IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070601

00:00.14Thraecladhaire: Do you think we should ask the forum gods to add popular IRC channels to the UI & Macros stickies?
00:00.27cladhairei think they're somewhere
00:00.31ThraeOr would that totally destroy listed channels?
00:00.41LunessaOr channel regulars?
00:01.11Cairenn post #6
00:01.59ThraeCairenn: No one reads past the first post in stuckies, duh! Unless it's a blue post.
00:02.31ThraeCairenn: Speaking of which, why aren't you green?
00:02.43Cairennbecause Iriel is
00:03.16ThraeYou and Iriel have different functions and jobs, though.
00:03.16Shirikbecause Cairenn doesn't know jack about the UI :P
00:03.23Shirikno offense Cairenn!!
00:03.23ThraeCairenn helps all the time!
00:03.27cladhairethat's not true at all
00:03.32LunessaBut she does make a heck of a contributor.  
00:03.35Shirikit was more of a joke than anything >.>
00:03.35*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Shirik!n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by cladhaire ( bastage)
00:03.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
00:03.41ShirikShe contributes a ton though
00:03.43cladhaireautojoin pwns me
00:03.49Shirikautojoin > you
00:03.52hermockDoes anyone use gaim for IRC ? (sorry for being noob)
00:03.59cladhaireCairenn knows more than she (or you) would imagine
00:04.05cladhairehermock: we have a few people here who use it
00:04.12ShirikBut yeah Cairenn = awesomeness
00:04.19CairennThrae: aye, I know, but he (slouken) could only have one, so he picked Iriel, and I couldn't agree more with his decision
00:04.21Shirikshe just doesn't know Lua :(
00:04.29Shirik<3 Cairenn
00:04.34cladhaireyou barely know lua you nub
00:04.38Shirikit's true :(
00:04.41foxlitWee, it works
00:04.46hermockcladhaire : How do I log to the forum ? Do I need a password ?
00:04.53LunessaHoly crap... I barely know how to read then!
00:04.55cladhairehermock: which forum?
00:05.10foxlitScheduler now tries to maintain a desired framerate :P
00:05.15hermocksorry not the forum the chatroom #wowi-lounge
00:05.18Cairennhermock: you have Gaim, yes?
00:05.23ThraeCairenn: Only one? But he's the great slouken! Tell him to recode the forums/bosses to allow you.
00:05.30hermockyes I have gaim
00:05.32Mikkhermock: err.. you're in it?
00:06.04hermockI am in it threw a Java client on a site .... I would rather try on my gaim client
00:06.21Karrionhermock: I'm using pidgin (the new gaim)
00:06.25Cairennhermock: go to "Accounts" > "Add" > "IRC:
00:06.28Thraehermock: Lots of people use the Gaim IRC client, it works fine., /join #wowi-lounge
00:06.39wobinI <3 Pidgin
00:06.45wobinif only for the name and icon
00:07.05Cairennhermock: screen name whatever you want (your user name), server:
00:07.23hermockdone .... any password ?
00:07.29Cairennonce you have that set up, go to your buddy list and "Add Chat" then #wowi-lounge
00:08.07Cairennonce you register your username, you can put in your password there if you want, so it'll auto-identify
00:08.41Cairennand yes, get the updated version of Gaim, now called Pidgin:
00:09.05*** join/#wowi-lounge t1n0m3n (
00:09.26t1n0m3nanyone here run wow on linux?
00:09.29ShirikI have
00:09.35zenzelezzif a frame has enableMouse="false", can a sub-frame still have it enabled (and of course work)?
00:09.37ShirikI don't on a regular basis, but I do from time to time
00:09.49t1n0m3ndid you have problems getting the ALT button to register?
00:10.08Shirikwhat distro are you running on?
00:10.11Shirik(and through what?)
00:10.22t1n0m3nhmm, I am running it on Kubuntu 7.04 and wine
00:10.54Shirikis that feisty?
00:11.04t1n0m3nseems like there whould be a wine config file somewhere that I could tweak, but I cant seem to find it
00:11.14t1n0m3nyeah Feisty Fawn
00:11.38ShirikSeriously, on ubuntu edgy all I did was .winecfg and wine WoW.exe -opengl -console and everything was ok
00:11.47t1n0m3ncan't seem to find the right search terms on google either
00:12.18Cairennhmmm, logging for a few, digging up the link reminded me that I need to update it myself
00:12.19t1n0m3nk, I will see if .winecfg returns anything in google
00:14.26wobinI'm running WoW on linux
00:14.43wobinWith no changes etc
00:14.48wobinand it runs fine
00:15.24foxlit./run WorldFrame:Hide();
00:15.28foxlitAny adverse effects?
00:15.42Shirikthe world frame gets hidden?
00:15.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
00:15.54*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
00:16.00foxlitSuppose I wanted to save a few rendering cycles :P
00:16.06foxlitOr would that not do the trick?
00:16.14Shirikyou would save something
00:16.21Shirikat the very least, many OnUpdates will no longer be called
00:16.57*** join/#wowi-lounge hermoc1 (
00:17.20foxlitNot a lot of things are parented to worldframe, though
00:17.30foxlitUIParent seems to be an entirely separate thing
00:17.49hermoc1I am back but in using pigin
00:17.58Shirik"back" would imply you left
00:18.01Shirikbut you never did
00:18.15Shirik20:16:35  » Join: hermoc1 ‹› ‹clones: hermock, hermoc1›
00:18.18Shiriktry /quit
00:18.20Shirikor /exit
00:18.54Shirikthere you go :)
00:19.35hermoc1<< blush ..... I feel nude as a worm
00:20.44hermoc1ok fals and guys ..... I am french it is 2:20 and I work tomorow
00:20.52hermoc1gals not fals
00:20.53Shirika bientot :)
00:21.11[dRaCo]uh, shirik speaks french ;)
00:21.18hermoc1at least I have my first step for writting an add on : the support
00:21.31hermoc1bonne nuit
00:21.57zenzelezzyou're missing one thing
00:22.00zenzelezzcoders don't sleep
00:22.09CairennTem: jinx
00:22.10foxlitsleep is for casuals!
00:22.11hermoc1btw I have installed pidgin I like it ..... it looks nicer than gaim
00:22.41[dRaCo]the bad thing about the french: you can't bash them for plenking :/
00:22.48hermoc1<< Not on the bleeding edge apparently
00:22.50Cairennhermoc1: if you don't already have it, I highly recommend guifications as well:
00:23.33[dRaCo]using space between the last word of the sentence and the punctuation sign
00:23.42[dRaCo]like "hi !"
00:23.48foxlit"Crypto appears to work."
00:24.29[dRaCo]prolly a more or less "german" word
00:24.35[dRaCo]it's on wikipedia, though
00:24.36hermoc1Thanks for the tips cairenn
00:25.08hermoc1see you guys .... I won't say good night hence..... good code
00:25.41[dRaCo]anyway, enough talking to myself, I'm off, too.
00:26.47foxlitTook 829s of coroutine time to sign with a 2048 bit key as well.
00:27.23foxlit6.32 to verify
00:28.15t1n0m3ngot it, cool, I remapped my alt key for inner window event to the meta key instead
00:28.18VoiDRaiderGuys, I'm thinking on building on addon that print messages to the chat when you CC a mob/player along with customization for the messages, events (so you can decide when you want the message to appear), however I wonder if there such an addon exist ?
00:29.57*** join/#wowi-lounge hermock (
00:31.02t1n0m3nhmm, I had an addon like that at one time, but I can't remember what it was
00:31.20zenzelezzVoiDRaider: "this is my addon. There are many like it, but this one is mine."
00:31.21cladhairefoxlit: nice, what algo?
00:31.28foxlitSHA256 and RSA
00:31.28zenzelezzyour own > others, always :-p
00:31.39t1n0m3nI used it to tell the party that I was sheeping a mob
00:31.43ShirikI'm really excited
00:31.48cladhairefoxlit: in-game lua implementation?
00:32.07foxlitcladhaire: yes.
00:32.16Shirikit only took him like a month to work out the math though :P
00:32.17hermockthis is it I leave the chatroom good night
00:32.27foxlitTechnically, I was done a week ago :P
00:32.27VoiDRaiderWell I guess I'll do it :)
00:32.29ShirikI tried to help but my mind got pissed off and started hurting
00:32.38*** part/#wowi-lounge hermock (
00:32.42foxlitBut then I decided to namespace a few things
00:34.29t1n0m3nVoiDRaider: like this addon?
00:34.29VoiDRaiderlol no
00:34.29foxlitIn short, the performance critical step is 2048 bit multiplication
00:34.30foxlit2048 bit * 2048 bit % 2048 bit, to be exact :)
00:34.48foxlitCould probably win a few seconds by impleneting a slightly different bignum multiplication approch
00:36.54foxlitBut it's all rather sad when you compare it to openssl performance :(
00:37.13zenzelezzOpenSSL isn't written in WoW-lua
00:38.25foxlitTrue, but the difference is obscene!
00:38.41MikkI'd be surprised if it wasn't
00:39.04MikkAre you using all the hacky math that OpenSSL uses though?
00:39.11MikkImplementing the raw math from theory is .. erm .. slow
00:39.28MikkThere's so many mathematical shortcuts that you can actually use
00:39.44MikkDon't ask me to quote the algo names from memory tho, I'll fail miserably :-P
00:40.14foxlitThere are a few basic optimizations, mostly related to exponentiation
00:40.47MikkOf course, first of all, you should just go with 768 bit math
00:40.51MikkIt's not as if we're protecting state secrets? =)
00:41.11foxlitangry people with their epixx destroyed would disagree :)
00:41.13Shirikwe are when you're considering distributing patches :P
00:41.24Mikkyeah you want more than 768 then :S
00:42.10Shirikif he's already got it working with 2048 I say we keep it at that ^^
00:42.19Shirik65536 bit?
00:43.04LunessaExporting encryption of of the US can get ... sticky.  Apparently the law considers encryption tech to be the same as munitions.  
00:43.16MikkSame as all european countries
00:43.34zenzelezzall European countries do the same?
00:43.34Shirikwe're not talking about encryption here
00:43.36Shirikjust signatures
00:43.38zenzelezzI wasn't aware of that
00:43.50foxlitWell, Shirik, it's one step away
00:43.54Shirikit is
00:43.59Shiriktechnically it's just an encrypted number
00:44.03MikkUnfortunately, public key cryptography is still cryptography
00:44.22LunessaWhen I was working on distributing browser code in a patching tool, company lawyers were all over me to make sure I didn't send 128-bit encryption to anyone outside the USA.  
00:44.39foxlitMight as well encrypt a 256-bit symmetric key rather than a sha256 hash
00:44.40Shirikso how do websites deal with it then?
00:44.45Karriondidn't the US relax that rule somewhat lately?
00:44.53cladhaireI believe so, yes.
00:45.18LunessaProbably.  I'm not current - but I know the banking industry lobied hard for a change.  
00:45.28MikkAs far as the EU goes, afaik it's still munitions
00:45.42MikkBut there's exceptions as to which countries you can send it to without asking for permissions
00:45.59LunessaSo... if you're going to distribute it, be careful. :)
00:46.29Shirikok well what you should do then
00:46.32Shirikdisable it by default
00:46.42cladhaireyou can't distribute the source even Shirik
00:46.42Shirikenable receiving these transmissions, but when doing that
00:46.45cladhairethat's the problem.
00:46.49Shirikhave the user asser....
00:46.56cladhaireThat's why GPG was sent in print, then OCR'd.
00:47.00cladhaireor some scheme was
00:47.03cladhaireI don't recall which
00:47.20Shirikok then I'll make a module, and only allow it to be downloaded after the user has confirmed that they're from the US ?
00:47.30cladhairethat is how you get around it, yes.
00:47.50foxlitHah, I don't even know whose laws would apply.
00:48.06cladhairewho wrote it?
00:48.11cladhairei.e. what countries residents
00:48.14Karrionbetter yet, just host on a non-us server
00:48.23LunessaSafest to assume that the laws for the country of the author's residence apply.
00:48.32cladhaireKarrion: You'd have to get it to that country
00:48.34cladhairewhich woudl be an export.
00:48.36Shirikfoxlit wrote it, no?
00:48.50foxlitHey, I copied wikipedia
00:48.50cladhaireyes, which country?
00:48.56Shirikwhat's that?
00:49.02foxlitThat's denmark
00:49.04Kaydeethreedenmark denmark I think
00:49.09cladhairethen his laws apply
00:49.13Karrionoh I'm way too slow
00:49.58LunessaSo all I'm saying is... make sure your fun project doesn't land you in the hoosegow.
00:50.46Karrionhmm, it only deals with digital signatures?
00:50.46KarlThePaganuse crypto libraries, and leave it up to the user to download them ;)
00:50.54KarlThePaganbouncycastle ftw
00:51.34cladhaireKarlThePagan: no libs in wow
00:51.46KarlThePagancladhaire, ouch, point taken
00:51.52*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
00:51.57*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
00:51.57VoiDRaiderAny GUI lib that is available to ease my Interface development that use no XML objects and instead uses pure LUA to build up the controls and such, like handling a ListBox etc ?
00:52.10Karrion" Encryption review or notification is NOT required... for commodities and software that:... Employ limited forms of cryptography, such as authentication, copy            protection, and anti-virus protection"
00:52.11MikkVoiDRaider: Yes, plain old API
00:52.18MikkVoiDRaider: CreateFrame()
00:52.32Karrionand they appear to count digital signatures as "authentication"
00:52.55wobingenerally speaking, the normal API is simple enough that writing a library for it would make it more complex =)
00:52.57Shirikthanks Karrion :)
00:53.18KarrionIANAL and all that though ;-p
00:53.30Shirikyeah yeah I'll ask my dad tomorrow probably :P
00:53.54Shirikthough he deals with patents
00:53.58Shirikbut good enough for me
00:55.44cladhaireIDK my BFF Jill?
00:56.26cladhaireMe paying this bill, that's what's SNF
00:56.55cladhairetho, OMG INBD is by far my favorite line
00:57.29LunessaI shudder to think that somewhere, some parent is having exactly that conversation....
00:58.43LunessaIDK my rents PTB
00:59.53cladhairei just said "OMG IJK DHAC" in guild chat
00:59.57cladhairethe response "NBD"
01:00.41Lunessa*dies a little*
01:00.53cladhairei'm just shocked she figured it out =)
01:01.14Shirikwhat's that?
01:01.22Shirikomg I just killeD?
01:01.26cladhaireOh My God.. I'm Just Kidding, Don't Have a Cow!
01:02.18VoiDRaiderWell yeah I'm using my own functions right now that build up the controls dynamically through the code, however I wonder if there's something more generic I can use without me messing with underlying functions, so I can simply call it and render the control with all the information sent, just like the functions I made but you never know it might be faster or better :)
01:02.28*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
01:07.11cladhaireFor those who haven't seen the commercial:
01:07.40LunessaOh no. Someone uploaded it?  Make the bad people STOP.
01:07.41cogwheelwhen I saw that, it totally reminded me of WoW
01:13.26cogwheelargh... it's blizzard's fault
01:13.38Kaydeethreeit always is
01:13.50cogwheel"Patch 2.1.0 is now live! Be sure that custom user interface modifications are up to date or disabled."
01:14.11Lunessaoh dat
01:14.17Kaydeethreethey've been saying that since... 1.11? 1.12?
01:14.22Shiriklike 1.1 :P
01:14.27cogwheelNo wonder there's all these people whining about "out of date" addons
01:14.45LunessaUsually they just say "disable custom interfaces"
01:15.09cogwheelyeah... they've never said "update or disable" before afaik
01:19.49LunessaWalking someone through installing a HD over the phone is .... crazy.
01:20.22*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
01:24.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole (n=chatzill@
01:25.44Lunessa... /wrist
01:26.21cogwheelwalking someone through ______________ is ... crazy imo
01:26.29cogwheel*over the phone
01:26.44wobincladhaire: That ad reminds me of the rofllol manah manah wow video
01:26.46cogwheelI could NEVER do tech support
01:26.55Kaydeethreeyou get used to it after a while
01:26.55LunessaI'm dying here... replacing a SATA drive on a machine I've never seen, with no manuals and all guesswork.  KILL ME
01:27.12Kaydeethreereading people's minds is a learned habit
01:27.21cogwheelit's not like cases come with manuals in the first place...
01:27.37LunessaYeah.  But still if... she says "thingy" one more time... I'm going to die.
01:28.01|Jelly|So I suppose working as a tech at Best Buy wasn't so bad -- "I'm sorry, we don't provide over the phone tech support. If you like, you can bring in your machine and we'll install it for you"
01:28.15|Jelly|*they bring it in* *you attempt to gouge every cent out of them you can*
01:28.23LunessaI work for a university.  But this is a favor for a friend.  
01:28.35|Jelly|Favors. *shudder*
01:29.03cogwheelI'm glad my family has more than one computer geek...
01:29.21|Jelly|You're lucky.
01:29.51|Jelly|I was in Michigan on vacation (I live in Texas /wrist) and got calls from family.
01:30.14Lunessa<--- Also in TX
01:30.26|Jelly|Oh man.
01:30.35cogwheel<--- not in Texas
01:31.39VoiDRaider<< out of the US :P
01:31.39cogwheelpfft! who cares
01:31.40|Jelly|So does that make me better by proxy? Lunessa being in the same state as me? :P
01:31.40cogwheelI'm in the same state as Iriel & Slouken :P
01:32.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:32.27ScytheBlade1Ouch indeed... that much forum ego contained in one state? ;)
01:35.13LunessaIt's like a shining beacon of WoW API knowledge contained in one small lamp...
01:35.14Cairennsmart boy
01:35.30LunessaOh Canada, Oh Canada!
01:38.15Mr_Rabies2man, curator is fun
01:38.53Garoun|Loupanaonce you know how to do him he is :P
01:39.41Garoun|Loupanahmm #132 Exception:0xC00000FD (STACK_OVERFLOW) at 001B:0040EA27, isn't that typically a addons related error?
01:40.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole (n=chatzill@
01:40.07cogwheelcrash errors are actually atypically addon problems
01:42.38cogwheelany problems with addons should simply generate a lua error
01:42.38cogwheelsave for bugs
01:42.39Garoun|Loupanak, I'm trying to track down my g/fs problem and it's truely a pain in my ass :P to figure out
01:42.39Garoun|Loupanaguess it's time to fire up my knoppix disk and run a memtest burn in on her pc
01:43.16*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
01:43.19Kaydeethreegreat way to finally finish off dying ram, that
01:43.31wobincogwheel: irt that youtube, I can't say I wouldn't do the same =)
01:43.50wobinBut Takeshi Kitano rocks
01:43.56Garoun|Loupanayep, Kaydee but I really don't think it's her ram
01:44.17Garoun|Loupanapc was running just fine until the patch before 2.1 went live
01:44.21Garoun|Loupanaand then it started crashing
01:45.12Kaydeethreethen blame 2.1... I've been hearing lots of bitching and moaning from guildies
01:45.48Kaydeethreemost of who run w/o addons
01:46.15Garoun|Loupanathat's our only guess, it's the EXACT error every time, but I can't figure out how to specifically reproduce it (isn't that always the problem)
01:46.15LunessaActually, there are a couple nasty crashes lurking.  
01:46.17Garoun|Loupanayeah, I tend to avoid pointing any fingers at addons
01:46.29LunessaI had it happen to me yesterday too - but at a different address.  
01:46.45Garoun|Loupanathe last resort is naturally telling her to go clean for a while to see if it keeps bombing
01:49.24Garoun|Loupanainteresting thing is the Stack Trace in the error file has one common message
01:49.24|Jelly|i couldn't do it
01:49.25Garoun|Loupana0040EA27 WoW.exe      <unknown symbol>+0 (
01:49.25Garoun|Loupanaevery single error happens with that start of the stack trace
01:49.25Garoun|Loupanathe memory addresses are slightly different in the () but that message is consistent
01:49.25cogwheel"<unknown symbol>+0" isn't that the holy hand grenade?
01:49.25Garoun|Loupanaer :P
01:49.25LunessaIt's the "debugger doesn't know that reference"  
01:49.28Garoun|Loupanaand actually the STACK_OVERFLOW message is always the exact same message
01:49.44Garoun|LoupanaException:0xC00000FD (STACK_OVERFLOW) at 001B:0040EA27
01:49.57Garoun|Loupanathat exact exception every time (checked the last 10 error logs)
01:50.18LunessaSo... Something she's doing right then... is prone to making the bugged call.  
01:50.28Garoun|Loupanayeah :P
01:50.47Garoun|Loupanahate tracking down crash bugs
01:50.53LunessaAnd she does it often.. since it's 10 crashes. :P
01:51.53ShirikCairenn, ping
01:51.53CairennShirik: pong
01:51.57cladhaireShirik: Cairenn: ping
01:52.01Garoun|Loupanaoh, it's a lot mroe than 10 ;) that was just my sample size
01:52.17Cairenncladhaire: ding-a-ling-ding-dong
01:52.38cogwheelCairenn: Shirik: cladhaire: marco
01:53.14Garoun|Loupanainteresting, appears as if it use to happento quite a few people
01:53.21cogwheelPM from (Shirik)away: I will never respond to PMs requesting help. If you wish for help, please ask in #wowi-lounge, so that others may benefit from the answer.
01:53.22Garoun|Loupanapost fromw ay back on 12/03/2006
01:53.25Shirikyeah yeah
01:54.21cogwheeli beat you, moon elf lady :P
01:56.04LunessaYou did... so I removed my post.  *shakes fist* Curses! Foiled again!
01:58.56LunessaI'm so bored.  You'd think we'd be closed at night during the summer.... but noooooooo
01:59.10Shirikif you want
01:59.13ShirikI can call you with stupid questions
01:59.28LunessaChange it up some.
01:59.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
01:59.34LunessaCall me with some SMART questions.
01:59.42Shirikor I can ask you some of the questions I do during guild interviews
01:59.54ShirikWhat is the integral of 2x^2 + sin(3x), with respect to x?
02:00.05Shirikwhat is the benefit of hooksecurefunc() over a typical Lua style function hook?
02:00.15LunessaAnswer - What does that have to do with WoW and why do I care?  
02:00.18Shirikthese are all in my list of questions to ask :P
02:00.29ShirikWhat is the name of the Draenei orphan available during this past Orphan's Week?
02:00.36Shirikif you want some WoW related questions
02:00.44Shirikthese are used during my speed round :P
02:00.47ShirikI really don't care about the answers
02:00.52Shirikit's just to break up the routine
02:01.01cogwheelOn the one hand, I'm sad I missed children's week, but ....... Vegas!
02:01.03LunessaSeriously. it's like... mind-numbing here.  
02:01.20Shirikthis one usually confuses people: How many classes are playable by the Horde side currently?
02:01.32LunessaAll of them. :P
02:01.38Shirikbecause I make the expicit statement "Horde" making it seem like it's different from alliance
02:01.42cogwheelwtb gnome medic!
02:02.02cladhairewhere's that from
02:02.04cladhairecause i'm blogging it =)
02:02.12wobingot it off a friend =)
02:02.44Shirikcogwheel: how did you get that pm?
02:02.48ShirikDid you get it when you pinged me?
02:03.01cogwheelwhen I went cladhaire: Cairenn: Shirik: marco
02:03.02Shirikcause that shouldn't happen :/
02:03.10Shirikok I'll have to fix that
02:03.16Cairennplease do :p
02:03.19Shiriksorry :(
02:03.28Cairennheh, is okay :)
02:03.55cogwheelno it's not. I'm never gonna speak to him again...
02:04.04cogwheelwait... I never *have* spoken to him...
02:04.23cogwheelWell, you better not go to blizzcon, or else I won't...........
02:04.33ShirikI am!
02:04.37Shirikwe already went over this
02:04.41Shirikprinting out a copy of the code
02:04.45Shirikgetting together with Guillotine
02:04.52Shirikwe go to Slouken together to get him to sign it
02:05.04cogwheelgotta get Iriel & Tem too for their contributions :P
02:05.11cogwheel& esamynn
02:05.18Guillotineya, but wouldn't be as funny. Iriel already heard the conversation :(
02:05.35LunessaI'd love to go, and thought seriously about it... but I'm not sure I can afford to travel Blizzcon.  
02:05.37Cairennhe knows about it too
02:06.14Nom-lol idiots
02:06.21Nom-Germany just declared hacking tools illegal
02:06.37Nom-That just shut down every single security company in that country
02:06.49Kaydeethreeya, that was a pretty stupid move on their part
02:07.06LunessaHey, there's a reason I will never travel there.  Great engineers... stupid people.
02:07.19Nom-There are companies all over the world who specialise in hacking
02:07.25Cairenns/people/governing body/
02:07.28wobinwhat defines a tool as a 'hacking' tool?
02:07.30Nom-Companies hire them to test the security of their network
02:07.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
02:07.33Kaydeethreemost all linux distros now can't be distributed there either. ethereal^Wwireshark's illegal with a lot of other network troubleshooting tools
02:07.40Nom-They just killed that entire industry
02:07.44Shirikethereal is awesome
02:08.03Nom-Yah, that's why it's stupid :)
02:08.15wobinI predict a whole lot of servers broken into from outside the country in the near future
02:08.34Nom-Things like packet sniffers, port scanners etc, will be in a legally grey area, if not explicitly illegal
02:08.40Shirikhow did they define "illegal" ?
02:08.41zenzelezzcouldn't debuggers be considered hacking tools?
02:08.43Shiriker "hacking"
02:08.48wobinBy which, Germany will retaliate, by building a large wall around themselves
02:09.04Shirikthe internet berlin wall
02:09.09LunessaThe Great Firewall of Germany?
02:09.10Shirikbut this will be a relation to hitler
02:09.18Shirikthus... godwin's law
02:09.20zenzelezzThe Fiber Curtain
02:09.36LunessaLowers your cholesterol?
02:09.43Nom-Manufacturing, programming, installing, or spreading software that can circumvent security measures is verboten, which means that some security scanning tools might become illegal.
02:09.54wobinLunessa: Keeps your data regular
02:10.17wobinSurely the government bodies will be exempt from those rulings?
02:10.20Nom-verboten = forbidden
02:10.36wobin'unauthorized' users
02:11.18wobinIt's only the article's grammar, but it implies that an authorised user can use the tools
02:11.42ShirikGood day dmwaters!
02:11.57zenzelezz"... that have been out of rotation for a while. These servers have been out of rotation for a while"
02:12.02LunessaYeah, but manufacturing, programming, or distributing...
02:12.34LunessaHow long before they try to arrest some network admin who is troubleshooting a network problem
02:12.53wobinLunessa: They'll just have to buy from outside the country
02:13.03Cairennsoftware that can circumvent security measures - isn't that Windows?
02:13.11wobin"Are you sure? Y/N"
02:13.47LunessaYou are coming to a sad realization. Cancel or Allow?
02:13.49cogwheelThis is the kind of thing that keeps me a libertarian...
02:14.41LunessaViva free thought!
02:16.17CairennShirik: transferred
02:16.23Shirik<3 <3
02:16.38Cairennthank dolby-wowi, he's the one that actually did it
02:16.56Shirik<3 dolby-wowi
02:19.33ShirikI've never had an addon on wowi before :(
02:19.40ShirikDo I hit the "upload patch" button?
02:19.45Cairennno, edit
02:19.57Shirikand "replace with" ?
02:20.01ShirikSo that won't remove the old one?
02:20.07Shirikthanks ^^;
02:20.09cogwheelthis faq amuses me:
02:20.27Garoun|LoupanaI <3 our wowi logs :P
02:20.58Garoun|Loupana this log has that discussion with Iriel and syntax-er about a mod crashing with an overflow
02:21.06cogwheelSo, I switched over to #dongle and this is what I see:             <cladhaire>do you have a way for someone to get naked?
02:21.19cladhairevital feature imo
02:22.03Thunder_Childgreat, next we will be seeing clad|porn
02:22.19cladhairebeen there, done that
02:22.20cladhairewrote a book
02:22.22cladhairewe scared tulley
02:22.24Garoun|Loupanagonna get her to try playing with no mods at all activated and see if the error returns
02:22.46Mikkhmm.. load up a playermodel of target
02:22.50Mikkload up a model of your own toon
02:22.54Mikkplace em in a frame together
02:23.04Mikkrun select animation sequences
02:24.01Cairennor just go to world of whorecraft
02:24.13cogwheelGaroun|Loupana: interesting (re: chat log)
02:24.29Garoun|Loupanayeah, I had a similar issue when I tried to use some ACE mods on the PTR
02:24.41Garoun|Loupanaand got frustrated and gave up :P
02:24.56Garoun|Loupanasame, actually 2 pcs
02:25.15Thunder_Childcog, watching porn and typing in irc is strictly prohibited.
02:26.15LunessaYeah, I mean.. how will you control the video player and still have as hand left to type?
02:26.51Thunder_Childi would imagine that you would let the
02:27.07LunessaDude... REWIND?
02:27.29LunessaOr "Next Chapter"?  
02:27.45Thunder_Childlearn patience.
02:28.17LunessaCog: That keyboard looks like a fun toy.  
02:33.02cogwheelif it ever really catches on, I hope blizzard builds in support for it.... Imagine having a physical action bar that displays cooldowns and everything!
02:33.47LunessaOh yeah.  HAWT.  But at $1600 for the keyboard ... It better be the best damned keyboard EVER.
02:34.07CairennI wish they were making a split (ergo) version of it
02:34.43CairennI've gotten so used to using the ergonomic keyboards that a straight keyboard drives me crazy now
02:34.48LunessaIf the base were bigger, you could lay the buttons out in an ergo fashion.  
02:35.18LunessaI suffer from CTS in both wrists, so I'd want ergo layouts.  
02:35.52cogwheelthe only real keyboard quirk i have is when the enter key takes up the space where the backslash is, and the backslash takes up have the space of backspace... other than that, I'm pretty adaptable
02:36.06cogwheels/have the space/half the space/
02:36.13Cairennthey were (relatively) popular at one point, but it's getting harder and harder to find them any more
02:36.49cogwheelI'm *almost* getting to the point where i'd be willing to pay for a hardware switchable dvorak/qwerty kb...
02:37.19cogwheelbut they're like $150... I'm used to getting KBs for like $5... or even free as throwaways from work ><
02:37.56cogwheeland using them for like 8 years...
02:38.21LunessaMicrosoft still makes one.   And there are some other ergo-friendly keyboards.  I wish the Kinesis (SP?) design had caught on.  It had keys in 'cups' and was really comfy, but required a whole new typing skill and was too costly.  
02:39.20Cairennyeah, I'm using the MS one right now
02:41.14Lunessa - "HP is like the plain girl from high school that you see three years later and she is a bombshell, while Dell is the hot girl from high school who has gained 30 pounds," analyst Samir Bhavnani told the Times.
02:48.17Garoun|Loupanaok, that STACK_OVERFLOW error, confirmed it isn't addons :P
02:48.35Garoun|Loupanaher wow just locked up with no addons at all running, guess I can check that  off the list
02:48.52cogwheeltry the repair tool next maybe?
02:49.26Garoun|Loupanaalready did that before the run
02:49.43cogwheelvery odd...
02:50.37Garoun|Loupananext5 try is making sure cache is clear, wiped the blizz addons and take 2
02:50.37Garoun|Loupanatrying to do it a peice at a time
02:51.01Garoun|Loupanapeice even
02:52.02Garoun|Loupanathen I get to try it with running -opengl and/or no windowed mode
02:53.07LunessaHas anyone seen the "Surface" stuff from Microsoft?  
02:53.54Garoun|Loupanayou mean iphone er google touch screen.. er yeah Surface :)
02:54.53LunessaI want something like that for playing games.  Kind of like Rte's project where he played WoW with 'touch interface' based on cameras watching his hands.  
02:55.43Thunder_Childwhat really? you dont want the full body VR getup?
02:56.17LunessaUm... No.
02:56.42LunessaI like to disassociate from the game to being 'real' quickly.  
02:57.00LunessaI don't want to have to 'unsuit' to go take a leak.  
02:58.00cogwheelI imagine I'll be like that when I get really old... I can't wait to see how our generation's geezers turn out :P
02:58.24Thunder_Childscary to the younger generation as usual
02:58.33LunessaHah... I'm pushing for 'geezerhood' pretty soon.  
02:58.53Thunder_Childreally? geezerhood doesnt really start till 70 or so now
02:59.19LunessaNot the years, it's the milage.  
02:59.24LunessaOr something.  
02:59.32LunessaImagine I spelled it correctly.  
03:00.14LunessaAnd on that note, I'm out.  It's been fun folks.  
03:00.15cogwheelNo need... that's waht purl's for...
03:01.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
03:01.23Thunder_Childi so enjoy how the tab completion feature of pidgin keeps crashing me
03:03.26CairennThunder_Child: it does? doesn't for me
03:03.50Thunder_Childwell it happens raely, but it does happen
03:04.24Kaydeethreebleh. 12% wipe on hydross
03:04.25zenzelezzfor the life of me I can't seem to figure why the "SELF" drop-down menu won't show on my secureunitbutton... left-clicking works
03:04.39zenzelezzright-clicking seems to do nothing, but I really don't know for sure... nothing shows up
03:04.51zenzelezzand I ninjaed most of the code from the FrameXML :-|
03:06.22*** join/#wowi-lounge sysrage ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:06.32Garoun|Loupananow what would be funny is if the cause of the crash was a blizzard addon
03:07.55Garoun|Loupanaa later step is going to be loading her wtf/interface folder on my laptop and see if I can crash it there, debugging <3 sigh :P
03:10.19*** join/#wowi-lounge pastamancer (
03:10.19zenzelezzbah, I haven't yet found my problem and on my screen I see... [SERVER] Restart in 15:00
03:10.20zenzelezzWoW hates me today
03:10.32Mr_Rabies2bilbo baggins
03:10.38Mr_Rabies2bravest little hobbit of them allll
03:10.52*** join/#wowi-lounge tlund (
03:19.56MikkLeonard singing ftw
03:20.30*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
03:30.05cladhaireprep me
03:30.11cladhairei'm a shadow priest on nightbane
03:30.25Shirik /target cladhaire
03:30.29Shirik /cast Preparation
03:30.45*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
03:32.11Shiriknot entirely sure what you want :/
03:34.42TainDon't take candy from strangers.
03:35.26TainDo that... what do these kids call it.. "melt face" thing.
03:35.43cladhairei know that one
03:59.26Garoun|Loupanaok, that error is really starting to annoy me :P
03:59.37Garoun|Loupanajust leaving her pc up with wow crashes
04:01.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
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04:03.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
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04:05.16Kaydeethreeoh hell yes... goodbye hydross
04:06.30*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
04:11.44VoiDRaiderI made this function that sort my table items and I want a specific item to be at the top unsorted, regardless to the rest of the items, how can I do that ?
04:18.53ShadowedAnyone have a suggestion for a BLP -> TGA converter
04:20.11VoiDRaiderWoWBLPViewer ?
04:22.15Mikkconverts to png tho but i suppose that's ok too?
04:22.23ShadowedThat works, thanks
04:22.26ShadowedYea as long as i can modify it
04:22.42VoiDRaiderYeah you can though local function comp(a, b)
04:22.42VoiDRaiderreturn a[sort] < b[sort]
04:24.16VoiDRaiderAnyway you can though WoWBLPViewer convert it directly to TGA
04:27.51Mr_Rabies2okay, a mage in arenas just tried to polymorph me, a druid, in bear form.
04:28.02Mr_Rabies2that's the first time that's happened since xrealm bgs opened up
04:31.06Mikkkept you from charging him instantly didn't it?
04:31.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Xenok (
04:31.09Shirikno :/
04:31.09Shirikhe's immune to polymorph
04:31.10Shiriknot just can shift out
04:31.27Mikki knew this. i'm a druid >.<
04:32.36Xenokhmmm I have this: but it only counts the >=4 .. not the rest... so im 70 and it only gives me the >=4 line XD
04:32.39wobindoes that pull you into combat?
04:32.44wobinthe attempt at sheeping
04:32.53Mikkwould assume so
04:32.59wobinwouldn't that stop the instant charge?
04:33.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:33.09Mikkbears can charge whenever =)
04:33.36Mikkso, yeah, in summary: nub mage :-P
04:35.08ShirikXenok like I said
04:35.11Shirikyou need to reverse the order of those
04:35.19Shirikif someone's 70
04:35.23Shirikthey're obviously >= 4, right?
04:35.52Shirikdidn't I mention this about 6 hours ago? ^^
04:36.06Xenoklol I don't remember XD
04:36.18wobinXenok: If you move all the hides outside the whole loop, you can just 'show' the ones you need?
04:36.27ShirikI said that too :P
04:36.31Xenokdid not!!
04:36.37ShirikI said to abstract your code
04:36.41Xenokoh yeah..
04:36.54Mikkyou can also make it about a tenth of the size
04:36.58Mikkgimme a sec
04:37.17wobinXenok: Across the road, not down the street
04:38.25VoiDRaiderCan anyone help me sorting a table in a specific order using table.sort ?
04:38.25wobinXenok: Down the street, not across the road =)
04:38.43Xenoklol wobin
04:39.11wobinVoiDRaider: What sort of order?
04:39.43Xenokwoah.. that makes sence mikk XD
04:40.22wobinHave your function return false for the __lt for that item all the time
04:40.41wobinso it's determined as the 'greatest' in comparison against everything
04:41.29VoiDRaideralthough I want one of my items to be at the top, anyway of doing it using that method ?
04:41.42Bleeterheh, this /say gold seller's back
04:42.09MikkVoiDRaider: wobin just told you how to do that
04:42.09Xenokthrow snowballs bleeter
04:42.09VoiDRaiderah sorry :|
04:42.13Bleeterdon't have any toons nearby with.. erm.. balls
04:42.48XenokWooot ty Mikk .. works like a charm!
04:43.31VoiDRaiderAnyway thanks :P
04:44.27VoiDRaiderI tried it eariler but I used the wrong variable so it didn't work :)
04:44.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Kronus (n=Kronus@
04:44.52Shiriknight Cairenn|afk
04:44.58Cairenn|afknight night
04:45.04wobinsorting functions are some of the worst to debug =(
04:46.29VoiDRaiderYeah I used the table key and compared it with the wrong variable haha :D
04:50.19ZealotOnAStickAnyone know of a mod that will just display MH and OH weapon speeds on screen?
04:53.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
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05:15.52Mr_Rabies2like, every other thread on the forums has a keylogger
05:17.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (
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06:05.24*** topic/#wowi-lounge is #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 Toc: 20100 | RTFPN please |
06:06.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|Miranda (
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06:14.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
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06:18.31Guillotineafter you hit max level, whats the best way to tell when you get the credit for a kill? (since "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH" is fired for any mob near you that dies. And if somebody else gets the killing blow, arg1 shows no difference than if you do)?
06:18.47Shirik"You have slain ____"
06:18.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
06:19.00Guillotineread the end. if someone else gets the killing blow, you don't get that
06:19.14Guillotineand if you get the killing blow on someone else's mob, you get that
06:19.22Guillotineso I guess theres really no way to tell for sure
06:19.23Shirikyou g oh
06:19.24Shirikyou mean
06:19.29Shiriklike if the mob wasn't tagged by someone else
06:19.40Shiriksorry misunderstood
06:20.06Guillotinehmm. I suppose, I can check, when it hits 0% if it is tagged by me
06:20.13Guillotineassuming the marker doesn't dissapear right away
06:20.14*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg_ (
06:32.11Shirikthat's assuming that you have it targetted
06:42.44Guillotinewobin: been posted many times. I think foxlit and I are going to make an addon so that you can script for WoW using lolcode
06:43.14wobinThat would be classy!
06:43.29wobinor something =P
06:43.32Guillotine"Coding for the average WoW player!"
06:43.43GuillotineISAI2U Hello
06:43.56GuillotinePEWPEW Moonfire
06:44.16Guillotineactually, can't do spells in scripts anymore. keep forgetting that ><
06:44.26Shiriksure you can
06:44.30Guillotinewell, kind of
06:44.30Shirikyou just need to translate it
06:44.58Guillotineeh, not really. CastSpellByName doesn't work even out of combat
06:45.09Guillotineyou need to edit a secure button and all that
06:45.26Shirikyou really don't have to go that far
06:45.31Shirikyou can just generate teh macro in the background
06:45.42Shirikthey can bind it to whatever they want
06:46.43GuillotineI guess that would work
06:47.04GuillotineI IS PEWPEW Mindblast WHEN U IS PRESIN 5
06:47.26Guillotinebind it using the new thing
06:48.16Guillotineis there actually any implementation of lolcode yet or is it just a compilation of ideas?
06:48.25Shirikthere are several
06:49.57Guillotinewow, not sure how I missed that page
06:49.58Guillotinethere it is
06:54.43Corrodias3 nights of raiding feels like ages
06:55.29Corrodiaslike my entire week has consisted of karazhan & netherwing daily quests, just over and over..
07:03.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Pac2722 (n=irccrick@
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07:07.55Corrodiasso tired... having the curator wipe his ass with you a few times is tiring
07:09.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Fridgid (i=Fridgid@
07:09.23GuillotineI'm so happy with my group. we just downed shade today. I've tanked all the way through on my druid XD
07:10.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
07:12.50JunkHead-WorkI didn't go to Kara today. I got home a few minutes too late.
07:13.08JunkHead-WorkMy guild took some people who were not the usual crew.
07:13.16JunkHead-WorkThe result apparantly was very bad.
07:13.58JunkHead-WorkOne of our MT's even specced out of Prot because of today.
07:14.40*** part/#wowi-lounge Karrion|Food (
07:19.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
07:59.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Hallu2 (n=Hallucin@
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08:21.32Adysis there a way to, in a single macro, only dismount if I am already mounted, or mount up if I wasnt mounted before? At the moment I use /use [flyable] Reins of the Violet Netherwing Drake; [noflyable] Reins of the Swift Frostsaber - but it only dismounts me if I am using one of the two mounts and not another
08:32.47Nom-finally finished my pain-in-the-arse code
08:32.56Nom-*sips beer*
08:53.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole (n=chatzill@
08:55.10Bleeterhmm, I see there's a 'fix' for WoW Winers
08:56.30Bleeterthough one has to port that from Transgaming's Cedega to Wine, 'coz they didn't send it upstream
09:03.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
09:03.50JunkHead-WorkI hope today turns out to be better for me in WoW than yesterday did.
09:03.55JunkHead-WorkYesterday sucked.
09:04.10JunkHead-WorkIt was one of those "what the else can go wrong" days.
09:05.28TemWhen do pvp points post?
09:05.34Tem2am PST?
09:05.37JunkHead-WorkNo idea.
09:21.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole_ (n=chatzill@
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10:34.11foxlitIs <Color> inside a <Texture file="..."> equivalent to doing Texture:SetVertexColor?
10:39.15Mikkdoubt it
10:39.28MikkMore like SetTexture(r,g,b)
10:39.47Mikknot that i'm 100% sure. i suck a bit at xml like most of us :-P
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12:03.43Industrialany locks ere?
12:03.55Industrialthis would be for leveling
12:04.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
12:04.06Industriali took shadowburn but looking at its tooltip it seems really weak
12:04.44nevcairieli went with 20/41/0 for leveling
12:04.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
12:04.46Industrialas in it uses .5k mana AND a soul shard, then does 5k damage wich isnt a whole lot (for rank 8!) and MAYBE returns a shard
12:04.48nevcairielthe felguard is really powerful
12:05.13Industrialer, .5k damage*
12:06.48zenzelezzby the time you have 61 talent points there's not much leveling left to do
12:07.10nevcairieltrue tho
12:07.12Industrial" Voidwalker/Felguard Perpetual Mana Machine (20/41/0)" ?
12:08.11nevcairielive got some affliction talents different
12:08.14nevcairielbut the basics are that
12:08.23Industrialhey wait a min, wow i never thought of that
12:08.47nevcairielmy 65 lock
12:08.47Industrialcast rank 1 drain soul and still get 15% mana back, while at later levels the mana it takes is nothing :o
12:08.50nevcairielwith that build basicly
12:10.39[Ammo]the dot threat reduction talent is goooood
12:10.58[Ammo]that it also gives you mana if you kill with drain soul is bons
12:11.23nevcairielmy felguard holds pretty good aggro against my dots+drain life
12:11.28nevcairieland i dont group, yet =P
12:11.52Industrialbut, like, 15% >_O
12:13.01[Ammo]felguard is a nice levelling build
12:13.12nevcairielive been affliction before
12:13.18nevcairielbut in outlands that doesnt work out
12:13.24[Ammo]it works fine for me
12:13.27nevcairieltoo much HP on the mobs, too crowded arreas
12:13.34nevcairielno room for fear :P
12:13.41[Ammo]I don't fear
12:13.42[Ammo]I draintank
12:13.54[Ammo]I only fear adds I get
12:14.07[Ammo]basically using it to control rather than kill
12:16.37nevcairielwell, my gear sucked when i started leveling, only been like 50 when BC came out, so i started in outlands with basicly nothing :P
12:16.44nevcairielfelguard was wtfpwn
12:17.24Industrialmine is 15 now :P
12:18.19[Ammo]nevcairiel: that's true
12:18.27[Ammo]that's why I said levelling build :)
12:19.13nevcairieli dont know what i spec when i get 70 tho
12:19.15nevcairielmaybe 40/0/21
12:19.45[Ammo]I'm 45/0/16
12:19.51Industrialdot'n'run :P
12:20.00[Ammo]yeah basically
12:20.51[Ammo]oh 45/16/0
12:20.52[Ammo]woops :p
12:23.43[Ammo]as you can see I've been unlucky with the headgear and weapoon :p
12:26.37nevcairielno luck on prince eh ?
12:29.52[Ammo]other than that the gear is coming along quite decent
12:30.34nevcairieli still need good bracers for my druid
12:30.48nevcairielbut i havent even seen a boss which drops good ones.
12:31.07nevcairielother then that, cannot complain
12:32.29[Ammo]helm + weapon would net me 100 more spelldamage orso
12:32.41[Ammo]but I'll get it :)
12:32.58[Ammo]raidbuffed I run around with 13k hp and 10k mana though
12:33.00[Ammo]which is sweet :)
12:33.16nevcairielstupid locks :)
12:33.29nevcairielwe are on leotheras now, another fight with a lock tank.
12:33.35nevcairielfire resist this time tho.
12:36.52Nerinia~dict ime
12:36.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun (
12:40.07Garounwhat type of druid bracers were you lookinng for Nev?
12:40.30nevcairielhealing, something to replace my t3
12:40.53Garounah, in that case I'm no help ;(
12:41.06GarounI'm purely tank spec
12:42.30Garounyou may have to go cloth to find better :/
12:42.41nevcairielthere are some bracers on wowhead, but i have no clue wherefrom
12:43.48cladhaireAnyone want to help me minmax gems?
12:44.00Garoun not sure how updated that one is but should help Nev
12:44.15cladhairethis is me
12:44.22nevcairielah rage winterchill drops my bracers
12:44.29nevcairielman, its going to be some time until hyjal
12:44.33Garounthat's Hyjal
12:45.10Garounmy main pain right now is the last 3500 rep I need with CE for my warden, and trying to debug this 132 crash my g/fs pc is having
12:45.46Garounthe most frustrating part of the latter is I'm running out of options, I've had memtest running for the last 10 hours and not a single error
12:46.00zenzelezzany Devastating warriors present?
12:46.23wobinI've been told I cut quite the dashing figure, at times... =)
12:46.23Garounwhich means it's moving back towards a wow client or wow config issue, sigh
12:47.29GarounClad, aren't the +spell damage gems rather expensive item budget wise?
12:47.33zenzelezzthe Devastate tooltip says it renews the Sunder Armor debuff timer on the target, but I think I'm seeing it only renew part of it, not completely restarting it
12:47.43cladhaireGaroun: no, the +7 spell damage is free for me.
12:47.47cladhairejust pay the cost of a blood garnet
12:47.56cladhairei'm looking to min/max with the green gems
12:48.13cladhairei.e. Potent Flame Spessarite, Glowing Shadow Draenite and Runed Blood Garnet
12:48.17Garounno no, I meant in regards to other gems you could use in it's place if that makes sense :)
12:48.31cladhairewell, I'm a shadow priest
12:48.34cladhaireso nothign other than +dmg matters
12:48.50Garounlike for my druid +dodge has a higher item budget cost than agi :)
12:49.12cladhairewell these are for sockets
12:49.16cladhaireand +dmg is all that matters
12:49.47GarounI wish blizz would display the default socket as well :P
12:50.18cladhairewell in this case, socket bonuses aren't very useful
12:50.49Garounyeah I noticed
12:52.08Garoungod, I haven't played a shadow priest in forever :/ only reason I asked that question was the possibility of lowering some fo your spell damage to get more crit
12:52.19Garounbut considering most of your shadow spells don't crit, that'd be dumb :P
12:52.20cladhairecrit is useless
12:52.22cladhairemind flay can't crit =)
12:52.31Garounyeah, thinking out loud hehe
12:52.44Endmind blast can, but I don't think you really use that spell that often
12:52.49Endand sw:d probably can
12:52.53Endthat' though?
12:53.20[Ammo]cladhaire: did you get my messages about the Clique zhTW file that ended up on your perfectraid googlesvn :)
12:53.57cladhaire[Ammo]: yes.. just remove it for now.
12:53.59[Ammo]I had quite some beer when I noticed it, and can't remember if you understood or not :)
12:53.59cladhaireor i'll grab it later
12:54.02[Ammo]I did
12:54.22[Ammo]it doesn't error when you have clique installed ofcourse :)
12:54.35cladhaireno one uses svn
12:54.38cladhaireso that's why i havebn't bothered
12:54.51[Ammo]I do :)
12:54.53[Ammo]easy update
12:55.03foxlitHm, there's a silly roadblock to using RunScript() to load addons
12:55.05[Ammo]and if it breaks, it breaks :)
12:55.20foxlitThey get no loading-related events :(
12:56.09nevcairielyou can always send them that events
12:56.21foxlitWell, yes, no, maybe.
12:56.49foxlitI can't raise a generic event for all frames, so I have to know what to call to actually give them the shove.
12:56.55cladhairefoxlit: you mean ADDON_LOADED doesn't fire?
12:57.09foxlitAnd VARIABLES_LOADED; and, probably PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD
12:57.33cladhaireADDON_LOADED just fired.
12:57.40cladhaireand VARIABLES_LOADED/PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD only happen once
12:57.47nevcairielwhen do you runscript them ?
12:57.51foxlitENTERING_WORLD happens on every zonein
12:57.59foxlitBut that's beside the point
12:57.59Garounwhats the suggested min for Spell Hit/Penetration vs lvl 73 mobs?
12:58.12cladhairefires ADDON_LOADED
12:58.17foxlitNono :)
12:58.18cladhairewhich is the only event it should fire.
12:58.23foxlitRunScript("Entire addon code here")
12:58.34foxlitI can only get the code once my savedvariables load, which means I've already went past some of the loading sequence
12:58.36cladhairethat's not "loading an addon
12:58.52cladhairewhich is why you're having a problem =)
12:58.57foxlitConsider the phase suitably ammended :)
12:59.05cladhairewell, you can't solve that
12:59.14cladhaireyou can trigger that addon's init code manually after the RunScript
12:59.19cladhairebtu nothing else SHOULD fire
12:59.22cladhairebecause an addon wasn't loaded.
12:59.44nevcairielunless you use some framework, and let the code inside your RunScript register to that framework, and init through that .. thats what i would do i guess
12:59.46foxlitWhich creates a bit of a problem to direct porting :)
13:00.05cladhairenevcairiel: that's no different than doing it manually
13:00.13nevcairielbut more generic
13:00.22cladhairefor some value of "generic"
13:01.17Garounclad: does Mindflay/SW:P have a resist and partial resist check every tick?
13:01.35cladhaireGaroun: I don't think so, but I'm not sure.
13:02.51nevcairieldots dont have partial resists
13:03.00nevcairielchanneld spells .. not sure, but i dont think so
13:03.04cladhairejust wasn't sure =)
13:03.12cladhairei do not believe so
13:03.17cladhaireive never seen a mid fight resist
13:03.20foxlitAM resistchecks every tick
13:03.21Garounwas only throwing out the possibility of swapping some spell penetration+spell damage gems, but if there aren't checks that wouldn't up your dmg much at all
13:03.23cladhaireonly on cast
13:03.32cladhaireGaroun: nah, all I need is spell hit
13:03.33foxlitBut AM is special, meh.
13:03.48nevcairielAM is indeed weird.
13:04.14nevcairieldoes it cancel on LoS issues now, or was that unpatched again?
13:04.29foxlitI have no idea.
13:04.40foxlitThink the intention is that it automatically tracks target until you lose range/LoS
13:04.42Garounyou at least have room to go with larger +dmg gems, but those get expensive until you have the gems
13:05.41GarounI'd say look towards the Great, Veiled, Shining line of Gems
13:06.20Garoungreat is pure hit, veiled/shine are the +dmg/+hit
13:07.45cladhairehrm k k
13:07.46GarounNev: hope that gear list link I posted helps you out, the tank list on that suite is my guide to the galaxy :P
13:08.26*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-sleep (n=chatzill@
13:09.01Garountake that with a grain of salt Clad :), I always let my g/f do the socketing in DAOC, and I'm not all that good socketing in wow hehe
13:09.18cladhairegot it= )
13:09.20Garounit's too many choices and gives me a headache
13:17.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
13:22.41Garounhmm, is there a listing of cvars and what they are supposedly used for? I found the default list on the wiki but not quite what I was looking for
13:24.06zenzelezzoh for fooks sake... I was staring at my code for hours last night trying to figure why my dropdown menu wouldn't show
13:24.26zenzelezzturned out since I didn't call UnitFrame_Initialize(), it didn't register for RightButtonUp
13:25.08zenzelezzonce I copied the RegisterForClicks from UnitFrame_Initialize to my button's OnLoad, everything worked... x.x
13:36.12ThraeOK, where are the Curse guys and how can I kill them
13:36.33zenzelezzwhat now Thrae?
13:37.14ThraeNevermind, I figured it out -- trying to change my email address. The box had grey text, so I thought it was locked.
13:38.45ThraeHaving the box use light grey text is kinda misleading.
13:38.54ThraeNot to mention hard to read on a white background ;)
13:47.27Maldiviagrr... the changes to FCF_ValidateChatFramePosition really annoys me
14:07.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (n=Srosh@
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14:17.38Maldiviabecause you can't move the tabs for the chatframes out of the screen anymore
14:17.43Maldiviahad to disable that function to do that
14:19.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole__ (n=chatzill@
14:27.07*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-sleep_ (n=chatzill@
14:31.22zenzelezzwhat's FCF?
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15:00.27*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
15:00.45TS|SkromHello folks :D
15:05.40*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
15:08.47TS|SkromOkay so I just started playing WoW again and I've got the scripting bug again. I'm a bit rusty so went on wowwiki to find the old addon tutorials. Much to my dismay I can't seem to find them. The one in particular that was very helpful was "making a quest log from scratch" anyone know if I'm just blind or another place I can see that one?
15:09.18cogwheel|workGet clad's book :P
15:10.00zenzelezzTS|Skrom: -- one of the ones under "U"?
15:10.09TS|Skromno kidding cog? rock on, wtg clad
15:10.23TS|Skrom*palmface* oh yeah, the how to's ><
15:13.08zenzelezzI know I shouldn't make fun of people who speak poor English, but this was just unintentionally funny... "Looking for caster who can make helm of stalwark defensive"
15:13.38TS|Skromthanks, that's what I needed. A refresher basically on all the parts that are needed for an addon to function lol
15:14.04zenzelezzjust remember, aim big, but start small
15:14.29TS|Skromyeah... my mind is a sieve lately it seems. like I forgot how to make a frame ><
15:15.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
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15:40.21GarounHappy happy druid, took 3 days but finally got my Badge of Tenacity :)
15:40.45foxlitHaha, poor ferals
15:41.07foxlitThink some people in our guild are blowing some serious time on farming that :)
15:41.29Shirikremember when everyone was mad at me for using (%w+) to detect names?
15:41.33ShirikI just got a bug report :(
15:41.41Shirik"Unicode characters causing errors in the Bossmod(And possibly other things)"
15:41.58Shirikfine.... I'll have to fix it for these people >.>
15:42.04foxlitTbh, don't
15:42.12foxlitTheir own damn fault for not following naming policy!
15:42.43Shiriknah I'll fix it :P
15:42.46ShirikIt's a minor change
15:43.00Shirik[^%s]+ instead of %w+
15:43.28foxlitWhat's this [^%s] nonsense?
15:43.28Garounhate non-standard names, they are a pain in the ass, and they cause mods like spamsentry to sometimes lock up :/
15:43.44Shiriknon whitespace characters?
15:43.50foxlit%S matches the same thing
15:44.08Shirikyeah but I don't recognize %S so if I did that, I'd probably come back to it in a month and be like "wtf"
15:44.14*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
15:44.15foxlit(infact, all %sets have complements in %SETS)
15:44.34GarounI usually refuse to send any party invites to someone if I can't type their name with a standard keyboard (without having to resort to alt codes)
15:47.17Shirikso do I
15:47.39Shirikbut I can't go and respond to this bug report with "nah,I wouldn't invite him, you shouldn't either"
15:49.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
15:51.51|Jelly|Morning Shirik!
15:51.57ShirikMorning :D
15:52.15*** join/#wowi-lounge tardmrr (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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15:52.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Wor1 (n=cheald@
15:52.31Garounhehe, yeah I know shirik
15:53.16Mikk"Not following naming policy?"
15:53.28Josh_BorkeMorning :D
15:53.30MikkWhen was it ever against naming policy to use letters used in tehforeign?
15:53.38Mikk(== myforeign?)
15:53.49Josh_Borke"Not following naming policy?"
15:54.00Josh_BorkeWhen was it ever against naming policy to use letters used in tehforeign?
15:54.02|Jelly|Forever! At least, the consideration of others who, you know, don't want to look up every freaking alt-code out there.
15:54.05Josh_Borke(== myforeign?)
15:54.30*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit_ (
15:55.06Shirikat least he's not doing it to me anymore >.>
15:55.06cogwheel|workyep. it's always been against the rules on US servers since most people in the US have no idea how to type them
15:55.07Josh_Borkeat least he's not doing it to me anymore >.>
15:55.11Shirikwell I don't even know that this guy is on a US server tbh
15:55.14Shirikthen again I never localized RDX
15:55.24Josh_Borkewell I don't even know that this guy is on a US server tbh
15:55.28Josh_Borkethen again I never localized RDX
15:55.46Shirikcladhaire, how much do I have to pay you to +b Josh_Borke ?
15:56.05Shirikthrow a d at him too
15:56.13Shirikmy client removed the unicodeness >.>
15:56.21*** join/#wowi-lounge phyber_ (
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15:56.50Shirikmatch that.
15:56.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo_ (
15:57.01ShirikI declare myself winnar
15:57.41Josh_Borke^-- declares himself loser
15:58.04*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:58.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:00.34MikkSIGH, josh couldn't be among those that split away, nooooo
16:00.34Garounnow look what phyber did
16:00.34Josh_Borkelunch time
16:00.34Josh_Borkeyou've met a reprieve for now
16:00.35Garounname changes are powerful things in irc :)
16:01.06NotShirikwhat happens when the net split ends?
16:01.06cladhairenick collision, one of us gets booted off
16:01.06Josh_Borkewhat happens when the net split doesn't end?
16:01.06nevcairielpeople rejoin
16:01.06NotShirikcladhaire's authenticated.... nick collision?
16:01.07NotShirikI meant with cladhaire
16:01.07nevcairielMikk gets booted
16:01.07Josh_Borkecaldhaire's not authenticated.... nick collision?
16:01.07Josh_Borkei meant without cladhaire
16:01.25NotShirikJosh_Borke should take this opportunity to steal my nick
16:01.25NotShirikI win.
16:01.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
16:01.26MikkCan still ghost, I guess
16:01.26ShirikI'm really surprised you fell for that Jos
16:01.26cladhaireomfg =P
16:02.37RealShirikok, really going to lunch now, bye
16:02.37ShirikI'm so confused now...
16:02.37cladhaireok fine i've now officially lost track of who's who
16:02.37*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire_ (
16:02.38Shirikthat's the real cladhaire :P
16:02.38nevcairielwonder what happens to Mikk now
16:02.38Shirikcan tell by the clones
16:02.38*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
16:02.38cogwheelWill the real cladhaire please ...... oh screw it
16:02.38Shirikimho /ns ghost
16:02.39Shirikdo it!
16:02.40cladhaire_nickserv isn't responding
16:02.40nevcairielyou killed poor Mikk
16:02.40*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
16:02.40foxlitit's /ns ghost nick password
16:02.41cladhairei knew how to do it
16:02.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Dolby-WoWI (
16:04.49cladhairehe wasn't responding.
16:04.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:04.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
16:04.50Shirikjust had a netsplit he was probably dealing with a ton of crap
16:04.50Shiriklol MaryQueenOfScots
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16:04.51Mikkkeep your sticky hands off of me josh!
16:04.58purlmooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass, or and
16:04.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
16:05.25|Jelly|I <3 being invited to a group, being given leader and informed that I need to fill the rest of the group.
16:05.28sedatedChipmunkpurl, botmail for Hyperchipmunk:  Zzzzzzzzzz
16:05.39ShirikI refuse to lead pugs ><
16:05.44ShirikI can't handle it
16:06.01|Jelly|I let LFM do my bidding while I strafe the forums. : /
16:06.22MikkHuhu. Auto add LFM ftlose
16:06.50|Jelly|While I completely agree with you, I don't like asking people in /whisper because well, that's lame.
16:07.36Shirik|Jelly|'s a priest, she knows.... getting spammed every 5 seconds with "Want to do x" "want to do y" "Want to run me through VC" sucks
16:08.08|Jelly|"Wanna run me through XXXX?" I made the mistake of running my guild through BRD for four days straight.
16:08.11ShadowedI though Jelly was a forum troll
16:08.17Shirikshe is
16:08.17|Jelly|I love the guys...well...most of them.
16:08.36|Jelly|and how
16:08.43MikkJelly: I'm not advocating whispering J random <class>. Just using the LFM tool with auto-add disabled :>
16:08.53ShadowedLeading pugs is fun
16:08.53Shirikis there any such case where CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL will not be fired, but you'll see the yell on your chat window?
16:08.55ShirikI don't think so
16:08.57Shadowedit's an excuse to yell at people
16:09.01MikkI prefer picking my own group composition thankyouverymuch
16:09.08ShadowedA mod is blocking CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL?
16:09.13Shadowedoh wait
16:09.18ShadowedHow is that possible?
16:09.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
16:09.19*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
16:09.19ShirikI would hope not :/
16:09.28MikkShirik: It could come in as a different message type, conceivably
16:09.29|Jelly|I got booted from SFK last night on my druid. Apparently people don't like being told that "I'll do pretty much whatever I want." we lol'd at him as I ran them through on my shaman. : /
16:09.30ShadowedIt only displays when CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL
16:09.30Mikk_EMOTE, perhaps
16:09.34ShirikI can't figure out why my handler picks up this event only half the times
16:09.41Shadowed_EMOTE is middle of the screen
16:09.42Shiriknah I know it's CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL
16:09.59ShirikI see the yell on my chat window every time
16:10.04Cairennwait, what? |Jelly| is female?
16:10.05Shirikbut the handler only picks it up every once in a while
16:10.13Shadowedyea you have competition now I guess Cairenn
16:10.13ShirikI dunno, she has a female priest ^^;
16:10.26ShadowedSo do I, but i'm pretty sure i'm not female =p
16:10.27Shadowedbad assumintion
16:10.31Shirikso do I
16:10.39Shirikand I don't have a problem with you thinking I'm a female, half the server does :P
16:10.44*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
16:10.52|Jelly|No, I'm not. But I'm way to used to people saying such things to get all riled up about it.
16:11.13Shirikshe probably doesn't know what that means ><
16:11.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
16:11.43Shirikchannel mode +b is ban :P
16:11.45zenzelezzdon't worry Cairenn, you'll always be our special girl
16:11.56Shiriknot if I don't get those posters!
16:12.15ShadowedI'm sure you can find the BlizzCon image from last year
16:12.16Cairennyou guys know damn well I'm joking
16:12.17ShirikI'll just bring a camera to blizzcon
16:12.23zenzelezzposters are a mere convenience for a warrior of my skill!
16:12.27Shirikand make my own poster
16:12.35|Jelly|yay...I was taken from my PUG [leader] [non-leader] hell...
16:12.41ShirikI consider myself to be a decent photographer, though I tend to do landscapes
16:12.50ShirikI can adapt
16:12.52Mikkseriously though, i liked pugging with my healadin
16:12.57|Jelly|me too! Can't do people to save my life.
16:12.58Mikkjust hang back and play whack-a-mole
16:13.06ShadowedPugging is great on a Rogue
16:13.14Shadowedas soon as the Warrior dies, I vanish and get out of repair bill
16:13.38Mikkif you're playing a tank or cc, you have to try and save the group from the other people's fuckups
16:13.38|Jelly|hate rogues and huntards
16:13.42|Jelly|...for that reason alone
16:13.49Mikki hate mages now too btw
16:13.53Mikkbloody invis
16:13.59|Jelly|oh yeah...forgot about them
16:14.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (n=nope@
16:14.16Garounwe had a mage that always tried to use invis to jump out of an encounter
16:14.25|Jelly|Does it make me an ass for, if it's their fault, i'll train on them before the wipe?
16:14.26ShirikIt's true that most hunters are moron
16:14.28ShadowedI remember back during the BWL days, Firemaw learning was something like
16:14.34Shirikbut there are some good ones out there >.>
16:14.36ShadowedPull Firemaw, tank gets one shotted, "EVERYONE RUN" on TS
16:14.36Garounproblem was he use to do it at the first sign of trouble
16:14.45ShadowedFollowed by 5 Rogues dancing around corpses
16:14.56Garounso we'd make sure a mob aggroed on him after he went invis, to teach him to fight to the death
16:15.13Garounhe didn't pre-invis much after I got him smacked with a valet
16:15.40Mikkthis is why you do not use misdirect for pulling
16:15.50Mikkgotta save it for invising mages and vanishing rogues
16:16.08ShirikThey took away my rank 1 arcane shot though :(
16:16.11GarounI don't mind people avoiding repair bills when we are absolutely wiping
16:16.11Shirikit used to crit for 1k
16:16.18Shiriknow it crits for 100
16:16.21*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:16.39Garounbut now when we still have a chance and that gets thrown out the window from them invising early
16:17.23ShadowedActually in TBC you have to save vanish until the very last second on bosses, so misdirect wont work
16:18.17|Jelly|omg! My computer's framerate is slow! Cog! What addons should I remove? *list* ?!? lol
16:18.47Shirikdo this
16:18.54Garounor that
16:19.04Shirika = function(a) coroutine.create(a) coroutine.resume(a, a); end a(a);
16:19.13Shirikthat will cause all your problems to go away
16:19.39Shirikoh yeah /script in front of that
16:19.39phyberGaroun: :o
16:19.40ShirikI mean
16:19.42Garounhehe phyber, nice delay :)
16:19.43Shirikdo /script a = function(a) a = coroutine.create(a) coroutine.resume(a, a); end a(a);
16:19.44wobinI actually successfully evade tanked a boss on my rogue for the first time
16:19.51phyberGaroun: was on my way home from work ;)
16:19.52wobinI was quite happy with myself for that achievement =)
16:20.22Garounyeah, I'm on my laptop, and the other name is my pc in the other room
16:20.22|Jelly|You shouldn't tell me things like that, Shirik; I'll post them...
16:20.22foxlita = function(a) b = coroutine.wrap(a); b(a); end a(a); --?
16:20.38Shirika = function(a) coroutine.wrap(a)(a) end a(a);
16:21.06Shirikyeah both what foxlit said and what I said will work :)
16:21.19Shiriktry it :D
16:21.28|Jelly|I'm good, thanks.
16:21.39Garoununinstall woudl be just effective wouldn't it
16:21.47Shirikit doesn't cause any permanent damage :P
16:22.20foxlitWell, this one time, on 2.0, I couldn't log in as my character because it was already logged in :P
16:22.23|Jelly|If you tell people to uninstall, they get all uproared about how you're a moron or an idiot however, I would imagine people would blindly input that without question. : /
16:22.27foxlitTrue story.
16:22.49Shirikit's true
16:22.50foxlitPersisted for like 15 minutes
16:23.01|Jelly|"zomg! this will fix my framerate issues?!?" yeah...
16:23.01Shirikfoxlit: That'sn ot too bad
16:23.12foxlitIt's supposed to be fixed, dammit!
16:23.16ShirikI once was stuck for about 10 hours
16:23.21Shirikbut this was before they made that stupid patch
16:23.25ShirikI wanted to know what ForceQuit() does
16:23.33|Jelly|wow... that hasn't happened to me since EQ
16:23.38Shirikso I logged on my alt, and went up to him, he's standing there in ironforge
16:23.41ShirikI wave to him
16:23.44nevcairielWhen people complain about bad performance, i tell them to remove SWS and KTM an alike, and they say "no i need it", then i generally tell them to at least try it once with the addons disabled, generally they keep them off because it really has an impact on their performance
16:23.45GarounDAOC use to have that problem
16:24.09Shiriknevcairiel: I've seen the insane amount of addon messages KTM uses
16:24.12ShirikI'm not surprised
16:24.17|Jelly|I use both SWS and KTM (I know...I fail at...everything) and don't have any issues : /
16:24.24nevcairielKTM uses onupdate polling instead of events
16:24.30Shirikoh god
16:24.33Shadowedit's better in a raid scenario
16:24.46Shirikyeah I haven't actually tried to read too much of KTM's code
16:24.53ShirikI read it for a few minutes got blinded
16:25.07ShirikI then quickly wrote RDX.ResetRaidThreat() and RDX.SetKTMTarget() and never went back to the code again
16:25.08Shadowedthe flaw in it is the fact that it doesn't turn polling off, but it's not a bad method when you have a lot of events happening at once
16:25.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
16:25.30nevcairieli had it running a while ago to actually see where our DDs generally get with their threat
16:25.34MikkShadowed: you're assuming that he does it in any way that's even remotely approaching sane
16:25.36nevcairielbut i removed it again, since i am a healer
16:25.44|Jelly|oh noes! Our tank left because...we didn't summon fast enough...
16:25.49MikkHave you seen the comparisons of KTM vs Threat?
16:25.59MikkWe're talking a scale of 20-100 times more CPU usage in KTM
16:26.06foxlitBoth should perish :(
16:26.08ShadowedCare to point out where I said he did it in a good way? ;)
16:26.19nevcairieli agree with foxlit
16:26.25nevcairielpeople should learn to play without that
16:26.37ShadowedPolling is better if implemented correctly, and it's not very hard to do either
16:26.38Shirikbtw |Jelly| bug #4
16:26.48ShirikOur very own foxlit found that one :D
16:26.57ShirikThen I spent the next hour in Visual Studio debugging it >.>
16:27.04ShadowedTurn it off after no threat messages for 10-20 seconds, problem solved
16:27.40TS|Skromwish I could fix this user's stupid outlook problem so I could start writing my addon today ><
16:27.52|Jelly|"learn to play without it" lol...I'm a holy priest, that's not a problem. I think it's funny to berate people who are below me and are dps/tanks.
16:28.02wobinIt's true
16:28.19ShadowedHealers should never need a threat meter
16:28.38Shirikwe had a healer pull threat on Vael once ^^
16:28.38nevcairieli run damage meters for harassing the stupid players =P
16:28.41|Jelly|Who says we need it?
16:28.44Shirikwell not quite pull threat, what happened was
16:28.45Shadowedthreat numbers for healing are inaccurate, and should never be an issue as long as you don't GHeal 0.1s into the fight =p
16:28.55ShadowedMT engaged, he landed a large heal before he sundered? =p
16:28.55Shirikfirst tank did his 45s run
16:29.04MikkIt's fully possible to pull aggro on Vael for a healer
16:29.11Shiriksecond tank sucked
16:29.13Mikk+heal gear, pop trinkets, spam PoH
16:29.14ShirikKanna pulled
16:29.17|Jelly|wait? what? I can't gheal while he's pulling so it hits the second he hits the mob?
16:29.28nevcairielyou can when your hunter is good
16:29.32nevcairieland misdirects
16:29.36zenzelezzI remember BWL
16:29.38Shirikthis was before 2.0 :P
16:29.41zenzelezz"STOP BUFFING"
16:29.53nevcairielon flamegore..
16:29.58Shirikthey would get mad if I even did a hunter mark
16:30.02Shirikwhile he's running in
16:30.07nevcairiel"pulling" "i need sdk" *buff* *aggro
16:30.26|Jelly|<3 "Shield me so I can pull"
16:30.32nevcairielfor english :p
16:30.34Shirikif anyone ever says that to me
16:30.41ShirikI will kick them
16:30.41ShadowedHaving the bomb hide in his corpse was fun
16:30.47Shirikor if they say to shield the tank while running in
16:30.49Shadowed"Vael has died.", *everyone runs up to corpse*, 5 people die
16:31.06Shadowedsame with Thaddius
16:31.06zenzelezzShadowed: we had a different way about it
16:31.09nevcairielwe used to nearly wipe on thaddius, yeah
16:31.13foxlitThaddius = greatest thing ever :)
16:31.15zenzelezz*Vael dies* RUN AWAY FROM CRAZY
16:31.16Shadowedeveryone tried to spread out, and 3-4 of us killed eachother trying to run
16:31.24zenzelezzCrazyannus would always try to blow up the raid afterwards
16:31.39nevcairielthaddius was mean, when your buff expired a second early, you would get hit by others with the buff
16:31.41nevcairielsucked :(
16:31.54Shadowednever had that happen
16:31.55Mikkand now we get to relive it with every heroic mecha! \o/
16:32.12nevcairielmecha was my first heroic ever
16:32.23Mikki usually go cat&dash when the boss dies
16:32.25nevcairielafterwards i was hoping that some other encounter had more changes in heroic
16:32.28Mikkalways some bugger that wants to kill meh :S
16:32.30zenzelezzI've not yet done heroic Mechanar; but I've heard about that... what does the tank do? Just stay away from everyone?
16:32.31nevcairielbut nothing
16:32.49Shadowedmech is fun cause I get to level throwing skill
16:32.50foxlitCharges on Mech?
16:32.50Mikkzenzelezz: just stand with people with equal charge
16:32.59foxlitJust two groups - one positive, one negative
16:33.11Mikkand split up as he's shooting a new charge out
16:33.15nevcairieldont even try spreading completly, you need the dmg boost =P
16:33.20nevcairielthats what we learned the first day
16:33.51Mikki usually try walking him up the stairs real slow and leave the bombs floating behind also
16:33.53Mikkrogues hate me :<
16:34.00nevcairielwe do the same
16:34.05nevcairielno dagger rogue friendly boss
16:34.08Mikkno :>
16:34.28nevcairielplus no one moves to them to share the charge
16:34.43Shadowedmutilate rogues are screwed on him
16:35.07Mikkour mut rogue actually got 2 people to stand with him
16:35.18Mikki heard him scream "BIG NUMBERS! BIG FUCKING NUMBERS!" before he went flat
16:35.26zenzelezzone of our tanks always positioned the huge Anubisath Defenders (or whatever they were called) by the entrance of AQ40 so no rogue could get behind them
16:35.55nevcairielah AQ40 .. i always hated that instance
16:35.58nevcairielaltho cthun was fun
16:36.19ShadowedI'd just run them around in circles
16:36.19zenzelezzI just wish my guild had gotten further in Naxxramas
16:36.55nevcairielwe were on the four horsemen, but never killed
16:37.30Shadowed4H were fun
16:37.37Shadowedwatching Rogues die to lady
16:38.08zenzelezzwe cleared spider wing but only took first boss in the other wings
16:38.11Shadowedkilling zeklwhatever with 2 hunters cause all the ranged sucked!
16:38.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Hallucinosis (n=Hallucin@
16:38.31nevcairieli hope we get to black temple soon
16:38.34zenzelezzthe guy with the wuss voice?
16:38.40nevcairielbut i dont think its any "soon"
16:38.44Shadowedhe's the guy who chains the holy thing
16:40.08Shiriknorton is slacking today
16:40.19ShirikI copy a virus to my computer intentionally and it's all like "ok cool"
16:40.27Shadowedpeople use Norton still?
16:40.33Shirikforced to >.>
16:40.38ShirikIf I don't have it installed I can't connect to the network
16:40.42Shirikfricking CCA
16:41.42EndClean Access?
16:41.58zenzelezzI remember our old LAN parties... copying around Eicar Tst String to shared folders
16:42.51nevcairielpasting in irc chats was fun too, on clients which instantly save logs.
16:43.58nevcairielthere was a pretty small one involving formt c: with the dont-bother-me and quick modifiers, and some other stuff, and norton would pick it up
16:44.33Endhmm, apparently I -do- have a virus scanner running on this machine
16:44.44Mikkgrats :-P
16:45.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
16:45.19Endirc is running on another machine, but for fun I pasted the string into a file locally
16:45.22Endand my file disappeared
16:46.14nevcairielhm that reminds me, i wonder if MS fixed the bug in the UTF8 handler
16:46.32zenzelezzis doing "frame.Show = function() end;" a bad way to prevent a non-interactive frame from showing?
16:47.10foxlitWell, ask yourself this question:
16:47.12Endwhat do you mean non-interactive?
16:47.25Shirikzenzelezz: Yes :P:
16:47.29ShirikWhy, what do you need to do?
16:47.37zenzelezzI'm a nub about these things, thus I ask
16:47.43Shirikfor example
16:47.49EndWhy do you want to prevent it from being shown?
16:47.49Shirikto stop the blizz party frames from showing
16:47.56ShirikI don't do PartyMemberFrame1.Show = function() end
16:47.58ShirikI do...
16:48.02zenzelezzI'm adding a cast bar, mostly copying the target frame one, but don't want the Flash and Border textures to show
16:48.04foxlitI killed by blocking show :P
16:48.17zenzelezzbut the CastingBarFrameTemplate calls Show() on them somewhere in its code
16:48.17foxlitAlso unregister events or something
16:48.31zenzelezzcan't unregister the offending event, I need the rest of the code to run
16:48.59nevcairielregister for the event and hide it again =P
16:49.00ShadowedPartyMemberFrame1:HookScript( "OnShow", function() this:OnHide(); end );
16:49.16Shirikthat would be a better solution, ya
16:49.27Shirikcan't you do this:Hide() though?
16:49.28Shadowedmines "the best"
16:49.30foxlitWatch this!
16:49.33ShadowedHide not OnHide
16:49.43foxlitPartyMemberFrame1:HookScript( "OnHide", function(self) self:Show() end );
16:49.50Shadowedmines better
16:49.51foxlitC stack overflow!
16:49.54cladhairethis == bad
16:49.57nevcairielwith self its better
16:49.59Shirikoh yeah
16:50.00Shirikthis == bad
16:50.01Shadowedbut i'm lazy
16:50.06ShirikNot this!
16:50.12nevcairielyou can even name the var this!
16:50.13cladhairethis is a global
16:50.14cladhaireself is a local
16:50.15nevcairielif you want
16:50.28cladhairesame number of letters
16:50.38Endtry setting .showCastbar to a false value
16:50.39Shadowednot if you include function(self)
16:50.57ShirikEnd: Wouldn't that result in a huge taint?
16:51.07ShirikI don't know how it's used I'm just throwing that out there
16:51.18Endcastbar doesn't do anything secure
16:51.27Shiriktrue :/
16:51.28Endit just shows a progress bar
16:51.33foxlitCastingBarFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function() end);
16:51.36Shirikit would still be insecure! :P
16:51.38ShirikI wasn't wrong
16:51.43Shirikit just doesn't matter
16:51.51EndI meant, why do you care
16:51.52ShadowedWouldn't SetScript( "OnEvent", nil ) do the same thing
16:52.03zenzelezzlike I said, I need all of the event apart from the Texture:Show()
16:52.10foxlitYes, but now I get the added overhead of a function call at no extra cost!
16:52.16foxlitMy kill-the-blizzard-party-frames-code is awesome
16:52.26Endzenzelezz: CastingBarFrame.showCastbar = false
16:52.34foxlitFeaturing such blatant hackery as:
16:52.38foxlitShowPartyFrame = function() end;
16:52.45foxlitPartyMemberFrame_UpdateMember = function() end;
16:52.46Shiriklocal fn = function() Frame:HookScript("OnEvent", fn); end Frame:SetScript("OnEvent", fn);
16:52.48ShirikI win.
16:52.50zenzelezzEnd: won't that stop *all* of the bar from showing? I only want to remove the Flash and Border
16:53.03EndI didn't realize
16:53.26Endyou could set their globals to nil I think
16:53.35Endbut I'm not sure if that is the right way
16:53.42End(or rename them would be less retarded)
16:53.46Shirikand then every time they try to do frame:Show() you get 'Attempt to index a global variable'
16:53.57Shirikattempt to index nil
16:54.02zenzelezzI seem to get a "nil" when trying to call HookScript on the texture... I may just do it the dirty way and SetTexture()
16:54.34EndShirik: are you sure about that? :P
16:54.44Shirikthink about it ;)
16:54.50Endlook at the code
16:54.55Endand then tell me to think about it
16:55.05Shirikwhat exactly are we talking about? The cast bar frame?
16:55.59foxlit<Shirik> local fn = function() Frame:HookScript("OnEvent", fn); end Frame:SetScript("OnEvent", fn);
16:56.08Shiriklike it?
16:56.11foxlitI'm not sure if that HookScript() would pick up on fn
16:56.23Shirikok change it to
16:56.26Shiriklocal fn; fn =
16:56.35Shirikbut I think it should
16:56.43ShirikI've done local recursion before I think
16:57.20End(namely, it the CastingBarFrame code is intended to work with frames -other- than CastingBarFrame, so it checks to see if Spark, Text, Flash and Icon exist for that frame name)
16:57.41zenzelezzbordertexture:SetTexture(0, 0, 0, 0); turned out to be the easiest way to solve this
16:58.14zenzelezzbut thanks for the suggestions ;)
16:58.23ShirikEnd: I just died looking at the code :(
16:58.26Shiriktoo many "this"
17:00.00cladhairethis this this this this
17:00.05cladhairedo yo use arg1 too?
17:01.10ShirikI haven't yet updated VFLEvent:NamedBind() to use locals instead of globals -_-
17:01.12Shirikthat's my next project
17:02.27Shirikcladhaire ?
17:02.30ShirikThis isn't the first time I've heard of this either
17:02.43RealShirikThis is the first time I've heard of this neither
17:03.41cladhaireShirik: do you have support for click-casting in RDX?
17:03.43cladhairei thought you had added it.
17:03.46ShirikI do
17:03.55cladhairedoes it work?
17:04.04Shirikit's worked for about 6 months now :)
17:04.17cladhairek.. so what should i say/do?
17:04.20cladhairei'm confused.
17:04.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
17:04.27ShirikI dunno ><
17:04.42TC-Workinghis question is, will they clash...will they?
17:04.45Shiriksee, I've gotten a report before that Clique doesn't like RDX, though I haven't tested it myself. Let me test first and get back to you ;)
17:04.49cladhaireI can't answer that
17:04.52cladhaireClique just works
17:04.58cladhaireit uses the stadnard for click-casting i came up with in alpha
17:05.08cladhaireso as long as it respects ClickCastFrames then we should be fine.
17:05.31Mikmaboys, just wanna have fun now
17:06.55TC-Workingdamit, now that song is stuck in my head
17:07.04cladhaireShirik: hrm?
17:07.05TC-Workingi hope your happy Mikma
17:07.15*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Shirik!n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by cladhaire (cladhaire)
17:07.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
17:07.21Shirikwhat did I do T_T
17:07.39cladhaireyou .. me =)
17:07.45TC-WorkingADMIN ABUSE!!!
17:07.49cladhairewhats ur deal
17:07.52foxlitDon't you concat cladhaire!
17:07.53Shirikit's ok, autojoin > cladhaire
17:08.01Shirlklol claddy waddy
17:08.01*** kick/#wowi-lounge [TC-Working!n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by cladhaire (admin abuse my ass)
17:08.04*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Working (n=TC-Testi@
17:08.37Shirikhow to install clique?!?!?!
17:08.52cladhaireyou download it
17:08.55cladhaireand put it in your addons directory
17:08.58ShirikI'm just messing ^^;
17:09.45Shirlkbut it's not showing up on my addon list!!!111oneoneone
17:09.58|Jelly|my addons button isn't showing up!!!
17:10.00cladhairei h8
17:10.19Shirlkdamn it
17:10.23Shirlk13:10:21  » [notice from NickServ]: Please wait 120 seconds before using REGISTER again
17:10.40Josh_Borkedon't forget Shir1k
17:10.44ShirlkI giveu p
17:10.54Shirik13:10:50  » [notice from NickServ]: This nickname is owned by someone else
17:12.16Shirikflash heal rank 1 crits for 600
17:12.27Shirikclique however overrides RDX
17:12.32Shirikwhich I guess isn't really a bad thing
17:12.43cladhaireyeah clique doesn't check
17:12.44cladhaireit should
17:13.06Shirikhowever if nothing's bound by clique it uses what RDX wants, which I think is ok :)
17:13.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
17:13.30cladhaireeven when you rebind left click, rightclick
17:13.31cladhairedoes it work?
17:14.08Shirikyou mean if I bind something in clique then change the click casting in rdx?
17:14.20cladhaireweird stuff like that
17:14.35Shirikyuck -_-
17:14.57Shirikyeah it takes the most recent >.> wonder what happens on a relog
17:15.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
17:18.26|Jelly|"12:16:58 [P]<Beenzer> guys one sec, need a 420 moment before this shit begins" <-why do people announce?
17:18.54Shirikso clique gets priority until someone changes something rdx-side, which gets handled until a relog I guess
17:19.04cladhairek k
17:19.12cladhairethey should only us eone either way
17:19.13cogwheelMaybe thinks it makes 'em look cool?
17:19.21TC-Workingdamit cog beat mne to it
17:19.28Shirikdo you think there's a place in clique I can hook to have it ignore rdx frames?
17:19.34|Jelly|Don't bring logic into this!
17:19.46cladhaireShirik: You can blacklist the frames
17:19.48cladhairebut that's a bad idea
17:19.51cladhairethe user should decide that
17:19.58cogwheel.... because they're already half-baked and forget that it's probably not the best thing to say?
17:20.00cladhaireand frankly, RDX should bow if Clique exists
17:20.07cogwheel(damn... that one's logical too :( )
17:20.17ShirikI would prefer to use clique, tbh
17:20.26cladhairewell thats what I mean
17:20.28|Jelly|Can you integrate?
17:20.28Shiriklet me rephrase that
17:20.32TC-Workingbundle clique with rdx thern
17:20.33ShirikI would prefer rdx use clique, not myself use it
17:20.37cogwheelI'd rather hear about 420 than .... other things ....
17:20.46Shiriknah, I'd like to keep it the way it is
17:20.50cladhaireShirik: the only way to do that is OptDep
17:20.56cladhairei think we're fine
17:21.26ShirikI'd like to keep it the way it is for the people that don't want to install clique, but allow RDX to "bow if clique exists"
17:21.35MikmaTC-Working: sorry bout that, i can get it out of your head easily too:
17:21.39cladhairethis is what makes sense
17:21.56ShirikVFL.conflict() can handle that :)
17:22.53|Jelly|i love mage water
17:23.08*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
17:25.26TC-WorkingMikma, thats not stiking in my head....or in other parts of me
17:25.55Mikmahmm.. then i need to find something better.
17:26.39Mikmamahadeva ain't that bad :O
17:26.59Mikmaoh now i know...
17:27.00TC-Workingit's not the's just you :)
17:27.39Mikmanow i got that one stuck in my head
17:27.55TC-Workinghmm...mahadeva is like listening to era/enigma/enya
17:27.59cogwheelI've had various TMBG songs stuck in my head for the last week or so...
17:28.05cladhaire<3 tmbg
17:28.21|Jelly|People that don't release after a wipe need to burn in hell.
17:28.29TC-Workingtmbg's retared song always gets stuck in my head
17:28.42|Jelly|Sorry. Had to get that out.
17:28.52MikmaTC-Working: the artist of Mahadeva
17:29.05cogwheelTC-Working: their not retarded ones do too :P
17:29.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Drool (
17:29.28TC-Workingno cogwheel, i mean the song 'retard'
17:30.13TC-Workingthanks Mikma, i'll take a look at that
17:30.32Shirikcladhaire: For now, selecting "nothing" under rdx configuration for click casting gives clique free reign :)
17:30.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
17:30.44cladhairethats the best decision imo
17:30.50Shiriknot really a decision :P
17:30.52Shirikit already existed
17:31.00cladhairei mean for the user
17:31.07ShirikI agree
17:31.08cogwheelit's a decision not to proceed with any further investigation :P
17:33.30TC-Workinglazy bastards
17:33.42cogwheelReal life Happosai
17:33.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
17:35.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
17:35.46Lunessa?  Can I ask a total n00b question - where exactly do I go to register?  
17:35.49kergothcladhaire, is there an official upstream source for the current version of DongleFrames?
17:35.56cogwheelLunessa: /msg nickserv help
17:36.12cladhairekergoth: there isn't.. its just kinda been thrown in two addons
17:36.20cladhaireit'll become official rather soon, however
17:36.22kergothhehe, k
17:36.25cladhaireI pushed it out before Tem was ready to have it go =)
17:36.31cladhaireits fun tho
17:36.34zenzelezzso I want to test my target castbar... and every single person around me in Aldor bank is doing nothing
17:36.43zenzelezzI ride outside Shattrath, and all the mobs do instant spells
17:36.47cogwheeltarget yourself?
17:36.51zenzelezztoo easy
17:38.10Tem|WorkI did it as a goof off session one afternoon
17:38.14kergothcladhaire, finally dropped cartographer_questobjectives in my addon set in favor of lightheaded, and the cart waypoints stuff in favor of tomtom :)  good stuff you've got there
17:38.17Tem|Workand then they started using it in addons
17:38.33cladhairekergoth: Thanks, working on cutting the compression out, and bracketing the quests by 20 level brackets to help LoD a bit more efficiently =)
17:38.40kergothah nice
17:38.55cladhaireand getting start/end npc coords, and xp/faction gains
17:39.04cladhairehave to decide how to do that, right now i'm just auto generating a "comment" for each quest
17:44.38Mikma<3 <3
17:45.02zenzelezzdoing the cast bars was disturbingly easy o_O
17:46.15ShirikRDX now defers click casting to clique :)
17:46.41zenzelezzyou just like it because it sounds French
17:50.36cogwheelexcept that clad pronounces it Click
17:50.49cladhaireI'm american
17:50.54cogwheelso am I :P
17:50.54cladhairethat's how you pronounce it =)
17:51.22cogwheelHow do you pronounce unique?
17:52.15cladhaireboth are correct
17:52.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (
17:52.25*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
17:53.22cladhaireBeladona: hai wb
17:53.22LunessaAmericans, see... we get to mangle ANY language.  It's our Divine Right
17:53.51AellaAin't dat da truf.
17:57.50TS|Skromit seems to me that if you want to trap the name of the spell that was just cast by the player then using UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT would be a way to do it but not preferred since it would fire for every cast around you...
17:58.03TS|Skromso are there other alternatives?
17:58.07cladhaireyou can filter it
17:58.08cladhaireby unitid
17:59.52TS|SkromI know I can filter what my addon does with the information but that's still a lot of events firing and my addon has to process each one (at least process arg1)
17:59.52TS|Skrombut that's not a big performance hit?
17:59.52Shirikthere are much more complex comparisons going on every second
17:59.53zenzelezzthink combat log parsers
17:59.53cogwheeland don't use arg1 :P
17:59.53TS|Skromokay cool, I think I may be over analyzing again :D
17:59.56AellaProbably. =P
17:59.57TS|Skromarg1 isn't unitid?
18:00.08cogwheelyou shouldn't use the arg globals
18:00.09Shirikif it's global it's nothing but evil :P
18:00.18Shirikbut there's nothing stopping you from naming your local arg1 >.>
18:00.23TS|Skromohhh no I was just referring to that as the first returned variable
18:00.30cogwheelgood boy :)
18:02.50LunessaIn the land of AddOns there are ancient wisdoms that should be heeded by all; Understand Garbage Collection, Don't pollute the Global Names Space; don't hook when registering for the event will do.
18:02.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
18:02.53ShadowedDoes anyone have a screenshot of the default loot window with at least 1 gold of coin on it?
18:03.11AellaWhy, text format?
18:03.41AellaYou have it for silver?
18:04.04AellaI'm 99% positive it's "1 gold 13 silver 45 copper"
18:04.21Shadowed"<num> Silver\n<num> Copper" so i assume it's just "<num> Gold\n<num> Silver\n<num> Copper" but wanted to make sure
18:04.35ShirikFound this comment... -- The shaman is the <censored> child of RDX.
18:04.46AellaIn what context?
18:04.50Shiriksince it was written initially for only one guild I guess shaman didn't exist initially
18:04.53Shirikit's a filters window
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18:05.02Shirikwhere you enable/disable certain classes from being shown
18:05.29AellaAh, of course.
18:05.48Aellacogwheel: probably because it's the only time money and items are shown as peers.
18:05.49ShirikCidan cracks me up sometimes ^^
18:06.32AellaAnd Stuff(tm) would've had to have been done to the money frame to make it look right.
18:14.38ShadowedDo they treat coins differently or something, GetLootSlotInfo is returning "" for it
18:15.03Mikkweird.. it should return the coin text
18:15.28Shadowedit does
18:15.34Shadowedbut when I enable the mod it doesn't
18:16.44Shadowedand now it does
18:18.14AellaThe plot thickens!
18:19.53TS|SkromonUpdate requres a non virtual frame though it can be hidden... right?
18:20.12Shirika frame will not receive OnUpdate if it is not shown
18:20.37Shirikhowever, what the UI considers "visible" and what a user considers "visible" are two different things
18:20.40TS|Skromokay so you make a visible frame with no anchor
18:20.45TS|Skromor no size
18:20.51Shirikor no texture
18:21.08TS|Skrom*nod* okay... jeez I hate relearning all this stuff I knew 6 months ago ><
18:21.11cogwheelf = CreateFrame("Frame")                    done
18:25.10LunessaI love how people insist that they need an AddOn for default functions.  
18:25.21|Jelly|But they do!
18:25.27TS|Skromlol such as?
18:25.34Beladonaplay the game for me! kthx
18:26.18cladhaireShirik: no.. Visible() is the exact same thing for both the user and the game
18:26.24Lunessa"Move the chat frame"  "Hide error messages"  "Hide player names"  "show guilds in the tool tip"  etc, so on and so forth...
18:26.30Shirikmm no
18:26.39Shirikif something doesn't have a texture, a player wouldn't see it
18:26.40Shirikbut it's there
18:26.45*** part/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Work (n=cheald@
18:26.55cladhairebut that's hardly a discrepancy
18:26.56zenzelezzuntil recently hiding error messages and showing guilds in tooltips did need addons
18:27.00Shirikthat's exactly what I was referring to
18:27.05cladhaireIsVisible() means the frame is shown, and all its parents are shown
18:27.19cladhaireIsShown() is where there is a clear discrepancy between the game and the real world.
18:27.29LunessaI know.  But, no one ever looks at the options.  *sigh*  
18:27.35Shirikright, but in the context of what I was saying
18:27.49Shirikhe was trying to make a frame that receives OnUpdate but the player doesn't see
18:27.55ShirikI think what I said makes perfect sense
18:28.22cladhairei just think you're statement has wider implications than necessary
18:28.36BeladonaI liked understoof better
18:31.47LunessaDoes anyone know if uiscale in can be set to less that .6?  
18:32.17Lunessathan... not that.
18:33.39cogwheeli'm pretty sure it clamps it at .64 or something
18:33.49LunessaOk.  Thanks. :D
18:38.31GarounStill haven't fixed that error with my g/fs pc cog :(
18:38.40Shirikyou can't set your cvar to anything below .64
18:38.47ShirikUIParent:SetScale() works for any value
18:39.17Garounbeen running both standard memtest and random probe for the last 15 hours, still no errors :P
18:39.20TS|Skromsomeone give me some over the top cliche sayings taht a paladin would say when healing someone
18:39.38GarounI think it's safe to say her memory is fine
18:40.25Lunessa"Out demons of stupidity!  OUT I SAY!"
18:41.24|Jelly|Wouldn't that be more of a cleanse?
18:41.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Work (
18:41.59TS|Skromcould be an exorcism
18:42.14|Jelly|Oh yeah
18:50.00Josh_BorkeShadowed: ping
18:50.09Mike-N-GoWith Cartographer, how do I turn off click thgough map? I been looking through the menu for quite a while.
18:50.13ShadowedCairenn what would it take to kick Josh_Borke
18:50.24Josh_Borkeasking teh wrong person Shadowed
18:50.31Josh_Borkeyous hould ask claddy waddy, he'd kick me in a heartbeat :-P
18:50.41Shadowedclad NEVER abuses power
18:50.58*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Josh_Borke!n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by cladhaire (cladhaire)
18:51.03Shadowedyay for clad
18:51.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (
18:51.10Josh_Borkesee, i told you
18:51.11cladhaireShadowed: PING
18:51.22Shirik13:08:06  » TC-Working was 4kicked by cladhaire ‹admin abuse my ass›
18:51.29ShirikI don't see any either >.>
18:51.39Lunessa:is blind to abuses of poer:
18:51.53Lunessa:can't type either:
18:51.54Mike-N-GoLunessa: poer?
18:52.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (
18:52.12cogwheeland apparently mute on Ws
18:52.24cogwheelLunessa: /me works like it does in wow ;)
18:55.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
18:57.04TS|Skromwell crud
18:57.23TS|Skromit seems of the four addons I made only one is still listed on curse and one on wow-interface :(
18:57.45LunessaThat puts you two up on me.
18:58.13TS|Skromwhich kinda sucks I was going to pull up the code on one of the old ones because it would help me with this new one... but I don't have it saved anywhere
18:58.29Cairennwhat do you mean only 1 is still listed on our site?  unless you asked us to delete them yourself, they are still there
18:59.30TS|Skromhrm.. I logged in as my account, click "list my interfaces" from the front page and only my heal helper is listed
18:59.46Cairennusername on the site?
18:59.47cladhairewhat were the addons called?
18:59.50TS|SkromI'm not 100% sure that I uploaded all 3 of the others to your site, but I'm pretty sure at least my totem timers made it
19:00.29TS|Skromeh, maybe not I don't know my brian is rather fuzzy on the details, but I thought for sure I had lol
19:00.50Cairennnope, you're correct, it's the only one on the site - either you never uploaded them to begin with, or you asked us to delete them
19:00.59*** part/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
19:01.02TS|Skromyeah I didn't ask to delete so I'm just going crazy XD
19:01.05TS|Skromthanks for looking :)
19:01.13*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
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19:01.17Cairennas clad said, what was the name of any of the others?
19:02.11TS|Skromthey were all labled Skrom's Totem Timers, Skrom's Heal Help and.. Master Loot Minder, oh that's right, the fourth I never uploaded anywhere it was just for my guild XD
19:02.47Cairennwell, doing an advance download search on Totem Timer, there's nothing by you
19:03.00TS|Skromoh hey I found something through google
19:03.09TS|Skromlooks like someone archived it to another site from curse
19:03.25Cairennditto on master loot
19:03.47TS|Skromyep, the master loot one was such a piece of crap, but a friend asked me to make it for him because he always forgot to set it XD
19:04.37cogwheelut oh
19:04.42cogwheelhamster casualty
19:04.46cogwheel~emulate cogwheel
19:04.57purlACTION shakes its fist at the forums...
19:05.27LunessaBring in more hamsters!
19:05.30TC-Workingpfft...that pic is just your comp sucking....
19:05.38cogwheelu wish
19:05.40TC-Workingbecause wow NEVER has ANYTHING wrong with it
19:06.21LunessaHah... time to read blogs and wired news...
19:07.18GuillotineLunessa: a rather good political blog someone linked here a while ago if you're interested:
19:07.52|Jelly|Forum Maintenance Notification whiskey tango foxtrot batman!
19:08.43AellaOh goodness... Guillotine, my head will shortly explode.
19:09.05*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
19:09.20cogwheelI'm rather partial to though it doesn't exactly classify as a blog...
19:13.42cogwheelIllillillill hurts my head
19:14.27LunessaShouldn't his name be cause for a ban?  
19:14.30|Jelly|Apparently he didn't like my idea of a name change for him.
19:16.24LunessaHis GoogleFu is weak, and so are his debate skills?
19:18.24LunessaHah. "Clean" interfaces with more buttons than my priest and more graphics on screen than world view.  
19:19.37|Jelly|I really need to work on my UI
19:20.06LunessaI won't hold your love of the Mazzle UI against you.  
19:20.21ShirikI will
19:20.24Shirikjk ^^
19:20.32|Jelly|I'm not using Mazzle anymore and due to that, I wretch every time I log in.
19:21.05Shirik~dict retch
19:24.27*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
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19:30.44TC-WorkingRead then follow the link
19:30.56Guillotineanybody still have the link to that video of the Mode7 3d instance map thing?
19:33.28MikmaTC-Working: phoenix mount, some sites say it costs 10.000g
19:34.08GuillotineJosh_Borke: ah, thanks for the name. found the video :)
19:34.09Punkie`Mikma: gogo check mmo-champion
19:34.48MikmaPunkie`: meh, too tired to open new page in browser xD
19:35.12GuillotineI so want that addon to be able to see how he did it XD
19:35.47Josh_BorkeGuillotine: look up GraphLib on wowace
19:36.39LunessaWow... It's like playing Descent in '92 all over again.  
19:36.42TC-WorkingMikma, i was more refering to the fact that nethaera said that it was there but the link ends in 'item not found'
19:37.01GuillotineTC: thottbot removed it
19:37.07Guillotineit used to be the phoenix mount link
19:37.32TC-Workingok, ok, nvm all it was an attempt at a failed...i got it
19:37.39Punkie`well from mmo-champion: Easy, they dropped the Ashes of Al'ar , the phoenix mount is now confirmed to be a drop from Kael'thas.
19:37.56MikmaTC-Working: ok, thottbot ass and fail
19:44.07*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
19:48.02TS|Skromif you do for k,v in pairs(tbl) and v is also a table, can you do getn( v) to get the number of elements for v?
19:48.27AellaDo #v, and yes, if it's a list (ordered).
19:48.51Aella# is the size operator, getn is deprecated.
19:49.10TS|Skromso y=#v for example
19:49.25Guillotinereally? I was under the impression it was either/or. Guess I better start switching my getn over to # :)
19:49.29TS|Skromneat, thanks
19:50.02TS|Skromwish I had my laptop with me, I think it's functional but no way to test it at work lol
19:50.05Shirikgetn is definitely deprecated
19:52.16AellaAnd of course, the FrameXML code still uses it. =P
19:52.16Punkie`Does anyone know why my new laptop won't read the UDF DVD-R backup disks i made? :(
19:57.01TS|Skromerm.. question, I switched my getn(v) to #v and now I get a compile error, do I need to update my luaedit or just live with it?
19:58.03cogwheel|workyou need to be using lua 5.1
19:58.24cogwheel|workI recommend :P
19:58.40*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
19:59.16TS|Skromlooks like it's time to change LuaEdit doesn't seem to have anything newer then 3.0.2 which is 5.0
20:00.59cogwheel|worka) because it's compiled with the same 5.0 compatibility options as WoW (read: none), b) it has the same GC settings as WoW, c) it reproduces some C functions that are unique to WoW (strsplit, strtrim, strjoin & strconcat), d) it has global aliases to the standard library functions like WoW, and e) I put it together :>
20:02.17cogwheel|workas far as editors go, I recommend SciTE-WoWInterface or Notepad++
20:04.05|Jelly|seconded on SciTE
20:04.45cladhairedo battlegrounds have Zone and Continent information?
20:07.08AellaMeaning what? In the world map?
20:07.24cladhairemeaning as far as API goes.
20:07.34AellaThey act just like instances, AFAIK.
20:08.15ShirikSciTE is ftw
20:08.19Shirikbut we need it updated for 2.0 :(
20:08.42ThraeVIM is FTSW!
20:09.02cladhaireShirik: feel free =)
20:09.06cladhairethere are new packages
20:09.08ShirikI started on it
20:09.09cladhaireeasier to distribute
20:09.17Shirikthen I wanted to beat my head against the wall
20:09.37cladhaireit was easier when the wiki wasn't a cesspool of outdated information
20:11.01*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
20:14.24cogwheel|workI've never much cared for wikis
20:14.47LunessaI like the idea in theory, but in practice ...
20:15.07Endwait, what?
20:15.10OsagasuFOR WAFFLES!
20:15.16AellaOk, just figured out how I'm gonna make my million.
20:15.22Shirikoff waffles?
20:15.34LunessaThis is madness! No, THIS IS WIKI!
20:15.40|Jelly|Wait. A million waffles? Can I have like...3?
20:15.45OsagasuOne o'the Boyz!
20:16.18amrowow, you guys win the offtopic award
20:16.54cladhaireyou know
20:17.02Shirik|Showeryes I do
20:20.19AellaAnd no, I don't have a million waffles.
20:20.26*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
20:20.42LunessaNow I want waffles.  
20:20.48AellaTOO BAD
20:21.03OsagasuClean!  Purge! Kill!
20:21.26|Jelly|Off-TopicYou don't have a million waffles? Why not? *cry*
20:22.35|Jelly|Stranger Danger!
20:23.07Mikma <- rofl
20:23.51*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom (n=TS|
20:24.54LunessaMikma, why ROFL?  Did I miss the joke?  
20:25.18MikmaLunessa: the title, the "requirements" ...
20:25.30cladhairethe entire post is a joke
20:25.36cladhaireexcept not really =)
20:25.57Mikmai was just about to say that the whole guy is a joke but clad said it that way :D
20:25.58OsagasuSounds like she wants sRaidframes and kin.
20:26.26Lunessasounds like they're just a jerk.  
20:26.49LunessaA priest who thinks 'healing is for hybrids"
20:27.41Mikmalet's see the talents
20:27.47Osagasuthat's unfortunately the case in the game as is
20:27.49Mikmaor, not.
20:27.58Mikma"Error Encountered"
20:28.44AellaEek! Few live to survive an encounter with the fearsome Error.
20:28.58LunessaBah.  Preist R 4 hael!  
20:30.25|Jelly|Pre 70 (and 2.1 I suppose) I was replaced by paladins all the time
20:31.28LunessaI do just fine.  I also make Paladins heal too - so I'm not the only person getting tagged for heroics, raids, and new places.  
20:31.58|Jelly|Well. I'm holy now. 8P
20:32.32Lunessa31 Disc/ 30 Holy / 0 Shadow.  *shrug*  
20:32.51TC-Working0/0/56 for me
20:32.55|Jelly|23/38 Cookie Cutter!
20:33.15TC-Workingerr...0/0/66 for me
20:33.36TC-Workingerr...0/0/56 for me
20:33.37TC-Workingdamit by brain sucks
20:33.37Josh_Borkeall shadow baby
20:34.40|Jelly|I miss shadow.
20:34.47|Jelly|I don't miss being called "mana battery"
20:34.48LunessaShadow is fun, but I built with being a healer in mind, and group support.  If I was going to do another priest, I might do an undead or blood elf shadow preist.  
20:34.56Lunessapriest even.  
20:35.24LunessaI'm out of character slots on my server though.  
20:36.22*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
20:36.22TC-Workingoff healer with
20:36.41*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
20:41.27LunessaI've played every class since the game came out.   I made the priest last.  But I did a healing druid, a feral druid, a resto shaman, an enhancement shaman, and a pladin for a while too.  
20:41.44LunessaI must say lots of DPS makes soloing very easy. :D
20:42.55Industrial1-60 is boring, i cant do it :<
20:42.58Industrial70, even
20:43.07Industrialplaying since 05, not one level 60
20:43.21Industriali just cant :<
20:43.35*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
20:43.37Lunessa2 level 70s, a 63, a 61, and a bunch pre-50.
20:43.46Industrialmaek me one
20:43.51Industrialim too poor to pay you, hah.
20:44.21LunessaHah.  I don't have enough time to level all my alts and you want me to do it for you for free?  
20:44.41nymbiaterrible Industrial !
20:44.58LunessaGet Nymbia to do it.  
20:45.04Industrialnymbia: do eeeeet
20:45.06nymbianaw, i can't do alts :(
20:45.16Industrialwell, it'd be a main
20:45.30LunessaHah... We used to roll on the same server Nymbia... I just got sick of the ganking.  
20:45.47nymbiagot my level 60 back in '04 then pushed it to 70 in a couple days after the expansion... but i can't do the alts thing, they never make it past 20
20:46.15Industriali have one 40 now
20:46.25nymbiaLunessa: cool :)
20:46.31Industrial2 24's, 2 13's :P I have deleted _alot_ of chars.
20:46.56Industrialand have pokes at the interface while doing it, ofcourse
20:47.14Industrialbet id love the game at 70 :<
20:47.19Industrialespecially pvp
20:47.21LunessaSometimes I think modding/hacking the interface is the coolest meta-game.  
20:47.24jmeit's one big rep grind
20:51.04nymbiai think they did pretty good with endgame at 70 this time around
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20:51.20jmei wasn't around to experience the endgame at 60 :(
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20:51.59cogwheel|workI only got a couple month's worth of level 60 endgame... Pretty much just got most of felheart and that was it...
20:52.31nymbia60 it was just 'go do molten core and onyxia!', now there's 10 man raids, 25 man raids, heroics, some cool solo-ish stuff, and arenas (<3)
20:53.18jmei've been wanting to go back and do the old raids just for the experience
20:53.25LunessaFunny enough, I never saw the inside of BWL, but I did do a bit og ZG, MC, Ony, and AQ 20/40.  I'm not a 'raider' by nature, so the 10/25 man stuff in TBC really appeals to me.
20:53.27cogwheel|workkara is the new UBRS
20:53.43nymbiabwl and naxx were cool, mc and aq were pretty painful
20:54.05TC-Workingsweet, Parallels 3.0 can use dx & openGL
20:54.25AellaThat'll be nice, wonder what the benchmarks will look like...
20:54.28jmei knew they were adding opengl support
20:54.31LunessaYes, yes it can. :D
20:55.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
20:55.26LunessaI got attuned for everything, but didn't go into BWL until after TBC came out... just to see it and get killed in the first room. :)
20:56.17AellaSomeone else notice something wrong with the phrase "Let's all get the hell out of these mainstream operating systems"?
20:56.46jmei still lack BM to get attuned with kara
20:57.00LunessaLike --- what's wrong with mainstream, supported, and commerically viable O/Ss?
20:57.23AellaNo, if we "all" get out of the "mainstream" ones, we'll just go into another one and there'll be a new "mainstream."
20:57.44TC-Workingunless everyone is wildly divergent and many small ones poip up
20:57.52LunessaHeh, mainstream is what the 'mainstream' is doing.  
20:57.58TC-WorkingNote: i cant spell nor type
20:58.01Thrae"We are a group of non-conformists! We don't conform to anything!" "Yeah, that's right!"
20:58.05LunessaSo, who's moving to Be then?  
20:59.32Lunessa"You should all think for yourselves!"  ...
20:59.37FinEnglish teacher is explaining to a class about how two negatives can mean something positive...
20:59.42Lunessa"F__K NO!"
21:00.03FinShe explains to the class that, however, two positives can't make something negative...
21:00.14Fin... kid at the back of the class: "Yeah, right"
21:00.33AellaThough he's wrong, it's funny. =P
21:01.16LunessaWait, you mean the Rolling Stones got it all wrong, and I can get "no statisfaction"?  
21:01.40*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
21:01.59Finthey were indeed gramattically incorrect
21:04.25*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
21:06.02Finbut still right on
21:07.37Laricin violation there seems to be a problem with syncing damage done... it syncs everything else.. any other violation user is invisible on the damage done
21:08.05Laricoops wrong chan
21:08.07TecnoBratLaric, wowace would be a good spot
21:08.13TecnoBratnm :P
21:10.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Soulless (n=Fridgid@
21:10.15Industriallooking for a speed leveler that wants to roll an alt =D
21:10.30Shadowedweren't you leveling with someone
21:10.57Industrialyeah mikma, twice
21:10.59ShadowedMikma fails?
21:11.08Industrialnot really
21:11.46LunessaIndustrial fails?
21:12.11Industriali think we've established that
21:12.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Work (n=cheald@
21:13.09LunessaWrite more code!
21:13.25TC-Workingyes, more code
21:13.42Industrialfine what code
21:13.56TC-Workingwrite me a mod, and be snappy about it
21:14.41Shirik|FoodingIndustrial: Write them a mod
21:14.49Shirik|Foodingit shall, on PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD
21:15.13Shirik|Foodingfor k,v in pairs(_G) do _G[k] = nil; end
21:15.38AellaI'm trying that. Right now.
21:17.23TC-Workingdamit, i want to be home playing games and buging people
21:17.26AellaThat's AWESOME
21:17.50Garoun|Loupanagrr 500 rep to go for my Earthwarden
21:17.57Garoun|Loupanatime to solo the neutral guys
21:18.10AellaBest way to throw an irrecoverable error ever.
21:19.11AellaI can't get over how cool that is.
21:19.48Shadowedeasier one
21:19.52Shadowed/script WorldFrame:Hide()
21:19.58AellaNot *nearly* as cool.
21:20.38AellaThough a combo of both would be pretty rockin'.
21:20.56AellaStill, having everything on your interface and all interaction with the game world cease instantly?
21:23.58AellaHmm, I wonder what kind of errors that remove-global-environment would be throwing if it could…
21:24.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
21:25.01AellaShirik|Ecole, that has my vote as the best one-line way to kill a WoW session.
21:25.28Shirik|Ecolenah, a = function(a) coroutine.wrap(a)(a) end; a(a)
21:25.30Shirik|Ecoleis so much faster
21:25.42AellaBut it's not nearly as classy as having everything stop working simultaneous.
21:25.42Shirik|Ecolebut if they update lua it won't work anymore :(
21:25.47Aella* simultaneously
21:26.37AellaI mean seriously, for a few seconds after pressing that I was in the same mode as I would be while trying to move while the chat box is up.
21:27.25Shirik|EcoleI say
21:27.30Shirik|Ecolethis is what addon authors deserve
21:27.35Shirik|Ecolefor polluting the global namespace
21:27.42Shirik|Ecoleif they used locals, that wouldn't cause any trouble at all
21:27.52AellaThat was all FrameXML, though =P
21:28.08Shirik|Ecoleyeah well FrameXML is flooded with "this" everywhere too :P
21:28.45AellaThough it would cause trouble even if locals were commonly used.
21:29.55Shirik|Ecoleyeah the lack of APIs would kinda suck
21:30.27Shirik|Ecole"tropical storm headed straight for northern florida, which is pretty good news"
21:30.29Shirik|EcoleYeah, great news
21:30.37Shirik|EcoleI hate CNN
21:30.39AellaThe best thing about wacking out the global namespace is you can't see any errors.
21:30.55AellaAre you in northern Florida or something?
21:31.01*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
21:32.22Shirik|Ecolewell, semi-northern
21:32.27Shirik|Ecolenorthern enough to be affected
21:33.23|Jelly|So are you going to cowboy up and make fun of the storm while TROLLING the UI forums? 8P
21:33.43AellaDon't scare me like that.
21:34.11Shirik|Ecole"cowboy up" ?
21:35.40Shirik|Ecolehurricanes aren't as big of a deal as most people think
21:35.50Shirik|Ecolebecause all you ever see on the news is things like katrina, etc.,
21:36.21Shirik|Ecolebut yeah, knowing my school
21:36.24|Jelly|Never been in a hurricane but I have been in a couple tornadoes. (No, I don't live in a trailer park)
21:36.27Shirik|Ecolethe internet will go down during the storm
21:36.54zenzelezz|Jelly|: not anymore anyway
21:37.18|Jelly|That hurts.
21:37.26LunessaEarthquakes are NBD too.  Usually.
21:39.00Shirik|EcoleI remember when Iriel says in here "Ooh, earthquate"
21:39.02Shirik|Ecolewe all overreacted
21:39.17Shirik|Ecoleand he laughed at us
21:39.59LunessaHeh, grew up with them.  Not so spooky until they are really big.
21:41.46|Jelly|I would imagine the ground shaking would be a weird experience to get used to.
21:42.38AellaDoubt it's any weirder than snow falling from the sky.
21:43.04Shirik|Ecoleyou've gotten used to moving at about 1000 miles per hour
21:43.21Shirik|EcoleI'm sure it shouldn't be too hard to get used to a few extra meters per second
21:43.28|Jelly|Snow is pretty weird. We get what people call "snow" which is really "sleet."
21:44.32|Jelly|And Shirik...I know what you're talking about but really... did you have to one-up us all by a LOT?
21:44.46Shirik|EcoleI could have bothered to ask where you were
21:44.50Industrialyes Shirik|Ecole .
21:44.51|Jelly|Hey look. weather!
21:45.00|Jelly|"No...screw you! EARTH!!!
21:45.01Shirik|Ecolethen I could do 1000 * cos(latitude)
21:45.07Shirik|Ecoleand that would be the actual speed
21:45.16*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
21:45.17AellaIs 1,000 really the most accurate figure you can come up with?
21:45.27Shirik|Ecoleok fine
21:45.32|Jelly|Ut Oh
21:45.40|Jelly|I think you opened something there, Aella.
21:45.57Shirik|Ecole24,859.82 / 24 * cos(latitude)
21:45.58Aellassh, once he gets overexcited the drugs will kick in and I'll steal his kidney
21:46.11AellaOnly two decimal places?
21:46.18Shirik|Ecolefind me a more accurate reading :P
21:46.46Shirik|Ecole24,901.55 / 24 * cos(latitude)
21:48.11|Jelly|Well. The first few pages on google failed. You win, Shirik...although I'm not happy about it.
21:48.20Shirik|EcoleI always win.
21:48.27AellaI still get a kidney out of the deal.
21:48.42Aella"S'long as we got the goods, I call dis a win."
21:49.38|Jelly|Question: (And I figure I know the answer) Is RDX pointless unless...everyone in the raid has it? (No, I haven't been to the site in forever...sorry)
21:49.45AellaNot quite pointless.
21:50.41AellaIt's got raid frames and stuff...
21:50.42Shirik|Ecolethough it can't do everything you'd probably want it to
21:50.45|Jelly|Well. If anyone saw a recent cap of my UI, they'll understand why I'm looking into different things and I figured I might give it a shot. But currently, I'm raiding with other guilds so I can't be like "ZOMG! You have to have this addon!"
21:50.52Shirik|EcoleI use it to heal, which doesn't need anyone to have it
21:51.18*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (
21:51.23Shirik|Ecolehowever things like
21:51.28Shirik|EcoleSS cooldown check, for example
21:51.32Shirik|Ecoledoesn't work unless the warlocks have it
21:51.43|Jelly|Is it better than Healbot? Because I <3 that and don't have to change my bindings (so to speak) like Clique+Grid
21:51.48Shirik|EcoleI've never used healbot nor grid
21:51.57Shirik|Ecolethough based on my understanding of grid, it is the same thing
21:51.58|Jelly|Yeah. That was a stupid question.
21:52.05Shirik|Ecolewith one exception
21:52.10Shirik|Ecolewe did it months before they did :P
21:52.22|Jelly|Does it use the raid frames or does it create it's own frames?
21:52.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Work (n=cheald@
21:52.29Shirik|Ecoleit creates its own
21:52.33Shirik|Ecolethe frames are fully customizable
21:52.42Shirik|EcoleI actually have three sets of raid frames
21:52.46|Jelly|Might have to give it a show tonight in Kara.
21:52.48Shirik|Ecolebut I like information overload
21:52.51|Jelly|me too
21:53.05AellaWhy *three* sets?
21:53.10Shirik|Ecolewhoops that's developer documentation
21:53.14|Jelly|(I know you're against them) People wonder why I use DM, SWS and Recap.
21:53.55Shirik|EcoleAella: my main frame set is main healing (left click is max rank greater heal, shift left click target, mid click renew, shift mid click binding heal, right click flash heal, shift right click pw:s)
21:54.07Shirik|EcoleI have an efficiency set which is essentially the same thing but lower rank
21:54.16clad|dinneryour mom has an efficiency set
21:54.19Shirik|Ecoleand then a debuffs set which is left click to dispel, right click abolosh disease
21:54.36Shirik|Ecolebut, I know a lot of people that have it compressed into one set
21:54.50AellaWhy can't that just be three parts of the same frame, or something? (Of course, I haven't seen that UI, so maybe just "three sets of raid frames" is scaring me.)
21:54.54Shirik|Ecolealso when I'm leading I'll have another set which is only druids/paladins/priests
21:55.01Shirik|Ecoleto show mana
21:55.04Shirik|EcoleAella: It can
21:55.08Shirik|EcoleI just don't
21:55.16|Jelly|Yeah Shirik. We need a screenshot!
21:55.20Shirik|Ecolemy screenshots suck
21:55.24Shirik|Ecoleso do Cidan's
21:55.36|Jelly|Something that makes me GRRRR at every raid frame I've EVER used
21:56.47Aella|Jelly|: somehow that GRRRR made me giggle out loud.,'
21:56.47|Jelly|Can you configure where in the world everything is OUTSIDE of a raid? (for instance, class frames/group frames etc)
21:56.47AellaJust pictured a dog with his hackles up, growling at CT_RA.
21:56.47Shirik|EcoleI do
21:56.47|Jelly|If all this is in the Wiki, you can tell me to RTFM...I just wanted to pick your brain while you're here.
21:56.51Shirik|Ecoleno please don't RTFM
21:56.51Shirik|Ecoleit sucks
21:56.56*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
21:57.00Shirik|EcoleWe're really lazy with documentation
21:57.07Shirik|Ecolethe only documentation that's been written is ones that we need
21:57.07cladhaireShirik|Ecole: Did you get my PMs earlier?
21:57.08AellaIn this case, the F in RTFM is descriptive?
21:57.10Shirik|Ecolesuch as
21:57.14Shirik|Ecolecladhaire: how earlier?
21:57.20cladhairewhen you were showering.
21:57.23Shirik|Ecoleprobably not :(
21:57.28Shirik|EcoleI went straight from shower to eat
21:57.29cladhairebullshit says i
21:57.32Shirik|Ecolewithout checking the computer
21:57.42|Jelly|Well. Regardless, I need to go clean up the house and what not...then I'll give it a shot. If all else fails, I still have Healbot and sRaidFrames in LoadIt.
21:57.51Shirik|EcoleI would...
21:58.05Shirik|Ecolethe sucky part is that clique doesn't really like RDX
21:58.08Shirik|Ecoleand I know you use that
21:58.23|Jelly|cleaningGMe? *confused*
21:58.30Shirik|Ecoledidn't you say you did?
21:58.45|Jelly|cleaningGNo (No offense) but I'm not a fan of clique.
21:58.52cladhaireWhy not?
21:58.56Shirik|Ecolepoor cladhaire :(
21:58.58|Jelly|cleaningGProbably because I haven't *really* looked into it. (My own fault)
21:59.11cladhairethere are videos, extensive documentation, and extremely good screenshots.
21:59.16cladhaireso I can't put anythign more out there than that.
21:59.26cladhairethe mod takes two seconds to learn how to use it.
21:59.27Shirik|Ecoleit's pretty cool, from what I can tell, though I haven't tried it myself
21:59.42EndI wouldn't say I'm a fan, but I'm not not a fan either :P
21:59.51AellaI have to admit, the screenshots of Clique I've seen are approaching a high sexiness factor.
21:59.56|Jelly|cleaningGi've never needed it...
22:00.00AellaBut I'm just biased towards the aqua radio buttons.
22:00.08cladhairewell if you use Healbot.
22:00.16cladhairethat shit is awful
22:00.17cladhairealways has been
22:00.19cladhairenot to talk shit
22:00.19Shirik|Ecoleor if you use RDX
22:00.23cladhairebut *shrug*
22:00.33cladhairehealbot is designed to make you a lazy healer
22:00.35Shirik|Ecoleand hopefully cladhaire thinks RDX ~= healbot
22:00.36cladhairethen when blizzard nerfed it
22:00.41cladhairecause the game wasn't supposed to be played like that
22:00.48cladhairethey re-did clique
22:00.54|Jelly|cleaningGUmm. I guess I got in afterwards?
22:00.56cladhairecompetition is fine
22:01.03cladhairebut healbot has absolutely nothing on clique.
22:01.22TC-Workingkeep shruging that much and your arms are going to fall off
22:01.24|Jelly|cleaningSo apparently that wasn't the right shit to say.
22:01.38Shirik|Ecolenah, cladhaire
22:01.43Shirik|Ecolecladhaire's just rambling :P
22:01.53Shirik|Ecolehopefully not offended :(
22:02.02cladhairenot by you
22:02.12cladhaireHealbot is fine if you want a seperate set of unit frames to click-cast on
22:02.13cladhairethat's fine
22:02.17cladhairethat's not what Clique is.
22:02.27|Jelly|cleaningThat's what I like about it more than anything, really.
22:02.41cladhairethen go nuts
22:02.41EndThat is a neat thing about works almost everywhere...
22:02.45cladhairebut don't say you "dont like clique"
22:02.50cladhaireunless you can back it up
22:02.53cladhairecause I'll make you back it up =)
22:03.06AellaLook! A fuzzy bunny!
22:03.20ShadowedClique sucks
22:03.23Shadowedthe UI is fugly
22:03.30EndShadowed eats babies
22:03.30Shirik|EcoleShadowed's trying to get kicked imo
22:03.47TC-Workingbeen there, done that
22:03.57|Jelly|cleaning"Healbot is fine if you want a ***seperate set of unit frames*** to click-cast on" Put an option in Clique for that, and I promise I'll change.
22:04.11AellaSeparate from what?
22:04.12cladhaireclique isn't unit frames
22:04.18|Jelly|cleaningThere ya go.
22:04.19cladhaireand almost every single set of unit frames that exists works with it
22:04.21cladhairemods should do _one_ thing
22:04.22cladhairemine does
22:04.23cladhaireand it does it well
22:04.27cladhaireagain, *shrug8
22:04.35Shirik|Ecole8 shrugs at once!
22:04.42cladhaireindeed =)
22:04.45TainNo Clique no peace!
22:05.02Endclique is clicking :P
22:05.10cladhaireClique and Healbot have nothing to do with each other, this is the point.. So comparing them is pointless.
22:05.10|Jelly|cleaningSo yeah. I'm going to go clean up so apparently, I wont piss off Clad anymore.
22:05.16cladhairei'm not pissed
22:05.26cladhaireyou'd know if i was pissed :P
22:05.26AellaUm, fuzzy bunnies!
22:05.36Shadowedclad is pissed when he starts using caps
22:05.44ShadowedThrae is an expert at getting him to that point
22:06.00krkacladhaire. word!
22:06.03Shirik|EcoleI dare say I've never seen cladhaire pissed
22:06.23TainNah getting clad pissed is easy.  Just spoil the new Heroes episode before he watches. ;)
22:06.36ShadowedIt's not complicated
22:06.40ShadowedThey save the day
22:06.46Shadowedsome of the heroes die
22:06.47ShadowedTHE END
22:06.50krkaooh... only a few days till the next heroes ep
22:07.05Shirik|EcoleI don't even see the purpose of that stupid show
22:07.14cladhaireits entertainment?
22:07.14ShadowedI don't see the purpose in any of them
22:07.15krkathe purpose is entertainment
22:07.18Shirik|Ecolethen again I don't watch tv in general
22:07.22cladhairewhats not to understand?
22:07.24Shadowedobviously i'm a bit jaded
22:07.31krkai dont see the purpose of YOU
22:07.40EndI don't see the purpose of your FACE
22:07.46Shirik|EcoleFuturama > Heroes
22:08.05krkayeah... those are really comparable
22:08.08cladhairehi mr. unrelated comparison
22:08.10cladhairemy name is clad!
22:08.22Shirik|EcoleLua has it, so should RL
22:08.27krkamoons orbit > worms in apples
22:08.44cladhairekrka: you are CLEARLY shortchanging the worms.
22:08.44krkasee, that's another useful comparison
22:08.45AellaOnly string <-> number, though. =P
22:08.52cladhairemy worms are armageddon worms
22:08.54cladhairethey have bazooka
22:09.04Shirik|Ecoleyou can use a metatable
22:09.22AellaGeez, I'd love to add a few metamethods to life.
22:09.36Shirik|Ecolefuturama, heroes = {}, {}; setmetatable(futurama, {__lt = function() return false; end}); return futurama < heroes;
22:10.01krkaboth tables must have the same metatable
22:10.10krkai think
22:10.14Shadowedthey aren't local either
22:10.15AellaSame metamethod, actually.
22:10.29krkaisn't that what i said aella?
22:10.37AellaMetatable ~= metamethod.
22:10.40Shirik|Ecolenah you said metatable
22:10.46cladhairetrue story
22:10.46krkaah right
22:11.02krkagood point, they could use different tables that refers to the same function
22:11.12krkai admit defeat
22:11.19Aellagg no re k thx bye
22:11.37Aella*shakes himself*
22:11.41Shirik|Ecole"eq": the == operation. The function getcomphandler defines how Lua chooses a metamethod for comparison operators. A metamethod only is selected when both objects being compared have the same type and the same metamethod for the selected operation.
22:11.44AellaOkay, I need some mouthwash on my fingers.
22:12.09Shirik|Ecoleok fine
22:12.59Shirik|Ecolemt = {__lt = function(t1, t2) if t1 == futurama then return false; else return true; end}; futurama, heroes = setmetatable({}, mt), setmetatable({}, mt); return futurama < heroes;
22:13.31krkapersonally i'd do this:
22:13.33Shirik|Ecoleforgot an end
22:13.34Shirik|EcoleI give up
22:13.34kergoths/if t1 == futurama then return false; else return true; end/return t1 ~= "futurama"/
22:13.55krkalocal futurama, heroes = "futurama", "heroes"; return futurama < heroes :)
22:13.56Shirik|Ecoleno quotes :P
22:14.05Shirik|Ecolefine :P
22:15.17TainI HAZ A HEROES IZ "futurama"
22:15.45AellaI thought it was just "I HAS" =P
22:15.49LunessaHeros > Futurama
22:16.15Shirik|EcoleI thought it was I HAS A
22:16.20Shadowedyou guys fail
22:16.30LunessaI HAZ A FLAVOR
22:16.33ShadowedOh it is I HAS
22:16.54Shirik|EcoleI HAS A <var> ITZ ...
22:17.24krkastop. you'll make blizzard abandon lua in favor of lolcode
22:17.44TainI wish!
22:17.53zenzelezzI've been saying "I can has [...]" all the time
22:18.01Shirik|EcoleI HAS A Show IN MAH Frame ITZ function() ... end
22:18.24Shirik|EcoleI HAS A SetAttribute IN MAH SecureUnitFrame ITZ function() ... end
22:18.27Shirik|Ecoleoh fun times
22:18.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (
22:18.56AellaI HAS A isn't assignment, though—it's a variable declaration, right?
22:19.05KarlThePaganI propose that wow addons be implemented in Mindfuck instead of lolcode
22:19.19Shirik|Ecoleit's declaration
22:19.21KarlThePaganAella, but assignment and declaration are the same in lua
22:19.23Shirik|Ecole"ITZ ..." is initialization
22:19.33AellaLocal variable assignment, then.
22:19.34KarlThePaganor... well depend
22:19.49KarlThePaganyea duh
22:19.53KarlThePaganbah too many langs
22:19.53krkaKarlThePagan: not really
22:20.00KarlThePaganyea yea i realized it was dumb
22:20.12KarlThePagani should communicate only in code
22:20.18Shirik|EcoleI can do that
22:20.25Shirik|EcoleDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Hi KarlThePagan");
22:20.39Aellaprint("please, assume we're not in WoW")
22:20.53Shirik|Ecoleerror("WoW environment required")
22:21.06Aellaprint("This is really the easy way out, though")
22:21.08TC-Workingis anyone in #lolcode?
22:21.35Aellaplease(assume(not self:in(WorldOfWarcraft)))
22:22.00Shirik|Ecolefor _, name in pairs(users_in_channel) do if UnitIsInChannel(name, "#lolcode") then print(name .. " is!"); end end
22:22.14krkai wonder if you could implement lolcode syntax to lua by using token filters
22:22.22TC-Workinglol tem, are you stalking me
22:22.26cladhairekrka: Yes, I think you can
22:22.37krkajust a matter of time before someone does
22:22.48cladhairemeh, i'm not sure that's the lua communities "thing
22:22.51TemTC-Working, no, I just find that 'project' to be extremely humorous
22:22.52cladhairequite the contrary actually
22:22.55AellaHmm, I should rewrite that.
22:22.56krkathat would probably make it the most useful esoteric language O_o
22:23.03cladhairewe're kinda stuffy
22:23.17TC-Workingfor some reason they also have ##lolcode
22:23.18cladhairethe lua community
22:23.29TC-Working"We might just split from freenode tradition and keep #LOLCODE open for chat always, and use the second for developer chat and meetings, but that all remains to be seen. Hope to see you there!"
22:23.51Aellalocal f = function() assert(not WoW:Contains(user)) end; pcall(f);
22:24.13Shirik|Ecolethat wouldn't do anything :P
22:24.19Shirik|Ecoleyou're asserting from within a pcall
22:24.27Shirik|Ecolewhat happens if the assertion fails?
22:24.45cladhaireaye, exceptinos are useless if you dont' catch them =)
22:24.54TainI take exception to that.
22:24.57AellaThen I told you "assume we're in WoW" and you didn't, but since I said "please" I don't care.
22:25.04cladhaireTain: you would!
22:25.10AellaOr something >.>
22:25.11Shirik|Ecolepcall = please?
22:25.17AellaYeah <.<
22:25.23TainYou should have asserted it then, clad!
22:25.25AellaLike a try with no catch.
22:25.29*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Working (n=TC-Testi@
22:25.30cladhaireTain: I prefer to throw errors
22:25.36cladhaireno possibility of passing =)
22:25.56Shirik|Ecoleaye, I like thrown errors too
22:26.12Shirik|EcoleI especially hate using a return value to indicate an error
22:26.27AellaI kinda like the nil, "error" paradigm for non-fatal errors
22:26.35AellaSo easy to make it fatal.
22:26.35cladhaireaye, it is nice at times.
22:27.16krkawould be nice to hav something like this:
22:27.20TainSo on a totally unrelated note.  I bought a new vehicle.
22:27.33krkapcall("division by zero", f, x)
22:27.54krkabasically just match the error and dont catch if it doesnt match
22:28.03krkayou could add that feature yourself though
22:28.06Shirik|Ecoleanyway I have to go pick up my dad now so
22:28.06AellaMake a wrapper! =P
22:28.07Tain'07 Mazda CX-7
22:28.09Shirik|Ecolesee you all in a bit :p
22:28.13AellaSee ya.
22:28.27krkaAella: yeah, that's what you'd have to do
22:28.37krkabut you'd lose the stack trace by rethrowing
22:28.49cladhaireyou already give up the function name
22:28.52cladhairewhich blows =(
22:28.52AellaI also don't like that it does string matching.
22:29.28AellaCould you do it with xpcall?
22:29.34AellaSuppose that'd lose the stack too.
22:29.42cladhairethe stack is different from the function name
22:29.51cladhairewhen you call a function by some identifier other than the one its defined with
22:29.55cladhaireyou lose the name of the function
22:30.22cladhairei.e. function poo() error("blah") end local succ, err = pcall(poo)
22:30.28cladhaireerr won't have "poo" as the functino name
22:30.31cladhairebut filename:line
22:30.51cladhairesucks =(
22:30.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Ins- (
22:32.25cladhairewtb fishing bot
22:32.47Lunessakill me now
22:32.55*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+b Lunessa!*@*] by cladhaire
22:32.55*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Lunessa!n=cladhair@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by cladhaire (cladhaire)
22:33.07ThraeWhy did I just do /lastlog 18: when I could have just scrolled up?
22:33.34ThraeAnyway, I do not get cladhaire pissed. We just have lively discussions ;)
22:33.39*** mode/#wowi-lounge [-b Lunessa!*@*.] by cladhaire
22:33.49*** mode/#wowi-lounge [-b Lunessa!*@*] by cladhaire
22:35.33cladhaire*sad face*
22:35.39cladhairei was just kidding, lol
22:35.44zenzelezzyou are a bad, bad person
22:35.48zenzelezzgo sit in the corner
22:36.14Tainheh no fishing bot clad, that got me my 72 hour suspension. :)
22:36.25AellaZomg gossip
22:36.28cladhairei'm at 322
22:36.30cladhaireso long to go.
22:36.52TainThat was a long, long time ago.
22:37.28TainIt was awesome though, C# based libs to interact directly with the game.   One of the (many) things that contributed to Warden coming around.
22:38.46*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:39.57Shirik|Foodingyou broke Lunessa :(
22:40.05cladhairei know!
22:40.22cladhairei can't believe it did a nick based ban tho, should have only done it to the nick@hostname
22:40.59Shirik|Foodingyou know, technically
22:41.06Shirik|Foodingunnecessarily broad bans are against the freenode network policy
22:41.14Shirik|Foodingimo you're now required to set mode +b cladhaire!*@*
22:42.07TC-Workingcladhaire fails
22:42.38*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (
22:42.44Thraecladhaire has become too powerful to fail.
22:43.25TainI can haz teh funnay
22:43.42AellaNot bad =P
22:47.06Shirik13:08:06  » TC-Working was kicked by cladhaire ‹admin abuse my ass›
22:47.11Shirikwrong copy
22:47.16Shirikthat one
22:48.02TC-Workingdamit Shirik, you made me move my eyes all that back to this screen...dmait
22:49.52zenzelezzI find it really inappropriate of the Bog Giants to "grow in size"
22:50.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Recluse (
22:50.22Shiriktheir tendrils get longer too
22:50.34Shirikbut they still only drop one
22:50.37Shirikand not all of them have them
22:50.44zenzelezzif you had to tank them with your face level with their crotch, you would dislike it too
22:51.20*** join/#wowi-lounge DT__ (
22:52.11Reclusewhen i shiftclick an item into chat, it adds spaces around it. askprice still works but not with stacks
22:52.53BleeterKaydeethree: did you see the cedega patch that one needs to rebuild Wine with? hAVE YOU TRIED IT, IF SO MANY TROUBLES?
22:52.58Bleetersoz, caps, damnit
22:53.58Reclusesomething with 2.1 patch makes item links with spaces around them that you can't delete for some reason
22:54.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Busko (
22:54.42Buskoim wondering if anyone uses and is good at bartender3
22:55.25Neeblerhow can you be "good" at using a bar addon? wasnt aware it took skill to configure it
22:57.05|Jelly|cleaningBusko: Please rephrase your question. We really don't know what you mean aside from perhaps someone that knows the ins and outs of Bartender better than most?
22:57.32Buskowell i have a issue with it
22:57.56*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel|work (
22:58.26Buskowhen i use Shift + 2 to switch bar and then try to stealth
22:58.56cogwheel|workCan someone fact-check the physical order of druid stances for me? I'm pretty sure it's  Bear, Aquatic, Cat, Travel, <talent>, Flight
22:59.25cladhairethat's correct
22:59.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Work (
22:59.48cladhairei can't confirm oomkin/tol actually
22:59.51cladhairebut i believe this is correct
22:59.57ThraeWhat will happen when people reach Level 80 and they can get both Moonkin and Tree of Life? The UI will explode!
23:00.35cladhairecogwheel|work: just checked the book, and that's correct
23:00.35Buskoif still not clear i can try to explain better
23:00.38cladhaireas of the writing of chapter 16
23:00.51cogwheel|workkk :)
23:01.04*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
23:01.05cladhaireits actually quite handy for the macros chapter
23:01.13*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
23:01.27Thrae<@cladhaire> I just~buymybook~ checked the book~whichyoushouldbuyrightaway~...
23:02.24*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire_ (
23:02.30cogwheel|workyeah... I'm actually writing a new macro options sticky since Neuro seems to be AWOL :P
23:03.33|Jelly|Are you going to just integrate it into yours?
23:03.33cladhaire_its sitting right next to me.
23:03.39*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
23:04.10cogwheel|work|Jelly|: no... I like the idea of them being separate
23:04.28|Jelly|Two different stickies that no one will read? :(
23:04.29cogwheel|workKind of a beginner's guide & an advanced guide
23:04.57cogwheel|workheh... it seems that way, but I'd be willing to bet the forum traffic would be much worse if they weren't there...
23:05.14|Jelly|Don't know where it is currently, but I had printed out a copy of Neuro's guide. Handed it to a couple of my friends. lol
23:05.17|Jelly|Oh, no doubt.
23:09.35ShadowedForums would be deserted if people actually read the stickies =p
23:10.57|Jelly|Quick! Best UI Compilation! Go! *wink*
23:15.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Aita (
23:17.00TC-Workingand people always wonder why i play female charicters
23:17.02Shadowedthat image fails
23:19.08zenzelezzyou fail
23:19.26ShadowedYOUR FACE FAILS
23:19.50Antiarc|WorkI've never gotten that argument, personally.
23:20.20Antiarc|WorkI play a female character, but it's because I play a rogue, and the male model looks like a bodybuilder - not exactly stealthy and such.
23:20.29Shadowedmale models look terrible
23:20.41Shadowedalso, female BEs have the best passive stealth animation
23:20.45|Jelly|cookingI play female Blood Elfs because I don't like the anime look of the males : /
23:23.37TC-Workingwell there really isnt a point to me picking one or the other, i never look at PC animation anyways
23:24.57Corrodiasi have a female blood elf because i always wanted a sexy mage but couldn't make one horde-side
23:26.10Corrodiasactually, one that wasn't ugly would have been enough
23:26.20Antiarc|WorkThe trolls aren't too bad.
23:26.25|Jelly|cookingThat's asking a lot.
23:26.47Corrodiasthe trolls are bad. don't lie to me.
23:28.40Corrodiaswe managed to pull together two raid id's for karazhan for 3 nights this week. yay!
23:29.03Corrodiaseach got up to the curator, but he's still our roadblock
23:29.12Antiarc|WorkWhat's blocking you there?
23:29.23Corrodiasthe boss
23:29.51Antiarc|WorkWhat about the encounter?
23:31.06Corrodiasprobably a lack of fast dps
23:31.07Corrodiascan't kill the flares fast enough to hit the boss for anything
23:31.07Antiarc|WorkIf you are spread out, try bunching up behind him. That prevents the sparks from moving around too much and makes your melee DPS spend a lot less wasted time chasing them.
23:31.26Corrodiaslast time we only had one melee dps guy, anyway, and still...
23:32.10AitaMy guild encountered the same obstacle, but I'm sure you'll get him in due time :)
23:33.05Corrodiasseems a horrible choice: dps gear and get owned by flares or AR gear and do pitiful damage
23:34.16*** part/#wowi-lounge Busko (
23:35.40Shadowedtheres always option C)
23:35.51Shadowedyourself killed right at the start and make a sandwich
23:36.16|Jelly|cookingSW:D on the first Evocate and call it a day.
23:36.23Antiarc|WorkCorrodias: We've never really had to put our DPS in AR gear
23:36.25Antiarc|WorkJust our bolt soaker
23:36.31Antiarc|WorkThat might be where your problem lies
23:36.59Guillotinesame with us
23:37.08Guillotineonly person we have in AR gear is our mage that gets hit with the bolts
23:37.09AitaAye, I'm the soaker for our group, and I even find that the AR isn't needed, but I spent too much time collecting it not to wear it.
23:37.34Corrodiason our last attempt it was entirely just not enough dps, even with no AR on anybody
23:37.59AitaThat's frustrating, sorry to hear it. =(
23:38.10*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
23:38.15AitaOption C looks better all the time
23:38.46Corrodiaswe have these... these HUNTERS...
23:39.08Antiarc|WorkCorrodias: You potting up?
23:39.14Antiarc|WorkReally helps with the first few kills
23:39.15Corrodiaswhen i tank a 5m, as a bear, i do more damage than they do. i understand that trapping takes some time, but that's silly...
23:39.54|Jelly|cookingThat is silly...
23:39.57Corrodiasi don't know about the others, but i do take at least an elixir of major agility
23:40.13Corrodiaswe had arcane protection available, but didn't get him low enough to bother
23:41.31Antiarc|WorkCorrodias: What are they trapping on Curator? o.0
23:41.48Corrodiasi said 5m for five-member instances
23:41.51Antiarc|WorkAh, ok.
23:43.32foxlitwiki: "Another way to output data is to save certain variables using the SetCVar() function. This will immediatly do an export of the file that contains various in game variables. This will not allow you to create new variables to export out, just set non default values to certain in game variables. " discuss?
23:43.50Antiarc|Workfoxlit: Possible to do and very ugly.
23:44.04Corrodiasdiscuss? seems like you've summed it up all right
23:45.13foxlitThat's evil, though - they've blocked virtually every other venue to transfer information from the game, why leave that one open?
23:46.47Corrodiasbecause it's useful to be able to change the CVars
23:47.20foxlitAnd have them written to disk immediately?
23:47.34Corrodiasit doesn't, actually. i just tested it.
23:47.40Corrodiasthe modified time has not changed
23:48.02KarlThePaganZOMG WIKIS ARE BROKEN ;)
23:48.07Corrodiasand now i can use SetCVar("ffxglow", 1) or 0 to toggle the full-screen glow on and off without a gxrestart again!
23:48.16Corrodiassuch odd changes going on
23:48.19KarlThePaganwowwiki is often wrong getting down to specifics regarding the api
23:48.46foxlitI intend on doing something about that.
23:50.44KarlThePaganif I were more motivated I would rewrite their documentation on the LFG API
23:50.44KarlThePagansince blizzard finally implemented it
23:53.07Kaydeethreebleeter; nah. I'm just using f7's build of wine. gotta get my nvidia driver installed first though. rebooting
23:54.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole (n=chatzill@
23:56.24Garoun|Loupanahappy happy druid, no more CE rep grind
23:56.42|Jelly|cooking*sigh* And I hate SV so very much. /jealous
23:57.13Garoun|LoupanaI've spent a LOT of money :(
23:57.30Garoun|Loupanabasically bought anything off the AH that was under market value for armaments
23:58.07|Jelly|cookingI'm not that dedicated.
23:58.41Garoun|LoupanaI'm the 2nd half of our MT squad for Kara :P I don't have a choice
23:59.03|Jelly|cookingI'm healer? rofl
23:59.05Antiarc|WorkI've been playing my rogue since the game's launch and I'm exalted with exactly three factions
23:59.18|Jelly|cooking"We don't trust you to keep up the tank so...take the mages"
23:59.19Antiarc|WorkAnd yet, I'm my guild's GM and rogue class lead >_>

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