IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070526

00:00.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
00:01.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@
00:07.10sysragenevermind. complete wipe and reinstall fixed it
00:07.34*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:09.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:23.52subbawtdoes the first ace addon that gets loaded get credit for all the memory of the ace library?
00:24.00subbawtthat's the only way i can figure out why !StopTheSpam is using 3MB :P
00:24.17nymbiasubbawt: yup
00:24.44JoshBorkesubbawt: yes
00:27.27Bleeteras in 'I'm your lvl 13 strapon gnome lock!'
00:27.44zenzelezzsuuure that's what you tried to say
00:28.13Bleeterheh, s'true... guildie just made primal mooncloth shoulders, was talking about +465 int
00:28.42BleeterI'm on my 13 lock bank alt, 542 int... I offered to be 'I'm your...'
00:29.10BleeterRP realms can be quite fun sometimes ;)
00:29.35zenzelezz542 at 13?
00:29.47*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
00:30.13zenzelezzI'm no twinker but that sounds like a lot
00:30.51*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
00:33.12zenzelezzI remember when I was new, running around on my orc warrior between Orgrimmar and The Barrens... received the Dragonslayer buff and noticed my health was doubled... "woot!"
00:33.43zenzelezzor was it the Rend buff... one of them anyhow
00:34.06atriaceWoah..... this is annoying.  Can a Mod not use SendChatMessage to activate a slash command?
00:40.12JoshBorkedon't believe so, no
00:40.31AnduinLotharMr_Rabies2: pong
00:41.51Mr_Rabies2i really really hate the wow "community"
00:46.48AnduinLotharalmost not worth responding to
00:47.27Mr_Rabies2so tempted to login on an alt and just reply "stop posting"
00:48.19Mr_Rabies2i really feel for you guys  :( you have to deal with the stupid "community" on a mostly dairly basis :/
00:53.45BleeterCairenn|afk: Pidgin 2.0.1 is released
00:54.55subbawti logged on without any mods yesterday, and the loading time was amazing :(
00:55.07subbawti wish i could live without them
00:56.24*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (i=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
00:58.53zenzelezzI'm too cheesy... my new gun made me make a macro to cast Shoot, so I could add a chance to /say Say hello to my little friend!
01:01.12*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
01:02.05kergothi'd do /say This is my BOOMSTICK!
01:02.10kergothevil dead / army of darkness references ftw
01:03.09JoshBorkekergoth: ftl you mean :-P
01:03.25zenzelezzI'm still tempted put a chance to say that Dune thing on my Berserker Rage button... "I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death [...]"
01:03.33zenzelezzbut I expect the team may not like that
01:12.09Industrialseems like thats when the fps is cut in half
01:12.17Industrialand models start makgin big spikes
01:12.20Industrialand the interface flashes
01:41.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
01:42.43Thunder_Childzenzelezz: i prefer "Good, Bad, i'm the guy with the gun"
01:43.44zenzelezzthe reason I chose the "little friend" is because the gun looks fairly big and bad-ass ;-p In my opinion anyhow
01:44.25Industrialmy screenshots dont work?
01:44.35IndustrialI dont get any tga files in wow/Screenshots/
01:44.50zenzelezzbut you get the "Screen captured" message?
01:45.34zenzelezznot getting any .jpgs or anything else either?
01:45.46Industrialwhat the
01:45.53Industrialthay changed it to jpg.
01:46.04zenzelezzyou can change it back if you want
01:46.04AitaAs of this latest patch, aye
01:46.09IndustrialI didnt notice cause I usually convert it to jpg anyway
01:46.32Industrialwith ConvertShots.exe
01:46.32zenzelezzyou can set the JPG quality on the config I think
01:46.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
01:48.36zenzelezznice interface
01:49.03IndustrialMeanwhile in /1: "LOL how old r u" "prol orlder then u
01:49.11Industrial" "my gf plays to lol"
01:49.19OsagasuBarrens chat.
01:49.26Industrialstv actually
01:49.48Thunder_ChildIndustrial: a tad minimalistic?
01:49.55zenzelezzsome people like it that way
01:50.15Industrialits a fetish
01:50.34zenzelezzI'm not really a minimalist, but I like my interfaces symmetrical and clean
01:50.35Thunder_Childfor someone having a minimal UI your double stacking buffs
01:50.41Thunder_Child/ odd
01:50.56Industrialdouble stacking? bad, it's target
01:51.22Industrialid like them on my playerframe
01:51.48Thunder_Childso put them there
01:52.42IndustrialI guess I could.
01:52.47zenzelezzif I want to place action buttons randomly around my screen (not just in straight bars), anyone know of a decent mod that'll do that and not much more?
01:53.24Thunder_Childwell...bartender can do that...but it can also do much more...
01:54.06zenzelezzbut the "much more" is still actionbar/button stuff? What I meant by "more" was "non-actionbar stuff"
01:54.33Thunder_Childwell you *can* have it do more...but you dont have to
01:54.54Thunder_Child<-- very fuzzy atm
01:55.27zenzelezzguess I'll just have to try it and see
01:59.51zenzelezz"Peons4hire sued by Blizzard" o_O
02:01.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Bam__ (
02:19.40XuerianAww, why couldn't they sue a less-artful gold selling service.
02:19.58ThraeThey're suing IGE?
02:20.07XuerianI duno, blame zenzelezz
02:22.17OsagasuThere is no real legal basis for them suing IGE for selling gold
02:22.36Osagasusuing Peons4Hire does though, because Peons4hire harasses Blizzard's customers
02:25.39zenzelezzhrm, I'm too stupid to figure out any of these bar mods (or they just don't do what I want)... I'll have to look into creating them myself :-p
02:26.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:30.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:36.26atriaceHow do you get a mod to type a slash command of another mod?
02:36.42JoshBorkeatriace: search through SlashCmdList, find the function and call that
02:37.33atriaceI was afraid of that.  I've been digging through Bartender trying to find it's SlashCmdList, and so far it's mysteriously missing from all of its lua files.
02:39.04atriaceI was hoping if I could simply print the command via SendChatMessage I could skip the hunt for the function, but WoW doesn't recognize it as a command if it prints it to the chat window with SendChatMessage
02:39.16JoshBorkeit'll be in AceConsole, randomly generated
02:41.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Chil1 (
02:46.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Aita (
02:52.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (
03:06.41Kirkburn|afkBlizz is suing Peons4hire!
03:08.16Legorolguys, i have a problem with Blizz default raid UI, i don't know if you can help me
03:08.29Legorolas a raid leader, i don't seem to be able to promote anyone to main tank, only select people
03:08.57Legorolin a test raid (me = warrior, a druid and a priest), i can promote the druid, i can't promote the priest, and i can't even right-click myself to get a popup menu
03:09.02Legorolthis is on a clean system with no addons
03:09.07Kirkburn|afkHey Legorol
03:09.22Legorolhi Kirkburn|afk
03:09.25Kirkburn|afkNot that I can help you, but I haven't spoken to you for a while :(
03:09.56Legorolyup, still
03:10.57Kirkburn|afkAh yes, I see now: "Trinity College Basement-Prison"
03:13.04LegorolOk, I am a noob
03:13.13LegorolTurns out it IS addons that do it somehow..
03:13.23Legoroli forgot i still had a couple dev tools enabled, like IEF
03:13.31Legoroland for some strange reason IEF was causing this
03:15.10LegorolImproved Error Frame
03:35.50*** join/#wowi-lounge DT__ (n=DT_@
03:39.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
03:42.53JoshBorkeno lua bot :-(
03:47.43Shirik|AFK16k crit on curator
03:47.47Shirik|AFKthat was hawtness
03:48.06Shirik|AFKrapid killing + trinket + evocation + aimed shot ^^;
03:48.43zenzelezzwhen Curator does Evocation
03:49.12OsagasuI was like "huntard using make skills?  schwaaaa~?
03:49.25zenzelezzmake? o_O
03:49.57Shirik|AFKexcuse me
03:50.06OsagasuWarcraft 3.
03:50.06Shirik|AFKis for the morons that don't know how to play the class
03:50.22Shirik|AFKI realize that 90% of the class doesn't know wtf they're doing
03:50.27Shirik|AFKbut understand that there is 10% of us that do
03:50.35zenzelezzwe use it just for jokes, no harm intended
03:50.42zenzelezzsame with loladin
03:51.16OsagasuAnd I'll be perfectly honest, I don't really care if you take offense at it.
03:51.32zenzelezzcareful, Cairenn is awake
03:53.48OsagasuMy point is that noone can make him take offense at a joke except himself.
04:00.34Mike-N-GoShirik|AFK: I am a hunter that knows what he is doing =]
04:05.31IndustrialI ran out of ammo at liek level 2
04:06.02Mike-N-GoSo, you became a melee hunter?
04:06.30Industrialgah, it was a joke
04:06.42Industrialthat'd be the worst hunter ever tho
04:12.19Shirik|AFKthere are hunters that think they are good at melee
04:12.28Shirik|AFKi.e., melee hunters
04:12.37Thunder_Chil1only problem i have with hunters is the pet
04:12.43zenzelezzeveryone knows hunter melee weapons are just stat sticks
04:12.49Shirik|AFKit's true
04:12.50Thunder_Chil1i just..*just* want to be a sniper
04:12.58Shirik|AFKI don't even use my pet
04:13.01Shirik|AFKscrew him
04:13.13Thunder_Childcant do it at low lvls though
04:13.26Thunder_Childwell...and lvl as fast
04:13.27zenzelezzI made my hunter (semi-alt, semi-bank) specifically for the pet \o/
04:16.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Zicon_ (
04:17.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Terrifion (
04:18.20Terrifionis there a macro that can do a sort of cast sequence for sit and then stand since they removed the SitOrStand() function in 2.1?
04:29.31*** join/#wowi-lounge atriace (
04:32.06*** join/#wowi-lounge atriace (
04:34.56Shirik|AFKsomeone know the name of the pet bar frame?
04:35.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Nimble (
04:35.41atriaceI believe it's simply PetFrame
04:36.00atriaceAlthough, if you're using DiscordUnitFrames it would be DUF_PetFrame
04:36.29Shirik|AFKnah, it's PetFrame
04:36.33Shirik|AFKbut PetFrame:Show() doesn't work -_-
04:37.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
04:38.20Mike-N-GoI get 1K crit on a Raptor Strike
04:42.03Shirik|AFKand you can do it every 6 seconds
04:42.11Shirik|AFKnow how does that compare to even your minimal ranged damage
04:42.18subbawtI think it's PetActionBarFrame
04:42.21subbawtsomething like that
04:42.25Shirik|AFKdoesn't matter
04:42.27Shirik|AFKchess is over ><
04:42.30Shirik|AFKAnd I did jack ><
04:43.46Mike-N-GoShirik|AFK: I can do awesome ranged, ~400 on an AutoShot, and 1K when it crits =D
04:44.43Mike-N-GoI just find it useful to melee the last few %T on a mob, if it will drop dead in 1 or 2 melee hits.
04:50.54*** join/#wowi-lounge _dinesh-work (
05:00.15*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
05:10.16Mike-N-GoWhat is it called, when you move the camera view from between the where the toon's head is and behind his head?
05:10.19Mike-N-GoI used to be able to adjust mine with my scroll wheel, but now, am unable, any ideas?
05:11.06AtriaceCheck your keybindings.  You can specify mousewheel up/down for camera zoom.
05:18.49*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
05:18.50*** topic/#wowi-lounge is #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 Toc: 20100 | RTFPN please | Patch Notes:
05:19.05a-stray-catthe ace users are clearly hiding.
05:19.10a-stray-catprobably in #wowace
05:19.23Atriaceyep, that's it.  :)
05:19.30AtriaceThanks, I'll ask there.
05:57.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Nerinia (
06:00.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
06:02.31*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
06:02.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys|Miranda (
06:06.06Shirik|AFKCairenn around?
06:07.20Cairennuseless git, she's never around when you need her
06:12.26RecluseWhat's difference between target and focus for UF's? The 'focus' one never shows up, so curious as to what it is.
06:15.37a-stray-cattarget someone and do /focus
06:15.44a-stray-catand detarget them!
06:17.16*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
06:17.54Shirik|AFKfocus is like an extra target
06:29.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
06:32.20Recluse- /focus! never heard of that lol
06:34.35RecluseOh, yes. I can see how that would definitely come in handy.
06:36.15RecluseHas that always been in the game or did it get added somewhere along the way or what?
06:37.49AtriaceIs the following a function? If it is, I don't recognize the format.
06:37.50Atriacemodule.update = function(self, type, value)
06:38.25AtriaceAren't functions normally:   function My_SpecialFunction()
06:39.13NeriniaRecluse: Focus? Added with patch version 2.0
06:43.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
06:53.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Parak (
06:56.07Mike-N-GoHow long is children's' week?
07:01.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
07:02.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
07:04.17Garoun|Loupanavista is friggin annoying
07:07.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Riptide (
07:12.17AtriaceIs there a CTMOD channel available?
07:17.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
07:18.16*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
07:19.02*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
07:19.28Mike-N-Goatriace: This is the closets you will probly get.
07:22.39Mike-N-Goatriace: Look for Cide, he is what the 'C' stands for, he visits this room often.
07:30.58*** part/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
07:31.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
07:32.26a-stray-catwhat's the T stand for then?
07:33.44ShadowedT is a fictional person that Cide made up so it doesn't look like he does all the work
07:34.08a-stray-cati always thought he was a little crazy.
07:34.15Shadoweda little?
07:34.33a-stray-catokay, a lot :<
07:35.37MentalPower|AFKCide & Ts, CT
07:35.48ckknightTs is Cide's alter ego
07:38.16*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
07:44.37*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
07:47.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh_ (
07:48.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Riptidez (
07:48.22RecluseYou know the tooltip when you mouse over a player/npc that shows up in the bottom right corner? There a way to remove that, or an addon to make it go away?
07:49.11AtriaceYeah.  CT_Mod does it.  So does, MoveAnything.
07:49.52RecluseWill moveanything just let me move it or will it let me make it disappear completely?
07:51.11AtriaceWell, I know it moves it.  I thought there was an option to hide it... I'll doublecheck.
07:51.29AtriaceOops, no can do.  I don't have it installed anymore.  :)
07:51.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
07:52.09Reclusewith my current ui setup, that tool tip is in the way, and it eats up real estate anyhow
07:53.00*** part/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
07:53.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
07:53.57Recluseinstalled, restarting to check out if it'll do the trick
07:54.58AtriaceAnyone know how to recolor DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage() text?
07:59.46MentalPower|ZZzzDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(text, r, g, b)
08:00.06AtriaceThanks, MentalPower
08:00.27MentalPower|ZZzzor you can use |cFFRRGGBBSomeText|r to color individual words
08:00.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Luminax (
08:00.55MentalPower|ZZzzall of this is on the wiki BTW
08:01.15AtriaceActually I was hoping you could point me to a wiki page.
08:02.06purli heard wowwiki is [] the largest World of Warcraft wiki in existence with over 30,000 articles.
08:02.11Atriacelol, yes.  I know the site.  I meant where on it I could find that entry on text coloring.
08:02.56Luminaxhow about where on it could I find a beginner's guide :(
08:03.30AtriaceThanks again.  :)
08:03.36MentalPower|ZZzzLuminax: tried the one in the blizzard interface extractor?
08:03.45MentalPower|ZZzzthey're pretty good
08:03.53LuminaxI should try that
08:03.57Luminaxlost my extractor somewhere
08:04.06Luminaxit's an .exe MPQ extractor isn't it ?
08:04.59purlget the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here: or view it online at
08:05.09MentalPower|ZZzzyeah, that one
08:05.14MentalPower|ZZzzok for real now
08:09.24RecluseWell, it has a button to hide the tooltip, but it didn't succeed on doing the hide. I moved it out of the way - it's better than default at least
08:11.21*** part/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
08:12.34Vilkkuis there an event that fires when a spell is ready or do I have to use the event that fires when the spell is cast and then countdown?
08:15.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole (n=chatzill@
08:15.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
08:16.03Luminaxthis: vs self:
08:16.32Luminaxself.object eh
08:21.32Solego for self
08:23.25AtriaceI'm sooo close to finishing my mod.  Only problem is I can't figure out how to load mod profiles for CT.  I'm staring at the code for it.  I know, all I need to do is plug in the profile to load and fire off the import function and it should work... but... argh...  <-- CRY FOR HELP
08:24.15Luminaxyeah Shirik seems to be saying that 'this' in Lua scripting is evil
08:24.47Luminaxthough this.object works good in C++ hmmm I wonder
08:25.26Luminaxmust variables all be uppercase ?
08:25.41Luminaxor not... hmmm
08:26.56*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
08:30.28SoleLuminax: variables in lua can be whaterver case you want them to
08:30.49Luminaxyeah just wondering about things such as "VARIABLES_LOADED"
08:30.53SoleAtriace: mind giving me a pastey?
08:31.00Solethose are blizzard event names
08:31.05Solethey're always uppercase
08:31.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
08:31.20Soleaddon variables dont really matter
08:31.21Luminaxit's kinda like macros and such in C eh
08:31.44Luminaxokay another quick question
08:31.57Solealthough, obviously its good to stick to 1 case so your code doesnt look weird
08:32.21Luminaxif on the loading function there's a self:RegisterEvent, that "self:" is referring to top hierarchy frame ?
08:32.54Soleon mean in a frames OnLoad handler?
08:33.11Luminaxyes, in the function referred to by the OnLoad
08:33.27*** join/#wowi-lounge [Ammo] (
08:33.43Luminaxah... or does it refers to whichever frames calls the 'OnLoad" ?
08:33.55AtriaceSole: sure, here's the snippet I'm looking at
08:34.34SoleLuminax: it refers to the frame which calls the OnLoad   afaik
08:34.35LuminaxI'm looking at Blizzard UI tutorial advanced "ShowMeTheMoney" here
08:34.49Luminaxso the top frame is ShowMeTheMoneyFrame, which only sets anchor points
08:35.03Solebut to be honest, I havent written xml for a WoW addon for about a year+ now
08:35.07SoleI just create it through lua
08:35.13*** part/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
08:35.38Soleand to handle events, Im an Ace2 coder so I dont register events to frames
08:35.47SoleI register it to the addon and have functions to handle em
08:36.01LuminaxI have no idea how or what that is so ;P
08:36.50Soleace2 is an addon framework
08:37.47Luminaxkinda know a thing or two about it
08:37.56Luminaxlots of addons I used are Ace2 derived
08:38.10Luminaxoooh a tutorial ! *reads*
08:39.16SoleAtriace: so whats the problem again? it just isnt working or what?
08:41.06AtriaceI'm trying to load CT mod profiles externally from another mod.  The snippet I linked you is from CT_Library.lua, and is the portion of their code that handles importing other profile settings.
08:41.53AtriaceI don't know how to get my mod to say "Hey! Load X profile."
08:42.55*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
08:43.03AtriaceIf Cide shows up, I suppose this would be a question best directed at the author, but I'm an eager beaver.
08:44.26*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
08:52.10Luminaxso Sole
08:52.21LuminaxAce2 handles all your frameworkin' ?
08:53.07ckknightAce2 is for noobs, only poor coders use it
08:54.51Solelol ck
08:54.59Solesorry I was afk
08:55.16SoleLuminax: ace2 is sex on the computer
08:55.27Luminaxso I see..
08:55.42ckknightLuminax: it's possible that I'm the author.
08:55.47SoleLuminax: he lies
08:55.55ckknightSole's mom lies
08:55.57ckknightin bed
08:55.59ckknightwith me on top
08:56.08leethalckknight: gz
08:56.18Atriaceckknight is a girl?
08:56.27Soleck's mom doesnt lie when she tells me how good it feels from behind
08:57.04ckknightAtriace: no, I'm quite male
08:57.22Solehe lies
08:59.43ckknight====D .oº
08:59.49ckknightalright, I'm done.
09:00.34AtriaceSole: I'm going to take a wild guess and say you don't know what I could do to import the settings.
09:00.42SoleAtriace: your guess is right
09:03.13*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
09:05.50*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (i=MoonWolf@
09:05.50*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
09:06.56*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
09:10.31*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
09:22.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (
09:25.38Mike-N-GoAuto Mail Director 1.4.5 is out,
09:30.20Luminaxthis is odd
09:30.28LuminaxIRC doesn't lag, Vent doesn't lag
09:30.48Luminaxbut my WoW is lagging like Ahn Qiraj gate opening on a 14.4k modem
09:31.18nevcairielserver issue ?
09:31.48Luminaxand of course the cute little 'latency' bar never shows correct information
09:32.01Luminaxscrew that bombing run >< time to go back to scripting
09:35.45Luminaxtrying to make my autosort bag addon :3
09:37.16Luminaxmmm doesn't += work in Lua ?
09:37.34Luminax<- lazy
09:45.56RecluseHmm, MoveAnything prevents me from getting mail and using outfitter. Back to the drawing board I suppose XD
09:47.44purlget the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here: or view it online at
09:53.14Luminaxgah... I might be still sleepy
09:53.22Luminaxhow did I misread "returns" as "refuses"
09:53.39Luminaxthe mind is boggled
09:59.58*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
10:06.14Recluseeesh, MoveAnything might have been updated after 2.1, but talk about buggy!
10:06.38JunkHead-WorkSomeone released a 2.1 version of MobileFrames also.
10:07.18Luminaxmobileframes... isn't that the one that's in cosmos
10:07.27Luminaxor was that gymnast..
10:07.38JunkHead-WorkNot sure.
10:07.38RecluseI just need something that will eliminate the tooltip when mousing over chests/nodes/npcs/players
10:12.14Luminaxso this 'function' that doesn't seem to be defined anywhere is a 'frame update' is it ? hmmm
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10:32.28RiptidezAnybody familar with, how your party player names (when you have have player names enabled) are a differant color than everybody outside of your party (violet for party, sea green for raid while the rest of the raid is green) Mine doesn't always show a different color for my group :( i've looked everywhere for an awnser.
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10:38.54leethalare you sure?
10:38.57leethalsounds weirdness
10:39.54Luminaxsounds colourful
10:41.49Luminaxwhich is better saved variables per character, or one big saved variables separated by characters ?
10:41.58Luminaxusing 'profiles'
10:44.41foxlitDo you want access to everyone else's settings while playing a specific character?
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10:44.53Luminaxyes I do
10:44.59Luminaxso I guess it's profile-based eh
10:45.02leethalI hade saved variables by character
10:45.14leethalit's very very very very very rare that I need an addon to be set up differently for each character
10:45.19leethaleven global or by class imo
10:45.56Luminaxoh btw... if there's a frame name with the name '$parentFrameName' and there's an undeclared function 'FrameName_Update()' could there be any connection ?
10:46.11Luminaxlike... frame specific functions or something
10:46.39amrono the frame's methods are accessed like frameName:Method()
10:46.50amrounless you specifically hook a script
10:47.18Luminaxyeah I am aware of the frame:method() like self:RegisterEvent() or stuff but...
10:47.25Luminaxwhat about that undeclared function then ?
10:47.40amrohm what do you mean by undeclared?
10:48.09Luminaxbecause there's no specific 'function FuncName' of it in the lua ?
10:48.24Luminaxthus, it's undeclared, yes ?
10:48.26amrothen it doesn't exist, and you get an error ifyou try to call it
10:48.44Luminaxwell I don't get any error
10:48.49Luminaxand this is Blizzard's example btw...
10:49.06LuminaxI don't think they're going to put a wrong code in
10:49.39amrowhere do you see FrameName_Update()?
10:50.04Luminaxin the LUA
10:50.12Luminaxand the _SetType("STATIC") in the XML
10:50.23amrothen it was declared elsewhere
10:50.45LuminaxFrameXML ?
10:51.06Luminaxalready a built in function then...
10:52.22Luminaxon checking of the extracted Blizzard UI LUA collection
10:52.25Luminaxthere's a MoneyFrame.lua
10:52.33Luminaxsheesh.... so much for example
11:04.12Luminaxhmm I don't need to put a <script file="scriptname.lua"> if I already loaded it in the .toc, do I ?
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11:26.19drdoom5081Anyone here able to answer some questions about scripting?
11:27.44foxlitAsk questions, not meta-questions :P
11:28.26drdoom5081I'm creating a mod that uses a core, and supports plugin mods.  I need to be able to create buttons dynamically using CreateFrame in the core mod's LUA file.
11:28.40drdoom5081but when i try to inherit a frame defined in the XML file, it says it can't find it
11:29.09foxlitChecklist: 1. You typoed the name in either XML or Lua. 2. XML frame is not declared as virtual. 3. XML file is not loaded.
11:29.40drdoom5081Name is correct, frame template is defined as virtual, and the XML file is loaded.
11:30.00foxlitShow code, then :)
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11:30.34drdoom5081here is the frame template defined in the XML file
11:30.37drdoom5081<Button name="XBarButtonTemplate" inherits="SecureActionButtonTemplate" hidden="true" id="0">
11:30.49foxlitIt's not a template
11:31.37foxlit(you failed #2: XML frame is not defined as virtual. You need <Button name=.... virtual="true">)
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11:32.06drdoom5081got d/c
11:32.21foxlit[13:30] <foxlit> It's not a template
11:32.21foxlit[13:31] <foxlit> (you failed #2: XML frame is not defined as virtual. You need <Button name=.... virtual="true">)
11:33.30drdoom5081ah, i had taken the virtual out to test it.  It didn't work before that, and when i put it back in I get the same error message
11:34.07foxlitbtw, if you're pasing code, use
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11:36.02drdoom5081here is the link to the template:
11:38.48foxlitAnd the code you use to spawn frames? :)
11:39.10foxlitBtw, most instances of this should really be self there
11:39.50drdoom5081you mean defined in the XML file?
11:41.58drdoom5081code to make buttons is here
11:42.33drdoom5081I know i could do it defining them in the XML file.  but I'd rather create them dynamically to 1) Save resources, and 2) Leave it open ended for an unknown number of buttons
11:43.02drdoom5081I'm trying to simplify it for people who write plugin mods to my code.
11:44.17foxlitCan you expand a bit
11:46.25drdoom5081This is a small part of a bigger function.  For this particular problem i'm having, mod="XTrapBar", n=5.  There is a global object named "XTrapBar" defined in another XML file (its a plugin to this mod)
11:46.56drdoom5081The idea is that it creates a row of buttons as child members of this frame.
11:48.36Luminaxhey foxlit
11:51.29foxlithey Lumi
11:52.25Luminaxyou well versed with variables and saving/loading, I presume ?
11:52.28foxlitdrdoom5081: and you're sure that it's the CreateFrame line that fails?
11:53.15drdoom5081Luminax: yes,  foxlit: yes.  that's where the UI gives me the error at.  It tells me it can't find the template
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11:54.13Luminaxsoo... suppose I am saving to a single variable file so I can make it available to all characters across all realm instead of 'per characters' I should build a 'profile' for each characters in the saved variable file, yes ?
11:54.20drdoom5081CreateFrame(): Couldn't find inherited node: "XBarButtonTemplate"
11:54.45Luminaxso I will have variables to store realm name, character name, class, and various other stuffs that I want to store
11:55.08Luminaxanother question then, is where do I initialize this variable, and what are the default values for each possible ones ?
11:55.19drdoom5081Luminax: That's what I do.  just make it a nested array, and build a "character name" that includes the name and realm of the toon.
11:55.33drdoom5081each char's settings are defined under their name and realm
11:55.56Luminaxyes yes, that's what I want !
11:56.02Luminaxa-la CharacterProfiler
11:56.55drdoom5081Make sure you specify it in the .TOC file ## SavedVariables: <yourvarname>
11:57.07Luminaxdid it
11:57.31Luminaxso should I initialize it at the beginning of the LUA assigning 'nil' to each ?
11:58.15drdoom5081define it like this:  local MyVarName = { };
11:58.38drdoom5081*no local actually.  just the var name and the empty list
11:59.08drdoom5081the UI will save it automatically between loads.
11:59.30Luminaxincluding /reloadui, I assume ?
12:00.10drdoom5081you shhould look over my code in AspectBar.  you can see how it all works in practice
12:00.57Luminaxlink please ;)
12:01.15Luminaxugh... I have 35 tabs on my firefox lol
12:01.18LuminaxI need to close some
12:02.06drdoom5081foxlit, any idea on why it's not finding my template?  should I just give up and make it defined in the XML file?
12:03.09Luminaxhmmm and variables I will just be using for current functions such as temporary name holding variables and temporary iterator would be defined by 'local' eh ?
12:04.10drdoom5081local means it only exists where you define it.  IE. the current function, or the entire LUA file if you define it outside.  They are dynamically created and destroyed when no longer needed
12:04.20Luminaxroger that
12:04.42Luminaxhmm no documentation on GetRealmName
12:04.50foxlitdrdoom5081: I can't replicate.
12:04.58drdoom5081no documentation needed. it returns the name of the realm
12:05.00foxlitRunning that code in combination with that XML works for me.
12:05.38drdoom5081maybe its the way I'm loading the files in my .TOC?
12:06.23foxlitJust as long as the XML file is valid and is loaded before you run that, there shouldn't be a problem
12:06.29drdoom5081I load the XML files first, then the LUA file, also the XML files have <script> references to the LUA file
12:06.38drdoom5081Yeah i know, I just can't figure out why its doing this.
12:06.42Luminaxso say I'll do local char_Realm = GetRealmName("player"); and local _,char_Name = UnitName("player");
12:07.08Luminaxthat will store the realm name in the local vars char_Realm and the player name in char_Name...
12:07.39Luminaxlocal _,char_Name = UnitName("player"); <-- this is correct I suppose ? or reversed
12:08.18LuminaxI understand the function UnitName() returns name and realm
12:08.41drdoom5081you could get them both using the unitname function
12:08.42foxlitOnly for XS realms
12:09.13drdoom5081if I were you, I'd just use the first return value for each function
12:09.15LuminaxXS ? :o
12:09.31foxlitCross server
12:10.04foxlitSo UnitName("player") will not return server name
12:10.18Luminax"If from your own realm, then realm == nil"  <- this ?
12:10.39Luminaxso I suppose GetRealmName would be better
12:10.43drdoom5081Be aware you should get this player name after the event PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD fires, otherwise you will fail to get the player's name and realm
12:10.59Luminaxah yes
12:11.15LuminaxI'll move it to after the RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then ?
12:14.54LegorolI have identified two AddOns so far that seemingly taints the right-click popup menu in the raid tab, removing the "Promote to Main Tank" and "Promot to Main Assist" entries
12:14.59Luminaxputting all the event handlers in <OnEvent> EventHandler(arg); </OnEvent>, then ?
12:15.16LegorolThe AddOns in question are ImprovedErrorFrame and DamageMeters, any idea where/how I should start looking as to why they are tainting it?
12:16.03drdoom5081luminax: yes
12:16.11Luminaxwhee this is fun :3
12:16.52drdoom5081more than likely they are inheriting from a nonsecure template
12:17.36Legorolthey are somehow tainting UnitPopupButtons or UnitPopupMenus
12:18.17drdoom5081Best place to look is the line number that it specifies
12:18.40Legoroldrdoom5081: is that in response to my question?
12:18.50Legorolthere is no line number
12:19.17Legorolwhen an AddOn taints the unit popup, then certain entries are removed from it by the Blizzard code, thanks to an issecure() check in UnitPopup_HideButtons
12:19.36Legorolit doesn't result in an error message, or an addon blocked message
12:19.52Legorolthose entries are just silently removed
12:22.50Legorolmorning cladhaire
12:22.53Legorolmaybe you can help me
12:23.13cladhairegood morning.
12:23.40Legorolif you are willing, could you scroll back about ten minutes, and read my problem?
12:23.46Legorol"I have identifed..."
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12:25.34Legorolforget the part about tainting UnitPopupButtons or UnitPopupMenus, that was just a guess, that may not be what they are tainting
12:25.59cladhairedo they both taint?
12:26.04cladhaireor can you not narrow it down?
12:26.13cladhairei.e. does it happen with each of the addons, when enabled by itself?
12:26.17Legorolthey both do, on their own, by themselves
12:26.24Legorolwhen they are the sole addon loaded, i think
12:26.29Legorolbut i'll quickly doublecheck that
12:26.35cladhaireyes please.
12:27.11Legorolto be honest i am also hazy on how errorhandler works nowadays, how the message() and _ERRORMESSAG functions work, how you set errorhandler, how is the default UI not showing errors etc.
12:27.15Legoroli will have to learn that too
12:27.58cladhaireseterrorhandler(function(msg) msg = debugstack() .. msg ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg) end)
12:28.01cladhairethat's all you need to know
12:28.04cladhaireand geterrorhandler()
12:28.30Legorolclad, clad, you know me better than that ;-) "that's all you need to know" will never do for me :D
12:28.43Legorolok IEF does it on its own, the following way:
12:28.43cladhairewell _ERRORMESSAG function is the default error handler
12:28.56Legorolfirst person in Group 1 has full UnitPopup in raid tab
12:29.00cladhaireI believe it is just a simple wrapper for message(), which checks the value of the CVar
12:29.05Legorolsecond, third etc. don't, they appear tainted
12:29.16cladhairethis is only with a single addon loaded?
12:29.17Legorolme (fourth person in Group 1) doesn't even get a UnitPopup
12:29.20Legorolyup, sole addon
12:29.24Legorolgoing to try dmmeter as well
12:29.31cladhaireand issecurevar() says that the addon you suspect tainted it?
12:29.36cladhairei.e. its the one that's being blamed
12:29.51Legorolit's not getting blamed
12:29.55cladhairewhat is?
12:29.59Legorolnoone is
12:30.09cladhairethen that's a bug..
12:30.10Legorolin Blizzard code, there is an  issecure() check in UnitPopup_HideButtons
12:30.18cladhaireyes, but somethign is tainted.
12:30.20Legorolyou may remember
12:30.23cladhairei thought you knew what that was
12:30.28cladhairei was making assumptions, I apoligize.
12:30.37Legorolyes something somehow taints something
12:30.52Legoroli don't know what is tainted, all i know something is tainted by the time the code gets there
12:30.56cladhaireyes, but the flag propagates
12:30.58cladhaireis my point
12:31.01Legorolit's a silent fail :/
12:31.08cladhaireyes, btu somethign is tainted
12:31.13Legorolyup, and that's why i'm finding it so hard to find it
12:31.20cladhairei assumed you knew _something_ that was tainted.
12:31.24cladhairedid you scan the genv?
12:31.32Legorolthat's not a bad idea
12:31.41cladhaireI'd scan the genv, and enumerate all frames that are children of UIParent
12:31.47cladhairedump it to an SV
12:31.49cladhaireand investigate
12:32.02cladhaireor you can use that taint mapper onupdate thingamabobi
12:32.15Legorolok, DamageMeters, all by itself, doesn't cause the problem
12:32.27Legorolhowever when i was tracking this down yesterday,
12:32.32cladhairebut IEF does?
12:32.35cladhairewell lets start there, then :P
12:32.45Legorolwith a bunch of AddOns turned on, turning DM on/off caused the problem, and IEF wasn't turned on
12:32.51Legorolyeah i'll start with IEF
12:34.25Legorolall right, simple question about error handlers
12:34.37Legoroldefault UI sets _ERRORMESSAGE as error handler, i can see that
12:34.45Legoroldoes an AddOn setting a custom error handler taint anythign?
12:34.57cladhairenot if it uses seterrorhandler()
12:35.10cladhaireas far as i'm aware.
12:49.27Luminaxcladhaire can I take a moment of your time over private message ?
12:50.39cladhairejust a moment tho, a moment and a half would be unacceptable.
12:52.10Luminaxcan I make a request edit for 'some moments' instead of 'a moment' then ;P
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13:46.01Shirik|AFKprivate messages
13:46.05Shirik|AFKcan I join in?
13:50.38LuminaxShirik !
13:50.44Luminaxno you can't :3
13:50.46Luminaxit's personal !
13:50.54ShirikI can be "personal"...
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14:09.51ShirikI found out how gold spammers are doing their spam now
14:10.03ShirikThey invite you to a party
14:10.05Shirikand spam you in raid chat
14:10.21Nom-yeah and several other wasys
14:10.30Shirikthat was awesome
14:10.45leethalwhat other ways is there?
14:11.27Nom-They still do /tell, mail
14:11.45Nom-I've even had them zone into Kara (or use the exploit to join the channel) and spam in there
14:12.04Nom-Get Karazhan /1 spam :)
14:12.55leethalit's ez mode to report/ignore them now though, so yay
14:23.22RecluseInvite to party for what? To get your raid key?
14:23.35Mr_Rabies2i haven't gotten a spam mail since like
14:23.43Mr_Rabies2er, whisper
14:23.47Shirikso the spam filter doesnt' catch them
14:23.52Mr_Rabies2since like....wednesday
14:24.05Mr_Rabies2i also decline all unsolicited invites
14:24.14ShirikI will now :/
14:24.14Mr_Rabies2been a policy of mine for a while
14:24.19Shirikbut I'm a priest it happens a lot
14:24.54Recluseyou need an auto-invite decline addon lol
14:24.56Mr_Rabies2if a group doesn't give the courtesy to ask if you wanna go before throwing an invite
14:25.06Mr_Rabies2then decline it
14:25.27Mr_Rabies2you're better off without that group
14:25.39Shiriknot really
14:25.43ShirikI can't kill crap on my own :(
14:26.55Mr_Rabies2someone needs to respec shadow
14:27.49Nom-someone needs to reroll warlock :P
14:28.07Mr_Rabies2seriously though, if they're not gonna be friendly enough to ask before inviting, they're probably not very good group players
14:28.18Shirikprobably true
14:28.24Mr_Rabies2i've had nothing but success declining unsolicited tells
14:30.06Nom-i can't think of anything to do except play WoW
14:30.13leethalcode addons
14:30.22LuminaxShirik !
14:30.27Luminaxnow you have to help me ;P
14:30.43leethalyou could for instance add the latency indication in to Pitbull
14:31.15Nom-I can't decide what to play tho
14:31.22Nom-Noone wants to do heroics
14:31.39Nom-I can't be bothered levelling my mage
14:31.49Nom-I dunno what i'm doing with my hunter lol could help ckknight figure out why pitbull is eating item tooltips and trinketmenu :P
14:32.16Recluseimho, tbc just made the game shorter.
14:32.32Nom-not really
14:32.35Nom-There's so much to do
14:32.39Nom-Not enough people to do it with
14:32.48Shirik"Your Shadow Word: Death hits Vicious Teromoth for 666 Shadow damage."
14:32.51Shiriksomething you never want to see
14:32.54Nom-I can't even pug a heroic
14:33.28Mr_Rabies2back at 60
14:33.42Mr_Rabies2i was at the point where my claw hit for 666 and critted for 1337 all the time
14:34.04Luminaxlol Shirik
14:34.06Luminaxthat's evil
14:34.06Reclusepeople on my server capped rep/tier a week after tbc released
14:34.28LuminaxRecluse : they need to find other things to do with their times then :o
14:35.00Mr_Rabies2i'm sure the majority of the server didn't
14:35.04Mr_Rabies2just a poopsock guild or two
14:35.12Luminaxwoo hooo nothing like the feeling when something you code WORKS
14:35.17Reclusei got to 70 on my hunter only to find out no one likes hunters in endgame anymore (for some reason) so now i'm back to leveling rogue >.>
14:35.30Mr_Rabies2you're going to be sadly disappointed
14:35.31Nom-There's not many guilds hitting the 25-mans (beyond Gruul/Mag) on our server
14:35.52Mr_Rabies2i'd suggest rolling a holy priest or other healing class if you want to be invited commonly in endgame
14:35.56Nom-Noone wants rogues either :P
14:35.57Mr_Rabies2because no one heals anymore
14:36.05Luminax*shrug* I constantly raid on my rogue
14:36.07Nom-lol actually
14:36.11Luminaxah... that reminds me
14:36.12Nom-on our server, mages are rare
14:36.13Mr_Rabies2and probably won't until it's fun
14:36.18LuminaxI need to sleep early for Gruul ><
14:36.25Mr_Rabies2mages are everywhere on our server nom
14:36.31Mr_Rabies2probably #2 played class i'd say
14:36.35Reclusei've got a 61 priest, but i'm not into raid healing lol. my rogue has a guild who wants it to be 70 already so
14:36.40Nom-We've actually recruited mages from other servers
14:36.42Nom-and had them transfe
14:36.50Luminaxthat's hardcore...
14:37.15Nom-Hell, two of our Karazhan raids didn't have mages until 2 weeks ago
14:37.19Nom-1 still doesn't
14:37.31Mr_Rabies2warriors aren't #1 played anymore
14:37.39Mr_Rabies2last time i looked they were
14:37.42Luminaxhey Shirik
14:37.43Mr_Rabies2like a month or two ago
14:37.47Luminaxpm for a few moments ?
14:37.54Luminaxoh wait... are you in Kara again
14:38.06Shiriknah, but I am in an instance ><
14:38.15Nom-IT claims there's so many
14:38.20Nom-But there's non raid-ready
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14:39.16Mr_Rabies2i'm raid-ready, just can't find a decent guild
14:39.20Reclusewe take the druid over warrior these days
14:39.23Mr_Rabies2mine is full of a bunch of noobs
14:39.35Nom-We've got a grand total of 3 raiding warriors
14:39.54Nom-we have more warlocks than you can poke a stick at
14:40.09Nom-heaps of priests
14:40.14Nom-heaps of rogues
14:40.27Reclusei'd like to see those charts broken down to what races play which classes most
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14:40.37Mr_Rabies2click it
14:40.38Mr_Rabies2the class
14:41.20Reclusewoot. that's nice
14:41.25Nom-there you go
14:41.31Nom-9 warlocks
14:42.15Nom-it says we have 6 warriors, but 1 quit, 1 is on 6 month holiday, 1 is way undergeared
14:42.47Mr_Rabies2my scrub guild
14:43.56Nom-Can't decide what to play...  I want to play my low level alts, but I can't be bothered doing the barrens grind *again*
14:44.28RecluseYou can do Ghostlands instead of Barrens...
14:44.40Nom-All paths end at the barrens :)
14:44.51Nom-Ghostlands 'til 20, Barrens 'til 25
14:45.28RecluseGhostlands until 21/22, then head to Silverpine for a level, and you're ready to take on Hillsbrad
14:46.02RecluseWell, that's how it works for me lol
14:46.24Nom-gonna play my mage i guess
14:46.30Nom-see if i can get a level
14:51.38RecluseI'm going to go stare at the AH until an underworld band shows up >.>
14:55.55Mr_Rabies2Shadowed: you here? :O
14:57.24Mr_Rabies23075 chain lighting, aghghghghgh
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15:44.22Luminaxand back
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15:51.58Luminaxyou there yet cladhaire ?
15:52.04cladhairei'm in and out
15:52.05cladhairemeeting people today
15:52.11cladhaireyou can ask your questions here..
15:52.13Luminaxwewt meeting :3
15:52.16cladhairemost likely someone else has the same question
15:52.39cladhairebetter to discuss stuff like you're talking about here, rather than in private.. then its logged, and other people get help too
15:52.49Luminaxso with the variables safely saved and indexed, how do I 'count' indexes and then use it to iterate the content of the tables ?
15:53.10cladhaireask me what you're trying to accomplish
15:53.15cladhairenot how you want to implement it=)
15:53.36cladhairethat's "Asking Cladhaire questions, rule #1" =)
15:53.46cladhaireit makes it easier on you, and we end up with better answers :P
15:53.56LuminaxI now have the table of TTrack['realm name']['character name'].variableIwant
15:54.32Luminaxnow the question is, how do I count how many instances of 'character name' there are, and how do I use it to get indices and different values of .variableIwant from different character
15:54.49Luminaxand probably operate on those values like adding them together, or such and such
15:54.49cladhaireon a single server?
15:54.52cladhaireor across all servers?
15:55.02cladhairecause right now, your data isn't very well structured
15:55.03Luminaxfor now, only on 'realm name'
15:55.07cladhairei suspect your goal is a bit different
15:55.11cladhairethen you want
15:55.19Luminaxafter all I can't transfer money between realm ;D
15:55.28Luminax(not without a character transfer but meh)
15:55.32cladhairefor charname,entry in pairs(TTrack["realm name"]) do
15:55.42cladhaire-- here, entry.variableiwant
15:55.58cladhaireand in that loop, charname is the character's name
16:01.44*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (n=[KaoS]`@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
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16:14.26Mr_Rabies2oh snap
16:14.37Mr_Rabies2oh wait, kirk beat me :[
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16:14.55Mr_Rabies2and zenz
16:15.16KirkburnIt was only 12 hours ago ....
16:15.41Mr_Rabies2well i was asleep 12 hours ago :[
16:23.15sysragelol figures. i finally get a group for Grulloc and server goes down
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16:24.06Mr_Rabies2i solod those
16:24.16sysragewhat class?
16:24.19Mr_Rabies2and by solo'd i mean i mooched off a horde group running it
16:24.48Mr_Rabies2because none of them are drops off them
16:24.55Mr_Rabies2they're containers on the groun
16:24.58sysrageoh really?
16:25.11sysrageheh i didn't even realize that. been standing here for a long time waiting for group. watched 3 groups do it
16:25.13sysrage<-- noob
16:25.26Mr_Rabies2i followed a horde group around and mooched their kills
16:25.36Mr_Rabies2i helped kill the ones that didn't aoe
16:31.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Kronus@
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16:48.03*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (n=a-stray-@
16:49.45a-stray-catanyone here play on a client other than enUS?
16:52.55ShirikI want to play on enFR
16:53.53zenzelezzthat would be most frUStrating
16:54.00Mr_Rabies2like 20 people, some in LA, some near canada :p
16:54.29zenzelezzI'm on enGB anyhow
16:54.33Shirikthere's some in louisiana too
16:54.41nevcairieli play on enGB, but its pretty similar to enUS ;)
16:54.53Shirikthey just shove Us in everywhere
16:54.56Shirikthat's the only different
16:55.10nevcairieli think the texts are the same
16:56.29a-stray-catzenzelezz or nevcairiel: can you help me out a sec? people from other locales are reportting an error i dont get on the US version :<
16:57.12zenzelezzafraid I'm a bit busy right now
16:57.31a-stray-catthanks anyhow ;o
16:57.39nevcairielwhat would i have todo?
16:57.57a-stray-catjust play with my addon a bit, see if you get the error :X
16:59.27nevcairieli wouldnt rely expect enGB to break
16:59.31nevcairielbut sure
16:59.32nevcairiellink me
17:00.24a-stray-catone that's reporting happenst o be from enGB ;p
17:01.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
17:02.45Mr_Rabies2<Shirik> there's some in louisiana too
17:02.45Mr_Rabies2aka LA :O
17:02.45ShirikI was thinking Los Angeles
17:03.11*** join/#wowi-lounge barduck_ (
17:03.39Shiriksomeone killed one of those arcane guardians
17:03.42Shirikin the scryer tier
17:04.07Wobinmaybe it jumped
17:04.43nevcairiela-stray-cat: they didnt list any specifics to reproduce that ? ;)
17:06.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
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17:13.08a-stray-catwhat class are you?
17:13.16a-stray-catno, they didnt :< so im having a hard time tracking it down
17:13.27a-stray-catone said freeze trap was setting it off when the bar finished
17:13.31a-stray-cathe was on deDE though
17:15.39Mr_Rabies2i love terrorizing the Aldor guardians
17:15.49Mr_Rabies2fly down in flight form, watch them start casting, and fly back up
17:18.21a-stray-catdon't accidentally die on aldor rise
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17:18.21a-stray-catyou pop on the GY up top
17:18.45a-stray-catand theres a wall preventing you from going back down
17:18.49a-stray-catso unless you're pretty good at cliff jumping you'd have to drop down into nagrand to get back to your body ;P
17:25.11nevcairielive been testing on my druid for a while now
17:25.20nevcairielwill test my warlock too, wanted to play him anyway :D
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17:34.49*** topic/#wowi-lounge is #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 Toc: 20100 | RTFPN please | Patch Notes:
17:41.12Mr_Rabies2some guy was complaining about people recruiting in guildrecruitment
17:41.23Mr_Rabies2then someone advertised their enchants and he started complaining about that
17:41.35Mr_Rabies2i love making fun of peoples' stupidity in public :D
17:42.24Adyshow comes im not able to disable the auto dismount thing since 2.1?
17:42.37AdysI only got the "Auto Dismount even in flight" option
17:42.39Mr_Rabies2it's a new 'feature'
17:42.46Mr_Rabies2afaik you can't disable it
17:42.51Adysoh thats shit...
17:42.53amroits a conspiracy
17:46.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
17:46.58Punkie`you can disable it
17:47.43Punkie`or make a macro with: /script local n = GetCVar("autoDismount"); SetCVar("autoDismount", n == 0 and 1 or 0) to turn it on/off toggle
17:47.54Adysthanks alot Punkie`
17:48.04Adysis there a way to save it too?
17:48.24Punkie`I think the console commands are saved
17:48.30Punkie`but I'm not 100% sure, test it out
17:48.35Adyshm pitchlimit wasnt saved before =P
17:48.43Adysbut might be changed in 2.1
17:49.59Punkie`try just putting SET autoDismount 0 in
17:50.08Adysaye will do
17:51.29Adysthanks :)
17:53.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Chil1 (
17:56.20Mr_Rabies2pitchlomit was straight up removed
17:56.45Mr_Rabies2rofl, auctioneer was using 17 Mb of ram
17:57.23Mr_Rabies2well, changing it at least
18:03.35ScytheBlade1Yeah, while I love auctioneer
18:03.41ScytheBlade1It's really just too heavy for me to use
18:04.29ScytheBlade1Which, while it is loaded on demand
18:04.34ScytheBlade1Still sucks to load at all :/
18:04.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Aita (
18:05.30Cidethe question is how much it affects your performance
18:05.53ShirikAs I have said many times
18:05.58Shirikfor two equally well written addons
18:06.09Shirikmemory usage is almost always inversely proportional to responsiveness
18:06.19Cidepeople are very careful with using ui memory (likely because of the ace[2] hysteria, or at least partly because of it)
18:06.40Cideless memory usage = more cpu usage
18:06.49Cidefor two equally well written addons...
18:07.13nevcairielif its static memory usage sure, if its garbage .. thats nother point :)
18:07.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
18:07.23Cidenevcairiel: why?
18:07.39nevcairielbecause garbage gets collected, and that uses cpu again
18:07.57Cidethat's true
18:08.07ShadowedUnless your computer is really old, you aren't going to have to worry about saving 5 KB of memory
18:08.19Cideor 5 mb
18:08.35ShadowedHonestly they shouldn't have given people access to any of this info, since all it does is have the uneducated users thinking that lower is better no matter what
18:08.35leethal~poke ckknight
18:08.49purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind ckknight, pokes ckknight repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
18:08.49nevcairielbut there are still some addons which slow down the game noticeable
18:08.58Shirikfor the record though
18:09.02Shadowedbut the majority of the addons don't however
18:09.04Cidenevcairiel: those aren't well written
18:09.06Shirikauctioneer has a huge ass memory leak / memory churn
18:09.12Shirikinformix to be exact
18:09.19Shirikwhenever you hover over an item
18:09.23Shirikand THAT's bad for performance
18:09.27Shadowedperformance is great, but worrying about every single KB or CPU cycle is just being silly, you'd probably see a bigger increase in game play reducing your settings
18:09.29Shirikbut that doesn't fall into the category of "well written"
18:09.47nevcairielCide: not arguing with that ;)
18:10.06AnduinLotharanyone have a good addon cpu monitor gui?
18:10.37Shadowedtheres like 10 addons that give you overall CPU usage on addons
18:10.46AnduinLotharor even better cpu + memory
18:10.48Shadowedtrying to get something that gives better info per addon for debugging
18:10.59AnduinLotharwtb bar graphs
18:11.26ShadowedI'd rather use percentages
18:11.39AnduinLotharpie graph?
18:12.35Shadowedno percentages, as in those little "%" things =p
18:12.35Cidebut yeah -- memory usage is not a measure of performance, unless you're page swapping every 3 seconds, in which case you have other problems
18:12.35Shadowedmay try adding a chart type thing later, but rather just get a basic UI up
18:12.37AnduinLotharactually, i'd even take a mod to the new latency bar tooltip that adds for all addons and not just 3
18:12.41ShadowedCPU isn't either really, since when it's happening matters
18:13.06ShadowedAnduinLothar: Theres like, 10 addons out that give you overall memory and/or CPU usage, I think like 7 of them are in the ace SVN
18:13.16nevcairielan addon with real big OnUpdate calls could prolly be optimized .. slightly :P
18:13.19ShirikI imagine
18:13.21AnduinLotharoooh ace, just what i need more of!
18:13.25Shirikace shows it takes a ton of memory?
18:13.48AnduinLotharanyone got a recommended one?
18:13.49Shirikthe way VFL is set up, RDX appears to take zero memory
18:13.57ShadowedWell yea, but if it's happening OnUpdate then that matters =p
18:13.59Shirikand everything goes to VFL
18:16.20ShirikI still love how RDX is taking up less memory than ZRangeCheck
18:16.24Shirikhaven't quite figured that one out yet
18:17.39ckknightleethal: hrm?
18:18.09leethalckknight: if you add the latency indicator thingie from, I'll love you (more)
18:18.15leethal(to PitBull)
18:18.24Shirikit's on PerformanceFu :(
18:18.27ShirikI think that's enough ><
18:18.39ckknightleethal: well, perhaps.
18:19.03nevcairiela-stray-cat: ive been questing for like an hour with SorrenTimers on now, and didnt get any errors .. i will keep it active for a while longer tho.
18:20.06nevcairielon a side note, a lot of people in my guild keep complaining that they cannot switch people between raid groups when in combat, are there any addons out there which are known to taint that part ?
18:20.32ShirikI'll try it tonight to try to exclude some
18:21.01ScytheBlade1Curious... anyone know why DevTools takes up ~1.78MB of RAM?
18:21.06ScytheBlade1Does it do things passively that I don't know about?
18:21.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
18:21.23nevcairielmine uses 1.80, what an outrage!
18:21.33ScytheBlade1Just curious
18:21.34Shirikmine uses 2.1!!
18:21.39ShirikI'm disappointed Iriel
18:21.43ScytheBlade1I never thought that it would need that much memory for no apparent reason
18:22.05ScytheBlade1Don't get me wrong, it's not enough that I'm whining ;)
18:22.06ShirikI run with /dtchatevent on
18:22.11ScytheBlade1Just curious
18:22.13Shirikwhich surely takes up a bit
18:22.20AnduinLothardiaf end users
18:22.28ScytheBlade1I have it off
18:23.14ShadowedScytheBlade1: It's the event recording
18:23.27Shadowedit has around 350-370 events saved for the /dtevents cmd
18:23.48ScytheBlade1That would be it
18:24.11ShadowedHave you used /dtevents before? =p
18:24.21ScytheBlade1Haven't had a need :P
18:24.27Shirikit's godly
18:24.28Shadowedtalking to AL!
18:24.31ScytheBlade1To be honest, I mostly use it for /reload ;)
18:25.14AnduinLotharyes i use it
18:25.20ScytheBlade1ckknight, I have a bunch of suggestions for pitbull. Post them on the wiki suggestions list, I take it?
18:25.23AnduinLotharmostly for chat events
18:25.35AnduinLotharlike when debugging DamageMeters
18:25.47Shirikyes /dtchatevent is so nice
18:26.00Shirikbut /dteventtrace helps too
18:26.13ckknightScytheBlade1: there's a wishlist
18:26.32ScytheBlade1ckknight, k, I'll post there
18:26.43ckknightScytheBlade1: if you put it there as opposed to telling me or posting on the forums, it's much more likely to actually happen
18:26.53ScytheBlade1ckknight, I like those odds
18:28.13Corrodiasthese days, my UI hovers around 100mb of total memory usage whenever i glance at the number
18:28.31AnduinLothar100 O.o
18:28.40AnduinLotharI have 150 some addons and i'm at 42..
18:28.45a-stray-catnevcairiel: thanks for testing. i wonder where its coming from then
18:28.46ScytheBlade1Mine hovers around 12MB :P
18:30.40ShadowedMines like 20 MB but I could get it down to 8 if I disabled all of my dev addons
18:30.40AnduinLotharbut why
18:30.40AnduinLothari mean even 100...
18:30.40Shadoweddon't really care either way, does what i want too!
18:30.41AnduinLotharif you have 2gb ram..
18:30.41ShadowedHe probably uses something like wowhead data gatherer or something
18:30.41AnduinLotharI have the GameAmp one running (because i wrote it) and it only uses 3mb
18:30.47AnduinLotharAuc is top with 6mb
18:31.17ShirikRDXM_Windows takes up 400KB supposedly
18:31.22ShirikI don't know where these numbers come from...
18:32.48*** join/#wowi-lounge MP64 (
18:32.53ShadowedI'm sure if you looked at a list of addons, theres a couple of data type ones that use lots of memory
18:33.10Shirikyeah the library actually
18:33.40Shirikmost modules aren't showing up at all
18:33.48Shirikit seems like everything gets sent to VFL
18:33.57Corrodiaswell, yes, i'm running wowhead and allakhazam database addons
18:34.18Shadowedtheres your answer AL =p
18:34.19Corrodiasit used to be closer to 130mb when i had the full herb & ore database for cartographer, but we don't have a new one since 2.1 so i removed them
18:34.54Corrodiasbut let me check with performancefu about which addons are using the most memory
18:35.20Corrodiasloading the game...
18:35.45AnduinLotharResourceTools: Gatherer is using 488.69 KB memory.
18:35.47Corrodiasactually, i'm being silly. it was closer to 80-90mb after a garbage collection before
18:36.08Corrodiasi tended to look at the memory usage when it was collecting because it would slow down the game, of course
18:38.37Corrodiaslet me see what it is for me NOW after a garbage collection. 70mb. the highest memory-using addon is Saeris's LootLink at 16.64mb. next highest is auctioneer at 6mb, sw_stats at 4mb, atlasloot at 3.34mb, informant (auctioneer) at 3.24mb, tbag at 2.21mb, and so on.
18:39.41AnduinLotharlol sw stats
18:39.57AnduinLotharResourceTools: DamageMeters is using 484.71 KB memory.
18:40.42Corrodiasmy guildmates were using sw_stats back before 2.0 instead of damagemeters because of the flexibility, i think. but it has a 2.1 bug and has irritated me enough to install your damagemeters.
18:41.03AnduinLotharwhat kind of flexability?
18:41.18ScytheBlade1I like the timeline part of SW, plain and simple
18:41.33ScytheBlade1I can store data in multiple segments, and then go back to see who did what and when
18:41.33AnduinLotharthat' snot flexability, that's a feature
18:41.55ScytheBlade1It's flexability in viewing data
18:41.59ScytheBlade1Which is really all that damage meters are good for, viewing data ;)
18:42.11Shirikdamage meters aren't good for anything except e-peens
18:42.21AnduinLotharexcept DM doesn't actually store that data
18:42.21Corrodiasi don't really remember. it's been a long time since i've delved into the depths of the meters
18:42.31AnduinLotharDM onyl stores the numbers, not a timeline
18:42.59ShadowedDMs are useful for trying to figure out which rotation of abilities or which gear/spec works, but since we don't have a fight like Patchwerk getting valid number is rather hard
18:43.03ScytheBlade1I use SW over DM for really only a few reasons: ease of sorting/selective display, clean, accessible UI, and the timeline feature.
18:43.17ScytheBlade1I used DM for months, never liked the UI
18:43.30AnduinLotharwhat didn't you liek about it?
18:43.34ShadowedDM and SW both have confusing UIs
18:43.46AnduinLotharjust that it didn't have features or was there something negative about it
18:43.57ScytheBlade1You've probably changed it since then, so my ideas on the matter are invalid :)
18:44.09ScytheBlade1I'll give it a spin soonish and get back to you.
18:44.57Corrodiasone thing was the ability to set up multiple option sets for the display and have them choosable by clicking on little buttons below the box
18:45.00nevcairielaltho it eats alot of performance, i like the new SW_UniLog
18:45.32AnduinLotharso, hot swaping between display modes?
18:45.37Corrodiasrather than right click -> visible quantity -> find the thing that most closely matches what you're looking for
18:45.42AnduinLotharinstead of navigating the dropdown
18:45.49Corrodiasthat's one nice thing, yeah
18:46.11AnduinLotharthey would have to be customizable if i added thta because there's too many modes
18:47.32Corrodiasindeed. i had set up "damage done", "healing done", and "overheal" buttons
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18:48.24ScytheBlade1ckknight, suggestions added to wishlist
18:49.23Corrodiasi also had a "spell efficiency" button so i could see what the mana efficiency of each of my spells turned out to be. i  haven't used that one much since i respecced feral.
18:49.46AnduinLotharmreh, that's outside the scope of DM
18:49.58ScytheBlade1I threw in a decurse count option, just to make sure I was keeping up
18:50.08AnduinLotharsince it requires spellbook scanning and spell event registering
18:50.23ScytheBlade1Regardless, installing the latest version of DM now to give you valid feedback and comparisons
18:51.06AnduinLothari dont mind adding useful features or changes, but I'm not gonna feature creep it into all of what SW stats does
18:52.19Corrodiasthat's fine. ooh, i just figured out how to change the background from red to black. yay!
18:54.07ScytheBlade1Okay, that's what I had a problem with the last time I used DM (in comparison to SW)
18:54.19ScytheBlade1It really comes down to the little buttons on the bottom, lol (of SW)
18:54.43ScytheBlade1I can setup multiple views of the data in question, and quickly switch between them - to see all relevant data in a clear manner
18:55.44Corrodiasi made the switch to SW before you took it over, so i didn't think to mention it to you
18:56.05Corrodias*before you took DM over
19:05.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
19:09.24RecluseI like what sw has to offer, but dm was more accurate during my testing
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19:13.25ScytheBlade1Recluse, how do you determine "accurate"? (curious)
19:14.36nevcairielis there any standalone addon like SW_UniLog ( combatlog recodring with filtering afterwards - regex et al ) ?
19:14.36nevcairiellike not needing SWS to run :P
19:14.36nevcairielI know RDX has something similar or?
19:14.36Shirikit's still pre-alpha
19:14.37Shirikbut it exists
19:15.12sysragedamn.. the level flight macro somebody in here made doesn't work anymore
19:15.16sysragewas that you shirik?
19:15.31nevcairielthey removed some functions for that iirc
19:15.41Shiriksec healing
19:15.56Corrodiascan't have people flying upside down!
19:15.58CorrodiasITS CHAOS!@
19:16.35Shirikto answer your question no
19:16.39a-stray-catthey're readding it in 2.2 aren't they?
19:17.07ShirikI did FlightHUD
19:17.08Shirikthat's it
19:17.13Shirikwhich never got finished
19:17.15ShirikI need to work on that some
19:17.54Reclusea horizon tracker?
19:18.15Shirikyes, artificial horizon
19:18.20Shirikand hopefully VSI if I can get it to work right
19:18.32Shirika VSI would imply an altimeter is possible too
19:18.53Corrodiasdo it do it do it
19:18.59sysragequick. pop WOF!
19:19.04ShirikVSI = vertical speed indicator
19:19.08ShirikI'm BE
19:19.12RecluseSounds like a very interesting addon
19:19.22CorrodiasDO IT DO IT DO IT
19:19.32Shiriksorry, at my school, these acronyms are tossed around like candy
19:19.42Shirikkinda used to everyone knowing them ><
19:21.15nevcairielwhat was that addon called which adds wowhead comments to the ingame questlog
19:21.20nevcairieli think clad wrote it ..
19:21.50nevcairielive started leveling my warlock to 70 .. might come in handy :D
19:21.58Corrodiasdo it
19:22.04ShirikI'm working on it
19:22.08Shirikit already gets the angle correctly
19:22.15ShirikI just need to do the HUD part
19:24.08Corrodiasis there a way to make DM a little wider?
19:24.58Cidesysrage: I made it.. what's up?
19:28.43ReclusePost 2.x is it even possible to have intelligent action bars anymore?
19:28.50Shirikdefine "intelligent"
19:28.57Shirikmy answer to that would be yes
19:29.25RecluseI was a huge fan of Discord's bars due to the fact that you could script them.
19:29.45Shirikprobably in the sense you're thinking, no
19:29.59Recluse"hide button 24 until health is less than 60%" for example
19:30.10Shirikthough you can disable it
19:30.12Cidedepends on what you mean with hide
19:30.24Recluseeven if it's just alpha'd out?
19:30.28sysragecide: not possible anymore?
19:30.38Cidethat works, yes, Recluse
19:30.40Reclusewell i heard that discord broke because it created them on the fly
19:32.25Reclusemoving to alpha/strata changes, it seems like it'd still work
19:32.25Shiriksetting alpha to 0 is not the same as :Hide()
19:32.25sysragecide: level flight, that is
19:32.31Reclusehehe, sorry not hip on all the implied technojargon with this stuff really
19:33.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Alex_0013 (
19:35.19Atriacehow do you print a table to the chat window?
19:36.47Alex_0013so how do you exactly start using auctioneer? ive scanned for about 6 days about 2 times aday now what?
19:37.50kergothwhat exactly are you trying to do?
19:38.00kergothwhat do you mean by "start using"?
19:38.40AtriaceIf you haven't already, be sure some of the other mods are installed (informant, stubby, etc...).  Whenever you hover over an item, you should be getting price listings.  Beyond that, whenever you post an auction, Auctioneer will automatically enter a default price based on the average selling point of that item.
19:38.47Alex_0013well ive looked at a bunch of guides on how to use it but it only basicly talks about scanning so i dont know what to do after that
19:38.59Reclusescan for data, and it shows up in tooltips and suggest prices when posting auctions basically
19:40.28Alex_0013i get prices when i hover over the item, but in some guides it says it will tell you to buy something
19:40.38Alex_0013and i dont get those pop ps
19:41.23AtriaceI think you're refering to when looking to craft items, some mods will tell you what you need to buy and how much it will cost (based on Auctioneer data).
19:41.54kergothtell you to buy something? perhaps you're thinking of bottomscanner, not auctioneer
19:42.11Alex_0013it said in the auction houe window u can scan for items to make a profit of it
19:42.13kergothyou need to figure out what you want to do before you expect us to tell you how to do it.
19:42.31kergothyou scan so that you'll know what things sell for.
19:42.44Alex_0013i did that and then?
19:42.49kergothauctioneer provides an interface to search for items selling for less than they'r eworth, its a tab called 'search auctions' at the ah
19:43.00kergothfor the 5th time, it depends on what exactly you want to do.,
19:43.05kergothwe can't read your mind.
19:43.10kergothtry saying what your goal is
19:43.23Alex_0013o i had no clue wat that tab was thanks maby i can figure something out
19:43.41kergothif you didnt know what it was, why didnt you click on it and try it and see?  it isn't difficult
19:44.07Alex_0013welll when i tried it i got erorrs at first
19:44.45Alex_0013so i type in how much i wanna make and search?
19:45.02Alex_0013sorry im new to addons
19:45.12Reclusedid you do a "/auctioneer load"?
19:45.17sysragenew to using your brain too, it seems
19:45.23Atriacebe nice.
19:46.19Alex_0013no ididnt do the loadthing gona do it now
19:46.23kergothif someone can't be bothered to try to figure something out for themselves, i see no point in helping them
19:46.43Reclusethey said they rtfm'd and scanned a few times
19:47.11kergothpeople say a lot of things.  had he rtfm'd, he wouldn't be here wasting our time, he'd already have his answers
19:48.26AitaAddons are overwhelming for a good many people, especially if they have no experience with them, so I empathize with their plight. =(
19:48.27Corrodias/auctioneer load always
19:49.36Recluseif you're not getting the tooltips, might need to double check you got enhtooltip and stubby and such, but i thought those were required dependencies...
19:56.41Alex_0013ok it loaded
20:01.33Alex_0013ok so i searched and i found a whole bunch of stuff and i got a pop up from the btm scanner
20:01.56Alex_0013and it said to buy for vender so i get it and sell it and i send up wih less cash :?
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20:14.10Alex_0013so the info on seling to venders is bugged i guess or i did something wrong
20:14.50Recluseearlier today it was telling me to buy a gem for 75s because it vendored for 1g, but i knew that gems only sold for 25s. not sure what happened to make it a different value
20:15.17Recluseyou might be having a similar problem
20:16.51Alex_0013ya : /
20:17.15Alex_0013so dont trust that vender
20:18.05Alex_0013any items u recomend that has some value?
20:18.21Recluselots of addons having bugs with this patch it seems lol
20:20.24Alex_0013i did that search tab right now and it says results are more then 24 hours out of date : /
20:22.27Alex_0013and i just scanned
20:23.54Reclusevery odd
20:27.05Alex_0013ill just run the btm scan and ignore the vender ones
20:28.11Alex_0013do any of you know where to get blue dragon hawk hatchling?
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21:13.30sysrageanybody use GroupFu or some other FuBar mod to keep track of rolls?
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21:19.03Corrodiasanother thing about SW vs damagemeters:
21:19.24CorrodiasSW_stats seems to be quite accurate without synchronization, while DM is completely off in this party unless i synchronize...
21:19.32Corrodiasi wonder if i have a setting wrong
21:29.11sysragenah. sw just owns
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21:43.26Corrodiasour hunter is our only form of CC and he's underperforming. >:/
21:43.50Corrodiashe often isn't pulling the mobs off me to get freezing trapped even though he knows about it
21:45.34Corrodiasand as a tank, i'm putting out as much damage as him (and significantly more than the holy paladin who wanted to dps *eyeroll*)
21:56.16Adysis there an easy slash command to switch to group loot?
21:56.23Adysor something macro'able
21:58.31subbawtso macro like /script SetLootMethod("group")
21:59.49Corrodiasand i think we're having a REALLY hard time focusing on our assigned targets
22:01.09Adysthanks subbawt
22:08.44*** part/#wowi-lounge MP64 (
22:15.38Corrodiaspeople standing around with under 70% mana, not drinking...
22:18.12Corrodiasthe hunter doesn't know how long his trap is supposed to last
22:19.30sysragelol what are you doing?
22:19.32sysragePUG kara?
22:19.49zenzelezzTime for fun! This... no... good...
22:20.33Corrodiasnah, a guild shadow lab run
22:20.42Corrodiasbut it's disasterous by guild standards
22:20.51sysragelol, ya
22:21.02nevcairieli hate shadowlabs
22:21.08nevcairieldont ask me how i got exalted there :(
22:22.48Corrodiasand i still have the second highest "damage done" of anyone in the party
22:23.49Corrodiasoh, no, the hunter -is- matching me.
22:24.30Corrodiasand i think that is including his pet
22:24.39Corrodiasdruid tank ftw? o.o
22:25.42nevcairielyour hunter ftl?
22:26.14nevcairielno dps'er should always be anywhere near the tank, or even behind :P
22:27.14nevcairielits getting late :o
22:28.52Corrodiasthe paladin and the hunter had a consecration and freezing trap on the same spot
22:28.59Corrodiasi don't know who put theirs down first, but the other one's a douche
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23:32.11zenzelezzman, Shadow Labs with 1 heal priest, 2 shadow priests was too easy
23:40.56Corrodiasthe hunter has now broken his own trap three times
23:41.06*** join/#wowi-lounge kody (n=kody@
23:41.08Corrodiastotal. we're starting another run, you see. only twice in the first run.
23:46.37zenzelezzour team also had a not so good hunter
23:46.58zenzelezzwhen the leader asked him what his /played time was, he said it was 25 days or so
23:47.30zenzelezzleader concluded he was e-bayed or otherwise powerleveled
23:49.58Corrodias25 days, hmm...
23:50.08Corrodiasunless it's not his main
23:50.45zenzelezzyeah, I thought the same
23:51.53zenzelezzwas hard to tell really; he didn't seem like the type that could level that fast, but he also seemed smarted than the average powerleveled char; even if not by much
23:54.09*** join/#wowi-lounge NimbleRabit (

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