IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070603

00:06.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Aita (
00:18.40LorielIs there an easy way to schedule a function to be called in n seconds?
00:19.13MentalPowerOnUpdate is the only way
00:26.13ckknightor using a third-party library that does the scheduling for you
00:26.15ckknighte.g. AceEvent
00:31.36Mr_Rabies2alternatively, chronos does something similar i believe
00:46.43Industrialits very easy to write an OnUpdate handler
00:57.16*** part/#wowi-lounge Loriel (
01:07.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole (n=chatzill@
01:10.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
01:16.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
01:19.11*** join/#wowi-lounge wobin (
01:32.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
01:55.23*** join/#wowi-lounge wobin (
02:09.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (n=kody@
02:11.29ckknightgah, where's Cide?
02:13.19*** join/#wowi-lounge CIA-6 (n=CIA@
02:15.45*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
02:21.39Thunder_Childi'm going to go with...not herer
02:27.31ckknighttrying to add CTRA MT support to Pitbull
02:27.34ckknightI think I got it
02:27.37ckknightbut I can't be sure
02:27.42ckknighttried to go through the lua
02:27.55ckknightand it's just ... ugh
02:28.03ckknighteverything is a damn global
02:28.59ckknightand there didn't seem to be a proper API to figure out when the MT list changes
02:29.04ckknightso I had to hook one of his functions
02:29.10ckknightwhich is just bad karma
02:33.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
02:35.28Thunder_Childlol, are you saying that cide is....messy in his lua configs
02:35.47Thunder_Childspeaking of which...i need to try out pitbull
02:42.17ckknightthere's so many globals in CTRA
02:42.19ckknightit pains me
02:42.32ckknightlack of namespacing = ftl
02:43.52clad|afkwell the code is extremely legacy
02:43.59clad|afknot everyone has gads of time to rewrite everything *shrug*
02:44.42clad|sleepdoesn't excuse it, it certainly would be nicer otherwise, but there's a good reason for it =)
02:45.11ckknightyea, yea
02:45.20ckknightsome of my old code is relatively ugly
02:45.20clad|sleepyour code wasn't/isn't all pretty either =)
02:45.28clad|sleepsame here
02:45.31ckknightmy new stuff isn't bad, really
02:45.36ckknightbut in 6 months, I'll consider it to be
02:45.40ckknightyou know that's how it is
02:45.48clad|sleepby "isn't all" i more meant the older stuff you wrote that still is in use.
02:46.14clad|sleepnight all
02:48.18Industrialnn clad|sleep
03:02.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
03:02.38Thunder_Childhey ck
03:02.56Thunder_Childyour buffs dont seem to attach to the 'top' properly
03:03.16Thunder_Childfor pitbull
03:03.22ckknightit should..
03:03.26Thunder_Childall of the debufs are behind the frame
03:10.23Thunder_Childmovement doesnt work at all for the industrial one
03:10.36Thunder_Childone = layout
03:11.00*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
03:11.26|Jelly|Well. I think that was about as pointless as raids can get. *sigh*
03:12.40Thunder_Childnor does oUF
03:17.20zenzelezzheh, what happened |Jelly|?
03:18.11|Jelly|Well. Admittedly, I've only been to Kara four times with other guilds (as mine is still working on getting groups/keyed)... Tonight, after an hour and a half, we fail on Morose a couple times and people call it off.
03:18.26|Jelly|WTF is the point? How are you ever supposed to learn if you're too busy taking your ball and going home?
03:24.15*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (
03:24.43|Jelly|Shirik! <3
03:26.21Cairenn|afkI don't give a shit WHAT Don Cherry says, Pronger sure as hell deserves at minimum a suspension - personally, I think the asshole should be thrown out of the league completely
03:27.40*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Holding (
03:29.46Shirikwb Cairenn
03:29.53Shirik|Jelly| <3
03:30.09wobin"And tonight on NonSequiter For the Masses...."
03:30.11zenzelezzgreat anger in this one
03:30.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
03:31.13Cairennthe hockey game - Chris Pronger again took a player out of the game completely, this is the second time just in the last 8 games that he's tried to paralyze another player, literally
03:31.43Cairennhe did it in the Detroit/Ducks series, took out a Detroit player, then he did it again tonight against a Sens player
03:31.50zenzelezzthe solution seems obvious, paralyze him
03:32.00zenzelezzwhat goes around...
03:32.17Shirikat least a suspension?
03:32.23Shirikhe deserves to go to jail
03:32.39CairennI know the game gets rough and stuff, and while I don't like it (I am, after all, a girl) I can deal with it, but he just plays dirty
03:33.21Cairennin the Detroit incident he tag-teamed the Detroit player right into the boards, from behind
03:33.39Cairenntonight, he elbowed a guy in the back of the neck so hard that he knocked him out cold
03:33.54wobinyow =\
03:34.07wobinThat's all kinds of dangerous =\
03:34.16Cairennfights and checking and good solid hits are one thing, but that's just dirty
03:34.46zenzelezzit's not dirty, it's assault
03:34.50Cairenn(sorry, I'll hush now)
03:35.01zenzelezzmost decent countries would let you go to court for that, even if it was in sport
03:35.09ScytheBlade1Completly off topic, bragging, and looking for attention here:
03:35.46zenzelezzwhy didn't you censor Tyrande?
03:36.08zenzelezzso many times I've seen that name and I still can't spell it
03:44.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
03:46.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
03:50.28Mr_Rabies2i think hockey would be more fun with jetpacks
03:52.55Neeblerand bladed shoulderpads
03:54.55|Jelly|I think you need to start with removing the rules that tells them to put down their weapon and take off their armor to fight.
04:00.16wobinScytheBlade1: Oh man, what a great mage weapon =P
04:00.24ScytheBlade1wobin, you like that?
04:00.29|Jelly|...and waste of money/mats :/
04:00.34ScytheBlade1I like that. I crit a rogue for 320.
04:01.21ScytheBlade1I had all of the mats sitting around, two or three times over
04:01.38ScytheBlade1And when it dropped, the only melee in the group happened to be a rogue, rogue, and feral druid
04:01.40ScytheBlade1... so....
04:02.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:03.20zenzelezzthere's nothing wrong about having it on a caster if no-one in the team wanted it
04:03.33ScytheBlade1It was either that or I would have sharded it
04:03.48ScytheBlade1I would never have taken it over someone who wanted it, lol
04:03.56ScytheBlade1But I lucked out in this case :)
04:06.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
04:06.43|Jelly|Damn. Cog's not here.
04:06.44zenzelezzrecently I find myself modifying some of the addons I use to be load on demand :-o
04:07.27zenzelezzactually found it nice to be able to load devtools without relogging; or disable it... same with a few others
04:13.16Shirikcog > me or something?
04:13.18ShirikI see how it is
04:13.58|Jelly|Really, it's just me being an asshole. What else is new?
04:14.22Shirikso confused
04:14.54|Jelly|Some tard wanted Cog to do his work for him. *shrug* I called him on it. He got all mad. I lol'd.
04:15.41Shirikclique pissed off rdx >.>
04:15.48|Jelly|Did it now?
04:15.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
04:15.57Shirikwell I added some code for VFL.conflict to pick it up
04:16.07Shirikunfortunately, I got about 200 conflict messages
04:16.58|Jelly|I don't mess around...
04:19.15TC-Holdingckknight any ideas?
04:19.38Shirik|Jelly| :(
04:19.40Shirikyou scared him away
04:19.51ckknightThunder_Child: about?
04:19.55|Jelly|I'm sorry, Shirik
04:20.01ShirikI was enjoying that
04:20.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Soulless (i=Fridgid@
04:22.24ckknightwhat about it?
04:22.37ckknightoh, the buffs?
04:22.39ckknightI dunno
04:22.43ckknighthaven't had that issue
04:23.16ckknighttry to config it so that the buffs are in a different position
04:23.18Thunder_Childdid you see my ss?
04:23.35Thunder_Child1 sec
04:23.37ckknightoh, weird
04:23.45ckknightyea, try to change the position
04:24.09AnduinLotharis there always a QUEST_LOG_UPDATE on login? even w/o quests?
04:24.12Thunder_Childit changes position for that style, but not for some of the others
04:24.28Thunder_Childalso the whole point is that it is on top
04:25.39ckknightuse ABF
04:25.42Thunder_Childthe frames have styles....
04:25.47Thunder_Childthat is ABF
04:25.57ckknightso try to change the position, as I said
04:26.09Thunder_Childit will change, and it will change properly
04:26.32Thunder_Childalthough top left and bottom left are the same
04:26.43Thunder_Childtop right and bottom right as well
04:27.36AnduinLotharThe answer seems to be yes
04:28.20*** join/#wowi-lounge tedr0ck (
04:29.47*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
04:37.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
04:42.25ThraeModern-Day Game Development: Step 1) Look pretty. Step 2) ???? Step 3) Profit!
04:43.54zenzelezzI think most of them skip step 2 also
04:45.07Shirikwhat's ????
04:46.54ckknightstep 3 is profit
04:53.10*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
04:53.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (
04:55.42zenzelezzI keep telling myself I should take some time to adjust my Windows sound setup so my headphones and speakers are on the same level, but I never get around to it :-|
04:56.17zenzelezzwith my speakers on "normal" mode, I have WinAmp at 100%, with headphones I have to go to 5%; games vary how much I need to turn it down
04:57.12*** join/#wowi-lounge subbawt (n=subbawt@
05:00.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (
05:03.44Shiriknight all
05:03.55zenzelezzbon nuit
05:03.56cogwheelyeah right
05:04.03Mike-N-GoShirik|zZz: Night.
05:04.07Shirik|zZzcogwheel doesn't trust me anymore
05:04.10cogwheelyou'll be up for another hour
05:04.22Shirik|zZzactually this is the first time in a while I've said I'm going to sleep and I actually am
05:04.27Shirik|zZzbecause I didn't sleep last night so ><
05:04.29Shirik|zZzI'm dead
05:04.43cogwheelas you stay here and explain ...
05:05.14Shirik|zZzblame Cairenn she taught me the evil ways :P
05:05.30cogwheelnow that, i can believe :P
05:05.33zenzelezzI'm the real zzzz
05:07.45Mike-N-Gocogwheel: Hello, again =]
05:08.41cogwheelat first I thought you were a spammer >< I did a /who on you and for some reason I read it wrong and thought it said you were level 1
05:10.09Mike-N-Gocogwheel: =P
05:10.26Mike-N-GoWIM (WoW Instant Messenger)
05:10.44cogwheelI used it for a while, but it became too cumbersome
05:11.30|Jelly|It's a really neat idea...I don't think it'd be conducive to my UI. It might curb miss tells though lol
05:13.26zenzelezzmissed tells are easy for me... just set up a dedicated chat window and dock it; it'll blink every time you receive a tell... and you can easily go there manually to see if you got any while away
05:14.18|Jelly|I meant telling the wrong person something
05:14.21|Jelly|"MT" if you will
05:14.46zenzelezznever had that problem since we got re-tell
05:15.36Mike-N-GoIf WIM could have tabs, I would love it more.
05:19.27zenzelezzif I have a frame "main", with an anonymous child frame, which again has a frame called "$parentGrandChild", will it simply become mainGrandChild? I'm not very familiar with anonymous frames
05:20.18cogwheelI thikn that's how it works
05:21.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Fridgid (i=Fridgid@
05:40.55wobinThere's always FuBar_HeyFu
05:41.02wobinif you want the whisper management
05:47.16Thunder_Childi use that, and one other mod that show it upper mid screen
05:54.58cogwheel:\   83% of my addons' total CPU usage is due to RedRange...
05:59.48|Jelly|You outta post and ask how you can fix your framerate.
06:17.48hasteSetCvar("screenshotFormat", "tga")
06:17.53subbawti think a comma instead of a =
06:18.08subbawtdoes that actually work though? last i knew that only worked on MACs
06:18.16subbawtthe screenshot format variable
06:18.33zenzelezzI did a /console SET screenshotFormat TGA on Windows and it worked fine
06:18.46zenzelezzdidn't even relog
06:18.57subbawthmm strange
06:19.04subbawtit wouldn't work for me when 2.1.0 hit the PTRs
06:19.10|Jelly|Yeah. It works on windows.
06:19.28|Jelly|and now, I have my pretty screenshots back
06:19.33hastesubbawt: tga and jpg works under Windows, tga, png and jpg works under mac
06:19.49subbawtahh hmm maybe i was trying png
06:19.55|Jelly|*cry* I'd much rather it be png
06:19.55subbawti probably was :|
06:20.16hasteI have a tga2png bash script, not much work
06:26.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
06:34.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Ins- (
06:40.29*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
06:47.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
06:55.10Thunder_Childnight Cairenn|afk
06:55.38Thunder_Childor should i say person who is here 90% of the time she is afk....
07:00.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Nightdew (n=nightdew@
07:03.17Guillotinenymbia: ping
07:04.17Guillotine~seen nymbia
07:04.48purlnymbia is currently on #wowi-lounge (8h 45m 58s) #wowace (8h 45m 58s). Has said a total of 11 messages. Is idling for 5m 11s, last said: 'Fisker-: uhh.. it should'.
07:05.50nymbiaGuillotine: pong
07:06.07Guillotinenybmia: is Tattle supposed to be ready for use?
07:06.27nymbiaprobably as ready as it'll ever be
07:06.50Guillotinedataminer.lua doesn't seem to be writing any data for US Cyclone
07:07.24Guillotineit creates the directory, but no data is written in it other than the basic last scanned info
07:08.42Guillotinebtw, running it with the official lua5.1 binaries
07:22.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
07:38.32Thunder_Childso who can "name that cloak"
07:40.58Mr_Rabies2a chimaera followed me from the middle of SMV to skettis
07:41.10Mr_Rabies2he aggro'd me in the air while i was flying and i dropped combat
07:41.11Thunder_Childawwww....someone like you
07:41.18Mr_Rabies2then i'm fighting in skettis
07:41.22Mr_Rabies2and all of a sudden he shows up
07:41.29Mr_Rabies2like...5 minutes later
07:42.22Mr_Rabies2Cloak of the Ancient Spirits, tc?
07:42.50Thunder_Childi have no idea
07:43.33Thunder_Childis that what it is, or are you guessing?
07:43.38Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure it is
07:43.48Mr_Rabies2thats the only cloak trader narasu sells :P
07:43.50Thunder_Childya, your correct
07:44.02Thunder_Childshould i post it?
07:44.03Mr_Rabies2i'm gonna kite a ton of chimeras to shattrath
07:45.20ShadowedSo, any way to detect the difference between a user editing an inputbox or clicking a checkbox VS SetChecked/SetText for the OnTextchanged and OnClick events
07:47.52FinThunder_Child: is that screenshot your UI?
07:50.57Finwhat bag mod are you using, please?
07:51.07Finis it ArkInventory?
07:57.57Corrodiassometimes WoW takes a ridiculously long time to start...
07:59.51Finare you running with lots of Ace2 addons?
08:00.54Fins/addons/addons and not using !!!StandaloneLibraries/
08:03.30Corrodiasi don't mean enter the game, i mean to load at all
08:03.47subbawtthat happens to me sometimes too
08:03.56subbawtit usually happens after I crash
08:04.00subbawtI think it's some sort of hardware problem
08:04.19CorrodiasWoW interacts with the hardware in strange ways
08:04.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
08:21.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole (n=chatzill@
08:24.11Mr_Rabies2how do i use standalonelibraries? just install it like any other addon and hope everything works?
08:35.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
08:35.18*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
08:39.27Temany druids around?
08:46.37Temwhat's the low down on cyclone
08:46.44Corrodiasi don't understand
08:46.59Temdoes it not have diminishing returns?
08:47.02Shadowedit's overpowered, can't be dispelled
08:47.03nevcairielit does
08:47.03Shadowedit does
08:47.08TemI get cycloned over and over and over
08:47.11Shadowedbut you can keep it up for around 7-9s seconds
08:47.12Corrodiasin both pve and pvp, it does
08:47.21nevcairielfirst 6s, seond 3s, third 1s, fourth immune
08:47.24Corrodiasyou can keep it going for a total of 10 if i'm not mistaken. 6, 3, 1
08:47.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom-_ (
08:49.00Corrodiasit makes the target immune to all damage and effects
08:49.24Corrodiasmuch like a banish
08:50.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
08:57.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
08:57.59Mr_Rabies2and it's pretty much impossible to keep it up for a full 10
08:58.29Mr_Rabies2you have to time it perfectly or it'll just say immune and you have a GCD plus 1.5 sec cast
08:58.46krkai just read this part: and it's pretty much impossible to keep it up for a full 10
08:59.03Mr_Rabies2can't say i blame you
08:59.03krkait's still too early in the morning
08:59.11Mr_Rabies2i left that sentence wide open
08:59.34Mr_Rabies2but yeah, cyclone is overrated
09:00.38subbawtit's most definitely not overrated
09:00.47Mr_Rabies2the only players that would say otherwise have 1) never played a druid and are either 2) a priest or a paladin or 3) use a priest or a paladin as a crutch
09:00.51Mike-N-Go~dict overrated
09:00.57subbawtespecially in like 2v2 arenas
09:01.09Mr_Rabies2when you have a druid babysitting a cyclone
09:01.13Mr_Rabies2you make it 1v1
09:01.13Corrodiasfor a feral druid, it sucks
09:01.17Corrodiasfor a balance druid, it's not so suck
09:01.38Mr_Rabies2for any druid it's good but not insanely overpowered like everyone makes it out to be
09:01.48nevcairielits only the pallys crying
09:01.54nevcairiel"omg wtf i cannot bubble QQ"
09:01.55Mr_Rabies2the druid's ccing himself more or less to cc his target
09:02.00Corrodiasthey can cyclone one, toss a moonfire & nature's swarm on the other guy, and start casting cyclone again, continuing it if the first one can't use an instant spell to interrupt it
09:02.22*** join/#wowi-lounge wobin (
09:02.23Corrodiasthat's about it
09:02.32Mr_Rabies2which is pretty puny
09:03.21Corrodiasand paladins can certainly bubble. they just have to wait for the first break and hammer on the bubble button
09:03.27subbawtit's really powerful when used well
09:04.05nevcairielmost paladins always bubble from the start when we encounter them more then once in an arena
09:04.38Mr_Rabies2really powerful != overpowered
09:04.40nevcairielor when initial cyclone resisted :D
09:04.48Mr_Rabies2everyone acts like it's the end all be all cc
09:05.04Corrodiasgod no
09:05.07Corrodiassheep ftw
09:05.09Mr_Rabies2when in reality it's not as useful as everyone makes it out to be
09:06.41*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
09:06.43subbawtI've had cyclones weaved on me and my 2v2 partner to the point where we didn't even really get the chance to do anything
09:07.04Mr_Rabies2who are you and your 2v2 partner?
09:07.22subbawtholy priest (me) + warlock
09:08.00Mr_Rabies2i've had games where one warlock has locked one of us down for an entire fight WHILE being able to keep damaging via dots
09:08.17Corrodiasindeed :o
09:08.21Mr_Rabies2plenty of them too
09:08.26Mr_Rabies2it's not even difficult
09:08.30Corrodiasthe diminishing returns are in effect for 15 seconds after the last cast
09:08.53Corrodiasyou had 15 seconds of cyclone-free time
09:08.57Mr_Rabies2at least a 10 second cyclone forces the druid to be 1) useless and 2) the person being cycloned can't be damaged
09:09.12Mr_Rabies2i phrased that horribly
09:09.22Mike-N-GoWhat about putting a CC ability with setting an enemy your focus, and then have it target them, cast cc, then target your last mob, not to hard =O
09:09.25Corrodiasnot like a hunter trap. 12s which will break when someone lands an aimed shot or pyroblast on your ass
09:09.32Corrodiaswell, over 12s
09:09.56Corrodiasdon't bother to change targets. just /cast [target=focus] Cyclone
09:10.03Mr_Rabies2mike, you have to start recasting cyclone 4.5 sec after the first one and time it pretty much perfectly
09:10.22Mr_Rabies2which gives you 3 seconds to do ANYTHING
09:10.27subbawtwhat spec are you?
09:10.29Mr_Rabies2so a 1.5 and a global cooldown max
09:10.40Mr_Rabies2i'm feral, but that doesn't matter
09:11.00Corrodiasi've spent time as balance/restoration, feral/restoration, and full feral
09:11.18subbawtwell if you're a resto druid for example, and you cyclone their only DPS, you don't really have anything better to do :P
09:11.19Corrodiasbalance/restoration would be my choice for pvp
09:12.19Mr_Rabies2so during the 3 seconds of the first cast you can cast moonfire, insect swarm, regrowth,rejuv one tick of lifebloom, or wrath on the other target
09:13.07Corrodiasknow what i'd do? cyclone, regrowth & rejuv partner, recast
09:13.24Mr_Rabies2they'd be out of cylone for about a half second or so probably corr
09:13.33Mr_Rabies2unless you happen to avoid all lag and time it perfectly
09:13.42Mr_Rabies2and that half second is plenty of time for them to silence/counterspell you
09:16.27Corrodiasi've entertained myself by using it on a paladin who wasn't smart enough to bubble
09:16.32Corrodiasor who had used it already
09:16.53subbawti didn't think you could bubble out of cyclone
09:16.57subbawtor do you mean bubble before it lands
09:17.17Mr_Rabies2that's pretty easy too
09:17.47Corrodiasyou can cast instant spells during the maiden's consecration if you spam the button. same idea.
09:18.11Mr_Rabies2there's plenty of counters to it, most people just don't bother trying them and would rather whine
09:19.34Mr_Rabies2there's a reason none of the high end teams use druids
09:19.39Corrodiasif you want something to whine about, try Sap
09:20.24Mr_Rabies2how about howl of terror
09:20.27subbawtthere's like no way to get out of cyclone once it lands, that's the way it differs from like every other form of crowd control
09:20.41Mr_Rabies2that can be talented to instant and hits 5 targets, and is undispellable
09:21.09Mr_Rabies2it's also impossible to damage the crowd controlled target, subbawt
09:21.21Mr_Rabies2unlike any other CC
09:21.21subbawtand to heal him
09:21.30subbawtmost CC breaks on damage in some way
09:21.36Mr_Rabies2i bet cyclone would
09:21.39Corrodiasfear doesn't
09:21.39Mr_Rabies2if you could damage them
09:21.47Mr_Rabies2fear can
09:21.49subbawtfear has a chance to, I believe
09:21.50Mr_Rabies2but it rarely does
09:22.00Mr_Rabies2here i'll trade you
09:22.05Mr_Rabies2warlocks get cyclone
09:22.13Mr_Rabies2we get death coil, howl of terror, and fear
09:22.51subbawtcyclone doesn't really have a class/race/composition it sucks against
09:23.02subbawtme and my 2v2 partner are both undead, so fear us all you want :P
09:23.04Mr_Rabies2i'd still rather have fear
09:23.28Mr_Rabies2oh no you broke one of my fears just let me wait for it to cool down and fearlock you
09:23.38Mr_Rabies2er, you know, wotf to fade
09:24.07subbawtwell i have will of the forsaken, pvp trinket, and a passive 15% resistance to fear
09:24.35subbawtand 70 shadow resist self buffed
09:24.47Mr_Rabies2and yet i bet in a 3 minute fight fear would last longer than cyclone
09:26.09subbawtagainst _some_ compositions
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09:26.43Mr_Rabies2i mean against a talented undead priest team with 70 SR and a pvp trinket
09:28.15subbawti don't know, i'm obviously biased since i have so many counters for fear, but it's really a non-issue for me
09:28.26Mr_Rabies2of course it would against a team that wasn't stacking every possible fear resist possible
09:28.40subbawtwell i mean
09:28.45subbawtthere's tons of counters for fear
09:29.00subbawtdwarf priests, undead anything, warriors, tremor totem
09:29.04Mr_Rabies2because it's necessary to have them
09:29.10Mr_Rabies2that's fear's only balancing factor
09:29.20Mr_Rabies2without them, fear would be massively massively overpowered
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09:31.22Mr_Rabies2cyclone doesn't need any counters like you're mentioning because it has enough other stuff balancing it
09:32.46Mr_Rabies2its short duration, it requires the druid casting it to basically CC himself, you can't damage the target that's cycloned, counterspell it and you've locked down 90% of the druid's spellbook, steep diminishing returns
09:33.19Mr_Rabies2if cyclone lasted as long as a fear and you could damage them through it, i'd see complaining about it
09:34.01subbawti don't know if i would call it overpowered personally, but i just know it's what gives me and my partner the most trouble
09:34.06subbawtim no pvp god or anything
09:34.36Mr_Rabies2have the lock use his felbastard to chomp that cyclone before it goes out
09:34.42Mr_Rabies2or further cyclones
09:34.46Mr_Rabies2if one goes out
09:34.54subbawtbut the only things that really gives us trouble is mortal strike warriors and druids spamming cyclone
09:36.03Mr_Rabies2my team has trouble with ms warriors, 3 minute mages, destro warlocks, shadow priests, double rogue teams
09:36.28Mr_Rabies2affliction warlocks to an extent
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09:37.12subbawtoh god ap/pyro mages
09:37.22subbawtwe beat a team of 2 ap/pyro mages
09:37.33Mr_Rabies2mage sheeps one of you and kills the other in 2 seconds
09:37.50Mr_Rabies2we beat a double fire mage team
09:37.53Mr_Rabies2that was pretty fun
09:38.00subbawtthey both immeadiately opened with ap/pom/pyro on my partner
09:38.03subbawtand they didn't kill him
09:38.09subbawtand they instantly lost right there
09:38.20subbawtthe match took a long time, but that's where they lost
09:38.38subbawti got counterspelled 6 times, and sheeped about 4, and they couldn't burn either of us down
09:38.58subbawtseriously 6 times
09:38.59Mr_Rabies2my 2v2 is me and a rogue
09:39.15Mr_Rabies2feral druid and a rogue
09:39.20Mr_Rabies2sap is our only livesaver
09:39.41subbawtmy rogue friend can't get a sap off to save his life
09:40.12Mr_Rabies2it's all about patience
09:40.36Mr_Rabies2catch em when one of them splits off to run for the stealth buff
09:41.03subbawti catch rogues trying to sap every once in a while
09:41.05subbawtwith a surprise holy nova
09:41.48Mr_Rabies2i should convince her to spec shadowstep
09:41.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
09:42.07Mr_Rabies2SS->sap would be insanity
09:42.24Mr_Rabies2does sstep trigger a global cooldown?
09:42.33subbawtnot sure
09:43.08Mr_Rabies2if not you could even macro it
09:43.12*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
09:43.34Mr_Rabies2/cast shadowstep | /stopcasting | /cast Sap
09:43.35Mr_Rabies2i wonder
09:44.49Mr_Rabies2damn thread seems to have a keylogger link
09:45.04subbawthaving a warlock partner is awesome
09:45.04Mr_Rabies2i use firefox and noscript and i'm still scared :(
09:45.37foxlitYou should be even more scaed for using FF :P
09:45.54subbawthealthstones are amazing, and against two dps teams he just dots them all up while we sit there and watch them die
09:46.00foxlitSomething about unsigned distribution of code :)
09:46.12Corrodiasyou'll have to elaborate
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09:46.33Corrodiasthat is, if you want us to understand. if you don't, then don't bother mentioning it.
09:46.57Mr_Rabies2i'd say locks are probably some of the better arena healers :x
09:47.07foxlitIt's not a very serious complaint. Firefox distributions aren', the last time I checked, cryptographically signed
09:47.35foxlitSo if I sit somewhere between you and, I can modify your browser and you'll be none the wiser.
09:47.52Corrodiasnow i have to kill you
09:48.02Mr_Rabies2how would you sit somewhere between me and
09:49.18foxlitDepends on where you are.
09:50.20foxlitI wonder if they fixed it by now, though
09:50.47Mr_Rabies2i have no clue how to check but i don't really consider that much of a vulnerability
09:51.08Mr_Rabies2not compared to the stuff that IE lets you do :O
09:51.16foxlitWhat _does_ IE let you do? :)
09:51.45Mr_Rabies2sure, ie7's a bit better
09:51.59Mr_Rabies2but this is what IE lets you do:
09:52.12foxlitOh please, utterly staged?
09:52.31foxlitSomeone actually went through and did that on purpose; I think I can do the same to FF
09:53.17Mr_Rabies2i know the guy that did it, he was getting fired so he just ran every popup window that the average stupid user just clicks yes to anyway
09:53.25Mr_Rabies2er clicked yes on all the activex controls
09:54.20Mr_Rabies2hell there were exploits for a while that ran activex controls and stuff without requiring you to hit yes
09:54.40Mr_Rabies2i just don't like my browser and my OS that closely integrated on today's internet
09:55.09foxlitBy closely integrated you mean sandboxed, but okay.
09:55.36Mr_Rabies2is ie7 sandboxed on xp?
09:56.17foxlitzomg, people aren't using vista?! :P
09:56.27Mr_Rabies2a lot of people aren't
09:56.48Mr_Rabies2as much as i hate the people who are all "HAY GUYS MIKKKRO$HAFT AMIRITE"
09:56.58Mr_Rabies2ms has really dropped the ball on vista for now D:
09:57.06foxlitI know, I'm still on XP :)
09:57.10Mr_Rabies2i'll wait on service pack 1 at least to reevaluate it
09:58.33foxlitIf anything, IE7 is too paranoid :P
09:58.52foxlitSilly XML functionality being borked on local files until you click the infobar
09:59.05Mr_Rabies2i don't even run with javascript on on pages unless i know i can trust em
09:59.29foxlitYou're even more paranoid.
10:00.21Mr_Rabies2blocks flash and java applets too
10:00.38foxlitWhat's the point? :)
10:00.51Corrodiassaving resources
10:00.55Mr_Rabies2no flash ads like ever
10:01.05foxlitno flash ads like never == hosts
10:01.05Mr_Rabies2pages tend to load really fast
10:01.12foxlitThey do anyway.
10:01.29Mr_Rabies2plus it's pretty funny to see some huge corporate sites with stuff up like
10:02.00foxlitNot a feature :)
10:02.29Mr_Rabies2it's just an extra layer of security
10:02.34subbawtwow Mr_Rabies2 you are pretty paranoid
10:02.53Mr_Rabies2the internet's a dangerous place D:
10:02.53foxlitAn extra layer of snake oil, more like.
10:02.53subbawtI realize that, but I just don't care :P
10:03.18Mr_Rabies2i don't see how it's a bad thing
10:03.20Corrodiasthat snake oil cleared up my curse just like that
10:03.25Corrodiasdon't be hatin'
10:03.26Mr_Rabies2i just click "allow x site" if i trust them
10:03.40Mr_Rabies2and they're allowed forever or until i revoke said trust
10:03.48subbawtthe most dangerous ones are the ones you do trust!
10:03.53subbawtwith terribly coded websites
10:04.00foxlit"Would you like to install this ActiveX control?" // "Would you like to trust this site?"
10:05.32Mr_Rabies2it's more like a "would you like to trust this site to run like regular firefox does, while disallowing any of its offsite flash ads to work unless you really want to see them?"
10:05.34Mr_Rabies2kinda thing for me
10:05.53Mr_Rabies2and if they're hosted onsite i just use adblock to block them
10:05.57foxlitDevelops a culture of yesclicking anyway :P
10:06.14Mr_Rabies2it doesn't popup a thing at every site i go to
10:06.18Mr_Rabies2it's just off
10:06.33Mr_Rabies2until i go to the statusbar and hit "allow permanently" or "allow for this session"
10:06.36foxlitAnd there are no ie "click yes" popups :)
10:07.05Mr_Rabies2i've never been a yes clicker though
10:07.19subbawtdo you read license agreements
10:07.25Mr_Rabies2depends on what it is
10:08.15Corrodiasi no longer read wow's revisions. i read the eula and tos once but don't want to reread them looking for changes.
10:08.27Corrodiaswhen there are changes
10:08.29Mr_Rabies2i'll scan over them if it's something i reasonably trust, yes click if it's something i know i can trust, i.e. a blizzard game, or whatever
10:11.06Mr_Rabies2someone should really work on a diff thing for the tos and eula and stuff corr
10:11.15foxlitThere's a date on top of them
10:11.47Corrodiasyes, but then when i notice it's updated, i don't know how to figure out what has changed anyway
10:12.17Mr_Rabies2yeah, the change could be instead of it saying "eskimos can't play unless they're eating blubber"
10:12.53Mr_Rabies2it could just say "natives must be consuming traditional tribal foods to login to world of warcraft"
10:16.36Mr_Rabies2i love thinkin lincoln
10:25.10Mr_Rabies2i love it
10:25.27Mr_Rabies2because it mixes my two favorite things, history and absurdist humor :OL
10:25.29Mr_Rabies2er :O
10:26.17Corrodiasugh... heroic sethekk halls at 2pm
10:27.14Corrodiasguess i'd better get to sleep
10:27.27Corrodiashave to wake up and get online..
10:27.37Corrodiasi want that mount, so i don't have a choice
10:28.35Corrodiasalthough wowhead is getting more and more pessimistic about its drop rate. :/ allakhazam posted an initial tenative rate of 20% and wowhead has it down to 1.3% now
10:29.05Corrodias1.3%! and you can only do the thing once per day
10:30.00Mr_Rabies2why do you want to ride a dumb bird
10:30.06Mr_Rabies2you can TURN INTO ONE
10:30.14Mr_Rabies2hell the dumb bird can't even fly
10:30.52Corrodiasbecause 1) it's a land mount, for azeroth, in which you cannot be a bird, and 2) i don't have anything better to do with my druid than collect mounts
10:30.52Mr_Rabies2it's like an ostritch only more useless
10:31.06Corrodiashe's at level 70, all quests complete (at least, until ogri'la came around in 2.1), no tanking gear outside of raids to obtain, raids 3 days a week
10:31.11nevcairieli wonder if they ever change the flying form again, that you cannot pick herbs in it
10:31.14Mr_Rabies2i'm not on azeroth long enough to care about what my mount looks like now :P
10:31.19Corrodiasi am
10:31.23Corrodiasso you're wrong
10:31.24nevcairieli can hover over a herb, and herb it, without aggroing mobs which stand around
10:31.24Corrodiasi win!
10:31.28Mr_Rabies2they probably will nev
10:31.37Mr_Rabies2i'm sure its not intended
10:31.45Corrodiasbut it's been that way since the original flight form
10:31.49nevcairielthe flying form even has a herbing animation!
10:31.52Mr_Rabies2but damn you if you think i won't exploit that crap until it gets fixed
10:31.58Mr_Rabies2you can't herb in regular flight form corr
10:32.16Corrodiaswhat, seriously? i must be thinking of the halaa towers
10:32.34Mr_Rabies2even those you couldn't pre 2.1
10:32.41Corrodiasyes, yes you could
10:32.42Mr_Rabies2i dunno if you can now
10:32.55nevcairieli dont think you could
10:32.57nevcairielat least i couldnt
10:32.58Corrodiasflight form could activate wyvern towers from the air
10:33.11nevcairielthats possible
10:33.56Mr_Rabies2i'm abusing the hell out of that until they fix it :P
10:34.09Mr_Rabies2yes, i like being able to safely herb netherbush all day
10:34.17Mr_Rabies2primal mana++
10:35.50Mr_Rabies2i think i have more primal mana than primal shadow now
10:36.04Mr_Rabies2still 0 primal fire or earth though
10:36.32Corrodiasi still spend a lot of time on my druid because i do so much tanking for guildmates' instance runs
10:36.34nevcairielprimal mana is pretty useless for me
10:36.51Corrodiasi'm the only one who's on all the time and is easy to sucker into tanking for them
10:36.52nevcairieli sell it or trade for other primals
10:38.53Corrodiasi don't want to go to bed. waaaah.
10:38.57Corrodiasi hate sleeping
10:42.18Mr_Rabies2be nice if it wasn't required
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10:56.01|Jelly|Sleep. Pfft.
10:59.03|Jelly|So yeah...time know... *looks around innocently*
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11:47.12Nom-woot cleared Karazhan in one day
11:47.20Nom-6 hours, 10 mins
11:50.22leethalnightbane too?
11:56.01leethalbut not those silly rare elite bosses?
11:56.03leethalthey suck anyway =P
12:07.50foxlitWe once pulled three packs of trashspiders there
12:08.06foxlitWas the most challenging encounter of the entire night; cleared the whole instance just before that
12:12.05nevcairielHow am i supposed to stop a button from being pushable when Disable() gets protected .. darn exploiters :/
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12:15.31nevcairielwonder if i can trick the stateheader into showing/hiding my button based on if it has a action..
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14:13.16leethaloh seriously nice
14:13.21leethalhow damn seriously very nice
14:14.20wobinaye, it's getting to be pretty good
14:16.38leethalthis gave me the faith back in ace
14:16.47leethalsorry cladhaire, no more dongle for me! =P
14:17.08wobinWhat's wrong with using both? =P
14:17.11cladhaiream i supposed to care?
14:17.23cladhairedongle is for developers, not for users.
14:17.36wobincladhaire: Well, obviously, we're all subject to the whims of our users =P
14:17.41cladhairenot I
14:17.44cladhaireask any of them =)
14:17.45Industrialnot I
14:17.53leethal"cars are for roads, not drivers"?
14:17.55cladhairewhat does an Ace threat meter have to do with Dongle?
14:18.05leethaluh nothing
14:18.06cladhairewould the correct statement be: "No more KTM"?
14:18.13Industrialleethal: more like engines are for mechanics, not drivers
14:18.20cladhairethen why inform me that you're no longer going to use dongle, ..... because there's an ace threat meter?
14:18.21leethalmy point was that I've been very very shoo ace, go go dongle
14:18.30cladhairethat's gotta be one of the most silly things I've ever heard
14:18.32cladhairewell grats for you then
14:18.36wobinIt's true
14:18.41wobinwhy do either?
14:18.51wobinjust use whatever works =P Be it Ace or Dongle =P
14:18.55leethalcladhaire: I'm sorry, I won't meddle in the affair of book writers no more
14:18.56cladhairehow about you just use the addons that work for you
14:19.00wobinWhy all the h8n?
14:19.02leethalyou obviously > me
14:19.15leethalwas just saying
14:19.39Industrialwobin: cause im not running any ace addon, and yesterday i tried pitbull (again?) and i had to load 5MB of libraries for it
14:19.40leethalbah that was pointless, sorry
14:19.46cladhaireits okay *shrug*
14:20.16wobinIndustrial: ... And?
14:20.25wobinThat drives you to hate?
14:20.36Industrialwobin: dislike
14:20.38wobinpshaw. Go outside and play in the sun
14:20.49wobinLearn to be more open minded.
14:21.17cladhairei use ace addons zomg
14:21.17cladhaireand some of them are written HORRIBLY
14:21.21cladhairebut i use them, cause they do what I need
14:21.26wobinIf the basic framework of an addon will drive you to hate, then you need to step back and stop playing for a while til everything comes back to perspective =P
14:21.26cladhaireAddons aren't a religion.
14:21.51Industrialwobin: its the needing a library ot make blueberry waffles that drives me to stop using it
14:22.05wobinCause saying you're a Donglearian just makes people look at you funny =P
14:22.20IndustrialI use zAddons, mainly
14:22.29wobinIndustrial: So. Which library makes the waffles?
14:22.49wobinOr more to the point. Which library -isn't- used by that addon?
14:23.14cladhairewobin: I don't think we'll ever understand *shruG*
14:23.14wobinYou can't make broad waffle making statements without backing it up.
14:23.23wobinWith at least some maple syrup
14:24.01wobin(Damnit. I wish that waffle place downstairs hadn't closed down. I have horrible waffle cravings now =()
14:24.11wobinDamn you Indy, Damn you =(
14:24.39Industrial*pinky to mouth, evil laugh*
14:25.20Industrialanyway this behaviour of "zomg i have a guild list better make a guild member managing library for it" has gone out of hand
14:25.45Industrialpeople are _advocating_ to have a separate addon containing all libraries just to make sure you load them all?
14:25.56Industrialbecause it will load faster?
14:26.28Finaw, this is so tired
14:26.47Industrialif it loads slow zomgmake it faster or reconsider using it
14:28.02Finyou know what's good?
14:28.06Fincheese is fucking great
14:28.43Industrialtoo bad nobody ever listens to me :(
14:29.02Fincheese toasties, pizzas, cheese and onion sandwiches, grated cheese on jacket potatoes, cheese and wine
14:29.06Finwhere would the world be without cheese
14:29.09wobinCheese on toast is great
14:29.15wobinwith a bit of cinnamon sugar on top
14:29.16FinIndustrial: listening and replying are two different things
14:29.31Fincinnamon? huh, seems a bit weird, but I've never tried it
14:29.56wobinyeah =) The sweetness and spice of the cinnamon sugar actually goes pretty well with the tartness of the cheese
14:30.13wobinIt's like how you have quince jam with cheese on crackers
14:30.15FinI used to like cheese and jam sandwiches... not sure I'd like them now, haven't had them since I was a kid
14:30.19Industrialive never heard anyone saying im wrong
14:30.26Industrialor how im dumb (cept tek)
14:30.35wobinWell, no, indy, you're entitled to your opinion
14:30.42Finand of course how could I forget: baked beans with cheese on top
14:30.51wobinoo, that's something I haven't tried
14:30.58Finlordy lordy
14:31.06wobinIs the cheese melted?
14:31.20wobinI like chicken mornay
14:31.25wobinwith cheese and paprika on top
14:31.31wobinand grilled to a crusty finish
14:31.40Finit's a classic London lunch snack - jacket potatoes filled with melted butter, baked beans, and lots of melted cheese
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14:31.47Finwhat's chicken mornay?
14:31.50wobinmmm Hello carbs =)
14:31.57wobin(And FAT)
14:32.24Fin(tee hee :)
14:32.53FinI bought some gorgonzola yesterday
14:32.55Finit's really expensive here
14:32.58Finbut it was worth it
14:34.14FinI think...
14:34.33Finif I didn't like computers, I'd either like to own a second hand book shop, or a cheese shop as a career
14:35.11Finalways wanted to own a second hand bookshop as a kid
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15:14.23kahdgarxiDoes anyone know of an addon that I can use to simulate a raid environment? (I'm trying to get grid set up)
15:16.25leethaldon't think so
15:16.42leethalsimulation mode should've been mandatory for all unit frame addons that handles raids =P
15:17.01kahdgarxino kiddin >_,
15:17.05kahdgarxiguess i'll just joina  BG xD
15:25.36wobinAt least Pitbull does that
15:25.48wobinalthough on my laptop, having 40 frames causes a bit of lag =P
15:29.06leethaldid they buff the weapon skill leveling rate?
15:30.21wobin<3 being a hunter and being able to level two handed weapons at 1sec a level
15:30.30wobinat least initially =P
15:32.08leethalthis goes pretty fast
15:32.14leethalhad 330 axe skill
15:32.17leethalentered SM
15:32.22leethaldid armory and cath, and now 350
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15:47.55Kirkburn|afk :D
15:48.54Kirkburn|afkleethal, at 70? You did an entire instance and got 20 points ... that's fast?
15:51.41leethalKirkburn|afk: well, I remember using two AQ20 to level 299-300 back in the pre TBC days
15:52.28kaidenKirkburn|afk, notice how people are releasing font packs with for pay fonts in them lol ;)
15:52.35leethalthose last points remembered to be very slow
15:52.44kaidenthe ClearFont_FontPack has Enviro in it which is like 39 bucks :P
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16:36.44Thunder_Childyou have a fake ZzZ?
16:37.52Thunder_Childnvm, missed the ly
16:38.10Shirikthey weren't believing
16:38.31Shirik01:03:57  » Shirik is now known as Shirik|zZz
16:38.31Shirik01:04:03 ‹zenzelezz› bon nuit
16:38.31Shirik01:04:03 ‹cogwheel› yeah right
16:38.31Shirik01:04:09 ‹Shirik|zZz› :(
16:38.44Shirik01:04:18 ‹cogwheel› you'll be up for another hour
16:43.03Thunder_Childit's easier for me, no one ever wants me so i dont have to change anything
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16:48.29Shirikdid you seriously just get that?!
16:49.02ShirikI kinda wish that happened to me :(
16:49.09Shirikonly kinda
16:49.43nevcairieli dont
16:50.02nevcairieli am quite happy that i generally dont get bothered for BT3 support ingame
16:50.26Shirikthe only questions about RDX in-game I get is from my guild :(
16:50.39Shirikhell there are people in guild that when I start talkinga bout it, they're like "wait, YOU'RE the author?"
16:50.42Shirikthen I want to slap them
16:51.14amrolol Shirik
16:52.15Kaydeethreeoh gah
16:52.18Kaydeethreethat's insanity
16:52.35Kaydeethreesomeone actually rolled on medivh to bug me about theorycraft once
17:04.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
17:13.07cogwheelSo, I created a toon on that guy's realm to do a /who of his guild...
17:13.16cogwheelHere's a sampling of the character names in that guild...
17:14.13cogwheelI get the feeling speaking to one of the officers about them won't help my cause...
17:14.19Shirikprobably not
17:15.33Thunder_Childemo emu? *sigh*
17:18.07Shirikit's cidan's hostname not mine!!
17:18.35Thunder_Childuh huh.....
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17:32.57|Jelly|Why is it that if you wake up at noon-thirty, you've slept "all day" even though you went to bed like five hours ago?
17:33.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
17:33.42Shirikfact of life; don't question it
17:34.07|Jelly|I just think it's funny that I sleep less than the people that are telling me that. : /
17:34.34AtriaceIs there a way to get the value of a CVar?
17:34.50|Jelly|I actually knew that one, Shirik!
17:34.58|Jelly|*needs to get on the ball*
17:34.59ShirikYou must be faster, young padawan
17:36.19AtriaceSo:  myVar=GetCVar(anisotropic)        would make myVar equal to the value of anisotropic (ie., 1)
17:36.37Shirikin quotes
17:37.25cogwheel<Shirik>You must be faster, young padawan                  Just be glad this channel doesn't have my full attention :P
17:37.30AtriaceI get goosebumps everytime I come here.
17:37.35Shirikya ok cogwheel
17:37.39ShirikI show a 4s response time there
17:37.42Shirikyou think you can beat that?
17:37.59cogwheelnot right now I can't :P
17:38.07|Jelly|*plays duel music* Shirik v. Cogwheel; HIGH NOON! (38 minutes ago here...)
17:38.08Shirikresponding to too many of those in-game mails?
17:38.34|Jelly|He's too busy trying to get around the spam filters for his gold business on the side!
17:39.06cogwheelmy wife is my only employee
17:39.29cogwheelShe made >750g before she hit 40 on a brand new (to her) realm...
17:39.33|Jelly|ouch -- poor girl. Chained to a desk 23.5hours a day forced to play wow, eh?
17:40.06AtriaceWhat does she do in the .5 hours?
17:40.41Shirikif she were with me
17:40.50Shirikchained to a desk... during those .5 hours...
17:40.53cogwheelOne of those statements I just made was true...
17:41.02AtriaceI thought slaves cost more than a wedding ring.
17:41.18|Jelly|Cogwheel: bathroom   <-I found it!
17:42.25|Jelly|Is Kaydeethree alive in here?
17:42.35Shiriknah I killed him weeks ago
17:42.42|Jelly|Oh man.
17:43.07AtriaceAlright, I just forgot the name of the function for throwing up a windowed message.
17:43.19AtriaceStarts the timer....  ;)
17:43.25|Jelly|Well. I suppose you could say that I need a new side project. Someone recommended Ubuntu; do you guys recommend another Linux distro?
17:43.32Shirikubuntu is god
17:43.47|Jelly|Alright then...I'll take your word for it.
17:43.59|Jelly|UNLESS someone wants to duel Shirik???
17:44.20Shirikok, I'm going crazy here.....
17:44.30Thunder_Child'nix for what?
17:44.31ShirikInterface\AddOns\RDXM_Logistics\RDXM_Logistics.lua:885: attempt to call method 'Destroy' (a nil value)
17:44.34Shirikit is not a nil value!!
17:44.48|Jelly|"Destroy" <- I like that. rofl
17:45.02Shirikall of my frames have it :)
17:49.40Kasoi didnt know lua gave a different error from calling table.nil() and table:nil()
17:49.45Kasolearn something new every day
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17:51.33Shirikcladhaire is not having a good day today methinks
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17:56.39zenzelezzI find it amusing that you can use your hearthstone while sitting
17:58.43|Jelly|...but can't make bandages or...anything else really
17:59.07Arrowmasteri wonder if i can click my ruby slippers together while sitting
17:59.55Arrowmasteri can!
18:00.10zenzelezzwoot, this guild lasted all of... under one week
18:02.57*** join/#wowi-lounge itson (
18:03.15zenzelezz"we'll get it going in no time" "people are giving up, seeya"
18:03.46itsonso .. say i kill a mob, and i go up to its body and right click it to loot, the loot window comes up, and there is one item there. when i put my mouse over that item a tool tip comes up,
18:03.50Kasoitson what you do mean by mouse over the "item" the item link? the item in your bag? the items tooltip?
18:03.51amrozenzelezz: that's the spirit
18:03.51itsoni want to work with that information,
18:04.36itsonu have an idea of what im trying to do? or should i explain more?
18:04.46Kasonope i gotcha
18:05.02itsonim thinking something like / or something like that
18:05.08|Jelly|You're trying to hack the Gibson. We're on to you.
18:05.38|Jelly|You get points if you know WTF. lol
18:05.54Kasoyou need to use the GameTooltip  OnTooltipSetItem script handler
18:06.09Kasothat will allow you to have some code executes each time an item goes onto the gametooltip
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18:06.11itsonwho are you guys anyway? u guys work for wow or just people who understand wow development?
18:06.26|Jelly|I'm a troll, mainly.
18:06.49Kasothen from there you can use GameTooltip:GetItem() to get the item's name
18:07.43itsonwhere are these things listed? i searched for OnTooltipSetItem in the API section but i didnt find it there..
18:07.57itsonin the wowwiki api section
18:08.01itson( where i searched )
18:08.43KasoIm not sure that infomation is up on the wiki to be honest
18:08.58itsonwhere would i find these commands ?
18:09.49Kasothats an example of me using OnTooltipSetItem
18:10.21itsoncool, let me read this for bit.. see if i understand it
18:10.25itsonthx guys.. be back in bit.
18:10.37Kasomost of it prob doesnt mean much, but the tt:GetItem() and the oldFunc "hooking" style are useful
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18:13.07Kasoman that was an ugly way of doing that code, in a later revision i replaced most of it, then lost the code in a hard disk error
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18:19.03phyberis there an option on WoWI to disable commenting on Addons?
18:19.25Thrae_pamWhy, people bashing your addon?
18:19.30phyberI'm sick to fuck of retards commenting on stuff that they don't have a clue on.  I'd rather disable comments for my addons to not read them
18:19.42phyberThrae_pam: kind of.
18:19.43Thrae_pamYou can just...not read your comments.
18:19.50phyberpeople with zero clue commenting on library issues.
18:20.42phyberThrae_pam: the problem is that I don't want other people to read those comments and believe them. :/
18:21.08phyberalso, it saves wowi having to store that crap :p
18:21.24Thrae_pamPut a comment saying "I try to please you guys, but you keep bitching about library issues which are not under my discretion. Those coming here for the first time, please disregard such comments. If there are too many of these comments, I'll end up just ignoring comments altogether."
18:22.07Shirikso I've gotten in the habit of compiling my lua files to verify that it's ok before /console reloadui
18:22.09Shirikso I don't waste time
18:22.09phyberyay, nice wording.  I'll probably steal that :)
18:22.21itsonsorry to interrupt guys..
18:22.24Thrae_pamActually, now that I think about it, you should have the power to delete comments on your addon.
18:22.25zenzelezzI never know whether to think people that ask what the guild quit command is are serious or trying to get people to quit their guilds
18:22.27Shirikunfortunately, I haven't gotten a compile error in so long
18:22.37Shirikthat I just ignored the 5 that came up and got confused when my addon didn't load -_-
18:22.45zenzelezzwas quite common back in Anarchy Online to see someone shout "what's the suicide command?"... and someone always fell for it
18:22.56itsonbut how do i view something, ( like echo ) i want to use some /scripts to set variables and i want to view the variable.. how do i echo it to my self?
18:23.00snurreanarchy online *shivers*
18:23.08zenzelezzsnurre: heh
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18:23.15purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
18:23.15Thrae_pamphyber: Try just deleting the comments, and put a comment that all bugs should be put on your portal.
18:23.24Kasoitson download that the do "/dump variable"
18:23.28zenzelezzsnurre: figured you were the same snurre, but didn't you use to be .no?
18:23.40Kaso(replacing variable with the name of the variable)
18:23.40snurrezenzelezz: i used to, until i moved to paris :p
18:23.50Thrae_pamphyber: Then you can bash 'em back on your bug portal with "Not A Bug"
18:24.13phyberthere is already a comment asking for bugs/features to go to the portal.
18:24.22itsonthx mate
18:24.26zenzelezzsnurre: I assume there was more behind the move than just a distaste for how FC treated you? :)
18:24.40Thrae_pamphyber: Yeah, but you should be able to delete comments...eventually they should get the message
18:25.01phyberI don't have a delete option for any comments. :(
18:25.02snurrezenzelezz: lol :p it wasn't related, no ;)
18:27.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
18:33.29ShirikI have a new ugliest line record, I think:
18:33.33Shiriktable.insert(w.list, {unit = sender, version={mver = mver, hver = hver, lver = lver}});
18:34.29Shirikor maybe ok:SetScript("OnClick", function() RDXM.Logistics.ModuleCallback(nil, VFL_moduledb[select(2, dd:GetSelection())]); w:Destroy(); end);
18:34.43zenzelezzI have a pretty horrible variable name in my addon... in my hitpoint function I calculate the number of pixels per hit point, thus "pphp"... but then I made the same for my power function, pixels per power point... "pppp"
18:34.53*** join/#wowi-lounge side (n=aobot1@
18:35.01amro>>> print("test")
18:35.02sideamro: test
18:35.10zenzelezzit's local to the function though, so it doesn't get too confusing
18:35.30amroyay it works
18:35.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
18:35.48Shirik>>> print("\nNOTICE #wowi-lounge hi all!")
18:35.54Shirikyeah you need to fix that
18:36.08ShirikI could make side quit IRC right now if I wanted to
18:36.27amroand if you knew how to do it, you could control all my dcop enabled apps :P
18:36.28zenzelezzyou shouldn't call is side though
18:36.30amroit's not complete
18:36.33zenzelezzrather "decide"
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18:37.33ShirikI didn't do that ><
18:37.40amro>>> print("\nNOTICE #wowi-lounge hi all!")
18:37.51Shiriktbh would have preferred what Cide does
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18:37.59Shirikescape the characters
18:38.27Shirikjust throwing that out there
18:38.29Shirikdo what you want ^^
18:38.31amroyeah this was about 2minutes' work
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18:39.03amroShirik: if you want to write a python function that does that and pass it along, sure
18:41.01ShirikI suck at python
18:41.01cladhairewhy Side?
18:41.02Shiriksee what you did now!
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18:41.40cladhaireand why the same prefix as Cide's bot?
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18:41.42amrocladhaire: because cide's bot isn't around right now. I thought about changing the prefix though
18:42.23cladhairefigured as much
18:42.23Shirik>>> print("\rPRIVMSG Shirik rawr!")
18:42.23sideShirik: lua: stdin:1: unfinished string near '"'
18:42.23amrojust a quick test though, the bot is actually a framework, and the lua think an ugly hack
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18:44.00Shiriktempted to >>> print(string.rep("o.", 100000));
18:44.06Shirikbut I don't want to spam the channel if that happens ><
18:44.25AellaIt'll just cut off at 200 characters, no?
18:44.41Shirikside != cide
18:44.57itsonw00t i got exactly what i wanted
18:45.05amroside isn't even running anymore
18:45.10itson./ /script io = GameTooltip:GetItem()  then /dump io
18:45.14itsonthanks you guys  :)
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18:45.53AellaJust /dump GameTooltip:GetIteM()
18:46.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
18:47.17KasoCide finally moved his bot to another username?
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18:48.24Shirikand the nbs-irc changelog was wrong
18:48.24Shirikit said netsplits now occur all on one line
18:48.24Shirikit's full of crap
18:48.24itson./dump GameTooltip:GetItem() doesnt work propelry
18:48.24KasoWhat happens?
18:48.24Shirikthen you didn't tpye it properly :P
18:48.25itson.//dump GameTooltip:GetItem()
18:48.25itsonit gives me 2 lines
18:48.32Kasocos GetItem has to returns
18:48.32Shirikthat's becausei t has 2 return values
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18:48.33itsonits not well formated
18:48.33Shirikit's formatted fine..
18:49.30AellaTry /dump (GameTooltip:GetItem()) if you only want one return, but if you're using dump to print something out, think again.
18:51.28itsonnow, prob gona spend all day trying to figure out how i can work with this information to what i need to do.. for now i have to go to work,
18:51.38itsonu guys r tight, ima def hang out in here bother u guys bit more :)
18:51.41itsonsee u guys later
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19:19.03Shirikfoxlit: ping
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19:59.32itson|afkhow do i use this function
19:59.36Corrodiaslike this
19:59.43itson|afki want to close the loot window
20:00.05Corrodiaswhat's the difficulty?
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20:00.17Corrodias/script CloseLoot()
20:00.24itsonits not working
20:00.33itsonoh yeah it is
20:01.12Kasoi always use /run three less char to type!
20:01.54Corrodiaslife in wow is so simple without any crafting professions
20:03.14Shirik|Ecoleno /script is better than /run obviously
20:03.38Shirik|Ecoleactually, one of them should theoretically be better than the other, I wonder which one it is :P
20:03.47Shirik|Ecoleone of them will require one less iteration of the SLASH_CMD_LIST table
20:04.08Kasothat extra 1/100th of a milisecond counts!
20:04.12Shirik|Ecoleoh yeah
20:04.13Shirik|Ecoleit does
20:04.52Corrodiasit can, but in a slash command i doubt it will
20:06.12Shirik|Ecoleactually I think I heard rumors of slash commands being cached in the near future
20:06.40Kasothey are currently cached but only addon slashes
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20:08.03Kasooh wait
20:08.38KasoSome blizzard slashes, but not most ^_-
20:09.57Kasogot it
20:10.12KasoNormal slashes are in hash_SlashCmdList
20:10.23KasoChatting slashes are in hash_ChatTypeInfoList
20:10.32KasoEmotes are in hash_EmoteTokenList
20:10.50KasoSecure ones are in the local hash_SecureCmdList
20:21.41ShadowedBasically, it teaches stereotypical roles that everything does? =p
20:22.20Shirik|EcoleI played that game
20:22.39Shirik|EcoleI always hated that one at like 97
20:22.42Shirik|Ecolewhich sent you back to 10
20:22.45Shirik|Ecolethat sucked
20:23.56Shirik|Ecoleit's at 87
20:23.58Shirik|Ecoleand it takes you to 24
20:24.25purlmooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass, or and
20:24.59cladhaireI just found that from when we did it in 2001
20:25.02cladhairewas rather amused =)
20:25.29Shirik|Ecoleoh wait
20:25.30Shirik|Ecolethat's you!!
20:25.32Shirik|Ecolehah nice
20:27.32KasoChutes and Ladders? is that some crazy american name for snakes and ladders?
20:27.48Shadowedyea probably
20:28.04Shirik|Ecolewtf is snakes and ladders?
20:28.12Shadowedsnakes = chutes
20:28.15Shirik|Ecolep.s. I showed you the game board
20:28.18Shirik|Ecolehow is a snake a chute
20:28.28Shirik|Ecoledo you have snakes in your playground?
20:28.33cladhaireChutes and Ladders is a specific implementation of Snakes and Ladders
20:28.35cladhaireread wikipedia.
20:28.38cladhairein fact, I'll link it
20:29.03ScytheBlade1~wiki Snakes and Ladders
20:29.33KasoIts victorian, so our name is right, ha!
20:29.36Shirik|Ecoleah I get it
20:29.54Shirik|EcoleThe theme of the board design is playground equipment—children climb ladders to go down chutes (slides). The artwork on the board teaches a morality lesson, the squares on the bottom of the ladders show a child doing a good deed and at the top of the ladder there is an image of the child enjoying the reward.
20:30.37KasoKids dont like being taught stuff when they play games!
20:31.58KasoSquare 80 is overpowered if you ask me
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20:33.11Shirik|Ecoleit is
20:33.31Shirik|Ecolesquare 99 should take you to 1 imo
20:33.40Kasothe ultimate evil
20:34.55Shirik|Ecoleif I designed it I would have done it
20:34.59Shirik|Ecolewhat's the spinner got, 1-6?
20:35.17Shirik|Ecolethat means that 95-99 would all take you to 1
20:35.28Shirik|Ecoleso would 88-93
20:35.47Kasoevery square that is not a multiple of 6 takes you to 1
20:36.19KasoAlso Spinner? you don't have die in America too?
20:36.27Shirik|Ecoleit's an educational game!
20:36.31Shirik|Ecoleyou learn probability
20:36.38Shirik|Ecolewhat is your chances of ever completing the game?
20:37.10Shirik|Ecolewhat is the average time taken to complete the game assuming that you do 1 turn a minute?
20:37.42Shirik|Ecole1/((1/6)^(100/6)) * 60sec
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20:38.46Shirik|Ecole295k years
20:38.52Shirik|Ecole295 millenia
20:39.23Shirik|Ecolebtw that was supposed to be /60s not *60sw
20:46.15itsonhey guys whats wrong with this line? /script if io == "blabla" then LootSlot(1) else CloseLoot(); end
20:46.45itsoni think i need to use ( and )s somewhere maybe im not sure maybe ; before then or something like that
20:47.50KasoYou cant loot from script iirc.
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20:49.31Kasonope guess i was wrong
20:50.00Kasoitson, what is "io" ?
20:50.06itsonmy var
20:50.14Kasoi got that
20:50.17Kasowhat is it set to
20:50.46itsonit gets the name
20:50.53itsonif the name is what i want i just hit the macro
20:50.59itsonless clicking and stuff
20:51.13itsoni got it working i think it was a typo
20:51.39Kasoif you're making globals you should make their names less generic
20:51.47Kasoout of general practice
20:51.54Kasoalso what's your ultimate aim
20:52.35itsonnothing really , just learning things
20:52.43Kasofair enough
20:52.52itsoni wana get to a point where i can read other peoples addons and understand them
20:53.31itsoncaz man, i was using this UI it was soo good i loved it, and then BC came out and none of em worked and more then 1/2 arnt updated so i stopped playing caz i couldnt go back to stock UI
20:53.50Kasothere are other UIs out there
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20:54.18KasoIm a big fan of people picking and choosing and making their own UIs rather than using packaged ones
20:54.34itsonyeah, i spent like 4 hrs trying to find one that works .. even addons, more then 75% of em dont work with the new patch. 2.1*
20:54.38Shiriksome people don't have the patience though :OP
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20:55.22Kasoitson, you do know that addons listed as "Out of Date" can mostly still work.
20:55.54itsonyeah ,, i tried
20:56.43itsonyeah, kaso, thats what i ended up doing, after i got tired of trying UIs i just started from top and said what do i need and found each one and configed it properly
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21:33.49Kaydeethree|jelly| pong
21:33.53KaydeethreeI use fedora core 7
21:34.07Kaydeethreeubuntu's king for ease-of-use
21:35.10Kaydeethrees/core 7/7/
21:43.02Mr_Rabies2my first attempt at a standalonelibs install is a failure
21:45.09Mr_Rabies2105 or so lua errors on login
21:47.54Mr_Rabies2found the problem
21:48.09Mr_Rabies2i disabled the ace2 lib before deleting it once in the past :p
21:48.50Mr_Rabies2but uhh
21:48.53Mr_Rabies2broke trinketmenu again
21:49.04Mr_Rabies2i guess i can figure out what lib's causing it now
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22:06.57josh____anyone here that can give me an opinion
22:08.01josh____was wondering what the best spec to go with weaponsmithing is
22:09.16Thunder_Childwhatever weapon you plan on using?
22:11.26josh____well i switch back and forth
22:11.48josh____like right now im using a mace
22:11.59Thunder_Childwhat class are you?
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22:19.35Mr_Rabies2are there any other addons that do something similar to trinketmenu?
22:20.15josh____i am a warrior
22:20.19josh____arms spec
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22:30.15zenzelezzSL heroic was surprisingly easy
22:30.45Kasoi think its one of the easiest of the "hard" heroics
22:31.42zenzelezzthe only place we had some trouble was one of the groups before Blackheart and on Murmur (the last one because the paladin insisted it was too hard to keep checking if he was the bomb while healing)
22:31.59zenzelezzbut also, the casters were slow to run with the bomb :-|
22:32.34Kaydeethreeof the 4 heroics for the TK attunement line, SL's #2 behind SH and just ahead of arc
22:33.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
22:35.33Shirikforgetting to put coroutine.yield() in a loop which loops for 5 seconds
22:35.42Shirikfor future reference
22:36.04Shirikquite literally, the loop keep looping until I haven't received an addon message from anyone for five seconds
22:36.05Shirikit was fun
22:36.09Shirikespecially fun to debug
22:36.46Kasowhenever i do while() type loops pretty much every time i forget to increment the iterator, then kick myself when i have to Ctrl-C wow
22:37.21Shirikwhat's that table function that takes something like {1,2,3} and turns it into 1,2,3
22:37.30ShirikI'm confusing php again :(
22:37.35Kasoexplode haha
22:37.43Shirikyeah php calls it explode :/
22:37.44Kaydeethreeya, it's explode() in php
22:37.48Kaso(note not table. )
22:37.54Shirikthanks :)
22:40.20Kasothe image of a table exploding is still amusing me
22:40.59Kaso{1,2,3} { 1 , 2 , 3 } {  1  ,  2  ,  3  } {         !BOOM!          }
22:41.01zenzelezzactually, PHP has both explode() and unpack()
22:41.01Kaydeethreemh, about as much as php die()ing
22:41.18Shirikdie() is fun too
22:41.26Shirika lot of my functions are named after PHP conventions
22:41.31Shirikthere's a VFL.print_r for example
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22:42.01ShirikKaso, if it furthers your humor, there is an implode too
22:42.13Kasoyes it does very much!
22:42.18Shirikbasically what these do
22:42.21Kaso} 3 , 2 , 1 {
22:42.30Shirikexplode("1,2,3,4") creates an array {1,2,3,4}
22:42.32Kaydeethreedamn it, black lotus, spawn in WS already
22:42.44KasoKaydeethree dont you use timers?
22:42.47Shirikimplode({1,2,3,4}, ":") creates a string"1:2:3:4"
22:42.48zenzelezzwhat do you need BlackLotuses for anymore?
22:42.54Kaydeethreesupreme power
22:43.20Kaydeethreenah, wasn't aware of such a mod. haven't been in the zone for 15m yet, though
22:43.29Kaydeethreeon circuit #2, thuogh
22:44.07Kaydeethreelmao. yelling at the server on irc works, apparently
22:44.41*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:46.14Kasothats me the other night when i was on my lotus farming spree
22:46.23Kasogot like 10 in 2hours and a bit.
22:46.47Kasoknowing exactly when theyre gonna spawn helps loads
22:46.57Kaydeethreeisn't the timer 15m now, though?
22:47.15KasoI didnt read anything about that
22:47.21Kasothough, dunno could be
22:47.27Kaydeethreethat's what I've been hearing. I've gotten more than 1 per hour in WS before
22:47.36Mr_Rabies2you have a lotus timer addon
22:48.00Mr_Rabies2i got one from the ancient protector guys wandering around skettis
22:48.01KasoNah i just use Deadly boss mod's timer function to manually set a 60min timer when i pick one
22:48.24KaydeethreeI haven't tried soloing one of those guys yet. guildies have been getting a bunch of high-end herbs off of them, though
22:48.36Mr_Rabies2what class, Kaydeethree?
22:48.41KaydeethreeI'm a mage
22:48.48Mr_Rabies2shouldn't be difficult
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22:48.59Mr_Rabies2i solo them in bear form
22:49.20Mr_Rabies2they're stunnable, so i'd assume they're snare/rootable
22:49.47KaydeethreeI've assumed that before and made the run of shame
22:50.14KasoYou know i havent even gone near skettis since 2.1
22:50.16KaydeethreeI just tend to operate on the assumption that no zone-elites can be slowed
22:50.31Kasoi refuse to partake in another retarded rep grind after i did silithus
22:50.39Mr_Rabies2kaso, it's nothing compared to silithus
22:50.47Mr_Rabies2unless you make it like silithus
22:50.49Kaydeethree5 rep a mob instead of 1
22:51.02Mr_Rabies2i just do the fun quests on a daily basis and leave it to that
22:51.22Mr_Rabies2i'm honored with skyguard after like....5 days of doing daily quests
22:51.25Kaydeethreehow many dailies are there? I've only seen the bombing mission and the soloable escort quest
22:51.37Mr_Rabies2quite a few, but i just do those 2
22:51.44Mr_Rabies2and then do the ones for them in blade's edge
22:52.01josh____where at?
22:52.07josh____i havent found those
22:52.08Mr_Rabies2the bombing mission, the aether ray ropin
22:52.09Kaydeethreejust north of ogri'la
22:52.12Mr_Rabies2right above ogrila
22:52.19Mr_Rabies2gotta do some ogrila quests to unlock them
22:52.27Kasoare the dailies at skettis annoying "bring me 40 of this 30% drop item" like netherwing?
22:52.40Mr_Rabies2some of them
22:52.45Mr_Rabies2but do the ones for gathering instead
22:52.53Kaydeethreemeh, the only annoying nw quests are the goblin-given ones
22:53.16KaydeethreeI usually have 5 stacks of herbs and ~40 crystals on me at the end of the day's quests
22:53.17Mr_Rabies2that's all i do for netherwing, the netherbush pollen quest
22:53.24Mr_Rabies2and if i get an egg while getting netherbush, that's a plus
22:53.49Mr_Rabies2plus i get tons of motes of mana in the process :P
22:53.59Mr_Rabies2usually 2 primals in about 20 minutes without having to kill a single mob
22:54.40Kaydeethreekill the nether rays up there. decent droprate of both motes and crystals
22:54.49Mr_Rabies2i dont bother :p
22:55.07Mr_Rabies2i just do the quests i find fun
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22:55.25Kaydeethreebooterang at friendly's my favorite quest out there
22:55.32Kaydeethreethe races at honored are fun, but I still haven't beaten skyshatter
22:55.34Mr_Rabies2i wanna do that and the races
22:55.36KaydeethreeI blame my pos 5200fx
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22:56.17Mr_Rabies2are the races daily
22:56.23Kaydeethreenope, once only
22:56.35Kaydeethree350 for the first two, 500 for the next 3, 1000 for skyshatter
22:56.42Kaydeethreeand a lot of gold
22:57.09Mr_Rabies2be nice if they were daily, just no stacking rewards at the end :P
22:57.54Kaydeethreethat's the good thing about nw, though. I've made ~1600g before spending ~500g buying the crap at friendly and honored to finish the quests as well as some enchants/gems
22:59.34Mr_Rabies2you can make serious cash doing the daily quests
22:59.52Kaydeethreeindeed. epic mount #3 coming up
23:00.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
23:00.04snurreMr_Rabies: 100g/hour easy
23:00.07Mr_Rabies2i dont even want a netherdrake
23:00.18Mr_Rabies2i just want the trinket
23:00.25Mr_Rabies2the one with a bajillion stam
23:00.35Mr_Rabies2stack that with my badge of tenacity that i'll never get
23:00.44snurretricky quest to do without a riding crop or a paladin :/
23:00.49snurretook me like 20 tries
23:00.54Mr_Rabies2i have the flight form trinket
23:01.01Kaydeethreeeven with the riding crop
23:01.01Mr_Rabies2epic flight form trinket, rather
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23:06.51snurre my latest vid
23:06.58snurrea few months old now tho
23:07.15snurreback when me and nafnaf were doing 2v2 arenas
23:08.00Mr_Rabies2why can't divx use a flash based option
23:08.08snurreeek, wrong window! :p
23:08.22KasoCos flash doesnt support their codec Mr_Rabies2 ?
23:08.48snurrestage6 > all for streaming tho :p
23:08.56Kasoi agree with that
23:09.22snurrestreamed some 720p movies at work :p
23:09.29KasoTheir bandwidth is stupidly high, the quality is stupidly good
23:10.33KasoYah, my uni connection is similar, download rates in thousands of kbs, its scary!
23:11.19snurrehad 100mbit when i lived in oslo.. *that* was sweet
23:14.40Mr_Rabies2i'm on 3 mbit
23:14.48Mr_Rabies2and that's reasonably fast over here
23:18.34Mr_Rabies2i want to upgrade to 6 mbit but i think speed upgrades are currently on hold for my isp until they properly merge
23:19.19Mr_Rabies2and the divx plugin crashes firefox for the 2nd timie
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23:19.56KasoAre you using windows Mr_Rabies ?
23:20.32Kasohmm, wierd, ive never had any problems.
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23:20.47Mr_Rabies2it crashed twice in a row on his video
23:20.57KasoOn linux on the other hand, trying to find an mplayer package that works with divx has been a pain
23:21.25Mr_Rabies2i use the cccp codec pack or something
23:21.29Mr_Rabies2some communist thing
23:22.03zenzelezzI've not been very fond of DivX for a while now
23:22.20Mr_Rabies2for web stuff, i prefer youtube
23:22.28Mr_Rabies2speed > quality if i just want to watch it
23:23.22Mr_Rabies2 is the codec pack i use
23:23.31KasoKaydeethree all the mplayer packages i found for ubuntu were a version which had no mplayer support, i had to compile it myself at the end, which gave me a headache
23:24.13Mr_Rabies2vlc imo
23:24.20Shadowedcan't stand VLC
23:24.36Shadowedpeople need to learn2ui
23:24.52Mr_Rabies2my only gripe with vlc is its lack of full screen options
23:25.07Mr_Rabies2which is being implemented soon
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23:36.24kergothsnurre, what addon is it thats modifying the arena status screen at the end of your arena2 video there? skinner?
23:38.59snurrethink so yeah
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23:46.02Mr_Rabies2these rampant keyloggers on the forums are pissing me off
23:46.22Mr_Rabies2i feel like by silencing the farmers ingame, we've essentially just lopped off a hydra's head
23:46.28Mr_Rabies2er, gold spammers
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23:47.59Mr_Rabies2oh jeez
23:48.47KaydeethreeI agree wholeheartedly, have gotten a grand total of 2 gold spams since the patch
23:50.24Mr_Rabies2i don't even know what they were trying for on that word
23:51.13KasoSo its a level 42 hunter/rogue who wants 15 agi ?
23:51.17Kasoor is it a twink?#
23:51.29Mr_Rabies219 hunter
23:51.33Mr_Rabies2that wants it for free
23:51.42Kasohis main is 42; does he mean, completely free?
23:51.47Mr_Rabies2i'm thinking so
23:52.20Mr_Rabies2how do you folks deal with these people trying to run your addons
23:52.36Thunder_Childi hope they die?
23:52.42Kaso"trying to run" ?
23:53.38Mr_Rabies2i'd probably snap and get them to install keyloggers or something after a week of getting "HAY CNA U REMAK TIHS IN A ACE VERZ ACE MODS R BETR"
23:54.14Mr_Rabies2every time i see something similar to that i die a little inside
23:54.22KasoOh yes
23:54.27KasoAce whores really piss me off
23:54.41Mr_Rabies2i mean
23:55.06Mr_Rabies2i like ace, i don't have anything against it, but its like saying the ps3 automatically looks better because it may or may not have more advanced hardware
23:55.09zenzelezzI'd just tell them it already was Ace and l2code
23:56.18KasoI wonder if any dongle based addons have ever had the "MAKE ACE LOL KTHAXZ"
23:56.28Mr_Rabies2i'd also kill for a working trinketmenu
23:56.39KasoWhen was it last updated Mr_Rabies ?
23:56.58Mr_Rabies2for some reason...some ace libs or addons seem to break it's not an ace addon
23:57.08Kasothats.. odd
23:57.11cladhaireKaso: yes, we have
23:57.15Kasoit works with all ace things off?
23:57.27Kasocladhaire, slap em for me :>
23:57.29Mr_Rabies2it works with some ace stuff on
23:57.38Mr_Rabies2i turned off pitbull and it worked
23:57.48Mr_Rabies2turned pitbull back on and turned off oRA and it worked
23:58.14KasoWhat errors do you get when it isnt working?
23:58.27Mr_Rabies2now i've gone into a standalonelibs setup to aid in memory usage/loading time and it's broken again
23:58.29Mr_Rabies2um lemme see
23:58.41Mr_Rabies2the options menu is completely blank, as is the trinket frame
23:58.47Mr_Rabies2i highlight the trinket frame and get
23:59.20Mr_Rabies2error: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil) on line 559 in trinketmenu.lua
23:59.46Kasoim curious now, lemme take a lookie at the code
23:59.52Mr_Rabies2stack trace shows the following

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