IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070510

00:00.23TC-Workingthat sounded so wrong
00:01.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
00:03.25ShirikI jus saw this guy "Comidus"
00:03.29Shirikfor a second I thought it was Corrodias
00:05.34chronxok when you're in an arena you know how it says something like "the arena will start in one minute" ... how would i ehm.. "catch" that event?
00:05.42chronxhook the chatframe?
00:05.52TC-Workingcheck for text i suppose
00:06.22chuckgHook the AddMessage() of ChatFrame1.
00:06.32chuckgOr I imagine there's an event associated with it as well.
00:06.43TC-Workingyou could scroll through one of the other pvp mods that let you know at 1 min to start
00:08.38*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
00:10.29chronx:( theres only 3 arena events and they aren't related to in-arena business -_- laaame
00:16.59LegorolCan Shaman use 2-handed maces?
00:23.28*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
00:39.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:44.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:46.24chronxalas i could not get the arena event to trigger my addon
00:47.16chronxdo you think i'll have to hook the chat frame to detect the "the arena will start in one minute" message? there isn't any "events" on wowwiki for the time before starting
00:47.24*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
00:47.57TC-Workingwhat about some of the other mods?
00:48.12chronxi looked at one but it some how magically got the event...
00:48.20*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
00:48.42chronxjust looked in arg1 for the "arena will start in..." message....
00:48.49chronxbut arg1 wasn't defined
00:51.53batrickget DevTools
00:51.57batrickgoogle it
00:52.04batrickthen i think u do
00:52.09batrickor something like that
00:52.14purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
00:52.36batrickyou can use it to figure out which event is being sent
00:52.53batrickfor "arena starts in 15 seocnds" or whatever it is you're looking for
00:56.16TC-Workingthis is how (i think) la vendetta does it
00:57.13TC-Workingactualy, reload that...redid it
00:59.26chronxsomthing like line 214 is what was done in the addon i looked at...
00:59.36chronxbut where is arg1 defined?
01:00.03TC-Workingyou mean arg 1 on line 488?
01:00.31chronxyes... its not defined
01:00.48chronxits compared but not set anywhere... unless the 'event' (w/e that is) defines it
01:01.23TC-Workingindeed, it looks like it is greated within that if string each time
01:02.03TC-Workingsince there are no other args i suppose it makes sense
01:03.04TC-Workingwell it's not refering to arg2 so i can only assume that whatever info it is collecting is going to be arg1 no matter what
01:03.34TC-Workinganyways, time to go home.
01:03.37TC-Workinglaters all
01:15.28Corrodiasaha, one of praid's frames just froze
01:15.58cladhairekill someone?
01:15.58cladhairei hate when that happens =/
01:16.05Corrodiasnot even in the arena!
01:16.49JoshBorkekill someone?
01:17.12JoshBorkelike, DI?
01:17.18*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
01:17.30TainHoly crap Jericho is just one of the best shows on TV.
01:17.31Corrodiaspeople did die
01:17.42JoshBorkedivine intervention.  instantly kills the paladin :-P
01:20.12*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
01:27.06Corrodiaswell no, she's a hunter
01:27.10Corrodiasmight have feigned death...
01:27.12*** join/#wowi-lounge DT_ (
01:27.18Corrodiasseems to have unfrozen
01:30.04*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg_ (
01:34.17AnduinLotharso after getting the mats for +healign i decided i wanted spellsurge lol.. so I sold the primals and bought the shards, heh. prolly made $ on the deal
01:35.09AnduinLothar8 primal waters sold for 140g in 2hrs
01:38.58chronxcan someone help me?
01:41.03Corrodiasi sure can
01:44.38chronxhmm not sure i need it.. let me see here
01:45.16CorrodiasIF your problem is not having a screenshot of a tauren druit cat, a forsaken, and a shaman wolf performing lewd acts
01:45.20Corrodiasi can remedy that now
01:46.19chronxlol me 65 mage, and a 67 rogue just killed two 67 druids in 2v2 arena
01:46.24chronxwe raaaped them ^_^
01:47.20Gngskyou win at life
01:48.22Cairenn|afkI hate that expression
01:48.29Cairenn|afk(not you Gngsk)
01:49.00chronxah. let me replace that
01:49.12Cairenn|afkmuch better
01:49.26Corrodiaswe forcefully humiliated them
01:49.52Cairenn|afkit's the same as all the people that mock things by saying "that's gay" - it's insensitive at the very minimum
01:50.16Corrodiascan we say murder?
01:50.42Corrodiasstuffed them in the lockers? >_>
01:50.51chronxohh i like that one
01:51.02chronxhey guythz! we totally stuffed them in the lockers!
01:51.59Cairenn|afkI didn't say you couldn't use it, I just said that I hate it, that's a personal opinion
01:55.47TainCan we get rid of "pwned" yet?  Hasn't it had it's fifteen minutes of fame?
01:56.34chronxi hate it myself
01:56.36chronxcan't stand it
01:56.42chronxespecially when people pronounce it
01:56.56chronx"omigawd he pawned j00!"
01:58.33chronxwow i've spent way too much time on this crappy addon
01:58.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
02:13.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
02:19.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
02:21.02IndustrialTain: actually, do you know something to replace the phrase?
02:21.33IndustrialTain: it applies to any situation wher someone loses badly..
02:21.45IndustrialI mean gets oenwd
02:39.04*** join/#wowi-lounge sergio (i=sp@unaffiliated/sergio)
02:39.36TainIndustrial I'd like to replace the phrase with, "I'm an uneducated, ignorant waste of cells.
02:40.37CorrodiasHe got Tained
02:40.53Corrodiasjust FYI
02:41.11Corrodiasi consider the lack of a comma when addressing someone like that an equal admission of lack of mental activity, Tain.
02:41.11ckknightchronx: pawn? seriously
02:41.25ckknightI say it like "pone"
02:41.51Mr_Rabies2my friends and i have converted to "panoolied"
02:43.42Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure that originated from the firearms half-life mod forums
02:48.28*** join/#wowi-lounge bnovc (n=bnovc@unaffiliated/bnovc)
02:48.32bnovcgood evening
02:49.59*** join/#wowi-lounge SirQuady (
02:50.23IndustrialTain: but tain, What about the educated waste of cells like me?
02:50.24bnovcdoes anyone know of a mod that will give me statistics about an arena match to see how everyone on my team did?
02:50.51SirQuadyi have a question about AddOns that i cant seem to find answers to.
02:50.57ShirikAnyone got experience with ethereal network analyzer?
02:51.03ShirikSirQuady: This is where to ask
02:51.04SirQuadydo they, in general, affect internet connection speed?
02:51.08SirQuadybecaus i have dialup
02:51.11CorrodiasI BELIEve i played just a very small amount with ethereal
02:51.21Shirikyes, but it's not enough to make a difference
02:51.23Shirikeven on dialup
02:51.25SirQuadyah ok
02:51.44ShirikCorrodias: Is there a way I can turn off the coloring for TCP CHECKSUM INCORRECT
02:51.48Shirikif you know
02:52.02Shirikmy card does checksum offloading so every packet comes in incorrect ><
02:52.15SirQuadyThanks Shirik!
02:53.46ZealotOnAStickAnyone know of any web-based DKP packages other than EQDKP and NDKP?
02:54.03Shirikonly heard of eqdkp tbh
02:54.14Shirikthen we realized
02:54.15Shirikdkp sucks
02:54.56Corrodiassorry, i don't remember, shirik
02:56.25Shirikit's ok
02:56.28ShirikI'll find it sometime
02:57.55Industriali dont understand one thing with DKP
02:58.37Industrialyou cant spend DKP if you arent attending right? lol
02:58.42TainDKP doesn't suck, some implementations do.
02:59.34Corrodiascorrect, industrial
03:00.10Corrodiaswhat don't you understand?
03:00.28Industrialvalue in DKP of items
03:00.34Industrialis it fixed?
03:00.35ShirikTain: We'd prefer to run on a basis of need, not greed
03:00.40Corrodiasmust be decided on by the guild leadership
03:00.43Shirikeven if you haven't gotten anything, ever
03:00.45IndustrialShirik: agreed.
03:00.57Shiriksomeone else who might already have everything might be a better fit for an item
03:01.10Shirikand that's why we have our own system, which we think works. Everyone's happy and that's what matters
03:01.24Mr_Rabies2i'm not a big fan of class priorities
03:01.32Shirikand it's not class priority
03:01.47Mr_Rabies2mainly because in my last guild, druids were last priority on everything except leather with healing stats
03:01.58TainOf course the terms "need" and "greed" are just as absurd as "pwned"
03:02.06Corrodiasdo you award the newbie tank who needs new gear or the main tank for whom it would be a minor upgrade but would benefit everybody?
03:02.16IndustrialTain: how are they absurd?
03:02.22Corrodiasabsurd is absurd
03:02.29ShirikCorrodias is absurd imo
03:02.44TainThey are false terms.
03:02.45Mr_Rabies2i'd go with the newbie, as long as i knew they weren't gonna pick up and leave
03:02.53Mr_Rabies2because if the MT can't make it, you're screwed
03:03.01Mr_Rabies2or he quits, or whatever
03:03.19Shirikoh sorry Corrodias I didn't see that answer
03:03.35IndustrialTain: they are correct. Roll (!) for need or for greed, if there is need - greed is skipped. Whats wrong with that?
03:03.42Shirikit would most likely go to the newbie tank, but that would probably be how the MT wants it too
03:03.50Shirikit's a group effort, not one person deciding something
03:03.58Shirikin almost every circumstance it's a consensus on whom it should go to
03:04.06Shirikbut this requires a tightly knit group to work, too
03:04.19IndustrialShirik: right, and being mature about it is the best thing. Letting someone else have things if you are already loaded or got something last time.
03:04.37Mr_Rabies2i remember almost gquitting when a rogue rolled on the best feral druid boots in the game at the time
03:04.41Mr_Rabies2the ones from AQ20
03:04.52Mr_Rabies2mainly because he was next in line for something better :/
03:05.01TainQuitting over a piece of loot says more about you than him, to me.
03:05.03Mr_Rabies2and because he rolled and it was dps leather, it was his
03:05.11Mr_Rabies2no, it wasn't one piece of loot
03:05.17TainYou just said it was.
03:05.19Shirikif someone were to quit about loot, we were better off without him
03:05.21Mr_Rabies2that was the straw that almost broke the camel's back
03:05.28Mr_Rabies2that stuff was happening for a long time
03:05.34Mr_Rabies2druids not getting ANYTHING
03:05.51Mr_Rabies2except for crappy healing leather i didn't really want, i took it only to avoid it getting sharded
03:06.09TainAh druids don't deserve anything anyway.
03:06.13Industrialreminds me of that wow vvideo
03:06.24Mr_Rabies2i kinda snapped one day
03:06.30Mr_Rabies2and yelled at the guild leader
03:06.32Mr_Rabies2that was interesting
03:06.56Mr_Rabies2he and i talked about it on AIM afterwards and got back on good terms, but i chose to not come back because of scheduling conflicts
03:07.05TainAh well, another mediocre Lost.  I'm not surprised, I just can't help but hope for more.
03:07.12Mr_Rabies2aka i didn't feel like playing 6 hours a night 7 days a week for gear i didn't even want
03:07.59Mr_Rabies2i couldn't progess the aspect of my character i wanted, and thus my dps was like 1/4 of the rogues because they'd get the same slot upgraded 5 times before i'd get one
03:08.30Industrialpvp >_>
03:08.47Mr_Rabies2queue times were 30 mins for wsg, 2 hours for AV
03:08.49Mr_Rabies2at the time
03:09.04Mr_Rabies2now they're about 10 mins for wsg, 1-1:30 for AV
03:09.42Mr_Rabies2i liked the encounters of raiding
03:09.59Mr_Rabies2but i didn't like having to retry because people couldn't learn freaking strategies the first 20 times
03:10.07Mr_Rabies2plus never being able to upgrade my character
03:11.27Mr_Rabies2i felt like an illegal immigrant or something, working harder than everyone else and getting paid crap :[
03:11.27Mr_Rabies2well, not everyone
03:11.40Mr_Rabies2but there was a fair share of freeloaders getting epic'd out while i was still in blues and greens in freaking AQ40
03:13.13Mr_Rabies2and nothing is quite as infuriating at seeing a hunter get leather over you, especially the hunter that can't even freaking tranq at the right time :/
03:13.45Mr_Rabies2i need to sleep
03:13.51Mr_Rabies2i'm getting rantier than usual :[
03:20.42*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
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03:48.53*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
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04:01.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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04:13.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Sole (n=chatzill@
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04:43.01*** join/#wowi-lounge GomiNoSensei (
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05:09.37*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (
05:11.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
05:34.28Shirikdid the featured artist color change or is my browser just being stupid
05:34.35Shirikand Cairenn|afk is totally not afk
05:35.01Kaydeethreeshe is marked as /away, though
05:35.11Thunder_Childshe lies
05:35.13Shirikshe's turning into Kirkburn|afk imo
05:35.25Shirikwhere afk == here, and no afk == gone
06:12.06purlLa ... lalalala ... beer!
06:12.28Thunder_Childfigures.....i don't drink
06:17.12pastamancerperhaps you should
06:17.41Thunder_ChildNa, i think i'll pass
06:17.51Shirikbeer only causes problems :P
06:17.52pastamancerever been to PDC?
06:18.07pastamancerorder the baseball steak
06:18.07pastamancerask G about it
06:18.33Thunder_Childi dont get to go on outings
06:18.55Thunder_Childoh.right the pacific dining car
06:19.21Thunder_Childi have heard that he has put down almost 4G's there
06:20.17pastamancerit's truly a sight to behold
06:20.48Thunder_Childi might go there at some point, but i'm not much of a steak eater
06:21.11pastamancerah, well it's definitely the place for steak
06:21.20pastamancerand wine
06:23.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:24.15Thunder_Childneither of which i am particularly fond of
06:24.34pastamancerwhat a shame
06:24.44pastamancerbut, to each their own
06:25.06pastamancerI'm still tickled at how small the world is
06:25.40Thunder_Childwell, i'm sure G sticks out in a crowd anyways
06:30.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
06:38.09*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
06:55.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
06:57.17Kirkburn|afkShirik, \o/
06:57.32Kirkburn|afkOnly an hour and a half late ^^
07:06.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
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07:51.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Nerinia (
07:54.16*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
07:54.22Vilkkuhi guys... how would I do if I wanted a second level in my slash command (like /blabla firstcommand secondcomman)
07:58.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
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08:40.52Kirkburn|afkYay! I hit exalted with Stormwind on my draenei! My level *35* draenei! :D
08:42.53ckknightthink you're a big man now, hrm?
08:48.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Deja (
08:49.26Kirkburn|afkckknight, lol
08:49.54Kirkburn|afkIt's amazing the difference the rep system changes made
08:50.18ckknightI have a lvl 32 Draenei Pally
08:50.21ckknightwhat class is yours?
08:56.32Kirkburn|afkI might try and get the other races rep up too
08:56.52Kirkburn|afkWill be v easy for night elves, gnomeregan will be a bit harder though
08:57.37Kirkburn|afkSince it now cascades the whole way thru to exalted, here's hoping
08:59.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kroth (
09:00.58zenzelezzthen you're in the wrong place, we just suck up to Cairenn
09:01.05KrothCurses. Foiled again.
09:01.51ckknightreal development happens in #wowace :-P
09:02.05KrothAt least I get to see where the devs of my favorite mods socialize. :P
09:02.14ckknightthough actually only in the wowace community. Everyone else hangs out here or in their own community channels
09:31.07nymbiathis channel is either one way or the other
09:31.20nymbiai switch to it and it's either pages of pure code
09:31.25nymbiaor a political discussion
09:34.06Kirkburn|afkOr an argument involving a small pin and someone's rusty spoon
10:07.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
10:07.19*** part/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (
10:16.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
10:46.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
10:46.55Kasois "([^\n]+)" a valid pattern ?
10:48.29Kasoguess it is
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11:09.58*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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12:45.09bnovcKaso: yes it is in PCRE... not a newline 1 or more times
12:45.24bnovcprobably not a good idea though but it depends on what you're doing
12:46.04KasoThe exact pattern was "Cooldown: ([^\n]+)" i wanted to capture everything after ": " till the first linebreak
12:47.34bnovc^Cooldown:(.*?)\n is probably what I'd do....tbh I haven't used regex in mods I just use it coding other things
12:47.49bnovcmost regex matching things have a modifier for newlines though
12:48.05bnovc/^Cooldown:(.*?)$/s or something maybe
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13:50.37ShirikKaso: very delayed, but yes it is
13:51.15Shirikbnovc: lua patterns are not regexes, and .*? is not valid
13:53.45ShirikAlso, Kaso you might try Cooldown: (.-)\n
13:53.59Shirikthat should work just as well
13:54.24Shirikwhich, I guess, is what bnovc was trying to say
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14:28.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=nospam@
14:31.57Shirik|Ecoleooh, new version of nbsirc released ^^ yey
14:34.51*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
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15:00.40chiroazis anyone on here?
15:04.22Josh_Borkebecause you know, 68 seconds is enough time for ANYONE to respond
15:04.23[Ammo]how rude
15:04.24Josh_Borkes/respond/acknowledge someone/
15:19.34*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
15:19.34*** topic/#wowi-lounge is #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.1 Toc: 20100 | RTFPN please. | "you can't really fail at puns... attempt is success!" - krka
15:19.44Thunder_ChildWB purl
15:19.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Work (n=cheald@
15:19.53Cairenn|afkhe's living on the wild side, I'm telling ya!
15:20.26Thunder_Childuh huh...sure....
15:20.39Cairenn|afkI was referring to Josh_Borke
15:21.10Thunder_Childoh...well the comment still applies
15:22.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Athinira (
15:22.58Athiniraslight question
15:23.07AthiniraHow to check your own AFK message?
15:23.20Thunder_Childwhisper yourself?
15:23.45AthiniraThunder_Child: for a script of course
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15:24.29Maldiviahmm, don't think the client actually knows the afk/dnd message?
15:24.32Thunder_Childoh...i gave you a slight answer in response to your slight question :-D
15:24.42AthiniraThunder_Child: Hehe np
15:25.10Thunder_Childwowwiki has nothing on it?
15:25.12AthiniraIm a bit of a newb in regards to lua. Checking if a unit is AFK is easy, just call UnitIsAFK(), but checking AFK message is beyond my understanding tbh
15:26.07Thunder_Childwell you could do the whisp and pull the text from the chat frame
15:27.02*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
15:27.02AthiniraYou could also use it when you set your AFK message
15:27.02AthiniraAka. catching "You are now AFK: AFK message"
15:27.02AthiniraWhich function do i call for that btw? =)
15:27.12AthiniraOr event
15:29.01Thunder_Childhmm..that i dont know
15:29.17Thunder_Childi don't actually code
15:29.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Lysistrata (n=yousuck@unaffiliated/lysistrata)
15:30.54Thunder_Child check second one down
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15:32.02Thunder_Childwell...that would work for the whisp but not for the initial setting of it
15:33.31MaldiviaI think it's a CHAT_SYSTEM event that's fired with the "You're now AFK: [message]"
15:34.21MaldiviaCHAT_MSG_SYSTEM, that is
15:34.31Thunder_Childall it has is Cleared_AFK
15:35.17Thunder_Childdid i miss something?
15:35.29Maldiviayou missed that :)
15:35.42Thunder_Childindeed i did
15:36.01AthiniraThunder_Child: Yeah helped
15:36.06AthiniraAlready checked it before you wrote
15:36.11Athiniragood stuff
15:36.21AthiniraMaldivia: Thx =)
15:36.33Thunder_Childoh it's time to go to work before i am even more late
15:37.04MaldiviaAthinira: alternatively, you can secure hook SendChatMessage, and see when the "AFK" or "DND" channels are used :)
15:37.17Maldiviaalthough, that won't catch the auto-afk
15:37.35AthiniraThats fine, though its sadly beyond my understanding
15:37.51AthiniraIll fool around and try to make it work with the system event
15:38.06Maldiviathat's also the best way :)
15:39.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
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16:15.30Mr_Rabies2if i alt tab out, will addons still work?
16:15.30Mr_Rabies2say, if i alt tab during an auctioneer scan
16:15.30Mr_Rabies2will it continue scanning, or pause until i go back?
16:15.30[dRaCo]should work
16:16.56Mr_Rabies2yep, it did, heh
16:16.56Mr_Rabies2just checked
16:17.02*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Working (n=ME@
16:17.04Mr_Rabies2tabbed out at page 61 out of 200, came back at 84
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16:23.41TC-Workingi was just checking my name since i saw TC_Working leave
16:27.00Mr_Rabies2//echo $me
16:27.16Mr_Rabies2oh wait you're using icechat :[
16:27.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:27.24Mr_Rabies2i don't even know wtf icechat is, heh
16:28.26TC-WorkingIRC program ofc
16:35.53Shiriknbsirc > all
16:36.57TC-Workingtried it
16:38.53*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
16:40.46*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
16:41.53Cairenn|afkhi Kaelten
16:41.53Kaeltenheya cair
16:41.53Kaeltenhow you doin?
16:41.54Cairenn|afkhanging in there, you?
16:41.54Shirikhai Cairenn|afk
16:43.50Kaeltenmaking it :)
16:44.01Kaeltenwant to strangle the mui most of the time, but I'm doin alright
16:44.02Cairenn|afkthat's better than the alternative
16:44.08Kaeltenfinally got a place out here in san fran
16:44.39ShirikCairenn|afk didn't say hi to me
16:44.42ShirikI'm not important enough
16:44.56Cairenn|afkI said hi to you earlier Shirik, I've been awake and talking in channel for a while now :
16:44.56Kaeltenya, its better than the constant line of stress I've had for the last month.
16:52.05TC-WorkingMaldivia, no irssi is not for me
16:53.23Shiriklooking at some screenshots of icechat
16:53.33Shiriknot too impressed, but just personal opinion
16:54.36TC-Workingi'm not particularly happy with it either...thats why i'm always looking
16:55.03TC-Workingat others
16:55.04Shirikon my windows install I use nbsirc on mirc, I've used it for a while now
16:56.57TC-Workingheh, cant even google nbsIRC
16:57.17Shirikthat's cause there's a dash in there that I leave out
16:57.40TC-Workingwell thats a bit better
17:01.17HalluI use Xchat 2
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17:11.20TC-Testingi like when it starts out with "(10:10:17)  -› Unable to join #wowi-lounge"
17:11.25TC-Testingyet i am in here
17:11.27Shirikyeah, I never understood that
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17:37.58Josh_Borkekergoth: ping
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17:39.01Shirikfor those that haven't seen it (nsfw), hardest mario level ever
17:43.41TC-Testingyea, really funny, but here it is bigger
17:43.59TC-Testingheh, forgot the space
17:46.32foxlitGoogle's bandwidth is a bit better than that first links :P
17:47.03TC-TestingGG i win
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18:05.20KasoShirik, thats awesome
18:05.36ShirikI want to try it myself :P
18:06.56TC-Workingbtw Hallu, i use a flavor of X-chat at home....err..will i did till i blew out my OS
18:12.26*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (
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18:21.15Industrialthats the string color format again? |faarrggbb<string>|r ?
18:21.18MikmaTC-Working: that's so cool video (mario)
18:21.27*** join/#wowi-lounge BlackRabbit (
18:23.59BlackRabbitanyone here?
18:23.59BlackRabbiti am looking for some help with scripting
18:24.50BlackRabbitwaiting for someone to answer before i start spitting out random stuff
18:24.51ElkanoIndustrial, should be |cAARRGGBB<string>|r
18:25.23Cairenn|afkif it's a large code block, use the addy in the channel topic and just link it
18:25.24BlackRabbiti am wanting to change in the game cursor but i can't find any commands to change it
18:26.27Cairenn|afkhas anyone figured out how to change the cursor in game yet? I don't recall seeing any
18:26.32TC-Testingi dont know if you can change it
18:26.37TC-Testingit's prolly hard coded
18:26.50Elkanobesides ShowInspectCursor() and such?
18:27.06BlackRabbitcheck the local-enus mpq in the data folder
18:27.25Gryphenthere use to be curors on curse
18:27.26TC-Testingheh i read local-anus
18:27.27BlackRabbitit lists all the cursor names but no commands for them
18:27.54BlackRabbiti have seen modified cursors before
18:28.12HalluHow does xchat blow up one's computer?
18:28.27TC-Testingit didnt blow up my computer...i did
18:28.42IndustrialElkano: righto
18:29.01Industrialstats display under minimap. U liek? I liek.
18:29.05TC-TestingHallu, i said "i" not "it"
18:29.47Kaydeethreegeez. that's pretty damn minimalistic
18:31.07Industrialhmm should test it with default interface first before releasing it I guess.
18:32.26Industrialworks fine \o/
18:36.45AthiniraThunder_Child: Made my system work
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18:37.17TC-TestingWTB spellchecker
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19:00.24*** join/#wowi-lounge chronx|irc (
19:01.07chronx|ircany ideas why i would be getting an error on line frame:SetValue(num); when frame = getglobal("foo_bar"); ?  and foo_bar is a StatusBar
19:01.48chronx|ircit used to work but i broke it somehow
19:03.39Kasothe error might help?
19:03.48Kasothey may seem like nonsense but they usually tell you whats wrong
19:04.05chronxwell the error in game is quite.. unhelpful but sure ;)
19:04.30chronxInterface\addons\myaddon\arenacountdown.lua:60: Usage: foo_bar:SetValue(value)
19:04.36Cidethat's not unhelpful
19:04.43Cidethat tells you exactly what's the problem
19:04.53Cidethe variable "num" is nil or not a number
19:05.23chronxah now i remember what i changed ;)
19:05.40Cideerror messages are your friends
19:09.29chronxi didn't see much in it i guess
19:09.35chronxi'll read more carefully next time heh
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20:00.05*** join/#wowi-lounge _Grem_ (n=Grem@
20:00.24_Grem_Does anyone know how to send a scrolling combat text to my character?
20:00.32_Grem_using blizzard's scrolling combat text system
20:00.59Josh_Borkethe thing above your character?
20:01.29Josh_Borkepretty sure we have no access to that
20:01.46Josh_Borkei know that there are addons that hook into the statusbars that go over heads
20:01.54Josh_Borkeand use that to display scrolling things
20:03.23_Grem_There has to be a way ... hmm
20:04.46pastamancer_Grem_: CombatText_AddMessage
20:05.47Josh_Borkeisn't that just for the Scrolling Combat Text ala SCT?
20:05.58pastamancerthat's the blizzard SCT
20:06.09Josh_Borkei was under the assumption he meant the 3d world stuff
20:06.33pastamancerthat's not how I read it
20:07.08Josh_Borkewell, it's never easy to really understand without more explicit details
20:07.13Josh_Borkebut yes, pastamancer is obviously right if that's the case
20:13.37Tem|AFKoh damnit
20:15.07chronxwhy doesn't math.round() work?
20:15.27chronxmath.round(2.55,1); = error can't find round()
20:16.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
20:16.29Cide>>> math.floor(2.55 + 0.5)
20:16.29CideCide: 3
20:17.50chronx>>> math.round(2.55,1)
20:17.50Cidechronx: [string "math.round(2.55,1)"]:1: attempt to call field 'round' (a nil value)
20:17.57chronxlike wtf is that -_-
20:18.05Cidethere is no round...
20:18.07chronxi could use your ghetto floor as a round lol
20:18.07Cideuse what I just gave you
20:20.37*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
20:20.37cogwheel|workchronx: where did you get the idea that there was a math.round in the first place?
20:20.38Cide>>> function round(num, precision) precision = precision or 1; local m = 10^(precision-1); return math.floor(num * m + 0.5) / m end return round(2.55, 1), round(2.49, 2);
20:20.38CideCide: 3,  2.5
20:20.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
20:20.38Cidelazy round implementation
20:21.35cogwheel|workI would've left out the -1 :P
20:21.50Cidedepends on how you define precision 1
20:22.04cogwheel|workI've always thought of it as number of digits after the decimal so...
20:22.09Cideah, true
20:22.38cogwheel|workchronx: are you using the result for calculation or display?
20:22.49cogwheel|workif you're using it for display you'll want to use format() instead
20:22.56Cide>>> function round(num, precision) precision = 10^(precision or 0); return math.floor(num * precision + 0.5) / precision end return round(2.55), round(2.49, 1), round(1.2345, 3)
20:22.56CideCide: 3,  2.5,  1.235
20:24.06Cideyep, what cogwheel|work said
20:24.12cogwheel|workNargiddley: every time I glance at your name I see something very.... politically incorrect :P
20:24.38Cide>>> string.format("%.1f", 2.55), string.format("%.3f", 1.2345)
20:24.39CideCide: "2.5",  "1.234"
20:29.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Gilded (
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20:32.55cogwheel|workIndustrial: maybe a more... contextual screenshot would be nice :P
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20:34.21cogwheel|work<3 Drysc
20:34.53Cidedrysc is my hero
20:34.58Cideafter fangtooth
20:35.53Mr_Rabies2just got #1 on my damage meters in a mechanar run by 30k
20:35.58Mr_Rabies2wait, 300k
20:36.10Kaydeethreedpsers #2 and 3 afk or something?
20:36.21Kaydeethreeor did you forget to clear data joining the party?
20:36.23Mr_Rabies2nope, they did pretty well
20:36.32Mr_Rabies2i cleared after the first pull actually
20:36.45Mr_Rabies2it was closer to 200k actually
20:37.00Mr_Rabies2i got 817k damage, they got ~590k damage
20:37.13Mr_Rabies2#2 and #3, #4 was the warrior tanking
20:40.22Industrialcogwheel|work: eh?
20:40.24Industrial- Coloured fps, interface mem usage and latency display.
20:40.25Industrial- Resides under the minimap.
20:40.39Industrialthats what it shows, no? :P
20:41.01cogwheel|worki'm talking about the screenshot itself... Crop around the minimap & maybe turn up the UI scale so it's easier to read (stupid JPG compression)
20:45.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
20:51.37TC-TestingShirik, ping
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21:06.51TC-Testing~seen Shirik
21:07.29purlshirik is currently on #wowi-lounge. Has said a total of 19 messages. Is idling for 3h 1m 53s, last said: 'I want to try it myself :P'.
21:07.29batrickwhat lua interpretter would you guys recommend for working in windows?
21:08.31Tem|AFKbatrick, the only lua interpreter
21:08.34ckknightbatrick: lua
21:08.37Industrialbatrick: lua.exe from
21:08.43batrickok i'm sorry
21:08.48Tem|AFKhaha this is awesome
21:09.28batricksounds stupid, but i've been working with a dozen prolog interpretters and now need to write someting in lua
21:09.28batrickdidn't want to do a huge search for a "good" one
21:09.28IndustrialTem|AFK: heh nice artowkr
21:09.30IndustrialTem|AFK: style*
21:09.53batrickthat's good
21:11.35Tem|AFKwhat's that a reference to?
21:11.42ShirikTC-Testing: hi
21:11.48chronxif foo == nil then foo=1; end would assign 1 to foo only if foo == nil correct?
21:11.55Shirikwent to sleep :P
21:12.05TC-Testingyour not allowed to sleep
21:12.07Shirikchronx: Yes
21:12.28TC-Testingknow any scripts that randomly color in the nicks in the channel?
21:13.40Shiriknot that I can think of :(
21:13.51TC-Testingok, thanks
21:14.24TC-Testingthats something that seems to be missing from mirc
21:14.28TC-Testingand nbs
21:16.15*** join/#wowi-lounge DT_ (
21:16.48Gryphenits old, not finding any search results for it
21:17.11TC-Testingneither was i
21:17.26*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
21:17.47ShirikI mean
21:17.56ShirikI guess if you gave me time I could write up a script for it
21:18.00Shirikbut not like in 5 seconds ><
21:18.06ShirikI need to remember mirc script
21:18.09Grypheni dont have it running, been a while, might not work anymore
21:18.14TC-Testingmmm...5 seconds's going to make me color in each person...i would just rather have it random
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21:19.56Gryphenah, i couldnt remember how it worked, just had it sitting im my mirc dir
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21:20.23TC-Testingthanks anyways
21:23.06*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
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21:42.23ShirikTC-Testing: Kinda like how gaim does it yes?
21:47.28TC-Testinguhh...let me check..i have it installed here
21:49.55*** join/#wowi-lounge beerke (
21:51.47Shirikckknight around?
21:52.19Shirikjust something a little annoying not necessarily a "bug"
21:52.49Shirikif a guild member is in your party and you open up your map, hovering over a place so it would show who's there in guild shows that person twice
21:52.51Shirikor maybe that's intended
21:53.19ckknightnever occurred for me
21:53.44ckknightit should catch that...
21:53.48Shirikin fact
21:53.49*** join/#wowi-lounge TC-Test (n=Paulal@
21:53.51ShirikI have two dots for him now o.o
21:53.56Shirikhere ss incoming
21:54.09Shirikeventually they catch up but every so often the guild marker is off the party marker :/
21:55.54Shirikdunno what happened to the right side o.o
21:55.57Shirikdidn't notice that at first
21:56.31TC-Testingmakes sense to see 2 of them
21:56.38TC-Testingone is for party, one is for guild
21:56.55TC-Testyes, btw, like gaim does it
21:57.02Shirikpersonally, I'd like to see only one instance of him, but personal preference I guess
21:57.02*** part/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
21:57.05Shirikperhaps an option
21:57.38*** part/#wowi-lounge TC-Test (n=Paulal@
22:07.09TC-Testingwow an "AMD Barcelona CPU in a quad setup (2 chips of 2 cores) was able to encode 1080p video to H.264 very close to real time"
22:07.46Industrialwich means? :P's really really fast
22:09.20Hallunot having to wait
22:09.39Hallurecord straight to compressed format
22:10.11IndustrialHallu> record straight to compressed format
22:13.39TC-Testing"The most obvious change we will see will be the addition of a shared L3 cache. This new L3 cache, debuting at 2MB in Athlons and Opterons, will be used by all four cores. Each core will also have their own smaller L1 (64KB) and L2 (512KB) caches that can be shared by all the cores as well."
22:15.59JoshBorkeby that they mean there will be a hypertransport bus between them or what?
23:04.40bnovcanyone know of a mod that will 1) give a list of items you have to sell and how much they cost on PMs or 2) give me statistics about arena matches after they end
23:05.59*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
23:06.09DT__What type of statistics?
23:07.12DT___Like how many games you've won and lost against that team?
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23:17.31Industrialcogwheel|work: replied on that guide thread.
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23:48.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Bam__ (
23:48.56DT_Is there any way to use getglobal to get table elements? Like /script asd = { } asd.test = "test" getglobal("asd.test")
23:49.00DT_It doesn't seem to be working for me
23:49.14Shirikwhy would you need to?
23:49.53ckknightDT_: getglobal("asd.test") does _G["asd.test"], not _G["asd"]["test"]
23:50.38DT_I was moving my localization into a table and I need to select the correct text with getglobal at one point in my code, Shirik
23:50.44DT_Thanks Shirik and ckknight :)
23:50.57ckknightwhy do you need to use getglobal?
23:50.59ckknightglobals are icky
23:51.16Bam__yup avoid globals like the plague
23:51.32Shirikglobals ftl.
23:52.26ckknightDT_: so tell us, why are you using globals?
23:52.55DT_Will in a sec ;) Had to get on flight to blades edge for gruul
23:53.15zenzelezzsammon plz
23:53.37DT_GetArenaTeam() doesn't return info for the teams in order, so GetArenaTeam(3) might give info for a 2v2 and GetArenaTeam(1) for a 5v5, or any other combo
23:54.12DT_So I have a loop from 1 to 3 that does GetArenaTeam(i) and checks the size, and my 3 fontstrings have the size appended at the end of their names
23:54.20DT_So Fontstring2, Fontstring3, Fontstring5
23:54.37DT_So I do getglobal("Fontstring"..size):SetText()
23:55.10zenzelezzI'm confused about where tables enter there
23:55.37DT_The actual text I set was something like MYTEXT2, MYTEXT3, MYTEXT5
23:55.45Bam__well if you are dealing with Blizzard's globals, then you are excused :P
23:56.05DT_And now I'm moving all that text into a table, Zenz
23:57.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Gilded (
23:57.26cladhaireDT_: you could use function mygetglobal
23:57.49cladhaireDT_: function mygetglobal(str) return loadstring("return " .. str)() end
23:57.53cladhairebut there's no good reason to do it :P
23:58.25ckknightcladhaire: seems wasteful :-P
23:58.40cladhaireit is :P
23:58.48cladhairebut admittedly, useful
23:58.50cladhaireat times :P
23:58.51Bam__yay.. obfuscated Lua contest!!
23:58.59cladhaireyou could reuse a closure without any trouble
23:59.05Cideany reason you wouldn't use getfenv(0)[str]?
23:59.06cladhairethen there's just a three function overhead for each :P
23:59.16cladhaireCide: he wants an element in the global table
23:59.19cladhairei.e. tableName.element
23:59.30CideI fail at reading
23:59.46cladhaireso i reinstalled my mac from scratch
23:59.51TC-TestingJoshBorke, sry i was in a meeting, does this answer your question ?
23:59.53cladhairefinally getting things where I need them to be

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