think I had holy nova ^^
20:30.56LunessaI have one. I used to have lolnova.
20:31.37Josh_Borkei destroyed my tabard :-/
20:31.56foxlitGot a cooldown, though
20:32.06Kaydeethreeheh, it's funny freaking out someone in eots when a mage pops holy nova
20:34.27KaydeethreeI've lost count of the number of horde runners on their way to a tower stop running, turn and target me and just sit there for a half second before doing something.
20:34.27Kaydeethreegreat stalling tactic once a game
20:34.42|Jelly|What's the CD on it?
20:35.15Kaydeethreea lot
20:35.32|Jelly|they gotta keep it from being useful somehow, right?
20:36.36LunessaHeh, it's a toy.  Like vanity pets, someone will eventually figure out a decent use for it.  Until then, enjoy it for eye-candy.
20:36.58Shirik|EcoleI love how everyone says priests are awesome at aoe healing
20:37.01Shirik|EcoleI want to be like
20:37.04|Jelly|"Lets put this neat clicky on the tabard for BC portal opening! I have an idea! Holy nova!" "But wouldn't that be overpowered?" "Nah...we'll instate a four hour cooldown!" "BRILLIANT!" *implement*
20:37.09Shirik|Ecole"When's the last time you needed an AoE heal"
20:37.29Shirik|Ecolethe only time I ever hit prayer of healing
20:37.30Josh_BorkeCD on tabard is like 5 minutes
20:37.32Kaydeethreeit doesn't do anything anyway
20:37.34Shirik|Ecoleis when I want to waste mana
20:37.39Shirik|Ecoleor when I'm blowing inner focus
20:37.45KaydeethreeI sitll laugh at the fact that they made it an aoe effect, though
20:37.49LunessaLast time I needed to heal 4 people at once to prevent a wipe?  :P
20:37.59Kaydeethreeperfect realization of what happened that last week before BC at the portal
20:38.12Kaydeethreethat's all I was doing, spamming r1 IAE
20:38.54foxlitAlthough not like you can sustain HN there
20:39.47Josh_Borkebut we have CoH now!
20:40.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
20:41.19*** join/#wowi-lounge wereHamster (
20:41.22LunessaYou know, when I read the description for Prayer of Mending I thought it was a stupid spell.  Now I use it all the time and I love it.  I think a lot of spells that people rag on are that way.  Need to figure out good ways to use it, then they become an indispensable part of your tools.  
20:42.08Josh_Borkedamn, that bot note is old
20:42.32KasoLunessa, get back to be when you work out the good way to use coh :>
20:43.13Josh_BorkeLunessa: i'm shadow priest, so i don't know much, but it seems like AoE healing spells are very situational
20:43.13Josh_BorkewereHamster: you here?
20:43.13Shirik|EcoleLunessa: I can't find any good reason to accept lightwell as a good spell ><
20:43.13Shirik|EcoleBut I completely agree, I can't wait for PoM
20:43.14Shirik|Ecoleit's sexy
20:43.14wereHamsterJosh_Borke, yes
20:43.14LunessaKaso, I don't actually have CoH - I wanted too many things from too many places to get a 41 point talent.
20:43.27KasoI dont blame you, it sucks :>
20:43.46Josh_BorkewereHamster: how would you feel about me embedding more of the libraries you wrote?
20:43.56LunessaShirik - I'm not sure I do either, but I bet some people find it very useful. *shrug*
20:43.59Shirik|Ecoleit's good for after wipes ^^
20:44.08Shirik|Ecolerez everyone and let them heal themselves :P
20:44.11|Jelly|PoM is sooo sex
20:44.14Kaydeethreemeh, our shamans just spam chain heal
20:44.22Kaydeethreeafter wipes, at least
20:44.44wereHamsterJosh_Borke, which ones?
20:46.03wereHamstercan someone make purl stop nagging me everytime I join this channel?
20:46.19TC-Workingpurls and ass like me
20:46.25foxlitpurl, keep nagging wereHamster
20:47.05wereHamsterit's simple.. I'll just never leave
20:47.24TC-Workingworks for us
20:48.32wereHamsterJosh_Borke, all my addons that can be embeddded are done, I didn't write that many and I don't know of any addon that could be embedded and isn't
20:48.59Josh_Borkei believe it's iFrameManager
20:50.04Josh_Borkesomeone kick werehamster
20:50.38Josh_Borke:-D  part/join wereHamster
20:52.17wereHamsterthe problem is.. it has an UI element (the button around the minimap, which I hate btw, but people wanted it), and because it's created in a xml file, the addon can't be embedded.. or at least that's what I believe
20:53.46wereHamster.. but if you can work around this, fine, go ahead :)
20:53.46zenzelezzmake the button an optional dependency ;-o
20:53.58wereHamsterdependency hell?
20:54.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
20:54.32wereHamsteras long as something makes sense, just do it
20:55.31wereHamsternowadays I'm more working on seom/yukon and don't have time to play stupid games :P
20:55.44*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
20:55.54zenzelezzworking on who?
20:59.38wereHamster|zZz"yukon/seom" gives the best results :)
21:10.15Josh_Borkehrm, can't really properly embed XML
21:10.42Josh_Borkeooo, realtime videos?
21:10.52Josh_Borkedo you know how sweet it would be to watch a world first live?
21:14.01foxlitHm, that should be a Lua project
21:14.11foxlitWrite a WoW-XML parser in WoW-Lua
21:15.01PolarinaCan I send binary data with SendAddonMessage()?
21:15.53Josh_Borkebinary data?  like what?
21:16.20Kasostring.char() ?
21:16.33Polarina0x00 to 0xFF..
21:16.39Shirik|AFKPolarina: The only thing you can't do is include a tab inside the prefix
21:16.51ShirikI wouldn't send a 0x00
21:16.53foxlitWouldn't that just void the prefix?
21:16.54Shirikthis is how C terminates strings
21:16.57PolarinaBut the message it self, not the prefix, I can send everything?
21:16.59Josh_BorkeI wouldn't send a 0x00
21:17.00ckknightPolarina: no, not quite
21:17.02Josh_Borkethis is how C terminates strings
21:17.08PolarinaShirik: Lua doesn't use 0x00 to terminate strings.
21:17.12ShirikRight, but C does
21:17.12ckknightPolarina: there's a few things that won't go across the stream properly.
21:17.17Josh_BorkeRight, but C does
21:17.30PolarinaSo, what's the problem?
21:17.31ckknightPolarina: \000, \010, \124
21:17.44ShirikPolarina: If you think you don't touch C in your code, you're very wrong
21:17.51Josh_BorkePolarina: If you think you don't touch C in your code, you're very wrong
21:17.52Shiriktransmissions, APIs, they're all C code
21:18.02PolarinaI'll try it out myself!
21:18.07PolarinaFirst none of you can answer.
21:18.19Josh_BorkePolarina: that always works best
21:18.26Josh_Borkeyou get greater understanding that way
21:18.27ShirikPolarina: ckknight answered you
21:18.33Shirikas did I
21:18.45TC-Workingi didnt
21:18.50Josh_BorkeI didnt
21:19.18ckknightAceComm sends in a binary format
21:19.20foxlitwtb: function to insert space at every 50th character of a string
21:19.37Josh_Borkelol, wee!  it's like a free ride
21:19.38Shirikfoxlit: string.grep?
21:19.45Shirikstring.gmatch *
21:19.56foxlit.gsub * ?
21:19.59Shirikthat one
21:20.12Josh_Borkedid you get punched in the eye?
21:20.13TC-Workingless than M
21:20.14foxlitLua has no way to specify length, though?
21:20.22foxlitSo string.rep(".", 50) ?
21:20.23TC-Workingerr...greater than
21:20.37Punkie`I'll have whatever Josh_Borke's been eating/drinking
21:20.38Josh_Borkewho punched you?  it was purl, wasn't it?
21:20.45Shirikyeah it was
21:20.45Kasoomg! so thats what the g in gmatch and gsub and whatnot stands for!
21:20.47PolarinaI can send any data with SendAddonMessage!!
21:20.48TC-Working~punch Shirik
21:20.59purlACTION hits Shirik like the hot kiss and the end of a wet fist
21:20.59ckknightfoxlit: local tmp = {}; function pants(s) for i = 1, #s, 50 do tmp[#tmp+1] = s:sub(i, i + 49) end; local result = table.concat(tmp, ' '); for i = 1, #tmp do tmp[i] = nil end; return result end
21:20.59Josh_BorkeKaso: keep going?
21:21.17ShirikPolarina: Didn't I say this to you about 5 minutes ago?
21:21.18Shirik17:16:50 ‹Shirik|AFK› Polarina: The only thing you can't do is include a tab inside the prefix
21:21.32pastamancerShirik: you're just imagining things
21:21.33ckknightfoxlit: that's the function that'll do it for you in a relatively efficient manner
21:21.45Shiriklol pants
21:21.47ShirikI like that name
21:22.08*** join/#wowi-lounge DT__ (
21:22.21Shirikthough it would be interesting to see which goes faster
21:22.27Shirikstring.gsub or pants
21:22.35Shirikand if string length would be a factor
21:22.55Shirikthing is string.gsub is handled entirely c-side, whereas pants does a bit of work lua-side
21:23.08Josh_Borkefunction foo(bar) local baz for i=51,string.len(bar) do baz = baz .. string.sub(bar, i - 50, i) end end?
21:23.15Josh_Borkefuck if i know.  how would you do it with gsub though?
21:23.32zenzelezzso I went to Darnassus (from Shattrath) to fly to Un'goro... and all the people I see are 20-30s draenei shamans
21:23.40Josh_Borkeso I went to Darnassus (from Shattrath) to fly to Un'goro... and all the people I see are 20-30s draenei shamans
21:23.48foxlit>>> "no cide?"
21:23.49ShirikJosh_Borke: Let me double check before I answer you
21:23.57Shirikfoxlit: true
21:24.02Josh_Borkegsub(string, sub, pattern)
21:24.08foxlit>>> K THNX BAI
21:24.14zenzelezzso what's the story with the echo?
21:24.20Josh_Borkeso what's the story with the echo?
21:24.27Josh_Borkei see no echo
21:24.28Shirikabout a week ago, I accused Josh_Borke as being my clone
21:24.30Shirikever since then
21:24.31Josh_Borkedoes anyone else?
21:24.36Punkie`What echo?
21:24.45zenzelezzI'd believe you if you didn't occasionally miss a capitalization Josh
21:24.51Josh_BorkeI'd believe you if you didn't occasionally miss a capitalization Josh
21:24.59ShirikKaso: Yeah :)
21:25.25Josh_Borkethe funny part is i was typing it for a long time
21:25.28TC-Working~mute Josh_Borke
21:25.34purlACTION seals Josh_Borke's mouth and says, 'What good is IRC if you are unable to speak?'
21:25.34Josh_Borkethen Mikk mentioned copy/paste
21:25.42Kasohu? what was that in responses to Shirik ?
21:25.48*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
21:25.58Shirik17:20:57 ‹Kaso› omg! so thats what the g in gmatch and gsub and whatnot stands for!
21:26.17Kasowell, im assuming "global" as in the g in grep
21:26.36Josh_Borkeoh i know!
21:26.53Punkie`what about the g in grope?
21:26.57Josh_Borkestring.gsub(str, (<50 .>), \1..'.')
21:27.06Shirikbtw Josh_Borke:
21:27.07Shirik> =string.gsub("123456789012345678901234567890", "(.....)", "%1!")
21:27.07Shirik12345!67890!12345!67890!12345!67890! 6
21:27.15Shirikputs a ! after every 5th character
21:27.17Josh_Borkeyea, i just figured it out :-P
21:27.53foxlitConfirm my math silliness
21:27.53Josh_Borkeman, there must be an echo in here :-P
21:27.53foxlit231584178474632390847141970017375815706539969331281128078915168015826259279871 base 10
21:27.54foxlit(2 ^ 257 - 1)
21:28.04Shiriktell me what 2^258 is
21:28.05Shirikand I'll answer you
21:28.08foxlitIs going to be how long, if each digit represented one of 10^7  values?
21:29.06foxliti.e. convert from base 10 to base 10^7, give length in "digits"
21:29.37Shirikbase 10^7?
21:29.57Kaydeethree2^258 = 463168356949264781694283940034751631413079938662562256157830336031652518559744
21:30.01Kaydeethree<3 my 89
21:30.31foxlitYes, base 10^7.
21:30.33Josh_Borkepurl, what's 2^258
21:30.46Josh_Borkepurl, 2^257
21:30.55foxlitbtw, neat stuff:
21:31.00DT__Sorry to interupt all the mathiness but is it possible to create bindings w/o xml? I mean, I know you can set bindings with SetBindingSpell/Item/Click/Macro/etc, but can I get it to show up in the keybinding interface?
21:31.01*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
21:31.01foxlitpurl, 1^1
21:31.12foxlitDT: no.
21:31.16Josh_BorkeDT__: no
21:31.29Josh_BorkeDT__: no. <-- had to throw in the . like f oxlit
21:31.30foxlitEither you use Bindings.xml, or you write your own configuration UI
21:31.43DT__k, thanks
21:32.03Shirikconverting from base 10 to base 10&
21:32.13Shirikjust dividing by 7?
21:32.23foxlitAnd ceiling
21:32.54ShirikI don't have my dragon12 board and don't want to calculate that ><
21:33.44Shirikdo you know what ceil((2^258-1)/7) is?
21:34.17foxlitWhere's this 258 coming from? :)
21:34.44ShirikI dunno
21:34.57Shiriks/ do you know what ceil((2^258-1)/7) is?/do you know what ceil((2^257-1)/7) is?/
21:34.57TC-Workingoctave> ceil((2^258-1)/7)
21:34.57TC-Workingans = 6.6167e+76
21:35.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
21:35.31foxlitI actually wanted to know what the maximum value of an unsigned 256-bit integer was; so hence 2^257-1
21:35.36TC-Workingoctave> ceil((2^257-1)/7)
21:35.36TC-Workingans = 3.3083e+76
21:36.02Shirikceil floor?
21:36.06ShirikI se
21:36.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Nerinia (
21:36.19TC-Workingoctave> ceil(floor(log10(2^257-1))/7)
21:36.19TC-Workingans = 11
21:36.24foxlitI may or may not have missed a +1
21:36.40Shirikwhat is this octave?
21:36.41foxlitTC, does that take base 16?
21:36.48foxlitSee if I can choke it!
21:37.19foxlitoctave>  256 ^ 256 % 256
21:37.19foxlitans = Inf
21:37.32Shirikoctave> pi
21:37.32Shirikpi = 3.1416
21:37.33Shiriknot very accurate :(
21:38.13foxlitThough % isn't actually mod
21:38.22foxlitoctave>  256 ^ 256
21:38.22foxlitans = Inf
21:38.38Polarinapi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510
21:39.19foxlitpi = too long for most things
21:39.31foxlitpi is exactly 3!
21:39.57Josh_Borkei thought it was closer to 4?
21:39.59cogwheel|workI only know it through 8327950
21:40.09ShirikThere was a time when the state of lousiana had it written into law that pi was sqrt(16)/3
21:40.25Josh_Borkei thought they only voted to make it 3
21:40.33foxlit"While being completely false, saying "pi is exactly 3!" is sure to get the attention of any scientist. A scientist will turn his/her head at the sound of something blatantly incorrect, and immediately start thinking about how to respond."
21:41.52zenzelezzI recall seeing that thing on Simpsons is one interesting website
21:42.23Lunessapi r round and > cake
21:42.33ThorarinShirik, pi = 1 1/3? :P
21:42.43Shiriklouisiana had passed that law :P
21:42.46Shirikit was later revoked
21:42.52Shirikno wait I remember
21:42.54Shirikthe house passed it
21:42.56Shiriksenate denied it
21:43.04ShadowedWell how nice
21:43.09Shadowedalt tabbing is broken now worse then before
21:43.11Thorarin1 1/3rd...
21:43.16ThorarinMust be pi in inches or smt ;)
21:43.18foxliti e (at) pi
21:43.49KaydeethreeI wanna see a bill banning dihydrogen monoxide make it to the head legislator's desk to get signed in to law
21:44.07LunessaIt was narrowly defeated in California.
21:44.46Shirikoh crap
21:44.47Shirikit was indiana
21:44.48ShirikI'm sorry
21:45.07ThorarinHehe, chemistry class in highschool used to have an article about H2O being very dangerous!
21:45.15Shirik(1) The ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference is 5/4 to 4. In other words, pi equals 16/5 or 3.2
21:45.22Shirik(2) The area of a circle equals the area of a square whose side is 1/4 the circumference of the circle. Working this out algebraically, we see that pi must be equal to 4.
21:45.28ThorarinOne bucket full was enough to kill thousands of people, etc ;)
21:45.28Shirik(3) The ratio of the length of a 90 degree arc to the length of a segment connecting the arc's two endpoints is 8 to 7. This gives us pi equal to the square root of 2 x 16/7, or about 3.23.
21:49.15Kaydeethreeso which logical fallacy were you blinking at, cai?
21:49.38ShirikI think she was just blown away by all of it
21:49.39zenzelezzI think she was just flirting
21:49.42Shirikwe might have killed her actually :(
21:49.50Cairenn|afkKaydeethree: yours
21:49.58Kaydeethreebanning water?
21:50.00Shirikyey you're alive <3
21:50.16Cairenn|afkand yes, I am
21:50.20TC-Working256 ^ 256 = 3.23170060713110073E+616
21:50.52Cairenn|afkKaydeethree: what's really disturbing is that some law makers are stupid enough that they wouldn't know what it was and might actually try to pass it :p
21:51.03Cairenn|afkall joking aside
21:52.05LunessaSomeone saw the DHMO website and freaked.  Contacted their senator in Sacramento, and soon a law was drafted.  No one ever cracked a dictionary or asked someone who graduated High School without using Cliff Notes what DHMO really was.
21:52.25Cairenn|afkyou serious? they actually tried to ban it?
21:52.35Cairenn|afkdihydrogen monoxygen
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21:52.44LunessaShall I google up the articles?  
21:52.52Cairenn|afkno, that's okay, I believe you
21:53.00ShirikDHMO can store a lot of energy too
21:53.10Cairenn|afkas I said above, there are folks that are so stupid that they really wouldn't know
21:53.12LunessaI almost died from laughter when I read it.  
21:53.16Shirikits specific heat capacity is over 4 kilojoules per degree celsius!
21:53.29Shirik(4186 iirc)
21:53.45Cairenn|afkand sorry, you don't even need a HS diploma to know what it is, at least here in Canada - we know what H2O is in Elementary
21:53.55LunessaIn vaporized form, it can burn skin and muscle tissue!
21:54.20LunessaYes, here too usually... but some people, well, they're just *stupid*.
21:54.26zenzelezzI think there's a slightly bigger chance they know H2O than "dihydrogen" and "monoxide"
21:54.48Shirikpeople hear "monoxide" and immediately associate with carbon monoxide
21:55.40LunessaWhen I first saw it, someone said there's this chemical, DHMO, and I hear it's bad.  
21:56.12Cairenn|afkwell and if you condense it, you can use it to destroy, it'll shatter anything
21:56.15LunessaI'm glad I at least passed enough chem to get a laugh out of it.  
21:56.57LunessaAccumulations of DHMO over time are responsible for species extinction and extensive damage to soil, and geological formations.  
21:57.05Cairenn|afkis there anything that can stand against enough frozen water inside it?
21:57.55Lunessammm... can't think of anything that won't distort at the very least.
21:58.34TC-Workingfinialy got it 256 ^ 256 =
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22:00.03Shirikevening dolby-wowi
22:00.39*** part/#wowi-lounge Polarina (
22:01.51sysragefixed flickering terrain eh? nice
22:02.07sysragewell. would be nice if their stupid torrent patcher system wasn't utter shite
22:02.57KaydeethreeWoWTorrentEx.exe and hand the resulting .torrent to azureus
22:03.00Kaydeethreeworks for me
22:03.19sysragei should.. but i'm lazy.
22:03.24sysrageheh i just don't like torrents in general
22:03.53DT__If you keep closing and restarting the downloader it'll go a lot faster, at least it does for me
22:04.05DT__It almost immediately downloads another small bit at the beginning
22:04.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
22:04.25cogwheel|workAre RAZRs really all that? I just got an offer for a free one if I extend my contract...
22:05.03|Jelly|They're not bad
22:05.09[dRaCo]well, I dont like the software
22:05.11|Jelly|but you have to keep them clean or shit will get under the screen
22:05.25[dRaCo]it's slow
22:05.38zenzelezzwhat's a RAZR?
22:05.48[dRaCo]motorola razr
22:05.57[dRaCo]like, a mobile phone
22:06.13zenzelezzmobile phone... I had one of those once
22:06.36|Jelly|Cog: Is she serious? I mean really...
22:07.24cogwheel|workprobably :\
22:07.34*** join/#wowi-lounge DDPho2 (
22:07.57LunessaShe's serious.  And not reading.  
22:08.03|Jelly|I love how she completely disregarded what you said...and me telling her to use what you said... and continued to use the macro that wont work.
22:08.04DDPho2Hi, when exactly does WoW say an addon is incompatible?/how do i find out why it is incompatible?/how do i fix it?
22:08.16|Jelly|It's not updated for 2.0
22:08.25DDPho2but whats the difference
22:08.30DDPho2between updated for 2.0 and not
22:08.32|Jelly|Umm...a lot?
22:08.46|Jelly|Sorry. I'm probably not the best person to answer that. : /
22:09.00DDPho2thats funny :D last time i was here i was told there wasnt much changed in 2.0 so i can use pre 2.0 tutorials
22:09.14foxlitThat depends on what the tutorials were about
22:09.16|Jelly|Lunessa: I use my phone to talk, text and get movie times. I don't need a laptop in my pocket. 8P
22:09.38|Jelly|....unless it can play wow.
22:09.39Lunessa2.0 introduce the concept of Secure Code and Tainting - lots of things are different from Pre-2.0
22:09.40|Jelly|...with mods!
22:09.48foxlitThere are few major changes to Lua in 2.0, but there are a few WoW-related areas that were completely redesigned in order to block addons from making decisions on the players' behalf
22:09.55DDPho2short:  i have a mod and want to get it to work with 2.0 :D
22:10.04foxlit~seen Shirik
22:10.57purlshirik is currently on #wowi-lounge (2d 1h 16m 52s). Has said a total of 625 messages. Is idling for 10m 54s, last said: 'evening dolby-wowi'.
22:10.58|Jelly|Short: What mod?
22:10.58zenzelezzwhat does it do?
22:10.58foxlitChange toc and hope it works?
22:11.13zenzelezzthat reminds me of when my guild did a weekly MC last summer for the Geddon binding
22:11.24zenzelezz"I'm on poker" *half the raid joins*
22:11.26DDPho2so are there any post 2.0 tutorials about making ui's and stuff?
22:11.46foxlitShirik: ping
22:11.47DDPho2zenzelezz: hehe
22:11.51|Jelly|Lunessa: Apparently when I registered earlier, it didn' know...take so I still can't send you messages. I'll log out and back in in a minute.
22:11.52KasoDDPho2 what errors do you get. thats a good start
22:12.09Shirikfoxlit: sup
22:12.25DT__I don't think he's getting any errors, it just won't load the addon because the interface number is pre-2.0
22:12.34|Jelly|*sigh* I never understood why people want to play a game inside a game -- if you're bored, quit playing wow and do something else. lol
22:13.31KasoMy guild-master was working on a Azeroth-EK RISK game, never finished though :<
22:13.35DT__Yeah, ## Interface: 11200
22:14.21foxlitWC3 in WoW!
22:16.06Shirikfoxlit: Will look at it when I'm not healing ><
22:17.46|Jelly|How many groups have wiped due to your IRC, Shirik?
22:17.54|Jelly|...I know at least two for me. *innocent look*
22:18.02ShirikI only type when I know everything's ok ^^
22:18.17|Jelly|eh...I type at the beginning of fights
22:18.23|Jelly|(before the fight, rather0
22:18.34|Jelly|But that doesn't mean they're going to stupid pull while I'm typing. hehe
22:19.07|Jelly|they're [not] going
22:19.11LunessaThere are two kinds of groups in WoW - good ones and everything else.
22:19.52Kaso -- the beginning of the RISK game.
22:20.00Cairenn|afkif anyone is interested in PotBS, check out the link I just posted
22:20.56zenzelezzI wish publishers didn't keep thinking up new MMOs every time they watch a movie
22:21.02|Jelly|I like when PoM jumps from the tank and never jumps again -- those are my favorite groups. Or if the mob AEs, it bounces between the tank and melee dps. Makes life easy knowing that I'm not going to, at any second, have to chain spam heal everyone and then accept blame when we wipe because XXXXXXX
22:21.07ShirikPotBS has been going a long time
22:21.15Shirikfar before pirates of the carribean
22:21.25zenzelezzI was speaking more generally
22:21.31Shirikbut yeah it's true
22:21.38*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|afk (
22:22.16foxlitIsn't allakhazam owned by IGE?
22:22.30LunessaNot, apparently, anymore.
22:22.36Cairenn|afknot ever
22:22.50DT__They bought Thottbot didn't they? Not Allakhzam
22:22.53Shirikpeople like to say, when they don't like something
22:22.56Shirikthat it's owned by ige
22:23.03Shirikand this is how rumors start
22:23.05LunessaThere was some sort of business relationship, but I'm not entirely clear on the structure.  
22:23.29*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o clad|afk] by ChanServ
22:23.40LunessaBut as with all things that start with isn't X owned by IGE, check your sources. :P
22:23.43foxlitsearching gives an allakhazam quote: "We are now owned by a company that owns a bunch of stuff, including IGE. They bought both of us (and several other sites as well) and then split us into separate divisions so that there is no interaction between them. You know my stand on gold selling. Before agreeing to anything like this, I wanted to make sure that there would be no interaction between those divisions and that I would have comp
22:24.00foxlit(that probably got cut off, give me the last few words and I can repaste if it sounds interesting)
22:24.03Kody-Thottbot is part of the same network as Allakhazam DT__
22:24.22cogwheel|workfoxlit: I would have comp
22:24.44foxlitI would have complete control over the new network, including the sites that used to be part of ogaming. So this means that the Ogaming sites and Thottbot have been split off of IGE and into our network and no longer have any connection with them."
22:25.48Kody-Basically, IGE created a larger corporation entity so that Thottbot etc wouldn't be branded as "owned by IGE"
22:25.48clad|afkwhat brings this drama up today?
22:25.48cladhairehere's how it ends "It doesn't matter"
22:25.49cladhairethere!  I saved us four hours
22:25.51Cairenn|afkKody-: wrong, but whatever
22:26.00|Jelly|Arrrghhh! Arguuuument on t3h inTARwebs!
22:26.13foxlitI'm not sure I like the conclusion
22:26.20cladhaire|Jelly|: There's no argument.  There are people who know, and people who are guessing.
22:26.23Lunessa<--- Still a Mod over at EQ traders, which was sent offers from IGE and other entities, but turned them all down.
22:26.45|Jelly|All this EQ talk recently
22:26.50|Jelly|I think I threw up a little.
22:27.22cladhaireLunessa: What credential does that give you?
22:27.28cladhaireor was that more for information than anythign else
22:29.19LunessaJust info, not creditial.
22:29.36cladhairek k
22:29.36cladhairewas hoping so :P
22:29.57LunessaI don't care who buys or sells what companies;  it the long run all that matters is the service or product. :P
22:30.34foxlitAnd that's why China handles most manufacturing for us :)
22:30.57LunessaMy politics or personal distaste are never really worth spouting on the 'net.  All I do is make enemies out of friends that way.  
22:32.02|Jelly|True. Freaking. That.
22:35.28cogwheel|workmeh... I'd rather have well-informed enemies than ignorant friends :P
22:36.04LunessaOh, I'm all for sharing reasoned debate... just not my prejudices or less-than-well-informed opinions.  
22:36.12foxlitNow _that_ is an ugly argument :)
22:36.32|Jelly|Cog -- I love your new sig.
22:36.42Shirikwhat is it?
22:36.52|Jelly|"Never confuse verbosity for kindness or terseness for hostility."
22:37.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:38.16foxlitSo I finished my Lua digital signature project, more or less
22:38.25cogwheel|workcool :)
22:39.23foxlitNot sure what to do with the source, since it's potentially interesting to like 7 people.
22:40.14Kasoyou gotta release it, maybe alot of people dont have a real use for it, but sounds fun to play with
22:40.51foxlitTurnaround time for 2048-bit keys isn't impressive :P
22:41.11*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:41.15Shirikit's interesting to me :D
22:42.04DDPho2Kaso: it says incompatible so you cant activate it, and i wanna learn making addons xD
22:42.27ckknightfoxlit: yea, I wanna see it
22:42.30Kasowell updating the toc and running it is a good start
22:42.41Kasocheck out wowwiki's interface section DDPho2.
22:42.57purlfaraframes is a rather good tutorial of basic wow frames creation using XML, it can be found at
22:43.01KasoAlso that faraframes tutorial is a good start, abite a bit old.
22:43.04|Jelly|Buy Clad's book. : /
22:44.45TC-Workingi did*
22:45.02ArrowmasterKaso: i think your KasoBubbles could use some tables optimization, ive noticed it get up to 5mb of memory usage
22:45.22Kasoit is a pretty un-efficent addon
22:45.43DDPho2hm ill have a look at it, thanks
22:45.54Kasolemme take a look at it, been a while since i looked at that addon
22:46.21*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (
22:47.23Arrowmasterprobably just move the local tables out of the functions and do a for k,v in pairs(table) do table[k] = nil end
22:47.32Arrowmasterat the end of the functions
22:47.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
22:48.01Shirikwhat does this KasoBubbles do?
22:48.23Josh_Borkebye for now
22:48.28ShirikArrowmaster: seriously, though, why?
22:48.28Kasothat one screenshot sums it up
22:48.31Cairenn|afkbye Josh_Borke
22:48.33ShirikThere is no good reason to do that
22:48.43ShirikYou're wasting CPU cycles to save memory which will just be picked up by GC anyway
22:48.57Arrowmasterbut it doesnt get picked up by GC
22:49.09Shirikyes it does, just not immediately
22:49.29ShirikKaso: That's pretty cool :)
22:50.00ShirikI actually didn't even know the UI has control over that
22:50.05KasoIt used to be like that in default Shirik in like 1.3 or something, then they removed it
22:50.16|Jelly|Wait. What?
22:50.22|Jelly|Shirik didn't...*world explodes*
22:50.32ShirikI know very little, actually
22:50.50ShirikI refuse to download it
22:50.51Shirikit's on curse
22:50.56KasoSpeech bubbles and Nameplates, if theres something i "specialised in" its that
22:51.13DT__It's on WowI also:
22:51.22|Jelly|8( My UI's on Curse.
22:51.29KasoDT__ he was talking about Prism.
22:51.34foxlitI don't support your cursehate :)
22:51.34DT__My bad >.>
22:51.52|Jelly|I will admit that I bloody HATE Curse's search.
22:52.03Shirikswitch to wowi imo
22:52.09|Jelly|I use all three.
22:52.24foxlitIn this case, I cba with admin approval
22:52.34|Jelly|I suppose four if you count ace
22:54.30foxlitCurse versioning system is <3
22:55.16cladhairefoxlit: what do you mean "with admin approval
22:56.17foxlitThere's a chunk of time between upload and public availability.
22:56.22Shirikcan't login now :(
22:56.32cladhairefoxlit: Yes, and which site has never had a keylogger or virus?
22:56.32|Jelly|I feel your pain.
22:56.43cladhaireI think I know the answer! Pick me!
22:56.43foxlitTbh, I don't care about that.
22:56.52cladhaireusers do
22:56.58foxlitI'm not aiming at users
22:57.03cladhaireso qq?
22:57.09cladhairei dont hate curse
22:57.09foxlitSo it stays on curse.
22:57.13*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
22:57.19cladhairei dont use curse, because they don't do what I need them to, plain and simple.
22:57.30foxlitPlus every time I update it, I feel guilty for making someone work harder to verify it
22:57.31cladhairethat's just a silly reason to not use a site, imo never had a keylogger or virus
22:57.36TS|Skromcan drop down boxes be set to scroll?
22:57.55Shiriklocalhost has tons of keyloggers
22:57.55Shirikdon't go there
22:58.01Cairenn|afkfoxlit: it takes less than 5 minutes of our time to verify a mod
22:58.12|Jelly|They're infecting my pc! Stealing my megahertz!
22:58.26LunessaAs a user, I use who ever has what I'm looking for.  I have never uploaded an AddOn for distribution, so I can't comment on the merits of any site from that perspective.  
22:58.33dolby-wowilike 5seconds if that
22:58.36foxlitThat's 5 minutes too many <3
22:58.37Cairenn|afkfoxlit: but I can understand why you might not want to wait for your mod to be approved before it goes live
22:58.55TC-Workingif anyone is interested in a calc that can do up to i million places (but cant do complex equasion) it's
22:58.57dolby-wowidont goto either Shirik
22:59.13TC-Workings/o i m/o 1 m/
22:59.29Cairenn|afkto each their own, nothing wrong with that
23:00.02Tain  (Completely SFW)
23:00.03foxlitnp, I still use wowi for mature code :)
23:00.37foxlitSo what's this verification process, anyway?
23:01.17foxlitI'm assuming nobody actually checks the addon code; so you just look for odd files?
23:01.28LunessaTain - LOL
23:01.31Shirikdolby-wowi spoke!!
23:01.59amroit's not even the full moon
23:02.04Cairenn|afkyou upload it - your work is done (same as the other sites) - we download it, run virus scanner on it, check it for any executables, check what your description says it is supposed to do, then approve it if all is well
23:02.25Cairenn|afkif your description says it'll turn all character models naked, we deny it
23:02.37Cairenn|afkif there is an executable, we check what the executable is and does
23:02.53TC-Workingif the description states *creates more work for the wowi staff* technicly that makes it pass
23:03.05Cairenn|afkyup :p
23:03.28foxlitBut seriously, though - I doubt you're actually able to filter executives to a high degree of certainty :)
23:03.43*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
23:04.21Kaydeethreenerf ceos?
23:04.27TC-Workingyep, cant trust thoes execs
23:04.29Shirikanyone else not able to login?
23:04.30foxlitexcutables, it's 0100 :)
23:04.36TainYou have to get the sauce code.
23:04.40Kaydeethreegame or forums?
23:04.45zenzelezz0100 is so five minutes ago
23:04.47|Jelly|I'm in your account, Shirik; sharding your purplez!
23:04.55TC-WorkingTain, sauce cold*
23:04.57JoshBorke~lart Tain
23:04.57purlsqueezes Tain till Tain turns blue like papa smurf
23:05.00Lunessasauce code.... mmmm... mint sauce
23:05.23foxlitHm, again
23:05.29foxlit"We see you're using Internet Explorer.  Try Firefox, you'll like it better. Click the button on the right to download Firefox.  It's free. "
23:06.02TC-Workingscroll foxlit
23:06.13foxlitNothing to scroll :(
23:06.26amroquestion is, why are you using MSIE?
23:06.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|AFK (
23:06.39*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht ( that something i should *not* be looking at at work?
23:06.59TC-Workingwith one of the owners of the company in the room to boot?
23:07.01amrofoxlit: rofl
23:07.12amroTC-Working: it's work-safe
23:07.15foxlitThe website is oddly named, but that particular image is more odd than nsfw
23:07.39TC-Workingoh, i dont see that logo...i am not useing IE
23:07.43foxlitI suspect it's because I killed google syndication
23:08.17TS|Skromcan drop down boxes be set to scroll?
23:08.20TC-Workingfoxlit, i see the button
23:08.37TC-Workingyes, that would do it foxlit
23:08.41foxlitI think <script type="text/javascript" src=""> is to blame
23:08.52foxlitHilarious, though
23:13.41cogwheel|workBah... text processing is annoying.... WTB code that can strip newlines from within "<ul>...</ul>" with possible nesting...
23:14.24JoshBorkehave him do it
23:14.29pastamancercogwheel|work: get a dom parser and fiddle with the text nodes?
23:15.04cogwheel|workpastamancer: it's just for a simple converter from HTML to WoW forum code
23:15.17cogwheel|workI'm writing it in lua
23:15.36cogwheel|workand it only has to handle a few specific cases that only I care about :P
23:18.03pastamancerwant a ghetto xml parser?
23:18.16pastamancerit's not in lua, but it could be easily adapted
23:18.29zenzelezzghetto xml, sounds fun
23:19.02pastamancerthat's from back when I was playing around with lambdamoo's net extensions
23:19.40Cairenn|afk <== Blizz looking for a new UI Designer
23:20.21foxlitslouken? qq :(
23:20.36foxlitOr is that sc2?
23:20.39TC-Workingdoesnt say wow
23:21.17TC-Workingi think web
23:21.36cogwheel|workhmm... maybe it would be ultimately simpler to do a full-blown parser...
23:21.37Cairenn|afkslouken isn't a UI Designer anyway, never was
23:21.38TC-Working"Extensive experience developing user interface flows and mockups for web and client applications based on project and business requirements"
23:22.40LunessaSo they want an XML/Java/Javascript/PHP/ASP/Flash monkey.
23:22.51|Jelly|Monkey dance!
23:22.52Shirikfoxlit: So I have to use an external program to generate the private and public key?
23:23.16Shirikand then adjust local k in crypto.lua to be the public key?
23:23.17pastamancercogwheel|work: xml is hella easy to parse
23:24.40foxlit"Turn your hamster into a fightning machine"
23:24.58amroShirik: you're using cryptography in wow?
23:25.12foxlit<Shirik> foxlit: So I have to use an external program to generate the private and public key?
23:25.16Shirikthanks :)
23:25.20foxlit<Shirik> and then adjust local k in crypto.lua to be the public key?
23:25.42foxlitcrypto.lua is pretty much a library, don't touch it :)
23:26.03foxlitThere are a few examples in tests.lua
23:26.25Shirikthe signature goes in Verify()
23:26.31foxlitMainly shortsign and proper
23:26.40foxlitBase 10, yeah.
23:27.16foxlit(difference is that one is 512-bit key direct, while the other is 2048-bit key coroutined)
23:28.01Shirikprivate key goes into Sign(), public key goes into Verify() yeah?
23:28.12Shirikawesome :)
23:29.02Shirikscite doesn't like your test lua file
23:29.05Shirikit gets cut off at the end
23:29.22foxlitReally? :)
23:29.29Shirikyeah on the 2048b key
23:29.33ShirikI have to use the right arrow
23:29.36Shirikinstead of the H scroll bar
23:30.01amrowhat are you encrypting?
23:30.16foxlitNothing :)
23:32.01Corrodiashe's encrypting your password for private distribution
23:32.18amrooh. you can just ask for it
23:32.21Shirikim in ur accountz sharding your purplz
23:32.24|Jelly|He wants to shard your purpels!
23:32.43Corrodiasi only have a few
23:33.34amrojust watch out for Eve
23:34.30|Jelly|This UI cause anyone (Shirik excluded) undue stress?
23:34.33LunessaHow much for the purples.  Your epics, sell them to me.  
23:34.56foxlitSince we're not actually ensuring a secure channel :)
23:35.03Shirik|Jelly|:P retty
23:35.13LunessaToo much background, not enough clarity.
23:35.14Corrodiaslooks about like mine, except with slightly more space wasted on art
23:35.18|Jelly|But it's not information, Shirik -- it's clutter.
23:35.31Shirikthis is true
23:35.43Shirikbut it's pretty :D
23:35.46|Jelly|I mean yeah...there's a LOT of information there...but there's a lot of clutter too.
23:35.47Corrodiasas someone with no artistic talent and little patience, i can't get my UI to look decent and display what i want
23:36.00Corrodiasi settle for the latter
23:37.52foxlitShirik ,btw
23:38.14foxlitTry /crypt proper and calculate the expected amount of time to sign something :)
23:38.15LunessaI was using this for the longest time -
23:38.28Shiriksigning's not an issue
23:38.31ShirikI only intend to sign anything once
23:38.49foxlitI still want to know how long it takes on other PCs than my own :)
23:38.52Shirikah ok :)
23:38.55Shirikjust a sec
23:39.04ShirikI have to get RDXM_Patcher commented enough so it won't spam errors :P
23:39.29zenzelezzhrm, UnitBuff/UnitDebuff only return duration/time left for buffs/debuffs you've cast?
23:39.44zenzelezzbah... have to special-case my code then
23:40.00zenzelezzshouldn't be tough, but annoying :-p
23:40.10Shirikannoying is right :P
23:40.12foxlitWhat are you coding? :)
23:40.30zenzelezzbuff/debuff bars for me, pet, target and focus
23:40.52zenzelezzbasically just like the normal buff/debuff bars; but for all those units
23:41.10Shirikdoes anyone know why I have the word "Bloominator" in the middle of my screen?
23:41.14Shirikfoxlit is that you?
23:41.33foxlitI needed an XML file to piggyback on!
23:41.46Shirikok gonna try /crypt proper now
23:41.56foxlitJust remove the entire contents of ui.xml from  <Frame name="Bloom_Child" virtual="true">
23:42.21Shirikwhat's that slider bar?
23:42.44foxlitTarget framerate adjust
23:42.52Shirikah :)
23:43.05Shirikdo you want me to leave it at default?
23:43.26Shirikwow you weren't kidding about slow signing :P
23:43.27foxlitDon't care, I'm interested in coroutine time :)
23:43.44Shirikis that what the 17.5 is on the left of my screen?
23:43.57foxlitseconds spent inside coroutine.resume
23:44.38foxlittime / progress * 2048 == ?
23:44.52Shirik50 sec 155/2048
23:44.58Shirikmy computer sucks :(
23:45.23foxlit~660s total, assuming it doesn't slow down.
23:45.38foxlitNot too bad :)
23:45.44zenzelezz11 minutes?
23:45.46foxlit(initially it was around ~1200s)
23:46.05foxlitOf couroutine.resume time
23:46.17foxlitBit more when converted to reality.
23:46.30zenzelezzwhen/why will this be used?
23:46.59Lunessa|Jelly| likes ellipsis...
23:47.16Shirikzenzelezz: It will be used once, only be me
23:47.19Shirikevery time I create a patch
23:47.26Shirikthis way I can distribute a patch over SendAddonMessage() with the signature
23:47.57Shirikfoxlit: what are the other three bars?
23:48.06amrohow do you save it?
23:48.08foxlitUI code artifact
23:48.45foxlitIt can execute multiple coroutines concurrently in this fashion, but I haven't bothered coding the taskmanager UI to a reasonable extent
23:51.09Guillotinetheres no easy way to convert between bases in lua, is there? (need a way in both normal lua and wow lua)
23:51.14foxlitamro: it produces a reasonably long string
23:51.22foxlitGuillotine: tonumber takes a base
23:51.32foxlitSo that's (anything)->base10
23:51.41Guillotineyes, but that only works >base1
23:51.51Shirikbase 1
23:51.57Guillotineya, I need something like 5->36 and 36->5
23:52.07Guillotinehow dare you insult me so!
23:52.23Guillotineyou know what that message said
23:52.40Guillotinewriting naughty things in base 1... tsk tsk
23:53.05zenzelezzI wish Large Brilliant Shards weren't still so expensive
23:53.20Guillotineso seriously, I'm going to have to write my own code to convert from base 5 to base 36?
23:53.24Shirik321.8 @ 1024/2048 foxlit
23:54.03foxlitLooks like you've got a slightly better CPU than I do :)
23:54.22Shirikos: Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 2 :: cpu: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4400+, 2.21 GHz :: mem: 1602/2048 MB (78%) :: gfx: nVidia GeForce 7800 GT (1360x768x32bit 60Hz)
23:54.55foxlit2.80 Ghz Prescott P4, 1GB ram, 7600 GT :(
23:55.14foxlitStill s486
23:55.40TC-WorkingIntel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.4GHz
23:55.40TC-Working4092MB RAM
23:55.40TC-WorkingHard Drive:
23:55.40TC-Working1.8 TB Total
23:55.44TC-WorkingVideo Card:
23:55.46TC-WorkingNVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX
23:55.50TC-WorkingDual Dell E228WFP's
23:55.52TC-WorkingSound Card:
23:55.54TC-WorkingSpeakers (Creative SB X-Fi)
23:55.58TC-WorkingPlantronics GameCom|Pro1
23:56.06TC-WorkingLogitech G15
23:56.10TC-WorkingRazer Copperhead
23:56.12TC-WorkingMouse Surface:
23:56.14TC-WorkingWoW Mousepad
23:56.16TC-WorkingOperating System:
23:56.18TC-WorkingWindows Vista™ Ultimate (6.0, Build 6000) (6000.vista_rtm.061101-2205)
23:56.24TC-Workingsometimes i hate irc, i swear
23:56.42*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|_ (
23:56.45Shirik? (vote with !yes or !no)
23:56.58Shirik(I never played around with these features before)
23:57.09Shirikresult: ? (yes: 0 - no: 0)
23:57.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Hallucinosis (n=Hallucin@
23:57.16TC-Workingnothing wrong with vista foxlit
23:57.21LunessaI seriously envy those of you with better machines than I.
23:57.22TC-Workingwell, much anyways
23:57.25foxlitIt's vista!
23:57.34foxlitCancel or allow?
23:57.35TC-Workingit works!
23:59.15TC-Workingyes, it gets iritating from time to time, but not enough to make me change
23:59.15TC-WorkingLunessa, i went back to work simply to upgrade my computer
23:59.18Shirikvisual studio needs to l2makefile
23:59.29LunessaTC-Working I went back to work to keep eating.  If I could figure out how to stop doing that, I'd buy a nicer computer. :P
23:59.42TC-Workingpfft, eating is overrated

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