IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070602

00:00.59Garoun|Loupanayeah I'm our raid leader, so I don't have much chance of people making me sit
00:01.16Garoun|Loupanabut I know that I'm not the best forsome encounters so I gladly take the OT roll
00:02.19*** part/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Work (
00:05.37GuillotineAntiarc|Work: I've been playing since launch as well. I'm my guild's main tank and second in command in the guild. Not exalted with ANYONE
00:06.20Garoun|Loupanaunfortunately some of the druids best tank gear is rep based :( I hate rep grinding
00:06.39Guillotinereally? I'm not using any rep gear to tank
00:06.46Guillotinemostly crafted stuff
00:06.49Guillotineand Kara drops
00:07.21GuillotineHeavy Clefthoof/Stylin' Purple Hat/Zierhut's/Violet Signet
00:07.26Guillotinewell, I guess the signet is rep based
00:07.37Corrodiasmy only rep items for tanking are the earthwarden and violet signet ones
00:07.49Corrodiasand i was doing okay with braxxis's staff of slumber
00:07.54GuillotineI can't wait to get Earthwarden. so close ><
00:07.59Guillotineya, I'm using braxxis right now
00:08.21Garoun|Loupanayeah, but after you finish grinding for earthwarden you might as well have gotten exalted with other factions :P
00:08.27Guillotinegrinding for the Badge of Tenacity at this moment
00:08.33Garoun|Loupanagot mine today :)
00:08.36Garoun|Loupanatook 3 days
00:08.38Corrodiasbadge of tenacity?
00:09.04Guillotinewow, grats
00:09.07GuillotineCorrodias: ShowData={
00:09.16Garoun|Loupanauh oh :P
00:09.47Guillotinethere we go
00:09.52Guillotinesry bout all the spam ><
00:10.16GuillotineGaroun: which guys did you grind?
00:10.27Corrodiasi'd like that, but how do you get it?
00:10.42Corrodiasj/k, i can read comments
00:10.58Garoun|LoupanaI did the entire plateau
00:11.28Garoun|LoupanaI started at bash'ir got bored, moved to wrath, then murdered boars/rays
00:11.46Garoun|Loupanaand finally got the badge in Terror off a fear warden or whatever it'sname is
00:12.13GuillotineI'm farming the ethereal guys in the north
00:12.27Guillotinefigure I'll get netherweave to sell and the prison keys at the same time
00:12.41Guillotinealso get some primal mana
00:12.52Guillotinebut if anybody here is on Draenor, don't take my spot >.>
00:14.32TC-WorkingME ME!!
00:14.48Garoun|Loupanadidn't know man drops off the bashir
00:14.49TC-Workingoh wait, have to be nice to guild mates...damit
00:15.02|Jelly|cookingYou do?
00:15.09TC-Workingyes :(
00:15.18|Jelly|So that's what I'm doing wrong.
00:15.24TC-Workingwell only the guild mates i know anyways
00:15.36Corrodiasi do, too
00:21.49Corrodiasdo i any need ogri'la rep to do the depleted badge thing?
00:26.52Corrodiasthat's not an answer :(
00:26.53foxlitChoice of Lua editors is sort of weird :(
00:27.42foxlitCorrodias: they're on an obnoxiously low chance to drop. We can't really say if you need rep or not unless it drops for someone neutral with Ogri'la - but as most people after badges have Ogri'la rep up, we'll probably never know for sure
00:33.22Corrodiasi haven't started ogri'la but i want a badge, so i'm going to find out :P
00:41.42ScytheBlade1No, you don'
00:41.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Loriel (
00:41.48ScytheBlade1t need the rep to have a badge drop
00:41.54ScytheBlade1Good freaking luck getting it to drop though
00:45.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:46.42*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
00:49.46Corrodiasoh. hm. maybe i'd better just watch out for one to buy.
00:58.49*** part/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
01:05.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (n=kody@
01:07.43GuillotineCorrodias: It'll cost you several thousand gold
01:09.02GuillotineI figure I have to farm *somewhere* for money for my epic mount, might as well be there
01:09.12Guillotinealso, want the consortium rep
01:11.15Kirkburn|sleepInteresting link time!
01:19.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
01:20.44zenzelezz360... does that happen to be X-box link?
01:22.25Kirkburn|sleepUS voting habits
01:22.59Kirkburn|sleepI find the position of atheism compared the others ... interesting.
01:23.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (n=kody@
01:26.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (n=kody@
01:30.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (
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01:40.41*** part/#wowi-lounge Loriel (
01:45.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody (n=kody@
01:57.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
02:04.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
02:10.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:12.57Thunder_Childdamn everyone is leaving
02:13.21zenzelezzgood, less competition for Cairenn
02:13.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (
02:14.34Thunder_Childi didnt know Cairenn had to compete with anyone..... :)
02:14.52zenzelezzwe compete for her, you fool
02:15.01Thunder_Childi dont go after married women
02:15.08zenzelezzthen you aim too low
02:15.33zenzelezzall the best ones are taken, you just have to change their mind
02:15.42Thunder_Childall the best ones?
02:15.49Thunder_Childyou sad sad little boy
02:15.51zenzelezzevery single one
02:21.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
02:25.36zenzelezzhey, I'm too shy/cowardly to communicate much with people in person, so I relieve the tension on IRC/guild chat :-p
02:27.53*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
02:32.10*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
02:41.44Thunder_Childis wowi down for anyone else?
02:42.50Thunder_Childnvm, seems to be back again
03:11.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (
03:11.24Mike-N-GoI have a question.
03:11.39Mike-N-GoI am trying to pattern match 'Argnant Dawn-Horde'
03:12.37Mike-N-GoCurrently, I have:  i,j, target, whatever = string.find('Argnant Dawn-Horde', "^([^%-+]%-%a+)(.*)")
03:16.13Mike-N-GoI am not really to sound on the pattern matching, I understand it to a degree.
03:18.03Mike-N-Go is a script I made to test in my Lua interrupter on the 4 hour car trip.
03:20.06wobinIsn't it Argent Dawn?
03:20.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
03:20.33Mike-N-GoArgent Dawn it is..
03:48.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
03:49.06AtriaceIs there a function for setting the WoW UIScale?
03:51.28Atriacehmm... Mods can't use slash commands, though I thought.
03:51.49KaydeethreeSetCVar("uiscale","0.xx") iirc
03:52.00AtriaceThank you.  :)
03:52.29AtriaceIs that documented on wowwiki?
03:52.38Kaydeethreesetcvar? ya
03:53.13KaydeethreeConfig.wtf_defaults has a (moderately) up-to-date list of all of the cvar strings that can be set/modified
03:56.29AtriaceWhat's iirc for?
03:56.57*** join/#wowi-lounge tedr0ck (
03:57.37Kaydeethreeif I recall correctly
03:59.19Thunder_Childif i rememeber correctly
03:59.47Atriace... yes?  :)
04:00.01Atriacegot it  ....
04:05.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
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04:22.04*** topic/#wowi-lounge is #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 Toc: 20100 | RTFPN please |
04:26.26*** join/#wowi-lounge sancus_ (
04:31.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
04:33.15Neeblerbtw just thought I'd let everyone know that the Ruben texture in SharedMedia is the new hotness
04:48.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
05:00.58*** join/#wowi-lounge norgs_away (n=ken@
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05:05.25|Jelly|My. Map. Is. Gone.
05:05.50zenzelezzhit M
05:06.02ShirikRDX didn't do it
05:06.36|Jelly|Minimap, rather
05:11.28Thunder_ChildRDX did it RDX did it
05:11.55Shirikwell RDX has a master reset button :P
05:12.00Shirikwhich undoes everything it could have done
05:13.15Shirikthe /dtframestack for the minimap is MinimapCluster -> Minimap -> (unknown) -> MinimapBackdrop -> (2 unknowns)
05:13.18|Jelly|...every addon should have that
05:13.25Shirikwrong window
05:13.26Shirikbut that works
05:19.32ShirikI crashed devtools :(
05:19.55|Jelly|I broke WoW
05:21.32|Jelly|Anyone know of an addon that will suppress the "This addon is loaded and here's a paragraph all about it!" at load/reload?
05:21.40ShirikI've heard of one
05:21.51Mr_Rabies2!StopTheSpam i think
05:21.53Mr_Rabies2or !!
05:22.26|Jelly|durr...!'s on the top of the stupid AceUpdater pos thing
05:25.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
05:51.43Mr_Rabies2:/ trinketmenu still won't play nice with pitbull :( i'm about to do something stupid and likely break the addon beyond use
05:54.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
05:55.33Garoun|Loupanawhat's wrong with it?
05:55.40Mr_Rabies2it breaks as long as pitbull is loaded
05:55.42Garoun|Loupanamy trinketmenu is working finewithpitbull
05:55.56Garoun|Loupanago go broken spacebar
05:56.40Mr_Rabies2i don't know if it's pitbull or trinketmenu or what
05:56.56Garoun|LoupanaI do get an error about unable to find 'mana' in bar_fader but other then that I use both of them regularly
05:57.05Mr_Rabies2it like
05:57.12Mr_Rabies21) ignores all my settings
05:57.41Mr_Rabies22) when i do /trinket and show the frame, i see no trinkets in it, and mousing over the frame errors
05:58.02Mr_Rabies2without pitbull, it works perfectly fine @_@
05:58.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Bam__ (
05:58.39Garoun|Loupanahave you fully wiped out your saved variables for both to see if a fresh load works?
05:58.49Mr_Rabies2i can try
05:59.15Garoun|Loupanatry backing up all your variable files and wipe them out, it can't hurt at this point
05:59.34Garoun|LoupanaI only know because I got my BAdge of Tenacity today so I've been using it religiously all night in KZ
05:59.56Mr_Rabies2i hate you twiceover now
06:01.20Mr_Rabies2fresh vars for both
06:01.30Garoun|Loupanadont' hate me, it took 3 days of farming to get taht crap
06:03.34Mr_Rabies2breaks on fresh vars too
06:03.54Mr_Rabies2what version of tm are you using?
06:05.59Garoun|Loupanalooks like 3.61
06:06.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|Miranda (
06:07.03Garoun|Loupanahave you tried disabling every mod except for pitbull and trinketmenu?
06:07.06Mr_Rabies2i'm on 3.7
06:07.15Mr_Rabies2and no, not yet
06:07.28Garoun|Loupanathat should probably be the next test
06:07.55Mr_Rabies2i'll do that on an alt i don't care about addons on
06:07.56Mr_Rabies2one sec
06:09.25Mr_Rabies2first trying it on said alt with all my normal addons loaded, hum de dum
06:09.51Mr_Rabies2to make sure its not some other anomaly
06:10.15Mr_Rabies2yep breaks on him... lets see
06:10.28Garoun|Loupanaand bugsack doesn't pick up anything?
06:10.31|Jelly|Mr_Rabies2: You win. !StopTheSpam = wonderful
06:10.42Mr_Rabies2i'll check out bugsack next garoun
06:10.52Mr_Rabies2i turned it off because it was breaking itself within 10 seconds before
06:12.06Shiriksince when does BugGrabber detect VFL and disable it automatically -_-
06:12.13Shirikthis is beyond incredibly annoying
06:12.39Mr_Rabies2okay... seems like disabling everything but pitbull and TM works
06:12.47Mr_Rabies2DOES NOT COMPUTE
06:12.52Garoun|Loupananow comes the fun part
06:13.05Garoun|Loupanatrying to find out what mod it is that's conflicting :/
06:13.27Mr_Rabies2I'm gonna go out on a limb and say baggins
06:13.29Mr_Rabies2but we shall see
06:13.35Mr_Rabies2i dunno why
06:13.50Mr_Rabies2but for some reason that seems to be my subconcious
06:14.07Mr_Rabies2er, what my subconcious tells me
06:14.54Mr_Rabies2time to go 5 addons at a time till i find it out
06:15.58Cairennhow many addons do you have?
06:16.00Mr_Rabies2i'm sorry ckknight for ever doubting you :(
06:16.07Mr_Rabies2about...190 folders
06:16.17Mr_Rabies2but that's counting sub-addons like pitbull aura and stuff
06:16.43Cairennthen that's a silly way to do it - split the mods in 1/2, find which 1/2 causes the problem, then split that in half, then ...
06:16.46ckknightYou will deny me three times before the cock crows, Mr_Rabies2
06:17.00Mr_Rabies2i've got an opening for a joke there
06:17.04Cairenn5 at a time will take forever
06:18.13Mr_Rabies2it's funny how exponentially my loading time goes up
06:18.17Mr_Rabies2as i enable more addons :P
06:18.20Mr_Rabies2i'm doing that now cair
06:18.35ckknightMr_Rabies2: if you do it in a binary fashion, it will take math.ceil(math.log(190)/math.log(2)) iterations
06:18.43Mr_Rabies2damn you and your math
06:20.03Mr_Rabies2uh oh now i'm getting into the fubar army
06:20.12Mr_Rabies2this is your turf again ckknight >:[
06:20.53purlfubar is f*cked up beyond any recognition, e.g. "This whole operation is fubar, soldier" (gay lisp included), or a Bar addon like Titan Panel and Telo's Infobar.
06:21.13Mr_Rabies2except better
06:21.30ckknightI was going for the gay lisp quote
06:22.21Mr_Rabies2i don't understand how any other addon could be doing this though
06:22.23Mr_Rabies2'm so confused
06:22.45Mr_Rabies2it fixes itself somehow when i disable pitbull,
06:23.03Mr_Rabies2but it also works with just those two (or those 2, plus all of pitbull's minimods) running
06:25.36Shirik|zZzCairenn's still awake?
06:25.37Shirik|zZzgo to sleep!
06:25.37Shirik|zZzanyway, night all
06:25.37Cairennsweet dreams
06:25.37Mr_Rabies2aha! i managed to break it
06:25.39Mr_Rabies2i'm currently blaming oRA
06:25.40Mr_Rabies2but we shall see
06:26.58Mr_Rabies2buahaha it was ora
06:33.52*** join/#wowi-lounge pakoz (
06:34.13pakozyo all
06:36.39Mr_Rabies2man, that's a strange turn of events
06:36.45|Jelly|? pitbull....break trinketmenu, which isn't an ace addon
06:37.30Mr_Rabies2i wonder if ora2 by itself does it
06:37.40|Jelly|I know when I used Mazzle (NO, I don't anymore...) oRA2 and Trinket Menu worked well together. : /
06:39.51*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
06:41.17Mr_Rabies2oRA by itself doesn't do it
06:42.34Mr_Rabies2pitbull by itself doesn't do it
06:42.35|Jelly|Plot thickens!
06:42.43|Jelly|But 2+2=b0rk3?
06:44.33|Jelly|Well. While we're talking about there a certain place I can go to in order to get any textures for it? The plain ones are...well...boring
06:46.07Mr_Rabies2it uses ora's textures
06:46.07Mr_Rabies2which may be a source of the breakyness
06:47.52Mr_Rabies2there's some pack on ace updater that has a ton of textures in it
06:47.53Mr_Rabies2or surfaces
06:47.53Mr_Rabies2or surfacelib
06:47.53Mr_Rabies2i dunno
06:47.53Mr_Rabies2i can't remember which one someone suggested earlier
06:47.59|Jelly|lol...i'll get them all and do what you're doing
06:48.05|Jelly|all = both (or all four)
06:49.32Bleeterheh, guildie's just reported a strange bug....
06:49.36|Jelly|I have to admit...that stupid updater has made life pretty easy.
06:49.54Mr_Rabies2plus the latest version updates like a laser
06:49.59Bleeterhe was fishing in booty bay, got a lockbox, opened it up, two greens and a bluerecipe in it. he thought 'sweet', but had full bags.
06:50.15Bleeterhearthed to shattrath, ran up to the bank... opened up the box, only grays inside
06:50.34Mr_Rabies2tell him to go somewhere else
06:50.34Bleeterhe's since tested, and it'd seem that if you don't loot a lockbox in the same zone you fished it from
06:50.35Mr_Rabies2and see
06:50.37Bleeterthe loot will change
06:50.53BleeterI've not verified this, just passing on what he's saying
06:51.45Mr_Rabies2the fact that bartender's default setup doesn't use the same keybindings as blizzard's makes me sad
06:52.10Mr_Rabies2it puts the bars in the right place, but they're the wrong number so you have to move them around to get the bindings right
06:52.58Mr_Rabies2i'm so picky about addons :[
06:53.19|Jelly|I just spent like five minutes trying to move my combat log one pixel.
06:54.50Mr_Rabies2i just did the same with my newly working trinket menu
06:55.07|Jelly|At least I'm not alone.
06:55.21Mr_Rabies2it's too close to my target frame now
06:55.25Mr_Rabies2now it's too close to my player frame
06:55.28|Jelly|What did you do? Because I have oRA2 and Pitbull...and need a trinket menu. lol
06:55.35Mr_Rabies2disable ora
06:55.42Mr_Rabies2because i don't use it much really i don't think
06:56.03Mr_Rabies2i'll yell at ammo and ckknight tomorrow probably and get them to figure out why the hell that could happen
06:56.15Mr_Rabies2i'd get ahold of gello but he disappears more often than telo
06:59.32ckknightBlame Blizzard.
07:01.20Mr_Rabies2trying to think how that could happen hurts my puny brain
07:02.12Mr_Rabies2trinketmenu seems to be the only affected addon, and it only happens when BOTH are running....and it's not even an ace addon! does not compute :(
07:02.26Mr_Rabies2well, all 3 i suppose
07:04.24|Jelly|The world's going to explode. :/
07:04.35|Jelly|Or at least should!
07:05.04Mr_Rabies2i'm going to install bugsack again and see if it breaks itself in 10 seconds again
07:06.06Mr_Rabies2it was like "more than x bugs in y time, disabling for z seconds"
07:06.16Mr_Rabies2then after z seconds, it reenabled itself and broke again
07:06.24|Jelly|That's what happened when I first logged on with Mazzle after 2.1.
07:06.38|Jelly|I went to ask him about it. Wrote out a well thought out post. And he was a douchebag.
07:06.49|Jelly|I uninstalled Mazzle probably two minutes later.
07:06.51|Jelly|: /
07:07.40Mr_Rabies2i don't involve myself with politics of addon authors :P
07:07.54Mr_Rabies2hell, i'm using cosmos and an army of ace mods together
07:08.16|Jelly|I just know there are quite a few authors that are VERY against him. lol
07:08.20Mr_Rabies2my only complaint between any of them is the inability to tell the cosmos patcher to not update cosmos addons
07:08.47Mr_Rabies2and they're kinda up shit creek when it comes to finding willing bodies to help fix broken stuff
07:09.05|Jelly|Can't really say I blame them in that regard : /
07:09.15|Jelly|Everyone wants to use/make things...not fix them.
07:09.28Mr_Rabies2i like fixing things, but i lack the knowledge
07:09.51Mr_Rabies2i'm not good at making things but i'm good at breaking them and fixing them if i have the required proficiency
07:10.21Mr_Rabies2i guess i have no initiative, but i'm plenty resourceful :O
07:10.50|Jelly|I have many pages of the WoWWiki on bookmark
07:11.15Mr_Rabies2i don't see how bugsack finds errors that nothing else reports though
07:11.33|Jelly|It's ninja
07:14.49Mr_Rabies2okay.. i just installed autobar and trinketmenu broke again
07:15.58Mr_Rabies2guess imma try to yell at jello :O
07:16.05Mr_Rabies2er gello
07:17.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Bam__ (
07:30.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
07:30.25DT__wooot, finally got Recipe: Shrouding Potion
07:33.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
07:35.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairen1 (
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07:37.37Nom-Anyone seen a good mod to index alchemy recipes ?
07:37.48Nom-and make them available for viewing on non-alchemy characters ?
07:37.49KirkburnMr_Rabies2, "the inability to tell the cosmos patcher to not update cosmos addons" <-- huh?
07:39.11KirkburnI mean, a fair bit of time has passed since I used Cosmos, but it /certainly/ had that option when I left
07:39.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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07:39.50Mr_Rabies2kirk... in its current implementation, there's no way i can tell it to not update or not install certain cosmos addons :O
07:39.50Mr_Rabies2er, any addons that are on its svn
07:41.25Mr_Rabies2so i can't use the updated version of cooldowncount because the cosmos patcher downgrades it
07:41.26KirkburnWhat patcher are you using??
07:41.26Mr_Rabies2the latest one
07:42.30KirkburnAnd you're saying you can't stop it updating certain addons?
07:42.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
07:42.31KirkburnHave you seen this option screen?  the inability to tell the cosmos patcher to not update cosmos addons
07:42.31Mr_Rabies2hrm... i need to check that screen out
07:42.31Kirkburn(copy-paste brokzor ftw)
07:43.02KirkburnIf you're going to complain about something, it pays to actually check out the options first >_>
07:43.19Mr_Rabies2i havent seen that option since i first installed it
07:43.46KirkburnThat just makes you useless, it's been there for well over a year :P
07:43.50Mr_Rabies2probably clicked "don't show this window again"
07:43.54Bleeterlol, you mean when you first get a prog, you don't randomly press every button, every option etc. in some mad crazy effort to fuxor it over? :P
07:44.09Mr_Rabies2i do, and i think that's the problem
07:44.30KirkburnAnyway, for reference
07:44.51Bleeterput it this way, it's not something I suggest computer nubs do; but to someone who's able to 'bang the rocks together', it's a diff matter ;)
07:46.21Mr_Rabies2i'm trying to figure out how to re-enable that thing again
07:46.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
07:47.00KirkburnAnd just so you know, the error Bugsack picks up (strsplit) is a Blizz bug.
07:47.12Mr_Rabies2on macrotext or something
07:47.25Mr_Rabies2i did a stacktrace on it :P
07:47.39Mr_Rabies2got a bunch of gibberish to me
07:47.51Nom-so noone know of a mod to index the new alchemy (and other trade) recipe links ?
07:47.53Mr_Rabies2but i understood the "nachos con queso part"
07:48.00Nom-and make them available on another character..
07:48.03Mr_Rabies2" part
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07:55.00ScytheBlade1Haha, I think I win.
07:55.11ScytheBlade1Not many 70 mages out there with a Sun Eater and Mongoose on it.
07:57.15ZealotOnAStickWhy would you blow Mongoose on a novelty toy?
07:57.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (n=kody@
07:58.03Nom-Obviouisly he has too much gold and needs to send some to me
07:58.18ScytheBlade1Because I have the mats sitting around doing nothing
07:58.33ScytheBlade1Still have the mats for another two rounds of Mongoose too
07:58.58ScytheBlade1But gold? Nah. 1100 total across all of my characters.
07:59.01ScytheBlade1No flying epic
08:02.36Nom-Yeah, but a mongoose on a mage
08:02.43Nom-That's like putting a supercharger on a 60cc scooter
08:02.47|Jelly|Just got linked a Sword of Omen with Mongoose on it...
08:02.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
08:02.55|Jelly|kind of threw up a little...
08:05.36Mr_Rabies2i love you
08:06.07Mr_Rabies2been trying to get that fixed for like
08:06.07Mr_Rabies2months now
08:06.07Nom-what fixed?
08:06.07Mr_Rabies2and i totally forgot about that window because it annoyed me and i disabled it 5 seconds into getting the new patcher
08:06.18Mr_Rabies2Cosmos trying to update its addons regardless of me telling it to protect them
08:06.43Nom-That's why I don't use any of those addon launchers
08:06.52Mr_Rabies2well, problem solved
08:07.04Mr_Rabies2now i don't have a bunch of unused addons clogging my folder
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09:11.15pakozyo, anyone have experince with ventrilo 'radio' aka streaming mp3s at good quality?
09:17.06evlpakoz: icecast or shoutcast
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10:10.22Silviu-nice Tem
10:14.52SerpentKnightsdoes anybody know how the energywatch addon works?
10:16.22subbawtlol tem, it took me a while to get it
10:16.50TemSerpentKnights, why don't you open it up and see for yourself?
10:16.58SerpentKnightsi do have it opened up
10:17.11SerpentKnightsbit new at this >.>
10:17.53Mikkwell, the only one that knows the guts of EnergyWatch will be its author... and people taking the time to understand it
10:18.53SerpentKnightscuz i wanted to compile a bit of everything into a small, clean running addon and i figured i start with that cuz it seems a bit simple set up
10:20.11Mr_Rabies2mikk, i'm not sure anyone knows the guts of Energywatch anymore
10:20.18Mr_Rabies2i think it's been dropped by 4 authors so far
10:20.31SerpentKnightssomebody took it up and make it working again
10:20.38SerpentKnightsso it's updated now i guess
10:21.17Mr_Rabies2last time that happened was like...december
10:21.28Mr_Rabies2i dunno if it's needed fixing or not yet
10:21.35Mr_Rabies2i don't use it anymore since pitbull has one built in
10:21.35SerpentKnightscheck again on
10:21.55SerpentKnightsbeldar looks like.. recreated it
10:22.21SerpentKnightser. maybe not recreate but.. revitalized it? >.>
10:23.13Mr_Rabies2raised it from the dead as a functioning body perhaps
10:23.21Mr_Rabies2for the fifth time
10:23.27Mr_Rabies2it's ununununundead
10:24.01SerpentKnightswell.. all i know that it's working.. but i just want to get the idea of how it works so i can try to make my own >.>
10:28.27Mr_Rabies2alternatively, you can look at gonffbar or kenergy
10:28.35Mr_Rabies2maybe the combination of the 3 would get you something nifty
10:29.46SerpentKnightsperhap, but i would admit i am quite new at this whole addon deal so i was hoping that somebody could help better the understanding of it >.> and yes i have been reading up bit on the lua working.. and trying to see the working of the code snippet within various addons..
10:30.28Mr_Rabies2i don't write addons, i just hang here to pester authors when i find some marginal bug that no one else will ever see and complain to them about it until they ignore me :p
10:31.54SerpentKnightsah.. i just like modding stuff and this one is by far the hardest one i took upon..
10:35.34SerpentKnightshmm i'll try again in during the day when more people are probably up :)
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11:50.15|Jelly|Ghost, eh?
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12:50.38Shirik07:50:21 ‹|Jelly|› Ghost, eh?
12:51.00Shirika ghost is when the server thinks you are still there, but you actually got disconnected
12:51.30Shirikmy name will have a |Ghost at the end of it while my ghost is still sitting around being stupid (thus:
12:51.36Shirik07:24:58 * Disconnected
12:51.36Shirik07:25:10  » Nickname 'Shirik|zZz' is already in use
12:51.41Shirik07:43:03  » Quit: Shirik|zZz ‹› ‹Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)›
12:52.03cladhairemy mom is a ghost
12:52.05cladhairetrue story
12:52.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
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12:58.04leethalit seems like it's a whole lot of bulfeblof here, we need to get a bulfeblof cutter and cut some of the bulfeblof
13:00.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
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13:38.22LunessaIt's too early in the morning.  
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13:44.35Lunessa@ |Jelly| Hey the font you're seeking is Evanescence available for free at
13:45.25zenzelezzmy brother keeps trying to convince me to watch Heroes... it's getting annoying
13:46.10LunessaIn that case, I shall try to convince you to watch Heroes.  Will that be less annoying?  /me chuckles
13:47.26zenzelezzmeh, they've yet to convince me to watch the LotR movies, I'm stubborn
13:47.38Mr_Rabies2it has draaaagons
13:48.20zenzelezzthere shouldn't be any in LotR
13:49.20LunessaThere are dragons in Middle Earth!   But we only ever see Smaug in "The Hobbit."
13:50.14zenzelezzbeen a while since I read the Hobbit, but I believed he was the last one alive; at least with the exception of far east/north
13:51.51Mr_Rabies2what was the witch king dude riding
13:51.52LunessaNot certain on that.  Been too long since I read The Silmarillion to brush up on my ME lore.  
13:51.59LunessaA wyvern
13:52.23AellaThat doesn't breathe fire, it's not a dragon. =P
13:52.53Mr_Rabies2witch king also known as ner'zhul
13:54.16AellaThat's an... interesting take on the sentence.
13:54.19Mr_Rabies2that looks like a dragon to me okay >:[
13:54.22zenzelezzwoot, finally someone else using that quote!
13:54.42AellaI didn't know the disturbing commander had lost his lack of faith. D=
13:54.52Mr_Rabies2its just a happy dragon
13:54.54Mr_Rabies2he's all
13:54.55AellaIt's less dragon-looking in the movie.
13:55.10AellaSpecifically, the head looks completely un-draconic.
13:55.10LunessaBah... Missed a comma.  It's early and this keyboard sucks.  
13:55.50AellaIt's just hard to describe why, to me, it looks very unlike the archetypal dragon.
13:56.53wobinnot enough cranial space
13:57.02wobinMost dragons have larger brainpans
13:57.09wobinThe smart ones anyway
13:57.14AellaYeah, it's too snake-like of a head.
13:57.31LunessaSee, like I said... wyvern.  
13:57.38Mr_Rabies2he could be a special drake
13:57.43Mr_Rabies2hence the look on his face
13:57.57wobincause he's only got two legs
13:58.19LunessaThat must have been fun to model and then animate.  
13:58.35Mr_Rabies2i don't see how a wyvern is all that much different than a dragon
13:58.38wobinAnd you gotta wonder how good you'll have to be with a morningstar if you've got those huge wings flapping -really close to your head-
13:58.40Mr_Rabies2in non-wow terms
13:58.41Mr_Rabies2that is
13:58.53Mr_Rabies2i guess the two legs, but eh
13:59.02AellaAccording to my dictionary, a wyvern is a two-legged dragon with a spiked tail.
13:59.04wobintypically a wyvern has two legs
13:59.08wobindragon has four
13:59.19wobinwyvern often has a stinger
14:00.11Mr_Rabies2i'm a fan of how wow defines the fantasy creatures above most others
14:00.30wobinI don't really like the shadowdrake's heads
14:00.32wobinin wow
14:00.33AellaI mean, when you think about it, how different are cats and dogs? Well... one is usually a little bigger... um... there are... um... differences around the face... dogs wag their tail...
14:00.37wobinor whatever they're called
14:01.11Mr_Rabies2netherdrakes? :O
14:02.07Mr_Rabies2look better than they did in wc3
14:02.08LunessaYou can only do so much with low-polygon-count models like WoW uses.  I think most of the art looks pretty good for all that. :)
14:03.29Mr_Rabies2i think it's just a slightly remodeleted regular drake
14:03.30wobintrue that
14:03.42wobinbut then again, they're deliberately made cartoony
14:03.43AellaSlightly remodeled > slightly recolored.
14:03.55wobinWhich I prefer to hyperrealism
14:04.00wobincause that never works =P
14:04.24Mr_Rabies2not with blizzard games
14:04.37wobineasier to encourage suspension of belief than suspension of disbelief
14:04.47Mr_Rabies2they'd lose too much of their charm
14:04.54Bleeterand in case people here ain't seen it yet
14:04.57wobin"Whut, more work? =("
14:04.58Mr_Rabies2if they went with the crappy looking pseudorealism
14:05.02AellaWell, it can work fairly well... the problem I have with "realistic" games is they all look the same to me.
14:05.24wobinThe more 'realistic' the more picky we are about errors in the realism
14:07.26Mr_Rabies2looks awful
14:07.36LunessaMost "hyper real" art in games looks plastic and odd to me.  
14:07.40Mr_Rabies2everything looks like some 3d animation student's freshman project
14:07.51AellaIt looks stylistically identical to Neverwinter Nights.
14:08.32wobinMr_Rabies: "Glass Sphere on Chess Board"
14:08.55wobinoh man, lens flare
14:08.58wobinMORE BLOOM
14:23.11*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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15:09.38ag`they should put real time lightning into the source engine
15:09.50ag`instead of all that bloom hdr stuff :P
15:10.00a-stray-cat`laptbut bloom is preeeeetty
15:10.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler` (
15:10.05a-stray-cat`laptif completely overdone
15:10.44a-stray-cat`laptthe world only looks like it does in games with bloom if you've recently rubbed your eyes really hard for 5 minutes.
15:11.14zenzelezzI remember an article about that in PC Gamer, which used Oblivion as an example
15:11.18zenzelezz"Radioactive sheep!"
15:11.22a-stray-cat`laptanyone have a working link to the blizzard torrent extractor?
15:11.28a-stray-cat`laptall the links i find lead to a dead site :<
15:12.07a-stray-cat`laptbloom is nice, but it really needs to only work on light sources and not everything that happens to shine a little bit
15:12.12wereHamstera-stray-cat`lapt, wikipedia page for blizzard downloader
15:12.15a-stray-cat`laptand it needs to be toned down :X
15:12.21a-stray-cat`laptwereHamster: dead link
15:12.38wereHamsterwindows system, right? I have a bash script..
15:13.05a-stray-cat`laptwindows unfortunately :<
15:13.15hasteI also have a bash script :D
15:13.20a-stray-cat`laptmaybe ill just write a quick program to do it, it cant be that hard ;<
15:13.24a-stray-cat`laptor ill install cygwin
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15:13.28a-stray-cat`laptso i can use your bash script
15:13.58wereHamsterperl does work on windows IIRC..
15:14.58a-stray-cat`lapti think i have to install something for it
15:15.05wereHamsterbtw, the bash script that is linked to from the wikipedia page is mine.. I was surprised when I found out :)
15:15.08wereHamsteryes, perl :)
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15:15.52Mr_Rabies2there's a guy on the wow forums that's trolling that kid with cancer that got free stuff hardcore
15:16.09a-stray-cat`laptmardsen or something?
15:16.15a-stray-cat`lapthe's been at it since like 3 in the morning
15:16.17a-stray-cat`laptwhen i woke up :/
15:16.26a-stray-cat`lapt(it's now 8)
15:16.37Mr_Rabies2one guy
15:16.45Mr_Rabies2has managed to stir the forums into a huge ruckus
15:17.24a-stray-cat`laptwtb weekend mods
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15:17.58Mr_Rabies2i'd do it
15:18.10a-stray-cat`lapti'd do it too
15:18.12Mr_Rabies2for a modest fee too as long as i didn't have to move to irvine
15:18.23Mr_Rabies2say...half what the current mods get
15:18.34*** join/#wowi-lounge _Eggi|afk (
15:18.39Mr_Rabies2This Ezra situation is probably one of the biggest publicity stunts to backfire in world history..
15:18.39Mr_Rabies2It wouldn't suprise me if this issue ends up being discussed on television, radio, and other places outside this forum...
15:18.47Mr_Rabies2i don't see how that's backfiring
15:18.49Mr_Rabies2at all
15:19.04a-stray-cat`laptits not
15:19.16a-stray-cat`laptit's just pulled some crazies out of the woodwork ;o
15:19.45Mr_Rabies2i think he's just a really good troll
15:19.54Mr_Rabies2not subtle, but he does the job
15:20.14a-stray-cat`lapti dunno, some of his threads are horrible
15:20.41a-stray-cat`laptcurse you WAU!
15:21.10a-stray-cat`lapthe had one "I hope his death is painful" or something
15:21.18a-stray-cat`laptno one would touch that with a 20 foot pole ;/
15:22.17Mr_Rabies2there's no such thing as a low point when it comes to trolls
15:26.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
15:27.20LunessaHe's a moderately successful troll - 6 pages of anger and growing.
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15:29.31Mr_Rabies2i'm horrible at trolling
15:29.36Mr_Rabies2i'm too brutally honest :(
15:30.14a-stray-cat`lapttrolling doesnt seem so hard
15:30.32a-stray-cat`laptjust misrepresent facts ever so slightly, misread every quote, and insult others
15:30.37a-stray-cat`laptbam! 10 page troll thread.
15:30.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
15:31.05Mr_Rabies2i'm good at insulting others but that's about it
15:31.32a-stray-cat`laptwho isn't ;p
15:31.38Mr_Rabies2i'd much rather post "stop making threads, stop posting, get out," etc
15:33.34wobinMr_Rabies2 is a poopie pants
15:33.42Mr_Rabies2get out
15:34.12Mr_Rabies2the more simple the better
15:34.13wobinMr_Rabies2 is a mean poopie pants
15:35.01Mr_Rabies2stop posting. no one wants to read your bs, it's not funny. it's not entertaining. stop posting. stop making threads. no one likes you.
15:35.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (
15:35.21wobinNow go and eat some worms
15:35.34Mr_Rabies2man i'm tired
15:35.40wobinIt's true.
15:35.43wobinI'm off to bed
15:35.46wobinnight all
15:35.49a-stray-cat`laptsee but comments like "GTFO no one likes you" doesn't deter people!
15:35.50Mr_Rabies2i want gummy worms now
15:36.00a-stray-cat`laptand they're too common imo
15:36.04a-stray-cat`laptoooh gummy worms
15:36.15a-stray-cat`laptthat perl script didnt work for me, curse you activeperl!
15:36.20wobina-stray-cat`lapt: That's why everyone else has to say "QFT" and "Seconded" and "It's True"
15:36.21Mr_Rabies2generally i don't do the longer posts because you start to lose the bad posters' attention
15:37.08Mr_Rabies2a simple "get out" with no punctuaction usually does a pretty good job...probably because i've spent way too much time reading FYAD
15:37.38wobinActually what they need is the ability to lock a thread to the poster
15:37.43wobinSo only the poster sees it
15:37.50wobinAnd noone else =P
15:37.57wobinSo they can post to it to their hearts content
15:37.59Mr_Rabies2there was this thing on a forum i used to go to
15:38.00a-stray-cat`laptinvisible lock?
15:38.06Mr_Rabies2that had a thing called a "hellban"
15:38.07wobinAnd believe they're actually getting the word out =P
15:38.12Mr_Rabies2in which you could see your posts like normal
15:38.15Mr_Rabies2but no one else could
15:38.19wobinyeah =)
15:38.39Mr_Rabies2so you'd go crazy, because no one would ever respond to your "witty" posts
15:38.51wobinWhen I coded on a MUD we actually considered instancing the entire mud for some people as a punishment =P
15:39.00a-stray-cat`laptthats awesome :O
15:39.08*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (n=kaiden@
15:39.09Mr_Rabies2now they just force all your threads into other forums so you get banned or laughed off the forums
15:39.17Mr_Rabies2subforums, rather
15:39.18Cairennwobin: tachy goes to coventry
15:39.20a-stray-cat`laptclearly i need to code that into my guild's forums
15:39.31wobinCairenn: how's that?
15:39.40Cairenngoogle that precise phrase ;)
15:39.53Cairennwe already use that on our sites
15:40.59Mr_Rabies2problem is they can still bump threads
15:41.11Cairennno, it doesn't show
15:41.18Mr_Rabies2on this other forum
15:41.26Mr_Rabies2because they use an ancient version of vbulletin
15:41.31LunessaI love the Coventry idea. :P
15:41.40Mr_Rabies2one person's punishment for posting crappy threads was being put into a mode where anyone could edit their posts
15:41.55Mr_Rabies2so for like, 10 seconds you'd see, yeah, man, i agree
15:42.10Cairennthere's another that we are considering getting
15:42.23Cairennin addition to coventry
15:42.33Mr_Rabies2then all of a sudden HAHA THAT'S AWESOME I LIKE BOATS and then a picture of a boat
15:42.36Cairennmiserable poster (or something like that, can't remember the exact name)
15:42.41Mr_Rabies2<Edited by someone else>
15:43.22wobinAlthough if they supply that option, it should link to all their other accounts =P
15:43.25Mr_Rabies2and another guy's posts went straight into the gas chamber, aka the trash bin forum where deleted threads go
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15:45.49wobinI have an unnatural urge to write something in lolcode
15:46.04zenzelezzdon't we all
15:46.27zenzelezzgive in to your hate
15:46.36wobinYou mean h8
15:46.45Mr_Rabies2cair, since you guys use vbulletin extensively
15:47.08Mr_Rabies2are you aware of any decent solutions to search by username for a huge huge database?
15:47.40Cairennyou'd be best to ask dolby-wowi_ about that Mr_Rabies
15:47.45Mr_Rabies2i know you're probably not the tech person responsible for that stuff, but you know :P
15:48.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
15:49.37Cairennah yes, I did recall the name correctly - I *LOVE* the idea of miserable users:
15:49.49Cairenn"When classed as miserable, a member suffers ;
15:49.49Cairenn1. Slow response (time delay) on every page (20 to 60 seconds default).
15:49.49Cairenn2. A chance they will get the "server busy" message (50% by default).
15:49.49Cairenn3. A chance that no search facilities will be available (75% by default).
15:49.49Cairenn4. A chance they will get redirected to another preset page (25% & homepage by default).
15:49.49Cairenn5. A chance they will simply get a blank page (25% by default).
15:49.51Cairenn6. Post flood limit increased by a defined factor (10 times by default).
15:49.53Cairenn7. If they get past all this okay, then they will be served up their proper page."
15:50.35Mr_Rabies2for a forum i go to, they're rather limited on new hardware, but:
15:50.41Mr_Rabies2"The problem is searching for posts and threads by particular user names. There is some limited functionality in place, but our post table is over 4GB and contains over 8 million records, so a couple of joins on it when performing a search can lock the entire site for 30 seconds to more than 6 minutes. Obvously that was a real problem."
15:51.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
15:51.05Cairenneeep, yeah
15:51.33Mr_Rabies2so no search by username until our admin works something out :(
15:51.38kaidenlooks like jjsheets has given up on infinibar :/
15:51.55Mr_Rabies2if only addons could be coded smart enough to maintain themselves
15:52.22Mr_Rabies2so many awesome addons have died prematurely due to coder burnout
15:52.22kaidenthe world would be perfect if you could whisper an addon and tell it to change a feature and it do it ;p
15:52.57Mr_Rabies2though that does kinda get into the animatrix second rennaisance episodes
15:53.08Mr_Rabies2AI written well enough to be able to write better AI
15:53.31kaideni dunno infinibar was nearly perfect except for like 2 bugs and a feature i wanted
15:54.25kaidenand now poor sylvanaar is burnt out too *sheds a tear for prat*
15:54.53kaideni still say ckknight is a machine :P he can't burn out :P
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15:55.21TainGreat, addons becoming self-aware.  "LF Sarah Connor - PST!"
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15:56.09Mr_Rabies2if and when he does eventually burn out it'll be like obi-wan hearing alderaan blowing up
15:56.17kaideni think if that happened Tain most of them would explode under the thoughts of being inadequate, always looking at themselves in the mirror saying i could have done that better or i could do that too just like johnny rockstar down the street
15:56.23Mr_Rabies2all of a sudden half of my addons will grind to a halt
15:57.02Mr_Rabies2er, feeling alderaan
15:57.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
15:59.25TainOk you know when Obi-Wan says, "As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced"
15:59.43TainWell when I first heard that as a kid I thought he said, "Millions of oysters" and it didn't make any sense to me.
16:01.09MikkAs if oysters crying out wouldn't be horrific enough? o.O
16:01.17zenzelezzgood point
16:01.38kaidenWhat if they are crying out "eat me!" "i'm the one" "take my yummy goodness"
16:01.54zenzelezzstop making such sexual remarks
16:02.09TainI'm pretty sure having sex with oysters is illegal.
16:02.22zenzelezzthis is getting creepy
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16:02.37kaidenNot in Arkansas
16:02.38MikkDoes it count as sex if they don't have eyes?
16:02.52kaidenMikk, I think they call it foreplay
16:03.38MikkI was going to make a joke here about not wanting to stick my genitalia into something that could close painfully but ... erm... that'd have backfired now wouldn't it.
16:03.51TainYou do have to watch out for those bearded clams, Mikk.
16:04.01MikkHuhu :S
16:04.20zenzelezzjust look out so you don't get crabs
16:04.27LunessaI think it did just backfire.
16:04.32Mr_Rabies2UNDA DA SEA
16:04.38MikkGod, this is sinking low :-P
16:04.43Mr_Rabies2and on that note i'm goin to bed
16:04.51Mr_Rabies2at noon
16:05.11kaidenMr_Rabies, you'll never win at life by going to bed at noon pfft
16:05.38LunessaPffft.  Noon is a perfectly acceptable time to go to bed.  
16:05.55kaidenNot if you want to win miss america.. sheesh dont you know anything
16:05.57Mr_Rabies2early to bed says ben franklin
16:06.02Mr_Rabies2i'm just....way ahead of the crowd
16:06.10CairennI would think that having sex with oysters would depend on the size of your muscle
16:06.26kaidencairenn wins
16:06.48Mr_Rabies2that was entirely out of nowhere
16:06.58MikkDeep Shell 2: A little lube goes a long way.
16:07.10Mr_Rabies2i'm gonna have nightmares now
16:07.13TainThar she blows.
16:07.21zenzelezzand here I was waiting for Cairenn to say something about how sad we all are
16:07.26LunessaOMG - The images.
16:07.40TainCairenn can get a little salty too. :)
16:07.53Mikkomg. salty.
16:07.58LunessaBut it's natural Sea salt.
16:08.10Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure a new fetish just surfaced in japan
16:08.17Mr_Rabies2like godzilla to demolish tokyo
16:08.20Mikkwhen doesn't one?
16:08.26kaidenwait a minute
16:08.29LunessaOyster Sex - now on DVD
16:08.29kaidenGodzilla's real?!
16:08.30Mr_Rabies2every time a new one is mentioned
16:08.42Cairennjust be careful you aren't washed away
16:09.13TainYou also want to be wary of the red tide.
16:09.32Mr_Rabies2not only is he real he once played basketball versus charles barkley
16:09.41kaideni love all these obscure addons added to that dont really explain what they are
16:09.55kaidenForkliftGnome - A gnome with a forklift to load up your addons and knock holes in your wall
16:10.18LunessaWhy bother uploading code if you're not going to tell people how to use it?  
16:11.05Mr_Rabies2Until your last breath, you will remember what you were doing on the fateful day Godzilla met Charles Barkley.
16:12.38LunessaWhat a game!  IT WAS AWESOME BABY, YEAH!
16:15.52Mr_Rabies2i don't know what made charles barkley so huge
16:16.01Mr_Rabies2all those steroids i bet
16:19.21kaidenMr_Rabies, it was all the babies he ate
16:19.41kaidennow.. remember never say that in game in wow... i had a gm ban me for 3 hours once for saying the spammers ate babies
16:19.49kaidensaid it referred to lude and sexual acts *boggle*
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16:22.49kaideni r specshul cuz i ken speel!
16:23.00zenzelezzI think you hurt his feelings Lunessa
16:23.05LunessaOMG INBD
16:25.40LunessaSorry... was busy reporting idiots in my server forum for posting addresses and discussing shooting each other.
16:28.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
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16:40.51Lunessa... :crickets: ...
16:43.49ScytheBlade1Eh screw it
16:47.20Lunessa... doesn't load.
16:47.37ScytheBlade1It's my mage with The Sun Eater
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17:01.04LunessaZOMG I thought you guys were kidding with the LOLCode stuff...
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17:38.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (n=atriace@
17:40.18AtriaceI've got a weird one...
17:40.38AtriaceHow do you devide the screen resolution height by the width?
17:41.15AtriaceI'm using ({GetScreenResolutions()})[GetCurrentResolution()] to get the screen res, but I need to then divide the height by width to find the decimal value of it.
17:41.29AtriaceIe, ({GetScreenResolutions()})[GetCurrentResolution()] = 1024x768.  
17:41.29LunessaFirst number = width, second = height
17:42.21AtriaceThe problem is ({GetScreenResolutions()})[GetCurrentResolution()] returns both numbers.  How do I parse them out?  (ie., var1 = 1024, var2 = 768)
17:43.39AtriaceIt should be possible, no?
17:44.27LunessaIt returns a number index.  
17:45.30*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
17:47.07AtriaceI'm still not sure how I can retrieve the height and width individually.  (I'd been to that page, btw, but thanks.  :)
17:48.33*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
17:50.29Neriniaone way: res = "1024x786" local x,y = strmatch(res, "(%d+)x(%d+)") local result tonumber(x) / tonumber(y)
17:51.06Nerinia"local  result = tonumber..."
17:54.15AtriaceHmm.... that is nice, but... it looks like you've predefined the res as "1024x768".  Any way to retrieve the current res and apply the arithmetic after?
17:55.50Atriacelol...  :)
17:56.02Atriaceoh.... here wait.
17:56.19Atriaceres = ({GetScreenResolutions()})[GetCurrentResolution()]) local x,y = strmatch(res, "(%d+)x(%d+)") local result tonumber(x) / tonumber(y)
17:56.49Neriniayeah, like that, but there's a '=' missing after 'local result'
17:58.06LunessaSorry... got distracted by work.  
18:00.04AtriaceNo worries, Lunessa.  I appreciate the help.
18:03.49wereHamsterAtriace, what about res = select(GetCurrentResolution(), GetScreenResolutions()) ?
18:04.18nevcairieljust different syntax, same function :)
18:04.56wereHamsterless memory consumption? :P
18:05.34AtriaceWhere has Nerinia gone, I wonder.
18:06.00AtriaceI'm still getting my bearings in LUA, but "result" is just another variable, right? I could substitute that with something else like myVar, right?
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18:10.13AtriaceJust for the record, Nevcairiel rocks.
18:17.21nevcairielI do ? Cool.
18:19.57leethalnah you don't
18:21.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
18:21.52leethalgive me $300 and I'll teach you how to rock!
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18:23.07foxlitleethal, it has come to my attention that you haven't passed my certification test for teaching other people how to rock. Give me $500 to take it.
18:29.39LunessaI'll teach you how to rock for free.  First, upi put on this ball and chain, stripped suit and pick pup this hammer...
18:39.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Aita (
18:45.15AtriaceI'm looking through the LUA manual and I can't find a description of what c, d, E, e, f, g, G, i, o, u, X, x, and q do.  Anyone have a link?
18:46.00wereHamsteryou mean in string.format?
18:46.19wereHamsterall but %q are same as in printf()
18:46.35wereHamster%q prints the string in double-quotes
18:47.17Atriaceso, where do you find out what the others do?
18:47.25cogwheelgoogle printf
18:47.36cogwheelit's standard C
18:48.20cogwheelnote that WoW has an extra feature carried over from Lua 4.x which is VERY useful for localization (and I wish Cide were here so I could demonstrate more easily :P)
18:48.52cogwheelstring.format("%2$d %1$d", 3, 4)   == "4 3"
18:49.50cogwheelputting a number from 1-9 immediately after the % and followed by a $ sets the argument position that that formatting code uses. Here's another example:
18:50.01amrocogwheel: you mean its not in 5.x?
18:50.09cogwheelamro: no
18:50.24cogwheelI had to recreate it for my Lua511wow distribution
18:50.31AtriaceThat is really nifty.
18:50.52cogwheelstring.format("%2$d, %d, %1$d, %d", 1, 2, 3)       ==     "2, 3, 1, 2"
18:51.08wereHamsterI'm wondering why they removed it from lua 5..
18:51.11amrocogwheel: got a link to it? (your distro)
18:53.19AtriaceI'm trying to do a equivelant operation on a global myVar to a number, and it's coming out nil.  So, I'm assuming I just needed to convert it to a string before doing the test.
18:54.10Atriacestring.format('%i', myVar)     ?
18:55.52Atriacenuts.... it's still not working.
18:57.29cogwheeleeeeww... very bad practice :P
18:57.51cogwheelremember that Lua uses floating point numbers. In order to test "equivalence" you actually need to test within a tolerance.
18:58.41Atriacehehe...  I'm still learning.  Sorry, cogwheel.  ;)
18:58.53cogwheelif abs(var1 - var2) < 0.0001 then .... end
18:59.21cogwheelAtriace: hehe... np. it's something you don't usually learn unless you take computer science classes
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18:59.44foxlit<Atriace> I'm trying to do a equivelant operation on a global myVar to a number, and it's coming out nil.  So, I'm assuming I just needed to convert it to a string before doing the test.
18:59.53foxlitIf you get nil from tonumber(), chances are you passed it nil to begin with
19:00.21cogwheelor some value that can't be converted
19:00.49AtriaceWell, myVar is returning my screen resolution ratio (1.333333333333333)
19:01.08cogwheelkk. the tolerance is what you need then
19:01.15AtriaceBut it won't let me do:  myVar=="1.33333333333" then
19:01.20Atriacecomes out nil
19:02.15AtriaceI'm really wishing I took a CS class now.   -_-
19:02.40cogwheeloh and don't put the number in quotes unless myVar is a string
19:02.47cogwheel1 == "1" will always be false
19:03.05AtriaceI'll make note of it.
19:03.41ThorarinIt could be a string, I don't think 1.333333333333333 can be represented in floating point math
19:04.15cogwheelMost numbers can't be precisely represented in floating point... that's irrelevant...
19:04.23ThorarinIt's not
19:04.24wereHamstermyVar == 1024/768
19:04.33ThorarinComparing will cause problems
19:04.42cogwheelThorarin: I think we've established that :P
19:05.09ThorarinThen it's not irrelevant ;)
19:05.45cogwheelbut the idea of storing a number in a string instead of a very close approximation is silly... I highly doubt a function that returns a number would ever convert it to a string in order to be more accurate
19:07.50foxlit>>> 1024/768
19:08.26AtriaceCan anyone fix this then?
19:08.34wereHamster(me emulating Cide) foxlit, 1.3333333333333
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19:09.37cogwheelif abs(myVar - 1.6) < 0.0001 then
19:09.45leethalwereHamster: +1 cookie
19:10.13cogwheelyou might want to use a named variable for the tolerance if you need to use it anywhere else
19:10.16wereHamsteraw gee :)
19:10.57Atriaceso, a test of other screen resolutions would simply entail:  if abs(myVar - 1.33333333333) < 0.0001 then      ?
19:11.43Atriaceor consequently: if abs(myVar - 1.6) < myTolerance then      ?
19:12.33wereHamsterAtriace, I think myVar == 1024/768 should work, too for myVar=1.333..
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19:14.45foxlit1024 / 768 == 4 / 3
19:14.59foxlitAnd Lua understands that
19:15.30leethalI wish lua could understand anything at all
19:15.34leethalsadly it's just plain dumb =(
19:15.36wereHamsterso myVar==4/3, myVar==16/9 etc ?
19:15.43leethaldoing exactly what it's told
19:15.54clad|afkleethal: ?
19:16.44foxlitwereHamster: yeah
19:26.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
19:38.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
19:41.05zenzelezzam I reading it wrong, or does the GameTimeFrame run an OnUpdate without checking the interval? Fair enough it's not doing anything heavy, but still
19:42.00zenzelezzor maybe that's what that weird time calculation is, I'm confused about it
19:43.06AellaIt only runs the body of it every minute.
19:43.26AellaThat's what the (time ~= this.timmeOfDay) is.
19:43.37zenzelezzwell that's a relief
19:44.39zenzelezzmy sense of logic is out of tune today, game keeps shouting errors in my code
19:45.10AellaIt'd be kinda nice if it kept its voice down...
19:46.44leethalwoo, scarlet spellbinders
19:46.51leethalmy hearth beats faster
19:47.18leethal*what if* they drop a crusader
19:47.29zenzelezzenchant recipe?
19:48.15zenzelezzeveryone seemed to be selling that a while ago... was either after 2.0 or BC
19:48.41leethalused to farm those pre TBC
19:48.48leethaljust questing now though
19:54.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
19:54.45|Jelly|Lunessa: <3<3<3<3 Thank you for telling me what that Font was!
19:54.56AellaJob opening for basically my dream job, for which I fit all the requirements. Only catch? Still got three years left in college. D=
19:55.06LunessaHaha... I own the albums and recognized it.  
19:56.26|Jelly|Anyone have any idea of an addon that I can look at to figure out how to hide multiple frames upon exiting a group? Or maybe a link to tell how? WoW Wiki, as far as I can see (or understand, rather) isn't being super helpful.
19:58.46AellaWhat kind of frames?
19:59.25|Jelly|SwStats / Healbot / PoM Tracker / KLH (yes, I know it's already an option)
19:59.56|Jelly|Or. If there's an addon that will already do this, that'd be awesome.
20:00.19LunessaDon't those addons come with /commands to toggle them already?
20:00.21AellaThe only issue I could see is secure frames...
20:00.22|Jelly|I more-or-less want to just clean up my UI automagically when I leave a group. Call me lazy.
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20:12.58kaidenJelly, why not just make a macro that calls a :Hide(); to each of the frames?
20:13.09kaidenor the appropriate /command toggle
20:13.31kaideni mean it's 1 step but not too bad to press a button to have it do all that for ya
20:13.33leethalhooking the leave/join party events and hide some frames shouldn't be hard
20:14.14kaidencoding an addon would indeed be extremely easy to do it, but i'm of the mind why bother when he can just write a 1 button press macro that does it :p
20:15.15ShadowedWhy do you need unit frames, Blizzard provides perfectly good ones =p
20:16.03kaidenbecause the blizzard ones you can hardly see and they dont have text on, there's quite a large difference between being unable to read something or having a lack of information available
20:16.06kaidenand pressing a button
20:16.13kaidenso attempt a better arguement ;)
20:16.36ShadowedI'm too lazy for that
20:16.51Shadowedtheres a lot of things you could track yourself that you don't because it's easier though
20:17.04|Jelly|"Perfectly good" rofl
20:17.23Shadowedthey're fine imo
20:18.06|Jelly|They make me want to gouge my eyes out.
20:18.06LunessaActually, I'm currently using the default unit frames and Clad's hawt'n'smexy PerfectRaid for raiding...
20:18.17kaidenOnce again, there's a difference in having information readily available and pressing a button :)
20:18.22leethalblizzards own unit frames aint perfectly good until they work as good as PitBull does
20:18.27Shadowednot really
20:18.31leethalPitBull, on the other hand, is perfectly good
20:18.36kaidensure i can write macro that adds UnitHealth to the chatframe when i type it
20:18.36ShadowedIt takes 10 seconds to make a small addon to do it
20:19.09ShadowedIt's not like the small addon is going to waste 50% of the CPU/Memory available
20:19.58kaidenbut that requires me to press that button every single time i want to know my current exact health, when in comparison with how often you leave/join a party
20:19.58kaidenok obviously you are missing the point
20:19.58kaidenthe point is, if he doesn't know how to do it, why bother running through the fights and arguements when you can just make a macro
20:20.01kaidenif he can code .. then obviously run make an addon
20:20.05|Jelly|"but that requires me to press that button every single time" See why I want an addon to automagically hide things?
20:20.07ShadowedBecause it's incredibly simple and theres documentation to do it?
20:20.30kaiden|Jelly|, go learn how to write an addon, learn what RegisterEvent's do
20:20.43kaidenand trigger on PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED i believe that also notices when you join/leave a party
20:21.25|Jelly|That's more or less what I've been looking at.
20:21.28kaidenor you could be frivolous and OnUpdate and set a variable to UnitName(Party2) and when it's nil hide frames when it's not show them
20:21.58AellaWhy party2? =P
20:22.16Shadowedwhy an OnUpdate anyway
20:22.21ShadowedPEW/PMC would be all you need
20:23.24AellaThat's why he said frivolous.
20:23.24kaidenShadowed, that's why that magical bit of text was there "or you could be frivolous"
20:23.25kaidenAella, doesn't Party1 always show your own name?
20:23.25kaideni have never bothered looking at it
20:23.25AellaNo, party1-party4 is the other players.
20:23.25kaidenbut i figured you would always be party slot 1
20:23.43AellaIt's weird like that. The party doesn't include the player (though you're always in a party), but a raid does.
20:23.46|Jelly|Yeah. /target party1 targets...the "first" party member.
20:25.01ShadowedSanity reasons i'd imagine
20:26.16kaidenI thought it required a bit of insanity just to play the game in the first place :P
20:26.40kaidenYou know you are bored at work when you start designing ui's on.. pencil and paper
20:27.04kaidenbut i made a hella sexy ui :P
20:27.29Lunessathat's why it is /playWoW [nosane]
20:28.14kaidenI just wish that eePanels had some of the features of DiscordArt like the ability to set a frames dock to another frame and then move the texture with extremely precise button presses ;p
20:28.24kaidenso that i could make my paper ui easier :)
20:28.47AtriaceYou made a UI, Kaiden?
20:30.18LunessaEEPanels will dock to a frame.  It just lacks the "nudge" feature DFM had.
20:30.54kaidenhrm, where's the docking at? i've never seen it in the FuBar menu or the Niagara config
20:30.58|Jelly|Nudge = love
20:31.26kaidenthen again i'm blind in 1 ear and cant hear out of my nose anymore so I probably overlooked it ;)
20:31.29LunessaI would have SWORN I saw docking mentioned in the wiki...
20:31.45|Jelly| i think there's something mentioned in that
20:32.25kaideni'm still petitioning for a square border to be added that we can just tell it how thick to make the border and then choose the color / opacity
20:32.33kaidenso sick of making 500 frames to create pseudo borders
20:32.53Lunessa -- Changing A Panel's Parent
20:32.53zenzelezznothing like doing a heroic with 1400ms latency
20:32.54zenzelezzas a tank
20:33.10kaidenLunessa, docking + parenting are different
20:33.38kaidendocking == SetPoint parenting is just telling the frame who it's a child of so that if that frame disappears it disappears too (as in hide)
20:34.37cogwheelWTB sticky requests ;)
20:34.43AellaWhat happens to a frame if the frame it anchors to is hidden? (I should know this.)
20:35.03kaidensorry, i should have said anchoring not docking ;) same thing
20:35.23kaidenAella, if a frame is parented to another frame, if you hide the parent, the child disappears too
20:35.41AellaI know that happens for parenting.
20:35.41kaidenif a frame is anchored to a hidden frame it still stays anchored to it because the frames visibility is just turned off
20:35.47kaidendoesn't kill the frame
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20:35.52AellaSo it's effectively there, just invisible.
20:35.59AellaMakes sense.
20:36.09leethalmakes RAM too
20:37.00kaidenAnchor points are wonderful though can get quite confusing when moving frames around because everytime you reanchor you have to understand the laws of - and positive movement change
20:37.09|Jelly|reported, Cog
20:37.34kaidenso lets all beg evil elvis to come back to wow
20:37.57kaidenand start working on eePanels again, or of course convince ckknight that taking over eePanels and making it super fantastic (yes i said it) is a great thing to do
20:38.04cogwheelty :)
20:38.21ckknightI have enough on my plate
20:38.51kaidenckknight, i know :) and you are an amazing dev
20:38.55kaidenyou know we all love ya
20:38.57LunessaNice post Cog.  
20:39.03kaideni think if you got burnt out most of us would quit playing
20:39.17kaideni for one dont want to play if it means i dont have access to all of your wonderful mods
20:39.22kaidenthough i will deeply miss sylvanaar
20:39.22ckknightcurrently messing with the whole Threat-1.0 thing
20:39.36kaidenand i wanna yell quite profusely at JJSheets for giving up on infinibar so easily :P i loved that bar mod
20:39.47ckknightI use Bartender3
20:40.26kaidenno offense to nevcairiel but bartender3 drives me nuts everytime i try to configure it
20:40.52kaideni'm one of those people that gets absolutely freaked out with all of that stuff on my screen even when just in config mode :P
20:41.06Fincogwheel: any chance you could stick those posts up on a web page somewhere as a single page rather than series of posts?
20:41.30kaidencogwheel, very nice post btw
20:41.54cogwheelFin: I've been pondering it. I was thinking of writing it in HTML and writing a lua script to convert it to blizzard's forum code
20:42.05LunessaYou should ask them to lock it too... so it's not 10 pages of "omg how do I write ... plz halp!"
20:42.14Fincogwheel: just because I *know* that next time I go to the bookmark for the post for reference, the forums will be down / your posts will have mysteriously disappeared / it'll take 30 minutes to load
20:42.43nevcairielkaiden: i know the configuration sucks, any ideas for a new approach ? :P
20:43.12AtriaceI have the most annoying lua bug right now and I have no clue what's causing it:
20:43.14FinBlizzard should've hired me, I could've helped make their community support so much better
20:43.24cogwheelif you've got SVN, you can check it out from    svn:// ;)
20:43.45LunessaAs long as it never ends up looking like the discord configuration screen. :P  
20:43.55Fincogwheel: nice, ta
20:44.20Finbah, I'm just bitter
20:44.26AtriaceIs this bug normal?
20:44.40kaidennevcairiel, in all honesty the way jjsheets approached configuration and the actual bar development seems to be the best way to approach it, obviously with a few changes..
20:45.02nevcairieli didnt ever look at infinibar
20:45.05kaidennevcairiel, i'm sure it's just me but the idea of 100% customizability with that much ease of configuration over how many bars you have and how many buttons each bar has is nifty
20:45.12kaidenyou should give it a look over, it's quite impressive
20:45.28Finit's not exactly intuitive
20:45.39kaidenthe only complaint i have is 1, since it's using the whole securebutton format or whatever it is, your spells are saved in your .wtf so the spells on them are there
20:45.43nevcairieli am actually planning on bartender4, with more flexible configuration, but i am not sure howto actually do the configuration interface
20:45.49nevcairieldewdrop cannot handle what i want
20:45.49kaidenand he forgot to include the ability to say auto use highest rank for each button
20:46.04kaidennevcairiel, abuse waterfall
20:46.21nevcairielthats what i thought too
20:46.25kaidenthe idea i had for it was along the lines of waterfall with the left side of it showing each of the bars you have
20:46.26Fintoo many options can make things confusing, but it's difficult to layer it so that the finer grain settings are still available without obscuring anything else
20:46.31kaidenwith a + beside it so you could expand it
20:46.35kaidenand each button shown under that
20:46.50nevcairieleach button
20:46.53nevcairielthats an idea
20:46.53Finnevcairiel: ooooooooh
20:47.08kaidenFin, jj's problem is his presentation, not how intuitive it is
20:47.12nevcairielits only a faint idea yet :P
20:47.30kaidenthings can be confusing and intuitive at the same time, based on the person viewing them
20:47.38Finkaiden: it's a problem with how intuitive the presentation is, I think :)
20:48.41kaidenif i were to do a bar mod it would follow flexbar2/infinibars method of being infinitely configurable for how many bars/buttons per bar has, it would have nudge features in the waterfall panel it would have the ability to set a button on a bar to inherit the bars configuration or use it's own special configuration
20:49.01kaidenit would also have the ability to set the bar to auto use the highest rank of each spell
20:49.06nevcairielthats another idea
20:49.10nevcairielper-button configuration
20:49.13kaidenand the ability to export button configurations
20:49.22kaidenor export profiles
20:49.59kaidenie load up hit export it shoves it into a savedvariable (probably need to be a seperate mod) so you could then move that saved variable to another computer
20:50.06kaidenand just tell it to import that profile into it's configuration
20:50.29leethalwhy does every leveling alliance have a ?? stealthed rogue companion nearby?
20:50.38kaideni want that mainly because i have 4 or 5 different computers i play on quite frequently as i move around alot
20:50.41leethalnever mind.. =P
20:51.03kaidenleethal, so they can commit acts of nastykind on your dead body after they kill you
20:51.10FinI still can't quite configure the bars to show & hide when I want... I want them to show / hide based on whether the target is friendly, unfriendly, whether I'm in combat or out, whether I need a buff or not, and a combination of the above
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20:52.16nevcairielfriendly/unfriendly or combat is certainly possible
20:52.17nevcairielbuff not
20:52.23Finwould be quite expensive I guess, but it's expensive anyway with other addons installed which sort of cover some of that
20:52.43Finthere's an addon I saw yesterday that seemed to do that
20:54.04kaidenFin, macro it up man :) abuse the system
20:54.08kaiden[harm] [friendly]
20:54.18kaideni wish you could #show spellbased on [harm] or [friendly]
20:54.31LunessaYou can
20:54.41kaidencan #show take a [harm] call? neat didn't know that
20:54.43Lunessa#show [harm] spell name
20:54.46kaideniknow you can cast spells based on that
20:54.48kaidenoh very cool
20:54.51nevcairielwith the new RegisterStateDriver i could easily design a system to show/hide on [harm] [friendly]
20:54.55nevcairieleven with that syntax :)
20:54.56LunessaIt's a new feature
20:54.58kaidenbut can you have two #show's in the same macro?
20:55.14Finkaiden: you're right, that is the way to do it... I guess I'm lazy and want an addon that does it nicely for me
20:55.15LunessaNo. Only the first works.
20:55.43cogwheelkaiden: they just added it in 2.1
20:55.46Finhere's the addon:
20:55.59FinMay include some or all of the following:
20:55.59Finenough mana/rage/energy
20:55.59Finin range, valid target
20:55.59Finnot on cooldown (including GCD)
20:55.59Finde/buff not already up (includes hots for friendly target and dots for harmful target)
20:56.15cogwheelbut if your macro is simply something like        /cast [help] spell; other spell           then just a plain #show will automatically use the right one
20:56.28Fin(apologies for the spam)
20:56.46kaidenFin, enough mana/rage/energy << lie
20:57.00kaidenit cannot use logic to see how much mana/rage/energy you have and show based on that
20:57.03kaidenthat was removed long ago
20:57.19kaidencogwheel, oh nifty that's what i was talking about! :)
20:57.20|Jelly|Can't it change the alpha though?
20:57.21kaidenthat rocks
20:57.33kaiden|Jelly|, only for incombat / nocombat
20:57.52|Jelly|...which i suppose would be pointless anyhow considering the button would be there, clickable, always anyhow.
20:58.04Finthree cheers to the author of the AlphaBlending addon for bringing the fading option to general awareness :)
20:58.13Fin|Jelly|: infinibar figured out a way around that
20:59.23Finhow *does* Inifinibar manage to fade out / in bars in combat based on whether you have something targetted or not?
20:59.48kaidenyou remember back in the cartoon days whenever the main character would cringe and a single lone hair would spring up on their head
20:59.56kaidenthat's what i do whenever i use infinibar on my druid
21:00.36kaidenit has this horrible little bug that if you go cat form and stealth and then switch out of cat form
21:00.39kaidenit moves you back to the catform bar
21:00.46kaidenbecause it doesn't traverse the secure bars correctly
21:01.29kaidensimply put it goes cat form bar -> stealth bar -> cat form bar instead of cat form bar -> stealth bar -> humanoid bar
21:02.20LunessaCogwheel has completely replace Neuro's guide and my name is lost form the stickies... Woe, Doom, Death and Agony on my brief fame!  
21:02.34cogwheelYou know that was my plan all along, right?
21:02.51|Jelly|Trixy gnomeses
21:02.58LunessaCurses, Foiled AGAIN!
21:09.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Arog (
21:09.30ArogHey, can you guys recommend a good casting bar adon
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21:09.55FinQuartz, eCB, oCB
21:10.10|Jelly|eCB = love
21:10.19Arogis that on the ace website
21:10.34leethalI love that cast bar with lag meter
21:10.37leethalah, Quartz, yes
21:10.56kaidenthere can be only 1..
21:10.58kaidenquartz is the one
21:11.08LunessaI just started playing with Quartz - it's slick.  Not sure I need ALL of it, but... slick.  
21:11.11leethalI wish the cast bars in PitBull had it
21:11.24leethalit's seriously uber useful that latency indicator
21:12.20LunessaYeah, although to be honest, the Global Cooldown module had me a bit confused at first.  
21:12.38leethalheh, yeah, I disabled everything that wasn't the cast bar
21:12.55*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
21:13.05LunessaI'm still not sure how I feel about the buff timer thing.  
21:13.05Shirik|AFKbarnes and noble didn't have clad|afk's book
21:13.16Shirik|AFKI had to make them order it >.>
21:13.19LunessaBoo, hiss!  
21:13.31|Jelly|They didn't? Damn...
21:13.38leethallink to clad|afk's book plox :O
21:13.39Shirikthey could order it though
21:13.49LunessaI'll go to Borders tonight and see if they have it.  
21:13.57ShirikI imagine it's not widely saught after
21:14.06ShirikI mean, at the very best it's limited to only the WoW environment
21:14.09Shirikand those curious about it
21:14.20Shirika bookstore has to selectively choose what they have
21:14.31Shirikthey didn't even have a book about Lua in general much less clad|afk's boo
21:14.45Shirik(I actually looked for PiL while I was there)
21:15.12LunessaBookstores will begin to carry a title if enough requests for it come in.  
21:15.19LunessaBut, yeah, you're right.
21:15.32Shirikclad's book plox:
21:15.41leethalShirik: \o/
21:15.45nevcairieli actually orderd a copy of PiL a few weeks ago.
21:22.49LunessaEntertain me!  I still have 45 minutes to go before I can leave the office.  
21:23.58Shiriksolve this
21:24.31Shirikhave fun
21:24.38|Jelly|*head assplode*
21:24.42cogwheelLunessa: this sentence false.
21:25.33Lunessa@Shirik - Evil.  That level of math pwns me.  @Cog Logical fallacies are still fallacies.
21:26.01ckknightcogwheel: ur mom's false
21:26.39LunessaHey, Mr. You want meet nice girl?  My sister very nice to you. $5.  
21:27.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
21:28.01zenzelezz"Taurpedo"... tauren druid
21:28.30leethalhah! evil clad, had to include goldmaking tips in the book
21:28.53LunessaI wanted to make a Tauren shaman named 'Mooadib'
21:29.17zenzelezzyou'd feel right at home in the Bone Wastes then
21:29.45LunessaI'd have to accost mages and 'take their water.'
21:34.30kaideni wonder how quickly your name would be changed if you made a Tauren Shaman or Druid named Moohamed
21:34.31Shirikdruids: /cast Pounce or /cast Pounce (Cat)() ?
21:35.25kaidenShirik, /cast Pounce
21:35.31Shirikthank you
21:35.34kaidenhowever, it would be /cast Mangle (Cat)()
21:35.43Shirikyar mangle I got right
21:35.54Shiriktrying to help a friend with a macro for some reason it's not doing anything :(
21:36.19kaidenshow the whole macro
21:36.22LunessaHave him shift+click it from the Spellbook.
21:36.24kaidenwell pastey it
21:36.27ShirikI know the macro's right he's being stupid :P
21:36.36kaidenstupid friends deserve love too
21:36.39kaidenand i deserve pie
21:37.06Shirikit's /cast [stealth] Pounce /castsequence [nostealth] reset=target/combat Faerie Fire (Feral)(), Mangle (Cat)(), Shred, Shred
21:37.13|Jelly|I still want waffles.
21:38.02LunessaLooks right to me.  
21:38.09Shirikhe's a moron -_-
21:38.12Shirikhe used {} instead of []
21:40.02Shirikand he spelled stealth wrong
21:40.50LunessaTo the dungeon with him.  Stretch him on the rack!
21:42.30kaidenoooh that reminds me, has anyone seen this DungeonCrawler thing
21:42.33leethalhi im a rouge
21:43.05kaidenit peaked my interest because back in the day i fervently aided whenever i could snes9x and zsnes which are SNES emulators so i'm familiar with Mode7
21:43.20kaidenor at least at one point in my life i was :P
21:45.09LunessaThat's the 3-D map thing?  It reminded me of playing Descent.
21:45.11Shirikwtf happened to neuro's guide again
21:45.15ShirikI'm going to shoot one of the mods
21:45.40LunessaUnstickied  - Cog wrote a new one. It's faster, stronger, more fun at parties.
21:45.46Shirikand doesn't have what I need
21:45.48Shirikand neuro's does
21:45.58cogwheelShirik: what do you need?
21:46.07Shirikthe absolute syntax for /castsequence
21:46.17cogwheelMacro Intro & FAQ - READ 1ST!
21:46.31ShirikI am missing the absolute syntax
21:46.38ShirikI did a ctrl+f for castsequence and found every occurance
21:47.13AtriaceOk.... it's not me.  I'm getting an error that's not going away.  I've started anew
21:47.16ShirikI am looking for something that looks like /castsequence [modifiers] reset=target/combat/shift/n spell, spell, ...; [modifiers] reset=target/combat/shift/n spell, spell, ...; ...
21:47.16cogwheelWhat exactly are you looking for?
21:47.28Shirikthat's basically what he had written
21:47.29cogwheelthat's not unique to castsequence
21:47.40Shirikno, but it /is/ what I'm looking for
21:47.50Shirikspecifically I'm looking for the ordering of modifiers and reset
21:48.19cogwheelthe syntax for castsequence is         /castsequence [reset=n/target/combat/shift/alt/ctrl] Spell [, Spell[, Spell[...]]]
21:48.21Shirikwhich, btw, you don't mention :P
21:48.27cogwheelMacro option syntax is completely different
21:48.30Shirikiirc reset is not in brackets?
21:48.45Shirikoh I see you mean option
21:48.45Shirikbut I need both
21:48.47cogwheelit isn't. I was signifying that it's optional
21:49.08cogwheelShirik: look at the chart here:
21:49.39cogwheelthere's nothing special about /castsequence compared to any other slash command
21:49.58cogwheelall of the       reset=blah Spell 1, Spell 2, ...          is simply the parameters to /castsequence
21:50.07Shirikright, so what I said was right
21:50.57Shirikthis isn't going past faerie fire: /castsequence [nostealth] reset=target/combat Faerie Fire (Feral)(), Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3), Shred(Rank 7), Shred(Rank 7)
21:51.05cogwheelBut that's a side-effect of the syntax of /castsequence and the use of macro options... It's not something unique to /castsequence that the modifiers go before the reset & spell list...
21:52.32Shirikany ideas?
21:53.36cogwheel/castsequence chokes on certain types of spells... might just be a bug
21:53.57LunessaIt hangs at Faerie Fire you say?  I can't recall - does that have ranks?  
21:54.04Shirikit does
21:54.14Shirikand it casts it fine
21:54.20LunessaHave her shift+click the spell from the book to put it in.  
21:54.25Shirikya just told him to
21:54.29LunessaAnd see if it works.
21:54.37Shirikalso had him remove the [nostealth]
21:55.00LunessaYeah, you don't need that usually.
21:55.07Shirikeh, it would get rid of error spam
21:55.14Shirikthat's the only reason it's there
21:55.42leethalthe macro syntax confuse me.. E.g. /petattakc [nomodifier:shift]. Pretty much the opposite of any programing language available, which usually is "statement - code to execute". Here it's "code to execute - statement"
21:56.57Shirikhad him remove [nostealth] reset=target/combat and shift-clicked all spells
21:57.01Shirikand it still hands on faerie fire -_-
21:57.15cogwheelbug then...
21:57.48Shirikfor now I'm chalking it up to him not typing it correctly until I can confirm it
21:59.22cogwheelShirik: next time I update the macro options guide I'll add reset conditions to the /castsequence example :P
21:59.32Shirikeh, it's probably not importan...
21:59.34Shirikbah fine
22:06.29LunessaAnd... on that note, I'm allowed to close the shop and go home.  Enjoy gents.  
22:06.36*** part/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
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22:12.04Arogquick problem
22:12.14Arogwith AGUF, when I try to hide my target's target, it doesn't go away
22:14.53leethaldid you try PitBull?
22:15.53foxlitLovely solution that "Hi, I'm having a problem with addon X." "Have you tried using addon Y?" :P
22:17.59leethalit worked for me =P
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22:18.50Arogwhats PitBull
22:18.53kaidenIt works for Pitbull Abusers too
22:19.01|Jelly|Unit Frames mod by Ace
22:19.06leethalPitBull is another unit frame mod
22:19.09Arogbetter than AG?
22:19.13leethalwell, imo it is
22:19.27nevcairieldepends what you need
22:19.29leethal(it is, but I'm saying imo in case the AGUF author is around *ahem*)
22:19.33Shirikimho use blizz frames :P
22:19.35leethalPitBull has more features
22:19.41ShirikIt takes a lot for me to use a default UI
22:19.42Shirikand I do
22:19.43nevcairielif you are happy with the features agUF offers, stick to it
22:20.40|Jelly|default = yuk!
22:20.59kaideni'd quit before i used default again
22:21.33leethalactually the reason I switched to PitBull was because I wanted my targets health/mara bars to be left-right instead of right-left, which AGUF couldn't do
22:21.40leethalI've used AGUF for ages before that
22:21.58kaideni switched to it from AGUF because ckknight and team works on it (can't remember who all sorry!)
22:22.10|Jelly|I went from ag_uf > DUF > pitbull
22:22.34ckknightkaiden: there's quite a few authors who add little hacks
22:22.39ckknightI made PitBull specifically hackable.
22:22.45ckknightso others could work on it, not just me
22:22.50ckknightthat's why development has been so fast
22:23.06kaidenckknight, just like all of your mods really
22:24.12kaidenmy jaw drops everytime i still hear of people using titanpanel after fubar came out
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22:25.35ckknightFuBar was fubar'd for a while
22:25.52ckknightbut really, FuBar 2.0 stabilized it to quite a good degree
22:26.08ckknightit's quite nice now
22:26.17kaidenthere's still a few modules i'm surprised dont exist yet, a stats module that's customizable
22:26.19ckknightin that sense that it's usable, it does what it's supposed to do
22:26.26kaidenthough i think i may have seen it in screenshots so it very well could
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23:31.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Loriel (
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23:32.29LorielSup. Is there any addon that sums up bonuses on items and lists the resulting bonuses on actual statistic, taking into account talents and other modifiers? Like something that will take an item's armour, multiply it by 1.1 for Thick Hide, then 5 for Bear form, then add two times the agility to it before displaying?
23:33.20LorielRatingBuster seems to stop vaguely short of half of that but I would be surprised if no one actually put the pieces together
23:34.41|Jelly|Have you looked at TheoryCraft?
23:37.30|Jelly|nevermind ... apparently that's just spells. nope...i don't know of a mod
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