IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070506

00:00.19Mr_Rabies2sometimes i'll ravage instead of pounce, depending on how much i feel like making you waste blink before you need it
00:00.26Temand generally, I can beat a feral druid
00:00.36Tembut I need a bit of luck to get the kiting right
00:00.46Temand if he gets _any_ help, I lose
00:00.51Mr_Rabies2mages tend to rock me because i sacrifice so much hp for dps
00:01.00Mr_Rabies2i'm at 6600ish
00:01.01Temah well that'll do it
00:01.21Mr_Rabies2but if i get near other classes' hp, i do prot warrior damage
00:01.28Mr_Rabies2druid gear has crap for stam on it
00:01.32Mr_Rabies2especially the arena gear
00:01.36Temwelcome to mage land
00:01.41Mr_Rabies2it's got the worst stam by far out of all of them
00:01.56Mr_Rabies2like, 20 less than the mage set or something if i recall, lemme see
00:02.08Temnot so much anymore, but before BC, mage gear with stamina was rare as hell
00:03.04Mr_Rabies2177 on the druid set
00:03.07Mr_Rabies2219 on the mage set
00:03.37Temwell you do have much higher base hp
00:03.47Temmaybe that's what they were thinking
00:04.09Mr_Rabies2not really
00:04.46Mr_Rabies2they just screwed the sets over and they know it
00:04.57Mr_Rabies2they put +healing on the feral set
00:05.10Temoh lol
00:05.16foxlitDon't bash!
00:05.22Temwell, actually...
00:05.26Mr_Rabies2and int
00:05.26TemI dunno
00:05.36Mr_Rabies2both of which are just wasting item budget
00:05.40Mr_Rabies2that could be going to stam
00:05.48foxlitHealing in feral gear and talents is painful as is.
00:05.50TemI never understood how to do gear for a hybrid
00:06.05Mr_Rabies2fox, in arenas, a feral druid healing in healing gear even is a waste
00:06.12Mr_Rabies2it's better to just dps them down faster
00:06.37foxlitdrop feral form, pop NS / HT13, reshift.
00:06.39Mr_Rabies2putting the measly amount of int and +healing on it is just an insult
00:06.45Mr_Rabies2i don't have NS?
00:06.51Mr_Rabies2any decent feral won't
00:06.54Mr_Rabies2because he has mangle
00:07.11Mr_Rabies2if you don't have mangle, you may as well not go feral at all
00:07.15foxlitI'd rather they'd budget str/agi and +heal the same way +frost/+shadow is balanced on enchants
00:07.35foxlitHave numbers on how it compares with shred?
00:07.43Mr_Rabies2i'd rather them not make two focused sets and a hybrid set
00:07.57Mr_Rabies2mangle's more damage on the first hit
00:08.06Mr_Rabies2but shred is better as long as mangle's up
00:08.13Mr_Rabies2well, more damage:energy
00:08.40Mr_Rabies2any druid that goes into resto deep enough for NS better just go pure resto
00:08.48Mr_Rabies2because he's spreading himself too thin and becoming a waste
00:09.25Mr_Rabies2the only exception is perhaps a moonkin
00:09.29foxlitSome of the better pre-expansion pvp feral builds involved NS.
00:09.30Mr_Rabies2nature's swiftness
00:09.37Mr_Rabies2before mangle
00:09.52Mr_Rabies2mangle is required to do damage in feral forms now pretty much
00:09.56Mr_Rabies2claw doesnt cut it
00:10.06Mr_Rabies2shred doesn't cut it without mangle
00:10.22foxlitBeen there, done that, got a decent spec in the end.
00:10.39Mr_Rabies2now, you're just spreading yourself too thin and are approaching uselessness quickly
00:11.01Mr_Rabies2you can't do decent damage, and you can't heal decently
00:12.15Mr_Rabies2i laugh at the druids that try to keep the dream of the "hybrid spec" alive while i kill them before pounce wears off
00:13.19Mr_Rabies2speaking of stunlocking without even trying, resto druids are my favorite snack these days
00:13.26foxlitmeh, not enough people proc barkskin while stunned
00:13.29Mr_Rabies2squishy as hell, especially when they're stunned
00:13.48Mr_Rabies2won't help much, if i have to i can just maim them and restealth then pounce
00:13.58Mr_Rabies2and continue the stunlock
00:14.37Mr_Rabies2most times i don't have to though
00:14.58Mr_Rabies2they don't pop barkskin like you said, because we couldn't for the longest time
00:15.16Mr_Rabies2and they're so used to being little healpets that they don't bother thinking
00:21.59foxlitWonder if 2.1 nerfs stuns to some extent as well
00:22.57Mr_Rabies2they're not under the same rules as fears and stuff because their duration is naturally shorter
00:23.18foxlitComparable to frost nova, though
00:23.37Mr_Rabies2shorter than FN and not AoE :O
00:24.23cladhaireokay, unenchanted, unbuffed, whats a reasonable number of +shadow damage for a new level 70?
00:24.45Mr_Rabies2500ish, 600ish? i dunno
00:25.07cladhairethey keep making me feel bad for having 481 with random quest and non-heroic instance drops
00:25.26Cide500 probably
00:25.27cladhaireand i admit, its not very "good"
00:25.29zenzelezzwho's "they"?
00:25.31foxlitGot a mace/dagger?
00:25.33cladhairemy guild, heh
00:25.41CideI'm at ~800 with pretty good gear
00:25.48cladhaireI have a dagger and The Saga of Terrok offhand
00:26.03foxlit~700 and I'm a resto druid :/
00:26.20Cidecladhaire: what you have is probably average for someone who recently hit 70
00:26.25zenzelezz+shadow on a druid?
00:26.38foxlit+damage, don't be silly.
00:26.42Mr_Rabies2yes we have a secret shadow tree
00:26.57Mr_Rabies2it's the mystical 4th talent tree that you've heard about
00:27.07Mr_Rabies2what you have to do is go into the emerald dream
00:27.11Mr_Rabies2and beat up the nightmare
00:27.24zenzelezzthey were talking shadow, it was a valid question
00:27.29Mr_Rabies2but when you beat it up, it attacks you and gives you shadow spells
00:27.32Mr_Rabies2i'm just being silly
00:27.43zenzelezzI always assume that about you
00:27.48Mr_Rabies2i'm not trying to be a jerk :x
00:27.51cladhairethis is me before i put my meta gem in i think
00:28.29cladhaireits a vicious circle, i dont over enchant or socket my stuff, cause its gonna get replaced =)
00:28.45Mr_Rabies2i can't decide between two different pants
00:29.00JoshBorkecladhaire: get helm of second sight
00:29.04cladhairei'm working on it
00:29.16cladhairehalf way done with the line
00:29.19cladhairekeep in mind
00:29.20cladhairei hit 70
00:29.24foxlitUpdating mainhand will get you 40 more damage
00:29.31cladhairedoing 0 quests in SMV and 0 quests in BE and 0 quests in Netherstorm
00:29.35Mr_Rabies2 or
00:29.37*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz_ (
00:29.51JoshBorkelots of quests to do :-P
00:29.57JoshBorkeskip all the BE quests :-P
00:30.04Mr_Rabies2i've got ~6.2% chance to hit with the clefthoof
00:30.08JoshBorkereally, shadowmoon got me a TON of gear
00:30.12cladhairei'm scryer, i need to do em
00:30.14cladhairethat's what i'm doing now
00:30.18Mr_Rabies2~5.07% with the shattrath
00:30.20cladhaireso i know its just gonna improve
00:30.21Mr_Rabies2which is all i need
00:30.25Mr_Rabies2but i dunno
00:30.35foxlitBtw, get proper trinkets?
00:30.41cladhairewhat trinkets
00:30.46Mr_Rabies2check out my awful stamina
00:30.46cladhairethat was my question
00:30.48cladhairewell one of them
00:31.28foxlitThere's a +hit / + damage onuse one in the broken wastes
00:31.36JoshBorkelook at mine:
00:31.52foxlitBonelasher quest in terrokkar has the same idea
00:31.57JoshBorkeglowing crystal insignia ftw
00:32.14JoshBorkethere's also a PvP one
00:32.25JoshBorketakes 30 honor hold marks
00:32.34cladhairei might have thrown that one
00:32.41cladhairei'll have to look
00:32.47cladhairei was healing up until a week ago
00:32.49cladhaireor gearing for healing
00:32.53cladhaireand i'm stupid sometimes :P
00:32.58JoshBorkexiri's gift sucks
00:33.05cladhairearan brb
00:33.28JoshBorkeremember, dona't n00b!
00:34.20cladhairefoxlit: thanks, i'll browse afterwards
00:34.25cladhairemaybe there are quests i haven't done :P
00:34.42JoshBorkeyou forgot the priest filter
00:35.27Mikmawowwiki admins around?
00:35.49foxlitTry #wowwiki?
00:36.11foxlitI wasn't sure if that'd find only items with Class: Priest in them or not
00:36.46foxlitApparently it behaves like it should <3
00:37.17JoshBorkei want quagmirran's eye
00:38.04Kaydeethreewe actually had that drop in our nether-gathering run earlier today
00:38.16foxlitSimplifies to;cr=51:18;crs=1:1;crv=1:0 then
00:38.17Kaydeethreewith the haste nerf coming I'm not really that interested
00:38.48Cidehaste nerf? :)
00:38.58Cideshadow priests rejoice
00:39.15Kaydeethreethey keep buffing/nerfing the amount of haste necessary to get the +haste%
00:39.39Kaydeethreethis time it's going to take substantially more if my memory of the patchnotes is correct
00:39.39Cidethey're changing the mechanics, making spell haste more powerful than it was before (for some classes)
00:39.53Cidesince channeled spells are now affected too
00:40.02Mr_Rabies2whatever, i've got a 1.0 attack speed so haste is pretty much not much of a difference to me
00:40.13Cidehaste scales linearly :)
00:40.36Mr_Rabies2still, not much of a difference between 1.0 and 0.7, both are damn fast
00:40.42Cidein pvp maybe
00:40.59Mr_Rabies2hehehehe that reminds me
00:41.06Cidethe damage increase is linear though
00:41.20Mr_Rabies2i could have my pet attacking with like a 0.4 attack speed
00:41.27Mr_Rabies2before the speed nerf
00:41.31Mr_Rabies2on my hunter
00:41.58Mr_Rabies2i had broken tooth, and with the hunter talents and everything i could have my pet doing like 300 dps without counting claw or bite
00:44.47cladhairearan is fun
00:46.15Kaydeethree"I will not move when Flame Wreath is cast or the raid blows up..."
00:48.52Kaydeethreesigh... "Your ticket will be serviced soon." for ~30m now
00:50.20Gngsksomeone blew up in flame wreath today in my raid
00:50.23Gngskbut it didn't kill anyone
00:50.50zenzelezzI swear that spell always crit on me
00:53.07JoshBorkei geet to do shade!
00:55.26Cideyou will not move when flame wreath or the raid blows up
00:55.38Cides/or/is cast or/
00:55.44Cidedamn you
00:55.49Cideyou will not move when flame wreath is cast or the raid blows up
00:56.30Cidehey, I'm not doing shade of aran!
00:56.48JoshBorkei'm TOTALLY gonna blow up the raid
00:58.21Cideit's the best fight in the game atm
00:59.13Kaydeethreec'thun > aran
00:59.15GuillotineI'm the greatest at PvP ever. I solod 9 people in epic gear at the same time
00:59.19Guillotine<3 Flame Wreath
00:59.36CideKaydeethree: hmm, yeah
00:59.38Cideyou're probably right
00:59.44Cideactually, you are
01:00.09Neeblerc'thun pretty much requires an addon to fight
01:00.13zenzelezzC'thun revealed a few slackers
01:00.21CideNeebler: nah, not at all
01:00.32Kaydeethreeit's not that hard to stand away from everyone else
01:00.51Kaydeethree'couse, we still mandated the use of /ctw, but who didn't?
01:00.57Cidewe didn't
01:01.10CideI don't think many people at all used it
01:01.21Cidein our guild.. nobody even mentioned it
01:02.09Cidebut I suppose it makes the fight a bit easier
01:02.09Corrodiastwo realms are offline
01:02.09CorrodiasCHAOS WILL ENSUE
01:02.19Kaydeethreeso's the GM queue, apparently
01:02.51zenzelezzthe CTW addon could be more in the way than of help... some people got too caught up in the proximity warning to run where they should
01:03.22Kaydeethreebut you could say that for all boss mods
01:03.51zenzelezzof course
01:05.54cladhairei need to work on my shadow dmg
01:05.56cladhairei keep running out of mana
01:06.01cladhaireby 35%
01:06.11Kaydeethreescrew blizzard and their lousy resist fights
01:06.19Kaydeethree...waitasec, I'm not on the forums
01:06.21Kaydeethreefuck blizzard and their fucking resist fights
01:06.23JoshBorkeit's hard to have good mana stay without high shadow damage
01:06.45JoshBorkepots and fiend are your friend
01:06.51JoshBorkeremember, trinket before your fiend if you can
01:07.03JoshBorkeand trinket your VT too
01:07.09zenzelezzI'm not sure swearing is so much better in here Kaydeethree
01:07.18JoshBorkesomething like 500 DPS will let you break even on casting VT
01:07.48Kaydeethreetrue, but I don't have to think about the forum filter on irc
01:08.04zenzelezzthe ops can still put you right
01:08.12TainYou know some people really just ask for a back stabbing.
01:08.30cladhairei'm not very set on my rotation right now either
01:08.38cladhaireprobably not SW:D enough
01:09.34cladhairei'll figure this raiding shadow thing out =)
01:09.43Cideshould use sw: d every time it's up unless it's a long fight
01:09.52TainI was doing an generic escort quest, and what I was escorting was attackable by the other faction on non-PVP servers.  I go in Stealth with really slow moving escorts so I can get a nice Ambush in.
01:09.53cladhairedefine long, its aran =)
01:09.56Cidefor long fights it's pretty much dots + mind flay
01:10.02Cidearan I'd go all out
01:10.03TainSo I'm stealthed, a Hunter runs up and starts attacking my escort.
01:10.06Cideand use 2 mana pots
01:10.17Cideso dots + mind flay + mind blast + shadow word: death
01:10.18cladhairei only have one left
01:10.20cladhairebut that was my plan
01:10.24TainSo I Ambushed him but good.
01:10.41JoshBorkei'm afraid i'll pull aggro
01:10.44JoshBorkei don't know when to back off
01:11.00Cidewould probably run oom with one mana pot using that combo, so I'd drop mind blast out of the rotation
01:11.05Kaydeethreegreat thing about aran: no aggro table in the traditional sense
01:11.07Cideand maybe shadow word: death every 12 sec instead of 6
01:11.24cladhaireCide: hrm.. okay.. so just VT,SWP,Flay,death every 12?
01:11.46Cidesomething like that, ya
01:12.09Cideor just do death after you renew vt
01:12.25Cidethey really need to make imp sw: p affect vt =/
01:12.57JoshBorkeneed to statr getting used to Death being 12 seconds anyway
01:15.06JoshBorkethey should give mages a water well
01:15.28Kaydeethreeor just take AcceptTrade() off the hardware-event-bound function list like it was before 2.0
01:15.37kergothTain: lol
01:16.47KaydeethreeI miss being able to go afk before raids with tD on and give water to a third of the raid totally unattended
01:22.36TainWhat kind of pizza, Tem?
01:22.51TemPapa Johns
01:23.03Temthey have a carryout special atm
01:23.19Temone large for 7bucks
01:23.20cladhairewhats the special?
01:23.23cladhaireooh nice
01:23.27cladhairei need to eat some more
01:23.38Temand that's easily 2 meals
01:23.56TainI have a cast iron skillet cooked steak in the oven right now.
01:25.23*** join/#wowi-lounge raevanmorlock (
01:25.32TemTain, if I hadn't eaten yet, I'd be jealous
01:25.47JoshBorkeyou guys talking about food is making me hungry
01:27.17Temwhat addon is screwing up the posistion of my buff frame?
01:27.25TemI don't have the patience to find it be disabling stuff
01:27.33zenzelezzfood is overrated... I get bored halfway through a meal
01:27.39CideTem: hook setpoint? :P
01:27.59Temyou wanna know what I'm writing in my tweak addon right now?
01:27.59Cideand print a stack trace
01:28.03Tembecause that's it
01:28.14Cideah :)
01:28.27TemI'm just annoyed that I have to do it at all
01:28.31Cideyeah =/
01:28.34Templus, I suspect I already know the cause
01:31.03JoshBorkecladhaire: is there an option in tomtom to hide the coords when in an instance?
01:31.18cladhairegood idea
01:31.19cladhairepost it =)
01:32.38TainI still need to pick up a new rice cooker, but I never see one I like when I'm out.
01:33.13cladhairei have a cheap one
01:33.15cladhairebut it works =)
01:35.48TainMe too, I just get annoyed because rice sticks to it every time, and it doesn't have a good "keep warm" mode.  If I don't take it out as soon as it is done it doesn't come out right.
01:35.56cladhairemy keep warm mode sucks
01:35.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
01:36.02JoshBorkecladhaire: posted
01:36.04JoshBorkeerm, wait
01:36.08JoshBorkegooglecode or wowi?
01:36.15cladhairebut in theory i might check either
01:36.18cladhairebtu gcode emails me.
01:37.46JoshBorkewell, posted to wowi
01:38.17cladhairei can give you commit access to
01:38.19cladhaireyou could amke it
01:41.10cladhaireheheh :P
01:41.52Temoh that's a rather bizare sideeffct
01:42.07Temnot that surprizing, but still bizarre
01:42.21TemSpam Sentry hides the ticket frame when you have a ticket open for a spammer
01:42.28Temthe ticket frame moves the buffs down
01:42.37Tembut spam sentry doesn't move them back
01:43.16Tembut what's really bizarre is that I've disabled spamsentry and it still has the ticket frame hidden or something
01:44.01Kaydeethree? it's still showing the ticket frame for me whenever I submit a petition through it
01:46.18TemI wish it would do that for me
01:46.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
01:46.30TemI want to be able to edit the ticket
01:46.44Kaydeethreeyou using a beta version or something? last build from wowi's not doing anything weird
01:47.34Temyeah, I just pulled it from the svn today because I'm lazy
01:48.18Temany idea what the name of that ticket status frame is?
01:48.21TemI can't find mine
01:48.33Temgo figure
01:49.21Kaydeethreeone of these days I'm going to have wow open when I'm skimming through the wdn list
01:49.25Temit's off the screen
01:49.25JoshBorkecladhaire: should i worry about having an option for it?
01:49.34Kaydeethreesee what happens when I open up the TicTacToeFrame
01:49.38Temhmm, how annoying
01:49.41cladhaireI'd add a toggle for it,
01:49.47cladhairebut i can add that after
01:50.29Tem_evil_ layout-cache was involved
01:50.39JoshBorkehrm, i was just gonna stick it in the OnUpdate
01:50.52cladhaireJoshBorke: How would you re-show it?
01:50.59ShadowedThough layout-cache only handled positioning not hiding?
01:51.01JoshBorkeyea, that wouldn't work
01:51.07JoshBorkeneed to look at what events are fired when you zone
01:51.12JoshBorkemight be a use for the event that does nothing
01:51.15TemShadowed, the frame was posisitioned off the screen
01:51.18cladhairei think i already register for them
01:51.22Shadowedthats a rather odd way to do it
01:51.35Temand now, I get to hunt down spam sentry's author and give him an earful about things addons should never do
01:51.41ShadowedYou could always check PEW/PLW and use IsInInstance
01:52.15JoshBorkewhy am i doing this?  i'm in a new area of kara...
01:52.20JoshBorkei should be enjoying the trash pulls
01:52.30JoshBorkewait, what am i saying?  enjoying trash?
01:52.32Kaydeethreeenjoy? trash pulls?
01:52.48Kaydeethreemaybe the pre-post curator 2-pull trash. try to wipe the raid when you get overloaded
01:53.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
01:57.55Cideonly bad trash in kara is curator-shade of aran
01:58.00Cidegod I want to kill myself doing that
01:58.15Cidethen again, most of it was terrible while learning the instance because of the fast respawns
01:58.22Kaydeethreemelee-only trash in a caster-heavy instance
01:58.36Cideleveling dagger skill for the win
01:59.05JoshBorkei'm 2 runs from exalted lower city
01:59.17JoshBorkesaw the priest chestpiece for the first time today
01:59.24KaydeethreeI got to revered to get my heroic key and then stopped
01:59.30Kaydeethreecannot stand SL
01:59.53Kaydeethreethough I'm going to have to run it again so I can get keyed to the eye, ugh
02:00.06JoshBorkeit's not that bad with a good group
02:00.11JoshBorkei get through in about 90 minutes
02:01.07ShadowedAren't they reducing SL trash in 2.1 at least
02:01.52Shadowed"Reduced the number of creatures in Shadow Labyrinth. "
02:02.08KaydeethreeI wish they'd dumb down the AI some more. doing unspeakable things to our healer in the MC event isn't that fun
02:02.24Shadowedit is dumb
02:02.27Shadowed1) Spam cooldowns
02:02.29Shadowed2) Spam cooldowns
02:02.31Shadowed3) Spam cooldowns
02:02.50KaydeethreeI pop my "zomg" macro 10s in to the fight, that's every CD I can burn
02:03.03Kaydeethreedoesn't help when all 4 of us turn on him at the same instant, though
02:04.26Cidenever had that happen myself, maybe I'm lucky
02:04.48CideI've chain cast mass dispel though, also not very enjoyable :P
02:05.02cladhairethat and SW:D spammage
02:05.36JoshBorkeooo, i didn't cast mass dispel last time
02:05.36Kaydeethreeat least when we've got a resto druid in the group she gets to keep her mana. the AI still hasn't figured out what to do while in tree form
02:05.51cladhairebarkskin in 2.1
02:07.20JoshBorkecladhaire: what about your druid?
02:07.30cladhairewhat about?
02:07.34JoshBorkestill playing it?
02:07.46cladhaireno point, on that server
02:08.19JoshBorkejust curious
02:09.10cladhairei love him
02:09.12cladhairewish i could play him
02:09.20cladhairebut i'd have to transfer, and i've got a good thing going on the alliance
02:09.31cladhairejust sucks, i need to move 3.7k from horde to alliance
02:11.32TainI'm playing Horde again for the first time in a long time.  How did I deal with Alliance for that long?
02:12.01GngskI'm playing horde for the first time ever
02:12.12Gngskwaiting for a group really sucks, but the groups tend to be of better quality
02:12.31cladhairei _love_ horde
02:12.33cladhairebut i can't on stormrage
02:12.46cladhaireits 4:1 on a good day
02:12.55cladhaireseems to be reasonably consistent in our battlegroup too
02:13.06TainI forgot how much easier it is for Horde to move between continents.  Zeppelins are so much easier than boats, and right to main towns.
02:13.09Kaydeethreeyay for ruin never being in synch
02:14.09Gngsktain, I'm finding it the exact opposite. granted I'm not used to the zeppelins
02:14.15cladhaireKaydeethree: what ruin server are you on?
02:14.41cladhaireah =)
02:14.44Shadowedcladhaire: LPS go
02:14.47TainI just don't think there's a comparison.
02:14.55Shadowedcan transfer it in large prismatic shards!
02:15.03cladhaireShadowed: nope
02:15.07cladhairethey sell for more on horde than on alliance
02:15.13cladhairedue to a completely fucked economy
02:15.17Shadowedoh horde to alliance
02:15.22TainZeppelin from Ogrimmar to Undercity directly, versus boats that you have to level up to get to and then get flight paths to.
02:15.25JoshBorkewiped on aran :-(
02:15.29Shadowednobody wants to do a gold trade?
02:15.47cladhaireShadowed: no one in their right mind woul want o move mmoney from alliance to horde
02:15.50Gngskyeah, that's true
02:15.55Shadowedi did =(
02:16.13TainThe Alliance has the advantage of the tram, but that's same continent.
02:16.18Gngskbut if you're all the way down in tanaris/un'goro/silithus, getting back to UC when your hearth is cooling is a bitch
02:16.23ShadowedTain: That doesn't really matter, I had to use the zep a couple of times, it was far easier to bribe a mage with 4g and bind in shat
02:16.29Kaydeethreemeh, all of the x-faction stuff I ever dealt with was sending bandages to the other side during the AQ effort
02:17.01TainThat doesn't work well Shadowed when you're low level though.
02:17.04ShadowedYou could try transferring it in patterns if you were really desperate
02:17.08ShadowedDepends on race
02:17.19ShadowedI bound to shatt at like lvl 30 because I was rolling a BE
02:17.55TainWell sure by level 30 anyone should be able to make a few gold a night easily.
02:19.05Shadowedwell up until like 25-30 you dont have to start moving areas
02:19.36Tainheh I play differently I guess.  
02:20.11ShadowedBE can go up to like level 25 without leaving the BE area :p
02:20.52TainMaybe can, but you lose out on weapon skills you can only learn from Thunder Bluff's weapon trainer.
02:21.21ShadowedPretty sure you can learn Swords without going to TB
02:21.25Shadowedso that wasn't an issue
02:21.55TainWell, like I said I guess I just play differently.  I can't sit in one spot and just level, I need to move around.
02:22.12Kaydeethreethe Blizzard_FeedbackUI's gathering some interesting information
02:22.17TainWhich isn't to suggest that my way is "better", it's just unbearable to me to not move around.
02:22.31ShadowedAddons loaded and such?
02:22.36Shadowedor something new
02:22.50Kaydeethreecombats, deaths, pvp combats, pvp deaths, average combat lengths
02:23.01ShadowedMakes sense I suppose
02:23.28Shadowedsince the things from TBC beta could be affected by all of those
02:26.49raevanmorlockAnyone know of an addon that lets you create your own chat message types and use the default gui to set their filter/color?
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02:59.58Kaydeethreeoh wow. that's an error I haven't seen in a while... "A character with that name already exists"
03:04.08Guillotinehmm. how do you make regexps in lua non-greedy again? I'm stuck in Python mode at the moment ><
03:05.14Cide>>> ("aaa"):match("(aa-)")
03:05.14CideCide: "a"
03:05.52Cide>>> ("aaa"):match("^(aa-)$")
03:05.52CideCide: "aaa"
03:06.17Cidedoes that help?
03:06.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Fridgid (i=Fridgid@
03:06.50Guillotineah, got it
03:07.13Guillotinewait, no
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03:08.14Guillotinebasically, I'm trying to only get the name when in a BG and someone sends a message cross server. For example "Guillotine-Draenor" works. But "Guillotine-Azol-Nerub" picks up too much. The problem is, it either bugs there or bugs when there is no -
03:08.44Cide>>> ("Guillotine"):match("([^-]+)")
03:08.44CideCide: "Guillotine"
03:08.48Cide>>> ("Guillotine-Draenor"):match("([^-]+)")
03:08.48CideCide: "Guillotine"
03:08.54Cide>>> ("Guillotine-Azol-Nerub"):match("([^-]+)")
03:08.54CideCide: "Guillotine"
03:09.00Guillotinethat works :) ty
03:09.03Cidenp :)
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03:27.31Guillotineis there any way to *set* the nth digit of a string to something (as opposed to getting it)
03:29.18JoshBorkenewstr = string.sub(oldstr,stuff)..'new stuff'..string.sub(oldstr, morestuff)
03:30.24Guillotinebut theres no function to do that? Trying to make it as efficient as possible ><
03:30.30Guillotinethat works if theres no better way
03:51.40clad|sleepstrings are immutable
03:51.41clad|sleepso no
04:01.49Cideyou *can* do it but it's ugly :P
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04:03.38Cidefun stuff like this:
04:04.47Cide>>> local str="12345"; local n = 3; local replacement = "hi"; local pattern = "(%s)(%%d)"; local newstring = ("12345"):gsub(pattern:format(("%d"):rep(n-1)), ("%%1%s"):format(replacement)); return newstring
04:04.48CideCide: "12hi45"
04:05.07Cideor rather
04:06.17Guillotineya, but thats not any better than the other way :P actually worse
04:06.37Cide>>> local function replace(str, rep, n) local pattern = "(%s)(%%d)"; local newstr= str:gsub(pattern:format(("%d"):rep(n-1)), ("%%1%s"):format(rep)); return newstr; end return replace("12345", "hi", 3)
04:06.37CideCide: "12hi45"
04:07.44Cidewith some memoization it should create fewer strings
04:07.44Cideactually it should as it is too
04:07.44Cidebut yeah, it's not very fast cpu-wise :P
04:08.03Cideand was more of a fun thing to do since I'm bored
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04:35.49VoidRaiderMorning :)
04:52.02Temso like
04:52.14Temthe last boss in sethekk is owning is
04:52.34Temwe're probably underlevel anyway, but anyone have any thoughts?
04:57.09nymbiahe's the one with the nasty arcane explosion isnt he?
05:00.35Temhe keeps sheeping our healer and he can't get out of LoS quickly enough
05:02.21VoidRaiderYou need to have an off-healer there
05:02.43Temcan the AE be interrupted?
05:02.51Guillotineanybody know anything about Khaos options? Mine don't seem to be working -_-
05:03.12TemVoidRaider, we do, but the AE kills the guy who is stuck in it
05:03.28Guillotinethe off healer should be dispelling sheep
05:03.35Temoff healer is a shammy
05:03.36Guillotineso that the healer has time to run out of AoE range
05:03.45Guillotineoh. then just give up now
05:03.54VoidRaiderShammy should be enough, resto ?
05:04.37VoidRaiderbah lol
05:04.45Temelemental I think
05:04.49Temhe's got the spell damage totem
05:05.04Guillotinethey all have the spell damage totem
05:05.07Guillotineits the crit one thats a talent
05:05.55Tembased on gear, I'd say he's enhancement
05:05.59nymbiai coulda sworn that aoe was interruptable.
05:06.11Temnymbia, there's a hunter in my guild who thinks it is too
05:06.15Temwe're gonna try that next time
05:06.17VoidRaiderUnlike druids that can switch their gear and be mediocre healers shammy must having their talents spent on resto :P
05:06.37ShadowedAE can be interrupted by Warrior SB last i checked actually
05:06.39VoidRaideralong with their healing gear equipped
05:07.16VoidRaiderWell my friend tried to Earth Shock it and the cast still went on so dunno
05:07.49ShadowedYeah it was something weird like you can interrupt it with shield bash but nothing else, maybe it was a bug or maybe i was imagining, dunno
05:07.53Shadowedbeen a while since i've done that boss
05:08.40nymbiayeah i've only done him twice... once on normal, once on heroic
05:09.50VoidRaiderIt's quite easy but it also depends on the group setup and gear :P
05:16.06VoidRaiderHmm when I have frame set to some parent and say I scale this parent, the frames attached to it should be scaled, isn't ?
05:17.00VoidRaiderHmm weird :P
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05:34.59TemShadowed, I'm told that it was changed in the last patch to be uninterruptable
05:35.11Shadowedahh yeah probably
05:36.25Temand I just tried to CS it
05:36.34Temwe had a party change
05:38.05Corrodiasit's not hard to get out of LoS as long as you're not sheeped
05:38.59Temwell, we had him until it fell apart because the tank lost agro to the enh shaman
05:39.21Temand then he went around 1 shotting clothies
05:39.31Tem(ie me)
05:40.29VoidRaiderHaha :P
05:42.17Temoh hell
05:42.21Temthe place is respawned
05:42.52Temso much time spent replacing people who had to leave
05:42.58VoidRaiderI see you have no luck there my friend :P
05:45.25VoidRaiderHmm right now I'm using LuaSlinger is there any mod available that is resizeable ?
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05:52.15Temtinypad > *
05:53.27VoidRaiderThanks Tem, i'll try it :)
05:54.58VoidRaiderHmm haven't updated for like 4 months ? :|
05:56.04VoidRaideroh ok found an updated version :)
06:07.15Temit hasn't needed changes since before 2.0 came out
06:07.20Temthat's how awesome it is
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06:11.18VoidRaiderYeah :P
06:11.28VoidRaiderJust checked, just what I needed :P
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06:30.55VoidRaiderWhen I have a frame scaled up and another frame at its bottom it overlaps the 1st frame, do I have to make pre-calculations to set it correctly using SetPoint, or there's another elegant way of doing it ?
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11:48.30Mr_Rabies2man i hope 2.1 hits tues
11:48.45Mr_Rabies2i want epic flying
11:49.57LysistrataI want Level 69!
12:10.41Mr_Rabies2i may have to settle for an epic flying mount until epic flight form hits
12:22.40clad|sleepwish i could cancel this flight
12:22.51clad|sleepaccidentally flew from Shatt to Netherstorm =(
12:22.58Mikmalogout and log back in
12:22.59clad|sleepmeant to go to Terrokar
12:23.05Mikmait usually lands in the nearest place possible
12:23.08clad|sleepyou can't logout on a flight path
12:23.11clad|sleepand disconnecting doesn't stop it
12:23.18Teomyryou can
12:23.33clad|sleepoh my
12:23.35clad|sleepi guess you can
12:23.38clad|sleepwhen did they .. do that?
12:23.42Mikmadisconnecting makes it land on the nearest place possible
12:24.06Teomyrthe next flight path node, that is
12:24.24Industrialfrom when to when is the bleach filler?
12:24.25Mikmai think it has been in since they made the flightpath connects
12:24.47Mikmawell, that's how long i have been using that trick :O
12:24.52Industrial@clad|sleep> you can't logout on a flight path
12:24.54clad|sleepnice =)
12:25.03Industrialyou can but logs you back in on the flight
12:25.10cladhairelearn something new everyda =)  Thanks Mikma Teomyr
12:25.22cladhairejust tested twice
12:25.26cladhaireit does land you at the next FP
12:25.29cladhairethats pretty cool
12:25.57Mikmayeah :) sometimes it can be annoying if you ie. install addons and logout while flying and forget about it :D
12:26.17Mikmaespecially if you are in hurry to some place ;)
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13:02.14cladhairehrm, a primal every 10 min or so
13:02.14cladhairenot bad
13:02.51JoshBorkewhat kind of primal?
13:03.26JoshBorkepsh, waters are easy :_D
13:03.32JoshBorkei fish for mine
13:03.50cladhairei have 7/375 fishing
13:04.00JoshBorkewell get on it!
13:04.25cladhairei keep getting ganked by mountain colossus tho
13:04.26JoshBorkei get 3 primals in 15 minutes
13:04.38JoshBorkeand then i go farm otherp rimals
13:05.15cladhaireits gonna take me longer to level fishin
13:05.20cladhairethan it will to get the primals
13:05.27JoshBorkeprobably :-D
13:05.57cladhaireand i can't do the half attention thing that fishing requires
13:07.05JoshBorkei use fishing ace + custom sound
13:07.25JoshBorkefishing ace just to turn up the volume and auto-lure while fishing
13:07.35cladhaire2no its not that
13:07.44cladhaireits the havign to go between applciations every 30 seconds
13:07.47cladhairei suppose i could read a book
13:07.57JoshBorkethat's what i did, read my psychology book
13:08.09cladhairei multitask too much for fishing
13:08.38JoshBorkei also read websites.  dual monitors ftw
13:08.50cladhairei have two monitors
13:08.56cladhaireflipping back for rforth every 30 seconds ftl
13:09.30JoshBorkeit'll be harder to not pay attention come 2.1
13:09.46JoshBorkeshorter casting time ftl
13:10.35cladhairefucker ganked me again
13:10.36cladhairewhat the fuck
13:10.41cladhairenow i'm getting pissed
13:10.46JoshBorkewhere are you farming?
13:11.58cladhairefaming on my druid for my priest
13:12.18JoshBorkealso drops off of the water elementals in nagraand
13:12.20JoshBorkearound halaa
13:12.28cladhairenot as much
13:12.38cladhaire=skettis has best drop rate in game
13:12.41cladhaireand more mobs
13:12.49JoshBorkebut not as difficult
13:13.02cladhairethe elems are easy
13:13.07cladhairethe roaming 73 elite fucker hates me
13:15.29cladhairemountain colossal
13:15.59zenzelezzah, just skimmed and saw "Halaa"
13:16.09JoshBorkecladhaire: farm me airs, kthxbai
13:16.25cladhaireairs are easy
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13:17.20JoshBorkei get too easily frustrated with the drop rate and the ganking
13:17.28cladhairewhat ganking?
13:17.38JoshBorkei play on PvP
13:17.48cladhaireWHAT THE FVUCK
13:17.56JoshBorkecladhaire = owned
13:17.57cladhairei surfaced on the lake
13:18.02cladhairetook another 3kbreath damage
13:18.14Gnarfoz<JoshBorke> i use fishing ace + custom sound <-- custom sound? how? :>
13:18.26GnarfozI thought that was disabled a while back
13:18.29cladhaireno, tauren
13:18.44JoshBorkesea cow?
13:18.47zenzelezzcows need a lot of air
13:19.10Mikmamm burgers
13:19.30cladhairei died more in the past hour, thank i died from levels 60-65
13:19.31JoshBorkebut i use a different sound, just used the mod to find out where to put the sound
13:19.56Gnarfozyeah I had an addon for that back then when \Data\ worked, too
13:20.00Gnarfozgotta find that one again
13:20.07JoshBorkethat one still works
13:20.42JoshBorkewtf. <-- why is that an ace mod when it's the exact same thing as the other mod, just a different sound?  (ie just a wav file)
13:23.55JoshBorkebah!  2 casts in a row with no bites
13:27.45JoshBorkeok, time to pack my computer
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13:39.48cladhairei just keep..dying.
13:40.54cladhairei'm totally done with this
13:41.55Gnarfozgood idea, maybe the concept is indeed flawed if you keep dying ;D
13:45.28cladhaireits just retarded
13:45.29cladhairei'm actually leaving now
13:45.29cladhairei'll be back
13:45.31cladhairebut i'm annoyed.
13:45.33cladhaireto say the leasty
13:46.55cladhairei'd be making money
13:46.55cladhaireif it weren't fo the effing repair bulls
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14:00.01Gngskfarming in skettis certainly can be annoying
14:06.56Tem|Foodthe trick is to stand VERY still for the first few mobs
14:07.06Tem|Foodthen once you have a space to breathe in, it's not bad
14:07.10cladhairebut you can't farm the front
14:07.14cladhairethe back is where ya need to hang
14:07.16cladhaireand the roamers are a bitch
14:07.25Temnever been there
14:07.34Temjust heard how much of a bitch the mobs are
14:07.41Temlike raptors in ungoro
14:07.44Temonly level 70
14:08.38cladhaireyeah they can suck
14:09.03Tembut the mote of water droprate is insane
14:09.08Temso it's totally worth it
14:09.14cladhairei just ghot frustrated
14:09.16cladhaireand set a time limit
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14:19.28zenzelezzwell that's nice... accidentally double-clicked the X-Chat tray icon rather than Pidgin, and X-Chat crashed o_O
14:24.36Mr_Rabies2this thread is full of ignorance that makes me sad and angry :[
14:24.42Mr_Rabies2angry enough to triple post, actually
14:26.27Mr_Rabies2ignorance makes me angry, it's one of the few things out there that gets me worked up :[
14:27.01Mr_Rabies2"well -I- don't like using addons, they have viruses"
14:27.41Mr_Rabies2"hay guys look goldfarmers use glider to farm gold"
14:27.55Mr_Rabies2woo, i need to chill off
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15:37.17Mr_Rabies2guys i think i may draw webcomics in my sleep or something
15:37.47Mr_Rabies2because this is way too familiar to me :x
15:40.02Corrodiasour main warrior tank is a keyboard turner
15:40.37Corrodiashe's effective enough to be a MT in our karazhan raids, but he does have a half a second delay at times
15:41.03Mr_Rabies2i keyboard turn sometimes, it really depends on what i'm doing
15:41.14Mr_Rabies2most of the time i move with the mouse entirely though
15:41.31Mr_Rabies2mouse 4 for autorun and right click for turning
15:41.49Corrodiaswe tried the ramparts last night (normal) with me healing. i just used the mouse for part of it as i ate with my other hand.
15:41.55Mr_Rabies2my shapeshift forms are my numpad, so while shifting i'll switch to WSAD for movement then move back to the mouse
15:42.04Mr_Rabies2i'd do that while raiding
15:42.07Mr_Rabies2autofollow a priest
15:42.11Corrodiasthe last boss went nuts, though. he was spitting more fire than he does even on heroic
15:42.14Mr_Rabies2and just click heal
15:42.21Mr_Rabies2while eating
15:42.30Corrodiastwo people died >:o which i take as a personal affront
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15:53.06Nomstarcraft mmo rumoured
15:54.10krkait's gonna suck, i hear it's going to use VBscript instead of lua
15:54.29nevcairielMS paid a fortune for that!
15:58.56Mr_Rabies2i highly doubt blizz is going to waste money with another MMO now
15:59.00Mr_Rabies2maybe in 5 years
15:59.15Mr_Rabies2when the wow subscription tapers off
15:59.45Mr_Rabies2they may announce they're starting development on it in a little while, at the very most, but even then may take some of the steam away from wow
15:59.48krka"i know, let's compete with ourselves!"
16:00.21cladhairedigg already has an article refuting it
16:00.24cladhairefrom blizzard, allegedly
16:00.49Mr_Rabies2all it would do would be taking subscribers from wow and putting them in WoSC
16:01.04krkaor SCU
16:01.24Mr_Rabies2who cares what the acronym is for a game that isn't going to be released for a while if ever :p
16:02.07krkaacronyms FTW
16:03.16Mr_Rabies2a sc mmo would hurt their money machine with wow
16:03.42Mr_Rabies2sc2 would make a ton of sales
16:03.49krkathey'll make sc2 depend on wow
16:03.55krkaif you don't have wow, you cant play sc2
16:03.57krkait's brilliant!
16:04.11krkabasically let sc mmo be an expansion
16:04.13Mr_Rabies2new wow expansion:
16:04.25Mr_Rabies2forget the gear, you enter this new portal to a new continent
16:04.34Mr_Rabies2and all of a sudden it's an RTS in the FUTURE
16:04.47Mr_Rabies2and the draenei have been renamed protoss!
16:05.05Mr_Rabies2the silithids, who have started calling themselves the zerg, are attacking!
16:05.44Mr_Rabies2the draenei-protoss have branched away from the alliance after all the factions mysteriously disappeared except for the humans, who are now referred to as terrans
16:06.55Mr_Rabies2i'd like a battleground where you play wc3 against each other, personally :p
16:07.06krkajust a matter of time before blizzard merges sc and warcraft publically
16:07.16Mr_Rabies2though i hear hyjal is pretty close to WC3, and looking at the map of it, it really does look close
16:07.17krka(you know the observer in sc has sounds from warcraft)
16:08.07Mr_Rabies2well starcraft was built on the warcraft engine, they both play pretty much exactly the same except balancing stuff
16:08.21Mr_Rabies2wc2... i think
16:08.46krkai meant lorewise
16:09.01Mr_Rabies2eh i doubt they'd merge em
16:09.17Mr_Rabies2it worked with warhammer until they severed the ties between whf and wh40k
16:09.19krkathey already have in a way - protoss observers remember stuff from warcraft 2
16:09.37Mr_Rabies2i'm pretty sure that's just an easter egg and not canon
16:09.52krkasame thing
16:11.05Mr_Rabies2i'm so tempted to edit this and pass it off as leaked SC2 footage:
16:13.09Mr_Rabies2argh i checked that thread again to see if any of the idiocy died down and got angry again
16:13.20Mr_Rabies2time to watch This is Spinal Tap
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16:24.32TainI do really hope they come out with a real StarCraft 2.  I always liked SC better than the WarCraft games.
16:26.37Mr_Rabies2i don't, i like warcraft
16:27.00Mr_Rabies2especially 3, because instead of just being generic fantasy, it really tears the fantasy archetypes up
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16:27.19Mr_Rabies2like orcs != bad, elves != good, and good and evil are subjective
16:27.56TainYeah but that's how StarCraft was from the beginning. :)
16:28.05TainNo need to go back and try to shake things up.
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16:34.47Mr_Rabies2i'm probably going to be disliked for this, but dawn of war is more fun than starcraft
16:34.50Mr_Rabies2especially at LANs
16:35.04Mr_Rabies2man, having a massive 4v4 with your friends
16:35.14Mr_Rabies2with a huge army, is just so fun
16:40.07Mr_Rabies2especially after someone eventually wins
16:40.36Mr_Rabies2seeing the thousands and thousands of corpses piled around the bases and in hotspots
16:44.02krkai hear dow uses lua too
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16:53.02Cairennwheee, net split
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16:54.42TainI'm not flexible enough for net splits. :/
16:56.04Cairennapparently freenode is though
16:56.54TainFreenode will let anyone in!
16:59.39Mr_Rabies2i'm testing that theory, one second
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17:00.38Mr_Rabies2Banned:  Tor freenode is hidden-service-only
17:03.11Elessdyokay, how the heck do i figure out which addon is making me shift OUT of my forms when i try to cast a spell that i can't use in that form?
17:03.17Elessdyit's really, -really- irritating
17:04.38Mr_Rabies2i forget, i had one that did that too
17:04.55Corrodiascan i determine which functions are hooking spell casts or something?
17:05.02Mr_Rabies2could be druid bar, i dunno
17:05.33Mr_Rabies2oh jeez
17:05.42Mr_Rabies2this is a guy on another irc network's UI:
17:05.53Mr_Rabies2clutteredinterface is cluttered
17:05.54Mr_Rabies2also huge
17:06.34Corrodiasi don't have druidbar :(
17:06.58Corrodiasmine's almost as bad, but i don't have HUEG unit frames like that
17:06.59Mr_Rabies2or any kind of mount removing addon?
17:07.07Corrodiasgogomount, but that didn't used to do it
17:07.27Mr_Rabies2check in its options maybe
17:07.37Mr_Rabies2it could have an "also apply to druid forms" thing
17:07.38kergothi think there are a few addons that do that. i know automaton has a module for that, if you use it
17:09.18Corrodiasso is there any way to tell which it is besides going through their configurations, readmes, and enable/disable checks?
17:11.01kergothgrep/search for calls of whatever api call is used to change forms.
17:11.06kergoththats what i'd do, anyway
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17:14.02Corrodiasi don't know my way around the API and secure frames well enough to figure out how shifting works
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17:15.00Corrodiasbut maybe the command to -cancel- a form...
17:17.29Corrodiasugh, i can't even search for the error message because that's probably localized
17:20.05Mr_Rabies2are there any good addons that extend the quest tracker to >5?
17:20.07Corrodiaswait, druid bar, is that the mana bar?
17:20.18Mr_Rabies2preferably ones on the ace updater, but not because of why other people think ace is better, just because i'm too lazy to seek out updates manually :p
17:20.21Corrodiasquestsfu gives you a quest tracker that'll hold as many as you want...
17:20.27Mr_Rabies2ah, really
17:20.30Mr_Rabies2lemme see
17:20.51Corrodiaswith optional, independent color coding for level, title, and objective
17:21.09Corrodiasi keep the titles white but color the levels and objectives (by how complete they are)
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17:22.48raevanmorlockIf you had to identify the dropdown list that appears when right-clicking a chat tab, what name would you give it?
17:23.34Corrodiasdruidbar does have the ability to unshift you under some circumstances, but the readme talks about slash commands that don't exist...
17:24.03Mr_Rabies2chat tab dropdown options menu turbo megamix
17:24.10Corrodiasthe blizzard UI calls it DropDownList1
17:24.13Mr_Rabies23 alpha 4 third strike
17:24.27kergothMr_Rabies2: questsfu and nquestlog are both quite nice
17:24.39Mr_Rabies2we shall see
17:24.45raevanmorlockCorrodias: Every "level 1" dropdown list is called that
17:24.52Corrodiasso why are you asking us?
17:25.08Corrodiasthat's a perfectly decent name
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17:26.04raevanmorlockI'm making an addon that allows you to freely edit the lists... so I'd prefer a name that actually pertains to the dropdown for the chat list themselves without being bloated or cryptic
17:26.44raevanmorlockmeh.. maybe. I didn't wanna come up with one and then people be like "what the heck is a ___?"
17:27.05CorrodiasChatTabDropdown, i mean
17:27.21Corrodiasnothing wrong with different conventions, too. chat_tab_dropdown_list
17:27.52raevanmorlockChatTabDropDown works for me
17:28.20Mr_Rabies2i'd call it Dhalsim
17:28.22Mr_Rabies2just because
17:28.35Corrodiaslooks like gogomount is one of the addons doing it
17:28.50Corrodiasi don't remember getting ezdismount but i need to make sure that's not interfering as well
17:29.27raevanmorlockMr_Rabies: The Street Fighting character?
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17:29.48Mr_Rabies2the stretchy indian dude with the fire attacks
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17:33.24Mr_Rabies2questsfu isn't my cup of tea
17:33.27Mr_Rabies2why do i have to be so picky
17:33.44Mr_Rabies2the tracker isn't resizable, just rescalable
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17:34.57Corrodiasthis appears to be a bug in gogomount
17:35.08Corrodiasthe option to disable shifting out of forms automatically doesn't work
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17:36.52Corrodiasoh, i see
17:37.04Corrodiasthat option is for whether or not it should include travel form in its list of stuff to mount into
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17:49.02Mr_Rabies2i wish there was just a quest tracker that just -extended- blizzard's with nothing else :/
17:49.31Corrodiasi rather like questsfu's tracker...
17:49.35Mr_Rabies2i don'
17:49.38Corrodiasfor one thing, it's repositionable, yay
17:49.45Mr_Rabies2it's not wide enough
17:49.58Corrodiasthis is an issue. it resizes itself but sometimes chooses poorly
17:50.01Mr_Rabies2It does like this for my quests
17:50.04Corrodiassometimes it's very narrow
17:50.08Mr_Rabies2The Vials
17:50.10Mr_Rabies2of Eternity
17:50.18Corrodiasmost of the time it isn't like that
17:50.24Mr_Rabies2Kill Lady Vashj and
17:50.29Mr_Rabies2Kael thalas
17:50.35Mr_Rabies2or whatever, you know
17:50.36Mr_Rabies2er, thas
17:51.05Mr_Rabies2i'd like one that just extended the limit on the blizzard one, and otherwise acted just like it :x
17:53.55Mr_Rabies2oh man
17:54.14Mr_Rabies2this comment on someone's addon makes me want to beat up puppies:
17:54.16Mr_Rabies2Why does people spend time developing addons that already excits ?
17:54.16Mr_Rabies2This funktion is in CT.
17:54.16Mr_Rabies2And most people online use CT Raid.
17:55.41Mr_Rabies2well then that was interesting
17:55.48Mr_Rabies2i enable taintchecker and wow closes itself
17:56.19Mr_Rabies2after going to a slideshow
17:57.10TainThat function already exists in CT Raid too!
18:06.16raevanmorlockIs there a function (or some other means) to change stance when a key is pressed?
18:10.55Mr_Rabies2like, what do you mean?
18:11.23Mr_Rabies2because you can bind the stances to keys in keybindings, or do you mean by means of an addon?
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18:13.59raevanmorlockA keybinding... my friend wants to be able to switch stances with key presses
18:14.25raevanmorlockAnd I haven't played a warrior in years
18:22.14Mr_Rabies2its in the bindings
18:22.24Mr_Rabies2by default it's ctrl f1, f2, etc
18:22.44Mr_Rabies2tell him to look for whatever's bound to those and rebind them to what he wants
18:22.50Mr_Rabies2special buttons or something i think
18:25.27raevanmorlockThank ya
18:25.33raevanmorlockI shall go tell her she's a noob now
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20:06.17AnduinLotharlol i just ran out from Thorngrin
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20:31.42sysragewoot. spamsentry rocks
20:32.07Kaydeethreeyes, yes it does
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20:34.39Mr_Rabies2i don't bother reporting because most of the accounts are banned before my ticket gets answered anyway
20:34.46Mr_Rabies2and thus it just increases ticket time
20:34.57Mr_Rabies2but it does a good job blocking em
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20:41.32foxlitSS should just coordinate reporting through a hidden channel!
20:41.41foxlit[hooray for more network traffic!]
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20:48.05Mr_Rabies2oh that would be awesome
20:48.11Mr_Rabies2like, so great
20:48.40Mr_Rabies2go to report one and see *name already reported*
20:48.46leethalzomg help. the combat log goes "Frost Trap III's Frost Trap effect was resisted by Hogger.". How can I know for sure which hunter that owned the trap?
20:48.46Mr_Rabies2that would be awesome
20:49.02Mr_Rabies2ask him the following question
20:49.07leethalI guess I could "tag" a hunter for resist when he puts the trap, but what if there's multiple hunters around?
20:49.10Mr_Rabies2"taht ur tarp"
20:49.19Mr_Rabies2it's their native language
20:49.20AnduinLotharyou cant leethal
20:49.21Mr_Rabies2they'll understand
20:54.10foxlitace2 needs a better config interface :(
20:54.23foxlitOr, rather, some ace2-derived addons need better config interfaces.
20:54.43foxlitMulti-level dropdown menus with nested controls are a bit excessive
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20:55.24AnduinLotharI'm in the middle of writing a Khaos plugin that allows ace addon configuration within Khaos
20:56.13leethalace2 needs to start using Dongle
20:56.56Mikmawhere can horde learn maces
20:57.04Cidefoxlit: yep, that's quite possibly the worst design I've seen
20:57.48[dRaCo]mikma: 2h maces should be orgrimmar
20:57.58AnduinLothari'm planning on making the multi level dropdowns into sub sections with single layers, since khaos doesn't support multi level dropdowns and i thinkt hey're horrible for configs
20:58.09Mikma[dRaCo]: so, how can belf get to org?
20:58.36foxlitTeleporter in Silvermoon -> UC -> Zep -> Fly -> Org
20:58.43[dRaCo]dunno, have a warlock tp you? :>
20:58.51Mikmateleporter as mage or is there an npc?
20:59.01foxlitIt's an object
20:59.18Kaydeethreeit was an npc back in beta, though
20:59.23Mr_Rabies2it'd be nice if fubar had a super secret modifier to make the tooltip stay there while i held it down so i could click on some stupid thing at the bottom of, say, GarbageFu, to sell it
20:59.39Mr_Rabies2because every time, without fail, i start moving across the tooltip and it disappears
21:00.02Mikmaso, if anyone can give me any extra info about the teleporter i would be thankful :)
21:00.03Mr_Rabies2and i have to fight it for like 5 minutes to save me time vendoring my meat or whatever i feel like selling
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21:08.08foxlitMikma: orb of translocation
21:08.16foxlitNorthwest part, if memory serves.
21:08.24foxlitInside a building, up a staircase sort of thing
21:09.22Mikmafoxlit: thanks, will check it out :)
21:14.33Mr_Rabies2i think you can ask a guard
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21:15.44Kasockknight: i think i asked you the other day but you were afk or something, but i have a question about cartogorpher
21:16.15KasoCartographer, and i suck at spelling >.<
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21:18.35Kasockknight: internet stable? , are you around?
21:18.56Kasoi think i asked you the other day but you were afk or something, but i have a question about cartogorpher
21:19.23Neeblerthe answer is 42
21:19.32KasoDo you use "2" as your CHAT_MSG_ADDON prefix for cartog
21:20.16ckknightKaso: no.
21:20.22ckknightKaso: it uses a 3-byte sequence
21:20.28ShadowedI think it's those chat mods that do it Kaso
21:20.35Kasohmm, "those"?
21:20.58Shadowedthe ones that create fake channels that are sent over things like GUILD messages
21:20.59ckknightKaso: it could be that you only see the "2", the other bytes could be hidden
21:21.03Shadowedguild addon messages*
21:21.36Kasobut if its random then it wouldnt have 2 in each session correct?
21:21.41Kasooh wait
21:21.42ckknightit's not random.
21:21.46Kasoperhaps then.
21:21.50ckknightit's a memoized sequence
21:22.31Kasoive just been mystifed by this GUILD spam ive been getting with 2 as the prefix but if theres some stuff that i cant see that makes more sense
21:22.51Kasoits not like its important or anything just im curious :>
21:22.59batricktry disabling addons?
21:23.06Kasowell it isnt me, its my guildies
21:23.25Kaydeethreeyell at them to figure out what they have running?
21:23.25Kasoi just happen to be playing with chat_msg_addon so i keep seeing thier spam on my addon that shows addon traffic
21:25.53KasoKaydeethree thats how i got cartog as one of my suspects :> they all seemed to be using that one, but it was harly a complete surveysorta
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22:02.17batricksilly cannuks
22:02.30ckknightKaso: every ~5 seconds Cartographer can run a message to the guild
22:03.42Kasoim getting stuff like this "CHAT_MSG_ADDON", arg1="2" arg2="Mm1" arg3="GUILD" arg4="PlayerName"
22:04.25AnduinLotharAceComm uses highly unreadable often invisible characters
22:04.46Kasothats prob it then.
22:12.24*** join/#wowi-lounge sineP (
22:12.41KasoHello :.
22:12.46KasoSo how can i help
22:13.18sinePi need a macro that uses a certain rank of spell when my target has a certain amount of health.. is it possible
22:13.32KasoIm afraid it isnt since 2.1
22:13.34ThraesineP: Not since 2.x.
22:13.42sinePah okay
22:13.51KasoYou have to decide what spell to cast yourself thats the general philosopy
22:13.55ThraeKaso: 2.0 killed that, not 2.1
22:14.05Adysi think he meant 2.0.1
22:14.26sinePwell thx anyway
22:14.32KasoI mean 2.0 yes, im just so used to typing 2.1 recently it comes without thinking :>
22:15.01ThraesineP: You could get an addon that "suggests" which rank of Healing to use. And out-of-combat, an addon which picks the rank of healing spell to use would work.
22:15.30sinePye i have tried a thing called healing bot i think but the suggestions arent that good i think
22:15.53ThraesineP: Yeah, its hard to put everything in the equations, which include healing bonuses, talents per class, etc.
22:16.32sinePye.. the thing is i wanted the macro to like use rank 4 HT when target had 2k less HP than max and rank 8 when 3k under and so on
22:16.40ThraeNope, can't do that.
22:17.13sinePfair enough..
22:17.21ThraeI suggest just giving 'em different keybindings. I use SHIFT+LEFT-CLICK for Rank 7, ALT+LEFT-CLICK for Highest Rank, etc.
22:17.31ThraeI also use Click-Casting
22:17.46sinePye thought about that but already have so many so its just like... "where do i put them" :O
22:18.16ThraesineP: Consider using Clique or Click2Cast, etc.
22:19.05ThraesineP: Yes, both are. Click Casting is now built into frames w/ 2.0, and both are managers w/ GUIs for using them.
22:20.13sinePare they just called clique and Click2Cast?
22:20.20ThraesineP: Click-Casting works thusly -- you can bind SHIFT+LEFTBUTTON (Mouse) to cast Healing Touch Rank 7 when you mouse over a unit frame, and it will cast it on that unit. It can also do Macros, use Items, etc.
22:20.28ThraesineP: Yes
22:20.47ThraesineP: Oh, and Click-Casting doesn't change your current target.
22:21.02sinePcan u use it with CTRA?
22:21.14sinePraid frames
22:21.28ThraeYou can try. I use the PerfectRaid frames myself.
22:21.55sinePanother interface mod?
22:21.59ThraeNice and minimalistic, with all the info most people need from CTRA.
22:22.06ThraeThey are Raid frames, just raid frames.
22:22.21Thraes/CTRA/CTRA's Raid Frames/
22:22.35Thraes/CTRA/CTRA\'s Raid Frames/
22:22.44sinePokay.. never heard about them..
22:23.55ThraesineP: You don't have to use the raid frames that come with CTRA. You can use a replacement and turn off CTRA's, while still transmitting your data to the raid.
22:24.09[dRaCo]if you want something that looks like ctra, you could take a look at sraidframes
22:24.55sinePwhere do i find that+
22:25.29[dRaCo]should be on wowi
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22:26.06sinePokay okay.. didnt know they had that kind of stuff.. just bumped in here actually
22:26.33Kasoi shoved him in here from #wowwiki :>
22:26.48KasosineP, this is the channel for check it out
22:27.19sinePah thx
22:28.15batrickanyone here familiar with torque?
22:28.20batrickthe game engine
22:28.48Kasothere was i about to start spamming physics !
22:29.27batricktheory of relativity is easier than this engine >.>
22:32.29Tainhaha ok so I knew there was a WoW branded Visa, but I didn't know it came with in-game rewards.
22:32.50Kasoi thought you just got playtime
22:32.54Tain"Accrue World of Warcraft gametime at the rate of 1% of every dollar in qualifying purchases."
22:32.54Kasowhat are the rewards?
22:33.16TainWell I meant game time.
22:33.42KasoI was imagening ingame airmile type rewards :<
22:33.42sinePThrae: so when you like press on a player with Click-Casting through the PerfectRaid frames do you heal the player without detargeting?
22:34.17[dRaCo]works with most unitframes, not just pr, though
22:34.33[dRaCo]perfect raid
22:34.46sinePahh ye
22:35.08sinePdoes PR show buffs and debuffs ?
22:35.24[dRaCo]dunno, just check it out
22:38.48sinePwhat are the Click-casting addon called?
22:38.55sinePif it is an addon
22:39.16[dRaCo]there are at least 2 out there
22:39.31[dRaCo]clique and click2cast
22:40.01[dRaCo]I'm using click2cast, but that's just me
22:40.57sinePty :)
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22:58.28TemI want a "gear bag"
22:58.38Temperhaps they could call it a suitcase
22:58.50batrickwe need a kennel too
22:59.33zenzelezzgear bag?
23:00.36Temzenzelezz, like an herb bag or a soul bag
23:00.40Tembut for soulbound gear
23:00.54Mr_Rabies2give druids a shapeshifting gear bag krhx
23:00.59Mr_Rabies2er kthx
23:00.59Temeven if it was bank only
23:01.11Mr_Rabies2because i'm tired of lugging around 3 sets everywehre
23:01.14TemI never want to sell my old sets
23:01.21Mr_Rabies2i finally decided to bank my healing gear
23:01.29zenzelezzcan't fit much plate in a suitcase :-|
23:01.39KasoHalf my inventory is items
23:01.41Temso I still have my Magister's, Arcanist, NW, ect
23:01.53Kasoand about 2/3 my bank is gear also
23:01.57TemI'm only carrying 16 slots of gear atm
23:02.02Tembut it used to be much worse
23:02.37KasoHealing, shadow, Healing + stam, shadow + stam, i carry thats like 2 full sets and two part sets.
23:02.41zenzelezzmy bank is 1 NR bag, 1 FR bag, 1 AR bag, 1 DPS bag, 1 misc. bag :-|
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23:15.04KasoIs it possible to use secure frames to target spells onto items?
23:16.12KarrionKaso: yes
23:16.26Karrionsee my addon Poisoner for an example
23:16.35KasoI'll take a look at your code, thanks
23:21.05kergothlove that addon :)
23:21.12Kasoawesome worked it out now.
23:21.44Karrioncool, glad I could help ;-)
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23:29.03*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
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23:31.21SpiderFLSi have a little problem, for my mod i need to get the actionbar id of the "attack" button, but i cant check the texture because it changes depending on your weapon, is there an other way to get its id?
23:31.45IrielI think there's a method or return to check that, one sec
23:32.49ThraeSpiderFLS: Turning on and off auto-attack has its own methods, independant of if you put it on the actionbar or not. You can toggle auto-attack with a keybind in the default UI.
23:33.02SpiderFLSohh thats sweet, thx a lot:D
23:33.28SpiderFLSi dont need the status only the id but thx for the info:D
23:33.56ThraeSpiderFLS: Why do you need to know if someone has the "attack" button on their actionbar? 2.0 gives /startattack and /stopattack
23:34.26ThraeIriel: Does that also return true if the action causes auto-attack to turn on (such as Rogue normal attacks)?
23:34.27SpiderFLSi need it for range coloring
23:35.02ThraeOh, I use Iriel's RedRange for that. Maybe you should look at his code.
23:35.37SpiderFLShmm but IsAttackAction(slot) would give me the id of every attack action right?
23:36.06DT_It doesn't return the id, you pass the id and it returns whether or not that id is an attack action
23:36.18DT_So you'd loop through all the button id's and do a check
23:36.45Mr_Rabies2is there a color picker for redrange?
23:36.55SpiderFLSyes but if i make a check for the id's it would give me all the id's... thats what i meant...
23:37.10ThraeMr_Rabies2: Its RedRange, not PrismRangers!
23:37.35ThraePrism Rangers is from Disgaea the video game ;)
23:37.43Mr_Rabies2i need to play that
23:37.48SpiderFLSok thats of no use for me since i only need to know which the autoattack button is.....
23:37.49ThraeDisgaea is awesome.
23:37.53Mr_Rabies2i hear the english translators had a field day with those games
23:38.20Mr_Rabies2putting in random internet references while still keeping it to the original
23:38.34ThraeMr_Rabies2: A lot of the jokes in the Japanese version don't translate well across cultures, so the translators added a lot of things the average English-speaking gamer would understand
23:38.44Mr_Rabies2the same thing they did with shin-chan
23:38.50Mr_Rabies2and excel saga
23:39.00IrielMr_Rabies2: Red range is simple enough you can edit the code if you need a color picker 8-)
23:39.09Mr_Rabies2i was thinking so
23:39.15Mr_Rabies2does it use like, hex color values?
23:39.25ThraeRedRange has a trivial amount of code
23:39.26Mr_Rabies2like FF0000?
23:39.29Kasoi'll use a r g b value
23:39.33Mr_Rabies2ah okay
23:39.33IrielMr_Rabies: I wrote it after frustration with bloated coloring addons
23:39.39SpiderFLSwhat about parsing the tooltips to find out where the autoattack button is?
23:39.42IrielMr_Rabies2: It's standard 0 - 1 wow values
23:39.56Mr_Rabies2yeah, that's all i use in baroptions now, and it's pretty much falling apart
23:40.01IrielSpiderFLS: You may want to see if IsAutoRepeatAction helps, but i'm not sure how close it gets you
23:40.23SpiderFLSIriel: thx i will take a look at that
23:40.27ThraeSpiderFLS: Either way, you are looking at iterating over ActionButtons 1-120
23:40.31Mr_Rabies2it's got no one maintaining it in cosmos, so it's being kept afloat by code donations
23:40.48Mr_Rabies2and it likes to make my multibars go non-transparent for empty buttons occasionally
23:40.56ThraeMr_Rabies2: I still like Bartender3.
23:41.19Mr_Rabies2i like the default BARS
23:41.34ThraeMr_Rabies2: Bartender3 is skinnable.
23:41.36Mr_Rabies2truth be told i like the default interface pretty well
23:41.36IrielIf you just want attack, can't you use the spell and IsSpellInRange?
23:41.39SpiderFLSIriel: thats not good because its only true when autoattack is active:/
23:41.54Mr_Rabies2yeah, it is, but what's the point in skinning it to look like the default bars when i like the default ones :p
23:42.34ThraeMr_Rabies2: Bartender3 changes the default action buttons anyway...
23:42.53Mr_Rabies2i'm confused now
23:43.36Mr_Rabies2i'm using the default buttons because i like those more than any alternatives i've gotten so far :O
23:43.55ThraeMr_Rabies2: Bartender3 changes the look of the default action buttons, like many other action button mods.
23:44.04Mr_Rabies2yeah, i know, i used it
23:44.11Mr_Rabies2i just didn't like getting rid of the art frame
23:44.19Mr_Rabies2for some reason it helps me keep things organized
23:44.27Mr_Rabies2all i dislike on the art frame are the gryphons
23:44.34ThraeWell, you can tell Bartender3 to put stuff back...
23:44.51ThraeAll it does is call :Hide() for the art on PEW
23:45.10Mr_Rabies2waste of time
23:45.27Mr_Rabies2i'd just make it look like the default if i did anything, and that's a bit pointless :p
23:45.33ThraeYes, let's use a non-working mod because the mod that works contains too many features :D
23:46.05Mr_Rabies2what non-working mod am i using
23:46.11DT_CTMod has an option to hide the gryphons Mr_Rabies2, or you can make a macro that says /script MainMenuBarLeftEndCap:Hide() MainMenuBarRightEndCap:Hide()
23:46.12Mr_Rabies2bar options isn't a replacement for the default
23:46.24Mr_Rabies2it just kinda overlays it
23:46.36Mr_Rabies2i said all i use in it is the redrange
23:46.38ThraeMr_Rabies2: ...Like I said, Bartender3 doesn't make NEW buttons
23:47.05Mr_Rabies2but that's not entirely true, i do use the little keybinding things on there, but i think i may be wrong about baroptions causing my transparency woes
23:47.14Mr_Rabies2i'm trying to track it down now
23:47.36Mr_Rabies2yeah i guess it was baroptions
23:48.17Mr_Rabies2no problem though
23:48.42Mr_Rabies2i can get a few modular addons and restore the same functionality, like redrange, hidegryphons, and the like
23:49.19ThraeThose aren't modular, those are just seperate addons. A modular addon would be, say, BigWigs, oRA, Cartographer, etc.
23:49.32Mr_Rabies2yeah, i misused the term :x
23:49.41IrielThey're modular against the main UI, so the term does sort of apply
23:49.45Mr_Rabies2i meant tiny addons with a very specified use
23:50.11Mr_Rabies2i think doublewide is probably my favorite of these types
23:50.17ThraeIriel: That's kinda stretching it ;)
23:50.20Mr_Rabies2it just makes sense :O
23:51.30ThraeMr_Rabies2: You conservative UI modder ;)
23:51.56Mr_Rabies2i'm a conservative UI user, not a modder :p
23:52.23ThraeI'm using "modder" in the sense of an addon user with a specific theme in mind.
23:52.28Mr_Rabies2wait, i guess you could mean ui modder as in mod user
23:52.32Mr_Rabies2i misread
23:53.08Mr_Rabies2yep, confirmed to be baroptions
23:53.10ThraeI don't like most of the default UI myself. I prefer a more minimalistic approach.
23:53.16Mr_Rabies2i bet it's something nice and simple to fix that bug
23:53.23Mr_Rabies2but it's driving me batty
23:53.50Mr_Rabies2i have interface OCD
23:53.54ThraeDoubleWide does look nice. Seems like it was made during the period I wasn't playing WoW.
23:54.00Mr_Rabies2i'll spend hours tweaking settings to my liking
23:54.06IrielThrae: It's fairly recent (last few months)
23:54.12Mr_Rabies2and something goes and breaks a small part and i'll flip out
23:54.23ThraeMr_Rabies2: As do I, but I have a ton more addons and options then you ;)
23:54.33ThraeIriel: Yeah, I haven't played in a few months.
23:54.36Mr_Rabies2yet i can play on the default interface perfectly fine with a couple macros setup
23:55.12ThraeMr_Rabies2: It gets tricky without macros, but the default UI is fine...I just don't like its look
23:55.24IrielThrae: Indeed, it was mid-feb, when Kudane suggested it.
23:55.24Mr_Rabies2eh, i like it pretty good
23:55.35Mr_Rabies2but pitbull and its ilk are so sleek :x
23:55.58ThraeHowever, I do have a few helper addons which make things easier, such as Decursive 2.0
23:56.36ThraeEwww, PitBull. PerfectRaid w/ its Party Frames here.
23:56.45ThraeTrue minimalist!
23:57.30zenzelezzminimalists play with UIParent hidden
23:58.39MikmaThrae: PR Party <3
23:59.23Thraezenzelezz: I also play with the monitor turned off, of course.
23:59.49ThraeNo sound, no keyboard, no mouse, no computer, no electricity, no house, no grass.
23:59.51MikmaI play without computer even being on
23:59.59MikmaThrae: no brain.

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