IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070531

00:04.25Mr_Rabies2some fan made anti-cheat program for a game had the best motto i've seen
00:04.35Mr_Rabies2"if you break it, you get to keep both halves"
00:07.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Aita (
00:12.47*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:19.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
00:20.40*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
00:26.26GuillotineMr_Rabies: thats a rather common saying
00:26.50Guillotinealright, HelpLib posted at along with screenshots and an example addon to show how to use it
00:26.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Tech-Force (
00:26.55Guillotineposting it on WoWI right now
00:27.09Mr_Rabies2is it?
00:27.13Tech-ForceAnyone knows how to cure my problem with auctioneer? Can't scan...
00:27.20Mr_Rabies2i've never heard it outside of that app
00:27.22Tech-ForceD/L the latest version. Still can't scan.
00:27.28GuillotineTech-Force: #norganna
00:27.43Tech-ForceWent there, no one answers :-(
00:27.49Tech-ForceBut merci for the tip, lol.
00:28.17Guillotinedunno, I'm still using an old version :P
00:28.46KasoThe memory feature is a little superflous isnt it?
00:28.49Tech-ForcePeux-tu scanner avec la vieille version?
00:29.52Shirikje peux...
00:30.32Tech-ForcePas moi. @^$^%$
00:30.55Shiriktu as le nouvelle version?
00:31.25Tech-ForceJe l'ai chargée, mes vieilles infos sont toujours bonnes mais impossible de scanner.
00:31.36Shirikpourquoi est-ce que nous sommes parler en francais?
00:32.15Shirikest-ce que tu est francais?
00:32.24Tech-ForceGuillotine's name I guess.... French-Canadian.
00:32.49ShirikI'm just some random US guy that wants to think he knows frencyh
00:32.53TC-Workingit's a killing device...ofc someone would have it
00:33.25GuillotineTech-Force: not french or canadian. I'm a stupid, fat american (minus the fat and the stupid)
00:35.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:35.57KasoWhat do you guys think of this change? Is it a buff or a nerf? It's hard to tell but I'm leaning toward nerf. When the alt tab crash bug was in the game it was a severely needed buff to Windowed Mode, however they had to go back and reverse the change due to massive whining and had to buff Full-screen Mode while simultaneously nerfing Windowed Mode.
00:36.04KasoBest post ever imo.
00:36.24zenzelezzpersonally I think it made Onyxia DB more
00:37.03AitaWhat are the requirements for creating a custom edgefile for a backdrop? That is, how exactly is an edgefile created?
00:38.20AitaHehe, alas, my search powers failed me. Thank you :)
00:38.45zenzelezzI only remember it because I've used it a bit myself
00:50.29*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
00:53.16Corrodiasgod damn hunter can't manage to trap one morores add
00:53.19Aitazenzelezz: Thank you for the link, it was precisely what I needed. I shall repay the debt someday =)
00:53.21Corrodiasi just had to vent that a little
00:54.00foxlitIs #t expensive?
00:54.14foxlitor is it cached so that it's essentially the same as n?
00:54.44Corrodiasi believe that hunters can be great, but this one either has bad luck or doesn't have the -10% trap resist talent
00:54.53Guillotineour guild is so full of pwnage. This is our third week of kara, killed prince. One group has a pally MT, one has a druid MT (me)
00:55.14Corrodiasand ours is sucking
00:55.27Corrodiassucking sucking sucking
00:55.47TC-Working4 more lvls and i can join you guys...bah
00:56.24Mr_Rabies2"Internal bag error"
00:56.32TC-Workinghappens from time to time
00:56.35TC-Workingtry again
00:56.41Mr_Rabies2i've never seen it @_@
00:56.53Mr_Rabies2i've seen internal auction and mail errors
00:57.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Fluid (i=Fridgid@
00:58.42*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
00:58.49Mr_Rabies2anyone know any addons that let me move the editbox to above the chatframe? :O
00:59.57TC-Workingw/o editing the chatframe itself?
01:00.36Mr_Rabies2it's not letting me move it with fluidframes, hrm
01:00.59TC-Workingi just use a chat mod for that
01:04.17Mr_Rabies2what mod?
01:04.39foxlit[02:59] <Kaydeethree> ct_core
01:05.02Mr_Rabies2doesn't that do a whole lot of other stuff too?
01:05.18Kaydeethreeit can
01:08.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
01:09.03Mr_Rabies2i understand that, but it does a ton of ther stuff i don't particularly need, i believe :O
01:09.22Kaydeethreethen don't enable the stuff you don't want
01:09.49KasoIt is a fair amount of bloat having ct_core just to have the moving
01:11.31KasoMr_Rabies, i'd prob just borrow cide's code and shove it into a mini-addon if your own to do the job
01:11.36GuillotinePrat does that as well, but I'm not sure how much of that you'd use either
01:11.55KasoeditBox:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", "ChatFrame1", "TOPLEFT", -5, 2);
01:11.55KasoeditBox:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", "ChatFrame1", "TOPRIGHT", 5, 2);
01:12.17zenzelezzI figured those lines on my own \o/
01:12.17KasoSorry replacing editbox with ChatFrameEditBox
01:12.45Kasothats interesting though, local editBox = _G.ChatFrameEditBox; is that really quicker than doing local editBox = ChatFrameEditBox;  ?
01:12.56Kasogiven that _G is a local reference
01:13.27MentalPower|Workits quicker, but I don't think its much
01:13.36MentalPower|Workask iriel for specifics
01:14.09JoshBorkeCairenn|hockey: oh dear, i hope you're not the one PLAYING hockey
01:24.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Fridgid (i=Fridgid@
01:36.53Pac2722hey can any1 tell me it's there a way to run 2 screens 1 with wow open & playing & 1 to look up thottbot?
01:37.21GuillotineCairenn|hockey: you better be rooting for the ducks
01:37.28Guillotineor I'm never speaking to you again
01:37.47JoshBorkePac2722: yes, use windowed mode in wow
01:38.47JoshBorkego to the main menu in wow
01:38.58JoshBorkethen click video options
01:39.21JoshBorkein the top section labeled Display, there is a checkbutton towards the bottom right labeled : Windowed Mode
01:39.24JoshBorkemake sure that's clicked
01:39.48Pac2722wow thnx that works
01:40.11JoshBorkeyou're welcome
01:50.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
01:59.26*** join/#wowi-lounge robthedude (n=robthedu@
02:00.45robthedudeHello everybody!
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02:06.35Kaydeethreewuwu [The Tempest Key]
02:08.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole (n=chatzill@
02:19.47Kasoi love Erasmus's post there, he tried so hard to be helpful god bless him.
02:29.42Guillotinew00000t! Ducks score!!!
02:30.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
02:31.25Kasois arg11 on Chat_msg_[whisper/say/yell/whatever] realm for cross realm bgs?
02:35.12Mr_Rabies2man i have such an awesome theory on the infinite dragonflight, i hope it ends up being what happens :
02:36.20Mike-N-Go'Fixed a crash in the client.' Important, I guess =P
02:39.26zenzelezzwell, I heard a few people were having trouble, so probably something "bad"
02:39.40AitaI believe arg11 may be the lineID being passed for the new CanComplain features
02:40.23AitaI use it in my chat mod as such, so I'm hoping that's the case =)
02:41.34Guillotinew000T ducks wun!
02:41.38Guillotinewe're going all the way!
02:44.55*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
02:47.21zenzelezzanyone know if you can stop a Model/PlayerModel from animating?
02:56.13Mike-N-Gozenzelezz: Lag?
02:56.42zenzelezzI meant by code; forcing a screen lockup on someone would be counterproductive
03:00.14Mike-N-Gozenzelezz: Run an indefinite loop/crate some code to make the client hang?
03:04.09zenzelezzconsidering I've just said that's exactly what I don't want to do, I find your attempt at humor to have failed
03:05.40*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
03:09.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Soulless (i=Fridgid@
03:19.55AitaYou could do a really ugly thing, and call an onupdate to continually set the sequence of the model, if you're that desperate =D
03:20.41zenzelezznah, if there's no simple stop command I'll just let it run
03:26.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
03:42.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
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04:31.03clad|sleep791 +shadow
04:31.49cogwheelRESIST imo
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04:54.22*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
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05:43.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
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06:08.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|Miranda (
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06:18.11Mr_Rabies2O_o that's odd
06:18.35Mr_Rabies2my Lifebloom disappears from bartender when i close my spell book O_o
06:21.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Zeal (
06:23.02Zealyay for banging head against a wall.. can someone help me with a very simple yet somewhat confusing problem.. even when it get's fixed and output to chat, it will still fail the next if.. :S
06:24.51MikkZeal: I've fixed your indentation for you. See if you see the problem now.
06:26.07*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
06:27.18Zealbah, that's not live code, that's jsut an error with what i pasted :p
06:27.31Zealso, ty, but not the problem, heh.
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06:29.03MikkSeriously, you should see the problem now
06:29.29Mikkhint: "local"s are local inside if then ... end blocks
06:30.04Mikkis "bar" a function argument that you're testing?
06:30.06Zealhm.. i didn't realize that applied to if's.. meh : /
06:30.11Mikkif so, you don't need to re-local it
06:30.15Mikkarguments are always local
06:30.17Zealok, ty.
06:30.26Zealblizz did it though >_>
06:31.21Zealno they didn't, i'm jsuting being noob :( i should sleep..
06:31.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano_ (i=86603dd4@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
06:44.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
06:44.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
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07:06.19*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
07:18.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
07:31.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
07:49.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
07:53.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkkuu (
07:58.25Mike-N-Go'Enraged Crusher becomes enraged!'
08:04.59Luminax'%player says NO DUH'
08:06.17*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
08:08.04*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
08:09.41Mr_Rabies2man, being able to herb in swift flight form is awesome
08:10.32Elkanowho cares about herbs :/ I wanna skin again :/
08:11.37Elkanoyou used tobe able to skin in normal flight form but afaik it's gone with 2.1
08:12.38Mr_Rabies2you can do all types of gathering in swift flight atm
08:12.42Mr_Rabies2i'm sure it's not intended
08:12.45Mr_Rabies2but i don't care :P
08:14.57Luminaxyou can shift-in shift-out in a few blinks
08:15.06Luminaxus non-druids have to dismount, skin, mount...
08:15.38Elkanowho cares about others... ;)
08:15.49Luminaxyay tomorrow I'll be honored with Ogri'la
08:16.00Mr_Rabies2i got 2 days worth of netherdust pollen in about 10 minutes
08:16.03Mr_Rabies2<3 swift flight form
08:16.09Mr_Rabies2and 2 primal mana
08:16.30Luminaxmy average is now 7 perfect run out of 10
08:16.45Elkanothinking about that a friend of mine dropped herbalism for tailoring ^^
08:16.48Luminaxnot including the Skettis bombing :3
08:16.49Mr_Rabies2also got a netherwing egg in the process
08:17.06Mr_Rabies2skettis bombing is fun
08:17.16LuminaxI still have to gather enough money to buy me my epix ><
08:17.17Mr_Rabies2don't think they can knock us out of swift flight form
08:17.22Luminaxfun ? feh
08:17.24LuminaxOgri'la's 'funner'
08:17.37Luminaxthe danger of falling down is real in BE plateau
08:17.55Luminaxin Skettis you can just generally hover around above the water
08:18.38Luminaxand did I tell you how fun it is dodging flak cannonballs ?
08:19.15Luminax"captain! artillery to the dead right!" "execute zero dive!!"
08:19.22Luminaxfun times
08:19.44Luminaxespecially if you're doing it a group and all are flying in formation ;)
08:19.50Luminax*in a group
08:21.37Mr_Rabies2how do i start the BEM skyguard quests?
08:22.38Luminaxfirst to Shattrath
08:22.46Luminaxand do the Ogri'la "attunement"
08:23.03Mr_Rabies2ohh, get the flash for tork?
08:23.22Luminaxstarts from Grok in Shattrath's lower city, near the Tailoring vendors
08:23.33Luminaxyou're already Ogri'la attuned ? good
08:23.45LuminaxOur Boy Wants To Be A Skyranger
08:23.51Luminaxthat's one quest you must do
08:24.12Luminaxnext one is you must attain an Apexis Vibration, the quest's called "An Apexis Relic" or something similar
08:24.41Luminaxyou do this by going to one of those crystal pylon cluster, with one big pylon at the center and about 4 smaller pylons surrounding it
08:24.48Luminaxthe smaller one's your goal
08:25.04Luminaxclick on it, 'insert' 1 crystal and play 'Simon says'
08:27.01Luminaxyou listening Mr_Rabies2 ? :3
08:27.31Mr_Rabies2i already played the ancient arakkoa simon game once
08:27.44Mr_Rabies2a pain after you get the 2 hour buff
08:28.06Luminaxhuh ?
08:28.16Luminaxyou have to do it first up to 6 sequence
08:28.20Luminaxyou'll get "Apexis Vibration"
08:28.32Luminaxturn that quest in, and you'll get another quest, which is the daily quest "Apexis Emanation"
08:28.49Luminaxwhere you need to do.. uhm.. up to 10 or 12 sequences iirc, starting from the first
08:29.17Mr_Rabies2which sucks :[
08:29.24Luminaxa good way to do this is, face one of the button, tilt your camera until you can see it perfectly from above in a circle, and you're in the center
08:29.30Mr_Rabies2i can't remember that well :[
08:29.39Luminaxassign number to the clusters, 1 for the one in front of you
08:29.46Luminaxand going clockwise, 2 3 4
08:30.07Mr_Rabies2i hope theres an ancient draenei guitar hero game next
08:30.09Luminaxand open your /say chat, and get ready to type the number as the bolts goes
08:30.19Luminaxor you can do it by colour
08:30.24Luminaxyrgb <-
08:31.06Luminaxanyway, after you're done with Apexis Vibration -> Apexis Emanation and Our boy wants to be a Sky Ranger
08:31.17Luminaxyou'll get a quest to speak to the captain at the Skyguard forward base
08:31.27Luminaxand then, it's BOMBING TIME
08:32.10Luminaxwhich is also a daily quest, but when you started it, you get to bomb them two times
08:32.15Luminax*first started
08:32.40Luminaxyour objectives are the 'hunter marked' pile of cannonballs
08:43.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=86603dd4@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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10:21.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Luminax (
10:31.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
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10:38.45Bleeterwell, after a week... I can happily say that the anti-spam measures previously discussed in here pre 2.1, and then implemented by Blizz, seem to be working great.
10:39.11BleeterOnly seen one spammer on trade chan, and some poor lonely dwarf in IF AH before maint resorting to /say gold selling!
10:39.38ScytheBlade1Heh. Which server?
10:39.50ScytheBlade1Because that sounds identical to mine.
10:39.57BleeterTHorium Brotherhood, US RP PvE
10:40.03ScytheBlade1Ah, close
10:40.08ScytheBlade1Doomhammer US PvE here
10:40.22ScytheBlade1Yeah, it's somewhat pathetic almost watching them spam /say
10:40.28ScytheBlade1Almost comical
10:40.39LuminaxI bask in the aftermath !
10:40.42Bleeteryeah, I rofled lots in emote
10:41.00ScytheBlade1It's just..... incredibly pathetic
10:41.10Bleeternow, as an unguilded healer... if they can give a default option to ignore guild invites and group invites, I'll be damned happy :D
10:41.24ScytheBlade1They went from spamming the entire server en masse in seconds, to.. getting 10 people by the mailbox.
10:41.34Bleeterwell, give an option to.. not default it to those settings ;)
10:42.39*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
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10:46.55Mr_Rabies2i got 2 gold spams last night :[
10:47.25Mr_Rabies2in /w
10:47.51Mr_Rabies2probably from hijacked accts
10:48.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
10:49.39Bleeterheh, yeah.. just checked my logs, Esamynn|Away and I started a big bitch session 'bout gold spam in here round end of first week of April
10:49.53Tem~botmail for Shadowed your new forumla for points isn't correct for ratings <1500.  It appears to be right for > 1500, though.
10:49.55BleeterI just like to think that the #'s general constructiveness on the ideas, etc., got the system in :D
10:51.25*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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10:55.12ScytheBlade1Nah, wasn't that
10:55.18ScytheBlade1It was SpamSentry blasting the GMs
10:56.46BleeterMaybe combination of all things... some of the specifics mentioned back then appear to have ended up in game.
10:58.54BleeterIt was generally decided that nothing much could be done by a pure mod solution, and needed server side support otherwise we'd just be swinging stuff in the wind ;)
10:59.12Bleeteranyways, probs to those getting the stuff happening
10:59.18Bleeterfood time here
11:04.57*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
11:07.22KasoWhy has Slouken re-added pitchLimit ?
11:09.40Mr_Rabies2keyloggers are way up on the forums
11:10.17Mr_Rabies2to make up for revenue loss in not being able to spam on trial accounts and possibly from a lawsuit in the coming months
11:10.32ScytheBlade1Kaso, because it was removed to prevent a problem involving spontaneous death/client crashes :)
11:11.00Kasoi thought it was removed to stop people flying upside down.
11:12.01ScytheBlade1There was a thread with details on the matter a while ago
11:12.05ScytheBlade1cardplace is your friends
11:12.31Mr_Rabies2wowexposed is currently bugged :(
11:12.47Mr_Rabies2i prefer it to cardplace usually, but it's been broken for a while
11:13.16Mr_Rabies2ooh  looks fixed now
11:29.14JunkHead-WorkAnyone around?
11:30.08JunkHead-WorkI got a question.
11:30.13JunkHead-WorkNothing major.
11:30.19ScytheBlade1Don't ask to ask, ask :)
11:30.25JunkHead-WorkWhat is a good enchantment for [Gorehow]?
11:30.33JunkHead-WorkMy Paladin got one.
11:31.31ScytheBlade1No clue, don't have a pally
11:31.31JunkHead-WorkWe all laughed.
11:31.31JunkHead-WorkI'm Holy as well.:P
11:31.31ScytheBlade1That's awesome
11:31.31JunkHead-WorkThing is though, I solo fine, but my mace takes forever to kill stuff with.
11:31.31KasoSavagery, mongoose are nice
11:31.31JunkHead-WorkSo They let me get it to aid in farming and stuff.
11:31.32Kasobut if you're holy, well im not sure
11:31.47JunkHead-WorkWell, like I said, it's not for when I'm healing.
11:31.55JunkHead-WorkJust for when I'm solo grinding/farming.
11:32.05KasoSavagery is cheap, and will boost damage
11:32.15JunkHead-WorkSOmething to speed it up a bit since my Healing Mace only hits for ~100
11:32.23JunkHead-WorkWhat does Moongoose do?
11:32.30JunkHead-WorkAdd Agility or something?
11:32.37Kasoits like crusader but the proc gives agi and attack speed
11:32.50Kasomore expensive though
11:32.53JunkHead-WorkAttack speed would be cool since it's a slow ass turd weapon.
11:33.01Kasoits a proc enchant however
11:34.03KasoAlso im not really sure about holy pallys, how much of your damage comes from physical and how much from spells?
11:36.17JunkHead-WorkWell, I can say that my Mace hits for ~100 dmg, with a speed of 1.80
11:36.32JunkHead-WorkI usually use Seal of Vengeance because fights take so long.
11:36.41JunkHead-WorkI'm not sure how much damage each tick does though.
11:37.06JunkHead-WorkOne sec I'll link Armory.
11:37.15Kasonot that much use to me
11:37.17Kasorun sw_stats, go kill a few mobs, and see what the "Damage type" for yourself is.
11:37.19VoiDRaiderWhat's faster in performance terms using "self" or using the table explicitly ?
11:37.33JunkHead-WorkOk. I'll do that when I get home then.
11:37.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
11:38.08VoiDRaiderOr there's no difference ?
11:38.40JoshBorkeVoiDRaider: self is being passed to the function so it'll be a local value
11:38.59VoiDRaiderah thanks :)
11:39.14JoshBorkeyep yep
11:43.05Kasowhy the hell cant i make fubar take up the entire width of my window
11:44.00Mr_Rabies2i think this guy's gear just made my brain hurt
11:44.47krkaVoiDRaider: other interesting fact: using : instead of . in method calls is more efficient
11:45.15VoiDRaiderHmm say I want to have a local function and I don't want to call the table explicitly what can I do then ? as I cannot use "self" in locals, well I can pass it or make a local variable to have a reference to the table or there's a better way ? :)
11:46.08VoiDRaideroh I didn't know that! that's really interesting, where can I read about it ?
11:46.20JoshBorkepass self
11:46.32VoiDRaiderok great :P
11:47.29VoiDRaiderWell I always use : but I would like to know the reason :P
11:48.08JunkHead-WorkI used to play on Whisperwind.
11:50.38krkalua has a special opcode for doing (exp):method() type calls
11:51.01krkaso it does both the table lookup for the method and pushes (exp) as the first argument
11:51.15krkaso it's slightly faster than (exp).method(exp)
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12:02.49MikkKaso: Hmmm I had that too for a while.. Don't remember exactly what I did to fix it.. flip resolution i think
12:07.36Kasothats a pain, i'll have a poke around
12:09.12foxlitwtf, 4k hp!~
12:11.04Mr_Rabies2god.... i hate the average wow player with a burning passion normally reserved for war criminals
12:12.07Mr_Rabies2check out this guy's spec:
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12:19.16nevcairielhow can he even play like that
12:19.28Mr_Rabies2 ...dear's like a non-parody version of alamo
12:22.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
12:22.38BleeterI'm more stunned by that lock's +dodge trinket :/
12:23.45hasteMr_Rabies2: haha, he applied to my guild :D
12:24.02Mr_Rabies2the guy in the video?
12:24.08hastethe author of that video
12:24.13Bleeternah, the lock with the freakazoid talents
12:24.23Mikkwell, the dodge trinket theoretically MIGHT help... somehow
12:24.25Bleeteroh, sorry, you were asking hast
12:24.26Mr_Rabies2 /cry
12:24.27Mikkcheck out the 2nd trinket though
12:24.31Mr_Rabies2i have to stop reading these threads
12:24.33Mikksmoking fucking heart of the mountain?
12:24.43Mr_Rabies2they make me want to punch something :(
12:25.31Bleetertheir face with your fist?
12:25.42Mikk"Hmm... all talent trees are good.. I'll get some from all.... Oh and resistances are good, I'll get some of those too..  OHYEAH and armor.. armor is good too. I'll get some of that ...   Ohyeah, dodge too, tehre we go."
12:26.03nevcairiellol mikk
12:27.31Bleeteron the subject of punching stuff...
12:27.31Mr_Rabies2i'd settle for prettty much anything to calm this burning desire to break something :[
12:27.42Bleeter... I think I'm gunna punch Mr_Rabies2 for posting that video's URL
12:27.46Mikkerrr check out the right-hand side gear of that huntard you linked
12:27.59Mr_Rabies2no melee
12:28.13Mr_Rabies2oh geez
12:28.36Mr_Rabies2i thought you meant
12:28.36Mr_Rabies2ride hand slot
12:28.47Mr_Rabies2so easy to find the botters :(
12:28.57nevcairielring of defense ftw
12:29.42Bleeterbut it's BM hunter! don't need melee! that's what the pet's for!
12:30.02Bleeterand.. at a guess
12:30.36BleeterI suspected the points in surv would be in hawk eye, even less of a reason for melee
12:30.39Bleeterbut they aren't
12:30.49Mr_Rabies2oh wow
12:32.01Mr_Rabies2well, i guess it would be better if it wasn't brand new :(
12:32.57BleeterI can see that getting popular, and personal, rsn
12:33.18BleeterI'm pissed I didn't get that gnome /say'ing gold spam in a screenie
12:33.26Bleeterwas too busy laughing at them
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12:54.21sysragewowbash is retarded. on 3 pages, not a single one was worth reading
12:58.06KasoI think works cos most irc users are pretty smart (well, some..)
12:58.12Kasowhereas most wow users are retarded
12:58.45BleeterKaso: depends which network one frequents. Freenode is a *lot* smarter than most other IRC chans I've seen
12:59.09Kasotrue indeed
13:00.05amrofreenode has a higher ratio of developers
13:00.43Bleeterdebian and gimp would also be pretty high
13:01.41Bleeterbeyond those three, at least in global/US/LC=en, I think one might be scratching to find smart
13:01.55amrobut you occasionally get people like
13:03.13Bleeterend luser support... that shit happens. fairly indicative that most devs are so smart, even stupid people can find the IRC support chan ;)
13:03.32Bleeterer.. so smart they can even direct stupid
13:03.41Bleeterand on that rather sad ending, sleep time
13:04.00Bleeter(the irony of me messing stuff up is NOT lost ;-)
13:06.34KasoBleeter, the nessacity of finding/using an irc client does help buffer some of the really dumb lusers though :>
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14:29.13zenzelezzI have a feeling the E17 temperature sensor isn't reading my CPU temperature correctly, or not reading it at al... either that or I have the most stable CPU I've ever had, temperature-wise
14:30.21zenzelezzbeen at 40 degrees flat for days
14:32.10hastemy old motherboard showed my CPU temperature as everything between -900 to +1400
14:33.27ThraeWhy do you care about CPU temperature? Are you overclocking? If so, get your own sensor.
14:33.50zenzelezzI remember I once started my computer with one of the old Athlon without a fan... the temperature hit 80 in no time
14:34.10ThraeAMD has fixed that problem with all later model Althons and chips that came after that.
14:34.11zenzelezzThrae: the temperature meter is enabled by default in E17, it's eye candy :-( But no, I don't really care
14:34.32zenzelezzand I'm not critizising AMD, I've used them exclusively for years
14:35.26ThraeIt implemented the same thing Intel has -- Speed Throttling. The CPU has its own rudementary temperature probe, and it'll tell the MB to go to lower speeds until it just shuts off.
14:36.04zenzelezzmy wording might have been bad; it wasn't a fanless CPU, but I ran it without one for about 15 minutes after the fan died, to get online and order a new one
14:36.20wobinI remember when a friend of mine started his athalon up without the fan
14:36.31ThraeIt's part of all modern Intel & AMD chipsets, it's just there in case of emergency. Overclocking, of course, will stop the throttling, but it won't stop the MB from switching off
14:36.51zenzelezzstop trying to make me look like a troll
14:36.58Thraezenzelezz: Yeah, I'm just telling you that you don't have to worry nearly as much with modern AMDs, they fixed that problem a long time ago
14:37.31ThraeNo no, I'm just trying to resolve a common misconception about AMDs. People remember their old products with no safeguards, and think the modern units might have the same problem.
14:37.44zenzelezzokay, I misread you then
14:43.02zenzelezzyeah, once I found the right build order and got GTK2 to stop whining about some library =)
14:47.22Josh_Borkei can't seem to get it to build in rhel5
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14:48.14zenzelezzany specific problem?
14:49.35Josh_Borkebeen a while, i don't remember
14:49.42Josh_Borkeit had to do with some X stuff
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15:13.23cogwheel|workSilly belf...
15:15.25ScytheBlade1lol nice
15:15.29ScytheBlade1Cogwheel strikes again
15:16.04ScytheBlade1I did smile at the "karma has been fulfilled" post I read a while back, though.
15:17.21zenzelezzgive him a break, he's 22
15:17.56cogwheel|workI know the feeling... I didn't realize Sunder Armor could be applied more than once 'till I was almost 40
15:18.20foxlitHow does tinsert behave when you remove elements from the array?
15:18.35cogwheel|workthat question messes with my head
15:18.50foxlitpurl, fix cogwheel's head.
15:18.53purlACTION opens the hood of cogwheel's head. , looks inside and says "that'll be 500 dollars."
15:19.09zenzelezzI was running out of interesting talents in Arms tree before I noticed Fury/Protection
15:20.44cogwheel|workfoxlit: srsly, though, I can't understand what you're asking... tinsert behaves exactly as it would given the current state of the array
15:23.03Josh_Borkefoxlit: if you remove an entry in the middle of an integer indexed array, you cut the size of the array down
15:25.25foxlitt = {1,2,3,4,5}; t[2] = nil; tinsert(t, 6); print(table.concat(t, " | "));
15:26.56cogwheel|workyou should be using tremove instead of setting it to nil
15:27.17cogwheel|workLua's behavior is essentially undefined when there are nils in an array
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15:42.03foxlitI'd describe it something like this: while the final element of the array, t[#t] exists, tinsert inserts at t[#t+1]. If the final element is set to nil, tinsert inserts at first non-defined index
15:43.14cogwheel|workBut here's the thing... if you have a nil in there, #t won't necessarily mean the end of the array
15:43.20cogwheel|workas you know it
15:43.44Josh_Borkewhere's cide...
15:44.16cogwheel|work/target Cide
15:44.21cogwheel|work/cast Ritual of Summoning
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15:44.53Josh_Borkecogwheel|work: ew, "any such nil value as the end of the array"
15:44.56Josh_Borkethat's ugly
15:45.01Josh_Borkei would have guessed it to be the first one
15:45.30cogwheel|worklike I said, you're not supposed to set elements to nil if you're treating it as an array :P
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16:10.11Nom-epic !
16:10.15Kaydeethreehuzzah... f7's been released. guess it's time to finally upgrade from fc5
16:10.16Nom-first takedown of high king!
16:10.40Nom-We got him to 1% earlier on
16:10.42Nom-and wiped :(
16:10.46Nom-but we finally nailed him
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16:10.56Kaydeethreethat's a fun fight
16:10.58Kaydeethree<-- mage tank
16:11.41Nom-<--- paladin healbot
16:11.57Nom-that was pretty easy once we got all the adds down
16:11.59sysragestill trying to get my stam set up to be mage tank. what are your unbuffed HP at when in stam gear?
16:12.14Nom-well our mage had 14.9k fully buffed
16:12.26Nom-you don't need any spell damage gear...just wear green 'of stamina' items
16:12.45Kaydeethreemeh, I can almost tank in my dps gear with 10k hp raidbuffed
16:12.59Kaydeethreemy stam gear's got a little over 9k unbuffed, ~12k buffed
16:13.16sysrageok. i'll ditch dam.. but don't i want a decent amount of int so i don't run out of mana? or is that not a problem either?
16:13.38KaydeethreeI've got 10k mana in my stam gear, no problem
16:13.45Kaydeethreejust pop an evo shortly after the mage is dead
16:13.48Nom-you do need to have some mana too
16:14.02Kaydeethreemost of my stuff is "of the eagle"
16:14.02Nom-you gotta be able to keep spell stealing and beat the healing aggro
16:14.08Nom-so you gotta hve some heals
16:14.12Nom-err mana i mean
16:14.28Endhaving a mage tank that guy is definitely something that makes that fight unique
16:14.39sysrageit's damn cool i think, End
16:14.40Nom-hmmm anyone noticed pitbull causing lag?
16:14.42Endwel, besides mages who pull aggro and get one shotted on other things ;p
16:14.44Kaydeethreehardly. I all-out nuke. probably take off 50k hp all by myself before ranged gets to me
16:14.54Nom-i was noticing my client freezing up every 1-2 seconds (especially when i died)
16:15.05Nom-it locked up for nearly 10 seconds when i died
16:15.13Nom-as soon as i was out of raid it was fine
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16:15.29sysragechatthrottlelib was doing that to me right after patch, but it's fixed now
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16:16.16Nom-hmm i haven't updated yet
16:16.21Nom-since the hotfix
16:16.24Nom-maybe that's it
16:17.41Nom-ah well, we're going to farm high king for a couple of weeks until we go it down perfect, looking forward to getting my T4 shoulders :)
16:17.50Nom-i coulda had them tonight, but i did an epic roll
16:18.25Kaydeethreegah. I wasted my perfect roll last night deciding who had to buff 2 groups instead of just 1
16:18.31ThraeIt would be cool if people wrote in their own quick poll into their addons and libs, to see if something is taking waaaay longer then it should. That stuff is very hard to track, anyway. A quick GetTime() at the beginning and "if (GetTime() - beginning) > averageTimeMax then ThrowSpeedException(func) end" at the end could do it.
16:18.53ThraeOnly needed for complex addons and libs, like ChatThrottleLib.
16:19.47cogwheel|workor just use coroutines :P
16:20.05Nom-cool almost all ace addons had updates
16:20.07Nom-so i'll try that
16:20.39Thraecogwheel|work: Better to just fix whatever's slowing it down ;)
16:20.40cogwheel|workI get some very annoying (we're talking > 1 minute) freezes when I first open a trade skill because of some problem with a couple profession scanning mods I have
16:20.57Nom-cool well i better get off to bed
16:20.59Nom-work in the AM
16:21.12nevcairielive had that with ATSW cog
16:21.15ThraeYeah, but even with all those scanning mods, there ARE ways to optimize it. Using a coroutine is just kinda dodging the problem with your algorithmn.
16:21.38Nom- <-- lol @ CoH
16:21.55Nom-and with that, i'm off
16:22.38cogwheel|workActually, a lot of the APIs themselves are quite slow... Not saying there isn't room for improvement, but I'd rather have it take longer to do the scanning while still allowing me to chat, walk around, etc. than to completely freeze like that
16:23.18sysragewouldn't building a poll into addons to see what's taking so long just make them use more memory and take even longer? ;)
16:24.46Thraesysrage: Using CPU Profiling would, but adding two GetTime() statements, one local, and a branch would be adding extremely minimal overhead to complex situations.
16:25.12sysragehence the wink. was kinda just giving you a hard time
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16:26.52Thrae for those that have still not seen it.
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16:28.49nevcairieli should write that stupid university task in lolcode instead of delphi .. wonder what they would say :P
16:29.08ThraeIf they give you the choice of any programming language ever, why not?
16:29.23nevcairielthey enforce delphi
16:29.26nevcairielwhich sucks bad.
16:30.01zenzelezzyay for 10-second lag spikes on heroic bosses
16:30.02nevcairielthe language itself is "ok" .. but the IDE is so damn bugged and slow ..
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16:55.23TC-Working. . . . . .
16:57.09cogwheel|workdelphi = borland?
16:57.20ShirikI just caused my own critical error >.>
16:57.28sysrageused to be borland. dunno if it still is
16:57.29Shirikby doing /script VFL.print(RDX.Encode(assert(loadstring("return {"..string.rep("1,",10000).." 2}"))()))
16:57.32Kaydeethreewhat do you win?
16:57.40ShirikI win a full rewrite of RDX.Encode!
16:57.46sysragepeople still use delphi? lol
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17:05.24nevcairielare forced to use it by our university .. stupid them! and yes, its borland
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17:09.19Shiriklol borland
17:09.24ShirikI remember when I had to use borland C++
17:09.27ShirikI wanted to shoot myself
17:13.58cogwheel|workI remember when I prefered borland C++ :\
17:14.11ShirikI never did
17:14.13ShirikI had VS before Borland
17:14.21Shirikwell, at the time, VC++
17:14.51cogwheel|workI went the other way... I was young and borland came with a Learn C++ book so it's what I got used to
17:15.09wereHamsterI know only C++, what's the difference to Borland C++ or VC++?
17:15.16Shirikthe language isn't different
17:15.19Shirikthe IDE is
17:15.42cogwheel|workactually, VC++ 6 had much better ANSI/ISO C++ than borland
17:15.45Shirikbarring a few proprietary things
17:15.55ShirikI did like borland's gotoxy()
17:16.06Shirikcogwheel|work: But don't forget
17:16.13Shirikfor (int x = 1; x < 5; x++)
17:16.19Shirikx isn't local to for in VC++ 6 >.>
17:16.21Shirikthat pissed me off so much
17:17.10wereHamsterShirik, that's against the c99 standart, right?
17:17.25Shirikluckily it's fixed now
17:18.09wereHamsterit amazes me that gcc still uses c89 by default, you have to explicitely enable c99 on the comamndline :(
17:18.33Shirikanyone want to look at my serialization function and offer suggestions on how to handle anything over 5000 elements? (Which, btw, is crashing WoW atm)
17:18.45ShirikI'm surprised it causes a crash
17:19.19Shirikit doesn't say any error number
17:19.40wereHamsterdies it display the error message window?
17:19.43ShirikI can't go back to it anymore cause I temporarily threw in an error() call
17:19.47Shirikyeah the WoWError thing?
17:19.48Shirikit does
17:20.09Shirikis there a log somewhere?
17:20.11Shirikmaybe I can get it for you
17:20.38Shirikah found it
17:23.08ShirikAnd for anyone that wants to offer suggestions,
17:23.23ShirikTake note aside from the error() call and "TODO" message, that's all written by Cidan, so any stupidities in there is his fault not mine :P
17:23.26ShirikI almost tore it down
17:23.50Shirikoh and the "BUGFIX" part
17:23.52Shirikbut I would have expected a Lua error more than a crash
17:24.16wereHamsterthese thinsg are called 'bugs' ;)
17:24.29Shirikyeah well, it's kinda my fault :P
17:24.34ShirikI wouldn't entirely call it a bug
17:24.39cogwheel|workit is
17:24.45cogwheel|workwow shouldn't be crashing due to a lua error
17:25.11cogwheel|workI'd post about it on the bug reports forum, tbh
17:25.25Shirikok I'll do that when I get back :) Have to talk to my professor real quick so
17:25.36Shirikif you have any suggestions on how to fix it anyway, let me know I'm listening :) Be back in about 15
17:32.26Pac2722i hear there is a mod or some this that can toun a guest pass into a fhull acc with out paying for the full game any1 know of this?
17:32.26foxlitpurl, eat Pac2722
17:32.38purlACTION eats Pac2722 and falls over dead
17:32.38Pac2722wats that?
17:32.38TC-WorkingGates & Jobs @ D5
17:34.10Pac2722so i guess no1 know then
17:34.42foxlitI guess you shouldn't be trying to get something for nothing?
17:34.57TC-Workingwe call it theft in these here parts
17:35.08ShadowedI'm trying to decode what he said still
17:35.19TC-Workingtrial acct --> full act
17:35.20foxlitDunno, contract violation maybe.
17:35.23TC-Workingw/o paying
17:35.44foxlitSince theft sort of involves depriving someone of something.
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17:36.36Pac2722yer i know it's just that i was told it can b done & didnt know if that was right
17:37.49Pac2722well we pay a lot to play so y not get some thing for nothing
17:38.21TC-Workingwell if you are geting something for nothing then you are not paying
17:39.26Pac2722u would have to pay a month to month tho just geting the game for free would b good
17:40.10ShadowedWasn't there a way to upgrade from a Trial account to a full account?
17:41.11Pac2722yer there is but i was told there was a way to do it for free a nod or some thing
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17:41.40ShadowedTheres no mod that does it, try checking the Blizzard site under the account area, i'm pretty sure they had a way to do it
17:42.05Pac2722k thnx
17:42.05foxlitYou need to buy a physical copy of WoW and TBC to active another account
17:42.19foxlit"Guest Pass" Customers - Click the button below to continue your existing account by entering a retail box authentication key.
17:42.47Pac2722lol k thnx
17:42.56foxlitSee also - At this time we do not offer Authentication Keys separate from its physical packaging as this would sever its tie to a real-world product.
17:44.22Shadoweddidn't they add a way to buy just the key for TBC
17:44.22Pac2722some 1 would have come up with a way around that by now
17:44.23foxlitThere's no way to go around server-side checks on the nature of your account. None. Don't try.
17:44.23foxlitShadowed: not quite; they sell the key + files download, but I presume the contractual agreement is still valid since they force you to buy WoW vanilla retail.
17:44.31Shadowedoh yea that
17:45.25Shirik13:30:10 ‹Pac2722› i hear there is a mod or some this that can toun a guest pass into a fhull acc with out paying for the full game any1 know of this?
17:46.22foxlitIf you actually search for the name, the question reappears a few times
17:47.58TC-Workingcant you purchase a digital DL of BC though?
17:48.14TC-Workingmissed the other part
17:50.14Pac2722o well back to the game im lvl60 now
17:51.38Kaydeethreeok, that was random. as I turned in A Slow Death up at base camp, a vilewing chimera spawned on me
17:55.57Arrowmasterlol that does sound random
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18:26.43Shadowedthey didn't fix AGP Aperture error
18:26.59Shadowedinstead of crashing after like 20, it crashes after 30 now
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18:39.47cogwheel|worki hope someone's keeping logs of #lua ><
18:40.29ShirikI log all chat ^^
18:40.34Josh_BorkeI log all chat ^^
18:40.47ShadowedWhy whats happening
18:40.51MikmaI never log chat ^^
18:41.19cogwheel|workShadowed: some idiot joined and asked "Is lua more powerfull than Python"           hilarity ensued
18:46.49Shirikso the lua interpreter has no problem with my /script VFL.print(RDX.Encode(assert(loadstring("return {"..string.rep("1,",10000).." 2}"))()))
18:46.52Shirikbut WoW does :(
18:47.04Shirikgranted that's a ton of memory..
18:48.21krkai log all chat too
18:48.31krkaall your cyber invitations are belong to me
18:49.35Pac2722i would like a lot of wow gold
18:49.56Kaydeethreepick a faction, grind to exalted
18:50.35TC-Workingi hate pug's i remembered again why i dont do groups
18:51.13TC-Workings/ipug's i/pug's, i/
18:51.32Shirikyou fail at the typing
18:51.36TC-Workingso i see
18:51.40Shirik14:49:13 ‹Pac2722› i would like a lot of wow gold
18:51.43ShirikI know a script to help you
18:52.13Shirikdo /script a = function(a) coroutine.wrap(a)(a) end; a(a)
18:52.21Shirikwill give you infinite golds
18:53.25cogwheel|workI actually started a money making guide a while back...
18:53.26cogwheel|work(wow... it's been almost a year)
18:55.04ShirikI need something approximately $5 so I don't have to pay for shipping of clad|sleep's book
18:55.06Shirikanyone have ideas?
18:55.26cogwheel|worka novel, perhaps?
18:55.44cogwheel|workthey make great decorations
18:55.56cogwheel|work(I think you can even read them too)
18:58.48cogwheel|workhaha: "After all, most users don't know or care whether their computer has a 65nm dual-core CPU or a tiny midget wizard squatting in their cases."
19:00.54amrowizards are so 90s. get a magical hamster
19:02.14zenzelezzHarvey, Harvey! Harvey the Wonder Hamster
19:02.40zenzelezz(he doesn't bite, and he doesn't squeal, he just runs around on his hamster wheel)
19:03.17Pac27223gig Dual-core 64bit here
19:04.08Pac2722my Squeal's  x2 then i guess
19:04.47*** join/#wowi-lounge ravagernl (n=chatzill@
19:06.32GuillotineShirik: where do you get clad's book? Whats the name?
19:06.49Shirikbook is called "Hacking World of Warcraft" and it's available at Amazon
19:07.01zenzelezzamg haxxor
19:08.23Guillotineimo, they shouldn't have used the word 'hacking'. While all of us know what it really means, most people associate it with cheating
19:08.27Elkanowell, it' only part of the "Hacking <whatever>" series ;)
19:09.56GuillotineI know :P
19:15.49*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
19:15.50*** join/#wowi-lounge clad|sleep_ (
19:22.49TC-Workingcheapst at amazon at $20
19:23.44TC-Working$10 says we find an error
19:24.30cogwheel|workI'm sure there are plenty ... esp. since the patch... :P
19:24.45TC-Workingi was refering to gramatical
19:24.51TC-Workingmore than scripting
19:25.42*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 Toc: 20100 | RTFPN please |
19:26.40TC-Workingit's avaliable more than at amazon Cairenn
19:27.00Cairennthat was a link I was given by the publishers
19:27.57CairennI've changed it to "amongst other places"
19:28.59Josh_Borkepurl, hug Cairenn
19:29.31purlACTION jumps into Cairenn's lap and huggles and *hugs* Cairenn
19:29.32Josh_Borkei don't hug cairenn, i get grabby
19:30.16*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work_ (n=chatzill@
19:31.10TC-Workingdang it, it wont let me ad info inside a quote and post it :(
19:35.33cogwheel|workdid the hamsters @ just die for anyone else?
19:35.53Josh_Borke~seen warla
19:36.32purlwarla <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowroster, 144d 23h 48m 13s ago, saying: 'lol'.
19:36.32ScytheBlade1cogwheel|work, yeah
19:36.57TC-Working144 days...nice
19:37.08cogwheel|workI noticed the forums started getting sluggish and thought to myself "Did blizzard just announce something or is there something wrong with the realms"... finally got the general forum to load and saw QUrgent Rolling Restarts - 5/31"
19:37.17ScytheBlade1Antiarc|Work, I've got an annoying bug in Sanity2. Ping back if it isn't the "I'm only going to count the stack closest to 0,0 in my bags" bug (as I have a bit more detail)
19:37.41Antiarc|WorkScytheBlade1: Fire away :)
19:38.00Antiarc|WorkThere are a number of standing bugs, but I've, uh, been distracted with another project.
19:38.20ScytheBlade1Antiarc|Work, it's only counting the stack closest to slot 0 in the backpack, or if you have a stack in your bank, it counts the stack closest to slot 0 in your bank too.
19:38.28Antiarc|WorkRight, know about that one.
19:38.31ScytheBlade1Oddly, it'll count one stack in the bank, bags, and mail
19:38.34ScytheBlade1But only one stack
19:38.36Antiarc|WorkI even know where the bug is, I just haven't gotten around to fixing it.
19:38.57ScytheBlade1k, just making sure
19:39.18ScytheBlade1It's... somewhat agitating at times only seeing that you have ten of an item in your bank, when you have several hundred. ;)
19:39.53ScytheBlade1Just being a good little user and reporting what bugs I find. :)
19:40.33Antiarc|WorkThanks :D
19:44.37|FF|Im2good4ulol "hacking world of warcraft" wut a title :P
19:45.14Guillotine~seen Shouryuu
19:46.44purlshouryuu <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 352d 23h 29m 21s ago, saying: 'Best wishes to you all'.
19:46.44|FF|Im2good4ubut im glad they did it since documentation how ti write an addon is realy hard to find took me days to find a how to write your first addon page
19:46.44Cairennhe's never around any more Guillotine :(
19:46.44GuillotineCairenn: I know :(
19:46.45Cairennhe was a very amusing troll
19:46.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Goon (
19:46.46Gooni gotta question about auctionner...can someone help?
19:47.23Guillotine#norganna would probably be better, but we can try
19:47.23Goonok, its my saved variables file
19:47.24*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
19:47.51Goonits almost full...can i just delete some of the files to free up some room?
19:49.07GuillotineGoon: you can't just delete 'some of the files'. You could just restart all your data though
19:49.16Guillotineit might actually be useful since so many prices have changed with 2.1 anyway though
19:49.19Goonok,!?  haha
19:50.22cogwheel|workGoon: auctioneer's website has a FAQ about the constant limit
19:51.55cogwheel|work    Q12
19:53.02Goonthanks so much!
20:04.48*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work__ (n=chatzill@
20:12.38ShirikCairenn|afk -_-
20:16.27cladhaireGuillotine: Yeah, sorry aboutthe title but its part of that series of books
20:16.37cladhaireGuillotine: but Its not a bad thing, in retrospect.
20:17.08GuillotineI'm not opposed to it at all. I just think for marketing its probably not the greatest. Not your choice, its whoever made the series
20:17.18Guillotineall of it sounds pretty bad to the average user "Hacking Windows Vista"
20:17.30Guillotineobviously people who already know a fair bit know what it really means, but...
20:18.58cladhaire"Hacking Firefox"
20:19.16cladhairewell, it gets the right audience tho
20:19.17cladhairethe kid who plays will pick it up and see what it is
20:19.24cladhaireand those who think the title is BAD will pick it up to see what it is.
20:19.36Shirikand the script kiddies will lose out on $30
20:19.42Shirikand I'll be happy that they're out of that $30
20:20.04cladhairetrust me, I fought the fight
20:20.12cladhairebut in the end, I think it'll attract the right crown
20:20.12Pac2722$30 for an online book??
20:20.30Shirikwell first off it's cheaper than that but
20:20.41Shirikwhat's the difference between buying it from amazon and buying it from borders?
20:21.29cladhaireWhere is it available online?
20:21.35cladhaireor are you not saying as an e-book?
20:21.39cladhaireits 19.99 on
20:22.00Shirikprint copy available online
20:22.04Shirikit gets shipped to you
20:22.20cladhairein a book
20:22.23cladhairelike on
20:22.29cladhairewell its only 19.99
20:22.34cladhairewhich is $10 off list
20:22.35cladhaireso :P
20:22.37Shirikyeah I just threw a number off that
20:22.50Shirikso I was right ^^
20:24.29Kaydeethreehah... nothing like seeing a bugged dragonmaw transporter swimming in the air
20:25.19foxlitWho is the book aimed at, anyway? :)
20:25.31cladhaireeveryone in your guild
20:25.34cladhaireand beginning authors.
20:25.40cladhaireand i mean that quite seriously
20:26.00cladhairethe only people its not good for, are the people who have already released 3-4 addons, and don't want a reference manual for the macro system in print.
20:26.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Xenok (
20:26.50foxlitNo API docs?
20:26.53XenokHow make it so I can cast a spell with a button in a window I make? (need help making the button too :P )
20:26.59Xenokwow i havn't been here in a while
20:27.08ShirikXenok: You need to create a secure button
20:27.10GuillotineXenok: secure frames
20:27.11cladhairefoxlit: they'd be out of date the second we printed them
20:27.18cladhaireand the wiki isn't even up to date right now.
20:27.24Shirikset the attribute "type" to "spell" and the attribute "spell" to whatever spell you want
20:27.27foxlitWiki's relatively fine
20:27.36ScytheBlade1cladhaire, does it teach the XML and actual UI aspects of addons?
20:27.43Xenokty shirik.. I THINK I can do that
20:27.48foxlitAlthough, yes, it lacks stuff added in 2.0/2.1
20:28.10cladhaireScytheBlade1: You complete two full scale addons from scratch
20:28.18cladhaireit goes through what XML does, what Lua does
20:28.21cladhaireand you write two addons
20:28.34cladhaireit doesn't cover dynamic frame creation, cause that would have taken another 2 chapters
20:28.35ScytheBlade1cladhaire, that consist of what? I've released four addons, but none of them actually do anything of value as far as a GUI goes. That's what I'm interested in.
20:28.51Guillotinesame here. my GUI is always hacked together :P
20:29.00foxlitBuild me a GUI!
20:29.01cladhairewell, you make a small draggable coordinate frame
20:29.02Guillotineor I steal a blizzard frame and edit it
20:29.04cladhaireexactly like TomTom
20:29.10ScytheBlade1I take that back. I released a square minimap mod, but... that's... horribly ugly code.
20:29.10cladhaireand add coordinates to the world map
20:29.21cladhairethat addon is called Whereabouts, and it contains a chapter on making a GUI for it
20:29.30cladhairesimple, small, and using default widgets
20:29.50cladhairemy addon, FocusFrame is a simple unit frame to display/target the focus unit
20:29.52cladhairethat you can drag around
20:29.56cladhaireboth have slash commands
20:30.00Guillotinebut nothing about making the complicated GUIs? (e.g. the type of thing Khaos and CT have)
20:30.04cladhaireso some of it may be review, some may be new material for you.
20:30.19cladhaireGuillotine: Well, how could we cover/write something like that, its just not feasible, unfortunately
20:30.28cladhaireBut those are just based on the simple config GUI we use in Whereabouts.,
20:30.43zenzelezzyou're not a very good salesman, are you
20:30.46zenzelezz"Everyone needs this"
20:30.58*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
20:31.02ScytheBlade1I've got the slash commands, all the lua and API knowledge needed. What would be incredible is a plain englieh "help me I'm a moron" (<--) explanation of the UI scaling system and secure headers system.
20:31.05Shirik"It even makes julian fries!"
20:31.09cladhairei'm not here to sell a book
20:31.09Shirik"Do not break, see that?!"
20:31.20Shirikyeah I'm the one who brought it up, not cladhaire
20:31.41Guillotinethe UI scaling system is pretty simple
20:31.44cladhaireScytheBlade1: there's a good one on th wiki that we link to acetually
20:31.48foxlitsecure headers you can get from reading the related Lua files :)
20:31.50Guillotinebest way to learn secure headers is reading the code from wdn
20:32.01Guillotinefoxlit beat me :(
20:32.07ScytheBlade1Sure, no doubt. Problem is, I lack the UI knowledge to apply the secure headers code.
20:32.10cladhaireI agree, that reference would be useful
20:32.11foxlitIf I ever stop slacking and get this RSA/SHA stuff out the door, I'll fix wiki's docs
20:32.16cladhairebut its not in the book
20:32.23GuillotineTem should write a book about "Crashing WoW"
20:32.27ScytheBlade1I've read that code two or three times over, but it's meangless without the needed background knowledge
20:32.32cladhaireI'm not going to sit here and lie to you guys, telling you something is in the book, but it isn't.
20:32.41ScytheBlade1Liar! ;)
20:32.42cladhaireScytheBlade1: So take a simple example
20:32.47cladhairethe FocusFrame does it
20:32.51cladhaireit sets up clicking on the frame
20:32.58cladhairea very basic example.
20:33.06cladhaireyou can expand it from there by looking at what else is possible.
20:33.11cladhaireif you're talking SecureStateHeaders
20:33.14cladhairethat's a different story
20:33.22ScytheBlade1All of the above. :)
20:33.23cladhaireand would take a good 8 chapters of material to be fully comprehensive.
20:33.33ScytheBlade1Easily, no doubts there
20:33.50cogwheel|workScytheBlade1: take a look at CogsBar v1.1 for a quick'n'dirty example of state headers (with lots of documentation in the code)
20:33.59cladhairethe entire .toc is available online
20:34.05cladhaireif you'd like to se whats there
20:34.09cladhairethe index and chapter one as well
20:34.15ScytheBlade1cladhaire, I might. :)
20:34.28cladhaireon the top right hand corner
20:34.29ScytheBlade1cogwheel|work, that include the UI scaling stuff?
20:34.32cladhaireChapter 1, .toc and index
20:34.35cladhairein that order
20:34.37cogwheel|workScytheBlade1: no
20:34.38cladhaireScytheBlade1: UI scaling is very simple.
20:34.45cladhairei can explain it now if you'd like.
20:34.48ScytheBlade1Simple yes, but it still messes with my head
20:34.52cladhairethe UI is at scaling 1.0 to begin with
20:34.56cladhaireso we'll start there
20:34.59ScytheBlade1Multiply going one way, divide going the other
20:35.17cladhairethat sounds like a very confusing way to think about it =)
20:35.19ScytheBlade1... to save the position/size of a frame
20:35.21cladhairetechnically correct
20:35.31cladhaireto save the posoition of a frame, you use my code =)
20:35.33ScytheBlade1That's what I've seen in the UI source, anyways.
20:36.13cladhaireseriously tho
20:36.17ScytheBlade1So it starts at 1.0
20:36.20cladhairei did the math so you don't have to
20:36.21Kaydeethreewoo, my new raid card's here
20:36.22ScytheBlade1I got that much :)
20:36.25cladhairewell the first thing to know
20:36.26Guillotinebasically, look at the 'scale' as a percentage of the size the parent has. a scale of .8 means its 8-% the scale of the parent. if the parent is a scale of 50%, the effective scale is 40%
20:36.38cladhaireis every single Ui in the game is one of two (or three) resolutions
20:36.46cladhairea normal monitor is 1024x768
20:36.49cladhaireno matter how big the monitor
20:36.54cladhaireno matter what the scaling
20:36.59ScytheBlade1That's what's messing with me, the normalization of the sizes/pixels
20:37.02cladhairethe "UI" was 1024 pixels width, and 768 pixels wide.
20:37.05ScytheBlade1(As I play widescreen)
20:37.08cladhairethere's also a standard widescreen resolution
20:37.14cladhairesame aspect ratio
20:37.34Shirikyup, it messes with my head a little too, ScytheBlade1
20:37.38Shirikbut try not to think about it
20:37.43cladhairescaling is just multiplicitive
20:37.46ScytheBlade1Yup. Which is what messes with me, as 1024x768 and widescreen resolutions have the same aspect ratio, despite... not having the same aspect ratio.
20:37.53foxlitUse BS numbers and pick what looks good :P
20:37.56cladhaireScytheBlade1: =)
20:38.17ScytheBlade1Don't get me wrong: it's all basic math... scaling is nothing new, but WoW's application of it and normalization of resolutions really just does me over.
20:38.20cogwheel|workReally? I thought it was simply normalized to a 768 pixel height regardless of the width...
20:38.41cladhairecogwheel|work: it might be, I'd have to go look.
20:38.48ScytheBlade1iirc cog is right
20:38.50cladhaireScytheBlade1: it can be confusing, to be sure.
20:38.57cladhairesee i'm even confused right now
20:39.05ScytheBlade1You see my problem. ;)
20:39.17cladhairei remember researching it for the book
20:39.21cladhaireand having it correct in there.
20:41.45ScytheBlade1Nice looking book if nothing else (from chapter one, anyways)
20:42.52cladhaireWe tried =)
20:43.17ScytheBlade1It really works well imo
20:43.27*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|Food (i=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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20:48.22ScytheBlade1So random story.
20:48.36ScytheBlade1I was sitting on my bank char in IF at 5:00 AM, by the mailbox, when he literally died.
20:48.49ScytheBlade1So I run back, res, and he dies again.
20:49.14ScytheBlade1Turns out there was a level 59 warrior on top of a building next to the mailbox.
20:50.52*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
20:52.56foxlitThis, this bank char, yeah?
20:53.04foxlitpvp tagged in a capital city?
20:54.58ScytheBlade1It's not every day there's a hordie sitting flagged in IF that's not getting ganked
20:55.32ScytheBlade1So it was never a problem until now
20:56.00ScytheBlade1Funny thing though. If I backed up enough, I had LoS and range. Turns out his shoot isn't all that deadly against a 70 mage.
20:57.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaydeethree (
21:08.18Xenoknot fair: Conjure1:SetAttribute("unit", "player"); Conjure1:SetAttribute("type1", "spell"); Conjure1:SetAttribute("spell1", "Conjure Water Rank 1"); is what i need to make the button click right? I also have the button: inherits="SecureActionButtonTemplate" aswell
21:09.00foxlitYou have the wrong spellname
21:09.18XenokConjure Water: Rank 1 eh?
21:09.30KaydeethreeConjure Water(Rank 1)
21:09.36Xenokohhhhh im a freaking moron
21:09.38Shirikand why rank 1 btw?
21:09.51Kaydeethreegreat for screwing with guildies during raid
21:09.58Xenokits a mod that manages your various conjures
21:10.05Xenokeasier for conjuring for lowbies
21:10.16Shirikyou know that you don't have to put the rank, right?
21:10.20Shirikor is that intentional
21:10.21Xenokdo too
21:10.21Shirikjust checking
21:10.33Xenokit is a button for each rank
21:10.37Shirikgot it
21:10.38Shirikok then
21:10.38Xenokthere is*
21:10.55XenokA friend of mine named it "Gatorade" rofl
21:11.16Guillotineare we still doing the even days-> alliance, odd days->horde on Draka?
21:11.23Guillotineor is anyone on draka at the moment?
21:11.37GuillotineI'm testing some stuff and don't want to be lonely :(
21:11.59cogwheel|workWhy does the forum go through spurts where it randomly forgets your cookie every few minutes?
21:12.13TC-Workingif you are planing on getting "Hacking World of Warcraft" take a look at the last post of
21:15.13Mr_Rabies2Don't get PWN'D
21:15.16Mr_Rabies2Write your own addons!
21:15.21Mr_Rabies2er, macros
21:15.31foxlitCute but meh
21:15.37foxlitCan't pwn people that much with macros anymore
21:15.44Mr_Rabies2i dunno man
21:15.56cladhaireyou'd ve suprised.
21:15.58foxlitThough /cast Switf Flight Form made netherwing flying quests easy :P
21:16.00Shirikcastsequence Moonfire, Moonfire, Moonfire, Moonfire
21:16.03Mr_Rabies2probably because i don't know lua but i can figure out the new format better
21:16.06foxlitcast Moonfire
21:16.13Shirikthat's not complicated enough
21:16.25foxlitEvil plan
21:16.28Mr_Rabies2i wrote one for kitty form that does this
21:16.35foxlitUse NTFS symlinks to get entire music directory into WoW
21:16.37GuillotineI'll send $5 through Paypal to anyone that makes an addon that lets you use lolcode ( to write macros or scripts in WoW
21:16.44Shirikcastsequence [harm] reset=target/shift Moonfire, Moonfire, Moonfire
21:16.45foxlitAnyone knows of anything that already does that?
21:16.56Mr_Rabies2/cast [stealth]Pounce
21:17.31foxlitGuillotine: Can I transform it to Lua and run it that way?
21:17.38Shiriksvn co
21:17.50Guillotinefoxlit: sure. as long as I can write a script in lolcode and have it run
21:17.56Shirikdo it!
21:17.58Mr_Rabies2/castsequence [nostealth] reset=8 Faerie Fire (Feral)(Rank 5), Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3), Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3), Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3), Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3)
21:18.01Mr_Rabies2that's a fun macro
21:18.08foxlitYou're forgetting () at the end!
21:18.42foxlitIs there a formal implementation or something? :)
21:18.43Guillotinefoxlit: and you can come up with your own ideas and whatever for casting, ect. :P
21:18.49Guillotinee.g. ZOMGPEWPEW Moonfire(Rank 3)
21:19.06Guillotineactually, can't cast from scripts anyway
21:19.08foxlitMEOWLOLZ Pounce
21:20.10Guillotineactually, this wouldn't be all that hard
21:20.19Guillotinejust using lots of string.match replaces
21:20.20cladhairenot in the least
21:20.22Guillotineto convert the string to lua
21:20.44Guillotinealright, thats my next project
21:20.45foxlitThey do stuff like file ops
21:20.54foxlitYou can't really replicate that in WoW-Lua
21:20.55Guillotinethat way the common wow player can program >.>
21:21.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
21:21.11Guillotinefoxlit: ya, it wouldn't work
21:21.18Guillotinewe can come up with our own version of lolcode though
21:22.08XenokBah humbug... Conjure1:SetAttribute("unit", "player"); Conjure1:SetAttribute("type1", "spell"); Conjure1:SetAttribute("spell1", "Conjure Water(Rank 1)"); still not casting T_T
21:22.38foxlitInhertiting from SecureActionButtonTemplate?
21:22.45Xenokthink so.. lemme check
21:22.51foxlitPretend I spelled inhereting correctly
21:22.59Xenokyes I am
21:24.47foxlitAnd you registered it for clicks?
21:26.07Xenokwas afk
21:26.22XenokI thinkkkk I figured out the problem XD
21:26.25Xenokhold on
21:26.46Mr_Rabies2epic mounts are so slow now
21:26.52Xenokyes lol
21:26.56Xenokthey are
21:27.14Mr_Rabies2wtb flying mounts in azeroth
21:27.22Mr_Rabies2i'll overhaul azeroth for you for freeeee :x
21:27.24Kaydeethreemeh. it's weird getting on a friend's account with a 60% mount and just going wow at how slow they are
21:27.58TC-Workingis there a mod that gives you a drink button that throws in the highest lvl of drink you have into it with conjured > other?
21:28.23Kaydeethreeautobar? cryolysis revived?
21:29.50Xenoknow.. .how do I make sure I registered my button thing for clicks? :P
21:29.51Xenokthe <OnClick> tab?
21:30.10foxlitWhere Stuff is "RightButtonUp", "LeftButtonUp" and so on
21:30.31XenokLeft button up eh?
21:30.40cladhairethat will cover all mouse butons
21:30.47TC-Workingthanks Kaydeethree
21:30.49cladhaireand is the proper syntax for an <OnClick> entry
21:30.58Xenokill try it
21:33.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
21:33.15Xenokstill no :( It must be something super simple though lol
21:33.23Shirik|Ecolewhat's the problem?
21:33.30XenokI still can't cast the darn thing
21:33.37Shirik|Ecoleok let me see your code
21:34.16Xenokuhh hold on
21:34.16Shirik|Ecolecladhaire: can I ask you a quick question?
21:34.21cladhairespelled correctly even!
21:34.28Shirik|EcoleI think Clique does this and I keep getting the same request ><
21:34.41Shirik|EcoleFor mouse buttons 4 and 5, is it just "spell4" and "spell5" respectively?
21:34.47Shirik|Ecoleand "type4" and "type5"
21:35.09cladhaireI believe so
21:35.31cladhairethat code's all astracted
21:35.32cladhairehold on a sec
21:35.32cladhairei'll check
21:35.47Shirik|Ecoleyeah ours is too, probably not in the same way though. That's what I have now but it's not doing anything so I think I need to change something else in the descriptor too
21:36.04Shirik|Ecole(Cidan did this, so I have to learn his code all over again >.> )
21:36.12Xenok highlights ftw
21:37.00Shirik|EcoleXenok: You should really abstract that code ><
21:37.25Xenoktoo lazy to figure that out
21:38.32TC-WorkingKaydeethree, neither of those work, any others?
21:38.38cogwheel|workabstraction *is* laziness, imo
21:38.51Shirik|Ecoleyou do realize 554+ is capitalized wrong though right?
21:38.52cogwheel|work(in a good way)
21:38.52Kaydeethreecouldn't tell ya. I conjure my own crack water, that's all I eve see
21:39.03TC-Workingheh, ok, thanks
21:39.29Shirik|Ecoleyou did self:RegisterForClicks() but conjure9:SetAttribute() ?
21:39.30XenokI do know that now
21:39.36Shirik|Ecoleat that location, self should == conjure9
21:39.50Shirik|Ecoleneither of which are your problem, though
21:40.09Shirik|Ecoleoh duh
21:41.28Shirik|EcoleI'm pretty sure
21:41.28Shirik|Ecoleduring OnLoad
21:41.28Shirik|EcoleUnitLevel() will not be accurate
21:41.29Shirik|Ecoleyou should wait for the PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD event or something similar
21:41.29zenzelezzI find the WoWWiki page for Warp Splinter amusing... 7 different strategies listed
21:41.29XenokI havn't coded in like 2 months.. forgot how to do tha shirik XD
21:41.29Shirik|Ecoleon the same note
21:41.29Shirik|EcoleI also doubt that is your problem
21:41.46Shirik|Ecoleyou mean level >= n, not level == n
21:41.52Shirik|Ecolebut that is ALSO not your problem :P
21:42.10Shirik|Ecoleactually that won't work either, you'd have to reorder your things a bit
21:42.55Shirik|Ecoleoh oh
21:42.58Shirik|Ecolegot it
21:43.06Shirik|Ecoleyou're setting your attributes in OnClick
21:43.11Shirik|Ecoleyou should be doing that during OnLoad
21:43.25Shirik|Ecolethe attributes say "when I am clicked, do this"
21:43.35Shirik|Ecolewell, that obviously can't be done during OnClick... cause it won't exist yet
21:43.41Xenoklol il see
21:43.55Shirik|Ecolespecifically you're doing RegisterForClicks() in OnClick
21:44.03Shirik|Ecolethus you aren't registering for any clicks until the button is clicked
21:44.10Shirik|Ecolewhich will never happen because it's not looking for clicks
21:44.30Xenokhold on
21:45.09foxlitBtw, you can't have OnClick for a secureactionbutton
21:45.19foxlitUnless you HookScript() it, which is impractical for most things
21:45.35Xenokbah humbug
21:45.54Xenokwaiiiit... I might need to do register fer clicks in the onload aswell
21:45.55cogwheel|workyep. you have to use <Pre/PostClick>
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21:46.12Xenokill try
21:46.14Shirik|Ecoleyou want to do it in OnLoad
21:46.22Shirik|Ecoleyou should only have to (in your case) register or set attributes once
21:46.29Shirik|Ecoleand that can be done as soon as the frame is created
21:46.39Shirik|Ecolehowever, you DO need to defer hiding and showing until PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD
21:46.47Shirik|Ecolesince you're trying to base it off UnitLevel()
21:46.49foxlitGot a few questions that require math :)
21:47.12XenokShirik|Ecole: I need to relearn that lol
21:47.54foxlitNeed to find a = b % c where b, c are BigNums (stealing BigNum implementation)
21:48.19Shirik|Ecolestill on that ><
21:48.29foxlitI'm done, mainly shaving seconds off stuff.
21:48.58Shirik|Ecolegah, I wish I had paid attention in discrete now
21:49.11foxlitThe BigNum implementation I used suggests that to find a, you do the b / c division and then take the remainder from there, but that's too darn slow.
21:49.11XenokOMFG... still not working?!!
21:49.14Shirik|Ecolewell we know a = b (mod c) therefore
21:49.35Shirik|Ecolea = b - cn (mod c)
21:49.40Shirik|Ecolebut that would be exactly what they're recommending
21:49.48Shirik|Ecoleyou can't find n without dividing
21:50.04foxlitWhich brings me to the pastey
21:50.18Shirik|EcoleXenok: Repaste your code
21:50.54Shirik|Ecoleyou are left clicking, right?
21:51.10foxlitThe idea is: reduce b by factors of c until it's under c
21:51.20Xenokand yes im left clicking
21:51.25Shirik|Ecolewhich is exactly what a = b - cn (mod c) says
21:51.38Shirik|Ecolen is an element of all counting numbers, a is an element of all positive integers
21:51.44foxlitOnly doing floored division on the first few RADIX'es of the bignums
21:51.46Shirik|Ecolea <= c
21:52.38Shirik|EcoleXenok: I think you should check your XML error log
21:52.42foxlitWhich avoids division by introducing a number of multiplication and substraction operators
21:52.44Shirik|Ecoleagain, you have a capital C in there
21:53.20Shirik|Ecolefoxlit: Is that any faster?
21:53.22Shirik|EcoleI would think not
21:54.09foxlitYou know, I haven't actually checked since I noted that BigNum.div was slow and wrote that thing instead
21:54.40Shirik|Ecolethe majority of implementations of division, at least the ones I'm familiar with
21:54.47Shirik|Ecolemerely work with powers of two and then subtract
21:54.51Xenokwould "Unknown frame type: Scripts" be the prob? XD
21:55.24Shirik|Ecoleyour <Scripts> is outside of the button
21:55.25Shirik|Ecoleit needs to be inside
21:55.38Xenokwait.. hold on
21:55.51Xenokwhat button?
21:56.04Shirik|Ecolewell, that depends on what you're trying to do
21:56.16Shirik|EcoleI already don't like your implementation :P
21:56.23Shirik|Ecolebut it needs to be inside some frame
21:56.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Wey (
21:56.46Shirik|Ecolecurrently, you (are trying to) do all initialization in one script
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21:56.51Shirik|Ecolebut... each frame gets its own OnLoad
21:57.02Shirik|Ecoleso you're kinda out of scope there
21:57.06XenokI guess so
21:57.32Xenokforgot a / at the end cog?
21:57.38Shirik|Ecolecogwheel|work: What do you mean?
21:57.47Shirik|Ecole"Black temple released!" ?
21:57.57cogwheel|workI've gotten three connection timeouts in a row
21:58.02cogwheel|workbut the forums are working fine
21:58.03Xenoknot I
21:58.19Shirik|Ecoleno problem for me :/
21:58.22Shirik|Ecolesounds like a routing issue
21:58.25Shirik|Ecolego yell at your is
21:58.44cogwheel|workI do that all the time
21:58.56cogwheel|workwhat about ?
21:59.07Shirik| and are on the same class C
21:59.12Shirik|Ecolethat doesn't make sense
21:59.21foxlitShirik: yes, it's still faster.
21:59.29Shirik|Ecolecogwheel|work: NOW I got a timeout :P
21:59.51Shirik|Ecolefoxlit: ok :)
21:59.52foxlitThey're about equal on low numbers (BigNum actually wins since it doesn't require as many divisions), but it's a heckload faster on larger numbers
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22:00.52cogwheel|workgrr... blizzard totally borked patch.html with the mini crash fix patch and now I can't get to the one on the website
22:01.28Xenokhehe over react much?
22:02.30XenokMe thinks taht was the last part of the mod I had to deal with! now gotta copy conjure9 to the other 8 :)
22:02.43Xenokoh and screenshots
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22:03.01Xenoker... maybe gotta make the fram draggable..
22:03.39foxlitPlus my method wins by not generating garbage :P
22:03.40Shirik|Ecolethis is easy
22:03.46Shirik|Ecolefoxlit: hehe :)
22:04.51foxlitSo it actually works perfectly well in the background :P
22:05.36Shirik|Ecolehow long do operations take?
22:05.52Shirik|EcoleI'd prefer not to lock up the UI even for a few seconds just because something's coming in that "might" be useful
22:06.02Xenokwho you talking to?
22:06.02foxlitIt's all coroutined
22:06.09Shirik|Ecoleah that's what I was looking for :)
22:06.27foxlitThough I do need to check that it works with the revised scheduler :P
22:06.46Shirik|Ecolegrab VFL's adaptive scheduler and be done with it :P
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22:07.18Guillotinequestion: what happens if you have a LoD addon, and you start WoW. Then you edit the LoD addon and load it. does it get the edited version, or does it get the version you had when you logged in?
22:07.37foxlitI think I wrote something that works, and it's rather short :P
22:07.45Shirik|EcoleI was amazed at how well it works; I set the update frequency to 0.01 sec the other day for queue processing; it locked up my UI at the beginning of the instance but after about half a second it was back to a playable framerate
22:07.52Shirik|Ecoleif what you have works, use it :)
22:08.25foxlitBut basically, I have no useful scenarios to test stuff in now :P
22:08.36Xenokooo crap! now i need to know how to make a minimap button :P
22:09.43Xenokwhere to learn that where to learn
22:09.58foxlitStill have to figure out what locks on my zone-ins
22:10.17cogwheel| is borked now too :(
22:10.20foxlitCan't coroutine the whole UI code, though :(
22:10.33Shirik|Ecolesure you can
22:10.55Shirik|EcoleUIParent:HookScript(function() coroutine.yield() end)
22:11.11Shirik|Ecoleoh yeah
22:11.23Shirik|Ecoleiterate through al lthe scripts
22:11.24Shirik|Ecoleand hook them
22:11.39foxlitThat'd only give me UIparent
22:11.45Shirik|Ecolebtw don't do this, it's gonna spam you with "Attempt to yield beyond a C call boundary"
22:12.03foxlitAnd you can't yield from outside a coroutine :)
22:12.14Shirik|Ecole>>> coroutine.yield()
22:12.19Shirik|Ecolecide get back here!
22:12.36Endend@yendor(/home/end) % lua
22:12.36EndLua 5.1.1  Copyright (C) 1994-2006, PUC-Rio
22:12.36End> coroutine.yield()
22:12.36Endattempt to yield across metamethod/C-call boundary
22:12.43Shirik|Ecole> coroutine.yield()
22:12.43Shirik|Ecoleattempt to yield across metamethod/C-call boundary
22:13.15cogwheel|work/target Cide
22:13.17foxlitBesides, yielding the whole interface doesn't quite make sense :)
22:13.21cogwheel|work/cast Ritual of Summoning
22:13.31Shirik|Ecolelast time you did that it worked >.>
22:13.36Endit doesn't make much sense at all
22:13.48cogwheel|workonly when people CLICK TEH DAMN PROTAL!
22:14.17Shirik|Ecoleyou were supposed to click the protal
22:14.19Shirik|Ecolegood job
22:14.23Shirik|Ecoleyou just summoned cide into nowhere
22:14.25Shirik|Ecolenow he's dead
22:14.41cogwheel|worku noobs RIGHT-click
22:14.51cogwheel|work/cast Ritual of Summoning
22:14.59cogwheel|workdo it rite this tiem
22:15.02Endthat's why you don't hurry hurry a summon and you get a rotten summon
22:15.28Endor was that miracles
22:15.31EndI forget which
22:15.34Shirik|Ecoleok so question, thoughts
22:15.53Shirik|EcoleI'm thinking about adding an icon to my encounter bar that looks like the windows "networking" icon
22:16.02Shirik|Ecoleso that you can see when you're sending/receiving data
22:16.04End. o O ( This is my thought! )
22:16.11Shirik|Ecole(since it could take a few seconds to finish)
22:16.15Shirik|Ecole(even minutes, haven't tested)
22:16.35Shirik|Ecolewould it look ok? or do you think people wouldn't understand it
22:16.38Endif it takes that long, it'd probably useful
22:16.46Shirik|Ecoleand I should do something like what damage meters does with "processing"
22:16.55Endyeah, I was just thinking of that too
22:16.56foxlitwth are you transferring? :)
22:17.02Shirik|Ecolea table with
22:17.06Shirik|Ecoleprobably, on average
22:17.08Shirik|Ecoleabout 2000 elements
22:17.17Shirik|Ecolebetween 10-25 people
22:17.17foxlitwhy oh why? :)
22:18.03foxlitRDXM_KitchenSink soon? :)
22:18.09Shirik|Ecoleyeah working on that one
22:18.54foxlitYou should probably have the decency to zip that stuff up before transfering over public chat channels :P
22:20.12Shirik|Ecolenot over public chat
22:20.18Shirik|Ecoleover raid SendAddonMessage() :P
22:20.40foxlitpractically the same thing
22:20.48GuillotineShirik: with 2000 elements, its going to take minutes to send the data probably
22:21.00Shirik|Ecolewell that's why I'm going to probably have to rethink how much it transmits
22:21.02Guillotineremember that SendAddonMessage is still affected by throttling
22:21.08Shirik|Ecoleor potentially send during the encounter
22:21.12Shirik|Ecoleoh I know that, and the scheduler handles that
22:21.15Kaydeethreehuh? it's only affected by the flooding filter
22:21.20Shirik|Ecolewe have a message queue, messages are never sent
22:21.23foxlitComing Next Week: WoWZaa, share your MP3s while playing WoW
22:21.31Shirik|EcoleRDX.EnqueueMessage not RDX.TransmitMessage :P
22:21.44GuillotineI made a test addon that let you send addons to people over WoW
22:21.53Guillotinejust had to store them as strings
22:21.57Guillotinethen just run RunScript on them
22:22.03GuillotineI lost it when my computer crashed :(
22:22.07Guillotineand died
22:22.08Shirik|Ecoleyeah, with foxlit's implementation
22:22.11Shirik|Ecoleit would be secure too
22:22.13GuillotineI may make it again eventually
22:22.16Shirik|Ecolethat's what I'm hoping to do when he finishes it up
22:22.18foxlitWell, actually wtb decent implementation of send/recieve cache and search/request mechanisms
22:22.21Shirik|Ecoleso I can send RDX patches
22:22.39Shirik|Ecolefoxlit: you mean with regards to sending messages?
22:22.50nevcairielinteresting idea tho, submit small patches which can be loadstring'ed
22:23.02nevcairielwont work for every fix i guess
22:23.20Shirik|Ecole look ok?
22:23.27foxlitAnd a world domination module that converts XML->Lua
22:23.27Shirik|Ecoleif so, I can send you the sync information for RDX
22:23.32Shirik|Ecoleit's pretty straightforwards
22:23.50Guillotinestring.dump is pricekless for this type of thing
22:24.08Guillotineonly problem is you have to know the name of all the functions
22:24.31Guillotineand everything has to be stored in functions
22:24.45foxlitNot quite what I had in mind, Shirik :)
22:24.57foxlitBut hey, crypto's pluggable :)
22:25.17foxlitCan I detect that I'm in a coroutine?
22:25.29Shirik|Ecolenot directly
22:25.50Shirik|Ecoleyou could use a semaphore hooked to coroutine.resume() I guess
22:25.50foxlitPassing cr flags sucks :(
22:26.09Guillotinehmm, I wonder...
22:26.27Shirik|EcoleCRCount = 0; hooksecurefunc(coroutine, "resume", function() CRCount = CRCount + 1; end); hooksecurefunc(coroutine, "yield", function() CRCount = CRCount - 1; end);
22:26.30Shirik|Ecolebut that wouldn't really work either
22:26.37Shirik|Ecolewhen the coroutine returns (not yields) or errors
22:26.43Shirik|EcoleCRCount would be one over what it should be
22:29.00foxlitFlag it is, then
22:30.09*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
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22:42.26Guillotinedammit. Slouken has outwitted me once again :( can't string.dump protected functions
22:42.30Guillotineso I can't unprotect them
22:43.54ckknightthat's been that way since beta
22:44.02ckknightoh, wait, no
22:44.05cogwheel|workmore like the functions are written in C so there IS no dumping them...
22:44.12ckknightyea, that'd be it.
22:44.15cogwheel|work(unless you're specifically referring to framexml code)
22:45.14Endeven if you loaded up a framexml code after dumping it, I'm pretty sure it'd be tainted anyways
22:45.54Enddumping the C functions doesn't make sense though, that's true, and that's what I think Guillotine was talking about
22:46.15cogwheel|workwtf is wrong with blizzard's web servers today? :|
22:46.53Endtheir forums seem fine to me, but it does seem like the main not responding
22:47.00Shirikmy virus is finally being distributed widely, the DoS is underway >:D
22:47.12Shirikfools! Now they shall pay for the 2.0 changes
22:47.16cogwheel|workI can't get my mind around the fact that the forums work but the websites don't...
22:47.24cogwheel|workit's just.... not supposed to work that way!
22:47.24Shirikyeah it should be the other way around :P
22:47.36Endthey probably have a lot more hardware thrown at the forums
22:48.01Endalthough, the main site isn't responding period....
22:48.07Endit's beyond being sluggish
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22:48.49cogwheel| is down too
22:48.53Guillotineah, End is right
22:48.55Guillotineit wouldn't have worked anyway
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22:50.54Guillotineso now that invalid characters don't d/c you when sent through SendAddonMessage, you could pretty easily use string.dump and loadstring to send addons through WoW
22:51.33ShirikCommit failed (detauls follow):
22:51.33ShirikError: Can't connect to host: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
22:51.43ShirikI should start using my own SVN server instead of Cidan's :P
22:52.32cladhairegooglecode ftw
22:53.40ShirikI used googlecode for a while
22:53.45Shirikbtw their SVN servers are so insanely slow
22:53.56Shirikbut at least they're up ^^
22:54.04foxlitwow, this is a comedy of errors
22:54.10cladhairethey're not slow at all
22:54.14cladhaireyou're smoking crack
22:54.16Shiriklast time I tried to commit to it
22:54.19ShirikI got 200 bytes per sec
22:54.26zenzelezzGoogle just doesn't like you
22:54.33foxlitFirst I use Prism_Scheduler:AddTask rather than Prism_Scheduler.AddTask; then I put , tostring(res) inside a string.format rather than return :/
22:54.34Shirikand it's not my connection considering I commit to cidan's at about 100KB
22:54.38cladhaireShirik: I get much more than that.
22:54.43Shirikthey like you more :(
22:54.50Shirikgranted I haven't used it in about 2 months
22:58.38foxlitLF-only newlines make notepad cry :(
22:58.46Shirikuse wordpat
22:59.15foxlitBut me like notepad! Me demand rest of the world use CRLF!
22:59.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Tain (
23:01.21Shiriklet us all follow the rules of Microsoft!
23:01.21Shirikthey know the way!
23:02.08foxlitI'm surprised, though. You'd think most people use windows as a development platform
23:02.08Shirikmmm, that's a rough statement
23:03.03foxlitBigger marketshare. More people playing WoW on Win32
23:03.03zenzelezzand almost all developer oriented Windows software support LF-only as well as CRLF
23:03.03foxlitBut why bother?
23:03.03Shirikyeah, Visual Studio has no problem with LF-only, for example
23:03.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=chatzill@
23:03.04Shirikfoxlit: Because Linux doesn't like CRLF, for example
23:03.04Shirikwell, certain tools in Linux
23:03.08zenzelezzI std::endl
23:03.23Shirikyou put that at the end of every one of your source lines? o.o
23:03.37Shirikbut in all seriousness, I would probably argue that
23:03.49Shirikif someone is developing intentionally cross-platform, they'll probably use LF instead of CRLF
23:04.17LunessaGood evening everyone.  
23:04.22cogwheel|workhey :)
23:04.25Shirikmore Linux tools do not support CRLF than Windows tools not supporting LF
23:04.26Shirikhi :D
23:04.43foxlithrm, boo hiss.
23:04.44Shirikin fact
23:04.48Shirikthe only tool I can think of in windows having a problem is notepad
23:04.52foxlitI changed scheduler to be more agressive with using up time, and it cut FPS. Stupid cause and effect :P
23:05.31Shiriksee now
23:05.36Shirikif you had used an ADAPTIVE scheduler...
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23:05.53foxlit~whaleslap Shirik
23:06.04purlACTION beats Shirik upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
23:06.04Shirikhey she figured it out!
23:06.24|Jelly|Been here for a while, actually. Known as "the" because I'm a tard and well, LFG (failing, mind you)
23:06.25Shirikhi |Jelly| :)
23:06.55Shirikyou got cogwheel|work to convince you to use chatzilla
23:06.58foxlitDoes Lua have repeat?
23:07.08LunessaHah... Thanks Cog for pointing out Chatzilla.  I haven't used irc since... oh, '95 or so so bear with my n00bery.  
23:07.13|Jelly|Because I'm lazy : /
23:07.26Shirikwhat's that?
23:07.27foxlitrepeat {block} until
23:07.29cogwheel|workrepeat /block/ until /expression/
23:07.54cogwheel|workHeh. mIRC was way too intimidating for me :P
23:08.32|Jelly|They wanted me to pay for it and well, I'm not about that!
23:08.32cogwheel|workand I found its interface very unintuitive
23:08.33cogwheel|workand that too :)
23:08.42Shirikyeah well what cogwheel|work said
23:08.47Shirikthough I don't see the purpose of it :/
23:08.56ShirikC has grown on me too much, I only use while
23:09.16Lunessa*chuckle* mIRC is not Mac-happy and I didn't want to buy a client.  This works just fine.  
23:09.35foxlitThe purpose is that the block is always executed at least once
23:09.35Shirikyeah I know
23:09.35ShirikI actually was under the false assumption that do...while worked
23:09.35Shirikwhich it doesn't
23:10.48Corrodiasindeed; i never use notepad
23:11.12foxlitIt's the editor that opens fastest :P
23:11.19cladhaireLunessa: Colloquy is a spectacular free mac client
23:11.21cladhaireI highly suggest it
23:11.40Corrodiaswordpad is plenty fast
23:12.00LunessaI'll have to check it out Cladhaire. Oh, and congratulations on the book.  
23:12.12cladhaireits kinda weird, but very exciting
23:12.27zenzelezzthe book is weird but exciting?
23:12.38cladhaireno its weird to hold a real book in my hands, that i helped write
23:12.40cladhairethat's weird =0
23:12.49cladhaireand its very exciting =)
23:13.39LunessaI felt the same way when I got my editor's copies of books I worked on.  
23:13.50foxlit"So how do you feel for being responsible for the needless killing of the world's forests to make copies of your book?"
23:14.08TainNow cladhaire, "I never believed the letters in your forum until it happened to me..." doesn't constitute a book.
23:17.05LunessaSome days, I think my blood pressure and general mental well-being would be enhanced if I stopped reading WoW-realted forums.  
23:17.13cladhairethey would =)
23:17.31|Jelly|I think it's more or less blood pressure for me though : /
23:19.10foxlitSigning goes down to ~800s of coroutine time :)
23:19.46Corrodiasafaik, most -paper- is from tree farms specifically made for paper
23:20.17foxlitI'm sure there's some silly argument agains tree farms as well
23:20.23Corrodiasfurniture, on the other hand, is more likely to be responsible for levelling the forests you mentioned
23:20.57TainNot to mention the vicious roving bands of termites.
23:21.04Corrodiasand wild fires
23:21.24zenzelezzdeforestation for preparing farmland or living space is the worst
23:21.25zenzelezzif it weren't for humans, most of Europe would be forests
23:21.46TainLumberjacks are the worst.
23:21.55LunessaI'm concerned about those rampant forests! Something must be done to curb their run-away growth!  
23:22.23Shirik19:16:43 ‹Lunessa› Some days, I think my blood pressure and general mental well-being would be enhanced if I stopped reading WoW-realted forums.
23:22.29cogwheel|workLunessa: srsly... They've completely decimated carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere
23:22.32Shirikand why do you think I've not been to them as of late :p
23:22.44Shiriks/them/them much/
23:22.48zenzelezzyou don't put on women's clothing and hang around in bars, cog?
23:22.50|Jelly|Because you wanted to be a troll!
23:23.04ShirikIf that were the case I'd be like Kaydeethree and be in general chat all the time
23:23.07wobinI never wanted to be a lumberjack, I wanted to be a... TROLL!
23:23.10wobinno, wait...
23:23.37LunessaShirik - At least they help curb the raging anger stupid user calls causes me. :lol:
23:23.41cogwheel|workzenzelezz: not at the same time..... <.<
23:25.15Xenokgrrr Where do I learn how to make a minimap button? :P
23:25.18LunessaWait.. On the WoW Forums I *am* in women's clothing!  Oh noes!  
23:26.41LunessaXenox - the art?  
23:26.51Xenokumm I think I found it nvm
23:27.02Xenok >_>
23:27.06cogwheel|worktime for home... later
23:27.40foxlitAnyone fancy running a few tests for me?
23:28.39|Jelly|Oh. Shirik...while you're handy. Is there any word on your level flight indicator? SpeedFu works but your idea seemed so neat.
23:29.51Shirikyeah, kinda
23:29.51ShirikIt detects angles correctly
23:29.52ShirikI just need to actually make the HUD
23:29.52Shirikunfortunately...... that's the same thing I said to someone who asked 3 weeks ago
23:29.52|Jelly|Do you need any guinea pigs? I mean...I can't seem to find any freaking groups as of late
23:29.52[dRaCo]/cheer shirik
23:29.52Shirikit was probably [dRaCo] too
23:29.56wobinwoo, you solved, it, Shirik? Very cool
23:33.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Aita (
23:34.12foxlitAnyone remember anything about <Silder> ?
23:35.16Xenokomg gah... that link of mine isn't any help :P where the heck do I go to learn to make minimap buttons?! :P
23:37.08LunessaGrab an addon that has one, and read the code?
23:37.37wobinIsn't there a guide on wowwiki?
23:37.47Mr_Rabies2Moroes hits you for 4100. (Crushing)
23:37.47LunessaI'm looking, but ... not finding.
23:37.48Xenokno wobin there isn't
23:38.06XenokLunessa.... I tried... it didnt' work.. tried 3 mods... no method was the same XD
23:38.11[dRaCo]who cares 'about 4k dmg?
23:38.40LunessaMy clothie hide cares about 4K.  That's 66% of my health...
23:38.55MikkGo stand under Gruul after 15 grows :-
23:38.58Xenokthats about.. 90& of mine... and im 70 XD
23:39.15[dRaCo]I'd like to meet you guys in eye of the storm :D
23:39.26Xenokme = dead mage
23:39.38MikkMS, WW, Execute, dead
23:40.06XenokIce barrior.. frost nova... icelance x3.. lather rinse repeat XD
23:40.21LunessaI don't PVP as a priest.  Not because I'm a priest, and priests aren't good at PvP... but because I stink.  
23:40.28[dRaCo]It'd more be like: purge, stormstrike, pray for wf, earthshock, dead mage.
23:40.42Xenokoh yeah.. spellsteal ftw
23:40.56foxlitzomg avenging wrath?
23:41.06Xenokzomg... Water elemental
23:41.22foxlitCan't steal a water elemental, don't be silly :)
23:41.45Xenokyeah.. I can steal anything but auras and pally bubbles XD
23:41.46[dRaCo]nope, but you can ignore it :)
23:41.47Shirik19:37:25 ‹Mr_Rabies2› Moroes hits you for 4100. (Crushing)
23:41.47Shirikthat's it?
23:41.51ShadowedWhy ignore it
23:41.53Mr_Rabies222000 armor
23:41.54Shadowedthey're squishy
23:42.01ShirikI have like
23:42.02Shirik2 armor
23:42.04Shirik1 on my priest
23:42.05[dRaCo]just kill the mage and you're done.
23:42.09*** join/#wowi-lounge hermock (
23:42.20Xenokwater ele's "Freeze" ftw
23:42.20hermockhello anyone there ?
23:42.21ShadowedFrost Mages are rather hard to kill
23:42.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Soulless (i=Fridgid@
23:42.26Shirikhermock: nope
23:42.28foxlitI don't play PvP cause it always ends in heartbreak
23:42.37foxlitYou can't kill a druid solo, so I usually end up in 5v1 battles.
23:42.40LunessaActually, the Moroes fight has been the easiest fight in Kara for my tiny little guild.  
23:42.53[dRaCo]I like those 3 mins mages
23:43.00zenzelezzreally? Hard to be easier than Attumen
23:43.01hermockHello everyone I am looking for a kind developper that know how to develop addons
23:43.04XenokIm a 3 min mage T_T
23:43.16Shirikhermock: I think you've hit the jackpot
23:43.23Mr_Rabies2 are mine :D
23:43.32ShadowedMage gains AP -> You gain CLoS -> You resist mages pyro
23:43.34Shadowedgood times
23:43.55LunessaOk, Attumen is pretty easy too; the Maiden gave us a headache, but we figured it out.  Now we just need to go through the rest.
23:43.59zenzelezzgrats Rabies
23:44.03[dRaCo]spell reflect is funny, too :D
23:44.27Xenokon pyro.. i hate it
23:44.27Mr_Rabies2was worth getting crushed by moroes
23:44.28foxlitCyclone > *
23:44.28Mr_Rabies2to get those :O
23:44.28ShadowedSpell reflect is too obvious now
23:44.28hermocksorry for being a noob, how do you pm  ?
23:44.32XenokI don't rmemeber hermock XD
23:44.32Shirikif you're trying to PM me, don't
23:44.32Shadowedand it's incredibly hard to time it in arenas
23:44.42zenzelezzI get such a kick out of Julianne, crushing blows for 2000
23:44.52Mr_Rabies2those are the best kitty boots afaik
23:44.54Shirikbut it's /query
23:44.59Shiriktype /query <nick>
23:45.18foxlit7query Shirik haha!
23:45.44Shirikyou all are going to make me reject all PMs
23:45.47Mr_Rabies2/close -m
23:45.57*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work__ (
23:46.15foxlit"Better, much better"
23:46.17wobinrofl =)
23:46.31wobinNeed to get 172MB of archives. After unpacking 333MB will be used.
23:46.34hermockoki I found how ti
23:46.42foxlitzomg, man arrested, spam stops
23:46.53foxlitWhy do I have a feeling that just isn't so?
23:46.57ShirikCairenn: nice :)
23:47.10LunessaThat guy... one of the top 10 - now let's get the other 9.  
23:47.11hermockSo where is the material for developping a wow add on ?
23:47.19hermockWhat s the API language  ?
23:47.27Shirikit's Lua
23:48.13foxlitBut seriously, wouldn't most spam be sent via botnets now anyway?
23:48.26foxlitWhat does taking one man out of the picture do?
23:48.40Karrionfoxlit: someone has to tell the bots what to send
23:48.51hermockthank you Shirik
23:49.07Shirikfor Lua information, see specifically looking at PiL
23:49.27purlit has been said that pil is Programming in Lua. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in hardcover and covers Lua 5.1. the Python Imaging Library
23:49.27foxlitIf I was sending spam, I'd operate some sort of reseller service.
23:49.53foxlitown botnet, let other people, for some sort of fee, direct messages through it.
23:51.31LunessaI deal with SPAM on an admin level every day.  His arrest helps to fill a gaping wound in my soul; just a little.  
23:52.22Karriongetting him means you've got the bot net controller, and can shut down the whole network. in theory.
23:53.45Karrion'course there's plenty of others out there still
23:53.49hermockWhat is the language to develop a wow addon ?
23:55.11hermockNo other choice ? I do not know lua
23:55.21hermockis it oo ?
23:55.50Karrionlua's pretty easy to learn
23:56.02Karrionit can be oo, if you want it to be
23:56.04LunessaIf you know any other language (aside from basic) - or have scripted in PERL, learning LUA will be fast.  
23:56.13cladhaireI just wrote a book that will teach you how to write addons, at least in part.
23:56.30hermockI know perl C++ and java .... I am working in the field
23:56.32Thraecladhaire wrote a book on "Hacking World of Warcraft".
23:56.33|Jelly|And when will this book be out? <3
23:56.39cladhaire|Jelly|: its out now.
23:56.53|Jelly|ahh yeah...Cog linked me
23:57.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Karrion (
23:57.40Karrionhermock: then you shouldn't have too much trouble picking up lua
23:57.52cladhaireyou'll find lua very easy
23:58.05hermockI arrived in this chatroom threw Gatherer wow add on .....
23:58.21Thraehermock: Lua has a lot of simularties to Java and C++, closer to C++ in syntax, but closer to Java in implementation.
23:58.23hermockis it an IRC channel  ?
23:58.33cladhairethis is an irc channel, yes #wowi-lounge, not .com
23:58.57hermockthank you for the description Thrae
23:59.11ThraeThis is the channel for, where we talk about many things, mostly about addons and addon development.
23:59.35hermockI was luccky to find it in so few time
23:59.38cladhairemy b

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