IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20070503

00:04.15zenzelezzI keep thinking "hey, maybe I should re-watch the Matrix films"... then falling asleep somewhere before the highway scene
00:08.35TainThere's no reason to watch them, never mind re-watch them.
00:09.14zenzelezzI quite enjoy the first one; and I can accept Reloaded... not sure why I consider Revolutions
00:09.32JoshBorkethe sex scene
00:09.46zenzelezzif I want sex scenes I'll watch porn
00:10.00TainI didn't like the first one when I saw it for the first time, but I've gained some appreciation for it from repeated viewings.
00:10.08TainThe other two though, no.
00:30.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
00:30.18Shirikwoosh nailed my final :D
00:30.25ShirikCEC 320 01DB Microprocessor Systems 3.00 3.00 A 12.00 L 01/10-05/03
00:30.27Shirikhappy now ^^
00:30.36Fingrats Shirik!
00:31.18Finwho says you need both eyes to win
00:31.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
00:32.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
00:34.04cladhairethings get so difficult when i dont know if i'm gonna be shadow or healbot
00:34.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:34.22Shirikshadow is fun :)
00:34.25cladhairewell yeah
00:34.31cladhairebut the guild hasn't told me which
00:34.33Shirikevery class likes a shadow priest
00:34.35cladhaireso i have no CLUE which gear to take
00:34.37Shirikwell every mana using clast
00:34.50Shirikshadow priests make it so I can use aspect of the hawk :P
00:35.05Shirikor better yet, still use viper and have infinite mana ^^
00:35.52Mike-N-GoAnd Blizzard has a, "Create your own class with spells." challenge.
00:36.20Kaso"Chinese student arrested for making mod map of school"
00:36.52KasoI think nowadays most news stories can be summed up to "Asian kid in an american school: Authorities over-react"
00:37.32Shirikbecause you know
00:37.35cladhaireafter VTech, its in extremely poor taste to do something like that
00:37.37cladhaireasian or no
00:37.40Shirikwell this is true
00:37.46Shirikbut still, it's fricking fiction
00:37.59Shirikwhy not arrest the creator of Fight Club?
00:37.59KasoMaking a mod map of your school? seriously who knows how to make maps and *hasn't* done that
00:38.00cladhairenot when you use it to plan the mass shooting at your school
00:38.08Shirikor what about GTA?
00:38.24cladhaireits not the same and you know it.
00:38.39Shirikthere's a slight difference: It's a student, and it's based upon a real situation
00:38.43Shirikbut that is the ONLY difference
00:38.54cladhaireone worth investigating
00:38.56cladhairetrue or false?
00:39.02Shirikinvestigating, perhaps. Not arresting
00:39.13cladhairewell, arresting someone is an easy way to investigate
00:39.17Shiriknot without any solid evidence of psychological problems, etc.
00:39.22cladhaireyou get the warrant for the arrest, and to seize the evidence
00:39.24cladhaireand sort things out later
00:39.30cladhaireit sucks, i've had to deal with shit like that
00:39.36cladhairebut its how things _can_ be done
00:39.47Shirikfunny how we invented this thing called a "warrant" so people can't get arrested without a reason
00:40.00Shirikand we've come so far as to just throw out warrants all over the place so we can arrest people whenever we want
00:40.12cladhairethere's a reason for that
00:40.19Kasocladhaire, i wouldnt object so much as in *every* time over the past few weeks its just been asian kids getting aressed for being nerdy or "quiet"
00:40.26cladhaireif someone knows you're investigating them, then things change drasticly
00:40.31cladhaireKaso: I agree, but thats' not what we're discussing
00:40.31KasoIts degrading into blatent state assisted racisim
00:40.36cladhairei think _thats_ wrong
00:40.42cladhairebut no more wrong than what happened after Columbine
00:40.48cladhairethey weren't asian
00:41.04cladhaireand they were discriminated against just as harshly
00:41.06KasoTrue, perhaps profiling is a better word
00:41.11cladhairewell it is profiling
00:41.14cladhairebut no worse than columbine
00:41.18cladhaireor any other disaster like this
00:41.21cladhairedo i justify it, no
00:41.30cladhairein this case, i don't think its unreasonable.
00:41.32cladhairebeing arrested really means nothing
00:41.41cladhaireand i have the right and authority to say that
00:41.55Shirikthis about sums it up: "Making a FPS map of your school is a loving rite of passage for all young level makers. I made a Hexen map of my school for gently caress sakes, I sure hope the police don't find out and arrest me!
00:41.55Shirikedit: wait I'm not Asian so I guess I'm safe
00:41.56Finhaving the right and authority to do something is unrelated to whether you should do it or not
00:42.15cladhaireI can and will say whatever I damn well want to
00:42.21cladhaireif you're implying i dont have the right to an opinion
00:42.25Finthat is also unrelated
00:42.25TainThat reminds me of a big discussion I had with people the other day.  Do you consider, "Asian" to mean people from Asia, or only people from the area considered the, "Orient"?
00:42.30Finno, not at all
00:42.33Shirikcladhaire: Who was that directed at?
00:42.35cladhaireTain: Indians are asian
00:42.39cladhaireFin: What the fuck are you saying
00:42.39cladhaireno offense
00:42.55FinI'm saying that having the right and authority to arrest something is unrelated to making it right to arrest someone
00:42.57cladhaireThe only thing I referred to having the right and authority to do anything, was an opinino
00:43.12cladhaireokay, so bad choice of words
00:43.14TainRussia is also in Asia, yet many people wouldn't consider them Asian.
00:43.26Finsorry, I didn't read it properly
00:43.47ShirikI think the general consensus is that "Asian" would be the chinese/japanese/korean/vietnamese
00:43.48FinI don't mean to imply anything about you having and telling us your opinion
00:43.57cladhairewell it was immediatley in response, using the same words
00:43.58cladhaireno proble
00:44.02cladhairejust wanted to understand
00:44.03Shirikeven if a Russian is technically an "Asian"
00:44.10Finfair enough, I see what you mean
00:44.17KasoWhat the hell, i never knew somethingawful censored itself when you're not logged in "oh gently caress" haha
00:44.20cladhaireis the racial profiling wrong, yes.
00:44.28cladhairedid he make the map mod before or after the event?
00:44.39Karrioncladhaire: good question
00:44.44cladhairei would want anyone who did some shit like that to be psychologically evaluated if they did it after
00:44.45cladhaireplain and simple.
00:44.47cladhairebefore, then no.
00:44.51cladhaireits profiling and stupid.
00:44.58Finit shouldn't make a difference, but it might explain the overreaction
00:44.58ShirikI could partly agree with that
00:45.12KarrionI remember back at high school thinking about making a doom level based around school
00:45.15Shirikbut on the same note you have to realize some people want to get over this crap
00:45.30ShirikAnd go back to what they've been doing for the past 20 whatever years of their life
00:45.34TainI think it's funny to do it after.  I might need psychological evaluation for lots of reasons though.
00:45.38cladhaireDoes that matte rin this case?
00:45.39ShirikAnd to some people... that's what it is
00:45.51Karrionit's an area you spend a lot of time at and are familiar with, so it's natural to use it for expirementing with that sort of thing
00:45.59cladhaireand its improper
00:46.05cladhaireregardless of how quick you want to "get over it
00:46.13cladhairesending it to your friends for them to shoot people in your school is not right
00:46.23cladhairei dont care if its your hobby, or your job
00:46.34TainThe Aristocrats!
00:46.34cladhaireand i dont think anyone here disagrees with that
00:46.43TainI disagree.  
00:46.46cladhairein principle
00:46.46ShirikI think Tain is in a completely different conversation :P
00:46.47JoshBorkeat what point will it become ok to create maps of your school?
00:46.47Karrionif I'd done it, back then, I'd have shown my friends
00:46.48cladhaireTain: you would
00:46.56TainSorry but "not right" is not something I agree with.
00:46.58cladhaireJosh_Borke: For an FPS game, I don't think it is.
00:47.07cladhaireBut thats my opinion
00:47.09cladhaireyou may have all done it
00:47.12cladhairebut I dont think its appropriate
00:47.17JoshBorkei mean will it ever become appropriate?
00:47.28TainI completely understand that it is not "nice" to do and many people would have a problem with it.
00:47.29cladhaireto shoot at peopel in your school virtually
00:47.47cladhaireTain: well, that's how i would define not "right"
00:47.49TainBut I think some semblance of intention has to be considered.
00:47.53cladhairenot right doesn't mean wrong
00:47.55cladhaireit means not entirely right
00:47.56JoshBorkethen why does it take this most recent incident at VT when it should have been that way since columbine?
00:48.02FinTain: seems like that's the *point* (that it's not "nice") :)
00:48.03cladhaireJosh_Borke: it should have been
00:48.04Karrionwhy is it ok to shoot people virtually in some other 3d environment, and not a virtual school?
00:48.34JoshBorkebut you yourself said it would have been ok before it
00:48.34ShirikI think cladhaire is more concerned with the fact that it's a simulation of a REAL environment
00:48.39Shiriknot just a school specifically
00:48.43cladhairea Mall
00:48.48TainI think it's funny to create a virual school to shoot up.  Or I should say, it can be.  It is in bad taste, but if someone isn't doing it as a training seminar then I'm fine with it.
00:48.54cladhairea sniper game modelled after the highways in Ohio
00:49.05JoshBorkei agree, i don't see any reason why that sort of thing should be created
00:49.07cladhaireTain: in bad taste is by definition "not right", to completely mince words
00:49.14cladhairethat's all i'm saying
00:49.27cladhairei"d love to learn how to 3-D model things
00:49.34Shirikoh god I suck at 3d modeling
00:49.36cladhaireand i'd probably do it on something real-world based
00:49.36TainYeah it's all semantics about what individual words mean.
00:49.38cladhairelike my HOUSE
00:49.39ShirikI made a plane once
00:49.45Shiriki.e., a flat surface
00:49.48Shiriknot an airplane
00:49.52Shirikthat's about the best I was able to do
00:49.53TainI did some 3d mapping in Descent way back when.  It was friggin hard.
00:49.56KarrionShirik: rofl
00:50.01cladhaireand sadly its sometimes easier to do that in a game
00:50.08cladhairethan in bryce, etc.
00:50.12cladhaireso its tough to get caught up
00:50.14ShirikCode, I can envision that in my head
00:50.15Mike-N-GoI know what plain you speak of =]
00:50.21ShirikIt just comes out, as if it was a natural language
00:50.24cladhairebut if the map is put in game, to shoot things and people
00:50.27KasoMapping nowadays with source and the like basically need a profesional level 3d artist to make anything reasonable
00:50.29ShirikModeling... I just don't see things well
00:50.31cladhairethats a different story, all governed by taste
00:50.43Kasoi remeber the days when any old person with hammer editor could make a map
00:50.43ShirikI don't have an abstract mind for that
00:50.44Finor lack of it
00:51.00Finer, tasate
00:51.22FinI didn't mean that your mind is lacking at all, Shirik :)
00:51.23Karrionsee, I think that it's a way to release tension in a safe environment, because you're virtualizing it
00:51.23ShirikOn the same note, that's also why I didn't go for aerospace engineering
00:51.30Karrionbut then I din't linve in the US
00:51.36ShirikBecause I can't understand Catia ><
00:51.40cladhaireKarrion: psychology disagrees with you
00:51.42ShirikFin: You'd probably be accurate :P
00:51.44Karrionso maybe there's a cultural difference
00:51.48cladhaireif you need to release tension in a safe environment, but shooting peopel in your school
00:51.54cladhaireyou have problems that need professional attention
00:52.01TainSometimes a video game map is just a video game map.
00:52.16cladhaireagreed, 100%
00:52.29cladhairebut what do you ignore? and what do you investigate?
00:52.30FinShirik: dude, you just aced your exams, if there's one day not to be self deprecating I'd say today is a good candidate
00:53.29ShirikI won't be too happy until I see my discrete structures grade come back
00:53.58TainOn a happy note I installed Nethack on my cellphone today.  Woohoo!  
00:54.01KarrionI think you need more than, "he made a map of the school and is asian" to arrest someone
00:54.27cladhaireKarrion: Do you knwo they didn't?
00:54.29Finis your phone big and beige and attached to a monitor?
00:54.51cladhairein this case, i believe, he distributed it to other people int he school, in the context of an FPS
00:54.56TainNope, just a "Smartphone".  
00:55.14Finwhat's it running, Zaurus?
00:55.51TainWindows Mobile
00:56.30KarrionI'm just going off the article, obviously I have no further information
00:56.55TainI really feel sorry for people who haven't seriously played Nethack or another Rogue-like.  There is so much awesome-ness to it.
00:56.59cladhaireKarrion: neither am I, yet we end of on different sides of things :P  I suppose that's the fault of the media for not reporting all of the fact to allow us to make a reasonable judgement
00:57.06cladhaireTain: i agree, 100%
00:57.45Karrionif indeed there are any other facts, yes
00:58.12cladhairewell I'm banking on the fact that even an insane judge woudln't likely give a warrant because the kid was asian and made a map
00:58.14cladhairebut i've been wrong before :P
00:58.55KarrionI dunno, I suspect most judges wouldn't understand what a fps map is
00:59.08JoshBorkei'm sure there's more to teh story
00:59.21Karrionthey'd just hear the cop saying it's this thing where he can shoot people, and bam
00:59.55cladhairei agree, its unclear
01:00.01cladhaireand either intepretation isn't great :P
01:03.39TainSee it is easier to just look at it from my point of view.  The human race is fucked as a foregone conclusion, might as well watch what comes of it.
01:04.00cladhairei agree wholeheartedly
01:04.05Shirikwell, we already knew that one :P
01:04.12Shirikjust look at the people getting elected...
01:04.23Finforegone conclusion because it's already happened
01:04.39Shirik29 min left on this WoW install
01:04.48Shirikthis laptop is a 1.6GHz Centrino with 512 RAM
01:04.51Finalthough I don't know, I prefer naive optimism with a strong sense of denial personally
01:04.53Shirikthoughts on how well it will run?
01:05.07Shiriks/Centrino/Pentium M/
01:05.26Shirikok... walk?
01:05.41Shirikwoah wait a sec
01:05.46Shirikwhen did I go up to 1GB Ram?
01:05.55Shirikcool ^^
01:06.15Finyou may have blocked out the memory of anything before then, if you're on XP
01:06.28Finstrong sense of denial, very useful
01:06.55ShirikI might actually
01:07.00Shirikswitch over to Ubuntu to run it
01:07.05Shirikon my desktop it runs better on Linux anyway
01:07.21TainAlso Jericho kicks my ass.
01:13.33Shirikso I just walked outside for a bit
01:13.35Shirikthe moon is red...
01:13.40Shirikthat was pretty cool
01:21.19Shirik"Defuzzification" is definitely the coolest word I have ever seen in a professional document
01:33.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Hackop (n=None@
01:40.05*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
01:43.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
01:56.03*** join/#wowi-lounge raevanmorlock (
01:57.48ShadowedSo, anyone happen to know if battleground graveyards countdown starts when the match starts (the "Battle for blah has begin" message) or when the instance is first created and it's still doing the 2m countdown
01:58.20Shiriksince the graveyard countdowns are 30s
01:58.26Shirikit wouldn't matter, eh?
01:58.34ShadowedThat is entirely true
01:58.36Shirikeither way you get the same result
01:59.09Shadowedthat makes it a bit easier
02:03.42Shirikqq at laptop not able to connect to wow :(
02:04.40Shirikanyone else having trouble? It's probably just me
02:05.48*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
02:06.01raevanmorlockI can connect
02:06.03ShadowedFine for me
02:08.30Shirikyeah, I think it's my laptop :P
02:08.40Shirikmaybe linux will be happier, I don't have the patience for this right now
02:27.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
02:27.37Shirikwas wondering why it's so quiet...
02:27.41Shirikforgot to join the channel >.>
02:28.05Nom-nub :P
02:31.06Kirkburn|afkWow -
02:39.59Legorolyou know, the sad part are those who say it's fake
02:40.03Legoroldoes it really matter?
02:43.07Kirkburn|afkLegorol, indeed :/
02:43.51Kirkburn|afk"Oh my, my world view is so enclosed that I cannot believe something to be real! I must demean it!"
02:44.11Legorolespecially if its' someone putting hard work and effort into doing something truly amazing
02:44.22*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
02:44.39Kirkburn|afkI'm off to bed now, g'night all!
02:46.20Thunder_Child2night kirk
02:53.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
02:53.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
02:54.00*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
02:57.04Industrialbirds outside
02:57.56*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
03:01.11Shirikif your account is BC, you have to have BC installed to login?
03:01.13Shirikthat's annoying
03:02.55KarrionShirik: it would be hard to log on your character that's sitting in Shattrath without having all the geometry for it installed...
03:03.06ShirikI guess :(
03:03.19Shiriknow I have to wait for this download >.>
03:03.26Shirikafter having waited for 3GB download of the rest of the client
03:03.40Shirikor I could try to find the CD
03:03.45Shirikwhich is packed away in my car somewhere
03:03.50Kaydeethreethe joys of not having the CDs/DVDs
03:03.52Karrionthat would probably be faster
03:04.01ShirikI have them it's just I have everything packed in my car
03:05.19Shirikcd /mnt/drc
03:05.42Karrionlol wrong window?
03:05.50Shirikyeah :(
03:05.58Shirikthey're both white with black text >.>
03:06.07Karrionif I had a dollar for every time I've done that... :-/
03:06.20Thunder_Childyou woullllld have 2 dollars?
03:09.13*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
03:10.43Corrodiasif i had a dollar for every brain you don't have, i'd have ONE DOLLAR
03:11.05KarrionCorrodias: nonsense
03:11.07Corrodiasnow i'm wondering all over again if my frost mage should have frostbite
03:11.13KarrionI don't have more than one brain!
03:11.19Corrodiasi don't like to think about different builds for raiding and soloing
03:11.36Shiriksvn: This client is too old to work with working copy '/home/mpdelbuono/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons'; please get a newer Subversion client --> root@mpdelbuono-laptop:/home/mpdelbuono/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons# apt-get install subversion --> subversion is already the newest version.
03:11.37Shirikanyone know a way around that?
03:11.54Corrodiasi wonder if i should drop points from winter's chill to put into frostbite instead
03:12.05Shirikimo go arcane
03:12.17Shirikbetter yet
03:12.20Shirikno talents
03:12.23Shirikraw mage
03:12.26Corrodiasi chose a full frost build.
03:12.28Shiriktakes player talent to do that
03:12.34KarrionShirik: what version does svn --version say?
03:12.53Shiriksvn, version 1.3.2 (r19776)
03:13.12Corrodiasarcane/frost is tempting
03:13.24Shirikbetter yet
03:13.27Shirikreroll hunter :D
03:13.37Corrodiasbut at that point i just have to ask why not arcane/fire instead of arcane/frost
03:13.38Karrion says the latest is 1.4.3... wth isn't it any 1.4 in repos yet?
03:13.57Shirik:( dunno
03:14.04ShirikI'll try building it myself
03:14.53*** join/#wowi-lounge andross_ (n=andross@
03:14.54Karrionhm it's complaining about the working copy, not the server... you could try re-checking-out the working copy
03:15.13Shirikyeah, I know. I copied this from my windows partition, really
03:15.22ShirikI could re-check out but I have some changes I don't want to lose
03:15.52Corrodiasand elemental precision, a 3% lower chance for the spell to miss
03:15.55Shirik says it has 1.4.2 ...
03:15.58Corrodiasi wonder if this is worth the 3 points.
03:16.02Shirikspells miss?
03:16.11Corrodiasyes, but the UI says "resisted"
03:16.18Karrionmv Addons Addons.bak; svn checkout ...; cp Addons.bak/.../*.lua Addons/... ?
03:16.36Shirikwell it's only one file, I guess I can do that
03:16.44Corrodiasagainst a raid boss i think spell miss chance is around 16% unmodified... but that's off the top of my head
03:18.44Shirikrofl...apparently my SVN server is down anyway >.>
03:18.51Shirikok then...
03:19.05Shirikoh wait, no it's just extremely slow
03:19.40ShirikCorrodias: That kinda sucks
03:19.47ShirikI mean I rarely miss, and I have almost no +hit
03:22.56Corrodiasthis is the part i hate about playing wow
03:22.59Corrodiastrying to decide on a build
03:23.10Shirikcould be worse
03:23.25Shirikin RF, you get to pick a promotion class, which is essentially the same as choosing your build
03:24.10Shirikif you choose to change, pretty easy, 1k to pay, not bad
03:24.11Shirikthen 10k... then 100k, then 1m
03:24.11Shirikand it never drops down
03:24.11Shirikdon't play for a year, it's still 1m
03:24.11Corrodiaswhat's RF?
03:24.19Shirik1k is probably about 24 hours of farming, or if you get lucky, maybe a couple of elementals
03:24.28Shirika game I used to work for
03:24.34Shirikit had a ton of potential
03:24.42Shirikthe graphics were insane
03:26.00Corrodiasarcane/fire, arcane/frost, a different balance of arcane/frost, full frost, full fire... argh! all these choices and i don't know which i'd like the most
03:26.27TemCorrodias, I'm really fond of 10/51/0
03:26.34Temand 10/0/51
03:26.46Shirikwhich one's which again?
03:27.04Corrodias10 in arcane gets you 10% clearcast chance on spellcast
03:27.06Shirikthanks :)
03:27.21Corrodiasat least, i think that's what everyone goes for if they put 10 in arcane
03:27.47Corrodiasi have a couple of 10/0/51 build options
03:28.02Kaydeethree40/0/21 kthx
03:28.12Corrodiasi have a couple of that kind, too
03:28.20Shirikobviously 3/50/8
03:28.30Shirikbut this is a hunter build :P
03:29.02Corrodiaswell, i think i had a 10/46/5 build designed... if i have the numbers right
03:29.35Temwhat are the 5 in frost for?
03:29.52Temunless you think frost warding is a good talent?
03:29.54Corrodias3 elemental precision and 2 improved frost ward. i was toying with the idea of improved ward spells for spell reflection
03:30.22Temfwiw's once you have molten armor, there is very little reason to use either of the other 2 armor spells
03:30.53Corrodiasi'd be quite amused to see the maiden's holy fire reflected on her, but i doubt that'd work because bosses never cooperate like that
03:30.54TemI might use mage armor or frost armor if I was a
03:30.58Temfrost mage
03:31.16Corrodiasmind you my mage is only level 29
03:31.23Temholy fire does holy damage
03:31.35Corrodiasah, does it?
03:31.42TemI think so anyway
03:31.47Temwould have to ask a priest to be sure
03:32.10Temyep, confirms holy
03:33.21Corrodiasthis is now what i'm staring at, which is probably a foolish design. frostbite would ruin any attempt to AoE farm, and that's mostly what blizzard chill is for.
03:34.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
03:38.51Corrodias or ... such choices to be made
03:51.59*** part/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
03:52.10Corrodiascan't decide!
03:52.23Shirikdo a
03:52.29Corrodiasi -think- i prefer the coolness factor of the full frost spec
03:52.55Shirikt = {"option 1", "option 2"}; n = math.random(#t); print(t[n]);
03:53.36Corrodias>> print("is that irc interpreter someone has running?")
03:55.05Shirikshall I go to taco bell?
03:55.07ShirikI think I shall
03:55.35Corrodiasit seems to me that the arcane/frost might be able to output more damage over time, like to a boss
03:56.32Kaydeethreemana efficiency = king
03:57.01Kaydeethreeespecially for the new nefarian
03:57.11Kaydeethreemagtheridon is upwards of 12 minutes
03:57.58Shirikhey kaydee
03:58.01Shirikdo you play on eredar?
03:58.07Kaydeethreeneg. Medivh
03:58.22Shirikmust be someone else with a similar name then
03:58.25ShirikI swear I saw you on #Eredar before :/
03:58.50Kaydeethreeif anything you've seen me on the ui forums
03:59.46Shirikoh I know I've seen you there
03:59.49ShirikI just... meh nm
04:03.10Corrodiasdoes adding a chill effect to blizzard have much of a use if i'm not aoe farming?
04:04.07*** join/#wowi-lounge chuckg_ (
04:05.07Kaydeethreegood way to snare runners from range in an emergency
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04:48.21*** part/#wowi-lounge Hackop (n=None@
04:50.08Corrodiaswhy is my WoW folder 14 gigabytes? it includes all the wow files i download, but still...
04:50.25TemCorrodias, imp blizzard is HILLARIOUS in AV
04:50.38Tempeople don't understand how to get out of it
04:50.48Temand they move _so_ slow with 3/3 permafrost
04:51.35Temwell, the expansion is a few extra GB
04:51.48Temand if you have the PTR installed, once upon a time it was like have an extra wow installation
04:51.51Temthat may still be true
04:52.09Kaydeethreewow. even with the PTR installed my WoW install is 9.7G
04:52.29Corrodiasah, interesting, yes
04:54.42ShirikTem: How do you get out of it?
04:54.59Shirikis there some special trick?
04:54.59Shirik(Aside from running >.> )
04:55.21Corrodiaswhat do you think of this for an overall pvp, pve, raid, "don't want to respec ever" sort of build?
04:55.45Shirikok so I'm not being stupid :P
04:55.48Corrodiasinstead of skimping on shatter, i should probably skimp on something else
04:56.07Corrodiasfor me? feral charge, probably, although the charge is still slowed by the chill
04:57.04Corrodiasmaybe i should drop elemental precision and fill in some missing points there
04:57.39*** join/#wowi-lounge JunkHead-Work (
04:58.22Corrodias5 in shatter and 4 in winter's chill
05:05.06Temyou need 5 in shatter
05:05.09Temwinter's chill is meh
05:05.34TemI would put the 2 points you have there in magic absorbtion
05:06.34Temput them in that one they're adding +5% frost damage to
05:07.42Temwait a sec, Corrodias
05:07.42TemI'm in a WSG
05:08.05Corrodiaswhat one that who's adding +5% frost damage to
05:08.25Corrodiasi was just thinking about boss fights, more crits is more damage for the lowly frost mage
05:09.17Corrodiasyou may be able to tell that i have barely played in parties in a dps role. i don't know if crits are a good idea here or not.
05:09.37raevanmorlockI hate when I have a need for code I wrote awhile ago and can't remember where I wrote it at >_<
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05:10.42TemCorrodias, for raids, winter's chill is pretty nice
05:11.05Corrodiasbut a level 29 mage doesn't have to think about those for a while, you think?
05:11.32Tema while indeed
05:12.00Corrodiaswhat was that about something adding +5% damage?
05:12.34Temone sec
05:12.42Temarctic winds
05:12.49Tem(I'm dead so I have 20 seconds to talk)
05:12.56Corrodiasokay, this is a PTR change?
05:13.21Corrodiasi see it. reading patch notes now.
05:14.54Corrodias"Stolen buffs that affect specific spells from the original target's class will no longer have any effect for the mage."
05:14.59Corrodiasi am curious as to how this is manifest on the live realms
05:15.01Temno idea what that means
05:15.32TemCorrodias, I like this build over the one you posted
05:16.32Temwinter's chill will give a better net damage boost on a bossfight than arctic winds will, but it's more or less useless in pvp
05:17.22earthmeLonHey you guys, I'm trying to get to The Grim Guzzler. ( ) anybody mind helping me out?
05:17.42Corrodias1) enter BRD. 2) get there.
05:18.06earthmeLonThats my problem
05:18.18earthmeLonIm in BRD and can't find it
05:18.28Corrodiasis BRD not linear?
05:18.39earthmeLonNot really
05:18.53earthmeLonI just got a key
05:19.00*** part/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
05:21.09Nom-If you're going deep frost, winters' chill is the only way to fly
05:21.32Corrodiasseems to me any pve encounter longer than a regular same-level mob could benefit
05:21.44Nom-it's most useful for boss fights
05:21.55Nom-Even tough trash doesn't help that much
05:21.59KarrionearthmeLon: this might or might not help
05:22.13Nom-You don't get any real benefit until you start pushing 10-15 frostbolts
05:22.18KarrionBRD is big and hard to give directions around
05:22.31earthmeLonhehe, yeah
05:22.43earthmeLonWell, I was looking at that map, actually
05:22.51CorrodiasBRD? doesn't it just have two branches?
05:23.00earthmeLonIf anybody knew how to get there, and could give me hint using numbers, that would help
05:23.01Nom-The Grim Guzzler is where you end up if you don't go through the top of the arena
05:23.20earthmeLonSo, you fight all of those big rock guys?
05:23.24ShadowedGo left, open door, go right, open door, go left, open door, unlock the lock using your key, go up the stairs and go left, follow that into the bridge and keep going until you have a choice of going left or right, go right, go left and follow that area until you reach the elementals, go past them and you're in the bar
05:23.26earthmeLonand keep going
05:23.27Shadowedwhich is where guzzler is
05:23.28Nom-Before that i think
05:23.44earthmeLonI fkn love you Shadowed
05:23.48ShadowedIf I remember who Grim Guzzler is correctly
05:24.05earthmeLonIts a bar
05:24.11Shadowedthen yes that'll get you to the bar
05:25.34earthmeLonSo, i unlock that first door on the left, and then the first door on the right, then the first door on the left.
05:25.41earthmeLonNow in this room, there is something you can activate
05:25.52earthmeLonThat opens the bridge up. Do I need to activate that?
05:26.08Corrodiasi love my druid so much
05:26.13earthmeLonI think i got it
05:26.14earthmeLonthanks man
05:26.23Corrodiasit's damn near obvious what build to choose, what talents to choose, per spec
05:26.35Corrodiasi don't have to spend much time agonizing over just where to put those last 4 points with a druid
05:26.35Nom-yes you need to open the door thing
05:26.45Nom-it's not to do with the bridge, it actually opens a door
05:27.01Tem10 of the 20 new and updated" spots on wowi are wasted
05:28.41Nom-anyone know if SC2 has been officially announced yet ?
05:28.52Corrodiassorry, nom, soul calibur 2 was out years ago
05:28.57Corrodiasyou're just behind the times
05:29.14Temand I
05:29.19Temfricking sick of it
05:29.22Shadowedboggle at people
05:29.35Shadowedi'm suprised nobodies just banned them yet unless they're extensive changes
05:29.35Temcompilations by their nature piss me off
05:29.41Shadowedbecause they don't ask for permission?
05:29.49Shadowedand don't usually update as quickly
05:29.57Tem2 reasons
05:30.22Tem1) I hate bug reports for things that have been fixed for 2 releases but they haven't updated
05:30.27Tem2) they don't ask permission
05:30.50Tem3) any noob can zip their addon folder and zomg release a `compilation`
05:30.57Corrodias(and they DO)
05:31.29Corrodiasin any environment with halfways decent respect for copyright, people do things like this by distributing only configuration files, not distributing the program files (or addon files) themselves
05:32.25Shadowedthats 3 reasons
05:32.34Temthe third came to me later
05:32.41Karrion4) and an almost fanatical devotion to the pope?
05:32.43Shadowedyou still lied and i'm hurt
05:35.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Shiri1 (
05:35.13Shiri1as I was trying to say before my ISP became stupid
05:35.49Shiri1One particular compilation comes to mind that really annoys me. Out of respect of the rules of this room, I won't name it, but I'm sure a few of you agree with me (I know at least Neuro does)
05:39.45ShadowedIf they do extensive modifications or additions it's not *as* bad since at least it's somewhat unique
05:39.59Shirik map of online communities, rather amusing
05:40.05ShirikShadowed: I agree
05:40.06Shirikbut you still have to give credit where it's due
05:40.29TemShirik, I know which compilation you're talking about
05:40.34Temand I wholeheartedly agree
05:40.36KarrionI was about to say that one of the advantages of having a not-so-popular mod was not having it included in compilations
05:40.48Tembut that one is mostly hatred for the author
05:40.48Karrionbut I just looked at one and it is! >.>
05:40.53Corrodiasi have seen many such maps
05:40.56Temhe annoys the PISS out of me
05:40.58ShirikKarrion: gg.
05:41.16ShirikTem: Hm, I can say at least partially that's my reason too
05:41.24Corrodiasthis map? it is poor.
05:41.33Temalso the fact that he expects donations
05:41.35ShirikI liked it :(
05:41.37Corrodiasit looks old, actually. very old.
05:41.38Karrionno copyright issue with mine though, I explicitly give redistribution permission
05:43.11Tem4chan should be in the sea of memes
05:43.33ShadowedWell that compilation is a whole other issue
05:43.47Shadowedand more towards the attitude
05:44.01Arrowmasterhmm wow login servers seem borked
05:44.11Shiriknow you know how I feel!
05:44.17ShirikWaiting for this damn client to download!
05:44.19ShirikWrithe in pain!!
05:44.31Temanother thing that gets under my skin about that particular compilation is that people FLOCK to it
05:44.43TemI personally think his art is ugly
05:44.44Shadowedpeople are sheep
05:44.45Shadowedduh :p
05:45.05ShirikI think it's because of the ease of use
05:45.14TemI tried to use it
05:45.15ShirikHate to say it, people are stupid
05:45.17Temit wasn't very easy
05:45.18ShirikKISS lives strong.
05:45.30Shiriknever tried it :P
05:45.30Temand it fucked up my action bars
05:45.43Temwhich I couldn't back up because they're stored on the server
05:45.44Shirik^^ WHY I never tried it :P
05:46.44Shirikis this valid perl? @$#()*UD()IIF#
05:46.50ShadowedNobodies made an addon to backup the bars yet?
05:46.57Shadowedalthough sucks to be you if you're using non-standard ones
05:47.14Temhe moved my spells around
05:47.37Corrodiasthis addon sounds pretty crappy already
05:47.38ShadowedShirik, wouldn't suprise me
05:47.52Temand he screwed up my keybinds too, but I had those backed up
05:48.27Corrodiasrule #1 of writing addons: don't make any changes that can't be undone by disabling the addon unless the user has explicitly asked the addon to do so
05:48.56Corrodiasi can't believe this isn't obvious to some people, but apparently it isn't
05:49.16Shirikwhat, you mean iterating over all CVars and setting them all to 0 isn't a good idea?
05:50.31Corrodiasnot unless you're that guy about whom you are talking but whose name i can't remember anyway
05:50.35Corrodiasoh now i do. never mind.
05:55.19TemShirik, did you see the thread where he said something like: "I'm really burnt out.  Making this wasn't as rewarding as I expected it to be."
05:55.36Temnext sentence made reference to "number of donations too small"
05:55.41ShirikI think I posted in that thread
05:55.46Shirikthough I didn't say anything bad
05:55.48Temoh yummy
05:55.50Temwhat'd you say?
05:56.06Shiriksorry :( I try to be a little tactful ><
05:56.14Temnoobs keep bumping it with "can I suck your cock?"
05:56.26Shirikbut what was going through my mind at the time was radically different from what I posted
05:56.26Temnot in so many words
05:56.29Tembut you get the idea
05:56.46Temit's _so_ hard for me to not flame the HELL out of him
05:56.59Corrodias"thank you so much for putting so very many folders into one archive file"?
05:57.01Shirik31 minutes left on client download.... do I keep going >.>
05:57.16Corrodiasi would never have been able to figure out how to download 10 addons
05:57.20Corrodiasyou're a godsend!
05:57.34ShirikBack to the topic, I have never asked for donations
05:57.44ShirikWe have a link up there, but we don't specifically say anything about it
05:57.47Shirikif people find it, then yay
05:58.01Shirikbut I don't care about getting money for it
05:58.16ShirikI do it because I enjoy it
05:58.50ShirikCairenn: how was hockey?
05:58.52Temit /really/ gets under my skin when people ask for donations like they deserve them
05:58.54ShirikAny fights?
05:59.02Cairennnot really
05:59.02Shirikit's not hockey if there isn't at least one fight
05:59.26Tem(even when they do deserve them)
05:59.30Cairennpersonally I hate it when I go for a night at the fights and a hockey game breaks out :p
05:59.31Corrodias"Feral Charge now suppresses all Slowing effects while charging the target."
05:59.50Corrodiashuzzah! i've seen some damn slow charges in my time
06:00.04Temactually, lack of humility in general just pisses me off
06:00.18Temasking for donations is just an extension of that
06:00.21Cairennbut I'm a happy camper regardless, we won :)
06:00.45Temsame with people that say asking for a good rating
06:00.59Shiriksee, that's one little problem
06:01.13ShirikI think the best programmers are people who like what they do. This is very different from many other jobs
06:01.30Tems/say asking/say stuff asking/
06:01.31Shirikthere are a lot of jobs where people do it just because you get paid a lot to do it. If you go into programming for that reason, then you're about to kill yourself.
06:02.11ShirikTem: btw, turns out I didn't post in that thread, but I read it :P
06:02.30TemCairenn, can you ban me from that whole sub forum?
06:02.34Corrodiasi am not particularly -interested- in programming, but it can be fun at times
06:02.38ShirikCairenn: Who's "we"?
06:02.38Cairennwithout even reading the log, why is it that I know precisely who you are talking about?
06:02.40ShirikTem: rofl
06:02.43KarrionShirik: agreed, although the programming I do for my job is a bit different from making a mod because I enjoy it
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06:02.50Corrodiasbut my job doesn't consist entirely of programming, which is just as well
06:02.50Tembecause really, it's only a matter of time before I do something I regret in there
06:02.51CairennRedWings of course, duh
06:02.53kergothi love coding, it was my hobby, so i took it up as a career, and now i despise it :P
06:03.08*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Shirik!n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
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06:03.28Cairennanything else you want to say?
06:03.31ShirikAs I was saying
06:03.33Corrodias"Omen of Clarity: This spell is no longer castable in Tree of Life Form or Moonkin Form." -- was this really a problem?
06:03.35ShirikRed Wings are awesome
06:03.39Cairenngood boy
06:03.53Shiriklike the buffalo wings. Now the hockey team on the other hand...
06:03.55Corrodiaswere people complaining on the druid forum that we were OP because we could refresh omen of clarity without shifting out of tree form?
06:04.01*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Shirik!n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
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06:04.39Shirikon a more serious note, since when is hockey played in the summer?
06:05.00ShirikI thought it was a winter sport
06:05.03Cairennit isn't summer, it's only spring, and been this way for a long time now
06:05.07Corrodias"Teleport: Moonglade: This spell is no longer castable in Tree of Life Form." -- are you kidding me? why bother?
06:05.37Shirikeh, SUA/07 has started here so I consider it summer :P
06:05.52ShirikCorrodias: That's almost as bad as the damn flare nerf
06:07.11Corrodiasthe flare nerf is actually effective against hunters in an arena against stealthed opponents...
06:07.25Shirikah maybe that's why :/
06:07.29ShirikI really don't do arena
06:07.37Shirikbut in world pvp, etc., flare is already useless
06:07.51Shirikeven if you know there's a rogue around
06:08.16Corrodiasoh yeah, battlegrounds and especially the arena see flare out whenever the hunter can't find all the opponents
06:08.28Corrodiascurrently they can have two up at once
06:14.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
06:16.08Shirik:< 30 minutes ago the downloader said 35 minutes remaining
06:16.14Shiriknow it says 54
06:19.50ShadowedShirik: I swear
06:19.56Shadowedif you're being serious about the flare nerf
06:19.58Shadowedi'm going to stab you
06:20.04ShirikOh I am
06:20.10ShirikFlare is worthless already.
06:20.27ShirikAs in it's worse than doing nothing
06:20.37Shirikbecause it wastes mana
06:20.37Shirikand accomplishes nothing
06:20.46Corrodiasif you don't pvp, sure
06:20.47ShadowedIt's not offensive anymore
06:20.49Shadowedit's defensive
06:20.57Shadowedand still overpowered
06:21.01Shirikyou can't even stick it on yourself
06:21.07Shirikbecause the radius is so small
06:21.14Shirikby the time it lights up the rogue, he's already got you stunned
06:21.54Corrodiasthis is not my experience
06:22.14Shirikthen you don't have very good rogues on your server :P
06:22.24Shirikthe radius is,.. what
06:22.27Corrodiasor we have better hunters than you hvae
06:22.34Shirikradius is probably about 5 yards
06:22.51Shirikokok, defensive
06:22.59Shirikso how do you use it "defensively"
06:23.01*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
06:23.17ShadowedStick it on top of a trap near a flag and stand on it so you can't easly be sapped
06:23.23ShadowedStick it on the middle of the b ridge in BEM
06:23.28Shirikmight as well just use the trap
06:23.32Shadowednot really
06:23.32Shirikand no flare
06:23.37ShadowedI can CLoS the trap and sap you
06:23.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
06:23.52ShadowedCloak of Shadows
06:24.00Shiriknot CoS?
06:24.03ShadowedIt's an amazing spell, everyone knows it's overpowered except hunters
06:24.05ShadowedCoS = Curse of Shadows
06:24.25Shirikand... it's ok
06:24.28Shirikevery class has their powerful spel
06:27.54Shadowedah Warlocks
06:27.55Shadowedhow i hate you
06:28.03Shadowedand your stupid pets with the bug that hasn't been fixed for 3 years
06:28.12Shirikwhat bug is that?
06:28.16Shadowedpet one
06:28.28Shadowedwhere they send the pet after you and it's gg unless you have vanish
06:28.28Shirikwhat pet bug is that?
06:28.40Shirikthey fixed that for hunters didn't they?
06:28.48Shadowedno they said it's "working as intended" last i checked
06:28.49Shirikused to work for us as well
06:29.15Shadowedprobably lost 3-4 games because i couldn't restealth to sap the warlock
06:29.25*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
06:34.33AnduinLotharany pallies around?
06:34.45Shiriklv 8
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06:50.25ElkanoNargiddley, anything ne on Baggins? ^^
06:53.54Temon new servers
06:54.00Temis AQ still closed?
06:54.49Shirikis it?
06:54.51Shadowedpretty sure they're closed but the NPCs to help with gathering are active immeditally
06:54.54Shadowedimmeditially even
06:55.01ShirikI thought they decided something like after a specific time all servers would open it
06:55.18Shirikleast that's what it said on the war progression page way back when
06:55.31ShadowedWell the NPCs gather like 2-3% a day if i remember right
06:55.44Shirikah didn't even know that existed
06:56.04Temthat's a shame
06:56.06Shadowedso if they're doing 2% a day, thats only like 5-6 weeks...and it's going to be pretty hard to get 40 people in that time frame
06:56.18Temso you can't do the event anymore
06:56.27Shadowedyou can do the chain still, just not the 10hr kill fest
06:56.36Temwell, you wouldn't need 40 people anymore
06:56.50ShadowedIf you're waiting for 70s then you're sitll going to have a hard time getting 20-30 peope in that time frame
06:56.54Shadowedstill even!
06:57.08Tembut you wouldn't be able to level to a high enough level to do it before the gates open on their own
06:57.15TemI'm talking about the bug mount
06:58.23Temyou wouldn't be able to grind to neutral
06:58.34Temeven if you magically had the people and gear to deal with BWL
06:59.04ShadowedWarlock/AP Mage, what a lovely combo to play against
06:59.15ShadowedYeah thats correct
06:59.36Shadowedthen again, I really doubt anyone really cares enough to get the mount given the work you need to put into it
07:00.06ShadowedGiven the amount of mats and BWL runs and such
07:00.17Temwhat mount is this?
07:00.30ShadowedIt's off attunement in kara
07:00.38Shadowedattunement the something not sure exact name
07:01.07Temit's like the baron's mount?
07:01.12Tem(which I will eventually farm)
07:01.35ShirikShadowed: Attumen
07:02.10Shirikattumen the huntsman
07:02.45ShadowedI was close!
07:02.51ShadowedTem yes it's like baron's mount and TF
07:02.58ShadowedYou'll do 50,000 runs and it
07:03.06Shadowedit'll never drop, then one day somebody will get it on their first run
07:03.14Shirikyup, and it's still worthless
07:03.17Shirik100% ground mount
07:03.20Shirikthough... it looks badass
07:03.24TemI still want it
07:03.30Temworthless or not
07:03.36Shadowedk i need to stop alt tabbing out before game crashes and i get yelled at for losing game
07:03.47ShirikI'd use it just cause it looks badass
07:03.52ShirikI don't really care about things being usefull
07:03.55Shiriknot like I play anyway
07:04.00AnduinLothareventually you'll prolly be able to 5 man it with gear from the upper instances
07:04.12Shirikonly time will tell
07:04.13AnduinLotharcourse you still cant farm or reset it
07:04.29Temoh MC
07:04.49TemI was like.. I can farm strath at 65 solo
07:04.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Punkie` (
07:05.02Temwhat is this "5 man" you're talking about
07:05.57AnduinLotharmc's been 7mann'ed, ne?
07:06.25Temwe tried to 3 man ony
07:06.28Shirikdunno, but ony's been 3-manned at 60
07:06.28Shirikso a tank I know was gonna try to 2 man it
07:06.28Shirikat 70
07:06.35Temphase 1 was flawless
07:06.48Tembut we didn't have enough ranged dps for phase 2
07:06.48Shirikwe tried to 5-man at 60 but only got to about 80%
07:07.20TemI've been part of a 10 man ony
07:07.25Tem(at 60)
07:07.53AnduinLothardont think u can 2 man it
07:07.53AnduinLotharwhat happens on ghedon?
07:08.15AnduinLotharwe 7 manned ony @ 70.. with 3 60's
07:08.16Shirikgod I hate the blizzard downloader
07:08.16Temsurvive the bomb
07:08.18Shirikyou know there's a serious problem when you've uploaded more than you've downloaded
07:08.32TemShirik, so extract the torrent and use a real torrent client
07:08.40Shirikyou can do this?
07:08.47Shirikbesides I'm at 99% now I'm not retrying now
07:08.54TemI've never done it myself, but I know it can be done
07:09.24Temoh sweet, they changed the flight path to light's hope
07:09.30Temit's less roundabout
07:09.35Temoh hell
07:09.39TemI forgot my rune of the dawn
07:09.58Shirikyey finally downloaded :D
07:10.01Shiriknow I can log in again
07:10.11Shirikand I should probably go to sleep cause it's 3am...
07:10.20Shirikoh wow
07:10.24Temit would be great to threaten the kids with
07:10.33Shirikthinking this didn't download correctly....
07:11.02Shirikcheck out this screenshot
07:12.02TemShirik, can you link me to that map of the internet again?
07:12.23Temfound it
07:12.51Cairenn*clicks the non-existent link*
07:13.14Cairennummm, wow
07:13.51Cairennyeah, I'd say that's a bit off
07:13.58Shirikin theory
07:14.07Shirikassuming this installs correctly
07:14.16ShirikI can now do anything I want because they never showed me the EULA, right? :D
07:14.50Shirikand it does appear to be installing... which means either everything's ok except for that, or I'm completely fubaring my wow install right now
07:14.51Cairennoh please just don't even go there
07:15.49Shadoweddie warlocks die
07:17.12TemI would really like to understand how it's possible for a warlock to fear me and kill me with dots alone before I ever come out of fear
07:17.12Shadowedgood question
07:17.13Shadowedthats why i use cloak of shadows
07:17.20Temit's not that I have a small hp pool
07:17.49Shirikwarlocks' power would be ok if they just made it so that fear actually breaks
07:17.49ShadowedI'm doing 2vs2 with a disc priest and i have 8.1k with no resilience
07:18.01Shadowedit's certainly interesting going up against warlock/shadow priest
07:18.07Shirikzomg I think it installed ok o.o
07:18.20Temwell, I do, but not small enough that dots should be able to kill me before dimishing returns kicks in on the fear
07:18.48ShadowedDoesn't mage PVP trinket remove fear
07:19.15Shadowedoh nice
07:19.20Shadowed2.1 in "final bugfixing and testing mode"
07:19.25ShadowedWonder if that means this week
07:19.27Shirik:( have to install patch 2.0.12 now >.>
07:20.34TemShadowed, it does
07:20.42Tembut that only helps me once every 5 minutes
07:20.51Temfear has no cooldown, last I checked
07:20.52Shadowedgo farm honor then it's 2m!
07:21.04Temoh the new trinket is a 2m trinket?
07:21.08Temoh that's pretty hot
07:21.12TemI might actually buy it
07:21.15TemI have the honor
07:21.16norgsShirik: I don't know what you agreed to with that EULA, but I read a little bit of gobbledygook, and I think it has something to do with aliens and probes.
07:21.18AnduinLotharya, it needs to say that on the trinket..
07:21.30ShadowedIf you wait till 2.1 it'll be 19k
07:21.43AnduinLotharthat less than it is now?
07:22.00Shadowedcurrently it's like 24k
07:22.05AnduinLotharoh nice
07:22.30AnduinLotharif i had 24 i'd get a chest
07:22.47ShadowedChest will be like 20k i think
07:22.50Shadowedeverythings being reduced
07:23.11AnduinLotharthat might entice me to pvp more
07:23.34AnduinLothari just spent all the honor i'd made since TBC on bracers
07:24.17Shadowedi've got to get uh
07:24.26Shadowed5 pieces of HWL, 2M trinket, ring, neck, bracers, belt, boots and neck
07:25.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Soulless (i=Fridgid@
07:27.35Shiriknight Cairenn|afk
07:27.39Mr_Rabies2<+AnduinLothar> Mr_Rabies: pong
07:27.43Cairenn|afknight guys
07:27.47Mr_Rabies2hopefully we're both here now
07:27.48Mr_Rabies2night cair
07:27.56AnduinLotharyou wanted me?
07:30.24Mr_Rabies2was just wondering if you've had time to test damagemeters' whisper function stuff with 2.1's whisper throttling
07:31.27AnduinLotharno, i haven't
07:31.51Mr_Rabies2i suppose i can
07:34.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Royal (
07:35.20Karrionnight all
07:36.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (
07:37.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
07:56.41Mr_Rabies2okay the whisper throttler doesnt seem to be doing anything
07:57.21Mr_Rabies2i'm whispering myself my damagemeters as fast as i can click, with 6 alts, and no dice on getting dc'd
08:07.36AnduinLotharit says it throttles unsolicited whispers
08:09.03Mr_Rabies2how does it know if it's solicited or not :O
08:09.50AnduinLotharthat's the ?
08:10.35Mr_Rabies2if someone on alliance wants to hop on the ptr
08:10.49Mr_Rabies2i'm gonna make a level 1 human warrior named nihao or something along those lines and spam you my damagemeter
08:11.20Mr_Rabies2oh god i cant logout mobileframes is eating my frames or something
08:12.24AnduinLotharya bunch bugs in various things. the bop one is a bitch
08:14.14Mr_Rabies2well then
08:14.16Mr_Rabies2that's interesting
08:14.23Mr_Rabies2i have my interface for the opening movie
08:16.11JunkHead-WorkI have oranges.
08:16.30JunkHead-WorkIn case anyone was wondering.
08:17.19Mr_Rabies2someone get on the pve ptr so i can spam you :[
08:17.32JunkHead-WorkIt was the little Mandarin kind in a fruit cup.:D
08:18.21AnduinLotharandylothar on pve
08:20.09Mr_Rabies2one sec lemme log on on there
08:20.52Mr_Rabies2gonna get some massive spam from cupomangel, don't add me to friends or anything
08:21.11Mr_Rabies2that may whitelist you from the filter
08:21.16Mr_Rabies2i unno
08:21.52Mr_Rabies2not showing up AL
08:22.06AnduinLotharhmm.. pvp?
08:23.55Mr_Rabies2incoming spam
08:25.08Mr_Rabies2oh man it won't stop
08:25.32Mr_Rabies2how much spam have you gotten so far
08:25.39AnduinLotharDM also has it's own throttling...
08:25.42Mr_Rabies2just a few instances of the spam or a lot?
08:25.43AnduinLotharit's still going
08:26.03Mr_Rabies2i'm getting "the number of messages that can be sent is limited, please wait to send another message"
08:26.05Mr_Rabies2every now and then
08:26.22AnduinLotharit comes in chunks of 6 every few seconds
08:26.58AnduinLotharabout 8 sec in between chunkc
08:27.09Mr_Rabies2so it doesnt seem effected, dmeters
08:27.26Mr_Rabies2only if you're reporting a full raid maybe
08:28.07Mr_Rabies2oh god how many times did i click it
08:28.12Mr_Rabies2it stops
08:28.15Mr_Rabies2oh no
08:28.18Mr_Rabies2it didnt
08:28.34Mr_Rabies2oh thats you
08:28.57Mr_Rabies2semms to be going full speed for you
08:29.33AnduinLotharyeah, i didn't get slowwed on ym end at all
08:29.42Mr_Rabies2maybe because it's now solicited
08:29.45Mr_Rabies2or something
08:30.41Mr_Rabies2you log off or get kicked off for spamming
08:30.50Mr_Rabies2oh there you are again
08:31.02AnduinLothari relogged
08:31.09Mr_Rabies2now it's delayed
08:31.12AnduinLotharand now it's throttling my tells
08:31.27Mr_Rabies2so replying = establishing solicitation
08:31.33AnduinLotharsounds right
08:31.45Mr_Rabies2i reply
08:31.47Mr_Rabies2and the flood gates open
08:32.25AnduinLotharbet it's purely clientside
08:32.37AnduinLotharper session
08:33.02Mr_Rabies2delayed again
08:33.02AnduinLotharreload didn't change it
08:33.20AnduinLotharso, jsut relog
08:33.22Mr_Rabies2must have been you messinf with it
08:33.56AnduinLotharthat's fine by me.. it doesn't log you off
08:34.14Mr_Rabies2yeah, so they can see exactly how much spam
08:34.54Mr_Rabies2first wave or two is nonthrottled
08:35.14AnduinLotharheh you can get booted when it's solicitted
08:35.21AnduinLothari macro'd it and mashed it
08:35.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
08:36.32AnduinLotharunsollicetted tho it wont log you off
08:36.43AnduinLotharit jsut prints the system msg if you max it
08:37.13Mr_Rabies2it seems to just
08:37.18AnduinLotharlol. you responded and it bootted me
08:37.24Mr_Rabies2reset when either of us relogs
08:37.38AnduinLotharok i'm done
08:37.39Mr_Rabies2because i didn't and it was throttling again
08:38.18Mr_Rabies2good test AL, good test *highfive*
08:39.39Mr_Rabies2now time to import my wtf folder
08:41.04Mr_Rabies2i like to push things to the point of breaking
08:41.38Mr_Rabies2which is probably related to my "manages to find bugs no one else could possibly manage to run into" thing
08:44.31Mr_Rabies2well, so far, only bugs i've seen are archaeologist, mobileframes(which is being replaced with fluidframes, correct?), and buffoptions
08:45.53Mr_Rabies2only using 27 mb of RAM for addons too :D
08:48.56Mr_Rabies2managed to get it up to 52 mb though, loading all my LoD stuff
08:53.35Mr_Rabies2anyone know of a way to pull up the entire addon list and check its memory usage? any addons written to do so yet, or can i just call it up with a simple /script command
08:58.35Mr_Rabies2i'm spamming to myself at this point, sorry :x
09:12.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
09:15.54Temthere's a raid portal at the back of strath
09:16.06Temis that the original naxx entrance?
09:16.40KasoBut i dont think the gate actually opens ever so its impossible to walk through it like it is for BWL/MC
09:35.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Nerinia (
09:56.23*** join/#wowi-lounge |Marvel| (i=Marvel@
09:57.33|Marvel|hi im trying to find a simple mod so i have more places to put my attack and healing spells . any suggestions ?
09:57.59|Marvel|so i dont have to click down to the next bar if you know what i mean
09:58.27|Marvel|i already have titan panel and meta map
10:08.19Mr_Rabies2dammit my WAU is still broken :[
10:11.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Vangual (
10:14.02[Ammo]WAU is not broken
10:14.08[Ammo]the files section on wowace has some problems
10:15.01Mr_Rabies2well they're not playing well with each other
10:15.09Mr_Rabies2so it may as well be >:[
10:26.22KasoI currently use Bartender3 for my actionbars, its quite nice, customisable pretty well also.
10:27.49|Marvel|cheers kaso il take a look
10:35.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Nerinia (
10:43.15Temwhat's the normal AH's cut for selling something?
10:43.24Temisn't the neutral cut 15%?
10:44.49KasoI'd be on
10:44.53Kasobut it aint loading >.<
10:45.03Kasocant wait till wiki moves to wikia
10:45.10Mr_Rabies2the built in blizzard UI has a few extra bars, |Marvel|
10:45.16Mr_Rabies2in interface options
10:45.34Mr_Rabies2they're more or less not customizable, but thems the breaks with default UI
10:45.47Mr_Rabies2you can customize the buttons but that's about it
10:46.50Neeblerthe default User Interface skin needs a complete rehaul, the extra buttons that sit on top and to the sides wern't originally planned and seem out of place
10:47.14Mr_Rabies2i turn off the gryphons, so it looks fine to me :p
10:47.18KasoTem, for normal AH: Cut = 0.05 * Winning Bid
10:47.25Kasofor netural: Cut = 0.15 * Winning Bid
10:47.28Neeblerbut I suppose they'll wait for an expansion to revamp the UI, instead of doing it in a patch
10:47.29Mr_Rabies2it's looked the same for me...oh...since i first installed cosmos in beta
10:47.54Mr_Rabies2without the gryphons it looks fine, imo
10:48.19Neeblerbut thats the default UI almost everyone uses
10:48.19TemKaso, so if the buyer pays 100g, the seller gets 95g + listing price in the mail?
10:48.45Kasoas far as wowwiki tells me at least
10:49.04zenzelezzmy only gripe is how buttons like the stance/stealth/pet bar ones look weird when you have the additional bottom-left bar showing
10:49.13*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
10:49.13Neeblerthe gryphon look could be expanded vertically to adapt to the extra buttons I guess. Tho redoing a whole new one would be ideal
10:50.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
10:51.06zenzelezzinvasion of the ckknights
10:51.51*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
10:53.17haste~emulate ckknight
10:59.05Neeblertruth be told, I prefer pants
11:04.55*** join/#wowi-lounge rophy (
11:38.50*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (
11:45.52|Marvel|ive disabled bartender plugin from showing om my mini map lol. howd i get it back up ?
11:46.37nevcairiel./bar fubar minimapAttach
11:47.11|Marvel|also my chat on the left has gone from view is this bartender ?
11:47.57|Marvel|must be titan panel or meta map
11:53.10|Marvel|got chat back
11:53.29|Marvel|./bar fubar minimapAttach just says is disabled
11:56.20|Marvel|ok done it
11:57.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Andalia (
12:00.41|Marvel|all i need to do now is figure out how to remove text from health and mana bars
12:00.47|Marvel|and il be happy as fook
12:03.38JoshBorkethere's a blizzard option for that
12:06.48|Marvel|any ideas where ?
12:07.24JoshBorkeinterface options -> status bar text
12:07.27JoshBorkeread the tooltip for that
12:08.27|Marvel|found it :D
12:08.30|Marvel|woot all set
12:13.09nevcairielSo we have some people in the raid whose SW_Stats refuse to sync
12:13.14nevcairieldoes anyone know why that happens?
12:13.26nevcairiel(yes, everyone on 2.0.4)
12:13.43JoshBorkeyou're not using violation? ;-P
12:13.51JoshBorkeand actually, not a clue
12:15.22*** join/#wowi-lounge hugo (
12:30.44Mr_Rabies2why can't i stop watching this?
12:30.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
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12:54.43ShirikI really don't understand the blizzard downloader at all
12:55.11Shirikhow I'm downloading at 500KB/sec right now is beyond me... because under connection info, all of the "download rate"s add up to about 100
12:55.40Shirikbut I won't complain... this is the first time I've ever gotten a decent speed on it
12:56.14Mr_Rabies2they probably have a seed running
12:56.18Mr_Rabies2that you just can't see
12:57.57sysragepatch day?
12:58.13sysrageit's not 2.1 is it?
12:58.27Shirikit's me trying to install WoW
12:58.29sysrageoh heh
12:58.32Shirikon my horrible laptop
12:58.36Shirikunder Wine
12:58.46Shirikso I'm kinda amused of how this will turn out
12:59.06Shirikso my download rate has dropped to 8KB
12:59.12ShirikI should learn to shut up
13:01.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
13:01.46KasoShirik, you know wow doesnt actually need to be installed, you can just copy the data over from your windows or whatever and execute it straight away
13:01.59Shirikwell, I don't actually have it on windows either :P
13:02.15ShirikI don't have my desktop for about a week, so...
13:02.16KasoWell there'sa  problem
13:03.17*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh (n=chatzill@
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13:31.38wogistAre there any developement tools for testing the wow ui without running wow itself?
13:33.50wogistcool thanks
13:34.08Elkanodon't expect it to be working ^^
13:34.35Elkanobut for simple stuff you could also use a simple lua interpreter and emulate the needed functions yourself
13:34.53wogistI want to start playing around with lua and blizzard xml stuff
13:35.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
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13:38.29Elkanofr the XML stuff you could try the uidesigner
13:39.11wogistah yes that scool
13:39.15*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
13:39.28wogistare there tutorials which teach you lua by examples of the wow scripting thing?
13:39.44wogistor do i need to learn lua seperately and than work into blizzard ui?
13:39.56wogistI know nothing about lua at all
13:40.01wogistbut im not new to programming at all
13:40.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
13:40.09cogwheelyou pretty much need to learn lua separately. If you have any programming experience it should be pretty easy
13:40.12wogistim good with php
13:40.12*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
13:40.26wogistalright, thank you
13:40.51Elkanoif you aren't new to programming, lua is most likely learning by doing + trial and error + manual ^^
13:40.52cogwheelbe aware though that PiL covers 5.0
13:41.03cogwheeland wow uses 5.1
13:41.17Elkanothat's how I tend to learn new stuff. the tricks come as time goes by
13:41.17cogwheelbut the 5.1 version of PiL is only available in hard copy
13:41.55wogistWell there shouldn't be to much differences between 5.0 and 5.1?
13:42.03cogwheelwogist: you really should at least be familiar with chapters 1-7, 11, & 14 of that book
13:42.11cogwheelthose are the most important imo
13:42.32wogistya basically its just learning simple syntaxes ;)
13:42.36cogwheelnot too many... the 5.1 manual has a summary of them...
13:42.38wobinPiL is actually one of the best programming books I've read
13:43.03cogwheelit helps that Lua itself is one of the best programming languages </bias>
13:43.10wobinI agree
13:43.25wogistwhere is lua used aswell?
13:43.28Cidelua and python <3
13:43.29wogistwow is the first time i saw lua
13:46.49Legorolthe first time I saw Lua was in Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale
13:47.42Legorolyou could type Lua scripts into the chat box in Baldur's Gate, and it had Lua 3.0
13:48.02Legoroli reverse engineered the available game API, metatables etc.
13:48.32wobinOh Legorol. Never change =)
13:49.03Legorolhowever, I went and looked at Lua for the first time *because* of WoW
13:49.20Legorolwhilst WoW was still in closed beta i think
13:49.27Legoroland then i discovered that Baldur's Gate is using Lua
13:50.33Legorolaaah, the good old days of Lua 3.0, metatables were called "tag methods" back then
13:50.45Elkanoiirc some HL² mods also use lua
13:50.52Legorolwobin: if you want something truly shocking, when I saw that WoW is using Lua and learnt a bit about it, i wanted to play with Lua all the time
13:51.01Legorolso I compiled the Lua interpreter for my Nokia 6600
13:51.42Legorolit was a fun project as I had to learn a bit about cross-compilation and things like that
13:51.48Elkano>>> return "lua is fun!"
13:51.49CideElkano: "lua is fun!"
13:51.56Legorol>>> "\o/"
13:51.56CideLegorol: "o/"
13:52.04Legorol>>> "\\o/"
13:52.04CideLegorol: "\\o/"
13:52.11Legorolbah, damn you Cide
13:52.35cogwheel>>> x = 'h' return x..'e'..x
13:52.35Cidecogwheel: "heh"
13:52.38Legorol>>> "ö/"
13:52.38CideLegorol: "\195\182/"
13:53.22Legorol<cogwheel> it helps that Lua itself is one of the best programming languages
13:53.25Legorol^^^ agreed
13:54.44krka>>> s = "." while true do s = s:rep(100) end return s
13:55.05krkai also agree on lua being a good programming language
13:55.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
13:55.58cogwheelthought that was about to happen...
13:55.59Cide-nice, krka
13:56.03Cide-not sure why that crashed me
13:56.03Corrodiaslua sure is fun
13:56.15*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
13:56.24krkanot sure?
13:56.34krkait probably used up a whole lot of memory
13:57.26Corrodiasspeaking of which, i seem to have filled up one of my 236gb drives :(
13:57.37Corrodiasoh, 232
14:00.21wobinIt's sad
14:00.41wobinthe larger the hard drive you buy, the faster you fill it up with crap
14:00.43wobin(or porn)
14:00.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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14:00.55Corrodiasi didn't even put porn on THIS drive
14:01.33krkai have had a 120gb drive for ages :)
14:01.34Cidekrka: seems like it just takes a lot of time
14:01.38krkano real problems yet
14:01.50krkai delete stuff i don't use any more
14:01.54krkaor burn stuff to dvd
14:02.04Cideafter a few iterations that string is gonna be quite long
14:02.11krkaCide: really? how much memory is it currently using?
14:02.25krkashould swap like crazy if you keep it alive too long
14:03.41CideI'm running it on my interpreter right now
14:03.54Cideusing up something like 550mb
14:04.37Cidelua ran out of memory at ~630mb
14:05.16Cidebut it took several minutes to reach that level of memory, so I'd guess it's just too slow
14:06.03krkashould really only take a few loops :)
14:06.19Cidewell it caused irc to freeze for some reason
14:06.46Cidewhich is interesting since it's a separate thread
14:06.46krka1 -> 100 -> 10.000 -> 1.000.000 -> 100.000.000 ->
14:06.54krkait caused a lot of swapping, i presum
14:06.54Cideyeah, but it's likely extremely slow somewhere around there
14:07.06Cidenot really
14:07.51Cide4gb of ram, ~630mb used by lua
14:07.56Cidecan't see any disk usage spikes
14:08.12krkathe computer was probably busy with all the string copying then
14:08.39KasoWhy didnt your time limit kick in and kill the process?
14:08.52Cidebecause it uses debug.sethook (that would be my guess anyway)
14:09.09Cidewhich would be called before/after a statement
14:09.32Cide("."):rep(10^9):rep(100) likely takes a while
14:11.26Corrodiasi was going to hop on the PTR just to see what's been going on, but apparently i have to download over 40mb of patching :(
14:15.54krka>>> return
14:16.05krka>>> return nil
14:19.39Corrodias>>> return "your mom"
14:20.20Corrodias>>> "hello, are you on?"
14:22.19Corrodiasyou've broken them
14:22.36Corrodiasoh COME ON! how many patches do i have to download?
14:28.43*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
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14:46.17*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
14:47.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
14:54.38IndustrialHmm. Wouldnt it be fun if wow had a monk-like class? A class that specializes in evasion rather the defense that fights with fist weapons
14:54.49Industrialdoesnt really fit in the lore i guess
14:54.54Cidebot's on now, Corrodias, krka
14:55.01krka>>> return
14:55.01Cidekrka: nil
14:55.04krka>>> return nil
14:55.04Cidekrka: nil
14:55.06krka>>> return nil, nil
14:55.06Cidekrka: nil,  nil
14:55.11krkait's broken!
14:55.19Cidehow so? :P
14:55.19krkait returns nil for "return"
14:55.19ThraeIndustrial: I just said that yesterday...and we do have Monk-like classes, but I doubt they'll implement one except a Rogue Hero class like that
14:55.35Cide>>> function f() return; end return type(f)
14:55.36CideCide: "function"
14:55.39Cide>>> function f() return; end return type(f())
14:55.39CideCide: [string "function f() return; end return type(f())"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'type' (value expected)
14:55.44Cidebah :)
14:56.03krka>>> return "\n/part"
14:56.04Cidekrka: "\n/part"
14:56.21krka>>> return [[\n/part]]
14:56.22Cidekrka: "\\n/part"
14:56.25IndustrialThrae: I really enjoy playing classes like that. cathc me if you can catch me if you can! poke poke tee hee etc
14:56.41ThraeIndustrial: If you like Evasion, make a 80% Dodge Rogue ;)
14:56.54sysrageso play a rogue... panzies just stunlock and disappear if things are getting rough
14:57.08krka>>> return string.char(13) .. [[/part]]
14:57.08Cidekrka: "\r/part"
14:57.09Cidekrka: besides, it's more clear to print "nil" even if it doesn't conform to what's really happening
14:57.12krka>>> return string.char(10) .. [[/part]]
14:57.13Cidekrka: "\n/part"
14:57.31krkaoh, you %q the output strings
14:57.40ThraeMonks would have to be a more MAGIC damage sponge. That would be useful -- currently the two highest Health values belong to Affliction Warlocks and Feral Druids
14:58.32Industrialwhen you say magic damage sponge it instantly reminds me of paladin ;\
14:58.51Industrialnot because of the wow pala bubble but it just fits the character
14:59.37ThraeIndustrial: Heh. In a MMORPG design I made, the Paladin WAS the Magic damage sponge. In my design, you had the equivilent of "physical damage absorb" and "magical damage absorb" values for all character types.
15:00.48ThraeIndustrial: The idea was that it was unrealistic to just decrease some arbitrary HP value for some magical sword swinging on some magical armour. I always resented that.
15:02.02Industrialwhat i also like from other games is the ability to mezzmerate and AoE mezz. Also 'chants' (a bit like auras) that do +ap or the like or party regen (+mana or hp/5sec)
15:02.28ThraeIndustrial: If you broke either type of absorb, you would attack their HP directly. If you lose all HP, you die. HP doesn't regenerate on its own, but absorb does.
15:02.29zenzelezzreminds me of AO's Bureaucrats
15:02.41Industrialyeah or DaoC minstrel/bard
15:02.54Industrialmezz can have great value in group pvp
15:03.12ThraeIndustrial: WoW couldn't steel TOO much from DAoC PvP, and one of DAoC's biggest complaints was that people spent too long under the influence of CC
15:03.41Industrialwell yeah mezz the other sides mezzer and you win
15:03.44ThraeI'm sure you remember the 'ol group vs group "Whoever gets the mezz on the other group's mezzer off first wins" dynamic that ruled DAoC for so long
15:04.26Industrialwell if only for say 10-15 seconds it'd still be valuable
15:04.30ThraeOf course, WoW is kinda the reverse of DAoC right now. WoW focuses less on group play and more on shards of groups (1v1,2v2,etc., mostly on 1v1)
15:04.44ThraeWoW needs to make group play effective in PvP outside the Arena, where its forced.
15:04.56zenzelezz^-- AO PvP
15:05.26Industrialonly played AO without expansions til 30s :(
15:05.55zenzelezzwell, I don't know what it's like now, but for a long time it was all about aimedshots
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15:06.11zenzelezzwasn't exactly the most balanced PvP
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15:07.43Industrialwtb giant areas with keeps :D nothing wrong with a 'wildernis' area imho
15:14.41LegorolI think WoW's approach of making people spend as little time in CC as possible is a good one
15:14.55LegorolYou have to consider player experience/frustration, and the complete inability to do anything is definitely not fun
15:15.35LegorolThe only problem is classes which *depend* on CC for their survival, they are then significantly gimped in PvP
15:15.44LegorolI think that's an inherent paradox that is very hard to resolve
15:16.22LegorolWhat I don't like so much about WoW's PvP is the ability to go for any player on the opposing group, this makes squishes very vulnerable.
15:16.51LegorolCollision detection between players would be too hard on the servers, so what i'd like to see is Taunt-type effects actually working on players
15:17.33LegorolThe way I see it, if a warrior taunts someone, that person is still free to run around and do whatever they want, but can only hit in melee/ranged or use spells on the person who taunted him
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15:18.42JoshBorkei'd like to see taunt rotate the player at least
15:21.09Mr_Rabies2forcing players to target something they don't want to, especially rogues, is not much fun
15:21.41Mr_Rabies2now enemy-only collision detection would be awesome
15:21.49Mr_Rabies2that's my favorite part of guild wars
15:23.54Legoroltoo taxing on the servers probably
15:24.06Legorolalso way too open to abuse
15:24.08*** join/#wowi-lounge PProvost (n=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
15:24.39Legorolon a PvP realm, it allows you to block entrance to instances for example
15:26.14pastamancerI remember "ogre walls" from everquest
15:26.17pastamancerit was hilarious
15:27.10pastamancerthey never lasted more than 10-15min before a GM would show up and teleport people back to their bind poins
15:29.13hugoi remember asherons call , in a dungeon in corner and around 100mobs on me, but only we're abble to hit me cause i was in corner, this way i killed all 100 .. ^^
15:29.25hugoall the mobs melee only :>
15:29.43hugoi mean only two we're able to hit me
15:30.09hugoothers we're blocked by the two
15:32.25hugoahh now i remember their name.. Tusker! :D
15:33.30hugobtw do anyone play lotr? if so how is it
15:35.17Mr_Rabies2<Legorol> on a PvP realm, it allows you to block entrance to instances for example
15:35.20Mr_Rabies2just kill them?
15:35.45JoshBorkehaha, imagine if they are stealthed
15:35.53JoshBorkewalking around, randomly bump into sometihng
15:37.20Mr_Rabies2i'm sure stealthed targets wouldn't be collidable since you're not present clientside on others' computers until you're close enough
15:37.32Mr_Rabies2or otherwise detected
15:39.00LegorolMr_Rabies2, collision detection would be server side
15:39.10Legorolit would have to be
15:39.55Mr_Rabies2i dunno
15:40.26Mr_Rabies2player location is clientside, but it's sent to the server every so often, more often when changing direction
15:40.45Mr_Rabies2so are zeppelin/boat paths coincidentally
15:41.23Mr_Rabies2oh, and doodad collision detection is clientside
15:41.26Mr_Rabies2like gates and stuff
15:42.21Mr_Rabies2people were changing herbs to like, giant flights of steps and elevators and stuff, so you'd see a guy run up to an herb and just all of a sudden start floating
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15:55.54LegorolMr_Rabies2: i know that currently collision detection with environment is client side
15:56.07Legorolbut that can't work for PvP because player location information is out of sync on clients
15:56.25Legorolthat's why i said that it woudl be a huge technical challenge to have collision detection between players, as WoW is currently structured
15:56.43Mr_Rabies2yeah, it'd likely call for a reworking of the netcode
15:56.56Mr_Rabies2and the game would end up feeling less smooth
15:57.24zenzelezzif you did player collision, would you also have players block LoS?
15:58.02Mr_Rabies2nah, i don't see that as necessary
15:58.25Mr_Rabies2guild wars didn't use it and it has the best collision detection i've seen in a fantasy rpg
16:04.59wogistis there no way to really test my scripts without starting wow every time again and again?
16:05.31wogistand is there even a command to just reload one addon with /console reloadui.. or something
16:05.59Gryphenonly reload entire ui
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16:07.13Legorolwogist: disable all addons except the one you are testing, and some debug addons
16:07.17Legorolthen reloadui is pretty quick
16:07.50*** join/#wowi-lounge wogggi (
16:08.06wogggiand is there a good lua editor for wow lua? ;)
16:09.13Legorolthere are several versions around
16:09.18CideI like TextPad
16:09.26Legorolthere's one on wowi which has been customised for wow
16:09.32Cidebut scite is nice as well
16:09.57*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
16:10.03wogggiim completely new to this topic... i want it as easy as possible to get into it ;)
16:10.17wogggii don't know anything about lua and wow api at all by now.. ^^
16:10.22Legorolit's a programmers' text editor, and it's quite nice for lua
16:10.25wogggireaidng the wowwiki articles right now
16:10.46Legorolok then you need to decide first: do you want to learn about the Lua *language*, or Lua as used in WoW?
16:10.48zenzelezzapart from syntax highlighting the editors won't do much for your code :)
16:10.50Legorolit's not exactly the same thing
16:11.08wogggizenzelezz: thats alot..
16:11.17wogggihopefully they highlight wrong syntax ;)
16:11.22Legorolwriting addons in WoW require you to be familiar with several things:
16:11.29Legorol- lua as a programming language
16:11.36Legorol- lua as used in wow
16:11.39Legorol- xml as used in wow
16:11.55Legorolthe available API, the common practices, the UI widgets available for use, etc.
16:11.59Legorolthere are quite a lot of concepts
16:12.48Legorolin terms of what WoW provides, it provides an API, events, UI widgets and the default Blizzard UI code, which you are extending
16:13.26Legorolexample of each: the API are the global Lua functions exposed by WoW so you can query stuff about the game etc.
16:13.51Legorolevents are triggered when things happen in game, e.g. when you enter the world, you gain a buff, an item in your bag changes
16:14.03LegorolUI widgets are pre-defined UI components you can work with
16:14.19Legorolin addition the Blizzard UI code provides a bunch of templates you can use
16:14.44LegorolUI widgets include things like frames, textboxes, fontstrings, textures, scrollframes
16:14.59Legoroli think the above is a fair summary of what's available in WoW for UI customization
16:15.35Legorolby far the best resource is the wiki and this channel ;_)
16:15.52Legorolok i'll stop daunting you now :D
16:17.13wogggithats what i read on wowwiki aswell ;)
16:18.29Legoroli don't know how far along you are at the moment, but this is the order in which i'd suggest reading things
16:19.23Legorolthis is a good summary of the different things you need to read:
16:19.38Legorolthe daunting references are here:
16:20.04Legoroli don't suggest reading this start to finish ;-)
16:20.28Legoroli do suggest getting the blizzard interface toolkit, and reading through the tutorial in there for creating two simple example addons
16:23.04wogggiLegorol: Quick, whats the current version number for toc file?
16:23.34wogggiah nvm
16:24.52Legorol20003 for live, 20100 for PT
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16:31.12wogggiLegorol: So the XML stuff is basically just for the "layout" and addons could be created like an addon which automatically answers whispers could be created without the .xml file?
16:31.22wogggisince it just handles the whisper event or whatever
16:31.38Legorolyou can almost create it without an XML file
16:31.51wogggiwhy almost?
16:31.59Legorolbut in order to be able to respond to whispers, you need to register for the event that is fired when you receive a whisper
16:32.04Legoroland only Frames can register for events
16:32.11wogggiah okay
16:32.12Legorolso you need at least a single, dummy, invisible frame
16:32.37Legorolbut, you don't necessarily need an XML file for this, as you can create frames from Lua as well
16:32.51Legorolso in theory it's possible to do it all in Lua, but it's good practice for you to use XML for it
16:33.30zenzelezzwogggi: if you hang around you'll notice two camps; those who like XML and those who don't... just pick the one you prefer, none of them are wrong
16:33.46foxlitUse whatever works for you :)
16:34.00wogggiah cool
16:35.00Legorolzenzelezz is 99% correct
16:35.01wogggithats alot of stuff to learn.. ;)
16:35.08Legorolyou get a better understanding if you learn how to do things with XML
16:35.16Legoroldoing it from Lua is just replicating what you are doing in XML
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16:35.30Legorolbut i belong in the XML camp ;_)
16:35.42zenzelezzso do I =)
16:36.01zenzelezzmostly because I find it easier to read a layout from XML than from a bunch of CreateFrames() and associates
16:36.09wogggi<frame name="test=" hidden="true">
16:36.19Legorolwell, the second = is a typo
16:36.30zenzelezzdon't have to make it hidden either, it's invisible anyway until you tell it how to look
16:36.33wogggiyes sure ;)
16:36.49Legorolit's also a good idea to use a more meaningful name than "test"
16:36.57wogggihehe ya
16:37.03wogggiim doing html i know about semantics ;)
16:37.03Legorolthe name you supply becomes a global variable in Lua-land
16:37.09Legorolthat's how you can access the frame from Lua
16:37.13wogggibut this is really just a RAW test ;)
16:37.19Legorolfair enough
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16:37.52Legorolbtw, if you need to paste a few lines of code snippet, use
16:37.57wogggiI think first of all i should understand the basics of event handling?
16:38.06Legorolit's a good start
16:38.11wogggithats what I thought alright
16:38.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=nospam@
16:38.17Legoroli have a basic word of wisdom that will help you a lot
16:38.26Legorolwhich is confusing for many people
16:38.31Shirikthis should be interesting
16:38.33Legorolthere are *two* types of events
16:39.04*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
16:39.04Legorolthe first are UI events, such as when a widget becomes shown, hidden, the mouse enters it etc.
16:39.04Legorolthe second are game events, such as when you receive a whisper
16:39.29Legorolusually the word "event" is used to refer to the second group when discussing addons
16:39.30wogggiLegorol: If i don't want to handle widget events do i need to specify anything else than the frame with its name?
16:39.39Legorolyou don't
16:39.57wogggiyes thats what I meant
16:40.00wogggii saw widget events
16:40.01Shirikbut at the same time
16:40.03wogggiand those game vents
16:40.10Legorolright, you already saw them, cool
16:40.15Shirikthere are very limited uses of frames without handling at least one widget event
16:40.16wogggilike <onload> <onclick> and shit ;)
16:40.21Legorolactually sorry i'm not quite correct
16:40.25Legorolyou do need to specify <OnEvent>
16:40.29Shirikwogggi: Be careful
16:40.29Legorolthat's how you capture game vents
16:40.32Shirik<onload> does not exist
16:40.34wogggiAh alright
16:40.34Shiriknor does <onclick
16:40.39Shirikhowever, <OnLoad> and <OnClick> do
16:40.48wogggiah its case-sensitive
16:40.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
16:40.58Legorolyeah the <OnEvent> is a special widget event, which handles all game events
16:41.00Legorolconfusing ey ;-)
16:41.18Legorolso your frame should at least have an <OnEvent>
16:41.28Shirikif you want to capture game events, that is
16:41.41Legoroli think wogggi plans to capture whispers
16:41.43wogggibut <OnEvent> don't need any parameters?
16:41.50Shirik(I know I'm jumping into the conversation here)
16:41.52zenzelezzShirik: you entered in the middle of the conversation, stop confusing the newbie
16:41.56Shiriksorry ><
16:41.57Legorolno arguments to the XML tag, if that's what you mean
16:42.02wogggiyes I want to capture game events, much more interesting for me than capture those widget events ;)
16:42.16ShirikIt is my goal in life to confuse all newbie programmers. It is the only way to weed out the good from the bad!!
16:42.22Shirikhe's ignoring me though :(
16:42.22Legorolthe contents of <OnEvent> xxx </OnEvent> is any valid Lua code
16:42.28wogggiShirik: How shall I thank you?
16:42.31Legorolwhich is executed when your frame receives a game event
16:43.00Legorolthe accepted standard (but is not mandatory) is to place a single function call into the <OnEvent> block in your XML file
16:43.07Legoroland the function itself is then in a lua file
16:43.26Shirikthe accepted standard, imho, is to use SetScript and not XML for OnEvent, because you need to accept parameters
16:43.26wogggiim trying to understand
16:43.36LegorolShirik: rubbish
16:43.42Shirikwith XML you can only do it with the globals, which are deprecated
16:43.43LegorolOnEvent accepts parameters just as well
16:43.48LegorolShirik: nonsense
16:43.50Legorolstop confusing
16:43.57Shirikno, see now I need to learn this myself
16:44.02Shirikwhere would you grab the parameters in the XML?
16:44.03Legorolyou can use locals just fine with OnEvent
16:44.14wogggiLegorol: So <OnEvent> MY_Function(); </OnEvent> and my_functions than checks what kind of event it is?
16:44.19Legorolthe block of code within OnEvent has self, arg1, etc. as locals
16:44.27Legorolwoggi: almost
16:44.29Shirikwogggi: Close
16:44.40Legorolyou still need to pass variables to My_Function which contain data about the event
16:44.49ShirikLegorol: Hm, well I don't like XML anyway, but ok I'll accept that as true :P
16:45.02Legorollike this: <OnEvent> My_Function(...) </OnEvent>
16:45.18Legoroland that ... is literally a ...
16:45.27Legorolthe way you should define your function then in lua is this:
16:46.00wogggiso ... tells the script to use ALL arguments?
16:46.10Legorolyes, ... is a Lua language construct
16:46.24Legorolit referes to all arguments that were passed to this function
16:46.28Legorolso you are simply passing them all along
16:46.53zenzelezzLegorol: so self and event get passed even if you don't do it in the function call?
16:47.02Shirik>>> function a(...) print(...); end print(1,2,3)
16:47.02CideShirik: 1,  2,  3
16:47.06Legorolzenzelezz: you ARE passing them
16:47.11Legorolself and event are the first two arguments
16:47.12wogggiwell this question is not very important at this point but, can i specify special events which are only handled by the "frame"? so not ALL events are directed to my lua function?
16:47.24Legorolwogggi: very important question in fact
16:47.31Legorolby default, your frame doesn't handle *any* events
16:47.32Shirik>>> function a(...) print(...); end a(1,2,3)
16:47.32CideShirik: 1,  2,  3
16:47.35Legorolunless you register for them
16:47.58Legorolat some point, you need to register for one or more events like this:
16:48.15Legorolthat's Lua, and needs to be executed once
16:48.34Shirikmost people do it in the OnLoad widget handler
16:48.38Shirikbut you have a lot of options
16:48.41Shirikdepending on what you want to do
16:48.50Legoroli prefer doing it in OnLoad
16:48.59wogggiWhats the difference between just putting it at the head of the lua file
16:49.07wogggior putting it into a function which is called at <OnLoad>?
16:49.07Shirikat the head of the lua file
16:49.12Shirikyou can't guarantee your frame exists
16:49.19Shirikwhereas OnLoad is only called after the frame is loaded
16:49.36wogggiSoo.. the LUA and the XML files are executed at the same time?
16:49.44wogggiwhen i login for example...?
16:49.58zenzelezzthey're executed in the order they appear in your .toc
16:50.05wogggiwell yes
16:50.19wogggibut the wow client dont care if one of them is loaded correctly or not
16:50.23wogggiit still loads the other ones?
16:50.45Shirikif there's an error in one file it'll throw the error and move to the next file
16:50.46Shirikso yes
16:50.51wogggialright okay
16:50.57Shirikcritical battery :(
16:50.59zenzelezztry to avoid errors instead
16:51.04Shiriklol yes
16:51.20wogggiyourFrameName:RegisterEvent("NAME_OF_EVENT") <- this can just be put into <OnLoad> right?
16:51.29wogggiSo it doesnt matter if my lua code is right inside of the xml file
16:51.34wogggior if its in the lua file
16:51.56Legorolthat is correct
16:52.07Legorolthe accepted standard however is to keep as much of Lua code as possible in a lua file
16:52.08wogggi<Script file="mymod.lua"/> is this one needed?
16:52.17Legorol<Script> is deprecated
16:52.17wogggidoes it specify the lua file which is related to my xml file?
16:52.21wogggior does it know it by itself?
16:52.33Legorol<Script> used to be used to load lua files, no longer used
16:52.34Shirikit used to be an alternative for specifying the .lua files in your .toc
16:52.47ShirikRDX still has a few of those floating around I need to remove :(
16:52.55wogggithanks for your nice support ;)
16:53.12CideLegorol: I wouldn't call it deprecated
16:53.14Legorolwogggi: you might want to check this out:
16:53.15Legoroland from the XML file
16:53.19LegorolCide: i would
16:53.31Legorolactually, you are right
16:53.35Legorolfor libraries it's useful
16:53.38Legoroli take it back
16:53.49Shirikoh, so can I leave the <script> tags in RDX ^^
16:53.54Legoroloops i never pasted the link
16:53.55Legoroland from the XML file
16:54.02ShirikI still want to remove em :P We're trying to move away from XML
16:54.10Legorolbad, bad boys
16:54.10foxlitDo I get penalty points for calling :RegisterEvent() with random junk?
16:54.12LegorolXML is good
16:54.18Legorolfoxlit: yes
16:54.29wogggiFired when the client receives a message from SendAddonMessage
16:54.36wogggiis SendAddonMessage the default message function?
16:54.44wogggiwhich everyone uses when sending a message?
16:54.49Legorolit's a cross-client communication mechanism
16:55.00Shirikit's identical to SendChatMessage with one exception
16:55.04Shirikit's a hidden channel
16:55.08Legorolit allows a copy of an addon running on one client to send info to another copy running on a different client
16:55.16wogggiah alright
16:55.16LegorolShirik: it's not a "hidden channel"
16:55.24Legorolthat terminology is confusing
16:55.29Shirikmakes sense to me
16:55.38wogggiLike... SWStats and Damagemeter and stuff do?
16:55.39Shirika hidden guild channel, a hidden raid channel, etc.
16:55.39Legorolit doesn't involve chat channels in any way
16:55.44Shirikwogggi: yes
16:55.55ShirikWell then you're using a different definition of "channel" than I am
16:55.57Shiriknothing more
16:56.03Shirikit's still a channel no matter how you look at it
16:56.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (
16:56.18Legoroli like to use the word "channel" in the context that it's used in-game and in the API and events
16:56.19Shirikwhy is my laptop still on >.>
16:56.20Legorolit's for chat channels
16:56.32Legorolbut, again, this is just preference, let's stop confusing poor woggi
16:56.36wogggiSo this is what I need
16:56.37Legorolthat's the one
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16:59.55Legorolzenzelezz: btw check the pastey i linked, it will explain you how the self and event variables get passed around
17:01.22Legorolwogggi: you might be wondering what are these arg1, arg2 etc. mentioned in the description of the events
17:01.31wogggiLegorol: Can I call the WoW API Functions just everywhere in my lua file?
17:01.40wogggiLIke AddChatWindowsMessage();
17:01.53Legorolexcept for a few protected functions reserved for Blizzard's use, yes
17:02.14wogggiSo should I use AddChatWindowsMessage for general output?
17:02.27wogggiI just want to test if my whisper event handler works
17:02.46Legorolthe API function i think you found is called AddChatWindowMessages and is used for a very different purpose
17:02.47KaydeethreeChatFrame1:AddMessage("stuff") or DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("stuff")
17:02.51wogggiso like everytime someone send a whisper i get a message created from addon
17:02.54Legorolas Kaydeethree says
17:03.02Legorolif you want just a "print" type thing, do the one he said
17:03.04wogggiWhats ChatFrame1?
17:03.14Legorolthat's the chat frame labeled General
17:03.30LegorolChatFrame1 is an instance of a ScrollingMessageFrame, and is defined in the default UI code
17:03.32Kaydeethree2 is combat and 3+ are windows manually created
17:04.09TS|Skrom_someone put me out of my misery please
17:04.24Kaydeethreedeath by clue-by-four work for ya?
17:05.00TS|Skrom_unfortuneately it's not related to wow modding, but instead to my job
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17:09.16wogggi<OnLoad>Test:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER"); </OnLoad>
17:09.22wogggiis RegisterEvent a default function?
17:09.43wogggii dont get the difference between
17:09.55wogggimy english is bad...
17:10.13zenzelezzit's a function for all Frame objects (and derivatives)
17:13.11wogggifor some reason my script doesnt work
17:14.35wogggijust a typo :D
17:14.37wogggiworks now great
17:20.44wogggifunction EventHandler(arg1, arg2)
17:20.44wogggiChatFrame1:AddMessage("Name: " .. arg1 .. " Message: " .. arg2);
17:20.48wogggiIs this the way how you do it?
17:22.11Cidetry it
17:22.35wogggiwell ye sit works ;D
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17:29.36Shadowed well thats a rather interesting page
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17:42.37KasoIn the default UI
17:42.56Kasohowcome you an move spells on and off the "Main" actionbars in combat, but not the side actionbars
17:44.42zenzelezzsome actionbars are more equal than others
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17:56.45kergothShadowed: huh, thats cool
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18:05.06Maldiviahmm, incomming nerf/change to ice block?
18:05.19SB1-LaptopCan't be used twice within 30s
18:05.45Maldivianot hyperthermia
18:05.54SB1-LaptopNews to me then
18:06.30Maldiviawas just looking through some of the new spells from the PTR, and found:
18:07.02SB1-LaptopInteresting change
18:07.10SB1-LaptopLooks like an NPC ability in all honesty
18:07.42Maldiviaor perhaps an idea, for a non-talent version of IB ?
18:07.43SB1-LaptopIf that was a player ability, frost mages would be the new bane of arcane mages
18:07.56SB1-Laptop... that would be stupidly OP if it was a non-talent version
18:07.58ShadowedThat would be a rather interesting change
18:08.06SB1-Laptop30s CD?
18:08.11SB1-Laptop4s duration?
18:08.19Maldiviahmm, yeah ok...
18:08.21SB1-Laptop150 mana?
18:08.21Maldiviaover powered :)
18:08.30SB1-LaptopNever mind the spell *reflect*
18:08.35SB1-LaptopAnd physical immunity
18:08.54Maldiviaok, missed the 30sec CD
18:09.10SB1-LaptopI can see it being an NPC ability though
18:09.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Starzard (
18:10.44Maldiviawell, warriors have a 5sec spell reflect, on a 10sec CD
18:11.24SB1-LaptopThat also runs then a stupidly large amount of rage
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18:11.58SB1-LaptopWell, not stupidly large
18:12.04SB1-LaptopBut no small amount
18:12.25Shirikso I'm at this hotel right now, I'll be staying here for five days. This place is awesome.... feels as if you're at an actual house
18:12.33ShirikNever actually seen that in a hotel
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18:17.26foxlit"Reflecting magical spells." = reflecting dispel?
18:17.40foxlitReflecting spellsteal is just evil :/
18:18.40Shirikrofl, you can do that?
18:18.50Cidedon't think so
18:18.55foxlitYeah, you steal a spell from yourself
18:19.00Shirikwait so
18:19.01foxlitResets timer to 3m
18:19.05Shirikdoes it go to the reflecter?
18:19.08Shirikor does it just go to you
18:19.20foxlitA mage steals a buff already on him.
18:19.22Shirikso in essense it just burns the CD
18:19.47JoshBorkeand decreases the time you have the buff?
18:19.50SB1-LaptopSucks to take your AI from 26m to 2m
18:20.31SB1-LaptopBurns a few hundred mana to do it, too
18:20.55foxlitAnd I'
18:21.00foxlitm not sure if it burns the reflect
18:21.00Shirikon the same note though
18:21.09Shirikif it's at 1s left
18:21.11Shirikit pulls it to 2m?
18:21.21foxlitOr avenging wrath would be OP on mages?
18:21.34foxlitAlthoug h whenever I steal an elemental's lightning shield, it's always at 3m
18:21.35SB1-LaptopNo, because we have access to Arcane Power anyways
18:21.43SB1-Laptop(Gotta spec for it though)
18:21.46foxlitThe question is, do they stack?
18:21.58foxlit(and 3 minutes with angel wings = <3)
18:22.17SB1-LaptopIt sets the cooldown to 2m if the target had a duration of 2m or longer
18:22.28SB1-LaptopIf not, it sets the duration to whatever the buff in question had left
18:22.50SB1-LaptopSo you can't spellsteal AW back and forth for time and all eternity
18:23.36Shirikok lua dudes, question
18:24.14Shirikwhy do I get this: C:\Program Files\wowscite\scite\bin\LuaC.exe: RDXM_BattleRecorder.lua:516: unexpected symbol near `...' (pastey incoming)
18:24.28Shirik (line 4 of pastey)
18:26.14*** part/#wowi-lounge Eternally777 (
18:26.19Shirik>>= enc_id_slider:SetScript("OnValueChanged", function(...) old_ovc(...); = enc_id_slider:GetValue(); self:Update(); end);
18:26.29Shirik:( Cide?
18:26.35Maldiviashirik, is your LuaC.exe a 5.0 or a 5.1 ?
18:26.35ShadowedYou've got an unexpected symbol near ..., at line 516 Shirik
18:26.41CideShirik: >>=
18:26.43ShirikShadowed... thanks -_-
18:26.50ShirikCide: isn't that what I did?
18:26.52pastamancerShirik: I'm going to go with probably something above the lines you pasted
18:26.59Shadowed>> 1 + 1
18:27.02TC-Workingyou have a space
18:27.06Cideit's >>> or >>?
18:27.10Shirik>>? enc_id_slider:SetScript("OnValueChanged", function(...) old_ovc(...); = enc_id_slider:GetValue(); self:Update(); end);
18:27.10CideShirik: input appears to be syntactically correct.
18:27.14pastamancer>>> "Shirik"
18:27.15Cidepastamancer: "Shirik"
18:27.19ShirikI think Maldivia's right >.>
18:27.20TC-Working"> >>" is what you did
18:27.34ShadowedWhat about what Maldivia said?
18:27.35ShirikTC-Working: Doesn't look that way to me, must be something my client fubared
18:27.46Shirikanyway.... let's try logging in WoW and seeing what happens...
18:28.01Shadowedwould work i'd imagine
18:28.36CideCide: input appears to be syntactically correct.
18:29.16Shirikit works perfectly ><
18:29.22ShirikI must have a 5.0 compiler :(
18:29.54Shirikbut didn't ... exist in 5.0?
18:30.34Cideit did, but it created a table named "arg"
18:30.50Shirikah, kinda like how C does it?
18:31.05Kasowhats the 2.1 cvar for enabling erros?
18:31.28CideShirik: I guess you could say that :P
18:33.26foxlitThere's an option in interface options
18:33.32foxlitYou don't even have to bother with the console :)
18:35.10Shirik'cept if you want the addon to enable it
18:35.25Shirikcan't really tell the addon to move the mouse to a specific spot on the screen and click a checkbox then click ok
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18:39.39foxlitSure you can
18:39.39foxlitlocal f = SpecificCheckBox:GetScript("OnClick"); f(SpecificCheckBox);
18:39.48Shadowed"move the mouse"
18:39.50foxlitOr whatever their handler for clicking/modifying is
18:40.14Legorolwhy not just SpecificCheckBox:Click() ;_)
18:40.24Legorolstill doesn't move the mouse though
18:40.26foxlitI wasn't sure if I was dreaming or that existed.
18:40.35foxlit:GetScript() seemed a bit more realistic.
18:40.42Legorolit exists, and naturally doesn't count as a hardware event
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18:51.49pastamancer~seen beladona
18:52.01purlbeladona <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 1d 5h 23m 1s ago, saying: 'I didn't repost it when last I refreshed my svn'.
18:52.39ShirikI'll refresh YOUR svn!
18:55.31Kaydeethreeyay for popping tires on the way back from the grocery store /sigh
19:01.49ShadowedHow would you match ["name-server"] = "num:num:num:num", can't seem to get the regex to work
19:02.28JoshBorkekergoth: you said you had a patch for LootTracker?
19:04.03pastamancerShadowed: which part are you trying to match?
19:04.11Shadowedname-server and num:num:num:num
19:05.05pastamancer>>> "name-server":match("^(%s+)-(%s+)$")
19:05.06Cidepastamancer: [string ""name-server":match("^(%s+)-(%s+)$")"]:1: unexpected symbol near '"name-server"'
19:05.15pastamancer>>> ("name-server"):match("^(%s+)-(%s+)$")
19:05.15Cidepastamancer: nil
19:05.24pastamancer>>> ("name-server"):match("^(%S+)-(%S+)$")
19:05.24Cidepastamancer: "name",  "server"
19:06.05pastamancer>>> ("1:2:3:4"):match("^(%d+):(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)")
19:06.06Cidepastamancer: "1",  "2",  "3",  "4"
19:06.08pastamancerlike that?
19:06.14ShadowedYeah, was a different issue actually
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19:06.32Shadowedthat explains how the regex looked fine but wouldn't work
19:09.31foxlitAny idea of what the .net regex equivalnt of 1-or-more, non-greedy repetition is?
19:11.12foxlitSorry about that, msdn wasn't cooperating :P
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19:13.19IndustrialQuestion: do we have os.time() in wow?
19:13.24Industrialor similar
19:13.43Industrialdate() ?
19:14.23Industrialoki thx
19:14.27nevcairielusing strftime syntax
19:15.54JoshBorkedid you know that:  local name = GetItemInfo(<itemID>); print(GetItemInfo(name)) sometimes returns nil?
19:15.55kergothJoshBorke: minor bug, when there are enough items in a set that you have to scroll down, the scroll bar overlaps the counts
19:15.55JoshBorkekergoth: i know, buti 'm not sure how to deal with
19:15.55JoshBorkewith it rather
19:15.56JoshBorkethere's also a bug in adding items
19:16.10JoshBorkeif you add it with an amount it doesn't add the item
19:16.11kergothanother minor one, you should focus the editbox for adding a new set when it comes up
19:16.18JoshBorkeyou think?
19:16.41kergothi can see that being arguable
19:18.00JoshBorkei'd like it better auto-focus
19:18.10pastamancerJoshBorke: that GetItemInfo thing is interesting.  I wonder if it's related to the GetNumRaidMembers/GetRaidRosterInfo problem Grid runs into with the SecureRaidHeader
19:18.35kergothJoshBorke: one thing thatd be cool, if you could collapse/expand sets in the tracker thingy.  probably non-trivial, but itd be cool
19:19.50kergothJoshBorke: another one, itd be nice to have keybindings for toggling tracker visibility as well as opening/closing the config window
19:19.59JoshBorkekergoth: i hate you :-P
19:20.06JoshBorkeput feature requests on my portal
19:20.06kergoth:) i love the addon, don't mind the flood of requests
19:20.08JoshBorkei'm gonna forget those
19:22.03kergothanother one, though i'm just musing on this, not sure, but perhaps an option thatd make it so that after adding an item, it automatically pops up another add item dialog, until you cancel it
19:22.10kergothwould speed up the input process
19:22.21kergothbut i dunno if its worth adding, feature creep can be worrisome :)
19:24.37JoshBorkejust finished mys hort slabs run
19:25.05JoshBorkelet me lok at these feature requests
19:25.12MaldiviaJosh, doesn't the GetItemInfo(name) only work, if you actually have an item with that name ?
19:25.21JoshBorkeMaldivia: i had an item with teh name
19:25.39JoshBorkethat's why it was so infuriating
19:25.49JoshBorkekergoth: have youl ooked through the code?  it's awful
19:25.57Maldiviahmm, ok - weird
19:26.02JoshBorkei have to store a table for itemID -> name look ups
19:26.11JoshBorkebecause i have to store by name :-/
19:26.13kergothsome of it i was curious about, cant you use GetItemCount() instead of manually traversing the player's bags?
19:26.17JoshBorkebut look up by itemID
19:26.59JoshBorkeyea, but then i wouldn't be able to count items that are on a different toon that weren't part of a set to begin with
19:27.24JoshBorkeif that makes any sense
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19:28.02JoshBorkekergoth: any recommendations for a new name?  i've never been happy with LootTracker
19:28.37kergothi'm not saying you dont need to store the full table of counts for all the characters, that makes sense, just curious about the actual mechanism for obtaining the current count.. that is, the UpdateBagItemCounts() method
19:28.43kergothoh dont ask me, i suck at names
19:28.54kergothremember, i wrote kEnergy.. thats about as uncreative as it gets
19:29.38JoshBorkekergoth: how do i know what items are in the bags without scanning them?
19:29.45chuckgYou want a new name huh?
19:30.07JoshBorkechuckg: is the mod
19:30.09kergothoh, i see what you mean. *slaps forehead*
19:30.50JoshBorkekergoth: perhaps have 2 methods.  one method does a full bag scan for storing
19:31.01JoshBorkekergoth: second method does a lazy GetItemCount for tracked items
19:31.41JoshBorkeonly call the full bag count when logging out or going to the bank
19:33.48kergothhey, what does rightclick do?
19:33.52kergothit seems to reposition it oddly
19:33.59kergothit confuses me
19:34.13kergothat least it did, maybe it doesnt in the current version
19:34.27JoshBorkei need to disable right click altogether
19:34.39kergothif i rightclick on the lower right corner of it, it jumps to the lower left..
19:35.04JoshBorkeworks fine here
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19:38.39kergothokay, added those feature requests to the portal
19:40.16JoshBorkeno event fired for equiping items?
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19:42.06foxlitinventory changed or something?
19:42.10JoshBorkekergoth: here's what i'll probably do as far as scanning the bags goes
19:42.31JoshBorkekergoth: i'll disable updates while in combat but leave it otherwise until 2.1 when i can see if it's really that big of a deal
19:45.02wogggiCan I cast a spell triggered by chatevent?
19:45.11JoshBorkenot without pressing a button
19:45.13JoshBorkeand not while in combat
19:45.15wogggioh okay
19:45.25JoshBorkeUI not AI
19:45.38JoshBorkekergoth: what are you tracking that you equip?
19:46.23kergothi was playing around with adding sets showing actual gear sets, so i can see at a glance what i'm missing, and stuff
19:46.37kergothstuff outside your likely use cases ;)
19:46.43JoshBorkeindeed ;-)
19:47.01JoshBorkenewest version has a way to tell if the window is locked in place or not
19:47.16JoshBorkedunno what version you're using
19:48.11JoshBorkedo i still have to use a Bindings.xml to put key bindings in the main blizzard key bindings menu?
19:49.22kergothi'm using version 1.01
19:49.37JoshBorkehuh, and you're getting that weird right-click behavior...
19:49.42JoshBorkewhere do you have your tracker?
19:50.10kergothupper right corner of the screen, near where the blizzard ticket submission thingy shows up
19:50.18kergothits directly to the left of my nquestlog, which is in the upper right corner
19:50.22JoshBorkecan't reproduce that bug
19:51.51JoshBorke70 rogue named tainting on my server
19:53.23JoshBorkekergoth: how about shift-click keeps the item input window open?
19:53.27JoshBorkeor shift-enter
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19:56.46JoshBorkeodd.  there are 2 LootTracker sections in my Feature Requests
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20:24.18KasoHmm interesting
20:24.38Kaso"Valid indices are 1, 2, 3" in relation to GetItemGem
20:24.51KasoSo theyre not planning to put more than three sockets on  items any time soon
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20:30.08KasoAnduinLothar, you there?
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20:40.30JoshBorkekergoth: done
20:40.39JoshBorkekergoth: except the collapsable tracker, i don't wanna
20:40.44JoshBorketoo much work
20:44.32Cairenn(and approved)
20:48.12JoshBorke6 more days until i have the full frozen shadoweave set
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21:03.28Kasowhat the hell is "(%b[])" in a pattern
21:05.35nymbiaKaso: balanced string
21:06.26foxlitI match [this]
21:06.35nymbia>>> return ('abc[def[hij]]'):match('%b[])
21:06.36Cidenymbia: [string "return ('abc[def[hij]]'):match('%b[])"]:1: unfinished string near '<eof>'
21:06.38nymbia>>> return ('abc[def[hij]]'):match('%b[]')
21:06.38Cidenymbia: "[def[hij]]"
21:07.22foxlit%bcd +1 for every occurance of c, -1 for every occurance of d. When it hits zero, the capture is considered complete
21:07.34foxlitNon-greedy by default, if memory serves.
21:08.03Kasoi see
21:08.39Kasoah, i see it now in the lua manual
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21:08.59Kasowhy is it listed seperately from all the other %(charater) patterns >.<
21:10.17cladhaireare you talking about %f?
21:10.35pastamancerI mention it because %b isn't the only oddball
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21:10.44cladhaireah, yes
21:10.45cladhairecause %f is "unofficially supported" but it could be removed at any time.
21:10.51cladhaire%b is intentional :P
21:10.51pastamancerI'd miss %f
21:10.58pastamancer%f is for fun
21:11.25pastamancerand the closest we have to zero-width assertions
21:11.38cladhaireindeed =)
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21:26.34Temone last assignment tonight and I'm home free
21:35.02Punkie`that's what you think
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22:37.58IndustrialIf you want to support development, consider donating: <paypalbutton>
22:39.00Industrialin other words i dont do this because i like doing it?
22:39.40zenzelezzso just because you enjoy coding addons you should refrain from accepting donations?
22:39.58Industrialyes get a job
22:40.26zenzelezzpurl, Industrial--
22:41.09IndustrialIf you are a normal persion that can support him/herself you dont need donations.
22:41.19zenzelezzhe doesn't force you to donate
22:41.20Industrialofcourse its about the thought.
22:41.45Industrialbut id rather have a comment applauding my work instead
22:41.53Legoroli have absolutely no problems accepting donations for what i do for fun
22:42.01Legorolif someone thinks what i do is valuable
22:42.11Legorolbut i don't expect it, in fact i'm too lazy to put up a paypal button
22:42.12zenzelezzI got news for you Industrial, people have different opinions
22:42.28Industrialzenzelezz: sure, im voicing mine right now
22:42.33Legoroli pvp for fun
22:42.35Gryphenso it's either charge for your work or not at all Industrial?
22:42.42Legorolif i happened to be good, and invited to a tournament, i'd go for the fun
22:42.43zenzelezzIndustrial: and dissing those that disagree
22:42.47Legoroldoesn't mean i don't accept a prize if i win
22:43.37Industrialthat'd be a competition. I think thats different then putting up a sign like that
22:43.45Legorolyou are the luckiest person in the world if you can do something for fun *and* even profit from it
22:44.15Industrialso become a professional programmer
22:44.16zenzelezzputting up a paypal icon is just an easier way than putting up a block of text specifying all the paypal details
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22:45.03IndustrialI dont want to value my work with money because i dont consider it a service
22:45.09Industrialor product
22:45.18GryphenSo again, it's either make your product commercial or make it free, nothing in between Industrial?
22:45.37LegorolIndustrial: you are not providing it as a service or product
22:45.42JoshBorkeperhaps it was in the delivery of the message?
22:45.42Legorolbut that doesn't mean others dont' value it
22:45.59Legorolwhat you are suggesting is that just because you are doing it for yourself, for fun, it doesn't have value for others
22:46.02JoshBorkewould it have been ok if it was: "If you like this mod, feel free tos how your appreciaton <paypal>"
22:46.27zenzelezzwasn't that what he said, just in different words?
22:46.29IndustrialI'm not saying it has no value for others. I appreciate it very much when people tell me they like what I do and the'y dhave me continue doing it
22:46.53IndustrialJoshBorke: no its specifically the tie to money that bothers me
22:47.05Legorolso if one of those people then said they *want to* show their appreciation by paying you money, would you accept it?
22:47.10Legorolyou didn't ask, they offered
22:47.18Industrialprobably not
22:47.33Legorolthen you are making that person sad, you are stopping them from being able to show their gratitude
22:47.36Legorolthat's harsh too ;-)
22:47.41zenzelezzwhy are you getting so steamed about this one? Other authors have done the same already
22:47.47Industrialno, instead i'd tell them how they could really help
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22:47.50TC-Workingindeed, it's rude to refuse a gift
22:48.00Legorolthere are many people out there who feel that they *want to* donate money, because that's what they feel is the right thing
22:48.20LegorolIndustrial: but he doesn't want to help, that takes time/effort and it's not fun for him
22:48.22IndustrialTC-Working: yeah well ofcourse i wouldnt be saying "i dont want your money".
22:48.24Legorolit's easier for him to pay money
22:48.31Industrialthats not help
22:48.34zenzelezz"I don't know how to code, I don't know how to do graphics... can I perhaps offer a token amount of money to show my support?" "No, go stfu"
22:48.54Legorolzenzelezz, that's a bit extreme
22:48.59Industrialthats the problem. money doesnt translate to efficiency when you are doing it for fun
22:49.05zenzelezzhe's been extreme in his opinion so far
22:49.08LegorolIndustrial: no it doesn't, i agree
22:49.13TC-Workingwell you could always be gracious and take it, then turn around and donate it...say to wowi or whatever
22:49.16Legorolbut i am saying, look at it from the *other* people's pov
22:49.18Legorolnot you as author
22:49.19Legorolbut the users
22:49.22Industrialyou dont _need_ the money to do better. you need their debugging
22:49.26Legorolthey want to somehow show their appreciation
22:49.30Legorolmoney is the easiest way for them
22:49.31Industrialinspiration ideas tips
22:49.31KirkburnThis is personal choice, no one is forcing anyone to do /anything/ here
22:49.40TC-Workingyes we are Kirkburn
22:49.48JoshBorkefix me some damn eggs Kirkburn!
22:49.51TC-Workinghe doesnt have the right to be different
22:49.58LegorolIndustrial: now you are dictating what you want from your users, how is that different from wanting money?
22:50.03Legorol"i want ideas, bug reports etc."
22:50.06Legorol"i want $10"
22:50.09Legoroli don't see the difference
22:50.19Industrialyou are seeing it wrong
22:50.24KirkburnSome users /want/ top donate, whether or not there is the option
22:50.26Industrialin the case where they want to offer help
22:50.36Industrialid rather not have money
22:50.45zenzelezzno-one is forcing you to accept anything either
22:50.53Industrialso thats what im saying
22:50.53zenzelezzlet other authors disagree
22:50.56Legorolthat's true, you don't have to accept the money
22:51.15Legoroli understand that you getting $10 won't help the project along
22:51.16Kirkburn(though, personally, I wouldn't have made the option so prominent)
22:51.39Grypheni like's way of adding paypal to the mod release
22:51.43KirkburnHow about regarding coding as "charity"?
22:52.00ShadowedApparently i missed a fun convo
22:52.22KirkburnYup, and looks like I killed it ^^
22:52.22zenzelezzlet me ask this: Do you find that text so much more disturbing than the "Make a donation" picture?
22:52.23IndustrialKirkburn: hmm.
22:52.33LegorolIndustrial: we are not debating your preferences, we are pointing out that your outright exclamation that what said author is doing is "wrong" is you being inflexible
22:52.34ShadowedIf a user likes your work enough to donate then you should be happy that you made something that someone liked enough to donate because of it.
22:53.05Shadowedas long as it's not obtrusive or demanding, who cares let them do what they want
22:53.13Legoroli completely see Industrial's point that him getting money wont' make him happy or help his project in any way
22:53.22Legorolbut that doesn't mean that other authors are bad because it makes *them* happy
22:53.24Industriali just think its wrong.
22:53.26zenzelezzI've seen the "Make a donation" picture around for a while, and not until now have I noticed anyone complaining about people accepting that
22:53.36LegorolIndustrial: and that's where we disagree, that you think it's wrong
22:53.38LegorolIt's not wrong
22:53.40LegorolIt's just different
22:53.45Industrialzenzelezz: and ill be the first one to complain about these kinds of things
22:53.46ShadowedThink of it this way
22:53.50Shadowedhow much time do you put into an addon?
22:53.55KirkburnFrom my view, to attempt to force you own ideals and morals on other people is sometimes worse than the whatever those morals may be
22:53.58Shadowed1-2 hours? 5-10? weeks? months?
22:54.04*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden^ (
22:54.10IndustrialKirkburn: im not forcing anything.
22:54.10Kirkburn(damn, still messed up the grammar)
22:54.13zenzelezzIndustrial: did you not see any other authors/addons offering that link before now?
22:54.19LegorolIndustrial: then consider the flipside
22:54.20Industrialno this was the first
22:54.30Legorolif said author, by receiving donations, gets motivated more and does a better job...
22:54.36zenzelezzI believe Cartographer has had the link at the very top of the page for a while at least
22:54.36Legorolwho are we to say that what he does is wrong?
22:54.40zenzelezzalong with others I'm sure
22:54.42KirkburnWorldofwar has it as a built-in option for authors
22:54.47Legorolbtw, there wouldn't even be anythign wrong with a commercial addon project
22:55.06IndustrialLegorol: then he/she is by my opinion to materialistic and doesnt care enough about his hobby.
22:55.17Gryphenwho says its a hobby?
22:55.20Legorolwait wait
22:55.27Legorolthe two are entirely independent things
22:55.31KirkburnHe said "commercial" specifically
22:55.34zenzelezzdear god, I'm getting Stallman flashbacks
22:55.37Legorolcaring for a hobby and being materialistic are very different
22:55.40Legoroland can happen at the same time
22:55.53Legorolyou are displaying the kind of dedication that is usually associated with fanaticism
22:56.06Industrialif the being materialistic influences the time you spend on your hobby.. how .. why... i dont get that.
22:56.07Legoroland are expecting others to display the same level of fanaticism
22:56.37Legorolbecause there are 6 billion people on Earth, and some of those are motivated by different thigns?
22:56.53Legorolok, look at it from this side then:
22:57.05Legorolfor some people, material rewards such as money are pleasurable
22:57.16Legorolif they see people are donating, it shows to them that their work is worthwhile
22:57.41Legorolit's a great feeling to know that your work is worthwhile and appreciated, and if you feel you get that feedback from teh amount of $$$ that rolls in, is that wrong?
22:58.08Legorolyou could count the number of "great work" comments
22:58.14Industrialit certainly makes your cool-factor drop for me
22:58.23Legorolyou can go by the amount of people that have your addon as their favourite
22:58.27Legorolor you can count the $$$
22:58.30Legorolmakes no difference
22:58.33zenzelezzoh noes, not my cool-factor! ANything but my cool-factor!
22:58.36Legorolall are arbitrary measures of your success
22:58.50zenzelezzI don't code to be liked
22:58.51Industrialzenzelezz: and thats my only point her. i think its uncool.
22:59.24Legorolwell, i would bet my yellow swift mechanostrider that many people in this channel are geeks and were considered uncool when they were at school ;-)
22:59.28Legorol"cool" is a very relative term
22:59.48JoshBorkeis not
22:59.51Legorolanyhoo, i think we reached the limit of this conversation
22:59.53ShadowedCool usually means following the herd :p
22:59.57JoshBorkeit's a global, universal term for meeting my approval :-P
23:00.12Legorolthere is only one abslute cool, and that's approximately at -273.15 degrees Celsius
23:00.15Industriali dont want to count my number of erplies either. thats also materialism just as you said - in a different way.
23:00.16zenzelezzI have no problem with you feeling it's uncool, or bad form, or whatever; I just don't like anyone start their opinion-sharing by saying "wtf"
23:00.29zenzelezzthat pretty much says you're not going to be looking objectively at it
23:00.41Legorolwtf, zenzelezz is objecting to Industrial's way of expressing his opinions
23:00.53Industrialzenzelezz: uncool.
23:00.55Legorolbut Industrial has the complete freedom to express his opinion in as vocal and uncool manner as he wishes ;-)
23:01.01zenzelezzI've never claimed to be cool
23:01.14JoshBorkecareful, the walls have eyes
23:01.24Industrial<_< >_>
23:01.28zenzelezzin fact I'm surprised Cairenn's never kicked me, since I'm not much better than those I flame
23:01.42Legorolbtw, have i ever said that i love this channel?
23:01.46Legorolyou can have the best debates here,
23:01.54Legorolthe smartest people, the wildest opinions the biggest fights
23:02.01ShadowedAnd you still never agree
23:02.07JoshBorkelike, actual debates instead of flame wars?
23:02.14Legorolflame wars are also educational
23:02.16JoshBorkewho woulda thunk it
23:02.19Legorolyou learn something about morals every day
23:02.21zenzelezzall good debates end as flame wars
23:02.28zenzelezzotherwise you're doing it wrong
23:02.31Legoroli disagr, zenzelezz
23:02.36Legoroli think you are wrong
23:02.38JoshBorkeyea, but there's a point in teh debate where it isn't a flame war
23:02.56zenzelezzwouldn't surprise me if I was, but my opinion would remain all the same
23:02.57Legoroli think zenzelezz is wrong, and i know i'm right and the only right
23:03.06JoshBorkei would think on a topic based on morals or internal feelings it can only end in a flame war
23:03.16Legorolyou are wrong too, Josh_Borke
23:03.23Legorolwe just ended it all in a channel-hug
23:03.26JoshBorkeyes, josh_Borke is never right
23:03.38JoshBorkeit's quite sad really
23:03.39Legoroldamned tabcomplete, that is wrong too
23:03.53TC-Workingcycle it damit, cycle
23:03.53Legorolthe whole world is wrong, i tell you
23:04.12Legorolyou are wrong! why should i have to cycle it?
23:04.16Legoroldamn machine should read my thoughts
23:04.26Industrial(yes that was also a joke, intented and true, but a joke)
23:04.27zenzelezzyou'd be surprised, I'm usually the one leaning more towards communism ;-o
23:04.29TC-Workingthen it would go boom
23:04.51JoshBorkefetching your hair?
23:04.52TC-Workingif my computer could read my mind it would prolly melt
23:04.54JoshBorkebalding so soon?
23:04.57Legorolhas anyone been in BT or hyjal on the PTR?
23:05.06Legoroli'm trying to get in but noone on my PTR goes :(
23:05.24zenzelezzif I ever do go bald, I'm getting a tattoo on the back of my head like 47 o_O
23:05.29Legorolat the rate my guild is going, we'll be BT attuned in approximately 100 years, give or take 50
23:05.51JoshBorkesomeone is fishing in my spot :-(
23:06.21zenzelezzlet that be a lesson to you Josh, I always get my revenge
23:07.11TC-Workingzenzelezz...have you ever been stabed by a fishing pole?
23:07.31zenzelezzthink I was ganked with the green horde one once
23:07.43Industrialheh was just going to say that
23:08.11TC-Workingwell it may happen again...
23:08.22Industrialdun dun DUN
23:08.37zenzelezzdo your worst, I'm plate \o/
23:08.55TC-Workingnot me...i'm talking about JoshBorke wating behind you with his pole
23:09.08zenzelezznot that's an ambiguous statement
23:09.10TC-Workinghmm..that didnt sound quite right
23:09.14zenzelezzand it scarded me
23:09.44IndustrialJoshBorke: do you play tauren?
23:09.47JoshBorkewhacha fishing for TC? ;-)
23:09.56JoshBorkeno, i'm an ugly dwarf priest
23:10.16JoshBorkeyou were teh one talking about poking people
23:10.54TC-Workingyes, you poking zenzelezz for taking your fishing spot
23:11.21JoshBorkei only poke my fiancee, who does not happen to be zenzelezz
23:11.33zenzelezzthat's what she wants you to think
23:11.51JoshBorkeyea, that was my first thought too tc
23:12.11zenzelezzhokay, I just realized I read you wrong...
23:12.28zenzelezzshouldn't type while not paying attention
23:12.37Bleeterquick question: when the level cap was raised to 70, did the 'village' NPC guards get a level bump too?
23:13.04JoshBorkesome, not all
23:13.06TC-Workingyes zenzelezz, please please pay attention when typeing
23:13.36zenzelezzsomehow the "be" became a "know" in my mind :-|
23:14.04zenzelezzof course his sentence didn't make sense then, but such things rarely register with me before it's too late
23:14.08TemLegorol, I didn't even finish reading what you had to say about a commercial addon product,  but I wanted to voice my opinion anyway
23:14.18Bleeterhad a 70 mage clearing Tarren Mill of all NPCs and holding it last night... was *very* annoying. He basically one-shotted all the town NPCs, and as for the guards just frost-novad then that arcane blast thing twice, and they were gone
23:14.43JoshBorkeBleeter: no, most lower lvl towns did not get guards upped
23:14.50TemLegorol, while I don't have any right to tell them what they can and cannot do, I would _NEVER_ help such a project along
23:14.51JoshBorkebooty bay and gadgetzan did, i know
23:14.53JoshBorkenot sure about others
23:14.58Temin fact, I would be insulted if asked to help them
23:15.10Bleeteralso had three players clear and hold crossroads too
23:15.10amroi think SS and TM guards got upped as well
23:15.15amroat least in beta
23:20.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=chatzill@
23:21.18BleeterIndustrial: just reading the scrollback... so, Norganna's range of mods are uncool 'coz we accept donations to help pay for the huuuge amount of bandwidth as well as CPU power we need?
23:21.37JoshBorkepurl, hug Cairenn
23:21.39purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs Cairenn
23:22.05BleeterIndustrial: further, as a matter of example, the Gaim chat program renamed to Pidgin to help fend of a nasty fight with AOL... now, part of what they had to do was set up a non-profit board of management kinda thing to help 'protect' the pidgin name and logos and stuff.
23:22.40TC-Workingpurl, hate OV
23:22.42BleeterIndustrial: for that, they have to pay lawyers, managers, etc. etc. That they've currently funded it from their own pockets is admirable, but should those particular individuals be forced to do that for eternity?
23:23.13Bleeterin theory, every mod author should legally protect themselves behind a non-profit organisation... but that's a whole diff story
23:23.15Corrodiashow dare you let people give you money?
23:23.33Corrodiasmy god says you're not supposed to do that, mind you
23:24.49Corrodiasjust kidding, anyway
23:24.53TC-Workinghmm..your god must not be jewish then
23:24.54Corrodiaswe got the maiden to 7% twice last night
23:24.57BleeterIndustrial: Pidgin moved off from Sourceforge, and now have a co-lo agreement with a virtualised hosting company... when they were @ SF, during a release we'd generated somewhere (iirc) around 1/2 TB of traffic... if it weren't for people donating... well, you can imagine the rest
23:24.57Corrodiasi really don't like her
23:25.45Corrodiashad my feral druid healing the tank during repentance
23:26.02Corrodiasproblem was, on the last 3 attempts she showed a penchant for using Holy Fire on me during that time
23:26.38zenzelezzit will remain in the repentance or it gets the holy fire
23:26.39TC-Workinghave to love resistances found
23:26.53zenzelezznonsense, there's that lowbie potion
23:27.08Corrodiasholy resistance maybe
23:27.09zenzelezzwait, that absorbs damage, doesn't give resist
23:27.10Corrodiasthere's also holy protection
23:27.26TC-Workingafaik nothing gives holy resistance
23:27.34Temyou are correct
23:27.39Temholy resist does no exist
23:27.52TC-Workingwhich is fun for priests
23:28.53TC-Workingthough there really should be, if you can have shadow resists, i think you should have holy resists as well
23:29.19TC-Workingjust seems kinda like fair play to me
23:30.02Shirik|zZzthere was a joke item that gave holy resist once :P
23:30.31TC-Workingsimilar to the tin foil hat?
23:30.40Shirikoh was that it?
23:30.44ShirikI forget what it was
23:30.48Shirikbut yeah
23:30.54Corrodiasi wish
23:30.56Tem[The Stoppable Force]
23:31.06*** join/#wowi-lounge dukeku (
23:31.11Shirikpersonal favorite is [Broken I.W.I.N. Button]
23:31.43Mikma[Pet Rock]
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23:32.35*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
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23:33.35TC-Workingi rather like [Wirt's Third Leg]....i keep wondering where he kept it though
23:40.43zenzelezzCairenn totally killed the conversation
23:40.48TC-Workingi know
23:41.02TC-Workingthat was only a 19 min delay in hugging
23:41.03CairennI do that
23:41.03Legorolwoot, PTR patch
23:55.09Corrodiasso our guild leader finally decided to leave completely
23:55.19Corrodiasi cannot understand these people

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