IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070520

00:00.36foxlitIt's in the denominator, so my percieved worst case scenario is that I undershoot and have to go through substraction a few rounds too many
00:02.20foxlit>>> 200 % 3
00:02.20Cidefoxlit: 2
00:05.13Mikmadoes anyone have a simple OnUpdate timer available? i'm kinda confused about the ones i found
00:06.06GeoManceOkay, this is weird: I have <Frame name="Something" > ... <Frames> <Frame name="$parent_display"> .... </Frame> </Frames> </Frame> I try to make a call to Something_display after the creation of it, but I get an error when I parse it.
00:06.47foxlitThat should work, there's something wrong elsewhere in what you're doing.
00:06.54foxlitCheck that XML validates.
00:06.58foxlitCheck Logs\FrameXML.log
00:07.31*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
00:08.04GeoManceNo errors.
00:08.17batrickthat's good1
00:08.20GeoManceAnd the XML is valid, I'm using a checker.
00:09.36GeoManceI'm using a text.. Something_display:show() inside itself, and when I do, it gives me the object that threw the error UIParent-- Oh!
00:10.34GeoManceI know what the problem there was, but the parent frame still isn't showing.
00:15.27Kaydeethreeheh. a new gm autoresponse for spam reports
00:15.35Mr_Rabies2runnin kara for the first time :dance:
00:16.08Kaydeethreehave fun
00:16.59Kaydeethree"We share your concerns regarding the mass advertisers and we are working to adress this issue as soon as possible. Thank you for your report. This is an automated response; you will be unable to reply."
00:17.20GeoManceOf course, now the thing's being good.
00:17.30foxlitNow if only I could figure out why this exponent generating code keeps dumping more trash as it gets closer to e=1
00:21.22GeoManceInside of XML tags, is it possible to have an Absolute -and- a relative for the second dimension?
00:22.13foxlitI typically set undesired coordinates to 0, but I'm not sure as to how that gets handled
00:23.37GeoManceI meant for sizes.
00:23.58GeoManceI want one an absolute size, and the other relative to the size of the parent frame.
00:24.48GeoManceIf you're just reloading the UI, does it save things to the XML.log
00:25.00foxlitYes, I believe so
00:27.05*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
00:28.13GeoMance'Cause no errors are being outputted, but there is also a missing frame.
00:30.54Mr_Rabies2dammit we lost our pally :[
00:31.09Shirikhave you checked the XML error log?
00:31.32Mr_Rabies2ckknight isn't here for me to tell him that pitbull currently has a hilarious bug
00:31.33GeoManceNo errors in 45 minutes.
00:31.46Shirikexcept the fact that the frame is missing
00:32.35GeoManceI mean the log isn't displaying any changes in the last 45 minutes.
00:35.43*** join/#wowi-lounge hugo (
00:38.29GeoManceStill no change in my logs, even after quiting, and reopening. And I still have a missing frame.
00:44.03*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
00:45.15cogwheelWow! what a shock!! Starcraft 2!!
00:45.16GeoManceDo you know if <RelDimension> has a way to limit it to a specific frame, rather than the UIParent?
00:45.38cogwheelisn't it based on whatever the parent of the frame is?
00:45.45*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
00:47.23GeoManceYou'd think, wouldn't you?
00:48.50GeoManceI have a nested frame, with its size set to be <RelDimension x="1" y="1"> inside a frame with <AbsDimension x="300" y="400"> And the inner frame is taking up almost all of my screen.
00:51.51zenzelezzGeoMance: do you want a sub-frame to be exactly the same size as the parent?
00:52.32GeoManceThat was the intent. I'm mainly messing around with the Abs and Rel size, trying to figure out how to get done what I want done.
00:53.00zenzelezzI think Rel is always relative to screen or somesuch
00:53.27GeoManceSort of worthless then, isn't it?
00:53.35zenzelezzwhy would it be?
00:53.56GeoManceWell, if you want a relative size inside another object.
00:54.03zenzelezzthat's a different matter
00:54.18GeoManceHow would you do that, then?
00:55.08*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh_ (
00:55.26zenzelezzuse the GetHeight/GetWidth and calculating I guess. But like I said, I'm not *sure* that's how Rel works, it just was the few times I tried it
00:56.48GeoManceI want to punch babies. xD I finally got what I was working on to work.
01:00.59Mr_Rabies2oh man
01:01.03Mr_Rabies2the clock in kara
01:01.06Mr_Rabies2is bizarre
01:01.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@
01:03.56Mikmaerr... so.. i have this: ChatFrame1.channelList[x] ... how can I get the max value of x ?
01:04.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@
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01:06.55*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh__ (
01:07.51LegorolSign that patch is coming this week: Blizzard Feedback AddOn is gone from latest PTR patc
01:09.45Kaydeethreebug/suggestion/survey mod
01:31.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@
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01:35.30*** join/#wowi-lounge wobin (
01:35.49GeoManceHow would you change the size of text on a button?
01:38.13Kaydeethreeoh wow. someone just linked the [Martin Thunder] in trade
01:38.21Shirikevery so often a GM logs on with it
01:38.26Shirikand then it's valid until server restart
01:38.31GeoManceWhat's that?
01:38.35Kaydeethreegm weapon
01:38.42Kaydeethreelook up item:192
01:38.46GeoManceI've never actually -seen- a GM.
01:38.55Shirikyou are allowed to request their presence
01:38.58Shirikaccording to the TOS
01:39.07GeoManceI've never had a reason to. xD
01:39.27KaydeethreeI actually had one poke me when I had a bugged quest starter
01:39.44Kaydeethreecame up behind me and tried to start the quest himself
01:40.38GeoManceGah, maybe one of you could answer this. I've been having a problem when actionbar slots keep having their alphas randomly changed.
01:40.47Kaydeethreedefault UI?
01:40.54GeoManceDefualt UI.
01:40.58GeoManceAny UI.
01:41.16GeoManceI have a single addon running, and it doesn't touch anything outside its own frames.
01:41.38GeoManceDoes it to packslots as well.
01:46.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole (n=chatzill@
01:46.38GeoManceHrm, is there even a way to change the text size of a button?
01:53.19GeoManceI'll be back another time.
01:54.39*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (
01:57.19*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
02:00.58Kaydeethreewoo... we just bugged out karazhan
02:00.58Kaydeethreeyay for killing aran while he was drinking
02:00.58Shirikdid ya go through the door?
02:01.00Shirikoh rofl
02:01.14Shirikhow did you manage that?
02:01.26Kaydeethreehe was at 1% when he mass-polyed
02:04.49BleeterKaydeethree: take some comfort in the fact that doing that kinda thing takes skill and effort in and of itself ;) :P
02:05.24BleeterIriel: yeah, agreed. So in some respects it's a poor hack ;)
02:05.44BleeterIriel: some kind of random dungeon thing would be... awesome
02:08.36Shirikat prince now... wish us luck >.>
02:16.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
02:27.04Industrialold school!
02:27.07Industrialalmost beat it
02:33.30Shirikscorpid sting in phase 2 of prince
02:33.34Shirikmakes the fight so fricking easy
02:33.35Industriali win
02:54.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Ku (n=zachwlew@
02:54.49KuAnyone available to answer a quick question?
02:55.22NimbleRabitwhat is the question
02:55.38Shiriknot quick enough
02:57.51KuBasically, I am getting an error every time I try to read data from a vendor frame. My event is called on MERCHANT_SHOW, but it seems to run before the pane opens.
02:58.12KuI set up a loop, and it was an infinite loop, making me think that I need a sort of delay event.
02:58.25KuHow can I add a delay that doesn't delay WOW?
02:59.12IrielYou use OnUpdate
02:59.22Iriel(or you use a library that uses OnUpdate behind the scenes)
02:59.22GarounCurator dead!!!! :D
02:59.30Garounour first ever, go go casual guild hehe
02:59.34IrielIt's not a delay so much as a 'come back to me later'
03:00.01KuI'll look it up. Thanks for the suggestion!
03:15.50KuThat seems somewhat exessive.
03:16.02KuIf I put some code in OnUpdate, it will load every x seconds?
03:16.26KuI just want to pause until the pane is fully open and the thing can get the first merchant item.
03:17.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
03:20.15sylvanaarperhaps you should listen for another event or install a script handler
03:21.28ShirikPrince at 1% T_T
03:23.44Kaydeethreethose wipes suck
03:23.50Kaydeethreeinfernals owning the ranged camp?
03:24.28IrielKu: Perhaps attach a frame to the mechant one with an OnShow?
03:24.36IrielKu: Or listen to whatever event the merchant frame dos
03:34.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
03:34.42*** join/#wowi-lounge [1]Ku (n=zachwlew@
03:38.15*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
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04:39.05*** topic/#wowi-lounge is #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 Toc: 20100 | RTFPN please | "Don't want dancing girls! Want probes! " - Xuerian
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05:01.36*** join/#wowi-lounge weab (
05:07.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Xuerian (
05:15.06NimbleRabitwow I'm bored right now
05:15.08*** join/#wowi-lounge DT_ (
05:15.10NimbleRabitnobody wants to do any heroics
05:25.14KuWhat server do you play on?
05:30.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Bam__ (
05:31.38KuI've got a question for you.
05:31.44KuOn line 65 of
05:31.58KuI want to wait until the merchant pane has fully loaded. How can I do this?
05:32.42Bam__you cannot do that really.. are you sure you need to?
05:32.56DT_There is no 'pause' command, I think you'd have to use OnUpdate to check that a certain amount of time has passed
05:33.43Bam__how/when does your function get called in the first place?
05:37.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Tert (
05:38.55KuDidn't crash.
05:39.04Bam__phew :P
05:39.10KuI keep getting errors that string.find expects a string where nil is provided.
05:39.21KuIt gets called on MERCHANT_SHOW.
05:39.36Bam__ok that's fine...
05:39.39KuI can upload the XML if needed...
05:39.58Bam__well I think that really should be enough
05:40.09Bam__are you seeing weird things?
05:40.11KuI'll see if I can't get that error again really quick and save it.
05:40.26KuSometimes it works flawlessly, other times it will be weird.
05:40.34KuAnd, there is no rhyme or reason to it.
05:41.18Bam__welcome to Blizzard's API :D
05:41.29Ku..\AddOns\NewRecipe\NewRecipe.lua line 69:
05:41.41KuThat's what I get. But, if I talk to him again, it works fine.
05:42.01DT_I just did a quick test in-game and GetMerchantItemInfo(i) worked fine after MERCHANT_SHOW
05:42.29KuRight. That's why I think it's getting called between the MERCHANT_SHOW event and the time the merchant actually can be read.
05:43.09Bam__I doubt it.. but can't say I have experience with vendor scanning myself
05:44.39Tertanyone know of a nice addon load manager type of thing besides rMCP?
05:44.54Bam__but if you think that is the issue, then you will have to implement and OnUpdate handler that waits a little bit after MERCHANT_SHOW before starting the scan
05:45.03ThraeTert: The original MCP is very tiny.
05:45.16ThraeTert: w/ Rophy's fix to make it work past 1.8.
05:46.03ThraeIf you want profiles, try ACP. Also note FuBar, Ace2, Dongle, etc. have their own profile system.
05:46.21ThraeIf you just want to enable and disable addons at your leisure, then just use MCP.
05:47.49Thrae <-- Starcraft II looks pretty cool.
05:49.14Bam__Ku: I have an idea
05:49.58Bam__Ku: register MERCHANT_UPDATE instead and check for MerchantFrame:IsVisible() too
06:06.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Kjellviz (
06:10.51KjellvizShirik: Yo u there ? =)
06:33.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
06:40.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (n=nope@
06:55.53ShirikKjellviz: Sorry no :(
06:55.56ShirikI am now
06:56.01Shirikwith ice crema
06:56.03Shirikand it's awesome
06:57.37KuBam: Can I register that?
06:57.58KuBam: Or, is there some way that I can loop, checking if IsVisible without causing an infinite loop?
06:58.05Shirikyou can register any event
06:58.18KuWell, IsVisible isn't really an event, right?
06:58.26Shirikno, but MERCHANT_UPDATE is
06:58.54Shirikthen do a MerchantFrame:IsVisible() to check what you're looking for
06:59.03ShirikI don't know what you're trying to do but that's what I inferred from his statement
06:59.10Bam__Ku: yes but I am not sure it's the way to go... I think it may be better to wait with the scanning until the next OnUpdate call after MERCHANT_SHOW has been fired
06:59.33KuI'm still not exactly sure how to use OnUpdate.
06:59.42Shirikit's called on every frame
06:59.43KuI checked the API, but...
07:00.02Shirikif you have 20 fps
07:00.11ShirikOnUpdate gets called 20 times per second
07:00.13Shiriknot really
07:00.16Shirikbut just assume that
07:00.21Shirikit's easier
07:00.47Bam__when MERCHANT_SHOW is called, you can set a variable to true, then in your OnUpdate handler, you check if the variable is true and do the scanning if it is
07:00.51Shirikwhen you bind to OnUpdate
07:00.56Shirikthe handler function gets passed one argument
07:01.04Shirikthat argument is the time since its last call
07:01.08Shirikbut you really don't need to worry about that
07:01.39Shirikso if you wanted to delay something for one second you could do something like
07:01.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
07:01.50KuSo, if I wanted to write a function that checks each frame until name ~= nil, I could use OnUpdate?
07:02.37Shiriklocal t; local function myOnUpdate(dt) t = (t or 0) + dt; if t > 1 then --[[ do some stuff ]] end end; frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", myOnUpdate)
07:03.07Shirikyes you could do that
07:03.14Shirikbut you have to be careful
07:03.26Shirikputting a lot of processing in OnUpdate will cause low framerates
07:03.44Shirikyou should either minimize processing in OnUpdate or only do it once every so often, and not on every OnUpdate call
07:04.57Bam__Ku: show your XML file and I can show you what I mean :)
07:08.53KjellvizShirik: hey, was afk a while
07:09.00Shirikso was I :P
07:09.07Kjellvizu still here and done with ur icecream ?
07:09.17Shirikunfortunately :(
07:09.25Shiriktook me forever to get that ice cream
07:09.32Shirikand it disappeared in a few seconds :(
07:09.32Kjellvizwe were talkin yesterday bout macros
07:09.38Kjellvizhehe, thats life
07:09.58Kjellvizwell ill sum it up
07:10.12Kjellvizit needs to;
07:10.41Kjellvizat first, when no focus is present, set current target as focus
07:11.20Kjellvizno modifier; use spesific pet skill after what pet is summoned
07:11.30Kjellvizshift mod; banish
07:11.37Kjellvizalt mod clear focus
07:12.00Kjellvizand if i understood you correctly, it will not change my focus once set, if i dont clear it?
07:12.46Kjellvizwell i think thats basically what i need
07:13.01Shirikdidn't I give you that yesterday?
07:13.07Kjellviznot that no
07:13.32Kjellvizwhat i got was one that used seduce if succu was present, and banish if not
07:13.43Kjellvizcos that was what i initially asked for ^^
07:14.07Kjellvizbut we continued to discuss until ur boss called ^^
07:14.39KuHere's my XML.
07:15.10Shirikwell /focus [target=focus,noexists] /clearfocus [modifier:alt] /stopmacro [modifier:alt] /cast [target=focus,modifier:shift] Banish; [target=focus,pet:whatever] skill; [target=focus,pet:whatever] skill ...
07:16.04Kjellvizsweet, thanks
07:16.17Kjellvizim in your debt
07:17.40DT_10[23:56] Shirik: 01if you have 20 fps 10[23:57] Shirik: 01OnUpdate gets called 20 times per second 10[23:57] Shirik: 01not really 10[23:57] Shirik: 01but just assume that
07:17.42DT_What do you mean?
07:17.52Shirikcan't read that at all
07:17.55KuDid you get my XML, Bam?
07:18.01Shirikoh I had to highlight it
07:18.05ShirikI have a black background ><
07:18.52Shirikyou mean why did I say it wasn't quite called on every frame?
07:19.03Shirikbecause I was going crazy
07:19.07ShirikI really don't know why I said that
07:21.22Bam__Ku: something like this:
07:22.25*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
07:22.46Bam__Ku: entirely untested of course... but I hope you get the idea :P
07:23.43Bam__you may want to include a check for MerchantFrame:IsVisible()... just for safety
07:24.28KuI could set a flag to start checking for IsVisible when MERCHANT_SHOWN was triggered.
07:24.49KuThen, once IsVisible was true, then set the flag to false and call the function.
07:25.38Bam__you could but I don't think it's needed really... the main idea is that you want to be sure that MERCHANT_SHOW has been treated by the MerchantFrame before you call your function
07:25.59Bam__calling your function on the next OnUpdate should ensure that
07:30.56KuJust tested. Still got
07:30.56Ku..\AddOns\NewRecipe\NewRecipe.lua line 69:
07:31.34KuWhich leads me to believe there is something wrong with this line.
07:31.35Kulocal name, texture, price, quantity, numAvailable, isUsable, extendedCost = GetMerchantItemInfo(i);
07:32.08KuWhich doesn't really explain why it works when I talk to him again...
07:32.45Bam__yea it does... GetNumMerchantItems() returns the last known number of items... so the second time it will be corrrect
07:33.36Bam__but how to solve it.. im not sure... it looks like there may be a delay from the server.. so perhaps it really is needed to catch MERCHANT_UPDATE
07:34.01Bam__also... you don't really need GetNumMerchantItems()
07:34.06KuCatch MERCHANT_UPDATE on...
07:34.16KuWell, it runs a loop through all the items.
07:34.36Bam__hang on
07:35.27Bam__local name, texture, price, quantity, numAvailable, isUsable, extendedCost = GetMerchantItemInfo(i)
07:35.27Bam__while name do
07:35.38Bam__sorry :/
07:35.51Shirikanything over 3 lines should really be pasteyed
07:35.52Bam__was a bit too short to use pasty I thought :P
07:36.16Shirikis ok :)
07:36.42Bam__if there was massive activity in the room, I wouldn't have :P
07:37.02KuSo, call that loop, and just increment i each time.
07:37.13KuUntil i is a greater index than what the merchant has.
07:37.19KuSo, name will be nil.
07:37.24Bam__yes sorry.. forgot to include i there
07:37.26KuThat could work.
07:37.47KuBut that still won't fix the error.
07:37.57KuIt will just skip over the entire thing.
07:38.02Bam__it might yes
07:38.14KuIt might skip the entire thing?
07:38.17KuOr fix the error?
07:38.47Bam__it WILL fix the error you are getting... but wether it will work as intended is a different story :P
07:39.51Bam__it may still be that you have to use MERCHANT_UPDATED.. though I find it rather strange really
07:41.42Kjellvizany idea why my cartographer is consuming almost 6MB mem ? =\
07:41.54Bam__well looking at Blizzard's code it does seem like they use MERCHANT_UPDATE actually
07:41.55Corrodiasall i can say is... 6mb, is that all?
07:42.12KjellvizCorrodias: ?
07:42.24Corrodiasmaybe that is a lot for cartographer, but my UI garbage collects somewhere around 180mb :/
07:42.26Shirikreally, I agree 6MB isn't that much for a map addon
07:42.51Kjellvizwell what does it collect ?
07:43.04Bam__Ku: so you could simply replace MERCHANT_SHOW with MERCHANT_UPDATE... but include a Merchant:IsVisible() check too as a safeguard
07:43.27Kjellviza map addon should not collect any garbage imo (but then again im not fully understanding the concept of how addons work ><)
07:43.34Corrodiaswell, i think it can get down to 90mb
07:43.54Kjellvizim at a total of mem usage of bout 39mb
07:43.58Corrodiasyour UI collects garbage once it is using a certain amount of memory
07:44.22KuI'm thinking something like:
07:44.22Bam__basically all addons produce garbage to some extent
07:44.44Kjellvizkk ill let it consume its 6MB then ^^
07:44.53Shirikdouble what you start with
07:44.56Shirik(or since the last GC)
07:45.04Kjellvizon to another addon, Raid Assist
07:45.05Shirikor, in 2.1, 1.1 times what you started with
07:45.07Shirikor since the last GC
07:45.29Bam__Ku: yes but the ResetFlag thing is not needed
07:45.39KuYou think?
07:45.42Kjellvizis CTRA (or equivalents like oRA2) really needed ?
07:45.57KuIf it isn't there, it will run the loop constantly as long as the window is open.
07:45.57Bam__and you no longer need to use OnUpdate for this
07:46.05Kjellvizif the guild is using Deadly Boss mods and Natures Enemy Castbar
07:46.44Bam__not if you dont' use OnUpdate
07:47.07Corrodiaswe were using CTRA for readychecks and main tank lists, back in ZG
07:47.16Corrodiasnah, readycheck is a blizzard thing, isn't it?
07:47.22Bam__Ku: so basically.. go back to your old version and just replace MERCHANT_SHOW with MERCHANT_UPDATE
07:47.23Shirikwasn't always
07:47.27ShirikRDX used to do ready checks
07:47.30Corrodiasbut we haven't used the MT list in karazhan and we're not past it yet, so we haven't been using it
07:47.33Shirikthen blizzard implemented it so we removed it
07:47.34KuWhen does MERCHANT_UPDATE fire?
07:47.42Shirikbut you still see the remnants, it's sitll an option in the logistics menu
07:47.50KuOn every frame showing the merchant pane?
07:47.51Bam__apparently when items are ready to be read
07:47.59KjellvizCorrodias: no xactly what im thinking
07:48.13Bam__probably only once after MERCHANT_SHOW
07:48.22Kjellvizdunno if any of the other addons supports durabilitycheck and such ?
07:48.29ShirikRDX does :)
07:48.29*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
07:48.31Corrodiasthere is that, too
07:48.36Bam__and perhaps on the rare occasion that a vendor suddenly gets a new item
07:49.08Bam__that can happen with those items that are in limited stock, I think
07:49.13KjellvizRDX u say
07:49.38Shirikrdx's logistics module allows checking of resistances, inventory, durability, SS cooldowns, etc.
07:49.44Shirikby raid leaders only though
07:49.51Shirik(and assists)
07:50.11Kjellvizsounds nice enough
07:50.18Kjellvizunless its just another memoryhog
07:50.41ShirikI would like to say it's not
07:50.52Kjellvizwell ive been a real addonwhore
07:50.56Bam__memory is cheap... buy some more :P
07:51.06Kjellvizbut lately ive been trying to minimize the load
07:51.12ShirikIn Lua, memory is not directly related to performance
07:51.15KuWell... I'm not getting the error.
07:51.18Shirikin fact, in most cases, it's indirectly related
07:51.21Bam__yay :D
07:51.24KuBut, it isn't outputting anything either.
07:52.01Kjellvizwell disabling addons is ALWAYS good for performance
07:52.03Bam__well im not sure what your code looks like now :P
07:52.11Kjellvizhowever you twist and turn it :)
07:52.17Shiriknot always
07:52.23ShirikI could write an addon that disables everything in the UI
07:52.23Kjellvizyes always
07:52.26Shirikthat would increase performance
07:52.48Bam__including Blizzard's UI.. that's the worst part :P
07:52.51Kjellvizbut usually thats not the case ><
07:52.52KuSame, I just...
07:52.57KuI'll just re-upload it.
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07:53.54KuLua: XML:
07:54.19Kjellvizok give me some tips on addons here;
07:54.19Kjellvizone for chatbox, need to remove the scrollbuttons and color name by class, also needs to be able to move the editbox
07:54.35Kjellvizone for displaying vendorprices on items tooltip
07:54.56Bam__Ku: erm.. you have commented out the part where you do the scanning
07:54.57Kjellvizand a good addon for showing what HoTs i have running and such
07:55.07ShirikI'm almost finished with a module for that
07:55.12Shirikbut until then
07:55.14ShirikCCWatch can
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07:55.29KuNo I didn't. I just commented the part out where it only works on Patterns, Recipes, etc.
07:55.40KuIt should print all items now.
07:55.50Corrodiasthe only thing i actively dislike about my UI right now is the tendency for a member in my raid frames (perfectraid, although praid itself might not be responsible for this problem) getting stuck while playing in the arena
07:55.50KuYet it prints... NOTHING!
07:56.05Bam__that's not much
07:56.28KjellvizShirik: ill check that 1 out =)
07:56.42ShirikCCWatch at
07:56.48Bam__do include the Merchant:IsVisible() btw.. not that I think it's the problem now
07:57.12KuWhere would that go?
07:57.19KuIn the Lua, or the XML?
07:57.28Corrodiasi do want something to show me a timer on my hunter traps... ttspelltimer doesn't
07:57.38Kjellvizakready at wowinterface ^^
07:57.49Bam__in the XML probably... to avoid calling your scanner if the MerchantFrame is not shown
07:57.54Kjellvizi have chronometer now
07:57.57Kjellvizit works fine
07:58.05Kjellvizbut it uses to much mem ><
07:58.22Kjellvizor i dunno, i wanna check if there are any other addons that uses less at least
07:58.45Kjellvizcos natures enemy castbar uses 1/10th of the mem that Chronometer does
07:59.41Bam__Ku: I think perhaps you need a completely different strategy
07:59.52ShirikKjellviz: Unless you understand the reasons for its memory usage
07:59.58Bam__Ku: instead of catching events, you can hook MerchantFrame_Update
07:59.58ShirikI suggest you don't use that as a way to calculate performance
08:00.09Corrodiashmm, i will need something to replace my timer... okay
08:00.25Shirikin many cases in lua, less memory usage can be a bad thing
08:00.31Kjellvizwell i see its delaying loadtime by loads
08:00.51Kjellvizhow can that be a bad thing if ur running out of mem ?
08:00.59Shirikyou shouldn't be running out
08:01.01KuBam: Just how would I go about doing that?
08:01.03Shirikset your memory limit to 0
08:01.14Shiriksetting a memory cap causes problems for wow's implementation of lua
08:01.18Shirikand it will be forced to 0 in 2.1 anyway
08:01.30Kjellviznot running out of mem in wow
08:01.32Kjellvizbut on comp
08:02.01Corrodiasi wish i could tell it to not GC until it reaches a certain amount
08:02.07Shirikyou can
08:02.13Corrodiaswhat? how?
08:02.23Corrodiassome of my addons allocate a lot of memory, especially during combat
08:02.28Corrodiasfrequent garbage collection
08:03.09KuI see the problem with using MERCHANT_UPDATE.
08:03.50Bam__it's not called?
08:03.53KuIt only fires when I turn a page or sell something.
08:03.59KuOr buyback something.
08:04.01Bam__yea I figured that
08:04.16Bam__I think the best way is the hook code I gave ou
08:04.28KuWhen is Merchant_Update() called?
08:04.35KuLike, when does that go off?
08:04.47Kjellvizallrite im off for a while =)
08:04.52Ku(And does that go in the XML or the Lua?)
08:05.00Bam__both when the MerchantFrame is opened and when it is updated
08:05.07Kjellviztnx 4 help
08:05.07Bam__in Lua
08:05.53KuSo, what calls that bad boy?
08:06.06Bam__perhaps it might be better to hook MerchantFrame_OnShow though
08:06.30Bam__it's called by Blizzard's code after they receive MERCHANT_SHOW
08:06.48KuJust change one with the other?
08:06.52Bam__or rather right after the MerchantFrame is shown
08:07.58KuNow I've got:
08:08.24KuThen, do I just take out the call to it in my XML?
08:08.26Bam__yea looks good
08:08.35Bam__yes no need for it now
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08:09.12KuWorks brilliantly!
08:09.23Bam__try it a few times :P
08:09.36KuI'm going to try with a bunch of vendors now.
08:09.51Bam__but this really ought to work.. cus it's what Blizzard is doing basically
08:10.42Bam__Ku: do you have Blizzard's UI code to look at?
08:10.53Ku..\AddOns\NewRecipe\NewRecipe.lua line 92:
08:11.14KuYeah, I got it from the
08:11.28Bam__do you still have the call in the XML?
08:11.56KuThe weird thing is... it stopped mid-function.
08:12.04KuIt printed items 1-3, then errored.
08:12.11KuNo, I don't.
08:12.50Bam__the code you want to look at is MerchantFrame_UpdateMerchantInfo
08:13.06Bam__that's what Blizzard is doing to fill the vendor display
08:13.51Bam__it actually looks like they only fill one page.. so perhaps you can only retrieve one page at a time
08:14.24KuWell, I've had it run through all the items before on a multi-page vendor.
08:15.12Bam__yea im not sure really
08:15.39Bam__they only need to display one at a time.. so who knows
08:16.50KuSometimes it seems like my script runs through the items faster than they are ready.
08:18.05Bam__print out what i is when you get the error
08:22.43Bam__how many items does that vendor actually have?
08:23.36KuBut it happened earlier where he had 6 and it stopped on 1.
08:23.38Bam__so only one page?
08:23.51KuIf I talk to him again, it doesn't happe.
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08:25.03Bam__I really don't know.... try hooking MerchantFrame_Update instead
08:25.52Bam__no actually hook MerchantFrame_UpdateMerchantInfo
08:26.18KuOh.. shit.
08:26.31KuI'm pretty sure the error is with my tooltip?
08:26.44KuI'll try the new hook first.
08:27.10Bam__but the error occurs in a line that doesn't do anything with the tooltip
08:29.01KuOkay, forget the tooltip.
08:29.13KuThat last bit worked, except now it retriggers every time I do a move.
08:29.24KuSo, If I sell something, it retriggers.
08:29.32Tem7 BM runs today
08:29.36Temand no staff drops
08:29.38KuPerhaps a flag here that goes off when I close the window!
08:29.47Bam__yea could work
08:29.54KuJust hook the close command?
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08:30.29Bam__either that or catch MERCHAT_CLOSE
08:30.55KuHook Merchant_OnHide(0;
08:34.08Bam__I don't know if this is the best way to do it... I suggest you find some addons that also do vendor scanning and check what they do.. that's really the best way to learn :P
08:34.23KuMine is the penultimate way to vendor scan.
08:34.29KuThe end-all of Vendor Scanning!
08:34.41Bam__the end of something at least... hahah
08:35.11Bam__certainly the end of my knowledge :D
08:35.18KuYou've been very helpful.
08:35.27KuWhat's the currency of this channel?
08:35.43KuI'll give you TEN GOLD STARS, TWO SILVER STARS.
08:35.43Bam__that's ok.. I may have to do someething like that later actually :P
08:35.50Bam__lol thanks
08:35.53ShirikUSD FTW
08:35.59KuWhatever you can get from these chumps.
08:36.02Shirikanyone who doesn't use USD is a noob
08:36.04Bam__a smile and a thank you will do :P
08:36.04KuMaybe some changey money ladies.
08:36.37KuLook for a version 0.3 on tomorrah.
08:36.43Bam__now my head is spinning lol... I gotta take a break :P
08:36.51Corrodiasso, Shirik
08:36.52Bam__good luck with your code :P
08:37.00Corrodiasyou were about to say, about making it not GC until a certain amount?
08:37.04Shirikoh right
08:37.15Shirikok, I'm not sure I'd advise messing with this
08:37.23Shirikbut collectgarbage("setpause", x)
08:37.34Shirikx / 100 is the percentage to wait
08:38.35Corrodiasso it defaults to.. 200 or so?
08:38.35Shiriki.e., at 200, it will GC once you have reached double the starting memory
08:38.49Shirikno problem :)
08:38.52Shirikyou can also force a GC if you want
08:39.00Shirikcollectgarbage "collect"
08:39.15Shirikand you can watch the memory yourself: collectgarbage "count"
08:39.47KuNight guys.
08:39.48Corrodiaswhat does that do?
08:40.06Shirikcollectgarbage("count") returns the currently used amount of memory in KBytes
08:41.19Shirik> print(collectgarbage "count"); a = {}; for x = 1,10000 do a[x] = {}; end print(collectgarbage "count");
08:42.09ShirikI don't get it
08:42.34Corrodiasit's supposed to look improbable, although anyone with an understanding of center of weight is not fooled
08:43.18Shirikoh I get it
08:43.29Shirikbut yeah that should work
08:43.39Shirik(statics ftw)
08:43.44ShirikI never actually thought that class would be useful
08:44.19Corrodiasstatics... i don't know that term
08:45.15Tem|SleepI'm often happy I left engineering and went back to csc before getting to thermo and statics
08:46.51Shirikyeah, comp engineering makes me take statics, dynamics, and...
08:46.52Shiriksomething else
08:46.59Shirikthey call it the deadly trinity here
08:47.18ShirikCorrodias: Statics is basically
08:47.25Shirikphysics of stuff that doesn't move
08:47.33Shiriki.e., making sum F = 0
08:53.23leethalso, UNIT_SPELLMISS rocks. I don't have to parse CHAT_MSG_SPELL_FOO_DAMAGE messages, I can get it directly
08:53.36leethalbut! According to the API, UNIT_SPELLMISS doesn't contain any info on immunity
08:53.50leethalso, casting a spell on an immune mob does not fire UNIT_SPELLMIST, correct?
08:54.02ShirikI think it does
08:54.10Shirikjust it doesn't tell you immune vs resist
08:55.01leethalapparently arg2 tells you what happened
08:55.08leethal"PARRIED", "BLOCKED" etc
08:55.12leethalso, when it's immune you'll get "MISSED"?
08:55.18Corrodiastry it
08:55.21ShirikI can't say I've ever used it
08:55.26Shirikyou should try it yourself
08:55.31Corrodiasattack any alemental with a nature spell
08:55.32ShirikI've always used the CMC events
08:55.33leethalheh, true
08:56.07leethalbut.. in it doesn't seem no mention what spell was cast.. I guess I'll have hell on earth figuring out that, so parsing CMC for the win
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08:57.04leethalbut as you say, time to find an elemental =)
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09:06.27leethalwtb suggestion on where to find something that's frost immune
09:07.50Punkie`water elemental?
09:08.46leethalhmm, yeah
09:08.50leethalI never did elemental farming =/
09:08.52leethalah, felwood
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09:28.16leethalnope, no UNIT_SPELLMISS on immune =/
09:29.37Neebleroh shit
09:29.38leethalI get a UNIT_COMBAT with arg1 "target", arg2 "immune", though
09:29.46Neeblerdont click that. wrong window to paste into
09:29.55Corrodiastoo late
09:31.10Corrodiasand when i close that window, i have a map of thousand needles behind it
09:31.25Corrodiaswhat a suggestive map this is
09:34.07leethaljoana ftw?
09:36.12Corrodiasrasputin's penis has its own wikipedia article
09:37.34leethallinkz plox
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09:44.00leethalan wikipedia article about a penis, and not a single mention about it's size, wtf
09:45.16leethalthat's why uncyclopedia > wikipedia
09:48.25Shiriknight all
09:54.00nevcairielwhats the XML that contains the raid group layout frame, where i can move players to different groups etc ? i cant find it in RaidFrame.lua ..
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09:58.09leethalRaidFrame.xml perhaps? </troll>
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10:05.24foxlitI can't pre-allocate tables anymore? (table.setn is depricated)
10:10.05Corrodiasi know noooothing
10:13.05Kasoi believe you cannot foxlit, though my memory is fading on that topic, why do you need to
10:14.40foxlitBackground reason - makign a table with a large number of entries, wondering if I should let Lua know beforehand or if it just doesn't care
10:17.15Kasoi dont think you can so dont worry about it :>
10:27.19Corrodiasi wish i were playing wow
10:27.26Corrodiasbut i can't, because it's late at night and i should go to bed
10:27.35Corrodiasi don't want to go to bed, so i'm wasting time reading webcomics
10:27.47Corrodiasbut the sooner i sleep, the more i can play wow tomorrow
10:32.10Corrodiasmy little hunter reached level 40 today and got his first ever raptor
10:34.43leethalhunter wins
10:34.57Corrodiasi'm enjoying him, certainly
10:35.02leethalleveling a hunter atm too, I've had some seriously nice PvP moments
10:35.02Corrodiasi also like my druid and mage
10:35.20Corrodiasi don't like pvp, because i'm bad at it.
10:35.20leethalsoloed a 55 rogue and a 54 druid when I was 53 *grins*
10:36.27Corrodiasthe hunter is one of the best-equipped to handle a rogue
10:36.41Corrodiasand feral druids
10:36.49Corrodiasbalance druids much less so
10:37.07Corrodias*one of the best-equipped classes
10:38.01Corrodiasif a druid is smart and quick, he can hibernate your pet before you get Bestial Wrath off... but he can't keep you from using Scare Beast if he shifts into a form.
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10:38.27Corrodiasand you can kite him pretty easily. he blows through mana fast trying to shift multiple times.
10:38.45leethalcan I go some_local_function_that_is.."dynamic" somehow?
10:39.33Corrodiasa balance druid, on the other hand, can pop barkskin to ignore spellcast pushback from damage, hibernate your pet, starfire you, and hit you with dots, then use a 70% pushback-resistant wrath when barkskin has worn off
10:39.38nevcairielyou could store it in a table and do tbl["some_function_"]
10:40.17Corrodiaswith all the extra armor that comes from moonkin form, which affects all your damage except traps and arcane shot
10:45.24Corrodiasnow i'm feeling seriously tired, so i'll go to bed. 'ni.
10:45.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Laric (
10:51.38Laricwhat event is triggered when I gain a buff and what event is fired when I loose it? (more specificly when I get innervate)
10:52.06nevcairielin both cases
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12:08.27[RL]sCaRlf german player´s
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12:45.03Kjellvizanybody here feel like explaining in short why addons using less memory is not necessarily a good thing in lua ?
12:45.46nevcairielthats an interesing questiojn
12:46.09Kjellvizfor which you do not know the answer ? ^^
12:46.32KjellvizShirik|zZz: told me earlier today that it is so
12:46.44Kjellvizbut i didnt have the time to ask for a explenation to why then
12:47.37nevcairielonly because an addon uses less memory, it does not have to be better
12:47.51nevcairielbut it can be
12:48.07nevcairielinitial memory usage is not important anyway
12:48.20nevcairielimportant is the garbage it creates while running
12:48.52leethalI just discovered garbagecollect(), so I'm going wild, setting things to nil whet it's not used and so on
12:50.13Kjellvizwell if initial memory usage is high
12:50.21Kjellvizthen it prob wont get lower will it ?
12:51.26Kjellvizim using Warmup to check what addons is causing how much loadtime and how much initial mem and garbage it produces
12:51.50Kjellvizleethal: what u mean u just discovered ?
12:52.14Kjellvizthe function for a addon you are writing or a addon named garbagecollect?
12:52.35leethalthe function garbagecollect() in lua
12:52.53leethalas far as I know, it runs every once in a while, clearing out everything that's nil and not referenced to
12:53.45Kjellvizi dont know lua at all ><
12:54.41leethalme neither, really
12:54.48leethalpicking it up as I go
12:55.43Kjellvizi tried
12:56.06Kjellvizhad a idea for a added function to cartographer waypoints that i wanted to make
12:56.27Kjellvizbut i found out that id spend 10 hours learning a language to make a 10 min addon
12:56.31Kjellvizso i scrapped it ><
13:02.10leethalsolving your own problems ftw
13:02.15leethalthat's how I got started
13:02.34leethaland when it's a problem/issue I have myself, it keeps me going too =)
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13:15.43Kjellvizwell problem was not big enough i guess
13:16.16Kjellvizall i wanted to accomplish was not having to type /tway xx,yy everytime i wanted to add a waypoint
13:16.40Kjellvizso i wanted a addon that i clicked a button, typed xxyy (no , ) and hit enter
13:17.12Kjellvizand it would output /tway xx,yy to chatbox
13:17.12Kjellvizvery very not complicated
13:17.18Kjellvizbut idd complicated when u dont know shit about programming at all
13:19.31leethalinstead of adding /tway xx,yy to the chatbox, it's probably easier to parse your xxyy from the buttond and send it directly to the thingie /tway sends it to
13:20.06Kjellvizprob, i wouldnt know
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14:36.11cladhaireSOO many ptr patches
14:36.15cladhairetells a how up to date i am
14:36.30GeoManceWhat patches? >.>
14:36.59cladhairethe ones on the PTR
14:37.22GeoManceAmd sadly, I have no idea what a PTR is. <.,
14:37.56foxlitParty That Roams!
14:42.16cladhaireIts the Public Test Realms
14:43.59GeoManceAh, never been to one of those.
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14:46.11zenzelezz... and that's what happens when you're a nub trying to run a regexp search and replace on a large file
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14:54.11cladhaireanyone here familiar with frFR clients?
14:54.44hastedefine 'familiar'
14:55.03cladhaireon that client, how do you cast a ranked spell?
14:55.12cladhaireis it /cast Healing Touch (Rang 4)
14:55.26hasteI would guess so
14:55.35hasteI can update mine and check
14:56.04cladhairegetting reports that you can't use ranked spellcasts in Clique
14:56.06cladhaireon frFR
14:56.11cladhaireif you'd like to help me troubleshoot =)
14:56.34hasterestarting the client now :)
14:56.41cladhaireI'm commiting a fix now
14:56.43cladhairethat may fix it.
14:56.53hasteI'll do a checkout of clique then :)
14:57.07cladhaireyes, just give me a moment :P
14:57.40cladhaireall commited.
14:58.14cladhairei was parsing before
14:58.21cladhairewhen in retrospect, that's not necessary
14:58.26cladhairethe rank is always just goign to have one number in it, at most
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14:59.27GeoManceIs the default text for the game set to a specific height?
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15:00.03a-stray-catanyone about?
15:00.16GeoManceA few.
15:00.28GeoManceWhether we'll be helpful or not is another question entirely.
15:00.43foxlitYou'll never know :)
15:00.51a-stray-catwould you happen to know if there are any times that PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED will fire without a UNIT_AURA (arg1=player) preceeding it?
15:01.23GeoManceMe, nope, not at all.
15:01.26cladhairea-stray-cat: I'm not sure how the order for those events work..
15:01.29cladhairewhy would you watch both?
15:01.47a-stray-catwell im watching UNIT_AURA for other things
15:02.17a-stray-catand i was wondering if i should use PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED to track player auras
15:02.21a-stray-cator just use UNIT_AURA
15:02.27a-stray-cati should ask if there are times when they're not fired together?
15:02.41cladhaireI'm not sure, i suspect not
15:02.45cladhairebut i'm unsure of order
15:02.53cladhaireand it would require testing to see, which is more difficult =)
15:02.58a-stray-catorder doesn't matter to me ;P
15:03.46GeoManceI doubt that there would be a time where Player aura would be called without a unit aura.
15:04.08GeoMance<.< And, are there any technical details about the type-spacing of the defulat text that WoW uses?
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15:18.07cladhairehaste: ? <#
15:18.11cladhaire<3 evem
15:19.49GeoManceDoes anyone know what the GameFontNormal's type spacing, or whatever it was.
15:20.38cladhairewhat do you mean?
15:21.14GeoManceLike, if each character takes up a set spaces, or if there's a global size, what the height and width of characters is, things like that.
15:21.27foxlitGaah, this is painful!
15:21.50cladhairethere's no information on it.
15:21.51GeoManceWhat is, Fox?
15:21.55foxlitNeed to use something else than in-game Lua to sign code, takes too damn long.
15:22.08GeoManceTo do what?
15:22.12GeoManceAnd damnations.
15:22.53GeoManceWell then, I guess it's back to the drawing board.
15:22.56foxlitcalculate s ^ e mod n, where s, e and n are 256, 2008 and 2048 bits long
15:23.21Shirikdo you really mean mod?
15:23.23Shirikor %?
15:23.36GeoManceAren't they the same thing?
15:23.47Shirikcommon misconception
15:24.07GeoManceWhat is the difference then?
15:24.12Shirika good example is -7 mod 5
15:24.25Shirikwhich is 3
15:24.35foxlitUsing math notation rather than anything language-specific
15:24.38Shiriktechnically it's 3 + 5n, n is an element of all integers
15:25.04GeoManceAh, alright mod is congruency, while % is the specific number?
15:25.31Shirikactually that was a bad example
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15:25.34Shirikbut oh well :P
15:25.47foxlitBasically, the problem becomes calculate c = s ^ e (mod n) suck that 0 <= c < n
15:26.23GeoManceOh, that's a useful thing. <.<
15:26.26Shirikand s, e, and n are all mega numbers
15:26.33foxlitIn signing, yes.
15:26.44foxlite is a bit small, so verification takes a lot less time.
15:27.03Shirikdo you have any big number system?
15:27.28purlfrom memory, bignum is
15:27.31Shirikso you're using it
15:27.55foxlitYes, mainly for multiplication
15:28.32Shirikwell, I'm just gonna start doing some random math here
15:30.25Shirikit can be shown s^e (mod n) is congruent to s^e/(in) (mod n) where i is an element of all positive integers. Thus ..... wow this is going to be ugly
15:31.08hastecladhaire: slow patch is slow :D
15:31.10Shirikhold it
15:31.16GeoManceIs there a tutorial somewhere for making edgefiles, or for creating backgrounds and the like?
15:31.16Shirikis e an actual number?
15:31.23Shirikor math.exp(1)
15:31.25foxlitYes, a large prime
15:31.35cladhairehaste: hehe no problem =)
15:33.17Shirikx = s ^e (mod n), x = s^e/(in) where i is an integer which satisfies 0 <= x<= n. xin = s^e. ln(xin) = elns
15:33.41Shirikln(xin)/lns = e
15:33.59Shirikbut the problem is we don't know what i is
15:34.39foxlitI believe I have a pretty reasonable method for doing % on bignums
15:34.40Shirikor x for that matter
15:34.46ShirikI didn't see your method
15:35.45Shirikxin - s = math_e^e, xin = math_e^e + s, xi = nmath_e^e + ns
15:36.06Shirikfind i which satisfies 0<= x <= n
15:36.28GeoManceUgh, I was hoping I wouldn't have to deal with this stuff. xD
15:37.22Shirik(i is an element of positive integers, again)
15:38.02ShirikI'm satisfied with my method, even if it's ugly
15:38.10ShirikI'm satisfied because I was able to find a solution :P
15:39.02Shiriknot really
15:39.11Shirikafter analyzing that, I just twisted it around
15:39.19Shirikand got x = nmath_e^e + ns (mod n)
15:39.44Shirikhave fun
15:40.31GeoManceHave fun, Fox-type-person.
15:40.56GeoManceHrm, why am I worried about tiling things if I'm going to have a set size for things in general. O.o
15:40.58ShirikI'm going to make a library just for you :D
15:42.04GeoManceIs there a way to tile textures, but only in specific areas?
15:44.19Shirikdon't ask me I really don't know anything about textures ><
15:44.21ShirikCidan does all that
15:44.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
16:02.09GeoManceWhat's the maximum name length?
16:02.29Mr_Rabies2god i hope 2.1 hits tuesday :x
16:02.33cladhaireanyone have any idea what debuffs should NOT be displayed
16:02.36cladhairelike "Arcane Blast"
16:02.40cladhaireAre there others?
16:02.52Mr_Rabies2looks like 12 characters, GeoMance
16:03.18Mr_Rabies2oh wait
16:03.29Mr_Rabies2you're not talking about character name are you?
16:03.46GeoManceCharacter name in WoW.
16:04.23Mr_Rabies2oh okay
16:04.33Mr_Rabies212 characters :O
16:04.41GeoManceOnly 12? Wow. Hrm.
16:05.05Mr_Rabies2i did 123456789012
16:05.31GeoManceHeh, thanks. Do you know is there's a Maximum channel name length?
16:05.38Mr_Rabies2no but i can check
16:05.41zenzelezz123456789abc kthx
16:05.59GeoManceHrm, thanks.
16:06.19Mr_Rabies2ckknight: ping
16:06.34Mr_Rabies2i just have to let him know about this hilarious bug in pitbull :p
16:07.01Mr_Rabies2the 3d portraits for the party frames seem to be animating at about 2-4x their regular speed
16:07.14Mr_Rabies2and it's pretty creepy looking
16:07.18Mr_Rabies2reminds me of silent hill :(
16:08.12zenzelezzcan you actually control the speed of PlayerModels (or whatever the tag was)?
16:08.42Shirikcladhaire: Depending on what you want to do
16:08.46Shirikunstable affliction
16:09.00ShirikWhat I have RDX do is have its own color for that though
16:09.04Shirikbecause sometimes you DO want to dispel it
16:09.16cladhairei was thinking dreamless sleep
16:09.19cladhairei think thats the other one
16:09.22cladhairethat peopel wanted blacklisted.
16:09.37GeoManceWhat's the bit size for the TGAs converted from the BLP2s for WoW?
16:10.00zenzelezzbit depth?
16:10.00Shirikthey should be 24-bit TGAs with an alpha channel I believe?
16:10.19Mr_Rabies2looks like 31 characters GeoMance
16:10.19Shirik24 is without an alpha channel >.>
16:10.29zenzelezz24 if no alpha, 32 if with alpha
16:10.43zenzelezzthe icky part about TGA is how it can start in either of the four corners
16:10.44Shirikfoxlit took all my math abilities today
16:10.45GeoManceAhhhh, thanks.
16:10.51Mr_Rabies2i did abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcde
16:10.54Mr_Rabies2that's as far as i could get
16:11.06Mr_Rabies2any more and it says invalid channel name
16:11.47GeoManceHrm, alright then.
16:15.29*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
16:18.47GeoManceBROKE! xD
16:20.24GeoManceWait, that's supposed to be borke. >.>
16:23.36GeoManceComo-estas borkster?
16:23.47JoshBorkegut, und dich?
16:26.46JoshBorkeis that left aligned or right aligned?
16:28.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Vangual (
16:28.54GeoManceThere is no 2.
16:29.59foxlitBase 3, obviously!
16:30.02foxlitDecode that :P
16:30.20ShirikI once wrote a paper regarding base 3 and its potential for memory conservation
16:30.28Shirikand decreased cost
16:30.48GeoManceHeh. Why Base 3?
16:31.04Shirik0-1V, 2-3V, 4-5V
16:31.10Shirikstill remain on TTL power devices
16:33.04Shirikobviously it was in jest
16:33.21Shirikbut it was amusing to write
16:33.51GeoManceSounds like it would be.
16:34.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Aella (n=Aella@
16:34.21foxlitSomeone from WoWWiki gave me an idea regarding yesterday's discussion of /click and disabled frames.
16:34.44Shirikdidn't we already go over this ><
16:34.56foxlitSolutionw as a bit flawed.
16:35.22foxlitProblem with stopping macro execution upon a click on a disabled frame is that it enables LUA to stop a macro from executing further - /click PrepareButton /click ConditionalStop /cast Kick
16:36.47ShirikI guess
16:37.19foxlitThe end result is  spammable button that only kicks if there's something to kick.
16:38.40GeoManceAh, for the days when that was a simple issue of an if-statement.
16:38.57GeoManceAnd an event catcher. <.<
16:39.26foxlitWtb scripting-only servers, compete at who can write the best 25 scripts to clear BT
16:39.31Shirikomfg packet loss
16:39.34Shirikwtb working IT department!
16:40.07*** join/#wowi-lounge gix2gix (
16:40.07Shiriklike seriously
16:40.17ShirikI start casting holy fire and back up immediately, interrupting it
16:40.27Shirik10 seconds later I have 50% health and he's taken like 600 damage
16:42.24Shirikit cast the holy fire anyway
16:42.29Shirikbecause I never interrupted the spell
16:42.37GeoManceAhhh, fun.
16:42.58Shirikand this means it's time to go get something to eat
16:43.02Shirikinstead of sitting around doing nothing
16:43.17GeoManceHey, Borke, do you know anything about Textures, and the like?
16:43.24Shiriklook at this crap!!! freenode: (11953ms) chans: 2, connected: 2d 11h 45m
16:43.48Shirikthis is no excuse for a 12s ping
16:44.06GeoManceAnd, I would suggest a ham and chicken sandwich, with Colby-Jack on Sourdough. >.>
16:44.12GeoManceAhhh yes. I remember those days
16:44.15ShirikI'm probably going to get a cheeseburger
16:44.25Shirikgiven that I can't cook for the life of mwe
16:44.55GeoManceGeorge Foreman Grill for the win.
16:46.44Shirik~hug Cairenn
16:46.46purlACTION hugs Cairenn tightly until Cairenn turns slightly blue
16:47.01*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
16:47.16Mr_Rabies2arrghggh bored :[
16:47.33Mr_Rabies2i have no more quests to do, no one pugs heroics, and this guild i'm in is full of scrubs :[
16:48.26JoshBorkeMr_Rabies2: i know how you feel
16:48.30GeoManceUgh, that still seems too big. Pugs? Scrubs?
16:48.37GeoManceAnd what the hell are the Heroics?
16:48.40JoshBorkemy guild can't clear kara yet.  can't even pull maulgar yet
16:48.58Mr_Rabies2i burned about 15g on repairs on a druid last night in kara
16:49.11Mr_Rabies2we only got attumen, and we got him within 20 mins of zoning in
16:49.27JoshBorkegive it time, hopefully they'll pick up
16:49.30Mr_Rabies2and then after that we wiped on trash for like 2 hours till i decided to make up an excuse to stop burning money
16:49.37JoshBorkemy guild did.  3 weeks ago we were in that position
16:49.42JoshBorkenow we can clear through chess
16:49.53Mr_Rabies2we rocked attumen
16:49.56Mr_Rabies2but the trash
16:50.05Mr_Rabies2no one was paying attention
16:50.18Mr_Rabies2i was helping tank until i realized no one was healing me
16:51.21GeoManceI know I shouldn't laugh at that, but I can't help it.
16:51.30Mr_Rabies2seriously i've been in pugs with more attentive people
16:51.41Mr_Rabies2i joined this guild like last week and already am i contemplating leaving
16:51.50Mr_Rabies2pickup groups
16:52.32Mr_Rabies2i'm probably gonna join another guild that's farther inside kara
16:52.34GeoManceWhat are the Heroics, anyway?
16:52.40Mr_Rabies2harder versions of bc instances
16:52.54Mr_Rabies2hard mode, more or less
16:52.59Mr_Rabies2better loot, much more difficult
16:53.12GeoManceI've never gotten to the old BTS endgame instances so...
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16:53.50JoshBorkemeh, i wouldn't say all the loot is that much better :_D
16:54.10Mr_Rabies2maybe not the high end ones
16:54.16Mr_Rabies2in 2.1 it will be
16:54.36Mr_Rabies2but like, heroic ramparts drops much more nifty stuff for 70s than regular
16:55.41JoshBorkei suppose that is true :-)
16:55.53JoshBorkei've only done 2 or 3 heroics
16:58.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
16:59.56Shirik|AFKyou know, foxlit, there's a pretty obvious solution
17:00.07Shirik|AFKmake /click not respect the disabled state
17:00.32Shirik|AFKout of any options, that's the only one I can think of that really works
17:00.34GeoManceIf I want to link a graphic saved in my AddOn's file structure, do I just point to it doing /Interface/AddOns/AddOn-Name/graphics/filename?
17:00.40JoshBorkeGeoMance: yea
17:00.56GeoManceYay, and does it have to be in tga or BLP2 format?
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17:02.08JoshBorkewow, 184 dps wand
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17:14.23foxlitGrr, of all the things to mess up, I messed up hex -> bin converses.
17:15.06Shirik|AFKyou are officially kicked out of the cool club
17:15.10Shirik|AFKpractice safe hex!
17:15.25foxlitOn the bright side, NMC results are public.
17:15.55Shirik|AFKpurl, say NMC?
17:16.55Shirik|AFK4 questions 4 hours?
17:16.57foxlitBut don't go there, I still need your brains in a semi-alive state.
17:17.35Shirik|AFKholy crap
17:17.39Shirik|AFKthese questions aren't easy ><
17:18.25foxlit10^2007 is fun
17:18.35Shirik|AFKyes that's the one I'm looking at
17:18.48Shirik|AFKI also like how they use 2007 everywhere
17:19.15Shirik|AFKright, lunchtime
17:22.12GeoManceOooh, shit. xD
17:26.36GeoManceI'm starting to dislike kittens.
17:26.43AellaSay it ain't so!
17:27.23GeoManceI have 6 at my feet who have decided that socks are great fun to claw, especially if there's skin beneath them.
17:27.40AellaBut that's what makes them CUTE!
17:28.24GeoManceYes, they are cute. And one of them has a Hobbit name, Something Underfoot.
17:29.21GeoManceWould you like them?
17:29.34GeoManceThey're orange Tabbies.
17:30.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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17:31.15GeoManceUnderscore Underscore?
17:33.35*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
17:34.04Mr_Rabies2the cat in AB's name is underfoot
17:34.21cogwheelI stepped on my cat this morning ><
17:35.07GeoManceI take it said cat wasn't happy?
17:35.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=nospam@
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17:35.59cogwheelShe took it in stride...
17:36.18*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
17:36.25Shirik|Ecoleso like
17:36.33Shirik|Ecoletoday's the first day I can actually see the airport in a while
17:36.36cogwheelShe's really clumsy though... You know those cartoons where something is running away from a train *ALONG THE TRACKS*?
17:36.42Shirik|Ecoleall that smoke makes it so hard to see lately
17:36.58cogwheelthat's how she gets stepped on most of the time...
17:37.05GeoMancexD That's my dogs.
17:37.09GeoManceOr my cats.
17:37.25GeoManceYou say move, and they take two steps further along your course and plop back down.
17:37.35GeoMance<.< Or, they roll over, which -is- moving.
17:38.09Shirik|Ecolecogwheel: Your cat is just trying to teach you how livelocks work irl
17:38.42Shirik|Ecolethough it's not really a livelock if you're just going to step on her
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17:39.41Shirik|Ecolecogwheel: Since you just made a post on this I have to ask
17:39.49Shirik|Ecolecan you explain stance dancing to me?
17:40.31cogwheelThere are lots of abilities that require you to be in a particular stance.
17:40.40cogwheelthe abilities themselves are useful in many situations
17:40.54cogwheelso we spend a lot of time switching between stances to have access to those abilities
17:41.58Shirik|Ecoleok then it's not what I'm thinking of then :/
17:42.02Gnarfozlike tanking something that fears (in defensive stance) and then switchting to berserker stance to use berserker rage to not be feared right before the fear comes - and then back to def
17:42.05Shirik|Ecoleone of the warriors on my ty
17:42.07Shirik|Ecoleyes, that's it
17:42.23Shirik|Ecolenow I understand
17:42.34Shirik|Ecoleberserker rage is only usable in berserker stance
17:42.35Shirik|Ecolegot it
17:42.38Shirik|Ecolethank you both
17:43.04cogwheeli've got stance dance macros for hamstring, shield bash/pummel, overpower, intervene, and probably some others I can't remember ><
17:44.24Shirik|EcoleSHA256 hash of "kitty"
17:45.06*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
17:45.48Shirik|Ecoledoes it work?
17:45.55foxlitThat's a good question.
17:46.10Shirik|Ecoleyou have no idea how cool it would be to be able to use this
17:46.11GeoManceAnd, what problem are you trying to solve with this why? >.>
17:46.14foxlit720 bits of the exponent away from generating a signature
17:46.16Shirik|Ecolemy guild is lazy and doesn't download stuff
17:46.26Shirik|Ecoleso if I could just distribute it over the addon guild channel
17:46.30Shirik|Ecoleit would be teh sexx
17:46.51Shirik|EcoleGeoMance: Digital signature of addons
17:46.57Shirik|Ecoleor transimissions
17:47.08Shirik|EcoleThus allowing people to actually send code
17:47.16Shirik|Ecoleand ensuring it's trustowrthy
17:47.31foxlitThe bright side is that to validate, b = 65537
17:47.45Shirik|Ecolenice number :)
17:47.55foxlitSo it's a heckload faster :)
17:52.05foxlitBah, a better BigNum lib implementation wouldn't hurt.
17:52.15Shirik|EcoleI'm seriously considering implementing one :/
17:52.28Shirik|Ecolein Lua it wouldn't only be easy, some seriously cool things could be done
17:52.29foxlitGenerates about 900 KB of garbage for 3 iterations of the step while
17:52.56Shirik|Ecolenot much you can do
17:53.06*** part/#wowi-lounge Kjellviz (
17:53.21foxlitWell, there are a few things
17:54.03foxlitBefore last night, it generated 3 new BigNum structures for every operation
17:54.24Shirik|Ecolereturn "Crash and burn"
17:54.58foxlitThat thing is annoyingly graceful - it crashes the coroutine, doesn't even get to an error() call
17:55.26Shirik|Ecolethat's because
17:55.34Shirik|Ecolecoroutines are executed in protected mode
17:55.37Shirik|Ecoleyou won't see errors
17:56.16Shirik|Ecole>>> function throwError() error("error"); end c = coroutine.create(throwError); coroutine.resume(c);
17:56.17CideShirik|Ecole: nil
17:56.21Shirik|Ecolesee :)
17:56.38Shirik|Ecolethe only way around this is by using coroutine.wrap
17:56.39foxlitThey're their own pcall, more or less
17:56.49Shirik|Ecole>>> function throwError() error("error"); end c = coroutine.wrap(throwError); c();
17:56.50CideShirik|Ecole: nil
17:56.57Shirik|Ecolemaybe I"m wrong
17:56.58wobinhehe =)
17:57.00Shirik|Ecolethey're always in protected mode ><
17:57.26wobin>>> error("error")
17:57.26Cidewobin: [string "error("error")"]:1: error
17:57.57wobinwhy the double response, I wonder
17:58.00Shirik|Ecolecide running two processes?
17:58.56*** join/#wowi-lounge ravagernl (n=chatzill@
17:59.31Shirik|EcolePiL says "Note that resume runs in protected mode. Therefore, if there is any error inside a coroutine, Lua will not show the error message, but instead will return it to the resume call." "Usually, coroutine.wrap is simpler to use than coroutine.create. It gives us exactly what we need from a coroutine: a function to resume it. However, it is also less flexible. There is no way to check the status of a coroutine created with wrap. Moreover, we ca
17:59.39Shirik|Ecoleso... I guess both run in protected mode
17:59.55Shirik|Ecolestrange, I wonder why I thought otherwise
18:01.15Shirik|Ecoleoh btw, there is one, and only one error that can occur
18:01.45Shirik|Ecole>>> c = coroutine.wrap(function() end); c() c()
18:01.50CideShirik|Ecole: nil
18:02.11Shirik|Ecole>>> c = coroutine.create(function() end); coroutine.resume(c) coroutine.resume(c)
18:02.12CideShirik|Ecole: nil
18:02.26Cideyou aren't returning anything
18:02.31Shirik|Ecoleit should be an error >.>
18:02.37Shirik|Ecoleattempt to resume a dead coroutine
18:02.48Cidedoes it error in your interpreter?
18:02.54Shirik|EcoleI don't have one on this computer
18:03.49Shirik|Ecoleit's probably something stupid I forgot
18:03.56Cidedoesn't error here
18:04.23Shirik|Ecole>>> c = coroutine.create(function() end); coroutine.resume(c); return coroutine.status(c);
18:04.23CideShirik|Ecole: "dead"
18:04.57Shirik|Ecole>>> c = coroutine.create(function() print("Run!") end); coroutine.resume(c); print( coroutine.status(c)); coroutine.resume(c);
18:04.57CideShirik|Ecole: "Run!",  "dead"
18:05.01foxlitDoesn't match.
18:05.04Shirik|Ecoleoh well
18:05.29NeriniaYay for no errors! :d
18:07.36foxlitHm, I wonder why.
18:09.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
18:11.58Shirik|Ecole>>> c = coroutine.create(function() coroutine.yield() end); coroutine.resume(c); coroutine.resume(c); coroutine.resume(c);
18:11.59CideShirik|Ecole: nil
18:12.19Shirik|EcoleI'm going to try the one from the manual now >.>
18:13.48Shirik|Ecole>>> function foo() print("Foo", 1); coroutine.yield(); print("Foo", 2); end; co = coroutine.create(foo); print(type(co)); print(coroutine.status(co)); print(coroutine.resume(co)); print(coroutine.resume(co)); print(coroutine.status(co)); print(coroutine.resume(co));
18:13.49CideShirik|Ecole: "thread",  "suspended",  "Foo",  1,  true,  "Foo",  2,  true,  "dead",  false,  "cannot resume dead coroutine"
18:14.26Shirik|Ecoleok, now I"m ok with everything :)
18:14.34Shirik|Ecoleso coroutine.resume never throws an error
18:14.43Shirik|Ecolewell unless you do coroutine.resume(nil)
18:14.44AellaIt returns (nil, "cannot resume dead coroutine"), doesn't it.
18:14.47Shirik|Ecoleor some other non-thread
18:14.51Shirik|Ecolewell, false
18:14.52Shirik|Ecolenot nil
18:15.29Shirik|Ecolewell tbh
18:15.34Shirik|Ecolethis is soooo going to make my battlerecorder much easier
18:15.41Shirik|EcoleI don't have to try to catch errors from coroutine.resume like I've been doing
18:20.05foxlitSo, this begs the question.
18:20.13Shirik|Ecolethe answer is obviously 42
18:20.23foxlitIs it the key or the code that breaks?
18:21.58Shirik|Ecolefoxlit, I'm all for helping you with this project so let me get home and I'll take a looksey see if I can find anything amiss
18:22.17Shirik|EcoleI want to see this work just as much as you do :D
18:22.55Shirik|Ecoleanyway, heading back home
18:23.09AellaWhy do I hate Flash websites so?
18:23.14Shirik|Ecolebecause flash is evil
18:23.25AellaWell, yeah.
18:23.45AellaI guess what I hate most is that web sites shouldn't have sound, darnit.
18:24.01foxlitdivide by 0
18:24.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
18:26.15Cidewhy complicate it? b = 0,  b+b = 0+b, 2b = 1b, 2 = 1
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18:30.47Shirik|AFKCide that's too obvious :(
18:31.23Shirik|AFKScrew you calvino!
18:31.23Shirik|AFKI want to talk to Cide!
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18:32.37foxlit>> hex(2753)
18:32.43foxlit>>> hex(2753)
18:32.51Cidefoxlit: [string "hex(2753)"]:1: attempt to call global 'hex' (a nil value)
18:33.18GeoManceArmored Core?
18:33.26Nerinia>>> format("%X",2753)
18:33.27CideNerinia: "AC1"
18:33.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Chil1 (
18:33.56Shirik>>> SavedVariables
18:33.57CideShirik: { ["GetRandomArgument"] = function: 0094AC18, ["fooprint"] = function: 0094AC58, ["ftoc"] = function: 0094A1A8, ["ctof"] = function: 0094A408, ["hax"] = "persistent* data - Cide can't spell", ["foo"] ... (exceeded 200 characters)
18:34.15Shirik>>> SavedVariables["hex"] = function(n) return format("%X", n); end
18:34.15CideShirik: nil
18:34.24foxlitWell, _Step seems to work on small wikipedia example
18:34.30Shirik>>> SavedVariables.hex(2753)
18:34.30CideShirik: "AC1"
18:34.35GeoManceIf you have a template for a frame with buttons, can you edit the buttons wihtout having to recreate them?
18:34.49*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
18:35.04foxlitBut you can't edit the template
18:35.48GeoManceI don't mean edit the template. I mean, like.. Creating a new frame that inherits the template, and making just a single change to one of the buttons in the template, without having to recreate the thing.
18:36.25foxlitYes, you can.
18:36.43GeoManceDo you have to do it through lua commands, or through the xml framework?
18:37.05Shirikyou can do anything in Lua that you can do in XML, with one exception
18:37.17Shirikso to answer your question, no to "Do you have to do it through the xml framework"
18:37.37GeoManceI meant do I have to do it through Lua. xD I still haven't gotten my mind around the Lua frame stuffs.
18:37.46Shirikthe only way I know to make that override is in Lua but it is very possible that you can do it in XML as well
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18:37.59ShirikI hate using xml
18:38.24GeoManceI just haven't gotten my mind around the Lua portion yet. I can understand why you would, though. xD
18:39.19CideI like making a table
18:39.25Cideand store all frames in there
18:39.41GeoManceMakes sense..
18:39.53Shirikit just makes more sense to me
18:39.55Cideand use a method so that if you call a method on the table, it's called on all frames
18:39.58foxlitwtb: 2048 bit RSA keypair
18:40.02Cideuse a metamethod*
18:40.12Shirikmetatables are totally ftw
18:41.05Shirik>>> a = {foo = function() print("Foo!") end; new = function() local self = {}; setmetatable(self, a); return self; end}; a.__index = a; b = a:new(); b:foo();
18:41.05CideShirik: "Foo!"
18:41.18ShirikThat is probably a very confusing example
18:41.21foxlitGeoMance: nevermind metatables, you usually don't even need them!
18:41.31ShirikDo not nevermind metatables!
18:41.36ShirikThey are like the most powerful tool in Lua!
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18:41.56Shiriknow I can do
18:42.17foxlitThey're the most powerful tool alright, but you really don't need them when you're just learning the language :)
18:42.26Kaydeethreeheh. nothing like being addicted to caffeine
18:42.27GeoManceI have no idea what that means. I think I get it, but...
18:42.35GeoManceIs it like a circular arrangement?
18:42.36Kaydeethreemy roommate and I are making 2.5 gallon batches of sweet tea
18:42.37Shirik>>> a = {foo = function() print("Foo!") end; new = function() local self = {}; setmetatable(self, a); return self; end}; a.__index = a; b,c,d,e,f = a:new(), a:new(), a:new(), a:new(), a:new(); b:foo(); c:foo(); d:foo(); e:foo();
18:42.38CideShirik: "Foo!",  "Foo!",  "Foo!",  "Foo!"
18:42.47Shirikfoo foo!
18:42.51Shirikanyway let me try to explain
18:42.57ShirikFirst off you need to know what a metatable is
18:43.08ShirikBasically, it's a table that defines the operation of a table under situations
18:43.17Shirikyou see in there I have setmetatable(self, a)
18:43.28Shirikthat sets self's metatable to a
18:43.42Shirikmetamethods are specially named functions which do these operations
18:43.46ckknightMr_Rabies2: hey
18:43.59Shirikmetamethods always start with two underscores. One of the possibilities is __index
18:44.20Shirik__index says "if the key requested in the table does not exist, use this to look it up"
18:44.29Shirikso, when we do b:foo, doesn't exist, right?
18:44.36Shirikso then it goes to look it up in its metatable (which is a) exists, so that's what gets called
18:45.07Shirikthere's other ones like __lt, __eq, __newindex
18:45.13GeoManceSo, in that instance it's sort of like a parent object, or something.
18:45.26Shirikwhich define how to handle the < operator, the == operator, and the assignment table["key"] = foo
18:45.31cogwheelit can be used that way, yes
18:45.44Shirikthe lua manual has a full list of all the possibilities
18:45.44cogwheelit's basically establishing a default value for the foo function
18:45.57GeoManceIf what you're checking doesn't have what you're looking for, check the parent. *Nods slightly.* How does that allow for the calling of functions over a whole table, though?
18:45.58cogwheelthere are other uses though
18:46.02Shirikthere's also some other strange things like
18:46.06Mr_Rabies2have you noticed the same thing i have with the portraits in the party frame, ckknight?
18:46.20Mr_Rabies2it's pretty funny and creepy at the same time watching them shuffle around all fast
18:46.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Chil2 (
18:46.44Shirik>>> a = {}; setmetatable(a, {__metatable = "Protected!"}); setmetatable(a, {__index = function --[[ I can't really do this ]]});
18:46.45CideShirik: [string "a = {}; setmetatable(a, {__metatable = "Protected!"}); setmetat..."]:1: '(' expected near '}'
18:46.53ckknightMr_Rabies2: is it like they're repeating the same few frames over and over?
18:47.03Mr_Rabies2i cant tell really
18:47.11Mr_Rabies2it seems like they're just shifting around like normal, just really fast
18:47.15Shirik>>> a = {}; setmetatable(a, {__metatable = "Protected!"}); setmetatable(a, {__index = function() --[[ I can't really do this ]] end});
18:47.15CideShirik: [string "a = {}; setmetatable(a, {__metatable = "Pro..."]:1: cannot change a protected metatable
18:47.19Shirikfun stuff :D
18:47.34GeoManceI really don't get that. xD
18:47.36Shirikanyway, you should check PiL on metatables if interested
18:47.39Shirikyou don't need to :P
18:47.46Shirikthat's one of the most rarely used metamethods
18:47.49purlfrom memory, pil is Programming in Lua, available as both a paperback book and an online version of the same book available at
18:47.49ckknightmetatables are awesome
18:48.02nevcairielmetatables are weird if you just start with lua
18:48.03GeoManceAh, thanks.
18:48.06nevcairielbut you get the hang of it
18:48.06Shirikhmmm, you know that's not really correct anymore
18:48.22Shirikonly the old version of the book is available online
18:48.28GeoManceI get tables, 'cause they're like php arrays, you can shove anything you want in them. xD
18:48.37ShirikI think the one thing that really confuses people
18:48.40Shirikis functions are variables
18:48.47Shirikand that's cruical to accept before you can use metamethods
18:49.02Mr_Rabies2i had to turn portraits to 2d for my kara run because the creepy silent hill-like movement was getting to me
18:49.08nevcairieli wonder if PiL is available on any local book shop here
18:49.16cogwheelpurl, no pil is Programming in Lua. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in hardcover and covers Lua 5.1.
18:49.18purlokay, cogwheel
18:49.32GeoManceI can accept that, to a point. table_name[key] = function BLAH {}; table_name[key](...?)
18:49.42Shirikfunction() ... end
18:49.44GeoManceOh, table_name.key(...)
18:49.50GeoManceYeah, yeah. xD
18:49.56Shirikwhat you said was correct though
18:50.05Shiriktable_name.key is syntactically equivalent to table_name[key]
18:50.08GeoManceI still haven't gotten back into Lua after a year of Java.
18:50.11Shirikso you can do table_name[key]()
18:50.22Shirikhell you can do table_name[key]()() if table_name[key]() returns a function
18:50.22GeoManceI know, I just like the . better, [key](...) looks weird to me.
18:50.30Shirikthat's exactly why both exist ;)
18:50.37GeoManceYou can return functions?
18:50.39Shirikto Lua, they're the same. To most programmers, they mean something different
18:50.44Shirikfunctions are variables, right?
18:50.48ShirikYou can return any variable
18:50.54Shirikin fact it's done quite often.
18:51.04GeoManceShit, wow. Never thought about a returned function.
18:51.05ShirikI recently made a post indicating how to do an extremely efficient table copy (almost no processing itme)
18:51.10GeoManceThough, that would make things easier.
18:51.11Shirikand it requires this
18:51.39Shiriknote the function in there returns a function
18:51.49Shirikit also uses a metatable ^^;
18:51.50foxlitBut will it work on:
18:52.15foxlit>>>a = {}; a.b = a; a.b.b = a.b; for key, val in pairs(a) do print(key .. " " .. tostring(val)); end
18:52.15Cidefoxlit: "b table: 007D1028"
18:52.51foxlit>>>a = {}; a.b = a; a.b.b = a.b; for key, val in pairs(a) do print(key .. " " .. tostring(val)); end print(tostring(a))
18:52.51Cidefoxlit: "b table: 003201E0",  "table: 003201E0"
18:53.12foxlit>>>a = {}; a.b = a; a.b.b = a.b; for key, val in pairs(a) do print(key .. " " .. tostring(val)); end print(tostring(a)) print(tostring(a.b.b.b.b.b.b.b.b))
18:53.13Cidefoxlit: "b table: 001BD728",  "table: 001BD728",  "table: 001BD728"
18:53.33foxlitTable nested in itself
18:53.43Shirikyou talking about my code?
18:53.47ShirikYes, because what happens is
18:53.51Shirikit doesn't actually copy anything until it's used
18:53.55Shirikso until you access a.b.b.b.b.b.b
18:53.57Shirikthat's not even copied
18:54.05foxlitBut that's not very good.
18:54.10Shirikwhy not?
18:54.12foxlitWhat if I change the original?
18:54.24Shirikooh I forgot about that, but I could fix that too
18:54.33Shirikchanging the original would result in a copy to the new one
18:54.36Shirikbefore the change
18:54.42foxlitWithout breaking metatables on the original?
18:54.51Shirikhook it
18:55.01Shirikoh well, tool for every job :P
18:55.22ShirikI don't actually use that code, it's something I just came up with on the spot when reading that thread
18:55.27ShirikI was surprised it worked as well as it did
18:55.31GeoManceShirik: Does that method do something like, if b[key] is not set, check a[key]?
18:55.44Shirikcorrect, and then also set b[key] = a[key
18:55.52Shirikand, if a[key] is a table
18:55.58Shirikit sets the metamethod on b[key]
18:56.11GeoManceAhhhh, that's great.
18:56.11Shirikso that doing b[key][key] will then access a[key][key] the same way
18:56.47GeoManceSo, it won't copy any information, until it's actually checked or read, which will save memory, and even with sub-tables it does the same?
18:57.00GeoManceExcept for the end; thing in lua, I'm starting to like it.
18:57.01Shirikthough foxlit has pointed out a flaw with this
18:57.07GeoManceAnd the thens. >.>
18:57.14ShirikI agree
18:57.16Shirikbut you'll get used to it
18:57.22Shirikmy C code is starting to have "then"s pop up in it
18:57.28Shirikand java is finding .. instead of +
18:57.57GeoManceI was having problems with '.' as concat, 'cause of php.
18:58.03Shirikah yeah
18:58.05Shirik. vs ..
18:58.08Shirikhave fun with that
18:58.11foxlitphp is hell
18:58.19Shirikif you're another ruby supporter so help you
18:58.20foxlitAfter lua. Especially with concats
18:58.23GeoManceAnd in Java, trying to concat things like that's fucked.
18:58.32Shirikoh you just mean when doing lua and php
18:58.37foxlitDoes Mirc use OpenSSL dlls?
18:58.39Shirikruby is evil
18:59.06GeoManceNah, I -used- to do php stuff, like forum boards, and character sheets for text-based games. xD
18:59.29foxlitRight, back in a bit, want to get openssl installed and it can't overwrite something
18:59.41GeoManceDoes WoW have a problem with alt+tabbing out of it?
18:59.48GeoManceWhen it's in Windowed Mode?
18:59.57amroit handles it well
19:00.07amroespecially if you have it set to windowed+maximized
19:00.08AellaShirik: I am curious, why is Ruby evil? A friend of mine was doing a paper on Ruby and was trying to find downsides to write about, but was unable to do so.
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19:00.28foxlitWho'd have thunk? It does indeed use openssl
19:00.54GeoMance'Cause, I keep having this blasted problem with action-bar slots, and pack slots having their alphas changed randomly.
19:01.12ShirikAella, it's just because I've only seen people show me code
19:01.16Shirikand I'm like "wtf is that"
19:01.22Shirikit's just so radically different
19:01.24GeoManceWhat is Ruby?
19:01.27ZiconRuby is pretty.
19:01.29Shirikperhaps if I took the time to look into it I'd think differently
19:01.35AellaI just don't like the lambda syntax.
19:01.41Shirikit's far from what I'd call "pretty" right now
19:01.50Shirikof course, I'm the same guy who hates the a^b syntax in Lua too
19:01.54AellaMore pipes and underscores, plz.
19:02.24foxlitWhat's not to like? :)
19:02.24Shirik>>> 6^2
19:02.24CideShirik: 36
19:02.32Shirikit should be a function
19:02.34GeoManceI meant, why don't you like it? >.>
19:02.39ShirikI think I've already gotten into this
19:02.44AellaYeah, you have.
19:02.51foxlitI haven't been paying attention :P
19:02.51GeoManceGood enough for me, I agree to a point that it should be.
19:03.01foxlitRemind me again why functions are better than operators? :)
19:03.13AellaJust style, I think.
19:03.18Shirikbecause there's no such thing as a power opcode on any microprocessor, afaik
19:03.37Shirikat least for the majority of microprocessors
19:03.52foxlitSo Lua binary might have that same BigNum power code I have? Cute.
19:03.56amroGeoMance: it's an option when you set it to windowed to make it maximized. it will use your desktop resolution and since it's windowed tab out is instantaneous
19:04.52GeoManceI just keep it maxed windowed, Amro, there's just a problem with my alphas when I return to it. Half my slots are at .5 or lower alphas.
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19:15.43GeoManceHah! I finally get that episode of Family Guy. xD
19:19.45Temsomeone hit you with Arcane Intellect?
19:20.17GeoManceHeh. Nah, I just saw the portion of a movie they were making fun of.
19:24.42foxlit>>> math.hex(65537)
19:25.44foxlitWhy am I always under the impression that exists?
19:25.59Aella>>> tonumber(65537, 16)
19:26.05foxlitThat's from hex
19:26.17GeoManceOh, ooooh.
19:27.37haste>>> return string.format("%x", 65537) -- ?
19:28.35foxlit>>> print("I'm slacking!")
19:28.42foxlitSee, it's slacking.
19:28.49AellaSorry to hear that, foxlit.
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19:44.12GeoManceShoot, stupid question, how do you create a frame through the Lua? xD
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19:47.03GeoManceAh, why isn't that listed on the Widget API page? >.>
19:47.40foxlitIt's not related to a widget as such
19:48.16GeoManceBut, isn't it used to create the space where said widgets are crammed?
19:48.17zenzelezz -- under Frame Management
19:48.33zenzelezzWidgets go inside frames
19:48.33GeoManceAlright then, fair enough.
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19:50.38GeoManceI understand that bit. xD It just seems logical to me to put information on the container with with the widgets.
19:53.41GeoManceEspecially since those functions also deal with some of the creations and manipulations of the widgets.
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20:13.58foxlitShirik, got access to a bignum lib somewhere?
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20:24.51MentalPower|ZZzzGeoMance: frames can also be created with XML
20:25.51foxlitLooks like something goes very wrong with Step_Mod()
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20:36.36GeoMance>.< Capital first letter for Functions is throwing me off.
20:42.39JensHmm... is there still a LFG chat channel?
20:43.19Kaydeethreeit'll be server-created in 2.1 again
20:44.21GeoManceThank gods.
20:44.32GeoManceI'm getting sick of the Trade Channel degenerating into LFG.
20:44.54Kaydeethreenot like it won't in 2.1 anyway... players have to join the lfg tool toget access to the chan
20:45.05foxlitThat's a good thing.
20:45.31JensSomeone is complaining about /dev/null not leaving LFG channel on german client.
20:45.44GeoManceUgh. Someone reported me, or said they did, before I said, Trade Channel is for Trade.
20:45.51JensI haven't seriously looked at that code on a long time, but I seem to remember I removed all LFG handling.
20:46.05GeoMancebecause I said^
20:46.26JensIdiots use Trade for global chat which is annoying.
20:48.33GeoManceHum. Somethin's not working here.
20:51.33Mr_Rabies2are there any addons that help with inventory management? having to manually re-adjust everything as i pick up new items is annoying :[
20:52.04XuerianMr_Rabies: Baggins.
20:52.08GeoManceMrPlow, that's my name, my name again is MrPlow. <.<
20:53.04Mr_Rabies2dammit now i have that bilbo baggins song that leonard nimoy attempted to sing stuck in my head
20:56.59GeoManceThis is hilarious.
20:57.08GeoManceBut, I'll stick with Blind Guardian's songs.
20:57.27GeoManceAnd bah.
20:57.36Mr_Rabies2i prefer demons & wizards :O
20:57.50XuerianI'm going to hurt you, Mr_Rabies2.
20:57.57XuerianYou and your doppleganger, too.
20:58.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
20:58.34XuerianA: You ruined my mental picture of Spock
20:58.39XuerianB: SONG IS STUCK IN MY HEAD
20:58.42XuerianC: DIEEEE
21:00.40GeoManceLF Help. xD I can't figure out why this isn't working, me brain says it should, but me brain ain' always right. And yes, I know I butchered the comment writing part. xD That's not in the code. I receive no errors, but nothing shows.
21:01.12Mr_Rabies2nimoy was a hippy :P
21:01.19GeoManceHeheheh. Was?
21:01.21Mr_Rabies2if you've seen star trek 4, you know this as a truth
21:01.25XuerianLogical! >_<
21:01.27Mr_Rabies2well, i dunno about his current stuff
21:01.47Mr_Rabies2seems like mostly he gets made fun of like bill
21:02.33XuerianWhy not function wIF:initialize(), and use self.x instead, GeoMance?
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21:02.59GeoManceI don't know what that means.
21:02.59XuerianAlso, double-slash your texture paths
21:03.41XuerianwIF = {} function wIF:initialize() self.main = wowIRC self.main:SetHeight(500), etc
21:03.43GeoManceHeh, double-slash was the problem. Thanks Xuerian.
21:03.46KuNeed help with an error:
21:03.47Ku<Ui xmlns=""
21:03.47Ku<Script file="NewRecipe.lua"/>
21:03.51Ku<!-- Frame to handle all core events -->
21:03.53Ku<Frame name="NewRecipe_core">
21:03.59Xuerianoh hell.
21:04.03KuI forgot what was on copy/paste.
21:04.18XuerianNo worries, that just looked like a bigass file getting pasted ;P
21:04.28KuLUA: XML
21:04.50XuerianGeoMance: And call it with wIF:initialize(), it's syntactic sugar for going wIF.initialize(wIF)
21:05.04Xuerianself is a local scope variable as well, local calls are cheaper than global calls
21:05.26XuerianWell it should work anyway. :)
21:05.42Xuerianku: What's the error?
21:05.51KuI pasted it on pasty.
21:06.05XuerianUps :p
21:06.27GeoManceAhhh, thanks, Xuerian. I wasn't sure if that were possible.
21:06.33KuThe function can't get a name from GetMerchantItemInfo(i); sometimes.
21:06.42KuIt's random when it does error or doesn't error.
21:06.48Shirik"Yeah I don't understand why all these jackasses create these insanely in-depth mods for spam prevention. Durr, all spam comes from level 1 characters. Easy solution."
21:06.54ShirikI hate all these people that think they're geniuses
21:06.54Xuerianku: first check the validity of name, before you go string;finding on it?
21:06.59Shirikthen go around calling addon authors jackasses
21:07.07Shirikwhen they haven't the slightest idea what they're talking about
21:07.10XuerianShirik: That's rude.
21:07.22XuerianKu: Also, just use name:find("Pattern:") etc
21:07.35KuHmm... clever.
21:07.43XuerianSame as going ("Whateverisinname"):find()
21:07.44zenzelezzdon't worry Shirik, we still like you
21:07.50ShirikI'm completely fed up with people thinking they're great and trash addon authors all day, and then those same people come back two days later asking for some addon
21:08.01ShirikThey forget all of this stuff is made by people for free (with a few exceptions I won't get into)
21:08.29XuerianShirik: You saw that thread in general with the person bashing addons randomly?
21:08.35Shirikno that was in UI/Macros
21:08.48Shirikand I would have tore him a new one but I tried to hold back and only wrote a few sentences
21:08.52Shirikmostly calmly
21:09.00KuMy problem is, I tried checking for name, if not, retry, but it was always an infinite loop.
21:09.00Xuerianku: you can also use a for loop instead of a while and a incriment
21:09.37KuI had some problems with a for loop.
21:09.54GeoManceToo many kittens. >_<
21:10.16XuerianAlso, unless they help you in your own processes, parenthesis around logical expressions ( if () then), as well as semicolons, are unnecessary :p
21:10.31KuI like them.
21:10.38KuThey don't hurt it, do they?
21:10.39ShirikAnd then I like this topic
21:10.49XuerianShirik: Oh, it was?
21:10.51ShirikSomeone asks for an addon, someone responds it can't be done. Then the OP's reply is "Someone else can"
21:11.00XuerianShirik: Is that thread still staying ontop or did it get buried?
21:11.04KaydeethreeI just responded to that thread
21:11.07Shirikboth of those threads are sitll on top
21:11.14Shirikyeah I just responded to it too, saw yours >.>
21:11.37KuHow would you recommend I check to make sure name or IsUsable exists?
21:11.46Shirikif name then
21:11.58*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
21:12.04Shirikif something "doesn't exist" then it's nil
21:12.06Shirikhowever, be careful
21:12.13Shirik>>> if a.b then print("hi") end
21:12.13CideShirik: [string "if a.b then print("hi") end"]:1: attempt to index global 'a' (a nil value)
21:12.15Shirikis illegal
21:12.19Shirikbecause a doesn't exist
21:12.21Shirikso you can't get to a.b
21:12.27Shirikso you want to do something like
21:12.33Shirik>>> if a and a.b then print("hi") end
21:12.33CideShirik: nil
21:12.46XuerianHm, I forget
21:12.57Xuerian>>> if '' then "true" else "false" end
21:12.58CideXuerian: [string "if '' then "true" else "false" end"]:1: unexpected symbol near '"true"'
21:13.27Xuerian>>> if '' then print("true") else print("false") end
21:13.28CideXuerian: "true"
21:13.30ShirikI didn't understand that either ><
21:13.46Shirikthe only things that evaluate to false are nil and false
21:13.51XuerianShirik: Don't get started.
21:13.53Shirikanything else, including 0, is true
21:14.00XuerianWe argued this out a couple days ago :p
21:14.28Shirikthat's awesome
21:14.31KuThat should error check, right?
21:14.45Xuerianku: theoretically
21:15.26Xuerianmy post got deleted
21:15.45sysrageanybody know yet what the new stats for runic spellthread are gonna be?
21:17.25GeoManceI wish kittens understood "Feet are not food."
21:18.15Neriniasysrage: live from PTR: 25 Spelldamage and 15 Stamina
21:18.31Neriniaerm wait
21:18.56Neriniasorry, that's not true... they forgot to update my tooltip
21:20.23Kaydeethreeevery single post in that thread's been reported
21:20.33XuerianHow do you tell if it's been reported? :P
21:20.37KuDo you think Starcraft II will use XML and Lua to allow users to modify their play?
21:20.38Kaydeethreelog in?
21:20.44XuerianWell that would do it
21:20.46Shirikyou just made me post in General
21:20.49Shirikmy mind has been tainted forever
21:20.55Shirikon another note
21:21.00ShirikI am avoiding the forums for the rest of the day
21:21.03XuerianThat thread is two days old
21:21.11sysragelol nerinia it's 27 damage and 18 stam on live servers.. the purple one, not the blue one
21:21.23Shirikbecause the world is filled even more with morons today than ever
21:21.49KuWhat is OP? Original Poster?
21:22.12XuerianKaydeethree: Ahaha, rofl
21:23.17GeoManceWhen using Lua, how to you set the Click action, and other actions for a button?
21:23.51XuerianGeoMance: FrameObject:SetScript("OnClick", function() whatever end)
21:24.03Xueriannote, you may have to register which clicks you want with RegisterForClicks
21:24.24GeoManceOf course, that much I knew. ^^; I just hadn't found that bit.
21:24.31Shirikthat should be function(self)
21:24.57XuerianI guess it could be
21:25.01Shirikit should be
21:25.05sysrageQ u o t e:
21:25.05sysrageLook nothing against you UI mod guys. I just dont like them. What would you guys do if they outlawed all UI after mods? Screwed. You'd have no choices. I HATE UI changes. That's why I dont use them.
21:25.15KuHow do I add a post in my portal? All I have is the goofy default post.
21:25.16XuerianBut it's not necessary, the function definition is *inside* of the other function definition, self is visible to it's scope
21:25.22Shirikand it's an upvalue
21:25.28Shirikmeaning it's slower
21:25.37XuerianShirik: Eh, point for performance
21:26.11GeoManceSo... Should I do it function(self), or does it really matter?
21:26.21Shirikwell it really depends on what you're trying to access
21:26.38Shirikbecause I also just realized you're doing FrameObject:SetScript() instead of self:SetScript()
21:27.42Shirikgiven a function, say
21:27.55KuFigured it out.
21:28.09XuerianListen Shirik out, performance is a good concern :)
21:28.13Shirikfunction Frame1:foo() Frame2:SetScript("whatever", function(self) --[[ script ]] end); end
21:28.27Shirikthere is a difference between self inside the script and outside it
21:28.33Shirikthey reference two different objects
21:28.35*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
21:28.37XuerianFor that purpose might want to not name it self
21:28.38GeoManceIt's a local thing. All it does is change the text displayed, or the frame that is displayed.
21:29.06Xuerianku: that could've been at Shirik, the way I said it. And it would've been offensive. To you, it's in a different context :p
21:29.15Xuerianor "scope", on that subject XD
21:29.26KuAh. Silly Lua humor.
21:29.31XuerianFun isn't it?
21:29.45ShirikI find myself required to say here
21:29.46KuHow to use the Lua parser on this channel?
21:29.49Shirik"who worries about performance anymore"
21:29.58Shirikit's rather depressing
21:30.10Ku>>> true
21:30.10CideKu: true
21:30.10Shirik>>> code
21:30.10CideShirik: nil
21:30.12XuerianWas that a "Who does? We should" or a "Who cares, it doesn't matter"?
21:30.23Shirikit was a sarcastig "who cares"
21:30.26KuDoes it remember values I put in earlier?
21:30.31zenzelezzit's true though, a lot of people think "computers are so fast we don't need to care about performance"
21:30.32Ku>>> a = "foo"
21:30.33CideKu: nil
21:30.35Shirikonly if you put it in the SavedVariables array
21:30.39zenzelezz"np, leave that to the compiler"
21:30.44Shirikzenzelezz: Exactly
21:30.47GeoManceI worry about it. Mainly because I've had to do O(n) things. Lately. *Twitch.*
21:30.47Ku>>> a
21:30.48CideKu: nil
21:30.55Ku>>> a = "foo" a
21:30.55CideKu: [string "a = "foo" a"]:1: '=' expected near '<eof>'
21:31.08Kua = "foo print(a)
21:31.19Ku>>>a = 'foo' print(a)
21:31.19CideKu: "foo"
21:31.23ShirikI work with microcontrollers. The board I work with has....
21:31.38GeoManceAnd because what I work on outside of this stuff will take all of the performance I can get out of it.
21:31.39Shirik2FFF bytes of memory
21:31.41Shirikwhatever that is
21:31.48Shirikso yeah, I kinda have to worry about performance
21:31.58Xuerian>>> print(0x2FFF)
21:31.59CideXuerian: 12287
21:32.25ShirikI usually take 0x500 bytes for data, 0x500 for the stack
21:32.30Shirikleaving 1FFF for program code
21:32.33XuerianDamn. What do you do?
21:32.44GeoManceSo, could someone not go off on a tagent, and explain what you meant about the difference between function(self) and function()
21:32.54Shirikthey... aren't identical is nothing
21:33.04Shirikjust some random thing put in there to show an example
21:33.29XuerianIn a script handler function (what that is) a few things are passed by default
21:33.44Shirikbut won't be in the future so be careful with that
21:33.50Xuerianfunction(self) in that case would've set self (a new ref! New scope!) to the frame casting the event
21:34.02Shirikwell, they'll be passed
21:34.08Shirikbut the globals that exist won't exist in the future
21:34.13Shiriklike for CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_...
21:34.16Shirikarg1 global won't exist soon
21:34.26GeoManceWell, since it doesn't do anything to itself, except turn off a highlight on it...
21:34.28Shirikyou'll have to pick it up by making the function(self, arg1, arg2 ...)
21:34.36XuerianGood practice
21:34.42Shirikwhich is faster anyway
21:34.55XuerianGeoMance: We're coders on a tangent. Get in the discussion, or hop on for the ride :p
21:35.36NeriniaSo, the first 'self' argument is the only difference between '' and 'foo:bar()'?
21:35.39GeoManceHeheheh, I haven't gotten that deep into the memory stuff yet. I'm still at the Big-O stage of learning that junk.
21:36.09Shirikfoo:bar() is equivalent to
21:36.23Xuerianobject:function() passes itself as the first argument, yeah
21:36.24Shirikdefining a function foo:bar() generates a local variable "self"
21:36.37XuerianWhich you do not have to account for in the function declaration
21:36.52NeriniaMkay, thanks.
21:36.58GeoManceI think I like that more.
21:38.26XuerianHm, yeah, Shirik has a point I haven't noticed (woo starting out in Ace2 :D), to clarify, if you define a function as "object:function" vs "object.function", the first argument is implied as selr
21:38.39Xuerianwhich matches up to calling it with "object:function()", passing itself automatically
21:38.43foxlitBignum is returning negative remainders. Not good.
21:38.54Shirikanyway to answer your question, Xuerian, I design circuits and program for the motorola 68HC microcontroller family
21:39.02Shirikspecifically 68HC08, 68HC11, and 68HCS12
21:39.14XuerianShirik: Nice.
21:39.26Shirikembedded systems are fun :)
21:39.31Shirikand imo where the future's headed
21:39.32GeoManceGods, why do almost all leather armors look horrible?
21:39.34foxlit>>> 5960263889109793344805439088833192893665229075812778616912984989535864982712314398407042199807917853501302165220432354767954284583677521393697296865469185595288896633773765039196540298728853524477701493861442898665211995005330775250075077461031601552496883239037696344369109369278284941173007375487882275148389690101661976424824085684954725571879976412799615233956923726302728088148592487051481331114626682747448761277082428609071629
21:39.34Cidefoxlit: 1.#INF
21:39.38Shirikholy crap
21:39.41foxlitThanks, Cide.
21:40.07foxlitIf anyone has a secret way of solving that, I'd be happy to get the result :)
21:40.10ShirikI like my [Ceremonial Leather Loincloth]
21:40.19Shiriksolving what?
21:40.22ShirikI just see a huge number
21:40.28nevcairielfoxlit: easy, place " " around it :P
21:40.31GeoManceThere's a mod in there somewhere.
21:40.35*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
21:40.40foxlitThere's a % sign inside
21:40.45foxlit...21884220 % 74285264...
21:40.45GeoManceBeyond the text buffer.
21:40.52nevcairielare we supposed to actually see that ? :D
21:41.01foxlitWell, I see it :P
21:41.05ShirikI seriously don't see it ><
21:41.06Xuerianfoxlit: Our question is
21:41.09foxlitI can pastey the pair if anyone wants :)
21:41.14nevcairieli cant find it either
21:41.14XuerianWhy are you working with such big numbers?
21:41.25ShirikXuerian: app signature
21:41.48XuerianDo it in base16? 0.o
21:41.54KuIs there an addon for integrating iTunes into WOW if not on Mac?
21:41.57ShirikIt'll still come out to 1.#INF
21:42.04XuerianMake it shorter? :D
21:42.05foxlitGot a decimal -> hex converter that works on bignums?
21:42.06Xuerianku: no
21:42.18KuCan it be done?
21:42.23foxlit(consider them a single string)
21:42.32nevcairielso basicly you want a number format with a precision of what?
21:42.47foxlitArbitrary precision - as many digits as it takes
21:42.56zenzelezzin what language?
21:43.00nevcairiellua :P
21:43.04zenzelezzwas afraid so
21:43.12ShirikOk, here's my design
21:43.12foxlitThe modulo is 73 digits long
21:43.16ShirikI've been thinking about how to implement this
21:43.18zenzelezzdon't suppose there's a lua version of GMP
21:43.20ShirikI already know the math to handle it
21:43.29ShirikI'm thinking about making a table of numbers
21:43.36Shiriksay, each 10 digits long or so
21:43.44Shirikthen setting a metatable to handle the operations
21:43.57Shirikthe calculations aren't hard to implement
21:44.00foxlitI'm using a finished product of that already :)
21:44.13Shirikapparently not if it's not letting you go far enough >.>
21:44.42nevcairielthere is a math library for lua which offers that, but, i guess you want to use it in wow lua ? :)
21:44.47foxlitIt's the implementing the calculations part that breaks, storage works just fine :)
21:45.19foxlitnevcairiel: yes, has to work in wow. I found BigNum, which is basically pure Lua
21:45.23purli guess bignum is
21:47.18foxlitGoing to revert to vanilla, want to see if I managed to break it in some very special cases.
21:47.28foxlitAnd so I did :/
21:51.40GeoManceDoes anyone have a working MPQ viewer?
21:51.50GeoManceOr, BLP viewer thingy.
21:52.15foxlitProblem is, original version creates another copy of every bignum on every operation
21:52.30foxlitSo as not to change (Whether by design or accident) the original numbers.
21:53.40foxlitThat generates too much junk, so I added a check to the function to see if it's passed a BigNum to begin with, and if so, pass it right back. Cuts the garbage in half, more or less, but appears to give odd answers at times
21:55.22GeoManceOr, does anyone know where I can find the textures for certain things?
21:56.03GeoMance'Cause the BLP/TGA viewer thing I have keeps crashing on me when I try to open the common MPQ. -_-
21:56.13purlLocated at the addonkit is "The World of Warcraft User Interface Customization tool that allows users to tweak and customize the User Interface."
21:56.40GeoManceI've done that already, but I don't have a tool that'll let me view them without manually opening them one by one.
21:57.26XuerianGeoMance: MyWarcraftStudio
21:57.54XuerianThat can do what you want :)
21:58.00GeoManceThanks, Xuerian.
21:58.18Shirikcommon.mpq cannot be opened
21:58.21Shirikit uses a new format
21:58.26Shirikwell I dunno I haven't tried the blizzard one
21:58.35Shirikbut it uses a new format so all 3rd party ones won't be able to open it
21:58.42AnduinLotharnot all
21:58.44ShirikI've been writing an extractor for it but haven't gotten around to finishing it
21:58.50Shirikok... the ones I've seen can't :P
21:58.54AnduinLotharmpqfs works
21:58.58Shirikand all old ones
21:59.00AnduinLotharmac only tho :P
21:59.22GeoManceThat kicks ass, Xuer. I love the front screen. >.>
21:59.36GeoManceAlthough, it's making me queasy.
21:59.36Shirikbasically the problem is
21:59.43Shirikthe old hash table only could store 32 bit integers
21:59.46Xuerian*can open them
21:59.51Shirikbut that's not big enough for the contents of common.mpq anymore
21:59.58Shirikso they made a new format supporting 64 bit integers
22:00.29XuerianWell, no, I take that back, I don't think I tried to open common.mpq, I worked with locale.enus (which is where the way, Geo)
22:00.45XuerianBut I know WoWModelViewer works still 0.o
22:01.22Xuerian*which is where the UI files are
22:01.30GeoManceAnd No, that isn't really a help, Xuerian, it's not doing anything. >.>
22:02.07AnduinLotharShirik, this might help:
22:02.08XuerianGeoMance: You have to open the data/enus(or your locale)/locale-enUS.MPQ
22:02.23XuerianGeoMance: It's not psychic :p
22:02.43ShirikAnduinLothar: That managed to crash firefox ><
22:02.56Shirikoop there it goes
22:03.05GeoManceIt doesn't display anything, even when I open that file.
22:03.15Shirikah thanks
22:03.27ShirikI had some documentation on the format but wasn't quite getting everything
22:03.28Shirikthis should help :)
22:03.34AnduinLotharBahamutZERO's an old pal of mine from SC modding days
22:03.36XuerianGeoMance: Might have a old version? Let me find a link for you
22:04.10GeoManceReally, I'm just worried about finding out where the basic textures for for the basic buttons are. xD
22:06.18GeoManceThanks. xD
22:06.51GeoManceYou are a very helpful person.
22:07.08XuerianIt's a failing, I make up for it with regular sarcasm and scorn.
22:08.48XuerianShirik: Unless it came across wrong, you're saying nothing can open common.mpq right now?
22:08.58Shiriknot nothing
22:08.59Kaydeethreempqedit's opening it just fine
22:09.09Shirikbut not everything
22:09.31XuerianAh. Well, WoWModelViewer and MyWarcraftStudio both have updated versions of the mpq lib (i assume?), so they work :D
22:09.38XuerianBut you're writing your own. So yeah.
22:09.52Shirikit's definitely not at the top of my to-do list
22:09.56ShirikI have a lot of other things I need to get done
22:10.01Shirikincluding get my priest to 70 ^^;
22:10.13Xuerianpaltry details
22:10.31GeoManceI need to get something up to 60 period.
22:11.12GeoManceAnd I need to kill some birds. *Twitch.*
22:11.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Fumler (
22:12.13Fumleranyone know if there's an addon for enchanting like that gem one, so you can do like !enchants and it lists all the stuff, or !enchants weapon and it lists for weapons
22:12.20GeoManceThey've taken up residence outside my window, and want to screech at me.
22:12.31XuerianAh. :p
22:20.02Fumleranyone know what pMutilate does?
22:20.14GeoManceMutilates p?
22:20.26Shirikthat's totally what was going through my mind
22:20.39GeoManceWhat's the context of it, Fum?
22:20.50FumlerSimple Mutilate Checks (Punkie)
22:20.55Fumlerduno what that means
22:22.41XuerianIt shows status of various dots or dot enhancers
22:22.45Xuerianincluding mutilate
22:23.14GeoManceif you're setting a button's texture, do you have to worry about setting the texture's size?
22:23.25XuerianUsually, SetAllPoints
22:23.43GeoManceWhat does SetAllPoints do, exactly?
22:23.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
22:24.12XuerianSets all points on the calling frame to attach to the frame you tell it to
22:24.38XuerianLike calling SetPoint on top/right/bottom/left matching them to the other frame's top/right/bottom/left :p
22:24.59GeoManceAhhh, interesting.
22:25.04GeoManceMakes life easier.
22:25.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
22:32.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Valle (
22:35.45GeoManceIs it better to have two frames for two different sides of something, where only one will show at a time, or one with the textures being changed each time.
22:36.45GeoManceOr does that not make any sense at all..?
22:37.04Corrodiasyour mom doesn't make any sense
22:37.14Corrodiasthank you, thank you! and now, i will play my hunter!
22:38.00Corrodiasyou're asking if it's better to make two frames with single textures and show them individually or have one frame on which you change the texture. it makes sense, but i don't know anything about it.
22:38.19GeoManceExactly. xD
22:38.25XuerianI'd say two for the sake of sanity
22:38.31GeoManceYay, someone who understood me.
22:38.45GeoManceProbably less processor intensive as well, though it'll take more memory. <.<
22:39.53GeoManceOn which part?
22:40.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
22:41.10Xuerianboth :P
22:47.11GeoManceThis is turning into something of a monster. <.<
22:48.15Temdepending on the size of the texture, you may find that showing and hiding 2 textures is faster than :SetTexture
22:49.02GeoManceWell, it also would require the movement of other frames, and the like.
22:50.46GeoManceAh, what I'm doing, right now, is making a tab thing that depending on which side of the screen the frame is on with put the tabs on the side furtherest from the edge of the screen. The tabs have their own texture, and two buttons, that would have to change places as well if I used a single frame and just changed the appearance. >.>
22:58.12GeoManceCan you force other textures onto buttons?
23:05.45GeoManceNever mind, don't worry about that.
23:07.28GeoManceUsing a table to keep track of incoming chat information isn't a good idea, 'cause it fills up too fast..?
23:08.16GeoManceAnd I feel like I'm the only person alive.
23:09.17*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (i=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
23:10.03GeoManceYep. Everyone else is dead.
23:13.07*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick_ (
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23:37.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
23:39.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Ku (n=zachwlew@
23:39.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Karrion (
23:39.53KuUgh, still get that error even after I checked for the validity of name.
23:40.20KuError on line 90.
23:40.31KuSays name is nil, was expecting string.
23:42.51Kasothats very... odd
23:43.23Kasoi shoudlnt be able to get to line 90 if name is nil and even if it managed that i should error on 89 first
23:44.21KuI know.
23:44.36Kasosure the code you see is what the game is seeing?
23:44.37Cideuhh, no
23:44.46Cideyou have line 90 commented out
23:44.49Cideso that's not your actual code
23:45.05Corrodiaseh? " name:find("Schematic:") or "
23:45.17KuIt's not commented out.
23:45.26Cideif ( name and ---[[ and name:find("Schematic" .... ]] ) then
23:45.38Kaso---[[ doesnt make a box comment
23:45.38KuI broke the first comment with a third --.
23:45.48KuLike, it would be a comment if it were --[[
23:45.52KuBut, I used ---[[.
23:46.10GeoManceDoes find do anything to the original value?
23:46.19Kaso>>> ---[[ ]] print("this wont print")
23:46.19CideKaso: nil
23:46.19KuThat first comment is a comment before it can block comment.
23:46.56ckknightit's because it sees it as --commented out stuff
23:47.03ckknightinstead of ---[[commented out stuff]]
23:47.09ckknightwhich, imho, is fine
23:47.10KuLook at the last paragraph.
23:48.08KuI can try to get the error to occur again, and I'll paste that.
23:48.10Cideyep, you're right
23:48.11KuGive me a second.
23:52.15KuHere's the error, guys.
23:52.29CideKu: you're just checking that it exists
23:52.32Cidenot that it's a string
23:52.49Kasowhy doesn't it error on 89 then?
23:52.53KuWell, it is saying it gets nil.
23:53.01KuSo, isn't nil false?
23:53.04Kasounless line 89 is nilling name^_-
23:53.11KuDoes it do that?
23:53.18GeoManceIt could be.
23:53.32KuThen, why doesn't it nil it every time?
23:53.33Cide>>> local name = nil; if ( name and name:find("hi") or name:find("foo") ) then print("hi") end
23:53.33CideCide: [string "local name = nil; if ( name and name:find("..."]:1: attempt to index local 'name' (a nil value)
23:53.39KuIt only happens sometimes.
23:53.51Cideif name and ( ... or ... )
23:53.51GeoManceI know I've had a few languages do things they shouldn't have. Like a foreach this in that changing that without doing anything.
23:53.54Cidenot if name and ... or ...
23:54.08Kasoah of course
23:54.13Cideand has a higher precedence than or
23:54.19KuWhat now?
23:54.29KuSo, I need parenthesises?
23:54.42KuBut, should it see, x and y.
23:54.51KuCheck x. if x is false, then quit.
23:54.59Cideyou're doing
23:55.02KuIf x is true, then check y.
23:55.07Cide>>> if ( name and name:find("x") ) or name:find("y")
23:55.07CideCide: [string "if ( name and name:find("x") ) or name:find("y")"]:1: 'then' expected near '<eof>'
23:55.10KuSorry. Do I need braces?
23:55.16Cideyou need parentheses
23:55.59KuSo, () <-- brackets, [] <-- square brackets <> <-- angle brackets?
23:56.10Ku. <-- full stop, bitch!
23:56.20Kaso{} curly/squiggly brackets
23:56.45Ku? <-- question mark, ! <-- exclaimation mark.
23:56.51KuNot exclamation point.
23:57.06Kaso‽ -- interrobang!
23:57.08KuI'll try the brackets.
23:57.19KuKaso: ??
23:57.38Kasoif you dont have UTF-8 on your irc client you can see it here
23:57.46[dRaCo]null pointer -->
23:57.49Kasobest symbol ever imo.
23:57.54Kasohaha [dRaCo]
23:58.03Kasothats awesome
23:58.49KuI like that.
23:58.53KuI got this awesome book.
23:59.13KuCalled Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss.
23:59.30CideKu: do you understand why it's not working?
23:59.38KuThe book is so well written, it reads with an English accent.
23:59.43KuCide: Not really.
23:59.48Cideok so
23:59.59KuTo me, it makes sense that the and would have higher precedence than the or.

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