IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070528

00:00.18MentalPower|Foodwhat happens if you try?
00:00.59ravagernlYou cannot interact with mailboxes
00:01.10MentalPower|Foodah, IC
00:04.54*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
00:22.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|Away (n=njbcc@
00:30.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@
00:31.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Esamynn] by ChanServ
00:40.27sysrageillhoof 1 shot!
00:40.39Temgogo KZ nerf!
00:46.15sysragei love how pet bars get screwed up every major patch
00:46.49nevcairielagain ? :p
00:47.01sysragemine have been disappearing again since 2.1 ya
00:47.09nevcairieli thought about re-doing the damn petbar in bt3, instead of hooking in the default UI one
00:48.34nevcairielwill prolly happen in the next version
00:53.45VoiDRaiderIriel if you still here, I compacted the code to a very small version without any textures just pure frames using Y axis 0 and still the frames overlap when you scale them, you can see the whole code here
00:54.11AellaWhy exactly do you need to scale them?
00:54.49VoiDRaiderSo I can resize them ?
00:55.25AellaMmm, okay.
00:58.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
01:01.13*** part/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
01:01.49*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
01:02.01*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
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01:24.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
01:25.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
01:26.13sysragerofl. listening to some of the tards in my guild try to grasp the netherspite event is extremely amusing
01:27.44OsagasuEvery 'tard is a unique and "spechal" flower.
01:30.51*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh_ (
01:36.34*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
01:48.38VoiDRaiderWell Iriel thank you so much for the help, I have no clue why I haven't used the same parent and instead chosen to set the frames relatively to each other that made it all so complicated :)
01:49.18VoiDRaiderAt last I figured this out :D
01:50.42Tullerhey nevcairiel: [stance:2/3,stealth]prowl should work fine for the people with no aquatic form :)
01:51.58IrielVoiDRaider: Yay
01:53.32VoiDRaiderThe great hint "Firstly it's very odd to make all of the things in a list children of each other,r ayther than them all being children of a common root" :))
01:59.07Pac2722wats a good nod to have?
02:09.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
02:21.03a-stray-catanyone here enGB?
02:21.51Cairenn|afkKirkburn and Legorol, iirc
02:22.05JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn|afk
02:22.17purlACTION hugs Cairenn|afk
02:22.24a-stray-catKirkburn: could you test an addon for me? :X
02:22.43a-stray-catsomeone from enGB has a problem i can't reproduce on mine :/
02:22.48a-stray-catit's fast actually
02:23.01a-stray-catyou just need to equip a trinket, use it, unequip it, reequip it when its done
02:23.02KirkburnThat's what they all say
02:23.30a-stray-catbe like 2 and a half minutes! :P
02:23.58KirkburnWait, no .... arrr, I be a pirate, not some British scallywag! Arrr. Arrr?  .... It's not working, is it
02:24.09KirkburnWhich addon?
02:24.57a-stray-catCooldownTimerBars :o
02:24.59KirkburnNote that WoW is not on the PC I'm running IRC on, so don't try sending it to me :P
02:25.21a-stray-cat :X
02:25.29KirkburnOh, Ace?
02:25.42KirkburnWell that makes it much easier!
02:26.03zenzelezzthat's what they claim anyway ;-o
02:26.12KirkburnNo externals?
02:26.22a-stray-catit should have externals :P
02:26.29a-stray-catbut if you've got them alraedy i dont see why not ;)
02:27.19KirkburnI have about 100 Ace addons. I have externals. :)
02:27.55KirkburnLook, there goes Kaso. You could've asked him :(
02:27.58Pac2722how do i add nods im new to all this
02:28.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
02:28.11Kirkburn/nod ?
02:28.23a-stray-catkaso has already escaped, it seems.
02:28.42KirkburnThat crazy Adys just got a Netherdrake!
02:31.06KirkburnYeah, uh, I'm in EPl at level 50
02:31.15KirkburnNot many places I can use trinkets :/
02:31.40a-stray-cat:< you dont have any activating trinkets?
02:31.55a-stray-catno insigina of the horde? :P
02:31.56Kirkburnone ^^
02:32.15a-stray-catone'll do
02:32.31KirkburnYup, that was fun. Omfg-type fun
02:32.35a-stray-catthe bug is supposedly the trinket time when you requip it is broken, it shows the long cooldown instead of the 30 second equip cooldown
02:32.55KirkburnNot getting any errors
02:33.02a-stray-catnot an error, it just uses the wrong time
02:33.16KirkburnWell ... uh ... this is a 15 min cooldown trinket
02:33.22a-stray-catoh :<
02:33.46a-stray-catwell, maybe in those 15 minutes i can find someone else from enGB ;O
02:34.18KirkburnGo me :P
02:34.33a-stray-catdoes the 15 minute timer even show up? :X
02:34.44a-stray-cati think thats above the default max time ;o
02:35.34KirkburnUpped the max time
02:35.47KirkburnUnequipped, equipped - shows the 30 sec cooldown
02:35.57a-stray-catnot the 15 minute one?
02:35.57KirkburnThe item has over 11 mins to go
02:35.59a-stray-cathow very strange
02:36.05KirkburnNo errors
02:36.14Mikmawhat enGB?
02:36.27Shirikbritish english
02:36.31Adyswhen was /mountspecial introduced?
02:36.38KirkburnAlways existed
02:36.50KirkburnIs it loop-the-loop for the drake too?
02:36.50MikmaShirik: what about them?
02:36.56Shirik22:36:57 ‹Mikma› what enGB?
02:37.03KirkburnBananas, that's what.
02:37.22MikmaShirik: 'what is enGB' would have been a question about the meaning of enGB ;)
02:37.22a-stray-catcan you dump the GetInventoryItemCooldown("player", 14orwhatever) for me:X
02:37.24KirkburnSo yeah, it obviously needs the max time to be greater than the trinket time, but it doesn't actually show it
02:37.44Kirkburnenglish Great Britain
02:37.48a-stray-catits strange that it would show 30 seconds
02:38.01a-stray-cati dont store any times for items
02:38.02KirkburnMikma, what do you want from me :(
02:38.32a-stray-catis there a way i can install other locales on my WoW?
02:38.38a-stray-catthat'd be nifty.
02:39.01KirkburnNot for USians so far as I know
02:39.09MikmaKirkburn: hmm yes. blood or virgins. either will be fine
02:39.24KirkburnNo! The virgins are mine! You can't have them :(
02:40.16KirkburnAnyway, you want me to "dump the GetInventoryItemCooldown("player", 14orwhatever)" ... I have no idea what that means
02:40.30KirkburnI'm leik totally awesome.
02:40.39a-stray-cat./dump GetInventoryItemCooldown("player", trinketslot)
02:40.45a-stray-cattrinketslot is probably 13 or 14
02:40.46a-stray-cati dont recall :X
02:40.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
02:40.56KirkburnI love how in giant letters it's saying "Tidal Charm ready!"
02:41.13*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden^ (
02:41.15a-stray-catthat's a 15 minute cooldown? really?
02:41.31Kirkburn295671.573, 900, 1
02:41.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
02:42.18Kirkburn3 sec stun, once every 15 mins :/
02:42.23a-stray-catthat's it for now, i'll have to rig up a debug version then find another suck...volunteer to test for me.
02:42.28KirkburnMy only other trinket is the Argent Dawn Comission
02:42.36KirkburnAnd the lights almost went out. That was odd.
02:42.48a-stray-catsacrifice more virgins.
02:43.00KirkburnBut they keep complaining :(
02:43.27a-stray-catoh one last test, if you unequip it again does it still show up as 30 seconds?
02:43.58KirkburnHmm, no
02:44.07KirkburnDoesn't show anything
02:44.25a-stray-catyou set the max time to >=900?
02:44.46KirkburnI was
02:45.19KirkburnDown to less than 2 mins left now, still nowt
02:45.47*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
02:46.46a-stray-catbah, i need to figure out a way to get an engb client!
02:46.52a-stray-catcan you connect to us servers with engb?
02:47.09KirkburnDoubt it
02:47.28KirkburnAnyway, there's little difference between the clients
02:47.58AnduinLotharwoo 10 thousand wowi Archaeologist dl's
02:48.02a-stray-catthat doesn't happen on enUS though
02:48.08a-stray-catso SOMETHING's different :/
02:48.08AnduinLotharexactly, heh
02:48.09KirkburnActually, I lie, I think you can by editing the connection file
02:48.29KirkburnAL, grats
02:49.51a-stray-cathm, i wonder if i can just download the enGB client somewhere
02:50.29a-stray-catdoes enGB have a 10 day trial program?
02:50.54KirkburnYes, the EU business works quite similar to the NA
02:50.55AnduinLotharcourse curse has 200 thousand Arch dls..
02:51.21a-stray-cata 10 day trial program that includes a download of the game?
02:51.39KirkburnCheck the site!
02:51.45a-stray-catif so, i must find someone who's willing to part with one of their guest passes ;P
02:51.52a-stray-cati can't get past the part where it asks you for the key
02:52.02KirkburnAlso -
02:52.38a-stray-catoh, sweet
02:53.12Shirik22:51:38 ‹+AnduinLothar› course curse has 200 thousand Arch dls..
02:53.21ShirikIt will also take you 5 years to find them
02:53.38AnduinLotharfind what, arch on curse?
02:53.45Shirikfind anything
02:53.50AnduinLotharobviously someone's able to find them
02:54.14AnduinLotharso it looks like UnitIsFeignDeath has a range
02:54.24Shirikthat's still better than what we had
02:54.30AnduinLotharnot really
02:54.39Shirikwell you can guarantee UnitIsFeignDeath "player" will always be right
02:54.43AnduinLothargroup buffs dont have a range
02:54.45Shirikand that's all we used to have
02:55.08Shirikand there's nothing stopping you from still scanning group buffs
02:55.56AnduinLotharexcept for the fact that UnitIsFeignDeath SOUNDS liek it should be useful for group members
02:56.12AnduinLotharw/e. i just augmented it
02:56.30AnduinLotharworks on everyone now
02:57.01AnduinLotharcept mouseover i spose
02:58.52Pac2722so wats a good mod to have im new to all this
03:00.20JoshBorkePac2722: one that provides a feature you want
03:00.52a-stray-catWoW enGB downloading at 2.6k/s, I'll be done in 3 weeks woot!
03:01.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Scre3m (
03:01.29Pac2722well i want any thing that will help me lvl is there 1?
03:01.30Scre3manyone using Logitech G7
03:04.38JoshBorkePac2722: help you lvl how?  no addon can play the game for you
03:05.34Pac2722is there a mod for maps to show wat lvl the mobs r?
03:05.55JoshBorkei believe cartographer does that
03:09.00sysragei have a gem macro (i'm a mage). pre-patch it used to show cooldown timer for 2nd gem after i used 1st one. now it just automagically switches back to a question mark. any way i can get it to show cooldown after 1st gem is used now?
03:09.37sysragesomethin with the # tooltip stuff i assume
03:23.20Legorolcladhaire: the invisible army one is great
03:23.24Legorolthe rest i don't get
03:23.41OsagasuI get the third one.
03:23.45OsagasuIt just isn't funny.
03:24.26cladhaireits not ha ha funny
03:24.29cladhaireits true funny, yes.
03:24.42cladhairebut it shoudl have been gonzales
03:25.53OsagasuLegorol, about... 8 or so months ago?
03:25.54TainVote Quimby!
03:26.35OsagasuGW signed a bill into law that allowed him to declare anyone an enemy of the state, and thus nullify their right to habeas corpus.
03:27.15cladhairenot only that
03:27.48cladhairebut the Attorney General stated that the constitution doesn't grant us the right of habeas corpus, but only stipulates that our right cannot be taken away at any time.
03:27.54cladhaire_if_ we have it.
03:30.45ShadowedSo it can never be taken away if we have it, but GW can take it away?
03:31.00JoshBorkeShadowed: ping
03:31.04ShadowedJoshBorke: die
03:31.09cladhaireShadowed: ping
03:31.28ShadowedI've had my sound muted for the last 4 hours
03:32.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Aita (
03:33.44JoshBorkenn claddy
03:33.45Shadowedclad|sleep: ping
03:35.46OsagasuOh no! DTA has killed my Firefox!
03:36.07Osagasu...Okay, it just had to burp.
03:39.06Industrialthey need to add a "the internets" to where are you from kinds of forms on websites.
03:39.34Industrialanyway nn
03:39.50OsagasuInd has been to 4chan too much
03:48.41KirkburnI love Outland so much! Pity there's nowt much you can do at 50 :/
03:54.04VoiDRaiderNight all :)
03:54.50kergothjust got my hunter to 50.. i hate the 50-58 range :(
03:56.13KirkburnNow that my hearth is in Shattrath, I really want to start levelling here :/
03:56.41KirkburnNot sure where to level in Azeroth atm. All my quests seem to be higher level than me now (lack on instances, I guesS)
03:58.43*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
04:16.20TemKirkburn|afk, WPL
04:16.40Kirkburn|afkAlready done Sorrow Hill :/
04:16.58Kirkburn|afkNext quest is level 52! argh
04:17.04ShirikI think
04:17.08Shirik50-60 is the hardest
04:17.18Shirikreally 55-60
04:17.25Shirikwell, now more like 53-58
04:17.39Shiriksince 58 is really when you can start really doing stuff in outlands
04:18.46Kirkburn|afkUn'goro is reasonably promising - and I found I have a quest line to complete for Linken (the one where you kill yourself ^^). I really just need to get to 51, then the 50+ areas become fun at last
04:19.08Kirkburn|afkOooh, felwood?
04:22.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
04:27.42OsagasuI didn't really like ungoro
04:33.24*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:36.43Kirkburn|afkLol, I love the way the latest Simpsons film trailer says at the end "This film is not yet rated or finished"
04:36.55Adysgo to sleep..
04:36.56Kirkburn|afkWell, they've only got 2 months to go ...
04:37.12Kirkburn|afkI got up less then 12 hours ago :/
04:37.26Adyswell me too actually
04:37.31Kirkburn|afkThe new trailer:
04:43.43*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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04:56.29*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
04:58.17*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
05:04.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
05:07.24Thunder_Childwhat changed Cairenn|afk?
05:40.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
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05:49.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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06:03.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|Miranda (
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06:46.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
07:03.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Nerinia (
07:03.14Corrodiasi find the mid 30's to be the worst
07:03.29Corrodiashell, the whole 30's
07:03.49Corrodiasso many quests that tell you to do way too much travelling without a mount
07:04.05Corrodiasafter 48, it seemed like a breeze
07:09.27*** join/#wowi-lounge weab_ (
07:18.16*** join/#wowi-lounge barduck (n=barduck@
07:28.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
07:33.17Corrodiashmm. i need tips on gathering netherwing eggs.
07:34.44Thunder_Child"pick up & place in sack"
07:35.22Mike-N-Gockknight: Where is a ReadMe or directions for Cartographer? I can't seem to find one after looking in the folders and online?
07:35.36ckknightpress m to open the map
07:35.42ckknightclick the Cartographer button
07:37.08Mike-N-GoHow is one to know that '/way' is the waypoints? Without Thunder_Child's link, I wouldn't have.
07:37.21Mike-N-GoThanks, Thunder_Child =)
07:39.02ckknightMike-N-Go: I think if you hover over the Waypoints menu option, it says so in the tooltip
07:39.19Mike-N-Gockknight: I did '/way 72, 69' and got 'Cartographer_Waypoints\Waypoints.lua line 653: attempt to compare number with nil'
07:39.29*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
07:39.30ckknightyea, don't put the space
07:40.13Mike-N-GoWell, how am I to know to look a foot away at my tool tip =P I would have thought that it would have been in the menu I expanded..
07:40.33Mike-N-Gockknight: Great mod BTW!, thanks for having it promptly updated for 2.1.
07:42.32Mike-N-GoI have read about something like putting in several waypoints, and drawing a path between them, does Cartographer do this?
07:43.25ckknightno line, but you can have a chain
07:44.17Mike-N-GoAll it says in the Waypoint tool tip is 'Module which shows an arrow to direct you to a specified note or location.' No indication about '/way'
07:44.23Mike-N-GoHow does one do that?
07:45.34ckknightjust make multiple waypoints
07:46.18Corrodiasokay, i could use tips for -finding- the eggs. :)
07:46.43Thunder_Childthanks Corrodias, you make it so easy for me to be an asshole :)
07:48.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh_ (
07:49.03Thunder_Childhmm...well nothing according to wowhead
07:50.05Thunder_Childor thott
07:50.11Corrodiasyeah, i've been researching comments but haven't found good advice. i tried the run through the mine but i got approximately one after several hours. i saw another one, but a gnome got there first
07:50.29Corrodiasi can only assume they're playing on unpopulated realms :P
07:53.36Thunder_Childok, i have to get up in 9 hrs...night all
07:54.17Mike-N-Gockknight: I would find a ReadMe, if only a link to the WiKi.
07:54.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
07:55.21Corrodias<Mike-N-Go> ckknight: I would find a ReadMe, if only a link to the WiKi.
07:55.36Mike-N-GoOr, a direction to find the usage in the About thing.
07:55.45Mike-N-GoSorry, trying to not die and speak =/
07:56.00Mike-N-Gockknight: I would find a ReadMe helpful, if only a link to the WiKi.
08:08.18Mike-N-GoIn Cartographer, is there a way to define a 'zone' not just a waypoint?
08:11.15ckknightMike-N-Go: like an area? no, not currently
08:11.47Mike-N-GoHow about, select what waypoint for the pointer to point to? Or, is it the closest one?
08:12.19Mike-N-Gockknight: Like a geometric shape, say, one that has 4 sides, or 3, etc.
08:12.29ckknightI already said no
08:12.37ckknightno areas
08:13.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
08:16.20Corrodiasno areas for you
08:16.23Corrodiasmap nazi has spoken
08:16.51Corrodiassmiley face makes it all better
08:23.36*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
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08:31.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
08:45.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole (n=chatzill@
08:51.18Mike-N-GoI once had a mod that put 'x/y mob' for quest mobs that I needed to kill, and items, and the such, before 2.1, anyone know what kinda mod does taht?
08:51.48IrielMonkeyQuest used to do it, I have no idea what's out there at  present tho
08:55.25ShadowedSadly clad makes it, and he sucks but it's not that bad!
08:56.01Mike-N-GoIt is rather interesting, how dependent we get used to the data from our mods.. then they are broken =D
08:56.27ShadowedOther peoples addons breaking is just an excuse to recode them
08:56.57Mike-N-GoBreaking, as in from a patch, I mean
08:57.19ShadowedOther peoples addons breaking is just an excuse to recode them
08:57.28Mike-N-GoNever uesed LightHead, how is that?
08:58.04ShadowedNever got it to work myself but I memorized most of the quest locations from my other characters anyway
08:58.26Mike-N-GoHeh, nice one, Shadowed, be a good way to learn =D, I think I may attempt to fix some.
08:58.27Shadowedbut if it works according to the description, then it gives quest comments which give mob location/info
09:07.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole (n=chatzill@
09:15.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
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09:29.59WobinAny dongle devs on?
09:31.29Shadowedprobably not, but whats the question? maybe able to answer it
09:31.46Wobinnm for the moment, I foudn the wikidocs
09:31.53WobinLet me hammer at it for a bit before asking
09:32.15*** join/#wowi-lounge amro|afk (n=amro@
09:32.22ShadowedI require sleep, so try ping spamming Tem for the next 8-9 hours and I can answer it then if you're still on then =p
09:34.21Wobinkk =)
09:36.14WobinShadowed: I'm not sure how the slashcommand registering works
09:36.18Wobin(if you're still around)
09:43.02Mike-N-GoI found the mod I was thinking of, for  'x/y mob', QuestsFu with hacked TOC.
09:43.35Mike-N-GoIt is amazing how many mods I have found that still function by just updating the TOC, G'Night guys.
09:48.16*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
09:55.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
09:56.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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09:58.55TemWobin, you needed something?
09:59.02TemI was busy getting my best arena rating ever
09:59.07Temwith a very strange team
09:59.31WobinTem: No worries, I figured it out =)
09:59.37Temokay cool
09:59.42Wobin<3 Dongle
09:59.50Temrogue-mage works a lot better than I would have expected
09:59.56Tem(for 2v2)
10:00.03Wobinhow's the synergy work?
10:00.45Temsap + sheep + blind = we can shut down one person a really long time
10:00.56Temwhile both of us go balls out on the other
10:01.37Temhe's a stunlock spec and I'm fire so he can shut down the other person while I kill them
10:01.42Tem(in the ideal match)
10:01.56Temso far, our favorite matchup  is pally priest
10:02.12Temfollowed closely by priest, shaman
10:02.18Temand shaman warrior
10:03.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Luminax (
10:03.36LuminaxI'm back again
10:03.39Luminaxyay Iriel's here :3
10:03.54IrielOnly for a minute or two before I pass out and sleep
10:04.15Luminaxas long as I've seen you once ;P
10:04.36Luminaxshort question : what event(s) is fired when you sell stuffs to vendor ?
10:04.42Luminaxis it just PLAYER_MONEY ?
10:04.54IrielYou'd get some bag events too I'd imagine
10:05.03Luminaxah yes, items disappear from bag
10:05.10Luminaxokay so PLAYER_MONEY event, bag event, what else ?
10:05.23IrielI'm not sure, I haven't played with vendors much
10:06.33IrielInstall DevTools, do /dtevents, and see what comes up when you sell something?
10:06.33Luminaxlike supposed I want to track all transaction ever made for my characters, and one of the thing I want to track is what have I bought or sold to vendors, what they are, how much, and etc
10:06.33Luminaxoooh yes
10:06.33LuminaxI have that
10:06.33Temthere might be something for updating the latest buyback slot
10:06.33Luminaxhaven't gotten used to it yet
10:06.33Luminaxah yes buyback
10:06.34Luminaxmerchantframe have these events registered
10:06.42Luminaxditto _CLOSED
10:06.45Temthat's for showing quantities of items imo
10:06.46Luminaxditto _SHOW
10:06.58Luminaxso it is hmmm
10:07.20Temand I'd bet that the merchant's items aren't visible yet at MERCHANT_SHOW
10:07.21Luminaxa word of encouragement or discouragement... what I'm trying to accomplish is not impossible is it ?
10:07.32IrielIt should be entirely possible
10:07.33Temand they appear at the first MERCHANT_UPDATE
10:07.57IrielBut I suspect it'll also be rather fiddly
10:08.01LuminaxI suppose I can do multiple event checks
10:08.17Temyou'd have to play games with event order
10:08.25Temand pray there aren't too many pathological cases
10:08.26Luminaxlike which events fires first
10:08.50Luminaxfor a first-timer I'm already trying to chew on something ginormous am I not :o
10:09.10IrielAnd on that nightmareish note (spell events) i'm off to sleep
10:09.14IrielI stayed up FAR too late
10:09.20Luminaxhave a good one
10:09.22Temnot /too/ bad, but as iriel said, it'd be pretty fidly
10:09.25Temlater, Iriel
10:09.33Temand really, it's bedtime for me too
10:09.41TemI stayed up way too later again doing arena
10:09.46Luminaxit's afternoon/early evening here heh
10:09.47Tem(AH! it's so much fun!)
10:09.51Temit's 5AM
10:09.54LuminaxI haven't done arena, at all
10:10.00Luminax18:09 here
10:10.01TemI _love_ 2v2
10:10.19TemI'm best at 1v1, and 2v2 is the next best thing
10:10.35Luminaxthere should be a gladiator last-man-standing arena :(
10:10.45Temgg pallies, rogues, hunters
10:10.48Luminaxnot counting the one in STV
10:11.05Luminaxif there's 5 hunters and they all feigned death...
10:11.13Luminaxwho's winning lol
10:11.42Luminaxshould made you be disqualified if you vanish/fd/pally bubble
10:11.54Luminaxor rather, put into 'backburner'
10:12.04Luminaxanyway... time to load WoW
10:12.14Luminaxgood time to farm, this
10:12.23Corrodiaspaladins and rogues are so designed for pvp >:/
10:12.33Corrodiaspaladins even moreso than rogues, i'm thinking
10:12.36Luminaxwith the exception of dpsdin
10:12.53Luminaxhealadin can just outlast their opponent
10:12.55Corrodiasthey're not all that amazing in pve, because keeping yourself alive isn't the most useful of skills
10:12.55Luminaxand so can tankadin
10:13.05Luminaxtrue Corrodias lol
10:13.08Corrodiaswhen you're the healer, anyway
10:13.18Luminaxrogue can keep themselves alive, but what good would that do in a wipe ?
10:13.23Corrodiasas a tank, i haven't evaluated them enough
10:13.27Luminaxunless you have a 100% success rate jumper cable
10:13.34Corrodiasi wish
10:13.50Corrodiaswell, since i came in here to complain about it, i found 3 netherwing eggs
10:13.56Luminaxthough my friend who's a rogue with enchanting and engineering have saved us quite a few wipes
10:14.12Corrodiasi'm finding lately that complaining about WoW makes things go my way. perhaps they've just built ESP Into the game so that it responds to whiners so the devs don't have to.
10:14.21LuminaxI tell you
10:14.26Luminaxthey have a function built into the game
10:14.34Luminaxone of them is to check how many quest items you need left
10:14.45Luminaxonce you need like 1-3 items left
10:14.55Luminaxdroprate = 0.000001%
10:15.17LuminaxI've felt this on sooo many occasion I'm believing my own spindoctor theory now
10:15.58Corrodiasinteresting. i haven't experienced this, no
10:18.44*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
10:23.37TemI think they've just hired a GM to follow me around
10:23.40Temand screw with me
10:23.57TemI blame him for sheep failing 7 times in a row in one of our matches earlier
10:24.08*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
10:29.30Corrodiasperhaps tomorrow i'll finally reach exalted with cenarion expedition. then... hmm, it's hard to get heroic sethekk halls going.
10:29.54Corrodiasvery few of my guild seems to be keyed for heroic auchindoun and pugs for heroics are, i think, not so common
10:30.03Corrodiasseems > seem
10:32.44JunkHead-WorkI tried my first heroic the other day.
10:32.47JunkHead-WorkIt was fun.
10:33.45Corrodiasthey certainly are a blast
10:33.46JunkHead-WorkWe did Slave Pens.
10:34.07JunkHead-WorkI have to leave early, but we downed the big lobster boss.
10:34.12JunkHead-WorkDidn't have any problems up until that part.
10:34.32Corrodiaswhen normal steamvault is to the point of being boring because you can almost (or actually) handle two groups at once, the heroics provide something interesting to do
10:34.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
10:35.14Corrodiasand heroic sethekk halls with the raven god boss has a chance to give you the "raven lord" land mount. thus my interest.
10:35.17JunkHead-WorkThere are a few instances I really hate.
10:35.27JunkHead-WorkAnd will most likely NEVER do a heroic of.
10:35.46JunkHead-WorkNamely Black morass, Mana Tombs, and possibly Shattered Halls.
10:36.13Corrodiasi don't know if heroic black morass is all that hard, but the other two are brutal
10:36.13Corrodiasor so i hear
10:36.24JunkHead-WorkI hate BM.:\
10:38.33*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
10:41.18Luminaxwhy everyone seems to not be keyed for Auchindoun ? because almost everyone I've asked to run Shadow Lab seems to shun away from it
10:41.29Luminaxeven though Shadow Labyrinth is such a fun dungeon :(
10:42.23Corrodiasfun? i dunno, seems about normal
10:42.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
10:42.54Corrodiasbut lower city was the last faction for me to get revered with, myself
10:43.31Corrodiasi think it may just take longer... in addition to being unpopular, at least for your crowd
10:43.50Corrodiaschildren's week should help with that a little
10:44.08Corrodiasanyway, i need to get to bed. sethekk halls and netherwing quests won't finish themselves!
10:46.50Luminaxit's a fun dungeon really
10:47.04Luminaxyou got a boss that mass mind control and watch gleefully
10:47.20Luminaxand you got a boss akin to Ragnaros only the 5-man version
10:47.34Luminaxin fact if Murmur's health are full I think you need a raid to down him
10:48.13Luminaxoh! not to mention a boss that flocks you with tons of voidwalkers ;D
10:50.38Luminaxgrrrr too many events to monitor ><
10:53.12Luminaxhave to set a LUA locals to keep track of all these ><
10:53.24Luminaxor global ? hm
11:00.18foxlitLuminax: Murmur is easy and sustainable!
11:00.31foxlitEven if he was at 100%, that'd just mean a longer fight :P
11:00.37Luminaxtrue that
11:00.49Luminaxbut still means more chance to screw up ;D
11:01.01Luminaxand there's also the healer's mana to consider
11:01.15foxlitI play a healer. It's a breeze if people aren't complete dimwits.
11:01.24foxlitEven on heroic :P
11:01.44foxlitBut anyhow :)
11:08.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
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12:07.12WobinAny wowi admins able to approve an addon?
12:07.17Wobin(on atm?)
12:08.29nevcairielcladhaire was lurking around
12:09.18Wobinhe totally is
12:09.19cladhairegimme a moment
12:09.43cladhaireWobin: can you repack it without the .svn files?
12:09.48cladhaireor did you intend to distribute it that way?
12:09.57WobinI thought I did. Sure, I'll redo it
12:10.01cladhairehold ona  sec
12:10.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
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13:07.21zenzelezzis Thottbot acting up, or did I block something I shouldn't have?
13:07.38Recluseother than a lot of broken images, it's working for me
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15:00.49KasoDownloading stuff so fast my hard drive is going crazy trying to keep up ^^two downloads at 3900kb/s
15:01.30Kasoi love my uni net connection when i find a good download source
15:01.44Shirikmy university connection just plain sucks
15:01.57ShirikI'm just glad they've made WoW immune to the restrictions
15:02.24Shirikit intentionally slows to a crawl if it notices a persistant connection that's eating a lot of bandwidth
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16:26.47ShirikI think I have a chinese farmer in my group
16:26.54Cideis it you?
16:26.58Shirikthe way he ..
16:27.35Shirikhow he puts a space before every exclamation point (btw every sentence ends with an exclamation point) and just the way he talks
16:27.44ShirikI asked him what his first language was he said "gutterspeak" -_-
16:28.12*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
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16:51.08KasoHowcome the ChatFrame text justification + itemlinks thing has never been fixed
16:51.12GnarfozShirik: french do that, too :p (the space before punctuation)
16:51.30Shirikyeah I know
16:51.40ShirikI just know his first language isn't english and he won't tell me what :(
16:57.17ShirikRF you could always tell if you were with a chinese farmer. It's like they had a script (a horribly written one)... they always talked the exact same way
16:58.28Shirik"Party me OK?"
16:58.52Gnarfozyay, security tools are now officially illegal in Germany -.-
16:58.54Shirikyou tank gogo
16:59.28Shirikwhat do you mean?
16:59.36Shirik(would read but in mana tombs)
16:59.46Gnarfozhard to explain, read it later ;)
17:07.25*** join/#wowi-lounge snurre (
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17:46.42Mike-N-GoWobin: I have a bad connection.. you there?
17:50.15leethalgetRaidRosterInfo() annoys me.. when I join a raid - RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE - I call getRaidRosterInfo() on a GetNumRaidMembers() loop, but getRaidRosterInfo() returns nil and stuff and crap
17:51.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
17:51.28leethalis there some magic solution, or am i probably doing something wrong?
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18:01.45Mike-N-GoWell, leethal, wouldn't it be GetGraidInfo()?
18:06.44*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
18:15.58Shirikand yes, it's GetRaidRosterInfo()
18:16.09Shirikand leethal's totally not here
18:16.38ShirikI'm not sure if this is a bug, but I know we encountered a problem with RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE, we defer all updates until one frame later
18:17.15Shirikwhen we receive a RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE, what we do in RDX is schedule a SigRaidRosterUpdate on the next frame, which is sent out to all the modules. That way all the processing is done one frame after RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE
18:17.19Shirikand then we didn't have a problem
18:17.29Shirikit may have been fixed too we just kept it that way
18:22.50*** join/#wowi-lounge barduck (
18:25.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Luminax (
18:25.26LuminaxI'm back again yay
18:25.27Luminaxhey cladhaire
18:33.54Luminaxhmm anyone here ?
18:34.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Chil1 (
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18:35.54Luminaxhello amro
18:36.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Chil2 (
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18:38.31Luminaxhey Mike
18:38.54Mike-N-GoLuminax: Hey.
18:39.08Luminaxwoo someone's alive ;D
18:39.29Luminaxtrying to Incite Chaos
18:39.34Luminaxerr... I mean incite responses...
18:42.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
18:44.55sioraiochtare macros for secure action buttons limited to 255 characters?
18:47.06cladhairethat question was for me =)
18:48.14Kasosioraiocht pretty sure they are not, but i havent tested that
18:48.28cladhairei can test with clique, lol brb
18:52.23*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
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18:54.56NeriniaNot limited :D
18:55.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@
18:55.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
18:56.11*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Esamynn] by ChanServ
19:00.38KasoHowcome the ChatFrame text justification + itemlinks thing has never been fixed!
19:01.50Kasoif you set justify to right on your chatframe, the "clickable" part of the itemlinks remains on the left
19:01.55Kasoits been like that for years
19:04.19Kasoi'd guess right now its the longest standing know about bug.
19:05.08*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
19:06.56NeriniaMh, maybe RunMacroText() is limited to 1000 characters
19:08.38Shirik|EcoleI thought RunMacroText() is protected now?
19:09.16NeriniaYes, it is. But you can call it with the "macro" type attribute
19:09.30Shirik|Ecoleah yeah
19:09.41Shirik|Ecoleso you have a frame with macrotext of > 1000 characters then?
19:09.43Shirik|Ecoleand it's not working?
19:10.07Shirik|Ecoleperhaps there's an alternative; what are you trying to do?
19:12.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Chil1 (
19:12.31foxlitFor long macros, use /click across multiple SABs?
19:13.51foxlitThat gives me an interesting idea.
19:14.02Luminaxhey Shirik hey foxlit
19:14.03foxlitLet's see if I can break /click another way :P
19:14.09Luminaxquestion !!!
19:14.16Shirik|Ecoleoh god, another RP post about nightbane being killed ><
19:14.19Shirik|Ecolethis should be fun
19:14.29foxlitEvening :)
19:14.43Luminaxfrom checking DevTools I found this sequence of events from opening merchant and selling or buying items
19:14.45Shirik|Ecole"Shirik, at home in both the jungle and the rooftop, unloaded round after finely crafted round into both the rising skeletons and the undead dragon, bullets tearing chunks of bone and charred flesh from the undead beings."
19:15.13Luminaxgah actually nevermind... couldn't find it anymore
19:15.22Luminaxshould've stopped event collecting when I got to the one I want ><
19:17.44Shirik|Ecolewell what are you trying to do?
19:18.52Luminaxtrying to track transaction from and to npc merchants
19:19.03Luminaxwhen merchant windows are opened, there's a MERCHANT_SHOW event triggered
19:19.29Luminaxsubsequently when an item is bought from merchant
19:19.48Luminaxall the ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED and BAG_UPDATE and MERCHANT_UPDATE triggered
19:20.02Shirik|EcoleBAG_UPDATE is important
19:20.24Shirik|Ecoleit signals that at least one of your bags' contents have changed
19:20.25LuminaxI'm guessing I can set a local 'toggle' variable that can be assigned a value when event "MERCHANT_SHOW" is triggered and cleared when "MERCHANT_CLOSED" fired, yes ?
19:20.38Luminaxwould that be good to 'track' transactions at merchants ?
19:21.11Shirik|Ecolewell when BAG_UPDATE is fired, you know that the inventory contents have changed, but be careful
19:21.29Shirik|Ecoleif you destroy something while at a vendor, you can be in MERCHANT_SHOW but have a BAG_UPDATE fired (which would look like a sale)
19:21.42Shirik|Ecolebtw, I have no idea how to do what you want to do, I'm just working you through it
19:21.46Shirik|Ecolethis is how I would do it, knowing what I know
19:21.47Luminaxthere's ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED
19:22.08Luminaxand I can detect item bought because CHAT_MSG_LOOT also fired when you buy something
19:22.22Shirik|Ecoleright but not when you sell
19:22.27Shirik|Ecolebuying something isn't too big of a deal
19:22.35LuminaxPLAYER_MONEY firing before CHAT_MSG_LOOT kinda complicates thing
19:22.45Luminaxeh.. if I sell
19:22.49LuminaxPLAYER_MONEY will fire
19:22.58Luminaxso I'll just detect that in the scope of MERCHANT_SHOW
19:23.14Shirik|Ecolethat would work
19:23.22Shirik|Ecoleactually PLAYER_MONEY should
19:23.30Shirik|Ecolenah nm, there are cases where your money wouldn't be changed
19:23.51Shirik|Ecolebut yeah, combination of CHAT_MSG_LOOT and PLAYER_MONEY will do well
19:26.05LuminaxI'm starting to see the light ! :D
19:26.33foxlitHm, /click has a funny way of caching button names
19:27.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Fin_ (
19:28.05Nerinia"ClickButtonCache", haha ok :D
19:29.03NeriniaIs getglobal really that slow?
19:30.37foxlitYou seeing that in code?
19:31.04Shirik|Ecolegetglobal is very slow
19:31.20Shirik|Ecoleglobals are slow in general, getglobal is worse
19:31.34foxlitThere's another reason to cache
19:31.53purlget the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here: or view it online at
19:31.55Shirik|Ecolenow, if purl had this cached
19:31.56EsamynnShirik|Ecole: globals are not that slow
19:31.58Shirik|Ecoleit would be much faster! :D
19:32.04Shirik|Ecolethey're slower than their local equivalents
19:32.06Esamynnthe problem with GetGlobal is that it is a C API
19:32.10NeriniaPurl, cache your answers!
19:33.03Shirik|Ecoleit really depends on how you define "slow" I guess
19:33.09Shirik|Ecolebut in my opinion, globals are very slow
19:33.23EsamynnNerinia: I believe _G[someString] would be faster that getglobal(someString)
19:33.39foxlit>>> getglobal, _G
19:33.40Cidefoxlit: function: 0038AA78,  { ["log"] = function: 00389E48, ["wow"] = { ["strconcat"] = function: 0038AA58, ["strtrim"] = function: 0038A9B8, ["debugstack"] = function: 0038AAB8, ["getglobal"] = function: 00... (exceeded 200 characters)
19:33.50hastetable lookup vs function call
19:33.55Kasoif _G is a local copy even faster :>
19:33.56EsamynnShirik|Ecole: gobals are the same speed as a table lookup
19:34.02Shirik|Ecolethis is true
19:34.28Shirik|Ecole(15:33:00) (+Esamynn) Nerinia: I believe _G[someString] would be faster that getglobal(someString)
19:34.30Shirik|Ecoleis also true
19:34.32Esamynnactually, there is a tiny bit of extra overhead, but that overhead is smaller than even a the overhead of a local
19:35.05EsamynnI've tested it actually, looking something up in the global env table is faster than a lookup from a table to which you have a local pointer
19:35.22NeriniaMh, interessting
19:35.26Shirik|EcoleThe GETGLOBAL operation is slower than a local equivalent, period
19:35.28foxlitAh, they patched it
19:35.30Luminaxhey what do I need to add in the OnEvent to properly parse CHAT_MSG_LOOT's item link ?
19:35.34foxlitThe point is not that getglobal is slower
19:35.47Shirik|EcoleGETGLOBAL is not getglobal
19:35.49foxlitThe point is that I can swap globals and you can be none the wiser
19:35.59Shirik|EcoleI'm referring to bytecode now
19:36.47Shirik|Ecolein any case
19:37.03foxlitIt sort of prevents /click ThisButtonImGoingToOverwriteOnPreClick
19:37.13Shirik|Ecolethe use of globals is so liberal in the WoW API you can't really get around without them, and any effort to do this is really limited in performance gain
19:38.16ShadowedShirik|Ecole: Getglobal is slower then _G by like 0.000000000000001
19:38.31Shirik|Ecoleif that's in hours, I would belive it
19:38.58foxlit>>> for i=1,128 do if 2^i+1-2^i ~= 1 then print(i); return; end end print("Meh")
19:38.59Cidefoxlit: 53
19:39.05Shadowedno it's an exaggeration
19:39.30Shadowedthe difference in speed isn't pretty small overall
19:39.40Shirik|Ecolegetglobal() involves (1) creation of a stack frame, (2) access of a global variable, and (3) pushing and pulling from stacks to return a Lua value from C code
19:39.52Shirik|Ecole_G involves only (2)
19:40.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (n=kody@
19:41.15Shirik|Ecole(15:35:08) (Luminax) hey what do I need to add in the OnEvent to properly parse CHAT_MSG_LOOT's item link ?
19:41.17Shirik|Ecolewhat do you mean?
19:41.31Shirik|Ecoleif event == "CHAT_MSG_LOOG" then --[[ stuff ]] end ?
19:41.47foxlit>>> local t,a = GetTime(); for i=1,10000 do a = _G["getglobal"]; end print(GetTime()-t);
19:41.47Cidefoxlit: [string "local t,a = GetTime(); for i=1,10000 do a =..."]:1: attempt to call global 'GetTime' (a nil value)
19:41.54foxlit>>> os.time
19:41.54Cidefoxlit: function: 009691A0
19:42.00foxlit>>> os.time()
19:42.00Cidefoxlit: 1180381295
19:42.03foxlit>>> os.time()
19:42.03Cidefoxlit: 1180381298
19:42.12Nerinia>>> time()
19:42.13CideNerinia: 1180381307
19:42.17Shirik|Ecoleyou want better precision?
19:42.19LuminaxI meant...
19:42.28foxlit>>> GetTime()
19:42.29Cidefoxlit: [string "GetTime()"]:1: attempt to call global 'GetTime' (a nil value)
19:42.31Shirik|Ecoleis the value in... milliseconds I think? Since windows up time
19:42.37foxlitAnd it should preferably be defined.
19:42.39LuminaxCHAT_MSG_LOOT have arg1 being the string including the item link of the item bought
19:42.41Shirik|Ecole(do it in WoW, I don't think it's in the interpreter)
19:42.48Shirik|EcoleI believe that's a WoW API
19:43.15foxlit>>> GetTime = os.time; local t,a = GetTime(); for i=1,10000 do a = _G["getglobal"]; end print(GetTime()-t);
19:43.15Cidefoxlit: 0
19:43.16AitaAye, GetTime() is a WoW API call, and it has ms precision for system uptime
19:43.18Nerinia>>> os.clock()
19:43.18CideNerinia: 0.002
19:43.20foxlit>>> GetTime = os.time; local t,a = GetTime(); for i=1,1000000 do a = _G["getglobal"]; end print(GetTime()-t);
19:43.22Cidefoxlit: 1
19:43.27foxlit>>> GetTime = os.time; local t,a = GetTime(); for i=1,10000000 do a = _G["getglobal"]; end print(GetTime()-t);
19:43.33Cidefoxlit: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
19:43.41foxlit>>> GetTime = os.time; local t,a = GetTime(); for i=1,3000000 do a = _G["getglobal"]; end print(GetTime()-t);
19:43.43Cidefoxlit: 2
19:43.52foxlit>>> GetTime = os.time; local t,a = GetTime(); for i=1,3000000 do a = getglobal("getglobal"); end print(GetTime()-t);
19:43.55Cidefoxlit: 3
19:43.57Shirik|Ecole"Returns the system uptime of your computer in seconds, with millisecond precision."
19:44.02foxlit2>3, qq! :)
19:44.16foxlitOther way around and stuffs
19:44.19Shirik|Ecole2 > 3 ?
19:44.26Nerinia>>> GetTime = os.clock; local t,a = GetTime(); for i=1,3000000 do a = getglobal("getglobal"); end print(GetTime()-t);
19:44.29CideNerinia: 2.269
19:44.33Esamynnusing the debug timers in wow would be faster if you do the test in wow
19:44.36Esamynnmore accurate I mean
19:45.23Shirik|Ecoleyeah it just depends on what you're trying to do
19:45.36Shirik|Ecolefor something like timing events, that's really unnecessary. But a test like getglobal vs _G, that would be best
19:46.08foxlitBut can someone explain this 53?
19:46.09foxlit>>> for i=1,128 do if 2^i+1-2^i ~= 1 then print(i); return; end end print("Meh")
19:46.10Cidefoxlit: 53
19:46.40Shirik|Ecole>>> 2^53+1-2^53
19:46.40CideShirik|Ecole: 0
19:47.04Shirik|Ecolefloating point precision
19:47.15foxlitBut of all numbers, why 53?
19:47.15Shirik|Ecole>>> 2^54+1-2^54
19:47.16CideShirik|Ecole: 0
19:47.36Shirik|Ecole>>> 2^53
19:47.36CideShirik|Ecole: 9.007199254741e+015
19:48.58foxlitNot even a multiple of 2 :/
19:49.20Shirik|Ecoleyeah... trying to do some math...
19:49.27Shirik|Ecole>>> 2^52
19:49.27CideShirik|Ecole: 4.5035996273705e+015
19:49.29__AellaThat's how many digits in the significand for an IEEE double, isn't it?
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19:49.47Shirik|Ecolesadly I'm a member of IEEE and I don't know T_T
19:49.52Esamynn__Aella: yes, Lua uses doubles for it's number by default
19:50.06__AellaYeah, that's why I'm guessing that.
19:50.12Shirik|Ecoleis it 52?
19:50.30foxlitCome to think of it, yes
19:50.34foxlitSince 53 is the first that breaks
19:51.20Shirik|Ecolethere's 52 /bits/
19:51.30Shirik|Ecolein a IEEE 754 double
19:51.35__AellaThere's the implied bit too.
19:51.41Shirik|Ecole(fractional portion)
19:51.52NeriniaGetTime = os.clock;local t,a=GetTime();for i=1,3000000 do a = getglobal("getglobal"); end print("getglobal(): "..GetTime()-t);t=GetTime()for i=1,3000000 do a = _G["getglobal"]; end print("_G global: "..GetTime()-t);t,_g=GetTime(),getfenv(0)for i=1,3000000 do a = _g["getglobal"];end print("_G local: "..GetTime()-t);
19:51.54Esamynnplus 11 for the power I think
19:51.58Nerinia>>> GetTime = os.clock;local t,a=GetTime();for i=1,3000000 do a = getglobal("getglobal"); end print("getglobal(): "..GetTime()-t);t=GetTime()for i=1,3000000 do a = _G["getglobal"]; end print("_G global: "..GetTime()-t);t,_g=GetTime(),getfenv(0)for i=1,3000000 do a = _g["getglobal"];end print("_G local: "..GetTime()-t);
19:51.59Shirik|Ecole1 sign, 11 exponent, 52 fraction
19:52.04CideNerinia: maximum execution time (5s) exceeded
19:52.07Neriniawoops :D
19:52.17Shirik|Ecoleoh duh
19:52.21Shirik|Ecolewhich means 2^52
19:52.27Shirik|Ecole..... slow today
19:52.30Shirik|EcoleI should go back to sleep
19:52.34foxlitMeans 2^53-1 :)
19:52.54Nerinia>>> GetTime = os.clock;local t,a=GetTime();for i=1,300000 do a = getglobal("getglobal"); end print("getglobal(): "..GetTime()-t);t=GetTime()for i=1,300000 do a = _G["getglobal"]; end print("_G global: "..GetTime()-t);t,_g=GetTime(),getfenv(0)for i=1,300000 do a = _g["getglobal"];end print("_G local: "..GetTime()-t);
19:52.55foxlitI'm assuming the whole thing is 64 bits
19:52.56CideNerinia: "getglobal(): 0.238",  "_G global: 0.176",  "_G local: 0.178"
19:52.59__AellaIt is.
19:52.59Shirik|Ecoleyes it is
19:53.18foxlit1 for sign, 52 for fractional, 11 for base 10?
19:53.26foxliter, exponent 10
19:53.32__AellaAnd the implied bit.
19:54.21Shirik|Ecolecurious how Lua handles
19:54.24Shirik|Ecole>>> -0 == 0
19:54.24CideShirik|Ecole: true
19:54.34Shirik|Ecolethat's good
19:54.39foxlit>>> -nil
19:54.40Cidefoxlit: [string "return -nil"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
19:55.03Shirik|Ecolestop trying to break lua again >.>
19:55.23Shirik|EcoleI'm still impressed you found that :P
19:55.33Cide>>> setfenv(nil, { })
19:55.33CideCide: function: 007C9E40
19:55.48Kaydeethreewait, how'd lua get broken?
19:56.01Cideyou have to scroll up... a bit
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19:56.14__AellaI missed it to.
19:56.31Shirik|Ecoleyeah about a week
19:56.38Shirik|Ecoleit's in the lua bugs list
19:56.50Shirik|Ecolerecursive coroutines overflow the C stack
19:56.58Shirik|Ecoleresulting in a segmentation fault
19:57.09Esamynnooh fun ;)
19:57.54Shirik|Ecolethe problem is because the stack counter (Which is used to stop things like function a() a() end) isn't handled properly for coroutines
19:58.11Shirik|Ecoleeach coroutine gets its own counter, but the coroutines are actually started on the C stack so
19:58.17Kaydeethreeoh ouch
19:58.19Shirik|Ecolethe counter stays at 1 while the C stack overflows
19:59.01Shirik|EcoleI believe they already know the fix, which is to keep that counter on the global state object instead of the thread state
20:00.35Shirik|Ecole>>> 5/0
20:00.35CideShirik|Ecole: 1.#INF
20:00.45Shirik|Ecole>>> 1 ^(5/0)
20:00.45CideShirik|Ecole: 1
20:01.27Shirik|Ecole>>> return 0/0, 1^(0/0)
20:01.28CideShirik|Ecole: -1.#IND,  -1.#IND
20:01.55Cide>>> 0/0 == 0/0
20:01.55CideCide: false
20:02.33Shirik|EcoleI was randomly reading this article that was discussing the inconsistencies of NaNs
20:04.16foxlit>>> 0^0
20:04.17Cidefoxlit: 1
20:04.42__Aella>>> 0^0 == 1
20:04.43Cide__Aella: true
20:04.55__AellaBut yet it doesn't equal itself.
20:05.08foxlitSure it does
20:05.14foxlit>>> 0^0 == 0^0
20:05.15Cidefoxlit: true
20:05.16Shirik|Ecolethat's 0^0 not 0/0
20:05.22__AellaEr, duh, confused 0^0 with 0/0.
20:05.31Shirik|Ecole0/0 == 1 would be a problem
20:05.43Kaydeethreeand would break math as we know it
20:05.46foxlitSo is 0^0
20:05.51Shirik|Ecolethe math gods would descend and smite Lua
20:06.01Kaydeethreemy 89's totally okay with 0^0 == 1
20:06.18Shirik|Ecoleor perhaps mind blast if they're shadow
20:06.23foxlitHow would you define 0^0 without dividing by 0?
20:06.39Shirik|Ecolelim(x->0) x^0
20:07.01Shirik|Ecolewhich is 1 from any view
20:07.05Esamynnlimits are fun! 8)
20:07.11foxlitValues close to 0 ~= 0 :)
20:07.33Shirik|Ecoleok what about
20:07.33a-stray-cat0.999~ == 1?!
20:07.41Shirik|Ecoleit is for very large values of 0.999
20:07.49Shirik|Ecole0^0 = 0ln0
20:07.58Shirik|Ecole>>> math.ln(0)
20:07.59CideShirik|Ecole: [string "math.ln(0)"]:1: attempt to call field 'ln' (a nil value)
20:08.06Shirik|Ecole>>> math.log(0)
20:08.06CideShirik|Ecole: -1.#INF
20:08.09Shirik|Ecoleah yeah
20:08.12Shirik|Ecolethat would get ugly
20:08.29Cideit's true!
20:08.31foxlitPoint is, 0^0 == 0^n / 0^n == (0/0)^n
20:08.34Cide>>> 0^0/0 == math.log(0)
20:08.34CideCide: false
20:08.40Cideoh, bleh
20:08.52Shirik|Ecoleinf != inf ?
20:09.01Cideinf != -inf I'm guessing
20:09.10Shirik|Ecoleah yeah it wouldn't be
20:09.50Kaydeethreeoh. har. the status line on my 89 checking 0^0 = 0^x/0^x: "Warning: 0^0 replaced by 1"
20:09.52a-stray-catint ~= inf anyway right? surely there's a different amount of values between 0 and 1 and 1 and 100?
20:10.00Shirik|EcoleKaydeethree: Yeah 89 warns a lot about that
20:10.03Shirik|Ecoleand 0^inf
20:10.07Shirik|Ecoleor was it inf^0
20:10.10Shirik|Ecolesomething like that
20:10.13Shirik|Ecoleit also replaces undef^0 by 1
20:10.16Shirik|Ecoleand warns you for that too
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20:10.49Shirik|Ecole(16:09:28) (a-stray-cat) int ~= inf anyway right? surely there's a different amount of values between 0 and 1 and 1 and 100?
20:10.53Shirik|Ecoleyoucan't answer that question
20:11.02Shirik|Ecolethere is an infinite number of values between 0 and 1 and 1 and 100
20:11.16a-stray-cati agree
20:11.33Shirik|Ecole>>> 1.#INF == 1.#INF
20:11.33CideShirik|Ecole: [string "1.#INF == 1.#INF"]:1: unexpected symbol near '1.'
20:11.34a-stray-catbut my gut still says theres more infinity between 1 and 100 than 0 and 1 ;p
20:11.43Shirik|Ecole>>> math.log(0) == math.log(0)
20:11.44CideShirik|Ecole: true
20:11.50Shirik|EcoleI would agree with that
20:11.57Shirik|Ecolebut -inf is most definitely not equal to +inf
20:12.05a-stray-catof course ;p
20:12.14__Aella>>> -math.log(0)
20:12.14Cide__Aella: 1.#INF
20:12.23Shirik|Ecolehow do you define "more infinity"
20:12.29a-stray-cati dont know.
20:12.40a-stray-catit seems like there should be more numbers between 0 and 1 than 1 and 100
20:12.40Cide>>> math.huge
20:12.40CideCide: 1.#INF
20:12.44Cide>>> math.huge > -math.huge
20:12.44CideCide: true
20:12.45a-stray-catthey're both infinity
20:12.48Cidelike that!
20:12.53a-stray-catbut one still seems better than the other
20:12.56Shirik|EcoleCide ><
20:13.06KaydeethreeI uh...
20:13.10a-stray-cater, bigger
20:13.22Shirik|Ecoleyou can't think of infinity as a quantifiable value
20:13.27Shirik|Ecoleit is, by definition, not quantifiable
20:13.42a-stray-catjust that its bigger than everything else? ;)
20:13.44Shirik|Ecoleit's a concept, not a number
20:13.56Shirik|Ecoleyou can have the concept that something is bigger than anything without actually having it be a number
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20:14.33Shirik|Ecoleyou can be sure that |1/0| will most definitely be larger than 1
20:15.32a-stray-catstill, there's more between 0 and 1 than 1 and a 100, why wouldn't the infinite amount of numbers that fits between 0 and 1 be more than the infinite numbers that fits between 1 and 100?
20:15.41Shirik|Ecolethere's more what?
20:15.49a-stray-catroom, space, distance
20:15.53Shirik|Ecolethis is true
20:16.02Shirik|Ecolebut that is a quantifiable number
20:16.12Shirik|Ecole1-0 and 100-1, respectively
20:16.39Shirik|EcoleThis gets into the time old paradox:
20:16.45Corrodiasi remember this from my linear algebra course. one infinite set can be larger than another infinite set.
20:16.45a-stray-catim asking if 1/0 == 100/0, basically
20:17.23Shirik|Ecole"A runner is finishing a race. To get to the end, he must first reach the half way point. After that, he must then reach the halfway point between there and the finish. This continues to infinity, so he will never finish the race"
20:17.26a-stray-catand just saying that infinity doesn't necessarily equal infinity
20:17.27Shirik|EcoleOf course, we know this not to be true
20:17.30Corrodiastake the set A = {0 through infinity}. now take the set B = {-infinity through infinity}. set B contains set A and also contains numbers that are not in set A, so it is larger.
20:17.43Kaydeethree>>> 1/0 == 100/0
20:17.44CideKaydeethree: true
20:17.59a-stray-catthat's more about 0.999~ == 1 than infinity = infinity imo
20:18.09Corrodiasyour mom = infinity
20:18.21a-stray-catmy mom > your mom.
20:18.27Shirik|EcoleCorrodias: that is true, in set theory. You can add something to infinity and still have an infinite number of values
20:18.28Corrodias>>> mom > mom
20:18.29CideCorrodias: [string "return mom > mom"]:1: attempt to compare two nil values
20:18.37Shirik|Ecoleyour mom's an error!
20:18.38a-stray-catmom's dead?!
20:18.40Kaydeethreeso crap. mom doesn't exist?
20:19.02CideShirik|Ecole: nil
20:19.15Shirik|Ecolewe should give Cide a mom
20:19.41Shirik|Ecole>>> = "Cairenn";
20:19.41CideShirik|Ecole: nil
20:19.57Shirik|Ecole>>> return;
20:19.57CideShirik|Ecole: "Cairenn"
20:19.59KaydeethreeI wonder what she'd have to say about that
20:20.26Corrodiasi wonder if the new reporting feature gets a GM to check out the person in UNDER an hour
20:21.28KaydeethreeI'm operating under the assumption that the account name gets added to a table and it's all automatic
20:21.41KaydeethreeI'm just happy that they're at least making a gesture by suing p4h
20:21.59EsamynnF'ing spammers
20:22.13Corrodiasbut are they doing anything illegal?
20:22.18Corrodiasby US law, i mean
20:22.24Esamynnthe suit is for spam Corrodias
20:22.34Shirik|Ecolewhich is referenced in the TOS
20:22.45Shirik|Ecolewhich you agree to before logging in
20:23.05Esamynnand is definately supported by law, were as the property rights are a little less well defined
20:23.47Kaydeethreewhich is why their lawyers are hopefully not stupid enough to bring up the phrase "gold selling" or "virtual property". just suing for spamming should be successful
20:24.44Shirik|Ecoleanyway, headed back home, bbiab
20:28.26foxlitno, it doesn't!
20:35.55Shirik|Foodingthey truncated it
20:36.07ShirikIt took me a while to think that out too!!! T_T
20:45.02Shirikwho has an addon that uses a SendAddonMessage() prefix of "2"
20:46.12NeriniaCartographer? :)
20:46.24Shirikwhy "2" ><
20:52.52ckknightShirik: actually, it's not "2"
20:53.08ckknightit's "\0642\152" or so
20:53.37ShirikI just spent the last 10 minutes cause DT is reporting all these CHAT_MSG_ADDON events coming from "2"
20:53.53Shiriktrying to figure out where they're coming from ><
20:54.41ckknightI'm in the works to make it more efficient, btw
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20:54.54ckknightbeen working on Parser-3.0 and Threat-1.0 recently, though
20:55.04ShirikI like it :) Just I'm trying to debug my RDX comms and I'm like sifting through all these like "wtf is this"
20:55.16ckknighthehe, yea
20:55.33ckknightbasically, AceComm memoizes prefixes down to a 3-byte sequence, makes things more efficient
20:55.38ckknightthough harder to debug...
20:56.39Shirikyeah I don't really care about it too much, I just wanted to know what the heck it was ><
20:57.00ShirikI wish there were some way in DT though to have /dtevents only report specific CHAT_MSG_ADDON events
20:57.14Shirikthough I might as well just put some debug code into the comms handler
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21:01.43Corrodiasokay, i like the new garbage collection methods
21:01.50Corrodiasit's very gentle now, it seems
21:05.18Corrodiashey, i can't use SetCVar("ffxGlow", 1) to toggle my full screen glow on any more
21:13.32Shirikmaybe it requires a gxRestart ?
21:14.49Corrodiasmaybe it does now... didn't used to
21:15.11Shiriktry doing a console gxRestart after you set it
21:15.22Corrodiashow lame :(
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21:15.48Corrodiasthat gives me 3 things to put into the suggestion forum
21:15.58Shirikit may have been required for compatibility
21:16.28Corrodiasthe others being 1) making the dragonmaw illusion either consistent or removable and 2) making it easier for a tauren on a talbuk to get through the undercity archways which are -almost- too small
21:17.07Corrodiasboth consistent -and- removable, i mean
21:17.27Corrodiasoh, and i'd like to be able to do the "races" after completing them. those were the most fun i've had in a while.
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21:20.30Kaydeethreemy computer's too crappy to finish the skyshatter race. some invisible meteor always knocks me off. got through the first 5 in a try or two
21:22.40Corrodiasplay a druid
21:22.49Corrodiaswe can shift back into swift flight form after getting hit and keep going :3
21:22.55Kaydeethreehar. deshift and reshift
21:23.09Corrodiasit shifts you out when you get hit
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21:49.28Luminaxback to scripting... how do I set my OnLoad so I can parse arguments from CHAT_MSG_LOOT ?
21:57.26KasoLuminax you need to register you frame for that event in your onload, then in your on event you need to parse it
21:57.31Kasowhich you can find about here:
21:59.26Kasounless your using CreateFrame, in which case there is no onload
22:01.34Luminaxdon't know what that is :3
22:01.41Luminax<- total newbie
22:01.54Luminaxjust started like... 2 days ago :3
22:02.40zenzelezzdo all the "actionbar" mods only operate with bars? I'd like one that let me do individual buttons :-|
22:05.37Thunder_Chil1discords DAB did that
22:05.42Thunder_Chil1had misc floating buttons
22:05.59Kasorip discord
22:06.19Thunder_Childyou can get a port of it
22:06.27Thunder_Childnot as effective though
22:09.32zenzelezzI tried looking at the action button code, but it just puts me off trying to make them myself :-p
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22:37.59foxlitThere's no way to overwrite variables local to some scope from outside that scope, right?
22:38.14Shirikthat is quite the definition of scope
22:38.27Shirikunless, of course, you have a reference to it somehow
22:39.08Shirik>>> local t = {}; _G["foo"] = t; = 1; return t;
22:39.09CideShirik: { ["a"] = 1 } (#1)
22:39.26Cide>>> local f; do local foo = 1; f = function() foo = 2; return foo; end end return f()
22:39.26CideCide: 2
22:39.32Cideerr, that doesn't prove anything
22:39.51Shirikthat proves you can access upvalues :P
22:39.55Shirikand return them
22:39.57ckknight>> local f; do local foo = 1; f = function() foo = foo + 1; end end f(); return foo;
22:39.57Cideyeah, I'm retarded
22:40.12ckknightshouldn't that work?
22:40.15Shirikit's ok, we all have those moments
22:40.18Shirikyes, if you put a >>> at the beginning
22:40.25ckknight>>> local f; do local foo = 1; f = function() foo = foo + 1; end end f(); return foo;
22:40.26Cideckknight: nil
22:40.32CideShirik: actually, it doesn't even prove that foo is an upvalue :P
22:40.33ckknightoh, the do
22:40.42Shirikha, actually yeah it doesn't
22:40.51ckknight>>> local f; local foo = 1; f = function() foo = foo + 1; end f(); return foo;
22:40.52Shirikit proves you can make a variable in a function and return it ^^
22:40.52Cideckknight: 2
22:41.38nevcairielso ckk proved you can change upvalues
22:41.42nevcairielwhat was the point before ? :D
22:42.00ShirikI think I proved my point with 18:39:52 ‹Shirik› >>> local t = {}; _G["foo"] = t; = 1; return t;
22:42.19Shirikwhy I did _G["foo"] then I don't know
22:42.37Shirikwe're all off today ><
22:43.22ckknight>>> local Shirik = {}; function Shirik:Hug() return "*Huggles*" end; return Shirik:Hug()
22:43.23Cideckknight: "*Huggles*"
22:44.36ckknight>>> local Shirik = {}; Shirik.Shirik = Shirik; return Shirik
22:44.36Cideckknight: { ["Shirik"] = <table: #1> } (#1)
22:44.46foxlitckk: lazy recursion
22:45.01foxlitYou can do Shirik.Shirik.Shirik.Shirik...., but it won't mean much :)
22:45.27ShirikI get popups, I know I don't have to switch back
22:45.29foxlitSince you're only storing a ref :P
22:45.40ckknight>>> local inf = 1/0; print(inf)
22:45.40Cideckknight: 1.#INF
22:46.01foxlit>>> 1/0 == 10^308
22:46.01Cidefoxlit: false
22:46.06foxlit>>> 10^308
22:46.06Cidefoxlit: 1e+308
22:46.11foxlit>>> 10^309
22:46.12Cidefoxlit: 1.#INF
22:46.15foxlit>>> 1/0 == 10^309
22:46.15Cidefoxlit: true
22:46.27foxlitzomg, division by zero solved.
22:47.09ShirikBut this isn't true
22:47.17ShirikMath can only be guaranteed to be true on turing-complete computers
22:47.29Shirikand there is yet to be a true turing-complete computer
22:47.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (n=nope@
22:47.48ckknightShirik: lack of infinite tape?
22:47.54foxlitbtw, still want a FAST implementation of BigNum modulo multiplication
22:49.53ckknight>>> local trib = setmetatable({[0]=0,[1]=1,[2]=2}, {__index=function(self, key) local value = self[key-3] + self[key-2] + self[key-1]; self[key] = value; return value; end}); for i = 1, 100 do print(trib[i]) end
22:49.54Cideckknight: 1,  2,  3,  6,  11,  20,  37,  68,  125,  230,  423,  778,  1431,  2632,  4841,  8904,  16377,  30122,  55403,  101902,  187427,  344732,  634061,  1166220,  2145013,  3945294,  7256527,  13346834,  2... (exceeded 200 characters)
22:50.10ckknighthrm, something went wrong...
22:50.20ckknight>>> local trib = setmetatable({[0]=0,[1]=1,[2]=1}, {__index=function(self, key) local value = self[key-3] + self[key-2] + self[key-1]; self[key] = value; return value; end}); for i = 1, 100 do print(trib[i]) end
22:50.21Cideckknight: 1,  1,  2,  4,  7,  13,  24,  44,  81,  149,  274,  504,  927,  1705,  3136,  5768,  10609,  19513,  35890,  66012,  121415,  223317,  410744,  755476,  1389537,  2555757,  4700770,  8646064,  1590259... (exceeded 200 characters)
22:50.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
22:50.24ckknightthat's it
22:50.29ckknighttribonacci sequence
22:50.51foxlit~wikipedia Tribonacci sequence
22:51.01Kaydeethreefib but for last 3 results?
22:51.01Cidef(x) = f(x-1) + f(x-2) + f(x-3)?
22:52.05a-stray-catanyone here not enUS?
22:52.06ShirikThe tribonacci numbers are like the Fibonacci numbers, but instead of starting with two predetermined terms, the sequence starts with three predetermined terms and each term afterwards is the sum of the preceding three terms. The first few tribonacci numbers are A000073:
22:52.06Shirik0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 7, 13, 24, 44, 81, 149, 274, 504, 927, 1705, 3136, 5768, 10609, 19513, 35890, 66012, …
22:53.21Shirik\frac{1+\sqrt[3]{19+3\sqrt{33}}+\sqrt[3]{19-3\sqrt{33}}}{3} is the ratio toward which adjacent tribonacci numbers tend. It is a root of the polynomial x3 - x2 - x - 1, approximately 1.83929, and also satisfies the equation x + x-3 = 2. It is important in the study of the snub cube.
22:53.44ShirikI think this is someone who was bored and needed something to do
22:53.47hastea-stray-cat: depends on what you mean with not enUS
22:53.54ShirikI have not heard of any purpose behind "tribonacci" numbers
22:53.59Shirikwhereas the fibonacci sequence has a meaning
22:54.08Luminaxquadronacci soon
22:54.17Luminaxstay tuned to the nacci show
22:54.22ShirikPentanacci, hexanacci and heptanacci numbers have been computed, with perhaps less interest so far in research.[citation needed]. In the limit, the ratio of successive terms of an n-nacci sequence tends to a root of the equation x+x^{-n}=2\,.
22:54.37Kaydeethreeyay thought exercises?
22:54.50Luminaxyou guys do that
22:54.53LuminaxI'll go parse my events
22:55.05Luminaxassuming I still have adrenaline left to do it... ugh
22:55.08foxlitmeh, insanity = required
22:55.55Luminaxokay... this from "ShowMeTheMoney" Blizzard example : EventHandlerFunction(self, event, ...);
22:55.58Luminaxanyone care to elaborate
22:56.25foxlitOn what?
22:56.55Luminaxon why it passes 'self' as argument, on what does the '...' mean and how and why etc etc etc
22:56.57Shirikframe:SetScript("OnEvent", EventHandlerFunction)
22:57.05Shirikself is passed as an argument due to the way Lua works
22:57.13Shirik... means "and whatever else"
22:57.15Shirikfor example...
22:57.27foxlit... is the language construct that means "I don't know what I'm being passed, but give me all of it"
22:57.35Luminaxwell... yeah
22:57.54Shirik>>> function fn(a, b, ...) print("a is "..a..", and b is"..b..", and I also got:", ...); end fn(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
22:57.55CideShirik: "a is 1, and b is2, and I also got:",  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10
22:58.35Shirikyou can even do something like
22:58.51ckknightLuminax: tetranacci
22:58.52Shirik>>> function makeTable(...) return {...}; end return makeTable(1,2,3,4,5)
22:58.53CideShirik: { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } (#1)
22:59.31Luminaxkinda fickle
22:59.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Vangual_ (
22:59.43foxlitCombine with select
22:59.51foxlitExplain select!
23:00.10Luminaxyes! explain select!
23:00.11Shirik>>> function getThird(...) return (select(3,...)); end print(getThird(1,2,3,4,5,6))
23:00.12CideShirik: 3
23:00.14Luminaxanyway... back to scripting
23:00.33Kaydeethreebetter than java's strict "you may pass exactly n arguments to a function unless it's overloaded" crap
23:00.50Shirikjust about every other language I know of does that ><
23:00.54Shirikand tbh I like that better, but hey
23:00.58CideShirik: why make it efficient?
23:00.58Shirikwell, actually
23:00.59foxlitstrict = better :P
23:01.02ShirikJava and C both have ...
23:01.09Shirikjava's ... is crap though
23:01.18Shirikit is impossible to work with, especially when you're dealing with JNI
23:01.18Kaydeethreewhich is why I don't bother trying to use it
23:01.21Cide>>> function getThird(...) return (unpack({...}, 3)); end print getThird(1,2,3,4,5,6)
23:01.21CideCide: [string "function getThird(...) return (unpack({...}, 3)); end print get..."]:1: '=' expected near 'getThird'
23:01.33Cide>>> function getThird(...) return (unpack({...}, 3)); end print(getThird(1,2,3,4,5,6))
23:01.33CideCide: 3
23:01.52Cidefor the win!
23:02.00Shirikno words
23:02.33a-stray-catyou can do that?
23:03.05a-stray-cat>>> function getThird(...) return (unpack({...}, 3)); end print(getThird({"you", "can", "do", "that?"}))
23:03.05Cidea-stray-cat: nil
23:03.23Luminaxthe only good thing about java is its cross-compatibility
23:03.25ckknighta-stray-cat: doesn't work like that
23:03.25foxlittable of tables!
23:03.31Luminaxand it achieves that through massive code bloating
23:03.31a-stray-cati see
23:03.35ckknightLuminax: just like anal.
23:03.36a-stray-catits ...
23:03.48Kaydeethreeonly if you're dealing with non-gui stuff
23:03.57ckknight>>> function getThird(...) return (unpack({...}, 3)); end print(getThird("you", "can", "do", "that?"))
23:03.57Cideckknight: "do"
23:03.58Luminaxso advantages that got offset pretty bad by its mean of achieving it
23:04.23a-stray-cati need more sleep, caffiene or both
23:04.33LuminaxI suggest anaesthesia
23:04.41Kaydeethreesome times I hate my school. they're teaching us Java because that's what GaTech is^Wwas teaching their undergrads until last year
23:06.19Luminaxmy Univ. taught us Electronic Engineers the C language
23:07.20Luminax...not really easy to get yourself used to printf when you've been using stream >> al the time
23:07.32Luminaxwait stream <<
23:08.16a-stray-catyou can do stream >>, it just has to be an istream!
23:08.35zenzelezzprintf isn't much for input though
23:08.57a-stray-catim just saying, streams go both ways
23:09.21a-stray-catbecause my teacher thought it would be fun if we overloaded >> and << as many times as possible.
23:09.44Kaydeethreesadistic bastard, I take it?
23:10.01a-stray-cathe made us overload [] in c!
23:10.08a-stray-cati forgot what we overloaded it to do
23:10.41a-stray-cathe made a mistake on the midterm on his quick sort question
23:10.47a-stray-catand it ended up taking like a page
23:10.55a-stray-catrather than 5 lines as he intended :X
23:11.15Shirik19:10:05 ‹a-stray-cat› because my teacher thought it would be fun if we overloaded >> and << as many times as possible.
23:11.32Shirik19:10:45 ‹a-stray-cat› he made us overload [] in c!
23:13.17Luminaxthe overloaded overloading operators that overloaded the overloaded operators overloading the overload methods...
23:13.25Luminaxk, I'm done
23:13.38a-stray-catoh, you're right.
23:13.47a-stray-catit was c++
23:13.54a-stray-cati remember what we did now
23:14.05Luminaxstreams isn't really 'available' in C
23:14.11a-stray-catrather than matrix[x][y] he wanted it to be matrix[x,y]
23:14.15a-stray-cat[] was in c :p
23:14.29Luminaxand C++ too
23:14.33Luminaxwhich is an iteration of C
23:14.40a-stray-catyes, but the project i did this in was in c++
23:14.46a-stray-catbecause i had a matrix class ;X
23:14.54a-stray-catim just sayin
23:15.17a-stray-catthat i clearly need more caffiene.
23:15.23LuminaxI clearly need sleep
23:15.39LuminaxI just did a local cVar'
23:15.50Luminaxand then reloaded UI and found big red letters
23:15.54Luminaxwondering what I did wrong ><
23:16.12a-stray-cati just get 'Fatality!'
23:16.26a-stray-cati love that worms sound effect.
23:16.44Luminaxwell... no
23:16.50Kaydeethreethat's a game I haven't played in a while...
23:16.56LuminaxI don't load other addons except the one I'm working on and DevTools
23:17.00Luminaxme <3 DevTools
23:17.08a-stray-catoh man
23:17.11a-stray-catsomeone should write worms
23:17.12Luminaxoooh don't get me started on that game ><
23:17.12a-stray-catfor wow
23:17.17LuminaxROPE JUMP
23:17.18a-stray-catto play in raids
23:17.35LuminaxI used to be rope mastah in Fort type game
23:17.46Luminaxswing swing swing zook swing out ten-point landing
23:17.48Kaydeethreewe've already got poker, that's distracting enough of our healers
23:18.04Luminaxlast I heard our healers are playing Uno ><
23:19.42*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
23:19.43ckknighta-stray-cat: I was thinking about Monopoly
23:21.52Luminaxevent check: MERCHANT_SHOW, event check: ITEM_PUSH, event check: CHAT_MSG_LOOT
23:21.54LuminaxI'm set
23:21.59a-stray-catmonopoly is fun too
23:22.07a-stray-catif only my GM would work on it some more :<
23:28.26Luminaxthat wouldn't fire :/
23:28.58Shirikanyone know where the party frames are located in the blizz ui? I thought it was UnitFrame.lua but no..
23:29.34Luminaxthere's a PartyMemberFrame.lua...
23:29.36ShirikI = noob
23:29.57Luminaxyou == need sleep maybe
23:30.02Luminaxor need coffee
23:30.23Luminax*sigh* stupid thing won't trigger on MERCHANT_SHOW
23:30.28Luminax*shakes fist*
23:31.34LuminaxI == boggled
23:32.01Luminaxso I was doing EventHandlerFunction(self) in LUA and was wondering why it won't fire
23:32.19Luminaxthen I dig my xml and found out I somehow changed it to EventHandlerFunction(event) ><
23:32.41Luminaxalright now that THAT is registered
23:33.02ShirikEventHandlerfunction(self, event, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, ...)
23:33.03Luminaxtime to see if I can toggle 'in merchant window' check along with Item Push and CHAT_MSG_LOOT
23:33.14LuminaxI just do self, event, ...
23:33.24Shirikyeh, depends on whaty ou need
23:33.45LuminaxI just need for it to trigger and display a harmless DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME messages
23:33.49Luminaxat least that will tell me it WORKS
23:33.56Luminaxwhich it does
23:34.00Luminax*dances happily*
23:34.33Shirikgrats :)
23:42.01Luminaxthanks :3
23:43.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
23:44.01Luminaxsequence to merchant selling is... ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED (no idea what this is), BAG_UPDATE, PLAYER_MONEY
23:44.15Luminaxwhat IS that first event, btw ?
23:45.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
23:47.07ckknightLuminax: wowwiki knows all
23:47.24LuminaxI've queried wowwiki
23:47.33Luminaxseems kinda vague... or I'm not understanding enough...
23:56.23Gnarfozpoll: I, rogue, have: Aldor exalted sword + (can farm for Latro's shifting sword) -- no good arena team, so slow but steady arena point gain. Which one to get first? Arena MH or OH sword? (for combat PvE)

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