IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070513

00:01.28QQngskIndustrial, what's with the zAddons?
00:01.33QQngskwhy not i? lol!
00:02.22KasoIndustrial, holy crap that shrinks alot when it gets tamed
00:02.27Industrialnoone had it and was done with id
00:02.32IndustrialKaso: ya lol ^^
00:04.09QQngskso what's different between idMinimap and zMinimap?
00:04.27zenzelezzone and a half characters
00:08.15Industrialpeople wanted it so
00:08.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
00:12.21zenzelezzthe one thing I really hate about open source project translations (and closed-source freeware) is how you often just get half the strings translated... it just looks silly with half English, half Norwegian
00:14.10Industrialmy target audience uses the enGB or enUS client :3
00:14.18Industrial(haha thats so easily said)
00:14.34zenzelezzmy target of contempt right now was VLC =)
00:14.45Industrialoh, haha
00:15.02Mikmamy target is bed
00:15.06Mikmawill i make it?!? :D
00:15.36zenzelezzif you're a tidy person you will make your bed
00:16.37Mikmalast time i made my bed, i was in army
00:16.43Mikmaand that's many years now :D
00:17.29zenzelezzI have to make my bed if I don't want to get cat-hair all over it... at least then she always sleeps at the same spot
00:17.40Mikmalol i know what you mean
00:17.51Mikmaour girlcat always sleeps at the same spot
00:18.00Mikmathe bed is furry from that spot
00:18.17Industriali mean
00:18.19Industrialnever mind
00:18.42zenzelezzif you don't understand what you just meant, you don't belong on the internet :-p
00:20.39IndustrialI know what I meant but I said something else.
00:20.57zenzelezzone of these days I should learn to write sentences where I don't mix the different meanings of "you"
00:21.07zenzelezzwas plural, singular, plural in this case
00:50.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
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01:08.38sysrageis runic spellthread getting buffed with patch?
01:09.35Thunder_Child"Golden Spellthread and Runic Spellthread have been slightly improved. "
01:13.32*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
01:43.12Legorolis there an updated set of patch notes somewhere?
01:43.24Legoroli can still only see the original patch notes released at the start of PTR
01:50.43Thrae_ppcLegorol: Checked Test forums?
01:50.59Legoroldid it get updated recently?
01:51.10Thrae_ppcDunno, I haven't looked at the forums in months
01:53.40Kaydeethreeoh wow. I've never received a goldspam quite like this before...
01:53.55Kaydeethree"Sry to msg u. Just wondering if u wanna buy some money now. I have grinded quite a few money on this server. I can give Gto U almost immediately. If not interested, wont msg u again. Plz dont report me. i am aweful sry to msg u without your permission"
01:54.20Kaydeethreesmart. there's no way for spamsentry to catch that
01:54.20Mr_Rabies2|awaypoor gold farmer :[
01:54.26Mr_Rabies2|awayis there a link?
01:54.38Kaydeethreethat was the message, verbatim
01:55.05zenzelezzI still find peons somewhat interesting
01:55.20Kaydeethreeit's been all wow#gold for me today
01:55.31Mr_Rabies2i feel sorry for the gold farmers themselves
01:55.43Mr_Rabies2there was a day i got joy in terrorising them
01:55.56Mr_Rabies2but it's not them, it's their employers that are the scumbags
01:56.48Kaydeethreegm just autoresponded. 25m left
01:56.48Mr_Rabies2they just get paid money to play wow, albeit crappy money, but it's still money
01:56.48Mr_Rabies2i don't bother reporting the gold spammers
01:56.59zenzelezzto us it's crappy money; to them it's obviously better than the alternatives
01:57.43Kaydeethreemeh, if I've ever got a real reason for paging a gm I'll drop my spam ticket and send something else. otherwise I don't mind. 2 clicks with SS and I'm done
01:57.43Mr_Rabies2a decent chunk of them have real wow accounts too i hear
01:57.51*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
01:57.51*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
01:58.45Mr_Rabies2i dont send em with ss because i know someone else already has, and by the time my ticket gets answered, they're already banned
02:11.02JoshBorkei read that as Thrae_porn...
02:12.46zenzelezzporn is implied, no need to mention it explicitly
02:15.03Thrae_pamPorn on your cell phone? "Hey, I think I see a 0.0001" nipple!"
02:16.02zenzelezzthey had audio-porn on phones for years already, took them long enough to get pictures :-o
02:24.40ckknightThrae_pam: I believe there's a market.
02:34.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Wor1 (n=cheald@
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02:58.04zenzelezzwell that's a nice global notice
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03:11.18Kaydeethreenetsplits ftl
03:11.19zenzelezzthey announced it; it wasn't a conflict
03:22.46Kaydeethreeyah, I saw the gnotice, but still
03:22.46zenzelezzif you design an IRC server that can redirect people seamlessly to another server when it needs to go down temporarily, let us know =)
03:31.09*** join/#wowi-lounge dolby-wowi (n=Dolby-wo@MMOI/Administrator/Dolby) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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04:21.49sysrage <-- best website evar
04:27.27Cairenn|afkaaiee, my eyes!
04:32.46zenzelezzthat's what happens when you AFK-IRC
04:36.15sysragecairenn you should make wowi look like that
04:36.29Cairenn|afknot on your life!
04:36.31sysragejust for mothers day
04:36.39Shiriklook like what?
04:36.58sysragethe link i just pasted shirik
04:37.04Cairenn|afkdon't do it!
04:37.09Shiriktoo late >.>
04:37.11ckknightsysrage: the fake IE panel thing at the top is funny
04:37.16sysragelol ya
04:37.36sysragecairenn: the banner i just got on wowi is almost as bad.. that cursormania one
04:37.46zenzelezzthere's another mother's day? I thought that was last year
04:38.08Cairenn|afkthat the one that talks at you?
04:38.27sysragenot talking to me in linux.. but it's flashing annoying cursors all over the place
04:38.55Cairenn|afkall of those were supposed to have been blocked - no flashing, no talking - thanks, will let them know
04:43.00ckknightI seriously need to start my own religion
04:43.15sysragetax exempt!
04:43.56ckknightWe love ckknight because he first loved us.
04:44.17sysragei'll join.. but i won't drink the koolaid
04:45.26ckknightI actually do have my own crazy religion. I've yet to document it, though
04:45.39ckknightI'm thinking of doing that in wiki format.
04:46.16ckknightit's like a conglomeration of Hinduism, Nihilism, and the Matrix (first one, the later two sucked)
04:54.52*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
05:01.10*** part/#wowi-lounge Thrae_pam (
05:06.15*** join/#wowi-lounge DT_ (
05:07.27Kaydeethreeugh. that AV was horrendous
05:07.35Kaydeethreewe had no healers on O. had to GY zerg drek
05:18.43*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
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05:37.49ShirikI'm confusing my languages again
05:37.59Shirikis it foreach or for k, v in pairs(t) do
05:40.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
06:02.17TemLet's get some shoes
06:04.20ckknightShirik: for
06:04.29Shirikyeah I figured it out from testing ><
06:04.30Shirikthanks anyway
06:07.34*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
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09:06.11Nom-_<-- bored
09:06.17Shirik<-- also bored
09:06.26Shirikit takes fricking 11 minutes to capture these damn waypoints
09:06.28Shirikwho designs this
09:06.50Nom-I'd like to either write something in Java or C++
09:06.56Nom-But I can't think of anything
09:06.58Shirikyou can't
09:07.06Shirikint something
09:07.07Shirikwould work
09:07.32Nom-void * something;
09:07.35Nom-more accurate
09:07.50Shirikvoid* = evil in C++
09:07.59Shirikyou have much better ways of handling that
09:08.09Nom-Well, something isn't yet defined
09:08.13Shirikthat's a tieover from C
09:08.33Shirikif you aren't defining it, there's no reason for it to exist :P
09:08.42Shirikso figure out what "something" is ^^
09:09.06Nom-I wonder if there's any C++ based libraries similar to DBIx::Class in Perl
09:09.13Shirikand this does what?
09:09.33Nom-It's on Object <-> Database mapping package
09:10.30Nom-my $results = $schema->resultset("SomeTable")->search({ id => $some_id }); while (my $row = $results->next) { ... };
09:13.21*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
09:20.58*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
09:22.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
09:24.14ShirikI love how I die twice with spirit of redemption
09:24.18Shirikit's really pissing off one of my mods >.>
09:25.21Shiriklike it's all
09:25.29ShirikYou die. You gain Echoes of Lordaeron. You die.
09:26.33[dRaCo]isnt there a combat log message for sor?
09:26.40Shiriknot that I saw, actually
09:26.44ShirikI was surprised
09:27.18[dRaCo]but it's a buff, so it should fire an aura event
09:27.26Shirikactually, I didn't see the buff either
09:27.28ShirikI looked for it
09:27.39Shirik(also what I expected)
09:27.48ShirikI could have just been blind
09:27.53Shirikbut I just rechecked my combat log, it's not in there
09:28.58[dRaCo] <-- hm.
09:29.35Shirikok, I'll die again :P
09:29.43Shirikmy gear's mostly red anyway
09:29.53[dRaCo]do it for science ;)
09:30.58ShirikI'm a moron
09:31.01Shirikof course it existe
09:31.05ShirikI clicked it off to exit it >.>
09:31.08JunkHead-Work"if you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine... for 15 seconds..."
09:31.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole______ (n=chatzill@
09:32.37JunkHead-WorkWould it be possible...
09:32.44JunkHead-WorkLet's say you are soulstoned.
09:32.55JunkHead-WorkAnd the soulstone is running out.
09:32.57Shirikimpossible, I'm a hunter, I never get a soulstone
09:33.01Shirikor an innervate
09:33.04JunkHead-WorkYou die, and become spirit.
09:33.06Shirikor a heal for that matter
09:33.10JunkHead-Workyou start healing.
09:33.25JunkHead-Worksoulstone runs out while in spirit form.
09:33.30JunkHead-WorkCan you soulstoned again?
09:33.31Shirikreally really bad luck
09:33.39[dRaCo]afaik not
09:33.41JunkHead-WorkOr are you considered dead?
09:33.55Shirikwell, does the soulstone persist once you've been in spirit form?
09:34.04Shirikbecause if you die with it having like 2 seconds
09:34.13Shirikyou still get it, even if you don't rez for another minute
09:34.22Shirikthere have been times when I've intentionally died
09:35.06[dRaCo]hey shirik, any progress on that flight mod?
09:35.06Shirikha I wish
09:35.07ShirikI have been so busy with a million things
09:35.36JunkHead-WorkWhat kind of flight mod?
09:35.48*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
09:35.50Shirikartificial horizon, and if it works well enough, altimeter too
09:35.57JunkHead-WorkOoh nice.
09:36.00Shirikthough the altimeter would be from the ground level from which you left
09:37.34JunkHead-WorkSee, it's a good thing I never learned to make mods and such.
09:37.42JunkHead-WorkI never would've come up with that idea.
09:37.53ShirikI didn't exactly "come up" with it
09:37.57JunkHead-WorkIn fact, I can't think of anything I'd do even if I did know how.
09:38.03Shiriklet me see if I can find the thread
09:38.07Shirikand you can go "wtf" at all the math in it
09:38.14JunkHead-WorkOoh math is bad.
09:38.27[dRaCo]which is pretty much a shame, since a working altimeter would be fun
09:38.45[dRaCo]like: hey, if I jump from here, I'll take x dmg
09:38.45JunkHead-WorkBut I mean I'm sure people sit around and play and think "I wish I had a mod that would xxxxx"
09:38.51JunkHead-WorkI never do that.
09:38.56Shirikthe blizzard search feature is CRAP
09:39.01JunkHead-WorkYes it is.
09:39.17JunkHead-WorkIt is probably the worst search feature on a forum i have ever seen.
09:40.12ShirikI found the thread where I was declared "mia" though ><
09:41.39ShirikI WIN!
09:41.46ShirikI haven't the slightest idea how I found this
09:42.17Shirikfun on page 2
09:42.20Shirik(starts on page 2)
09:43.06Shirika = arccos([(1/(2sqrt(x^2+y^2)))(2x(dx/dt)+2y(dy/dt))]/[(m+1)s])
09:43.11Shirikthat is your angle of ascent
09:44.17[dRaCo]luckily, wow calculates all that stuff for you :>
09:44.17Shirikit doesn't
09:44.18Shirikit only gives you x and y map coords
09:44.25Shirikand they aren't even to scale
09:46.37[dRaCo]lotta calculating
09:46.43Shirikvery :P
09:46.57Shirikand it requires a scaling value for each zone
09:47.02Shirikand it differs zone to zone too :(
09:47.19Shirikfubar's speedfu are close, and I'm using those for now
09:47.36[dRaCo]cart_waypoints should have scaling values, too
09:47.52Shirikunfortunately, nobody's ever really needed to have an extremely accurate value
09:47.55ShirikI'll check those out though
09:48.04*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
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09:48.29[dRaCo]at least I think so, since it calculates your speed and eta
09:48.52Shirikthe speed "appears" to be accurate for speedfu also
09:49.03Shirikbut after some testing I've found that they're far enough off to make a difference for this application
09:49.14Shirikas for eta, I would think (though I haven't looked at it) that it just times it
09:49.17Shirikthat's how I'd do it
09:49.23Shirikthe times, afaik, are the same every time
09:49.50[dRaCo]for custom waypoints from every location?
09:49.55[dRaCo]don't think so
09:49.58Shirikoh I dunno what it does
09:50.05ShirikI assumed flight points
09:50.24[dRaCo]you can click somewhere on the overview map to set a waypoint
09:51.11[dRaCo]the mod will show an arrow pointing the direction, the distance and an eta
09:51.43[dRaCo]yeah, I love it
09:52.07[dRaCo]makes flying much more comfortable
09:52.13Shirikdoes horde have a WPL flight point?
09:52.28Shirikwestern plaguelands
09:52.30Kaydeethreeuc's closest
09:52.41Kaydeethreeunless there's one at the camp right at the edge of wpl
09:52.51[dRaCo]no, there isn't
09:52.52Shiriknah I looked there
09:54.52foxlitQuestion: a = {b={foo=bar,stuff=true}, c={foo=orb,stuff=false}}; local d = a.b;
09:55.12foxlitDoes the second line simply provide a local reference or do something more sinister like allocating another table?
09:56.42Shirik> a = {b={foo=bar, stuff=true}, c={foo=orb, stuff=false}}; d = a.b;
09:56.42Shirik> a.b.stuff = false; print(d.stuff);
09:57.06Shirikyou may also consider making d a weak table, depending on what you're trying to do
09:57.19ShirikI guess if it's local it doesn't matter
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09:58.34foxlitTHe idea is that I have a table to cache some of the string.match() call results I do every so often.
09:59.01foxlitThinking of having an __index entry in the metatable to be able to call CacheTable[stuff] directly, even if stuff wasn't cached before.
09:59.33foxlitAnd was thinking whether local d = CacheTable[stuff]; is better than referring to CacheTable every step of the way
10:00.08Shirikmakes sense
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10:01.52ShirikI actually do that a lot
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10:03.19Shirikthat is so creepy! wtf!
10:03.40Shirikdoing this quest and this mob, which died years ago and you're trying to "save" whispers to you "Save me...."
10:07.16foxlitHm, another thing. Need to split a string into segments, then set those segments as keys in a table (foo = "one bar too many"; ==> f = {one=true,bar=true,too=true,many=true}
10:07.33foxlitAnd string.split returns a list
10:07.52Shirikyou gonna hvae to do some really sucky stuff
10:08.10Shirikyou enter the most common tradeoff of computing:
10:08.18Shirikgenerate garbage or lose performance
10:08.19Shirikpick one
10:08.35foxlitgenerate garbage = lose performance as well? :)
10:08.52ShirikI mean time
10:09.07foxlitCan afford to lose time in this case.
10:09.25Shirikyou're gonna love this
10:09.40ShirikI really don't think you should do this but
10:09.45foxlitselect on string.split repeatedly?
10:10.13Shirikwhich I think is an exponential time growth, too
10:10.38foxlitLinear number of calls
10:10.52Shirikwell I guess it depends on the implementation of select
10:11.40foxlitRecursion would sort of suck there
10:11.56ShirikI strongly recommend something like
10:12.06Shirikt = {string.split("one bar too many")}
10:12.11Shirikbut this will generate garbage
10:12.56foxlitLoadstring to the rescue!
10:13.19foxlitOne select call, two string.split calls
10:13.35Shirikshow me?
10:13.44foxlitShould probably work, if loadstring doesn't generate its own garbage
10:14.40foxlitHave to figur eout if it runs code in the context of the loading function
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10:17.56foxlitBut the general idea is v = "one bar too many"; n, f, f2 = select("#",string.split(" ", v)), "", ""; for i=1,n do f = f .. ", f" .. i; f2 = f2 .. "t.f" .. i .. " = true;\n" end func = loadstring(strsub(f,2) .. " = string.split(" ", v); " .. f2); func();
10:18.23Shirikmine eyes
10:18.34ShirikI'll read that when I'm not surrounded by undead ><
10:22.54Shirikbut um
10:23.05Shirikcreating all those globals is almost as bad as making the table
10:26.43foxlitYou can prefix local if memory serves, loadstring should create a function context
10:26.54Shirikyou can't make it local
10:27.03Shirikthat would be like
10:27.14Shirikfunction func() local f1, f2 = 1, 2; end
10:27.22foxlitThe second part
10:27.22Shirikf1 and f2 aren't accessible outside of the function
10:27.37foxlitt[f1] = true; t[f2] = true, t being local to the caller
10:28.04Shirikok, so it becomes an upvalue, and I'm pretty sure that would be ok yeah
10:28.15Shirikyou don't know what to make
10:28.59foxlit? :)
10:29.09Shirikwhat are you going to do
10:29.20Shirikput a local f1, f2, f3 ....... f9999999 before the loadstring
10:31.25Shirikdo you see what I'm saying?
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10:41.35foxlitMeh, I need to flag |away more often than I do.
10:42.22foxlitWent away after writing that questionmark
10:42.31foxlitThe idea is to generate code for a function that'd do what I want it to do - making local f1,f2,f3 within the function, then assigning values to the table further up the scope when calling it.
10:43.03Shirikyou can't make a variable local within a function and then try to access it outside of it
10:43.13ShirikI still think your best solution is just capturing the values in a table
10:43.55clad|sleepremember to do this
10:43.58clad|sleepyou're creating a string
10:43.59clad|sleepand interning it
10:44.07clad|sleepwhich is no less "free" than making a table
10:44.22clad|sleeperr no more free than making a table'
10:45.21clad|sleepcan you better explain _what_ you need to do, NOT how you want to implement it?
10:45.40Shirik06:07:38 ‹foxlit› Hm, another thing. Need to split a string into segments, then set those segments as keys in a table (foo = "one bar too many"; ==> f = {one=true,bar=true,too=true,many=true}
10:46.04Shirik06:07:55 ‹foxlit› And string.split returns a list
10:46.36clad|sleephow frequently is this being done
10:46.39clad|sleepand in response to what
10:52.01Shirikit's bright outsid
10:52.23Shirikprobably time to go to sleep
10:57.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Myzt`LK (n=n@
10:59.12Shirikyeah, night all
10:59.34foxlitclad|sleep: not frequently; in response to onupdate (but results are cached, so only around 20 times per average session)
11:00.39foxlitBasically, need to convert a comma-delimited list into a structure I can more easily parse for the presense of elements
11:00.42clad|sleepokay, don't use strsplit, use gmatch and fill the table in a function
11:01.22clad|sleeplocal tbl = {} for token in str:gmatch("([^%s]+)") do tbl[token] = true end return tbl end
11:01.33clad|sleepfor extra points, you can reuse the same table and nil it out at the start of the function
11:02.22Shirik|zZzclad|sleep didn't like my UnitName"player" :(
11:02.43clad|sleephe won't
11:02.50Shirik|zZzactually it's just the end that you wouldn't like
11:03.04Shirik|zZzRDX.RegisterEncounter{name="attumen1", category = "Karazhan", sort = 10, title="Attumen (Phase 1)"};
11:03.08Shirik|zZzanyway /sleep
11:05.16clad|sleepfoxlit: local tokenTbl = {} function fillTableString(str) for k,v in pairs(tokenTbl) do tokenTbl[k] = nil end for token in str:gmatch("([^%s]+)") do tokenTbl[token] = true end return tokenTbl end
11:05.23clad|sleepthat should be what you want/need in this case
11:05.32clad|sleepthats the lowest "overhead" you'll get, really
11:05.45foxlitDo I need a function if I'm keeping the table and only need it in one place? :)
11:05.59clad|sleepjust like to refactor things P
11:06.10clad|sleepthats the methodology you want
11:06.32foxlitfor loop on str:gmatch, basically :)
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11:34.50Myzt`LKOk.. sorry for the complete newb question but I'm looking for a way to script a reaction to a party members message or emote.. any able to give me a hand?
11:39.37clad|sleeplol Mikk I love you :P
11:40.20MikkWell, it's all linked from that page :>
11:41.38Legorolis RDX still a paid-for product?
11:42.00Legoroli vaguely remember some talks back around 2.0 that it might not be, given that a bunch of its features are nerfed
11:45.16foxlitThink there's a branch that is developed separately and free; main is probably commercial
11:46.18clad|afkRDX5 was released under the GPL
11:46.23clad|afkor a GPL compatible license
11:46.44clad|afkVenificus then began development of RDX6 as a strictly pay-for-support product, under a very specific license
11:46.56clad|afkas a result, RDX6 has a number of features that RDX5 doesn't.
11:47.16clad|afkShirik|zZz: could give you more history/information, he's one of two primary developers of RDX5.Cid, along with Cidan.
11:47.25clad|afkand with that, I'm off to convocation
11:47.29clad|afkerr commencement
11:47.36clad|afkfor my boyfriend.. have a good day all.
11:48.16Mikmahave fun
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12:10.14Myzt`LKDumb question.... If I want to know the unitclass of the current player do i do Unitclass(Currentplayer)? or Unitclass(player) or neither?
12:14.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
12:15.03FinI believe it's UnitClass(player)
12:15.14Fin(don't forget the uppercase C)
12:15.30Finoh, yes, 'course sorry
12:15.40Finwhat's a "commencement"?
12:16.57Fin[13:43:40] < harldephin> some games ran fine, but some didn't (including WoW), replacing the card solved the problem, whatever it is that's wrong with it, it still works fine in another machine for any 2D applications, just not 3D
12:17.01Finoops! sorry
12:17.17Finfirst time today, it's free
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12:41.14Myzt`LKSo could I put in a conditional thing like this .....  if (UnitClass("player") == Hunter) then Cast Serpent Sting  
12:47.50MikkNo. You can't cast from Lua anymore
12:48.03MikkYou COULD do this before 2.0, but not now
12:48.23Myzt`LKcan you assist?
12:48.30MikkNo targetting from lua either
12:48.52Myzt`LKmany thanks
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12:52.05Myzt`LKso calling out for healing and such is useless ?
12:54.13foxlitWas it every anything else?
12:57.21Myzt`LKthanks for your time guys :)
12:57.24Myzt`LKmuch appreciated
13:20.23foxlitHm, pattern capture:
13:21.19foxlit"foo [1-8] [a-z] [+[...]] [-[...]]" stuff in outer [] is optional
13:23.15Findo you want that to work in Lua? :)
13:23.21foxlitSo strings like "foo" "foo 1234" "foo 1234 asdf" "foo asdf" "foo 1234 asdf +[Stuff]" are possible
13:23.31foxlitYeah, thinking of doing it in three captures at the moment.
13:23.49foxlitSince making the +[] and -[] optional capturable isn't really nice
13:24.32FinI still don't quite get it, sorry... can you give an example closer to the actual situation you want to use this in?
13:24.56FinI don't understand what the rules would be for "foo" vs "foo 1234" vs "foo asdf" vs "foo 1234 asdf"
13:25.09Finwhat can appear in those strings and what can't, when? :)
13:25.09foxlitWant to capture the numeric component in a specific variable
13:25.19foxlitEverything past "foo" is optional
13:26.05foxlitSeparated by spaces, primarely. There's a purely-numeric bunch of characters, bunch of letters, and anything within +[] and -[]
13:26.05Finso, %a( (%d))*
13:26.14foxlit%a* ?(%d*) ?(%a*)
13:26.35Finerrr, %a+( (%d))* I think
13:26.47Finand you grab $2 if it exists
13:27.09foxlitI'm not sure if lua assigns the same significance to paranthesis as you're implying there :)
13:27.11FinI'm assuming it's not valid unless there's at least *some* characters before the numbers you're after
13:27.17Finit does
13:27.35Finalthough I'm not sure if the * works the same
13:27.48FinI remember reading about the captures, though
13:28.19FinCaptures are numbered according to their left parentheses. For instance, in the pattern "(a*(.)%w(%s*))", the part of the string matching "a*(.)%w(%s*)" is stored as the first capture (and therefore has number 1); the character matching "." is captured with number 2, and the part matching "%s*" has number 3.
13:29.05foxlitstring.match("stuff 123","%a+( (%d))*") == nil
13:29.51foxlitCan't have that star outside that bracket, doesn't do what you intend
13:30.01Finthat's what I thought might be a problem
13:30.24Fin(that's what I meant by "I'm not sure if the * works the same")
13:30.55foxlitSame thing I meant by "'m not sure if lua assigns the same significance to paranthesis" :P
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13:31.17foxlitUsed purely to denote captures in LUA, I think
13:31.25FinI thought you were referring to the order of the parens dictating the sequence of matches
13:31.42Fincaptures and %b()s :)
13:32.00Finsuch a cool, broken metasortofchar
13:32.25foxlitCan't use %b if it's optional, though
13:32.34Fin%b() is awesome, it can simplify some regexes so much - but... yes, exactly
13:32.36foxlitIt'll fail to cap and in faling to cap dump the whole expression :)
13:32.41Finyou can't do %b()?
13:32.49Finit's stilly handyh
13:32.54foxlitYou can do %b() if you're sure there's () in the text
13:33.11Finreal shame
13:33.24Fintook me ages to twig about that as well
13:33.49Finserves me right for being too cocky about regexes the first time I wrote any
13:38.33foxlitWonder what LUA thinks when I do t[select(3, one, two, three, four)]
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13:39.47FinI think that should do what it's told
13:44.45*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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13:57.27Sparehow do most people make the graphical part of their addons, just by using notepad, or?
13:57.51Neriniahaha, notepad.exe, it's all you need ;)
13:57.59JoshBorkei use vim for all my text editting
13:58.05JoshBorkeand lately i've done all my UI in lua
13:59.58foxlitnotepad <3
14:00.14foxlitThat and cleverly stolen inheretance classes
14:00.14hastevim <3
14:00.40foxlitAddOn code reached 207 KB :/
14:03.34Sparehm, guess I'll have to do it in lua then. I dont like xml at all
14:05.54foxlitHah, XML is awesome :)
14:06.05foxlitBut depends on what you're doing, of course.
14:08.33Spareit's actually more that I've never really worked with it. When I try to make something with it I end up copy pasting
14:09.19foxlitIt's pretty convinient for most things, just have to poke at it for a while.
14:12.10FinXML is one of those things that can be really good if you do it with a bit of thought, but is used so badly so often
14:12.13Finlike OO
14:12.22Finand alcohol
14:13.11Findid I really just say XML is like OO and alcohol
14:14.08Fina bit
14:15.17*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
14:18.38foxlitHah, done.
14:19.08foxlitNow I have a text-based way to specify [almost] any combination of groups, classes and individual players in a raid group.
14:19.25MikmaSS or it didn't happen
14:20.04foxlitAnd it's cached, so it only does a bundle of string.match calls per specific combination
14:20.27foxlitEnd result is, I can finally specify that I do not want to buff resto druids with thorns. Go me.
14:21.21Finfoxlit: nice
14:21.57Finnow stick it on an SVN repository somewhere please and document it and post somewhere about it :)
14:23.01Finlame attempt at justifying jealousy of another taem mate's pointage: -2 points
14:26.20FinOK I lose points for that one
14:28.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Lej (
14:28.50JoshBorkei think you lose points for talking to yourself too
14:29.27LejHeya, I'm having some trouble getting the target ore name when prospecting
14:30.03LejI used: prospectingTarget = GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText();
14:30.15Lejwhich works when you click the spell and then click the ore
14:30.37Lejbut I'm not sure how to get it to work with marcos like:
14:30.41Lej/cast Prospecting; /use Adamantite Ore;
14:30.58foxlitHook UseContainerItem
14:31.25foxlit(securehook, that is - and get item name through GetItemInfo(GetContainerItem*(bag, slot))
14:31.39foxlitHow you detect that you're castin gprospecting, though... dunno.
14:32.03JoshBorkecheck if it uses the in game casting system
14:32.15[dRaCo]SpellCastSucceeded should trigger
14:32.34JoshBorkeSOMETHING should trigger
14:32.40JoshBorkei would hope sent is triggered
14:32.51Lejbtw I'm not getting that macro to work >_<
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15:17.27sysrage* UPDATED - name, rank, icon, count, duration, timeLeft = UnitBuff("target", i) -- Now returns duration and timeLeft for buffs you can cast (those with times come first in the list)
15:17.39sysragewoot woot.. timers on sraidframes ftw!
15:18.08SpareFrame:EnableMouse(enableFlag) - Set whether this frame will get mouse input. PROTECTED as of 2.0   <--
15:18.18Spareis it possible that it's not protected as it says?
15:18.28*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork2 (
15:18.30zenzelezzonly takes a /script to find out
15:19.37Spareworking fine
15:27.39Kirkburn|afkTseric has just risen yet further in my view:
15:30.29*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
15:34.00zenzelezztldr, but he seems like a fun guy
15:36.17Kirkburn|afkHey, check this out:
15:37.26zenzelezzsometimes I think Kirk is an IRC module of Googlebot
15:37.46zenzelezzgranted most of the link are interesting
15:38.04Kirkburn|afkOnly "most"? :(
15:38.21Kaydeethreeoh yah, that thread was interesting. was watching it unfold this morning
15:49.35Kaydeethreegeneral's now a cesspool of "zomg tseric" posts now, though
15:51.17Kirkburn|afkIsn't it always a cesspool anyway?
15:51.35Kaydeethreeya, but it's interesting what's happened since that thread
16:00.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
16:09.10KasoDoes anyone know a mod that can show auto-attack timer ? All i can find is swinger and i dont fancy 2.0ifying it
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16:13.17NeriniaMmh, maybe Attack bar timer?
16:15.43Kasolooks good ill give it a go
16:16.18Kasooh god
16:16.27Kasothats the worst addon ive ever seen
16:16.43zenzelezzheh, how so?
16:16.48NeriniaNoooo, sorry :D
16:16.58NeriniaGlobal namespace massacre?
16:17.05Kasofirst few lines of the lua file
16:17.08Kasopofft= 0.000
16:17.08Kasoont = 0.000
16:17.08Kasoofft= 0.000
16:17.08Kasoons = 0.000
16:17.09Kasooffs= 0.000
16:17.11Kasooffh = 0
16:17.21Kasonot a good start
16:17.32Kaydeethreewhat on earth?
16:18.01Kasosomeone doesnt quite understand variables in lua methinks
16:18.03NeriniaBut, if it works...
16:18.14KasoWell yah im prob gonna use it
16:18.20Kasothough things like that annoy me
16:18.31Kasoand i might just have to write my own >.<
16:19.52NeriniaAre all autoattack trackers based on combatlog parsing?
16:20.21KasoFrom what i can tell this one is
16:20.49zenzelezzdo they accout for haste buffs/"time between attacks" debuffs?
16:20.59zenzelezzoh ffs
16:21.02Kasograb the infomation from the charater window
16:21.44zenzelezzI'm not asking how to, I'm asking if they do or if they play stupid and assume 100% speed at all times
16:22.37Kasothis one does
16:22.50zenzelezzdoes which part? :)
16:23.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
16:23.32Kasoit shows faster when i enable Seal of crusader so former
16:24.09Kasothe functionality of this addon is pretty good, dispite its crummy coding
16:24.27zenzelezzthat's scarily common
16:24.39Kaydeethreeain't that the truth?
16:24.58zenzelezzI've seen some "good" C++ programs with page upon page of #pragma warning(disable : ...) at the top of their files
16:29.46JoshBork2what kind of addon do you want?
16:31.05JoshBork2just an auto-attack timer huh, interesting
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16:31.21Mikkzenzelezz: not uncommon if you go max warning level
16:31.47zenzelezzMikk: these were bad warnings, not informal/harmless ones
16:32.08zenzelezzobviously not errors, but still
16:34.58Mikmaanyone know is there a way of checking is CVar registered or not?
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17:32.06Nerinia>>> print(type(_G))
17:32.07CideNerinia: "table"
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18:46.36Mikmais there an addon to modify the Blizz' FCT?
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18:49.02Kaydeethreeprobably not easily. you could use the mod blizzard based it off of, though: Scrolling Combat Text.
18:50.37Mikmai remember seeing one but can't find it anywhere
18:53.47Mikmai meant addon for FCT
19:01.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Chil1 (
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19:39.34Mr_Rabies2blah i cant remember it either mikma
19:39.43leethalJust Another Addon Question: I want an addon that shows my current buffs, but with default stuff like fortitude and pots and stuff hidden. In other words, weapon procs, debuffs etc. Suggestions?
19:40.08[dRaCo]ebb or ebbs
19:40.22leethalelkanos buff bar?
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19:40.29leethalelkanos buff bar superduper?
19:40.42[dRaCo]elkanos buff bars
19:40.59[dRaCo]should be configurable
19:41.20leethalhmm, didn't think it was, using it atm =p
19:41.24leethalwill check
19:41.39[dRaCo]elkanos buff bar isnt capable of hiding buffs, afaik, but bars should be
19:42.30leethalhmm, I didn't understand that
19:42.45leethaloh, "elkanos buff bar" and elkanos buff bars" is two different addons?
19:43.13leethalcan only find the buff bar one on wowi and curse =/
19:44.14[dRaCo]ebbs is still beta
19:51.27Mr_Rabies2well, then, that's bizarre
19:51.50Mr_Rabies2i look in my dad's beer shelf thingy and i see some "Laughing Skull Beer"
19:52.06Mr_Rabies2i bet it's flavored with the blood of mannoroth :[
19:58.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
20:01.59Gngskoh man
20:02.06Gngskthat link reminds me I put 2 beers in the freezer a while ago
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20:29.51Kaydeethreehm... a mod's logged on, finally
20:29.59Kaydeethreeall of the @tseric posts are gone in general
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20:37.28Maldiviauhh... I can post on the US boards again...
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20:44.24Kaydeethreeif your account was active but isn't banned, you can still post.
20:44.29Kaydeethreedunno what broke to allow that to happen
20:48.51MaldiviaKaydee, yeah, it's nice being able to post on US again :)
20:53.15*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
21:00.15Shirik@tseric posts?
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21:03.02Kaydeethreeas fallout of this thread:
21:03.20Kaydeethree90% of general this morning was different threads talking about that
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21:05.58Shirikwhy on earth
21:05.59Shirikdo you read general
21:06.03Shirikdo you want your brain to explode?
21:06.09Kaydeethreenothing was happening in UI
21:07.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
21:12.04Shirikcurse-gaming's site is so fubared -_-
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21:20.07Shirikwhat about it?
21:20.31Shirikdid anyone ever figure out if it's going to be an mmo or an rts?
21:20.45ShirikI've heard some rumors that it will be an mmo, which I'm kinda disappointed in, but wouldn't surprise me
21:20.55Maldiviathat what I'm trying to deduct form the picture... and if it's a hoax or not :)
21:21.16Maldiviaguess we'll have to wait a week to know for sure
21:25.30Cidethat looks like a pretty ugly photoshop
21:25.38Cideif you look at the font....
21:26.21Corrodiasnot just that, but what a low-res image
21:26.27Corrodiaspasted onto a higher-res one
21:27.47Thunder_ChildShirik: not mmo
21:28.19Shirikwrong term, sorry
21:29.25Maldiviahmm, looking at the current issue of PC Gamer (if the picture is supposed to be the US edition), then it goes from volume 14 number 06, to volume 21 numer 23, in just one month...
21:29.37Thunder_Childhmm..i may have been wrong
21:29.42Thunder_Child"Blizzard previously confirmed that they are indeed announcing a new product in Korea this month and listed open positions for work on an "next-gen MMO."
21:30.10Corrodiasjust wait 6 days. really.
21:30.14Shirikwhether it's an rpg or a rts
21:30.17Shirikit's an mmo either way
21:30.18Maldiviathey just recently started hiring for their next-gen mmo, so doubt it'll be the mmo they are announcing
21:30.43ShirikCorrodias: cannot wait 6 days!
21:30.50ShirikMust speculate so that in 6 days we can go "lol I told you so!"
21:30.57Cide98% sure it's gonna be an rts
21:30.59Cideif it is, I called it!
21:31.07Thunder_Child"mobile producer, lead mobile software engineer and lead mobile UI designer. That's right Blizzard is going mobile. Looking over the listings, I suspect that the team of three will likely be working on bringing some sort of game (likely World of Warcraft) functionality to the mobile phone, as opposed to full games. (Thank god)."
21:31.08ShirikI'm hoping it's an rts
21:31.19Thunder_ChildMost interesting*
21:31.21Thunder_Childshould bwe at the begning
21:32.50foxlitYay, reloadUI no longer releases spirit
21:32.55foxlitWhen did that happen?
21:35.46*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
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21:42.40CorrodiasKaydeethree's linked URL gives me "???wow.web.forums.error500.message???"
21:42.45Corrodiasi love their forum software
21:51.51*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg (
21:57.10IndustrialAnyone wanna have some bar actionbar creating fun?
21:57.57IndustrialI'm making a fucntion that will make a bar with a 'direction' argument. so you supply it right-up or down-left etc
21:58.24zenzelezzbar actionbar creating? Is that making actionbars while drinking?
21:58.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
21:58.52Industrialits kind of scary
21:59.13Industrialoh wups forgot some things
21:59.42IndustrialIll just paste the whole thing
22:00.45Industrialwich gives me...
22:01.55Industrialobviously RONG
22:06.28*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (
22:09.57Corrodiasi'm not sure if i want the full-screen glow on or off.
22:10.17Corrodiasthe game looks better at times with it on, but i have that nagging feeling that i can't see all the detail i should
22:16.52*** part/#wowi-lounge Mikk (
22:18.24foxlitglow = better, really :)
22:18.30foxlitKaz looks amazing with it on
22:20.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
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22:34.30LegorolEvening all, i have heard that there is a blue post stating patch is not before 25th
22:34.37Legorolcan anyone confirm/deny this, mayheps link it?
22:34.52Corrodiasi wonder why my "rapid fire + berserking" macro makes me stop attacking... and only cast one per keypress
22:37.07[dRaCo]is it just /cast rapid fire /cast beserking?
22:37.35Corrodiasthere's /stopcasting after rapid fire
22:38.15[dRaCo]well, you could add /startattack after that last line
22:38.28[dRaCo]but that won't solve that one cast issue
22:41.44Corrodiasit doesn't activate the global cooldown
22:42.08[dRaCo]try removing /stopcasting
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22:42.57Mr_Rabies2flip the order? :O
22:43.07Mr_Rabies2or does berserking trigger the GCD
22:43.14Mikmaso, do you folks NOW remember the addon for modifying Blizzards FCT? :)
22:43.17Corrodiasi can only try this once every 5 minutes, hahah
22:43.40Mr_Rabies2bring your own weapons, i've only done this once before
22:43.57[dRaCo]msbt does the job for me, mikma, sorry
22:43.57Corrodiasi'll try reversing the order
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23:18.50Shirikso we're gonna try something, wondering if anyone else has tried
23:18.58Shirikdoes the fiery enchant proc strawman's debuff?
23:19.17foxlitI would imagine that if it does fire damage, it would
23:19.32foxlitBut I can only provide moral support there :)
23:19.54foxlitHaven't tried
23:19.59Kaydeethreescorch spam, kthx
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